Anda di halaman 1dari 27



1.1 Latar Belakang

Saat ini, banyak sekali penyakit penyakit baru yang bermunculan
yang disebabkan karena life style dari seseorang tersebut yang kurang baik.
Selain itu, permasalahan gizi menjadi permasaahan yang sangat serius
khususnya di Indonesia yang semakin banyak, baik gizi buruk maupun gizi
lebih. Dalam hal ini, diperlukan peran ahli gizi yang berkompeten dan
menjunjung tinggi etika professional dalam menangani masalah terkait gizi
tersebut yang kian hari kian meningkat. Sehingga dapat memberikan
kontribusi dalam upaya pelayanan kesehatan terkait masalah gizi dan agar
dapat meningkatkan mutu pelayanan gizi bagi masyarakat. Serta agar dapat
dinilai sejajar dengan profesi tenaga kesehatan lainnya perlu menciptakan
ahli gizi yang memiliki etika profesi yang baik.
Selain itu, seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman yang selaras dengan
mulai munculnya perdagangan bebas dalam bidang jasa, mendorong para
tenaga gizi di Indonesia harus untuk mampu bersaing secara global dengan
tenaga gizi dari negara lain. Sehingga diperlukan untuk menciptakan tenaga
gizi yang professional dan mumpuni sesuai dengan standar professional gizi
di tingkat internasional dan menjunjung tinggi kode etik. Kode etik
merupakan aturan tertulis yang harus dipatuhi oleh suatu profesi yang terkait.
Sedangkan ahli gizi adalah seseorang yang memiliki kehalian khusus dalam
bidang makanan yang dikaitkan dengan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu kode etik
ahli gizi adalah peraturan yang harus dilakukan ahli gizi dalam berinteraksi
dengan orang lain baik itu klien maupun teman seprofesi. Dalam hal ini,
perlu juga untuk mengetahui kode etik profesi ahli gizi negara lain sebagai
pembanding dan menjadi evaluasi bagi tenaga ahli gizi di Indonesia.
Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah saya kali ini akan membahas
bagaimana isi kode etik profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, dan
Filiphina, serta membahas apa apa saya yang menjadi perbedaan dan
persamaan dari keempat kode etik di negera tersebut.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah
1. Bagaimana isi kode etik ahli gizi di Indonesia?
2. Bagaimana isi kode etik ahli gizi di Amerika?
3. Bagaimana isi kode etik ahli gizi di Kanada?
4. Bagaimana isi kode etik ahli gizi di Filiphina?
5. Bagaimana persamaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia, Amerika,
Kanada dan Filiphina ?
6. Bagaimana perbedaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia, Amerika,
Kanada, dan Filiphina ?
1.3 Tujuan
1. Untuk mendeskripsikan isi kode etik ahli gizi di Indonesia.
2. Untuk mendeskripsikan isi kode etik ahli gizi di Amerika.
3. Untuk mendeskripsikan isi kode etik ahli gizi di Kanada.
4. Untuk mendeskripsikan isi kode etik ahli gizi di Filiphina
5. Untuk mendeskripsikan apa saja persamaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di
Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, dan Filiphina.
6. Untuk mendeskripsikan apa saja perbedaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di
Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, dan Filiphina.
1.4 Manfaat
1. Dapat memberikan gambaran profesi gizi di Indonesia dan negara lain
beserta kode etiknya.
2. Dapat membandingkan antara kode etik profesi gizi di Indonesia dengan
kode etik profesi gizi di negara lain.



Ahli Gizi yang dalam melaksanakan profesi gizi harus mengabdikan

dirinya sepenuh hati dengan senantiasa bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
menunjukkan sikap dan perbuatan terpuji yang dilandasi oleh falsafah dan nilai-
nilai Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 serta Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran
Rumah Tangga Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia serta etik profesinya.

A. Kewajiban Umum
1. Ahli Gizi berperan meningkatkan keadaan gizi dan kesehatan serta
berperan dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan dan kesejahteran rakyat
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menjunjung tinggi nama baik profesi gizi dengan
menunjukkan sikap, perilaku, dan budi luhur serta tidak mementingkan diri
3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya menurut
standar profesi yang telah ditetapkan
4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya bersikap jujur,
tulus dan adil
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menjalankan profesinya berdasarkan prinsip
keilmuan, informasi terkini, dan dalam menginterpretasikan informasi
hendaknya objektif tanpa membedakan individu dan dapat menunjukkan
sumber rujukan yang benar
6. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa mengenal dan memahami
keterbatasannya sehingga dapat bekerjasama dengan pihak lain atau membuat
rujukan bila diperlukan
7. Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan profesinya mengutamakan kepentingan
masyarakat dan berkewajiban senantiasa berusaha menjadi pendidik dan
pengabdi masyarakat yang sebenarnya
8. Ahli Gizi dalam bekerjasama dengan para profesional lain di bidang
kesehatan maupun lainnya berkewajiban senantiasa memelihara pengertian
yang sebaik-baiknya.

