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Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Bimbel DND
Senin, 27 November 2023

Kompetensi Membaca Teks dalam Bahasa Inggris:
• Teks Artikel Ilmiah
• Teks Argumentatif
• Teks Pengumuman
• Teks Berita

• Dampak terhadap pembaca yang diinginkan penulis berdasarkan analisis

fakta-fakta yang disebutkan
• Sikap/pandangan penulis dalam teks tersebut
• Fakta dan sumber informasi yang digunakan penulis untuk meyakinkan
• Parafrase (kalimat efektif) yang maknanya sesuai dengan kalimat dalam
teks tersebut 2
Literacy in written English, that is, in reading and writing.

Literacy is the ability to understand, respond to, and use those

forms of written language that are required by society and valued
by individuals and communities.
Ministry of Education, 2003a, page 19

Definisi dan Tujuan:

Kemdikbud mendefinisikan literasi sebagai

kemampuan untuk memahami,menggunakan,
mengevaluasi, merefleksikan berbagai jenis teks
untuk berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah masalah,
berkomunikasi efektif dan mengembangkan
kapasitas individu sebagai warga Indonesia dan
warga dunia agar dapat berkontribusi secara
produktif di masyarakat (Puspendik, 2020a).

Literasi Bahasa Inggris

salah satu bahasa internasional (Bahasa Inggris)

National Institute for Literacy (2008) mendefinisikan

literasi sebagai kemampuan individu untuk
membaca, menulis, berbicara, menghitung, dan
memecahkan masalah pada tingkat keahlian yang
diperlukan dalam pekerjaan, keluarga, dan

Definisi Literasi
Literasi awal: menuangkan ide, gagasan, dan
pendapat sederhana.
Literasi tingkat lanjut: keterampilan membaca
tidak hanya makna tersurat yang harus dipahami
oleh pembaca melainkan pada makna tersirat
sekaligus tersorot.

Oleh karena itu literasi di tingkat lanjut

memerlukan pengetahuan lain di luar bacaan
yang bisa diperoleh melalui menyimak,
pengalaman pribadi, diskusi dengan individu lain,
maupun penelitian. Setiap kegiatan tersebut akan
menyumbangkan pendalaman pemahaman
terhadap topik yang dibahas.

Konten bacaan dapat berupa teks informasi. Teks
informasi adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk
memberikan fakta, data, dan informasi dalam
rangka pengembangan wawasan serta ilmu
pengetahuan yang bersifat ilmiah yang dapat
ditemukan dalam:

1. Teks artikel ilmiah

2. Teks argumentatif

3. Teks pengumuman

4. Teks berita
Five levels of thinking

The levels of thinking skills are:
• Factual – stating the facts;
• Interpretative – inferring from the facts;
• Application – applying understandings taken from the text to a new situation;
• Affective – understanding the emotional dimension of characterisations and
• Ethical – deciding what is good or bad, or wrong or right, about behaviours,
events, opinions, and assertions.

Improve questioning as provided by Ruddell (2002) adapted by Whitehead, 2004)

Letters, words, text
Using knowledge, strategies, awareness
Analysing meanings, responding critically to text when reading, and
being critically aware when composing texts
What the readers do...
• Read the text, applying the strategy and meeting any other purposes
for the reading.
• As you read, apply and monitor the use of the selected strategy.
• Engage actively in the instructional conversation, referring back to the
text to substantiate your points.

• Learn new words and terms;
• Solve unknown words and terms;
• Use new words and terms.
• Link the new word to related words that you know.
• Learn the word in a relevant context, using concrete examples where
possible to illustrate the word’s meaning.
• Divide the word into syllables, if appropriate, and discuss headwords,
prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
• Construct a definition when they understand the word.

Monitoring understanding
• How well am I understanding the text?
• What information do I need to remember?
• How does this relate to my previous understanding?
• Can I make sense of what I visualise?
• Can I use what I understand to complete the tasks?

