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RUKO RK-4.5x12-2F

PT. Anugrah Multi Cipta Karya – Engineering Consultant

Office: Jl. Situ Aksan 29, Bandung 40221
web:, E-mail:
Tel: 022-6041685, 6003595 HP: 0878-25670070, 0812-2348247

DAFTAR ISI............................................................................................................................... i
KATA PENGANTAR ............................................................................................................. iii
1. Data Struktur ...................................................................................................................... 1
Peraturan yang Digunakan ..................................................................................................... 1
Ringkasan Data Struktur Gedung .......................................................................................... 1
2. Material dan Pembebanan .................................................................................................. 2
2.1. Material Properties ...................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Tabel Berat Jenis Bahan .............................................................................................. 2
2.3. Beban Rencana (SNI-1727-2013) ............................................................................... 3
2.4. Beban Gempa .............................................................................................................. 3
2.5. Analisis Hasil Beban Gempa..................................................................................... 14
2.5.1. Jumlah Ragam Struktur...................................................................................... 14
2.5.2. Analisis Persyaratan Gaya Geser Dasar pada Analisis Respon Spektrum ........ 14
2.5.3. Simpangan Antar Lantai (Story Drift) ............................................................... 14
2.5.4. Pengaruh P-delta ................................................................................................ 15
2.5.4. Ketidakberaturan Horizontal dan Vertikal ......................................................... 16
3. Kombinasi Pembebanan dan Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan .................................................. 18
3.1. Kombinasi Pembebanan ............................................................................................ 18
3.2. Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan .......................................................................................... 19
3.3. Faktor Reduksi Beban Hidup .................................................................................... 20
3.4. Program Analisis Struktur ......................................................................................... 21
4. Analisis Struktur .............................................................................................................. 21
4.1. Model 3D................................................................................................................... 21
4.2. Pemodelan Struktur ................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1. Pemodelan Balok Kolom ................................................................................... 22
4.2.2. Pemodelan Pelat ................................................................................................. 22
4.2. Denah Struktur .......................................................................................................... 22
4.3. Time Period ............................................................................................................... 23
4.4. Drift Analysis ............................................................................................................ 26
4.5. P-Delta....................................................................................................................... 26
4.6. Desain Eksentrisitas .................................................................................................. 27

4.7. Base Shear ................................................................................................................. 28
4.8. Reaksi Kolom ............................................................................................................ 28
4.9. Pengecekkan Ketidakberaturan ................................................................................. 31
4.9.1. Ketidakberaturan Horizontal .............................................................................. 31
4.9.3. Pengecekkan Ketidakberaturan Vertikal............................................................ 34
5. Reaksi Perletakan ............................................................................................................. 39
5.1. Kombinasi Beban Envelope ...................................................................................... 39
6. Sistem Pondasi ................................................................................................................. 39
6.1. Pondasi Telapak ........................................................................................................ 40
6.2. PC Pile ....................................................................................................................... 45
6.3. Strauss Pile ................................................................................................................ 49
7. Disain Struktur Atas ......................................................................................................... 54
7.1. Disain Pelat ............................................................................................................... 54
7.2. Disain Balok .............................................................................................................. 55
7.2.1. Contoh Penulangan Lentur Balok ...................................................................... 55
7.2.2. Contoh Momen Kapasitas Balok ....................................................................... 55
7.3. Disain Kolom ............................................................................................................ 58
7.3.1. Contoh Gaya Rencana Kolom ........................................................................... 58
7.3.2. Contoh Desain Penulangan Kolom .................................................................... 58
7.3.3. Kekuatan Lentur Minimum Kolom (SNI 2847-2019 Pasal 18.7.3)................... 59


Buku ini merupakan draft Laporan hasil Desain dan Analisis Struktur Rumah dan Ruko
Sederhana yang terletak di Bandung.

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam
penyusunan laporan ini.

Hormat kami,


1. Data Struktur
Ruko ini didesain dengan menggunakan kondisi di Kota Bandung dan terdiri dari 2 lantai.

1.1. Peraturan yang Digunakan

1. Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan non Gedung (SNI-
2. Peta Gempa (SNI-1726-2019)
3. Beban Minimum untuk Perancangan Bangunan Gedung dan Struktur lain (SNI-1727-2020)
4. Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung (SNI-2847-2019)

1.2. Ringkasan Data Struktur Gedung

Nama Bangunan : Ruko Sederhana
Lokasi : Bandung
Fungsi : Ruko
Jumlah Lantai : 2 Lantai + Dak
Sistem Struktur : Sistem Rangka Beton Bertulang Pemikul Momen Khusus
Sistem Pondasi : Disediakan 3 pilihan pondasi yaitu; Telapak, PC Pile, Strauss Pile
Zona Gempa : SS= 1.25, S1=0.525 (Peta Gempa SNI-1726-2019)
Jenis Tanah : Sedang (Medium)
Importancy Factor, Ie : 1.00
Redundancy Factor, rho : 1.00
Damping ratio : 0.05
Tingkat Daktilitas R : 8.0
Vertical Acceleration, av : 0.167g
OmegaFactor : 3.0
Beban Rencana : SNI-1727-2020
Beban Gempa : SNI-1726-2019
Disain Beton : SNI-2847-2019
Program yang digunakan : SANSPRO V.5.20 +Drawing Module (Integrated Structural Analysis and
Design System for Building and General Structures)
• 3D Structural Model
• Linear Dynamic Spectrum Response Analysis
• Multiple Diaphragms Models
• Design Capacity for Structural Elements
• Design Capacity for Foundation
Dari analisis, didapat ukuran kolom, balok, dan pelat lantai sebagai berikut:
Pelat : 12 cm
Kolom : 30x30 cm, 30x35 cm
Balok Induk : 25x40 cm, 25x50 cm
Balok Anak : 25x40 cm

2. Material dan Pembebanan
2.1. Material Properties
Proyek ini menggunakan sistem struktur rangka beton bertulang pemikul momen khusus.
Mutu Beton
Kolom : fc’=25 MPa
Balok : fc’=25 MPa
Pelat : fc’=25 MPa
PileCap : 30 MPa
Pondasi Telapak : 30 Mpa
PC Pile : 30 MPa
Strauss Pile : 30 MPa
Tangga : fc’=25 MPa
Listplank dan lain2 : fc’=20 MPa
Non-struktural : fc’=15 MPa
Lantai Kerja : fc’=10.2 MPa

Lantai Komponen Lt 1-Top

Mutu Kolom f'c=25MPa
Beton Balok dan Pelat f'c=25MPa
Rasio f'ckolom / f'c balok 1

Karena rasio fc’ kolom / fc’ balok tidak melebihi 1.4 maka penyaluran beban melalui sistem lantai tidak
perlu mengikuti ketentuan SNI-2847-2019 pasal 15.3.1a, 15.3.1b, atau 15.3.1c.

2.2. Tabel Berat Jenis Bahan

Berat jenis bahan material yang digunakan seperti pada tabel berikut:

Material Weight Unit

Betonbertulang 24 kN/m3

Betonpolos 21 kN/m3

Baja 78.5 kN/m3

Pasir 18 kN/m3

Tanahurug 20 kN/m3

Dindingbata15cm 2.5 kN/m2

Dinding Hebel 6 kN/m3

Adukan 20 kN/m3
Plafond, ducting AC, 0.2 kN/m2
Lantai granit 26 kN/m3

Batu pecah 14.5 kN/m3

Material Weight Unit

Sirtu 18.5 kN/m3

Pasangan batu kali 18 kN/m3

Air 10 kN/m3

Dindingpartisi 0.5 kN/m2

Lantai teraso/ubin,
0.22 kN/m2
Aspal campur 22 kN/m3
Atap genteng +
0.5 kN/m2
Atap metal sheet 0.1 kN/m2

2.3. Beban Rencana (SNI-1727-2020)

Perhitungan beban disesuaikan dengan peraturan beban rencana SNI-1727-2020 sebagai berikut:
• Beban Mati : Lantai = 150 kg/m2
Atap = 150 kg/m2
Dinding dan sekat = 150 kg/m2
• Beban Hidup : Lantai = 360 kg/m2
Atap = 360 kg/m2
• Beban M&E
• Beban Angin : Tidak menentukan karena jumlah lantai <= 40

2.4. Beban Gempa

• Parameter Kelas Situs

Berdasarkan SNI-1726-2019 pasal 5.4.2 jenis tanah atau situs harus diklasifikasikan sebagai kelas
situs SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, atau SF. Pengklasifikasian tanah dapat ditentukan berdasarkan kondisi
tanah sesuai Tabel. Berikut perhitungan nilai parameter klasifikasi situs berdasarkan data N-SPT.

Dimana Ni dan Di pada persamaan N berlaku untuk tanah non-kohesif, tanah kohesif, dan lapisan
batuan. Semetara Ni dan Di pada persamaan N ch hanya untuk tanah non-kohesif saja.

Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 29, BSN

Karena tidak dilakukan suatu uji untuk mengetahui kondisi tanah pada lokasi pembangunan,
diasumsikan kelas situs sebagai Tanah Sedang (SD).
• Parameter Kategori Resiko Gedung
Kategori resiko gedung ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 4.1.2. berdasarkan fungsi
bangunan. Berikut Tabel 3 SNI-1726-2019 dalam menentukan kategori resiko gedung.

Dari Tabel 3 SNI-1726-2019, ditentukan untuk proyek ini memiliki kategori resiko bangunan = II.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 24&25, BSN)

• Parameter Faktor Keutamaan Gempa (Ie)

Faktor keutamaan ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 4.1.2. berdasarkan fungsi bangunan. Berikut
Tabel 4 SNI-1726-2019 untuk menentukan faktor keutamaan gedung.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 25, BSN)

Dari Tabel 4 SNI-1726-2019, ditentukan untuk proyek ini memiliki Faktor Keutamaan Gempa (Ie)
= 1.0.

• Parameter Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE dari peta gempa (Ss & S1)
Parameter percepatan respons spectral MCE dari peta gempa ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-
2019 pasal 6.1.2. Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa terdiri dari
Ss (parameter percepatan respons spectral MCE dari peta gempa pada perioda pendek) dan
S1 (parameter pecepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa pada 1 detik). Nilai dari
kedua parameter bergantung pada kondisi tanah dan lokasi bangunan, tiap lokasi memiliki
nilai parameter yang bervariasi. Nilai parameter ini dapat diambil dari peta gempa SNI-

Peta Gempa 2019 untuk transisi periode panjang TL

Peta Gempa 2019 untuk MCErSs

Peta Gempa 2019 untuk MCEr S1

Dari hasil pembacaan peta gempa Indonesia 2019, ditentukan untuk proyek ini yang
berlokasi di Bandung memiliki nilai SS=1.25 dan S1=0,525.

• Koefisien situs (Fa & Fv)

Koefisien situs ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 6.2 yang ditetapkan berdasakan
nilai SS, S1, dan kelas situs. Koefisien Situs terdiri dari Fa (koefisien situs pada periode
0,2 detik) dan Fv (koefisien situs pada periode 1 detik). Berikut Tabel dalam
menentukan koefisien situs.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 34&35, BSN)

Dari Tabel, serta proses interpolasi, ditentukan untuk proyek ini yang berlokasi di
Bandung dengan kondisi Tanah Sedang (SD) memiliki nilai Fa = 1.00 dan Fv = 1.775.

