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A. Definisi Skimming

Menurut kamus daring Cambridge Dictionary, skim merupakan kata kerja yang
akhirnya ditambahkan suffix -ing untuk membentuk kata “skimming” yang berarti untuk
membaca atau memerhatikan sesuatu secara cepat demi memahami poin-poin penting atau
intisari dari suatu bacaan yang ingin diperhatikan. Dengan melakukan skimming atau bacaan
cepat terhadap suatu bacaan, maka detil-detil kecil dan tergolong trivial di dalam teks atau
bacaan akan diabaikan karena focus hanya akan terarahkan pada dan terhadap hal-hal atau
substansi yang dinilai penting oleh pembaca sehingga menjadikannya lebih efisien dalam
menyimpan waktu ketika mencari informasi-informasi penting tanpa memerhatikan detail
yang tidak perlu dibahas dalam bacaan atau tidak dicari oleh sang pembaca.

Contoh dari skimming sendiri dapat dilihat di kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai manusia
dan sebagai seorang yang terpelajar dan sedang menempuh Pendidikan. Bacaan menjadi
suatu hal yang penting dan memiliki peranan yang krusial dalam kehidupan orang banyak,
terutama bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum yang memiliki landasan atau acuan pengetahuan
yang tertulis. Tulisan tersebut harus dipahami karena atas dasar pemahaman bahwa hukum
yang telah berlaku dianggap telah diketahui dan dipahami oleh semua orang yang berada di
Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Tanpa menerapkan skimming, maka proses untuk membaca akan menjadi lebih lama
daripada seharusnya. Waktu yang dapat digunakan untuk hal lain tersebut akan terbuang dan
tidak akan ada efisiensi waktu yang tertera di dalamnya. Maka dalam penerapannya, orang-
orang memiliki suatu kepentingan untuk mengetahui dan menguasai cara untuk melakukan
skimming di dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Skimming sendiri memiliki peran terbesar
dalam menciptakan efisiensi waktu dan menjadi titik berat dari pentingnya dilakukan dan
alasan utama untuk melakukannya, terutama apabila penulis telah menentukan dan
memutuskan bahwa Sebagian besar atau beberapa bagian dari teks yang akan dibacanya
bukanlah suatu bagian yang krusial atau penting, melainkan sesuatu yang dapat dilewatkan.

Kekurangan dari skimming atau membaca cepat itu sendiri terletak pada kekuatannya
pula yang membuatnya lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan scanning, yaitu detail-detail yang
akan sangat kurang diperhatikan dalam proses membaca teks tersebut. Hal-hal kecil yang
ditinggalkan dapat pula menjadi factor yang merugikan karena tanpa memerhatikan detail
kecil, maka banyak informasi yang dapat tertinggal walaupun pastinya tidak akan tertinggal
banyak jika dilakukan perbandingan dalam factor jumlah murni.
B. Exercise

Exercise 1 dan 2 oleh Early Egidya Aswido (B011221182)

Exercise 1

1. Is this a good book to give as a birthday present to a six-year-old boy? why or why

-This book is great to give to a 6 years old child as a birthday present because he can
get to know more about turtles and some other animals from an early age.

2. Would you like to read this book? why or why not?

- I'm not really interested in the book because I'm not interested in knowing too much
about turtles.

Exercise 2

1. which book do you think would be most useful to you and why?

- In my opinion, a book that can be useful to me is Where Is No Doctor, because in that

book the author provides information about treatments for diseases that are often experienced
by people and how to treat them or prevent them.

2. Which book is the most interesting to you and why?

- The book that caught my attention was The Twenty-four Hour Society because it
discusses how a person's body can work and if it crosses the limits of its ability it will be
fatal. With this book, I feel that I can be more aware of my body's ability to prevent
unwanted things from happening.

3. Which books would you recommend to someone who is interested in the


- The book that I would recommend to people who are interested in the environment is
State of the World 1993 because this book discusses the dilemma of the environment and
human population and also discusses how important it is to revive dwindling coral reefs.

