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A. Latar Belakang Dalam pasal 50 ayat 3 Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UUSPN 20/2003) dinyatakan : pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satu satuan pendidikan bertaraf internasional. Untuk merealisasikan UUSPN tersebut mulai tahun pelajaran 2005/2006 pemerintah Indonesia dalam hal ini Departemen Pendidikan Nasional melalui Direktorat Jendral Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Dirjen Mandikdasmen) menerbitkan program peningkatan mutu dalam bentuk blockgrant Sekolah Nasional Bertaraf Internasional (SNBI). Dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) dinyatakan Lingkup Standar Nasional Pendidikan meliputi: a. standar isi; b. Standar proses; c. Standar kompetensi lulusan; d. standar f. standar pembiayaan; pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; e. standar pengelolaan;

dan h. Standar penilaian pendidikan. Pengukuran ketercapaian 8 standar tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan evaluasi kinerja pendidikan secara berkala yang dilakukan: (1) oleh satuan pendidikan sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan; (2) evaluasi kinerja oleh Pemerintah; (3) evaluasi kinerja oleh Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi; (4) evaluasi kinerja oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota; dan (5) evaluasi oleh lembaga evaluasi mandiri yang dibentuk oleh masyarakat atau organisasi profesi untuk menilai pencapaian Standar Nasional Pendidikan, (PP No. 19/2005: Pasal 78). Berdasarkan pada tingkat terpenuhinya Standar Nasional Pendidikan, dalam pasal 11 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 dan Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Program Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional (2008:9) dijelaskan bahwa sekolah khususnya SMA/MA/ SMLB, SMK/MAK atau bentuk lain yang sederajat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu Sekolah Kategori Standar (SKSt); Sekolah Kategori Mandiri (SKM); dan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). Sekolah Kategori Standar adalah sekolah-sekolah yang belum memenuhi Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Sekolah
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Kategori Mandiri adalah sekolah-sekolah yang hampir atau telah memenuhi Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Sedangkan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah sekolahsekolah yang telah memenuhi 8 komponen SNP yang disertai dengan penguatan, pengayaan, pengembangan, perluasan, dan pendalaman pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan yang mengacu pada standar mutu pendidikan bertaraf internasional pada negara-negara OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develepment) dan negara-negara maju lainnya (Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Program Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional , 2008:10). Kemitraan atau sister school SBI, dinyatakan dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 78 Tahun 2009 Bagian Enam, Pasal 11 butir (c) Pengelola SBI harus menjalin kemitraan dengan sekolah unggul di dalam negeri dan/atau di negara maju. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Pembinaan SMA Direktorat Jendral Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 802.a/C4/MN/2006 tentang Penetapan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Penerima Subsidi Rintisan Sekolah Nasional Bertaraf Internasional (SNBI), SMA Negeri 3 Malang adalah 1 (satu) dari 98 (sembilan puluh delapan) SMA se-Indonesia penerima subsidi program Rintisan SNBI. Untuk itu mulai tahun pelajaran 2006, SMA Negeri 3 Malang sudah menjalin kerjasama dengan Cambridge Internasional Examination (CIE), mulai tahun 2008 sudah menjalin sister school dengan River Valley High School Singapore. Pada tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 merupakan tahun keenam penyelenggaraan program peningkatan mutu Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional, di mana menurut fase pengembangan RSMABI khususnya kurikulum Sekolah sudah merealisaikan program kemitraan dengan sekolah mitra/partner school/sister school baik di dalam maupun luar Negeri serta lembaga sertifikasi pendidikan internasional. Dengan demikian, SMA Negeri 3 Malang mengembangkan dan memperluas program kemitraan dengan sekolah di luar negeri. B. Nama Kegiatan Nama kegiatan adalah : Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand.

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C. Tujuan Kegiatan Kegiatan Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand mempunyai beberapa tujuan sebagai berikut: 1. menjalin kerjasama dengan sekolah partner atau sister school dengan sekolahsekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN 2. melaksanakan bench-marking tentang kebudayaan, pogram sekolah, manajemen, proses pembelajaran, dan kurikulum dengan sekolah-sekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN 3. melaksanakan pertukaran program/exchange programme secara periodik dengan sekolah-sekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN. D. Manfaat Kegiatan Adapun manfaat dari kegiatan Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand adalah: 1. terjalinnya kerjasama dengan sekolah partner atau sister school dengan sekolahsekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN 2. terlaksananya bench-marking tentang kebudayaan, pogram sekolah, manajemen, proses pembelajaran, dan kurikulum dengan sekolah-sekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN 3. terlaksananya pertukaran program/exchange programme secara periodik dengan sekolah-sekolah di negara-negara OECD dan ASEAN.

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A. Pra Kegiatan Exchange Programme 1. Penjajagan Sister School Sister school antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School Thailand diawali dengan konferensi kepala sekolah-kepala sekolah se-ASEAN di Bangkok, di mana Kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. yang didampingi oleh Wakil Kepala Sekolah V (Waka V) bidang Penjaminan Mutu dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Drs. Abdul Madjid, M.A. bertemu dengan pihak Nakhonsawan School di Bangkok dan tercapai kesepakatan sementara untuk menjalin partnership/sister school antara kedua sekolah tersebut. Komunikasi selanjutnya dilakukan melalui mediasi via e-mail, yaitu mediator SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. Hariyanto, M.Pd. (Waka I bidang Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran SMA Negeri 3 Malang) dan mediator Nakhonsawan School, Mrs. Wantanee Sathapornpibool (guru Bahasa Inggris Nakhonsawan School Thailand) 2. Penyusunan Draft MoU Kerjasama atau partnership antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School Thailand dirumuskan dalam suatu Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), di mana draft MoU dirumuskan oleh SMA Negeri 3 Malang ke Nakhonsawan School via e-mail untuk dikoreksi dan dilakukan perbaikanperbaikan baik redaksi maupun substansi bentuk kerjasama. Satu minggu kemudian, pihak Nakhonsawan School mengirimkan kembali draft MoU dengan beberapa koreksi di antaranya: (1) alamat Nakhonsawan School; (2) penambahan logo Pemerintah Kota Malang, Nakhonsawan Municipality, logo SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan logo Nakhonsawan School; dan (3) pembetulan tanggal MoU yang akan dilaksanakan pada 14 February 2012.

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3. Persiapan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Persiapan pelaksanaan kegiatan exchange programme antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School ada 6 (tahap), yaitu: (1) pendaftaran calon peserta; (2) seleksi calon peserta; (3) pengumuman hasil seleksi; (4) pengurusan kelengkapan dokumen perjalanan; (5) pre-departure in-house training (PDIHT); dan (6) pemberangkatan (departure). Pendaftaran calon peserta exchange programme ke Thailand dilaksanakan setelah pengumuman hasil seleksi calon peserta exchange programme ke Nakhonsawan School Thailand pada tanggal 14 November 2011, jumlah peserta sekitar 65 orang. Seleksi calon peserta dilaksanakan 2 (dua) tahap yaitu tahap I bersamaan dengan seleksi calon peserta exchange programme ke River Valley High School (RVHS) Singapore; dan tahap II setelah pengumuman hasil seleksi peserta exchange programme ke RVHS. di mana yang 20 calon sudah terseleksi sebagai peserta exchange programme ke Nakhonsawan School dan 10 orang sudah terseleksi sebagai peserta exchange programme ke Nakhonsawan School, dengan demikian masih harus menerima 20 orang lagi. Materi seleksi adalah prestasi akademik dan non akademik yang dibuktikan oleh dokumen resmi mulai tingkat sekolah, tingkat kota/kabupaten, tingkat provinsi, tingkat nasional, dan tingkat internasonal; kompetensi bahasa Inggris aktif, kompetensi seni dan budaya khususnya seni dan budaya tradisional. Pengumuman hasil seleksi dilaksanakan setelah proses penilaian oleh tim akademik, di mana calon peserta diranking sesuai dengan jumlah skor prestasi, kompetensi bahasa Innggris, dan kompetensi seni budaya. Calon peserta yang dinyatakan diterima adalah calon peserta yang menempati peringkat sesuai dengan kuota, yaitu peringkat 30 (tiga puluh) besar. Hasil penilaian tim akademik dipresentasikan dalam rapat pleno panitia inti, kemudian diterbitkan surat keputusan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang tertanggal 14 November 2011. Pada tahap ini pula diterbitkan surat tugas kolektif bagi 4 (empat) guru pendamping, yaitu Abdul Tedy, S.Pd. (guru Biologi), Riyantin, S.Pd. (guru Akuntansi), Dra. Ida Nurmala (guru Bahasa Inggris), dan Drs. Hariyanto, M.Pd. (guru Kimia/Wakasek Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran/mediator).

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Setelah pengumuman hasil seleksi peserta, dilakukan tahap kelengkapan dokumen perjalanan, yaitu paspor dan ticketing. Pengurusan paspor dilakukan secara kolektif bagi peserta yang belum mempunyai paspor, baik siswa maupun guru pendamping, di mana semua pengurusan dilakukan oleh biro jasa. Sedangkan ticketing, SMA Negeri 3 Malang bekerjasama dengan pihak Travel Agency Arwana Tour. Seperti kegiatan exchange programme pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sebelum berangkat para peserta baik siswa maupun guru pendamping harus mengikuti Pre-Departure In-House Training (PDIHT) selama 2 bulan. Materi PDIHT terbagi menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu knowledge dan practical. Materi knowledge di antaranya pengetahuan tentang (1) art and culture of Thailand and Malang; (2) Educational system of Thailand and Indonesia; (3) Economics system of Thailand and Indonesia; (4) Tourism places in Thailand and Malang and East Java; dan (5) Public transportation in Thailand and Indonesia. Sedangkan materi practical adalah art and culture performance dan table manner; seni budaya yang akan ditampilkan adalah seni budaya tradisional Malang dan daerah lain di Indonesia, sedangkan table manner adalah tatacara dan adab protokoler jamuan makan resmi internasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyajian materi knowledge adalah presentasi dan diskusi dengan narasumber guru-guru SMA Negeri 3 Malang yang sudah pernah mengikuti exchange programme pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam materi practical adalah praktik atau latihan dengan narasumber dari guru seni budaya SMA Negeri 3 Malang (Intra dan Extrakurikuler) serta expertis dari luar. Tahap terakkhir pada persiapan pemberangkatan adalah pemberangkatan atau departure 30 siswa, 4 guru, dan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang pada tanggal 13 Februari 2012 melalui Juanda Internasional Airport pukul 15.20 WIB menggunakan penerbangan Air Asia langsung Surabaya-Bangkok. Pada saat tahap-tahap tersebut di atas, mediator SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. Hariyanto, M.Pd. dan mediator Nakhonsawan School, Mrs. Wantanee Sthapornpibhol secara intens melakukan komunikasi tentang penyusunan outline of programme, daftar buddy siswa dan guru, serta penyusunan handout/worksheet of exchange programme 2012.

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B. Teknis Pelaksanaan Kegiatan dan Route Perjalanan (Itinerary) 1. Teknis Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Teknis pelaksanaan kegiatan ada 2 (dua) tahap, yaitu: (1) tahap 1: kunjungan 30 siswa, 4 guru, dan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang ke Nakhonsawan School Thailand, tahap ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 s.d. 18 Februari 2012; (2) tahap 2: kunjungan 30 siswa, 4 guru, dan kepala (Directore) Nakhonsawan School Thailand ke SMA Negeri 3 Malang, tahap ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 s.d. 7 Oktober 2012. 2. Route Perjalanan (Itinerary) Perjalanan (Itinerary) dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu perjalanan berangkat ke Thailand dan perjalanan pulang kembali ke Indonesia. Route perjalanan berangkat ke Thailand adalah Malang - Surabaya Bangkok Nakhonsawan yang ditempuh kurang lebih 10,5 jam. Sedangkan perjalanan pulang ke Indonesia adalah melalui route Nakhonsawan Bangkok Penang Kuala Lumpur Johor Bahru Singapura Batam Surabaya Malang, yang ditempuh kurang lebih 42 jam. Perjalanan (itinerary) pemberangkatan dari SMA Negeri 3 Malang pada tanggal 13 Februari 2012 pukul 07.30 WIB ke Juanda International Airport. Selanjutnya penerbangan Surabaya-Thailand, menggunakan maskapai penerbangan Air Asia pada pukul 15.20 WIB dan tiba di Svarnabhum International Airport pada pukul 19.30 waktu Bangkok. Pada perjalanan berikutnya adalah Svarnabhum International Airport-Nakhonsawan dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) bus sekolah dan 1 (satu) Van. Penjemputan di Svarnabhum International Airport dilaksanakan oleh guru-guru Nakhonsawan School, yaitu Mrs. Winny (Wantanee Sathapornpibhol, mediator), Miss Judith (Head of Foreign Language Department), Mr. Victor (guru Bahasa Inggris), Mrs. Jojo (guru ICT), dan Mrs. Nat (guru Bahasa Inggris). Perjalanan Svarnabhum-Nakhonsawan yang jaraknya kurang lebih 300 km ditempuh dalam waktu 3,5 jam. Tepat pukul 00.30 waktu Nakhonsawan, kami tiba di Primarn Hotel Nakhonsawan, yang di sana sudah disambut oleh Director of Nakhonsawan School, Miss. Phenjarat Singthong. Primarn Hotel merupakan transit menginap para delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang sebelum esoknya pada tanggal 14 februari 2012 dimulai