• Parameter Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE (SMS & SM1)

Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal
6.2 yang ditetapkan berdasakan nilai Fa, Fv, SS, dan S1. Parameter percepatan respons
spektral MCE terdiri dari SMS (Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE pada
periode 0,2 detik) dan SM1 (Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE pada periode
1 detik). Berikut Persamaan 7 dan Persamaan 8 dalam menentukan parameter
percepatan respons.
SMS= Fa x SS (7)
SM1= Fv x S1 (8)
Maka pada untuk proyek Hotel Tebu 64 Bandung, diperoleh nilai S MS dan SM1 sebagai berikut:
SMS= Fa x SS = 1.00 x 1.25 = 1.25g
SM1= Fv x S1 = 1.775 x 0.525 = 0.9319g

• Parameter Percepatan Respons Spektral (SDS & SD1)

Parameter percepatan respons spektral ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 6.3 yang
ditetapkan berdasakan nilai SMS, dan SM1. Parameter percepatan respons spektral terdiri dari SDS
(Parameter percepatan respons spektral pada periode 0,2 detik) dan SD1 (Parameter percepatan
respons spektral pada periode 1 detik). Berikut Persamaan 5dan Persamaan 6 dalam menentukan
Parameter percepatan respons spektral.
SDS= 2/3 x SMS (9)
SD1= 2/3 x SM1 (10)
Maka untuk proyek Tebu 64, diperoleh nilai SDS dan SD1 sebagai berikut:
SDS= 2/3 x SMS = 2/3 x 1.25 = 0.8333g
SD1= 2/3 x SM1 = 2/3 x 0.9319 = 0.6212g
• Respons Spektra Desain
Dengan menghitung parameter percepatan spektral desain, grafik respons spektrum
dapat dibuat berdasarkan Persamaan 11 sampai dengan Persamaan 13. Grafik respons
spektrum adalah hubungan antara periode dan percepatan respons spektrum yang
ditunjukkan pada Gambar.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 36, BSN)
S D1
T0 = 0, 2 
S D1
TS =

Untuk T<T0:
Sa = S DS (0, 4 + 0, 6 )
T0 (11)
Untuk T0≤ T ≤ TS:

Sa = SDS

Untuk Ts < T ≤ TL:

Untuk TL < T:

Berikut Respon Spektra untuk Proyek ini dengan kondisi Tanah Sedang (SD)

Perhitungan Periode To bangunan min dan max pendekatan fundamental (SNI-1726-2019
pasal 7.8.2):
Tabel Nilai Parameter Periode Pendekatan Ct dan x
Tipe Struktur Ct x
Sistem rangka pemikul momen di mana rangka memikul 100 persen haya
gempa yang disyaratkan dan tidak dilingkupi atau dihubungkan dengan
komponen yang lebih kaku dan akan mencegah rangka dari defleksi jika
dikenai gaya gempa:
Rangka baja pemikul momen 0,0724 0,8
Rangka beton pemikul momen 0,0466 0,9
Rangka baja dengan bresing eksentris 0,0731 0,75
Rangka baja dengan bresing terkekang terhadap tekuk 0,0731 0,75
Semua sistem struktur lainnya 0,0488 0,75
(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, Tabel 18, halaman 72, BSN)
Tabel Koefisien Untuk Batas Atas pada Periode yang Dihitung
Parameter percepatan respons spektral desain
Koefisien Cu
pada 1 detik, SD1
≥ 0,4 1,4
0,3 1,4
0,2 1,5
0,15 1,6
≤ 0,1 1,7
(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, Tabel 17, halaman 72, BSN)
Berikut perhitungan Ta dan CuTa pada struktur ini:
Pehitungan Ta dan CuTa dengan pendekatan fundamental:
Ta = Ct . hnx CuTa = Cu . Ta
= 0.0466 . 10.5 = 1.4 . 0.3867 detik
= 0.3867detik = 0.541 detik

• Kategori Desain Seismik

Kategori Desain Seismik ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 6.5 yang ditetapkan berdasakan nilai SDS,
dan SD1 dan kategori resiko. Berikut Tabel dalam menentukan Kategori Desain Seismik. Kategori Desain
Seismik diambil yang terbesar kategorinya dari KDS yang berdasarkan S D1 dan KDS yang berdasarkan SDS.

Untuk proyek Ruko Sederhana di Bandung maka didapatkan hasil setelah plot pada Tabel 2
SDS= 0.8333g
SD1= 0.6212g
KDS berdasarkan SDS= Kategori Desain Seismik D (0,50≤SDS)
KDS berdasarkan SD1= Kategori Desain Seismik D (0,20≤SD1)
Maka, dapat disimpulkan untuk proyek ini, didapatkan Kategori Desain Seismik D.

• Sistem Penahan Gaya Seismik

Sistem struktur penahan Gaya Seismik ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 pasal 7.2.2 yang ditetapkan
berdasarkan Kategori Desain Seismik dan perencanaan sistem struktur awal. Pada proyek ini,
bangunan terdiri dari sistem portal beton daktail dan memiliki kategori desain seismik D. Sesuai
Tabel 12 SNI-1726-2019, maka diambil sistem struktur untuk ruko sederhana yang berlokasi di
Bandung yaitu Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus yang ditunjukkan pada tabel.

Maka dengan sistem struktur penahan gaya gempa untuk sistem rangka beton bertulang pemikul momen
khusus R=8.0, Cd=5.5, dan Ωo =3.0
• Geser Dasar Seismik
Vs, dalam arah yang ditetapkan harus ditentukan sesuai dengan persamaan di bawah ini:
VS = CS x W (30)
CS =
Ie (31)
Cs = Koefisien respons seismik
W = Berat bangunan
SDS = Parameter percepatan spektrum respons desain dalam rentang perioda pendek
R = Faktor modifikasi respons
Ie = Faktor keutamaan gempa

Nilai Cs yang dihitung sesuai dengan persamaan 31 tidak perlu melebihi berikut ini:
Untuk T ≤TL

Untuk T > TL

Cs harus tidak kurang dari:
Dan untuk S1 ≥ 0.6g , Cs tidak kurang dari :

SD1 = Parameter percepatan spektrum respons desain pada perioda sebesar 1,0 detik
T = Periode fundamental struktur (detik)
S1 = Parameter percepatan spektrum respons maksimum yang dipetakan

Penentuan nilai Cs, dan perhitungan gaya geser dasar (Vs) dilakukan pada masing-masing gedung
dengan bantuan software.

• Nilai Pengaruh Beban Seismik

Berdasarkan SNI-1726-2019 pasal 7.4.1, faktor – faktor dan kombinasi yang terdapat beban gempa
di dalam persamaannya harus di desain berdasarkan pengaruh beban seismik yang di tentukan
sebagai berikut.
▪ Untuk penggunaan dalam kombinasi beban 6 pada sub bab 4.2.2 atau kombinasi beban 5 dan
6 dalam 4.2.3, E harus di definisikan sebagai
E = 𝐸ℎ + 𝐸𝑣 (22)

▪ Untuk penggunaan dalam kombinasi beban 7 pada sub bab 4.2.2 atau kombinasi beban 8
dalam 4.2.3, E harus di definisikan sebagai
E = 𝐸ℎ − 𝐸𝑣 (23)

Pengaruh beban seismik
E = Pengaruh beban seismik
𝐸ℎ = Pengaruh beban seismik horizontal yang akan di definisikan selanjutnya
𝐸𝑣 = Pengaruh beban seismic vertical yang akan di definisikan selanjutnya
𝐸ℎ adalah pengaruh gaya seismik horizontal. Pengaruh beban seismik 𝐸ℎ harus di tentukan
dengan rumus sebagai berikut :
𝐸ℎ = 𝜌𝑄𝐸 (24)
𝐸𝑣 adalah pengaruh gaya seismik vertikal. Pengaruh beban seismik 𝐸𝑣 harus di tentukan
dengan rumus berikut ini.
𝐸𝑣 = 0.2 𝑆𝐷𝑆 . 𝐷𝐿 (25)
Keterangan :
𝑆𝐷𝑠 = Parameter percepatan respon spectrum desain pada perioda pendek yang di peroleh dari 6.3
D = Pengaruh beban mati

𝐸𝑣 = 0.2 𝑆𝐷𝑠 𝐷
= 0.2 x 0.8333 D
= 0.167 g

Akomodasi pengaruh gempa vertikal diakomodasi dalam kombinasi beban akibat gempa.

• Rangkuman Parameter Gempa

Data Bangunan
Fungsi Bangunan Ruko
Jumlah Lantai 2 Lantai + Dak
Lokasi Bandung
Kategori Resiko Bangunan II
Faktor Keutamaan I e= 1.0
Kelas Situs Tanah Sedang (SD)
Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE Terpetakan SS= 1.25
S1= 0.525
Koefisien Situs Fa= 1.00
Fv= 1.775
Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE SMS= 1.25
SM1= 0.9319
Percepatan Respons Spektral SDS= 0.8333
SD1= 0.6212
Nilai Pengaruh Gempa Vertikal A V= 0.167
Kategori Desain Seismik D

Sistem Struktur Penahan Gaya Seismik Dinding Penumpu Dinding Geser
Beton Bertulang Khusus
Koefisien Modifikasi Respons R= 8.0
Faktor Perbesaran Defleksi Cd= 5.5
Faktor Kuat Lebih
Ωo = 3.0

Faktor Redundansi ρ= 1,0

2.5. Analisis Hasil Beban Gempa

2.5.1. Jumlah Ragam Struktur

Persyartan jumlah ragam ditetapkan SNI-1726-2019 Pasal 7.9.1. Jumlah ragam yang
disyaratkan adalah jumlah ragam yang cukup untuk mendapatkan partisipasi massa
ragam terkombinasi sebesar 90% dari massa aktual dalam masing-masing arah
horizontal orthogonal dari respons yang ditinjau oleh model.

2.5.2. Analisis Persyaratan Gaya Geser Dasar pada Analisis Respon Spektrum
Persyaratan gaya geser tingkat desain (Vx, Vy) ditetapkan pada SNI-1726-2019 Pasal dimana memiliki persyaratan sebagai berikut yang ditnjukkan pada
Persamaan berikut.
Vs = Vd
Vs = Gaya Geser Dasar Statik Ekivalen
Vd = Gaya Gempa Dasar dinamik Respons Spektrum

2.5.3. Simpangan Antar Lantai (Story Drift)

Penentuan simpangan antar lantai tingkat (Δ) harus dihitung sebagai perbedaan defleksi
pada pusat massa di tingkat teratas dan terbawah yang ditinjau berdasarkan Persamaan
Cd   xe
x = (44)
Keterangan :
Cd = Faktor amplifikasi defleksi
δxe = Defleksi pada lokasi yang disyaratkan
Ie = Faktor keutamaan gempa yang ditentukan
Berdasarkan SNI-1726-2019 simpangan antar lantai terdapat satu kinerja, yaitu batas
ultimate. Penentuan simpangan antar lantai tingkat desain harus dihitung sebagai
perbadaan defleksi pada pusat massa ditingkat teratas dan terbawah yang ditinjau.
Sementara itu untuk menentukan simpangan antar lantai, berdasarkan SNI-1726-2019
ditampilkan seperti pada Gambar 10.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 75, BSN)

Persyaratan berikut dimaksudkan untuk menjamin agar struktur tidak terlalu fleksibel.
Dengan demikian faktor kenyamanan dan perlindungan terhadap elemen nonstruktural
masih dapat terlindung. Simpangan antar lantai tingkat desain tidak boleh melebihi
simpangan antar lantai tingkat izin, seperti diperlihatkan dalam Tabel 20.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 88, BSN)

2.5.4. Pengaruh P-delta

(SNI-1726-2019 Pasal 7.8.7) Pengaruh P-delta pada geser dan momen tingkat, gaya dan
momen elemen struktur yang dihasilkan, dan simpangan antar lantai tingkat yang timbul
oleh pengaruh ini tidak diisyaratkan untuk diperhitungkan bila koefisien stabilitas (θ)
seperti ditentukan persamaan berikut sama dengan atau kurang dari 0,10 :

Keterangan :

Px = beban desain vertikal total pada dan di atas tingkat x, dinyatakan dalam (kN); bila
menghitung Px, faktor beban individu tidak perlu melebihi 1,0.

Δ = simpangan antar lantai tingkat, desain terjadi secara serentak dengan Vx, dinyatakan
dalam (mm)
Ie = faktor keutamaan gempa
Vx = Gaya geser seismik yang bekerja antara tingkat x dan x-1 (kN)
hsx = tinggi tingkat dibawah tingkat x, dinyatakan dalam (mm)
Cd = faktor pembesaran defleksi
Koefisien stabilitas (θ) harus tidak melebihi θmax yang ditentukan sebagai berikut :

Dimana β adalah rasio kebutuhan geser terhadap kapasitas geser untuk tingkat antara
tingkat x dan x – 1. Rasio ini diijinkan secara konservatif diambil sebesar 1,0.

Jika koefisien stabilitas (θ) lebih besar dari 0,10 tetapi kurang dari atau sama dengan θmax,
faktor peningkatan terkait dengan pengaruh P-Delta pada perpindahan dan gaya komponen
struktur harus ditentukan dengan analisis rasional. Sebagai alternative, diijinkan untuk
mengalikan perpindahan dan gaya komponen struktur dengan 1,0/(1- θ).

2.5.5. Ketidakberaturan Horizontal dan Vertikal

Analisis pengecekkan ketidakberaturan, dilakukan pengecekkan ketidakberaturan
horizontal dan ketidakberaturan vertikal sesuai SNI-1726-2019 Pasal 7.3.3. Berikut tipe-
tipe ketidakberaturan horizontal Gedung sesuai SNI-1726-2019 Pasal 7.3.3.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 58, BSN)

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 60, BSN)

Berikut tipe-tipe ketidakberaturan vertikal Gedung sesuai SNI-1726-2019 Pasal 7.3.3.

