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Telusuri Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Anda menggunakan

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Kelas atau XI FASE F



KODE ING.F. Capaian Pembelajaran


DOMAIN KONTEN Menyimak dan Berbicara Listening and Speaking

Membaca dan Memirsa
Menulis dan Presentasi
Reading and Viewing

Writing and Presenting



Menganalisis dan menangkap makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks lisan berbentuk hortatory exposition text secara kritis, kreatif dan
santun terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.
memahami informasi implisit dan eksplisit (ide pokok dan informasi detail) dari teks yang
dibaca dan didengar;
Menganalisis, menangkap makna dan mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks lisan dan tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition text secara kritis, kreatif
dan jujur terkait lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.
mengidentifikasi karakteristik dari teks eksposisi hortatorik, yaitu adanya: tesis, argumen,
dan rekomendasi;.
mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi hortatorik. Bab ini difokuskan pada
pembahasan abstract noun, modal adverb, dan temporal connective;
Merancang dan mempresentasikan teks lisan dan tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition text
terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan memerhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai konteks secara santun, kritis, kreatif, dan mandiri dengan
tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.
menulis teks eksposisi hortatorik dengan memperhatikan struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan
fungsi sosial secara benar dan sesuai konteks;
mempresentasikan teks eksposisi hortatorik yang telah ditulis dengan memperhatikan struktur
teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan fungsi sosial secara benar dan sesuai konteks



Prasyarat Pengetahuan/Ketrampilan

Siswa merespon pertanyaan terbuka dan menggunakan strategi untuk memulai,

mempertahankan dan menyimpulkan percakapan dan diskusi dalam hortatory
exposition text menjadi rujukan utama dalam kemampuan berbicara

Siswa membaca dan merespon hortatory exposition text secara mandiri terhadap ide

Siswa menulis jenis hortatory exposition text menyajikan informasi dalam mode

Target Profil Pelajar Pancasila (semakin) beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME,
dan berakhlak mulia, mandiri, bernalar kritis,
kreatif, bergotong royong, dan berkebinekaan
berfikir kritis untuk memecahkan masalah
(kecakapan abad 21);
menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan mencipta teks
lisan dan tulis dengan lancar dan spontan secara
teratur tanpa ada hambatan dalam berinteraksi
dan berkomunikasi dalam jenis teks eksposisi
mentransfer informasi verbal menjadi informasi

Target Siswa Siswa Reguler / Tipikal

Jumlah Siswa Maksimum 36 - 40 Siswa

Ketersediaan Materi Pengayaan lebih lanjut : YA

Alternatif Penjelasan tambahan : YA

Model Pembelajaran

Assessmen Individu

Jenis Assessment Tertulis dan Unjuk Kerja

Target Pembelajaran

Sertakan paling tidak dua hasil untuk membantu mengatur dan mengelola ekspektasi guru dan
siswa. Identifikasi beragam kemampuan berpikir — kombinasi tingkat tinggi dan rendah dalam
Taksonomi Bloom.

Selalu memulai pembelajaran dengan meminta salah satu peserta didik untuk memimpin doa,
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik di kelas dan mengecek kebersihan kelas serta kesiapan belajar
peserta didik.

Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial Struktur Teks Unsur Kebahasaan

Membanggakan Tesis abstract noun

menjual, Argumen ( 1, 2, 3, ... dst) Modal adverb

Mengagumi Rekomendasi Temporal connective

Mengenalkan Ucapan, tekanan kata,


Mengidentifikasi Ejaan dan tanda baca.

Mengkritik Tulisan tangan

Lain-Lain Lain-lain

METODE : Menyimak, diskusi kelompok, studi pustaka, role- play, penugasan

individu dan kelompok, presentasi dan tanya jawab.

Media/Alat : Laptop, Computer, LCD, Rekaman untuk Listening, Loud Speaker,

Film/gambar, Power Point Presentation.

Bahan : PPT dan MODUL

Sumber Belajar :


PERTEMUAN 1 dan 2 --- > 5 x 40 9 Januari 2023




Menganalisis dan menangkap makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks lisan berbentuk hortatory exposition text secara kritis, kreatif dan
santun terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.
memahami informasi implisit dan eksplisit (ide pokok dan informasi detail) dari teks yang
dibaca dan didengar;
Menganalisis, menangkap makna dan mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks lisan dan tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition text secara kritis, kreatif
dan jujur terkait lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.
mengidentifikasi karakteristik dari teks eksposisi hortatorik, yaitu adanya: tesis, argumen,
dan rekomendasi;.
mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi hortatorik. Bab ini difokuskan pada
pembahasan abstract noun, modal adverb, dan temporal connective;
Merancang dan mempresentasikan teks lisan dan tertulis berbentuk hortatory exposition text
terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan memerhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai konteks secara santun, kritis, kreatif, dan mandiri dengan
tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.
menulis teks eksposisi hortatorik dengan memperhatikan struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan
fungsi sosial secara benar dan sesuai konteks;
mempresentasikan teks eksposisi hortatorik yang telah ditulis dengan memperhatikan struktur
teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan fungsi sosial secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Lisan dan Tulisan, juga

