Anda di halaman 1dari 123


ABDOMINAL PAIN Masalah dan Tantangan Pengelolaan HIV/

1 AIDS di Merauke, Propinsi Papua (Problems
Evaluasi Nyeri Perut Akut (The Evaluation of and the Challenges in the Management of
Acute Abdominal Pain)/Wahyudi.-- Maj. HIV/AIDS in Merauke Regency, Papua
Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 51-62 Province)/Abraham Simatupang (et. al).--
Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen
2 Indon., 20 (50) 2002: 1-10
The Possible Role of IgE Mediated Immune
Response in the Genesis of Symptoms of 8
Recurrent Abdominal Pain (RAP) of Penatalaksanaan Baku dan Menyeluruh pada
Childhood/Pitono Soeparto; Subijanto Marto HIV/AIDS (The Basic Management of HIV/
Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2) AIDS)/Candra Wibowo.-- Cerm. Dunia
2002: 106-109 Kedokter., (135) 2002: 27-31
3 Pengobatan Antiretroviral pada Infeksi HIV/
Abortion from the Islamic Viewpoint/Jurnalis AIDS Indikasi dan Pilihan Terapi (Anti-
Uddin.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 1-5 retroviral Therapy in HIV Infection/AIDS the
4 Indication and Choice of Therapy)/Asnath
Masalah Aborsi di Kalangan Remaja Vera Savitri; Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Maj.
(Abortion in Adolescence)/Soenanti Kedokter. Indon., 52 (3) 2002: 102-107
Zalbawi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang.
Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 18-19,44 ACTINS
ACCELERATION Struktur Filamen Aktin dan Miosin pada Otot
5 Skelet (The Structure of Actin and Myosin
Kendali Mutu Dosimetri Akselerator Linier Filament in Skeletal Muscle)/Anis Irmawati;
Medik (Dosimeter Quality Control of Choesnan Effendi.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1
Medical Linear Accelerators)/Susetyo (3) 2002: 26-33
Trijoko.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138)
2002: 46-48 ACUPUNCTURE
Acupuncture Treatment for Cerebellar Ataxia
Chronic Hematoma of Rear Cranial Cavity on
Peran Panoramic X-ray pada Identifikasi
Right Side/Peiying Shen.-- Meridian, 9 (3)
Kecelakaan Pesawat Udara Bermasalah di
2002: 106-110
Medan (The Role of Panoramic X-ray on the
Identification of the Plane Crash Victim in
Medan)/Amri Amir; Madhin.-- Maj.
Akupunktur dalam Bidang Kebidanan dan
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 57-59
Kandungan (Acupuncture in Obstetric and
ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY Gynecology)/Agustin Idayanti; Koosnadi
SYNDROME Saputro.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 22-30


Akupunktur dalam Sistem Pelayanan Ngokilo Leaves (Gynura procumbens lour.

Kesehatan Berdasarkan Pemanfaatan Klinis Merr) on the Proliferation of Mouse Adeno-
(Clinical Evidence for Acupuncture in the carcinoma Mammae Cells)/Yuda Turana (et.
Formal Health Services)/Didik Budijanto.-- al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 43-
Meridian, 9 (3) 2002: 143-145 46

Akupunktur untuk Anemia Aplastik 20
(Acupuncture Treating Aplastic Anemia)/ Regulation of Adipocyte Differentiation/
Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 7- Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media,
12 15 (4) 2002: 118-124

Clinical Report of Drugs Addiction by 21
Acupuncture/JF. Koeshardjito; Soedarso.-- The Effect of Vitamin A on the Immuno-
Meridian, 9 (3) 2002: 131-137 modulation of Mucosal Immune Response :
An Experimental Animal Model/Subijanto
16 Marto Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
Penggunaan Akupunktur dengan Elektro (2) 2002: 88-94
Stimulator untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Per-
salinan (Acupuncture Using Electro ADJUVANTS, PHARMACEUTIC
Stimulator to Reduce the Pain Labor)/Wita 22
Saraswati.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 13-21 Imunoglobulin Intravena (IVIG) 5S sebagai
Terapi Adjuvant dan Pencegahan terhadap
ACUPUNCTURE ANESTHESIA Nosokomial Pneumonia Akibat Penggunaan
17 Ventilasi Mekanik (Ventilator-Associated
Prospek Akupunktur Anestesi di Indonesia Pneumonia) (Intravenous Immunoglobulin
(The Prospect of Acupuncture Anesthesia in 5S as an Adjuvant Therapy and Prevention to
Indonesia)/Syarif Sudirman.-- Meridian, 9 (3) Pneumonia Nosocomial Caused by
2002: 123-130 Mechanical Ventilation Used)/Yohanes WH.
George.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3) 2002: 95-98
Profil Migrasi Isotop Teknesium Perteknetat 23
pada Titik Akupunktur (Migration Isotope Keluhan Sakit Kepala Berulang pada Remaja
Technetium Pertechnetate Profile at Acu- dan Pola Berobat, SUSENAS 1998 (Inter-
point)/Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 9 (3) mittent Headache among Adolescents and
2002: 116-122 Utilization of Services, National Socio-
Economic Survey/SUSENAS 1998)/Ch. M.
ADENOCARCINOMA Kristanti; Julianty Pradono.-- J. Ekologi
19 Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 65-70
Pengaruh Perasaan Daun Ngokilo (Gynura
procumbens lour. Merr) terhadap Per- 24
tumbuhan Sel Adenokarsinoma Mammae Masalah Aborsi di Kalangan Remaja
Mencit Galur Gr. (The Effect of Squeezed (Abortion in Adolescence)/Soenanti


Zalbawi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang.

Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 18-19,44 30
Beta Blocker in Heart Failure : What have
We Learned from Clinical Trials ?/Prasetyo
Andriono (et. al).-- Medika, 28 (2) 2002: 85-
Pengetahuan Guru Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat
Pertama di Kotamadya Yogyakarta Mengenai
Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Knowledge 31
of Junior High School Teachers Upon Carvedilol, Penyekat Beta; Rasionalisasi
Adolescent Reproductive Health in Yogya- Penggunaannya pada Gagal Jantung
karta Municipality)/Ratni Indrawanti; Tonny Kongestif (Carvediol, a Beta-Blocker; its
Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) Rationale for the Use in Congestive Heart
2002: 257-268 Failure)/Datten Bangun.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 398-402
Stakeholder Perception on Adolescent 32
Reproductive Health Clinics/Nugroho Effect of Beta Blocker Therapy on Survival
Abikusno.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1) in Severe Heart Failure/William Sanjaya;
2002: 15-22 Bambang Budi Siswanto.-- Med. J. of Indon.,
11 (3) 2002: 174-175
Status Kekebalan terhadap Infeksi Rubela 33
pada Anak Remaja Lanjut (Immunity Status Penggunaan Penghambat Beta pada
Against Rubella among Late Adolescents)/ Pengobatan Gagal Jantung Kronik (Beta-
Eddy Fadlyana (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. blocker Administration in the Treatment of
Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 421-425 Chronic Heart Failure)/William Sanjaya;
Bambang Budi Siswanto.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 59-62
28 34
Penggunaan Kortikosteroid dalam Klinik The Effectiveness and Residual Effect of
Ditinjau dari Bidang Endokrinologi (The Use Vectobac Tablets, Vectobac WG and
of Corticosteroid in the Clinic : Reviewed Temephos in Controlling Aedes aegypti
from Endocrinology)/Darmono.-- Dexa Larvae in Earthen Water Jars/Damar Tri
Media, 15 (2) 2002: 39-46 Boewono; Umi Widyastuti.-- Bul. Penelit.
Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 102-112
Respon Bronkodilatasi terhadap Kortiko- AFLATOXINS
steroid pada Penderita Penyakit Paru 35
Obstruksi Menahun (Bronchodilatation Bumbu Alami sebagai Penyedap, Pengawet
Response through Corticosteroid in Chronic dan Penghambat Cemaran Aflatoksin pada
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)/Azhar Sambal Kacang (Natural Flavor as a
Tanjung; Azhari Gani; Zuhrial.-- Maj. Flavoring, Preservative and Inhibitor of Afla-
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 71-74 toxin Exposure in Peanut Sauce)/Nunik Siti


Aminah (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., Energi Expenditure pada Lansia (Energy
(135) 2002: 43-46 Expenditure in Elderly)/Yuniar Rosmalina
36 (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2)
Gambaran Cemaran Jamur, Jamur 2002: 22-30
Aspergillus flavus dan Aflatoksin pada
Simplisia dari Pabrik Jamu di Pulau Jawa 42
(The Feature of Fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Gangguan Pola Tidur pada Kelompok Usia
Aflatoxin Contamination on Drug Traditional Lanjut dan Penatalaksanaannya (Sleep
Material in Java)/Ani Isnawati; Daroham Disorders on Elderly Group and its
Mutiatikum; Nikmah B.-- Media Penelit. dan Management)/A. Prayitno.-- J. Kedokter.
Pengembang. Kesehat.,12 (3) 2002:12-17 Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 23-30

37 43
Populasi Aspergillus sp. dan Kandungan Hubungan antara Ketegangan Mental dan
Aflatoksin pada Kacang Tanah yang Berasal Fraktur Tulang Panggul pada Usia Lanjut
dari Beberapa Pasar di Semarang (Population (The Relationship between Mental Distress
of Aspergillus sp. and Aflatoxin Compound and Hip Fracture in Elderly)/Suharto Kasran.-
in Peanuts from Some Markets in Semarang)/ - J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 74-78
Dwi Sutiningsih (et. al).-- Media Medika
Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 74-81 44
Hubungan antara Zinc Serum dengan Status
AGED Gizi Lansia (Relationship between Zinc
38 Serum and Nutritional Status of Elderly
Cara Penanganan Penderita Lanjut Usia di People)/Fitrah Ernawati (et. al).-- Penelit.
Bidang Prostodonsia (Prostodontic Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 26-33
Management for the Old Patient)/Endang
Pudjirochani .-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 45
2002: 33-36 Hypertension in the Elderly/Idris Idham.-- J.
Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 44-49
Determinan Status Gizi Lansia yang Hidup di 46
Panti Wredha : Studi di Panti Wredha Pucang Incidence and Cause of Acute Confusion in
Gading Semarang (Determination of Elderly Patients/Rejeki Andayani Rahayu; R.
Nutritional Status in the Elderly Who's Living Boedhi Darmojo.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1)
in Panti Wredha : Study in Panti Wredha 2002: 30-35
Pucang Gading Semarang)/Teguh Anamani;
Desi DS.; S. Fatimah-Muis.-- Media Medika 47
Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 142-149 Kecepatan dan Kemampuan Ambilan
Glukosa oleh Sel Jaringan Sasaran pada Usia
40 Lanjut Laki-laki/in vivo (The Glucose Uptake
Diabetes Mellitus pada Lanjut Usia (Diabetes Velocity and Ability of Target Tissue Cells in
Mellitus in Elderly)/Darmono.-- Dexa Media, the Elderly Men/in vivo)/Wasilah Rochmah.-
15 (4) 2002: 125-130 - Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 163-172
41 48


Manfaat Suplementasi Seng (Zinc) pada 54

Kelompok Usia Lanjut (The Advantage of Pengaruh Salbutamol Inhalasi Dosis Terukur
Zinc Supplement on Elderly Group)/Adi terhadap Arus Puncak Ekspirasi pada
Hidayat.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: Serangan Asma Anak (The Effect of
40-46 Salbutamol Metered Dose Inhalation on
Asthma Attack in Children)/Dwi Wastoro
49 Dadiyanto; Dwi Ambarwati.-- Media Medika
Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional untuk Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 35-38
Kesehat-an Usila (Traditional Drug Used to
Geriatric Health)/Lestari Handayani.-- 55
Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 736-742 Perbandingan Manfaat Salbutamol yang
Diberikan dengan Cara Easyhaler, Diskhaler,
50 Inhaler Dosis Terukur dan Inhaler Dosis
Pengaruh Zat Aktif Ganggang Hijau terhadap Terukur dengan Spacer pada Penderita Asma
Produk Radikal Bebas dan Fraksi Lipid Persisten Ringan dan Sedang yang Stabil di
Penderita Dislipidemia Usia Lanjut (The R.S. Persahabatan (The Effect of Salbutanol
Influence of the Active Concentration of with Several Kind of Delivery System Such
Green Algae through the Free Radicals and as Easyhaler, Disheler, pMDI and pMDI with
Lipid Fractions in Elderly Patient with Spacer in Management of Mild and Moderate
Dislipidemia)/Djanggan Sargowo; Retty Asthma)/Ade Rusmiati (et. al).-- J. Respirol.
Ratnawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 693-701 Indon., 22 (2) 2002: 57-64

Perubahan Pola Dasar EEG dan Memori pada 56
Usia Lanjut (The Changes of Memory and Pengaruh Zat Aktif Ganggang Hijau terhadap
EEG Basic Pattern in Elderly)/Amin Husni; Produk Radikal Bebas dan Fraksi Lipid
Jimmy Eko Budi Hartono; Endang Penderita Dislipidemia Usia Lanjut (The
Kustiowati.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (1) Influence of the Active Concentration of
2002: 19-24 Green Algae through the Free Radicals and
Lipid Fractions in Elderly Patient with
AGING Dislipidemia)/Djanggan Sargowo; Retty
52 Ratnawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 693-701
GAKY dan Usia (Iodine Deficiency
Disorders and the Age)/Syafril Syahbudin.-- ALKALOIDS
J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (2) 57
2002: 12-19 Peningkatan Produksi Alkaloid Indol
Kantina-6-on di Dalam Kultur Suspensi
ALBUMINS Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. (Increasing of the
53 Productivity of Canthin-6-on Alcaloid from
Nutrisi Parenteral Albumin pada Penyakit Cell Suspension Culture of Brucea javanica
Paru (Albumin Parenteral Nutrition in Lung (L.) Merr.)/Germini Alam (et. al).-- J. Bahan
Diseases)/Hadi Halim.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3) Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 25-29
2002: 77-81


Produksi Alkaloid Kuinina oleh Beberapa

Mikroba Endofit dengan Penambahan Zat 64
Induser : Studi Mikroba Endofit Tanaman Protein, Amino Acid and Lipid Contents of
Cinchona sp.(2) (Production of Quinine Corbicula Javanica Mousson/Mochammad
Alkaloid by some Endophytic Microbes with Yowono (et. al).-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
Addition of Inducer Substances : Studies on (2) 2002: 95-100
Endophytic Microbes of Cinchona sp. Plants
2)/Partomuan Simanjuntak (et. al).-- Maj. AMNION
Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 1-6 65
Transplantation of Preserved Human
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Amniotic Membrane for Perforated Bacterial
59 Corneal Ulcer and Persistent Epithelial
Air Kelapa Muda sebagai Obat Alternatif Defects : Cases Study/Suhardjo; Sagung
Urtikaria (Coconut Water as an Alternative Gede Indrawati; Agus Supartoto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Medicine of Urticaria)/Solehah Catur Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 181-185
Rahayu.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 268-270
60 66
Intensif Aromaterapi untuk Suatu Kesehatan Penelitian Stabilitas Tablet Amoksisilin-
Eksklusif (Intensive Aromatherapy as an Kalium Klavulanat : Bagian II (Study of the
Exclusive Health)/Pertiwi Rosanti.-- Dexa Stability of Amoxicillin-Calcium Clavulanat
Media, 15 (3) 2002: 99-103 Tablet : Part II)/Goeswin Agoes (et. al).--
Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 561-566
Seberapa Besar Manfaat Pengobatan AMPICILLIN
Alternatif (How's Bigger the Advantage of 67
Alternative Medicine)/Yuda Turana.-- Penetapan Kadar Ampisilin dalam Tablet
Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 365-368 dengan Nama Generik dan Dagang Meng-
gunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja
Tinggi/KCKT (Quantitative Analysis of
ALZHEIMER DISEASE Generic and Branded Name Ampicillin in
62 Tablets Using High Performance Liquid
Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Chromatography/HPLC)/Effendy De Lux
Stroke, and Dementia due to Alzheimer's Putra.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002:
Disease on Menopausal Women/Ali Baziad.-- 223-232
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 246-249
63 The Incidence of Ampicillin Resistant
Estimasi Kadar Protein dalam Bahan Pangan Plasmid in Different Rates of Antibmicrobial
melalui Analisis Nitrogen Total dan Analisis Usage/Kuntaman.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
Asam Amino (Estimation of Protein (2) 2002: 110-116
Concentration in Food by Total Nitrogen and AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL
Amino Acid Analyses)/Sumarno (et. al).-- SCLEROSIS
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 34-43 69


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Amyotrophic

Lateral Sclerosis)/Pernodjo Dahlan; Cempaka 75
Thursina.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (3) 2002: Hubungan antara Status Seng Ibu Hamil
141-148 dengan Perubahan Status Besi dan Kadar
Hemoglobin Pasca Suplementasi Besi (The
ANALGESICS Association between Zinc Status Pre Iron
70 Supplementation and Hemoglobin as Well as
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Iron Status Change after Iron
Pengambilan Keputusan Penggunaan Obat Supplementation in Pregnant Women)/
Analgetika Tradisional (Influential Factors Hertanto Wahyu Subagio.-- Media Medika
and Decision to Use the Traditional Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 63-73
Analgetics Medicine for Medication)/
Trilaksana Nugroho; Hari Peni Julianti.--
Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 150-155
Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan atau
Vitamin A terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin dan
ANAPHYLAXIS Saturasi Transferin Penderita Anemia Ke-
71 kurangan Besi (The Influence of Iron and or
Reaksi Anafilaksis (Anaphylactic Reaction)/ Vitamin A Supplementation to the
A. Latief Azis.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 Hemoglobin Concentration Patients of Iron
(7) 2002: 323-331 Deficient Anemia)/Harry Raspati Akhmad;
Siti Mardiani; Ponpon Idjradinata.-- Maj.
ANDROGENS Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 68-75
Clinical Aspects of Partial Androgen
Deficiency in Aging Male (PADAM): Prime
Causes and Stimulation of Endogenous 77
Testosterone Production/Susilo Wibowo.-- Akupunktur untuk Anemia Aplastik
Media Medica Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 9-17 (Acupuncture Treating Aplastic Anemia)/
Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 7-
Anemia pada Penyakit Kronik (Anemia of ANESTHESIA
Chronic Disorders)/Riadi Wirawan; Arthur
Elia Mongan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 78
2002: 47-58 Pengaruh Induksi Anestesi dan Intubasi
Gambaran Elektrokardiografi pada Penderita
74 tanpa Penyakit Jantung Iskemik (The Feature
Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap of Electrocardiography after Induction of
Anemia Gizi Ibu Hamil di Kabupaten Anesthesia and Endotracheal Intubations in
Banggai Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah (Factors Patient with Myocardial Ischemia)/Soenarjo.-
Affecting Anemia Status of Pregnant Woman - J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 22-26
in Banggai District, Central Sulawesi)/ ANGER
Wijiyanto; Ali Khomsan.-- Media Gizi & 79
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 62-68


The MMPI-2 type A, Anger Content, and ANOXIA

Cynicism Scales in Indonesian Recent 85
Graduates of High School/Johan Harlan; Ensefalopati, Hipoksik Iskemik (Hypoxic
Sasanto Wibisono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Ischemic Encephalopathy)/Erny; Darto
52 (9) 2002: 309-314 Saharso; I Nyoman Sudiatmika.-- Bul. Ilmu
Kesehat. Anak, 30 (7) 2002: 316-322
Pengaruh Angioplasti Koroner terhadap 86
Perubahan Dispersi QT Pasca Infark Miokard Antraks (Anthrax)/Agus Sjahrurachman.--
(The Impact of Coronary Angioplasty Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 31-735
through the QT Depression Changes after
Myo-cardial Infarction)/Pudjo Rahasto (et. ANTIBIOTICS
al).-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 8-13 87
Identifikasi Mutan-mutan Klebsiella
ANISAKIASIS pneumoniae yang Resisten terhadap
81 Antibiotika BRL 41897 A dengan Metoda
Anasakiasis : Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Southern Blot (Identification of Klebsiella
Larva Cacing Anisakis spp. (Anisakiasis : pneumoniae Resistant Mutants Against BRL
Disease caused by Anisakis spp.)/Makmur 41897 A Antibiotic using Southern Blot
Husaini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) Analysis)/M. Kuswandi.-- Maj. Farmasi
2002: 43-46 Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 185-192

82 Marine Sponge Jaspis sp, a Potential
Fauna Anopheles di Tapanuli Selatan dan Bioactive Natural Source Against Infectious
Mandailing Natal Sumatera Utara (The Diseases/Puji Astuti (et. al).-- Berk. Ilmu
Anophelines Fauna in South Tapanuli and Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 135-140
Mandailing Natal North Sumatera Indonesia)/
N. Suhanti Idris-Idram (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. 89
Kesehat., 30 (4) 2002: 161-172 Pola Kuman Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan
Bawah dan Kepekaannya terhadap Berbagai
83 Antibiotika (The Bacterial Pattern of
A Genetic Divergence on Anopheles aconitus Respiratory Tract Infection and its Sensitivity
Complex from Indonesia and Thailand/ against Several Antibiotics)/Agus
Chairil Anwar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 Sjahrurachman (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia
(8) 2002: 270-276 Kedokter., (137) 2002: 37-40

84 90
Gonotrophic Cycle Study of the Anopheles Pola Sensitifitas Kuman dari Isolat Hasil
hyrcanus Species Group (Diptera : Culicidae) Usap Tenggorok Penderita Tosilo-Faringitis
Using Mark-Release-Recapture Experiments/ Akut terhadap Beberapa Antimikroba di
Damar Tri Boewono (et. al).-- J. Ekologi Puskesmas Jakarta Pusat (The Sensitivity
Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 71-76 Pattern of Bacteria Isolated from Throat
Swabs of Acute Tonsillopharyngitis Patients


Against Some Antimicrobials at Central Tambunan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4)

Jakarta Health Center)/Ani Isnawati; Retno 2002: 155-161
Gitawati; M.J. Herman.-- Bul. Penelit.
Kesehat., 30 (1) 2002: 39-45 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS
91 Efek Praperlakuan Rutin terhadap Daya
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity Antiinflamasi Indometasin (The Effect of
Evaluation of Ethyl Salicyl Fumarate and Pretreatment Routine on the Anti-
Ethyl Furfuryl Fumarate/Jumina; Iqmal inflammatory of Indomethacin)/Maulina
Tahir; Abdul Karim Zulkarnain.-- Maj. Diah.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 163-
Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 207-214 166

Tingkat Penggunaan Antimikroba di Puskes- 97
mas Pare Kabupaten Temanggung (The Used In Vitro Antimalarial Activity of an
Level of Antimicrobacteria in Puskesmas Indonesian Medicinal Plant Eupatorium
Pare, Kabupaten Temanggung)/Dudy D. triplinerve Vahl./Siti Masroerah (et. al).--
Nurkusuma.-- Medika, 28 (2) 2002: 119-121 Maj. Farmasi Indon.,13 (3) 2002: 156-161

93 98
Produksi Antibodi pada Tikus Putih Betina Aktifitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Dewa
Rattus norvegicus dengan Injeksi Vaksin (Gynura procumbens (Lor) Merr.) dalam
Hepatitis B (The Antibody Production in the Menghambat Sifat Hepatotoksik Halotan
Female White Rat of Rattus norvegicus by dengan Dosis Subanestesi pada Mencit (The
Hepatitis B Vaccine Injection)/Nilla Djuwita Antioxidant Activity of the Extract of Dewa
Abbas; Rusdi Aziz; Nelva.-- J. Sains dan Leave (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr) as
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 95-98 Subanaesthetic Dosage to Inhibit the
Halothane Hepatotoxic on Mice)/Nurbaiti
ANTICOAGULANTS Harun; Wilda Syahri.-- J. Sains dan
94 Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 65-70
Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Darah dengan
Antikoagulan Tripotassium Ethylene Diamine 99
Tetraacetic Acid (K3EDTA) dalam Tabung Pemberian Suplemen Kompleks Antioksidan
Vaquette terhadap Beberapa Parameter pada Pelari Sprint 200 Meter untuk
Hematologi (The Influence of Storage on Menurunkan Kadar Laktat Darah
Hematological Parameters of K3EDTA (Supplementation of Antioxidant Complex to
Blood in Vaquette Tube)/Diana Aulia; Riadi 200 Meter Sprinter to Decrease Blood Lactic
Wirawan; Abas Suherli.-- Maj. Kedokter. Acid)/I Wayan Wirya.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (1) 2002: 11-19 Indon., 52 (1) 2002: 7-10
95 100
Protein C, Protein S, and Anti-Thrombin III Peranan Antioksidan Vitamin E pada Stres
as Natural Anticoagulant/Ika P. Wijaya; (The Role of Vitamin E as Antioxidant in the
Djumhana Atmakusuma; Karmel L.


Management of Stress)/Liliana S.Y.-- Ebers in Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.-- Berk. Neuro

Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002: 37-44 Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 29-35


101 107
Anti-thrombin III, Protein C, and Protein S Comparative Study of Azathioprine and
Deficiency in Acute Coronary Syndrome/ Cyclosporin in Rheumatoid Arthritis - a
Dasnan Ismail (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 Sixteen Weeks Follow-up Study/R. Aggarwal
(2) 2002: 87-92 (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 153-
Protein C, Protein S, and Anti-Thrombine III ASBESTOSIS
as Natural Anticoagulant/Ika P. Wijaya; 108
Djumhana Atmakusuma; Karmel L. Asbes sebagai Faktor Risiko Mesotelioma
Tambunan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4) pada Pekerja yang Terpajan Asbes (Asbest as
2002: 155-161 the Risk Factor due to Mesothelioma on the
Worker Exposed by Asbest)/Diana Samara.--
ANXIETY J. Kedokter. Trisa
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor dan ASCORBIC ACID
Hubungannya dengan Ansietas (Cortico- 109
tropin Releasing Factor and its Relation with Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C terhadap
Anxiety)/Raymond Rubianto Tjandrawinata.- Perubahan Akut Faal Paru pada Pekerja
- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 258-261 Terpapar Debu Kapas di PT. Tootal Thread
Indonesia, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (The Effect
of Vitamin C Supplementation on Acute
Changes in FEV1 of Workers Exposed to
Gambaran Klinik dan Psikofarmaka pada
Cotton Dust in PT. Tootal Thread Indonesia,
Penderita Gangguan Kecemasan (Clinical
Pasuruan, East Java)/Bachyar Bakri; Astutik
Feature and Psychopharmacology of
Pudjirahayu.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1)
Anxiety)/Yusuf Alam Romadhon.-- Cerm.
2002: 92-97
Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 24-26
105 Pengaruh Vitamin C terhadap Fragilitas dan
Sosial Budaya, Gangguan Emosi, dan Fisik MDA Eritrosit Akibat Latihan Anaerobik
Pasca Salin Masyarakat Pedesaan Sumedang (The Effect of Vitamin C through Fragility
(Socio Cultural, Emotion Disorder, and Bio- and MDA Erythrocyte Caused by Anaerobic
psychological in Post Partum Women at the Exercise)/Moch.Yunus; Sunarko Setyawan;
Community of Sumedang Village)/Benny Choesnan Effendi.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1
Ferdy Malonda.-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: 763- (2) 2002: 34-39
106 Populasi Aspergillus sp. dan Kandungan
Nekrosis VS Apoptosis Neuron Serebral Aflatoksin pada Kacang Tanah yang Berasal
(Necrosis vs Apoptosis in Cerebral Neurons dari Beberapa Pasar di Semarang (Population


of Aspergillus sp. and Aflatoxin Compound Efikasi Steroid Nebulisasi Dibandingkan

in Peanuts from Some Markets in Semarang)/ Steroid Intravena pada Penatalaksanaan
Dwi Sutiningsih (et. al).-- Media Medika Asma Akut Berat (The Efficacy of Nebulized
Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 74-81 Steroid Versus Intravenous Steroids in the
Treatment of Acute Severe Asthma)/Febrina
ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS Susanti (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
112 (7) 2002: 247-254
Gambaran Cemaran Jamur, Jamur
Aspergillus flavus dan Aflatoksin pada 117
Simplisia dari Pabrik Jamu di Pulau Jawa Hubungan Asma dengan Kebugaran pada
(The Feature of Fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Siswa SLTP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta (The
Aflatoxin Contamination on Drug Traditional Relationship of Asthma with Physical Fitness
Material in Java)/Ani Isnawati; Daroham of Junior High School Students in
Mutiatikum; Nikmah B.-- Media Penelit. dan Yogyakarta)/Isri Muninggar; Tonny
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002:12-17 Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2)
2002: 101-110
113 118
Comparative Study between Aspirin to Pengaruh Salbutamol Inhalasi Dosis Terukur
Acenocoumarol in Regressing Spontaneous terhadap Arus Puncak Ekspirasi pada
Echo Contrast in Mitral Stenosis/Ali Ghanie.- Serangan Asma Anak (The Effect of
- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 202-207 Salbutamol Metered Dose Inhalation on
Asthma Attack in Children)/Dwi Wastoro
Dadiyanto; Dwi Ambarwati.-- Media Medika
Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 35-38
Peranan Aspirin dan Dipiridamol pada
Pencegahan Stroke Iskemik dan Serangan
Ulang (The Use of Aspirin and Dipirydamol 119
in Ischemic Stroke and Recurrent Stroke Perbandingan Manfaat Salbutamol yang
Prevention)/Calventinus Meliala; Pernodjo Diberikan dengan Cara Easyhaler, Diskhaler,
Dahlan; Sri Sutarni.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 Inhaler Dosis Terukur dan Inhaler Dosis
(3) 2002: 115-121 Terukur dengan Spacer pada Penderita Asma
Persisten Ringan dan Sedang yang Stabil di
115 RS. Persahabatan (The Effect of Salbutanol
Pengaruh Aspirin pada Aktifitas Glutation S- with Several Kind of Delivery System Such
Transferase Kelas-micron Hati Tikus (Effect as Easyhaler, Disheler, pMDI and pMDI with
of Aspirin on Rat Liver Class-micron Spacer in Management of Mild and Moderate
Glutathione S-Trasferase Activity)/Enade Asthma)/Ade Rusmiati (et. al).-- J. Respirol.
Perdana Istyastono; Sudibyo Martono; Indon., 22 (2) 2002: 57-64
Supardjan A.M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon.,13 (2) 120
2002: 71-76 Status Gizi, Status Pertumbuhan, dan Asupan
Makanan pada Penderita Asma : Penelitian
ASTHMA pada Siswa SLTP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta
116 (Nutritional Status, Growth Status, Dietary
Intake in Asthmatic Children : a Study to


Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta Muni- Biocultural Observation)/Etty Indriati.-- Berk.

cipality)/Elisa; Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 187-194
Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 91-99
121 Autisme : Gangguan Perkembangan Anak
Konsep Baru Mengenai Aterosklerosis : (Autism : Child Development Disorders)/
Suatu Pendekatan Seluler dan Molekuler Ferizal Masra.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 445-
(The New Concept in Atherosclerosis : A 451
Cellular and Molecular Approach)/Raymond
R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 15 (2) 128
2002: 47-51 Parameter Praktis dalam Upaya Diagnosis
Skrining Autism (Practical Parameters in
122 Screening of Autism)/Erny; Darto Saharso.--
LDL and HDL : "Villain" and "Hero" in Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (5) 2002: 228-
Atherogenesis (Introduction with ATP III and 235
the Roles of Statins)/Askandar
Tjokroprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) 129
2002: 202-213 Pengaruh Nutrisi pada Autisme (Nutrition
Influence in Austism)/Roedi Irawan; Siti
123 Nurul; Boerhan Hidayat.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat.
Sintesis NO dan Sindroma CHAOS (NO Anak, 30 (8) 2002: 360-465
Synthetic and CHAOS Syndrome)/Peni KS.
Mutalib.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 311-314 AUTOIMMUNITY
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Yodium dan Respons Autoimun (Iodine and
124 Autoimmune Response)/Johan S. Masjhur.--
Fibrilasi Atrial Pascabedah Jantung (Atrial J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (1)
Fibrillation after Heart Surgery)/Yanto Sandy 2002: 29-32
Tjang (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (8)
2002: 285-292 BACTERIA
ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Infeksi Saluran Kemih yang Disebabkan oleh
WITH HYPERACTIVITY Bakteri (Urinary Tract Infection Caused by
Bacteria)/Siti Zuleiha.-- Maj. Kedokter.
125 Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 79-82
The Prevalence of Attention Deficit and
Hyperactivity Disorders in Medan/M. Joesoef 132
Simbolon.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 Penggunaan Chemically Defined Medium
(2) 2002: 61-66 sebagai Media untuk Mempelajari Meta-
ATTITUDE TO HEALTH bolisme dan Fisiologi Bakteri (The Utiliza-
126 tion of Chemically Defined Medium for
Kebiasaan Manusia dan Efeknya pada Studying Bacterial Metabolism and
Biologi Oral : Tinjauan Biokultural (Human Physiology)/Achmad Gunadi.-- Maj.
Behavior and its Effect on Oral Biology : Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 67-69


BACTERIAL INFECTIONS Resins to the Decreased of Benzoyl

133 Peroxide)/Ruslan Effendy.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Pengaruh Infeksi Bakteri dan Virus pada Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 79-81
Gambaran Sitologi Cairan Serebrospinal (The
Influence of Bacterial and Viral Infection in BILIRUBIN
Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology)/OS. Hartanto; 138
Bambang Suryatmojo; Samekto Wibowo.-- Kadar Bilirubin 24 Jam Pertama sebagai
Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2 ) 2002: 11-17 Faktor Prediksi Hiperbilirubinemia pada Bayi
Cukup Bulan yang Sehat (The First 24 Hours
BACTERIURIA Billirubin Level as a Predictor of Hyper-
134 billirubinemia in Healthy Term Newborns)/
A Symptomatic Bacteriuria with Nitrite Test, Rina Triasih; Ekawaty L. Haksari; Achmad
Urinalysis, and Urine Culture in Pregnant Surjono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002:
Women in Antenatal Clinic RSUD Pirngadi 141-148
Medan/T.M. Hanafiah; Hanudse Hartono;
Muzahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) BIOPSY
2002: 11-15 139
Pemeriksaan Biopsi Aspirasi Kelenjar untuk
Membantu Diagnosis Tuberkulosis Anak
BCG VACCINE (Biopsy Aspiration Gland to Support the
135 Diagnosis of Tuberculosis on Child)/Eddy
Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi BCG Galur Widodo; Sukma M.; Usman Alwi.-- Cerm.
Copenhagen 1331 dan Pasteur 1173 P2 pada Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 31-32
Bayi 0-2 Bulan (Adverse Event Following
BCG Immunization by Copenhagen 1331 and
Pasteur 1173 P2 Strain in Healthy Infants 0-2
Months Old)/Suganda Tanuwidjaja; Eddy
Peranan Biopsy Aspirasi Jarum Halus
Fadlyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2)
(BAJAH) pada Tumor Payudara (The Role of
2002: 74-81
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Breast
Tumor)/Mardiani.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat.
BEHAVIOR Fatmawati, 4 (12) 2002: 508-518
Perilaku Merokok Pelajar Sekolah Lanjutan
Tingkat Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah di
Kotamadya Bandung (Smoking in Junior and
Biotransformasi Senyawa Alkaloid Kinkona
Senior High school Students in Bandung)/Adi
oleh Kapang Xylaria sp. Menjadi Alkaloid
Utomo Suardi; Cissy B. Kartasasmita; Arief
Kinkona N-Oksida : Studi Mikroba Endofit
Tri Putranto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 34
Tanaman Cinchona spp.(5) [Biotransfor-
(2) 2002: 53-59
mation of Cinchona Alkaloid Compounds by
Mold Xylaria sp. to Cinchona N-Oxide
Alkaloids : Studies on Endophytic Microbes
Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Penyimpanan
of Cinchona spp. plants (5)]/Partomuan
Resin Komposit terhadap Penurunan Kadar
Simanjuntak (et. al).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon.,
Benzoil Peroksida (The Effect of
13 (2) 2002: 95-100
Temperature and Storage Time of Composite



142 Pengaruh Ekstrak Air Buah Ketumbar
Pengaruh Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil terhadap Coriandri Fructus (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir (The Relation- terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus yang
ship between Blood Pressure of Pregnant Dibebani Glukosa (The Influence of Aqueous
Women and Baby Birth Weight)/Dwi Extract of Coriandri (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Pudjonarko (et. al).-- Media Medika Indon., Fructus to Blood Glucose Level in Glucose-
37 (1) 2002: 29-34 Pre Loaded Rats)/Agung Endro Nugroho.--
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 7-11
Blood Lactate and Heart Rate Recovery after 148
Physical Activity/Sugiharto; Soekarman; Thrombocyte Activity in Patients with Mitral
Purnomo Suryohudoyo.-- Folia Medica Stenosis an Analytic-Observational Research
Indon., 38 (2) 2002: 81-87 in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Rochmad
Romdoni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2)
144 2002: 126-132
The Correlation between the Performance of
5000-M Runner and Blood Lactic Acid, BLOOD PRESSURE
Blood pH, Rectal Temperature and Hot 149
Temperature in Tropical Environment/ Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Ambrosius Purba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, (HRT) on the Body Weight, Blood Pressure
34 (2) 2002: 98-103 and Vaginal Bleeding in Menopausal
Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1)
The Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical and 150
Blood Examination for Sepsis in Potentially Lowering Blood Pressure Effect of Apium
Infected Neonates/Ari Mulyani; D. graviolens (Seledri) and Orthosiphon
Setyowireni; Achmad Surjono.-- Berk. Ilmu stamineus beth (Kumis Kucing) in Mild and
Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 149-154 Moderate Hypertension/Fadilah Supari.--
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 195-201
146 151
Dermatofitosis pada Penderita Diabetes Pengaruh Diet Kombinasi Dietary Approach
Melitus Tipe II : Pengaruh Kontrol Gula to Stop Hypertension terhadap Tekanan
Darah, Obesitas, dan Durasi Sakit (The Darah (The Influence of Combination Diet of
Correlation between Blood Glucose Control Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension
Obesity and Diabetic Duration, with through Blood Pressure)/Denio A. Ridjab;
Frequency of Dermatophytosis among Type Carmelita Ridwan.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002:
II Diabetic Patients)/Dwi Retno Winarni; 305-310
Soedirman S.; Suyoto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 21-29 152


Pengaruh Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil terhadap by DMPA/M. Kanedi; Sutyarso; Yeni
Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir (The Relation- Marlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10)
ship between Blood Pressure of Pregnant 2002: 351-354
Women and Baby Birth Weight)/Dwi
Pudjonarko (et. al).-- Media Medika Indon., 158
37 (1) 2002: 29-34 Stature in Yogyakarta's Students and
Prehistoric Balinese circa 1100 A.C./Ety
BLOOD TRANSFUSION Indriati.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002:
153 1-7
Transfusi Autolog : Alternatif Transfusi
Darah Masa Kini (Autholog Transfusion : BONE DENSITY
The Current Alternative Blood Transfusion)/ 159
Singkat Dohar A.L Tobing.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bone Mineral Density among Women Over
Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 199-201 Forty : Prevention Considerations/Datten
Bangun.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (9)
BODY MASS INDEX 2002: 315-320
Survei Indeks Massa Tubuh (Pengumpulan 160
Status Gizi Orang Dewasa) di Palangkaraya Mineralisasi Tulang (Bone Mineralization)/
[Survey about the Body Mass Index (the Yuliati; Paulus Liben; Sunarko Setyawan.--
Nutritional Status Collected of Adult) in Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 40-53
Palangkaraya]/Gurendro Putro.-- Medika, 28
(11) 2002: 708-713 161
Peningkatan Kepadatan Tulang Akibat
BODY WEIGHT Latihan Renang Aerobik dan Anaerobik
155 (Increasing of the Bone Density Caused by
Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy Aerobic and Anaerobic Swimming)/Athar (et.
(HRT) on the Body Weight, Blood Pressure al).-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 5-11
and Vaginal Bleeding in Menopausal
Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) BONE DEVELOPMENT
2002: 11-14 162
Pemberian Tambahan Kalsium terhadap
156 Pertumbuhan Tulang Tikus Putih Jantan/
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keber- Rattus norvegicus Strain Wistar (The
hasilan Pencapaian Berat Badan Ideal pada Influence of Calcium Addition through the
Ibu-ibu Peserta Senam yang Mengalami Bone Growth of Rattus norvegicus Strain
Overweight (Factors Affecting Ideal Weight Wistar)/Yulianti; Sunarko Setyawan; Paulus
Achievement of Overweight Women at Liben.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 6-
Fitness Center)/Winda Andriyanti; Ali 12
Khomsan; Yayuk Farida Baliwati.-- Media
Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 47-53 BONE MARROW
157 Gelatinous Transformation of the Bone
Sexual and Aggressive Behavior as Well as Marrow Complicated by Self Induced
Body Weight Changes in Male Mice Injected


Starvation/H. Singh (et. al).-- Med. J. of Menyusui (The Effect of 'Bangun-bangun'

Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 104-105 Leaves (Coleus amboinicus. L) Consumption
on the Potency of Milk Secretion and its
164 Composition on Lactating Mothers)/Christin
Utility of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Extra M. Santosa.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (3)
Pulmonary Tuberculosis/H. Singh (et. al).-- 2002: 133-139
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 148-152
The Study on the Eruption Time of
Deciduous Teeth on Children Given Breast
Remodeling Tulang (Bone Remodeling)/
Milk and Those Not Given Breast Milk/Erfan
Gadis Mainar Sari; Paulus Liben.-- Maj. Ilmu
Efendi; Supriyadi; Niken Probosari.-- Folia
Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 13-15
Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002 : 177-181
Diseases of the Small Bowel in Chronic
Diarrhea : Diagnosis and Treatment/M. 172
Simadibrata.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: Penanganan Kanker Payudara Stadium Awal
179-189 dengan Breast Conserving Treatment :
Evaluasi Kasus di Yogyakarta (Management
BRAIN INJURIES of Early Breast Cancer with Breast
167 Conserving Treatment : Evaluation of Cases
Critical Care of Brain Neurotrauma at in Yogyakarta)/Teguh Aryandono.-- Berk.
Hospital and Medical Faculty of Indonesia Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 41-47
Christian University, Jakarta/H.A.
Napitupulu; M. Tunggul.-- Maj. Kedokter. 173
Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) Peranan Biopsy Aspirasi Jarum Halus
2002: 26-32 (BAJAH) pada Tumor Payudara (The Role of
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Breast
BREAST FEEDING Tumor)/Mardiani.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat.
168 Fatmawati, 4 (12) 2002: 508-518
Air Susu Ibu (Breast Feeding)/Persadaan
Bukit.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ.
Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002: 12-19
Tumor Paru dan Tumor Dada (Lung
Neoplasm and Breast Neoplasm)/Ahmad
Hudoyo.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 2
The Patterns of Breast-Feeding and Their
(1) 2002: 2-3
Effect on the Time of Resumption of Menses/
Lukman Hakim Tarigan.-- Med. J. of Indon.,
11 (2) 2002: 106-119 175
Perilaku Mikrofilaria Brugia malayi dalam
170 Darah Tepi Penderita Filariasis di Daerah
Pengaruh Konsumsi Daun Bangun-bangun Intergradasi Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan
(Coleus amboinicus. L) terhadap Potensi Timur (Behavior of the B. malayi Micro-
Sekresi ASI dan Komposisinya pada Ibu filariae in the Peripheral Blood of Human


Carrier in the Intergradations Area of Liben.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 6-
Mahakam Delta East Kalimantan)/F.A. 12
Sudjadi; Tridjoko Hadianto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 83-90 180
Peranan 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol
BURNS (1,25- (OH)2-D3) terhadap Absorpsi Kalsium
176 di Usus (The Role of 1.25-Dihydroxy-
Penggunaan Propranolol untuk Menghambat cholecalciferol (1.25-(OH)2-D3) toward
Proses Katabolisme pada Pasien Luka Bakar : Calcium Absorption in Intestine)/Yusni;
Laporan Kasus (Usage of Propranolol to Harlina Soetjipto.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1
Attenuate Catabolism Process in Burn Victim (2) 2002: 54-64
: A Case Report)/Ishandono Dahlan; M.
Rosadi Seswandhana.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., CALIBRATION
34 (1) 2002: 49-55 181
Pengujian dan Kalibrasi Alat Kesehatan (The
Examination and Calibration of Health
Equipment)/Aloysius K. Ruslim.-- Berk. Ilm.
177 Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 424-430
Deteksi Butirilkolinesterase Varian C-5 plus
dengan Elektroforesis Poliakrilamid CALLUS
(Detection of Butyrycholinesterase of C-5 182
Plus Variant by Polyacrylamide Gel Electro- Optimasi Media Penumbuh Kalus sebagai
phoresis)/Elly Herwana; Franciscus D. Langkah Awal Upaya Budidaya in-Vitro
Suyatna; Rianto Setiady.-- J. Kedokter. Tanaman Vitex trifolia L. (Optimation of
Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 1-6 Callus Growth Medium of Vitex Trifolia in
in-Vitro Culture)/Andayana Puspitasari; CJ.
Soegihardjo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1)
2002: 21-25
Peranan 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol CANDIDA
(1,25- (OH)2-D3) terhadap Absorpsi Kalsium 183
di Usus (The Role of 1.25-Dihydroxy- Perbedaan Jumlah Candida sp. di Mukosa
cholecalciferol (1.25-(OH)2-D3) toward Palatum Anak yang Menggunakan dan yang
Calcium Absorption in Intestine)/Yusni; Tidak Menggunakan Peranti Ortodonsi
Harlina Soetjipto.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 Lepasan (The Difference of Candida sp.
(2) 2002: 54-64 Numbers Found on the Palatum Mucous of
CALCIUM Children Who Were Wearing and Not
179 Wearing Removable Orthodontic
Pemberian Tambahan Kalsium terhadap Appliances)/Herniyati; Sulistiyani; Aris Leni
Pertumbuhan Tulang Tikus Putih Jantan/ M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 63-66
Rattus norvegicus Strain Wistar (The
Influence of Calcium Addition through the CANDIDA ALBICANS
Bone Growth of Rattus norvegicus Strain 184
Wistar)/Yulianti; Sunarko Setyawan; Paulus


Daya Hambat Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima Isolasi Kardanol dari CNSL (Cashew Nut -
Putih terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida Shell Liquid) secara Kromatografi Kolom
albicans (The Inhibition of Pomegranate Rind (Isolation of Cardanol from CNSL (Cashew
Extracts in the Candida albicans Nut-Shell Liquid) by Column Chromato-
Growth)/Sukanto; Seno Pradopo; Anita graphy)/Hernani.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1
Yuliati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: (1) 2002: 21-24
Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Candida sp. 190
(Diseases Caused by Candida sp.)/Sitti Non Surgical Septal Reduction Therapy for
Zuleiha.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy/T.
2002: 21-25 Santoso.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (2) 2002:
Peran Makrofag dalam Proses Kekebalan
terhadap Infeksi Candida (Macrophages 191
Function in Resistance to Candida Homosistein Faktor Risiko Baru (Non-
Infections)/Anna Rozaliyani; Retno tradisional) Penyakit Kardiovaskuler (Homo-
Wahyuningsih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 cystein the Current Risk Factor (Non-
(4) 2002: 149-154 traditional) in Cardiovascular Diseases)/
Pusparini.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1)
CAPTOPRIL 2002: 31-39
A Randomized Comparative Trial of First- 192
dose Response to Angiotensin Converting Obesitas sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit
Enzyme Perindopril and Captopril in Kardiovaskuler (Obesity as a Risk Factor for
Indonesian Heart Failure Patients/Lukman H. Cardiovascular Diseases)/Hendromartono.--
Makmun (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 91-
2002: 19-23 96

188 Peranan Endotelin terhadap Fungsi dan
Hubungan Kadar Karboksihemoglobin Kelainan Kardiovaskuler (The Effect of
dengan Perjalanan Klinik Infark Miokard Endothelia through the Cardiovascular
Akut (The Correlation of Disorder and its Function)/Elly Herwana.-- J.
Carboxyhemoglobin Level with the Clinical Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 104-110
History of Infarct Myocardial Acute)/Frits CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
Suling (et. al).-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 194
2002: 27-35 Phytoestrogens Beneficial Effects on Cardio-
vascular System/Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.--
CARDANOLIDES Med. J. of Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 120-123



195 Culture)/Ernie Maduratna; Noer Ulfah.-- Maj.

Detachable Balloon, a New Model for CCF Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 164-166
Treatment in Dr. Soetomo Hospital,
Surabaya/Triyono KSP.-- Folia Medica CELLULOSE
Indon., 38 (3) 2002: 190-195 201
Pembuatan Mikrokristalin Selulosa dari
CARROTS Jerami Padi (Oryza sativa Linn) dengan
196 Variasi Waktu Hidrolisa (The Influence of
Pembuatan, Daya Terima dan Daya Simpan Time on the Hydrolysis of Rice Straw to
Manisan Wortel (Daucus carota L.) Basah Produce Microcrystalline Cellulose)/Auzal
sebagai Produk Sumber Beta-Karoten Halim; Elfi Sahlan Ben; Ermi Sulastri.-- J.
[Processing, Acceptance and Quality Change Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 80-
During Storage of Wet Carrot (Daucus carota 87
L.) Candies as Source of Beta-carotene
Product]/Nunung Nurjanah; Evy Damayanthi; CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
Sumali Miran Atmojo.-- Media Gizi &
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 82-91 202
Pengaruh Narkotika terhadap Susunan Saraf
CATARACT Pusat (Effects of Narcotics on the Central
197 Nervous System)/Budi Riyanto
Analysis of Satisfaction Level on Cataract Wreksoatmodjo.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
Surgery in Patients Hospitalized at Dr. (135) 2002: 14-16
Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, and Those
Treated as Outpatient in BKMM of East Java 203
Province/Rowena Ghazali Hoesin.-- Folia Uji Efek Stimulan Susunan Saraf Pusat Jus
Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 66-72 Daun Encok (Plumbago zeylanica L.) pada
Mencit (Pharmacological Experiment of
CELL DEATH Plumbago zeylanica L. Juice to Stimulate the
198 Central Nervous System)/Lucie Widowati;
Fisiologi Kematian Sel (Physiology of Cell Pudjiastuti.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1(2)
Death)/Anwar Ma'ruf.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal 2002: 73-76
Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 12-28
199 204
Pengadaan Energi oleh Sel (Energy Meta- Acupuncture Treatment for Cerebellar Ataxia
bolism by Cell)/Harlina Soetjipto.-- Maj. Chronic Hematoma of Rear Cranial Cavity on
Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 34-44 Right Side/Peiying Shen.-- Meridian, 9 (3)
CELLS, CULTURED 2002: 106-110
Sitotoksisitas Larutan Tetrasiklin Hidro- 205
klorida terhadap Kultur Sel Dibanding Asam Lekositosis sebagai Prediktor Kematian pada
Sitrat (Citotoxicity Tetracycline Hydro- Stroke Perdarahan Intraserebral
chloride Solution and Citric Acid to the Cell (Leukocytosis as a Death Predictor on
Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke)/Indarwati


Setyaningsih; Sri Sutarni; Ahmad Asmadi.-- Hipertensi dan Stroke (Hypertension and
Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 19-28 Stroke)/Tjipto Hariyono.-- Medika, 28 (5)
2002: 300-304
206 212
Incidence of Epilepsy among Patients with Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on
Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Yayasan Pemeliharaan Stroke, and Dementia due to Alzheimer's
Anak Cacat (YPAC) - Medan/Pertin Sianturi; Disease on Menopausal Women/Ali Baziad.--
Amir Syarifuddin; Bistok Saing.-- Med. J. of Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 246-249
Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 158-163
Kadar Sitokin Pro-Inflamatorik dan Jumlah
Intelligence Level in Children with Cerebral
Netrofil pada Stroke Iskemik Akut (Pro-
Palsy (CP) at YPAC Medan/Abdul Mutholib
Inflammatory Cytokine Level and Neutrophil
Rambe; Amir Syarifuddin; Bistok Saing.--
Count in Acute Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.--
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 242-245
Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 77-82
208 214
Pengaruh Infeksi Bakteri dan Virus pada Kaskade Iskemik Neuron pada Stroke
Gambaran Sitologi Cairan Serebrospinal (The (Neuron Ischemia Cascade on Stroke)/
Influence of Bacterial and Viral Infection Suroto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5) 2002:
Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology Characteristic)/ 182-186
OS. Hartanto; Bambang Suryatmojo;
Samekto Wibowo.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2 ) 215
2002: 11-17 Lekositosis sebagai Prediktor Kematian pada
Stroke Perdarahan Intraserebral
209 (Leukocytosis as a Death Predictor on
Peran Pemeriksaan Cairan Serebrospinal pada Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke)/Indarwati
Diagnosis Sindroma Guillain-Barre (The Setyaningsih; Sri Sutarni; Ahmad Asmadi.--
Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination in Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 19-28
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome)/Imam
Rusdi.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 149- 216
161 Manfaat Antikoagulan Warfarin untuk
Pencegahan Stroke Iskemik pada Fibrilasi
CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS (The Use of Warfarin for Ischemic Stroke
210 Prevention in Fibrillation)/Yuniarti; Lucas
Gambaran Stroke Berulang di RS H. Adam Meliala; Bambang Suryatmojo.-- Berk. Neuro
Malik Medan (The Feature of Recurrent Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 123-130
Stroke in H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan)/ 217
Tri Makmur; Yuneldi Anwar; Darulkutni Post Acute Stroke : The Biomolecular
Nasution.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) Aspect/Rina-Susilowati; Pernodjo Dahlan;
2002: 1-5 Sofia Mubarika Haryana.-- Berk. Neuro
Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 109-113


218 bolisme dan Fisiologi Bakteri (The Utiliza-

Reabilitas Modifikasi Indeks Barthel pada tion of Chemically Defined Medium for
Penderita Stroke (Reliability of Barthel Index Studying Bacterial Metabolism and
Modification in Stroke Patient)/ Physiology)/Achmad Gunadi.-- Maj.
Supraptiningsih (et. al).-- Berk. Neuro Sains, Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 67-69
3 (2) 2002: 1-10
219 224
Sintesis NO dan Sindroma CHAOS (NO Diagnosis dan Pengobatan TBC pada Anak
Synthetic and CHAOS Syndrome)/Peni KS. (Diagnosis and Treatment of TBC in
Mutalib.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 311-314 Children)/Makmuri MS.; Landia S.; Gunadi
S.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 33 (5) 2002:
Clinical Observation of 100 Cases of Cervicle 225
Spondylosis Treated by Filiform and Plum- Efektifitas Penambahan Vitamin A dan Zat
Blossom Needles Plus Cupping/Huang Besi pada Garam Yodium terhadap Status
Jianjun.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 2-6 Gizi dan Konsentrasi Belajar Anak Sekolah
Dasar (The Effect of Vitamin A and Iron
Added Into Iodized Salt on Nutrition Status
and Learning Concentration of Elementary
School Children)/M. Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit.
Frekuensi DNA Human Papillomavirus
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 14-25
(HPV) pada Penderita Kanker Leher Rahim
dari Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Yogyakarta
Berdasarkan Uji PCR (The Frequency of
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemam-
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA on
puan Motorik Anak usia 12–18 Bulan di
Cervical Cancer Patients from Several
Keluarga Miskin dan tidak Miskin (Factors
Hospitals in Yogyakarta by PCR Test)/Titik
Influenced on Motoric Performance of
Nuryastuti; Sofia Mubarika; Burham
Children Aged 12-18 Months of Poor and
Warsito.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002:
Well of Families)/Vita Kartika; S. Latinulu.--
Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2) 2002: 38-48


222 Hubungan Kandungan Klor Serum dengan
Efek Toksik dan Cara Menentukan Toksisitas Hormon T3/T4 pada Anak Sekolah di Daerah
Bahan Kimia (The Toxic Effect and Gondok Endemik (Association of Serum
Determination Method of Toxicity of Chlor Content with T3/T4 Hormone in
Chemical Substance)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- School Children in Iodine Deficiency
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 32-36 Region)/Sukati Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi
dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 7-13
Penggunaan Chemically Defined Medium
sebagai Media untuk Mempelajari Meta-


Pemeriksaan Biopsi Aspirasi Kelenjar untuk Years Children)/Faisal Anwar (et. al).--
Membantu Diagnosis Tuberkulosis Anak Media Gizi & Keluarga, 6 (1) 2002: 27-36
(Biopsy Aspiration Gland to Support the
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis on Child)/Eddy 234
Widodo; Sukma M.; Usman Alwi.-- Cerm. Tumbuh Kembang Anak dengan Epilepsi
Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 31-32 (Child Development with Epilepsy)/
Moersintowarti B. Narendra.-- Maj.
229 Kedokter. Tropis Indon.,13 (1) 2002: 1-6
Pemeriksaan PCR untuk Diagnosis Tuber-
kulosis Anak (PCR Test to Diagnosis of CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS
Tuberculosis on Child)/Nastiti N. Rahajoe 235
(et. al).-- Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 361-264 Incidence of Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis
Infection in Jakarta/R. Sardjito.-- J. Kedokter.
230 Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 6-13
Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus pada
Anak (Management of Diabetes Mellitus in CHLORAMBUCIL
Child-hood)/Netty EP. Muhammad Faizi.-- 236
Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (8) 2002: 343- Kajian Mutagenisitas Ifosfamida dan Kloram-
359 busil (Review of Chlorambucil and
Iphosphamide Mutagenecity)/Rustini; Sudana
231 Atmawidjaja; Kosasih Satiadarma.-- J. Sains
Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Kadar Yodium dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 88-94
Urin setelah Pemberian Kapsul Yodium pada
Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Gondok CHLORAMPHENICOL O-
Endemik (Effect of Nutritional Status on ACETYLTRANSFERASE
Iodine Urine Level after Iodized Oil 237
Supplementation of School Children in Karakter Gen Kloramfenikol Asetil Trans-
Endemic Goiter Area)/Sri Prihatini; ferase Tipe II pada Salmonella typhi Resisten
Syarifudin Latinulu.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Kloramfenikol (Characterization of Type II
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 1-6 Chloramphenicol Acetyltranferase Genes of
Chloramphenicol Salmonella typhi)/Ida Sri
CHILD DEVELOPMENT Iswari (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 34
(2) 2002 : 82-97
Gangguan Mata pada Proses Tumbuh CHLOROQUINE
Kembang Anak (Ophthalmologic Disorder in 238
Child Growth and Development Process)/ Dugaan Resistensi Plasmodium vivax
Moersintowarti B. Narendra.-- Bul. Ilmu terhadap Klorokuin (Presumption of
Kesehat. Anak, 30 (6) 2002: 263-270 Resistance to Chloroquine by Plasmodium
233 vivax)/Nurhayati; Inge Sutanto.-- Maj.
Model Terpadu Penanganan Anak Baduta Kedokter. Indon., 52 (9) 2002: 334-340
dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Fisik dan
Perkembangan Psikososial (Caring Practices 239
and it's Impact on Nutritional Status and
Psychosocial Development of Under Two


Idiosyncratic Chloroquine Retinopathy - A Decrease Cholesterol)/Jansen Silalahi.--

Case Report/H. Singh.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 724-726
(3) 2002: 176-178
240 245
Kasus Malaria Resisten Klorokuin di Bagian Chordoma/Erlang Setiawan.-- Berk. Ilm.
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Dr. M. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 404-406
Djamil, Padang (Chloroquine Resistance
Malaria Cases in the Department of Internal CHROMATOGRAPHY
Medicine Dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Padang)/ 246
Nusirwan Acang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 Efektivitas Biaya Immuno Chromatographic
(11) 2002: 383-389 Test dan Uji Mikroskopis sebagai Alat
Diagnosis Malaria (Cost Effectiveness of
CHOLELITHIASIS Immune Chromatographic Test and Micros-
241 copic Test as a Tool of Malaria
Kolelitiasis dan Sindrom Sjogren Awal Diagnosis)/Basundari Sri Utami (et. al).--
Penemuan melalui Anamnesis Perleche Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (2) 2002: 54-68
(Cholelithiasis and Sjogren's Syndrome the
Initial Finding through the Anamnesis of CHROMATOGRAPHY, GAS
Perleche)/Endaryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. 247
Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 436-441 Analisis Kromatografi Gas Beberapa Minyak
Atsiri Unggulan dari Sumatera Barat (The
CHOLESTASIS Gas Chromatography Analysis of Several
242 Essential Oils from West Sumatera)/Adek
Gambaran Penderita Kolestasis pada Bayi di Zambrud Adnan.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi
Ruangan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUD Dr. Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 102-109
Soetomo Surabaya (Profile of Cholestasis in
Infancy, Hepatology Division of Child Health CHROMATOGRAPHY, LIQUID
Department Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)/ 248
Sjamsul Arief.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 Application of Liquid Chromatography-
(7) 2002: 301-307 Polarimetric Detection to the Determination
of Cyclodextrins in Mengkudu (Noni) Juice/
243 Rahmiana Zein; Edison Munaf; Toyohide
Tuberculosis Milier dengan Hepatitis Tipe Takeuchi.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi,
Kolestasis : Suatu Laporan Kasus (Milliary 7 (2) 2002: 76-79
Tuberculosis and Cholestatic Type Hepatitis :
A Case Report)/Edi Hartoyo; Roni Naning; 249
Neny Srimulyani.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 Penetapan Kadar Ampisilin dalam Tablet
(2) 2002: 117-121 dengan Nama Generik dan Dagang Meng-
CHOLESTEROL gunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi/
244 KCKT (Quantitative Analysis of Generic and
Fitosterol dalam Margarine: Cara Efektif Branded Name Ampicillin in Tablets Using
Menurunkan Kolesterol (Phytosterol in High Performance Liquid Chromato-
Margarine : The Effectiveness Way to


graphy/HPLC)/Effendy De Lux Putra.-- Maj. Cyanocobalamin by Streptomyces olivaceus

Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 223-232 IFO 3409)/Noer Kasanah; Silvia Utami
Tunjung Pratiwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13
CHROMOSOMES (3) 2002: 118-122
Perubahan Gen dan Kromosom pada Kanker COCONUT
Paru (The Changing of Chromosome and 255
Gene in Lung Cancer)/Reviono; Elisna Air Kelapa Muda sebagai Obat Alternatif
Syahruddin; Anwar Jusuf.-- J. Persahabatan Urtikaria (Coconut Water as an Alternative
Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1 ) 2002: 23-31 Medicine of Urticaria)/Solehah Catur
Rahayu.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 268-270
251 256
Biotransformasi Senyawa Alkaloid Kinkona Pengaruh Penetrasi Minuman Teh dan Kopi
oleh Kapang Xylaria sp. Menjadi Alkaloid pada Transmitansi Bahan Resilent Denture
Kinkona N-Oksida : Studi Mikroba Endofit Liner (The Influence of Tea and Coffee
Tanaman Cinchona spp.(5) [Biotransfor- Penetration on the Resilient Denture Liner
mation of Cinchona Alkaloid Compounds by Transmittance)/Toeti Melanie Widjoseno.--
Mold Xylaria sp. to Cinchona N-Oxide Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 51-53
Alkaloids : Studies on Endophytic Microbes
of Cinchona spp. plants (5)]/Partomuan COGNITION
Simanjuntak (et. al).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 257
13 (2) 2002: 95-100 Using Learning Module by Applying EBM
and PBL Methods as an Effort to Improve
CITRIC ACID Cognitive Ability of Medical Students/
252 Bambang Permono; Darto Saharso; Erny.--
Sitotoksisitas Larutan Tetrasiklin Hidro- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 378-382
klorida terhadap Kultur Sel Dibanding Asam
Sitrat (Citotoxicity Tetracycline Hydro-
chloride Solution and Citric Acid to the Cell
Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Nodul Paru
Culture)/Ernie Maduratna; Noer Ulfah.-- Maj.
Soliter (The Diagnosis and Management of
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 164-166
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule)/Rahmadi Iwan
Guntoro; Anwar Jusuf.-- J. Persahabatan
CLIMATE Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 32-39
Impact of Climate Changes to Working and COLORIMETRY
Living Conditions and Environment : with 259
Special Reference to Bali, Pengukuran Kolorimetrik dan Kepekaan
Indonesia/Adnyana Manuaba.-- Maj. Ilmu terhadap Sinar Ultraungu dari 3 Jenis Warna
Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 1-5 Kulit Subyektif Orang Indonesia : Kuning
COBALT Langsat, Sawo Matang dan Coklat Gelap
254 (Colorimetric Measurements and Light
Induksi Kobalt terhadap Biosintesis Sensitivity from Ultraviolet Light of the
Sianokobalamin oleh Streptomyces IFO 3409 Three Variants of the Skin Color of Indonesia
(Cobalt Induction on Biosynthesis of


: Light Brown, Moderate and Dark Brown)/ Boedhi Darmojo.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1)
Indropo Agusni (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. 2002: 30-35
Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 124-130
260 Perubahan Sitologi Epitel Conjunctiva karena
Kadar Monomer Sisa Resin Komposit Sinar Kekurangan Vitamin A (The Changes of
Tampak setelah Terpapar Lampu Dental Unit Conjunctiva Epithelial Cytology caused by
(The Concentrate of Residual Monomer Vitamin A Deficiency)/Sri Utami B.
Visible Light Composite Resin after Exposed Roeslan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter.
to Dental Unit Lamp)/Anita Yuliati.-- Maj. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 27-35
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 124-127
261 266
Kekuatan Kompresi Resin Komposit yang Penanganan Keratokonjungtivitis Vernalis
Direndam dalam Aquabidest dengan Masa Kini (The Current Management of
Temperature Berbeda (Compressive Strength Keratoconjunctivitis Vernalis)/Suhardjo.--
of Composite Resin after Immersed in Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 235-239
Aquabidest at Different Temperatures)/Etty
Munadziroh.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) CONSERVATION OF NATURAL
2002: 82-86 RESOURCES
262 Penggunaan Produk Bahan Alami yang Lebih
Pengaruh Lampu Penerang Dental Unit Rasional (The Rational Use of Natural
terhadap Waktu Kerja Resin Komposit Sinar Resource)/Yuda Turana; Sudarto
Tampak (Influence of Dental Unit Lamp to Pringgoutomo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Working Time Visible Light Composite (1) 2002: 35-37
Resin)/Anita Yulianti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi,
35 (2) 2002: 60-62 CONSTIPATION
263 Faktor Risiko Konstipasi pada Anak (Risk
Perbedaan Intensitas Sinar Kuring Unit Factors of Childhood Constipation)/Dyah
terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Diametral Resin Kurniati; M. Juffrie.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter.,
Komposit Sinar Tampak (The Difference of 34 (4) 2002: 243-248
Light Intensity of Curing unit to the
Diametral Tensile Strength of Composite CONSUMER PARTICIPATION
Resin)/Ruslan Effendy.-- Maj. Kedokter. 269
Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 115-118 Peran Publik dalam Pembiayaan Kesehatan
(Consumer Participation in Health Care
CONFUSION Cost)/Hasballah Thabrany.-- Maj. Kedokter.
264 Indon., 52 (1) 2002: 1-6
Incidence and Cause of Acute Confusion in
Elderly Patients/Rejeki Andayani Rahayu; R. CONTRACEPTION


Tinjauan Farmakodinamik dan Farmako- Djoko Waspodo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35

kinetik Medroksiprogesteron Asetat (MPA) (4) 2002: 147-151
dan Noretindrone Enanthate (Net En) sebagai
Bahan Kontrasepsi (Pharmacodynamic and CORNEAL ULCER
Pharmacokinetics Review on Medroxi- 275
progesterone Acetate and Norethindrone Transplantation of Preserved Human
Enanthate as a Contraceptive Substance)/John Amniotic Membrane for Perforated Bacterial
W. Sitohang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Corneal Ulcer and Persistent Epithelial
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) 2002: 33-39 Defects : Cases Study/Suhardjo; Sagung
Gede Indrawati; Agus Supartoto.-- Berk. Ilmu
CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 181-185
Cara Tepat Memilih Alat Kontrasepsi CORONARY DISEASE
Keluarga Berencana bagi Wanita (The 276
Exactly Ways to Choosing the Contraceptive Efek Enhanced External Counterpulsation
Device for Women)/Herti Maryani.-- Medika, terhadap Perbaikan Kontraktilitas Miokard
28 (3) 2002: 162-167 yang Masih Viabel pada Penderita Penyakit
Jantung Koroner (Effect of Enhanced
272 External Counterpulsation through the
Profile Lemak : Akseptor KB Implant Recovery of Myocardial Contractility which
Levonogestrel 2 Batang setelah 1 Tahun Viable in Patient with Coronary Heart
Pemasangan (Lipid Profile of Family Disease)/Utojo Lubiantoro; Fadilah Supari;
Planning Acceptor after 1 Year Using Lies Dina Liastuti.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26
Contraception)/M. Thamrin Tanjung.-- Maj. (1) 2002: 1-7
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 7-10
CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL Estimasi Fraksi Ejeksi Ventrikel Kiri pada
Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner (The
273 Estimation of Fraction of Left Ventricle
Studi Penggunaan Metode Voltammetri Ejection in Coronary Heart Disease Patient)/
"Stripping" Anoda untuk Analisis Kualitatif Abdul Gani Puteh.-- Maj. Kedokter.
dan Kuantitatif Senyawa Etinil Estradiol Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 38-42
dalam Tablet Kontrasepsi Oral (The Study of
the Use of Anodic Stripping by Voltammetric 278
Technique to Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluating Mental Stress Test in Coronary
Analysis of Ethinyl Estradiol in Oral Artery Disease Treatment Positive
Contraceptive)/Regina Andayani; Kosasih Patients/H. Singh (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon.,
Satiadarma; Kurnia Firman.-- J. Sains dan 11 (1) 2002: 36-40
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (1) 2002: 1-6 279
CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL, HORMONAL The Level of C. pneumoniae, Cytomegalo-
274 virus, and H. pylori Antibody in a Patient
Resiko Gingivitis pada Pengguna Kontrasepsi with Coronary Heart Disease/Dasnan Ismail.-
Hormonal (The Risk of Gingivitis on - Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 211-214
Hormonal Contraception User)/Primada
Kusumaninggar; R. Darmawan Setijanto;


Peranan Kadar Trigliserida dan Lipoprotein

sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung CORTICOTROPIN-RELEASING
Koroner : Studi Pendahuluan (The Role of HORMONE
Triglyserida and Lipoproteins as a Risk 286
Factor of Coronary Heart Disease)/Djanggan Corticotropin-Releasing Factor dan
Sargowo.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 425-429 Hubungannya dengan Ansietas (Cortico-
trophin-Releasing Factor and its Relation
281 with Anxiety)/Raymond Rubianto
Perubahan Nilai Aggregasi Platelet pada Tjandrawinata.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 258-
Penderita Sindrom Koroner Akut dengan 261
Terapi Enoxaparine Dibandingkan dengan
Terapi Heparin Tak Terfraksinasi (The COUNTERPULSATION
Changes of Platelet Aggregation Caused by 287
Enoxaparine Therapy Compared to Efek Enhanced External Counterpulsation
Unfractioned Heparin Therapy in Patient with terhadap Perbaikan Kontraktilitas Miokard
Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Ridwan yang Masih Viabel pada Penderita Penyakit
Sofyansyah; Otte J. Rachman; Irmalita.-- J. Jantung Koroner (Effect of Enhanced
Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 14-21 External Counterpulsation through the
Recovery of Myocardial Contractility which
282 Viable in Patient with Coronary Heart
Pola Perilaku Tipe A (PPTA) pada Penderita Disease)/Utojo Lubiantoro; Fadilah Supari;
Penyakit Jantung Koroner/PJK (The Pattern Lies Dina Liastuti.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1)
of Type A Personality in Coronary Disease 2002: 1-7
Patients)/H. Djanggan Sargowo; M.
Hendrarko.-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 567-572 288
Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP)
283 Bermanfaat untuk Penderita Penyakit Iskemia
Preventive Programmed in ASEAN; Jantung (Enhanced External Counterpulsation
Preventive Measures for Coronary Artery is Useful for Ischemic Stroke)/Sutopo
Disease in the ASEAN Region, Indonesian Widjaja.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002:
View/Dede Kusmana.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 63-67
(1) 2002: 36-43
284 289
Sintesis NO dan Sindroma CHAOS (NO Craniopharyngioma : Laporan Kasus (Cranio-
Synthetic and CHAOS Syndrome)/Peni KS. pharyongioma : A Case Report)/Nunung
Mutalib.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 311-314 Ainur Rahmah.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2)
285 2002: 86-93
Viabilitas Miokard pada Penyakit Arteri
Koroner Kronik dan Disfungsi Ventrikel Kiri CULEX
(Viability of Myocardial in Chronic Coronary
Artery and Left Ventricular Dysfunction)/ 290
Frits Reinter Wantian Suling.-- Maj. Deteksi Resistensi Larva Culex
Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen quinquefasciatus say terhadap Malathion
Indon., 20 (51) 2002: 1-5 dengan Teknik Bercak Kertas Saring di


Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Perbandingan Lama Perawatan serta

(Detection of Culex quinquefasciatus say Komplikasi Kuretase Segera dan Tunda
Larvae Resistance to Malathion Insecticides Pascaantibiotika pada Abortus Infeksiosus
using Filter Paper Spot Technique in Sleman, (The Comparation of Length of Stay and
Daerah Yogyakarta Special Region)/ Complication between Immediate Curettage
Kusbaryanto; Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo; and Delayed Curettage in Infected Abortion)/
Soesanto Tjokrosonto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, M. Agus Supriatmaja; P. Upadana.-- Maj.
10 (1) 2002: 14-25 Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 30-
Culture Systems for Isolation of Group B 296
Streptococci in Parturient Women in Jakarta, Application of Liquid Chromatography-
Indonesia/Widyasari Kumala (et. al).-- J. Polarimetric Detection to the Determination
Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 79-83 of Cyclodextrins in Mengkudu (Noni) Juice/
Rahmiana Zein; Edison Munaf; Toyohide
CURCUMIN Takeuchi.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi,
7 (2) 2002: 76-79
Daya Reduksi Kurkumin dan Turunannya
terhadap Ion Ferri : Suatu Kajian Dinamika
Molekuler (Reduction Ability of Curcumin Comparative Study of Azathioprine and
and Derivatives on Ferri : A Molecular Cyclosporin in Rheumatoid Arthritis - a
Dynamic Study)/Bambang Sulistyo Ari Sixteen Weeks Follow-up Study/R. Aggarwal
Sudarmanto; Supardjan Amir Margono.-- (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 153-
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (2) 2002: 77-85 157

Efek Kurkumin pada Kandung Empedu
Manusia : Perbandingan antara Dosis
Multiple Cysticercus Nodules in Skin and
Tunggal dan Dosis Berulang (The Effect of
Brain in a Balinese Women : A Case Report/
Curcumin on Human Gall-Bladder :
Sri S. Margono.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3)
Comparison between Single Dose and
2002: 169-173
Repeated Doses)/ Abdul Rasyid (et. al).--
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 119-123
Cytogenetics for the Internist/Aru W.
Pengaruh Makanan terhadap Efek Kurkumin
Sudoyo.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 (1) 2002:
pada Kandung Empedu Manusia (The
Influence of Food through the Effect of
Curcumin on Human Gallbladder)/Abdul
Rasyid (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
(3) 2002: 92-96
Kadar Sitokin Pro-Inflamatorik dan Jumlah
Netrofil pada Stroke Iskemik Akut (Pro-
CURETTAGE Inflammatory Cytokine Level and Neutrophil


Count in Acute Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.-- Community Partnership in Vector Control for

Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 77-82 Dengue/Sustriayu Nalim (et. al).-- J. Ekologi
Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 59-64
301 306
Pengaruh Infeksi Bakteri dan Virus pada Fauna Aedes di Daerah non Endemik Demam
Gambaran Sitologi Cairan Serebrospinal (The Berdarah Dengue Desa Kaponan, Kabupaten
Influence of Bacterial and Viral Infection in Ponorogo, Jawa Timur (Aedes in Non-
Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology)/OS. Hartanto; endemic Area of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Bambang Suryatmojo; Samekto Wibowo.-- at Kaponan Village, Ponorogo District, East
Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2 ) 2002: 11-17 Java)/Subagyo Yotopranoto; Sri Subekti;
Rasmanida.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon.,
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS 13 (1) 2002: 39-45
The Level of C. pneumoniae, Cytomegalo- 307
virus, and H. pylori Antibody in a Patient Gambaran Elektrokardiografi pada Penderita
with Coronary Heart Disease/Dasnan Ismail.- Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Electro-
- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 211-214 cardiography Pattern on Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever Patient)/Agus Priyatno
303 (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2) 2002:
Uji Diagnostik Serologi terhadap 93-100
Antigenemia sebagai Penanda Diagnostik
untuk Infeksi Cytomegalovirus pada Bayi dan 308
Anak (Serological Test vs Antigenemia Identifikasi Epitop Immunodominan Virus
Assay as Diagnostic Marker for Dengue-3 dengan Peptida Sintetik
Cytomegalovirus Infection in (Identification of the Virus Dengue-3
Children)/Agnes Yunie; Sunartini; Madarina Epitope's Immunodominan Using the
Julia.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: Synthetic Peptide)/Hera Nirwati; Sutaryo;
213-220 Djoko Wahyono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13
(1) 2002: 26-33
304 309
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Jumlah Limfosit Absolut dan Relatif pada
Pengambilan Keputusan Penggunaan Obat Infeksi Dengue (Absolute and Relative
Analgetika Tradisional (Influential Factors Lymphocyte Counts in Dengue Infection)/
and Decision to Use the Traditional Bambang Ardianto; Sumadiono; Sutaryo.--
Analgetics Medicine for Medication)/ Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 221-229
Trilaksana Nugroho; Hari Peni Julianti.-- 310
Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 150-155 Karakteristik Penderita Sindroma Syok
Dengue (Characteristics of Dengue Shock
DENGUE Syndrome)/Pudji Andayani; BNP Arhana.--
305 Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002:106-



Pemeriksaan Laboratorium pada Penderita Evaluasi Klinis Satu Tahun pada Tumpatan
Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Laboratory Resin Komposit Kelas VI (One Year Clinical
Examination in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)/ Evaluation of Class VI Composite Resto-
Purwanto.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. rations)/Priyo Raharjo; Mandojo Rukmo;
Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 14-19 Mohamad Rullianto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi,
35 (1) 2002: 11-13
312 318
Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Infeksi Virus Kadar Monomer Sisa Resin Komposit Setelah
Dengue (Diagnosis and Management of Disimpan pada Suhu dan Lama Tertentu (The
Dengue Virus Infection)/Widodo Concentrate of Residual Monomer Composite
Darmowandowo.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, Resin after Being Stored in Certain
30 (6) 2002: 271-280 Temperature and Time)/Ruslan Effendi.--
Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 14-17
A Glance at the Von Willebrand Factor in 319
Dengue Virus Infection/Parwati Setiono Pengaruh Empat Teknik Contouring terhadap
Basuki.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002: Adaptasi Tepi Tumpatan Resin Komposit
160-165 Kelas II (The Influence of Four Contouring
Techniques on the Cavomarginal Adaptation
of the Class II Composite Restorations)/
DENTAL ANXIETY Mandojo Rukmo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35
314 (1) 2002: 24-29
Depresi dan Ansietas: Pertimbangan
Psikologik pada Penderita Pemakai Gigi 320
Tiruan Lengkap (Depression and Anxiety : A Simultaneous Guided Bone Regeneration-
Psychological Consideration of Complete Osseointegrated Implant in Vertical Ridge
Denture Wearer's)/Arifzan Razak.-- Maj. Augmentation/David Buntoro Kamadjaja.--
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 44-46 Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 18-23

Pengaruh Kualitas Nyeri Gigi Akut terhadap 321
Derajat Kecemasan Pasien (The Influence of Pelaksanaan Analisis SWOT di Instalasi Gigi
the Quality Acute Dental Pain to the Degree dan Mulut RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
of Anxiety Patients)/Edeh Roletta Haroen.-- (The Implementation of SWOT Analysis at
Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002:128-132 the Dental and Mouth Installation Dr.
DENTAL CARE Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)/Setya Haksama;
316 Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo.; S. Supriyanto.--
Needs and Demands for Dental Care in Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 103-110
Indonesia/Ch. M. Kristanti.-- Bul. Penelit.
Kesehat., 30 (2) 2002: 94-101
317 Latar Belakang dan Motivasi Penderita
Memakai Gigi Tiruan Lengkap di FKG Unair


(Motivations and Backgrounds of the Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34

Complete Denture Wearers in School of (1) 2002: 3-9
Dentistry Airlangga University)/Endang
Pudjirochani.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 328
2002: 99-102 Klasifikasi dan Kriteria Diagnosis Diabetes
Mellitus (Classification and the Criteria
DENTURE, OVERLAY Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus)/Fabiola MS.
323 Adam.; John MF. Adam.-- Dexa Media, 15
Immediate Over Denture Atas dan Bawah (3) 2002: 82-86
(Upper and Lower Immediate Over Denture)/
Pudjirochani Endang; Paulus B. Teguh.-- 329
Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 139-142 Meditasi sebagai Terapi Tambahan pada
Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (Meditation as a
DEPRESSION Supplemental Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus
324 Patient)/Luh Ketut Suryani.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Depresi dan Ansietas: Pertimbangan Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 44-54
Psikologik pada Penderita Pemakai Gigi
Tiruan Lengkap (Depression and Anxiety : A 330
Psychological Consideration of Complete Olah Raga bagi Penyandang Diabetes
Denture Wearer's)/Arifzan Razak.-- Maj. (Exercise for the Diabetes)/Sutanegara.--
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 44-46 Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 84-
325 Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus pada
Dermatofitosis pada Penderita Diabetes Anak (Management of Diabetes Mellitus in
Melitus Tipe II : Pengaruh Kontrol Gula Childhood)/Netty EP. Muhammad Faizi.--
Darah, Obesitas, dan Durasi Sakit (The Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (8) 2002: 343-
Correlation between Blood Glucose Control 359
Obesity and Diabetic Duration, with
Frequency of Dermatophytosis among Type 332
II Diabetic Patients)/Dwi Retno Winarni; Penatalaksanaan Perioperatif Penderita
Soedirman S.; Suyoto.-- Berk. Ilmu Diabetes Melitus (Preoperative Management
Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 21-29 of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus)/Beny
DIABETES MELLITUS Ghufron; Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji.-- Maj.
326 Kedokter. Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 141-148
Diabetes Mellitus pada Lanjut Usia (Diabetes
Mellitus in Elderly)/Darmono.-- Dexa Media, 333
15 (4) 2002: 125-130 Pengaruh Puasa selama Ramadan terhadap
Status Klinik Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe
327 2 (The Influence of Fasting during Ramadan
Glycemic Indies of Enteral Feeding Formulas through the Clinical Status of Type 2
in Diabetics at the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Yosephine (et.
General Central National Hospital Jakarta/


al).-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 47- Darah, Obesitas, dan Durasi Sakit (The
51 Correlation between Blood Glucose Control
Obesity and Diabetic Duration, with
334 Frequency of Dermatophytosis among Type
Perawatan Bedah Mulut Minor pada II Diabetic Patients)/Dwi Retno Winarni;
Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (Minor Oral Soedirman S.; Suyoto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Surgery in Diabetic Patient)/Sudarto Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 21-29
Wirjokusumo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1)
2002: 54-56 340
Mekanisme Terjadinya Diabetes Melitus
Tipe-2 pada Obesitas (The Mechanisms of
Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Formation in
Periodontitis Kronis dan Diabetes Mellitus
Obesity)/I Ketut Sudiana; Tania AS. Hariadi.-
(Chronically Periodontitis and Diabetes
- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 22-25
Mellitus)/Saidina Hamzah Dalimunthe.--
Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 127-
Treatment Using a Combination of Oral Anti-
hyperglycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes
336 Mellitus/Harsinen Sanusi.-- Acta Medica
Tatalaksana Hipertensi pada Diabetes Melitus Indon. 34 (1) 2002: 37-42
(Management of Hypertension in Diabetes
Mellitus)/Dwi Sutanegara.-- Maj. Kedokter. DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS
Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 13-21 342
Hypoglycemia in a Patient with Type 1
DIABETES MELLITUS, NON-INSULIN- Diabetes Mellitus with Recurrent Keto-
DEPENDENT acidosis/Feriadi Suwarna; Rio Anggoro;
Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34
337 (1) 2002: 10-17
Agregasi Trombosit pada Penderita Diabetes
Mellitus Tipe 2 Sebelum dan Sesudah DIABETIC NEUROPATHIES
Pemberian Cilostazol (Thrombocyte Aggre- 343
gation in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Diabetik Neuropati : dari Basik ke Klinik
before and after Cilostazol Treatment)/Sri (Diabetic Neuropathies : From the Basic to
Hartini KS. Kariadi; Maria R. Iryaningrum; the Clinic)/Askandar Tjokroprawiro.--
Januar W. Martha.-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 240-245
759-762 DIARRHEA
338 344
Combined Therapy : Insulin and Oral Abnormalities of the Small Bowel in Chronic
Hypoglycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes Infective and Non-Infective Diarrhea/
Mellitus/Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Marcellus Simadibrata Kolopaking (et. al).--
Indon., 34 (2) 2002: 86-93 Acta Medica Indon. 34 (3) 2002: 96-101

339 345
Dermatofitosis pada Penderita Diabetes Diseases of the Small Bowel in Chronic
Melitus Tipe II : Pengaruh Kontrol Gula Diarrhea : Diagnosis and Treatment/M.