4. Which books would you recommend to someone who is interested in health?

- The book that I would recommend to someone who is interested in health is Eat for
Life because this book discusses the habits of consuming unhealthy and healthy eating. This
book provides a solution to managing food so that it becomes a healthy meal and avoids
various diseases

5. Which book would you recommend to someone who is interested in how technology
affects our lives?

- The book that I would recommend to someone who is interested in technology that
affects our lives is extinction because this book discusses the reasons for the extinction of
species that will happen in the future. Because it is certain that technology plays an important
role in this research

Exercise 3 dan 4 oleh Sry Wahyuni Anggreni (B011221181)

Exercise 3

1. Is this a good book for an 11-year-old girl? Why or why not?

: no, because in this book there are sensitive discussions that should not be appropriate
for an 11-year-old girl to read.
2. Does this seem like a good book for vacation reading? Why or why not?
: yes, I think this book is good to read during the holidays as a spare time filler because
it provides information that is not boring and makes us want to read more
3. Is this a good book to read if you are interested in romance? Why or why not?
: Yes, because in this book it discusses the interesting love story of Theresa and Helen
4. Did the reviewer think this was a good book? How can you tell?
: yes, he likes it that can be seen from how he is immersed in the story told in the book.

Exercise 4
1. Is this a good book for a friend with two young children who love animals? Why or
why not?
: Yes, because the book provides information about animals with additional pictures
that will keep you from getting bored
2. Is this a good book for someone who wants to know about farm animals? Why or
why not?
: no, because the book is more likely to discuss animals that generally do not become
livestock. and the information presented in the book is more about how the animal looks, not
about the instructions for animals that are suitable for livestock.
3. Does the author of this book like zoos? Why or why not?
: yes, he likes it especially a zoo that is able to duplicate the original habitat of animals
so that the animals in it are healthier and happier. he also lamented that there was an
inadequate zoo.
4. Does this sound like a book you would like to read? Why or why not?
: Yes, I think I'd be interested in reading it. because the book presents detailed and
interesting information about animals accompanied by pictures so I think I won't get bored
reading it.
Exercise 5 dan 6 oleh Talitha Fathina (B011221183)



1. What has happened to the three children from South Carver?

—> Three children from South Carver (Seth, Cindy, Erland, and Bruce McCaffay)
disappeared yesterday afternoon

2. What do the people in South Carver think about the situation?

—> They are worried because the weather was bad out there

3. What do you think will happen to them?

—> They faced bad weather and extreme condition, they must have been terrified in the
cold woods. It is very difficult to survive in such conditions. I hope they get help quickly.


1. How did the story end?

—> Luckily at the end the three children from South Carver were found

2. How did the children feel in the night?

—> They know they have to ask for help but they can’t because they are cold and the
weather is so bad
3. Was it easy to find them?

—> No, it’s was very difficult and took all night to find them

4. How did their parents feel in the end?

—> Of course, their parents are very happy to see their children again


1. According to this article, is jet lag worse when you travel eastward or westward?

—> According to this article, jet lag is indeed worse if you are traveling east, because
on the way east, the body has to adjust by shortening its day, against the tendencies of the
body’s nature. This explains why traveling from west to east often result in even more
suffering from jet lag.

2. What causes jet lag?

—> In the article below, Dr. Minsky points out that there are three main causes of jet
lag, and two of them can be avoid. First, people are often exhausted when they are getting
ready for a trip, so they are already exhausted when they get on the plane. Second, long
distance travelers often enjoy drinks to kill time. Alcohol can cause stomach upset and
interfere with a good night’s sleep. The third and inevitable cause of jet lag is the fact that
long distance air travel disrupts your biological clock.

3. What can you do to minimize jet lag?

—> There are several ways to minimize jet lag provided they follow certain common
senses strategies. With that, travelers will get over jet lag more quickly. Below is the way.

• Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet before taking a long flight.

• On the plane, immediately set your watch: to your destination time. Then allow this
time to guide your behavior: During the trip, eat and stay according to the new time zone.

• Once you arrive, start following the normal routine for that time zone. Try not to take
naps. Set an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning. Spend time outside during the day,
and sleep at night.
• Avoid sleeping pills, alcohol, or other drugs that you don’t normally use.

4. Is tthere a quick cure for jet lag?

—> Many people think that there must be some quick and easy cures for jet lag and all
kinds of drugs have been popularized, from vitamins to special diets, but the fact is the
research has shown that no drugs is really effective.

Exercise 7 dan 8 oleh Adinda Febrianti Khaeriah Damis (B011221184)

Exercise 7

1. Is this writer hopeful or discouraged about the future? How can you tell?

= The writer is rather discouraged about the future of the world considering how the
writer had been putting out opinions and facts backed by data regarding how the world had
deteriorated starting from the start of the Industrial revolution and now barely anything was
left for the countries around the world to enjoy. It was also prominent and evident from how
the writer mentioned regarding the loss of Mauritius and Easter Island, a former proof of
natural glory that was lost due to the greedy humans. However, Author Linden did slip in a
light of hope and optimism for the future at the end of the article.

