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NPM : 06211711044

Ternate, 13 Oktober 2021

Pembimbing Utama Pembimbing Pendamping

Nurain Jalaluddin, S.S., M.A. Bakhtiar Majid, S.S., M.Si

NIP. 196808302002121006 NIP. 196808302002121006

Disetujui Untuk Diteruskan Ke Panitia Skripsi

Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris,

Sutisno Adam, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 198110282006041004

Pada hari ini Kamis, 13 Oktober 2021, Tim Penguji menerima baik
skripsi dengan judul:


Yang disusun dan diajukan oleh:


NPM: 06211711044

Yang Dipertahankan Di Hadapan Penguji Pada Tanggal:

Ternate 13 Oktober2021

Dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu syarat ujian guna memperoleh

gelar Sarjana Sastra Pada Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu

Ternate 13 Oktober 2021

Tim Penguji:

1. Ketua : Drs. Fachmi Alhadar, M. Hum. (….…….……)

2. Sekretaris : Sutisno Adam, S.S., M.Hum. (….…….……)

3. Ketua Penguji : Drs. Fachmi Alhadar, M. Hum. (….…….……)

4. Anggota Penguji : Dahrun Sarif S.S.,M.A. (….…….……)

5. Anggota Penguji : Ismail Maulud, S.S., M.Hum. (……….….…)

6. Pembimbing Utama : Nurain Jalaluddin, S.S., M.A.   (....................)

7. pembimbing Pendamping  : Bakhtiar Majid, S. S., M. Si. (...................)


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Dwi Putri Djilihama

NPM : 06211711044

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi dengan judul

Feminism in the play “A Woman of No Importance” sebagai salah satu

syarat guna memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra pada program studi Sastra

Inggris, Universitas Khairun disusun seluruhnya merupakan hasil karya

peneliti sendiri. Adapun bagian-bagian tertentu dalam penulisan skripsi

yang peneliti kutip dari karya orang lain telah dicantumkan sumbernya

secara jelas pada hasil karya peneliti sesuai dengan norma, kaidah, dan

aturan penulisan ilmiah.

Apabila di kemudian hari ditemukan seluruh atau bagian skripsi ini

bukan hasil karya peneliti atau adanya plagiat dalam bagian-bagian

tertentu, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi pencabutan gelar

akademik yang telah saya sandang dan sanksi-sanksi lainnya sesuai

dengan peraturan yang berlaku.

Ternate, 13 Oktober 2021

Yang Menyatakan,

Dwi Putri Djilihama



“Don’t hurry up because eart is round, the clock is round. Why hurry,

everyone has their time”


This bachelor thesis is dedicate to

 My peace gratitude goes to my parents Kapoyos Yeni Endo and

Djilihama Abdul Rahman, for the love and for giving me support

every time, always pray about my success in future, and most

comfortable is talk heart to heart.

 My young sister Djilihama Lufia Muethia who make my live colorful of

their laugh, stay healthy all the time.

 My Brothers Djilihama  Djilihama M. Nur and  Djilihama Tri M. Putra 

who make my full with  happines and  laugh.

 My Grandparents my beloved Djilihama Djamaludin and Andili Sitti,

who always send her pray, blessing for me, and alway spoiling me.



First of all, how grateful I am to Allah SWT. Who always gives mercy

and guidance for the researcher so that the researcher can finish this

research. Blessings and greetings may remain to the beloved prophet

Muhammad Saw, and the entire family and friends who has guided us with

Islam as our religion and Al Quran as our holy book.

The script is intended to fulfill the requirement to achieve sarjana

sastra degree in English Literature Program, Faculty of Cultural Science

Khairun University Ternate. In the whole of process of this researcher is

fully aware that there are many kind people took part of during the whole

process. The researcher also would like to addresses his thankful

appreciation to:

1. Drs. Fachmi Alhadar, M. Hum., as the Dean of faculty of Cultural

Science and as my first Examiner. Thank you for Unlimited

knowledge and advise that had been given

2. Sutisno Adam S.S.,M.Hum., as the Head of English Literature

Department. Thank you for every wise decision that he had made

3. Nurain Jalaluddin, S.S., M.A., as the first supervisor. Thank you for

guidance and always be favorite lecturer and supervisor

4. Bakhtiar Majid, S.S, M.Si., as the second supervisor. Thank you for

being everybody’s favorite lecturer and supervisor

5. Dahrun Sarif S.S.,M.A as my second Examiner. Thank you for you

humble and be nice lecturer

6. Ismail Maulud, S.S., M. Hum. , as the third Examiner. Thank you for

just being you, and for giving such a very nice advice for me

7. All the other lecturers of English Literature Department (Dra.

Nurprihatina hasan, M.Hum. Dr. M. Ridha Ajam. M. Hum., Faradila

Masuara, S.S., M.Ed Tesol Int’I., Dahrun Sarif, S.S., M.A., Halida

Nuriah, S.S., M.Si., Andriani, S. S., M.A, Sunaidin Ode Mulae, S.S.,

M.Hum. Thank you for the amazing academic experience

throughout four years in University of Khairun.

8. The administrator of English Literature Department. Mr Ongen and

ibu Khusnul, And Mr Fandy, thank you for the patience and


9. For my crazy girls Susilawati, Kohler Nia and Mursid Ayu. Thank

you for giving me a huge support since we were elementary, I

love all of you. I love you so much to Prakoso Dimas Agung thank

you for always being there for me, motivated me and always help

me in each condition, i love you all my heart. All in Forsas. Thank   

you guys for your wonderful experience and unforgettable moment,

and also to Kak Eko always giving me a suggestions with full 

patient for me.

10. For all my friends in class A, thank you for your guys, always make

me laugh and happines everyday in faculty. for all Friend in class B,

I also thank you for your guys beacuse for being friends with me.

Ternate, 13 Oktober 2021

The Researcher


Dwi Putri Djilihama “Feminism In The Play A Woman of No Importance”

dilihat dari Feminisme Teori, dibimbing oleh Nurain Jalaluddin dan
Bakhtiar Majid

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas feminisme pada tokoh utama

dalam drama “A Woman of No Importance” karya Oscar Wilde. Penelitian
ini terkait dengan munculnya feminisme pada tokoh utama, setelah itu
penelitian ini juga membahas karakter feminism apa saja yang tokoh
utama dalam drama ini.

Dalam menganalisis munculnya feminism pada tokoh utama bernama

Mrs Arbuthnot, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang
selanjutnya diperdalam dengan teori feminisme. Dalam penelitian ini
peneliti ingin mengetahui membuat munculnya feminisme, setelah itu
bagaimana penggambaran Mrs Arbuthnot dalam cerita tersebut dilihat dari
karakter, alur dan setting.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan adanya

perlakuan-perlakuan sehingga munculnya feminism seperti marginalisasi,
subordinasi, kekerasan nonverbal dan stereotype (pelabelan). Hal-hal ters
ebut memunculkan karakter feminism pada tokoh utama. Dalam drama ini
hingga akhirnya Mrs Arbuthnot terus mengikuti egonya dan tidak menikah
dengan pria yang telah menghamilinya dan tidak bertanggung jawab.
Seharusnya perempuan yang telah diperlakukan seperti itu tidak harus
bergantung pada laki-laki, karena dalam urusan rumah tangga perempuan
juga bisa tanpa laki-laki seperti mengurus anak tanpa seorang ayah.