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 61, BSN)

(Sumber: SNI-1726-2019, halaman 62, BSN)

3. Kombinasi Pembebanan dan Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan

3.1. Kombinasi Pembebanan

Berikut kombinasi pembebanan yang digunakan untuk perancangan ruko sederhana pada
software SANSPRO:

3.2. Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan

Faktor reduksi kekuatan yang digunakan pada perhitungan desain struktur beton bertulang
mengacu pada SNI 2847-2019 “Pesyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung” yang
ditunjukkan pada Tabel 21.2.1
Tabel 21.2.1 - Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan
Gaya atau Elemen Struktur φ Pengecualian
a) Momen, gaya Aksial, 0.65-0.90 Di dekat ujung komponen pratarik (pretension )
atau kombinasi momen dan gaya aksial sesuai p.21.2.2 dimana strand belum sepenuhnya bekerja,
φ , harus sesuai dengan 21.2.3
b) Geser 0.75 Persyaratan tambahan untuk Struktur Tahan
Gempa , terdapat pada 21.2.4
c) Torsi 0.75 -
d) Tumpu (bearing ) 0.65 -
e) Zona angkur pasca tarik (post-pretension ) 0.85 -
f) Bracket dan Korbel 0.75 -
g) Strut , ties , zona nodal, dan daerah tumpuan 0.75 -
yang dirancang dengan strut-and-tie dipasal 23
h) Komponen sambungan beton pracetak 0.9 -
terkontrol leleh oleh elemen baja dalam tarik
i) Beton polos 0.6 -
j) Angkur dalam elemen beton 0.45-0.75 -
sesuai p.17

Selain itu, dilakukan pula Reduksi Kekakuan Elemen sesuai SNI-2847-2019 Pasal
dengan tampilan pada SANSPRO adalah sebagai berikut.

3.3. Faktor Reduksi Beban Hidup

Semua beban hidup terdistribusi merata lainnya, direduksi sesuai rumus berikut (SNI 1727:2020
Pasal 4.7.2):

Di mana:
L = Beban hidup rencana tereduksi per m2 dari luasan yang didukung oleh komponen struktur.
Lo = Beban hidup rencana tanpa reduksi per m2 dari luasan yang didukung oleh komponen struktur.
KLL = Faktor elemen beban hidup (Lihat tabel 4-2 SNI 1727:2020)
AT = luas tributari dalam m2
Tabel 4-2 SNI 1727:2020--Faktor elemen beban hidup, KLL
Kolom-kolom interior 4
Kolom-kolom eksterior tanpa pelat kantilever 4
Kolom-kolom tepi dengan pelat kantilever 3
Kolom-kolom sudut dengan pelat kantilever 2
Balok-balok tepi tanpa pelat-pelat kantilever 2
Balok-balok interior 2
Semua komponen struktur yang tidak disebut di atas:
Balok-balok tepi dengan pelat-pelat kantilever
Balok-balok kantilever
Pelat-pelat satu arah 1
Pelat-pelat dua arah
Komponen struktur tanpa ketentuan-ketentuan untuk penyaluran
Geser menerus agak tegak lurus terhadap bentangnya

L tidak boleh kurang dari 0,50 Lo untuk komponen struktur yang mendukung satu lantai dan L tidak
boleh kurang dari 0,40 Lo untuk komponen struktur yang mendukung dua lantai atau lebih dari dua
Dari persyaratan di atas, diambil nilai reduksi sebesar 0,5.

Catatan Beban Hidup karena alasan keamanan tidak boleh direduksi bila:
1.Besarnya melebihi 100 lbs/ft2 atau 4.8 kN/m2
2. Garasi mobil penumpang
3.Ruang pertemuan.

3.4. Program Analisis Struktur
Program Analisis Struktur yang digunakan adalah Program SANSPRO V.5.10 + Drawing
Module dari Engineering Software Research Centre.
Dilakukan 2 jenis analisis:
1. Analisis statik ekivalen 3D
2. Analisis Dinamik Spektrum Respons 3D
Model Frame Element : Hermitian Frame, 2 Node
Model Shearwall Element : Quad4, 4-Node, Discrete Kirchoff + Drilling Dof
Model Gedung : Single Diaphragm dan Multiple Diaphragms
Disain Struktur : Disain Kapasitas untuk balok, kolom dan shearwall Disain
Kapasitas untuk pondasi
Drawing Generator : Automatic Structural Drawing Generator for beam and

4. Analisis Struktur
4.1. Model 3D

4.2. Pemodelan Struktur

4.2.1. Pemodelan Balok Kolom

4.2.2. Pemodelan Pelat

4.3. Denah Struktur

LT. Tipikal

LT. Atap

Force Diagram Shear
Load Comb. 1 Load Comb. 6

Force Diagram Moment

Load Comb. 1 Load Comb. 6

4.4. Time Period
Eigen Value (w2), To must be less than To,max (See below)
Mode Eigen Omega, w To
1 165.50375 12.86483 0.48840
2 204.96270 14.31652 0.43888
3 228.82705 15.12703 0.41536
4 1137.84996 33.73203 0.18627
5 1287.47093 35.88135 0.17511
6 1473.10471 38.38105 0.16371

Parameter Arah-X Arah-Y

Ta (detik) 0.2685 0.2685
To Bangunan(detik) 0.48840 0.48840
CuTa (detik) 0.38 0.38
UsedCuTa(detik) 0.38 0.38
Keterangan To>Cu Ta To>Cu Ta

Mode Direction
Modal Direction Factor (MDF)
Note: First two modes 1,2 must be translational (see below)
For Non-rigid structures, use EMF instead for determine the main direction
Mode MDF,Dx MDF,Dy MDF,Dz MDF,Ry Dominant Movement
1 0.999905 0.000000 0.000005 0.000090 Translational, DX -> Translasi X, OK!
2 0.000007 0.000000 0.998096 0.001896 Translational, DZ -> Translasi Z, OK!
3 0.000355 0.000000 0.001968 0.997677 Rotational, RY
4 0.995484 0.000000 0.000022 0.004494 Translational, DX
5 0.000087 0.000000 0.994942 0.004971 Translational, DZ
6 0.004161 0.000000 0.004967 0.990871 Rotational, RY
Effective Mass (Mass Participation Factor)
Modal Effective Mass Factor (EMF)
Note: EMF should be >= 90 Pct (SNI 1726-2012) or 100 Pct (SNI 1726-2019)
1 91.1943 0.0000 0.0004 0.0089 %
2 0.0005 0.0000 87.8923 0.1751 %
3 0.0015 0.0000 0.1443 90.9172 %
4 8.7591 0.0000 0.0002 0.0013 %
5 0.0009 0.0000 11.8988 0.0170 %
6 0.0437 0.0000 0.0640 8.8805 %
100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 % -> OK!

3D Pergerakan Mode
Mode 1

Mode 2

Mode 3

4.3. Drift Analysis
Computer Program SANSPRO V.5.20
Structural Analysis and Design
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, ESRC, 2008-2022

Licensee : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Project :
Model File : D:\rumah tinggal dan ruko\RK\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile.MDL
Date : 12\01\2023
Output : Building Floor Displacement (Rigid Floor Only)

Code Requirements (SNI-1726-2019) :

Interstory Drift max: (using unfactored disp values)
Seismic Risk Category : 2
Max Drift Coeficient : 0.020
Redundancy Factor,rho : 1.000
Importancy Factor, Ie : 1.00
Deflection Amplification, Cdx : 5.50
Deflection Amplification, Cdz : 5.50
dmax1 = drift coef x hi, dmax2 = dmax1/rho
Rho factor is used for SMRF System only
Service Drift (unfactored), delta = Cd*drx/Ie <= dmax2 = 0.020*hi/1.00
Rx = Ductility Factor, X Direction = 8.00
Rz = Ductility Factor, Z Direction = 8.00
BCF VX = Base Shear Correction Factor, Vx = 1.0
BCF VZ = Base Shear Correction Factor, Vz = 1.0
Separation of buildings (Building Dilatation) :
min. distance = abs(delta1+delta2)*0.7*R >= 0.025*Ht or 75mm
delta1, delta2 = max lateral displacement of all nodes on all floors
Minimum distance of two buildings = sum of max displ. from each buildings

NODAL DISPLACEMENT, MASTER NODES (Disp in default unit, Rotation in rad)

Floor | Dx Dy Dz Theta-X Theta-Y Theta-Z
1 MAX 0.42642 0 0.31416 0 2.0367E-005 0
1 MIN -0.54682 0 -0.39924 0 -4.319E-005 0
2 MAX 0.78712 0 0.64746 0 3.1887E-005 0
2 MIN -1.0078 0 -0.82428 0 -7.6432E-005 0


(Used for Regular Buildings with small rotations, check only master nodes
| Drift X-Direction Node Load Scaled Drift Maximum Drift
Floor | Min Max Id Comb Min Max dmax1 dmax2 STATUS
1 -0.547 0.426 43, 43 14, 3 -3.008 2.345 7.000 7.000 OK
2 -0.461 0.361 44, 44 14, 3 -2.536 1.984 7.000 7.000 OK
Maximum Displacement (Service) : Min= -1.008, Max= 0.787
Maximum Displacement (Ultimate) : Min= -5.543, Max= 4.329


(Used for Regular Buildings with small rotations, check only master nodes
| Drift Z-Direction Node Load Scaled Drift Maximum Drift
Floor | Min Max Id Comb Min Max Service Ultimate STATUS
1 -0.399 0.314 43, 43 18, 7 -2.196 1.728 7.000 7.000 OK
2 -0.425 0.333 44, 44 18, 7 -2.338 1.833 7.000 7.000 OK
Maximum Displacement (Service) : Min= -0.824, Max= 0.647
Maximum Displacement (Ultimate) : Min= -4.534, Max= 3.561

DRIFT X-DIRECTION, ALL NODES (Ax = Torsion Magnification Factor <= 3.0)
(Used for Irregular Buildings with large rotations, category C,D,E,F, check all edge nodes
| Drift X-Direction Node Load Scaled Drift Maximum Drift Avrg Ratio H1 Horiz Ax <= 3
Floor | Min Max Id Comb Min Max Service Ultimate STATUS Drift dmax/davrg Irregular Torsion
1 -0.566 0.433 15, 15 6,11 -3.111 2.383 7.000 7.000 OK 2.747 1.133 Normal 0.891
2 -0.471 0.369 29, 37 6, 4 -2.591 2.028 7.000 7.000 OK 2.309 1.122 Normal 0.874
Maximum Displacement (Service) : Min= -1.037, Max= 0.802
Maximum Displacement (Ultimate) : Min= -5.702, Max= 4.411

DRIFT Z-DIRECTION, ALL NODES (Ax = Torsion Magnification Factor <= 3.0)
(Used for Irregular Buildings with large rotations, category C,D,E,F, check all edge nodes
| Drift Z-Direction Node Load Scaled Drift Maximum Drift Avrg Ratio H1 Horiz Ax <= 3
Floor | Min Max Id Comb Min Max dmax1 dmax2 STATUS Drift dmax/davrg Irregular Torsion
1 -0.408 0.318 15, 15 18, 7 -2.246 1.749 7.000 7.000 OK 1.997 1.124 Normal 0.878
2 -0.431 0.335 29, 29 18, 7 -2.372 1.842 7.000 7.000 OK 2.107 1.126 Normal 0.880
Maximum Displacement (Service) : Min= -0.840, Max= 0.653
Maximum Displacement (Ultimate) : Min= -4.618, Max= 3.590

4.4. P-Delta
Computer Program SANSPRO V.5.20
Structural Analysis and Design
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, ESRC, 2008-2022

Licensee : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Project :
Model File : D:\rumah tinggal dan ruko\RK\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile.MDL
Date : 12\01\2023
Output : Building Storey Shears and P-delta Stability (Rigid Floor Only)

Rx = Ductility Factor, X Direction = 8.00

Rz = Ductility Factor, Z Direction = 8.00

Code Requirements (SNI-1726-2019) :

Seismic Risk Category : 1
Redundancy Factor,rho : 1.000
Importancy Factor, Ie : 1.00
Deflection Amplification, Cdx : 5.50
Deflection Amplification, Cdz : 5.50
Drift (Service, unfactored), delta = disp*Cd*rho/Ie
Stability Coefficient, Theta = Px*delta*Ie/(Vx*hi*Cd)
Max Stability Coef., Theta,max = 0.5/(Beta*Cd) <= 0.25, Beta = 1.0
Max Stability Coef., Theta,max,x = 0.091
Max Stability Coef., Theta,max,z = 0.091
Base Shear Correction Factor, BSCF,X = 1.000
Base Shear Correction Factor, BSCF,Z = 1.000

Method: CQC Earthquake Direction: X

Floor | ABS SRSS CQC Fi (QCQ) Drift Theta P-Delta Status
2 7703.524 6517.960 6507.179 6507.179 2.54 0.009 P-DELTA OK
1 12723.930 11656.900 11667.010 5159.830 3.01 0.015 P-DELTA OK

Method: CQC Earthquake Direction: Z

Floor | ABS SRSS CQC Fi (QCQ) Drift Theta P-Delta Status
2 7896.803 6620.334 6617.271 6617.271 2.34 0.008 P-DELTA OK
1 12723.930 11285.390 11314.980 4697.709 2.20 0.011 P-DELTA OK

