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Submitted Thesis Examiners Team in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.) at English Literature Study
Program, Language and Literature Department of Faculty of Humanities at
Universitas Halu Oleo





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Kendari, October 2023

Yang membuat peryataan

Muhammad Fadli Ardiansyah

N1D2 17 131
This thesis has been corrected and approved by the supervisors to be

presented in the thesis committee at the English Literature Study Programs,

Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Halu Oleo.

Title : Denotative and Connotative Meaning in Joker Movie

Student Name : Muhammad Fadli Ardiansyah

Register Number : NID217131

Kendari, October 2023

Approved by:

Supervisor, Co Supervisor,

Arman, S.Pd., M.Hum. Nur Israfyan S,S.pd., M.Hum.

NIP 19810508 200701 1 010 NIP 19860408 201504 2 003

Head of Language and Literature Head of English Literature

Departement, Study Program,

Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd., M.Hum. Arman, S.Pd., M.Hum.

NIP 19800906 201001 2 020 NIP 19810508 200701 1 010

This thesis discussed the denotative and connotative meaning in joker movies
which has a difference in the first meaning and the second meaning. This thesis
explored the meaning of some utterances, image, gesture, and expression in Joker
movie. The object of this study this research aimed describe the denotative, and
connotative meanings, are used in Joker movie, using Roland Barthes theory. The
researcher used the descriptive qualitative method while doing this research. The
data were collected by searching, watching, reading, identifying and coding the
data. The data were analyzed by presenting, describing, interpreting and concluding
the data. The results show that from the 12 data, the use of denotative and
connotative in this movie, a process needed for a clear and complete understanding
of denotative and connotative meaning. The data of this research were 12 data of
denotative and connotative in joker movie to support the analysis process which the
researcher did. The researcher watch the film over and over again as a whole, next,
the researcher read the transcript of this film. After that, the researcher identified all
the signs in the film through transcripts of utterance, text, emotion, settings, and
existing music. Then the researcher classified the sign. Denotative and connotative
meaning which appeared on the picture could utterance, text, emotion, settings, and
existing music. In this research the denotative and connotative had meaning in 12
data of the Joker movie

Keywords: Connotative, Denotative, Joker Movie.


‫الَّر ِح ْيِم الَّرْح َمِن الِل‬

First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin as

the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so the

researcher can finish this research. Shalawat and Salam addressed to the Greet

Prophet of Muhammad SAW, His family and His followers.

As a person who is not free from shortcomings, the researcher realizes that

this research would have never been finished without any help and suggestions from

many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the deepest thanks and

the greatest respect for them. For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to

her parents, her beloved father Safari and also her beloved mother Murniati who have

given their love, support, sacrifice, care, tears, and sincere pray for his safety, success

and happiness during his study. Researcher feels nothing without them in her side.

Then, the researcher gives thanks to her sister Febry who have motivated.

The researcher addresses appreciation to her both supervisor Arman, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. as the first supervisor and Nur Israfyan Sofian, S.Pd., M.Hum.. as the Co

supervisor for their guidance, support, advices, and precious time during writing this

research. In completing this research, the researcher found many obstacles. However,

all the problem could be solved with support and help from people surrounding the

researcher. Particularly for the following person the researcher feels unlimited

1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. as Rector Universitas Halu

Oleo for undertaking the overall management of the university, also for carrying

out the organization of education, research and community service, to foster

academicians (lectures and students) and to foster relationships with alumni at

universities and communities.

2. Dr. Akhmad Marhadi, S.Sos., M.Si. as Dean of Humanities Faculty for

undertaking the overall management of the faculty, carrying out the organization

of education, research and community service, fostering lectures, faculty

administration personnel and students, and taking responsible for financial

management, personel, general administration and equipment, and also

collaborating with parents of students, alumni, and other agencies.

3. Dr. La Ino, S.Pd., M.Hum. as First Vice of Dean of Humanitis Faculty for

assisting the dean in leading undergraduate courses in the implementation of

education, research, and community service, and also representing the dean in

academic, planning and cooperation activities.

4. Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd., M.Hum. as Head of Language and Literature Department for

planning and evaluating the implementation of education which is implemented

by Lectures within the Departement.

5. Arman, S.Pd., M.Hum. as Head of English Literature Study Program for assisting

the task of Head of Language and Literature Department in the implementation of

academic quality improvement service at the level of the Sub Program.

6. Gratitude thanks also to the Researcher's examiners Drs. Ansor Putra, M.Hum.,

Arman, S.Pd., M.Hum., Nur Israfyan Sofian, S.Pd., M.Hum., Nurjannah S.S.,
M.A., Nuzul Hijrah Safitri, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Ela Martisa, S.Pd., M.Hum. for

the suggestion, correction, and helpful guidance in completing this research.

7. All the lectures in English Literature Study Program, Drs. Ansor Putra, M.Hum.,

Drs. Rohmana, M.Hum., Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd., M.A., Dr. La Aso, S.Pd., M.Hum.,

Neil Amstrong, S.S., M.Hum., Mariani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Fina Amalia Masri, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., Muarifuddin, S.Pd., M.A., Rahmawati Azi, S.Pd., M.A., Arman, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., Nurjannah, S.S., M.A., Dr. Yazid Abd. Rahim Gege, Lc., Mutmainnah

Adesia, S.S., M.Si., M.Hum., Nur Israfyan Sofian, S.Pd., M.Hum., Dr. Maulid

Taembo, S.Pd., M.A., Detif Rahim, S.Pd., M.Hum., Zakridatul Agusmaniar Rane,

S.Pd., M.A., Nuzul Hijrah Safitri, S.Pd., M.Hum., Dr. Nirmala Sari, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., Eva Solina G., S.Pd., M.Hum. Ramawati, S.Pd., M, A., and Sarniati

Nuru, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ela Martisa, S.Pd., M.Hum. Who always gives support and

motivation to the Researcher and the other lectures that cannot be mentioned

Thanks for their helpful guidance.

8. The Staff of English Literature Study Program especially for Fhardin, S.S., and

the other staff of Humanities Faculty, thanks for their helping in organizing all the

administration requirements during the research.

9. For all the researcher’s beloved hallway friends Sinta Darhin Tungga, Agus

Ardianto, Veineda Dahsyat., Ulvi Damayanti, as my support system thanks for the

support, Motivation, care, and great time in finishing this research.

10. Special thanks to the researcher’s beloved best friends from "Legend Family, and

Let+++”, Qasim, Sucipto, Zaldan, Enco, Niar, Andayani, Sinta, Andri, Wilda,
Dadang, Ijul, Della, and Adi. Thank you for always supporting, motivating,

accompanying, listening, caring, understanding, giving advice, crazy moments

that we have shared in the joy and sorrow.