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kegiatan exchange programme antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School Thailand. Sedangkan perjalanan pulang pada tanggal 18 Februari 2012 pukul 05.00 waktu Thailand meninggalkan Nakhonsawan menuju Bangkok yang ditempuh dalam waktu 4 jam-an, dan kami diserahkan ke travel agency di Bangkok untuk melakukan Bangkok Tour selama 2 hari 1 malam (2D1N), yaitu pada tanggal 18-19 Februari 2012. Selanjutnya pada tanggal 19 Februari 2012 pukul 14.00 waktu Bangkok, kami meninggalkan Bangkok menuju Penang Malaysia dengan menggunakan kereta api dengan waktu perjalanan kurang lebih 22 jam. Perjalanan dari Penang ke Johor Bahru (JB) kami tempuh selama 12 jam dengan bus melalui Kuala Lumpur. Selanjutnya kami istirahat di hotel di JB semalam sebelum melakukan City Tour di Singapura 1D pada tanggal 21 Februari 2012. Setelah melakukan 1D City Tour of Singapura, pada tanggal 21 Februari 2012 pukul 20.00 waktu Singapura kami menyeberang ke Batam menggunakan Ferry dari Harbour Front menuju Batam Centre, dan pada pukul 22.30 WIB kami check-in di Batam Centre Hotel. Kegiatan pada tanggal 22 Februari 2012 adalah free and easy di Nagoya, kemudian disambut makan siang oleh para alumni SMANTI di sebuah rumah makan di Batam. Dengan bantuan alumni pula kami checkin penerbangan Hang Nadim- Juanda dengan Batavia Air pada pukul 16.00 WIB, dan tiba di Juanda sekitar pukul 17.30 WIB. Pada akhirnya, kami tiba di Malang pada pukul 21.00 WIB pada tanggal 22 Februari 2012, karena dalam perjalanan SurabayaMalang masih harus mampir makan malam di rumah makan Mojo Rejo. C. Pelaksanaan Exchange Programme Pelaksanaan kegiatan Exchange Programme antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School-Thailand yang dilaporkan ada 3 (tiga), yaitu (1) pelaksanaan kegiatan inti; (2) pelaksanaan kegiatan tambahan; dan (3) hasil kesepakatan antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School untuk kegiatan Exchange Programme pada periode berikutnya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan inti adalah semua kegiatan yang direncanakan dalam jadual kegiatan (Itinerary), yaitu mulai dari hari pertama (Senin, 13 Februari 2012) sampai dengan hari ke enam (Sabtu, 18 Januari 2012). Pelaksanaan kegiatan tambahan adalah kegiatan setelah check-out dari Nakhosawan School yang dijadwalkan oleh travel agency, informasi tentang sekolahLaporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012 Hal 103

sekolah yang dikunjungi, pertemuan dengan alumni SMA Negeri 3 Malang di Singapura dan Batam, dan informasi lainnya tentang Thailand yang sangat penting dilaporkan untuk kepentingan program ini pada periode berikutnya. Sedangkan hasil kesepakatan yang diperoleh antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School adalah butir-butir yang menjadi acuan pada kelanjutan exchange-programme pada periode berikutnya. 1. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Inti a. Hari Pertama, Senin, 13 Februari 2012 Pada hari Senin, 13 Februari 2012; sebanyak 30 siswa (11 putra dan 19 putri); 4 guru (2 putra dan 2 putri), dan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang berkumpul di SMA Negeri 3 Malang pada pukul 07.00 WIB untuk mengikuti departure ceremony yang dipimpin oleh Kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. Kemudian tepat pukul 08.00 WIB dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) armada bus berangkat menuju Juanda International Airport Surabaya yaang dipandu oleh pihak travel agency Arwana Tour dengan pemandu Ms Tata. Setelah melakukan check-in dan beberapa pengurusan imigrasi, pada pukul 15.20 WIB delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang terbang ke Thailand dengan menggunakan maskapai penerbangan Air Asia flight number QZ7682. Pada pukul 19.30 WIB, mendarat di Svarnabhum International Airport Bangkok Thailand. Pengurusan checkpoint dan luggage/baggage claim kurang lebih membutuhkan waktu 60 menit, dan para penjemput dari Nakhonsawan School yang berjumlah 5 (orang), yaitu Mrs Winny (mediator/ guru Bahasa Inggris); Mr. Victor (guru Bahasa Inggris); Miss Judith (Head of Foreign Language), Mrs. Nut (guru Bahasa Inggris), dan Mr. Jojo (guru ICT) sudah menunggu di gate dengan spanduk selamat datang yang sudah dibentangkan. Kegiatannya adalah upacara penyambutan dengan memberi gelang bunga melati kepada masing-masing delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang, foto bersama, pembelian simcard untuk nomor telefon Thailand. Pada pukul 21.00 waktu Bangkok, seluruh delegasi dan penjemput berangkat ke Nakhonsawan dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) bus sekolah dan 1 (satu) van sekolah. Jarak Bangkok Nakhonsawan kurang lebih 240 km ditempuh dalam waktu 3 jam dengan istirahat 1 (satu) kali di kota Ayutya, dan baru tiba di hotel transit yaitu Primarn Hotel pada pukul 00.30 waktu Nakhonsawan. Delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang
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disambut oleh Director of Nakhonsawan School, Miss Phenjarat Singthong dan beberapa guru Nakhonsawan School. b. Hari kedua, Selasa, 14 Februari 2012 Pada hari Selasa, 14 Februari 2012 setelah breakfast di Primarn Hotel Nakhonsawan, delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang dijemput oleh Director of Nakhonsawan School, Miss Phenjarat Singthong dan beberapa guru. Pada pukul 07.00 waktu Nakhonsawan, kami menuju perjalanan ke Nakhonsawan School dengan bus sekolah dan van dalam waktu kurang lebih 15 menit. Di beberapa titik di kota Nakhonsawan terlihat cutouts/baliho selamat datang kepada delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang yang dilengkapi foto seluruh siswa, guru, dan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Pada pukul 07.30, para delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang disambut oleh 4200 siswa, 200 guru, dan 80 karyawan/karyawati Nakhonsawan School dalam acara morning assembly. Pada acara morning assembly, semua delegasi diperkenalkan kepada peserta upacara, pemberian gift selamat datang dari Vice Principal of Curriculum of Nakhonsawan School, Mr. Teerapong kepada wakil kepala sekolah I (kurikulum dan pembelajaran) SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. Hariyanto, M.Pd., juga dilaksanakan pengibaran bendera negara Thailand dan bendera kedua sekolah. Pada pukul 08.30 waktu Nakhonsawan, delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang dipandu menuju meeting hall untuk mengikuti Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony. Pada acara ini dihadiri oleh kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd., Director of Nakhonsawan School, Miss Phenjarat Singthong, guru pendamping dan seluruh siswa dari SMA Negeri 3 Malang, sebagian guru dan siswa Nakhonsawan School, seluruh Director of Secondary School se wilayah Nakhonsawan Municipality, Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42 (yang meliputi 2 Provinsi yaitu Nakhonsawan Province dan Uthai Thani Province), Mr. Phaisal Pratoomchat, dan Curriculum Developer Bureau of Academic Affairs and Educational Standards Office of The Basic Education Commision Ministry of Education dari Bangkok, Miss Chairaporn Krataitong dan staff. Pada acara ini didahului oleh performance of traditional dance dari kedua negara, yaitu tari topeng Malangan yang ditampilkan oleh siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Lentini Surya dan Lam Thai yang ditampilkan oleh 4 (empat) gadis cantik siswi-siswi Nakhonsawan School, perkenalan guru dari kedua sekolah oleh MC dan Hariyanto, pidato kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang
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dengan Bahasa Thai, pidato Director of Nakhonsawan School dengan tema Sharing Culture-Sharing Future, dan pidato Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42. Setelah penandatanganan MoU, dilaksanakan foto bersama di stage, ramah tamah, dan foto bersama di luar hall. Setelah MoU Signing Ceremony, para guru pendamping dan siswa peserta exchange programme dipisah untuk melakukan kegiatan yang berbeda. Guru pendamping dan kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang melakukan kegiatan ramah tamah di ruang director bersama seluruh Vice Director, para Director of Secondary School, Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42, dan perwakilan dari Ministry of Education Thailand, sedangkan para siswa SMA Negeri 3 Malang dipandu untuk mengikuti acara pertemuan dengan buddy-nya masing-masing. Kegiatan hari kedua di sekolah diakhiri setelah touring of school, seluruh siswa dan guru pulang menuju rumah buddy-nya masing-masing, kepala sekolah menuju hotel. Acara hari kedua diakhiri dengan dinner bersama kepala sekolah, guru pendamping, dan buddy guru pada pukul 18.00 sampai dengan pukul 21.00 waktu Nakhonsawan. Pada acara ini, dibicarakan tentang kesepakatan-kesepakatan disain program berikutnya, yaitu tentang jadwal kunjungan balasan Nakhonsawan School ke SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan bentuk perluasan kerjasama sister school/partnership antara kedua sekolah. c. Hari ketiga, Rabu, 15 Februari 2012 Pada hari ke tiga ini, kegiatan guru dan siswa SMA Negeri 3 Malang terpisah. Para siswa/siswi mengikuti class immersion di sekolah, seperti mengikuti pelajaran bersama buddy masing-masing, cooking class, Art Class, dan Co Curriculair Activity. Tiga guru pendamping, Drs. Hariyanto, M.Pd., Riyantin, S.Pd., dan Dra. Ida Nurmala bergabung pada pertemuan seluruh director of Secondary School se-wilayah Service Area 42 di Uthai Thai. Sedangkan Kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. dan seorang guru pendamping, Abdul Tedy, S.Pd., M.Pd. pulang ke tanah air. Para siswa SMA Negeri 3 Malang bergabung dengan buddy mereka masingmasing untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran; pada cooking class mereka diajari cara memasak dan menyajikan masakan khas Thai, dan pada art class, 10 siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang diajari Lam Thai (tari tradisional Thailand) selama 2 jam dan harus ditampilkan pada acara farewell party pada hari Jumat, 17 Februari 2012; sedangkan
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pada Co Curriculair, para siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang bergabung untuk belajar olahraga khas Thailand yaitu Thai Boxing. Tiga guru pendamping SMA Negeri 3 Malang bersama Director of Nakhonsawan School bergabung pada acara meeting rutin seluruh Director of Secondary School se wilayah Service Area 42 di Tong lang Secondary School Uthai Thani Province. Pertemuan ini dihadiri oleh 37 Director of Secondary School se-provinsi Nakhonsawan dan 21 Director of Secondary se-provinsi Uthai Thani. Perjalanan Nakhonsawan Tong Lang Uthai Thani sejauh 200 km ke arah tenggara ditempuh selama 3-4 jam dengan Van sekolah. Setelah pertemuan berakhir pada pukul 14.00 waktu Uthai Thani, para guru pendamping diajak ke beberapa tempat wisata di provinsi Utahi Thani yang didampingi pula oleh guru-guru Tong Lang Secondary School, yaitu ke hot spring (air hangat) dan ke bukit Hupathat (hutan aren). Kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. dan satu guru pendamping, Abdul Tedy, S.Pd., M.Pd. berangkat menuju Svarnabhum pada pukul 07.00 waktu setempat karena akan pulang ke tanah air pada penerbangan pukul 19.00 waktu Bangkok. Setelah memerlukan waktu 8 jam, akhirnya mereka tiba di Malang-Indonesia. d. Hari keempat, Kamis, 16 Februari 2012 Pada hari Kamis, 16 Februari 2012 pukul 05.30 waktu Nakhonsawan para delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang bersama buddy melaksanakan kegiatan Bangkok Tour. Tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi adalah Grand Palace dan Emerald Budha Temple, Paragon Dream World, dan The Adventure Park. Pada pukul 09.00 waktu bangkok, para delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang tiba di Grand Palace, di mana di tempat ini juga terdapat berbagai bangunan, patung Budha raksasa, dan Istana King Bhumibhol. Pada pukul 11.30 waktu Bangkok , semua rombongan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Paragon, yaitu salah satu tempat pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di kota Bangkok. Pada pukul 14.00 waktu bangkok, setelah makan siang di bus dan snack yang disediakan oleh Dr. Hammi Ibrahim, salah satu owner Secondary School berbasis muslim di Nakhonsawan, rombongan kembali ke Nakhonsawan dan memasuki gerbang Nakhonsawan School pada pukul 19.00 waktu setempat.

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e. Hari kelima, Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 Pada hari kelima, Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 ada 5 (lima) kegiatan yaitu (1) courtesy call on to Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality; (2) top view of Nakhonsawan province, Kiriwong Temple; (3) Sailing on Choa Praya River; (4) visit Boraphet Lake, dan (5) farewell party. Setelah mengikuti school assembly, pada pukul 08.00 waktu setempat Director of Nakhonsawan School, Miss Phenjarat Singthong didampingi bebera guru, 3 (tiga) guru SMA Negeri 3 Malang, 30 (tiga puluh) siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan beberapa buddy mengunjungi Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality. Para delegasi disambut apada acara ceremonial oleh Walikota Nakhonsawan (Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality), Mr. Jittahkasem Nirojthanarat. Beliau memberikan cindera mata kepada semua undangan berupa Tigerfish, yang merupakan icon of Nakhonsawan, dan juga menjadi guide tour para undangan untuk mengunjungi ruangan CCTV kota Nakhonsawan dan ruang kerja walikota. Kunjungan ke balaikota berlangsung kurang lebih 60 menit. Dengan menggunakan 4 (empat) Van, rombongan menuju bukit yang tertinggi di Nakhonsawan, di mana di sana terdapat menara yang tinggi dan Kiriwong Temple. Dari puncak menara dapat melihat seluruh kota Nakhonsawan, sedangkan Kiriwong Temple merupakan Temple terbesar di kota Nakhonsawan. Rombongan meninggalkan Kiriwong Temple pada pukul 11.30 waktu setempat. Kunjungan berikutnya adalah menuju Boraphet Lake atau Bueng Boraphet, perjalanan ditempuh sekitar 30 menit. Kegiatan di Boraphet Lake adalah makan siang, nonton komidi kera yang sama dengan komidi kera di Indonesia, atraksi buaya, dan nonton movie of sea world. Acara terakhir kunjungan outdoor hari itu adalah naik perahu menyusuri sungai Choa Praya sampai pukul 3 sore, yang merupakan sungai terpanjang di Thailand yang merupakan titik temu dua sungai yaitu Sungai Ping dan Sungai Nan, dua sungai ini akhirnya membentuk sungai utama yaitu Sungai Chao Phraya yang mengalir ke Bangkok terus ke Teluk Thailand. Seluruh peserta exchange programme dari SMA Negeri 3 Malang dijemput buddy-nya untuk persiapan farewell party malam harinya. Pada Jumat malam pukul 18.00 waktu Nakhonsawan, acara farewell party dimulai. Undangan yang hadir adalah seluruh peserta exchange programme, baik guru dan siswa dari SMA Negeri 3 Malang, guru-guru Nakhonsawan School, para
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buddy dan orangtua buddy/host, Director dan para Vice Director of Nakhonsawan School, Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42, dan beberapa Director of Secondary School di sekitar Nakhonsawan School. Acara diawali dengan penampilan School Band Grade 11 dengan lagu-lagu bahasa Thai, dilanjutkan dengan penampilan tari tradisional Thai oleh siswi-siswi Nakhonsawan School, Tari Saman oleh siswa-siswi SMAN 3 Malang, Tari Thai (Lam Thai) oleh 10 siswa/siswi SMAN 3 Malang, seni musik tradisional Thai, Sambutan Miss Phenjarat Singthong, sekaligus pembagian sertifikat kepada peserta exchange programme, sambutan Mr. Phaisal Pratoomchat, dan acara bebas dengan lagu-lagu dan tarian yang dilakukan oleh guru dan siswa Nakhonsawan School dan SMAN 3 Malang. Pada akhir acara, terjadi suasana yang sangat haru antara siswa/siswa SMAN 3 Malang dan Siswa/Siswi Nakhonsawan School, juga antara guru-guru/karyawan/karyawati kedua sekolah, karena malam itu merupakan malam terakhir kegiatan exchange programme antara Nakhonsawan School dan SMAN 3 Malang. Kegiatan farewell party berakhir pada pukul 23.00 waktu setempat.

f. Hari keenam, Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012 Pada hari Sabtu, 18 Feebruari 2012 pukul 05.00 waktu Nakhonsawan, semua peserta exchange programme baik dari SMAN 3 Malang maupun Nakhonsawan School dan beberapa guru Nakhonsawan School sudah berkumpul di halaman sekolah. Pemberangkatan ke Bangkok yang seharusnya dimulai pada pukul 05.30 agak molor karena kedua belah pihak khususnya para siswa/siswi enggan untuk berpisah, suasana haru semakin nampak. Pada akhirnya kira-kira pukul 06.00 pagi dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) bus sekolah dan 1 (satu) Van para delegasi meninggalkan Nakhonsawan School menuju Bangkok. Perjalanan memerlukan waktu sekitar 3 jam, sampailah di tempat tujuan yaitu sebuah Masjid di pinggiran kota Bangkok, yaitu tempat serah terima delegasi SMAN 3 Malang dari pihak Nakhonsawan School kepada pihak Travel Agency Thailand yang merupakan rekanan Arwana Tour Malang Indonesia. Para delegasi SMAN 3 Malang benar-benar berpisah dengan pihak Nakhonsawan School. Sister school atau parternership antara Nakhonsawan School dan SMA Negeri 3 Malang mengambil tema Sharing Culture Sharing Future dan ditambah dengan Two schools, two cities, two countries, and two hearts are unified