Kata kunci : Feminism, tokoh utama, karakter feminism.


Dwi Putri Djilihama “Feminism In The Play “A Woman of No

Importance” viewed from Feminism Theory, supervised by Nurain
Jalaluddin and Bakhtiar Majid

This study aims to discuss the feminism of the main character in the
drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde. This research is
related to the emergence of feminism in the main character, after that this
study also discusses what feminism characters are the main characters in
this drama.

In analyzing the emergence of feminism in the main character named

Mrs. Arbuthnot, the researcher uses a descriptive analysis method which
is further deepened by feminism theory. In this study, the researcher
wanted to find out what made feminism appear, after that how the
depiction of Mrs. Arbuthnot in the story was seen from the character, plot
and setting.

Based on the research that has been done, it shows that there are
treatments so that the emergence of feminism such as marginalization,
subordination, nonverbal violence, and stereotypes (labeling). These
things bring out the character of feminism in the main character. In this
drama until finally Mrs. Arbuthnot continues to follow her ego and does not
marry a man who has impregnated her and is irresponsible. Women who
have been treated like that should not have to depend on men, because in
domestic matters women can also be without men like taking care of
children without a father.

Key Words: Feminism, main character, character feminism.


PAGE OF APPROVAL .......................................................................................i
PAGE OF RECIPENTS......................................................................................ii
PERNYATAAN KEASLIANSKRIPSI......................................................... iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION...................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................x
1.1 Background............................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problems....................................................................4
1.3 Scope of the study.................................................................................5
1.4 Objective of the Study............................................................................5
1.5 Significance of the Study.......................................................................5
1.6 Review of Related Literature................................................................6
1.7 Theoretical Base....................................................................................8
1.7.1 Concept of feminism...........................................................................8
1. Marginalization........................................................................................9
2. Subordination......................................................................................... 9
3. Stereotypes...........................................................................................10
4. Violence................................................................................................10
5. Burden of Work......................................................................................11
1.7.2 Structure of the play.........................................................................11
1. Character and characteristics...............................................................12
2. Plot....................................................................................................... 13
3. Settings..................................................................................................15
4. The difference between drama and other literary works.......................15

1.8. Conceptual Scheme.........................................................................16
1.9 METHODS AND TECNIQUES............................................................17
2.1 Sketch of life Oscar Wilde.................................................................22
2.2 Literary Career....................................................................................23
2.3 Oscar Wilde viewed in woman.........................................................24
3.1 Cause of feminismin main character...................................................28
1. Marginalization......................................................................................28
2. Subordination........................................................................................29
3. Violence................................................................................................31
4. Stereotypes...........................................................................................32
3.2 Feminism characteristicsin main..........................................................33
1. Characteristics of feminism in main.......................................................33
2. Plot........................................................................................................39
3. Settings.................................................................................................40
4.1 CONCLUSION.....................................................................................43
4.2 SUGESTION........................................................................................44


Feminism is the fruit of thought that became a movement to elevate

the status of women to avoid discrimination by men. Feminism is a

struggle to end the oppression of women (Jenainati and Groves, 2007: 3).

The feminism movement was born because of gender inequality and

harassment of women. The early feminist movement was an attempt to

confront patriarchy between the years 1550-1700 in England (Hodgson-

Wright, 2006). Patriarchy exists because women are considered weak and

not too important, therefore feminism emerged to overcome problems like

these. The Feminism movement existed after the Dark age, namely the

renaissance era where people were separated from Church doctrine, so

this movement could exist and was also supported by women who felt

oppressed at that time.

Feminism can also be found in literature because literature is part of

human life in the form of experiences of events that have been

experienced. According to Lefefere (1997:7) literature is a description of

human experience that has personal and social dimensions which include

human knowledge that is parallel to the form of life itself. In literature, the

personal image can be said to refer to personal things or a person, while

social involves a person with many people. Each of these dimensions has

different knowledge according to what is happening. Feminism itself is

also a knowledge that can be poured into literature, and will become a

critical literary work because feminism is a thought that becomes a


Literature is divided into oral literature and written literature which will

become a literary work. Literary works contain the author's ideas or

feelings about life. According to Sugihastuti (2017: 81-82) literary works

are media used by authors to convey ideas and experiences. A literary

work does not escape the ideas that arise from the author's experience, a

literary writer must be good at processing the words in his work to make it

interesting when read.

There are so many literary works in this world that are interesting to

read, for example drama is one of the most popular literary works to date.

There are many dramas in the world that are interesting to read, such as

the drama that was quite popular during the reign of Queen Victoria,

namely "A Woman of No Importance" which was the work of Oscar Wilde.

This drama tells the story of the life of a woman who gets oppressed by a

man and they both know each other. Mrs Arbutnout met Lord Illingworth

as a teenager, from that meeting they fell in love. But unfortunately the

journey of their love story had a bad impact and it was felt by Mrs.

Arbutnout. When Mrs Arbutnout conceived a child from Lord Illingworth

who had promised to marry her, at that time Lord Illingworth did not fulfill

his promise and refused to marry Mrs Arbutnout. This incident was one of

the events of oppression against women, even though at that time the

government was led directly by a woman, but there was still a lot of

oppression and injustice felt by women.

From the life story of Mrs. Arbhnout, the thoughts and movements of

the presence of Feminism in this drama emerge. The existence of

Feminism is brought by the main character who gets unfair treatment by a

man. This feminism emerged around the end of the 18th century, many

women wanted rights to be equal to men in politics and education. They

think that not only men can get it but women can too, this thought arises

because many women are considered not too important, underestimated,

women's position is always considered to be taken by men, weak and can

only take care of children and cook only. So that a lot of violence is done

by men to women, therefore feminism is here so that women can have the

same position as men without forgetting the limitations of a woman's


Feminist thought is here to help women who get gender inequality, this

thought is present as a movement to free women from discrimination,

gender inequality and violence against them. However, this movement is

not a movement to fight men, to have a higher position than men, it's just

that this movement exists to create gender equality between men and

women. Not to fight the nature of a woman, many people think that

feminism exists for women's rebellion against men, actually this is a wrong

thought because the presence of feminism does not mean that women

have to do anarchic things, but to get equal rights with men. For example,

in the field of education and work, women deserve to have the same

position as men.

In the drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde, there is a

problem about injustice against women by a man so that the emergence of

Feminism in the main character. Feminism itself is a gender injustice that

afflicts women, both in the family and society. Feminism is also a bridge to

demand equal rights between women and men. The existence of these

events makes researchers interested in examining the literary drama "A

Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde" using "Feminism Theory". The

reason why the researcher is interested in taking this research is because

the researcher feels that there is a match between drama and Feminism

theory which can later solve problems of discrimination, gender injustice,

and violence that occurs in the main character. All of these events will be

viewed with the lens of feminism, to dissect and find out what actions will

be found in this drama. So that researchers use feminism theory in order

to find out that will be faced


1.2.1 How are the feminism characteristics presented trough the main

character in the play “A Woman of No Importance” by Oscar Wilde?