Gambar berbentuk Exposition Hortatory

Fungsi Sosial 👉 Membanggakan, menjual, mengagumi, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi,

mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur Teks 👉 Tesis, Argumen dan Rekomendasi

Unsur Kebahasaan 👉 abstract noun, modal adverb, dan temporal connective; Ucapan,
tekanan kata, intonasi. Ejaan dan tanda baca dan Tulisan tangan

Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal 🧕Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan buku pelajaran. Memotivasi peserta
didik secara kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat pembelajaran mengenai teks exposition
Hortatory dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, misalnya di dalam koran, majalah, pamplet dll.
Mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari

Look at the picture and discuss the following questions with your classmate.

Listen to your classmate carefully, and respect each other’s opinions.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. What is your opinion about the picture?

3. Why should everyone wear a mask in the office?

Hortatory exposition texts can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper
articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Hortatory expositions are popular
among people in the science, academic community. The text asserts something to the readers
and supports it with statements and evidence so that it is convincing. To make the persuasion
stronger, the speaker or writer provides arguments which build the fundamental reasons why
something should be done. The structure of a hortatory exposition text is formed from three
elements: thesis, arguments, and recommendation. In this unit, you will learn about a hortatory
exposition text. Sertakan pengingat prapelajaran atau observasi pascadiskusi di sini

a. Alokasi waktu disesuaikan dengan konteks dan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik.

b. Tujuan

Membimbing, mengarahkan, memberikan pengajaran eksplisit kepada peserta didik

untuk belajar beberapa kosakata terkait teks yang hendak disajikan. Selain itu, kegiatan
ini dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bernalar, komunikatif, dan kemandirian mereka.
a. Alokasi waktu disesuaikan dengan konteks dan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik.

b. Tujuan

Membimbing, mengarahkan, memberikan pengajaran eksplisit kepada peserta didik

untuk belajar kosakata. Kegiatan ini dapat mengembangkan kemampuan komunikatif

For some reasons, I think that drinking coffee in the morning is not good enough to start my day
because I usually feel sleepy after drinking it.
Some of my friends agree with my statement, but some others do not.
Richard, one of my friends who do not agree with my statement, said that drinking coffee in the
morning could boost his mood the entire day because he could do his task better after drinking
coffee in the morning.
Meanwhile, Wendy, my classmate who agrees with me, claimed that drinking a glass of milk has a
significant effect on his mood the whole day rather than drinking a cup of coffee.
Therefore, I never drink coffee before doing my activities.

Fill in the blanks with the word in bold.

I don’t 1________ with the statement that we should take a bath before sleeping.
For some reasons, taking a bath before sleeping every day is/isn’t 2________ because there are
millions of people in the world who suffer from lack of water and food.
Some people are full of 3__________ to make a living and can’t afford enough clean water in their
everyday life.
Using water as needed has a 4__________ effect if it is done by many people around the world.
Did the fact that we live in a land where there is plenty of water can 5__________ your gratitude to

a. Alokasi waktu disesuaikan dengan konteks dan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik.

b. Tujuan

Membimbing, mengarahkan, memberikan pengajaran eksplisit kepada peserta didik

untuk mengembangkan keterampilan membaca yakni memahami urutan struktur teks
eksposisi hortatorik serta informasi yang terdapat didalamnya. Kegiatan ini dapat
mengembangkan kemampuan bernalar kritis, kolaboratif dan komunikatif.
a. Alokasi waktu disesuaikan dengan konteks dan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik.

b. Tujuan

Membimbing, mengarahkan, memberikan pengajaran eksplisit kepada peserta didik

untuk mengembangkan keterampilan membaca, antara lain mengenali isi teks yang
disajikan berupa teks eksposisi hortatorik untuk dapat mengidentifikasi dan
menemukan informasi rinci tersirat maupun tersurat. Selain itu, kegiatan ini dapat
mengembangkan kemampuan bernalar kritis dan komunikatif.
Access and retrieve
1. Which of the following describes the idea that smartphones and laptops are allowed in class?

a. Buying a laptop is expensive for students.

