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Table Of Contents

Indonesia - Inggris




Past Perfect
Future Continuous
Y Z Future Perfect
Past Perfect
Simple Future Present
Future Perfect
Simple Past Present Perfect
Simple Present
Past Continuous Present Perfect
a.n.b. (atas nama beliau) in his name.\n
aa (Asia Afrika) Asia-Africa.\n
aal (Akademi Angkatan Laut) Naval Academy.\n
aam seeAM.\n
aau 1 ouch ! (exclamation of pain). 2 what ! (exclamation of surprise)\n
1 (Anggaran Belanja) budget. 2 (Angkatan Bersenjata) armed
aba 1 (aba-aba) order, command. 2 father.\n
abab exhaled breath.\n
abad 1 century. 2 age, era.\n
abadi eternal, lasting, enduring.\n
abah direction. 2 see ABA1.\n
abah-abah harness.\n
abai neglectful.\n
(Jakarta and some other regions) 1 elder brother. 2 (in some regions
only) red.\n
(Jv) o. who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of o.\'s nominal
abar (R.R.) brake.\n
abat see ABAD.\n
abau k.o. tortoise.\n
abbas abbot.\n
abc abese the ABC\'s.\n
abd see ABDI.\n
abdas (Islam) absolution before prayer.\n
abdei abbey.\n
abdi 1 servant. 2 slave.\n
abdidalemisme sycophancy.\n
abdikasi abdication.\n
abdis abbess.\n
abdu seeABDI.\n
abece [ABC] alphabet, ABC\'s.\n
abelur see HABLUR.\n
aben cremate.\n
aberasi aberration.\n
aberikos see ABRIKOS.\n
abet 1 appearrance. 2 behavior.\n
abib (in families of Arabic descent) grandfather.\n
abid 1 pious, devout. 2 see ABADI.\n
abidin /abidun/ (Islam) the faithful.\n
abil see HABIL.\n
abis see HABIS.\n
abiturien o. who went as far as high school.\n
abjad alphabet.\n
abjadiah alphabetical.\n
ablak (Jakarta) open wide.\n
ablatif (Ling.) ablative.\n
ablur see HABLUR.\n
abn (Anggaran Belanja Negara) national budget.\n
abnormal abnormal.\n
abnormalitas abnormality.\n
abnus (Lit.) ebony.\n
abolisi abolition.\n
abon shredded meat that has been boiled and fried.\n
abone subscriber.\n
abonemen subscription (to a magazine, etc.).\n
aborsi /abortus/ abortion.\n
abrak mica.\n
abrek 1 very much. 2 seeAMBREG.\n
[Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Armed
abrikos apricot.\n
abrit-abritan see APRIT-APRITAN.\n
abruk (Jakarta) slam or set s.t. down with a crash.\n
abs [Asal Bapak Senang] as long as the boss is happy.\n
absah valid, legal, legitimate.\n
absen absent.\n
absensi take attendance.\n
abses abscess.\n
absis (Math.) abscissa.\n
absolusi (Rel.) absolution (of sins).\n
absolut absolute.\n
absolutisme absolutism.\n
absorpsi (Ling., Phys.) absorption.\n
absten abstain.\n
abstrak 1 abstract, summary, precis. 2 abstract, theoretical.\n
abstraksi abstraction.\n
absur /absurd/ absurd.\n
absurditas absurdity.\n
1 dust. abu-kayu sawdust. 2 ashes. abu-bara cinders. abu-blarak
abu (Java) cleansing powder (of coconut frond). abu-gosok scouring
abu-abu gray.\n
abuh 1 swollen. 2 swelling.\n
abuk fine powder.\n
abur squander, waste.\n
abus 1 smallest portion. 2 of no value, worthless.\n
abyad white, transparent, translucent.\n
ac (Air Conditioning) air conditioning.\n
acak 1 disordered. 2 random.\n
acak-acak in a hurry, hastily.\n
acak-acakan in disorder, chaos.\n
acan (Sd) miniscule in amount.\n
acang-acang 1 confidential agent. 2 shop steward. 3 master of ceremonies.\n
acap 1 be under water. 2 be stuck in s.t. deeply.\n
acapkali repeatedly, frequently.\n
pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a
souring agent.\n
acara 1 agenda. 2 program. 3 judicial procedure. 4 jurisdiction\n
ace seeAC.\n
aceuk (sunda) elder sister.\n
1 agreed, settled. 2 valid. 3 (sumatra) pith, starchy core. 4
aci-aci example.\n
acik (Ch, Sumatra) elder sister.\n
acir (Coll.) 1 in disarray. 2 helter-skelter.\n
aco see KACAU.\n
acrit (Coll.) come out in rush.\n
acu /acuan/ 1. 1) hint. 2) reference. 2. 1) mold. 2) matrix. 3. ready.\n
acuh 1 care. 2 /acuhan/ (Jakarta) not care.\n
acum incite, instigate, provoke.\n
acung point upward.\n
1. [Angkatan Darat] army ground forces. 2. [Anggaran Dasar]
ad-interim acting, temporarily in a position.\n
1 there is, are. 2 (Coll.) be, be present. 3 have, own. 4 did (do so-
and-so). ada-lah am, is, are.\n
adab 1 courtesy. 2 culture. 3 knowing proper behavior.\n
adakalanya sometimes.\n
adalat justice, righteousness.\n
adam 1 proper name. 2 (Islam) the prophet Adam.\n
adan see AZAN.\n
1 intercept, block, ambush. 2 block. 3 flag down. 4 wait for (a parade
to go by, etc.).\n
adanya See ADA . 1 presence. 2 existence. 3 situation.\n
adap see HADAP.\n
adaptasi adaptation.\n
adapun see ADA.\n
adas dill, fennel.\n
adat 1 custom, tradition. 2 customary law. 3 manners, proper behavior.\n
adati traditional.\n
adecharge (a decart) see SAKSI.\n
adegan /adekan/ 1 scene (in a play). 2 (Islam) movement.\n
adem 1 cool, calm. 2 cold. 3 tasteless, flat.\n
adempause (Sport) breathing spell.\n
adhesi 1 adhesion. 2 devotion, attachment.\n
adhyaksa (Leg.) a rank for prosecutors.\n
adi 1 superior. 2 splendid, highly valued.\n
adib respectful.\n
adicita ideology.\n
adidaya see ADI.\n
adiguna (Java) rely too much on o.\'s own abilities.\n
1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin. 2 form of address to
adik younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family. 3
form of address from husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend.\n
adikara dictatorial.\n
adikodrat /adikodrati/ (Rel.) the supernatural, the supreme power of God.\n
adikuasa see ADI.\n
adil 1 just, fair, equitable. 2 legal.\n
1 respectful form of address and reference to younger sibling or to a
adinda younger person of either sex, esp. 2 form of address to wife or
female lover (more affectionate than adik).\n
adipati title for bupati (colonial era).\n
adiratna-pekaca (Lit.) 1 lotus jewel, the sublime jewel. 2 young woman.\n
adiwarna resplendent, excellent.\n
adm. (administrasi) administration.\n
administrasi administration.\n
administratif /administratip/ administrative.\n
administratir /administrator/ manager of an estate.\n
administratur administration.\n
administrir administrir administer, manage.\n
admiral admiral.\n
adolensi tax clemency.\n
adon knead.\n
adonan batter, dough.\n
adpertensi advertisement.\n
adpis see ADVIS.\n
adpisir adviser.\n
adpokat see ADVOKAT2.\n
adreng (Java) eager.\n
adres address (of letter).\n
(Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia) the Indonesian Army
(revolutionary era).\n
1 compete. 2 1) complain about, 2) sue, bring legal action. 3) inform,
squeal, tell on, report. 3. sleep (of royalty).\n
1 auch ! ow ! (expression of pain). 2 oh my ! (expression of
disappointed surprise).\n
aduhai (Lit.) 1 how beautiful ! how sad ! atc. 2 incredible. staggering.\n
1 stir (tea, etc.). 2 beat (batter, etc). 3 mix. 4 scramble (eggs). 5
aduk interfere in, meddle in (the affairs of others). 6 stir up, confuse,
adun 1 dress, finery. 2 see ADON.\n
adven /Advent/ Seventh Day Adventist religious sect or adherent thereof.\n
adverbia adverb.\n
adverbial adverbial.\n
advertensi see ADPERTENSI.\n
advis advice.\n
advokat 1 lawyer. 2 avocado.\n
adzan see AZAN.\n
aerodinamika aerodynamics.\n
aeronotika aeronautics.\n
af break off, break up.\n
1(Islam) works, deeds. 2 1) waste portions of butchered animals. 2)
reject products of a factory. 3 see HAFAL.\n
afasi aphasia.\n
afdal 1 good, fine, nice. 2 (Islam) ritually pure.\n
afdeling section, department (colonial era).\n
afdlal /afdol/ see AFDAL.\n
afdruk print, copy.\n
affiliasi seeAFILIASI.\n
afiat 1 healthy. 2 good health.\n
afiks (Ling.) affix.\n
afiksasi affixation.\n
afiliasi affiliation.\n
afinitas affinity.\n
afirmasi affirmation.\n
afiun see APIUN.\n
afkir see APKIR.\n
aflos /aflus/ seeAPLOS.\n
afrikat (Ling.) affricate.\n
afrit evil spirit.\n
afwah blessing.\n
meng-agah 1 stare fixedly forward (esp. in certain sports). 2 stare at
(to start a fight). 3 put o.\'s face forward.\n
1 rather, somewhat. 2 approximately, about. agak-agak 1 guess,
vague idea, fantasy. 2 careful.\n
agaknya it seems, probably.\n
agam 1 virile, manly. 2 sturdy, hefty.\n
agama religion.\n
agamawan religious person, religionist.\n
agamawi religious.\n
agamis religious.\n
agan intend, plan.\n
agar in order that, in order to.\n
agar-agar 1 k.o. seaweed. 2 gelatin made of seaweed.\n
agas sandfly, gnat.\n
agen 1 agency, branch. 2 agent.\n
agenda agenda.\n
agendaris secretary or clerk who draws up the agenda.\n
agendir enter on an agenda.\n
agih distribute evenly, apportion.\n
agitasi agitation.\n
agogo 1 Western dance. 2 rock and roll.\n
agraria agrarian affairs.\n
agregat 1 electric generator. 2 aggregate.\n
agresi aggression.\n
agresif /agresip/ aggressive.\n
agresor aggressor.\n
agressif see AGRESIF.\n
agri-bisnis agribusiness.\n
agri-industri agri-industry.\n
agronomi agronomy.\n
aguk locket.\n
agul 1 boast of. 2 make a show of, display, show off.\n
agung 1 exalted, high, noble. 2 impressive.\n
agustus August.\n
ah 1 ah ! alas ! 2 yachh !(exclamation og disgust). see A1.\n
ah-ih-eh exclamation of indecision.\n
aha aha !\n
ahad 1 one. 2 Sunday.\n
ahadiat unity.\n
ahala dynasty.\n
ahdiat see AHADIAT.\n
ahir seeAKHIR.\n
ahlak see AKHLAK.\n

1.1) expert, specialist. 2) virtuoso. 3) skilled, highly competent,

professional. 2. 1) members. 2 relatives.\n
ahlubait (Islam) owner of the house, host.\n
ahlukubur (Islam) the deceased.\n
ahlulsuluk (Pl.) mystics.\n
ahmak 1 a fool. 2 foolish. 3 stupid.\n
ai (ad interim) acting, temporary.\n
ai-lap-yu (Sl.) a profession of love.\n
aib 1 shame, disgrace, scandal. 2 error, mistake.\n
aidil-fitri see IDUL-FITRI.\n
aih exclamation of surprise.\n
ainulyakin with the complete conviction of o. who has witnessed.\n
air 1 water, liquid. 2 juice.\n
ais ais-an carrying cloth.\n
aisyiah reformist Muslim organization for women.\n
aja (Coll.) see SAJA.\n
ajab 1 surprised, astronished. 2 see AZAB.\n
ajaib 1 miraculous. 2 astonishing, remarkable. 3 remarkableness\n
1.1) invite. 2) challenge. 3) stimulus. 2. (Java) wild dog. 3. (M)
similar to, as.\n
ajal predestined hour of death, end.\n
ajam (Lit.) Iran, Persia.\n
ajan see AZAN.\n
ajang 1 site. 2 arena.\n
ajar 1.1) (Coll.) study. 2) learn. 2 hermit.\n
ajat see HAJAT.(Jakarta).\n
aje see SAJA.\n
ajeg /ajek/ steady, stable, constant.\n
ajektif /ajektiva/ adjective.\n
ajeng see JENG.\n
ajengan (Java) community leader. s.o. to emulate.\n
1 spell, charm, magical formula. 2 1) (Lit.) king, ruler. 2) o. who is a
champion at doing s.t.\n
ajidan see AJUDAN.\n
ajimat seeAZIMAT1.\n
ajinomoto any k.o. taste enhancer, monosodium glutamate.\n
ajir stake, marker.\n
ajojing k.o. rock-style dancing.\n
ajrih respect and fear.\n
1 institute. 2 put, ask (a question). 3 file, submit, make
ajubillah see AUDUBILLAHI.\n
ajudan 1 adjutant. 2 (Navy) chief petty officer.\n
1. 1) observe, estimate. 2) test, put to the test, sound out. 2 mimic,
imitate, parrot, mock.\n
ajun 1 purpose. 2. adjunct.\n
ajung adjunct.\n
ak. (akuntan) accountant (used in academic degrees).\n
akabri (Akademi Angkatan Bersenjata) Armed Forces Academy.\n
akad contract, agreement, convenant.\n
akademi academy.\n
akademik academic.\n
akademikus an academic.\n
akademis academic.\n
akaid dogma.\n
1 mind, intellect, reason. 2. intelligence. 3 way, tactics. advice,
instruction. 5 deceit, trickness, cunning.\n
akali intelligent.\n
1 will, about to (particle marking future events). 2 . 1) about,
regarding. 2) for, with purpose of. 3) as for.\n
akang (Sunda, Jakarta) term of address or reference for elder brother.\n
akar 1 root. 2 root, source.\n
akas 1. clever, handy, skillful. 2. 1) upside down. 2) the opposite.\n
akasa see ANGKASA.\n
akasia acacia.\n
akat see AKAD.\n
akaunting see AKONTING.\n
akbar 1 exalted, great. 2 big.\n
ritual shaving of baby\'s head for first time (us. on the seventh day
after birth).\n
akh see AH1.\n
akhbar newspaper, the press.\n
akhir end, finish.\n
akhiran (Ling.) suffix.\n
akhirat the hereafter, the beyond.\n
akhirnya final, last.\n
akhirulkalam in conclusion.\n
akhlak character, morals.\n
akhlas see IKHLAS.\n
akhli see AHLI1,2.\n
aki 1 storage battery. 2 (in some regions only) grandfather.\n
akiau (Jakarta, China) young China man.\n
akibat result, consequence.\n
akibatnya finally, as a consequence.\n
akidah belief, faith.\n
akik carnelian, agate.\n
/akilbaligh/ 1 of age, grown up (from age 15 on). 2 legally
akir see AKHIR.\n
akisir battery acid.\n
akkord see AKORD.\n
aklamasi acclamation.\n
aklimatisasi acclimatization.\n
akmal (Rel.) utterly perfect (of God).\n
akmil (Akademi Militer) Military (Army) Academy.\n
akomodasi accommodations.\n
akompanimen accompaniment.\n
akonting accounting.\n
akor see AKUR.\n
akord harmonic chords.\n
akordeon /akordion/ accordion.\n
akpol (Academi Kepolisian) Police Academy.\n
akrab intimate, chummy.\n
akreditasi accreditation.\n
akronim acronym.\n
aksara 1 letter of the alphabet, 2 script.\n
aksarawan o. who is literate.\n
aksef (aksi sefihak) unilateral action.\n
akselerasi acceleration.\n
aksen accent.\n
aksentuasi 1 (Ling.) accentuating. 2 accent, stress. 3 emphasis, stress.\n
aksep an IOU, promissory note.\n
akseptable acceptable.\n
akseptor acceptor, esp. o. who has agreed to practice birth control.\n
aksesori /aksessory/ accessory.\n
1 action. 2 lawsuit. 3 boasting, bragging. 4 pretense, airs. 5
handsome, attractive (of apparel, behavior, etc).\n
aksioma axiom.\n
aksiomatis axiomatic.\n
akta 1 official document. 2 diploma, certificate.\n
akte see AKTA.\n
aktentas briefcase.\n
1 active, energetic. 2 (Ling.) active (verb, etc). 3 functioning. 4
akting 1 o. temporarily in charge. 2 o. who assumes responsibility.\n

aktip see AKTIF.\n

aktir see AKTOR.\n
aktiva (Fin.) assets.\n
aktivis activist.\n
aktivitas /aktivitet/ activity.\n
aktor actor.\n
aktris actress.\n
aktual see AKTUIL.\n
aktualisasi actualization.\n
aktualisir actualize, bring up to date.\n
aktualitas timeliness, topicality.\n
aktuil recent, topical, current.\n
aku 1. I (familiar, intimate). 2. see AKI1.\n
akuaduk aqueduct.\n
akuan 1 confession, admission. 2 genie, spirit.\n
akuarel aquarelle.\n
akuarium aquarium.\n
akuisme egocentricity, self-centeredness\n
akulturasi acculturation.\n
akumulasi accumulation.\n
akumulatif accumulative.\n
akuntan accountan.\n
akuntansi accountancy.\n
akunting see AKONTING.\n
akupungtur /akupunktur/ acupuncture.\n
akur agree to do, go along with.\n
akuran muttually agree.\n
akurat accurate, precise, exact.\n
akustik /akustika/ acoustics.\n
akustis acoustic.\n
akut acute, critical (crisis, illness, etc.).\n
akwal (Lit.) words, speech.\n
al (antara lain) among others.\n
al-masih the Messiah.\n
al-qur'an the Koran.\n
ala 1 in the style (of). 2 (alaah) exclamation of exasperation.\n
alah 1 defeated, beaten, conquered. 2 see ALA2\n
(Islam) Upon him be peace (used after mention of o. of the prophets
other than Muh.)\n
alaikum'salam (Islam) Peace be unto you (said as a response to assalam alaikum).\n
alal-bihalal seeHALAL-BIHALAL.\n
alam 1. 1) world, realm. 2) nature, natural. 2. (Islam) be more
knowledgeable.3. banner, standard.\n
alamat 1 address. 2 omen, sign, indication. 3 target. 4 title (of a book).\n
alami /alamiah/ natural, concerned with nature.\n
alan-alan comedian, jokester.\n
1 middle, medium. 2. 1) crosswise, diagonal. 2) crossbeam, bar.
meng-alang-kan place s.t. athwart. 3. see HALANG.\n
alang-alang tall, coarse grass.\n
alap 1. alap-alap 1) hawk. 2) thief. 2 nice, attractive, handsome.\n
alarm / alarem/ alarm, danger signal.\n
alas 1. 1)base, foundation. 2 layer, lining, convering. 2. (Java) forest.\n
1. 1) instrument, tool, device, equipment. 2). organization. 3) (Fin.)
asset. 4) bodily organ. 2. 1) guest. 2) feast, party.\n
album album.\n
ale (Ambon) you (respectful).\n
alegori allegory.\n
alegoris allegorical\n
alegro allegro.\n
aleksander topaz.\n
alem spoiled, pampered.\n
alergi allergy, allergic.\n
alesduk scarf.\n
alfabet alphabet.\n
alfabetis alphabetical.\n
(Islam) first chapter of Qur\'an recited every prayer time and before
praying for dead (esp. at burial), etc.\n
algojo 1 executioner, hangman. 2 bully. 3 butcher, murderer.\n
algoritme algorithm.\n
alhamdu (Islam) 1 first word of the alfatihah. 2 the alfatihah.\n
alhamdulillah (Islam) Praise be to God (us. said in thanksgiving).\n
alhasil 1 eventually, in the end. 2 consequently, in sum, the result.\n
ali-ali man\'s ring.\n
ali-baba Ali-Baba\n
aliansi alliance.\n
alias 1 i.e., namely, in other words. 2 otherwise called.\n
alibi alibi.\n
alif first letter of the Arabic alphabet.\n
alih shift, change position.\n
alihbahasa /alihbasa/ translation.\n
alik see ULANG.\n
alim 1 learned. 2 pious, religious, devout.\n
alimentasi alimony.\n
aliminium see ALUMINIUM.\n
alinea paragraph.\n
aling 1 aling-aling shelter, protective cover. 2 mechanical bearing.\n
alir 1. ideology. 2. smooth. 3. a line with live bait (to catch crocodiles).\n
1 current. 2 current, trend, ideology. 3 political grouping, religious
aliran sect. 4 school of learning, scholarly tradition. 5 pipeline. 6 conduit,
alis eyebrow.\n
alit see TALI.\n
aliterasi alliteration.\n
aliyah (Islam) senior high school.\n
aljabar algebra.\n
aljasair /Aljazair/ Algeria.\n
aljir Algiers.\n
alkali (Chem.) alkali.\n
alkisah /alkissah/ 1 the story. 2 once upon a time.\n
alkitab the Bible.\n
alkitabiah biblical.\n
alkohol alcohol.\n
alku (Coll.) pimp, procurer.\n
alkuran see AL-QUR\'AN.\n
alkus (Zod.) Sagittarius.\n
all round (Coll.) diverse capabilities, versatile.\n
all-in (Coll.) everything included, complete.\n
allah God.\n
allahumma (Islam) O God (in prayers and Koranic recitations).\n
allamah (Lit.) very learned.\n
alm. (almarhum) the late, the deceased.\n
almahdi (Islam) the Messiah (of the Last Judgment).\n
almaktub (Rel.) Holy Book.\n
almalun (Lit.) the damned.\n
almanak 1 almanac. 2 calendar.\n
almarhum 1 the late, the deceased. 2 pass away.\n
almarhumah the late, the deceased (of women).\n
almari see LEMARI.\n
alofon (Ling.) allophone.\n
alokasi allocation.\n
alokir allocate.\n

alomorf (Ling.) allomorph.\n

alon-alon 1. (Java) slow, slowly. 2. see ALUN-ALUN.\n
alot 1 tought (of meat). difficult.\n
alpa neglectful, inattentive.\n
alpabet see ALFABET.\n
alpaka k.o. alloy.\n
alpukat see ADVOKAT2.\n
alri (Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Navy.\n
altar altar.\n
alternasi alternation.\n
alternatif alternative.\n
alto alto.\n
altruis altruist.\n
altruisme altruism.\n
altruistis altruistic.\n
altur (Zod.) Taurus.\n
alu rice pestle.\n
alum faded, wilted, withered.\n
aluminium aluminum.\n
alumni alumnus, alumna.\n
alun wave, swell.\n
alun-alun town square.\n
alunan alunan\n
1. 1) gully, channel 2) plot (of a story). 3) slot, groove. 4) space. 2.
hold a discussion.\n
alus see HALUS.\n
aluwung (Java) preferable.\n
alveolar alveolar.\n
am 1 general, ordinary, common. 2 universal.\n
ama 1 see HAMA. 2. (Jakarta) see SAMA.\n
amah (in some regions only) female Ch servant.\n
amal 1 deed, work. 2 good deed, charity.\n
amaliah charitable.\n
aman 1 peaceful, calm. 2 safe, secure.\n
amanah /amanat/ 1 trusteeship, mandate. 2 intruction, mandate, commission.
3 (Mil.) order of the day. 4 speech, message.\n
amandel 1 almond. 2 tonsil.\n
amandemen amendment.\n
amandir amend.\n
amang threat.\n
(Lit.) injunction, command (esp. of God). amar-an order, charge,
amarah (Lit.) anger.\n
1 very, exceedingly. 2. 1) watch closely, keep track of. 2) inspect. 3)
monitor, guard.\n
amatir amateur.\n
(Abri Masuk Desa) policy of military personnel participating in
village development projects.\n
ambah trade, handicraft.\n
ambah-ambah plague, pest.\n
ambai scoop net.\n
ambai-ambai k.o. sea crab.\n
ambal 1. carpet. 2. ambal-an 1) procession. 2) troops.\n
ambang 1. 1) threshold, sill. 2) railroad tie. 2. float.\n
ambar 1. 1) ambergris. 2) amber. 2. see HAMBAR.\n
ambasadir /ambasador, ambasadur/ ambassador.\n
ambeg-parama-arta (Java) first things first.\n
ambeien hemorrhoids, piles.\n
pout, be unwilling to move, work, or take part. ambek-an tending to
ambekan breath, breathe.\n
ambelas see AMBLAS.\n
ambeles see AMBLES.\n
1 sash worn with woman\'s sarong. 2 wooden or bamboo platform
for sleeping.\n
amberol see AMBROL.\n
amberuk see AMBRUK.\n
ambet 1 diaper. 2 swaddling clothes. 3 bindings, bandage.\n
ambia the prophets (plural of nabi).\n
ambigu ambiguous.\n
ambiguitas ambiguity.\n
ambik (Call., M) see AMBIL.\n
ambil take. ambil-alih take over.\n
ambin 1 strap, sling. 2 see AMBEN2.\n
ambing udder.\n
ambisi ambition.\n
ambisius ambitious.\n
ambivalen ambivalent.\n
ambivalensi ambivalence.\n
amblas disappear, vanish.\n
ambleg /amblek/ give way, collapse (of a bridge, etc.).\n
ambles mire, bog down, sink in mud. ambles-an (geol.) subsidence.\n
amboi hey ! (exclamation of surprise or sympathy).\n
ambok arrogant, haughty.\n
ambrek untidy, messy.\n
ambreng strong-smelling.\n
ambrin (Coll.) sweetheart.\n

ambring-ambringan indescribable, unheard of.\n

ambrol 1 collapse (esp. of flat surfaces), sag. 2 be destroyed.\n
ambruk collapse (houses, buildings). fall down.\n
ambu-ambu k.o. fish, the bonito.\n
ambul 1 bounce, rebound, ricochet. 2 bob up and down.\n
ambulan /ambulans/ ambulance.\n
ambung bounce, soar.\n
ambyar (Java) splatter, fall apart.\n
ambyuk (Java) 1 swarm, gather in large numbers. 2 fall down (of a tree).\n
ame (Jakarta) see SAMA 1,2.\n
amen statement uttered when begging.\n
amendemen see AMANDEMEN.\n
amendir see AMANDIR.\n
amerika 1 N. or S. America. 2 America, American.\n
amerikanisasi Americanization.\n
amerikanisme Americanism.\n
amfibi amphibian (vehicle, animal).\n
amil (Islam) mosque official who collects the tithe.\n
amin amen.\n
amir (Lit.) commander, leader (of gvt.).\n
amirulmukminin (Islam) caliph.\n
amis putrid taste or odor of fish.\n
amit-amit God forbid !\n
/ammaba\'dahu/ and furthermore (used in formal correspondence and
ammi illiterate\n
amn (Akademi Militer Nasional) National Military Academy.\n
amnesti amnesty.\n
amoh (Java) in rags.\n
amoi (in some regions only) form of address and reference to China girl.\n
amok seeAMUK.\n
amonia /amoniak/ ammonia.\n
amor (Lit.) love. dewi-amor goddess of love.\n
amoralitas amorality.\n
amorf (Biol.) amorphous.\n
amortisasi (Econ.) amortization.\n
amour see AMOR.\n
amoy seeAMOI.\n
ampai 1 slim, slender.\n
ampai-ampai jellyfish.\n
ampang 1 insipid, tasteless. 2 see EMPANG.\n
ampas waste, dregs.\n
ampat (Jakarta) see EMPAT\n
ampe see SAMPAI.\n
ampek 1 have difficulty breathing. 2 asthma.\n
ampela chicken gizzard.\n
ampelas see AMPLAS1,2.\n
ampelop see AMPLOP.\n
amper 1 (Madura) porch, veranda. 2 . 1) (Elec.) ampere. 2 electric meter.\n
(Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat) Message of the People\'s Suffering
(Soekarno-era slogan).\n
(Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat) Message of the People\'s Suffering
(Soekarno-era slogan).\n
amphibi /ampibi/ (Coll.) see AMFIBI.\n
ampir see HAMPIR.\n
ampiran (Java) stopping-off place.\n
ampitasi see AMPUTASI.\n
ampiteater amphitheater.\n
ampitir meng-ampitir amputate.\n
amplas 1 fig tree. 2 sandpaper.\n
amplasemen see EMPLASEMEN.\n
ampli /amplifayer/ amplifier.\n
amplop envelope.\n
ampo k.o. red medicinal clay for stomach upsets.\n
amprok meet, run into.\n
ampu 1 support, prop up .2 seeEMPU.\n
1 1) endowed with magical power. 2) potent, efective (of medicine).
2. flood, overflow, inundation.\n
ampul 1 (Med.) ampul. 2 swell, expand.\n
ampun 1 pardon, forgiveness. 2 mercy.\n
amput (Java, Vulg.) have sexual intercourse .\n
amputan 1 female genitalia. 2 mistress.\n
amputasi amputation.\n
amputir see AMPITIR.\n
amra k.o. mango.\n
amril 1 sandpaper. 2 emery board or paper.\n
(Algemene Middelbare School) k.o upper secondary school (colonial
amsal 1 proverb. 2 parable. 3 (Bib) Proverbs.\n
amsiong (China) internal injury.\n
amtenar government official.\n
amtenarisme officialism, bureaucratism.\n
amuba amoeba.\n
amubawi amoebic.\n
amuk 1 go berserk, run amuck. 2 rage violently.\n

amukan 1 fight. 2 uncontrolled raging.\n

amunisi ammunition.\n
(Jakarta, used by those of Arab descent or educated in Islam schools)
anafora anaphora.\n
anaforis anaphoric.\n
1 child. 2 offspring. 3 native of. 4 member of a group. 5 dependent,
anak sub, smaller variant, accessory of. 6 term of address to a child (most
often as nak).\n
(Lit.) 1 Child, son (respectful, use mostly in letters with the meaning
I or you). 2 familiar form of address to young people.\n
anakronisme anachronism.\n
analis analyst, analyzer.\n
analisa analysis, examination.\n
analisawan analyst.\n
analisir analyze.\n
analisis analysis.\n
analitik analytic.\n
analitikus analyst.\n
analitis analytical.\n
analog analog.\n
analogi analogy.\n
anam see ENAM.\n
ananda see ANAKANDA.\n
anarkhis 1 anarchic. 2 anarchist.\n
anarki anarchy.\n
anarkis see ANARKHIS.\n
anarkisme anarchism.\n
anasir element.\n
anatomi anatomy.\n
anbia see AMBIA.\n
ancai disabled (of a ship).\n
ancak 1 bamboo stand or container for offerings to spirits. 2 rack, shelf.\n
ancak-ancak indifferent, casual, nonchalant.\n
ancam say s.t. threatening.\n
ancar-ancar /ancer-ancer/ 1 estimate. 2 target date, time, or amount.\n
ancoa (China) How\'s it going ?\n
ancuk (Java, Vulg.) copulate.\n
you (common in newspapers and journals, and sometimes used in
speech as a neutral form).\n
andai if. andai-nya supposing or suppose that.\n
andak 1 (Naut.) reef, take in ( a sail). 2 limit, restrict, decrease.\n
andal 1 rely on. 2 trade on.\n
1 mainstay. 2 security, pledge. 3 chief seat (at national or territorial
andalas (Lit.) Sumatra.\n
1. 1) trim o\'s hair or beard neatly. 2) have a hairstyle that requires
care. 2. lock up. 3 (M) grave.\n
andang torch.\n
andang-andang 1 (Jakarta) mole, birthmark. 2 (Naut.) yardarm.\n
andap (Java) able to be humble.\n
andapita k.o. cake.\n
1 explain in great detail, give a long-winded account. andar-an
protracted account, explanation. 2 see MATI.\n
ande see HANDAI, ANDAI.\n
andel see ANDAL.\n
andeng-andeng seeANDANG-ANDANG.\n
andepi see ANDEWI.\n
anderak elephant pit.\n
anderok slip, petticoat.\n
andewi endive.\n
andi title of nobility in S. Sulawesi.\n
andil 1 (Fin.) share. 2 contribution.\n
andon see ANDUN.\n
four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in Central
anduk 1. 1) hold up high in a strap. 2) hold. 2. see HANDUK.\n
andukan 1) support, prop. 2) sling.\n
andun go to.\n
andunan outsider.\n
andung (Medan) grandmother.\n
ane (Jakarta) see ANA.\n
aneh strange, queer, peculiar.\n
aneka various, diverse, all sorts of.\n
anekdot /anekdote/ anecdote.\n
aneksasi annexation.\n
anem see ENAM.\n
anemer building contractor.\n
anemi anemia.\n
anestesi anesthesia.\n
anestesiologi anesthesiology.\n
anfal (Coll.) 1 attack. 2 heart attack.\n
ang (M) you (when addressing males).\n
angah see ENGA2.\n
angan 1 thought, notion, idea. 2 chimera, illusion.\n
angan-angan 1 thought, notion, idea. 2 fantasy, illusion, day dreaming.\n
angcui k.o. red China liquor.\n
angel (Java) 1 difficult. 2 strange, unusual.\n
anget see HANGAT.\n
angga tine, branch of antler.\n
anggak conceited, arrogant, haughty.\n
anggal 1 light, insignificant. 2 slack, light. 3 lightly loaded (of a ship).\n
1 opinion. 2 (Lit.) nod the head to invite another to join in dancing
or drinking.\n
1. 1) opinion, belief. 2) judgment. 3) suspicion, hunch, impression.
2. such an invitation (by a nod) to dance or drink.\n
1 estimate, calculate, compute. 2 (Sport) fencing. 3. 1) (Av.) hangar.
2) shed, warehouse (at harbor). 3 quay.\n
anggaran estimate, calculation, consideration.\n
anggauta see ANGGOTA.\n
angger fixed (of prices).\n
anggerek /anggerik/ see ANGGREK.\n
1 lace, thread, string (shoes, etc.) 2 fasten or secure with rattan (for
thatching). 3 composed, draft.\n
(Coll.) 1 embezzle (money). 2 steal (goods). 3 default, welsh (on
anggota 1 member. 2 member, limb. 3 part, component.\n
anggrek orchid.\n
anggrekwan orchid grower or enthusiast.\n
angguk nodding of head (to indicate agreement or due to dozing).\n
anggul the head, tip upward.\n
1 neat, hansome. elegant (of building or appearance). 2 affected,
pretentious. 3 haughty.\n
anggung lift, raise.\n
1. 1) be unemployed, be idle. 2) lie idle. 2. slip. cutting (of plants). 3.
1) grape. 2) wine.\n
anggut 1 nod due to drowsiness. 2 move erratically, pitch (of a ship).\n
anghun (China) k.o. tobacco.\n
angin 1 wind. 2 air. 3 rumor.\n
angin - anginan blow hot and cold, fickle, be capricious.\n
angina tonsilitis.\n
angit odor of burnt rice or bread.\n
angka 1 figure, numeral, digit. 2 rate. 3 mark, grade.\n
angkar see ANGKER.\n
(Lit.) 1 greedy (for power, wealth, position). 2 egotistical, self-
centered. 3 brutal violence, savagery.\n
angkasa 1 sky. 2 heaven, firmament. 3 atmosphere.\n
angkasawan 1 spaceman, astronaut. 2 broadcaster, announcer.\n
angkasawati 1 spacewoman, female astronaut. 2 female broadcaster, announcer.\n
1 lift, raise. 2 take away, remove (esp. in petty commerce). 3 (in set
angkat phrases) begin to do s.t.\n
angkel pocket money given to a military recruit.\n
1. 1) eerie (esp. of haunted places). 2) (Coll.) terrible. 2. 1) anchor. 2
motor armature.\n
angket 1 inquiry, poll. 2 questionnaire.\n
angkin (China) cloth waistband, sash worn by women.\n
angkit remove hot pans or coals from the fire.\n
musical instrument consisting of suspended bamboo tubes which
sound when shaken.\n
angkong k.o. gambling game with three cards.\n
angkong-angkong sit idly, do no work.\n
angkota see ANGKUTA.\n
angkringan (Java) long carrying pole with hampers on either end.\n
angku see ENGKU.\n
angkuh 1 arrogant, conceited. 2. form, appearance.\n
angkup tweezers. angkup-angkup 1 valve. 2 tweezers.\n
angkut 1 carry, transport. 2 carry away. 3 contain.\n
angkut-angkut k.o. wasp.\n
(Angkutan Kota) gvt. organized small vehicle transportation systems
in small urban centers.\n
anglap see ANGGLAP.\n
angler 1 pleasant. 2 smooth. 3 quiet, tranquil.\n
angler - angleran calm, content.\n
anglisisme anglicism.\n
anglo brazier.\n
anglong 1 terrace. 2 speak in a confused manner.\n
angon (Java) graze cattle.\n
angonan livestock.\n
angop (Java) a yawn.\n
angot 1 have a relape, become angry or ill again. 2 be delirious.\n
(China) gift of money in a red envelope (esp. at China weddings,
New Year).\n
angsa goose.\n
angsana k.o. tree.\n
angsio (China) red-braised cooking.\n
angsu (Java) draw water.\n

angsur 1 little by little. 2 move forward a little. 3 in installments.\n

angus see HANGUS.\n
angut 1 nap, doze. 2 fritter o.\'s time away.\n
ani wooden device of loom where warp fits.\n
ani-ani small palm-held reaping knife for cutting rice stalks.\n
aniaya 1 ill treatment. 2 tyranny, oppression. 3 injustice.\n
/Arim/ (Algemene Nederlandsch Indisch Electriciteit Maatschappij)
electricy (company) (esp. of colonial era).\n
animis animist.\n
animisme animism.\n
animo 1 zest, energy, gusto. 2 interest.\n
aning-aning k.o. large wasp or bee.\n
anion (Chem.) negatively charged ion.\n
anis anise, anisette.\n
anja-anja spoiled, pampered.\n
anjak thrust, push, shove.\n
anjal 1 bounce, rebound. 2 elastic, springy, resilient.\n
anjang-anjang 1 k.o. sea fish, the gurnard. 2 small trellis of split bamboo, lattice.\n
anjangkarya field trip,study tour.\n
a visit of a high official to the field for inspection or to another
anjar anchor.\n
anjiman (Lit.) merchant ship of the Brithis E. Indian Company.\n
anjing 1 dog. 2 (Derog.) despicable fellow.\n
anjing-anjing k.o. tree.\n
anjir k.o. tree.\n
anjlog 1 descend rapidly, plummet. 2 shift rapidly.\n
anju attempt, running start.\n
1 extension, annex (often an enclosed veranda). 2 ship\'s bridge. 3
(R.R.) platform (of coach).\n
1. 1) stick out, jut out, protrude. 2) move on or toward. 2.
anjuran 1 proposal, suggestion. 2 recommendation, advice.\n
anm. (Anumerta) posthumous.\n
annemer seeANEMER.\n
annuitet seeANUITET.\n
ano seeANU.\n
anoa /anoang/ (Sulawesi) dwarf buffalo.\n
anoda anode.\n
anom (Java) young.\n
anom (Java) young.\n
anomali anomaly.\n
anomi anomie\n
anonim anonymous.\n
anonimitas /anonimitet/ anonymity\n
anonser announcer.\n
anotasi annotation.\n
ansambel ensemble.\n
/ansor/ (Islam) Muh.\'s followers in Medina when he departed
ansur see ANGSUR.\n
ant. (Antara) Indonesian News Agency.\n
anta see ANTAH2.\n
antagonis antagonist.\n
antagonisme antagonism.\n
antagonistis antagonistic.\n
antah 1 rice chaff, bran. 2 ber-antah fabled, imaginary. 3 see ENTAH.\n
antakusuma see BAJU.\n
antam see HANTAM.\n
antamer /antamir/ undertake, tackle.\n
antan rice pestle.\n
antap 1 calm, quiet. 2 see ANTEP.\n
antar 1 accompany. 2. inter-antar (used in compounds).\n
antar-antar 1 rotor. 2 piston rod.\n
1 between. 2 in, about (of time). 3 not far from. 4 in the
antarabangsa see ANTARBANGSA.\n
antarbangsa international.\n
antari see Baju.\n
antariksa 1 (outer) space, interplanetary space. 2 planetary atmosphere.\n
antariksawan astronaut, cosmonaut.\n
antariksawati female astronaut or cosmonaut.\n
antartika antarctic.\n
antarvokal (Ling.) intervocalic.\n
anteb see ANTEP.\n
antedatering retroactive dating.\n
antedatir date s.t. retroactively.\n
antek (Coll.) henchman, lackey\n
antelas see KAIN.\n
antem see HANTAM.\n
antena /antene/ antenna, aerial.\n
anteng (Java) 1 calm, quiet. 2 being quiet and sticking to o.\'s work.\n

antep (Java) heavy, solid, massive.\n

anter see ANTAR1.\n
antere /anteri/ see ANTRE.\n
antero whole, all, total, entire.\n
anteseden antecedent.\n
1 be opposed to. 2 anti-, resistant to. anti-biotika antibiotic. anti-
anti gemuk nonfattening. anti-karat stainless (steel), rustproof. anti-
peluru/pelor invulnerable to bullets. anti-perang antiwar.\n
antih spin.\n
1. 1) antique. 2) ornate, higly embellished (furnishings, etc.). 3
eccentric. 2. 1) lively. 2) cute (esp. of children).\n
antiklin (Geol.) anticline.\n
antilop antelope.\n
antimon /antimonium/ antimony.\n
antimon /antimonium/ antimony.\n
anting anting-anting 1 pendant, earring. 2 pendulum of clock.\n
anting-anting drongo bird.\n
antipati antiphaty.\n
antipoda /antipode/ 1 antipodes. 2 wholly opposite (of individuals).\n
antisemit anti-Semite\n
antiseptis antiseptic.\n
antisipasi anticipation.\n
antisipir meng-antisipir anticipate.\n
antitesa /antitese, antitesis/ antithesis.\n
antologi anthology.\n
antonim antonym.\n
antonimi antonymy.\n
antrasit anthracite.\n
antre /antri/ stand in line, queue up.\n
antropolog anthropologist.\n
antropologi anthropology.\n
antuk 1 come in contact with, touch. 2 see KANTUK.\n
antul bounce, rebound (of a ball).\n
antun see ORANG.\n
antung-antung hanging holder for earthen jugs.\n
antup sting.\n
antusias enthusiastic.\n
antusiasme enthusiasm.\n
1 whatchumacallit, what\'s-his-name (hesitation form). 2 (Math.)
unknown quantity. 3 say, by the way.\n
anuang see ANOA.\n
1 (Rel.) a gift from God. 2 gift from a person of higher status to o. of
lower status.\n
anuitet annuity.\n
anulir annul, cancel.\n
anumerta posthumous.\n
anut attentive, meek, pliant.\n
anyal 1 peevish, petulant. 2 resentful, annoyed.\n
anyam plait.\n
anyaman 1 cane work, plaited mats. 2 plait, tress, braid.\n
anyang k.o. salad of raw meat and shellfish or raw fruit with spices.\n
anyar (Java, Madura) new.\n
anyelir carnation.\n
anyep (Java) 1 bland not salty. 2 clammy, damp.\n
anyes (Java) cold and damp.\n
anyir rancid, rank, smelling of fish oil.\n
ap (Angkatan Perang) Armed Forces.\n
1 what, which. 2 a quetion marker. 3 or. 4 eh (hesitation marker,
filler word).\n
apabila (Lit.) when (esp. in indirect questions).\n
apak musty, moldy, sweaty.\n
apakala (Lit.) when (esp. in temporal clauses,).\n
apal see HAFAL.\n
apalagi 1 above all, especially. 2 even less, let alone. 3 moreover, besides.\n
apalah 1 please. 2 what does it amount to ? (Nothing !).\n
apam k.o. rice flour cake.\n
aparat 1 apparatus, appliance, instrument. 2 institution, agency.\n
aparatur apparatus.\n
aparteid see APARTHEID.\n
apartemen apartment.\n
apartheid apartheid.\n
apas 1 elegant. 2 (coll.) be unlucky, be jinxed.\n
apati apathy.\n
apatis apathetic\n
apatisme apathy.\n
apbn (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara) national budget.\n
apdeling see AFDELING.\n
apdn (Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri) Civil Service Academy.\n
apdol see AFDAL.\n
ape-ape k.o. cake made from wheat flour.\n
apek see APAK.\n

apel apple.\n
apem seeAPAM.\n
apermut see HAVERMUT.\n
apersepsi apperception.\n
apes see APAS2.\n
aphasi see AFASI.\n
api 1 fire. 2 flame, blaze. 3 spirit.\n
apik 1 neat and nice, trim. 2 attractive, chic.\n
apikal apical.\n
apit hemmed in, wedged in.\n
1 clam 2 (elec) terminal 3 press extractor (sugarcane , petroleum) 4
intercalation , interpolation.\n
apium raw opium.\n
apkir 1 cast off. 2 rejected (for the army).\n
aplikasi application.\n
aplos 1 relieve, take turns. 2 redeem.\n
aplus 1. applause. 2. seeAPLOS.\n
apokat seeADVOKAT2.\n
apolitik apolitical.\n
apollo-kronco rides at an amusement park.\n
apopleksi apoplexy.\n
aposisi apposition.\n
apostolik apostolic.\n
apostrof /apostrofe/ apostrophe.\n
apotek pharmacy, dispensary.\n
apoteker pharmacist.\n
apotik see APOTEK.\n
appel see APEL.\n
(Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat) Message of the People\'s Suffering
(Sukarno-era slogan).\n
apr. (April) April.\n
(Angkatan Perang Ratu Adil) Army of the Just King, a right-wing
terrorist group in West Java (about 1950).\n
apresiasi appreciation.\n
apri (Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Armed Forces.\n
april April.\n
(Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia Serikat). Army of the United
States of Indonesia.\n
aprit-apritan run pell-mell, run feverishly.\n
apuh wrung dry, squeezed our.\n
apukat see ADVOKAT2.\n
apung float, buoyed up.\n
apuran gutter,drain, drainage ditch.\n

apus 1 (Java) deceive, trick. 2 see HAPUS.\n

aqidah see AKIDAH.\n
aqil-balig seeAKILBALIG.\n
ara 1 tropical fig tree (several species). 2 plants siilat to ara.\n
(Islam) a desert valley near Mecca which has an important role in
hajj ceremonies.\n
arah 1. 1) direction, course. 2) aim, direction, purpose. 2 seeARA.\n
arak 1. 1) rice wine, arrack. 2) liquor (esp. brandy, gin). 2. procession.\n
arakian (Lit.) moreover, the next thing in the story.\n
aral hindrance, obstacle.\n
aram-temaram twilight.\n
arang charcoal.\n
arangesemen see ARANSEMEN.\n
arangsir see ARANSER.\n
aransemen arrangement.\n
aranser /aransir/ 1 arrange. 2 arranger.\n
ararat (Rel.) Ararat, the mountain where Noah\'s ark rested.\n
ararut arrowroot.\n
aras 1.border, limit. aras2, arasy (Rel.) the throne of God.\n
arbaa see Rabu.\n
arbab see REBAB.\n
arbei strawberry.\n
arbitrase arbitration.\n
arca statue, image.\n
archeologi seeARKEOLOGI.\n
arde (Elec.) ground.\n
are 100 square meters.\n
areal acreage.\n
arek (Java) child.\n
aren sugar palm.\n
arena arena.\n
ares (Leg.) arrest.\n
arestasi detention, capture.\n
argometer fare-meter (e.g. in taxis).\n
argumen argument, case, plea, reason.\n
argumentasi argumentation.\n
ari 1 see ARI-ARI. 2 seeULAR. 3 seekulit. 4 see HARI.\n
ari-ari 1 abdomen. 2 placenta.\n
aria 1. 1) title of nobility. 2 the Aryan race. 2. aria.\n
arif 1 learned. 2 wise, clever, skillful. 3 capable.\n
arifin (Lit.) intelligent person.\n
arih hold out, extend.\n
arik insomnia\n
aring 1. 1)trap, snarl. 2) lasso. 2. odor of urine.\n
ario see ARIA.\n
arip see ARIF.\n
aris 1 hem. 2 edge, border (of sail, etc.).\n
regular social gathering whose members contribute to and take turns
at winning an aggregate sum of money.\n
aristokrasi aristrocracy.\n
aristokrat aristocrat.\n
arit 1 sicle. 2 knife for tapping rubber trees. 3 grass knife.\n
arive established, attained a position.\n
1 the chief hero of the Mahabharata, known for his martial and
sexual prowess. 2 plaboy, womanizer. 3 handsome man.\n
arkais archaic.\n
arkaisme archaism.\n
arkeolog archaeologist.\n
arkeologi archaeology\n
arkeologis archaeological.\n
arkian see ARAKIAN.\n
arkip see ARSIP.\n
arktika see ARTIKA.\n
arloji timepiece, watch.\n
armada fleet.\n
arnab rabbit, hare.\n
arnal hairpin, stickpin for the hair.\n
aroma aroma.\n
aromatik aromatic.\n
aromatis aromatic.\n
aron half-cooked rice.\n
arona sun.\n
arpus resin, rosin for violin bows.\n
arrahman (Islam) the Merciful (i.e. God, esp. in prayers or sermons).\n
arransir see ARANSER.\n
arrive see ARIVE.\n
arrohim (Islam) the Benevolent O. (i.e. God, esp. in sermons).\n
arsen /arsenikum/ arsenic.\n
arsip 1 archives. 2 files.\n
arsiparis 1 archivist. 2 file clerk.\n
shade in (a drawing). arsir-an hatching (in sketching), shaded-in
arsir area.\n
arsitek architect.\n
arsitektur architecture.\n
arsitekturil architectural.\n
arso (Java) front of an exalted person.\n
art (Anggaran Rumah Tangga) rules of association.\n
arta see HARTA.\n
artawan see HARTAWAN.\n
artesis artesian.\n
arti 1 meaning. 2 sense. 3 significance, importance.\n
artifisial /artifisiil/ artificial.\n
artika arctic.\n
artikel 1 article, clause. 2 article, column. 3 (Ling.) article.\n
artikulasi articulation.\n
artikulator (Ling.) articulator.\n
artileri 1 artillery, ordinance. 2 artillery, gunners.\n
artis artist.\n
artistik artistic.\n
arts (Coll.) physician.\n
aru Buginese title.\n
aruan see HARUAN.\n
aruh see PENGARUH.\n
arum-dalu k.o. night-blooming flower.\n
arum-manis cotton candy.\n
arun stir, mix in.\n
arung wade across, across.\n
arus 1. 1) current. 2) flow. 2. see HARUS.\n
arwah soul, departed spirit.\n
arya see ARIA 1.\n
aryaduta (Lit.) ambassador.\n
as 1. 1) axle. 2 axis. 2. (Crd.) ace.\n
as. (alaihissalam) Peace be with him (uttered after mention of minor
asa hope.\n
asabat 1 nerve. 2 sinew, muscle.\n
asad (Zod.) Leo.\n
Buddhist holiday commemorating Siddharta\'s first sermon after
being enlightened.\n
asah grind down (teeth or gem).\n
asah,asih,asuh (Java) a teacher\'s slogan : teach, love, care for.\n
asai muldered, mildewed.\n
asak 1 move, budge. 2 cram, jam.\n
1. 1) origin, source. 2) beginning, cause. 2. 1) provided that, as long
asal as. 2) do s.t. for no good reason other than just to do it. 3) just be
able to do the most important, basic thing and no more.\n

asali 1 original, primary. 2 ancient. 3 of good family, wellborn.\n

asaliah see ASALI.\n
asam 1 sour. 2 acid. 3. k.o. tree, tamarind\n
asap 1 smoke. 2 fumes. 3 smoked.\n
1 (Islam) afternoon prayer (about four p.m.). 2 period between three
and four p.m.\n
asas 1 basis, principle.. 2 foundation, base.\n
asasi fundamental, basic.\n
asbak ashtray.\n
asbes asbestos.\n
asbun (asal bnyi) speak without forethought.\n
asbut (asap kabut) smog.\n
ase 1. k.o. curry soup with meat. 2. (air conditioner) air conditioner.\n
asean (Association of South East Asian Nations) ASEAN.\n
aseli see ASLI.\n
asem see ASAM.\n
asembling assembling, assembled.\n
asemblir assemble.\n
asep see ASAP.\n
asesanti (Java) utter a slogan.\n
asese approved, agreed.\n
asesori accesories.\n
asetilen acetylene.\n
asfal see ASPAL 1.\n
asi (Air Susu Ibu) mother\'s milk.\n
asia Asia.\n
asih 1 seeASAH ASIH ASUH. 2. seeMAHAASIH.\n
asik see ASYIK.\n
asimetri asymmetry.\n
asimetris asyimmetric.\n
asimilasi assimilation.\n
asimot see AZIMUT.\n
asimptot (Math.) asymptote.\n
asimut see AZIMUT.\n
asin 1 salty. 2 salty, briny.\n
asing 1 strange, foreign, alien. 2 odd. 3 remote, isolate. 4 different.\n
asisten 1 assistant. assistant in a university.\n
asitilen see ASETILEN.\n
askar see LASKAR.\n

1 original. 2 genuine, authentic. 3 indigenouse, native,

authochthonous. 4 aboriginal, primitive. 5 innate, inborn\n
asma 1 name (esp. of God). 2. asthma.)\n
asma 1 name (esp. of God). 2. asthma.)\n
asmara romantic love.\n
asmaragama (Java) the art of sexual relations.\n
asnowo (Asli Cino Jowo) (Derog.) Javanese Chinese.\n
aso (Coll.) rest, take a break.\n
asoi /asoii/ 1 passionate, hot. 2 wonderful, super. 3 be absorbed in s.t.\n
asonansi assonance.\n
asor (Java) lowly.\n
asosiasi association.\n
asoymasoy see ASOI.\n
1 asphalt. 2 (asli palsu) (Humorous) s.t. that looks original but is
asparaga k.o. vine used in floral arrangements.\n
aspek aspect.\n
aspektual aspectual.\n
asperges,asperjis asparagus.\n
aspiran aspirant, candidate.\n
aspirasi aspiration.\n
aspirat (Ling.) aspirate.\n
asprak (Coll.) appointment.\n
aspri (Asisten Pribadi) personal assistant.\n
asrafil see ISRAFIL.\n
asrakal a ceremonial meal.\n
asrama 1 dormitory, hostel, residence hall. 2 barracks.\n
asri 1 beautiful. 2 harmoniously chic.\n
(Islam) Peace be unto you (a greeting). - warahmatullohi
assalam'alaikum wabarakatuh (Islam) Peace be to you and Allah\'s mercy and
blessing as well.\n
assembling see ASEMBLING.\n
asset (economic) assets.\n
assoi see ASOI.\n
assumsi see ASUMSI.\n
assyooi see ASOI.\n
astaga Heaven forbid, For heaven\'s sake.\n
astaganaga (Sl.) gee whiz !.\n
astaghfirullahal\'azim (Islam) May God forgive me ! (uttered when
o. is shocked by immoral behavior).\n
astaka see BALAI 1.\n
astakona 1 octagon. 2 polygon.\n
astana see ISTANA.\n

asteng (Asia Tenggara) S.E. Asia.\n

aster see BUNGA.\n
astrolog astrologer.\n
astrologi astrology.\n
astronaut astronaut.\n
astronautika astronautics.\n
astronomi astronomy.\n
astronomis astronomical, celestial.\n
astronot see ASTRONAUT.\n
astronotik see ASTRONAUTIKA.\n
asu (Java) dog ! bastard !\n
1 care for, take care of, rear, bring up (a child). 2 educate, bring up. 3
train, prepare. 4 maintain, lend support to.\n
1 upbringging,rearing 2 education 3 leadership,direction 4
sponsorship .\n
asumsi assumption.\n
asung (M) incite, stir up.\n
1 insurance. 2 insurance payment or installment. 3 insurance
payment received.\n
asusila immoral.\n
asut see HASUT.\n
aswo (asli Jowo) authentic Javanese.\n
asyar see ASAR.\n
(Islam) 1 the first part of the confession of the faith. 2 I testify there
asyhadu-an-la-ila-ha-illallah is no God but Allah (an exclamation of astonishment upon hearing
or seeing s.t. forbidden by religion).\n
asyik 1 passionate. 2 be infatuated. 3 busy, occupied. 4 absorbed, eager.\n
asyoi see ASOI.\n
(Islam) 10th day of Muharram, which commemorates Muh.\'s
grandsons Hassan and Hussein, Day of Atonement.\n
at (Asia Tenggara) S.E. Asia.\n
atak k.o. three-wheeled vehicle similar to the bemo.\n
atal (Atase Angkatan Laut) naval attache.\n
atap 1 thatched roof of palm leaves. 2 roof.\n
atar k.o. perfume.\n
1 on, upon, on top of. 2 upper. 3 above, upstairs. 4 over (an amount),
in addition.\n
atase attache.\n
atau or.\n
ataukah 1 or (in questions). 2 whether.\n
atawa (Coll.) see ATAU.\n
ateis atheis. ke-ateis-an atheism.\n
ateisme atheism.\n
atensi attention.\n
athan (Atase Pertahanan) defense attache.\n
ati see HATI.\n
atlas atlas.\n
atlet athlete.\n
atletik athletics.\n
atlit see ATLET.\n
atma (Lit.) 1 breath (yoga exercises). 2 soul.\n
atmil (Atase Militer) military attache.\n
atmosfera, atmosfir atmosphere.\n
atol (Geog.) atoll.\n
atom atom.\n
atomisasi atomization.\n
atop burp, belch.\n
atos hard.\n
atraksi attraction.\n
atret (Coll.) back up, go in reverse.\n
atribut attribute.\n
atributif (Ling.) attributive.\n
atsiri volatile.\n
atu, atud (Atase Udara) air attache.\n
atuh (Sunda) oh, hey.\n
atung see KATUNG.\n
atur arrange.\n
au exclamation of pain or amazement.\n
aubade solemn evening ceremony of taking down the flag.\n
audiensi audience (with royalty, etc.).\n
audio-visuil audiovisual.\n
audisi audition.\n
audit audit.\n
(Islam) I take refuge in God, my God protect me (uttered when o. is
audubillahi, auzubillahi
shocked by immoral or impious behavior).\n
auk meng-auk-auk 1 bark (of a dog). 2 caw, cackle.\n
aula hall, auditorium.\n
aulia (Islam) saints, pious personages.\n
aum 1 roar (of lion or tiger). 2 raging (of storm).\n
aung see RAUNG.\n
aur 1 k.o. thin bamboo. 2 see AWUR1.\n
1 (Islam) part of the body which may not be visible while
performing a ritual. 2 genitals.\n
auri (Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Air Force.\n
auriol halo.\n

aus 1 worn-out, threadbare. 2 worn down (of a knife, etc.).\n

australi, australia. Australia.\n
aut (Sport) out.\n
autarki economic self-sufficiency.\n
autentik see OTENTIK.\n
auto see OTO 1.\n
autobiografi autobiography.\n
automatis see OTOMATIS.\n
autonomi see OTONOMI.\n
autoped see OTOPET.\n
autopsi autopsy.\n
autorisasi see OTORISASI.\n
avgas (aviation gasoline)\n
aviasi aviation.\n
avigas see AVGAS.\n
avontir see AVONTUR.\n
avontirir adventurer.\n
avontur adventure.\n
avonturir see AVONTIRIR.\n
avonturisme adventurism.\n
avtur (Aviation Turbo Fuel) airplane fuel.\n
awa negating prefix used in formal neologisms.\n
awahama meng-awahama-kan disinfect, sterilize.\n
awahidrat peng-awahidrat-an dehydration.\n
awahutan meng-awahutan-kan deforest.\n
1 body, self. 2 crewman, crewwoman. 3 I, my. 4 (Sumatra)
Minangkabau. 5 you, your.\n
awal 1 beginning. 2 beginning, initial. 3 first, early.\n
awam 1 common, general. 2 lay, nonexpert.\n
awan 1 cloud. 2 cloudlike decoration.\n
awang-awang 1 atmosphere. 2 up in the air, uncertain, far off. 3 dizzy.\n
awangan impromptu, extemporaneous.\n
awas 1 careful, watch out. 2 sharp-sighted, far-sighted. 3 (Sport) get set !\n
awe, awe-awe (Java) wave (hand).\n
awet, awit durable, lasting.\n
awloh see ALLAH.\n
1 meng-awur scatter, sow. 2 (me)ng-awur do s.t. at random,
awut (me)ng-awut do s.t. blindly, carelessly.\n
awut - awutan 1 tangled (of rope, thread, etc.). 2 tousled (of hair). 3 chaotic,
ax part of a license plate number given to vehicles not paying import
ay. (ayat) verse (of the Korea, Bible), article (of a law, etc.).\n
ayah father, as a term of adress, us, yah.\n
ayahanda father (used in letters).\n
ayak sieve, sifter. 2 o. who wobbles or waddles.\n
ayak-ayak k.o. insect with long legs us. found on top of water.\n
ayal 1 slow. 2 doubtful.\n
ayam chiken. ayam-aduan fighting cock.\n
ayan 1. epilepsy. 2. 1 tin. 2 tin can.\n
ayaran (tukang) pickpocket.\n
ayat 1 (Rel.) verse. 2 (Leg.) article, subsection. 3 clause. 4 paragraph.\n
aye (Jakarta) I.\n
ayem (Java) calm, assured.\n
ayaeng-ayeng-an 1 go here and there. 2 go around in circles,
accomplishing little or nothing.\n
ayer see AIR.\n
ayo, ayoh, ayok. 1 come on ! 2 goodbye.\n
ayom protected, sheltered.\n
ayu pretty, beautiful.\n
ayub 1 (Islam) o. of the propthets. 2 (Bib.) Job.\n
ayubagya meng-ayubagya celebrate.\n
ayuh see AYO.\n
ayuhai (Lit.) an exclamation.\n
ayun swing, sway.\n
ayunda (Java) elder sister (respectful), esp. in letters.\n
ayut (Vulg.) meng-ayut fornicate.\n
azab torment, punishment.\n
azal 1 endless past, eternity without beginning. 2 see AJAL.\n
azali see ASALI.\n
azam 1 highly respected. 2 intention.\n
azamat see AZMAT.\n
azan (Islam) call to prayer.\n
azas see ASAS.\n
azasi see ASASI.\n
azimat 1. 1 amulet, charm, talisman. 2 mascot. 2. see AZMAT.\n
azimut (Astr.) azimuth.\n
aziz 1 enormous, great. 2 awe-inspiring.\n
azmat extraordinary, fantastic.\n
azza-wa-jalla (Islam) to whom belongs glory and majesty (in reference to God).\n
b b, the 2d letter of the alphabet.\n
b' masin city of Banjarmasin.\n
b.i., b.i. (bulan ini) this month, instant.\n
b/l (bill of lading)\n
1 name of the 2d letter of the Arabic alphabet. 2 tanpa bilang ba-dan
bu without uttering a sound, without warning.\n
ba' see BAK1.\n
baal without feeling, asleep (of foot, leg).\n
bab 1 chapter (of book). 2 matter, subject, topic. 3 gate, door.\n
1. 1 father (form of address). 2 older man. 2. see BABAH, ALI
babad history, chronicle.\n
1 elderly Indonesian-born China man. 2 title for elderly China (as
aterm of address, us. bah).\n
1. 1 stage, phase. 2 (Sport) round, heat, period. 3 (Thea.) act. 4
babak stanza. 2. babak-belur/bundas black and blue (from a beating or
accident), skinned and bruised.\n
babakan bark (of tree).\n
baban see BEBAN.\n
babang gaping (of mouth, wound, abyss).\n
babar mem-babar spread, unfurl.\n
babar-pisan (Java) completely.\n
1mem-babat clear away, cut through (jungle,grass, etc.). 2. mem-
babat-kan give a blow, strike with s.t. 3 see BEBAT.\n
babe (Jakarta) 1 boss. 2 see baba 1.\n
1 pig, hog, pork. 2 swine (term of abuse). 3 (Crd.) a card suit in
babil quarrelsome. ber-babil squabble, quarrel.\n
(Bintara Pembina Desa) noncommissioned law enforcement officer
babinsa posted in villages and wards and affiliated with the civilian
babit mem-babit-kan invole, implicate s.o.\n
babon 1 (Java) (laying hen. 2 original (text), master copy.\n
babtis see BAPTIS.\n
babu (Derog.) female domestic servant.\n
babut rug, carpet.\n
mem-baca 1 read. 2 recite or chant (holy text, prayer, magic formula,
bacak 1 moistened, wet. 2 soft from moisture, water-soaked.\n
bacam mem-bacam impregnate.\n
1 (China) preparation of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves,
bacang shaped into a diamond, filled with meat, and steamed. 2 see
bacar garrulous, talkative.\n
baccalaureat see BAKALOREAT.\n
bacek see BACAK.\n
bacem steeped prior to cooking.\n
bacet see MACAT.\n
baciluk see MAIN.\n
bacin 1 odor of s.t. retten or spoiled. 2 rotten smelling.\n
back see BEK1.\n
backing see beking.\n
backingisme see BEKINGISME.\n
bacok a jab (with sharp instrument).\n
bacot 1 snout. 2 (Derog.) mouth.\n
bacul 1 spiritless. 2 lacking spunk, cowardly.\n
1 (Lit.) tak ter-bada-bada beyond words, inexpressible. 2 see
1. 1 sudden storm. 2 hurricane, typhoon, gale. 2. ter-badai be
stretched out on the sofa.\n
1 rhinoceros. 2 o. oblivious to implied or overt critism, a thick-
skinned person.\n
badal representative, subsitute, assistant.\n
badam almond.\n
badan 1 body. 2 torso. 3 body, group, agency. 4 corporation.\n
badang large sieve, winnower.\n
badani,badaniah physical, bodily.\n
1. 1 k.o. fish. 2 term for side dishes of meat or fish. 2. full moon. 3.
k.o. crystal.\n
badawi Bedouin.\n
1. an intoxicant beverage made from fermented cassava, rice, etc. 2
(Java) a guess was right.\n
badge badge.\n
1 evil influence (emanating supernaturally from a dead creature). 2
badik k.o. small dagger.\n
badkuip bathtub.\n
badminton badminton.\n
(Java, Derog.) eat gluttonously. m-badog, nge-badog eat like a
badui 1 ethnic group in W. Java. 2 see BADAWI.\n
baduk (Java) low wall near gate or doorway where o. can sit.\n
badung (Jakarta) 1 naughty but witty (of children). 2 naughty, delinquent.\n
badut clown.\n
baduta (bawah dua tahun) (children) under two.\n
bagadang see BEGADANG.\n
bagai 1 like, as if (often used to introduce idioms and proverbs).\n
bagaimana 1 how. 2 how about it ?\n
bagak dauntless, confident.\n
bagal mule.\n
1. 1 draft, blueprint, design. 2 skeleton, frame. 3 program or
schedule. 4 chart, diagram. 2. k.o. fishing platform.\n
bagap see BEGAP.\n
bagar k.o. curry.\n
bagas 1 robust, sturdy (body). 2 strong (wind).\n
1 baggage, luggage. 2 luggage rack. 3 (Auto.) trunk. 4 (R.R.)
baggage car.\n
bagea (Amb) a brittle cake made of sago flour and coconut or kenari nut.\n
bagero see BAGERO.\n
bagi 1 for. 2 divide.\n
bagia see BAHAGIA.\n
bagimana see BAGAIMANA.\n
His Majesty (for royalty). 2 (Islam) a respectful term of reference for
Muh. 3 (M) title of nobility.\n
1. 1) pot-bellied, portly. 2) cumbersome, ponderous. 3 name of a
bagong pot-bellied clown in a wayang performance. 2. (Sunda, Jakarta) 1
wild boar. 2 willing sexual partner.\n
bagor k.o. coarse plaitwork of palm leaves.\n
baguk see BEGUK.\n
bagur hulking, ponderous, massive.\n
bagus 1 fine, good. 2 good, exemplary.\n
1 inundation, flooding. 2 exclamation of disgust or denigration. 3 see
bahadur 1 knight, hero. 2 bold, courageous.\n
bahaduri heroic, chivalrous, knightly.\n
bahagi see BAGI.\n
bahagia happy.\n
bahagian see BAGI.\n
bahagiawan blessed o.\n
bahak 1 burst of laughter. 2 white-bellied sea eagle.\n
bahala see BALA 2.\n
baham (Anat.) molar.\n
1 matter, substance, material, cloth. 2 material for producing s.t. 3
object (of criticism, etc.).\n
bahana 1 loud noise, din. 2 echo.\n
1 large body of water (such as river, sea, large lake). 2 a measure of
weight (about 400 lb.). 3 see AKAR.\n
bahara see BARA BAHARA.\n
bahari 1. 1) antique, ancient. 2 charming. 2. maritime, nautical.\n
bahariwan,bahariawan seaman.\n
bahariwati,bahariawati female sailor.\n
baharu see BARU 1.\n
bahas 1 research, investigation, study. 2 criticism.\n
1. 1) language. 2) speech. 3) good manners. 2. that. 3 a little,
bahasawan linguist.\n
bahasi see BAGASI.\n
bahath see BAHAS.\n
bahawa see BAHWA.\n
bahawasa see BAHASA 2.\n
bahaya danger, peril, jeopardy\n
bahela see BAHEULA.\n
bahenol nicely shaped, sexy, voluptuous.\n
baheula 1 old-fashioned, antiquated. 2 ancient.\n
1 in fact, even. 2 moreover, on top of that. 3 on the contrary, in fact.
4 indeed.\n
bahna (Jakarta, Sunda) on account of.\n
bahri see BAHARI2.\n
bahtera 1 (Bib.) ark. 2 boat, ship.\n
bahu 1shoulder. 2 (Java) hamlet headman. 3 see BAKHU. 4 see BAU 2.\n
bahubahasa (Ling.) multilinguism.\n
bahureksa see BAUREKSA.\n
bahwa that.\n
bahwasanya (Lit.) 1 that. 2 truly, indeed.\n
baiat (Islam) oath.\n
baid distant (of relatives).\n
baiduri opal (and other semiprecious stones).\n
baik 1 good, fine, kind. 2 carefully. 3 yes, all right.\n
baikut (China) spare ribs.\n
1. abode, house (often used in names of mosques). 2. 1) distich,
couplet. 2 (Islam) verse.\n
baitul-makdis see BAITUL-MUKADDIS.\n
baitul-mukaddis (Islam) the holy city of Jerusalem.\n
baitullah the holy mosque in Mecca.\n
baitulmal (Lit.) treasury.\n
1. 1) steel. 2) armor. 2. fertilizer, manure. 3. (Java) 1) mixture of oil
and burnt coconut shell for blacening teeth. 2 dentifrice.\n
bajag k.o. sweet and fried chili-spiced condiment.\n
bajaj two-passenger pedicab with motor scooter engine.\n
bajak 1 plow. 2 bandit.\n
bajan 1 basin. 2 see WAJAN.\n
Samal-speaking sea nomads off the coasts of E. Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, and elsewhere in E. Indonesia.\n
baji 1 wedge. 2 peg.\n
bajigur k.o. hot drink made of coconut milk and spices.\n
bajik good, wholesome, virtuous (life).\n
bajing squirrel.\n
bajingan 1 scoundrel, gangster. 2 thief.\n
baju 1 jacket, blouse, shirt. 2 clothing, apparel.\n
bajul (Java) 1 crocodile. 2 scoundrel, rascal. 3 pick-pocket.\n
1 (Lit.) like, as. 2. 1) basin, vessel. 2) large container. 3. (China) ink.
4. sound of a thud.\n
bak-bak-kur 1 sounds of birds and chickens. 2 k.o. childrent\'s game.\n
1. eternal, everlasting. 2. 1) family, descant, line. 2) genetic
bakal 1 future, prospective.2 in the making. 3 shall, will.\n
bakaloreat baccalaureate.\n
bakantan see BEKANTAN.\n
bakap k.o. fish, murral.\n
bakar 1 burn, set on fire. 2 roasted. 3 bake, roast.\n
bakarat baccarat.\n
1 trace,trail. 2 sign, omen. 3 crest, head. 4 talent, aptitude,
bakau k.o. mangrove tree.\n
bakcang see BACANG 1.\n
bakda 1 after. 2 (Java) the celebration at the end of the fasting month.\n
bakelit Bakelite (plastic).\n
bakero (Japanese) idiot, imbecile.\n
bakhil stingy, miserly.\n
bakhsyis see BAKSIS.\n
bakhu (China) thin strip of spiced, fried pork.\n
baki 1 small tray. 2. remainder, residue, balance.\n
bakiak wooden clog.\n
bakik betel vine (leaves are chewed with areca and other ingredients).\n
bakikuk,bakiluk see MAIN.\n
(Badan Koordinasi Intelijens Negara) State Intelligence
Coordinating Agency.\n
bakmi China noodles (flavored with meat).\n
bako 1 the relation on the paternal side. 2. see BAKAU. 3. see BAKU 2.\n
bakpao steamed bun stuffed with meat or other ingredients.\n
bakpuder baking powder.\n
baksi mizzen sail.\n
baksil bacillus.\n
baksis tip, gratuity, bribe.\n
1 China meatballs. 2 soup with meatballs, sliced cabbage and bean
baktau (China) madam (of a brothel), procuress.\n
bakteri bacteria.\n
bakteriologi bacteriology.\n
1 homage, devotion. 2 service. 3 faith, loyalty. 4 filial piety. 5
staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted.\n
1. 1) standard. 2) fullfledged (teacher, etc.). 3) basic. 2. (Coll.)
mutual, reciprocal.\n
bakul 1. basket. 2. (Coll) small tradswoman.\n
bakung 1 1 wild lily. 2 k.o. onion.\n
bakup red and swollen (of the eyes).\n
1 corn fritter (sometimes with shrimp). 2. soup with China
bakyu see MBAK.\n
bal 1. 1) ball. 2) ballon. 2. bale.\n
bala 1 troops, army. 2 disaster, catastrophe.\n
balah ber-balah argue, quarrel.\n
1. 1) public hall or building. 2) office or bureau, association. 3 house
(of parliament). 2. see BURUNG.\n
balai-balai wooden or bamboo couch or sleeping platform.\n
balairung 1 royal audience hall. 2 market shed or stall.\n
1 turtledove, banded ground dove. 2 ber-balam, mem-balam be
barely visible.\n
balanak k.o. fish, gray mullet.\n
balang 1 long-necked bottle. 2 see HULUBALANG. 3 see BELANG.\n
balans 1 (Coll.) weighing scales. 2 bank balance.\n
balansir mem-balansir balance (wheel, scales, etc.).\n
balantara see BELANTARA.\n
balap race, racing.\n
balapecah (Java) crockery.\n
balar 1albino. 2 with white spots (of cattle).\n
balas reply, response.\n
balatentara troops.\n
balau confused, in disorder.\n
bale-bale see BALAI-BALAI.\n
balela rebellion.\n
bales see BALAS.\n
balet ballet.\n
balgam,balgham mucus, phlegm.\n
1 placenta. 2 culinary style characterized by large quantities of chili,
tamarind, and other spices.\n
1 shaman, traditional medicine practitioner. 2 transvestite medium
among the Ngaju Dayak.\n
balig,baligh be of age, attain o.\'s majority, mature.\n
baliho billboard (esp. for movies).\n
1 return. 2 the reverse side, behind. 3 the reverse, the contrrary. 4
baling-baling 1 propeller. 2 ship\'s screw. 3 weathercock. 4 toy
balir see BALIG.\n
balistik 1 ballistic. 2 ballistics.\n
balita (Bawah Lima Tahun) anak-balita children under five.\n
balkanisasi Balkanization.\n
balkon 1 balcony. 2 (R.R.) platform.\n
ballada /ballade/ ballad.\n
ballpoin ballpoint pen.\n
balmaski masquerade ball.\n
1 beam (of wood). 2 crossbar, joint, girder. 3 bar (as in military
insignia, line drawn, etc.).\n
balolo (barisan lonte lanang) line-up of male prostitutes. (Sl).\n
balon 1 balloon. 2 (Java) prostitute.\n
balong 1 pond, pool. 2 fishpond. 3 puddle, mud hole.\n
balsa balsa.\n
balsam,balsem balsam, ointment.\n
balu widow.\n
baluarti fortress, bastion.\n
baluhan 1 wooden frame for seat on elephant. 2 wooden frame for drum.\n
balui (Sport) draw, tie.\n
balun 1 mem-balun beat (with a stick). 2 mem-balun fold, roll up.\n
1. 1) cockscomb. 2) cockscomb plants. 2. bone. 3 k.o. snakelike fish
that swims near water surface.\n
1. 1) jerky, dried meat. 2 thick skin around neck (of certain animals).
2. see HABLUR.\n
balut 1.bandage, dressing, wrapping. 2. red and swollen (of eyes).\n
bam 1. cross beam to hold rudder. 2. sound of a drum. 3. (Coll.) gun.\n
bambang 1 vast, extensive. 2 se-bambang elope.\n
bambo bamboo.\n
bambung,bambungan (Java) squatter, street people.\n
bami see BAKMI.\n
bamper see BUMPER.\n
1. 1) tire. 2) ribbon. 3) sash, belt. 4) tire tread. 2. 1) (tennis,
badminton) court. 2) train track. 3) (race) track. 3. see BAND2.\n
banal banal, trite.\n
banat mem-banat whip, thrash, defeat.\n
bancakan 1 (Java) k.o. ritual feast. 2 victim of mob attack.\n
bancang tether (an animal).\n
bancar (Java) flow copiously.\n
bancet k.o. small frog.\n
1. 1) effeminate or transvestite homosexual. 2) hermaphrodite. 3)
banci effeminate. 4) powerless. 2. China or Hindu census. 3. k.o. large
bancuh mixed up, confused.\n
bancut protruding (of eyes).\n
band 1 (ben) band. 2 (ban) radio band. 3 see BAN 1.\n
bandal see BANDEL.\n
bandang large.\n
1 harbor, port. 2. 1) water course, channel, duct. 2) ditch, drain. 3. 1)
bandar croupier. 2) o. who directs or finances illegal or underhand
bandara (bandar udara) airport.\n
1obstinate, stubborn, recalcitrant. 2 undisciplined, disobedient (of
bandela bale.\n
bandeng k.o. fish, milkfish.\n
1 k.o. ginger drink served hot. 2. master key, any device used to pick
a lock.\n
bandering slingshot.\n
1 strip of paper verifying payment of tax on package of cigarettes,
revenue stamp. 2 official price, controlled price.\n
1 (bantuan desa) village assistance program. 2 (pembangunan desa)
rural development (body).\n
bandikut bandicoot.\n
banding 1 equivalent, equal. 2 consederation, appeal.\n
bandit 1gangster, bandit. 2 scoundrel, villain.\n
1 banditry, higway robbery. 2 mentality characterized by thoughtless
commercial exploitation of the public.\n
bando k.o. large headcraft, us. silk.\n
bandong see BENDUNG.\n
bandos a sweet tidbit made of cassava.\n
bandosa see BENDOSA.\n
bandot 1 billy goat. 2 lascivious old man. 3 womanizer, ladies\'man.\n
bandrek see BANDEREK1.\n
bandrol see BANDEROL.\n
bandul 1 pendulum. 2 hanger.\n
bandung pair, set, duo.\n
bandut cord, string, twine.\n
1. sound of a bang. 2. 1) muezzin\'s call to prayer. 2) call others to
prayer, 3. see BANK. 4. see ABANG.\n
bangai ter-bangai 1 neglected. 2 given up.\n
bangar see BANGER.\n
bangat 1 fast, quick, soon. 2 see BANGET.\n
bangau white egret, tufted heron.\n
bangbong sound of an empty barrel when struck.\n
bangdes (pembangunan desa) rural development.\n
banger stinking, rotten (odor).\n
banget (Java) very, excessively.\n
bangga rightfully proud.\n
bangir (Java) pointed (of nose).\n
bangka tough and stiff (of rug, etc.).\n
bangkahulu see BENGKULU.\n
1 carcass, carrion. 2 (Derog.) corpse. 3 (Av.) fuselage (of a crashed
bangkang mem-bangkang rebel, resist, oppose.\n
1 tough and stiff, coarse. 2 rigid. 3 rigor mortis, rigidity. 4 rough to
the touch.\n
bangkerut see BANGKRUT.\n
bangkes see BANGKIS.\n
bangket 1 banquet. 2 k.o. fancy cookie.\n
bangking see BUNGKANG.\n
bangkir see BONGKAR.\n
bangkir see BONGKAR.\n
bangkir see BONGKAR.\n
bangkis sneeze.\n
bangkit 1 get up from seated or prone position. 2 come up.\n
bangkong k.o. large frog.\n
bangkot,bangkotan (Java) 1 old, advanced in age. 2 old and cantankerous.\n
bangkrut bangkrupt.\n
bangku bench, seat.\n
bangkuang,bangkuwang k.o. juicy tuber.\n
banglas vast, extensive (of a view).\n
bangle see BENGLE.\n
banglo see BUNGALO.\n
bango see BANGAU.\n
bangor naughty, annoying.\n
bangsa 1 nation, people, race. 2 family, breed, category, sex. (Biol.) order.\n
bangsai 1 rotten. 2 fragile, brittle. 3 thin, frail.\n
1 shed, warehouse (of wood). 2 public building. 3 market stalls. 4
ward (in hospital). 5 emergency housing, learn-to.\n
1 (Derog.) scoundrel, rascal. 2 (Jakarta) poor person, pauper. 3
1. 1) noble, of nobility. 2) nobility. 3) o. who is not punctual, comes
bangsawan late to work. 2. k.o. drama, often with singing based on European or
Arabian themes.\n
bangsawati noblewoman.\n
bangsi k.o. bamboo lute.\n
1 wake up. 2 get up. 3 rise (of dough). 4 structure, form. 5. model,
bangus (Java) snout.\n
bani (Rel.) children of, descendants of.\n
baning k.o. tortoise.\n
banir buttress root\n
banjang (Java) fishing platform.\n
1. 1) line, row, series. 2) train of events. 2. (Bali) hamlet association,
neightborhood organization.\n
banji lattice work (as in wall decorations), motif in form of a swastika.\n
banjir 1 flood, deluge. 2 flood, overflow.\n
banjur sprinkle, pour.\n
bank (bang) bank, financial body.\n
banket see BANGKET 2.\n
banpol (Pembantu Polisi) auxiliary police.\n
banpres (Bantuan Presiden) special precidential aid.\n
bansai (Japanese) long live !\n
bantah say in disagreement.\n
bantahan 1 protest, objection. 2 contradiction. 3 back talk. 4 protestation.\n
bantai 1 butcher. 2 beat up severely.\n
bantal pillow, cushion.\n
bantam (Sport) bantam weight.\n
bantang see BUNTUNG.\n
bantar (Med.) present (illness).\n
bantaran (Geog.) flood plain.\n
bantat not well done, partially cooked (of bread, etc.).\n
banteng the wild ox of Java.\n
banter 1 fast, quick, speedy. 2 loud, projects or carries well (of voice).\n
banteras see BERANTAS.\n
banting throw down forcefully.\n
1 beating. 2 steep reduction (in price). 3 (sudden) shock or
bantu 1 assist. 2 auxiliary.\n
bantun mem-bantun 1 weed (yard). 2 extract, pull out ( a tooth, etc.).\n
bantut blocked, aborted.\n
1. 1) many, much. 2) have a lot of s.t. 3) excessively. 4) in great
quantities. 2. (Java) goose.\n
banyo banjo.\n
banyol 1 joke, jest, gag. 2 clown, jokester, wag. 3 rascal, scamp.\n
banyu bening (Java) a high degree of spiritual enlightenment and peace.\n
banzai see BANSAI.\n
1 father. 2 form of address to an older man, esp. 3 part of a
bapa, bapak respectful title, esp. 4 founder of a cause, movement. 5 spiritual
bapakisme paternalism.\n
bapanda respectful form of address to o.\'s father (esp. in letters).\n
bapao see BAKPAO.\n
(Badan Permusyawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia) political
baperki movement of the 1950s and 1960s to integrate ethnic China into
Indonesia society.\n
bapet 1 penniless, broke. 2 bad, wicked, rude.\n
baplang large and thick (of a moustache).\n
(Badan Pembangunan Pariwisata Daerah) Regional Tourism
Development Board\n
bappeda (Badan Pembangunan Daerah) Agency for Regional Development.\n
(Badan Perancang Pembangunan Nasional) National Planning
baptis 1 (Rel.) baptism. 2 the Baptis sect or adherent thereof.\n
(Badan Penerangan Uni Soviet) Information Agency of the Soviet
Union (common in citites until mid-1960s).\n
baqa see BAKA 1.\n
bar bar, cocktail lounge.\n
bara 1 ember, live coal. 2 heat, warmth. 3 fire, fervor.\n
bara bahara ballast.\n
baragajul see BERGAJUL.\n
barah boil, abscess.\n
barak 1 barracks. 2 quarantine quarters.\n
barakah blessed.\n

baran swampy forest.\n

1. 1) goods, commodity. 2) article, object. 3) (Coll.) s.t. whose direct
barang mention should be avoided (i.e. marijuana, genitals, etc.). 4)
baggage, luggage. 2. any. 3. more or less, approximately.\n
barang-barang may it happen thet, would that.\n
barangan see BERANGAN 1.\n
barangkali perhaps, maybe.\n
baras leprosy.\n
barat 1 west. 2 western, occidental.\n
barau-barau k.o. bird, the yellow-crowned bul-bul.\n
barbar barbarian.\n
barbarisme barbarism.\n
barbir barber (in expensive hotels, posh salons).\n
barbur 1 splash, spill. 2 waste\n
barel barrel, a measurement for petroleum.\n
bareng (Java) with, togheter with.\n
bares bare-bares-an honest, straightforward.\n
baret 1. beret. 2. 1) laceration, scratch, abrasion. 2 lacerated, scratched.\n
bari see BAHARI 2.\n
bari-bari fruitfly.\n
1 grain (in wood). 2 vein (in marble). 3spotted, speckled (of
barikade barricade.\n
baring 1 lie down. 2 mem-baring take a bearing.\n
1. 1) row. 2) line. 3) line, queue. 4). ranks. 5) slide rule. 6 (Mil.)
drill). 7) verse. 2. (Bali) k.o. male dance.\n
barisan 1 ranks 2 rear guard 3 (sport) back (soccer).\n
barit messenger who delivers letters.\n
bariton baritone.\n
barjah see BARZAKH.\n
barkas k.o. small steamship.\n
barokah see BARAKAH.\n
barometer barometer.\n
baron baron.\n
barong 1. national dress of Filipino men. 2 (Bali) k.o. dance with mask.\n
barongan (Java) folk entertainment featuring performer dressed as monster.\n
barongsai lion dance us. performed on China New Year.\n
baros 1 (Java, Sunda) k.o. tropical magnolia. 2 see BERUAS.\n
barter barter.\n
1. 1) new, recent. 2) modern. 3) fresh. 4) just, only so much up to
now. 5) only now, just at acertain time. 6) not until, only then. 7) be
baru in the process of. 2. k.o. tree of seashore with large yellow flowers,
beach hibiscus.\n
baruh lowlands.\n
baruna Hindu god of the sea.\n
1 watchman\'s hut (in field or orchard). 2 stall, booth, stand. 3 hut,
barus see KAPUR.\n
barusan (Coll.) just, just now.\n
barut 1. 1) bandage, dressing. 2) diaper. 2 scratch deeply.\n
barzakh (Islam) the place and time between death and the Last Judgment.\n
(Islam) chant recounting Muh.\'s life, us. recited on 10th of
1 boss, foreman, overseer. 2. 1) bass (voice). 2) double bass. 3) bass
guitar. 3. (Chem.) base.\n
basa 1 (Chem.) alkali. 2. see BAHASA 1.\n
1 good manners, courtesy, politeness. 2 conventional phrase of
greeting, etc., conventionality.\n
basah 1 wet, soaked. 2 damp, moist. 3 fresh (not dried). 4 remunerative.\n
basal 1. 1) dropsy. 2) scab, scar. 2. basalt.\n
1. 1) spoiled, stale. 2) stale, out-of-date, not topical. 2. 1)
basi commission, fee. 2) overtime or extra pay. 3) reduction (in price),
discount. 3. 1) bowl, dish. 2) serving dish. 4. see BASA-BASI.\n
basil bacillus, germ.\n
basis 1 basis, principle. 2 (Mil.) base.\n
basit 1 all-embracing (of God). 2. (Math.) indivisible.\n
baskara sun (used in mottoes).\n
basket (Sport) basketball.\n
baskom washbasin.\n
mem-basmi 1 exterminate (rodents, etc.). 2 eradicate, root out,
eliminate (crime, etc.). 3 burn off, clear by burning.\n
baso see BAKSO.\n
basoka see BAZOKA.\n
bassdrum bass drum.\n
bastar bastard.\n
basuh washing.\n
basuki (Java) prosper, flourish.\n
basung 1. two dozen. 2. mem-basung kick (a ball) high. 3 corklike root.\n
bata concrete brick.\n
bata-bata ambivalent, unsettled, wavering.\n
batak 1 hobo, vagabond. 2 soldier of fortune, adventurer.\n
k.o conrete brick (manufactured in a modern factory, not in a cottage
1 canceled, null and void. 2 in vain. 3 invalid, invalidate. 4 cancel
out, omit.\n
batalion,batalyon battalion.\n
batang 1 stem, stalk, blade (grass). 2 stick, pole, shaft.\n
batara god, male deity.\n
batari goddess, female deity.\n
batas 1 limit. 2 border, confine, boundary, limits.\n
batau see BAKTAU.\n
baterai /batere/ 1 dry-cell battery. 2 (Mill.) battery.\n
bathal see BATAL.\n
bathcup see BADKUIP.\n
bathil see BATIL 2.\n
bathin seeBATIN.\n
bati (Java) gain, profit.\n
batih 1 o.\'s household. 2 (nuclear) family.\n
batik 1. 1) batik. 2) batik work. 2. see BETIK 1.\n
1. 1) copper bowl. 2) plate. 3) tray. 2. 1) invalid, null and void. 2)
false, wrong. 3) evil, bad.\n
batin 1 inner, internal, spirityual. 2 mind, heart. 3 arcane, esoteric.\n
batiniah spiritual, internal, moral.\n
batis batiste, cambric.\n
batkep see BADKUIP.\n
batok 1 coconut shell. 2 dry measure, about a litter.\n
1 stone. 2. milestone, milepost. 3. artificial diamond. 4 (Coll.) flint
(of lighter), battery. 5 classifier for teeth.\n
batuk 1 a cough. 2 to cough.\n
batur 1 shelf. 2 (Java) servant.\n
1. 1) scent, smell, aroma, odor. 2) unpleasant odor, stench, stink. 3)
bau furnes. 4) (Coll.) give off an odor. 5) suggest an element of. 2.
surface measurement, 7096.5 square meters.\n
baud seeBAUT.\n
1 down between chin and neck. 2 feathers beneath jaw or beak. 3
(Coll.) beard, sideburns.\n
bauksit bauxite.\n
baulu see BOLU.\n
baung k.o. freshwater catfish.\n
baur mixed.\n
baureksa (Java) ghost or spirit inhabiting (and guarding) a certain place.\n
bausastra (Java) dictionary.\n

bausuku unpaid laborer.\n

baut 1 bolt. 2 bully, strong-arm man, bouncer.\n
bavian baboon.\n
bawa bring, bring along.\n
bawab (Lit.) gatekeeper.\n
bawah under, beneath.\n
bawak see BAWA.\n
bawal k.o. fish, pomfret.\n
bawang onion.\n
bawasir hemorrhoids.\n
bawel (Coll.) fault finding, carping.\n
(Java) share of rice harvest received for o.\'s service during
baya old.\n
bayabgkara (Lit.) policeman.\n
bayak fat, corpulent.\n
bayam amaranth used as a vegetable.\n
1 k.o. parrot, long-tailed parakeet. 2 clear, distinct. 3 see
bayang 1 shadow, shade. 2 image, reflection. 3 imagination.\n
1 shadow 2 imagination 3 estimation 4 (thea) understudy 5 image ,
phantom .\n
bayangkari (Lit.) 1 policewoman. 2 policemen\'s wives\' association.\n
bayar mem-bayar 1 pay. 2 pay for. 3 pay s.o.\n
bayas k.o. palm tree.\n
bayat 1 (Acad.) freshman. 2 homage.\n
bayem see BAYAM.\n
bayi baby, infant.\n
bayonet bayonet.\n
1. (Lit.) 1) wind, breeze. 2) Hindu god of wind. 2. 1) s.t. thet turned,
bayu i.e. fermented. 2) stale (of food), tasting of leftovers. 3. (Lit.) slave,
bayuh wife\'s right of access to her polygynous husband.\n
bayung see LEMBAYUNG.\n
bayur k.o. tree.\n
bazar charity fair, church bazaar.\n
bazir see MUBASIR.\n
bazoka,bazooka. bazooka.\n
1. (Binnenlands Bestuur, Binnenlandsch Bestuur) Civil Service
during the colonial period. 2. (Bau Badan) body odor.\n
bbd (Bank Bumi Daya) state-controlled bank.\n
bbm (Bahan Bakar Minyak) refined fuel oil.\n
bbn (Bea Balik Nama) fee for conversion of vehicle ownership.\n
bd (Barat Daya) S.W.\n
be' see BABE\'.\n
bea 1 exice, tax, duty, toll. 2 cost, expense..\n
beasiswa schoolarship, fellowship.\n
beaya see BIAYA.\n
bebal 1 stupid, imbecilic, slow. 2 silly, foolish, asinine.\n
1 load (in vehicles or on back or shoulders). 2 burden, resposibility.
3 (Elect.) load, charge.\n
bebandos see BANDOS.\n
bebang 1 stillborn. 2 asphyxia.\n
bebar ber-bebar-an scattered, spread about.\n
1 free, unhampered, unimpeded. 2 free(d), be free. 3 released,
bebat bandage, dressing.\n
bebe see BEBI.\n
1 duck. 2 bleat. mem-bleat (of goat). 3 k.o. motorcycle of less than
a mental outlook characterized by unthinking loyalty to a leader or
bebel see BEBAL.\n
bebenah see BENAH 1.\n
beber bentang.\n
beberapa some, several.\n
bebesaran see BESARAN.\n
bebet (Java) wraparound indicating rank, worn by males.\n
bebi infant.\n
bebingka see BINGKA.\n
beblat supplement, esp. to colonial-period legal gazette.\n
bebotoh see BOTOH 2.\n
bebotok 1 friend chicken leg or thigh. 2 large chunk of cooked chicken.\n
bebuka (Java) foreword.\n
bebuyutan senile.\n
beca see BECAK 2.\n
1. spot, dot. 2. 1) pedicab, tricycle. 2) DC-3 plane. 3. ( becek)
becok noisy, loud (of talking).\n
becus capable.\n
beda 1 difference. 2 remainder, balance.\n
bedah surgical operation.\n
bedak face powder, talcum powder.\n
bedal 1. mem-bedal whip, thrash s.o. 2. run wild, bolt (of a horse).\n
bedawi see BADAWI.\n
bedaya (bedaya, bedoyo) k.o. sacral Central Java court dance.\n
bedebah ill-omened (used in terms of abuse).\n
bedegap sound of a strong blow.\n
bedegong 1 obstinate, stubborn, headstrong. 2 opinionated, conceited.\n
bedek see BADEK 2.\n
bedek see BADEK 2.\n
bedel (Coll.) surgical operation.\n
1. shed, barracks. 2. 1) dike embankment of a paady field. 2) ditch.
3) flowerbed, seedbed.\n
bedil gun, rifle.\n
bedol bedol-desa immigration of an entire village.\n
bedolan drop-out (from school).\n
bedudak (Java) viper.\n
/beduk/ large drum suspended horizontally at mosque to summon to
bedukang k.o. freshwater catfish.\n
bedung mem-bedung swathe, put on a diaper.\n
beeng (Sl.) very, extremely.\n
1. ber-bega, mem-bega circle around (of a bird). 2. mem-bega aim,
take aim.\n
begadang (Coll.) stay up and talk all night.\n
begadrung gathering, meeting, assembly.\n
begal robber.\n
begap sturdy, stout, stocky.\n
begar confirmed, inveterate\n
begar, beger ber-beger, mem-beger circle around, pivot.\n
begasi see BAGASI.\n
begawan title for Hindu priest or ascetic (in shadow plays, etc.).\n
begini 1 thus, like this. 2 well, so (often used to start a conversation).\n
begitu 1 like that. 2 so, very. 3 how very. 4 just at the moment.\n
bego /begok/ stupid, imbecilic, idiotic.\n
begondal see BEGUNDAL.\n
begonia begonia.\n
begroting (behroting) (Coll.) budget.\n
beguk 1 goiter. 2 mandible, lower jaw.\n
begundal hoodlum.\n
beha see BH.\n
(Coll.) mem-behandel 1 take care of, treat (patient, wound, etc.). 2
behandel manage, handle.\n

behaviorisme behaviorism.\n
bejana 1 container, vessel, receptacle. 2 vase.\n
1 damaged, spoiled (esp. of baskets, bags, etc. with split seams). 2
depraved, wanton.\n
bejo (Java) licky.\n
bek 1. (Sport) backfield player. 2 (Coll.) head of a village.\n
beka ber-beka-beka chat, discuss.\n
bekak ber-bekak be cruel.\n
(Sunda) whole baked chicken, esp. in weddings when bridal couple
pulls it apart.\n
bekakas see PERKAKAS.\n
bekal stock, supplies, provisions.\n
bekam 1. bruise. 2. mem-bekam 1) bleed s.o. 2) seize (prey).\n
bekantan proboscis mongkey (of Kalimantan).\n
1. 1) print, trace. 2)former (site, wife, etc.). 3) ex, former. 4 used,
second-hand. 2. receptacle, container.\n
bekatul 1 bran. 2 rice siftings.\n
bekecot see BEKICOT.\n
bekek see BERKIK.\n
bekel game of jacks.\n
beken (Coll.). well known, familiar.\n
beker 1. alarm clock 2. 1) trophy. 2) cup, breaker.\n
bekerja 1 work. 2 active (of a volcano, etc.). 3 have a celebration or
bekicot k.o. edible snail, similar to escargot.\n
bekil k.o. fish, snapper.\n
beking backing, support.\n
practice of seeking and relying on support from influential figures in
(often) questionable projects.\n
bekisar cross between domestic chicken and jungle fowl.\n
bekleding upholstery or covering of car interior, chair, wall.\n
bekles backless gown.\n
beklit mem-beklit upholster s.t.\n
bekot see BOIKOT.\n
beku 1 frozen. 2 congealed, coagulated. 3. rigid, inflexible, unbending.\n
bekuk bend in two, fold.\n
bekuku /bekukung/ k.o. fish, sea bream.\n
bel see also entries with bl-.\n
bela care for, nurture.\n
belacan shrimp or fish paste condiment.\n
belaco /belacu/ unbleached cotton, gray shirting.\n
beladau k.o. bolo knife.\n
belado (M) a dish with red pepper sauce.\n
belagu put on, act affected.\n
belah 1 crack, gap, crevice. 2 half, cut in half. 3 side.\n
belahak mem-belahak clear o.\'s throat, expectorate.\n
belai mem-belai 1 caress, stroke. 2 flatter.\n
belajar 1 study. 2 learn.\n
belak 1 black spot (on wood). 2 white spot (on skin).\n
belaka 1 entirely, completely. 2 quite, very. 3 only, merely.\n
1 back, backside. 2 behind, back of. 3 later. 4 on the back of, the
reverse side.\n
belalai 1 trunk, snout. 2 proboscis. 3 tentacle, feeler.\n
belalak mem-belalak stare, open wide. 2 look at s.o. with big eyes.\n
belalang 1. locust, grasshopper. 2. mem-belalang stare.\n
belam see BALAM 1.\n
belan bolt. mem-belan fasten with crossbar.\n
belanda 1 Dutch. 2 treat as Dutch.\n
belandang (Java) mem-belandang run fast.\n
belandanisasi Hollandization.\n
belandong see BLANDONG.\n
belang 1 spot, band, stripe. 2 skin blemish. 3 blemished, spotted.\n
belanga earthen cooking pot.\n
belangkas 1. horseshoe crab. 2. k.o. small bolo knife.\n
belangkin 1 asphalt. 2 black shoe polish.\n
belanja 1 expense, expenditure. 2 cost, expense.\n
belantan club, cudgel, nightstick.\n
belantara forest, jungle.\n
belantik 1. k.o. spear used in hunting. 2. seeBLANTIK. 3. see BINTANG.\n
belarak see BLARAK\n
1. mercy, pity. 2. teens, tens (used in numbers from 11 through
belasah whip s.o.\n
belastar see BLASTER.\n
belasteng,belasting (Coll.) 1 tax. 2 duty, tariff.\n
belasungkawa condolences.\n
belasut growl, snarl.\n
belat 1 bamboo screen. 2 fish trap of plaited bamboo. 3 splint.\n
belat-belit devious, surreptitious.\n
belati k.o. broad-bladed knife.\n
belatik, belatuk woodpecker.\n
belatik,belatuk woodpecker.\n
belatung maggot.\n
belau 1. (ber)-belau-belau-an flicker, glitter, shine. 2. see BLAU.\n
beldu see BELUDRU.\n
belebas 1 lathe. 2 ruler, yardstick.\n
beledang sea eel.\n
beledu see BELUDRU.\n
belegar booming noise of explosion.\n
beleguk bubbling sound of water.\n
beleh see SEMBELIH.\n
beleid policy.\n
belek 1 mem-belek operate on, cut open. 2. see BLEK.\n
belekok see BLEKOK.\n
belel bell-bottom style trousers, wide at the cuff.\n
belencong see BLENCONG.\n
belendung (Java) mem-belendung be sticking out (of stomach).\n
beleng ber-beleng turn around.\n
belengeh mem-belengeh-kan bibir distort o.\'s lips, grimace.\n
belenggu handcuff , fetter, shackle of wood or iron.\n
belengket mem-belenget stick, cling, adhere.\n
belengkik turn.\n
belengkong curve, arch.\n
belengset ectropion, with the lower eyelid turned inside out.\n
belenong sound of a bell.\n
belepotan (Coll.) 1 be smeared all over with s.t. 2 be messy.\n
belepotan (Coll.) 1 be smeared all over with s.t. 2 be messy.\n
beler (Java) cut into s.t.\n
belerang sulphur.\n
belerong market stall.\n
belesek see BLESEK.\n
(Java) ke- have the need, have compelling urge (esp. to urinate or
beletak-belenong clamg-clang (of streetcar bell).\n
belgia Belgium.\n
beli buy.\n
belia 1 youth. 2 young.\n
mem-beliak, ter-beliak wide open and staring (of eyes). mem-beliak-
kan open eyes wide.\n
belian see BERLIAN.\n
beliau (respectful form of reference) he, she.\n
belibis k.o. wild duck, the teal.\n
belida k.o. fish.\n
beligo wax gourd.\n
belik see BLEK.\n
belikat scapula, shoulder bone.\n
beliku bend, curve (in road etc).\n
belimbing 1 ridged longitudinally. 2 star fruit, carambola.\n
belincung pickax.\n
beling 1 porcelain. 2 shards (of glass, platter, etc.).\n
belingkang ter-belingkang sprawled.\n
belinjo 1. bullet (of gun, rifle). 2. see MELINJO 1.\n
belintang ber-belintang(an), ter-belintang lie across, be athwart.\n
belit 1 coil. 2 curve, bend.\n
belitung Billiton, an island S. of the Riau archipelago.\n
beliung 1 carpenter\'s adze. 2 pickax.\n
beliut bent and crooked.\n
belodok 1 k.o. fish, goby. 2 protruding (of eyes), similar to goby eyes.\n
1. 1) muddy. 2) mud. 3) clayey soil. 2. 1) pulley. 2) stocks, fetter. 3.
see BLOK 1,2.\n
belon (Jakarta) see BELUM.\n
belongkang barge, river freighter.\n
belongsong wrapper.\n
belontok k.o. fish, large goby.\n
belorok see BLOROK.\n
belorong see BLORONG.\n
belot 1 turncoat, renegade, traitor. 2 be a turncoat. 3 (Rel.) apostate.\n
belu-belai chatter, gossip.\n
belubur storage place for rice.\n
beludak 1. outburst (of laughter, applause). 2. viper.\n
beludar k.o. round rice cake.\n
beludru velvet, velveteen.\n
beluk 1. k.o. insect, stalk borer. 2. see SELUK 1.\n
belukar 1 thicket, underbrush. 2 shrub.\n
beluku see WALUKU.\n
belulang 1 tough, dray. 2 callus (on foot or hand). 3 rawhide. 4 (Lit.) bones.\n
beluluk young coconut.\n
belum 1 not yet. 2 not (yet) including.\n
belun (Java) see BELUM.\n
belungkang 1 butt end of palm leaf stalk. 2 young coconut halved.\n
belungkur k.o. fish, Queensland smelt.\n
belunjur see UNJUR.\n
beluntas k.o. gardenia with edible leaves used for hedges.\n
belur welt up (of skin). ber-belur-belur harden into welts, raise up welts.\n
beluru see AKAR.\n
belus 1. loose-fitting (of ring, clothing). 2. blouse.\n
belut eel.\n
bembam mem-bembam roast in bot ashes.\n
1. k.o. shrub the leaves of wich can be plaited. 2. k.o. staked fish
bembem thick and swollen.\n
(becak bermotor) 1 k.o samall motorized vehicle used for public
transportation. 2 work as a driver of this vehicle.\n
bemper see BUMPER.\n
ben see BAND1.\n
bena 1 particularly, very. 2 care, attention.\n
1. be(r)-benah-benah up, tidy up, clean up. 2. k.o. small insect
harmful to rice.\n
1. 1) marrow. 2) brain, mind. 2. 1) hard of hearing. 2) stupid, dull-
1 arboreal parasitic plant, epiphyte. 2 parasite. 3 sponger,
benam ber-benam, mem-benam sink out of sight, hide.\n
benang thread, yarn.\n
1 correct, right. 2 right, honest, true. just, honest. 4 true, not false. 5
sincere, true. 6 valid. 7 truthful. 8 very, quite, really\n
benatu see PENATU.\n
bencah muddy (of ground after storm).\n
bencana disaster, calamity, debacle, havoc.\n
bencang stunted in growth, dwarfed.\n
bencarung k.o. bird, oriole.\n
benci hate, dislike, aversion.\n
bencirit see CERET.\n
bencong (Sl.) female impersonator, transvestite.\n
thing, article, inanimate object. ber-benda wealthy, rich. mem-
benda-kan make into money.\n
1 treasurer, esp. of clubs, organizations, etc. 2 (Lit.) grand vizier. 3
(Che.) queen.\n
bendahari (Lit.) treasurer.\n
bendalu see BENALU.\n
bendar irrigation canal in rice field.\n
bendasraya see ASURANSI.\n
bendawi,bendawiah material, substantive.\n
bende small bronze or copper gong.\n
bendek,bendeks (Auto) starter drive pinion.\n
bendel,bendel see BUNDEL 1.\n
bendera flag, colors.\n
benderang bright, brilliant.\n
benderung empty space between two buildings.\n
1 treasurer, esp. gvt. officials. 2 (Acad.) bursar. 3 office
bendi two-wheeled carriage.\n
bendo large-bladed knife for cutting wood.\n
bendoro (Java) a title of nobility.\n
bendosa (Java) catafalque.\n
bendul 1. cross beam. 2. (Coll.) swollen.\n
bendung 1 dike. 2 dam.\n
bene (Jakarta) see BENAH 1.\n
bener see BENAR.\n
benerang see BENDERANG.\n
bengah 1 pedantic. 2 proud, conceited, arrogant, haughty.\n
1 momentarily deaf (as from a blow), stunned. 2 stubborn, obstinate.
3 forward, impertinent, rude.\n
bengalo see BUNGALO.\n
bengang 1. ringing in the ears. 2. wide open.\n
1 slight deafness (from a cold or from descent of plane). 2 have
bengap difficulty speaking, incoherent (from embarrassment, shyness, or
bengawan (Java) river.\n
bengek 1. 1) asthma. 2) asthmatic. 2. teat, nipple.\n
benggal, benggil bump, bruise.\n
benggalo 1. k.o. cassava. 2. see BUNGALO.\n
benggang have space between.\n
benggil ber-benggil have bumps, be bumpy (of road).\n
benggol bump, bruise.\n
bengik see BENGEK 1.\n
bengis 1 cruel, strict, harsh.\n
bengkak 1 swollen, puffy. 2 swelling, tumor. 3 abscess.\n
bengkal ke-bengkal-an choke, swallow the wrong way.\n
bengkal-bengkil bruise, lump.\n
bengkalai mem-bengkalai-kan neglect, leave unattended or unfinished.\n
bengkang 1 crooked, curved. 2 curve.\n
bengkap see BINGKAP.\n
bengkar mem-bengkar 1 expand. 2 be in bloom.\n
bengkarak 1 skeleton. 2 bones. 3 carcass.\n
bengkarung k.o. smooth-scaled lizard.\n
1 lath around which palm thatch is made. 2 numeral classifier for
bengkawan thatch.\n
bengkawang k.o. fern.\n
bengkayang gorged, stuffed (from overeating).\n
bengkel 1 workshop. 2 machine shop. 3 repair shop, garage.\n
bengkelai (Coll.) have a fight.\n
bengkeng irritable, irascible, touchy, testy.\n
bengkok land for use of village employees in place of salary.\n
bengkol bent, curved.\n
bengkong 1. crooked, bent. 2. professional circumciser.\n
bengkos mem-bengkos gasping.\n
bengkuang see BANGKUANG.\n
bengkudu small treethe root of which produces dyes, morinda.\n
bengkulu Bencoolen (town and province in S.W. Sumatra).\n
bengkunang k.o. mousedeer.\n
1. 1) long waist sash used by women wearing sarongs. 2) abdominal
sash worn after giving birth. 2. bent, crooked.\n
bengle plant used in medicines.\n
bengok goiter.\n
bengong 1 dazed, stupefied. 2 cresfallen. 3 expressionless, vacant, blank.\n
bengot slanting, sloping.\n
bengu stale (of air).\n
benguk 1 angry, surly. 2 sulking. 3 downhearted.\n
bengul red and swollen (of eyes after crying).\n
benian 1 strongbox. 2 jewelry box.\n
benih 1 seed. 2 germ. 3 semen. 4 origin, descent. 5 cause, oigin.\n
bening clear, transparent.\n
benjal-benjol bumpy and rocky (of road, path), lumpy (mattress).\n
benjol 1 lump, bump, protruding tumor. 2 bruised, swollen.\n
benjut having a large lump or bump from being struck.\n
bensin gasoline.\n
bensol high-octane gasoline for planes.\n
benta sore, boil (on upper lip).\n
bentak say in a harsh manner.\n
bentan relapse.\n
bentang bentang-alam landscape. 1 spread out, extend. 2 reach.\n
bentangur k.o. tree growing on seashore.\n
bentar 1 see SEBENTAR. 2. see CANDI.\n
bentara herald.\n
bentaran (Jakarta) see SEBENTAR.\n
benteh ber-benteh wrestle with the legs interwined.\n
1 fortress, bastion, rampart. 2 fortification, entrenchment. 3 (Che.)
rook, castle.\n
benter ber-benter-benter 1 turn, revolve. 2 turn off, detour.\n
bentet cracked open, burst open.\n
bentil nipple, teat.\n
bentoh see BANTAH.\n
bentok ke-bentok hit against, bump against.\n
bentol small bump (like a mosquito bite).\n
bentong large splotch.\n
bentrok quarrel, clash.\n
1 shape, form, type. 2 bend, curve. 3 classifier used for round or
curved objects.\n
bentul k.o. large aroid.\n
bentur ber-bentur collide.\n
bentus (Java) see BENTUR.\n
benua 1 continent. 2 (Lit.) country.\n
benum mem-benum (Lit.) appoint.\n
benur shrimp fry.\n
benyai 1 soft, mushy. 2 weak, impotent.\n
benyawak see BIAWAK.\n
benyek soft, mushy (of fruit, cereal, mud).\n
benyot awry, askew, skewed.\n
beo myna bird. mem-beo parrot, imitate.\n
beol (be\'ol) (Sunda) defecate.\n
bepergian go on a trip, travel.\n
ber seealso entries with be-.\n
1. 1) dark red. 2) red and swollen. 2) mem-bera-kan leave (paddy)
fallow temporarily\n
berabad-abad for centuries.\n
1 nuisance, annoying. 2 bad luck. 3 (Coll.) Darn ! (exclamation of
berabonemen subscribe.\n
berabu dusty.\n
1 sit, be in session (of court, etc.). 2 be on the agenda. 3 be in
berada 1 be (in a place). 2 well-off, well-to-do.\n
beradab 1 cultured, civilized. 2 polite.\n
beradaptasi adapt, assimilate.\n
beradat 1 customary, traditional, follows traditions. 2 well-mannered.\n
beradu 1 collide. 2 compete.\n
beragama 1 have a religious.. 2 be religious.\n

