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Praktikum Patologi

Blok 12
Departemen Patologi Anatomik
UHN- 2021

Prepared By: ERDS

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Contoh: dr Esther RD Sitorus SpPA, Blok 12, 23/9/2021,B1

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Dr. Esther Sitorus, Sp. PA, B lok 12, 23/9/2021, A
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Dr. Esther Sitorus, Sp. PA, B lok 12, 23/9/2021, A Contoh penulisan
Subject email
Topik : Immuni-Hematologi
Tanggal : 23/9/2021
Nama: Ariana Contoh penulisan
NIM: 19-001 Body email
Grup Praktikum : A
Nama Dosesn : dr. Esther Sitorus, Sp.PA

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Morphologic Features of Different Types of
Diffuse large B-Cell Lymphoma
Variants of Reed-Sternberg cell (RSC) :
• Hodgkin's cell (atypical
mononuclear Reed-Sternberg
cell (RSC)
• Lacunar Reed-Sternberg cell
• Pleomorphic Reed-Sternberg
cell (RSC)
• Limfo-histiocytic ("pop-corn")
• "Mummy" Reed-Sternberg cell
Reed-Sternberg cell (II)
• Hodgkin's cell (atypical mononuclear
Reed-Sternberg cell is a variant of Reed-
Sternberg cell, which has the same
characteristics, but is mononucleated
• Lacunar Reed-Sternberg cell is large,
with a single hyperlobated nucleus,
multiple, small nucleoli and eosinophilic
cytoplasm which is retracted around the
nucleus, creating an empty space
• Pleomorphic Reed-Sternberg cell has
multiple irregular nuclei
• "Pop-corn" Reed-Sternberg cell
(lympho-histiocytic variant) is a small
cell, with a very lobulated nucleus, small
• "Mummy" Reed-Sternberg cell has a
compact nucleus, no nucleolus and
basophilic cytoplasm
RS Cell
• Classical Reed Stenberg Cell
• Mononuclear Reed Stenberg Cell
• Mummified Hodgkin Reed Stenberg Cell
• Florette- Like Hodgkin Reed Stenberg Cell
• Multinucleate Hodgkin Reed Stenberg Cell
• Lacunar Hodgkin Reed Stenberg Cell
Reed Sternberg cells

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