B. Kewajiban Terhadap Klien
1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban sepanjang waktu senantiasa berusaha memelihara
dan meningkatkan status gizi klien baik dalam lingkungan institusi pelayanan
gizi atau di masyarakat umum
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjaga kerahasiaan klien atau
masyarakat yang dilayaninya baik pada saat klien masih atau sudah tidak
dalam pelayanannya, bahkan juga setelah klien meninggal dunia kecuali bila
diperlukan untuk keperluan kesaksian hukum
3. Ahli Gizi dalam menjalankan profesinya senantiasa menghormati dan
menghargai kebutuhan unik setiap klien yang dilayani dan peka terhadap
perbedaan budaya, dan tidak melakukan diskriminasi dalam hal suku, agama,
ras, status sosial, jenis kelamin, usia dan tidak menunjukkan pelecehan seksual
4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memberikan pelayanan gizi prima,
cepat, dan akurat
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberikan informasi kepada klien dengan tepat
dan jelas, sehingga memungkinkan klien mengerti dan mau memutuskan
sendiri berdasarkan informasi tersebut
6. Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan tugasnya, apabila mengalami keraguan dalam
memberikan pelayanan berkewajiban senantiasa berkonsultasi dan merujuk
kepada ahli gizi lain yang mempunyai keahlian

C. Kewajiban Terhadap Masyarakat

1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban melindungi masyarakat umum khususnya tentang
penyalahgunaan pelayanan, informasi yang salah dan praktek yang tidak etis
berkaitan dengan gizi, pangan termasuk makanan dan terapi gizi/diet. Ahli
Gizi hendaknya senantiasa memberikan pelayanannya sesuai dengan informasi
faktual, akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya
2. Ahli Gizi senantiasa melakukan kegiatan pengawasan pangan dan gizi
sehingga dapat mencegah masalah gizi di masyarakat
3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa Peka terhadap status gizi masyarakat
untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah gizi dan meningkatkan status gizi

4. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberi contoh hidup sehat dengan pola makan
dan aktivitas fisik yang seimbang sesuai dengan nilai praktek gizi individu
yang baik
5. Dalam bekerja sama dengan profesional lain di masyarakat, Ahli Gizi
berkewajiban hendaknya senantiasa berusaha memberikan dorongan,
dukungan, inisiatif, dan bantuan lain dengan sungguh-sungguh demi
tercapainya status gizi dan kesehatan optimal di masyarakat
6. Ahli Gizi dalam mempromosikan atau mengesahkan produk makanan
tertentu berkewajiban senantiasa tidak dengan cara yang salah atau,
menyebabkan salah interpretasi atau menyesatkan masyarakat

D. Kewajiban Terhadap Teman Seprofesi dan Mitra Kerja

1. Ahli Gizi dalam bekerja melakukan promosi gizi, memelihara dan

meningkatkan status gizi masyarakat secara optimal, berkewajiban senantiasa
bekerjasama dan menghargai berbagai disiplin ilmu sebagai mitra kerja di

2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memelihara hubungan persahabatan

yang harmonis dengan semua organisasi atau disiplin ilmu/profesional yang
terkait dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi, kesehatan, kecerdasan dan
kesejahteraan rakyat

3. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban selalu menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan dan

keterampilan terbaru kepada sesama profesi dan mitra kerja

E. Kewajiban Terhadap Profesi dan Diri Sendiri

1. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban mentaati, melindungi dan menjunjung tinggi
ketentuan yang dicanangkan oleh profesi
2. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memajukan dan memperkaya
pengetahuan dan keahlian yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan profesinya
sesuai perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi terkini serta peka terhadap
perubahan lingkungan

3. Ahli Gizi harus menunjukkan sikap percaya diri, berpengetahuan luas, dan
berani mengemukakan pendapat serta senantiasa menunjukkan kerendahan
hati dan mau menerima pendapat orang lain yang benar
4. Ahli Gizi dalam menjalankan profesinya berkewajiban untuk tidak boleh
dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan pribadi termasuk menerima uang selain imbalan
yang layak sesuai denga jasanya, meskipun dengan pengetahuan
klien/masyarakat (tempat di mana ahli gizi dipekerjakan)
5. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban tidak melakukan perbuatan yang melawan hukum,
dan memaksa orang lain untuk melawan hukum
6. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memelihara kesehatan dan keadaan gizinya agar
dapat bekerja dengan baik
7. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban melayani masyarakat umum tanpa memandang
keuntungan perseorangan atau kebesaran seseorang
8. Ahli Gizi berkewajiban selalu menjaga nama baik profesi dan
mengharumkan organisasi profesi

F. Penetapan Pelanggaran
Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan kode etik ini diatur tersendiri dalam Majelis Kode
Etik Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia

G. Kekuatan Kode Etik

Kode etik Ahli Gizi ini dibuat atas prinsip bahwa organisasi profesi bertanggung
jawab terhadap kiprah anggotanya dalam menjalankan praktek profesinya.
Kode etik ini berlaku setelah hari dari disahkannya kode etik ini oleh sidang
tertinggi profesi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang tertuang dalam anggaran dasar dan
anggaran rumah tangga profesi gizi.