beragitasi agitate for.\n

berahi sexual desire. 2 passion, lust. 3 passionate, lustful.\n
berahmana see BRAHMANA.\n
berai be spread, dispersed.\n
berair 1 have water. 2 juice (of fruit). 3 aqueous.\n
berajojing dance this dance.\n
berak mired (in mud, quicksand).\n
berak-berok (Java) scream and shriek.\n
berakad settle an agreement or contract.\n
berakal berakal\n
berakhir 1 end. 2 become extinct.\n
berakhlak have a certain character.\n
berakit 1 travel by raft. 2 attached alongside.\n
berakraban be chummy with, be close to.\n
beraksa mythical winged creature, Pegasus.\n
beraksi 1 be in action. 2 show off, flaunt.\n
beralasan have a base or foundation.\n
beralaskan 1 be placed on as a base or covering of s.t. 2 be based on.\n
beralih 1 change. 2 shift, move.\n
beraliran have an ideology.\n
beralun-alun 1 heave, roll, pitch, billow up. 2 be in steady movement.\n
beram introxicating beverage made of fermented rice or tapioca.\n
beramal 1 charitable, generous. 2 pray silently.\n
beramanah /beramanat/ instruct, issue an order.\n
berambang see BRAMBANG.\n
beramping side by side, next to.\n
beranda 1 veranda, porch. 2 (R.R.) station platform. 3 (Naut.) quarterdeck.\n
berandal see BRANDAL.\n
berandang 1 conspicuous, clearly visible. 2 striking, noticeable.\n
berang 1 angry, furious, irate. 2 anger.\n
berang-berang otter.\n
berangan 1. arsenic. 2. k.o. tropical chestnut and other related trees.\n
berangan-angan 1 dream, fantasize. 2 aim, have ideals.\n
berangas barnacle.\n
berangasan hot-tempered, hotheaded.\n
berangguk nod.\n
berangkat leave, depart, set out.\n
berangsang very angry.\n
berangsur-angsur 1 little by little. 2 move forward a little. 3 in installments.\n

berangus see BRANGUS.\n

berani audacious, brave, bold, courageous, dauntless.\n
beranjak 1 move, get up. 2 shift. move.\n
beranjangsana tour an area.\n
berantak mem-berantak-kan put s.t. into disorder.\n
1 fight (against), combat. 2 wipe out, remove (corruption, smallpox,
berantuk come in contact with, touch.\n
berapi 1 have fire. 2 be on fire. 3 fiery, fervent. 4 very angry. livid.\n
berapi-api 1 furious, raging. 2 glitter, shine, sparkle (of eyes).\n
berapit 1 be wedged in, be hemmed in. 2 be close to e.o. 3 jammed, wedged,
berarah have an aim or purpose.\n
berarti 1 mean. 2 be significant, meaningful. 3 valuable, useful.\n
beras hulled rice.\n
beras-beras k.o. fish, drumfish.\n
1 heavy. 2 serious, severe. 3 hard, difficult. 4 close, oppressive,
sultry. 5 weight. 6 strong (of drink, cigarettes, etc.).\n
berbalas mutual response , 1.have a response 2.reverberate,echo,response.\n
berbarengan 1 together with, accompanied by. 2 at the same time. 3 coincide.\n
1 lie down 2 be stert out (in a lounge chair ) 3 be in bed (in hospital)
1 form a line (of trees,etc) 2 march 3 line up , form a queue 4 (mil)
to drill .\n
berbeda 1 be diffirent , differ , diverge 2 have a diffirence (of) .\n
1) wind, twist in and out. 2) complicated. 3) involved, has
berbelit - belit
berbencah - bencah swampy, marshy.\n
berbinar - binar berbinar - binar\n
berboyong 1 move, shift, change, remove. 2 emigrate, settle.\n
bercak pockmarked, spotted.\n
bercelana wear trousers.\n
bercik see PERCIK.\n
1) desire, long for. 2) aspire. 3) longing, yearning. 4) idea (esp. in
bercita - cita
bercokok see BICOKOK.\n
berdalih 1 seek an excuse 2 equivocate , quibble .\n
berdampingan contiguous, side by side.\n
berdandan 1) dress up, get dressed. 2) decorated, made elaborate.\n
1 wail (of siren, forghorn, etc.), drone (of plane). 2 resound,
berderai - derai 1) in droves. 2) continuously.\n
berdesak - desak crowd, jostle.\n
berdesar 1 sizzle, hiss. 2 lisp.\n
berdetak 1 make a tapping sound. 2 beat (of heart).\n
berdetasan give off a popping sound (wet leaves burning, etc.).\n
berdetus,detupan 1 explode. 2 make throbbing sound.\n
berdikari (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri) stand on o.\'s own feet, be self-reliant.\n
berdiri 1 stand. 2 exist.\n
berdisko dance to disco music.\n
berdondang rock back and forth.\n
berdus obese, copulent, potbellied.\n
berebet see BREBET.\n
berebut 1 snatch away, take away by force. 2 struggle to obtain a goal.\n
berek-berek k.o. bird.\n
berem see BERAM.\n
bereman edge, verge (of road).\n
beremban 1 cross beam. 2 dam.\n
berenang swim.\n
berenda of lace, decorate with lace.\n
berendam 1 submerged. 2 remain in o. place.\n
berendeng - rendengan be in a line, go s.w. in a line.\n
bereng-bereng flat knobless gong.\n
berenga maggot.\n
berengos see BRENGOS.\n
berengut mem-berengut surly, sullen.\n
berentang mem-berentang be stretched, taut.\n
berentet-rentet line, o. after the other.\n
berenti see HENTI.\n
bereo /bereok/ (Jakarta) see BREWOK.\n
beres 1 in order, well done. 2 finished, settled.\n
beresok see ESOK.\n
beret demanding, exacting.\n
berevolusi evolve.\n
berewok see BREWOK.\n
bergabung 1 gather together, colected together. 2 merge, fuse.\n
bergajul scoundrel.\n
bergedel k.o. spherical croquette (of meat and mashed potato).\n
bergejolak 1 flare up (of fire, temper, etc.). 2 fluctuate (of prices).\n
bergelandangan loaf about, loaf around, wander aimlessly.\n
bergelombang bergelombang\n
bergemar enjoy o.s., have a good time.\n
bergerigi 1 serrated, toothed (saw, etc.). 2 jagged (edge).\n
bergerinding get goose bumps from fear, stand on end (of body hair from fear).\n
bergerohok 1 be hollow (of tree). 2 have a cavity (of tooth).\n
bergesel,geser 1 shift, move. 2 rub.\n
bergetar 1 shake, tremble. 2 vibrate, quiver.\n
bergizi nutritious, nourishing.\n
bergombal 1 old and torn, worn out. 2 poorly made.\n
bergoyang rock, wobble. 2 sway, swing (of branches, foot, etc.).\n
dress covering entire body exept eyes and hands sometimes worn by
Muslim women.\n
bergulingan roll, wallow (of several things).\n
1 roll (of waves). 2 be rolled up (of sleeves, etc.). 3 coiled (of rope,
bergumam 1 mumble. 2 suppress (laugh or smile).\n
berguna useful, beneficial.\n
bergundah - hati 1 depressed. 2 anxious, restless.\n
bergurat have a scratch or line in it.\n
bergurat-gurat full of scratches or lines.\n
berhadapan 1 face, front on. 2 be faced with. 3 face to face.\n
berhadiah with a gift.\n
berhak 1) have the right (to). 2) reserve the right.\n
berhala berhala\n
berhamburan 1) scattered about. 2) flow, tricle (of tears).\n
berhantam 1 fight, scuffle. 2 collide with. 3 infringe on.\n
berhati - hati be careful.\n
berhelat celebrate with a party.\n
berhijarah evacuate.\n
berhubung connected, related.\n
berhubungan 1 related to s.t. 2 get in touch, be in contact.\n
berhuma 1 grow rice on dry field. 2 clear land for cultivation.\n
1 give, bestow. 2 offer, put up. 3 (Coll.). let. 4 put on, apply s.t. 5
(Coll.) hit, strike. 6 add (in recipes).\n
beri-beri beri-beri.\n
beriang k.o. monitor lizard.\n
beribadah beribadah\n
berikhtiar endeavor, seek the means to.\n
berimigrasi migrate.\n
bering-bering large cymbal with center boss.\n
beringas 1 hot-tempered, wild. 2 furious.\n
beringin banyan tree.\n
beringis /beringisan/ grin.\n
berinisiative 1take the initiative. 2 have initiative.\n
berirama rhythmical, having rhythm.\n
beriring successive, consecutive.\n
1. 1) noisy, tumultuous. 2) uproar, noise. 2. 1) rustling (noise). 2) be
berita 1 news (report). 2 announcement, report.\n
beritahu 1 inform s.o. 2 report, tell about.\n
berjahat 1 sin, do wrong. 2 defame, malign s.o. 3 seduce (a female).\n
1 walk. 2 run (of an engine). 3 run, go, work. 4 be going on a certain
berjangka 1 (be a certain) measure. 2 be spaced.\n
berjatuhan fall ( plural ).\n
berjaya 1 victorious, triumphant, glorious. 2 successful, doing very well.\n
berjejal 1 crowd, jam. 2 be jampacked (with spectators, etc.).\n
berjejalan thronged, crowded.\n
berjempalikan turn somesaults severl times.\n
berjemur expose o.s. to the sun.\n
berjenguk look or peer out (of many people).\n
berjenis - jenis verious.\n
berjenjang 1) step by step, gradual. 2) in tiers, terraced. 3) by ladder.\n
1 linked together (of links in chain). 2 grown togheter (of fingers,
berjingkek 1 tiptoe, go on tiptoe. 2 wear high heels.\n
berjompakan 1 prance about. 2 (Naut.) leave a wake.\n
berjongkangan fall (of several erect things).\n
berjotos fight with the fists.\n
berjualan 1 sel (several things). 2 sell for a living.\n
berjuis see BORJUIS.\n
berjurus - jurus repeatedly.\n
berkabar 1 tell, relate. 2 send news about o.s.\n
berkaca 1) look in the mirror. 2) contain glass.\n
berkah see BERKAT.\n
berkaitan 1 link to e.o. 2 be related to.\n
berkarang 1 inset (of diamond, etc.). 2 in bunches (of flowers).\n
berkas 1 bundle, sheaf. 2 dossier.\n
1 blessing, favor. 2 thanks to, owing to, due to. 3 profitable, doing
berkat well (of an enterprise). 4 small amount of food taken home after
ceremonial meal.\n
berkata talk, speak.\n
berkata-kata converse, talk to e.o.\n
berkawasan of the same region.\n
berkebun 1 farm, plant for a living. 2 have a plantation or garden.\n
berkedut wrinkled, creased (of skin, clothes, etc.).\n
berkehendak have an intention.\n
berkelap - kelip 1 flicker. 2 sparkle (of a gem), twinkle (of stars).\n
berkelibang swarm about, fly around (of insects).\n
berkelibatan be visible for only a second, flash by.\n
berkelik-kelik make a loud sound.\n
berkelokan winding, twisting, sinuous (road).\n
berkeluk 1 bend. 2 have curves.\n
berkelupas get pelled off.\n
berkeluyuran 1 loaf around, stroll about without purpose. 2 hang around.\n
berkemas - kemas 1 pack. 2 clear things away, put things in order.\n
berkemauan wish, desire, will.\n
berkemik 1 be all dented. 2 be chapped (of lips ).\n
berkencan 1 have an appointment. 2 have a date, dating.\n
berkendali controlled, directed.restrained.\n
berkepentingan having an interest, be concerned.\n
berkeping-keping 1 in pieces or slivers. 2 in tatters (of flag, etc.). 3 in tresses, locks.\n
berkeredong wrapped, covered (in a blanket, sarong).\n
berkeritik-keritik crackle, sputter (of a lighted candle).\n
1 swarm over, cluster arround, throng, mill about. 2 assemble, come
berkerunyut wrinkled, shriveled (of face).\n
berkesempatan have an opportunity, time.\n
berkesimpulan have as a conclusion.\n
berkesinambungan continous, without interruption.\n
berketentuan be sure, certain.\n
berketepatan coincidentally, accidentally.\n
berketuhanan devout.\n
berketurunan 1 for generations. 2 of a certain ethnic heritage.\n
berkewajiban have the dutry of.\n
berkeyakinan be convinced.\n
berkhidmat 1 dutiful, respectful. 2 serve. 3 be faithful (to).\n
1 preach, deliver a sermon. 2 deliver pompous opinions,
berkicut squeak (of a floor, etc.).\n
berkik k.o. bird, pintail snipe.\n
berkil k.o. fish, the perch.\n
1 farfetched, forced (argument). 2 spurious (argument). 3 deceitful,
fraudulant. 4 argue to defend o. self.\n
berkimono wear a kimono or dressing gown.\n
berkinja jump with joy.\n
berkirim send through mail.\n
1 revolve, turn. 2 change, shift. 3 range from a certain amount to
berko bicycle lamp.\n
1. joke, jest, be amusing. 2. 1) shake. 2) strike (of waves on the
shore). 3) become trouble, shook up (of feelings).\n
berkoek quack like a duck.\n
berkokok 1 crow. 2 boast, brag.\n
1) open, give way to make an opening. 2) widen, become enlarged
(of a hole, rip, etc.).\n
berkumpul 1 assemle , come together in a place 2 line up , fall in line .\n
berkunang-kunang 1 sparkle like fireflies. 2 see stars.\n
berkusu rub the body with leaves.\n
1 be locked tightly together. 2 be deeply involved in a discussion. 3
berkutet - kutetan refuse to give in, maintain a never say-die attitude. 4 struggle to the
utmost for s.t., want s.t. at all costs.\n
berkuting-kuting constantly follow.\n
1 anchor, dock. 2 be at anchor. 3 be pulled down (of shades,
berladang own or cultivate an unirrigated field.\n
berlainan 1 different. 2 be divergent, differ.\n
1 be valid, be in effect. 2 occur, happen. 3 prevail, obtain. 4 behave.
5 act as.\n
berlamparan be scattered or spread about.\n
berlandaskan rest on s.t., be based on s.t.\n
berlapur twitch, flutter (of a bird, etc.)\n
berlebih 1 remain, be left (over). 2 excessive.\n
berleleran drip with (perspiration).\n
berlemotan smeared all over with s.t.\n
berlenggek - lenggekan scream, shriek.\n
1 smeared, smudges, soiled (with blood, mud, etc.). 2 be bemirched
(of reputation).\n
berleyehan berleyehan\n
berlian polished diamon.\n
berliku - liku 1 winding, curving, tortuous (of road, etc.). 2 sinous.\n
traditional game in Biliton in which players strike e.o. with rattan
berlunju-lunjur strech out (of arms and legs).\n
bermakrifat 1 philosopize. 2 concentrate.\n
bermasyarakat form a group.\n
bermenung 1 muse, ponder, meditate. 2 act gloomy.\n
bermesin bermesin\n
bermuhibah go on goodwill mission.\n
bernafsu passionate, lustful, desirous.\n
bernas 1 filled out. 2 full (of breasts). 3 pithy, terse, spirited.\n
bernazar make a promise of s.t.\n
bernga see BERENGA.\n
bernilai valuable, precious.\n
bernyala 1 flame, flare up. 2 burn (of light).\n
bero see BERA 2.\n
beroerte see BERURTE.\n
berok see BURUT.\n
berombak 1 be wavy. 2 undulating, rolling (terrain, etc.).\n
berombongan come in large groups.\n
berondong see BRONDONG.\n
beronggok-onggok in heaps, stacks, piles.\n
berongsang see BERANGSANG.\n
berongsong 1 muzzle (for dogs). 2 muzzle, gag.\n
beronok k.o. sea slug.\n
berontak 1 struggle, wriggle. 2 revolt, rebel.\n
beronyong k.o. basket.\n
beroti slat.\n
berpadanan harmonize, go together (e.g. colors), be commensurate.\n
berpakaian 1 get dressed. 2 wearing certain clothes.\n
berpaling turn.\n
berpalun-palun embrace, hug e.o.\n
berpalut berpalut\n
berpangkas get a haircut.\n
berpangku-tangan do nothing.\n
berpantingan fall away in numbers.\n
berpapah supported\n
berpapasan meet without stopping.\n
berpatungan chip in together to pay for s.t.\n
berpaut cling to.\n
berpayar-payar cruise back and forth.\n
berpegang hold on to.\n
berpelantingan roll everywhere.\n
berpendar-pendar luminescent.\n
berpendaran berpendaran\n
berpengaruh influential.\n
berpengetahuan knowledgeable.\n
berpenjak glow.\n
berpenumpang have passengers or boarders.\n
berperaga hold an exhibition.\n
berperikemanusiaan act in a humanitarian way.\n
berpesai-pesai fall to pieces.\n
berpesta celebrate, have a party.\n
berpetitih speak with a proverb.\n
berpialang buy through a broker.\n
berpijah spawn.\n
berpijak stand on.\n
berpikir think.\n
berpilih-pilih fastidious, squeamish, choosy.\n
berpilin spiral, twist.\n
berpisah 1 part. 2 separated.\n
berpori porous.\n
berpotongan have the looks of.\n
berpredikatkan have a certain title, notation.\n
berpropaganda make publicity, propaganda.\n
berpuasa fast, observe the fasting period.\n
berpulang die.\n
berpulangan go home (of many people).\n
berpulun-pulun 1 rise (of smoke). 2 rise like smoke (of thoughts).\n
berpuntal-puntal 1 winding round. 2 in balls.\n
berpunya 1 have property, be-well-to-do. 2 have an owner.\n
berpusu-pusu gather in crowds.\n
berputar 1 rotate. 2 insincere, dishonest.\n
berroman-romanan be in passionate love with e.o.\n
bersabung flash.\n
bersafari 1 wear a safari costume. 2 go on a safari.\n
bersahabat 1 be friends. 2 friendly.\n
bersahaja simple, uncomplicated.\n
bersaing compete.\n
1 rhyme (of words, phrases, stories). 2 be in rhyming form. 3 write
poetry. 4 recite poetry.\n
bersalung play the flute.\n
bersama 1 together with. 2 herewith. 3 joint, collective.\n
bersama-sama do together.\n
bersamaan 1. 1) be equal to e.o. 2) be in conformity with. 3) resembling,
similar. 2. do simultaneously.\n
bersamak covered, plated.\n
bersambut 1 answered. 2 parried, intercepted.\n
bersambutan 1 respond to e.o. 2 be in accordance.\n
1 lean on. 2 (Naut.) moor, tie up (ship). 3 be dependent on, be based
1. sit in state (of bride and groom at marriage ceremony). 2. 1)
bersanding angular. 2) sharp, biting.\n
bersangkal be unwilling.\n
bersantap 1 dine (of royalty). 2 have a meal (written or formal speech).\n
bersara 1 share. 2 pensioned.\n
bersarang-sarang be full of holes.\n
bersarung 1 wear a sarong. 2 sheathed.\n
bersatu allied, united.\n
bersaur interlocking, entangled.\n
bersedia 1 be ready, prepared. 2 disposed (to), willing.\n
berseka rub o.s. clean.\n
berselekeh berselekeh\n
berselendang wear a shawl or stole.\n
1 have appetite, feel like. 2 attractive, appetizing. 3 have a taste
berselimpatan sneak away (in numbers).\n
berselimpetan crowd, press together.\n
berselimut 1 covered over. 2 camouflaged.\n
berselimutkan covered with.\n
berselindung be hidden, hide o.s.\n
berseling take turns, alternate.\n
berseliran murmur (of a breeze).\n
berseliran murmur (of a breeze).\n
berselirat confused.\n
berselirkan have s.o. as a concubine.\n
1 be at certain interval in time or space. 2 quarrel, disagree, be at
odds with.\n
berseliweran crowd, mill about.\n
berseloka recite or compose such a poem.\n
berselonjor with outstretched legs..\n
berseloroh joke, crack jokes.\n
berselulup dive, plunge.\n
berseluncur move with gliding action.\n
bersemangat 1 conscious. 2 enthusiastic, energetic.\n
bersemarak radiant, splendid.\n
bersemayam reside, sit (of royalty).\n
bersembahyang pray, worship.\n
bersemboyankan have as a slogan.\n
bersembulan emerge, appear partially.\n
bersemburit engage in sodomy.\n
bersemedi meditate.\n
bersemi sprout.\n
bersenam 1 do physical exercises. 2 stretch (after resting).\n
bersenandung hum.\n
bersenang-senang enjoy o.s., have a good time.\n

bersenapan have a rifle.\n

bersenda joke.\n
bersendawa belch.\n
bersendi hinged on, based.\n
bersengat have a stinger.\n
bersenggama have coitus.\n
bersenggang-senggang relax, pass o.\'s free time.\n
bersenggayut swing o.s. while hanging from the arms, dangle.\n
bersenggolan touch e.o.\n
bersengit feel bitter.\n
bersengkarut intertwined, interlaced. 2 confused.\n
bersengketa have a legal dispute.\n
berseni artistic.\n
bersenjatakan. armed with s.t.\n
bersentosa peaceful, safe.\n
bersentuhan have contact with, touching e.o.\n
bersep acknowledge as o.\'s superior.\n
bersepadanan be in harmony, go together.\n
bersepatu shod, wear shoes.\n
bersepeda bike.\n
berserah surrender.\n
berserakan be scattered around.\n
berseranggung sit bent forward.\n
berserat fibrous.\n
berseri shine, beam.\n
berseri-seri beam, gleam.\n
berseru call, shout out.\n
berserudi ground, polished (precious stones).\n
bersesah (bertinju) (M) have a violent fight.\n
bersespan with a side-car.\n
bersesuaian be in mutual accord.\n
bersetru hostile.\n
bersetubuh have sexual intercourse.\n
bersetuju 1 have o. and the same aim or purpose. 2 agree.\n
bersewaka pay homage, honor.\n
bersiaga be on the alert.\n
bersialang 1 swarm (of bees). 2 gather honey.\n
bersiap 1 get ready, get prepared. 2 (Sport) on your mark.\n
bersiar-siar stroll about.\n
bersiaran broadcast, be on the air.\n
1 be full of stratagems, investigative plans, etc. 2 have s.t. as a
bersibak parted, separated.\n
bersiborok meet for an instant (of eyes, glance).\n

bersidang convene, sit in session.\n

bersidekap fold o.\'s arms over o.\'s chest.\n
bersifat have the quality, character(istic).\n
bersigap be in readiness.\n
bersih 1 clean, neat. 2 innocent. 3 pure, unadulterated. 4 net.\n
bersijingkat stand or walk on tiptoe.\n
bersijundai sing as though out of o.\'s mind.\n
bersikap 1 have a certain attitude. 2 (Mil.) stand at attention.\n
bersiku have an angle or curve.\n
bersil mem-bersil protrude.\n
bersila sit wit the legs crossed.\n
bersilang 1 crossed. 2 piled up in a crisscross way.\n
bersilat 1 engage in such self-defense. 2 mime the actions of self-defense.\n
bersilih turn, change into.\n
bersimak gather, group.\n
bersimbah be drenched, bespattered.\n
bersimbur 1 splash up on. 2 be partially enveloped by s.t. similar to waves.\n
bersimpati sympathetic.\n
bersimpuh sit with the knees bent and folded back to o. side.\n
bersin sneeze.\n
bersinambung continuous, serial.\n
bersinar shine.\n
bersinjak (Lit) step by step.\n
bersiram 1 be cascaded (eith water, liquid). 2 (Lit.) bathe (of royalty).\n
bersiring have a hem.\n
bersisa remain, be left over.\n
bersisalak (Coll.) be cantankerous, prone to fits of anger.\n
bersisian side by side.\n
bersisik scaly.\n
bersisipan have an insert.\n
bersisipkan have a certain thing inserted in it.\n
bersisir 1 use a comb. 2 combed.\n
bersit se-bersit 1 a burst of. 2 a little of.\n
bersitegang 1 persevere. 2 be stubborn, insist uncompromisingly.\n
bersitelekan rest both hands.\n
bersitinjak (Lit.) step by step.\n
bersiul whistle (of people, trains, etc.).\n
bersiur make a rustling sound.\n
bersiuran rustle, whistle (of many things).\n
bersiut produce a sizzling or whistling sound.\n
bersobok encounter, fall in with.\n
bersolat perform such ritual prayers.\n
bersolek 1 apply o.\'s make up. 2 dress up (of women).\n
bersomplok /bersompok/ run into, meet unexpectedly.\n
bersongsong 1. carry or use the royal umbrella. 2. go out against s.t.\n
berspekulasi 1 speculate, conjecture. 2 undertake a risky venture.\n
bersua 1 meet, run into. 2 meet up with, find.\n
bersuai fitting, appropriate.\n
bersuara 1 have a voice. 2 produce a sound. 3 (Ling.) voiced.\n
bersubang wear ear-plugs.\n
1 live a pure life. 2 cleanse o.s. of impurities. 3 (Islam) cleanse o.s.
after defilement (defecation, giving birth, sexual congress, etc.).\n
bersugi 1. use a toothpick. 2. have a tobacco quid in the mouth.\n
bersuit whistle, esp. with o.\'s fingers in the mouth.\n
bersuji have embroidery on it.\n
bersujud 1 perform this bow. 2 admit o.\'s humble station.\n
bersukacita rejoice.\n
bersukaria be happy, celebrate.\n
bersukat measured by this measure.\n
1 embroidered with s.t. 2 be added to with s.t., sprinkled with s.t.,
laden with (additions).\n
bersulang 1. be dirty with soot. 2. (Lit.) give e.o. food or drink.\n
bersulap 1. engage in conjury. 2 find a defect in the weaving.\n
bersuling 1. play the flute. 2.(M) tumbled upside down.\n
bersuluk retreat from the world.\n
bersulur spiral, climb upward.\n
bersumber have (as) a source, be based (on).\n
bersumberkan have s.t. as its source.\n
bersumpah swear, take the oath.\n
bersundut hereditary.\n
bersungkup be covered.\n
bersungut-sungut grumble, complain.\n
bersurai break up, disperse.\n
bersurat 1 written, inscribed. 2 (Lit.) compose a letter.\n
bersurih ruled, lined.\n
bersusila have good morals.\n
1 insert a small piece of gold (for medicinal or magical purpose). 2
bersusuk wear a hairpin.\n

bersusun 1 stacked (o. on the other). 2 in layers, stories or rows.\n

bersut draw lots, play paper-rock-scissors.\n
bersut draw lots, play paper-rock-scissors.\n
berswadaya do s.t. on a self-supporting basis (i.e. without outside funds).\n
bersyair 1 write poetry, poetize. 2 recite poetry.\n
bersyarat conditional.\n
bersyukur 1 thank God. 2 (Coll.) be grateful.\n
bertabiat be of a certain character or behavior.\n
bertabik extend a greeting.\n
bertabir 1 be separated by a screen. 2 be in disguise.\n
bertablig preach at such meetings.\n
bertabrakan collide.\n
bertaburan scattered, spread.\n
bertaburkan be spread over with s.t.\n
bertadah use a receptacle or reservoir.\n
bertafakur 1 be reflective. 2 observe silence out of respect for a.o.\n
bertagar thunder and rumble.\n
bertahak belch.\n
bertahan hold out.\n
bertaji with the spur on.\n
bertajuk have (a topic) as an editorial.\n
bertakak formed by sewing ends together.\n
bertakbiran engage in such recitation.\n
bertakhta reign.\n
bertaksi ride a taxi.\n
bertakuk notched.\n
bertakwa pious.\n
bertalar 1 think logically, reason. 2 deliberate a problem.\n
bertali equipped with a rope, with a rope attached.\n
bertalian 1 tied to e.o. 2 related. 3 relevant, germane.\n
bertalu play this opening melody or gong.\n
bertalu-talu continously, incessantly.\n
bertalun resound.\n
bertam 1. k.o. palm. 2. k.o. bird, Malayan black wood partridge.\n
bertamadun 1 civilized. 2 cultured, refined.\n
bertamasya go on an excursion, go sight-seeing.\n
bertambah 1 increase. 2 increasingly, more and more.\n
bertambah-tambah 1 increase steadily. 2 all the more so.\n
bertambal patched.\n
bertambal-tambal be patched all over.\n
bertambalkan have as a patch.\n
bertambat tethered, tied up.\n
bertambatan connected with.\n
bertambuh have another serving of rice.\n
1. 1) served with a light snack. 2) enjoy refreshments. 2. (Thea.) do
theatrical stunts (magic shows, farces, etc.).\n
bertambur beat a drum.\n
bertameng 1 shelter or protect o.s. behind a shield. 2 use s.t. as a pretext.\n
bertamu 1 visit. 2 be a guest.\n
bertanah 1 take root. 2 put down roots, own land.\n
bertanak boil rice.\n
bertanam engage in planting or cultivating.\n
bertanda 1 marked, labeled. 2 signify.\n
bertandak perform such a dance.\n
bertandang visit, make a social call.\n
bertandatangan signed.\n
bertanding 1 be the equal of, match. 2 compete. 3 fight a duel.\n
bertandu ride in a sedan chair.\n
bertanduk horned.\n
bertangan have hands.\n
bertangas take a steam bath.\n
bertangga with steps.\n
bertangga-tangga 1 gradually, by degrees, step by step. 2 terraced, graduated.\n
bertanggal dated.\n
bertanggam dovetailed.\n
bertanggang (M) refrain from a normal activity.\n
bertangguh 1 postpone, put off. 2 hesitant, reluctant.\n
bertanggungjawab be responsible, be liable.\n
bertangkup 1 close (of two sides uniting). 2 fall face downward.\n
bertani engage in farming.\n
bertanjak rise in a sloping manner.\n
bertanya ask a question.\n
bertanya-tanya 1 repeatedly ask. 2 wonder, be quizzical.\n
1 live as an ascetic. 2 isolate o.s. (to meditate, to acquire magical
power, etc.). 3 (Coll.) imprisoned.\n
bertapak 1 step, tread on. 2 have an underlayer. 3 have a foot hold.\n
bertapakkan be based on, supported.\n
bertaplak covered with a tablecloth.\n
bertapuk-tapuk 1 heavily pockmarked. 2 have a bad reputation.\n
bertara matching.\n
bertarah planed.\n
bertarak abstain.\n
bertaruh 1 bet, wager. 2 bet s.t.\n
bertaruk sprout.\n
bertasbeh tell o.\'s beads.\n
bertatahkan inlaid, studded.\n
bertatih toddle along.\n
bertauhid acknowledge the o.ness of God.\n
bertaut 1 fit togheter. 2 fuse, become one.\n
bertautan be linked with, related to.\n
bertawakal place o.\'s trust in God.\n
bertebaran spread around, scattered about.\n
berteduh take shelter.\n
berteduhkan make a shelter of s.t.\n
berteguh 1 hold to, be firm in. 2 strengthen o.s.\n
berteguran address e.o.\n
bertegursapa be on speaking terms.\n
berteka-teki 1 play riddles. 2 ask a riddle.\n
bertekad (hati) be determined, be bent on.\n
bertekan lean on.\n
bertekanan exerting pressure.\n
bertekap bertekap\n
bertekuk folded roughly, crumpled.\n
bertekun 1 be diligent. 2 hold fast, adhere to.\n
bertekur with head bowed.\n
bertelanjang be naked.\n
bertele-tele long-winded, excessively long and trivial.\n
bertelekan lean o.\'s hand, elbow, etc. s.w.\n
bertelepon talk by phone, use the phone.\n
bertelimpuh (Lit.) sit with legs bent back beside body.\n
bertelingkah quarrel.\n
bertelur lay eggs.\n
bertelut 1 kneel down. 2 surrender.\n
bertemakan have as a theme.\n
berteman 1 with friends. 2 be friends to e.o. 3 be married.\n
bertemankan have as a friend.\n
bertembusan filled with holes.\n
bertempat 1 be (placed), located. 2 take place.\n
bertempel stick, be next to.\n
bertemperasan spread about in disorder.\n
bertempiar splashed in all directions.\n
bertempik yell, shout.\n
bertempur be engaged in combat.\n
bertemu 1 meet. 2 match, agree.\n
bertenaga 1 powerful, have strength. 2 equipped with a power source.\n

bertendens /bertendensi/ tendentious.\n

bertenggang endeavor to carry on.\n
bertenggek to squat.\n
bertengger 1 be perched on a branch, roost. 2 settle down, stay.\n
bertengkaran quarrel (with e.o.).\n
1 be in contradiction, be incompatible. 2 be in conflict. 3 be face to
bertenungan tell fortunes.\n
berteori theorize.\n
bertepas protected by bamboo wickerwork.\n
bertepatan coincide.\n
bertepi be bordered by s.t.\n
bertepikan have s.t. along the edge.\n
bertepuk engage in clapping.\n
berterawang full of holes.\n
berterbangan fly (of many things), fly every which way.\n
berteriak scream, shout.\n
berterjunan jump in large numbers.\n
berternak breed.\n
bertetangga be neighbors.\n
bertetesan full of drips, dripped with.\n
bertetirah vacation in a health resort area.\n
bertian pregnant.\n
bertiang propped up, supported.\n
bertiarap lie prone.\n
bertiga do s.t. in a group of three.\n
bertih bertih\n
bertikai differ in opinion, quarrel.\n
bertikar use s.t. as a mat.\n
bertilam have s.t. to sleep on.\n
1 be in balance, be mutually equal. 2 be on both sides. 3
bertimbun in piles.\n
bertindak 1 take steps, measures. 2 act.\n
bertindihan 1 be superimposed. 2 lie on e.o. 3 overlap e.o.\n
bertinggung to squat.\n
bertingkah 1 act, behave. 2 be capricious, fickle. 3 act up, put on airs.\n
bertinju be engaged in a fist fight.\n
bertirah stay in health resort.\n
bertirai with currtains or partitions\n
bertirakat perform asceticism to reach o.\'s goal.\n
bertitah speak, utter (of king, etc.).\n
bertitar-titar move quickly back and forth.\n
bertitel have a degree, titled.\n
bertitik 1 drip. 2 have a period.\n
bertitik-titik dotted.\n
bertitik-tolak have as a starting point.\n
bertiup blow.\n
bertiwikrama 1 transform o.s. in a moment of crisis. 2 do o.\'s utmost.\n
bertlesekan scattered here and there.\n
bertobat 1 repent and forswear. 2 learn o.\'s lesson.\n
bertoga wear an academic gown or judge\'s robe.\n
bertogok (Coll.) sit dully like a bump on a log.\n
bertohor dry up.\n
bertokoh have the shape of.\n
bertokok (Lit.) with an addition.\n
bertolak 1 (Lit.) leave, depart. 2 start from s.t., take s.t. as a starting point.\n
bertolok with an equal, matched.\n
bertombak armed with a lance.\n
bertonase have a certain tonnage.\n
bertonggok (M) perch (of birds).\n
bertongkat use (as) a cane.\n
bertongkatkan rest on.\n
bertonjolan stick or burgle put (plural).\n
bertopang 1. lean on, be supported on. 2. be in conflict.\n
bertopeng 1 have or wear a mask. 2 put on a front, cover up.\n
bertopengkan use s.t. as a cover-up.\n
bertopi wear a hat.\n
bertrayek operate on a certain route.\n
bertruk-truk by the truckload.\n
1 (M) accordiing to seniority. 2 grow old together (of husband and
bertuah 1 lucky, fortunate. 2 bring good luck. 3 have magic power.\n
bertual-tual cut up into blocks.\n
1 swarm (of bees). 2 wander, roam, tramp around. 3 engage in an
adventure (often recklessly).\n
bertuam be treated with a hot compress.\n
bertuan 1 act as boss. 2 have a master. 3 use the term of address tuan.\n
bertuankan have s.t. as a master.\n
bertubi-tubi repeatedly.\n
bertubrukan have a collision.\n
bertubuh with a body of certain characteristics.\n
bertudung 1 be covered. 2 use a veil.\n
bertudungkan covered with.\n
bertugas have s.t. as a duty.\n
bertuhan 1 believe in God. 2 have a certain god.\n
bertuhankan have s.t. as a god.\n
bertujuan 1 have s.t. as a purpose. 2 head for, go in a certain direction.\n
bertukang be an artisan, skilled laborer.\n
bertukar change.\n
bertulang bony.\n
bertulis written on.\n
bertulisan written on with some notice.\n
bertuliskan inscribed with s.t.\n
bertumbangan fall (in numbers).\n
bertumbuh grow.\n
bertumbuhan grow (several things).\n
bertumbuk 1 fight, come to blows. 2 slam against e.o. 3 coincide.\n
bertumbukan collide, slam against e.o.\n
bertumpak-tumpak in groups.\n
1 rest on. 2 have support. 3 touch upon, come in contact with. 4
concentrate, focus.\n
bertumpuk-tumpuk 1 be in piles or stacks. 2 in groups, clusters.\n
bertunangan engaged, betrothed.\n
bertunas sprout, bud.\n
bertunjalan receive support or subsidy.\n
bertunjangan receive support or subsidy.\n
bertuntunan guided by means of s.t.\n
bertura-tura 1 get very angry, go into a rage. 2 talk in o.\'s sleep.\n
1 be in close contact with the people. 2 engage in joint projects with
the ordinary citizens (of students helping peasent to harvest, etc.).\n
berturne make a tour.\n
berturut-turut 1 in succession, in a row. 2 continued.\n
bertutup have a cover.\n
bertutur talk, speak.\n
1. Malayan bear. beruang-beruang-an teddy bear. 2. 1 have money. 2
be well off.\n
beruap 1 steam. 2 carbonate (drinks).\n
beruar cry out, proclaim.\n
beruas k.o. wild mangosteen\n
berubah change, become different.\n
berubah-ubah be fickle, changeable, fluctuate.\n
beruban have gray hair.\n
berubun loom.\n
berucap 1 (Lit.) say, utter. 2 pronounce.\n

berudara have a certain k.o. weather.\n

berudu tadpole.\n
berujar speak.\n
berujul small plowshare.\n
berujung 1 pointed. 2 culminate in.\n
beruk short-tailed macaque (often trained to pick coconuts).\n
berukir carved, engraved.\n
berukir-ukir 1 embellished with all manner of carving. 2 pockmarked..\n
berukiran berukiran\n
berukuran have a measurement of.\n
berulak-ulak whirl, bubble (water, etc.).\n
berulam have a raw vegetable side dish.\n
berulang happen again, recur.\n
berulat worm-eaten.\n
berulit put a child to sleep with lullabies.\n
berumbai 1 fringed. 2 swing, dangle.\n
berumbi rooted.\n
berumbung tubular, cylindrical.\n
berumpama talk hypothetically.\n
berumpan have bait in it.\n
berumpuk heap, pile stack.\n
berumroh make such a pilgrimage.\n
berumur 1 attain the age of. 2 be old.\n
berunda-unda being in tow o. behind the other.\n
berundak-undak 1 have stairs. 2 have stories.\n
1 protracted, drawn out in stages. 2 in different levels (as the roof of
certain houses).\n
berundan-undan curly (hair).\n
berunding confer, discuss.\n
berundung-undung wear a veil over the head.\n
berunggun-unggun 1 in heaps. 2 make a campfire or bonfire.\n
berunggut-unggutan tug a rope, play tug of war.\n
1 (Java) back to back. 2 be somewhat poorly timed so that people
fail to meet.\n
berungut berungut\n
beruniform wear a uniform.\n
berunjur sit with o.\'s legs stretched out.\n
berunsur has as an element.\n
beruntaian 1 hang loosely. 2 on a string.\n
beruntun-runtun o. after the other, in a row.\n
beruntung 1 lucky. 2 successful. 3 make a profit.\n
beruntusan pimple, rash (prickly heat, etc.).\n
berunyai-unyai (M) 1 softly, gently. 2 little by little.\n
berupah be paid a fee.\n
berupaya make serious efforts (to do s.t.).\n
berurai 1 fall apart, fall or hang down in strands. 2 scatter, disperse.\n
berurap-urapan rub ointment on o.s.\n
berurat muscular, sinewy.\n
berurbanisasi migrate to the city.\n
berurte suffer a stroke.\n
1 get in touch with, contact. 2 be concerned with, have business
berurut get messaged.\n
berurutan 1 in a series. 2 chronological.\n
berus brush.\n
berusaha 1 try, endeavor. 2 be running a business.\n
berusia attain the age of.\n
berutas in a strand or string.\n
beruyel-uyelan (Java) jostle e.o.\n
bervariasi have variation.\n
berwadah have a certain organization as the umbrella.\n
berwadat live as a celibate.\n
berwajah have a face of a certain kind.\n
berwajib have the obligation of.\n
berwakaf donate for religious community use.\n
berwarna colored.\n
berwarna-warna 1 multicolored. 2 various.\n
berwarung run a small shop.\n
berwasangka suspicious.\n
berwasiat make o.\'s will.\n
berwawancara hold an interview.\n
berwawasan have a conception.\n
berwayuh (Java) have more than o. wife.\n
berwenang have the power to be competent to.\n
berwewenang have authority.\n
berwibawa 1 with authority. 2 having an authoritative bearing.\n
berwilayah have a certain area.\n
berwindu-windu decade after decade.\n
berwiraswasta run a private enterprise.\n
berwirid recite Koranic passages.\n
berwiron pleated.\n
berwiru-wiru pleated.\n
berwisata make a tour.\n
berwudhu (Islam) ritual ablution before prayers.\n
berwujud 1 have tha shape of. 2 concrete, tangible.\n
berwukuf (Islam) ceremony of gathering on the field of Arafah during the
berzanji see BARZANJI.\n
berziarah visit a sacred place.\n
berzina engage in illicit sex.\n
bes see BIS 4.\n
1 relationship between parents whose children are married to e.o. 2
title used between people in this relationship.\n
1 big, large, huge. 2 great, momentous, important. 3 adult, grown. 4
(Coll.) grow up.\n
besaran mulberry.\n
besek k.o. covered square basket of plaited bamboo.\n
besel bribe.\n
besengek k.o. side dish of chicken.\n
beser tend to urinate frequently.\n
besero see SERO 1.\n
beserta 1 along with, as well as. 2 attached (of letters).\n
beset 1. scraped (of skin). 2. occupied, taken.\n
besi iron.\n
besit see BERSIT.\n
beskat /besket/ vest.\n
beskit cookie.\n
beslah seizure, confiscation.\n
beslit 1 gvt. decree. 2 letter of appointment.\n
besmen (Coll.) best man (at wedding).\n
besok 1 tomorrow. 2 later on, in the future. 3 (Coll.) later. 4 coming.\n
besot scraped, scratched (of foot).\n
bestari 1 expert, skilled. 2 bright, clever.\n
bestek 1. specifications, plan (of construction). 2. see BESTIK..\n
bestel 1 order s.t. 2 an order.\n
bestik beefsteak.\n
bestir 1 administration. 2 gvt. 3 board of directors.\n
bestral radiation (for medical treatment).\n
besuk visit (to patient in hospital).\n
1. flow, gush (of blood). 2. 1) remove rust from metal. 2) improve,
besutan (Java) k.o. comedy show.\n
bet sound of a sheet (of s.t. being flapped, snatched, etc.).\n
1 I (polite form in classical texts). 2 I (used by Malay royalty). 3
(Ambon) I.\n
betah 1 stand, endure. 2 like, feel at home.\n
betahak see TAHAK.\n
betak-betak in shreds, in tatters.\n
betapa 1 how very. 2 as.\n
betara see BATARA.\n
betas 1 torn, ripped (of jacket, hem). 2 cracked (of egg).\n
1 Batavia (now Jakarta). 2 name of ethnic group indigenous to
betel chisel.\n
betet (Java) k.o. parrot, long-tailed parakeet.\n
1. 1) be announced. 2) leaked out, came to light (of secret). 2. (in
some regions only) papaya.\n
betik-betik 1 pimple. 2 rash, prickly heat.\n
betina 1 female (of animals). 2 (Derog.) woman.\n
beting shoal, reef, sandbank.\n
betis calf (of leg).\n
betok 1. k.o. fish, climbing perch. 2. burned by acid.\n
beton concrete.\n
betonisasi program of changing (paths, walls, etc.). to concrete.\n
betot snatch, pulloff. mem-betot remove forcibly, extract.\n
betul 1 right, correct. 2 true. 3 exact, right. 4 very, really.\n
betung k.o. large bamboo.\n
bewes see NOMER.\n
bewok see BREWOK.\n
bewust (bewis) (Coll.) conscious.\n
beza see BEDA.\n
bezuk see BESUK.\n
bf (blue film) pornographic movie.\n
(Bijeenkomst voor Federaal Overleg) Conference in Federal
Deliberations (Dutch-sponsored committee that helped arrange
federal gvt. in Indonesia before 1950, often called Federal
Consultative Assembly).\n
bg. (bagian) part, section.\n
bh (beha) (bustehouder) bra.\n
bh. (buah) a numeral classifier.\n
bhakti see BAKTI.\n
bhayangkara see BAYANGKARA.\n
bhg. (bahagian) part, section.\n
bhinneka (Lit.) diversity.\n
bhs. (bahasa) language.\n
bhw. (bahwa) that.\n
bi see BIBI.\n
bia see BEA.\n
(Derog.) 1 ill-mannered, impolite, uncouth. 2 uncivilized, barbaric,
savage. 3 uneducated, uncultured.\n
biadi thread worm, pin worm.\n
biak 1. fertile, prolific, fruitful. 2. wet, damp. 3. cud.\n
1 mother (of animals), parent species (of plants). 2 ringleader,
biang-biang saltwater herring.\n
bianglala rainbow.\n
biar 1 let, permit. 2 so that. 3 (al)though.\n
biar-biar k.o. small intestinal worm.\n
biara 1 monastery, abbey, friary. 2 convent, nunnery.\n
biarawan monk.\n
biarawati nun, religious sister.\n
bias 1 ray. 2 refraction.\n
1 usual, customary. 2 used to, accustomed to. 3 ordinary,
commonplace, common.\n
biawak monitor lizard.\n
biawas k.o. guava.\n
biaya expense, free, cost.\n
bibel Bible.\n
bibi, bibik 1 aunt. 2 form of address to older woman (often as bi).\n
bibir 1 lip. 2 genital labia. 3 edge.\n
1. 1) seed, germ. 2) seedling. 3) germ, bacteria. 4) cause, origin. 5)
prospective, future. 6) fledgling, neophyte, novice. 2. see BIMBIT.\n
bibliograf bibliographer.\n
bibliografi bibliography.\n
bibliografis bibliographic.\n
1 speak. 2 stated opinion, comment. 3 (Leg.) matter, case, cause. 4
1 small crocodile. 2 (Jakarta) accomplice, partner in crime. 3
bicokok (Jakarta) rogue, rascal.\n
bicu, bicu-bicu jack for raising weights.\n
bid (Fin.) bid.\n
bidaah see BIDAH.\n
bidadara male sprite.\n
bidadari 1 fairy. 2 beautiful woman.\n
bidah 1 (Islam) heresy. 2 (Coll.) lie, falsehood.\n
1 bamboo or rattan screen. 2 basket work. 3 splint. 4 (Sport) base (as
in baseball).\n
bidak (Che.) pawn.\n
bidal 1. proverb, maxim. 2. thimble.\n
bidan midwife.\n
1 area, field, sector. 2 plane, level, surface. 3 broad, wide. 4
classifier for things broad and flat, e.g. sails, land, mats.\n
bidara jujube or date tree.\n
bidari (Sport) base (as in baseball).\n
mem-bidas 1 penetrate, prierce (of attack). 2 spring back, fly back
bidas (when released) (of trap, bedsprings, etc.) 3 fly from, shoot away. 4
attack verbally.\n
bidder (Fin.) bidder.\n
bidding (Fin.) bidding.\n
bidik aim.\n
bidston, bidstond (Rel.) prayer group.\n
biduan male vocalist, crooner.\n
biduanda (Lit.) palace servant.\n
biduanita female vocalist.\n
biduk river craft for cargo or fishing.\n
bidur slab of tin weighing about 2.75 lb.\n
biduren (Java) suffer from rash (due to cold weather, allergy, etc.).\n
biduri see BAIDURI.\n
bier see BIR.\n
bigami bigamy.\n
bihara see BIARA.\n
bihun see MIHUN.\n
bihus see BIUS.\n
bijak 1 able, smart, experienced, wise. 2 witty, articulate.\n
bijaksana 1 wise, astute, farsighted. 2 prudent, tactful, discreet.\n
bijan sesame.\n
1 seed, kernel. 2 stone, pit. 3 classifier for small round objects. 4
grade, mark. 5 (sport) point. 6 (Coll.) testicles.\n
bijih ore.\n
bik see BIBI.\n
bika, bikang k.o. rice-flour cake.\n
bikel see BEKEL.\n
bikin (Coll.) make, cause.\n
bikini bikini, bikini-style.\n
biksu Buddhist monk.\n
biksuni Buddhist nun.\n
1. lace edging. ber-biku-biku 1) notched, toothed. 2) curve, zigzag.
2. see BIKSU.\n
bikulturalisme biculturalism.\n
bikuni see BIKSUNI.\n
bila 1 when. 2 when, if.\n
bilabial bilabial.\n
1 lath. 2 wood chip. 3 knife blade. 4 classifier for long, narrow
bilah objects.\n

bilai 1 hem, border, edge. 2 addition.\n

bilal (Islam) muezzin.\n
bilamana (Lit.) when.\n
bilang 1. every.ber-bilang some, a few, several. 2. (Coll.) say.\n
bilas mem-bilas rinse, wash off.\n
bilik 1 room, chamber. 2 woven bamboo room divider, plaited screen.\n
bilingual bilingual.\n
bilingualisme bilingualism.\n
bilion bouillon.\n
bilis bloodshot and burning (of the eyes).\n
biludak see BELUDAK 2.\n
bilur welt, wound caused by whip.\n
bilyar billiards.\n
bilyet ticket.\n
bilyun trillion.\n
bima Bhima, hero of the Mahabharata.\n
bimas (Bimbingan Massal) package-deal credit plan offered by gvt.\n
bimasakti Milky Way.\n
bimbang 1 worried, anxious. 2 hesitate, be dubiouse about, vacillate.\n
bimbing ber-bimbing find guidance.\n
bimbit mem-bimbit 1 carry by hand. 2 lead by hand\n
1 (Islam) son of. 2 (Coll.) and furthermore (when between words of
similar meaning).\n
bina building, construction.\n
bina graha president\'s executive office.\n
bina marga directorate general of highway construction and maintenance.\n
1 rebellious (of child), uncontrollable. 2 disobedient, obstinate. 3
wild, untamed.\n
binang pointsettia.\n
binar bright. very bright.\n
binaraga body building.\n
binaragawan body builder.\n
binaragawati woman body builder.\n
binasa destroyed, wiped out.\n
binatang animal.\n
binatu laundryman.\n
bincacak small, spritelike evil spirit.\n
bincang ber-bincang-bincang discuss, deliberate.\n
bincul lump, bump, bruise.\n
bindeng (Java) nasal (of speech).\n
bindu lathe. mem-bindu use or work a lathe.\n

bineka see BHINNEKA.\n

binen see BINNEN.\n
biner binary.\n
bingar see HINGAR.\n
bingas quick-tempered, short-tempered, irascible\n
bingit 1 ill at ease, uncomfortable. 2 jealous, envious.\n
bingka hemispherical-shaped cakeof leavened rice flour.\n
bingkah bit, lump, fragment, chunk.\n
bingkai 1 brim, rim, fringe, edge. 2 frame.\n
bingkap legging, puttee.\n
bingkas 1 resilient, elastic. 2 elasticity.\n
bingkil see BENGKEL.\n
bingkis send gift.\n
bingkisan 1 gift, present. 2 souvenir. 3 parcel, package.\n
1 confused, bewildered, flustered. 2 disoriented, unsure of direction.
3 panicky. 4 perplexed.\n
bini (Derog.) wife.\n
binkap see BINGKAP.\n
binneka see BHINNEKA.\n
binnen (Coll.) elite, established.\n
binomium binomial.\n
bint see BINTI.\n
bintak stain.\n
1 star. 2 star, fate, luck. 3 s.o. with notable qualities. 4 medal,
bintangur see BENTANGUR.\n
bintara soldier in lowest grades.\n
binteng jahe chewy confection of sticky rice flour, gingger, and sugar.\n
binti (Islam) daughter of.\n
binti-binti daughters\n
bintik spot, stain.\n
bintil 1 small pimple, pustula. 2 nodule.\n
bintit sty in eye.\n
bintul slight bump, e.g. from insect bite.\n
bintur k.o. trap for crabs.\n
binturung bear cat.\n
bio (Ch) Confucian temple.\n
biografi biography.\n
biokimia biochemistry.\n
biokimiawan biochemist.\n
biokimiawi biochemical.\n
biola violin.\n
biologi biology.\n
biologik, biologis biological.\n
biologiwan biologist.\n
biopsi biopsy.\n
bioritme biorhythm.\n
bioskop movie theater, cinema.\n
bipang k.o. sugared, puffed-rice cake.\n
bipolar bipolar.\n
bipolarisasi bipolarization.\n
bipoler see BIPOLAR.\n
bir beer.\n
1 k.o. large aroid with edible tuber and sap that causes itching. 2
lascivious, salacious.\n
birahi see BERAHI.\n
birai 1 low wall, balustrade. 2 banister, railing. 3 curb, edge, border.\n
1 relationship between two men marrying sisters or between two
biras women marrying brothers. 2 coreferent title between two persons in
such situations.\n
birat scar or scab arround mouth.\n
biri-biri 1. sheep. 2. see BERI-BERI.\n
birih see BIRAI.\n
biring 1. k.o. extremely itchy skin disease. 2. yellowish red.\n
birit buttocks, bottom, rear.\n
biro office, bureau.\n
birokrasi bureaucracy.\n
birokrat bureaucrat.\n
birokratis bureaucratic.\n
birokratisasi bureaucratization.\n
birokratisme bureaucratism.\n
birput cesspool.\n
birsam pleurisy.\n
1. 1) blue. 2) above average (grades), C or better. 2. fold, hem,
biruang see BERUANG 1.\n
1. bus. 2. 1) box. 2) post office box, mailbox. 3. 1) twice. 2) encore.
3) (Leg.) supplement, annex, codicil. 4. 1) tube, duct. 2) pipe. 5. 1)
covering for ornamentation or protection. 2) piping, thin strip sewn
on cloth, trimming. 3) (Elect.) bushing. bisa\n
bisa 1. be able, can, could. 2. 1) poison. 2) poisononous.\n
bisep (Anat.) biceps.\n
bisik 1 whisper. 2 say in whisper.\n
bising 1 noise, uproar, hullabaloo. 2 noisy. 3 buzzing (in ear).\n

biskit see BISCUIT.\n

biskop bishop.\n
biskuit (biskwit) 1 cracker. 2 Dutch rusk.\n
bislah see BESLAH.\n
bislit see BESLIT.\n
bismillah (Islam) in the name of God (recited at beginning of each surah).\n
bismut bismuth.\n
bisnis business.\n
bistek, bistik rump steak, roast beef, beefsteak.\n
bisu 1 dumb, mute. 2 quiet, noiselless.\n
bisul 1 boil, abscess, ulcer. 2 tumor.\n
bit beet.\n
coconut leaf rib splinters sharpened to point, for pinning packets
wrapped in leaves.\n
biuku k.o. freshwater turtle.\n
bius drugs.\n
bivak bivouac.\n
biyaya see BIAYA.\n
biyuh (Java) oh no ! (an exclamination of astonishment, pity).\n
(Java) 1 mother. 2 Mama ! (exclamation of pain or emotional
(Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) Coordinative Agency for
(Badan Keamanan Rakyat) Peaople\'s Security Body (forerunner of
Indonesian national army).\n
bl see also entries with bel-.\n
bl., bln. (bulan) month.\n
blacksweet (Coll.) dark and attractive.\n
blaf (Coll.) bluff.\n
blak-blakan outspoken, blunt.\n
blam sound of explosion.\n
blanco see BLANGKO.\n
blandis pro-Dutch (esp. during revolutionary period).\n
blandong lumberjack.\n
blang sound of explosion.\n
(Java) large firecrackers, esp. to mark end of each fasting day during
blangko 1 form to be filled in. 2 abstention in voting. 3 blank (of paper).\n
blangkon (Java) male batik headdress.\n
blangwer /blangwir/ (Coll.) fire engine.\n
blantik 1. (Java) broker, middleman in livestock. 2. see BELANTIK 1.\n
blantika world, arena.\n
blarak dried coconut leaf.\n
blasak mem-blasak make o.\'s way through scrub or forest.\n
blaster mem-blaster crossbreed.\n
blasteran 1 crossbred (of animals). 2 (Derog.) of mixed blood, mulatto.\n
blau (Coll.) 1 blue. 2 laundry bluing. ke-blau-an bluish.\n
bld. (Belanda) 1 Dutch. 2 Holland.\n
blecas-blecos (Coll.) speak without thinking, talk off top of o.\'s head.\n
bledak-bleduk sound of objects randomly striking e.o. repeatedly.\n
bledek thunder.\n
1 strip s.o. (of possessions). 2 strip (of pretensions), expose (a
blek tin can.\n
blekek see MBLEKEK.\n
blekok k.o. heron.\n
blencong (Java) oil lamp used in wayang performance.\n
blendok see SAKIT.\n
bleng 1. sound of explosion. 2. (Java) natural brine.\n
blesek (me)m-blesek pushed in, be sunk in.\n
bletok mud, muddy.\n
blewa /blewah/ k.o. melon.\n
bleyer (Coll.) race (engine), rev up.\n
blinger (Coll.) very wrong, led astray.\n
1 wriggle (because of excessive heat). 2 feel awkward, be ill at
blobor blot, smear while writing (of ink, water colors, paper).\n
1. 1) bolt, roll. 2) block, street block. 3) bloc, alliance. 2. (Coll.)
blokade blockade..\n
blokir 1 blockade. 2 obstruct. 3 (Fin.) freeze (account), stop (check).\n
bloknot note pad.\n
1 free from tension, relieved. 2 not properly tensile, not holding or
catching (of mechanical parts).\n
bloon 1 stupid, idiotic, dumb. 2 wacky, crazy, loony.\n
blorok motley (of chickens).\n
blorong (Java) 1 black and white striped. 2 k.o. viper.\n
blouse see BLUS.\n
bludag see BELUDAK 1.\n
bludas-bludus (Java) go in and out (whitout permission).\n
bludrek hypertension.\n
blujin denim trousers, blue jeans.\n
bluk thump ! (sound of heavy object falling on soft surface).\n
blumkol cauliflower.\n
blus woman\'s blouse.\n
(Java) go through place in which passage is difficult (crowds, scrubs,
narrow alleys, etc.).\n
bluwok k.o. bird.\n
bn. (batalyon) battalion.\n
(Bank Negara Indonesia, 1946) the 1946 National Bank of Indonesia
(a national bank).\n
boat (bo\'at (Sl.) drugs.\n
bob bouffant.\n
boba (Ambon) ulcerations caused by frambesia.\n
/bobok/ 1. sleep (of young children or in children\'s speech). 2.
bobo (Java) mem-bobok 1) pierce, break open. 2) forge a way through. 3.
(Java) k.o. soothing powder.\n
bobol give way, collapse.\n
bobos breach, crack, tear.\n
1 heavy. 2 weight, heaviness. 3 integrity, quality (of literature,
persons, etc.).\n
bobrok 1 dilapidated, shoddy, ramshackle. 2 rotten, degenerate.\n
bocah kid (of prepuberty age).\n
bocel chipped.\n
bocong jug.\n
1 leak. 2 leak, be leaky. 3 (Coll.). urinate (frequently). 4 (Coll.).
suffer from diarrhea. 5 (Coll.) bleed.\n
bodo 1. see BAJU. 2. (bodoh) stupid, dumb, dull-witted.\n
bodok initial stages of leprosy.\n
bodol 1. windfall. 2. (Jakarta, Java) torn or with holes.\n
bodong protruding, bulging (of navel).\n
bodreks k.o. patent medicine for colds.\n
bof swollen thyroid glands.\n
bogel see BUGIL.\n
bogem bogem-mentah blow with the fist.\n
bogenvil see BUGENFIL.\n
bogi 1 bogey (in golf). 2. seeKERETA 1.\n
bogot see HITAM.\n
boh curve, arch (as in pipes, etc.).\n
bohong 1 lie, falsehood. 2 lie, prevaricate.\n
bohorok a seasonally strong wind in E. Sumatra.\n
boikot boycott.\n
bojo (Java) spouse.\n
bok 1. playpen. 2. see MBOK 1,2.\n
boke 1. see BUKET. 2. (bokek) destitute.\n
boket see BUKET.\n
bokong 1 buttocks. 2 hindpart first, the wrong way around. 3 back.\n
1 copper or silver bowl with wide rim. 2 (Sport) loving cup,
boks 1. box on a newspaper or magazine page. 2. see BOK 1.\n
boksen (Coll.) boxing.\n
bokser (Coll.) boxer.\n
boksit bauxite.\n
bol 1. (Java) anus. 2.(Coll.) testicles. 3. see BENANG. 4. see JAMBU.\n
bola 1 ball. 2 globe. 3 spherical object.\n
1 to and fro, back and forth. 2 frequently, again and again. 3
bolang-baling 1. 1) propeller. 2) weathervane, whirligig. 2. k.o. fried sweet roll.\n
bolbal (bolak-balik) back and forth.\n
boleh 1 be permitted, may. 2 (Lit.) be able, can.\n
boling bowling. pe-boling bowler, o. who bowls.\n
bolong 1 perforated, pierced. 2 precisely.\n
1. 1) penetrated, with a hole. 2) (Coll.) truant. 3) escape from
captivity. 2. see BULUS 2.\n
bolot mem-bolot wrap up.\n
bolpen, bolpoint ballpoint pen.\n
bolsak see BULSAK.\n
bolsyewik Bolshevik.\n
bolu k.o. spongecake..\n
1. 1) bomb. 2) (Coll.) fart. 2. 1) boom (at a barrier), gate, bar. 2)
customs. 3) wagon tongue. 4) (Naut.) boom.\n
bombardemen bombardment, bombing.\n
mem-bombardir 1 bombard, shell, bomb. 2 appoint without regard
for qualifications. 3 shower, bombard.\n
bombasme bombast.\n
bombastis bombastic.\n
bombon bonbon.\n
bomo /bomoh/ medicine man, native practitioner, shaman.\n
bon 1. 1) check, bill. 2) alliance, league.\n
bonafide (bonafit) bona fide, without fraud.\n
bonafiditas reliability, genuineness.\n
gamelan instrument consisting of row of tuned inverted bronze
bonang bowls.\n
bonbon candy.\n
bonceng get a ride on a two-wheeled vehicle.\n
boncol see BONJOL.\n
bondo (Java) goods, capital.\n
bondong group, throng, crowd.\n
bondot bundle, bunch.\n
boneka 1 doll. 2 puppet, marionette. 3 figurehead, front.\n
bonet (Leg., Acad.) cap, mortarboard.\n
bong 1. China grave. 2. bang ! 3. professional circumciser.\n
bongak 1 proud, arrogant. 2 stupid.\n
1. 1) hump. 2) outrowth. 3 knot on tree. 2. mem-bonggol strike over
and over, hit repeatedly.\n
bongkah numeral classifier for lumps, chunks, etc.\n
bongkak 1 proud. 2 insolent, arrogant.\n
bongkar take apart.\n
bongkar-bangkir scattered, spread about.\n
bongkok see BUNGKUK.\n
bongkol 1 knob. 2 hump. 3 head (of lettuce).\n
bongkong stupid.\n
bongkot 1 tree trunk. 2 tree stump. 3 base of plant stem, etc.\n
bongkrek (Java) inedible (of misshapen, diseased tubers or fruits).\n
bonglai see BENGLE.\n
bongmeh mem-bongmeh 1 feel o.\'s pulse. 2 note, observe.\n
bongok short and fat.\n
bongpai (China) tombstone.\n
bongsang small fruit basket.\n
bongsor 1 oversized, overweight. 2 big, tall.\n
bonjol 1 lump. 2 projection. 3 protrude.\n
bonjor fortification.\n
bontak chubby, bulging (of cheeks, etc.).\n
1. (Java) rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home. 2.(Java)
youngest (child).\n
/bonyor/ 1 flabby (of flesh). 2 soft, mushy (of fruit). 3 tainted, rank
(of meat, fish).\n
booking see BUKING.\n
boom see BOM 2.\n
boong see BOHONG.\n
boorwater see BORWATER.\n
bop see BOB.\n
bopeng 1 pockmarked. 2 full of pot-holes (of roads).\n
boper buffer.\n
bopet see BUFET.\n
boplo construction unit or group.\n
mem-bopong hold s.o. up against o.\'s chest. pem-bopong
bor drill, brace and bit.\n
borak (Islam.) winged steed that carried Muh. to heaven.\n
boraks borax.\n
boraq see BORAK.\n
bordel see BORDIL 1.\n
bordes balustrade.\n
bordil 1. bordello, brothel. 2. bordir embroider s.t.\n
bordu (Naut.) gunwale.\n
boreg, boreh 1 guarantee, security, warranty, collateral. 2 guarantor.\n
boreh medicinal powder mixed with water used as ointment or liniment.\n
borek see BURIK.\n
borg see BOREG.\n
borgol handcuffs.\n
borhan proof.\n
borjuasi bourgeoisie.\n
borjuis bourgeois.\n
boro-boro (Jakarta) do not expect even that much (s.t. less is even unlikely).\n
borok 1 ulcer, boil, sore. 2 ulcerous, mangy, itchy. 3 bad, rotten.\n
borong the entire stock.\n
boros 1 wasful. extravagant. 2 lavish.\n
bortel, bortol see WORTEL.\n
boru Batak kinship term, daughter of a clan.\n
borwater boratic solution.\n
bos 1. bunch, bundle. 2. (Auto) bushing. 3. (Sl.) boss.\n
bosan 1 bored. 2 tired of, fed up.\n
bosen (Coll.) see BOSAN.\n
bosman 1. boatswain. 2. Bushmen (of Africa).\n
bosor pierced, full of holes.\n
bot 1. motorized boat (us. with outboard motor). 2. boot.\n
botak bald (headed).\n
botani botany.\n
botanikus botanist.\n
botik see BUTIK.\n
boto, botoh 1. shapely, nice, comely. 2. croupier, gambling (cockfighting, etc.).\n
dish made of coconut and meat, fish, etc. wrapped in banana leaf and
botok steamed.\n
botol 1 bottle. 2 bottled (in set expressions).\n
bougie see BUSI.\n
boven see NAAR BOVEN.\n
boyak see BAYAK.\n
boyas potbellied, fat, obese.\n
boyok small of back.\n
boyong a move from o. place to another.\n
bp (Balai Pustaka) Gvt. Printing and Publishing House.\n
(Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor) certificate of ownership of
motor vehicles.\n
bps (Biro Pusat Statistik) Central Bureau of Statistics.\n
br seealso entries with ber-.\n
brahmana Brahmin.\n
brahmani Brahmin (woman).\n
brai bell bottom, flared (of trousers).\n
brambang shallot.\n
brandal 1 rascal, scoundrel. 2 gangster, bandit.\n
brangus muzzle (of dogs).\n
brankar hospital cart, stretcher.\n
brankas safe, strongbox.\n
brantam see HANTAM.\n
branwir see BLANGWER.\n
1 k.o. vine the leaves of whice are used in bitter medicinal
bratawali concoctions. 2 a concoction containing such leaves, often used in
university initianions.\n
bray see BRAI.\n
brayat nuclear family.\n
brebet (me)m-brebet make sound of static.\n
bredel see BREIDEL.\n
breg sound of s.t. heavy falling.\n
breidel bridle.\n
brem (Bali) see BERAM.\n
bren k.o. light machine gun.\n
brendi brandy.\n
breng-brengan pungent, excessive (of fragrance).\n
brengos (Java) moustache. brengos-an mustachioed.\n
1 useless, in bad condition, no good. 2 Hell ! It is all messed up !
(exclamation of disapproval).\n
bret sound of a sheet (of s.t.) snatched away.\n
bretel suspenders.\n
brevet certification, license, flying certificate.\n
brevir (Rel.) breviary.\n
brewok (Java) whiskers, sideburns.\n
(Bank Rakyat Indonesia) People\'s Bank of Indonesia (state-
controlled bank).\n
bridge (brits) bridge, the card game.\n
briefing short oral summary of a project or organization.\n
brigade brigade.\n
brigadir jenderal brigadier general.\n
brigjen (brigadir jenderal) brigadier general.\n
brikdan, brikdans breakdance.\n
briket briquet.\n
bril (Coll.) eyeglasses.\n
brilyan 1. brilliant, highly intelligent. 2. brilliant (cut of diamond).\n
brintik curly (hair).\n
brisik see RISIK 2.\n
britania raya Great Britain.\n
brocel (Java) having a rough surface, uneven and not smooth\n
broche see BROS 1.\n
m-brojol, mem-brojol (Java) come out (from within o.\'s body)
brok sound of s.t. heavy falling.\n
brokat brocade.\n
bromfits see BROMPIT.\n
bromida bromide.\n
bromocorah repeat offender.\n
brompit moped, motor bicycle.\n
brondol featherless, hairless.\n
brondong fusillade.\n
brongkol (Java) lump under skin.\n
bronhitis bronchitis.\n
bronjong concertina (barbed) wire.\n
bronsitis bronchitis.\n
bros 1. brooch. 2. crisp, brittle.\n
brosur brochure.\n
bruder religious brother, friar.\n
brujul (Java) sapi-brujul oxen for plowing.\n
bruk sound of many hard things falling together.\n
brul sound of rapid movement of many.\n
brur brother, a reference and address term, esp. in Protestant circles.\n
brutal 1 very violent, brutal. 2 impudent, insolent.\n
bruto gross.\n
brutu fleshy part of fowl\'s tail.\n
1. (Burgerlijke Stand) (office of) civil registration. 2. (Bayar Sendiri)
(Sl.) pay o.\'s own way, Dutch treat.\n

bt. (binti) daughter of (in Islam names).\n

(Bank Tabungan Negara) National Savings Bank (state-controlled
bto. (bruto) gross.\n
1. (Ambon) brother (term of address to men some what older than
o.s.). 2. see IBU. 3. see BA 2.\n
1 fruit. 2 s.t. shaped like a fruit. 3 result. 4 focus, topic. 5 classifier of
large objects.\n
buai 1. swing. 2. membuai stroke (hair, cat, etc.).\n
bual 1 bubblling over (of liquid). 2 boasting, big talk, bragging.\n
buana (Lit.) earth, universe.\n
buang throw (away).\n
buani (Lit.) universal.\n
buar extravagant, wasteful. pem-buar spendthrift, lavish spender.\n
buas 1 wild (of animals, natural phenomena). 2 cruel-hearted, ruthless.\n
buat 1 do, make. 2 for. 3 in order to.\n
buaya 1 crocodile, alligator. 2 villain, scoundrel, bounder.\n
bubar 1 disperse, scatter. 2 (Mil.) Fall out ! Dismissed !\n
bubrah (Java) fall apart, scatter all over.\n
bubras (Java) scraped off (of skin).\n
bubu a plaited rattan fish trap.\n
mem-bubuh put or place on. mem-bubuh-kan add, append, attach,
1. 1) powder. 2) s.t. which has been pulverized. 2. k.o. insect,
1. 1) sore on palm or sole. 2) corns on hooves of animals. 2. mem-
bubul bubul repair, fix (net, etc.). 3. mem-bubul soar, rise skyward (of fire,
swarm of insects).\n
bubun-bubun (M) fontanel.\n
bubung 1 top, ridge. 2 ridgepole.\n
bubur porridge, gruel, mush.\n
bubus mem-bubus swarm out.\n
1. lathe. 2. mem-bubut 1) pull up, plick (grass, hair, etc.). 2) extract
(a thoot). 3. (Naut.) stay, brace. 4. k.o. bird, coucal.\n
bucu angle, corner.\n
buda see BUDHA.\n
budak 1 servant, slave. 2 (Lit.) youngster.\n
budanco rank in defense units during Japanese occupation.\n
budaya 1 culture. 2 practice.\n
budayawan cultural observer, o. who writes about art, drama, etc.\n
budayawi cultural.\n
budeg (Java) 1 deaf. 2 anonymous.\n
budel (Coll.) inheritance.\n
budeng (Java) k.o. ape, black gibbon.\n
budget see BUJET.\n
budgeter see BUJETER.\n
budha Buddha.\n
budhis Buddhist.\n
budhisme Buddhism.\n
1 mind, reason, right thinking. 2 character. 3 sensibleness,
reasonableness, level-headedness. 4 trick, cunning.\n
budidaya cultivation.\n
budiman wise, prudent, sensible.\n
buduk 1. mangy (of dogs). 2. see BODOK.\n
budur prominent, protruding (of eyes).\n
/bufet, buffet/ 1 buffet, side table, counter, bar. 2 food and drink
stand, lunch counter, refreshment bar.\n
bugar see SEGAR, SEHAT.\n
bugenfil k.o. flowering ornamental shru, bougainvillea.\n
bugil completely naked.\n
buh sound of blowing (candle, etc.).\n
buhuk goiter.\n
1. knot (of rope or string). 2. appear slightly or partly from beneath
or inside.\n
bui 1. jail. 2. buoy.\n
buih foam, froth.\n
buitenzorg Bogor in the colonial period.\n
bujah protruding, prominent.\n
bujang 1 single, unmarried. 2 bachelor. 3 male servant.\n
bujangga 1 sage, scholar, learned or wise person. 2 poet, man of letters.\n
bujet budget.\n
bujeter budgetary.\n
bujuk coaxing, persuasion.\n
1 lengthwise, longitudinal. 2 longitude. 3 a numerical classifier for
long objects.\n
1. sound of thud. 2. book (up). 3. cement bench us. placed in front of
gate to yard of home. 4. (java) see IBU.\n
buka 1 open. 2 breaking of fast, food consumed at breaking of fast.\n
1 not, no (negates nouns, pronouns or nominal phrases). 2 it is not
bukan the case that. 3 isn\'t it ?, aren\'t you ?, etc., often as\n

bukat dirty, muddy.\n

bukau see BUKIT.\n
buket bouquet.\n
buking booking, previously arranged reservation.\n
bukit hill, mountain.\n
bukti proof, evidence.\n
1. book. 2. 1) knuckle, joint. 2) knot. 3) grain, pellet, lump (of salt,
sand, etc.).\n
bukung 1 tailless. 2 (Coll.) woman\'s short hair style.\n
bukur grain, granule.\n
bukut mem-bukut 1 cover up, keep secret. 2 cover.\n
bul see BOL 1.\n
bulai 1 albino. 2 (Derog.) white person, Caucasian.\n
bulak lonely place in a road.\n
bulak-balik see BOLAK-BALIK.\n
bulan 1 month. 2 moon.\n
1 wrapper, headdress, wraparound. 2 tape, ribbon, etc. for fastening
spur to fighting cock\'s foot.\n
bulang-baling see BOLANG-BALING 2.\n
bular cataract of eye.\n
bulat 1 circle, spherical, round. 2 complete, overall. 3 unanimous.\n
bulbul k.o. bird, tropical nightingale.\n
buldog bulldog.\n
buldoser /buldozer/ bulldozer.\n
bule /bulek/ see BULAI.\n
buletin bulletin.\n
bulgur grain product made of the nutritious portions of wheat, bulgur.\n
buli-buli gourd for storing liquids.\n
bulian k.o. ironwood tree.\n
bulir 1 ear (of corn). 2 counter for long, coneshaped objects, esp. grains.\n
bulkpos bulkpost.\n
bulldozer see BULDOSER.\n
bulsak 1 upholstery. 2 mattress.\n
bulu 1 body hair. 2 fur. 3 feather\n
buluh bamboo.\n
buluk,bulukan 1 moldy, mildewed. 2 stale (of cigarette smoke).\n
bulur starving, overpowering hunger.\n
1. 1) totally bald, smooth (of head). 2) childless. 3 robbed, fleeced,
bulus wiped out. 2. be struck (by blow). 3. small freshwater or land turtle.
4. pierce, penetrate.\n
bulus-bulus k.o. fish.\n
bulutangkis badminton.\n
bulyon 1. bouillon (for broth). 2. bullion.\n
bum see BOM 2.\n
bumban wreath, garland.\n
bumbu cooking spices, flavor.\n
1. 1) shady, shaded. 2) shelter for hunters. 2. 1) heap, pile. 2) heaped
1. 1) bamboo cylinder used as container. 2) tubing. 2. see
bumel local train.\n
bumerang boomerang.\n
bumi 1 earth. 2 (Lit.) soil.\n
bumiawi earthly, terrestrial.\n
bumiputera native (of country).\n
bumn (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) state-owned corporation.\n
bumper (Auto.) bumper.\n
bumpet clogged up (gutters, thoughts, etc.).\n
bun 1. small brass box. 2 see EMBUN.\n
bunar see BAMBU.\n
buncah (M) disturbed, upset.\n
bunceng see BONCENG.\n
bunci capital for small-scale business.\n
buncis stringbean.\n
buncit 1. 1) distended, bloated, puffed up. 2) pregnant. 2. recent, last.\n
bunda mother, respectful term of reference and address.\n
bundar 1. round, circular, spheical. 2. clothesbrush.\n
bundas all bruised up.\n
1. 1) bundle, sheaf, wad. 2) collection. 3) bound volume of journal.
2. knot.\n
bunder see BUNDAR 1.\n
1. 1) fellow, buddy. 2) brother (affectionate title for some popular
leaders). 2. sound of a drumbeat. 3. see REBUNG.\n
1 flower, blossom. 2 the best part, cream. 3 floral design, s.t.
flowerlike. 4 (Fin.) interest. 5 tire tread. 6 (Crd.) suit.\n
bungalo lodge, country retreat.\n
bungkah see BONGKAH.\n
1 lump, piece, chunk. 2 leaden weight, sinker. 3 measure of weight
for gold.\n
1 quiet, silent. 2 speechless, struck dumb. 3 not go off, not explode
(of firecracker, etc.).\n
bungkang laid out like a corpse.\n
bungkem see BUNGKAM.\n
bungkil residue of copra after extracting oil.\n
bungkuk crooked, bent (over), humped.\n
bungkul 1. cauliflower. 2. see BONGKOL.\n
bungkus 1 parcel, pack. 2 wrapper, wrap.\n
bunglai see BENGLE.\n
1. 1) chameleon. 2) vacillator. 3) opportunist. 2. tube, valve
bungsu 1 youngest offspring. 2 the last in series.\n
bungur k.o. timber tree.\n
buni 1. k.o. tree bearing small sour fruits. 2. see BUNYI.\n
bunian race of invisible people of forest, thought to kidnap humans.\n
bunker bunker.\n
buntak (M) short and stout, out of proportion.\n
buntal swollen, bloated. buntal-an 1 s.t. swollen. 2 bundle.\n
buntang 1 staring (of choking or dying person). 2 stiff (of carcass).\n
buntar see BUNDAR 1.\n
buntat 1. gallstone. 2. blocked, clogged, stopped up.\n
1. (Java) 1) wrapping. 2) dish of spices wrapped in taro leaves. 2.
buntet 1 clogged. 2 stifled (of thoughts).\n
1. dish of roasted taro leaves wrapped around spices. 2. knapsack,
clothes bag.\n
1 pregnant (of animals). 2 full, filled out (of paddy, etc.). 3 (Derog.)
pregnant (of women).\n
1 blocked, stopped (up), dead end. 2 dead locked. 3 stumped,
1 lopped off or amputated (arm, leg, tail etc.). 2 bad luck,
1 tail. 2 rear end, latter part. 3 aftermath, consequence. 4 k.o.
gambling based on last three digits of lottery.\n
mem-bunuh 1 kill. 2 put out, extinguish, quench, douse (fire, lamp).
3 remove, cross out, cancel. 4 plug (leak, hole).\n
bunut k.o. small tree.\n
bunyi 1 sound, nouse. 2 (LIng.) sound. 3 contents.\n
bupati regent, gvt. officer in charge of a regency.\n
bupet see BUFE.\n
bur sound of splashing.\n
bura spittle, spit.\n
ber-, mem-, ter- hang out in strands (of hair, etc), spill out in streams
(rice, cement, etc.).\n
burak see BORAK.\n
buraksa see BERAKSA.\n
1. 1) blueprint, design, plan. 2) sketch, draft, outline. 3) unregistered.
2. 1) not clear, dull. 2) dark, be clouded (of face).\n
buraq seeBORAK.\n
1. chitchat, smal talk. 2. k.o. rice cake made with coconut cream
wrapped in banana leaves. 3. erased, wiped out, eradicated.\n
burat see BOREH.\n
bureng hazy, unclear, dim (of glasses, etc.).\n
bures see BURAS 1,2,3.\n
burik 1 dotted, speckled (of feathers, skin). 2 pockmarked.\n
burit posterior, rear, behiind.\n
burjasmani (Tech.) elliptical.\n
burju'ssunbulat (Zod.) Virgo.\n
burjuasi see BORJUASI.\n
burjuis see BORJUIS.\n
burjul'hamal (Zod.) Aries.\n
burkuk see BERGUK.\n
buro see BIRO.\n
burokrasi see BIROKRASI.\n
buron, buronan fugitive from justice, s.o. wanted.\n
bursa stock exchange.\n
bursuasi see BORJUASI.\n
buru buru-buru, ter-buru-buru hurried, in a rush.\n
buruan 1 prey 2 fugitive from justice , hunted person .\n
buruh worker, laborer.\n
1 old, worn out, dilapidated. 2 decayed (of teeth), rotten (of wood,
etc.). 3 bad, foul, nasty.\n
burung 1 bird. 2 (Coll.) penis.\n
burut hernia.\n
burwater see BORWATER.\n
bus see BIS 1,2.\n
1. 1) foam, lather. 2) scum, suds. 2. mem-busa 1) gasp, pant. 2)
busana clothing, esp. in fashion circles.\n
busar see BUSUR 1.\n
buset Hell ! (exlamation of disapproval).\n
busi sparkplug.\n
buster (Auto.) booster.\n
1 putrid, rotten, spoiled, decomposed, putrefied. 2 low, depraved,
corupt, vile.\n
1. 1) bloated, distended. 2) ( Med.) edema. 3) bulging, packed,
busung stuffed (of pocket, chest, breast). 2. 1) elevated land. 2) sandbank,

busur 1. 1) archer\'s bow. 2) arch, arc. 2. cotton gin.\n

busut 1 small mound. 2 anthill, termite nest (in the ground).\n
busyet see BUSET.\n
but-but seeEMBUT.\n
1 blind, sightless, unseeing. 2 blank. 3 forgetful. 4
buta unknowledgeable.\n
butak 1. see BOTAK. 2. see BUTEK.\n
butas (Buton Asphalt) popular k.o. asphalt.\n
butek 1 turbid, thick, muddy. 2 (Coll.) troubled.\n
butik boutique.\n
1 grain, granule, pellet. 2 numeral classifier for round objects. 3
small object. 4 item (in a list).\n
(Badan Urusan Tenaga Sukarela Indonesia) coordinating body for
volunteers, foreign and domestic, in Indonesia.\n
butsir mem-butsir model objects from clay or wax.\n
butuh 1. need, necessity. 2 (Coll.) penis.\n
butut worn out.\n
buwes see REBEWES.\n
buya (Islam) title for respected religious experts and leaders..\n
1 run (like ink on blotting paper), spread. 2 scrattered, dispersed,
blown about. 3 scatterbrained, unable to concentrate.\n
1. narrow-necked, big-bellied earthenware or metal jar. 2. form of
address to young boy.\n
buyur see GUYUR.\n
1 term of reference for great-grandparent or great-grandchild. 2
(Java) ancestral and sacred (of places, such as cemeteries).\n
byar (Java) on (of lights).\n
byur (Java) splashing noise when s.t. falls or is thrown into water.\n
c c, the 3d letter of the alphabet.\n
c. (Celsius).\n
ca (Ch) stir-fried dish.\n
cabai red pepper, chili.\n
cabak k.o. night bird.\n
1 branch, bough , prong. 2 branch (office, department, academic
cabang field, etc.). 3 fork (in the road, river). 4 chapter, affiliate (of club,
association, etc.).\n
cabar-hati 1 cowardly, fear-striken, timorous. 2 discouraged,
dejected, downhearted. 3 careless, unheeding.\n
cabe see CABAI.\n
cabik 1 torn, ripped, snagged. 2 strip, piece.\n
cabir long rip or tear. ber-cabir-an in tatters, in shreds.\n
cabo (China) prostitute, whore.\n
cabuh in an uproar.\n
1. 1) carbuncle. 2) foul-smelling ulceration. 2. k.o. fish, wolf herring.
3. see CAMBUK.\n
cabul 1. 1) indecent, obscene. 2) pornographic. 2. see CEBOL.\n
cabur ke-cabur-an disturbance, commotion, tumult.\n
cabut 1 yang out, withdraw. 2 (Coll.) take off, leave.\n
cacad see CACAT.\n
cacadan (Java) whiffletree, pole to connect the yoke to the plow.\n
cacah 1. number, amount. 2. cut up.\n
1. vertikal, upright, perpendicular. 2. 1) pinch. 2) steal, swipe. 3.
cacak (Java) 1) elder brother. 2) form of address to elder man. 3) comrade,
buddy (esp. to pedicab drivers in Surabaya, as cak).\n
cacap 1. hair remedy (to ensure growth). 2. men-cacap-i flood, inundate.\n
cacar 1 pustular skin eruption. 2 smallpox.\n
cacat 1 physical defect, deformity. 2 flawed.\n
cacau fickle, inconstant, capricious, changeable.\n
caci abuse verbally.\n
cacing worm, maggot.\n
cadang suku-cadang spare parts.\n
1 reseve, back up, spare. 2 a proposal. 3 plan, long-range project. 4 a
cadar veil (worn by Islam women, bride, etc.).\n
(Geol.) 1 sedimentary rock formation (such as sandstone or tuff). 2
rocky ground or area.\n
cadel see CEDAL.\n
1. (Naut.) 1) leeboard. 2) outrigger. 2. (Coll.) ny- addicted. 3. see
cadok nearsighted, myopic.\n
cadong share, portion.\n
caela expression of exasperation.\n
caem (ca\'em) (Sl.) cute.\n
canteen, small restaurant (not necessarily self-selvice) attached to
school or office.\n
1. 1) a forking branch. 2) crossing. 2. (Java) pole, post used for
cagar 1 security, guarantee, pledge. 2 advence payment.\n
cagu /caguh/ whitlow.\n
cagut men- peck, bite.\n
cah 1. hah ! (exclamation of disagreement). 2. see BOCAH.\n
cahar loose (of feces).\n
cahari see CARI.\n
cahaya 1 radiance, brilliance, glow. 2 light. 3 ray.\n
cailah Lord ! (exclamation of surprise).\n
caing-caing in shreds, in tatters.\n
cair 1 liquid, fluid. 2 thin, weak, diluted.\n
cais reins.\n
caisim k.o. China vegetable, mustard greens.\n
cak 1. smack (of the lips). 2. cak-padang sparrow. 3. see CACAK 3.\n
cakah at an obtuse angle.\n
cakal-bakal (Java) founder of a village, pioneer.\n
cakalang (E. Indonesia) k.o. tuna, skipjack.\n
cakalele war dance in the Moluccas and Minahasa.\n
1. 1) able, capable. 2) adroid, clever, skillful. 3) good-looking. 2.
cakap words, statement.\n
cakar 1 claw, talon (of birds). 2 paw. 3 scratch. 4 rasp, file.\n
cakatan see CEKATAN.\n
cakau see CEKAU.\n
cakep see CAKAP 1.\n
cakera see CAKRA.\n
cakeram see CAKRAM.\n
1 noble shadow-play character with protruding lower jaw. 2
caklat see CIAKLAT.\n
cakra Vishnu\'s mythical weapon.\n
cakrabirawa presidential palace guards in Sukano era.\n
cakrak (Java) well-formed body, good-looking (of humans, animals).\n
cakram 1 disk. 2 (Sport) discus.\n
cakrawala 1 firmament, heavens, sky. 2 rotation of heavenly bodies.\n
cakrawati rule, sway.\n
cakruk (Java) small market.\n
cakue see CAKWE.\n
1. men-cakup 1) catch with the mouth, snap at. 2) arrest, round up
cakup (prostitutes, illegal vendors, tramps). 3 embrace, entail, include. 2.
(Java) scoop, ladle out.\n
cakwe (China) k.o. fried cake, fritter of twisted dough.\n
cala see COLA-CALA.\n
calabikang k.o. multicolored cake made from rice.\n
1. superimposed (of o. color on another). 2. (M) sharp-tongued, glib.
3. (Java) o. who perfoms traditional circumcision.\n
calang 1 bare, almost leafles. 2 unadorned (of furniture, etc.).\n
calar laceration, scratch (on skin).\n
calincing k.o. weed.\n
caling 1. tusk, canine tooth. 2. seeCOLANG-CALING.\n
calipso see CALYPSO.\n
calit smear, stain, spot.\n
calo 1 passenger recruiter for public vehicles. 2 ticket scalper.\n
a mentality and system characterized by using the power of o.\'s
position for personal gain (i.e., by farning out projects, etc.).\n
calon 1 candidate, aspirant. 2 applicant. 3 recruit.\n
caluk see ASAM.\n
1. 1) bamboo water scoop. 2) cup for latex. 2. k.o. bamboo
(kalipso) 1 k.o. Latin American dance. 2 pomaded, brushed-back
hair style (1950s).\n
1. interest, attention (us. only in negative constructions). 2. see
1. have a large appetite. 2. (calon mahasiswa) freshman, new
university student (during hazing).\n
camar seagull, tern.\n
camat subdistrict head.\n
cambah see KECAMBAH.\n
cambang whiskers, sideburns.\n
cambuk whip, cat-o-nine-tails.\n
cambul see CEMBUL.\n
cambung large bowl, tureen (for rice, fruit, etc.).\n
camca (Sumatra) tea or soup spoon.\n
cami (calon mahasiswi). female freshman (during hazing).\n
camik (menyamik) eat a little. (nyamik-an) snacks\n
camilan (Java) snacks.\n
campa coarse, not ground finely (of tea leaves or coffee).\n
campah flat, insipid, tasteless.\n
campak 1. a throw, toss. 2. measles. 3. k.o. folk dance from Beliton.\n
campin 1 skillful, handy. 2 clever, adept.\n
camping in rags, in tatters.\n
campung lopped off, clipped.\n
campur 1 mixed, mingled, blended. 2. get involved.\n
camuk stab.\n
canai grind down.\n
canang crier\'s cymbal.\n

1. ter- cancang be standing on end. 2. men-, ny- 1) tie up. 2) put on a

cancut (Java) loincloth.\n
canda (Java) 1 joke (esp. of teasing nature). 2 caprice.\n
candak sistim-candak-kulak system of gvt. credit for small investors.\n
candi ancient Hindu or Budhist temple or shrine.\n
candit (Naut.) fluke (of anchor).\n
1. (Lit.) moon. candra-sangkala chronogram based on lunar
calculations. 2. men-candra give s.t. a symbol or label.\n
candrabirawa see AJI 1.\n
1 (Lit.) a legendary crater from which infants immediately emerge
as adults. 2 (Mil.) officer candidate training.\n
candrasangkala see CANDRA 1.\n
1 opium (ready for use). 2 s.t. hallucinogenic or intoxicating, like a
candung meat cleaver.\n
cang-cing-cong (Derog.) speak a China dialect.\n
cangah ter-cangah be opened wide, agape.\n
cangak 1. men-cangak raise the head in order to see. 2. k.o. heronlike bird.\n
cangap 1 notch end of a pole. 2 forked branch.\n
1. two-pronged pole or branch. 2. (Java0 1) great-great-grandchild. 2
1. long, decorative fingernail. 2. peanuts fried with a confectionery
canggi /canggih/ sophisticated.\n
1. 1) clumsy, awkward. 2). gauche, ill at ease, bashful. 3) ill-
canggung mannered, curt. 4) insufficient, inadequate. 2. half-submerged tree
cangkang eggshell.\n
cangkat (in some regions only) low hill.\n
cangkel stuck fast.\n
cangkih-mangkih stick out in all directions.\n
cangkin men-cangkin carry by the hand while walking.\n
cangkir 1. cup, small mug. 2. spur (of a fowl, bird).\n
cangklek men-cangklek carry on the hips.\n
cangklong k.o. pipe with curved stem.\n
cangkok see CANGKUK 1.\n
cangkrang 1 leafless branch. 2 cover of a battery lamp. 3 (Auto.) chassis.\n
cangkriman riddle, conundrum.\n
cangkring k.o. tree.\n
cangkruk sit around doing nothing.\n
1. 1) shoot, cutting. 2) grafit, transplant. 3) false, imitation. 2. 1)
cangkuk elephant goad, gaff. 2) hook. 3. k.o. tree whose dried flowers provide
a medicine. 4. preserved or pickled fish.\n
cangkul mattock, hoelike tool.\n
cangkum men-cangkum embrance, hug, clasp.\n
cangkung squat.\n
cangkup men-cangkup eat by tossing food into the mouth with the hand.\n
canguk men-canguk sit with head bowed down.\n
cangut protrude, stick out (as of the hilt of a dagger from the sheath).\n
cantas (Java) sharp-tongued.\n
cantel (nyantel) (Coll.) be hooked on s.t.\n
cantengan whitlow.\n
1 pretty, beautiful (in appearance). 2 (Sport) well executed (smash,
goal, etc.).\n
1 small dipper used to apply wax in batik process. 2 bamboo water
cantol hook.\n
cantrik pupil, disciple (of Buddhist or Hindu guru).\n
cantum graft.\n
cao 1. (China) run. 2. see CINCAU.\n
caos see SAUS.\n
1. 1) stamp, seal. 2) trademark, brand name. 3) printed. 4) quality,
cap feature. 5) China seal. 2. sound of sharp instrument perforating a
target. 3. (China) ten.\n
1. (calon perwira) senior military cadet\'s rank. 2. k.o. wild camphor
plant. 3. game of heads or tails.\n
1. men-capai 1) reach out for and touch. 2) reach attain. 3) achieve,
attain. 2. tired, exhausted, weary.\n
1. men-, memper- 1) slight, ignore. 2) take lightly, show disdain for.
capak 2. men-, smack o.\'s lips (while eating). 3. ter-campak sit straddling
capal k.o. sandal.\n
capang wide-spreading (of ears, nostrils, mustache, horns).\n
capcai (China) 1 stir-fried vegetables. 2 bodge-podge, mishmash.\n
capeg (calon pegawai) candidate for civil service.\n
capek see CAPAI 2.\n
capelok see CAPLOK.\n
capeo (Ambon) hat.\n
capgome,capgomek celebration of 15 th day of the first China month.\n
capik lame, paralyzed.\n
capil k.o. broad sun hat made of palm or pandanus leaves.\n
caping head covering of woven bamboo of broad conical shape.\n
capit tweezers. snap at, bite (of crabs).\n
capita-selecta (kapita selekta) anthology of selected topics.\n
capjai see CAPCAI.\n
capjiki China card game with 12 cards or dice.\n
caplak 1 dog flea. 2 skin blemish.\n
caplok snatch and swallow.\n
capuk pockmarked.\n
capung dragonfly.\n
cara 1 manner, mien. 2 style, fashion, tradition. 3 method.\n
carah ber-carah in small lots.\n
1. swallow in a gulp (such as sucking a raw egg, pouring water down
o.\'s throat, etc.). 2. begin to be visible (e.g., rising sun).\n
caraka 1 enjoy, emissary. 2 (Lit.) messenger.\n
carang tendril.\n
cari look for.\n
1. 1) torn, ripped (of paper, cloth). 2) classifier for paper. 3) (ticket)
stub, remnant, scrap. 2. chief clerk of a village.\n
caring lie in the sun.\n
carok (Madura) duel to defend o,\'s honor.\n
carter charter.\n
caruk 1. 1) notch, indent. 2) tap (for rubber). 2. ravenous, gluttonous.\n
carut obscene, filthy (of speech).\n
cas 1 (Elec.) charge. 2 (Sumatra) charge (a battery). 3( (Sl.) eat.\n
cas-cis-cus, cas-cus (Coll.) chatter, prattle.\n
casanova (kasanofa) womanizer.\n
casis (Auto) chassis.\n
cassette see KASET.\n
cat 1. 1) paint. 2) tint, tinge. 2. Charge ! (exclamation when attacking).\n
catak horsefly.\n
catat, catet record, note . .\n
catok /catokan/ vise, clamp.\n
catu share, portion, ration.\n
1. 1) peck at, nibble (of fowl). 2) rap, tap on. 3) hit, harm with the
edge of a weapon. 4) cut into (a coconut). 5) a hammer. 2. 1) a
spoonful. 2) contents of half a coconut shell. 3. ter-catuk sit with
head bowed.\n
catur 1. chess. 2. four (only in slogans, titles). 3. (Java) talk.\n
caturangga chessboard.\n
caturisme political chess.\n
catus see CETUS.\n
catut 1 tweezers. 2 tongs, pincers. 3 black marketer, scalper, corrupter.\n
mental attitude characterized by efforts to make a profit from o.\'s
official position.\n
caul see KAIN.\n
caung sunken (face).\n
cawak 1. leash .2. dent. ber-cawak have a dimple.\n
cawan cup (without handle).\n
cawang 1. check mark. 2. see CABANG.\n
cawat loincloth, G-string. ber-cawat wear a loincloth.\n
cawe-cawe (Coll., Java) pry into, be a busybody.\n
cawik handful.\n
cawis prepare.\n
cawisan stock, materials that have been prepared.\n
caya see CAHAYA.\n
cb (Citizens\' Band) citizens\' band radio.\n
cb. (cabang) branch (of a firm, etc.).\n
cc cubic centimeter.\n
cd see KERTAS.\n
cebak dig, mine.\n
cebakan 1 mineral deposit. 2 mine.\n
ceban (Jakarta, China) 10,000, in commercial transactions.\n
cebar-cebur sound of splashing.\n
cebersam see CERBER.\n
cebik men-cebik extend lower lip as sign of derision.\n
cebir 1. piece. 2. seeCEBIK, CIBIR.\n
cebis see CEBIR 1.\n
ceblek men-ceblek slap lightly.\n
cebok wash the genitals or anus with water after defecating or urinating.\n
cebol dwarf.\n
cebong tadpole.\n
cebur men-cebur 1 splash. 2 jump, plunge. 3 splash down (of astronaut).\n
cecah se-cecah 1 a moment, awhile. 2 a little, a touch of, dash of.\n
1. dot, spot, fleck. 2. men-cecah 1) pinch, tweak, nip. 2) pick
(pocket). 3. see CICAK.\n
cecap men-cecap taste, savor.\n
cecar men-cecar bully, pester, cross-examine.\n
1. cubic centimeter, esp. in engine measurements. 2. see CICIT
cecel chipped.\n
ceceng (Jakarta, China) 1,000, in commercial transactions.\n
cecer spilled, scattered (in small quantities).\n
cecincin annular.\n
cecok see CEKCOK.\n
cecuit low hissing or hushing sound.\n
cecunguk 1 (Sd) cockroach. 2 (Coll.) shady character, spy. 3 secret police.\n
cecuping auriculate.\n
cecurut shrew.\n
(Java) suffer from speech defect characterized by pronounciation of /
r / as a tap or as / l /.\n
1. disagreement, conflict, bickering. 2. 1) be flawed, defective. 2)
cedera injury. 3. 1) traitorous, faithless, untrustworthy. 2)murder through
treachery. 4. see CANDRA 1,2.\n
ceding small, scrubby, undersized (of plants, fruits, etc.).\n
(Jakarta) dipper. men-cedok 1 scoop up (of sand, etc.). 2 dip up,
ladle out (liquids).\n
cedong see CEDOK.\n
ceduk shrunken (of cheeks), sunken (of eyes).\n
cedut-cedut slight twitching feeling, low-level pain in an infection.\n
cegah say s.t. by way of prohibition.\n
cegak-cegak strong and active, vigorous, robust.\n
cegat men-cegat 1 hail (taxi), flag down. 2 way lay, hold up.\n
ceguk gulp.\n
cegukan (Coll.) hiccup.\n
cek 1. (Fin.) check. 2. examine, check out. 3. see ENCIK.\n
cek cek cek sound of pieces of metal striking e.o.\n
cekah split open.\n
1. se-cekak a pinch, what can be seized between finger and thumb. 2.
cekak 1) short. 2) insufficient, inadequate. 3) too narrow, tight (of clothes).
4) rude, coarse (behavior). 3. fight.\n
cekakak (cekikik) sound of laughter, giggles.\n
cekal stalwart, gallant.\n
cekalang see CAKALANG.\n
cekam 1.dibble. 2. seeCENGKAM.\n
cekap 1. fight. 2. see CAKAP 1.\n
cekatan adroit, deft, adept.\n

cekau men-cekau grasp, seize.\n

cekcok quarrel, squabble, bicker, fall out.\n
cekek see CEKIK.\n
cekel stingy, miserly.\n
ceker 1 foot (esp. of birds). 2 claw.\n
cekeram see CENGKERAM.\n
ceki k.o. China card game.\n
cekibar flying lizard.\n
cekik men-cekik strangkle, choke, throttle.\n
cekikik sound of a giggle.\n
ceking 1 thin, slender, wasted. 2 frugal, economical.\n
cekit cekit-cekit small pricking pain. men-cekit nibble at, peck at.\n
ceklek see CEKLIK.\n
cekli small and attractive (of house and furnishings).\n
ceklik 1 sound of clicking. 2 (Ling.). click.\n
ceko Czech.\n
cekok medicine forcibly given.\n
cekoslowakia Czechoslovakia.\n
cekot-cekot throbbing pain in head.\n
ceku men-ceku prick, dent (with fingernail).\n
cekuh men-cekuh search (in o.\'s pocket).\n
cekuk 1. niche, depression in surface. 2. see CEKOK.\n
1) notch (in coconut trunk for a foothold). 2) thumb index (of a
1 in bad health (of chickens). 2 listless, not feeling up to doing
cekung 1 sunken (of cheeks). 2 concave.\n
cekup 1. men-cekup seize with closed hand ( a fly, etc.). 2. see CEKUT.\n
cekur k.o. small cultivated plant of gingger family used as medicine.\n
cekut men-cekut pick up with fingertips.\n
cel (sel) battery cell.\n
1. 1) defect, flaw, blemish. 2) shortcoming, failing. 3) disgrace,
shame. 2. see CELAH.\n
celad see CEDAL.\n
celadi woodpecker.\n
celaga (Naut.) helm, tiller (of boat).\n
celah gap, space, fissure, rift, slot.\n
celak k.o. cosmetic used to blacken eyelid.\n
celaka 1 misfortune. 2 bad luck, unlucky. 3 dammit !, darn it !\n
celam-celum 1 go in and out of a house. 2 unsure, uncertain.\n
celampak men-celampak(kan) fling, hurl, throw away.\n
celana trousers, pants.\n

celang men-celang stare (with eyes wide open).\n

celangak wide open (of a door, etc.).\n
celangap agape, wide open (of the mouth.\n
celapak men-celapak-i straddle.\n
celas-celos go in and out of (a house).\n
celat men-celat jump far, jump high.\n
celatuk ber-celatuk chat, joke, gossip.\n
celebuk sound of a stone hitting water, splashing sound.\n
celekeh 1 stain, blemish, spot. 2 dirty, soiled.\n
celekit (nyelekit) hurting o.\'s feelings.\n
celemek (Coll.) apron.\n
celemot crumbs or lefttovers from eating.\n
celempung k.o. zitherlike musical instrument.\n
celeng 1 wild boar. 2 pig. 3 (Derog.) jerk.\n
celengan 1 savings. 2 money box, piggy bank.\n
celengkang-celengkok 1 winding, twisting. 2 bent.\n
celentang lie face up.\n
celep dye.\n
celepik 1 sound of a small object falling. 2 tick.\n
/celepuk/ 1. 1) sound of a fall, thud, plop. 2) fall with thud or plop. 2.
k.o. owl.\n
celetuk say s.t. abruptly.\n
celi 1 keen, sharp-eyed. 2 careful, precise.\n
celik 1 open (of eyes). 2 see.\n
celingak-celinguk look around in a dazed way.\n
celingukan look around in a dazed way.\n
celis men-celis chop up, cut in bits.\n
cello (selo) cello.\n
celomes 1 ail, suffer chronically. 2 fussy, hard to please, finicky.\n
celomok pockmarked (of face).\n
celopar 1 fussy, finicky. 2 talkative, garrulous.\n
celoreng menceloreng 1 gash, cut. 2 mark with a strip or slash.\n
celoteh empty talk.\n
celsius see SELSIUS.\n
1. sunken (of eyes), hollow (of cheeks). 2. narrow corral for
elephants, water buffalo.\n
celung-celang jingle, tinkle.\n
celup men-celup(kan) 1 dip, immerse. 2 dye.\n
celupak (Java) oil lamp without a chimney.\n
celupar see CELOPAR.\n
celur immersion into boiling liquid.\n
celurit see CLURIT.\n
celurut musk shrew.\n
celus 1 loose fitting (of rings, clothing, etc.). 2 slip through, get through.\n
celutak willing to eat anything.\n
celutak willing to eat anything.\n
celutuk k.o. sandpiper or plover.\n
cema accuse.\n
cemar 1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 besmirched, blackened (name, etc.).\n
1. casuarina tree. 2. long switch of hair or wig twisted into
cemas 1 worried, disturbed, apprehensive,frightened. 2. discouraged.\n
cemat pull (boat).\n
cemberut sullen, glum, morose.\n
cembul small metal box for tobacco.\n
cembung 1 chubby (of cheeks). 2 dome-shaped. men-cembung curve.\n
cembur see CEBUR.\n
cemburu 1 jealous. 2 envious.\n
cemeeh jeer, insult. men-cemeeh(kan) ridicule.\n
cemeh 1. 1) blind on o. side. 2) blind but with eyelids open. 2. card game.\n
cemekian,cemengkian k.o. croton tree (seeds used for purges and abortifacients).\n
cemer see CEMEH 1.\n
cemerlang 1 sparkle, shine, gleam, glisten. 2 bright, gleaming, dazzling.\n
cemerut see CEMBERUT.\n
cemeti whip.\n
cemil se- cemil a little bit.\n
cemomot dirty (of face).\n
cemong 1 dirty, soiled. 2 scratched (face).\n
cemooh see CEMUH.\n
1 k.o tropical manolia, champac. 2 frangipani (and other similar
flowering shrubs.\n
cempakul k.o. fish with protruding eyes.\n
cempedak k.o. tree similar to jackfruit.\n
cempelung see CEMPLUNG.\n
cempera k.o. seashore shrub.\n
cemperling k.o. small bird.\n
cempiang rowdy, roughneck, ruffian, hoodlum.\n
cemping rag, piece of ripped-off cloth.\n
men-cemplak kick a horse to make it go, step on the starter of a
cemplang bland.\n
cemplung 1 sound of a splash. 2 plunge into water.\n
cempoa see SEMPOA.\n
cempolong plastic piping for sanitation, insulation, etc.\n
cempor k.o. wall lamp with chimney.\n
cempreng shrill (of voice).\n
cempung sound of a splash.\n
cemuh 1 insult, taunt. 2 ridicule.\n
1. shaft. 2. shake (stick). men-cemuk hit (with stick). 3. pod (of
legumes). 4. cemuk, cemung large metal cup for drinking.\n
cenangau k.o. insect.\n
cenangga congenital defect, deformity.\n
cenangkas k.o. straight-edged sword.\n
cenayang medium, spiritualist.\n
cencala k.o. bird.\n
cencaluk k.o. condiment made of fermented, raw shrimp.\n
cencang see CINCANG.\n
cencaru k.o. fish, horse mackerel.\n
cencong see CINGCONG.\n
cendala low, base, mean.\n
cendana yellow sandalwood.\n
cendawan 1 mushroom, toadstool. 2 fungus, mildew, mold.\n
cendekia 1 learned, educated. 2 clever, shrewd.\n
cendekiawan 1 an intellectual. 2 the educated (class).\n
souvenir or memento (esp. exchanged or oresented on official
cenderawasih bird of paradise.\n
cenderung 1 inclined, lean, disposed. 2 sloping, leaning.\n
1 small, doughy rice-flour droplets used in cold drinks. 2 a beverage
made with such droplets.\n
cendong k.o. children\'s guessing game with pantuns.\n
cenela embroidered slippers or sandals.\n
ceng syrup, molasses.\n
ceng-ceng (Bali) k.o. cymbals.\n
cengal k.o. large hardwood tree yielding commercial timber.\n
men-cengam snap at, seize with mouth or beak (as dog, crocodile,
cengang surprised, astonished,amazed.\n
cengap men-cengap 1 snap at. 2 gape, pant (for breath).\n
cengar-cingir grin foolishly, grimace.\n
cengbeng (China) grave-cleaning festival.\n
1 whine, be a crybaby, snivel. 2 terful, sentimental, overly
(Java) cengenges-an 1 jeering, sneering at, ridiculing. 2 smile
cenger very young (of infants about 1-2 months old), crying stage.\n
cengger see JENGGER.\n
cenggereng grated coconut or onions fried for use in cooking.\n
cenggeret k.o. locust.\n
cenggo (China) 1,500 in business transactions.\n
wry smile, grin. (nyengir) 1 (Jakarta) grimace, expression made by
screwing up o.\'s face. 2 smile sheepishly.\n
cengis 1 bad odor or taste. 2 loathsome, nauseating.\n
cengkah quarrel.\n
1. unit of length (about 3.75 m.). 2. a framelike device worn to keep
o.\'s sarong from touching his healing circumcision wound.\n
grip, squeeze, hold. men-cengkam 1 seize, grasp. 2 ingrown (of
toenail). 3 gripping, tenacious, engrossing.\n
cengkar fallow, barren (land).\n
cengkaruk fried sticky rice for use in confection.\n
cengkat stand on o.\'s heels.\n
cengkau 1. middleman, broker. 2. see CEKAU.\n
cengke /cengkeh/ see CENGKIH.\n
cengkelong men-cengkelong withdraw (money).\n
grip, hold. men-cengkeram 1 hold firmly (into o.\'s hands). 2 firmly
cengkerama chat, talk.\n
cengkerawak k.o. bird, yellow-crowned bulbul.\n
cengkerik see JANGKRIK 1.\n
cengki run of luck in cards.\n
cengkih 1 clove. 2 (Crd.) club. ber-cengkih spiced with cloves.\n
cengking yelping, squealing (of a dog).\n
cengkir half-ripe coconut.\n
cengkok 1. crooked, twisted, bent. 2. leaf monkey.\n
cengkol twisted, bent.\n
cengkong deformed, misshapen.\n
1. hollow, sunken (of eyes, cheeks). 2. yapping, barking, yelping. 3.
ber-cengkung squat.\n
cengkur see CEKUR.\n
cengli (China) reasonable, logical.\n
cengor (Madura) see CINGUR.\n
centadu see BELALANG 1.\n
centang centang-perenang/perentang in total disarray, in a mess.\n
centel see CANTEL.\n
1 guard, watchman. 2 foreman on private land. 3 hired thug, hit-
centerik see CANTRIK.\n
centet 1 stunted, runty (in growth). 2 shrunken. 3 economical.\n
centil coquettish.\n
1 rice ladle. 2 dipper with handle. men-centong ladle out, scoop out
centung 1 lock, tuft of hair. 2 tuft, crest (of bird).\n
cenung ter-cenung stunned into silent pondering.\n
cep 1. silent, quiet, sudden silence. 2. see CP.\n
cepak smacking (of lips).\n
cepat fast, speedy, quick.\n
1 (Jakarta, China) 100, in commercial transactions. cepek-ceng
100,000. 2 k.o. motorcycle with 100 cc. gas tank.\n
cepekceng see CEPEK.\n
cepeng half a cent.\n
cepengan cheap, not worth much.\n
ceper shallow and rimmed (of bowl, saucer).\n
cepet see CEPAT.\n
cepiau hat (of kind worn by stationmasters).\n
cepit 1. men-cepit sandwich between, jam. 2. see SEPIT.\n
ceplas-ceplos 1 speak out frangkly. 2 speak uninhibitedly.\n
ceplek gambling.\n
ceplok 1. circle-shaped. 2. sound of stamping feet.\n
ceplos men-ceplos-kan blurt out. ceplos-an uninhibited comment.\n
ceplukan (ceplu\'an) k.o. cherry tomato that grows on bush.\n
ceplus men-ceplus press.\n
1 come off (of a handle). 2 break off. 3 broken, damaged. men-cepol
strike, hit.\n
ceprat-ceprot sound of pounding (in a small mortar, etc.).\n
cepret sound of clicking (cameras, etc.), sound of squashing (an insect).\n
cepu, cepuk 1. wooden or metal box (for betel, etc.. 2. tube.\n
cepung 1 sound of a splash. 2 splash.\n
cerabut uproot.\n
sound or rain, brooks, etc. men-ceracah babble (brook), drum
ceracap cymbal, castanets.\n
ceracau babble, prattle.\n
cerah 1 bright and clear. 2 sharp (of a photo).\n
cerai 1 divorce. 2 separate.\n
1. a stand on which clothes are laid for fuming with incense. 2. see
cerakin (Lit.) small chest with compartments for medicinal herbs.\n