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by love. Selamat tinggal Nakhonsawan School, kami SMA Negeri 3 Malang akan menunggu kalian di kota dingin Malang pada bulan September 2012. 2. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Tambahan Pelaksanaan kegiatan tambahan adalah (1) kegiatan setelah check-out dari Nakhosawan School yang dijadwalkan oleh travel agency; (2) pertemuan dengan alumni SMA Negeri 3 Malang di Singapura dan Batam. a. Kegiatan Setelah Check-out dari Nakhonsawan School Setelah para delegasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang diserahkan kepada pihak travel agency untuk mengikuti Bangkok Tour 2D1N, pada pukul 09.30 waktu bangkok di bawa langsung menuju floating market (pasar terapung) sekitar 30 menit, makan siang, dan terakhir di bawa ke MBK Mall di pusat kota Bangkok. Pada pukul 20.00 waktu Bangkok dinner, dan check-in di Dinasty Hotel Bangkok. Kegiatan pada tanggal 19 Februari 2012 adalah check-out dari hotel, mengunjungi Galery of Jewelary, belanja di Pra Tu Nam, Check-in di railway station untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Penang Malaysia. Saat di Galery perhiasan, terjadi kejadian yang sangat mengejutkan yaitu salah satu dari peserta atas nama Arum Bunga Divitri melaporkan kehilangan paspor. Melalui musayawarah singkat, akhirnya Bunga ditemani pihak travel agency, Mr. Roy Aldilla untuk tinggal di Bangkok untuk melakukan pengurusan dokumen. Seorang siswa atas nama Moh. Vito, pulang ke Indonesia lebih dulu melalui penerbangan Bangkok Surabaya, sehingga jumlah peserta yang menuju Malaysia tinggal 10 siswa dan 18 siswi, serta 3 guru pendamping. Rombongan tetap melanjutkan perjalanan dengan kereta api dari Bangkok pada hari Minggu, 19 Februari 2012 pukul 15.00 waktu Bangkok menuju Penang Malaysia. Tiba di Penang keesokan harinya, yaitu hari Senin, 20 Februari 2012 pada pukul 13.00 waktu Malaysia. Perjalanan Bangkok Hat Yai Penang ditempuh kurang lebih 22 jam. Perjalanan Penang Kuala Lumpur Johor Bahru dilakukan dengan bus selama 12 jam. Rombongan SMAN 3 Malang dalam perjalanannya Penang Johor Bahru melakukan 3 (tiga) kali istirahat, yaitu makan siang dan sholat dhuhur, makan malam dan foto bersama di Petronas Twins Tower Kuala Lumpur (KL). Salah satu siswi SMAN
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3 Malang dan Mr. Roy sudah menunggu di KL untuk bergabung kembali dengan rombongan, karena paspor sudah dapat ditemukan kembali di kamar Dinasty Hotel Bangkok. Pada ahirnya, rombongan check-in di sebuah hotel Johor Bahru (JB) pada Selasa, 21 Februari 2012 pukul 01.00 dini hari. b. Pertemuan dengan Alumni SMA Negeri 3 Malang Pada hari Selasa, 21 Februari 2012 pukul 10.00 waktu JB, rombongan check-out dari hotel menuju Universal Studio Singapore. Pada pukul 12.00 waktu Singapore, rombongan memasuki wilayah Sentosa Island, sebanyak 21 siswa/siswi masuk USS, sedangkan 3 (tiga) guru pendamping dan sisa siswi melakukan Singapore Tour sendiri ke Vivo City, Orchard, China Town, dan kembali ke Vivo City pada pukul 19.00 waktu Singapore untuk bertemu dengan alumni SMAN 3 Malang, di antaranya Krisna dan Hafidhul yang sedang kuliah di NUS (National University of Singapore). Pada pukul 20.00, rombongan check-in Ferry di Harbour Front menuju Batam Centre. Sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB baru bisa check-in di Batam Centre Hotel, di mana di sana sudah ditunggu oleh beberapa alumni SMAN 3 Malang, di antaranya Mbak Lucky, Mas Sonny, dan Mbak Lilik. Hari Rabu, 22 Februari 2012, rombongan exchange programme SMAN 3 Malang melakukan kegiatan half day di Batam. Check-out dari Batam Centre Hotel pada pukul 10.00 WIB, kemudian acara free and easy di seputaran pusat perbelanjaan di Nagoya, dan makan siang bersama alumni pada pukul 12.30 WIB. Rombongan disambut oleh sekitar 6 (enam) alumni SMANTI di Batam, yaitu Mas Didik, Mas Sonny, Mbak Nina, Mbak Lilik, Mas Kutrik, dan Mas Tatok. Acara lunch diakhiri pukul 14.00 WIB, kemudian diantar check-in di bandara Hang Nadim untuk terbang ke Surabaya dengan Batavia Air pada pukul 16.00 WIB. Pada pukul 17.30 WIB, rombongan mendarat di Juanda International Airport Surabaya, setelah melakukan baggage/luggage claim melanjutkan perjalanan ke Malang dengan bus. Perjalanan Surabaya Malang ditempuh kurang lebih 3 (tiga) jam dengan istirahat makan malam di rumah makan Mojorejo. Pada akhirnya, sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB, seluruh rombongan tiba di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. 3. Kesepakatan antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School

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Kesepakatan-kesepakatan antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School dirumuskan melalui 2 (dua) tahap, yaitu saat (1) merumuskan MoUmelaui mediasi; dan (2) dinner antar dua pimpinan sekolah di Nakhonsawan. Kesepakatan di dalam MoU tertuang menjadi 12 (dua belas) pasal dan 5 (lima) bab; yaitu (a) bab I tentang nama dan bentuk kerjasama ; (b) bab II tentang jumlah peserta, periodisasi, dan substansi kerjasama secara umum ; (c) bab III tentang anggaran ; (d) bab IV tentang jumlah peserta dan lama exchange programme yang pertama kali dan selanjutnya; dan (e) bab V tentang kemungkinan kesepakatan lain di luar pasal-pasal dalam MoU dan masa berlakunya MoU. Sedangkan kesepakatan antar kedua pimpinan sekolah saat dinner di Nakhonsawan adalah (1) tetap melaksanakan butir-butir MoU sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan; (2)menyepakati tindak lanjut dari pelaksanaan MoU Bab IV pasa 3 yaitu tentang waktu pelaksanaan dan jumlah peserta exchange programme dari Nakhonsawan School ke SMA Negeri 3 Malang, yaitu pihak Nakhonsawan School akan mengirim 4 (empat) guru dan 30 (tiga puluh) siswa/siswi ke SMA Negeri 3 Malang pada bulan Oktober 2012. (MoU terlampir) 4. Informasi Tentang Thailand dan Nakhonsawan School Informasi tentang Thailand dan Nakhonsawan School merupakan tugas kelompok yang harus dipenuhi oleh siswa dan guru peserta exchange programme 2012. Data-data informasi diperoleh dengan mengisi worksheet dalam Handout of Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School selama kegiatan berlangsung. Hasil selengkapnya akan dipaparkan pada BAB III, yaitu tentang hasil kegiatan exchange programme antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School.

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Pada BAB III ini dipaparkan tentang (1) target dan hasil kegiatan inti; (2) target dan hasil kegiatan tambahan; dan (3) butir-butir kesepakatan antara SMAN 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School. A. Target dan Hasil Kegiatan Inti Pada target dan hasil kegiatan inti dipaparkan tentang target dan hasil sesuai agenda yang sudah di-arrange pada itinerary of exchange programme selama di Nakhonsawan School. 1. Hari pertama, Senin, 13 Februari 2012 No 1 Kegiatan Berkumpul di SMA Negeri 3 Malang Target dan kepala sekolah berkumpul pada pukul 07.00 WIB 2 Berangkat ke Juanda Airport Berangkat ke Juanda Airport pada pukul 07.30 WIB Hasil Satu orang siswa atas nama Surya Pratama berangkat langsung ke airport karena sesuatu hal. Target tercapai 100% Pemberangkatan dilepas oleh Kepala SMA Negeri 3 Malang Bapak Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. 3 4 Tiba di Juanda Airport Take-off dari Juanda Airport 5 Landing di Tiba di Juanda Airport pada pukul 09.30 WIB Take-off dari Juanda Airport pada pukul 15.20 WIB Landing di Svarnabhum Target tercapai 100%
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Sebanyak 30 siswa, 4 guru Target tercapai 97%

Target tercapai 100% Target tercapai 100%

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Svarnabhum International Airport Bangkok Thailand

International Airport Bangkok Thailand pada pukul 19.30 WIB

Perjalanan Bangkok ke Nakhonsawan

Tiba di Nakhonsawan pukul 23.00

Target tercapai 100% penjemputan peserta (30 orang siswa , 4 orang guru, dan kepala sekolah oleh 5 orang guru Nakhonsawan School dengan 1 bus dan 1 Van Tiba di Nakhonsawan pada pukul 00.30 disambut oleh Director of Nakhonsawan School Miss Phenjarat Singthong di Primarn Hotel Nakhonsawan

a. Hari kedua, selasa, 14 Januari 2009 No 1 Kegiatan Breakfast Target Breakfast di Primarn Hotel Nakhonsawan. 2 Welcome & School Ceremony Mengikuti upacara penyambutan Target tercapai 100% Mengikuti upacara penyambutan, disambut oleh 4200 siswa/siswi, 200 guru, dan 80 karyawan Nakhonsawan School
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Hasil Target tercapai 100%

MoU Signing Ceremony

Penandatanganan MoU kerjasama antara SMAN 3 malang dan Nakhonsawan School

Target tercapai 50% Penandatanganan MoU oleh kepala SMAN 3 Malang dan Director of Nakhonsawan School yang disaksikan oleh seluruh Director of Secondary School se-kota Nakhonsawan, Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42, dan perwakilan dari Ministry of Education Thailand

4 5

Lunch School Orientation and Introducing to Buddy

Lunch di Nakhonsawan School Orientasi atau school touring dan pengenalan buddy/host

Target tercapai 100% Target tercapai 70% Guru melakukan orientasi sekolah, siswa diperkenalkan dengan buddy-nya masing-masing .


Dinner bersama Director dan buddy guru

Target tercapai 100% Dinner bersama Director (Miss Phenjarat Singthong ), Mr. Teerapong, Mrs. Winny, Miss Judith, Mr. Victor, dan beberapa buddy guru Dicapai kesepakatan tentang pelaksanaan exchange programme berikutnya

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b. Hari ketiga, Rabu, 15 Februari 2012 No 1 Kegiatan Breakfast Target Breakfast bersama buddy/host masingmasing Hasil Target tercapai 100% Guru-guru dan siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang breakfast di rumah buddy masing-masing 2 School Orientation by Mengikuti orientasi trained student guides sekolah dan class School Lesson with buddies classes immersion di kelas buddy masing-masing 3 Lunch Lunch bersama buddy di Nakhonsawan School Target tercapai 100% Siswa bersama buddies mengikuti orientasi sekolah dan class immersion Target tercapai 100% Siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang lunch di sekolah bersama buddy masingmasing. 4 Art Lesson dan Cooking Class Mempelajari seni budaya dan masakan khasThai Target tercapai 100% Siswa/siswi SMA Negeri 3 Malang mengikuti Dancing Class untuk berlatih tarian khas Thai (Lam Thai) dan Cooking Class untuk belajar memasak masakan khas Thai 5 Joining meeting of Sharing dengan sekolahDirectors of Secondary sekolah di Thailand School at Service Area 42 Kegiatan terpisah mulai pagi dilakukan oleh guruguru SMA Negeri 3 Malang, yaitu mengikuti pertemuan Directors of Secondary School se wilayah Service Area 42 (Nakhonsawan Province dan Uthai Thani Province) sebanyak 57
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sekolah di Tom Lang Secondary School-Uthai Thani. Kemudian diajak mengunjungi tempat wisata hot spring dan Hupathat c. Hari keempat, Kamis, 16 Februari 2012 No 1 Kegiatan Breakfast Target Breakfast dengan buddy masing-masing. Hasil Target tercapai 100% Breakfast dilaksanakan di atas bus sekolah dalam perjalanan ke Bangkok 2 Visit The Grand Palace and Emerald Budha Temple Mengunjungi, memahami sejarah Thailand dengan mengunjungi The Grand Palace and Emerald Budha Temple Target tercapai 90% Mengunjungi The Grand Palace and Emerald Budha Temple, yaitu di dalamnya terdapat berbagai bangunan dan temple serta istana Raja Thailand 3 Lunch Lunch dengan guru-guru Nakhonsawan School 4 Shopping at Paragon Dream World, the Adventure Park Memanfaatkan waktu belanja di Paragon Dream World Target tercapai 100% Lunch terlaksana di atas bus sekolah Target tercapai 50% Siswa dan guru SMA Negeri 3 Malang diajak belanja di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di kota Bangkok, tetapi karena keterbatasan waktu tidak sempat ke The Adventure Park

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d. Hari kelima, Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 No 1 2 Kegiatan Breakfast School Assembly Target Breakfast di Nakhonsawan School. Mengikuti dan membandingkan kegiatan sejenis di RVHS dengan SMA Negeri 3 Malang. 3 Courtesy call on to Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality Mengetahui sistem pemerintahan lokal di Thailand Target tercapai 105% Mengunjungi balaikota Nakhonsawan dan disambut dengan upacara ceremonial oleh walikota Nakhonsawan dan diajak tour seluruh ruangan balaikota dan CCTV kota Nakhonsawan yang dipandu langsung oleh walikota 4 Top view of Nakhonsawan Province, Kiriwong Temple Melihat pemandangan seluruh kota Nakhonsawan Target tercapai 100% Melihat pemandangan seluruh kota Nakhonsawan dengan menaiki menara di bukit Kiriwong, dan juga mengunjungi Kiriwong Temple 5 Lunch Melaksanakan lunch bersama di Boraphet Lake. 6 Visit Boraphet Lake Mengikuti tour ke Danau terbesar di Thailand Target tercapai 100% Mengunjungi danau
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Hasil Target tercapai 100% Target tercapai 100% School Assembly dilaksanakan secara sederhana dan khidmad

Target tercapai 100%

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terbesar di Thailand, Boraphet Lake, nonton komidi kera, atraksi budaya, dan movie tentang sea world 7 The Choa Praya River Berlayar sepanjang sungai terpanjang di Thailand Target tercapai 100% Berlayang dengan perahu motor menyusuri sungai terpanjang di Thailand, Choa Praya River 8 Farewell Party Melaksanakan pesta farewell bersama di Nakhonsawan School Target tercapai 100% Farewell dihadiri seluruh peserta exchange programme, baik guru dan siswa dari SMA Negeri 3 Malang, guru-guru Nakhonsawan School, para buddy dan orangtua buddy/host, Director dan para Vice Director of Nakhonsawan School, Director of Secondary Educational Service Area 42, dan beberapa Director of Secondary School di sekitar Nakhonsawan School. Acara diawali dengan penampilan School Band Grade 11 dengan lagu-lagu bahasa Thai, dilanjutkan dengan penampilan tari tradisional Thai oleh siswisiswi Nakhonsawan School,
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Tari Saman oleh siswa-siswi SMAN 3 Malang, Tari Thai (Lam Thai) oleh 10 siswa/siswi SMAN 3 Malang, seni musik tradisional Thai, Sambutan Miss Phenjarat Singthong, sekaligus pembagian sertifikat kepada peserta exchange programme, sambutan Mr. Phaisal Pratoomchat, dan acara bebas dengan lagulagu dan tarian yang dilakukan oleh guru dan siswa Nakhonsawan School dan SMAN 3 Malang. Pada akhir acara, terjadi suasana yang sangat haru antara siswa/siswa SMAN 3 Malang dan Siswa/Siswi Nakhonsawan School, juga antara guruguru/karyawan/karyawati kedua sekolah, karena malam itu merupakan malam terakhir kegiatan exchange programme antara Nakhonsawan School dan SMAN 3 Malang. Kegiatan farewell party berakhir pada pukul 23.00 waktu setempat.