Method: CQC Earthquake Direction: X

Floor | Fi Vi Fi (frame) Vi (frame) Drift Theta P-Delta Status
2 6507.179 6507.179 6507.727 6507.727 2.54 0.009 P-DELTA OK
1 5159.830 11667.010 3971.821 10479.549 3.01 0.015 P-DELTA OK

Method: CQC Earthquake Direction: Z

Floor | Fi Vi Fi (frame) Vi (frame) Drift Theta P-Delta Status
2 6617.271 6617.271 6619.790 6619.790 2.34 0.008 P-DELTA OK
1 4697.709 11314.980 3385.977 10005.767 2.20 0.011 P-DELTA OK

4.5. Desain Eksentrisitas

SANSPRO 3DOF/FLOOR Building Model Option
Individual Center of Rotation Table (Eccentricity = XYc.o.r - XYc.o.m)

Floor No. ex ez
1 -6.72334 -11.03900
2 -0.42595 2.24551

4.6. Base Shear
Arah X
Earthquake Coefficient, Cd = 0.104
Total Structural Mass, MMS = 1.386494E+02
Total Structural Weight, WMG = 1.360150E+05

Weight for Equivalent Load Analysis (Floor 1 to NST), EQVWGT = 112480

WMG = sum of masses at active dof at floor 0 to NST
WMG can be > EQVWGT if at floor 0 there are active dofs and some structural elements

Static Equivalent Base Shear, Vs = cd * EQVWGT = 11720.42


Method Vdx Vdz Tangent Degrees (from X-X)
ABS 12783.77937 80.87215 0.006326 0.3625
SRSS 11711.73003 40.95706 0.003497 0.2004
CQC 11721.88867 27.58158 0.002353 0.1348


Base Shear Correction Factor, Vx = 1.0047

Dynamic Base Shear, Vd1 = 1.278378E+04 (ABS)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd2 = 1.171173E+04 (SSR)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd3 = 1.172189E+04 (CQC)
Static Equivalent, Vs = 1.172042E+04
Percentage of Vd3/Vs, r = 1.0001 = 100.01 %

BASE SHEAR CALCULATION: Resultant, Vd = sqrt(Vdx*Vdx + Vdz*Vdz)

Base Shear Correction Factor, Vx = 1.0047

Dynamic Base Shear, Vd1 = 1.278404E+04 (ABS)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd2 = 1.171180E+04 (SSR)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd3 = 1.172192E+04 (CQC)
Static Equivalent, Vs = 1.172042E+04
Percentage of Vd3/Vs, r = 1.0001 = 100.01 %

Arah Z
Earthquake Coefficient, Cd = 0.104
Total Structural Mass, MMS = 1.386494E+02
Total Structural Weight, WMG = 1.360150E+05

Weight for Equivalent Load Analysis (Floor 1 to NST), EQVWGT = 112480

WMG = sum of masses at active dof at floor 0 to NST
WMG can be > EQVWGT if at floor 0 there are active dofs and some structural elements

Static Equivalent Base Shear, Vs = cd * EQVWGT = 11720.42


Method Vdz Vdx Tangent Degrees (from Z-Z)
ABS 13180.75322 83.38347 0.006326 0.3625
SRSS 11690.56434 42.22890 0.003612 0.2070
CQC 11721.21945 28.43807 0.002426 0.1390


Base Shear Correction Factor, Vz = 1.0359

Dynamic Base Shear, Vd1 = 1.318075E+04 (ABS)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd2 = 1.169056E+04 (SSR)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd3 = 1.172122E+04 (CQC)
Static Equivalent, Vs = 1.172042E+04
Percentage of Vd3/Vs, r = 1.0001 = 100.01 %

BASE SHEAR CALCULATION: Resultant, Vd = sqrt(Vdx*Vdx + Vdz*Vdz)

Base Shear Correction Factor, Vz = 1.0359

Dynamic Base Shear, Vd1 = 1.318102E+04 (ABS)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd2 = 1.169064E+04 (SSR)
Dynamic Base Shear, Vd3 = 1.172125E+04 (CQC)
Static Equivalent, Vs = 1.172042E+04
Percentage of Vd3/Vs, r = 1.0001 = 100.01 %

4.7. Reaksi Kolom
Computer Program SANSPRO V.5.20
Structural Analysis and Design
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, ESRC, 2022
Licensee : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung
Project :
Model File : D:\rumah tinggal dan ruko\RK\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile.MDL
Date : 12\01\2023
Output : Support Reactions
Load Combination : Using Automatic (Computer generated) Load Combinations
Load Factor : No (Unfactored Output)
Ductility, Rx : 8.00
Ductility, Rz : 8.00
EQ Load Multiplier : NO (OmgX = 1.0, OmgZ = 1.0)
Use LLRF1 : NO (LLRF1 = 1.0, No Axial Reduction for Story Effects)
Use LLRF2 : NO (LLRF2 = 1.0, No Live Load Reduction for Earthquake)
Use Vertical Earthquake, Av = 0.167
Floor Node Nmin Nmax Vx,max Vz,max Mx,min Mx,max Mz,min Mz,max
Id (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) ( ( ( (
0 1 4216.5 17380.4 1133.4 841.0 -114013.4 222701.2 -71831.7 360545.1
0 2 4240.4 17369.4 1120.1 870.5 -118390.7 223045.1 -363097.6 70722.6
0 3 7107.2 25535.9 1121.0 894.2 -169139.7 168978.5 -65582.7 425012.4
0 4 7104.1 25554.1 1123.0 922.5 -176007.2 170994.6 -424251.0 65763.9
0 5 7048.0 25082.7 1118.0 860.8 -166265.9 164706.1 -65590.4 426626.3
0 6 7036.2 25049.5 1134.2 886.4 -171790.6 167358.0 -422820.6 67060.1
0 7 7464.8 26443.2 1181.0 950.7 -162368.9 189012.9 -38528.4 497164.1
0 8 7410.5 26233.7 1193.9 1046.2 -178289.1 171205.1 -454103.1 58121.9
0 9 5036.6 19278.2 1157.8 896.9 -256049.7 104962.2 13264.1 575580.0
0 10 5365.8 19616.4 1174.4 1068.3 -222861.4 121317.3 -464135.0 38355.0
SUM = 0.0 0.0
Load Sum,Rx Sum,Ry Sum,Rz Sum,Mx Sum,My Sum,Mz
Comb (kg) (kg) (kg) ( (
1 0.0 159404.2 0.0 -19309.7 5238.4 139945.0
2 0.0 216644.3 0.0 -28933.4 6368.1 149833.1
3 6194.7 227318.3 1904.2 345717.3 12640.8 1364574.4
4 6113.5 224200.8 -1788.6 -380730.1 8137.8 1349687.4
5 -6113.5 208369.1 1788.6 324295.4 4950.4 -1030469.9
6 -6194.7 205251.6 -1904.2 -402152.1 447.4 -1045357.0
7 1981.6 224323.2 6172.0 1185741.7 15202.7 543677.1
8 1710.9 213931.4 -6137.3 -1235749.8 192.6 494053.7
9 -1710.9 218638.4 6137.3 1179315.1 12895.6 -174836.2
10 -1981.6 208246.7 -6172.0 -1242176.4 -2114.5 -224459.6
11 8259.6 91752.8 2539.0 489247.0 10660.7 1674257.8
12 8151.3 87596.1 -2384.8 -479349.6 4656.7 1654408.4
13 -8151.3 66487.2 2384.8 460684.5 406.8 -1519134.7
14 -8259.6 62330.5 -2539.0 -507912.1 -5597.2 -1538984.1
15 2642.1 87759.3 8229.4 1609279.5 14076.5 579728.0
16 2281.2 73903.7 -8183.1 -1619375.8 -5936.9 513563.4
17 -2281.2 80179.6 8183.1 1600710.7 11000.4 -378289.7
18 -2642.1 66324.0 -8229.4 -1627944.6 -9013.0 -444454.3

Kurva Respon Spektrum

Kurva spektrum respons telah memperhitungkan faktor Ie=1.0, faktor R=8.0, dan faktor Rho=1.0

4.8. Pengecekkan Ketidakberaturan

4.8.1. Ketidakberaturan Horizontal Ketidakberaturan Torsi (1a) dan Torsi Berlebihan (1b)

Dimana: δmax < 1.2 δavg → Tanpa Ketidakberaturan Torsi

1.2 δavg ≤ δmax ≤ 1.4 δavg → Ketidakberaturan Torsi 1a
δmax > 1.4 δavg → Ketidakberaturan Torsi 1b

Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Torsi 1a dan 1b:

Arah X

Min Story Drift Max Story Drift Check Ketidakberaturan

Lantai hx [m] δmax δavg 1.2 δavg 1.4 δavg
(Factored Cd) (Factored Cd) Torsi
Dak 7 -2,548 1,993 2,548 2,27 2,7246 3,1787 No Irregularity Torsion
2 3,5 -3,022 2,356 3,022 2,69 3,2268 3,7646 No Irregularity Torsion

Arah Y

Min Story Drift Max Story Drift Check Ketidakberaturan

Lantai hx [m] δmax δavg 1.2 δavg 1.4 δavg
(Factored Cd) (Factored Cd) Torsi
Dak 7 -2,422 1,898 2,422 2,16 2,592 3,024 No Irregularity Torsion
2 3,5 -2,275 1,789 2,275 2,03 2,4384 2,8448 No Irregularity Torsion

Dari hasil pengecekkan ketidakberaturan sudut dalam, pada ruko sederhana ini tidak
terdapat ketidakberaturan torsi 1a dan 1b.

31 Ketidakberaturan Sudut Dalam (2)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada bila Py> 0.15 Ly dan Px> 0.15Lx

Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Sudut Dalam (2):
Dari denah diperoleh data analisis sebagai berikut:

Check Ketidakberaturan Sudut

Py = 0 Ly No Irregularity 2
Px = 0 Px No Irregularity 2

Dari hasil pengecekkan ketidakberaturan sudut dalam, pada proyek ini tidak terdapat
ketidakberaturan sudut dalam (2). Ketidakberaturan Diskontinuitas Diafragma (3)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada bila luas bukaan > 0.5 kali luas lantai ATAU bila kekakuan efektif
anatara satu lantai dengan lantai berikutnya bervariasi melebihi 50%.
Berikut pengecekkan Ketidakberaturan Diskontinuitas Diafragma (3):
Atotal bruto Check Ketidakberaturan
Lantai 2 Aopening (m2) Aopening/Atotal bruto
(m ) Diskontinuitas Diafragma
Dak 81 0 0,00% No Irregularity 3
2 81 3 3,70% No Irregularity 3

Pada ruko sederhana ini, bukaan tidak lebih dari 50% sehingga tidak terdapat
ketidakberaturan diskontinuitas diafragma (3).

32 Ketidakberaturan Pergeseran Melintang Terhadap Bidang (4)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada jika terdapat dikoninuitas dalam lintasan tahanan gaya lateral, seperti
pergeseran melintang terhadap bidang elemen vertikal
Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Pergeseran Melintang Terhadap Bidang:
Pada proyek ini, elemen kolom menerus hingga bawah sehingga tidak terdapat ketidakberaturan
pergeseran melintang terhadap bidang Ketidakberaturan Sistem Nonparallel (5)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada jika terdapat elemen vertikal penahan beban lateral bersifat tidak
parallel atau tidak simetris terhadap sumbu-sumbu utama penahan beban gempa.
Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Sistem Nonparallel:
Pada proyek ini elemen vertikal penahan beban lateral (kolom) terletak pada arah sumbu arah X
dan sumbu Y sehingga ketidakberaturan ini tidak ada.

4.8.2. Pengecekkan Ketidakberaturan Vertikal Ketidakberaturan Tingkat Lunak (1a) dan Ketidakberaturan Kekakuan
Tingkat Lunak berlebih (1b)
Ketidakberaturan 1a ada jika kekauan sembarang tingkat
kurang dari 70% kekakuan tingkat diatasya atau kurang dari
80% kekakuan rata-rata tiga tingkat diatasnya atasnya.
Ketidakberaturan 1b ada jika kekauan sembarang tingkat
kurang dari 60% kekakuan tingkat diatasnya atau kurang dari
70% kekakuan rata-rata tiga tingkat diatasnya.
Pengecualian ketidakberaturan ini tidak ada bila tidak satupun
rasion drif tingkat yang nilainya lebih besar dari 1.3 kali rasio
drif tingkat di atasnya.
Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Kekakuan Tingkat Lunak
(1a) dan Kekakuan Tingkat Lunak Berlebih (1b):

Arah X
Ketidakberaturan Vertikal 1a
Story Height Vtx Story Drift Kekakuan
Floor Check 70% Check 80%
[m] [kg] [cm] [kg/cm]
Dak 7 1639,2 0,78 4580,502 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 0,42 13372,373 No Irregularity 1a No Irregularity 1a

Ketidakberaturan Vertikal 1b
Story Height Vtx Story Drift Kekakuan
Floor Check 60% Check 70%
[m] [kg] [cm] [kg/cm]
Dak 7 1639,2 0,78 4580,502 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 0,42 13372,373 No Irregularity 1b No Irregularity 1b

Arah Y
Ketidakberaturan Vertikal 1a
Story Height Vtx Story Drift Kekakuan
Floor Check 70% Check 80%
[m] [kg] [cm] [kg/cm]
Dak 7 1639,2 0,66 4815,403 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 0,32 17713,759 No Irregularity 1a No Irregularity 1a

Ketidakberaturan Vertikal 1b
Story Height Vtx Story Drift Kekakuan
Floor Check 60% Check 70%
[m] [kg] [cm] [kg/cm]
Dak 7 1639,2 0,66 4815,403 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 0,32 17713,759 No Irregularity 1b No Irregularity 1b

Dari hasil pengecekkan, pada proyek ini tidak terdapat ketidakberaturan tingkat lunak (1a)
dan ketidakberaturan tingkat lunak berlebih (1b).

