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Assalamualaikum waroh matullahi wabarokatuh

Alhamdulillah Segala Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah
memberikan rahmat dan hidayahnya serta kemudahan sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan
penulisan modul Business Correspondence ini dengan baik. Modul ini disusun dalam rangka
untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan latihan tambahan bagi mahasiswa mengenai materi
Business Correspondence sesuai dengan slide yang diajarkan di kelas, sehingga mahasiswa bisa
lebih mengerti, memahami materi perkuliahan tentang Business Correspondence yang sehingga
selanjutnya bisa dipraktekkan dalam dunia kerja.
Tak lupa penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada orangtua, keluarga dan
semua pihak yang telah mendukung penulis selama penulisan modul. Terima kasih juga
kepada rekan–rekan dosen dan semuanya yang tidak bisa disebutkan satu persatu, yang
selalu mendukung penulis sehingga modul Business Correspondence ini dapat selesai dengan
baik dan tepat waktu.
Penulis menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan modul Business
Correspondence ini. Penulis memohon maaf sebesar-besarnya jika terdapat banyak kesalahan
pada modul bahan ajar English Business Correspondence ini. Untuk itu penulis mengharapkan
saran dan kritik yang membangun untuk perbaikan dan pengembangan modul bahan ajar ini
menjadi modul bahan ajar yang lebih baik lagi ke depannya.
Akhir kata penulis berharap semoga modul Business Correspondence ini dapat
dipergunakan sebaik-baiknya dan dapat dijadikan referensi untuk mahasiswa umum yang
ingin mempelajari Business Correspondence.



Cover ...............................................................................................................................1

Kata Pengantar ................................................................................................................2

Daftar Isi .........................................................................................................................3

MEET 1 Business Letters Writing ..................................................................................4

MEET 2 Introduction Letter, Letter of Inquiry and Reply to Letter of Inquiry..............13

MEET 3 Sales Letter ......................................................................................................18

MEET 4 Letter of Placing Orders and Acknowledgment Orders ...................................23

MEET 5 Complaint Letter & Adjustment Letter (Replying to A Complaint Letter) .....26

MEET 6 Appointment and Reservations Letter..............................................................29

MEET 7 Review and Small Quiz (meeting 1-6) .............................................................32

MEET 8 Middle Semester Test ......................................................................................32

MEET 9 Social Business Letter .....................................................................................32

MEET 10 Credit and Collection Letters .........................................................................37

MEET 11 Banking and Insurance ...................................................................................40

MEET 12 Documents for Shipping and Billing .............................................................42

MEET 13 Memos, Faxes and E-mails ............................................................................47

MEET 14 Letters of Application and Curriculum Vitae ................................................52

MEET 15 Review and Quiz (meeting 9-14) ...................................................................57

MEET 16 Final Semester Test ........................................................................................57

References .......................................................................................................................57
A letter written through the writer’s own style of expression, not by his act of borrowing,
reflects the writer’s strength and confidence. A Letter also represents you when you cannot be
present there personally.
Letter-writing is an essential part of business, in spite of telephone telex and telephone
communication the writing of letters continues, in fact most telephoned and telegraphed
communication have to be confirmed in writing.
There are many reasons why we write in business, so it makes sense to identify and
prioritize these. The preoccupation with writing as a tool simply to record information tells us a
lot about the lack of awareness of how powerful writing English for business can be. Why are we
in business? Surely it is to make a livelihood by providing information or products or services to
people who want or need them.
In fact you will be writing letters which perform certain functions such as: to establish a
business relationship without personal contact, to create friendly relationship with another
organization, to achieve the specific purpose of your organization, to provide record for subsequent
reference, to create a good impression about the writer’s firm and also the of the writer himself.
Such letters are called business letters.
Business letters are usually typed on notepaper bearing a specially designed heading which
provides the reader of the letter with essential information about the organization sending it. Keep
in mind that an effective business letter always communicates with a person first and a business
second. If your letter is a first-time correspondence and you do not know, or are unsure of whom
to address, do your best to find out. Addressing your letter to a person improves the likelihood of
receiving a reply. It is perfectly acceptable to make a phone call asking for the name of a contact
Once you have identified your reader and outlined the contents you intend to include, you
can begin drafting your letter. Here are some points to keep in mind. Your letter is about business
so keep your tone and style businesslike. Friendly, too, but businesslike. Consider how you would
talk if you were sitting across the conference table instead of writing a letter. Try to imitate, on
paper, the voice with which you normally talk. Be careful about your choice of personal pronouns
when you write a business letter. Your reader will interpret its point of view by the choices you
make. Since your words will be on paper the reader will see, rather than hear how you talk, so
check your sentence structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Written words make an impression, just as spoken words do, so keep in mind this one
thing; on paper words create a record. Be mindful of what you say. Your letter, stored in
someone's file cabinet, can be referenced at any time. Your signature at the bottom of a letter
indicates that you accept responsibility for its contents.
In correspondence, we have 2 types :
1. British
2. American

Purposes of Business Letter:

•Giving or seeking information;
•Making or answering an enquriy;
•Placing an order;
•Demanding or refusing credit;
•Mollifying the injured feeling of a customer;
•Selling goods and services;
•Making, accepting or refusing a request;
•Making or responding to complaints; and
•Creating goodwill etc.

8C’s or Eight Characteristics of a business Letter

The use of precise, concrete, familiar words and the construction of effective sentences and
paragraphs are the best ways of achieving clarity .
The meaningfulness of a letter depends greatly on the relationships of words in the letter. To
achieve conciseness, you have to eliminate wordy expressions, avoid unnecessary repetitions and
include only relevant matter
Looking at the situation from the standpoint of the reader, is what consideration means. It makes
you adopt an attitude of mind that focuses on the reader’s abilities, interests, likes and dislikes.
This thoughtful consideration serving as the foundation of goodwill and the means of influencing
people is also called empathy, human touch, and understanding of human nature.
Courtesy is an attitude of the mind that cultivates goodwill and friendliness. It requires the use of
polite expressions such as please, thank you, kindly, would you, could you, that show the writer’s
sincerity, tactfulness, thoughtfulness, gratefulness and respect towards the reader.
The only way by which you can create a clear and convincing picture of what you are selling
through a letter is the use of descriptive or mental pictures about the product. Through words, the
reader can form images. To produce an alive, active, and real letter capable of eliciting instant
decision from the reader, use concrete, vivid, specific, and other image-building words
Polite, courteous and friendly words, instead of tactless, or offensive, and blunt expression are
the right words to give quality of cheerfulness to your business letter. Among the positive words
to which people react favorably are benefits, cordial, happy, help, generous, loyal, pleasure,
thanks and thoughtful. Words with negative connotations that often arouse unfavorable reactions
include blame, complaint, failed, negligence, regret, trouble, unfair, and many others
This refers to the right level of the language, formal or informal. The accuracy of the figures,
facts, grammar, spelling, punctuation marks and the layout of the letter.
What makes a person special or interesting? The answer is his unique or distinct personality or
individually. A letter written through the writer’s own style of expression, not by his act of
borrowing, reflects the writer’s strength and confidence.
Parts of A Business Letter
1. Heading
Designed heading which provides the reader of the letter with essential information about the
organization sending it. Normally the heading will include the company’s name and address
its telephone numbers of the sender, trademark, telegraphic address, telex, etc.
2. Reference
This typed on the same line as the date but on the left and consists of the initials of the person
who signs the letter and those of the typist. Sometimes other whatever may suit the filing system
of the firm question.
3. Date
The dateline in a letter is typed three or four lines below the last line of letterhead. The
standard dateline in the United States and various other countries is the full name of the month
(no abbreviation), followed by the day and the year. A comma separates the day of the month
from the year. No period follow the date (example: August 18, 2009). However , in Europe and
many other countries the most widely used format to write a date is: day, followed by the month
and the year (example: 5 March 2009). You do not have to write th, rd, nd, or st after the day.
In order to avoid confusion in International Correspondence, do not use numerals to
indicate a month, but always type out the full name of the month. Thus, do not write 05-03-
2009 if you want to indicate the date of 5 March, because an American businessman would
assume that you mean May 3 instead of March 5.
4. Attention line
The Attention line is sparingly used in business letters. If used, the notation “Personal” or
“Confidential” is placed two or three lines below the dateline.
5. Inside address
The inside address, which identifies the name(s) of the person (s), and the name and address
of the company or organization to whom the letter is addressed, is type two lines below the
date or the attention line. When you do have the names of individuals, remember to address
them appropriately: Mrs., Ms., Mr., Dr., and so on.
6. Subject line
The subject or reference line is placed below the inside address. This line is used if you want
to include or refer to a file or reference number (e.g., of an order, the name of a special project
or a certain date) in a letter. The word “reference” is often abbreviated as Ref. or Re:. It should
be pointed out that certain companies place the subject or reference line below the salutation
of the letter.It can be omitted
7. Salutation
It is a greet to someone, that you send the letter. It is below the inside address a double space
at least is left and the words “Dear Sir” are typed.
The salutation directly addresses the recipient of the letter and is followed by a colon
(except when a friendly, familiar, sociable tone is intended, in which case a comma is used). If
you don't know whether the recipient is a man or woman, the traditional practice has been to
write "Dear Sir" or "Dear Sirs" —but that's sexist! To avoid this problem, salutations such as
"Dear Sir or Madame," "Dear Ladies and Gentlemen," Deleting the salutation line altogether or
inserting "To Whom It May Concern" in its place, is not ordinarily a good solution either — it's
The best solution is to make a quick, anonymous phone call to the organization and ask for
a name; Or, address the salutation to a department name, committee name, or a position name:
"Dear Personnel Department,"
"Dear Recruitment Committee," "Dear Chairperson,"
"Dear Director of Financial Aid," for example.
8. Body Language/content of letter
The content of the letter that you want to send or the actual message.
9. Complimentary closing
The complimentary closing ends the letter. It is typed two lines below the last line of the body of the
letter. Only the first letter of the first word of the closing is capitalized. A comma follows the closing,
such yours truly, yours faithfully etc.
Complimentary Close
English American
Formal/Routine : Very truly Yours,
Yours faithfully, Sincerely Yours,
Informal : Yours very truly,
Yours sincerely, Sincerely Yours,
Yours truly, Cordially yours
10. Signature Line
The name of the person who sign the letter is typed three or four lines below the
complimentary closing. The handwriting signature is placed between the complimentary
closing and the signature line. It is optional
11. Reference initials
Additional information in a business letter may be included below the last line of the
signature block. For example, reference initials, enclosure notation and copy notation
The reference initials following the signature line usually are preceded by the writer’s
initials in capital letter and separated by a colon (for example: JAH); followed by the initials
of the person who has typed the letter in lowercase letters (for example: gws)
12. Enclosure notation
The enclosure notation is typed directly below the reference initials. This indicate that
something has been enclosed with the letter (for example, a resume, a brochure, a report, or a
photograph). The word “enclosure” or “enclosures” is often abbreviated as Enc. or Encl.
13. Copy Notation
The copy notation is typed directly below the enclosure notation or the reference initials.
It indicates that a copy (abbreviated as cc) of the letter has been sent to the person who has
been named
The Step To Write In Business