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e. Hari keenam, Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012 No 1 Kegiatan Breakfast Target Breakfast di Nakhonsawan School. Hasil Target tercapai 100% Breakfast dilaksanakan di atas bus sekolah dalam perjalanan ke Bangkok 2 Check-out of Nakhonsawan School Check-out dari Nakhonsawan School Target tercapai 100% Pada pukul 05.00 waktu Nakhonsawan, semua peserta exchange programme baik dari SMAN 3 Malang maupun Nakhonsawan School dan beberapa guru Nakhonsawan School sudah berkumpul di halaman sekolah. Pemberangkatan ke Bangkok yang seharusnya dimulai pada pukul 05.30 agak molor karena kedua belah pihak khususnya para siswa/siswi enggan untuk berpisah, suasana haru semakin nampak. Pada akhirnya kira-kira pukul 06.00 pagi dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) bus sekolah dan 1 (satu) Van para delegasi meninggalkan Nakhonsawan School menuju Bangkok.
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Perjalanan memerlukan waktu sekitar 3 jam, sampailah di tempat tujuan yaitu sebuah Masjid di pinggiran kota Bangkok, yaitu tempat serah terima delegasi SMAN 3 Malang dari pihak Nakhonsawan School kepada pihak Travel Agency Thailand yang merupakan rekanan Arwana Tour Malang Indonesia. Para delegasi SMAN 3 Malang benarbenar berpisah dengan pihak Nakhonsawan School. Sister school atau parternership antara Nakhonsawan School dan SMA Negeri 3 Malang mengambil tema Sharing Culture Sharing Future dan ditambah dengan Two schools, two cities, two countries, and two hearts are unified by love. Selamat tinggal Nakhonsawan School, kami SMA Negeri 3 Malang akan menunggu kalian di kota dingin Malang pada bulan September 2012.
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B. Target dan Hasil Kegiatan Tambahan Pada kegiatan tambahan ini meliputi (1) kegiatan pasca check-out dari Nakhonsawan school; dan (2) pertemuan dengan alumni SMAN 3 Malang di Singapura dan Batam. Semua kegiatan pasca check-out dari Nakhonsawan School di-handle oleh pihak travel agency, yaitu (a) two days one night di Bangkok; (b) mengunjungi Kuala Lumpur dan Petronas atau Twins Tower; (c) one day di Singapura; dan (d) one day one night di Batam. Pada program pertemuan dengan alumni SMANTI di Singapura dan Batam, para delegasi SMAN 3 Malang hanya ketemu dengan 2 (dua) dari 18 (delapan belas) alumni SMANTI di Singapura karena pada saat hari kerja, sehingga hanya alumni yang lebih memungkinkan bisa menyisihkan waktunya untuk bertemu dan berkontribusi terhadap kelancaran program ini. Sedangkan untuk alumni Batam, sebanyak 8 (delapan) dari 52 (lima puluh dua) alumni SMANTI Batam menyambut delegasi dengan mengadakan lunch bersama dan berkontribusi dalam kelancaran check-in di Bandara Hang Nadim-Batam. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa program tambahan ini tidak ada target yang dirumuskan secara pasti seperti halnya program kegiatan inti, karena kegiatan tambahan di luar kegiatan exchange programme. Kegiatan tambahan hanyalah kegiatan refreshing yang merupakan kegiatan inti. Apabila dilihat berdasarkan itinerary yang sudah disusun, maka target pencapaian keberhasilan kegiatan ini masih di atas 90%. C. Kesepakatan antara SMA Negeri 3 Malang dan Nakhonsawan School Kunjungan SMA Negeri 3 Malang ke Nakhonsawan School pada tanggal 13 18 Februari 2012 mencakup 3 (tiga) kegiatan sekaligus, yaitu: (1) penandatangan MoU; (2) pelaksanaan kegiatan exchange programme yang disepakati dalam MoU; dan (3) menindaklanjuti pasca penandatanganan MoU untuk exchange programme berikutnya. Butir-butir kesepakatan tersebut secara singkat dapat dipaparkan sebagai berikut: 1. Kedua sekolah menyepakati untuk saling kerjasama atas dasar kesetaraan dan saling menguntungkan, dan kerjasamanya disebut sister school 2. Bentuk kerjasamanya adalah saling mengirim sejumlah delegasi siswa/siswi dan sejumlah guru dalam waktu periode tertentu

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3. Melalui para delegasi diharapkan saling tukar informasi tentang inovasi pembelajaran, class immersion, pertukaran budaya, dan kunjungan ke pusat-pusat budaya dan tempat-tempat wisata 4. Seluruh anggaran selama di negara tujuan, ditanggung oleh sekolah tuan rumah (host) 5. Kedua sekolah menyepakati, exchange berikutnya dilakasanakan bulan September 2012, yaitu sejumlah siswa/siswi dan guru Nakhonsawan School berkunjung ke SMA Negeri 3 Malang 6. Pelaksanaan butir-butir MoU dilaksanakan oleh kedua belah pihak sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan. D. Informasi Tentang Nakhonsawan dan Nakhonsawan School Pada sub bab ini dipaparkan tentang informasi singkat tentang Nakhonsawan dan Nakhonsawan School.

1. Sekilas Tentang Nakhonsawan Nakhon Sawan (bahasa Thai: ) merupakan sebuah provinsi (thesaban nakhon) di Thailand. provinsi ini beribukota Nakhon Sawan, yang meliputi beberapa daerah seperti (tambon) Pak Nam Pho serta Khwae Yai, Nakhon Sawan Tok, Nakhon Sawan Ok dan Wat Sai, Amphoe Mueang Nakhon Sawan. Penduduk Nakhon Sawan pada tahun 2006 ialah sekitar 93.141. Nakhon Sawan terletak pada jarak 240 km di utara Bangkok dan menjadi titik pertemuan dua sungai yaitu Sungai Ping dan Sungai Nan. Dua sungai ini akhirnya membentuk sungai utama yaitu Sungai Chao Phraya yang mengalir ke Bangkok terus ke Teluk Thailand. Suhu tempat ini berkisar dari 33 C hingga 43 C. Bueng Boraphet terletak di timur Nakhon Sawan merupakan daerah muara hujan yang terbesar di Thailand. Ibukota Nakhon Sawan province adalah kota Nakhonsawan yang dipimpin Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality. Lokasi parawisata yang terkenal di Nakhon Sawan ialah: Phra Bang Scout Camp Sawan Park dan Nakhon Sawan Culture Center. 2. Sekilas Tentang Nakhonsawan School Nakhonsawan School adalah sekolah terbesar di Nakhonsawan, di mana terdapat 4361 siswa/siswi, 181 guru, dan 66 tenaga kependidikan. Nakhonsawan berarti
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heavenly City atau kota surgawi dan logonya berupa heavenly castle atau benteng surgawi. Ungu dan putih adalah warna spiritual Nakhonsawan School. Pada tahun 1896, Nakhonsawan School adalah sekolah yang didirikan pertama kali di Vihara tua di jantung kota dengan nama Moonsamann Chaloesak School. Pada tahun 1897 berubah nama menjadi Thamthitiwong Witthayakarn School, pada tahun 1932 menjadi Nakhonsawan Province School, pada tahun 1938 pindah gedung ke tempat yang sekarang ini karena perkembangan jumlah siswa/siswi. Berubah nama menjadi Nakhonsawan School sampai dengan sekarang mulai tahun 1961. Penerimaan siswa baru melalui test atau ujian masuk, yaitu ditemima di M.1 pada Grade 7 dan M.4 pada Grade 10. Program yang dipilih oleh siswa adalah Intensive Science, Science-Math, dan Art-Math. Sebagai informasi tambahan tentang lulusan, prestasi, dan sarana prasarana. Setiap tahun sebagian besar lulusan Nakhonsawan School di Universitas-Universitas terkenal. Untuk prestasi olahraga, Nakhonsawan School selalu unggul di Thailand. Sedangkan untuk mengatasi kejenuhan karena padatnya kegiatan siswa, Nakhonsawan School banyak menyediakan sarana prasarana seperti 3D Library, Mini Theater, Auto Searching Information Centre, Mathematic Library, dan lain-lain. Nakhonsawan School berada di atas tanah kurang lebih 7 hektar dan tersedia lapangan sepak bola dan kolam renang. Dengan demikian, Nakhonsawan School merupakan sekolah terbesar di Nakhon Sawan Province, dan salah satu sekolah terbesar di Thailand.

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A. KESIMPULAN Berdasarkan telah dilaksanakannya kegiatan Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. SMA Negeri 3 Malang telah menjalin kerjasama dengan sekolah partner atau sister school, Nakhonsawan School Thailand yang merupakan salah satu sekolah di negara-negara OECD atau ASEAN 2. SMA Negeri 3 Malang telah melaksanakan bench-marking kebudayaan, pogram sekolah, manajemen, proses pembelajaran, dan kurikulum dengan Nakhonsawan School Thailand yang merupakan salah satu sekolah di negara-negara OECD atau ASEAN 3. SMA Negeri 3 Malang telah menyepakati adanya pertukaran program/exchange programme secara periodik dengan Nakhonsawan School Thailand yang merupakan salah satu sekolah di negara-negara OECD atau ASEAN. B. SARAN Kegiatan Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand, masih mempunyai beberapa kelemahan di berbagai bidang, yaitu manajemen-nya, persiapan konten yang di-exchange, dan rencana ke depan apabila program ini telah dilaksanakan secara periodik. Untuk itu ada beberapa saran demi perbaikan program ini di masa yang akan datang. 1. manajemen program exchange-programme harus dimasukkan dalam pembagian tugas rutin sekolah, termasuk anggarannya juga harus direncanakan dalam RKAS. 2. penyiapan konten yang akan di-exchange adalah kebudayaan, proses pembelajaran, dan kurikulum, maka harus diprogram secara periodik dan dikelola oleh penanggungjawab kerjasama sekolah dengan pihak luar 3. rencana exchange-programme selanjutnya harus ditingkatkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya, yakni proporsi kurikulum dan pembelajaran meningkat dibanding
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exchange kebudayaan yaitu sampai dengan proposi 50:50. Khususnya untuk kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran lebih diarahkan ke sandwich-programme, di mana kedua sekolah saling mengakui proses dan evaluasi yang dilaksanakan oleh kedua sekolah, sehingga dimungkinkan akan terjadi pertukaran guru dan siswa yang sebenarnya minimal selama 1 semester. 4. persiapan exchange programme, sebaiknya dilaksanakan mulai awal tahun pelajaran baru dan harus fixed semua mulai dari calon peserta, dokumen perjalanan paling lambat 4 (empat) bulan sebelum departure.

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Lampiran 1: Foto-Foto Kegiatan Exchange Programme

Pre-Departure di Juanda Internasional Airport, 13 February 2012

Sambutan di Svarna Bhum International Airport: 13 Februari 2012

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Sambutan di Svarna Bhum International Airport: 13 Februari 2012

Sambutan di Svarna Bhum International Airport: 13 Februari 2012

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Perjalanan Bangkok-Nakhonsawan: Istirahat di Ayuttiya (13 Februari 2012)

Transit di Primarn Hotel-Nakhonsawan (14 Februari 2012 pukul 00.30)

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Persiapan Berangkat ke Sekolah di Primarn Hotel Nakhonsawan (14 Februari 2012 pukul 07.00)

Cutouts Sambutan Delegasi SMAN 3 Malang di Nakhonsawan

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Delegasi SMAN 3 Malang Memasuki Gerbang Nakhonsawan School (14 Februari 2012 pukul 08.00)

Delegasi SMAN 3 Malang Disambut 4300 Siswa, 200 Guru, dan 80 Karyawan

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School Assembly (14 Februari 2012 Pukul 08.30)

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Signing MoU Ceremony Kepala SMAN 3 Malang, Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. Director of Nakhonsawan School: Miss Phenjarat Singthong Sharing Culture-Sharing Future

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Perkenalan dengan Buddy

Class Immersion

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Class Immersion

Exchange of Culture: di Grand Place-Bangkok (15 Februari 2012)

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Courtesy Call on to Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality (17 Februari 2012)

Souvenir dari Tuan Walikota Nakhonsawan

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Foto Bersama Walikota Nakhonsawan (17 Februari 2012)

Kunjungan ke Kiriwong Temple (17 Februari 2012)

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Farewell Party: Buddy Guru Nakhonsawan (17 Februari 2012)

Farewell Party: Art Performance (17 Februari 2012)

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Farewell Party: Sambutan Director

Farewell Party: Siswi-Siswi Nakhonsawan School

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Farewell Party: Tari Saman oleh Delegasi SMAN 3 Malang

Farewell Party: Para Performer Nakhonsawan School dan SMAN 3 Malang

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Lampiran 2: Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding between SMA Negeri 3 Malang - Indonesia and Nakhonsawan School - Thailand
By Blessing of God, Today, Tuesday, February, 14, 2012, placed at Nakhonsawan School Thailand, we, who sign below: 1. Name : Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. Profession : Principal of SMA Negeri 3 Malang - Indonesia Offiices Address : Jalan Sultan Agung Utara No. 7 Malang- East Java Indonesia Represents SMA Negeri 3 Malang (Public Senior High School), later will be the first party in Memorandum of Understanding 2. Name Profession Offiices Address : Miss Phenjarat Singthong : Director of Nakhonsawan School - Thailand :173 Matulee Road, Tambon Pak Nam Pho, Mueang Nakhonsawan. Nakhonsawan Province- Thailand Represents Nakhonsawan School, later will be the second party in Memorandum of Understanding

In increasing the quality of international education and arranging the relationship abroad, especially of education in countries of OECD (Organisation for Economics Cooperation and Development) and ASEAN (Assosiation South-East Asian Nations), and also the improvement of educational quality in SMA Negeri 3 Malang, hereby both parties have agreed to make an agreement in sister school for the following appoinment: CHAPTER I The relationship between first party and second party is as follows: 1. The name of relationship agreed is sister school between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School 2. The form of relationship: a. Sending some students from each school to the other one b. Sending some teachers from each school to the other one c. Exchanging information about learning innovation and culture by class immersion, art and culture performance, and visiting tourism places CHAPTER II 1. The number of students and teachers sent in period of time will be arranged between both parties based on agreement which is not deviated from this relationship
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2. Each party have to give the information about learning innovation and culture by class immersion, art and culture performance, and visiting tourism places CHAPTER III 1. The allocation of transportation during the relationship is paid by each party 2. During the relationship written in Chapter I point (2), accommodation of the visitor is paid by the school being visited. It means the accommodation of the students and teachers from SMA Negeri 3 Malang who visit Thailand will be arranged by the second party (Nakhonsawan School-Thailand), and the accommodation of the students and teachers Nakhonsawan School Thailand who visit Indonesia will be arranged by the first party (SMA Negeri 3 Malang) 3. Other payment out of (1) and (2) in chapter is responsibility of each party CHAPTER IV 1. In the first step, both parties will send 4 teachers and 30 students to each school 2. The dates of sending the delegation is decided on 13 to 18 February 2012 during 6 days 3. In the later step, the number of people of delegation and the ammount of time will be decided according to the agreement. CHAPTER V 1. The other points that have not arranged in this memorandum will be decided together in the other agreement that is not separated from this memorandum 2. The memorandum of understanding is done since it is written and will be ended according to both parties agreement.

