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Jl. Bhayangkara No. 38 Surakarta
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


DAFTAR ISI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

BAB I PENDAHULUAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------4
A. Tujuan Umum ------------------------------------------------------------------------4
B. Tujuan Khusus------------------------------------------------------------------------4
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Melakukan Komunikasi untuk
Membuat Janji Temu---------------------------------------------------------------5
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalamMelakukan Komunikasi untuk
Membuat Janji Temu--------------------------------------------------------------8
C. Sikap Kerja dalam Melakukan Komunikasi untuk Membuat Janji
Temu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
BAB III MENCATAT JADWAL DAN TUJUAN PERTEMUAN----------------------------------9
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Mencatat Jadwal dan Tujuan
Pertemuan --------------------------------------------------------------------------9
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Mencatat Jadwal dan Tujuan
Pertemuan --------------------------------------------------------------------------10
C. Sikap Kerja dalam Mencatat Jadwal dan Tujuan Pertemuan ---------------10
BAB IV MENGKONFIRMASI RENCANA PERTEMUAN----------------------------------------11
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Mengkonfirmasi Rencana
Pertemuan --------------------------------------------------------------------------11
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Mengkonfirmasi Rencana
Pertemuan --------------------------------------------------------------------------18
C. Sikap Kerja dalam Mengkonfirmasi Rencana Pertemuan --------------------18
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Menjelaskan Perubahan
Rencana Pertemuan ---------------------------------------------------------------19
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Menjelaskan Perubahan
Rencana Pertemuan ---------------------------------------------------------------20
C. Sikap yang Diperlukan dalam Menjelaskan Perubahan Rencana
Pertemuan --------------------------------------------------------------------------20
Judul Modul Membuat Janji Temu/Making Appointments Halaman: 2 dari 25
Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------21

A. Dasar Perundang-Undangan ------------------------------------------------------21
B. Buku Referensi ----------------------------------------------------------------------21
C. Majalah atau Buletin ---------------------------------------------------------------21
D. Referensi Lainnya ------------------------------------------------------------------21
DAFTAR PERALATAN/MESIN DAN BAHAN --------------------------------------------------21
A. Daftar peralatan/ Mesin -----------------------------------------------------------21
B. Daftar Bahan ------------------------------------------------------------------------21
DAFTAR PENYUSUN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------23

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


A. Tujuan Umum
Setelah mempelajari modul ini peserta latih diharapkan mampu membuat janji
temu/making appointments
B. Tujuan Khusus
Adapun tujuan mempelajari unit kompetensi melalui buku informasi Membuat janji
temu/ Making Appointments ini guna memfasilitasi peserta latih sehingga pada akhir
pelatihan diharapkan memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut:
1. Melakukan komunikasi untuk membuat janji temu
2. Mencatat jadwal dan tujuan pertemuan
3. Mengkonfirmasikan rencana pertemuan
4. Menjelaskan perubahan rencana pertemuan

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam melakukan komunikasi untuk

membuat janji temu adalah sebagai berikut:

Business people meet with clients, suppliers, owners, managers and others
on a regular basis. Arranging those meeting times is the target language for this
lesson. The structure of these conversations often looks like this:

Are you available on... / next...?

free on... / next...?
Can we meet on... / next ...?
Would next ... be ok?
What about next ... ?
Is next ... ok?
If possible I would like to….?
I was wondering If we could….?
Do you think We could…?
Do you mind if We …?
Could I

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


 "Are you available (tersedia/ada/bisa) on the 17th?"

 "Can we meet on the 16th?"
 "How does the 3rd sound to you?"
 "Are you free next week?"
 "Would Friday suit you?"
 "Is next Tuesday convenient for you?"
 "What about sometime next week?"
 “If possible, I would like to come by and see you [tomorrow]?”
 “I was wondering (bertanya-tanya) if we could get together [on
 “Do you think we could get together [next week]?”
 “Do you mind if we get together [sometime]?”
 “Could I visit you [later today]?”

