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1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 B
11 C 12 A 13 D 14 D 15 C 16 A 17 C 18 C 19 B 20 A
21 A 22 D 23 C 24 A 25 B 26 A 27 B 28 C 29 A 30 D
31 D 32 B 33 A 34 B 35 B 36 B 37 C 38 D 39 B 40 C

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1 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan tisu R dan sel tumbuhan berlabel P dan Q.
Able to name tissue R and plant cells labelled P and Q.
Tisu R: Xilem 1
Tissue R Xylem
P: Tiub tapis 1
Sieve tube
Q: Sel rakan 1 3
Companion cell
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan penyesuaian Q untuk mengangkut bahan
organik dalam tumbuhan.
Be able to explain the adaptation of Q to transport organic substances in
P1 – (Q/ sel rakan) mempunyai mitokondria 1
(Q/ companion cell) contain mitochondria
P2 – Membekalkan tenaga/ ATP 1
To provide energy/ ATP
P3 – Untuk pengangkutan aktif 1 2
For active transport
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat mengenal pasti tisu yang diwarnakan gelap pada filem
sinar-x di Rajah 1.3.
Able to identify the tissue darkened on the x-ray film as in Diagram 1.3. 1 1
• Floem/ Phloem
2 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan molekul P dan R.
Able to name molecules P and R.
P: Glukosa/ Glucose 1
R: Laktosa/ Lactose 1 2
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan pembentukan molekul R.
Able to explain the formation of molecule R.
P1 – Proses kondensasi berlaku 1
Condensation process occurs
P2 – (apabila satu) molekul glukosa/ P dan (satu) molekul galaktosa 1
(when one) molecule of glucose/ P combine with (one) molecule of
P3 – Membentuk (satu) molekul laktosa/ R
To form (one) molecule of lactose/ R 1
P4 – Melibatkan penyingkiran (satu) molekul air// menghasilkan (satu)
molekul air 1 2
Involve the removal of (a) water molecule// producing (a) water
(Mana-mana 2)

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(b) Dapat menerangkan keadaan tersebut.
Able to explain the situation.
P1 – Enzim laktase kurang/ tidak dirembeskan 1
Less/ No lactase enzyme secreted
P2 – (Proses) hidrolisis kurang/ tidak berlaku 1
Hydrolysis (process) less/ not occur
P3 – Laktosa kurang/ tidak dicerna 1
Less/ No lactose digested
P4 – Glukosa/ galaktosa kurang/ tidak dihasilkan// keadaan bayi 1 2
dipanggil intoleransi laktosa
Less/ No glucose/ galactose produced// the baby condition is called
lactose intolerance
(Mana–mana 2)
3 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan fenomena dalam Rajah 3.
Able to name the phenomenon in Diagram 3.

• Hujan asid/ Acid rain 1 1

(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana fenomena hujan asid berlaku.
Able to explain how the acid rain phenomenon occurs.
P1 – (Pembakaran bahan api fosil) membebaskan gas nitrogen 1
oksida/ sulfur dioksida
(Burning fossil fuel) release nitrogen oxide/ sulphur dioxide
P2 – Gas ini bertindak balas dengan wap air dalam atmosfera// 1
larut dalam air hujan
These gases react with water vapour in atmosphere// dissolve in
P3 – Membentuk asid nitrik/ asid sulfurik 1 2
Form nitric acid/ sulphuric acid
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan hujan asid kepada hidupan akuatik.
Able to explain the effect of acid rain on aquatic life.
P1 – pH air rendah/ keasidan air meningkat 1
pH of water decrease/ water acidity increase
P2 – (Medium berasid) menjadi tidak sesuai untuk tindak balas 1
enzim// enzim ternyahasli// metabolisme menurun
(Acidic medium) becomes unsuitable for enzymatic reaction// enzyme
denatured// metabolism reduces
P3 – Populasi plankton/ fitoplankton berkurang/ mati// sumber 1
makanan haiwan akuatik berkurangan
Plankton/ phytoplankton population reduces/ die// food source for
aquatic animal decreases
P4 – Kebanyakan telur ikan tidak dapat menetas
Great number of fish eggs cannot hatch 1
P5 – Populasi ikan/ tumbuhan akuatik berkurang/ mati// rantai
makanan terganggu 1 3
Fish/ aquatic plant population decreases/ die// food chain disrupted
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) Dapat menamakan jenis pencemaran.
Able to name the type of pollution.
• Pencemaran udara/ Air pollution 1 1

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4 (a) (i) Dapat menerangkan penyesuaian struktur P dalam penyerapan
makanan tercerna.
Able to explain adaptation of structure P in absorbing digested food.
F1 – Struktur P/ Lapisan epitelium vilus adalah setebal satu sel/ 1
Structure P/ The epithelial layer of the villus is one-cell thick// thin
P1 – Meningkatkan/ mempercepatkan penyerapan nutrien 1
Increase/ accelerate nutrient absorption
F2 – Terdapat banyak mikrovilus 1
There are many microvili
P2 – Menyediakan luas permukaan yang besar/ untuk meningkatkan 1 2
kadar penyerapan nutrien
Provides large surface area/ to increase the rate of nutrient absorption
(F1 + P1// F2 + P2)
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan satu bahan yang diserap ke dalam Q.
Able to state one substance that is absorbed into Q.
• Asid lemak/ gliserol/ Vitamin A/ D/ E/ K 1 1
Fatty acids/ glycerol/ Vitamin A/ D/ E/ K
(Mana-mana 1)
(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan terhadap proses di R apabila berlaku
Able to explain the effect on the process in R when there is inflammation.
P1 – Tindakan peristalsis berlaku dengan perlahan 1
Peristaltic action occurs slower
P2 – Air/garam mineral/ kurang/ tidak dapat diserap 1
Water/ mineral salts less/ not absorb
P3 – Hasil sampingan metabolisme sesetengah bakteria/ vitamin 1 2
B/ K/ asid folik kurang/ tidak dapat diserap
Metabolic by products of some bacteria/ vitamin B/ vitamin K/ folic
acid less/not absorbed.
(Mana-mana 2)
(c) Dapat menerangkan mengapa tinja menjadi keras.
Able to explain why the faeces harden.
P1 – Tindakan peristalsis berlaku dengan perlahan dalam Rajah 1
4.2(b) berbanding Rajah 4.2(a)// Tinja dalam Rajah 4.2(b)
berada dalam rektum (lebih) lama berbanding Rajah 4.2 (a)
Peristaltic action occurs slower in Diagram 4.2(b) compared to
Diagram 4.2(a)// Faeces in Diagram 4.2(b) remain in rectum longer
compared to Diagram 4.2(a)
P2 – Lebih banyak air diserap/ More absorption of water 1
P3 – Diet kurang serat/ pelawas/ Diet lack of fibres/ roughage 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
5 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan reseptor X.
Able to name receptor X.
• Kemoreseptor pusat 1 1
Central chemoreceptor
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan fungsi reseptor X/ kemoreseptor pusat.
Able to state the function of receptor X/ central chemoreceptor.
• Mengesan perubahan pada kepekatan ion hidrogen/ nilai pH 1 1
dalam darah/ bendalir serebrospinal (dalam otak)
Detect the changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions/ value of
pH in the blood/ cerebrospinal fluid (in the brain)

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(b) Dapat melabelkan medula oblongata pada Rajah 5.1.
Able to label medulla oblongata on Diagram 5.1.

Medula oblongata 1 1
Medulla oblongata

(c) Dapat menerangkan peranan reseptor X dalam mengawal tekanan

separa karbon dioksida dalam darah individu tersebut.
Able to explain the role of receptor X in regulating the partial pressure of
carbon dioxide in the individual’s blood.
P1 – Peningkatan kepekatan/ tekanan separa karbon dioksida 1
Increase carbon dioxide in carbon dioxide concentration/ partial
P2 – Ion hidrogen meningkat/ pH menurun dalam darah 1
Hydrogen ion increases/ pH decreases in the blood
P3 – (Merangsang reseptor) mencetuskan impuls saraf
(Stimulate receptor) to trigger nerve impulse
P4 – (Impuls saraf) dihantar/ dipindahkan ke pusat kawalan
1 3
respirasi (di medula oblongata)
(Nerve impulse) send/ transmit to respiratory control centre (in
medulla oblongata)
(Mana-mana 3)
(d) Dapat menyatakan persamaan homeostasis yang berlaku antara
individu J dan individu K.
Able to state the similarities of the homeostasis that occur between
individual J and K.
S1 – Kedua-duanya melibatkan mekanisme suap balik negatif 1
Both involves negative feedback mechanism
S2 – Kedua-duanya melibatkan pengawalaturan persekitaran dalam 1
kepada aras normal
Both involves regulation of internal environment back to normal
S3 – Kedua-dua perubahan dikesan oleh reseptor
Both changes are detected by receptors
S4 – Kedua-duanya melibatkan penghantaran impuls saraf (dari
Both involves the transmission of nerve impulses (from receptor)
S5 – Kedua-dua impuls saraf dihantar ke pusat kawalan
(kardiovaskular) di medula oblongata 1 2
Both nerve impulses are transmitted to (cardiovascular) control
centre at medulla oblongata
(Mana-mana 2)
6 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan apakah X.
Able to state what is X.
• Titik pampasan 1 1
Compensation point

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(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan apa yang berlaku di X.
Able to explain what happen in X.
P1 – Kadar fotosintesis sama dengan kadar respirasi (tumbuhan) 1
Rate of photosynthesis equal to the rate of respiration (of plant)
P2 – Glukosa/ gas oksigen (hasil fotosintesis) digunakan/ 1
dioksidakan (bagi proses respirasi)
Glucose/ oxygen gas (produced in photosysnthesis) is used/ oxidised
(in respiration)
P3 – Gas karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan (daripada proses 1
respirasi) digunakan dalam proses fotosintesis
Carbon dioxide released (from respiration process) is used for
P4 – Tiada lebihan gas karbon dioksida/ oksigen/ glukosa
No excess of carbon dioxide/ oxygen/ glucose 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat meramalkan kesan pertumbuhan tumbuhan tersebut
sekiranya keadaan kekal pada X untuk jangka masa yang lama.
Able to predict the effect of plant growth if the situation constantly remains
at X for a long period of time.
P1 – (Kadar pertumbuhan) tetap/ tiada peningkatan// terbantut 1
(Growth rate) constant/ not increasing// stunted
P2 – Tiada penghasilan buah/ biji/ bunga/ daun baharu/ simpanan 1
No production of fruit/ seed/ flower/ new leaves/ food storage
P3 – Tiada/ kurang oksigen dibebaskan ke persekitaran/ kandungan 1
oksigen di persekitaran rendah
No/ less oxygen released to environment/ low oxygen content in
P4 – Hasil tanaman menurun/ tiada// Reduce/ no crop yield 1 3
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) Boleh menerangkan perbezaan antara R dan S.
Able to explain differences between R and. S.
D1 Untung bersih dalam glukosa// Rugi bersih dalam
pertumbuhan meningkat glukosa// tiada
Net gain in glucose// growth pertumbuhan
increase 1
Net loss in glucose// no growth
D2 Kadar fotosintesis melebihi Kadar respirasi melebihi
kadar respirasi kadar fotosintesis
Rate of photosynthesis more than Rate of respiration more than
rate of respiration rate of photosynthesis
D3 Penghasilan bunga/ buah/ biji Penghasilan bunga/ buah/
meningkat biji berkurang/ tiada
Increase production of flower/ Decrease/ no production of
fruit/seed flower/ fruit/seed
D4 Pengambilan karbon dioksida Pengambilan karbon
daripada persekitaran dioksida daripada
meningkat persekitaran menurun
Intake of carbon dioxide from Intake of carbon dioxide from 1 2
environment increase environment decrease
(Mana-mana 2)

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7 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan peringkat P dan jenis pembahagian sel yang
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 7.
Able to name stage P and type of cell division shown in Diagram 7.
Peringkat P: Metafasa I 1
Stage P: Metaphase I
Jenis pembahagian sel: Meiosis (I) 1 2
Type of cell division: Meiosis (I)
Tolak: Meiosis II
Reject: Meiosis II
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan kepentingan peringkat P.
Able to state the importance of stage P.
P1 – Menghasilkan variasi kepada sel anak (melalui penyusunan 1
bebas kromosom)
Produce variation in daughter cell (through independent assortment
of chromosomes)
P2 – Memastikan kromosom membahagi dengan sama rata 1 1
Ensure chromosomes can be equally divided
(Mana-mana 1)
(b) (i) Dapat menamakan jenis mutasi yang berlaku.
Able to name the type of mutation that occurs.
• Mutasi kromosom 1 1
Chromosomal mutation
(b) (ii) Dapat melengkapkan rajah kedua-dua sel anak yang akan terbentuk.
Able to complete the diagram for the two daughter cells which will be

Atau/ Or

Nota: Bilangan dan saiz kromosom yang betul

Note: Correct number and size of chromosome
(c) Dapat menjustifikasikan bagaimana rawatan radioterapi boleh
menyebabkan penyakit genetik kepada bayi yang bakal dilahirkan.
Able to justify how radiotherapy treatment can cause genetic diseases to
unborn babies.
P1 – Radiasi (daripada rawatan radioterapi) ialah mutagen// 1
menyebabkan ketidaknormalan semasa meiosis
Radiation (from radiotherapy treatment) is a mutagen// causes
abnormality during the meiosis
P2 – Gentian gelendong musnah/ gagal berfungsi 1
Spindle fibre destroy/ fail to function

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P3 – Kromosom homolog gagal berpisah semasa anafasa I/ 1
Kromatid kembar/ kromosom gagal berpisah semasa anafasa
II// tak disjunksi
Homologous chromosomes fail to separate during anaphase I/
Sister chromatids/ chromosomes fail to separate during anaphase
II// nondisjunction
P4 – Gamet mempunyai bilangan kromosom tidak normal/ terlebih/ 1
berkurang/ n+1/ n-1
Gamete have an abnormal number of chromosomes/ extra/ less
P5 – Gamet tidak normal bersenyawa dengan gamet yang normal 1
Abnormal gamete fertilises with normal gamete
P6 – Menghasilkan zigot yang tidak normal/ kromosom tambahan
1 3
pada set ke 21/ trisomi 21/ 47 kromosom
Producing abnormal// extra chromosomes at 21 set/ trisomy 21/

47 chromosome
(Mana-mana 3)
8 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan nic bagi musang.
Able to state niche of fox.
• Sebagai pengguna sekunder/ karnivor// memakan arnab// 1 1
As secondary consumer/ carnivore// eats rabbit// predator
(a) (ii) Dapat mengira jumlah tenaga yang dipindahkan kepada organisma
dalam aras trof ketiga.
Able to calculate the amount of energy that is transferred to organisms in
the third trophic level.

P1: × 8000 kJ 1
P2: 800 kJ 1 2
Nota: wajib unit kJ
Note: kJ unit is compulsory
(a) (iii) Dapat menyatakan satu persamaan antara arnab dengan musang
dalam rantai makanan.
Able to state one similarity between rabbit and fox in the food chain.
S1 – Kedua-duanya adalah pengguna// Kedua-duanya merupakan 1 1
komponen biosis// kedua-duanya menerima 10% perpindahan
tenaga// heterotrof// holozoik
Both are consumers// both are biotic components// both received
10% energy transferred/ heterotrophic/ holozoic
(b) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan antara proses X dan proses Y.
Able to explain the differences between process X and process Y.

Proses X Proses Y
Process X Process Y
D1 Proses pereputan// Proses Proses nitrifikasi
ammonifikasi Nitrification process
Decomposition process//
Ammonification process

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D2 Bahan organik kompleks Ion ammonium ditukarkan

diuraikan kepada organik kepada ion nitrit// Ion nitrit
ringkas/ bahan organik// ditukarkan kepada ion nitrat
Protein diuraikan menjadi Ammonium ion convert into nitrite
ammonia/ ammonium ion// Nitrite ion convert into
Complex organic substance nitrate ion 1
breakdown into simple
organic/ organic substance//
Protein breakdown into
ammonia/ ammonium
D3 Melibatkan pengurai// Melibatkan bakteria
kulat/ bakteria saprofit nitrifikasi/ Nitrosomonas sp.//
Involve decomposer// Nitrobacter sp.
saprophytic fungi/ bacteria Involve nitrifying bacteria/ 1 3
Nitrosomonas sp.// Nitrobacter sp.

(c) Dapat menerangkan satu kaedah untuk mengurangkan populasi

Able to explain one method to reduce the rabbit population.
P1 – Kaedah kawalan biologi 1
Biology control method
P2 – Cth: Helang/ ular/ musang/ pemangsa memakan arnab/ 1
e.g: Eagle/ snake/ fox/ predator feeds on rabbit/ prey
P3 – Menggunakan pemangsa semula jadi/ contoh// Tidak 1
mencemarkan alam sekitar
Use a natural predator/ example// Do not pollute the environment
Atau/ Or 1 2
P1 – Bunuh arnab dengan racun
Kill rabbit by using toxin
P2 – Memberi kesan yang cepat
Give a quick effect
Terima yang sepadan: cth, guna
perangkap untuk menangkap arnab
Accept the corresponding: e.g, use a trap to catch a rabbit
9 (a) Dapat menyatakan kepentingan proses Y.
Able to state the importance of process Y.
P1 – Proses Y ialah mitosis/ Process Y is mitosis 1
P2 – Untuk menghasilkan nukleus penjana dan nukleus tiub 1
To produce generative nucleus and tube nucleus
P3 – Mengekalkan bilangan kromosom/ sel mikrospora haploid 1 2
Maintain number of chromosome/ haploid microspore cell
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menyatakan perbezaan proses pada Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2.
Able to compare and contrast the process in Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2.
Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-duanya menjalankan proses mitosis 1
Both carry out mitosis process
S2 – Kedua-duanya menjalankan proses meiosis 1
Both carry out meiosis process
S3 – Kedua-duanya menghasilkan gamet 1
Both produce gamete

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Perbezaan/ Differences:
Rajah 9.1 Rajah 9.2
Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2
D1 Pembentukan debunga Pembentukan pundi embrio
Formation of pollen grain Formation of embryo sac
D2 Melibatkan sel induk Melibatkan sel induk
debunga/ sel induk pundi embrio/ sel induk 1
mikrospora megaspora
Involved pollen mother cell/ Involved embryo sac mother
microspore mother cell cell/ megaspore mother cell
D3 Berlaku di anter Berlaku di ovul
Occur in anther Occur in ovule 1
Tolak: ovari
Reject: ovary
D4 Berkembang dalam pundi Berkembang dalam tisu
debunga nuselus 1
Develop in pollen sacs Develop in nucellus
D5 Menghasilkan (4) sel Menghasilkan (4) sel
mikrospora/ tetrad megaspora 1
Produce (4) microspore cells/ Produce (4) megaspore cells
D6 Setiap tetrad berkembang 3 sel megaspora merosot
membentuk debunga// 4 dan 1 sel berkembang//
debunga terbentuk hanya 1 sel megaspora
Each tetrad develops into a berkembang
pollen grain// 4 pollen grains 3 megaspore cells degenerate
are formed and 1 cell develops// only 1
megaspore cell develops
D7 (Nukleus butir debunga) (Nukleus sel megapsora)
bermitosis sekali sahaja bermitosis 3 kali
(Nucleus of pollen grain) (Nucleus of megaspore cells)
undergo mitosis once only undergo mitosis 3 times