1.2.2 How does the author potray the inequality of the main character in

the play “A Woman of No Importance” by Oscar Wilde?


In this study, the researcher only focuses on discussing the problems

of the emergence of feminism characteristics in the main character and

after that discusses the characteristics of feminism in the main character,

the characteristics of feminism that were obtained after feminism emerged,

because there were treatments that Mrs. Arbuthnot got, after that then the

main character becomes a feminist character in this drama. This study

uses "Feminism Theory" in the drama "A Woman of No Importance by

Oscar Wilde"


The purpose of the research must be related to the formulation of the

problem that has been made above. The following are the objectives of

this research:

1.4.1 To find out the causes of the feminism factors that appear in the

main character in the drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar


1.4.2 To find out the characteristics of feminism in the main character of

the drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde.


In this study, this study uses two research significances in order to be

able to distinguish for theoretical knowledge, and for use in everyday life.

Here's the explanation:

1.5.1 Theoretical

There are still many people out there who still do not understand the

gender inequality that occurs in women. There is a lot of harassment and

violence that happens to women. Therefore, in this study, the researcher

hopes that the reader will be able to know and understand things about

acts of injustice against women such as violence, stereotypes,

marginalization, subordination and women are considered a workload.

1.5.2 Practice

After reading the results of this study which contains knowledge about

feminism. The researcher hopes that the reader will not only increase

knowledge and understanding, but here the researcher wants the reader

to be able to apply this knowledge in daily life, so that the existence of

women is not considered weak and always carried by men, and avoids

violence against women. Researchers hope to achieve this hope so that

gender equality in the community can be carried out properly.


Related to the research being conducted, it turns out that researchers

found other research on the internet that took the drama "A Woman of No

Importance" by Oscar Wilde as the object of his research. Then the

researcher compared his research with the research found, as follows:

1. The research that was found with the research title was "The

Hypocrisy of Victorian Morality Reflected in the play A Woman of

No Importance (1893) A Sociological approach" by Hanifah

Nurhasanah, From the Department of English Education, School of

Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of

Sukarta in 2017. Here it can be seen that the similarities are only in

the object of study while the difference is in the material used to

analyze the object of research in this study discussing Feminism,

with the problem of discussing what is the emergence of feminism

in the main character, and what are the characteristics of feminism.

on the main character. So the title of this research is "Feminism in

the play A Woman of No Importance Viewed from Feminism


2. After the research above, the researcher also found other research

related to this research entitled "The Reflection Of Feminism In The

Character Of Mrs. Arbuthnot In Oscar Wilde's A Woman Of No

Importance". Researchers began to compare so that they found

differences, namely how Wilde presented gender discrimination to

the main character and developed into a feminist and the theory

used gender from Ashley Monrage and Mansour Fakih's feminist

theory about gender discrimination. Meanwhile, this study looks at

the factors of the emergence of feminism in the main character and

what are the characteristics of feminism in the main character. So it

has a research title, namely "Feminism in the play A Woman of No

Importance Viewed from Feminism Theory".

3. There were other studies that examined the drama "A Woman of

No Importance" entitled "Analysis of The Theme Through The

Portrayals of The Female Characters in A Woman of No

Importance By Oscar Wilde" from Ratu Hutabarat Rotua Rebecka

Rosaline from Maranatha Christian University. This study discusses

the problem of drama themes in the depiction of female characters.

The difference with the research is that the research title is

"Feminism in the play A Woman of No Importance Viewed from

Feminism Theory", with the problem of the emergence factors of

Feminism and the characteristics of feminism in the main character.


1.7.1 Concept of feminism

Goefe argues that feminism is a theory about equality between men

and women in the political, economic, and social fields or organized

activities that fight for women's rights and interests (Sugihastuti, 2008:18).

and demanding equal rights between women and men. The feminist

approach is an approach to literary works with a focus on unequal gender

relations and promoting a balance between men and women.

Furthermore, Fakih (2015:5) also stated that:

Feminism is not a women's rebellion against men, an effort to

fight against social institutions, such as household and
marriage institutions or the view of women's efforts to deny
their nature, but rather as an effort to end the oppression and
exploitation of women.

Furthermore, to support the research "A Woman of No Importance" by

Oscar Wilde using the theory of feminism as follows:

Feminism from the various schools that appear above is certainly

caused by various factors that are not caused by socio-cultural

differences. But the point is that there is a gender gap between men and

women. This inequality is manifested or not manifested in various models

such as marginalization, subordination, labeling (stereotypes) and violence

(Fakih: 1999:12).

1. Marginalization

Marginalization is a condition where women do not really care about

their existence compared to men. Women are considered less important

than men. This can be seen in household conditions when men are more

privileged than women, work, society and culture to the state. This

discrimination can be based on customs and religious interpretations.

2. Subordination

Subordination is a condition where the general view places women

under men. The point is that men must be above women in all aspects of

social life, whether in the family, environment, society, or state. Women

are considered adherents of what men have decided even with regard to

themselves. This is because women are generally seen from the

emotional side apart from the rational side.

3. Stereotypes

Stereotyping or labeling occurs because of gender inequality.

Stereotypes are assumptions that have taken root in people's views about

a particular thing or group. Gender stereotypes reflect impressions that

give rise to beliefs about what is and is not appropriate for men or women.

Going to the office, always being served, being assertive, playing football,

and so on that are usually attached to men are called male stereotypes.

Stereotypes of women refer to household activities, taking care of children,

playing in the market, elegant, whiny, and so on which are usually

attached to women. In fact, not all men can act decisively, as well as

women who are not always whiny. These are the so-called harmful gender

stereotypes, both for men and women.

4. Violence

Violence can be divided According to Fakih (1999:21) violence caused

by gender bias can be categorized as either psychological or physical

violence, in the form of violence against sexual organs, either in the form

of circumcision, sexual deviations, to torture of sexual organs. Both

physical violence such as hitting, torturing, and so on are related to

physical injury, prostitution, rape. even in marriage. Pornography in the

form of print media and online media. Then there is covert violence, for

example holding or touching a woman's sensitive area without the owner's

permission. As for sterilization for housewives to support the family

planning program. sexual harassment such as telling someone vulgar

jokes, interrogating their sexual activity, and so on.

5. Burden of Work

Women have a loving, diligent, and neat nature so that they can do all

household chores properly and correctly. Plus, her loving, caring, and

caring nature gives her the ability to take care of children better than men.

A man only needs to do one thing. work in the workplace, so that no one

blames him even though his wife is very busy taking care of the children

while carrying out household tasks. have duties outside the home, then of

course the burden is greater than that of her husband (Fakih 1999:23).

After discussing the concept of feminism to support the first problem in

this study, then to support the second problem as follows:

1.7.2 Structure of the play

To be able to examine the building blocks of literary works, a structural

approach is needed. The structural approach itself is an intrinsic approach,

which discusses works about the elements that build literary works from

within. This approach examines literary works as autonomous works and

regardless of social background, history, author biographies, and

everything outside of literary works. Regarding structure, Wellek and

Wareen (1992:56) limit that the structure of understanding includes both

content and form, as long as both are intended to achieve aesthetic goals.