Literasi membaca melibatkan tiga proses kognitif:
1. menemukan informasi tersurat (reading on the lines)
2. tersirat (reading in the lines)
3. tersorot (reading beyond the lines)
Keterampilan menemukan informasi tersurat memerlukan kecermatan dalam mengakses
atau mengambil informasi tersurat yang terdapat dalam teks dan keterampilan dalam
menelusuri informasi dan memilih informasi yang relevan.
Keterampilan memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks, meliputi keterampilan menjelaskan
kata, istilah, informasi yang terdapat dalam teks, dan keterampilan mengaitkan semua
informasi penting dalam teks untuk membuat inferensi/simpulan, membuat koneksi, dan
membuat prediksi.
Keterampilan tersorot, yaitu keterampilan untuk menggunakan segenap pengetahuan dan
pengalamannya dalam menilai kualitas dan kredibilitas konten, merefleksi isi dan bentuk,
dan mendeteksi dan memecahkan konflik.
Literasi membaca tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kompetensi kognitif saja, akan tetapi juga
melibatkan kompetensi metakognitif, yaitu kesadaran dan kemampuan untuk menggunakan
berbagai strategi yang sesuai saat memproses teks.
To answer the paraphrase question, follow these five steps:
1. Read the highlighted sentence carefully.
2. Break the sentence into meaningful parts. Pay close attention to
punctuation and to connective words that will help you understand
the relationship of ideas.
3. It is possible that the highlighted sentence references information
outside of the sentence. In that case, read the context outside of the
4. Read the answer choice carefully. Eliminate answers that change
the meaning, leave out important information, or falsify information
from the highlighted sentence.
5. Choose the correct answer from the remaining choices
Submit your answer here (optional)
Questions 1 - 3
Indonesia, with the largest student and teacher population in Southeast Asia and the fourth-largest education
system globally, has highlighted the significance of digital transformation in education post-COVID-19.
Hosting ASEAN’s Second Regional Meeting on the Declaration on Digital Transformation of Education
Systems, key agenda items included discussions on global reaffirmation of digital learning, strategies for digital
transformation in education by ASEAN member states, and an overview of the Roadmap on Declaration on
Digital Transformation in ASEAN. Ahead of the meeting, there was a focus on enhancing access to safe digital
learning, promoting digital literacy, and developing digital skills in the ASEAN region. The education ministry
emphasized the collaborative effort among ASEAN member countries to develop the roadmap, recognizing the
pivotal role of ICT in transforming education, especially underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. What was the primary focus of the ASEAN’s Second Regional Meeting on the Declaration on Digital
Transformation of Education Systems?
A. Global economic recovery post-COVID-19.
B. Strategies for sustainable development.
C. Digital transformation in education.
D. Enhancement of healthcare systems.
1. Answer: C
Digital transformation in education


The passage explicitly mentions that the meeting's primary focus was on the Declaration on Digital
Transformation of Education Systems.
Questions 1 - 3
Indonesia, with the largest student and teacher population in Southeast Asia and the fourth-largest education
system globally, has highlighted the significance of digital transformation in education post-COVID-19.
Hosting ASEAN’s Second Regional Meeting on the Declaration on Digital Transformation of Education
Systems, key agenda items included discussions on global reaffirmation of digital learning, strategies for digital
transformation in education by ASEAN member states, and an overview of the Roadmap on Declaration on
Digital Transformation in ASEAN. Ahead of the meeting, there was a focus on enhancing access to safe digital
learning, promoting digital literacy, and developing digital skills in the ASEAN region. The education ministry
emphasized the collaborative effort among ASEAN member countries to develop the roadmap, recognizing the
pivotal role of ICT in transforming education, especially underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. What role did the COVID-19 pandemic play in shaping Indonesia's perspective on digital technology in
A. It had no impact on Indonesia's perspective.
B. It emphasized the need for stronger collaboration in education.
C. It highlighted the limitations of digital technology.
D. It discouraged the use of ICT in education.
2. Answer: B. It emphasized the need for stronger collaboration in education.