D8 Menghasilkan 2 nukleus Menghasilkan 8 nukleus 1

Produce 2 nuclei Produce 8 nuclei
D9 Iaitu nukleus penjana dan Iaitu 1 sel telur, 2 nukleus
nukleus tiub kutub, 2 sel sinergid dan 3
Which are generative nucleus sel antipodal 1 10
and tube nucleus Which are 1 egg cell, 2 polar
nuclei, 2 synergid cells and 3
antipodal cells
(Mana-mana 10)
(c) Dapat menerangkan agen pendebungaan yang terlibat dan kesan
pengurangan pendebungaan semula jadi apabila strawberi ditanam
di dalam rumah hijau.
Able to explain pollination agent that involved and the effect of decreasing
natural pollination when strawberry is planted in green house
Agen pendebungaan/ Pollination agent:
P1 – Agen pendebungaan ialah serangga/ haiwan/ contoh 1
Pollination agent is insects/ animal/ example
P2 – Sebab bunga mempunyai petal yang besar/ berwarna/ bau 1
Because flower has large/ colourful petals/ scent

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P3 – Bunga adalah biseksual 1
Flower is bisexual
P4 – Mempunyai organ pembiakan jantan dan organ pembiakan 1
betina pada satu bunga
Have male reproductive organ and female reproductive organ in
the same flower
P5 – Tumbuhan strawberi adalah organisma hermafrodit 1
Strawberry plant is hermaphrodite organism
P6 – Stigma/ bunga merembeskan nektar/ gula 1
Stigma/ flower secretes nectar/ sugar

Kesan/ Effect:
P7 – Buah/ hasil kurang 1
Less fruit/ products/ crops
P8 – Kurang butir debunga dipindahkan ke stigma 1
Less pollen grains transferred to stigma
P9 – Persenyawaan ganda dua kurang berlaku 1
Less double fertilisation occurred
P10 – Kurang serangga/ agen pendebungaan (dalam rumah hijau) 1 8
Less insects/ pollinating agents (in green house)
Nota/ Note: P7 – P10
Sekurang-kurangnya perkataan ‘kurang’ perlu dinyatakan sekali
At least ‘less’ word need to be stated once
(Mana-mana 8)
10 (a) Dapat menerangkan fungsi sistem saraf X dan sistem saraf Y.
Able to explain the functions of nervous system X and Y.
P1 – X – mengawal tindakan terkawal// mengawal tindakan luar 1
kawal/ denyutan jantung/ pengecutan salur darah
controls voluntary actions// controls involuntary actions/
heartbeat/ contraction of the blood vessel
P2 – Y – mengawal tindakan luar kawal/ denyutan jantung/ 1 2
pengecutan salur darah// mengawal tindakan terkawal
controls involuntary actions/ heartbeat/ contraction of the blood
vessel// controls voluntary actions
(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan pembuangan sebahagian pankreas
kepada aras gula dan kesihatan pesakit tersebut.
Able to explain the effect of removing certain part of the pancreas on the
patient’s sugar level and health.
P1 – Kurang insulin yang dirembeskan 1
Less secretion of insulin
P2 – (Apabila aras gula dalam darah tinggi) kurang glukosa 1
berlebihan ditukarkan kepada glikogen
(When blood sugar levels are high) less excess glucose is converted
into glycogen
P3 – Aras glukosa dalam darah melebihi aras normal
The level of glucose in the blood is above the normal level
P4 – Menyebabkan diabetes melitus
Cause diabetes mellitus 1
P5 – Menyebabkan sering haus/ lapar/ kerap kencing/ keletihan/
penurunan berat badan mendadak 1
Cause frequent thirst/ hunger/ frequent urination/ fatique/ sudden
weight loss

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P6 – Kurang glukagon dirembeskan 1
Less secretion of glucagon
P7 – (Apabila aras gula dalam darah rendah) glikogen kurang 1
ditukarkan kepada glukosa
(When blood sugar levels are low) less glycogen is converted into
P8 – Aras glukosa dalam darah berkurang dari aras normal 1
The level of glucose in the blood is less than the normal level
P9 – Menyebabkan hipoglisemia/ Cause hypoglycemia 1
P10 – Menyebabkan kelaparan/ menggigil/ pening/ keletihan 1 8
Cause hunger/ chills/ dizziness/ fatigue
(Mana-mana 8)
(c) Dapat membandingkan sistem P dan sistem Q.
Able to compare system P and system Q.
Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-duanya mempunyai tisu/ organ sasaran 1
Both have target tissues/ organs
S2 – Kedua-duanya menghasilkan gerak balas terhadap rangsangan 1
Both produce response to a stimulus
S3 – Kedua-duanya berfungsi menyelaraskan (segala) aktiviti/ 1
gerak balas badan
Both functions to regulate (all) activities/ response of the body
Perbezaan/ Differences:
Sistem P Sistem Q
System P System Q
D1 Sistem endokrin Sistem saraf 1
Endocrine system Nervous system
D2 Terdiri daripada kelenjar Terdiri daripada rangkaian
endokrin tanpa duktus (berjuta-juta) sel saraf/
Consist of ductless endocrine neuron
glands It is made up of a network 1
of (millions) of nerve cells/
D3 Tempat mula rangsangan Tempat mula rangsangan
adalah kelenjar adalah reseptor deria
Origin of stimulus is the gland Origin of stimulus is the 1
sensory receptor
D4 Utusan/ isyarat diangkut Utusan/ isyarat dihantar
oleh hormon dalam bentuk impuls
Signal is delivered by hormone Signal is in the form of 1
D5 Dalam bentuk (bahan) Dalam bentuk elektrik
kimia In the form of electrical 1
In chemical (substance)
D6 Melalui aliran darah Melalui sel saraf/ neuron
Through blood flow Through nerve cell/ neurone 1
D7 Tempoh kesan adalah lama Tempoh kesan adalah
The duration of the effect is singkat
long 1
The duration of the effect is

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D8 Gerak balas adalah Gerak balas adalah cepat/

perlahan/ berpanjangan serta-merta
The response is slow/ The response is quick/ 1
prolonged immediate
D9 Melibatkan beberapa organ Melibatkan satu organ
bergerak balas bergerak balas
Involve responses of several Involve response of one organ
1 10
(Mana-mana 10)
11 (a) (i) Dapat melukis rajah skema untuk menunjukkan bagaimana
keputusan diperolehi.
Able to draw a schematic diagram to show how the result is obtained.
P1 – Kekunci/ Keys: 1
L : gen dominan/ alel untuk sayap panjang
dominant gene/ allele for long wings
l : gen resesif/ alel untuk sayap vestigial
recessive gene/ allele for vestigial wings

P2 – Induk: Jantan heterozigot × Betina heterozigot 1

Parent Heterozygote male Heterozygote female

P3 – Genotip: Ll Ll 1

P4 – Meiosis
P5 – Gamet: L l L l 1

P6 – Persenyawaan
Fertilisation 1

P7 – Genotip F1: LL Ll Ll ll 1
Genotype F1

P8 – Fenotip F1: Sayap Sayap Sayap Sayap 1

panjang panjang panjang vestigial
Phenotype F1: Long Long Long Vestigial
wings wings wings wings

P9 – Nisbah fenotip: 3 sayap panjang : 1 sayap vestigial 1 7

Phenotype ratio: 3 long wings : 1 vestigial wings
(Mana-mana 7)
Nota: Untuk meiosis perlu menggunakan anak panah
Note: For meiosis you need to use arrows

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(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan jenis pewarisan yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah
Able to explain the type of inheritance shown in Diagram 11.1.
P1 – Pewarisan monohibrid/ hukum Mendel pertama/ hukum 1
Monohybrid inheritance/ Mendel first law/ law of segregation
P2 – Ciri (suatu organisma diploid) ditentukan oleh sepasang alel 1
The characteristics (of a diploid organism) are determined by a
pair of alleles
P3 – (pasangan alel tersebut) terpisah secara meiosis semasa 1
pembentukan gamet
(the pair of alleles) separate meiotically during gamete formation
P4 – Hanya satu alel hadir dalam setiap gamet
1 3
Only one allele is present in each gamete
(Mana-mana 3)
(b) (i) Dapat mewajarkan kebaikan nasihat doktor dan mewajarkan
mengapa fenotip warna kulit Cik X dan Cik Y berbeza walaupun
mereka adalah kembar.
Able to justify the benefits of the advice of doctor and why the skin colour
phenotype of Miss X and Miss Y is different even though they are twins.

Rubrik/ Rubric
C1 - nasihat – sekurang-kurangnya satu
advices – at least one
C2 - kembar – sekurang-kurangnya satu
twins – at least one

Contoh jawapan:
P1 – (albino) disebabkan oleh mutasi gen 1
(albino) is caused by a gene mutation
P2 – Gen mengalami perubahan urutan (bes) nukleotida/ pelenyapan
The gene undergo a changing of nucleotide (base) sequence/ base
P3 – Terdapat dua alel resesif/ homozigot resesif 1
Have two recessive alleles/ homozygous recessive
P4 – Pigmen melanin yang kurang/ sedikit 1
Less melanin pigments
P5 – di mata/ rambut/ kulit 1
in eyes/ hair/ skin
P6 – Sangat sensitif kepada cahaya matahari/ sinaran UV 1
Very sensitive to sunlight/ UV light
P7 – Mengelakkan selaran matahari/ kanser kulit/ komplikasi
kulit 1
Avoid sunburn/ skin cancer/ skin complications
P8 – Melindungi mata/ penglihatan dari silau/ kabur/ masalah 1
Protect eyes/ blurry vision/ vision problem
P9 – Kembar tak seiras
Fraternal twins
P10 – Sperma/ ovum membawa alel dominan/ alel resesif// vice
Sperm/ ovum carries dominant allele/ recessive allele// vice versa

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P11 – Bersenyawa dengan ovum/ sperma yang membawa alel 1
resesif/ alel dominan// vice versa
Fertilised with ovum/ sperm carries recessive allele/ dominant allele//
vice versa
P12 – Hasilkan anak homozigot resesif/ fenotip albino// anak 1 6
heterozigot/ homozigot dominan/ fenotip normal
Produce homozygous recessive offspring/ albino phenotype//
heterozygous/ homozygous dominant/ normal phenotype
Nota: P10/ P11/ P12 yang sepadan
Note: P10/ P11/ P12 has to be corresponded
(b) (ii) Dapat mencadangkan bagaimana perkahwinan Cik X dapat
meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapat anak yang normal.
Able to suggest how Miss X marriage can increase the chances to get a
normal child.

Cadangan 1/ Suggestion 1:
P1 – Tidak berkahwin dengan individu albino/ homozigot resesif 1
Do not marry albino individual/ recessive homozygote
P2 – Kedua-dua akan menghasilkan gamet dengan alel resesif 1
Both will produce gamete with recessive allele
P3 – Sperma yang membawa alel resesif bersenyawa dengan ovum
yang membawa alel resesif
Sperm carrying recessive allele fertilise ovum carrying recessive
P4 – Semua anak albino// kebarangkalian untuk albino 100 %
All offspring albino// probability for albino 100 % 1
Atau/ Or
P1 – Kekunci/ Key:
A : Gen dominan/ Alel normal
Dominant gene/ Allele for normal
a : Gen resesif/ Alel albino
Recessive gene/ Allele for albino
Fenotip induk
Parent’s phenotype Albino Albino
Genotip/ Genotype aa aa

Gamet/ Gamete: a a
Anak/ Offspring: aa
100% albino
Cadangan 2/ Suggestion 2:
P1 – Individu albino tidak berkahwin dengan pembawa albino/
Albino individual does not marry albino carrier/ heterozygote
P2 – Kedua-dua pasangan boleh menghasilkan gamet dengan alel
resesif 1
Both partners can produce gamete with recessive allele
P3 – Jika gamet dengan alel resesif bersenyawa
If gamete with recessive allele fertilise 1
P4 – Kebarangkalian memperolehi anak albino adalah 50 % 1
Probability of having albino offspring is 50 %

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Atau/ Or
Kekunci/ Key:
A : Gen dominan/ Alel normal
Dominant gene/ Allele for normal
a : Gen resesif/ Alel albino
Recessive gene/ Allele for albino
Fenotip induk Pembawa
Parent’s phenotype Albino Carrier
Genotip/ Genotype aa Aa

Gamet/ Gamete: a A a
Anak/ Offspring: Aa aa
50% albino 50% normal

Cadangan 3/ Suggestion 3:
P1 – Individu albino mesti berkahwin dengan individu normal/ 1
homozigot dominan
Albino individual must marry a normal individual/ dominant
P2 – Menghasilkan gamet dengan (alel resesif dan) alel dominan 1
Produce gamete with (recessive allele and) dominant allele
P3 – Gamet alel resesif bersenyawa dengan gamet alel dominan 1
Recessive allele gamete fertilise with dominant allele gamete
P4 – Semua/ 100 % anak adalah normal 1 4
All/ 100 % offspring are normal
Atau/ Or
Kekunci/ Key:
A : Gen dominan/ Alel normal
Dominant gene/ Allele for normal
a : Gen resesif/ Alel albino
Recessive gene/ Allele for albino

Fenotip induk:
Parent’s phenotype Albino Normal
Genotip/ Genotype: aa AA

Gamet/ Gamete: a A

Anak/ Offspring: Aa Aa
100% normal


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1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 A
11 B 12 B 13 D 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 C 19 A 20 B
21 A 22 C 23 C 24 B 25 D 26 A 27 B 28 D 29 C 30 B
31 B 32 D 33 D 34 C 35 B 36 C 37 A 38 C 39 A 40 B

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1 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan nutrien yang diserap oleh tumbuhan.
Able to state the nutrient absorbed by the plant.
• Nitrogen/ oksigen 1 1
Nitrogen/ oxygen
Nota: Terima – Ion nitrat/ nitrate ion
(a) (ii) Dapat mengelaskan nutrien yang dinamakan di 1(a)(i) mengikut
kuantiti yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan.
Able to classify the nutrient named in 1(a)(i) according to the quantity
required by the plant.
• Makronutrien/ Macronutrient 1 1
(a) (iii) Boleh menerangkan kesan kekurangan nutrien terhadap
pertumbuhan tumbuhan tersebut.
Able to explain the effect of nutrient deficiency on the growth of plant.
P1 – Petumbuhan terbantut 1
Stunted growth
P2 – (nitrogen) daun menjadi klorosis/ proses sintesis protein 1
(nitrogen) leaves undergo chlorosis/ protein synthesis disrupted
P3 – (oksigen) proses fotosintesis terjejas/ kurang penghasilan 1 2
(oxygen) photosynthesis process distrupted/ low glucose production
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (i) Dapat menamakan X.
Able to name X.
• (sel) rambut akar/ root hair (cell) 1 1
(b) (ii) Dapat menyatakan tisu yang terlibat dalam pengangkutan nutrien.
Able to state the tissues involved in the transport of nutrients.
• (Tisu) xilem 1 1
xylem (Tissue)
Terima – Salur xilem/ Xylem vessel
2 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan ciri membran telap memilih.
Able to state the characteristic of selectively permeable membrane.
• Telap terhadap molekul air dan tidak telap terhadap molekul 1 1
Permeable to water molecule and not permeable to sucrose molecule
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan kawasan yang hipertonik.
Able to state hypertonic region.
• Hipertonik: Kawasan Q
Hypertonic: Region Q 1 1

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(a) (iii) Dapat menyatakan satu sebab bagi jawapan dalam 2 (a)(ii) untuk
kawasan yang hipertonik.
Able to state one reason for the answer in 2 (a)(ii) for hypertonic region.
• Kawasan kepekatan air rendah// kepekatan sukrosa tinggi 1 1
Kurang molekul air // keupayaan air rendah// Lebih banyak
molekul sukrosa (pada kawasan tersebut.)
Region with low concentration of water// high concentration of sucrose
Less water molecules// low water potential// More sucrose molecule
(found in the region.)
Reject:Zat terlarut/ pelarut/ solute/ solvent molecule (umum)
(a) (iv) Dapat menamakan proses yang berlaku.
Able to name the process which occurs.
• Osmosis 1 1
(b) Dapat menerangkan perubahan keadaan pokok pada Rajah 2.2.
Able to explain the change of the plant’s condition in Diagram 2.2.
P1 – Air tanah paya bakau hipertonik berbanding sel pokok// 1
keupayaan air rendah di air tanah paya bakau berbanding
sel pokok
Mangrove swamps soil water is hypertonic than plant cell.// water
potential in mangrove swamp soil water is lower than plant cell
atau sebaliknya/ vice versa
P2 – Air meresap keluar dari sel pokok secara osmosis 1
Water diffuses out from the plant cell by osmosis
P3 – Sel-sel pokok mengalami plasmolisis 1
The plant cells are plasmolysed
P4 – Pokok menjadi layu
The plant wilts
P1 – Tanah berlumpur/ kurang oksigen
Muddy soil/ less oxygen 1
P2 – Kadar respirasi sel (akar) rendah
Rate of cellular respiration (in root) low 1
P3 – Pokok mati
The plant die 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
3 (a) Dapat menamakan molekul Y.
Able to name molecule Y.
• Molekul Y: asid lemak 1 1
Molecule Y: fatty acid
(b) Dapat menerangkan proses Z./ Able to explain process Z.
F – Kondensasi/ Condensation 1
P1 – Satu molekul X/ gliserol bergabung dengan tiga molekul 1
asid lemak/ Y
One molecule X/ glycerol combine with three molecules of fatty
acid/ Y
P2 – Membentuk satu molekul trigliserida 1
To form one molecule of triglicerides
P3 – Melibatkan penghasilan (tiga) molekul air 1 2
Involve removal of (three) water molecules
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) (i) Boleh menamakan molekul P.
Able to name molecule P.
• Molekul P: Kolesterol 1 1
Molecule P: Cholesterol
(c) (ii) Dapat menerangkan kesan terhadap sifat membran plasma jika
membran plasma kurang molekul P.
Able to explain the effect on the characteristics of the plasma membrane
if plasma membrane has less molecule P.
P1 – Dwilapisan fosfolipid menjadi kurang/ tidak kuat/lemah 1
Phospholipid bilayer become less/not strong/weaker
P2 – Ketelapan terhadap bahan larut air/ ion bertambah// 1
Ketelapan terhadap bahan larut lemak berkurang
More permeable to water soluble substances/ ion// Less permeable
to lipid soluble substances
P3 – Membran plasma kurang fleksibel
Reduce the flexibility of plasma membrane
P4 – Kurang dinamik/ lebih rigid/ lebih statik
1 3
Less dynamic/ more rigid/ more static
(Mana-mana 3)
4 (a) Dapat melengkapkan Rajah 4.1 menyatakan genotip induk bagi
pokok berbunga ungu dan gamet-gamet bagi pokok berbunga putih.
Able to complete Diagram 4.1 by stating the parental genotype for purple
flower plant and gametes for white flower plant.