Suggesting a time/date:

Could we meet at _________ on ________ the _____ of _____?

Could we meet at 10AM on Monday the 3rd of July?

Could we meet at 12PM on Friday the 5th of August? 5 of august

13 PM 1PM 4PM 16PM 16:00 04:00 PM

Could we . . .

Can we . . .

Is it possible to meet at 2PM, 7th of August for you?

I’d like to see you at [time and date] . . .

Would [time and date] be good for you?

Rejecting a time/date:

Apologize and give a reason

I’m sorry, I’ve got another meeting then.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

I’m afraid I can’t, I’m out of town that day.

I wish I could, but . . .

[Date/time] is not good for me, I’m sorry.

Suggesting an alternative time/date:

How about next Friday, instead?

Maybe 11:00 a.m., instead?

How about . . .

Could you do it at . . .

Agreeing to a time and date:

That’s fine. I’ll see you then.

That sounds fine/good/great/super to me.

Yes, lets try that.

Perfect, let’s do it then.

Perfect, let’s do that.

Read the following dialogue with a partner!

Dialogue 1
Receptionist : Good morning, Velova Company, Gita speaking. How can I help
Client : Morning Gita, I want to make an appointment with Mr. Fahri
Leksono tomorrow to discuss about the product which he ordered
Receptionist : May I know your name and your company, Sir?
Client : Ehmm, I’m Siswo Husodo from Sarang Teknik.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

Receptionist : Well, please wait a minute Mr. Husodo, I will check the schedule
of Mr. Leksono.
Client : OK.

Receptionist : Hello Mr. Husodo, I’m sorry I can not make the schedule for you
tomorrow, Mr. Leksono has a business trip for a week. I can put
you in at 1 p.m next Wednesday. How does that sound?
Client : That would be great.
Receptionist :Ok, thank you, Sir. See you on the next Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Client : See you.

Dialogue 2
Anna : Hi Bella, Where did you go last night? I saw you in hurry driving your car.
Bella : Hi Anna, Oh last night I had an appointment with my little sister to attend
her birthday party.
Anna : Hmm, that's why you were in hurry last night.
Bella : Yup, you're right. Anyway. Where are you going now?
Anna : I am going to Husada hospital to make an appointment with Dr Annabel
to check my eyes.
Bella : Get well soon Anna, anyway have you heard about the Adele concert in
Bandung next week?
Anna : Of course I have. She's my favorite singer, hehe. Do you want to attend
her concert?
Bella : I do but if you accompany me.
Anna : Ok. I need to check my weekly schedule whether we can go or not. I'll call
you later.
Bella : Yup, I am waiting Anna..

B. Keterampilan yang dilakukan dalam melakukan komunikasi untuk

membuat janji temu adalah sebagai berikut:
a) Menghubungi pihak yang akan ditemui dengan menerapkan tatacara
berkomunikasi yang baik.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

b) Mengutarakan maksud pertemuan dengan baik dan benar.

C. Sikap yang harus dilakukan waktu melakukan komunikasi untuk

membuat janji temu yaitu:
Harus menerapkan tatacara berkomunikasi yang baik dan benar saat
menghubungi pihak yang akan ditemui dan mengutarakan maksud pertemuan.


A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam mencatat jadwal dan tujuan

pertemuan adalah sebagai berikut:
Appointments can be made by phone or by letters. When you make
appointments by phone, it will be better if you also record the appointment by
writing the schedule and the purpose of the appointments in a form. This is such
a good way to remind you and the person or people who wants to be met. Thus,
the meeting as a result of the appointment can be held at the right time. Here is
the form of the appointment:

Appointment Form (formular janji temu)

Jl. Ronggowarsito No. 34 Surakarta 57143 Phone (0271) 876890


1. February, 10.00 Mr. Jay Nororono 0891234566 Signing MOU

2nd 2014 Chou Meeting (Memorandum of
Room Understanding/not
a kesepakatan)

2. February, 15.00 Miss Linda Liberty 0812678543 Meet with the

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Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