Step 1
Be correct:
1. Know what your writing needs to achieve, alongside what your company needs to achieve.
2. Match reader and customer expectations.
3. Ensure that your writing is free of mistakes.
Your business communication will fail if you get your basics wrong.
Step 2
Be clear:
1. Use plain English and express facts as simply as possible.
2. Edit so that your main points are easily understood.
Confused messages undermine your objectives. They can lose you custom too.

Step 3
Make the right impact:
1. Use the right words and layout to get noticed for the right reasons.
2. Use the right style to present yourself and your company well.
3. Create opportunities.
The right impact differentiates you from competitors and helps bring about the replies you need.

Step 4
Focus on your customers:
1. Use words that focus on your readers and customers, and empathize with them.
2. Use positive, proactive words where possible.
3. Avoid words that put up barriers, and try to avoid jargon.
4. Use these words to satisfy and, if possible, delight your customers.

Beginning & Ending a Letter

English American
Formal/Routine : Dear Sir : Gentlemen :
Dear Sirs, Dear Sir, Dear Mr. Brown :
Dear Mesdames, Dear Mrs. Brown :
Dear Madam,
Informal :
Dear Mr. Brown,
Dear Miss Smith, Dear Mr. Brown :
Dear Miss Roberts :
Parts of A Business Letter

The Format of Business Letters

The three business letter formats most commonly used in the International business world are:
1.Block-style format. There are no indentations in this letter. All lines are typed against the left-
hand margin. The block-style letter is very popular, because it is simple and reflects efficiency.
The practice of displaying letters in the blocked style saves typing time and is now firmly
established. Its outstanding feature is the commencement of all typing lines, including those for
the date, inside name and address, salutation, subheadings, and complimentary close at the left
hand margin of the paper. With this style it is customary to use “open” punctuation, the style of
punctuation that omits all but essential punctuation marks outside the body of the letter, e.g from
the inside name and address, the salutation and the complimentary close. This again saves typing
times, since it restricts punctuation to its essential purpose of making meaning clear.
Block-style Letter

2.Modified block-style format. The difference between the modified block-style letter format
and the block-style format is the fact that the dateline and the complimentary closing are typed
slightly to the right of the page center. There are no indentations.
Modified block-style Letter
3. Semiblock-style format. In the semiblock-style or indented letter format, the paragraphs are
indented five spaces from the left of the margin. The dateline and the complimentary closing are
typed to the right of the page center. The blocked style suffers from the disadvantage that
placement of the date and reference data on the left hand side of the paper causes inconvenience
when particular letter are required from the files. Because of this, many businesses prefer to modify
the blocked style by placing date and reference data on the extreme right of the paper, thus making
particular letters more readily identifiable in the filling system.
Semi-block Letter

Small Test
A. Choose the best answer according to you
1.The first goal in writing a business letter is to get the recipient’s……
a. address b. attention
c. services d. trade
2.The conclusion or ending paragraph should bring the communication to polite and…..close
a. businesslike b. interminable
c. measureable d. subtle
3. Avoid…..down the beginning of the letter with abundant information of which the reader is
already aware, however:
a. gearing b. setting
c. weighing d. writing
4. Effective writing is…..reading that makes the recipient want to read further.
a. affected b. Effortless
c. effusive d. offensive
5. In writing commercial correspondence, it is important to employ a friendly yet efficient….
a. Feeling b. mood
c. tense d. tone
6. A good business letter is simple and straightforward without being simplistic or…
a. panoramic b. paternal
c. patriotic d. patronizing
B. Writing Test: Write one Business Letter with using one of the format of Business Letter.

A letter of introduction is exactly what it sounds like. It's a piece of correspondence

introducing yourself to someone asking to make their acquaintance and if they're willing, help
you find a job opportunity or meet other people in your desired industry.
Introduction letters are letters which come from sellers to buyers. These letters filled with
information about the sellers’ companies to be known by the buyers. Sellers expect the buyers give
a good welcome, so the introduction will continue into the next process that is called a transaction.

Usually introduction letters filled with :

1. The name of the company, its business, or the activity.
2. Description of its skills, employees, experts, and facilities.
3. Projects/jobs ever handled/done.
4. Prospect/expectation wanted by the sellers.

Some phrases to remember :

1. We are pleased to let you know about our new company.
2. Our company is located in…
3. Our company is operating in …
4. We have so many skilled employees such as ….
5. For the time being, we have already had …….employees spread out all over Jakarta
6. We are really looking forward to having you ….

Example of Introduction Letter

Laura Adams
Adam Mobiles Limited

June 20, 2014

Mr. Sam Smith

Managing Director
RB International
Drezden, America

Dear Mr. Smith

I am taking this chance to introduce you the Adam mobiles Limited – the company with 5 years’
experience on Europe mobile phones market. We own 20 offices worldwide and 30 within
Our company specializes in selling mobile phones as well as providing the repair service. There
is a professional team of engineers and Mobile Technology professionals working within our
company. During our existence in a market we didn’t receive any negative feedback from our

kindly ask you to arrange the personal meeting with you in order to further describe the service
of our company and the value you can get from our cooperation. Please, inform me whether it is
convenient for you if I visit you by the end of this week.

I will be looking forward to the meeting and hope for our future cooperation.


Laura Adam

Here’s another example of a letter of introduction for you to use as inspiration as you craft your

Hello Cecilia,

I hope the week has been good for you! I’m writing to introduce you to our new project manager,
Patricia Jefferson. Patricia comes to us with several years of project management experience,
specifically in managing large, long-term construction projects for multifamily residences. Her
background will be extremely helpful for our team as we launch our plans for next year.

While you will not be working with Patricia on a daily basis, she will be able to provide you with
regular timeline updates as you present our progress in the quarterly company meetings. You
can find her email at the top of this note, feel free to reach out directly as needed.

We’re excited about having Patricia on board, and I look forward to your new working
relationship. Please let me know if you need any additional information moving forward.

Thanks for your time,

Gertrude Petty

Letter of Inquiry

A Letter of inquiry is usually written to ask for specific information or sales literature about
products and services, price lists, catalogs, terms of business, quotations, discount schedules,
dealer prices, the name of a dealer or local supplier, or free samples or materials. it is very
important because it is from prospective buyers and potential customers.
Letters of inquiry are also referred to as request letters. Most letters of inquiry are short. They can
be sent by mail, telex, fax or e-mail. If necessary, you can include information about what type of
company you are and how you heard about the company that you are writing to. Such letter should
be written in courteous language. Moreover, it should be concise, clear and complete.
Type of Inquiry Letter
There are two types of inquiry letters:
1.Solicited letter of Inquiry
Solicited letter of inquiry means an inquiry letter made in response to the advertisement of the

2. Unsolicited letter of Inquiry

Unsolicited letter of inquiry means an inquiry letter made by the buyer at his own initiative. He
inquires about the good he wants to purchase. The Unsolicited Inquiry Letter has a wider scope

Format of a Letter of Inquiry

Follow this format in writing a letter of inquiry:

1. In the first paragraph, identify yourself and, if appropriate, your position, and your
institution or firm.
2. In the second paragraph, briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use the
requested information. Offer to keep the response confidential if such an offer seems
3. List the specific information you need. You can phrase your requests as questions or as a
list of specific items of information. In either case, make each item clear and discrete.
4. Conclude your letter by offering your reader some incentive for responding.

Example of Letter of Inquiry

July 25, 2010

Dear Sir.

Subject : Request for Catalogue

We saw your advertisement in the “MetalShine Worker” a few days ago and interested in your
steel products.

Please let us have the details of your product together with the sample, terms of payment and the
price list. If the quality is satisfactory and the terms are reasonable, we will place a large order
soon. Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery please.