11. All the researcher’s friends at English Literature ‘017, Venny Grace Verlita

Agustin, Zagita Ramdani, Nur Syawal, Nur Insan, Firdayanti Kamarudinn,

Fitriananingsih Nurmalasari, Waode Virnawati, Sisca Ayu Ningsih, Indri Arnita,

Iqlima Rizkyana Toondu, Ghina Yunni Lorensya, Reski Ramadhani, Nur Astika,

Alya Novita, Eliyanti, Wahyuni Nur, Puteri Regina, Eni Cantika, Laras Sulistya

Ningsih, Zarnila, Andra Sari, Rohmatul Karimah, Rahmatika, Lindra Mayu Asis

Pratiwi, Susilawati, Nur Anisyah, Apriliana Suryanti, Yul Angeraini, Afdaliyah

Mawaddah, Irnada, Meylian Sabriani, Destrit Ambarwati Taslim, Nurwana,

Metzy Priskila, St. Rahmawati Mappa, ST. Hajar, Diva Yustisia Zanur, Asrika

Segriaty, Darmiah, Muhammad Luthfi, Rizaldy Dwi Ferbrian, Mu. Assyafaat

Husein, Rifqy Danuk Firmansyah, Agung Zuhryl, Randy, Wiswandi Landimuru

and the others that the researcher cannot mention, thank you for being a good

friend, who understand and thanks for their help for the writer in finishing in this


12. Then for one special person in my life, who helped the researcher in developing

this thesis, Murniati, someone that the researcher would never forget.

13. Last but not least, I want to thank me. I want to thank me for believing in me. I

want to thank me for doing all this hard work, I want to thank me for having no

days off. I want to thank me for never quitting; I want to thank me for always

being a giver and try to give more than I receive.

The researcher believes that without the blessing of Allah and supporting of many

people, the researcher would never come to finish this thesis. However, the

researcher realizes that this thesis is far from perfection. The researcher would truly

appreciate any advice, criticism, comment, or suggestion.

Kendari, October 2023

The Researcher

APPROVAL SHEET...........................................................................................ii
LEGALIZATION SHEET…………………………………………………….iii
LIST OF CONTENT............................................................................,..............x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study..................................................................................1
1.2 Research Question............................................................................................4
1.3 Objective of the Study......................................................................................4
1.4 Research Benefits……………………………………………….....................4
1.5 Scope of the Study............................................................................................5
1.6 Definition of Terms..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER II LITERARY REVIEW.....................................................……....6
2.1 General Concepts of Semiotics.........................................................................7
2.2 Symbols..................................................................................………………...7
2.3 Signs............................................................................................……………..8
2.4 Denotation and Connotation....................................................................….....9
2.5 Roland Barthes’ Five Codes............................................................................10
2.6 Previous Studies...............................................................................................13
2.7 Conceptual Framework....................................................................................15
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................16
3.1 Research Method.............................................................................................16
3.2 Sources of Data................................................................................................16
3.3 Techniques of Data Collection........................................................................17
3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis...........................................................................18
4.1 Finding.…………………………………………………………………..…..19
4.2 Data Display………………………………………………………………….20
4.3 Discussion……………………………………………………………...…….44
5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………...…….…50
5.2 Suggestion………………………………………………………...……….…52


1.1 Background

Language is tools of a communication that is utilized for achieving many

functions. Language is used to express ideas, thoughts, and information allowing

individuals to convey words, expressions, and signs (Jakobson, 1960: 122). As a

system, Members of a community utilize language as an arbitrary sound-symbol

system to communicate, engage, and identify themselves. language as a tool of

social communication in the form of a system of sound symbols produced from

human speech. The basic functions of language are communication tools for

humans, both verbally and in written.

However the conditions, communication cannot be done only by using flat

language continuously because, these symbols may be hand or body movements,

gestures, or facial expressions, using these symbols, people can impart

information, express feelings and emotions, to influence the activities of others,

and to comport themselves with varying degrees of friendliness or hostility toward

persons who make use of substantially the same set of symbols (George L. 1942).

Every human being exists since he was born, and because of that, sometimes

language needs to be made interesting and full of beauty so that it can contribute

to the beauty and certain passion in human life.

Paralinguistic features are forms of communication that do not use words

but are added to an utterance in order to give it meaning. They can be found in


utterances that are found in spoken or written language, such as in a script. The

qualities of utterances in spoken or oral language include paralinguistic elements,

which are aspects of speech like facial expression, gesture, and posture (Zoraida

2019). In addition to ellipses, which are words that the listener inserts into spoken

language to fill in gaps, prosodic qualities also include stress, intonation, and tone

of voice.

Humans are individual beings as well as social beings. To fulfill their desire

as social beings, humans need a powerful language to interact and work together.

In essence, it is used to express our reaction to certain situations, and to reveal our

thoughts, ideas, emotions, and feelings (Maria 2005). The validity of a sign

depends on its relationship with other signs, including the expression, dialogue,

and scene, that we can find in the movie

A movie is a literary work that provides amusement and differs from other

literary works in that it may be experienced by audiences both audibly and

visually. It is characterized as the product of cultural and artistic expression tools.

(Effendi, 1986:239). In this case, the movie tells stories using sound effects and

moving pictures. The movie is also intriguing and engaging, making the audience

think about it in addition to providing us with amusement. Feature films are

commercial, and non-story films are films whose reality is the subject, namely

recording reality rather than fiction about reality (Sumarno 1996).

Joker movie is an American crime, drama, and thriller directed by Todd

Philips in 2019. This film focuses on the story of Arthur's Fleck or Joker starred

by, he is a 40-year-old clown, who lives with his mother, Penny, in the chaotic

Gotham City. He has difficult life problems, from an economic point of view and

is often bullied by the surrounding environment which turns him from a good

person to a bad person due to being depressed by the disease he received, plus the

world seemed not to be on his side, which at that time he became an icon of the

revolutionary movement of Gotham city which is in chaos.