Simadibrata.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: Carmelita Ridwan.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002:
179-189 305-310


Frekuensi Diare Ditinjau dari Beberapa 351
Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya (Prediction of Diet Lemak dan Kanker (Dietary Fat in
Diarrhea Frequency on Children between 12- Cancer)/Simon S. Marpaung.-- Maj.
59 Months Based on Household Density in Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 75-78
Indonesia)/Djoko Irianto (et. al).-- J. Ekologi
Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 77-84 DIPYRIDAMOLE
347 Peranan Aspirin dan Dipiridamol pada
Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Diare pada Pencegahan Stroke Iskemik dan Serangan
Balita (The Health Seeking Behavior of Ulang (The Use of Aspirin and Dipirydamol
Diarrhea Cases in Under Five Years Old in Ischemic Stroke and Recurrent Stroke
Children)/Sarimawar Djaja; Iwan Ariawan; Prevention)/Calventinus Meliala; Pernodjo
Tin Afifah.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1) Dahlan; Sri Sutarni.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3
2002: 22-30 (3) 2002: 115-121


348 353
Bacterial Resistance Pattern of Etiology of DNA Testing for Paternity of an Unborn
Acute Infantile Diarrhea/Reza Gunadi Ranuh Child/Soekry Erfan Kusuma.-- Folia Medica
(et. al).-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2) 2002: Indon., 38 (2) 2002: 101-105
349 Frekuensi DNA Human Papillomavirus
Pengaruh Peningkat Penetrasi pada Absorpsi (HPV) pada Penderita Kanker Leher Rahim
Transdermal Gel Diklofenak Dietilamonium dari Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Yogyakarta
(The Influence of Penetration Increasing Berdasarkan Uji PCR (The Frequency of
toward Transdermal Absorption of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA on
Diclofenac Diethylammonium)/Rahmi Nofita Cervical Cancer Patients from Several
Rohman; Goeswin Agoes; Sasanti T. Hospitals in Yogyakarta by PCR Test)/Titik
Darijanto.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, Nuryastuti; Sofia Mubarika; Burham
7 (1) 2002: 24-29 Warsito.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002:
Pengaruh Diet Kombinasi Dietary Approach 355
to Stop Hypertension terhadap Tekanan Aktivitas Pemotongan DNA Superkoil oleh
Darah (The Influence of Combination Diet of Fraksi-fraksi Protein Daun Morinda citrifolia
Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (The Cleaving Activity Assay on Supercoiled
through Blood Pressure)/Denio A. Ridjab; DNA by Protein Fractions from Morinda


citrifolia Leaves)/Nanik Sulistyani; Sudjadi Interaksi Obat (Drug Interactions)/Herlina

Sismindari.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) Hutajulu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1)
2002: 174-179 2002: 30-32

Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga : Realita
MDR Tb Menjelang Milenium III di BP4
yang perlu Disikapi Seorang Dokter
Tegal dan Surakarta (Tuberculosis Multidrug
(Domestic Violence : The Reality which
Resistance Nearly of Third Millennium at
should be Taking Care by the Doctor)/
BP4 Tegal and Surakarta)/Tonny Eko
Andriani.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4
Hartono; Achmad Harsono; Indrawati
(12) 2002: 519-525
Sriwulan.-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 573-574
The Controversy of Renal Dose Dopamine
Administration in the Treatment of Acute 362
Renal Failure/Andhika Rachman; Aida Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Carriage and
Lidya; Dharmeizar.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 Antimicrobial Resistance in Under Five
(3) 2002: 120-123 Children with Community Acquired
Pneumonia/Cissy B Kartassmita (et. al).--
DOXYCYCLINE Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 164-168
Terapi Kombinasi Vitamin A Tetes Mata, DRUGS, GENERIC
Vitamin A Oral, dan Doksisiklin Oral pada
Disfungsi Kelenjar Meibom (The Combined 363
Treatment of Vitamin A Eye Drops, Oral Penggunaan Obat Generik di Apotek Wilayah
Vitamin A and Oral Doxycycline in Kodya Yogyakarta pada Masa Krisis Moneter
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction)/Suhardjo.-- : Pengamatan selama Maret 1997 s.d Maret
Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 231-242 1998 (The Use of Generic Drugs in Pharmacy
in the Municipality of Yogyakarta during
DRUG COSTS Monetary Crisis : Observation on March
359 1997 - March 1998)/Irin Dwi Andari; Djoko
Penyusunan Pedoman Evaluasi Manajemen Wahyono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1)
Biaya Obat dan Biaya Riil Pengobatan : Data 2002: 12-20
Dasar Penyusunan Pedoman (Development of
Guidelines on the Assessment of Pharma-
Penulisan Resep Obat dengan Nama Generik
ceutical Cost Management and Real Cost of
pada Pasien Rawat Jalan – RS Fatmawati :
Treatment : Baseline Data to Develop the
Bagian ke 2 : Lanjutan (Drug Prescriptions
Guidelines)/Sriana Azis; Rini Sasanti
with Generic Name in Fatmawati Hospital
Handayani; Max Joseph Herman.-- Bul.
Outpatients : Part 2)/Debby Daniel.-- Berk.
Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (2) 2002: 69-80
Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 387-


ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Pengaruh Diet Kuning Telur Omega-3 dan

TRANSESOPHAGEAL Ayam Ras terhadap Ekspresi Sel Busa di
365 Arteri Abdominalis : Studi Eksperimental
Comparative Study of Transesophageal to pada Tikus Wistar (The Effect of Omega 3
Transthoracal in Detecting Thrombus and Egg Yolk Diet through the Expression of
Spontaneous Echo Contrast in Mitral Foam Cell in Abdominal Artery :
Stenosis/Ali Ghanie.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 Experimental Study on Wistar)/Klara
(2) 2002: 52-54 Sinabutar; Awal Prasetyo.-- Media Medika
Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 25-28
366 EGGS
Fluid Therapy Pattern after C-section in Pre- 371
Eclamptic/Eclamptic Patient at Dr. Soetomo Peningkatan Pasokan Yodium melalui Telur
Hospital Surabaya/Sri Wahjoeningsih.-- Folia Asin dalam Upaya Mengatasi Gangguan
Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 54-57 Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (Increasing the
Iodine Content Using Salted Egg as an Effort
ECONOMICS for Elimination of Iodine Deficiency)/B.
367 Matram (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana,
Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Pola 33 (115) 2002: 66-68
Pengeluaran dan Konsumsi Rumah Tangga di
Indonesia (The Impact of Economic Crisis on ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY
Expenditure and Consumption Pattern of 372
Household's in Indonesia)/Handewi P.S. Gambaran Elektrokardiografi pada Penderita
Rachman; Mewa Ariani; Sri Hastuti Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Electro-
Suhartini.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1) cardiography Pattern on Dengue
2002: 18-26 Hemorrhagic Fever Patient)/Agus Priyatno
(et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2) 2002:
368 93-100
Factors Associated with Severe Malnutrition
among Children Under Five-year Old in
Yogyakarta during the Economic Crisis/Endy
Pengaruh Induksi Anestesi dan Intubasi
P. Prawirohartono; Atiek Werdiningsih.--
Gambaran Elektrokardiografi pada Penderita
Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 31-40
tanpa Penyakit Jantung Iskemik (The Feature
of Electrocardiography after Induction of
Anesthesia and Endotracheal Intubations in
Pemanfaatan Belut (Monoptherus albus
Patient with Myocardial Ischemia)/Soenarjo.-
Zuieuw) dalam Pembuatan Sosis Ikan
- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 22-26
(Utilization of Eels (Zuieuw) to Produce Fish
Sausage)/Trias Qurnia Dewi; Faisal Anwar;
Lilik Noor Yuliati.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga, ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY
26 (1) 2002: 7-17 374
Elektroensefalograpi (EEG) pada Penderita
EGG YOLK Epilepsi (Electroencephalography/EEG in
370 Epilepsy Patient)/Sumarnita Tarigan; Yuneldi


Anwar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3)

2002: 123-126 EMBALMING
375 Pengawetan Jenazah dan Aspek Medikolegal
Gambaran EEG pada Anak dengan Gagal (Embalming and the Medicolegal Aspect)/
Ginjal Kronik (EEG Changes in Children Djaja Surya Atmadja.-- Maj. Kedokter.
with Chronic Renal Failure)/Sudung O. Indon., 52 (8) 2002: 293-297
Pardede (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30
(2) 2002: 88-93
Pengaruh Jenis dan Kadar Ikan yang
376 Terkontaminasi Merkuri terhadap Per-
Perubahan Pola Dasar EEG dan Memori pada kembangan Janin pada Ibu Hamil yang
Usia Lanjut (The Changes of Memory and Mengkonsumsinya (The Influence of Variety
EEG Basic Pattern in Elderly)/Amin Husni; and Level of Fish Contaminated by Mercury
Jimmy Eko Budi Hartono; Endang to Infant Development of Exposed Mothers)/
Kustiowati.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (1) Diana Samara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
2002: 19-24 (9) 2002: 327-333


377 382
The Effect of Continuous Exposure to Permulaan Kehidupan dan Status Moral
Electromagnetic Field on Four Successive Embrio (The Beginning of Human Life and
Generations of Mice/Oentoeng Soeradi (et. Embryo Moral Status)/K. Bertens.-- Maj.
al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002: 3-10 Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 1-12

378 383
Efek Biologis dan Aspek Kesehatan Sosial Budaya, Gangguan Emosi, dan Fisik
Masyarakat dari Frekuensi Radiasi Elektro- Pasca Salin Masyarakat Pedesaan Sumedang
magnetik Gelombang Radio (The Biological (Socio Cultural, Emotion Disorder, and Bio-
Effects and Public Health Aspect of the Radio psychological in Post Partum Women at the
Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation)/ Community of Sumedang Village)/Benny
Anies.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 74- Ferdy Malonda.-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: 763-
81 772
379 384
Ovalositosis Herediter - Analisis Molekular Pembedahan pada Empiema Nontuberkulosis
Ovalositosis Herediter Asia Tenggara (SAO) (Surgery in Non Tuberculosis Empyema)/
di Bangka, Sumatera Selatan (Hereditary Ismid DI. Busroh.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22
Evalocytosis-Molecular Analysis of Here- (2) 2002: 76-78
ditary Southeast Asian Ovalocytosis (SAO) ENDODONTICS
in Bangka, South Sumatera)/Suryono Yudha 385
Patria (et. al).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) Paradigma Baru Perawatan Endodontik (The
2002: 15-20 New Paradigm of Endodontic Treatment)/


Trijoedani Widodo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35

(3) 2002: 133-137 ENERGY METABOLISM
386 Energi Expenditure pada Lansia (Energy
Penggunaan Transvaginal Sonografi Doppler Expenditure in Elderly)/Yuniar Rosmalina
Berwarna untuk Mendeteksi Dini Keganasan (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2)
di Korpus Uteri (The Usage of Transvaginal 2002: 22-30
Color Doppler Sonography to Early
Detection of Endometrial Carcinoma)/I. 393
Oetama Marsis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Pengadaan Energi oleh Sel (Energy
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002: Metabolism by Cell)/Harlina Soetjipto.-- Maj.
38-42 Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 34-44
Deteksi Dini Endometriosis Pelvis (The Early 394
Detection of Pelvic Endometriosis)/Wachyu Perubahan Nilai Aggregasi Platelet pada
Hadisaputro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Penderita Sindrom Koroner Akut dengan
Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 44-48 Terapi Enoxaparine Dibandingkan dengan
Terapi Heparin Tak Terfraksinasi (The
388 Changes of Platelet Aggregation Caused by
Kista Endometriosis (Endometrial Cyst)/Budi Enoxaparine Therapy Compared to
R. Hadibroto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 Unfractioned Heparin Therapy in Patient with
(1) 2002: 47-50 Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Ridwan
Sofyansyah; Otte J. Rachman; Irmalita.-- J.
389 Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 14-21
Penatalaksanaan Endometriosis (The
Management of Endometriosis)/Busisa
Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. ENTERAL NUTRITION
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002: 1-10
ENDOTHELINS Aplikasi Klinis Nutrisi Oral dan Enteral
390 (Clinical Application of Oral and Enteral
Endothelial Dysfunction in Mitral Stenosis an Nutrition)/Hendromartono.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Analytic-Observational Research in Dr. Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 22-27
Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Rochmad 396
Romdoni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) Glycemic Indies of Enteral Feeding Formulas
2002: 27-33 in Diabetics at the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Central National Hospital Jakarta/
391 Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34
Peranan Endotelin terhadap Fungsi dan (1) 2002: 3-9
Kelainan Kardiovaskuler (The Effect of ENTEROVIRUS
Endothelin through the Cardiovascular 397
Disorder and its Function)/Elly Herwana.-- J. Enterovirus/Dewi Wulandari; Tonny Loho.--
Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 104-110 Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 426-435


398 Pengaruh Limbah Industri terhadap
Enuresis Nokturnal pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Lingkungan di Indonesia (The Effect of
di Kecamatan Malalayang, Manado Industrial Waste through the Environmental
(Nocturnal Enuresis in Primary School in Indonesia)/Supraptini.-- Media Penelit.
Children in Malalayang Subdistrict, dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 10-
Manado)/ Adrian Umboh; Johannus Susanto 19
Wibisono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (3)
2002: 97-101
ENVIRONMENT Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Penduduk
399 dalam Kaitannya dengan Kesehatan
Sick Building Syndrome, Building Related Lingkungan dan Higiene Perorangan di
Illness dan Legionellosis : Penyakit Akibat Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat (People's
Lingkungan Tempat Kerja yang Kurang Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related
Mendukung (Sick Building Syndrome, with Environmental Health and Personal
Building Related Illness and Legionellosis : Hygiene at Subang Sub District, West Java)/
the Diseases caused of Non Conducive Work Yulfira Media; Kasnodihardjo; Kenti
Environment)/Faisal Yatim.-- Media Penelit. Friskarini.-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1(1) 2002:
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 50- 14-20
400 405
Gambaran Kesehatan Lingkungan Faktor Lingkungan yang Mempengaruhi
Masyarakat Dusun Eti di Pulau Seram, Kematian Anak Balita (Environmental
Maluku Tengah (Environmental Health Factors which Influenced Child Mortality)/
Profile in Eti Subvillage, Seram Island, Titiek Setyowati; Dina Bisara; Sarimawar
Maluku)/Sunanti ZS.; Rachmalina SP.-- J. Djaja.-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (1) 2002: 1-6
Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (1) 2002: 20-30
Implementasi Kedokteran Lingkungan dalam
Kurikulum di Fakultas Kedokteran (The
Detection of IgM to Leptospira Agent with
Implementation of Environmental Medicine
ELISA and Leptodipstick Method/
in the Medical Faculty Curriculum)/Anies.--
Mohammad Hatta (et. al).-- Ebers Papyrus, 8
Media Medika Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 47-51
(1) 2002: 21-27
Kehilangan Waktu Potensial Akibat Penyakit
yang Berbasis Lingkungan (Potential Years 407
of Life Lost Due to Environmental Related Gambaran Epidemiologi Penderita di Bangsal
Diseases)/Sarimawar Djaja (et. al).-- J. Bersalin RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 1998-2001
Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 50-58 (The Epidemiological Features of Patient at


Labor Unit of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin Murgyanto; Harsono; Samekto Wibowo.--

1998-2001)/HR. Soedarto WW.-- Dexa Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 37-45
Media, 15 (4) 2002: 135-143
408 Incidence of Epilepsy among Patients with
Inferensi Induktif, Deduktif, dan Epistemo- Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Yayasan Pemeliharaan
logi Popper dalam Riset Epidemiologi Anak Cacat (YPAC) - Medan/Pertin Sianturi;
(Inductive and Deductive Inference and Amir Syarifuddin; Bistok Saing.-- Med. J. of
Popperian Epistemology in Epidemiological Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 158-163
Research)/Bhisma Murti.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 225-230 414
Peranan GABA pada Epilepsi (The Role of
GABA in Epilepsy)/Emmy Kusumawati;
Lucas Meliala; Imam Rusdi.-- Berk. Neuro
Kajian Sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi
Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 131-139
Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium/
Pemantauan Garam Beryodium di Tingkat
Masyarakat : Studi Kasus di Dinas Kesehatan 415
Kota Semarang (Epidemiological Perhatian Khusus dalam Penatalaksanaan
Surveillance System of Iodine Deficiency Epilepsi pada Perempuan (Management
Disorder/Controlling on Iodine Salt Issues for Women with Epilepsy)/Harsono.--
Consumption in the Community : A Case Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5) 2002: 187-193
Study in Semarang Municipality Health
Department)/Hari Peni Julianti; M. 416
Sakundarno Adi.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 Tumbuh Kembang Anak dengan Epilepsi
(1) 2002: 39-46 (Child Development with Epilepsy)/
Moersintowarti B. Narendra.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Tropis Indon.,13 (1) 2002: 1-6


Elektroensefalograpi (EEG) pada Penderita 417
Epilepsi (Electroencephalography/EEG in Pengujian dan Kalibrasi Alat Kesehatan (The
Epilepsy Patient)/Sumarnita Tarigan; Yuneldi Examination and Calibration of Health
Anwar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) Equipment)/Aloysius K. Ruslim.-- Berk. Ilm.
2002: 123-126 Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 424-430
Epilepsi Katamenial (Catamenial Epilepsy)/
Harsono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 418
57-63 Bahaya yang Ditimbulkan Akibat Pe-
manfaatan Sarana dan Prasarana Rumah Sakit
412 (Hazardous Cause by the Usage of Hospital
Hubungan Neurotransmiter Asam Glutamat Equipment and Facilities)/Turniani
dengan Epilepsi (The Relation of Glutamic Laksmiarti; Herti Maryani.-- Medika, 28 (11)
Acid Neurotransmitters with Epilepsy)/ 2002: 720-723



419 Effects of Continuous Hormone Replacement
Infeksi Pseudomonas sp. yang Mirip Eritema Therapy (HRT) on FSH, Lipid Profile, Blood
Eksudativum Multiformis (Pseudomonas sp. Chemistry, and Skin Thickness in Meno-
Infection Resembling Multiform Erythemia pausal Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of
Exudativum Multiformis)/S. Salendu Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 97-103
Warouw.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5)
2002: 194-197 425
Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy
ERYTHROCYTES (HRT) on the Body Weight, Blood Pressure
420 and Vaginal Bleeding in Menopausal
Defisiensi Enzim Glukosa-6-fosfat Dehidro- Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1)
genase pada Sel Darah Merah (Glucose-6- 2002: 11-14
phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in
Erythrocytes)/Jenny Hidayat.-- Maj. 426
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 2002 : 63-70 Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on
Stroke, and Dementia due to Alzheimer's
421 Disease on Menopausal Women/Ali Baziad.--
Isolation and Purification of Plasmodium Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 246-249
vivax Hemozoin-Bearing Infected Red Blood
Cells by Magnetic Separator System/Heny 427
Arwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13 Penentuan Klinis untuk Memulai dan
(1) 2002: 33-38 Lamanya Terapi Sulih Hormon (TSH) pada
Masa Perimenopause : Bagian I (Clinical
Determination to Begin the Hormone
Replacement Therapy and its Duration in
Perimenopause : Part I)/T. Agoestina.--
Efektivitas Eritromisin sebagai Terapi Ajuvan
Medika, 28 (2) 2002: 113-118
dalam Menunda Persalinan pada Partus
Prematurus Iminens (The Effectiveness of 428
Erythromycin as Adjuvant Therapy in Penentuan Klinis untuk Memulai dan
Delaying Labor in Imminent Preterm Lamanya Terapi Sulih Hormon (TSH) pada
Delivery)/P. Doster Mahayasa; M. Kornia Masa Perimenopause : Bagian II (Clinical
Karkata.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., Determination to Begin the Hormone
26 (1) 2002: 26-29 Replacement Therapy and its Duration in
ESTHETICS, DENTAL Perimenopause : Part II)/T. Agoestina.--
423 Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 176-181
Perbaikan Estetik dan Fungsi Kunyah dengan
"Immediate Magnetic Overdenture" (Reha-
bilitation of Aesthetic and Masticatory ESTROGENS
Functions with Immediate Magnetic Over 429
Denture)/Iskandar R.; Poedji Hartomo.-- Maj. Kombinasi Testosteron dan Estrogen sebagai
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 91-94 Terapi Sulih Hormon (HRT) (The
Combination of Testosterone and Estrogen as
Hormone Replacement Therapy)/Ali Baziad.-


- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) Kusmana.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002:
2002: 56-58 230-241
Olah Raga bagi Penyandang Diabetes
(Exercise for the Diabetes)/Dwi Sutanegara.--
Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Etanol : Buah, Biji,
Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 84-
Daun Makutadewa (Phaleria macrocarpa
(Scheff.) Boerl.) terhadap Artemia salina
Leach dan Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipis 435
Ekstrak Aktif (Toxicity of Ethanolic Extract Pengaruh Latihan Interval dan Kontinyu
of Fruit, Seed and Leaves of Makutadewa terhadap Pemulihan Depo Glikogen pada
(Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) to Otot Skelet (The Influences of Interval and
Artemia salina Leach and the Thin Layer Continuous Physical Exercise toward the
Chromatogram Profile of Active Extract)/ Glycogen Recovery on Skeletal Muscle)/
Indah Purwantini; Erna Prawita Setyowati; Lukas M.Boleng; Choesnan Effendi.-- Maj.
Triana Hertiani.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 16-21
(2) 2002: 101-106
431 Evaluating Mental Stress Test in Coronary
Penerapan Etika dalam Genetika Artery Disease Treatment Positive
(Implementation of Ethics in Genetics)/ Patients/H. Singh (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon.,
Wahyuning Ramelan.-- Maj. Kedokter. 11 (1) 2002: 36-40
Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 39-42
432 Mekanisme Eksositosis Vesikal Sinaptik (The
Studi Penggunaan Metode Voltammetri Mechanisms of Synapthic Vesical Exo-
"Stripping" Anoda untuk Analisis Kualitatif cytosis)/Ihya Ridlo Nizomy.-- Medika, 28 (4)
dan Kuantitatif Senyawa Etinil Estradiol 2002: 246-248
dalam Tablet Kontrasepsi Oral (The Study of
the Use of Anodic Stripping by Voltammetric
Technique to Qualitative and Quantitative
Berbagai Kelainan pada Kulit Muka yang
Analysis of Ethinyl Estradiol in Oral
Berpengaruh terhadap Estetika (Several
Contraceptive)/Regina Andayani; Kosasih
Disorders on Skin Face which Related to the
Satiadarma; Kurnia Firman.-- J. Sains dan
Esthetics)/Enny S Widjaja.-- Meridian, 9 (2)
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (1) 2002: 1-6
2002: 59-88
The Influence of Smoking Cessation, Regular 439
Physical Exercise and/or Physical Activity on Gangguan Nervus Fasial (Facial Nerve
Survival : A 13 Years Cohort Study of the Disorder)/Benny Kurnia; Askaroellah Aboet.-
Indonesian Population in Jakarta/Dede


- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: perimental Study on Wistar)/Klara Sinabutar;

114-120 Awal Prasetyo.-- Media Medika Indon., 37
(1) 2002: 25-28
Profile Lemak : Akseptor KB Implant 445
Levonogestrel 2 Batang setelah 1 Tahun Fiksasi Fraktur Femur Intertrochanteric
Pemasangan (Lipid Profile of Family dengan Dynamic Hip Screw di RS.
Planning Acceptor after 1 Year Using Fatmawati 1996-2000 (Inertrochanteric
Contraception)/M. Thamrin Tanjung.-- Maj. Femur Fracture Fixation by Dynamic Hip
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 7-10 Screw at Fatmawati Hospital, 1996 -
2000)/Bambang Nugroho.-- Berk. Ilm.
Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (12) 2002: 498-501
Pengaruh Puasa Ramadhan pada Ibu Hamil 446
(Effect of Ramadhan Fasting to Pregnant Manfaat Fenoterol Hidrobromide Inhaler :
Mother)/Nur Shani Meida.-- J. Kedokter. pada Penderita Sindrom Obstruksi Pasca
Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 26-29 Tuberkulosis Paru/SOPT (The Advantage of
Fenoterol Hidrobromide Inhaler on Post
442 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Obstructive
Pengaruh Puasa selama Ramadan terhadap Syndrome Patients)/Abdul Gani Puteh; Azhar
Status Klinik Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe Tanjung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1)
2 (The Influence of Fasting during Ramadan 2002: 16-20
through the Clinical Status of Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Yosephine (et. FERMENTATION
al).-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 47- 447
51 Teknik Fermentasi Suapan Sekelompok (Fed-
Batch) pada Biosintesis Poli (3-Hidroksi-
FATIGUE butirat) dari Bahan Dasar Minyak Kelapa (A
443 Fed-batch Fermentation Technique on Bio-
Fatigue Design dan Relokasi Waktu Istirahat syntheses of a Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate)
(Fatigue Design and Relocation of Rest Using a Mineral Media with Palm
Pause)/Adang Kadarusman; Apep Rachmat.-- Oil)/Akmal Djamaan; Mohammed Isa Abdul
Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: Madjid; Azizan Mohamad Noor.-- J. Sains
129-135 dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 49-55
444 Identifikasi dan Penentuan Se, Cr, dan Fe
Pengaruh Diet Kuning Telur Omega-3 dan dalam Ikan Kerapu (Trauvina epinephelus),
Ayam Ras terhadap Ekspresi Sel Busa di Air Laut, dan Algae (Phaeopyceae) dengan
Arteri Abdominalis : Studi Eksperimental Metode Analisis Pangaktifan Netron
pada Tikus Wistar (The Effect of Omega-3 (Identifi-cation and Determination of Se, Cr
Egg Yolk Diet through the Expression of and Fe in Kerapu Fish (Trauvina
Foam Cell in Abdominal Artery : Ex- epinephelus), Sea-water and Algae


(Phaeopyceae) by Neutro Activation FILARIASIS

Analysis)/Zainul Kamal (et. al).-- Medika, 28 454
(4) 2002: 231-234 Perilaku Mikrofilaria Brugia malayi dalam
Darah Tepi Penderita Filariasis di Daerah
FERTILIZATION IN VITRO Intergradasi Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan
449 Timur (Behavior of the B. malayi Micro-
Beberapa Hal yang Mempengaruhi Keber- filariae in the Peripheral Blood of Human
hasilan Infertilisasi in Vitro (Several Items Carrier in the Intergradations Area of
which Influenced the Successful of Mahakam Delta East Kalimantan)/F.A.
Fertilization in Vitro)/Andi Darma Putra.-- Sudjadi; Tridjoko Hadianto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 645-647 Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 83-90


450 Uji Coba Dec-Garam untuk Pemberantasan
Gawat Janin dan Penatalaksanaannya (Fetal Filariasis di Jambi, Kalimantan Selatan dan
Distress and its Management)/Busisa Sulawesi Tengah (DEC Fortified Salts for
Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Control of Filariasis in Jambi : South
Univ. Kedokter. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) 2002: Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi Provinces,
17-20 Indonesia)/Sekartuti E. Sulaksono (et. al).--
Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 113-119
451 456
Efektivitas Misoprotol Per Vaginam dan Per Pemanfaatan Belut (Monoptherus albus
Oral untuk Induksi Persalinan pada Ke- Zuieuw) dalam Pembuatan Sosis Ikan
hamilan a Term Ketuban Pecah Dini (The (Utilization of Eels (Zuieuw) to Produce Fish
Efficacy of Vaginally Compared to Orally Sausage)/Trias Qurnia Dewi; Faisal Anwar;
Administered Misoprostol on Inducing Labor Lilik Noor Yuliati.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga,
in Term Early Ruptured Membrane)/Hariadi; 26 (1) 2002: 7-17
Zain Alkaff; Risanto Siswosudarmo.-- Berk.
Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 173-179 FISHES
FETUS Konsumsi Ikan dan Faktor yang Mem-
452 pengaruhinya pada Remaja di SMUN 9
Perkembangan Fetus dalam Kondisi Bandung (Teenager's Fish Consumption and
Defisiensi Yodium dan Cukup Yodium (Fetal the Factors that Influenced at SMUN 9
Development in Iodine Deficiency)/Bambang Bandung)/Lia Siti Camelia; Retnaningsih;
Hartono.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of Katrin Roosita.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26
IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 19-27 (1) 2002: 106-113

453 Pengaruh Jenis dan Kadar Ikan yang Ter-
Fever of Unknown Origin/Dyah Ayu Woro.-- kontaminasi Merkuri terhadap Perkembang-
Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 381-384 an Janin pada Ibu Hamil yang Mengkon-


sumsinya (The Influence of Variety and Fluid Therapy Pattern after C-section in Pre-
Level of Fish Contaminated by Mercury to Eclamptic/Eclamptic Patient at Dr. Soetomo
Infant Development of Exposed Mothers)/ Hospital Surabaya/Sri Wahjoeningsih.-- Folia
Diana Samara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 54-57
(9) 2002: 327-333
459 464
Peningkatan Kadar Histamin pada Ikan Laut Estimasi Kadar Protein dalam Bahan Pangan
yang Sudah Diolah (The Increasing of melalui Analisis Nitrogen Total dan Analisis
Histamine Content in Processed Sea-Fish)/ Asam Amino (Estimation of Protein
Djarismawati (et. al).-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1 Concentration in Food by Total Nitrogen and
(2) 2002: 44-48 Amino Acid Analyses)/Sumarno (et. al).--
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 34-43
460 Komponen-komponen Bioaktif dalam
Efek Ganda Flavonoid Quercetin pada Kultur Makanan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehat-
Sel Rat Basophilic Leukemia (RBL-2H3) : an (Bioactive Components on Food and its
Menghambat Pelepasan Histamin dan Influence to Health)/Jansen Silalahi; Netty
Mengurangi Pertumbuhan Sel (Dual Effects Hutagalung.-- Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 374-380
of Flavonoid Quercetin on Rat Basophilic
Leukemia (RBL-2H3) Cells : Inhibits
Model Ketahanan Pangan Tingkat Rumah
Histamine Release and Reduces Cell
Tangga pada Agroekologi Padi (Food
Growth)/Zullies Ikawati; Elizabets Wallgard;
Security Model at Household Level on Rice
Kazutaka Maeyama.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon.,
Agro-ecology Type)/Dadang Sukandar.--
13 (2) 2002: 55-64
Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 69-72


Food Additives dan Keamanan Pangan (Food
Open Study of Short Course Fleroxacin for
Additives and Food Safety)/Hendra
Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever/R.H.H.
Budiman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1)
Nelwan.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002: 41-
2002: 73-82
FLOUR Pengujian Netralisasi Sifat Reaktif Bumbu
462 dalam Garam Beryodium dengan Bahan
Computer-Controlled Potentiometry for the Tambahan Makanan (The Neutralize
Assay of Fluoride Ion in Biological Samples Examination of the Spices Reactivity in the
using Ion-Selective Electrode/Mochammad Iodized Salt by the Additive of the Food
Yuwono; Siegfried Ebel.-- Folia Medica Additives)/Suryana Purawisastra; Mien
Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 34-39 Karmini.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2)
2002: 15-21


469 Several Surfactants to Pesticides Residues on

Nutritional Status of Mothers from Poor Fresh Apple Fruits)/Endang Lukitaningsih;
Families Who Received Food Supplemen- Sudarmanto; Sri Noegrohati.-- Maj. Farmasi
tation During Pregnancy in Sulawesi, Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 200-206
Indonesia/Veni Hadju (et. al).-- Maj.
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 241-246 FSH
FOREIGN BODIES Effects of Continuous Hormone Replacement
470 Therapy (HRT) on FSH, Lipid Profile, Blood
Problems in Managing Foreign Bodies in the Chemistry, and Skin Thickness in Meno-
Upper Aerodiggestive Tract/Efiaty Arsyad pausal Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of
Soepardi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002: Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 97-103
Fermentasi Senyawa Bioaktif dari Jamur
Fiksasi Fraktur Femur Intertrochanteric
Trichoderma koningii untuk Mendapatkan
dengan Dynamic Hip Screw di RS.
Bahan Baku Fungisida Alamiah Baru
Fatmawati 1996-2000 (Inertrochanteric
(Fermentation of Bioactive Component of
Femur Fracture Fixation by Dynamic Hip
Trichoderma koningii to Find the New
Screw at Fatmawati Hospital, 1996 -
Natural Fungicide)/Akmal Djamaan.-- J.
2000)/Bambang Nugroho.-- Berk. Ilm.
Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (1) 2002: 7-
Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (12) 2002: 498-501
The Basic Concepts of Free Radicals 477
Detection in the Body/Harjanto.-- Folia Preformulasi Sediaan Furosemida Mudah
Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 10-14 Larut (A Performulation of a Water Soluble
Furosemide Dosage Form)/Yandi Syukri;
473 Tedjo Yuwono; Lukman Hakim.-- Maj.
Pengaruh Zat Aktif Ganggang Hijau terhadap Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 50-54
Produk Radikal Bebas dan Fraksi Lipid FUSOBACTERIUM NUCLEATUM
Penderita Dislipidemia Usia Lanjut (The
Influence of the Active Concentration of 478
Pengaruh beberapa Inhibitor Protease
Green Algae through the Free Radicals and
Lipid Fractions in Elderly Patient with terhadap Pertumbuhan Fusobacterium
Dislipidemia)/Djanggan Sargowo; Retty Nucleatum ATCC 25586 secara In Vitro
Ratnawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 693-701 (Effect of Protease Inhibitors on In-Vitro
Growth of Fusobacterium Nucleatum ATCC
25586)/Achmad Gunadi.-- Maj. Kedokter.
FRUIT Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 143-146
Uji Efektifitas Daya Bersih Beberapa Sediaan GABA
Surfaktan terhadap Residu Pestisida pada 479
Buah Apel Segar (Cleaning Effectively of


Peranan GABA pada Epilepsi (The Role of Caused by Spleen Tuberculosis)/Dukut

GABA in Epilepsy)/Emmy Kusumawati; Respati Kastomo (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter.
Lucas Meliala; Imam Rusdi.-- Berk. Neuro Indon., 52 (8) 2002 : 298-300
Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 131-139
Kanker Lambung Dini (Early Gastric
480 Cancer)/Gontar A. Zulkhairi Siregar.--
Efek Kurkumin pada Kandung Empedu Medika, 28 (12) 2002 : 778-782
Manusia : Perbandingan antara Dosis
Tunggal dan Dosis Berulang (The Effect of GENE THERAPY
Curcumin on Human Gall-Bladder : 486
Comparison between Single Dose and Terapi Gen (Gene Therapy)/Sri Widyawati.--
Repeated Doses)/ Abdul Rasyid (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 63-72
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 119-123
481 487
Pengaruh Makanan terhadap Efek Kurkumin The Possible Role of IgE Mediated Immune
pada Kandung Empedu Manusia (The Effect Response in the Genesis of Symptoms of
of Food on the Effect of Curcumin on Human Recurrent Abdominal Pain (RAP) of Child-
Gallbladder)/Abdul Rasyid (et. al).-- Maj. hood/Pitono Soeparto; Subijanto Marto
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (3) 2002: 92-96 Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2)
2002: 106-109
Peran Maagduodenografi Kontras Ganda 488
Deteksi Mutasi Gen p53 germline pada
pada Berbagai Kelainan Lambung (The Role
Keluarga Sindrom Li-Fraumeni (Detection of
of Double Contrast Maagduodenography in
p53 germline Mutation in Li-Fraumeni
Several Gastric Disorders)/Djoko TB.
Syndrome Families)/Yuni Ahda; N. Suhana.--
Widyanto.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati,
J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 39-44
4 (10) 2002: 413-417
Penerapan Etika dalam Genetika
Studi Identifikasi Parasit Gastrointestinal
(Implementation of Ethics in Genetics)/
pada Primata di Kebun Binatang Bukit Tinggi
Wahyuning Ramelan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Sumatera Barat (Identification Study of
Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 39-42
Parasitic Gastrointestinal in Primates at Bukit
Tinggi Zoo)/Winaruddin; M. Hambal; Basri.-
- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13 (1) 2002:
Molecular Study in G6PD Deficiency, a
GASTROINTESTINAL HEMORRHAGE Pedigree Analysis of a Javanese-Chinese
484 Family in Surabaya, Indonesia/Suhartati (et.
Perdarahan Varises Fundus Lambung pada al).-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 30-34
Tuberkulosis Limpa (Gastric Bleeding



491 496
Terapi Rekonstruksi Tulang Radius 1/3 Distal Kecepatan dan Kemampuan Ambilan
Akibat Giant Cell Tumor (Bond Re- Glukosa oleh Sel Jaringan Sasaran pada Usia
construction Therapy of 1/3 Radius Distal Lanjut Laki-laki/in vivo (The Glucose Uptake
caused by Giant Tumor)/Bambang Nugroho.- Velocity and Ability of Target Tissue Cells in
- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (12) the Elderly Men/in vivo)/Wasilah Rochmah.-
2002: 502-504 - Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 163-172

Novel OHA : A Prandial Glucose Regulator
Resiko Gingivitis pada Pengguna Kontrasepsi
(Introduction with Repaglinide)/Askandar
Hormonal (The Risk of Gingivitis on
Tjokroprawiro.-- Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 168-
Hormonal Contraception User)/Primada
Kusumaninggar; R. Darmawan Setijanto;
Djoko Waspodo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35
(4) 2002: 147-151 498
Perbandingan Hasil Uji Toleransi Glukosa
GLASS IONOMER CEMENTS Oral pada Pria Terlatih dengan tidak Terlatih
493 (The Comparative Result of Oral Glucose
Daya Antibakteri Semen Gelas Ionomer Jenis Tolerance Test on Trained and Untrained
Perekat dan Tumpatan terhadap Steptococcus Men)/Dedi Ardinata; Yasmeiny Yazir; HSRP.
mutans (Antibacterial Action of Glass Sinaga.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3)
Ionomer Lutting and Filling Type of 2002: 94-101
Streptococcus mutans)/Ari Subiyanto.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 111-114 GLUCOSEPHOSPHATE
494 Defisiensi Enzim Glukosa-6-fosfat Dehidro-
Pengaruh Pemberian Rifampisin terhadap genase pada Sel Darah Merah (Glucose-6-
Profil Farmakokinetika Glipizid pada Orang phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in
Sehat (The Effect of Rifampicin Adminis- Erythrocytes)/Jenny Hidayat.-- Maj.
tration on the Pharmacokinetic Profile of Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 2002 : 63-70
Glipizid in Normal Subjects)/Luciana
Kuswibawati; Iwan Dwiprahasto; Erna 500
Kristin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: Defisiensi Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydro-
9-14 genase pada Malaria vivaks (Glucose-6-
phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in
GLOMERULONEPHRITIS Vivax Malaria)/Nurhayati; Inge Sutanto.--
495 Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10) 2002: 355-360
Pathological Features of Glomerulonephritis
in Jakarta/Sutisna Himawan.-- Med. J. of GLUTAMIC ACID
Indon., 11 (1) 2002: 24-29 501
Hubungan Neurotransmiter Asam Glutamat
dengan Epilepsi (The Relation of Glutamic