b. Replacing goose feathers and parchment into ballpoint pens and paper is a good solution.

c. Using conventional methods is gradually becoming obsolete

d. Students tend to use laptops in class more often than pens and paper

2. “With the emergence and development of mobile technologies,

students nowadays tend to use smartphones or laptops in class more
often than pens and paper.” (p. 1)

According to the statement, what will replace pens and paper?

a. a laptop

b. a book

c. goose feathers and parchment

d. a computer

Integrate and interpret

3. How many arguments does the writer state? What are they?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

4. What data does the writer resent to support the argument?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

5. What does the argument tell us about the writer’s opinion?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Reflect and evaluate
6. “First of all, let us face reality: people do not write as much today as they used to several years ago.” (p. 2) Do you

agree with this statement?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

7. What recommendations are given by the writer?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

8. “Not allowing students to use smartphones and laptops in class means to deprive them of something that is
almost a

part of them and of their daily lives.” The word in bold _______________________________

Kegiatan Akhir 🧕 Memberi panduan menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran

Meminta siswa menyampaikan pendapat atau perasaan atas pembelajaran yang

Memberikan penugasan terstruktur individu untuk browsing macam-macam teks

ekposition hortatory menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pertemuan berikutnya yaitu
menulis dan membuat monolog tekx ekposition hortatori.


Jawaban singkat

Penskoran instrument dilakukan dengan memberikan skor 2 untuk setiap jawaban benar dan
0 untuk jawaban salah.

Uraian singkat/uraian objektif

Penskoran instrument dilakukan dengan memberikan skor 4,3,2,1 untuk setiap jawaban


1 Tata bahasa dan kosa kata tepat  
· Tata bahasa dan kosa kata kadang-
kadang kurang tepat dan tidak 3
mempengaruhi makna 
Tata bahasa dan kosa kata kurang
tepat dan mempengaruhimakna  
Tata bahasa dan kosa kata sulit dipahami.
SISTEMATIKA Interaktional 4
2 Melakukan dan merespon tindak
tutur dengan tepat dalam bahasa lisan 3
Melakukan dan merespon tindak
tutur dalam bahasa lisan dimana kadang-
kadang terdapat kesalah-pahaman 1
Sering terjadi kesalahan
dalam melakukan dan merespon tindak 0
Tidak mampu melakukan dan merespon

tindak tutur sederhana.

Memproduksi kata-kata yang

tidak berbentuk teks
Sesuai dengan struktur teks yang 3
maksimal dalam genre yang dipilih.
Sesuai dengan struktur teks minimal 2
dengan genre yang dipilih.
Struktur teks yang kurang jelas dan 1
mempengaruhi kejelasan makna.
Gagasan dan struktur kurang jelas. 0
Gagasan dan struktur sulit dipahami.

3 Sangat jelas dan mendekati penutur asli.
Sangat jelas walaupun dengan aksen
bahasa ibu. 3
Kurang jelas dan mempengaruhi makna.
Tidak jelas dan menghilangkan sebagian
Tidak jelas dan tidak bermakna

4 Percaya diri dan lancar dalam mengambil
giliran bicara serta mampu mengkoreksi
diri jika melakukan kesalahan. 3
Percaya diri meskipun ada pengulangan
dan kerakuguan.
Lebih banyak merespon dari berinisiatif.
Sulit diajak bicara meskipun sudah
dipancing. 0
Tidak mampu merespon dan berinisiatif

A. Read and understand some key concept materials given below.
The text entitled “Students Should be Allowed to Use Mobile Technologies in Class” is a hortatory exposition text.
The purpose of a hortatory exposition text is to give advice or suggestion to the readers in making a choice based
on the presented arguments.

The text entitled “Students Should be Allowed to Use Mobile Technologies in Class” includes all the elements of the
structure of a hortatory exposition text. They are: thesis, arguments, and recommendation of the thesis.

B. Structure of a hortatory exposition text.

a. Thesis: presents the announcement of issue of concern.

b. Arguments: presents the reasons for concern, leading to recommendation.

c. Recommendation: presents the statement of what ought or ought not to happen, the author tries to invite and

persuade the reader to do something.

C. There are some language features in a hortatory exposition text.

They are:

1. Simple Present Tense.

2. Abstract nouns (e.g. belief, consideration)

3. Action verbs (e.g. talk, watch)

4. Thinking verbs.

5. Modal. (e.g.: certainly, surely)

6. Temporal connectives. (e.g.: firstly, secondly)

7. Evaluative words. (e.g.: important, valuable, trustworthy)

8. Passive voice.

D. Take a closer look at the text entitled “Students Should be Allowed to Use Mobile

in Class” again. You will find the language features in the text
E. Pay attention to the word in bold and explain their language features and functions in a

hortatory exposition text.