We hope to receive your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Swish
The following Here is another example of inquiry letter which is written by a computer
programmer requesting specific information about an upcoming release of a software product.
If you really mean business, all serious letters of inquiry should be acknowledged. The reply should
be courteous and friendly, whether it grants the request or not. If information is withheld, the
reason should be given as tactfully as possible. A simple statement of company policy is often the
best way out. The refusal to give information or grant a request is always more gracious if another
more likely source is suggested.
The quotation in reply to an inquiry may be a simple one, giving the prices and other information
asked for. You will, however, take the opportunity to stimulate your correspondent’s interest in
your goods or services by including a sales message and the assurance that the customer will
receive personal attention.
Offer are also sent without a preceding inquiry when a supplier wants to draw the attention of
customers and new customers to a special product or range of goods
Some good phrases for use in Replies to Inquiries
•Thank you for your inquiry……
•Thank you for your interest in ………
•We are pleased to submit our lowest price……….
•We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure and price list…..
•We can make you a firm offer for……
•Please let us have your order as soon as possible, since stocks are limited.
•The goods you enquired about are out of stock, may we offer you substitute.
•We look forward to receiving a trial order from you.
•Prices are subject to change without notice.
•The amount of discount s vary according to the volume of the order.
•We have quoted special prices, and therefore the offer is not subject to the usual discounts.

Example Reply to Letter of Inquiry

August 2, 2010

Dear Sir,

Re: Request for catalogue

Thank you for your inquiry letter of July 25, 2010 and interested in our advertisement.
As requested, we enclose herewith the latest illustrated catalogue together with price list and the
terms. Dispatch of product will be sent after we receive your order letter in two weeks and we
could give 4% cash discount in 30 days from invoice date.

We are looking forward to your order soon.

Yours faithfully,

Rose Marker
A. Exercise of Intoduction Letter:
Make an introduction letter from PT. CITRA BUANA Furniture , Jl. Kramat Raya No. 18, Phone
5200062 , Central Jakarta to The Manager of Hotel Indonesia Indah , Jl. H. Sueb No. 25, East
Subject line : Introduction of furniture product
The date is Maret 14, 2020
Use Semi-block Letter model

B. Exercise of inquiry letter

Fill the blank with the appropriate words!
Dear __1___
I am planning my son’s wedding reception next June. _ __2__seen your advertisement on the
internet, I am writing to ask you___3__ further details of the Constantia Cottage Restaurant and
its facilities.
To __4___ with, I would like to have some more information about the menu and the restaurant
facilities. __5____, could you tell me if you could organize vegetarian dishes?___6___ only few
of the guests are vegetarian, my son and his fiancée would prefer a menu with no meat.
___7____what entertainment facilities does the restaurant offer? Would __8___be possible to
hire a band to play music? What is ___9__, I was __10____if the band could play until quite late
at night for the guests to dance.
With __11___to the booking details, I would __12___like to know if the restaurant is __13___ on
Saturday 18th June from 7.00 pm to 1.00 am.
Could you also tell me if the restaurant is big enough for 150 to 170 people? _14___, how much
will it cost?
I can be contacted __15___ or by telephone on 0118855123
I am looking __16___ your reply
Jeremy K. Kennson


A good sales letter is essentially like a successful advertisement, it catches the attention of
the reader, excites his interest and curiosity and induces him to buy the goods or service offered.
The purpose of every sales letter, as of every advertisement, is to convert the reader into a
A sales letter should, therefore, be constructed on the basis of the four-step formula:
•Catching the reader’s attention
•Arousing his desire to buy
•Convincing him that you product or service is the best in the market and that he needs it
•Motivating him to act quickly

A letter so written, will overcome the reader’s resistance and persuade him to buy what you are
One sure test of the effectiveness of sales letter is whether it has been able to promote sales and
if so, to what extent. As one professional letter writer said “make your letter so convincing that
the prospective buyer would rather have the product you are selling than the money he must part
with to buy it”

Objectives and Advantages of Sales Letter

Objectives of Sales Letter

 A sales letter aims at reaching the reader to purchase the product.

 Introduction and marketing of new products and services.
 To reach potential customers.
 Expansion of the market.

Advantages of Sales Letter

 A sales letter is less expensive.

 Reach a client where a salesman cannot.
 Reach a number of clients all at the same time.
 Ease of understanding and availability of full details.
 More convenient, efficient, and comprehensive.

Writing A Sales Letter

There are three main parts of a sales letter, namely, the introductory paragraph, the body and the
concluding paragraph.
1.The Introductory Paragraph
In many cases, the opening sentence is the only sentence that is read and hence, this sentence has
a vital role to play. It must arrest the reader’s attention and immediately appeal to his interest,
feelings, vanity or social sense. The lines that follow it should sustain his interest and invite him
to go through it.
There are several ways of starting a sales letter, some of them :
Making a striking statement, for examples:
- if you are above forty, read the enclosed literature
- For the last five years we have been working to produce the model you want
- You need not feel nervous when asked to make a speech

Stating a significant Fact, for examples:

- our new device helps you save 25 percent on your fuel comsumption
- You can save your costly equipment from the caprice of voltage ; our Controlvolt takes in
anything between 180- 260 volts but turns out only 230 volts

Relating an anecdote, a joke or a story, for example:

- Sir Albert Fisher is every inch a successful man. The pages of the enclosed pamphlet unfold
the story of his success. We invite you to go through it

Making special offers, for example:

- When you retire, you can face the future confidently with a fortune of US$ 60.000 by setting
aside just US$ 1 a day

Focusing the central selling point, for example:

- Even if you are a family of eight, cooking can be fun. Our Jumbo size pressure cooker can
cook within 2 kg of vegetables and

Making special appeals to the pride of possession, vanity, etc. , for examples:
- We drafted this letter for young and smart ladies like you wish to preserve the freshness
and brightness of their delicate skin.
- Let Regal steel almirah adorn your home and become the talk of your neighbourhood.

Asking a question, for examples:

- Are you able to cook your breakfast in time?
- Do you throw away your pen when the ink is exhausted?
- Why does your baby cry at night?
2. The Body
After you arrested the reader’s attention and aroused his interest you should go on to explain the
qualities of your product and its special features, and to convince him that your claims are true.
Your aim should be to induce in the prospective buyer an overwhelming desire to buy what you
are selling. If you know thoroughly by the virtues and faults of your product, you will be able to
highlight the selling points and tell the reader how it meets his requirements.
In explaining give only the main points, tell him how it works, how it is made, and the effects it
produces or the facilities it offers. If your product is a consumer article, make your appeal on an
emotional or psychological plane. If you are selling service, machinery or a piece of equipment,
appeal to his knowledge, requirements and needs.
The next step is to substantiate your claims and statements by fact, logic or reliable testimony.
The buyer wants everything proved to him. There are several effective ways of doing so. Choose
the one that suits your product best. Sometimes in sales letter several of these may be used.
A few examples of such devices are given below:
•Trial offers, for example:
Order this body sharper at our risk and expense. Try it for 15 days and if you do not see any
improvement in your figure, return it. This offer is absolutely free and there is no obligation on
your part to buy.

•Guarantees, for example:

Every component has been thoroughly tested by our quality control department. But this is not
all. We guarantee it against manufacturing defect for five years. If anything goes wrong during
this period, we shall repair or replace it, as need be, entirely at our cost. So you do not risk
anything when you choose a Bahar Grinder.
Free Samples, for example:
To enable you to see for your self how convenient it is to handle secret documents, we are
sending herewith 10 special files as samples. These have been manufactured for organizations
like yours which believe in neatness and efficiency. If you feel absolutely satisfied, please let us
know how many you need and we shall send them by the date you tell us.
Testimonials by users, for example:
Ever since we introduced our new Cleanex tooth powder in the market, hundreds of users have
been writing to us about how it has helped them conquer bad breath, cure bleeding gums, and
strengthen teeth, we reproduce below extracts from a few of them
Mrs. N. Sohini from Bangalore: “After using Cleanex for just 15 days, my bad breath has gone,
gums have stopped bleedings and teeth have become firmer”.
Shri L. Narelkar from Bombay: “I find it difficult to believe that all my teeth and gum troubles
have gone within 14 days of my using Cleanex. I have recommended it strongly to my friends
and colleagues.”
•Test Result, for example:
We have thoroughly tested Voltron. Input variations ranging from 180 to 260 fed in quick
succession 10.000 times reveal a deviation of 00.50 per cent from the promised output of 230

•Statistics, for example:

Our duplicating machines turn out copies one and a half times faster than the best available in the
market and produce 25 per cent less noise

•Enclosing Additional Literature,for example:

We are enclosing a copy of our information folder which gives detail of specification of our
drilling engine. We hope that it will meet your requirements and provide
3. Concluding Paragraph
Even if the first two parts of your letter are good, they will be not able to clinch the issue unless
your closing paragraph is able to motivate action. If your letter has made several points, it is
better to recapitulate them before making the final appeal. On it will depend whether your letter
is able to convert the reader into a customer. For inducing immediate action some of devices
used are limited time or limited quantity offer, special bargain offer, convenience in ordering etc.
A few examples of concluding paragraph are given below:
For your convenience we have opened a branch near your town, a list of addresses is enclosed.
Just fill in the attached card and post it to the nearest address and our man will call on you to
discuss the details of fixing the crushing machine in your factory premises.
As we have limited stock, this offer is open up to 30 November. To save 30 percent , mail
today the enclosed postage-paid card and we shall do the rest
This special bargain offer is being made only for a month in selected town. Avail yourself of
this opportunity and save 10 percent by sending your cheque with the order.

