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Malin Kundang

Class 9E

Group 1

1.Al Faathir
2.Maulana Ahmad
3.Riza Afyani
4.Destyana Adha
5.Nazwa Rizkia Azzahra
6.Safira Bella

MTsN 2 Kota Banjarmasin

Jl. Batu Benawa Raya No.32, Teluk Dalam, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah,Kota
Banjarmasin,Kalimantan Selatan


1.Al Faathir As Young Malin Kundang

2.Maulana Ahmad As Adult Malin Kundang
3.Riza Afyani As Narrator
4.Destyana Adha As Malin Kundang’s Wife/Ningrum
5.Nazwa Rizkia Azzahra As Saidah
6.Safira Bella As Mande Rubiyah/Malin Kundang’s Mom

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia


1.Al Faathir sebagai Malin Kundang Remaja

2.Maulana Ahmad sebagai Malin Kundang Dewasa
3.Riza Afyani sebagai Narator
4.Destyana Adha sebagai Istri Malin Kundang/Ningrum
5.Nazwa Rizkia Azzahra sebagai Saidah
6.Safira Bella sebagai Mande Rubiyah/Ibu Malin
Once upon a time, there lived an old woman with her son, his name is
Malin Kundang. They lived suffered and hanged with the forest

Malin, come here son,help me to carry this firewoods.

Yes Mom, wait a minute.
(Sambil berjalan kearah tokoh Ibu)

(Tokoh Malin membantu Ibunya)

(Memeragakan layaknya menyusuri hutan)

Mom how long will this last? I’ve tired being
Poor like this
(Dengan Mimik dan Gestur Jengkel)

I don’t know Malin, we must be patient and don’t stop
Praying to god.
(Berbalik arah dan memegang pundak Malin)

We must be grateful Malin, because we can still see
The natural beauty that god has given us like this.
(dengan nada lembut)
(Dengan nada memanggil)


I have an idea, would you let me go away to change my fortune?
Who knows I wil be a rich man!
[tokoh Ibu Terdiam Sejenak]

Are you okay mom?
If-f Mom S-s-sick,just t-t-tell
(Dengan nada gagap dan Mimik wajah Panik)

Malin and his Mother come back to the home, but his mother
Just kept silent about his idea.
(Pergantian babak, Kayon dilambai lambaikan)
(Sesampainya dirumah)
(tokoh Ibu seperti ingin duduk dikursi)
(tokoh Malin membereskan bawaannya)

(Dengan nada bertanya)

(Dengan gesture marah dan nada yang lantang)

What’s wrong?
(Dengan nada bertanya)
(tokoh Ibu dengan sigap memeluk Malin)
(Mimik wajah yang dikeluarkan tokoh Ibu Sedih)

That’s not a good idea.
(dengan nada sedih)

Because if you go, who will watch me in here.
(pada kata “because if you go” menggunakan nada sedih lembut
Namun pada kata “who will watch me in here” menjadi nada transisi
Sedih lantang)
(Rebab dilantun kan)
(tokoh Malin dengan Sedih segera memeluk tokoh Ibu)

Mom... trust me, I will be successful out there. I Promise will
going back to see you, Mom.


Trust Me Mom,Trust me
Mom, I will talk to Saidah,I think she can take care of you.
(Alunan Rebab terhenti)
Bumi Gonjang-Ganjing Langit Kelap-Kelap Katon Lir Kincanging Alis
Maweh Gandrung
Mom Couldn’t refuse the wishes of her only child,the best thing she
can do is pray to her child
(Kayon Dilambai kan pertanda pergantian babak)
One day, Malin was called by the captain to sail a ship to leave his
hometown. He was very successfully out there.
After Malin became a rich man, Malin married with the captain
daughter, her name is Ningrum. They are very happy, even they are a
romantic people.

Hello, my honey

Ow Malin, shall we go on trip to island for honeymoon?
(dengan nada menggoda)

That’s good idea my wife, how about Dua Angsa Island?