A. Fundamental Principles
1. The dietetics practitioner conducts himself/herself with honesty, integrity,
and fairness.
2. The dietetics practitioner supports and promotes high standards of
professional practice.The dietetics practitioner accepts the obligation to

protectclients, the public, and the profession by upholding the Codeof Ethics
for the Profession of Dietetics and by reporting perceived violations of the
Code through the processes established by ADA and its credentialing
agency, CDR
B. Responsibilities to the Public
3. The dietetics practitioner considers the health, safety, and welfare
of the public at all times.
The dietetics practitioner will report inappropriate behavior or treatment of
a client by another dietetics practitioner or other professionals.
4. The dietetics practitioner complies with all laws and regulations
applicable or related to the profession or to the practitioners ethical
obligations as described in this Code.
a. The dietetics practitioner must not be convicted of a crime under the laws
of the United States, whether a felony or a misdemeanor, an essential
element of which is dishonesty.
b. The dietetics practitioner must not be disciplined by a state for conduct
that would violate one or more of these principles.
c. The dietetics practitioner must not commit an act of misfeasance or
malfeasance that is directly related to the practice of the profession as
determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, a licensing board, or an
agency of a governmental body.
5. The dietetics practitioner provides professional services with
objectivity and with respect for the unique needs and values of individuals.
a. The dietetics practitioner does not, in professional practice, discriminate
against others on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability,
gender, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, economic
status, or any other legally protected category.
b. The dietetics practitioner provides services in a manner that is sensitive to
cultural differences.
c. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in sexual harassment in
connection with professional practice.
6. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in false or misleading
practices or communications.
a. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in false or deceptive advertising
of his or her services.
b. The dietetics practitioner promotes or endorses specific goods or products
only in a manner that is not false and misleading.

c. The dietetics practitioner provides accurate and truthful information in
communicating with the public.
7. The dietetics practitioner withdraws from professional practice when unable
to fulfill his or her professional duties and responsibilities to clients and
a. The dietetics practitioner withdraws from practice when he/she has
engaged in abuse of a substance such that it could affect his or her
b. The dietetics practitioner ceases practice when he or she has been
adjudged by a court to be mentally incompetent.
c. The dietetics practitioner will not engage in practice when he or she has a
condition that substantially impairs his or her ability to provide effective
service to others.
C. Responsibilities to Clients
8. The dietetics practitioner recognizes and exercises professional judgment
within the limits of his or her qualifications and collaborates with others,
seeks counsel, or makes referrals as appropriate.
9. The dietetics practitioner treats clients and patients with respect and
a. The dietetics practitioner pro-vides sufficient information to enable clients
and others to make their own informed decisions.
b. The dietetics practitioner respects the clients right to make decisions
regarding the recommended plan of care, including consent, modification,
or refusal.
10. The dietetics practitioner protects confidential information and makes full
disclosure about any limitations on his or her ability to guarantee full
11. The dietetics practitioner, in dealing with and providing services to clients
and others, complies with the same principles set forth above in
Responsibilities to the Public (Principles #3-7).
D. Responsibilities to the Profession
12. The dietetics practitioner practices dietetics based on evidence-based
principles and current information.
13. The dietetics practitioner presents reliable and substantiated information
and interprets controversial information without personal bias,
recognizing that legitimate differences of opinion exist.

14. The dietetics practitioner assumes a life-long responsibility and
accountability for personal competence in practice, consistent with
accepted professional standards, continually striving to increase
professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice.
15. The dietetics practitioner is alert to the occurrence of a real or potential
conflict of interest and takes appropriate action whenever a conflict arises.
a. The dietetics practitioner makes full disclosure of any real or perceived
conflict of interest.
b. When a conflict of interest cannot be resolved by disclosure, the dietetics
practitioner takes such other action as may be necessary to eliminate the
conflict, including recusal from an office, position, or practice situation.
16. The dietetics practitioner permits the use of his or her name for the
purpose of certifying that dietetics services have been rendered only if he
or she has provided or supervised the provision of those services.
17. The dietetics practitioner accurately presents professional qualifications
and credentials.
1. The dietetics practitioner, in seeking, maintaining, and using
credentials provided by CDR, provides accurate information and
complies with all requirements imposed by CDR. The dietetics
practitioner uses CDR-awarded credentials (RD or Registered
Dietitian; DTR or Dietetic Technician, Registered; CS or
Certified Specialist; and FADA or Fellow of the American
Dietetic Association) only when the credential is current and
authorized by CDR.
2. The dietetics practitioner does not aid any other person in violating any
CDR requirements or in representing himself or herself as CDR-
credentialed when he or she is not.
18. The dietetics practitioner does not invite, accept, or offer gifts, monetary
incentives, or other considerations that affect or reasonably give an
appearance of affecting his/her professional judgment.
Clarification of Principle:
a. Whether a gift, incentive, or other item of consideration shall be viewed to
affect, or give the appearance of affecting, a dietetics practitioners
professional judgment is dependent on all factors relating to the
transaction, including the amount or value of the consideration, the
likelihood that the practitioners judgment will or is intended to be

