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Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri,

dan Contoh
Halo Scholars…
Pada artikel kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Explanation text. Seperti
namanya, Explanation text merupakan teks yang menjelaskan sesuatu. Kita
akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai pengertian, struktur, ciri-ciri, dan
contoh dari Explanation text. Buat kalian yang masih bingung cara
menulis Explanation text, mari simak artikel berikut.
Okay, let’s go!

1. Pengertian Explanation Text

Explanation text adalah teks yang menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai
proses terjadinya fenomena alam, sosial, pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya.

2. Generic Structure of Explanation Text

Berikut generic structure dari Explanation text:

 Title
Judul pada Explanation text biasanya diawali dengan kata how dan why.

 A general statement
Pada bagian ini berisi tentang pernyataan umum yang bertujuan untuk
memberikan gambaran pada pembaca tentang topik yang dibahas.

 Explanation
Bagian ini berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa
terjadi atau tercipta. Explanation berupa jawaban dari
pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’. Dari sebuah

 Closing
Bagian akhir ini berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada
bagian Explanation.
3. Characteristics of Explanation Text
 Simple Present Tense
Menggunakan simple present tense. Karena Explanation text berisi tentang
fakta suatu kejadian atau tindakan.

 Passive Voice
Menggunakan passive voice, seperti happened, occured, taken,  etc.

 Chronological Connectors
Menggunakan chronological connectors. Seperti first, second, after that,
next, etc.

 Noun, Pronouns, dan Action Verb

Menggunakan pronouns, dan action verb. Seperti pronoun (he, you,
their), action verb (came, attended, built), etc.

4. Example of Explanation Text

Berikut contoh dari Explanation text dan penjelasannya:

Why Eiffel Tower Was Built?

If we talk about the Wonders of the World buildings, then we will see Eiffel
Tower as one of them. (general statement) However, many of us do not
know the tower’s past history on why it was build. Everything has the
reasonable background, especially for the tower which is to be one of the
most recognized buildings in the world.

Primarily, the Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition. It was called
Paris Exposition in 1889. The exhibition was organized to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the French Revolution. The purpose of building Eiffel Tower in
such structure was to show to the world France’s advancement of technology
and beauty. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel. It seemed that
then the name of the tower was derived from the designer’s last name,
“Eiffel”. (explanation)
Another reason on why the tower was built was for scientific progress.
Although few realized it, the Eiffel Tower would become the prominent
structure in terms of science and technology. Many experiment with
temperature, pressure and pendulums were performed atop the unique
famous building. Additionally the Eiffel Tower was used for radio transmission
tower. Many experiments were conducted atop the Eiffel Tower for radio
transmission advancement.
Once the Eiffel Tower was proposed to be demolished but it was spared
because the tower had the promising future as a radio tower. (closing)

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