Anda di halaman 1dari 6


1. Pemilik Proyek menyediakan Cash Collateral, sesuai dengan nilai proyek.

2. Pemilik Proyek menyediakan dana $ 20,000.00 USD (dua puluh ribu dollar
Amerika ) sebagai biaya jaminan pengkondisian dana di Bank pelaksana yang
akan dikembalikan pada saat swift 103 masuk ke Bank pelaksana.
3. Pihak Beneficiary akan menyediakan biaya penerbitan SBLC dan akan
dibayarkan melalui Bank Officer Funder kepada Bank penerbit.
4. Pengawasan, Verifikasi dan Evaluasi penggunaan dana dilakukan oleh pihak
5. Kontrak sewa Cash Collateral antara pemilik proyek dengan pemilik Cash
Collateral selama waktu yang telah disepakati.
6. Company Profile dan Proposal Project.


1. Pemilik Asset Cash Collateral membuat surat permohonan ke Bank yang

isinya :surat permohonan Kredit Non-Tunai dengan diterbitkan SBLC, kemudian
Pemilik asset Cash Collateral menerima jawaban dari Bank jika di jawab “setuju /
ok” maka akan terbit berupa “RWA” + SPS (surat perintah Setor) yaitu Provisi
dan administrasi dan (seperti contoh di bawah ini ) maka Bank akan membuat
surat Undangan kepada pemilik asset Cash Collateral untuk melakukan verifikasi
dan konfirmasi atas SBLC yang akan diterbitkan.

2. Pemilik Asset Cash Collateral mengkonfirmasi / memastikan surat jawaban dari

Bank RWA dan SPS tersebut ke bagian legal bahwa jawaban tersebut telah
teregister,kemudian Bank membuat surat undangan yang ditujukan kepada
Pemilik asset Cash Collateral untuk hadir di bank, bersamaan dengan
penyerahan jaminan $ 20,000.00 USD, yang dapat diambil kembali setelah swift
103 masuk ke bank pelaksana.

3. Kemudian Pemilik Asset Cash Collateral membuat undangan kepada Funder

dilampiri copy surat undangan dari Bank.

4. Funder akan mengundang Bank Officer dilampiri surat undangan dari Bank dan
surat undangan dari pemilik Asset Cash Collateral.

5. Pada hari yang telah ditentukan, Bank Officer Funder akan datang ke Bank
penerbit untuk melakukan pembayaran biaya penerbitan dan biaya administrasi

6. Funder datang ke Singapore untuk menandatangi dan menerima surat ICBPO

(Irrevocable Conditional Bank Pay Order) sejumlah 80 % dari Bank DBS
7. Setelah Surat Asli SBLC terbit dan diantar dari bank ke DBS Singapore via Bank
Courier sampai maka saat itu juga sudah bisa termin demi termin dana
mengucur dari Funder ke rekening perusahaan di Indonesia yang sudah
teregister di MAS ( Monetary Autority of Singapore).


1. Pihak Kedua meminta kepada bank secara tertulis yang isinya surat seperti
tersebut dibawah ini:

Kpd. Yth., Pimpinan Bank…….. di……………………

Bersama ini kami selaku Pemilik Asset Cash Collateral senilai $………………..,-
(……………………..dollar) , dengan ini mengajukan Permohonan Credit Non-
Cash, berupa " SBLC senilai $..........USD ( ………………………dollar America),
dengan kondisi "Irrevocable, Transferable, Unconditional, Registered ICC
500/600 & Following The Term Of  ICC 500/600" untuk masa Satu Tahun+1
Hari dan dapat diperpanjang hingga 2 (dua) kali.; Jaminan utk Penerbitan SBLC
$…………USD " tsb. kami persilahkan Pihak Bank………… untuk mem'Block
Seluruh Asset Cash Collateral  kami yang berada di Bank ………….di
……………….., Adapun rencana penggunaan SBLC tsb adalah untuk "Jaminan
Pengadaan Dana" bagi Beneficiary kami atas nama :Mr. Arif Takari Wibowo, SH,
Development Bank of Singapore di Singapore, dalam
rangka mendukung beberapa Proyek kami di Indonesia.