affected, the position held by the practitioner, and whether the
consideration is offered or generally available to persons other than the
b. It shall not be a violation of this principle for a dietetics practitioner to
accept compensation as a consultant or employee or as part of a research
grant or corporate sponsorship program, provided the relationship is
openly disclosed and the practitioner acts with integrity in performing the
services or responsibilities.
c. This principle shall not preclude a dietetics practitioner from accepting
gifts of nominal value, attendance at educational programs, meals in
connection with educational exchanges of information, free samples of
products, or similar items, as long as such items are not offered in
exchange for or with the expectation of, and do not result in, conduct or
services that are contrary to the practitioners professional judgment.
d. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would
create in reasonable minds a perception that the dietetics practitioners
ability to carry out professional responsibilities with integrity, impartiality,
and competence is impaired.
E. Responsibilities to Colleagues and Other Professionals
19. The dietetics practitioner demonstrates respect for the values, rights,
knowledge, and skills of colleagues and other professionals.
a. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in dishonest, misleading, or
inappropriate business practices that demonstrate a disregard for the
rights or interests of others.
b. The dietetics practitioner provides objective evaluations of performance
for employees and coworkers, candidates for employment, students,
professional association memberships, awards, or scholarships, making
all reasonable efforts to avoid bias in the professional evaluation of


A. Responsibilities to The Client
Principle 1. To maintain integrity and empathy in professional practice :
a. Client-Centred Provision of Service
1. Place the clients best interests as the primary professional obligation.
2. Respect the wishes of the client and his/her appropriate others within
the obligations of the law and CDOs standards of practice.

3. Make every effort to communicate effectively with clients.
4. Use language that is respectful in written and verbal communication.
5. Seek out and share information with the clients so that :
a. they are able to make an informed decision or choice; and
b. they are able to take advantage of any resources or
programs that would benefit them or assist them in meeting their
6. Respect the clients right to have physical modesty and psychological
privacy protected.
7. Not derive physical, emotional or financial advantage from the clients,
their property, their reputation or employment.
8. Ensure that competition in the practice is carried out with integrity,
honesty and does not compromise quality of service.
b. Freedom from Prejudice
9. Treat all individuals equitably, regardless ofgender, age, health status,
religion, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, lifestyle, sexual
orientation or other characteristic listed in the Ontario Human Rights
Code or that is similarly irrelevant to equitable treatment.
c. Limiting Treatment of Services
10. Listen to and appreciate the clients values, opinions, needs and ethno-
cultural and religious beliefs in order to offer them appropriate
11. Recommend only services or treatments (or action plans) that are
necessary for my clients well-being and relate to the goals or
objectives developed with the client.
12. Terminate an activity or treatment when it becomes clear that the
treatment or activity is more harmful than beneficial or when it is
shown to be ineffective in producing the desired outcome.
d. Fees for Services Rendered
13. Be responsible for charging a fair and reasonable fee and charge only
for professional services.
14. Inform clients of the fee for the service and available methods of
payment prior to providing the service.
15. Avoid offering a reduction for prompt payment of an account.
e. Honoring Commitments
16. To the best of the knowledge, only enter into agreements or contracts
which allow me to act in accordance with the law and CDOs Standards
of Practice which include the Code of Ethics.

17. Honour all promises or commitments made verbally or in writing
unless serious and unexpected circumstances intervene.
f. Ensuring Provision of Service
18. Continue professional services that are needed unless,
a) the client requests the discontinuation; or
b) alternative services are arranged, or
c) the client is given reasonable notice to arrange alternative services.
19. If the client requests discontinuation of service and is deemed
competent according to the Health Care Consent Act, I will inform the
client of the risks and consequences of discontinuing service before
doing so.
g. Honest Representation
20. Accurately represent the own and the associates qualifications,
experience and affiliations in all spoken or written communications.
21. Permit the use of the name for the purpose of verifying that dietetic
services have been rendered only if I have provided or supervised the
provision of those services.
22. Properly credit the contribution and work of others.
23. Use RD/Dt.P. only when registration with the College of Dietitians of
Ontario is current.
24. Not hold myself out to be someone who is qualified to practise in
Ontario as a dietitian or in a specialty of dietetics when registration
with CDO is not current.
25. Avoid using the title doctor or any variation or abbreviation or
equivalent in another language in the course of providing or offering to
provide health care unless I am a member of the College of
Chiropractors, Optometrists, Physicians and Surgeons, or
Psychologists of Ontario or the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
26. Provide accurate ongoing information as required by the College of
Dietitians of Ontario.
h. Record Keeping
27. To the best of the knowledge, avoid false entries, misleading statements,
prolonged delays or omissions in any records relating to the practice.
28. Respect the clients right to health records as outlined in CDOs
Misconduct Regulations (Record Keeping and Reports section).