1 extracurricular lecture, talk, speech. 2 talkative, communicative,

cerana metal container for betel-chewing paraphernalia.\n
cerancang ber-cerancang(an) prickly, thorny.\n
ceranggah ber-, men- 1 forked, branched. 2 prickly, thorny.\n
men-cerap 1 note, observe. 2 show interest in. 3 sense, apprehend,
1 faucet, spigot, tap, nozzle. 2 pour through a spout. 3 drain or draw
off (liquids).\n
ceratuk ber-, men-ceratuk sit with head bowed slightly.\n
cerau sound of a heavy downpour.\n
cerawat rocket.\n
cerbak not squeamish, willing to eat anything.\n
cerber (cerita bersambung) serialized story.\n
cerbergam see CERGAM.\n
cerca 1 a censure, reprimand. 2 derision. 3 scorn, disdain.\n
cercah se-cercah a slight s.t.\n
cercak slightly pockmarked.\n
cercap men-cercap flop about, squirm (as fish out of water).\n
cerdas 1 intelligent, educated. 2 shrewd, clever. 3 mentally agile.\n
cerdet (cerita detektif) detective story.\n
cerdik 1 smart, clever, bright. 2 cunning, shrewd, tricky.\n
cerecak 1 slightly spotted, lightly pockmarked. 2. see CICAK.\n
cerecat sound of chirping.\n
sound of a chirping house lizard. ber-cereceh make a chirping
cerecek k.o. freshwater fish.\n
cerecis sound of sizzling and hissing.\n
cerek 1 kettle. 2 watering can.\n
ceremai see CERMAI.\n
cerempung see CELEMPUNG.\n
cerenah see CERNA.\n
ceret diarhea.\n
cerewet 1 fussy, finicky, hard to please. 2 sharp-tongued.\n
cergam (cerita bergambar) story in comic strip form.\n
cergas enterprising, active, energetic.\n
ceri cherry.\n
1. 1) pure, clean, cleaned. 2) cloudless. 3) cheerful. 2. (Lit.) oaths
and formulas read at the installation of a king.\n
cericip sound of chirping or chatter (of birds).\n
cericit sound of chicks.\n
ceriga see CURIGA.\n
ceringis wide grin.\n
ceriping see CRIPING.\n
cerita /ceritera/ story, account, narrative, tale, yarn.\n
ceriwis talkative when o. should not talk, open o.\'s big fat mouth.\n
cerkas see CERGAS.\n
cerkau men-cerkau grab at. cerkau-an a grab, snatch.\n
cerkrim (cerita kriminal) detective story, murder mystery.\n
cerlang bright, gleaming.\n
cerlih see TUPAI.\n
cerling men-cerling 1 ogle. 2 look at from the corner of the eye.\n
cermai k.o. small red fruit often candied.\n
1 accurate, precise, punctilious. 2 careful, prudent, cautious, frugal. 3
neat, orderly, conscientious.\n
cermin 1 mirror. 2 shining example, examplar\n
cerna 1 disgested, absorbed, assimilated. 2 dissolved.\n
cernak (cerita anak) children\'s story.\n
1 improper, indecent, immoral. 2 cruel, merciless. 3 untidy, careless,
sloppy, messy.\n
cerobong 1 chimney, smokestack. 2 ship\'s funnel.\n
1. funnel, spout. 2. 1) palisade at sea\'s edge, landing stage, berthing
area. 2 breakwater.\n
cerocos see CROCOS.\n
cerompong see CEROPONG.\n
ceronggah see CERANGGAH.\n
ceropong muzzle of gun, mouth of cannon.\n
cerpelai mongoose.\n
cerpen (cerita pendek) short story.\n
cerpenis short story writer.\n
cerpu k.o. sandal.\n
cersil (cerita silat) martial arts stories.\n
certa (Geol.) chert.\n
cerucuk see CEROCOK 1.\n
cerucup pointed, tapering, funnel, shaped.\n
cerucut cone.\n
ceruh completely milled (rice).\n
1 hole, cleft, niche. 2 cranny, nook. 3 compartment (in drawer, etc.).
4 shaft (in a mine). 5 lane, path.\n
cerup 1 sound of sucking in water. 2 sound of a small object falling.\n
cerurut see CELURUT.\n

cerut wind around tightly, squeeze, constrict (as of a snake).\n

cerutu cigar, cheroot.\n
cespleng cure instantly, provide instant relief.\n
cet see CAT 1.\n
cetak mold, form, cast, matrix.\n
cetakan edition or printing.\n
cetar-ceter sound of gunshots, fireworks.\n
1. 1) shallow (river. etc.). 2) superficial, shallow. 2. sound of a click.
men-cetek-an click on (a switch).\n
ceteng men-ceteng carry by hand.\n
ceter see CETAR-CETER.\n
cetet see CETEK.\n
1. Indians, often merchants, from Coromandel or Malabar. 2. 1)
moneylender (often at high rate of interest). 2) pimp, procuress.\n
cetiao /cetiau/ (Jakarta, China) o. million, in commercial transaction.\n
cetit small pinch, impression made on skin by a rough surface.\n
1. 1) k.o. large China hat. 2) European style hat, pith helmet. 2.
sound of a valve in an engine.\n
cetrek sound of a switch, a clicking noise.\n
1 sound of s.t. being struck against stone. 2 say s.t. unexpected,
unrelated to previous discourse\n
ceuk see ACEUK.\n
cewang not clear, clouded.\n
cewek (Sl.) girl, gal.\n
cewir see CEBIR 1.\n
cewok see CEBOK.\n
(Central Gerakan Mahasiswa Indonesia) left wing student
organization (pre-1965).\n
chrom, chroom see KHROM.\n
chrysant (krisan) chrysanthemum.\n
(Japanese) military rank in Indonesian auxiliary units during
Japanese occupation.\n
chusetsu (Japanese) submission to the fatherland.\n
1) 1/10 of a tahil or 2/15 of an ounce. duit-ci k.o China coin with a
ci square hole in the middle. 2) a measure of weight used in illicit drug
ciak 1. cheep, sound of birds and chicks. 2. k.o. bird. 3. (China) eat.\n
ciaka (China) barefooted.\n
ciaklat, cialat (China) Uh-oh ! Troubles !\n
ciami, ciamik 1 handsome, beautiful. 2 (China of good quality.\n
ciap see CIAK 1.\n

ciar men-ciar-ciar bawling, squalling (of babies).\n

ciat en garde ! (sound made when attacking in martial arts).\n
ciat-ciut sound of creaking or squeaking.\n
cibir men-cibir curl o.\'s lips.\n
cibuk (Java) dipper.\n
cicak k.o. small house lizard.\n
1. men-cicik 1) whistle (of water boiling). 2) flow (of sweat). 2.
affectionate form of adress and reference for o.\'s elder sister.\n
cicil men-cicil pay in installments.\n
1. men-cicip 1) taste (during prepartion of food). 2) sip at, eat (a bit).
2. sound of birds, chicks, etc. men-cicip chirp, twitter, cheep.\n
cicir see CECER.\n
1. great-grandchild, great-great-grandchild. 2. sound of an animal
squeaking. squeak (of mouse, etc.). 2) tweet (of canary).\n
cidera see CEDERA 1,2.\n
ciduk 1. (Coll.) men-ciduk arrest. ciduk-an detention. 2. see CEDOK.\n
cigak k.o. monkey.\n
cih exclamation of scorn, disgust, disapproval.\n
cihui whoopee! (exclamation of delight).\n
cik 1. get out ! shoo ! 2. see ENCIK. 3. see CI. 4. see TACI, CICIK 2.\n
cikal (Java) young coconut.\n
cikal bakal see CAKAL-BAKAL.\n
cikalan remnants (of cloth, cake, tin can, etc.).\n
cikar k.o. two-wheeled bullock cart.\n
cikrak 1. 1) waste basket. 2) dustpan. 2. see JINGKLAK.\n
cikutan hiccup.\n
cilaka see CELAKA.\n
cilap ter-cilap-cilap flicker.\n
cili (Ambon) chili.\n
cilik,cilikan (Java) little, small (esp. of children).\n
ciling see CELENG.\n
cilok men-cilok 1 steal, pilfer. 2 pick pockets.\n
ciluk-ba, cilup-ba peekaboo (exclamation to babies).\n
cim see ENCIM.\n
food prepared by boiling with sap or juice that is being boiled down
for sugar.\n
cina (us. Derog.) China, Chinese. Pe-china(n) Chinatown.\n
the intermediate husband which a thrice-divorced Muslim woman
cina buta
must have before remarrying her original husband.\n
cinafikasi (Derog.) sinicization.\n
cinangga deformed.\n
cincai (China) not important, it does not matter.\n
cincang hack, chop, mince.\n
1 k.o. gelatin used in cool drinks. 2 drink made from this gelatin. 3
k.o. plant the leaves of which are used to produce this gelatin.\n
cincin 1 ring. 2 washer for bolts, faucets, etc.\n
men-cincing rise up (of skirt, pants). men-cincing-kan raise up
(clothing) for s.o.\n
cincoang k.o. bird, blue shortwing.\n
cincong see CINGCONG.\n
cincu boat owner, ship\'s captain.\n
cindai, cinde k.o. elaborately dyed cloth.\n
cindil baby mouse.\n
cindur mata 1 sweetheart. 2 souvenir.\n
cinematografis cinematographic.\n
cingah see CINGANGAH.\n
cingam k.o. small tree found in mangrove swamps.\n
cingangah starled, surprised.\n
cingbing see CENGBENG.\n
cingcai see CINCAI.\n
cingcong ado, fuss.\n
cingge (China) parade featuring floats and pantomimes.\n
cingkeh see CENGKIH.\n
cartilage and meat of the nostrils and ears of cattle (often used in
cinkolim (Cina Kolonis Imperialis) Colonialist Imperialist China.\n
cinse see SINSE.\n
1 love, affection. 2 love s.o. 3 have a great interest in. 4 (Lit.)
sorrow, regret.\n
cintrong (Sl.) love.\n
cintuh see SENTUH.\n
ciongsam see CONGSAM.\n
cip 1. sound of cheeping. 2. (Sport) a chip (golf).\n
cipan Malay tapir.\n
ciplak 1. (Java) ny-(ciplak) chew s.t. noisily. 2. see JIPLAK.\n
ciplukan k.o. weed.\n
cipoa 1. (coll.) cheat, deceive. 2. see SEMPOA.\n
cipok (Coll.) kiss.\n
ciprat splash.\n
cipta 1 creative force, creative power. 2 thought, idea.\n
ciptakarya directorate of housing, planning, and urban development.\n

ciput 1 (Coll., Vulg.) female genitalia. 2. see SIPUT.\n

circir small bell.\n
ciri 1. 1) feature, characteristic. 2) identifying mark, earmark. 3) (Ling.)
feature. 4) have a defect, marked by not being good. 2. (Lit.) words
(of fidelity) read at the installation of a ruler.\n
cirit 1 diarhea. 2 sediment.\n
cis 1. exclamation of disgust, bah ! 2. k.o. light rifle.\n
cit squeak (of mouse, baby bird).\n
cita 1. feeling, sentiment. 2. see KAIN.\n
citra image. Citra name of the annual film festival awards.\n
cituk men-cituk snatch.\n
ciu intoxicating distilled beverage.\n
cium 1 smell. 2 kiss.\n
ciut 1. 1) shrunk(en), shriveled. 2) narrow, tight. 2. sound of squeaking.\n
representation of) a smacking of the tongue tip, an exclamation of
astonishment and often disapproval.\n
claim insurance claim.\n
(kles) 1 dutch attacks on Indonesian territory in 1947 and 1948. 2
(Coll. ) conflict, disagreement.\n
cleguk sound of swallowing liquid.\n
clik men-clik snip.\n
clila-clili (Java) flustered, embarrassed.\n
clingak-clinguk (Java) look bewildered.\n
clingus (Java) bashful but coy.\n
clola-clolo (Java) act stupid.\n
clupak see CELUPAK.\n
clurit k.o. sickle (often used as weapon).\n
clurut see CELURUT.\n
cm. (sentimeter) centimeter.\n
coaching (kocing) (Coll.) directions given before a speech, etc.\n
coan (China) gain a profit.\n
coang ber-(an), men- protrude, stick up.\n
(cobak) 1 try, make an attempt. 2 try s.t. out. 3 (Coll.) please (with a
request to a person on equal or lower footing). 4 (Coll.) just imagine,
try considering. 5 (Coll.) just try, let us seeyou prove (in challenge).
6 (Coll.) if, supposing.\n
cobak-cabik all torn up.\n
coban k.o. broad, coarse needle for making nets, etc.\n
cobar-cabir seeCABIR.\n
cobek 1. mortar (for braying condiments). 2. see SOBEK.\n

coblong small hole.\n

coblos men-coblos 1 perforate, punch. 2 vote by punching ballot.\n
cocakrawa see CUCAK RAWA.\n
1. 1) agree, tally, jibe. 2) correct, exact. 3) come true. 4) like, be
cocok agreeable. 5) compatible (people, colors, etc.). 6) suitable. 2. 1) pin,
needle. 2) skewer.\n
1. men-cocol extend, thrust out, protrude. 2. men-cocol 1) dip with
finger. 2) eat ravenously. men-cocok-an stick in, insert.\n
men-cocor 1 hit with o.\'s fist. 2 kick (a ball) with the tip of the
cocor bebek k.o. flower.\n
cocot 1 mouth of animals. 2 (Vulg.) human mouth.\n
codak men-codak hold up (of head).\n
codet scar (on face).\n
codot k.o. fruit-eating bat.\n
men-coel 1 touch with the tip of thefinger. 2 reprimand, rebuke,
cogan 1emblem. 2 standard, ensign.\n
1. 1) be erect, vertical. 2) appear, occur. 2. k.o. taper lamp made
from empty bottle.\n
cokek k.o. China-Jakarta dance show.\n
cokelat see COKLAT.\n
coker scratch around for food.\n
coket take a small piece.\n
coklak-caklik sound of clicking.\n
coklat 1 brown. 2 chocolate. 3 cocoa.\n
cokmar (Lit.) club, cudgel.\n
cokok men-cokok seize, catch (chicken, fish, etc.).\n
ber-cokol 1 settle, reside. 2 squat. 3 be in existence s.w., extant.
men-cokol-i dominate s.t.\n
cokot (nyokot) take a large bite out of s.t.\n
cola-cala, cola-colo talk nonsense.\n
colak-caling in disarray.\n
colak-colek touch lightly, pinch lightly.\n
colang-caling in disorder.\n
colek touch lightly with the fingertips and pinch.\n
colembeng 1.columbine. 2 k.o. pastry like lady fingers.\n
coleng men-coleng hold up, steal by force, rip off. pen-coleng thief.\n
colet se-colet a bit. men-colet-kan daub, smear.\n
collecte (kolekte) collection (at church).\n
1. 1) piece of cloth dipped in oil and used as a light. 2) fuse, wick. 2.
colok men-, meny- striking, glaring. 3. men- poke with finger, poke finger
into s.t.\n

colong (Jakarta, Java) men-, ny- steal.\n

colot men-colot spring, leap, jump (like a frog).\n
(kol) a brand of light pick-up truck frequently rebuilt as a minibus
and used as a passenger vehicle.\n
comat-comot pick in a variety of ways.\n
comberan drainage ditch, sewer.\n
combi (kombi) k.o. minibus.\n
comblang 1 matchmaker, go-between. 2 (Sl.) pimp, procurer.\n
combol see TOMBOL.\n
combong see KECUBUNG 1.\n
combor horse feed (grass, rice bran and rice husks mixed with water).\n
comek 1. small goatee just beneath the lower lip. 2. k.o. cuttlefish.\n
1. gumbling, nagging. 2. (Lit.) 1) dainty, exquisite. 2) winsome,
comite see KOMITE.\n
comot 1. grimy, dirty, filthy. 2.\n
compang-camping in tatters, frayed, ragged.\n
compeng torn on the edge.\n
compes chipped, jagged on the edge (chinaware, etc.).\n
concong men-concong go forward without turning around.\n
conderong see CENDERUNG.\n
1 leaning, inclining to o. side. 2 inclined, sympathetic. 3 set. 4 off,
(Conference of the New Emerging Force) 3d world organization
created by Sukarno.\n
conet upturned. men-conet turn upward (of moustache, tail, etc.).\n
cong menge-cong brew tea.\n
men-congak 1 raise o.\'s head, hold o,\'s head high. 2 calculate in
o.\'s head. 3 dictate mathematics problems.\n
congek 1 deaf. 2 inflamed (of the eare).\n
congget ter-congget-congget move up and down (of tail, etc.).\n
conggok erect. men-conggok stand or sit erect.\n
congkah congkah-cangkih stick out at an angle, uneven, irregular.\n
1. proud, arrogant, snooty. 2. 1) cowrie shell. 2) k.o. board game
with receptacles often played with shells as tokens.\n
congkar-cangkir protruding everywhere.\n
congkel see CUNGKIL.\n
congklak see CONGKAK 2.\n
congklang sound of galloping hooves.\n
congkong 1 guard house, sentry post. 2. men-congkong squat.\n
congkrah (Java) quarrel.\n
congok see CONGGOK.\n
congol men-congol stick out suddenly (through a small hole).\n
congor (Java) snout, muzzle.\n
congsam k.o. sleeveless, high-collared China dress.\n
container (kontener) container (as in shipping).\n
containerisasi (kontenerisasi) changing over to shipping by containers.\n
conteng smear, stain, blemish.\n
contoh 1 specimen, sample. 2 model. 3 pattern, design. 4 example.\n
contong cone-shaped container made from papper or banana leaf.\n
cop 1. 1) electric plug or socket. 2) lightbulb socket. 2. see CUP 1.\n
copet pickpocket.\n
coplok 1 come loose, break off. 2 detached, apart.\n
coplot see COPLOK.\n
copot 1 dislodged. 2 broken off, detached, loosened. 3 Gracious !
(exclamation of surprise, somewhat effeminate).\n
cor men-cor 1 cast, found. 2 pour concrete.\n
1 design, motif, pattern. 2 color. 3 stripe (of flag). 4 type, from. 5
feature, characteristic, color.\n
corak-carik in tatters, in shreds.\n
1 rough (of draft, sketch). 2 first draft (of composition). 3
corek 1 long line, scratch. 2 streak.\n
coreng 1 scratch, streak. 2 smear.\n
coret 1 scratch. 2 streak, smear.\n
coro 1 (Java) cockroach. 2 (Derog.) creep, bum.\n
1) funnel (for bottles, etc.). 2) shaft (for ventilation), funnel (ship). 3)
microphone, megaphone. 4) mine shaft.\n
corot spout, nozzle (of watering can).\n
corps (koreps) corps.\n
cotok beak, bill. men-cotok peck at.\n
cowboy (koboi) 1 cowboy. 2 rough, rowdy.\n
cowek see COBEK 1.\n
cowok (Coll.) young fellow, guy, boyfriend.\n
(cep) (representation of) sound made by smacking tongue and
closing lips, used to calm children.\n
cpm (Corps Polisi Militer) Military Police.\n
cq (ceki) (casu quo) (Leg.) in this case.\n
1 sound of s.t. squirting. 2 shit ! strong exlamation of disapproval.
crat crat-cret 1 emission of feces in diarrhea. 2 go to the bathroom
cret see CRAT, CERET.\n
cring sound of jingling.\n
criping fried cassava chips.\n
crocos rattle on. ny- (Coll.) talk glibly and fast.\n
crongos buck-toothed. ny- sticking out, growing outward.\n
crop-crop sound of metal pieces hitting e.o.\n
crossboy (krosboi) punk, delinquent.\n
cruat-cruit talk in large groups all at once.\n
cs (cum suis) and associates.\n
cuaca weather.\n
cuai insignificant, unimportant, trivial.\n
cuap (Coll.) talk.\n
1) stick up high, project upward. 2) stretch out o.\'s legs. 3) stick out,
cuar, cuat
be too visible.\n
cuat-cuit see CRUAT-CRUIT.\n
cubit pinch between forefinger and thumb.\n
cublik k.o. oil lamp with chimney and reflector.\n
cubung see KECUBUNG 1.\n
cubung-cubung fly larva.\n
cuca magic formula (for treating wounds). men-cuca pronounce a spell.\n
cucak rawa, cucak rowo k.o. bird, yellowcrowned bulbul.\n
cuci wash.\n
cucimaki verbal abuse.\n
cucu grandchild.\n
cucuh 1 kindle, light. 2 switch on (a light).\n
cucuk 1. 1) bill, beak. 2) (Mil.) front line. 2. see COCOK 2.\n
cucunda your grandchild (respectful form, esp. in writing letters).\n
cucung grandchild.\n
cucunguk see CECUNGUK.\n
cucup 1 a kiss. 2 suck, slurp.\n
1. a flow, trickle. 2. fried cake made of rice flour and sugar. 3. k.o.
bird, large frogmouth. 4. (Naut.) bowsprit (of ship).\n
cucurut see CECURUT.\n
cucut 1. shark. 2. men-cucut 1) kiss. 2) suck.\n
cuenosit (senosit) (Phys.) coenocyte.\n

1 sound of expectoration. 2 huh ! (exclamation of distaste, cynical

disfavor, etc.).\n
cuik men-cuik steam and salt (fish).\n
cuil 1 chunk. 2 chipped. se-cuil a little bit.\n
cuilah (Coll.) Lord ! Gosh ! (exclamation of distaste).\n
cuing-cuing men-cuing shred meat with the fingers.\n
cuit 1. sound of squeaking. 2. movement of fingers.\n
cuk 1. (Auto.) choke. 2. mosquito larva. 3. see CUKULELE.\n
cuka vinegar.\n
cukai, cuke 1 (customs) duty, toll, tax. 2 excise duty. 3 tariff.\n
cuki 1.game of draughts. 2. (Vulg.) have sexual intercourse.\n
cukil see CUNGKIL.\n
cukin bib.\n
cukit 1 pick. 2 fork (for eating0.\n
1 well-to-do financier, financial backer. 2 capitalist (engaged in
illegal practices). 3 broker, wholesale distributor.\n
a mode of (often illegal) cooperation between authorities and (us.
China) financiers.\n
cukulele ukulele.\n
1 enough, sufficient, adequate. 2 exactly, precisely. 3 well-to-do,
prosperous. 4 complete. 5 quite, rather.\n
cukur 1 razor, shaver. 2 tonsure.\n
cula rhinoceros horn.\n
k.o. shrub, the flowers of which are used to perfume tea and
1. 1) lazy, indolen. 2) slow, plodding, poky. 3) clumsy, awkward. 2.
deceitful, dishonest, not straightforward.\n
culik men-culik kidnap, abduct.\n
cuma 1 only, merely. 2 only, but.\n
cuman (Coll.) only.\n
1 flattery. 2 sweet talk, honeyed words. 3 joke, jest, good-natured
cumi-cumi 1. squid. 2. 1) evildoer, criminal. 2) traitor. 3 enemy spy.\n
cumlaud (kumlot) with distinction (esp. of academic achievements).\n
cumpang-camping see COMPANG-CAMPING.\n
cun 1. inch. 2. (child language) kiss.\n
cunam pliers, pincers.\n
cunang-cuning time at random.\n
cuncum k.o. cone-shaped pastry with sweet filling.\n
cunda see CUCUNDA.\n

cundang 1. defeat. 2. incite, instigate, foment.\n

cundrik k.o. small kris.\n
cunduk large pin for holding a chignon in place.\n
cung 1. (Java) laddy, sonny, aterm of address. 2. k.o. machine gun.\n
cungap pant, gasp (for breath).\n
cungkil crowbar, lever.\n
cungkilan chunks peried from s.t. (coconut, etc.)\n
cungkup dome or cover over grave.\n
cunguk see CECUNGUK.\n
cungul see CONGOL.\n
cungur see JUNGUR.\n
cuosangiin Indonesian advisory body assisting the Japanese occupation.\n
cup 1. smack (of kiss). 2. That is mine ! (assertive exclamation).\n
cupai neglect, ignore.\n
cupak 1. a measure of volume, esp. for rice. 2. bowl (of an opium pipe).\n
cupang (Coll.) love-bite, hickey.\n
1. deride, sneer at. 2. a man who is stingy and a busybody in the
/cupet/ 1 inadequate, short, insufficient, skimpy. 2 shortsighted. 3
petty, narrow, bigoted.\n
cuping ear lobe.\n
cuplak see CELUPAK.\n
cuplik pick out a small portion.\n
cupu /cupu-cupu/ 1 box for pills. 2 posthole, hole for mast.\n
cupul too short.\n
cur sound of spouting.\n
cura joke, jest.\n
curah men-curah fall (of rain).\n
curai 1 loose, detached, apart. 2 clear, evident, real.\n
curam steep, precipitous, sheer, abrupt (cliff, abyss, etc.).\n
curang dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful.\n
curat spout, nozzle. men-curat gush out, spew forth, spout.\n
curat-coret see CORAT-CORET.\n
cureng deep-socketed (of eyes). ny- (nyureng) (Java) put on serious face,
curi 1 steal. 2 surreptitious.\n
curiga suspicious, distrusful.\n
curu-curu diarhea or dysentery.\n
curuk (Java) waterfall.\n
cus sound of fizzing or sizzling (i.e. water poured on a fire).\n
cutbrai /cutbray/ see CELANA.\n
cuti leave, furlough.\n
cuwil see CUIL.\n
cv (Commanditaire Vennootschop) Limited Partnership.\n
d d, the 4th letter of the alphabet.\n
d-1 (diploma satu) o.-year diploma program.\n
d-2 (diploma dua) two-year diploma program.\n
d-3 (diploma tiga) three-year diploma program.\n
d. (danau) lake.\n
d.a. (dengan alamat) c/o., in care of.\n
d/p (dengan perantaraan) via s.o.\n
da 1. (China) at, on, in. 2. daa, daag (Coll.) goodbye.\n
da'wa see DAKWA.\n
da'wah seeDAKWAH.\n
dab men-dab dub a film.\n
dabing dubbing.\n
dabung (Lit.) ber-, men- file teeth (for aesthetic or religious reasons).\n
dabus see DEBUS 2.\n
k.o. portable balances scale. men-dacin weigh items with such a
dacin, dacing
dada 1 chest, thorax. 2 bosom.\n
dadah 1. medicine, medicinal herb. 2. (Coll.) wave goodbye, bye-bye.\n
dadak men-dadak sudden.\n
dadal fall down or burst apart (as of dike or dam).\n
dadap flowering trees of Erythrina spp.\n
dadar 1 fry a mixture spread into a pan. 2 omelette.\n
dadih (Lit.) fermented water buffalo milk.\n
dadu 1. 1) dice. 2) cube. 2. pink, light brownish-red.\n
daduh /dadung/ 1. (Lit.) sing a lullaby. 2. (Java, Sunda, Naut.) hawser.\n
(Makassar) 1 tittle of rank in S. Sulawesi. 2 respectful term of
address for pedicab drivers.\n
1 territory, esp. the size of a province. 2 area, region. 3 outlying
district. se-daerah from the same region.\n
daerahisme provincialism.\n
daftar 1 list, roster. 2 (pol.) slate.\n
dag-dig-dug sensation rapid heartbeat (caused by fear, anxiety, etc.).\n
daga 1. (M) resistance, civil unrest. 2. seeDAHAGA.\n
1. from outside the region. 2. trade, commerce. 3. men-dagang carry
dagang on shoulder.\n

dagel men-dagel joke, clown about.\n

dagelan 1 joking, clowning. 2 short humorous skit.\n
dagi see DAHAGI.\n
daging 1 meat. 2 flesh.\n
dagu chin.\n
dah 1. see DEH. 2. see DA 2. 3. see SUDAH.\n
dahaga 1. thirst. 2. 1) opposition. 2) subordination.\n
dahagi oppose orders.\n
dahak phlegm, sputum.\n
daham see DEHAM.\n
dahan bough, branch.\n
dahar (Java) eat (referring to respected person).\n
dahi forehead, brow.\n
dahlia dahlia.\n
dahsat, dahsyat 1 horrifying, terrifying. 2 awe-inspiring, imposing.\n
dahulu (Lit.) previous.\n
dahyang (Java) guardian spirit.\n
dai (Islam) 1 proselytizer. 2 revival mullah.\n
daidan (Japanese) battalion.\n
daidancho, daidanco (Japanese) battalion commander.\n
daif 1 weak, powerless. 2 incompetent.\n
daim (Islam) eternal, enduring.\n
daing dried fish or meat.\n
1 (Islam) a being of the days preceding the Last Judgment who
tempts humans to evil, esp. licentious activities. 2 (Islam) irreligious
person who tempts others to be antireligious and licentious. 3 liar,
deceiver. 4 (Coll.) Christian usage) k.o. devil.\n
dak 1. seeTIDAK. 2. (Coll.) roof. 3. sound of s.t. exploding.\n
dakap see DEKAP 1.\n
dakar 1. stubborn, obstinate, hardheaded. 2. see ZAKAR.\n
dakep see DEKAP 1.\n
dakhil 1 inner life. 2 intimate.\n
daki 1. grime, esp. on o,\'s body. 2. men-daki climb (hill, mountain).\n
/dakocang/ 1 k.o. black inflatable doll. 2 defamatory nickname for
Malaysia (1960s).\n
game played on board with depressions to be filled with cowrie
dakron Dacron.\n
daksa 1 skilled, able. 2 proper.\n
daksina (Lit.) 1 right side. 2 south.\n
daktiloskopi dactylography.\n
daktur see REDAKTUR.\n
daku (Lit.) me.\n
dakwa charge, accusation, indictment.\n
dakwah religious proselytizing, missionary endeavor.\n
dal (Java) 5th in series of eight years.\n
dalal 1 go-between, intermediary. 2 agent, broker.\n
dalam 1 interior, inside. 2 in, within. 3 deep. 4 thoughtful, serious, deep.\n
1 narrator and puppeteer of traditional shadow plays. 2 matermind,
power behind the scenes.\n
1. (Java) 1) residence of high official, palace of king. 2) tittle for
person who possesses such a residence. 2. see DALAM.\n
dalfin dolphin.\n
dalih excuse, pretext.\n
dalil 1 (Islam) argumentation. 2 proposition, theorem.\n
dalu (Java, Sunda, Jakarta) ripe.\n
daluwarsa 1 overdue, expired.\n
1. 1) checkers. 2) checkered (design) 2. sound of thump of drum. 3.
(China) greedy. 4. dam.\n
damai peace, tranquillity.\n
damak blowpipe dart.\n
daman (Naut.) sheet (of large sail).\n
1 resin of certain trees collected as an article of trade. 2 resin torch.3
oil lamp.\n
damast damask.\n
damba long , yearn.\n
damban see LAMBAN.\n
dambin sound of thud, plop, or thump.\n
dambun sound of sonorous thud.\n
dame see DAMAI.\n
damen (Java) rice straw.\n
dami see DAMAI.\n
damir symbol in Arabic script to indicate closed syllable.\n
dampak impact. bump into, collid with.\n
dampar men-dampar 1 cast s.t. ashore. 2 break (of nerves).\n
damping close, near. contiguous, side by side.\n
damprat abuse, scolding.\n
damsyik Damascus.\n
1. and. 2. particle requesting confirmation, right ? 3. (Sort)
dana 1 donation. 2 fund.\n
danau lake.\n
danawa ogre.\n
1. grooming, personal embellishment. 2. (Lit.) additional platform
on a ship\'s deck.\n
dandang 1. large metal vessel for steaming rice. 2. (Lit.) cormorant.\n
dandi 1 (Lit.) k.o. drum. 2 (Bib.) k.o. lyre.\n
dang (Lit.) title for female nobility.\n
1 beating of drums (in Indian movies). 2 popular music with strong
dang dang dut, dangdut beat reminiscent of Hindi and Arabic music. 3 dance to such
dangai k.o. cake.\n
dangau 1. loom up. 2. small temporary hut in agricultural fields.\n
dangir (Java) men-dangir (i) hoe before planting.\n
dangkal 1 shallow. 2 superficial (of knowlwdge, etc.).\n
dangkung k.o. leprosy.\n
dangsa see DANSA.\n
danguk ber-, men-, ter- sit with chin in hands and stare.\n
(Komandan Rayon Militer) commander of the army administrative
unit at the level of the camat.\n
dansa Western-style dance.\n
dansanak (M) relative, kin.\n
dansi see DANSA.\n
danta (Lit.) elephant tusk, ivory.\n
danu /Danuh/ (Zod.) Sagittarius.\n
dapat 1 can, be able. 2 may. 3 get, obtain. be obtained. 5 be found.\n
daptar see DAFTAR.\n
1 kitchen, galley. 2 stove, kiln. 3 firebox (in furnace, locomotive). 4
(Coll.) place where s.t. other than food is cooked up.\n
dar sound of loud crash or explosion.\n
dara 1. virgin, young girl. 2. see BURUNG.\n
darab (Math.) multiplication.\n
darah blood.\n
darajat see DERAJAH.\n
daras men-daras 1 (Islam) recite the Koran. 2 study, investigate deeply.\n
darat 1 land, shore. 2 upland, hinterland.\n
dari 1 from. 2 (coll.) of. 3 out of (a series). 4 starting at or from. 5 than.\n
daripada 1 (Lit.) from. 2 than. 3 better than.\n
darma (Lit.) 1 duty, obligation. 2 service, good deed.\n
darmabakti volunteer work, service of value to the state.\n
darmasiswa (Lit.) student scholarship, fellowship.\n
darmatamu (Lit.) leadership grant.\n
darmawisata 1 excursion, outing. 2 field trip.\n
darmawisatawan excursionist.\n
darsana, darsono see JAMBU.\n
daru-daru k.o. tree used for commercial timber.\n
darulbaka (Islam) The hereafter.\n
darulfana (Islam) present transitory world.\n
darun se-darun in unison.\n
darurat emergency.\n
darus see DARAS.\n
darusalam 1 Jerusalem. 2 (Lit.) abode of happiness.\n
darwis dervish, fakir.\n
das boom (of gun), bang (of gun).\n
dasa (Lit.) inintervals of 10.\n
dasadarma the 10 duties of Indonesian Boy Scouts.\n
dasalomba decathlon.\n
1 base, foundation. 2 basis. 3 nature. 4 (so-and-so) is like that
because that is the way people of his or her type are. 5 background.\n
dasariah basic.\n
dasasila the Ten Commandments.\n
dasawarsa decade, decennial.\n
dasi necktie.\n
daster 1 house dress, lounging grown. 2 doctor\'s lab coat.\n
dasun (Lit.). k.o. garlic.\n
(Daerah Swatantra Tingkat) autonomous administrative region (pre-
data data. men-data encode for processing (on computer).\n
datang 1 come. 2 arrive.\n
datar 1 flat, level, smooth. 2 superficial.\n
dati (Daerah Swantantra Tingkat) autonomous administrative region.\n
datu (in some region only) title of headman.\n
1 oldest male of family clan, headman. 2 grandfather (in some parts
of Indonesia and Malaysia). 3 honorific term of reference and
address (for strangers, dangerous animals). 4 term of adress to
persons in high positions, us. as tuk or to.\n
dauk 1 gray. 2 roan.\n
daulat (Lit.) 1 good fortune. 2 expression of deference to nobility.\n
daun 1 leaf. 2 playing card. 3 balade or other flat thing.\n
daur 1 cycle (of years). 2 rotation.\n
dawai fine wire. dawai-dawai strings (for musical instruments).\n
1. ink. 2. cold drink made from rice or arrowroot flour, coconut milk
dawat, dawet
and palm sugar.\n
dawuh (Java) order, command.\n
1. 1) power, energy, capacity. 2) effort. 2. trick, ruse. 3. see
dayah 1 foster mother. 2 wet nurse.\n
dayak 1 native ethnic groups of Kalimantan. 2 (Coll.) American Indian.\n
dayang (Lit.) lady-in-waiting.\n
dayu men-dayu rumble like distant thunder.\n
dayung 1 oar. 2 pedal (bicycle).\n
db (drum band) marching band.\n
db. (di bawah) below, under, beneath.\n
(daerah bebas becak) area in which pedicabs are not allowed to
dbp. (di bawah pimpinan) under the direction of (referring to bands).\n
de facto, de fakto de facto.\n
debak sound of thud, esp. blow hitting the mark.\n
sound of heavy object falling with resonant thud (such as coconut
debam falling to ground).\n
debap sound of object hitting ground.\n
debar sensation of pulse beat.\n
debarkasi debarkation.\n
debas sound of exhaling.\n
debat debate, discussion.\n
debet debit.\n
debik sound of a goat bleat.\n
debil mentally retarded, psychologically unstable.\n
debing sound of light object falling.\n
debirokratisasi debureaucratization.\n
debit rate of flow, discharge (of water).\n
debitor debtor.\n
deboasasi deforestation.\n
debos (Coll.) nge-debos boasting.\n
debu dust, grit.\n
debuk sound of thud.\n
debum sound of muffled blow (such as when striking mattress).\n
debung sound of resonant blow such as drum beat.\n
debup sound of light object falling.\n
1 sound of splashing (object falling into water, surf, etc). 2 pounding
of heart.\n
1. sound whistling, sound of howling wind. 2. ritual display of
debus invulnerability in West Java.\n
debut sound of light popping (e.g. breaking wind).\n
sound of click, esp. of tongue to express astonishment, enjoyment,
decap sound of smacking o.\'s lips.\n
sound of clicking with tongue and teeth to express disapproval, tsk
deceh, decih
decing sound of light metallic ringing.\n
decit sound of chirp (of chicks, etc.).\n
decur sound of water spraying.\n
dedah exposed, uncovered.\n
mixture of rice and bran, by-product of milling used as animal
dedangkot see DEDENGKOT.\n
dedas sound of crackling of small arms.\n
dedau men-dedau cry out loudly, scream.\n
dedaunan foliage, leaves.\n
dede see DIDEH.\n
dedek (Java, Jakarta) see DEDAK.\n
dedel ripped. rip out (a seam, etc.).\n
dedemenan (Jakarta) o.\'s favorite thing or person.\n
dedemitan 1 ghost, apparition. 2 (Java) do s.t. secretly.\n
dedengkot (Coll.) prominent figure, big shot.\n
dedes 1. 1) civet cat. 2) musk. 2. men-dedes slice thinly.\n
dedikasi dedication.\n
dedolarisasi (Fin.) removal of dollar as standard of currency valuation.\n
deduksi deduction.\n
deduktif deductive.\n
deeskalasi de-escalation.\n
defaitis (Lit.) defeatist.\n
defaitisme defeatism.\n
defensif defensive.\n
defile 1 (Mil.) review, march past. 2 file past (a coffin).\n
definisi definition.\n
definitif definitive.\n
defisiensi deficiensy.\n
defisit deficit.\n
deflasi deflation.\n
defleksi deflection.\n
deformasi deformation.\n
degam sound of boom, such as thunder, cannon, etc.\n
degan (Java) young coconut.\n
degap 1. sturdy, robust. 2. 1) sound of nonmetallic surface being struck. 2)
1 sound of a surface being struck hard. 2 sound of breaking down a
degdeg, degdegan sensation of pounding (of heart).\n
degen (Sport) foil in fencing.\n
degenerasi degeneration.\n
degil obstinate, headstrong.\n
deging ber-deging persevere through thick and thin.\n
degleng slanting (of walls of decrepit buildings).\n
degradasi degradation.\n
degub see DEGUP.\n
deguk sound of gurgle.\n
degum sound of boom, such as cannon being fired.\n
degung 1 sound of gong. 2 (Sunda) gamelan.\n
degup sound of gulp.\n
degur sound of surf.\n
(Jakarta 1 come on, please do (an urging particle). 2 Oh, all right,
Iwill agree. 3 that is the way it is, I guarantee you.\n
dehem clearing of throat.\n
dehidrasi dehydration.\n
dehoi see INDEHOI.\n
dek 1. (Naut.) deck. 2. (Coll.) blanket.\n
dekaden decadent.\n
dekadensi decadence.\n
dekah-dekah see TAWA.\n
dekak-dekak abacus.\n
ber-men 1 be in crouching position (of cat, etc.). 2 be cooped up. 3
be incarcerated.\n
dekan bamboo rat.\n
1. with folded arms. ber-, men- embrace, hug. 2. near. 3. noise of
dekar men-dekar fight with a sword.\n
dekat 1 near, close by. 2 vicinity.\n
dekih sound of a chuckle.\n
dekik small indentation.\n
dekil caked with dirt.\n
deking 1 protection, shelter, cover. 2 patron, protector. 3 (Fin.) reserve\n
deklamasi formal stylized recitation of poetry, etc.\n
deklamator orator (esp. of poetry).\n
deklarasi 1 customs declaration. 2 voucher.\n
deklerer (Crd.) declarer.\n
deklinasi 1 (Astr.) declination. 2 (Ling.) declension.\n
dekolonisasi decolonization.\n
dekon (Deklarasi Ekonomi) Economic Declaration (enunciated by Sukarno
in 1963).\n
dekonsentrasi decontration.\n
dekor decor.\n
dekorasi 1 decoration, decor. 2 (Mil.) medal, ribbon.\n
dekret /dekrit/ decree, edict.\n
dekuk work hard.\n
dekur see DEKUT.\n
dekus sound of hissing or snorting.\n
dekut sound of cooing.\n
delah k.o. saltwalter fish.\n
delapan eight.\n
delegasi delegation.\n
delep (Java) 1 sink, go below surface. 2 make o.s unobstrusive.\n
deles pure-blooded.\n
deligir delegate (power).\n
delik wide-open (of eyes).\n
delikan (Java) game of hide and seek.\n
delikuensi deliquency.\n
delima pomegranate.\n
delman k.o. two-wheeled buggy.\n
delong sunken (of eye).\n
delta delta.\n
delujur see JELUJUR.\n
dema (dewan mahasiswa) student council.\n
demagog demagogue.\n
demagogi demagoguery.\n
demah warm compress.\n
demam 1 fever, feverish. 2 (Coll.) fad.\n
deman like, be fond of.\n
1 village headman in Java. 2 customary law expert. 3 village gvt.
demarkasi demarcation.\n
dembam see DEBAM.\n
dembum see DEBUM.\n
demek moist, still wet.\n
demen see DEMAN.\n
demes flat (of nose).\n
1. 1) for the sake of. 2) by (in oaths). 2. 1) as soon as. 2)
(immediately) after , by.\n
demikian 1 such. 2 thus, such was the case.\n
demiliterisasi demilitarization.\n
demisioner 1 ask for resignation of a cabinet. 2 strip (of authority, power).\n
demit see DEDEMITAN.\n
1. (delman bermotor) small motorized threewheeled vehicle used for
demo public transportation. 2. see DEMONSTRASI.\n
demobilisan demobilized member of armed forces.\n
demobilisasi demobilization.\n
demograf demographer.\n
demografi demography.\n
demografis demographic.\n
demokrasi democracy.\n
demokrat democrat.\n
demokratis democratic.\n
demokratisasi democratization.\n
demokratiser /demokratisir/ democratize.\n
demonstarsi 1 demonstration, protest. 2 demonstration (of cars, radios, etc.).\n
demonstran participant in demonstration, protester\n
demoralisasi demoralization.\n
demoralisir men-demoralisir demoralization.\n
demotrasi see DEMONSTRASI.\n
dempak 1 low and flat. 2 stocky.\n
dempal (Java) physically strong.\n
dempang hollow sounding (as the fall of empty barrel).\n
dempel near to.\n
dempet,dempet stuck together.\n
dempir sound made by cymbal.\n
dempit see DEMPET.\n
demplon (Jakarta) cute, pretty.\n
dempok,dempuk ber-dempok bump against, collide with.\n
dempul glazier\'s putty, boat caulking.\n
dempung sound of s.t. falling into water.\n
den see RADEN.\n
denah sketch, blueprint, ground plan.\n
denai trail, track (of wild game).\n
denak decoy (used in hunting).\n
denas (Dewan Nasional) national council.\n
dencang ber-dencang rattle, clang.\n
dencing see DENTING.\n
dencis see SARDEN.\n
denda fine.\n
dendam 1 reverenge, vengeance. 2 grudge, resentment. 3 yearning, longing.\n
dendang 1. crow (bird). 2. see DANDANG 1.\n
dendeng jerked meat.\n
denderang sound of drum or heavy steps.\n
1 with, accompanying. 2 and. 3 by, by means of. 4 in. 5 by way of.
dengan 56 in the manner of.\n

ber-dengap 1pound, beat (of heart). 2 pant, be out of breath, gasp

(for breath).\n
dengar hear.\n
denger (Java, Jakarta) see DENGAR.\n
dengih sound of rapid breathing or gasping.\n
denging sound of ringing (in ears). ber-, men- buzz, ring (in ears).\n
dengkang sound of croaking frogs.\n
dengkang-dengkol crooked, bent and bowed (of hand, tree branch, etc.).\n
dengki envy, spite.\n
dengkik become weak from lack of food.\n
dengking 1 sound of dog yelping. 2 a yelp, squeal, or scream.\n
dengkir men-dengkir chirp.\n
dengklang lame, limping.\n
dengkul (Java, Jakarta) knee.\n
dengkung 1growl (of dog). 2 sound of metal on metal.\n
dengkur 1 snore, snoring. 2 grunt. 3 purr.\n
dengkus /dengu/ 1. whinny, snort. 2. dengu see DUNGU.\n
denguk sound of sobbing.\n
dengung sound of droning, buzzing, purring, etc.\n
dengus 1 snort (of animals). 2 deride with a snort.\n
sound of murmuring (of quail), sound of vibrating (of xylophone,
denok (Java) term of address to young girl, esp as nok.\n
denotasi denotation.\n
densitas density.\n
dentam sound of gunfire, pounding on anvil, etc.\n
dentang sound of clanging or loud explosion.\n
dentar clang.\n
denting sound of jingle or tinkle (of money, piano, keys, etc.).\n
dentum sound of boom (explosion, cannon, etc.).\n
dentung sound of clap of thunder.\n
dentur sound of pop, small explosion, etc. ber-, men- crackle, pop.\n
denudasi denudation.\n
denyak see ENYAK.\n
denyar flash.\n
denyit sound of shrieking and high-pitched noises.\n
denyut throb, beat.\n
deodoran deodorant.\n
dep men-, menge- pigeonhole, shelve (a question).\n
depa fathom.\n
depag (Departemen Agama) Department of Rreligious Affairs.\n

depak 1. akick. 2. sound of clap, clip-clop (esp. of horses\'hoofs, etc.).\n

depan 1 fron. 2 ahead. 3 coming, next.\n
depang ber-depang stretch out both arms sideways.\n
depap sound of slap (i.e. palm of o.\'s hand striking table, etc.).\n
deparlu (Departemen Luar Negeri) Department of Foreign Affairs.\n
(Pol.) simplification of political party structures, decreasing of
number of political parties.\n
departemen ministry.\n
depdagri (Departemen Dalam Negeri) Department of Internal Affairs.\n
dependensi 1 dependency, dependence. 2 (colonial) possession.\n
deperdag (Departemen Perdagangan) Department of Commerce.\n
depersonalisir men-depersonalisir depersonalize.\n
depertan (Departemen Pertanian) Department of Agriculture.\n
depinisi see DEFINISI.\n
depisen seeDEVISA.\n
depkeh (Departemen Kehakiman) Department of Justice.\n
depkes (Departemen Kesehatan) Department of Health.\n
depkeu (Departemen Keuangan) Department of Finance.\n
deplu (Departemen Luar Negeri) Department of Foreign Affairs.\n
depnaker (Departemen Tenaga Kerja) Department of Labor.\n
(Departemen Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi dan Koperasi) Department
of Labor, Population Resettlement, and Cooperatives (until 1978).\n
depo seeDEPOT.\n
depok reside.\n
depolitisasi depoliticization.\n
deponir men-deponir delay, put on ice.\n
deportasi deportation.\n
deposan depositor.\n
deposito (Fin.) fixed deposit (us. bearing high interest).\n
depot refreshment stand.\n
deppen (Departemen Penerangan) Department of Information.\n
depresi financial depression.\n
depresiasi (Fin.) depreciation.\n
deprok (me)n-1 sit on floor without folding legs. 2 (Coll.) sit s.w.
depsos (Departemen Sosial) Department of Social Services.\n
depteri diphtheria.\n
depus sound of sighing, exhaling air, etc.\n
deputasi deputation, delegation.\n
deputi deputy.\n
der sound of explosion.\n
dera lash (of whip), lashing.\n
derai 1. sound of water dripping on or beating against glass, etc. 2. grain.\n
1 degree. 2 rank, level. 3 standard. 4 Latinate qualifiers of university
degree (e.g. cum laude, etc.).\n
sound of snap (such as tree branch breaking, gnashing of teeth,
deram sound of rumble (thunder, tigers roar, drum roll, etc.).\n
sound of ringing clank (chains or coins falling, of small gongs, etc.).
ber-, men- make a resonant, often metalic sound.\n
sound of stamping on flat surface (horse\'s) trot, marching feet, etc.),
trop, clop.\n
1. swift (esp. of flowing liquids). 2. sound of trash or sand being
stepped on. 3. see DARAS.\n
derau sound of roaring (wind-borne rain, etc.).\n
derek 1. crane, cargo boom. 2 see DERET.\n
derep men-derep harvest rice.\n
1. men-deres tap tree to extract sap (suga palm). pen-deres tapper. 2.
men-deres recite the Koran.\n
deresi (R.R.) passenger car.\n
deret row, line, series.\n
deretak sound of repeated rattling.\n
derhaka see DURHAKA.\n
deriji see JERUJI.\n
derik creaking sound.\n
deril see DRIL.\n
dering 1 sound of tinkling (bells, etc.). 2 sound of crickets chirping.\n
deris sound of rustling (of stepping on dry grass, of cutting cloth, etc.).\n
derit sound of squeak (a brake, etc.).\n
derita suffering.\n
derma alms, donation. pen-derma donor.\n
dermaga quay, pier.\n
dermatalog dermatologist.\n
dermatologi dermatology.\n
dermawan donor, philanthropist.\n
dermimil (Java) 1 mumble. 2 talk incessantly.\n
derobos see TEROBOS.\n
dersana see JAMBU.\n
dersik sound of sighing or rustling (leaves in wind).\n
deru sound made by storm, thunder, large trucks, planes, etc.\n
deruji see JERUJI.\n
deruk sound of heavy object crashing.\n
1. sound of muffled rumble (distant thunder, whir of engine). 2. see
derun,derung see DERUM 1.\n
derup-derap sound of many footsteps.\n
derus,derut sound of objects being rubbed or shifted.\n
derwis /derwisy/ see DARWIS.\n
desa village.\n
1 sound of wheezing or huffing. 2 swishing (of leaves, etc.). 3
desak 1. sound of crumpling paper. 2.\n
desapraja see DESA.\n
desar sound of sizzling or hissing.\n
desas-desus 1 sound of hissing or whispering. 2 rumor.\n
desau sound of soft rustling.\n
desegregasi desegregation.\n
desember December.\n
desentralisir men-desentralisir decentralize.\n
desersi desertion.\n
desertir deserter, defector.\n
desik sound of light snapping (branch breaking, etc.). ber-, men- rustle.\n
desimal 1 decimal. 2 decimal fracton.\n
desimeter 10 centimeters.\n
desinfeksi disinfectant.\n
desing sound of whizzing (wind blowing, shot fired, etc.).\n
desintegrasi disintegration.\n
desir sound of hissing, rustling, or slurping.\n
desis,desit sound of hissing or sizzling.\n
deskripsi description. men-deskripsi-kan describe.\n
deskriptif descriptive.\n
despot despot.\n
despotisme despotism.\n
destar Java head cloth, k.o. turban.\n
destilasi see DISTILASI.\n
destruksi destruction.\n
destruktif destructive.\n
desuk see DESAK 1.\n
desur sound of forceful rustling.\n
desus sound of light whispering.\n
desut sound of forceful blowing.\n
detail see DETEL.\n
detailer medical sales representative.\n
detak sound of tapping.\n
detar sound of sizzling or whirring (roasting corn, wheels turning, etc.).\n
detas sound of light crackling explosion (eggshell breaking, etc.).\n
detasemen (Mil.) detachment.\n
detasering temporary deployment to another place of work.\n
detasir men-detasir (Mil.) detail, detach to another unit.\n
detdot sound of tooting. ber-detdot-detdot sound the horns.\n
deteksi detection, discovery.\n
detektif /detektip/ detective.\n
detektor detector.\n
detel detail.\n
deterjen detergent.\n
determinan determinant.\n
determinasi determination, decision.\n
determinisme determinism.\n
detik 1 sound of ticking (of clock). 2 second (unit of time), moment.\n
detil see DETEL.\n
deting sound of light twanging (i.e. of plucked guitar string, etc.).\n
detonator detonator.\n
detus,detup sound of light explosion (gun firing, firecracker, etc.).\n
devaluasi (Fin.) devaluation.\n
devaluir (Fin.) men-devaluir devaluate.\n
deviasi deviation.\n
devisa /devisen, devizen/ (Fin.) foreign exchange.\n
dewa god, idol.\n
dewan 1 council. 2 board.\n
dewangga k.o. cloth design.\n
dewani 1 council member. 2 council.\n
dewasa 1 adult, of age. 2 (Lit.) time.\n
dewasawan a mature person.\n
dewata gods.\n
dewe,dewek (Java) o.\'s own.\n
dewi 1 goddless. 2 darling, beloved.\n
dewi-dewi (Naut.) davit.\n
dg. (daeng) title in S. Sulawesi.\n
1. (dahulu) formerly. 2. (dengan hormat) with respectful salutation
(in correspondence).\n
dhalim see LALIM.\n
dharma 1. term used in names of associations. 2. seeDARMA.\n
dhat see ZAT.\n
dholim see LALIM.\n
1 in, at, on, upon (general locative preposition). 2 (Coll.) at, on
(temporal preposition).\n
di- 3d person passive verbal prefix.\n
dia 1 he,she. 2 (Coll.) it.\n
diabet diabetes.\n
diacon (Rel.) deacon.\n
diafan diaphanous.\n
diafragma /diafrakma/ (Anat.) diaphragm.\n
diagnosa /diagnose/ diagnosis.\n
diagnostik diagnostic.\n
diakritis diacritical.\n
dialek (Ling.) dialect.\n
dialektik /dialektika/ dialectic.\n
dialektis dialedtical.\n
dialog /dialoog/dialogue.\n
diam 1. 1) silent, quiet. 2) motionless. 3) idle. 2. reside.\n
diameter diameter.\n
diametrikal /diametris/ diametrical.\n
dian taper or oil lamp.\n
diancuk (Java, Vulg.) Dammit ! Fuck you !.\n
1. warm o.s. near the fire (esp. after childbirth). 2. see
diare diarhea.\n
diaspor diaspora.\n
diat (Islam) fine imposed for failure in o.\'s religious responsibilities.\n
didaktik,didaktis didactic.\n
dideh (Java) coagulated chicken or beef blood as food.\n
didih men-didih 1 boil. 2 boil, rage.\n
didik 1 educate. 2 bring up, raise (children).\n
1 education, upbringing. 2 pupil, product of a certain teacher,
1. men-didis slice thinly. 2. (Java) men-didis removes nits and lice
from o.\'s hair.\n
1. (Sl.) 1) Frenchman. 2) European. 2. stubbon, obstinate. 3. k.o
dance in Aceh.\n
anniversary (of educational institutions, universities, college
dies-natalis departments, etc.).\n
diesel 1 (Coll.) diesel motor, electric generator. 2 diesel fuel.\n
diet diet.\n
diferensial (Math) differential.\n
diferensiasi differentation.\n
difinisi see DEFINISI.\n
difraksi diffraction.\n
difteri diphtheria.\n
diftong diphthong.\n
difusi diffusion.\n
digdaya (Java) invulnerable.\n
digital digital.\n
digjaya see DiGDAYA.\n
Boven Digul, place of political exile in Irian Jaya during Dutch
digulis orang-Digul o. who was exiled at Boven Digul.\n
diit see DIET.\n
dik seeADIK.\n
dikau (Lit.) you.\n
dikhotomi see DIKOTOMI.\n
(Islam) repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith, often in
unison, as a form of worship.\n
dikit little, small.\n
(pendidikan dan latihan) training and education program for gvt. and
military personnel.\n
diko see DUKO.\n
dikol 1 calculated, estimated. 2 collated.\n
dikotomi dichotomy.\n
dikrit see DEKRET.\n
diktat written summary of lectures, often used as a university texbook.\n
diktator dictator. men-i rule over (with iron hand).\n
diktatoris dictatorial.\n
diktatur dictatiorial gvt.\n
dikte diction.\n
diktum decision of a high authority.\n
dilak men-dilak roll o.\'s eyes.\n
dilalah (Java) by God\'s will, by chance.\n
dilema dilemma.\n
diletan dilettante.\n
diletantisme dilettantism.\n
dim 1. a linear measurement, decimeter. 2. (Auto.) bright headlights.\n
dimas (Java) term of address for younger brother.\n
dimensi dimension.\n
dimesionir see DEMISIONER.\n
dimpit see DEMPET.\n
dina of low esteem, ignoble.\n
dinamik dynamic.\n
dinamika dynamics.\n
dinamis dynamic.\n
dinamisasi dynamicization.\n
dinamisator dynamist.\n
dinamisir men-dinamisir make dynamic.\n
dinamisme dynamism.\n
dinamit dynamite.\n
dinamo dynamo.\n
1 various k.o. gold coins, now used as jewelry. 2 unit of money in
Middle East.\n
1 official (gvt.). 2 agency, department. 3 gvt. service, official duty. 4
church service.\n
dinasti dynasty.\n
dinda see ADINDA.\n
dinding 1 interior wall, partition. 2 buttress.\n
dines see DINAS.\n
ding (Coll.). particle that contradicts o.\'s own statement.\n
dingdong arcade games, esp. pinball and video.\n
dingin cold.\n
dingkik men-dingkik watch, spy on.\n
dingklik stool, seat with no back.\n
dini early.\n
diniyah religious (in school names).\n
dioksid,dioksida dioxide.\n
diorama diorama.\n
diosis diocese.\n
dip (Daftar Isisan Proyek) budget proposal for a project.\n
dipan divan, sofa.\n
dipati see ADIPATI.\n
dipisi see DIVISI.\n
diploma diploma, certificate.\n
diplomasi diplomacy.\n
diplomat diplomat.\n
diplomatik /diplomatis/ diplomatic.\n
direksi management, administration.\n
direksi, direktris 1 directress, headmistress. 2 Catholic mother superior.\n
direktif,direktip directive.\n
direktorat 1 directorate. 2 department, division.\n

direktori directory.\n
direktur director, headmaster.\n
dirgahayu long live ! long life.\n
dirgantara sky, upper atmosphere.\n
diri 1. self. 2.\n
dirigen musical director, conductor.\n
dirigir men-dirigir direct (an orchestra).\n
diris men-diris water (plants).\n
dirjen (Direktor Jenderal) director general.\n
dirus men-dirus flush with water.\n
dirut (Direktor Utama) managing director.\n
dis 1. (dinas) service, agency. 2 (diskualifikasi) disqualification.\n
disain design, pattern.\n
disainer fashion designer.\n
disel see DIESEL.\n
disembarkasi disembarkation.\n
disen see DISAIN.\n
disenteri,disentri dysentery.\n
disersi see DESERSI.\n
disertasi dissertation.\n
disertir see DESERTIR.\n
disharmoni disharmony.\n
disiden dissident.\n
disintegrasi organizational disintegration (of parties, cabinets,etc).\n
disipasi dissipation.\n
disipel disciple.\n
disiplin discipline.\n
disipliner disciplinary.\n
disjoki (Coll.) disc jockey.\n
disket floppy disc.\n
disko discotheque. dance to disco music.\n
diskontinuitas discontinuity.\n
diskonto (Fin.) discount.\n
/diskotik/ 1 discotheque. 2 collection of phonograph records. 3
producer of music cassettes.\n
diskredit discredit.\n
diskrepansi discrepancy.\n
diskridit see DISKREDIT.\n
diskriminasi discrimination.\n
diskriminatif discriminatory.\n
diskualifikasi disqualification.\n
diskualifisir men-diskualifisir disqualify.\n

diskusi discussion.\n
dislokasi 1 (Med.) dislocation. 2 disturbance.\n
disonan dissonant.\n
disonansi dissonance.\n
disorganisasi disorganization.\n
disparitas disparity.\n
1 (Rel.) dispensation. 2 exemption (from tax, official responsibility,
dispersi men-dispersi-kan disperse.\n
disposisi authorizing signature.\n
disproporsi disproportion.\n
disproporsional disproportionate.\n
distilasi distillation.\n
distilat distillate.\n
distilir men-distilir distill.\n
distorsi distortion.\n
distribusi distribution.\n
distrik administrative district.\n
ditangsel (Jakarta) stuffed to the gills.\n
diteksi see DETEKSI.\n
ditektif see DETEKTIF.\n
ditel see DETEL.\n
diter. (diterjemahkan) translated.\n
ditjen (Direktorat Jendral) Directorate General.\n
dito ditto.\n
diunggulkan 1 be considered or proposed as superior. 2 (Sport) seeded.\n
div. (divisi) division.\n
divan see DIPAN.\n
diversifikasi diversification.\n
divide-et-impera divide and rule.\n
dividen dividend.\n
divisi 1 (Mil.) division. 2 (Bio.) phylum.\n
diy (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) Special District of Yogyakarta.\n
dk (daya kuda) horsepower.\n
(Jaya) (Daerah Khusus Ibukota) Special Capital District (of
dkk. (dengan kawan-kawan) et al.\n
dl. (dalam) in.\n
dleweran (Java) ooze and trickle down slowly.\n
dll. (dan lain-lain) and others, etc.\n
dlm. (dalam) in.\n
dls.,dlsh. (dan lain sebagainya) and so forth.\n
dn [ (Departemen) Dalam Negeri ] (Department) of Internal Affairs.\n
dng. (dengan) with, by means of.\n
doa (do\'a) prayer.\n
doane see DUANE.\n
doang,doangan (Jakarta) only, no more than.\n
dobel 1 double. 2 (Sport) doubles.\n
dobelop double-barreled rifle.\n
dobi (Lit.) laundryman.\n
dobis caps (for toy guns).\n
doble gold-plated.\n
1. perforated, torn. men-dobol-kan pierce, puncture. 2. see
dobrak smashed, broken open (of door, gate, fence, etc.).\n
dodet (Sl.) men-dodet rip open the belly.\n
1. (Java) squat, kneel sitting on the hams. 2. men-dodok smooth out
a metal sheet by hammering.\n
k.o. taffy made of sticky rice, coconut milk, and palm sugar (often
with durian).\n
dodor ke-dodor-an loose and ill-fitting (of clothing).\n
dodos plane s.t.\n
dodot (Java) k.o. batik wraparound worn by courtiers and bridgrooms.\n
1 sound of repeated knocking (at door, etc.). 2 make such a sound. 3
(Sunda) small drum.\n
doger (Sunda) k.o. folk dance performed by women.\n
dogma dogma.\n
dogmatika (Rel.) dogmatics.\n
dogmatis dogmatic.\n
1 without horns (of horned animals). 2 without combs(of fowl). 3
doha (Islam) nonobligatory prayertime around 10 a.m.\n
doi (do\'i) (Sl.) he or she (of o.\'s lover).\n
dok 1. (Navy) dock. 2. see DOKTER.\n
dokar horse-drawn buggy.\n
doking docking (of ship, etc.).\n
doklonyo (Coll.) collogne.\n
dokoh 1. pendant for a necklace. 2. see DUKUH.\n
dokok-dokok see KUE.\n
dokter doctor, physician, esp.\n
doktor holder of doctorate.\n
doktoral doctoral studies.\n
1 female holder of postgraduate degree in humanities below doctoral
rank. 2 female college graduate (post-1980).\n
1 s.o. with postgraduate degree in humanities below doctoral rank
doktorandus (pre-1980). 2 academic degree in humanitiesequivalent to
baccalaureate (post-1980).\n

doktrin doctrine.\n
doktriner doctrinaire.\n
doku (Sl.) money.\n
dokumen document.\n
dokumentalis documentalist.\n
dokumentasi documentation.\n
dol 1 damaged or worn because of overuse. 2 (Coll.) crazy, mad.\n
dolak-dalik constantly changing, vacillating.\n
dolan (Java) 1 make a visit for pleasire. 2 play.\n
1 dollar, esp. the US currency. 2 (Coll.) any gold coin. 3 k.o. round,
sweet wafer.\n
dolarsen (Coll.) cent of US currency.\n
dolfin dolphin.\n
dolim see LALIM.\n
dollar see DOLAR.\n
dolle-mina radical feminist.\n
dolog (depot logistik) warehouse for foodstuff.\n
dolok (Batak) mountain.\n
dom (Coll.) compass.\n
domba 1 sheep. 2 (Rel.) the congregation.\n
domblong (Java) open-mouthed due to surprise.\n
dombrong ke-dombrong-an baggy, fitting too loose (of clothes).\n
domein domain (of authority).\n
domestik domestic.\n
domina term of reference for female Protestant minister.\n
dominan dominant.\n
dominasi domination.\n
domine term of reference for Protestant minister.\n
dominir men-dominir dominate.\n
domino dominoes.\n
domisili (Leg.) domicile.\n
1 ber-dompak 1) leap, jump (in fighting). 2) prance (of horses). 2.
densely packed (of houses, etc.).\n
dompet 1 wallet. 2 relief fund (often organized by a publication).\n
domplang see-saw.\n
men-dompleng join, double up. pen-dompleng non paying
dompol bunch.\n
don-juan see DON-YUAN.\n
don-yuan womanizer.\n

donasi donation.\n
donat doughnut.\n
donatir,donatur donor, benefactor.\n
donau Danube River.\n
doncang men-doncang jump, leap.\n
dondang cradle.\n
donder (Coll.) scolding.\n
1. (Coll.) partical asserting that interlocutor should already know or
do what o. is asserting. 2. (E. Indonesia) they.\n
men-,ter- 1 pointed upward (of head, rifle muzzle, etc.). 2 gaze
dongeng 1 fairy tale, legend. 2 nonsense.\n
dongkak leap up.\n
dongkel lever, jack.\n
dongkol 1. 1) resentful, acrimonious. 2) irked, vexed. 2. ex-, former.\n
dongkrak (Auto.) jack.\n
dongkrok (Java) n- dongkrok remain motionless.\n
dongok 1 ponderous, hulking. 2 stupid.\n
dongong men-dongong stare open-mouthed.\n
donor donor.\n
doorslag see DORSLAG.\n
1. 1) hubcap. 2) caps (for toy guns). 2. (Coll.) baptism. 3.
dopercis,doperten (Coll.) canned sweet peas.\n
dopis see DUMPIS.\n
dor sound of gunshot.\n
doraka see DURHAKA.\n
dorang 1. k.o. fish. 2. (E. Indonesia) they.\n
doreng (Coll.) striped.\n
dorna see DURNA.\n
dorong men-dorong 1 push. 2 motivate, provide the impetus. 3 urge.\n
dorslag,dorslah onionskin paper.\n
dortrap k.o. bicycle with pedal brakes.\n
dos 1 small box. 2 carton, case.\n
dosa sin.\n
dosen university-level instructor.\n
dosin see LUSIN.\n
dosir dossier.\n
dosis (Med.) dose. men-dosos-kan determine the dosage.\n
dot 1. 1) nipple. 2) pacifier. 2. sound of a car horn.\n
dower (Java) having a drooping lower lip.\n
doyan (Jakarta) be fond of.\n

doyong inclined, not straight.\n

dozer bulldozer.\n
(Dewan Pimpinan Cabang) leadership of political party at local
(Dewan Pimpinan Daerah) leadership of political party at regional
1. (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat) leadership of political party at national
level. 2. (dada, pinggang, pinggul) chest, waist, hip measurements. 3.
(dana pembinaan pendidikan) k.o. gvt. subsidy to state universities
to supplement tuition fees.\n
dpr (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) Indonesian legistilative assembly.\n
(Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) Assembly at provincial,
regional, or municipal level.\n
(Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Gotong Royong) The Indonesian
Parliament (1959-1973).\n
(diphteri, pertussis, tetanus) diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
dpt. (dapat) can, be able.\n
dr- see also entries with der-.\n
1. (dari) from. dr.2, Dr.1 (dokter) doctor (of medicine). Dr.2 (doktor)
doctor (of philosophy).\n
(doktoranda) title of woman holding post-graduate degree in
humanities below doctoral rank.\n
draft draft (of plan, etc.).\n
dragon manual water pump.\n
draimolen carousel.\n
drainase drainage.\n
dram see DRUM.\n
drama drama.\n
dramatari dance drama.\n
dramatis dramatic.\n
dramatisasi men-dramatisasi-kan dramatize, make into a play.\n
dramatisir men-dramatisir dramatize, make into a play.\n
dramaturg dramatist.\n
dramaturgi dramaturgy.\n
dramawan stage actor, performer.\n
dramben see DRUMBAND.\n
drastis drastic.\n
drat 1 wire thread. 2 thread of a screw.\n
drei k.o. drill.\n
sound of ataccato crackling (gun salvo, etc.). men-drel spray with
dressoar (dreswar) sideboard, buffet.\n
drg. (dokter gigi) dentist.\n

drh. (dokter hewan) veterinarian.\n

dribbel, dribel men-dribbel (Sport) dribble.\n
dril k.o. cloth.\n
drive (drayp) (Sport) drive in golf.\n
drodok (Coll.) dry dock.\n
dromedaris dromedary.\n
drop mints, cough-drops.\n
allocation, us from outside ordinary channels (direct order of
president, etc.).\n
(Dokterandus) title of o. holding graduate degree in humanities
below doctoral rank.\n
drum 1 drum. 2 oil drum, canister for chemicals.\n
drumband (dramben) marching band.\n
ds. (domine) Protestant clergyman.\n
dsb. (dan sebagainya) etc.\n
dsl. (dan selanjutnya) and so forth.\n
dst.,dstnya (dan seterusnya) and so on.\n
dt see DASWATI.\n
dt. (Datuk) title in Malaysia and certain parts of Indonesia.\n
dtk. (detik) second moment.\n
dto. (ditandatangani oleh) signed by.\n
dua two. (ber)-dua-dua 1 two by two 2 both.\n
duai see IPAR.\n
duaja banner, ensign.\n
dual 1 duel. 2 (Coll.) traffic collision.\n
dualis (Ling.) dual.\n
dualisme dualism.\n
duane customs.\n
dub see DAB.\n
dubang (Java) saliva reddened by betel chewing.\n
dubes (Duta Besar) ambasador.\n
dubilah (Isl., Coll.) God forbid !\n
dubun hyena.\n
dubur anus.\n
duda widower.\n
dudu follow s.o., continue on (without looking back).\n
1 sit. 2state, situation. 3 live, dwell, reside. 4 settle, go to the bottom
(of dregs).\n
dudut 1. (Java) pull, tug at. 2. (child language) penis.\n
duet duet.\n
duga guess, estimate.\n
dugal (Java) naughty.\n
dugang restrain s.t. with a rope so that it will not fall.\n
dugden (Java) invulnerable.\n
dugder (Java) week-long festival before fasting month.\n
dugong dugong.\n
duh see ADUH.\n
duhai see ADUHAI.\n
/duillah/ (Coll.) My gosh ! (exclamation of surprise or
duit money.\n
duk kerchief.\n
duka grief, sorrow.\n
dukacarita /dukacerita/ tragedy, story with sad theme.\n
dukacita profound sorrow.\n
dukana taking pleasure in sex, lascivious.\n
duko spray paint (for cars, etc.).\n
duku lanseh totree or its fruit.\n
dukuh hamlet.\n
dukun indigenous medical practitioner, shaman.\n
men-dukung 1 carry as o. would carry a child, on the back or
dukung straddling the hip (with support of the arm) 2 support, espous (a
dulang 1. food tray. 2. printer\'s galley. 3. men-dulang feed (a child).\n
duli (Lit.) 1 dust. 2 expression in royal tittles.\n
1 formerly, previously. 2 first (before doing s.t. else). 3 before, prior.
4 for the time being.\n
dulur (Java) kin, family.\n
dum-dum sound of drum or cannon.\n
dumel (Java) nag, complain.\n
dumpis caps (for toy guns, etc.).\n
dung sound of drum.\n
dungak see DONGAK.\n
dungu 1 dull-witted, mentally slow. 2 gullible.\n
dunia 1 world. 2 (Bio.) kingdom. se-dunia the whole world.\n
duniawi worldly, secular.\n
duniawiah worldly, profane.\n
dunsanak (M) relatives.\n
dup see DOP 2.\n
dupa incense.\n
dupak see DEPAK 1.\n
duplik (Leg.) rejoinder, rebuttal.\n
duplikasi duplication (of effort, etc.).\n
duplikat /duplo/ duplicate, carbon copy.\n
dur sound of explosion.\n
duren (Java) see DURIAN.\n
durga Hindu goddess of destruction.\n
durhaka rebellious, insubordinate.\n

duri 1 thorn, burr, spine. 2 fish bone.\n

durian durian fruit and tree.\n
durja seeMURAM.\n
durjana (Lit.) evil, wicked.\n
1 (Java) name of character in the wayang, adviser first to o. side and
later the other. 2 intrigue-ridden adviser.\n
dursila (Java) unethical.\n
dus 1. shower (bath). 2. (Coll.) so, consequently. 3. see DOS.\n
dusel (Java) snuggle up close.\n
dusi men-dusi continue to feel drowsy after nap.\n
dusin men-dusin 1 be awake. 2 be conscious of, realize.\n
dusta 1 lie, falsehood. 2 tell a lie.\n
dusun 1 (Lit.) orchard. 2 village far from urban areas.\n
dut (Coll.) dead.\n
duta ambassador.\n
dutawati ambassadress.\n
duyun ber-duyun-duyun in throughs.\n
duyung see DUGONG.\n
dwi two (formal and only in certain constructions).\n
dwiarti ambiguous.\n
dwibahasa bilingual.\n
dwibahasawan a bilingual.\n
dwidasawarsa 20th anniversary.\n
dual function, esp. of the military, referring to its soldierly and
dwifungsi political roles.\n
dwiguna dual-purpose.\n
dwihuruf (Ling.) digraph.\n
dwikewarganegaraan dual citizenship.\n
(dwikomando rakyat) The people\'s two mandates: crush Malaysia
and defend the revolution (slogan of Sukarno era).\n
dwimakna ambiguous.\n
dwipekanan biweekly.\n
dwisuku (Ling.) disyllabic.\n
dwitunggal duumvirate, two working as o.\n
dwiwarna the Indonesian flag, the Red and White.\n
dwiwulanan bimonthly.\n
dynamo see DINAMO.\n
dysentri see DISENTRI.\n
dz see also entries with d-. l-.or z-.\n
1.the 5th letter of the alphabet. 2. Ha ! emphatic particle. 3. Hey !
interjection to attact attention or to express astonishment.\n
e-e (child language) doo-doo, feces.\n
e-e-e Say ! interjection of amazement or of being amusingly offended.\n
ebam porcelain pot with lid.\n
eban see HEBAN.\n
ebang see BANG 2.\n
ebek awning.\n
ebeng seee IBING.\n
ebi dried shrimps.\n
eboh see HEBOH.\n
ebom see BOM 1.\n
ebonit ebonite.\n
ebor see BOR.\n
ebro two- or four-wheeled carriage.\n
ec. (ekonomi) economics (used in academic degrees).\n
ece make a fool of, kid, make fun of.\n
ecean kidding, fooling.\n
ecek apparently, outwardly. ecek-ecek not be serious, just appear as.\n
ecek-ecek k.o. legume.\n
eceng k.o. water plant with red leaves and edible flowers.\n
ecer retail. price of a single item.\n
eco (Java) tasty, delicious.\n
edah see IDAH 1.\n
edan 1 wild, frantic. 2 (Coll.) insane, mad, crazy.\n
edap see IDAP.\n
1turn, revolve. 2 circle (of flying plane) 3 circulate (of money,
edisi edition (of book, etc.).\n
edit edit (manuscript, etc.).\n
editor /editur/ editor (of manuscript, etc.).\n
edukasi education.\n
edukatif /edukatip/ educative, instructive.\n
eem-eem (child language) yummy, tasty.\n
efectivitas effectiveness.\n
efek 1. effect. 2. efek, efekten (Fin.) share, stock.\n
efektif /efektip/ effective.\n
effekten see EFEK 2.\n
efisien efficient.\n
efisiensi efficiency.\n
egah glorious.\n
egois egoist, egoistic.\n
egoisme egoism.\n
egoistis egoistic.\n
meng-egol 1 pry up, lift with a lever in a jerky motion. 2 sway o\'s
meng-egos 1 evade. 2 evade, get around s.t., get out of the way of
egosentris egocentric.\n
egosentrisme egocentricity.\n
egrang stilts.\n
egung see GONG 1.\n
eh ugh, interjection expressing disgust.\n
1. whatsit (particle used to avoid saying actual word). 2. (Coll.) uh-
huh, yes.\n
ei see E 2.\n
eit exclamation used when trying to avoid physical or verbal attack.\n
eja spell.\n
ejakulasi ejaculation of semen.\n
ejan meng-ejan strain abdominal muscles when defecating.\n
ejawantah visible, manifest.\n
ejek mock, ridicule, make fun of.\n
ek 1. meng-ek calibrate. 2. oak.\n
eka one, single (in formal compounds and slogans).\n
ekabahasa (Ling.) monolingual.\n
ekabahasawan /ekabasawan/ (Lit.) monolingual person.\n
ekamarga one-way (traffic, road).\n
ekamarta unidimensional.\n
title of 1978 speech by Suharto, in which he gave his interpretation
of the Pancasila.\n
ekaristi (Rel.) Eucharist.\n
ekasila condensation of the Pancasila into o. principle (1960s).\n
ekasuku (Ling.) monosyllabic.\n
ekawarna monochromatic.\n
ekawarsa o. year.\n
ekeh-ekeh panting, out of breath.\n
ekivalen see EKUIVALEN.\n
ekivalensi see EKUIVALENSI.\n
eko echo.\n
ekologi ecology.\n
ekologis ecological.\n
ekonom economist.\n
ekonometri econometrics.\n
ekonomi 1 economics. 2 economy. 3 household management.\n
ekonomis economical.\n
1 tail (of animals). 2 classifier used for animals. 3 tail (end) (of kite,
ekor parade, train, etc.). 4 follower, adherent, hanger-on. 5 bad
consequence, aftermath. 6 the last digits in a lottery number.\n
ekosistem ecosystem.\n
eks 1. 1) (Leg.) (cited from. 2) imported from. 2. eks-ex-, former.\n
eks. (eksemplar) copy, issue, number.\n
eksak /eksakta/ exact sciences (mathematics and physics).\n
eksamen (Acad.) examination.\n
eksaminator (Acad.) o. who administers an examination.\n
eksekusi 1 execution, carrying out. 2 execution, putting to death.\n
eksem /eksema/ eczema.\n
eksemplar copy (of book), issue (of periodical).\n
eksentrik eccentric.\n
eksepsi (Leg.) demurrer,exception.\n
ekses excess.\n
ekshibisi /eksibisi/ exhibition.\n
eksim see EKSEM.\n
eksistensi existence.\n
eksistensialisme existentialism.\n
eksit exit permit from the immigration office.\n
ekskavasi excavation.\n
eksklusif 1 exclusive, select. 2 excluded, without.\n
eksklusivisme exclusivism.\n
ekskursi excursion.\n
ekskutif executive.\n
eksodus exodus, mass migration out of a place.\n
eksogami exogamy.\n
eksogen exogenous.\n
eksotik /eksotis/ exotic.\n
ekspansi expansion (of territory, gas, etc.).\n
ekspansif expansive.\n
ekspansionis 1 expansionist. 2 expansionistic.\n
1. 1) shipping, forwarding. 2) mail room 9of large institution). 2. 1)
expedition, jaunt, campaign. 2) (Mil.) dispatching of troops.\n
ekspeditur shipping agent.\n
eksperimen experiment.\n
eksperimental experimental.\n
eksperimentasi experimentation.\n
eksperimentil see EXPERIMENTAL.\n
eksplisit explicit.\n
eksploatasi see EKSPLOITASI.\n
eksploatir see EKSPLOITIR.\n
eksploitasi 1 development, working. 2 exploitation, use, operation.\n
eksploitir meng-eksploitir 1 work, use. 2 exploit.\n
eksplorasi exploration.\n
eksplosi explosion.\n
eksplosif explosive.\n
eksplotasi see EKSPLOITASI.\n
ekspo see EKSPOSISI.\n
eksponen 1 (Math.) exponent. 2 exponent (of idea, theory, etc.).\n
ekspor export.\n
eksportir exporter.\n
ekspos meng-ekspos expose, reveal, uncover.\n
ekspose expose.\n
eksposisi 1 exposition, fair. 2 exposition, explanation.\n
ekspres 1 express, fast (public transport). 2 special delivery.\n
ekspresi 1 expressiveness. 2 expression.\n
ekspresif expressive.\n
ekspresionis expressionist (art).\n
ekspresionisme expressionism (art).\n
ekspresionistis expressionistic (art).\n
ekstase extasy.\n
ekstensif extensive\n
ekstern 1 external. 2 not a resident.\n
1. 1) extra, more. 2) extraordinary, in a special way. 3) previws or
ekstra shorts shown in addition to the main filn. 2. outside of a certain
ekstradisi extradition.\n
ekstrak extract.\n
ekstrakuliluler extracurricular.\n
ekstrane (Acad.) outside participant in an examination.\n
ekstraparlementer extraparliamentary.\n
ekstrapolasi extrapolation.\n
ekstrauniversiter outside of the university.\n
ekstrem extreme.\n
ekstremis extremist.\n
ekstremisme extremism.\n
ekstremitas extremity.\n
ekstrim see EKSTREM.\n
ekstrovert extrovert.\n
(Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Industri) economy, finance, and
ekuivalen equivalent.\n
ekuivalensi equivalency.\n
ekumis ecumenical.\n
ekwivalen see EKUIVALEN.\n
ekwivalensi see EKUIVALENSI.\n
ela unit of linear measure, 91,4 cm. or about o. yard.\n
elaborasi elaboration.\n
elah 1 trick. 2 pretext, excuse.\n
elang hawk, eagle or any large bird of prey.\n
elastik /elastis/ elastic.\n
elastisitas /elastisitet/ elasticity.\n
electroteknik electrical engineering.\n
elegi elegy.\n
elektrifikasi electrification.\n
elektris (Coll.) electrical.\n
elektrisir meng-elektrisir electrify.\n
elektro 1 concerning electrical matters. 2 electrical engineering.\n
elektroda /elektrode/ (Phys.) electrode.\n
elektrodinamika electrodinamics.\n
elektrolisa electrolysis.\n
elektrolit electrolyte.\n
elektrolitis electrolytic.\n
elektromagnit electromagnet.\n
elektron electron.\n
elektronik 1 electronic. 2 electronics.\n
elektronika electronics.\n
elektronis see ELEKTRONIK.\n
elemen 1 element. 2 (Chem.) element.\n
elementer elementary.\n
eleng rock (of boat).\n
eliminasi meng-eliminasi-kan eliminate.\n
eliminir eliminate.\n
eling (Java) remember (esp. in spiritualism).\n
elips ellipse.\n
elipsis (Ling.) ellipsis.\n
elipsoide elipsoid.\n
elit /elite/ elite.\n
elitis elitist.\n
elitisme elitism.\n
elo see ELA.\n
elok 1 beautiful, lovely. 2 good.\n
elon see KELON.\n
elpiji (liquid propane gas) liquid propane gas.\n
(Europese Lagere School) k.o. elemtary school of colonial period
with instruction in Dutch for Europeans and the indigenous elite.\n
eltor (Med.) eltor, k.o. cholera.\n
elu see LU.\n
1. meng-elu-elu come in waves (of sound), reverberate. 2. acclaim
give applause.\n
eluk see LUK.\n
elus meng-elus stroke. elus-an a caress. 2 flattery.\n
em seeM 1.\n
email enamel.\n
emak see MAK.\n
emam (child language) eat.\n
emang (Sunda) term off address and reference for o.\'s uncle.\n
emansipasi emancipation.\n
emas gold.\n
emat 1. (Che.) checkmate. 2. seeMAT2.\n
embacang k.o. mango.\n
(Java) 1 term of address and reference for o.\'s grandparent. 2 term
of address and reference for old person, teacher, or mystic.\n
embalau shellac.\n
1. 1) breastband, waistband, sash. 2) belly band (for horses). 2.
emban meng-emban 1) carry out, execute, perform. 2) support.
embara roam, rove wander.\n
embarau 1 palisade, wood or stone embankment. 2 piling (of pier, etc.).\n
embargo embargo.\n
embarkasi embarkation.\n
embat lash s.o. down with strip of bamboo, rope, etc.\n
embek see EMBIK.\n
embel (Jakarta) swamp covered with plant growth.\n
1 details. 2 insignificant addition, supplement. 3 side issue of little
ember pail, bucket.\n
embi (Jakarta, Sunda) term of address for o.\'s aunt.\n
embik 1 a bleat. 2 sheep, goat.\n
embok see MBOK 2.\n
embol meng-embol swell, puff up.\n
embrat see EMRAT.\n
embrio (Biol.) embryo, fetus.\n
embriologi (Biol.) embryology.\n
embun 1 dew. 2 condensed vapor. 3 haze.\n
embus 1. aspirate. 2. scoot ! go away !\n
embusan 1 bellows. 2 blowing, blast (of wind). 3 (Ling.) aspiration. 4
move up and down (i.e. of the chest of sleeping person).\n
emigran emigrant.\n
emigrasi emigration.\n
emik (child language) drink.\n
emirat emirate.\n
emis seeKEMIS 1.\n
1 issue (of banknote, security, stock, etc.). 2 emission (of semen,
light, etc.).\n
emiter o. who issues a security or banknote.\n
emoh (Java) be unwilling.\n
emolumen emolument, perquisite.\n
emong meng-emong 1 care for, look after. 2 direct an enterprise.\n
emosi 1 emotion. 2 emotional. 3 be emotional.\n
emosional /emosionil/ emotional.\n
empal (Java) spiced and fried chunks of beef.\n
empang 1 (fish)pond. 2 embankment. 3 dam.\n
ber-empap gamble by tossing a coin. meng-empap strike with heavy
or flat object (oar, palm of hand, etc.).\n
empar meng-empar drift off, be off course (of ship, etc.).\n
empas meng-empas be tossed, dashed against, throw o.s. down.\n
empat four.\n
empe-empe see EMPEK-EMPEK.\n
empe-empek k.o. fishcake (S. Sumatra specialty).\n
empedal gizzards.\n
empedu gall, bile.\n
1 (China) term of address and reference for o,\'s parent\'s older
empek brother or brother-in-law. 2 (Coll.) ter of address for old China
empelas see AMPLAS 1,2.\n
empelop see AMPLOP.\n
meng-empenak 1 spoil, coodle, pamper. 2 (friendly) persuasion,
prais, flattery.\n
empeng see EMPING.\n
emper /emperan/ 1 veranda, porch. 2 overhang, awning.\n
empet (Jakarta) annoyed, angry.\n
empet-empet paper trumpet, ballon with a whistle.\n
empeyek cracker made of dried fish or other viand fried rice flour.\n
empik (Java) eager, want to.\n
1 chips made of pounded new rice toasted and served with palm
sugar. 2 fried chips made of Gnetum gnemon fruit.\n
empiris empirical.\n
empirisisme /empirisme/ empiricism.\n
emplasemen 1 (Mil.) emplacement. 2 (R.R.) railway yard.\n
1 (Java) sheer, layer. 2 (Coll.) classifier for sheet of mosquito
empoh rise, overflow (of water). meng-empoh-i inundate, flood.\n
(Jakarta) 1 term address and reference for o.\'s older sister. 2 term of
address to lower class women.\n
empon-empon (Java) spices.\n
1 breathe, blow on. 2 expose fruit to smoke to speed up ripening
empu 1 (Lit.) master craftsman. 2 armorer. 3 master.\n
1 soft (mattress, etc.). 2 tender, well-done (of food). 3 easy to defeat
empuk or cheat. 4 well-worn (of cloth). 5 soft and pleasant (of voice,
empul meng-empul bob up and down (of boat, etc.).\n
empulur pith or soft core of palm tree.\n
empunya owner.\n
emrat (Jakarta) large watering can.\n
emulsi emulsion.\n
emut ng-emut have in o.\'s mouth, such.\n
en (Coll.) and.\n
enak 1 nice, tasty, delicious. 2 nice, pleasant. 3 well.\n
enam six.\n
1. ponder, consider deeply, give a great deal of thought to. 2. see
ENDAP 1.\n
enau sugar palm.\n
encek 1. (Java) stand on s.t. 2. see ENCIK.\n
enceng seeECENG.\n
encer see INCAR.\n
1 (China) term of address and reference for father\'s younger brother.
encik 2 (China) term of address for a man of o\'s father\'s generation. 3
(Lit.) term of address for a woman teacher.\n
1 (China) term of address for father\'s younger brother\'s wife. 2
encim (China) term of address or reference for woman of o.\'s mother\'s
generation. 3 wife of the store owner.\n
encit (China) cloth, fabric.\n
encok 1 rheumatic, stiff. 2 rheumatism. 3 gout.\n
encot see INCUT 2.\n
endak 1 see NDAK 1. 2. see HENDAK.\n
meng-endal 1 stuff, cram (into bag, etc.). 2 elastic, resilient,
1. meng-endap 1) settle, precipitate. 2) be present, be there (but not
endap put to any use). 2. meng-endap-endap, ber-endap-endap move
stealthily, move in crouching position. 3. seeTANAH.\n

endasan chopping board.\n

endemi endemic disease.\n
endemis endemic.\n
enderia see INDERIA.\n
endon (Java) (me)ng-endon stay for a considerable length of time.\n
endong (Sunda) see ENDON.\n
endosemen endosement (of checks).\n
endosir endorse (checks).\n
endrin brand of pesticide. meng-endrin kill with Endrine.\n
enduk see GENDUK.\n
endus 1 get wind of, smell, whiff. 2 get wind of, find out, discover.\n
endut endut-endut-an throb, beat, pound.\n
enek nauseated, feel sick.\n
energi,enerji energy.\n
enerjetik,enerjik energetic.\n
enersi see ENERGI.\n
enes (Java) meng-enes languish from sadness.\n
1. (Jakarta) be aware, be conscious. 2. ter-engah-engah 1) panting,
puffin. 2) in hurry.\n
engak 1 drowsy, sleepy. 2 (Med.) comatose. 3 dazed.\n
engap 1 panting, puffing. 2 tight in the chest, breathe with difficulty.\n
engas stink, stench, foul odor.\n
enggak see NGGAK.\n
enggan reluctant, averse, unwilling.\n
enggang hornbill.\n
engget (Jakarta) meng-engget hook (fruit, etc.).\n
enggil ber-enggil toothed, serrated, notched.\n
enggokan (Jakarta, Java) curve (in road, etc.).\n
engkah 1. wood glue. 2. 1) half ripe, partially ripe. 2) partially cooked.\n
engkak (Java) k.o. crow.\n
engkang meng-engkang walk with legs wide apart.\n
engkar see INGKAR.\n
1 you, familiar pronoun for 2d person singular, often abbreviated as
kau. 2 (Coll.) your. 3 (Rel.) Thou, Thee.\n
engkel single, not manifold.\n
(China) term of address and reference for mother\'s younger
brother\'s wife.\n
engko see ENGKAU.\n
(China) term of address and reference for elder brother or male of
engkoh age similar to o.\'s elder brother.\n
engkol 1 crank (of machine). 2 wrench.\n
engkong (China, Jakarta) term of address and reference for grandfather.\n
1 (China) term of address and reference for mother\'s younger
engku brother. 2 (Lit.) term of address and reference for highly respected
individual of both sexes.\n
1. k.o. bird similar to barbet. 2. meng-engkuk-engkuk bend or push
s.o. down.\n
engsel 1 hinge. 2 (R.R.) switch.\n
(China) 1term of address and reference for older brother\'s wife. 2
engso respectful term of address for woman old enough to be married but
not of a generation older than the speaker.\n
enjak see INJAK.\n
enjal 1. meng-enjal stuff, cram. 2. see ANJAL.\n
enjima see ENSIM.\n
enjot, enjut meng-enjut 1 push or pull with a jerk. 2 pedal (a bicycle, etc.).\n
ensiklik (Rel.) encyclical.\n
ensiklopedi encyclopedia.\n
ensim /ensima/ enzyme.\n
ensopor (Coll.) et cetera.\n
entah who knows, I do not know. entah-berentah fabled, imaginary.\n
entah-berentah see ENTAH.\n
meng-entak 1 stamp on with force. 2 thrust, stab. 3 pound, throb as if
being stamped on.\n
entar (Jakarta) later.\n
meng-entas take or pull s.t. out. meng-entas-kan raise achild to
adulthood so that it becomes s.t.\n
ente (Jakarta and among Arabs) you.\n
enten meng-enten graft, implant.\n
1 light (in weight), 2 light (feelings, etc.). 3 easy, inconsequential. 4
mild (of cigarrettes, etc.).\n
enternit see ETERNIT.\n
entimun see MENTIMUN.\n
entit (Java) ng-entit steal (small and trivial objects).\n
entog (Java) Manuila duck.\n
entomolog entomologist.\n
entomologi entomology.\n
entomologis entomological.\n
entot (Vulg.) (me)ng-entot fuck, screw.\n
entri entry (in dictionary, etc.).\n
entrog meng-(entrog-entrog) shake.\n

enyah go away, get out.\n

meng-enyak tread on, step on, press, stamp. te(pe)r-enyak fall back
with thud (in a chair etc.).\n
enyek (Java) answer in a mocking way.\n
enzim,enzima see ENSIM.\n
epak see PAK 1.\n
epek (Coll.) belt.\n
epidemi epidemic.\n
epidemiologi epidemiology.\n
epigrafi epigraphy.\n
epik epic.\n
epilepsi epilepsy.\n
episentrum epicenter.\n
episode episode.\n
epistemologi epistemology.\n
epok k.o. plaited bag to hold ingredients for betel chewing.\n
epolet epaulette.\n
epos epic.\n
era era.\n
erak screeching sound.\n
meng-eram 1 hatch, brood. 2 crouch on all fours (as of water buffalo
in pond, tiger set to pounce on prey, etc.). 3 brood.\n
erang groaning, moaning from pain.\n
erang-erot zig-zag, askew, awry.\n
erat 1 tight, firm. 2 firm (of promise, etc.). 3 close (of relationship).\n
ercis peas.\n
ereng see RENG.\n
eret meng-eret 1 drag, pull. 2 snate, lure, take in s.o.\n
eretan sleigh, sledge.\n
erik meng-erik scream, shout, trumpet (of elephant).\n
ering k.o. bird of prey.\n
erloji see ARLOJI.\n
erobik 1 aerobic. 2 exercise.\n
erong lubang-erong (Naut.) scupperhole.\n
eropa,eropah Europe, European.\n
eropanisasi Europeanization.\n
erosi erosion.\n
1. distorted, wry (of face). 2. ber-erot in a row, following exactly in
e.o.\'s traces.\n
erotik 1 eroticism. 2 erotic.\n
erotis erotic.\n
erpah land leased on a long-term basis.\n
erpekad see RPKAD.\n
erte see RT.\n
erti (me)ng-erti 1 understand. 2 (Java) know.\n
eru the Australian pine (Casuarina sp.).\n
erwe see RW 2.\n
1 ice. es balok/batang block of ice. es-batu ice cube. es-serut shaved
ice. 2 confection or drink with ice. es-campur iced mixed with fruits
and syrup. es-teler iced fruit-cocktail with topping of condensed
milk. es-lilin/loli/mambo/ roli popsicle.\n
esa,esa (Lit.) single, one.\n
esah see SAH 1.\n
esak sakit-esak be short of breath.\n
esang see KESANG.\n
esde see SD.\n
esei essay.\n
eseis essayist.\n
esek see DEMAM.\n
eselon 1 echelon. 2 (Mil.) echelon, battle-array.\n
esema see SMA.\n
esembling see ASEMBLING.\n
esempe see SMP.\n
esens essence, odor, scent.\n
esensi essence, quintessence, gist.\n
esensiil essential.\n
eser see SR.\n
eset see EZ.\n
esha see SH.\n
eskadron squadron.\n
eskalasi escalation.\n
eskas icebox, refrigerator.\n
eskatologi eschatology.\n
eskatologis eschatological.\n
eslandia Iceland.\n
esok tomorrow, the next day.\n
esot see INGSUT.\n
espos see EKSPOS.\n
espres see EKSPRES.\n
esrar see TANDA.\n
estafet,estapet (Sport) relay race.\n
estetika aesthetics.\n
estetis aesthetic.\n
et see EIT.\n
etalage,etalase shop window.\n

etatisme statism.\n
1. ng-etek crave. 2. (M) term of address for mother\'s younger
eter 1 ether, upper air. 2 (Med.). ether.\n
eternit plasterboard.\n
ethika,etik,etika ethics.\n
etiket 1. label (on bottle, etc.). 2. etiquette.\n
etimologi etimology.\n
etiologi etiology.\n
etis ethical.\n
etnis ethnic.\n
etnisitas ethnicity.\n
etnografi ethnography.\n
etnolinguistik ethnolinguistics.\n
etnologi ethnology.\n
etnologis ethnological.\n
etos ethos, ethics.\n
etsa etch.\n
evakuasi evacuation.\n
evaluasi evaluation.\n
evaluir meng-evaluir evaluate facts, etc.\n
evangelis 1 evangelist. 2 evangelical.\n
evangelisasi evangelization.\n
evolusi evolution.\n
ewa (Java) averse, unwilling.\n
ewe (Vulg.) meng-, ng-ewe copulate, have sexual intercourse.\n
ex seealso entries with eks.\n
eyang (Java) term of addres and reference for grandparent.\n
(Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan) official Indonesian and Malaysian
spelling system since 1972.\n
eyel obstinate in argument.\n
(Economische Zaken) Ministry of Economic Affairs (in colonial
f f, the 6th letter of the alphabet.\n
fa (firma) firm.\n
1. 1) deed, work . 2) (Med.) function, action (of body, organs, etc.).
2. sign, omen.\n
faali physiological.\n
fabel fable.\n
fabrik see PABRIK.\n
fabrikan maker, manufacturer.\n
fabrikasi manufacture, product.\n
fadihat disgrace, shame, ignominy.\n
fadil prominent, eminent, famous.\n
fadilat,fadzilat excellence, prominence.\n
faedah use, benefit, profit.\n
faham see PAHAM.\n
failasuf see FILSUF.\n
failit see FAYIT.\n
fait-accompli (fetakompli) fait accompli.\n
fajar dawn.\n
fakih (Islam) expert in canon law.\n
fakir 1 poor, destitute, indigent. Muslim or Hindu religious mendicant.\n
fakta fact.\n
faktor 1 factor, element. 2 (Math.) factor.\n
faktual,faktuil factual.\n
faktur invoice.\n
fakultas school of a university, faculty.\n
fakultatif,fakultatip optional.\n
fakultet see FAKULTAS.\n
falak 1 celestial sphere. 2 (outer) space.\n
falsafah,falsafat 1 philosophy, philosophical system.\n
falsafi philosophical.\n
fam family name (esp. in E. Indonesia).\n
famili 1 relative. 2 family.\n
familial familylike.\n
1 accustomed, used to doing. 2 intimate. 3 have an intimate or
homelike atmosphere.\n
fana 1 transitory, fleeting. 2 perishable.\n
fanatik adhering strictly to a religion.\n
fanatisme fanaticism.\n
fani perishable.\n
fantasi 1 fantasy, illusion, fancy. 2 imagination. 3 fancy.\n
fantastis fantastic.\n
faraid,faraidz (Islam) law of inheritance.\n
faraj see FARJI.\n
fardhu,fardu 1 obligatory. 2 (Islam) religious obligation.\n
faring (Anat.) pharynx.\n
farji vulva.\n
farmakologi pharmacology.\n
farmakope pharmacopoeia.\n
farmasi pharmacy, drugstore.\n
fasal see PASAL.\n
fase phase.\n
faset facet.\n
fasid imperfect.\n
fasih 1 fluent. 2 eloquent, quick-witted. 3 glib.\n

fasihat eloquence.\n
fasik godless, atheistic.\n
fasilita /fasilitas/ facilities or conveniences put at o.\'s service.\n
fasis fascist.\n
fasisme facism.\n
fatal fatal.\n
fatalis fatalist.\n
fatalisme fatalism.\n
fatehah see ALFATIHAH.\n
fatsal see PASAL.\n
1 (Islam) a binding ruling in religious matters. 2 instructions,
guidance of an order person.\n
favorit favorite.\n
fayit bankrupt.\n
fe (Fakultas Ekonomi) School of Economics.\n
feb (Februari) February.\n
februari February.\n
federal federal.\n
federalis federalist.\n
federalisme federalism.\n
federalistis federalistic.\n
federasi federation.\n
felbet cot.\n
feminin feminine\n
feminisme feminism.\n
fener see FINEER.\n
fenomena,fenomin phenomenon.\n
fentilasi see VENTILASI.\n
feodal feudal.\n
feodalisme feudalism.\n
feodalistis feudalistic.\n
feri ferry.\n
fermentasi fermentation.\n
fertilitas fertility.\n
festival festival.\n
fetsin see VETSIN.\n
fh (Fakultas Hukum) School of Law.\n
(Fakultas Hukum dan (Ilmu) Pengetahuan Kemasyarakatan) School
of Law and Social Sciences.\n
fiasko fiasco.\n
figur 1 figure, shape. 2 figure, personage (in a story).\n
figura see PIGURA.\n
figuran supernumerary (actor or actress), extras (in a movie).\n

fihak see PIHAK.\n

fikh see FIQH.\n
fikir pikir.\n
fiksi fiction.\n
fiktif fictitious.\n
filamen filament.\n
filantrop philanthropist.\n
filantropi philanthropy.\n
filantropis philantrophical.\n
filateli philately.\n
filatelis philatelist.\n
filem see FILM.\n
filial branch (of a firm, etc.).\n
filing (Coll.) 1 feeling, intuition. 2 lottery hunch.\n
filipin,filipina,filipinas the Philippines.\n
fill 1 behavior, deeds. 2 (Lit.) verb.\n
film 1 film for camera. 2 film, movie.\n
filolog philologist.\n
filologi philology.\n
filologis philological.\n
filosofi philosophy.\n
filosofis philosophical.\n
filsafah,filsafat philosophy,ideology. 2 philosophical system. 3 (Coll.) mysticism.\n
filsafati philosophical.\n
filsuf philosopher.\n
filum (Biol.) phylum.\n
filusuf see FILSUF.\n
final (Sport) finals.\n
finalis finalist.\n
finansial,finansiil financial.\n
finansir financier.\n
fineer,finir veneer.\n
finlandia Finland.\n
[Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan (Pengetahuan) Alam] School of
Mathematics and Physical Sciences.\n
[Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Alam] School of Mathematics and
fiqh,fiqih (Islam) study of laws pertaining to ritual obligations.\n
firaon (fir\'aon) seeFIRAUN.\n
1reading of s.o.\'s character (by palmistry, physiognomy, etc.). 2
ability to prophesy the future. 3 presentiment, hunc, foreboding.\n
firaun (fir\'aun) 1pharaoh. 2 tyrant.\n

firdaus paradise.\n
firdausi heavenly, paradisiacal.\n
firma firm, company, enterprise.\n
firman saying, decree (diving or royal).\n
firus k.o. gemstone, turquoise.\n
fis [Fakultas Ilmu Sosial] School of Social Sciences.\n
fisik physical.\n
fisika physics.\n
fisiografi physiography.\n
fisiografis physiographic.\n
fisiologi physiology.\n
fisioterapi physioterapy.\n
[Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik] School of Social and
Polotical Sciences.\n
fisipen (Sport) kingpin.\n
1 fiscal. 2 (Mil.) judge advocate. 3 departure tax was paid, exit-tax
fissi (Phys.) fission.\n
fiting see FITTING.\n
fitnah slander, calumny.\n
1. (Islam in rice or cah paide at end of fasting month. 2. fitrah,fitrat
natural tendency, disposition, character.\n
fitri pure, natural.\n
fitting light cocket, fixture.\n
[Fakultas Kedokteran, Fakultas Keguruan] School of medicine,
Schoolof Teacher Training.\n
fkg [Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi] School of Dentistry.\n
fkh [Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan] School of Veterinary Medicine.\n
fkip [Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan] Normal School.\n
(Sl.) euphoric and disoriented due to drugs or intoxicating
flamboyan poinciana tree.\n
flanel flanel.\n
flat (flet) apartment.\n
fleksibel flexible.\n
fleksibilitas flexibility.\n
fles see PLES.\n
flet see FLAT.\n
flipper (Coll.) dolphin.\n
floret (Sport) foil.\n
floridasi fluoridation.\n
flu influenza, a cold.\n

fluktuasi fluctuation.\n
fluor fluoride.\n
fluoroskop fluoroscope.\n
fly seeFLAI.\n
fly-over traffic overpass.\n
fobi see PHOBI.\n
fohte,fokhte (Coll.) humid.\n
foklor folklore\n
fokus 1 focus (of lens). 2 focus (of attention).\n
folio foolscap-size paper.\n
fondamen foundation.\n
fondasi foundation.\n
fonds (Fin.) fund.\n
fonem (Ling.) phoneme.\n
fonemik (Ling.) phonemics.\n
fonemis (Ling.) phonemic.\n
fonetik (Ling.) phonetics.\n
fonetis (Ling.) phonetic.\n
fonologi (Ling.) phonology.\n
fonologis (Ling.) phonological.\n
forklif (foklif, poklip) forklift.\n
formal formal.\n
formalisir memf- formalize.\n
formalitas formality.\n
1 formation. 2 (Mil.) formation. 3 position, aline item in the official
formasi budget for a certain employee.\n
format format, form.\n
(Pol.) person or committee appointed by an assembly to form the
executive leadership, cabinet, etc.\n
formika Formica.\n
formil see FORMAL.\n
formulasi formulation.\n
formule formula.\n
formulir form, declaration, blank.\n
forsir memf- force, compel.\n
forum forum, open discussion.\n
fosfat phosphate.\n
fosfor phosphorus.\n
fosil fossil.\n
foto photograph, picture.\n
fotograf,fotografer photographer.\n
fotografi photography.\n
fotokopi 1 photocopy. 2 (Coll.) print of a video casette.\n
fotosintesa,fotosintesis (Biol.) photosynthesis.\n
foya,foya-foya (ber)- foya be extravagant with money, throw money around.\n
fps (Fakultas Pasca Sarjana) Graduate School.\n
fr. (frater) (Rel.) brother, friar.\n
fragmen /fragmenta/ fragment.\n
fragmentaris fragmentary.\n
fraksi faction (in parliament), section (of political party).\n
framboesia frambesia, yaws.\n
frambos raspberry.\n
frambosen raspberry flavored syrup.\n
frambus see FRAMBOS.\n
frambusia see FRAMBOESIA.\n
surcharge paid to an expediter for shipments sent to a certain
frasa, frase (Ling.) phrase.\n
frater (Rel.) friar, brother.\n
fraude fraud, swindle.\n
fregat frigate.\n
frekuensi,frekwensi frequency.\n
frigiditas sexual frigidity.\n
frikatif (Ling.) fricative.\n
friksi friction.\n
friser (Coll.) freezer, freezer compartment.\n
frobel (Coll.) kindergarten.\n
front 1 (Pol.) fron, cadre. 2 (Mil.) front (line).\n
frontal frontal, head-on.\n
fronton jai alai arena.\n
fruktosa fructose.\n
frustrasi 1 frustration. 2 frustrated.\n
fs [Fakultas Sastra] School of Literature.\n
fuad (Lit.) heart.\n
fufu meat of copra dried by heat.\n
fulan see POLAN.\n
fuli mace, the whorled interior skin or membrane of nutmeg.\n
fulus 1 filthy lucre. 2 (Coll.) money.\n
fumigasi fumigation.\n
fundamental,fundementil fundamental.\n
fungisida fungicide.\n
fungsi 1 fungtion, office, job. 2 fungtion, purpose.\n
fungsional see FUNGSIONIL.\n
fungsionalisasi fungtionalization.\n
fungsionalisme functionalism.\n
fungsionaris,fungsioner functionary, official.\n
fungsionil fungtional.\n
funisia Phoenicia.\n
fuqoro-wal-masakin (Islam) the poor and the needy.\n
furak difference,dissimilarity.\n
furuj (Lit) star.\n
furuk teaching of ethics based on principles of religion.\n
fusi 1 (Phys.) fusion. 2 (Pol.) fusion, coalition.\n
futbal soccer.\n
futur (Ling.) future.\n
futurolog futurologist.\n
futurologi futurology.\n
futurologis futurological.\n
(China) foo young, an omelette with meat and vegetables served
with sweet and sour sauce.\n
g g, the 7th letter of the alphabet.\n
g. 1. (gunung) mt., mount. 2. (gerakan) movement.\n
[Gerakan 30 September] September 30th Movement, the 1965
attempt to seize control of the gvt.\n
gaang mole cricket.\n
(Ambon) 1 garlands and other decorations made of palm fronds. 2
gaba-gaba bamboo gate decorated with garlands of fronds, etc. 3 roof of sago
palm fronds. 4 dried sago palm stems, esp. as building material.\n
gabag German measles.\n
gabah unhulled paddy separated from the stalks.\n
gabai see GAPAI.\n
gabak 1. cloudy, overcast. meng-gabak gloomy, dark. 2. see GABAG.\n
gabardine gabardine.\n
gabas 1. in a hurry, hurriedly. 2. rough, coarse, not tidy.\n
gabir clumsy, awkward, maladroit.\n
gableg,gablek (Java) be capable of doing s.t.\n
gabruk sound of banging.\n
gabug,gabuk 1 empty (of rice, kernels, etc.). 2sterile. 3 childless.\n
gabung 1 bundle, sheaf. 2 cluster.\n
1. 1) k.o. tree, the soft wood of which is used as cork, scraper, etc. 2)
cork. 2. k.o. wiely eaten freshwater fish, snakehead.\n
the marble, card, etc. which o. picks as the means of winning in
gacok,gacuk children\'s game of marbles, cards, etc., where the object is to
accumulate marbles, etc.\n
gada club, bludgeon, cudgel.\n
gada-gada ship\'s weathervane.\n
gadai 1 pawning. 2 security. ber-gadai borrow money by pawning s.t.\n
1. large, big. rumah-gadang (Minang) large sprawling house,esp. the
gadang matrilineal clan house. 2. large sieve. 3. ber-gadang see
gadang-gadang meng-gadang hope for s.t.\n
gadar see KADAR 1.\n
gadas bowling pin.\n
gaden see SURAT.\n
gading 1 elephant tusk. 2 ivory. 3 ivory color.\n
gading-gading 1 joist, truss. 2 ribs of ship.\n
gadis 1 girl. 2 maiden, virgin.\n
meng-gado eat side dishes without rice. gado-gado 1 k.o. salad eaten
with peanut sauce. 2 s.t. consisting of various elements.\n
1. 1) noisy. 2) boisterous, rowdy. 3) tumult. 2. meng-gaduh farm
s.o.\'s land or raise s.o.\'s animals for a share in the product.\n
gaduk arrogant, conceited.\n
gadung k.o. creeping edible tuber which is toxic if not cooked properly.\n
gadungan fake, bogus, imitation.\n
gae, gaek (Coll.) old.\n
hook, snare. meng-gaet 1 snatch, hook. 2 rake in. 3 tickle with
fingers to catch s.o.\'s attention.\n
gaga see GOGO 1.\n
1 strong. 2 brawny, muscular. 3 handsome, dashing. 4 heroic, brave,
gagai meng-gagai climb a tree by embracing the trunk.\n
gagak raven, crow.\n
gagal fail.\n
gagang 1 handle. 2 stem, stalk, spadix.\n
gagap 1. stammer, stutter. 2. meng-gagap feel, grope.\n
gagas have an idea.\n
gagasan 1 idea. 2 concept.\n
1. meng-gagau grope. 2. ber-gagau-gagau-an scream
gagu 1 mute, dumb. 2 empty-minded, void of ideas.\n
gaguk see gagap 1.\n
gahar meng-gahar scrub, scour.\n
gahara (Lit.) of royal descent.\n
gahari moderate.\n
k.o. tree eaglewood, the rotted xylem of which yields fragrant
resinous material.\n
1 mysterious. 2 invisible, hidden, inscrutable (meaning, etc.). 3
gaib disappear, vanish (of gods, etc.) 4 belonging to the invisible (divine
or supernatural) sphere. 5 in absence.\n

