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Putri Nurhanida Rizky, S.Kel., M.P., M.Sc




Putri Nurhanida Rizky,S.Kel., M.P., M.Sc

Modul ini disusun sebagai pedoman dan acuan dalam pelaksanaan Perkuliahan
Budidaya Ikan Hias Semester Gasal Program Studi Teknik Budidaya Perikanan
Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sidoarjo

Disahkan pada Tanggal 01 Desember 2022

Ketua Program Studi TBP Penanggung Jawab Mata Kuliah

Lusiana BR Ritonga, S.Pi., M.P Putri Nurhanida Rizky, S.Kel., M.P., M.Sc
Sudah jadi rahasia umum kalua bahasa inggris tuh penting banget zaman sekarang.
Memang sih, belajar bahasa inggris yang paling asyik adalah belajar percakapan.
Tapi, kebutuhan kita nggak terbatas Cuma di percakapan saja. Kadang, kita ’dipaksa’
untuk belajar yang lebih serius dan memeras otak. Tapi kalau butuh, mau gimana
lagi? TOEFL adalah salah satu bentuk tes yang mesti kamu pelajari. Karena, selain
sudah berstandar internasional, TOEFL juga penting banget pas mau masuk
perguruan tinggi atau malah untuk syarat kelulusan.
Dengan demikian, nggak bisa dipungkiri kalau modul ini berguna banget buat kamu.
Poin plusnya, nggak kayak buku – buku TOEFL lain yang tebal dan besar, buku yang
modul yang memang didesain khusus buat anak muda ini cocok untuk dibawa
kemanapun. Meski begitu, isinya lengkap kok. ada ekspresi – ekspresi dan kosakata
yang sering muncuk di soal listening, penjelasan tata bahasa yang lengkap, dan tips
– tips praktis saat mengerjakan soal TOEFL. Ditambah lagi, modul ini mencakup
semua skill yang diujikan.
Selain itu, modul ini juga dikemas dengan bahasa yang santai, sehingga kamu akan
lebih asyik membacanya apalagi ada latihan soal yang tentu bermanfaat banget buat
kamu. Jadi, kalau kamu ngerasa malas atau nggak nyaman dengan buku TOEFL
yang tebal, kamu harus baca modul ini. Dijamin kamu ngga bakalan stress dan
belajar TOEFL jadi lebih menyenangkan.

Yeap, kita sudah sampai di bagian terakhir tes TOEFL. Baisanya, yang terakhir ini
diisi oleh reading test. Seringnya, bagian reading terdiri dari 50 soal. Topik
bacaannya pun macam – macam. Ada yang ambil dari teks ilmu pengetahuan, teks
sejarahm bahkan berita. Satu hal yang pasti nih materi yang mengusung vocabulary
atau kosakata berjumlah cukup banyak. Tes reading biasanya juga cukup bikin
capek. Selain tes ini berbasis teks, kita juga diwajibkan membaca soal berupa teks
yang cukup Panjang. Nah, biar nggak terlalu pusing waktu mengerjakan soal, ada
nih bagian bagian dari tes reading yang kalua di baca pasti cukup meringankan

Buat jawab soal reading, ada nih strategi umum yang bisa di pakai. Cara – cara ini
dijamin bakal bantu kita untuk lebih paham teks bacaan.
Selain strategi umum dalam mengerjakan soal reading, ada juga strategi khusus
yang memudahkan kita untuk mengerjakannya.

Bentuk to be nggak Cuma tiga doang, lho. Jangan salah, to be punya lima bentuk:
is, am, are, was dan were. Kata benda yang muncul setelah to be bisa
mengindikasikan subjek.