The structure of literary works consists of elements of characterization

plot, theme, setting and mandate as the most supportive and most

dominant elements in building literary works.

To be able to analyze characters and characteristics in literary works,

especially dramas, the following elements are needed:

1. Character and characteristics

Each literary work has a different character and will apply their

respective works. Abrams in Koesnosoebroto (1988:65) defines a

character as a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a typical type of

person. He further cites the definition of character as a person, in a

dramatic or narrative work, endowed with the moral and dispositional

qualities present in what is said (1988:65).

Robert (1969:11-12) defines character in a literary work as the

author's creation, through the medium of words or personality and

consistent with it. A general definition of character is given by Moore

(1966:333). He states that characters are people from a novel. The

characters in a story can be divided into several groups. Koesnosoebroto

(1988:67) says that based on interests, we can distinguish two types of

characters, namely the main character or main character and minor

character. The main character is the most important character. In the

story, the minor characters are less important than the main characters.

There are two types of characterizations in fiction, namely the

storytelling method and the performance method. From this kind of

method we will be able to reveal and explain about every character in any

story. This method is based on Pickering and Hooper. The explanation is

as follows:

a. One of the methods is storytelling, i.e. on direct exposition and

commentary by the author. In storytelling—a method favored and

practiced by many older fiction writers—the co-authorship of the writers

is overwhelming evidence. We learn and look only at what the author

calls our attention (Pickering and Hooper in Albertine Minderop, 2005:


b. Another method is the indirect method, the dramatic performance

method, which involves the writer stepping aside, ostensibly allowing

the characters to express themselves directly through and their actions,

by showing much of the burden of character analysis shifted by the

reader, who is asked to conclude the characters based on evidence

given in the narrative (Pickering and Hooper in Albertine Minderop,


To find characterizations, we can use both methods because the

author will use both methods in describing people or characters in the

story. The telling or showing method will appear in every character in a

story. It was because the character would appear the same as reality.

2. Plot

In presenting a work of art, an author actually arranges several events

into a series and in such a way that it becomes a story that can be

enjoyed. Moore (1966:332) defines plot as the main story, the pattern of

actions that creates conflict and ultimately resolves it, and which

determines not only what will happen, but when and how with that

outcome, the plot of the story develops in a definite pattern.

Koesnosoebroto (1988:29) says that the plot or structure of a story is an

experimental arrangement of chronological events that have causal and

thematic relationships, Koesnosoebroto (1988:46) also adds that the

narrative structure is always divided into three distinct parts. true nature:

beginning, middle, and end. The three sections are then explained as


a. The initial part, in this section the reader is introduced to the

general situation. Usually it will introduce the characters, describe

their background, and so on. The beginning will also explain the

place and time of events and suggest a baseline for conflict. In this

section, only matters relating to introductions will be discussed at a

later stage.

b. The middle section, should describe all the issues in the conflict;

this is where action incidents are dramatized into scenes; each

scene shows the theory of resurrection that came before it in

dramatic intensity. Until after several crises, a climax is reached—

usually referring to a “turning point”. This point marks the end of the

middle and the beginning of the end.

c. Finally, it should explain all the consequences of the action.

Perhaps it will tell what ultimately happens to all the characters in

the story. This will show the moral of the story and knit one loose

end of the plot. This section is the last part of a literary work and

this section also contains the resolution of conflicts that exist in a


3. Settings

Setting does not only refer to the place, but also the time and

everything that is implied in time (Roberts, 1965:43). Setting is the time

and place or condition in which the story takes place. Setting always

colors events and shapes them. In a good setting the story is so well

integrated with the plot, theme, characters and style that the reader barely

notices it. When a setting dominates or a work displays the manners and

customs of a region, the result is local or regional color writing.

4. The difference between drama and other literary works

Drama is one of the popular literary works besides that drama also

has differences with other literary works such as prose. The difference can

be seen from the physical form between drama and prose which is clearly

different. The difference is a direct drama performance with story

characters in a literary work. While prose is described through writing or a

series of words in literary works. Readers are required to imagine in

understanding a fictional prose essay, while in drama the audience is

immediately treated to scenes that make up a story. However, drama and

prose are textually not much different.

1.8. Conceptual Scheme

Awoman of Descriptive
No Importance by analysis
Oscar Wilde

The Structure of Play  The Inequality of main character

1. Character and 1. Marginalization

Characteristic 2. Subordination

2. Plot 3. Stereotype

3. Setting 4. Violence



In the conceptual scheme above, it can be seen that analyzing the

drama "A Woman of No Importance". The researcher finds two problems

in the drama, namely first, how are feminist characterizations portrayed

through the main characters?, and second, what are the factors that

trigger feminist characterizations in dramas. To further sharpen this

analysis, choose to use a feminist approach as an analytical knife. Then in

the research method using a descriptive method.


1.9.1 Descriptive Method

Descriptive method is a research method whose data collection

process must be systematic, because this method produces an overview

of the social phenomena under study. In this study, the researcher will

identify any phenomena that occur in his research. Nasir (1988:63) in his

book research methods, descriptive method is a method that examines the

status of a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought or

a group of events in the present. Therefore, in descriptive research,

researchers must be able to make descriptive systematics. In accordance

with the explanation, researchers need this method because it is related to

the object of analysis.

1.9.2 Data Source

In a study, a definite data source is needed, the following sources of

research data are divided into two, namely:

1. Primary

The primary data or main data from this research is the drama

entitled "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde, because this drama

is the subject of the discussion to make this research. Then the researcher

took this data or drama by downloading the drama on the internet. After

getting the main data, then the researcher collects the data as the object

of this research through the internet, and uses it as primary data for


2. Secondary

After the researchers get the main data for research. Furthermore,

researchers must obtain secondary data obtained from the search,

researchers take several references from various other data sources, in

the form of theories from experts that are suitable for analyzing the drama

"A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde as primary data. Theories

from experts are supporting data to examine the main data, and to solve

problems obtained from the drama.

1.9.3 Data Collection Techniques

In analyzing this research, the researcher used the following methods,

to get references to complete the data:

1. Reader's Comprehension

The first step in collecting data is to use reading comprehension so

that it can help or facilitate researchers to obtain information. Then the

researcher tried to understand the content of the drama. After

understanding, the researcher tries to get the problem from the storyline or

the conversation in the drama, and the researcher begins to separate the

data related to the title, and starts writing the research until it is finished.

2. Internet Browsing

To make it easier for researchers to research this research,

researchers use internet browsing, because this is a very good and fast

way to help researchers get more reliable information and in accordance

with their research, and related to the object of analysis theory, or to focus

on research. The use of the internet is only limited to helping researchers

in obtaining primary and secondary data, nothing more than that because

it will be considered plagiarism. The data taken by researchers in internet

browsing in question are limited to theories that will later be used by


3. Research Library

In addition to looking for theoretical data on internet browsing,

researchers also go to the library because this method is also very helpful

for researchers, making it easier for researchers to get information in

books, and making readers understand the object of analysis, and get

other additional information, in the text as a research direction. on this

proposal. Then to prove the truth of the data found by researchers through

the internet or books in the library. In the book the source must be very

clear, but not all books have the theory we want, while internet browsing is

very helpful because the data found is very large, but sometimes the data

found does not have a clear source. Therefore, the library is very helpful in

this research.