gaing (Naut.) sheer.\n

gairah,gairat passion, strong desire.\n
meng-gait 1 pull, book, pluck (fruit, etc. with a pole). 2 wheedle
money, etc. from s.o.). 3 swipe, steal, purloin.\n
1 elephant. gajah-mada 1) the Prime Minister of Majapahit. 2) name
of a university in Yogyakarta. 2. (Che.) bishop.\n
gaji wage, salary.\n
gajih (Java) fatty portions of meat.\n
gajuh cashew.\n
scoundrel, rascal. ber-gajul 1 hang around engaging in petty criminal
activities. 2 act like a scoundrel.\n
gak see NGGAK.\n
gakang (ga\'ang) see GAANG.\n
1. resin, pitch. 2 caulking. 3 a resin-collecting bee. gala-gala putty. 2.
gala gala-yudha (Mil.) field test. 3. main-gala-asin k.o. children\'s game.
4. see SEGALA.\n
galah 1. 1) punting pole. 2) spear. 2. see GALA 3.\n
galak 1 fierce, vicious. 2 sharp and mean. 3 impudent, forward.\n
galaksi galaxy.\n
galang girder, supporting beam.\n
galant gallant.\n
galantin galantine, k.o. meatloaf.\n
galar 1 k.o. mat made of bamboo pounded flat. 2 board, two-by-four.\n
1 carrying pole. 2 goods carried on a shoulder pole. 2 peddle
galas merchandise (carried in containers suspended from carrying
galasi (Jakarta) k.o. poisonous spider.\n
galat see RALAT.\n
galau hubbub, confusion.\n
galbani meng-galbani galvanize.\n
galengan (Java) small dike in rice field.\n
galenika k.o. patent medicine.\n
galgal hurried and rude (in activity, behavior, etc.).\n
1. meng-gali 1) dig ( hole, well, mine, grave). 2) dig up (potatoes,
gali etc.), excavate, unearth, exhume. 3) delve. 4) unearth, discover. 2.
[gabungan anak liar] ( Sl.) 1) gang of street toughs. 2) racketeers.\n
galib normal.\n
galing see IKAL.\n
galing-galing k.o. wild climbing vine.\n
1 loose (of screws, key, ring, etc.). 2 fluent, glib, articulate. 3 agile,
nimble, spry.\n
galon gallon.\n
Balinese celebration, lasting 10 days and occurring once every 210
days according to the wuku calendar.\n
galur 1 furrow, groove. 2 channel.\n
galuran probing back into s.t.\n
galvanisasi meng-galvanisasi-kan galvanize.\n
gama (Gajah Mada) Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta.\n
meng-gamak-gamak 1 take s.t. in hand to feel size or estimate its
gamak weight. 2 estimate, make a guess. 3 put o.\'s hand threateningly on
the hilt of a dagger.\n
gamalisasi planting of gamal trees to eliminate elephant grass.\n
gamam see GAMANG.\n
gaman weapon. ber-gaman armed.\n
gamang 1 nervouse, afraid. 2 feel dizzy from heights.\n
gamat sea cucumber, sea slug.\n
gamawan male student at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.\n
gamawati female tudent at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.\n
gamb. [gambar] illustration, picture.\n
traditional instrument similar to xylophone. gambang-keromong 1
small popular Chinese-Indonesian orchestra. 2 Jakarta gamelan.\n
gambangan yoke.\n
gambar 1 picture, drawing. 2 sketch.\n
gambas k.o. squash.\n
1 gambier, ingredient used in betel chewing, tanning and dyeing. 2
the climbing plant that produces gambier.\n
gamblang (Java) 1 clear, understandable.2 explicit, mincing no words.\n
gamblok ng-gamblok 1 be attached to, hold on to. 2 join.\n
gambuh (Java) 1 a make dancer. 2 k.o. dance.\n
1 k.o. six-stringed, plucked instrument of Arabic origin, us.
gambus accompanied by a drum. 2 band with such an instrument or a
harmonium and with other instruments plaing Arabian songs.\n
gambut 1 peat moss. 2 turf.\n
gambyong (Java) k.o. woman\'s dance. ng-gambyong perform this dance\n
game (gim) 1 expression signalling end of a game. 2 (Sl.) dead.\n

gamelan gamelan orchestra.\n

gamik see GAMIT.\n
gamis k.o. Arab-style shirt.\n
ber-gamit(an) 1 nudge, atap s.o. on the shoulder, arm. 2 attract s.o.\'s
gampang easy.\n
gampar stike, slap.\n
gamparan 1 slap, stroke. 2 wooden clog, flapping slipper.\n
gamping limestone.\n
gamuh k.o. water jar.\n
gan see JURAGAN.\n
gana-gini see GONO-GINI.\n
ganang see GUNUNG.\n
ganas savage, ferocious, vicious. 2 malignant (tumor).\n
gancang quick, spray, alert.\n
gancaran (Java) prose.\n
1 pole with a hook (e.g. to pluck fruit from trees). 2 boat hook. 3
ganco, gancu
ganda 1. fold. 2. 1) opponent of unequal strength. 2) (Sport) handicap.\n
gandal gandal-an, peng-gandal obstache, hindrance.\n
gandapita k.o. cake.\n
k.o. tree whose fragrant leaves are used for medicinal purposes and
whose seeds smell like musk.\n
1. 1) lever, arm of scales. 2) axle of wheel. 3) carrying pole. 2. drive
a vehicle.\n
gandaria,gandariah ko. tree bearing edible fruit, used for medicinal purposes.\n
gandarukam k.o. tree that provides resin used for caulking, soap, etc.\n
various k.o. small trees the leaves of which are used for medicinal
gandaruwa see GENDRUWO.\n
gandasuli k.o. medicinal herb.\n
gandel clapper (bell).\n
ganden see GANDIN.\n
gandeng ber-gandeng 1 side by side, arm in arm. 2 coupled.\n
ganderuwo see GENDRUWO.\n
gandes (Java) graceful, charming, elegant.\n
1 golden ornament worn on forehead by bride. 2 ornament on top of
a kris. 3 milling stone.\n
gandin large mallet.\n
ganding see GANDENG.\n
gandol see GANDUL.\n
gandos k.o. cookie made of rice flour and coconut.\n
gandrung 1 infatuated, in love, crazy about. 2 devoted to a cause.\n
gandu k.o. flat black seed as marble.\n
ber-, meng- barter, exchange by providing s.t. extra in the
gandul ber-gandul-an hang down (of several things).\n
gandum 1 wheat. 2 wheat flour.\n
gandung outrigger.\n
gandungan see GADUNGAN.\n
ganesa Ganesha, Hindu elephant god.\n
1. 1) alley, narrow street. 2) corridor, passageway. 2. gang (of
thieves, etc.).\n
1. algae, seaweed. 2. space between two objects. 3. ber-gangang 1)
warm o.s. by a fire. 2) warm things on a fire.\n
meng-ganggu 1 disturb. 2 disturb, intrude on, interfere with. 3
annoy, molest.\n
ganggut meng-ganggut pull, tug.\n
1. brass. 2. k.o. meat dish. meng-gangsa fry with little oil. 3.
gangsal see GASAL.\n
gangsang see GASANG.\n
gangsar see GANGSIR.\n
gangsing see GASING.\n
(Java) mole cricket. meng-gangsir undermine, dig a tunnel, furrow.
peng-gangsir s.t. that burrows.\n
ganja 1 hemp plant. 2 hashish, marijuana. peng-ganja drug addict.\n
ganjak ber-ganjak budge, move a bit.\n
ganjal 1 a wedge. 2 a prop, support.\n
ganjar reward.\n
ganjaran 1 reward. 2 just deserts, punishment, retribution.\n
ganjat 1 have a cramp (in muscles, etc.). 2 tangled (of thread, etc.).\n
ganjel see GANJAL.\n
ganjen (Coll.) coquettish.\n
ganjil 1 uneven, odd (of numbers). 2 queer, odd, abnormal.\n
1. k.o. lance or pike. meng-ganjur-i spear s.t. 2. k.o. rice borer. 3.
ber-ganjur withdraw, pull back.\n
gantang measure of rice equivalent to 3.125 kg, around o. quart.\n
gantar stake, post.\n
gantel 1. (Java) meng-gantel-i hang from. 2. stick.\n
ganteng handsome, dashing.\n
gantet (Java, Jakarta) stick.\n
ganthol seeGANTOL.\n
1 substitute, replacement. 2 change (name, clothes, etc.). 3 over (of
radio operators).\n
(Java) meng-gantol catch with a large hook. gantol-an good-sized
hook to sieze with.\n
gantole hang glider.\n
meng-gantung 1 hang (a person) 2 hang up (clothes). 3 adjourn,
suspend (a legal case) 4 be suspended.\n
meng-ganyah 1 polish (with sandpaper, etc.). 2 rub or massage
vigorously, scrub. 3 strike hard (with a fist).\n
meng-ganyang 1 eat raw, devour. 2 smash, crush. 3 eliminate, wipe
ganyar hard (of uncooked tubers).\n
ganyong (Java, Sunda) k.o. edible tuber.\n
ganyut seeGANYAR.\n
gaok (Java) 1 k.o. bird, crow. 2 cawing sound. meng-gaok caw.\n
gap 1 sound of slapping on a table. 2 sound of heartbeat.\n
gapa,gapah 1. skillful, adroit, agile. 2. gapah seeGOPOH.\n
ber-an, meng-(2) 1 reach for, extend the hand for,grasp after. 2 wave
(o.\'s hand) to. 3 achieve, attain.\n
gapak see GAPA.\n
gapik see GOPOH.\n
gapil meng-gapil interfere in.\n
gapit pincers, tweezers, clamp.\n
gaple dominoes.\n
gaplek dried cassava.\n
gaplok (Java) meng-gaplok slap s.o. on the back.\n
[Gabubgab Pengusaha Makanan - Minuman] Association of Food
and Drink Producers.\n
gapu meng-gapu reach, extend to.\n
gapura gate, gateway, portal.\n
1 (Java) scene in traditional wayang depicting turbulence and war. 2
turbulence, commotion (in war or of nature). 3 natural phenomenon
(earthquake, typhoon, etc.). regarded as an omen (us, bad). 4 just be
cause (of).\n
garage [garase] see GARASI.\n
1. frighten away, chase away (birds, etc.). 2. garah-garah joking,
garam 1 salt. 2 a mineral salt. 3 experience, effectiveness (in idioms).\n
garan (Java) handle.\n
garandir meng-garandir guarantee.\n
1) fierce, cruel, ferocious. 2) vivid (of colors). 3) very strong. 4)
garangan mongoose.\n
garansi guarantee, warrant.\n
garap meng-garap work on.\n
garas 1. shin. 2. meng-garas eat, gobble up.\n
garasi garage.\n
garau hoarse.\n
garba, garbha (Biol.) embryo.\n
garbis (Java) k.o. round, yellow and black melon.\n
garda guard.\n
gardan (Auto.) differential gear.\n
garden,gardin see GORDEN.\n
1 guardhouse. 2 bus shelter. 3 (Mil.) depot, dump, magazine. 4
(Tech.). relay station.\n
garebek (Java) o. of the three major Muslim religious festivals.\n
(Java) k.o. cicada that appears at end of rainy season. Gareng son of
Semar in Java shadow play.\n
gari handcuffs. meng-gari handcuff, shackle, manacle.\n
garib strange, peculiar, exotic.\n
garing 1 dry and crispy, crunchy. 2 cool (of a relationship).\n
1 line. 2 (Sport) finish line. 3 frontier, border. 4 (Sport) boundaries,
garisah instinct.\n
garit 1. scratch. 2. meng-garit move.\n
garneren,garnering [harneren,harnering] (Coll.0 cake icing or decoration.\n
garnisun (Mil.) garrison.\n
garong robber.\n
garpu fork.\n
garu 1. harrow. 2. see GAHARU.\n
1 mythical bird, mounted by god Vishnu. 2 bird in official seal of
Rerpublic of Indonesia.\n
garuk round up.\n
1. meng-garung 1 grow, roar. 2 cry or weep loudly. 2
garut meng-garut abrade, chafe.\n
garwa /garwo/ (Honorific, Java) spouse.\n
gas 1 gas. 2 vapor from gasoline.\n
gasak 1 fight. 2 hit.\n
gasal (Math.) uneven, odd (of a number).\n

gasang lustful, lecherous, lascivious.\n

gasing a top. ber-gasing spin a top.\n
gasket gasket.\n
gasolin gasoline.\n
gasung sandbar.\n
1 itch. 2 eager for s.t. (money, etc., but esp. sex). 1 itchiness. 2
gatot (Java) sliced dried cassava boiled with coconut milk.\n
gatra phrase (in a sentence or in music).\n
gatuk (Java) match, meet, coincide.\n
gatutkaca son of Bima, o. of the Pendawa brothers in the Java wayang.\n
gaul ber-gaul associate.\n
gaun gown, Wedding dress.\n
gaung 1. echo, reverberation. 2. hole, ravine.\n
gawai see GAWE.\n
gawal mistake, error.\n
1 gate. 2 (Sport) goal posts. 3 (Sport) hurdles. gawang-gawang-an
gawar warning sign (us. by means of ropes).\n
gawat 1 critical, serious, grave. 2 dangerous, risky. 3 bad, terrible.\n
gawe (Jakarta, Java) work.\n
gawir (Sunda) escarpment.\n
gaya 1 energy, force. 2 style, form, manner. 3 musical note, melody.\n
gayal 1 elastic. 2 tough of meat.\n
gayam k.o. semicultivated Inocarpus tree with pulpy fruits eaten cooked.\n
gayang staggering, reeling (from dizziness, drunkenness, etc.).\n
gayang-gayang a rack.\n
gayem (Java) meng-gayem(i) chew the cud.\n
(Java) 1 pleasant, warm, cordial (attitude). 2 cheerful, interesting
1. hang low (of fruit on tree or bush). 2. aspiration, ideal, objective.
meng-gayuh achieve.\n
gayung 1 water dipper, scoop. 2. attack(with sword or blow).\n
gayut ber-gayut hang, swing.\n
gb. (gambar) illustration.\n
[Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara] (Pol.0 Broad Outlines of the
Nation\'s Direction.\n
gbr. see GB.\n
gebah meng-gebah chase away, chase out.\n
gebang (Java) tall thornless jungle palm with large leaves.\n
gebar see KAIN.\n
1. meng-geber vibrate (of an engine). 2. meng-geber give too much
of s.t.\n
gebes meng-gebes-kan move s.t.\n
geblak (Java) ng-geblak fall backward.\n
geblas (Java) meng-geblas go away hurriedly.\n
geblek see GOBLOK.\n
geblok (Java) 1 bolt of cloth. 2 wad of money.\n
gebok bolt of cloth.\n
1. meng-gebos scold, snap at, sanarl at. 2. (Java) meng-gebos
suddenly let off smoke.\n
gebrak sound of a door slamming, board crashing to floor, etc.\n
gebrakan 1 (karate) blow, chop. 2 blow, slap (on table, etc.).\n
gebres (Java) sneeze.\n
meng-gebu-gebu 1 flare up (of fire, revolt). 2 rage. 3 be tense and
excited with enthusiasm, worked up for action.\n
gebuk meng-gebuk beat (a drum). meng-gebuk-i pummel, beat up.\n
(Java) meng-gebyah-uyah consider all to be the same, make no
gebyak (Java) meng-gebyak perform, stage.\n
gebyar (Java) sparkle, shine, glitter.\n
(Java) meng-gebyur splash a large amount of water on s.o. or s.t.
gebyur-an water splashed out.\n
gecak see GECEK.\n
gecar trembling, fright. meng-gecar shudder, tremle (from fear).\n
(Java) meng-gecek 1 crush, smash (i.e. food to soften it, etc.). 2
catch, seize, grasp.\n
gedabah triangle-shaped gold hair ornament.\n
1. large, big. meng-gedang-kan enlarge, increase, expand. 2. (Sunda)
gede (Coll.) big, large. ke-gede-an too big. peng-gede (Sl.) big shot.\n
gedebak-gedebuk/gedebur 1 sound of s.t. heavy having fallen. 2
gedebak sound of footsteps on a floor. meng-gedebuk-kan stamp s.t. down
gedebar-gedebur sound of beating or throbbing, beat or throb.\n
gedeblak-gedebluk sound of wrestling and fighting.\n
1. (Java) trunk of a banana plant, esp. as a place to arrange wayang
puppets. 2. see GEDEBUK.\n
gedebrak-gedebruk loud sound of s.t. heavy falling, very loud stamping of the feet.\n
sound of heavy footsteps. ber-gedebuk with a thud. (ber)-gedebuk-an
make a pounding or thudding noise.\n
gedebum see GEDEBUK.\n
square of cloth formed into a pouch often for betel leaves and
gedebur see GEDEBAR-GEDEBUR.\n
gedek panel of woven or plaited bamboo (for house walls, etc.).\n
gedempak tambourine.\n
gedempol fat, obese.\n
gedeng (Java) sheaf (of rice).\n
gedobros (Java) ng- talk nonsense.\n
gedok meng-gedok weave. gedok-an primitive handloom.\n
gedombrongan (Coll.) too large (of clothes).\n
gedoncak ber-gedoncak beat (of heart).\n
gedong fancy house, mansion.\n
gedongan having or living in a large, stone house.\n
gedor meng-gedor 1 pound on. 2 break in to plunder.\n
gedruk (Java) meng-gedruk stamp. gedruk-an stamping (of feet).\n
gedubrak (Java) meng-gedubrak make a sudden popping or crashing noise.\n
gedubrang see GEDUBRAK.\n
sound of jangling or clanking (e.g. of cans banging against e.o.).
gedubrang-an keep making this sound.\n
gedumel see KEDUMEL.\n
building (us. of brick concrete), edifice. gedung-bertingkat
gedung multistoried building. gedung-instansi 1 public building. 2 building
owned by a firm.\n
geduyut ber-geduyut droop, bend (from heavy branches, etc.).\n
gegabah rash, reckless, hasty.\n
gegak see GEGAP 1.\n
gegaman hand weapon.\n
gegaokan (Java) caw.\n
gegap gegap-gempita uproarious, noisy, clamorous.\n
gegar shaking, swaying. ber-gegar-an tremble, shake, rumble (plurally).\n
gegares stuff, gorge o.s.\n
gegas lots of movement and activity. ber-gegas-an hurry.\n
gegat 1. k.o. insect, silverfish. 2 see KEGAT.\n
gegau ter-gegau starled, wake up with a start.\n
gegep pliers, tweezers.\n

geger 1 commotion, tumult. 2 be in a tumult.\n

gegetuk see GETUK 1.\n
gegetun surprised, dumbfounded.\n
geguyon joke, make a joke.\n
1 symptom, indication. 2 tendency. peng-gejala-an process of be
coming conspicuous.\n
gejolak 1 flaming, fire. 2 fluctuation (in prices).\n
gejos sound of sizzling (when water is poured over hot coals, etc.).\n
(Java) meng-gejug kick in fighting (in martial arts, dance). gejug-an
kick, blow with the feet.\n
gejuju meng-gejuju build up, pile up (of clouds).\n
gelabak see GELETAK.\n
gelabur meng-gelabur plunge into water.\n
geladah see GELEDAH.\n
geladak 1. (Naut.) deck. 2. 1) mongrel dog. 2) criminal.\n
geladi rehearsal.\n
geladir 1 mucus, phlegm. 2 slime.\n
gelagah wild sugarcane.\n
gelagak see GELEGAK.\n
1 stutter, stammer. 2 confused, flustered, upsed. 3 losing direction. 4
make gasping noises when drowning.\n
gelagar ber-gelagar-an thunder (of cannons).\n
gelagat 1 sign, indication. 2 symptom. 3 attitude. 4 habits.\n
gelagepan see GELAGAPAN.\n
gelak 1 laughter. 2 laugh, chortle.\n
gelakak hearty laugh.\n
gelam k.o.Melaleuca tree and its bark which is used for caulking.\n
gelama 1. k.o. sea fish. 2. mucus, phlegm.\n
sweet made of pounded sticky rice, coconut, and sugar. meng-
gelamai prepare this sweet.\n
wattle of fowl, jowls, or other watterlike skinfold in animals. ber-
(an), meng-gelambir hang down like jowls.\n
gelandang (Sport) halfback.\n
gelandangan vagrant, homeless drifter.\n
gelang bracelet. gelang-gelang tapeworm. per-gelang-an circle.\n
1 circular area in which an event takes place : arena, forum, pit, ring.
2 a round area which forms the backround for s.t.\n
gelangsar meng-gelangsar slide, slip up.\n
gelantar meng-gelantar bleach, dry in the sun.\n
ber-gelantung hang down, dangle, steady o.s. by holding onto s.t.
gelanting,gelantung above.\n
gelantur meng-gelantur flow forth, come forth.\n
1 dark. 2 unclear, obscure. 3 secret, illicit, clandestine(organization).
peng-gelap embezzler.\n
gelapai meng-gelapai fight feebly (of cocks).\n
1. 1) title. 2) academic title, degree. 3) alias. 2. meng-gelar spread
out. gelar-an carpet, mat to sit on.\n
gelas glass (for drinking). meng-gelas coat kite string with ground glass.\n
1. meng-gelatak tickle. 2. meng-gelatak-i hunt or search through
(pockets, drawers, etc.0.\n
gelatik k.o. bird that eats rice crops, Java finch.\n
gelayaran stagger.\n
gelayut see GAYUT.\n
gelebap sound of an object falling, plop.\n
gelebar ber-, ter flap (of sail, shirt, tail, etc.). meng-gelebar plop o.s. down.\n
geleber,geleberan hang loosely, hang in folds (of skin, clothing).\n
gelebuk sound of an object falling.\n
gelebur meng-gelebur plunge, jump into (a fire, etc.).\n
gelebyar ber-fly around.\n
gelecek,gelecik meng-gelecek skid, slip, slide.\n
geledah meng-geledah search (a building), frisk (a person), ransack.\n
meng-geledang extend the arms (as if to ward or hold off s.t. or
geledek thunder, lightning.\n
geleding meng-geleding twist, warp (of wood, etc.).\n
geledur have folds (of fat around the abdomen).\n
ber-, meng- 1 buble, effervesce, fizz, seethe. 2 wheeze. meng-
gelegak-kan bring to a boil, make s.t. seethe or wheeze.\n
gelegapan see GELAGAPAN.\n
1. (floor) beam, girder, joint. 2. thundering, rumbling, sound of
gelegata itchy rash, prickly heat.\n
1. meng-gelek 1 roll over. 2 roll. 3 run over, crush as in mortar. 4
dodge, get out of the way. 2. (Sl.) marijuana.\n
gelekak meng-peel (of paint, scabs, etc.).\n
gelekek meng-gelekek giggle, snicker.\n
gelemat (Naut.) forecastle.\n
gelemberan wattle of fowl.\n
1 bubble. 2 (Anat.) vesicle. 3 swollen. ber-, meng-gelembung be
gelembur ripple.\n
gelempang see GELIMPAH.\n
gelemprang ber-gelemprang high-pitched, piercing (of sound).\n
gelendong s.t. to wind s.t. around : bobbin, spool, coil, reel.\n
gelendot meng-gelendot pull to attract attention.\n
move from side to side (of o.\'s head) geleng-an a shake of the
gelenggang see GELINGGANG.\n
gelentang ber-gelentang roll over.\n
gelentar see GELETAR.\n
gelenyar meng-gelenyar tingle.\n
gelepak sag, collapse (of bridge, etc.).\n
gelepar fluttering.\n
gelepek hang loosely, hang limply (of flag, etc.).\n
gelepok /gelepot/ muddy, muddied.\n
gelepung sound of heavy object hitting water.\n
gelepur flapping, fluttering (of dying or fighting fowl).\n
geler see GILIR.\n
meng-geleser 1 begin to turn, begin movement. 2 flutter, move
geleta long-necked jug.\n
geletak flounder, flutter. meng-geletak sprawl.\n
geletar ber-, meng-geletar 1 shiver, tremble. 2 beat (of o.\'s heart).\n
meng-geletik 1 move agitatedly, twitch, squirm. 2 make tick-tock
sound (of watch or clock). 3 throb, beat (of o.\'s heart).\n
geleting meng-tinkle (as of ice in a glass).\n
geletis meng-geletis twitch, squirm.\n
geletuk chattering (of teeth).\n
1. 1) amused, tickled. 2) ticklish. 3) set o.\'s teeth on edge, give o.
the creeps. 2. seeBUAH.\n
geliang,geliang-geliut writhe, wriggle. ber-geliang wriggle, squirm.\n
geliat geliat-geliut writhe, wriggle.\n
gelibir see GELIMBIR.\n
gelicik meng-gelicik-kan avoid, evade. ter-gelicik skid, slip.\n
geliga seeGULIGA.\n
geligi see GIGI.\n
geligir geligir-hidung bridge of nose.\n
meng-geligis 1 tremble, quiver, shudder, shake. 2 chatter (of
geligit meng-geligit bite repeatedly.\n
ber-gelimang be soiled, smeared, covered with s.t. wet. gelimang-an
shallow pools of liquid, mud, etc.\n
hang loosely, hang in folds. meng-gelimbir dangle, be pendulous.
gelimbir-an sagging.\n
gelimpah, gelimpang ber-gelimpah-an be sprawled face up all over.\n
gelinang meng-gelinang form in the corners of the eyes (of tears).\n
gelincir meng-gelincir slip, skid.\n
gelincuh ter-gelincuh stumble.\n
gelinding wheel.\n
gelindingan caster.\n
gelinggam 1 red lead. 2 red dye, red paint.\n
gelinggaman shudder, get the creeps.\n
gelinggang k.o. shrub, used to treat ringworm.\n
ber-, meng-gelingsir 1 slide or slip down while revolving. 2 descend,
go down (of the sun). 3 shift or move downward or forward.\n
gelinjang meng-gelinjang 1 jump up and down. 2 wriggle with pleasure.\n
gelintang ter-gelintang sprawled.\n
gelintin ber-gelinting 1 sticky. 2 thick, concentrated.\n
gelinting meng-gelinting 1 roll (cigarette, etc.). 2 writhe, squirm.\n
1 pellet. 2 counter used with small pelletlike objects. 3 counter used
with persons. 4 a general all-purpose counter.\n
gelis (Sunda) lovely, pretty.\n
gelisah 1 nervous, on edge, restless. 2 worried, concerned.\n
gelisir meng-gelisir slide s.t. a short distance.\n
gelita see GULITA.\n
gelitar meng-gelitar struggle, move about to free o.s.\n
gelitik 1 tickle, tickling. 2 stimulus, incitement, inducement.\n
geliut ber-geliut writhe, squirm.\n
gelo (Java) be disappointed and therefore be hurt and angry.\n
gelo,gelok 1 out of o.\'s mind, crzy. 2 unmannered, foolish.\n
gelobok meng-gelobok make a sound like a bottle being filled with water.\n
gelocak see GELOJAK.\n
gelodar 1. meng-gelodar squirm, writhe. 2. turbid from mud.\n
1. swig (of whiskey), gulp (of water). meng-gelogok 1) gulp down.
2) seethe, boil. 3) spill a large quantity. 2. a threat.\n
gelohok ter-gelohok opened wide.\n
gelojak ber-, ter-gelojak slap, wash against (of waves against side of boat).\n
gelojoh 1 gluttonous. 2 greedy.\n
gelokak see GELOPAK.\n
gelomang see GELUMANG.\n
gelombang 1 a long unbroken wave or swell. 2 phase, facet.\n
gelompar meng-gelombar leap or jump up.\n
gelondang (ber)-gelondang-an make a resounding sound (e.g. an empty can).\n
gelondong roll, bunch.\n
geloneng small gong.\n
gelonggong ber-gelonggong eat through, nibble at.\n
gelongsor see GELOSOR.\n
gelonjak jumping up and down. meng-gelonjang arise.\n
meng-gelontor 1 spray with water in order to remove s.t. 2 drink a
great deal.\n
gelopak meng-gelopak peel off (of bark, paint, etc.).\n
1. 1) seething, tempestuousness, turbulence. 2) enthusiasm, violent
passion. ber-, 2. [gelanggang olahraga] Sport Stadium.\n
gelosang meng-gelosang hurry up, speed s.o. up.\n
gelosok meng-gelosok rub hard, scrub vigorously.\n
gelosor ber-gelosor slip. meng-gelosor slide down.\n
gelotak meng-gelotak split a coconut shell.\n
gelotrak rattle. meng-gelotrak rattle (of chains).\n
geluduk deep, far-off thunder. ber-geluduk thunder, rumble.\n
geluga red lead.\n
k.o. forest tree with yellow edible fruits similar to mangosteen but
gelugut meng-gelugut shiver from cold, chatter (of teeth).\n
geluh loam.\n
geluk coconut shell.\n
gelulur meng-gelulur 1 slide down, fall. 2 slip down (of trousers).\n
gelumang muddied, wet with s.t. dirty.\n
gelumbang see GELOMBANG.\n
geluncur see GELINCIR.\n
1. ber-gelundung-an roll downward (of several things). 2. see
gelung 1 coil (of rope, etc.), bun of hair. 2 curve, turn.\n
gelungsur see GELOSOR.\n
geluntung (ber)geluntung-an laze around in bed.\n
geluntur meng-geluntur glide, slide, ride smoothly along.\n
gelup fall out, drop out (of teeth).\n
gelupur see GELEPUR.\n
gelusak meng-gelusak trouble, throw *thoughts, etc.)into turnmoil.\n
gelut 1 wrestle. 2 romp, play in rough-and-tumble fashion. 3 quarrel.\n
gelutuk see GELETUK.\n
geluyur see KELUYUR.\n
gema wcho, reverberate.\n
gemaca plaited bamboo for walls and ceiling.\n
gemah-ripah (Java) very prosperous.\n
gemak 1. meng-gemak-gemak handle, finger. 2. k.o. wild quail.\n
bunch (of twigs, paddy), sheaf. meng-gemal 1 put together in sheaf
or bunch. 2 hold, grasp.\n
gemala magic stone, probably bezoar.\n
geman afraid, frightened. peng-gemani coward.\n
gemang 1. thick, cylinder-shaped (long, etc.). 2. k.o. fish.\n
gemap ter-gemap astounded, dumbfounded.\n
gemar be fond of, delight in.\n
1 annoyed, put out, irritated. 2 passionate, with heat. 3 be moved
emotionally to do s.t. physical from anger, love, etc.\n
gemawan clouds moving rapidly by in sky.\n
1 shepherd, herdsman. 2 (Rel.) shepherd (of the flock). meng-
gembala-(i ) tend, look a fter.\n
gembang pudgy.\n
ranting. meng-gembar-gembor-kan propagandize, tout, shout
gembel see JEMBEL.\n
gembereng see GEMBRENG.\n
gembili see KEMBILI.\n
gembira 1 glad, happy. 2 cheerful, gay.\n
ber-, ter-gembleng united, welded into o. meng-gembleng unite.
peng-gembleng-an unification.\n
gemblok meng-gemblok-i cling to.\n
gembok padlock.\n
meng-gembol carry (in baf, pocket, piece of cloth). gembol-an s.t.
carried (in bag, etc.).\n
gembong leader, brains, prominent figure.\n
gembor 1. see GEMBAR-GEMBOR. 2. watering can.\n
gembos deflated.\n
gembreng k.o. flat knobless gong.\n
gembrot (Java) big-bellied, paunchy.\n
gembul 1. always hungry, never satisfied. 2. full, fat.\n
1 swollen, distended, puffed (of stomach, cheek, etc.). 2 stuffed,
gembur loose (of soil). 2 crumbly (of bread).\n
gemelai see GEMULAI.\n
gemelegar see GELEGAR 2.\n

gemelentam sound of booming cannon fire.\n

gemeletak shiver, chatter (of teeth).\n
gemeletap sound of tapping (of fingers on table or glass pane, etc.).\n
gemeletuk see GELETUK.\n
gemelintang full of stars.\n
gemelugut 1 shake, shiver (from cold). 2 shudder.\n
gementar see GEMETAR.\n
gemercak splatter, splashing.\n
gemercik see GEMERICIK.\n
gemerencang sound of clanging.\n
gemerencik sound of splattering.\n
gemerencing see GEMERINCING.\n
gemerencung see GEMERENCANG.\n
gemeresik 1 sound of rustling (of leaves). 2 sound of paper being crumpled.\n
gemeretak sound of chattering teeth.\n
gemeretuk /gemeretup/ sound of rattling or clanging.\n
gemericik /gemerincik/ sound of water flowing in a small stream.\n
sound of clinking or tinkling (e.g. glass breaking, jingling money,
gemerlap shining, gleaming, sparkling brightly.\n
gemerocok see GEMERCAK.\n
gemertak,gemertakan sound of a crack or rattle.\n
gemertuk,gemertup see GELETUK.\n
gemerusuk rustle.\n
gemerutuk see GELETUK.\n
gemes see GEMAS.\n
gemetar tremble. gemetar-an trembling, tremor.\n
gemi see IKAN.\n
gemik meng-gemik signal with the finger.\n
gemilang brilliant, shining, bright.\n
gemilap see GEMERLAP, GILAP. ke-gemilap-an glitter.\n
geminasi (Ling.) gemination.\n
geming ber-geming keep quiet, be motionless.\n
geminte /kheminte/ (Coll.) municipality.\n
gempa gempa-bumi earthquake. ber-gempa shake, jolt.\n
gempal 1. sturdy, plump (of build). 2. see GUMPAL.\n
gempar uproar, commotion. ke-gempar-an tumult, stir.\n
gempel adhere, fuse.\n
gempet,gempit meng-gempet push into a corner.\n
gempil (Java) chipped,damaged. gempila-an chip, splinter, sliver.\n
gempita loud. meng-gempita be noisy, loud.\n
gempul-gempul panting, out of breath.\n
1 attack and destroy. 2 demolish (an argument, idea, etc.). 3
gempuran attack, assault, charge, onslaught.\n
gemuk 1 fat, corpulent, obese. 2 fat, grease. 3 rich (of oil). 4 fertilizer.\n
gemulai 1 supple, pliant. 2 swaying (of leaves in wind, etc.).\n
gemulung rolling (of waves).\n
gemuruh 1 thundering, cannonading. 2 camorous, tumultuous.\n
genah (Java) 1 proper. 2 straightened out, settled.\n
ber-, meng-, ter- filling a place and not flowing (water). meng-
genang genangi inundate, whelm s.t. genang-an puddle, flooded area (caused
by water backup, etc.).\n
genap 1exactly enough, whole. 2 even (numbers). se-genap all, entire.\n
gencar unceasing, incessant, unbroken.\n
1 stopped, suspended. 2 stunted (in growth). ter-gencat 1 halted,
stopped. 2 oppressed. gencat-an cessation.\n
gencer see GENCAR.\n
meng-gencet 1 (Jakarta) squeeze, press. 2 urge, press. 3 (Jakarta)
crush. 4 suppress, crush.\n
gencetan 1 physical or psychological pressure. 2 suppression.\n
gendak (Jakarta, Java) mistress, concubine.\n
gendala hindrance, obstacle.\n
gendang 1. 1) k.o. drum. 2) mosque drum. 2. a roll (of paper).\n
gendeng (Java) dumb, stupid.\n
k.o. metallophone with keys suspended on thongs or cords over
sounding tubes, a gamelan instrument.\n
genderang k.o. large drum.\n
genderuwo see GENDRUWO.\n
gendi see KENDI.\n
gending (Java) musical composition for gamelan.\n
gendir see GENDER.\n
meng-gendong carry (esp. children) on the small of the back or the
gendong hip, supported by the waist and o. arm, often with the help of a cloth
sling, carry (a child) astraddle.\n
gendruwo (Java) malevolent (male) spirit.\n
(Java) 1 girl. 2 term of address for girls, esp. as nduk for little girls
or for waitress or maid.\n
gendut 1 corpulent, potbellied. 2 (Coll.) pregnant. 3 (Coll.) very
gene gene.\n
genealogi genealogy.\n
genealogisasi generalization.\n
genelalogis genealogistical.\n
generalisir meng-generalize.\n
generasi generation.\n
generatif (Ling.) generative.\n
generator generator.\n
genetika genetics.\n
handful. meng-genggam clutch, hold in o.\'s grasp. genggam-an 1 s.t.
held in the hand, a handful. 2 grasp, grip, clutch.\n
1. 1) ajar, slightly open. 2) fissure, split. ber-, ter- be ajar (of a door,
etc.). 2. gingham.\n
1. 1) bamboo jew\'s harp. 2) harmonica. 2. (small) house surrounded
by water.\n
gengsi 1. (Lit.) collateral relative. 2. 1) prestige .2) (Sl.) put on airs.\n
gengsot k.o. dance. ng-gengsot dance such a dance.\n
genial genial.\n
genialitas geniality.\n
genit firtatious, vain.\n
genitif,genitip (Ling.) genitive.\n
genjah early-ripening (of certain rice or fruit varieties).\n
genjang 1 askew. 2 (Math.) rhomboid, parallelogram.\n
genjer k.o. edible riverine plant.\n
genjer-genjer song associated with Indonesian Communist party.\n
genjik (Vul.) an imprecation : you pig !\n
meng-genjot 1 operate a pedal or treadle. 2 do s.t. all at once, push
s.t. to the limits. 3 (Mil.) attack (en masse).\n
genjur stiff (of hair).\n
gensi see GENGSI 2.\n
genta bell (in churches, worn by cattle, etc.). ber-genta ring out.\n
gentar 1 vibrate (of plucked string), quiver. 2 tremble (with fear), fear.\n
1 pinched off (with thumbnail), broken off (of stem of flower). 2
gentat (Lit.) dented.\n
gentayangan meander, roam, ramble.\n
gentel pill, pellet.\n
genteng roof-tile. per-gentengan-an imbrication, overlapping.\n
gentik see GETIK.\n
1. (Lit.) 1) narrow, thin, slender in the middle. 2) frayed, worn thin.
3) critical, tense. 2. see GENTENG.\n
gentong large earthenware bowl for water.\n
gentus (Jakarta) surly, offensive (of speech, words).\n
genyot awry, askew.\n
geodesi geodesy.\n
geofisik geophysical.\n
geofisika geophysics.\n
geofisikawan geophysicist.\n
geografi geography.\n
geografis geographycal.\n
geokimia geochemistry.\n
geol (Sunda) ber-, meng-geol sway, swing.\n
geologi geology.\n
geologis geological.\n
geologiwan geologist.\n
geometri,geometrika geometry.\n
geometris geometrical.\n
geopolitik geopolitics.\n
geopolitis geopolitical.\n
geotermis geothermic.\n
gepak,gepak 1. see KEPAK 1. 2.(Jakarta) kick.\n
gepar see GELEPAR.\n
flat and rather thin, us. of s.t. not flat (a cake that fails to rise, a
malformed head, a plate rather than a soup bowl, etc.).\n
1. (Java, Jakarta) k.o. sweet cake. 2. meng-geplak strike with the
back of the hand.\n
gepok bundle, sheaf. gepok-an bundle, sheaf, wad.\n
geprak meng-geprak hit with banging sound (us. the head).\n
1. (M) fat, obese. 2. meng-gepuk 1) beat, pound. 2) crack (with
ger see also entries with gr- ger.\n
ger-ger 1 sound of boisterous laughter. 2 sound of snoring.\n
gera meng-gera frighten, threaten (by starling actions).\n
gerabah earthenware vessels.\n
gerabak meng-gerabak trickle, flow (of tears).\n
1 sound of repeated, various thumping noises (of heavy footsteps,
gerabak-gerubuk falling chairs, futniture being moved). 2 do s.t. hurriedly or without
care or regard for others.\n
gerabang 1 large rip. 2 gaping hole (in wall).\n
geradakan 1 uneven, coarse (surface, etc.). 2 rough (action, handling, etc.).\n

geragai k.o. hook for catching crocodiles.\n

meng-geragap be nervous and uncontrolled (of speech). geragap-an
hace difficulty speaking (from nervousness, fear, atc.).\n
geragas (Java) ng-geragas gluttonous.\n
geragau 1. meng-gerafgau claw at. 2. see UDANG.\n
geragot meng-geragot damage s.t. slightly by nibbling or gnawing at it.\n
gerah 1. 1) stifflingly hot, sultry. 2) (Coll.) sick. 2. see GERUH 1.\n
geraham molar.\n
meng-gerai dig, excavate. 2. (Lit.) small stand or platform. 3. meng-,
ter be loose (of hair).\n
1 movement. 2 twitch, jerk (of eyelid, shoulder, etc., often regarded
as an omen). peng-gerakan activation.\n
geram 1. 1) infuriated. 2 (Lit.) passionate.\n
geramang k.o. long-legged ant.\n
gerami see GURAMI.\n
geranat see GRANAT.\n
gerang tooth blackener.\n
gerang-an can it be ?, an expression of wondering or double.\n
geranggang (Java) bamboo spear.\n
gerantam sound of cannon, explosion, etc.\n
gerantang 1 tumult, din, racket. 2 snarl, growl.\n
1. meng-geranyam have a tingling sensation (from striking o.\'s
geranyam funny bone, etc.). 2. (M) meng-geranyang come up in waves (e.g.
heat off a tin roof).\n
gerapai meng-gerapai grope.\n
gerasakan rough (of a surface).\n
gerat meng0gerat-kan gnash.\n
geratak (Jakarta) meng-geratak search, look for (everywhere).\n
geratih (M) canter.\n
1. meng-gerayang 1) craw (of insects, snakes, etc.). 2) scratch the
gerayang head). 2. (Jakarta) meng-gerayang grope, esp. probe stealthily (in
order to steal).\n
gerbak meng-gerbak pervade (of odors).\n
gerbang 1. disheveled (of hair). 2. gate, esp. ceremonial arches.\n
[Gersik-Jombang-Kertosono- Surabaya-Sidoarjo-Lamgongan]
metropolitan Surabaya area.\n
gerbas-gerbus sound of rustling.\n
gerbong railway coach.\n

gercik see GEMERICIK.\n

gerdak sound of s.t. hard falling suddenly.\n
sound of loud slamming. meng-gerdam fall with loud noise (as of
heavy object hitting floor).\n
gerdum sound of loud thud.\n
1 come up (in large number) on s.o. unawares. 2 raid s.t. 3 (Jakarta)
gang up on s.o.\n
gerecak sound of fizzing.\n
gerecok meng-gerecok annoy, bother, nag.\n
gereformeers,gereformir reformed (church), Calvinist Protestant sect.\n
geregetan tense from restraining pent-up emotions.\n
gereh (Java) dried salted fish of any kind except enchovy.\n
gereja 1 church. 2 (Coll.) church services.\n
gerejani ecclesiastical.\n
gerejawan churchman, an ecclesiastical.\n
gerejawi ecclesiastical.\n
gerek drill. meng-gerek 1 drill (a hole), perforate. 2 bore (of a rodent).\n
gerelap see GELAP.\n
geremeng vibration.\n
gerendel (M) see GERENDEL.\n
meng-gerendeng strike a threatening posture (e.g. bull about to
gerentang see GERANTAM.\n
gerenyam see GERANYAM.\n
gerenyau impertinent, saucy.\n
gerenyeng,gerenying 1 display the teeth (of dog, mongkey, etc.). 2 grin broadly.\n
gerenyet,gerenyit 1 muscle spasm, twitching (of mucles). 2 sound of squeaking.\n
1 with the corners of the mouth pulled up or down. 2 sneering,
1. meng-gerepes fidget, fiddle (with o.\'s fingers). 2. bergerepes
uneven, rough (of a surface, etc.).\n
gereseh-peseh see KARESEH-PESEH.\n
geresek sound of rustling.\n
meng-geret 1 scratch, scrape. 2 screech, squeak. geret-an matches,
geretak,geretek meng-geretek 1crackle. 2 gnash o.\'s teeth.\n
geretang (M) meng-geretang adopt a fighting posture.\n
gergaji saw.\n
gergajul (Jakarta) scoundrel, blackguard.\n
gergasi giant.\n
gerham see GERAHAM.\n
gerhana 1. eclipse. 2. in difficulty.\n
geriap meng-geriap become small (of drooping eyelids, fading lamps).\n
geriatri /geriatria/ geriatrics.\n
geriatrik geriatric.\n
sound of repetitive twittering or chattering (e.g. birds, geese,
monkeys, etc.).\n
geridik meng-geridik-kan (bulu roma) make the hair stand on end.\n
geridip meng-geridip blink.\n
gerigi serration, a serries of notches.\n
gerigik k.o. bamboo water-scoop, with a handle.\n
gerigis ber-gerigis serrated, cogged (file, etc.).\n
gerigit meng-gerigit gnaw at.\n
gerik see GERAK.\n
gerilya guerrilla. ber-gerilya wage guerrilla warfare.\n
gerilyawan male guerrilla fighter.\n
gerilyawati female guerrilla fighter.\n
gerim k.o. coarse flannel.\n
gerimis drizzle.\n
gerincing sound of thinkling. meng-gerincing-kan jingle s.t. (keys, etc.).\n
gerinda grindstone, emery wheel. meng-gerinda hone s.t.\n
gerindin (M) suffer from shivers (esp. a horse disease).\n
gerinding k.o. jew\'s harp.\n
1 (Java, Jakarta) ill, esp. of animals. 2 (Lit.) ill (of royalty). peng-
gering 1 sickly. 2 potion to cause illness.\n
geringsing 1. k.o. batik pattern. 2. see GERISING.\n
gerinjal seeGINJAL.\n
1. whetstone for filling teeth. 2. ear scoop (for clearing outer
gerinting k.o. grass.\n
gerinyau meng-gerinyau feel itchy.\n
gerinyit see GERENYOT.\n
gerip slate pencil.\n
geripir (Coll.) court clerk.\n
gerisik sound of rustling.\n
gerising distort o.\'s face (from pain).\n
1. sound of scratch (e.g. chalk across black-board). ber-, meng- gerit
gerit screech (from scraping), squeak (of chair on floor). 2. meng-gerit
nibble, gnaw.\n
gerit-gerit k.o. vine yielding k.o. latex.\n
gerita see GURITA 1.\n
gerlap see KERLIP 1.\n
gerlip see KERLIP 1.\n
germo 1 pimp, procurer, panderer. 2 brothel keeper. per-germo-an matters
pertaining to pandering.\n
germut meng-germut-i crowd, swarm around.\n
gero-gero (Java) wail.\n
geroak have a large, gaping tear, esp. in clothing.\n
gerobak 1 cart, wagon. 2 (R.R.) car.\n
1. 1) (Jakarta) k.o. bamboo cupboard for food storage. 2) (Lit.) large
clothes wardrobe. 2. meng-gerobok bubble, gurgle.\n
gerocok sound of falling water. ber-gerocok-an foam (of fountain).\n
gerodak sound of clattering (stone rolling on floor, stamping of feet, etc.).\n
gerogi 1 somewhat afraid. 2 embarrassed. 3 dazed, dizzy.\n
gerogoh meng-gerogoh(i) grab at, grope.\n
gerogol (Lit.) palisades.\n
meng-gerogot-i 1 (Jakarta) gnaw on (of rats, etc.), chew at. 2
undermine (a plan or duty). 3 embezzle, steal little by little.\n
gerohok hollow, empty.\n
gerombol assemble, collect.\n
gerombolan 1 group, bunch, cluster. 2 gang, band (of thieves, etc.).\n
gerong 1 (Jakarta) hole or cavity in the earth. 2 (Java) sunken (of eyes).\n
1. k.o. tree yielding house timber. 2. geronggang, geronggong 1)
cavity (in tree, etc.), 2) be hollow.\n
gerontang sound of erratic chattering or clattering (falling cans, etc.).\n
gerontologi /gerontologia/ gerontology.\n
geronyot 1 throb with pain. 2 twitch.\n
geropes see GERUPIS.\n
(Java) sound of a crash. ber-geropyak thump, thud (of tree falling,
geropyok meng-geropyok (Java) 1 stage a raid, give chase. 2 round up.\n
geros 1. (Jakarta) meng-geros snore. 2. see GROS 1.\n
1. sound of rustling (e.g. dry leaves when walked over). 2. meng-
gerosok-gerosok wade.\n
gerowot see GEROGOT.\n
gerpol [gerilya politik] political guerrilla.\n
gerr sound of laughter, snoring, purring of a cat.\n
gersah,gersak sound of crackling (e.g. dried twigs, leaves, etc.).\n
gersang 1 dry, barren (of hair, land, etc.). 2 coarse (of hair).\n
gersik k.o. coarse sand.\n
gertak 1 snarl, snapping. 2 threaten.\n
gertakan 1 snarling,snapping 2 threat , intimidation 3 spurring (of a horse).\n
gertap sound of repeated tapping.\n
gertik meng-gertik make a grating noise.\n
geru (Lit.) meng-geru roar (of tiger, etc.).\n
gerubuk see GERABAK.\n
geruduk (Java) meng-geruduk attack en masse.\n
gerugul see GEROGOL.\n
gerugut grooved, corrugated.\n
geruh misfortune, bad luck .\n
geruit see KERUIT.\n
geruk sound of object scraping scross hard surface.\n
gerumbul density. meng-gerumbul be gathered in a place.\n
gerumit meng-gerumit perform fine, meticulous work.\n
gerumpung mutilated, deformed (nose).\n
gerumuk meng-gerumuk sit hunched up.\n
gerumut swarm.\n
gerun overwhelming fear (on seeing a serious car accident, etc.).\n
gerundang (M) tadpole.\n
gerundel meng-gerundel complain, pout.\n
gerung sound of roaring.\n
gerunggung k.o. tree.\n
gerunjal meng-gerunjal 1 jolt. 2 appear suddenly. 3 cause jolts.\n
gerup the portion of the loom in which the comb is fixed.\n
gerupis tinker at, putter at (o.\'s work).\n
gerus shell used to polish cloth.\n
gerut 1 sound of scratching. 2 scraping, scratching.\n
gerutan 1 scratch. 2 claw.\n
gerutu 1. rough, coarse (of texture). 2. say s.t. in complaint.\n
gerutuan complain, gripe.\n
gerutup,gerutus sound of rattling explosion (of machine gun, firecrackers, etc.).\n
geruyak meng-geruyak shake, make s.t. turbulent.\n
gesa ber-, (ber)gesa-gesa in a hurry, in haste.\n
gesek rub, scrape.\n
gesekan 1 rubbing, friction. 2 stringed instrument.\n
gesel,geser (Ling.) fricative.\n
gesit 1 nimble, adroit, agile. 2 skillful.\n
gesper clasp, buckle. meng-gesper-kan buckle (belt, etc.).\n
[Gerakan September Tiga Puluh] September 30th Movement, the
gestapu 1965 attemp to seize control of the gvt.\n

getah 1 sap, latex, resin. 2 (Biol.) gland secretion.\n

sound of knocking or pounding (e.g. butcher\'s cleaver on cutting
cover of rthin material (paper, cloth, skin) tightly drawn over an
1. broken. meng-getap grate, crunch. 2. getap ,getapan 1 quick-
tempereted. 2 easily shocked.\n
getar 1 tremble. 2 (Ling.) trill.\n
1 vibration, quiver, shiver. 2 (Ling.) trill. 3 (Med.) pulsation. 4
1. 1) brittle (of wood, etc.). 2) easily heartbroken, oversensitive. 2.
(Jakarta) clear, distinct (change, etc.).\n
getek 1. (Jakarta) small raft. 2. see GITIK.\n
meng-getik 1 tap lightly, flick (with finger). 2 nip between o,\'s
fingers. getik-an a pinch, a nip.\n
getil se-getil a pinch of s.t.\n
getir 1. bitter. 2. see GETIL.\n
getis 1 brittle. 2 frail (of health).\n
getok sound of pounding.\n
getokan stick to hit with.\n
getol diligent, industrious, harworking.\n
sound of flailing (e.g. palm fronds). meng-getrok strike repeatedly
(to remove contenst of can, jar, etc.).\n
getu meng-getu crush with fingernail.\n
1. (Java) k.o. sweet steamed loaf of pounded cassava. 2. see
getun ke-getun-an surprise, astonishment.\n
geulis /gelis/ see GELIS.\n
gewang 1. mother-of-pearl. 2. see GIWANG.\n
geyong (Jakarta) large-buttocked.\n
geyong-geyong (Java) dangle.\n
gh- seealso entries with g-.\n
ghaib see SEMBAHYANG, GAIB.\n
gi (Coll.) see PERGI.\n
gia [Garuda Indonesian Airways] the Indonesian national airline.\n
giam k.o. hardwood tree.\n
giat energetic, active.\n
gibas 1. see KIBAS. 2. see KAMBING.\n
gidig,gidik ber-gidig shudder, shiver (e.g. due to gruesome situation).\n
gigau see IGAU.\n
gigi 1 tooth. 2. toothlike object. 3 cog, gear. 4 edge or extremity.\n

gigih 1. persevering. 2. half-cooked rice. 3. see GIGIL.\n

gigil,gigir meng-gigir shiver, tremble.\n
gigir-gunung (Java) mountain ridge, range of hills.\n
gigis (Java) see KIKIS.\n
gigit bite s.t.\n
1. 1) insane, crazy. 2) obsessed, infatuated. 2. meng-i, meng-kan (M)
look after, take care for s.o.\n
1) foolhardy, foolish. 2) frantic, like mad. 3) exessive, beyond
gila - gilaan
gilang-cemerlang glittering and bright.\n
gilang-gemilang bright and brilliant.\n
gilap meng-gilap lustrous, shining (of s.t. polished).\n
gilas meng-gilas 1 crush, pulverize. 2 run over. 3 overrun, cross over.\n
giles see GILAS.\n
gili (M) meng-gili-gili 1 tickle. 2 incite, egg on, needle.\n
gili-gili 1 bund, earthen dike. 2 sidewalk.\n
gilik 1. meng-gilik roll over s.t. to crush it. 2. see GILI.\n
meng-giling 1 roll (cigarette, steel). 2 mill, grind (wheat, coffee,
pepper, etc.). 3 flatten (s.t. with a roller).\n
gilir 1 alternate, pass through cycles. 2 take turns.\n
giliran 1 turn, shift. 2 serve (in tennis).\n
1. gold thread. 2. 1) the gymnasium of colonial period offering Latin
and Greek courses. 2) attend such a school. 3. see GAME. (Coll.).\n
gimana (Coll.) see BAGAIMANA.\n
gimnastik gymnastics.\n
gimpal locket, pendant.\n
gin gin.\n
ginang-ginang sticky rice sweetmeat.\n
gincu lipstick.\n
ginekolog gynecologist.\n
ginekologi gynecology.\n
gingsir see GELINGSIR.\n
gini (Coll.) see BEGINI. se-gini this much.\n
ginjal,ginjel kidney.\n
giok (China0 jade.\n
gips 1 gypsum. 2 plaster cast (on sprain or fracture).\n
gir gear wheel, cogwheel (of car, bicycle, etc.).\n
girang glad, happy.\n
giras k.o. coarse linen.\n

1 ID card. 2 chit, voucher. 3 title of land ownership (containing land

measurements). 4 schedule of rounds by guards.\n
girik-girik areca nut crusher.\n
giring see TEMU 1.\n
giring-giring 1. bell (on bicycle, clothing, etc.). 2. plants used for fertilizer.\n
giringan giringan\n
giris (Java) fel fear and horror.\n
(Fin.) 1 clearing, clearing account. 2 credit transfer. 3 check for
deposit only.\n
giro-pos 1 postal money transfer. 2 postal clearing.\n
giroskop gyroscope.\n
gisar 1. see KISAR. 2. see GESEL.\n
gisik (Java) beach.\n
gisil see GESEL.\n
gita (Java) hymn, song.\n
gitar guitar. ber-gitar play the guitar.\n
gitaris guitarist.\n
gites (Java) meng-gites crush lice between tips of a.\'s fingernails.\n
gitik (Vul., SL.) meng-gitik have sex with a woman.\n
(Coll.) seeBEGITU. gitu-gitu so-so, all the same. se-gitu that much.
gitu-an that sort of (bad, dirty) thing.\n
giuk (Naut.) guy.\n
giur meng-giur-kan 1 arouse sexual excitement. 2 arouse interest, temp.\n
giwang ear stud.\n
gizi nutrient.\n
gk [gaya kuda] horsepower.\n
gl- see also entries with gel-.\n
gl. [gelar] title.\n
gladi rehearsal.\n
gladiol /gladiole/ gladiolus.\n
glasiasi (Geol.) glaciation.\n
glasir see GLAZUR.\n
glaukoma glaucoma.\n
glazur 1 glazing (of tile, etc.). 2 tooth enamel. 3 cake frosting.\n
glek-glek-glek sound of gulping down liquids.\n
/glenggem/ 1. sound of s.t. heavy rolling slowly (wheels of train,
glendem etc.). 2. glenggem (Java) eat s.t. or put s.t. in o.\'s pocket quietly
without letting anyone know to avoid sharing it.\n
gletser glacier.\n
glikosa see GLUKOSA.\n
gliserin glycerine.\n
global 1 global, overall. 2 broad.\n
glondongan (Coll.) unprocessed timber.\n
glos (Ling.) gloss.\n
glosarium (Ling.) glossary.\n
glotal (Ling.) glottal.\n
glotalisasi (Ling.) glottalization.\n
glotis (Ling., Anat.) glottis.\n
glotokronologi (Ling.) glottochronology.\n
glugut (Java) fine hairs of the bamboo.\n
glukosa glucose.\n
1. (China) five. go-ban 50,000. go-cap 50. go-ceng 5,000. go-pek
500. go-tiau five million. 2. GO gonorrhea.\n
go-go see SISTEM.\n
goa see GUA 1.\n
goal see GOL.\n
gobah see KUBAH.\n
goban see GO 1.\n
k.o. colonial era coin (valued at two-and-a half cents) with hole in
gobar somber.\n
metallic cylinder with plunger to mince betel chew, esp. for toothless
elders. meng-gobek pound areca nut with such a device.\n
gobernor see GUBERNUR.\n
gobet meng-gobet cut very thin, grate.\n
goblek 1 finished, done. 2 done as o. pleases.\n
goblok stupid.\n
gocan (Jakarta) toss and turn (ino.\'s sleep).\n
gocap see GO 1.\n
gocek meng-gocek (Sport) maneuver with the foot.\n
goceng see GO 1.\n
gocet see GOCEK.\n
gocoh ber-gocoh fight, pummel.\n
goda meng-goda 1 tempt. 2 plague, tease, torment. goda-an temptation.\n
godam sledgehammer. strike, pound (of fist, club, etc.).\n
godek side whiskers, sideburns. ber-godek growing side burns.\n
godog,godok s.t. boiled.\n
godot meng-godot slice, saw thinly.\n
goek sound of clearing the throat.\n
gogo 1. nonirigated rice field. 2. go-go dance.\n
gogoh meng-gogoh shiver.\n
(Java) meng-gogok 1 drink straight from a pitcher or bucket. 2
guzzle, swill.\n
gogos see GUGUS.\n
gohok (Jakarta) k.o. plant bearing sour purple fruit.\n
gohong (M) hole, cave.\n
gojlog,gojlok meng-gojlok 1 shake up (from accident, etc.). 2 haze (new students,
gokart go-cart.\n
gol 1. goal, score, point. 2 achieve a goal. 3 (Sport) goal, goal post.\n
gol. [golongan] group.\n
ber-golak 1 boil (of water). 2 seethe, churn. brew, boil. turbulence,
golak-galik 1 up and down. 2 to and fro.\n
golbi fly (of trousers).\n
1. ber-golek 1) rol. 2) lie down. 2. (Coll.) k.o. wooden rod-puppet
used in a genre of wayang. golek-an (Java) doll, puppet.\n
goler lie down. ber-goler 1 turn or roll over. 2 lie down.\n
golf /golef/ pe-golf golfer.\n
[Golongan Karya] (Pol.) the Group of Functionaries, a political party
established by gvt. for technocrats and civil servants.\n
(Pol.0 process or movement to enlist support and secure victory for
machete (often somewhat short). meng-golok slash with such a
golongan 1 group 2 class .\n
golongan 1 group 2 class .\n
golongisme mentality characterized by divisiveness and group-orientation.\n
gombak 1 forelock. 2 tuft, crest.\n
gombal empty, false.\n
gombang 1. glazed earthenware jar. 2. (M) handsome, good-looking.\n
gombeng meng-gombeng enlarge (a hole), interspace s.t.\n
gombinis see KOMUNIS.\n
gombol bunch (of keys, etc.).\n
gombrong (Jakarta) loose-fitting (of clothing).\n
gombyok (Java) tassel, fringe.\n
gombyor baggy (of k.o. pants).\n
gomok see GEMUK.\n
gompal (Jakarta) torn down, broken.\n
gompyok 1. thick (of hair, leaves). 2 betasseled. 2. (Biol.) gonad.\n
1 shake. 2 shaky, swaying. 3 unstable, changeable.\n
gonceng see BONCENG.\n
gondang (Java) 1 snail, slug. 2 name for various k.o. mollusks.\n
1. goiter. 2. (Java) angry in a suppressed way. gondok-an easily
1. meng-gondol 1 (Java) carry in mouth (of dog, etc.). 2 walk away
gondol with or win (a championship). 3 (Coll.)steal or swipe. peng-gondol
winner, champion (of tournament, etc.). 2. see GUNDUL.\n
gondong goiter. gondong-an s.t. similar to goiter.\n
gondorukem see GANDARUKAM.\n
gondoruwo see GENDRUWO.\n
gondrong long-haired, esp. of men.\n
1. gong. meng-gong-kan second a motion, idea, etc. 2. sound of
1. sound of barking. ber-, meng- 1) bark (of dog). 2) ( Coll.) scold. 2.
(Lit) meng-gonggong carry in mouth (of animals).\n
gongli (Sunda) (bagong lieur) willing sexual partner.\n
gongseng meng-gongseng fry s.t without oil.\n
goni 1 jute. 2 gunny-sack.\n
goniometri goniometry.\n
gonjong (Lit.) steep and pointedd, pitched (of roof, etc.).\n
property acquired jointly, esp. during marriage, and which is divided
equally in event of divorce.\n
gonorea, gonori gonorrhea.\n
gonta-ganti 1 muttually, reciprocally. 2 take turns, ber-gonta-ganti alternate.\n
gontai slow.\n
gontok hit with the fists in anger.\n
gontokan 1 quarrel. 2 engage in a conflict, fistfight, etc.\n
gonyak meng-gonyak-kan (Lit.) ridicule, deride.\n
gonyok meng-gonyok wipe, scour, make clean.\n
gonyokan 1 wiping, cleaning. 2 scourge, wiping out.\n
quick. gopoh-gopoh in a hurry, hurriedly. ter(gopoh-gopoh) hurry,
hurriedly, hastily.\n
gopek see GO 1.\n
gorden,gordin curtain.\n
gordon see KORDON.\n
gorek meng-gorek scratch. peng-gorek-an scratching, scraping.\n
goreng s.t. fried, fried food. meng-goreng fry.\n
gores 1 scratch. 2 etch lines into s.t.\n
goret see GORES.\n
gori (Java) unripe jackfruit.\n
gorila gorilla.\n
gorok cut (a throat). peng-gorok-an slaughtering.\n
gorong-gorong water-channel.\n
gossip. meng-gosip-kan gossip about s.t. gosip-gosip-an spreading
by word of mouth.\n
gosok gosok-gigi (Coll.) toothbrush.\n
gosong 1. sandbar. 2. (Java) burnt, scorched, singed.\n
gossip see GOSIP.\n
got gutter, drain.\n
gotes meng-gotes pluck, pick, gather.\n
gotiau see GO 1.\n
meng-gotong carry s.t. so heavy two or more people must cooperate.
gotong-an heavy burden, shared load.\n
community self-help, mutual cooperation. ber-gotong-royong
cooperate, share work.\n
gotri (Java) pellet, buckshot.\n
gotrok (Java) k.o. narrow-gauge railway (used for transporting sugar).\n
goyah loose, wobbly (of teeth,chair legs, etc.).\n
goyak meng-goyak (M) shake or rock s.t.\n
goyang shaky, wobbly, unsteady.\n
goyangan 1 oscillation, staggering. 2 fluctuation.\n
goyor see GUYUR.\n
gr [Gotong Royong] mutual aid.\n
gr- see also entries with ger-.\n
grad degree.\n
(Java) sound of dragging or moving over a rough surface. gradag-an
clatter, tumult.\n
gradah,gradak see GELEDAH.\n
gradasi gradation.\n
graduil gradual.\n
graf (Ling.0 graph, letter (of a writing system).\n
grafik,grafika on a graph.\n
grafis graphic.\n
grafit graphite.\n
gragal bits of plaster, cement, rocks left over from construction.\n
gram gram.\n
gramang see GERAMANG.\n
gramatika (Ling.) grammar.\n
gramatikal (Ling.) grammatical.\n
gramopon phonograph.\n
granat grenade.\n
granit granite.\n
grapik see GRAFIK.\n
grasi clemency granted by head of state.\n
gratifikasi 1 bonus (for workers). 2 dividend (for shareholders).\n
free, gratis. meng-gratis-kan give away for free. gratis-an s.t. for
gravir engraving (in trophies, etc.).\n
gravitasi (Phys.) gravity.\n
grebeg, grebek see GAREBEG.\n
gregatan see GEREGETAN.\n
(Java) ng-gregel-i nervous to the point of quivering (and lossing grip
of s.t.).\n
greges (Java) feverfish. ng-greges suffer or tremble from a fever.\n
greget see GEREGETAN.\n
grehon greyhound.\n
(Java) meng-gremet advance very slowly. meng-gremet-i crawl on
grendel latch, door bolt.\n
grengseng (Java) feeling of excitement or anticipation.\n
grepe see GERAPAI.\n
gres (Sl.) brand new (car, etc.).\n
grifir,gripir see GERIPIR.\n
grimis see GERIMIS.\n
grobak see GEROBAK.\n
sound of dragging or bumping (i.e. metal banging against metal,
grogi see GEROGI.\n
grogol see GEROGOL.\n
grogot see GEROGOT.\n
grojok gush forth.\n
grojokan flushing.\n
grombolan see GEROMBOL.\n
gros 1. gross, unit of measure. 2. (Ambon) large.\n
grosir wholesaler, distributor.\n
growak having a hole or flaw.\n
grumbul see GEROMBOL.\n
grundel see GERUNDEL.\n
grup group.\n
1. cave, grotto. 2. (Jakarta, China, Coll.). I, familiar firts person
gual-gail loose, wobby (of teeth).\n
guam theush (children\'s disease).\n
gub. [gubernur] governor.\n
1. gubah-an 1) arrangement or composition (of music, flowers). 2)
literary work. 2. see KUBAH.\n
1. clump, pile 9of stone, soil etc.). 2. cambium, soft wood between
gubal bark and xylem.\n
1. notch in tree for foothold when climbing. 2. ber-gubang roll over
to clean itself (of animals). 3. see GOBANG.\n
gubel meng-gubel coax, urge.\n
gubernemen 1 gvt. (colonial period). 2 residence of the governor.\n
gubernur governor.\n
gubit (M) meng-gubit beckon to.\n
gubris meng-gubris heed, pay attention to (a request, etc.).\n
gubuk 1 hut, shack. 2 shelter in rice field.\n
guci porcelain or earthenware jug.\n
gudang 1 warehouse, storehouse. 2 storeroom, pantry.\n
(Java) steamed mixed vegetables with grated coconut and chili
gudeg (Java) young jackfruit cocked in coconut milk with spices.\n
gudel 1. water buffalo calf. 2. plaque (on o.\'s teeth).\n
1. scabies. gudik-an mangy. 2. ter-gudik-gudik flop about (of dog\'s
tail, fish on land, etc.).\n
gue see GUA 2.\n
gugah 1. meng-gugah 1) waken, arouse. 2) move (s.o.\'s heart, conscience).
ter-gugah awakened, aroused. gugah-an the moving of s.t. 2. meng-
gugah(kan) grouse, complain, grumble.\n
gugat a shock, jerk, jolt. meng-gugat shake, rock s.t.\n
gugatan 1) accustion. 2) (Leg.) suit. 3) claim. 4) criticism.\n
(Java) meng-gugu listen to and obey s.o. ter-gugu trusted, relied
1. meng-guguh 1) beat (a drum). 2) knock on (a door). 2. (Jakarta)
very old.\n
1. hillock, knoll. 2. meng-, ter-guguk cry with gasping, boo-hoo
panickly, nervouse, jittery. ke-gugup-an nervousness, jumpiness.
peng-gugup a nervous person.\n
gugur 1 fall (of leaves, hair, etc.) 2 fall prematurely (of fruit, fetus, etc.).\n
gugus group, cluster.\n
guha see GUA 1.\n
guik meng-guik-guik squeal (of pig).\n
guit meng-guit 1 touch with the feet. 2 infringe on.\n
gul see GOL.\n
gula sugar. gula-gula 1 sweets, candy. 2 mistress.\n
gulai k.o. curry.\n
gulali 1 taffy. 2 k.o. syrupy sweet.\n
gulana see GUNDAH.\n
gulat ber-gulat wrestle e.o. wrestler.\n
gulden guilder (monettary unit in colonial times or the current Dutch unit).\n
gule see GULAI.\n
gulet 1. see GULAT. 2. see GELUT.\n
guli marbles.\n
guliga bezoar, esp. when used as amulet.\n
guling ber-guling 1 roll. 2 sleep with a bolster.\n
gulir ber-gulir move, roll on, go.\n
gulita dark.\n
gulma weeds.\n
gulu-banyak (Auto.) curved part of exhaust pipe.\n
gulung 1 roll. 2 coil (of rope). peng-gulung roller.\n
ber-, ter- (gulut-gulut ) in hurry, hastily, in haste. meng-gulut hurry
s.t. up, accelerate.\n
gum sound of boom (cannon, etc.).\n
gumal 1 wrinkled, creased (of cloth). 2 rumpled, crumpled (of paper).\n
gumala see GEMALA.\n
gumalai see GEMULAI.\n
gumam gumam-an a murmur.\n
gumpal 1 clod, clump (of earth, clay, clouds, etc.). 2 wad, ball.\n
gumuk (Java) knoll.\n
gumul 1 wrestle. 2 struggle.\n
gumulan a tangle (of issues, boys wrestling, etc.).\n
gumun (Java) astonished, surprised.\n
1 (China sleep. 2. fine-toothed comb in weaving machines to
separate threads.\n
guna 1 use, purpose. 2 for, in order to.\n
guna-guna magic, magical formulas.\n
gunapa (Coll.) what for ?\n
gunawan 1 (Lit.) virtuous, noble. 2 useful (person).\n
guncang see GONCANG.\n
gundah depressed, dejected. gundah-gulana despondent.\n
1. 1) notch (in wood). 2) knot (in string) as indicator in counting. 2.
coarse brush (for cleaning a horse, etc.). meng-gundar use such a
gundi see LEGUNDI.\n
gundik concubine, mistress.\n
gundu 1 k.o. nut used as a marble. 2 marble. ber-gundu play marbles.\n
gunduk ber-gunduk-gunduk be piled up in several heaps.\n
gundukan heap, pile.\n
gundul 1 bald. 2 bare, barren (of land). 3 leafless.\n
gung see GONG 1.\n
gunggung sum total. gunggung-an the total.\n
gungli see GONGLI.\n
guni see GONI.\n
gunjai tassel, tuft.\n
gossip. ber-gunjing gossip with s.o. else. meng-gunjing-kan say s.t.
bad about s.o. gunjing-an slanderous gossip.\n
guntai 1. owned by an absentee landlord. 2. see GONTAI.\n
guntak rattling (e.g. of seeds in fruit). ber-guntak rattle.\n
gunting 1 scissors, shears, clippers. 2 (CoLL.) cut, clip, trim.\n
1 clipping (from newspaper, etc.). 2 cut, style of cutting (a pattern,
1 flat, level, smooth. 2 short. 3 blunt, flat. meng-guntung top (a tree,
pole, etc.).\n
guntur thunder.\n
gunung mountain .\n
1 (Java) mountainlike figure in the wayang play symbolizing the
universe. 2 imitation mountain.\n
gup sound of mutted thud.\n
ber-gurah gargle, rinse. meng-gurah rinse s.t. out (vat, o.\'s mouth,
bottle, etc.).\n
1. dull, dim, hazy. 2. 1 chiken flea. 2 insignificant, inconsequential.
3. gums.\n
gurami k.o. fish, gurami.\n
guras see KURAS 2.\n
gurat 1 scratch, line. 2 (Jakarta, Sl.) lines in the palm.\n
guratan 1 sketch, outline. 2 facial wrinkle.\n
gurau 1 a joke. 2 say jokingly. ber-gurau joke, jest. gurau-an joke, prank.\n
gurdi drill, auger.\n
gurem (Jakarta, Java) see GURAM 1,2.\n
guri small earthen pot.\n
1 deliciously oily 9and salty) but causing thirst (of fried fish, etc.). 2
delicious in general. ke-gurih-an too salty and crisp.\n
gurinda see GERINDA.\n
gurindam (Lit.) 1 aphorism in two lines. 2 rhapsodical type of free verse.\n
guris see GORES.\n
1 philosophical verse. 2 simple verse in rhyme. meng-gurit poetize,
versify, write poetry.\n
gurita 1. octopus. 2. baby\'s vest.\n
guru teacher.\n
guruh thunder. ber-, meng-guruh thunder, boom.\n
gurun wasteland, desert.\n
gurung (Java) windpipe, esophagus, gullet. gurung-an water channel.\n
1. (Java) respectful term of address by adults to boys or youth. 2 see
gusah (Java) meng-gusah chase away.\n
gusar angry.\n
gusi gums.\n
gusti 1 the Lord. 2 Lord ! exclamation of hope. 3. aristocratic title.\n
gusur gusur-an an area condemned for right of way or public use.\n
gutik meng-gutik touch with tips of fingers.\n
gutural guttural.\n
guyah see GOYAH.\n
guyon (Java) ber-guyon joking. guyon-an joke, object of fun.\n
1. (Java) friendly, close, mutually helpful. ke-guyub-an
guyub communality. per-guyub-an community organization based on
ascribed status. 2. see KUYUP.\n
guyur ber-guyur bathed in (sweat, etc.).\n
guyuran splash.\n
gwo-yeu /kwo-i/ see KUOYU.\n
h h, the 8th letter of the alphabet.\n
1. [Haji] (Islam) title of o. who has made the pilgrimade to Mecca. 2.
h. [Hijriah] year of the Arabic calendar. 1406 in the year 1406 of the
1. huh (question marker) 2. 1) Humph ! (exclamation of derision). 2)
ha Ah ! (exclamation of discovery). 3) Ha ! (exclamation of
ha. [hektar] hectare.\n
haacih,haaciu see HACIH.\n
haah seeHA 2.\n
haak see HAK 3.\n
habelur see HABLUR.\n
respectful term of address for ethnic Arabs who can trace their
ancestry to Muh.\n
habil (Bib.) Abel, o. of Adam\'s sons.\n
habis 1 finished, used up. 2 completed, through, concluded.\n
hablur crystal.\n
habsyi 1 Ethiopia, Byssinia. 2 African.\n
hacih /hacing, haciu, hacu / Atchoo ! (sound of a sneeze).\n
had boundary, limit.\n
hadang see ADANG.\n
hadap 1 across (the street). 2 side. 3 facing in a certain direction.\n
hadapan 1 front. 2 future. 3 presence.\n
hadas (Islam) ritual impurity.\n
hadat see ADAT 1.\n
hadiah 1 prize. 2 reward. 3 gift. with a gift. present s.t., donate.\n
hadir be present.\n
hadirat 1 (Rel.) presence (of God). 2 female members of the audience.\n
hadirin those present, audience.\n
(Islam) traditional collection of stories relating words or deeds of
hadis Muhammad the chief source of guidance for understanding religious
hadlir see HADIR.\n
hadlirat see HADIRAT.\n
hadlirin see HADIRIN.\n
1 (Islam) communal gathering, us. mystical, sometimes including
group chanting with tambourine accompaniment. 2 tambourine.\n
hadrat 1 ( Islam) religious gathering. 2 presence.\n
hafal 1 know by heart, memories. 2 know s.t. very well.\n
hafalan material to be memorized.\n
hah see HA 2.\n
haha sound of loughter.\n
1 Hey ! (exclamation to call s.o.\'s attention). 2 What ! (exclamation
of surprise).\n
hai-alai see HAILAI.\n
haid menstruation.\n
haik Charge ! (exclamation shouted when attacking).\n
hailai (Sport) jai alai.\n
hairan see HERAN.\n
haisom (China) k.o. dish made of sea cucumber.\n
haiwan see HEWAN.\n
haiyaa (China) 1 Greetings ! 2 exclamation of disapproval.\n
haj (Islam) pilgrimage to Mecca.\n
hajar meng-hajar beat up, thrash soundly. hajar-an beating, thrashing.\n
1 wish, desire. 2 intent, intention. 3 (Euphemism) urination or
(Islam) 1 o. who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. 2 title and term
of address for such a pilgrim.\n
hajing see HACIH.\n
hajjah see HAJJAH.\n
hak 1.1) right. 2) rightful authority. 2. heel (of shoe). 3. knit.\n
hakekat,hakikat 1 truth, reality. 2 essence.\n
hakiki true, real, authentic.\n
judge. meng-hakim-i pass judgment on, judge s.t. Departmen-
kehakiman Ministry of justice.\n
hakjing see HACIH.\n
hakul-yakin (Lit.) be truly convinced of s.t.\n
hal 1. 1) matter, thing. 2) case. 3) concerning. 2. galvanized sheet iron.\n
hal. [halaman] page of book.\n
hala direction.\n
halai-balai 1 ignored, neglected. 2 in confusion.\n
halal 1 (Islam) allowed, permitted. 2. rightfull, legal.\n
1 (Islam) ask and give forgiveness at the end of the fasting period. 2
a gathering of social group (workers at same office, people of same
ethnic origin, etc.) soon after Islam fasting month for such a
halaman 1 yard (of a house). 2 premises. 3 page (of book).\n
halang 1. ber-halang-an be hindered, handicapped. 2. see ALANG 1.\n
halangan hindrance, obstacle.\n
halat 1. see HELAH. 2. see ALAT 2.\n
halau expel s.o.\n
halia ginger.\n
halilintar 1 flash of lightning. 2 thunderbolt.\n
halimbubu whirlwind.\n
halimun mist, fog.\n
halintar see HALILINTAR.\n
halipan see LIPAN.\n
halkum Adam\'s apple.\n
halma Chinese checkers.\n
halo hello.\n
halsduk neck scarf.\n
halte stopping place for public vehicles.\n
halter dumbbell, bar bell.\n
1 (Naut.) bow, prow. 2 direction. 3 foremost section. se-haluan of
the same course.\n
1 refined, cultured, sensitive. 2 soft, delicate, smooth (of skin, cloth,
halus etc.) 3 unseen (of spirits). 4 small. 5 finely pounded or granulated of
flour, etc.).\n
halusinasi hallucination.\n

halwa fruits preserved in sugar.\n

ham ham.\n
1 plant disease, pest. 2 infection. 3 pest, scourge. meng-hama-kan
hamal (Zod.) Aries.\n
1 slave, servant. 2 (Lit.) I, esp. when talking to s.o. of higher rank,
often in formal prayers. 3 (Lit) yes.\n
hambalang a great deal of violence (esp. in reference to martial art films).\n
hambar 1 tasteless, flat, insipid. 2 vapid, trite.\n
hambat checked, blocked.\n
hambatan 1 obstacle, obstruction. 2 barrier, fence, wall. 3 (Ling.) closure.\n
hambung see AMBUNG.\n
hambur jump.\n
hamburger k.o. sandwich, served with sauces in sliced bun.\n
hambus see EMBUS 1.\n
hamenworst /hamemwors/ luncheon meat.\n
pregnant, pregnancy. meng-i, meng-kan impregnate, make
haminte see GEMINTE.\n
hamis see AMIS.\n
hampa 1 empty. 2 without result.\n
hampai see AMPAI 1.\n
hampar 1 spread (rug, etc.). 2 explain, elucidate.\n
hamparan 1 rug, carpet. 2 spread out area.\n
hampedal see EMPEDAL.\n
hampedu see EMPEDU.\n
hampir 1 near, close. 2 almost. hampir-an vicinity, neighborhood.\n
hampiran vicinity, neighborhood.\n
hamud acid.\n
hamun ber-hamun-hamun rail at, be abusive.\n
hamzah letter of Arabic alphabet representing glottal stop.\n
hana 1 wide and uninhabited. 2 empty, deserted\n
hanacaraka the Java, Sunda, or Madurese syllabary.\n
hancing stench, foul odor.\n
hancur 1 shattered, smashed. 2 dissolved.\n
handai friend, companion.\n
handal see ANDAL.\n
handikap (Sport) handicap.\n
handuk towel.\n
hang (Lit.) male title.\n
hangar see HANGGAR 1.\n

hangat warm.\n
1. 1) airplain hangar. 2) sports hall. 2. see ANGGAR 2, ANGGAR
hangit see ANGIT.\n
1 burnt, scorched. 2 singed. 3 (Coll.) completely used up (of
hanjut meng-hanjut hit s.o., crush s.o.\n
hankam [Pertahanan dan Keamanan] Defense and Security.\n
hanra [Pertahanan Rakyat] lower level civilian defense units.\n
[Pertahanan Sipil] civilian defense units often given neighborhood
patrol tasks.\n
hansop child\'s play- and sleepwear with short sleeves and short legs.\n
hantam 1 fight, scuffle. 2 collide with. 3 infringe on.\n
hantaman blow, smack, punch.\n
hantar see ANTAR 1.\n
hantir meng-hantir wield, manage, handle.\n
hantu 1 ghost. 2 evil spirit.\n
hanuman (Lit.) the white monkey, sacred hero of the Ramayana.\n
hanya 1 only. 2 only, however.\n
hanyir see ANYIR.\n
hanyut 1 washed away, drift. 2 drift, wander. 3 lose o.s. (in reveries, etc.).\n
hao (China) filial piety.\n
hapak see APAK.\n
hapal see HAFAL.\n
hapermot see HAVERMUT.\n
hapus 1 completely remove. 2 clean s.t., wipe off (blackboard).\n
harafiah see HARFIAH.\n
harakah,harakat wowel (in Arabic grammar).\n
harakiri (Japanese) suicide.\n
haral see ARAL.\n
1 (Islam) forbidden, proscribed. 2 (Coll.) on no account, under no
circumstances. 3 Never ! (an exclamation of strong denial).\n
haramjadah /haramzadah/ illegitimate (child).\n
harangaso (Sunda) k.o. tuber.\n
harap (Lit.) war.\n
harapiah see HARFIAH.\n
harasia (Sl.) see RAHASIA.\n
harbor,hardbord beaverboard, hardboard.\n
hardik say s.t. sharply, snarl.\n
hardikan rebuke,scolding, harsh words.\n
harfiah literal, word for word.\n
harga price, cost, value.\n
hari day. se-hari-hari every day.\n
harian 1 daily. 2 daily newspaper.\n
haribaan lap.\n
wife, female members of the family (esp. among those of Arabic
descent or educational background).\n
harimau tiger.\n
haring 1. herring. 2. see ARING 1,2.\n
harini (Coll.) today.\n
harkah,harkat 1 level, standard. 2 rate, value. 3 dignity.\n
harlah [hari lahir] inniversary, birthday.\n
harmoni harmony.\n
harmonik see HARMONIS.\n
harmonika harmonica.\n
harmonis 1 harmonious. 2 harmonic.\n
harmonisasi harmonization.\n
harmonium harmonium.\n
harpa harp.\n
harpis harpist.\n
harpus resin used by violinists.\n
hart (Crd.) heart.\n
harta property, wealth.\n
hartawan wealthy person, person of means.\n
haru-biru commotion, uproar, tumult. ter-haru moved, touched,
affected. ke-haru-an emotional.\n
haru-biru see HARU.\n
haruan k.o. freshwater fish.\n
harum 1 fragnant, aromatic. 2 fragnance, aroma.\n
harun (Bib.) Aaron. 2 (Islam) o. of the prophets.\n
harung see ARUNG.\n
1 have to, must. 2 (Islam) permitted by religion, neither sinful nor
meritorious, e.g. eating, bathing, etc.\n
has 1. filet, tenderloin. 2. gauze, fine screening.\n
hasa (Ambon) sail along the shore.\n
hasad envy, spite.\n
hasan good, beautiful, handsome.\n
hasiat see KHASIAT.\n
hasil 1 yield, crop. 2 product. 3 result, outcome, output. success\n
hasrat 1 longing, desir. 2 propensity. berhasrat 1 desire, wish.\n
hassan see HASAN.\n
hasta cubic. meng-cubic measure in cubics.\n
hastakarya 1 handicrafts. 2 (Sl.) petting.\n
hasud see HASAD.\n
hasung see ASUNG.\n
hasut incite, goad, stir up.\n
1 instigation, provocation, fomentation. 2 agitation (for civil rights,
hasyiah 1 edge, border. 2 marginal annotation.\n
hasyis hashish.\n
hati 1 liver. 2 seat of emotions. 3 (Crd.) heart.\n
hatsil see HASIL.\n
hatta (Lit.) then, thereupon.\n
hatur see ATUR 2.\n
haus 1. 1) thirsty. 2) thirst, thirstiness. 2. see AUS.\n
havermut oatmeal.\n
hawa 1 air. 2 climate, weather. meng-hawa evaporate.\n
hawa-nafsu carnal desire, lust.\n
hawai,hawaian Hawaiian-style music.\n
hawar blight.\n
hawatir see KUATIR.\n
hawe see AWE.\n
hawiah (Islam., Lit.) depths of hell.\n
hayal see KHAYAL.\n
hayali see KHAYALI.\n
hayat life.\n
hayati biological, vital.\n
hayo 1 Come ! (in exhortations). 2 Behold! There you have it !\n
hayun see AYUN.\n
hb /habe/ k.o. pencil.\n
hb. [hari bulan] (Lit.) date.\n
[Hoogere Burger School] four-year secondary school for children of
the elite (colonial period).\n
hc. [honoris causa] honorary.\n
[Hollandsh-Chineesche School] Dutch-medium primary school for
well-to-do Ch [colonial period].\n
1. huh (interrogative particle). 2. umm (hesitation particle). 3. see
heban (Lit.) hurl, throw s.t. heavy, throw with both hands.\n
unusually intensive (excitement, attractiveness, intelligence,
violence, etc.).\n
heboh 1 commotion, uproar. 2 fuss, row, stir. 3 sensational.\n
hedonisme hedonism.\n
hee (Coll.) uh huh, yes.\n
heeh see HA 2.\n
heehm see EHM 1.\n
hegemoni hegemony.\n
heh see HE 1.\n
hei see HAI.\n
heiho indigenous militia during the Japanese period.\n
hejan see EJAN.\n
hejrah see HIJRAH.\n
hek (Coll.) fence (around yard, etc.).\n
hektar hectare.\n
hektoliter hectoliter.\n
hela meng-hela drag, haul, pull (carriage, wagon, etc.).\n
helah (Lit.) 1 trick, ruse. 2 excuse, pretext.\n
1 sheet (of paper, etc.). 2 a counter for paper, cloth, leaf, etc. ber-
helai in sheets, unbound.\n
helak ber-helak be wafted or lifted back (of long things, whips, etc.).\n
helat 1. celebration, party. 2. see HELAH.\n
heleng meng-heleng turn, look.\n
heli [helikopter] helicopter.\n
helicak [helikopter becak] three-wheeled motorized pedicab.\n
helikopter helicopter.\n
helipad [helikopter pad] helicopter pad.\n
helium helium.\n
helm /helem/ motorcycle helmet, hard hat.\n
hem um (exclamation of distaste, scorn).\n
hemat 1. judgment, observation. 2. thrifty, economical, thrift.\n
hembalang ber-hembalang tumble head over heels.\n
hembus see EMBUS 1.\n
hemong (Sl.) homo, male homosexual.\n
hempang see EMPANG.\n
hempas see EMPAS.\n
hempes see HIMPIT.\n
1 wish (to do s.t.). 2 intend, be going to. 3 be about to. hendak-nya
be desirable that, should.\n
hendam-karam destroyed, wiped out.\n
hendap see ENDAP 1.\n
hendel handle (of door, etc.).\n
heng (Sport) Hands ! (said when soccer ball is touched with hands).\n
hengah see ENGA 2.\n
hengkang see ENGKANG.\n
hening 1 clear. 2 silent, quiet.\n
hentak see ENTAK.\n
meng-hentam-kan stamp (the foot). hentam-an 1 foot stamping. 2 big
henti stopping, stoppage. henti-an (Ling.) stop.\n
henyak see ENYAK.\n
heos meng-heos blow with a bursting sound (of steam, etc.).\n
hepatitis hepatitis.\n
her 1 retake (an exam). 2 makeup exam.\n
heran 1 surprised, amazed. 2 astonisment.\n
herba herb.\n
herbisida herbicide.\n
herder German shepherd dog.\n
herdislokasi re-dislocation (of shoulder, etc.).\n
hereng see ERENG.\n
herik see ERIK.\n
hering k.o. fish, herring.\n
hero 1 popular sports figure. 2 s.o. of considerate prowess.\n
heroik heroic.\n
heroin heroin.\n
heroisme heroism.\n
herot see EROT 1.\n
hert,herrt sound of s.t. being ripped.\n
hetero heterosexual.\n
heterogen heterogeneous.\n
heteroseks heterosexual.\n
heuristis heuristic.\n
hewan 1 domesticated animal. 2 animal (as a class).\n
hewani /hewaniah/ of an animal.\n
hey see HAI.\n
hi Ha ! (exclamation uttered when teasing s.o.).\n
hianat see KHIANAT.\n
hiansay (China) son-in law.\n
hias ber-hias 1 be decorated, adorned. 2 dress o.s., groom o.s.\n
hiatus hiatus.\n
hiba see IBA.\n
hibah bequest, grant (from foundation, etc.).\n
hibernasi hibernation.\n
hibrida hybrid.\n
hibuk see SIBUK.\n
hibur 1 comfort, cheer up, divert. 2 entertain.\n
hiburan 1 consolation, solace, comfort. 2 entertainment.\n
hidam see IDAM.\n
meng-hidang-kan 1 serve (food, drink). 2 present (entertainment,
hidap see IDAP.\n
hidayah /hidayat/ (God\'s) guidance.\n
hidmat see KHIDMAT.\n
hidrat (Chem.) hydrate.\n
hidrogen hydrogen.\n
hidrolik hydraulic.\n
hidrolisis hydrolysis.\n
hidrolistrik hydroelectric.\n
hidrologi hydrology.\n
hidrologis hydrological.\n
hidu meng-hidu sniff in, inhale.\n
hidung nose.\n
1 be alive, live. 2 life. 3 fresh. 4 (Coll.) run, go, esp. of machines. 5
long live ! 6 (Ling.) prevocalic (of consonants).\n
hierarki see HIRARKI.\n
higiene hygiene.\n
higienis hygienic.\n
hih Ugh ! (exclamation of distaste, disgust).\n
hihi sound of twittering and giggling.\n
hii /hiih/ (China) oh ! (exclamation of terror).\n
hijarah (Islam) flight of Muh. from Mecca to Medina.\n
hijau 1 green, verdant. 2 inexperienced.\n
hijriah of the Islam calendar.\n
hikayat 1 tale, story, romance. 2 history, account.\n
/hikmat/ 1 wisdom, philosophy. 2 magical power. 3 power in
hikwan (China) fish balls.\n
hilang 1 be lost, vanish. 2 pass away, die.\n
hilap see KHILAF.\n
hilat see HELAH.\n
lower course, downstream. meng-hilir-mudikkan steer, lead by the
himar zebra.\n
himbau see IMBAU.\n
himmah /himmat/ see HEMAT 1,2.\n
himne a solemn song, often the antherm of an organization.\n
himpitan 1 be very close together. 2 (Math.) coincide.\n
himpitan 1 be very close together. 2 (Math.) coincide.\n
himpun assemble, gather.\n
himpunan 1 association, club. 2 collection, compilation.\n
hina contemptible.\n
hinaan 1 insult, indignity, affront. 2 taunt, gibe .\n
hinai see INAI.\n
hindar 1 pull to o. side. 2 avoid (a blow, etc.).\n
hindia (Lit.) Indies.\n
hindu see INDUK.\n
hinduisasi hinduization.\n
hingar noisy. ke-hingar-bingaran boisterousness.\n
hingga until, up to. ber-hingga limited, finite.\n
hinggap 1 perch, alight. 2 attack (of disease, infection, etc.).\n
hintai see INTAI.\n
hio (China) joss stick.\n
hiolo (China) incense burner.\n
hioswa see HIO.\n
hiperbole hyperbole.\n
hiperbolisme hyperbolism.\n
hipertensi hypertension.\n
1 young Western traveler on a low budget. 2 a style of Western-
influenced grooming characterized by unkempt hair and clothing.\n
[Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia] Indonesian Association of
Young Businessmen.\n
hipnotis hypnotic. meng-hipnotis hypnotize.\n
hipnotisir meng-hipnotisir hypnotize.\n
hipnotisme hypnotism.\n
hipokrasi hypocrisy.\n
hipokrit hypocrite.\n
hipotea /hipotesis/ hypothesis.\n
hipotek mortgage.\n
hipotenusa (Math.) hypotenuse.\n
hipuk see IPUK.\n
hirap disappear, vanish.\n
hirarki hierarchy.\n
hirarkis hierarchical.\n
hirau meng-hirau-kan heed, note, pay attention to.\n
hiris seeIRIS.\n
hiru-biru see HARU-BIRU.\n
hiru-hara see HURU-HARA.\n
hiruk-pikuk/piruk tumult, hullabaloo, hurly-burly (of the crowd). ke-
hiruk-pirukan racket, noise, din.\n
hirup whiff, sniff.\n
his 1. 1) Shame ! (exclamation of scorn). 2) Shhh ! 2. (Coll.) yeast.\n
computation, calculation, reckoning. meng-hisab (Astr.) calculate,
compute. ter-hisab counted.\n
hisak see ISAK.\n
hisap see ISAP.\n
hisit (China) shark fin (for soup).\n
histeri hysteria.\n
histeris hysterical.\n
histologi (Med.) histology.\n
histologik (Med.) histological.\n
historikus historian.\n
historiografi historiography.\n
historis historic, historical.\n
historisitas historicity.\n
hit extremely popular.\n
hitam 1 black. 2 dark, swarthy.\n
hitung (Coll.) arithmetic.\n
hiu shark.\n
hiung meng-hiung whistle.\n
hiur see IUR.\n
hiwan see HIKWAN.\n
hkbp (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan] The Batak Protestant Church.\n
hla see LHA.\n
hlm. [halaman] page (of book).\n
hlo see LHO.\n
hmi [Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam] Muslim Students\' Association.\n
ho oh !\n
ho,ho. [hongeroedeem] malnutrition.\n
hoakiau /Hoakiauw/ overseas Chinese.\n
hobat see OBAT.\n
hobi 1 hobby, s.t. o. likes. 2 like s.t.\n
hodeng comportment, the way o. carries o.s.\n
hofmester chief musician of a palace (colonial period).\n
hoho sound of laughter.\n
hoi Hey ! (esp. when calling s.o. from afar).\n
hojat see HUJAT.\n
hokah hookah.\n
hoki (China) good luck.\n
hokki field hockey.\n
hol (Islam) annual, ritual feast to commemorate the dead.\n
holan /Hollan/ (Coll.) Netherlands.\n
(kuntul baris) Yo-heave-ho (exclamation to summon up strength
when lifting things).\n
homo male homosexual.\n
homogen homogeneous.\n
homonim homonym.\n
homonimi homonymy.\n
homoseksual /homoseksuil, homoseks/ see HOMO.\n
homoseksualitas homosexuality.\n
honar see ONAR.\n
honda (Coll.) motorcycle.\n
1. (Sport) home base. 2. earthen pipe for drainage. 3. see
hongaria Hungary.\n
hongeroedeem /hongerudim/ malnutrition, undernourishment.\n
honggi see HONGI.\n
honghouw (China) empress.\n
punitive 17th-century expeditions by Dutch in the Moluccas to
extirpate spice trees.\n
hongsi (Cina) rheumatism.\n
honor /honorarium/ 1 honorarium, stipend. 2 payment for services.\n
1 honorary. 2 not officially confirmed (in o.\'s job) and so paid by
stipends not salary.\n
honorifik honorific.\n
hooi see HOI.\n
hop 1. (Coll.) head, chief. 2. Stop ! Whoah ! (exclamation only).\n
hopbiro (Coll.) central (gvt.) office.\n
hopeng /hoping/ (China) close friend.\n
hopyes hard coffee-flavored caramel.\n
horas Greetings ! Long live ! (Batak greeting).\n
horden /hordeng/ curtains, drapery.\n
hore Hurrah ! Hurray !\n
horison horizon.\n
horisontal horizontal.\n
hormat 1 honor, respect, esteem. 2 respectful.\n
hormon hormone.\n
horn /horen/ ice-cream cone.\n
horoskop horoscope.\n
hortikultura horticulture.\n
hortikulturis horticulturist.\n
hoskut houscoat, dressing gown.\n
hospes (Biol.) viral or bacterial host.\n
hospital hospital.\n
hospitalisasi hospitalization.\n
hostes 1 taxi dancer, bar waitress. 2 prostitute.\n
hosti (Rel.) host, consecrated wafer.\n
hot (Coll.) 1 sexy. 2 sexually aroused. very popular.\n
hotdog sandwich in hot dog bun.\n
hotel hotel.\n

houder cartridge pouch or box on soldier\'s belt.\n

hower k.o. artillery piece.\n
hoyak see OYAK 2.\n
hoyong see HUYUNG.\n
hph [Hak Pengusahaan Hutan] logging concession.\n
hr. [harian] daily newspaper.\n
hrs. [harus] must.\n
huap see SUAP.\n
hubaya-hubaya make sure that...., above all, by all means.\n
hubung connect, related.\n
1 connection, relationship. 2 contact. 3 context. 4 coupling (in
huduh see ODOH.\n
huh Ha ! (exclamation of derision, scorn, etc.).\n
hujah proof, evidence. berhujah argue, adduce arguments.\n
hujan rain.\n
hujat blasphemy.\n
hujung see UJUNG.\n
huk 1. (Sport) hook. 2. (Coll.) 1) corner (of room). 2) intersection.\n
huk-huk 1 sound of coughing. 2 coughing.\n
hukum 1 law. 2 verdict.\n
hukuman 1 punishment 2 prisoner .\n
hulam see ULAM.\n
huler rice huller.\n
1. 1) upper course (of river). 2) beginning of s.t. (in set phrases).
hulu peng-hulu seePENGHULU. 2. 1) upper end (of a pole). 2) hilt. 3)
top of head, head (in certain phrases only).\n
hulubalang 1 commander, war chief. 2 district chief (in Aceh).\n
hulur see ULUR 1.\n
huma 1 field for dry rice cultivation. 2 newly cleared land for agriculture.\n
humaniora the humanities.\n
humanisme humanism.\n
humas [Hubungan Masyarakat] public relations.\n
humbalang see HEMBALANG.\n
humor joke.\n
humoris humorist.\n
humoristis humorous.\n
(China) unit of measure for weight (1/10 tael) or lenght (1/12
huncue (China) tobacco pipe.\n
huni occupy, dwell or reside in.\n

hunjam stuck, inserted.\n

hunjuk see UNJUK.\n
hunkwe k.o. gelatin made from mung bean flour.\n
hunus unsheathed (sword, dagger).\n
hunyi see HUNI.\n
hup-hup exclamation to encourage o. to jump.\n
hura Hooray ! (exclamation of pleasure, delight). ber-hura shout hurrah.\n
hura-hura (Sl.) not to be taken seriously.\n
huriah (Sumatra) district.\n
huru-hara 1 disturbance. 2 hurly-burly. 3 riot.\n
huruf letter, characters.\n
hurufuah see HARFIAH.\n
hurung see URUNG.\n
hurup see HURUF.\n
hus hush ! be quiet !\n
husap see USAP.\n
k.o. vegetable and fruit salad with mayonnaise and sometimes bits of
cold meats.\n
huse Hurrah !\n
(Islam) grandson of Muh. martyred in religious war. Hussain\'s and
his brother Hassan\'s deaths are commemorated on asyura.\n
hustis see HOSTES.\n
husuk see KHUSYU.\n
husus see KHUSUS.\n
husy see HUS.\n
hut (Zod.) Pisces.\n
hutan woods, forest.\n
hutang debt, obligation.\n
hutangan having a debt.\n
huyung ter-huyung-huyung stagger, falter.\n
[houstvrij schrijfpapier] bond paper of 60-100 gram thickness (lit.,
bondpaper free of wood).\n
hwa-hwe (China) popular game of numbers for gambling.\n
hwee (Cina) association.\n
hyang tittle of authochthonous or Hindu deity. Wisnu Vishnu.\n
hydrolistrik see HIDROLISTRIK.\n
hygiene see HIGIENE.\n
hygienis see HIGIENIS.\n
hyperbolis hyperbolic.\n
hypertensi see HIPERTENSI.\n
hypnotisir see HIPNOTISIR.\n
i i, the 9th letter of the alphabet.\n
i'gris. [Inggeris] England, English.\n
ia 1. (Lit.) he, she, it. 2. yes.\n
iain [Insitut Agama Islam Negeri] Gvt. Institute for Islam Studies.\n
ialah is, are (in formal statements of equivalence).\n
iau see NGIAU.\n
ib [Irian Barat] Irian Jaya (Indonesian New Guinea).\n
iba 1 pity, compassion. 2 moved, touched, compassionate.\n
ibadah,ibadat 1 act of devotion. 2 religious service.\n
ibah see HIBAH.\n
ibarat 1 like. 2 simile, metaphor.\n
(Sunda) meng-ibing dance a traditional dance with a woman who is
ibing a professional entertainer. peng-ibing female entertainer who dance
with men in the audience.\n
iblis devil, Satan.\n
ibni,ibnu see BIN.\n
ibrani (Lit.) Hebrew.\n
ibrit see NGIBRIT.\n
ibtida (Lit.) beginning.\n
ibtidaiyah (Islam) primary school.\n
1 mother. 2 form of address to older woman or o. in higher position,
i.e. teacher, employer, etc., esp. as bu. 3 lady, woman of high
standing. 4 most important or main part of s.t. feminine, motherly.
per-ibu-an matriarchal.\n
ibuk see SIBUK.\n
ibul k.o. large thornless palm that yields poisonous fruit.\n
ibunda (Lit.) mother (used in letters).\n
ibus k.o. palm whose leaves are used for plaiting mats, etc.\n
icak-cole defaulter on payments.\n
icak-icak 1 pretend, act as if. 2 fake, spurious.\n
icip icip-icip food sample. meng-icip(i) taste, try.\n
id (Islam) holiday (in the names of certain celebrations).\n
ida (Bali) title of nobility.\n
1. gift to establish ties of love between men and women, love token.
idah meng-idah-kan a gift as an introduction to courtship. 2. see
1 craving. 2 craving of pregnant woman for special foods. 3 desire,
idang see HIDANG.\n
idap meng-idap 1 ail, be ill over a long period. 2 contract (a disease).\n
idayat see HIDAYAH.\n
(Islam) 100-day waiting period before a widow or divorced woman
may remarry.\n
ide idea.\n
ideal ideal.\n
idealis idealist.\n
idealisasi idealization.\n
idealisir meng-idealisir idealize.\n
idealisme idealism.\n
idealistis idealistic.\n
idem idem, same as what went before.\n
identifikasi identification.\n
identifisir meng-identifisir identify.\n
identik identical.\n
identitas 1 identity. 2 identification.\n
ideologi ideology.\n
ideologis ideological.\n
idep eyelash.\n
idep-idep better to do (so-and-so) than...\n
idi [Ikatan Dokter Indonesia] Indonesian Physicians Association.\n
idih,idii ugh !, exclamation expressing distaste.\n
idil see IDUL.\n
idin see IZIN.\n
idiom idiom.\n
idiomatis idiomatic.\n
idola popular idol.\n
(Islam) idul Adha/korban feast of the sacrifice, the day that
commemorates the sacrifice of Ismail by Ibrahim, a holy day
associated with the pilgrimage to Mecca. idul-Fitri feast celebrating
the end of fasting period.\n
idung see HIDUNG.\n
idup see HIDUP.\n
idzin see IZIN.\n
ied see ID.\n
ifaf,iffah (Islam) sexual abstinence.\n
ifitah (Islam) opening prayer.\n
ifrit evil spirit.\n
iftar (Islam) ending of fast.\n
iga (Java) rib.\n
igal dancing.\n
igama see AGAMA.\n
igau meng-igau 1 talk in o.\'s sleep. 2 be delirious, rave.\n
igel see IGAL.\n
ih ugh, exclamation showing disgust.\n
ihlas see IKHLAS.\n
ihram (Islam) consecration for use in the pilgrimage to Mecca.\n
ihsan 1 good deeds. 2 charity.\n
ihtiar see IKHTIAR.\n
ihtilam nocturnal emission.\n
ihtimal meng-ihtimal-kan 1 order s.o. to do. 2 assign a task to.\n
ihwal see HAL 1.\n
ii see HII.\n
ijab 1 final offer. 2 agreement, consent. 3 answerto prayer.\n
ijabah,ijabat approval.\n
ijajah see IJASAH.\n
ijajil devil.\n
1 diploma. 2 certificate to practice a profession. ber-ijazah licensed,
ijen,ijin see IZIN.\n
1 (Islam) consensus of opinion among scholars. 2 unanimous
agreement or approval.\n
ijmal resume, summary.\n
1. 1) buy rice from a farmer by paying for in long before the harvest.
ijo 2) give a scholarship to o. who promises to work for the donor after
graduation. 2. see HIJAU.\n
1. 1 buy rice from a farmer by paying for in long before the harvest.
ijon 2 give a scholarship to o. who promises to work for the donor after
1 individual interpretation and judgment. 2 personal examination of
s.t. 3 diligence, effort.\n
ijtima astral conjunction.\n
1. palm fiber from the sugar palm. meng-ijuk bristly (of mustache).
2. ter-ijuk embarrassed, abashed, ashamed.\n
ik (Coll.) I.\n
ika see EKA.\n
ikal 1 curl, lock. 2 curly, wavy.\n
ikamat (Islam) final call to prayer.\n
1 fish. ikan-asin salted fish. ikan-buntal puffer fish. ikan-cuik
steamed, salted fish. ikan-hiu shark. ikan-lele freshwater catfish
ikan-lumba-lumab dolphin. ikan-mas goldfish, carp. ikan-julung-
julung garfish. ikan-salam/salem salmon. 2 meat.\n
1 string, cord to tie. 2 bunch, bundle, sheaf. 3 band. 4 method of tie-
dying material being woven.\n
ikel see IKAL.\n
iket see IKAT.\n
ikhlas sincere, with all o.\'s heart and soul.\n
ikhtiar 1 initiative. 2 free choice, decision. 3 course, means of action.\n
ikhtiari optional.\n
ikhtilaf 1 difference, divergence, discrepancy. 2 deviation.\n
ikhtirafan recognition.\n
ikhtisar 1 summary, recapitulation. 2 synopsis, abstract, outline.\n
ikhtisariah succinct, brief.\n
ikhwal see HAL 1.\n
ikhwan 1 brother, comrade. 2 fraternal, brotherly.\n
ikip [Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan] Teachers\' Training College.\n
ikke (Coll.) I, me, my.\n
iklan advertisement.\n
iklanisasi commerialization of publications. per-iklanisasi-an advertising.\n
iklas see IKHLAS.\n
iklim 1 climate. 2 climate (political, etc.).\n
iklimatisasi acclimatization.\n
ikonis iconic.\n
ikonografi iconography.\n
ikrab see AKRAB.\n
ikrar promise, pledge, declaration of intent.\n
iktibar see ITIBAR.\n
iktidal (Islam) proper standing posture when performing prayer ritual.\n
iktikad see ITIKAD.\n
iktikal religious retreat.\n
iktisab legal profit.\n
iktisad (Lit.) economy, economic matters.\n
1 follow, go along. 2 participate, join (in), also do. 3 stay with s.o. in
his or her house. 4 be a follower or servant of s.o.\n
a god. ber-ilah athheistic, godless. meng-ilah-kan deify. ke-ilah-an
divinity, godliness.\n
ilahi (Islam) God (in set expression).\n
ilahiat godliness, divineness.\n
ilai meng-ilai-ilai 1 neigh. 2 laugh uproariously.\n
ilalang see ALANG-ALANG.\n
ilam-ilam hazy, vague, barely visible.\n
ilang seeHILANG.\n
ilanun see LANUN.\n
ilar see ILER.\n
ilas meng-ilas squash, crush, or mash underfoot.\n
ilas-ilas k.o. small tuber.\n
ilat physically handicapped, physical defect.\n
ilat-ilat k.o. sole or flounder.\n
iler slobber, spittle. iler-an drool.\n
iles see ILAS.\n
iles-iles see ILAS-ILAS.\n
ilham 1 divine inspiration. 2 inspiration, brainstorm.\n
ilir see HILIR.\n
illustratif illustrative.\n
ilmiah scientific.\n
ilmiawan scientist, scholar.\n
ilmiyah see ILMIAH.\n
ilmiyawan see ILMIAWAN.\n
1 knowledge. 2 science, branch of science. 3 esoteric knowledge.
ber-ilmu learned, erudite, scholarly.\n
ilmuwan see ILMIAWAN.\n
ilusi illusion. ber-ilusi have illusions.\n
ilustrasi illustration.\n
image see IMAJ.\n
imaginatif imaginative.\n
imaj /imej/ image.\n
imajinasi imagination.\n
imajinatif see IMAGINATIF.\n
imajiner imaginary.\n
imak meng-imak-imak-i mock, parrot s.o.\n
1 (Islam) leader of communal prayer. 2 title of chief of an Islam
state. 3 Catholic priest.\n
imamat 1 leadership. 2 priesthood.\n
1 faith, belief, creed. 2 confidence, belief in s.t. ber-iman faithful,
imanen immanent.\n
imani /imaniah/ religious, pious.\n
imbak meng-imbak-imbak image, dream of.\n
1 lopsided, askew, awry. 2 unbalanced, off balance. imbal-an
repayment for s.t. good.\n
imbang 1 balance. 2 match, equal.\n
1 air current. 2 (Phys.) electrical current. se-imbas at first glance,
imbau appeal.\n
imbo built in.\n
1 supplement. 2 extra, small addition given in the bargain to please a
customer. imbuh-an s.t. extra given. 2 (Ling.) affix.\n
imej see IMAJ.\n
imigran immigrant.\n
imigrasi 1 immigration. 2 Bureau of immigration.\n
meng-(iming-iming) tantalize, entice. meng-iming-kan use s.t. to
imitasi imitation.\n
imka [Ikatan Masehi Kepemudaan Am] YMCA.\n
imla /imlah, imlak/ dictation.\n
imlek 1 China calendar. 2 China New Year.\n
imobilitas immobility.\n
imoral,imoril immoral.\n
impak /impek/ impact.\n
impas 1. impase, deadlock. 2. 1) paid off (of debt). 2) squeare, equal.\n
impek see IMPAK.\n
imperalis imperialist.\n
imperatif imperative.\n
imperialisme imperialism.\n
imperialistis imperialistic.\n
imperium empire.\n
impersonalitas impersonality, impersonal character.\n
meng-impi dream, hope. meng-impi-kan dream of. impi-an dream,
vision, wish.\n
impit see HIMPIT.\n
implemen implement, tool.\n
implementasi implementation.\n
implikasi implication.\n
implisir meng-implisir 1 implicate. 2 imply.\n
implisit implicit.\n
impor import. meng-impor import, bring in. peng-impor importer.\n
importir importer.\n
impoten impotent.\n
impotensi impotence.\n
imprealisme see IMPERIALISME.\n
impregnasi impregnation.\n
impresaris impresario.\n
impresi impression.\n
impresif impressive.\n
impresionis Impressionist.\n
imprialis see IMPERIALIS.\n
improvisasi improvisation. ber-improvisasi improvise.\n
improvisator improviser.\n
impuls impulse.\n
impulsif impulsive.\n
impun see HIMPUN.\n

