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Translate Of The

Elektrokimia adalah cabang kimia fisik yang mempelajari hubungan antara listrik, sebagai fenomena
terukur dan kuantitatif, dan perubahan kimia yang dapat diidentifikasi, dengan listrik dianggap sebagai hasil dari
perubahan kimia tertentu atau sebaliknya. Reaksi ini melibatkan muatan listrik yang bergerak di antara elektroda dan
elektrolit (atau spesies ionik dalam larutan). Jadi elektrokimia berurusan dengan interaksi antara energi listrik dan
perubahan kimia.
Jika reaksi kimia disebabkan oleh arus yang disuplai dari luar, seperti pada elektrolisis, atau jika arus listrik
dihasilkan oleh reaksi kimia spontan seperti pada baterai, ini disebut reaksi elektrokimia. Reaksi kimia yang mentransfer
elektron secara langsung antara molekul dan/atau atom disebut reaksi oksidasi-reduksi atau (redoks). Secara umum,
elektrokimia menjelaskan keseluruhan reaksi ketika masing-masing reaksi redoks terpisah tetapi dihubungkan oleh sirkuit
listrik eksternal dan elektrolit yang mengintervensi.

Perkembangan abad ke-16 hingga ke-18

Pemahaman tentang masalah kelistrikan dimulai pada abad keenam belas. Selama abad ini, ilmuwan
Inggris William Gilbert menghabiskan 17 tahun bereksperimen dengan magnetisme dan, pada tingkat yang lebih rendah,
listrik. Untuk karyanya tentang magnet, Gilbert dikenal sebagai "Bapak Magnetisme". Dia menemukan berbagai metode
untuk memproduksi dan memperkuat magnet. Pada tahun 1663, fisikawan Jerman Otto von Guericke menciptakan
generator listrik pertama yang menghasilkan listrik statis dengan menerapkan gesekan pada mesin. Generator terbuat
dari bola belerang besar yang dilemparkan ke dalam bola kaca, dipasang pada poros. Bola diputar dengan menggunakan
engkol dan percikan listrik dihasilkan saat bantalan digosokkan pada bola saat diputar. Bola dunia dapat dilepas dan
digunakan sebagai sumber untuk percobaan dengan listrik.

Pada pertengahan abad ke-18, ahli kimia Prancis Charles François de Cisternay du Fay telah
menemukan dua jenis listrik statis, dan bahwa muatan yang sejenis akan saling tolak menolak sedangkan muatan
yang tidak sejenis tarik-menarik. Du Fay mengumumkan bahwa listrik terdiri dari dua cairan: "vitreous" (dari
bahasa Latin untuk "kaca"), atau listrik positif; dan listrik "resin", atau negatif. Ini adalah teori listrik dua fluida
yang ditentang oleh teori satu fluida Benjamin Franklin di akhir abad itu.
Pada tahun 1785, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb mengembangkan hukum tarik-menarik elektrostatik
sebagai hasil dari upayanya untuk menyelidiki hukum tolakan listrik seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Joseph Priestley
di Inggris.
Pada akhir abad ke-18, dokter dan ahli anatomi Italia Luigi Galvani menandai lahirnya elektrokimia
dengan membuat jembatan antara reaksi kimia dan listrik pada esainya "De Viribus Electricitatis in Motu
Musculari Commentarius" (bahasa Latin untuk Commentary on the Effect of Electricity on Muscle Motion ) pada
tahun 1791 di mana dia mengusulkan "zat saraf-listrik" pada bentuk kehidupan biologis. Dalam esainya, Galvani
menyimpulkan bahwa jaringan hewan mengandung kekuatan vital bawaan yang terbengkalai, yang dia sebut
"listrik hewan", yang mengaktifkan saraf dan otot yang direntangkan oleh probe logam. Dia percaya bahwa gaya
baru ini adalah bentuk listrik selain bentuk "alami" yang dihasilkan oleh petir atau oleh belut listrik dan sinar
torpedo serta bentuk "buatan" yang dihasilkan oleh gesekan (yaitu, listrik statis).
Rekan-rekan ilmiah Galvani umumnya menerima pandangannya, tetapi Alessandro Volta menolak
gagasan "cairan listrik hewan", menjawab bahwa kaki katak menanggapi perbedaan dalam temper logam,
komposisi, dan curah. Galvani membantahnya dengan mendapatkan aksi otot dengan dua potong bahan yang
Abad ke-19