The passage states that the COVID-19 pandemic marked a crucial moment for Indonesia to realize the potential
of digital technology in transforming education and emphasized the need for collaboration.
Questions 1 - 3
Indonesia, with the largest student and teacher population in Southeast Asia and the fourth-largest education
system globally, has highlighted the significance of digital transformation in education post-COVID-19.
Hosting ASEAN’s Second Regional Meeting on the Declaration on Digital Transformation of Education
Systems, key agenda items included discussions on global reaffirmation of digital learning, strategies for digital
transformation in education by ASEAN member states, and an overview of the Roadmap on Declaration on
Digital Transformation in ASEAN. Ahead of the meeting, there was a focus on enhancing access to safe digital
learning, promoting digital literacy, and developing digital skills in the ASEAN region. The education ministry
emphasized the collaborative effort among ASEAN member countries to develop the roadmap, recognizing the
pivotal role of ICT in transforming education, especially underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. According to Suharti, the education ministry's secretary-general, what did Indonesia emphasize during its
G20 presidency last year?
A. The importance of inclusive healthcare.
B. The significance of digital technology in education for learning recovery.
C. The need for international travel restrictions.
D. The promotion of traditional teaching methods.
3. Answer: B. The significance of digital technology in education for learning recovery.

Suharti highlighted Indonesia's emphasis on the importance of using ICT in education for learning recovery
during its G20 presidency, as mentioned in the passage.
Questions 4 - 6
On the other side, heat and vivacity in age is an excellent composition for business. Young men are fitter to
invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.
For the experience of age, in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them, but in new things abuseth
them. The errors of young men are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men amount but to this, that more
might have been done, or sooner. Young men, in the conduct and manage of actions, embrace more than they
can hold; stir more than they can quiet; fly to the end, without consideration of the means and degrees; pursue
some few principles which they have chanced upon absurdly; care not to innovate, which draws
inconveniences; use extreme remedies at first; and, that which doubleth all errors, will not acknowledge or
retract them; like an unready horse that will neither stop nor turn.

4. What does the author mean in line (3–4) when he writes, “For the experience of age, in things that fall within
the compass of it, directeth them, but in new things abuseth them”?
A. New experiences may be an actual detriment when it comes to items involving new areas.
B. New experiences can refresh business direction rather than relying upon past lessons learned.
C. Experience learned over time may be usefully applied in areas where the experience was learned but
becomes a hindrance when new areas are encountered.
D. Lessons from the past will direct forward steps as learned experiences are drawn from in order to direct the
4. Answer: C

The correct interpretation of the author's statement in lines (3–4) is:

C. Experience learned over time may be usefully applied in areas where the experience was learned but
becomes a hindrance when new areas are encountered.

The author is suggesting that the experience gained with age is beneficial in familiar or known areas ("in things
that fall within the compass of it") and can guide individuals effectively. However, when it comes to new and
unfamiliar things, that same experience can be misapplied or become a hindrance ("but in new things abuseth
them"). In other words, while experience is valuable in certain contexts, it may not necessarily translate well to
entirely new or innovative situations.
Questions 4-6
On the other side, heat and vivacity in age is an excellent composition for business. Young men are fitter to
invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.
For the experience of age, in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them, but in new things abuseth
them. The errors of young men are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men amount but to this, that more
might have been done, or sooner. Young men, in the conduct and manage of actions, embrace more than they
can hold; stir more than they can quiet; fly to the end, without consideration of the means and degrees; pursue
some few principles which they have chanced upon absurdly; care not to innovate, which draws
inconveniences; use extreme remedies at first; and, that which doubleth all errors, will not acknowledge or
retract them; like an unready horse that will neither stop nor turn.

