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PROCEEDINGS, 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 28April 1, 2016


Aziz Fajar Setiawan , Rachman Malik

Teknik Geofisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Jln. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro No. 1 Bandar Lampung
Email :
Informasi geologi tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk
kepentingan eksplorasi saja, tetapi dalam bidang
pariwisata informasi geologi juga dapat digunakan
untuk mendukung pengembangan suatu kawasan
pariwisata khususnya wisata alam. Adanya fenomena
geologi yang unik dapat menjadi daya tarik
tersendiri bagi suatu daerah untuk dapat dijadikan
sebagai destinasi geowisata. Kecamatan Pulau
Pisang yang terletak di Kabupaten Pesisir Barat,
Provinsi Lampung memiliki keunikan dan nilai
estetika yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai suatu
lokasi wisata. Ditinjau dari sisi geologi, Pulau Pisang
memiliki daya tarik dari proses terbentuknya yang
berasal dari fenomena pergerakan lempeng samudera
yang menyebabkan terjadinya pengangkatan dasar laut
(uplift) hingga terbentuk pulau seperti saat ini, yang
didominasi oleh batuan karbonat. Oleh karena itu,
kawasan ini sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan
kawasan geowisata, laboratorium alam, dan sebagai
tempat pembelajaran struktur geologi maupun kuliah
lapangan terutama bagi mahasiswa geosains. Dengan
memasukkan informasi geologi ke dalam objek
geowisata akan memberikan beberapa dampak positif
seperti objek geowisata akan lebih menarik, memberi
mensosialisasikan geologi kepada masyarakat umum
secara langsung. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan lapangan,
potensi wisata yang ada di Pulau Pisang yaitu Sumur
Putri Way Bah Anjung, Batu Gughi, Batu Tiga,
deretan Barrier Reef di sepanjang pantai, Bukit Liang
dan wisata bawah air (Diving dan Snorkling). Dalam
hal ini target peserta wisata adalah para pengambil
keputusan dalam pemerintahan, ilmuwan, pelajar
hingga mahasiswa.
Kata Kunci: Pulau Pisang, Geowisata, Provinsi
Informasi geologi tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk
kepentingan eksplorasi saja, tetapi dalam bidang
pariwisata informasi geologi juga dapat digunakan
untuk mendukung pengembangan suatu kawasan
pariwisata khususnya wisata alam. Adanya fenomena
geologi yang unik dapat menjadi daya tarik
tersendiri bagi suatu daerah untuk dapat dijadikan
sebagai destinasi geowisata. Dinamika proses
geologi yang terjadi di Indonesia menjadikan
Indonesia memiliki kenampakan geologi yang unik
dan menarik. Pembentukan beraneka ragam fenomena

alam geologi tersebut dikontrol oleh serangkaian

proses dinamika kebumian yang khas, unik dan cukup
kompleks dalam rentang waktu jutaan tahun. Dari
sudut pandang para ahli ilmu kebumian, wilayah
pertemuan (interaksi) antara 3 (tiga) mega lempeng
dunia, yaitu : Lempeng Asia yang relatif statis,
Lempeng Indo-Australia yang relatif bergerak ke utara
dengan kecepatan sekitar 6-8 cm/tahun menunjam
dibawah Lempeng Asia, dan Lempeng Pasifik yang
relatif bergerak ke barat menunjam ke bawah lempeng
Asia. Keberadaan fenomena geologi tersebut
seyogyanya dapat dimanfaatkan seoptimal mungkin
sebagai sumber daya untuk pengembangan ilmu
pengetahuan maupun mendukung pengembangan
objek wisata alam beraspek geologi yang lebih dikenal
sebagai geowisata.