Fenotip induk :
Parental phenotype ×

Bunga ungu Bunga putih

Purple flower White flower

Genotip induk :
Parental genotype Bb bb 1

Segiempat Punnett : Gamet

b b 1 2
untuk anak Gamete
Punnett square of

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(b) Dapat menyatakan Hukum Mendel I.
Able to state Mendel’s First Law.
P1 – Ciri warna bunga pada pokok Magnolia grandiflora dikawal 1
oleh sepasang alel, iaitu B dan b.
The flower colour characteristic of Magnolia grandiflora plant is
controlled by a pair of alleles which are B and b
P2 – Hanya satu daripada pasangan alel ini akan diwariskan ke 1 1
dalam gamet.
Only one of the allele pair is inherited in a gamete
(Mana-mana 1)
(c) (i) Boleh menyatakan kebarangkalian bagi pasangan ini mempunyai
anak yang normal.
Able to state the probability of the couple to have normal child.

• 0.75/ 75% / ¾ 1 1
(c) (ii) Boleh menerangkan bagaimana salah seorang daripada anak lelaki
pasangan tersebut mewarisi DMD.
Able to explain how one of the sons of the couple inherits DMD.
P1 – Sperma yang membawa kromosom Y 1
Sperm which carries Y chromosome
P2 – mensenyawakan ovum (yang membawa kromosom X yang 1
terangkai) dengan alel resesif/ t// ovum dengan Xt.
fertilised ovum (which carries X that linked by)/ with recessive
allele/ t// ovum with Xt
P3 – membentuk zigot (diploid) yang mengandungi genotip XtY 1 2
to form (diploid) zygote which contain genotype XtY
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat memberikan satu persamaan antara pewarisan dalam Rajah 4.1
dengan Rajah 4.2.
Able to give one similarity between inheritance in Diagram 4.1 and
Diagram 4.2.
• Kedua-duanya adalah pewarisan monohibrid/ melibatkan satu
ciri sahaja/ dua trait.// Kedua-duanya mematuhi Hukum Mendel 1 1
I/ Hukum segregasi/ Hukum Pemisahan
Both are monohybrid inheritance/ involves one characteristic only/
two traits// Both obey Mendel’s First Law/ Law of Segregation.
5 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan P.
Able to name P.
• Nodus limfa 1 1
Lymph node
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan apa yang akan berlaku kepada patogen dalam P.
Able to state what will happen to the pathogen in P.
• Patogen dimusnahkan oleh sel fagosit/ limfosit/ antibodi 1 1
Pathogen will be destroyed by phagocyte/ lymphocyte/ antibodies

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(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan sekiranya sel limfosit yang tidak normal
merebak melalui salur limfa ke bahagian lain badan.
Able to explain the effect if abnormal lymphocytes spread through the
lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body.
P1 – Tumor (malignan)/kanser terbentuk (dalam nodus limfa/ tisu) 1
Formation of (malignant) tumor/cancer (inside lymph nodes/ tissue)
P2 – Bersaing untuk mendapatkan nutrien dari sel/ tisu berdekatan. 1
Compete to obtain the nutrient from other cells/ tissues
P3 – Memusnahkan/ mengganggu fungsi sel/ tisu (normal) 1
Destroy/ destruct function of (normal) cell/ tissue
P4 – Menyebabkan kerosakan organ// kematian
1 2
Cause organ damage// death
(Mana-mana 2)
(c) (i) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan antara kapilari R dan kapilari S.
Able to explain the differences between capillary R and capillary S.

Perbezaan/ Difference:
Kapilari R Kapilari S
Capillary R Capillary S
D1 R ialah kapilari darah S ialah kapilari limfa
R is blood capillary S if lymph capillary 1
D2 R bersambung dengan Salah satu hujung salur S
venul/ arteriol adalah buntu/ tertutup
R is connected with venule/ One of its vessel is blind
arteriol ended/ closed
D3 Mengandungi (bendalir) Megandungi (bendalir) 1
darah limfa
Contains blood Contains lymph
D4 Mengandungi sel darah Tiada sel darah merah/
merah/ platlet/ protein platlet/ protein plasma 1 2
plasma No red blood cell/ platelet/
Contain red blood cell/ plasma protein
platelet/ plasma protein
(Mana-mana 2D)
(c) (ii) Dapat menerangkan kesan ke atas pengaliran bendalir dalam salur T.
Able to explain the effect to the flow of fluid in vessel T.
P1 – salur limfa/ T tersumbat (oleh cacing) 1
blockage of lymph vessel/ T (by worm)
P2 – Menyekat/menghalang pengaliran (bendalir) limfa 1
Blocking the flow of lymphatic (fluid)
P3 – Pengumpulan bendalir tisu 1
Accumulation of tissue fluid
P4 – (pesakit menghidap) filariasis limfatik/ untut 1 2
(the patient) suffer lymphatic filariasis*
*reject: edema
Terima: Elephantiasis
(Mana-mana 2)
6 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan jenis pembahagian sel.
Able to state the type of cell division.
• Mitosis/ Mitosis 1 1

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(a) (ii) Dapat melukiskan perlakuan kromosom pada fasa R.
Able to draw chromosomal behaviour in phase R.

1 1

(a) (iii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana proses di 6(a)(i) membantu dalam

penyembuhan luka.
Able to explain how process in 6(a)(i) helps in wound healing.
P1 – (mitosis) menghasilkan sel-sel baharu 1
(mitosis) produced new cells
P2 – bagi menggantikan/ membaiki tisu yang rosak 1
to replace/repair damage tissue
P3 – bahagian luka tertutup/ darah berhenti mengalir/ membentuk 1 2
closed the part of wound/ blood stop flow/ form scab
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menyatakan perbezaan antara fasa Q dalam Rajah 6.1 dengan
fasa dalam Rajah 6.2.
Able to state the differences between phase Q in Diagram 6.1 and the
phase in Diagram 6.2.

Perbezaan/ Difference:
Sel pada fasa Q pada
Sel pada Rajah 6.2
Rajah 6.1 Cell in Diagram 6.2
Cell at phase Q in Diagram 6.1
D1 Fasa: Metafasa Fasa: Metafasa I
Phase: Metaphase Phase: Metaphase I
D2 Kromosom tersusun di satah Kromosom homolog
khatulistiwa tersusun di satah
Chromosome arrange at khatulistiwa 1
metaphase plate/ equator plane Homologous chromosome
arrange at metaphase plate/
equator plane
D3 Kromosom tidak mengalami Kromosom (telah)
pindah silang mengalami pindah silang 1
Chromosome don’t undergo Chromosome have undergone
crossing over crossing over
D4 Kromosom tidak Kromosom mempunyai
mempunyai rekombinasi rekombinasi gen/
gen/ kombinasi gen baharu kombinasi gen baharu 1 2
Do not has gene recombinant/ Has gene recombinant/ new
new gene combination gene combination
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana penyakit genetik ini berlaku.
Able to explain how the genetic disease occurs.
F – Sindrom Down 1
Down syndrome
P1 – mengalami mutasi kromosom 1
have a chromosomal mutation
P2 – tak disjunksi kromosom ke 21 berlaku (semasa gametogenesis) 1
non disjunction of chromosome 21 occurred (during gametogenesis)
P3 – Gamet mempunyai lebih 1 kromosom (ke 21) 1
gamete with extra 1 chromosome (of 21)
P4 – mensenyawakan gamet normal/ haploid
fertilised with normal gamete/ haploid
P5 – menghasilkan zigot mempunyai 3 krosomom ke 21/ trisomi
1 2
21/ 47 kromosom
produced zygote with 3 chromosomes of 21/ trisomi-21/
47 chromosomes
(Mana-mana 2)
7 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan tisu Q.
Able to name tissue Q.
• (Tisu) mesofil berspan/ Spongy mesophyll (tissue) 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan satu penyesuaian tisu Q bagi membenarkan
daun berfungsi sebagai organ fotosintesis.
Able to state one adaptation of tissue Q to allow the leaf to function as an
organ of photosynthesis.
• Mengandungi kloroplas (untuk menyerap cahaya)// tersusun 1 1
longgar (untuk pertukaran gas fotosintesis)
Contain chloroplast (to absorb light)// loosely arranged (for
photosynthetic gases exchange)
(b) Dapat menyatakan perbezaan tindak balas kimia yang berlaku
di X dan Y.
Able to state differences for chemical reactions that take place at X and Y.

Tindak balas kimia di X Tindak balas kimia di Y

Chemical reaction in X Chemical reaction in Y
D1 Tindak balas bersandarkan Tindak balas tidak 1
cahaya bersandarkan cahaya
Light-dependant reactions Light-independant reactions
D2 Bahan tindak balas adalah Bahan tindak balas adalah
air// Berlaku fotolisis air// karbon dioksida// Berlaku
molekul air dipecahkan penurunan karbon dioksida
oleh tenaga cahaya The reaction substance is 1
The reaction substance is carbon dioxide// Reduction of
water// Photolysis of water carbon dioxide occurs
occurs// water molecule is
broken down by light energy
D3 Menghasilkan tenaga/ ATP Menggunakan tenaga/ ATP 1
Produce energy/ ATP Use energy/ ATP
D4 Hasil tindak balas ialah Hasil tindak balas ialah
oksigen glukosa 1 2
The reaction product is oxygen The reaction product is glucose
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) (i) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana keadaan ini mempengaruhi hasil
Able to explain how this condition affect the crop yields.
P1 – Hasil pertanian berkurang/ menurun 1
Less/ reduce crop yield
P2 – Kekurangan pigmen klorofil 1
Lack of chloropyll pigment
P3 – Menyebabkan penyerapan cahaya berkurang 1
Causing reduced light absorption
P4 – Fotolisis (air) berkurang 1
Photolysis (of water) decreases
P5 – Kadar fotosintesis/ penghasilan glukosa berkurang
1 3
Rate of photosynthesis/ glucose production decreases
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) (ii) Dapat menerangkan mengapa saranan ini diberikan.
Able to explain why it is suggested.
P1 – (Dalam rumah hijau), cahaya/ karbon dioksida /kelembapan/ 1
suhu/ faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar fotosintesis dapat
dikawal secara optimum
(In greenhouse), light/ carbon dioxide/ humidity/ temperature/ factors
that affect the rate of photosynthesis can be controlled at optimal
level 1
P2 – Menyebabkan kadar fotosintesis meningkat
Causes the rate of photosynthesis increases
P3 – Kadar pertumbuhan/ hasil ladang meningkat
Growth rate/crop yield increases
1 2
P4 – Dapat mengelakkan (serangan) serangga perosak.
Avoid from pest.
(Mana-mana 2)
8 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan satu amalan yang menyumbang kepada
kelestarian alam sekitar.
Able to state one practice that contribute to environmental sustainability.
P1 – Menggunakan beg kertas/plastik terbiodegradasi 1
Use paper bag/biodegradable plastic
P2 – Mengamalkan konsep 3R/ 5R 1
Implement 3R/ 5R concept
P3 – Terima jawapan yang bersesuaian dengan plastik sekali guna/ 1 1
tanpa plastik cth: bawa beg sendiri
Accept any suitable answer for disposable plastic/ plastic free e.g:
bring shopping bag
(Mana-mana 1)
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana amalan yang dinyatakan di
8(a)(i) dapat meningkatkan kualiti hidupan dan alam sekitar.
Able to explain how the practice stated in 8(a)(i) increases the quality of
life and environment.
P1 – Kurangkan pencemaran (tanah/ laut/ sungai/ alam sekitar) 1
Reduce (soil/ sea/ river/ environment) pollution
P2 – Mengelakkan kepupusan hidupan marin/ penyu 1
To prevent extinction of marine organism/ turtle
P3 – Sisa boleh terurai dengan mudah (oleh mikroorganisma) 1
Waste can be decomposed easily (by microorganism)

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P4 – Mengurangkan penggunaan petroleum/sumber tidak boleh
diperbaharu (sebagai bahan mentah pembuatan plastik) 1 3
Reduce the usage of petroleum/ non-renewable resource (as the raw
material for making plastics)
(Mana-mana 3)
(b) Dapat membandingkan kesan penggunaan kedua-dua jenis baja.
Able to compare the effects of the usage of both types of fertilisers.

Persamaan/ Similarity:
S1 – Kedua-duanya membekalkan nutrien untuk tumbuhan 1
Both supplies nutrient to the plant
S2 – Kedua-duanya merangsang pertumbuhan tumbuhan 1
Both stimulate plant growth

Perbezaan/ Difference:
Baja organik Baja kimia
Organic fertiliser Chemical fertiliser
D1 Dihasilkan secara semula Dihasilkan secara buatan
jadi// Melibatkan pengurai (di kilang) 1
Produced naturally// Involve Produced synthetically (by
decomposers factory)
D2 Nisbah/ peratus Nisbah/ peratus
makronutrien (N:P:K) yang makronutrien (N:P:K) yang
tidak seimbang seimbang 1
Ratio/ percent of Ratio/ percent of
macronutrient (N:P:K) is not macronutrient (N:P:K) is
balance balance
D3 Meningkatkan keupayaan Kurang keupayaan
menyimpan air dalam menyimpan air
tanah// Memperbaiki dalam tanah// Kurang 1
struktur tanah memperbaiki struktur tanah
Increase the capacity to hold Less capacity to hold water//
water// Improves the soil Does not improves the soil
structure structure
D4 Kadar penyerapan yang Kadar penyerapan yang
perlahan/rendah cepat/ tinggi
The absorption rate is slow/ The absorption rate is fast/ 1 3
low high
(Sekurang-kurangnya 1 S/D)
(c) Boleh mencadangkan bagaimana baja semula jadi dapat dihasilkan
dan menyatakan satu kelebihan.
Able to suggest how natural fertiliser can be produced and state one
Cara/ Method
M1 – Menggunakan sisa makanan/ sisa organik/ makanan luput 1
tarikh/ contoh bersesuaian
By using food waste/ organic waste/ expired food/ suitable example
M2 – Mencampurkan/menggunakan/melibatkan mikroorganisma/ 1
pengurai/ saprofit
Mix/ use/ involve microorganism/ decomposer/ saprophyte
M3 – Penguraian (bahan organik oleh pengurai) membentuk kompos 1
Decomposition (of organic matter by decomposer) form fertiliser

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Kelebihan/ Advantage
P1 – Mengurangkan pembaziran// Mengurangkan masalah 1
pembuangan sampah// Mengurangkan pembuangan sisa
Reduce wastage// Reduce garbage disposal// Reduce domestic waste
P2 – Menjimatkan kos// Murah 1
Save cost// Cheap
P3 – Bahan mesra alam// kurang pencemaran 1
Environmentally friendly material// reduce pollution
P4 – membekalkan lebih nutrien kepada tanah 1 2
supply more nutrient to the soil
(Satu M dan satu P)
9 (a) (i) Boleh menyatakan jenis tumbuhan X dan tumbuhan Y berdasarkan
kitar hidup.
Able to state the types of plant X and plant Y based on their life cycles.
P1 – X adalah (tumbuhan) dwimusim 1
X is biennial (plant)
P2 – Y adalah (tumbuhan) saka 1 2
Y is perennial (plant)
(a) (ii) Boleh menerangkan ciri-ciri tumbuhan X.
Able to explain the characteristics of plant X.
P1 – (Tumbuhan yang) mengambil masa dua tahun dalam satu 1
kitar hidup (yang lengkap)
(Plant that) take two years in a (complete) life cycle.
P2 – (Setiap satu kitar hidup) mengandungi dua musim 1
(Every life cycle) consist of two seasons of growth.
P3 – Musim pertumbuhan pertama adalah fasa pertumbuhan 1
First growth season is vegetative growth phase
P4 – (Musim pertumbuhan pertama) melibatkan pertumbuhan 1
akar/ batang/ daun
(First growth season) involve growth of root/ stem/ leave
P5 – Musim pertumbuhan kedua ialah fasa pembiakan
Second growth season is reproductive phase
P6 – Menghasilkan bunga/ buah/ biji
Produce flowers/ fruits/ seeds 1
P7 – Tumbuh di kawasan beriklim sederhana/ tanah tinggi
Grow at temperate region/ highland 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Boleh menerangkan pembentukan corak gegelang pada batang
Able to explain the formation of ringing pattern on tree trunk.
P1 – (Keratan rentas batang pokok menunjukkan) corak berselang 1
seli// kawasan/ gelang cerah dan kawasan/ gelang gelap.
(Cross section of tree trunk shows) alternating pattern// light and
dark regions/ rings

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P2 – Semasa musim bunga/ panas, suhu optimum/ sesuai// keamatan 1
cahaya mencukupi/ tinggi// banyak/ cukup bekalan air// lebih
sesuai/ meningkatkan kadar pertumbuhan
During spring/summer, optimum/ suitable temperature// high/ enough
light intensity// more/ sufficient water supply// more suitable/ promotes
growth rate
P3 – Kambium vaskular membahagi (secara aktif) secara mitosis 1
Vascular cambium (actively) dividing by mitosis
P4 – Menghasilkan tisu xilem yang besar/ mempunyai dinding 1
yang nipis/ berwarna cerah
Form larger/ thinner wall of xylem tissues/ light in colour
P5 – Semasa musim luruh/sejuk, suhu rendah// keamatan cahaya
rendah// kurang bekalan air// mengurangkan kadar
During spring/ winter, low temperature// low light intensity// less
water supply// decrease growth rate
P6 – Kambium vaskular kurang membahagi (secara aktif)
Vascular cambium less (actively) dividing 1
P7 – Menghasilkan tisu xilem yang kecil/ berwarna gelap
Form small xylem tissues/ dark in colour 1
P8 – Dipanggil sebagai gegelang pertumbuhan tahunan
Known as annual growth rings 1 6
(Mana-mana 6)
(c) Boleh menerangkan peringkat P, Q, R dan S.
Able to explain stages P, Q, R and S
Kriteria/ Citeria:
C1 – Penerangan peringkat P – sekurang-kurangnya satu
Explanation stage P – at least one
C2 – Penerangan peringkat Q – sekurang-kurangnya satu
Explanation stage Q – at least one
C3 – Penerangan peringkat R – sekurang-kurangnya satu
Explanation stage R – at least one
C4 – Penerangan peringkat S – sekurang-kurangnya satu
Explanation stage S – at least one
F – Graf (lengkung) sigmoid/ Sigmoid (curve) graph
Peringkat P/ Stage P
P1 – Peringkat P jisim kering berkurang
Stage P decreasing dry mass
P2 – Makanan simpanan dalam kotiledon digunakan
Storage food in cotyledon is used 1
P3 – Untuk percambahan biji benih/ For seed germination 1
Peringkat Q/ Stage Q
P4 – Fasa Q peningkatan jisim kering 1
Phase Q increasing dry mass
P5 – Kadar pertumbuhan meningkat dengan pesat 1
Growth rate increase rapidly
P6 – Banyak daun dihasilkan 1
More leaves are produced
P7 – Kadar fotosintesis meningkat// banyak glukosa dihasilkan 1
Increase rate of photosynthesis// more glucose is produced
P8 – Meningkatkan/ Mencapai ketinggian/ pertumbuhan (maksimum) 1
Increase/ Achieve (maximum) height/ growth