5. What does the author mean with the phrase, “like an unready horse that will neither stop nor turn,” line (9)?
A. He is comparing a young man to a horse that is either too young or has not been adequately trained and
therefore will not yield or follow instruction.
B. He is praising the tenacity of the young man who does not stop even though he may be tired and he does not
turn from his assigned duties.
C. He is likening the young man to a horse that while is not yet ready to fully conduct business as a seasoned
older man, he is listing some of the qualities that a young man possesses.
D. He means that the young man is like a horse that is not yet ready to ride or work because he has not been
prepared by the seasoned older man yet but once started will not let his trainer down.
5. Answer: A
A. He is comparing a young man to a horse that is either too young or has not been adequately trained and
therefore will not yield or follow instruction.

Explanation: The author uses this metaphor to convey that, similar to an untrained or unready horse that refuses
to stop or turn as instructed, young men, in their eagerness and lack of experience, may persist in their actions
without acknowledging or retracting errors, similar to a horse that does not respond to its rider's commands due
to a lack of readiness or training.
The parallel is to the young man in business who, not as yet fully instructed in the ways to conduct business,
hasn’t learned the guiding instruction from the seasoned older man. Choice A most closely reflects the author’s
Questions 4-6
On the other side, heat and vivacity in age is an excellent composition for business. Young men are fitter to
invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.
For the experience of age, in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them, but in new things abuseth
them. The errors of young men are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men amount but to this, that more
might have been done, or sooner. Young men, in the conduct and manage of actions, embrace more than they
can hold; stir more than they can quiet; fly to the end, without consideration of the means and degrees; pursue
some few principles which they have chanced upon absurdly; care not to innovate, which draws
inconveniences; use extreme remedies at first; and, that which doubleth all errors, will not acknowledge or
retract them; like an unready horse that will neither stop nor turn.

6.What is the conclusion of the excerpt?

A. There is a certain business savvy that can be accomplished only over time.
B. There is more opportunity for business success when young men control.
C. There is little need to keep older men beyond their current projects.
D. New strategies and ventures are best implemented with the younger men in control.
6. Answer: A.
The conclusion of the excerpt is:
A. There is a certain business savvy that can be accomplished only over time.

Explanation: The passage suggests that while young men may excel in certain aspects of business such as
inventing and executing new projects, the errors of young men are highlighted as potentially detrimental to
business. On the other hand, the errors of aged men are portrayed as related to missed opportunities or delayed
actions rather than causing ruin. This implies an acknowledgment of the value of experience over time in
developing the necessary business acumen.
Question 7

1Scientists have recently discovered that laughter is a survival mechanism possessed by both humans and
animals. 2Animals laugh in order to signal to other animals when they are playing and not fighting. 3When rats
laugh, they emit a high-pitched chirp that is inaudible to the human ear. 4In both humans and animals, laughter
comes as an involuntary response, like sneezing. 5Studies have shown that humans are more likely to laugh
because they want to gain acceptance in a social group than because they think something is funny. 6It is
possible to suppress laughter, but it is difficult to produce laughter convincingly without some kind of real,
spontaneous stimulus. 7Therefore, laughter is generally interpreted as an honest expression of friendliness and

Which of the following sentences should be removed from this excerpt to eliminate a distracting detail?
A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
C. Sentence 5
D. Sentence 6
7. Answer: B.

This question requires the examinee to recognize methods of revising text to eliminate distracting details. The
primary purpose of the essay is to explain why both humans and animals laugh and not to describe the unique
qualities of particular animals' laughter. Sentence 3 provides a detail that distracts from this primary purpose
and should therefore be eliminated.
Question 8

A writer is developing a research report about butterflies. The writer's preliminary notes appear below.

Butterflies live in many different habitats, including arctic plains and tropical rain forests. Butterflies can be
found at a wide range of altitudes, from below sea level to high mountain elevations. In North America,
monarch butterflies gather in the autumn and migrate south up to 1,800 miles for the winter. Parnassian
butterflies live in mountainous regions of Asia, Europe, and North America. Ecologists can sometimes predict
changes in the environment by studying the behavior of various butterfly species in the wild.

