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Nama : Arifah Nabila

NIM: 220401110244

Kelas: Psikologi-F

Skimming and scanning

Skimming and scanning are two techniques for reading quickly in order to locate specific information in
a text without reading every word in detail. Both techniques are often used when you need to find key
information in a long text or when you want to get a general sense of the text's content before reading it
more thoroughly. Here's a brief explanation of both techniques:

1. Skimming:

- Purpose: To get a general overview of the text's content.

- Technique: Reading quickly, primarily looking at the title, headings, the first and last paragraph, and
keywords or important points.

- Example Text:

Title: "The History of Computer Development"

Subtitle: "From the First Generation to the Latest"

First Paragraph: "Computers have seen rapid development since their creation in the 1940s. Since
then, each decade has witnessed new breakthroughs in computer technology."

Last Paragraph: "With the continuous advancement of technology, the future of computers looks very
promising. Innovations like quantum computing are a major focus of research."

When skimming, you only read the title, subtitles, the first and last paragraphs, and keywords like
"computer development" to gain a general understanding of the text's content.

2. Scanning:

- Purpose: To find specific information or details within the text.

- Technique: Searching for relevant keywords or phrases related to your purpose and quickly passing
over the text without reading the entire content.

- Example Text:

Text: "Quick Guide to Making Spaghetti Aglio e Olio"

Question: "What are the ingredients needed for this recipe?"

In scanning, you would search for keywords like "ingredients" or "recipe" and swiftly scan the text to
find the list of required ingredients, such as garlic, olive oil, and pasta.By using skimming and scanning,
you can save time when looking for relevant information in a lengthy text or when you need to evaluate
whether the text meets your needs before reading it more thoroughly.
Example Text :
Title : "Global Warming and Its Impact on Polar Ice Caps"

Subtitle : "A Quick Overview of the Issue"

First Paragraph : "Global warming is a pressing environmental issue that has garnered worldwide
attention. It refers to the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to the release of
greenhouse gases. One of the most visible impacts of global warming is the melting of polar ice caps."

Last Paragraph : "In conclusion, global warming poses a significant threat to the polar ice caps, with
implications for rising sea levels, altered ocean currents, and changing ecosystems. Efforts to mitigate
global warming and its impacts are crucial for preserving the planet's delicate balance."

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