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Dermaga Sibolga - PELINDO


No. Items

Lingkup Pekerjaan



Sistem Plumbing


Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran


Sistem HVAC


Sistem Plumbing
- Kebutuhan air per orang
- Estimasi jumlah orang dalam satu gedung
- Air konsumsi per hari
- Asumsi waktu pemakaian per hari
- Volume penampungan
Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran
Sistem HVAC ( Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) pada bangunan.
Sistem Air Bersih
Sistem Air Kotor
Rencana Awal
Equipment Sistem Proteksi
Kebutuhan Air Pemadam Kebakaran
Sistem Air Conditioning
Sistem Exhaust Fan


200 liter/org
100 orang
20000 liter/hari
20 m3/hari
12 jam
2 m3/ jam


Desain Dasar Sistem Mekanikal

Lingkup Pekerjaan Sistem Mekanikal
Sistem Plumbing
Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran
Sistem HVAC
Sistem Plumbing
Desain Sistem Plumbing berdasarkan Standar Buku Pedoman Plumbing Indonesia tahun 1979
Lingkup Sistem Plumbing terdiri dari:
Sistem Air Bersih
Sistem Air Buangan
Air Hujan
Sewage Treatment Plant
Sistem Air Bersih
Desain Dasar Sistem Air Bersih
Standar Air bersih untuk tiap bangunan berbeda tergantung dari jumlah kebutuhan air yang digunakan
perkantoran standar kebutuhan air per orang asumsi 200 liter/orang/ hari.

Sumber Air
Sumber Air didapatkan dari


Pasokan air untuk bangunan, di siapkan penampungan bawah tanah dan penampungan atas.
Air bersih digunakan untuk:
- Toilet dan Dapur
- Pemadam Kebakaran (Fire Hydrant)


Distribusi Air Bersih

Air bersih didistribusikan untuk toilet, dapur dengan menggunakan sistem gravitasi dari tanki air atas d
tanah menggunakan pompa
Distribusi kerja pompa adalah sebagai berikut:
- Pompa distribusi akan mulai jika minimum ketinggian air di tangki air.
- Pompa distribusi akan berhenti jika ketinggian air maksimum pada tangki air.
Sistem Air Buangan
Air buangan bangunan dari air kloset, dan urinal di distribusikan ke Sewage Treatment Plant
dan air buangan dari floor drain
Sistem Air Hujan
Air hujan dari bangunan atap di distribusikan menggunakan pipa riser ke infiltrasi dan kemudian dialirkan
ke penampungan
Sistem Kebakaran (Hydrant System)
Peraturan dan Standar

Desain Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran mengacu pada kriteria kriteria dibawah ini:
Peraturan Pemerintahan
Keputusan Mentri Pekerjaan Umum, No. 2/ KPTS/ 1985
Mengcover setiap area dengan unit fire hose cabinet 800 m2
Mengcover setiap area dengan unit APAR setiap 200 m2
Jarak tiap hydrant pillar adalah 100m
Tekanan di akhir nozzle/ hose sekitar 4,5 bar
Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran
Desain equipment untuk sistem proteksi kebakaran:
Unit - unit fire hose rell, termasuk APAR
Proteksi Kebakaran di site, termasuk siamese connection dan fire hose cabinet (dipasang),

Penampungan Bawah

Sumber Air untuk pemadam kebakaran menggunakan pompa (500 GPM) selama 45 menit, sekitar 45 x 1892,
85171,77 liter ditambah 10% kebocoran 1,1 x 85171,77
Tata Udara & Ventilasi di Gedung
Desain dasar sistem tata udara dan ventilasi

= 4 6 times
= 10 15 times
= 15 30 times

a tahun 1979

utuhan air yang digunakan per orang. Untuk bangunan

nampungan atas.

gravitasi dari tanki air atas dan tanki air dari bawah

i dan kemudian dialirkan

Basic Design Mechanical System

Scope of work mechanical system :
a) Plumbing system.
b) Fire hydrant system.
c) Air Conditioning and Heat Ventilatio

Plumbing System.
Design plumbing system refer to Indonesia Standar Buku Pe
Plumbing system scope as follows :
a) Clean water system.
b) Waste water.
c) Rain water.
d) Sewage Treatment Plant.

Clean Water System.

a) Basic Design Clean Water System.
Clean water demand standart for building type A, B, and Gu
and D 120 liter perperson perday.

b) Water Resource.
Clean water resource from kukuba river p

c) Supply water to building, prepared gr

Clean water used for :
1. Toilet and kitchen
2. Fire protection (F

d) Clean water distribution.