imrovisir meng-improvisir improvise.\n

imsak (Islam) predawn, time that the fast must begin.\n
imsakiah (Islam) fasting calendar.\n
imun (Med) immune.\n
imunisasi (Med) immunization.\n
imunitas (Med.) immunity.\n
imunologi (Med.) immunology.\n
in-absentia /in absensia/ in absentia.\n
1 henna. 2 red nail polish. ber-inai have o.\'s nails stained with henna
inai (in preparation for marriage ceremony). meng-inai apply henna to
the fingernails.\n
1 wet nurse, nursemaid. 2 (M) female trader. inang-inang 1 mistress.
2 (North Sumatra) female pedler of smuggled goods.\n
inap meng-inap spend the night, stay overnight.\n
inas carbuncle on nape of neck.\n
inaugurasi inauguration.\n
inayah,inayat help, aid, assistance.\n
incang meng-incang 1 aim at. 2 peek.\n
1 zigzag. 2 askew, not of equal length (of things that are supposed to
be equal, e.g. chair legs).\n
incar drill, borer.\n
incaran 1 aim (of gun, etc.). 2 target, thing aimed at.\n
incek tread on s.t.\n
inci inch.\n
incir see INCAR.\n
incit be off ! go away !\n
incrit-incrit dole out.\n
incut 1. lame, crippled. 2. see INCANG-INCUT.\n
1. meng-indah-kan heed, pay attention to. per-indah-an appreciation,
indah interest. 2. 1) beautiful, attractive, handsome. 2) precious, valuable.
mem-er-indah 1) beautify. 2) embelish. ke-indah-an beauty.\n
indang meng-indang winnow (rice).\n
indap see ENDAP 1,2.\n
indar see HINDAR.\n
indarus (Sport) cock that has been defeated and forfeited to the winner.\n
indayang coconut palm frond.\n
/indehoy/ have sex or pet heavily. ber-indehoi engage in sexual
activity. indehoi-an be on a heavy date, be making out with e.o.\n
indek see INDEKS.\n
indekos rent room and board. have s.o. rent a room s.w.\n
indeks 1 index. 2 (Econ.) price increase.\n
indeksasi (Econ.) indexing.\n
inden 1. pivot. 2. partially prepaid.\n
indentifikasi see IDENTIFIKASI.\n
indentitas see IDENTITAS.\n
indentor 1 o. who orders s.t. prepaid. 2 depositor.\n
independen independent.\n
1. 1) the god Indra. 2) the gods. ke-indera-an (Lit.) the heavens,
indera abode of the gods. 2. o. of the five senses. peng-indera-an sensation,
sensory perception.\n
inderaloka (Lit.) the abode of the gods.\n
inderia o. of the five senses. sensation.\n
index see INDEKS.\n
indian American Indian.\n
indik meng-indik approach crawling or bent over.\n
indikasi 1 indication. 2 suspicion that s.o. is a communist.\n
indikator indicator.\n
meng-inding 1 listen attentively for s.t. 2 be on the lookout for, lie in
wait for.\n
individu an individual.\n
individual individual.\n
individualisasi individualization.\n
individualisir meng-individualisir individualize.\n
individualisme individualism.\n
individualistis individualistic.\n
individualitas individuality.\n
individuil see INDIVIDUAL.\n
a Eurasian. Indo Belanda o. who is of Dutch and Indonesian
indoktrinasi indoctrination.\n
indoktrinator indoctrinator.\n
indoktrinir meng-indoktrinir indoctrinate.\n
indologi Indonesian Studies.\n
indonesia 1 Indonesia, Indonesian. 2 Indonesian language.\n
indonesianisasi Indonesianization.\n
indonesianisme Indonesianism.\n
indra see INDERA 1.\n
indrawi sensory.\n
indria see INDERIA.\n
1 mother (us. only for animals). 2 chief, main, prime. 3 s.t. that can
be regarded as a mother, thing from which s.t. else descends, the
essence of a substance from which a large amount develops. per-
induk-an brood, family.\n
induksi induction. induce.\n

induktif inductive.\n
indulgensi indulgence.\n
indung 1 mother (of animals). 2 the thing from which s.t. else springs.\n
indusemen inducement.\n
industri industry. industry, industrial affairs.\n
industrialis industrialist.\n
industrialisasi industrialization.\n
industrialisir meng-industrialisir industrialize.\n
industriawan industrialist.\n
industriil industrial.\n
industriwan see INDUSTRIAWAN.\n
inefisiensi inefficiency.\n
inep see INAP.\n
inersi,inertia /inersia/ inertia.\n
infanteri infantry.\n
infark,infarkt (Med.) infarct.\n
infeksi infection.\n
infertil (Med.) infertile.\n
infiks (Ling.) infix.\n
infiltran infiltrator.\n
infiltrasi infiltration. ber-infiltrasi infiltrate, carry out infiltration.\n
infiltrir meng-intfiltrir infiltrate s.t.\n
infinitif (Ling.) infinitive.\n
inflasi (Econ.) inflation.suffer from inflation.\n
inflatoir (Econ.) /inflatwar/ inflationary.\n
infleksi (Ling.) inflection.\n
influensa influenza.\n
info see INFORMASI.\n
informan informant, source.\n
informasi information. meng-informasi inform s.o.\n
informatif informative.\n
informil informal. ke-informil-an informality.\n
infrastruktur infrastructure.\n
infus (Med.) meng-infus give an infusion or intravenous feeding.\n
infusi infusion.\n
inga ter-inga-inga 1 dazed, lost in thought. 2 surprised.\n
ingar see HINGAR.\n
ingat 1 remember, recall. 2 attentive, careful. 3 plan, intend.\n
ingatan 1 memory, remembrance. 2 thought, idea, notion, purpose.\n
ingau see IGAU.\n
inggang-inggung stagger, totter.\n
inggeris England, English. ke-nggeris-inggeris-an Anglicized.\n
inggih (Java) yes (to s.o. of higher position).\n
inggris see INGGERIS.\n
inggu 1. asafetida. 2. k.o. coral fish.\n
inggung see INGGANG-INGGUNG.\n
ingin wish, desire. ke-ingin-tahuan curiosity.\n
ingkar 1 reluctant. 2 refuse, fail to keep o.\'s word.\n
ingkel meng-(ingkel-ingkel) 1 tease, pester. 2 oppress, maltreat, torture.\n
ingko see ENGKO.\n
ingsut ber-ingsut shift, move slowly.\n
ingus nasal mucus, snot.\n
ingusan 1 runny-nosed. 2 inexperienced.\n
inhalasi inhalation.\n
inheren inherent.\n
inhibisi inhibition.\n
1 this, these. 2 now. 3 this (coming period of time). 4 here (in
ini introductions). 5 hesitation word when o. does not wish to plunge
directly into s.t.\n
inisial 1 initial. 2 initials.\n
inisiasi inisiation. meng-inisiasi-kan inisiate.\n
inisiatif initiative.\n
inisiator o. who initiates s.t.\n
injak injak-injak 1 pedal (esp. for gas in cars). 2 stirrup. 3 running board.\n
having spikes turned inward (of traps that permit entrance, but make
egress impossible).\n
injeksi (Med.) injection.\n
1 (Bib.) Gospel. 2 (Bib.) New Testament. 3 (Islam) the sacred book
revealed to the prophet Jesus. peng-injil evangelist, preacher.\n
injili,injiliah evangelical.\n
injin (Coll.) engine.\n
inkarnasi incarnation. meng-inkarnasi-kan incarnate.\n
inkaso payment, collection, cashing of a check.\n
inklaring banking clearance.\n
inklinasi inclination.\n
inklusif inclusive.\n
inkompatibilitas incompatibility.\n
inkonsekwensi inconsistency.\n
inkonstitusional /inkonstitusianil/ unconstitutional.\n
inkonvensional /inkonvensionil/ unconventional.\n
inkorporasi incorporation. meng-inkorporasi-kan incorporate.\n
inkubasi incubation.\n
inkubator incubator.\n
inkuisisi inquisition.\n
inlander indigene (during colonial times, often Derog.).\n
[intensifikasi massal] program of agricultural intensification on a
massive scale.\n
(Islam) We are truly Allah\'s and to Him we return (in obituaries and
inokulasi inoculation.\n
inovasi innovation.\n
inovatif innovative.\n
inpentaris see INVENTARIS.\n
inplensa,inplinsa see INFLUENSA.\n
inporman see INFORMAN.\n
inpres [Instruksi Presiden] Presidentaial Directive.\n
inreyen meng-inreyen break in a motor or motorized vehicle.\n
insaf insaf-akan realize, understand. meng-insaf-i realize, be aware of.\n
insan man, human being. ke-insan-an being a person, o.\'s humanity.\n
insang fish gills.\n
insani /insaniah/ human.\n
insektisida insecticide.\n
inseminasi insemination.\n
insentif incentive.\n
insersi insertion.\n
inseting see INSTING.\n
insiden incident.\n
insidensi incidence.\n
insidentil incidental.\n
insinuasi insinuation. meng-insinuasi-kan insinuate.\n
insinye badge, identifying button.\n
insinyur engineer. ke-insinyur-an engineering.\n
insisi incision.\n
inskripsi inscription.\n
insolvensi insolvency.\n
inspeksi 1 inspectorate. 2 inspection.\n
inspektorat inspectorate.\n
inspektur inspector.\n
inspirasi inspiration. meng-inspirasi-kan inspire.\n
instalasi 1 installation (of the new chairman, etc.) 2 installation.\n
instalatur installer, fitter, electrician.\n
1 (Leg.) level of a court\'s jurisdiction, instance. 2 institute,
instansi agency.\n
insting,instink instinct.\n
institusionalisasi institutionalization.\n
institusionil institutional.\n
institut institute.\n
instruksi 1 instruction, directive. 2 briefing.\n
instruktur instructor.\n
instrumen instrument.\n
instrumental instrumental.\n
instrumentasi instrumentation.\n
insubordinasi insubordination.\n
insya-allah (Islam) God willing.\n
insyaf see INSAF.\n
intai meng-intai 1 spy on, watch surreptitiously. 2 lurk, lie in wait.\n
intaian place from which o. can spy.\n
intan diamond.\n
integraitas integrity.\n
integral integral.\n
integrasi integration.\n
integratif integrative.\n
integrir meng-integrir integrate.\n
1 intelligence (service). 2 intelligence agent, informer. 3 agent
intelek intellect.\n
intelektual intellectual.\n
intelektualisme intelectuallism.\n
intelektuil intellectual.\n
inteligensi /inteligensia/ intelligence.\n
intelijen /intelijens/ 1 intelligence, intelligent. 2 intelligence service.\n
intendan /intendans/ (Mil.) quartermaster.\n
intens intense.\n
intensi intention.\n
intensif intensive. meng-intensif-kan intensify.\n
intensifikasi intensification.\n
intensitas /intensitet/ intensity.\n
interaksi interaction. ber-interaksi interact.\n
interdependensi interdependence.\n
interen see INTERN.\n
interes interest in s.t.\n
interesan interesting.\n
interferensi interference.\n
interim interim.\n
interinsuler interinsular.\n
interiur interior.\n

interjeksi interjection.\n
interkom intercom.\n
interlokal (Tel.) long distance call, make a long distance call.\n
intermeso intermezzo.\n
1 internal, domestic. 2 within the local school and not at national
level (e.g. of examinations).\n
international. meng-internasional-kan make s.t. up to international
standards. ke-internasional-an on an international scale.\n
internasionalisasi internationalization.\n
internasionalisme internationalism.\n
internat dormitory, esp. in the colonial period.\n
internir meng-internir intern, imprison.\n
interniran 1 internee. 2 internment camp.\n
internis (Med.) internist.\n
internit see ETERNIT.\n
interogaif interrogative. 2 questioning.\n
interogasi interrogation. meng-interogasi interrogate.\n
interpelan (Leg.) questioner.\n
interpelasi (Leg.) interpellation.\n
interpiu see INTERVIU.\n
interpolasi interpolation. meng-interpolasi-kan interpolate.\n
interpretasi interpretation. meng-interpretasi-kan interpret, construe.\n
intertip Intertype.\n
interupsi interruption. meng-interupsi interrupt.\n
intervensi intervention.\n
interviu interview.\n
1 kernel, nucleus. 2 gist, core. 3 filling, contents (of pie, etc.). meng-
inti-sarikan make an abstract of.\n
intikad (Lit.) criticism.\n
intil meng-intil follow on s.o.s\' heels.\n
intim intimate, close (friend, etc.).\n
intimidasi intimidation. meng-intimidasi intimidate.\n
intip meng-intip(i) spy on, pep at. peng-intip-an spying, surveillance.\n
intisari see INTI.\n
intoleran intolerant.\n
intonasi intonation.\n
intra-universiter intrauniversity.\n
intransitif (Ling.) intransitive.\n
intrik intrigue, conspiracy, plot. meng-intrik engage in intrigue.\n
intrikatif full of intrigues.\n
introduksi introduction.\n
introdusir meng-introdusir introduce.\n
introspeksi introspection.\n
introversi introversion.\n
intrusi intrusion.\n
intuisi intuition.\n
intuitif intuitive.\n
invalid /invalide/ invalid, o. who is sickly.\n
invasi invasion.\n
inventaris inventory, list of stock in a store. peng-inventaris-an inventorying.\n
inventarisasi stock taking. inventory, take stock.\n
inventarisir meng-inventarisir to inventory.\n
inversi inversion.\n
investasi (Fin.) investment. meng-investasi(kan) invest.\n
investigasi investigation.\n
investor investor.\n
invitasi 1 invitation. 2 (Sport) invitational (tennis, golf, etc.).\n
inyeksi see INJEKSI.\n
ionis (Chem.) ionic.\n
ionisasi (Chem.) ionization.\n
ionosfer,ionosfir (Phys.) ionosphere.\n
ipa (Ilmu Pasti /Alam) mathematical and natural sciences.\n
brother, sister, or cousin-in-law. per-an, ke-an relationship through
ipb [Institut Pertanian Bogor] Bogor Institute of Agriculture.\n
[Iuran Pembangunan Daerah] land or crop tax for regional
k.o. tree, lamtoro, a rapidly growing leguminosa planted as a shade
tree for coffee plants and for firewood and animal fodder.\n
1. meng-iprit run away out of fear. 2. (Sunda) marry a beautiful
iprit woman who is in reality a supernatural snake that can make her
husband rich.\n
ips [Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial] social studies.\n
1 k.o. tree, the sap of which is used as poison for weapon tips. 2 the
poison from this tree. 3 vicious (of person). ber-ipuh having this
poison applied to it.\n
meng-ipuk grow, cultivate. ipuk-an seedling. peng-ipuk-an
ir. [Insinyur] title of o. who has received an engineering degree.\n
1 section (of lemon, orange, durian). 2 sinew (in meat). 3 grain (in
iradah,iradat (Islam) willof God.\n
iram change color, turn pale.\n
irama rhythm, cadence.\n
iras similar.\n
irasional /irasionil/ irrational.\n
irat thin strip (of bamboo, etc.).\n
irbar [Irian Barat] Indonesian (W.) New Guinea.\n
[Iuran Rehabilitasi Daerah] a tax on commercial properties for
regional rehabilitation.\n
irelevan irrelevant.\n
jealous of s.o.\'s attainment or status, full of envious resentment.
peng-iri o. who easily becomes jealous.\n
New Guinea. Irian-Barat/Jaya Indonesian New guinea. Irian-Timur
Papua New Guinea.\n
irid see IRIT 1.\n
irigasi irrigation. meng-irigasi-kan irrigate.\n
meng-irik thresh by stamping with the feet. ter-irit get sifted out.
peng-irit a fail.\n
iring accompany, escort, go along.\n
1. economical, frugal. meng-,meng-kan economize on, save. 2. see
iritasi irritation.\n
irja [Irian Jaya] Indonesian New Guinea.\n
ironi irony.\n
ironis ironic.\n
irup see HIRUP.\n
irus 1 ladle made of a coconut shell. 2 ladle.\n
isa 1. see SEMBAHYANG. 2. (Coll.) seeBISA 1. 3. (Islam) Jesus.\n
isak sob.\n
isang see INSANG.\n
isap meng-isap 1 suck. 2 smoke. 3 absorb (liquid).\n
isapan s.t inhaled or sucked .\n
isarah,isarat see ISYARAT.\n
isbat 1 confirmation, ratification. 2 positive.\n
do s.t. for fun, do s.t. without any serious purpose. iseng-iseng 1 do
s.t. just to amuse o.s. 2 casually, leisurely.\n
1 contents. 2 volume, capacity, content 9of barrel, jar, etc.) 3
isi substance. 4 the people who live in a certain place. meng-isi fill
1 (Islam) o. of God\'s names or attributes. 2 (Ling., in old or Arab-
style grammars) nominal.\n
isin (Java) shy, embarrassed, ashamed.\n
isit gums.\n
islah settlement of a dispute.\n
islam Islam.\n
islamisasi Islamization.\n
ism see ISIM.\n
isme ism.\n
isnin see SENEN.\n
isolasi 1. cellophane tape. 2. isolation. isolate.\n
isolasionisme isolationism.\n
isolemen isolation.\n
isolir meng-isolir-kan 1 isolate. 2 (Elec.) insulate.\n
isomorfis isomorphic.\n
isotop (Chem.) isotope.\n
(Islam angel of great size who will blow the trumpet on the Last
israk,isrok (Islam) Muh.\'s miraculous flight from Mecca to Jerusalem.\n
issue see ISU.\n
istal horse barn, stable.\n
istana palace, castle. ber-istana dwell in a palace.\n
istanggi see SETANGGI.\n
isteri see ISTRI.\n
istiadat custom, tradition. meng-istiadat-kan institute s.t. as a custom.\n
(Islam) period of sexual abstinence for a woman after divorce or
istibra widowhood so that there may be no question of the paternity of a
baby she might be carrying.\n
utter astaghfirullah to ask God\'s forgiveness thereby. ber-istigfar
utter this formula.\n
istilah technical term. per-istilah-an terminology.\n
istimal utilization.\n
1 special, extraordinary, different from others. 2 special, better than
(Islam) cleansing after defecation and urination or before ritual
istiqlal liberty, freedom, independence.\n
istirahat 1 rest. 2 pause, break, intermission, recess.\n
istri wife, married woman. ber-istri have a wife, be married ( of a man).\n
isu 1 issue, problem. 2 rumors.\n
isya see SEMBAHYANG.\n
isyarat sign, signal.\n
isytihar proclamation. meng-isytihar-kan proclaim.\n
isyu see ISU.\n
itam see HITAM.\n
itb [Institut Teknologi Bandung] Bandung Institute of Technology.\n
itibar /i\'tibar/ (Islam) lesson, example, comparison.\n
itidal /i\'tidal/ (Islam) symmetry, equilibrium.\n
1. duck. 2. meng-itik-air liur make s.o. drool for s.t., stimulate a
desire to eat s.t.\n
/i\'tikad/ 1 conviction. 2 determination, will. meng-itikad-kan
convince s.o.\n
itil (Vulg.) clitoris.\n
acceptance of a theory without examination. meng-itlak-kan
ittifak (Islam) agreement, compromise.\n
1 that, those. 2 the. 3 there. 4 hesitation word when o. cannot find the
itu right word. 5 clause marker : when, if, in the particular case that, at
the particular time that.\n
itung see HITUNG.\n
iur ber-iur contribute.\n
1 contribution. 2 subscription, levy. 3 premium (insurance, etc.) 4
iya see IA 2, YA 1.\n
iyal dependants.\n
iyuran see IUR.\n
1 permission. 2 permit, license, franchise (to operate bus line, etc.) 1
permit, allow. 2 license s.o. or s.t.\n
j j, the 10th letter of the alphabet.\n
ja see SAJA.\n
jab /jep/ (Sport) jab (in boxing).\n
1. mountain. men-jabal loom large (of mountain, etc.) 2. men-jabal
1) rob, mug. 2) steal from s.o.\n
jabang-bayi (Java) 1 newborn baby. 2 exclamation of great surprise.\n
jabar [Jawa Barat] West Java.\n
jabat ber-jabat(an) tangan shake hands.\n
jabatan 1 function is to take care of foreign visitors. 2 position, post.\n
jabel see JABAL 2.\n
jabil-jabil ber-jabil slovenly, sloppy (of clothes).\n
[Jakarta Bogor Tangerang Bekasi] the megapolis of Jakarta and its
satellite cities.\n
jabung resin.\n
jabur see ZABUR.\n
1 snaks, sweet tidbits. 2 (Islam, Java) light repast for congregation
after evening prayers during fasting month.\n
jada see JUADAH.\n
anak-jadah illegitimate child. men-jadah-kan anak father an
illegitimate child.\n
jadajat (Zod.) Capricorn.\n
jadam k.o. strong laxative.\n
jadi 1 become, get. 2 so, therefore, thus, hence. 3 end up doing s.t. 4
work (out), become effective, come off. 5 finished, accomplished. 6
be, serve or work as.\n
1 an animal with supernatural powers which is owned by s.o and
jadi - jadian
visible only to its owner 2 imitation .\n
jadinya 1 outcome 2 consequently .\n
jadwal 1 schedule. 2 table, list.\n
1 wake up. 2 guard, watchman. 3 be on duty (of physician,
pharmacist, etc.). 4 preserve. 5 be on the lookout for.\n
jagabaya (Java) village constable.\n
jagad see JAGAT.\n
1. small-scale trader. ber-jagal trade in retail goods, hawk wares.
jagal jagal-an small wares. 2. butcher, slaughterer. pe-jagal-an abatoir,
jagang 1. support, prop, stand, pole (used for support). 2. moat.\n
jagat world. se-jagat universal, world-wide.\n
1 cock, rooster. 2 gamecock. 3 champion, athlete. 4 (Pol.) candidate.
5 charismatic leader of a group.\n
[Jakarta Bogor Ciawi] expressway between Jakarta and Ciawi via
1. corn, maize. men-jagung sprout (of rice, acne, etc.). 2. [Jaksa
Agung] attorney general.\n
robust, sturdy, big for o.\'s age. Ki-, si- jagur name of the sacred
cannon in Jakarta.\n
jahan k.o. catfish.\n
jahanam 1 (Rel.) hell. 2 (Vul.) a strong oath.\n
jahat bad, wicked, evil.\n
jahe gingger.\n
jahid see ZAHID.\n
1. 1) stupid, ignorant, unenlightened. 2) (Islam) ignorance of
religion\'s teachings. 3) cruel. 4) rascal, scamp. 2. see JAIL.\n
jahiliah (Islam) age of pagan ignorance preceeding the Islam era.\n
jahit sewing.\n
jail /ja\'il/ mischievous, sneaky. men-jail-i mistreat, pick on s.o.\n
device used in a seance : a straw man into whice the spirit of a
jailangkung departed person not personally familiar to the audience has entered:
this is fitted with s.t. to write responses to questions.\n
jaitun see ZAIT.\n
jaiz (Islam) allowed but not required.\n
ber-, men-jaja hawk, peddle, vend. jaja-an merchandise that is
peddled. pen-jaja hawker, peddler.\n
jajag see JAJAK.\n
men-jajah 1 colonize, take over (a country). 2 traverse, tour. jajah-an
1 colony, subjugated territory. 2 (Lit.) district. pen-jajah colonizer.\n
men-jajak-i probe, sound out. 2 (Naut.) fathom, take soundings,
jajal men-jajal try, test.\n
1 a sweet, anack. 2 eat snacks. 3 (Humorous) patronize a prostitute
(of married men). jajan-jajan-an various k.o. snacks.\n
jajar 1. row, line.\n
jajaran 1 row, line. 2 series. 3 array.\n
jajat imitation. men-jajat imitate.\n
bachelor. jaka-tingting (Java) young man who has never had sex.
keper-jaka-an bachelorhood.\n
jakal jackal.\n
jakar see ZAKAR.\n
jakas k.o. pandanus tree.\n
jakat see ZAKAT.\n
jakbar [Jakarta Barat] West Jakart.\n
jaket jacket, sport coat.\n
jakpot jackpot.\n
jakpus [Jakarta Pusat] Central Jakarta.\n
jaksa (Leg.) public prosecutor, district attorney.\n
jaksel [Jakarta Selatan] South Jakarta.\n
jaktim [Jakarta Timur] East Jakarta.\n
jakum,jakun Adam\'s apple.\n
jakut [Jakarta Utara] North Jakarta.\n
jala net, esp. a hand-held casting net. men-jala fish with a casting net.\n
jalad frost, cold air.\n
jalak vrious k.o. starling and mynas.\n
1 road, path, street. 2 course s.t. follows. 3 way, manner. 4 course. 5
be going on, be approaching. 6 lineal family relation. 7 pass, go.\n
jalang wild, untamed, undomesticated (of animals).\n
jalangkung see JAILANGKUNG.\n
jalar creeping (vines).\n
jalaran climbing pole.\n
jali see TAJALI.\n
1 k.o. grass which produces hard edible seeds : Job\'s tears. 2 name
of popular song of old Batavia.\n
jalil (Islam, in fixed phrases only) sublime, exalted.\n
1 weave, plait together (into a rattan blind, wickerwork, etc.). 2
make s.t. be closer or more intense. 3 compose (stories, etc.).\n
jalinan 1 s.t. braided, wickerwork. 2 combination.\n
jalma (Java) creature.\n
jalu cock\'s spur. ber-jalu have a spur.\n
1 strip, stripe. 2 traffic lane. 3 (R.R.) track. 4 space between two
jalur rows of plants, column between two lines. men-jalar-i provide with
streaks, streak o,\'s hair. jalur-an wake of a ship.\n
jalus see JELUS.\n
jalusi jalousie, venetian blinds.\n
jalut (Bib.) Goliath.\n
1 hour. 2 o\'clock. 3 time for doing s.t. 4 watch, clock. jam-jam-an
on an hourly basis.\n
jamaah see JEMAAH.\n
jamadah inanimate.\n
men-jamah(i) 1 touch, feel, handle s.t. or s.o. 2 sleep with, have
sexual relations with. 3 attack.\n
1. plural. 2. ordinary, customary. se-jamak-jamak-nya normally.
men-jamak-kan make or cinsider s.t. customary.\n
jamal (Islam., in fixed phrases only) beauty.\n
jaman period, epoch. se-jaman coeval. men-jaman be up-to-date.\n
jamang 1. diadem. 2. moment.\n
1. 1) bunch (of flowers, onions, keys, etc.). 2) tuft (of hair), plume
jambak (on horses). men-jambak pull, tear out hair, seize by the forelock. 2.
k.o. fruit, jambu or rose-apple.\n
jambal k.o. fish.\n
jamban privy, toilet, latrine.\n
jambang 1. 1) vase, pot. 2) large earthen cooking pot. 2. see CAMBANG.\n
jambar 1. shelter, temporary shed or hut. 2. serving, portion.\n
jambatan see JEMBATAN.\n
jambe,jambi (Lit.) areca nut.\n
jambian k.o. fish.\n
k.o. sweet-sour and astringent fruit, dark purple about the size of an
jambore jamboree.\n
jambret o. who snatches purses, jewelry, etc.\n
jambrud emerald.\n
jambrut seeJAMRUD.\n
jambu k.o. fruit, the rose-apple.\n
jambu-jambu tuft, tassel.\n
1 tuft, plume (on horse). 2 crest (on bird). 3 front wave (in hair), tuft
of hair. jambul-jambul cowlick.\n
jamhur (Lit.) o. well-versed in religion.\n
jami (Islam) mesjid-jami principal mosque.\n
jamiah /jamiat/ 1 gathering. 2 association.\n
jamik see JAMI.\n
jamin 1 guarantor. 2 guarantee, security.\n
jamjam see ZAMZAM.\n
jamnas [jambore nasional] national (Boy or Girl Scout) jamboree.\n
jampang see CAMBANG.\n
jampi magic formula or spell, incantation.\n
jampuk 1. k.o. owl. 2. men-jampuk interrupt s.o.\n
jamput (Vulg.) a harsh curse, screw you !\n
1. 1) guest. 2) meal, offering (in set phrases). jamu-an dishes and
drinks served to guests. 2. tonic made of medicinal herbs.\n
jamung torch.\n
fungus, mushroom, toadstool. ber-jamur be covered with mold.
jamur-an moldy.\n
jan. [Januari] January.\n
jana see JANA BIJANA.\n
jana-bijana (Lit.) birthplace.\n
janabah,janabat [Islam] 1 impure, ceremonially unclean. 2 impurity after coitus.\n
janah,janat see JANNAH.\n
janangau k.o. rice bug.\n
jancuk see ANCUK.\n
janda 1 widow, (less commonly) widower. ke-janda-an widowhood.\n
jandal-jendul bumpy, with bumps on skin.\n
jang (Sunda) form of address to small boys or waiters.\n
jangak dissolute, licentious. libertine, rake.\n
1. 1) do not. 2 should not, ought not to. jangan-kan, jangan-pun let
jangan alone, much less. 2. (Java) vegetables cooked with soup or gravy.
jangan-an green vegetables.\n
jangar vertigo.\n
jangat 1 skin, hide. 2 rind. 3 bark (of tree). 4 rawhide rope.\n
1 awkward, clumsy. 2 inelegant, displeasing (of sound or sight),
discordant. 3 unbecoming, improper, indecent (of behavior).\n
janggel (Java) corncob, young corn on the cob.\n
janggelan tentative, provisional.\n
jangger see JANGIR.\n
janggi 1 black or exotic person. 2 s.t. bizarre or different from the usual.\n
janggo cowboy, cowboylike.\n
janggut 1 beard. 2 chin.\n
jangir 1 Balinese dancing girl. 2 k.o. Balinese dance and music.\n
1 (Tech.) compass for describing circles, etc. 2 period of time. 3
jangkah step, stride.\n
men-jangkang 1 straddle, stand with legs wide apart. 2 be wide apart
(of legs).\n
jangkap even.\n
jangkar 1 anchor. 2 roots that begin above ground (like mangrove roots).\n
jangkat shallows, ford.\n
jangkau 1 reach. 2 reach to. 3 reach for. 4 reach out. 5 reach out, extend to.\n
jangkauan 1 reach. 2 extent, scope, range.\n
jangkerik see JANGKRIK 1.\n
jangki,jankih cords of a shoulder basket.\n
jangkih-mangkih scattered around in a disorderly manner.\n
jangking see JONGKANG 2.\n
1 be contagious. 2 spread (of disease, fire). 3 contagious, infectious
(of music, etc.).\n
jangkrik 1. cricket. 2. (Java) exclamation used as a euphemism for diancuk.\n
jangkung 1 heron. 2 tall, long-legged (of a person). jangkung-an stilts.\n
janik sea urchin.\n
janin (Biol.) fetus, embryo.\n
janjang 1. (Java) long and slender (of the neck). 2. (M) see JENJANG 1.\n
1 promise, agreement, agree. 2 condition. 3 engagement,
appointment. 4 delay, deferral. 5 dying hour.\n
janma see JALMA.\n
jannah,jannat (Rel.) paradise, heaven.\n
1 male, masculine (of animals). 2 bold, valiant. 3 dashing, valiant. 4
virile, manly, macho. pe-jantan stud. per-jantan-an pederasty.\n
1. ber-, men-jantang be clear, stand out (of blood vessels). 2. ter-
jangkat blink from bright lights.\n
jantera see JENTERA.\n

jantik see JENTIK.\n

1 heart. 2 the heart as the seat of the emotions. 3 thick portion of
jantung hands, arms, legs, or feet. 4 heart-shaped ornament of necklace,
jantungan 1 suffer a heart attack. 2 heart disease.\n
jantur 1 magic trick, sleight-of-hand. 2 magic spell.\n
janturan puppeteer\'s narration in a shadow play.\n
januari January.\n
janubi see KUTUB.\n
janur young coconut leaf.\n
jap 1 completed. 2 in agreement or accord.\n
japen (Jawatan Penerangan) gvt. information office.\n
japit tongs, clamp.\n
japu,japuk k.o. small fish.\n
jara small drill, auger. men-jara drill, bore.\n
jarab scabies.\n
1. men-jarah plunder. jarah-an plunder, booty, spoils. 2. see
1. distance between, gap. men-jarak-kan separate. pen-jarak-an
spacing (of pregnancy, plants, etc.). 2. castor oil plant.\n
jaram cold compress.\n
jarambab see JEREMBAB.\n
jaran (Java) horse.\n
1 rare, scare. 2 infrequently, rarely, seldom. 3 spaced, wide apart (of
jarang teeth, plants, etc.). 4 coarse in texture (cloth). 5 spare (of
inhabitants), scanty (of hair).\n
jaras 1. bunch. 2 wicker basket.\n
jarem beuised, black and blue.\n
jargon jargon.\n
1 digit (finger or toe). 2 digitlike projection (eg. wheelspokes, squid
tentacles, etc.).\n
jariah,jariat see AMAL.\n
jaring dragnet or seine (not a casting net), net used in sports.\n
jaringan 1 net. 2 network (TV, road, radio). 3 (Anat.) tissue.\n
jaro bamboo lath or slat.\n
jarong k.o. of tree.\n
jarot fiber in fruit or vegetables.\n
1 sewing or hypodermic needle. 2 pin. 3 hand of clock, pointer. 4
trick, ruse.\n
explanation of the meaning, exegesis. jarwa-dosok (Ling.)
associative etymology.\n
jas coat.\n
jasa 1 merit. 2 service. 3 commendable or meritorious service.\n

jasad (Biol.) 1 body. 2 organism. jasad-renik microorganism.\n

jasadi bodily, physical.\n
jasirah see JAZIRAH.\n
jasmani body.\n
jasmaniah bodily. kebutuhan-jasmaniah physical needs.\n
jasuka [Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan] Java, Sumatra, Borneo.\n
jaswadi see JAS.\n
jatah 1 allotment, allocation. 2 quota. 3 bribe.\n
jateng [Jawa Tengah] Central Java.\n
jati 1. k.o. hardwood tree, teak. 2. see SEJATI.\n
jatim [Jawa Timur] East Java.\n
jatmika 1 polite. 2 modest.\n
1 fall. 2 fall (of prices, gvt.). 3 fall from a high position. 4 fail, flunk.
5 lead, reach, arrive. 6 related.\n
jauh 1. far, distant, remote. 2 far, by far. se-jauh as far as.\n
jauhar 1 jewel. 2 embryo.\n
jauhari 1 jeweler. 2 expert, specialist.\n
jauza (Zod.) Gemini.\n
jaw. [Jawatan] office, division, bureau.\n
1 Java, Javanese. 2 (Java) s.t of local origin rather than the imported
or foreign kind. 3 (Java) well-bred.\n
jawab reply, answer, response.\n
jawahir instrinsic.\n
jawanisasi Javanization.\n
jawat se-jawat colleague. jawat-an office, division, bureau.\n
jawawut (Java) millet.\n
1.ox, cow. 2. 1) Malaya or Indonesia (as the homeland of
jawi Indonesians or Malays who are in Mecca). 2) the script for writing
Malay or Indonesian with Arabic letters.\n
jawi-jawi k.o. large ficus tree.\n
jawil men-jawil touch s.o. in order to get attention.\n
jaya 1 victory. 2 victorious, glorious. 3 prosperous.\n
jazirah peninsula.\n
jazz /jes/ jazz.\n
jeans /jin, jins/ 1 denim. 2 jeans.\n
1. full, broad (of face). 2. ber-jebah 1) profuse, copious, abundant. 2
assorted, various.\n
jebai ber-jebai scattered, spread about.\n
jebak trap.\n

jebakan trap, snare.\n

jebang long shield made of wood and covered with hide.\n
jebar-jebur 1 splashing of water while bathing. 2 pouring of water over o.s.\n
musk. men-jebat-i anoint. jebat-jebat-an fragrant aromas,
jebik thick or hanging (of lower lip). curl the lower lip down (to tease).\n
1. muddy. ke-jeblok 1) be stuck, mired in mud. 2) be tricked,
cheated. 2. sag, drop (of prices, inflation, etc.).\n
jeblos give way.\n
jebobok stand on end (of hair), ruffle (of feathers).\n
jebol 1 broken down. 2 perforated.\n
jebolan 1 dropout or graduate. 2 ex, former.\n
1. scratched, scrawled. men-jebret scratch, scrawl (o\'s signature). 2.
sound of a staples.\n
jebrol men-jebrol erupt.\n
jebuh k.o. fish.\n
jebul see JEBOL.\n
jebung k.o. fish, the leatherjacket.\n
jeda 1 rest, respite, take a rest. 2 (Poetry) caesura. 3 (Ling.) juncture.\n
jedar-jedor sound of a firearm.\n
jeding 1. (Java) k.o. tub to store water. 2. curl upward (of lips).\n
jedul (Java) sudden appearance.\n
(Java) men-jegal 1 stop, intercept s.o. 2 (Sport) keep an opponent
from winning.\n
jegang 1 stuff, inflexible. 2 tense, tight.\n
jegil men-jegil 1 bulge (of eyes). 2 stab.\n
jegleg (Jakarta) sound of clicking.\n
jeglegan staple for a stapler.\n
have a hole in it. ber-jeglong bumpy, have bumps (of road). jeglong-
an (Java) pothole.\n
jegog (Java) men-jegog to bark.\n
jegrag (Java) men-jegrag stand on end (of hair).\n
jegung (Naut.0 sea chest, place for storing rigging, sails, etc.\n
an invisible animal with supernatural powers, obedient to its human
1. 1) trail, track (of animal). 2) footstep, footprint. 3) (Naut.) wake.
2. 1) straight, erect. 2) stable.\n
jejaka 1 youth, young man. 2 bachelor, unmarried young man.\n
ber-jejal 1 crowd, jam. 2 be jampacked (with spectators, etc.). ber-
jejal jejal(an) thronged, crowded. men-jejal stuff full.\n

jejala network.\n
jejamu herbs of various sorts.\n
jejas lacerated, laceration, lesion.\n
jejawi k.o. large ficus tree, the banyan.\n
jejek stable, sound, firm (of a society, etc.).\n
jejel see JEJAL.\n
jejenang frame of door or window.\n
(Java) a row of leather puppets arrayed in preparation for use in
jejungkrak (jejungkrakan) totally razed.\n
jek (Crd.) jack.\n
jeket jacket.\n
jeksi see INJEKSI.\n
jel (Coll.) jail.\n
jela ber-(jela-jela) dangle, swing to and fro (of rope, etc.). dangling.\n
jeladan k.o. bird that feeds on rice.\n
jelaga carbon black, soot, lampblack.\n
jelai 1. 1) k.o. plant, Job\'s tears. 2) barley. 2. jam, jelly.\n
jelajah men-jelajah-kan analyze, examine, investigate.\n
jelak 1 bored, satiated. 2 be tired. ter-jelak full, stuffed (with food).\n
jelalat glance. jelalat-an glance about, ogle.\n
1 call on, pay o,\'s respects to. 2 visit. 3. to (used to address mail). 4
around, toward. 5 approach, come close to.\n
jelangak look upward.\n
jelangkung see JAILANGKUNG.\n
jelantah oil that has been used for frying and will be reused.\n
jelapak ber-, ter- jelapak flop down from weariness.\n
jelas 1 clear, distinct. 2 unequivocal, explicit (instructions, etc.).\n
jelata see RAKYAT.\n
jelatang 1 stinging nettle. 2 agitator.\n
jelatik see GELATIK.\n
jeleh (Java) nj-jeleh-i disgusting, sickening.\n
jelek 1 ugly. 2 bad, evil (thoughts, etc.). 3 bad, poor in quality, not good.\n
jeleleh dribble, slobber.\n
jelempah lie scattered about.\n
jelengar surprised, stunned into silence.\n
jelentik tap or touch s.t. lightly.\n
jelepak fall backward with a plop, lie.\n
1 charming, ravishing, beautiful 9of eyes). 2 sharp (in
jelik see JELEK.\n
jelimet hair-splitting, meticulous.\n
jeling cast a sideways glance, ogle.\n
jelir men-jelir project, protrude, stick out.\n
jelita 1 lovely, sweet. 2 graceful, charming, beautiful. loveliness.\n
jelititan look around in a confused way.\n
jelma men-jelma assume a form.\n
1 incarnation, creation. 2 thing into which s.t. has been
jelu (Java) 1 irked, piqued, annoyed. 2 dejected.\n
jeluak vomit.\n
jeluang bark cloth.\n
jeluat protrude.\n
jelujur 1 baste (a hem). 2 tie or stitch together.\n
jeluk cup, container.\n
ber-jelum bathe by wetting the body, but not showering. men-jelum
give s.o. a sponge bath.\n
men-jelumat mend with fine stitching. jelumat-an a darn (in socks,
jelungkap men-jelungkap 1 spring loose. 2 recoil.\n
jeluntung,jeluntur see CACAR.\n
jelunut viscous. men-jelunut adhere, cohere, stick.\n
jelus (Coll.) jealous, spiteful.\n
men-jelut 1 feel upset in the stomach. 2 be upset, annoyed, or
k.o. tree that produces milky sap from which a rubber substitute can
be made.\n
jem jam, jelly.\n
jemaah,jemaat 1 community, assembly. 2 (Rel.) congregation.\n
jemah later on, in the future.\n
jemala 1 head. 2 skull.\n
jemang se-jemang a moment.\n
jemantung heart.\n
jemari finger.\n
jemawa conceited, arrogant.\n
measure of lenght, two fathoms or about 2.4 meters. men-jemba
reach out for, grab at. jemba-an two fathoms.\n
jembak men-, ter-(jembak-jembak) flutter in the wind.\n
jembalang k.o. supernatural creature, gnome.\n
jembatan 1 bridge. 2 bridge, bond between.\n
jembel 1 poor, shabby, squalid. 2 wanderer, hobo, tramp.\n
jember (Jakarta) dirty, muddy.\n
jembiah k.o. dagger.\n
jemblem k.o. confection of fried cassava.\n
jembrot /jembrut/ seeJAMBRUD.\n
jembut (Java, Jakarta) pubic hair.\n
jemeki spangle, sequin.\n
jempalik,jempalit 1 turn a somesault, tumble over. 2 be upside down.\n
jemparing (Java) arrow.\n
1 thumb. 2 thumbs up, tops, first rate. men-jempol fingerprint s.o.
jempol-an first-rate in quality.\n
jemput 1 a pinch. 2 a little bit of s.t.\n
1 pick up service, limousine. 2 laundry on the line or in the sun. 3
invitation. 4(M) marriage proposal to a man.\n
jemu 1 tired. 2 sick of, fed up with.\n
jemuas filthy, covered with dirt, mud, or food.\n
jemuju 1. caraway seed. 2. (Sunda) k.o. timber tree.\n
jemur 1 sunbathe. 2 dry in the sun. 3 dried rice plant.\n
jemuran 1 items being dried. 2 the wash, laundry.\n
jen. [jenderal] (Mil.) general.\n
jenabah,jenabat see JANABAH, JANABAT.\n
jenaha /jenahar/ k.o. fish, red snapper.\n
1. a moment. se-jenak an instant.2. 1) comfortable, at o.\'s ease. 2)
sound asleep.\n
jenakawan humorist, comic.\n
1. 1) doorframe or window frame. 2) doorpost. 2. 1) (Sport) referee
jenang at cockfight. 2) (Navy) steward. 3. 1) porridge, puddling, or any food
which is thick and viscous. 2) molten metal or wet cement.\n
jenangau k.o. rice bug.\n
corpse, mortal remains, cadaver. men-kan bury, inter. pen-an
jendal-jendul bumpy, with a bump on the skin.\n
jendela window. jendela-geser sliding window.\n
jenderal 1 general (rank). 2 general, comprehensive.\n
jendol swollen (from a bump). ber-, men- stick out (of s.t. round).\n
jendul see JENDAL-JENDUL.\n
jeneng (Java) 1 name. 2 status.\n
jenewer Dutch gin.\n
(Java) polite form of address for a woman the same age or younger
than speaker.\n
jengah 1 embarrassed. 2 reluctant.\n
jengat see JANGAT.\n
1. jengek-an mockery, ridicule. 2. (M) woman trader of smuggled or
jengek illegal consumer goods.\n
jenggar-jenggur (Jakarta) overgrown, overlarge, exceptionally big for o.\'s age.\n
jengger cock\'s comb. ber-jengger have a comb.\n
jenggot beard. ber-jenggot have a beard.\n
jengguk see JENGUK.\n
jenggul see JENDOL.\n
jenggur see JENGGAR-JENGGUR.\n
jengiit-jengit bob up and down (of dog\'s tail, head, etc.).\n
jengit ber-jengit look starled.\n
jengkal span (of the hand, about nine inches).\n
ke-, men-, ter- 1 fall or topple backward. 2 lie on o.\'s back. 3 (Vulg.)
die, kick the bucket.\n
jengkau see JANGKAU.\n
jengkek ber-jengkek 1 jump with joy. 2 walk on high heels.\n
jengkel annoyed, irritated, irked.\n
jengkelit men-jengkelit do a handspring, tumble.handspring, somersault.\n
jengkelitan handspring, somersault.\n
1. ber-jengkeng-an sticking out in every direction. 2. see
jengker stiff, rigid 9of corpse).\n
jengkerik see JANGKRIK 1.\n
jengket see JINGKAT.\n
jengki kind used by cowboy.\n
jengking 1. men-jengking lie with bottom up. 2. see KALA 2.\n
jengkit see JENGKING 1.\n
k.o. tree the beans of which are eaten raw, the Phithecolobium.
jengkol jengkol-an suffer excessive urination from eating too many of these
jengkolet ber-, men-jengkolet capsize, turn turle, tumble over.\n
jengkot ber-, men-jengkot 1 limp. 2 be lame.\n
jengkrik see JANGKRIK 1.\n
ber-jenguk-an look or peer out (of many people). men-jenguk-kan
stick (the head) out.\n
jengul men-jengul protrude. men-jengul-kan stick s.t. out.\n
jeni 1. genius. 2. see ZENI 1.\n
jenial brilliant, gifted, talented.\n
jenialitas genius, talent.\n
jenis 1 kind, sort, genre. 2 (Biol.) species, race.3 gender.\n
jenjam tranquil, untroubled, secure.\n
1. 1) ladder, scaffold, trellis. 2) stairs, staircase, flight of stairs. 3)
jenjang stage, level. 2. see JANJANG 1. 3. see BURUNG.\n
jenjeng see JINJING 1.\n
jentai ter-jentai be caught s.w., situated.\n
jentaka (Lit.) misery.\n
jentat men-jentat leap, jump (of fleas, etc.).\n
jentat-jentit (Java) way of walking sexily.\n
jentelmen sportsmanlike.\n
jentera 1 wheel in a machine or device. 2 mill, turbine. 3 spinning wheel.\n
jentik jentik-jentik mosquito larva.\n
jentret (Jakarta, Java) row, line.\n
jenuh 1 surfeited, having had too much of s.t., sick and tired. 2 saturated.\n
jepang Japan, Japanese.\n
jepet, jepit 1 tweezers. 2 clip, clamp.\n
men-jeprat sprinkle, splash, splatter (of water). jeprat-jepret snap
jepret sound of clicking or snapping . jepret-an stapler.\n
jepun see JEPANG.\n
jeput 1. se-jeput hari all day long. 2. see JEMPUT.\n
jera 1 be cured of a habit, learn o.\'s lesson. 2 wary, chary, leery.\n
jerabai ber-(jerabai-jerabai) with tattered edges, in tassels.\n
jeragan see JURAGAN.\n
jeragih k.o. weed.\n
1. 1) abundant, plentiful. 2) prevalent (of disease, etc.). 2. learn a
lesson, have had enough.\n
jerahak ter-jerahak neglected, abandoned (of work, a problem, etc.).\n
men-jerahap lie on o.\'s stomach. ter-jerahak fall into a prone
jerait ber-jerait(an) interwined, interwoven, intergrown (of plants, etc.).\n
jerajak see JERJAK.\n
jeram 1. rapids, cataracs. 2. seeJARAM.\n
ber-jeramah tug or pull at. men-jeramah attack viciously, fall upon
jerambab see JEREMBAB.\n
jerambah platform terrace annexed to a house used for washing things.\n
jerambai see JERABAI.\n
jerambang glow that sometimes appears at night over marshy areas.\n
jerami 1 dried rice stalks. 2 straw.\n
jeran see JERA.\n
jerang men-jerang 1 heat s.t. 2 place s.t. on the fire or stove.\n
the sweet flag, awild rush with pungent root stock and sweet-
smelling flowers, widely used for medicinal purposes.\n
jerangkak men-jerangkak crawl on hands and knees.\n
ber-jerangkang stick up, project upward. ter-jerangkang standing, in
position projecting upward.\n
jerangkong (Java) skeleton.\n
jerap men-jerap absorb. ter-jerap absorbed.\n
jerapah giraflfe.\n
jerat 1 snate, lasso. 2 ruse, trick.\n
jeratan noose, trap.\n
jerau florid, deep red.\n
jeraus nimble, sprightly.\n
jerawat pimple, blackhead, acne.\n
jerbar [Jerman Barat] West Germany.\n
jerejak adhere, stick.\n
jerembab,jerembap men-jerembab throw o.s. down headlong.\n
jerembet see JEREPET.\n
jerembun ter-jerembun suddenly become visible (of huge object).\n
jerempak ber-, men-, ter- suddenly meet, suddenly come face to face with.\n
jereng 1. 1) squinting. 2) cross-eyed. 2. men-jereng spread s.t. out.\n
1 linked together (of links in chain). 2 grown togheter (of fingers,
etc.). jerepet-an coalescence.\n
jeri 1 frightened, afraid. men-jeri-kan fearsome.\n
jeriau joists used to support floor or roof.\n
jerigen see JERIKEN.\n
jerih tired, weary. jerih-lelah/payah exertion, effort.\n
jeriji 1. finger. 2. see JERUJI.\n
jeriken jerrycan.\n
1. Pithecolobium tree, with edible seeds considered beneficial to
kidneys. 2. k.o. cricket with strong chirping sound.\n
jerit 1 a scream, shriek. 2 clamor. 3 strong complaint.\n
jerjak bars at window, grid, latticework.\n
jerkah snarl, growl. men-jerkah snarl or snap at s.o.\n
fish trap conmsisting of closely spaced stakes behind which the fish
get caught when the tide goes out.\n
jerman German, Germany.\n
jermang props for boat on beach.\n

jernang dragon\'s blood, red dye obtained from fruit of k.o. rattan.\n
1 clear (of water, air, eyes, etc.). pure (of liquids, etc.). make s.t.
clear, clear up (a misunderstanding). 2 purify, cleanse. purification.\n
jeroan (Java) innards, entrails as food.\n
jerohok ter-jerohok fall or sink into a hole.\n
jerojol men-, ter-jerojol stick out.\n
jerongkang jerongkang-korang head over heels. ter-jerongkang fall backward.\n
jerongkok men-jerongkok sit with the chin on o,\'s knees.\n
men-jerongkong lean forward and press chest against the knees. ter-
jerongkong fall prostrate.\n
jerubung awning, canopy, tarpaulin.\n
1 trellis, grating, lattice. 2 grating, iron bars. ber-jeruji supplied with
a grating or iron bars.\n
jeruju k.o. small shrub.\n
citrus fruit. jeruk-bali pomelo. jeruk-garut/kepruk tangering or
jeruk orange that peels easly. jeruk-purut small fragrant k.o. lime used as
jerukun men-jerukun cover or spread over.\n
jerukup men-jerukup overarch.\n
jerumat men-jerumat darn, mend.\n
jerumbai tassle, fringe.\n
jerumun 1 lair of wild boar. 2 shelter, hide-out.\n
men-jerumus-kan 1 drop s.t. on its face. 2 make s.t. fall down or into
a hole.\n
jerung k.o. large shark.\n
men-jerungkau hang down like hair over the face or branches of a
willow tree.\n
jerungkis bent upward. men-jerungkis damage, harm.\n
jerungkup see JERUKUP.\n
jet (Av.) jet.\n
jetis men-jetis make banging noise of firecracker.\n
jetisasi replacing old fashioned aircraft with jets.\n
jetset 1 sophisticated, well trained. 2 (Sl.) ugly but fashionable.\n
jewang snatch s.t. up.\n
jewawut see JAWAWUT.\n
jewer men-jewer 1 pull or tweak s.o.\'s ear. 2 reprimand, scold s.o.\n
jiarah see ZIARAH.\n
jiawang k.o. monitor lizard.\n
jib (Naut.) jib sail.\n
(Japanese) 1 suicide attack. 2 make a suicide attack, participate in a
suicide squad. ber-jibaku engage in a suicide attack.\n

jibakutai (Japanese) suicide squadron.\n

jiblah aptitude, talent.\n
jibun ber-jibun 1 pile (of work). 2 teem, swarm (of ants).\n
jicing opium dust.\n
1 border around a letter or printed page. 2 wooden ruler.1 provide a
line. 2 make a line with a ruler.\n
jidat forehead.\n
jidor,jidur see TANJIDOR.\n
jidwal see JADWAL.\n
jigo (China) 25.\n
1 tartar, plaque, dirt on teeth. 2 dirty person, tramp. ber-jigong have
dirt on it (of teeth).\n
jih (Lit.) target.\n
jihad (Islam) holy war. ber-jihad engage in a holy war.\n
jihat side.\n
jihin see JIN 1.\n
(China) twenty-first day of the first China month (end of the Cap Go
Meh celebration).\n
jijak see JEJAK 1.\n
jijat see JIDAT.\n
1 repugnant, abhorrent, nauseating. 2 disgusted, nauseated.1 loathe,
abhor, abominate. 2 nauseating, loathsome.\n
jijit see JINJIT 2.\n
jika,jikalau 1 if. 2 when (future, general).\n
jilat bootlicker.\n
jilat-jilat men-jilat-jilat purr (of cat).\n
jilatisme mental attitude characterized by seeking benefits by bootlicking.\n
(Islam) female headgear that exposes fase but not ears, neck, or
volume. ber-jilid bound (of book, etc.). men-jilid bind (book,
jimak coitus. ber-, men- have sexual intercourse.\n
jimat charm, talisman, amulet.\n
jimbit se-jimbit a pinch, a small amount.\n
jin 1. 1) genie. 2) evil spirit. 2. Gin.\n
jina,jinah see ZINA.\n
1 tame, domesticated (animal). 2 gentle, docile, moderate. 3 (Med.)
benign (tumor).\n
jinawi see GEMAH-RIPAH.\n
jinerap absorbant.\n
jingau men-jingau peer at.\n
colors ranging from orange to bright red. men-jingga become
jingga orange.\n
jinggering 1 high-heeled (shoes). 2 longstemmed (glass).\n
ber-(2), bersi-, men-jingkat stand or walk on tiptoes. ter-jingkat be
jingkek 1 tiptoe. 2 high-heeled shoes.\n
jingkik ber-jingkik-jingkik hop on o. leg.\n
/jingkrak/ 1. jump up and down (for joy). 2. straddle (horse, fence,
1. slender and tapering (neck). 2. 1) leader. 2) necromancer. 3. se
1. men-jinjing carry s.t. light in o.\'s hand. 2. k.o. fast-growing tree
that yields cheap lumber. 3. ber-jinjing stand on tiptoes.\n
1. stand on tiptoes. 2. men-jinjit carry in the hand. 3. men-jinjit 1)
pull s.t. that is not stiff. 2) tweak (an ear).\n
jinsom ginseng.\n
caraway seed. jintan-hitam cumin. jintan-manis anise seed. jintan-
putih white cumin.\n
jip jeep. ber-jip go by jeep.\n
jipang 1. branch, twig. 2. melon, gourd. 3. see BIPANG.\n
men-jiplak 1 copy. 2 cheat on an exam, crib. 3 plagiarize, fake s.t. by
copying it.\n
jiplakan 1 a copy. 2 plagiatism, imitation that pretends to be the real thing.\n
jiprat men-jiprat splash, splatter.\n
jirak k.o. tree with edible fruit.\n
jiran 1 neighbor. 2 kin, relative.\n
jirangkong see JERANGKONG.\n
jirat 1. tomb, mousoleum. 2. jirat, jiret seeJERAT.\n
jirian (Med.) leucorrhea.\n
jirigen see JERIKEN.\n
1. men-jirus sprinkle water on, pour a small amount of water over. 2.
see TIRUS.\n
jisim (Anat.) body.\n
jit (China) seven, in commercial transactions.\n
jitah see AKAR.\n
jitak men-jitak slap s.o.\n
jitpek (China) 700 (used in commercial transactions).\n
jitu accurate, precise, exact.\n
jiwa 1 soul, spirit. 2 spirit, the principle behind s.t. 3 inhabitant.\n
jiwani psychic, psychological.\n
jiwasraya name of gvt.-owned life insurance company.\n
jka [Jawatan Kereta Api] see PJKA.\n
jkt. [Jakarta] Jakarta.\n
jkta. [Jawatan Kereta Api] Indonesia Railways.\n
jl., jln. [Jalan] street, road.\n
jlimet see JELIMET.\n
jml. [jumlah] amount.\n
jng. [Jatinegara] a district in Jakarta.\n
jo. [juncto] (Leg.) connected with.\n
joang see JUANG.\n
joanglo,joanlo (China) chafing dish, food warmer.\n
joblos see JEBLOS.\n
jobong (Jakarta) prostitute.\n
1 marriage partner, mate. 2 match, be a match, be a mate (to). 3 be in
agreement over.\n
jogar game of checkers.\n
1 k.o. classical Java dance accompanied by the gamelan. 2 k.o.
joget dance to lively music, us. for couples. 3 o. who performs a dance of
this type.\n
joglo (Java) steep upper section of roof of traditional Java mansion.\n
jogo see KACANG.\n
(Java) officer in village in charge of distribution of water for
(Jakarta) nge-, n-jogrog be in a place without moving. jogrok-kan
thrust s.t. in front of o.\n
johan 1 world, universe. 2 champion.\n
1. k.o. fast-growing shade tree the crown of which yields firewood.
2. see BINTANG, ZOHRAH. 3. see JAUHAR.\n
johari see JAUHARI.\n
joja,jojo k.o simian.\n
jojol piling, palisades.\n
jok 1 seat (of car, pedicab, etc.). 2 car upholstery.\n
joki (Sport) jockey.\n
jolak ber-, men- jolak blaze.\n
jolek men-jolek wrap s.t. in leaves.\n
joli 1 palanquin. 2 team of horses. se-joli a couple, twosome.\n
joli-joli yawl, k.o. small boat.\n
men-jolok 1 prod at s.t. with a pole, etc., to knock it down. 2 probe,
ferret out. 3 pole finger down throat, into nose, etc.\n
jolong 1. men-jolong project, protrude. 2. (M) see JULUNG 2.\n
jolong-jolong see IKAN.\n
men-jolor 1 creep, crawl 9of snakes, etc.) 2 inch forward on o.\'s
jombang (M) handsome, pretty, beautiful.\n
jompak rear, prance (of horse, etc.).\n
jomplang see JUMPLANG.\n
jompo (Java) old, decrepit, infirm. rumah 0rang-jompo old folks\' home.\n
jompong pe-jompong-an rallying place.\n
jon-towel (Jakarta) young fellow that puts on airs.\n
jong see JUNG.\n
jongang see JONGKANG 2.\n
jonget curved upward at the tip or side.\n
jonggol representative, responsible person. jonggol-an responsibility.\n
jonghe k.o. weed.\n
1. k.o. boat. 2. protruding 9of teeth, upper lip, etc.). jongkang-
jangking sticking out right and left. 3.\n
jongkar-jangkir sticking out all over (esp. of teeth).\n
jongkat see JUNGKAT.\n
jongko stall (in market).\n
ber-, men- jongkok squat. ber-jongkok-jongkok be obsequious. ter-
jongkok in a squatting position.\n
jongkong k.o. dugout canoe.\n
jongos (now considered Derog.) houseboy, waiter.\n
jonjot 1 tuft (of hair). 2 flake. men-jonjot extract, pluck.\n
jontrot men-jontrot poke, thrust s.t. by poking it.\n
(Java) push, elbow aside. jor-jor-an vie with o. another, compete.
jor-jor drumband marching band competition.\n
joran fishing rod. joran ampai divining rod.\n
joreng small piece (of cloth), small clod (of earth). men-joreng slice thin.\n
jori team of horses.\n
jornalis see JURNALIS.\n
1. 1) slovenly, slipshod. 2) dirty, untidy. 2. men-jorok stick out,
project, protrude.\n
1. ellipse, elliptical, oval-shaped.2 metal V-shaped holder for betel
leaf. 3. a corner.\n
jotakan (Java) be on unfriendly terms.\n
jotos fist.\n
jotosan boxing, fisticuffs.\n
jrang-jreng sound of plucking a guitar, banjo, etc.\n
jrangkung see JERANGKONG.\n
jrawut rumpled, disheveled, messed up.\n
jreng-jreng sound of coins clinking, tinkling sound (of guitar, etc.).\n
jring-jring sound of tinkling (of guitar, mandolin).\n
jrs. [jurusan] 1 direction. 2 academic field.\n
1 nothing or nobody but, only. 2 even if it is, no matter. 3
nevertheless. 4 also.\n
1 delicacy made of rice. 2 cake or cookies. 3 provicions,
1. ber-juak compete. men-juak incite, instigate 9a fight). pen-juak
juak instigator. 2. men-juak be projecting upward. men-juak-kan hoist a
sail, project s.t. upward.\n
jual sell, sale.\n
struggle. medan-juang battlefield. ber-juang fight, struggle. fighter,
juang warrior, freedom fighter. sharing in the same struggle.\n
juang-juang k.o. shrub.\n
juar see JOHAR 1.\n
juara 1 champion. 2 referee in a cockfight.\n
long flowing robe 9including religious habits, Arabic garments,
etc.). ber-juang wear such a robe.\n
jubal,jubel ber-(2), ber-an, -an crowd around. men-jubal-kan cram, jam.\n
jubin floor tile.\n
jubir (jurubicara) spokesperson.\n
jubit see CUBIT.\n
jublek amazed, astronished.\n
jubur (Anat.) anus.\n
judas,judes 1 cruel, vicious (esp. in speech). 2 hars and rude, unmannered.\n
judi gambling. pe(n)-judi gambler.\n
judo (Sport) judo. pe-judi expert in judo.\n
judoka (Sport) expert in judo.\n
judokang (Sport) judo hall.\n
1 title (of book, etc.). 2 caption (under cartoon, etc.) 3 credits (in
movie or on TV). 4 heading.\n
1 also, too. 2 even if. 3 no matter what, how, who, etc. 4 rather. 5
juhi (China) dried squid.\n
juih curled (of lips).\n
juita sweet, lovely, beautiful.\n
juja (zod.) Gemini.\n
jujai (Lit.) ceaseless, incessant.\n
jujat (Lit.) slander, insult, (verbal) abuse.\n
juju 1. men-juju feed (a baby) pre-chewed food. 2. see TUJU.\n
jujuh ber-, men-jujuh be incessant, unceasing.\n
1. honest, on the level. ke-jujur-an honesty, integrity. 2. men-jujur-i
present a bride-price to.\n
jujut men-jujut pull, tug at (rope, etc.).\n
slender end of stem of a creeping plant, runner of a creeping plant.
julai men-julai-kan dangle s.t.\n
julak see JOLAK.\n
men-julang 1 soar, tower. 2 carry on the shoulder. 3 hold in high
esteem, esteem highly.\n
julat (Lit.) range, reach. se-julat-mata as far as the eye can see.\n
juli July.\n
julig (Java) cunning, sly (in negative sense).\n
juling cross-eyed. men-juling-i steal a glance at, glance at a bit.\n
julir harpoorr.\n
julita see JELITA.\n
lottery played by neighborhood wives at monthly get-together. ber-
julo play julo.\n
julu ber-julu-an stretch out (in all directions). men-julu extend, stick out
(of tongue, etc.). julu-an 1 stick, stave, bar. 2 line, row.\n
juluk named, called. juluk-an sobriquet, nickname.\n
julung 1. (Java) fated to be unlucky. 2. for the first time.\n
julung-julung see IKAN.\n
julur stick out (of several things).\n
jumaah /juma\'ah/see JEMAAH.\n
jumaat /juma\'at/ see JUMAT, JUM\'AT.\n
jumadilakhir the 6th month of the Arabic calendar.\n
jumadilawal the 5th month of the Arabic calendar.\n
jumantara firmament, outer or upper atmosphere.\n
jumanten emerald.\n
jumat see JEMAAH.\n
tassle, fringe. se-jumbai a bunch of s.t. that hangs down. ber-
(jumbai-jumbai) 1 tassled, fringed. 2 frayed. 3 flutter.\n
jumblah see JUMLAH.\n
jumblang cesspool, septic tank.\n
similar, edentical.men-jumbuh-kan make s.t. compatible. ke-
jumbuh-an identity.\n
1 sum, amount, total. 2 number, quantity. 3 (Ling.) number. men-
jumlah-kan add or count up. men-jumlah-kan adding, totaling.\n
jumpa meet.\n
jumpalit ber-jumpalit turn a somersault.\n
jumplang unbalanced, unequal.\n
jumpluk pile. se-jumpluk a pile of.\n
jumpul k.o. mullet.\n
jumput a pinch of s.t.\n
jumud 1 stiff, rigid, unbending. 2 old-fashioned, resistant to change.\n
junam men-junam 1 dive (of planem bird). 2 attack in flight.\n
juncto /yungkto/ (Leg.) in connection with.\n
jung k.o. boat, China junk.\n
jungat men-jungat tilt upward (of boat, cart, etc.).\n
men-jungkal-kan 1 overturn s.t. 2 overthrow, bring down (a regime,
etc.). ter-jungkal tumble forward.\n
jungkang jungkang-jungkit bob up and down.\n
jungkar men-jungkar project, protrude.\n
jungkat-jungkit bob up and down. men-jungkat slant, tilt. jungkat-an
jungkel,jungkil see JUNGKAL.\n
jungkir-balik 1 upside-down, topsy-turvy. 2 turn a somersault. 3 be
in a dither. men-jungkir flip over.\n
jungkit see JUNGKANG.\n
jungkrak men-jungkrak raze (a building). men-jungkrak-an push s.t. aside.\n
jungkung see JONGKONG.\n
jungur 1 snout, sword (of swordfish). 2 (Navy) bow.\n
jungut mountain spur.\n
juni June.\n
junjung ber-junjung-an have a husband .\n
1 o. who is esteemed. 2 adoration. 3 pole for climbing plants. 4
(Formal) o,\'s husband.\n
junta junta.\n
juntai ber-, men-, ter- dangle.\n
juntrung organized, orderly.\n
juntrungn 1 organization, unit. 2 purpose, aim.\n
(Islam) ritual impure or soiled (after coitus, giving birth,
menstruation, etc.)\n
junun possessed by a devil.\n
jup (Sl.) yep !\n
jura men-jura how out of respect.\n
1 skipper (of small craft). 2 owner of an enterprise. 3 (in some
juragan regions only) respectful address by villager to man of nobility or
higher class.\n
1 bunch. 2 row, sequence. ber-, ter-, men- dangle, hang down (of
hair, tassels, etc.). ber-jurai-an hang down (in large numbers).\n
juran see JORAN.\n
ravine, gorge, chasm. jurang-kenistaan the depths of misery. jurang-
pemisah gap. jurang-juriat generation gap.\n
(Leg.) jury. men-juri be amember of the jury in a competition. pen-
juri-an judging a case by a jury.\n
juriat see ZURIAT.\n
juridiksi see YYURIDIKSI.\n
juridis see YURIDIS.\n
jurik k.o. supernatural being.\n
juring,juringan section, segment (of fruit).\n
juris see YURIS.\n
jurisprudensi see YURISPRUDENSI.\n
jurnalis journalist, reporter.\n
jurnalistik jurnalism.\n
skilled worker. juru-bicara spokesman, spokeswoman. juru-damai
peacekeeper, peacemaker. ke-juru-rawatan nursing.\n
jurus 1. step, movements in martial arts. 2. moment.\n
1. sound of steam locomotive. 2. (Tennis) deuce. 3. juice. men-jus
make a drink out of. 4. see JUZ.\n
justa see DUSTA.\n
justru exactly, precisely.\n
juta million. ber-(juta-juta) by the millions.\n
jutawan millionaire.\n
juwang see JUANG.\n
juz (Islam) section of the Koran.\n
k k, the 11th letter of the alphabet.\n
k. [kaca] page.\n
k.s. [kredit semester) (Acad.) semester credit.\n
ka see KAH.\n
ka. [kepala] head, chief.\n
kaabah see KABAH.\n
kab. [kabupaten] regency (administrative unit].\n
kaba (M) tale, story.\n
kabag [kepala bagian] administrative section head.\n
1. (Islam) the small cubicle shrine in the Great Mosque of Mecca
which contains the famous black Stone of Mecca. It represents the
direction (kiblah) to which Muslims turn in praying. 2. symbol of the
Islam political party.\n
kabal see KEBAL.\n
kabar news, report.\n
kabaret 1. (Coll.) beret. 2. see MALAM 1.\n
kabarnya kabarnya\n
kabat see KEBAT.\n
kabe see KB.\n
kabel cable.\n
kabil (Islam) Cain, Abel\'s brother.\n
kabilah nomadic tribe.\n
1. (Naut.) cabin. kabin-pengemudi (Av.) cockpit. 2. cream
kabinet 1 governmental cabinet. 2 cabinet (for medicine, etc.).\n
1. mighty (of God). 2. meng-kabir reverse the direction of a boat by
paddling perpendicular to the hull.\n
kabisah /kabisat/ leap year.\n
kabit thief, pickpocket.\n
kabriolet (Auto.) convertible.\n
1 kapok. 2 fluffy material like kapok. ber-kabu-kabu fluffy, downy,
kabul answered, granted (of a prayer, request).\n
kabuli see NASI 1.\n
kabung white mourning headband.\n
1 regency, area headed by a bupati. 2 residence or office of the
1. 1) hazy (view), vague, blurred, clouded (vision). 2) fading (of
kabur hopes), unclear (of handwriting, speech, etc.). 3) haze. 2. 1) bolt (of
a horse). 2) run off, flee.\n
kabus nebulous.\n
1. mist, haze, fog. 1) sprayer. 2) atomizer. 3) carburetor. 2. see
KEBUT 2.\n
kaca 1. 1) glass. 2) mirror. 3) example. 2. page (of book, etc.).\n
1. 1) dashing, robust, vigorous. 2) conceited. 2. meng-kacak
determine the weight or size of s.t. by holding it in the hand.\n
pea, bean, peanut. kacang-asin salted peanuts. kacang-buncis green
kacang beans. kacang kapri peas. kacang kedelai soybean. kacang-
mede/mende cashew. kacang merah kidney bean.\n
kacapiring gardenia.\n
kacapuri main building of a palace.\n
kacar line used to fish for squid and cuttlefish.\n
1 in disorder, in an uproar. 2 confused (mind, situation). 3 in
kacau disarray. kacau-balau/bilau chaotic, disorganized, in total
kacek different, dissimilar.\n
kaci k.o. white cotton cloth from India.\n
1 scissors used primarily for cutting areca nut. 2 gardening
kacir see KUCAR-KACIR.\n
kaco see NGACO.\n
kacoa /kacoak/ cockroach.\n
kacokan see KACUKAN.\n
1. handkerchief. 2. coagulated areca nut juice used in leather
kacu tanning.\n
kacuk meng-kacuk mix, put in disorder, muddle.\n
kacung 1 lad, boy. 2 errand boy, houseboy.\n
(Islam) 1 divine decree. 2 make up for unobserved days of fasting
month or for missing o. of obligatory prayers.\n
kadal k.o. lizard.\n
kadaluarsa /kadaluwarsa/ see KEDALUWARSA.\n
kadam see KHADAM.\n
1. sometime. kadang-kala occasionally, once in a while. 2. meng-
kadang kadang-nasi skim water off the surface of rice to hasten cooking. 3.
blood relationship.\n
1. 1) degree, content. 2) standard, level, amount. 3) value, quality. 4)
fate. 2. meng-kadar sleep outdoors.\n
kadas k.o. skin fungus causing white blotches.\n
kadaster real estate registry.\n
kadaver 1 cadaver. 2 dead and uninspired.\n
kade quay.\n
kader 1 cadre. 2 framework.\n
kadera (E. Indonesia) chair.\n
kaderisasi forming of cadres.\n
kades [kepala desa] village head.\n
1. 1) cadet. 2) midshipman. 2. pickpocket. 3. k.o. white bread or
kadi 1 (Islam) judge in religious court. 2 arbiter, referee.\n
kadim 1. eternal. 2. close, intimate.\n
kadin [Kamar Dagang Industri] the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.\n
[Kamar Dagang dan Industri Daerah] the Provincial Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.\n
kadipaten (in the colonial period) area ruled over by an adipati.\n
kadir almighty.\n
kado gift, present.\n
kadok 1. long pepper leaf used as a substitute for the betel leaf. 2. see
(Java) 1 go too far, overdo. 2 take an irrevocable step o. should
kadut 1 sack, bag. 2 sacking.\n
kaedah see KAIDAH.\n
kaf the letters K and Q in the Arabic alphabet.\n
kafan see KAPAN 2.\n
kafarat see KEPARAT 1.\n
kafe cafe.\n

kafein caffeine.\n
kafetaria small restaurant with a limited menu us. in a school or workplace.\n
kafilah 1 desert caravan. 2 (Mil.) convoy, column, contingent.\n
kafir infidel, unbeliever.\n
kaftan k.o. cloak.\n
kagak (Jakarta) no, not.\n
kaget startled, shocked.\n
1 clumsy, awkward (esp. in feeling o. is doing s.t. improper). 2
speaking a language with a foreign or dialectal accent.\n
kagol frustrated.\n
kagum amazed, struck with amazement and admiration.\n
kah birdlime, glue.\n
kahaf (Lit.) cave.\n
kahan proboscis monkey.\n
kahar 1. k.o. vehicle pulled by a draft animal. 2. all-powerful.\n
kahat scarcity, famine.\n
kahin soothsayer, diviner.\n
kahiyangan see KAYANGAN.\n
kahot old-fashioned, ancient.\n
kahrab amber.\n
kahwa (Lit.) the beverage coffee.\n
kahwin see KAWIN.\n
kahyangan see KAYANGAN.\n
kaidah 1 norm, rule. 2 principle. 3 theorem.\n
kaifiat quality.\n
kail meng-kail fish with hook and line. peng-kail angler.\n
kail-kail tonsilitis.\n
kaimat quantity.\n
kain 1 cloth, fabric, material. 2 sarong.\n
kaing yelp with (of dogs).\n
kais scratch, scrape for food (of chickens, etc.).\n
kaisar 1 emperor. 2 Caesar. ke-kaisar-an empire.\n
kaisaryah 1 imperial. 2 (Med.) Caesarean.\n
kait 1 hook, barb. 2 catch.\n
kaiwan (Astr.) Saturn.\n
kajanah see KHAZANAH.\n
kajang movable sunshade of bamboo laths, wickerwork or palm thatch.\n
kajat see HAJAT.\n
1. knowledge, teaching (esp. religious). meng-kaji recite Koranic
verses. 2. mengk-kaji inspect, examine, investigate.\n

kak 1. k.o. glue used in bookbinding. 2. see KAKAK 1.\n

kakah ber-kakah burst out laughing.\n
1. 1) older sibling or cousin. 2) term of address or reference (esp. as
kakak kak) for a person somewhat older than the epeaker. 3) term of
address to o.\'s husband (in some areas). 2. boisterous laughter.\n
kakaktua see KAKATUA.\n
kakanda (Lit.) elder brother or sister (esp. in letters).\n
kakang (Java) elder brother.\n
kakao cocoa.\n
1. 1) name given to many k.o. large fish. 2) big-time criminal,
kakap gangster. 3) large-scale (firm, operation). 2. meng-kakap patrol,
scout. 3. meng-kakap 1) hold, grasp. 2) work a wet rice-field.\n
kakas meng-kakas scratch, scrape.\n
1 cockatoo. 2 pincers, pliers with pincer shape (like the beak of a
cockatoo). 3 k.o. fish.\n
kakawin k.o. old Java poetry.\n
kakeas doubletime, quicktime in marching, jogging.\n
1 grandfather or grand-uncle. 2 term of address for an old man.
kakek-moyang ancestor.\n
kaken-kaken kaken-kaken-ninen-ninen grow as old as grandparents.\n
kakerlak (Coll.) 1 cockroach. 2 s.o. as vile as a cockroach.\n
1. 1) foot, leg. 2) foot (measurement). 3) classifier for flowers or
umbrellas. 4) edge of an area. 2. see KAKEK. 3. see KHAKI.\n
kakok (M) hold.\n
kaktus cactus.\n
kaku 1 stiff, rigid. 2 clumsy, awkward, ungainly.\n
kakung (honorific, Java) male.\n
kakus ((Coll.) privy, latrine.\n
1. 1) time, era, period, age. 2) (Ling.) tense. 2. 1) scorpion. kala-
lipan centipede. 2) (Zod.) Scorpio. 3. mare.\n
kala-kala (Naut.) sea anchor.\n
kalah 1 defeated. 2 lose. 3 inferior to.\n
1. meng-kalai 1) lie down. 2) lean. 2. meng-kalai rub, polish s.t.
kalajengking scorpion.\n
kalak (Math.) 1 reciprocal. 2 inverse.\n
kalakat bamboo basket for moist cookies.\n
1. 1) pen made from a leaf rib. 2) (Lit.) writing instrument. 2. word,
saying. 3. see KALEM.\n
kalang transverse support, prop.\n
kalang-kabut confused, chaotic.\n
kalangan 1 circle, arena. 2 realm. 3 circle.\n
kalap 1 possessed by an evil spirit. 2 be beside o.s. with anger.\n
kalas 1 thole-strap for an oar. 2 band around the hilt of a machete.\n
1 if. 2 when (future). 3 as for..., in the case of... 4 (Coll.) whether
kalau (introducing an indirect question). 5 (Coll.) that (introducing an
indirect statement).\n
kalawarta 1 magazine, periodical. 2 bulletin.\n
kalbar [Kalimantan Barat] West Kalimantan.\n
kalbu 1 heart. 2 mind.\n
kaldera caldera (of a volcano).\n
kaldron cauldron.\n
kaldu broth, stock (for soup).\n
kalelep (Java) 1 be submerged, lowered. 2 drowned.\n
kalem calm, cool, patient, relaxed.\n
kalender calendar.\n
kaleng 1 tin can. 2 tin. 3 tin plate.\n
kalerek see KELERAK.\n
kalesa source of animal protein.\n
1. river. 2. 1) time, times. 2) (Math.) times. 3) fold (suffix). 3. (Jkt)
probably. 4. (Jkt) very.\n
(Pl.) you (form of address to equals, younger persons or persons of
lower status).\n
kaliber 1 caliber (of gun). 2 importance, class.\n
kalibut chaos.\n
kalifah 1 caliph. 2 caliphate.\n
kaligrafi calligraphy.\n
kalimah see SYAHADAT.\n
kalimantan Borneo. Kalimantan-Utara Sarawak and Sabah.\n
kalimantang 1 pennant. 2 white beam of light.\n
sentence, independent clause. kalimat-ingkar negative sentence.
kalimat-majemuk setara compound sentence. kalimat-majemuk
bertingkat complex sentence. kalimat-penjelas declarative
kalingan (Java) partially hidden, with obstructed view.\n
kalio see KLIO.\n
1 dull, lacking luster (of a surface). 2 immune to disease, not
kalis allowing air, water, or some other extraneous substance to penetrate.
3 pure.\n
kalium potassium.\n
kalkarim /kalkarium/ wallpaint.\n
kalkir meng-kalkir trace s.t. over s.t.\n
kalkulasi calculation.\n
kalkulator calculator.\n
kalkulir meng-kalkulir calculate.\n
kalkun turkey.\n
kalo 1. strainer. 2. kalo, kalok see KALAU.\n
kalong see KELUANG.\n
kalor (Phys.) heat.\n
kalori calorie.\n
1 (Lit.) k.o. mythological tree that never dies. 2 annual prize
kalpataruh awarded to o. who has made an outstanding contribution to
preserving the environment.\n
kalsel [Kalimantan Selatan] South Kalimantan.\n
kalselteng [Kalimantan Selatan dan Tengah] South and Central Borneo.\n
kalsium calcium.\n
kalteng [Kalimantan Tengah] Central Borneo.\n
kaltim [Kalimantan Timur] East Borneo.\n
kalu see KALAU.\n
kalui k.o. fish, gurami.\n
kalung necklace.\n
kalurahan see LURAH 1.\n
kalut confused, chaotic.\n
kalwan (Astr.) Uranus.\n
kam internment or prison camp.\n
kama (Lit.) love, passion.\n
kamadean parasite.\n
1. room, chamber. 2. (Lit.) moon. 3. ornamental sash around the
waist, cummerbund.\n
kamariah pertaining to the moon.\n
kamat 1. (Islam) the call to begin prayer. 2. k.o. tree.\n
kambang see AMBANG 2.\n
kambar k.o. large sea turtle.\n
kambeh gourd.\n
kambek 1 make a comeback. 2 (Coll.) be reconciled (of lovers).\n
kambeli k.o. woolen fabric.\n
kambi 1 rib, frame. 2 peneling, winscoting.\n
goat. kambing-domba sheep. meng-kambing-hitamkan place the
blame on, make the scapegoat.\n
kamboja k.o. tree, frangipani.\n
1 comrade. 2 accomplice, party to a crime. 3 small party, get
kambuh have or suffer a relapse.\n
kambus blocked, stopped up (of drain).\n
kambut k.o. woven basket.\n
kamera camera.\n
kamerad comrade.\n
kameraman camera man.\n
kamerjas /kameryas/ man\'s dressing gown.\n
kamfer see KAMPER.\n
kamhar camel hair wool.\n
kami 1 we, us, our (excluding the person addressed). 2 I (deferential).\n
kamil perfect.\n
kamis Thursday.\n
kamis Thursday.\n
kamisolen /kamisosolen/ unable to speak properly from overexcitement.\n
kamit see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n
kamitua deputy village chief in Central Java.\n
kamli sewe KAMBELI.\n
kamling [keamanan lingkungan] law and order of the neigborhood.\n
kamp /kem/ see KAM.\n
kampagne see KAMPANYE.\n
1. ber-kampai(an) lie supine, stretched out. 2. (Japanese) Cheers !
(on raising a toast).\n
kampak adze. meng-kampak cut with an adze.\n
kampanye campaign.\n
kampas see KANVAS.\n
kampemen military encampment.\n
kamper camphor, mothballs.\n
kampil /kampit/ small sack.\n
kampiun champion, very clever or skilled.\n
kampleng meng-kampleng slap (s.o. in the face).\n
kampong see KAMPUNG.\n
kampret 1. k.o. small bat. 2. shucks !\n
1 shawl, wrap. 2 two thin strips of paper or cloth sewn together,
seam. ber-kampuh see KAIN.\n
1 village. 2 quarter. 3 residential area for lower classes in town or
kampus campus.\n
kamrat camshaft.\n
kamsia (China) thank you.\n
kamso (Java) rustic, provincial.\n
kamtibmas [keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat] peace and order in society.\n
kamu you, your (familiar, singular and plural). kamu-sekalian all of you.\n
kamuflase camouflage.\n
kamuflasering camouflaging.\n
kamuflir meng-kamuflir camouflage.\n
kamuplase see KAMUFLASE.\n
kamus dictionary, lexicon.\n
1. 1) It is the case, isn\'t it ? 2) because as you well know... 2. short
form for akan 1. 3. container for boiling tea. 4. see KANS.\n
kana preserved olives.\n
kanak child. kanak-kanak (Lit.) small child.\n
kanal 1 canal. 2 channel.\n
kanan 1 right. 2 (Pol.) rightist. kanan-luar (Sport) outside right.\n
kanape canape.\n
kanari 1. the canari tree or its nuts. 2. see KENARI 2.\n
1 large pot for cooking rice. 2 s.t. figuratively comparable to a deep
pot : depths (of despair), abyss (of misery).\n
kancana see KENCANA.\n
kancap filled to the brim.\n
kancil 1 mouse deer. 2 a clever individual.\n
button. kancing-jepret 1 snap. 2 push button. kancing-manset
cufflinks. kancing-ritsleting/sorok zipper.\n
kancut loin cloth, jockstrap.\n
kanda see KAKANDA.\n
kandang 1 stable, stall, pen. 2 place to keep vehicles, boats, etc.\n
kandar meng-kandar(kan) operate a vehicle. peng-kandar driver, operator.\n
kandas 1 run aground, founder (of a shiop etc.). 2 fail.\n
kandel 1 thick, heavy. 2 rich, well-to-do.\n
kandi 1. pouch, small bag. 2. see ASAM.\n
kandidat candidate.\n
kandil 1 lamp. 2 chandelier, candelabra. 3 candlestick.\n
kandis tree with small sour fruit.\n
kandung 1 womb, uterus. 2 pouch like part of the body.\n
kandungan 1.uterus,womb 2.contens 3.unborn child,fetus 4.pouch.\n
1. large earthenware container. 2. see KAKANG. 3. see
kangen (Java) long for, miss s.t.\n
kangka (China) gambier plantation.\n
1. meng-kangkang 1) wide apart (of legs). 2) straddle, sit astride. 2.
kangkang meng-kangkang strangle. meng-kangkang-i take by force or
kangker see KANKER.\n
kangkung 1. k.o. leafy vegetable, us growing in water. 2. large frog or toad.\n
kangmas (Java) 1 older brother. 2 term of address for o.\'s husband.\n
kangsa see GANGSA 1.\n
kangsar k.o. tall tree.\n
kangsen appointment, have an appointment.\n
kangtau (China) chance, opportunity (in business).\n
kanguru kangaroo.\n
kanibal cannibal.\n
kanigara sunflower.\n
kanin canine.\n
kanisah see KENISAH.\n
kanjang ber-kanjang persevering, persistent.\n
kanjar k.o. large dagger.\n
kanjeng (Java) form of address or reference for a high-ranking noble.\n
kanji 1. starch. 2. China characters used in Japanese.\n
kanker cancer. kanker-ganas malignant tumor.\n
kano canoe.\n
kanon 1. cannon 2. rent for a plot of ground.\n
kanonisasi canonization.\n
kanopi canopy.\n
kanpas see KANVAS.\n
kans chance, opportunity.\n
kanselir chancellor.\n
kanta lens.\n
kantang mud flats.\n
kantih thread, yard.\n
kantil 1. (Java) the champac, k.o. magnolia. 2. see KONTAL-KANTIL.\n
kantin canteen, us. attached to a workplace.\n
kantong see KANTUNG.\n
kantor 1 office. 2 office, agency.\n
kantuk sleepiness, drowsiness. meng-kantuk feel sleepy.\n
1 pocket. 2 bag, pouch. 3 pouchlike part of body. kantung-buah
kantung zakar scrotum. kantung-empedu gall bladder. kantung-
kemih/kencing bladder.\n
kanun (Rell.) canon law.\n
1 canvas. 2 floor of boxing ring. 3 piece of tire or tube used in
patching. 4 brake lining.\n
kanwil [Kantor Wilayah] regional office.\n
kanya (Zod.) Virgo.\n
kaok 1 cackle (of chickens). 2 yell, shout (of children).\n
kaoliang sorghum.\n
kaolin kaolin.\n
1 sock, stocking. 2 singlet, undershirt. ber-kaos wear an undershirt.\n
kap 1 (Auto.) roof of a car. 2 shade (of lamp, etc.).\n
a sunshade on a boat, us. of palm thatch or a temporary sunshade,
esp. in the yard for a wedding (or other) feast.\n
kapabel capabel, able.\n
kapabilitas capability.\n
ter-kapah-kapah 1 starled, trembling from fright. 2 gasping (for
move as if wanting to clutch at s.t. ter-kapai-kapai flutter, fail
kapak 1. ax. 2. see KEPAK 1.\n
kapal 1. ship, boat, vessel. 2. 1) callous. 2) stubborn, insentive.\n
1. when ? kapan-saja 1) any time whatsoever. 2) exactly when. 2.
kapan shroud of unbleached cotton. 3. (Jakarta) because, as you well
kapanewon subdistrict of a kabupaten (county).\n
kapang 1 ship worm or worm that gets into rice. 2 mold, mildew.\n
kapar flotsam, driftwood.\n
kaparat see KEPARAT 1.\n
kapas 1 cotton. 2 cotton plant. 3 fleece. 4 (Med.) cotton, gauze.\n
kapasitas /kapasitet/ capacity.\n
kapatihan see PATIH 1.\n
kapbir see KABIR.\n
kape 1 spatula. 2 putty knife.\n
kapel chapel.\n
kapelan chaplain.\n
kaper (Java) moth.\n
kapi 1. (Naut.) pulley block. 2. see KAPE.\n
kapilah see KAFILAH.\n
kapin (Geol.) limestone.\n
kapir see KAFIR.\n
kapiran (Java) 1 be neglected. 2 let down. 3 beyond help.\n
kapita see PER.\n
kapital (Fin.) capital.\n
kapitalis capitalist.\n
kapitalisme capitalism.\n
1. leader for the China, Arabs or certain other local ethnic leaders
under the Dutch. 2. /kapiten/ see KAPTEN.\n
kapitulasi capitulation.\n
kapling see KAVELING.\n
kaplok kaplok-dadabeat o.\'s breast.\n
kapoces /kapocis/ condom.\n
kapok 1. learn o.\'s lesson, be curred. 2. seeKAPUK 1.\n
kapol see KAPUL.\n
kapolda [kepala polisi daerah] head of the provincial police.\n
kapolres [kepala polisi resort] head of the county police.\n
kapolri [kepala polisi Republik Indonesia] head of the Indonesian police.\n
kapolsek [kepala polisi sektor] head of the district police.\n
kapolwil [kepala polisi wilayah] head of the regional police.\n
kaporal see KOPRAL.\n
kaporit chlorine.\n
kaprah usual, ordinary.\n
kapri snow peas.\n
kapsalon beauty parlor.\n
kapstok clothes hook, hatrack.\n
kapsul 1. capsule. 2. hair piece.\n
kapt. [kapten] captain.\n
kapten 1 (Mil.) captain, lieutenant (in Navy). 2 see KAPITAN 1.\n
k.o. plant, the leaves of which resemble lettuce, formerly found in
aboundance floating on slow-moving or stagnant water.\n
kapuk 1. 1) kapok. 2) kapok tree. 2. rice granary or barn.\n
kapul /kapulaga/kapulogo/ cardamom.\n
kapung see APUNG.\n
kapur 1. lime. kapur-barus 1) camphor. 2) mothballs. 2. calcium.\n
(Java) stand with the hand cupped covering the genitals as a sign of
kapurancang deference (of men).\n
kar map, chart.\n
kar. 1. [karangan] article. 2. [karesidenan] residency.\n
kara 1. see KACANG. 2. see BATANG.\n
karaba k.o. fish trap.\n
karaben /karabin/ carbine.\n
karaeng title of nobility in South Sulawesi.\n
karaf decanter.\n
karah 1 stain. 2 tartar (on teeth).\n
karak see KERAK.\n
karakter character.\n
[kader penggerak teritorial desa] cadre of the Golkar Party assigned
to rural areas.\n
karakterisasi characterization.\n
karakterisir meng-karakterisir characterize.\n
karakteristik characteristic.\n
karam 1 be shipwrecked, founder, go under. 2 fail, founder.\n
karamba basket put in a stream for raising fish.\n
karambol /karambola/ billiards game.\n
1. coral, coral reef, atoll. karang-gigi tartar (on teeth). karang-
karang endapan encrustation. 2. karang-taruna neighborhood youth
association. 3. stay, sojourn.\n
karangkitri fruit-producing trees in a yard.\n
karantina quarantine.\n
karap shuttlecomb on a weaving loom.\n
karapan-sapi bull race.\n
karar 1 calm, peaceful. 2 stable, steadfast, unchanging.\n
karas aloes wood, camphor tree.\n
karas-karas k.o. fried cookie made of wheat flour.\n
karat 1. stain, rust. 2. 1) carat. 2) quality, value.\n
karate karate.\n
karateka o. who engages in karate.\n
karau ber-karau mixed. meng-karau mix, stir s.t.\n
karavan (Auto.) camper.\n
(Java, Sunda) gamelan music and singing accompanied by a
karbit carbide.\n
karbohidrat carbohydrate.\n
karbol 1. carbolic acid. 2. Indonesian airforce cadet.\n
karbon carbon.\n
karbonaci /karbonacis/ baking powder.\n
karburator carburetor.\n
karcis 1 ticket. 2 calling card.\n
kardamunggu cardamom.\n
kardan (Auto.) differential (of gearing, transmision).\n
kardinal cardinal.\n
kardiograf cardiographs.\n
kardiografi cardiography.\n
kardiogram cardiogram.\n
kardiolog cardiologist.\n
kardiologi cardiology.\n
kardus 1 cardboard. 2 cardboard box.\n
kare see KARI.\n
karedok (Sunda) cooked vegetable salad.\n
karena 1 because, because of. 2 reason, cause.\n
kareseh-peseh babble in Dutch.\n
karesidenan residency (administrative unit of the colonial period).\n
karet 1 rubber. 2 elastic. 2 condom.\n
kargo freight.\n
kari a dish of meat cooked in a spicy sauce. kari-ayam chicken curry.\n
karib close, intimate friend.\n
karier career.\n
karieris o. who is ambitions for a career.\n
karierisme out to promote o.\'s career.\n
karih mix, stir s.t.\n
karikatur caricature.\n
karikatural caricatural.\n
karikaturis caricaturist.\n
karil 1. [karya ilmiah] scholarly paper. 2. rabbit.\n
karim generous, magnanimous (of God).\n
karir see KARIER.\n
karisma charisma.\n
karismatik /karismatis/ charismatic.\n
karitatif charitable (institution).\n
karkas carcass (of a slaughtered animal).\n
karma s.t. (us. bad) that happens to o. because of deeds in a previous life.\n
karna see KARENA.\n
karnaval carnival.\n
karnivor carnivore.\n
karo [kepala biro] head of a department or division.\n
karosel carousel.\n
karoseri 1 body of a car. 2 body shop.\n
karper carp.\n
karpet carpet.\n
karpus see KERPUS 2.\n
karsa (Lit.) wish, intention. karsa-dan karya will and work.\n
karsinom /karsinoma/ carcinoma.\n
kartel cartel.\n
kartika (Lit.) star. kartika-Yudha/Yudo (Mil.) Star Wars.\n
Raden Ajeng Kartini, a 19th-century Java woman, who distinguished
herself in fields where women were traditionally excluded.\n
kartografi cartography.\n
karton 1 carton. 2 cardboard, hardboard.\n
kartotek /kartotik/ card file.\n
kartu 1 card. 2 playing card.\n
kartun cartoon. 2. see KARTON.\n
kartunis cartoonist.\n
karu 1. meng-karu 1) interrupt s.o. 2) stir s.t. 2) karu-an see KERUAN.\n
karuhun ancestor.\n
karun see HARTA.\n
karung bag, sack.\n
karunia gift, grant from above. meng-karunia-i favor, reward s.o.\n
karusel see KAROSEL.\n
karut 1 confused, muddled. 2 chaotic.\n
1 work, opus. 2 work, labor, activity. 3 creation (of a designer,
karyawan white collar worker, official employee, functionary.\n
karyawati female white collar worker, official employee, functionary.\n
1. 1) cash, money supply.2) cashier\'s window. 3) treasury. 2. 1)
(wooden) case, (watch) case. 2) wardrobe, armoire.\n
kasa 1. gauze. 2. see KASSA.\n
[Kepala Staf Angkatan Bersenjata] Chief of Staff of the Armed
kasad intention, purpose.\n
kasah-kosoh sound of s.t. cracking against s.t. and breaking.\n
kasai 1 fragrant shampoo. 2 ointment for the skin. 3 lotion.\n
kasak 1. meng-kasak rub s.t. 2. meng-kasak persuade s.o.\n
kasak-kisik /kasak-kusuk/ 1 whispering, whispers. 2 intrigue.\n
kasal [Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut] Navy Chief of Staff.\n
kasam grudge, spite.\n
kasanah see KHAZANAH.\n
kasap coarse, rough to the touch.\n
1 coarse, rough, rugged (of facial features). 2 crude. 3 coarse,
1 (Leg.) the jurisdiction of the highest court beyond which there is
no appeal. 2 appeal to the supreme court.\n
kasatmata in plain view.\n
kasau rafter.\n
kasava cassava.\n
kasbi see KASPE.\n
kasbon cash receipt.\n
kasbuk ledger.\n
kasemak see KASEMEK.\n
kasemat see KESUMAT.\n
k.o. smooth-skinned sweet fruit the size of an apple and eaten
kasep see KASIP.\n
kaset cassette.\n
1. (Coll.) 1) give. 2) cause (allow) s.o. to. 3) put. 2. [kepala seksi]
administrative section head.\n
kasian see KASIH 1.\n
kasiat see KHASIAT.\n
kasidah religious chant in Arabic sung to the rhythm of a gambus.\n
kasih 1. love, affection. 2. see KASI 1.\n
kasim castrated.\n
kasima upset, discioncerted.\n
kasino casino.\n
kasip too late.\n
kasir cashier.\n
kasmaran (Java) smitten with love.\n
kasno [bekas cino] (Derog.) China who adopts an Indonesian name.\n
kaso /kasok/ see KASAU.\n
kaspe cassava.\n
kassa 1 cashier, cashier\'s desk. 2 ticket or box office.\n
kasta caste in society.\n
kastengel cheese stick.\n
kasti k.o. children\'s game similar to baseball.\n
kastil castle.\n
kastroli castor oil.\n
kasturi see KESTURI.\n
kasuari cassowary.\n
kasumat see KESUMAT.\n
kasur mattress.\n
kasus case (legal, medical, grammatical), example.\n
kasut sandal, slipper.\n
kat (Coll.) playing card.\n
kata 1 word. 2 says, said.\n
katabelece see KATEBELECE.\n
katah thrown.\n
katai 1 midget, dwarf, pygmy. 2 bantam chicken.\n
katak frog, toad. 2 short, stocky, thick set.\n
katakombe catacomb.\n
katalis catalyst, catalystic (factor).\n
katalisasi catalysis.\n
katalisator catalyst.\n
katalog catalog.\n
katalogisasi cataloging of books.\n
katalogus see KATALOG.\n
katam see KHATAM.\n
katan see KHITAN.\n
katang-katang 1. a climbing plant. 2. plaited basket carried on the back.\n
katapel /katapuil/ see KETAPEL.\n
katarak /katarakta/ (Med.) cataract.\n
kate see KATAI.\n
informal note from o. powerful figure to another asking for action
(to by pass bureaucracy or the like).\n
katedral cathedral.\n
kategis see KATEKIS.\n
kategori category.\n
kategoris categorical.\n
katek 1. armpit. meng-katek-i tickle. 2. seeKATAI.\n
katekese catechism.\n
kateketik catechetical.\n
katekis catechist.\n
katekisasi (Rel.) confirmation class.\n
katekismus catechism.\n
katekumen catechumen.\n
katel (Java) k.o. large black spider.\n
katepel see KETAPEL.\n
katering catering.\n
kates (Java) papaya.\n
kateterisasi cathetrization.\n
kati catty (1/3 pounds or 617 grams).\n
katib see KHATIB.\n
katifah chenille.\n
katig k.o. knapsack of plaited materials.\n
katik see KATAI.\n
katil 1 sleeping platform of solid materials. 2 bier.\n
k.o. beautifully grained wood used for making kris sheats and
walking sticks.\n
katimumul corn on o.\'s foot.\n
katir outrigger.\n
katistiwa see KHATULISTIWA.\n
katoda /katode/ cathode.\n
katok (Java) shorts, undershorts.\n
katolik Catholic.\n
katrol pulley. peng-katrol-an lifting, hoisting.\n
katu k.o. bush yielding edible leaves and berries.\n
katul see BEKATUL.\n
katulistiwa see KHATULISTIWA.\n
katun cotton, cloth.\n
katung (M) sea turtlle.\n
katup 1 valve. 2 shut tight.\n

kau 1. (China) nine. 2. see ENGKAU.\n

kaul 1 a vow. 2 to vow.\n
kaula /kawula/ servant, subject.\n
1. 1) social, political, or economic community. 2) family, clan. 3)
ethnic group. 2. religious official who is in charge of the mosque.\n
kaus see KAOS.\n
kausa causa, movement.\n
kaut scoop up with the hand.\n
kav. [kaveling] lot, parcel of land.\n
kavaleri cavalry.\n
kaveling lot, parcel of land.\n
kawa-kawa spider.\n
kawah 1 cauldron, kettle. 2 crater.\n
kawak old.\n
kawakan experienced, veteran.\n
kawal 1 guard, sentry, watchman. 2 watch.\n
kawalat see KUALAT.\n
1 friend, comrade. 2 companion. 3 comrade (of communists). se-
kawan kawan 1 a herd, flock, school (of fish). 2 a gang (of bandits), group
of people.\n
kawang see TENGKAWANG.\n
kawanisme cronyism.\n
kawanua fellow countryman (of Menadonese).\n
kawas ber-kawas border on.\n
kawasan region, area, sphere.\n
kawat 1 wire, filement. 2 cable, telegram.\n
kawatir see KUATIR.\n
1 subdistrict within a kabupaten. 2 residence of the subdistrict
kawi see BAHASA 1, BATU.\n
kawin 1 be married. 2 capulate.\n
kawiryan (Java) military, having to do with military officers.\n
kawista k.o. cultivated tree and its fruit, the wood apple (Bengal quince).\n
kawruh (Java) knowledge.\n
kawul tinder.\n
(Java) 1 sugar palm leaf used as wrapper for cigarettes. 2 k.o. motif
in batik.\n
1. 1) wealthy, rich, well-to-do, well-off. 2) rich, having in
kaya abundance. 3) (Lit.) able, having power. 2. kaya, kayak (Coll.) like,
kayal see KHAYAL.\n
kayangan 1 abode of the Hindu Gods. 2 heaven (as a wonderful place).\n
kayap itchy abscess or carbuncle.\n
kayau 1. meng-kayau headhunt. peng-kayau headhunter. 2. meng-kayau
flood, inundate.\n
kayu 1. 1) wood, timber. 2) tree.\n
1. bolt (of cloth - us. 40 yards in length). 2. 1) paddle. 2) bicycle
kayun 1 popular, sell well. 2 sold out.\n
kazanah see KHAZANAH.\n
kb [Keluarga Berencana] Family Planning.\n
[Kedutaan Besar Republic Indonesia] Embassy of the Republic of
kck [Kredit Candak Kulak] credit extended to small middlemen.\n
to, going to. ke-atas upward. ke-bawah downward. ke-dalam 1) into.
ke 2) inward. ke-muka to the front. ke-pada to. seePADA. ke-samping
to the side.\n
ke-tengah see TENGAH.\n
kea-kea king parrot.\n
keabadian 1 durability, permanence. 2 eternity, perpetuity.\n
keabnormalan abnormality.\n
keabsahan validity, legality.\n
keadaan situation, condition.\n
keadilan 1 justice, justness. 2 judicature.\n
keagamaan religious, religiousness.\n
keagungan 1 grandeur, majesty. 2 greatness, mastery.\n
keahlian expertise, skill, competence, know-how.\n
keajaiban 1 miracle. 2 mystery, wonder. 3 remarkableness.\n
keajegan regularity, constancy.\n
keakbaran exaltation, elevation, glorification.\n
keakraban 1 intimacy, familiarity. 2 solidarity.\n
keaktifan being active.\n
keakuan egoism.\n
keakuran 1 conformity. 2 harmony.\n
keamanan 1 safety, security. 2 peacefulness, tranquillity.\n
keampuhan 1. 1) magical power. 2) potency. 2. flooded, inundated.\n
keampunan forgiveness, pardon.\n
keanehan 1 oddity, peculiarity. 2 idiosyncrasy.\n
keanekaan variety.\n
keanekaragaman variety, diversity.\n
keanekawarnaan variety, miscellany, assortment.\n
keanggunan 1 elegance. 2 affectation. 3 haughtiness, aloofness.\n
keangkara-murkaan ruthlessness, evilness.\n
keangkaraan 1 greed, covetousness. 2 ruthlessness.\n
keangkuhan 1 arrogance, conceit. 2 vanity.\n
keantengan imperturbability, calm.\n
keapatisan apathy.\n
keapikan neatness, tidiness.\n
kearifan 1 learning, wisdom. 2 ability.\n
kearsipan 1 archival matters. 2 records.\n
kebabal young jackfruit.\n
kebacut (Java) gone too far, taken an irrevocable step.\n
kebadutan 1 clowning, buffoonery. 2 ridicule. 3 absurdity, ridiculousness.\n
kebah break out in sweat after a high fever has broken.\n
kebaji k.o. spell (that makes a married couple love or hate e.o.).\n
1 invulnerable (to bullets, etc.). 2 immune (from prosecution, taxes,
etc.). 3 insentive.\n
kebam lead-gray.\n
kebambam k.o. mango.\n
kebangetan excessively, terribly, overly.\n
1. 1) paralyzed, paralysis. 2) stiff from fatigue. 3) numb. 2. meng-
kebas kebas(kan) 1) shake out (a cloth, bedsheet, etc.). 2) flap (wings), wag
the tail.\n
kebat bunch, bundle. kebat-an 1 bond. 2 tightener, wrapper.\n
kebat-kebit nervous, agitated.\n
k.o. woman\'s blouse the front of which is pinned together, us. worn
with a sarong.\n
1 overly fat, quite obese. 2 very stout. 3 plumpness, stoutness,
kebayan 1. village official in charge of security. 2. see NENEK.\n
kebel see KEBAL.\n
kebeler (Coll.) accidentally cut oneself with a sharp object.\n
kebelet (Coll.) have an urgent need to do s.t. (esp. defecate or urinate).\n
kebembem see KEBAMBAM.\n
kebendaan 1 matter. 2 material, physical, substantive. 3 material wealth.\n
keberadaan existence.\n
keberangkatan departure.\n
keberhasilan success\n
kebersamaan togetherness.\n
keberuntungan keberuntungan\n
kebes wet, soaked.\n
kebet (Java, Jakarta) pages of a book.\n
kebin 1 (Naut.) cabin. 2 movie projection booth.\n
kebiri 1 castrated, neutered. 2 emasculated.\n
(Coll.) 1 confused, dizzy. 2 come to thing the wrong way about s.t.,
keblinger lose perspective on s.t.\n

kebluk (Sunda) be fond of sleeping, sleep soundly.\n

kebo see KERBAU.\n
kebon 1 (Coll.) gardener. 2 (Coll.) janitor. 3 garden.\n
kebrutalan brutality.\n
kebuk cylindrical tool for making rice-flour vermicelli.\n
kebuli see NASI 1.\n
1 garden. kebun-binatang zoo. kebun-bunga flower garden. kebun-
kebun raya the botanical garden at Bogor. 2 estate, plantation. 3 (Coll.)
kebur meng-kebur churn, whip up the ocean.\n
keburu see BURU.\n
1. (me)ng-(k)ebut 1) drive at excessive speed. 2) race, have a drag
kebut race. 3) speed up an activity. 4) compete fiercely, push ahead. 2.
meng-kebut(i) dust off (furniture, etc.).\n
kec. [kecamatan] subdistrict.\n
kecah see KECUH-KECAH.\n
ber-(2), ter-kecai smashed, broken to bits (of glass, pottery, etc.),
torn to shreds (of paper, cloth).\n
1. make a smacking sound while eating to express astonishment or
call an animal. 2. ber-kacak-pinggang with hands on the waist and
arms akimbo. ke`cak k.o. Balinese group dance featuring a seated
chorus, the monkey dance.\n
meng-kecam(kan) 1 critize. 2 investigate, consider carefully. 3
revoew, write a criticism of (a book, play, atc.).\n
kecambah shoot, sprout. per-kecambah-an germination.\n
kecamik sound of murmuring.\n
kecamuk raging, uproar.\n
kecandak (Java) 1 can handled or picked up. 2 caught, seized.\n
kecandan joke, jest.\n
kecantol see CANTOL.\n
kecap 1 sound of smacking the tongue. 2 word. kecap-an taste of s.t.\n
kecapean see CAPAI 2.\n
1. k.o. plicked stringed instrument. 2. k.o. sour fruit grown
commercially in some areas.\n
kecaprak (Java) ng-kecaprak open o.\'s big mouth (when o. should be quiet).\n
kecar k.o. salad of unripe fruits with a pungent sauce.\n
kece 1 (Java) cross-eyed. 2 (Jakarta, Sl.) great, good looking.\n
kecebong 1. tadpole. 2. chitchat, small talk.\n
kecelakaan 1 accident, mishap. 2 bad luck.\n