Pada tahun 1800, William Nicholson dan Johann Wilhelm Ritter berhasil menguraikan air menjadi
hidrogen dan oksigen melalui elektrolisis. Segera setelah itu Ritter menemukan proses elektroplating. Dia juga
mengamati bahwa jumlah logam yang disimpan dan jumlah oksigen yang dihasilkan selama proses elektrolitik
bergantung pada jarak antar elektroda. Pada tahun 1801, Ritter mengamati arus termoelektrik dan mengantisipasi
penemuan termoelektrik oleh Thomas Johann Seebeck.
Pada tahun 1810-an, William Hyde Wollaston melakukan perbaikan pada sel galvanik. Pekerjaan Sir
Humphry Davy dengan elektrolisis mengarah pada kesimpulan bahwa produksi listrik dalam sel elektrolisis
sederhana dihasilkan dari aksi kimiawi dan bahwa kombinasi kimiawi terjadi antara zat-zat dengan muatan
berlawanan. Karya ini mengarah langsung ke isolasi natrium dan kalium dari senyawanya dan logam alkali tanah
dari senyawanya pada tahun 1808.
Penemuan Hans Christian Ørsted tentang efek magnetik arus listrik pada tahun 1820 segera diakui
sebagai kemajuan zaman, meskipun ia menyerahkan pekerjaan lebih lanjut tentang elektromagnetisme kepada
orang lain. André-Marie Ampère dengan cepat mengulangi percobaan Ørsted, dan merumuskannya secara

Pada tahun 1821, fisikawan Estonia-Jerman Thomas Johann Seebeck mendemonstrasikan potensial
listrik pada titik-titik persimpangan dua logam berbeda ketika ada perbedaan panas di antara sambungan. Pada
tahun 1827, Ilmuwan Jerman Georg Ohm mengungkapkan hukumnya dalam buku terkenal ini "Die galvanische Kette,
mathematisch bear beitet" (The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically) di mana dia memberikan teori
listriknya yang lengkap.
Pada tahun 1832, eksperimen Michael Faraday membuatnya menyatakan dua hukum elektrokimia.
Pada tahun 1836, John Daniell menemukan sel primer yang memecahkan masalah polarisasi dengan menghilangkan
pembentukan gas hidrogen pada elektroda positif. Hasil selanjutnya mengungkapkan bahwa paduan seng yang
digabung dengan merkuri akan menghasilkan tegangan yang lebih tinggi.
William Grove memproduksi sel bahan bakar pertama pada tahun 1839. Pada tahun 1846, Wilhelm
Weber mengembangkan elektrodinamometer. Pada tahun 1868, Georges Leclanché mematenkan sel baru yang
akhirnya menjadi cikal bakal baterai pertama yang digunakan secara luas di dunia, sel karbon seng.
Svante Arrhenius menerbitkan tesisnya pada tahun 1884 tentang Recherchessur la
conductibilitégalvanique des électrolytes (Investigasi pada konduktivitas galvanik elektrolit). Dari hasil penelitiannya
penulis menyimpulkan bahwa elektrolit, ketika dilarutkan dalam air, menjadi berbagai derajat terbelah atau
terdisosiasi menjadi ion positif dan negatif yang berlawanan secara elektrik.

Pada tahun 1886, Paul Héroult dan Charles M. Hall mengembangkan metode yang efisien (proses Hall–Héroult)
untuk memperoleh aluminium dengan menggunakan elektrolisis alumina cair. Pada tahun 1894, Friedrich
Ostwald menyelesaikan studi penting tentang konduktivitas dan disosiasi elektrolitik asam organik.
Walther Hermann Nernst mengembangkan teori gaya gerak listrik sel volta pada tahun 1888. Pada
tahun 1889, dia menunjukkan bagaimana karakteristik arus yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk menghitung
perubahan energi bebas dalam reaksi kimia yang menghasilkan arus. Dia membangun sebuah persamaan, yang
dikenal sebagai persamaan Nernst, yang menghubungkan tegangan sel dengan sifat-sifatnya.
Pada tahun 1898, Fritz Haber menunjukkan bahwa produk reduksi pasti dapat dihasilkan dari proses
elektrolisis jika potensial di katoda dijaga konstan. Pada tahun 1898, dia menjelaskan reduksi nitrobenzena secara
bertahap di katoda dan ini menjadi model untuk proses reduksi serupa lainnya.
Abad ke-20 dan Perkembangan Terakhir

Pada tahun 1902, The Electrochemical Society (ECS) didirikan.