15th, Tan Service marketing manager

2014 Center

3 February, 14.00 Ms. Anna Anna’s 022 543 12 Signing MOU

16th, 2014 Office

3. February, 8.30 Mrs. Liberty 0819786543 Meet with the

20th, TantriAbeng Service windows tablet
2014 Center technicians

4. March, 11.00 Mr. Diamond 0821673456 Attending Soft

10th 2014 DoniDonito Convention Opening of PT.
Center GBK Perkasa

5. March, 13.00 Miss Liberty 0815234784 Meet with the head

19th 2014 ArvinaShing Service of Liberty Service
Center Center

6 1st June

B. Keterampilan yang dilakukan dalam mencatat jadwal dan tujuan

pertemuanadalah sebagai berikut:
a) Mencatat jadwal dan tujuan pertemuan serta nama orang yang akan ditemui
di buku agenda.
b) Melakukan pencatatan sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan yang benar.

C. Sikap yang harus dilakukan waktu mencatat jadwal dan tujuan


Harus bersikap cermat, teliti dan sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan yang benar
waktu mencatat jadwal dan tujuan pertemuan serta nama orang yang akan
ditemui di buku agenda.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam mengkonfirmasikan rencana

pertemuan adalah sebagai berikut:

You can confirm your appointments by phone or by letters. If you want to

confirm your appointments by letters, you must understand what to write in your
letter. Firstly, we will learn how to write confirmation letter of appointments.
Here are the explanations of English letter structure:

Formal Letter Structure: Block Format

Formal letters written in block format place everything on the left hand side of
the page. Place the your address or your company's address at the top of the
letter on the left (or use your company's letterhead) followed by the address of
the person and / or company you are writing to placed on the left side of the
page. Hit the key return a number of times and use the date.

Formal Letter Structure: Standard Format

In formal letters written in standard format place your address or your
company's address at the top of the letter on the right. Place the address of the
person and / or company you are writing on the left side of the page. Place the
date on the right hand side of the page in alignment with your address.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

Formal Letter Structure: Basic Structure

First Paragraph
The first paragraph of formal letters should include an introduction to the
purpose of the letter.

Body Paragraphs
The second and following paragraphs should provide the main information of the
letter, and build on the main purpose in the introductory first paragraph.

Final Paragraph
The final paragraph should shortly summarize the intent of the formal letter and
end with some call to action.

The Start
Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss) - if you know the name of the person you are writing to.
Use Dear Sir / Madam if you do not know the name of the person you are
writing to, or To Whom it May Concern

VERY IMPORTANT: Always use Ms for women unless you are specifically
requested to use Mrs or Miss

Starting with a 'Thank You'

Formal letters are often begun by thanking someone. This is especially true
when writing in response to an inquiry of some kind. Here are some useful
Thank you for your letter of (date) inquiring about ...
We would like to thank you for your letter of (date) asking for / requesting
information about ...
In response to your letter of (date), we would like to thank you for your interest
in ...


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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

I would like to thank you for your letter of January 22nd requesting information
about our new line of lawn mowers.
In response to your letter of October 23, 1997, we would like to thank you for
your interest in our new line of products.

Reason for Writing

If you are beginning correspondence with someone about something, or asking
for information, begin by providing a reason for writing:
I am writing to inform you about ...
I am writing to ask / inquire about ...

I am writing to ask about information for small businesses.
I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received payment for ...

Asking for Help

Use the following phrases to ask for help:
I would be grateful if you could + verb
Would you mind + verb + ing
Would it be to much to ask that ...

I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure.
Would you mind telephoning me during the next week.
Would it be to much to ask that our payment be postponed for two weeks.

Offering Help
The following phrases are used to offer help:
I would be happy to + verb
We would be pleased to + verb


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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

We would be pleased to assist you in finding a new location.

Enclosing Documents
In some formal letters you will need to include documents or other information.
Use the following phrases to draw attention to any enclosed documents you
might have included.

