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Name: Albertus Andhika D.S.B.

NPM : 20.0504.0037

T Informatika S-1. Regular B

Online Class

Hello, my name is Albertus Andhika today i will share about the online learning experience. The
reason we are doing online learning is because of the 2020 Quarantine which is caused by the corona
virus which is widespread in Indonesia. therefore all students in Indonesia carry out new learning,
namely by distance learning or online learning. so I will share about my experience.

In my opinion, distance learning has both advantages and disadvantages. namely the advantages we
have new experiences, can use social media better, more modern and relaxed, easy to find material on
the internet, shorter time used for online lectures, flexible learning places. But for the shortcomings, it is
not uncommon for me to experience internet connection problems which cause when the ZOOM the
learning voice sounds disconnected, and sometimes the website learns server problems such as Request
Time Out (RTO) so it's difficult to upload tasks

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