34 Ketidakberaturan Berat (Massa) (2)
Ketidakberaturan ini ada bila massa efektif sembarang tingkat
lebih dari 150% massa efektif tingkat yang berdekatan.
Pengecualian pada ketidakberaturan ini tidak ada bila tidak satupun
rasio drift tingkat lebih besar dari 1.3 kali rasio drift tingkat
Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Berat (Massa) (2):

Story Height Massa Check With 1.5 Check With 1.5

[m] [kg] Top Mass Bottom Mass
Dak 7 45569 - No Irregularity 2
2 3,5 66911 No Irregularity 2 -

Dari hasil pengecekan ketidakberaturan berat (massa)

tidak terdapat pada proyek ini. Ketidakberaturan Geometri Vertikal (3)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada bila dimensi sistem penahan
beban lateral pada sembarang tingkat lebih dari 130%
dimensi pada sembarang tingkat yang berada di dekatnya.
Pada proyek ini, digunakan dimensi kolom yang sama
pada tiap lantai. Sehingga tidak terdapat ketidakberaturan
Geometri Vertikal (3)

35 Diskontinuitas Arah Bidang dalam Ketidakberaturan Elemen Penahan Gaya
Lateral Vertikal (4)

Ketidakberaturan ini ada bila terdapat pergeseran (offset) elemen penahan yang lebih besar
dari lebar (d) elemen tersebut atau terdapat reduksi kekakuan elemen pada tingkat
Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Elemen Penahan Gaya Lateral Vertikal (4):
Elemen penahan gempa berupa kolom menerus sepanjang tinggi bangunan sehingga pada
poyek ini, dari hasil pengecekkan tidak ada ketidakberaturan vertikal (4). Diskontinuitas dalam Ketidakberaturan Kuat Lateral Tingkat (5a) dan

Ketidakberaturan Kuat Lateral Tingkat yang Berlebihan (5b)

Ketidakberaturan (5a) ada bila kuat lateral sembarang tingkat kurang

dari 80% kuat tingkat diatasnya.
Ketidakberaturan ektrim (5b) ada bila kuat lateral sembarang tingkat
kurang dari 65% kuat tingkat di atasnya.

Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Kuat Lateral Tingkat (5a):

Story Height Vtx Vty
Floor Cek 80% Arah X Cek 80% Arah y
[m] [kg] [kg]
Dak 7 1639,2 1639,2 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 5670,3 No Irregularity 5a No Irregularity 5a

Berikut analisis Ketidakberaturan Kuat Lateral Tingkat yang Berlebihan (5b):

Story Height Vtx Vty
Floor Cek 65% Arah X Cek 65% Arah y
[m] [kg] [kg]
Dak 7 1639,2 1639,2 - -
2 3,5 5670,3 5670,3 No Irregularity 5b No Irregularity 5b

Pada proyek ini, dari hasil pengecekkan tidak ada ketidakberaturan vertikal (5a) dan
ketidakberaturan vertikal (5b).

4.8.3. Resume Pengecekan Ketidakberaturan
Pengecekkan Konsekuensi Ketidakberaturan
Tipe Nama
Ketidakberaturan Refrensi Ketentuan

1a Ketidakberaturan Torsi Tidak - -

Ketidakberaturan Torsi
1b Tidak - -
Ketidakberaturan Sudut
2 Tidak - -

3 Tidak - -
Diskontinuitas Diafragma

4 Pergeseran Melintang Tidak - -
terhadap bidang
Ketidakberaturan sistem
5 Tidak - -

Pengecekkan Konsekuensi Ketidakberaturan
Tipe Nama
Ketidakberaturan Refrensi Ketentuan

1a Tidak - -
Kekakuan Tingkat Lunak

1b Kekakuan Tingkat Lunak Tidak - -
Ketidakberaturan Berat
2 Tidak - -
3 Tidak - -
Geometri Vertikal
Diskontinuitas Arah
Bidang dalam
4 Ketidakberaturan Elemen Tidak - -
Penahan Gaya Lateral
Diskontinuitas dalam
5a Ketidakberaturan Kuat Tidak - -
Lateral Tingkat
Ketidakberaturan Kuat
5b Lateral Tingkat yang Tidak - -

4.8.4. Pengecekan Ketidakberaturan dengan SANSPRO

Computer Program SANSPRO V.5.20
Structural Analysis and Design
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, ESRC, 2008-2022

Licensee : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Project :
Model File : D:\rumah tinggal dan ruko\RK\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile.MDL
Date : 12\01\2023
Output : Building Irregularity Checking

Fi = Story Lateral Force
Vi = Story Shear Force
Mi = Floor Weight
di = Floor Drift
Ki = Story Stiffness = Vi/di
Str,i = Story Shear Strength = Sum of fvc x b x d of all vertical elements

H. Horizontal Irregularity

H.1. Torsional Stiffness

dmax/davg <= 1.2 : Reguler
dmax/davg > 1.2 : Irregular (3D Analysis for BCDEF, Dynamic Analysis for DEF
Amplify accidental torsion for CDEF, Increase collector/diaphragm for DEF
Use rho = 1.3
dmax/davg > 1.4 : Extreme (Not allowed for E,F)

H.2. Reentrant Corner (Visual Checking)

L1/Ltot <= 0.15 : Reguler
L1/Ltot > 0.15 : Irregular, Increase collector/diaphragm for DEF

H.3. Diaphragm Discontinuity (Visual Checking)

Aopening <= 0.5*Atotal : Reguler
Aopening > 0.5*Atotal : Irregular, Increase collector/diaphragm for DEF
H.4. Out-of-plane offset (Visual Checking)

Column or wall location shifted:
- 3D Analysis for BCDEF
- 3D Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis ASCE 41-17
- Overstrength forces for BCDEF
- Increase collector/diaphragm for DEF

H.5. Nonparallel System (Visual Checking)

Shearwalls are not parallel
- 3D Analysis for BCDEF
- Orthogonal effects for CDEF

Earthquake Direction: X (For Value of H : V=Visual Checking, 0=none, 1=Irregular, 2=Extreme)

Floor | dmin dmax davrg dmax/davrg H1 Irregularity Ax,ratio < 3.0
2 0.773 0.791 0.782 1.011 0 = Regular 0.710 -> 1.0
1 0.417 0.431 0.424 1.016 0 = Regular 0.718 -> 1.0

Earthquake Direction: Z (For Value of H : V=Visual Checking, 0=none, 1=Irregular, 2=Extreme)

Floor | dmin dmax davrg dmax/davrg H1 Irregularity Ax,ratio < 3.0
2 0.652 0.670 0.661 1.014 0 = Regular 0.714 -> 1.0
1 0.315 0.325 0.320 1.016 0 = Regular 0.717 -> 1.0

V. Vertical Irregularity

V.1. Soft Story (Stiffness)

Ki >= 0.7*Ki+1 or Ki >= 0.8*(Ki+1 + Ki+2 + Ki+3)/3 : Reguler
Ki < 0.7*Ki+1 or Ki < 0.8*(Ki+1 + Ki+2 + Ki+3)/3 : Medium Soft Story
Ki < 0.6*Ki+1 or Ki < 0.7*(Ki+1 + Ki+2 + Ki+3)/3 : Extreme Soft Story, Prohibited for EF
- 3D Dynamic Analysis for DEF

V.2. Weight (Mass)

Mi <= 1.5*Mi-1 or 1.5*Mi+1 : Reguler
Mi > 1.5*Mi-1 or 1.5*Mi+1 : Irregular
- 3D Dynamic Analysis for DEF

V.3. Geometric (Shearwall Length, Visual Checking)

Lwi <= 1.3*Lwi+1 : Reguler
Lwi > 1.3*Lwi+1 : Irreguler
- 3D Dynamic Analysis for DEF

V.4. In-Plane Discontinuity (Visual Checking)

Column or wall location shifted
- 3D Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis ASCE 41-17
- Overstrength forces for BCDEF
- Increase collector/diaphragm for DEF

V.5. Weak Story (Strength, Str = sum of shear strength of vertical element)
(Str = sum of (2*sqrt(fc1)*b*d)
Stri >= 0.8 *Stri+1 : Reguler
Stri < 0.8 *Stri+1 : Irregular, Prohibited for EF
Stri < 0.65*Stri+1 : Extreme, Prohibited for DEF
- 3D Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis ASCE 41-17

Earthquake Direction: X (For Value of V : V=Visual Checking, 0=none, 1=Irregular, 2=Extreme)

Floor | hi Wi Fix Vix Dispx Kix Strix V1 V2 V5 Status
2 350 45569 1639.2 1639.2 0.78 4580.502 82950.190 0 0 0 Regular
1 350 66911 4031.1 5670.3 0.42 13372.373 96775.221 0 0 0 Regular

Earthquake Direction: Z (For Value of V : V=Visual Checking, 0=none, 1=Irregular, 2=Extreme)

Floor | hi Wi Fiz Viz Dispz Kiz Striz V1 V2 V5 Status
2 350 45569 1639.2 1639.2 0.66 4815.403 82950.190 0 0 0 Regular
1 350 66911 4031.1 5670.3 0.32 17713.759 96775.221 0 0 0 Regular

5. Reaksi Perletakan
Kombinasi Beban Envelope

Ry-Vertikal [Ton] Rx-Horizontal [Ton] Rz-Horizontal [Ton]

Mx-Horizontal [Ton.m] Mz-Horizontal [Ton.m]

6. Sistem Pondasi
Perencanaan pondasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan prinsip kapasitas, dimana beban
maksimum yang terjadi dibandingkan dengan daya dukung ultimate dari pondasi yang
Disain kapasitas untuk perencanaan pondasi dilakukan dengan memperhitungkan faktor
Omega (Magnification factor = f1*f2) dalam kombinasi beban sbb:

1. (1,0+0,14SDS) D + H + F + 0,7Ω0QE
2. (1,0+0,105SDS) D + H + F + 0,525Ω0QE + 0,75L+ 0,75 Lr atau R
3. (0,6 - 0,14SDS) D + 0,7Ω0QE + H
Dimana Faktor Omega diambil = 3.0
Kombinasi penentuan penulangan struktur pondasi menggunakan :
1. (1,2 + 0,2SDS) D + Ω0QE + L
2. (0,9 - 0,2SDS) D + Ω0QE + 1,6H
Pada laporan ini, dibuat 3 Sistem pondasi yang digunakan pada proyek ruko sederhana, yaitu telapak,
PC Pile, dan Strauss Pile. Adapun spesifikasi pondasi dan keadaan lapangan yang digunakan untuk
perhitungan dan perhitungannya adalah sebagai Berikut.