Conclusions to be Avoided
Negative endings can cause irritation and hurt feelings of the prospective buyer and hence.
A few examples should be avoided in conclusion:
You will regret your decision if you do not order now
Why delay? Indecision can cause you a loss of $ 50
Do not miss this opportunity; it is unusual offer
We hope you believe us; why not act today and be proud owner of this new model?
Such opportunities do not come time and again. Act now or you will regret not having availed
yourself of this special offer.

Writing Tips for Writing Sales Letter

 Introduce the ideas in a way that compels the reader to take a positive action.
 Introduce yourself and the product well.
 Be clear in what you are offering.
 Choose your words as per the targeted audience.
 Always use a headline.
 Make the first sentence of each paragraph count.
 Use of font styles, font sizes, bullets, and numbering etc.
 Use relevant statement showing the credibility of the product.
 Suitable closing sentences.
 Correct use of salutation.
 Proper and complete details of the product and availability.
 Always ask for attention, build interest, desire, and call of action.
 Have a simple and convincing tone.
 Avoid creating confusion and uncertainty.
 Avoid being clever and funny.
 Include your name, signature, and other contact details.
 Do not use fancy words or slangs.
 Always revise and edit the letter.

Example of Sales Letter

Dear Sir

We have been thinking for years how to design furniture which enable you to eat your meals in a
relaxed manner, and now we have produced a dining table and a set of chairs to go with it that
make eating a pleasure.
With our Happy Home table and chairs in the house, it is a delight to feel hungry. The chairs will
receive you with arms and impart a feeling of comfort and the tables provide enough below
space for all members of your family. Their sleek look will fit in with the modern décor of your
house, and then you have a choice from seven sophisticated colours.

At present we offer sets to suit families of four, six, eight and twelve. Their detailed description
and coloured pictures are given in the enclosed folder.

Our showroom remains open from 10 a.m to 7 p.m on weekdays. You are most welcome to drop
in and personality select what you need, or if you choose to order by post, we shall send the set
of your choice by our truck. An order form and a post-free envelope are enclosed for your

Yours Faithfully

N.L Singh

Exercise writing a Sales Letter

Write a one-page sales letter as outlined in meeting 3. You can either sell a product or a service.
If you are selling a product, it can be a new product, an existing product or an existing product
that you have modified.
-Your letter should follow proper letter formatting requirements
-You should address your letter to a specific company and person. Complete a little research to
see what kind of company might be interested in your product or service.
-Use bullets or another graphic aid


Otherwise known as an order letter, a letter of order is a document that confirms the
details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes more
information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment
terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the recipient receives this
letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise.
Letter of Placing Orders
Buying and selling by mail has long involved much more than just the big mail-order
houses. It includes mail sales through large department stores; national marketing of seasonal
and regional produce like fruit, game, syrup and candy; farmers’ orders for various supplies,
machinery and replacement parts; office equipment and supplies from manufacturers and
distributors; and even industrial tools and materials.
To overcome the disadvantage of buying without seeing, feeling and trying the product,
sellers by mail usually provide pictures and full information, and they offer guarantees and return
privileges and provide necessary installation, operation and service manuals.
Since sellers, by mail usually supply well-designed order blanks and addressed envelopes
with their catalogs, the only problems connected with writing an order appear when you do not
have the blanks and must write a letter.
But an order is probably the easiest kind of letter to write. The reader is in business to sell
goods, and if you clearly specify what you want and make satisfactory plans to pay for it, you’ll
get an answer. A poor order letter may, however, bring results different from what you really

The basic requirements for an order letter, as you can see from almost any order blank, are five:
1.Make them orders, not just hints. The acceptance of a definite offer to sell or an offer to buy is
contractual. The usual beginning for an order is therefore “please send me…”

2.Describe the goods adequately. Although the catalog number alone usually identifies except
for color and size, give four or five clean-cut columns of information:
a. Quantity desired
b. Catalog item number, if any, and catalog page number
c. Name of product, and as many details as are appropriate, such as model, color, size, material,
grade or quality, pattern, finish, monogram initials.
d. Unit price
e. Total price for the designated quantity of the item (column of times d)

3. Write a separate, single-spaced paragraph for each item, with double spacing between

4. Make clear how you expect to pay. If you have not established credit but want goods charged,
you should provide credit information with the order. If you want neither credit nor c.o.d
shipment (which costs you more), several methods of remitting are open to you: check, money
order, certified or cashier’s check, or bank draft. Regardless of how you remit, refer to the
remittance in the order and tell its form, amount and intended application.

5. Be sure the where of shipment is clear, especially for a shipment to an address different from
yours and also the when and how unless you want to leave them to the seller.
The following are some expressions that you may find useful in writing an order letter :
- Thank you for your letter of . . . . . . . . . . .., enclosing your current catalog and price list.
Enclosed is my order for.. . . . . . .
- As we agreed our terms of payment are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- We expect delivery within . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
- Please inform us at once if there are any problems with delivery.
- Please send us acknowledgment of our order.
- The goods should be packed individually in three crates and all numbered.
- I will be grateful if you will...............................
- I would appreciate having.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Please accept this order for immediate shipment to . . . . . . . . . .

Letter of Order Sample

Mancini Kitchen Equipment

Troy D. Mancini

4220 Straford Park

Harold, KY 41635

Dear Mr. Mancini,

We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers (Model #43423), all in the
color red. We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account that we have
with you, business account #543234. We hope to receive this order no later than Friday,
November 11th, 2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method and
receiving address.

Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563 anytime during
business hours, Monday to Friday.

Thank you for your cooperation

Keller Kitchen Co.

Letter of Acknowledgment Orders

Acknowledgement of goods or order received should be promptly made. It is the first and foremost
responsibility of a good business organization. It helps in creating goodwill, confidence, cordiality
and abiding business relations. An Acknowledgement letter in response to an order for goods
should have conversational and personal touch and warmth. It should terminate with a sincere note
of thanks for providing you an opportunity to serve the customer

Letter of order and Acknowledgement Sample

Hello Victor,

Thank you for your recent purchase from Furniture World. The team are currently working on
getting your item dispatched, and it should be with you within 5 working days.

Order Details

Order Number: 86675564

Mellow White Leather Sofa

Price Inc Delivery: $754

Payment Method: Credit Card

Delivery Address:
8561 Honey Pioneer Autoroute, Burnt House, Wisconsin, 53091-3064

Note: Because this is a large item you will need somebody to sign for the delivery upon arrival
and to grant the drivers access to the property in order to position it somewhere convenient.

If you should have any problems or queries about this order please contact customer support on
(534) 872-9133, or via email at

All the best,

Furniture World

Exercise writing

1. Exercise Letter of Placing Order

Complete the letter. Use each word once
Supply order invoice charge bottles account boxes
catalogue sincerely rolls items

To whom it may concern,

We would like to _(1)__ the following __(2)__from your _(3)__
Please _(4)___ these as soon as possible:
* 10 _(5)__ of copy paper;
* 5 __(6)__ of screen cleaning fluid;
* 6 __(7)___ tape.
You can either send us the __(8)___ or __(9)___to our __(10)____ directly.
___(11)______ yours,

Harriet Edwards

2. Please write one for An Order Letter and An Acknowledgement Order Letter
-Your letter should follow proper letter formatting requirements
-You should address your letter to a specific company and person.


People generally writing complaint letters because they are angry and upset about poor
service or a defective product. However, the purpose of complaint letter should not be to vent
anger. Instead, the purpose of a complaint letter is to state exactly what the company can do to
address the situation.
The complaint letter needs to use a positive, respectful tone, include detail about the
problem, and state clearly but politely what compensation the writer expects.When you take the
emotion out of a complain letter and substitute a clear and rational request for a specific action,
you are more likely to see positive results.
A complaint letter requests some sort of compensation for defective or damaged
merchandise or for inadequate or delayed services. While many complaints can be made in person,
some circumstances require formal business letters. The complaint may be so complex that a phone
call cannot effectively resolve the problem; or the writer may prefer the permanence, formality,
and seriousness of a business letter. The essential rule in writing a complaint letter is to maintain
your poise and diplomacy, no matter how justified your gripe is. Avoid making the recipient an
The key to receiving a positive response to a complaint letter is to state the problem
clearly and to specify reasonable compensation. You might not receive the exact compensation
you request but you will probably get at least a portion.
Four-paragraph structure for a complaint letter
•Paragraph 1 : Context for the complaint
State that you have a concern with the service or product and specify when and where you made
the purchase.
•Paragraph 2 : Details about the complaint
Use neutral language to describe the problem as precisely as possible.
•Paragraph 3 : Compensation expected
provide additional details, if necessary, and then state exactly what compensation you require.
•Paragraph 4 : Positive close
Provide contact information and close positively.

Things to remember when you write a complaint letter :

•You need to focus on the effect it will have on your reader
•Use a neutral tone to state your complaint and then request reasonable compensation
•Avoid all negative words except not when used with a positive word

The Example letter of Complaint Letter

111 White Horse Lane

8 October 1994

Director of Consumer Relations

One Microwave Plaza
Miami, TX 75249

Dear Director:

I am writing you concerning the purchase and subsequent return of a Waveport 5000 I made on
10 August 1994 in the amount of $225.
On 10 August 1994, I purchased a Waveport 5000 from your company in the amount of $225.
This price included a two-day delivery and a 60-day money-back trial offer. The $225 was
immediately charged to my Ritz card. However, this product did not perform satisfactorily, and
on 15 August, I decided to return the Waveport 5000 to your company. When I spoke to one of
your company's representatives by phone, I was informed that the shipping and handling charges,
as well as the price of the Waveport 5000, would be credited to my account. I shipped the item
by UPX and was notified 19 August of its receipt. Today, October 7, I received a statement for
my Ritz card. But as of today, no credit has been applied to my account for either the Waveport
5000 or the shipping and handling charges.

