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SMAN 8 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

BUKITTINGGI (Lintas Minat)

Kelas /semester : XI / I
RPP BAHASA INGGRIS (LM) T.P : 2022/ 2023
Materi Pokok : Offering Letter
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit

KD Pengetahuan Indicator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.12. Membuat surat offering letter dari suatu 12.1 Mengetahui definition dari
barang atau jasa sesuai dengan konteks Offering Letter dari suatu barang atau
penggunaannya. jasa sesuai dengan konteks
12.2 Mengidentifikasi Offering Letter
dari suatu barang atau jasa sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
12.3. Membuat Offering Letter dari
suatu barang atau jasa sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
12.4. Mempraktikan Offering Letter
dari suatu barang atau jasa sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Melalui pembelajaran cooperative learning, peserta didik dapat mengetahui apa offering
letter, mampu mempraktekan serta mampu membuat sebuah Offering Letter tentang suatu
barang atau jasa sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya yang berkaitan dengan bisnis.

Discussion, work in pairs.
YouTube videos, PPT, printed exercises
Laptop and Infokus
PERTEMUAN 1 (2 x 45 menit)
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa dalam bahasa inggris.
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
3. Guru mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan pengalaman
peserta didik atau pembelajaran sebelumnya.
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
5. Guru mendemontrasikan sesuatu yang terkait dengan tema.
6. Guru menyampaikan kemampuan yang akan dicapai
peserta didik.
7. Siswa mengamati video yang ditampilkan terkait materi.
Brain storming using video “Dior”

1. What do you think about the video?
2. What they talk about?
3. Does anyone know how to ask company to know our
4. How important do you think offering letter for our
Kegiatan Inti 8. Peserta didik mengetahui pengertian dari Offering Letter
The definition of an offer letter is a letter containing
product information in the form of goods or services.
According to JS. Kamdhi in the book Skilled in Expression
says that the contents of an offer letter are a letter of
request, advertisement, or relationship. The purpose of
sending an offer letter is to attract buyers’ interest in the
company’s products.
Quoting the Correspondence book (2018), the role of an
offer letter is very important in the business world because
the company’s success also depends on this. This is
because the offers made to consumers will determine
whether the consumer is interested in the product and then
buys it or not.
Conditions that allow sending a letter of offer is when a
company sends a letter requesting a previous offer. The
offer letter is a reply to the letter, with the addition of a
description and advertisement of the product being offered.
9. Peserta didik dapat memahami fungsi dari Offering Letter.
The function of the offer letter is to introduce the
product to targeted parties and to the public. In addition,
this letter also serves to improve product marketing so that
the chances of the company’s products being widely known
in the public are greater.
1. So that the recipient of the letter can study the products
offered and ultimately be interested in buying.
2. As a way to introduce a product so that other parties are
interested in buying.
3. To reach potential consumers to buy.
4. To help expand consumer reach.
5. As a means to maintain relationships with loyal
10. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan unsur- unsur dari Offering
1. Company letterhead, make sure there is information on
the company’s address, telephone number, email
address. You can add a company website if you have
2. Name of city and date of issuance or release of letter
3. Letter number and sequence number of outgoing letters
from the company
4. Attachments, can contain product details and promos if
5. Subject, the main contents of the letter
6. Purpose, namely the intended party or company
7. Greetings, opening greetings as in other official letters
8. The contents of the letter, namely the essence of the
offer given
9. Closing greetings, containing closing and the hope that
the party or company will respond to the letter
10. Name and signature, from the head of the company or
the appointed official
11. Stamp, make sure it is stamped in the signature area
11. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi structure dari Offering
Knowing the elements of the offer letter is not enough,
you must also pay attention to the structure of the offer
letter when making it. Broadly speaking, the bid
submission is divided into three paragraphs. However, this
is not rigid and can follow the interests of the company.
In the first paragraph, the information contained is
product identity, quality, price and other related
information. If the purpose of the offer letter is to respond
to a previous request for quote, state this.
In the second paragraph, the information contained is in
the form of payment methods, packing methods, and
shipping methods. Mention the price discount if any.
Meanwhile, in the third paragraph, fill it with hopes and
thanks to the intended potential customers. The important
thing to note when making an offer letter is the use of polite
language and proper diction. Also pay attention to using
polite language and proper diction.
12. Peserta didik dapat menelaah Offering Letter yang
ditunjukan oleh guru.

13. Peserta didik mengisi multiple choice dari contoh Offering

14. Peserta didik secara mandiri mampu menganalisa sebuah
video yang di tunjukkan.
1. Analyzed this video and think what you going to do in
Offering Letter

15. Peserta didik secara berkelompok dapat membuat sebuah

Offering Letter dari video yang ditampilkan.
1. Make on offering letter based on the video.
Penutup 1. Guru dan peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap
pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan.
2. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari guru, peserta didik
menyimpulkan pelajaran pada pertemuan ini.
3. Guru menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya.

Bukittinggi, 30 Mei 2023


Kepala SMPN 2 Padang Panjang Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Deva monika putri ,S.Si, M. M syafira henni putri , M.Pd

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