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Peringkat R/ Stage R
P9 – Fasa R jisim kering malar 1
Phase R constant dry mass
P10 – Kadar pertumbuhan sifar 1
Growth rate zero
P11 – Tisu matang 1
Matured tissues
P12 – Menghasilkan bunga/buah 1
Produce flowers/fruits
Peringkat S/ Stage S
P13 – Peringkat S jisim kering berkurang 1
Stage S decreasing dry mass
P14 – Kadar fotosintesis rendah
Low rate of photosynthesis
P15 – daun/bunga gugur// penyebaran biji benih
shedding of leaves/ flower// seed dispersal 1 10
Nota: Tidak terima: berat
Reject: weight
10 (a) Dapat menerangkan fungsi hormon yang dirembeskan oleh struktur
X dan struktur Y.
Able to explain the functions of hormone secreted by structure X and
structure Y.
P1 – Struktur X merembeskan hormon tiroksina 1
Structure X secretes thyroxine hormone
P2 – Meningkatkan kadar metabolisme/ suhu badan 1
Increase the metabolism rate/ body temperature
P3 – Mengawalatur pertumbuhan/ perkembangan 1
Regulates growth/ development
P4 – Struktur Y merembeskan hormon aldosteron/ adrenalina
Structure Y secretes aldosterone/ adrenaline hormone
P5 – (Aldosteron) meningkatkan penyerapan semula garam di
(Aldosterone) increases the reabsorption of salt in kidneys
P6 – (Adrenalina) meningkatkan aras gula/ asid lemak dalam 1 4
darah/ kadar pernafasan/ denyutan jantung/ kadar metabolisme
(Adrenaline) increase the level of sugar/ fatty acids in the blood/
respiratory rate/ heartbeat/rate of metabolism
(Mana-mana 4)
(b) Dapat membandingkan sistem dalam Rajah 10.1 dan sistem dalam
Rajah 10.2.
Able to compare the systems in Diagram 10.1 and the system in Diagram

Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-duanya mempunyai tisu/ organ sasaran 1
Both have target tissues/ organs
S2 – Kedua-duanya menghasilkan gerak balas terhadap rangsangan 1
Both produce response to a stimulus
S3 – Kedua-duanya berfungsi menyelaraskan (segala) aktiviti/ 1
gerak balas badan
Both functions to regulate (all) activities/ response of the body

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Perbezaan/ Differences:
Sistem dalam Rajah 10.1 Sistem dalam Rajah 10.2
System in Diagram 10.1 System in Diagram 10.2
D1 Sistem endokrin Sistem saraf
Endocrine system Nervous system

D2 Terdiri daripada kelenjar Terdiri daripada rangkaian

endokrin tanpa duktus (berjuta-juta) sel saraf/ neuron 1
Consist of ductless endocrine It is made up of a network
glands (millions) of neurones
D3 Tempat mula rangsangan Tempat mula rangsangan
adalah kelenjar adalah reseptor deria
Origin of stimulus is the gland Origin of stimulus is the sensory 1
D4 Utusan/ isyarat diangkut Utusan/ isyarat dihantar
oleh hormon dalam bentuk impuls
Signal is delivered by Signal is in the form of impulses 1
D5 dalam bentuk (bahan) dalam bentuk elektrik
kimia in the form of electrical
in the form of chemical 1
D6 Melalui aliran darah Melalui sel saraf/ neuron
Through blood flow Through nerve cell/ neurone
D7 Tempoh kesan adalah lama Tempoh kesan adalah 1
The duration of the effect is singkat
long The duration of the effect is short
D8 Gerak balas adalah Gerak balas adalah cepat/
perlahan/ berpanjangan serta-merta
The response is slow/ The response is quick/immediate
D9 Melibatkan beberapa Melibatkan satu organ
organ bergerak balas bergerak balas
Involve responses of several Involve response of one organ
1 10
(Mana-mana 10)
(c) Dapat menghuraikan situasi tersebut.
Able to describe the situation.
P1 – Reseptor (pada mata) mengesan rangsangan/ rangsangan 1
cahaya/ ternampak ular
(Eye) receptor detect the stimulus/ light stimulus/ see snake
P2 – (Reseptor) mencetuskan impuls saraf 1
(Receptor) trigger nerve impulses
P3 – Dibawa oleh neuron deria ke hipotalamus// otak mentafsir 1
situasi cemas
Carried by sensory neurone to the hipotalamus// brain interpreted
panic situation
P4 – Kelenjar adrenal dirangsang untuk merembeskan hormon
adrenalina/ noradrenalina
Adrenal gland is stimulated to secrete adrenaline/ noradrenaline
P5 – Kadar denyutan jantung bertambah/ Heartbeat rate increases 1
P6 – Tekanan/ pengaliran darah ke otot meningkat 1
Blood pressure/ flow to the muscle increases

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P7 – Kadar respirasi meningkat/ Respiratory rate increases 1
P8 – Aras gula darah meningkat/ Blood glucose level increases 1
P9 – Kadar metabolisme meningkat// Lebih tenaga dijana 1
Metabolism rate increase// More energy is produced
P10 – Untuk meningkatkan pengecutan otot 1
To increase muscle contraction
P11 – Gerak balas ini adalah situasi lawan atau lari 1 6
The response is fight or flight situation
(Mana-mana 6)
11 (a) Dapat menyatakan ciri-ciri keimunan M.
Able to state the characteristics of immunity M.
P1 – Antibodi dihasilkan (secara semula jadi) oleh sel limfosit/ 1
Antibody is produced (naturally) by lymphocytes/ body
P2 – Keimunan kekal untuk jangka masa yang lama 1
Immunity remains for a long period of time
P3 – (kepekatan) antibodi melepasi aras keimunan// keimunan 1 2
(concentration) of antibody exceeds the level of immunity// immunity
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat membincang justifikasi tindakan wanita yang enggan
memberikan susu ibu kepada sistem keimunan bayinya.
Able to discuss the justification of the actions of a woman who refuses to
breastfeed to her baby’s immune system.
F – Tidak wajar/ No 1
P1 – Bayi tidak berupaya melindungi dirinya daripada jangkitan/ 1
penyakit// sistem pertahanan bayi masih belum matang
The baby is not able to protect himself from infection/ disease// the
baby’s immune system is still immature
P2 – Susu awal ibu/ kolostrum/ Early breast milk/ colostrum 1
P3 – (Susu ibu) mengandungi banyak antibodi/ nutrien 1
(Mother’s milk) contain a lot of antibody/ nutrient
P4 – Mengandungi immunoglobulin/ sel darah putih/ limfosit/
Contain immunoglobulin/ white blood cells/ lymphocytes/ macrophages
P5 – Dapat melindungi bayi daripada jangkitan/ penyakit//
membantu perkembangan/ kematangan sistem keimunan bayi
Can protect the baby from infection/ disease// help the development/
maturation of the baby’s immune system
P6 – Merupakan keimunan pasif semula jadi 1
Is a naturally passive immunity
P7 – Kerana bayi tidak menghasilkan antibodinya sendiri// antibodi 1
diperolehi dari ibunya/ sumber luar
Because the baby does not produce his own antibodies// antibodies
are obtained from his mother/ external sources
P8 – (Keimunan) tidak kekal/ perlindungan jangka pendek/ 1 7
(Immunity) non-permanent/ short term protection/ temporary
P1 dan P5 dikira sekali sahaja// P1 and P5 are tick only once
(Mana-mana 7)

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(c) (i) Boleh menerangkan bagaimana keimunan diperolehi oleh individu
yang telah melengkapkan vaksinasi.
Able to explain how immunity is acquired by individuals who have
completed vaccination.
P1 – Keimunan aktif buatan 1
Artificial active immunity
P2 – Vaksin ialah ampaian patogen yang lemah/ mati/ tidak 1
virulen/ mRNA (buatan)
Vaccine is a suspension of pathogen that are weekened/ dead/ non-
virulent/ (artificial) mRNA
P3 – Merangsang limfosit (T) untuk menghasilkan antibodi
Stimulate (T) lymphocyte to produce antibody
P4 – Untuk menentang patogen/ gerak balas terhadap antigen
To fight the pathogen/ response to these antigens 1
P5 – Limfosit (B) akan menghasilkan sel memori
Lymphocyte (B) will produce memory cells 1
P6 – Apabila patogen/ virus yang sama menyerang, sel memori/
limfosit menghasilkan antibodi dengan serta-merta 1
When the same pathogen/ virus attacked, memory cells/ lymphocyte
produce antibody immediately
P7 – Suntikan pertama menghasilkan antibodi yang rendah/ di 1
bawah aras keimunan
First injection produces antibodies that are low/ below the level of
P8 – Tidak cukup untuk melindungi dari penyakit 1
Not sufficient to protect from disease
P9 – Suntikan kedua meningkatkan penghasilan antibodi/ melebihi 1
aras keimunan
Second injection increases antibody production/ exceeds the level
of immunity
P10 – (suntikan kedua) dikenali sebagai dos penggalak 1 7
(second injection) known as a booster dose
(Mana-mana 7)
(c) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana teknologi genetik dapat
menghasilkan produk biologi yang berasaskan virus dalam skala
Able to explain how genetic technology can produce virus-based biological
products on a large scale.
P1 – Secara bioteknologi 1
By biotechnology
P2 – Teknologi/ kaedah yang memanipulasikan organisma 1
Technology/ method to manipulate organisms
P3 – Virus itu dilemahkan/ dimatikan/ dijadikan tidak virulen 1
The virus is weakened/ killed/ made non-virulent
P4 – (melibatkan) penggunaan kultur sel mamalia/ haiwan
(involve) the uses of mammal/ animal cell cultures
P5 – Untuk menghasilkan antigen (dalam vaksin)
To produce antigen (in vaccine) 1
P1 – Secara kejuruteraan genetik 1
By genetic engineering
P2 – Menggunakan teknologi DNA rekombinan/ teknologi mRNA 1
Using recombinant DNA technology/ mRNA technology

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P3 – Melibatkan (tindakan) enzim (untuk menukarkan DNA kepada 1
Involves (action) of enzyme (to convert DNA to mRNA)
P4 – (mRNA) mengandungi maklumat genetik virus 1
(mRNA) contain genetic information of virus
P5 – Digunakan untuk menghasilkan protein virus 1 4
Used to produce viral proteins
(Mana-mana 4)


1 B 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 A 6 B 7 D 8 C 9 D 10 C
11 C 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 A 17 D 18 D 19 A 20 D
21 A 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 D 26 A 27 D 28 D 29 D 30 B
31 C 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 D 36 A 37 D 38 B 39 A 40 D

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1 (a) Dapat menamakan R dan S.
Able to name R and S.
R: Vakuol mengecut/ Contractile vacuole 1
S: Silium// Silia/ Cilium// Cilia 1 2
(b) Dapat menyatakan fungsi S.
Able to state the function of S.
• Pergerakan silia akan menggerakkan Paramecium sp. 1 1
Cilia movement will move the Paramecium sp.
(c) Dapat meramalkan apa yang akan berlaku sekiranya Paramecium
sp. diletakkan di dalam air masin.
Able to predict what will happen to Paramecium sp. if it is placed in
salt water.
P1 – Silia akan bergerak lebih aktif./ The cilia actively beating. 1
P2 – Paramecium sp. akan bergerak menjauhi air masin/ kawasan 1
dengan kemasinan tinggi.
The Paramecium sp. will move away from the salt water/ high salinity.
P3 – Vakuol mengecut/ R tidak akan mengecut 1
Contractile vacuole/ R will not contract
P4 – untuk mengelakkan kehilangan air/ mengawal tekanan 1 2
to prevent water loss/ to control osmotic pressure
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat menyatakan bagaimana Paramecium sp. membiak dalam
keadaan persekitaran yang tidak sesuai.
Able to state how the Paramecium sp. reproduce in unsuitable environmental
• Paramecium sp. akan menjalani pembiakan seks/ konjugasi 1 1
The Paramecium sp. undergo sexual reproduction/ conjugation

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2 (a) Dapat menamakan sel P dan Q.
Able to name cells P and Q.
P: Sel mesofil palisad/ Palisade mesophyll cell 1
Q: Sel epidermis bawah/ Lower epidermal cell 1 2
(b) Dapat melabelkan X pada Rajah 2.
Able to label X at Diagram 2.

1 1

(c) Dapat menyatakan penyesuaian struktur dalaman pada P dan Q
untuk proses fotosintesis.
Able to state the internal structure adaptation of P and Q for photosynthesis
P: Sel mesofil palisad dalam keadaan tegak dan rapat untuk 1
menerima pendedahan cahaya maksimum.
Palisade mesophyll cells are vertically and closely-packed to receive
maximum light exposure.
Q: Beberapa sel epidermis bawah menjadi sel pengawal untuk 1 2
mengawal pembukaan dan penutupan stoma (kawasan pertukaran
Some of lower epidermal cell is adapted to become guard cell, which
control the opening and closing of stomata (site for exchange of gases).
(d) Dapat menyatakan kesan terhadap kadar fotosintesis apabila
bahagian bawah daun pada Rajah 2 disapukan dengan gris.
Able to state what happen to the rate of photosynthesis when the underside
of the leaf in Diagram 2 is applied with grease.
• Kadar fotosintesis akan berkurang kerana pertukaran gas 1 1
berkurang (stoma dilapisi oleh gris).
The rate of photosynthesis will decrease because low exchange of
gases (stomata covered by grease).
3 (a) Dapat menamakan X dan W.
Able to name X and W.
X: Lipase/ Lipase 1
W: Lipid/ Lipid 1 2
(b) Dapat menyatakan dua ciri enzim lipase.
Able to state two characteristics of lipase enzyme.
P1 – Struktur enzim tidak berubah 1
The structure of enzyme remains unchanged
P2 – Enzim tidak musnah selepas suatu tindak balas 1
The enzyme is not destroyed after a reaction
P3 – Tindak balas enzim adalah spesifik/ hanya lipid sahaja 1 2
sepadan dengan tapak aktif lipase
The reaction of enzyme is specific/ only lipid can fit with lipase’s
active site
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) Dapat menamakan satu perencat enzim dan menerangkan
bagaimana perencat enzim tersebut dapat memperlahankan atau
menghentikan aktiviti enzim.
Able to name one enzyme inhibitor and explain how the enzyme inhibitor
can slow down or stop an enzyme activity.
Contoh perencat enzim:
Example of enzyme inhibitor:
– Plumbum// Merkuri/ Lead// Mercury 1
P1 – Plumbum dan merkuri mempunyai kemampuan/ bersaing
dengan lipid/ substrat untuk bergabung dengan tapak aktif 1
enzim lipase
Lead and mercury has ability/ compete with lipid/ substrate to bind
with active site of lipase enzyme
P2 – Kurang molekul substrat/ lipid yang dapat mengikat pada 1
Less substrate/ lipid can bind to the enzymes
P3 – Kompleks lipase-lipid yang terbentuk adalah sedikit 1
Less lipase-lipid complex is formed
P4 – Sedikit produk/ asid lemak dan gliserol yang akan terhasil 1 3
Less product/ fatty acid and glycerol will be produced
(Mana-mana 2P)
4 (a) Dapat menamakan proses P dan Q.
Able to name processes P and Q.
P: Respirasi aerob/ Aerobic respiration 1
Q: Fermentasi asid laktik/ Lactic acid fermentation 1 2
(b) Dapat menyatakan apa yang berlaku apabila Y terkumpul di dalam
sel otot manusia.
Able to state what happen when Y accumulates in human muscle cell.
• Kelesuan/ Kekejangan otot 1 1
Fatigue/ Muscle cramps
(c) Dapat menyatakan mengapa tenaga yang dihasilkan melalui proses
P lebih tinggi berbanding proses Q.
Able to state why the energy produced by process P is higher than process Q.
P1 – Banyak/ Cukup oksigen 1
More/ Sufficient oxygen
P2 – Glukosa dioksidakan dengan lengkap 1 1
Glucose is completely oxidised
(Mana-mana 1)
(d) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana pokok padi dapat beradaptasi di
kawasan tersebut.
Able to explain how paddy plant can adapt to the area.
P1 – Menjalankan fermentasi alkohol 1
Carry out alcohol fermentation
P2 – Sel (pokok padi) mempunyai toleransi terhadap etanol 1
Cells (of paddy plant) tolerance for ethanol
P3 – (Pokok padi) menghasilkan enzim alkohol dehidrogenase 1
(Paddy plant) produce alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes
P4 – Menguraikan etanol kepada karbon dioksida 1 3
Breakdown ethanol into carbon dioxide
(Mana-mana 3)

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5 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan gerak balas M.
Able to name response M.
• Kemotropisme (positif) 1 1
Chemotropism (positive)

(a) (ii) Dapat memberikan sebab.

Able to give reason.
P1 – Akar tumbuh ke arah garam mineral 1
Roots grow towards mineral salt
P2 – Gerak balas pertumbuhan terhadap bahan kimia 1 1
Plant response to chemicals
(Mana-mana 1)
(b) Dapat menyatakan kesan racun rumpai kepada pertumbuhan akar
pokok durian.
Able to state the effect of the herbicide on the growth of durian tree roots.
P1 – Akar menjauhi racun/ racun rumpai 1
Roots grow away from poison/ herbicide
P2 – Akar menunjukkan kemotropisme negatif 1 1
Roots show negative chemotropism
(Mana-mana 1)
(c) Dapat menerangkan situasi ini kepada gerak balas bunga tulip.
Able to explain this situation on the response of tulip flowers.
P1 – (Suhu 6 °C) merupakan suhu rendah 1
(Temperature 6 °C) is a low temperature
P2 – Bunga tulip akan menguncup/ tidak berkembang 1
Tulip flowers closed/ not open
P3 – Gerak balas termonasti 1 3
Thermonasty response
(d) Dapat membezakan antara gerak balas M dan gerak balas N.
Able to distinguish between response M and response N.

Gerak balas M Gerak balas N

Response M Response N
D1 Gerak balas tropisme Gerak balas nasti 1
Tropism response Nastic response
D2 Kekal/ Dipengaruhi oleh Tidak kekal/ Tidak
hormon tumbuhan dipengaruhi oleh hormon
Permanent/ Influenced by plant tumbuhan 1
hormone Not permanent/ Not
influenced by plant hormone
D3 Gerak balas perlahan/ Tidak Gerak balas cepat/ Jelas
jelas The response is quicker/ 1
The response is slow/ Not Apparent
D4 Arah gerak balas bergantung Arah gerak balas tidak
kepada arah rangsangan bergantung kepada arah
The response direction rangsangan 1 2
dependent on the direction of The response direction is not
stimulus dependent on the direction of
(Mana-mana 2)

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6 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan otot T.
Able to name muscle T.
• Otot triseps/ Triceps muscle 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan apa yang berlaku apabila otot T mengecut.
Able to state what happens when muscle T contracts.
P1 – Daya tarikan dipindahkan ke ulna/ Pull force transmit to ulna 1
P2 – Ulna ditarik ke bawah/ Lengan diluruskan 1 1
Ulna is pulled downward/ Straightening the arm
(Mana-mana 1)
(b) Dapat menyatakan dua perbezaan antara tisu R dan tisu S.
Able to state two differences between tissue R and tissue S.

Aspek Tisu R Tisu S

Aspect Tissue R Tissue S
Ciri Tidak kenyal/ Boleh Kenyal/ Liat
Characteristics dilentur Elastic/ Tough
Not elastic/ Flexible
Fungsi Menghubungkan otot Menghubungkan
Function dengan tulang tulang dengan tulang
Connecting muscle with Connecting bone to 1 2
bone bone

(c) Dapat menyatakan kesan kepada pergerakan lengan remaja tersebut.