Enclosed please find + non

Enclosed you will find ... + noun
We enclose ... + noun

Enclosed you will find a copy of our brochure.
Enclosed please find a copy of our brochure.
We enclose a brochure.

Closing Remarks
Always finish a formal letter with some call to action, or reference to a future
outcome you desire. Some of the options include:

A referral to a future meeting:

I look forward to meeting / seeing you
I look forward to meeting you next week.
An offer of further help
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this
If you need any further assistance please contact me.

Sign the letter with:

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
for formal letters OR
Best wishes
Best regards
Make sure to sign your letter by hand followed by your typed name.

Next, this is the sample of business letter in English. Look at the structure of the

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

Expressions for confirmation letters

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

If you don't know the person, you'll need to give some background information
about yourself or your company.

I am… and I would be interested to meet you to discuss…

I would be grateful if you could indicate a convenient time to meet during this

I look forward to hearing from you.

Samples of confirmation letters

Sample Letter #1
It was good to make your acquaintance last week. We look forward to meeting with you

again on Monday, January 3, at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the terms of our licensing

agreement. We will meet in John Doe's office at 1600 Main Street.

Until then, please call Jane, our administrative assistant, at 555-5555 if you need

more information. We are optimistic about what we can accomplish together.

Sample Letter #2
As I mentioned at our lunch meeting, we plan to hold a meeting in January for anyone

interested in employment at Doe International. It will be at 11:00 a.m. on January 5, in

the auditorium of Building Q on the Springfield Campus. Representatives from each

hiring division will be present to answer questions. Please bring an updated resume

and a list of references. We look forward to seeing you there.

Sample Letter #3

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

I am writing to confirm my appointment with you made over the phone the other day.

We agreed meet in your office on May 6, at 9:30 p.m. Please complete the fact finder

I have enclosed so that our meeting will be productive. If you have any question

regarding our appointment or the fact finder, please call me.

I look forward to meeting you.

Sample Letter #4
Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me next Monday, May

12. Any advice you can give me as I make decisions about my career will be very

helpful. I will meet you at 10:00 a.m. in your office. Please contact me at 555-5555, if

we need to change the time.

Making confirmation of appointment by phone

Confirming appointment schedule is important for both of you and the person
with whom you make the appointment. This is to avoid
misunderstanding if there are some changes during the
period of time of appointment schedule made.
Here are some expressions you can use for confirming appointments by phone.

Expressions to confirm an appointment

Yes, Monday is fine.

Yes, Tuesday would be fine.

Wednesday suits me.

Thursday would be perfect.

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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

Please confirm if this date and time is suitable / convenient for you.

Can you let me know if this is works for you?

Confirmation of Appointment Dialog

Dialog 1

Tom : Hello! Can I speak to Dr. Merissa, please?

Receptionist : I’m afraid she’s in a meeting, but I can leave her a message.

Tom : I would like to arrange an appointment to see her.

Receptionist : She is available tomorrow morning.

Tom : I could make it at 11:30.

Receptionist : I’m sorry, she’s busy at that time. Would 12 be ok?

Tom : Excellent. I will see you tomorrow at 12 then!

Receptionist : Goodbye!

Dialog 2
A: Hello, Mr. Zain? This is Henry Chu over at Hitachi.
B: Hello Henry, what can I do for you?
A: I was wondering if we could get together on Tuesday to talk about the specs*
on the relays you ordered.
B: Tuesday sounds fine to me, what time is good for you?
A: How about 2 p.m.?
B: I’m sorry, I’ve got to meet with Mr. al Ghazi then, but any other time is fine.
A: Can we try 3 p.m. then?
B: That’s perfect, see you then.
A: Thank you Mr. Zain, I’ll see you Tuesday then, at 3 p.m.**
* specs are short for specifications – or details
** repeat the time to confirm agreement -this is not always done

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Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

B. Keterampilan yang dilakukan dalam mengkonfirmasikan rencana

a) Menulis dan mengirim surat konfirmasi kepada pihak yang akan ditemui.
b) Menghubungi kembali melalui telepon pihak yang akan ditemui untuk
menanyakan kepastian pertemuan.