1. The fuel for a nuclear power plants is in the form of small pellets of a
specially enriched radioactive material called uranium oxide. These are
inserted in metal tubes that are about 12 to 14 feet long (3 -4 m) and less
than 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The tubes are bunded together and put into
the reactor core.
Uranium oxide is …..
a. The tubes
b. The fuel for a nuclear plant
c. Pellets
d. Reactor core
2. Honeybees live in colonies of many thousand members. A typical colony has a
queen that lays eggs; a fertile male, or a drone; sexually undeveloped
females called workers. The workers care for the queen and larvae, gather
nectar, make and store honey then protect the hive.
Sexually underdeveloped female bee is …..
a. A worker
b. An undeveloped female
c. An egg
d. A male bee

Appositive adalah sekumpulan kata benda yang mengikuti kata benda lain dan
ditandai dengan koma.


Earth, the third planet from the sun, is often called the blue planet

*) arti earth diidentifikasikan oleh the third planet from the sun.

1. Seventeenth-century attempts to preserve anatomical specimens brought

about modern embalming, the preservation of the body after death by
artificial chemical means. The most common agent used today is
formaldehyde, which is infused to replace body fluids.
Embalming is ………
a. The preservation of anatomical specimens
b. The replacement of body fluids
c. Common agent related to formaldehyde
d. Death by a chemical means
2. An extinct species of animal or plant no longer has any living members. Many
species have been recorded as having gone extinct in the twentieth century.
However, occasionally a member of species thought to be extinct is found.
The coelacanth, large bodied, hollow spined fish, was one such creature. This
predecessor of the amphibians was considered extinct until 1938, when was
caught by a fisherman off the coast of South Africa.
A coelacanth is ………
a. An extinct creature
b. A species
c. An amphibian
d. A fish
3. Shortly after the great auk’s extinction, two other North American species, the
Carolina parakeet and the passenger pigeon in captivity both died in
September 1914. In addition to these extinct species, several others such as
the bald eagle, the peregrine falcon, and the California condor are today
recognized as endangered; steps are being taken to prevent their extinction.
Carolina parakeet and passenger pigeon are ……….
a. Bird species from North Carolina
b. Bird species from North America
c. A kind of great auk
d. A kind of eagle

Punctuation atau tanda baca juga bisa menjadi petunjuk arti suatu kata. Di kolom
berikut, ada beberapa tanda baca yang sering dipakai.

In laser printing, the greater the number of dpi (dots per inch), the higher the
quality of the image produced.

Dpi, tanda kurung disini menunjukkan kalau maksud dari dpi adalah dots per inch.

1. The incidents attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First a cartoon-

drawn by Clifford K.Berryman to make fun of this situation-appeared in the
Washington post, and the cartoon was widely distributed reprinted
throughout the country. Then toy manufacturers began producing a toy bear
which they called a “teddy bear”. The teddy bear become most widley
recognized symbol of Roosevelt’s presidency
According to line 5 of the passage, what is a “teddy bear”?
a. A play thing
b. A ferocious animal
c. The president of the United States
d. A famous hunter
2. A composer indicates to a musician how a musical passage is to be played
through the use of the dynamic markings. The symbol for soft is p, whereas
the one for loud is f. The intensity – loudness or softness – depends on the
extent or amplitude of the vibrations made by the particular instruments
being played.
Intensity is …………….
a. Dynamic markings
b. Loudness and softness
c. The extent of vibrations
d. The symbol for soft and loud
3. A supernova occurs when all the hydrogen in the cone of a huge star is
transformed to iron and explodes. All stars die after their nuclear fuel has
been exhausted. Stars with little mass die gradually, but those with relatively
large mass die in a sudden explosion, a supernova. The sudden flash of light,
can then be followed by several weeks of extremely bright light, perhaps as
much light as twenty million stars.
A “supernova” in line 1 is which of the following?
a. The hydrogen of a star
b. The explosion of a star
c. A core of a star
d. The iron component of a star

Or adalah kata hubung yang berfungsi memberi arti pada kata sebelumnya.