Written in: Nakhonsawan School-Thailand Date: February 14th, 2012 First Party SMA Negeri 3 Malang - Indonesia Second Party Nakhonsawan School - Thailand

Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. Principal Witness .Lt Phaisal Pratoomchat Director of The Service Area Oce 42

Miss Phenjarat Singthong Director Witness Mr. Mayor of Nakhonsawan City Municipality

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Lampiran 3 : Laporan Tugas Peserta Exchange programme


BY GROUP 3 Cynthia Sari Latif Ryanda Catur Arhanudya Darin Atiandina Givanda Eka Harsari Ilham Pandika Haris Arum Bunga Lukman Ardiansyah

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We praise to Allah, His compassion and guidance support us to arrange the report of Thailand Culture and Religion while Student Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School Thailand on February 2012. Student Exchange programme is conducted based on memorandum of understanding (MOU) between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan school. There is academic programme include culture performance and knowledge about religion in Thailand. Because of this Student Exchange Programme, we know Thailand has many interesting culture, not only thai dance but also the habit of some thai people. We also know about majority religion in Thailand. We will explain them in next page. We wish our report will useful for us and increase our knowledge about culture in other countries.

Malang, March 2012


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Culture of Thailand The culture of Thailand much influence from ancient India, China, and Cambodia. It is influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, as well as migrations from China and southern India Art Thai visual art was traditionally primarily Buddhist. Thai Buddha images from different periods have a number of distinctive styles. Thai traditional dance is divided into three categories khon, lakhon and likay. We learned about one of thai traditional dance there, it was khon-lakhon and some of us performed it in Thankyou Party. The music of Thailand includes classical and folk music traditions, and the most popular song is loy kapong. Religion 9 of 10 people in thailand is Buddhist and with minorities muslim (5-6%) and other religion. Most of Thai people have their own spirit statue in front of their own house. They say sawaddee everytime they go and pass the statue. In the morning when the morning ceremony they always pray facing towards to the big yellow statue Sports One of Thai sports is Thai boxing or Muay Thai. It is similar with Smackdown. This sport is use a protector in head and use boxing gloves. This sport consist of two players and theyve to punch each other until of of them give up. The other sports is sepak takraw, its like a volley game but with legs. You must have lithe bodies to do this sport. Customs They usually take a bath when they finished their activities or take a bath in the morning. If their houses are far from school, they usually take a breakfast in school. When they meet each other, even they are student, teacher or headmaster and even in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon theyll say sawaddee . sawaddee means hello or goodbye. They usually go to school before 8 oclock The girls must have a short hair, and the boys must have a 3 2 1 styles They celebrate valentines day too. The boys is so sweet, they bring rose and chocolate, present&gift, love sticker, and give it to the girls who they love. And they were many free food in valentines day. They really respect with the king of thailand, they display big size the photos of the king in front of their school They are some student who gay Marriage An old woman who doesnt married yet is normal in thailand. In indonesia, especially java, we called an old woman who doesnt married yet is unusual.

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Funerals Traditionally funerals last for at least one week. Crying is prohibited during the funeral, because the spirit will disturbed . Many activities surrounding the funeral are intended to make merit for the deceased. A picture of the deceased from his/her best days will often be displayed next to the coffin. The Chinese minority however bury the deceased. Holidays In Thai, when the season is summer and the temperature is very very hot, the school take a long holiday. Its about 3-4 months. And every Saturday they were off. So they just go to school at monday until friday Nicknames Theyve got their nicknames by their parents and each name has different means. And sometimes theyve got their nicknames by their friends, like my buddy, she is called mannow , manow means lemon. Shes got that name because her face is like lemon. Food TomYam everyday everymonth every year every week every second every hours. Thai food is dominated with spicy and sour taste. If you dont like spicy or sour, you wont eat thai food because the taste its like padangs food out of date. Thai food its like tom yam, sum tham, paht thai and the others. But the most normal and delicious is sum tham.

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Member Grup 2 : M. Akbar Prasetyo Adrian Adi Kusuma M. Vito Rendragraha Rosita Nosi Adnoviansari Adriyana Dewi Mayasari Vita Kartika Widhianingtyas Ayu Kurnia Dovyanti

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PREFACE We praise to Allah, His compassion and guidance support us to arrange the report of Stuendt-Exchange Programme between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan School- Thailand 2010/2011. Student Exchange Programme is conducted based on Memorandum of Understanding( MoU) between SMA Negeri 3 Malang Indonesia and Nakhonsawan School- Thailand. After we have many activites there, we will report about Thailand economy. One of Thailand economic income from tourism. The government is very awakened to the public tourism in Thailand. We wish the programme gets many benefits to improve the quality of many sectors of SMA Negeri 3 Malang, so output can complete globally.

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Economy System in Thailand The economy of Thailand is a newly industrialized economy. It is a heavily exportdependent economy, with exports accounting for more than two thirds of gross domestic product (GDP). Recently, Thailand experienced GDP growth by 7.8% in 2010 making it one of the fastest growing economies in Asia and the fastest growing economy in South East Asia. The country has a GDP of 9.5 trillion Baht, or US$584 billion (PPP) making it the 24th largest economy in the world. This classifies Thailand as the second largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia. Despite this, Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation by GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. Thailand's nominal economic output as of June 2010 is $313.8 billion USD,[5] while holding some $172 billion in foreign exchange assets which ranks 11th in world. Thailand has strong automobile industry which grew by 63% in 2010 with 1.6 million cars produced ranking it as 13th in the motor vehicle producing countries in the world. Experts predict that by the year 2015 Thailand will be one of the top 10 motor vehicle producing countries in the world.[6] Thailand's economy functions as an anchor economy for the neighboring developing economies of Laos, Burma, and Cambodia. Thailand's recovery from the 19971998 Asian financial crisis depended mainly on exports, among various other factors. Thailand ranks high among the world's automotive export industries along with manufacturing of electronic goods. Tourism revenues are on the rise and contributing to about 6% of GDP. The GDP growth of Thailand was 8.0% in 2010, higher than previous highs of 5-7% under the previous civilian administration. Thailand enjoys high foreign investment and consumer confidence. Unemployment is at 1.2% as year 2010, with estimations of falling to 1% by the year 2012 therefore Thailand has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Decades of economic growth reduced poverty in Thailand. Thailand enjoys one of the lowest poverty rates in Asia. In 2010, Thailand, along with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia were the only countries in Asia with less than 2% of the country's total population living under $1.25 per day. The official Thai inflation rate excludes prices of both food and fuel in its calculation, meaning actual inflation is likely much higher than officially reported inflation. Food and fuel prices rapidly increased in 2010 and 2011. Observation in Nakhonsawan and Bangkok,Thailand: We thought thailand by that economic forces it can make the citizen will be prosperous. For example according to the salaries of Nakhonsawan schools teachers its about 21 million rupias/month, with that salary and the price of goods and demand in Thailand is much cheaper than in Indonesia can make a prosperous life. That's one reason for the low poverty rate in Thailand compared in Indonesia. if the salaries of teachers in Indonesia / pns very low compared to the other countries and the price of goods is very expensive, it can lead to high poverty. Also in thailand we can find in the slums have a lot of wear air-conditioning, cable and other electronic. One of the thailand economic income is the field of tourism. and public tourism in thailand is very be awakened with the goverment Public Transport in Thailand is almost the same as in Indonesia, the difference may be in thailand no monorail (in ind has not eventuated), and ind thailand we can find a lot of luxury cars.
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Picture Galery in Thailand

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1. Buddha is the major religion in Thailand, and the Gods symbol is the Buddha statue. This statue always being respected and placed in high place. But there are small minority like Muslims, Christians, and Hindus. But it is usually centered in the certain region. 2. Monks for thailand people are considered as the communicator between human and the Buddhist, so their position is quiet higher than the ordinary people. 3. The people always give great respects to the king and his family. We could see a lot of King and Queens pictures in the buildings and on the highway. Acts of harassment to the King and the whole family also included as a crime action. So we must not ever tease or talk anything negatively about the King an the whole family if we do not want to be jailed. 4. In every offices (the private office and the government office), in the school and in another public places, every morning at 8 oclock there is a national flag-raising process. At this time, every activity must be stopped then every people must face the national flag and listening to the national anthem. 5. Just like in Indonesia, head is a sacral part of the body, so we must not touch it carelessly. Lift up our feet and faced in front of somebodys face and point something using feet considered as an impolite action, too. And in Thailand there are hand rules, just like in Indonesia, right hand is better and considered more polite, so if we want to give or take something we must use the right hand. 6. When we watch movie cinema in Thailand usually at the beginning of the movie, the cinema will play a video about the king accompanied by the national anthem. At this moment we have to stand up just like the other people do until the video and the national anthem over. 7. Dont ever ask a woman if she has got married or not, and never ask any question about their age. In thailand there is a lot of woman who decided not to get married or to get married in the old age, usually 40 years old, so they will feel insulted if we ask about their age. 8. In Thailand there is a famous festival called Songkrang which is usually held on march up to April. At this festival, everybody will go to the highway then splash water to everybody, domestic people and tourists. Dont ever get mad when they do this to you. Some people will smear our body with flour. You can do the same thing to them and they will not get angry. 9. Thailand students will not take a bath and change their uniform untill they will go to bed. They use to wear their uniform everywhere all day. 10. Thailand people will say sa wad dee ka (for women) or sa wad dee krub (for men) when they meet the older people they know to show their respect to them. 11. Thailand people will not open the gift from another people in front of the one who gave it. They do so because if they dont like the gift, it will shown on their face. 12. Thailand people always put off their shoes when they get into their house, temple, and some other places. 13. Thai is the national language of the Kingdom of Thai, which is written using aksaranya own, but there are also many other local languages. English is also widely taught in schools. But, usually not all of the state schools student can speak in english so well.
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The Habits, Culture, and Religion

1. 2. 3. 4.

The Characteristics of Thailand and Its People

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Thailand has so many temples. People in thailand are warm, jovial, outgoing, and easy-smiling. Some of thailand people have indonesians face and some other have chinese face. Thailand people always say sa wad dee ka (for women) or sa wad dee krub (for men) when they meet the older people they know to show their respect to them. Thailand has got so many buddha statue and monks. Thailand people are respectful to the others, especially to the monks. Thailand has typical letters that looks like javanese letters called aksara jawa but the amount of the letters is more than aksara jawa letters. Thailand is hot all the time. Most of thailand people use car, not motorcycle. Price (exceptfor the buildings) in thailand is just the same as, even cheaper, than in Indonesia Although thailand peoples house is simple and humble, but they economic capability is higher than in indonesia. The fee for jobs in thailand is much higher than in indonesia. There are a lot of wild dogs in Thailand

1. Royal Thai population is dominated by ethnic Thai and Lao ethnic groups, which amounts to 3/4 of the entire population. There is also a large community of ethnic Chinese in the history plays a major in economics. Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south, Mon, Khmer and various hill tribes people. 2. One of the The biggest chinese society in thailand are located in Nakhonsawan 3. Thailand people always respect pluralism in their societies

Pluralism and Ethnicity in Thailand Society


Government system (cabinet system) Thailand is a parliamentary system. The form of the government is a Constitutional Monarchy. The king has little direct power under the constitution but is a patron of Buddhism and a symbol of the Kingdom of Thai identity and national unity. The king who ruled at this time with great respect and considered the leader in terms of moral, a matter that has been used on several occasions to resolve the political crisis. head of government is the Prime Minister, who inaugurated the king of the members of parliament and leader of the majority party usually is. Royal Thai parliamentary system that uses two chambers called the National Assembly or Rathasapha - , which consists of the House of Representatives (Sapha Phuthaen Ratsadon - ) consisting of 480 people and the Senate (Wuthisapha - ) consisting of 150 people. Members of the House of Representatives undergo a term of four years, while the senator underwent a term of six years. The highest judicial body is the Supreme Court (Sandika - ), which prosecutors appointed by the king. Royal Thai is also an active member of ASEAN.

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Democracy in Thailand only be understood merely by the people who are educated and live in urban areas, or those who have the opportunity to study abroad. But not by the rural and remote communities who are less fortunate to enjoy the process of political education. One cause of the failure of the democratic process in Thailand, apart from lack of socialization of political education, as well as the country still has no press freedom. Press in the country, could be silenced at any time if there is chaos or if it has a different political orientations. On every election, the party always struggled to find the right figure to replace the last figure that can move thailand one step forward. All this time thailand politics is depend on the role of the king.

Democracy in Thailand

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Lampiran 4: Informasi Tentang Nakhonsawan School 1. Contact the School Located at 173 Lee Road, Tambon Pak Nam Pho mother. Muang Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan province. Postal code 60,000. Tel: 05622-1151. 0-562-2711 Fax to 120. E-mail:. nsscschool@ Website:. 2. School Vision and Mission Goals Philosophy of the school. With any power in this world. Not have much of an advantage. The priceless ones in the earth None of those values. Maxim Cushy intelligence. . Intelligence is a good thing. In the video signal. Moral ideas. Excellence in academic Cultural heritage. The mission. 1. features. 2. skills. 3. heritage of Thailand. 4. Purpose 1. . 2. Students have the knowledge. of the world. 3. , . . . . The , health and desirable . Standards of basic . . .

, good health and desirable features.

4. Students and sta have a sense of being Thai. And pride in Thai culture. Can be maintained. .
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5. The school has strengthened. There is a school management standards. (World Class Standard School). 6. Strategy 1. And democracy. . Desirable features. . . To teaching .

2. Promote the development of teachers and learning. Their quality. 3. . And way of life based on the suciency economy philosophy. 4. . Policy of the school. 1. To enhance the students with knowledge, standards.

2. , there is a Thai. Co resources. . And has a strong sense of social responsibility worldwide. A strong ASEAN community. . 3. To promote health care and good health. drugs. 4. 5. Of course. 6. Community. . . . , the bonding of the ASEAN . Professional

7. Promote the development of human knowledge, ethics, and new teachers. 8. Manage the quality standards. 9. local, .

. Or knowledge at the

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10. To develop a service learning environment. And used as a learning community with a more eciently.

Nakhonsawan School. 1. Moral development of students. A healthy, 2. Care system to promote student 3. 4. . Promote quality assurance and academic standards. development of teachers to classroom quality. .

5. The level of student achievement. 6. , the religious king.

7. General awareness of being Thai. Thai culture and heritage. 8. Awareness programs in the areas of environmental 9. 10. 11. Project management, policy, budget and manpower. 12. research. 13. Development of learning resources. Building and Environment. 14. 15. development network. 16. . . , parents / community . . . . .