Okay, we will start tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Malin and his wife sailed to Dua Angsa Island. On their
way, Malin’s ship stop in an island to refill their supplies.
Fortunately, that island was Malin’s Hometown. When arrived, Malin
go out from his ship and Saidah saw Malin in the Harbour.
Malin?... I-is that Malin?
(sambil berjalan mendekati layaknya meneropong)

Yeah, that’s Malin. I must tell it to his Mother!
Saidah went to house for ask Mom about Malin came back. Saidah is
very happy about Malin came back. If the Mom know about this news,
she was excited and very happy.
Mom... Mom
(dengan nada memanggil)

I’m here Saidah

Mom, Malin come back. He has become a rich man now!

... Are you sure it is malin?
(tanya ibu keheranan tapi dengan nada yang mengejutkan)

Yes,I’m sure. Impossible I can’t forget his face, I still remember

I-if you right, p-please accompany me to go there... Right Now!
Saidah accompanied Malin’s Mother to looking her son. When reached
there, Malin’s Mom very shocked and proud.
(pergantian babak dengan kayon)
Malinn... Malin my son! Malin...
(Berteriak dengan nada memanggil

(Malin dan Ningrum menengok kearah Ibu dan Saidah)

Who is that old woman, Malin?
(dengan nada bertanya ke arah tokoh malin)

(tokoh Malin mengeluarkan Ekspresi Wajah Panik dan Pasrah)

Who is she, honey?
(dengan nada cukup keras bertanya kea rah tokoh Malin)
Malinn! My son, who is her? Is she your wife? She is very beautiful,
come here..!
(dengan nada gembira)

Argghhh, don’t touch me!.

Don’t touch her-!, You are dirty, her skin can be dirty too!
(dengan nada lantang namun masih ada rasa panik layaknya berbohong
tidak tahu apa apa)

Malinnn, who is that old ugly lady? Is she your mother? She is very
dirty and stinky, EWWW.
(pada kata “Malin” nada mengadu,namun pada kalimat selanjutnya
seperti mengolok-olok)

I-I-I don’t know, darling!
(nada panik)

Malin,D-Do you remember about your promise? I’m your mother,Malin.
(nada dan mimik sedih)

ARRGGHHH, who are you poor old woman? I don’t know you. My mother
isn’t dirty like you-!
(dengan nada panik namun mimic wajah panik)

Malin... I’m Mande Rubiyah, Your Mother. I gave you a birth and
raised you. Malin...Malin.!
(nada sedih)

Hei you-! Go away now.
(nada marah dan suangar)

(tokoh Ningrum menyeret Ibu dan mendorongnya hingga terjatuh)

(Mimik wajah tokoh Ningrum penuh dengan dendam)
(Mimik wajah tokoh Ibu seperti menahan tangis)

Hush..Hush Go away!
(dengan gaya mengejek)


(dengan nada sedih)

Don’t call me as your son! Come on babe, we must go from this place

Yes, my husband

[Berjalan mengarah ke kapal dan membelakangi tokoh Ibu]

After making fun of his own mother, Malin left his mother alone and
heading to the ship. Saidah couldn’t do anything and just kept
silent, because she couldn’t stand seeing her best friend change.
[Mom] dare you can say that to your own Mom! I-I can’t take his
any more.
(dengan nada pasrah)
Darling, what ‘s wrong with you?

I don’t know, I don’t feel so good
(tokoh Malin memeragakan gestur terjatuh dan tak bisa bangun)

(nada panik)


Suddenly there was a lightning bolt towards Malin, and instantly
Malin turned into Stone.
Accompanied by very heavy rain, Ningrum could only run towards the
ship and leave the statue of Malin.
But Manda Rubiyah or Malin’s Mother even cried and went to the
statue of Malin.

I’m so sorry Malin.
That is the story of the legend ‘Malin Kundang’
The moral of this story is ‘Never ever to be mean to your Mother’


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