1 disappointed, fail to meet s.o. or find s.o. at home and feel bad
kecele about it. 2 feel cheated or fooled, feel o. has been made a fool of.
kecele-bule completely fooled.\n
kecelek see KESELEG.\n
kecelik see KECELE.\n
kecenderungan 1 inclination, preference. 2 tendency, willingness. 3 trend.\n
keceng with o. eye closed.\n
kecer k.o. cymbal (in the gamelan orchestra).\n
kecerlangan beauty.\n
kecewa 1 disappointed. 2 fail to meet the success o. had been expecting.\n
keci (Naut.) ketch.\n
keciak ber-keciak cheep, peep (of chickens).\n
kecibak sound of water splashing.\n
kecicak ber-kecicak stamp with the feet.\n
kecik (Coll.) see KECIL.\n
kecil 1 small. 2 little, young. 3 minor, insignificant, trivial.\n
kecimpung ber-kecimpung(an) 1 splash around. 2 plunge into an activity.\n
kecimus scorn. meng-kecimus show scorn with the lips.\n
kecindan see KECANDAN.\n
kecipak sound of splashing water.\n
kecipir k.o. four-sided bean eaten as a vegetable.\n
keciput k.o. small cake sprinkled with sesame seeds.\n
kecit see KECIL.\n
keciut whistling, whizzing (of bullets).\n
kecoak see KACOA.\n
kecoh spit s.t. out. kecoh-an cuspidor.\n
1 for the mouth to move with out uttering anything. 2 chew slowly
with lots of food in the mouth.\n
(Java) pieces of metal on strings which are made to rattle for sound
effects in the wayang.\n
1 (Java) instrument used by an itinerant welder to attact the attention
of would-be customers. 2 (Coll.) handcuffs.\n
kecres (Java) meng-kecres 1 strike (a match). 2 slash.\n
kecu (Java) robber, bandit.\n
kecuak see KACOA.\n
kecuali 1 except. 2 aside from, besides.\n
1. 1) k.o. poisonous plant with large trumpet-shaped flowers, the
jimson. 2) cone-shaped. 2. see BATU.\n
kecuh-kecah make a fuss.\n
kecumbung see BATU.\n
kecumik ber-mumble, mutter.\n
kecundang see CUNDANG 1.\n
kecup sound of a kiss. kecup-an kiss.\n
1. 1) wrinkled, shriveled, shrunken. 2) seared (from flames). 3)
kecut afraid. coward. 2. sour (of taste, face). 3. ber-kecut-kecut screak,
squeak,screech (of a wheel that needs lubricating).\n
keda see KEDAH.\n
kedabu k.o. tree producing firewood.\n
kedadak choleric diarrhea.\n
kedah open wide (of mouth), spread wide (of legs).\n
kedai shop, small place that sells s.t. or serves food.\n
kedal fungoid disease of the hands and feet.\n
kedaluwarsa 1 superannuated. 2 barred by statute of limitations.\n
1. 1) outstretched (of hands, arm, etc.). 2) extension (opposite of
flection of limbs). 2. meng-kedang drain, pour water off rice.\n
kedangkai k.o. plant, the leaves of which are used as medicine.\n
1 hermetical, impermeable, watertight. kedap-abu dustproof. kedap-
air waterproof, watertight. kedap-suara soundproof. 2. closemeshed,
tighly woven (of cloth, wickerwork, etc.). ke-kedap-an
kedar see KADAR 1.\n
kedasih (Java) k.o. cuckoo.\n
kedaton see KERATON.\n
kedau meng-kedau scream (for help).\n
/kedawung/ k.o. large forest tree, the bark, leaves and seeds of which
are used medicinally.\n
kedek ter-kedek-kedek 1 stagger. 2 waddle, toddle.\n
kedekai a myrobalan, a tree and its fruit, used medicinally\n
kedekak-kedekuk not moving freely, stopped up here and there.\n
kedekar miserly.\n
kedekeran (Jakarta) be agitated, kick the feet in agitation.\n
kedekut stingy.\n
kedelai /kedele/ soybean.\n
1. sound of s.t. falling into water. 2. wormy, worm eaten (of fruit,
kedengkang sound of a gong being struck.\n
kedengkik very thin, thin as a rail, skin and bones.\n
kedengkung sound of a deep gong being struck.\n
keder (Jakarta) confused, lose o.\'s way.\n
kedera k.o. small mullet.\n
kederang spiny bush, the roots of which are made into dye.\n
kedi 1 transvestite. 2 a preadolescent girl. 3 lacking sexual power.\n
kedian see KEMUDIAN.\n
kedidi k.o. plover or sandpiper.\n
kedik bent slightly backward (of body).\n
kedip 1 wink (of an eye). 2 flicker.\n
kedirgantaraan aerospace affairs.\n
kedok 1 mask. 2 guise, cover. ber-kedok wear a mask, masked.\n
kedombak 1 k.o. forest tree. 2 k.o. fish.\n
kedomprengan sound of metal objects clattering.\n
/kedongdong/ k.o. tree with edible, but fibrous, sour, plumlike fruit
sometimes eaten cooked.\n
kedosenan having to do with lecturers.\n
kedubes [Kedutaan Besar] Embassy.\n
keduduk 1. see SENDUDUK. 2. seeDUDUK.\n
keduk (Java) a scoop. meng-keduk 1 scoop. 2 rake in (a profit).\n
kedumel grumble, complain under o.\'s breath.\n
kedung 1 pool. 2 center of information.\n
kedurjanaan evil, crime.\n
kedut 1. 1) fold, crease. 2) wrinkled, crumpled (of paper). 2. a twitch.\n
kedutaan embassy.\n
keeper /kiper/ (Sport) goalie.\n
kegat bite hard.\n
kegatalan 1 itchiness. 2 irritation.\n
kegemaran 1 o.\'s hobby, what o. is fond of, amusement. 2 fondness, passion.\n
kegemukan too fat, overweight.\n
kegencaran 1 too fast, too often. 2 rapidity.\n
kegendutan 1 corpulence. 2 too fat.\n
kegenitan coquettishness.\n
kegerahan 1) suffer from sultry weather. 2) mugginess.\n
kegerejaan ecclesiastical, concerning the church.\n
kegetolan industry, industriousness, diligence.\n
kegiatan 1 energy, ardor. 2 activity.\n
kegigihan persistence, perseverance.\n
kegoblokan stupidity, folly.\n
kegombrongan too large, too loose.\n
kegoncangan 1 jolt, jarring. 2 shock.\n
kegundahan depression, dejection, despondency.\n
kehadiran presence, attendance.\n
kehampaan 1 emptiness. 2 disappointment. 3 vacuum.\n

kehancuran destruction.\n
keharuman 1 fragrance. 2 fame, renown.\n
keharusan 1 necessity, requirement. 2 imperative, must.\n
kehausan 1) suffer thirst, be thirsty. 2) thirst, thirstiness.\n
1 crooked, twisted, deformed. 2 off course (of ship, plane, etc.). 3
sprained, twisted (ankle, etc.).\n
kehendak wish, desire.\n
keheningan 1 clarity, purity. 2 stillness, silence, quietness.\n
keheranan 1 wonder, miracle. 2 be amazed.\n
kehewanan pertaining to animals.\n
kehilangan 1 suffer from a loss. 2 loss.\n
kehukuman legal, juridical.\n
kehutanan forestry, silviculture.\n
keibu - ibuan feminine, motherly.\n
keimaman Catholic priesthood.\n
keimigrasian matters pertaining to immigration.\n
keindividuan individuality.\n
keinflasian suffer from inflation.\n
1 peculiarity, peculiar feature. 2 special treatment, s.t. better than the
1 (bib) creation,genesis 2 incident , event , occurrence 3
ffair,party,get together 4 case .\n
kejahanaman acused experience.\n
kejahatan 1 evil, wickedness. 2 felony, misdeed, crime.\n
kejai k.o. tree producing rubber. ber-kejai stretch (after sleeping).\n
1 office of the counsel for the prosecution. 2 attorney (general). 3
kejam 1. closed (of eyes). 2. 1) cruel, brutal. 2) (Coll.) stingy, miserly.\n
kejamas a lotion for rinsing the hair made from water in which the ashes of
rice stalks have been immersed.\n
kejang 1 stiff. 2 in convulsions, seized with a camp or spasm.\n
1 conatminated, infected, smitten by (virus, germ, disease). 2 smitten
kejap a wink of the eye, blink. se-kejap(mata) a second.\n
1. ber-kejar-kejar-an 1) chase e.o. 2) race e.o. 3) compete (in
achievement). pursuing of. 2. [kelompok belajar] study group.\n
kejasmanian materialism.\n
kejasmanian materialism.\n
kejat 1 stiff, rigit. 2 firm, sturdy, tight.\n
kejauhan 1 distance, distant place. 2 too far.\n
1 mysticism associated with the Java view of the world. 2 general
Java knowledge.\n
kejayaan 1glory, fame. 2 prosperity, wealth.\n
kejeblos see JEBLOS.\n
kejelian carefulness of observation or work.\n
kejelitaan kejelitaan\n
kejen plowshare.\n
kejengkang see JENGKANG.\n
keji despicable, shameful, contemptible (deed).\n
kejip see KEDIP, KEJAP.\n
kejiwaan spiritual, psychic, psychological.\n
kejora morning star.\n
kejot seeKEJUT.\n
keju cheese. keju-kacang peanut butter.\n
kejuju meng-kejuju flowing, streaming ceaselessly.\n
1 obstinancy, unbendingness. 2 being old-fashioned, resistant to
kejur stiff, unbending, inflexible (of bristles in a brush, hair, fibers, etc.).\n
kejuruan 1 vocational. 2 vocation, trade.\n
kejut 1 frightened, scared. 2 startled. kejut-an jolt, shock.\n
1. you could have... or you could have s.t. else, it does not matter if it
is....or if it is... 2. see KAKEK.\n
keka /kekah/ see AKEKAH.\n
kekacauan confusion, disorder.\n
kekafiran infidel state, paganism.\n
kekah long-tailed leaf monkey.\n
kekal 1 eternal, everlasting. 2 durable, lasting. 3 colorfast.\n
kekalapan confusion, bewilderment.\n
kekalutan confusion.\n
kekam scum, plankton or algae floating on surface of water.\n
kekanak - kanakan puerile, childish.\n
kekandasan failure.\n
kekang 1 bridle, reins. 2 restraint, curb.\n
kekap see KEKEP.\n
kekapas k.o. bird, leafbird.\n
1. 1) open, unfolded. 2) spread out. 2. 1) solid, firm (body, etc.) 2)
squat, hefty. 3) tight, close (of weaving, etc.).\n
kekaras see KARAS-KARAS.\n
kekas see KAKAS.\n
kekasih beloved, sweetheart.\n
kekat scum or algae floating on the surface of water.\n
kekau wake up suddenly from a deep sleep.\n
kekawin see KAKAWIN.\n
keke see BURUNG.\n
kekeh ter-kekeh-kekeh laugh loudly.\n
kekek 1. ter-kekek-kekek giggle, snicker. 2. see BURUNG.\n
kekekalan 1 constancy. 2 durability.\n
kekeliruan error, mistake.\n
kekentalan viscosity, thick consistency.\n
kekenyangan 1satiation. 2 too full, overly full.\n
kekep (Jakarta) ng-(k)ekep-in hold in tight embrace, get hold of.\n
keker 1 binoculars. 2 telescope.\n
kekerabatan 1 kinship. 2 (Ling.) genetic relationship.\n
kekhasan special characteristics.\n
/keki/ (Jakarta, China) 1 annoyed, irritated, resentful. 2 ill at ease,
kekhianatan treason, betrayal.\n
kekhidmatan solemnity, respectfulness, obedience.\n
kekhilafan mistake, error, slip.\n
kekisi lattice.\n
kekocakan 1 hilarity. 2 smartness. 3 being arrogant.\n
kekok clumsy, awkward, blundering.\n
1 compactness. 2 harmony, solidarity. 3 togetherness,
kekudung scarf used as head covering.\n
kekunoan 1conservatism. 2 antiquity.\n
kel. [keluarga] family.\n
kelab see KLAB-MALAM.\n
1 flounder about, run around like a chicken without a head. 2 be at a
loss (what to do).\n
kelabang 1. k.o. centipede. 2. braid (of hair).\n
kelabat fenugreek, k.o. aromatic seed used as a spice or medicine.\n
kelabu gray, ash colored.\n
keladak dregs, sediment, residue.\n
keladan the champhor tree.\n
keladau meng-keladau keep an eye on.\n
1 taro. 2 calladium, general name for aroids. tua-tua-keladi the older
o. gets the worse (or better) he is.\n
kelagepan chore.\n
kelah 1 complaint. 2 a charge. 3 tell on s.o., complain.\n
quarrel, argument, fight. ber-kelahi fight with the fists, clash, fight
kelai see KALAI 1.\n
kelainan 1 difference, deviation. 2 aberration, anomaly, disorder.\n
kelak 1. later. 2. k.o. bird, cuckoo-dove. 3. see KELAH.\n
kelak-kelik flickering (of light, etc.).\n
kelak-keling see KERAKELING.\n
kelak-keluk 1 curve, curves. 2 details, ins and outs of s.t.\n
kelakar a joke, jest, wisecrack.\n
kelakar a joke, jest, wisecrack.\n
kelakat see KALAKAT.\n
kelakatu flying ant.\n
kelakson see KLAKSON.\n
kelakuan 1 deed, act. 2 behavior, demeanor.\n
kelalang slender-necked earthenware bottle, decanter.\n
kelalap see KELELAP.\n
1. 1) dull, overcast. 2) dark, obscure. 3) dim (of eyesight). 2.
kelamai see GELAMAI.\n
kelambai see KELEMBAI.\n
1 indolence. 2 torpor, inertia. 3 laziness. 4 awkwardness,
kelambir 1. see KERAMBIL. 2. see GELAMBIR.\n
kelambit flying fox.\n
kelambu mosquito net.\n
kelamin 1 pair, couple (male and female). 2 sex, gender.\n
kelamun meng-(k)elamun daydream, muse.\n
kelan k.o. vegetable, China broccoli.\n
kelana wanderer, rover. ber-, meng- roam, wander.\n
kelancangan 1 presumption, effrontery. 2 impudence, insolence.\n
kelang see KILANG.\n
kelang-kabut see KALANG-KABUT.\n
kelangkan see LANGKAN.\n
kelangkang crotch, groin.\n
kelanjar see KELENJAR.\n
kelantang meng-kelantang beach, whiten, dry in the sun.\n
kelantang-kelanting sound of knocking, ratting, chattering, etc.\n
kelap kelap-kelip blinking, flickering.\n
coconut. kelapa-gading coconut with yellow-colored hull. kelapa-
kering 1 copra. 2 desicated coconut.\n
kelaparan 1 hunger. 2 famine, starvation. 3 be famished.\n
1. (Coll.) 1) ready, done, finished. 2) settled, in order, arranged. 2.
notch, indentation.\n
kelarah k.o. fruit worm.\n
kelarai diamond-shaped pattern (of clotch, plaited mat, etc.).\n
kelarap k.o. small lizard.\n
kelari k.o. freshwater fish.\n
kelas 1. 1) class. 2) classroom. 3) grade. 4) (Biol.) class. 2. neap tide.\n
kelasa 1. camel\'s hump. 2. (Java) mat.\n
kelasah see KELUSUH-KELASAH.\n
kelasak (Lit.) long body shield.\n
kelasi 1. sailor, ordinary seaman. 2. proboscis monkey.\n
1. (Naut.) brace, sheet (of sailing vessel). 2. astringent (of fruits). 3.
kelat name given to various myrtaceous trees. 4 meng-kelat stuck (of eyes
as after waking up).\n
kelawar 1. (Crd.) club. 2. see KELELAWAR.\n
kelayab see KELAYAP.\n
kelayah ter-kelayah be stretched out.\n
kelayang k.o. bird, swallow.\n
kelayap (Coll.) ber-(an), nge- roam the streets.\n
kelayu k.o. tree.\n
kelder cellar.\n
kelebat see KELIBAT 2.\n
/kelebet/ folded at the corner or edge (dog-eared pages of a book,
tucked-in edge of a bedspread, etc.).\n
kelebu 1 taking in water (of foundering ship). 2 sink (of a ship, boat).\n
kelebut 1 shoe last, shoe tree. 2 mold for hats.\n
kelece meng-kelece-i tease.\n
keledai donkey, ass.\n
1 k.o. large timber tree. 2. k.o. Artocarpus tree that produces small,
delicious fruit.\n
keledar ber-keledar approach carefully.\n
keledek see UBI.\n
keleh see KELIH.\n
kelejat ber-kelejat-an tremble or shiver strongly, have convulsions.\n
kelek 1 banister. 2 armrest. 3 armpit.\n
kelelakian masculinity.\n
kelelap sink into the water, disapper from sight.\n
kelelawar cave bat.\n
keleleran scattered around, strewn about.\n
kelelesa chameleon.\n
kelelot stick out the tongue.\n
keleluasan freedom (an action).\n
kelem (Coll.) sunk, foundered, submerged.\n
kelemapih gangrene.\n

kelemarin see KEMARIN.\n

kelemayar k.o. luminous millipede.\n
kelemayuh gangrene.\n
kelembahang k.o. aroid.\n
kelembai supernatural being depicted as a giant female with red hair.\n
kelembak 1. aloes wood. 2. China rhubarb.\n
kelemban ber-kelemban go roundabout, go around.\n
kelembuai large dark-shelled snail.\n
kelembubu whirlwind.\n
kelembung inflated.\n
kelempai ter-kelempai stretched out weakly.\n
kelemping (Jakarta) flabby and sagging (of breasts or belly).\n
kelemumur dandruff.\n
kelencer (me)ng-, kelencer-an take a walk, go on a tour.\n
kelendara (Naut.) ring attaching yard to mast.\n
kelendungan slack.\n
1 sound of a bell. 2 small bell (of a bike, etc.). ber-keleneng clang,
tinkle (of bell).\n
kelengahan 1 neglectfulness, inattentiveness. 2 idleness.\n
kelengar see LENGAR.\n
kelenggara see SELENGGARA.\n
1. longan, k.o. fruit similar to rambutan or lychee, but smaller with
smooth brown skin. 2. small hornbill.\n
kelengkong intrigue, conspiracy.\n
kelening see KELENENG.\n
gland. kelenjar-air mata tear duct. kelenjar-dada/susu mammary
kelenjar gland. kelenjar-getah bening lymph gland. kelenjar-gondok thyroid
kelentang 1. sound of a tin can being struck. 2. see KELANTANG.\n
sound of the tinkling of a bell. kelenteng/kelenting 1 China temple. 2
kelentikan suppleness, pliability.\n
kelentit 1. (Vulg.) clitoris. 2. ornamental climbing plant with blue flowers.\n
kelentom /kelentong/ 1 speech intonation. 2 tone of voice.\n
kelentung 1 sound of a cowbell. 2 wooden bell.\n
kelenung 1 sound of a small gong. 2 small gong.\n
kelep see KLEP.\n
ber-, meng-, ter- hang down limply (of a flag, ears of a hound,
broken branch, etc.).\n
kelepak sound of a hand slapping s.t.\n
kelepat meng-kelepak (Naut.) caulk.\n
kelepek /kele`pe`k/ meng-, ter flutter.\n
kelepet see KELEBEK.\n
kelepik see KELEPEK.\n
kelepir testicles.\n
kelepon k.o. round cake of sticky rice filled with coconut and palm sugar.\n
kelepuk sound of an object falling to the ground.\n
kelepur see GELEPUR.\n
(Coll.) a Westerner who converts to Islam and follows indigenous
k.o. fruit producing soapy foam used for washing clothes, esp.
kelerek see KLERK.\n
kelereng 1. marbles. ber-kelereng play or shoot marbles. 2. see KELERAK.\n
kelesa k.o. river fish.\n
keleseh-peseh see KERESEH-PESEH.\n
dried skin of banana trunk (cut up in strips and used as twine for
wrapping packages).\n
kelestarian kelestarian\n
kelet be stuck on.\n
keletah 1 coquettish. 2 affected (in manner).\n
sound of a pebble striking wood. ber-keletak make a clacking sound
with wooden or leather heels.\n
keletang sound of jingling or tinkling (of silver coins).\n
keletar see GELETAR.\n
keletik sound of ticking.\n
keleting sound of tinkling (of coins, etc.).\n
1. 1) sound of rapping on a hollow wooden surface, table, etc. 2)
keletuk sound of creaking (of wooden furniture, floor, etc.). 2. see
keletung sound of a can being struck.\n
keletus (me)ng-keletus bite, chew on hard things.\n
kelewang see KLEWANG.\n
kelewar (Naut.) foresail.\n
kelewat see LEWAT.\n
kelezatan 1 taste. 2 delicacy. 3 infatuated, enamored. 4 enjoyment, pleasure.\n
keli edible river catfish.\n
kelian 1. tin mine. 2. (Bali) village official. 3. see KALIAN.\n
ber-keliar-an 1 roam or wander about, drift from o. place to another.
2 swarm about (of ants, birds, etc.).\n
kelibang swarm about, fly around (of insects).\n
1. double-bladed paddled. 2. appearing for a flash. ber-kelibat(an) be
kelibat visible for only a second, flash by. se-kelibat(an) in a moment. 3. see
kelici a hand nut (for playing with), marbles.\n
kelicih /kelicik/ 1 skid. 2 slip.\n
kelicikan 1 cunning, wiliness, ability to twist words. 2 artifice, scheme.\n
kelih look, turn the head to look.\n
kelihatan 1 visible, in sight. 2 discernible.\n
kelik 1. slight curve, turn. 2. make a loud sound. 3. see KLIK.\n
kelik-kelok k.o. small stinging red ant.\n
keliki-kanji (M) k.o. weed the seeds of which adhere to cloth.\n
kelikik giggle, titter.\n
kelikir 1. rattan nose ring (for cattle). 2. seeKERIKIL.\n
1 circumference, area around. 2 periphery. 3 surroundings. ber-
keliling go around.\n
kelilip (Java, Jakarta) speck in the eye.\n
kelilipan get s.t. in the eye.\n
kelim hem.\n
kelima 1. 5th. 2. the five.\n
kelimis see KLIMIS.\n
kelimpungan (Java, Jakarta) confused, distraught.\n
kelimun group, crowd.\n
kelincahan 1 liveliness, friskiness. 2 agility.\n
rabbit, hare. kelinci-hutan black-naped hare. kelinci-percobaan
guinea pig.\n
kelincir slip, skid\n
kelinciran 1 oilness. 2 slickness. 3 smoothness.\n
1 newly spun thread. 2 conveyor rope of the spinning wheel. 3
thread on a needle. 4 bobbin, spool.\n
kelindas see LINDAS.\n
keling 1. (Derog.) a person from S. India. 2. rivet.\n
kelingking little finger, pinkie. kelingking-kaki little toe.\n
enlargement of the testicles due to hernia and descent of intestines or
accumulation of water.\n
kelinik see KLINIK.\n
kelining see KELINTING 1.\n
kelinjat ter-kelinjat-kelinjat move o.\'s body nervously.\n
(ber)kelintar-an 1 walk or roam about, walk up and down or back
and forth. 2 hang around, lurk.\n
kelinting small bell.\n
kelintingan tinkle (of bells).\n
kelintung rattle (of a snake).\n
1. kelip-kelip 1) firefly. 2) spangles, sequins. 3) flicker. ber-kelip 1)
kelip blink. 2) twinkle, glitter (of spangled things). 2. a coin valued at five
cents (in the colonial period).\n
kelipat ber-kelipat folded, pleated.\n
kelipik speck.\n
1. color. 2. 1) curtain, screen. 2) screen for a movie, shadow play,
etc. 3) disguise, cover, mask.\n
keliru 1 wrong, erroneous. 2 be mistaken, make a mistake.\n
kelis meng-kelis dodge.\n
kelit ber-kelit zigzag, dart back and forth.\n
kelitak sound of seeds rattling inside dried fruit.\n
keliti (Naut.) oarlock, rowlock.\n
kelitik 1. see GELITIK. 2. see WAYANG\n
keliwat see LEWAT.\n
keliwer see SELIWER.\n
kelobot see KLOBOT.\n
kelocak ber-kelocak shake.\n
keloceh see CELOTEH.\n
keloget ber-keloget-keloget wriggle, writhe.\n
kelojot convulse.\n
kelojotan 1. convulse. 2. writhin in pain.\n
kelok curve, bend, turn.\n
kelola 1 manage (a business, etc.). 2 carry out, execute (a job, etc.).\n
wooden clogs. kelom-geulis (Sunda) woman\'s wooden dress
kelomben see KOLEMBEN 2, KOLEMBENG2.\n
kelompang 1 empty. 2 empty eggshell, fruit peel, etc.\n
kelompok 1 group. 2 cluster. 3 category.\n
(Java) accompaniment of s.o. lying down (esp. of a small child by an
older person).\n
keloneng sound of a ringing bell.\n
kelong large sea fish trap with two or three compartments.\n
kelongkong young coconut.\n
kelongsong 1 husk. 2 wrapper (of paper, leaf, etc.). 3 cartridge case.\n
kelontang rattling sound of tin cans, clappers, etc.\n
1 bamboo clapper (used by peddlers or hawkers). 2 peddler. 3
sundries, five-and-dime goods.\n
kelonyo /kelonyor/ eau de cologne.\n
kelop 1 jibe, tally, square. 2 balanced. 3 fit togheter. 4 be in agreement.\n
1 (Biol.) sheath, spathe, calyx, bract. kelopak-bunga sepal. 2
calyxlike covering for s.t. other than a plant.\n
the merunggai tree, a small quick-growing tree cultivated for its
edible piunnate leaves. Dunia tidak sedaun-kelor The world is bigger
than a merunggai leaf (There is plenty of opportunity to find a
kelos reel, spool, bobbin.\n
keloset see KLOSET.\n
kelosok rub hard, scour.\n
kelotak-kelotek bustling about (in the kitchen, etc.). ber-kelotak
rustle, jangle (of silverware, etc.).\n
kelotok meng-(k)elotok fall off, be shed (of akin, feathers, peels).\n
keloyak ber-keloyak slough (the skin). ter-keloyak be peeled (of skin).\n
keloyang 1 k.o. small bird. 2 a stupid person.\n
keloyor see KELUYUR.\n
kelu dumb, mute, speechless (from fright).\n
keluak the fruit of the kepayang tree used as a spice.\n
keluan nose rope (for cattle).\n
keluang k.o. fruit-eating bat.\n
keluar 1 go or come out. 2 exxit, leave, go off (the track). 3 turn out to be.\n
keluaran 1 s.t. produced, output. 2 graduate. 3 (Bib.) Exodus.\n
1 family. 2 relative. 3 (Biol.) genus. 4 group of people like a
keluarga family.\n
kelub see KLUB.\n
kelubak see KUBAK.\n
kelubi k.o. salacca palm with bitter edible fruit.\n
kelubung cover, veil.\n
keluburan pit for trapping animals.\n
kelucak see KELOCAK.\n
kelucuan 1 humor, joking. 2 cuteness.\n
kelugasan 1 matter-of-factness, efficiancy. 2 simplicity, uneffectedness.\n
keluh 1 sigh, moan. 2 complaint.\n
keluhuran 1 grandeur, majesty. 2 nobleness (of character).\n
kelui ramie, k.o. fiber.\n
keluih see KLUWIH.\n
keluk curved. ber-keluk 1 bend 2 have curves. keluk-an buckling.\n
kelukup k.o. timber-yielding tree.\n
kelukur ber-kelukur(an) abraded, scraped, grazed (of skin).\n
keluli steel rods for reinforcing cement.\n
kelulu proper, fitting.\n
kelumit bit, part.\n
kelumpang k.o. tall tree with malodorous flowers that yields soft, cheap wood.\n
kelumun conver(let), wrapping.\n
kelun 1. ber-kelun billow (of smoke). 2. see KELON.\n
keluna k.o. woody vine.\n
kelunak k.o. tuber.\n
kelung 1 bent. 2 hollow, concave.\n
kelungguhan job, position.\n
kelupaan 1 forget s.t. 2 forgetfulness.\n
kelupas get peeled off.\n
kelupur flutter.\n
(Java) miscarriage, premature stillbirth. keluron-an have a
miscarriage, bear a premature baby that dies.\n
keluronan have a miscarriage, bear a premature baby that dies.\n
keluruk (Java) crow, go cock-a-doodle-do.\n
kelurut whitlow.\n
kelus 1. abraded, scraped (of skin). 2. seeKELOS.\n
kelusuh-kelasah very nervous.\n
kelut-melut crisis, critical stage (of an illness, political situation, etc.).\n
kelutum k.o. artocarpus tree the wood of which withstands water.\n
k.o. wasplike insect the nests of which exude a sweet sticky
keluwak see KELUAK.\n
keluyuk (China) meat dish with sweet sauce.\n
keluyur 1 loaf around, stroll about without purpose. 2 hang around.\n
kem. [Kementrian] ministry, department.\n
kemacetan 1 jamming, sticking, stagnation. 2 stoppage, shutdown.\n
kemah 1 tent. 2 camp. 3 awning aboard ship.\n
kemah-kemih ber- chew.\n
kemahakuasaan kemahakuasaan\n
kemak-kemik 1. ber- chew. 2. mumble.\n
kemakmuran prosperity.\n
kemaksiatan kemaksiatan\n
kemal 1 moist, damp, clammy. 2 dingy, grubby.\n
kemala see GEMALA.\n
kemalangan 1 bad luck, calamity, distress. 2 struck by disaster or bad luck.\n
kemalingan 1 robbed. 2 theft, robbery.\n
kemam ber-kemam mumble.\n
kemamang (Java) evil spirit in the shape of a flaming head.\n

kemampuan 1ability, capability. 2 prosperity.\n

kemana see MANA 1.\n
kemanakan see KEMENAKAN.\n
kemanan (Java) a percussion instrument used to mark the rhythm.\n
kemandang see KUMANDANG.\n
kemang 1. a supernatural being that attacks babies. 2. k.o. wild mango.\n
kemangi k.o. basil.\n
kemangkatan death, demise.\n
kemanjaan comforting, familiarity.\n
kemanten /kemantin/ (Coll.) newlywed, bride or bridegroom.\n
kemanunggalan total integration.\n
kemanusiaan 1 humanity, being a human. 2 human nature. 3 humanism.\n
kemarahan 1 fury, anger, wrath. 2 very angry.\n
1 dray (of a season or the hold of a boat after bailing). 2 dry season.
3 having no money.\n
kemaren see KEMARIN.\n
kemarhaenan proletarianism.\n
kemari come here.\n
kemarin 1 yerterday. 2 (Java) in the past.\n
kemaron k.o. earthenware waterjug.\n
kemartiran martydom.\n
kemaruk 1 ravenous (esp. after a long illness). 2 greedy, covetous.\n
1 orderly, well kept (of a house, etc.), cleared away. 2 crated,
kemasakan maturity.\n
kemasukan 1 possessed. 2 entered accidentally, have s.t. manage to get into it.\n
kemasyarakatan social.\n
kemasyhuran fame, renown.\n
kemat see HIKMAH.\n
kemat-kamit see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n
kematu hard as stone.\n
kemauan kemauan\n
kemawan see AWAN.\n
kemayu (Java) coquettish.\n
kembal small wickerwork container (of rattan, bamboo or palm leaves).\n
kembala-kembali go back and forth.\n
1 return, revert to. 2 once again. 3 you are welcome. 4 change (of
kemban breast cloth (wrapped around the upper part of a woman\'s body).\n
kembang 1 flower. 2 breed (of germs, etc.).\n
kembar 1 twin. 2 in duplicate. 3 identical. 4 match, twin.\n
kembara see EMBARA.\n
kemben see KEMBAN.\n
kembeng meng-(k)embeng flood, overflow.\n
kembili k.o. large us. purplish edible tuber.\n
kembira scatter in all directions (of a fleeing army, etc.).\n
kembiri see KEBIRI.\n
kemboja see KAMBOJA.\n
kembok 1. see KOBOK. 2. see GEMBOK.\n
kembol meng- bulge (of pockets, etc.).\n
kembu k.o. small basket for fish.\n
kembung 1. filled with air, puffed up, puffing, fill. 2. k.o. round rice basket.\n
kembur chat, engage in small talk.\n
kemburuan jealous.\n
kembut k.o. woven basket.\n
kemegahan greatness, glory.\n
kemeja western-style shirt.\n
kemejan see HIU.\n
kemekaran efflorescence.\n
kemekmek (Jakarta) be fascinated.\n
kemelut crisis, critical stage (of illness, fever, political situation, etc.).\n
kememadaian satisfactoriness, sufficiency.\n
kemenakan nephew, niece.\n
kemenangan victory.\n
kemencongan 1 declivity. 2 going off in a skewed direction.\n
kemendang mirage or shimmer caused by hot air.\n
1 (Naut.) commander. 2 harbor master. 3 civil official (during the
colonial period). 4 overseer, foreman.\n
kemengkalan irritation, annoyance.\n
kemenis see KOMUNIS.\n
kementam booming, thundering.\n
kemenyan incense derived from gum benzoin.\n
kemerdekaan freedom, liberty, independence.\n
kemerduan sweetness of voice.\n
kemeresak sound of rustling.\n
kemerlap see GEMERLAP.\n
kemerup flicker.\n
kemerut see KERUT1.\n
kemesraan 1 absorption. 2 love, feeling of being intimate.\n
o. with the magical power to have intercourse with a woman from
kemet afar.\n

kemi 1. sucking fish, the remora. 2. see KEMIH.\n

kemidi see KOMIDI.\n
kemih (Formal) urine.\n
kemik dented.\n
kemil (me)ng-(k)emil eat snacks. kemil-an snacks.\n
kemilap see GEMILAP\n
kemilau sheen, shiny, shining (of metal, jewel, velvet, moon, etc.).\n
kemiliteran military.\n
keminting,kemiri candlenut tree and its fruit.\n
keminusan unproductiveness.\n
kemiringan declivity, slope.\n
kemis 1. beg. 2. see PENATU.\n
kemiskinan proverty, destitution.\n
the ipil-ipil, a fast-growing tree with edible beans planted to shade
coffee and used as cattle feed or for green manure.\n
kemoceng see KEMUCING.\n
kemolekan loveliness, beauty.\n
kemong 1. sunken (of cheeks). 2. a small gong of the Java gamelan.\n
kemot see KEMUT 1,2.\n
kempa a press.\n
kempal see KIMPAL.\n
kempang k.o. canoe.\n
kempang-kempis pant.\n
kempas k.o. tree.\n
kempas-kempis panting for breath.\n
kempeitai Japanese military police (or a member of it) during the occupation.\n
kempek bag for betel.\n
kempek bag for betel.\n
kempelang see KEMPLANG 1.\n
kempes see KEMPIH.\n
/kempis/ 1 deflated, flat (tire, etc.) 2 sunken (of cheeks, chest, etc.) 3
penniless. meng-(k)empih/(k)empis collapse (of lung, vein).\n
kempit 1. k.o. earthenware jug. 2. see KEPIT.\n
1. meng-(k)emplang strike (esp. with the fist). kemplang-an blow,
kemplang hit. 2. meng- sell fruit wholesale to middleman before harvesting. 3.
meng- 1 not pay. 2 embezzle.\n
kempleng twanging sound.\n
kemplong (Java) mallet for softening batik cloth.\n
kempo k.o. martial art.\n
kempos flat, deflated.\n
kempot 1. sunken, hollow (of cheeks). 2. broke, penniless.\n
kempu k.o. round box with lid for clothing.\n
1 soft, mushy (of food which is fully cooked). 2 very ripe (of fruit). 3
rotten, spoiled of food).\n
1. k.o. gamelan instrument containing several small horizontal
gongs. 2. ber-kempul-kempul pant, be out of breath.\n
kempunan 1 be in a quandary, nervous, desperate. 2 long or yearn for.\n
kempung sunken (of cheeks from loss of teeth).\n
kempungan 1 abdomen. 2 bladder.\n
kemreket gnash (of teeth).\n
kemringet (Java) sweaty. ber-kemringet break into a sweat.\n
kemrungsung (Java) uncomfortable, ill at ease.\n
kemu 1. ber-, meng- rinse out the mouth. 2. meng- mutter, mumble.\n
kemucak see KEMUNCAK.\n
kemucing feather duster.\n
1 helm, rudder. 2 steering wheel. 3 reins (of gvt., management,
kemudian afterwards, later, then.\n
kemudu-kudu see SELAK 2.\n
kemuka see MUKA.\n
kemukus k.o. pepper, the cubeb.\n
kemul 1. (Java) blanket, coverlet. 2. munch, gnaw at or on.\n
kemuliaan magnificence, pomp, glory.\n
1. k.o. seaweed. 2. k.o. aroid, the leaves and roots of which are
eaten. 3. dandruff.\n
kemuncak peak, top, summit, apex.\n
kemuncup k.o. grass, the seeds of which adhere to o.\'s clothing.\n
kemunduran 1.decline,decrease. 2.deterioration. 3. cutback (in production).\n
kemung see KEMONG 2.\n
kemungkus addled (of an egg).\n
kemuning 1 yellow (color). 2 k.o. tree producing beautiful yellow wood.\n
kemunting the rose-myrtle, ashrub producing dark red edible berries.\n
kemurnian 1 purity, genuineness. 2 chastity.\n
kemusykilan kemusykilan\n
1. 1) throb, beat (of pulse). 2) stagger. 2. 1) suck on (a piece of
kemut candy or as sexual act). 2) move up and down (of mouth when
eating). kemut-an hard candy that is sucked.\n
kemutul k.o. hardwood tree.\n
ken (Japanese) regency.\n
1 be touched adversely, struck, hit, or affected by s.t. unpleasant,
kena come into contact with. 2 hit s.t. 3 be subject to. 4 fit, be the right
thing, be on the mark. 5 (Coll., Java) be allowed.\n
kenal 1 know, be familiar. 2 be acquainted with.\n
kenalpot see KNALPOT.\n
kenan 1. birthmark. 2. ber-kenan 1) have the pleasure of , be so kind as to.
2) agree, approve of, endorse. memper-kenan-kan permit, allow.\n
kenang be reminded of, think of.\n
1 souvenir, keepsake, memento. 2 remembrances, fond memories. 3
kenang - kenangan
ideals of the past.\n
the ylang-ylang or cananga, a shrub the flowers of which produce
oils for perfume.\n
kenap small table.\n
kenapa 1 whay. 2 what happened to.\n
kenari 1. the canari tree and its nuts. kenari- Belanda almond. 2. canary.\n
kencan 1 date, appointment. 2 date.\n
kencana (Lit.) gold.\n
kencang 1 fast, quick, speedy. 2 taut, tight. 3 selling well.\n
kencang-kencung clanking sound.\n
kencar ter-kencar-kencar 1 nervous, agitated. 2 in haste, hastily.\n
kenceng 1. bow drill. 2. frying pan.\n
kencerang-kencering sound of jingling coins or metal ornaments.\n
1 urine. 2 urinate. kencing-batu kidney stone. kencing-darah blood in
the urine. kencing-gula/manis diabetes. kencing-nanah gonorrhea.\n
kenco (Japanese) regent.\n
kencong 1. crooked, askew, awry. 2. pitcher plant.\n
kencung see KENCANG-KENCUNG.\n
greater galingale, a root crop resembling ginger, used as spice and
kencur medicine. masih bau-kencur still a virgin/still young and
1 cowries, shell money. 2 a chest or oblong box adorned with shell,
glass, etc.\n
lover, mistress. ber-kendak have an affair with. kendak-an
kendakan paramour.\n
kendala constraint, obstacle.\n
kendali reins.\n
1. k.o. small drum covered with leather at each end. ber-kendang(an)
kendang play a kendang. kendang-an membrane in ear. 2. ream of paper (480
kendara ber-kendara ride (in or on s.t.).\n
kendaraan 1 vehicle. 2 mount.\n
kendat,kendatan interruption.\n
kendati /kendati pun/ 1 although. 2 not to mention, much less.\n
kendeka see KAYU 1.\n
kendi k.o. earthware flask with a neck and spout 9us for drinking water).\n
kendil (Java) pot for cooking rice.\n
kendiri (Coll.) see SENDIRI.\n
kendit 1 cloth belt, sash. 2 girdle.\n
kendo (Java) soft, slow (tone). / ke`ndo / martial arts with Japanese staffs.\n
kendong meng- carry s.t. in a cloth.\n
kendor see KENDUR.\n
kenduduk 1. see UBI. 2. see SENDUDUK.\n
1 slack (of rope, business). 2 loose. 3 flabby, not trim (of body). 4
lifeless, weak, without pep. 5 (Ling.) lax. 6 slacken.\n
kenduri (Islam) ritual meal.\n
kenek assistent to a driver.\n
kenekadan determination.\n
keneker marbles. ber-keneker play marbles.\n
kenes 1 coquettish. 2 affected (of female).\n
keng bark, yelp (of dogs).\n
kengkang see KANGKANG 2.\n
meng-kengkeng-kengkeng 1 yelp, howl (of a dog). 2 whimper,
kenidai name given to several k.o. bushes or trees.\n
kenikir the cosmos, an ornamental flower with edible leaves.\n
1 bliss, enjoyment. 2 comfort, amenity 3.the privilege of benefiting
from s.t.\n
kening 1 brow, forehead. 2 eyebrow.\n
kenini see KININE.\n
kenisah (Bib.) the temple in Jerusalem.\n
kenohong leprosy.\n
kenong (Java) k.o. small gong of the gamelan.\n
kenop 1. 1) knob, button. 2) button (of shirt, etc.). 2. see KNOP.\n
kenpeitai see KEMPEITAI.\n
kensel kena-kensel experience a cancellation (us. of a trip).\n
kental 1 thick (of syrup). 2 strong (of coffee). 3 close (of friendships).\n
kentang potato.\n
kentar unit of weight for gold.\n
kentara 1 visible. 2 discernible, apparent, evident.\n

kentel see KENTAL.\n

kenteng see GENTENG.\n
kentit (Java, Jakarta) meng-(k)entit 1 steal s.t. 2 hide s.t.\n
kentong /kentung/ 1 sound of a gong. 2 gong.\n
1 drum made from bamboo or wood which is struck to sound an
alarm. 2 alarm sounded by this drum.\n
kentrang-kentring /kentrang-kentrung/ sound of strumming, strings being plucked.\n
kentut 1 flatus, stomach gas. 2 break wind, fart.\n
kenung 1 sound of gong. 2 a horizontal gong in the gamelan.\n
kenup 1. truncheon, bludgeon, billy club. 2. see KENOP.\n
kenyal 1 tough, rubbery (of meat, etc.). 2 elastic (of fibers, etc.).\n
meng-(k)enyam 1 taste, sample (food) 2 savor s.t. 3 experience,
kenyamanan 1 freshness, fit feeling. 2 pleasure.\n
kenyang 1 satisfied, sated. 2 saturated.\n
kenyat-kenyit /kenyat-kenyut/ pulsate, throb.\n
kenyataan kenyataan\n
kenyi /kenyih/ 1 sickly. 2 susceptible to disease.\n
kenyinyiran talkativeness, loquacity.\n
kenyir crave (food).\n
kenyit meng-kenyit wink. meng-kenyit-kan wrinkle (the brows).\n
kenyot,kenyut meng-(k)enyot suck (a nipple, etc.).\n
kenyot,kenyut - an 1 nipple for baby\'s bottle. 2 candy to suck on.\n
keok 1. defeated, beaten (in sports). 2. cackle, cluck.\n
keonaran 1 confusion, boisterousness. 2 sensation. 3 disturbance.\n
keong 1 snail. 2 shape of snail\'s shell, coil, or spiral.\n
1. cap, detonator, blasting cap. 2. (Coll.) form of address to a kapten.
3. cowlick, tuft or similar configuration of hair on animals.\n
kep. 1. [keputusan] decision, decree. 2. [kepulauan] archipelago.\n
kepabrikan industrialization.\n
kepada see PADA 1.\n
kepah k.o. mollusk.\n
kepahlawanan heroism.\n
kepai see KAPAI.\n
1. wing (of bird, fowl). 2. see PAK. ke`pak1. meng-(k)epak carry on
the hip. ke`pak 2. meng-ke`pak-ke`pak flutter.\n
kepaksa (Coll.) see PAKSA 1.\n
kepal 1 lump, clod. 2 fist. se-kepal a handful or fistful.\n
1 head. 2 head, brain. 3 leader, head, chief executive. 4 the
uppermost or foremost, principal part. 5 person, (per) head.\n
kepalang insufficient, inadequate.\n
kepam 1 musty, stale. 2 faded.\n
kepandaian cleverness, skill.\n
kepang k.o. tree, the rotten xylem of which yields fragrant material.\n
kepanggung see PANGGUNG.\n
kepaniteraan secretariat.\n
kepanjangan 1 too long. 2 lenght. 3 duration. 4 continuation.\n
kepar k.o. perchlike fish. /ke`par/ twilled cloth.\n
1. (Vulg.) 1) dammit !, damned, accursed. 2) rogue. 3) infidel,
heathen. 2. atonement through good deeds, sacrifice, etc.\n
kepasifan passivity, inaction.\n
kepastian 1 certainty. 2 assurance. 3 for sure.\n
kepatang (M) yesterday.\n
kepawangan the field of animal training.\n
kepaya see PAPAYA.\n
kepayang k.o. large tree which produces the spice keluwak.\n
kepecong fall asleep (of leg or arm).\n
kepek 1. (Java) notes for cheating on a test. 2. see KEMPEK.\n
kepekaan sensitivity.\n
kepekatan 1 thickness, concentration, density. 2 darkness.\n
kepelbagaian diversity.\n
kepelet 1 be made to fall in love by magical means. 2 be seduced.\n
kepenak see ENAK.\n
kepencong fruit of the kepayang tree used as spice.\n
kepencut (Java) fall in love, be attracted to.\n
kependekan 1 abbreviation. 2 shortness. 3 too short.\n
kependetaan clergy, ministry.\n
kependudukan demography , see DUDUK.\n
coin with square hole in center formerly worth 1/8 of a cent (in the
colonial era).\n
kepengacaraan matters dealing with lawyers.\n
kepenghuluan territory of a penghulu.\n
kepengin see KEPINGIN.\n
kepengurusan management, leadership (of an organization).\n
kepentingan 1 importance. 2 (self-) interest.\n
kepepet see PEPET.\n
kepepet see PEPET.\n
keper 1.see KEPAR. 2. see KIPER.\n
keperagawatian modeling.\n
keperawanan 1 spinsterhood, maidenhood. 2 virginity.\n
kepergian 1 departure. 2 trip, journey. 3 going, passing, death.\n
kepergok see PERGOK.\n
keperosok sink in, slip into.\n
keperwiraan heroism.\n
kepesatan speed, momentum.\n
meng(kepet-kepet)kan shake, manipulate s.t. ke`pe`t 1. (Jakarta) fin
(of a fish). 2. fail to clean o.s. after defecating or fail to bathe. ng-
(k)epet (Vulg.) be a shit ass. 3. ng-(k)epet magically turn into an
kepetang see KEPATANG.\n
kepetangan secret agent.\n
kepialu migraine headache.\n
kepiat dried coconut husk.\n
kepiatuan orphaned.\n
kepik 1. dented (of fender, etc.). 2. k.o. insect harmful to agriculture.\n
kepil near, close or next to, alongside (of a ship).\n
kepiluan 1 sadness. 2 emotion, being moved.\n
kepincangan 1 lameness. 2 defect. 3 imbalance.\n
kepincut (Java) attracted, drawn to.\n
kepinding bedbug.\n
1 chip, fragment. 2 splinter, sliver, shard. 3 counter for flat thin
kepingan fragment.\n
kepingin desire, want strongly. kepingin-tahu curious, eager to know.\n
kepinis ironwood.\n
kepinjal flea.\n
kepintaran cleverness, skill.\n
kepintasan 1 overcome, surmounted. 2 cut short. 3 intercepted.\n
kepiran see KAPIRAN.\n
kepis k.o. basket for holding freshly caught fish.\n
kepit pressed between arm and side or between two fingers.\n
kepitan 1 clamp, pincers. 2 o.\'s hold.\n
kepiting crab.\n
keplak meng-keplak slap (us. the head).\n
kepleset slip.\n
keplok applause. ber-keplok clap, applaud.\n
kepodang see KEPUDANG.\n
kepoh /kepok/ deflect, ward off (a blow).\n
kepompong cocoon, chrysalis, pupa.\n
keponakan nephew, niece.\n
kepongahan conceit, arrogance.\n
kepos see POS.\n
1. meng-kepot swerve, zigzag. 2. 1) crumpled, creased. 2) tousled,
keppres [Keputusan Presiden] presidential decree, executive order.\n
keprajuritan 1 military. 2 heroism.\n
(Java) small wooden box tapped for a castinetlike beat. meng-keprak
hit, tap on s.t.\n
kepras prune, trim, cut back.\n
kepret spill, spray.\n
kepretan (Jakarta) slap with the back of the hand.\n
keprok 1. see KEPLOK. 2. see JERUK.\n
kepruk 1. see JERUK. 2. meng-kepruk smash, break open.\n
kepudang oriole.\n
1. 1) bulging (of briefcase, packet, etc.). 2) billowing (of sails). 2.
k.o. tree producing soft, cheap wood and striking flowers.\n
kepujanggaan literary.\n
1. 1) basket made of bark to hold rice, etc. 2) name given to other
baskets. 2. dented.\n
kepul billowing smoke.\n
kepulaga see KAPUL.\n
kepulangan action of going back.\n
kepulauan archipelago.\n
kepulesan see PULAS 1.\n
kepundan 1 lava. 2 crater.\n
kepundung a tree with sour fruit similar to the Lansium.\n
encircling, sit or stand around. kepung-an encirclement, area
kepunjulan superiority, being a bit better or more than others.\n
kepura - puraan dissimilation, pretense.\n
kepurbakalaan archaeological.\n
kepuspa - ragaman variegation.\n
kepustakaan 1 literature. 2 documents. 3 bibliography.\n
keputrian 1 women\'s affairs. 2 womanhood.\n
kepuyuh see PUYUH 1.\n
kepuyuk cockroach.\n
kepyur (Java) men-kepyur sprinkle down.\n
ker- see also entries with kr-.\n
kera k.o. ape. kera-belanda proboscis monkey.\n

kerab see AKRAB.\n

kerabang eggshell.\n
kerabat relative, family.\n
kerabik see KERABIT.\n
kerabit torn, ripped, rent.\n
1. salad of raw vegetables or unripe fruits. meng-kerabu prepare
kerabu. 2. ear studs (jewelry).\n
kerabunan myopia.\n
1. elated, jump with joy. 2. (Naut.) make good speed (of sailing
vessels). 3. see KRECEK.\n
keracap k.o. wooden or bamboo musical instrument.\n
keradikalan radicalism.\n
keraeng see KARAENG.\n
keragaman variety, diversity.\n
keraguan 1 hesitancy. 2 doubt.\n
kerah 1. corvee. 2. collar.\n
kerahi k.o. small melon.\n
kerai 1 blinds made of thin bamboo slats. 2 awning.\n
kerait creaky (chair, bicycle, etc.).\n
kerajaan 1 empire, kingdom. 2 royal.\n
kerajang gold leaf.\n
kerajinan 1 industry,diligence. 2 handicraft.\n
1 rice crust adhering to the pot. 2 encrustation. kerak-bumi the
earth\'s crust. kerak-besi iron slag.\n
kerakal gravel (e.g.) for roadbed).\n
kerakap betel leaf that has grown thick and tough.\n
kerakeling brass knuckles.\n
kerakyatan 1 democracy, rule by the people. 2 populist.\n
keram 1. have cramps. 2. imprison, incarcerate, lock up.\n
kerama curse, spell.\n
keraman see KRAMAN.\n
keramas shampoo.\n
1 sacred, holy. 2 possessing supernatural qualities. 3 shrine, sacred
kerambil (Java) coconut.\n
kerambit 1 short clawlike dagger. 2 short sickle.\n
keramik ceramics.\n
kerampang perineum, crotch\n
keramunting see KEMUNTING.\n
1. tap, faucet, spigot. 2. crane, derrick. 3. brazier, portable stove. 4.
ng-keran work as an assistant.\n
kerana see KARENA.\n
kerancuan 1 confusion. 2 (Ling.) contamination.\n
(Islam) a bier, consisting of a framework of bamboo or wooden laths
keranda which support the cloth covering a corpse.\n
kerang 1 cockle shells. 2 mollusks and their shells.\n
1 crisscross, askew, awry (of lines). 2 irregular (in shape). 3
rambling (of a house, city layout). 4 conniving, scheming.\n
kerang-kerung clattering (of dishes).\n
kerangga see KERENGGA.\n
keranggang see SEMUT.\n
kerangka 1 skeleton. 2 framework. 3 ship\'s hull. 4 design, plan.\n
kerangkai k.o. hard wood used for making wheel rims, hoe handles, etc.\n
kerangkang 1. see KELANGKANG. 2. see SEMUT.\n
kerangkeng 1 jail, lock up. 2 cage. 3 playpen.\n
kerani office clerk.\n
k.o. basket. keranjang-pakaian clothes hamper. keranjang sampah
keranji k.o. timber tree.\n
keranjing be fond of.\n
keranjingan 1 possessed (by bad spirit, etc.), mania. 2 have a mania for s.t.\n
keranta louse found on a dead or dying body.\n
kerantong-kerantung bamboo or wooden drum used as an alarm.\n
1. 1) close. 2) often, frequently. 2. meng-kerap race bulls. kerap-an
bull race.\n
kerap-kerap sound of munching.\n
kerapai see GERAPAI.\n
kerapatan density.\n
kerapis see KEROPAS-KERAPIS.\n
kerapu k.o. seafish, the grouper.\n
kerapuhan 1 fragility. 2 brittleness, crispness.\n
1 hard (not soft). 2 (Phys.) solid state. 3 tight, not flexible, taut. 4
keras strong. 5 hard (with effort). 6 gruff (speech, attitude). 7 loud (voice,
etc.). 8 stern, stringent (measures). 9 seriously.\n
keras-keras k.o. crispy cookie.\n
keras-tulang k.o. plant, the leaves of which are used for medicinal purposes.\n
kerasan see KRASAN.\n
kerasulan 1 attribute of a messenger of God. 2 apostolate.\n
1. 1) slice, piece, part. 2) part (of a house, road, town). 2. sound of
kerat munching. meng-(k)erat nibble, gnaw. 3. see KARAT 1. 4 see
palace, esp. of a Java ruler. ke-keraton-an having to do with the
keraton court.\n
1. k.o. wasp that lives underground or has a nest made of earth. 2.
kerawai k.o. plant.\n

kerawanan crime-infested, unsafe.\n

kerawang 1 filigree. 2 openwork (on cloth, embroidery, lacework).\n
kerawat band of iron or plaited rattan (on the handle of knife or chisel).\n
kerawit see CACING.\n
kerbang 1. k.o. wild breadfruit tree. 2. see GERBANG 2.\n
kerbat meng-kerbat mulut gag s.o.\n
kerbau 1 carabao, water buffalo. 2 stupid person.\n
kercap see KECAP.\n
kercek crunching sound.\n
kercing meng-kercing-kan mata shut o.\'s eyes.\n
kercit meng-kercit-kan mata wink.\n
kercut k.o. rush used for weaving mats, etc.\n
1 dregs, sediment (of coffee, wine, etc.). 2 objects of no value, junk.
3 modest way to refer to o.\'s own possessions.\n
kerdam boom, loud, resonating sound.\n
kerdil 1 dwarf, stunted. 2 small-minded.\n
kerdip see KEDIP.\n
kerdom ber(r)-kerdom-kerdom cuss, engage in abusive language.\n
kerdum booming, resounding sound.\n
kerdus see KARDUS.\n
kerdut 1 wrinkled. 2 corrugated.\n
kere see KERAI. / ke`re`/ 1. (Java) puppy. 2. beggar, vagrant, tramp.\n
kereat-kereot rickety, squeaking.\n
kerebok meng-kerebok tear s.t.\n
kerecek see KERCEK.\n
kereceng see KECENG.\n
1 caked, dried-up dirt (on people, animals, etc.). 2 dried mucus in the
keredep see KEDIP.\n
keredok see KAREDOK.\n
keredong cover, blanket.\n
kerei see KERAI.\n
see KERIK. /ke`re`k/ 1. hoist, pulley (block). meng-(k)erek 1) hoist,
kerek raise (a flag). 2) lift with a hoist (as of a cargo). 2. a measure for
palm sugar.\n
kerekah see KERKAH.\n
kerekatan adhesiveness.\n
kereket sound of squeaking or cracking (of wood, teeth grating, etc.).\n
/kerekut/ 1 grown deformed (of hands, limbs, fingers, etc.). 2 rough,
kerekot uneven (of a floor). 3 stingy, avaricious.\n

kerelaan 1 willingness. 2 agreement, consent. 3 blessing, favor (of God).\n

keremehan triviality.\n
pinworms, intestinal worms. -an, ke-an 1 suffer from pinworms. 2
itch in the anus from pinworms.\n
keremot wrinkled, furrowed (of the face).\n
kerempagi 1 strraight razor. 2 pocketknife.\n
kerempang /kerempeng/ emaciated, thin.\n
kerempung lower abdomen.\n
keremunting see KEMUNTING.\n
1 impressive, handsome (of a man). 2 dashing, well-dressed. 3
spirited, fast (of a horse). /ke`ren/ see KERN.\n
kerena see KARENA.\n
kerencang,kerencing,kerencung sound of clanging chains, etc.\n
kerendahan 1 too short. 2 lowness.\n
kerendang k.o. spreading weed with edible leaves used as fodder.\n
kereneng (Java) a net of bamboo strips for carrying small loose items.\n
kereng gruff, surly, grumpy. see KERING 1.\n
kerengga k.o. large biting red ant.\n
kerengkam a seaweed.\n
kerengket shiver with fear.\n
kerenikan porosity, delicateness.\n
kereningan tinkling sound.\n
kerenyam geranium.\n
kerenyau see KERNYAU 1.\n
kerenyit see KERNYIT.\n
kerenyot meng-kerenyot 1 grin. 2 twist or distort o.\'s mouth.\n
kerenyut see KERNYUT 1,2.\n
kerepas blind in o. eye.\n
kerepes meng-kerepes grope for s.t.\n
kerepot wrinkled.\n
kerepotan 1 stir, bustle. 2 very busy.\n
kererangga see KERENGGA.\n
sound of rustling or snapping (of dry leaves). ber-, ter- rustle,
kerese-pese see KARESEH-PESEH.\n
keresek see KERISIK.\n
kereseng cracked open, slightly open.\n
keresmian 1 official confirmation, official announcement. 2 of an official
keresmis see KISMIS.\n
keresot wrinkled, furrowed (of forehead).\n
keret 1. meng-keret cut s.t. 2. see MENGKERET.\n
1 carriage, cart. kereta-api train. per-kereta-apian railway affairs. 2
keretak sound of snapping or cracking.\n
keretan a pull.\n
keretek bridge.\n
keretik see KERTIK.\n
keretot deformed (of limbs, fingers, etc.), uneven (of a surface).\n
kereweng fragment of broken tile.\n
kerezekian kerezekian\n
keri k.o. small sickle for cutting grass.\n
keria k.o. cake made of sugar, flour, and potatoes.\n
keriang-keriut sound of squeezing and creaking (e.g. stairs).\n
keriap ber-an, meng-keriap swarm.\n
keriat-keriut see KERIANG-KERIUT.\n
keributan stir, commotion, disturbance.\n
kericau 1 chirp, twitter. 2 chatter.\n
kericik sound of splashing water.\n
keridas see KADAS.\n
keridik mole cricket.\n
kerih sound of a screaming monkey.\n
keriilan reality.\n
kerik meng-kerik scrape or shave off or s.t.,\n
kerikam k.o. linen.\n
kerikan kerikan\n
kerikil pebble, gravel.\n
kerikit meng-kerikit gnaw, nibble.\n
kerimut meng-kerimut 1 undo, rumple. 2 hurt (feelings, etc.).\n
1 sound of tinkling, jingling. 2 k.o. musical instrument, the
kerinduan 1 longing, yearning. 2 (Coll.) favorite.\n
1. 1) dry, dried off or up. 2) arid. 3) not lucrative, poorly paid. 4)
kering crispy. 5) dish made of ingredients chopped up, spiced, and fried
until crisp. 2. sound of ringing.\n
keringanan 1 lightness. 2 relief, dispensation.\n
keringat /keringet/ sweat, perspiration.\n
kerining sound of bicycle bells, carts, etc.\n
kerinjal kidney.\n
kerinjing k.o. hardwood tree used for construction.\n
kerintil hang in clusters or bunches (fruit, etc.).\n
kerinting 1. salted shellfish. 2. see KERITING.\n
kerinyit ber-kerinyit see KERNYIT.\n
kerinyut see KERNYUT 1,2.\n
meng-kerip 1 crackle (of gravel, etc.). 2 nibble, gnaw (of rat,
crispy chips( of banana, potato, tempeh, etc.). keripik-elektronik
microchip. meng-keripik flake, scale s.t.\n
keriput 1. wrinkled, furrowed, wizened (of face, etc.). 2. see JERUK.\n
keris kris, k.o. wavy double-bladed dagger.\n
kerisik 1 rustling sound. 2 dried banana leaf.\n
kerisikan 1 rustling. 2 peeling off.\n
kerising grin.\n
keristen see KRISTEN.\n
kerisut see KISUT.\n
kerit sound of scraping on metal.\n
keritik 1. sound of crackling. 2. see KRITIK.\n
keriting curly, kinky (of hair).\n
keriuhan din, clamor.\n
keriuk crowing.\n
keriut sound of creaking, squeaking, or scraping.\n
keriwil see PRIWIL.\n
1 work. 2 accupation, job. 3 activity. 4 celebration (of an important
rite in life).\n
kerjang see EMAS.\n
kerjantara employment agency.\n
kerjap see KEJAP.\n
kerjasama cooperation.\n
kerkah meng-kerkah rip apart with the teeth and eat.crunch on s.t.\n
kerkak sound of a bone being crushed.\n
kerkau meng-kerkau seize with a claw.\n
kerkop (Coll.) Christian cemetery.\n
kerkup sound of cracking.\n
kerlap 1. glare, glistening. 2. meng-, te- doze off for a moment.\n
1. glance out of the corner of the eyes. 2. shining, gleaming,
kerlingan light given off.\n
kerlip 1. flickering (of light). 2. fall in love.\n
kerma see KERAMA.\n
kermak k.o. herb.\n
kermi see KEREMI.\n
kern /ke`ren/ (Coll.) nucleus, nuclear.\n
kernai meng-kernai cut into small pieces (of meat, vegetables).\n
kernek see KENEK.\n
kerneli vanilla.\n
kernet see KENEK.\n
kernyat-kernyut sound of creaking (of door, shoes, floor, etc.).\n
1. sound of crunching, sound of s.o. munching. 2. hoarse (of
kernyih grinning, making faces (to show ridicule).\n
kernying bare the teeth or fangs.\n
kernyit furrow.\n
kernyut 1. wrinkle. 2. gnashing of teeth. 3. be-kernyut pulsate (of arteries).\n
kero 1. bed with springs. 2. squinting, cross-eyed.\n
1 with holes. 2 with a large rip (of a sail, flag, etc.). 3 scarred,
kerobak pockmarked.\n
kerobek see ROBEK.\n
kerocetan disorder, confusion.\n
rattling noise, sound of liquid being shaken in a bottle, or of light
objects falling rapidly.\n
kerodong see KERUDUNG.\n
keroh 1 false, deceptive, crooked. 2 confusing, hazy, unclear.\n
kerok 1. currycomb. 2. see KERUK.\n
kerolok sound of gurgling.\n
keromok see KERUMUK 1.\n
keromong (Sunda) set of kettle gongs suspended horizontally in a row.\n
keron (Coll.) crown (symbol of Dutch rule).\n
1. 1) sound of clanking, jingling (of cow bells, etc.). 2) popular
Indonesian music originating from Portuguese songs. 3) k.o. small
guitar or ukulele. 2. deepest recess of a fish trap. 3. k.o. plant which
furnishes green fertilizer.\n
keroncor male horseshoe crab.\n
kerong /kerong-kerang/ sound of a heavy object being shaken in a tin can.\n
kerong-kerong k.o. small sea perch.\n
kerongkongan 1 throat. 2 gullet, esophagus, pharynx.\n
brooch, esp. a set of three brooches used to fasten together women\'s
traditional blouses.\n
kerongsong see KELONGSONG.\n
kerontang 1. sound of ratting (of a bucket). 2. see KERING 1.\n
keropak palm leaf manuscript used to write on.\n
small articles or objects of no value. ber- do work or activity of no
keropeng scab (of a wound, skin eruption, rash). meng- pick a scab.\n
keropes dried nasal mucus.\n
1. se-keropok small group. 2. 1) hollow, empty. 2) eaten at by ants.
3. see KERUPUK.\n
keropong hollow, eaten away (of interiors).\n
keropos 1 porous, spongy. 2 hollow, rotten. 3 rarefied (gas).\n
kerosak sound of treading on dry leaves or twigs.\n
kerosang see KERONGSANG.\n
kerosek sound of swishing (e.g. rinsing uncooked rice).\n
kerosi see KURSI 1.\n
kerosin kerosene.\n
kerosok 1. sound of treading on dry leaves. 2. see TEMBAKAU.\n
kerosong sloughed skin (of reptiles). meng-kerosong molt, slough the skin.\n
kerotak sound of things grinding or clashing against e.o.\n
1 grooved (of a file). 2 pockmarked, furrowed, wringkled (ike the
skin of a tangerine).\n
gang up on, swarm overhelm. keroyok-an attack by overwhelming
kerpai cartridge of cracking (e.g. a branch being snapped).\n
kerpas sound of rustling, (e.g. treading on bushes, etc.).\n
kerpik see KERPAK.\n
kerpis see KERPAS.\n
kerpu (Geol.) blende.\n
1. k.o. headgear, k.o. cap. 2. a plastered ridge along the top of a tile
roof. 3. guardhouse, cell.\n
kerren see KEREN.\n
kersai crumbly, loose (of cooked rice, sand).\n
kersak sound of treading on dray grass.\n
kersang see GERSANG.\n
kersen cherry.\n
kersik 1. grit, gravel, coarse sand. 2. see KERISIK.\n
kersip see KEDIP.\n
kersmis (Coll.) Christmas.\n
kersuk sound of loud rustling.\n
kertah k.o. land crab.\n
1. caked (with mud, dried blood, pus). 2. sound of striking a tin can.
3. k.o. sea fish, a large and vicious grouper.\n
kertap sound of a door being slammed.\n
kertas 1. paper. 2. sound of paper being cumpled.\n
kertau mulberry tree.\n
kertik ticking sound.\n
kertika see KARTIKA.\n
kerting sound of tinging.\n
kertu see KARTU.\n
kertuk sound of knocking.\n
kertus 1. cartridge (of a gun). 2. sound of paper being crumpled.\n
keruan known.\n
ber-, meng- encircling in numbers. meng-kerubung-i crowd
1. meng-kerubut gang up on, mob s.o. kerubut-an crowd. 2. k.o.
parasite bearing showy flowers.\n
kerucil see WAYANG.\n
kerucut 1 cone. 2 conical paper wrapper (for peanuts, etc.).\n
kerudung veil. kerudung-lampu lampshade.\n
1. 1) turbid, muddy. 2) disturbed, clouded (of face). 3) restless. 2.
snoring. ber-,1 snore. 2 purr (of a cat).\n
keruing k.o. tree.\n
keruit ber-keruit-keruit wiggle, wriggle at its end, wag (a tail).\n
keruk 1 scrathing, scraping sound. 2 dredging.1 dredging. 2 exploition.\n
kerukunan harmony, concord.\n
1 curled up or over, warped (of wood, etc.), curled (of leaves). 2
deformed (of hands, feet).\n
kerul curl (in the hair, etc.).\n
keruma k.o. itching mite.\n
kerumit meng-kerumit gnaw, nibble (of rabbits, mice).\n
1. ber-, meng-kerumut be crumpled, wrinkled. 2. ber- sump (in a
chair), sink down.\n
1 swarm over, cluster arround, throng, mill about. 2 assemble, come
together. kerumun-an throng, crowd, mob.\n
kerumus meng-kerumus 1 embrace and kiss. 2 fondle, caress.\n
kerun see KERON.\n
kerung concave, hollow, hollowed out (of a spoon, bowl).\n
kerungkuhan dilapidated, decayed, worn-out.\n
kerunia see KARUNIA.\n
keruntang-pungkang head-over-heels.\n
1 piggy bank (made of a bamboo cylinder). 2 fish basket. meng-
keruntung-kan place s.t. in a keruntung.\n
kerunyit see KERNYIT.\n
kerunyut wrinkle, furrow (in face).\n
kerup sound of munching.\n
kerupawanan beauty, handsomeness.\n
chips made of flour flavored with fish or shrimp. kerupuk-belinjo
chips made from the fruit of the belinjo. kerupuk-kerak chip made of
hard-boiled rice and fruit. kerupuk-kulit crackled water-buffalo
kerupung see KEROPENG.\n
kerus k.o. carbonated drink (e.g. orange crush).\n
kerusi see KURSI.\n
kerusuhan 1 disturbance, riot. 2 turbulence, turmoil.\n
kerusut ber-, meng-kerusut 1 shrink (of material). 2 crease, wrinkle.\n
kerut 1. 1) furrow, wrinkle. 2) curl (in hair). 2. sound of scraping.\n
kerutak crunch (on a bone).\n
kerutu see GERUTU.\n
kerutup sound of cracling (e.g. dry leaves burning).\n
keruwing see KERUING.\n
keruyuk 1. see KERIUK. 2. see KEROYOK.\n
kes (Coll.) cash.\n
kes. 1. [kesebelasan] soccer team. 2. [kesehatan] health.\n
kesa first (us. only of planting season).\n
kesad see KASAD.\n
kesah moan, sigh. /ke`sah/ see KISAH.\n
meng-kesak 1 shift, move slowly (from o. place to another). 2 move
or shift s.t.\n
kesakitan kesakitan\n
kesal 1 fed up. 2 dejected. 3 piqued, peevish, cross.\n
kesalahfahaman misunderstanding.\n
kesalehan piety.\n
kesamaan sameness, similarity.\n
kesambet 1. (Java) be seized with a sudden illness, attributed to possession by
an evil spirit. 2. 1) struck by a sharp object. 2) struck with disease.\n
kesambi k.o. tree yielding wood for chacoal.\n
kesampaian achieved, accomplished.\n
kesamping see SAMPING 1.\n
kesan 1 impression. 2 trace.\n
kesana see SANA.\n
kesandung see SANDUNG.\n
kesang blow o.\'s nose by pressing o. nostril with the finger.\n
kesanggupan 1 power, capability, performance. 2 readiness to do s.t.\n
kesangsang (Java) be caught (of a kite in a tree, etc.).\n
kesap-kesip blink (of the eyes).\n
kesasar lost, strayed away.\n
kesastraan (things pertaining to) literature.\n
kesastrawanan matters pertaining to men of letters.\n
kesat 1 stiff, rough. 2 rough and dry (of skin). 3 shaggy, hairy.\n
kesatria 1 noble (caste), knight. 2 acting with noble qualities.\n
kesatuan 1 (Mil.) unit. 2 totality. 3 unity, oneness.\n
kesayangan 1 pity, sorrow. 2 love, affection. 3 darling, favorite.\n
kesebalan resentment.\n
kesebelasan soccer team.\n
kesederhanaan simplicity.\n
kesediaan readiness, willingness.\n
kesedihan sorrow, sadness.\n
kesegaran 1 freshness. 2 health.\n
kesehatian unanimity in ideal , emotions, etc.\n
kesejahteraan 1 prosperity. 2 safety.\n
kesejatian authenticity, genuineness.\n
kesejukan 1 cold, coolness. 2 numb with cold.\n
kesek 1 rubbing. 2 door mat.\n
kesel 1. (Java) tired, exhausted. 2 see KESAL.\n
keselamatan 1 happiness, walfare. 2 safety. 3 salvation.\n
keseleg /keselek/ choke on s.t., swallow s.t. the wrong way.\n
keselektifan selectiveness.\n
keseleo be sprained.\n
keseluruhan totality, whole.\n
kesemanan 1 failure. 2 abortion.\n
kesemarakan splendor.\n
kesemat see KESUMAT.\n
kesembarangan arbitrariness, doing things any old way.\n
kesembronoan frivolity, doing things without heeding the rules, recklessness.\n
kesembuhan recovery.\n
kesemek see KASEMEK.\n
kesementaraan transitoriness, temporariness.\n
kesemestaan totality.\n
kesempatan 1. opportunity. 2 occasion.\n
1 narrowness, narrow-mindedness. 2 being hard-pressed, shortage. 3
too narrow.\n
kesempurnaan 1 perfection. 2 completeness.\n
kesemrawutan 1 chaos, lack of organization. 2 be chaotic, disorderly.\n
kesemuaan totality.\n
kesemuanya all of it, everything. see SEMUA.\n
kesemutan go to sleep, become numb (as of arm or leg.\n
kesenangan 1 happiness, contentment, pleasure. 2 favorite.\n
kesendatan 1 clogged up. 2 stagnation.\n
kesendirian aloneness, solitude.\n
kesenduan sadness.\n
kesengajaan deliberateness, doing s.t. on purpose.\n
kesenggangan leisureliness, leisure.\n
kesengitan acrimony, fierceness.\n
kesengsaraan misery, suffering, torment.\n
kesengsem see SENGSEM.\n
kesenian thing having to do with art.\n
kesenimanan artistic, matters pertaining to artists.\n
kesenjangan asymmetry, discrepancy.\n
kesentengan scarcity, shortage.\n
kesentimentilan sentimentality, bathos.\n
kesentosaan 1 peace, tranquillity, rest. 2 safety.\n
kesenyapan silence..\n
kesepadanan correspondence, agreement.\n
kesepakatan agreement reached.\n
kesepelean triviality.\n
kesepian 1 solitude, loneliness. 2 deserted, lonely, (too) quiet.\n
keserakahan greed.\n
keserakan rasp (in voice).\n
keseraman frightfulness.\n
keserampangan randomness.\n
keseran dolly, cart for moving heavy things.\n
keserba-anekaan diversity.\n
keserempakan unison, synchronization.\n
keserentakan unison, simultaneity.\n
keseriusan seriousness.\n
keserongan 1 insincerity, disloyalty. 2 adultery.\n
kesesatan 1 losing o.\'s way. 2 slip, digression, error.\n
1 uniformity, conformity. 2 suitability, concord, congruity,
keset 1. meng-keset skin, flay (an animal). 2. doormat. 3. see KASET.\n
kesetanan possessed.\n
kesetia-kawanan solidarity\n
kesetiaan loyalty, allegiance.\n
kesetrum get a shock (from electricity).\n
kesewajaran 1 genuineness. 2 naturalness.\n
kesewenang-wenangan 1 arbitrariness. 2 despotism.\n
kesi 1. white, pale, white as a sheet. 2. see KESU-KESI.\n
kesia-siaan (Lit.) futility, uselessness.\n
kesiagaan readiness, preparedness.\n
kesialan bad luck.\n
kesian see KASIH 1.\n
1 caught by daylight. 2 overslept. 3 do s.t. late in the morning which
should have been done earlier.\n
kesiap ter-kesiap be startled.\n
kesiap-siagaan state of being prepared and on the alert.\n
kesiapan readiness.\n
kesibukan stir, bustle, activity.\n
kesigapan 1 efficiency. 2 energy.\n
kesigapan 1 efficiency. 2 energy.\n
kesik /kesik-kesik/ sound of whispering.\n
kesilaman 1 darkness. 2 past.\n
kesilapan mistake, slip, error.\n
kesima ter-kesima upset, shaken up, unnerved.\n
1 k.o. climbing herbaceous vine, the crushed leaves of which emit an
odor. 2 k.o. tree with malodorous leaves.\n
kesimpang-siuran confusion.\n
kesimpulan conclusion.\n
kesinambungan continuity.\n
kesini see SINI.\n
kesinisan 1 sarcasm, scorn. 2 cynicism.\n
kesinoniman synonymy.\n
kesintingan craziness, oddness.\n
kesip 1. seedless 9of fruit). 2. ber-kesip-kesip blink o.\'s eyes.\n
kesipitan narrowness (of eyes).\n
kesisipan 1 get a splinter under the skin. 2 get s.t. inserted into it by accident.\n
kesiur sound of whistling or whizzing.\n
keskul a beggar\'s bowl.\n
keslio see KESELEO.\n
kesmak see KASEMEK.\n
festival of sacrifice held in Tengger during the 10th Java calendar
kesohor see SOHOR.\n
kesombongan 1 arrogance, boasting. 2 vanity, conceit. 3 arrogant, conceited.\n
kesomplok 1 (Jakarta) hit, bump into. 2 be broke, penniless.\n
kesongaran pride, arrogance.\n
kesopanan good manners, polite behavior.\n
kesorean too late (in the afternoon).\n
ber-, meng- kesot 1 drag o.s. along on the ground (e.g. of small tot, a
disabled person). 2 shuffle, not lift o.\'s feet.\n
kesportifan sportsmanship.\n
kesra [kesejahteraan rakyat] the welfare of the people.\n
kesrakat (Java) suffering from poverty.\n
kesripahan suffer the death of a loved o.\n
kesruduk suffer a head on blow or head on collision.\n
kestabilan stability.\n
kestatistikan matters pertaining to statistics.\n
kesterilan sterility.\n
kesturi musk, civet.\n
kesu-kesi sound of whispering.\n
kesuaman 1 warmth. 2 feverishness.\n
kesuari see KASUARI.\n
kesuburan 1 fertility. 2 prosperity.\n
kesucian 1 purity, chastity. 2 holiness.\n
kesudahan 1 conclusion, result, consequence. 2 in the end, finally.\n
kesudian willingness.\n
kesuh-kesih panting.\n
kesuk-kesik sound of rustling or treading on leaves.\n
kesukacitaan joy, state of being glad.\n
kesukaran 1difficulty, hardship. 2 have difficulties, suffer hardship.\n
kesukarelaan volunteering.\n
kesuksesan success.\n
kesulitan difficulty, trouble.\n
kesultanan sultanate.\n
(Lit.) 1 flower. kesuma-bangsa flower of the nation (youth killed in
battle). 2 beautiful (of a woman), noble.\n
kesumat 1 conflict, altercation. 2 enmity. 3 hatred\n
kesumba 1 various plants tat yield a bright red color. 2 bright red in color.\n
kesumpekan confusion of thought, feeling of being troubled.\n
kesunanan dominion of the Sunan, i.e. Surakarta.\n
kesungguhan 1 truth, sincerity. 2 seriousness. 3 in all seriousness, earnestly.\n
kesunyian 1 loneliness. 2 quiet, solitude. 3 feel lonely.\n
kesup sound of sucking. meng-kesup suck o.\'s fingers.\n
kesupelan 1 flexibility. 2 sociability.\n
kesuraman 1 vagueness, indistinctness. 2 dullness.\n
kesurupan possessed (by a spirit).\n
kesusahan 1 difficulty. 2 worry, grief. 3 be in trouble, have difficulties.\n
kesusasteraan literature.\n
kesusilaan 1 ethnics. 2 decency, morality.\n
kesusu (Java) in a hurry.\n
kesusutan shrinkage, decrease.\n
kesut ter-kesut-kesut in difficulty and frightened.\n
keswatantraan autonomy.\n
1 matters pertaining to port authorities and harbormasters. 2 office of
kesyahduan serenity.\n
kesyahidan martyrdom.\n
ketaatan loyalty, fidelity.\n
ketabahan firmness, determination.\n
ketabiban matters pertaining to such healing.\n
ketagihan 1 addiction. 2 addicted to. 3 (Coll.) crave for.\n
ketahanan tenacity, endurance.\n
ketahiran purity.\n
ketahuan be faound out, detected.\n
1. ber-ketai-ketai 1) crumble, fall apart. 2) decompose (of a body,
wood, etc.). 2. loser (in a card game).\n
ketajaman 1 too sharp. 2 sharpness. 3 acuteness.\n
1. sound of a clack (tapping on a table, etc.). 2. skin fold (of a double
ketakaburan arrogance.\n
ketakacuhan ketakacuhan\n
ketakaran standard of living.\n
ketakhtaan things concerning the throne.\n
ketakhyulan belief in supertitions.\n
ketakjuban astonishment, amazement.\n
ketakong pitcher plant.\n
ketakrifan (Ling.) definition.\n
ketaksaan being equivocal.\n
ketakutan 1 fear, anxiety. 2 frightened, anxious.\n
ketakziman matters pertaining to honor and respect.\n
1. 1) tightly closed. 2) with teeth set. 3) (in some regions only) crab.
ketam 2. meng-ketam harvest rice with a knife held within o.\'s palm. 3. a
carpenter\'s tool, the plane.\n
ketamakan greed.\n
ketambahan have s.t. added to it.\n
ketambak k.o. fish, the pomfret.\n
ketampanan handsomeness.\n
ketampilan appearance, presence.\n
sticky or glutinous rice. ketan-hitam black sticky rice. ketan-urap
sticky rice with grated coconut.\n
ketandusan barrenness.\n
ketang tight (of a fit or binding).\n
ketangguhan 1 strength, tenacity. 2 integrity, honesty.\n
ketangkap (Coll.) seized, arrested.\n
ketangkasan adroitness, skill, dexterity.\n
1. meng-ketap-bibir 1) press o.\'s lips together. 2) bite o.\'s lips (out
ketap of anger). 2. small knife held in the palm of the hand. 3. see KETAM
ketap-ketip blink o.\'s eyes repeatedly.\n
k.o. almond tree growing near the seashore whice bears edible
ketapel /ketapil/ 1 catapult, slingshot. 2 a sling to catch landing planes.\n
ketar 1. tart, sour 9to the taste). 2. see GETAR.\n
ketara see KENTARA.\n
ketarap k.o. fish, a wrasse.\n
ketarik (Coll.) drawn, attracted.\n
ketasaufan /ketasawufan/ (things) having to do with mysticism.\n
1 tight(of top on bottle, clothes, ring, embrace, etc.). 2 firm, binding
(contract, etc.). 3 strict.\n
ketaton (Java) get injured.\n
ketauhidan o. ness (of God).\n
ketawa laugh. ketawa-cekikikan giggle.\n
ketawakalan attitude of resignation.\n
1. torch made of bamboo filled with resin. 2. (Coll.) collar made of
plaited rattan used as a harness for buffaloes or horses.\n
ketayalan (Java) do s.t. with a lot of difficulty.\n
ketayap white rimless cap worn by those who have made the hajj.\n
ketebalan thickness.\n
keteduhan 1 calm, quietness. 2 shelter, shade. 3 sheltered, shaded.\n
ketegakan uprightness.\n
ketegangan 1 strained situation, tension. 2 strain, stress. 3 suspense.\n
ketegar stubborn, obstinate, obdurate.\n
ketegaran obstinancy, rigidity.\n
ketegasan 1 firmness, resoluteness. 2 clearness, explicitness. 3 explanation.\n
keteguhan 1 firmness, strength. 2 dependability.\n
/kete`k/ 1. (Java) monkey. 2. see KETIK. /ke`te`k/ 1. (Jakarta)
armpit. 2. (M) small, little.\n
ketekoran 1 deficit. 2 be short of.\n
ketekunan 1 diligence, application. 2 perseverance.\n
1 thick, close together (of leaves, etc.). 2 crowded, dense (of
population). /kete`l/drop (liquid). /ke`te`l/ 1 kettle. 2 (Tech.) boiler.\n
1 yams. ketela-manis sweet potato. 2 other starchy root crops. ketela-
pahung/kayu cassava.\n
ketelanjangan nakedness, nudity.\n
ketelapan (Phys.) permeability.\n
ketelatan tardiness.\n
ketelatenan patience.\n
keteledoran 1 negligence, carelessness. 2 default (payment, etc.).\n
ketelitian carefulness.\n
ketelpak coveralls, jumpsuit.\n
ketempuhan 1 be responsible for. 2 be blamed.\n
ketemu ketemu\n
ketemu ketemu\n
ketenagakerjaan matters pertaining to manpower.\n
ketenangan 1 calm and quiet. 2 composure.\n
ketenaran 1 noise. 2 popularity, fame.\n
1/2 cent coin (of the colonial era). buy o. or a little at a time, buy
retail. keteng-an piecemeal, by the piece.\n
ketenggangan consideration.\n
ketengikan 1 rancidity. 2 (Coll.) spitefulness.\n
ketentaraan 1 military. 2 military forces.\n
ketenteraman calm, tranquillity.\n
ketentuan 1 certainty. 2 stipulation. 3 determinate, clear, certain.\n
ketepak-ketepak sound of clicking, clickety-clack (of horses on hard surface).\n
1 happen to be, coincidentally. 2 accuracy, exactness, precision.
ketepatan-waktu punctuality.\n
ketepel see KETAPEL.\n
ketepeng k.o. ornamental shrub.\n
ketepil see KETAPEL.\n
/ketepuk/ sound of clicking, clickety-clack (of wooden slippers,
horse hooves on a hard surface, etc.).\n
keterangan 1 information. 2 explanation. 3 official statement.\n
ketergantungan dependence.\n
keterikan extreme heat (of sun).\n
keterjalan steepness.\n
keterlaluan excessive, far too much.\n
ketertambatan attachment.\n
ketertandaan (Ling.) markedness.\n
ketertegunan starled amazement.\n
ketertiban 1 orderliness, law and order. 2 correct conduct.\n
ketertinggalan fact of having fallen behind.\n
ketertutupan reticence, closedness.\n
keterusan keterusan\n
ketes drop (of water, etc.).\n
ketetapan 1 decision. 2 firmness, determination. 3 constancy, steadiness.\n
1. /keteteran/ 1) fall or lag behind, unable to keep up, left behind. 2)
be on the verge of defeat. 2. in chaos, dispersed, disordered.\n
ketewasan 1 defeat. 2 disaster, mishap.\n
keti 1. (Java) 100,000. 2. (Sport) wooden ball.\n
keti-keti k.o. small wasp.\n
ketiada-mampuan condition of inability to achieve or do s.t.\n
ketiadaan ketiadaan\n
ketiak armpit.\n
1 ponderous, have difficulty in moving about because of obesity or
gout. 2 very tightfitting (of clothes, cork in a bottle, etc.).\n
ketiap small flat-bottomed boat for river journeys.\n
ketiau k.o. large tree.\n
ketib see KHATIB.\n
ketiban (Java) 1 have s.t. fall on o. 2 be struck by.\n
ketibung see KETIMBUNG.\n
ketiding k.o. large rattan basket for storing rice.\n
ketiduran 1 slumber. 2 bed. 3 oversleep, doze off.\n
ketik sound of ticking or clicking (e.g. a watch or typewriter).\n
1. 1) point in time, moment. 2) when (at a certain point in time). se-
ketika an instant, for a moment. 2. see KARTIKA.\n
ketil bit. se-ketil a tiny piece.\n
ketilang k.o. bird, a bulbul.\n
ketimang buckle, clasp.\n
ketimbang (Coll.) 1 compared with, than. 2 better (so-and-so) than...\n
ketimbul k.o. breadfruit with seeds.\n
ketimbung /ketimpung/ sound of splashing in water.\n
ketimpangan 1 imbalance. 2 lameness. 3 partiality, one-sidedness.\n
ketimun see MENTIMUN.\n
ketimuran eastern, Asian.\n
ketimus (Java) cake made of corn or cassava with coconut and palm sugar.\n
ketindihan 1 pressed down, crushed under. 2 have a cramp.\n
keting tendon of the heel. meng-keting hamstring.\n
ketinggalan 1 remainder. 2 be left out, inadvertently ommited. 3 be left behind.\n
1 (Coll.) too high, very high. 2 elevated place (podium, plateau,
etc.). 3 altitude, height. 4 boastful.\n
ketionghoaan 1 (Lit.) Chineseness. 2 act charachteristically Chinese.\n
ketip 1 bite or nip (of a small insect). 2 dime.\n
ketipak-ketipuk sound of pitter-patter.\n
ketiplak sound of clogs.\n
ketipung k.o. small drum in the gamelan ensemble.\n
ketir-ketir fearful, apprehensive.\n
ketirah k.o. red-leaved shrub.\n
ketirisan 1 get wet from a leak. 2 leak.\n
ketis meng-ketis flick, flip s.t. with a finger.\n
ketitipan have s.t. left with o.\n
ketitir /ketitiran/ (Java) k.o. spotted dove.\n
(Java) steamed porridge or cake of powered cassava with palm sugar
and grated coconut.\n
ketok see KETUK 1.\n
ketok-kadal children\'s game played with bamboo sticks.\n
ketol see KETUL 2.\n
ketola k.o. squash, luffa.\n
ketololan stupidity, foolishness.\n
ketolongan 1 helped. 2 can be helped.\n
ketombe dandruff.\n
keton k.o. tree.\n
ketonggeng scorpion.\n
ketopong helmet.\n
1. a Java drama depicting historical or pseudo-historical events. 2.
ketorprak (Jakarta) k.o. salad consisting of bean sprouts, tofu, rice noodles and
a peanut sauce.\n
ketot (Auto.) cut-out valve in the engine.\n
ketotalan totality.\n
ketrampilan skill, know-how.\n
ketransmigrasian matter pertaining to organized resettlement.\n
ketresnoan (Java) love.\n
ketrik meng-ketrik scrape out prior to spackling.\n
ketrok meng-ketrok strike, hit s.o., beat.\n
kets see SEPATU.\n
ketu skull cap. ketu-merah red stocking cap.\n
ketua 1 chairman. 2 elder, chief. 3 moderator.\n
ketua-tuaan elderly, oldish.\n
ketuaan ketuaan\n
ketuahan 1 supernatural power. 2 lucky, fortunate.\n
ketuan-tuanan like a master, make a pretense at being a tuan.\n
ketuat wart.\n

ketuban fetal membrane.\n

ketubruk 1 slammed into. 2 struck, run over.\n
ketuhanan divinity, deity.\n
k.o. bush the seeds of which are used medically to neutralize toxins
of ingested seafood.\n
1. knock, tap. 2. (Java) k.o. gamelan instrument, a horizontally
suspended bronze kettle. 3. sound of a hen clucking.\n
ketukan 1.knock,tapping sound 2.rap,blow 3.beat.\n
ketukangan skill, craftsmanship.\n
1. lump, clod. 2. meng-ketul touch, hit against. 3. (Java) dull (of
knives, scissors, etc.).\n
affliction sent as punishment for disrespect to elderly people, sacred
places, etc.\n
ketulahan struck by a curse.\n
ketulangan have a fishbone struck in the throat.\n
ketularan infected, contaminated.\n
ketulenan authenticity, genuineness.\n
ketulian suffer from deafness.\n
ketulusan honesty, sincerity, integrity.\n
ketumbar coriander.\n
ketumbe /ketumbi/ 1. see KETOMBE. 2. final dregs.\n
ketumbit k.o. large weed.\n
ketumbu k.o. covered basket or hamper.\n
ketumbuhan 1 growth. 2 smallpox, skin eruption, etc. 3 grown over.\n
ketumpahan have s.t. spilled on it.\n
ketumpang ketumpang\n
ketumpukan accidentally piled on.\n
ketumpulan bluntness, dullness.\n
ketunakaryaan unemployment.\n
ketunanetraan blindness.\n
ketundukan 1 submision. 2 loyalty, obedience.\n
ketung a resonant sound.\n
ketunggalan 1 left alone. 2 singleness, oneness.\n
ketunggalikaan unity, singleness.\n
ketungging k.o. large black scorpion.\n
ketuntasan 1 completeness, thoroughness. 2 (Ling.) exhaustiveness.\n
ketup 1. see KATUP. 2. sound of stamping of feet on planks.\n
ketupa 1. k.o. owl. 2. k.o. flower.\n
rice cake boiled in a rhombus-shaped packet of plaited young
ketupat coconut leaves. ketupat-Ambon/Bangkahulu fist (as used in
punching s.o.).\n
ketupuk k.o. owl.\n
ketur 1. cuspidor, spittoon. 2. ber-ketur croak (of frogs).\n
1 decline. 2 descent, offspring, scion. 3 generation. 4 inherit. 5
possessed, seized.\n
ketus sharp (in reply), speaking in an angry tone.\n
keuangan finances, things having to do with money.\n
keudaraan matters pertaining to air.\n
keugal-ugalan 1 naughtiness, mischief. 2 recklessness, inconsiderateness.\n
keujian (M) found out, discovered.\n
keuletan tenacity, perseverance.\n
keulungan 1 experience, skill. 2 superiority, excellence.\n
keumuman generality.\n
keunggulan superiority, specal quality.\n
keunguan purplish.\n
keunikan 1 uniqueness. 2 unique thing or phenomenon.\n
keuniversalan universality.\n
keuniversitasan matters pertaining to the university.\n
keuntungan 1 profit. 2 luck.\n
keuring /kering/ inspection, examination.\n
keusangan keusangan\n
keusilan annoyance, naughtiness.\n
keuskupan 1 diocese, bishopric. 2 office or residence of a bishop.\n
keutamaan 1 superiority, excellence. 2 virtue, decency, moral excellence.\n
keutuhan totality, wholeness.\n
keuzuran 1 suffer from weakness and illness. 2 agedness.\n
kevakuman a situation in which a vacuum exists.\n
kevitalan vitality.\n
kewafatan death, demise.\n
kewajaran fittingness.\n
kewajiban obigation, duty.\n
1. at a loss what to do (because of a deluge of work, in the face of a
kewalahan superior enemy, etc.), be snowed under. 2. overhelmed (by a task, a
person), unable to handle.\n
kewalian status as guardian.\n
kewan see HEWAN.\n
kewangsaan kinship.\n
kewanita-wanitaan effeminate.\n
kewanitaan kewanitaan\n
kewarasan health (physical and mental).\n
kewarganegaraan 1 citizenship. 2 civics (as subject in school).\n
kewartal see KUARTAL.\n
kewartawanan journalist, correspondent.\n
kewaspadaan 1 vigilance, allertness. 2 caution.\n
kewaswasan anxiety, uneasiness.\n
kewatir see KUATIR.\n
kewedanaan 1 district. 2 residence of district chief.\n
kewenangan competence, authority.\n
kewibawaan authority.\n
kewijayaan victory.\n
kewiraan manliness.\n
kewiraswastaan entrepreneurship.\n
keyakinan conviction, firm belief.\n
kg. [kilogram] kilogram.\n
kh- see also entries with k-.\n
khabar see KABAR.\n
khadam /khadim/ (Lit.) 1 servant, slave. 2 wage earner.\n
khaid see HAID.\n
khaimah see KEMAH.\n
khair (Lit.) handsome, beautiful.\n
khaki /kaki/ khaki.\n
khalaik see KHALAYAK.\n
khalak (Lit.) creation, handwork, product.\n
khalayak 1 creature. 2 the public.\n
1 free, unoccupied, unengaged. 2 carefree, easygoing. 3 void,
khalifah caliph.\n
khalik (Islam) the Creator.\n
khalikah 1 creation. 2 character, behavior.\n
khalil friend, companion.\n
khalis (Rel.) pure, undefiled.\n
khalkum see HALKUM.\n
khalwat (Rel.) solitude, retirement from the world, retreat.\n
khamar (Lit.) wine, liquor.\n
khamir leavened.\n
khamis see KAMIS.\n
khanduri see KENDURI.\n
khanjar k.o. large dagger.\n
khaos chaos.\n
khaotis chaotic.\n
kharab (Lit.) destroyed, ruined.\n
kharisma charisma.\n
kharismatik charismatic.\n
khas 1 special, exclusive, for private use. 2 special, specific to s.t.\n
khasah see KASA 1.\n
khasanah see KHAZANAH.\n
khasiat 1 special quality or virtue, merit. 2 peculiar property.\n
khasis chassis.\n
khasumat see KESUMAT.\n
khat 1 line. 2 handwriting. 3 Arabic calligraphy, esp. as an art form.\n
1 seal, signet ring. 2 (Islam) final, last. 3 (Islam) read through to the
end (esp, the Koran).\n
khatan see KHITAN.\n
khatib 1 preacher at the mosque. 2 a mosque official.\n
khatifah (Lit.) carpet, rug.\n
khatulistiwa equator.\n
khaul see KAUL.\n
khawatir see KUATIR.\n
khayal 1 fancy, vision, imagination. 2 imaginary.\n
khayalan fantasy.\n
khayali 1 imaginary. 2 (Islam) in a state of mystic revery.\n
khayat see HAYAT.\n
1 treasure. 2 treasure. 3 storage area for valuable objects. 4
vocabulary of language.\n
khewan see HEWAN.\n
khianat 1 treason, betrayal. 2 treacherous.\n
khidmat 1 respect. 2 humility, submission.\n
khilaf 1 wrong, erroneous. 2 commit an error. mistake, error, slip.\n
khilafiah 1 wrong. 2 uncertain.\n
khitan circumcision. khitan-an feast celebrating a circumcision.\n
khlor chlorine.\n
khlorida chloride.\n
khlorinasi chlorination.\n
khloroform chloroform.\n
khodrat see KODRAT.\n
(Lit.) 1 muslim merchant (us. from abroad). 2 title for such a
khotbah sermon.\n
khotib see KHATIB.\n
khrom chrome.\n
khronis chronic.\n
khrysant see CHRYSANT.\n
khuatir see KUATIR.\n
khudu humility.\n
(Islam) action of returning the bride-price so that o.\'s husband will
divorce her.\n
khuldi see BUAH.\n

khulki genuine.\n
khuluk nature, character.\n
khurafat (Lit.) myth, superstition.\n
khurma seeKURMA.\n
khusu /khusuk/ see KHUSYU, KHUSYUK.\n
khusus 1 special, different from others. 2 specifically for.\n
1 devout, devoted, humble before God. 2 engrossed in, deeply
absorbed in.\n
khutbah see KHOTBAH.\n
1 title of respect for men learned in religious matters. 2 title used
ki with certain objects of veneration. ki-Jagur name given to an ancient
cannon in Jakarta.\n
kia chain stitch.\n
kia-kia 1. k.o. shark. 2. (China) have fun, enjoy o.s., be relaxed.\n
kiah meng-kiah(kan) stretch (socks, gloves, etc.). peng-kiah shoehorn.\n
1 title or reference for a venerated scholar, teacher of Islam. 2
kiai district head (in South Kalimantan). 3 title used with certain objects
of veneration.\n
kiak-kiak k.o. large black ant.\n
kial gesture.\n
kiam (Islam) erect standing posture during prayer ritual.\n
kiamat 1 Judgement day, doomsday. 2 end of world, disaster.\n
k.o. plant formerly found in abundance in stagnant or slow-moving
waters, the leaves of which resemble lettuce.\n
kiambwee /kyambwe/ (China) dried salted plums.\n
1 all the more. 2 the....so much more.... 3 (Lit.) (following a number)
as many as.\n
kianat see KHIANAT.\n
kiang-kiut sound of creaking. kiang-kiang creak, screech, squeak,
kiap pieces of wood used to prop s.t. up.\n
kiara k.o. shade tree.\n
1 simile, comparison, analogy. 2 analogical reasoning. 3 allusion,
1 figure of speech, allegory, metaphor, analogy. 2 criticism by
indirect reference or analogy. 3 lesson, moral.\n
kiasi analogous.\n
1. stiff, cramped (of neck, limbs, etc.). 2. trick, secret. 3. meng-kiat
kiat shuffle cards.\n
kiaupau (China) overseas Chinese.\n

ber-, ber-an 1 wave, flutter, fly (of flags, etc.). 2 be displayed. peng-
(k)ibar standard-bearer, waver (of flag).\n
1. meng-(k)ibas wag (tail), sway to and fro, flap (ears, wings). 2. see
kibik see KUBIK 2.\n
kibir arrogant, haughty.\n
/kiblat/ 1 direction of Mecca. 2 direction (of the wind). 3
kiblik (Coll.) republic.\n
kibul (Jakarta) bottom, buttocks, rear.\n
kicak see KICAU 1.\n
kicang-kecoh swindle, deceit of various kinds.\n
kicap 1. see KICAU 1. 2. see KECAP1.\n
kicap-kicup repeated blinking of the eyes.\n
1. ber-kicau 1) chirp, twitter, warble. 2) chatter. 2. ter-kicau
kicerat (Jakarta) meng-kicerat spurt out.\n
kici (Naut.) ketch, brig.\n
kicu 1. 1) deceit. 2 ) deceiver. 2. see KICAU1.\n
kicuh see KICU 1.\n
kicut squeak (of a floor, etc.).\n
kidal left-handed. si-kidal southpaw.\n
kidam time immemorial, infinite preexistence.\n
kidang see KIJANG.\n
kidar /kider/ see KITAR 1.\n
kidmat see KHIDMAT.\n
kidul (Java) south.\n
kidung ballad. kidung-gereja hymn. kidung-rohani a spiritual hymn.\n
kihanat astrology, augury.\n
kijai k.o. large timber tree.\n
kijang 1 k.o. small antelope. 2 brand name for k.o. jeep.\n
kijing 1. k.o. edible mussel. 2. (Java) gravestone.\n
kiju see KEJU.\n
kik /ka i ka/ [ Kredit Investasi Kecil] small business loans.\n
kikih /kikik/ giggle.\n
1 foot of an animal (for eating). 2 foot of a person (jocking or
kikir 1. file, rasp. kikir-an filings. 2. stingy, tightfisted.\n
kikis scraped.\n
kikisan (Geol.) alluvium, what has piled up from erosion.\n
kikuk clumsy, awkward.\n
kilaf see KHILAF.\n
kilah 1. trick, deception, ruse, pretext. 2. k.o. snaillike mollusk.\n
kilai spool or reel of thread (for spinning).\n
kilan 1. span (of the hand). 2. ter-kilan be offended.\n
1 press, mill, factory for processing or refining natural products.
kilang-an millstone or other instrument for refining or processing.\n
kilang-kelok winding, tortuous (road, path).\n
kilap 1. shine, gloss, shee, luster. 2. seeKHILAF.\n
kilar k.o. edible snail.\n
1. 1) noose made of rattan. 2) rattan rings used for climbing trees or
poles. 2. kilas-balik flashback.\n
1 flash of lightning. 2 shine, gleam, sheen. 3 done in a flash (in set
kilau luster, reflected shine, glare.\n
kiler (Sl.) university lecture who gives killer exams.\n
kili seam.\n
kili-kili nose ring of rope or rattan for an ox or water buffalo.\n
kilik meng-kilik-kilik 1 tickle. 2 amuse. 3 incite s.o.\n
kilir 1. whet (o.\'s knife, etc.). 2. be sprained.\n
kilo 1 kilogram. 2 kilometer.\n
kilogram kilogram.\n
kilometer 1 kilometer. 2 speedometer.\n
kilowat kilowatt.\n
k.o. gambling game similar to bingo where the numbers are given
out in rhymed verses.\n
kima the giant clam.\n
kimah,kimat price, value, worth.\n
kimbang ter-kimbang hestitating, wavering.\n
kimblo see KIMLO.\n
chemistry. kimia-analistis analistical chemistry. kimia-anorganik
kimia inorganic chemistry. kimia-fisika physical chemistry. kimia-hayat
kimiawi chemical.\n
kimis chemical, synthetic.\n
kimka,kimkha damask.\n
kimlo k.o. soup with vegetables and meat.\n
kimono kimono, dressing gown.\n
kimpal solid, welded.\n
kimpul 1. k.o. taro. 2. purse, wallet.\n
kimpus ter-kimpus hollow, concave, sunken (of eyes, cheeks).\n
kina quinine.\n
kinang a chew of betel.\n
kinantang 1 be all white (of cock, horse, etc.). 2 very special.\n
kinca syrup of palm sugar.\n
meng-kincah 1 rinse, wash (laundry, etc.). 2 dress, game or fowl. 3
cleanse the genitals.\n
kincan meng-kincan mix, stir s.t.\n
kincang fraud, deceit.\n
kinces (Jakarta) 1 deflated, burst (of boils). 2 blind.\n
spool, reel. kincir-air waterwheel. kincir-angin 1 windmill. 2
kincit minor case of diarrhea.\n
kincup small, narrow, restricted (of an opening).\n
kineskop TV screen.\n
kinetis kinetic.\n
king (Crd.) king.\n
kingkit k.o. tiny sour citrus fruit.\n
kini now, nowadays.\n
kinine quinine.\n
kinja jump with joy.\n
kinjeng dragonfly.\n
kintaka archive.archival matters.\n
kintakawan archivist.\n
kintal 1. see KUINTAL. /kintel/ bullfrog.\n
kintil trail s.o.\n
kintut (Jakarta) youngest child.\n
kinurang (Math.) subtrahend.\n
kinyam see KENYAM.\n
kinyang quartz, rock crystal.\n
kinyis-kinyis still fresh.\n
kio (China) palanquin.\n
kiong see KEONG.\n
kios kiosk. kios-buku bookstall.\n
kip percussion cap.\n
kipa one-legged.\n
kipai wag.\n
1. cake made of fried rice or peanuts or sesame seeds with palm
sugar. 2. see KEPANG 1.\n
kipar see KEPAR.\n
kipas 1 fan. 2 propeller (of plane, etc.).\n
kipat shake, shale off.\n
kiper goalie, goalkeeper.\n
1. (Java) gait, pace, progress. 2. part of Java dance which displays
making up and dressing.\n
kiprat 1. 1) spurt out, jump. 2) hit. 2. splash s.o. or s.t.\n
kipsiau (China) teakettle.\n
kipu craftsman.\n

1 examination, test. 2 motor vehicle inspection. 3 get o.s.