17. The project encourages students to achieve the goals, vision, philosophy and focus of .

3. The History of Nakhonsawan School. 3.1 Name of Institute. School game. Located at 173 Lee Road, Tambon Pak Nam Pho mother.
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Muang Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan Province, Postal Code 60000 Tel: 0-56221151. 0-562-2711 Fax to 120 E-mail:. Website: Under the Office of School District 42. 3.2 School level. Secondary school Through high school. 3.3 Is the service area in Nakhon Sawan Municipality. The eastern side of the river. 3.4 Name - currency management. Did Ms. brilliantly simple. Education: master's degree in education administration. Positions at this school since January 31, 2554 to the present time - years and 4 months. 3.5 Deputy Director of School 4. 1) Mr. Thira Phong power is the highest degree. Master of Education. 2) Mrs. Ta-line V-moon shares the highest degree. Master of Science. 3) Mrs. Sudarat Thani family Highest Degree. Master of Education. 4) Mr. Narong and I feel the highest degree. Master of Education. 3.6 History. School game. Established for the first time in the year 2448 by Mr. Provost Trrm iti. Abbot Photharam. Nakhon Sawan province. It is called "School Science Trrmiti family" is used as a study hall Rai. There are many students who later in the year 23 Since 2456. The government has approved a new school building. Excluded from Sala Rai is an independent school. When the building is open to students only 9 months. The fire damaged the school building. Of the fair. The approved budget of 3000 and moved into the new school came from the temple Photharam temple towns. (Now the game), teaching the junior high level through the year. Since 2501 the Ministry of Education approval. Taught in the preparatory classes. The name was changed. "The school game" and then relocated to the school. In a forest frog, the foothill location. The school at present. Sawan school grounds.
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At a hillside forest frog, this The original land of the state. Filled with the rich people have grown to a forest habitat. Arrtkwi beautiful prince. This position Somuhetsapibal at that time. Along with finishing Revelation hygiene. The woman was jointly occupied by Kasem. To be used as a place to build a new school of agriculture. (Formerly located at the Rajabhat Institute Nakhon Sawan today), but the school must hold down the prince Arrtkwi making moves since the collapse Sawan province. However, the forest is owned by the Ministry of Education, dated 4 June 2579 Prime Minister Field Marshal Pibulsonggram who had served with the Royal Dental Marketing Kovit. Was Governor of the province of Nakhon Sawan. Revelation titled hygiene. The remark to say that Field Marshal Pibulsonggram. School game. The temple is located in the cities have very restrictive. I want to move into the hillside forest frogs. And has been approved by the Prime Minister, so finishing Revelation hygiene. Therefore, the ML Pin Malakul proposals to the Minister of Education. Budget for construction. A budget of 4 million is still behind the revolution was born. After finishing his Revelation give the Bank of Sri hygiene, a member of parliament with the votes over Asia. School game at that time. Has initiated a process to continue. However, since the City game. This project intends to use at the park. The school building initiative, coordination and cooperation from alumni. Current students, parents and the public with a claim, and march peacefully in Paknampo. Please use the forest as a place to build a school. Eventually, the government approved the construction of this school. Ministry of Education Approved budget, building a fence and a house. Teacher 2 units as against 100,000 in the year 2505 approved budget of 800,000 baht a wooden building with two floors of the provinces and public traders. That should be building. A building committee was appointed by Mr. Wong reaction welfare paradigm, the Governor of Nakhon Sawan. Chairman of the Department. I gave my address and adults, together with many others. Provide funds for the construction of the sum of 600,000.00 baht donors have contributed to the budget after the first building on the foundation stone laying ceremony on 21 September 2504. ML Pin Malakul by the Minister of Education. Presided over the groundbreaking ceremony. School game in the new area and is home to the school today.
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Mother is at 173 Lee Road, Muang District, Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan province. Total area of 38 rai, 2 ngan 78 square wah I gave my address as the first school. The development is in order. In the year 2511 until the school has a mix (sharp) and the first version. The subjects taught in both general and vocational. Ask students to choose according to their interests and abilities. Later in the year 2521 was a junior high school students in the year 2524 AD and 2521 high school students have used the 2524 Act on the Ministry of Education has a new curriculum. The school has been selected as the School Development Program in 2531, starting a junior program's revised Section 2521. Fri AD 2533 and 2524 high school curriculum. 2533, revised in 2533, until the year 2544 in the year 2545 has been selected as the lead in preparing the school curriculum and education programs. of 2544. In addition, 2536 schools have been selected for the project is teaching two projects on time and be enrolled in high school (Lbs.). The selected students can enroll in a course before the three-year project to promote mathematics and science in secondary schools. The Department of Education selected the school district at a school. It provides educational programs aimed at the Olympic star. In junior high school level. The students are able to meet students from Grade 1 to Year Since 2545. Has been selected as the preparation of school development. The curriculum of basic education. According to the Basic Education Curriculum BE 2544 of the Ministry of Education. The curriculum has been prepared since the year 2545 onwards in the year 2552 was chosen to lead the school's core curriculum for basic education in the year AD 2551 and 2553. Has been selected to participate in Spirit of Asian Studies to establish the ASEAN Centre. And development of quality education to international standards. 4. Number of employees (persons) experience.
Gender Types of personnel. Less than Male Female Years.'s . Years.'s . n. Higher Years.'s.

. Age and

The average age.

Average teaching experience.

The Director.






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Deputy director The teacher. Teacher salary rates. The a / janitor. Other Total

2. 65. 10. 6. 13. 96.

2. 108. 15. 1. 23. 150. 246.

-. -. -. 7. 34. 41.

-. 92. 25. -. 2. 119.

4. 81. -. -. -. 86.

56. 51. 27. 46. 42.

25 years.

4.2 A teacher who taught by majors. 167. People (96.53 per cent. Total number of teachers). 4.3 The teachers teach the students. 6 people (3.47 per cent. Total number of teachers). 4.4 year. average 20 hours /

5. Number of Students. By Classes That are Taught. Level. The class. Number of students (persons). Male Female As well. 349. 397. 746. 345. 389. 734. 351. 360. 711. 1045. 1146. 2191. 331. 386. 717. 339. 368. 707. 295. 351. 646. 965. 1105. 2070. 2010. 2251. 4261.

Grade 1. Grade 2. Secondary school Grade 3. As well. Grade 4. Secondary Grade 5. . Grade 6. End As well. The junior high school - high school.

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Lampiran 5: Brosur Nakhonsawan School

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Lampiran 6: Sertifikat Peserta

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Lampiran 7: Daftar Buddy di Nakhonsawan School

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Lampiran 8: Jadwal Kegiatan di Nakhonsawan School

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Lampiran 9: Handout of Exchange Programme

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13 Feb 12 (Mon)

0930 hr


SMAN 3 Malang

Teacher In-charge Remarks

Mr. Hariyanto Mr. A. Tedy Mdm. Riyantin Mdm. Ida Nurmala Mr. Sulthon Travel Agent Mr. Hariyanto Mr. A. Tedy Mdm. Riyantin Mdm. Ida Nurmala ti Coord. of Itinerary Travel Agent Mr. Hariyanto Mr. A. Tedy Mdm. Riyantin Mdm. Ida Nurmala Coord. of Itinerary Travel Agent Mr. Hariyanto Mr. A. Tedy Mdm. Riyantin Mdm. Ida Nurmala Coord. of Itinerary Travel Agent Mr. Hariyanto Mr. A. Tedy Mdm. Riyantin Mdm. Ida Nurmala Coord. of Itinerary All

1000 hr 1030 hr

Departure Ceremony SMAN 3 Malang Leave for Juanda SMAN 3 Malang International Airport

All All

1330 hr




1430 hr




1520 hr

Departure/Leave for Thailand






Day 1 : Nakhonsawan School - Arrive in Nakhonsawan - Welcome to Nakhonsawan School - Getting to know Nakhonsawan School and meet your buddies - Host families pick up Day 2 : Nakhonsawan School -School Orientation by trained student guides -School lessons with buddies classes -Lunch at school -Thai Art Lesson -Host families pick up Day 3 : Local Places in Nakhonsawan Province -Courtesy call on to Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality -Top view of Nakhonsawan Province, Kiriwong Temple -Lunch
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-The Choa Praya River, the longest river in Thailand which starts at the city center -Visit Boraphet Lake, the biggest lake in Thailand -Host Families pick up Day 4 : Day Trip to Bangkok -Visit The Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha Temple -Lunch - Shopping at Paragon Dream World, the Adventure Park : -Back to Nakhonsawan and Host families pick up Day 5 : Nakhonsawan School - Thai Lesson and Dancing Class -Cooking Class : The Exotic Indonesian and Thai food -Thank you party : Enjoy the exotic food and shows Day 6 -Relax and repack for travelling back home

18 Feb 2012 Saturday

8.00 am

Check-out of the Nakhonsawan and leave for Hotel Dynasty Bangkok Thailand. City Tour in bangkok Check-in Hotel Breakfast Check-out of the hotel City Tour Bangkok, Watarun Check in Railway Station Transit to bus at Penang Check-in Hotel at JB Breakfast Check-out Hotel and leave for Singapore City Tour in Singapore Leave for Batam Check-in Hotel in Batam Breakfast Check-out Hotel Alumni Programme Check-in Hangnadim Airport Departure Arrive at Juanda Arrive in Malang

Travel Agent

19 Feb 2012

6.00 am 8.00 am 8.30 am 2.00 pm

Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Alumni Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent Travel Agent
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20 Feb 2012 21 Feb 2012

12.00 am 9.00 pm 6.00 am 8.00 am 9.00 am 8.00 pm 10.00 pm

22 Feb 2012

6.00 am 8.00 am 10.00 am 1.30 pm 3.55 pm 9.00 pm 11.00 pm

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A. The Name of Programme Subject/Year Week/Days Dates

: Student-Exchange between SMA Negeri 3 Malang and Nakhonsawan SchoolTahiland : 1 week/6 days : 13th January 2012 18th February 2012

B. Understanding Goals 1. Students will understand what builds Thailand and how and why it is/what it is today 2. Students will appreciate the belief and culture of the Thai 3. Students will understand the role of each religion in the lives of the Thai 4. Students will understand the political situation in Thailand 5. Students will understand the international relationship between Thailand and Indonesia and how the Indonesian government harnesses friendship and conduct her foreign policy. GENERATIVE TOPIC What Makes Thailand? UNIT LEVEL UNDERSTANDING 1. History 2. Economy
What historical background builds the foundation of Thailand? Is Thailand economy sustainable?

3. Culture
What is Thai culture like?

4. People
What are Thai like?

5. Government
What is the political situation in Thailand today? Students will appreciate (a) the importance of government (b)democracy in Thai

Students will Students will Students will Students will understand understand understand understand (a) role of each (a)way of lives of (a) Development (a) the types of religion in Thai of politic in economic lives of Thai (b) characteristics Thailand from activities (b) culture of of Thai King Mongkrut (b) self Thai (c)ethnicity and in1857 to sufficiency pluralism in present day Thailand (b) Role of society leaders like King Ananda Mahidol, Phumiphon Adulded, Marshal Pibolsonggram, Sarit Thanarat, Queen Sirikit, Laporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012

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King Bhumibol, etc.




Research In groups, students are to collect information about Thailand: history, location, current news, people, culture. Students will also find out about Nakhonsawan School Thailand See Think Wonder Individually, Students list down what they know about Thailand and Nakhonsawan School Thailand: her history, location, current news/conditions, the people and culture. In groups, Students share their understanding and knowledge of Thailand. Students organize this knowledge in their travel journal Students highlight and share areas that they would like to explore and keep record of the discussion as these will be revisited at the end of the learning journey.

Feedback from teacher and classmates and students add on their list about Thailand



See Think Wonder Students visit place in ThailandNakhonsawan Munipicality,

Kiriwong Temple, The Choa Proya River, Boraphet Lake, The Grand Palace and Emerald Budha Temple, Paragon Dream World and The Adventure Park. Students research on these places prior the trip.

Reflection Journal Criteria: Reflection Rubric

Students will take down observation notes about what they see and think about what they have seen and learnt. They will compile these from their learning. Students will share their thoughts and observations. Students will interpret the observations and develop understanding the past with current social, economic, and political situation in Thailand.

I Used to Think..But Now I Think

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Students are to read about the economy of Thailand and experience it through City Tour of Bangkok, Walking Tour along

Choa Proya River and Boraphet Lake, Paragon Dream World, etc. Students share their thoughts about what they know of the Thai economy and society and discuss how these have changed from their visit.

What Makes You Say That? Students are to learn the Thai way of life from their school immersion. From these observations, students also build explanation and share their interpretation. Hence students learn to develop reasoning with evidence.

Reflection Journal Criteria: Reflection Rubric

Think Puzzle Explore Students are to recall their knowledge what they know about Thailand. From their observations, visits and school immersion, students inquire into how culture and belief develop the Thai as a people and how different ethnic groups live in harmony. Students find out how Thais way of life is linked to their belief, history and culture.

Reflection Journal Criteria: Reflection Rubric

Connect, Extend, Challenge Students are to find out about the political development of Thailand from King Mongkrut in1857 to present day They assess the role of leaders like King Ananda Mahidol, Phumiphon Adulded, Marshal Pibolsonggram, Sarit Thanarat, Queen Sirikit, King Bhumibol. Students draw connections of the past government with the present.

Reflection Journal Criteria: Reflection Rubric



Connect, Extend, Challenge From their knowledge of Thailand, students draw links to what they learn during the journey e.g the role of religion in the lives of Thai/ From the links, students extend this knowledge to why historical foundation is important in all

Criteria : A set of criteria for assessing learning through the presentation by students is created: Oral Presentation Rubric

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nations. Students then challenge their thoughts and knowledge on how Thai have carved a niche for themselves and the importance of Thailand in SEA in terms of its land area and its potentials to be developed economically. Students will also challenge their thoughts of what Indonesia can learn from Thailand and their appreciation on their own nations strengths. Students present their reports in groups. ASK SKILLS STRANDS RESOURCES SYLLABUS MAP A Making Connections S Causes and Consequences K Past, Present, and Future of Thailand 1. Observation 2. Classification 3. Analysis Internet Reference books Website of Nakhonsawan School NA

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1. Getting to know Nakhonsawan School and meet your buddies

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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Before you sleep

I used to think..

But now I think..

1. School

Lesson with Buddies Classes

What do you think about that?

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What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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2. Thai

Art Lesson

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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Before you sleep

I used to think..

But now I think..

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Courtesy call on to Lord Mayor of Nakhonsawan Municipality

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

To View of Nakhonsawan Province Kiriwong Temple


What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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3. The Choa Praya River, the longest river in Thailand

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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4. Visit Boraphet Lake

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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Before you sleep

I used to think..

But now I think..

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Day Trip to Bangkok 1. Visit The Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha Temple
What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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2. Shopping at Paragon Dream World, the Adventure Park

What do you think about that?

What do you see?

What makes you wonder?

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Before you sleep

I used to think..

But now I think..

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1. Thai Lesson and Dancing Class

What do you think about the topics?

What questions or puzzles do you have?

What does the topic make you want to explore? What makes you want to know more about the topic?

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2. Cooking Class : The Exotic Indonesian and Thai food

What do you think about the topics?

What questions or puzzles do you have?

What makes you wonder?

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2. Thank you party : Enjoy the exotic food and shows

What do you think about the topics?

What questions or puzzles do you have?

What makes you wonder?

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Before you sleep

I used to think..

But now I think..

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A. TRAVELLING TIPS 1. Passport, visa and health matters Please ensure that your passport is valid for the entire duration of your time abroad. Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months from the intended departure date from the last destination of your trip. Indonesian passport holders need not require visa to enter Thailand. There is no requirement for any vaccination unless advised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia. 2. Budgeting While most of your daily necessities are already covered in the package, you will only need money for drinks, snacks, personal shopping, gifts and souvenirs. It is better to bring a little more money than you think you will need. It is recommended that you do not bring more than BATH 7000. B. WHEN YOU ARE THERE 1. Upon arrival At the first point of entry into any country, the usual immigration and customs procedures must be observed. Please fill in your disembarkation form and queue up at the appropriate immigration counter. Wait for the immigration officer's instructions before crossing the checkpoint. Having been clear of all customs-requirements, please assemble at a specific point as advised by the teacher.

2. Accommodation
The accommodation will be at the hostel. Please do not encourage noise as there are other members of the family around. 3. Transport and seating Upon clearing the Thailand immigrations, we will board an air conditioned Thai coach to Nakhonsawan School. Leave the first two rows for the guides and teachers. Please help to identify your seating partner each time we board the coach to facilitate easy check on the group-member. 4. Follow the facilitator/ teachers/ guide
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At each community site, always follow the facilitator, guide and teacher. Due consideration should be given to the slow-walker member. Should you depart from the group, for any reason, please inform the facilitator and your teacher. Otherwise, much time would be wasted searching for you. 5. Punctuality It is important that every student adheres closely to the time schedule as advised by the facilitator and guide. In this way, you will be able to cover all the highlights comfortably. Your facilitator/host will advise you on details such as wake up time, breakfast time and venue, meeting point and tour times, etc. If you are not certain of any of these instructions, please check with your facilitator/host. 6. Security Places you will be visiting and accommodation are generally safe. However, do take the following precautions for your convenience. . Lock your bags in the room whenever you leave for any activities . Beware of pickpockets in crowded places . If you are going out on alone, please inform your teacher and it is always better and nicer to go in a group. . Before you sleep or leave your room, please check that the door is properlylocked. 7. Local customs and food You will find that services in some places are not as prompt as in Indonesian. Please learn to be patient. In the event you feel frustrated, a smile will always work. It is not advisable to drink water straight from the tap. If you are consuming drinks purchased from outside the restaurant, please make sure that the ice cubes are safe to consume. 8. Telephone If you are using your own mobile phone, you will require auto-roaming services. Please check with your mobile service provider. Also, do note that SMS or autoroam calls incur higher charges. It is recommended that you check out the usage of ICC (international calling card) before you leave Indonesia.
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9. Time Difference Thailand happens to be in the same time-zone with west Indonesia region. 10. Checking-out Check again to make sure that you do not leave any personal belongings behind. Also, do ensure that the premise is clean before you leave. Last of all, thank your buddies and their family for their kind hospitality during your period of stay.