Given the information in these notes, the writer would be best prepared to address which of the following
questions in the report?

A. In what types of environments can butterflies survive?

B. What are the feeding patterns of monarch butterflies during the winter?
C. In what ways do monarch butterflies differ from Parnassian butterflies?
D. What are the various stages in the life cycle of a butterfly?
8. Answer: A.

This question requires the examinee to recognize methods of formulating a specific question to address through
expository writing. Because the writer's notes focus on the various habitats, ranges, and regions in which butterflies
can be found, the writer will be best prepared to address the question "In what types of environments can butterflies
Question 9

A middle school student is reading a magazine article about the ways in which the missions of uncrewed space
vehicles have contributed to the body of scientific knowledge about the planet Mars.
Which of the following excerpts from the article provides facts that are most relevant to the subject of the

A. After being transported to Mars on uncrewed space vehicles, robots have taken photographs of the planet's
surface, analyzed rock samples from Mars, and recorded data on the composition of the atmosphere of Mars.
B. People have long been fascinated by the possibility of finding life forms on Mars. Unfortunately, early
uncrewed space vehicles were ill-equipped for searching out life forms.
C. As part of the U.S. Mariner and Viking space programs during the 1960s and 1970s, several uncrewed space
vehicles were sent to Mars to conduct research. In 1976, Viking 1 and Viking 2 actually landed on the surface of
D. Scientists hope that legislators will be so encouraged by the wealth of information gathered by uncrewed
space vehicles that they will one day fund a crewed mission to Mars.
9. Answer: A.

This question requires the examinee to assess the relevance of evidence and examples provided to explain a concept
presented in an informational text. The specific, detailed information in response A is most germane to the subject of
how uncrewed space vehicles have contributed to the body of scientific knowledge about the planet Mars.
Question 10
A writer is developing an introduction on how to listen to and appreciate classical music. The writer's intended
audience consists of young people who listen mainly to rock music, not classical music, which is unfamiliar to
Which of the following short introductory paragraph would be most effective for engaging the readers' interest?

A. Classical music has traditionally formed the backbone of good ballet. However, some contemporary ballets
use rock music instead of classical music as the basis for their choreography. These rock-based ballets are
gaining popularity among teens who like the faster tempo.
B. You may know that famous composers and performers of classical music such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
and Franz Schubert were child prodigies, but would you recognize any of their music if you heard it? You do
not have to be a genius to enjoy classical music, but you do need to be patient and concentrate fully while you
listen to classical music in order to truly understand it.
C. Many soundtracks for movies and television programs use classical music to create a mood or help advance
the story line. In fact, the instruments used to play classical music, such as violins, flutes, and clarinets, each
have a distinct sound, and with that sound comes a distinct personality.
D. Classical music is often performed by large symphony orchestras that include a variety of brass, wind, and
stringed instruments, but that does not mean that classical music has to be slow or boring. In fact, many rock
groups, from Foo Fighters to Phish, have recorded songs with large symphony orchestras, which contributed to
these songs the powerful sounds of classical music.
10. Answer: D.

This question requires the examinee to recognize methods of developing an introduction to a text that draws a
reader's attention. An audience of young people who listen mainly to rock music would likely be most
interested in reading an essay about classical music if the essay introduction explained how contemporary rock
musicians have incorporated the sounds of classical music into their recordings. Response D provides an
introduction that establishes the clearest and strongest link between classical and rock music.
Questions 11-13
The fourth Merdeka Belajar priority is to use technology in improving and accelerating the learning process.
The first step in ensuring the useful and sustainable digital transformation of the education sector involves
gathering, integrating and utilizing data. Regional stakeholders, such as schools and technical implementation
units (UPT), then validate and organize the data for further use in creating and developing digital platforms. The
ministry has launched several platforms, including Merdeka Mengajar, Rapor Pendidikan, and
Kampus Merdeka, to improve the quality of learning. It has also launched three digital tools related to school
resource management: the School Activity and Budget Planning Application (ARKAS), the School
Procurement Information System (SIPLah) and TanyaBOS. "Digital transformation through the Merdeka
Belajar movement can strengthen Indonesia’s education ecosystem and inspire ASEAN member countries."