examinated, get s.t. inspected.\n
kira guess, reckon, suppose.\n
kira-kira 1 approximately, about, around. 2 estimate. 3 perhaps, do you thing.
4 probably. 5 reasonable, within reason.\n
1. carnival. 2. (Java) a ritual procession moving in a circle (e.g.
bridal couples, heirlooms, etc.).\n
1. 1) shake out (wet laundry, tablecloth, rug). 2) winnow (rice, etc.).
kirai 3) spread (rice) out to dry. 4) flap (its wings, etc.), push open (a
door). 2. long strip. 3. k.o. palm tree. kirai-an open spice.\n
kirana (Java) 1 ray. 2 beautiful.\n
1. 1) hit (with its wings, of an angry goose, hen). 2) flap. 3) flutter
(of wings, flag). 2. disappear, vanish (of ideals, etc.).\n
kiras k.o. timber tree.\n
kirau not quite ripe (of fruit).\n
kirbat bag to hold water, wine etc.\n
1 left. 2 (Naut.) port. 3 command to driver to pull over to let
kiri passenger out. 4 leftist. 5 awkward 9behavior). 6 left-handed. 7
unfortunate, unfavorable.\n
kirik 1. mengk-kirik shuder (from fear). 2. pup.\n
kirim kirim-salam/tabik send greetings or regards.\n
1 shipment, consigment, s.t. sent. 2 missive, missile. 3 item left for
kiriman safekeeping. 4 rain or some other natural phenomena which comes
out of season.\n
kirmizi (Lit.) scarlet, crimson.\n
kirtya (Lit.) society, organization.\n
kiruh see KERUH 1.\n
kirut-mirut wrinkles.\n
kis box, chest.\n
kisa 1 small purse. 2 small purse net for coastal fishing.\n
1 story. 2 narrative. kisah-bersambung serialized story. kisah-
perjalanan travelogue. ber-kisah tell a story. peng-kisah narrator.\n
kisai meng-kisai sift (rice). kisai-an sifter, sieve.\n
kisar rotation (of the earth on its axis).\n
kisaran 1 revolution, turn. 2 milling (of wheat, etc.). 3 vortex.\n
kisas retribution.\n
kisat see KESAT.\n
kisi 1 grill, lattice, trellis.\n
kisik whisper. kisar-an gossip.\n
/kismet/ 1 fate, destiny. 2 an interjection expressing resignation,
kismat What can o. do ?\n

kismis raisin.\n
kisruh 1 chaotic, anarchic. 2 confused, disorganized.\n
kissah see KISAH.\n
kista cyst.\n
kisut 1 wrinkled, dried up (of skin, etc.). 2 creased (of clothes, etc.).\n
kiswah (Islam) veil that covers the Kabah.\n
kit (Coll.) square, paid up.\n
1 we (including person addressed), our, us. 2 (Coll.) I (somewhat
kita more humble than aku/gua).\n
kitab 1. (Lit.) 1) book. 2) holy book. 2. partition in a cow\'s stomach.\n
kitabi possessing the scriptures (of the Christians and Jews).\n
kitang /kitang-kitang/ k.o. small sea ish with venomous dorsal spines.\n
kitar memper-kan, meng-kan shove or push s.o. aside.\n
kitaran orbit.\n
kitik meng-kitik-kitik tickle s.o.\n
kiting a bit, a little.\n
kitiran 1 propeller, windmill.\n
kiu billiard cue.\n
kiuk dominoes.\n
kiut see KICUT.\n
kiwir-kiwir float in the wind.\n
kizib (Lit.) lie, falsehood.\n
[Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Consulate
kk [Kepala Keluarga] head of family, households.\n
[KuliahKerja Nyata] obligatory (rural) social action internship for
advanced university students.\n
kko [Korp Komando ] Marine Corps.\n
kl- see also entries with kl-.\n
kl. 1. [kelas] class. 2. [kurang lebih] more or less, approximately.\n
klabet see KELABAT.\n
klabmalam nightclub.\n
klaim claim.\n
klak-klak sound of clicking, clickety-clack (e.g. of shoes).\n
klakep see CEP 1.\n
klakson (Auto.) horn.\n
klan clan.\n
klar see KELAR 1.\n
klaras (Java) dry banana leaf.\n
klarifikasi clarification.\n
klarinet clarinet.\n
klas see KELAS 1.\n
klasemen classification.\n
klash /kles/ military clash.\n
klasi see KELASI 1.\n
klasifikasi classification.\n
klasik /klasika/ classic.\n
klasikal classical.\n
klat rough draft.\n
klausa (Ling.) clause.\n
klausul /klausula/ (Leg.) clause, article (Law).\n
klaver (Crd.) clubs.\n
klavier,klavir piano.\n
klawar see KLAVER.\n
klecam-klecem (Java) smile.\n
kledi k.o. mouth organ from Kalimantan.\n
klelep see KELELAP.\n
1. clamp. klem-besi iron strap. meng-klem 1) clamp together, rivet.
2) stencil s.t. 2. see KLAIM.\n
klemak-klemek slow and sluggish.\n
1. k.o. cigarette in which tobacco is mixed with gum benzene
incense. 2. see KELEMBAK 1,2.\n
klen see KLAN.\n
kleneng k.o. small bell.\n
klenengan concert of gamelan music.\n
klenger see LENGAR.\n
secret mystical or magical practices of a questionable nature. klenik-
klenik-an charlatanism.\n
klentang sound of a bell.\n
klenteng 1 China temple. 2 pagoda.\n
klep valve.\n
klepek (Lit.) student of the STOVIA.\n
klepon k.o. steamed rice cake filled with palm sugar.\n
kleptomani kleptomania.\n
klerek see KELERAK.\n
kleren-hanger (Coll.) clothes hanger.\n
klerikal clerical.\n
klerk clerk.\n
klerus clergy.\n
kles see KLASH.\n
(Java) meng-klesot move squatting close to the ground in a
submissive attitude.\n
klesotan sitting on the floor.\n

kletek (Java) meng-kletek(i) peel s.t.\n

klewang single-edge sabre, sword with broad, curved blade.\n
kliar-klior aimless, without direction or goal.\n
klien client, customer.\n
klik 1 click (of camera, etc.). 2. clique.\n
klimaks climax.\n
klimatologi climatology.\n
klimis smooth, shiny, oily (of hair).\n
klimpungan be disoriented, confused.\n
kling sound of small bells.\n
klinik clinic.\n
kliningan see KELENENG.\n
klinis clinical.\n
klintir 1 clot. 2 small group.\n
klio spicy dish of meat stewed with coconut milk.\n
klip clip.\n
kliping clipping (as from a newspaper).\n
klips clips.\n
klir be clear, become clear.\n
klirak-klirik ogle.\n
kliring bank clearance, be cleared.\n
1 negative of photo. 2 print, picture slide of type shown in movie
house. 3 photograpic illustration. 4 cut, engraving. 5 cliche.\n
1 catch cold. 2 irritation. klisma-makanan stomach upset caused by
kliwer,kliwir kliwer-kliwer hanger (for clothes). ber-kliwir-an hang loosely.\n
kliwon (Java) the 5th day of the five-day week.\n
klm [Kapal Layar Motor] motorized sailing boat.\n
klobot (Java) dried corn husk used as cigarette wrapper.\n
klobotisme tendency toward extensive verbiage without content.\n
klojotan (Java) shake, tremble (from injury or illness).\n
klok bell-shaped (of skirts).\n
klolodan /kloloten/ choke from getting s.t. stuck in throat.\n
1. [kelompok pendengar] fans of a certain radio program. 2. (Biol.)
klontang-klantung hang or go about idly or without purpose.\n
klonyo see KELONYO.\n
klop see KELOP.\n
klorin chlorine.\n
klos see KELOS.\n
kloset water closet, toilet bowl.\n
klosot see KLESOT.\n

small motorized boat ranging in size from a dugout to a small

commercial boat.\n
klub 1 club. 2 clubhouse.\n
kluing (Java) millipede.\n
kluntang-kluntung hang around, roam about aimlessly.\n
klutuk see JAMBU.\n
kluwek see KELUAK.\n
kluwih (Java) k.o. breadfruit with many seeds.\n
kluyar-kluyur hang around, roam about with no purpose.\n
kluyur see KELUYUR.\n
km [Kapal Motor] MS (Motorship).\n
km. 1. [kilometer] kilometer. 2. [kamar] room.\n
kmb [Konperensi Meja Bundar] Round Table Conference.\n
[Koran Masuk Desa] a gvt. police by which newspapers are given
wider distribution in rural areas.\n
kmd. [komandan] commandant.\n
knalpot (Auto.) muffler.\n
[Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger] Dutch colonial army and
its members.\n
[Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat] the Central Indonesian National
knop see KENOP 1.\n
ko-dan non the o.\'s who collaborated (with the Dutch) and the o.\'s
who did not.\n
koa (China) k.o. card game.\n
koaci see KWACI.\n
koak sound of a crow, water buffalo, etc. koak-hitam k.o. bird.\n
koalisi coalition.\n
koar ber-koar 1 scream, shout, yell. 2 talk big, be arrogant.\n
kobah large drum.\n
kobak 1. a three-cornered tear (in a shirt, etc.). 2. see KUBAK.\n
1) small hole in the ground into which coins are tossed in game. 2)
puddle, wallow.\n
kobal,kobalt cobalt.\n
kobar flaming, in flames (forest, etc.).\n
kobaran the raging.\n
(Java) have the opportunity or chance. / kobe`r / Christian graveyard
of colonial times.\n
kobis see KUBIS.\n
kobnsultasi 1 consultation. 2 consult.\n
koboi 1 cowboy. 2 acting big.\n
kobok 1. 1) group (of people). 2) (Pol.) party. 2. finger bowl.\n
kocah-kacih busy doing this and that, niggling, fussing around.\n
kocai k.o. leek.\n
1. 1) hilarious, amusing. 2) smart, classy, dashing. 3) proud,
arrogant. 2. shaking (of a liquid).\n
kocar-kacir see KUCAR-KACIR.\n
koceh ng-(k)oceh talk nonsense.\n
kocek pocket in clothes.\n
koci see PURU.\n
kocik see KOCEK.\n
koclok see KOCOK.\n
kocoh haste. hurriedly, in a hurry.\n
meng-(k)ocok 1 shake, mix s.t. 2 mix, stir (egg, dough), shuffle
(cards). 3 rub hard. 4 incite s.o. to do s.t.\n
kocolan fry of the gabus fish used for bait.\n
1 hood (placed over a corpse or s.o. about to be hanget). 2 wrap-
kocong around cover with the loose ends bundled up and tied together (e.g. a
white cloth wrapped around a corpse in Islam rites).\n
kocor see KUCUR 1.\n
kodaeral [Komando Daerah Angkatan Laut] Regional Naval Command.\n
kodak camera. meng-kodak take a picture.\n
1. [Komando Daerah Militer] Regional Military Command. 2.
kodam [Komando Daerah Angkatan Udara] Air Force Regional
kodar see KADAR 1.\n
kodau [Komando Daerah Udara] Regional Airforce Command.\n
kode code. kode-etik code of ethics. kode-pos zip code.\n
1 in lots of 20. 2 of low quality, of the kind sold in lots of 20. 3
common, ordinary by the score.\n
koderat see KODRAT.\n
a score (the normal quantity of wholesale purchase of clothes or
kodifikasi codification.\n
kodim [Komando Distrik Militer] District Military Command.\n
kodok frog.\n
1 (Islam) God\'s omnipotence. 2 power (of nature). 3 nature or
kodrati see ADI.\n
kodya [kota madya] municipality.\n
koe see KOWE.\n
koefision coefficient.\n
koek quacking sound.\n
koeksistensi coexistence.\n
kogel-laher ballbearing.\n
kognossemen see KONOSEMEN.\n
koh see ENGKOH.\n
kohabitasi cohabitation.\n
[Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional] National Air Defense
koheren coheren.\n
koherensi coherence\n
kohesi cohesion.\n
kohir tax assessment list.\n
kohol k.o. eye salve.\n
kohong fetid, stinking (of rotten eggs, etc.).\n
koin (Coll.) coin.\n
koinsidensi coincidence.\n
koit (Vulg.) die, dead.\n
koitus coitus.\n
koja 1. water jar with a neck. 2. see KHOJA.\n
kojoh flooded (of ricefields).\n
kojol ter-kojol-kojol laugh convulsively.\n
kojor (Vulg.) drop dead.\n
1. 1) why ?, how come ? 2) a partical at the end of a phrase denying
kok a presumption or statement of the interlocutor. 2. /kok/
koka k.o. monkey.\n
kokain cocaine.\n
kokam [kontal kambing] k.o. fried cake.\n
kokang cock a rifle for firing.\n
kokas coke.\n
kokbrut 1 (Sl.) have sexual intercourse. 2 (Sl., Jakarta) damn you !.\n
koki (Coll.) cook, chef.\n
kokila seeKUKILA.\n
koko term of address or reference for o.\'s elder brother.\n
kokoh see KUKUH.\n
kokok crowing. kokok-beluk owl.\n
1. k.o. fern, bracken. 2. hunched over, doubled up (sitting or lying
down). ber-(kokol-kokol) shivering (with fever).\n
kokon cocoon.\n
kokop see KUKUP.\n
kokosan k.o. very sour lansium fruit.\n
1. clamp, bent hook. 2. gnarled (of hands, feet through arthritis, scar
kokot tissue, etc.).\n

kokpit (Av.) cockpit.\n

koktil cocktail.\n
1. cabbage. kol-kembang cauliflower. 2. k.o. minibus, name given to
kol passenger vans in general. 3. colt pistol. 4. 1) calculated, estimated.
2) collated. 5. brush (of a generator). 6 (Bri.) call.\n
kol. [kolonel] 1 colonel. 2 (Navy) captain.\n
kolaborator collaborator.\n
kolaburasi collaboration, esp. with the enemy.\n
kolah see KULAH 1.\n
1. sweet compote made of starchy fruits (cassava, bananas, etc.)
stewed in coconut milk and sugar. 2. see KULAK 2.\n
1 pond, pool. kolam-air water reservoir. kolam-(be)renang
swimming pool. kolam-kaca aquarium. 2 tank.\n
1. the fruit of the sugar palm. 2. to and fro, back and forth, up and
kolar see KORAL.\n
kole-kole (Ambon) dug-out canoe.\n
kolega colleague.\n
kolegial colleaguelike.\n
kolegialitas collegiality.\n
1 tapioca starch. 2 k.o. pastry made from wheat dough rolled into
kolek kolek-kolek small dinghy.\n
koleksi 1 collection. 2 church collection.\n
kolekte church collection.\n
kolektif collective.\n
kolektivisme collectivism.\n
kolektor /kolektur/ collector of the land tax.\n
kolemben columbine\n
koleng ber-koleng 1 float, bob up and down. 2 go hither.\n
kolera cholera.\n
kolese 1 lecture. 2 college.\n
kolesom ginseng.\n
kolesterol cholesterol.\n
koli piece, bag, bale.\n
kolibri humingbird.\n
kolik 1 bacterial infection. 2 colic.\n
kolintang k.o. Minahasa musical instrument similar to the marimba.\n
koloid,koloida colloid.\n
kolok see KULUK.\n
kolokan /kolo\'an/ mollycoddled, spoiled so that o. easily cries.\n
kolokasi collocation.\n
kolokial colloquial.\n
kolokium colloquium.\n
kololit k.o. liquid shoe polish.\n
kolom printed column.\n
kolomnis columnist.\n
kolone (Mil.) column.\n
kolonel 1 colonel. 2 (Navy) Captain.\n
1. 1) space underneath s.t. (a house, table, sky, etc.). 2) pit (as in
mine). 2. kolong-kolong, kolong-an rattan ring or bracelet.\n
koloni colony.\n
kolonial colonial.\n
kolonis colonist.\n
kolonisasi colonization.\n
kolonisir meng-kolonisir colonize.\n
kolonjono k.o. tall grass used as fodder.\n
kolonyet perfumed tissue.\n
kolor 1 drawstring. 2 shorts or undershorts. ng-(k)olor bootlick.\n
kolosal colossal.\n
kolot 1 old-fashion, traditional. 2 conservative.\n
kolporteur /kolportir/ 1 peddler, hawker. 2 canvasser (of subscriptions).\n
kolt see KOL 2.\n
kolumnis see KOLOMNIS.\n
kom (Coll.) cereal bowl.\n
koma 1. coma. 2. comma.\n
koma-koma saffron.\n
komak-kamik see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n
komala seeGEMALA.\n
komaliwan (Navy) eating utensils supplied on a boat.\n
komandan 1 commander. 2 commandant.\n
komandemen commandment.\n
komandite limited partner (in a business, o. who provides part of the capital
without participating in the management).\n
komanditer limited partnership.\n
1 command, area of military jurisdiction. 2 military command (to do
with moving lips but bot speaking aloud (as in offering a silent
kombali see KEMBALI.\n
kombang see KUMBANG.\n
kombek (Coll.) reconciliation of lovers.\n

kombi a Volkswagen minibus.\n

kombinasi combination. kombinasi-fitting combination plug or socket.\n
kombong (Java) stable, coop. kombong-an feeding trough for horses.\n
1. meng-kombor feed a horse. 2. (Java, Jakarta) too big in size, loose
fitting. 3. see ES.\n
komdak (Komando Daerah Kepolisian] Regional Police Command.\n
komedi see KOMIDI.\n
komendur 1 troop commander. 2 harbormaster. 3 district head.\n
komeng dwarfish, stunted in growth, diminutive.\n
komentar commentary.\n
komentator commentator.\n
komersial commercial.\n
komersialisasi commercialization.\n
komersiil,komersil see KOMERSIAL.\n
komes see KUMIS 2.\n
komet comet.\n
komfor see KOMPOR.\n
komfort comfort.\n
1 comedy. 2 theater. komidi-kuda circus. komidi-putar merry-go-
komik 1 clown, humorist, comic. 2 comics.\n
kominikasi see KOMUNIKASI.\n
kominike communique.\n
kominis see KOMUNIS.\n
komis administrative position immediately senior to that of a clerk.\n
komisariat 1 office of the commissioner. 2 police headquarters.\n
komisaris commissioner, superintendent.\n
1. 1) commision. 2) commitee (in parliament, etc.). meng-komisi
inspect, investigate. 2. 1) commission on a sale. 2) tip, brible.\n
komisioner commission agent.\n
komit see KOMET.\n
komite committee.\n
komitmen commitment.\n
komkoma see KOMA-KOMA.\n
komoditi commodity, raw materials as an item of trade.\n
1 an island of the Lesser Sundas. 2 the komodo dragon found on this
komodor commodore.\n
kompa see POMPA.\n
kompak 1 compact, dense. 2 cohesive (of a group). 3 unified.\n
kompanyi see KOMPENI.\n
kompanyon associate, colleague (esp. in business).\n
komparatif comparative.\n
kompartimen two or three departments combined.\n
kompartimentasi coordinating of several departments.\n
kompas 1. compass. 2. blackmail.\n
1 popular term for the Dutch E. India Company. 2 Dutch E. Indies
soldier or army. 3 Dutch rule (during the early colonial period).\n
kompensasi compensation.\n
kompensir mengk-kompensir compensate.\n
komperensi see KONFERENSI.\n
komperes see KOMPRES.\n
kompes 1 give s.o. the 3rd degree. 2 coerce, torture.\n
kompesan 1 the 3d degree. 2 coercion, torture.\n
kompeten competent.\n
kompetensi competence.\n
kompetisi competition.\n
kompi (Mil.) company.\n
kompilasi compilation.\n
/kompleks/ 1 complex. 2 (psychological) complex. 3 site, complex
(of buildings).\n
kompleksitas complexity.\n
komplemen complement, supplement.\n
komplementaritas complementarity.\n
komplementer complementary.\n
komplet complete.\n
komplikasi complication.\n
komplimen compliment.\n
komplit see KOMPLET.\n
1. (Jakarta) stupid. meng-komplong be agape. 2. komplong-Jepang
rubber sole of Japanese slippers (without the bands).\n
komplot 1 accomplise, henchman. 2 plot.\n
komplotan gang, ring.\n
kompoi see KONVOI.\n
kompol see OMPOL.\n
komponen component.\n
kompong 1 mutilated, mangled. 2 amputated, only a stump left (of limbs).\n
komponis composer.\n
kompor hot plate, stove, brazier.\n
kompos compost.\n
komposisi composition.\n
komprador comprador.\n
komprang (Java) 1 k.o. bell-bottom trousers. 2 loose-fitting (of pants).\n
komprehensi comprehension.\n
komprehensif comprehensive.\n
komprei comfrey.\n
kompres compress. s.t. applied as a compress.\n
kompresan kompresan\n
kompresi compression.\n
kompresor compressor.\n
kompromi /kompromis/ compromise.\n
kompromistis compromising (situation).\n
komputasi computation.\n
komputer computer.\n
komputerisasi computerization.\n
kompyuter see KOMPUTER.\n
komres [Komando Resort] Police District Command.\n
komsat (Kommunikasi Lewat Satelit] satellite communication.\n
komsek [Komando Sektor] Police Subdistrict Command.\n
komtabes [Komando Kota Besar] Metropolitan Police Command.\n
komunal communal.\n
komunalisme communalism.\n
komune commune.\n
komuni (Rel.) communion.\n
komunikasi communication.\n
komunikatif communicative.\n
komunike communique.\n
komunis communist.\n
komunisme communism.\n
komunistofobi irrational fear of communism.\n
komutasi commutation.\n
komutator o. who commutes (a juridic sentence).\n
komwil [Komando Wilayah] Subregional Police Command.\n
konan meng-konan-i assault, beat up s.o.\n
konang meng-konang-i discover, find out about.\n
konbes [Konperensi Besar] Major Conference.\n
koncah wavelet.fluctuate.\n
konci 1. (Coll.) female friend. 2. see KUNCI 1.\n
konco (Java) buddy, crony.\n
kondai chignon, hair bun.\n
1. 1) famous. 2) high official. 2. 1) invitation. 2) be invited, go to an
affair. 3. ditch, canal, small river.\n
kondangan 1 invitation. 2 be invited, go to an affair.\n
konde see KONDAI.\n
kondektur conductor on public transportation.\n
kondensasi condensation.\n
kondensator condenser.\n
kondisi condition.\n
kondite see KONDUITE.\n
kondom condom.\n
kondomisasi spreading the use of condoms.\n
kondor /kondoran/ inguinal hernia.\n
konduite /konduwite/ efficiency report.\n
kondum see KONDOM.\n
koneksi connection with s.o. in power.\n
koneksitas (Leg.) interconnection of jurisdictions.\n
koneng see KUNING, KUNYIT.\n
koneometri geometry involving problems.\n
konfederasi confederation.\n
konfeksi ready-made clothes.\n
konferensi conference.\n
konfidensi confidence.\n
konfidensial /konfidensiil/ confidential.\n
konfigurasi configuration.\n
konfirmasi confirmation.\n
konfiskasi confiscation.\n
konflik conflict.\n
konform be in conformity.\n
1 the police of political and armed confrontation with Malaysia of
the early 1960s. 2 confrontational (attitude, behavior).\n
konfrontir mengk-konfrontir confront.\n
kong,kong-cu (China) master, teacher, champion.\n
kongesti congestion.\n
konggres see KONGRES.\n
konghucu Confucius.\n
kongkalikong intrigue, connivance with s.o. in power to get a favor.\n
kongkang see KUNGKANG 2.\n
kongkau see KONGKO.\n
kongking (China) k.o. card game.\n
kongko (China) talk, chat.\n
kongkoan 1 a chat. 2 council of China Officers (colonial period).\n
kongkol talking over s.t.\n
kongkong 1. loud bark of a dog. 2. see KUNGKUNG.\n
kongkow see KONGKO.\n
kongkret /kongkrit/ see KONKRET.\n
kongkretisasi concretization.\n
kongkretisir mengk-kongkretisir concretize.\n
kongkur see KONKURS.\n
kongkuren /kongkurensi/ see KONKURENSI.\n
kongkurs see KONKURS.\n
konglomerat /kon-glomerat/ conglomerate.\n
kongregasi congregation.\n
kongres congress, convention.\n
kongruen congruent.\n
kongsep see KONSEP 1,2.\n
(China) 1 commmercial association, partnership. 2 group,
kongsol see KONSUL 1.\n
[Komite Nasional Olah Raga Indonesia] the Indonesian National
Sports Commitee.\n
konifer conifer.\n
konjen [Konsulat Jenderal] Consulate General.\n
konjungsi conjunction.\n
konjungtur 1 business outlook. 2 business cycle. 3 upswing, favorable market.\n
konklusi conclusion.\n
konkordansi 1 (Rel.) concordance. 2 agreement.\n
konkret concrete, tangible, solid.\n
konkuren 1 rivalry. 2 compete.\n
konkurensi competition., rivalry.\n
konkurs match, contest.\n
konon 1 they say, purportedly. 2 I wonder. 3 perhaps, it seems.\n
konosemen bill of lading.\n
konotasi connotation.\n
konpeksi see KONFEKSI.\n
konpensi see KONVENSI.\n
konperensi see KONFERENSI.\n
konpergensi see KONVERGENSI.\n
konpoi see KONVOI.\n
konsekrasi consecration.\n
konsekrir mengk-konsekrir consecrate.\n
konsekuen consistent.\n
konsekuensi 1 consistency. 2 consequences.\n
konsekwen see KONSEKUEN.\n
konsekwensi see KONSEKUENSI.\n
konselet see KORSTSLETING.\n
konseling counseling.\n
konselor counselor.\n
konsensus consensus.\n
konsentrasi concentration.\n
konsentrat concentrate.\n
konsentrik concentric.\n
konsentrir mengk-konsentrir concentrate.\n
konsep 1. draft, rough copy. 2. konsepsi concept, notion, idea.\n
konsepsional /konsepsionil/ conceptual.\n
konseptor 1 conceiver. 2 drafter (of a plan).\n
konseptual conceptual.\n
konseptualisasi conceptualization.\n
konser /konsert/ concert, concerto.\n
konservasi conservation.\n
konservatif conservative.\n
konservatisme conservatism.\n
konservator curator (of a museum).\n
konservatori conservatory (of music).\n
konserven preserves.\n
1 concession, special privilege. 2 concessions, partial surrender of
o.,s own interest.\n
konsideran /konsiderans/ preamble.\n
konsignasi see KONSINYASI 2.\n
konsili (Rel.) church council.\n
konsinyasi 1. confinement to military base. 2. consignment.\n
konsinyator consignor.\n
konsinyering confinement to base.\n
konsinyi 1. consignee. 2. see KONSINYIR 1.\n
konsinyir 1. (Mil.) on alert. 2. consign.\n
konsisten consistent.\n
konsistensi consistency.\n
konsol see KONSUL 1,2.\n
konsolidasi consolidation.\n
konsolidir consolidate s.t.\n
konsonan consonant.\n
konsorsium consortium.\n
konspirasi conspiracy.\n
konspiratif conspiratial.\n
konstan 1 a constant. 2 constant, fixed.\n
konstatasi draw a conclusion, establish a fact.\n
konstatering ascertaining, establishing.\n
konstatir mengk-konstatir 1 mention, state. 2 establish a fact, ascertain.\n
konstelasi constellation.\n
konstipasi constipation.\n
konstituante constituent assembly.\n
konstitusi constituation.\n
konstitusional /konstitusionil/ constitutional.\n
konstruir mengk-konstruir construct.\n
konstruksi construction.\n
konstruktif constructive.\n
konsul 1. consul. 2. consultation.\n
konsulat consulate.\n
konsulen consultant.\n
konsuler consular (affairs).\n
konsult see KONSUL2.\n
konsultan consultant.\n
konsultatif consultative.\n
konsumen consumer.\n
konsumerisme consumerism.\n
konsumir mengk-konsumir consume.\n
konsumsi 1 consumption. 2 refresments.\n
konsumtif consumptive.\n
1. contact. 2. 1) light switch, ignition. 2) short circuit. 3 electric
kontal-kantil 1 dangle, swing to and fro. 2 flap.\n
kontaminasi contamination.\n
kontan 1 cash. 2 at that very moment. 3 flatly denying s.t.\n
kontang-kanting dangle.\n
konteks context.\n
konteler /kontelir/ district officer of the colonial era (controller).\n
kontemplasi contemplation.\n
kontemplatif contemplative.\n
kontemporer contemporary.\n
kontensius contentious.\n
kontes contest.\n
kontestan 1 contestant. 2 candidate (in election).\n
kontestasi dispute, conflict.\n
kontet stunted in growth.\n
kontinen cintinent.\n
kontinental continental.\n
kontingen contingent, part.\n
kontinu /kontinue/ continuous.\n
kontinuitas continuity.\n
kontinyue see KONTINU.\n
kontol (Vulg.) penis.\n
kontra contra.\n
kontradiksi contradiction.\n
kontradiktif contradictory.\n
kontradiktoris contradictory.\n
kontradisi see KONTRADIKSI.\n
kontraksi (Fin.) contraction (of money supply).\n
kontraktan contracting party.\n
kontraktor contractor.\n
kontraktual /kontraktuil/ contractual.\n
kontras contrast.\n
kontrasepsi contraception.\n
kontraseptif contraseptive.\n
kontrelir see KONTELER.\n
kontribusi contribution, donation.\n
kontrol /kontrole/ 1 control, supervision. 2 trip supervisor. 3 control.\n
kontrolir 1. controller, ticket taker. 2. see KONTELER.\n
kontroversi controversy.\n
kontroversial /kontroversiil/ controversial.\n
kontrrak contract. kontrak-an s.t. leased (out).\n
kontur contour.\n
konveks convex.\n
konveksi convection.\n
konvensi 1 convention, congress. 2 agreement. 3 convention, custom.\n
konvensional /konvensionil/ conventional.\n
konvergen convergent.\n
konvergensi convergence.\n
konversasi conversation.\n
konversi conversion.\n
konvertibel convertible (car).\n
konvoi convoy.\n
konvulsi convulsions.\n
konyak cognac.\n
konyan (China) New Year\'s celebration.\n
1 foolish, inviting, problem onto o.s. 2 constant bad luck. 3
incompetent, not up to snuff.\n
konyong sudden, suddenly.\n
konyungsi see KONJUNGSI.\n
konyungtur see KONJUNGTUR.\n
kooperasi see KOPERASI.\n
kooperatif see KOPERATIF.\n
koops [Komando Operasional] Operational Command.\n
koordinasi /ko\'ordinasi/ coordination.\n
koordinat /ko\'ordinat/ coordinate.\n
koordinator /ko\'ordinator/ coordinator.\n
koordinatorat office of coordinating staff.\n
koordinir /ko\'ordinir/ coordinate.\n
1. 1) head. 2) letterhead. 3 head of a recorder. 2. nge-kop give
kop cupping suction treatment by applying a heated glass to the skin.\n
kopah quantity of blood.\n
kopak 1. peel (potatoes, etc.). 2. see KUPAK.\n
kopasgat [Komando Pasukan Gerak Cepat] Rapid Action Force Command.\n
1. 1) flaccid (of breasts). 2 (in some regions only) teat. 2. meng-
kopek peel with the nails.\n
kopel 1. (Auto.) universal joint. 2. see RUMAH.\n
kopeleng /kopeling/ 1 clutch. 2 connection.\n
kopelrim a broad army belt (for carrying grenades, etc.).\n
koper see KOPOR.\n
koperak see KOPRAK.\n
koperal see KOPRAL.\n
koperasi 1 a cooperative (economic enterprise). 2 cooperation.\n
koperatif cooperative.\n
koperator cooperator.\n
kopet narrow (of opening, street, passage).\n
kopi 1. coffee. 2. copy, draft.\n
k.o. rimless cap, headdress worn by Muslim men and also by
Indonesian men in general as a symbol of national identity.\n
[Komando Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban] Command for the
Restoration of Security and Public Order.\n
/koplakan, kopla\'an/ place where carts minibuses, and other vehicles
gather to await paddengers.\n
koplam /koplamp/ headlight.\n
koplet see KUPLET.\n
kopling see KOPELENG.\n
kopok /kopokan/ have a runny ear.\n
kopong (Java,Jakarta) empty, hollow.\n
kopor 1 trunk, footlocker. 2 suitcase.\n
kopra copra.\n
koprak bamboo clapper to frighten birds.\n
kopral 1 (Mil.) corporal. 2 (Navy) petty officer 3d class.\n
koprol somesault, tumble.\n
kopula (Ling.) copula.\n
kopur (Fin.) denomination.\n
kopure denomination, note of money.\n
1 shake s.t., esp. to blend or mix it up. 2 shake up pieces of paper for
lottery. 3 (Coll.) dancing.\n
a coconut that has developed differently from the others in the bunch
kopyor and has soft flesh blended with the juice and is esp. tasty and highly
prized for snacks.\n

kor choir.\n
korah 1 sphere. 2 spherical.\n
[kommando perak] 1 name of a crime organization that specializes
in pilfering from delivery trucks. 2 petty extortionist.\n
koral coral.\n
[Komando Rayon Militer] Military Headquarters at the ward
[kecamatan] level.\n
koran (Islam) the Qur\'an.\n
korat-karit dislocated, scattered, in disorder.\n
1 sacrifice. 2 (Islam) religious offering, the offering made at rites
celebrating idul adha. 3 victims.\n
korden see GORDEN.\n
kordinasi see KOORDINASI.\n
kordinat see KOORDINAT.\n
kordinir see KOORDINIR.\n
kordon cordon worn with an academic gown.\n
kored k.o. small hoe with short handle.\n
korek matches, cigarette lighter. korek-kuping earpick.\n
koreksi correction.\n
koreksian 1 corrected material. 2 papers to be corrected.\n
korektif corrective.\n
korektor 1 proofreader. 2 corection fluid (for stencils).\n
korelasi correlation.\n
[Komando Resort Militer] Military Command (at a level below the
koreng 1 sore, ulceration. 2 scab (over a sore).\n
korengan suffer from skin infections.\n
koreografer choreographer.\n
koreografi choreography.\n
kores [Komando Resort] District Police Command.\n
koresponden (newspaper) correspondent.\n
korespondensi correspondence.\n
koresta [Komando Resort Kota] Metropolitan Police Command.\n
koret 1. leftovers. 2. see KOREK 1. 3. see KURET.\n
kori 1. (Java) door. 2. see QARI.\n
koriah see QARIAH.\n
koridor corridor.\n
korma see KURMA.\n
korned see KORNET 2.\n
kornel 1. (Sport) corner kick. 2. see KOLONEL.\n
kornet 1. canned corned beef. 2. see KENEK.\n
korok 1. excavation, excavated tunnel. snore.\n

koroner a coronary (attack).\n

korong surroundings.\n
korosi corrosion.\n
korosif corrosive.\n
korporasi Corporation.\n
[Korp Pegawai Republik Indonesia] the Indonesian Civil Service
korps /korep, koreps/ corps.\n
korsase corsage.\n
korsel merry-go-round, carousel.\n
korset corset.\n
korsi see KURSI 1.\n
korsleting see KORTSLETING.\n
korting discount.\n
kortison cortisone.\n
kortsleting 1 short circuit. 2 (Coll.) misunderstand e.o.\n
korum see KUORUM.\n
korup corrupt.\n
korupsi corruption, graft.\n
koruptor o. who is corrupt.\n
korut [Korea Utara] North Korea.\n
korve corvee.\n
korvet k.o. warship, a corvette.\n
kos 1 room and board or just board. 2 board with s.o.\n
kosak-kasik 1 rustling. 2 fidgeting, restless.\n
kosakata vocabulary, glossary.\n
kosambi see KESAMBI.\n
kosar k.o. autocarpus tree yielding edible fruits and timber.\n
kosbas landlord, landlady.\n
kosek door mat.\n
1 hem and haw. 2 work in fits and starts. 3 have difficulty with tough
kosen 1. window or door frame. 2 brave, courageous, daring.\n
koset see KESET 2.\n
kosinus (Math.) cosine.\n
kosmetik /kosmetika/ cosmetics.\n
kosmografi cosmography.\n
kosmologi cosmology.\n
kosmonaut /kosmonot/ cosmonaut.\n
kosmopolit /kosmopolitan/ cosmopolite, a sophisticate.\n
kosmos cosmos.\n
kosok kosok-balik antonym, opposite, reverse.\n
1 empty, blank, zero. 2 (Crd) void suit. 3 unoccupied. 4 hole, empty
kosong space.\n

kosponser cosponsor.\n
kost see KOS.\n
koster manager of a rectory.\n
kosthuis /koshoys/ boarding house.\n
kostik caustic (soda).\n
/kostum/ 1 costum. 2 woman\'s Westernstyle clothing. 3 dress
uniform, formal dress.\n
kostranas [Komando Strategi Nasional] National Strategic Command.\n
kota 1 city, town. 2 fort. kota-an urbane, from the city.\n
kotah total.\n
kotai 1 hang down (as of old fruit). 2 left to dry up, desicated.\n
1 box. 2 compartment, cubicle. 3 drawer. 4 boxshaped section of a
garden divided into beds, of paddy fields, etc.\n
kotak-katik motion by which s.o. indicates his presence.\n
kotamara parapet.\n
kotangen /kotangens/ (Math.) cotangent.\n
kotbah see KHOTBAH.\n
1. 1) tail feather. 2) tail plumed with a tuftlike end (e.g. of a comet).
2. a cackle (of a hen).\n
koteka penis sheath of Irian.\n
koteng ter-koteng-koteng alone, friendless.\n
koterek see KOTREK.\n
kotes bits of thread or lint.\n
[Kolera, Tipes, Paratipes] immunization against cholera, typhoid,
and paratyphoid.\n
1. kotok-ayam having defective vision, i.e. nearsighted or suffering
from night blindness. 2. short (of pants legs).\n
kotong cut off, amputated.\n
1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 dirty, vile, filthy (words, etc.). 3 gross (of
income, profits).\n
kotoran 1 feces, dung, manure. 2 muck, waste. 3 impurity.\n
kotrek corkscrew.\n
kotum quota.\n
kover /kafer, kofer/ .\n
kowad [Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat] Army Women\'s Corps.\n
ber-kowak-kowak 1 jabber, chatter. 2 shout (of drunkards, people
wild with joy or excitement).\n
kowal [Korps Wanita Angkatan Laut] Navy Women\'s Corps.\n
kowe (Coll., Derog., Java, Jakarta) you.\n
kowek see KUWEK.\n
kower see KOAR.\n
kowil [Komando Wilayah) Police Subregion Command.\n
kowilhan [Komando Wilayah Pertahanan] Defence Territorial Command.\n
kowiltabes [Komando Wilayah Kota Besar] Metropolitan Police Command.\n
1 torn, ripped. 2 lacerated (of the hand, etc.). koyak-koyak in rags or
tatters. koyak-an tear, rip, rent.\n
koyakan tear, rip, rent.\n
koyan measurement of weight or capacity (27-40 piculs).\n
koye see KOHIR.\n
koyer (Sport) pitcher in games where a ball is thrown to be batted back.\n
/koyok/ 1. nonsense. 2. (China salve put in a medical plaster. 3 stray
kozyn see KOSEN 1.\n
kpd. [kepada] to.\n
[Koninkliske Paketvaart Maatschappij] The Royal Mail Packet Lines
(of the colonial era).\n
kr- seealso entries with ker-.\n
krah see KERAH 2.\n
kram see KERAM 1.\n
krama see KROMO.\n
kraman rebellion.\n
kramat see KERAMAT.\n
kran see KERAN 1.\n
kranggang k.o. red ant.\n
krans funerary wreathe.\n
krasan (Coll.) feel at home, like a place o. is new at.\n
krat crate, case of 24 bottles.\n
kraton see KERATON.\n
kre see KERAI.\n
kreasi creation.\n
kreatif creative.\n
kreativitas creativity.\n
kreator creator.\n
krecek buffalo skin processed for eating.\n
kreda see KRIDA.\n
kredap ber-kredap-an glitter, shine, flicker.\n
kredep scintillate.\n
kredibilitas (Fin.) credibility.\n
kredit credit.\n
kreditir /kreditor/ creditor.\n
kredo (Rel.) credo, creed.\n
krei see KERAI.\n
krem 1 cream of milk. 2 skin-care salve. 3 cream colored, light-yellow.\n
kremasi cremation.\n
krematorium crematorium.\n
kremes k.o. cake made of cassava and palm sugar.\n
kremi see KEREMI.\n
krempeng see KEREMPANG.\n
kremus chew a.t. crispy into small pieces.\n
creolin, a preparation of creosol and resin soap used as a deodorant
and disinfecrant.\n
kreosot creosote.\n
krep crepe paper.\n
krepyak blinds.\n
kreseh-peseh see KARESEH-PESEH.\n
kresek 1. see KERESEK. 2. thin plastic bag with handle.\n
kresna central figure of the Mahabharata.\n
kresten see KRISTEN.\n
1. k.o. cigarette containing choped cloves. 2. (Java) horse-drawn
kri [Kapal Republik Indonesia] an Indonesian Flagship.\n
kriat-kriut see KERIANG-KERIUT.\n
kribo frizzy (of hair, like Africans, Melanesian, etc.).\n
kricika (od.) Scorpio.\n
krida activity, physical activity (as opposed to office, school work).\n
kridit see KREDIT.\n
kriditor pupil who must repeat many school subjects.\n
kriir create.\n
krim seeKREM.\n
kriminal /kriminil/ criminal (law, ast, etc.).\n
kriminalitas /kriminalitet/ criminality.\n
kriminologi criminology.\n
1. cell, small group of believers who work together (e.g. Catholics,
etc.). 2. see KERING 2.\n
kripik see KERIPIK.\n
krisis crisis.\n
kristal crystal.\n
kristalisasi crystallization.\n
kristalisir crystallize.\n
kristen 1 Christian. 2 Protestan.\n
kristenisasi /kristianisasi/ Christianization.\n
kristus Christ.\n
kriteria criteria.\n
kriterium criterion.\n
kritik 1 criticism. 2 critical.\n
kritikal critical.\n
kritikus critic.\n
kritis critical, serious (of patient, situation).\n
kritisi see KRITIKUS.\n
kriuk-kriuk see KERIUK.\n
kriwil see PRIWIL.\n
kriya skill.\n
kriyawan male salesclerk.\n
kriyawati female slaesclerk.\n
1. k.o. small snail. 2 of little value, of no great importance. 3 loest
economic class.\n
kroket croquettes.\n
krokot purslane.\n
krol see KERUL.\n
1 the polite form of Java used to and among upper-class people. 2
the common people.\n
kromosom chromosome.\n
krompyang 1 sound of s.t. crashing to the floor. 2 sound of tin cans.\n
kron see KERON.\n
kroncong see KERONCONG 1.\n
krong see KERONG.\n
kronik chronicle.\n
kronis chronic.\n
kronologi chronology.\n
kronologis chronological.\n
kropok 1 empty, without concent. 2 soft, weak. 3 moldy.\n
krosak see KEROSAK.\n
krosboi (Coll.) delinquent youth.\n
krosgirl (Coll.) female delinquent.\n
krosmama (Coll.) a woman who goes after young men.\n
krosok see KEROSOK 1.\n
krospapa a man who goes after young women.\n
kroto red ant eggs (fed to birds).\n
krtikawan literary critic.\n
kruis crotch.\n
kruk crutches.\n
krukas crankcase.\n
krul see KERUL.\n
kruntel (Java) rolled up, curled.\n
krupuk see KERUPUK.\n
krupukan confused, doing s.t. hastily.\n
krus see KERUS, KURS.\n
krutuk bombard.\n
ks [Kepala Staf] Chief of Staff.\n
ksatria see KESATRIA.\n
ktp [Kartu Tanda Penduduk/Pengenal] residence indentification card.\n
ktt [Konperensi Tingkat Tinggi] Summit Conference.\n
ku see KUE.\n
ku- first person agent marker of passive verb.\n
kuaci see KWACI.\n
kuade seat at which couples sit in wedding ceremony.\n
kuadran quadrant.\n
kuadrat quadrate.\n
kuah gravy, broth, thin sauce, (thin) dressing.\n
kuak 1. low (of buffalo), croak (of frogs). 2. part (in the hair).\n
kuala estuary, river mouth, confluence.\n
kualahan see KEWALAHAN.\n
kualat 1 accursed, damned. 2 struck down by a calamity.\n
1 wide-mouthed clay pot for cooking. 2 (in some regions only) iron
kualifikasi 1 qualification, limitation. 2 qualification, fitness, eligibility\n
kualitas quality.\n
kualitatif qualitative.\n
kualitet quality.\n
kualon step-(relation). ibu-kualon stepmother.\n
kuangwung k.o. beetle in coconut trees.\n
kuantitas quantity.\n
kuantitatif quantitative.\n
kuantum quantum.\n
kuap a yawn.\n
kuar meng-kuar loosen or undo with a stick.\n
kuarsa quartz.\n
kuarsit quartzite.\n
a period of three months. kuartal-an 1 quarterly examination. 2 s.t. to
mark the beginning of a threemonth period.\n
kuartir quarters.\n
1. 1) small brush for painting, writing. 2) shaving brush. 3)
applicator. 2. k.o. lemonade.\n
kuas-kais scratch the ground (of a chicken, etc.).\n
1 power, might. 2 authority given to s.o. 3 capable, able, powerful.1
kuasa dominate. 2 take charge, be in command. 3 master (a language, a
raging fire, etc.). 4 have control over (o.\'s feelings).\n

1 strong, powerful. 2 sturdy. 3 forceful (personality), fervent

(believer, etc.). 4 be able to. 5 loud (of voice, noise).\n
kuatir afraid, apprehensive about.\n
kuau k.o. pheasant.\n
kuaya gall, bile.\n
kuayah k.o. climbing plant.\n
kuba Cuba. mengk-kuba (Coll.) hijack a plane.\n
kubah 1 dome, vault, cupola. 2 (Mil.) turret.\n
kubak meng-kubak 1 peel 9potatoes, etc.). 2 strip (bark from a tree).\n
kubang mudhole, mudpuddle.\n
kubat arch.\n
kubek (Jakarta, Java) 1 turn s.t. around. 2 stir.\n
kubik 1. meng-kubik peel (with the fingernails). 2 cubic.\n
kubil (Jakarta) swollen (of eyes).\n
kubin k.o. flying lizard.\n
kubis cabbage.\n
kubit tiny bit.\n
kubra 1 unsuccessful, afailure. 2 left undone.\n
kubti Coptic.\n
kubu 1 fortification, fortress, stockade. 2 bunker, entrenchment.\n
kubung 1. flying lemur. 2. box for raising mushrooms.\n
kubur grave, tomb.\n
kubus cube.\n
kucai 1. k.o. leek or green onion. 2. be isolated from o.\'s friends.\n
kucak see KOCAK 2.\n
kucam pale, wan, drained (of energy or vitality).\n
kucar-kacir 1 in disorder, in a mess. 2 disorganized, inadequately supervised.\n
kucek 1 rub. 2 do the laundry. 3 crush, grind, mash.\n
kucel crumpeled, creased.\n
kucerpen [kumpulan cerita pendek] collection of short stories.\n
kucica k.o. small bird.\n
1 expel (from family, clan, relationship, political party, etc.),
ostracize, excommunicate. 2 squeeze out (toothpaste, glue, etc.).\n
kucindan see KECANDAN.\n
kucing cat, a feline.\n
1 calf (of leg). 2 biceps, muscle of leg or arm. 3 toy litten. 4 play
kucing-kucingan tag.\n
1 cowlick. 2 tuft of hair (left on top of a child\'s shaved head). 3
tassel. 4 pigtail.\n
kuco village chief (in Japanese times).\n
kucung see KOCONG.\n
kucup 1. be closed (of s.t. that folds up). 2. see KECUP.\n
kucur 1 gushing, pouring forth. 2. k.o. fried cake of rice flour.\n
kucut see KECUT 1.\n
1 horse. 2 (Che.) knight. 3 a vaulting horse for gymnastics. 4
timbering for a roof.\n
kudai 1 small, rattan basket. 2 round silver betel leaf holder.\n
kudang (Java) coo, talk babytalk.\n
kudangan wish or request by fianceee that her future husband must fulfill.\n
kudap /kudap-kudap/ snack, tidbit.\n
kudeta coup d\'etat. meng-kudeta carry out a coup d\'etat.\n
kudi 1. k.o. machete. 2. see KODI.\n
kudian see KEMUDIAN.\n
kudil /kudis/ scabies.\n
kudrat see KODRAT.\n
kudrati see ADI.\n
kudu 1. flower. 2. (Java) must, have to. 3. k.o. red dye.\n
kuduk 1. nape of the neck. 2. see NASI.\n
kudung 1. crippled, maimed. 2. veil.\n
kudus holy, sacred, sacrosanct.\n
kue /kueh/ cooky, cake.\n
kue /kueh/ cooky, cake.\n
kuek noise, ado, commotion.\n
kufu see KUPU, KUPUAN.\n
kufur infidel, atheist, unbeliever.\n
kuhap [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana] Criminal Code.\n
kuhd [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang] code of business law.\n
1. [Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana] Criminal Code. 2. [Kasih
Uang Habis Perkara] (Coll.) Give me money and that is that.\n
kui 1. goldsmith\'s crucible. 2. genuflect.\n
kuih see KUE.\n
kuil temple or shrine currently used by practicing Indian Hindus.\n
kuin (Crd.) queen.\n
kuing yelping of a dog.\n
kuini k.o. mango.\n
kuintal measure of 100 kilograms.\n
kuintet quintet.\n
kuir weeding sickle.\n
1. meng-kuis(kan) 1) kick s.t. aside. 2) scratch the earth (of a
chicken, etc.). 3) stir up (a fire). 2. quiz.\n
kuit kuit-gamit beckon (s.o to approach).\n
kuitansi see KWITANSI.\n
kuiz see KUIS 2.\n
kujang cleaver, chopping knife.\n
kujur 1. spear for catching fish. 2. stiff, rigid. se-kujur the entire (body).\n
kujut ber-kujut hang strangle or choke o.s.\n
kuk 1 yoke. 2 collar, harness.\n
kukai k.o. fish.\n
kukang 1. see KUNGKANG 2. 2. see KOKANG.\n
kukila 1 mynah bird. 2 (Java) bird in general.\n
kuku 1 fingernail, toenail. 2 claw, s.t. like a claw. 3 hoof.\n
kukuh 1 sturdy, strong (house, etc.), hefty. 2 firm, tenacious.\n
kukuk see KOKOK.\n
kukukbeluk k.o. owl.\n
kukukkeruyuk cock-a-doodle-doo.\n
kukul 1. acne, pimple. 2. see KOKOL 2.\n
kukup alluvium, silt.\n
kukur 1. cooing (of a dove). 2. grater.\n
kukuruyak see KUKUKERUYUK.\n
kukus 1. marten. 2. steam, vapor. kukus-an rice steamer.\n
kukut adopted.\n
kul see KOL 2.\n
1. a small basin us. build into the bathroom for bathing and other
purposes. 2. k.o. mango.\n
kulai drooping, hanging down.\n
1. a cubic measture for rice, etc. 2. buy goods for resale. kulak-an
kulan k.o. tree of forest that furnishes guttapercha.\n
kulansing see BATU.\n
kulasi see OKULASI.\n
kulat toadstool, mushroom, fungus.\n
kuldi see BUAH.\n
kuli coolie, laborer, porter.\n
kuliah university lecture.\n

kulik scream of a bird. ber-kulik cry out, scream (of birds of prey).\n
kulikat disposition, character.\n
kulim k.o. hardwood.\n
kulino (Java) 1 be accustomed to. 2 be good at doing s.t.\n
kulintang see KOLINTANG.\n
kulipat 1 successor. 2 deputy.\n
kulir trowel.\n
1 skin. 2 hide, leather. 3 (tree) bark. 4 peel, husk, shell, crust. 5 cover
(of a magazine).\n
kulkas refrigerator, icebox.\n
kulliah see KULIAH.\n
kulminasi culmination.\n
kulon (Java) west.\n
1 (Java) what is called out to announce o.\'s arival at s.o.\'s house,
ask to come in. 2 (Coll.) ask for an OK to proceed.\n
kultivir cultive.\n
kultur culture.\n
kultural /kulturil/ cultural.\n
kultus cult.\n
kulub 1. heart (as seat of emotions). 2. boil or steam (vegetables).\n
kuluk (Java) a man\'s court headdress shaped like a fez.\n
kulum-kulum millipede.\n
kulup 1 foreskin. 2 appellation for boys. ber-kulup not circumcised.\n
kulur k.o. breadfruit with many seeds.\n
kulut k.o. hardwood similar to the lansium.\n
kuluyak (China) sweet and sour cooking.\n
kulzum see LAUT.\n
kuma-kuma see KOMA-KOMA.\n
kumai notch.\n
1 rumpled, disheveled of clothes. 2 dingy of a room. 3 dog-eared (of
kumala see GEMALA.\n
kuman germ, microbe.\n
kumandang echo, reverberation.\n
kumanga /kumango/ see BARANG 1.\n
kumat have a relapse.\n
kumat-kamit see KOMAT-KAMIT.\n
kumba 1 basin, bowl. 2 the protuberance on the forehead of an elephant.\n
kumbah 1 wash, do the laundry. 2 rinse.\n
1 bumblebee. 2 beetle. 3 black (color of animal). meng-kumbang
kumbar k.o. thorny, stemless palm resembling the Salacca.\n
kumbara see EMBARA.\n
kumbik the candlenut tree and its fruit.\n
kumbu narrow-mouthed basket for holding freshly caught fish.\n
kumico head of a quarter (during the Japanese occupation).\n
kumidi see KOMIDI.\n
kumilap see KELAP.\n
kumin granule, mole.\n
kuminter (Java) thing o. is smart when o. is not.\n
1. mustache. kumis-kucing a herb the leaves of which have diuretic
properties. 2. see KOMIS.\n
kumisi see KOMISI 1,2.\n
kumit mote.\n
kumkuma see KOMA-KOMA.\n
kumlah see MATI.\n
1. ter-kumpal-kumpal be tossed about (esp. a difficult situation). 2.
see GUMPAL.\n
kumpar wind (thread, twine, etc.) on a spool.\n
kumparan 1 spool, reel. 2 coil, bobbin.\n
kumpi great grandparent.\n
kumplit see KOMPLET.\n
kumpul (Mil.) fall in !. kumpul-kebo live together out of matrimony.\n
1 collection. 2 horde, drove. 3 herd (of cattle). 4 (Coll.)
kumuh dirty, vile, base, low.\n
kumulasi cumulation.\n
kumur ber-kumur rinse the mouth. ber-kumur-kumur gargle.\n
kumus k.o. forest tree yielding good timber and resin.\n
1. apron, skirt. 2. (Islam) come into being. kun-fayakun ! Become !
And it came into being.\n
kuna see KUNO.\n
kunang-kunang firefly, glowworm.\n
kuncah 1 bale of straw. 2 measure for a bale.\n
kuncara (Lit.) famous, renowned.\n
kuncen caretaker of a sacred place.\n
1. 1) key. 2) key, solution. 3) lock, fastening. 4) wrench. 5) joints. 6)
locked, fastened. 2. see TEMU 1.\n
kuncir /kuncit/ see KUCIR.\n
1 tuft, crest (of feathers). 2 tuft of hair from the crown to the
kuncung forehead.\n

kuncup 1. bud (of flower. 2 closed (of flowers). 3 not circumcised.\n

kundai see KONDAI.\n
kundang see KONDANG 2.\n
kundektur see KONDEKTUR.\n
1 wax gounrd, alarge green melon-shaped fruit growing on vines and
eating as a vegetable. 2 go home (honorific, Java).\n
kung (Java) having a properly developed voice (of a dove).\n
kungkang 1 sloth. 2. k.o. large frog. gnaw at s.t.\n
kungki k.o. large forest tree yielding a hard but undurable timber.\n
kungkum (Java) diri bathe submerging o.s. in the water.\n
kungkung shackles, locks (for a prisoner).\n
yellow. kuning-gading ivory colored, cream colored. kunign-
kuning kepodang canary yellow. kuning-mas golden. kuning-telur egg yolk.
kuning-an brass.\n
kunir (Java) see KUNYIT.\n
1. ber-kunjung pay a visit, call on s.o. 2. tak-kunjung never (was it,
willit be).\n
kuno 1 ancient. 2 old-fashioned, dated.\n
kuntal-kantil see KONTAL-KANTIL.\n
kuntau China boxing (kung-fu).\n
kuntet see KONTET.\n
/kuntilanak/ (Java) a malicious supernatural beiong that is the spirit
kuntianak of a woman who died in childbirth and that appears as a beautiful
young woman with a hole in her back.\n
kuntit meng-kuntit(i) tail, shadow, follow s.o.\n
kuntuan China silk.\n
kuntul 1. heron, egret. 2. tailles (of fowl). 3 see KONTOL.\n
1 flower bud ready to open. 2 (Lit.) a budding girl. 3 classifier or
counter for flowers.\n
kuntung pigtail as formerly worn by China men.\n
kunun see KONON.\n
kunut see DOA.\n
meng-kunyah 1 chew, masticate. 2 digest (advice, a problem, etc.)
kunyah-an cud.\n
kunyam shrunken, sunken (of cheeks from loss of teeth).\n
kunyit turmeric.\n
kunyuk 1 monkey. 2 a stupid person, an idiot.\n
kunyung see KONYONG.\n
kuorum quorum.\n
kuota quota.\n
kuoyu /kwo-i/ (China) Mandarin Chinese.\n
kup 1. howdah (on elephant). 2 coup, political power move.\n
kupak broken, damaged.\n
kupang 1. k.o. shellfish. 2. a coin of former times.\n
1 remove peel or shells. 2 strip s.o. (of clothes). 3 analyze (a
kupasan 1 peels. 2 analysis.\n
kupat-kapit 1 wagging (of a tail). 2 dangling limply.\n
kupel cupola.\n
kuper [kurang pergaulan] (Sl.) socially awkward.\n
kupet 1 bulb of a thermometer. 2 developing tray (in photography).\n
kupiah see KOPIAH.\n
ear. kuping-gajah 1 anthurium, caladium. 2 k.o. cookie in the shape
of an elephant ear.\n
1. cutter in tailor or dress shop. 2. meng-kupir (Crd.) cut (the
kuplet couplet.\n
kuplok see KULUK.\n
kupnat dark (in tailoring).\n
kupon coupon.\n
kupu /kupuan/ rank (by birth, nobility).\n
kupu-kupu butterfly. kupu-kupu-malam prostitute.\n
kupui large forest tree with reddish wood and edible fruit.\n
kupur 1. k.o. wild raspberry. 2. see KUFUR.\n
1. 1) coo (of a pigeon). 2) sound made in calling chickens to come
and eat. 2. see KOR.\n
kura (Anat.) spleen.\n
kura-kura turtle.\n
1 grain in wood. 2 vein in marble, damascened veins in a kris
kuran see KORAN.\n
1. 1) less, decrease. 2) minus, less, until (of time). 3) lack s.t. 4)
not...enough, not quite, do not quite. 2. (Med.) milt.\n
kurap ringworm. kurap-anjing mange.\n
kurapan 1 coered with scabs (of aninmals). 2 fraudulent.\n
kurapat see KHURAFAT.\n
1. printed paper folded over several times for binding into a book. 2.
kuras-otak brain drain.\n
kuratif curative, healing, therapeutic.\n
kurator 1 curator, keeper. 2 (Leg.) receiver (in bankruptcy).\n
kurawal braces (of graphics).\n

kurban see KORBAN.\n

kurcaci 1 Brownie Scout. 2 gnome, a small supernatural being.\n
kuret curette.\n
kurfa curve.\n
kuria (Rel.) parish (in the Batak area).\n
kurik speckled.\n
kurikuler curricular.\n
kurikulum curriculum.\n
kuring scabby, with sores.\n
kuriositas curiosity.\n
kurir courier.\n
kuririk cricket.\n
kurkuma 1 turmeric. 2 saffron.\n
kurma date palm, dates.\n
kurnia see KARUNIA.\n
kurou k.o. edible saltwater fish.\n
kurs (Fin.) a rate of exchange.\n
kursemangat see KUR 1.\n
1. 1) chair. 2) (official) position. 3) seat (in parliament). 2. see
kursif italics.\n
kursis course taker, o. who attend courses.\n
1 course (of study). 2 nondegree course offered outside of the
college or university system.\n
kurun 1 century, era. 2 time frame.\n
kurung 1 cage. 2 prison. 3 (Naut.) cabin. 4 parenttheis, brackets.\n
kurus 1 thin, emaciated, lean. 2 meager. 3 barren, sterile (land).\n
kurut ber-kurut be wrinkled.\n
kuruyuk crow (of a cock).\n
kus see DEKUS.\n
kusa elephant goad.\n
kusal roll s.t. between the hands (like a cigarette).\n
kusam 1 dull, lusterless. 2 dim, dull (of light). 3 pallid (of face).\n
kusau 1 confused, mixed up. 2 tousled (of hair).\n
kusen see KOSEN 1.\n
kusir coachman.\n
kuskus cuscus.\n
kusta leprosy.\n
kusuk 1. rub the body with leaves. 2. see KHUSYU.\n
kusuma (Java, Lit.) flower. kusuma-bangsa a nation\'s heroes.\n
kusus see KHUSUS.\n

1. 1) tousled (of hair). 2) tangled (of thread, etc.). 3) rumpled (of

kusut clothes). 4) complicated, involved, intricate. kusut-an kink, twist. 2.
see USUT.\n
kutak meng-kutak-an shake s.t. hard.\n
1 tinkering with, working on various things. 2 mixing into other
people\'s things.\n
1 camisole, a woman\'s underblouse used instead of a brassiere. 2
brassiere. 3 armored vest.\n
kutat-kutet be busily engaged in s.t.\n
kutet see KUTAT-KUTET.\n
kuti meng-kuti tear into very small strips.\n
kutik ber-kutik move slightly.\n
kutikula cuticle.\n
kutil wart.\n
kutilang see KETILANG.\n
kuting constantly follow.\n
1 pick up small bits (money, rice grains, etc.). 2 copy a portion, cite,
excerpt s.t.\n
1 louse. 2 name for fleas, ticks, and other insects which infest people
or animals.\n
a piece of cloth sewn between the lapels of a kebaya to cover the
kutub pole.\n
1. 1) curse, malediction. 2) bane, curse (of o.\'s existence), blight. 2.
measure for rioce equal to four handfuls.\n
kutung (Java) amputated, cut off (of limbs).\n
kuud /ku\'ut/ [Koperasi Unit Usha Desa] Village Cooperative.\n
kuwaci see KWACI.\n
kuwah see KUAH.\n
kuwalat see KUALAT.\n
(Java, Humorous] coming from the regions that have a distinct
kuwih see KUE.\n
kuwu village administrative official in charge of water.\n
kuwuk see KUCING.\n
kuwung rainbow.\n
kuya k.o. small turtle.\n
kuyu dull, lusterless (eye, eye, etc.).\n
kuyuh urine.\n
kuyung k.o. large timber tree.\n
see BASAH. kuyup-kuyup soaking, sopping wet, soaked through
and through.\n
kv [kaset video] video cassette.\n
kw- see also entries with ku-.\n
kw. 1. [kwintal] 100 kilograms. 2.[kawan] comrade.\n
kwa qua.\n
kwaci salted dried watermelon seeds eaten as a snack.\n
kwalitas see KUALITAS.\n
kwartal see KUARTAL.\n
kwas see KUAS 1.\n
kwitansi receipt.\n
kwt. [kawat] wire, cable.\n
kyahi /kyai/ see KIAI.\n
kyakya see KIA-KIA 2.\n
l l, twelfth letter of the alphabet.\n
l/c [letter of creadit].\n
l/c [letter of creadit].\n
la see LHA.\n
laba 1 profit. 2 benefit, gain.\n
labah k.o. tree yielding wood used to make furniture.\n
labah-labah spider.\n
labak k.o. sea fish.\n
labang hammer out iron sheets.\n
labas exhausted, consumed, used up.\n
label label.\n
laberak see LABRAK.\n
laberang (Naut.) rigging.\n
labi-labi freshwater turtle.\n
labial (Phon.) labial.\n
labil labile, changing, unstable.\n
labirin 1. labyrinth. 2. inner ear.\n
laboran laboratory assistant.\n
laboratorium laboratory.\n
labrak beating. labrak-an attack, thrashing.\n
labu 1. gourd, squash. 2. flask.\n
labu-air 1 vegetable marrow. 2 gourd for carrying water.\n
1 hanging down, trailing (of shirt sleeve, curtain, etc.). 2 classifier
for curtains.\n
labur 1. whitewash s.t. 2. pay laborers in kind or in money. 3. windfall.\n
1. drag slightly (of anchor). 2. trace, track. 3. abundant, in great
lacur 1. immoral, indecent. 2. unlucky, working out poorly.\n
lacut whip.\n
lada black or white pepper.\n
ladah soiled, dirty. polluted.\n
ladam horseshoe.\n
ladan see MINYAK.\n
ladang unirrigated agricultural field.\n

laden (Java) o. who serves. laden-an service.\n

lading 1. cleaner. 2. cargo.\n
ladok haughty, arrogant, overbearing.\n
ladu lava.\n
ladung stagnant (water).\n
/lafal, lafaz/ 1 pronunciation of a word or phoneme. 2 wording, text.
3 the correct version.\n
laga 1. fight. 2. brag, boast, put on airs.\n
laga-lagaan 1 proud. 2 boastful.\n
lagak 1 attitude. manner, behavior. 2 mannerism. 3. bluff.\n
lagam 1. horse\'s bit. 2. see RAGAM.\n
1. 1) again. 2) still, further. 3) still (when it shoul not be so). 4) (with
lagi negatives) any more, any longer. 5) more, else, other. 6) as well (as).
2. be in the process of.\n
lagian (Jakarta) moreever.\n
lagu 1 melody, tune, song. 2 way, manner. 3 intonation.\n
lagu - marhaban lagu - marhaban\n
1. 1) particle urging action. 2) That is it ! Believe me ! (particle
requesting belief). 3) particle of assent. 4) particle marking
predicate. 5) trivializing particle (with question words). 2. see LHA.
3. see TELAH1.\n
lahad (Islam) niche in the wall of a grave for the corpse.\n
lahak rotten, spoiled (of food).\n
lahan 1. 1) land, terrain. 2) area. 3) soil. 2. see PERLAHAN.\n
lahap ravenous, gluttonous.\n
lahar 1 lava. 2 (Geol.) volcanic mudflow.\n
lahat see LAHAD.\n
laher ball-bearing.\n
1. 1) external, extrinsic, outward. 2) worldy, material. 2. come into
being, be born. lahir-nya genesis.\n
lahiriah 1 external, extrinsic. 2 physical, material.\n
laici see LECI.\n
laif attenuate, weaken, enfeeble.\n
laik see LAYAK.\n
/lailah/ My word ! (an exclamation of surprise and us.
/la ilaha illa\'llahu/ 1 (Islam) There is no god but Allah (the
lailahailla'llah beginning of the profession of faith). 2 Good God ! (an exclamation
uttered when under extreme emotional stress).\n
lailat-al kadar (Islam) The night of the 26 to 27 th of the fasting
lailat month (the night in which the Koran was revealed).\n
lain 1 other, another. 2 different. 3 besides, not including.\n
1. backwater, i.e. to push a paddle or oar toward the bow (to reverse
the boat, etc.). 2. k.o. pandanus.\n
lajang remain unmarried (past usual marrying age).\n
lajat 1 serious (illness). 2 extreme, very much.\n
lajim see LAZIM.\n
lajnah (Islam) committee.\n
lajo lajo (Java) commute to and from a place of employment or study.\n
laju 1 fast, quick, rapid. 2 rate.\n
1 row. 2 strip (of cloth). 3 column (in a paper). 4 lane. 5 line (of
defense). lajur-an neck (of land).\n
1. 1) sealing wax. 2) lacquer. 2. (China) six. lak-ban 60,oo. lak-ban
go 65,000. lak-cap 60. lak-cap go 65. lak-ceng 6000. lak-pek 600.
lak-pek ceng 600,000. lak-pek go 650. lak-pek go ceng 650,000. lak-
tiau six million.\n
laka large liana with red heartwood (used for joss sticks).\n
lakab title, epithet (for dead or deposed rulers).\n
lakak strike with a heavy object.\n
lakan /laken/ 1 sheet. 2 felt. 3 woolen cloth. 4 vellet.\n
(Coll.) husband. laki-laki 1 man, amle (of humans). 2 (China,
Ambon) male (of animals).\n
laklakan throat, gullet.\n
lakmus litmus.\n
laknat 1 curse, malediction. 2 anathema.\n
lakon 1 play, drama. 2 act. 3 story.\n
1. 10,000. 2. 1) lfine noodles similar to vermicelli. 2) k.o. dish
prepared with such noodles.\n
laksamana admiral.\n
laksana 1 quality, characteristic. 2 like, resembling.\n
laksanawan manager, executor.\n
laktasi lactation.\n
laktosa lactose.\n
1 behavior, conduct, attitude. 2 valid, in effect. 3 in demand, sell
lakum k.o. vine.\n
lakur (Lit.) fuse (of metals).\n
lalab see LALAP.\n
lalah 1. gluttonous. 2. destroy undergrowth in order to plant.\n
lalai 1. 1) careless, negligent. 2) absent-minded, indifferent. 2. see
lalang 1. k.o. coarse grass. 2. see LALU.\n
lalap dish of raw vegetables and a spicy sauce.\n
lalar (Ambon) see LALAT.\n
lalat a fly. lalat-hijau bluebottle.\n
lalau (Lit.) keep s.o. from trespassing.\n
laler (Java, Jakarta) see LALAT.\n
lali 1 numb, insentive (to pain). 2 anesthetized. 3 (Java) forget.\n
lalim tyrannical, despotic, cruel.\n
lalu 1 pass. 2 past, last. 3 then.\n
lama 1 long (of duration). 2 old, long standing.\n
laman (Coll.) see HALAMAN.\n
lamang k.o. long straight single-edged sword.\n
lamar 1 ask for the hand of. 2 propose marriage to s.o. 3 apply for (a job).\n
lamaran 1 (marriage) proposal. 2 application.\n
lamat-lamat /lamat-lamatan/ vague, indistinct, scarcely visible.\n
lambai wave o.\'s hands.\n
lambak pile, heap. lambak-an earth used to build up bunds in a rice field.\n
lamban 1 languid, inolent. 2 clumsy, awkward, ungainly.\n
lambang sign, symbol.\n
lambangsari (Euphemism, Java) sexual intercourse.\n
lambar underlayer. lambar-an pad, base.\n
1 slow-moving, leisurely. lambat-laun 1)gradually, in the long run.
2) finally. 3) sooner or later. 2 late.\n
lambat-laun 1 gradually, in the long run. 2 finally. 3 sooner or later.\n
lambau (Coll.) farming.\n
lambo (Sulawesi) k.o. single-masted cargo boat.\n
1. 1) side (of ship, person), flank. 2) an interior cavity. 2. the bounce
(of a ball, etc.).\n
lambur k.o. large jellyfish.\n
me-lamin decorate the bed of the newlyweds.dais on whic the bridal
couple sits.\n
lamp. [lampiran] 1 supplement. 2 enclosure.\n
lampai slim, slender.\n
lampam k.o. fish.\n
lampar be scattered or spread about.\n
lampas (Lit.) 1 polish, rub (furniture, etc.) 2 hone, shapen (a knife).\n
lampau past.\n
lampias flowing readily.release.\n
lampin 1 diaper. 2 pot holder.\n
lamping a slope.\n
lampion China paper lantern.\n
lampir attachments.\n
lampiran 1 enclosure. 2 attachment. 3 appendix, annex. 4 supplement.\n
lampok (M) pile of harvested rice.\n
lampor (Java) howling sound of evil spirits heard on rivers.\n
lampoyang see LEMPUYANG.\n
lampu 1 lamp. 2 light.\n
lampung float (of wood, etc.).\n
lampus see MAMPUS.\n
lampuyang see LEMPUYANG.\n
the Leucaena glauca, a fast-growing tree used for firewood the
leaves of which furnish fodder.\n
a fast-growing tree similar in use to the lamtoro but considerably
1. (Lit.) 1) although. 2) provided that, if. 2. pile up (in a disorderly
fashion). 3. muse, daydream.\n
lamunan 1) fantasy, daydream. 2) speculation.\n
lamur almost blind.\n
lanang (Java) male.\n
lanar mudbank.\n
lanau silt.\n
lanca k.o. three-masted ship.\n
lancana see LENCANA.\n
1. 1) dare to do s.t. without proper permision. 2) impudent. 2. k.o.
fast sailboat. 3. box or container for betel-chewing ingredients.\n
lancap smooth, slick (of surface).\n
1. 1) fast, swit (of vessels, cars, etc.). 2) fluent. 3) smooth (of
discussions, etc.). 2. pe-lancar girder.\n
lancaran k.o. swift sailboat.\n
lancing-lancingan Java-style trousers.\n
lancip 1 sharp and pointed. 2 (Math.) acute.\n
lancong go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip.\n
1. 1) false, fake, imitation. 2) faithless, untrue (friend). 2. see
1. attack violently, knock down s.o. 2.. pan (tin, gold). 3. lye,
landai slope slightly (of hollocks, etc.). landai-an hilt of a kris.\n
landak porcupine. landak-laut sea urchin.\n
landas 1 base. 2 substratum.\n
landasan 1 base. 2 anvil.\n
landau me-landau pan or wash (gold, tin).\n
landrad (Coll.) court of law.\n
landreform /lenriforem/ land reform.\n
landskap (Coll.) scenery.\n
landung 1 trailing, hanging down. 2 slack.\n
1 table or stand for selling. 2 set of stacked containers for carrying
food. 3. see ELANG.\n
langah open s.t. widely.\n
langau 1 horsefly. 2 bluebottle fly.\n
langca /langcia/ (China) rickshaw.\n
langgai fishnet.\n
langgam 1 way, custom, style. 2 melody, tune.\n
langgan ber-langgan-an be(come) a customer of (a store). 2 subscribe to.\n
langganan 1 customer, client. 2 (regular) subscriber.\n
langgang see TUNGGANG 1.\n
langgar 1. (Islam) prayer house (not used for Friday prayer). 2.\n
langgeng eternal, imperishable.\n
langguk proud, arrogant, haughty.\n
langi k.o. large mackerel.\n
1 a shrub, the leaves of which are used for preparing a shampoo. 2
herbal shampoo.\n
langit 1 sky. 2 the heavens.\n
langka scarce, rare.\n
langkah 1 step, stride. 2 step, action, measure.\n
langkai slim, slender.\n
langkan 1 balcony. 2 balustrade, railing.\n
langkap k.o. palm tree.\n
langkas 1. dexterous. 2. (Lit.) lose all its fruits (of a tree).\n
langkat three days from now, the day after the day after tomorrow.\n
langkau me-langkau-i 1 overlook, skip. 2 leave out, omit.\n
langkitang k.o. edible mollusc.\n
langlang nightwatchman.\n
langsai paid, settled (of bill, accounts).\n
langsam (Coll.) slow.\n
langsar 1. tall and slender. 2. 1) fortunate, lucky. 2) happy.\n
langsat the Lansium tree and its clusters of small, yellow fruit.\n
langsep see LANGSAT.\n
langsi a shrill sound.\n
1. slim, slender, slvelte. 2.(Coll.) me-langsing go back and forth, go
up and down. 3. loud (of sound).\n
langsir 1. thin, slender. 2. lancer.\n
k.o. wailing female vampire, preying on newly delivered mothers in
childrenth and their infants.\n
1 direct, straight. 2 immediately, straightaway. ber-langsung go on,
take place.\n
langu 1 rotten (of odor). 2 unpleasant (of taste).\n
langut me-langut sad, melancholy.\n
lanja me-lanja go on a visit.\n
lanja - lanjaan go anywhere.\n
lanjai slim, slender.\n
lanjam plowshare.\n
lanjang 1. slender. 2 see TELANJANG.\n
lanjar long and tapering.\n
lanjaran bean, pole, trellis.\n
lanjirat court of law.\n
lanjung 1 small and slender (of sugarcane, etc.). 2 tall, high.\n
lanjur protracted, stretched, dragged out.\n
lanjut 1 advanced. 2 long, detailed. 3 continue, continued.\n
lanseng reheat by steaming.\n
lanset (Med.) lancet.\n
lansir 1. 1) launch s.t. 2) spread, distribute (news, etc.). 2. see LANGSIR.\n
lanskap see LANDSKAP.\n
lantai 1 floor. 2 story (of a building).\n
lantak piston, pile.1 hammer s.t. 2 ram, drive (a pile).\n
lantam 1 proud. 2 haughty, arrougant. brag, boast of s.t.\n
lantamal [Pangkalan Utama Angkatan Laut] first-class naval base.\n
me-lantan 1 spoil s.o. 2 care for (o.\'s body). 3 economize on
(clothing by wearing poorer quality).\n
lantang 1 shrill, piercing (voice). 2 clear, distinct (of voice, view).\n
lantar 1. ter-, te-lantar neglected. 2. see PELANTAR.\n
lantaran 1) reason. 2) (Coll.) because.\n
lantas 1 straightaway, directly, forthwith, then. 2 and so ?\n
lantera see LANTERA.\n
lantik install, inaugurate.\n
1) thrown, tossed. 2) no longer useful, useless.1 slingshot. 2. hold
out at arm\'s length.\n
lanting-lanting platform at river bank (for bathing and laundering).\n
lantun me-lantun 1 rebound (of a ball, spring). 2 reflect. 3 ricochet.\n
1. putrid, stinking (odor). 2 1) aloud bang. 2) verbose. 3.nge-lantun
lantung laze about, do things without purpose.\n
lantur me-lantur-kan divert, distract s.o.\n
lanuma [pangkalan utama] main base.\n
lanun pirate.\n
lanut [pangkalan udara] air base.\n
lanyah muddy.\n
me-lanyak 1 trample down (earth). 2 step on, run down, disparage
(s.o. or s.t.). 3 hit hard.\n
lanyau soft mud (with a hard crust).\n
laos galingale, aplant of the ginger family.\n
laoteng see LOTENG.\n
lap 1 towel. 2 rag.\n
lap-lapan (Sl.) be in love.\n
lapad see LAFADZ.\n
lapah me-lapah 1 skin, flay, dress (an animal). 2 devour.\n
lapal see LAFADZ.\n
lapan (Coll.) see DELAPAN.\n
lapang 1 open, wide, spacious. 2 free, unoccupied. 3 roomy.\n
lapangan 1 field, square. 2 sphere, range (of activity).\n
lapar 1 hungry. 2 hunger.\n
lapat-lapat (Java, Jakarta) 1 vague, barely visible. 2 barely audible.\n
lapaz see LAFADZ.\n
lapih see LAPIS.\n
lapik 1 base, underlayer. 2 lining. 3 mat.\n
lapis 1 layer, lining. 2 row. 3 (Geol.) stratum. 4 in layers.\n
lapor report.\n
laporan 1report, occount. 2 statement.\n
1 moldy, putrefied, mildewed. 2 rotten, decayed (of wood, etc.),
weakened. 3 obsolete, out-of-date (regulation, etc.).\n
lapun trap.\n
lapur 1. twitch, flutter (of a bird, etc.) 2. see LAPOR.\n
lara 1 ill, sick. 2 painful.\n
larang 1 forbid, prohibit, ban. 2 interdict.\n
larangan 1 prohibition, ban, interdiction. 2 embargo. 3 (Ling.) prohibitive.\n
larap in demand, selling.slacken, pay out ( arope).\n
1. 1) pitch, key, scale. 2) harmonym, harmonious. 2. 1) barrel (of
laras rifle, cannon, etc.). 2) classifier for rifles. 3) straight and cylindrical.
3. (M) district.\n
1. 1) be protracted, be drawn out (of an illness). 2) drag (of anchor).
3 wander. 2. k.o. Moluccan orchid. 3. see MELARAT.\n
lari 1. run. 2 escape, leave.\n
larih (Lit.) drink together.\n
larik 1. row, line.1 turn on a lathe. 2 bore, drill (a hole) in.\n
laring (Anat.) larynx.\n
laringektomi laryngectomy.\n
popular, in demand, selling well.1 the first item sold in a work day,
throught to stimulate later sales. 2 s.t. that sells well, best seller.\n
laron flying white ant.\n
lars boot, esp. military boots.\n
laru (Java) fermenting agent added to make vinegar.\n
larung (Java) float (esp. of offering, corpses).\n
1. 1) soluble. 2) fused, dissolved. larut-an (Chem.) solution. 2. 1)
protracted. 2) late, far-advanced (of night).\n
las weld, joint.\n
lasa 1 numb (of o.\'s limbs). 2 paralyzed. 3 callus on the sole.\n
1. spread flat (mat, fish for drying, etc.). 2. everyday clothes, work
lasak 1. 1) restless, restive, fidgety. 2) energetic, hyperkinetic (of a child).
3) peevish, petulant. 2. see LASAH 2.\n
lasat (M) serious (of illness).\n
1 (Lit.) pre-modern soldiers. 2 paramilitary troops,guerilla-
laso lasso.\n
lastik see ELASTIK.\n
lasykar see LASKAR.\n
lat 1. 1) interval. 2) the space between planks. 2. late. 3. lath.\n
lata 1. 1) humble, degrading. 2) dirty, ugly. 2. see LATAH 1.\n
lataboga (Lit.) herbivore.\n
1. 1) a nervouse condition characterized by erratic involuntary
imitative behavior, often pornographic or socially disapproved. 2)
(Coll.) other irrational imitative behavior (e.g. imitation of speech,
etc.). 3) madly in love. 2. piles of leaves, etc.\n
latak residue (in oil or paint).\n
latam solid, compact.\n
latang see JELATANG.\n
latar (Java) 1 yard. 2 surface, plane. 3 background, backdrop.\n
latat see MELATAT-MELOTOT.\n
lateks latex.\n
laten latent.\n
latif 1 fine, handsome. 2 gentle, delicate.\n
latih accustomed, wont.\n
latin 1 Latin. 2 Roman 9type, letters).\n
lattah see LATAH 1.\n
latuh edible seaweed.\n
latung 1 petroleum. 2 kerosene.\n
latur 1 blistered. 2 blister.\n
laturahmi (Islam) having close personal relationships.\n
lauh see LOH 1.\n
lauk side dish, esp. meat or fish served with rice.\n
laun dawdle, procrastinate, dally.\n
laung loud voice or sound.\n
laur bent, curved.\n
laut sea, ocean.\n
lawa 1. crossbeam. 2. small bat. 3. /lawah/ vast, extensive (of view).\n
lawa-lawa /lawah-lawah/ see LABAH-LABAH.\n
lawai thread for weaving.\n
1. joke, jest, gag. pelawak comedian, jokester. 2. feeding trough. 3.
see TEMU 1.\n
(Coll., Ambon) ber-lawalata trek on foot, walk a considerable
lawamah see NAFSU.\n
1 opponent, adversary, rival. 2 enemy, foe. 3 (Leg.) respondent. 4
the contrary, the opposite. 5 against, versus.\n
lawang 1. door, gate. 2. 1) mace. 2) clove flowers.\n
lawar slice of meat or fish.\n
1. 1) long (time). 2) old. me-lawas no longer bearing (of fruit tree).
2. see LUAS.\n
lawat 1 paya a visit. 2 make a trip. 3 (Coll.) make a visit of conolence.\n
1 yarn, thread. 2 cotton waste. lawe-an place where thread is being
lawean k.o. headless ghost.\n
lawi,lawi-lawi long tailfeather.\n
lawon (Java) white cotton. lawon-tenun woven material.\n
1. veil. 2. bend over backward, bow. 3. flat-edged metal plate. 4.
layak 1 proper, suitable. 2 reasonable, fair (price). 3 like.\n
1 serve, wait on (guests), take care of (customers). 2 supply. 3 man.
4 service.\n
layang 1. 1) kite. 2) k.o. bird, swift. 2. cut s.t. in half (e.g. mango, etc.).\n

layap 1. low (close to the surface). 2. doze, nod.\n

1. 1) sail. 2) screen (TV or movie). 3) blind, shade (of window,
door). 2. see IKAN.\n
layat make a visit of condolence.\n
layu 1 withered, faded, wilted (of flowers). 2 weak, pale.\n
layuh 1 paralyzed. 2 weak, feeble, debilitated.\n
layuk sway (to the left or right).\n
layur me-layur 1 singe, scorch s.t. 2 sear s.t.\n
lazat see LEZAT.\n
lazim 1 usual, customary, common. 2 compulsry, obligatory.\n
lazuardi 1 lapis lazuly. 2 azure.\n
lbh [Lembaga Bantuan Hukum] legal aid services.\n
lbr. [lebar] wide, width.\n
le see TOLE.\n
leak see LEYAK.\n
lebah bee. lebah-laut k.o. jelly fish.\n
lebai 1 mosque official. 2 mosque servant.\n
lebak 1. 1) valley. 2) lowlands. 2. sound of a slap.\n
lebam sound made by a falling object. /le`bam/ k.o. small edible fish.\n
1. 1) lead-colored. 2) (Med.) hematoma. 2. k.o. tree whose bark and
leaves are used for medicinal purposes.\n
lebap sound of fruit falling to the ground.\n
lebar 1 broad, wide, extensive. 2 width, breadht.\n
day of celebration at end of fasting month.. Lebaran-Haji festival
celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th Islam month.\n
lebas whip s.o.\n
lebat 1 luxuriant, dense (of fruit on trees, hair, etc.). 2 heavy (of rain).\n
lebe see LEBAI.\n
leber spill or run over.\n
lebih 1 more, -er. 2 more than.\n
lebihan 1 excess, surplus. 2 remainder.\n
lebu dust.\n
lebuh broad road.\n
1. sound of a stone hitting the ground. 2. loose (of soil). me-lebuk
(tanah) loosen (soil).\n
lebum sound of a thud.\n
lebun deceit, fraud.\n
1 smelted. 2 dissolved, melted. 1 melt, fuse. 2 destroy, wipe out. 3
lecah 1 muddy. 2 glutinous.\n
lecak 1. muddy, slushy, miry. 2. plain, ordinary (of faces).\n
lecap see BASAH.\n
lecat 1. raw (of throat). 2. see LICIN.\n
leceh 1. sloppy, unkempt (of dress). 2. talkative. 3. vile.\n
1 disheveled, unkempt. 2 crumpled (of paper, etc.). /le`ce`k/ worn
(of locks, latches, etc.).\n
lecet 1. chafed. 2 blister (on foot, etc.). 3 scratched.\n
leci the lychee fruit and tree.\n
lecit 1 slip away. 2 ooze through.\n
lecit-lecit snap fastener.\n
leco dwarf, midget.\n
lecok very slick.\n
lecot see LECUT.\n
lecuh shriveled up (of cooked vegetables).\n
lecup sound of a kiss.\n
lecur 1. sound of a whip\'s lash. 2. blister.\n
1 explode (of a bomb, etc.). 2 erupt (of a volcano). 3 break out, burst
out. 4 (Sl.) become a sensation.\n
1. (Java) 1) k,.o. dance performed at feast by hired dancers joined by
honored spectators. 2) such a hired dancer. 2. (Jakarta) tease.\n
ledeng see LEDING.\n
ledes inflamed, red (of eyes).\n
me-leding warp, sag (of floors, etc.). /le`ding/ plumbing, running
water. tukang-leding plumber.\n
ledor see TELEDOR.\n
ledos 1 explode, burst. 2 collapse.\n
leduk me-leduk explode.\n
ledung me-ledung bend, give (of a bridge).\n
lega 1 roomy, open. 2 free, not busy. 3 relieved, free of worry.\n
legah see LEGA.\n
legak-legok see LENGGAK-LENGGOK.\n
legal /lekhal/ legal.\n
legalisasi legalization.\n
legalisir legalize.\n
legalistis legalistic.\n
legalitas legality.\n
legam (Lit.) black.\n
legar 1 take turn. 2 revolve, circle about.\n
legasi legation.\n
legat straight, fixed.\n

legen (Java) unfermented toddy.\n

legenda 1 legend, myth. 2 legend (on maps, etc.).\n
legendaris legendary.\n
leger /lekher/ ledger. /le`ge`r/ 1 floor joist. 2 wine vat.\n
legi (Java) the first day of the five-day week.\n
legion 1 legion. 2 association.\n
legislatif legislative.\n
legit (Sunda) 1 sweet. 2 sticky.\n
legitimasi legitimation.\n
legitimir me-legitimir legitimatize.\n
legiun see LEGION.\n
lego release.\n
legojo see ALGOJO.\n
legok 1 concave. 2 dented. 3 pothole.\n
legong k.o. Balinese dance by young girls.\n
legu plait (rug, mat).\n
legundi k.o. shrub.\n
legung k.o. tree.\n
leha /lehah/ careless, inattentive. (ber)leha-leha (Coll.) take it easy.\n
neck. leher-baju collar. leher-botol neck of bottle. leher-rahim
leja me-leja 1 reprimand. 2 abuse, revile.\n
lejang 1 fast, swift. 2 flash. 3 (Sport) lap.\n
1. me-lejat flip (of a fish). me-lejat-lejat flip-flop, writhe. 2. see
lejit me-lejit 1 run off, make a dash. 2 increase suddenly, skyrocket.\n
lek-lekan (Java) all-night get-together.\n
1 negligent, careless, inattentive. 2 absorbed in, engrossed, lost in
lekah crack, aperture.\n
lekak-lekuk bumpy (of road, ground).\n
lekak-liku /lekak-likuk/ 1 with many bends. 2 intricacies (of a plan, etc.).\n
lekam hold between thumb and index finger.\n
lekam-lekum a loud noise.\n
1 cracked (of hard ground). 2 fission. 3 easily separated (fruit from
its pit, friends from e.o., etc.).\n
lekap ber-lekap embrace, cuddle up (to s.o.).\n
lekap-lekap sound of crunching or rattling.\n
lekar plaited rattan stand to hold round-bottomed vessels. /le`kar/ 1
reading stand for the Koran. 2 lectern.\n
lekas 1 fast, switft, quick. 2 soon. lekas-an (Coll.) hurry.\n
lekat sticky, stick.\n
lekat-lekat 1 adhering, sticking. 2 addicted. 3 close (of friendship).\n
lekeh smudge.\n
lekir streaky, mottled.\n
lekit sticky, viscous.\n
lekok curving, winding (of road, etc.).\n
[Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat] the People\'s Cultural Association, a
left-wing literary and cultural organization until the mid-1960s.\n
leksikograf lexicographer.\n
leksikografi lexicography.\n
leksikostatistik (Ling.) lexicostatistics.\n
lektor a rank of university teachers, similar to associate professor.\n
lektris see ELEKTRIS.\n
lektur reading matter.\n
leku lean on o.\'s elbow.\n
lekuh-lekih sound of a cough or difficult breathing.\n
lekuk 1 hollow (in the cheeks), concavity.\n
lekukan 1 dent. 2 indentation.\n
lekum 1. see HALKUM. 2. see LEKAM.\n
lekung 1 hollow. 2 curved, bent.\n
lekup-lekap sound of cracking o.\'s knuckles, snapping sticks in two, etc.\n
lela 1. smart, jaunty. 2. whim, caprice.\n
lelabah spider.\n
lelabi k.o. fresh-water turtle.\n
lelah tired, weary, worn-out, exhausted.\n
lelai droop (of tree branch, etc.).\n
lelaki man, male.\n
lelakon 1 story (in a shadow play). 2 life story.\n
lelan k.o. fish.\n
lelancur 1 half-grown chicken. 2 youngster, young whippersnapper.\n
lelang auction.\n
lelangit 1 palate. 2 house ceiling.\n
lelap sound asleep.\n
lelar (M) use continually.\n
lelas 1 smooth (after polisthing). 2 blister, blistered (of skin).\n
lelatu spark.\n
lelawa cave bat.\n
lele k.o. freshwater catfish.\n
leleh 1 melt (of wax, etc.). 2 calm down.\n
lelembut k.o. trouble-making invisible spirit.\n
1. (Java) 1) submerge, immerse, dip s.t. 2) drown s.o. or s.t. 2. see
lelep LELAP.\n
leler drip with (perspiration).\n
lelet (Java) nge-lelet very slow.\n
lelewa ber-lelewa 1 show off, put on airs. 2 gaudy, flashy, showy.\n
leli lily.\n
lelonobroto (Java) lead an ascetic itinerant way of life.\n
1 free, unhampered, unimpeded. 2 lavish, generous, liberal (in
lelucon 1 joke, jest. 2 spoof, farce.\n
leluhur ancestors, forefathers.\n
leluing k.o. banyan tree.\n
lelung see LELANG.\n
leluri 1 ancestor. 2 predecessor.\n
lem glue.\n
1 weak (of body, argument, etc.), low (of battery), fading (of radio).
lemah 2 (Ling.) unstressed (of syllable). 3 limp, supple. lemah-gemulai
lemak 1 fat, grease. 2 greasy. 3 sweet (in speech), suave.\n
1 glutinous rice roasted in bamboo tubes. 2. k.o. cake of grated
cassava and coconut with palm sugar steamed in bamboo tubes.\n
cupboard, wardrobe, case. lemari-arsip filing cabinet. lemari-besi
lemas 1 limp, faint, languid. 2 supple, pliant, flexible.\n
lemau 1 soft (of s.t. that should be hard or crisp) 2 weak.\n
1 damp, moist, humid. 2 dull (of a drum sound) 3 clumsy, awkward.
4 indolent.\n
lembaga 1. institute, league, organization, institution. 2. embryo, sprout.\n
lembah valley, dale.\n
lembai see LAMBAI.\n
lembak me-lembak 1 boil over. 2 spill over.\n
1. 1) weak, tired, languid. 2) swollen from fatigue, weeping, etc. (of
facial features). 2. see LEBAM.\n
lembang 1 dent, hollow. 2 dented. 3 valley.\n
1. 1) sheet (of paper). 2) classifier for paper, etc. 2. 1) thread, string.
2) classifier for hair, thread, etc.\n
lembaran 1 page. 2 sheet (of s.t. thin like paper). 3 paper, pamphlet.\n
lembayung 1 the water hyacinth. 2 reddish purple, crimson.\n
lembega k.o. shrub with medicinal qualities\n
1 soft (of a pillow, etc.), flabby (flesh). 2 soft, mushy (of porridge,
etc.). 3 loose, slack (of rope, springs). 4 weak.\n
lembeng (Java) coquettish.\n
lembidang edge, rim (of plate, hat, etc.).\n
lembik see LEMBEK.\n
lembing 1 spear, lance. 2 (Sport) javelin.\n
lembu ox, cow, bull.\n
lembung 1. (of a bruise, balloon, etc.). 2. seeLAMBUNG 2.\n
1. work done outside of normal working hours. lembur-kerja
overtime (work). 2. see LAMBUR.\n
lembusir withers, shoulder (of beef, etc.).\n
lembut 1 soft. 2 meek, tender, gentle. softening, toning down.\n
lemek protective underlayer.\n
lemes 1. (Sunda) the most polite speech level. 2. see LEMAS.\n
k.o. cake of grated coconut steamed in banana leaves or corn
lemhanas [Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional] National Defense Institute.\n
[Lembaga Minyak dan Gas Bumi] Institute for Petroleum and
Natural Gas.\n
lemon see LIMUN 1.\n
lemot smeared all over with s.t.\n
lempai see L;AMPAI.\n
lempang straight.\n
lempar 1 throw. 2 (Sport) throwing event.\n
lemparan a pitch, toss, throw.\n
lempem see MELEMPEM.\n
lempeng (Java) see LEMPANG.\n
k.o. snack made of steamed glutinous rice with meat or other
stuffing and wrapped in a bananas leaf.\n
lemping see LEMPENG.\n
lempit a fold.\n
lempok k.o. candied fruit (often durian).\n
lempuh see LEPUH.\n
lempuk see LEMPOK.\n
lempung 1. clay. 2. soft and light (of eood).\n
lempuyang a medicinal plant of the ginger family\n
lemukut seeMELUKUT.\n
lemuru k.o. fish, the oil sardine.\n
lemusir see LEMBUSIR.\n
len 1. (Coll.) lens. 2. see LIN 2.\n

lena soundly asleep.\n

lenan linen.\n
lencam k.o. small sea fish.\n
lencana 1 emblem, badge. 2 insignia, ribbon.\n
in a straight line. lencang-kanan (Mil.) form a straight line by
looking to the right.\n
lenceng veer, swerve, turn.\n
lencer see KELENCER.\n
lencing me-lencing flee.\n
lencir (Java) tall and slim.\n
lencit slip away or out (as of a seed between o.\'s fingers).\n
1. (Jakarta) 1) veer, swerve. 2) go astray, depart (from the right
lencong path). 2. seeBASAH.\n
lender,lendir mucus, phlegm.\n
hang on to (arm, sarong edge, etc., e.g. a child hanging on to his
lendung 1 bent inward, curved. 2 bowed down (from old age).\n
lendungan deflection.\n
lenga sesame.\n
lengah 1 careless, inattentive. 2 carefree, nonchalant.\n
lengai 1 unskilled, maladroit. 2 inactive, dawdling. 3 neglectful.\n
lengak 1 look up. 2 (Jakarta) look up in surprise.\n
lengan 1 arm. 2 sleeve. 3 arm (of scales).\n
1 lonely, deserted. 2 quiet, slack (of business). 3 vacant,
lengar 1 dazed, drowsy. 2 dizzy.\n
lengas 1 moist, damp, humid. 2 moisture.\n
lengat steam (rice, etc.).\n
lengau see LANGAU.\n
lenger see LENGAR.\n
lenggak look up.\n
lenggak-lenggok a swaying movement.\n
lengganan see LANGGAN.\n
1 pause or rest for a moment. 2 be free, have a free moment.
lenggang /le`nggang/ 1 swinging, swaying. 2 (Naut.) roll, wallow (of a
lenggara see SELENGGARA.\n
lenggek 1. (M) floor, story. scream, shriek.\n
lenggok swinging, swaying.\n
lenggundi see LEGUNDI.\n
lenggut 1. me-lenggut nod, doze. 2. (Phys.) precession.\n
lengit 1 crafty, wily, tricky. 2 dishonest.\n
lengkang see LEKANG.\n

lengkap 1 complete. 2 fully equipped. 3 comprehensive.\n

lengkeng see KELENGKENG.\n
lengket be sticky, adhering.\n
lengkiang see RENGKIANG.\n
lengkibang millipede.\n
lengking 1 shrill, strident. 2 say stridently, shriek. 3 wail (of siren).\n
lengkitang see LANGKITANG.\n
lengkok curve, bend.\n
lengkuas k.o. ginger plant, the galangale.\n
lengkung 1. 1) curve, bend. 2) arc. 3) hollow. 2. sound of hammer on iron.\n
lengkur see DENGKUR.\n
lengong me-lengong look back at.\n
lengos 1 turn o.\'s head to the side. 2 avoid looking at s.o.\n
lengser 1) slide down (of the sun, skirt). 2) grease s.t. 2. baking pan, cooking
sheet. 3. (Sunda) prime minister.\n
lengset be-lengset folded outward 9of edge of eyelid).\n
lenguh a bellow (of a bull).\n
lenguk me-lenguk hum, buzz.\n
lengung muse, ponder, brood (over bad news).\n
lening sounding of a bell.\n
lenja 1. me-lenja be brazen, become bold. 2. ring, hoop.\n
lenjuang k.o. small bush.\n
lenong (Jakarta) k.o. folk theater.\n
lensa lens.\n
lenso (E. Indonesia) handkerchief. tarian-lenso k.o. dance with scarves.\n
1. clapper (of bell). 2. me-lentang-kan stretch s.t. out. mene-lentang
lie on o.\'s back.\n
lentang-lentok leaning to o. side (of the head).\n
lentera lantern. lentera-laut lighthouse beacon.\n
lentik curved, curving.\n
1. springy, resilient, bouncy. 2. sound of small metal objects hitting a
stone. se-lenting a tiny (audible) bit.\n
lentok bent to o. side (of the head).\n
lentuk me-lentuk be flexible.\n
lentum see DENTUM.\n
lentun see LANTUN.\n
lentung 1. sound of clapper or drum. 2. me-lentung touch s.o. or s.t.\n
lentur 1 bent, curved. 2 (Phys.) refraction. 3 flexible. 4 warped.\n
lenyah see LANYAH.\n
lenyak sound asleep.\n
lenyap disappeared, lost (from sight).\n
lenyau see LANYAU.\n
lenyeh 1 knead (dough). 2 mash (potatoes).\n
leo (Coll.) 1 male lion. 2 astrological sign.\n
leot me-leot bend (of wire, etc.).\n
1. plaster, mortar, caulking. 2. 1) lie sprawled out. 2) be long enough
to trail on the ground (of a dress, etc.).\n
the lower part of a palm trunk. /le`pa-le`pa/ (E. Indonesia) dugout
lepai partially paralyzed, withered (of foot, hand).\n
lepang cucumber.\n
1 free, liberated (of bird, etc.), be rid of. 2 undone, detached. 3
(Ling.) released. 4 after. 5 past, last.\n
lepasan 1 graduate, alumnus, alumna. 2 former, ex-.\n
lepat k.o. snack made of sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves.\n
lepau food stall.\n
lepeh chew and spit s.t. out.\n
lepek 1. soaking wet, drenched. 2. saucer. 3. slap s.o.\n
leper see LEVER 1,2. /le`pe`r/ 1 flat, level. 2 shallow (of bowl).\n
leperansir see LEVERANSIR.\n
leperi see RIFRI.\n
1 edge of plaited mat (folded back into the plaitwork). 2 folded back
(of a page).\n
lepit folded over. lepit-an a fold.\n
1. ter-lepoh sprained, twisted 9of ankle, etc.). 2 me-lepoh plaster,
daub s.t.\n
1 smeared, smudges, soiled (with blood, mud, etc.). 2 be bemirched
(of reputation).\n
lepra leprosy.\n
leprosari leprosarium.\n
lepu fish with toxic spines, i.e. stone fish, scorpions fish, etc.\n
lepuh a blister.\n
lepuk see LAPUK.\n
lerai break up a fight, separate (fighters).\n
lerak 1. broken open (of house, lock). 2. see KELERAK.\n
leram see DERAM.\n
lerang strip (of cloth).\n
lerang-lerang stretcher, litter.\n
lerap see DERAP.\n
lerek see KELERAK.\n
1. 1) slope (of mountain). 2) rim of a wheel, edge (of a coin or of s.t.
round). 2. having diagonal stripes (of fabric.\n
leret 1 row, line. 2 series. me-leret stretch out straight.\n
lerok me-lerok squint in anger.\n
lerum see DERUM 1.\n
1. 1) extracurricular tutorial lesson. 2) nonscholastic course. 3) take
les lessons. 2. list, roster. 3. 1) picture frame. 2) trim. 4. reins (for
lesah see LASAH 1.\n
lesak 1. sound of rustling (of leaves, rain). 2. see LASAH 2.\n
lesam softened.\n
lesan target, goal.\n
lesap disappeared, vanished.\n
lesapan (Phys.) dissipation.\n
lesat fly away, take off.\n
lesau see DESAU.\n
lesbi /lesbian, lesbis/ lesbian.\n
lesbril (Coll.) reading glasses.\n
[Lembaga Seni Budayawan Muslimin Indonesia] Muslim Cultural
Association of Indonesia, a branch of the Islam party in the 1960s.\n
leset 1 fall short of (target, estimate). 2 decline (in quality).\n
lesi,lesih see PUTIH.\n
lesing see DESING. /le`sing/ lecture.\n
1. hum, buzz (of wasps). 2. 1) spray, spout, gush. 2) blow o.\'s
lesit nose.\n
lesnar (Coll.) reading desk, lectern.\n
lesot (Java) sit on the ground or floor.\n
lestari 1 eternal, everlasting. 2 long-lasting.\n
lestek slingshot.\n
1 listless, weak (from lack of food or sleep). 2 sluggish, slack (of
business). 3 depressed, blue.\n
lesung mortar (for pounding rice). lesung-pipi dimple (in cheek).\n
lesus see DESUS. /le`sus/ 1 whirlwind. 2 cyclone.\n
lesut sound of swishing made by a sword or whip.\n
let see LAT 1. /le`t/ 1. (Sort) let ball. 2. see LETNAN.\n
leta base, shameful, contemptible. despise, holid s.o. in contempt.\n
letai 1 weak. 2 tired, listless.\n
1 location, site. 2 disposition, set up. me-letak-kan put, place s.t.
letak /le`tak/ exhausted, weary, fatigued.\n
letal lethal.\n
letang sound of a hammer on iron.\n
letda [letnan muda] 2d lieutenant.\n
letek crack (of earth).\n
letenan see LETNAN.\n
/le`te`r/ 1. 1) letter. 2) type, front. 2. be-, me- 1) quack repeatedly (of
a duck flock). 2) babble, prattle, talk incessantly.\n
leterlek (Coll.) lit., word for word.\n
leterseter typesetter.\n
letih tired, weary, worn out.\n
letik sound of glass cracking from contact with excessive heat.\n
1. me-leting flap about (of fish in basket). 2. sound of tinkling
metallic objects.\n
letjen [letnan-jenderal] lieutenant general.\n
letkol [letnan-kolonel] lieutenant colonel.\n
lieutenant, often let as a term of familiar address. 2 (Navy) lieutenant
(junior grade).\n
letoi thin and weak, emaciated.\n
letok see LETUK.\n
letos me-letos stare.\n
letraset k.o. lettering sheet rubbed with a pencil.\n
lettu /letu/ [letnan satu] first lieutenant.\n
letuk sound of knocking.\n
letum see DENTUM.\n
letung sound of drumbeats.\n
letup sound of an explosion.\n
letus sound of a large explosion.\n
leukemi,leukimia /lekemi, lekemia/ leukemia.\n
lever 1. (Anat.) the liver. 2. me-lever supply, provide (goods).\n
leveransir supplier, purveyor.\n
levis (Coll.) blue denim jeans.\n
lewat 1 via, through, by way of. 2 beyond, past. 3 past, over.\n
leyak (Bali) k.o. evil spirit.\n
leyeh ber-leyeh lie around.lie back.\n
lezat delicious, luscious.\n
(Java) 1 Well, yes, of course ! (particle conceding the obvious). 2
lha well now (particle bringing previous discussion to its conclusion.
That is it ! (particle of recognition).\n
(Java) 1 My ! (exclamation of surprise at learning s.t. unexpected). 2
lho Remember ? (reminder or warning particle). 3 Right ! (emphatic
particle to draw interlocutor\'s attention).\n
liang 1 hole, pit. 2 opening, aperture.\n
(China) 1 China New Year\'s dragon dance. 2 paper dragon used in
such parades.\n
liang-liuk sway like a drunken person.\n
1 wild, primitive (animal, tribe, etc.). 2 wild illegal, unauthorized
(school, organization, etc.).\n
1. 1) tough, rubbery (of meat). 2) tough, hardened (of champion,
liat criminal). 3) clayey (soil). liat-liut meandering (of a river). ke-liat-an
plasticity. 2. see LIHAT.\n
liau suppurate, fester (of a sore).\n
libanon LEBANON.\n
me-libat 1 become wrapped around. 2 bandage, wrap (a wound). 3
liberal unconventional.\n
liberalisasi process of loosening up procedures, etc.\n
liberalisme (Pol.) liberalism.\n
libur leave, vacation.\n
licak crushed flat.\n
licau shiny, glossy, lustrous.\n
lichtdruk /likhdruk, lithdruk/ phototypography.\n
lici see LECI.\n
licik 1 sly, crafty, tricky. 2 cagey, wily.\n
1 slippery, slick. 2 glossy, smooth. 3 bare, grassless (of land). 4
smooth, suave, smooth-tongued. 5 cunning, crafty.\n
lid (Lit.) member of committee, party, etc.\n
lidah tongue.\n
lidas itching, sore (esp. eround mouth and tongue).\n
lidi palm leaf rib. sapu-lidi a broom made of such splintered ribs.\n
lift elevator.\n
liga league.\n
ligas center. me-ligas canter.\n
ligat adept, quick to adjust. me-ligat gyrate, spin.\n
ligyat (China) hardworking.\n
lih. [lihat] see.\n
lihai 1 shrewd, astute. 2 wily, cunning. 3 terrific, tremendous.\n
lihat 1 see. 2 refer to.\n
lihay see LIHAI.\n
lijn see LIN 1.\n
lika-liku 1 details, inner workings. 2 vagaries.\n
likas me-likas reel in, wind (on a reel).\n
likat 1. 1) thick and sticky. 2) turbid. pe-likat adhesive. 2. shy.\n
likeur liqueur.\n
likir 1. liqueur. 2. k.o. plant with edible tubers.\n
liku 1 curve, bend (in the road). 2 coil. 3 bay, inlet.\n
liku - liku 1 intricacies. 2 vagaries.\n
likuida (Ling.) liquid.\n
likuidasi liquidation.\n
likuidatur liquidator.\n
likuide liquid (assets).\n
likuidir liquidate.\n
likuiditas (Fin.) liquidity (of capital).\n
(Java) se-likur 21. tiga-likur 23. likur-an 21 to 29. se-likur-an
blackjack, 21 (card game).\n
likw- seealso entries with liku-.\n
lila purple.\n
lilin 1 candle. 2 wax.\n
liliput s.t. small.\n
lilit turn, twist. lilit-nya circumference.\n
lilitan 1 coil. 2 winding. 3 twist.\n
lilo-lilo phrase derived from the Arabic for \"there is no God but Allah\"\n
lim see LEM.\n
lima five. lima-belas fifteen. lima-puluh fifty.\n
limar (Java) k.o. silk fabric.\n
limas 1 pyramid. 2 dipper or cup made of young palm leaves.\n
limau citrus fruit.\n
limbah 1 waste. limbah-pertanian compost heap. 2 cesspool.\n
limbai wave (the arms).\n
limban footbridge.\n
limbang 1. wash (gold, rice, etc.). 2. loiter, lounge about.\n
limbat see IKAN.\n
limbubu see HALIMBUBU.\n
limbuk emerald dove.\n
1. 1) inner harbor. 2) dry dock. 3) fenced-in bathing place. 2. 1)
unsteady because top heavy. 2) bewildered, confused.\n
limbur 1. me-limbur flood, inundate. 2. see SABUR.\n
limitasi limitation.\n
1 limousine. 2 minibus serving passengers between hotels and
limpa (Anat.) spleen.\n
limpah 1abundant. 2 affluent. 3 overflow, plentiful, profuse.\n
limpas me-limpas-kan let run off, let overflow.\n
limpit layer, lamina, sheet. ber-limpit laminated, in layers.\n
limpung be in a dither.\n
limun 1. soda pop, carbonated beverage. 2. invisible, dark.\n
lin 1. line, route. 2. line, edge, boundary line (of sports field, etc.).\n
lina /linen/ see LINEN.\n
linang trickle, drop (of tears, sweat, etc.).\n
lincah 1 energetic, lively, active. 2 agile.\n
lincak (Java) low bamboo bench for sitting or sleeping.\n
lincam 1 flash by quickly (lightning,, emotions). 2 sudden stab.\n
lincip pointed (of a pencil).\n
lincir slick, smooth, slippery.\n
lindak boil over.\n
lindang finished, over.\n
(M) 1 shade. 2 poor (of visibility), overcast. 3 obscure (of a
lindas /lindes/ 1 knock down, run over. 2 crush (pepper, etc.).\n
lindi 1 lye. 2 (Chem.) alkali.\n
/lindis/ 1 crush s.t. 2 level, smooth s.t. 3 crush, put down (a rebellion,
lindu (Java) earthquake.\n
1. ber-lindung 1) take shelter (under a tree, etc.). 2 be under the
protection of.1) protection. 2) patronage, sponsorship. 2. eel.\n
lindur (Java, Jakarta) talk in o.\'s sleep.\n
linen linen.\n
lingar look about bewildered.\n
lingga 1 phallus in Hindu temples. 2 commemorative post.\n
linggam see SEDELINGGAM.\n
linggi (Lit.) covered decking at bow and stern of a boat.\n
linggis k.o. crowbar.\n
lingir (Java) sharp edge.\n
1 circle. 2 bend, coil. 3 rim (of wheel). 4 hoop (of barrel). 5
lingkung 1 circle. 2 circumference. 3 perimeter.\n
lingkungan 1 circles. 2 area, surroundings. 3 sphere, domain, range.\n
lingkup scope, range.\n
lingkupan scope, range.\n
linglung 1 absent-minded, preoccupied. 2 confused, dazed. 3 weak, not aware
of things.\n
lingsang otter.\n
lingsir set (of the sun).\n
lini line, edge.\n
lino see PAHAT.\n
linotip linotype.\n
lintabung k.o. grass.\n
lintah leech. lintah-darat usurer, profiteer.\n
1. 1) across. 2) (Geog.) latitude. 2. (Java) star. lintang-kemukur
lintangan 1) deterrent. 2) hindrance, obstacle, barrier.\n
lintas move (quickly) across.\n
1 flash (of light, etc.). 2 line. 3 (Sport) track, course. 4 orbit,
lintibang (M) centipede.\n
linting roll (a cigarette).\n
lintingan hand-rolled cigarette.\n
lintir roll.\n
lintuh (M) weak, soft.\n
lintup see LINGKUP.\n
1. 1) shooting pain (of teeth, nerves, etc.). 2) rheumatic pain. 2.
linyak (M) presed flat.\n
linyap see LENYAP.\n
linyar (Coll.) ruler.\n
lio (China) brick kiln.\n
liong (China) dragon.\n
liontin medallion, locket, pendant.\n
lipan centipede.\n
lipas cockroach.\n
lipat fold, crease.\n
lipen,lipenstip lipstick.\n
liperi see RIFRI.\n
[Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia] The Indonesian Academy of
lipir see LEPER.\n
lipit hem s.t.\n
liplap 1 in thin of various colors. 2 (Derog.) Eurasians.\n
lipstik lipstick.\n
lipur comfort, consolation, solace.\n
liput cover (an event).\n
liputan cover.\n
lir winch.\n
lirih low, sweet-sounding, gentle, soft (of voice).\n
1. 1) sharp glance. 2) a glance to left or right. 2. pierce, perforate,
lirik bore through. 3. lyrics.\n

liris k.o. batik pattern consisting of decorated parallel lines.\n

lis see LES 2. LES 3, LES 4.\n
lisa louse egg, nit.\n
lisah see GELISAH.\n
lisan oral, spoken.\n
lisensi 1 license, permit. 2 franchise.\n
lisol disinfectant of creosot in soap, Lysol.\n
lisong cigar.\n
listrik electricity, electric.\n
listris electrical, by means of electricity.\n
lisut 1 withered, wizened, atrophied. 2 wilted, faded.\n
litak see LETAK.\n
litani litany.\n
litbang [Penelitian dan Pengembangan] Research and Development.\n
litenan see LETNAN.\n
liter liter.\n
literator man of letters.\n
literatur literature.\n
literer literary.\n
litnan see LETNAN.\n
litografi lithography.\n
litup see LINGKUP.\n
liturgi /liturgia/ liturgy.\n
liturgis liturgical.\n
liuk wriggle.\n
liuk-liuk whistle made of a rice stalk.\n
liung-liung k.o. sea fish.\n
liur saliva, drool.\n
liut leathery, tough.\n
liwaath /liwa:t/ (Lit.) sodomy.\n
liwat 1. /liwa:t/ (Lit.) sodomy. 2. see LEWAT.\n
liwet (Java) nasi-liwet boilet rice. me-liwet boil rice.\n
liyer-liyer (Java) doze.\n
lk. [lebih kurang] approximately, ca.\n
[Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa] village social activities
1. [Luar Negeri] abroad, foreign. 2. [Lembaran Negara] national
lo see LHO.\n
barang-loak seconhand things. pasar-loak flea market. put s.t. used
up for sale, resell.\n
loba greedy, avaricious, selfish.covet, crave.\n
lobak radish. lobak-merah beet.\n
loban see LUBAN.\n
lobang see LUBANG.\n
loberci spangles.\n
1. lobby, foyer. 2 (Pol.) s.o. who intervenes at political meetings to
argue (informally) for a certain cause\n
lobi-lobi tree with edible fruit (used in fruit salads).\n
lobiing go around to various people to persuade them to do s.t.\n
loco (Coll.) me-, nge-loco masturbate.\n
locok (Lit.) me-locok move up and down (of a pump handle, etc.).\n
locot 1. chafed, blistered (of hand, foot). 2. see LUCUT 1.\n
loda [lotto daerah] legalized lottery restricted to a certain region.\n
lodan whale.\n
lodeh k.o. vegetable dish cooked with coconut milk.\n
1. (Java, Jakarta) stripped (threads of screw, etc.). 2. soften s.t. by
sticking it in water.\n
lodong covered glass jar.\n
logam metal.\n
logaritma logarithm.\n
logat 1 (Lit.) word, wordlist. 2 dialect. 3 way of speaking, accent.\n
loge see LOSE.\n
logika logic.\n
logis logical, reasonable.\n
logistik logistics.\n
logo logogram.\n
loh 1. writing tablet. 2. see LHO.\n
loha see DOHA.\n
lohjinawi (Java) 1 lush, luxuriant, fertile. 2 wellpopulated.\n
1 (Islam) midday prayer, o. of the five obligatory prayer rituals. 2
midday, noontime.\n
1 (Lit.) warehouse of a colonial trading company. 2 (Coll.) large,
colonial style house.\n
lojot writhin in pain.\n
lok see LOKO.\n
lok-lok pearl.\n
loka (Lit.) place, shop.\n
lokah see LUKAH.\n
lokakarya workshop, seminar.\n
lokal 1 local. 2 place.\n
1 prostituation complex organized in order to confine prostitution to
only o. area. 2 confinement of prostitution to o. area. 3 complex for
confining poor, sick, etc.\n

lokalisir me-lokalisir localize.\n

lokalitas locality.\n
lokan k.o. edible bivalve. lokan-laut conch.\n
lokasi site. ber-lokasi located.\n
lokcan,lokchuan (China) silk crepe.\n
lokek stingy, miserly.\n
loket counter (of post offices, immigration office, etc.), ticket window.\n
lokio (China) chives.\n
lokir (Che.) exchange position of s.t. with the rook.\n
loko /lokomotif/ locomotive.\n
lokro loose, slack. ng-lokro despondent.\n
loksun (China) consumptive with blood in spittle.\n
loktong prostitute.\n
lola [lonte lanang] (Sl.) male prostitute. /lola / me-lola manage, run s.t.\n
lolak-lolok (Coll.) look around uncertain about what to do.\n
loleng (China) paper lantern.\n
loli, lolipop lollipop.\n
loloh 1. me-loloh overfeed s.o. 2. loose, slack (of clothes).\n
lolong howling.\n
1 slip off (of a ring, etc.). 2 slip away, bolt (from jail, etc.). 3 be
allowed to get through or out.\n
lomba a race, contest.\n
lombar me-lombar 1 pay out rope. 2 follow an urge to.\n
lombok chili.\n
lombong 1 mine, quarry. 2 crater.\n
lomi (China) k.o. viscous noodle dish.\n
lomot (Jakarta) nge-lomot suck in.\n
a leap, jump. lompat-galah pole vault. lompat-jauh long jump.
lompat-katak leapfrog.\n
lompong me-lompong empty, bare.\n
lompongsagu k.o. sweet made of boiled sago filled with coconut and palm sugar.\n
lomprot be sloppy.\n
loncat 1. leap, jump (esp. high or from a height). 2. frog.\n
lonceng 1 bell, chime. 2 wall clock.\n
loncer loose (of a screw).\n
loncong see LUNCUNG.\n
loncos tapering.\n
londang buffalo wallow.\n
londar locus.\n
londo (Java) white person.\n

