Anda di halaman 1dari 51

 FUNCTION : Movement, heart beat,

vascular contraction, peristaltic, gallbladder

emptying, etc. (1,2)
 Muscle cell  Muscle fiber coz its
elongated shape(2)
 Develop from mesoderm (1)
 Adanya sifat kontraksi sehingga otot berfungsi sebagai
alat gerak bagian – bagian tubuh
 Jenis – jenis otot / jaringan otot
1. Serabut otot polos (smoth muscle fiber)
^ Karakteristik :
- Serabut panjang – ujung runcing
- Satu inti sel – ditengah
- Tidak memiliki discus intercalaris, sinsitium
(percabangan) & garis – garis melintang



^ Sifat kontraksi
- Non voluntary
- Lambat – tahan lama

^ Terdapat pada dinding saluran cerna,

reproduksi, pernafasan, pembuluh darah,
→ Dalam sitoplasma terdapat fibril – fibril
yang tersusun atas deretan Mol. Protein
sebagai elemen kontraksi yang disebut
2. Serabut otot jantung (Cardiac Muscle)
^ Karakteristik :
- Serabut otot berhubungan satu dengan
yang lain membentuk percabangan
- Inti sel terletak ditengah
- Ada garis melintang & Diskus Interkalaris
(persambungan antar sel)
^ Sifat kontraksi : Non voluntary
- Cepat – tahan lama
- Terdapat pada organ jantung

Diskus Interkalaris
Percabangan sel
Garis Lurik
3. Serabut otot rangka (Skelet Muscle / Streated
Muscle Fibers)
^ Karakteristik :
- Serabut panjang – membentuk silindris
- Inti sel – di tepi
- Melekat pada tulang melalui Tendon atau
- Bagian tengah otot (diantara tendon)
disebut : Belly / Gastrik otot
- Tidak terdapat percabangan sel dan
diskus interkalaris
^ Sifat kontraksi : Voluntary
- Cepat & tidak berirama
- Mudah lelah

^ Terdapat : melekat pada rangka


 Most abundant tissue in human
body (2)
 Structure of skeletal muscle :
 Formed by long cylindrical,
multinucleated cell/fiber
 Cross-striations on muscle fiber

 Contraction : fast & voluntary

groups of muscle fibers. Group
of fasicle  muscle
 Generally do not branch
except in face & tongue(2)
 Surrounded by :
 Epimysium

 Perimysium

 Endomysium

 Epi/Peri/Endomysium
 continous layer with
blood & lymph vessel,
 Sarcolemma
 Sarcoplasm

 Mutinucleated cell,
peripherally placed
nuclei, located below
the sarcolemma/sub
 Sarcosom
 Elongated, threadlike
structures in the
sarcoplasm, run the length
of muscle muscle fiber
 Consist of :
1. Thin fillament :
 Actin
 Tropomyosin
 Troponin
2. Thick fillament :
 Myosin
 Elastic filament (titin)
 Thick & thin fillament 
Banding in skeletal muscle :
 A band (dark band) : thin &
thick filament overlapping
 I band (light band) : thin
filament only
 H band : thick filament only
 M line : separate direction of
Myosin orientation
 Z line : separate sarcomeres
 Sarcomere : contraction unit
between 2 Z line in myofibril
The bracket spans a distance of 10 sarcomeres.
 Branches of a motor nerve
end on the muscle fiber
 Appear as slightly elevated
plaque on muscle fiber 
accumulation of nuclei
 Consist of :
 Unmyelinated axon
 Primary synaptic clefts
from axon, with synaptic
vesicle filled with
 Secondary synaptic clefts 
from sarcolemma of musle
Acetylcholine carries
the message across
the cleft!
SPINDLE : modified
skeletal muscle fiber
associated with sensory and
motor nerves  Intrafusal
 2 types of intrafusal fibers :
1. Nuclear bag fiber : larger

2. Nuclear chain fiber :

thinner, nuclei form
single row
FIG. 4. Normal-appearing muscle from a 4-year-old girl. The
center of the image contains a normal-appearing muscle spindle.
(H&E, 200x)
 Ca 2+ released from
sarcoplasmic reticulum
 Thin filament shift to myosin
 move inward A band
 Space between I band & H
band shortens
 Z line move toward A band 
sarcomere shortens 
 Ca2+ return to sarcoplasmic
reticulum  Relaxation
 Adenosine triphosphate
(ATP)  Mitochondria
 ATP from aerobic or
anaerobic metabolism
 Found only in heart (2)
 Contraction : automatic,
spontaneous & involuntary(1, 2)
 Structure of cardiac muscle : (1,

 Striated but involuntary

 Surrounded by conn tissue
as in skeletal muscle 
more irregular due to
branching fibers
 Elongated, cylindrical &
branching fiber
 Each fiber contains only 1 or
2 nuclei, centrally placed
 Cross striations similar to
skeletal muscle (A/I/H band
& M/Z line)
 Sarcoplasm contain
numerous large mitochondria
Longitudinal section of cardiac muscle.
The endomysium is shown by (a)
The arrowheads show intercalated discs.
The arrows indicate regions of branching
(b) shows lipochrome granules which appear in the cytoplasm near the nuclei of cardiac
 Special junctions at the end
of two cardiac fiber
 Light microscope : dark lines
crossed the cardiac fiber
 3 junctions :
1. Fascia adherens

2. Macula adherens
3. Gap junctions
 Modification of cardiac
muscle  transfer
impulse faster than
ordinary cardiac muscle
 Purkinje fiber : thicker,
larger diameter, more
cytoplasm & contain
less myofibril
 Distribution : whole body
(blood vessel, GI tract,
respiratory tract, dermis,
reproductive system)(2)
 No cross striations(1, 2)
 Contraction : slow,
continue & involuntary(1, 2)
 Vary in length in different
organs (20 µm in small
blood vessel to 500-600
µm in pregnant uterus)
 Squamous cell, expanded
central region, tapering
 Squamous nuclei, single &
centrally placed
 Sarcoplasm : no striations
 homogenous
 Cardiac muscle : unable to regenerate  scar
 Skeletal muscle : able to regenerate  perform
by satellite cell
 Smooth muscle : limited ability to regenerate 
perform by mitosis of muscle cell
1. Histologi Dasar, Edisi 8, L. Carlos Junquira MD,
Jose Carneiro MD, Robert O. Kelley PhD,
EGC, 1995. Hal. 220-238
2. Essentials Of Human Histology, Second
Edition, William J. Krause PhD, Little Brown &
Company (Inc), 1996. Hal. 117-137
3. Color Textbook of Histologi, 2nd edition, Gartner LP,
Hiatt JL, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 2001.

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