Principle 2. To strive for objectivity of judgment in such matters as
confidentiality and conflict of interest

a. Conflict of Interest
29. Arrange for another dietitian and withdraw from the situation when the
clients wish conflicts with the personal values such that I cannot
provide appropriate service.
30. Avoid or disclose a real or perceived conflict of interest in which the
professional judgment could be compromised.
b. Client Confidentiality
31. Provide nutrition treatment to the client once informed consent is
obtained and respect the clients wishes when he/she refuses the
32. Divulge confidential information without consent only when authorized
or required by law. This would include circumstances of disclosure for
the purpose of eliminating or reducing a risk to an individuals health
or safety if there are reasonable grounds to believe the risk is
33. Refrain from collecting (i.e actively requesting) information which is
irrelevant or unnecessary to providing dietetic service. In areas that
may be questionable, document reasons for collecting the information.
34. Develop practices which ensure confidentiality of service records;
comply with pertinent legislation and assist to improve agency
practices in this regard.

Principle 3. To work co-operatively with colleagues, other professionals and

lay persons.
a. Seeking Consultation.
35. Keep informed of the expertise of dietitians and other professionals
with whom I work or consult. Exchange knowledge and refer clients to
them when clients would benefit from their expertise.
36. Seek the opinion of an appropriate colleague (i.e, to clarify a practice
issue, a nutritional diagnosis or treatment plan, or when the client
requests it). When requesting the opinion of a colleague.
b. Acting as a Consultant.
37. Report to the referring health professional all pertinent findings,
recommendations and nutrition-related services provided to the client.

c. Working as Part of a Professional Team
38. Provide service as a member of a professional team, showing respect
for its members, recognizing their expertise, sharing information with
them and planning collaboratively with them regarding quality service
to the client.
39. Discuss and work through consent issues, ethical conflicts and
concerns with the professional team.
40. Discuss resource allocation with the professional team so that they can
be involved in resolving a problem.
41. Ensure that the action plan is consistent with the overall plan of the
team. When the overall plan of the team is inconsistent with the goals of
the client, advocate on the clients behalf.
d. Working Cooperatively With the Employer
42. Place the needs of the clients first, but also consider the philosophy and
policies of the employer.
43. Encourage and collaborate with the employer to develop and update
policies and standards in order to improve the quality of service
provided to the clients.

Principle 4. To obtain informed consent, for our invasive or experimental


a. Informed Consent.
44. Take all reasonable steps to ensure that consent is not given under
conditions of coercion or undue pressure.
45. Recognize that informed consent results from collaborating with the
client or substitute-decision maker. This entails fully informing the
client of the related treatment and obtaining a clear indication that the
client understands.
46. Assure, in the process of obtaining informed consent from both capable
and incapable clients, that I follow CDOs Guidelines for the Health
Care Consent Act.
47. Explain to the clients their right to information and help them obtain
additional information as needed.
48. Assist clients in understanding information especially when ethno-
cultural or literacy issues apply.
49. Respect informed, voluntary decisions and choices even when they may
conflict with the personal opinion.

50. Respect the right of individuals to discontinue service or participation
in a research study at any time. Be sensitive to nonverbal indications of
a desire to discontinue and seek confirmation from the individual or
substitute decision maker.
51. Discuss the clients direct questions with the professional team and
advocate for clients right to receive relevant information.
52. Recognize and avoid discussing health related information which is
beyond the scope of expertise and avoid doing so.
B. Responsibilities to Society
Principle 5. To maintain a high standard of personal competence through
continuing education and an ongoing critical evaluation of professional
a. Compliance with Standards of Practice.
53. Comply with CDOs Standards of Practice, including regulations, rules
and the Code of Ethics.
54. Refrain from practising when a physical or mental condition or
incapacity (e.g., substance abuse) affects the ability to provide
appropriate dietetic service. Practitioners will report to the appropriate
regulatory body any regulated professional who is practising while
55. Consider seriously any concerns others may express about the
professional ethics in an attempt to reach an agreement on the issue
and if needed, change the practice accordingly.
b. Commitment to Quality Practice
56. Always practise with the knowledge and skills of which I am capable.
57. Explore alternative ways of providing quality service within CDO
regulations. In the case of clinical practice, the dietitian should usually
favour options that minimize the risk of harm to clients.
58. Accept only those responsibilities which I am competent to perform.
59. Disclose pertinent limitations to the employer and obtain further
training when asked to assume responsibilities beyond the present level
of competence.
60. Commit myself to continuous self-evaluation and professional
61. Keep myself up-to-date with the knowledge and skills appropriate to the
practice setting through a variety of learning opportunities and

62. Seek and accept relevant and objective feedback from peers, clients,
supervisors and employers.
63. Demonstrate knowledge of advances in research and incorporate
relevant results into the practice.
64. Acknowledge and correct all errors in the practice as soon as they are
65. Develop, promote and participate in accountability processes and
related to the work.