Pada tahun 1909, Robert Andrews Millikan memulai serangkaian percobaan untuk menentukan muatan listrik
yang dibawa oleh satu elektron.

Pada tahun 1923, Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted dan Martin Lowry pada dasarnya menerbitkan teori yang sama
tentang bagaimana asam dan basa berperilaku, menggunakan dasar elektrokimia. Pada tahun 1937, Arne
Tiselius mengembangkan peralatan elektroforesis canggih pertama. Beberapa tahun kemudian, ia dianugerahi
Hadiah Nobel 1948 untuk karyanya dalam elektroforesis protein. Setahun kemudian, pada tahun 1949,
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) didirikan. Pada 1960-an-1970-an elektrokimia kuantum
dikembangkan oleh Revaz Dogonadze dan murid-muridnya.
Oksidasi dan Reduksi
Istilah "redoks" adalah singkatan dari reduksi-oksidasi. Ini mengacu pada proses elektrokimia yang
melibatkan transfer elektron ke atau dari molekul atau ion yang mengubah keadaan oksidasinya. Reaksi ini dapat terjadi
melalui penerapan tegangan eksternal atau melalui pelepasan energi kimia. Oksidasi dan reduksi menggambarkan
perubahan keadaan oksidasi yang terjadi dalam atom, ion atau molekul yang terlibat dalam reaksi elektrokimia. Secara
formal, keadaan oksidasi adalah muatan hipotetis yang akan dimiliki atom jika semua ikatan dengan atom dari unsur yang
berbeda adalah 100% ionik. Atom atau ion yang menyerahkan elektron ke atom atau ion lain mengalami peningkatan
keadaan oksidasi, dan penerima elektron bermuatan negatif mengalami penurunan keadaan oksidasi.

Misalnya, ketika atom natrium bereaksi dengan atom klorin, natrium menyumbangkan satu elektron dan
mencapai keadaan oksidasi +1. Klorin menerima elektron dan keadaan oksidasinya direduksi menjadi −1. Tanda keadaan
oksidasi (positif/negatif) sebenarnya sesuai dengan nilai muatan elektronik masing-masing ion. Daya tarik ion natrium
dan klorin yang bermuatan berbeda adalah alasan mereka kemudian membentuk ikatan ionik.