6.1. Pondasi Telapak

Kedalaman Pondasi :2m
fc’ : 30 MPa
Tebal Pelat Pondasi : 30 cm
Soil Strength : 1 kg/cm2

1. SUPPORT NO. 1, Node= 1, Location: x= 0.00000, y= 0.00000

phi,m = 0.80 phi,v = 0.60

fc1 = 291.0 kg/cm2 fy = 3900.0 kg/cm2
fyv = 3900.0 kg/cm2 fys = 2400.0 kg/cm2
s,ratio = 3.00 s1,ratio = 1.50
col,bx = 30.00 cm col,bz = 35.00 cm
sloof db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
pilecap db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
foot db=1.60 cm, pile embeded=7.5 cm

Unfactored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Maximum Axial, Pu = 18960.7, 14821.6, 18960.7, 16038.0 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 744.7, 12315.9, 744.7, 4216.5
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 674415.9, 223049.3, 674415.9, 357917.4
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 516390.4, 82354.0, 516390.4, 222701.2
Horiz Force, Vux = 2756.0, 354.6, 2756.0, 1133.4 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 2241.0, 153.6, 2241.0, 841.0 kg

Factored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Single Axial, Pu = 0.0, 0.0 kg
Maximum Axial, Pu = 26061.5, 18788.3, 26061.5, 21101.8 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 1591.6, 17242.2, 1591.6, 6551.3
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 954186.0, 285357.4, 954186.0, 502045.3
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 732476.6, 104594.4, 732476.6, 312920.7
Horiz Force, Vux = 3918.5, 451.9, 3918.5, 1600.5 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 3192.1, 195.2, 3192.1, 1192.1 kg


Slab Area needed (Static Load), A = 14821.64959 cm2

Slab Area needed (Temporary Load), A = 16038.02331 cm2
Slab Area needed (Temp Load, f1*f2), A = 15800.58279 cm2
Slab Area needed from Axial Load, A = 16038.02331 cm2
Approximate Spread Footing Size, a = 127.00000 cm
Initial Spread Footing Size, bx = 152.40000 cm
Initial Spread Footing Size, by = 152.40000 cm

Thickness needed for punching, t1 = 17.00000 cm

Maximum Factored Axial Force, Pu = 21.10179 ton
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09492 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00000
Perimeter of Punching Stress, Kp = 216.80000 cm
Spread Footing Slab Thickness, tp = 50.00000 cm
Punching Stress, vc = 3.89021 kg/cm2 -> OK

Maximum Unfactored Axial Force + Slab Wgt, Pu = 18825.11451 kg

Minimum Unfactored Axial Force + Slab Wgt, Pu = 7003.56059 kg
Depth of Foundation Slab, L = 200.00000 cm
Unfactored Bending Moment, Slab Level, Mux = 584592.76997
Unfactored Bending Moment, Slab Level, Muy = 461123.33782



Maximum Unfactored Horizontal Shear Force, Vu = 1.19211 ton

Friction Ratio, (Vn = fr*Nmax) fr = 0.35000
Resisting Force, Vn = 6.58879 ton
Minimum Safety Factor for Horizontal, SF = 1.50000
Available Safety Factor for Horizontal, SF = 5.52700 -> OK


Moment of Inertia of Slab, Ix = 44952993.96480 cm4

Moment of Inertia of Slab, Iy = 44952993.96480 cm4
Allowable Soil Stress, Qa,max = 1.00000 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Average, qs,avg = 0.93053 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 2.70312 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = -0.84207 kg/cm2
qmax > Q,allowable => NOT OK
qmin < 0, Soil in Tensile stress -> CHECK FURTHER!


Lx= 61.20, Ly= 58.70, colx= 30.00, coly= 35.00

Eccentricity ex = 31.05 cm, max = 25.33 cm

CASE 2: e > B/6
Puu=18825.1145074704, bx=152, by=152.4, ex=31.053875913388, Lsx=134.838372259836
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.83218 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.00000 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, Mx,max = 618101.13763
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Eccentricity ey = 24.50 cm, max = B/6 = 25.33 cm

CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=18825.1145074704, bx=152, Lsy=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.83027 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.03079 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, My,max = 577967.88211
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 3.66245 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK

Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = 0.03079 kg/cm2 -> OK


Moment of Inertia of Slab, Ix = 44482901.33333 cm4

Moment of Inertia of Slab, Iy = 44482901.33333 cm4
Allowable Soil Stress, Qa,max = 1.00000 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Average, qs,avg = 0.81480 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 1.80680 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = -0.17720 kg/cm2
qmax > Q,allowable => NOT OK
qmin < 0, Soil in Tensile stress -> CHECK FURTHER!


Lx= 61.00, Ly= 58.50, colx= 30.00, coly= 35.00

Eccentricity ex = 22.32 cm, max = 25.33 cm
CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=16038.0233074704, by=152, Lsx=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.53258 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.09702 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, Mx,max = 523568.17082
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Eccentricity ey = 13.89 cm, max = B/6 = 25.33 cm

CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=16038.0233074704, bx=152, Lsy=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.26141 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.36819 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, My,max = 483579.17446
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 2.79399 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK

Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = 0.46521 kg/cm2 -> OK

Optimum Foundation Selected, Index = 1

Spread Footing, Qa= 1.00 kg/cm2, friction fr = 0.35


Slab Area needed (Static Load), A = 18825.11451 cm2

Slab Area needed (Temporary Load), A = 16038.02331 cm2
Slab Area needed (Temp Load, f1*f2), A = 5836.30050 cm2

Slab Area needed from Axial Load, A = 18825.11451 cm2
Approximate Spread Footing Size, a = 137.00000 cm
Initial Spread Footing Size, bx = 164.40000 cm
Initial Spread Footing Size, by = 164.40000 cm

Thickness needed for punching, t1 = 17.00000 cm

Maximum Factored Axial Force, Pu = 21.10179 ton
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09492 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00000
Perimeter of Punching Stress, Kp = 216.80000 cm
Spread Footing Slab Thickness, tp = 50.00000 cm
Punching Stress, vc = 3.89021 kg/cm2 -> OK

Maximum Unfactored Axial Force + Slab Wgt, Pu = 19281.30651 kg

Minimum Unfactored Axial Force + Slab Wgt, Pu = 7459.75259 kg
Depth of Foundation Slab, L = 200.00000 cm
Unfactored Bending Moment, Slab Level, Mux = 584592.76997
Unfactored Bending Moment, Slab Level, Muy = 461123.33782



Maximum Unfactored Horizontal Shear Force, Vu = 1.19211 ton

Friction Ratio, (Vn = fr*Nmax) fr = 0.35000
Resisting Force, Vn = 6.74846 ton
Minimum Safety Factor for Horizontal, SF = 1.50000
Available Safety Factor for Horizontal, SF = 5.66093 -> OK


Moment of Inertia of Slab, Ix = 60873182.38080 cm4

Moment of Inertia of Slab, Iy = 60873182.38080 cm4
Allowable Soil Stress, Qa,max = 1.00000 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Average, qs,avg = 0.83340 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 2.24548 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = -0.57868 kg/cm2
qmax > Q,allowable => NOT OK
qmin < 0, Soil in Tensile stress -> CHECK FURTHER!


Lx= 67.20, Ly= 64.70, colx= 30.00, coly= 35.00

Eccentricity ex = 30.32 cm, max = 27.33 cm
CASE 2: e > B/6
Puu=19281.3065074704, bx=164, by=164.4, ex=30.3191471876561,
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.51291 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.00000 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, Mx,max = 667657.37603
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Eccentricity ey = 23.92 cm, max = B/6 = 27.33 cm

CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=19281.3065074704, bx=164, Lsy=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.56259 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.10421 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, My,max = 624135.52766
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 3.07550 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK

Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = 0.10421 kg/cm2 -> OK


Moment of Inertia of Slab, Ix = 60282901.33333 cm4

Moment of Inertia of Slab, Iy = 60282901.33333 cm4
Allowable Soil Stress, Qa,max = 1.00000 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Average, qs,avg = 0.71688 kg/cm2

Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 1.50667 kg/cm2
Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = -0.07290 kg/cm2
qmax > Q,allowable => NOT OK
qmin < 0, Soil in Tensile stress -> CHECK FURTHER!


Lx= 67.00, Ly= 64.50, colx= 30.00, coly= 35.00

Eccentricity ex = 22.32 cm, max = 27.33 cm
CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=16038.0233074704, by=164, Lsx=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.30220 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.13157 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, Mx,max = 580434.55401
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Eccentricity ey = 13.89 cm, max = B/6 = 27.33 cm

CASE 1: e <= B/6
Puu=16038.0233074704, bx=164, Lsy=0
Soil Stress, qs,max = 1.08107 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK
Soil Stress, qs,min = 0.35269 kg/cm2 -> OK
Max Factored Bending Moment at Column Face, My,max = 539955.88411
Concrete Slab Design Status = OK
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.16%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.12%)


Soil Stress, Maximum, qs,max = 2.38327 kg/cm2 -> NOT OK

Soil Stress, Minimum, qs,min = 0.48426 kg/cm2 -> OK


Tie Beam / Sloof Width, B = 25.00 cm

Tie Beam / Sloof Width, H = 40.00 cm
Factored Maximum Column Axial Load, Pu = 21101.79 ton
10% of Factored Axial Load, Tu = 2110.18 ton
Required Rebar for Tension, Ast = 0.68 cm2

Nett Uplift Height, Hw = 2.00 m

Tie Beam / Sloof Length, L = 4.50 m
Tie Beam / Sloof Tributary Width, W = 3.00 m
Distributed Load on Tie Beam, qL = 6000.00 kg/m
Distributed Weight on Tie Beam, qsw = 240.00 kg/m
Bending Moment, Mql = 1166400.00
Shear Force, Vql = 12960.00 kg
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Bottom = 6.03 cm2
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Top = 10.55 cm2

Longitudinal Rebar, at Support = 3 d16 / 5 d16

Longitudinal Rebar, at Midspan = 5 d16 / 3 d16
Shear Reinforcement Spacing at Support = d10 - 0.00

Pilecap or Footing Size and Rebar Design

Support Foundation Wid,x Wid,y Thick db spx,top spx,bot spy,top spy,bot
Index Type & npile cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 1 164.00 164.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
2 1 164.00 164.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
3 1 196.00 196.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
4 1 196.00 196.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
5 1 194.00 194.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
6 1 194.00 194.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
7 1 200.00 200.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
8 1 199.00 199.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
9 1 174.00 174.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
10 1 176.00 176.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
Dari perhitungan di atas, diambil dimensi pondasi telapak T1 200x200 mm

6.2. PC Pile
Dimensi : 20x20
Kedalaman : 16 m atau sampai tanah keras +2 m
fc’ : 30 MPa
Tebal Pile Cap : 40 cm
Compression Capacity : 20 ton
Tension Capacity : 11 ton
Lateral Capacity : 1 ton

1. SUPPORT NO. 1, Node= 1, Location: x= 0.00000, y= 0.00000

phi,m = 0.80 phi,v = 0.60

fc1 = 291.0 kg/cm2 fy = 3900.0 kg/cm2
fyv = 3900.0 kg/cm2 fys = 2400.0 kg/cm2
s,ratio = 3.00 s1,ratio = 1.50
col,bx = 30.00 cm col,bz = 35.00 cm
sloof db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
pilecap db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
foot db=1.60 cm, pile embeded=7.5 cm

Unfactored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Maximum Axial, Pu = 18960.7, 14821.6, 18960.7, 16038.0 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 744.7, 12315.9, 744.7, 4216.5
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 674415.9, 223049.3, 674415.9, 357917.4
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 516390.4, 82354.0, 516390.4, 222701.2
Horiz Force, Vux = 2756.0, 354.6, 2756.0, 1133.4 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 2241.0, 153.6, 2241.0, 841.0 kg

Factored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Single Axial, Pu = 0.0, 0.0 kg
Maximum Axial, Pu = 26061.5, 18788.3, 26061.5, 21101.8 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 1591.6, 17242.2, 1591.6, 6551.3
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 954186.0, 285357.4, 954186.0, 502045.3
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 732476.6, 104594.4, 732476.6, 312920.7
Horiz Force, Vux = 3918.5, 451.9, 3918.5, 1600.5 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 3192.1, 195.2, 3192.1, 1192.1 kg


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 30.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:
Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 30000.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 160.00 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 40.00 cm

c. From Punching of Single Column:

Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 21101.79 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 199.08 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 9.14 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 6.38 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 24.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 24.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 1 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 24.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 24.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 16470.02 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 4648.47 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 26000.00 Ptens= 14300.00, P1max = 16470.02, P1min = 4648.47

c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Simple Formula
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 18.96 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 0.74 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton

Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 4.65 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 11.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 11.00 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 16.47 ton -> OK
Minimum Compression on Pile, P1min = 4.65 ton -> OK

Optimum Foundation Selected, Index = 1

Pile, Rect, a= 20 cm

Pile Size Parameter:

a = 20.00000 cm
b = 20.00000 cm
sp = 60.00000 cm
sp1 = 30.00000 cm
spx = 60.00000 cm
spy = 60.00000 cm
Ap = 400.00000 cm2
dp = 20.00000 cm
Apw = 0.00000 cm2
Kp = 80.00000 cm
Kp1 = 160.00000 cm


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 30.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:

Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 30000.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 160.00 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 40.00 cm

c. From Punching of Single Column:

Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 21101.79 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 199.08 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 9.14 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 6.38 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 24.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 24.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 1 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 24.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 20.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 20.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 24.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 1, npx= 1, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 60.0 cm, by= 60.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 30.0 cm, cy= 35.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 0.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 0.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 0.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 0.00000, My = 0.00000
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 16470.02 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 4648.47 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 26000.00 Ptens= 14300.00, P1max = 16470.02, P1min = 4648.47

c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 1, npx= 1, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 60.0 cm, by= 60.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 30.0 cm, cy= 35.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 0.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 0.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 0.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 0.00000, My = 0.00000

Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Simple Formula
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 18.96 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 0.74 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 4.65 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 20.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 11.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 11.00 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 16.47 ton -> OK
Minimum Compression on Pile, P1min = 4.65 ton -> OK