11. What is the first step emphasized in ensuring the useful and sustainable digital transformation of the
education sector, according to the passage?
A. Launching multiple digital platforms.
B. Validating and organizing data.
C. Implementing school resource management tools.
D. Inspiring ASEAN member countries.

11. Answer: B Validating and organizing data.

The passage mentions that the first step in ensuring useful and sustainable digital transformation involves
gathering, integrating, and utilizing data, which is then validated and organized by regional stakeholders.
Questions 11-13
The fourth Merdeka Belajar priority is to use technology in improving and accelerating the learning process.
The first step in ensuring the useful and sustainable digital transformation of the education sector involves
gathering, integrating and utilizing data. Regional stakeholders, such as schools and technical implementation
units (UPT), then validate and organize the data for further use in creating and developing digital platforms. The
ministry has launched several platforms, including Merdeka Mengajar, Rapor Pendidikan, and
Kampus Merdeka, to improve the quality of learning. It has also launched three digital tools related to school
resource management: the School Activity and Budget Planning Application (ARKAS), the School
Procurement Information System (SIPLah) and TanyaBOS. "Digital transformation through the Merdeka
Belajar movement can strengthen Indonesia’s education ecosystem and inspire ASEAN member countries."

12. How does the Ministry of Education contribute to improving the quality of learning in Indonesia, as
mentioned in the passage?
A. By inspiring ASEAN member countries.
B. Through the launch of digital tools for school resource management.
C. By creating and developing digital platforms like Merdeka Mengajar and
D. By organizing data for further use in the education sector.

12. Answer: C. By creating and developing digital platforms like Merdeka Mengajar and

The passage states that the Ministry of Education has launched platforms such as Merdeka Mengajar, Rapor
Pendidikan,, and Kampus Merdeka to improve the quality of learning.
Questions 11-13
The fourth Merdeka Belajar priority is to use technology in improving and accelerating the learning process.
The first step in ensuring the useful and sustainable digital transformation of the education sector involves
gathering, integrating and utilizing data. Regional stakeholders, such as schools and technical implementation
units (UPT), then validate and organize the data for further use in creating and developing digital platforms. The
ministry has launched several platforms, including Merdeka Mengajar, Rapor Pendidikan, and
Kampus Merdeka, to improve the quality of learning. It has also launched three digital tools related to school
resource management: the School Activity and Budget Planning Application (ARKAS), the School
Procurement Information System (SIPLah) and TanyaBOS. "Digital transformation through the Merdeka
Belajar movement can strengthen Indonesia’s education ecosystem and inspire ASEAN member countries."

13. In what way does the passage suggest that digital transformation through the Merdeka Belajar movement
can have an impact on Indonesia's education ecosystem?
A. By implementing school resource management tools.
B. By inspiring ASEAN member countries.
C. By gathering, integrating, and utilizing data.
D. By strengthening Indonesia’s education ecosystem.

13. Answer: D. By strengthening Indonesia’s education ecosystem.

The passage concludes that digital transformation through the Merdeka Belajar movement can strengthen
Indonesia’s education ecosystem, indicating a positive impact on the overall educational environment in the
Questions 14-16
To set down such choice experiences that self-writings may inspire writers and at last writers may make wholes
of parts. Certainly it is a distinct profession to rescue from oblivion and to fix the sentiments and thoughts
which visit all men more or less generally, that the contemplation of the unfinished picture may suggest its
harmonious completion. Associate reverently and as much as people can with their loftiest thoughts. Each
thought that is welcomed and recorded is a nest egg, by the side of which more will be laid. Thoughts
accidentally thrown together become a frame in which more may be developed and exhibited. Perhaps this is
the main value of a habit of writing, of keeping a journal—that so writers remember our best hours and
stimulate themselves. Writers thoughts are like a company. They have a certain individuality and separate
existence, aye, personality. Having by chance recorded a few disconnected thoughts and then brought them into
juxtaposition, they suggest a whole new field in which it was possible to labor and to think.