If the Waveport 5000 was charged to my account immediately when I ordered it, I fail to
understand why the same promptness was not used in crediting my account immediately upon
receipt of the returned item. I rightfully deserve a refund to any and all finance charges that may
be applied during this time period.

Your company's quick-detection products have greatly helped me in the past, and I would like
nothing more than a quick solution for my problem so that I may be a customer of yours in the


John A. Somebody

Adjustment Letter (Replying to A Complaint Letter)

Replies to complaint letters, often called letters of "adjustment", must be handled carefully when
the requested compensation cannot be granted. Refusal of compensation tests your diplomacy
and tact as a writer.

Four-paragraph structure for a reply to a complain letter

•Paragraph 1: Context for the complaint
Thank to the reader for informing you about the issue. Clearly describe the writer’s concern as
you understand it and avoid negative words such as problem; include an apology if appropriate.
•Paragraph 2 : Details about the complaint
Describe the situation with the aim of leading the reader to recognize that the requested
compensation cannot be granted.
•Paragraph 3 : Compensation offered
Describe the compensation that can be granted; instead of describing what you cannot do,
describe what you can do.
•Paragraph 4 : Positive close
Close positively with a request to the reader to contact you if further clarification is required.

Example Replying to A Complaint Letter (reply to an unreasonable complaint letter)

Dear Mr. Damwers:
Thank you for your letter of March 10 describing your experience while staying at Blue Heron
Resort with your family from March 2 to March 8, 2014. I understand your concern about the
noise issue.
Blue Heron Resort grides itself on its excellent customer service and family friendly atmosphere.
As a result, I am very concerned to learn that our front desk staff did not sufficiently address
your concerns. Please be assured that we are taking steps to improve the quality of all front staff
services. Your comfort as our guests at Blue Heron Resort is our top priority. We want to be sure
that all families feel welcomed and rested here. In fact, we have designated “quiet” floors that
families with young children can choose to ensure the peace and quiet of their vacation. As a
result of your letter, we will be asking anyone making a reservation if they would like a “quiet”
floor. Your feedback is helping us improve our customer relations.
The next time you come to Blue Heron Resort with your family, we will be pleased to offer you a
complementary night’s accommodation in a queen suite similar to the suite you enjoyed in
March. We will also ensure that the suite is on one of our designated “quiet” floors.
Mr. Damwers, please call me at (005) 555-9987 to reserve your complimentary night’s stay at
Blue Heron Resort. We look forward to welcoming you again.

Rhonda Harris
General Manager

Exercise writing
Please write one for Complaint Letter and Adjustment Letter



An appointment letter, or a response to one, may be the first thing that a prospective
client or customer sees from your company, and first impressions count. To make a favorable
impression, therefore, it’s important that a message be clear, accurate, and courteous. Since
appointment letters include details such as time, place, and date, they have to be precise too.
They also should be sent in time for the recipient to be able to respond and comply with the
suggested arrangements.

If you’re asking for an appointment, state why you want it; suggest a time, place, and date and
ask for confirmation. If you’re responding to a request, repeat the details, and if necessary,
suggest an alternative or politely say no.
Example of Appointment (request)
March 20, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are students at Lahore University of Management Sciences and with regards to our course of
“Non-profit Organization Management” we would like to do our project on the Monitoring and
Evaluation system of AHF.
The aim of our assignment is to get information about the any current or future program or
project of your organization and then design and propose a M&E framework for it.

For this purpose we would like to meet Dr. Ayesha, President AHF and discuss our project with
him. We shall be extremely grateful if we can get a meeting appointment with Dr. Ayesha. We
will be happy if he can give us the appointment on Thursday, 10th April, between 12-2 pm as it
will be feasible for us to manage time from our class schedule. If unfortunately, this time slot is
not available then please kindly inform us of any other options available, so that we can see if we
can manage.
We are very hopeful to get a positive response from your side soon. Thanking you in


A letter of making a reservation is a letter that is sent to reserve a place somewhere, such
as a conference, function, or activity. This letter will either be a reply to an invitation or a request
on its own. A reservation means booking of anything. A reservation letter is considered as a tool
about the agreement of something. After the last stage of negotiation, the reservation letter is
usually written. Once the parties have agreed, then only a reservation letter is written to seal the
agreement. It is a formal confirmation letter.
One must be courteous in writing this letter to show the accepted party a joyous vibe of
what is to come. The reservation letter is a formal and official agreement between the two parties.
It confirms and guarantees the spot you have in that firm, company, for a conference room, for a
function venue or even a restaurant.
Reservation Letter Writing Tips

 A reservation letter must be written when all the deals are finalized and agreed upon.
 To make the letter simpler to read it is advised to use bullet points.
 The name of the addressee must be explicitly mentioned to avoid any ambiguity.
 The reservation letter must be signed by all the parties involved in that agreement.
 A handwritten letter is considered more favorable than printed one because it can be an
official one too.
 All the details must be provided when this reservation letter is written for a hotel
 There must not be any punctuation or grammatical error.
 The letter must be provided with a contact number so that it can be easy for the addressee
to communicate with you for any details.

Allen street-1123,
California, USA.

Date: 10/12/2014

Hawaii, USA.

Subject: Reservation letter

Dear ABC,

This letter is written after the conversation for the reservation of your EXCELLENT RESORT
for Holidays on 12/10/2014. We would like to confirm the reservation of your resort as per the
schedule mentioned above.

Please reserve the resort for that day and I have attached an advance payment receipt with the
letter. Moreover, the demands for food and other travel wishes have been attached too.

Please check all the arrangement and I hope that it is ready before the scheduled time. We are
sure that you will not let us down in front of our guest. Feel free to contact anytime.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



A. Exercise of Appointment Letter

Write down a formal letter to make an appointment between Julia Bucket MD to constructive
Toys Company and her new western district manager, John Quinn. You should also arrange for a
tour-visit of the new factory and lunch meeting.

B. Exercise of Reservation Letter

Writing a letter to a manager of Hotel Jakarta to make a reservation for you. You can create
you’re the name of the hotel or any name of hotel in Jakarta
Don’t forget include all relevant information in your letter, such as:
-Your complete contact information
-Date and time of your arrival and departure
-Number of days of your stay
-Type of room and any special needs or request such as a smoking or nonsmoking room
-Be to the point. Don’t include any unnecessary details

REVIEW and SMALL QUIZ (Meeting 1-6)



Like public relation letters, Social business correspondence does not promote immediate
business. Yet an astute businessperson will recognize the writing of a letter of congratulations or
appreciations as a fertile chance to build goodwill. The occasions that call for social business
letters are many ; such letters may express congratulations, sympathy, or thanks, or many convey
an invitation or announcement.
Social business letters are often written on smaller stationery than letterhead. Some may
be handwritten or formally engraved, rather than typed. Moreover, as an additional personalized
touch, the salutation in a social business letter may be followed by a comma instead of a colon.
Because the language of a social business letter must strike a delicate balance between the
personal and professional, the friendly and formal, it is a good idea to refer to a current book of
etiquette for proper wording. Such a references work will serve as a reliable guide, especially when
composing formal invitations and letters of condolence.

Letters of Congratulations
A letter of congratulations builds goodwill by stroking the reader’s ego: everyone likes to have
accomplishments acknowledged. The occasions for congratulatory messages are numerous:
promotions; appointments; and elections; achievements, awards, and honors; marriages and
births; anniversaries and retirements.
Whether written to a close friend or a distant business associates, any letter of
congratulations must be sincere and enthusiastic. It may be short, but it should contain personal
remarks or references.
The letter should always address the recipient, the person who deserves this
congratulation, name of the person should be written on the letter. The tone of the letter should
be polite. As the congratulation letters could be both of official and personal nature.
A letter of congratulations should include three essential ingredients; it should:
1.Begin with the expression of congratulations;
2.Mention the reason for the congratulations with a personal or informal twist;
3.End with an expression of goodwill (such as praise or confidence- never say “good luck”
which implies chance rather than achievement)

The Example of Congratulation letter

Subject: Congratulations on Success


Heartiest congratulations to you on your success. I am really happy that you are able to achieve
your targeted goal and have come out successful with flying colors.
You hard work has paid off and I must say I am so proud of you.

My good wishes are always with you.


Letters of Sympathy
When an acquaintance experiences the death of a loved one, it is proper, although difficult, to
send a message of condolence. To avoid awkwardness, many people opt for commercially
printed sympathy cards, but a specially written note is more personal and genuine.