2.1. Regional Geology
Structurally, Sumatera located along southwestern
edge of the Sunda Shelf, on the extension of the
Eurasian Plate to mainland Southeast Asia is part of
the Sunda Arc. Oceanic crust that has lay a portion of
Indian Ocean and the Indian-Australian, Plate that has
subducting tilted along the Sunda Trench off the west
coast of Sumatera. Subducting zone is included in the
Sunda Arc Trench system that stretches more than
5,000 miles from Burma to Eastern Indonesia
(Mangga et al, 1993).
The location of the arc and trench may have been
active since the Miocene. The pressure caused by the
oblique subduction parallel faults to the edge of the
plate as evidenced by the Sumateran Fault System
which runs along the island arc sequence and rip off.
With respect to the arc magma, from west to east,
Sumatera can be divided into four tectonic mandala,
namely: Mentawai lane, lane or lane Bengkulu Fore
Arc, Arc magma lane or the lane and lane Barisan
Rear arc or lane Jambi-Palembang (Suharno et al.,
2.2. Geothermal system
Geothermal energy is stored in the subsurface rocks
and the fluid that are contained therein. Geothermal
systems can be defined and classified on the basis of
their geological, hydrological, and heat transfer
characteristics. The term geothermal refers to the

PROCEEDINGS, 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 28April 1, 2016

internal thermal energy of the earth, in general it is

used to denote a system in which the earths heat is
sufficiently concentrated to form an energy resource.
The degree of concentration of thermal energy in a
geothermal reservoir can be illustrated by comparing
the average heat content (above surface temperature)
of crustal rocks in the upper 10 kilometers, 85 kJ/kg,
to the enthalpy of saturated steam (at 236 oC and 32
MPa), 270 kJ/kg, the enrichment factor is on the order
of 30 in the extractable fluid. Such systems are
referred to as high grade geothermal resources. The
concentration of geothermal energy requires in
addition to a high porosity (storage coefficient), a high
permeability (hydraulic conductivity) of the reservoir
rocks (Rybach, 1981).

Study of Na, K, and Ca in aqueous systems suggests

that the cation concentration is controlled by a
temperature-dependent equilibrium reactions with
aluminosilicates and calcite. Presented below are
some semi-empirical equations for the temperature
which has been determined based on the ratio of Na
and K and Na, K, and Ca (in ppm).
(Fournier, 1979)
(Truesdell, 1976)
(Fournier and Truesdell, 1973)

Figure 2: Geothermal System

White (1967) argues that the geothermal fluids
contained in hydrothermal reservoir from subsurface
water, such as rainwater (meteoric water) which
penetrates the subsurface and heated by heat source.
This water will enter through cracks into permeable
rocks. If there are rock around the heat source, the
heat will be propagated through the rock (by
conduction) and through the fluid (by the convection).
Heat transfer by convection occurs because buoyancy.
Gravity make the water always has tendency to move
down. But, if the water is in contact with a heat
source, the heat transfer will occur so that the water
temperature becomes higher and the water becomes
lighter. This causes more hot water move upward and
cooler water moves down to the bottom, make the
water in circulation or convection current.
2.3. Geothermometer Method
Geotermometry is a method commonly used in
geochemical exploration to estimate reservoir
temperature or the temperature of the water source in
the subsurface. It is based on the temperature
dependence of dissolved chemical constituents and
their chemical equilibrium between the fluid and
mineral phases in the rock. The medium that is used in
this method can be in the form of ions or compounds
that are soluble in water or gas and their isotopic
distribution in those phases (Gemilang and Triandu,
2015). Various geothermometers exists and two of
these, the Na/K and Na/K/Ca, are discussed below.

2.4. Geothermal Potential Estimates

Three method to calculate estimated geothermal
energy potential are presented below:
a. Comparison Method
This method is based on the requirement that
sufficient earth science investigations have been
conducted to understand the occurrence of geothermal
manifestations and their geologic structural control.
This is typically the early stage of exploration and the
resulting estimate of geothermal energy potential is
considered speculative.
b. Volumetric Method
This method is used in the resource class the
hypothesis until proven. Some of the assumptions
required for the equivalent estimation with electrical
energy. In the volumetric method the amount of
potential energy resources or reserves is estimated
based on the heat energy content in the reservoir. Heat
energy content in the reservoir is the total of the heat
content in the rock and fluid.
c. Reservoir Simulation Method
This method is generally used in a geothermal field
that has been producing, so the diversity of rock
properties can be determined from the data wellbore
by Juliarka (2012).
The research methodology used in conducting the
assessment of the Way Ratai geothermal area during
the early stage of geothermal exploration follows in
the order to be conducted (1) performed a literature
study on geological and geochemical data. (2)
developed of an initial model in the form of transverse
slicing the layers of rock (i.e., cross-sections), (3)
identified the areal extent of the geothermal system,
and (4) calculated amount of electricity potential in
the geothermal area.