Acid Neurotransmitters with Epilepsy)/ Deficiency Disorders : From Goiter to

Murgyanto; Harsono; Samekto Wibowo.-- Endemic Cretin)/R. Djokomoeljanto.-- Media
Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 37-45 Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 121-126


502 507
Pengaruh Latihan Interval dan Kontinyu Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Guru tentang
terhadap Pemulihan Depo Glikogen pada Garam Beriodium di Daerah Endemic
Otot Skelet (The Influences of Interval and Gondok di Jawa Barat (Knowledge and
Continuous Physical Exercise toward the Behavior of Schoolteachers on Iodized Salt in
Glycogen Recovery on Skeletal Muscle)/ Endemic Goiter Areas in West Java)/Iman
Lukas M. Boleng; Choesnan Effendi.-- Maj. Sumarno (et. al).-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2)
Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 16-21 2002: 22-33

503 508
Analisis Faktor Risiko Coastal Goiter Status Gizi, Status Pertumbuhan, dan Asupan
(Analysis of Risk Factor of Coastal Goiter)/ Makanan pada Penderita Asma : Penelitian
Abdul Razak Thaha; Djunaidi M. Dachlan; pada Siswa SLTP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta
Nurhaedar Jafar.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. (Nutritional Status, Growth, Dietary Intake in
of IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 9-17 Asthmatic Children : a Study to Junior High
Schools in Yogyakarta Municipality)/Elisa;
504 Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34
Hubungan Kandungan Klor Serum dengan (2) 2002: 91-99
Hormon T3/T4 pada Anak Sekolah di Daerah
Gondok Endemik (Association of Serum GYNECOLOGY
Chlor Content with T3/T4 Hormone in 509
School Children in Iodine Deficiency Akupunktur dalam Bidang Kebidanan dan
Region)/Sukati Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi Kandungan (Acupuncture in Obstetric and
dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 7-13 Gynecology)/Agustin Idayanti; Koosnadi
505 Saputro.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 22-30
Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Kadar Yodium
Urin setelah Pemberian Kapsul Yodium pada HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE
Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Gondok 510
Endemik (Effect of Nutritional Status on Vaksin Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Iodine Urine Level after Iodized Oil (HIB) untuk Pencegahan Meningitis dan
Supplementation of School Children in Pneumonia (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Endemic Goiter Area)/Sri Prihatini; (HIB) Vaccine to Prevent the Meningitis and
Syarifudin Latinulu.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Pneumonia)/Muljati Prijanto.-- Media
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 1-6 Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1)
2002: 42-44
Spektrum Klinik Gangguan Akibat HAEMOPHILUS VACCINES
Kekurangan Yodium : dari Gondok Hingga 511
Kretin Endemik (Clinical Spectrum of Iodine


Vaksin Haemophilus Influenzae Type B

(HIB) untuk Pencegahan Meningitis dan HEADACHE
Pneumonia (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B 517
(HIB) Vaccine to Prevent the Meningitis and Keluhan Sakit Kepala Berulang pada Remaja
Pneumonia)/Muljati Prijanto.-- Media dan Pola Berobat, SUSENAS 1998
Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) (Intermittent Headache among Adolescents
2002: 42-44 and Utilization of Services, National Socio-
Economic Survey/SUSENAS 1998)/Ch. M.
HAIR COLOR Kristanti; Julianty Pradono.-- J. Ekologi
512 Kesehat., 1 (2) 2002: 65-70
Hubungan Warna Rambut dan Jenis Kelamin
dengan Penentuan Kadar Merkuri dalam HEALTH
Rambut Manusia dengan Teknik Aktivasi 518
Neutron (Relationship of Hair Color and Sex Indikator Biologik Kerusakan Tubuh Akibat
to the Determination of Mercury Concentra- Pajanan Radiasi (Biologic Indicators for
tion in Human Hair by Neutron Activation Health Effects of Radiation Exposure)/
Technique)/Sasmito; Zainul Kamal.-- J. Zubaidah Alatas.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 45-50 (138) 2002: 41-45


513 Komponen-komponen Bioaktif dalam
Penggunaan Etil p-Metoksisinamat dari Makanan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehat-
Rimpang Kencur (Kempferia galanga L.) an (Bioactive Components on Food and its
sebagai Anti Ketombe dalam Sampho Krim Influence to Health)/Jansen Silalahi; Netty
Cair (The Use of Ethil p-Methoxysynamat Hutagalung.-- Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 374-380
from Kempheria galanga L. as an Anti- 520
dandruff in a Liquid Cream Shampoo)/Asmi Memahami dan Memetakan Problem
Ilyas; Indri Melanie; Marlina.-- J. Sains dan Kesehatan di Merauke (Understanding and
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 55-62 Mapping the Health Problems in Merauke)/
HAMARTOMA Titus Tambaip.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
514 Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002:
Hamartoma/Andreas Andri L.; I Dewa Gede 31-37
Sukardja.-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: 783-786
HEAD INJURIES Pemanfaatan Internet sebagai Sumber
515 Informasi Kesehatan (The Useful of Internet
Cedera Kepala (Head Injuries)/Iskandar as a Health Information Resources)/Yuda
Japardi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) Turana.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 262-267
2002: 87-90
516 522
Penanganan Cedera Kepala di Puskesmas Peran Publik dalam Pembiayaan Kesehatan
(The Management of Head Injuries in the (Consumer Participation in Health Care
Community Health Center)/Asra Al Fauzi.-- Cost)/Hasballah Thabrany.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 433-435 Indon., 52 (1) 2002: 1-6


Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat.,

HEALTH MANPOWER 12 (3) 2002: 1-11,53
Post-HIV Exposure Treatment among Health HEALTH SERVICES
Workers/Samsuridjal Djauzi; Teguh H.
Karjadi; Evy Yunihastuti.-- Acta Medica 528
Indon., 34 (1) 2002: 33-36 Akupunktur dalam Sistem Pelayanan
Kesehatan Berdasarkan Pemanfaatan Klinis
HEALTH POLICY (Clinical Evidence for Acupuncture in the
524 Formal Health Services)/Didik Budijanto.--
Budaya Pemeliharaan Kehamilan dan Meridian, 9 (3) 2002: 143-145
Persalinan Suku Kamoro dan Peranan
Program Kesehatan Modern (Delivery and 529
Pregnancy Care and the Role of Modern Kajian Pelayanan Kesehatan Studi Kasus
Health Program of Suku Komoro)/ Pelayanan Kesehatan Jemaah Haji Kloter 17
Qomariah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Surabaya Tahun 2001 (Review of Health
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 1-13 Services : A Case Study of Health Services of
17th Surabaya Pilgrim Group in the Year
525 2001)/Solehah Catur Rahayu.-- Medika, 28
Keadilan Sosial dalam Kebijakan Kesehatan (2) 2002: 92-100
(Social Justice in Health Policy)/Bhisma
Murti.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 67- 530
77 Pelayanan Kesehatan bagi Remaja :
Tantangan bagi Lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran
di Indonesia (Health Services to Adolescent :
A Challenges to Medical Faculty Graduate in
Pengaruh Metode Ceramah dan Media
Indonesia)/Charles Surjadi.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Leaflet terhadap Perilaku Pengobatan Sendiri
Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 25-38
yang Sesuai dengan Aturan (Influence Oral
Communication and Leaflet Distribution to
the Appropriate Self-Medication Activities)/
Status Kesehatan Pekerja Wanita di Industri
Sudibyo Supardi; Ondri Dwi Sampurno;
Batik, Penyamakan Kulit dan Industri Sepatu
Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Bul. Penelit.
dan Tas (Health Status of Women Workers in
Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 128-138
Batik Industry, Tanning Industry, and Shoes
& Bags Industry)/Agustina Lubis (et. al).-- J.
527 Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (1) 2002: 31-43
Penyuluhan Tepat Guna yang Berkaitannya
dengan Penyakit Malaria bagi Penduduk HEARING LOSS, NOISE-INDUCED
Hargotirto Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten
Kulon Progo, di Yogyakarta (The Effective- 532
ness of Promotion Related to Malaria in Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising pada
Hargotirto Community, Kecamatan Kokap, Pekerja Perusahaan Baja di Pulau Jawa
Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta)/Siti Sapardiyah (Hearing Disorders Caused by Noising on
Santoso; Imam Waluyo; Kenti Friskarini.-- Steel Factory Workers in Java)/Lusianawaty


Tana (et. al).-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3)

2002: 84-90 HEART RATE
HEART DISEASES Blood Lactate and Heart Rate Recovery after
533 Physical Activity/Sugiharto; Soekarman;
Jantung : Dari Pandangan Mistik Hingga Era Purnomo Suryohudoyo.-- Folia Medica
Bedah Jantung (Heart Diseases : From Indon., 38 (2) 2002: 81-87
Mystical View to Heart Surgery Era)/Yanto
Sandy Tjang; Richardus Budiman; Reiner HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS
Koerfer.-- Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 670-672
534 Heat Shock Protein dan Efek Proteksinya
Penyakit Jantung Tiroid (Heart Diseases due terhadap Miokardium (Heat Shock Protein
to Thyroid Dysfunction)/Abdul Gani Puteh.-- and its Protection Effect to Myocardial)/
Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 33- Nenden Rosdiana; Sri Widya A. Jusman.--
37 Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 436-439


535 541
Beta Blocker in Heart Failure : What have The Level of C. pneumoniae, Cytomegalo-
We Learned from Clinical Trials ?/Prasetyo virus, and H. pylori Antibody in a Patient
Andriono (et. al).-- Medika, 28 (2) 2002: 85- with Coronary Heart Disease/Dasnan Ismail.-
91 - Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 211-214

Carvedilol, Penyekat Beta; Rasionalisasi
Penggunaannya pada Gagal Jantung Adakah Hubungan antara Infeksi Cacing
Kongestif (Carvediol, a Beta-Blocker; its (Helmin) dengan Atopi ? (Do Helminthic
Rationale for the Use in Congestive Heart Infections Associate with Atopy ?)/
Failure)/Datten Bangun.-- Maj. Kedokter. Magdalena L.J.-- Ebers Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002:
Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 398-402 45-50
537 543
Effect of Beta Blocker Therapy on Survival Hasil Program Penanggulangan Cacing yang
in Severe Heart Failure/William Sanjaya; Ditularkan melalui Tanah di Sekolah Dasar
Bambang Budi Siswanto.-- Med. J. of Indon., Jakarta Timur, Indonesia (Results of a
11 (3) 2002: 174-175 Control Program on Soil-transmitted
538 Helminthiases in Primary Schools of East
Penggunaan Penghambat Beta pada Jakarta, Indonesia)/Sri S. Margono (et. al).--
Pengobatan Gagal Jantung Kronik (Beta- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002:
blocker Administration in the Treatment of 123-128
Chronic Heart Failure)/William Sanjaya;
Bambang Budi Siswanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. 544
Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 59-62 Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Ibu yang
Memiliki Anak Usia SD tentang Penyakit


Cacingan di Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, Jaktim

(Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of HEMOGLOBINS
Mother Who's have School Age Children 549
through the Helminthiasis at Pisangan Baru Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan atau
Sub District, East Jakarta)/Sekartini R. (et. Vitamin A terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin dan
al).-- Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 629-633 Saturasi Transferin Penderita Anemia
Kekurangan Besi (The Influence of Iron and
HEMATEMESIS or Vitamin A Supplementation to the Hemo-
545 globin Concentration Patients of Iron
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis with Manifes- Deficient Anemia)/Harry Raspati Akhmad;
tations of Hematemesis and Melena/Andhika Siti Mardiani; Ponpon Idjradinata.-- Maj.
Rachman; Lugyanti Sukrisman; Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 68-75
Abdulmuthalib.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (1)
2002: 18-21
546 Prevalensi Hematuria dan Mars Hemo-
Kelainan Hematologik pada Infeksi Human globinuria pada Ketahanan Mars (Prevalence
Immunodeficiency Virus (Hematological of Hematuria and March Hemoglobinuria in
Disorders in Human Immunodeficiency Virus the March Endurance)/Riadi Wirawan (et.
Infection)/Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5) 2002:
Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 131-140 162-168

547 551
Prevalensi Hematuria dan Mars Hemo- Double Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of
globinuria pada Ketahanan Mars (Prevalence Tranexamic Acid on Recent Internal
of Hematuria and March Hemoglobinuria in Haemorrhoid Bleeding/A. Aziz Rani.-- Med.
the March Endurance)/Riadi Wirawan (et. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 215-221
al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5) 2002:
162-168 HEPARIN
Perubahan Nilai Aggregasi Platelet pada
Penderita Sindrom Koroner Akut dengan
Terapi Enoxaparine Dibandingkan dengan
Penapisan Neonatus untuk Deteksi Hemo-
Terapi Heparin Tak Terfraksinasi (The
globinopati di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangun-
Changes of Platelet Aggregation Caused by
kusumo, Jakarta: Isoelectric Focusing sebagai
Enoxaparine Therapy Compared to
Metode Alternatif Pemeriksaan Hemo-
Unfractioned Heparin Therapy in Patient with
globinopati (Neonatal Screening for Hemo-
Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Ridwan
glonopathy Detection in Cipto Mangun-
Sofyansyah; Otte J. Rachman; Irmalita.-- J.
kusumo Central National General Hospital,
Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 14-21
Jakarta: Isoelectric Focusing as an
Alternative Method)/Riadi Wirawan (et. al).--
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 236-240


Tuberculosis Milier dengan Hepatitis Tipe Hepatitis C Up Date Penemuan Terbaru

Kolestasis : Suatu Laporan Kasus (Milliary Mengenai Berbagai Aspek Hepatitis C
Tuberculosis and Cholestatic Type Hepatitis : (Hepatitis C Update the New Invention in
A Case Report)/Edi Hartoyo; Roni Naning; Some Aspects on Hepatitis C)/Suwandhi
Neny Srimulyani.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 Widjaja; Sumanto Simon; Soegianto Ali.--
(2) 2002: 117-121 Maj. Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 39-50

554 Pengobatan Hepatitis C Kronis dengan
Evaluasi Imunoserologi pada Bayi Pasca Interferon Dosis Tinggi di Rumah Sakit Pusat
Imunisasi Hepatitis B Lengkap (Immune- Pertamina, Jakarta (Treatment of Chronic
Serological Evaluation of Infants Immunized Hepatitis C with High Dose Interferon
with Hepatitis B Vaccine)/Muljati Prijanto Therapy in Pertamina Central Hospital,
(et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: Jakarta)/Waldemar Simanjuntak.-- Maj.
120-127 Kedokter. Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 417-420
Seroepidemiology and Risk Factors of
Situasi Sekarang dari Penyakit Hepatitis C,
Hepatitis B and C Virus Infections among
Sebagai Suatu Perbandingan (The Current
Drug Users in Jakarta, Indonesia/Rino A.
Situation of Hepatitis C as a Comparison
Gani (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002:
Tool)/Christina Ramon.-- Dexa Media, 15 (2)
2002: 66-69
HBsAg Ibu Kandung sangat Berperan pada 561
Persistensi Hepatitis B Anak (Mother's Seroepidemiology and Risk Factors of
HBsAg were Predominantly Influenced the Hepatitis B and C Virus Infections among
Incidence of Hepatitis B Persistent on Child)/ Drug Users in Jakarta, Indonesia/Rino A.
Harsoyo Notoatmojo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gani (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002:
Tropis Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 27-32 48-55

557 Pengobatan Oral Infeksi Virus
Produksi Antibodi pada Tikus Putih Betina Varicellazoster dengan Kombinasi Ekstrak
Rattus norvegicus dengan Injeksi Vaksin Phyllanti Herba dan Terapi Standar
Hepatitis B (The Antibody Production in the Dibandingkan dengan Terapi Standar
Female White Rat of Rattus norvegicus by Tunggal (Oral Therapy in Varicellazoster
Hepatitis B Vaccine Injection)/Nilla Djuwita Infection Combine with the Extract of
Abbas; Rusdi Aziz; Nelva.-- J. Sains dan Phyllanti Herba and Standard Therapy
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 95-98 Compared to the Single Standard
Therapy)/S.C Kurniati.-- Dexa Media, 15 (4)
HEPATITIS C 2002: 109-117


563 Regency, Papua Province)/Abraham

Profil IL-2 pada Serum Penderita Kanker Simatupang (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
Nasofaring yang Terinfeksi Virus Epstein- Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) 2002:
Barr (Profile of IL-2 in Serum of Naso- 1-10
pharynx Carcinoma Patient with Epstein-Barr
Virus Infection)/Dyah Ratna Budiani (et. al).- 569
- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 10-16 Penatalaksanaan Baku dan Menyeluruh pada
HIV/AIDS (The Basic Management of HIV/
HIP FRACTURES AIDS)/Candra Wibowo.-- Cerm. Dunia
564 Kedokter., (135) 2002: 27-31
Hubungan antara Ketegangan Mental dan
Fraktur Tulang Panggul pada Usia Lanjut 570
(The Relation between Mental Distress and Perilaku Berisiko Tertular Human Immuno-
Hip Fracture in Elderly)/Suharto Kasran.-- J. deficiency Virus pada Pemakai Narkotika
Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 74-78 Suntikan di Denpasar dan Sekitarnya (The
Risk Behavior that Promote Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus among Injecting Drug Users
in Denpasar and Surroundings)/Sumantera;
Peningkatan Kadar Histamin pada Ikan Laut
Sugiharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33
yang Sudah Diolah (The Increasing of
(115) 2002: 37-43
Histamine Content in Processed Sea-Fish)/
Djarismawati (et. al).-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1
(2) 2002: 44-48 571
Post-HIV Exposure Treatment among Health
HISTOCYTOCHEMISTRY Workers/Samsuridjal Djauzi; Teguh H.
566 Karjadi; Evy Yunihastuti.-- Acta Medica
Pemeriksaan Morfologi dan Sitokimia pada Indon., 34 (1) 2002: 33-36
Leukemia Akut (Morphology and Cyto- HIV INFECTIONS
chemistry Evaluation of Acute Leukemia)/ 572
Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 Kelainan Hematologik pada Infeksi Human
(6) 2002: 217-224 Immunodeficiency Virus (Hematological
Disorders in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Infection)/Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 131-140
Immune Response towards HIV : Its
Significance in Establishing the Diagnosis
Pengobatan Antiretroviral pada Infeksi
and the Stage of Infection/Yusra; Siti B.
HIV/AIDS Indikasi dan Pilihan Terapi (Anti-
Kresno.-- Acta Medica Indon., 22 (1) 2002:
retroviral Therapy in HIV Infection/AIDS the
Indication and Choice of Therapy)/Asnath
Vera Savitri; Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Maj.
568 Kedokter. Indon., 52 (3) 2002: 102-107
Masalah dan Tantangan Pengelolaan
HIV/AIDS di Merauke, Propinsi Papua 574
(Problems and the Challenges in the
Management of HIV/AIDS in Merauke


Respons Imun, Patogenesis Infeksi Protokol Istanbul untuk Tatalaksana Korban

Oportunistik dan Keganasan pada Infeksi Penyiksaan (The Istanbul Protocol for
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Immune Torture Victim Therapy)/A. Prayitno.-- J.
Response, Pathogenesis of Opportunistic in Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 68-73
Infection and Malignancy in Human
Immuno-deficiency Virus Infection)/Andriani HYALINE MEMBRANE DISEASE
Nauli; Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. 580
Indon., 52 (8) 2002: 277-284 Penggunaan Terapi Surfaktan pada Bayi
Kurang Bulan dengan HMD (The Use of
575 Surfactant Therapy on Preterm Newborn with
Viral Load Profiles in Drug Users with Hyaline Membrane Disease/HMD)/Stanislaus
Asymptomatic HIV Infection and Normal Djokomuljanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
CD4 Cell Counts/Zubairi Djoerban.-- Med. J. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002:
of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 143-147 31-37


576 581
Identifikasi Tipe HLA Kelas II dengan Aspek Klinis dan Penatalaksanaan Mola
Teknik PCR (Identification of HLA Class II Hidatidosa (Clinical Aspect and the
Typing by PCR)/Ervi Salwati.-- Media Management of Hydatidiform Mole)/Busisa
Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter.
2002: 34-41 Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002: 25-30

577 582
Deteksi Homosigot HbE dengan Teknik Penatalaksanaan Hidrosefalus Pemasangan
DGGE dan PCR DNA Genomik yang VP-Shunt Dibandingkan dengan Pengobatan
Diamplikasikan (Detection of Homozygous Medikamentosa Observasi Selama 10 Tahun
HbE Using DGGE and PCR Amplified di RS Tembakau Deli, Medan (The
Genomic DNA)/Harianto Notopuro (et. al).-- Management of Hydrocephalus Using Vp-
J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 66-73 Shunt Compared to Medicamentosa Therapy :
The Ten Years Observation at Tembakau
HORMONES Deli Hospital, Medan)/M. Sjabaroeddin (et.
578 al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002:
Hubungan Kandungan Klor Serum dengan 56-60
Hormon T3/T4 pada Anak Sekolah di Daerah
Gondok Endemik (Association of Serum HYDROCORTISONE
Chlor Content with T3/T4 Hormone in
School Children in Iodine Deficiency
Change of Serum Cortisol Level in Mice
Region)/Sukati Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi
Resulting from Electric-Foot Shock Stressor/
dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 7-13
Elyana Putra Ansar; M. Cholil Munif.-- Folia
Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002: 172-176


Peran Kortisol pada Persepsi Rasa Nyeri Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen
Pulpitis (The Role of Cortisol in Pulpitis Pain Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 23-26
Perception)/Jenny Sunariani; Latief
Mooduto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: HYPERSENSITIVITY
157-160 589
Alergi : Fenomena Gunung Es Peranan
HYDROFLUORIC ACID Inflamasi dan Molekul Adhesi (Allergy :
585 Iceberg Phenom, the Inflammation Role and
Pengaruh Lama Etsa Asam Hydrofluoric pada Adhesion Molecular)/Heru Sundaru.-- Dexa
Permukaan Porselin terhadap Kekuatan Geser Media, 15 (4) 2002: 131-134
Breket Logam Orthodonsi (The Effect of
Etching Time Hydrofluoric Acid on Porcelain 590
Surface to Shear Bond Strength Metal Clinical Efficacy and Tolerability of
Orthodontic Brackets)/Narmada.-- Maj. Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray in
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 152-156 Perennial Allergic Rhinitis Patients : An
Open Multicentre Study/Iwan Darmansjah
HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 69-
Kadar Bilirubin 24 Jam Pertama sebagai HYPERTENSION
Faktor Prediksi Hiperbilirubinemia pada Bayi 591
Cukup Bulan yang Sehat (The First 24 Hours Analisis Pedoman Manajemen Penanggulang-
Billirubin Level as a Predictor of Hyper- an Hipertensi secara Menyeluruh (Analysis of
billirubinemia in Healthy Term Newborns)/ the Management Guidance on Total
Rina Triasih; Ekawaty L. Haksari; Achmad Prevention of Hypertension)/Sriana Aziz.--
Surjono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32 (66) 2002: 14-19
141-148 592
HYPERLIPIDEMIA Faktor-faktor Risiko Hipertensi pada
587 Operator Pompa Bensin (SPBU) di Jakarta
Pengaruh Zat Aktif Ganggang Hijau terhadap (Risk Factors of Hypertension on Operators
Produk Radikal Bebas dan Fraksi Lipid of Gas Pump Station in Jakarta)/Woro
Penderita Dislipidemia Usia Lanjut (The Riyadina.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang.
Influence of the Active Concentration of Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 29-35
Green Algae through the Free Radicals and
Lipid Fractions in Elderly Patient with 593
Dislipidemia)/Djanggan Sargowo; Retty Hipertensi dan Stroke (Hypertension and
Ratnawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 693-701 Stroke)/Tjipto Hariyono.-- Medika, 28 (5)
2002: 300-304
588 Hubungan antara Plumbum (Pb) dalam Darah
Gangguan Haid dan Hiperprolaktinemi dengan Hipertensi pada Operator Pompa
dengan Vitex Agnus Castus (Menstrual Bensin/SPBU (Correlation between Plumbum
Disorders and Hyperprolactinemia in Women Concentration in Blood and Hypertension
with Vitex Agnus Castus)/Busisa Gultom.-- among Operators of Gas Pump Station)/Woro


Riyadina (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS

(2) 2002: 81-87 601
Combined Therapy : Insulin and Oral Hypo-
595 glycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus/
Hypertension in the Elderly/Idris Idham.-- J. Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34
Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 44-49 (2) 2002: 86-93

Lowering Blood Pressure Effect of Apium 602
graviolens (Seledri) and Orthosiphon Neonatal Hypothyroidism/Diet Sadiah
stamineus beth (Kumis Kucing) in Mild and Rustama.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of
Moderate Hypertension/Fadilah Supari.-- IDD), 1 (2) 2002: 25-31
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 195-201
597 603
Pengaruh Diet Kombinasi Dietary Approach Teknik Yunizaf : Vaginal Histerektomi
to Stop Hypertension terhadap Tekanan Subtotal pada Inversio Uteri (Yunizaf
Darah (The Influence of Combination Diet of Technique : Subtotal Vaginal Hysterectomy
Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension on Uterine Inversion)/Pribakti B.-- Medika,
through Blood Pressure)/Denio A. Ridjab; 28 (12) 2002: 810-812
Carmelita Ridwan.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002:
305-310 IGA
598 Vitamin A Deficiency Induce Imbalance of
Tatalaksana Hipertensi pada Diabetes Melitus IgA, IgG, and IgM Producing Cells in
(Management of Hypertension in Diabetes Mucosal Immune Response : An Experi-
Mellitus)/Dwi Sutanegara.-- Maj. Kedokter. mental Animal Study/Subijanto Marto
Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 13-21 Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3)
2002: 166-171
599 IGE
Hipertensi Renovaskular pada Anak dengan 605
Hipoplasia Ginjal dan Oklusi Arteri Renalis The Possible Role of IgE Mediated Immune
Unilateral (Renovascular Hypertension in Response in the Genesis of Symptoms of
Child with Kidney Hypoplasia and Occlusion Recurrent Abdominal Pain (RAP) of Child-
of Unilateral Renal Artery)/Nouval.-- hood/Pitono Soeparto; Subijanto Marto
Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 329-336 Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2)
2002: 106-109
600 IGG
Hypoglycemia in a Patient with Type 1 606
Diabetes Mellitus with Recurrent Keto- Uji Diagnostik Serologi terhadap Anti-
acidosis/Feriadi Suwarna; Rio Anggoro; genemia sebagai Pananda Diagnostik untuk
Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 Infeksi Cytomegalovirus pada Bayi dan Anak
(1) 2002: 10-17 (Serologic Test vs Antigenemia Assay as


Diagnostic Marker for Cytomegalovirus Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3)

Infection in Children)/Agnes Yunie; 2002: 166-171
Sunartini; Madarina Julia.-- Berk. Ilmu
Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 213-220 IMMUNE SYSTEM
607 The Role of Immune Response in Immuno-
Vitamin A Deficiency Induce Imbalance of compromised Conditions/A. Guntur
IgA, IgG, and IgM Producing Cells in Hermawan.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 (3)
Mucosal Immune Response : An Experi- 2002: 102-106
mental Animal Study/Subijanto Marto
Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) IMMUNITY
2002: 166-171 613
Immune Response towards HIV : Its
IGM Significance in Establishing the Diagnosis
608 and the Stage of Infection/Siti B. Kresno
Detection of IgM to Leptospira Agent with Yusra.-- Acta Medica Indon., 22 (1) 2002:
ELISA and Leptodipstick Method/ 76-92
Mohammad Hatta (et. al).-- Ebers Papyrus, 8
(1) 2002: 21-27 614
Imunitas Lokal pada Kandidosis Vulvovagina
609 Rekurens (Local Immunity in Recurrent
Pengembangan Diagnosis Laboratorium Vulvovaginal Candidosis)/Anna Rozaliyani;
untuk Demam Enterik dengan Cara IgM Wahyuningsih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Capture Dot Immunoassay/DIA (The (5) 2002: 174-181
Development of Laboratory Diagnosis for 615
Enteric Fever by IgM Capture Dot The Influence of Vitamin A Deficiency on
Immunoassay)/Agus Sjahrurachman (et. al).-- the Expression of Antigen Presenting Cells in
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 202-206 Rat Mucosal Immune Response/Subijanto
Marto Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
610 (1) 2002: 21-26
Uji Diagnostik Serologi terhadap Anti-
genemia sebagai Pananda Diagnostik untuk 616
Infeksi Cytomegalovirus pada Bayi dan Anak Respons Imun, Patogenesis Infeksi
(Serologic Test vs Antigenemia Assay as Oportunistik dan Keganasan pada Infeksi
Diagnostic Marker for Cytomegalovirus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Immune
Infection in Children)/Agnes Yunie; Response, Pathogenesis of Opportunistic in
Sunartini; Madarina Julia.-- Berk. Ilmu Infection and Malignancy in Human
Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 213-220 Immunodeficiency Virus Infection)/Andriani
Nauli; Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
611 Indon., 52 (8) 2002: 277-284
Vitamin A Deficiency Induce Imbalance of
IgA, IgG, and IgM Producing Cells in 617
Mucosal Immune Response : An The Role of Immune Response in Sepsis and
Experimental Animal Study/Subijanto Marto Septic Shock/A. Guntur Hermawan (et. al).--
Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 15-20


Pasteur 1173 P2 Strain in Healthy Infants 0-2

618 Months Old)/Suganda Tanuwidjaja; Eddy
Status Kekebalan terhadap Infeksi Rubela Fadlyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2)
pada Anak Remaja Lanjut (Immunity Status 2002: 74-81
Against Rubella among Late Adolescents)/
Eddy Fadlyana (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. IMMUNOGLOBULINS, INTRAVENOUS
Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 421-425
Imunoglobulin Intravena (IVIG) 5S sebagai
Terapi Adjuvant dan Pencegahan terhadap
Nosokomial Pneumonia Akibat Penggunaan
Respon Imunitas Seluler pada Infeksi
Ventilasi Mekanik/Ventilator-Associated
Tuberkulosis Paru (Immune Cellular
Pneumonia (Intravenous Immunoglobulin 5S
Response in Lung Tuberculosis Infection)/
as an Adjuvant Therapy and Prevention to
Sarwo Handayani.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
Pneumonia Nosocomial Caused by
(137) 2002: 33-36
Mechanical Ventilation Used)/Yohanes WH.
George.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3) 2002: 95-98
The Effect of Vitamin A on the Immuno- INDOMETHACIN
modulation of Mucosal Immune Response : 625
An Experimental Animal Model/ Subijanto Efek Praperlakuan Rutin terhadap Daya
Marto Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 Antiinflamasi Indometasin (The Effect of
(2) 2002: 88-94 Pretreatment Routine on the Antiinflamma-
IMMUNIZATION tory of Indomethacin)/Maulina Diah.-- Berk.
621 Neuro Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 163-166
Evaluasi Imunoserologi pada Bayi Pasca INDUSTRIAL WASTE
Imunisasi Hepatitis B Lengkap (Immuno- 626
Serological Evaluation of Infants Immunized Pengaruh Limbah Industri terhadap
with Hepatitis B Vaccine)/Muljati Prijanto Lingkungan di Indonesia (The Effect of
(et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: Industrial Waste through the Environmental
120-127 in Indonesia)/Supraptini.-- Media Penelit.
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 10-
622 19
Jalan Keluar Kontroversi Imunisasi Vaksin
MMR dan ASD (MMR Immunization and INDUSTRY
ASD : Alternative and Solution)/ 627
Ismoedijanto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 Berbagai Upaya untuk Mencapai Produksi
(8) 2002: 366-382 yang Lebih Bersih (Some Effort to Reach
more Clean Production)/Sri Soewasti
623 Soesanto.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang.
Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi BCG Galur Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 25-28
Copenhagen 1331 dan Pasteur 1173 P2 pada
Bayi 0-2 Bulan (Adverse Event Following INFANT
BCG Immunization by Copenhagen 1331 and 628


Gambaran Klinis Tuberculosis Milier pada Beberapa Cara Perhitungan Angka Kematian
Bayi (Clinical Manifestations of Miliary Bayi (Several Methods to Mortality Rate
Tuberculosis in Infants)/H. Bambang Counting)/Qomariah.-- Media Penelit. dan
Supriyatno.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137) Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 20-25
2002: 25-27
629 Karakteristik Perkawinan Muda terhadap
Gambaran Penderita Kolestasis pada Bayi di Perdarahan Postpartum di Kecamatan
Ruangan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUD Dr. Simpenan Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat
Soetomo Surabaya (Profile of Cholestasis in (The Characteristic of Younger Married
Infancy, Hepatology Division of Child Health Women Related to Postpartum Haemorrhage
Department Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)/ in Simpenan Area, Sukabumi, West Java)/
Sjamsul Arief.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 Herke Sigarlaki (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
(7) 2002: 301-307 Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002:
630 22-30
Kejang pada Bayi Baru Lahir, Patofisiologi
dan Gambaran Klinis (Neonatal Seizure, 635
Pathophysiology and Clinical Picture)/Erny; Kematian Perinatal di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan
Darto Saharso; Monique Noorvitri.-- Bul. Anak Sri Ratu Medan selama 5 Tahun 1995-
Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (6) 2002: 281-287 1999 (Prenatal Mortality in Rumah Sakit Ibu
dan Anak Sri Ratu Medan during 1995-
631 1999)/M. Thamrin Tanjung.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Ibu yang Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 51-55
Mempunyai Anak Balita tentang Pemberian INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS
Suplemen Multivitamin-mineral di Kelurahan
Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur (Knowledge 636
and Practice of Mothers Who have Under Gizi Buruk pada Usia Dini dan Dampaknya
Five Children about Giving Multivitamin- terhadap Tingkat Kecerdasan dan Keragaan
mineral Supplement at Kelurahan Utan Kayu Sekolah Anak (Severe Malnutrition in Early
Utara, East Jakarta)/Sudiyanto (et. al).-- Maj. Childhood and the Effect on Intelligence
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 207-211 Level and School Performance of School-age
Children)/Arnelia (et. al).-- Media Gizi &
632 Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 37-46
Tingkat Kesembuhan TB Paru pada Anak
Balita yang Mendapat Suplementasi Vitamin INFANT, LOW BIRTH WEIGHT
A Dosis Tinggi (The Recovery Rate of 637
Pulmonary Tuberculosis of the Underfive Diagnosis Klinis Ikterus Secara Visual pada
Children Supplemented by High Dose Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Cukup di Rumah
Vitamin A)/Susi S. Suwardi; Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Visual
Muherdiyantiningsih.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Clinical Diagnosis of Jaundice on Normal
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 34-40 Birth Weight Infant in Dr. Sardjito
Yogyakarta)/Setyawati; Achmad Surjono;
INFANT MORTALITY Setya Wandita.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4)
633 2002: 207-211


638 644
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pregnant Evaluasi Teknik Penggunaan Sediaan
Mothers toward Antenatal Care and its Parenteral dan Pencampuran Intravena pada
Relation to Lowbirth Weight/VG. Tinuk Ruangan Rawat Bedah di Suatu Rumah Sakit
Istiarti.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2) 2002: Pemerintah (Evaluation of the Technique of
101-105 the Parenteral Medication and Intravenous
Admixtures at Surgery Ward of a Public
Hospital)/Dedy Almasdy; Charles J.P.
Siregar.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7
639 (1) 2002: 36-43
Immune Response towards HIV : Its
Significance in Establishing the Diagnosis INSULIN
and the Stage of Infection/Siti B. Kresno 645
Yusra.-- Acta Medica Indon., 22 (1) 2002: Combined Therapy : Insulin and Oral Hypo-
76-92 glycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus/
Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34
640 (2) 2002: 86-93
Marine Sponge Jaspis sp, a Potential Bio-
active Natural Source Against Infectious 646
Diseases/Puji Astuti (et. al).-- Berk. Ilmu Obesity and Insulin Resistance : Molecular
Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 135-140 Basis for Clinical Appraisal/Askandar
Tjokroprawiro.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4)
INFERTILITY, MALE 2002: 146-150
Oxidative Stress and Male Infertility : Patho- INTELLIGENCE
phisiology and Clinical Implication/ 647
Mohamad Sopiyudin Dahlan; Arjatmo Intelligence Level in Children with Cerebral
Tjokronegoro.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) Palsy (CP) at YPAC Medan/Abdul Mutholib
2002: 50-59 Rambe; Amir Syarifuddin; Bistok Saing.--
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 242-245
Influenza : Dampak dan Pencegahannya 648
(Influenza : The Effects and it's Prevention)/ Pengobatan Hepatitis C Kronis dengan
Galatia Chandra.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: Interferon Dosis Tinggi di Rumah Sakit Pusat
727-730 Pertamina, Jakarta (Treatment of Chronic
Hepatitis C with High Dose Interferon
INFORMATION SERVICES Therapy in Pertamina Central Hospital,
643 Jakarta)/Waldemar Simanjuntak.-- Maj.
Pemanfaatan Internet sebagai Sumber Infor- Kedokter. Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 417-420
masi Kesehatan (The Useful of Internet as a
Health Information Resources)/Yuda
Turana.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 262-267


Ileus Obstruksi karena Kehamilan Ektopik

Lanjut (Ileus Obstruction Due to Abdominal 655
Pregnancy)/Dukut R. Kastomo; Ajoedi Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendapatan
Soemardi; Erdwin Rakun.-- Maj. Kedokter. Keluarga dan Perilaku Konsumsi Garam
Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 255-258 Beriodium dengan Mutu Garam Konsumsi di
Tingkat Rumah Tangga (The Correlation
IODIDES between Family Income Level and
650 Consumption Behavior of Iodized Salt with
Efektifitas Penambahan Vitamin A dan Zat Quality of Consumption Salt at Household
Besi pada Garam Yodium terhadap Status Level)/M.D. Djamaludin; Cesilia Meti
Gizi dan Konsentrasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dwiriani; Safiudin Alibas.-- Media Gizi &
Dasar (The Effect of Vitamin A and Iron Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 114-125
Added Into Iodized Salt on Nutrition Status
and Learning Concentration of Elementary 656
School Children)/M. Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit. Iodine Excess in IDD Control Program/John
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 14-25 T. Dunn.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of
IDD), 1 (2) 2002: 20-24
Pengujian Netralisasi Sifat Reaktif Bumbu 657
dalam Garam Beryodium dengan Bahan Kajian Sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi
Tambahan Makanan (The Neutralize Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium/
Examination of the Spices Reactivity in the Pemantauan Garam Beryodium di Tingkat
Iodized Salt by the Additive of the Food Masyarakat : Studi Kasus di Dinas Kesehatan
Additives)/Suryana Purawisastra; Mien Kota Semarang (Epidemiological
Karmini.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2) Surveillance System of Iodine Deficiency
2002: 15-21 Disorder/Controlling on Iodine Salt
Consumption in the Community : A Case
IODINE Study in Semarang Municipality Health
652 Department)/Hari Peni Julianti; M.
Aspek Sosio-Kultural pada Program Penang- Sakundarno Adi.-- Media Medika Indon., 37
gulangan GAKY (Socio-Cultural Aspect in (1) 2002: 39-46
Iodine Deficiency Prevention Program)/
Soeharyo H. (et. al).-- J. GAKY Indon.
Masalah Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan
(Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 41-46
Iodium : Pengamatan Selama Seperempat
Abad Terbukanya Kemungkinan Penelitian
(Iodine Deficiency Disorders : The Twenty
GAKY dan Usia (Iodine Deficiency
Five Years Monitoring, its Possibility to
Disorders and the Age)/Syafril Syahbudin.--
Research Opportunity)/R. Djokomoeljanto.--
J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (2)
J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (2)
2002: 12-19
2002: 1-11
654 659
The Global Challenge of Iodine Deficiency/ Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Kadar Yodium
John T. Dunn.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of Urin setelah Pemberian Kapsul Yodium pada
IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 1-7


Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Gondok IODIZED OIL

Endemik (Effect of Nutritional Status on 666
Iodine Urine Level after Iodized Oil Manajemen Distribusi Kapsul Minyak
Supplementation of School Children in Beryodium di Tujuh Kabupaten di Jawa Barat
Endemic Goiter Area)/Sri Prihatini; dan Sumatera Selatan Periode 1997-2001
Syarifudin Latinulu.-- Penelit. Gizi dan (Management of Iodized Oil Administration
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 1-6 in Seven Districts in West Java and South
Sumatera During 1997-2002)/Syarifudin
660 Latinul (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25
Peningkatan Pasokan Yodium melalui Telur (2) 2002: 1-14
Asin dalam Upaya Mengatasi Gangguan
Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (Increasing the IRON
Iodine Content Using Salted Egg as an Effort 667
for Elimination of Iodine Deficiency)/B. Hubungan antara Status Seng Ibu Hamil
Matram (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, dengan Perubahan Status Besi dan Kadar
33 (115) 2002: 66-68 Hemoglobin Pasca Suplementasi Besi (The
Association between Zinc Status Pre Iron
Supplementation and Hemoglobin as Well as
Perkembangan Fetus dalam Kondisi
Iron Status Change after Iron Supplementa-
Defisiensi Yodium dan Cukup Yodium (Fetal
tion in Pregnant Women)/Hertanto Wahyu
Development in Iodine Deficiency)/Bambang
Subagio.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2)
Hartono.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of
2002: 63-73
IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 19-27
Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan atau
Selenium dan Kurang Yodium (Selenium and
Vitamin A terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin dan
Iodine Deficiency)/Satoto.-- J. GAKY Indon.
Saturasi Transferin Penderita Anemia
(Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 33-40
Kekurangan Besi (The Influence of Iron and
663 or Vitamin A Supplementation to the Hemo-
Spektrum Klinik Gangguan Akibat globin Concentration Patients of Iron
Kekurangan Yodium : dari Gondok Hingga Deficient Anemia)/Harry Raspati Akhmad;
Kretin Endemik (Clinical Spectrum of Iodine Siti Mardiani; Ponpon Idjradinata.-- Maj.
Deficiency Disorders : From Goiter to Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 68-75
Endemic Cretin)/R. Djokomoeljanto.-- Media
Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 121-126 ISCHEMIA
664 Ensefalopati, Hipoksik Iskemik (Hypoxic
The ThyoMobil : Indonesian Experience/R. Ischemic Encephalopathy)/Erny; Darto
Djokomoeljanto.-- J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. Saharso; I Nyoman Sudiatmika.-- Bul. Ilmu
of IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 47-51 Kesehat. Anak, 30 (7) 2002: 316-322
Yodium dan Respons Autoimun (Iodine and ISOFLAVONES
Autoimmune Response)/Johan S. Masjhur.-- 670
J. GAKY Indon. (Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (1) Manfaat Fitoestrogen Isoflavon pada Wanita
2002: 29-32 Menopause (The Advantage of Phytoestrogen
in Menopausal Women)/Akam Pertamawan;


Andon Hestiantoro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan The Controversy of Renal Dose Dopamine
Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 49-55 Administration in the Treatment of Acute
Renal Failure/Andhika Rachman; Aida
JAUNDICE Lidya; Dharmeizar.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34
671 (3) 2002: 120-123
Diagnosis Klinis Ikterus Secara Visual pada
Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Cukup di Rumah KIDNEY FAILURE, CHRONIC
Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Visual 676
Clinical Diagnosis of Jaundice on Normal Gambaran EEG pada Anak dengan Gagal
Birth Weight Infant in Dr. Sardjito Ginjal Kronik (EEG Changes in Children
Yogyakarta)/Setyawati; Achmad Surjono; with Chronic Renal Failure)/Sudung O.
Setya Wandita.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) Pardede (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30
2002: 207-211 (2) 2002: 88-93

Aplikasi Prinsip Distraksi Osteogenesis pada
Identifikasi Mutan-mutan Klebsiella
Perawatan Maloklusi Pasca Trauma Maksio-
pneumoniae yang Resisten terhadap Anti-
fasial (Application of Distraction Osteo-
biotika BRL 41897 A dengan Metoda
genesis Method in Treating on Late
Southern Blot (Identification of Klebsiella
Management of Jaw Fracture)/Coen
pneumoniae Resistant Mutants Against BRL
Pramono; A. Hariadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi,
41897 A Antibiotic using Southern Blot
35 (4) 2002: 175-177
Analysis)/M. Kuswandi.-- Maj. Farmasi
Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 185-192
Kelarutan Batu Ginjal Kalsium dalam Fraksi
Air, Etilasetat, dan Kloroform Akar Tinggal 678
Senkuang In Vitro (The Solubility of Calcium Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Ibu-ibu
Kidney Stone in the Chloroform, Ethyl Menikah pada Usia Muda di Kecamatan
Acetate and Water Extract from Root of Cikadang Sukabumi Jawa Barat
Sengkuang)/Sasmito (et. al.).-- Medika, 28 (Characteristically and the Knowledge of
(11) 2002: 714-719 Younger Marriage in Kecamatan Cikandang,
Sukabumi, West Java)/Herke Sigarlaki.--
KIDNEY FAILURE Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen
674 Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 14-22
Change of Doppler Ultrasonography
Resistive Index in Patients with Renal 679
Karakteristik Sosial Ibu Pengetahuan Tentang
Failure/Suyono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
Obesitas Anak (Mother's Social Economic
(3) 2002: 222-226
Characteristically and Knowledge on
Obesity)/Yuyun Yuniwati; Anita
KIDNEY FAILURE, ACUTE Rahmawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 702-707


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pregnant Sub District, East Jakarta)/Sekartini R. (et.
Mothers toward Antenatal Care and its al).-- Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 629-633
Relation to Lowbirth Weight/VG. Tinuk
Istiarti.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 685
101-105 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Penduduk
dalam Kaitannya dengan Kesehatan
Lingkungan dan Higiene Perorangan di
Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Ibu yang
Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat (People's
Mempunyai Anak Balita tentang Pemberian
Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related
Suplemen Multivitamin-mineral di Kelurahan
with Environmental Health and Personal
Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur (Knowledge
Hygiene at Subang Sub District, West Java)/
and Practice of Mothers Who have Under
Yulfira Media; Kasnodihardjo; Kenti
Five Children about Giving Multivitamin-
Friskarini.-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1(1) 2002:
mineral Supplement at Kelurahan Utan Kayu
Utara, East Jakarta)/Sudiyanto (et. al).-- Maj.
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 207-211
682 Tingkat Pengetahuan Petugas Gizi Rumah
Pengetahuan Guru Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Sakit tentang Pelaksanaan PGRS di Sulawesi
Pertama di Kotamadya Yogyakarta Mengenai Selatan (Knowledge of Nutritionist for
Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Knowledge Nutrition Services Hospital in South
of Junior High School Teachers Upon Sulawesi)/Sri'ah Alharini.-- Media Gizi &
Adolescent Reproductive Health in Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 1-6
Yogyakarta Municipality)/Ratni Indrawanti; LABOR
Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 686
(4) 2002: 257-268 Efektivitas Eritromisin sebagai Terapi Ajuvan
dalam Menunda Persalinan pada Partus
683 Prematurus Iminens (The Effectiveness of
Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu tentang Erythromycin as Adjuvant Therapy in
Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Tifoid pada Delaying Labor in Imminent Preterm
Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di Kelurahan Utan Delivery)/P. Doster Mahayasa; M. Kornia
Kayu Utara (Knowledge, Attitude and Karkata.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon.,
Practice of Mothers about the Prevalence of 26 (1) 2002: 26-29
Typhoid Fever on School Children in
Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara)/Rini Sekartini 687
(et. al).-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: 796-798 Penggunaan Akupunktur dengan Elektro
Stimulator untuk Mengurangi Nyeri
684 Persalinan (Acupuncture Using Electro
Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu yang Stimulator to Reduce the Pain Labor)/Wita
Memiliki Anak Usia SD tentang Penyakit Saraswati.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 13-21
Cacingan di Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, Jaktim
(Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of LABOR, INDUCED
Mother who's have School Age Children 688
through the Helminthiasis at Pisangan Baru Efektivitas Misoprotol Per Vaginam dan Per
Oral untuk Induksi Persalinan pada Kehamil-
an a Term Ketuban Pecah Dini (The Efficacy


of Vaginally Compared to Orally Sjafarjanto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002:

Administered Misoprostol on Inducing Labor 34-44
in Term Early Ruptured Membrane)/Hariadi;
Zain Alkaff; Risanto Siswosudarmo.-- Berk. LAPAROSCOPY
Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 173-179 693
Kehamilan Ektopik Terganggu dengan
LABORATORIES Laparoskopi Operatif (Ectopic Pregnancy
689 Disturbed with Laparoscope’s)/Budi R.
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium pada Penderita Hadibroto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35
Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Laboratory (3) 2002: 134-136
Examination in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)/
Purwanto.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. LARVA MIGRANS
Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 14-19 694
Identifikasi Cacing Nematoda Penyebab
LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND Visceral Larva Migrans (VLM) dan
PROCEDURES Cutaneous Larva Migrans (CLM) pada
690 Manusia dari Tinja Kucing (Felis catus) di
Pengembangan Diagnosis Laboratorium Desa Wiyoro Kidul Banguntapan, Bantul
untuk Demam Enterik dengan Cara IgM (The Identification of Nematodes Worms
Capture Dot Immunoassay/DIA (The causes of Visceral Larva Migrants (VLM)
Development of Laboratory Diagnosis for and Cutaneous Larva Migrants (CLM) in
Enteric Fever by IgM Capture Dot Human from Cat Stool Specimen (Felis
Immunoassay)/Agus Sjahrurachman (et. al).-- catus) at Wiyoro Kidul Banguntapan,
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 202-206 Bantul)/Martini; Hadi Wartomo; Jumiyati.--
Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 137-141
Pemberian Suplemen Kompleks Antioksidan 695
pada Pelari Sprint 200 Meter untuk Pengurangan Nyeri dan Perbaikan Fungsional
Menurunkan Kadar Laktat Darah pada Nyeri Punggung Bawah Mekanik.
(Supplementation of Antioxidant Complex to Perbandingan Efek antara Terapi Laser
200 Meter Sprinter to Decrease Blood Lactic Berdaya Rendah dengan Diatermi
Acid)/I Wayan Wirya.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gelombang Pendek (Reducing of Pain and
Indon., 52 (1) 2002: 7-10 Functional Recovery of Mechanical Low
Back Pain : Comparative Study of
LACTOFERRIN Therapeutic Effect of Low Level Laser and
692 Short Wave Diathermy)/Endang Sri Mariani;
Pengaruh Penambahan Lactoferrin dan Rudy Handoyo; Dwi Pudjonarko.-- Media
Vitamin E Sebelum Simpan Beku terhadap Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 156-165
Viabilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Potong Per-
anakan Ongole (The Influence of Providing LATEX
Lactoferrin and Vitamin E Prior to the 696
Freezing Storage to Sperm Viability of the Latex Allergen Sensitization Reaction in
Offspring of Ongole Beef Cattle)/Agus Exposed and Un-Exposed Groups as well as
Associated Factors/R.A.H.I. Ariestina (et.


al).-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4) 2002: 134- LEGISLATION, MEDICAL

LEAD Hukum Kedokteran tentang Kontrak
697 Terapeutik (Medical Law about Therapeutic
Cemaran Pb (II) pada Bawang Daun (Allium Contract)/Chrisdiono M. Achadiat.-- Medika,
fistulosum L) di Daerah Sepanjang Jalan 28 (11) 2002: 745-750
Raya Padang Panjang - Bukittinggi (The
Concentration of Pb (II) in Spring Unions LENGTH OF STAY
Grown Along Padang Panjang-Bukittinggi
Main Road)/Husna Rusli; Mulyani; Mardius 702
Syarif.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 Perbandingan Lama Perawatan serta
(1) 2002: 44-48 Komplikasi Kuretase Segera dan Tunda
Pascaantibiotika pada Abortus Infeksiosus
698 (The Comparation of Length of Stay and
Hubungan antara Plumbum (Pb) dalam Darah Complication between Immediate Curettage
dengan Hipertensi pada Operator Pompa and Delayed Curettage in Infected Abortion)/
Bensin/SPBU (Correlation between Plumbum M. Agus Supriatmaja; P. Upadana.-- Maj.
Concentration in Blood and Hypertension Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 30-
among Operators of Gas Pump Station)/Woro 34
Riyadina (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 LEPTOSPIRA
(2) 2002: 81-87 703
Detection of IgM to Leptospira Agent with
ELISA and Leptodipstick Method/
LEARNING Mohammad Hatta (et. al).-- Ebers Papyrus, 8
699 (1) 2002: 21-27
Using Learning Module by Applying EBM
and PBL Methods as an Effort to Improve LEPTOSPIROSIS
Cognitive Ability of Medical Students/ 704
Bambang Permono; Darto Saharso; Erny.-- Diagnosis and Treatment of Leptospirosis
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 378-382 with Complications/Erwin; R.A.H.I.
Ariestina; Dody Ranuhardi.-- Acta Medica
LEGIONELLOSIS Indon., 34 (4) 2002: 139-141


Sick Building Syndrome, Building Related 705
Illness dan Legionellosis : Penyakit Akibat Sindrom Letterer-siwe (Letterer-siwe
Lingkungan Tempat Kerja yang Kurang Syndrome)/Riadi Wirawan; Ratna Ariantini;
Mendukung (Sick Building Syndrome, Maria Abdulsalam.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon.,
Building Related Illness and Legionellosis : 52 (10) 2002: 365-368
the Diseases caused of Non Conducive Work
Environment)/Faisal Yatim.-- Media Penelit. LEUKEMIA
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 50- 706
52 Efek Ganda Flavonoid Quercetin pada Kultur
Sel Rat Basophilic Leukemia (RBL-2H3) :


Menghambat Pelepasan Histamin dan Influence of Leukocyte Cells in Semen

Mengurangi Pertumbuhan Sel (Dual Effects through the Quality of Spermatozoa)/Jasmoro
of Flavonoid Quercetin on Rat Basophilic Ariguno; Arjatmo Tjokronegoro; Enud J.
Leukemia (RBL-2H3) Cells : Inhibits Surjana.-- Dexa Media, 15 (2) 2002: 52-53
Histamine Release and Reduces Cell
Growth)/Zullies Ikawati; Elizabets Wallgard; LEUKOCYTOSIS
Kazutaka Maeyama.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 712
13 (2) 2002: 55-64 Lekositosis sebagai Prediktor Kematian pada
Stroke Perdarahan Intraserebral
707 (Leukocytosis as a Death Predictor on
Pemeriksaan Morfologi dan Sitokimia pada Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke)/Indarwati
Leukemia Akut (Morphology and Cyto- Setyaningsih; Sri Sutarni; Ahmad Asmadi.--
chemistry Evaluation of Acute Leukemia)/ Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 19-28
Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
(6) 2002: 217-224 LEUKOPLAKIA
708 Leukoplakia : Lesi Pra-ganas Rongga Mulut
Penderita Leukemia di Bagian Patologi yang sering Dijumpai (Leukoplakia : Pre-
Klinik FK USU/RSUP H. Adam Malik, malignancy Lession which Often Found in
Medan (Leukemia Patient in Clinical Oral Cavity)/Made Asri Budiasuri.-- Medika,
Pathology Ward of H. Adam Malik Hospital, 28 (9) 2002: 587-590
Medan)/ Adi Koesoema Aman.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 67-70 LH
LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC Perbandingan Pemeriksaan Test Pack LH
709 (Luteinizing Hormone) Urine dan Pe-
Low Incidence of CLL (Chronic mantauan Ovulasi secara USG pada Wanita
Lymphocytic Leukemia) in Indonesia A Infertil yang Dilakukan Induksi Ovulasi
Retrospective Case Series Multicenter (Urinary LH Kit Examination Compare with
Study/Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., Sonography Ovulation Monitoring in Infertile
38 (1) 2002: 50-53 Women who had been Given an Ovulation
Induction)/Dadan Susandi (et. al).-- Maj.
LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC, ACUTE Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 35-
710 43
Leukemia Limfositik Akut : Klasifikasi,
Etiologi, Gambaran Klinik dan Laboratorik
(Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia : Classi-
Deteksi Mutasi Gen p53 Germline pada
fication, Etiology, Clinical and Laboratory
Keluarga Sindrom Li-Fraumeni (Detection of
Features)/Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
p53 Germline Mutation in Li-Fraumeni
Indon., 52 (9) 2002: 321-326
Syndrome Families/Yuni Ahda; N. Suhana.--
J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 39-44
711 716
Pengaruh Sel Darah Putih di Dalam Semen Sindroma Li-Fraumeni (Li-Fraumeni
terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa (The Syndrome)/Dwi Anita Suryandari; Nana


Suhana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (1) 2002: Factor of Atherosclerosis)/Djanggan

28-34 Sargowo.-- Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 639-644
Penghambatan Pembentukan Peroksida Lipid 722
(POL) Plasma oleh Minyak Atsiri LDL and HDL : "Villain" and "Hero" in
Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) Atherogenesis (Introduction with ATP III and
pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Radang dengan the Roles of Statins)/Askandar
Formaldehid (Inhibition of Lipid Peroxide by Tjokroprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3)
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. Volatile Oil in 2002: 202-213
Formal-dehyde Injected Rats)/Ninik
Mudjihartini; Oen Liang Hie; Mohamad
Sadikin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (3)
Perbedaan Kadar LDL-Cholesterol yang
2002: 87-91
Diperiksa dengan Metode Direk (Homo-
LIPIDS genous LDL-C) dan Metode Indirek/Formula
718 Friedewald (The Differences of Measurement
Effects of Continuous Hormone Replacement LDL-Cholesterol Using Direct Method
Therapy (HRT) on FSH, Lipid Profile, Blood (Homogenous LDL-C) as Compared to
Chemistry, and Skin Thickness in Meno- Indirect Method/Friedewald Formula)/Anik
pausal Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of Widijanti; Retno; Hartojo Koeswardani.--
Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 97-103 Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 430-432

719 724
Protein, Amino Acid and Lipid Contents of Identifikasi Cemaran Listeria spp. dari
Corbicula Javanica Mousson/Mochammad Daging Sapi (Identification of Listeria spp.
Yowono (et. al).-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 from Beef Meat)/ Marlina (et. al).-- J. Sains
(2) 2002: 95-100 dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (1) 2002: 30-35


720 725
Peranan Kadar Trigliserida dan Lipoprotein Bacterial Overgrowth in the Small Intestines
sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung of Liver Cirrhosis Patients/Paulus
Koroner : Studi Pendahuluan (The Role of Simadibrata Kolopaking; Rino A. Gani;
Triglyserida and Lipoproteins as a Risk Marcellus Simadibrata Kolopaking.-- Acta
Factor of Coronary Heart Disease)/Djanggan Medica Indon., 34 (1) 2002: 25-32
Sargowo.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 425-429
LIPOPROTEINS, LDL Gambaran Klinis dan Laboratoris Peritonitis
721 Bakteri Spontan pada Sirosis Hati (Clinical
Small and Dense Low Density Lipoprotein and Laboratory Description of Spontaneous
(LDL) sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Bacterial Peritonitis in Liver Cirrhotic
Jantung Aterosklerosis (Small and Dense Patients)/Djauzi S. (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter.
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) as a Risk Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 212-216


(et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2002:

Pengurangan Nyeri dan Perbaikan Fungsional 733
pada Nyeri Punggung Bawah Mekanik. Prevalensi Kelainan Foto Toraks dan
Perbandingan Efek antara Terapi Laser Penurunan Faal Paru Pekerja di Lingkungan
Berdaya Rendah dengan Diatermi Kerja Pabrik Semen (The Prevalence of
Gelombang Pendek (Reducing of Pain and Radiographic Abnormalities and Decreasing
Functional Recovery of Mechanical Low Lung Function due to Cement Dust at its
Back Pain : Comparative Study of Manufactured)/Fordiastiko (et. al).-- J.
Therapeutic Effect of Low Level Laser and Respirol. Indon., 22 (2) 2002: 65-75
Short Wave Diathermy)/Endang Sri Mariani;
Rudy Handoyo; Dwi Pudjonarko.-- Media LUNG DISEASES
Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 156-165 734
Nutrisi Parenteral Albumin pada Penyakit
LUNG Paru (Albumin Parenteral Nutrition in Lung
728 Diseases)/Hadi Halim.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3)
Dampak Inhalasi Cat Semprot terhadap 2002: 77-81
Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Spray Paint 735
Inhalation through the Lung Health)/ Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C terhadap
Wahyuningsih (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Perubahan Akut Faal Paru pada Pekerja
Kedokter., (138) 2002: 23-28 Terpapar Debu Kapas di PT. Tootal Thread
Indonesia, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (The Effect
729 of Vitamin C Supplementation on Acute
Kelainan Paru pada Ketinggian (Pulmonary Changes in FEV1 of Workers Exposed to
Disorders at Highest)/Risa Febriana; Faisal Cotton Dust in PT. Tootal Thread Indonesia,
Yunus; Wiwin Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Pasuruan, East Java)/Bachyar Bakri; Astutik
Kedokter., (138) 2002: 5-10 Pudjirahayu.-- Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26
(1) 2002: 92-97
Paru Kita Masalah Kita (Lung : Problem of 736
Lung)/Tjandra Yoga Aditama.-- Medika, 28 Program Latihan dalam Rehabilitasi Paru
(11) 2002: 743-745 (The Exercise Program in Lung Rehabili-
tation)/Anita Ratnawati.-- J. Persahabatan
731 Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 40-45
Pengaruh Inhalasi NO2 terhadap Kesehatan
Paru (The Influence of NO2 through the Lung LUNG DISEASES, INTESTINAL
Health)/Diah Handayani; Faisal Yunus; 737
Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Diagnosis Interstitial Lung Diseases/ILD
Kedokter., (138) 2002: 17-22 (Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases)/Ario
Patrianto Partodimulyo; Wiwien Heru
732 Wiyono; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon.,
Pengaruh Inhalasi Sulfur Dioksida terhadap 22 (2) 2002: 90-97
Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Sulfur Dioxide
Inhalation through Lung Health)/Eva Munthe LUNG DISEASES, OBSTRUCTIVE


738 Classification about Lung Neoplasms)/

Efikasi Teofilin Lepas Lambat pada Penderita Sutjahjo Endardjo; Heriawaty Hidajat.-- J.
Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik di RSUP Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 46-
Persahabatan, Jakarta : Dengan Tinjauan 51
Khusus Perbaikan Kualiti Hidup dan Faal
Paru (Effication of Slow Release Theophylin 743
on Obstructive Chronic Lung Diseases Peran CEA Cairan Pleura dalam Diagnosis
Patient in Persahabatan General Hospital Efusi Pleura Ganas Kanker Paru (The Role of
Jakarta : Special Reviewed on Increasing of Pleural Fluid Carcinoembryonic Antigen to
Quality of Life and Lung Faal)/Antonius Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Effusion
Sianturi (et. al).-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (1) Caused by Lung Cancer)/Atok Irawan;
2002: 16-29 Daniel Maranatha.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22
(1) 2002: 11-15
Respon Bronkodilatasi terhadap Kortiko-
Perubahan Gen dan Kromosom pada Kanker
steroid pada Penderita Penyakit Paru
Paru (The Changing of Chromosome and
Obstruksi Menahun (Bronchodilatation
Gene in Lung Cancer)/Reviono; Elisna
Response through Corticosteroid in Chronic
Syahruddin; Anwar Jusuf.-- J. Persahabatan
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)/Azhar
Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 23-31
Tanjung; Azhari Gani; Zuhrial.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 71-74
Quality of Life of Lung Cancer Patients/
Alexander M.J. Saudale (et. al).-- Acta
Medica Indon., 34 (4) 2002: 126-133
Aplikasi Klinik Petanda Ganas Serologik
pada Kanker Paru (Clinical Application as a
Serological Malignancy Sign in Lung
Tumor Paru dan Tumor Dada (Lung
Cancer)/M. Syahril Mansyur; A. Hudoyo; Lia
Neoplasms and Breast Neoplasms)/Ahmad
G. Partakusuma.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm.
Hudoyo.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 2
Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 13-22
(1) 2002: 2-3
Gambaran Radiologis Kanker Paru (The LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, SYSTEMIC
Radiological Features of Lung Cancer)/
Wahyuningsih; Nirwan Arief.-- J. 747
Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 4-12 Difficult Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;
How to Manage/OK. Moehad Sjah.-- Acta
742 Medica Indon., 34 (3) 2002: 94-95
Patologi Keganasan Toraks : Tinjauan
Frequensi Beberapa Jenis Keganasan Toraks 748
di RS Persahabatan dan Klasifikasi WHO The Management of Systemic Lupus with
1999 tentang Tumor Paru (The Pathological Multi Organ Involvement/Ihsanil Husna; Ari
of Thorax Malignancy : Frequency Review F. Syam; Djumhana Atmakusuma.-- Acta
from Several Kind of Thorax Malignancy in Medica Indon., 34 (3) 2002: 107-110
Persahabatan Hospital and WHO 1999


Manifestasi Klinis Penderita Lupus

Eritematosus Sistemik yang Dirawat di MAGNESIUM SULFATE
Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Rumah Sakit 755
Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (Clinical Penggunaan Magnesium Sulfat dalam
Manifestations of Pediatric Systemic Lupus Tatalaksana Paroksismal Atrial Takikardia/
Erythematosus Patients in Department of TAP (The Usage of Magnesium Sulfate in the
Child Health Hasan Sadikin Hospital Management of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachy-
Bandung)/Budi Setiabudiawan (et. al).-- Maj. cardia)/Sugiri.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2)
Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 60-67 2002: 106-110

750 756
Manifestasi Neurologik pada Lupus The Systemic Review of Magnesium Sulfate
Eritematosus Sistemik (Neurological Infusion in Patients with Acute Myocardial
Manifestation in Systemic Lupus Ery- Infarction/Prasetyo Andriono (et. al).-- Acta
thematosus)/Tonam; Yuda Turana; Fachrida Medica Indon., 34 (2) 2002: 71-75
L. Moeliono.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 471-473
751 757
Jumlah Limfosit Absolut dan Relatif pada Analisis Faktor Pendukung Tingginya
Infeksi Dengue (Absolute and Relative Insidens Malaria di Gugus Kepulauan Aceh
Lymphocyte Counts in Dengue Infection)/ (Analysis of Some Supporting Factors to the
Bambang Ardianto; Sumadiono; Sutaryo.-- High Incidence of Malaria in the Aceh
Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 221-229 Islands)/Amirsyah Husin; Al Azhar; Siti
Hajar.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 17-
Abdominal Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma/
Climate Factor and Clinical Malaria in
Nurhayati (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana,
Kairatu Sub District, Central Maluku/Betty
33 (115) 2002: 69-73
Roosihermiate; Michael Siwabessy.--
753 Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 357-360
Sindrome Evan pada Anak dengan Limfoma 759
Non-Hodgkin (Evans Syndrome in a Child Efektivitas Biaya Immuno Chromatographic
with Ocular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma)/Gary Test dan Uji Mikroskopis sebagai Alat
Adhianto (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, Diagnosis Malaria (Cost Effectiveness of
33 (116) 2002: 136-142 Immuno Chromatographic Test and Micros-
copic Test as a Tool of Malaria Diagnosis)/
MACROPHAGES Basundari Sri Utami (et. al).-- Bul. Penelit.
754 Kesehat., 30 (2) 2002: 54-68
Peran Makrofag dalam Proses Kekebalan
terhadap Infeksi Candida (Macrophages 760
Function in Resistance to Candida Efektivitas Diagnosis Mikroskopis Malaria di
Infections)/Anna Rozaliyani; Retno Tiga Puskesmas di Kabupaten Purworejo,
Wahyuningsih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 Jawa Tengah (The Effectiveness of Micros-
(4) 2002: 149-154 copic Diagnosis of Malaria in Three


Community Health Centers, Purworejo, Pola Penyakit Transmigran Jawa dan

Central Java)/Basundari Sri Utami (et. al).-- Transmigram Lokal di Daerah Hiperendemis
Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., Malaria Armopa SP2, Kecamatan Bonggo,
12 (2 )2002: 1-9 Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua, Tahun 1996-
1999 (Disease Pattern of Javanese and Local
761 Transmigrants in Malaria Hyperendemic
Endemisitas Malaria di Beberapa Daerah Areas on Armopa SP2, Bonggo, Jayapura
Pariwisata Jawa Barat (Malaria Endemicity Regency Papua, 1996-1999)/Krisin (et. al).--
on Several Tourism Areas in West Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (4) 2002: 173-188
Java)/Sahat Ompusunggu.-- Media Penelit.
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 26-
Two Cases of Severe Traveler's Falciparum
Gambaran Kesepakatan Hasil Diagnosis
Malaria with Improved Conditions after
Malaria Mikroskopis di Kabupaten
Administration of Oral Quinines/Umar Zein.-
Purworejo, Jawa Tengah (Agreement among
- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (3) 2002: 111-114
Microscopes in Diagnosis of Malaria in
Purworejo District, Central Java)/Basundari
Sri Utami; Sri Supriyanto; Riyanti MALARIA, VIVAX
Ekowatiningsih.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 767
(4) 2002: 153-160 Defisiensi Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydro-
genase pada Malaria vivaks (Glucose-6-
763 phosphate Dehydrogenate Deficiency in
Kasus Malaria Resisten Klorokuin di Bagian Vivax Malaria)/Nurhayati; Inge Sutanto.--
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Dr. M. Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10) 2002: 355-360
Djamil, Padang (Chloroquine Resistance
Malaria Cases in the Department of Internal MALATHION
Medicine Dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Padang)/
Nusirwan Acang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Deteksi Resistensi Larva Culex
(11) 2002: 383-389
quinquefasciatus say terhadap Malathion
dengan Teknik Bercak Kertas Saring di
764 Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Penyuluhan Tepat Guna yang Berkaitannya (Detection of Culex quinquefasciatus say
dengan Penyakit Malaria bagi Penduduk Larvae Resistance to Malathion Insecticides
Hargotirto Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten using Filter Paper Spot Technique in Sleman,
Kulon Progo, di Yogyakarta (The Effective- Daerah Yogyakarta Special Region)/
ness of Promotion Related to Malaria in Kusbaryanto; Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo;
Hargotirto Community, Kecamatan Kokap, Soesanto Tjokrosonto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi,
Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta)/Siti Sapardiyah 10 (1) 2002: 14-25
Santoso; Imam Waluyo; Kenti Friskarini.--
Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat.,
12 (3) 2002: 1-11,53 MALOCCLUSION


Pengaruh Maloklusi terhadap Artikulasi 774

Bicara (The Influence of Malocclusion on Pembuatan Margarin Tinggi Serat melalui
Speech Articulation)/Herawati; Fanny Pemanfaatan Pektin dan Gum Arab
Djuanda; Irmawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 Komersial (High Fiber Containing Margarine
(2) 2002: 70-73 Processing by using Commercial Pectin and
Arabic Gum)/Yuni Harlinawati; Sri Anna
MALPRACTICE Marliyati; Evy Damayanthi.-- Media Gizi &
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 73-81
Tanggung Jawab Perdata : Malpraktek MASTECTOMY
Dokter sebagai Perbuatan Melawan Hukum 775
(Civil Court Justice Responsibility : Doctor Penanganan Kanker Payudara Stadium Awal
Malpractice as the Action Against Law)/H. dengan Breast Conserving Treatment :
Abdul Muis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 Evaluasi Kasus di Yogyakarta (Management
(3) 2002: 137-140 of Early Breast Cancer with Breast
MANDIBLE Conserving Treatment : An Evaluation Case
771 in Yogyakarta)/Teguh Aryandono.-- Berk.
Penggunaan Duralium sebagai Fiksasi Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 41-47
Fragmen Mandibula setelah Reseksi Rahang
(The Use of Durallium Graft as a Fixation of MATERIALS TESTING
Mandibular Fragments after Partial 776
Resection)/Sudarto Wirjokusumo.-- Maj. Uji Banding Biokompatibilitas Bahan Graft
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 1-3 Demineralisasi Serbuk Gigi Manusia, Serbuk
Gigi Sapi, Serbuk Tulang Manusia dan
MANGANESE Serbuk Tulang Sapi pada Biakan Sel
772 (Comparative Study of Biocompatibility of
Gambaran Kadar Mangan (Mn) pada Sumber Dematerialized Powder of Human Tooth
Air Rumah Tangga di Jabotabek : Studi Graft, Bovine Tooth Graft, Human Bone
Kasus Pemeriksaan Air di Puslitbang Farmasi Graft and Bovine Bone Graft Using Cell
(Profile of Manganese Level in Water Supply Culture Test)/Sudarto Wirjokusumo.-- Maj.
at Jabotabek (Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi) : A Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 87-89
Case Study in Water Analysis at Center of
Research and Development of Pharmacy, MATERNAL MORTALITY
NIHRD)/Nikmah Bawahab; Kelik MA.; Ani 778
Isnawati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) Faktor Determinan Kematian Ibu di Bali :
2002: 47-50 Studi Kasus-Kelola (Determinant Factors of
Maternal Mortality in Bali : A Case Control
MARGARINE Study)/Ketut Tangking Widarsa.-- Maj.
773 Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 97-105
Fitosterol dalam Margarine: Cara Efektif
Menurunkan Kolesterol (Phytosterol in 779
Margarine : The Effectives Way to Decrease Karakteristik Perkawinan Muda terhadap
Cholesterol)/Jansen Silalahi.-- Medika, 28 Perdarahan Postpartum di Kecamatan
(11) 2002: 724-726 Simpenan Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat
(The Characteristically of Younger Married


Women Related to Postpartum Hemorrhage (Medical Record Services in the Outpatient

in Simpenan Area, Sukabumi, West Java)/ Department at Fatmawati Hospital)/Oom
Herke Sigarlaki (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Komariah.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati,
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002: 4 (12) 2002: 475-497
780 Evaluasi Amilum Biji Nangka sebagai Bahan
Penggunaan Miniplate pada Fraktur Pelicin dalam Pembuatan Tablet (Evaluation
Maksilofasial (The Use of Miniplate in of Jackfruit Seed Starch as Lubricant in
Maxillofacial Fractures)/Sunarto Tablet Processing)/Inding Gusmayadi; Sri
Reksoprawiro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) Sulihtyowati Soebagyo.-- J. Bahan Alam
2002: 74-78 Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 6-9
781 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan
Pola Kuman Aerob Penyebab Sinusitis Pengambilan Keputusan Penggunaan Obat
Maksila Kronis (The Pattern of Aerobe Analgetika Tradisional (Influential Factors
Bacterial causing Chronic Maxillary and Decision to Use the Traditional Anal-
Sinusitis)/Benny Kurnia (et. al).-- Maj. gesics Medicine for Medication)/Trilaksana
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 102-106 Nugroho; Hari Peni Julianti.-- Media Medika
Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 150-155
782 788
Measles: Reassessment of Current Problems/ Gambaran Cemaran Jamur, Jamur
Ismoedijanto.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) Aspergillus flavus dan Aflatoksin pada
2002: 214-221 Simplisia dari Pabrik Jamu di Pulau Jawa
(The Feature of Fungi, Aspergillus flavus and
MEASLES VACCINE Aflatoxin Contamination on Drug Traditional
783 Material in Java)/Ani Isnawati; Daroham
Jalan Keluar Kontroversi Imunisasi Vaksin Mutiatikum; Nikmah B.-- Media Penelit. dan
MMR dan ASD (MMR Immunization and Pengembang. Kesehat.,12 (3) 2002:12-17
ASD : Alternative and Solution)/
Ismoedijanto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 789
(8) 2002: 366-382 Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat TNKS : Kajian
Perspektif Etnofarmakologis dan Budaya
MEDIASTINAL CYST (Inventarization of Plants Medicinal in the
784 National Conservation Forest Kerinci Seblat :
Teratoma Mediastinal (Mediastinal Tera- Cultural and Etnopharmacological Perspec-
toma)/Sugitha IGAN (et. al).-- Maj. tive Study)/Azwar Agoes.-- J. Bahan Alam
Kedokter. Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 155-158 Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 1-5


785 Mengkaji Kemungkinan Penerapan Validasi
Kecepatan Pelayanan Rekam Medis di dalam Proses Produksi Obat Tradisional
Instalasi Rawat Jalan RS. Fatmawati (Reviewed of the Validation Availability in


Traditional Medicine Production Process)/ 796

Suwijiyo Pramono.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1 Terapi Kombinasi Vitamin A Tetes Mata,
(2) 2002: 77-80 Vitamin A Oral, dan Doksisiklin Oral pada
Disfungsi Kelenjar Meibom (The Combined
791 Treatment of Vitamin A Eye Drops, Oral
Meracik Obat Tradisional Secara Rasional Vitamin A and Oral Doxycycline in
(Compounding the Traditional Medicine by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction)/Suhardjo.--
Rational Way)/Lestari Handayani; Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 231-242
Suharmiati.-- Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 648-657
792 797
Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional untuk Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis with Manifesta-
Kesehatan Usila (Traditional Drug Used to tions of Hematemesis and Melena/Andhika
Geriatric Health)/Lestari Handayani.-- Rachman; Lugyanti Sukrisman;
Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 736-742 Abdulmuthalib.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (1)
2002: 18-21
Pola Pemanfaatan Pengobatan Tradisional MENINGITIS
oleh Pasien Rematik (Pattern of Traditional 798
Healers Visited by Rheumatic Patient)/ Vaksin Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Sunanti Zalbawi; Siti Sapardiyah Santoso.-- (HIB) untuk Pencegahan Meningitis dan
J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1(2) 2002: 85-93 Pneumonia (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
(HIB) Vaccine to Prevent the Meningitis and
MEDITATION Pneumonia)/Muljati Prijanto.-- Media
794 Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1)
Meditasi sebagai Terapi Tambahan pada 2002: 42-44
Penderita Diabetes Melitus (Meditation as a
Supplemental Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus MENINGITIS, BACTERIAL
Patient)/Luh Ketut Suryani.-- Maj. Kedokter. 799
Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 44-54 Epidemiologi Klinis Meningitis Bakteri :
Pengalaman Klinis 10 Tahun (Clinical Epi-
MEDROXYPROGESTERONE demiology of Bacterial Meningitis : Ten
795 Years Clinical Experience)/Darto Suharso;
Tinjauan Farmakodinamik dan Farmako- Erny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13 (1)
kinetik Medroksiprogesteron Asetat (MPA) 2002: 46-54
dan Noretindrone Enanthate (Net En) sebagai
Bahan Kontrasepsi (Pharmacodynamic and MENINGITIS, MENINGOCOCCAL
Pharmacokinetics Review on Medroxi- 800
progesterone Asetat and Norethindrone Vaksin Meningitis Meningokokus Tetravalen
Enanthate as a Contraceptive Substance)/John bagi Jemaah Haji Indonesia (Tetravalent
W. Sitohang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Meningococcal Meningitis to Indonesian
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) 2002: 33-39 Pilgrim)/Muljati Prijanto; Yusharmen.--
Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 393-395


MENINGOMYELOCELE Health)/Johnly Alfreds Rorong.-- J.