Hilangnya elektron dari atom atau molekul disebut oksidasi, dan perolehan elektron adalah reduksi. Ini
dapat dengan mudah diingat melalui penggunaan perangkat mnemonik. Dua yang paling populer adalah "OIL
RIG"(Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain) dan "LEO" si singa berkata "GER" (Lose Electrons: Oxidation, Gain Electrons:
Reduction). Oksidasi dan reduksi selalu terjadi secara berpasangan sehingga satu spesies teroksidasi ketika yang lain
berkurang. Untuk kasus di mana elektron dibagi (ikatan kovalen) antara atom dengan perbedaan besar dalam
elektronegativitas, elektron ditugaskan ke atom dengan elektronegativitas terbesar dalam menentukan keadaan oksidasi.
Atom atau molekul yang kehilangan elektron dikenal sebagai zat pereduksi, atau reduktan, dan
zat yang menerima elektron disebut zat pengoksidasi, atau oksidan. Dengan demikian, zat pengoksidasi selalu
dikurangi dalam suatu reaksi; Agen pereduksi selalu teroksidasi. Oksigen adalah zat pengoksidasi yang umum,
tetapi bukan satu-satunya. Terlepas dari namanya, reaksi oksidasi tidak perlu melibatkan oksigen. Bahkan, api
dapat diberi makan oleh oksidan selain oksigen; Kebakaran fluor seringkali tidak dapat dipadamkan, karena
fluor adalah oksidan yang lebih kuat (ia memiliki elektronegativitas yang lebih tinggi dan dengan demikian
menerima elektron bahkan lebih baik) daripada oksigen.
Untuk reaksi yang melibatkan oksigen, perolehan oksigen menyiratkan oksidasi atom atau
molekul tempat oksigen ditambahkan (dan oksigen berkurang). Dalam senyawa organik, seperti butana atau
etanol, hilangnya hidrogen menyiratkan oksidasi molekul dari mana ia hilang (dan hidrogen berkurang). Ini
mengikuti karena hidrogen menyumbangkan elektronnya dalam ikatan kovalen dengan non-logam tetapi
mengambil elektron ketika hilang. Sebaliknya, kehilangan oksigen atau perolehan hidrogen menyiratkan
Sel Elektrokimia
Sel galvanik yang elektrodanya adalah seng dan tembaga terendam dalam seng sulfat dan tembaga sulfat dikenal
sebagai sel Daniell.
Setengah reaksi untuk sel Daniell adalah sebagai berikut:
Elektroda seng (anoda): Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2 e−
Elektroda tembaga (katoda): Cu2+(aq) + 2 e− → Cu(s)
Stand sel modern untuk penelitian elektrokimia. Elektroda dipasang ke kabel logam berkualitas tinggi, dan
dudukan dipasang ke potentiostat/galvanostat (tidak ada dalam gambar). Wadah berbentuk gelas sloki diangin-
anginkan dengan gas mulia dan disegel dengan blok Teflon.
Dalam contoh ini, anoda adalah logam seng yang teroksidasi (kehilangan elektron) untuk membentuk ion
seng dalam larutan, dan ion tembaga menerima elektron dari elektroda logam tembaga dan deposit ion di katoda
tembaga sebagai elektroda positif. Sel ini membentuk baterai sederhana karena secara spontan akan menghasilkan
aliran arus listrik dari anoda ke katoda melalui sambungan eksternal. Reaksi ini dapat digerakkan secara terbalik
dengan menerapkan tegangan, menghasilkan pengendapan logam seng di anoda dan pembentukan ion tembaga di
katoda Untuk menyediakan rangkaian listrik yang lengkap, juga harus ada jalur konduksi ionik antara elektrolit anoda
dan katoda selain jalur konduksi elektron. Jalur konduksi ionik yang paling sederhana adalah menyediakan sambungan
cair. Untuk menghindari pencampuran antara dua elektrolit, sambungan cairan dapat disediakan melalui sumbat
berpori yang memungkinkan aliran ion sekaligus mengurangi pencampuran elektrolit. Untuk lebih meminimalkan
pencampuran elektrolit, jembatan garam dapat digunakan yang terdiri dari gel jenuh elektrolit dalam tabung U terbalik.
Saat elektron bermuatan negatif mengalir dalam satu arah di sekitar sirkuit ini, ion logam bermuatan positif mengalir
dalam arah yang berlawanan dalam elektrolit.
1. Describe about :
a. Electrochemistry
b. Oxidation and Reduction
c. Electrochemical Cell

a. Electrochemistry b. Oxidation and Reduction c. Electrochemical Cell

Electrochemistry is the Reduction is a reaction that An electrochemical cell is a
branch of physical undergoes a reduction in device that can generate
chemistry that studies the oxidation number and an electrical energy from the
relationship increase in electrons. It can be chemical reactions occurring
between electricity, as a said that reduction is a reaction in it, or use the electrical
measurable and quantitative in which a substance loses energy supplied to it to
phenomenon, and oxygen. facilitate chemical reactions
identifiable chemical change, Oxidation is a reaction that has in it.
with either electricity an increase in oxidation
considered an outcome of a number and a decrease in
particular chemical change or electrons. It can be said that
vice-versa. oxidation is a reaction in which
a substance binds oxygen.
2. How do they play important role in daily life ?
Examples in daily life are:

1. Making Some Chemicals. Several chemicals such as the alkali and alkaline earth metals aluminum,
hydrogen gas, oxygen gas, chlorine gas, and sodium hydroxide are prepared by electrolysis. Example:
Preparation of sodium metal by electrolyzing melted NaCl mixed with CaCl2.

