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Recommendation Letter

* The recommender is limited to the professor from the applicant's university or to the
supervisor where the applicant works
* Please type or print clearly in black ink.

Name of Applicant : Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara

Formation Code : TK-13

To be completed by the recommender

You are kindly requested to answer the following 3 questions in Bahasa Indonesia or

1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

Saya mengenal saudara Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara selama 4 tahun sewaktu yang bersangkutan
menjadi mahasiswa di Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas
Brawijaya. Yang bersangkutan sangat aktif dan rajin dalam mengikuti perkuliahan-
perkuliahan, dan kemampuan akademik dan pengembangan dalam pemikiran, analisis
maupun kosep perencanaannya sangat bagus dan membantu dalam penyelesaian S1nya di
Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota FTUB.

2. Please provide an honest evaluation of the applicant’s academic or job performance

based on the criteria listed below.

Truly Very Below

Excellent Good
Exceptional Good Average
Top Middle Lower
Top 2% Top 10%
25% 50% 25%
Academic Achievement √
Academic Potential √
Attitude √
Integrity √
Responsibility/Independence √
Creativity/Originality √
Communication Skills √
Interpersonal Skills √
Leadership √
3. Please evaluate the applicant’s overall qualification (capability, strength, weakness, etc.).
Also, please comment whether you would recommend the applicant or not with reason.

Saudara Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara mempunyai kemampuan akademik yang baik dalam analisis
dan perencanaan konsep dan mengaplikasikannya dalam bentuk perencanaan baik kawasan
maupun wilayah. Mempunyai kekuatan dalam pemikiran teoritis dan metode yang digunakan
dalam pemecahan permasalahan baik pada tahap analisis maupun perencanaannya.
Kelemahan yang perlu untuk ditingkatkan ke depan adalah penggunaaan referensi-referensi
terbaru dari hasil-hasil penelitian yang dimuat pada jurnal ilmiah internasional, prosiding, dan
buku yang terbaru. Hal ini penting agar dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan akademik dalam
memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahn baru dan hatus didukung dengan informasi
keilmuan yang barunpula.

Name of Recommender : Prof. Ir. Antariksa, M.Eng., Ph.D

Name of Institution : Universitas Brawijaya

Address of Institution : Jl. Mayjen Haryono 167, Malang 65145

Position Title : Dosen Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Arsitektur

Email Address : antariksa@ub,ac,id

Phone Number : 08123355771

Date : 18 - 8- 2021

Signature :
Recommendation Letter

* The recommender is limited to the professor from the applicant's university or to the
supervisor where the applicant works
* Please type or print clearly in black ink.

Name of Applicant : Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara

Formation Code : TK-13

To be completed by the recommender

You are kindly requested to answer the following 3 questions in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

I have known him for about 4.5 years. He has a strong will and is a responsible person.
Have a Christian attitude towards a problem related to the environment. He has several
academic writings published in both national and international journals

2. Please provide an honest evaluation of the applicant’s academic or job performance based
on the criteria listed below.

Truly Very Below

Excellent Good
Exceptional Good Average
Top Middle Lower
Top 2% Top 10%
25% 50% 25%
Academic Achievement √
Academic Potential √
Attitude √
Integrity √
Responsibility/Independence √
Creativity/Originality √
Communication Skills √
Interpersonal Skills √
Leadership √

3. Please evaluate the applicant’s overall qualification (capability, strength, weakness, etc.).
His capabilities are have the ability in several software such as ArcGIS, Agisoft, AutoCAD
and QGIS also related software. He also likes to write journals and conferences. Some of
the strengths he has are that he has the ability to quickly adapt and can work in a team or
under pressure

4. Also, please comment whether you would recommend the applicant or not with reason.

Name of Recommender : Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Sugiarto Waloejo, MSP

Name of Institution : Brawijaya University

Jl. MT. Haryono No.167, Ketawanggede, Kec.

Address of Institution :
Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145

Position Title : Head Lecturer

Email Address :

Phone Number : 08123301562

Date : 18-08-2021

Signature :

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