Principle 6. To protect members of society against the unethical or

incompetent behavior of colleagues or other fellow health professionals

a. Proper Representation of Knowledge and Credentials.

66. Protect the skills, knowledge of dietetics and credentials of dietitians
from being misused, misrepresented or used incompetently and act
quickly to address any misuse.
67. Not assist another person in violating any dietetic registration
requirements or aiding another person in misrepresenting
herself/himself as an RD.
b. Prevention of Client Abuse
68. Prevent or correct practices that are discriminatory or are physically,
verbally, emotionally, sexually or financially abusive of clients.
c. Mandatory Reporting
69. If there is the potential for serious and immediate risk of harm to
client(s) or when the clients rights are being violated, report this
immediately to the appropriate regulatory body.

Principle 7. To ensure that our publics are informed of the nature of any
nutritional treatment or advice and its possible effects

a. Providing Accurate Nutrition Related Information.

70. Represent substantiated information and interpret controversial
information without personal bias, recognizing that legitimate
differences of opinion exist.
71. Not recommend or promote the use of nutritional supplements or other
agents whose complete formulas are not available to the dietetic
profession, nor use secret remedies. Recommended supplements must

be authorized or recognized as approved safe by government
72. Not recommend vitamin, mineral or nutritional supplements for
improper use.
73. Not hold out to the public as exclusive to me any agent, method or
technique I employ; nor hold out that any technique I employ is the
only technique to deal with a concern.
74. Not advertise products or services in a false or misleading manner.
75. Inform the client when personal values prevent the recommendation of
some form of therapy.
b. Respecting the ClientsChoices
76. Recognize that the clients have the right to decline the service or to
request the opinions of other dietitians.

Principle 8. To support the advancement and dissemination of nutritional and

related knowledge and skills

a. Advocacy and Lobbying

77. Speak out, in a manner consistent with this Code, when I possess expert
knowledge that bears on important societal issues being studied or
78. Advocate for needed health policy and resources by working with
individuals, groups, other health professionals, employers or the
79. Explain the value of dietitians to clients, and advocate for input into
policies relating to client service.
b. Promoting Excellence in Dietetics Through Research
80. Advance and support nutrition and health promotion and research.
81. Secure patents, trademarks and copyrights only on the condition that
they are not used to restrict research, practice or the benefits of the
c. Conducting Research
82. Ensure that research participants are informed of and completely
understand the benefits and risks before partaking in the study.
83. Ensure that research participants are informed of the purpose of the
research study and if agree to participate, provide them with a copy of
their informed consent agreement.

84. Recognize that the clients have the right to reject or withdraw from a
research project at any time and I will ensure that the quality of service
provided afterwards is not affected by their choice.
85. Establish valid inclusion and exclusion criteria for selection of research
86. Ensure that confidentiality and anonymity of the research participants
is maintained.
87. Ensure that research participants have an opportunity to voice their
concerns or ask questions throughout the duration of the study.
88. Ensure that research participants are removed from the study at any
point when the participants are thought to be at risk or harm by
continuing to participate.
89. Collect only data that is relevant to the research.
90. Ensure that the research results are not falsified in any way.
C. Responsibilities to The Profession
Principle 9. To support others in the pursuit of professional goals
a. Providing Feedback and Support.
91. Support and contribute to the continuing education and the
professional development of employees and colleagues.
92. Provide objective, unbiased evaluations of candidates for professional
memberships, awards, scholarships or job advancements. Make all
reasonable efforts to avoid bias in any kind of professional evaluation
of others.
93. Empower and provide support for peers and colleagues to develop to
their full potential and recognize their contributions (i.e, mentoring).

Principle 10. To support the training and education of future members of the

a. Responsibility as a Mentor/Educator
94. Empower students and interns to develop to their full potential and
recognize their contributions.
95. Assume overall responsibility for the professional activities of students,
interns, trainees and avoid assigning tasks to anyone who cannot
perform them competently.
96. Make no attempt to conceal the status of a student, trainee or intern.
97. As much as possible, provide or arrange for adequate working
conditions, timely evaluations and experience opportunities for
students, trainees and interns.

98. Provide or arrange for a safe working environment for students and
interns, free from discrimination and potential abuse, such as physical,
sexual, financial or verbal abuse.
99. Ensure that all students, interns are not coerced in their selection and
fulfillment of their educational goals.
100. Perform the teaching duties on the basis of careful preparation so that
the instruction is current and scholarly.
101. Present instructional information accurately, avoiding bias in the
selection and presentation of information and publicly acknowledge
any personal values or bias which influence the selection and
presentation of information.
b. Responsibility to Promote Ethical Practice.
102. Assist in the development of those who enter the discipline of dietetics
by helping them to acquire a full understanding of the ethics,
responsibilities and needed competencies of their chosen area(s).
103. Ensure that the students, trainees or interns understand the Code of
Ethics. I will serve as a role model for them by applying the Code of
Ethics to everyday practice situations and preparing students for the
ever changing aspects of ethics in dietetic practice.