2. Pihak Bank…………… membalas surat seperti tersebut dibawah ini Dalam

beberapa hari setelah Surat tsb. diatas diterima, maka Bank………….. akan
menjawab yg isi'nya kurang'lebih spt ini : 

Kpd. Pemilik Asset Cash Collateral sebesar ………….. rupiah, dengan ini Bank
……….. di ……………. menyatakan bahwa pada Prinsip'nya kami menyetujui utk
menerbitkan SBLC senilai $ …………USD utk atas nama Beneficiary Mr. Arif
Takari Wibowo, SH" dengan Jaminan Asset Cash Collateral
Sdr………………………..sebagaimana yg ada pada Asset Cash Collateral  tsb.
dan Sepanjang Sdr………….. dapat memenuhi kewajiban kpd Pihak Bank
…………………….di…………………. yaitu dengan melakukan "Pembayaran
Di'muka utk Biaya Provisi & Administrasi Bank sebesar 1% dari nilai SBLC
sebesar $ ….………………. USD.
 biaya 1 % akan dibayar oleh pihak Beneficiary.

1. Project owners provide Cash Collateral, in accordance with the value of

the project.
2. The project owner provides funding $ 20,000.00 USD (twenty thousand
U.S. dollars) as the cost of funds in the bank collateral implementing
conditioning which will be refunded at the time of entry into swift 103
Bank executive.
3. Party Beneficiary will provide SBLC issuance costs and will be paid
through Bank to Bank Officer Funder publishers.
4. Supervision, Verification and Evaluation of the use of funds made by the
5. Cash Collateral lease contract between the project owner with the owner
of Cash Collateral during the agreed time.
6. Company Profile and Project Proposal.


1. Cash Collateral Asset owner makes a written request to Bank of

contents: a letter of application with Non-Cash Credit SBLC issued, then
the owner of assets Cash Collateral received an answer from the bank if
in answer "agree / ok" then it will be published in the form of "RWA" +
SPS (letter Deposit command) and the Provision and administration
(such as the example below), the Bank will make the invitation letter to
the owner of assets Cash Collateral to verify and confirm the SBLC to be

2. Cash Collateral Asset owners confirm / ensure the Bank's letter of

response from the RWA and the SPS to the legal section that the answer
has been registered, then the Bank to make an invitation letter
addressed to the owners of assets Cash Collateral to be present at the
bank, along with the submission of a guarantee of $ 20,000.00 USD,
which can be taken back after a swift 103 into the bank executive.

3. Then Cash Collateral Asset owners make invitations to Funder enclosing

a copy of the invitation of the Bank.
4. Funder Bank Officer will invite the attached invitation letter from the
Bank and a letter of invitation from the owner of Cash Collateral Asset.

5. On the appointed day, Bank Officer Funder will come to the issuing bank
to pay the cost of issuance and administrative costs Bank.

6. Funder came to Singapore to sign and accept a letter ICBPO (Irrevocable

Conditional Bank Pay Order) some 80% of DBS Bank Singapore.

7. Original letter SBLC after sunrise and escorted from the bank to DBS
Bank Singapore via Courier until the moment it also could billings
billings for pouring funds into the account of Funder company in
Indonesia which has been registered in the MAS (Monetary Autority of


1. Both parties requested the bank in writing that the letter contents as

Handed to : Designation., Leader Bank ........ at ........................

Herewith we as owners Asset Cash Collateral of $ ...................., -
(.......................... dollars), hereby file the Application of Non-Cash
Credit, a "SBLC worth $ .. USD ........ (America ........................... dollars),
with the condition "Irrevocable, Transferable, Unconditional, Registered
ICC 500/600 & Following The term of ICC 500/600" for a period of one
years +1 day and can be extended up to 2 (two) times.; Insurance For
$ ............ USD SBLC Publishing "page. we invite Parties ............ Bank for
Cash Collateral Asset mem'Block All of us in the Bank .............
at ...................., The plan is for the use of the SBLC TSB "Procurement
Guarantee Fund" for the Beneficiary on behalf of: Mr. Takari Arif
Wibowo, SH, Development Bank of Singapore in Singapore, in order to
support some of our projects in Indonesia.

2. The Bank ............... reply to the letter like the following in a few days
after the letter page. above is accepted, then the Bank .............. would
answer that more and less like this:
Handed to : Owner of Cash Collateral Asset .............. dollars, with the
Bank ........... on ................ stated that we agreed on Prinsip'nya For SBLC
issued valued at $ ............ USD For the name of Mr Beneficiary. Takari
Arif Wibowo, SH "with Mr. Cash Collateral Asset
Assurance ............................. as imaginable on Cash Collateral Asset
TSB., And Mr. .............. The KPD to meet the obligations of The
Bank ......... ...................... ................ in which to perform "Di'muka
Payment for Bank fee Provision & Administration at 1% of the value of
SBLC for $ ....................... USD.
 1% fee will be paid by the Beneficiary.

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