Able to state the effect on the movement of the teenager’s arm.
P1 – Pergerakan pada sendi tidak boleh berlaku/ Tulang tidak 1
dapat membengkok di sendi
Movement at joints cannot occurs/ Bones cannot bend at the joints
P2 – S / Ligamen tidak kuat/ kurang kenyal/ tidak liat 1
S / Ligament not strong/ less elastic/ not tough
P3 – Sokongan/ Kekuatan pada sendi berkurang 1 2
Support/ Strength at joint decrease
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat menyatakan mengapa wanita tersebut diberikan rawatan
sendi palsu.
Able to state why the woman is given artificial joints treatment.
P1 – Menghidap osteoartritis/ Suffering osteoarthritis 1
P2 – Rawan antara dua tulang musnah 1
Cartilage between two bones destroyed
P3 – kerana haus dan lusuh/ due to wear and tear 1
P4 – Menyebabkan sakit/ radang pada sendi/ lutut// Sukar untuk 1 2
Cause painful/ inflamed at joints/ knee // Difficult to move
(Mana-mana 2)
7 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan tisu P.
Able to name tissue P.
• Xilem/ Xylem 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan fungsi tisu P dalam pengangkutan.
Able to state the function of tissue P in transportation.
• Mengangkut air dan garam mineral yang diserap oleh akar ke 1 1
batang dan daun tumbuhan
Tansport water and mineral salts absorbed by the roots to the stems
and leaves

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(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan kepada pertumbuhan pokok sekiranya
tisu Q rosak.
Able to explain the effect to the growth of plant if tissue Q is damaged.
P1 – Pertumbuhan terbantut/ terencat 1
Growth stunted
P2 – Sebatian organik/ sukrosa yang disintesis oleh daun tidak 1 2
dapat diangkut ke bahagaian lain tumbuhan.
Organic compounds/ sucrose which are synthesised by leaves cannot
be transported to the other parts of plant.
(c) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan laluan air X dan Y tersebut.
Able to explain the differences between the pathways of water X and Y.
P1 – X adalah laluan apoplas manakala Y adalah laluan simplas 1
X is apoplast pathway while Y is symplast pathway
P2 – Pada X, air bergerak melalui ruang antara gentian selulosa 1 2
pada dinding sel manakala pada Y, air bergerak melalui
sitoplasma dan plasmodesmata
At X, water moves through the spaces between cellulose fibres at
the cell wall while at Y, water moves through cytoplasm and
(d) Dapat mewajarkan pendapat tentang pernyataan.
Able to justify opinion on the statement.
P1 – Ya/ Yes 1
P2 – Kepekatan wap air adalah rendah di persekitaran 1
Concentration of water vapour is lower in the environment
P3 – Lebih banyak molekul air tersejat melalui proses transpirasi 1
More water molecule evaporate through transpiration process
P4 – Meningkatkan tarikan transpirasi pada daun 1 3
Increase the transpirational pull in the leaves
(Mana-mana 3)
8 (a) Dapat menyatakan genotip bagi anak R.
Able to state the genotype of offspring R
• XBXb 1 1
(b) Dapat menerangkan nisbah fenotip anak lelaki mereka yang akan
mewarisi penyakit buta warna daripada ibu bapa mereka.
Able to explain the phenotypic ratio for their sons to inherit colour
blindness disease from their parents.
P1 – 1:1 / 50% 1
P2 – Anak lelaki menerima satu alel resesif/ Xb daripada ibu dan 1
satu alel Y daripada bapa semasa persenyawaan
Son received one recessive allele/ Xb from mother and one allele
Y from father during fertilisation
P3 – Genotip XbY terhasil, iaitu anak lelaki buta warna 1
Form genotype XbY which is son with colour blindness
P4 – Anak lelaki menerima satu alel dominan/ XB daripada ibu
dan satu alel Y daripada bapa semasa persenyawaan
Son received one dominant allele/ X from mother and one allele

Y from father during fertilisation

P5 – Genotip XBY terhasil, iaitu anak lelaki normal
Form genotype XBY which is normal son 1 3
(Mana-mana 3)

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(c) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan antara penyakit P dan talasemia.
Able to explain the differences between disease P and thalassemia.
P1 – Penyakit P adalah hemofilia manakala yang satu lagi ialah 1
Disease P is haemophilia while the other is thalassemia
P2 – Penyakit P merupakan penyakit terangkai seks manakala 1
talasemia merupakan penyakit mutasi gen pada autosom.
Disease P is sex-linked disease while thalassemia is gene mutation
disease on an autosome
P3 – Penyakit P adalah keadaan di mana darah tidak membeku 1 3
secara normal manakala talasemia ialah pembentukan
hemoglobin yang abnormal dan kekurangan bilangan
Disease P is a condition in which blood unable to clot as normal
while thalassemia is abnormality and low number of haemoglobin
(d) Dapat melukiskan rajah skema bagi menunjukkan kebarangkalian
genotip anak bagi penyakit P sekiranya ibu normal dan bapa
menghidap penyakit.
Able to draw schematic diagram to show possible genotype of offspring
for disease P if the mother is normal and father has the disease.

Genotip induk: XbY  XBXB


Gamet: Xb Y XB XB 1

1 2
Genotip anak: XBXb XBXb XBY XBY

9 (a) Dapat menerangkan proses pergerakan bolus sehingga ia memasuki
Able to explain the process of movement of bolus until it enters the stomach.
P1 – Peristalsis/ Pergerakan peristaltik 1
Peristalsis/ Peristaltic movement
P2 – Pengecutan dan pengenduran secara beritma otot licin 1
sepanjang esofagus
Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle along the
P3 – Menolak bolus melalui esofagus ke dalam perut 1 2
Pushes the bolus through the oesophagus into the stomach
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (i) Dapat menyatakan dua kepentingan hati dalam proses pencernaan.
Able to state two importance of liver in digestion process.
P1 – Menghasilkan hempedu/ Produce bile 1
P2 – Meneutralkan kim yang berasid/ Neutralise the acidic chyme 1
P3 – Menyediakan keadaan beralkali untuk tindakan enzim dalam 1
Prepare an alkaline condition for enzyme action in duodenum

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P4 – Mengemulsikan lipid dengan memecahkan lipid kepada
titisan halus bagi menambah luas permukaan untuk tindakan 1 2
enzim lipase.
Emulsify lipids by breaking down lipids into tiny droplets to increase
surface area for lipase activity.
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (ii) Dapat menghuraikan fungsi hati dalam asimilasi makanan tercerna.
Able to describe the function of liver in the assimilation of digested food.
Asid amino/ Amino acid
P1 – Hati mensintesis protein plasma dan enzim daripada asid 1
Liver synthesis plasma protein and enzymes from amino acids
P2 – Asid amino berlebihan diuraikan oleh hati melalui proses 1
pendeaminaan untuk menjadi urea dan disingkirkan.
Excess amino acid is broken down through deamination process to
form urea which is then expelled.
P3 – Apabila bekalan glukosa tidak mencukupi, hati menukarkan 1
asid amino kepada glukosa
When glucose supply is insufficient, liver convert amino acid into

Glukosa/ Glucose
P4 – Glukosa di dalam hati digunakan untuk respirasi sel dan
glukosa berlebihan ditukarkan kepada glikogen dan disimpan
di dalam hati
Glucose in liver is used for cellular respiration and excess glucose
is converted into glycogen and stored in the liver.
P5 – Apabila aras glukosa dalam darah menurun, glikogen
ditukarkan semula kepada glukosa. 1
When glucose level in the blood decreases, glycogen is converted
back to glucose
P6 – Apabila aras glikogen mencapai aras maksimum, glukosa
berlebihan ditukarkan kepada lemak. 1 6
When glycogen supply reach maximum level, excess glucose is
converted to fats.
(c) Dapat merancang hidangan berdasarkan Pinggan Sihat Malaysia
mengikut masalah kesihatan mereka secara spesifik dan
membincangkan justifikasi pemilihan tersebut.
Abe to plan suitable meals based on “Pinggan Sihat Malaysia” according to
their specific health problems and discuss the justification of the option.
Individu P – Kegendutan
Individual P – Obese
P1 – Separuh pinggan terdiri daripada buah-buahan dan sayur- 1
sayuran, seperempat pinggan beras perang, seperempat
pinggan dada ayam panggang dan air kosong.
Half plate consists of fruits and vegetables, quarter plate of brown
rice, quarter plate of roasted chicken breast and plain water.
P2 – Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran mengandungi serat tinggi
yang membantu pencernaan.
Fruits and vegetables contain high fibre that help in digestion.
P3 – Mineral dan vitamin supaya terhindar dari penyakit
Minerals and vitamins to avoid from diseases 1

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P4 – Beras perang kurang kanji yang membantu mengurangkan 1
pengambilan gula/ glukosa
Brown rice has less starch that help to reduce intake of sugar/
P5 – Dada ayam panggang mempunyai protein tinggi dan kurang 1
Roasted chicken breast has high protein and less fat
P6 – Elakkan makanan yang mempunyai lemak dan minyak. 1
Avoid food that have fat and oil.
(Nota: atau jawapan yang sesuai dan relevan)
(Note: or any suitable and relevant answer)

Individu Q – Kanser
Individual Q – Cancer
P1 – Separuh pinggan terdiri daripada buah-buahan dan sayur-
sayuran, seperempat pinggan nasi putih, seperempat piring
ikan kukus/ telur rebus dan jus buah
Half plate consists of fruits and vegetables, quarter plate of white
rice, quarter plate of steamed fish/ boiled eggs and fruit juice
P2 – Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran mengandungi serat tinggi
yang membantu pencernaan 1
Fruits and vegetables contain high fibre that help in digestion
P3 – Jus buah mengandungi mineral dan vitamin untuk
meningkatkan keimunan 1
Fruit juice contain minerals and vitamins to increase the immunity
P4 – Beras putih mengandungi karbohidrat tinggi untuk
memberikan tenaga yang mencukupi semasa rawatan kanser 1
White rice contains high carbohydrate to provide sufficient energy
during cancer treatment
P5 – Ikan kukus yang tinggi protein membantu dalam penyembuhan
dan pemulihan tisu 1
Steamed fish high in protein that help in healing and repairing

Individu R – Masalah jantung

Individual R – Heart problem
P1 – Separuh pinggan terdiri daripada buah-buahan dan sayur- 1
sayuran, seperempat pinggan oat dan bijirin, seperempat
pinggan ikan salmon panggang dan jus buah
Half plate consists of fruits and vegetables, quarter plate of oats
and cereals, quarter plate of grilled salmon and fruit juice
P2 – Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran mengandungi serat tinggi
yang membantu pencernaan
Fruits and vegetables contain high fibre that help in digestion
P3 – Mineral dan vitamin supaya terhindar dari penyakit
Minerals and vitamins to avoid from diseases 1
P4 – Oat dan bijirin sangat baik untuk mengurangkan kolesterol
Oats and cereals are very good to reduce cholesterol 1
P5 – Ikan salmon panggang mengandungi omega tinggi yang
baik untuk meningkatkan HDL kolesterol baik 1 10
Grilled salmon contain high omega which is good to increase good
cholesterol HDL
(Mana-mana 10)

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10 (a) (i) Dapat menerangkan fungsi struktur P dan Q.
Able to explain the function of structures P and Q.
Struktur P/ Structure P
P1 – Serebrum/ Cerebrum 1
P2 – Mengawal tindakan terkawal/ emosi/ pendengaran/ 1
Control voluntary actions/ emotion/ hearing/ sight
P3 – Menganalisis/ mengintegrasi maklumat 1
Analysed/ integrated information

Struktur Q/ Structure Q
P4 – Medula oblongata/ Medulla oblongata 1
P5 – Mengawal tindakan luar kawal/ denyutan jantung/ pernafasan 1 4
Control involuntary actions/ heartbeat/ breathing
(Sekurang-kurangnya 1 P/Q)
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan kesan kegagalan fungsi lobus X pada kesihatan
lelaki tersebut.
Able to explain the effect of lobe X dysfunction on the man’s health.
P1 – Lobus X ialah lobus anterior 1
Lobe X is the anterior lobe
P2 – ADH tidak dirembeskan 1
ADH is not secreted
P3 – Tubul berlingkar distal menjadi kurang telap kepada air 1
Distal convoluted tubule become less permeable to water
P4 – Kurang air diserap semula (ke dalam kapilari darah) 1
Less water is reabsorbed (into blood capillaries)
P5 – Air kencing banyak dan cair
Urine is high volume and less concentrated
P6 – Menghidap diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus occurs 1
P7 – Mengalami penyahhidratan dan sentiasa haus
Dehydration and often feel thirsty 1 6
(Mana-mana 6)
(b) Dapat menerangkan hubungan antara kadar pernafasan dengan
aktiviti peminat pertandingan realiti nyanyian.
Able to explain the relationship between the breathing rate and the activities
of the reality singing competition fans.
P1 – Peminat pertandingan realiti nyanyian teruja 1
The reality singing competition fans are excited
P2 – Kelenjar adrenal dirangsang oleh sistem saraf 1
Adrenal gland is stimulated by nervous system
P3 – Merembeskan lebih banyak adrenalina 1
Secrete more adrenaline
P4 – Adrenalina menyebabkan degupan jantung lebih cepat
Adrenaline causes heart to pump faster
P5 – Lebih banyak darah mengalir ke sel
More blood flow to the cells 1
P6 – Lebih banyak oksigen diangkut ke sel
More oxygen is transported into the cells 1
P7 – Adrenalina juga menyebabkan aras glukosa dalam darah
meningkat 1
Adrenaline also causes the glucose level in the blood increase
P8 – Lebih banyak glukosa dioksidakan oleh oksigen 1
More glucose is oxidised by oxygen

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P9 – Kadar respirasi sel meningkat 1
Rate of cellular respiration increase
P10 – Lebih banyak tenaga dihasilkan 1 10
More energy is produced
11 (a) Dapat menerangkan perkembangan awal zigot bermula dari proses
I hingga proses IV.
Able to explain the early development of zygote starting from process I
to process IV.
Proses/ Process I
P1 – Oosit sekunder bersenyawa dengan sperma di tiub Falopio 1
Secondary oocyte fertilised with sperm at Fallopian tube
P2 – Menghasilkan zigot diploid 1
Produce diploid zygote
Proses/ Process II
P3 – Zigot membahagi secara mitosis 1
Zygote divides by mitosis
P4 – Membentuk embrio 2 sel/ 4 sel/ 8 sel 1
Form a 2 cells/ 4 cells/ 8 cells embryo
Proses/ Process III
P5 – Morula berkembang membentuk blastosista 1
Morula develop to form blastocyst
Proses/ Process IV
P6 – Blastosista menempel pada dinding endometrium 1
Blastocyst implant at endometrium wall
P7 – Dinding blastosista yang tebal berkembang membentuk 1 5
Thickened blastocyst wall develops into embryo
(Mana-mana 5)
(b) Dapat membincangkan keberkesanan struktur X dalam Rajah
11.2 bagi memastikan sistem peredaran darah fetus dan ibu
berfungsi secara optimum.
Able to discuss the effectiveness of structure X in Diagram 11.2 in
ensuring that the blood circulatory system of the foetus and mother
functions optimally.
P1 – Struktur X ialah plasenta/ Structure X is placenta 1
P2 – Plasenta terbentuk daripada tisu endometrium dan tisu embrio 1
Placenta is formed from endometrium tissue and embryo tissue
P3 – Tapak pertukaran bahan antara ibu dan fetus 1
Exchange site of substance between mother and foetus
P4 – Glukosa/ asid amino/ antibodi/ oksigen meresap dari darah 1
ibu ke dalam kapilari darah fetus
Glucose/ amino acid/ antibody/ oxygen diffuse from mother blood
into foetal blood capillaries
P5 – Karbon dioksida/ urea meresap dari kapilari darah fetus ke
dalam darah ibu
Carbon dioxide/ urea diffuses from foetal blood capillaries into
mother blood
P6 – Plasenta bertindak sebagai organ endokrin
Placenta acts as endocrine organ 1
P7 – Merembeskan progesteron untuk mengekalkan ketebalan
endometrium 1
Secrete progesterone to maintain endometrium thickness

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P8 – Menyebabkan darah ibu dan darah fetus tidak bercampur 1
Causes mother blood and foetus blood do not mix
P9 – Untuk melindungi fetus dari bahan yang berbahaya/ toksin/ 1
To protect foetus from dangerous substances/ toxin/ bacteria
P10 – Menghalang salur darah fetus pecah akibat tekanan darah 1
ibu yang tinggi
Prevent foetal blood vessel from burst due to the mother high
blood pressure
P11 – Menghalang pengaglutinatan/ Penggumpalan darah berlaku 1 10
Prevents agglutination/ Blood clot occurs
(Mana-mana 10)
(c) Dapat mencadangkan dan menerangkan satu teknik yang sesuai
untuk membantu Puan Z mendapatkan anak yang mewarisi ciri-ciri
genetik Puan Z dan suaminya.
Able to suggest and explain an appropriate technique to help Mrs. Z to
have a child who inherits the genetic traits of Mrs. Z and her husband.
P1 – Teknik persenyawaan in vitro/ Ibu tumpang 1
In vitro fertilisation/ Surrogate mother
P2 – Oosit sekunder/ Ovum dari Puan Z diambil menggunakan 1
Secondary oocyte/ Ovum of Mrs. Z is taken by laparoscope
P3 – Bersenyawa dengan sperma suaminya 1
Fertilise with her husband sperm
P4 – Dalam piring petri yang mengandungi larutan bernutrien
In petri dish containing nutrient solution
P5 – Zigot berkembang membentuk embrio
Zygote develops into embryo 1
P6 – Embrio dipindahkan ke uterus ibu tumpang
Embryo is transferred into surrogate mother uterus 1
P7 – Untuk penempelan/ For implantation 1
P8 – Embrio berkembang menjadi fetus 1 5
Embryo develop into foetus
(Mana-mana 5)


1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C
11 D 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 D 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 A
21 B 22 A 23 D 24 A 25 C 26 B 27 C 28 A 29 D 30 C
31 A 32 C 33 B 34 A 35 C 36 B 37 C 38 D 39 B 40 C

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1 (a) Dapat menamakan tisu kekal P dan Q.
Able to name the permanent tissues P and Q.
P: Tisu epidermis/ Epidermal tissue 1
Q: Tisu floem/ Phloem tissue 1 2

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(b) Dapat menamakan sel yang terubah suai itu.
Able to name the modified cell.
• Sel akar rambut/ Root hair cell 1 1
(c) Dapat menerangkan ciri-ciri tisu R yang membolehkannya
menjalankan fungsi secara berkesan.
Able to explain the characteristics of tissue R that enable it to function
P1 – Terbentuk daripada sel-sel mati/ tiada sitoplasma 1
Made up of dead cells/ no cytoplasm
P2 – Dinding sel ditebalkan oleh lignin 1
Cell wall is thickened by lignin
P3 – Salur xilem memanjang/ berongga/ bersambungan 1 2
Xylem vessels are elongated/ hollow/ continuous
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat menyatakan kesan yang berlaku terhadap pertumbuhan
primordium daun.
Able to state the effect on the growth of leaf primordia.
• Penambahan panjang batang// Ketinggian pokok bertambah 1 1
Increased stem length// Height of the tree increases
2 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan kawasan yang mempunyai keupayaan air yang
Able to state which region has high water potential.
• N 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat memberikan satu sebab bagi jawapan di 2(a)(i).
Able to give one reason for the answer in 2(a)(i).
• Molekul air lebih banyak dari M// Molekul sukrosa lebih 1 1
rendah dari M
More water molecules than M// Sucrose molecules are lower than M
(a) (iii) Dapat menamakan proses yang terlibat.
Able to name the process involved.
• Osmosis 1 1
(b) (i) Dapat menerangkan mengapa merendam kangkung ke dalam air.
Able to explain why immersed the spinach into water.
P1 – Air ialah hipotonik berbanding sel kangkung 1
Water is hypotonic than spinach cells
P2 – Molekul air meresap masuk ke dalam sel 1
Water molecules diffuse into the cells
P3 – secara osmosis/ by osmosis 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (ii) Dapat melukis sel kangkung selepas direndam ke dalam air.
Able to draw the spinach cell after immersed in water.