Principle 11. To involve myself in activities that promote a vital and progressive

a. Advancing Dietetic Standards and Knowledge

104. Uphold the professions responsibility to society by promoting and
high standards.
105. Participate in ethical and ongoing dietetic research to advance the
profession and for incorporation into dietetic practice.
106. Be sensitive to the needs, current issues and problems of society when
determining research projects and program development.
b. Advancing the Regulation of the Profession
107. Assist the profession in improving its standards and values by
identifying issues for CDO that are relevant to the provision of safe,
effective and ethical nutritional care; bringing to the attention of the
College ethical issues which require clarification or development of
new guidelines or standards; and assisting in the continuous review of

the Code of Ethics and other standards to assure relevance and
108. Co-operate with health regulatory bodies in the investigation of
complaints against health professionals.
c. Supporting or Participating in Professional Activities
109. Get involved, as much as possible, in organizations, committees, or
activities which promote personal and professional growth or the
nutritional health of the public.


For the members of the Nutritionist - Dietitians Association of the
The Association aims to continuously upgrade the profession to
maintain high standards of nutrition and dietetic practice and to foster spirit
de corp among allied profession. The organization requires members whose
sense of responsibility, sound judgment and integrity of character are beyond
reproach and whose loyality to the organization is unquestionable.
The members of the association, there pledge themselves to :
Protect the status and highest tenets of the profession, and foster
cooperation among allied disciplines and organizations geared toward
improving the nutritional condition of the Filipino people.
Continue enriching their knowledge and practice of the profession,
keeping abreast with the most recent advances in nutritional research
and technology.
Rise up to global standards and maintain levels of professional
practices fully aligned with global best practices.
Serve the common good without regard to personal benefit of
aggrandizement and with genuine selflessness.
Be able to acknowledge errors, omissions, and limitations of
knowledge, and have the courage and humility to accept criticism and
thereby profit from mistakes.
Hold in confidence all personal information acquired in the discharge
of professional duties.
Protect the public against fraud, misrepresentation, misinformation and
unethical practices concerning food, nutrition and diet therapy.
Unselfishly make available their expertise in the delivery of nutritional
and dietetic services to the community, and undertake only those

professional services that they can reasonably deliver with professional
Be a worthy example of the practice of good personal nutrition.
Be honest and truthful in word, thought, and deed, observing the
Golden Rule in all human dealings.


Dengan adanya keberadaan kode etik profesi di Indonesia dan keempat
negara lain diatas terdapat beberapa persamaan standar dalam kode etik
profesi ahli gizi, yaitu mengenai sikap tanggungjawab yang meliputi
pertanggungjawaban kepada klien, masyarakat dan profesi. Dari kewajiban-
kewajiban tersebut, terdapat beberapa prinsip yang juga hampir sama.
Beberapa prinsip tersebut antara lain integritas dan empati ahli gizi,
objektivitas dalam memberikan pendapat, kerjasama secara kooperatif,
menjaga keamanan informasi klien, kompetensi personal seorang ahli gizi,
perlindungan masyarakat dari perlakuan yang tidak etis dari tenaga kesehatan
lain, dukungan terhadap kemajuan dalam bidang gizi terkait pengetahuan dan
keahlian, dukungan terhadap tujuan yang professional, menjunjung tinggi
kejujuran, dan melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan yang memajukan profesi gizi.
Selain itu, dari keempat negara tersebut sama sama dipaparkan sebagai
seorang ahli gizi berkewajiban untuk memajukan dan memperkaya
pengetahuan dan keahlian yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan profesinya
sesuai perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi yang berkembang saat ini serta
menjunjung tinggi performa kerja yang professional dalam menjalankan


Selain terdapat beberapa persamaan seperti yang dijelaskan diatas, juga
terdapat beberapa hal yang membedakan diantara kode etik profesi ahli gizi
pada keempat negara tersebut, yaitu :

Indonesia Amerika Kanada Filiphina

Di Indonesia lebih Di Amerika lebih Di Kanada lebih Di Filipina lebih
menekankan pada menekankan banyak yang banyak yang