Emergency contact of teacher

Mr. Hariyanto Contact Number: +628123222465 (in Indonesia) BBM PIN : 2923172F SMA Negeri 3 Malang Jl. Sultan Agung Utara No. 7 Telp. +62341324768 Malang EMBASSY'S OFFICE HOUR Monday - Friday: 08:00-16:00 with 1 hour break at 12:00-13:00 Visa Section Visa Application submission: Monday - Friday 09:00-12:00 Visa Collection: Monday - Friday 14:00-15:00 Visa enquiries: Phone: (66-2) 2523135-40 ext. 116, 117, and 118 LOCATION The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 600-602 Petchburi Road Ratchatewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Phone: (66-2) 2523135-40 Fax: (66-2) 2551267, (66-2) 2551261 e-mail :

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Useful Phone Numbers, Thailand

More than just low prices, Excellent Customer Support and Fast Booking Service.

Telephone Services: Name Telephone Directory Assistance 1133 (Bangkok), 183 (upcountry) Long Distance Service 100 IDD 001 + Country code + area code + phone number AT & T Direct Service 001-999-1111-1 Emegency Calls : Name Telephone Mobile Police 191 Fire Brigades 199 Tourist Police 1155, 0 2281 5051 Ambulance (Bangkok) 0 2255 1133-6 Tourist Service Centre 1672 Tourist Information 0 2250 5500 (TAT Head Office) Tourist Information 0 2504 2701, 0 2504 2703, 0 2535 2669 (TAT Airport Office) Other Useful Numbers : Name Telephone Bangkok International Airport 0 2535 1111 Departure Info 0 2535 1254, 0 2535 1386 Arrival Info 0 2535 1310, 0 2535 1301 Timetable (Hotline) 1566 Bangkok Domestic Airport Departure Info 0 2535 1192, 0 2535 1277 Arrival Info 0 2535 1253, 0 2535 1305 Thai Limousine (Airport) 0 2535 2801, 0 2535 2803 1690, 0 2223 7010, 0 2220 4444 (RSVN), Bangkok Railway Station 0 2220 4334, 0 2621 8701 Air-conditioned Bus Stations East 0 2391 8097, 0 2391 2504 North & Northeast 0 2936 2852-66 South 0 2434 7192, 0 2435 1200 Immigration Division 0 2287 3101-5 Port Authority of Thailand 0 2269 3000, Hotline 1573
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Board of Investment General Post Office BTS Hotline

0 2537 8555, 0 2537 8155 0 2614 1000 0 2617 7141-2

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) : Name Telephone Head Office 0 2250 5500 Airport 0 2504 2701, 0 2504 2703, 0 2535 2669 Ayuthaya 0 3524 6076-7 Cha-am 0 3247 1005-6 Chiang Mai 0 5324 8604, 0 5324 8607, 0 5324 1466 Chiang Rai 0 5371 7433, 0 5374 4674-5 Hat Yai 0 7424 3747, 0 7423 1055, 0 7423 8518 Kanchanaburi 0 3451 1200, 0 3451 2500 Khon Kaen 0 4324 4498-9 Lop Buri 0 3642 2768-9 Nakhon Nayok 0 3731 2282, 0 3731 2284 Nakhon Phanom 0 4251 3490-1 Nakhon Ratchasima 0 4421 3666, 0 4421 3030 Nakhon Si Thammarat 0 7534 6515-6 Narathiwat 0 7351 6144 Pattaya 0 3842 8750, 0 3842 7667 Phitsanulok 0 5525 2742-3 Phuket 0 7621 1036, 0 7621 7138, 0 7621 2213 Rayong 0 3865 5420-1, 0 3864 4585 Surat Thani 0 7728 8818-9 Tak 0 5551 4341-3 Trat 0 3959 7255, 0 3959 7259-60 Ubon Ratchathani 0 4524 3770 Udon Thani 0 4232 5406-7

COORDINATOR DIRECTOR OF ITINERARY SECRETARY TREASURER : Mdm. Riyantin : Mr.Hariyanto : Mr. Abdul Tedy : Mdm. Ida Nurmala

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A. FOR PARENTS 1. Procedure to keep in contact with participants Call home phone cards/ICC cards Mobile phones (mobile phones are to be turned off during the day and evening activities) 2. Procedure for emergencies Contact the School (if given by teachers) . Contact base support B. FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS 1. Pre-departure Procedures All students are to take care of their own passports. Upon clearing immigrations in Juanda International Airport, students are to hand over their passports to the teachers for safekeeping. 2. Departure and arrival Information a) Departure from Indonesia Departure at Juanda International Airport Date: 13th February 2012 (Monday) Assembly: Juanda Airport Terminal 2 by 1330h (guided by travel agent) b) Arrival in Thailand Date: 13th February 2012 (Monday) Assembly: Svarnabhumi Airport 1930h Arrival time : 1930h c) Departure from Malaysia Date: 19th February 2012 (Sunday) Assembly: Railway Station by 1400h (guided by travel agent) Departure time: 1500h c) Arrival in Johor Bahru Malaysia Date: 20th February 2012 (Monday) Assembly: Johor bahru 1 by 2100h (guided by travel agent) Expected arrival time: 2100h

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d) Departure to Singapore Date: 21th February 2012 (Tuesday) Assembly: Hotel JB by 0700h (guided by travel agent) e) Arrival in Singapore Date: 21st February 2012 (Tuesday) Assembly: Sentosa Island 1 by 0900h (guided by travel agent) Expected arrival time: 0900h f) Departure to Batam Date: 21th February 2012 (Tuesday) Assembly: Harbour Front by 1900h (guided by travel agent) g) Arrival in Batam Date: 21st February 2012 (Tuesday) Assembly: Hotel Batam 1 by 2100h (guided by travel agent) Expected arrival time: 2100h h) Departure to Surabaya Date: 22nd February 2012 (Wednessday) Assembly: Hang Nadim Airport by 1300h (guided by travel agent) g) Arrival in Surabaya Date: 22nd February 2012 (Wednessday) Assembly: Juanda Airport by 2100h (guided by travel agent) Expected arrival time: 2100h i) Departure to Malang Date: 22nd February 2012 (Wednessday) Assembly: Juanda Airport by 2100h (guided by travel agent) j) Arrival in malang Date: 22nd February 2012 (Wednessday) Assembly: SMAN 3 Malang by 2300h (guided by travel agent) Expected arrival time: 2300h Upon arrival, students have to report their attendance to the teachers.

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1. School rules and regulations are to be kept at all times 2. During the entire duration of the trip, students are to maintain protocol and decorum to uphold the good name of the school a. As Indonesian student representatives in Thailand, you must set a high standard of behaviour and exhibit social graces, such as greeting teachers, hosts and driver at all times. b. As guests in a foreign country, the laws and customs of the country are to be dully observed and obeyed. 3. All participants should show enthusiasm and participate actively throughout the trip. Do answer questions and in turn, pose questions in response to what you see, hear and learn. 4. For the smooth and efficient running of the programme, please remember to be punctual for every activity scheduled for you. 5. At all times, do not stray away from the group. 6. Take care of your own valuables and belongings at all times. Cash and valuables are to be kept individually in a safe place. Do not bring jewellery. 7. You are allowed to bring your mobile phone during the trip. However, it is to be switched off during the day and whenever there are evening activities. You may contact your parents either early in the morning or at the end of the day. 8. You are to call anyone of the teachers every night when you are back at your host's place. 9. Dress modestly and comfortably. No strappy or skimpy clothing or shorts is allowed. The teachers and hosts have the right to insist on proper dress code throughout the trip. 10. Bring the necessary personal medication and water bottle. Report all accidents, injuries and illnesses to your teachers immediately.
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A. WHAT CONSTITUTES AN EMERGENCY? When someone enters your room or forces his way into a room l toilet cubicle. First, make sure that you close your door when you enter the room and check that the door is securely locked or closed before you retire for the night. Never go to the public toilet alone. Always move in groups of three. Ensure there are no suspicious characters hovering around. If you see such a person, do not use the toilet. B. MUGGING In the event when someone attacks you and demands your valuables, surrender the items. Do not resist. This should not happen in the first place as you are to be moving in groups of threes. C. LOSS OF ITEMS Inform your group leaders and teachers as soon as possible. Your haversack should be with you at all times when on the go. Zip up all compartments and never leave your bag unattended. D. LOST/ MISSING PERSON If you are lost, do not panic. Try to locate yourself and re-trace your steps. Ask police-officers for help. You should never wander alone or be so engrossed in your work or activity that you miss out on instructions to move on. Always look out for each other (be each other's keeper) and everyone will be well covered then. If someone is missing, inform your host and teachers as soon as possible. Do not panic. E. ACCIDENT ON THE ROAD If someone is injured, immediately call for help from passers-by. Inform your teachers immediately and give the location. If the injury is fairly serious, calm the victim until help comes. You should not panic or become
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hysterical as it will compound the situation. Always check the road before crossing. Do not be caught up with your conversations and be distracted. Cross at designated pedestrian crossings and listen to instructions from teachers, hosts and facilitators.

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* Note these luggage restrictions: bring only 1 daypack! haversack and 1 piece of check-in luggage (max 20kg).

1. Guidelines On Hand Carry Luggage Fluids, aerosols and gels must be in containers with a maximum capacity of not more than 100 mL each. Liquids, aerosols and gels in containers larger than 100 mL will not be allowed, even if the container is partially-filled; Containers must be placed in a transparent re-sealable plastic bag with a maximum capacity not exceeding 1-litre. These containers must fit comfortably within the transparent re-sealable plastic bag, which must be completely closed; Each passenger is allowed to carry only one transparent re-sealable plastic bag, which must be presented separately for examination at the security screening point; Exemptions will be made for medications, baby food and special dietary items. These items will be subjected to additional checks at the security screening point. 2. What not to Bring/ Wear Jewellery Electronic devices (disc-man, iPod, MP3/4 Player, game-boys, PSP, etc.) Stuffed toys Clothing that is too revealing/ of very thin material Unnecessary items (do not bring too many hair accessories, big wallets, etc.) Over-generous amount of toiletries, clothing

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Sharp objects (penknife, scissors etc.) must be packed into the checkin luggage.

3. Footwear You are to wear proper covered shoes at all times. Sandals are allowed only when you are not in your school uniform 4. Bag & Luggage Backpack must be roomy enough for items needed daily (handout, wallet, stationery, water bottle, medication, cap, etc.) Please try to carry a medium sized luggage with your packing bearing in mind the climate of the destination. As thee will not be any porterage, you must try. to minimise the weight of your luggage. 5. Packing Tips Find a suitable suitcase and backpack (sun/clean them before use) Stick packing list in the suitcase Tick off items from packing list as you put items into the bags Sort items and bring what is necessary. Throw out items which are not critical/ necessary Pack the items yourself so that you know what you have packed and where it is located in your luggage Keep wallets light (take out photos, cards, coins, etc.) Leave spare room in your luggage for souvenirs which you may buy on your trip Wear your heaviest pair of jeans with school t-shirt and covered shoes on departure day If you wear spectacles or contact lenses, take spares or the prescriptions with you. If you are under medication, bring the regular medicine along. Bring also the prescriptions. 6. In Host Country DO NOT pull out all clothing items/ Only take what you need to wear for that day.
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Keep luggage neat at all times Keep your dirty laundry in plastic bags Check that nothing is left behind when you leave the bathroom! room Check that your daypack/haversack is zipped properly at ALL times Do not leave any of your belongings unattended

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Attachment 2: The Name List of Participants 1. Students

PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH Malang, 16 November 1995 Jakarta. 25 January 1996 Blitar 9 April 1995 Dumai, 20 June 1995 Malang, 5 December 1996 Malang, 19 August 1996 Malang, 9 August 1995 Malang, 1 November 1995 PASPORT NUMBER S 751320 R326404 DATE OF EXPIRY 16 January 2014 7 january 2013 22 December 2016 15 December 2015 22 December 2016 22 December 2016 16 April 2014 22 December 2016

NO 1 2

NAME Muhammad Surya Pratama Cynthia Sari Latif Nanja Anggun Angginani Ryanda Catur Arhanudya Mumtaza Noor Ashila Santera nasya kusuma Dike Ayu Sanggarwati Fajar Nuur Alfie Rahma

GENDER Male Female

ADDRESS Jl. A.Yani 87-B Malang Jl. Danau Tondano A4 I26 Pondok Alam Sigura-gura A3/27 Lembah Dieng G23 Malang Jl. Jakarta 24 Malang jl. Jaya srani 8H/4 sawojajar 2 malang Jl. Bromo 1A Malang Jl. Batu Amaril perum Griya Asri L-22

EMAIL ADRESS anggieanggun@rocket ryan.arhanudya@gmai mnaroundtheworld@g santeranasya@gmail.c om .id

PHONE NOMBER +6282131455564 +6281334432322 +628980355522/ +623417333535 +6282143721994 +6281334947353/ +62341551189


3 4 5

Female Male Female

A1818103 W436261 A1817841

Halal Halal Halal

6 7

Female Female

+628990360073 +6282143466308

A1817843 T096228

halal Halal





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Dita Saraswati Suwardi Mochammad Akbar Prasetyo Muhammad Vito Rendragraha Rizky Aditya Maulana Aston Al Mubarak Hermawan llham Pandika Haris Chandra Nita Trias Pitasari Vita Kartika Widhianingtyas Ayu Kurnia Dovyanti Rosita Nosi Adnoviansari Adriyana Dewi Mayasari


Malang, 24 March 1995 Malang,27 March 1995 Malang, 2 May 1996 Malang, 13 September 1996 Malang, 22 May 1996 Malang, 2 June 1994 Malang, 12 February 1995 Malang 15 May 1996 Malang, 8 August 1995 Surakarta, 28 February 1996 Denpasar,20 May 1995

Villa Puncak Tidar D-8 Malang Taman golf utama no 30 ARAYA malang Telaga Golf 3 no. 21 ARAYA malang JL. Monstera hijau 11a Permata Jingga C4/7 Bumi asri sengkaling DD-1 Jl Raya Langsep no. 20 Jl. Sido Utomo 58 Jl. Danau Maninjau no.81 PBI K2 No.25 perum istana gajayana d/28

ditasaraswati@gmail.c om mohagbar_27@yahoo. com vito_rendragraha@roc aditya.rizki32@ymail. com al.aston.mubarak@gm ilhampandika@gmail. com vitta.karttika@rovket m .id



18 January 2015 27 December 2016 09 May 2013 22 December 2016 15 May 2015 27 December 2016 16 January 2015 27 December 2016 29 March 2016 22 December 2016 19 May 2015

Tom Yam

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female

+6282139239333 +6285755711203 +6282131783658 +6285755850101 +6285234428069 +6281555758714 +6285755922999 +6285755643155 +6282131782298 +6285695075326