He suffers from a brain disorder that causes him to laugh at inappropriate

times, the dark atmosphere has been felt since this film began and will continue to

her mother penny death, growing throughout the film until the end of the film,

peppered with a score that is right on target, it is not surprising if you feel that too

much negative aura emanates from this Joker film. As a result, something that

probably shouldn't have had a big impact on the audience becomes more

meaningful, terrifying, and gripping in its way. The dark humor offered in this

film makes you wince more than laugh out loud, and a new character is created

who is thirsty for revenge and recognition. This film has a suspenseful plot and an

unpredictable ending. In addition, the film's background is very deep because

people are invited to get to know Arthur as the joker of main character in Joker


Meaning serves to convey thoughts and intentions for what is expressed by

someone. (Barthes, 1972) explained that a linguistic sign consists of two

components, denotation and connotation namely the significant and the signifies,

so it becomes something that cannot be separated. The reason that language is

something universal, abstract, and used in various activities or social life makes

language dynamic.

Denotation is used to convey what he wants directly. Connotation is used to

convey the contents of his mind indirectly. Barthes (Hoed, 2011:12) sees humans

in interpreting something, not at the level of denotative meaning, but humans use

their cognition through several meanings and interpretations to give connotative


In this case, the researcher chose this as an object to describe the denotation

and connotation of the main character, utterances, expressions that vary and have

different meanings and depending on the situation and condition.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background above, the research question of this research is

what denotative and connotative meanings are used by Arthur as a Joker character

in Joker movie.

1.3 Objective of the study

In line of the problems stated previously, this research aimed describe the

denotative, and connotative meanings, are used in Joker movie, using Roland

Barthes theory

1.4 Significance of the study

This research has two benefits, namely theoretical benefits and practical


1.4.1 Theoretical

1. Can aid in the advancement of linguistics, particularly semiotics

2. Can be used as an additional reference in medical research to get to

know the character of mental disorders


1.4.2 Practical

1. Researcher can apply the knowledge gained and benefit the public by

analyzing each sign and its meaning.

2. Readers gain additional knowledge about people with mental disorders

And how to deal with them
1.5 Scope of the study

The limitation of the study in this research is conveying denotation and

connotation meanings in the main character in Joker movie. Is utterances by using

Roland Barthes theory

1.6 Definition of Terms

1. Language is communication that is utilized for achieving many functions,

language used to express ideas, thoughts, and information allowing

individuals to convey words, expressions, and signs (Jakobson, 1960:


2. Movie is a literary work that provides amusement and differs from other

literary works in that it may be experienced by audiences both audibly

and visually. It is characterized as the product of cultural and artistic

expression tools. (Effendi, 1986:239).

3. Denotation is the main initial meaning of a sign, text (Sobur, 2006).

4 Connotation is the cultural meaning that becomes attached to a term

(Barthes, 1972).


In this chapter, the researcher describes the theories used in this research

and their relationship in this case. This chapter focues on the General Concepts of

Semiotics, Symbol, Sign, five codes, Denotative, Connotative, Previous Studies,

and Conceptual Framework

2.1 General Concepts of Semiotics

Semiotic is a term derived from the Greek word semion, which means sign.

Semiotics is the broad study of signs, or the study of techniques for dissecting

how signs are interpreted or how sign systems work. A symbol is a symbol used

in everything related to a person's life. Signs are ubiquitous, signs in the form of

words, signs in human gestures, signs on roads, signs on flags, and any object that

expresses a meaning that can be defined by a sign (Tinarbuko,2008: 11).

Semiotics helps you communicate. You can also use it to explain customs

and guidelines in aspects of the communication environment. Words, texts,

images, movies - these are things that need to be explained in different ways. We

can learn about culture and reality only with the help of signs through meaning.

These studies suggest that cultural or sociological human phenomena have

symbolic values. Because of the nature of the role and method of understanding

signs, the interpretation of signs has become semiotics.

Most semiotics has said that semiotics is a theory related to lies, fakes, or

theories of lies. Semiotics is the study of anything that can be used for lies.


Umberto Eco, one of the semioticists, focuses on semiotic communication. In his

book Theory of Semiotics, semiotics has dealt with everything that can be

understood as a sign. Signs can be thought of as an important alternative to

something else.

Something else does not necessarily replace anything else. Something this

doesn't necessarily have to be, and it doesn't have to be somewhere at the moment

when the sign is there. Semiotics is the study of everything that can be utilized to

tell a lie. On the other hand, if something cannot be used to tell the truth, it cannot

be utilized to tell lies.

Therefore, semiotics or semiology is the study of signs and how they work.

A sign will involve a meaning that can be understood by humans who use it. How

humans perceive meaning depends on how humans associate objects or ideas with

signs. This agrees with Pierce's opinion (Sobur, 2003) that semiotics is "a relation

between several signs, an object, and a meaning a relation between signs, objects,

and meaning”.

2.2 Symbol

A symbol can be found anywhere and in any entity that represents

something else or the sense itself. Semiotics is a method for revealing the

significance behind any symbol. The study of signs and how they contribute to

meaning is known as semiotics.

A symbol of an indication that meets certain conditions, such as naming,

feature, and meaning, as well as hope. Every human life has a sign, and it has a

concrete action, such as the actualization of language, faith, and information

(Budianto, 2001:16).

A label, sign, or term that indicates, represents, or is taken to represent a

concept, an entity, or a relationship is known as a symbol. By creating links

between seemingly unrelated ideas and events, symbols help people see beyond

what they already understand or perceive. Symbols are used to carry out both

correspondence and data collection. Symbols are used to express other concepts

and values and may take the form of sentences, sounds, movements, ideas, or

some visual images (Budianto, 2001: 17).

A symbol is a physical object that represents another item. For instance, the

sun, which represents pleasure, or clouds, which represent trouble and sorrow,

may be used as an example. In literature, particularly poetry, symbols are often

used to describe what the author or poet wants the reader to see or feel. It is

sometimes used in this manner to assist the reader in experiencing the author's

feelings or ideas.

2.3 Sign

Something that may be used to replace or symbolize another object is

referred to as a sign in this context. signs consist of two entities: the signifier and

the signified. If an utterance contains both a signifier and a signified, it is said to

apply a sign (Chandler, 2002).

A phenomenon that satisfies a number of criteria, such as naming, role,

function, purpose, and desire, is said to have a sign. A human being can read

signs. There are signs all over the place. It may be an expression, a gesture, a

traffic light, a flag, or something else. Anything can be a warning, but we can't

communicate with each other without them. (Aart, 1996:7).

Signs are more closely associated with the message they convey. It may be a

gesture or a phrase that expresses what is intended explicitly. A thumbs-up

symbol, for example, is a common indicator that everything is well. Words or

titles may also be used to give information about shops or goods to travelers.

Street or store names are common examples of these types of labels.

It is also important to consider the relationship between the object and its

context when creating a symbol. This interpretation is sometimes ambiguous.

Signs are usually less fluid and have a more defined and concrete definition.