performa sikap ahli tanggunng jawab mengatur dan mengatur dan
gizi terhadap pasien dan mengedepankan menekankan pada
agar ahli gizi dapat professionalisme tentang integritas kepentingan
dipercaya dalam bekerja yang dalam praktek konsumen
masyarakat. perlu dilakukan profesionalisme dan termasuk dalam
Karena pendapat oleh seorang ahli pentingnya hal menjaga
masyarakat sangat gizi. peningkatan masyarakat supaya
diperhatikan dan pengetahuan seorang terhindar dari
menjadi penilaian ahli gizi seperti kode masalah gizi baik
tersendiri bagi ahli etik yang berbunyi individu maupun
gizi di Indonesia. Keep myself up-to- populasi .
date with the
knowledge and skills
appropriate to the
practice setting
through a variety of
opportunities and
Kode etik ahli gizi Kode etik Kode etik Kode etik
di dibuat diberlakukan untuk diberlakukan untuk diberlakukan
berdasarkan prinsip mendukung dan menjaga standar untuk
bahwa organisasi mempromosikan kompetensi mempertahankan
profesi bertanggung standar praktek yang tinggi dan tingkat praktek
jawab terhadap professional integritas praktek profesional
anggotanya dalam profesional sepenuhnya selaras
menjalankan dengan praktek
praktek terbaik global
Kurang mendukung Mendukung Mendukung Kurang dijelaskan
pelatihan dan pelatihan dan pelatihan dan secara rincio
edukasi pada edukasi pada edukasi pada mengenai edukasi
anggota baru. anggota baru. anggota baru. pelatihan pada
anggota baru

Penjelasan Penjelasan Penjelasan diberikan Tidak ada
diberikan hanya diberikan pada tiap pada tiap tiap prinsip penjelasan lebih
perpoint dari kode tiap prinsip kode kode etik dan tiap rinci dari setiap
etik tidak setiap etik dan tiap prinsip prinsip dijelaskan point point kode
prinsipnya. dijelaskan lebih lebih rinci menjadi etik yang sifatnya
rinci menjadi point point point. masih umum.



3.1 Kesimpulan

Kode etik ahli gizi adalah peraturan yang harus dilakukan ahli gizi dalam
berinteraksi dengan orang lain baik itu klien maupun teman seprofesi. Kode etik
ini diperlukan untuk menjaga performa kerja dari seorang ahli gizi. Dimana, kode
etik profesi ahli gizi dari keempat negara diatas secara umum memiliki beberapa
persamaan sama dalam standard pelayanan menangani pasien, melakukan
peningkatan pengetahuan, dan lain lain. Selain itu, juga terdapat beberapa
perbedaan dimana kode etik ahli gizi di Indonesia lebih mengatur pada sikap ahli
gizi terhadap klien. Kode etik ahli gizi di Amerika lebih menekankan tanggunng
jawab yang perlu dilakukan ahli gizi. Sedangkan kode etik ahli gizi di Kanada
lebih banyak yang mengatur tentang pentingnya peningkatan pengetahuan ahli
gizi. Dan kode etik di Filipina lebih banyak yang mengatur dan menekankan pada
kepentingan konsumen. Selain itu, tiap tiap negara juga berbeda dalam
sistematika bahasa dan rinci atau tidaknya isi dari kode etik tersebut. Bila dilihat
dari segi bahasa, kode etik di Indonesia tidak dijelaskan per prinsip melainkan
langsung dijelaskan per poin kode etiknya. Pada kode etik di Amerika dan
Kanada, terdapat beberapa prinsip, kemudian prinsip tersebut dijabarkan kembali
ke dalam poin-poin, sehingga lebih rinci. Sedangkan pada kode etik di Filiphina
tidak ada penjelasan lebih rinci dari point point kode etiknya yang sifatnya
masih umum.


American Dietetic Association (ADA). 2009. Registration Code of Ethics for the
Profession of Dietetics and Process for Consideration of Ethics Issues.
(Online), (
13.pdf), diakses 8 Maret 2017 pukul 20.28 WIB.
Dietitians of Canada. 2009. Code of Ethics For The Dietetic Profession In
Canada. (Online), (, diakses 8 Maret
2017 pukul 20.25 WIB.
Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2007. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan
Republik Indonesia No 374/Menkes/SK/III/2007 tentang Standar Profesi
Gizi. (Online), (, diakses 8
Maret 2017 pukul 20.23 WIB.
Nutritionist-Dietitians Association of the Phillippines. Code Of Ethics For the
members of the Nutritionist - Dietitians Association of the Phillippines.
(Online), (, diakses 20 Maret 2017 pukul
19.30 WIB.

Makalah Etika Profesi

Perdandingan Kode Etik Profesi Gizi di Indonesia dengan Amerika, Kanada,

dan Filiphina

Dosen: Nia Novita Wirawan, M.Sc

Oleh : Iffana Mahiror Azhaar Ashad

165070307111008/ 2A2

Program Studi Ilmu Gizi

Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Brawijaya



Daftar Isi ... i

1.1 Latar Belakang .. 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah . 2
1.3 Tujuan ... 2
1.4 Manfaat . 2
2.1 Isi Kode Etik Ahli Gizi di Indonesia .... 3
2.2 Isi Kode Etik Ahli Gizi di Amerika .. 6
2.3 Isi Kode Etik Ahli Gizi di Kanada 11
2.4 Isi Kode Etik Ahli Gizi di Filiphina . 22
2.5 Persamaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, 23
dan Filiphina .
2.6 Perbedaan kode etik profesi ahli gizi di Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, 24
dan Filiphina .
3.1 Kesimpulan ... 26


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