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Cerita imajinasi yang bertujuan

untuk menghibur pembaca ( to
amuse / to entertain the readers ).


Menghibur pembaca


1. Fairy tale ( dongeng )
2. Folktale ( cerita rakyat )
3.Myth ( mitos )
4.Fable ( cerita tentang dunia
binatang )
5.Legend ( cerita tentang
terjadinya suatu tempat ).
1.Orientation :
Paragraf pembuka yang
berfungsi memperkenalkan
kepada pembaca tentang
tokoh dalam cerita serta kapan
dan dimana cerita terjadi
( setting nya )
2.Complication :
Menceritakan permulaan
masalah /konflik dari tokoh-
tokoh dalam cerita ,yang
mengarah pada kilmak.
Menceritakan bagaimana
masalah teratasi dan berakhir
dengan happy ending atau
bad ending
Berisi tentang pesan
moral,saran atau pengajaran
dari penulis ( bagian ini tidak
harus ada dalam cerita/
optional )
1.Penggunaan Past Tense
menggunakan KK 2 )
2.Action Verbs ( kata kerja
aktif ),contoh
run,talked , cut ,said,danced dll
3.Time connector /Conjunction :
(sebelum),after (sesudah),
(ketika),as soon as (segera
dll. Text narative biasanya
dengan kata penunjuk waktu
seperti :
One day (suatu hari), once
(dahulu) , once upon a time
(dahulu kala) dll
 Penggunaan DIRECT SPEECH
( ucapan langsung, contoh :
He asked me,” Why did you
come late?”
Ucapan langsung ditandai
dengan “.....”
 Penggunaan INDERECT
SPEECH (ucapan tak
langsung), contoh :
He said to me that he had
much money. (Dia berkata
padaku bahwa dia punya
banyak uang )
Penggunaan Adjective (kata
sifat) seperti:happy
(bahagia) ,
glad(senang),sad(sedih) ,beau
tiful (indah),careless(ceroboh)
Penggunaan Adverb (kata
keterangan) seperti : happily (
dengan senang hati),
Carefully (dengan hati-
hati),carelessly (dengan

Contoh Narative text :

Once upon a
time ,there was
a kind woman
who had no
for a baby and Orientat
would often ion
say,”How I
woud l love to
have a baby
girl,even a tiny
little one.”
A beautiful fairy heard
her wish one day,and
gave her a little seed to
plant in a flower pot.
When the seed bloomed Complicati
into a tulip,the woman on
saw a tiny,beautiful girl
inside, no bigger than a
thumb.She decided to
call her Thumbelina.She
was so small that she
had a walnut shell for a
bed and used petal as a
blanket. Then an ugly
toad fell in love with
 One night when she was sleeping
,the toad carried her off to his
lily pad in a pond. Thumbelina
was very unhappy. A swallow
was passing by and saw how she
looked, and said,” Come south
with me to a warmer land.”
Young Thumbelina flew away on
the swallow’s back. They flew
across the seas and came to a
land of sunshine. The swallow
said,”This is my home.You can
live in one of the loveliest and uti
biggest flowers.When
Thumbelina stepped inside,she
found a handsome fairy, as tiny
as her,in its heart.He was the
son of the king of flowers and fell
in love with Thumbelina.He
asked her to marry him.So
Thumbelina became the queen of
the flowers and the two lived
happily ever after.
The Legend of Minangkabau

Once the soldiers of Majapahit

Kingdom came to conquerkingdom
in West Sumatra.The smart and
Wise king of the kingdom
challenged them to a buffalo
fight.If their buffalo win,they
could take his kingdom over.But if
his buffalo win,they should leave.
Majapahit slodiers agreed with it.
The king then ordered his
general to find a strong baby
buffalo.They separated it from its
mother for several days. It was
very hungry and thirsty. Then the
the king attached two sharp knives
to its horns.
At the buffalo battle, the
Majapahit soldier released a big
and a wild buffalo. The smart king
released his baby buffalo. It ran
very fast toward the big buffalo
and the teats. The knives at ita
horns cut through the big buffalo’s
stomach.The big buffalo fell down
to the ground and died.
Then, the king declared his
winning and changed the name of
the kingdom into “Minangkabau”,
the winning of buffalo. He changed
the shape of his palace roof to the
form of buffalo horns.He also
asked his queen to wear headdress
like buffalo’s horn.
1.The writer wrote the text above
in order to .....
A.Amuse the readers
B.Share funny experience
C.Describe an old kingdom
D.Tell the readers about royal life.
2.What does the second
paragraph mainly tell us about ?
A.The King’s serender to
Majapahit’s slodiers.
B.The winning of Minangkabau
Kingdom in buffalo fighting
C.The king’s idea to win the
buffalo fighting contest
D.The defeat of Majapahit
3.”Then,the king declared his
winning and ....”(paragraph 4 )
. The underlined word is
closest in meaning to .....
A.recognized B.announced
C.reported D.granted
4.What can we learn from the
story ?
A.Size is always the main
B.The cleverer can defeat the
C.The smaller always wins
against the bigger.
D.The stronger always loses
against the weaker.
The Ant and the Dove
An ant went to a river to get
a drink.The water rushed so
fast that he was washed off
the bank into the river.
“I shall drown,” he
cried.”Help! Help! Help!” but
his voice was so tiny that it
couldn’t be heard. A dove was
sitting on a tree hanging over
the water.She saw the ant
struggling and quickly nipped
off a leaf and let it into the
water. The ant climbed up
onto it and floaded down the
river until the leaf was washed
up on the bank of the river.
The ant called out in its tiny
voice. “Thank you ,kind dove,
you have saved my life,” but of
course the dove couldn’t hear
Several days afterward, when
the dove was again sitting on
the tree. A hunter crept
carefully up to the tree.His gun
was pointed at the dove and he
was about to shoot when he was
bitten in the leg by the ant.
He cried out in pain and
dropped his gun. This frightened
the dove and she flew away.
“Thank you,kind ant,”cooed the
dove. The ant heard it and was
so happy that he could help her.
1.Why did the hunter cry out in
pain ?
A.His gun dropped down.
B.His gun exploded.
C.His leg was bitten by an ant.
D.His head was bitten by a
2.What is the main idea of the
fourth paragraph ?
A.The ant saved the dove’s life.
B.The ant called the dove.
C.The ant was thankfull to the
D.The dove couldn’t hear the
3.What does the text generally
tell us about ?
A.The ant and the dove.
B.The ant near the river.
C.The dove on the tree.
D.The hunter and the dove.
4.What can learn from the
A.Thanking each other for
kindness is dangerous.
B.Helping each other is the best
way in life.
C.We have to support each
other in a crime.
D.We have to share with each
other and make a wealthy life.

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