14. The purpose of this passage is

A. to provide a rationale for the thought process.
B. to establish a reason for thinking and the self-service thinking provides.
C. to evidence that thinking is a reward unto itself.
D. to indicate the writing of thoughts.
14. Answer: D
Explanation: The entire passage is devoted to the writing or journaling of thoughts in order to “Associate
reverently and as much as you can with your loftiest thoughts,” making Choice D the best answer.
Questions 14-16:
To set down such choice experiences that self-writings may inspire writers and at last writers may make wholes
of parts. Certainly it is a distinct profession to rescue from oblivion and to fix the sentiments and thoughts
which visit all men more or less generally, that the contemplation of the unfinished picture may suggest its
harmonious completion. Associate reverently and as much as people can with their loftiest thoughts. Each
thought that is welcomed and recorded is a nest egg, by the side of which more will be laid. Thoughts
accidentally thrown together become a frame in which more may be developed and exhibited. Perhaps this is
the main value of a habit of writing, of keeping a journal—that so writers remember our best hours and
stimulate themselves. Writers thoughts are like a company. They have a certain individuality and separate
existence, aye, personality. Having by chance recorded a few disconnected thoughts and then brought them into
juxtaposition, they suggest a whole new field in which it was possible to labor and to think. Thought begat

15. During the course of the passage, the author

A. provides a rationale for writer’s own writing as stimulating thought.
B. suggests that all men should keep a journal to aide them in thinking.
C. praises random thoughts as a beginning of writing.
D. informs that the only way to develop thought is to think.
15. Answer: A

Choice B seems correct, but a close reading of the passage will reveal that the journal is the
extension of thinking and serves as a catalyst to foster more thinking upon reflection of the thoughts previously
written. Choice A best sums the passage in that the author, in writing, thinks first, records, and then reflects,
which will serve to begat/obtain/get more thought.
Questions 14-16
To set down such choice experiences that keeping a journal may inspire writers and at last writers may make
wholes of parts. Certainly it is a distinct profession to rescue from oblivion and to fix the sentiments and
thoughts which visit all men more or less generally, that the contemplation of the unfinished picture may
suggest its harmonious completion. Associate reverently and as much as people can with their loftiest thoughts.
Each thought that is welcomed and recorded is a nest egg, by the side of which more will be laid. Thoughts
accidentally thrown together become a frame in which more may be developed and exhibited. Perhaps this is
the main value of a habit of writing, of keeping a journal—that so writers remember our best hours and
stimulate themselves. Writers thoughts are like a company. They have a certain individuality and separate
existence, aye, personality. Having by chance recorded a few disconnected thoughts and then brought them into
juxtaposition, they suggest a whole new field in which it was possible to labor and to think. Thought begat

16. The author suggests that the main reason to journal is

A. to enable us to recall our finest moments and cause us to rejuvenate.
B. so we can remember the untoward sides of humanity and reverse course.
C. because in no other way can the measure of a man be determined following life.
D. that journaling is the pastime that renews thoughts to modify behavior.
16. Answer: A
Explanation: The author states that perhaps the main value is “so that we remember our best hours and stimulate
ourselves,” making Choice A the best selection.
17. Which claim about traffic congestion is supported by the graph?
A. New York City commuters spend less time annually delayed by traffic congestion than the average for very
large cities.
B. Los Angeles commuters are delayed more hours annually by traffic congestion than are commuters in
Washington, D.C.
C. Commuters in Washington, D.C., face greater delays annually due to traffic congestion than do commuters in
New York City.
D. Commuters in Detroit spend more time delayed annually by traffic congestion than do commuters in
Houston, Atlanta, and Chicago.
17. Which claim about traffic congestion is supported by the graph?
A. New York City commuters spend less time annually delayed by traffic congestion than the average for very
large cities.
B. Los Angeles commuters are delayed more hours annually by traffic congestion than are commuters in
Washington, D.C.
C. Commuters in Washington, D.C., face greater delays annually due to traffic congestion than do
commuters in New York City.
D. Commuters in Detroit spend more time delayed annually by traffic congestion than do commuters in
Houston, Atlanta, and Chicago.
Question 18
Major businesses have begun near-shoring, which is a practice that involves moving jobs from cities
with a higher cost of living to lower cost of living locales. The rationale behind near-shoring is that employees
with a lower cost of living will not demand as high salaries. High-level positions that involve a lot of face time
with clients will remain in the higher-cost-of-living cities. High-level employees will travel to the lower-cost-
of-living locales when they need to meet with staff.