2. Metal Refining. In processing copper from chalcopyrite ore, copper is obtained which is still mixed with
a small amount of silver, gold and platinum. For some purposes, pure copper is needed, for example to
make cables. Impure copper is separated from impurities by electrolysis. Impure copper is installed as
the anode and pure copper is installed as the cathode in an electrolyte solution CuSO4 copper at the
anode will be oxidized to Cu2+ then Cu2+ is reduced at the cathode.

3. Metal gilding. A metal product to protect it from corrosion (rusting) and look more attractive is often
coated with a thin layer of another metal that is more corrosion resistant and shiny. One way of plating
or plating is by electrolysis. The object to be coated is installed as a cathode and a piece of plated metal
is installed as an anode which is immersed in a salt solution of the plated metal and connected to a direct
current source. Example: to coat cutlery made of steel with silver, then a fork is installed as the cathode
and silver metal is installed as the anode, with an electrolyte solution
3. What is Redox and its 4. How to provide a complete
Function ? circuit

● The term "redox" stands for reduction- For a circuit to be complete, there must be
oxidation. It refers to electrochemical processes wires connected to both the positive and
involving electron transfer to or from negative ends of the power supply. A simple
a molecule or ion changing its oxidation state. circuit can be made from a battery, a bulb
and wires.
● Redox reactions are common and vital to
some of the basic functions of life, including
photosynthesis, respiration, combustion, and
corrosion or rusting.

Focus on Grammar
Verb Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
• Present tense expresses a constant, repeated, • Past tense expresses an action or condition that
habitual, or customary action or condition. It can also was started and completed in the past. Except for
express a general truth or an action or condition that be, all regular and irregular verbs have one past-
is happening right now. The present tense of all verbs tense form. The past-tense form of be may be
except be is the same as the base form of the verb. To either was or were.
form the third-person singular of these verbs, add -s
or -es to the base form.

• Future tense to express an action or condition that will

occur in the future. To form the future tense of any verb,
use will or shall before the base form of the verb.
Exercise 1. Complete each sentence by writing the tense of the verb indicated in

1. Temperature records go back as far as the mid-1800s. (go, present)

2. Studying the records, climatologists found a worldwide increase in temperature. (find, past)
3. They think the increase is about 1 F since 1860. (think, present)
4. Several years in the 1980s were among the warmest ever recorded.
(be, past)
5. However, scientists discovered no overall warming trend in the United States. (discover,
6. Still, the continental United States covers only about 1.5 percent of Earth. (cover, present)
7. Climate on Earth varies dramatically from region to region. (vary, present)
8. Scientists use mathematical models and powerful computers to predict changes in the
earth’s climate. (use, present)
9. Weather changes from day to day and sometimes from year to year. (change, present)
10. Global warming leads to much debate among scientists. (lead, present)
Exercise 2. Change the verb or verbs in each sentence to future tense. Write the new verb in the
blank. For those sentences indicated, use other words besides will or shall to express
future time. Answers may vary.

1. Temperatures rose more quickly in the Northern Hemisphere. will rise

2. There was greater warming in winters than in summers. (Do not use will or shall.) about greater
3. Winter temperatures increase by an even greater amount in the Arctic and Antarctic. will increase
4. Snow and ice melted. will melt
5. An increase in evaporation put more water vapor into the atmosphere. shall put more
6. Water flooded low-lying areas. will flood
7. Sea levels are as much as 25 feet above normal. will be as much as
8. Ocean currents slowed down or shifted direction. will slow down or shift
9. Hurricanes became more powerful and frequent. will become
10. Global warming brought many unexpected changes. will bring
11. Perhaps some areas benefited from global warming. (Do not use will or shall.) about to get benefit
12. Small organisms were more adaptable to a rapid change in climate. shall be more adaptable
Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future

• The present perfect tense expresses an action or condition that

occurred at some indefinite time in the past. This tense also shows
an action or condition that began in the past and continues into
the present. To form the present perfect tense, use has or have
with the past participle of a verb.

• The past perfect tense to indicate that one past action or

condition began and ended before another past action started. To
form the past perfect tense, use had with the past participle of a

• The future perfect tense to express one future action that will
begin and end before another future event begins. To form the
future perfect tense, use will have or shall have with the past
participle of a verb.
Exercise 1. Identify each perfect tense verb by underlining it and writing either present perf.,
past perf., or future perf. in the blank.