The researcher will conclude from the above that a symbol and a sign are

not interchangeable. The primary distinction between the two is that a sign is a

type of language that interacts directly with the intended audience. Then a symbol

is interpreted as a sign that denotes something, but the context varies depending

on where it is used. A sign is symbolic, while a symbol may be interpreted in a

variety of ways depending on factors such as culture.

2.4 Denotation and Connotation

Denotation is the first level of meaning. The literal, obvious, or common

sense of a sign is called a sign. The dictionary definition is the denotative

meaning. For example, a tiara is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and

jewels, that a king or queen wears on official occasions, according to the Oxford

Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In other words, notation refers to what an

image actually shows and is immediately obvious, rather than individual reader


Connotation are the two main ways to explain the meaning of words.

Connotation implies a wide range of positive and negative associations that come

naturally with most words, whereas notation is the exact literal definition of a

word you can find in a dictionary.

Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In other words, notation refers to what an

image shows and is immediately obvious, rather than the individual reader

interpretation. A sign composed of a signifier and a signified exists at this level.

The signified is a mental concept or meaning that the signifier conveys. A

signifier is similar to a physical thing, such as a sound, printed phrase, or

advertisement (Barthes: 1972).

The relationship between the signifier and the signified, which has a distinct

meaning, is described by a sign's denotation level. The most common type of sign

in society is denotation since it has a connection to reality or a meaning derived

from a dictionary. Connotation is when there is no obvious interpretation,

connotation refers to the level of signification that describes the link between the

signifier and signified. Its sense isn't mentioned in any dictionaries, nor does it

have any literary significance.

Denotation is a sign whose signifier has a high level of agreement that

produces real meaning. For Barthes, denotation is a first-level system of

signification, while denotation is a second-level system of signification (Rusmana,

2014: 200).

In terms of the order of meaning, Barthes explains connotation and

denotation is the initial level of signification; at this level, there may be a signal

such as a signified. A second-order of signification known as connotation uses the

denotative signal (signifier and signified) as its signifier and adds another

signified to it.

1. Signifier 2.


3. Denotative

4. Connotative Signifier 5. Connotative Signified

6. Connotative

This denotation stage only examines signs from the point of view of

language in this case, namely literal meaning. We can move on to the second step,

which involves analyzing signs in connotation, from this grasp of language.

Connotation operates on a subjective level, preventing its realization.

2.5 Roland Barthes’ Five Codes

Barthes notes five symbolic components that are present in all writings.

These signifiers are compiled by him into five different codes: hermeneutic,

Proairetic, semantic, symbolic, and cultural. Codes might be a deceptive term.

Barthes' codes are a perspective from which you can read a text rather than a set

of guidelines for how it should be understood. Reading a text while keeping in

mind the five codes is similar to viewing an image through a variety of colored

lenses. Image remains the same, but your impression of it changes (Barthes:

1975). The five-code narratology was one of Roland Baltic's theories. The theory

consists of five codes that enable or support the viewer to understand the media

text and create meaning. The code is as follows:

1. The Hermeneutic code. The narrative's decision to exclude details in order

to obliterate hints and increase mystery. For example, this could also be a

genre of detective fiction. The detective spends the story reading the clues

that, only at the end, reconstruct the story of the murder. We witness a

murder and the rest of the narrative is devoted to determining the questions

that are raised by the initial scene of violence.

2. The Enigma/Proairetic code. The method used to create tension so that

viewers are left wondering what will happen next. For example, sniper is

aiming his weapon at the enemy and we are wondering what is the solution

to this behavior. We wait to see if he kills or injures his opponent. Thus, the

unknown is created not by readers or viewers, but by actions.

3. The Semantic code. These codes represent parts of the text that can have

different implications. By using the extended meanings that can be applied

to words, writers can draw rich images with relatively limited text, which is

a general indicator of their writing skills.

4. The Symbolic code. These codes are intended to represent the symbolism of

the text and can display contrast, greater meaning, and create tension. It is

very similar to semantic code but works at a broader level to organize

semantic meaning into a wider and deeper set of meanings. This is usually

done using contrasts, where new meanings arise from opposing and

conflicting ideas.

5. The Referential/Cultural code. This assumes that the audience knows the

content of the text. It is closely related to intertextuality and can often be the

basis of humor. For example, the Big Bang Theory often references other

texts, including Battle Star, Star Wars, and other aspects of plant culture.

The signifier and the signified are the two components of the sign according

to Barthes. Barthes was more interested in the intricate ways that sentences are

constructed and how sentence structures affect meaning than in the fact that the

same language may convey various meanings to various individuals in various


2.6 Previous study

The literature serves to get an overview of similar research both in terms of

methods, research objects used, and findings produced by other researchers.

Several students have conducted research related to denotation, connotation, and

myth theory, including:

Novariani in a thesis entitled Representation of the Meaning of Deep

Determination. The film The Meg (A Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes'

Model) 2020. The Barthes theory and the descriptive method are both used in this

study. According to research, the movie has both denotative and connotative

meanings. The denotative meaning of determination is shown in the dialogue

between players. The connotative meaning of determination is described through

facial expressions, voice pressure, and eye gaze.

Sriasrieka putri pratama in a thesis journal entitled "A Signer of Angela

Merkel's Power as Chancellor in Heiko Sakurai's Caricature on the Website" in 2017. The researcher uses Saussure's semiotic theory

as the main theory. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The

results of his research found 19 nonverbal signs and 11 verbal signs. In addition,

there is also legal power and expert power.

Naufal Putra, in a scientific journal entitled "Analysis of Semiotics of Film

How Funny This Country is" in 2018. The Barthes theory is the one that is

employed. Content analysis was the research methodology used.

Hadi, I. Denotative and Connnotstive Meaning Analys In The Greatest

Showman Album. Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima (BIP), 3(2), 325-333. 2021.

Suaka Alam with his meme study that he did in 2022 interprets denotations

and connotations in memes images that have funny text and eats on a plate from


Paisal Ramdani, this study uses Roland Barthes' theory where the

discussion focuses on denotation, connotation, and myth contained in the lyrics of

the song Everyday's Talking by Fred Neil. 2023.


The differences between previous research and research conducted by

current using semiotics analysis, that this study is using semiotics analysis of

Roland Barthes. Also, which is a movie, but the sources of data are different that

this study takes data from main character of mentall disorder person.

2.7 Conceptual Framework Chart

Denotative, and connotative in Joker Movie

Roland Barthes

Symbolic theory by Roland


Denotative and connotative

meaning by Roland Barthes

To describe denotative and connotative

meaning in Joker movie in terms of Semiotic Analysis by Roland Barthes

The researcher uses Analysis Theory by Roland Barthes. In analyzing the

denotative and connotative meaning are use in the Joker Movie.



