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(Glycyrrhiza glabra), KULIT BATANG PULASARI (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl)  

  Agustin Wijayanti
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013 | Diunduh dari


Penggunaan obat-obat golongan Obat Anti Inflamasi Non Steroid (OAINS)

seperti Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) di masyarakat masih tinggi, berefek iritasi
terhadap mukosa lambung berakhir timbulnya tukak lambung. Glycyrrhiza glabra
yang mengandung glycrrhizin dan Blumea balsamifera yang mengandung
kuersetin berdasar penelitian terdahulu terbukti memiliki daya proteksi terhadap
mukosa lambung akibat induksi asetosal. Alyxia reinwardtii yang memiliki
kandungan zat aktif minyak atsiri dan 3-hidroksikumarin berdasarkan pengalaman
empiris dapat mengatasi gangguan lambung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
mempelajari efek pemberian infusa ramuan ketiga tanaman tersebut dalam
melindungi mukosa lambung dengan mengetahui skor kerusakan mukosa, jumlah
sel mast dan eosinofil pada tikus model tukak lambung yang diinduksi asetosal.
Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan rancangan the post test only
control group design. 30 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Wistar berumur 2-3 bulan,
dengan berat badan100-250 gram terbagi menjadi 6 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5
hewan uji terbagi secara random yaitu kelompok AO (asetosal 90 mg) /200 g BB,
AIR (akar manis 54,6 mg/ 200 g BB + pulasari 20mg/200 g BB + daun sembung
91,5 mg/200 g BB) , AIS (akar manis 54,6 mg/ 200 gBB + pulasari 40 mg/200 g
BB + daun sembung 91,5 mg/200 g BB) , AIT (akar manis 54,6 mg/ 200 g BB +
pulasari 60mg/200 g BB + daun sembung 91,5 mg/200 g BB); AS (asetosal 90
mg dan sukralfat 72 mg) /200 g BB and OIS (akar manis 54,6 mg/ 200 gBB +
pulasari 40 mg/200 g BB + daun sembung 91,5 mg/200 g BB). Seluruh perlakuan
diberikan secara peroral selama tujuh hari. Hari ke delapan dipuasakan 24 jam lalu
diterminasi. Diperiksa jumlah dan rerata luas lesi pada mukosa lambung.
Pengamatan gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus dengan pewarnaan
Hematoksilin Eosin memakai skor kerusakan mukosa lambung. Pengamatan sel
mast dengan pewarnaan biru toluidin. Digunakan uji non parametrik Kruskal-
Wallis dan Mann-Whitney.
Kombinasi akar manis, kulit batang pulasari dan daun sembung
menunjukkan efek yang signifikan (p<0,05) terhadap skor lesi. Hasil ini juga
didukung oleh data penelitian histopatologinya. Kelompok perlakuan memiliki
persentase jumlah sel mast dan eosinofil yang lebih rendah dibandingkan
kelompok asetosal.

Kata Kunci: Gastroprotektif, infusa, G. glabra, A. reinwardtii, B. balsamifera


(Glycyrrhiza glabra), KULIT BATANG PULASARI (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl)
Agustin Wijayanti
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013 | Diunduh dari


Non steroidal antiinflammatory medicine such as acetosal have been largely

used. It’s adverse reactions include superficial gastric erotion that result in peptic
ulcer. Previously, Glycyrrhiza glabra containing glycyrrhizin and Blumea
balsamifera containing quersetin, have been proved is ability of gastric mucosa
caused by acetosal induction. Empirically, Alyxia reinwardtii contains several
active substances of volatile oil and 3-hydroxicumarine. The aim of the study is
the infuse of three plants combination in protecting gastric mucosa to look at the
score of mucosal number damage, the number on the of mast cell and eosinophil
on mice as gastric ulcer model induced by acetosal.
This experimental was concucted study used the post–test only controls
group design. Thirty white male Wistar rats of 2-3 month old, of body weight were
randomly devided into six groups of five. The first group were AO (acetosal 90 mg/
200g BB), the second was AIR (sweet roof 54,6 mg/ 200 g BB + pulasari bark of
20 mg/200 g BB + sembung leaf 91,5 mg/200 g BB) , the third was AIS (sweet
roof 54,6 mg/ 200 g BB + pulasari bark 40 mg/ 200 g BB + sembung leaf 91,5
mg/ 200 g BB) , the fourth was AIT (sweet roof 54,6 mg/ 200 g BB + pulasari
bark 60mg/ 200 g BB + sembung leaf 91,5 mg/ 200 g BB), the fifth was AS
(acetosal 90 mg + sucralfat 72 mg /200 g BB), the six was OIS (sweet roof 54,6
mg/ 200 g BB + pulasari 40 mg/ 200 g BB + sembung leaf 91,5 mg/ 200 g BB).
All treatments were given per oral during 7 days. Ten minutes after drug treatmen,
the mice were induced by acetosal. At the 8th day, the mice were fasted for 24
hours, and then, they sacrificed. The total and the average of lession area in the
gastric mucosa was observed. The gastrohistopathology feature in mice was
examined using haematoxiline eosin dying with mucosal lession scorring
eosinophil. The total of mast cell staining by toluidine blue. The non parametric
test of Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney were applied.
The combination of sweet roof, pulasari bark and sembung leaf was
observed significantly (p<0,05) the lession score. This result also supported by
histopatological examinations. The treatment group had a percentage of the
number of mast cells and eosinophils were lower than the acetosal group.

Key word : Gastroprotektif, infusa, G. glabra, A. reinwardtii, B. balsamifera


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