1 1


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3 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan jenis pembahagian sel tersebut.
Able to name the type of cell division.
• Meiosis 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan perlakuan kromosom yang berlaku.
Able to explain the chromosomal behaviour that occurs.
P1 – Kromosom menebal dan memendek 1
Chromosome shorten and thicken
P2 – Kromosom homolog bersinapsis membentuk bivalen/ tetrad 1
Homologous chromosomes synapsis form bivalent/ tetrad
P3 – Proses pindah silang berlaku di kiasma 1
Crossing over process occur at chiasmata
P4 – Membran nukleus/ nukleolus menghilang 1
Nucleus membrane/ nucleolus disappears
P5 – Sentriol bergerak ke kutub bertentangan/ gentian gelendong
1 2
Centriole move to opposite pole/ spindle fibres are formed
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (i) Dapat menamakan penyakit genetik yang dialami oleh kanak-
kanak itu.
Able to name the genetic disorder this child has.
• Sindrom Down 1 1
Down syndrome
(b) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana struktur L dalam Rajah 3.1
menyebabkan penyakit genetik yang dinamakan di 3(b)(i).
Able to explain how structure L in Diagram 3.1 causes a genetic disorder
named in 3(b)(i).
P1 – L/ Gentian gelendong gagal terbentuk 1
L/ The spindle fibres fail to form
P2 – Kromosom homolog gagal berpisah/ Kromosom gagal 1
berpisah// Tak disjungsi
Homologous chromosomes fail to separate/ Chromosomes fail to
separate// Nondisjunction
P3 – semasa anafasa I/ anafasa II
during anaphase I/ anaphase II
P4 – Menghasilkan gamet yang mempunyai lebih satu kromosom/
24 kromosom
Produces gamete with extra one chromosome/ 24 chromosomes
P5 – Bersenyawa dengan gamet normal menghasilkan zigot dengan
47 kromosom 1 3
Fertilising with normal gamete to produce a zygote with 47
(Mana-mana 3)
4 (a) Dapat menamakan bahagian dalam Rajah 4.1 yang berfungsi
mengangkut makanan.
Able to name the part in Diagram 4.1 which function to transport the
• Bahagian C/ Floem 1 1
Part C/ Phloem

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(b) Dapat menyatakan bahagian dalam Rajah 4.1 yang akan berwarna
merah dan menerangkan mengapa.
Able to state which part in Diagram 4.1 will be red colour and explain why.
P1 – Bahagian B 1
Part B
P2 – B ialah xilem 1
B is xylem
P3 – Fungsi xilem untuk mengangkut air dan mineral 1 2
Xylem function to transport water and mineral
(Mana-mana 2)
(c) (i) Dapat menerangkan mengapa tisu C mempunyai bilangan
mitokondrion yang banyak.
Able to explain why tissue C have many mitochondria.
P1 – Mitokondrion akan mensintesis lebih banyak tenaga 1
Mitochondria will synthesis more energy
P2 – Tenaga akan digunakan untuk mengangkut nutrien dalam 1 2
Energy will be used to transport the nutrient in tissue
(c) (ii) Dapat menyatakan kepentingan translokasi kepada tumbuhan.
Able to state the importance of translocation to the plants.
P1 – Translokasi akan mengangkut makanan dari daun ke bahagian 1 1
lain tumbuhan untuk pertumbuhan
Translocation will transport food from leaves to other parts of
plant for growth
(c) (iii) Dapat menyatakan kepentingan mempunyai pelbagai jenis penebalan
lignin dalam tisu B.
Able to state the purpose of different type of lignification in tissue B.
P1 – Penebalan lignin akan memberi kekuatan pada tisu xilem 1
Lignification will give strength to the xylem tissue
P2 – Memberikan sokongan mekanikal kepada batang 1 1
Provide mechanical support for the stem
(Mana-mana 1)
5 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan jenis lemak untuk M dan N.
Able to name the types of fat for M and N.
M: Lemak tak tepu 1
Unsaturated fat
N: Lemak tepu 1 2
Saturated fat
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan dua perbezaan antara M dan N.
Able to state two differences between M and N.
P1 – M wujud dalam bentuk cecair pada suhu bilik sedangkan 1
N wujud dalam bentuk pepejal pada suhu bilik
M exist in liquid form at room temperature whereas N exist in
solid form at room temperature
P2 – Asid lemak dalam N hanya mempunyai ikatan tunggal antara 1 2
karbon manakala asid lemak dalam M mempunyai sekurang-
kurangnya satu ikatan ganda dua antara karbon
Fatty acids in N only have single bond between carbons whereas
fatty acids in M have at least one double bond between carbons

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(b) Dapat menamakan dan menerangkan proses P.
Able to name and explain process P.
P: Proses kondensasi/ Condensation process 1
P1 – Satu gliserol bergabung dengan tiga molekul asid lemak 1
One glycerol combine with three molecules of fatty acids
P2 – Untuk membentuk satu molekul trigliserida 1
To form one molecule of triglycerides
P3 – Tiga molekul air akan disingkirkan 1 4
Three water molecules will be removed
6 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan ciri M.
Able to state the characteristic of M.
• Tumbuhan tanpa biji benih/ Seedless plants 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menamakan rajah bercabang tersebut.
Able to name the diagram.
• Pokok filogeni/ Phylogenetic tree 1 1
(a) (iii) Dapat menerangkan cara penulisan yang betul untuk nama saintifik
sesuatu organisma.
Able to explain the correct way to write the scientific name of an organism.
P1 – Perkataan pertama ialah genus dan perkataan kedua ialah 1
First word is the name of genus and second word is the name of
P2 – Genus bermula dengan huruf besar manakala spesies bermula 1
huruf kecil
First letter of genus is capital while the name of species is not
P3 – Jika ditaip/ dicetak dalam bentuk italic,// Jika ditulis tangan, 1 2
kedua-dua nama mesti digaris secara berasingan
If printed in italic,// If handwritten, the two names must underlined
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat membezakan dua organisma ini berdasarkan ciri sepunya
yang diperhatikan.
Able to differ these two organisms based on common characteristics
Tumbuhan darat/ Plantae
Amoeba sp./ Protista
Land plant
D1 Organisma multisel/ lebih Organisma unisel/ satu
dari satu sel sel
Multicellular organism/ more Unicellular organism/ single 1
than one cell cell
D2 Autotrof/ Boleh sintesis Heterotrof/ tidak boleh
makanan sendiri sintesis makanan sendiri
Autotroph / Can synthesis its Heterotroph/ cannot 1
own food synthesis its own food
D3 Mendapatkan makanan Mendapatkan makanan
daripada bahan tak organik/ daripada organisma lain
tenaga cahaya Obtains food by eating other
1 2
Obtains food from inorganic
materials/ light energy
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) Dapat menerangkan mengapa organisma ini tumbuh subur pada
batang pokok yang mati.
Able to explain why do these organisms grow well on dead stem.
P1 – Tidak mempunyai klorofil/ kloroplas 1
Does not have chlorophyll/ chloroplast
P2 – Tidak dapat menyerap/ memerangkap cahaya untuk 1
Cannot absorb/ trap light for photosynthesis
P3 – Mempunyai bebenang hifa/ miselium 1
Have a network of hyphae/ mycelium
P4 – untuk menyerap nutrien dari batang pokok yang mati 1 2
to absorb nutrient from dead stem
(Mana-mana 2)
7 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan jenis piramid ekologi itu.
Able to name the type of ecological pyramid.
• Piramid biojisim 1 1
Pyramid of biomass
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan organisma dalam aras trof pertama
dengan aras trof kedua berdasarkan tabiat nutrisinya.
Able to explain the difference between an organism in the first trophic
level and the second trophic level according to their nutrition.

Aras trof pertama Aras trof kedua

First trophic level Second trophic level
D1 Autotrof Heterotrof
Autotroph Heterotroph
D2 Sintesis bahan organik Mendapat nutrien/
daripada bahan tak organik bahan organik daripada
Synthesis organic substances organisma lain 1
from inorganic matters Obtain nutrient/ organic
substances from other
D3 Secara fotosintesis/ Secara saprotrof/ holozoik/
kemosintesis parasit 1 2
By photosynthesis/ By saprotrophic/ holozoic/
chemosynthesis parasitic
(Mana-mana 2)
(a) (iii) Dapat membina satu rantai makanan.
Able to construct a food chain.
Tumbuhan hijau → Arnab → Ular → Helang 1 1
Green plant → Rabbit → Snake → Eagle
(b) (i) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana tenaga dipindahkan dari satu
organisma kepada organisma yang lain.
Able to explain how energy is transferred from one organism to another.
P1 – Sumber tenaga utama ialah Matahari/ tenaga cahaya 1
Primary source of energy is the Sun/ light energy
P2 – Tumbuhan hijau menukarkan tenaga cahaya kepada tenaga 1
Green plants convert light energy into chemical energy
P3 – Apabila pengguna primer makan pengeluar, 1
When primary consumer eat the producer,

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P4 – 10% tenaga dipindahkan/ berkurangan dari satu aras trof ke 1
aras trof yang lain
10% of energy is transferred/ decrease from one trophic level into
P5 – 90% tenaga hilang melalui respirasi/ haba/ perkumuhan 1 3
90% energy lost through respiration/ heat/ excretion
(Mana-mana 3)
(b) (ii) Dapat menerangkan kesan kepada rantai makanan tersebut.
Able to explain the effect on the food chain.
P1 – Populasi pengguna primer/ arnab meningkat kerana kurang 1
Population of primary consumer/ rabbit increase because less
P2 – Populasi pengeluar/ tumbuhan hijau berkurangan 1
Population of producer/ green plants decrease
P3 – Populasi pengguna tertier/ helang berkurangan kerana kurang 1 2
Population of tertiary consumer/ eagle decrease because lack of
(Mana-mana 2)
8 (a) Dapat menyatakan di mana terletaknya pusat kawalan respirasi
di otak.
Able to state where is the respiration control centre located in the brain.
• Medula oblongata/ Medulla oblongata 1 1
(b) Dapat membanding bezakan kesan tindakan organ P dan organ
Q dalam mengawal atur tekanan separa karbon dioksida dalam darah.
Able to compare and contrast the effects of the action of organ P and organ
Q in regulating the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Persamaan/ Similarity:
S1 – Melibatkan pengecutan dan pengenduran otot yang lebih cepat 1
Involves more rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles
Perbezaan/ Differences:
Organ P Organ Q
D1 Kadar pernafasan/ ventilasi Kadar denyutan jantung
meningkat meningkat 1
Breathing/ ventilation rate Heart rate increase
D2 Lebih banyak pertukaran Lebih cepat darah mengalir
gas berlaku Blood flow faster
More gaseous exchange occurs
D3 Lebih banyak karbon Lebih banyak karbon
dioksida dihembus keluar dioksida diangkut
More carbon dioxide exhale More carbon dioxide is 1 3
(Mana-mana 3)

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(c) (i) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana aktiviti dalam Rajah 8.2
mempengaruhi X dan Y pada Rajah 8.1.
Able to explain how the activity in Diagram 8.2 affect X and Y in
Diagram 8.1.
P1 – Tekanan separa karbon dioksida meningkat 1
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide increase
P2 – Membentuk asid karbonik/ ion bikarbonat 1
Carbonic acid/ bicarbonate ion is formed
P3 – pH darah/ bendalir tisu menurun 1
pH of blood/ tissue fluid decrease
P4 – Dikesan oleh X dan Y/ jasad karotid dan jasad aorta//
kemoreseptor periferi
Detect by X and Y/ carotid body and aortic body// peripheral
P5 – Cetuskan impuls saraf
Triggers the nerve impulse 1 3
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) (ii) Dapat menyatakan dan menerangkan apa yang perlu dilakukannya
di sepanjang aktiviti tersebut untuk mengekalkan tekanan osmosis
Able to state and explain what he needs to do throughout the activity to
maintain his blood osmotic pressure.
P1 – Minum minuman isotonik 1
Drink isotonic drinks
P2 – Dapat menggantikan kehilangan cecair melalui perpeluhan 1
Able to replenish fluids lost by sweating
P3 – Dapat mengimbangkan kehilangan cecair badan/ elektrolit 1 2
Able to balance the body fluid/ electrolytes
(Mana-mana 2)
9 (a) (i) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana pertukaran gas R berlaku antara
T dan kapilari darah.
Able to explain how gas R exchange take place between T and blood
F – R ialah oksigen/ R is oxygen 1
P1 – Tekanan separa R/ oksigen di T/ alveolus lebih tinggi dari 1
kapilari darah
Partial pressure of R/ oxygen in T/ alveolus is higher than in
blood capillaries
P2 – R/ oksigen meresap dari T/ alveolus ke kapilari darah 1
R/ oxygen diffuse from T/ alveolus into blood capillaries
P3 – secara resapan ringkas/ by simple diffusion
1 2
(Mana-mana 2)
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana gas S diangkut dari sel badan ke T.
Able to state how gas S is transported from body cells to T.
P1 – Bergabung dengan hemoglobin membentuk 1
Bind with haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin
P2 – Berpadu dengan air membentuk asid karbonik 1
Bind with water to form carbonic acid
P3 – (Asid karbonik) terurai kepada ion bikarbonat 1 2
(Carbonic acid) break down into bicarbonate ion
(Mana-mana 2)

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(b) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana keadaan ini mempengaruhi
mekanisme pernafasan lelaki tersebut.
Able to explain how the condition affect the man’s breathing mechanism.
P1 – Pengecutan otot interkosta (luar) kurang berlaku 1
Intercostal muscle (external) contraction is less
P2 – Daya tidak/ kurang dipindahkan ke tulang rusuk 1
No/ less force is transferred to the ribs
P3 – Sangkar rusuk sukar dinaikkan ke atas/ ke depan 1
Ribcage is difficult to move upward/ forward
P4 – Otot diafragma sukar mengecut/ kurang turun ke bawah/ 1
kurang mendatar
Diaphragm muscles are difficult to contract/ move downward/
less horizontal
P5 – Pertambahan isi padu rongga toraks sangat sedikit
Increase in volume of thoracic cavity is very small 1
P6 – Pengurangan tekanan rongga toraks juga sangat sedikit //
Tekanan rongga toraks lebih kurang sama dengan tekanan 1
The reduction of the pressure of the thoracic cavity is also very
small // The pressure of the thoracic cavity is almost equal to the
atmospheric pressure
P7 – Hanya sedikit udara masuk ke dalam peparu 1
Only a little air enters the lungs
P8 – Mengalami kesukaran bernafas/ Tidak cukup oksigen 1 6
Difficult to breath/ Not enough oxygen
(Mana-mana 6)
(c) (i) Dapat menerangkan persamaan struktur organ respirasi antara dua
organisma dalam Rajah 9.2.
Able to explain the similarities of respiratory organ structure between two
organisms in Diagram 9.2.
S1 – Kedua-dua permukaan organ respirasi nipis/ setebal satu sel 1
Both respiratory organ surfaces are thin/ one-cell thick
S2 – Kadar resapan gas cepat/ mudah 1
Rate of gas diffusion is faster/ easily
S3 – Kedua-dua mempunyai banyak struktur respirasi 1
Both have many respiratory structures
S4 – maka jumlah luas permukaan bertambah
so total surface area increases
S5 – Kedua-dua mempunyai jaringan kapilari darah yang banyak
Both have many network of blood capillaries 1
S6 – untuk mengangkut gas respirasi dengan lebih cepat
to transport respiratory gaseous faster 1 4
(Mana-mana 4)
(c) (ii) Dapat membanding bezakan mekanisme pernafasan bagi organisma
R dan organisma S.
Able to compare and contrast breathing mechanism for organism R and
organism S.
Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-dua organisma menjalani proses tarik dan hembus nafas 1
Both organisms undergo the process of inhalation and exhalation
S2 – Kedua-dua (organisma) mekanisme melibatkan perubahan 1
isi padu/ tekanan udara dalam rongga pernafasan
Both (organisms) mechanisms involve changes in the volume/
pressure in the respiratory cavity

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S3 – Kedua-dua organisma mempunyai struktur khas berotot 1
Both organisms have special muscular structures
S4 – untuk mengembang dan mengecutkan rongga pernafasan 1
to expand and contract the respiratory cavity
Perbezaan/ Differences:
Organisma R Organisma S
Organism R Organism S
D1 Insang/ Gills Peparu/ Lungs
D2 Mulut terbuka Lubang hidung terbuka
Mouth opens Nostril open 1
D3 Bukaan operkulum tertutup Mulut/ Glotis tertutup
Operculum opening closed Mouth / Glottis closed 1
D4 Air yang mengandungi oksigen Udara masuk ke dalam
terlarut memasuki mulut lubang hidung
Water containing dissolve oxygen Air enters through nostril 1
enters the mouth
D5 Air/ Oksigen terlarut melalui Udara memasuki
insang peparu
Water/ Dissolve oxygen through Air enter the lungs 1 6

10 (a) (i) Dapat menerangkan tindakan antibodi seperti yang ditunjukkan
dalam Rajah 10.1.
Able to explain the action of the antibodies as shown in Diagram 10.1.
P1 – Pengaglutinan/ Agglutination 1
P2 – Antibodi menggumpalkan patogen 1
Antibodies coagulate the pathogens
P3 – Menjadikan patogen sasaran mudah untuk diperangkap dan 1 2
dimusnahkan oleh sel fagosit
Make them an easy target to be trapped and destroyed by phagocytes
(Mana-mana 2)
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan antara antibodi dan antigen.
Able to explain the differences between antibody and antigen.
D1 – Antigen ialah bendasing yang memasuki badan 1
Antigen is foreign substances that enter the body
D2 – Antigen ialah molekul protein yang terdapat pada dinding 1
atau membran luar patogen.
Antigen is protein molecule found on wall or external membrane
of the pathogen.
D3 – Antibodi pula ialah protein yang dihasilkan oleh limfosit 1 2
yang berfungsi untuk memusnahkan antigen.
Antibody is a protein produced by lymphocytes that function to
destroy the antigen
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana proses tersebut bertindak sebagai
barisan pertahanan kedua.
Able to explain how the process act as second line of defence.
P1 – Proses tersebut ialah fagositosis 1
The process is phagocytosis

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P2 – Fagosit mengunjurkan pseudopodium ke arah bakteria dan 1
mengepung bakteria
Phagocyte extends its pseudopodium towards the bacteria and
envelopes the bacteria
P3 – Pengingesan bakteria membentuk fagosom 1
Bacterial ingestion forms phagosome
P4 – Fagosom bergabung dengan lisosom yang merembeskan 1
lisozim ke dalam fagosom
Phagosome combine with lysosome that secretes lysozyme into the
P5 – Bakteria di dalam fagosom dimusnahkan oleh lisozim
Bacteria in the phagosome is destroyed by the lysozyme
P6 – Fagosit menyingkirkan sisa mikroorganisma yang tercerna
1 6
keluar sel
Phagocyte expel the remains of the digested microorganism out of
the cell.
(c) Dapat menerangkan perbandingan antara keimunan aktif buatan
dengan keimunan pasif buatan.
Able to explain the comparison between artificial active immunity and
artificial passive immunity.