3. Pilecap Rebar Design:

Rebar pct min = 0.15 %

Minimum Rebar Spacing = 10.00 cm
Bx,By,Tp = 60.00 x 60.00 x 50.00
Bending Section in X-direction, b = 60.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Section in Y-direction, b = 60.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Moment in X-direction, Mpx = 0.00
Bending Moment in Y-direction, Mpy = 0.00
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)


Tie Beam / Sloof Width, B = 25.00 cm

Tie Beam / Sloof Width, H = 40.00 cm
Factored Maximum Column Axial Load, Pu = 21101.79 ton
10% of Factored Axial Load, Tu = 2110.18 ton
Required Rebar for Tension, Ast = 0.68 cm2

Nett Uplift Height, Hw = 2.00 m

Tie Beam / Sloof Length, L = 4.50 m
Tie Beam / Sloof Tributary Width, W = 3.00 m
Distributed Load on Tie Beam, qL = 6000.00 kg/m
Distributed Weight on Tie Beam, qsw = 240.00 kg/m
Bending Moment, Mql = 1166400.00
Shear Force, Vql = 12960.00 kg
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Bottom = 6.03 cm2
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Top = 10.55 cm2

Longitudinal Rebar, at Support = 3 d16 / 5 d16

Longitudinal Rebar, at Midspan = 5 d16 / 3 d16
Shear Reinforcement Spacing at Support = d10 - 0.00

Pilecap or Footing Size and Rebar Design

Support Foundation Wid,x Wid,y Thick db spx,top spx,bot spy,top spy,bot
Index Type & npile cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
2 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
3 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
4 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
5 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
6 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
7 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
8 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
9 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
10 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
11 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
12 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00

6.3. Strauss Pile

Diameter : 30 cm
Kedalaman : 16 m atau sampai tanah keras +2 m
fc’ : 30 MPa
Tebal Pile Cap : 60 cm
Compression Capacity : 15 ton
Tension Capacity : 8.25 ton
Lateral Capacity : 0.75 ton

1. SUPPORT NO. 1, Node= 1, Location: x= 0.00000, y= 0.00000

phi,m = 0.80 phi,v = 0.60

fc1 = 291.0 kg/cm2 fy = 3900.0 kg/cm2
fyv = 3900.0 kg/cm2 fys = 2400.0 kg/cm2
s,ratio = 3.00 s1,ratio = 1.50
col,bx = 30.00 cm col,bz = 35.00 cm
sloof db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
pilecap db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.00 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
foot db=1.60 cm, pile embeded=7.5 cm

Unfactored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Maximum Axial, Pu = 18960.7, 14821.6, 18960.7, 16038.0 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 744.7, 12315.9, 744.7, 4216.5
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 674415.9, 223049.3, 674415.9, 357917.4
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 516390.4, 82354.0, 516390.4, 222701.2
Horiz Force, Vux = 2756.0, 354.6, 2756.0, 1133.4 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 2241.0, 153.6, 2241.0, 841.0 kg

Factored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Single Axial, Pu = 0.0, 0.0 kg
Maximum Axial, Pu = 26061.5, 18788.3, 26061.5, 21101.8 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 1591.6, 17242.2, 1591.6, 6551.3
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 954186.0, 285357.4, 954186.0, 502045.3
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 732476.6, 104594.4, 732476.6, 312920.7
Horiz Force, Vux = 3918.5, 451.9, 3918.5, 1600.5 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 3192.1, 195.2, 3192.1, 1192.1 kg


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 30.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:

Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 22500.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 188.50 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 20.00 cm

c. From Punching of Single Column:

Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 21101.79 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 186.80 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 5.82 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 6.80 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 18.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 2 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 15.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 36.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 2 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 18.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 2 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 36.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 2 piles
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 8991.01 kg, dPMx = 3976.86 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 3080.23 kg, dPMx = 3976.86 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 19500.00 Ptens= 10725.00, P1max = 12967.87, P1min = -896.63

c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Number of Pile needed, Np = 2 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Simple Formula
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 18.96 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 0.74 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 1.94 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 6.16 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 8.25 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 8.25 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 12.97 ton -> OK
Minimum Tension on Pile, P1min = -0.90 ton -> OK
Concrete Slab Design Status, X-Direction = OK

Optimum Foundation Selected, Index = 1

Pile, Circular, D= 30 cm

Pile Size Parameter:

D = 30.00000 cm

sp = 90.00000 cm
sp1 = 45.00000 cm
spx = 90.00000 cm
spy = 90.00000 cm
Ap = 706.85835 cm2
dp = 30.00000 cm
Apw = 0.00000 cm2
Kp = 94.24778 cm
Kp1 = 188.49556 cm


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 30.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:

Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 22500.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2, fc1 = 291.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 188.50 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 20.00 cm

c. From Punching of Single Column:

Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 21101.79 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 186.80 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 18.09 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 5.82 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 6.80 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 18.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 2 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 15.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 36.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 2 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 14.82 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 18.96 ton, Pcap1 = 18.00 ton, np1=2
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 16.04 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=2
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 1.94 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 2 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 36.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 4.22 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 1.94 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 0.00 ton (compression)

No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 2 piles

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 2, npx= 2, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 180.0 cm, by= 90.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 30.0 cm, cy= 35.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 45.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 4050.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 30.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 630000.00000, My = 0.00000
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 8991.01 kg, dPMx = 3976.86 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 3080.23 kg, dPMx = 3976.86 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 19500.00 Ptens= 10725.00, P1max = 12967.87, P1min = -896.63

c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 2, npx= 2, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 180.0 cm, by= 90.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 30.0 cm, cy= 35.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 45.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 4050.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 30.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 630000.00000, My = 0.00000

Number of Pile needed, Np = 2 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Simple Formula
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 18.96 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 0.74 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 1.94 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 14.82 ton
Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 6.16 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 15.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 8.25 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 8.25 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 12.97 ton -> OK
Minimum Tension on Pile, P1min = -0.90 ton -> OK
Concrete Slab Design Status, X-Direction = OK

3. Pilecap Rebar Design:

Rebar pct min = 0.15 %

Minimum Rebar Spacing = 10.00 cm
Bx,By,Tp = 180.00 x 90.00 x 50.00
Bending Section in X-direction, b = 90.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Section in Y-direction, b = 180.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Moment in X-direction, Mpx = 630000.00
Bending Moment in Y-direction, Mpy = 0.00
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)


Tie Beam / Sloof Width, B = 25.00 cm

Tie Beam / Sloof Width, H = 40.00 cm
Factored Maximum Column Axial Load, Pu = 21101.79 ton
10% of Factored Axial Load, Tu = 2110.18 ton
Required Rebar for Tension, Ast = 0.68 cm2

Nett Uplift Height, Hw = 2.00 m

Tie Beam / Sloof Length, L = 4.50 m
Tie Beam / Sloof Tributary Width, W = 3.00 m
Distributed Load on Tie Beam, qL = 6000.00 kg/m
Distributed Weight on Tie Beam, qsw = 240.00 kg/m
Bending Moment, Mql = 1166400.00
Shear Force, Vql = 12960.00 kg
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Bottom = 6.03 cm2
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Top = 10.55 cm2

Longitudinal Rebar, at Support = 3 d16 / 5 d16
Longitudinal Rebar, at Midspan = 5 d16 / 3 d16
Shear Reinforcement Spacing at Support = d10 - 0.00

Pilecap or Footing Size and Rebar Design

Support Foundation Wid,x Wid,y Thick db spx,top spx,bot spy,top spy,bot
Index Type & npile cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
2 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
3 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
4 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
5 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
6 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
7 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
8 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
9 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
10 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
11 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
12 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
13 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
14 2 x C 30 180.00 90.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00

7. Disain Struktur Atas

Pada bab ini akan dibahas desain dari masing-masing elemen struktur beton bertulang, yaitu pelat, balok,
kolom, dan sambungan balok-kolom.

7.1. Disain Pelat

Disain Tulangan Pelat dilakukan dengan bantuan komputer dengan metode Koefisien Beban sesuai dengan
beban mati dan hidup, ukuran pelat, reduksi beban dan tabel koefisien momen pelat yang ada.
Data Pelat Lantai

Contoh Perhitungan Penulangan Pelat:

SANSPRO for Windows V.5.20
Concrete Slab Design Report
Date 22 May 2010, 6 Jun 2020
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, ESRC

Project :
Location :
Building :
File : D:\rumah tinggal dan ruko\RK\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile\RK-4,5x12-2F-PCPile.MDL
Date : 12\01\2023
Licensee : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung


Floor = 1, Beam Layout = 2, nr = 4

Concrete Slab Design, Quadrilateral, 2-Way :
typ = 1, elset = 6, mat = 1, dsg = 6, tp = 12.00 cm
qdl = -438.00, qll = -360.00, qrd = 0.00, qrl = 0.00 kg/m2, fc1 = 300.00, fy = 3900.00 kg/cm2,
db = 10.00 mm
Lx = 300.00 cm, Ly = 450.00 cm, rdf = 1.2000, rdf1 = 1.0000
Design Span Length, Ln = Lspan = max(Lx,Ly) = 450.00 cm

Minimum Thickness (2-way slab with edge beams, no drop panel, U-39 = Lmin/33 = 9.09 cm
Maximum Deflection due to Live Load = Ln/360 = 8.33 mm
Maximum Deflection due to Total Load = Ln/240 = 12.50 mm

Deflection Calculation (4 sides semi-rigid, Barres, 1971) :

Aspect Ratio = Lmax/Lmin = 1.500, Deflection Coef. k = 0.0110
Concrete Strength, fc1 = 300.0 kg/cm2, Modulus, Ec = 278424.662 kg/cm2
Delta1 (qll only) = k*(Lmax^4*qll /(Ec*tp^3)) = 3.375 mm
Delta2 (q,total) = k*(Lmax^4*qtot/(Ec*tp^3)) = 7.482 mm
Cracked Section :
Delta1 (qll only) = k*(Ln^4*qll /(Ec*tp1^3)) = 9.643 mm
Delta2 (q,total) = k*(Ln^4*qtot/(Ec*tp1^3)) = 21.376 mm
Long-term deflection factor = 1.778

Maximum Deflection (Cracked section, using effective thickness tp1) :

Delta1 (qll only) = 9.643 mm <= maxdelta1 = 8.333 mm, OK
Delta2 (q,total) = 21.376 mm <= maxdelta2 = 12.500 mm, OK

Maximum Long-term Deflection (Cracked section, using effective thickness tp1)) :

Delta1 (qll only) = 17.144 mm <= maxdelta1 = 8.333 mm, OK
Delta2 (q,total) = 38.002 mm <= maxdelta2 = 12.500 mm, OK

Plate Vibration Analysis :

Vibration Slab Option = Open space
Damping ratio beta = 0.020, Emd = 348030.827 kg/cm2, PR = 0.20
f0 constant, phi = 1.57*sqrt(5.14+3.13*r^2+5.14*r^4) = 7.403 (all sides supported, fixed rotation)
Coeficient c = sqrt(Emd*tp*tp*tp*grav/(12*(1-nu*nu)*qtot)) = 801101.499
First Natural Frequency, f0 = c*phi/(Lmax^2) = 29.288 Hz
Target frequency f0 >= 8 Hz (Human most sensitive to vibration frquency = 4 to 8 Hz

Constant K : 58 kN (Office, Residences, Halls), 20 kN (Malls)

Constant K for minimum frequency, K = 58.000 (Averaged)
Total Weight of slab under vibration, Wgt = 10773.000 kg
Minimum Required First Natural Frequency, fn = 2.86*Ln(K/beta*Wgt) = 9.472 Hz
STATUS of f0 : f0 >= fn -> OK

Peak Response Acceleration:

Walking speed = 2.0 Hz, DLF = 0.53, Person Wgt, P1 = 100.0 kg
Constant Force walking Po = DLF*P1 = 53.0 kg
Peak Response Acceleration, ap = Po*e^(-0.35*f0)/(beta*Wgt) = 0.0000 = 0.00 %
Check for Vibration (ATC Chart) :
STATUS of ap : ap <= 1.856 % -> OK

Slab Rebar Design:

ss2 = 0.8970, ax2 = 0.8350, ay2 = 0.1650, qu = -1101.60 kg/m2
Mux = ss2 * ax2 * q * lx*lx / 24 = 30940.9834 (mid-span) -> d10 - 240.000 mm
Muy = ss2 * ay2 * q * ly*ly / 24 = 13756.6947 (mid-span) -> d10 - 240.000 mm
Mux1 = -ax2 * q * lx*lx / 12 = 68987.7000 (edge) -> d10 - 221.089 mm
Muy1 = -ay2 * q * ly*ly / 12 = 30672.6750 (edge) -> d10 - 240.000 mm

Short=d10-200/225 //,Long=d10-225/225 //

7.2. Disain Balok

Disain kapasitas balok dilakukan sebagai berikut:
Penulangan lentur balok (Tulangan utama)
Perhitungan Mcap, balok dengan nilai Fy* = 1.25*Fy
Gaya geser rencana balok = (Mcap,balok,ki + Mcap,balok,ka)/Ln
Penulangan Geser Balok