801 Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 82-85
Myelomeningocele/Iskandar Japardi.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 131-133 807
Hubungan Warna Rambut dan Jenis Kelamin
MENOPAUSE dengan Penentuan Kadar Merkuri dalam
802 Rambut Manusia dengan Teknik Aktivasi
Manfaat Fitoestrogen Isoflavon pada Wanita Neutron (Relationship of Hair Color and Sex
Menopause (The Advantage of Phytoestrogen to the Determination of Mercury Concentra-
in Menopausal Women)/Akam Pertamawan; tion in Human Hair by Neutron Activation
Andon Hestiantoro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Technique)/Sasmito; Zainul Kamal.-- J.
Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 49-55 Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 45-50
803 Pengaruh Jenis dan Kadar Ikan yang
Gangguan Haid dan Hiperprolaktinemi Terkontaminasi Merkuri terhadap Per-
dengan Vitex Agnus Castus (Menstrual kembangan Janin pada Ibu Hamil yang
Disorders and Hyperprolactinemia in Women Mengkonsumsinya (The Influence of Variety
with Vitex Agnus Castus)/Busisa Gultom.-- and Level of Fish Contaminated by Mercury
Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen to Infant Development of Exposed Mothers)/
Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 23-26 Diana Samara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
(9) 2002: 327-333
Hubungan antara Ketegangan Mental dan 809
Fraktur Tulang Panggul pada Usia Lanjut Asbes sebagai Faktor Risiko Mesotelioma
(The Relation between Mental Distress and pada Pekerja yang Terpajan Asbes (Asbest as
Hip Fracture in Elderly)/Suharto Kasran.-- J. the Risk Factor due to Mesothelioma on the
Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 74-78 Worker Exposed by Asbest)/Diana Samara.--
J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 91-97
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Per- 810
kembangan Mental dan Psikomotor pada Pengobatan/Perawatan Pasien Ketergantung-
Anak Batita Gizi Kurang (Determinant an NAPZA Pasca Detoksifikasi (The
Factors of Mental and Psychomotor Treatment of Narcotic Dependence Patient
Development on Malnourished Children)/Sri after Detoxification)/Hartati Kurniadi.--
Muljati (et. al).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 21-23
25 (2) 2002: 31-37
806 Pengobatan Kombinasi Mikonazol Nitrat dan
Dampak Merkuri terhadap Kesehatan Seng pada Dermatitis Popok (Combination
Manusia (The Effect of Mercury to Human Miconazole and Zinc Oxide to Cure Diaper


Rash)/Titi Lestari Sugito (et. al).-- Medika, Ferry Ruskim.-- Dexa Media, 15 (2) 2002:
28 (3) 2002: 158-161 54-65

812 816
Perilaku Mikrofilaria Brugia malayi dalam Kebiasaan Minum Susu dan Status Gizi Anak
Darah Tepi Penderita Filariasis di Daerah pada Keluarga Peternak Sapi Perah di
Intergradasi Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan Yogyakarta (Milk Drinking Habit and
Timur (Behavior of the B. malayi Micro- Nutritional Status of Children Among Cattle
filariae in the Peripheral Blood of Human Raiser Family in Yogyakarta)/Zainal Arifin
Carrier in the Intergradations Area of Nang Agus.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002:
Mahakam Delta East Kalimantan)/F.A. 51-55
Sudjadi; Tridjoko Hadianto.-- Berk. Ilmu
Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 83-90 MILK, HUMAN
MICROSCOPY Pengaruh Konsumsi Daun Bangun-bangun
813 (Coleus amboinicus. L) terhadap Potensi
Quality Control Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Sekresi ASI dan Komposisinya pada Ibu
TB di Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis TB di Menyusui (The Effect of 'Bangun-bangun'
Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis/PRM (The Leaves (Coleus amboinicus. L) Consumption
Quality Control of TB Microscopically on the Potency of Milk Secretion and its
Examination at Referral Community Health Composition on Lactating Mothers)/Christin
Center for TB Microscopic)/Merryani M. Santosa.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (3)
Girsang (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., 2002: 133-139
(137) 2002: 8-11
814 818
Uji Validitas Teknik PCR (Polymerase Chain Variable Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR)
Reaction) dan Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Polymorphism at Locus D1S80 in Human
Bakteri Tahan Asam sebagai Alat Diagnosis Population in Surabaya, Indonesia/Soekry
Penderita TB Paru di Rumah Sakit Erfan Kusuma.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1)
Persahabatan, Jakarta (Validity Test of PCR 2002: 4-9
Technique and Bacterial Microscopic Test as
a Diagnostic Tools in Pulmonary Tuberculo- MISOPROSTOL
sis at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta)/ 819
Basundari Sri Utami (et. al).-- Media Penelit. Efektivitas Misoprotol Per Vaginam dan Per
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 24- Oral untuk Induksi Persalinan pada Ke-
29 hamilan a Term Ketuban Pecah Dini (The
Efficacy of Vaginally Compared to Orally
MIGRAINE Administered Misoprostol on Inducing Labor
815 in Term Early Ruptured Membrane)/Hariadi;
Migraine Basic Concept and Current Zain Alkaff; Risanto Siswosudarmo.-- Berk.
Development/Mulyadi Hidayat; Monika LS.; Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 173-179


MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE Biologi Molekuler Faktor Virulensi Bakteri

(Biological Molecular of Bacteria Virulence
820 Factor)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Medika, 28
Prolaps Katup Mitral (Mitral Prolapsed)/ (12) 2002: 787-793
Soroy Lardo; Harris Hasan.-- Medika, 28 (6)
2002: 369-373
Peranan Biologi Molekuler dalam
Menegakkan Diagnosis Hepatitis Virus (The
Thrombocyte Activity in Patients with Mitral
Advantage of Molecular Biology in
Stenosis an Analytic-Observational Research
Diagnosis of Hepatitis Viruses)/Sumanto
in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Rochmad
Simon; Soegianto Ali.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Romdoni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2)
Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 83-91
2002: 126-132
822 Pola Keluhan Kesakitan Penduduk Indonesia
Comparative Study between Aspirin to : Analisis Data Susenas 2001 (Morbidity
Acenocoumarol in Regressing Spontaneous Pattern of Indonesia Population : Data
Echo Contrast in Mitral Stenosis/Ali Ghanie.- Analysis Susenas 2001)/Lestari Handayani;
- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 202-207 Siswanto.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (4)
2002: 189-200
Endothelial Dysfunction in Mitral Stenosis an MULTIPLE ORGAN FAILURE
Analytic-Observational Research in Dr. 829
Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Rochmad Pasca Trauma dan Multi Organ Failure
Romdoni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) (Trauma and Multiorgan Failure)/Tjakra W.
2002: 27-33 Manuaba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33
(115) 2002: 3-12
The MMPI-2 type A, Anger Content, and 830
Cynicism Scales in Indonesian Recent Maximalisation in Performance of Long-
Graduates of High School/Johan Harlan; Distance Jumper and Explosive Power of
Sasanto Wibisono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Lower Extremity Muscles through Exercises
52 (9) 2002: 309-314 of Long-Distance Jumping with Hurdle and
Load-Vest/Ambrosius Purba.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 104-109
The Application of Molecular Biology on the MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES
Diagnosis of Hemoglobin Disorders/Harianto 831
Notopuro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) Gangguan Muskuloskeletal (Musculoskeletal
2002: 40-49 Disorder)/IGN Susilo.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 78-83


832 Infark Miokard Akut pada Anak (Acute

Music a Complementary Therapy in Medical Myocardial Infraction on Child)/Agus
Treatment/Samuel Halim.-- Med. J. of Indon., Harsoyo (et. al).-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1)
11 (4) 2002: 250-257 2002: 50-54


ATYPICAL Pengaruh Angioplasti Koroner terhadap
833 Perubahan Dispersi QT Pasca Infark Miokard
Gagal Pengobatan Tuberculosis Akibat (The Impact of Coronary Angioplasty
Infeksi Mikobakteria Atipik (The Failure of through the QT Depression Changes after
Tuberculosis Therapy Cause by Atypical Myo-cardial Infarction)/Pudjo Rahasto (et.
Microbacteria Infection)/Misnadiarly.-- Dexa al).-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 8-13
Media, 15 (3) 2002: 87-91 839
The Systemic Review of Magnesium Sulfate
MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS Infusion in Patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction/Prasetyo Andriono (et. al).-- Acta
834 Medica Indon., 34 (2) 2002: 71-75
Sensitivitas Metode PCR (Polymerase Chain
Reaction) dalam Mendeteksi Isolat Klinis MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Sensitivity of 840
Polymerase Chain Reaction Method to Detect Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP)
of Clinical Isolate of Mycobacterium Bermanfaat untuk Penderita Penyakit Iskemia
Tuberculosis)/Maria Lina Rosilawati; Pratiwi Jantung (Enhanced External Counterpulsation
Sudarmono; Fera Ibrahim.-- J. Kedokter. is Useful for Ischemic Stroke)/Sutopo
Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 7-14 Widjaja.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002:
Sindroma Mielodisplasia (Myelodisplastic
Helicopter Vibration and Risk of Reversible
Syndrome)/Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Myopia among Military Air Crews/Bastaman
Indon., 52 (3) 2002: 108-113
Basuki; T. Soemardoko.-- Med. J. of Indon.,
11 (2) 2002: 93-96
Hubungan Kadar Karboksihemoglobin 842
dengan Perjalanan Klinik Infark Miokard A New Approach in the Therapy for Opiate
Akut (The Correlation of Dependence : Ultra Rapid Opiate Detoxi-
Carboxyhemoglobin Level with the Clinical fication and Naltrexone Treatment/S.
History of Infarct Myocardial Acute)/Frits Sunatrio.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (1)
Suling (et. al).-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 20-27
2002: 27-35



Pengaruh Narkotika terhadap Susunan Saraf Naturopathy Used)/Sriana Azis; Winarsih.--

Pusat (Effects of Narcotics on the Central Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32 (67) 2002: 12-21
Nervous System)/Budi Riyanto
Wreksoatmodjo.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., NEBULIZERS AND VAPORIZERS
(135) 2002: 14-16 849
Perbandingan Manfaat Salbutamol yang
844 Diberikan dengan Cara Easyhaler, Diskhaler,
Perilaku Berisiko Tertular Human Immuno- Inhaler Dosis Terukur dan Inhaler Dosis
deficiency Virus pada Pemakai Narkotika Terukur dengan Spacer pada Penderita Asma
Suntikan di Denpasar dan Sekitarnya (The Persisten Ringan dan Sedang yang Stabil di
Risk Behavior that Promote Human R.S. Persahabatan (The Effect of Salbutanol
Immunodeficiency Virus among Injecting with Several Kind of Delivery System Such
Drug Users in Denpasar and Surroundings)/ as Easyhaler, Disheler, pMDI and pMDI with
Sumantera; Sugiharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Spacer in Management of Mild and Moderate
Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 37-43 Asthma)/Ade Rusmiati (et. al).-- J. Respirol.
Indon., 22 (2) 2002: 57-64
Evaluation of EBV-LMPI as Prognostic 850
Indicator of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Nekrosis VS Apoptosis Neuron Serebral
Indonesian Patients/A.N. Kurniawan (et. al).- (Necrosis vs Apoptosis in Cerebral Neurons
- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 81-86 in Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.-- Berk. Neuro
Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 29-35
Profil IL-2 pada Serum Penderita Kanker NEMATODA
Nasofaring yang Terinfeksi Virus Epstein- 851
Barr (Profile of IL-2 in Serum of Naso- Identifikasi Cacing Nematoda Penyebab
pharynx Carcinoma Patient with Epstein-Barr Visceral Larva Migrans (VLM) dan
Virus Infection)/Dyah Ratna Budiani (et. al).- Cutaneous Larva Migrans (CLM) pada
- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 10-16 Manusia dari Tinja Kucing (Felis catus) di
Desa Wiyoro Kidul Banguntapan, Bantul
NASOPHARYNGITIS (The Identification of Nematodes Worms
847 Causes of Visceral Larva Migrants (VLM)
Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Carriage and and Cutaneous Larva Migrants (CLM) in
Antimicrobial Resistance in Underfive Human from Cat Stool Specimen (Felis
Children with Community Acquired catus) at Wiyoro Kidul Banguntapan,
Pneumonia/Cissy B. Kartassmita (et. al).-- Bantul)/ Martini; Hadi Wartomo; Jumiyati.--
Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 164-168 Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 137-141

848 Penapisan Neonatus untuk Deteksi Hemo-
Analisis Penggunaan Obat Naturopati- globinopati di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangun-
Homeopati (The Analysis of Neuropathy/ kusumo, Jakarta: Isoelectric Focusing sebagai
Metode Alternatif Pemeriksaan Hemo-


globinopati (Neonatal Screening for Hemo- Tonam; Yuda Turana; Fachrida L. Moeliono.-
glonopathy Detection in Cipto Mangun- - Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 471-473
kusumo Central National General Hospital,
Jakarta: Isoelectric Focusing as an NEUROMA, ACOUSTIC
Alternative Method)/Riadi Wirawan (et. al).-- 858
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 236-240 Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular
Schwannoma)/Iskandar Japardi.-- Maj.
NEOPLASMS Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 121-122
Analisis Aktivitas Proliferasi pada Siklus Sel, NEURONS
untuk Menentukan Sifat dan Prognosis 859
Kanker (The Analysis of Proliferation Nekrosis VS Apoptosis Neuron Serebral
Activity on Cyclus Cell, to Determine the (Necrosis vs Apoptosis in Cerebral Neurons
Characteristic and Prognosis of Cancer)/ in Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.-- Berk. Neuro
Tjahjono.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (1) Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 29-35
2002: 1-8
854 860
Diet Lemak dan Kanker (Dietary Fat in Hubungan Neurotransmiter Asam Glutamat
Cancer)/Simon S. Marpaung.-- Maj. dengan Epilepsi (The Relation of Glutamic
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 75-78 Acid Neurotransmitters with Epilepsy)/
Murgyanto; Harsono; Samekto Wibowo.--
855 Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 37-45
Drug Use for Pain Management in Cancer
Patients/Asrul Harsal.-- Acta Medica Indon. NEUTROPHILS
34 (4) 2002: 151-154 861
Kadar Sitokin Pro-Inflamatorik dan Jumlah
856 Netrofil pada Stroke Iskemik Akut (Pro-
Pengukuran Flatness dan Symmetry Berkas Inflammatory Cytokine Level and Neutrophil
Radiasi Foton untuk Mengetahui Kelayakan Count in Acute Ischemic Stroke)/Suroto.--
Pesawat Akselerator Linier Medik dalam Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 77-82
Keberhasilan Pengobatan Kanker (Flatness
and Symmetry Measurements of the 862
Concentration of Foton Radiation due to Mekanisme Marginasi Neutrofil (The
Knowing the Feasibility of the Medical Mechanisms of Neutrophyl
Linear Accelerator in the Successful of Marginacy)/Ratna Damayanti; Sunarko
Cancer Therapy)/Dessy Arianty (et. al).-- Setyawan.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (2)
Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 154-157 2002: 29-33

857 Nitrogen Oksida dalam Pandangan Kimia dan
Manifestasi Neurologik pada Lupus Eri- Implikasinya di Bidang Biologi (Nitric Oxide
tematosus Sistemik (Neurological Manifesta- Chemistry and its Biological Implication)/
tion in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)/


Harliansyah.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) Medroxiprogesterone Acetate and

2002: 78-82 Norethindrone Enanthate as a Contraceptive
Substance)/John W. Sitohang.-- Maj.
NITROGEN COMPOUNDS Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen
864 Indon., 20 (50) 2002: 33-39
Estimasi Kadar Protein dalam Bahan Pangan
melalui Analisis Nitrogen Total dan Analisis NUTRITION
Asam Amino (Estimation of Protein 869
Concentration in Food by Total Nitrogen and Pengaruh Nutrisi pada Autisme (Nutrition
Amino Acid Analyses)/Sumarno (et. al).-- Influence in Autism)/Roedi Irawan; Siti
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 34-43 Nurul; Boerhan Hidayat.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat.
Anak, 30 (8) 2002: 360-465
865 870
Pengaruh Inhalasi NO2 terhadap Kesehatan Peran Gizi dalam Pencegahan Penyakit (The
Paru (The Influence of NO2 through the Lung Role of Nutrition in the Prevention of
Health)/Diah Handayani; Faisal Yunus; Diseases)/Leane.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002:
Kedokter., (138) 2002: 17-22 6-11


866 Peran Nutrisi pada Hiperurisemia (The Role
Efek Kombinasi Donor Nitrogen Oksida dan of Nutrition on Hyperuricemia)/Ekky M.
Inhibitor Spesifik Fosfodiesterase Tipe V Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002: 29-36
terhadap Relaksasi Korpus Kavernosum
Kelinci (Combination Effect of Nitric Oxide 872
Donor and Specific Inhibitor of Phospho- Tingkat Pengetahuan Petugas Gizi Rumah
diesterase Type V through Relaxation of Sakit tentang Pelaksanaan PGRS di Sulawesi
Rabbit Corpus Cavernous)/Ponco Birowo; Selatan (Knowledge of Nutritionist for
Nouval Shahab; Akmal Taher.-- Medika, 28 Nutrition Services Hospital in South
(5) 2002: 296-299 Sulawesi)/Sri'ah Alharini.-- Media Gizi &
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 1-6
Peranan Nitrogen Oksida dalam Patofisiologi
Penyakit Vaskular (The Role of Nitrogen
Oxides in Pathopysiology of Vascular
Factors Associated with Severe Malnutrition
Disease)/Nenden Rosdiana; Hafiz Soewoto.--
among Children Under Five-year Old in
Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 591-595
Yogyakarta during the Economic Crisis/Endy
NORETHINDRONE P. Prawirohartono; Atiek Werdiningsih.--
868 Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002: 31-40
Tinjauan Farmakodinamik dan
Farmakokinetik Medroksiprogesteron Asetat 874
(MPA) dan Noretindrone Enanthate (Net En) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkem-
sebagai Bahan Kontrasepsi (Pharmaco- bangan Mental dan Psikomotor pada Anak
dynamic and Pharmacokinetics Review on Batita Gizi Kurang (Determinant Factors of


Mental and Psychomotor Development on Hubungan antara Zinc Serum dengan Status
Malnourished Children)/Sri Muljati (et. al).-- Gizi Lansia (Relationship between Zinc
Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2) 2002: 31-37 Serum and Nutritional Status of Elderly
People)/Fitrah Ernawati (et. al).-- Penelit.
NUTRITIONAL STATUS Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 26-33
Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan
Keadaan Gizi Anak Balita di Wilayah Bogor,
Status Gizi Anak Jalanan di Kotamadya
Tangerang dan Bekasi (Botabek) selama
Manado (Some Factors Associated with
Krisis Ekonomi (Nutritional Status of
Nutritional Status of Street Children in the
Children Under Five Years Old in Bogor,
Municipality of Manado)/Alok Adipurnama;
Tangerang and Bekasi Region during
Fransiscus H. Wulur; H. Anneke
Economic Crisis)/Djoko Kartono; Arnelia;
Tangkilisan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10)
Anies Irawati.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1)
2002: 346-350
2002: 1-10
876 Kebiasaan Minum Susu dan Status Gizi Anak
Determinan Status Gizi Lansia yang Hidup di
pada Keluarga Peternak Sapi Perah di
Panti Wredha : Studi di Panti Wredha Pucang
Yogyakarta (Milk Drinking Habit and
Gading Semarang (Determination of
Nutritional Status of Children among Cattle
Nutritional Status in the Elderly Who's Living
Raiser Family in Yogyakarta)/Zainal Arifin
in Panti Wredha : Study in Panti Wredha
Nang Agus.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2)
Pucang Gading Semarang)/Teguh Anamani;
2002: 51-55
Desi DS.; S. Fatimah-Muis.-- Media Medika
Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 142-149
877 Model Terpadu Penanganan Anak Baduta
Efektifitas Penambahan Vitamin A dan Zat dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Fisik dan
Besi pada Garam Yodium terhadap Status Perkembangan Psikososial (Caring Practices
Gizi dan Konsentrasi Belajar Anak Sekolah and it's Impact on Nutritional Status and
Dasar (The Effect of Vitamin A and Iron Psychosocial Development of Under Two
Added Into Iodized Salt on Nutrition Status Years Children)/Faisal Anwar (et. al).--
and Learning Concentration of Elementary Media Gizi & Keluarga, 6 (1) 2002: 27-36
School Children)/M. Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit.
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 14-25 883
Nutritional Status of Mothers from Poor
878 Families Who Received Food Supplementa-
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemam- tion During Pregnancy in Sulawesi,
puan Motorik Anak usia 12–18 Bulan di Indonesia/Veni Hadju (et. al).-- Maj.
Keluarga Miskin dan tidak Miskin (Factors Kedokter. Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 241-246
Influenced on Motoric Performance of
Children Aged 12-18 Months of Poor and 884
Well of Families)/Vita Kartika; S. Latinulu.-- Pengaruh Status Gizi terhadap Kadar Yodium
Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., 25 (2) 2002: 38-48 Urin setelah Pemberian Kapsul Yodium pada
Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Gondok
879 Endemik (Effect of Nutritional Status on


Iodine Urine Level after Iodized Oil (L). Lam) Cilembu]/ Mayastuti A.; Evy
Supplementation of School Children in Damayanthi; Rimbawan.-- Media Gizi &
Endemic Goiter Area)/Sri Prihatini; Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 98-105
Syarifudin Latinulu.-- Penelit. Gizi dan
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 1-6 OBESITY
885 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ke-
Proses Produksi dan Penerimaan Makanan, berhasilan Pencapaian Berat Badan Ideal
serta Tingkat Konsumsi dan Status Gizi Anak pada Ibu-ibu Peserta Senam yang Mengalami
Binaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak Overweight (Factors Affecting Ideal Weight
Pria Tangerang (Production Process and Food Achievement of Overweight Women at
Acceptance, Consumption Level and Fitness Center)/Winda Andriyanti; Ali
Nutritional Status of Juvenile at Tangerang Khomsan; Yayuk Farida Baliwati.-- Media
Juvenile Boy Prison)/Triretnaningsih; Lilik Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 47-53
Noor Yuliati; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi & 890
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 54-61 Karakteristik Sosial Ibu Pengetahuan tentang
Obesitas Anak (Mother's Social Economic
886 Characteristically and Knowledge on
Status Gizi, Status Pertumbuhan, dan Asupan Obesity)/Yuyun Yuniwati; Anita
Makanan pada Penderita Asma : Penelitian Rahmawati.-- Medika, 28 (11) 2002: 702-707
pada Siswa SLTP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta
(Nutritional Status, Growth, Dietary Intake in
Asthmatic Children : a Study to Junior High 891
Schools in Yogyakarta Municipality)/Elisa; Lima Panduan Utama Pengobatan Obesitas
Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (Five Main Module to Obesity Therapy)/
(2) 2002: 91-99 Askandar Tjokroprawiro.-- Medika, 28 (2)
2002: 106-112
Status Gizi pada Usia Perkawinan Muda di 892
Kecamatan Cikajang, Sukabumi Jawa Barat Mekanisme Terjadinya Diabetes Melitus
(Nutritional Status in Adolescence Married at Tipe-2 pada Obesitas (The Mechanisms of
Cikajang Subdistrict, Sukabumi, West Java)/ Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Formation in
Herke J.O. Sigarlaki; Jerry Lohy.-- Maj. Obesity)/I Ketut Sudiana; Tania AS. Hariadi.-
Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen - Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (3) 2002: 22-25
Indon., 20 (50) 2002: 11-16
NUTRITIVE VALUE The Molecular Basis of Obesity/Purnomo
888 Suryohudoyo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3)
Pengaruh Penyimpanan dan Pemanggangan 2002: 182-189
terhadap Kandungan Zat Gizi dan
Penerimaan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L). 894
Lam) Cilembu [The Effect of Storage and Obesitas sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit
Baking to Nutrients Content and Kardiovaskuler (Obesity as a Risk Factor for
Acceptability of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batas Cardiovascular Diseases)/Hendromartono.--


Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 91- 901

96 The Efficacy and Safety of Ofloxacin Otic
Solution for Active Supportive Otitis Media/
895 Helmi (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Obesity and Insulin Resistance : Molecular (11) 2002: 373-377
Basis for Clinical Appraisal/Askandar
Tjokroprawiro.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4) OPTHALMOLOGY
2002: 146-150
896 Gangguan Mata pada Proses Tumbuh
Pengelolaan Penderita Kegemukkan/Obesitas Kembang Anak (Ophthalmologic Disorder in
(The Management of Obesity)/ Child Growth and Development Process)/
Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 9 (2) 2002: 89- Moersintowarti B. Narendra.-- Bul. Ilmu
97 Kesehat. Anak, 30 (6) 2002: 263-270
Sintesis NO dan Sindroma CHAOS (NO 903
Synthetic and CHAOS Syndrome)/Peni KS. Perawatan Bedah Mulut Minor pada
Mutalib.-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 311-314 Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (Minor Oral
Surgery in Diabetic Patient)/Sudarto
Wirjokusumo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1)
OBSTETRICS 2002: 54-56
Akupunktur dalam Bidang Kebidanan dan ORBITAL NEOPLASMS
Kandungan (Acupuncture in Obstetric and 904
Gynecology)/Agustin Idayanti; Koosnadi Tumor Orbit Variasi Patologi dan
Saputro.-- Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 22-30 Pangalaman Pembedahan pada 16 Kasus
(Tumors of the Orbit : The Pathological
899 Variety and Surgical Experiences of 16
Etno-Obstetri : Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat Cases)/Nyoman Golden; Sri Maliawan; Ketut
Kabupaten Sumedang (Ethno-Obstetric : Mulyadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (115)
Case Study on Sumedang 2002: 55-65
Community)/Benny Ferdy Malonda;
Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Media Penelit. dan ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES,
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 36-45 REMOVABLE
Perbedaan Jumlah Candida sp. di Mukosa
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Palatum Anak yang Menggunakan dan yang
900 Tidak Menggunakan Peranti Ortodonsi
Occupational Health and Safety Profile of a Lepasan (The Difference of Candida sp.
Men's Underwear Factory in Jakarta/Rina K. Numbers Found on the Palatum Mucous of
Kusumaratna.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) Children Who Were Wearing and Not
2002: 52-57 Wearing Removable Orthodontic
Appliances)/Herniyati; Sulistiyani; Aris Leni
M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 63-66


906 Survival of Borderline Tumors of the Ovary
Pengaruh Lama Etsa Asam Hydrofluoric pada and its Prognostic Factors at Dr. Cipto
Permukaan Porselin terhadap Kekuatan Geser Mangunkusumo Hospital from 1990 to 1999/
Breket Logam Orthodonsi (The Effect of Rizal Sanif; Laila Nuranna; Bambang
Etching Time Hydrofluoric Acid on Porcelain Sutrisna.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002:
Surface to Shear Bond Strength Metal 222-228
Orthodontic Brackets)/Narmada.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 152-156 OVULATION INDUCTION
OSTEOGENESIS Perbandingan Pemeriksaan Test Pack LH
907 (Luteinizing Hormone) Urine dan Pemantau-
Aplikasi Prinsip Distraksi Osteogenesis pada an Ovulasi secara USG pada Wanita Infertil
Perawatan Maloklusi Pasca Trauma Maksio- yang Dilakukan Induksi Ovulasi (Urinary LH
fasial (Application of Distraction Osteo- Kit Examination Compare with Sonography
genesis Method in Treating on Late Ovulation Monitoring in Infertile Women
Management of Jaw Fracture)/Coen who had been Given an Ovulation
Pramono; A. Hariadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, Induction)/Dadan Susandi (et. al).-- Maj.
35 (4) 2002: 175-177 Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 35-
The Efficacy and Safety of Ofloxacin Otic
Solution for Active Suppurative Otitis
Oxidative Stress and Male Infertility :
Media/Helmi (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter.
Pathophisiology and Clinical Implication/
Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 373-377
Mohamad Sopiyudin Dahlan; Arjatmo
OUTPATIENTS Tjokronegoro.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1)
909 2002: 50-59
Kecepatan Pelayanan Rekam Medis di
Instalasi Rawat Jalan RS. Fatmawati OZONE
(Medical Record Services in the Outpatient 914
Department at Fatmawati Hospital)/Oom Pengaruh Inhalasi Ozon terhadap Kesehatan
Komariah.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, Paru (The Effect of Ozone Inhalation through
4 (12) 2002: 475-497 the Lung Health)/Agus Dwi Susanto (et. al).--
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2002: 11-16
Penulisan Resep Obat dengan Nama Generik PACEMAKER, ARTIFICIAL
pada Pasien Rawat Jalan – RS Fatmawati/ 915
Bagian ke 2 : Lanjutan (Drug Prescriptions Penatalaksanaan Blok Total AV dengan Pacu
with Generic Name in Fatmawati Hospital Jantung (Management of Total AV Block
Outpatients/Part 2)/Debby Daniel.-- Berk. with Pacemaker)/Zulkhairi; Harris Hasan.--
Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 387- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 442-446


916 Diagnostik Radiologi Pankreatitis Akut

Drug Use for Pain Management in Cancer (Radiological Diagnostic of Acute
Patients/Asrul Harsal.-- Acta Medica Indon. Pancreatitis)/Djoko TB Widyanto.-- Berk.
34 (4) 2002: 151-154 Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 418-
Penanggulangan Nyeri pada Disfungsi Sendi PARATYPHOID FEVER
Temporomandibula (The Prevention of Pain 923
in Temporomandibula Joint Dysfunction)/ Open Study of Short Course Fleroxacin for
Gemala Birgitta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever/R.H.H.
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002: Nelwan.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002: 41-
38-43 47
Pengaruh Kualitas Nyeri Gigi Akut terhadap 924
Derajat Kecemasan Pasien (The Influence of Nutrisi Parenteral Albumin pada Penyakit
the Quality Acute Dental Pain to the Patients Paru (Albumin Parenteral Nutrition in Lung
Anxiety Degree)/Edeh Roletta Haroen.-- Maj. Diseases)/Hadi Halim.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3)
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002:128-132 2002: 77-81


Penggunaan Akupunktur dengan Elektro 925
Stimulator untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Persalin- Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan
an (Acupuncture Using Electro Stimulator to Berobat Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru di
Reduce the Pain Labor)/Wita Saraswati.-- Puskesmas Depok (Influencing Factors of the
Meridian, 9 (1) 2002: 13-21 Treatment Compliance among Lung Tuber-
culosis Patient in Depok Community Health
920 Center)/Felly Philipus Senewe.-- Bul. Penelit.
Peran Kortisol pada Persepsi Rasa Nyeri Kesehat., 30 (1) 2002: 31-38
Pulpitis (The Role of Cortisol in Pulpitis Pain
Perception)/Jenny Sunariani; Latief 926
Mooduto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: Kepuasan Pemakai Gigi Tiruan Lengkap
157-160 Ditinjau dari Aspek Psiko-Sosial (Socio-
psychological Aspect of Complete Denture
PAINT Wearer's Satisfaction)/Ina.-- Maj. Kedokter.
921 Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 4-10
Dampak Inhalasi Cat Semprot terhadap
Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Spray Paint
Inhalation through the Lung Health)/ PATIENT SATISFACTION
Wahyuningsih (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia 927
Kedokter., (138) 2002: 23-28 Analysis of Satisfaction Level on Cataract
Surgery in Patients Hospitalized at Dr.
Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, and Those
Treated as Outpatient in BKMM of East Java


Province/Rowena Ghazali Hoesin.-- Folia 932

Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 66-72 Isolasi Polipeptida Momordin-a dan
Penggunaannya sebagai Senyawa Baku
Pembanding pada Standarisasi Momordica
charantia L. (Isolation of Polipeptida
Momordin-a and its Used as a Standard
Bumbu Alami sebagai Penyedap, Pengawet
Parameter)/Djatmiko M.; Suwijiyo Pramono.-
dan Penghambat Cemaran Aflatoksin pada
- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 15-17
Sambal Kacang (Natural Flavor as a
Flavoring, Preservative and Inhibitor of
Aflatoxin Exposure in Peanut Sauce)/Nunik
Siti Aminah (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia
A Randomized Comparative Trial of First-
Kedokter., (135) 2002: 43-46
dose Response to Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme Perindopril and Captopril in
Indonesian Heart Failure Patients/Lukman H.
Populasi Aspergillus sp. dan Kandungan
Makmun (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1)
Aflatoksin pada Kacang Tanah yang Berasal
2002: 19-23
dari Beberapa Pasar di Semarang (Population
of Aspergillus sp. and Aflatoxin Compound
in Peanuts from Some Markets in Semarang)/
Dwi Sutiningsih (et. al).-- Media Medika
Stakeholder Perception on Adolescent
Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 74-81
Reproductive Health Clinics/Nugroho
Abikusno.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1)
2002: 15-22
Pembuatan Margarin Tinggi Serat melalui
Pemanfaatan Pektin dan Gum Arab
Komersial (High Fiber Containing Margarine
Massive Pericardial Effusion in Hodgkin’s
Processing by Using Commercial Pectin and
Lymphoma/Prasna Pramita; Idrus Alwi; R.
Arabic Gum)/Yuni Harlinawati; Sri Anna
Miftah Suryadipradja.-- Acta Medica Indon.,
Marliyati; Evy Damayanthi.-- Media Gizi &
34 (2) 2002: 60-64
Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 73-81
Medicaments in Periodontal Therapy/
Pengaruh In Vitro Pemberian Pentoksifilin
Widowati Witjaksono; Mandojo Rukmo; Erry
terhadap Aktifitas ATPase pada Semen
Mochamad Arief.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35
Normozoospermia dan Astenozoospermia (In
(1) 2002: 37-43
Vitro Effect of the Administration of
Pentoxifylline on the ATPase Activity of
Semen of Normozoospemia and Asteno-
zoospermia)/M. Samsul Mustofa.-- J.
Periodontitis Kronis dan Diabetes Mellitus
Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 1-9
(Chronical Periodontitis and Diabetes
PEPTIDES Mellitus)/Saidina Hamzah Dalimunthe.--


Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 127- Pramono.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002:
130 18-20


938 943
Analisis Residu Pestisida Piretrin dalam Pengaruh Pemberian Rifampisin terhadap
Tomat dan Selada dari Beberapa Pasar di Profil Farmakokinetika Glipizid pada Orang
Jakarta (The Analysis of Phyretine Pesticide Sehat (The Effect of Rifampicin Adminis-
Residues on Tomatoes and Selada from tration on the Pharmacokinetic profile of
Several Markets in Jakarta)/D. Mutiatikum; Glipizid in Normal Subjects)/Luciana
Puji Lestari S.; Alegantina.-- Media Penelit. Kuswibawati; Iwan Dwiprahasto; Erna
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 20- Kristin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002:
24 9-14
Uji Efektifitas Daya Bersih Beberapa Sediaan 944
Surfaktan terhadap Residu Pestisida pada Analisis Pengadaan dan Pendistribusian
Buah Apel Segar (Cleaning Affectivity of Sediaan Farmasi selama Krisis (Analysis of
Several Surfactants to Pesticides Residues on Supply and Distribution of Pharmaceutical
Fresh Apple Fruits)/Endang Lukitaningsih; during Economic Crisis)/Sriana Azis (et. al).-
B.S. Ari Sudarmanto; Sri Noegrohati.-- Maj. - Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32 (67) 2002: 3-11
Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 200-206
940 Pola Sensitifitas Kuman dari Isolat Hasil
Drug Use for Pain Management in Cancer Usap Tenggorok Penderita Tosilo-Faringitis
Patients/Asrul Harsal.-- Acta Medica Indon. Akut terhadap Beberapa Antimikroba di
34 (4) 2002: 151-154 Puskesmas Jakarta Pusat (The Sensitivity
941 Pattern of Bacteria Isolated from Throat
Karakteristik dan Jenis Obat Pasien Nyeri Swabs of Acute Tonsillo Pharyngitis Patients
Kepala Kronik pada Poli Sefalgia Bagian Against Some Antimicrobials at Central
Neurologi RSUP H. Adam Malik, Medan: Jakarta Health Center)/Ani Isnawati; Retno
Studi Pendahuluan (Characteristic of Type Gitawati; M.J. Herman.-- Bul. Penelit.
and Drugs for Chronically Headache at Kesehat., 30 (1) 2002: 39-45
Cephalgia Clinic, Department of Neurology,
H. Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan : PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA
Preliminary Study)/Kiking Ritarwan; Darlan 946
Djali; Hasan Sjahrir.-- Maj. Kedokter. Feokromositoma Familial (Familial Pheo-
Nusantara, 35 (3) 2002: 108-113 chromocytoma)/Usul M. Sinaga.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 91-93
Kontribusi Bahan Obat Alam dalam
Mengatasi Krisis Bahan Obat di Indonesia PHOTOCHEMISTRY
(The Role of Natural Drug's Material to 947
Cover Drug's Crisis in Indonesia)/Suwijiyo


General Aspects of Photochemistry to Aktifitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Dewa

Human/Achmad Mursyidi.-- Maj. Farmasi (Gynura procumbens (Lor) Merr.) dalam
Indon., 13 (3) 2002: 149-155 Menghambat Sifat Hepatotoksik Halotan
dengan Dosis Subanestesi pada Mencit (The
Antioxidant Activity of the Extract of Dewa
Leave (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr) as
Subanaesthetic Dosage to Inhibit the
Hubungan Asma dengan Kebugaran pada
Halothane Hepatotoxic on Mice)/Nurbaiti
Siswa SLTP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta (The
Harun; Wilda Syahri.-- J. Sains dan
Relationship of Asthma with Physical Fitness
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 65-70
of Junior High School Students in
Yogyakarta)/Isri Muninggar; Tonny
Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2)
Daya Hambat Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima
2002: 101-110
Putih terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida
albicans (The Inhibition of Pomegranate Rind
Kondisi Fisik Kurang Gerak dan Instrumen
Extracts in the Candida albicans
Pengukuran (Physical Condition of Sedentary
Growth)/Sukanto; Seno Pradopo; Anita
Lifestyle and its Measurement Instruments)/
Yuliati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002:
Ch. M. Kristanti.-- Media Penelit. dan
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 1-5
Daya Hambat Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima
Putih terhadap Pertumbuhan Streptococcus
Changing Role of Physiologists to Cope with
mutans (The Inhibition of Pomegranate Rind
a Changing World/Adnyana Manuaba.-- Maj.
Extracts in the Streptococcus mutans
Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 1-4
Growth)/Sukanto; Seno Pradopo; Anita
Yuliati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002:
Fitosterol dalam Margarine: Cara Efektif
Menurunkan Kolesterol (Phytosterol in
Efek Analgetik dan Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak
Margarine : The Effectives Way to Decrease
Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) pada
Cholesterol)/Jansen Silalahi.-- Medika, 28
Hewan Coba (Analgesic and Acute Toxicity
(11) 2002: 724-726
Effect of the Extract of Acorus calamus L. on
Experimental Animal)/Sa'roni; Adjirni;
Pudjiastuti.-- Media Penelit. dan
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 46-49
Double Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of
Tranexamic Acid on Recent Internal
Haemorrhoid Bleeding/A. Aziz Rani.-- Med.
Efek Antikalkuli Ekstrak Etanol Phyllanthus
J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 215-221
ninuri L., pada Tikus dengan Batu Kandung
Kemih Buatan (Anticalculi Effect of the
Extract of Ethanol (Phylathus niruri L.) on
Rat by Implantation of Surgical Silk Ball in
the Urinary Bladder)/Diah Dhianawaty (et.


al).-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 10- karta, Againts Candida albicans)/Triana
14 Hertiani; Indah Purwantini.-- Maj. Farmasi
Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 193-199
Efek Mutagen Ekstrak Etanol Buah Cabe 963
Jawa/Piper retrofractum Vahl. (Mutagenicity Pemodelan Molekul Viteosin-A, Suatu
Effect of Ethanol Extract of Piper Senyawa Trakeospasmolitik dari Ekstrak N-
retrofractum Vahl.)/Ani Isnawati (et. al).-- J. Heksan Daun Vitex Trifolia L. (Molecular
Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 63-67 Modeling of Viteosin-A, a Tracheo-
spasmolytic Compound Isolated from N-
959 Hexane Extract of the Leaves of Vitex
Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Buah dan Daun Trifolia L.)/Gemini Alam (et. al).-- Maj.
Mahkotadewa/Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 180-184
Boerl. terhadap Sel Hela (Cytotoxic Effect of 964
Fruit/Leaf Extract of Phaleria macrocarpa Pengaruh Ekstrak Air Buah Ketumbar
(scheff) Boerl. Against Hela Cell)/R. Coriandri Fructus (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Sumastuti; Sonlimar M.-- Medika, 28 (12) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus yang
2002: 773-777 Dibebani Glukosa (The Influence of Aqueous
Extract of Coriandri (Coriandrum sativum L.)
960 Fructus to Blood Glucose Level in Glucose-
Isolasi Komponen Utama Fraksi Aktif "Brine Pre Loaded Rats)/Agung Endro Nugroho.--
Shrimp Test" dari Daun Anthocephalus Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 7-11
cadamba Miq. (The Isolation of the Main
Component of Active Fraction "Brine Shrimp 965
Test" of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. Pengaruh Infus Rimpang Cyperus rotundus L
Leaf)/Fauzia Rozani (et. al).-- Jurnal Sains (Teki) terhadap Siklus Estrus dan Bobot
dan Teknologi, 7 (1) 2002: 13-18 Uterus pada Tikus Putih (The Influence of the
Infusion of Cyperus rotundus L. through the
961 Estrus Cycle and Uterus Weight in Rats)/
Kelarutan Batu Ginjal Kalsium dalam Fraksi Sa'roni; Bambang Wahjoedi.-- J. Bahan Alam
Air, Etilasetat, dan Kloroform Akar Tinggal Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 45-48
Senkuang In Vitro (The Solubility of Calcium
Kidney Stone in the Chloroform, Ethyl 966
Acetate and Water Extract from Root of Pengaruh Perasaan Daun Ngokilo (Gynura
Sengkuang)/Sasmito (et. al.).-- Medika, 28 procumbens lour. Merr) terhadap Per-
(11) 2002: 714-719 tumbuhan Sel Adenokarsinoma Mammae
Mencit Galur Gr. (The Effect of Squeezed
962 Ngokilo Leaves (Gynura procumbens lour.
Minyak Atsiri Hasil Destilasi Ekstrak Etanol Merr) on the Proliferation of Mouse Adeno-
Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.) dari Beberapa carcinoma Mammae Cells)/Yuda Turana (et.
Daerah di Yogyakarta dan Aktivitas Anti- al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 43-
jamur terhadap Candida albicans (Anti-fungal 46
Activity of Essential Oil Distilled from
Ethanol Extract of Piper betle L. Leaves
Collected from Several Region in Yogya-


Pengaruh Radiasi Netron Cepat dan Jenis Structure of Seminiferous tubules of Testis on
Pelarut terhadap Waktu Relaksasi serta Male Albino Rats)/Yun Astuti Nugroho;
Spektrum UV VIS Senyawa dalam Daun Oentoeng Soeradi.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1
Dewa (The Effects of Rapid Neutron (1) 2002: 35-38
Radiation and the Kinds of Solvent due to
Value of Time Relaxation and Spectrum of 972
VIS UV Concentration in Dewa Leaf)/Zainul Toksisitas Ektrak Air Tubuh Buah
Kamal (et. al).-- Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 289- Ganoderma sp. terhadap Larva Udang
292 Artemia salina Leach (Toxicity of the
Aqueous Extracts from the Fruiting Body of
968 Ganoderma sp. by Brine Lethality Test of
Pengobatan Oral Infeksi Virus Artemia salina Leach)/Rumiyati; Sismindari;
Varicellazoster dengan Kombinasi Ekstrak S.M. Widyastuti.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13
Phyllanti Herba dan Terapi Standar (1) 2002: 44-49
Dibandingkan dengan Terapi Standar 973
Tunggal (Oral Therapy in Varicellazoster Uji Efek Stimulan Susunan Saraf Pusat Jus
Infection Combine with the Extract of Daun Encok (Plumbago zeylanica L.) pada
Phyllanti Herba and Standard Therapy Mencit (Pharmacological Experiment of
Compared to the Single Standard Plumbago zeylanica L. Juice to Stimulate the
Therapy)/S.C Kurniati.-- Dexa Media, 15 (4) Central Nervous System)/Lucie Widowati;
2002: 109-117 Pudjiastuti.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1(2)
2002: 73-76
Phenolic Nematicidal Compound from
Knema Hookeriana (Bark)/Yohannes Alen.--
Uji Mutagenesitas Ekstrak Daun Guazuma
J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002:
ulmifolia Var Tometosum. K. Schum (Muta-
genecity Test of the Extract of Guazuma
970 ulmifolia Var Tometosum K. Schum Leaf)/D.
Skrining Hipokratik, Aktivitas Para- Mutiatikum; Pudji Lastari; Sri Endreswari.--
simpatomimetik dan Penentuan LD50 Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat.,
Ekstrak Metanol Akar Voacannga c. foetida 12 (3) 2002: 30-35
(Hypocratic Screening, Parasympatomimetic
Activities and the Determination of LD50 975
Methanol Extract of Voacannga c. foetida Uji Sitotoksik In Vitro Ekstrak Kloroform
Root)/Sachriyanus; Suhatri; Doni Hendri.-- J. Brucea javanica L.(Meer), Ipomoea batatas
Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (1) 2002: 19- Poir., Mussaenda pubescens Ait.F., dan
23 Portulaca oleracea L., terhadap Sel HeLa (In
Vitro Cytotoxic Assay of Chloroform Extract
971 of Brucea javanica L.(Meer), Ipomoea batatas
Toksisitas Akut dan Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Poir., Mussaenda pubescens Ait.F., and
Etanol Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L) Portulaca oleracea L. to HeLa
terhadap Struktur Anatomi Tubulus Semi- Cells)/Sonlimar M.; Sismindari; Mustofa.--
niferus Testis Tikus Putih (Acute Toxicity Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 215-222
and Effect of Ethanol Extract of Kayu Secang
(Caesalpinia sappan L.) on Anatomic


Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Etanol : Buah, Biji, 980
Daun Makutadewa (Phaleria macrocarpa Pengaruh Waktu Distilasi dan Derajat
(Scheff.) Boerl.) terhadap Artemia salina Kehalusan (MESH) Serbuk Kulit Kayu
Leach dan Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Manis (Cinnamomum burmanii Nees ex Bl.)
Ekstrak Aktif (Toxicity of Ethanolic Extract terhadap Kadar Sinamilaldehida pada Minyak
of Fruit, Seed and Leaves of Makutadewa Atsirinya (The Influence of Distillation Time,
(Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) to Powder Size, on the Cinamylaldehyde
Artemia salina Leach and the Thin Layer Content and Volatile Oil Cinnamomum
Chromatogram Profile of Active Extract)/ burmanii Nees ex. Bl. Bark)/Yovita Lisawati;
Indah Purwantini; Erna Prawita Setyowati; Sri Budi Sulianti; Chairul.-- Maj. Farmasi
Triana Hertiati.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (2) Indon., 13 (3) 2002: 123-132
2002: 101-106 981
PLANT OILS Teknik Fermentasi Suapan Sekelompok (Fed-
977 Batch) pada Biosintesis Poli (3-Hidro-
Daya Antiradang Cinnamyl tiglate yang ksibutirat) dari Bahan Dasar Minyak Kelapa
Terkandung dalam Minyak Atsiri Kunyit/ (A Fed-batch Fermentation Technique on
Curcuma domestica Val. (Anti-inflammatory Biosyntheses of a Poly (3-Hydro-xybutyrate)
Effects of Cinnamyl tiglate Contain in using a Mineral Media with Palm Oil)/Akmal
Volatile Oil of Kunyit/ Curcuma domestica Djamaan; Mohammed Isa Abdul Madjid;
Val.)/Siti Isrina Oktavia (et. al).-- Maj. Azizan Mohamad Noor.-- J. Sains dan
Farmasi Indon., 13 (3) 2002: 162-168 Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 49-55

Isolasi dan Analisis Komponen Senyawa 982
Kimia dalam Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Bengle Penggunaan Amilum Metroxylon rumphii
(Zingiber cassumunar, Roxb) dengan Metode (Willd.) Mart. sebagai Bahan Pelicin dalam
GC-MS (Analysis and Isolation of the Pembuatan Tablet (The Use of Sago Starch
Component of Chemical Compound in Metroxylon rumphii (Willd) Mart. as Glidant
Essential Oil of Bengle Rhizome using GC- in Tabletting Process)/T.N. Saifullah S.;
MS Method)/Gunardi; Enny Fachriyah.-- Fudholi A.; Soegihardjo C.J.-- J. Bahan Alam
Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 132-136 Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 30-34

979 983
Minyak Atsiri Hasil Destilasi Ekstrak Etanol Perbandingan Amilum Biji Nangka dengan
Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.) dari Beberapa Amprotab dalam Fungsinya sebagai Peng-
Daerah di Yogyakarta dan Aktivitas Anti- hancur Tablet (Comparison of Jackfruit Seed
jamur terhadap Candida albicans (Antifungal Starch and Amprotab due to its Function as a
Activity of Essential Oil Distilled from Tablet Disintegrant)/Inding Gusmayadi.-- J.
Ethanol Extract of Piper betle L. Leaves Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 39-44
Collected from Several Region in
Yogyakarta, againts Candida albicans)/Triana PLANTS, MEDICINAL
Hertiati; Indah Purwantini.-- Maj. Farmasi 984
Indon., 13 (4) 2002: 193-199


Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonium Linn) (Zingiber cassumunar, Roxb) dengan Metode
untuk Kerokan pada Anak : Laporan Pen- GC-MS (Analysis and Isolation of the
dahuluan (Red Onions (Allium ascalonicum Component of Chemical Compound in
Linn) for Coining in Children : A Preliminary Essential Oil of Bengle Rhizome using GC-
Report)/Hardjono Suparto; Moersintowarti MS Method)/Gunardi; Enny Fachriyah.--
B.N.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (5) 2002: Media Medika Indon., 37 (3) 2002: 132-136
985 In Vitro Antimalarial Activity of an
Daya Antiradang Cinnamyl tiglate yang Indonesian Medicinal Plant Eupatorium
Terkandung dalam Minyak Atsiri Kunyit/ triplinerve Vahl./Siti Masroerah (et. al).--
Curcuma domestica Val. (Anti-inflammatory Maj. Farmasi Indon.,13 (3) 2002: 156-161
Effects of Cinnamyl tiglate Contain in 991
Volatile Oil of Kunyit/Curcuma domestica Lowering Blood Pressure Effect of Apium
Val.)/Siti Isrina Oktavia (et. al).-- Maj. graviolens (Seledri) and Orthosiphon
Farmasi Indon., 13 (3) 2002: 162-168 stamineus beth (Kumis Kucing) in Mild and
Moderate Hypertension/Fadilah Supari.--
986 Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 195-201
Efek Mutagen Ekstrak Etanol Buah Cabe
Jawa/Piper retrofractum Vahl. (Mutagenicity 992
Effect of Ethanol Extract of Piper Pengaruh Konsumsi Daun Bangun-bangun
retrofractum Vahl.)/Ani Isnawati (et. al).-- J. (Coleus amboinicus, L) terhadap Potensi
Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 63-67 Sekresi ASI dan Komposisinya pada Ibu
Menyusui (The Effect of 'Bangun-bangun'
Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Buah dan Daun Leaves (Coleus amboinicus, L) Consumption
Mahkotadewa/Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) on the Potency of Milk Secretion and its
Boerl. terhadap Sel Hela (Cytotoxic Effect of Composition on Lactating Mothers)/Christin
Fruit/Leaf Extract of Phaleria macrocarpa M. Santosa.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (3)
(scheff) Boerl. Against Hela Cell)/R. 2002: 133-139
Sumastuti; Sonlimar M.-- Medika, 28 (12)
2002: 773-777 993
Pengaruh Penundaan Umur Panen Echinacea
988 purpurea terhadap Produktivitas dan Mutu
Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat Taman Simplisia (The Effect of Delaying Harvesting
Nasional Kerinci Seblat dalam Perpektif Time through the Quality and Productivity of
Etnofarmakologik dan Budaya (The Inven- Echinacea purpurea Simplicia)/Mono
tarisation of Medicinal Plants at the National Rahardjo; Rosita SMD; Sudiarto.-- J. Bahan
Conservation Forest Kerinci Seblat in the Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 68-72
Perspective of Ethno Pharmacology and
Culture)/Azwar Agoes.-- Medika, 28 (4) 994
2002: 224-234 Pengaruh Waktu Distilasi dan Derajat
Kehalusan (MESH) Serbuk Kulit Kayu
989 Manis (Cinnamomum burmanii Nees ex Bl.)
Isolasi dan Analisis Komponen Senyawa terhadap Kadar Sinamilaldehida pada Minyak
Kimia dalam Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Bengle Atsirinya (The Influence of Distillation Time,


Powder Size, on the Cinamylaldehyde Chromatography Profile of the Active

Content and Volatile Oil Cinnamomum Fraction)/Triana Hertiati; Silvia Utami
burmanii Nees ex. Bl. Bark)/Yovita Lisawati; Tunjung Pratiwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13
Sri Budi Sulianti; Chairul.-- Maj. Farmasi (2) 2002: 65-70
Indon., 13 (3) 2002: 123-132
995 1000
Penggunaan Etil p-Metoksisinamat dari Amplification and Cloning of Block 2 of the
Rimpang Kencur (Kempferia galanga L.) Gene Encoding Merozoite Surface Protein-1
sebagai Anti Ketombe dalam Shampo Krim (MSP-1) Plasmodium falciparum Isolated
Cair (The Use of Ethil p-Methoxysynamat from Kokap, Yogyakarta/Elsa Herdiana;
from Kempheria galanga L. as an Anti- Supargiyono; Widya Asmara.-- Berk. Ilmu
dandruff in a Liquid Cream Shampoo)/ Asmi Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 69-75
Ilyas; Indri Melanie; Marlina.-- J. Sains dan
Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 55-62 PLASMODIUM VIVAX
996 Dugaan Resistensi Plasmodium vivax
Perspektif Penelitian Tanaman Obat di terhadap Klorokuin (Presumption of
Indonesia (Perspective of Medicinal Plants Resistance to Chloroquine by Plasmodium
Research in Indonesia)/Bambang Wahjoedi.-- vivax)/Nurhayati; Inge Sutanto.-- Maj.
Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., Kedokter. Indon., 52 (9) 2002: 334-340
12 (2) 2002: 55-58
997 Isolation and Purification of Plasmodium
Senyawa Fitoaleksin dari Tumbuhan Obat vivax Hemozoin-Bearing Infected Red Blood
Indonesia "Dekar", Caesalpinia major Cells by Magnetic Separator System/Heny
(Fabaceae) (A Phytoalexin Compound from Arwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13
Indonesian Medicinal Plant, Caesalpinia (1) 2002: 33-38
major)/Partomuan Simanjuntak.-- J. Bahan
Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 58-62 PLATELET AGGREGATION
998 Perubahan Nilai Aggregasi Platelet pada
Tanaman Obat, Tidak Lepas dari Efek Penderita Sindrom Koroner Akut dengan
Samping (Plants Medicinal and its Side Terapi Enoxaparine Dibandingkan dengan
Effects)/Yuda Turana.-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: Terapi Heparin Tak Terfraksinasi (The
596-598 Changes of Platelet Aggregation Caused by
Enoxaparine Therapy Compared to
999 Unfractioned Heparin Therapy in Patient with
Uji Toksisitas Kulit Batang Makutadewa Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Ridwan
(Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) Sofyansyah; Otte J. Rachman; Irmalita.-- J.
terhadap Artemia salina Leach dan Profil Kardiol. Indon., 26 (1) 2002: 14-21
Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Fraksi Aktif
(Toxicity Test of Makutadewa (Phaleria PLEURAL EFFUSION, MALIGNANT
macrocarpa (Scheff.)Boerl.) Bark Against 1004
Artemia salina Leach and Thin Layer


Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Efusi Pleura Tetanus with Lung Athelectase Complication
Ganas (Diagnosis and Management of and Nosocomial Pneumonia)/Umar Zein.--
Malignant Pleura Effusion)/Oea Khairsyaf.-- Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 188-189
J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (1) 2002: 30-39
1005 Vaksin Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Peran CEA Cairan Pleura dalam Diagnosis (HIB) untuk Pencegahan Meningitis dan
Efusi Pleura Ganas Kanker Paru (The Role of Pneumonia (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Pleural Fluid Carcinoembryonic Antigen to (HIB) Vaccine to Prevent the Meningitis and
Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Effusion Pneumonia)/Muljati Prijanto.-- Media
Caused by Lung Cancer)/Atok Irawan; Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1)
Daniel Maranatha.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 2002: 42-44
(1) 2002: 11-15
1006 Beberapa Aspek Keracunan di Bagian
Imunoglobulin Intravena (IVIG) 5S sebagai Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit H. Adam
Terapi Adjuvant dan Pencegahan terhadap Malik, Medan (Several Poisoning Aspects in
Nosokomial Pneumonia Akibat Penggunaan Internal Wards of H. Adam Malik Hospital,
Ventilasi Mekanik (Ventilator-Associated Medan)/Umar Zein (et. al).-- Medika, 28 (5)
Pneumonia) (Intravenous Immunoglobulin 2002: 293-295
5S as an Adjuvant Therapy and Prevention to
Pneumonia Nosocomial Caused by POLIOMYLITIS
Mechanical Ventilation Used)/Yohanes WH. 1012
George.-- Dexa Media, 15 (3) 2002: 95-98 Challenges toward Poliomyelitis Eradication
in Indonesia/Ismoedijanto.-- Folia Medica
1007 Indon., 38 (2) 2002: 136-145
Klasifikasi Pneumonia Menurut Metode
Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) : POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME
Uji Diagnostik dan Kajian Keselarasan 1013
dengan Metode Standar Pedoman Diagnosis Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik : Permasalahan
dan Terapi (Classification of Pneumonia dan Penatalaksanaannya (Polycystic Ovary
According to the Method of Integrated Syndrome : Its Problem and Management)/
Management)/Ismoedijanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Laksmi Maharani; Raditya Wratsangka.-- J.
Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 113-118 Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 98-103


The Level of C. pneumoniae, Cytomegalo- 1014
virus, and H. pylori Antibody in a Patient Identifikasi Tipe HLA Kelas II dengan
with Coronary Heart Disease/Dasnan Ismail.- Teknik PCR (Identification of HLA Class II
- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 211-214 Typing by PCR)/Ervi Salwati.-- Media
Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1)
1009 2002: 34-41
Tetanus Berat dengan Komplikasi Atelektase
Paru dan Pneumonia Nosokomial (Severe 1015


Pemeriksaan PCR untuk Diagnosis Tuber- Peran Pemeriksaan Cairan Serebrospinal pada
kulosis Anak (PCR Test to Diagnosis of Diagnosis Sindroma Guillain-Barre (The
Tuberculosis on Child)/Nastiti N. Rahajoe Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination in
(et. al).-- Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 361-264 Diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome)/Imam
Rusdi.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 149-
1016 161
Sensitivitas Metode PCR (Polymerase Chain
Reaction) dalam Mendeteksi Isolat Klinis POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Sensitivity of 1021
Polymerase Chain Reaction Method to Detect Karakteristik Perkawinan Muda terhadap
of Clinical Isolate of Mycobacterium Perdarahan Postpartum di Kecamatan
Tuberculosis)/Maria Lina Rosilawati; Pratiwi Simpenan Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat
Sudarmono; Fera Ibrahim.-- J. Kedokter. (The Characteristically of Younger Married
Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 7-14 Women Related to Postpartum Hemorrhage
in Simpenan Area, Sukabumi, West Java)/
1017 Herke Sigarlaki (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter.
Uji Validitas Teknik PCR (Polymerase Chain Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52)
Reaction) dan Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis 2002: 22-30
Bakteri Tahan Asam sebagai Alat Diagnosis
Penderita TB Paru di Rumah Sakit POTENTIOMETRY
Persahabatan, Jakarta (Validity Test of PCR 1022
Technique and Bacterial Microscopic Test as Computer-Controlled Potentiometer for the
a Diagnostic Tools in Pulmonary Assay of Fluoride Ion in Biological Samples
Tuberculosis at Persahabatan Hospital, using Ion-Selective Electrode/Mochammad
Jakarta)/Basundari Sri Utami (et. al).-- Media Yuwono; Siegfried Ebel.-- Folia Medica
Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 34-39
2002: 24-29
1018 Nutritional Status of Mothers from Poor
Distribution of Genetic Polymorphism of Families Who Received Food
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) in Supplementation During Pregnancy in
Indonesian Subjects/Septelia Inawati Sulawesi, Indonesia/Veni Hadju (et. al).--
Wanandi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 241-246
1019 1024
Frequency Distribution of D17S5 Alleles in Fluid Therapy Pattern after C-section in Pre-
the Population Around Surabaya, East Java, Eclamptic/Eclamptic Patient at Dr. Soetomo
Indonesia/Soekry Erfan Kusuma.-- Folia Hospital Surabaya/Sri Wahjoeningsih.-- Folia
Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002: 155-159 Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 54-57
1020 1025


A Symptomatic Bacteriuria with Nitrite Test, and Level of Fish Contaminated by Mercury
Urinalysis, and Urine Culture in Pregnant to Infant Development of Exposed Mothers)/
Women in Antenatal Clinic RSUD Pirngadi Diana Samara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Medan/T.M. Hanafiah; Hanudse Hartono; (9) 2002: 327-333
Muzahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1)
2002: 11-15 1031
Pengaruh Puasa Ramadhan pada Ibu Hamil
1026 (Effect of Ramadhan Fasting to Pregnant
Budaya Pemeliharaan Kehamilan dan Mother)/Nur Shani Meida.-- J. Kedokter.
Persalinan Suku Kamoro dan Peranan Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 26-29
Program Kesehatan Modern (Delivery and 1032
Pregnancy Care and the Role of Modern Pengaruh Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil terhadap
Health Program of Suku Komoro)/ Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir (The Relation-
Qomariah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. ship between Blood Pressure of Pregnant
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 1-13 Women and Baby Birth Weight)/Dwi
Pudjonarko (et. al).-- Media Medika Indon.,
1027 37 (1) 2002: 29-34
Hubungan antara Status Seng Ibu Hamil
dengan Perubahan Status Besi dan Kadar 1033
Hemoglobin Pasca Suplementasi Besi (The Skrining Bacterial Vaginosis pada Ibu Hamil
Association between Zinc Status Pre Iron dengan pH Vagina (Screening Bacterial
Supplementation and Hemoglobin as Well as Vaginosis in Pregnant Women Using Vaginal
Iron Status Change after Iron Supplementa- Acidity)/Tri Nur Kristina; Endang Sri Lestari;
tion in Pregnant Women)/Hertanto Wahyu Tien Kartinah.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (3)
Subagio.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2) 2002: 127-131
2002: 63-73


Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Infeksi TORCH
pada Kehamilan (Laboratory Test of TORCH
Ileus Obstruksi karena Kehamilan Ektopik
Infection in the Pregnancy)/Idrawati K.M;
Lanjut (Ileus Obstruction Due to Abdominal
Hadiwidjaja D.B.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002:
Pregnancy)/Dukut R. Kastomo; Ajoedi
Soemardi; Erdwin Rakun.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (7) 2002: 255-258
Penatalaksanaan Trauma pada Kehamilan
(Trauma Management in Pregnant Women)/ PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC
Busisa Gultom.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1)
2002: 45-49
Kehamilan Ektopik Terganggu dengan
Laparoskopi Operatif (Octopi Pregnancy
Disturbed with Laparoscope’s)/Budi R.
Pengaruh Jenis dan Kadar Ikan yang
Hadibroto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35
Terkontaminasi Merkuri terhadap Per-
(3) 2002: 134-136
kembangan Janin pada Ibu Hamil yang
Mengkonsumsinya (The Influence of Variety


PRENATAL CARE Studies)/W. Prasetyawan.; Rochani Sumardi;

1036 Chaidir A. Mochtar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon.,
Budaya Pemeliharaan Kehamilan dan Per- 52 (5) 2002: 169-173
salinan Suku Kamoro dan Peranan Program
Kesehatan Modern (Delivery and Pregnancy PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING
Care and the Role of Modern Health Program 1041
of Suku Komoro)/Qomariah.-- Maj. Penerapan Problem Based Learning sebagai
Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Metode Mengajar di Fakultas Kedokteran
Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 1-13 (The Implementation of Based Learning
PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG Problem as Learning Method at Faculty of
1037 Medicine)/Anies.-- Media Medika Indon., 37
Kajian Penulisan Resep : Tinjauan Aspek (2) 2002: 55-62
Legalitas dan Kelengkapan Resep di Apotek-
apotek Kotamadya Yogyakarta (Prescription PROPRANOLOL
Analysis : An Investigation on Prescription 1042
Legality in the Pharmacies of Kotamadya Penggunaan Propranolol untuk Menghambat
Yogyakarta)/Fita Rahmawati; R.A. Oetari.-- Proses Katabolisme pada Pasien Luka Bakar :
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (2) 2002: 86-94 Laporan Kasus (Usage of Propranolol to
1038 Attenuate Catabolism Process in Burn Victim
Kajian Penulisan Resep pada Rumah Sakit : A Case Report)/Ishandono Dahlan; M.
Pendidikan Fakultas Kedokteran UNUD/ Rosadi Seswandhana.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter.,
RSUP Sanglah Denpasar Bali (Study on 34 (1) 2002: 49-55
Prescription in the Teaching Hospital of
Udayana University Faculty of Medicine/ PROSTATE
Central General Hospital Denpasar, Bali)/M. 1043
Budhi (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 Pembesaran Prostat Jinak (The Enlargement
(115) 2002: 32-36 of Benign Prostate)/Ponco Birowo; Djoko
Rahardjo.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 440-444
Penulisan Resep Obat dengan Nama Generik
pada Pasien Rawat Jalan – RS Fatmawati : PROSTHODONTICS
Bagian ke 2 : Lanjutan (Drug Prescriptions 1044
with Generic Name in Fatmawati Hospital Cara Penanganan Penderita Lanjut Usia di
Outpatients : Part 2)/Debby Daniel.-- Berk. Bidang Prostodonsia (Prostodontic Manage-
Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 387- ment for the Old Patient)/Endang
395 Pudjirochani.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1)
2002: 33-36
Korelasi antara Volume Residu Urin dan
Adanya Obstruksi pada Penderita Gejala PPJ
Anti-thrombin III, Protein C, and Protein S
dengan Menggunakan Pressure Flow Study
Deficiency in Acute Coronary Syndrome/
(Correlation between Residual Urine and the
Dasnan Ismail (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11
Presence of Obstruction in Patients with
(2) 2002: 87-92
Symptomatic BPH Using Pressure Flow


Warouw.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5)

1046 2002: 194-197
Protein C, Protein S, and Anti-Thrombine III
as Natural Anticoagulant/Ika P. Wijaya; PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY
Djumhana Atmakusuma; Karmel L. 1052
Tambunan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4) Gambaran Klinik dan Psikofarmaka pada
2002: 155-161 Penderita Gangguan Kecemasan (Clinical
PROTEIN S Feature and Psychopharmacology of
1047 Anxiety)/Yusuf Alam Romadhon.-- Cerm.
Protein C, Protein S, and Anti-Thrombin III Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 24-26
as Natural Anticoagulant/Ika P. Wijaya;
Djumhana Atmakusuma; Karmel L. PULMONARY HEART DISEASE
Tambunan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (4) 1053
2002: 155-161 Kor Pulmonale Akut (Acute Pulmuno
Coronary)/William Sanjaya; Pudjo Astowo.--
J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (1) 2002: 43-46
1048 1054
Anti-thrombin III, Protein C, and Protein S Kor Pulmonale Kronik (Chronic Cor
Deficiency in Acute Coronary Syndrome/ Pulmonale)/Luki S. Lusiyanti; Pudjo
Dasnan Ismail (et. al).-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 Astowo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (2) 2002:
(2) 2002: 87-92 79-89

1049 1055
Estimasi Kadar Protein dalam Bahan Pangan Peran Kortisol pada Persepsi Rasa Nyeri
melalui Analisis Nitrogen Total dan Analisis Pulpitis (The Role of Cortisol in Pulpitis Pain
Asam Amino (Estimation of Protein Perception)/Jenny Sunariani; Latief
Concentration in Food by Total Nitrogen and Mooduto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002:
Amino Acid Analyses)/Sumarno (et. al).-- 157-160
Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 34-43
1050 1056
Protein, Amino Acid and Lipid Contents of Effect of Smoking on Pulse Wave Velocity in
Corbicula Javanica Mousson/Mochammad Different Arterial Segments/K. Singh.-- Med.
Yowono (et. al).-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 208-210
(2) 2002: 95-100
1051 Kendali Mutu Dosimetri Akselerator Linier
Infeksi Pseudomonas sp. yang Mirip Eritema Medik (Dosimeter Quality Control of
Eksudativum Multiformis (Pseudomonas sp. Medical Linear Accelerators)/Susetyo
Infection Resembling Multiform Erythemia Trijoko.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138)
Exudativum Multiformis)/S. Salendu 2002: 46-48



1058 Health Effects of Radiation Exposure)/

Efikasi Teofilin Lepas Lambat pada Penderita Zubaidah Alatas.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
Penyakit Paru Onstruktif Kronik di RSUP (138) 2002: 41-45
Persahabatan, Jakarta : Dengan Tinjauan
Khusus Perbaikan Kualiti Hidup dan Faal RADIATION, IONIZING
Paru (Effication of Slow Release Theophylin 1064
on Obstructive Chronic Lung Diseases Efek Kesehatan Radiasi non Pengion pada
Patient in Persahabatan General Hospital Manusia (Health Effects of non-Ionizing
Jakarta : Special Reviewed on Increasing of Radiation)/Zubaidah Alatas; Yanti Lusiyanti.-
Quality of Life and Lung Faal)/Antonius - Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2002: 34-40
Sianturi (et. al).-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (1)
1059 Peran Panoramic X-ray pada Identifikasi
Two Cases of Severe Traveler's Falciparum Kecelakaan Pesawat Udara Bermasalah di
Malaria with Improved Conditions after Medan (The Role of Panoramic X-ray on the
Administration of Oral Quinines/Umar Zein.- Identification of the Plane Crash Victim in
- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (3) 2002: 111-114 Medan)/Amri Amir; Madhin.-- Maj.
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (2) 2002: 57-59
Alat Pemantau Perorangan pada Tenaga
Kerja Radiasi di Bidang Kesehatan (Personal 1066
Detector on the Radiologist in Health Field)/ Prevalensi Kelainan Foto Toraks dan
Turniani Laksmiarti.-- Media Penelit. dan Penurunan Faal Paru Pekerja di Lingkungan
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 36-40 Kerja Pabrik Semen (The Prevalence of
Radiographic Abnormalities and Decreasing
1061 Lung Function due to Cement Dust at its
Efek Biologis dan Aspek Kesehatan Masya- Manufactured)/Fordiastiko (et. al).-- J.
rakat dari Frekuensi Radiasi Elektro- Respirol. Indon., 22 (2) 2002: 65-75
magnetik Gelombang Radio (The Biological
Effects and Public Health Aspect of the Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation)/
Anies.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 74-
Diagnostik Radiologi Pankreatitis Akut
(Radiological Diagnostic of Acute
RADIATION EFFECTS Pancreatitis)/Djoko TB. Widyanto.-- Berk.
1062 Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 418-
Efek Radiasi pada Tubuh Manusia (Radiation 423
Effect on Human Body)/Turniani
Laksmiarti.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 464-466 RANDOM AMPLIFIED POLYMORPHIC
Indikator Biologik Kerusakan Tubuh Akibat 1068
Pajanan Radiasi (Biologic Indicators for


Pengembangan Diagnostik Spesies Kriptik Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4)

pada Nyamuk (Diptera : Culicidae) dengan 2002: 257-268
Metoda Random Amplified Polymorphic
DNA/RAPD (Random Amplified Poly- 1073
morphic DNA/RAPD Markers Readily Stakeholder Perception on Adolescent
Distinguish Cryptic Mosquito Reproductive Health Clinics/Nugroho
Spesies/Diptera : Culicidae)/Budi Abikusno.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1)
Mulyaningsih.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 15-22
2002: 123-127 RESEARCH
1069 Perspektif Penelitian Tanaman Obat di
Mewarnai Gambar sebagai Metoda Indonesia (Perspective of Medicinal Plants
Penyuluhan untuk Anak : Studi Pendahuluan Research in Indonesia)/Bambang Wahjoedi.--
pada Program Pemulihan Anak Sakit, RSUD Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat.,
Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (Coloring a Drawing 12 (2) 2002: 55-58
Book as an Education Method for Children :
A Preliminary Study in Recovery
Programmed of Sick Children)/Hardjono
Suparto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (7)
Korelasi antara Volume Residu Urin dan
2002: 308-315
Adanya Obstruksi pada Penderita Gejala PPJ
dengan Menggunakan Pressure Flow Study
1070 (Correlation between Residual Urine and the
Program Latihan dalam Rehabilitasi Paru Presence of Obstruction in Patients with
(The Exercise Program in Lung Rehabili- Symptomatic BPH Using Pressure Flow
tation)/Anita Ratnawati.-- J. Persahabatan Studies)/W. Prasetyawan; Rochani Sumardi;
Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 40-45 Chaidir A. Mochtar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon.,
52 (5) 2002: 169-173
Hipertensi Renovaskular pada Anak dengan
Hipoplasia Ginjal dan Oklusi Arteri Renalis 1076
Unilateral (Renovascular Hypertension in Deteksi Virus Respiratory Syncytial
Child with Kidney Hypoplasia and Occlusion Menggunakan Test Pack Immediate Care
of Unilateral Renal Artery)/Nouval.-- Diagnostic pada Penderita Infeksi Saluran
Medika, 28 (5) 2002: 329-336 Pernapasan Akut Bawah pada Anak
(Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Viruses
by Test Pack Immediate Care Diagnostic on
REPRODUCTION Child with Lower Respiratory Track
1072 Infection)/Dwi Wastoro Dadiyanto; M.
Pengetahuan Guru Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Sidhartani; Anindita.-- Media Medika Indon.,
Pertama di Kotamadya Yogyakarta Mengenai 37 (2) 2002: 82-92
Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Knowledge
of Junior High School Teachers Upon
Adolescent Reproductive Health in Yogya- RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS
karta Municipality)/Ratni Indrawanti; Tonny


1077 Sunanti Zalbawi; Siti Sapardiyah Santoso.--

Deteksi Virus Respiratory Syncytial Meng- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1(2) 2002: 85-93
gunakan Test Pack Immediate Care
Diagnostic pada Penderita Infeksi Saluran RHINITIS
Pernapasan Akut Bawah pada Anak 1082
(Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Viruses Rinitis Medikamentosa (Rhinitis Medica-
by Test Pack Immediate Care Diagnostic on mentosa)/Yuritna Haryono.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Child with Lower Respiratory Track Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 83-86
Infection)/Dwi Wastoro Dadiyanto; M. RICE
Sidhartani; Anindita.-- Media Medika Indon., 1083
37 (2) 2002: 82-92 Model Ketahanan Pangan Tingkat Rumah
Tangga pada Agroekologi Padi (Food
1078 Security Model at Household Level on Rice
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Agro-ecology Type)/Dadang Sukandar.--
Indonesia with Special Reference to Media Gizi & Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 69-72
"Harapan Kita"-Children and Maternity
Hospital/ Noorleila Biran Affandi; Robert 1084
Utji.-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 575-581 Pembuatan Mikrokristalin Selulosa dari
Jerami Padi (Oryza sativa Linn) dengan
1079 Variasi Waktu Hidrolisa (The Influence of
Pola Kuman Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Time on the Hydrolysis of Rice Straw to
Bawah dan Kepekaannya terhadap Berbagai Produce Microcrystalline Cellulose)/Auzal
Antibiotika (The Bacterial Pattern of Halim; Ben, Elfi Sahlan; Ermi Sulastri.-- J.
Respiratory Tract Infection and its Sensitivity Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 7 (2) 2002: 80-
against Several Antibiotics)/Agus 87
Sjahrurachman (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia
Kedokter., (137) 2002: 37-40 RIFAMYCIN
Pengaruh Pemberian Rifampisin terhadap
1080 Profil Farmakokinetika Glipizid pada Orang
Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome Sehat (The Effect of Rifampicin Administra-
(SARS) Penyakit Radang Pernafasan Akut tion on the Pharmacokinetic Profile of
yang Belum Diketahui Penyebabnya (Severe Glipizid in Normal Subjects)/Luciana
Acquired Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) an Kuswibawati; Iwan Dwiprahasto; Erna
Infectious Diseases of Unknown Caused)/ Kristin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (1) 2002:
Dharma Setya Kusuma.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. 9-14
Fatmawati, 4 (12) 2002: 505-507
Status Kekebalan terhadap Infeksi Rubela
1081 pada Anak Remaja Lanjut (Immunity Status
Pola Pemanfaatan Pengobatan Tradisional Against Rubella among Late Adolescents)/
oleh Pasien Rematik (Pattern of Traditional Eddy Fadlyana (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter.
Healers Visited by Rheumatic Patient)/ Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 421-425


RUBELLA VACCINE Dwiriani; Safiudin Alibas.-- Media Gizi &

1087 Keluarga, 26 (1) 2002: 114-125
Jalan Keluar Kontroversi Imunisasi Vaksin
MMR dan ASD (MMR Immunization and 1092
ASD : Alternative and Solution)/ Kajian Sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi
Ismoedijanto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium/
(8) 2002: 366-382 Pemantauan Garam Beryodium di Tingkat
SAFETY Masyarakat : Studi Kasus di Dinas Kesehatan
1088 Kota Semarang (Epidemiological
Occupational Health and Safety Profile of a Surveillance System of Iodine Deficiency
Men's Underwear Factory in Jakarta/Rina K. Disorder/Controlling on Iodine Salt
Kusumaratna.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) Consumption in the Community : A Case
2002: 52-57 Study in Semarang Municipality Health
Department)/Hari Peni Julianti; M.
SALMONELLA TYPHI Sakundarno Adi.-- Media Medika Indon., 37
1089 (1) 2002: 39-46
Karakter Gen Kloramfenikol Asetil
Transferase Tipe II pada Salmonella typhi 1093
Resisten Kloramfenikol (Characterization of Uji Coba Dec-Garam untuk Pemberantasan
Type II Chloramphenicol Acetyltranferase Filariasis di Jambi, Kalimantan Selatan dan
Genes of Chloramphenicol Salmonella typhi)/ Sulawesi Tengah (DEC Fortified Salts for
Ida Sri Iswari (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Control of Filariasis in Jambi : South
Bandung, 34 (2) 2002 : 82-97 Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi Provinces,
Indonesia)/Sekartuti E. Sulaksono (et. al).--
SALTS Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 113-119
Efektifitas Penambahan Vitamin A dan Zat
Besi pada Garam Yodium terhadap Status
Gizi dan Konsentrasi Belajar Anak Sekolah 1094
Dasar (The Effect of Vitamin A and Iron Kajian Penerapan Sistem Eko-sanitasi dalam
Added Into Iodized Salt on Nutrition Status Pemanfaatan Kembali Limbah Manusia yang
and Learning Concentration of Elementary Terlupakan (Review on the Implementation
School Children)/M. Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit. of Eco-sanitation System due to Readvantage
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 14-25 of Human Wastewater)/Tri Prasetyo
Sasimartoyo.-- Media Penelit. dan
1091 Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 6-13
Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendapatan
Keluarga dan Perilaku Konsumsi Garam
Beriodium dengan Mutu Garam Konsumsi di
Tingkat Rumah Tangga (The Correlation
Marine Toxin Saxitoxin/Winarti Andayani;
between Family Income Level and
Betty Marita Subrata; Esther Budiman.--
Consumption Behavior of Iodized Salt with
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 37-42
Quality of Consumption Salt at Household
Level)/M.D. Djamaludin; Cesilia Meti


1096 Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Diare pada

Kejang pada Bayi Baru Lahir, Patofisiologi Balita (The Health Seeking Behavior of
dan Gambaran Klinis (Neonatal Seizure, Diarrhoeal Cases in Under Five Years Old
Pathophysiology and Clinical Picture)/Erny; Children)/Sarimawar Djaja; Iwan Ariawan;
Darto Saharso; Monique Noorvitri.-- Bul. Tin Afifah.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1)
Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (6) 2002: 281-287 2002: 22-30
1097 1102
Identifikasi dan Penentuan Se, Cr, dan Fe Pengaruh Solasodin terhadap Diameter
dalam Ikan Kerapu (Trauvina epinephelus), Tubulus Seminiferus dan Gambaran Sel-sel
Air Laut, dan Algae (Phaeopyceae) dengan Spermatogenik Mencit (Mus musculus)
Metode Analisis Pangaktifan Netron Dewasa (The Effect of Solasodine on the
(Identification and Determination of Se, Cr Diameter of Seminiferous Tubules and
and Fe in Kerapu Fish (Trauvina Histological Feature of Spermatogenesis
epinephelus), Seawater and Algae Cells in Adult Mice/Mus musculus)/Alfaina
(Phaeopyceae) by Neutro Activation Wahyuni.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002:
Analysis)/Zainul Kamal (et. al).-- Medika, 28 56-65
(4) 2002: 231-234

Selenium dan Kurang Yodium (Selenium and 1103
Iodine Deficiency)/Satoto.-- J. GAKY Indon. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical and
(Indon. J. of IDD), 1 (1) 2002: 33-40 Blood Examination for Sepsis in Potentially
Infected Neonates/Ari Mulyani; D.
Setyowireni; Achmad Surjono.-- Berk. Ilmu
SELF MEDICATION Kedokter., 34 (3) 2002: 149-154
Pengaruh Metode Ceramah dan Media
Leaflet terhadap Perilaku Pengobatan Sendiri 1104
Pola Kuman Pasien Sepsis Abdominal di
yang Sesuai dengan Aturan (Influence Oral
RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (The Bacteria
Communication and Leaflet Distribution to
Pattern on Abdominal Sepsis Patient in Cipto
the Appropriate Self-Medication Activities)/
Mangunkusumo General Hospital)/Julius
Sudibyo Supardi; Ondri Dwi Sampurno;
Lumenta; Bernadus Philippi; Toar J.M.
Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Bul. Penelit.
Lalisang.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 219-223
Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 128-138

The Role of Immune Response in Sepsis and
Pengobatan Sendiri yang Sesuai dengan
Septic Shock/A. Guntur Hermawan (et. al).--
Aturan pada Ibu-ibu di Jawa Barat
Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) 2002: 15-20
(Properself-Medication Among Housewives
in West Java)/Sudibyo Supardi; Ondri Dwi
Sampurno; Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Bul. SEPSIS SYNDROME
Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1) 2002: 11-21 1106
Insiden "Systemic Inflammatory Response
1101 Syndrome" pada Trauma Multiple di RSUP
Denpasar (The Incidence of Systemic


Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Municipality of Yogyakarta)/Daniel Susatyo

Multiple Injury at Sanglah Hospital Wirawan; Tonny Sadjimin; Soeroyo
Denpasar)/Putu Astawa; I Ketut Suyasa.-- Machfudz.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (3)
Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002: 2002: 155-161
SEX 1112
1107 Pola Perkembangan Seksual Sekunder pada
Hubungan Warna Rambut dan Jenis Kelamin Pelajar Putri Sekolah Dasar di Kotamadya
dengan Penentuan Kadar Merkuri dalam Yogyakarta (Pattern of Secondary Sexual
Rambut Manusia dengan Teknik Aktivasi Development of Elementary School Female
Neutron (Relationship of Hair Color and Sex Students in Yogyakarta Municipality)/Anik
to the Determination of Mercury Concentra- Puryatni; Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu
tion in Human Hair by Neutron Activation Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 249-256
Technique)/Sasmito; Zainul Kamal.-- J.
Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: 45-50 SICK BUILDING SYNDROME
1108 Sick Building Syndrome/Tjandra Yoga
Sexual and Aggressive Behavior as Well as Aditama; Sita Laksmi Andarini.-- Med. J. of
Body Weight Changes in Male Mice Injected Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 124-131
by DMPA/M. Kanedi; Sutyarso; Yeni
Marlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10) 1114
2002: 351-354 Sick Building Syndrome, Building Related
Illness dan Legionellosis : Penyakit Akibat
Lingkungan Tempat Kerja yang Kurang
1109 Mendukung (Sick Building Syndrome,
Tuberkulosis Paru dan Gender (Lung Building Related Illness and Legionellosis :
Tuberculosis and Gender)/Syafrizal Syafei; the Diseases caused of Non Conducive Work
Priyanti Z. Soepandi.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 Environment)/Faisal Yatim.-- Media Penelit.
(1) 2002: 40-42 dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 50-
Diferensiasi Otak dan Perilaku Seksual 1115
(Brain Differentiation and Sexual Behavior)/I Peran Tomografi Komputer dalam Deteksi
Nyoman Mangku Karmaya.-- Maj. Kedokter. Kelainan dan sebagai Persiapan Pra Operatif
Udayana, 33 (115) 2002: 28-31 Bedah Sinus Endoskopik Fungsional pada
Penderita Sinusitis Kronik (The Role of
SEX CHARACTERISTICS Computed Tomography to Anomaly
Detection and as Pre Operative Preparation
1111 on Sinus Surgery of Functional Endoscopes
Pola Perkembangan Seksual Sekunder Siswa in Chronically Sinusitis Patient)/Refni
Laki-laki Sekolah Dasar di Kotamadya Muslim.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4
Yogyakarta (Secondary Sexual (10) 2002: 396-403
Characteristics Development Pattern in
Elementary School Male Students in the 1116


Sinusitis Sfenoit Akut (Acute Sphenoid Soap in Skin Lightening)/K. Etnawati (et.
Sinusitis)/Yuritna Haryono.-- Maj. Kedokter. al).-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 582-586
Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 26-29 SKINFOLD THICKNESS
1117 Effects of Continuous Hormone Replacement
Clinical Aspect of Sjorgen's Syndrome/M. Therapy (HRT) on FSH, Lipid Profile, Blood
Arief Setiawan; Yoga I. Isbagio Harry Chemistry, and Skin Thickness in
Kasjmir.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 (2) 2002: Menopausal Women/A. Baziad.-- Med. J. of
65-70 Indon., 11 (2) 2002: 97-103


Kolelitiasis dan Sindrom Sjogren Awal 1124
Penemuan melalui Anamnesis Perleche Gangguan Pola Tidur pada Kelompok Usia
(Cholelithiasis and Sjogren's Syndrome the Lanjut dan Penatalaksanaannya (Sleep
Initial Finding through the Anamnesis of Disorders on Elderly Group and its
Perleche)/Endaryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Management)/A. Prayitno.-- J. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (12) 2002: 436-441 Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 23-30

Effect of Smoking on Pulse Wave Velocity in
Struktur Filamen Aktin dan Miosin pada Otot
Different Arterial Segments/K. Singh.-- Med.
Skelet (The Structure of Actin and Myosin
J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: 208-210
Filament in Skeletal Muscle)/Anis Irmawati;
Choesnan Effendi.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1 1126
(3) 2002: 26-33 Perilaku Merokok di Indonesia (Smoking
Behavior in Indonesia)/Anna Maria Sirait;
SKIN Julianti Pradono; Ida L. Toruan.-- Bul.
1120 Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (3) 2002: 139-152
Berbagai Kelainan pada Kulit Muka yang
Berpengaruh terhadap Estetika (Several 1127
Disorders on Skin Face which Related to the Perilaku Merokok Pelajar Sekolah Lanjutan
Esthetics)/Enny S. Widjaja.-- Meridian, 9 (2) Tingkat Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah di
2002: 59-88 Kotamadya Bandung (Smoking in Junior and
Senior High School Students in Banding)/Aid
1121 Ultimo Saudi; Cissy B. Kartasasmita; Arief
Pengaruh Sinar Matahari pada Kulit Manusia Tri Putranto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 34
(The Effect of Sun Rays through Human (2) 2002: 53-59
Skin)/Sri Utami B. Roeslan.-- Maj. Kedokter. 1128
Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) Smoking Problem in Indonesia/Tjandra Yoga
2002: 11-18 Aditama.-- Medical Juornal of Indonesia, 11
(1) 2002: 56-65
Uji Klinis Efikasi Sabun Herba Matsu Oil SMOKING CESSATION
0,05 % untuk Pencerahan Kulit (Clinical Test 1129
of the Efficacy of 0.05 % Herba Matsu Oil


The Influence of Smoking Cessation, Regular Ariguno; Arjatmo Tjokronegoro; Enud J.