Persamaan/ Similarities
S1 – Memberi pelindungan daripada jangkitan penyakit 1
Protects the body from infectious diseases
S2 – Melibatkan interaksi antara antibodi dan antigen
Involves interaction between antibodies and antigens
Perbezaan/ Differences
Keimunan aktif Keimunan pasif
buatan buatan
Artificial active Artificial passive
immunity immunity
Diperolehi Suntikan vaksin Suntikan antiserum
melalui Vaccine injection Antiserum injection 1
Bahan Vaksin ialah ampaian Antiserum ialah serum
suntikan patogen yang lemah, yang mengandungi
Injected mati atau tidak virulen. antibodi spesifik
substance Vaccine is a suspension Antiserum is a serum 1
of pathogens that are that contains specific
weakened, dead or non- antibodies.
Tujuan Pencegahan Rawatan atau
Purpose Prevention sekiranya
perlindungan serta- 1
merta diperlukan
Treatment or when
immediate protection is

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Kesan Tidak memberi Memberi perlindungan

Effect perlindungan serta- serta-merta
merta Gives immediate protection 1
Does not give immediate
Tempoh Keimunan kekal Keimunan bersifat
keimunan untuk tempoh masa sementara dan tidak
Immunity 1
yang lama kekal lama
period Immunity last for a long Immunity is temporary and
period of time does not persist
Waktu Suntikan vaksin diberi Suntikan antibodi
suntikan sebelum dijangkiti tersedia diberi dahulu
diberikan penyakit sekiranya terdapat risiko
When Vaccine injection is tinggi untuk dijangkiti
injection is administered before atau sebaik selepas
given being infected 1
dijangkiti penyakit
Antibody injection is given
in advance if there is a
high risk of infection or
immediately after being
infected by a disease
Antibodi Antibodi dihasilkan Antibodi diperoleh
Antibody sendiri oleh sel daripada antiserum
limfosit Antibodies are obtained
Antibodies are produced from antiserums 1
by the lymphocytes
Keperluan Perlu diberi bagi Hanya perlu diberi
memberi meningkatkan semula sekiranya aras antibodi
suntikan aras antibodi melepasi dalam darah jatuh di
kedua (dos aras keimunan untuk bawah aras keimunan
penggalak) memberi perlindungan dan pesakit masih
The need to
1 10
terhadap penyakit dijangkiti penyakit
give a second Must be given to boost tersebut
injection the level of antibodies Is only given when the
(booster above the level of antibodies level in the blood
dose) immunity as a protection drops below the level of
against the disease immunity and the patient is
still infected by the disease

11 (a) Dapat menerangkan kebaikan dan keburukan makanan terubah
suai genetik kepada kehidupan manusia.
Able to explain the advantages and the disadvantages of genetically
modified food towards human lives.
Kebaikan GMF
Advantages of GMF
P1 – Mengatasi masalah bekalan makanan dunia melalui 1
penghasilan tanaman dan ternakan transgenik yang berkualiti
Overcome worldwide food shortage by producing high quality
transgenic crops and livestocks
P2 – Kos penghasilan makanan menjadi lebih rendah
Reduce cost of food production

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P3 – Meningkatkan kandungan nutrisi tanaman 1
Increase nutritional value of crops
P4 – Mengurangkan masalah serangga perosak dalam penanaman 1
Reduce problems of crops related to pests
P5 – Mengurangkan penggunaan pestisid 1
Reduce the usage of pesticides
P6 – Hasil yang banyak menyebabkan harga makanan lebih murah 1
dan mudah didapati
Increase in production reduces price of food and increase food

Keburukan GMF
Disadvantages of GMF
P1 – Spesies semula jadi akan terancam 1
Endangered natural species
P2 – Terdapat kemungkinan kecil untuk gen yang dimasukkan 1
ke dalam GMF dipindahkan kepada manusia contohnya gen
rintang antibiotik
There is a slight possibility that the foreign gene in GMF may be
transferred to humans, for example, antibiotic-resistance gene
P3 – Kesihatan manusia mungkin terjejas dan kandungan genetik
1 5
manusia mungkin terjejas.
May have adverse effects on human health and genetic material
(Mana-mana 5)
(b) Dapat menghuraikan penghasilan insulin melalui teknik kejuruteraan
Able to describe the production of insulin by genetic engineering technique.
P1 – Segmen DNA/ gen/ kod genetik untuk penghasilan insulin 1
Segment of DNA/ gene/ genetic code for insulin production
P2 – diambil daripada sel manusia/ pankreas 1
is taken from human cell/ pancreas
P3 – Disisipkan ke dalam bakteria 1
Insert into bacteria
P4 – Membentuk bakteria rekombinan DNA 1
Form DNA recombinant bacteria
P5 – Kultur/ mengalami mitosis/ belahan dedua
Culture/ undergo mitosis/ binary fission
P6 – Membentuk lebih banyak bakteria rekombinan DNA
Forms more DNA recombinant bacteria 1
P7 – Menghasilkan insulin/ Synthesis insulin 1
P8 – Insulin diekstrak 1 5
Extraction of insulin
(Mana-mana 5)
(c) Dapat menerangkan aplikasi bioteknologi dalam kehidupan.
Able to describe the applications of biotechnology in life.
Terapi gen
Gene therapy
P1 – Terapi gen digunakan untuk merawat atau mencegah suatu 1
penyakit genetik.
Gene therapy is used to treat or prevent genetic diseases
P2 – Gen yang normal disisipkan ke dalam pesakit untuk 1
menggantikan gen yang abnormal
A normal gene is inserted into the patient to replace the abnormal

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P3 – Antara penyakit yang dapat dirawat menggunakan kaedah 1
terapi gen ialah sistik fibrosis, distrofi otot dan beberapa
jenis kanser.
The diseases that can be cured by gene therapy are cystic fibrosis,
muscular dystrophy and a few types of cancer.

Pemprofilan DNA
DNA profiling
P4 – Pemprofilan DNA ialah teknik forensik yang digunakan 1
untuk mengenal pasti individu berdasarkan DNA mereka.
DNA profiling is a technique used in forensic to identify individuals
based on their DNA
P5 – DNA adalah unik bagi setiap orang, kecuali kembar seiras.
This is due to the fact that an individual’s DNA is unique, except 1
between identical twins
P6 – Dengan menggunakan sampel DNA yang diekstrak daripada
darah, air mani atau kulit, seseorang individu itu dapat 1
dikenal pasti
An individual can be identified based on the DNA obtained from
his/her blood, semen (for male) or skin

Penghasilan tumbuhan bertoleransi serangga perosak

Production of insect tolerant plants
P7 – Penggunaan baka kapas tebal yang bertoleransi kepada ulat 1
perosak kapas contohnya kapas Bt di ladang-ladang kapas
telah mengurangkan penggunaan racun perosak.
Farming cotton breed with high yield and resistant to pest such
as Bt cotton in cotton farms has reduced the use of pesticides 1
P8 – Tanaman Bt disuntik dengan gen daripada Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt), iaitu sejenis bakteria tanah yang dapat
mengeluarkan bahan racun
The Bt crop is injected with genes from Bacillus thuringiensis
(Bt), a type of soil bacteria that secretes toxins

Pembersihan tumpahan minyak

Cleaning oil spill
P9 – Bioremediasi merupakan satu kaedah untuk membersihkan
bahan cemar dengan menggunakan bakteria. 1
Bioremediation is a method which uses bacteria to clean up
environmental pollutants.
P10 – Kaedah ini berkesan untuk merawat tumpahan minyak di
lautan 1
It is effective to treat oil spillage in the ocean
P11 – Kebanyakan molekul dalam minyak mentah petroleum dan
produk petroleum yang ditulenkan dapat diurai secara biologi 1
dengan menggunakan bakteria.
Most molecules in crude oil and purified oil products can be
degraded by bacteria
P12 – Alcanivorax borkumensis, iaitu sejenis bakteria yang
bergantung kepada minyak untuk mendapatkan tenaga telah 1 10
digunakan dengan meluas untuk merawat tumpahan minyak.
Alcanivorax borkumensis, a type of bacteria that depends on oil
for its source of energy is widely used to treat oil spills

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1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 B
11 D 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 C 18 A 19 A 20 B
21 B 22 D 23 C 24 B 25 B 26 B 27 D 28 D 29 D 30 C
31 D 32 C 33 D 34 D 35 D 36 A 37 B 38 D 39 B 40 D

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1 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan sel di R.
Able to name cell at R.
• Sel akar rambut/ Root hair cell 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan penyesuaian sel yang dinamakan di 1(a)(i).
Able to explain the adaptation of the cell named in 1(a)(i).
P1 – Sel R/ Sel akar rambut mengalami pengkhususan 1
Cell R/ Root hair cell undergo specialisation
P2 – mempunyai unjuran panjang 1
has a long projection
P3 – yang menambahkan luas permukaan 1
which increases surface area
P4 – untuk penyerapan air dan garam mineral 1 2
for the absorption of water and mineral salts
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) (i) Dapat menyatakan zon M.
Able to state zone M.
• Zon pembahagian sel/ Zone of cell division 1 1
(b) (ii) Dapat menerangkan apa yang berlaku di zon M.
Able to explain what happen in zone M.
P1 – Sel pada meristem apeks membahagi secara aktif 1
Cells at the apical meristems actively dividing
P2 – Melalui mitosis 1
Through mitosis
P3 – Bilangan sel bertambah 1
Increase of the number of cells
P4 – Apabila sel baharu dibentuk, sel-sel (terbentuk sebelumnya) 1 2
ditolak ke zon bersebelahan/ zon pemanjangan sel
When the new cells are forming, the cells (formed previously) are
pushed to the next zone/ zone of cell elongation
(Mana-mana 2)
2 (a) Dapat menerangkan mekanisme tindakan enzim.
Able to explain the mechanism of enzyme action.
P1 – (mekanisme) hipotesis ‘mangga dan kunci’ 1
(mechanism) ‘lock and key’ hypothesis
P2 – Enzim mempunyai tapak aktif yang spesifik 1
Enzyme has specific active site
P3 – Saling berpelengkap/ sepadan dengan molekul substrat yang 1
Complements a specific substrate molecule.
P4 – Penggabungan molekul substrat pada tapak aktif enzim 1
adalah spesifik
The binding of a substrate molecule on an active site of enzymes
is specific

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P5 – Enzim diwakili oleh ‘mangga’ manakala substrat diwakili 1 3
oleh ‘kunci’
The enzyme is represented by a ‘lock’ and the substrate is represented
by a ‘key
(Mana-mana 3)
(b) Dapat menerangkan tenaga pengaktifan dalam tindak balas enzim.
Able to explain activation energy in enzymatic reaction.
P1 – (Kebanyakan) tindak balas di dalam sel memerlukan tenaga 1
pengaktifan yang tinggi
(Most) reactions inside the cell require high activation energy
P2 – (Tenaga pengaktifan ialah tenaga yang diperlukan) untuk 1
memecahkan ikatan dalam molekul substrat
(Activation energy is the energy needed) to break the bond in the
substrate molecule
P3 – Enzim berfungsi mengurangkan tenaga pengaktifan 1
Enzymes function by lowering the activation energy
P4 – Kadar tindak balas biokimia dipercepatkan dalam sel
1 3
Rate of biochemical reactions in the cell is accelerated
(Mana-mana 3)
3 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan K, L dan M.
Able to name K, L and M.
K: Kloroplas/ Chloroplast 1
L: Mitokondrion/ Mitochondrion 1
M: Jalinan endoplasma kasar/ Rough endoplasmic reticulum 1 3
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan fungsi komponen L dalam sel tumbuhan.
Able to explain the function of component L in the plant cell.
P1 – Tapak proses respirasi sel/ Site for cell respiration 1
P2 – untuk menjana tenaga/ to generate energy 1
P3 – (tenaga diperlukan) untuk fotosintesis/ pertumbuhan/
pengangkutan bahan organik 1 2
(energy is needed) for photosynthesis/ growth/ transport of organic
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan ke atas pertumbuhan suatu tumbuhan
jika sel pada bahagian hujung pucuk tumbuhan kekurangan ribosom.
Able to explain the effect to the plant growth if the cells in the shoot tip
are lacking in ribosomes.
P1 – Kadar pertumbuhan pokok berkurangan/ terencat/ sebarang 1
jawapan yang bersesuaian
Plant growth rate decreases/ retarded/ any suitable answer
P2 – Kekurangan auksin 1
Insufficient of auxin
P3 – Sel memanjang dengan perlahan 1
Cell elongate slowly
P4 – Kurang penghasilan/ sintesis protein
1 2
Less protein produced/ synthesised
(Mana-mana 2)
4 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan jenis tumbuhan berdasarkan nutrisinya.
Able to name the type of plant based on its nutrition.
• Tumbuhan karnivor/ Carnivorous plants 1 1

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(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan jenis nutrisi tumbuhan tersebut.
Able to state the type of nutrition of the plant.
• Autotrof/ Autotroph 1 1
(a) (iii) Dapat memberikan alasan bagi jawapan di 4(a)(ii).
Able to give a reason for the answer in 4(a)(ii).
• Mensintesiskan sebatian organik daripada karbon dioksida/ 1 1
nutrien tak organik// Dapat mensintesis makanan sendiri melalui
proses fotosintesis
Synthesis organic compounds from carbon dioxide/ inorganic nutrients//
Can synthesis their own food through photosynthesis process
(b) Dapat menerangkan ciri-ciri penyesuaian tumbuhan tersebut untuk
bermandiri di kawasan tanah yang kekurangan nutrien.
Able to explain the adaptive characteristics of the plant to survive in soil
which lacks of nutrient.
P1 – Merembeskan nektar untuk menarik mangsa/ serangga 1
Secrete nectar to attract prey/ insects
P2 – Mempunyai kelongsong untuk memerangkap mangsa 1
Have cups to trap prey
P3 – (serangga) membekalkan nitrogen/ nutrien 1
(insect) provide nitrogen/ nutrient
P4 – Penting untuk pertumbuhan
1 3
Important for growth
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) Dapat mengelaskan nutrien-nutrien dalam Rajah 4.2 mengikut
kuantiti yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan.
Able to classify nutrients in Diagram 4.2 according to quantities required
by plants.
• Makronutrien dan mikronutrien 1 1
Macronutrients and micronutrients
5 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan X.
Able to name X.
• Spirakel 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan tujuan serangga mempunyai bilangan trakeol
yang banyak.
Able to state the purpose of insects having a large number of tracheoles.
• Menyediakan jumlah luas permukaan yang besar (untuk 1 1
pertukaran gas)
Provide a large total surface area (for the exchange of gases)
(b) Dapat menerangkan perkaitan antara fungsi struktur X dengan
Able to explain the relationship between the function of structure X and
its position.
P1 – Membantu dalam menarik nafas 1
Helps in inhalation
P2 – Otot abdomen/ toraks mengendur 1
Abdominal muscle/ thorax relaxes
P3 – Tekanan udara dalam trakea menurun 1
Air pressure in the trachea decreases

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P4 – Udara memasuki trakea melalui X/ spirakel 1 3
Air enters trachea through X/ spiracle
(Mana-mana 3)
(Nota: Terima sebaliknya untuk menghembus nafas)
(Note: Accept the opposite for exhaling)
(c) (i) Dapat menyatakan satu faktor yang menyebabkan emfisema.
Able to state one factor that causes emphysema.
• Bahan kimia bertoksik/ tar dalam asap rokok/ merokok 1 1
Toxic chemical substances/ tar in cigarette smoke/ smoking
(c) (ii) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan struktur alveolus yang normal
dengan alveolus yang menghidap emfisema.
Able to explain the differences between the structure of normal alveoli
and alveoli with emphysema.
D1 – Dinding alveolus penghidap emfisema rosak/ hilang 1
kekenyalan berbanding dinding alveolus yang normal
Alveolus wall with emphysema is damaged/ loss elasticity compared
to normal alveolus
D2 – Menyebabkan jumlas luas permukaan alveolus berkurang 1
Causes the total surface area of alveolus decrease
D3 – Kurang oksigen/ udara di dalam alveolus// Sel badan menerima
1 2
kurang oksigen
Less oxygen/ air in the alveolus// Body cell receives less oxygen
(Mana-mana 2)
6 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan kejadian yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 6.
Able to state phenomenon shown in Diagram 6.
• Hujan asid/ Acid rain 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana kejadian ini berlaku.
Able to explain how this phenomenon occur.
P1 – (pembakaran bahan api fosil) membebaskan gas nitrogen 1
oksida/ sulfur dioksida
(burning of fossil fuel) release nitrogen oxide/ sulphur dioxide
P2 – Gas ini bertindak balas dengan wap air dalam atmosfera// 1
Larut dalam air hujan
These gases react with water vapour in atmosphere// Dissolve in
P3 – Membentuk asid nitrik/ asid sulfurik 1 2
Form nitric acid/ sulphuric acid
(Mana-mana 2)
(b) Dapat menerangkan kesan kejadian yang dinamakan di 6(a)(i)
kepada hidupan akuatik.
Able to explain the effect of the phenomenon named in 6(a)(i) on aquatic life.
P1 – pH air rendah/ Keasidan air meningkat 1
pH of water decrease/ Water acidity increase
P2 – Populasi plankton berkurang 1
Plankton population reduce
P3 – Kebanyakan telur ikan tidak dapat menetas 1
Great number of fish eggs cannot hatch
P4 – Ikan mati/ Fish die 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)

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(c) Dapat menyatakan perbezaan tumbuhan yang mengalami kejadian
yang dinamakan di 6(a)(i) dengan tumbuhan yang tidak
Able to state the difference between plants that experience the phenomenon
named in 6(a)(i) compared to plants that do not experience it.
D1 – (hujan asid) menyebabkan kadar pertumbuhan perlahan 1
berbanding tumbuhan yang tidak mengalaminya
(acid rain) causes the growth rate of plant is slower compared to
plant that do not experience it
D2 – Mengakis/ memusnahkan tisu daun 1
Corrosive/ destroy leaf tissue
D3 – Mereputkan akar
1 2
Damage the roots
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat menamakan jenis pencemaran yang berlaku apabila asap yang
terbebas dari kilang perindustrian meningkat dalam atmosfera.
Able to name the type of pollution that occurs when smoke emitted from
an industrial plant increases in the atmosphere.
• Pencemaran udara/ Air pollution 1 1
7 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan molekul X.
Able to name molecule X.
• Piruvat/ Pyruvate 1 1
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan jenis respirasi dalam Rajah 7.1.
Able to state the type of respiration in Diagram 7.1.
• Respirasi aerob/ Aerobic respiration 1 1
(b) Dapat menyatakan apa yang berlaku apabila oksigen dibekalkan
semasa proses penghasilan produk tersebut.
Able to state what happens when oxygen is supplied during the production
process of the product.
P1 – Proses fermentasi tidak berlaku 1
Fermentation process does not occur
P2 – Laktosa/ gula susu tidak ditukarkan kepada asid laktik 1
Lactose/ milk sugar cannot turn into lactic acid
P3 – Penggumpalan kasein tidak berlaku 1 2
Coagulation of casein cannot occur
(Mana-mana 2)
(c) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan antara jenis respirasi yang dinamakan
di 7(a)(ii) dengan proses yang berlaku dalam penghasilan produk
di 7(b).
Able to explain the differences between the types of respiration named in
7(a)(ii) and the process that occur in the production of product in 7(b).