C. Sikap yang harus dilakukan waktu mengkonfirmasikan rencana


Harus bersikap cermat, teliti dan taat asas waktu menulis dan mengirim surat
konfirmasi kepada pihak yang akan ditemui serta menghubungi kembali melalui
telepon pihak yang akan ditemui untuk menanyakan kepastian pertemuan.

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Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam menjelaskan perubahan rencana

pertemuan adalah sebagai berikut:

Sometimes, things come up and we have to cancel a previous engagement or

appointment. When this happens, the best thing you can do is apologise and find
another time to meet. Here are some expressions to cancel appointments:

 Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to keep our

appointment for tomorrow afternoon.
 Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?
 I’m afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Wednesday, as something
unexpected has come up.
 Would you be free to meet early next week?
 I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to meet you after all. Can we fix another


Yasir : Hey, Ira!

Ira : Oh, Hey Yasir!
Yasir : Remember our appointment I told you last night on the phone?
Ira : Oh, yes of course.
Yasir : Great, so would this Friday suit you?
Ira : Friday? Well, I think it would be perfect.
Yasir : Nice! Okay, see you on Friday, Ira.

Ira : Um…. Oh my! Hey, Yasir wait up!

Yasir : Huh? What’s the matter, Ira?
Ira : I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to meet you this Friday after all.
Yasir : Oh really? Why?
Ira : I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier. My sister called me a while ago. She told

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Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

me to go with her to somewhere this Friday.

Yasir : Oh, that’s too bad.
Ira : Alright, can we fix another time?
Yasir : Well, if that’s the case. How about Saturday?
Ira : Alright, I think I will be free on Saturday
Yasir : Cool. Now it’s Saturday, right?
Ira : Yes. Alright, good bye then
Yasir : Good bye, Ira!

B. Keterampilan yang dilakukan dalam menjelaskan perubahan rencana


a). Mengucapkan permintaan maaf jika perubahan rencana pertemuan dilakukan

oleh pihak kita, disertai penjelasan perubahan.
b). Mencatat perubahan rencana pertemuan, alasan serta perubahan waktu dan
c). Menyampaikan hasil pembicaraan di telepon kepada atasan.

C. Sikap yang harus dilakukan waktu menjelaskan perubahan rencana


Harus bersikap cermat, teliti dan taat asas waktu mengucapkan permintaan maaf
jika perubahan rencana pertemuan dilakukan oleh pihak kita, disertai penjelasan
perubahan, mencatat perubahan rencana pertemuan, alasan serta perubahan
waktu dan tempat serta menyampaikan hasil pembicaraan di telepon kepada

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional


A. Dasar Perundang-undangan
B. Buku Referensi
Complete Office English

C. Majalah atau Buletin


D. Referensi Lainnya


A. Daftar Peralatan/Mesin

Nama Peralatan/Mesin Keterangan
1. Laptop, infocus, laserpointer Untuk di ruang teori

2. Meja dan Kursi Untuk setiap peserta

B. Daftar Bahan

Nama Bahan Keterangan
Instruktur dan setiap
1. Modul Pelatihan

2. Kertas HVS A4 Setiap peserta

3. Spidol whiteboard Instruktur

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Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional

4. Ballpoint Setiap peserta

5. Pensil Setiap peserta

6. Penghapus karet Setiap peserta

7. Whiteboard Instruktur

8. Penghapus Whiteboard Instruktur

Judul Modul Membuat Janji Temu/Making Appointments Halaman: 24 dari 25

Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor: Bahasa Inggris BHS.IS02.008.01
Sub-sektor: Tenaga Administrasi Professional



1. DillyanaKrismianingrum InstrukturKejuruanBisnisdanManajemen
BLK Surakarta

Judul Modul Membuat Janji Temu/Making Appointments Halaman: 25 dari 25

Buku Informasi Versi: 2018

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