Physical Exercise and/or Physical Activity on Surjana.-- Dexa Media, 15 (2) 2002: 52-53
Survival : A 13 Years Cohort Study of the 1135
Indonesian Population in Jakarta/Dede Pengaruh Solasodin terhadap Diameter
Kusmana.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (4) 2002: Tubulus Seminiferus dan Gambaran Sel-sel
230-241 Spermatogenik Mencit (Mus musculus)
Dewasa (The Effect of Solasodine on the
SOAPS Diameter of Seminiferous Tubules and
1130 Histological Feature of Spermatogenic Cells
Uji Klinis Efikasi Sabun Herba Matsu Oil in Adult Mice/Mus musculus)/Alfaina
0,05 % untuk Pencerahan Kulit (Clinical Test Wahyuni.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002:
of the Efficacy of 0.05 % Herba Matsu Oil 56-65
Soap in Skin Lightening)/K. Etnawati (et.
al).-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 582-586
1131 Stenosis Spinalis Lumbalis (Lumbar Spinal
Keadilan Sosial dalam Kebijakan Kesehatan Stenosis)/Maria Farida (et. al).-- Berk. Neuro
(Social Justice in Health Policy)/Bhisma Sains, 3 (2) 2002: 47-52
Murti.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 67-

1132 Hasil Pantauan Ruang Bedah Pasca
Human In-Vitro Spermatogenesis : Method Pensterilan (The Post Sterilization
and its Recent Development/Mohamad Monitoring Result of the Surgical Operation
Sopiyudin Dahlan; Nana Suhana.-- J. Room)/Prihatini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35
Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 60-66 (1) 2002: 30-32
Pengaruh Penambahan Lactoferrin dan 1138
Vitamin E Sebelum Simpan Beku terhadap Efikasi Steroid Nebulisasi Dibandingkan
Viabilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Potong Per- Steroid Intravena pada Penatalaksanaan
anakan Ongole (The Influence of Providing Asma Akut Berat (The Efficacy of Nebulized
Lactoferrin and Vitamin E Prior to the Steroid Versus Intravenous Steroids in the
Freezing Storage to Sperm Viability of the Treatment of Acute Severe Asthma)/Febrina
Offspring of Ongole Beef Cattle)/Agus Susanti (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52
Sjafarjanto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002: (7) 2002: 247-254
Pengaruh Sel Darah Putih di Dalam Semen 1139
terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa (The Culture Systems for Isolation of Group B.
Influence of Leukocyte Cells in Semen Streptococci in Parturient Women in Jakarta,
through the Quality of Spermatozoa)/Jasmoro


Indonesia/ Widyasari Kumala (et. al).-- J. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (Case

Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 79-83 Series)/Darto Suharso; Erny.-- Maj.
STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANTS Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13 (1) 2002: 13-20
Daya Antibakteri Semen Gelas Ionomer Jenis
Program Rumatan Metadon (Methadone
Perekat dan Tumpatan terhadap Steptococcus
Maintenance Program)/Satya Joewana.-- Maj.
mutans (Antibacterial Action of Glass
Kedokter. Atmajaya, 1 (1) 2002: 13-24
Ionomer Lutting and Filling Type of
Streptococcus mutants)/Ari Subiyanto.-- Maj. SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: 111-114 1146
Clinical Report of Drugs Addiction by
1141 Acupuncture/JF. Koeshardjito; Soedarso.--
Daya Hambat Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima Meridian, 9 (3) 2002: 131-137
Putih terhadap Pertumbuhan Streptococcus
mutans (The Inhibition of Pomegranate Rind 1147
Extracts in the Streptococcus mutants Manajemen Laboratoris Penyalahgunaan
Growth)/Sukanto; Seno Pradopo; Anita Obat dan Komplikasinya (Laboratory
Yuliati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002: Management of Drug Addiction and its
95-98 Complications)/ Suwarso.-- Cerm. Dunia
Kedokter., (135) 2002: 5-13

Penanggulangan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika,
1142 Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya/
Induksi Kobalt terhadap Biosintesis NAPZA (The Prevention of Narcotic and
Sianokobalamin oleh Streptomyces IFO 3409 Psychotropical Drug Abuse)/Ketut
(Cobalt Induction on Biosynthesis of Kusminarno.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135)
Cyanocobalamin by Streptomyces olivaceus 2002: 17-20
IFO 3409)/Noer Kasanah; Silvia Utami
Tunjung Pratiwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 1149
(3) 2002: 118-122 Pengobatan/Perawatan Pasien Ketergantung-
an NAPZA Pasca Detoksifikasi (The
Treatment of Narcotic Dependence Patient
STRESS after Detoxification)/Hartati Kurniadi.--
1143 Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 21-23
Peranan Antioksidan Vitamin E pada Stres
(The Role of Vitamin E as Antioxidant in the SULFUR DIOXIDE
Management of Stress)/Liliana S.Y.-- Ebers 1150
Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002: 37-44 Pengaruh Inhalasi Sulfur Dioksida terhadap
Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Sulfur Dioxide
SUBACUTE SCLEROSING Inhalation through Lung Health)/Eva Munthe
PANENCEPHALITIS (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2002:


Pembedahan pada Empiema Nontuberkulosis cardia)/Sugiri.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2)

(Surgery in Non Tuberculosis Empyema)/ 2002: 106-110
Ismid DI. Busroh.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 TAENIASIS
(2) 2002: 76-78 1157
Permasalahan dalam Program Pemberantasan
1152 Teeniasis/Sistiserkosis di Indonesia
Penggunaan Duralium sebagai Fiksasi Khususnya di Irian Jaya (The Problem in
Fragmen Mandibula setelah Reseksi Rahang Taeniasis/Cysticercosis Control Program in
(The Use of Durallium Graft as a Fixation of Indonesia Especially Irian Jaya)/Widarso (et.
Mandible Fragments after Partial Resection)/ al).-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32 (66) 2002: 7-
Sudarto Wirjokusumo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 13
35 (1) 2002: 1-3
1153 1158
The Surgical Management of Solitary Pengaruh Penetrasi Minuman Teh dan Kopi
Thyroid Nodules in Surabaya/Sunarto pada Transmitansi Bahan Resilent Denture
Reksoprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) Liner (The Influence of Tea and Coffee
2002: 58-65 Penetration on the Resilient Denture Liner
Transmittance)/Toeti Melanie Widjoseno.--
Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 51-53
1154 1159
Penggunaan Amilum Sagu Metroxylon Senyawa Polifenol sebagai Komponen Aktif
rumphii (Willd.) Mart. sebagai Bahan Pelicin yang Berkhasiat dalam Teh (Polyphenol
dalam Pembuatan Tablet (The Use of Sago Compounds as an Actives Component that
Starch Metroxylon rumphii (Willd) Mart. as have Special Quality in Tea)/Jansen Silalahi.-
Glidant in Tabletting Process)/T.N. Saifullah - Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (10) 2002: 361-
S.; Fudholi A.; Soegihardjo C.J.-- J. Bahan 364
Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 30-34
Isolasi Isoflavonoid dari Limbah Cair Pabrik
Perbandingan Amilum Biji Nangka dengan
Tempe (Isoflavonoid Isolated from Waste
Amprotab dalam Fungsinya sebagai Peng-
Product of Tempeh)/Elidahanum Husni; Amri
hancur Tablet (Comparison of Jackfruit Seed
Bakhitiar; Helmiza.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi
Starch and Amprotab due to its Function as a
Indon., 7 (2) 2002: 99-101
Tablet Disintegrant)/Inding Gusmayadi.-- J.
Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (2) 2002: 39-44
TACHYCARDIA, PAROXYSMAL A New Paradigm of the Solving Non-
Surgically TMJ Dysfunction/Jakobus
1156 Runkat.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (3) 2002:
Penggunaan Magnesium Sulfat dalam 119-123
Tatalaksana Paroksismal Atrial Takikardia/
TAP (The Usage of Magnesium Sulfate in the 1162
Management of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachy-


Penanggulangan Nyeri pada Disfungsi Sendi and Nosocomial Pneumonia)/Umar Zein.--

Temporomandibula (The Prevention of Pain Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 188-189
in Temporomandibula Joint Dysfunction)/ TETRACYCLINE
Gemala Birgitta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. 1168
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52) 2002: Sitotoksisitas Larutan Tetrasiklin Hidro-
38-43 klorida terhadap Kultur Sel Dibanding Asam
Sitrat (Citotoxicity Tetracycline Hydro-
1163 chloride Solution and Citric Acid to the Cell
Proses Menua Sendi Temporomandibula pada Culture)/Ernie Maduratna; Noer Ulfah.-- Maj.
Pemakai Gigi Tiruan Lengkap (Aging Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 164-166
Process of Temporomandibular Joint in Full
Denture Wearers)/Eri Hendra Jubhari.-- TETRALOGY OF FALLOT
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 41-44 1169
Pattern of Tetralogy Fallot Patients in Dr.
TENSION HEADACHE Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Teddy
Ontoseno.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (2)
1164 2002: 133-135
Tension-Type Headache and Disorder of
Pericranial Muscle in Indonesian Recent
Graduates of High School/Johan Harlan; THEOPHYLINE
Sudarto Ronoatmodjo; Soemarmo Markam.-- 1170
Medika, 28 (10) 2002: 634-638 Efikasi Teofilin Lepas Lambat pada Penderita
Penyakit Paru Onstruktif Kronik di RSUP
Persahabatan, Jakarta : Dengan Tinjauan
TESTOSTERONE Khusus Perbaikan Kualiti Hidup dan Faal
1165 Paru (Effication of Slow Release Theophylin
Clinical Aspects of Partial Androgen on Obstructive Chronic Lung Diseases
Deficiency in Aging Male (PADAM): Prime Patient in Persahabatan General Hospital
Causes and Stimulation of Endogenous Jakarta : Special Reviewed on Increasing of
Testosterone Production/Susilo Wibowo.-- Quality of Life and Lung Faal)/Antonius
Media Medica Indon., 37 (1) 2002: 9-17 Sianturi (et. al).-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22 (1)
2002: 16-29
Kombinasi Testosteron dan Estrogen sebagai THERMOLUMINESCENT DOSIMETRY
Terapi Sulih Hormon (HRT) (The
Combination of Testosterone and Estrogen as 1171
Hormone Replacement Therapy)/Ali Baziad.- Dosimeter Termoluminesensi untuk
- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 26 (1) Dosimetri Radioterapi (Thermoluminescent
2002: 56-58 Dosimeter to Radiotherapy Dosimeter)/
Muhammad Fathony.-- Medika, 28 (2) 2002:
Tetanus Berat dengan Komplikasi Atelektase THORACIC INJURIES
Paru dan Pneumonia Nosokomial (Severe 1172
Tetanus with Lung Athelectase Complication


Thirteen-Years Experience (1987-1999) of Tinnitus/Nuzwar Noer.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.

the Management of Chest Injury in Surabaya, Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (50) 2002:
Indonesia : a Retrospective Study/Paul 40-48
Tahalele.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002: TOMOGRAPHY
196-201 1179
Peran Tomografi Komputer dalam Deteksi
THORACIC SURGERY Kelainan dan sebagai Persiapan Pra Operatif
1173 Bedah Sinus Endoskopik Fungsional pada
Fibrilasi Atrial Pascabedah Jantung (Atrial Penderita Sinusitis Kronik (The Role of
Fibrillation after Heart Surgery)/Yanto Sandy Computed Tomography to Anomaly Detec-
Tjang (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (8) tion and as Pre Operative Preparation on
2002: 285-292 Sinus Surgery of Functional Endoscopes in
Chronically Sinusitis Patient)/Refni Muslim.-
THROMBOPOIETIN - Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10)
1174 2002: 396-403
Thrombopoietin/Rahayuningsih Setiabudy;
Anne Harun.-- Acta Medica Indon. 34 (3) TOOTH ERUPTION
2002 : 115-119
The Study on the Eruption Time of
Deciduous Teeth on Children Given Breast
Pengukuran Pembesaran Tiroid pada Murid Milk and Those Not Given Breast Milk/Erfan
SD Blimbing Kecamatan Paciran Lamongan Efendi; Supriyadi; Niken Probosari.-- Folia
dan SD Kalisari Surabaya dengan USG (The Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002 : 177-181
Measurement of Thyroid Enlargement by
USG on Pupils of Primary Schools in Pacitan TOOTH, ARTIFICIAL
Lamongan and Kalisari, Surabaya)/Purwanto 1181
Adhipireno.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1) Depresi dan Ansietas: Pertimbangan
2002: 46-53 Psikologik pada Penderita Pemakai Gigi
Tiruan Lengkap (Depression and Anxiety : A
THYROID HORMONES Psychological Consideration of Complete
1176 Denture Wearer's)/Arifzan Razak.-- Maj.
Penyakit Jantung Tiroid (Heart Diseases due Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 44-46
to Thyroid Dysfunction)/Abdul Gani Puteh.--
Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) 2002: 33- 1182
37 Kepuasan Pemakai Gigi Tiruan Lengkap
Ditinjau dari Aspek Psiko-Sosial (Socio-
THYROID NODULE psychological Aspect of Complete Denture
1177 Wearer's Satisfaction)/Ina.-- Maj. Kedokter.
The Surgical Management of Solitary Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 4-10
Thyroid Nodules in Surabaya/Sunarto
Reksoprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (1) 1183
2002: 58-65 Pengaruh Perendaman Basis Gigi Tiruan
Resin Akrilik Tipe Crosslinked dan Non
TINNITUS Cross-Linked dalam Glutaraldehyde terhadap


Tumbuhnya Candida albicans (The Effect of 1189

Glutaraldehyde on Cross-Linked and Non Gagal Pengobatan Tuberculosis Akibat
Cross-Lined Acrylic Base Type to the Infeksi Mikobakteria Atipik (The Failure of
Growth of Candida albicans)/Asti Meizarini; Tuberculosis Therapy Cause by Atypical
Widya Andriana; Elly Munadziroh.-- Maj. Microbacteria Infection)/Misnadiarly.-- Dexa
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (1) 2002: 47-50 Media, 15 (3) 2002: 87-91

Proses Menua Sendi Temporomandibula pada
Pemakai Gigi Tiruan Lengkap (Aging
Penatalaksanan Neuralgia Trigiminal Masa
Process of Temporomandibular Joint in Full
Kini (The Current Management of Trigeminal
Denture Wearers)/Eri Hendra Jubhari.--
Neuralgia)/Andreas Andri L.; Abdul Hafid
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 41-44
Bajamal.-- Medika, 28 (3) 2002: 182-187
The Study on the Eruption Time of 1191
Deciduous Teeth on Children Given Breast Peranan Kadar Trigliserida dan Lipoprotein
Milk and Those Not Given Breast Milk/Erfan sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung
Efendi; Supriyadi; Niken Probosari.-- Folia Koroner : Studi Pendahuluan (The Role of
Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002 : 177-181 Triglyserida and Lipoproteins as a Risk
Factor of Coronary Heart Disease)/Djanggan
TOOTH, IMPACTED Sargowo.-- Medika, 28 (7) 2002: 425-429
Impaksi Kaninus Rahang Atas (Maxillary TUBERCULOSIS
Canine Impactions)/Anang Soejono.-- Maj. 1192
Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: 167-169 Deteksi Individu Kontak Serumah pada
Infeksi Tuberculosis Siswa Sekolah Dasar di
TORTURE Kotamadya Yogyakarta (The Detection of
1187 One-roof Contact Individuals on the
Protokol Istanbul untuk Tatalaksana Korban Tuberculosis Infection of Primary School
Penyiksaan (The Istanbul Protocol for Students in Yogyakarta Municipality)/Sri
Torture Victim Therapy)/A. Prayitno.-- J. Wijayanti; Tonny Sadjimin.-- Berk. Ilmu
Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 68-73 Kedokter., 34 (2) 2002: 111-116


1188 Diagnosis dan Pengobatan TBC pada Anak
Efek Toksik dan Cara Menentukan Toksisitas (Diagnosis and Treatment of TBC in
Bahan Kimia (The Toxic Effect and Children)/Makmuri MS.; Landia S.; Gunadi
Determination Method of Toxicity of S.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 33 (5) 2002:
Chemical Substance)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- 236-251
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135) 2002: 32-36


Disseminated Tuberculosis/Prasna Pramita; Quality Control Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis

Martin Rumende; Asril Bahar.-- Acta Medica TB di Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis TB di
Indon., 34 (4) 2002: 142-145 Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis/PRM (The
1195 Quality Control of TB Microscopically
Gagal Pengobatan Tuberculosis Akibat Examination at Referral Community Health
Infeksi Mikobakteria Atipik (The Failure of Center for TB Microscopic)/Merryani
Tuberculosis Therapy Cause by Atypical Girsang (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
Microbacteria Infection)/Misnadiarly.-- Dexa (137) 2002: 8-11
Media, 15 (3) 2002: 87-91
1196 Tuberculosis of the Future/Tjandra Yoga
Karakteristik Tuberculosis Anak dengan Aditama.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002:
Biakan Positif (Characteristics of Children 190-194
with Positive-Culture TBC)/Bambang
Supriyatno (et. al).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
(137) 2002: 21-24
1197 Meningitis Tuberkulosis pada Bayi
MDR Tb Menjelang Milenium III di BP4 (Tuberculosis Meningitis in an Infant)/Ika
Tegal dan Surakarta (Tuberculosis Multidrug Priatni; Tonny Loho; Jimmy Passat.-- Maj.
Resistance Nearly of Third Millennium at Kedokter. Indon., 52 (2) 2002: 71-74
BP4 Tegal and Surakarta)/Tonny Eko
Hartono; Achmad Harsono; Indrawati TUBERCULOSIS, MILIARY
Sriwulan.-- Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 573-574
1198 Gambaran Klinis Tuberculosis Milier pada
Pemeriksaan Biopsi Aspirasi Kelenjar untuk Bayi (Clinical Manifestations of Miliary
Membantu Diagnosis Tuberkulosis Anak Tuberculosis in Infants)/H. Bambang
(Biopsy Aspiration Gland to Support the Supriyatno.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137)
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis on Child)/Eddy 2002: 25-27
Widodo; Sukma M.; Usman Alwi.-- Cerm.
Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 31-32 1205
Tuberculosis Milier dengan Hepatitis Tipe
Kolestasis : Suatu Laporan Kasus (Milliary
Pemeriksaan PCR untuk Diagnosis
Tuberculosis and Cholestatic Type Hepatitis :
Tuberkulosis Anak (PCR Test to Diagnosis of
A Case Report)/Edi Hartoyo; Roni Naning;
Tuberculosis on Child)/Nastiti N. Rahajoe
Neny Srimulyani.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34
(et. al).-- Medika, 28 (6) 2002: 361-264
(2) 2002: 117-121
Pyopneumothorax as an Advanced Complica- TUBERCULOSIS, MULTIDRUG-
tion of Tuberculosis/Arif Mansjoer; Zulkifli RESISTANT
Amin; Rika Bur.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (1)
2002: 22-24 1206



Management of Multidrug Resistant Tingkat Kesembuhan TB Paru pada Anak

Tuberculosis/Zul Dahlan.-- Cerm. Dunia Balita yang Mendapat Suplementasi Vitamin
Kedokter., (137) 2002 : 12-16 A Dosis Tinggi (The Recovery Rate of
TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY Pulmonary Tuberculosis of the Underfive
1207 Children Supplemented by High Dose
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Vitamin A)/Susi S. Suwardi;
Berobat Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru di Muherdiyantiningsih.-- Penelit. Gizi dan
Puskesmas Depok (Influencing Factors of the Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 34-40
Treatment Compliance among Lung Tuber-
culosis Patient in Depok Community Health 1213
Center)/Felly Philipus Senewe.-- Bul. Penelit. Tuberkulosis Paru dan Gender (Lung
Kesehat., 30 (1) 2002: 31-38 Tuberculosis and Gender)/Syafrizal Syafei;
1208 Priyanti Z. Soepandi.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 22
Manfaat Fenoterol Hidrobromide Inhaler : (1) 2002: 40-42
pada Penderita Sindrom Obstruksi Pasca
Tuberkulosis Paru/SOPT (The Advantage of 1214
Fenoterol Hidrobromide Inhaler on Post Uji Validitas Teknik PCR (Polymerase Chain
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Obstructive Reaction) dan Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis
Syndrome Patients)/Abdul Gani Puteh; Azhar Bakteri Tahan Asam sebagai Alat Diagnosis
Tanjung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) Penderita TB Paru di Rumah Sakit
2002: 16-20 Persahabatan, Jakarta (Validity Test of PCR
Technique and Bactrial Microscopic Test as a
1209 Diagnostic Tools in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pengobatan Standar Penderita TBC (The at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta)/Basundari
Standard Therapy to TBC Patient)/Merryani Sri Utami (et. al).-- Media Penelit. dan
Girsang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137) Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (3) 2002: 24-29
2002: 5-7
1210 1215
Respon Imunitas Seluler pada Infeksi Utility of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Extra
Tuberkulosis Paru (Immune Cellular Pulmonary Tuberculosis/H. Singh (et. al).--
Response in Lung Tuberculosis Infection)/ Med. J. of Indon., 11 (3) 2002: 148-152
Sarwo Handayani.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
(137) 2002: 33-36 TUBERCULOSIS, SPINAL
1211 1216
Studi Kasus Hasil Pengobatan Tuberculosis Medical Treatment of Spinal Tuberculosis/
Paru di 10 Puskesmas di DKI Jakarta 1996- Zuljasri Albar.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,
1999 (The Case Study of Therapy Result of (137) 2002 : 28-30
the Pulmonary Tuberculosis in 10
Community Health Centers at Jakarta 1996-
1999)/Retno Gitawati; Nani Sukasediati.--
Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (137) 2002: 17-20 1217
Perdarahan Varises Fundus Lambung pada
1212 Tuberkulosis Limpa (Gastric Bleeding


Caused by Spleen Tuberculosis)/Dukut Lamongan and Kalisari, Surabaya)/Purwanto

Respati Kastomo (et. al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Adhipireno.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 30 (1)
Indon., 52 (8) 2002: 298-300 2002: 46-53
Timpanomastoidektomi di RS Persahabatan
Change of Doppler Ultrasonography
Jakarta Evaluasi selama 2 Tahun 1999-2000
Resistive Index in Patients with Renal
(Tympanomastoidectomy in Persahabatan
Failure/Suyono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
Hospital : The Two Years Evaluation During
(3) 2002: 222-226
1999-2000)/Suranto G. Wirjono.-- J.
Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 2 (1) 2002: 52-
Penggunaan Transvaginal Sonografi Doppler
Open Study of Short Course Fleroxacin for
Berwarna untuk Mendeteksi Dini Keganasan
Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever/R.H.H.
di Korpus Uteri (The Usage of Transvaginal
Nelwan.-- Med. J. of Indon., 11 (1) 2002: 41-
Color Doppler Sonography for Early
Detection of Endometrial Carcinoma)/I.
1220 Oetama Marsis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
Pengembangan Diagnosis Laboratorium Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (51) 2002:
untuk Demam Enterik dengan Cara IgM 38-42
Capture Dot Immunoassay/DIA (The
Development of Laboratory Diagnosis for ULTRAVIOLET RAYS
Enteric Fever by IgM Capture Dot 1225
Immunoassay)/Agus Sjahrurachman (et. al).-- Pengaruh Sinar Matahari pada Kulit Manusia
Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 202-206 (The Effect of Sun Rays through Human
Skin)/Sri Utami B. Roeslan.-- Maj. Kedokter.
1221 Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (52)
Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu tentang 2002: 11-18
Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Tifoid pada
Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di Kelurahan Utan 1226
Kayu Utara (Knowledge, Attitude and Pengukuran Kolorimetrik dan Kepekaan
Practice of Mothers about the Prevalence of terhadap Sinar Ultraungu dari 3 Jenis Warna
Typhoid Fever on School Children in Kulit Subyektif Orang Indonesia : Kuning
Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara)/Rini Sekartini Langsat, Sawo Matang dan Coklat Gelap
(et. al).-- Medika, 28 (12) 2002: 796-798 (Colorimetric Measurements and Light
Sensitivity from Ultraviolet Light of the
ULTRASONOGRAPHY Three Variants of the Skin Color of Indonesia
1222 : Light Brown, Moderate and Dark
Pengukuran Pembesaran Tiroid pada Murid Brown)/Indropo Agusni (et. al).-- Maj.
SD Blimbing Kecamatan Paciran Lamongan Kedokter. Indon., 52 (4) 2002: 124-130
dan SD Kalisari Surabaya dengan USG (The
Measurement of Thyroid Enlargement by URIC ACID
USG on Pupils of Primary Schools in Pacitan 1227


Peran Nutrisi pada Hiperurisemia (The Role Studies)/W. Prasetyawan; Rochani Sumardi;
of Nutrition on Hyperuricemia)/Ekky M. Mochtar Chaidir A.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon.,
Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002: 29-36 52 (5) 2002: 169-173
1228 Pemeriksaan Air Kemih untuk Menentukan
Efek Antikalkuli Ekstrak Etanol Phyllanthus Lokal Infeksi Saluran Kemih (Urine
ninuri L. pada Tikus dengan Batu Kandung Examination to Determine the Urinary Tract
Kemih Buatan (Anticalculi Effect of the Infection)/Asnawi Yanto.-- Berk. Ilm.
Extract of Ethanol (Phylathus niruri L.) on Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 407-412
Rat by Implantation of Surgical Silk Ball in
the Urinary Bladder)/Diah Dhianawaty (et. URTICARIA
al).-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 1 (1) 2002: 10- 1244
14 Air Kelapa Muda sebagai Obat Alternatif
Urtikaria (Coconut Water as an Alternative
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Medicine of Urticaria)/Solehah Catur
Rahayu.-- Medika, 28 (4) 2002: 268-270
Infeksi Saluran Kemih yang Disebabkan oleh
Bakteri (Urinary Tract Infection Caused by UTERINE HEMORRHAGE
Bacteria)/Siti Zuleiha.-- Maj. Kedokter. 1245
Nusantara, 35 (2) 2002: 79-82 Detection and Management of Dysfunctional
Uterine Bleeding/Maria Magdalena Tan.-- J.
1240 Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (2) 2002: 58-62
Pemeriksaan Air Kemih untuk Menentukan
Lokal Infeksi Saluran Kemih (Urine Exa- VACCINES
mination to Determine the Urinary Tract 1246
Infection)/Asnawi Yanto.-- Berk. Ilm. Vaksin untuk Wisatawan (Vaccine for
Kesehat. Fatmawati, 4 (10) 2002: 407-412 Tourists)/Hudoyo Hupudio.-- Maj. Kedokter.
Indon., 52 (11) 2002: 390-397
A Symptomatic Bacteriuria with Nitrite Test,
Urinalysis, and Urine Culture in Pregnant 1247
Women in Antenatal Clinic RSUD Pirngadi Skrining Bacterial Vaginosis pada Ibu Hamil
Medan/T.M. Hanafiah; Hanudse Hartono; dengan pH Vagina (Screening Bacterial
Muzahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 35 (1) Vaginosis in Pregnant Women Using Vaginal
2002: 11-15 Acidity)/Tri Nur Kristina; Endang Sri Lestari;
Tien Kartinah.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (3)
1242 2002: 127-131
Korelasi antara Volume Residu Urin dan
Adanya Obstruksi pada Penderita Gejala PPJ VASCULAR DISEASES
dengan Menggunakan Pressure Flow Study 1248
(Correlation between Residual Urine and the Peranan Nitrogen Oksida dalam Patofisiologi
Presence of Obstruction in Patients with Penyakit Vaskular (The Role of Nitrogen
Symptomatic BPH Using Pressure Flow Oxides in Pathopysiology of Vascular


Disease)/Nenden Rosdiana; Hafiz Soewoto.-- Cinere Jakarta (Survey of Vertigo Patients

Medika, 28 (9) 2002: 591-595 Hospitalized in 1999 at the Puri Cinere
VASCULITIS, HYPERSENSITIVITY Hospital Jakarta)/Soeparto Iswadi.-- J.
Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1) 2002: 35-38
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis with Manifes-
tations of Hematemesis and Melena/Andhika
Rachman; Lugyanti Sukrisman;
Helicopter Vibration and Risk of Reversible
Abdulmuthalib.-- Acta Medica Indon., 34 (1)
Myopia among Military Air Crews/Bastaman
2002: 18-21
Basuki; T. Soemardoko.-- Med. J. of Indon.,
11 (2) 2002: 93-96
Analisis Residu Pestisida Piretrin dalam
Tomat dan Selada dari Beberapa Pasar di
Isolation of Non-01 Vibrio Cholerae in
Jakarta (The Analysis of Phyretine Pesticide
Surabaya, Indonesia/Eddy Bagus Wasito (et.
Residues on Tomatoes and Salada from
al).-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 13 (1)
Several Markets in Jakarta)/D. Mutiatikum;
2002: 7-12
Puji Lestari S.; Alegantina.-- Media Penelit.
dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (2) 2002: 20- 1256
24 Vibrio Cholerae O1, Viable but Non-
culturable/Murad Lesmana.-- J. Kedokter.
VENTRICULAR DYSFUNCTION, LEFT Trisakti, 21 (3) 2002: 111-117
Viabilitas Miokard pada Penyakit Arteri
Koroner Kronik dan Disfungsi Ventrikel Kiri
Efektifitas Penambahan Vitamin A dan Zat
(Viability of Myocardial in Chronic Coronary
Besi pada Garam Yodium terhadap Status
Artery and Left Ventricular Dysfunction)/
Gizi dan Konsentrasi Belajar Anak Sekolah
Frits Reinter Wantian Suling.-- Maj.
Dasar (The Effect of Vitamin A and Iron
Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen
Added Into Iodized Salt on Nutrition Status
Indon., 20 (51) 2002: 1-5
and Learning Concentration of Elementary
School Children)/M. Saidin (et. al).-- Penelit.
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 14-25
Penentuan Posisi Foramen Mandibula dengan 1258
Proyeksi Eisler (The Determination of The Effect of Vitamin A on the Immuno-
Position Mandible Foramen with Eisler modulation of Mucosal Immune Response :
Projection)/Susy Kristiani; Otty Ratna An Experimental Animal Model/ Subijanto
Wahjuni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 35 (4) 2002: Marto Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38
170-174 (2) 2002: 88-94
1253 Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan atau
Survey Penderita Vertigo yang Dirawat Vitamin A terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin dan
Selama Tahun 1999 di Rumah Sakit Puri Saturasi Transferin Penderita Anemia


Kekurangan Besi (The Influence of Iron and mental Animal Study/Subijanto Marto
or Vitamin A Supplementation to the Hemo- Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3)
globin Concentration Patients of Iron 2002: 166-171
Deficient Anemia)/Harry Raspati Akhmad;
Siti Mardiani; Ponpon Idjradinata.-- Maj. VITAMIN B 12
Kedokter. Bandung, 34 (2) 2002: 68-75 1265
Induksi Kobalt terhadap Biosintesis
1260 Sianokobalamin oleh Streptomyces IFO 3409
Perubahan Sitologi Epitel Conjunctiva karena (Cobalt Induction on Biosynthesis of Cyano-
Kekurangan Vitamin A (The Changes of cobalamin by Streptomyces olivaceus IFO
Conjunctiva Epithelial Cytology caused by 3409)/Noer Kasanah; Silvia Utami Tunjung
Vitamin A Deficiency)/Sri Utami B. Pratiwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 13 (3) 2002:
Roeslan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. 118-122
Univ. Kristen Indon., 20 (53) 2002: 27-35
1261 1266
Terapi Kombinasi Vitamin A Tetes Mata, Pengaruh Penambahan Lactoferrin dan
Vitamin A Oral, dan Doksisiklin Oral pada Vitamin E Sebelum Simpan Beku terhadap
Disfungsi Kelenjar Meibom (The Combined Viabilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Potong Per-
Treatment of Vitamin A Eye Drops, Oral anakan Ongole (The Influence of Providing
Vitamin A and Oral Doxycycline in Lactoferrin and Vitamin E Prior to the
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction)/Suhardjo.-- Freezing Storage to Sperm Viability of the
Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 34 (4) 2002: 231-242 Offspring of Ongole Beef Cattle)/Agus
Sjafarjanto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (2) 2002:
Tingkat Kesembuhan TB Paru pada Anak
Balita yang Mendapat Suplementasi Vitamin 1267
A Dosis Tinggi (The Recovery Rate of Peranan Antioksidan Vitamin E pada Stres
Pulmonary Tuberculosis of the Underfive (The Role of Vitamin E as Antioxidant in the
Children Supplemented by High Dose Management of Stress)/Liliana S.Y.-- Ebers
Vitamin A)/Susi S. Suwardi; Papyrus, 8 (1) 2002: 37-44
Muherdiyantiningsih.-- Penelit. Gizi dan
Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 34-40 VITAMINS
VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Ibu yang Mem-
1263 punyai Anak Balita tentang Pemberian
The Influence of Vitamin A Deficiency on Suplemen Multivitamin-mineral di Kelurahan
the Expression of Antigen Presenting Cells in Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur (Knowledge
Rat Mucosal Immune Response/Subijanto and Practice of Mothers Who have Under
Marto Sudarmo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 Five Children about Giving Multivitamin-
(1) 2002: 21-26 mineral Supplement at Kelurahan Utan Kayu
1264 Utara, East Jakarta)/Sudiyanto (et. al).-- Maj.
Vitamin A Deficiency Induce Imbalance of Kedokter. Indon., 52 (6) 2002: 207-211
IgA, IgG, and IgM Producing Cells in VON WILLE BRAND FACTOR
Mucosal Immune Response : An Experi-


1269 Risiko Pencemaran Bakteriologik Air Sumur

A Glance at the Von Willebrand Factor in Gali di Daerah Pedesaan Kabupaten
Dengue Virus Infection/Parwati Setiono Rembang (Bacteriological Pollution Risk of
Basuki.-- Folia Medica Indon., 38 (3) 2002: Dug Wells Water in Rembang District)/Sri
160-165 Irianti (et. al).-- J. Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (1)
2002: 7-13
1270 1275
Imunitas Lokal pada Kandidosis Vulvovagina Gambaran Kadar Mangan (Mn) pada Sumber
Rekurens (Local Immunity in Recurrent Air Rumah Tangga di Jabotabek : Studi
Vulvovaginal Candidosis)/Anna Rozaliyani; Kasus Pemeriksaan Air di Puslitbang Farmasi
Retno Wahyuningsih.-- Maj. Kedokter. (Profile of Manganese Level in Water Supply
Indon., 52 (5) 2002: 174-181 at Jabotabek (Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi) : A
Case Study in Water Analysis at Center of
WARFARIN Research and Development of Pharmacy,
1271 NIHRD)/Nikmah Bawahab; Kelik MA.; Ani
Manfaat Antikoagulan Warfarin untuk Isnawati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (135)
Pencegahan Stroke Iskemik pada Fibrilasi 2002: 47-50
(The Use of Warfarin for Ischemic Stroke
Prevention in Fibrillation)/Yuniarti; Lucas WOMEN
Meliala; Bambang Suryatmojo.-- Berk. Neuro 1276
Sains, 3 (3) 2002: 123-130 Bone Mineral Density among Women Over
Forty : Prevention Considerations/Datten
WASTE DISPOSAL, FLUID Bangun.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (9)
2002: 315-320
Isolasi Isoflavonoid dari Limbah Cair Pabrik 1277
Tempe (Isoflavonoid Isolated from Waste Perhatian Khusus dalam Penatalaksanaan
Product of Tempeh)/Elidahanum Husni; Amri Epilepsi pada Perempuan (Management
Bakhitiar; Helmiza.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Issues for Women with Epilepsy)/Harsono.--
Indon., 7 (2) 2002: 99-101 Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 52 (5) 2002: 187-193


Kajian Penerapan Sistem Eko-sanitasi dalam 1278
Pemanfaatan Kembali Limbah Manusia yang Status Kesehatan Pekerja Wanita di Industri
Terlupakan (Review on the Implementation Batik, Penyamakan Kulit dan Industri Sepatu
of Eco-sanitation System due to Readvantage dan Tas (Health Status of Women Workers in
of Human Wastewater)/Tri Prasetyo Batik Industry, Tanning Industry, and Shoes
Sasimartoyo.-- Media Penelit. dan & Bags Industry)/Agustina Lubis (et. al).-- J.
Pengembang. Kesehat., 12 (1) 2002: 6-13 Ekologi Kesehat., 1 (1) 2002: 31-43
1274 1279


Insiden "Systemic Inflammatory Response

Syndrome" pada Trauma Multiple di RSUP 1285
Denpasar (The Incidence of Systemic Manfaat Suplementasi Seng (Zinc) pada
Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Kelompok Usia Lanjut (The Effect of Zinc
Multiple Injury at Sanglah Hospital Supplement on Elderly Group)/Adi Hidayat.-
Denpasar)/Putu Astawa; I Ketut Suyasa.-- - J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 21 (1) 2002: 40-46
Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33 (116) 2002:
Pasca Trauma dan Multi Organ Failure
(Trauma and Multiorgan Failure)/Tjakra W.
Manuaba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 33
(115) 2002: 3-12
Penatalaksanaan Trauma pada Kehamilan
(Trauma Management in Pregnant Women)/
Busisa Gultom.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 10 (1)
2002: 45-49

Pancaran Sinar-X Karakteristik untuk
Pemeriksaan Medis (X-rays to Medical
Examination)/Mukhlis Akhadi.-- Medika, 28
(7) 2002: 467-470

Hubungan antara Status Seng Ibu Hamil
dengan Perubahan Status Besi dan Kadar
Hemoglobin Pasca Suplementasi Besi (The
Association between Zinc Status Pre Iron
Supplementation and Hemoglobin as Well as
Iron Status Change after Iron Supplementa-
tion in Pregnant Women)/Hertanto Wahyu
Subagio.-- Media Medika Indon., 37 (2)
2002: 63-73
Hubungan antara Zinc Serum dengan Status
Gizi Lansia (Relationship between Zinc
Serum and Nutritional Status of Elderly
People)/Fitrah Ernawati (et. al).-- Penelit. 1286
Gizi dan Makan., 25 (1) 2002: 26-33 Pengobatan Kombinasi Mikonazol Nitrat dan
Seng pada Dermatitis Popok (Combination


Miconazole and Zinc Oxide to Cure Diaper

Rash)/Titi Lestari Sugito (et. al).-- Medika,
28 (3) 2002: 158-161


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