In this part, the researcher introduced the research method. It described

Research Method, Sources of Data, Procedures of Data Collection, Techniquessof
Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Method

A qualitative method is a method use to examine objects that cannot be

measured by numbers or other exact measures. Qualitative understanding can also

be interpreted as descriptive research and tends to use an analytical approach

using an inductive approach (Merriam, 1999). By using this method, the

researcher observes and analyzes the signs and then describes each meaning in the

film being studied. Based on the aforementioned description, the researcher can

use this technique to clarify the study topic as well as the denotative and

connotative interpretations in the Joker movie.

Deep analysis is frequently used in research, but it is also valuable for

giving a broad overview of the study's context and as a starting point for

discussions of its findings.

3.2 Sources of Data

The source of data in this research is take from the Joker movie, which

contains utterances, text, words, settings, scenes, dialogue, images, and symbols

shown in Joker movies 2019 that have watched have denotative, connotative



3.3 Techniques of Data Collection

In this research, the researchers use data, taken from Joker movie.

Therefore, was choose documentation method. Documentation method is a

method that is used to find some utterances, notes, transcripts, text, gesture, social

situation action, emotional, and others (Moleong, 2013).

The researchers took the following actions to gather the data from the data


1. The researchers find the denotation and connotation meanings, by

wacth the movie analysis utterance.

2. The researchers choose a utterance spoken or non spoken by joker

character in the movie in other word, the type of data are language,

verbal action and gesture done by the character (Arkunto, 2010:22),

and then the researcher selected several utterances and convey images

related to this search.

3. The Researchers collect the raw data in written text, and website by

screen capturing and backing up, https:\\\2020\01\08\joker-

2019-screenpaly-written-by-todd-phillips-and-scott-silver\ as a

supporting data.

4. The researchers use coding technique by thickening and classifying

denotative and connotative meanings, denotative use bold italic type,

and connotative use bold.


3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis

The researchers took the following actions to gather the data from the data


1. Presenting the Data

In this preparatory stage, the researchers look for and reads every

reference, both in the form or internet, review, short movie, youtube,

theses, journals, and theses related to the meaning of denotation,

connotation meanings

2. Describing the Data

The researchers watch the film over and over again as a whole. Next, the

researcher read the transcript of this film. After that, the researcher

identified all the signs in the film through transcripts of utterance, text,

emotion, settings, and existing music. Then the researcher classified the


3. Interpreting the Data

After the data is classified, the researchers analyze the data by applying

the theory from Barthes which has been determined as the theoretical


4. Concluding

The researchers conclude the results based on the data analysis of

denotative and connotative meanings.




In this chapter, the researchers dealt with the denotative and connotative in

Joker movie. By concerning it, the researchers able to answer the research

problems stated in chapter one of this research. This research focused on

denotative and connotative meaning in Joker movie. All of them were discussed


4.1 Finding

The Joker movie was released in 2019 and already has thousands of likes

on Hollywood. There were hundreds of posts that have been uploaded but the

researcher has only selected a few that match in this research. In this research, the

researcher does not discuss myths; it is because they focus scene in movies that

have denotative and connotative meanings.

After the researcher finished collecting the data, the researcher chose 13

data from about a lot in collecting the data, the researcher used the technique of

noting and observing to guide the data. The recording is done by recording the

words, uttarances, emotions, gesture, and images displayed on Joker movie,

which have marker in this movie, the character used the conversation that

assumed to have denotative and connotative meaning as seen in the data below

4.2 Data Display

Data 1

Scene 1. Arthur was beaten by a group of men

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: Arthur holding a sign that says everything must go
group of men: C`mon clown let`s go! we`ve got the sign
Arthur: Stop them!!
Group of men: C`mon beat his ass up come on, this guy is weak, can't do


The meaning of denotation by Roland Barthes, in the scene of Arthur

Beaten by a Group of Men in table I, it is seen that Arthur is on the side of a busy

road dancing wearing a yellow clown costume and carrying a wooden board that

says everything must go Then came a group of young people who were unknown

to approach him and threw the board that was brought by Arthur where they

before taking action had time to talk about it. Arthur chases to a deserted alley full

of garbage piles to retrieve the board, but what happens is Arthur being punched

and kicked until he is helpless and the keep is prevented. After that, the criminal

group left.


Meaning of connotations by Roland Barthes, in the scene Arthur Beaten

by a group of men tables I Arthur was beaten, kicked, taken by a group of

unknown people. They said, come on, this guy is weak, can't do anything. "Strike

it harder! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!: The meaningful dialogue merely

illustrates the criminal behavior that can be carried out by someone who is

physically and mentally stronger than the victim. Arthur was tortured until he was

helpless, shown in the expression picture 2 he was lying in a curled position and

his proper hand scarcely holding the neck, closed his eyes and grimaced in pain.

These behaviors, that occur to victims,


Data 2

Scene 2. Randall gives a weapon to Arthur

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I’m not supposed to have a gun
Randall: don’t sweat it art, no one has to know
Arthur: Arthur “laugh”
Randall: You have to be able to protect yourself out there


The meaning of denotation in the scene Randall Gives a Gun to Arthur table

II, Randall and Arthur are in his office. Randal gives a firearm in the form of a

gun wrapped in brown paper I’m not supposed to have a gun


Randall hands Arthur a firearm wrapped in brown paper. Randall gave

him by saying I’m not supposed to have a gun: you have to be able to protect

yourself out there. Randall wrapped it in a brown paper which could give the

impression of being comfortable, safe or it could have a strong meaning. Randall

knows about the tragedy that has befallen Arthur so he provides a weapon to

protect himself.

Data 3

Scene 3. Arthur self-injuring

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I got jumped
Boss: no don’t sit this will be quick, I like u Arthur some other guys said u
freak but I like u arthur
Arthur: why would I keep the sign?

Boss: The people around you feel uncomfortable because you are a strange


The denotation meaning by Roland Barthes

in the scene of Arthur Hurting Yourself in table IV shows Arthur standing

in Hoyt's (boss) room. They talked about the yellow wooden planks he carried

during his action but I got jumped. by some guys. he has already explained the

incident but Hoyt doesn't care, and speaks without wearing Arthur gets a

reprimand for returning the board he lost. Arthur felt angry irritated, in an alley

filled with piles of trash he vented his emotions by kicking his legs and trampling

the trash.