1.9.4 Data analysis techniques

In research, it is necessary to have data analysis techniques, to find

out the method used by researchers to examine this research.

Researchers have performed three data analysis techniques as follows:

1. Clarification

First of all, the researcher needs to clarify the dialogue obtained from

the drama that is taken as the object of his research, or it could be a

statement from the conversation in the drama or content related to the

topic to be researched. This is useful to clarify what phenomena occur in

the drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde which will be

adapted to the title of the study.

2. Interpretation

The next step after clarifying all the data found by researchers in the

drama "A Woman of No Importance" by Oscar Wilde. The next step is that

the researcher must interpret all the data contained in the drama, for

example in conversations, dialogues or expressions used by the author to

determine or interpret the data collected as a basis for research.

3. Explanation

After clarifying the data found, then the researcher makes an

explanation. This is the last step in analyzing the data through a long

process. At this stage the researcher must explain as best as possible and

must be in accordance with his research theory in the form of text,

manuscripts, quotes, and or in the form of messages, which must be

related to the topic of the problem in the research and must also be related

to the title raised by the researcher.

4. Conclusion

After going through a long process of analysis and clarification.

Furthermore, researchers must be able to conclude, in drama there are

many problems, but researchers are only interested in the emergence of

feminism which makes the main character become a feminist character,

after getting inappropriate treatments from a man. So this is what makes

the drama interesting, and makes researchers want to research it because

of these problems. A woman who is analyzed is the main character in the

drama. So in this study it is very suitable to use feminism theory analysis.




Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin on October

16, 1854 into one of Ireland's most famous families and is of Protestant

descent. His father, William Robert Wills Wilde (1815-1876) was a

prominent ophthalmologist, writer, and ethnographer. Wilde's father also

served as a surgeon to Queen Victoria in 1863 and was knighted the

following year. Mother Wilde, best known by the pseudonym "Speranza"

(1821-1896) rose to prominence in the late 1840s, for writing poetry

published in the Nation and joining the Irish Youth Movement.

Oscar Wilde was also a well-known philanthropist in the Victorian Era,

because he was one of the writers who actively created works to criticize

issues about women in the Victorian era. Wilde expanded her skills as a

shrewd editor, transforming the largely conservative World of Women into

the largely feminist World of Women, where her "Literary Notes" reveal her

deep acquaintance with modern writing (Joseph Bristow 2010:3). Wilde

carries out his role in the world of journalism so that many people are

familiar with his figure.

Wilde's wife named Constance Lloyd (1884-1898) and their two

children named Cyril Holland and Vyvyab Holand left Wilde because in

1895 Wilde was accused of being homosexual and for that case had a

long settlement period so Wilde went bankrupt and was detained for two

years because found guilty because in the Victorian era such things as

peer-to-peer were forbidden and barbaric behavior. After that incident

Wilde never saw his wife and children again.

Wilde died at the age of 46 on November 30, 1900. He is buried in a

suburban cemetery in Bagneaux. Most experts agree that Wilde died of a

secondary infection through meningitis. Ross, Harris, and Richard Ellmann

(1918-1987) suggested that the cause was some form of syphilis. This is a

depiction of Oscar Wilde's life and the depiction of women in the Victorian

era according to Wilde.


Oscar Wilde's first work, Wilde's first public comedy, Fan Lady

Windermere (Joseph Bristow2010:4), enjoyed great success when it

opened at the St. The fashionable James, under the direction of actor-

manager George Alexander (1858-1918), in February 1892. This work

received a good response by the public, because it is a novelty in which a

drama has a comedic element in it.

That summer, Wilde's next successful public comedy, A Woman of No

Importance (Joseph Bristow2010:5), opened at the Haymarket Theater

Royal under the direction of Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1852-1917). Unlike

the previous comedy works, the work received a very negative response,

because many people thought this work alluded to the reign of Queen

Victoria at that time.

On January 1, Ideal Husband opened in Haymarket to an audience

that included the Prince of Wales. Six weeks later The Importance of

Being Earnest enjoyed a successful premiere at St. James's Theatre.

These are the plays that are the works of Oscar Wilde, who are famous to

this day. Wilde's work, which is alleged to contain elements of sodomy, is

The Picture of Dorian Grey, which led to him having to go through legal

channels. Due to the many adult elements in this work, this story is also

one of Wilde's classic novels. Wilde completed the first draft of The Ballad

Reading Prison (1898). This poem, which parodies the jingoistic use of the

ballad form by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) and W.E. Henley (1849-

1903), received by Leonard Smithers (1861-1907).

These are the works of a Wilde who are considered famous until now,

but in fact there are still many works of Oscar Wilde out there, but here are

only listed works that are indeed famous, then Wilde has also been an

easy writer in Woman's Worlds magazine ( 1887-1889). Wilde's essays

include: Wilde Writings: Contextual Conditions (2003), Oscar Wilde and

Modern Culture: The Making of a Legend (2008), and The Wilde Archive:

Traditions, Histories, Resources (2011).


Oscar Wilde is also a writer who has written plays, the most famous of

which is the play "A Woman of No Importance". In the play Wilde shows

the atmosphere of women in the Victorian era, which is considered by

many as a satire for the reign of Queen Victoria. Wilde is one of the

authors who created literary works with the theme of aesthetics or beauty

as well as criticizing social issues in the Victorian Era (Anugrah, 2013: 2).

Wilde is one of the writers who actively creates works to criticize women's

issues in the Victorian era. Wilde expanded his skills as an astute editor,

transforming the mainly conservative Lady's World into the largely feminist

Woman's World, in which his “Literary Notes” reveal his deep

acquaintance with modern writing. (Joseph Bristow 2010:3). Wilde is a

figure who is aware of the living conditions of women in the Victorian Era,

so he also wrote a literary work, namely the drama a woman of no

importance to show the state of the upper class people and the condition

of a woman in that era.

The Victorian era was known as an era that had a very long period of

peace due to progress in the field of industry, advancement of education

and the economy (Silvia 2009:1). Finally, this impact is also felt by women

so that they feel that they have to compete with men and get equality in

certain fields. Some women refuse to accept their fate that women must

marry rich men in order to experience the advancement of these fields.

They think that women can get it without having to be matched with men

like that, but unfortunately even though this era has development and

progress in these fields, there are still many women who feel that their

existence is always below men so that not a few of them at that time got

gender inequality. This can be seen from the advancement of a Victorian

era but it is the men who still dominate so that the existence of women is

always oppressed.

In the drama A Woman of No Importance Wilde, Wilde's summer

drama at that time, which aired at the Theater Royal Haymarket on April

19, 1893. The main character in this drama is a woman named Mrs.