18. Which of the following conclusions, if true, provides the strongest support for the practice of near-shoring?
(A) Employees will be willing to relocate in order to keep their jobs.
(B) The cost of travel for high-level employees will not negate the savings in moving jobs to locations with a
lower cost of living.
(C) Clients will not need to travel to the lower-cost-of-living locales.
(D) Cities with a higher cost of living will not offer financial incentives to businesses to stay.
18. Answer: B
The conclusion that provides the strongest support for the practice of near-shoring is:

(B) The cost of travel for high-level employees will not negate the savings in moving jobs to locations with a
lower cost of living.

Explanation: Near-shoring involves moving jobs to locations with a lower cost of living to reduce salary
expenses. If the cost of travel for high-level employees to visit these lower-cost locations is also low, it supports
the overall cost-saving rationale behind near-shoring. This conclusion strengthens the argument by ensuring that
the overall financial benefits of near-shoring are not offset by the expenses related to high-level employees'
Question 19
Township P conducted a survey in which over half of its residents admitted that they do not recycle,
and the township’s recycling plant has threatened to lay off employees due to a lack of work. In order to
increase recycling, Township P should install recycling machines in the town center, in which residents can turn
in their bottles, cans, and other recyclables in exchange for five cents apiece. This plan would dramatically
increase the number of residents that recycle and save the jobs of many residents.
19. Which of the following are assumptions made in drawing the conclusion above?
A. Saving the jobs at the township’s recycling plant would not result in corresponding layoffs at the township’s
trash plant, and the 5-cent refund would pay for the cost of recycling the additional materials.
B. The township’s recycling plant can handle the increased quantity of materials to recycle, and an increase in
recycling would save the jobs that the recycling plant has threatened to eliminate.
C. The recycling machines would induce residents to recycle more, and the 5-cent refund would pay for the
recycling machines over time.
D. The recycling machines and the 5-cent refund per item would induce residents to recycle more, and an
increase in recycling would save the jobs that the recycling plant has threatened to eliminate.
19. Answer: D

D. The recycling machines and the 5-cent refund per item would induce residents to recycle more, and an
increase in recycling would save the jobs that the recycling plant has threatened to eliminate.

Explanation: The conclusion suggests that installing recycling machines with a 5-cent refund per item
would dramatically increase the number of residents that recycle and save the jobs of many residents. The
assumption underlying this conclusion is that the recycling machines, along with the incentive of a 5-cent
refund, would indeed induce residents to recycle more, and that this increase in recycling would be
sufficient to save the threatened jobs at the recycling plant. Option D captures this assumption most
Question 20
Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion you can make from the data in this graph?

A. The largest increase in meat consumption has occurred in the past 20 years.
B. Meat consumption has increased at a constant rate over the past 40 years.
C. Meat consumption doubles in developing countries every 20 years.
D. Meat consumption increases by 50% every 10 years.
Question 20
Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion you can make from the data in this graph?

A. The largest increase in meat consumption has occurred in the past 20 years.
B. Meat consumption has increased at a constant rate over the past 40 years.
C. Meat consumption doubles in developing countries every 20 years.
D. Meat consumption increases by 50% every 10 years.
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