Clean water distributed for toilet, kitchen gravitation system
reservoar by pump.
Distribution pump work as follows :
1. Distribution pump
2. Distribution pump

Waste Water System.

Waste water in building from water closet, urinal, distributed

Rain Water System.

Rain water from building roof distributed by riser pipe to inf

Fire Protection System (Hydrant System).

Regulation and standart.

inet (dipasang),

45 menit, sekitar 45 x 1892,706 liter/ menit =

Fire protection system design refer to criteria-criteria :

a) Government Regulation.
b) Keputusan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum
c) Coverage area each unit fire hose cab
d) Coverage area for portable fire exting
e) Space between unit hydrant pillar = 1
f) Pressure in end nozzle/hose approxim

Fire Protection System.

Design equipment fire protection system :
a) Unit-unit fire hose rell, include portable fire extinguishe

b) Fire protection in site, include siamese connection and f

valve and landing valve for fire brigade. Distribution pipe un

Ground Reservoir.
Water resources for fire hydrant used pump (500GPM) durin
Minimum water in ground reservoir for fire protection.

Air Conditioning & Vetilation in Building Gedung.

Basic design Air Conditioning and ventilation integrated wit
Design criteria air condition and ventilation as follows :
a) Building orientation
b) Building function
c) Window and wall
d) Building interior
e) Lighting and equipment
f) Weather
g) Persons
h) Zoning optimalisation
i) Machine of air condition
Air Condition System.
Basic Design Air Condition as follows :
a) Basic Design.
Base on cooling load calculation :
1. Weather out door

2. Weather out door


3. Cooling load estim

4. Air change for ve

5. Basic cooling load


b) Split Air Condition.

1. Multi split air con


used :

n efficient

Easy to


mbing system.
e hydrant system.
Conditioning and Heat Ventilation System

efer to Indonesia Standar Buku Pedoman Plumbing Indonesia 1979.

ean water system.

wage Treatment Plant.

sic Design Clean Water System.

art for building type A, B, and Guest house 150 liter perperson perday, while for building type C

ater Resource.
water resource from kukuba river process by Water Treatment Plant.

pply water to building, prepared ground reservoir and elevated reservoir.

water used for :
1. Toilet and kitchen,
2. Fire protection (Fire Hydrant).

ean water distribution.

toilet, kitchen gravitation system from elevated reservoar (water tank) and water tank supplied from ground

ution pump work as follows :

1. Distribution pump will be start if water level minimum at water tank.
2. Distribution pump will be stop if water level maximum at water tank.

om water closet, urinal, distributed to Sewage Treatment Plant and waste water from floor drain, lavatory and kichen direct to

oof distributed by riser pipe to infiltration and then to drainage.

Hydrant System).

ign refer to criteria-criteria :

vernment Regulation.
putusan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, No. 2/KPTS/1985.
verage area each unit fire hose cabinet 800 m
verage area for portable fire extinguisher 200 m
ace between unit hydrant pillar = 100 m
essure in end nozzle/hose approximately 4,5 bar.

tection system :
, include portable fire extinguishe.

include siamese connection and fire hose cabinet (dipasang), coverage approximately 800 m. Completed with flexible pipe (
r fire brigade. Distribution pipe unit-unit fire hose cabinet, pillar hydrant and hydrant pump loop system.

drant used pump (500GPM) during 45 menit, approximately 45 x 1892,706 liter/,menit = 85171,77 liter plus 10% leakage =
reservoir for fire protection.

ation in Building Gedung.

ning and ventilation integrated with the other dicipline Architecture, Interior design, lighting and power resources.
n and ventilation as follows :
ilding orientation
ilding function
ndow and wall
ilding interior
ghting and equipment

ning optimalisation
achine of air condition

n as follows :
sic Design.
n cooling load calculation :
1. Weather out door Temperature
TWB = 28 30 C
TDB = 35 C (Badan Meteorologi & Geofisika)
2. Weather out door temperature design
TDB = 23 24 C
RH = 55%
3. Cooling load estimated 550 BTU/m
4. Air change for ventilation per hour :
Office Room
Toilet/ Pantry

Machine Room
5. Basic cooling load calculation refer to ASHRAE and CARRIER :
Building Orieted
High temperature datas
Air condition machine operated
Datas of wall, window, electric, people, ventilation etcl.

lit Air Condition.

1. Multi split air condition used :
Power consumption efficient
Refrigerant non CFC

atory and kichen direct to drainage.

pleted with flexible pipe (selang) 65 mm diameter length 30 m, control


iter plus 10% leakage = 1,1 x 85171,77 liter = 950 m.

wer resources.

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