Arbuthnot, interestingly from this drama, the title of the drama, namely A

Woman of No importance, actually refers to the main character, which was

said directly by a man named Lord Illingworth who apparently knew and

had a relationship with Mrs Arbuthnot. Their relationship did not go

smoothly because Mrs Arbuthnot was pregnant with a child and Lord

Illingworth was not responsible so Mrs Arbuthnot raised the child alone

and endured the shame of giving birth to a child without a father and

without a last name. This brief phenomenon is considered by many to be

commonplace that Wilde insulted or satirized the upper class people and

the condition of women in that era through his drama.

In this drama, it shows that a supreme government led by a woman

still has women who are oppressed and considered unimportant by men.

But this is a real event at that time, in the Victorian era progress was made

everywhere but there was still a lot of discrimination against women

because they were considered weak. Therefore, many women asked for

equality between men and women, Wilde was a figure who moved a lot in

world about women through works like this drama.

The condition of women in the Victorian era has been shown in the

drama A Woman of No Importance. Even though it is only a work, this

condition is a reality that occurs at this time. The depictions written by

Oscar Wilde in this play are a form of male discrimination against women.





In literary works such as drama, it has a constituent structure to build

drama. It is this structure that makes drama different from other literary

works, to find out the characteristics of feminism in the main character, it

must be seen directly from the structure of the composition in the following


1. Characteristics of feminism in main

Character is a trait possessed by every character in a literary work. In

this discussion will discuss the characteristics of feminism which is owned

by Mrs. Arbuthnot. It aims to clarify things about the main character in

Oscar Wilde's drama “A Woman of No Importance”, and to show the side

of feminism after being discriminated against by men. The following are

the characteristics of feminism in the main character:

a. Dominate

The main characteristic of feminism is that it always wants to dominate

over men. In the drama A Woman of No Importance it is seen that Mrs

Arbuthnot wants to dominate her relationship with Lord Illingworth,

because she feels that Lord Illingworth's actions want to discriminate

against her, this characteristic appears when Lord Illingworth wants to

make Gerald his secretary, and Mrs Arbuthnot refuses because Lord

Illingworth when Mrs. Arbuthnot was pregnant with Gerald she did not

keep her promise to marry Mrs. Arbuthnot. This was why Mrs Arbuthnot

didn't want Gerald to come with Lord Illingworth. This event can be seen

from the following conversation:

“LORD ILLINGWORTH. Well, Rachel, what in over is over. All I

have got to say now  in that I am very, very much pleased with our
boy. The world will know him merely as my private secretary, but to
me he will
be something very near, and very dear. It is a  curious thing, Rachel ; 
my life seemed to be quitecomplete. It was not so. It lacked  somethin
g, it lacked a  son. I have found my son now, I am glad I
have found him.
MRS. ARBUTHNOT. You have no right to claim him, or the smallest
part of him. The  boy is entirely mine, and shall remain mine.”

in the above conversation it appears that Mrs. Arbuthnot wants to

dominate Gerald because she feels more entitled than Lord Illingworth.

Mrs Arbuthnot didn't want Gerald to go with the man who had belittled her

and had ruined her youth. The domineering nature of Mrs Arbuthnot aims

to protect Gerald from being the same as Lord Illingworth, and in order to

avoid discrimination about a child's future being better off with a father

than a woman, this is the thought of Lord Illingworth who thinks that

Gerald's future will be better if you go with him. The emergence of

feminism in the main character is due to the nature of wanting to dominate

as described.

b. Critical

The nature of feminism which is owned by the main character is

critical, feminist women must have critical thinking about various things.

The main character has a critical nature because he has different thoughts

from Lady Hunstanton, and expresses his own opinion as a woman.

Although Mrs Arbuthnot's fellow woman still dared to express her own

opinion, which she felt was correct. Mrs Arbuthnot thinks that there are

many things that can't all be forgiven, and this opinion shows that she is

critical and able to have her own answers. This event can be seen in the

following conversation:

“LADY HUNSTANTON. should forgive everything, shouldn't we, dear

Mrs. Arbuthnot? I am sure you agree with me in that.
MRS. ARBUTHNOT. I do not, Lady Hunstanton. I think there are many
things women  should never forgive.”

The conversation above shows that Mrs. Arbuthnot has the opinion

that not all things can be forgiven by women, because she thinks there are

many things that men do to women so that she feels that not everything

can be forgiven by a woman, many women suffer and are destroyed

because of the treatment of men. -man. It was this statement that Mrs

Arbuthnot wanted to make. After the conversation above, to further explain

why Mrs. Arbuthnot has a critical character, it can be seen from the

following conversation:

“LADY HUNSTANTON. What short of things?

MRS. ARBUTHNOT. The ruin of another woman’s life.”

(move slowly away to bac of stage)

The conversation is a continuation of the previous conversation that

discusses things that can be forgiven and cannot be forgiven by women.

In the above conversation, Mrs. Arbuthnot stated that not all women can

forgive, namely about the destruction of other women, this is a critical

thought from Mrs. Arbuthnot because she thinks that the destruction of

adolescence, or the destruction of women comes from men, and it is true

that when she was a teenager, Mrs. Arbuthnot had a child out of wedlock

with Lord Illingworth, but Lord Illingworth was not responsible and finally

the child was raised by Mrs Arbuthnot alone. It was this experience that

made Mrs Arbuthnot critical on the issue of forgiveness, and at the same

time Lord Illingworth was also in a place with Mrs Arbuthnot so this was a

blow to him too. This thought was critical when Mrs. Arbuthnot had been

discriminated against by Lord Illingworth, which gave rise to this kind of


c. Ego

One of the characteristics of feminism is to have an ego because it is

related to one's personality. Mrs Arbuthnot also has a high ego as a

woman. Mrs Arbuthnot chose not to accept Lord Illingworth, and refused to

marry him because Lord Illingworth had promised to marry him when he

was a teenager, but when Mrs Arbuthnot was pregnant with a child Lord

Illingworth did not keep her promise, Mrs Arbuthnot's ego emerged

because of her past with Lord Illingworth. Even though this request for

marriage was asked directly by his son, with the intention that their

relationship could become a family. This event can be seen in the

following conversation:

“GERALD. I will insist upon his doing it. I will make him do it: he will

not dare to  refuse.

MRS. ARBUTHNOT. But, Gerald, it is I who refuse. I will not marry

Lord Illingworth.”

In the conversation above, it can be seen that the main character has

a high "ego" so he refuses his son's request. In this incident Gerald had

good intentions to unite the family. However, Mrs Arbuthnot rejects the

main character's ego also stems from the bad experiences she had as a

teenager with Lord Illingworth. Therefore, the ego to refuse requests from

Gerald is getting bigger because of his dark experience. This is one of the

feminist characters that Mrs. Arbuthnot gets so she won't be bullied by

men anymore.

As for the direct request from Lord Illingworth to marry her. But still

Mrs Arbuthnot with her ego stance, and still refuses to marry. This refusal

also occurred directly to Lord Illingworth who came to his house, and

previously obtained Gerald's handwritten letter which would later be sent

to him, and then asked Mrs. Arbuthnot to marry. But that did not happen

because Mrs. Arbuthnot had rejected it. The following is the event in


“LORD ILLINGWORTH. I will keep it now. And that will

show you that I love my son, at least as much as you love him. For
when I marry you, Rachel, there are some  ambitions I shall
have to surrender. High ambitions, too, if any ambition is high.