Actions taken by Arthur are self-injurious behavior that usually occurs in

people who are experiencing life difficulties and social pressure. Hoyt said if you

don't return the sign, I'll have to get it out of your paycheck. The dialogue is a

threat for Arthur to return his mark either way, otherwise Hoyt will cut his pay or

get fired. I got jumped: The people around you feel uncomfortable because you

are a strange person”. Then Arthur was in an alley like a garbage dump, he vented

by kicking and stamping his feet in the trash. In Figure 2 the use of back light

creates a tense and mysterious atmosphere in a scene. Then the place taken is in a

small, slum alley full of garbage piles, the slum area can be interpreted as a place

that is the center of social problems such as crime, drugs and other actions.

Data 4

Scene 4. Arthur shoots three men

(source Joker movie 2019)

Arthur: Arthur was laughing at him
Three guys: is something funny asshole
Arthur: I have I hav,.. a conditional
Three guys: hey hold him steady, stay down freak!


The denotation meaning in the scene Arthur shoots a group of men table

VI Arthur returns by using the train. On the train, there were three men and a

woman. The woman is being seduced by a group of men sitting opposite her.

Arthur suddenly laughed, the three men saw him and the woman left him. The

three men approached Arthur, they thought Arthur was laughing at him. Arthur

was slapped by one of the men until he fell "Hey, hold him!". Arthur suddenly

took out the gun he was carrying and fired one by one the men who had hit him.

One of the men ran away, Arthur chased him until he succeeded and shot him



The meaning of connotations in the scene where Arthur shoots a group of

men table VI. The behavior of the three men to Arthur was laughing at him:

Arthur was panic. Arthur is kicking, stepping on and hitting him until he falls.

Arthur's expression in picture, he falls face down on the floor with lips grinning

grimace in pain. Arthur woke up and responded by taking out a firearm that shot

at the person who hurt him. Seen in the picture of men in white clothes, there are

two gunshot scars with a shocked expression by opening their mouths and

screaming in pain.

Data 5

Scene 5. A Woman is being seduced by a guy

(source Joker movie 2019)
Guy: hallo you want some friench fries
Woman: no thank you
Guy: you sure, they really good
Arthur: don’t ignore him he’s being nice to you


The denotation meaning in the scene of a group of men flirting with

women in table VII, there is a woman on the train and three men right in front of

it. One of the drunk men teased him by offering him the french fries he was

holding. You want some friench fries. The woman refused, then the man threw

the potato at her.


The meaning of connotation in the scene of a group of men flirting with

women table VII, the behavior carried out by a group of men is harassment, you

want some friench fries: by teasing or disturbing it which creates fear. You can

see that the woman's expression is looking down or crouching and holding the

book, indicating that she feels uncomfortable and threatened with the men and in

picture 3 her shoulders are turned inward, indicating discomfort.

Data 6

Scene 6. Arthur comes to wayne's house

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I know about two of them
Guard: there’s nothing to know she was a sick woman
Arthur: please don’t say that
Guard: your mother was delusional


Arthur is at Thomas Wayne's house to find out about his father. A guard

arrived who asked what the purpose was, Arthur explained what he came for.

Then the guard told him the information Arthur needed, your mother she was a

sick woman but he didn't believe it. Then Arthur strangled the guard and left him.


The behavior shown by Arthur is to choke the guard's neck. This behavior

was done because he felt cheated on the relationship between Wayne and Penny.

In picture, you can see Arthur grabbing the guard and forcefully choking him by

the neck. He looks into the eyes of the guard while speaking which means that he

is interested in what is being discussed, she was a sick woman: your mother was

delusional. Then his lips curl which indicates he does not like, and does not agree

with something.

Data 7

Scene 7. Arthur meets Thomas

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I’m Arthur, and penny fleck is my mother
Thomas: oh my god you are the guy that come to my house yesterday
Arthur: I’m sorry I just showed up
Thomas: I’m not your father


Arthur is in the theater and disguised as a waiter in a red costume, where

he spotted Wayne and his wife sitting enjoying the show. As soon as Wayne goes

to the toilet, Arthur follows him and talks about his relationship with Penny Fleck.

Look, pal I’m not your father. Wayne explains what really happened but Arthur

still couldn't believe it. Then Wayne punched Arthur's face until it bled from his

nose and left him.


The expression that Arthur depicts in picture with eyes down to the right

looking at Wayne indicates that he is telling his emotions and drooping lips that

indicate that he is sad. Arthur followed Wayne to the toilet, and chatted about

what he meant. Look, pal I’m not your father: I’m Arthur: and penny fleck is

my mother Not long after Arthur laughed when the chat was serious, Wayne's

picture expression hit Arthur hard, indicating that Wayne was angry. In picture,

there is blood out of Arthur's nose and dripping in the sink, with the body slightly

bent and head bowed which means he is feeling depressed.

Data 8

Scene 8. Arthur steps medical note

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I’m sorry man, like I said I can’t release these records
Receptionist: all I do is file paperwork
Arthur: they cut those all
Receptionist: it’s so hard to just try and be happy all the time


Arthur walked alone to Arkham Hospital. Arthur came with the aim of

looking for his mother's medical records (Penny), he met the administrative

assistant who served him. The assistant just reads what Penny is suffering from

but he suddenly stops which makes Arthur curious. The assistant could not

provide more detailed information, it’s so hard to just try and be happy all the

time so Arthur forcibly took the medical records.



When the officer gave information about what Penny suffered, he

suddenly stopped telling by saying "sorry friend, I can't release this note, you

know I could get into trouble." Then Arthur takes his mother's (Penny's) medical

records from the officers. In picture 2, you can see Arthur is grabbing a tight grip

on the notebook from the officer. It’s so hard to just try and be happy all the

time Arthur's attitude towards officers is a crime for personal gain and doesn't

think about the risks.

Data 9

Scene 9. Arthur killed Penny Fleck

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I haven’t be happy one minute of my entire fucking life
Penny: happy
Arthur: happy uhh, my life is a fucking comedy


You can see Arthur is sitting and his mother is lying on the bed with an IV

in his hand which indicates he is sick. Arthur talks to Penny, thinking that his life

is a tragedy but realizes that it is just a comedy and full of lies. I haven’t be

happy one minute of my entire fucking life. After saying that, Arthur stood closer

to Penny, he pressed his face hard against his pillow. In the last picture Penny

looks lifeless.


In Figure, you can see Arthur approaching the bed and silencing his

mother's face using a pillow accompanied by the sound of stifling breath due to

the gagging of the pillow. Arthur did this because he felt he had been lied to by

Penny. The room Penny occupies tends to be a warm blue which means sincerity,

wisdom, calm, and a sense of security. In picture, you can see Penny is lifeless, I

haven’t be happy one minute of my entire fucking life: my life is a fucking

comedy, with her head tilted, her lips slightly open, and her hair is messy.