A1818105 R761688 A1817837 V 079895 A1818129 U 398098 A1818100 A0028350 A1817842 V174391

Halal Halal Halal Halal halal halal halal halal halal halal

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20 21 22 23 24

Sabila Almiranda Darin Atiandina Arum Bunga Difitri Andika Ramadhan Hermansyah Lentini Surya Rahajeng Almira Praza Rachmadian Diana Nabela Andrian Adi Kusuma Alan Gassadesna Arisandi Givanda Eka Harsari Lukman Ardiansyah

Female Female Female Male Female

Denpasar,13 January 1996 Jakarta, 18 April 1996 Malang, 2 March 1997 jakarta, 1 March 1995 Pasuruan, 14 March 1995 Malang, 19 August 1996 Malang, 17 June 1996 Malang, 24 April 1995 Malang, 31 December 1996 Malang, 28 Januari 1997 Sidoarjo 8 Juliy 1995

Jl.selat sunda V D5/58 Jl. Besar ijen no.41 jl. Selat sunda 1 d2 13 jl taman sulfat XVIII Jl. Patimura no 15

sabilalmiranda@ymail .com darin_atiandina@hot m crazy_cow01@yahoo.c om killthebreaker@rocket m dn.darkniac@yahoom desunadestingxb@yahoomail. com m lukmansuliyono@gmai

+6285233075873 +628128793365 +6285749561617 +6285731216961 +6285330661377

A1817838 A1818102 A1818106 R894185 S056008

22 December 2016 27 December 2016 27 December 2016 30 May 2013 23 June 2013 22 December 2016 22 December 2016 27 December 2016 22 December 2016 04 April 2016 02 February 2016

halal halal halal halal halal

25 26 27

Female Female Male

Jl. Durian No 7 Jl. Candi VI C No 19 Jl. Raflesia No. 22 Jl. Lowokdoro No 32 Jl. Candi Sari Malang Vila Golf Bulevar N0 17

+6285646706153 +6285746924621 +6281233049111

A1817849 A1817845 A1818104

halal halal halal

28 29 30

Male Female Male

+6285749850303 +6282142133666 +6281805030687

A1817844 A0028709 W733917

halal Halal Halal

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No Name Place and Date of Birth Gender In-Charge/subject Phone Number Email-address


Biology Teacher

Abdul Teddy Rahman


3 Pebruary 1965

Female Female Chemistry Teacher/Vice Principal of Curriculum English Teacher Accounting Teacher


Ida Nurmala

5 January 1965 23 November 1954 18 March 1963

+628123222465 +623416500482 +6281334512191


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Attachment 3: The List of Buddy

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Attachment 4: Group of Student Exchange Participants GROUP OF STUDENT EXCHANGE PARTICIPANTS Participant Year/Grade Aston Al Mubarak Hermawan XI IPS 1 M. Surya Pratama XI IPS 1 Alan Gasadesna A. X1 Nanja Anggun Angginani XI IPS 1 Nita Trias Pitasari XI IPA 3 Almira Praza Rachmadian X3 Lentini Surya Rahajeng XI IPA 2 Mdm. Riyantin Moch Akbar Prasetyo XI IPS 1 M. Vito Rendragraha X4 Dita Saraswati Suwardi. X-3 Adriyana Dewi Mayasari XI IPA 1 Vita Kartika X5 Ayu Kurnia Doviyanti XI IPA 3 Rosita Nosi Adnoviansari XI IPS 2 Mdm. Ida Nurmala Ilham Pandika Haris XI IPA 2 Ryanda Catur Arhanudya XI IPS 1 Darin Atiandina X1 Givanda Eka Hapsari XI IPS 2 Cynthia Sari Latif XI IPA 4 Arum Bunga X1 Lukman Ardiansyah XI IPA 4 Mr. Abdul Tedy Andika Ramadhan XI IPA 2 Adrian Adi Kusuma XI IPA 1 Rizky Aditya Maulana X4 Mumtaza Noor Ashila X5 Fajar Nuur Alfie XI IPA 4 Diana Nabela X6 Santera Nasya Kusuma X4 Sabila Almiranda X1 Facilitator Mr. Hariyanto Approved by, Principal Malang, 11 February 2012 Chief of Committee

Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. NIP. 1958 0101 198303 1 035

Drs. Abdul Madjid, M.A. NIP. 1957 1231 198403 1 056

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Attachment 5: The Student Committee STUDENT EXCHANGE COMMITTEE TO THAILAND 2011/2012 1. Coordinator 2. Secretary 3. Treasurer 4. Coordinator of Itinerary 5. Medical-supplies 6. Coordinator of Group : Ilham Pandika Haris : Ryanda Catur Arhanudya Mumtaza Noor Ashila : Nanja Anggun : Aston Al Mubarak Hermawan : Rosita Nosi Adnoviansari : Group 1: Aston Al Mubarak Hermawan : Group 2: Dita Saraswati Suwardi : Group 3: Cynthia Sari Latif Group 4: Adrian Adi Kusuma 7. Documentation : Andika Ramadhan Malang, 11 February 2012 Principal

Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. NIP. 1958 0101 198303 1 035

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Job Description of Student Exchange Committee 1 No Officer In-Charge Coordinator 1. 2. 3. Job-Description to manage all the planed-out schedule of exchange programme, i.e budget and activities of student exchange to manage the conducting of students exchange in Thailand to report all activities of students and teachers during the conducting of exchre4e4kllllllllllllllllllange programme in Nakhonsawan School- Thailand to the principal of SMA Negeri 3 Malang formulate the forms of partnership programme for the other encoming student exchanges to record all the planning of exchange programme to record all the conducting of exchange programme to record all the evaluation of exchange programme to report all the planning, conducting, and evaluation of the exchange programme to plan the budget of exchange programme to Thailand to conduct the budget of exchange programme to Thailand to report the budget of exchange programme to Thailand to plan the itinerary of the exchange programme to Thailand to guide the participants during the conducting of exchange programme to Thailand to report all itinerary (with secretary) of exchange programme

4. 2 Secretary 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Treasurer 1. 2. 3. 4 Coordinator of Itinerary 1. 2. 3. 5 Medical-supplies

1. to plan the first-aid medicines of exchange programme to Thailand 2. to provide the first-aid medicines of exchange programme to Thailand 3. to record the medical-treatment and medicine use during the conducting of exchange programme to Thailand

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1. to check the attendance of every member of the groups at every activity of the in-house training for the exchange programme to Thailand 2. to facilitate the participants at every activity of the in-house training for the exchange programme to Thailand 3. to check the attendance of group members at every activity of the exchange programme to Thailand 4. to give daily briefing at the begin and end of every activity of the exchange programme to Thailand 5. to check and to sign the student/group reflection worksheet about the day-today activities of the exchange programme 6. to facilitate the parcipants-needs during the conducting of exchange programme to Thailand 7. to collect all students reflection worksheet at the end of exchange programme activities 8. to collect the questionaire of participants at the end of exchange programme activities

Approved by, Principal

Malang, 11 February 2012 SMA Negeri 3 Malang-River Valley High School Chief of Committee

Drs. H. Moh. Sulthon, M.Pd. NIP. 1958 0101 198303 1 035

Drs. Abdul Madjid, M.A. NIP. 1957 1231 198403 1 056

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Attachment 6: Nakhonsawan SchoolThailand 3. Contact the School Located at 173 Lee Road, Tambon Pak Nam Pho mother. Muang Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan province. Postal code 60,000. Tel: 0-56221151. 0-562-2711 Fax to 120. E-mail:. nsscschool@ Website:. 4. School Vision and Mission Goals Philosophy of the school. With any power in this world. Not have much of an advantage. The priceless ones in the earth None of those values. Maxim Cushy intelligence. . Intelligence is a good thing. In the video signal. Moral ideas. Cultural heritage. The mission. 1. features. 2. Promote 3. heritage of Thailand. 4. ity management system standards. The . Purpose , good health and desirable features. . 2. Students have the knowledge. of the world. 3. , . . . , health and desirable . Standards of basic . . .


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4. Students and sta have a sense of being Thai. And pride in Thai culture. Can be maintained. . 5. The school has strengthened. There is a school management standards. (World Class Standard School). 6. Strategy 1. And democracy. 2. and learning. Their quality. 3. . And way of life based on the suciency economy philosophy. 4. . Policy of the school. 1. To enhance the students with knowledge, standards. 2. , there is a Thai. resources. . And has a strong sense of social responsibility worldwide. A strong ASEAN community. . 3. To promote health care and good health. drugs. 4. 5. Of course. 6. . . nal standards. , the bonding of the ASEAN Community. . Professional . Desirable features. Good . . To teaching .

7. Promote the development of human knowledge, ethics, and new teachers. 8. Manage the quality standards.

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. Or knowledge at the

10. To develop a service learning environment. And used as a learning community with a variety of communi eciently.

The school's game. 1. Moral development of students. A healthy, 2. Care system to promote student 3. 4. 5. The level of student achievement. 6. , the religious king. . Promote quality assurance and academic standards. . .

7. General awareness of being Thai. Thai culture and heritage. 8. 9. 10. 11. Project management, policy, budget and manpower. 12. 13. Development of learning resources. Building and Environment. 14. 15. development network. 16. . . , parents / community . . . . . .

17. The project encourages students to achieve the goals, vision, philosophy and focus of . 3. The History of The School Game.

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3.1 Name of Institute. School game. Located at 173 Lee Road, Tambon Pak Nam Pho mother. Muang Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan Province, Postal Code 60000 Tel: 0-56221151. 0-562-2711 Fax to 120 E-mail:. Website: Under the Office of School District 42. 3.2 School level. Secondary school Through high school. 3.3 Is the service area in Nakhon Sawan Municipality. The eastern side of the river. 3.4 Name - currency management. Did Ms. brilliantly simple. Education: master's degree in education administration. Positions at this school since January 31, 2554 to the present time - years and 4 months. 3.5 Deputy Director of School 4. 1) Mr. Thira Phong power is the highest degree. Master of Education. 2) Mrs. Ta-line V-moon shares the highest degree. Master of Science. 3) Mrs. Sudarat Thani family Highest Degree. Master of Education. 4) Mr. Narong and I feel the highest degree. Master of Education. 3.6 History. School game. Established for the first time in the year 2448 by Mr. Provost Trrm iti. Abbot Photharam. Nakhon Sawan province. It is called "School Science Trrmiti family" is used as a study hall Rai. There are many students who later in the year 23 Since 2456. The government has approved a new school building. Excluded from Sala Rai is an independent school. When the building is open to students only 9 months. The fire damaged the school building. Of the fair. The approved budget of 3000 and moved into the new school came from the temple Photharam temple towns. (Now the game), teaching the junior high level through the year. Since 2501 the Ministry of Education approval. Taught in the preparatory classes.

Laporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012

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The name was changed. "The school game" and then relocated to the school. In a forest frog, the foothill location. The school at present. Sawan school grounds. At a hillside forest frog, this The original land of the state. Filled with the rich people have grown to a forest habitat. Arrtkwi beautiful prince. This position Somuhetsapibal at that time. Along with finishing Revelation hygiene. The woman was jointly occupied by Kasem. To be used as a place to build a new school of agriculture. (Formerly located at the Rajabhat Institute Nakhon Sawan today), but the school must hold down the prince Arrtkwi making moves since the collapse Sawan province. However, the forest is owned by the Ministry of Education, dated 4 June 2579 Prime Minister Field Marshal Pibulsonggram who had served with the Royal Dental Marketing Kovit. Was Governor of the province of Nakhon Sawan. Revelation titled hygiene. The remark to say that Field Marshal Pibulsonggram. School game. The temple is located in the cities have very restrictive. I want to move into the hillside forest frogs. And has been approved by the Prime Minister, so finishing Revelation hygiene. Therefore, the ML Pin Malakul proposals to the Minister of Education. Budget for construction. A budget of 4 million is still behind the revolution was born. After finishing his Revelation give the Bank of Sri hygiene, a member of parliament with the votes over Asia. School game at that time. Has initiated a process to continue. However, since the City game. This project intends to use at the park. The school building initiative, coordination and cooperation from alumni. Current students, parents and the public with a claim, and march peacefully in Paknampo. Please use the forest as a place to build a school. Eventually, the government approved the construction of this school. Ministry of Education Approved budget, building a fence and a house. Teacher 2 units as against 100,000 in the year 2505 approved budget of 800,000 baht a wooden building with two floors of the provinces and public traders. That should be building. A building committee was appointed by Mr. Wong reaction welfare paradigm, the Governor of Nakhon Sawan. Chairman of the Department. I gave my address and adults, together with many others.

Laporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012

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Provide funds for the construction of the sum of 600,000.00 baht donors have contributed to the budget after the first building on the foundation stone laying ceremony on 21 September 2504. ML Pin Malakul by the Minister of Education. Presided over the groundbreaking ceremony. School game in the new area and is home to the school today. Mother is at 173 Lee Road, Muang District, Nakhon Sawan. Nakhon Sawan province. Total area of 38 rai, 2 ngan 78 square wah I gave my address as the first school. The development is in order. In the year 2511 until the school has a mix (sharp) and the first version. The subjects taught in both general and vocational. Ask students to choose according to their interests and abilities. Later in the year 2521 was a junior high school students in the year 2524 AD and 2521 high school students have used the 2524 Act on the Ministry of Education has a new curriculum. The school has been selected as the School Development Program in 2531, starting a junior program's revised Section 2521. Fri AD 2533 and 2524 high school curriculum. 2533, revised in 2533, until the year 2544 in the year 2545 has been selected as the lead in preparing the school curriculum and education programs. of 2544. In addition, 2536 schools have been selected for the project is teaching two projects on time and be enrolled in high school (Lbs.). The selected students can enroll in a course before the three-year project to promote mathematics and science in secondary schools. The Department of Education selected the school district at a school. It provides educational programs aimed at the Olympic star. In junior high school level. The students are able to meet students from Grade 1 to Year Since 2545. Has been selected as the preparation of school development. The curriculum of basic education. According to the Basic Education Curriculum BE 2544 of the Ministry of Education. The curriculum has been prepared since the year 2545 onwards in the year 2552 was chosen to lead the school's core curriculum for basic education in the year AD 2551 and 2553. Has been selected to participate in Spirit of Asian Studies to establish the ASEAN Centre. And development of quality education to international standards.

Laporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012

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. Number of employees (persons) experience.

Gender Types of personnel. Less than Male Female Years.'s . Years.'s . . Higher Years.'s.

. Age and

The average age.

Average teaching experience.

The Director. Deputy director The teacher. Teacher salary rates. The a / janitor. Other Total

-. 2. 65. 10. 6. 13. 96.

1. 2. 108. 15. 1. 23. 150. 246.

-. -. -. -. 7. 34. 41.

-. -. 92. 25. -. 2. 119.

1. 4. 81. -. -. -. 86.

57. 56. 51. 27. 46. 42.

25 years.

4.2 A teacher who taught by majors. 167. People (96.53 per cent. Total number of teachers). 4.3 The teachers teach the students. 6 people (3.47 per cent. Total number of teachers). 4.4 year. 5. Number of Students. By Classes That are Taught. Level. The class. Number of students (persons). Male Female As well. 349. 397. 746. 345. 389. 734. 351. 360. 711. 1045. 1146. 2191. 331. 386. 717. 339. 368. 707. 295. 351. 646. 965. 1105. 2070. 2010. 2251. 4261. average 20 hours /

Grade 1. Grade 2. Secondary school Grade 3. As well. Grade 4. Secondary Grade 5. . Grade 6. End As well. The junior high school - high school.

Laporan Kegiatan Exchange Programme-SMAN 3 Malang-Nakhonsawan School 2012

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