1. Past perf. Frederick had worn glasses for five years before he got contact lenses.
2. Present perf. The puppy has grown two inches in five weeks.
3. Future perf. By next year the doctor will have treated two thousand patients.
4. Present perf. The diligent carpenter has built ten cabinets in one month.
5. Future perf. By the end of the year the sun will have risen 365 times.
6. Past perf. Cleo had written the story that everyone liked so much.
7. Future perf. In May the Cruzes will have lived in Tucson for five years.
8. Present perf. I have ridden every roller coaster in the park.
9. Past perf. Massachusetts had joined the Union before Vermont became a state.
10. Present perf. California has been a favorite vacation spot for years.
11. Future perf. By the time my mother leaves work, I will have put dinner in the oven.
12. Present perf. Miguel has written in his journal every day this week.
13. Present perf. We have taken a trip to the river every summer since we moved here.
14. Present perf. Frances has shown animals in the fair for five years.
Exercise 2. Complete each sentence by writing the tense of the verb indicated in

1. The wild flowers in the field [ have bloomed ] every year. (present perfect of bloom)
2. I [ have dreamed ] of visiting the Ukraine. (present perfect of dream)
3. Texas [ will have been ] a state for two hundred years in the year 2045. (future perfect of be)
4. We [ have tried ] everything to keep the cold air from coming under the door. (present perfect of try)
5. Next week, the basketball player [ will have broken ] the record for most games played.(future perfect of break)
6. Linda [ had driven ] two hundred miles before she stopped for gas. (past perfect of drive)
7. By the time I shoveled the walk, an inch of new snow [ had fallen ] to the ground. (past perfect of fall)
8. Zina [ has enjoyed ] each of her many visits to the art museum. (present perfect of enjoy)
9. The museum of natural history [ has displayed ] countless artifacts for more than a century. (present perfect of display)
10.In February, the corner grocery [ will have been ] in the same location for thirty years. (future perfect of be)
11. Mr. Landis [ had bought ] a gift for his daughter’s fifteenth birthday when she mentioned the new radio. (past perfect
of buy)
12. My family [ have recycled ] aluminum cans for as long as I can remember. (present perfect of recycle)
13. Rabbits [ have eaten have dreamed ] vegetables from our garden every summer. (present perfect of eat)
14. By the time Mary finished her paper route, the sun [ had risen ] (past perfect of rise)
15. Next week, the astronauts [ will have made ] their tenth journey into space. (future perfectof make)
Progressive and Emphatic Forms
Each of the six verb tenses has a progressive form that expresses a
continuing action. To make the progressive form, use the
appropriate tense of the verb be with the present participle of the
main verb.
• They are trying. (present progressive)
• They were trying. (past progressive)
• They will be trying. (future progressive)
• They have been trying. (present perfect progressive)
• They had been trying. (past perfect progressive)
• They will have been trying. (future perfect progressive)
The present and past tenses have additional forms, called
emphatic, that add force, or emphasis, to the verb. To make the
emphatic forms, use do, does, or did with the base form of the
• I do try. (present emphatic)
• I did try. (past emphatic)
Exercise 1. Underline the progressive or emphatic verb form in each sentence and
write in the blank which form it is.
1. Past Perfect Progressive. The corn had been growing at a record pace until the dry spell.
2. Past Progressive. The farmers were hoping for a bountiful harvest.
3. Past Emphatic. They did work hard this year.
4. Present Perfect Progressive. Have you been watching the progress of the soybeans?
5. Future Progressive. The cold weather in Florida will be affecting the growth of citrus fruits.
6. Present Emphatic . I do hope the weather improves.
7. Past Perfect Progressive. My cousin had been eating cantaloupe all summer until it became too expensive.
8. Future Perfect Progressive. The neighbors have been tending to their own vegetable garden.
9. Future Progressive. Will they be giving the neighbors any fresh vegetables?
10. Past Progressive. George was weeding his garden when a rabbit came along.
11. Present Progressive. The birds are eating the seeds we have planted.
12. Present Progressive. My parents are making a scarecrow.
13. Future Perfect Progressive. By tomorrow, they will have been canning tomatoes for two solid weeks.
14. Future Progressive. We will be enjoying garden tomatoes in the winter!
15. Present Emphatic . I do love fresh tomatoes!
Exercise 2. Complete each sentence by writing the form of the verb indicated in