Respirasi aerob Fermentasi

Aerobic respiration Fermentation
D1 Penguraian glukosa Penguraian glukosa
lengkap// Berlaku dengan tidak lengkap// Berlaku
kehadiran oksigen tanpa kehadiran oksigen/
Breakdown of glucose oksigen terhad
complete// Occurs in the Breakdown of glucose
presence of oxygen incomplete// Occurs without/
limited oxygen

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D2 Berlaku dalam sitoplasma Berlaku dalam

dan mitokondrion sitoplasma
Occurs in cytoplasm and Occurs in cytoplasm 1
D3 Satu molekul glukosa Satu molekul glukosa
menghasilkan 2898 kJ menghasilkan 150 kJ
tenaga tenaga
One molecule of glucose One molecule of glucose
generates 2898 kJ energy generates 150 kJ energy
D4 Menghasilkan karbon Menghasilkan asid laktik
dioksida dan air Produce lactic acid
1 2
Produce carbon dioxide and
(Mana-mana 2)
(d) Dapat menerangkan kebaikan proses tersebut dalam penghasilan
makanan dalam Rajah 7.3.
Able to explain the benefits of the process in the production of food in
Diagram 7.3.
P1 – Proses fermentasi alkohol 1
Alcohol fermentation process
P2 – Membebaskan karbon dioksida 1
Release carbon dioxide
P3 – Menaikkan adunan 1
Dough rises
P4 – Etanol yang terhasil diguna dalam pembuatan bir/ wain
1 3
Ethanol produced are used in the making of beer/ wine
(Mana-mana 3)
8 (a) (i) Dapat menyatakan satu contoh variasi bagi Rajah 8.1(b).
Able to give an example of variation for Diagram 8.1(b).
• Pola cap jari// Kumpulan darah 1 1
Fingerprint patterns// Blood group
(a) (ii) Dapat menyatakan tiga perbezaan antara variasi selanjar dengan
variasi tak selanjar.
Able to state three differences between continuous variation and discontinuous

Variasi selanjar Variasi tak selanjar

Continuous variation Discontinuous variation
D1 Perbezaan ciri yang tidak Perbezaan ciri-ciri jelas/
ketara ketara
No obvious differences in Obvious/ distinct differences
characteristics in characteristics
D2 Terdapat ciri-ciri Tidak terdapat ciri-ciri
perantaraan perantaraan 1
Have intermediate No intermediate
characteristics characteristics
D3 Graf berbentuk taburan Graf berbentuk diskrit
normal Graph with discrete bars 1
Graph with normal distribution

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D4 Ciri dikawal oleh banyak Ciri dikawal oleh satu gen

gen tunggal
Characteristic is controlled by Characteristic is controlled 1
many genes by one single gene
D5 Dipengaruhi oleh faktor Tidak dipengaruhi oleh
persekitaran faktor persekitaran
Influenced by environmental Not influenced by
factors environmental factors
D6 Boleh diukur/ kuantitatif Tidak boleh diukur/
Can be measured/ quantitative kualitatif 1 3
Cannot be measured/
(Mana-mana 3)
(b) Dapat menerangkan mengapa kembar J dan K mempunyai fenotip
yang berbeza.
Able to explain why twins J and K have different phenotypes.
P1 – Disebabkan faktor persekitaran/ tabiat pemakanan 1
Causes by environmental factor/ eating habits
P2 – K mengamalkan diet rendah lemak// sentiasa bersenam 1
K practice low fat diet// exercise regularly
P3 – J mengamalkan diet tinggi lemak// tidak suka bersenam 1
J practice high fat diet// no exercise
P4 – K mempunyai berat badan ideal 1
K has ideal body weight
P5 – J mengalamai obesiti/ kegendutan
1 3
J is obese
(Mana-mana 3)
(c) Dapat menerangkan bagaimana Puan N dapat menghasilkan bunga
Hydrangea yang sama warna dengan jirannya, Puan T.
Able to explain how Mrs. N was able to produce Hydrangea flowers of
the same colour as her neighbour, Mrs. T.
P1 – Memastikan pH tanah beralkali 1
Make sure pH of soil is alkaline
P2 – Tanah berasid bunga warna biru// Tanah beralkali bunga 1
warna merah jambu
Acidic soil blue flower// Alkaline soil pink flower
P3 – (warna bunga) dipengaruhi oleh faktor persekitaran 1 2
(flower colour) is affected by environmental factor
(Mana-mana 2)
9 (a) Dapat menerangkan masalah kesihatan yang dihidapi oleh orang tua
apabila menghidap penyakit sendi seperti dalam Rajah 9.1(b).
Able to explain the health problems faced by the elderly when suffering
from joint disease as in Diagram 9.1(b).
P1 – Artritis/ Osteoartritis 1
Arthritis/ Osteoarthritis
P2 – Disebabkan oleh kekurangan bendalir sinovia 1
Due to lack of synovial fluid
P3 – Tulang rawan pada sendi haus/ nipis 1
Cartilage in the joints is worn/ thin
P4 – Ligamen memendek/ kurang kekenyalan
Ligament shortened/ less elastic

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P5 – Sendi sakit/ bengkak / kurang fleksibel 1
Sore/ swollen/ lesser flexible joints
P6 – Sukar menjalankan aktiviti harian 1 4
Difficult to carry out daily activities
(Mana-mana 4)
(b) Dapat menerangkan apa yang mungkin berlaku kepada atlet tersebut
akibat kecuaiannya.
Able to explain what might have happened to the athlete as a result of
the negligence.
P1 – Kurang oksigen beredar dalam darah 1
Less oxygen travel in the blood
P2 – Kadar degupan jantung tidak cukup tinggi 1
Heartbeat rate not high enough
P3 – Kapilari darah/ arteriol mengecut/ tidak mengembang 1
Blood capillaries/ arterioles constrict/ not dilate
P4 – Suhu otot tidak cukup tinggi
Temperature in the muscle not high enough
P5 – Otot/ sendi tidak cukup kendur
The muscle/ joint not loosens up 1
P6 – Asid laktik tidak dapat disingkirkan sepenuhnya
Lactic acid is not remove well 1
P7 – Gentian otot kurang elastik/ lentur
Fibre muscle less extensibility 1
P8 – Pengecutan otot berlaku secara mendadak
Sudden contraction of muscle 1
P9 – Menyebabkan kejang/ kelesuan otot
Causes muscle cramp/ fatigue 1 6
(Mana-mana 6)
(c) (i) Dapat membanding dan membeza antara vertebra M dan vertebra N.
Able to compare and contrast between vertebra M and vertebra N.
Persamaan/ Similarity:
S1 – Kedua-dua vertebra mempunyai cuaran melintang/ cuaran 1
spina/ sentrum/ salur saraf
Both vertebrae have transverse process/ spinous process/ centrum/
neural canal

Perbezaan/ Differences:
D1 Vertebra toraks Vertebra lumbar
Thoracic vertebra Lumbar vertebra 1
D2 Cuaran spina panjang Cuaran spina pendek
Long spinous process Short spinous process
D3 Cuaran melintang panjang Cuaran melintang pendek 1
Long transverse process Short transverse process
D4 Sentrum bersaiz sederhana Sentrum besar
Medium-sized centrum Large centrum 1
D5 Untuk menyokong berat Untuk menyokong berat
tulang rusuk bahagian bawah badan
To support the weight of the To support the weight of the 1
ribs lower body

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D6 Bersendi dengan tulang Tidak bersendi dengan

rusuk tulang rusuk 1 5
Joint with ribs Not joint with ribs
(1 S dan 4 P)
(c) (ii) Dapat membandingkan ciri-ciri dan struktur dalam sistem rangka
manusia dan burung yang membolehkan pergerakan berlaku
dengan cekap.
Able to compare the features and structures in the human and bird skeletal
systems that allow efficient movement.
Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-dua organisma mempunyai sendi 1
Both organisms have joints
S2 – Kedua-dua organisma mempunyai otot antagonistik 1
Both organisms have antagonistic muscles
S3 – Kedua-dua organisma mempunyai tendon untuk menyambung 1
tulang dengan otot
Both organisms have tendon to connects bone and muscle
S4 – Kedua-dua organisma mempunyai ligamen untuk
menyambung tulang dengan tulang
Both organisms have ligament to connect bone to bone

Perbezaan/ Differences:
Rajah 9.3(a) Rajah 9.3(b)
Diagram 9.3(a) Diagram 9.3(b)
D1 Jenis ototnya ialah biseps dan Jenis ototnya ialah
triseps/ biseps femoris dan pektoralis minor dan 1
kuadriseps femoris pektoralis major
Type of muscle is biceps and Type of muscle is pectoralis
triceps/ biceps femoris and minor and pectoralis major
quadriceps femoris
D2 Biseps mengecut untuk Pektoralis major
membengkok lengan// Otot mengecut untuk menarik
kuadriseps femoris mengecut sayap ke bawah
untuk meluruskan betis Pectoralis major contracts to 1 5
Biceps contracts to bend the pulls the wing down
arm// Quadriceps femoris
contracts to straightening the calf

10 (a) (i) Dapat menamakan P dan Q.
Able to name P and Q.
P – Anter/ Anther 1
Q – Ovul/ Ovule 1 2
(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan mengapa bunga dalam Rajah 10.1 mempunyai
stamen dan karpel pada bunga yang sama.
Able to explain why the flower in Diagram 10.1 has stamen and carpel
on the same flower.
P1 – Merupakan bunga biseks/ Is a bisexual flowers 1
P2 – Organ pembiakan jantan dan betina pada bunga yang sama 1
Both male and female reproductive organs at the same flower
P3 – Organisma hermafrodit/ Hermaphrodites organism 1 2
(Mana-mana 2)

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(b) Dapat menerangkan persamaan dan perbezaan yang berlaku dalam
Rajah 10.2(a) dan Rajah 10.2(b).
Able to explain the similarities and differences that occur in Diagram
10.2(a) and Diagram 10.2(b).
Persamaan/ Similarities:
S1 – Kedua-dua menjalani proses meiosis 1
Both undergo meiosis
S2 – Kedua-dua menjalani proses mitosis 1
Both undergo mitosis
S3 – Kedua-dua menghasilkan gamet 1
Both produces gametes

Perbezaan/ Differences:
Rajah 10.2(a) Rajah 10.2(b)
Diagram 10.2(a) Diagram 10.2(b)
D1 Berlaku di dalam pundi Berlaku di tisu nuselus
debunga di anter/ P dalam ovul/ Q 1
Occurs in pollen sacs in the Occurs in nucellus tissue in
anther/ P the ovule/ Q
D2 Pembentukan debunga Pembentukan pundi
Formation of pollen grains embrio 1
Formation of embryo sac
D3 Melibatkan sel induk Melibatkan sel induk
debunga/ sel induk pundi embrio/ sel induk
mikrospora megaspora 1
Involved pollen mother cells/ Involved embryo sac mother
microspore mother cells cell/ megaspore mother cell
D4 Bermeiosis menghasilkan 4 Bermeiosis menghasilkan
sel mikrospora/ tetrad 4 sel megaspora
Meiosis to produce 4 Meiosis to produce 4
microspore cells/ tetrad megaspore cells
D5 Setiap tetrad berkembang 3 sel megaspora merosot
membentuk debunga// 4 dan 1 sel berkembang//
debunga terbentuk hanya 1 sel megaspora 1
Each tetrad develops into a berkembang
pollen grain// 4 pollen grains 3 megaspore cells degenerate
are formed and 1 cell develops// only 1
megaspore cell develop
D6 Nukleus debunga Nukleus sel megaspora
bermitosis sekali sahaja bermitosis 3 kali 1
Nucleus of pollen grain mitosis Nucleus of megaspore cell
once only mitosis 3 times
D7 2 nukleus terhasil 8 nukleus terhasil 1 10
2 nuclei are produced 8 nuclei are produced

(c) Dapat menghuraikan proses persenyawaan ganda dua yang berlaku.

Able to describe the double fertilisation process that takes place.
P1 – Stigma merembeskan sukrosa/ larutan gula 1
Stigma secretes sucrose/ sugar solution
P2 – Merangsang percambahan debunga/ pembentukan tiub 1
Stimulate the germination of pollen grain/ formation of pollen tube

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P3 – Tiub debunga tumbuh ke arah ovul 1
Pollen tube grow down towards the ovule
P4 – Nukleus penjana bermitosis membentuk dua gamet jantan 1
Generative nucleus mitosis to form two male gametes
P5 – Tiub debunga merembeskan enzim untuk mencernakan tisu 1
Pollen tube secrete enzyme to digest style tissue
P6 – Tiub debunga menembusi ovul melalui mikropil 1
Pollen tube penetrate the ovule through micropyle
P7 – Nukleus tiub merosot 1
Tube nucleus degenerate
P8 – Satu gamet jantan mensenyawakan sel telur menghasilkan
zigot diploid
One male gamete fertilises egg cell to produce diploid zygote
P9 – Satu lagi gamet jantan bercantum dengan dua nukleus kutub
1 6
membentuk nukleus endosperma triploid
Another male gamete fuses with two polar nuclei to form a triploid
endosperm nucleus
(Mana-mana 6)
11 (a) Dapat menerangkan perbezaan proses pencernaan yang berlaku di
perut dan di duodenum.
Able to explain the differences between digestion process in the stomach
and in the duodenum.
D1 – Nilai pH di dalam perut ialah pH 1.5 – 2.0 manakala nilai 1
pH di dalam duodenum ialah pH 7.6 – 8.6
The pH in the stomach is pH 1.5 – 2.0 whereas the pH in the
duodenum is pH 7.6 – 8.6
D2 – Pencernaan protein berlaku di dalam perut tetapi di dalam 1
duodenum berlakunya pencernaan lipid, polipeptida dan
The digestion of protein occurs in the stomach but in duodenum
the digestion of lipid, polypeptide and starch occur
D3 – Perut dalam keadaan berasid manakala duodenum dalam
keadaan beralkali.
The stomach has acidic condition whereas the duodenum has alkaline
D4 – Asid hidroklorik dirembeskan ke dalam perut untuk
menyediakan keadaan berasid manakala hempedu 1
dirembeskan ke dalam duodenum untuk menyediakan keadaan
Hydrochloric acid is secreted into the stomach to prepare acidic
condition while bile is secreted into the duodenum to prepare
alkaline condition.
D5 – Di dalam perut, enzim pepsin dirembeskan manakala di
dalam duodenum, lipase, tripsin dan amilase pankreas 1 5
In the stomach, pepsin enzyme is secreted whereas in the duodenum,
lipase, trypsin and pancreatic amylase are secreted

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(b) Dapat menerangkan proses pencernaan, penyerapan dan asimilasi
protein di dalam badan manusia.
Able to describe the processes of protein digestion, absorption and
assimilation in human body.
Pencernaan/ Digestion:
P1 – Pencernaan protein berlaku di dalam perut, duodenum dan 1
usus kecil
The digestion of protein occurs in the stomach, duodenum and
small intestine
P2 – Di dalam perut, pepsin menghidrolisiskan protein kepada 1
In the stomach, pepsin hydrolyses protein into polypeptides
P3 – Di dalam duodenum, tripsin menghidrolisiskan polipeptida
kepada peptida
In the duodenum, trypsin hydrolyses polypeptide into peptides
P4 – Di dalam usus kecil, peptida dihidrolisiskan oleh erepsin
untuk mengasilkan asid amino
In the small intestine, peptide is hydrolysed by erepsin to form
amino acid

Penyerapan/ Absorption:
P5 – Asid amino diserap di dalam ileum usus kecil 1
Amino acid is absorbed into the ileum of small intestine
P6 – Asid amino diserap melalui pengangkutan pasif ke dalam 1
kapilari darah dan dibawa ke hati (melalui vena portal hepar)
Amino acid absorbed by passive transport into blood capillary and
brought to the liver (through hepatic portal vein)

Asimilasi/ Assimilation:
P7 – Dalam sel badan, asid amino digunakan untuk mensintesiskan 1
protoplasma baharu dan membaiki tisu yang rosak.
In body cell, amino acids are used to synthesis new protoplasm
and also repair damaged tissues.
P8 – Asid amino digunakan untuk mensintesiskan hormon dan 1
enzim dalam sel-sel badan.
Amino acids are used to synthesis hormones and enzymes in body cells
P9 – Hati mensintesiskan protein plasma dan enzim daripada asid 1
The liver synthesis plasma protein and enzymes from amino acids.
P10 – Lebihan asid amino tidak dapat disimpan di dalam badan 1
dan dipecahkan melalui proses pendeaminaan untuk
membentuk urea dan disingkirkan.
Excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body and are broken down
through deamination process to form urea which is then expelled.
P11 – Apabila bekalan glukosa tidak mencukupi, hati akan
1 10
menukarkan asid amino kepada glukosa.
When the glucose supply is insufficient, the liver converts amino
acids into glucose.
(Mana-mana 10)

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(c) Dapat mencadangkan cara pemakanan yang sesuai untuk Encik
Able to suggest the appropriate dietary for Mr. Ahmad.
P1 – Pankreas tidak dapat merembeskan enzim tripsin, lipase dan 1
amilase pankreas serta hormon insulin dan glukagon.
Pancreas cannot secrete trypsin, lipase and pancreatic amylase
enzymes and insulin and glucagon hormones
P2 – Ubah cara memasak daripada menggoreng kepada merebus 1
dan mengukus.
Change cooking style from frying to boiling and steaming
P3 – Kurangkan makanan yang berlemak seperti daging merah, 1
daging organ dan mayonis kerana kekurangan enzim lipase.
Reduce intake of fatty food such as red meat, organ meat and
mayonnaise because of low lipase enzyme.
P4 – Kurangkan makanan berkarbohidrat seperti nasi, tepung
gandum dan pastri kerana kekurangan hormon insulin.
Reduce intake of carbohydrates such as rice, flour and pastry
because of low insulin hormone
P5 – Kurangkan makanan yang diproses seperti kerepek kentang
dan sosej yang mengandungi lebih banyak lemak tepu. 1
Reduce intake of processed food such as potato chips and sausage
that contains a lot of saturated fat.
P6 – Elakkan minuman beralkohol dan berhenti merokok. 1
Avoid drinking alcohol and quit smoking.
P7 – Makan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit tetapi kerap kerana enzim 1 5
yang dirembeskan adalah sedikit.
Eat in small quantities but often because the enzyme secreted is little.
(Mana-mana 5)

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