F. An action verb is a word that shows what someone or something is doing

Put a tick (√) on sentences that contain action verbs.

G. An abstract noun is a type of noun that refers to things that have no physical form. This

we cannot see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. It cannot be experienced with our senses. It

an idea, concept, quality, emotions, feelings, attributes, movements, events, action, or state.

In the right columns, put a tick (√) on the action verbs


PERTEMUAN 3 dan 4 --- > 5 x 40 16 Januari 2023


Look at the picture and answer the questions.

What can you see in the picture?

To become a healthy student, what do you have to do?
Do you usually excercise? If so, how many times a week?
Do you agree that someone must have a positive mindset to become healthy?
Do you think that eating junk food will increase the chance of getting sick? Explain your opinion.

Find the meaning of the words below using a dictionary.

Read The texk below and mention Analisa Generic

Being on time is a beautiful social ethic and one of great importance, as it creates efficiency in system and
implies respect for one another. However, it is one the many values that is not easy for our students to learn.

Inner discipline, one that comes from an understanding of the set rules and regulation, is the highest form
behavior. Most excellent schools try to instill this with a loving environment. Why, even adults arrive late to
meeting, work, et c. Here, we do not agree that late comers should be shut out. They can be given warnings,
most of which are enough to make them try their best to reach the school on time latter. If this fails, invite the
parent to school.

By closing the gates, the school is behaving cruelly, to which we prefer not to expose our children. Every
school has responsibility to implant good educational principle, but it should be in appropriate ways. Good
schools create competitive students who can organize themselves effectively in society, so that everyone gets
a quality life as a result of the ethics and values learned for as long as 12 years.

Children are precious and dependent on the adult for guidance. Understanding them is the key, and to this
end, both parents and schools must work hand in hand without playing the blame game.

1. What should the school do if a student can’t stop his/her habit to come late to school?

A. Punish him/her

B. Shut him/her out

C. Fail him/her

D. Talk to his/her parents

E. Try to understand him/her

2. What does the writer think to be “the highest from of behaviour” (in the second paragraph)?

A. Respect for one another

B. Not being late to school

C. Understanding the regulations

D. Understanding the rules

E. Inner discipline

3.”Children are precious and dependent on the adults for guidance.” The word “precious” is closest in meaning
to ….

A. Valuable

B. Excellent

C. Clever

D. Innocent

E. Naive

In the right column, write T for correct, and F for incorrect statements.

Grammar focus

Modal adverb is an adverb that qualifies a predicate with respect to way in which it is true.
Modal adverbs also add additional meaning to modal verbs.


1. That controversial book surely won’t gain any profit.

2. Undoubtedly, the huge number of protests has had an effect on

support for the launching of the book.

3. It is plainly raining too hard today for the match to go on.

4. Fortunately, the match can easily be postponed until next Saturday

In the first sentence, the adverb surely modifies the verb will not or won’t. In the second sentence,
undoubtedly at the beginning of the sentence actually modifies has had, which appears later. In the third
sentence, verb phrase is raining, and the modal adverb plainly adds emphasis.

In the fourth sentence, the entire verb phrase is can be postponed, and there are two adverbs: fortunately
and easily.

Write three sentences using modal adverbs.


1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________
Decide whether the sentence contains modal advebs by putting a tick (√) in the right

Temporal Connectives or Time Connectives

In a hortatory exposition text, we use temporal connectives or time connectives. Time connectives
are words or phrases which are used to tell readers when something is happening. The readers join
phrases or sentences together to help us understand when something is happening. Examples of
time connectives are: before, after, next, just then, shortly, afterwards, last, eventually, firstly,
secondly, and thirdly.

So, how does one build a sensible nutrition plan then?

The sentence contains a time connective then.

Write three sentences using time connectives.


1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Read the text

There are some language features in a hortatory exposition text. Find the language
features from the text “Why Is Internet Safety Important?” and answer the

1. Find conjunctions used in the text.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Find modal adverbs used in the text.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

3. Do you find any abstract nouns in the text? Write two of them.

Answer: ______________________________________________

4. Find ordinal numbers used in the text.

Answer: ______________________________________________

5. Do you find any evidence to support arguments in the text? What are


Answer: _____________________________________________
Pay careful attention to the direction.


Based on your understanding and knowledge about a hortatory exposition text that you have learnt, now please
write an exposition text about digital safety.

Practice the dialogue below with your classmate.

Anis : I think you should change your accoun’s privasy setting, Bro.

Rashid : But why?

Anis : Your account’s privacy setting is set to public, and you are logged in.