MRS. ARBUTHNOT. I decline to marry you, Lord Illingworth.”

The conversation above occurred after Lord Illingworth accidentally

saw the letter that would later be addressed to him which was Gerald's

handwriting. Then Lord Illingworth asked kindly, and would show that he

really loved Gerald. Lord Illingworth's efforts were in vain and Mrs

Arbuthnot continued to refuse, this refusal also stemmed from Mrs

Arbuthnot's pain that she did not want to marry Lord Illingworth. Therefore,

the determination of the main character's ego cannot be easily shaken

with sweet words from Lord Illingworth, so it is very fitting if Mrs. Arbuthnot

is said to have a high ego.

d. Independent woman

The representation of independent woman for feminist characters,

because independent is one who can stand alone, a strong and strong

figure. Mrs. Arbuthnot is an independent woman, which is the hallmark of

Feminism. Seen when Mrs Arbuthnot conceived a child as a teenager,

then after Mrs Arbuthnot found out she was pregnant, she went to collect a

promise to Lord Illingworth who promised to marry her at that time, but

Lord Illingworth did not fulfill his promise, after that Mrs Arbuthnot left Lord

Illingworth because on at the same time Lord Illingworth also refused to

name his son. As a result Mrs Arbuthnot was disappointed and left Lord

Illingworth, this event can be seen in the following conversation:

“LORD ILLINGWORTH. You forget, Rachel, it was you who left me. It

was not I who  left you.

MRS. ARBUTHNOT. I left you because you refused to give the child 
a name. Before  my son was born, I implored you to marry me.”

In the conversation above, it appears that Lord Illingworth is indeed an

irresponsible man and Mrs Arbuthnot looks very disappointed. After that

incident Mrs Arbuthnot left the irresponsible man, because Lord Illingworth

not only broke his promise but also refused to give a name to the child that

Mrs Arbuthnot was carrying even though it was his own. Therefore Mrs

Arbuthnot left Lord Illingworth, here is a description of Mrs. Arbuthnot who

is a strong or independent woman, she leaves Lord Illingworth but she is

also responsible for her womb in the end she becomes a mother without a

husband, so she must be a mother figure as well as a mother figure. father

to his children. The feminism character is like being independent and able

to stand alone, or independent, according to Mrs. Arbuthnot who becomes

a feminist character when she has received discrimination treatment from

a man.

2. Plot

The next drama building structure is the plot. The plot contains a

series of events so that a story is formed that will be experienced by the

characters in the story. Each plot has different events, in Oscar Wilde's

drama "A Woman of No Importance" has a forward and backward plot. At

the beginning of the story the plot continues forward, and tells the events

that are happening. Then comes the moment when Mrs. Arbuthnot tells

Gerald the past, that's where the plot goes backwards because it tells

about Mrs. Arbuthnot's past, then after the story is finished the plot goes

back again until this drama is finished. so it can be said that this drama

has a back and forth plot.

3. Settings

After discussing the plot, the next setting contains the atmosphere,

time and place. Setting also plays an important role in the drama, because

when the storyline is experienced by each character, it also discusses the

atmosphere and time of occurrence of an event in the drama. In the drama

"A Woman of No Importance" also has four acts with different settings and


a. Act 1

The first act scene in Oscar Wilde's play "A Woman of No Importance"

begins in front of Hunstanton's terrace. It opens with a conversation

between Sir John and Lady Caroline Ponteract, Miss Worsley, in a chair

under the Yew tree. The setting of the place here is immediately known

because it is immediately explained, but in the drama it is not explained

when the incident occurred, because there is no explanation about the

time of the events in this act.

b. Act 2

After Round one continued to the second round which started from

“The Living Room at Hunstanton” and after dinner. The time setting in the

second half is explained after dinner, meaning that all events in this round

occur at night. In this act, the main character Mrs. Arbuthnot appears

through the terrace to this place. To find out the setting of time and place

in the act is very easy, because when you read it, the readers will know

immediately because it is narrated directly in the drama.

c. Act 3

After the second round proceed to the third round. This action begins

in the "Image Gallery in Hunstanton" which is linked to the "Door at the

back leads to the terrace" which contains "Lord Illingworth and Gerald,

Lord Illingworth is sleeping on the sofa. Gerald in the chair" is still in the

night mood. The setting of the atmosphere here is still related to the

setting of the atmosphere in the second Act. As in the second act in this

act, the place is directly narrated in the drama without the need to see the

conversation again to prove that the event started.

d. Act 4

After the third act will continue to the fourth act which is the last act of

this drama. In this final stage, the setting has moved to Mrs. Arbuthnot's

residence, which is in the living room. For setting the time this action

occurs in the morning. The setting of time and place in this drama can be

seen from the following conversation:

“LADY HUNSTANTON.  Good morning, Gerald.

GERALD. [Rising.] Good morning, Lady Hunstanton. Good morningM
rs. Allonby.”

In the conversation above, it can be explained that the time setting for

this last act occurred in the morning, because there was an exchange of

greetings between Lady Hunstanton and Gerald who was the host, and to

explain the setting of the place it would be immediately known when

entering this act, because it was immediately explained or narrated. that

scene that begins in "The living room at Mrs. Arbuthnot's house". In this

Act, the place and atmosphere is very different from the previous acts

which are still related to the place and atmosphere.


In this first discussion, we will discuss the emergence of feminism in

the main character of the drama "A Woman of No Importance", with the

main character named Mrs. Arbuthnot who gets treatment such as

subordination, stereotypes, marginalization, and even violence that leaves

psychological scars. This treatment was received by Mrs. Arbuthnot from a

man, the following are the factors for the emergence of feminism in the

main character:

1. Marginalization

The first treatment which is representative of the act of marginalization

committed by Lord Illingworth to Mrs Arbuthnot, when Lord Illingworth

finds a handwritten letter from Mrs Arbuthnot then admits that he does not

recognize the handwriting, and says that the letter is from an unimportant

woman, then threw the letter away and left but actually Lord Illingworth

knew who the woman was. This incident can be seen from the

conversation between Lord Illingworth and Mrs Alonby as follows:


and takes it up  and looks at envelope.] What a curious handwriting!
It reminds me of the handwriting of a woman I used to know years
LORD ILLINGWORTH. Oh! no one.  No one in particular.A woman of
no importance. [Throws letter down, and passes up the steps of
the terrace with MRS. ALLONBY. They  smile at each other.]”

In the conversation above it looks like a normal thing but this includes

a condition where women are marginalized by men, because Lord

Illingworth actually knows Mrs. Arbuthnot. They both had a love affair

when they were teenagers and Mrs Arbuthnot loved Lord Illingworth so

much that she was willing to leave the house. However, their love affair

ran aground when Mrs Arbutnout was pregnant with a child, and Lord

Illingworth had previously promised to marry her but in reality it was not as

promised. This incident is where the presence of women is marginalized

by men, and the title of the drama "A Woman of No Importance" is

apparently intended for Mrs. Arbutnout who has been marginalized by

men. This is one of the factors that makes feminism emerge, namely

because it gets marginalized treatment, namely a condition where the

existence of women is considered unimportant according to what

happened in the conversation above.