In some American Indian tribes, the squaw, or woman, was the owner of all


Arti kata the squaw adalah woman, yang diindikasikan oleh kata or. Jadi, kita tinggal
melihat kata di belakang or.
1. The Japanese macaque or the snow monkey inhabits an area farther north
than any other primate except for humans. The Japanese call this endangered
animal the snow monkey because it can be found in the snowy regions of
Japan. Ironically, some troops of macaque have been relocated in Texas to
ensure their survival.
The Japanese macaque is ………..
a. A snowy region
b. Monkeys usually found in the snowy region
c. Survival
d. An area in Texas
2. The ideal insulator or mud, absorbs heat during the day and slowly releases
at night. For thousand years, desert dwellers have sheltered themselves in
extremely functional buildings constructed of one of the most readily
available, dependable, and inexpensive materials we know.
Which belongs to ideal insulator?
a. Mud
b. Building
c. Construction
d. Shelter

Selain or, kata – kata yang mengindikasikan examples juga bisa sangat berguna.
Beberapa kata tersebut seperti : as, like, such as, for example, for instance.

Such large fish such as groupers and moray eels recognize the wrasse as a friend
that will help them.


Pada kalimat diatas, arti dari groupers and moray eels ditunjukan oleh large fish
yang diindikasikan oleh lata such as.

1. The life span of an elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty five
years. Of course, an elephant can perish from a number of “unnatural causes”
e.g. it can be killed by hunters, most probably for the valuable ivory in its
tusks; it can die from diseases that spread throughout an elephant herd; or it
can die from drought or from the lack of food that almost certainly
accompanies inadequate supply of water.
What does “unnatural causes” means?
a. Killed because of an old age
b. Killed because of catastrophe
c. Killed because of being hunted or diseases
d. Killed because of its behaviour
2. Cardamom is not as widely used as spice in the United States as it is in
another part of the world. This fruit of the ginger plant provides oil that is
basically has been used solely as a stimulant in American and English
medicines. Other cultures have recognized the multipurpose benefits of this
aromatic fruit. In Asia it is used to season sauces such as curry; in Middle
Eastern countries it is seeped to prepare a flavourful golden-colored the; in
parts of Northern Europe it is used as a spice in various types of pastry.
Cardamom is ……..
a. Ginger
b. Oil
c. A kind of spice
d. Medicines
Clauses atau anak kalimat, menerangkan kata benda dan biasanya dihubungkan
dengan kata - kata seperti that, where, which, who and whom.


Recent tests show that silver sufadiazine, which is a compound used in the
treatment of burns, can cure the most serious types of African sleeping sickness.
Sulfadiazine is a compound used in the treatment of burns.


Arti dari sulfadiazine diindikasikan oleh kata which, jadi kata – kata setelah which
pasti jadi arti dari sulfadiazine.

1. The coyote resembles a medium sized dog with a pointed face, thick fur, and
a black-tipped, bushy tail. Although its main diets consist of rabbits and other
rodents, it is considered dangerous to live stocks consequently, thousands are
killed yearly. In recent years, nonlethal techniques those that do not kill
coyotes, have been being developed to protect sheep and other live stocks
while at the same time allowing the coyote to remain in the wild.
Nonlethal techniques are those that ………
a. Allow livestock to live in the wild
b. Injure thousands of coyote yearly
c. Are not deadly to coyotes
d. Are dangerous to livestock.
Referents adalah kata – kata yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya dalam kalimat atau
paragraf. Kata – kata semacam ini biasanya menunjukkan langsung pada jawaban.
Cara untuk mengatasi soal sejenis adalah dengan mengetahui persamaan katanya


The farmers were concerned about the growing number of boll weevils. An
infestation of these insects could destroy the cotton crop overnight. What is boll

a. Infestation
b. Insects
c. Crop
d. Cotton


Jawabannya adalah insects. Karena kalima an infestation of these insects yang

menunjukkan hal itu.