2. What are some negative effects of population growth according to this author?

= Now, much more land would be needed in order to accommodate for every single
person on Earth, had the Earth reached 11 billion people by mid-century. With the increasing
population and how free land is decreasing by the years, it would be difficult to accommodate
for everyone and would only serve as a source of problem to everyone else. Another negative
effect would be that countless billions of lives would be extinct or become environmental
refugees along with being very much prone to natural disasters due the chemical uprising in
the atmosphere as well and barely any care about the environment in general. Food and
energy will also continue being a thorn in the side of the people, especially the poorer nations
that are struggling to get by even in the present.

3. What does the author say must be done to avoid disaster?

= The author said that the best chance the human race got would be to cut down the
population growth and stop the growth at 8 billion by mid-century or 2050. However, even
the author knew that such achievement would not be easy to gain due to how fast the world is
growing in the present and people seemed to have no wished to stop procreating or to take
better care of nature despite the hardships that are prevalent in the present times

Exercise 8

1. Which article tell you more about the personal life of Eleanor Roosevelt?

= The first article by Alfred Steinberg is a lot more compact compared to the second
one, however the compactness did feature less of Eleanor Roosevelt's personal affairs in life.
It discussed more about her political life and how she had helped President Franklin D.
Roosevelt in his workload and life as the President of the United States at the time,
considering she was the First Lady before President Harry S. Truman took over. And so, to
conclude, Article 2, written by Joseph P. Lash is the article that explains better about Eleanor
Roosevelt's personal life.

2. The author of one of these articles has written a book about Eleanor Roosevelt.
Which one do you think it is?

= Judging by the watermark and details of writer put at the bottom right of the articles,
the writer would be Joseph P. Lash who had written a book titled "Eleanor and Franklin". And
it became obvious that the second article was written by someone who had written a book
prior or along with it due to how well it was sectioned and made into smaller parts that was
more easily comprehensible for the readers to grasp what the main points of the whole article
would be.

3. Does Eleanor Roosevelt sound like the typical woman of her time? Why or why not?

= While in the present time, Eleanor Roosevelt would still be deemed as an example of
a prestigious and very talented woman, it was considered even more so amazing back in her
time when women did not have that many rights regarding the office. Back in Eleanor
Roosevelt's time, racism along with sexism were at an all times high and women were
expected to stay home and clean the house as well as cook. However, the First Lady decided
to help fuel her husband's political and governmental stability. She was certainly not an ideal
woman of her time, however she was admired by women from across the United States,
nevertheless. It would not be a surprising statement if Eleanor's move and courage had
become the basis of women's right movement to let women vote in the United States.
4. What effect did Franklin Roosevelt's illness have on Eleanor's life?

= Franklin's illness, which was polio that was diagnosed back in 1921, highly affected
her political life due to how much she was made to oblige to his rules and his position as the
President of the United States. Upon Franklin's time of illness, and following his later death
in the year 1945, Eleanor would certainly had to have lost her opportunities in raising and
developing her own organizations and non-governmental racial bodies due to the reasoning
that President Roosevelt would be the reason behind it and with the addition that she would
have to tend to the sick man and would continue doing so to the point of his death in 1945.

Exercise 9 oleh A. Muh. Daffa Daniswara Asapa (B011221185)

1. Which article begins with a brief history of AIDS in the United States?

: the second article

2. Which article gives more information about the transmission (spreading) of AIDS?

: the first article

3. If you were writing a report about AIDS, which of these articles would be more useful
to you? Why?

: I think both of the article is very useful, but if had to choose I would go with the first
article because it has more detailed information

4. Do these articles give any hope that a cure will be found soon for AIDS?

: no, the article did not give any hope, but there is a treatment that may improve
longevity and quality of life. and I think the cure will not be invented anytime soon because
AIDS attacks the body’s immune system, which makes sufferers have a lower immunity than
others and also this virus is resistant to vaccines

5. In skimming the articles, did you find out something about AIDS that you did not
know before?

: yes, I just found out that the virus can be transmitted from mother to child before
birth, after birth, and possibly by breast feeding after birth

C. References
Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, at, accessed on 7th of March 2023

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