PROCEEDINGS, 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 28April 1, 2016

Geothermal development stage, are:
4.1 Preliminary Survey
4.1.1 Geological Study
Way Ratai located at the intersection of the Eurasian
plate and the Indo-Australian Plates which forms the
Great Sumatran Fault. The Way Ratai geothermal
prospect area, occurs along the Menanga Fault, a
segment of the Great Sumateran Fault. A result these
tectonic is the formation of volcanoes such as Mount
Ratai Pesawaran and Mount Pesawaran. Volcanism
occurred in Tertiary time as indicated by the
production of Mount Ratai Volcanics, a young
volcanic sediment (a pyroclastic lava derived from
Tertiary volcanic andesite).

unit, and by the Qa and Qs, the youngest units in the

area. The Qs unit occurs in the prospect area.

The bedrock in the Way Ratai geothermal areas

deposition from composition of swamp deposit (Qs),
Alluvial (Qa), young volcanic deposit (Qhv),
Lampung formation (QTI), Hulusimpang Formation
(Tomh), Sabu Formation (Tpos), Tarahan Formation
(Tpot), Menanga Formation (Km), unconsolidated G.
Kasih Complex, Way Galih Schist (Pzgs), and Dulan
Granodiorite (Suharno et al, 2015).

And the various hot spring chemical analyses,

reservoir temperature values of 200-240oC were
2. Geothermal Potential Estimate
the volumetric method was used in the estimation of
geothermal potential in Way Ratai geothermal area, as
given by the following equation:

4.1.2 Geochemical Study

Geochemical studies in geothermal development are:
1. Reservoir Temperature Calculation
Geothermometer to determine the subsurface reservoir
temperature assuming that the fluid chemistry
represents equilibrium conditions in the reservoir.
Using the Na-K geothermometer equations by
Fournier (1979):

The reservoir area and thickness is about 1.9 km2 and
about 1,513 km, respectively, as determined by 2D
forward modeling on geothermal prospect area Way
Ratai by Taufiq (2015). The estimate of reservoir
temperature is 200-240oC. While the temperature cutoff value was based Table 1, the cut-off temperature
geothermal reservoir by SNI (1999), are:
Table 1: Reservoar Clasification for Geothermal
Potential Estimate
Cut off
( C)
( C)

Figure 3: Geological Map of Way Ratai Geothermal

Prospect Area (Modified From Manga, 1993).
Line AA' is a cross section of geothermal prospect
area. Cross section was conducted to determine the
composition of bedrock found in the prospect area.
While the rectangle shows the location of the area of
geothermal prospects Way Ratai.

Low Temperature

< 125


Middle Temperature



> 225


High Temperature

Based on these data, the estimated geothermal

potential can be calculated (equation 4.4) as follows:

Figure 4: Slicing From Geological Map of Way Ratai
Geothermal Prospect Area
In the cross section (Figure 4) the oldest layer is Qhv
(r), which is overlain by the Tomh unit, by the Tpot

Thus, the electric potential of the Way Ratai

geothermal prospect area has been determined to be
36.9 MWe to 49.15 MWe.