1. The English longbowmen did not draw their bows but bent them by leaning
on them with one arm and the upper part of their body. This method utilized
the strength of the body instead of just the arm, and gave the arches
endurance to use the longbow longer.
A longbowman is ……………
a. A bowing technique
b. A method for utilizing the strength of the body
c. An archer
d. A bow
2. The umiak is not closed over, as is kayak. Instead, it is an open boat that is
built to hold ten to twelve passengers. Ekimos have numerous uses for the
umiak which reflect the size of a boat; e.g. the umiak is used to haul
belongings from campsite to campsite, and it is used for hunting larger
animals that are too big to be hunted in a kayak.
Umiak is ………….
a. A kayak
b. An open boat
c. Passengers
d. Eskimos

Kadang, arti suatu kata bisa lho ditebak lewat lawan katanya (antonim). Ada
beberapa kata yang mengindikasikan contrast, antara lain:

Kita juga sebenarnya bisa menebak arti kata lewat kata lain dalam kalimat.

In order to sip the nectar with its long tongue, the bee must dive into the flower and
in so doing becomes dusted with the fine pollen grains from the anthers.


Dari konteks kalimat diatas, kita bisa tahu kalau arti kata nectar adalah suatu zat
yang diambil oleh lebah dari dalam bunga karena ada kata – kata the bee must dive
into the flower.

1. The word “utensils” is closest in meaning to ….

a. Hammers
b. Weapons
c. Gadgets
d. Cutlery
2. The word “morsel” is closest in meaning to …………..
a. Meat
b. Spoon
c. Piece
d. Food
3. The phrase “scooping up” is closest in meaning to ………….
a. Picking up
b. Messing up
c. Hoisting up
d. Packing up
4. The word “tines” is closest in meaning to …………..
a. Handles
b. Bowls
c. Blades
d. Prongs
5. The word “persists” is closest in meaning to ………..
a. Operates
b. Prevails
c. Traces
d. Continue
1. The word “cuddling” is closest in meaning to ………..
a. Carrying
b. Hunting
c. Hitting
d. Bringing
2. What is “teddy bear”?
a. A ferocious animal
b. A plaything
c. A famous hunter
d. The president of United States
3. The word “past times” could be replaced by …….
a. Hunting trips
b. Leisure activities
c. Previous jobs
d. Things that occurred in the past
4. The word “extricated” is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a. Hunted
b. Shot
c. Released
d. Tied up
5. “Cartoon” could best be described as …….
a. A newspaper
b. A newspaper article
c. A type of teddy bear
d. A drawing with a message

1. What is the best title for the passage?

a. A theory
b. A special theory
c. A clear theory
d. No theories
2. The word “accomplishments in line 2” can be best replaced by …….
a. Achievements
b. Supports
c. Additions
d. Companies
3. “Fragments” in line 3 can be replaced by ….
a. Jobs
b. Parts
c. Pieces
d. Slices
4. The word “them” in line 4 refers to ….
a. Einstein
b. Problems
c. Fragments
d. Thoughts
5. These statements about Einstein are true EXCEPT …..
a. He often found difficulties during his early life
b. He didn’t have a friend at all
c. He had invented a very important theory
d. There was not anything absolute in this world
1. How does the author seem to feel about the grand jury system?
a. Quite assured as to its usefulness
b. Somewhat doubtful about its effectiveness
c. Highly supportive of its use
d. Extremely negative about all aspect
2. The word “indictment” in line 6 can be best replaced with …….
a. Support
b. Allegation
c. Achievement
d. Replacement
3. “it” in line 8 refers to ……
a. Primary
b. Existence
c. Reason
d. Grand jury
4. Where in the passage does the author mention who serve on a grand jury?
a. Lines 1 – 2
b. Lines 6 – 8
c. Lines 9 – 11
d. Lines 15 – 17
5. In which course might this passage be assigned reading?
a. Sociology of Criminal Behavior
b. Introduction to law
c. American history
d. Research methodologies

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