7.2.1. Contoh Penulangan Lentur Balok

SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, SNI-2019
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2022
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project :
Notes :


Flr Beam Id | L | Left | Mid | Right | Bar | Bw / Ht | s-lft s-rgt Bar | Atl Atr
0 1 21 | 450.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 2 22 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 3 23 | 450.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 4 24 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 5 25 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 6 26 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 7 27 | 450.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 8 28 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 9 29 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 10 30 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 11 31 | 300.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 12 32 | 150.0 | 4/ 2 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 2.6 0.0
0 13 33 | 150.0 | 4/ 2 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 2.5 0.0
0 16 36 | 300.0 | 2/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
0 17 37 | 300.0 | 2/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 1 38 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 2 39 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 3 40 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 4 41 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 5 42 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 6 43 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 7 44 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 8 45 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 9 46 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 10 47 | 200.0 | 3/ 3 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 1.8 0.0
1 11 48 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 12 49 | 150.0 | 4/ 4 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 4.2 4.9
1 13 50 | 150.0 | 4/ 4 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 3.3 3.9
1 14 51 | 200.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 15 52 | 100.0 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 16 53 | 300.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 17 54 | 300.0 | 2/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 1.2
1 18 55 | 100.0 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 2.3 2.5
1 19 56 | 300.0 | 2/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 1.8
2 1 57 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 2 58 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 3 59 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 4 60 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 5 61 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 6 62 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 7 63 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 8 64 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 9 65 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 10 66 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 11 67 | 300.0 | 3/ 3 | 2/ 3 | 3/ 3 | d13 | 25/ 40 | 8.6 8.6 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 12 68 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 13 69 | 450.0 | 4/ 4 | 2/ 4 | 4/ 4 | d13 | 25/ 50 | 10.0 10.0 d10 | 0.0 0.0

7.2.2. Contoh Momen Kapasitas Balok
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, SNI-2019
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2022
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project :
Notes :


Id | Ml-top Ml-bot | Mr-top Mr-bot | Vl Vr | Tl Tr
21 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 4285.8 4285.8 | 0.00 0.00
22 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
23 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 4850.8 4850.8 | 0.00 0.00
24 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
25 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
26 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
27 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 4850.8 4850.8 | 0.00 0.00
28 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
29 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
30 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
31 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2494.0 2494.0 | 0.00 0.00
32 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 6845.4 4341.1 | 39896.23 39896.23
33 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 5624.4 3076.0 | 32369.37 32369.37
36 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 2070.1 5083.1 | 15769.69 15769.69
37 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 878356.16 471997.53 | 946.3 5121.1 | 19436.63 19436.63
38 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 6003.3 5991.1 | 847.10 847.10
39 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4339.1 4571.7 | 4037.68 4037.68
40 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 6338.9 6344.0 | 427.23 427.23
41 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4353.6 4557.1 | 4371.51 4371.51
42 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4505.1 4405.6 | 585.86 585.86
43 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4481.8 4428.9 | 777.18 777.18
44 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 6327.5 6355.4 | 837.95 837.95
45 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4420.4 4490.3 | 4772.49 4772.49
46 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4361.7 4549.0 | 2709.34 2709.34
47 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 366725.58 518058.45 | 4905.0 2919.0 | 25652.33 25652.33
48 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 4436.1 4127.0 | 6871.56 6871.56
49 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 5982.9 4532.8 | 69390.81 69390.81
50 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 6627.1 5179.3 | 51543.27 51543.27
51 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 366725.58 518058.45 | 2131.4 633.6 | 21498.63 21498.63
52 | 366725.58 518058.45 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 1566.5 2310.1 | 18151.18 18151.18
53 | 366725.58 518058.45 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 1074.7 1682.5 | 11396.08 11396.08
54 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 4156.5 7655.5 | 22959.85 22959.85
55 | 366725.58 518058.45 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 6330.7 9493.7 | 66345.85 66345.85
56 | 471997.53 878356.16 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 3616.7 6495.2 | 26769.94 26769.94
57 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 4246.7 4241.3 | 359.27 359.27
58 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 3345.4 3543.5 | 19002.11 19002.11
59 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 5626.5 5629.6 | 209.36 209.36
60 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 3377.1 3559.8 | 18791.49 18791.49
61 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 2854.3 2829.0 | 1623.16 1623.16
62 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 2831.3 2809.5 | 1821.54 1821.54
63 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 5617.8 5629.0 | 196.47 196.47
64 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 2827.3 2829.6 | 2210.66 2210.66
65 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 2860.3 2831.2 | 2226.70 2226.70
66 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 3578.4 3406.5 | 18268.44 18268.44
67 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 519515.49 519515.49 | 3578.7 3387.0 | 17894.51 17894.51
68 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 5640.2 5649.6 | 503.18 503.18
69 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 879130.67 879130.67 | 4277.0 4283.2 | 1402.77 1402.77

7.2. Disain Kolom
Disain kapasitas Kolom dilakukan sbb:
Ʃ Mrencana, kolom = 1.2 Ʃ Mcap, balok
Penulangan Lentur Kolom (Tulangan utama)
Perhitungan Mcap, kolom dengan nilai Fy* = 1.25*Fy
Gaya Geser rencana kolom = (Mcap,kolom a + Mcap,kolom b) / Ln
Penulangan Geser Kolom

7.3.1. Contoh Gaya Rencana Kolom

SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, SNI-2019
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2022
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project :
Notes :


Flr Id | Mux Nmax Nmin | Muy Nmax Nmin
2 11 | 608735.4 5594.7 -64.1 | 448363.0 3614.1 1916.5
| 309126.9 6350.7 691.9 | 218196.5 4370.1 2672.5
2 12 | 616652.0 5610.4 -48.4 | 455341.6 3629.8 1932.2
| 309126.9 6366.4 707.6 | 218196.5 4385.8 2688.2
2 13 | 657563.1 7585.0 2340.9 | 593166.1 6019.1 4321.5
| 309126.9 8341.0 3096.9 | 436393.0 6775.1 5077.5
2 14 | 663627.3 7566.7 2324.8 | 602808.6 6003.0 4305.3
| 309126.9 8322.7 3080.8 | 436393.0 6759.0 5061.3
2 15 | 655980.6 5834.7 4303.5 | 555684.0 7285.7 2517.1
| 309126.9 6590.7 5059.5 | 436393.0 8041.7 3273.1
2 16 | 658591.7 5859.3 4328.1 | 563754.4 7311.1 2541.7
| 309126.9 6615.3 5084.1 | 436393.0 8067.1 3297.7
2 17 | 653687.3 5951.4 4420.2 | 586092.8 7574.0 2633.7
| 309126.9 6707.4 5176.2 | 436393.0 8330.0 3389.7
2 18 | 654358.4 5948.3 4417.1 | 590958.8 7580.0 2630.7
| 309126.9 6704.3 5173.1 | 436393.0 8336.0 3386.7
2 19 | 606053.3 3533.6 2002.4 | 439276.2 5320.0 216.0
| 309126.9 4289.6 2758.4 | 218196.5 6076.0 972.0
2 20 | 604673.4 3535.7 2004.5 | 445401.8 5322.1 218.1
| 309126.9 4291.7 2760.5 | 218196.5 6078.1 974.1
1 1 | 490882.0 13679.3 2159.7 | 261953.0 9647.4 6191.5
| 799304.1 14561.3 3041.7 | 799304.1 10529.4 7073.5
1 2 | 490882.0 15398.3 3878.7 | 263312.5 11366.5 7910.6
| 799304.1 16280.3 4760.7 | 799304.1 12248.5 8792.6
1 3 | 490882.0 18563.6 7043.9 | 509125.2 14531.7 11075.8
| 799304.1 19445.6 7925.9 | 966255.9 15413.7 11957.8
1 4 | 490882.0 18794.7 7275.1 | 509125.2 14762.9 11307.0
| 799304.1 19676.7 8157.1 | 978881.8 15644.9 12189.0
1 5 | 490882.0 13757.1 10681.1 | 509125.2 17345.7 7092.5
| 799304.1 14639.1 11563.1 | 951540.4 18227.7 7974.5
1 6 | 490882.0 13727.5 10651.5 | 509125.2 17316.1 7062.9
| 799304.1 14609.5 11533.5 | 955407.5 18198.1 7944.9
1 7 | 490882.0 14084.7 11008.8 | 509125.2 17673.3 7420.2
| 799304.1 14966.7 11890.8 | 949293.5 18555.3 8302.2
1 8 | 490882.0 14095.0 11019.0 | 509125.2 17683.6 7430.4
| 799304.1 14977.0 11901.0 | 949940.1 18565.6 8312.4
1 9 | 490882.0 9550.0 6474.0 | 257482.0 13138.6 2885.4
| 799304.1 10432.0 7356.0 | 799304.1 14020.6 3767.4
1 10 | 490882.0 9554.1 6478.2 | 255597.2 13142.7 2889.5
| 799304.1 10436.1 7360.2 | 799304.1 14024.7 3771.5

7.3.2. Contoh Desain Penulangan Kolom
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, SNI-2019
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2022
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, MSc, Bandung

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project :
Notes :


Flr No. Id Set | H | Nbt Nbf %As Atr ntr spc | Nx Ny | Atx Aty | spcx spcy
2 9 11 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 10 12 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 7 13 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 8 14 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 5 15 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 6 16 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 3 17 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 4 18 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 1 19 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
2 2 20 2 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.7 0.00 0 3.77 | 12 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.77 3.77
1 9 1 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.00 | 3.41 3.41
1 10 2 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.00 | 3.41 3.41
1 7 3 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.01 | 3.41 3.41
1 8 4 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.02 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.02 | 3.41 3.41
1 5 5 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.00 | 3.41 3.41
1 6 6 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.01 | 3.41 3.41
1 3 7 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.01 | 3.41 3.41
1 4 8 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.01 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.01 0.01 | 3.41 3.41
1 1 9 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.00 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.41 3.41
1 2 10 1 | 350.00 | 12 0 d16 2.3 0.00 0 3.41 | 12 12 | 0.00 0.00 | 3.41 3.41

7.3.3. Kekuatan Lentur Minimum Kolom (SNI 2847-2019 Pasal 18.7.3)

Pengecekan konsep strong column – weak beam sesuai (SNI2847-2019 pasal Kuat kolom ØMn
harus memenuhi persyaratan:
Σ Mnc≥1,2 Σ Mnb
ΣMnc = jumlah M dua kolom yang bertemu di join.
ΣMnb = jumlah M dua balok yang bertemu di join.

Pada analisis strong column – weak beam, diambil analisis pada kolom K2 (300/500) mm. yang merupakan
kolom utama seperti ditunjukan gambar berikut:

Berikut data properti material kolom K3, balok B1, dan balok B2:
fc' Longitudinal Reinforcement fy Shear Reinforcement fys
Elemen b h
[mm] [mm] [MPa] Position Support Midspan [MPa] Support Midspan [MPa]
K3 300 350 25 12D16 420 D10-75 D10-150 420
Top 5D13 4D13 420
B1 250 500 25 D10-100 D10-150 420
Bottom 4D13 5D13 420
Top 5D13 2D13 420
B2 250 400 25 D10-75 D10-150 420
Bottom 3D13 3D13 420

Berikut hasil perhitungan kuat lentur momen nominal balok B1 dan B2 pada bagian tumpuan yang
terdapat pada join kolom-balok yang juga terdapat pada setiap sisi kolom.
fc' Longitudinal As fy φ Mn
Elemen b h
Reinforcement 2
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [mm ] [MPa] [kNm]
Top 5D13 663,6614 420
B1 250 500 25 104,4694
Bottom 4D13 530,9292 420
Top 5D13 663,6614 420
B2 250 400 25 78,9566
Bottom 3D13 398,1969 420

Dengan demikian:
1,2ΣMgfront-back = 1,2(ØMn_front+ØMn_back)
= 1,2 (78.96+78.96)
= 189.496 kNm
1,2 ΣMgleft-right = 1,2(ØMn_left+ØMn_right)
= 1,2 (104.47)
= 125.363 kNm
Sementara berikut perhitungan kapasitas momen kolom :
ØPn_blw = 138.03 kN
ØPn_abv = 65.7325 kN
Kapasitas momen kolom atas (ØMn_blw) = 123.48 kNm

Kapasitas momen kolom bawah (ØMn_abv) = 117.48 kNm

Gambar analisis kapasitas momen kolom (ØMn) atas dan bawah dengan SP Column.
Dengan demikian, ΣMc= ØMn_above+ØMn_below = 240.96 kNm. Sehingga,
Σ Mc ≥ 1,2 ΣMgfront-back
240.96 kNm ≥ 189.496 kNm
Σ Mc ≥ 1,2ΣMgleft-right
240.96 kNm ≥ 125.363 kNm
join balok kolom K3-B1,B2, memenuhi persyaratan Strong Column-Weak Beam


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