Message of condolence lets your reader know that you are aware of his persona grief and wish to
lend sympathy and support. The message, therefore, should be simple, honest, and direct, and it
should express sorrow with dignity and respect. (The expression “I am sorry” however, should
be avoided, for as a cliche it sounds flat and insincere)

Note : A letter of sympathy is also sent to someone who is ill or who has suffered an accident or
other misfortune

The Example of letters of Sympathy

Dear ______,
I am sorry about the loss of your beloved ____________. We send our deepest condolences to
you and to your family. Please let us know if there’s something we can do to somehow lessen the
pain you feel in your hearts. We will always be there for you.
My love and sympathy to you and to your kids,

Our love thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. As always, we are blown
away by your amazing spirit and strength. It was a pleasure meeting your __________ last
month and look forward to seeing you all soon and creating new memories. My condolences.
Dear ______,
I’m sorry to hear about your loss. _____ was a very thoughtful and wonderful person. We will
never forget those trips we had with _____, and we will always miss _____. We love you. Our
deepest sympathies are with you. Please call us if you want someone to talk to during this tough
moment and we will be there for you.
May ____ rest in peace,

Dear_______________, My heart is breaking for you. Please know that we are here for you.
Whatever you need it will be done. I am bringing dinner over tomorrow night.
I love you

Letters of Appreciation
In business, as in life, it is important to say “thank you”. We have already seen that letters of
appreciation should be sent to new customers upon the opening of an account or the making of a
first purchase. But many other occasions call for a “thank you” as well; a note of appreciation
should always be sent after receiving : gifts, favors, courtesies, hospitality, and is
the example of Appreciation Letter

Mr. /Ms. _______
New York

4th September 2018

Sub: Appreciation for your remarkable contribution to the project

Dear Mr. / Ms. ______,

I would like to thank you for your outstanding contribution in the ______ project. You had been
an amazing team leader, who was diligent and hard working. Your co-workers have been
praising you for all the creative work. You truly were able to think out of the box.

Your dedication to work is resulting in an increased output for the company, which is increasing
the client base. We expect to grow in the future if you deliver the same quality of work.

We are quite aware of the fact that you will grow and succeed in our company and within a year,
we will be seeing you as a leader on major projects of the company.

Thanking you,
Mr. ________
Head of Sales Department

While such events as openings, previews and demonstrations may be advertised in newspapers or
on handbills, guests may be more carefully selected if invitations are sent by letter. Formal events,
such as a reception, open house or formal social gathering, require formal invitations. These
invitations can be engraved or they can be handwritten on note-size stationery. A general invitation
should be cordial and sincere; a formal invitation should be less personal , written in the third

Either kind of invitation, however, must do three things:

1.Invite the reader to the gathering;
2.Offer a reason for the gathering;
3.Give the date, time, and place of the gathering.

A formal invitation should, in addition, include an R.S.P.V. notation. This abbreviation stands
for réspondez s’il vous plait; it asks the reader to please respond, that is “please let us know if
you plan to attend”. After natively, the notation “Regrets Only” may be used, asking only those
who cannot attend to notify the host in advance.

Example of Invitation
Jaco Films, Inc.
9120 Avenue of the American, New York, New York 10036
January, 30, 2014
In a few weeks, JACO will proudly release its new feature length film. The Purchase, starring
Amanda Theriot in her first appearance in seventeen years.
A special preview showing of The Purchase, for friends of Ms. Theriot and JACO Films, will be
held on January 19, at 8.PM, at the Regent Theatre on Broadway and 52nd Street.
You are cordially invited to attend this preview. Admission will be by ticket only, which you will
find enclosed. Following the ffilm, refreshments will be served.
Sincerely yours,
Georgia Stringfellow
Assistant to the Producer

Announcements may rightly be considered closer to public relations than social business letters.
They may take the form of news releases, advertisements, or promotional letters. But formal
announcements resemble invitations in both tone and format.

Indeed, the combination formal announcement/invitation is not uncommon form of

correspondence (ex.1). Business events such as openings (ex.2), mergers, and promotions (ex.3)
may be the subject of both formal and informal announcements.

Example of Announcements
Ex.1 Formal Announcement
Dr. Richard Levine
Announces the opening of his office
For the practice of pediatric medicine
1420 North Grand Street
Suite 1B
Miami, Florida 33133
(402) 555-1234

Ex.2 Combination Announcement/Invitation

The ALDO Corporation
is pleased to announce the appointment of
Ms. Firuz Darkhosh
as its new executive vice-president
and requests the pleasure of your company
At a reception in her honor
Friday, the twelfth of April
At four o’clock
The President’s Suite Room 510

Ex.3 Informal Announcement

To: All Personnel
FROM: George Hart, President
DATE: April 3, 2014
SUBJECT: The New Executive Vice-President
We are please to announce the appointment of Ms. Firuz Darkhosh to the position of executive
Ms. Darkhosh has been with ALDO for eight years, first as assistant manager of marketing and
then, for the past five years, as manager of marketing. She attended Baruch College and Pace
University, where she earned a master’s degree in business administration.
I’m sure you will all join me in extending hearty congratulations to Ms. Darkhosh and best
wishes for her future here at ALDO.
Please write one letter for :
a. congratulation letter,
b. sympathy letter,
c. appreciation letter,
d. invitation and
e. announcement
It will be submitted next week in the next meeting

In the world of business the term credit refers to “promising payment in the future” and
collection means “obtaining payment from the debtor.” Letters written for these purpose are
known as credit letters and collection letters respectively. A seller offers credit only after
obtaining an assurance from the buyer of payment within the specified period and ascertaining
his ability and intention to do so.

There are five touchstones to determine whether the debtor would keep his promise: his
capital, capacity, character, reputation, and goodwill. The extent of credit privileges to be offered
is decided on the basis of these criteria.
However, offering credit, whether to an individual or to a firm, can be hazardous. In some cases
the payment is delayed or not made at all.

To minimize the risk, the credit applicant should be asked to supply information about his
present employer, status and salary, length of existing employment, reference of firms where he
has charge accounts, and the banks where he has an account or from whom he has obtained

Types of A Credit Letter

1. Requesting Credit, a letter containing a request credit
- State the source of information about the product or goods to be purchased.
- Place the order, indicating the desire terms of credit and asking for a continued credit
- Give essential information about the business
- Supply credit reference-financial institutions and
bank that will vouch for promptness and reliability in
- Promise to supply further information, if required, to establish financial credibility

2. Granting credit, in case the terms mentioned in the letter requesting credit are satisfactory, an
acceptance letter should be despatched promptly. It should:
- Mention the grant of credit right in the beginning.
- Assume that the order is being executed immediately
- Show that the credit references have been obtained
- Explain the terms of credit.
3. Refusing credit, in some cases it may not be possible to accept the request for credit. If so, a
carefully drafted refusal letter should be sent which should:
- Thank the applicant for the request
- State the reasons for refusing credit
- Try to retain the customer by encouraging him to pay cash for
the present transaction
- Suggest the possibility of making credit arrangements in the

Example of a letter requesting credit

November 18, 2013
Dear sir,
We have been well satisfied with your handling of our past orders and, as our business is
growing, expect to place even larger orders with you in the future.
As our dealings have now extended over a period of nearly two years, we should be glad if you
would grant us open-account facilities with, say, quarterly settlements. The arrangement would
save us all the trouble and inconvenience of making numerous separate payments on invoice.
We can supply banker’s and trade references should you require them.
Yours faithfully,

Example of a letter granting credit

November 20, 2013
Dear sir,
Please refer to your letter dated November 15, 2013.
We are pleased to accept you as a credit customer of our company. Your order for 200 suitcases
is being sent immediately through Golden Transport Company on the credit terms proposed by
you. A bill for US$55.000 is enclosed. You will notice that we have allowed the usual trade
discount, and that the last date by which the payment should reach us in January 9, 2014. The
shipping papers have been sent separately to your bank.
We have investigate the credit references given by you and found them satisfactory. We look
forward to serving you in future and hope to receive an order for another lot soon. We wish you
success in promoting the sale of the goods.
A form for credit information is sent herewith in duplicate. Please fill it in and send us one copy.
This request is a part of our credit procedure and helps us update our records as regards our
credit customers.
Yours faithfully
Example of a letter refusing credit
October 28, 2013
Dear sir,
I am sorry to learn from your letter of October 20, of the difficulty in which the bankruptcy of an
important customer has placed you. I should like to say at once that we fully understand your
wish for an extension of time and would very much like to help you. Unfortunately, we cannot do
so because of commitments we ourselves must meet by the end of this month.
Your request is not at all unreasonable and had we been able to grant it would gladly have done
so, but as matters stand I am afraid we must ask you to settle with us on the terms of payment
originally agreed.
Yours faithfully,

A collection letter aims at obtaining the money for the goods supplied or services rendered
on credit. But it should be in a manner that you do not lose the goodwill of your customer.
Therefore, a collection letter should be cautiously composed and should have the elements of
courtesy, friendliness, tact and persuasiveness.
A collection note is written keeping in mind the debtor. Sometimes a series of collection
letters is required to be sent. They are sent at intervals and each successive letter is more firm and
strong than its predecessor, but on no account it should be threatening, negative and offensive.
The first letter is a kind of reminder, the second is persuasive and demanding, the third
specifying the date of payment and the subsequent letters may be more forceful, persistent and
strict according to the demand of the occasion and case.
The Example of First letter collection letter
March 9, 2013
Dear Sirs,
This is to remind you that we supplied you plastic goods as per your order dated 25th January,
2013 and that a sum of US$ 100.000 remains overdue towards that supply.
We shall be grateful if you kindly issue a cheque towards the bill, as early as possible.
Yours sincerely,
The Example of Second collection letter
April 6, 2013
Dear Sirs,
We wish to draw your kind attention to our communication date 9th March, 2013, requesting you
for payment for plastic goods supplied to the tune of US$ 100.000 even on March 9th, it was
overdue and since then nearly a month has elapsed and yet payment has not been made.
We feel that your non-payment may be due to some oversight.
We shall be glad to receive the remittance of the above-mentioned amount within 21 days from
the receipt of this letter
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
The Example of Third collection letter
May 1, 2013
Dear Sirs,
We very much regret that in spite of two letters written to you earlier (on 9th March and 6th
April respectively). In respect of the supply of plastic goods for US$ 100.000, you have not
favoured us with either a reply or remittance, which is long overdue, regarding your order date
25th January, 2013 executed by us on 1st February, 2013.
We can now offer you only a period of ten days before which we expect a remittance from you.
Failure on your part to comply, will force us to take legal measures to collect our dues.
We hope that being good, experienced businessmen you will not bring about this unhappy
Yours sincerely,
Loly Simpson
Please Write Letter of Credit, Granting /Refusing Credit Letter and Collection Letter