2. Subordination

The representation of the factors of the emergence of Feminism in the

main character is when subordinated by men. This happens in this drama

when Lord Illingworth considers that his past with Mrs Arbuthnot is less

important and more important the future of Gerald who is Lord Illingworth's

son with Mrs Arbuthnot. Meanwhile Gerald also did not know that Lord

Illingworth was his father, because when Gerald was still in the womb Lord

Illingworth did not marry his mother. It is this incident that makes women

feel subordinated to men, especially from a man who is not responsible for

what he does, and argues that a person's past is not important or cannot

be linked to the future of a child without feeling guilty, for a mother who

takes care of her child. alone without a father figure. The condition shows

that women are always considered subordinated to men, the following is a

statement from Lord Illingworth:

“LORD ILLINGWORTH. My dear Rachel, I must candidly say that I

think Gerald's future considerably more important than your past.”

In the quote of Lord Illingworth's statement above, it is included in the

act of subordinating women who are mothers. Subordination is when men

think that women are always under men, especially in terms of family. But

here Lord Illingworth shouldn't think like that because from the start they

were supposed to be family but because Lord Illingworth didn't marry Mrs

Arbutnout, they were never family, but Lord Illingworth considered Gerald

also his son so expressed that opinion so that Gerald would come with

him in order to get a better future. brighter than Mrs Arbutnout. It is this

incident that makes women subordinated to their existence, assuming the

role of a father is prioritized over a mother, making women always under

men, because it is related to work and the future that it is always the

father's role that is superior and a mother is considered to only help from

behind or not at all. . This condition actually happened in the Victorian era,

so there are still many women who feel unfair, because the figure of a

mother in the household is also very important. From the events that have

been described, the feminism factor in the main character emerges

because they feel subordinated by men.

3. Violence

Representations of acts of violence in the form of sexual violence are

also present in this drama and accepted by Mrs. Arbuthnot which occurred

as a teenager, when Mrs. Arbuthnot and Lord Illingworth were teenagers

and liked each other. Lord Illingworth asked Mrs. Arbuthnot to run away

from home and promised to marry but in fact when Mrs. Arbuthnot was

pregnant and asked for her responsibility, Lord Illingworth ran away

refusing to marry Mrs. Arbuthnot and refused to name Mrs. Arbuthnot's

child. This incident did occur during the Victorian era. This is one of the

factors of violence that refers to non-verbal violence, which only leaves

psychological and long-term wounds. This event can be seen in the

following quote:

“MRS. ARBUTHNOT. George Harford that was Lord Illingworth's

name then George Harford met her.He made her love him so much
that she left her father's house with him one morning. She loved  him 
so much, and he had    promised to marry her! He had solemnly prom
ised to marry  her, and she had believed him. She was very young,
and  and ignorant of what life really  is. But he put the marriage off
from week to week, and month to month.”
(Wilde, 52:1987)

The quote above is a past story from Mrs. Arbuthnot with Lord

Illingworth. However, the main character does not fully say to his son that

the woman is himself. The quote above is included in acts of violence that

refer to non-verbal violence because this type of violence does not leave

scars or signs of physical violence, but leaves psychological signs. This

was a common thing in the Victorian era, but actually it was an act of

widespread discrimination, because it made the female body a mere outlet

for lust. This action leaves negative things that are only felt by women,

such as shame, becomes a shocking material and destroys a girl's

teenage years.

In the quote above, only part of the story is taken which refers directly

to the essence of the non-verbal acts of violence that Lord Illingworth

committed against Mrs. Arbuthnot. This event is one of the emergences of

feminism in the main character, because he gets the treatment that has

been described.

4. Stereotypes

The representation of the emergence of feminism in the main

character is Sterotype, the main character gets stereotyped actions when

having a conversation with his son Gerald, about the past of a woman who

turns out to be Mrs. Arbuthnot herself. After that Gerald responded to the

story with a comment which blamed the woman in the story. from Mrs.

Arbuthnot. According to Gerald the woman in his mother's story is a bad

woman, here is Gerald's reply after Mrs. Arbuthnot told a woman's past

with Lord Illingworth:

“GERALD. My dear mother, it all sounds very tragic, of course. But I

dare say the girl  was just as much to blame as Lord Illingworth was.
After all, would a really nice girl, a  girl with any nice feelings at all, go
away from her home with a man to whom she was not married,
and live with him as his wife? No nice girl would.”

In the quote above, this is a quote from Gerald when he had a

conversation with Mrs Arbuthnot about Lord Illingworth's past. Mrs

Arbuthnot told Lord Illingworth when he was a teenager he made a girl fall

in love with him and promised to marry her. After the woman left the house

and went with Lord Illingworth because of the promise that Lord Illingworth

would marry her, but when Mrs Arbuthnot was pregnant with a child, Lord

Illingworth was not responsible. But Gerald's answer here seems to label

the woman as not a good woman and blame her, for leaving the house

and going out with a man. Gerald had absolutely no objection to a man

promising marriage to the woman who became his mother when he was

young. This incident is one of the factors that lead to the emergence of

feminism in the main character.




After discussing the results of the discussion of the two problems

found in the drama A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde, then the

researcher can draw several conclusions, as follows:

First: There is a feminism problem in this story, this problem is related

to the main character's past, even though it is the past but it has a lifelong

impact on the main character. The impact received by the main character

is to endure shame and shame, the destruction of easy times, and the

trauma of knowing love. The main character's past is having children with

a man, and this is done consciously because the main character believes

that the man will be responsible for his actions. It turns out that the man

doesn't want to marry the main character, so he ends up raising a

nameless child alone, and bears everything on his own. The problem in

the drama A Woman of No Importance has a Feminist value.

Second: The main character after receiving discrimination treatment,

then feminism characters appear in the main character. These feminist

characters appear and are maintained until the end of the story, such as

being critical, having a high ego, a woman who is strong and wants to

dominate what is her right, and at the end of the story the main character

still doesn't want to marry the man who got her pregnant when she was a

teenager. and irresponsible. Although it was asked nicely, with the

intention of becoming family and used to forgive each other the problems

that existed in the past, Mrs. Arbuthnot still didn't accept this, this is a

character of feminism which can survive without having a man in her life.


After the researcher conducts his research, there must be suggestions

for this research to be a perfect research for the readers, as follows:

1. For readers

The author supports and recommends to readers who are interested

in researching the drama "A Woman of No Importance" so that they can

take and see from another point of view in this drama. For example about

Patriarchy and Maniarchy in the drama "A Woman of No Importance".

Finally, the author hopes that this research can provide added value for

readers who are interested in the drama "A Woman of No Importance" so

that it can be a reference for readers who want to do research on


2. To Researchers

"Every human being is not perfect, so is research." In this study, the

researcher realizes that this research is still far from perfect. Therefore,

criticism and suggestions are needed to improve and develop this

research so that it can be better in the future. The criticism and

suggestions given will be a great note for researchers to improve the

analysis. Thank you to the supervisors and examiners who have

supported by providing many inputs so that this paper can be completed in

the expected time.


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