1. By tomorrow morning, the telethon [ will have been broadcasting ] for 48 hours. (future perfect
progressive of broadcast)
2. The dog [ has been barking ] nonstop for an hour. (present perfect progressive of bark)
3. My aunt and uncle [ are hoping ] for a baby girl. (present progressive of hope)
4. The bus driver [ had been taking ] this route as long as she could remember. (past perfect
progressive of take)
5. I [ did call ] you before I left! (past emphatic of call)
6. The old cow [ was grazing ] peacefully in the field. (past progressive of graze)
7. The rancher [ will be putting ] the horses in the stable at nightfall. (future progressive of put)
8. Ten of us [ have been washing ] cars for two hours. (present perfect progressive of wash)
9. We [ do believe ] in our team! (present emphatic of believe)
10. In ten minutes, we [ will have been waiting ] in line for a full five hours for these tickets. (future
perfect progressive of wait)

11. We [ are thinking ] about moving practice to Friday. (present progressive of think)
12. My friends and I [ have been buying ] all of this group’s music recently. (present perfect progressive
of buy)
13. Just before the speaker came out, the audience [ had been chanting ] his name.
(past perfect progressive of chant)
14. The judge [ did listen ] carefully to both sides. (past emphatic of listen)
15. Reporters [ are interviewing ] the mayor now. (present progressive of interview)
16. The principal [ was telling ] us about the incident in the parking lot. (past progressive of tell)
17. The spectators [ will be leaving ] the arena soon. (future progressive of leave)
18. Paul [ has been cleaning ] the house all afternoon in anticipation of the party. (present perfect
progressive of clean)
Voice of Verbs : Active and Passive

An action verb is the active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the
Example :
The dog chased the cat.

An action verb is the passive voice when the action is performed on the subject.
Example :
The cat was chased by the dog.

The active voice is generally stronger. However, sometimes the passive voice is
preferred or even necessary. Use the passive voice if you do not want to call
attention to the performer or if you do not know the performer.
Exercise 1 Write A if the action verb in each sentence is in the active voice and P if
it is in the passive voice.

1. P. Our furniture was carried inside by the movers.

2. P. The door was held open by me.
3. P. A standing ovation was received by the speaker.
4. A. The reporter interviewed the movie star.
5. A. Betina has played softball every Tuesday for a month.
6. P. The landscape was carefully painted by the artist.
7. A. His grandfather told the boy many stories.
8. A. Mrs. Miles donates time to the women’s shelter.
9. P. A crayon was pulled from the box by the little girl.
10. A. She displays her drawing with pride.
11. P. All ten pins were knocked down by the skilled bowler.
12. P. The last score was missed by the scorekeeper.
13. A. Five hundred students were graduated by the university.
14. A. My aunt telephones our apartment every week.
15. P. Hot dogs are being eaten by the students.

16. A. Two authors wrote the book.

17. P. Twenty dollars had been earned by Ernest.
18. A. A patient called the doctor.
19. P. The park was covered by tall pines.
20. P. A truck is being driven by the forest ranger.
21. P. The test was taken by the class.
22. A. Our team has won the game.
23. P. The blaze was fought tirelessly by the firefighters.
24. P. The spelling bee has been won by Hiro.
25. P. An amusing story was written by the six-year-old.
26. A. The tennis player hit the ball hard.
27. P. The plane is being flown by the new pilot.
28. A. By tomorrow, a relative will have taken the Jeffersons to the airport.
29. P. The building is jealously protected by the watchdog.
30. P. The toy has been hidden by William.

31. P. Four books had been read by Rhetta in one week.

32. A.The school board closed the school.
33. A. The class was passing around the sign-up sheet.
34. A. We will take two burgers.
35. A. I have already eaten lunch.
36. P.The salad dressing was tasted by Anna.
37. A. My sister was singing the same song for an hour.
38. P. The spark plug had been removed by the mechanic.
39. A. The mechanic replaced the headlight and tail light.
40. A. The Smiths will take in the stray dog.
Thank You!

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