Banking correspondence is different from other business correspondence. It is quite formal and
almost standardized.
1.Banking (Home Business)
a. Bank Current Accounts
The most usual type of deposit is that paid into a current account. These deposit can be taken out
on demand. The banks also receive deposits on deposit account. These deposits are repayable as
a rule subject to seven day’s notice. This deposit can earn interest.
b.Bank Loans and Overdrafts
Loans and overdrafts are usually arranged orally with the Banker in the first instance and
subsequently confirmed in writing.
1) Request for overdraft facilities
2) Request for loan without security
3) Request for loan with security,etc.
2. Banking for payments in foreign trade
a.Banker’s drafts
b.Bankers’ Transfers (mail, telex and telegrahic transfers)

This is a simple transference of money from the bank account of a buyer in his own country to
the bank account of the seller in the seller’s country.
c.Bills of Exchange (B/E)

The bill is an order in writing from a creditor to a debtor to pay on demand or on a named date a
certain sum of money to a person named on the bill, or to his order.
d.Promissory Notes
e.Documentary Bills

Example of Banking Correspondence about Opening Account


Assistant manager,

Bank/Institute name…
Branch Name…

Subject: Company Bank Account Opening Request Letter

Dear (Sir or Madam),

This is to request you for opening a company account in your branch of (Area and city name).
We are going to start a business operation in (Area and city name) form (date). Our Company
has a very good reputation and a huge turnover. Please facilitate our account in the name of
(Account title) in your branch as soon as possible. We will provide all the information and
documents that you may require to open this account.

Looking for Your Favorable Reply,



Job Designation…

Company/Institute name…

The usefulness of insurance in business is now well established. It used to cover almost all kinds
of risks and losses. Its purpose is to provide compensation, for those who suffer from loss or
damage, in other words, it is a contract of indemnity, that is to say a contract to restore to his
original position a person who suffers loss. He is not allowed to receive more than he loses, and
gains nothing from insuring for a sum greater than the value of what he insures.
Like banking correspondence, the insurance correspondence is also formal and standardized and
has its own standard terminology.
Example of Insurance Inquiry
Dear Sirs
We normally pay into the bank each morning our takings for the preceding business day. The
sums involved are sometimes considerable especially at the weekends: takings on a Saturday
may amount to as £12,000.
We bank with the local branch of the Barminster Bank on West Street, Milton-about half a mile
from our premises.
We therefore wish to take out insurance cover for the following:
1. Against loss of cash on the premises, by fire, theft, or burglary.
2. Against loss of cash in transit between our premises and the bank.
3. Against accident or injury to staff while engaged in taking money
to the bank, or bringing it from the bank.
Please let us know on what terms you can provide cover for the risks mentioned.
Yours faithfully,


- Bank Account Opening Request Letter

- Insurance Letter


These documents are prepared for many reasons, such as :

1. A good businessman keeps written records
2.Government officials of an exporting country demand certain written documents
3. The seller wants a receipt for the goods which are being transported by ship or air
4. Government officials of the importing country demand certain documents
5. The purchaser wants written evidence of what he/she has purchased
The Documents are Acknowledgement of Shipment, Bill of Lading, Shipping
Instructions, Packing Lists, Marine Insurance, Certificate of Origin, Consular Invoice,
Visaed Invoice

The documents are :

1. Acknowledgement of Shipment
a. The first paragraph tells about the information of interest to the company.
b.The second paragraph gives information which will help the company arrange to receive the
c.The third indicates that the documents have accompanied the draft.
d.The last thanks the customer and offers further assisstance, it also requests that the customer
write immediately upon receipt of the goods.

2. Bill of Lading
A bill of lading is an essential and important document. A bill of lading is used to prevent the
importer from receiving the goods until he has paid or agreed to pay for the goods. A seller sends
an order bill of lading with instructions to a bank in the importer’s country.

Here is the picture of Bill Of Lading

3. Shipping Instructions
Shipping instructions are prepared by the buyer, they instruct the seller how to prepare the
packages, invoices, and other forms in accordance with the company policy of the buyer and
the laws which control and tax goods shipped into the buyer’s country.

4. Packing List
There are two types of packing lists :
a. Manufacturer’s packing list : a manufacturer may package this product at the time it is made.
b. Shipper’s packing list : a shipper may include a packing list as a matter of good
business practice, or he may include a packing list because the buyer has
instructed him to do so.

An export packing list may be more detailed than a packing list or packing slip you provide for
your domestic shipments.

 Your freight forwarder may use the information on the packing list to create the bills of
lading for the shipment.
 A bank may require that a detailed packing list be included in the set of documents you
present to get paid under a letter of credit.
 Customs officials in the U.S. and the destination country may use the packing list to
identify the location of certain packed items they want to examine. It’s much better that
they know which box to open or pallet to unwrap rather than have them search the entire

The packing list identifies items in the shipment and includes the net and gross weight and
dimensions of the packages in both U.S. imperial and metric measurements. It identifies any
markings that appear on the packages, and any special instructions for ensuring safe delivery of
the goods to their final destination.
5. Marine Insurance
Marine insurance is insurance purchased to cover shipments in international trade. Marine
insurance is purchased on goods to be shipped to protect the owner’s investment in the goods.
Marine insurance is the oldest type of insurance.

6. Certificate of Origin
A certificate of origin names the country in which the goods were actually produced or
manufactured not where the goods are coming from. Every importer must know the regulations
of his own country. He/she must know from which countries he/she can and he/she cannot
import goods.

7. Consular Invoice
A consular invoice may be required instead of, or in addition to, a certificate of origin. A
consular invoice aids the importing country to keep records of the value and kind of goods which
are being imported. For business purposes, a country will maintain an office, called a consulate ,
in foreign cities to handle business matters in connection with the importing and exporting of
goods. The person in charge of the consulate is known as a consul.

8. Visaed Invoice
Some countries require the commercial invoice itself to be signed by the country’s consul. This
is referred to as obtaining a visa – an official endorsement – for goods. This means that the
documents have been examined by the consul and that the goods may be legally imported.

A proforma invoice looks a lot like a commercial invoice, and if you complete it correctly,
they will be very similar indeed. A proforma invoice specifies the following:

 The buyer and seller in this transaction.

 A detailed description of the goods.
 The Harmonized System classification of those goods.
 The price.
 The payment term of the sale, which would typically be expressed as one of the 11
current Incoterms.
 The delivery details including how and where the goods will be delivered and how much
that will cost.
 The currency used in the quote, whether it’s U.S. dollars or some other currency.

Be sure to date your proforma invoice and include an expiration date. There can be a lot of
volatility in the export process, so minimize your risk by setting a specific time frame for your
The commercial invoice may look similar to the proforma invoice you initially sent your
customer to serve as a quote, although it should include additional details you didn’t know
before. For example, once you have the commercial invoice, you probably have an order
number, purchase order number, or some other customer reference number; you may also
have additional banking and payment information.

Make sure to include any relevant marine insurance information, and any other details that
will ensure prompt delivery of the goods and full payment from your customer.


Whenever a businessman sells goods of much value or sells on credit, and always when goods
are sold in international trade, he prepares a bill or invoice. The invoice informs the buyer of the
total cost of the goods. It is the amount which the buyer owes the seller. Here are the documents:
Commercial Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Draft, Arrival of Goods
Shipping Goods :
1.Acknowledgement of shipment
2.Bill of lading or airway bill
3.Methods of shipment : - ocean freight

- Air freight
- Mail – surface or air
4.Shipping instructions
5.Packing list
6.Marine insurance
7.Certificate of origin, when required
8.Consular invoice, when required

Do the exercise !
Complete these sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct answers.
On or about S.S. forwarding agent flag measurement
identified Non-negotiable original copy endorsed straight (B/L)
Order (B/L) consignee discounting

1.Your shipment will arrive on the ….American Dream.

2.When the goods reach the port of entry, they are released to a properly …person.
3.The first three copies of a bill lading are each known as an…
4.A straight bill of lading is …because it cannot be sold.
5.The date of arrival of a ship in a port is usually stated as arriving … a certain date.
6.A …bill of lading is usually sent direct to the importer, because the goods have been paid for.
7.A bill of lading may show that the goods were sent on their way by the seller’s agent, known as

8.A bill of lading states the country in which the ship is registered . It is listed under the word…
9.A bill of lading made out to a person or firm is known as a…
10.An importer may use an order bill of lading to pick up the goods only after it has been
11.The word …is used to describe the size of a package.
12.A seller who has an order bill of lading may want to sell the shipment. This is known as … a


Memorandum, from which the term memo comes, is a Latin word for “something to be
remembered.” The Latin meaning points to the memo’s chief function: to record information of
immediate importance and interest in the busy world of work.
Memos are brief in-house correspondence sent up and down the corporate ladder. Employees
send memos to their supervisors, and workers send memos to one another. Memos are not as
formal as letter and contain the terms and abbreviations familiar to employees of your company.
They can be on paper, or sent through e-mail.
Format of memos
A fax (facsimile) is an original document copied and transmitted over telephone or computer
lines. Faxes are particularly helpful either when you have only hard copy to send or when you
want to send an original signed letter, contract, blueprint, artwork, or other document that you
could not send via an e-mail transmission.
Faxes demonstrate exactly what original documents look like and allow recipients to obtain a
hard copy quickly.