Rashid : Why does it matter?

Anis : If you make it public, everyone can see all of your personal information.

Rashid : So, what is the use of changing my privacy setting?

Anis : Privacy setting can make you safe online. You should not make it public because when you upload photos or

anything else, anyone can see it.

Rashid : So, I have to change my privacy setting?

Anis : Yes. Change the setting, so that only our family and friends can see them.

Rashid : But I can delete things, right?

Anis : Yes, but it is very difficult. Some things stay there forever.

Rashid : Oh. I see.


PERTEMUAN 5 dan 6 --- > 5 x 40 23 Januari

Menit 2023


Boarding School Education

There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, the boarding school is not
always the best education institution for everyone. At an early age interacting and communicating with people
is very important for a child’s personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding
school, shy children can take advantage of interaction through communal activities. The boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow children to demonstrate and
develop specialized skills in their free time. Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the
boarding school may helps students to get used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will
help them to become more responsible and confident, and to develop their talents in leadership.
Professionally trained teachers and educators in the boarding school can offer excellent education without
the parents’ constant supervision.

In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependent
learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn independently. In addition, the boarding school
should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study performance.
Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and teachers. In
conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many children, it is not recommended
for those who are strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

1. According to the writer, children in a boarding school can develop specialized skills in…

A. Entrepreneurship

B. Community service

C. Reading

D. Drama

E. Music

2. Why do parents send their children to boarding school? Because…

A. It is good for shy children

B. It gives good education for adults

C. Interacting and communicating with people is very important

D. It does not allow children demonstrate excellence and develop their skills

E. It is safe and makes children become responsible and develop talents in leadership

3. From the text, we can conclude that…

A. The boarding school can be very expensive

B. There are good and bad boarding schools

C. The boarding school is the solution to our educational problems

D. It’s not necessary to send children to a boarding school because the students can live independently

E. Not everyone thinks that the boarding school is the best educational institution for children


Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to skate. This prevents
young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous pastime. Just watch a local street for a
short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be
trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from
supermarkets. Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a solo sport, when
groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships. Young people
should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are actively involved in skating, they
do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.

Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from
restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for small children and senior
citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
4. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?

A. In the main roads and foot paths

B. In front of the supermarket

C. In front of their home

D. In the suburbs

E. In the park

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. There is no safe place for skateboarders

B. Kids seek an excitement in skate

C. The goodness of skateboarding

D. The skateboarding is a serious sport

E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding

6. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters

B. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate

C. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy

D. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class

E. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding

7. What must we do to let the skaters play?

A. Join with them anywhere

B. Give them space in the park

C. Let them play in the main roads

D. Let them play in the local street

E. Build a skate park in the suburbs

8. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. (Paragraph 5) The synonym of the
word “restrictions” is …

A. Approval

B. Allowance

C. Improvement

D. Prevention

E. Limitations

Space Travel

Space travel should be stopped for many reasons.

Firstly, it is totally unsafe as proven by the Colombia Space Shuttle disaster. Thousand people have been killed
in accidents.

Secondly, it costs billions and billions dollars everyday just to put fuel into rockets. Professor Smith from the
Spend Money on People Space Association agrees that space travel is a waste of time and money.

Further, space travel is altering the world’s weather pattern as evidenced by the record of high temperatures
this summer in Cobar.

Everyone knows that if God wanted us to fly in space we should have been born with space suits. Stop space
before it destroys the earth.

9. How many reasons are stated in the text dealing with the point that Space travel should be stopped?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

E. Five

10. “Professor Smith from the Spend Money on People not Space Association agrees that space travel is a
waste of time and money.” The sentence expresses….

A. Agreement

B. Disagreement

C. Contrast

D. Certainty

E. Desire

11. Which is not true based on the text above…..

A. Space travel should be stopped

B. Space travel destroys the earth

C. Space travel costs billions and billions of dollars everyday

D. Space travel offer benefits to the earth

E. Space travel is unsafe

12. What does the text above mainly talk about?

A. Air travel

B. Road travel

C. Water travel

D. Space travel

E. Rocket travel

13. Stop space before it destroys the earth. This part of paragraph indicates the …

A. Recommendation

B. Reinforcement

C. Argument

D. Thesis

E. Elaboration

14. Stop space before it destroys the earth. What does the word “it” refer to…..

A. Space

B. Travel

C. Space travel

D. The earth

E. Space suit
15. “Further, space travel is altering the world’s weather pattern as evidenced by the record of high
temperatures this summer in Cobar.” The word “as” is a transitional word showing…..

A. Time

B. Addition

C. Logical relationship

D. Conclusion

E. Example


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