Data 10

Scene 10. Arthur kills Randall

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: I’m feel good, I stopped taking my medication
Randall: oh okay that good for you
Gary: they didn’t talk to me
Randall: because the suspect was a regular sized person,
Randall: make our stories line up


Arthur is getting ready and decorating his face with white paint. Arthur

took the scissors and put them in the back pocket of his pants. Then his friends

Gary and Randall arrive at his house, they chat. Randall had mentioned the

murder that occurred on the train and several police officers were looking for him.

I’m feel good, I stopped taking my medication Arthur felt better then he taking

his medication looked fed up with it, he immediately took a pair of scissors to

stab Randall's neck and eyes until blood came out on Arthur's face. Then he

banged Randall's head repeatedly against the wall until he was helpless and there

was blood on the walls of his house.


In picture are the scissors used to kill Randall, Arthur has prepared it and

put it in his pants pocket before his friend comes. Scissors are sharp objects that

can injure a person. Pictures and of Arthur stabbed Randall's neck and eyes with a

strong sign of anger, and Randall's expression with his mouth wide open

screamed in pain. Then picture of Arthur shoving Randall against the wall

banging him so many times that Randall was lifeless. And says to Gary to I’m

feel good: make our stories line up

Data 11

Scene 11. Live With Murray Franklin

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: you mentioned that this look is not political statement
Murray: that’s right murray im not political
Arthur: he has a book of joke
Murray: is police mem, your son`s been hit by a drunk driver, he`s dead
Arthur: that not a kind of joke we`ve doin in this show
Murray: its just, you know it`s been a rough few weeks, murray


The event has started, it looks like Arthur is sitting with Murray and his

partner. That’s right murray im not political, they talked about many things,

Arthur told what he had felt so far. Arthur confessed about the shooting that took

place in the train hallway and said he was frustrated that life was so unfair.

Murray denied it, there was an argument and Murray was shot twice in the head

and chest with a pistol. Then Arthur was caught.


That’s right murray im not political because of Arthur make up sems

like demonstrand. The reason Arthur's killing was because Murray had once

cornered his weakness. The event starting in Figure shows Arthur sitting with his

legs crossed, indicating he likes to hide his feelings and has a closed attitude. it`s

been a rough few weeks, in picture, you can see Arthur taking out a weapon and

firing it at Murray twice. Arthur's expression after shooting Murray in picture of

his face contains blood and he smiles with his lips closed which indicates that

there is something he is hiding or can give the meaning that someone doesn't like

us (Arthur doesn't like Murray).

Data 12

Scene 12. A Riot On A City

(source Joker movie 2019)
Arthur: Arthur was taken by a cops
But then accidentaly happen (crush car)
Arthur being saving by some other guys
Then with the tears in his eyes form all the pain, still he keeps smiling.


The atmosphere that happened after Arthur appeared on TV Arthur keeps

smiling. There were crowds of demonstrators destroying buildings, burning cars,

carrying wood and running. Arthur was taken by a cops, Arthur saw him from

inside the car with the police who took him, he laughed when he saw the riot.


What Arthur has been doing on TV further wreaks havoc in the city. In

picture 2, you can see Arthur's expression seeing the conditions that occur in the

city in a car with a broad smile on his lips and visible teeth which can be

interpreted as being happy but can also be interpreted to cover up sadness still he

keeps smiling. This behavior is functional violence by doing something that is

not desired, blocking certain activities, and forcing an unwanted presence.

4.3 Discussion

Based on the findings above, the researcher hopes to answer the research

objective to describe the denotative and connotative meaning of the denotative

and connotative meanings of Joker movie, focuses on analyzing utterances by

using Roland Barthes' analysis to determine the denotative and connotative

meanings of Joker movie. Denotation is the level of sign that explains the

relationship between the signifier and the signified, which has an explicit

meaning. Denotation is the most conventional sign in society because the

relationship is based on reality or has meaning based on the dictionary, and

connotation is the level of sign that explains the relationship between the signifier

and the signified, which does not have an explicit meaning. The meaning is not

listed in the dictionary or has a literary meaning.

Based on the findings, there are 12 denotative and connotative meaning

found in Joker movie.

Data 1 show the denotative meaning of Arthur carrying wooden board says

everyting must go is he’s gonna fine, and the connotative meaning is the answer

sentence, can’t do anything, weak and get bully what happens is Arthur being

punched and kicked until he is helpless and the keep is prevented.

Data 2 show the denotative meaning is I’m not supposed to have a gun and

the connotative meaning is a you have to be able to protect yourself out there.

Randall knows about the tragedy that has befallen Arthur so he provides a weapon

to protect himself.

Data 3 shows the meaning of denotation is i got jumped they talked about

the yellow wooden planks he carried during his action. by some guys, and the

meaning of connotation is the people around you feel uncomfortable because you

are a strange person because, Arthur was Freak and weird in social.

Data 4 shows that the denotative meaning is Arthur was laugh at him the

three men saw him and the woman left him. The three men approached Arthur,

they thought Arthur was laughing at him, and the connotative meaning Arthur was

panic, because he has a mentall disoreder that all expression was laugh even panic

he was laugh make tree of man feel uncomfortable

Data 5 shows that the denotative meaning is you want some friench fries

one of the drunk men teased him by offering him the french fries he was holding,

the man who asks the type of man that women like, and the connotative meaning

is you want some friench fries by teasing or disturbing it which creates fear. You

can see that the woman's expression is looking down or crouching and holding the

book, then the man threw the potato at her. the behavior carried out by a group of

men is harassment, indicating that she feels uncomfortable and threatened with

the men and in picture 3 her shoulders are turned inward, indicating discomfort.

Data 6 shows that the denotative meaning is your mother was sick Arthur

is at Thomas Wayne's house to find out about his father. I know about two of

them and the connotative meaning your mother was sick is delusional. Then his

lips curl which indicates he does not like, and does not agree with something, he

looks into the eyes of the guard while speaking, Arthur is to choke the guard's

neck. This behavior was done because he felt cheated on the relationship between

Wayne and Penny.