Business fax messages consist of:

 A cover sheet
 A letter or attached documents
 The fax form should state the number of pages being sent.

For the sake of clarity, it's advisable to use a standard business letter format as the attachment.

Use standard size stationery for attachments.

The fax cover sheet information:

 Date
 Time
 To: Recipient's name
 From: Sender's name 
 Sender's phone number
 Sender's fax number
 Subject description
 Message text

Leave at least one line between each heading.

Use tabs to set up an easily read form, properly aligned.


Date 21 July 2010

Time: 14:10 EDST

To: D. Sire, Anywhere Bakery

From: F. Amished, Anywhere Catering Services

Subject: Birthday cakes for next month

Pages: 2


We've got a lot of orders for large birthday cakes next month. We will need 120 cakes by the
7th of August. Please find attached our order, which being so much larger than usual, we've
sent you this fax to give you as much advance notice as possible.

If you need any further information, or want to arrange for special delivery methods, please give
me a call


F. Amished
Sales Manager
Anywhere Catering Services

E-mail is a message sent electronically. Local and wide area networks can provide e-mail service
to their users. Users who are connected to the Internet can send and receive messages all over the
world. Workers use e-mail for routine messages with people inside and outside the company.
E-mail is appropriate for short, informal correspondence. File containing more information may
be attached to an e-mail. E-mail is inexpensive, fast, and easy to use for workers at all levels in a
company. Remember, however, that e-mail messages are recorded. They may be viewed by
people other than the person to whom you wrote. Your e-mail may be read by your employer or
co-workers. At work, never write an e-mail message that you would not want other employees or
your supervisor to read.

Subject Line: New [Lead magnet type]) [Lead magnet name]


Hi there [Name],

I’m emailing you today to let you know we have created a new [lead magnet type] called [lead
magnet name].

In this [lead magnet type], you’ll learn how to create [describe what your lead magnet covers in 2
to 3 sentences].

[Link]Click here to access the [lead magnet name] ⇒[Link]

If you know anybody else who’ll find this useful, please forward the email to them.
Let us know if you face any problems accessing the [lead magnet type] by replying to this email.
We’ll get back to you ASAP and ensure you gain access to it immediately.

Thank you,

[Your signature]

The second Example:

Hi Dave,

I hope that everything is OK over there. I just have a few questions about the Skipton Airport

First, can you give me an update on where you are on the project? I'd also appreciate if you could
explain what the current issues with the delivery system are? And confirm when you expect them
to be resolved.

Also, at the end of our last meeting I asked for a copy of the latest Project Report. I still haven't
received one. Can you forward it to me?

Can you also confirm if the post-installation support covers the equipment 24 hours a day? And
what is actually included in the support? We'd especially like to know if the cost of parts and
labour are included in the package? We need this information as soon as possible.

And lastly, we're thinking about extending the period of the post-installation support from your
company from 6 months to 12 months. Can you give us a quote for this extension?

Please get back to me with the information as soon as possible.


Ian McAdam
Development Manager

I.You are planning to go to on a business trip. Write the details below. The situation can be
imaginary, or you can make it similar to your real-job.
Where are you going?
How long are you going to stay?
Why are you going?
What is your itinerary (the places you will visit)?
Who will you meet?
How well do you know them? have you written/spoken to/met them before?

II. Write two e-mails, on separate sheets of paper, using the situation you created in part I. If
Possible, use real people’s names and a realistic content. The maximum length for each e-mail is
100 words:
e-mail 1: Write to the person you are going to meet. What do you need to tell them? Perhaps you
need to let them know what you want to discuss. Do you want them to arrange anything for you?

e-mail 2: Write an e-mail to all your colleagues. Tell them about your plans and ask them if they
want you to take / do / find out / bring back anything.


A letter of application is a letter which is made by an applicant to a company filled with a job
application. The contents of an application letter are :
1. The application itself
2. Curriculum vitae/personal data
3. A copy of our transcript
4. A copy of our certificates (formal/non formal)
5. A copy of ID
6. A copy of good health from local doctors or Public
Health Center
7. A copy of good manner from local police station

Types of Application Letters

•A Solicited letter, is sent in response to a help-wanted advertisement. Because such a letter will
be in competition with many, perhaps several hundred others, it must be composed with
distinction. At the same time, it must refer to advertisement and the specific job advertised.

•An unsolicited letter, is sent to a company for which you would like to work though you know
of no particular job opening. The advantage of this type of application, however, is that there will
be little competition and you can define yourself the position you would like to apply for. Too,
you can send out as many of these letters as you wish, to as many companies as you are aware
of; it is good idea, though to find out the name of a specific person to whom you can send the
letter- a more effective approach than simply addressing a letter to “personnel”.
Example of an application letter :


A curriculum vitae, often shortened to CV, is a Latin term meaning “course of life.” A CV is a
detailed professional document highlighting a person’s experience and accomplishments.
Employers often require a CV when considering applications. This document shares an overview
of your career history, education, relevant awards and honors, scholarships, grants, research,
projects and publications.

A CV may also include professional references, as well as coursework, fieldwork, hobbies and
interests relevant to your profession. You might also choose to add a personal profile that lists your
skills and positive attributes to ensure employers have a well-rounded view of your personality
and achievements.

The major sections of A Curriculum Vitae are the following:

•Personal data

In this part of the curriculum vitae the complete name, date of birth, the address, the nationality,
the telephone, fax number and the email must be provided
•Employment or work experience

- give the dates when you started and finished in each job you have had, especially those related
to the job you are seeking. Add the name and address of the company or employer.
- Sometimes it is important to provide a short summary about the job consisted in, emphasizing
your skills and abilities and the results obtained.
- organize jobs in reverse chronological order. Include beginning and terminating dates, job title,
name of company or organization, and location.
- If you do not still have much work experience, include any job you may have done, even part
time, weekend or temporary jobs, as long as you can provide a contract and/or payroll, if

Education and training

- Include all information about university degrees or other relevant studies in reverse
chronological order, i.e., most recent first.
- This information must include the date and university where it was obtain with its location, the
title of the degree or diploma and area of specialty (if any). If you have not yet finished your
studies, you should anticipate the date when you intend to obtain the degree or diploma. If during
your studies you made an industrial placement or internship, or spent study period abroad, you
should also point it out.
- Degrees and diplomas vary from one country to another and even in the Same country. It is
advisable to keep the original title of the degree and provide the closest equivalence for its
- You may also add the subjects or skills covered and a brief explanation of the level of the
diploma in the national education system.

•Language spoken, read, written

You have to specify language and your level in reading, writing and verbal skill

 Skills
In recent years employers are going more and more important to social, organizational and
technical skills. You may have acquired these skills during your studies or training, in your work
experience or in personal situations
- social skills refer to the ability to communicate well with people, working in teams, being able
to integrate easily in any kind of environment.
- Organizational skills deal with the ability to coordinate, organize or lead groups of people in
order to carry out tasks with a pre- established objective
- Technical skills are those related to the use of specific equipment, computer software,
machinery, etc.
- Other types of skills may be artistic, such as writing, playing music, etc., to which you can add
any other type of skill you think may be relevant for this job.

Additional Information
- Driving License
- Job or career interests
- Awards, scholarship, prizes
- Professional affiliations, publications
- Service
- Hobbies, interests, leisure activities, travel
- references
Note: Remember that you must adjust your CV depending on the position you apply for.

The Example Of Curriculum Vitae

Ann Kowalski

1000 Second Ave. NE | Portland, OR 97205

503-555-0123 |

Masters of Communication, 2017
University of Denver

University of Georgia Center for Computational Chemistry
Research Assistant 2009–2011

 Conducted physical and chemical laboratory tests to assist research scientists in qualitative and
quantitative analyses.
 Operated experimental pilots and assisted in developing new chemical engineering processes.
 Maintained all laboratory equipment to ensure a clean and safe work environment for students
and faculty.

Project management
Curriculum planning
Fluent in English and Mandarin

Awards and Honors

Wolf Foundation
Wolf Prize in Medicine, 2018
Awarded to up to three individuals globally, each year, for achievements in medical science.

Publications and Presentations

Understanding Auditory Sensitivity Issues in Children with Autism
2016, World Autism Organization Conference

Professional Associations
American Society of Journalists and Authors, New York (2010–Present)
Grants and Scholarships
The Oglesby-Snyder Grant for Equity and Cultural Diversity, 2012
Association for Applied Sport Psychology

Licenses and Certifications

Certificate in Sociological Practice, 2004
Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology

Exercise of Application and CV letter

Read the job adverts in the next slide. Which do you think you will apply for and then make your
own application letter and CV based on that job adverts.
(MEETING 9-14)


1. .Bond, Alan J. 300 Over Successful Business Letters for All Occasions. 1998. Baron’s
Educational Series, Inc. New York
2. Geffner, Andrea B. How to Writer Better Business Letter; Fourth Edition.2007. Baron’s
Educational Series, Inc. New York
3. Gartside,L. Model Business Letters. 2000. Bina Rupa Aksara. Jakarta
4. Gorman, David. English Business Letter.1991. Longman Singapore Publishers Pte. Ltd.
5. James, B. Model Business Letters. 1995. New Light Publishers. New Delhi
6. Salim, Peter. Modern Business Correspondence. 2000. Modern English Press. Jakarta

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