PROCEEDINGS, 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 28April 1, 2016

Calculation of estimated geothermal is significantly

different from the initial estimates. This is because the
initial estimate of the extent of the estimated area
covers the whole of prospect, while the calculated
volumetric method includes the area that has been
measured using the gravity method.
4.2 The Auction of the Geothermal Working Area
The auction Geothermal Working Area is an advanced
stage performed after doing a preliminary survey.
Tender processes in the area of geothermal prospects
Way Ratai entitled Pesawaran conducted by local
government because it is the region of the district
4.3 Further Exploration Stage
Further Exploration in the way Ratai geothermal area
is necessary to obtain more complete data to be able
to continued development of geothermal energy in
these area that can be utilized to meet the electricity
demand in Lampung
4.4 Feasibility study
The stages geothermal development activities to
obtain detailed information on all aspects relating to
determining the feasibility of the geothermal mining,
including an investigation or a study of the amount of
reserves that can be exploited.
4.5 Exploitation and Utilization
Exploitation stage is an activity in a sufficiently
specific work areas involving the drilling of
development wells and reinjection wells, and the
construction of field facilities and production
operations of geothermal resources. Determining the
point of drilling development wells and reinjection
wells must be supported by geophysical data and
geological complete to avoid trial and error. While for
utilization as electric energy, geothermal should be
sold to PT PLN Persero as a BUMN that monopolizes
the electrical energy in Indonesia.

Empirical Na-K-Ca Geothermometer for

Natural Waters, Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 37, 1255-1275.
Fournier, R.O. (1979), A Revised Equation for the
Resources Council Transactions, 5, 41-50.
Gemilang, A., Triandu, N., (2015). Geology and
Geochemistry Characteristic of Kepahiang,
Bengkulu Province. Proceeding Indonesian
Conference on Geothermal Mineralogy and
Juliarka, B. R., (2012), Analisi Data Geologi,
Geokimia, dan Geofisika (3G) untuk
Menentukan Karakteristik Reservoar dan
Cadangan Energi Panas Bumi Sekincau
Lampung Barat [Skripsi], Universitas
Mangga, S.A., Amirudin, Suwarti, T., Gafoer, S.,
Sidarto, (1993), Geological Map of the
Tanjungkarang Quadrangle, Sumatera,
Geological Research and Development
Putrohari, R. D., (2009), Limbah Panas Bumi
mengandung Emas, http://rovicky., di akses pada tanggal 20
Januari 2016.
SNI 13-6171-1999 ICS 73.020, Estimasi Potensi
Energi Panas Bumi, Badan Standarisasi
Taufiq, (2015), 3D Gravity Modelling to Analysis
Subsurface Structure at Way Ratai
Geothermal Prospect Area, Lampung,
Proceeding Indonesian Conference on
Geothermal, Mineralogy, and Volcanology,
Faculty of Science, University of Brawijaya.

Conclusions derived from this paper are:
1. Based on Geology and Geochemistry survey, 5
hot spring have been identified with average
temperatures of 85-98oC.
2. Based on geothermometer calculation, the
reservoir can be assumed to be high temperature
at at about 200-2400C.
3. The geothermal potential estimate calculated
using volumetric method indicated 36.9 MW
49.15 MW.
4. The electrical potential estimation in Way Ratai
Geothermal area suggests that the prospect can be
developed for electrical generation and contribute
to resolving the energy crisis in Lampung

Rybach, L.,, (1981), Geothermal System,

Conductive Heat Flow, Geothermal
Anomalies, Institute of Geophysics, ETH
Zurich, Switzerland.

Fournier, R.O., Truesdell, A.H., (1973), An

White, D.E., (1967), Some Principle of Geyser

Suharno, Amukti, R., Hidayatika, A., Putri, M.K.,

(2015), Geothermal Prospect of Way Padang
Cermin Pesawaran Lampung Province,
Indonesia, Proceeding World Geothermal
Congress 2015.
Truesdell, A.H., (1976), Summary of Section IIIGeochemical Techniques in Exploration,
Second United Nation Symposium on the
Development and Use of Geothermal
Resources, San Francisco, May, 1975, 1, IiiiIxiii.

PROCEEDINGS, 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, March 28April 1, 2016

activity, mainly from steamboat spring,

Nevada, Am. J. Sci. 265, 641-684.

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