Data 7 shows that the denotative meaning I’m not your father Arthur was

happy finally talk to his father, follows him and talks about his relationship with

Penny Fleck. I’m Arthur, and penny fleck is my mother and the connotative

meaning is, I’m not your father chatted about what he meant is Arthur was not his

son. Not long after Arthur laughed when the chat was serious, then Wayne

punched Arthur's face until it bled from his nose and left him, Wayne's picture

expression hit Arthur hard, indicating that Wayne was angry. In picture, there is

blood out of Arthur's nose and dripping in the sink, with the body slightly bent

and head bowed which means he is feeling depressed.

Data 8 shows the denotative meaning is it’s so hard to just try and be

happy all the time: means Arthur was pretending happy all the time but not like

that he met the administrative assistant who served him. The assistant just reads

what Penny is suffering from but he suddenly stops which makes Arthur was

happy and curious. I’m sorry man, the assistant could not provide more detailed

information sorry friend, i can't release this note, the connotation is it’s so hard to

just try and be happy all the time he was sad but the expression was happy and

smile, Arthur takes his mother's (Penny's) medical records from the officers. In

picture 2, you can see Arthur is grabbing a tight grip on the notebook from the

officer. Arthur forcibly took the medical records. Arthur's attitude towards

officers is a crime for personal gain and doesn't think about the risks.

Data 9 shows that the denotative meaning i haven’t be happy one minute

of my entire fucking life is Arthur happy come to visit Penny sitting and his

mother is lying on the bed with his hand which indicates he is sick. Arthur talks to

Penny, thinking that his life is a tragedy but realizes that it is just a comedy and

full of lies, he saying that, and the connotative meaning, i haven’t be happy one

minute of my entire fucking life is Arthur was mad and want to kill Penny

approaching the bed and silencing his mother's face using a pillow he pressed his

face hard against his pillow. In the last picture Penny looks lifeless. Accompanied

by the sound of stifling breath due to the gagging of the pillow. Arthur did this

because he felt he had been lied by Penny. In picture, you can see Penny is

lifeless, my life is a fucking comedy

Data 10 shows that the denotative meaning I’m feel good is Arthur was

happy because he stopped taking his medication and feel not sick again, and the

connotative meaning is his being crazy because taking off his medication reflects

the behavior of stopped taking medication makes Arthur lost control, get crazy

and kill Randall.

Data 11 shows that the denotative meaning is I’m not political the event

has started, it looks like Arthur is sitting with Murray and his partner because he

likes Murray. That’s right Murray I’m not political, they talked about many

things, Arthur told what he had felt so far, then the connotative meaning is he is a

comedian, not a political because of Arthur make up sems like demonstrators. At

the moment Gotham city was chaos by demonstrators The event starting in Figure

shows Arthur sitting with his legs crossed, indicating he likes to hide his feelings

and has a closed attitude. it`s been a rough few weeks, in picture, you can see

Arthur taking out a weapon and firing it at Murray twice there is something he is

hiding or can give the meaning that (Arthur doesn't like Murray).

Data 12 shows that the denotative meaning is there were crowds of

demonstrators destroying buildings, burning cars, carrying wood and running.

Arthur was taken by a cops feel sad and frustrated like this is the end of his life

after kill Murray, the connotative meaning is a description of Arthur's expression

was happy make a chaos of the city seeing the conditions that occur in the city in a

car with a broad smile on his lips and visible teeth which can be interpreted as

being happy but can also be interpreted to cover up sadness still he keeps smiling.



5.1 Conclusion

Joker is a psychological thriller film released in 2019, directed by Todd

Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix as the titular character, Arthur Fleck/Joker.

In the context of this movie, let's discuss the denotative and connotative


The denotative meaning refers to the literal or surface-level interpretation

of the film's content. In the case of "Joker," the denotative meaning includes the

events that occur in the movie, which has a difference in the first meaning and the

second meaning. This thesis explored the meaning of some utterances, image,

gesture, and expression in joker movie. The actions and behaviors of the

characters, and the basic plot elements. For example:

The film follows the story of Arthur Fleck, a mentally troubled and marginalized

individual, who works as a clown and dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.

Arthur is a sympathetic character who faces a series of hardships, abuse, and

bullying, which pushes him to the edge of insanity.

As the story unfolds, Arthur transforms into the Joker, adopting a criminal and

anarchistic persona.

The connotative meaning goes beyond the literal interpretation and

involves the emotional, symbolic, and metaphorical layers of the movie. It delves

into the themes, messages, and societal reflections the film presents. Some of the

connotative meanings in Joker are:

The movie serves as a powerful commentary on societal issues such as

mental health, income inequality, and the neglect of marginalized individuals. It

explores how a combination of these factors can lead to the rise of a menacing

figure like the Joker.

Joker is a thought-provoking film that weaves together denotative and

connotative meanings to create a complex and multifaceted narrative. While the

denotative aspects provide a clear and straightforward portrayal of a character's

journey towards becoming a supervillain, the connotative layers offer deeper

insights into the human condition, societal issues, and the moral ambiguity that

resonates with audiences long after the credits roll. The movie's ability to engage

viewers on both intellectual and emotional levels contributes to its lasting impact

in contemporary cinema.

Joker delves into the complexities of the human psyche, showcasing how a

person's descent into darkness can be triggered by a multitude of factors,

including societal indifference and a lack of empathy. Chaos vs. Order: The Joker

represents chaos and anarchy, while the established order is represented by

Gotham City and its institutions. The movie questions the balance between chaos

and order in society and the consequences of tipping that balance.

Identity and Transformation: The film examines the concept of identity

and how it can be shattered and rebuilt through trauma and hardship. Arthur's

transformation into the Joker symbolizes a rejection of his former self and a

reclaiming of power.

Overall, Joker is a thought-provoking film that uses its denotative elements

to tell a compelling story while weaving in deeper connotative meanings to

provoke discussions about the human condition and societal issues. provoking

film that weaves together denotative and connotative meanings to create a

complex and multifaceted narrative.

5.2 Suggestions

This thesis aims to analyze the denotative and connotative elements in the

film "Joker" which was released in 2019. This analysis will examine important

aspects of the narrative, characters, symbols, and the use of color in the film to

understand the message the director wants to convey to viewer. The analytical

method used in this research is a qualitative approach with content techniques.

The data used are scenes and dialogues from the movie "Joker".

The symbols that appear in the movie "Joker" and identify the denotations

and connotations contained in them. These symbols can include Joker costumes,

weapons, laughing signatures, or other visual elements that play a prominent role

in the film.

Research on the denotative and connotative aspects of the film "Joker"

will provide a deeper understanding of the message and meaning that the director

wants to convey to the audience. It is hoped that the results of this research can

provide new insights and contributions to film studies and semiotic analysis.

Researchers limit it to denotative and connotative while other researchers

can take other aspects that have not been discussed here


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