londong 1 wash away. 2 destroy, wipe out.\n

londot stripped (of the threads of a screw, etc.).\n
loneng (Java) 1 balustrade, railing. 2 low wall before house.\n
1. k.o. large firecracker. 2. (Lit.) k.o. bottomless coffin. 3. see
longak-longok (Coll.) look around unsure of what to do.\n
1 loose (of rope, clothes, screw, etc.). 2 fax (in discipline). 3 not
binding (of contract, friendship).\n
longgok heap, pile, stack.\n
longgor grow tall.\n
longkop peel (of paint).\n
longkopan flake (of peeling paint).\n
longo 1 gawk. 2 be open-mouthed (from surprise)., bewildered.\n
longok take a peek.\n
longong agape, open-mouthed.\n
longsong me-longsong peel (fruit, etc.)\n
longsongan shell of spent bullet.\n
longsor slide (of embankments, hills, etc.).\n
longsoran 1 landslide. 2 soil erosion.\n
longtorso strapless bra combined with corset to cover the torso.\n
lonjak jump.\n
lonjakan 1 leap, jump. 2 bump (in plane flight).\n
lonjong 1 tapering, pointed. 2 oval, egg-shaped (esp. of faces).\n
lonjor 1. stalk, stick. 2 classifier for soap.\n
lonsong see LONGSONG.\n
lontang-lantung 1 go about with no purpose or destination. 2 neglected, ignored.\n
1. 1) palmyra palm the leaves of which may be written on. 2)
lontar manuscript of such palm leaves. 2. lonta-martil (Sport) hammer
lonte (Java) prostitute.\n
lontok squat (of a bottle).\n
lontong food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf.\n
lontos smooth and cylindrical (of a pillar).\n
loop /lop/ (gun) barrel.\n
lopak-lopak (Jakarta) woven pouch for tobacco.\n
lopakan (Jakarta) puddle.\n
lopek k.o. small boat.\n
loper 1 messenger, errand boy. 2 delivery man.\n
lopis k.o. cake of glutinous rice steamed in banana leaves.\n
lopong see LOMPONG.\n
lor (Java) north.\n
lorek striped.\n
loreng stripe.\n
lori (R.R.) flatcar us. to transport sugarcane.\n
lornyet lorgnette.\n
lorong 1 path, lane, trail. 2 alley(way). 3 hallway, corridor.\n
1. me-lorot decline, drop (of prices, etc.).lower, decrease s.t. 2. me-
lorot remove wax fom batik between dyeings.\n
1. (Naut.) pilot. 2. shed without interior walls, hangar. 3. (Coll.) 1)
free, loose. 2) slack, not taut. 3) not restrictive, unrestricted.\n
lose 1. box seats, first-class seats in a movie house. 2. house guest.\n
losin see LUSIN.\n
losmen inn, cheap hotel.\n
losong-kosong completely empty.\n
lot see LOTERE.\n
lotek k.o. raw vegetable salad served with spicy sause.\n
loteng 1 upper story, upstairs. 2 top floor, attic. 3 cerling.\n
1. lottery, raffle, pool. 2 lottery ticket. me-lotere gamble, participate
in lottery.\n
lotok nge-lotok chip off.\n
lotong black or gray long-tailed monkey.\n
staring (of eyes).open wide (of eyes), bulge out 9of eyes, when
angry, etc.).\n
lotre see LOTERE.\n
lotto k.o. lottery (1960s).\n
loudspeaker /lotspiker/ (Coll.) loudspeaker.\n
lowak see LOAK.\n
lowong empty, vacan, unfilled.\n
lowongan 1 vacancy, (job) opening. 2 gap, vacum.\n
loyal loyal.\n
loyalitas loyalty.\n
loyang 1 brass. 2 large tray. 3 casserole dish, baking pan.\n
loyar extravagant, wasteful.\n
loyo 1. weak, faint. 2 exhausted.\n
loyong me-loyong stagger, totter.\n
loyor 1 (Jakarta) slither. 2 (Coll.) leave without saying goodbye.\n
1. [Lembaga Pemasyarakatan] correctional institution, jail. 2. [long-
play] long-play album.\n
lsd [Lembaga Sosial Desa] village social activity group.\n
lt. 1. [lantai] story, floor. 2. [letnan] lieutenent.\n
ltd. [letnan dua] 2d lieutenant.\n
lts. [letnan satu] first lieutenant.\n
lu (Jakarta, China, Coll.) you.\n
luah sickening, nauseating.\n
1. (Java) k.o. civer cat. 2. a dug well 3. decrease, reduce s.t. 4
seeLOAK. 5. see LUHAK. 6. see LUAH.\n
luang empty, vacant, free.\n
luap 1 overflow (of a river). 2 boil over (of water). 3 flare up.\n
luar 1 outside, outer part. 2 beyond.\n
1 wide, broad. 2 extensive, vast (forests, etc.). 3 capacious,
commodious (trunk, room). 4 far-ranging (discussion).\n
luasnya 1 width. 2 area, extent, scope.\n
luat see LUAH.\n
luban incense.\n
lubang 1 hole, orifice. 2. cavity, hollow. 3 burrow, pit.\n
luber me-luber overflow, run over. overflowing (of water, etc.).\n
lubuk deep pool in a stream.\n
lucu 1 funny, amusing. 2 cute.\n
lucup see LUCUT 2.\n
lucut 1. me-lucut slip off (of a ring, bold, etc.).\n
ludah sal;iva, spittle.\n
ludang k.o. dugout canoe.\n
/ludes/ 1 finished, allgone (of money, etc.). 2 completely destroyed.
3 extinguished (of a flame).\n
luding Spanish mackerel.\n
ludruk East Java folk theater in which all parts are played by men.\n
lugas 1 simple, unadorned. 2 businesslike, direct, to the point.\n
lugat see LOGAT.\n
lugu simple, plain, unadorned.\n
luh see LHO.\n
luhak district.\n
luhung 1 noble, supreme. 2 superb, exquisite.\n
luhur 1 glorious, supreme. 2 lofty (ideals). 3 upright, noble.\n
lui (China) money.\n
luik 1 retch. 2 drip, trickle.\n
luing k.o. banyan tree.\n
luk curve (on a kris).\n

luka 1 injury, wound. 2 (Coll.) injured.\n

lukah k.o. fishtrap used in shallow water.\n
lukat come loose (of adhesive tape).\n
lukis 1 paint, draw. 2 depict, describe.\n
lukisan 1 painting, drawing, portrayal. 2 design.\n
luks luxurious.\n
luku (Java) plowshare.\n
lukup see TELUNGKUP.\n
lukut various k.o. riverine weeds.\n
luli 1. spindle for making cotton thread. 2. k.o. fish similar to smelt.\n
lulu see MELULU.\n
luluh 1 crushed (to powder). 2 (Ling.) assimilated.\n
mud. ber-luluk muddy. terluluk loose and ready for planting (of
lulum suck (o.\'s finger).\n
1. tenderloin (of beef). 2. swallow whole, gobbe up. 3. (Java) herbal
cosmetic used to lighten o.\'s complexion.\n
1. 1) pass (a tes). 2) be granted (permission).1) permit, allow, grant.
2) yield to (pleas). 3) pass (an exam).\n
lulusan 1) graduate. 2) alumnus, alumna. 2. see LOLOS.\n
lumang ber-lumang smeared.\n
lumas grease.\n
lumat fine, pulverized.\n
lumayan 1 reasonable, moderate. 2 pretty fair, not bad.\n
lumba-lumba cetaceous mammal (i.e. dolphin, etc.).\n
lumbung rice barn.\n
lumer melted.\n
lumintu without interruption, continuous, uninterrupted.\n
lumpang 1 mortar (used in pestle). 2 rice jar.\n
lumpat see LOMPAT.\n
lumpia (China) eggroll.\n
lumping see KUDA.\n
lumpuh paralyzed (of a person, organ or business).\n
lumpur mud.\n
lumrah 1 normal, customary, usual. 2 commonplace, ordinary.\n
lumur a smear.\n
lumus soil (of face).\n
lumut 1 moss, lichen, bryophyte. 2 algae.\n
1 soft (food, etc.). 2 easy-going, tractable in disposition. 3. benign
(of tumor).\n
1. paid, settled. me-i, me-kan pay, settle (a debt), expiate (a sin),
discharge (o.\'s duty). 2. 10 base. 2) (Naut.) keel.\n
lunau mud.\n
luncah 1 smutty, fifthy, obscene. 2 shameless, brazen.\n
luncat miss or fall short of (the mark).\n
luncip see LANCIP.\n
luncung protruding (of chin, snout).\n
luncur move with gliding action.\n
luncuran (Ling.) glide.\n
luncus see LONCOS.\n
lundi grub, larva (of beetle).\n
lundu river catfish.\n
lunduk chameleon.\n
lung 1. 1) curve, bend. 2) bow and arrow. 2. see LONG 1,2,3.\n
lungguh (Java) me-lungguh sit at ease.\n
lungguk see LONGGOK.\n
lungkrah weak, tired.\n
lungkum see MUNGKUM.\n
lungkup see TELUNGKUP.\n
lunglai weak, exhausted.\n
lunglit [balung kulit] (Java) emaciated.\n
lungsin warp in a loom.\n
1. me-kan, nge-lungsur hand s.t. down (a toy, coat, etc.). 2. see
lunjak see LONJAK.\n
lunjur strech out (of arms and legs).\n
lunta be in constant dissiculty, suffer constantly.\n
luntang-lanting 1 loaf about, hack around. 2 be out.\n
luntang-lantung (Coll.) go alone.\n
luntas see BELUNTAS.\n
1 faded, become discolored. 2 changeable (of opinion). 3 out-dated
(of theory, policy, etc.).\n
lup 1. magnifying glass. 2. see LOOP.\n
lupa forget.\n
lupa-lupa roll of fatty tissue in a fish\'s stomach above the roe.\n
lupak see LOPAK-LOPAK.\n
lupat k.o. mollusc.\n
lupi see PAPAN 1.\n
lupis see LOPIS.\n
lupuh hammer flat (bamboo for flooring).\n
luput 1 sliupped away, escaped. 2 not on target.\n
1. village chief. ke-lurah-an political district administrered by the
lurah. 2. 1) ravine, gorge, gully. 2 groove.\n
lurik (Java) striped woven material. lurik-an wear such cloth.\n

luru (Lit.) chase, run after.\n

lurub (Java) clotch for covering a bier.\n
luruban (Jakarta) see LURUB.\n
1 drop (of fruit, leaves, feathers). 2 be touching to the heart. 3
(Phys.) disintegrate. 4 become emotionally affected.\n
luruk me-luruk assault on a large scale.\n
lurus straight, undeviating.\n
1. 1) draw o.\'s hand over s.t. firmly. 2) massage (by pressing in long
lurut strokes). 3) strip off (leaves, etc.) by squeezing between the fingers
and pulling lengthwise. 2 see LURUH.\n
lus see ELUS.\n
lusa the day after tomorrow.\n
lusin dozen. lusin-an by the dozen.\n
lustrum 5th anniversary (of an institution).\n
lusuh old and faded, worn-out (esp. of cloth, paper, etc.).\n
lusur see LUNCUR.\n
lut penetration by a sharp weapon.\n
luti crumpled, wrinkled.\n
lutung see LOTONG.\n
1. obey without questioning. 2. a scented powder for cleaning
luwak see LUAK 1.\n
luwes 1 smooth, well-mannered, sociable. 2 attractive. 3 flexible.\n
luyu sleepy.\n
luyur see KELUYUR.\n
1. m, 13 th letter of the alphabet. 2. [mens] (Euphemism) have o.\'s
m'thai. [Muang Thai] Thailand.\n
m. 1. [meter] meter. 2. [menit] minute.\n
m.pd. [Magister Pendidikan] Master of Education.\n
m.ts. M.Ts.\n
ma' see MAK.\n
ma'da see MAK.\n
ma'jizat see MUKJIZAT.\n
ma'lum see MAKLUM.\n
ma'lumat see MAKLUMAT.\n
ma'mur see MAKMUR.\n
ma'na see MAKNA.\n
ma'nawi see MAKNAWI.\n
ma'rifat see MAKRIFAT.\n
ma'ruf see MAKRUF.\n
ma'ruh see MAKRUH.\n
ma'siat see MAKSIAT.\n
ma-lima see MO-LIMO.\n
maab (Islam) place of return.\n
maaf 1 forgive, pardon. 2 forgiveness, pardon.\n
/makh/ 1 stomach (as source of sickness). 2 (Coll.) suffer a stomach
maalim (Islam) religious teacher.\n
maap see MAAF.\n
mabes [Markas besar] headquarters.\n
mabok see MABUK.\n
mabrur (Islam) accepted by Allah (of o.\'s pilgrimage).\n
1 drunk, intoxicated. 2 nauseated, on the verge of vomiting. mabuk-
darat carsick. mabuk-laut seasick. mabuk-udara airsick.\n
mabur (Java) flee, run away.\n
macak (Java) dress up.\n
macam 1 kind, sort, quality, type. 2 way, method.\n
macam-macam 1 various. 2 do all sorts of things.\n
macan (Java) tiger. macan-tutul panther.\n
macapat k.o. six-line Java verse form.\n
1 stuck, not running smoothly, out of order. 2 interference,
macik see MAK.\n
macikwe (China) k.o. pastry filled with fried sesame seeds.\n
maciok,macok (China) mahjong.\n
macro- macro.\n
mada stupid, feebleminded, dull.\n
madah 1 eulogy, praise. 2 stanza.\n
madahan songs.\n
madaliun /medalyun/ see MEDALYON.\n
madan mine.\n
madang (Java, Jakarta) eat rice.\n
madap (Java) face.\n
madarsah see MADRASAH.\n
madat 1. opium. ber-madat opium. 2. watchtower.\n
maddi (Islam) material rather than spiritual.\n
madep see MADAP.\n
madhap see MAZHAB.\n
madikipe (Vulg., Jakarta) swear word, mother-fucker.\n
madinah Medina.\n
madipantat (Vulg., Jakarta) swear word, mother-fucker.\n
madon (Java) chase after women.\n
madona madonna.\n
madrasah 1 Islam school. 2 (Islam) institution of learning.\n

madu 1. 1) honey. 2) very sweet (of a smile). 2. co-wife.\n

1 (in set formal phrases) medium, average. 2 level of Java language
between kromo and ngoko.\n
madzab see MADZHAB.\n
madznun see MAJENUN.\n
maem see MAIN.\n
maesan see MESAN.\n
mafela shawl.\n
mafhum know, understand, comprehend.\n
magang 1. 1) candidate, apprentice. 2) clerk. 3) volunteer. 2. overripe.\n
magel 1 half-ripe. 2 incomplete in knowledge.\n
magersari 1 tenant. 2 fringe area.\n
maggi bouillon cubes.\n
maghrib see MAGRIB.\n
magik /mejik/ magic.\n
magis magical.\n
magister master\'s degree.\n
magnet,magnit see MAKNIT.\n
magrib 1 west. 2 at sunset. 3 (Islam) sunset prayer.\n
magribi western, esp. of western Africa.\n
magun fixed, permanent. magun-angin porthole.\n
mah 1. ( Jakarta, Sunda) particle to mark the topic. 2. see MAAG.\n
mah. [maha] great.\n
maha great, very.\n
mahaasih All-loving (God).\n
mahabharata the Mahabharata, important story in the literatures of Indonesia.\n
mahadahsyat tremendous, fantastic.\n
mahadewa 1 the Hindu god Siva. 2 supreme deity.\n
mahadewi the Hindu goddess Batara Durga.\n
[Mahkamah Angkatan Darat dalam Perang] Wartime Military
mahaduta ambassador.\n
mahaesa The Great Unity, God.\n
mahaguru professor.\n
mahakeramat most sacred or holy.\n
mahakuasa the Almighty.\n
mahal 1 expensive. 2 scarce, difficult to find.\n
mahamenteri (Lit.) high official at old-courts.\n
mahameru the holy mountain, seat of the gods.\n
mahamulia exalted, lofty, sublime, illustrious.\n
mahap see MAAF.\n
mahapencipta the Almighty Creator.\n
mahar (Islam) brideprice.\n
maharaja sovereign, emperor.\n
maharajalela 1 rage. 2 rampage. operate unchecked.\n
maharani /maharatu/ empress.\n
maharupa extremely beautiful.\n
mahasayang the All-Merciful (of God).\n
mahasiswa university student.\n
mahasiswi female university student.\n
mahasuci the Most Holy (of God).\n
mahatahu 1 omniscient. 2 (Coll.) arrogant.\n
mahbub (Lit.) lover, sweetheart (male).\n
mahbubah (Lit.) beloved (woman).\n
(Islam) messianic guide who will come just before the end of the
world to lead the faithful.\n
maherat see MAIRAT.\n
mahful stored in the mind. me-mahful-kan memorize.\n
mahir skilled, well-versed, clever.\n
mahkamah court of law. mahkamah-Agung Supreme Court.\n
1 crown. 1 (Biol.) corona (in efflorescence). 3 crown of the tooth. 4
mahligai palace (us, figuratively).\n
[Mahkamah Militer Luar Biasa] speial court-martial for members of
mahmilub the armed forces involved in the G30S incident or for members of
the Communist Party.\n
mahmud (Lit.) praised.\n
mahoni mahogany.\n
mahsul see HASIL.\n
mahsyar see PADANG.\n
mahyong mahjong.\n
maido doubt s.t.\n
maik microphone.\n
1 play. 2 engage in some (us. not quite respectable). activity. 3 play
(a show). 4 do s.t. unthinkingly, needlessly. 5 have sex.\n
mair see MAHIR.\n
mairat 1 (Islam) ascension. 2 (Coll.) disappear, die.\n
maisena cornmeal.\n
mait (Java) see MAYAT.\n
maitua (in some regions only) old woman.\n
maizena see MAISENA.\n
majadaya in o. piece (of poles, sticks).\n
majal blunt, dull.\n
majalah magazine, periodical, journal.\n
majas /mmajasi/ (just a) figure of a speech.\n
majelis 1 souncil, committee. 2 meeting, session. 3 meeting chamber.\n
majemuk (Ling.) compound, complex.\n
majenun possessed, insane.\n
majikan employer, boss.\n
majikanisme authoritarian mental attitude.\n
majir barren, sterile.\n
majong dust cloth.\n
1 go forward, advance, progress. 2 thrive, progress. 3 progressive,
forward looking.\n
majuh 1 gluttonous. 2 overeager.\n
majun 1. see MAKJUN. 2. see MAJONG.\n
majung putty.\n
majusi Persian or Zoroastrian\'religion.\n
1 mother. 2 term of address or reference for a woman who is older
than the speaker and who might fittingly be called \"mother\".\n
1 then, so. 2 particle introducing the main clause which follows a
conditional or temporal clause.\n
makalah working paper (for a conference, etc.), short paper.\n
makam grave, resting place, burial plot.\n
1 eat, eat a meal. 2 take, swallow, ingest. 3 meal, food. 4 destroy,
consume. 5 take, require, consume. 6 make a living by (in set
phrases). 7 hit, strike. 8 in working condition. 9 range of a weapon,
draw of a ship.\n
makanan food , provisions.\n
makanya consequently, because of that, no wonder !\n
1. 1) trick, tactics. 2) attack, assault. 3) attack against the gvt. 2. 1)
hard and tough (of fruits and vegetables). 2) unripe (of fruit).\n
1 mythological creature said to cause eclipses. 2 an astrological sign(
makara Cancer). 3. curvilinear motif like the tail of a shrimp, e.g. as found
on ancient temple gargoyles.\n
makaroni macaroni.\n
makarya practical.\n
makasar Macassar, Macassarese.\n
makasi see TERIMA-KASIH.\n
makassar see MAKASAR.\n
makbul 1 fulfilled, answered. 2 accepted, realized. 3 effective.\n
makcik see MAK.\n
makelar broker, intermediary in a sale. makelar-an system of using brokers.\n
makenah see MUKENAH.\n
makeruh see MAKRUH.\n

maket scale model, mockup.\n

makhdum sir (honororific, generally used of o. well versed in religion).\n
makhluk creature.\n
makhudum see MAKHDUM.\n
maki maki-maki abuse, esp. with vulgar language.\n
makin increasingly, the more.\n
makjizat see MUKJIZAT.\n
makjun tonic to increase aman\'s sexual ability.\n
maklaf see MALAF.\n
maklum 1 know, be knowledgeable. 2 be understanding of a situation.\n
maklumat announcement, declaration. announce, proclaim, declare.\n
makmal (in some region only) laboratory.\n
makmum (Islam) congregation, follower of a religious leader in prayer.\n
makmur 1 prosperous, rich, wealthy. 2 luxurious.\n
makna 1 meaning. 2 purpose, sense.\n
maknawi 1 spiriitual. 2 meaningful.\n
maknawiah according to intent rather than literal (of an interpretation).\n
maknit magnet.\n
makota see MAHKOTA.\n
makrifat 1 knowledge. 2 the higest knowledge (in mysticism,).\n
makruf 1 known. 2 good (of deeds).\n
(Islam) s.t. the avoidance of which yields merit but the performance
of which is not sinful.\n
maksi large-scale, major.\n
in violation of God\'s law, immoral (esp. sexually immoral). sin,
maksimal /maksimum/ maximal, maximum.\n
maksud 1 purpose, aim. 2 intention, plan. 3 meaning sense.\n
maktab Koranic elementary school.\n
maktub recorded.\n
makul /ma\'kul/ rational, logical, reasonable.\n
makulat ma\'kulat/ (Islam) metaphysics.\n
makzul deposed, dethroned.\n
mal 1 by (in measurements). 2 times (multiplication).\n
1 disaster, misfortune, accident. spot, stain, flaw, blot on o.\'s
malaekat see MALAIKAT.\n
malaf /ma\'laf/ manager.\n
malagizi malnutrition.\n
malah infact, instead, on the contrary.\n
angel. malaikat-maut angel of death. malaikat-pelindung guardian
malaikatulmaut angel of death.\n
malaise /malese/ see MALESE.\n
malak see MALAIKAT.\n
malaka Malacca.\n
malakalmaut see MALAIKATULMAUT.\n
/malakamo/ buah si-malakama proverbial fruit which brings bad
malakama luck to s.o. who is dear to the possessor if he eats it and equally bad
luck to another dear person if he does not est it.\n
malakut (Lit.) kingdom.\n
1. 1) evening, night. 2) the night an event takes place. 3) (preceding
malam the name of a day). 4) following the name of a day). 2. wax,
malan have an uneasy feeling, anxious, concerned.\n
malang 1 transverse, across. 2 unlucky, unfortunate.\n
malap 1 dim (of light). 2 smoldering.\n
malapetaka misfortune, great disaster.\n
1 continous, more and more. 2 but in fact, but instead even... malar-
an (Ling.) continuant.\n
malari [Malapetaka 15 Januari] anti-Japanese riots of January 15, 1974.\n
malas 1 lazy, indolent. 2 not feel like, not be up to.sluggard, lazy person.\n
malaun (Islam) accursed.\n
(Islam) last 10 days of the fasting month during which the descent of
the divine inspiration is celebrate\n
males see MALAS.\n
malese economic depression.\n
maligai see MAHLIGAI.\n
malih (Java) changed, altered.\n
malik 1 owner, proprietor. 2 (Lit.) king.\n
malikul-maut the angel of death.\n
1. 1) leader, guide. 2) pilot (of ship). 3) magician. 2. see
malin (Rel.) master.\n
maling 1 thief. 2 steal.\n
malinjo see MELINJO 1.\n
malis 1 faded, pale (of colors). 2 vague.\n
1 shy, bashful, embarrassed. 2 respectful and humble. 3 ashamed. 4
maluku Moluccas.\n
malung k.o. sea fish.\n
mam 1. (Coll.) mother. 2. see MAEM.\n
1 mother. 2 (Ambon) aunt. 3 (Ambon) term of address for women
the age of o.\'s mother.\n
mamah chew. me-mamah chew, masticate. pe-mamah biak ruminant.\n
mamai 1 walk in o.\'s sleep. 2 drowsy.\n
mamak (M) mother\'s brother.\n
mamalia mammals.\n
mamanda term of respect for o.\'s mamak, esp. in letters.\n
1. 1) dizzy. 2) frightened, confused. 2. (Sunda) 1) term of address for
mamang parents\' younger brother. 2) term of address for men older than the
speaker, esp. as mang.\n
mambang k.o. supernatural being associated with crimson sunsets.\n
mambeg (Java) stagnant (of water in a swamp or stream that is stopped up).\n
mambruk k.o. bird from E. Indonesia with unusual plumage.\n
mambu (Java) smelling bad. tainted.\n
mami 1 (child language) mother, mommy. 2 madame in a brothel.\n
mamik tasting bad.\n
mampan see MEMPAN.\n
/mampet/ 1 solid, compact, compressed. 2 clogged up. 3 excellent,
mampir drop in, come by, call at.\n
mampu 1 capable, able. 2 well-to-do, wealthy. 3 afford, be able.\n
mampuh see MAMPU.\n
mampung porous (of coal, sponge).\n
(Vulg.) 1 die. 2 exclamation about s.t. unfortunate.enterminate,
finish off.\n
mamut mammoth.\n
1. 1) where. 2) which, which person. 3) how (can it be). 4) what
mana kind, which kind. 2. particle preceding a list of problems o. is
manai pale, colorless (of complexion).\n
manajemen management.\n
manalagi name given to esp. good varieties of fruits (esp. mangos).\n
manao k.o. large rattan.\n
manasik manual, guide. manasik-haji guide for those going on the haji.\n
manasuka as you like, voluntarily.\n
manat firm and permanent agreement.\n
manau see MANAO.\n
mancanegara foreign countries.\n

mancawarna varicolored, multicolored.\n

mancis matches, lighter.\n
mancung 1 sharp, pointed. 2 dry sheath of a coconut.\n
manda 1. bear to do, put up with. 2. storage place for rice.\n
mandah 1. bear to do, put up with. 2. storage place for rice. 3. see MALAH.\n
mandala 1 arena, area in a circle. 2 area or field of operations.\n
mandam 1 drunk, intoxicated. 2 madly in love.\n
mandar k.o. waterfowl.\n
mandarsah see MADRASAH.\n
mandat 1 gvt. orders to make paymen. 2 mandate.\n
mandataris o. entrusted with a mandate.\n
mandau k.o. sword made in Borneo.\n
mandeg /mandek/ (Java) 1 stop, get stuck, stall. 2 stagnate.\n
mandeng (Java) knowing o.\'s proper position.\n
mandering see MINDERING.\n
mandi 1 bathe, take a bath. 2 go swimming.\n
mandiang see MENDIANG.\n
mandiri stand alone, be autonomous.\n
mandor see MANDUR.\n
mandraguna invulnerable.\n
mandu opinion, point of view, thesis.\n
mandul barrent, sterile.\n
mandung rooster, cock.\n
mandur foreman, overseer.\n
maneken /manekin/ mannequin.\n
manfaat 1 use, benefit. 2 profit.\n
mang see MAMANG 2.\n
mangap (Java) 1 gape. 2 yawn.\n
mangau agape.\n
mangga 1. mango. 2. /manggaq/ (Sunda) please.\n
manggan manganese.\n
manggis /mangistan/ mangosteen.\n
manggung 1 coo (of doves). 2 perform (of a band, theater troupe, etc.).\n
manggut nod (in agreement). manggut-manggut nod the head.\n
mangir (Java) k.o. powder to lighten the skin.\n
mangka see MAKA.\n
mangkak faded and dull.\n
mangkal 1. see PANGKAL. 2. see MANGKEL.\n
mangkasar see MAKASAR.\n
mangkat (Honorific) pass away, die, depart this world.\n
mangkel annoyed, irritated.\n
mangkin see MAKIN.\n
mangkir 1 be absent. 2 be missing, lack. 3 fail.\n
mangkok see MANGKUK.\n
mangku see PANGKU.\n
mangkubumi o. of the high administrators in the Malay and Java courts.\n
mangkuk cup, bowl.\n
mangkus efficacious, effective.\n
mangoni see MAHONI.\n
mangpang-mungpung taking advantage of a favorable situation (us. in an unsavory way).\n
mangro in a dual capacity. ke-mangro-an duality.\n
mangsa 1 prey, bait. 2 victim.\n
mangsai see MASAI.\n
mangset see MANSET.\n
mangsi 1 (Ling.) ink. 2 powdered charcoal for blackening the teeth.\n
mangu 1 confused, dazed. 2 taken aback, speechless. 3 thoughtful.\n
mangut 1 confused, dazed. 2 doze.\n
mangut-ikan dish of fish in spicy coconut milk.\n
sperm. pancuran-sperma ejaculation of sperm. per-mani-an
maniak maniac.\n
manifes bill of lading, manifest.\n
manifestasi manifestation.\n
manifesto manifesto, political statement.\n
manik-mata pupil. manik-manik 1 beads. 2 beads of perspiration,
small droplets.\n
manikam gem, precious stone.\n
[Manifesto Kebudayaan] anticommunist intellectual manifesto of
manikur manicure.\n
manikuris manicurist.\n
[Manifesto Politik] Sukarno\'s 1959 manifeto of political orientation.
Manipol-Usdek manifesto of political reorganization.\n
manipolis o. who follow Sukarno\'s 1959 manifesto.\n
manipolisasi bringing society into conformity with Sukarno\'s 1959 manifesto.\n
manipulasi manipulation.\n
manipulir manipulate.\n
1 sweet. 2 talking sweetly. 3 attractive, cute. 4 nicely done. manis-an
candy, sweets.\n
manisan candy, sweets.1 sweetener. 2 cosmetics. 3 decoration.\n

manja 1 spoiled. 2 attached, friendly. 3 intimate, close in feeling.\n

manjung 1. k.o. large torch used during fishing. 2. k.o. small boat.\n
manjur 1 efficacious. 2 strong, effective. 3 powerful.\n
manover maneuver.\n
manpaat see MANFAAT.\n
mans (Crd.) game (in bridge).\n
manset 1 cuff. 2 cuff links.\n
mansuh / mansukh/ 1 abrogated. 2 expired, null, invalid. 2 cancel, annul.\n
mantab see MANTAP.\n
mantakan that is why, therefore.\n
mantan former.\n
mantap steady, stable, unwavering.\n
mantel 1 coat, cardigan, cape. 2 casting. 3 condom.\n
mantep see MANTAP.\n
mantera magic formula.\n
manteri see MANTRI 1.\n
mantik logic, thinking based on reason rather than emotion.\n
mantiki logical.\n
mantol see MANTEL.\n
mantram see MANTERA.\n
mantri 1. low-ranking gvt. employee us. a technician. 2. see MENTERI.\n
mantu 1. (Java) hold wedding for o.\'s doughter. 2. see MENANTU.\n
mantuk 1. the real meanting. 2. nodding the head.\n
1 (Java) bird (in set phrases). manuk-dewata bird of paradise. 2
(child language) penis.\n
manunggal be united.\n
manusia 1 human being, man. 2 human.\n
manusiawi human, humane.\n
manut (Java) obeidient, tending to follow ordesr\n
manuver see MANOVER.\n
manyala-bob (Sl.) excellent, terrific.\n
manyar see BURUNG.\n
manyun pout in distate.\n
manyung k.o. fish.\n
manzil rest house, a place to spend the night on a trip.\n
maoni see MAHONI.\n
portfolio, file folder. map-ordner/ortner/thick folder with clips. map-
snelhekhter binder with clips.\n
mapak meet s.o., welcome.\n
mapalus mutual assistence.\n
mapan (Java) established, in proper place, order.\n
mapang show, display.\n
[Masa Prabakti Mahasiswa] time of initiating freshmen as full-
fledged members of the student body.\n
mar (Che.) queen.\n
mara 1. danger, disaster. 2. advance, progress, approach.\n
marabunta k.o. voracious African ant.\n
marah 1 angry. 2 anger, fury. 3 become angry.\n
marajalele seeMAHARAJALELA.\n
marak glow, luster.\n
marakas k.o. percussion instrument, maraca.\n
maras very anxious, frightened.\n
maraton marathon.\n
marawal 1 banner. 2 (Mil.) the colors.\n
marbut caretaker of the mosque.\n
marcapada the earth, this world as opposed to heaven (in wayang stories).\n
marem (Java) satisfied, content, complacent.\n
maret March.\n
1. 1) (Batak) clan. 2) (Biol.) genus. 3) (South Sumatra) District. 4)
marga family name. 2. (Lit.) street, way. bina-marga highway construction,
road maintenance.\n
margarin margarine.\n
margasatwa wild animals, fauna.\n
marge /marse/ margin.\n
(Islam) Welcome ! (esp. used in Islam school circles).melody for
praising the Prophert on Mikraj.\n
marhaen working classes : peasantry, petty vendors, small-time artisans.\n
marhaeni female marhaen.\n
marhaenis o. who fights for the interest of the have-nots.\n
marhaenisme movement to fight for the interests of the have-nots.\n
marhum see ALMARHUM.\n
marhumah the late (female).\n
mari 1 come here. 2 please (do). 3 goodbye. 4 let us (do).\n
marihuana see MARIJUANA.\n
marijuana /mariyuana/ marijuana.\n
marikan (Coll.) American.\n
marikh Mars.\n
marin (Coll.) see KEMARIN.\n
marinir marine, marines.\n
maritim maritime.\n
marjin margin (of profit).\n
1 station, office. 2 army or police post, barracks. markas-besar
markis 1. awning against sun. 2. k.o. setting for gems.\n
markisa /markisah/ 1 passion fruit. 2 syrup made from passion fruit.\n
markonis ship\'s radio operator.\n
marksis Marxist.\n
marksisme Marxism.\n
marmar /marmer/ marble.\n
marmot,marmut guinea pig.\n
maro,maron /maron/ (Java) system of renting rice fields sharing the crop 50-50.\n
mars marching tune.\n
marsda [marsekal muda] major general in the air force.\n
marsdya [marsekal madya] lieutenant general in the air force.\n
marsekal air marshal.\n
marsma [marsekal pertama] brigadier general in the air force.\n
marsose military police, constabulary of colonial period.\n
martabak k.o. thick folded crepe filled with spices and pieces of meat.\n
martabat 1 rank, grade, status. 2 prestige. 3 value. 4 (Chem.) valence.\n
martel see MARTIL.\n
martelar see MARTIR.\n
martil hammer.\n
martir (Rel.) martyr. martydom.\n
marus clotted blood (as in food).\n
marwah 1 pride, dignity. 2 manliness.\n
marxis see MARKSIS.\n
maryam 1 Mariam. 2 (Rel.) Mary, the mother of Jesus.\n
1. 1) sir, brother (used to address or refer to contemporary males,
mas including wife to husband, us. only for Java). 2) Java title below
raden. 2. see EMAS.\n
masa 1. 1) time, period. 2) during. 3) phase. 2. see MASAK 1.\n
masa-bodoh see MASA 1.\n
masaalah see MASALAH.\n
masai tangled.\n
1. impossible, it is inconceivable. 2. 1) ripe. 2) cooked, done. 3)
mature. 4 experienced, ready to handle. 5) cook.\n

masakan 1) food, cooking. 2) cooking utensils.\n

masakat difficulty.\n
masakh,masakan. see MASAK 1.\n
masakini the present time.\n
masal massive.\n
masalah 1 problem, complication. 2 question.\n
masalla see MASYA ALLAH, MUSHOLA.\n
masam sour, acid.\n
masap me-masap evaporate.\n
masarakat see MASYARAKAT.\n
masdar infinitive.\n
maseh Jesus, the Messiah.\n
masehi Christian, us. Protestant.\n
masgul see MASYGUL.\n
mashab see MAZHAB.\n
mashaf handwritten text of the Koran.\n
mashur see MASYHUR.\n
masih see MASEH.\n
masin (Java) 1 salty, briny. 2 brackish. masin-an pickles.\n
masin-masing 1 each. 2 respective, respectively.\n
masinasi machinations.\n
masinis engineer of a ship or locomotive.\n
masir granular.\n
masjid see MESJID.\n
masjul see MASYGUL.\n
maskapai company, enterprise.\n
maskara mascara.\n
maskat k.o. shirt or outer jacket.\n
masker 1 makeup mask (for a facial). 2 gas mask, fencing mask.\n
maski see MESKI.\n
maskot mascot.\n
maskulin masculine.\n
maslahat use, benefit.\n
masmur see MAZMUR.\n
massa mass.\n
massal see MASAL.\n
massalisasi spread of s.t. to the masses.\n
mastautin reside at.\n
mastika see MESTIKA.\n
masturbasi masturbation.\n
1 enter, go into. 2 set (of the sun). 3 be present at work. 4 be
included. 5 participate, join. 6 almost, just about.\n
masukan input.\n
masup (Jakarta) see MASUK.\n
(Islam) Good heavens ! My God ! (an exclamation expressing strong
masyakat see MASAKAT.\n
masyarakat 1 society, community. 2 inhabitants, people.\n
masyawarat see MUSYAWARAH.\n
masygul sad, downhearted. arouse concern.\n
masyhur well-known, famous.\n
masyrik (Lit.) the Orient.\n
masyuk (Lit.) beloved, sweetheart.\n
(Majlis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia) a modernist Islam party prior to
mat 1. tempo. 2. /mat-matan/ (Java) sitting around enjoying o.s.\n
1. 1) eye. 2) the important part of s.t., source, center. 3) type. 4)
mata cutting edge, point of s.t. sharp. 2. se-(mata-mata) only, nothing
other than.\n
mata-mata see MATA 1.\n
matahari the sun. matahari-terbenam sunset. matahari terbit sunrise.\n
matalamat objective, target.\n
matang 1 ripe. 2 done, cooked. 3 mature, adult.\n
matari see MATAHARI.\n
matematik /matematika/ mathematics.\n
matematikus mathematician.\n
matematis see mathematical.\n
mateng see MATANG.\n
materi see METERAI.\n
materialis /materialistis/ materialistic.\n
materiil material (help, contribution).\n
materos see MATROS.\n
1 die, be dead. 2 stop, go out (of lights, gas, etc.), stop existing 3
mati fixed, inflexible. 4 numb. 5 (Ling.) word-final (of consonants not
followed by a vowel).\n
matine matinee.\n
matius 1 Matthew. 2 (Bib.) the Book of Mattew.\n
matlamat see MATALAMAT.\n
maton (Java) rational.\n
matra 1 dimension. 2 musical measure, bar. 3 ideal, measure.\n
matras (Sport) mattress, mat.\n
matros sailor.\n
matu units of weight for gold (= 2.4 carats).\n
mau 1 shall, will. 2 wish, want. 3 wish.\n
maujud concrete, real, tangible.\n
maujudat all that has existence, the universe.\n
maulana (Islam) 1 our Lord. 2 the Honorable (title of a Muslim scholar).\n
maulid /maulud/ (Islam) 1 Muh.\'s birthday. 2 stories of Muh.\'s birth.\n
maung 1. stinking, disgusting 2. 1) roar of a tiger. 2) tiger.\n
maunya would like.\n
maupun /mau pun/ 1 although, in spite of the fact. 2 as well as.\n
1 death. 2 hour of death for humans. 3 tremendous, terrible. pe-an,
ke-an mortality.\n
mawar rose.\n
mawas 1. orangutan. 2. mawas-diri self-correction through introspection.\n
mawut chaotic, disorganized.\n
maya illusion, hallucination. maya-maya clear and transparent.\n
mayang spadix, palm blossom.\n
mayapada world of the heavens (in wayang stories).\n
mayat human corpse.\n
mayeur see MAYOR2.\n
mayit see MAYAT.\n
mayong see MAHYONG.\n
1. (Mil.) 1) major. 2) lieutenant commander. 2. (Music) major
mayoritas majority.\n
mayur see MAYOR 1, SAYUR.\n
mazbah (Islam) place of ritual slaughter.\n
1 (Islam) school of thought concerning Muslim law 2 (Rel.) sect. 3
school of thought, school of scientific discipline.\n
mazmur 1 (Bib.) Book of Psalms. 2 psalm.\n
mb [Markas Besar] headquarters.\n
mbad [Markas Besar Angkatan Darat] army headquarters.\n
mbah 1 leader, champion. 2 see EMBAH.\n
mbak /mbakyu/ term of address to a Java woman contemporary.\n
mbal [Markas Besar Angkatan Laut] navy headquarters.\n
mbau [Markas Besar Angkatan Udara] air force headquarters.\n
mbek (Java, Coll.) 1 bleat. 2 goat.\n
mbeleri (Java) cut into something.\n
1 naughty (of children). 2 antiestablishment, tongue-in-cheek
mbeling literature or policy.\n

mbengok (Java) shout, yell.\n

mblekek oversatiated, overfull.\n
mbois behave and dress like a young man.\n
1. (Java) a coaxing particle. 2. (Java) form of address for older Java
woman of humble origin.\n
mbokmas (Java) seeMBOK 2.\n
mck [mandi cuci kakus] public bathing, washing, and toilet facilities.\n
mebea-bingo k.o. three-wheeled vehicle with motorcycle engine.\n
mebel furniture.\n
mebeler 1 pertaining to furniture. 2 furniture.\n
mecicil opened wide (of eyes) out of illness or bad behavior.\n
medali medal.\n
medalyon medallion, pendant.\n
medan 1 field, plain, square. 2 domain, realm.\n
medang various Luarinaceae trees or trees bearing similar timber.\n
mede see MENTE.\n
media media.\n
median median.\n
mediasi mediation.\n
medio- medical.\n
medit stingy.\n
meditasi meditation.\n
1. speaking with a heavy Java (esp. West Java) accent. 2. /meduk/
1porous. 2 dirty, filthy. 3 done.\n
mee [Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa] European Common Market\n
meester see MESTER.\n
mega cloud. mega-mendung rain cloud.\n
megafon megaphone.\n
megah 1 glotious. 2 fame, glory. 3 luxurious, grandiose.\n
megah 1 glotious. 2 fame, glory. 3 luxurious, grandiose.\n
megal-megol sway the hips provocatively.\n
megan k.o. paste made from fruit.\n
megap-megap gasp for breath.\n
megapon see MEGAFON.\n
megar see MEKAR.\n
megat spin (of a top).\n
megrek 1 continuously sick. 2 emaciated.\n
mei May.\n
meja 1 table. 2 (Crd.) dummy.\n

mejam turn, spin.\n

mejan see MEJEN.\n
mejen dysentery.\n
mek (Sl.) term of address to a friend of either sex.\n
mekah Mecca.\n
mekanik /mekanika/ (Phys.) mechanics.\n
mekanis mechanical.\n
mekanisasi mechanization.\n
mekanisir mechanize.\n
mekanisme mechanism.\n
mekankan /mekangkang/ see KANGKANG 1.\n
mekap (Coll.) makeup.\n
mekar 1 open up, blossom. 2 rise.\n
mekasi see TERIMAKASIH.\n
mekis see MENGKIS.\n
meksiko Mexico.\n
mel 1. report, present o.s. 2. illegal highway toll.\n
1 drop, lower (anchor, blinds). 2 give birth to, drop (a foal, calf,
melacur carry on or perform prostitution.\n
melacurkan prostitute s.t.\n
meladeni 1 serve, wait on (a customer, etc.). 2 pay attention, listen to.\n
melahirkan 1 express, utter s.t. 2 think out (an idea).\n
melainkan 1 but, but rather. 2 except.\n
melak-melak openly, clearly, obviously (when cheating s.o.).\n
melaka Malacca.\n
melakonkan 1 present (a play). 2 act out (a story, play, etc.).\n
1 bring about, cause to materialize. 2 implement s.t., execute (an
order). 3 perform (a religious obligation).\n
1 carry out, execute. 2 make, do. 3 bring about. 4 commit, perpetrate
(a crime).\n
melalap eat such a dish, eat voraciously. 2 utterly destroy, defeat. 3 rape.\n
melalui 1 pass through (town, diplomatic, channels, etc.). 2 by means of.\n
melamar 1 ask for the hand of. 2 propose marriage to s.o. 3 apply for (a job).\n
melambai wave o.\'s hands.\n
melamban 1 be indolent, lazy. 2 be clumsy.\n
melambang k.o. flat-bottomed boat.\n
melambangkan 1 symbolize. 2 demonstrate in a graphic way, epitomize.\n
melambatkan 1 retard, slow s.t. down or up. 2 delay.\n
melambungkan throw, toss s.t. upward.\n
melamin decorate the bed of the newlyweds.\n
melampai graceful (of trees, women, etc.).\n
melampas melampas\n
melampaui 1 pass by s.t., go by way of s.t. 2 pass over. 3 exceed, overstep.\n
melancong go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip\n
melanda 1. attack violently, knock down s.o. 2.. pan (tin, gold).\n
1 crash or ram s.t. into s.t. 2 pound, overwhelm (of storms, fire,
melandasi base s.t. on.\n
melandaskan 1 rest s.t. on s.t. 2 base.\n
/melandingan/ k.o. fast-growing tree used for shading other plants,
melanding the beans of which are edible and the leaves of which are used as
melang anxious, restless.\n
melangah open s.t. widely.\n
melanggar 1 collide with s.t., run into s.t. 2 break (the law, etc.)., contravene.\n
melanggengkan perpetuate, preserve.\n
melangit 1 soar skyward. 2 sky high.\n
melanglang 1 make the rounds. 2 wander.\n
1) (R.R.) shunt trains from o. track to another. 2) (Coll.) move back
and forth.\n
melanjar stretch.\n
melankolik /melankolis/ melancholic.\n
1 floor, install a floor. 2 take the floor (esp. to dance). 3 hit rock
melantak 1 hammer s.t. 2 ram, drive (a pile).\n
melantakkan drum s.t. in.\n
melantamkan brag, boast of s.t.\n
melantarkan 1 because s.t. 2 pass on (a suggestion, etc.).\n
melantik install, inaugurate s.o.\n
melanting throw, toss s.t.\n
melantingkan melantingkan\n
melapangkan 1 clear space for s.o 2 relieve s.o.\n
melaporkan report, notify, inform.\n
melar 1 stretch, expand, rise. 2 expansion. 3 elastic.\n
melarang 1 forbid, prohibit, ban. 2 interdict.\n
melarapkan slacken, pay out ( arope)..\n
melarat poor, miserable.\n
melaratkan impoverish, make poor and miserable.\n
melarih pour (a drink).\n
melarik 1 turn on a lathe. 2 bore, drill (a hole) in.\n
1 cause s.t. to go, run off with s.t. 2 kidnap, abduct s.o. 3 drive (a car,
etc.) at a high speed.\n
melas miserable, inspiring pity.\n
melasa molasses.\n
melata creep, crawl, slitter.\n
melatat-melotot bulge (of the eyes).\n
melati jasmine.\n
melaung 1 shout, scream, call out loudly. 2 summon, appeal to s.o.\n
melawat 1 paya a visit. 2 make a trip. 3 (Coll.) make a visit of conolence.\n
melayah bend over backward, bow.\n
melayahkan cover (the face) with a veil.\n
melayang 1. 1) fly. 2) drift, waft about. 2. cut s.t. in half ( e.g. mango, etc.).\n
1 serve, wait on (guests), take care of (customers). 2 supply. 3 man.
4 service.\n
1. fly just above the water\'s surface seeking fish (of birds). 2. doze,
melayat make a visit of condolence.\n
1 Malay, Malayan. 2 Indonesian and not Caucasian (self-
meleber spill or run over.\n
1 exceed (expectations, etc.). 2 eclipse, overshadow s.t. 3 add more
(to s.t.).\n
melebur 1 melt, fuse. 2 destroy, wipe out. 3 merge.\n
melecit 1 slip away. 2 ooze through.\n
meledek (Jakarta) tease.\n
meledos 1 explode, burst. 2 collapse.\n
1 hand over, transfer s.t. 2 sell s.t., release for sale. 3 (Sl.) sell
cheaply, dump.\n
1 be awake, have o.\'s eyes open. 2 be aware of the world,
melekam hold between thumb and index finger.\n
melekap 1 stick, adhere. 2 draw together.\n
melekapkan 1 affix s.t. 2 press.\n
1 flaunt. 2 swagger, boast. 3 brandish (a sword). 4 chalenge with a
sword. 5 rampage, storm, tear around.\n
meleleh 1 trickle, drip (of tears, etc.0. 2 melt.\n
melelepkan (Java) 1 submerge, immerse, dip s.t. 2 drown s.o. or s.t.\n
meleler 1 drip, trickle, slobber. 2 stray, wander (of thoughts).\n
meleletkan spread, smear (s.t.).\n
1 weaken, soften s.t. 2 smother, stifle, suffocate s.o. 3 refine. 4
melembung melembung\n
melembungkan inflate, blow up (a balloon).\n
melempar 1.throw s.t 2. ( coll ) dispose s.t 3.trow ( esp. with stone ).\n
melempari pelt s.o. or s.t.\n
melemparkan Throw , hurl , toss.\n
melempem 1 soggy, not properly dry and crisp. 2 lack hardness, grown weak.\n
melenceng veer, swerve, turn.\n
melencit slip away or out (as of a seed between o.\'s fingers).\n
melencong (Jakarta) 1 veer, swerve. 2 go astray, depart (from the right path).\n
melendung 1 sag. 2 flex.\n
meleng see MELING.\n
melengak 1 look up. 2 (Jakarta) look up in surprise.\n
melengangkan 1 empty, vacate s.t., clear s.t. out. 2 give s.t. appearance.\n
melenggak - lenggok twist and turn, swing and sway.\n
melenggarakan arrange, take care of.\n
melengos 1 turn o.\'s head to the side. 2 avoid looking at s.o.\n
1. 1) slide down (of the sun, skirt). 2) grease s.t. 2. baking pan,
cooking sheet. 3. (Sunda) prime minister.\n
melenguh 1 gasp for breath. 2 bellow.\n
melentik cirve upward or back (esp. of eyelashes).\n
melentukan blend s.t.\n
1 cause s.t. to vanish. 2 abolish, repeal, abrogate. 3 destroy, get rid of
melepehkan chew and spit s.t. out.\n
melepoh plaster, daub s.t.\n
meler run (of nose).\n
melerai break up a fight, separate (fighters).\n
melesat fly away, take off.\n
meleset 1 miss the target, be wrong. 2 depression, slump.\n
1. hum, buzz (of wasps). 2. 1) spray, spout, gush. 2) blow o.\'s
melestarikan 1 continue, perpetuate s.t. 2 conserve, preserve (environment).\n
meletakan despise, holid s.o. in contempt.\n
meletup 1 explode. 2 go off (gun, cannon).\n
1 explode, erupt (volcano, boil, etc.). 2 break out, erupt 9of a war,
quarrel, epidemic).\n
meliau suppurate\n
meligi only, purely.\n
melihat 1 sees.o. or s.t. 2 observe. 3 discern.\n
melihat-lihat look around, browse.\n
melihati 1 look at, scrutinize. 2 see, visit, look in on s.o.\n
melihatkan 1 show s.t. 2 observe, look at carefully.\n
melik greedy.\n
melikuidir liquidate.\n
melimbaikan wave (the arms).\n
melimbang 1. wash (gold, rice, etc.). 2. loiter, lounge about.\n
melindangkan run through, squander, dissiplate (o.\'s wealth).\n
melindap 1 become overcast. 2 fade (of light).\n
melindas 1 knock down, run over. 2 crush (pepper, etc.).\n
melindi leach s.t.\n
melindih 1 crush s.t. 2 level, smooth s.t. 3 crush, put down (a rebellion, etc.).\n
meling 1 careless, sloppy, untidy. 2 look aside, be inattentive.\n
melingar look about bewildered.\n
melingkupi 1 cover (the head). 2 encompass, cover, include.\n
melingsir set (of the sun).\n
melingsirkan unroll or let down o.\'s sleeves.\n
1. tree (Gnetum gnemon) bearing edible leaves and seeds. 2.
carelessly negligent.\n
melintangi 1) obstruct, block s.t. 2) lie across s.t.\n
1 rush past, pass in a hurry. 2 flash by s.t. 3 cross (over), traverse. 4
overcome (difficulties).\n
melintir roll.\n
melioner see MILYUNER.\n
melipatgandakan multiply.\n
meliput cover (an event).\n
meliputi 1 cover, envelop s.t. 2 comprise, include. 3 pervade.\n
melirik pierce, perforate, bore through.\n
melisankan express, utter, put into words.\n
melit curious, inquisitive.\n
meliuk 1 bend (of a tree, etc.). 2 flicker.\n
meliwis see BELIBIS.\n
melk canned milk.\n
melobakan covet, crave.\n
melocok piston rod.\n
melodi melody.\n
melodika k.o. wind instrument with keys like a piano.\n
melodoh soften s.t. by sticking it in water.\n
melolong 1 howl, yelp (of a dog). 2 scream, wail.\n
1 slip off s.t. 2 realease (s.o., a secret, etc.). 3 allow s.t. to get
through or out.\n
melonceng 1 strike (of bells, chimes). 2 ring, call. 3 toll (the death of).\n
melondongkan 1 wash away. 2 destroy, wipe out.\n
melongo 1 gawk. 2 be open-mouthed (from surprise)., bewildered.\n

melongong agape, open-mouthed.\n

melongsor slide down, collapse.\n
melonjak jump up.\n
melonjak-lonjak 1 bounce around. 2 be elastic or springy. 3 boast, brag, be haughty.\n
melonjakkan give a bounce or stimulus to.\n
melor k.o. two-wheeled carriage.\n
melorotkan lower, decrease s.t.\n
melotot open wide (of eyes), bulge out 9of eyes, when angry, etc.).\n
meluahkan vomit (up).\n
meluaki decrease, reduce s.t.\n
meluangkan 1 vacate. 2 make room for. 3 make time for.\n
meluap 1 overflow (of a river). 2 boil over (of water). 3 flare up.\n
melucu chapfe, rub, cause a blister.\n
melucutkan 1 take off (clothes, ring, etc.). 2 loosen, untie (a knot).\n
melukut 1 pieces of rice broken off in pounding. 2 s.t. insignificant.\n
melulu exclusively, only.\n
melulum suck (o.\'s finger).\n
melulur 1. swallow whole, goble up. 2. apply this cosmetic.\n
meluluskan 1) permit, allow, grant. 2) yield to (pleas). 3) pass (an exam)\n
melumatkan 1 pulverize. 2 smash, destroy.\n
meluncur 1 slide. 2 skim.\n
melunjur protrude, stick out.\n
melupakan forget, forget about.\n
melupuh hammer flat (bamboo for flooring).\n
melur jasmine.\n
1 draw o.\'s hand over s.t. firmly. 2 massage (by pressing in long
melurut strokes). 3 strip off (leaves, etc.) by squeezing between the fingers
and pulling lengthwise.\n
mem- see also entries with p- or m-.\n
memabukkan intoxicate.\n
memacul squeeze or press out.\n
memadahkan 1 express, pronounce. 2 relate.\n
memadam become extinguished, go out.\n
memadamkan 1 extinguish, put out. 2 suppress, put out.\n
memagut 1 peck. 2 bite (of snake). 3 embrace\n
memakai 1 wear, apply a dressing. 2 use, make use of. 3 require, take.\n
memakaikan put something on someone.\n
memakamkan bury, inter.\n
memaklumatkan announce, proclaim, declare.\n
memakmuran make s.t prosper .\n
memaktubkan write down.\n
memalingi steal from, rob.\n
memalingkan swing round, alter the course of, divert.\n
memamah chew, masticate.\n
memampang 1 extend, widen, spread out. 2 explain.\n
memampuskan enterminate, finish off.\n
memanah shoot at with bow and arrow.\n
memancar 1 spout, spray, gush. 2 sprout.\n
memancarkan 1 radiatte. 2 spout, spray s.t. out. 3 broadcast.\n
memancung cut off, decapitate, amputate.\n
memancur gush, spout, pour out or down.\n
1 yes, you are right, it is indeed so. 2 Yes, I concede the point
memanggil 1 call, summon, send for s.o. 2 name, call.\n
memanggilkan 1 call s.o. by a certain name. 2 summon on behalf of.\n
memanggul carry on o.\'s shoulder.\n
memangkas 1 cut, trim hair. 2 prune, trim.\n
memangkur till, work the soil.\n
memanjat climb.\n
memantapkan place on a solid footing.\n
memantau monitor s.t., observe.\n
memanterai charm, cast a spell on, read a magic formula to affect s.t.\n
memantik 1 strike fire. 2 snap o.\'s fingers.\n
memantis blacken eyebrows.\n
memantuk-mantukkan nodding the head.\n
memantul bounce back, bounce off.\n
memapangkan show, display.\n
memaparkan 1 roll out, flatten. 2 explain, relate.\n
memapas 1 remove, take off. 2 take everything away. 3 resist. 4 criticize.\n
memar bruised.\n
memarahi reprimand, scold.\n
memarhabankan greet a newborn baby by singing religious melodies to it.\n
memarun burn bushes or weeds to clear.\n
1 tall in or on. 2 install. 3 fasten, pin, post. 4) turn on. 5 put in, enter
a wager. 6 set.\n
memasok supply (a certain commodity).\n
memasrahi turn over, entrust to.\n
memasuki 1 enter. 2 meddle in.\n
memasukkan 1 take, put into. 2 import. 3 enter s.t. in. 4 (Sport) enter (a goal).\n
memasygulkan arouse concern.\n
memasyhurkan 1 make s.o. or s.t. famous. 2 spread (news), make s.t. well known.\n
mematuk 1 peck, bite. 2 grab with the beak. 3 manage to achieve s.t.\n
mematutkan correct, put in order, fit.\n
memayungi 1 screen. 2 protect. 3 drape over.\n
memb- see also entries with b-.\n
membaji 1) spilt s.t. with a wedge. 2 hold together with a peg.\n
membalap 1 race, compete. 2 speed, hurry a long.\n
membalas 1.answer,reply 2.repay , reward 3.avenge,take revenge,punish.\n
membanting 1 veer sharply 2 change direction (in o,s politics,opinion,attitudes).\n
membantu 1 help, aid, assist. 2 support, back up.\n
membantut hinder, prevent.\n
membarut 1) scrub, clean, polish, wipe (floors, etc.). 2) grease (a pan).\n
membasir see MUBASIR.\n
membatak 1 rob, plunder, pillage. 2 wander, roam.\n
membawa 1 carry (bag, suitcase, etc.). 2 bring, take along.\n
1 bring s.t for s.o 2 present (a song ,violin solo,working paper etc) ,
perform. 3 portray,present. 4 recite (a poem).\n
membayang 1 cloud over,darken . 2 be reflected 3 apper (on o,s face) .\n
membayangi 1 shade 2 shadow , follow closely 3 hover about ominously .\n
membayangkan 1 reflect an image 2 show s.t describe 3 reflect on,image .\n
membayat 1 initiate. 2 honor, respect.\n
1 spread, unfold, display. 2 open up (a map). 3 unfurl. 4 reveal,
disclose (a secret).\n
membedil 1 fire, shoot. 2 use a rifle, have a rifle.\n
membedol uproot.\n
membegal 1 rob. 2 hijack, holdup.\n
membekuk 1) capture, arrest. 2) swindle, trick, fool.\n
membela 1 look after, provide material support. 2 help, assist s.o.\n
membelanjai 1 finance, defray expenses of. 2 bear the expense of.\n
membelanjakan spend s.t.\n
membelerang 1 treat with sulphur. 2 fumigate.\n
membeludak 1) explode, burst out. 2) rage, boil up.\n
1 drown, immerse. 2 suppress. 3 sink (a knife in s.o.). 4 sink, scuttle
membenamkan (a ship). 5 incarcerate, jail.\n
memberangkatkan dispatch, send.\n
memberengut grumble, gripe.\n
memberhentikan 1 stop (a vehicle). 2 dismiss s.o. from his job.\n
1 give, bestow. 2 offer, put up. 3 (Coll.) let. 4 put on, apply s.t. 5
(Coll.) hit, strike. 6 add (in recipes).\n
memberikan 1 give, hand over. 2 extend, confer.\n
memberlakukan put into effect, cause to be effective.\n
membersut 1 hiss, spit at (of dogs, cats). 2 glate at, glower at.\n
membetas 1 rip, tear. 2 crack.\n
1 peer, look. 2 take aim, draw bead on (by closing o. eye). 3 engage
in sharpshooting.\n
membikin 1 make, build. 2 fix, repair. 3 cast a spell.\n
membina 1 build, found, construct. 2 develop, cultivate.\n
memble 1 pout, be sullen. 2 (Sl.) ugly, lousy, no good.\n
memblokir 1 blockade. 2 obstruct. 3 (Fin.) freeze (account), stop (check).\n
1 force open. 2 break in. 3 demolish, wreck (building). 4 disclose,
membongkar uncrate, unpack. 5 unload, discharge (ship). 6 open up, uncrate,
unpack. 7 dismantle, disassemble, take apart (engine).\n
1 buy up the entire stock, take all of s.t. 2 do an entire job. 3 hold
various positions.\n
membran 1 filter in automobile engine. 2 membrane.\n
membreidel 1 check, curb. 2 muzzle (critics), close down (press).\n
membrondong 1 fire a volley. 2 shell, bombard.\n
1 throw, cast. 2 throw away, cast off, discard. 3 exile, banish. 4
waste (time. energy, money).\n
1 disperse s.t., break up. 2 dissolve, liquidate. 3 close down (a
membujuk 1 persuade s.o. 2 trick, cheat s.o.\n
membujur 1 stretch out. 2 lie alongside. 3 stretch, run. 4 horizontal.\n
1 season s.t. , add spice to s.t. 2 add flavor to s.t. , add color to s.t.
(speech, conversation, etc.).\n
memburu 1 chased after us. 2 pursue (wealth, position).\n
memecahkan 1 analyze, solve. 2 split. 3 break. 4 destroy. 5 disperse, dissect.\n
memedi (Java) ghost.\n
memegang 1 hold, take hold of. 2 handle. 3 control. 4 occupy, hold.\n
memek 1 whimper, whine. 2 nag.\n
1 lick, stick out tongue. 2 flatter, play up to s.o. 3 make s.o. fall in
love with o. by magical means.\n
memelihara 1 take care of, protect. 2 raise, rear. 3 keep, maintain.\n
memelitur varnish, polish furniture.\n
memencet 1 crush, smash. 2 push, press.\n
memencil far from everything.\n
memendam bury, hide away.\n
memendamkan bury, hide away.\n
memenggal cut off, cut to pieces.\n
memengkol turn, branch off.\n
mementang open, extend, spread out.\n
mementing pluck strings or make s.t. give off a sound of \"ting\".\n
mementingkan 1 emphasize. 2 bring to noice, advance. 3 consider important.\n
memenuhi 1 fill. 2 fulfill, comply with a request. 3 meet a demand.\n
memerah 1. redden, become red. 2. 1) squeeze. 2) milk.\n
memeras 1 press, squeeze. 2 milk. 3 blackmail, put the squeeze on.\n
memerasi 1 press (many things). 2 squeeze juice on to.\n
memerdekakan 1 liberate, release, set free. 2 acquit, exonerate, absolve.\n
memergoki 1 catch by surprise. 2 catch s.o. red-handed.\n
1 investigate, look into. 2 control, inspect. 3 cross-exampine,
memeriksakan have s.t. examined.\n
1 pick flowers. 2 fire (gun). 3 strum, pluck (strings of musical
instrument). 4 snap o.\'s fingers. 5 quote from a book.\n
memetiki pick many things.\n
memf- see also entries with f-.\n
memikat 1 trap birds with sticky substance. 2 attract, be attractive.\n
memikul 1 carry on the shoulders. 2 shoulder, bear.\n
memilahkan sort, classify.\n
memilin 1 wind. 2 entwine, twist.\n
memilisikan draft into the service.\n
memimpikan dream of, dream about.\n
memimpin lead, guide.\n
meminang 1 propose, ask in marriage. 2 apply for job.\n
meminta 1 require, demand. 2 request, ask. 3 propose to.\n
memintai request from s.o.\n
memintal spin, twine.\n
memintas take a short cut.\n
1 intercept, interrupt, cut s.o. short. 2 cut off, block o.\'s way. 3 cut in
(in traffic).\n
memites strush between the fingernails.\n

memiting 1. hold with forearms, clinch.\n

memjumput pick up with thumb and forefinger, get a pinch of.\n
memoar memoirs.\n
memocong Java) wrap in a shroud.\n
memodulir (Phys.) modulate.\n
memondong carry in o.\'s arms.\n
memopong carry a baby in o.\'s arms.\n
memori explanatory statement, memorandum.\n
memoroti 1 gnaw at, bite into. 2 steal.\n
1 cut (off), slice. 2 slaughter. 3 operate on, amputate. 4 reduce, cut,
deduct wages, abbreviate a word. 5 take a short cut.\n
memotongi 1 cut s.t. off from. 2 cut many things.\n
memotret take a picture, photograph.\n
mempagelarkan put on a show, present.\n
mempajuh stuff, gorge.\n
mempaleh (Sunda) take care of a fighting or racing animal.\n
mempampat press, squeeze.\n
mempan 1 be vulnerable. 2 be sensitive to 3 be effective.\n
mempancal press down on with foot, step on (the gas).\n
mempangah open the mouth in astonishment.\n
mempangkung hit with a club.\n
memparajikan abort a fetus.\n
memparani approach, go to.\n
memparap hammer, pound.\n
mempasah plane (wood).\n
1 lock legs between two pieces of wood. 2 repress, muzzle (the
mempayang support s.o. in walking.\n
mempejalkan press down.\n
mempelai bride and/or bridegroom.\n
1 study carefully, diligently, in depth. 2 study, scrutinize
mempelajarkan 1 teach, offer as instruction. 2 teach thoroughly.\n
mempelam mango.\n
mempelantingkan throw out in all directions.\n
mempelas see AMPLAS 1.\n
mempelitur varnish, polish furniture.\n
mempeng persevere.\n
mempengaruhi influence.\n
mempentangkan shoot s.t. off, loose (an arrow).\n
memper resemble, be similar to.\n
memperalat manipulate, treat or use as an instrument.\n
memperalatkan 1 marry off. 2 arrange a traditional feast.\n
1 repair (road, etc.). 2 correct (mistake, etc.). 3 improve s.t., reform.
4 improve upon, break (record).\n
mempercak make rushing noise (of water).\n
mempergunakan 1 use, utilize. 2 make use of, resort to.\n
memperhatikan 1.pay attention , take not of 2.watch,observe.\n
memperinciskan specify.\n
memperingankan 1 lighten, alleviate. 2 make light of.\n
memperkalikan (Math.) multiply.\n
memperlamban slow (s.o. or s.t.) up or down.\n
memperlihatkan show, display, exhibit.\n
memperlimitkan 1 laminate. 2 fold.\n
mempermanis 1 make sweeter. 2 make ccuter more attraction.\n
mempermudah facilitate, make s.t. easier.\n
mempersatukan 1 unite, joint, ally. 2 concentrate s.t. on.\n
1. offer or present s.t. to a high personnage. 2 (Lit.) inform or report
to a royal personnage. 3 dedicate. 4 present a performance.\n
mempersetankan damn, send to the devil.\n
mempersetujukan bring into line, coordinate.\n
mempersilakan invite, ask.\n
mempersoalkan 1 question s.t. 2 discuss, deal with.\n
mempersulit 1 complicate s.t., render s.t. difficult. 2 cause difficulties for s.o.\n
mempertahankan defend, maintain.\n
mempertajam exacerbate.\n
mempertalikan 1 tie to. 2 link, connect. 3 joint. s.o. (in marriage).\n
mempertambah cause s.t. to increase.\n
mempertandingkan 1 compare s.t. with. 2 put into combat.\n
mempertanggungjawabkan account for, justify.\n
mempertanggungkan make s.o. responsible for s.t.\n
mempertanyakan call s.t. into question.\n
mempertapakan achieve through asceticism.\n
mempertaruhkan 1 pawn. 2 entrust. 3 risk.\n
mempertarungkan 1 cause persons or animals to fight. 2. risk.\n
mempertautkan 1 combine s.t. 2 sew up a wound. 3 attach s.t.\n
mempertebal strengthen, reinforce.\n
mempertegang make tenser.\n
mempertegas 1 clarify, explain. 2 affirm.\n
memperteguhkan 1 confirm s.t. 2 strengthen s.t.\n
memperteliti scrutinize.\n
mempertempurkan 1 fight for s.t. 2 cause s.o. to fight (on behalf of another).\n
mempertemukan 1 (Lit.) unite s.o. or s.t. 2 confront.\n
mempertenggangkan 1 get along on, be economical. 2 consider.\n
mempertengkarkan make s.t. the subject of a dispute.\n
mempertentangkan 1 oppose. 2 contrast.\n
mempertikaikan 1 differentiate. 2 make s.t. a subject for a quarrel.\n
mempertimbangkan consider s.t., mull s.t. over.\n
mempertinggikan 1 make s.t. higher. 2 enhance.\n
mempertololkan consider s.o. a fool, make a fool of.\n
mempertontonkan 1 show (off), exhibit. 2 play, perform.\n
mempertopeng 1 mask, hide, disguise. 2 use as a mask.\n
mempertuankan 1 respect. 2 address s.o. as tuan.\n
mempertuhankan consider as a god, deify.\n
mempertukarkan 1 barter. 2 vary, alternate.\n
mempertunangkan affiance.\n
mempertunggangkan hold upside down.\n
mempertunjukkan 1 show, exhibit. 2 demonstrate.\n
memperulet make tough, cause to perserve.\n
memperundikan raffle off s.t.\n
memperuntukkan allocate, assign.\n
mempesai tousle (hair).\n
mempetieskan 1 put on ice. 2 put on the back burner.\n
mempijah spawn.\n
mempijahkan hatch (fish, etc.).\n
mempindai scrutinize, look at carefully.\n
memplak extremely white.\n
memplombir 1 fill (tooth). 2 stop, plug up.\n
mempocoki (Java) fill a certain position temporarily.\n
mempolemikkan carry out a debate over.\n
mempoles 1 polish. 2 apply makeup.\n
1 dismantle, tear apart. 2 remove, take out. 3 find out a secret,
question thoroughly. 4 wipe out, clear away.\n
mempublisir publicize.\n
mempunahkan destroy, exterminate.\n
mempundak carry on the back.\n
mempungah load, cargo.\n
mempunjut tie together.\n
mempunyai see PUNYA.\n
mempuput break, pry open.\n
mempurukkan hide s.t. inside.\n
memuakkan nauseating, repugnant.\n
memualkan sickening, make o. feel nauseous.\n
memubutkan grind, crush, pound.\n
memuja worship, revere.\n
memuji praise, commend.\n
memukul 1 hit, strike. 2 defeat.\n
memulangi return to a place.\n
1 give back, return, bring back, send s.t. back to where it came from.
2 return what has been expended.\n
memumpun collect, gather.\n
memuncak culminate, reach a crest.\n
memundurkan make s.t back up.\n
memungkinkan enable, make possible.\n
memungut 1 pick, pick up. 2 collect. 3 harvest. 4 quote. 5 adopt (child, etc.).\n
memupuk put traditional medicines on a wound.\n
memurahkan lower the price.\n
memvakumkan put in a vacuum.\n
memverbalkan verbalize, put into words.\n
memveterankan retire s.o. from the army.\n
memvisualisasikan visualize.\n
memvonis sentence, condemn s.o.\n
men- seealso entries with t-, n-.\n
mena arbitrarily, in a highhanded and unfair fashion.\n
menabahkan make firm, make determined.\n
menabal crown or declare s.o. king.\n
menabalkan install s.o. as king.\n
menabok slap, esp. the head.\n
menaboki repeatedly slap s.o.\n
1. strike a gong, etc. 2. 1) strike such a drum. 2) drum on s.t. with
o.\'s finger.\n
menabun collect and burn s.t.\n
menabur 1 sow, broadcast (seed). 2 scratter s.t. about..\n
menaburi 1 sow s.t. (a field, etc.). 2 spread over s.t., scatter all over s.t.\n
menaburkan 1 sow with s.t. 2 scatter, spread.\n
1 store liquids, collect liquids in receptacles. 2 (Coll.) receive stolen
menadahkan obtain s.t. (esp. liquids) or whit s.t.\n
menadbirkan manage, administer.\n
menag [Menteri Agama] Minister of Religious Affair\n
menagama [Menteri Agama] Minister of Religion.\n
menagih 1 dun, collect o.\'s debts. 2 demand fulfillment of (a promise, etc.).\n
menagihkan collect a debt for s.o.\n
1 hold back, restrain, with hold. 2 detain, arrest. 3 provide support
for, hold up.\n
menajam intensify, reach a critical point.\n
menajamkan sharpen s.t., whet s.t.\n
menak aristocratic, distinguished, prominent.\n
menakjubkan astonish, amaze.\n
menaksir estimate, value, appraise.\n
menakuti 1 frighten s.o. 2 fear s.t.\n
menakutkan 1 cause s.o. to fear, frighten s.o. 2 fear s.t.\n
menalang lend money as a profession.\n
menalangi advance s.o. money.\n
menalarkan reason or think s.t. out.\n
menali tie with a rope.\n
menalikan tie s.t. or s.o. to.\n
menamatkan conclude s.t.\n
menambah add to, increase.\n
menambahi increase s.t.\n
menambahkan 1 add a.t. 2 cause s.t. to increase.\n
1 bank up earth to control water flow or irrigate fields, etc. 2 apply a
poultice. 3 obstruct movement.\n
menambal patch, mend.\n
menambali apply a patch to s.t.\n
menambalkan 1 patch with s.t. 2 patch on behalf of s.o.\n
1. mine, dig. 2. cross a body of water by a small passenger boat. 3.
menambang fasten with a thick rope. 4. separate from but refuse to support or
divorce o.\'s wife.\n
menambatkan tether, tie up.\n
menambul (Thea.) do theatrical stunts (magic shows, farces, etc.).\n
menambunkan cause to put on some needed weight.\n
menambur beat a drum.\n
menamburi beat on s.t.\n
menampa understand. 2 think, suppose.\n
menampak (Coll.) see.\n
menampakkan make s.t. visible, show.\n
menampal 1 patch or mend (clothes, inner tube, etc.). 2 patch, plaster.\n
menampalkan 1 affix a patch, etc. so that it adheres. 2 cause s.t.to adhere.\n
menampang 1. cut in slices. 2. 1) looking like a tramp. 2) show off, put on.\n
menampar beat, slap.\n
menampari slap repeatedly.\n
menamparkan use s.t. to slap.\n
menampas (Lit.) lop off.\n
menampel (Sport) hit a ball or shutlecock.\n
menampi winnow s.t.\n
menampik reject, refuse.\n
1 put s.o. or s.t. forward. 2 bring forward to show to the public,
1 intercept and retain falling water (rain, waterfall, spigot, etc.). 2
menampung receive, accommodate, take in.\n
menampungkan intercept and retain (water) with s.t.\n
menanah menanah\n
menanak 1 cook rice (by boiling). 2 boil.\n
menanam 1 plant s.t. 2 cover with earth. 3 (Fin.) invest.\n
menanami plant on s.t.\n
menanamkan 1 implant s.t. 2 (Fin.) invest.\n
menancap 1 embed s.t., implant s.t. 2 implanted, stick (of s.t. sharp).\n
menancapkan 1 implant s.t., embed s.t. 2 transfix with o.\'s eyes.\n
menandai 1 sign s.t., make a mark on s.t. 2 remark, perceive.\n
menandakan signify, indicate.\n
1. spend everything, completely finish s.t. 2. state s.t. firmly, stress
menandatangani sign s.t.\n
menandingi 1 be equal to, be comparable with. 2 stand up to. 3 compete with.\n
menandingkan compare.\n
menandu carry in a litter.\n
menanduk 1 butt. 2 (Sport) shoot (at billiards).\n
menandur plant s.t.\n
menanduri plant on or in.\n
menang 1 win, come out on top. 2 pass an examination.\n
menangani 1 handle, take in hand (job, problem, etc.). 2 strike with the hand.\n
menanggali 1 strip s.o. or s.t. 2 strip s.t. off.\n
menanggalkan 1. 1) strip off, take off. 2) pull out. 2. date.\n
menanggam dovetail s.t.\n
menanggang restrain o.\'s appetites.\n
menanggap 1. 1) listen carefully. 2) note attentively. 2. hire a performer.\n
menanggapi receive, perceive.\n
menangguhkan postpone, delay s.t., put off.\n
menangguk fish with such a net or scoop.\n
menanggul build a dike, embankment.\n
menanggulangi ward off, cope with.\n
1 carry on o.\'s shoulders. 2 bear s.t. (emotion, duty, etc.). 3
guarantee, assume liability for.\n
menanggungkan 1 bear. 2 be responsible for s.t.\n
menangis weep.\n
menangisi weep over, bemoan.\n
menangkal avoid, ward off a (catastrophe).\n
menangkap 1 catch. 2 seize, arrest. 3 comprehend, grasp.\n
menangkapi 1 arrest repeatedly. 2 seize or arrest a large number of people.\n

menangkapkan capture on behalf of.\n

menangkis 1 ward off parry. 2 repulse, repel.\n
menangkisi parry or repulse several things.\n
menangkring 1 (Coll.) sir, sir high where easily visible.\n
menangkul fish with a net.\n
menangkup 1 close (of two sides uniting). 2 fall face downward.\n
menangkupkan lay s.t. face down.\n
menangsel (Coll.) 1 wedge s.t. 2 insert s.t.\n
menanjak 1 slope upward. 2 ascend, climb.\n
menanjakan 1 cause s.t. to slope upward. 2 bring s.t. upward.\n
menanjul snare s.t. with such a noose.\n
menanjung 1 look like a cape. 2 sail along the cape.\n
menantang challenge.\n
menanti wait.\n
menanti-nanti 1 wait a long time. 2 look forward to.\n
menantikan 1 wait for. 2 watch for.\n
menantu son-or daughter-in-law.\n
menanya 1 (Coll.) ask. 2 ask for a woman\'s hand in marriage.\n
menanyai repeatedly question, interrogate.\n
menanyakan ask about s.t.\n
menapai 1 become fermented. 2 ferment s.t.\n
1 measure with the palm of the hand or sole of the foot. 2 step, tread
on. 3 follow in the footsteps of, do same thing s.o. else did.\n
menapaki follow in the footsteps of.\n
menapakkan set (foot) down.\n
menapal 1. apply a poultice or plaster. 2. make horseshoes.\n
menapis 1 filter s.t. 2 sort through s.t. 3 censor s.t.\n
menaplaki cover s.t. with a tablecloth.\n
menapuk (Java) slap.\n
menara tower,minaret.\n
menarafkan 1 evaluate, grade s.t. 2 give the rank of.\n
menarah plane s.t. smooth.\n
menari dance, esp. non-Western dances..\n
menari-nari jump (with joy), dance up and down.\n
1 draw, pull. 2 draw out, extract. 3 drive. 4 collect. 5 attractive,
menarik-narik 1 repeatedly drag, pull. 2implicate s.o.\n
menarikan dance s.t., dance a certain k.o. dance.\n
menariki pull repeatedly on.\n
menarikkan draw or pull for s.o.\n
menaruh 1 put, place. 2 maintain..\n
menaruhi 1 put s.t. on s.t. 2 bet on s.t.\n
menaruhkan 1 place, put. 2 bet.\n
menasak stanch bleeding.\n
menat see MINAT.\n
menata put in order, organize.\n
menatah inlay s.t.\n
menatang carry in outstretched palm of hands.\n
menatap observe intently.\n
menatapi examine s.t. closely.\n
menatar upgrade s.t.\n
1 teach s.o. to walk by holding his hands. 2 give support with the
hand to s.o. walking.\n
menatu see PENATU.\n
menawaki (Lit.) throw stone at.\n
menawan 1 capture in war. 2 subdue. 3 intern, imprison.\n
1. weaken (strength or effectiveness of s.t.). 2. 1) bargain. 2) offer a
price for s.t.\n
1. 1) make magic or venom ineffective by using spells, charms,
menawari potions, etc. 2) seduce, tempt. 3) pacify, calm down. 2. 1) offer to
s.o. 2) repeatedly bargain.\n
1. make (magic, etc.) ineffective. 2. offer s.o. or s.t. (for sale, use, in
marriage, etc.).\n
menayang 1 carry s.t. resting on o.\'s palms. 2 (Lit.) carry, waft.\n
menayangkan (Lit.) present.\n
menayub dance with a professional dancer in k.o. traditional dance.\n
menc- see also entries with c-.\n
mencabik 1 rip s.t. 2 lacerate.\n
1 chop s.t. into fine bits, mince (meat, etc.). 2 chop up food for
mencaci 1 scorn, jeer at, ridicule. 2 curse out, swear at.\n
mencak mencak-mencak 1 be out of sorts. 2 move convulsively.\n
1 sharpen, polish (on grindstone). 2 make even (with ruler). 3
smooth (the way).\n
mencang-mencong not in a straight line, contorted.\n
mencangkul be engaged in hoeing, prepare (ground) for cultivation.\n
mencantelkan put s.t. on a hook.\n
mencapit snap at, bite (of crabs).\n
mencarah 1 cut into small bits. 2 sell piecemeal.\n
1. swallow in a gulp (such as sucking a raw egg, pouring water down
o.\'s throat, etc.). 2. begin to be visible (e.g., rising sun).\n
mencatat 1 make a note of, record. 2 register, chalk up.\n

mencawiskan prepare.\n
mencegah 1 restrain, prevent, prohibit. 2 combat, guard against.\n
mencekal 1 hold firmly, grasp tightly, seize. 2 arrest, capture.\n
mencekoki 1 force s.o. or s.t. to take medicine. 2 indoctrinate.\n
mencelanai put trousers on s.o. or s.t.\n
mencelur 1 boil (an egg). 2 scald (a chicken to remove feather).\n
menceng slanted, skewed.\n
menceret see CERET.\n
mencereweti 1 criticize, find fault with. 2 order about.\n
mencicit squeak (of mouse, etc.). 2) tweet (of canary).\n
mencipta 1 compose. 2 be creative.\n
mencit mouse.\n
mencium 1 kiss. 2 smell, sniff. 3 sense, learn about.\n
mencla-mencle (Java) inconsistent, unreliable.\n
menclok (Java) perch (of birds).\n
mencok see MENCLOK.\n
mencomot 1) seizy, nab, grab and hold. 2) snatch off. 3) pick.\n
mencong 1 askew, aslant. 2 without any specific direction or aim.\n
1 take off, remove (shoes, etc.). 2 pull out, extract (a nail). 3 untie. 4
remove, take away.\n
mencorong 1) shine, glare. 2) radiate.\n
mencos (Jakarta) miss a target, fail, not be in a straight line.\n
mencret see CERET.\n
mencuaikan 1 neglect. 2 look down on, hold in contempt. 3 ignore.\n
1) be flipped, pushed away with a springy motion. 2) spring back. 3)
mencuat , cuar
bend outward to project in a point.\n
mencurahi 1 pour on. 2 bestow upon, shower. 3 expend.\n
mend- seealso entries with d-.\n
mendadak see DADAK.\n
mendagri [Menteri dalam Negerei] Minister for Internal Affairs.\n
mendak 1 sink down, bow down. 2 approach bowing.\n
mendam drunk.\n
mendampak bump into, collid with.\n
mendap 1 sink, settle. 2 sediment, deposit.\n
mende see MENTE.\n
mendedeli rip out (a seam, etc.).\n
mendepak 1) kick (ball, etc.). 2) fire, dismiss, kick out, expel s.o.\n
mendera banyan tree.\n
menderum kneel (of elephant, camel, etc.).\n
mendesak 1 push, shove. 2 urge, insist.\n
mendestruksi destroy.\n
mendesuskan spread s.t. as gossip.\n
mendewakan 1 deify. 2 idolize s.o.\n
mendiang the late.\n
mendieselkan change (bus engines, etc.). to diesel fuel.\n
mendikai small watermelon.\n
[Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan] Minister of Education and
mendikte 1 dictate to s.o. 2 command s.o.\n
mending 1 fairly good, well off, mild (of climate). 2 average, middling.\n
mendingan 1 fairing well, well off. 2 average, middling. 3 better, preferable.\n
mendisketkan store on a disc.\n
mendobrak 1 batter down, break in. 2 (Mil.) penetrate (defenses).\n
mendodosi 1 dig s.t. up. 2 (Coll.) steal little by little.\n
mendonan immigrant, stranger.\n
mendongengkan narrate (stories, etc.).\n
mendongkel 1 lift up, pry loose. 2 remove by force, oust s.o. 3 reveal (secrets).\n
1 jack up (car, etc.). 2 assist s.o. in achieving his purpose. 3 praise,
esp. in sycophantic manner.\n
mendreng see MINDERING.\n
mendudu follow s.o., continue on (without looking back).\n
mendudut (Java) pull, tug at.\n
1 (Naut.) take depth bearings. 2 understand, fathom. 3 presume,
mendung cloudy, overcast.\n
mendusel (Java) snuggle up close.\n
mendusin 1 be awake. 2 be conscious of, realize.\n
k.o. cake made of sticky rice with grated coconut and brown sugar
wrapped in banana leaves.\n
menebah strike a flat surface.\n
menebak 1. guess. 2. chop off, cut off.\n
menebal become thick.\n
menebalkan 1 thicken s.t. 2 reinforce.\n
menebang fell.\n
menebangi repeatedly chop down.\n
menebari scatter in or on s.t.\n
menebarkan 1 spread around, disperse. 2 spread and throw s.t. out.\n
1. cut down (shrubs, vegetation, etc. but not large trees). 2. 1) buy up
menebas a harvest\'s yield before it has been harvested. 2) (Java) buy up all of
s.t. produced.\n
1. cut with s.t., use s.t. to cut down. 2. contract to sell o.\'s harvest
while it is still in the fields.\n
menebat create a pond with dam.\n
1. 1) put up temporary screen (mat, sail, etc.). 2) spread out cloth,
menebeng mats, etc. for display. 2. sponge s.t., freeload, ride or live with (for
menebengi protect or screen s.t.\n
menebengkan allow or arrange for s.o. to live for free, mooch, etc.\n
menebok firmly strike with fist.\n
menebuk 1 perforate s.t. 2 bore through s.t.\n
1 redeem s.t. by paying cash or exchanging some other object. 2
compensate for some wrong. 3 fulfill.\n
meneduh 1 be shady. 2 become calm.\n
meneduhi provide shade or shelter for.\n
meneduhkan 1 calm s.o. down. 2 make s.t. sheltered or shaded.\n
meneer meneer\n
menegahkan forbit, prevent s.t.\n
menegak become upright.\n
menegakkan 1 erect, build. 2 cause s.t. to be upright. 3 maintain.\n
menegang tighten, become tight, be tight, tense.\n
menegangkan 1 tighten, make taut. 2 strain, make tense.\n
menegarkan stiffen s.t.\n
menegaskan 1 explain, clarify. 2 assert, insist.\n
menegel cover with floor tiles.\n
meneguhkan 1 confirm s.t. 2 strengthen s.t.\n
meneguk swallow s.t., gulp down.\n
meneguki repeatedly swallow or gulp s.t.\n
1 address s.o. (in order to open a conversation). 2 admonish,
menejer manager.\n
menekadkan make (a decision, o.s.) resolute.\n
menekak stick to the palate.\n
menekan 1 press, push down. 2 suppress, repress, oppress. 3 compress.\n
menekankan 1 stress, emphasize s.t. 2 press with s.t.\n
menekat embroider s.t.\n
menekel manage, handle.\n
meneken sign s.t.\n
meneker light a fire with a flint.\n

menekuk fold s.t. stiff.\n

menekukkan fold s.t., bend s.t. over.\n
menekuni occupy o.s. diligently with s.t.\n
menekur 1 bend, bow. 2 meditate.\n
menekuri 1 stare at. 2 bend, bow o.\'s hed over s.t.\n
meneladan follow the example of.\n
meneladani set an example of hisbrilliant sister.\n
meneladankan make s.t. an example, provide a model.\n
menelahkan predict.\n
1 swallow. 2 swallow up. 3. endure patienly (insults, etc.) 4 require,
menelanjangi 1 strip s.o. or s.t. 2 strip s.o. of.\n
menelap 1 cause injury (by sharp weapons). 2 (Phys.) permeate.\n
menelateni persevere in s.t.\n
meneledorkan neglect s.t.\n
menelegram send a telegram.\n
menelekkan rest a part of the body s.w.\n
menelempap measure with o.\'s hand.\n
menelengi cause s.t. to slope at an angle.\n
menelengkan cause s.t. to be at an angle.\n
menelepon phone s.o.\n
meneleponkan phone on s.o.\'s behalf.\n
menelikung bind hand and foot, wrap s.t. up entirely.\n
meneliti 1 examine carefully. 2 research s.t.\n
meneluk curve around, be curved.\n
menelumpang overlap\n
menelungkup lie face downward.\n
menelungkupi lie face downward on s.t.\n
menelungkupkan place s.t. face downward.\n
menelurkan produce s.t. as if laying an egg (s.t. new, s.t. dropped, etc.).\n
menelusur 1 unravel s.t. 2 investigate, explore.\n
menelusuri 1 go along, follow. 2 trace, follow. 3 research, investigate.\n
menelutut kneel.\n
menemani accompany s.o.\n
menembaga become copper-colored.\n
1 fire a gun. 2 aim at, intend. 3 (Sport) shoot (a basket), make a goal,
menembaki repeatedly fire on s.t.\n
menembakkan 1 shoot with s.t. 2 shoot s.t. out.\n
menembangkan sing or recite (a tembang).\n
menembok 1. wall s.t. up. 2. cover batik with wax to resist dye.\n
menembung hit with a cudgel.\n
menembus 1 pierce, stab. 2 penetrate, break through. 3 emerge, come out.\n
menembusi penetrate s.t.\n
menembuskan pierce with s.t.\n
menempa make metal objects, manufacture knives, etc.\n
menempahkan 1 book ahead of time. 2 make to order.\n
menempati occupy.\n
menempatkan put s.t. in a certain place.\n
menempekan 1 make s.t. into this foodstuff. 2 consider s.t. trivial or low grade.\n
menempel 1 adhere, cling. 2 (Coll.) patch. 3 (Coll.) be right up next to.\n
menempelak reproach s.o.\n
menempelengi slap s.o. on the face or side of the head.\n
1 stick to, make s.t. stick to. 2 sponge, freeload on s.t. 3 cover s.t. by
sticking materials. 4 (Sl.) bribe.\n
menempelkan stick s.t. on.\n
menempias 1 splash up. 2 splash on s.t.\n
menempiaskan splash s.t. onto.\n
menemplek attached to, hanging on or against.\n
menemplok 1 lean on. 2 depend.\n
1 attack, assail. 2 go through, endure by passing through. 3 take on,
take up.\n
menempuhkan make s.o. responsible for s.t.\n
menempur attack, assail.\n
1 go to meet s.o. 2 come upon, run into. 3 experience s.t. (us.
menemukan 1 find, meet with. 2 find, discover.\n
menenangkan calm s.o. down.\n
menendang 1 kick. 2 (Coll.) expel s.o.\n
menendas decapitate.\n
menengadah look up.\n
menengadahi look up at s.t.\n
menengadahkan cause s.t. to face upward.\n
1 move to the center. 2 middle, intermediate. 3 average. 4 be neutral.
5 intecede, mediate.\n
menengahi 1 intercede, mediate. 2 intervene.\n
menengahkan come between.\n
menenggala plow.\n
menenggang restrain.\n
menenggek to squat.\n
menenggelamkan 1 cause s.t. to sink. 2 make s.t. disappear.\n
menengkari fight over s.t.\n
menengok 1 view s.t. 2 visit. 3 look. 4 make predictions.\n
menengoki repeatedly look at or visit.\n
menengokkan turn o.\'s head to look.\n
menentang 1 gaze directly at. 2 facing toward. 3 oppose. 4 defy.\n
menentangi repeatedly oppose.\n
menentangkan 1 bring o.s. face to face with. 2 cause s.o. to face.\n
menenteng carry in o.\'s hand, while walking.\n
menentir 1 give s.o. a tutorial or preliminary exam. 2 (Sl.) educate.\n
menentu certain, stabilized.\n
menentukan 1 determine, establish. 2 make certain about s.t.\n
menenungkan 1 tell fortunes. 2 bewitch s.o.\n
slap slightly. menepak-air-didulang, terpercik-muka-sendiri.
Slapping a tray full of water will only get your own face splashed.\n
menepati 1 head straight for s.t. 2 fulfill. menepati-janji fulfill a promise.\n
menepatkan 1 aim, direct. 2 set, adjust.\n
menepi 1 move to o. side. 2 go along the side of (road, etc.).\n
menepikan move s.t. to o. side, pull s.t. over.\n
menepis 1. 1) skim, glid low. 2) skim s.t. 2. ward off s.t.\n
menepuk clap, slap.\n
menepung 1 pound into flour. 2 powdery.\n
menepungkan make s.t. into flour.\n
menera 1 seal s.t. 2 calibrate. 3 print s.t.\n
1 take a shortcut, bypass. 2 (Coll.) bypass red tape or other obstacles
by bribing.\n
menerakan 1 calibrate. 2 stamp, seal, imprint s.t.\n
menerang dawn, become light.\n
menerangi 1 light s.t. 2 remove undergrowth.\n
menerangkan 1 explain, clarify. 2 declare, state. 3 illuminate s.t. 4 indicate.\n
menerap 1. adjust, apply, arrange. 2. do inlaid work.\n
menerapkan apply.\n
1. make holes (in s.t.). 2. muse, be lost in thought, he gazed at the
menerawangi cause s.o. to be lost in thought, trouble o.\n
menerbangi fly over.\n
menerbangkan 1 cause s.t. to fly, blow s.t. away. 2 flee with s.t.\n
menerbitkan 1 cause, produce. 2 publish. 3 put in print.\n
meneriaki shout at s.o.\n
meneriakkan 1 yell out s.t. 2 show off.\n
menerima 1 accept, approve. 2 receive. 3 (Coll., Java) be passive.\n
menerimakan hand s.t. over.\n

menerjang lunge, attack.\n

menerjangi trample on.\n
menerjangkan lunge at with.\n
menerjuni 1 jump in(to) 2 occupy o.s. with s.t.\n
menerjunkan cause s.t. to dive downward.\n
menerka guess, surmise.\n
menerkam pounce on.\n
menerkup fall on s.t.\n
menerobos 1 break through. 2 cut in a line or queue (at a bank, etc.).\n
menerompetkan proclaim loudly.\n
meneropong 1 look through a telescop. 2 observe carefully, study, scrutinize.\n
meneropongi examine carefully, focus carefully on s.t.\n
1 (Lit.) jump at (often in anger or passion). 2 attack (of
meteorological phenomenon).\n
meneruskan 1 continue. 2 forward, pass (on).\n
menetakkan 1 hack at s.t. 2 hack with s.t.\n
menetal be compact, compressed.\n
menetalkan compact s.t.\n
1. 1) settle at, maintain a permanent residence at. 2) stabilize. 2.
(Lit.) blot up a liquid (ink, water, etc.).\n
menetapi 1 fulfill. 2 carry out.\n
menetapkan 1 decide, determine. 2 maintain, establish, secure. 3 determine.\n
menetas 1 crack or slit s.t. open by force from the interior.\n
menetaskan 1 cause s.t. to break out. 2 hatch s.t.\n
menetek suckle.\n
meneteki give suck to, breast-feed.\n
menetekkan have s.o. else breast-feed a baby.\n
menetes drip.\n
menetesi srinkle on s.t.\n
meneteskan expel a liquid drop by drop.\n
menetralisir neutralize.\n
menewaskan 1 defeat, overcome. 2 kill, slay.\n
meng- see also entries with k-, ng- or beginning with a vowel.\n
mengaba-abakan give orders (for drill, etc.).\n
mengabadikan 1 immortalize, record for posterity. 2 perpetuate.\n
1 ignore, disregard. 2 underestimate, minimize. 3 make light of,
mengabar 1 brake. 2 impede, hinder. 3 remove. 4 lessen.\n
mengabari inform, let s.o. know.\n
mengabarkan report s.t.\n
mengabdi serve.\n
mengabdikan subjugate, make subservient.\n
mengabenkan cremate.\n
mengabolisikan abolish.\n
mengabonemenkan subscribe for s.o.\n
mengabortus abort (a fetus).\n
mengabsahkan 1 endorse, approve. 2 legalize.\n
mengabstrakkan shorten.\n
mengabstraksikan make abstract.\n
mengacak-acak 1 mess up, put in disorder. 2 disturb, upset, confuse.\n
mengacarakan 1 place on the agenda. 2 bring up with (a judge, etc.).\n
mengacau 1 stir (a drink, paint, etc.). 2 stir up trouble.\n
1 mix, stir s.t. up throroughly. 2 make s.t. confusing. 3 stir up
1. 1) point. 2) refer. 2. shape, mold, cut (cookies). 3.. 1) ponder a
mengacu way to achieve a purpose. 2) strike a threatening pose (with gun,
mengacuhkan heed, care about, be concerned about.\n
1. 1) point at with s.t. 2) threaten (with a weapon). 3) refer. 2.
advocate, suggest, propose.\n
mengacung point upward.\n
mengacungkan 1 hold up (the hand to greet or answer). 2 point s.t.\n
mengada-ada invent, fabricate, concoct (stories).\n
mengada-adakan say what is not true or does not exist.\n
1 organize, arrange. 2 give, hold, deliver (a lecture). 3 create, make.
mengadakan 4 launch. 5 cause, bring about (a catastrophe, etc.). 6 establish
(boundaries), bring about, effect (a consolidation).\n
mengadaptasi adapt.\n
mengadili 1 hear, try (a case). 2 administer justice. 3 bring to justice.\n
1. 1) pit. 2) bump, hit (o.\'s head). 3) contest. 2. 1) complain about.
2) sue, bring legal action. 3) inform, squeal, tell on, report.\n
mengadukan complain about.\n
mengageni 1 distribute. 2 handle, manage.\n
mengagung-agungkan indulge in glorification.\n
mengagungkan 1 glorify, exalt, elevate. 2 praise.\n
mengahadkan unite in marriage.\n
mengairi 1 irrigate (rice field). 2 dilute with water. 3 give to drink.\n
mengais carry on the back.\n
mengajaibkan amazing, miraculous.\n
mengajak 1 invite, ask. 2 urge. 3 challenge, invite.\n
1 teach (a subject). 2 teach s.o. 3 give s.o. a lesson be will not forget.
4 train, coach.\n
mengajarkan 1 teach s.t. 2 lecture, rebuke.\n
1 file, submit (a protest). 2 file, submit. 3 send, submit, present. 4 set
mengajukan forward, propose, put a motion. 5 indict, remand. 6 lodge, enter (a
mengakadkan enter into an agreement, fix contractually.\n
mengakali 1 seek a way. 2 deceive, double-cross.\n
mengakalkan endeavor, seek a way, work s.t. out.\n
mengakhiri end, close.\n
mengakrabkan bring close, strengthen (friendships, etc.).\n
mengaktifkan activate.\n
mengaktualisasikan /mengaktualisir/ bring up to date, actualize.\n
1 confess, admit. 2 guarantee, promise. 3 claim to be. 4 consider as
o.\'s own. 5 always talk about o.\'s., boast about o.\'s.\n
1 acknowledge, admit. 2 confess, admit. 3 recognize,
mengakurkan 1 reconcile. 2 check. 3 harmonize (colors, etc.).\n
mengalami experience.\n
mengalap 1 pick (fruit). 2 abduct.\n
mengalasi 1 cover. 2 lay a base or foundation for.\n
1 put s.t. down as a base (cloth, rug, etc.). 2 base (o.\'s complaint,
mengalih change, replace s.t. with s.t. else.\n
mengalihbahasakan translate.\n
mengalihkan shift, move s.t.\n
1. 1) flow. 2) pour, stream, flow (of money, people). 3) stream down.
2. catch crocodiles (with a baited line).\n
mengaliri flow through.\n
mengalirkan 1 channel. 2 siphon. 3 shed (tears). 4 aim, point.\n
mengalun 1 pitch, heave. 2 be in steady, rhythmic movement.\n
mengalunkan put s.t. in steady motion.\n
mengamahi /mengamanati/ deliver a speech, give advice.\n
1 put into practice, apply. 2 do s.t. regularly. 3 carry out with
mengamanahkan 1 entrust, commit. 2 instruct, order. 3 dedicate, set aside.\n
1 pacify, render safe. 2 place in protective custody, hold in custody.
3 hand over for safekeeping. 4 reassure. 5 prosecute.\n
mengamat-amati 1 watch closely, keep track of. 2 inspect. 3 monitor, guard.\n
mengambil 1 take. 2 get, fetch. 3 subtract. 4 adopt (a child, a policy).\n

mengambili keep taking.\n

mengambilkan get or fetch for s.o.\n
mengambul 1 bounce, rebound, ricochet. 2 bob up and down.\n
mengambulkan bounce (a ball).\n
mengampai 1 hang on, over. 2 hang out s.t. to dry (e.g. tobacco). 3 hit, strike.\n
mengampuni 1 forgive s.o. 2 pardon, commute (a sentence).\n
mengampunkan 1 forgive s.t. 2 condone.\n
mengamputasi amputate.\n
mengamuk 1 go berserk, run amuck. 2 rage violently.\n
menganalisa analyze.\n
mengancaikan wreck, damage.\n
mengancam threaten.\n
mengancamkan 1 threaten with s.t. 2 threatening.\n
mengandaikan suppose, assume.\n
mengandalkan 1 rely on. 2 trade on.\n
mengandung 1.be pregnant with 2.have wtihin it , contains.\n
menganeksasi annex, appropriate, take possession of.\n
menganga 1 be agape be wide open. 2 gape, gawk.\n
mengangah 1 have fiery coals. 2 see API.\n
mengangan-angankan 1 recall, ponder, contemplate. 2 imagine, fantasize.\n
1. regard as, consider, deem. 2. (Lit.) nod the head to invite another
to join in dancing or drinking.\n
mengangguk nod (in agreement).\n
mengangguk-angguk keep nodding.\n
menganggukkan 1 nod (the head). 2 agree to.\n
1. 1) be unemployed, be idle. 2) lie idle. 2. 1) prepare cutting for
planting. 2) transplant, plant with a slip.\n
menganggut 1 nod due to drowsiness. 2 move erractically, pitch (of a ship).\n
mengangkasa 1 be airbone. 2 soar, take off. 3 come to the fore.\n
1 lift (up), raise. 2 appoint, designate. 3 promote. 4 remove, take
mengangkat away. 5 take up. 6 adopt (a child), adapt (written material). 7 nab,
pick up.\n
mengangkati remove (many things).\n
mengangkatkan 1 lift up, raise. 2 roll up (o,\'s sleeves).\n
mengangkut 1 carry, transport. 2 carry away. 3 contain.\n
mengangkuti pick up, collect.\n
mengangon (Java) graze cattle.\n
mengangsu (Java) 1 draw water. 2 absorb, draw upon. 3 gain knowledge.\n
mengangsur 1 do gradually. 2 pay in installments. 3 move.\n
mengangsuri pay for s.t. installments.\n
mengangsurkan 1 order s.o. to move. 2 pay s.t. in installments. 3 move forward.\n
mengangut 1 nap, doze. 2 fritter o.\'s time away.\n
menganiayai 1 maltreat, torture, beat viciously. 2 tyrannize, persecute.\n
menganjak transplant, reset (plants).\n
menganjal 1 bounce, rebound. 2 elastic, springy, resilient.\n
1. 1) stick out, jut out, protrude. 2) move on or toward. 2.
menganjuri 1 lead, head (a parade). 2 pioneer, take the initiative.\n
1 suggest, propose, recommend. 2 extend, project, thrust s.t. out. 3
hand over, pass.\n
mengantar 1 deliver, bring s.t. 2 carry, transmit.\n
mengantarai 1 come or be between. 2 intercede, mediate.\n
mengantari bring or send to s.o.\n
mengantarkan 1 accompany, bring s.o. to a destination. 2 seeoff. 3 introduce.\n
mengantep (Java) 1 trust, believe in. 2 be faithful to. 3 let, permit.\n
menganting 1 dangle, sway. 2 swing.\n
mengantisipasi anticipate.\n
mengantukkan bump or strike s.t. against.\n
mengantul bounce, rebound (of a ball.).\n
mengantup sting.\n
menganugerahi bestow on s.o.\n
menganugerahkan bestow, confer (a degree), present a gift to s.o.\n
menganuti 1 follow, submit to. 2 practice, profess (a religion).\n
menganyam plait.\n
mengap gape. mengap-mengap pant, gasp for breath.\n
mengapa 1 why ? 2 doing what ?\n
mengapam make or make s.t. into apam.\n
mengapel 1appeal, enter an appeal. 2 take roll.\n
1 flank. 2 press between s.t., clamp. 3 hold by pressing between. 4
staple (paper together). 5 enclose on either side.\n
1 reject (because of poor quality). 2 condemn (a building). 3
prohibit, ban.\n
mengaplikasikan apply, put to use, administer.\n
mengaplos relieve.\n
mengaplus applaud.\n
mengapresiasi appreciate, relish, enjoy.\n
mengapung 1float. 2 float upward, soar.\n
mengapungi hover about, float about.\n
mengapungkan set or keep afloat (of a canoe, toy boat, etc.).\n
mengarah 1 aim, direct. 2 aim at. 3 manage, direct, administer. 4 head for.\n

1 direct, aim, point. 2 make efforts in a certain direction. 3 give

directions or instructions, direct.\n
mengarak accompany in a procession.\n
mengarang 1 string (beads, jewels), arrange (flowers).\n
mengarangkan 1 arrange, string s.t. 2 write or compose for s.o.\n
mengarcakan cast into a statue, make a likeness.\n
mengarit cut grass.\n
mengartikan 1 interpret, construe. 2 bear a meaning for, lead o. to understand.\n
mengarung wade across, cross.\n
1 cross s.t. 2 sail through s.t. 3 ford, wade across. 4 wade through,
plod through (o.\'s studies, work).\n
1 sharpen. 2 file (teeth). 3 polish, shine, burnish (a gem). 4 grind,
whet, hone. 5 plane (a board).\n
mengatakan say s.t. , say that...\n
1 put in order, straighten up. 2 regulate, organize. 3 arrange, settle. 4
string, thread.\n
1 offer, give (used on solemn occasions or to s.o. of higher
authority). 2 say, express to a person of high status.\n
mengayun household furnishings.\n
mengecat see CAT.\n
mengecer sell retail.\n
mengeja spell.\n
mengeksitkan expel, dismiss.\n
mengelabui deceive s.o.\n
mengelap wipe s.t. with a cloth.\n
mengelola 1 manage (a business, etc.). 2 carry out, execute (a job, etc.).\n
1 take or put outside. 2 expel, eject, remove, discharge (an
employee). 3 issue (an order, a ticket), publish (a book), say what o.
has on o.\'s mind. 4 export s.t. 5 produce, manufactore. 7 secrete (a
fluid), discharge (blood), exhale s.t.\n
mengeluk bend, make s.t. supple.\n
mengelupur flutter.\n
mengeluyur 1 loaf around, stroll about without purpose. 2 hang around.\n
1 expand. 2 unfurl (sail, wings, etc.). 3 open (an umbrella, book,
etc.) 4 swell.\n
mengembara roam, rove wander.\n
mengembungkan puff up (o,s cheeks ), inflate , blow up ( a ballon,etc ).\n
mengempaskan 1 throw, dash, hurl s.t. against. 2 slam (door, etc.).\n
mengempih collapse (of lung, vein).\n
mengempih (s) collapse (of lung, vein).\n
mengemuka - kan 1 suggest, propose, put forward. 2 put to the front. 3 confront\n
mengemukakan 1 suggest, propose, put forward. 2 put to the front. 3 confront s.o.\n
1. 1) throb, beat (of pulse). 2) stagger. 2. 1) suck on (a piece of
mengemut candy or as sexual act). 2) move up and down (of mouth when
mengenai 1 concerning, about. 2 see KENA.\n
1 know, be acquainted with. 2 recognize. 3 distinguish, make out. 4
diagnose (an illness).\n
mengenangkan 1 remember, recall. 2 commemorate. 3 remind 9o. of s.o.).\n
mengendalikan 1.hold the reins 2.restrain 3.manage,lead.\n
mengendarai 1 drive (a car). 2 ride (a horse).\n
mengendus 1 get wind of, smell, whiff. 2 get wind of, find out, discover.\n
mengental coagulate, clot (of blood), curdle (of milk).\n
mengenyahkan chase a way , evict .\n
mengepak hold a franchise, lease the rights to provide a service.\n
mengepas try s.t. on.\n
mengepel mop.\n
mengeping 1split (a plank). 2 slice , cu t into thin pieces.\n
mengepit 1 carry s.t. under the arm. 2 clasp. 3 pinch.\n
mengepras prune, trim, cut back.\n
mengepung 1 surround, encircle. 2 besiege.\n
1 mobilize, conscript (workers, militia, etc.). 2 mobilize to do s.t.,
assemble (to carry out s.t.).\n
mengerjai 1 work on s.t. to prepare it. 2 (Coll.) have sex with.\n
1 do carry out. 2 work ( a field, land, etc.). 3 finish off, eliminate,
mengerjakan kill. 4 perform (a task).\n
mengernyit frown.\n
mengeroyok gang up on, swarm overhelm.\n
mengerpus (Mil.) place in a cell.\n
mengerti 1 understand. 2 (Java) know.\n
1) curry, rub down, groom (a horse). 2) chafe s.o. with a coin as a
medical treatment.\n
mengeset 1.1) arrange s.t., set s.t. 2) typeset. 2. trick s.o.\n
mengesit type s.t. in a master sheet.\n
mengetahui 1 know, understand s.t. 2 detect, find out.\n
mengeteki tickle under the arm.\n
mengeteng buy o. or a little at a time, buy retail.\n
mengetengahi 1 intercede, mediate. 2 intervene.\n
mengetengahkan 1 set forth. 2 (Leg.) subpoena, , summon.\n
mengetim 1 boil meat until very tender. 2 steam rice in a certain way.\n
mengetuk 1 knock on (a door). 2 pound out (a dent, etc.).\n
mengetuki 1.make a knocking noise on. 2.knock on.\n
mengga complete, perfect.\n
menggabruk strike with a bang.\n
menggaji 1 hire, employ. 2 pay a salary or wage.\n
menggala 1 (Lit.) knight. 2 chief indoctrinator.\n
menggambarkan 1 explain s.t. by drawing it. 2 depict, describe.\n
1 facilitate, smooth (the way). 2 take lightly, consider s.t. easy which
is hard.\n
menggapai pick up, hold, with tweezers.\n
menggarang (Java) 1 roast s.t. 2 dry s.t.\n
menggarisbawahi 1 underline, underscore (word, sentence, etc.). 2 emphasize.\n
menggarong 1 rob, commit a robbery. 2 plunder, loot, pillage.\n
1 scratch (head, arm, etc.), curry (horse), scape (pan, etc.), rake. 2
round up people (in a raid). 3 rob, clean out.\n
1 rub hard, 2 attack, assault (by hitting or kicking). 3 take by force. 4
pilfer, steal. 5 thrash. 6 devour.\n
menggaung dig, excavate.\n
1 strike, slash. 2 cast an evil spell on. 3 stab. 4 do footwork (in silat
or other self-defense art).\n
1 thump, pound on (a table, etc.). 2 crash. 3 hit. 4 instigate, urge,
move. 5 shake off.\n
menggegapkan ear-shatering, ear-splitting.\n
menggelemburkan wrinkle (the skin, etc.).\n
flutter, twitch, flap (as of wings, of dying fowl), flounder, squim (of
fish in net).\n
menggelikan 1) encourage. 2) ridiculous,absurd.\n
menggelinding 1 roll (of ball, etc.). 2 revolver. 3 (Sl.) get .\n
menggelitik 1 tickle. 2 prod, encourage, incite. 3 beat of o.\'s heart.\n
menggelora 1) rage, seethe (of sea). 2) impassioned (of speech), full of spirit.\n
menggelumangi spread on, smear with.\n
menggeluti 1 embrace. 2 wrestle with. 3 seize, embrace.\n
menggemakan wrinkle (the skin, etc.).\n
1 cheer up, make happy, gladden. 2 enliven (a party , etc.). 3 rejoice
over s.t.\n
menggemborkan 1) bruit about, noise about. 2) ballyhoo, plug, pour out.\n
menggendalakan obstruct, hinder, hamper.\n
menggeram 1. be furious. 2. sound of growl.\n
menggerantang 1 snarl at s.o. 2 intimidate (with o.\'s speech).\n
menggerontang 1 make such a noise. 2 threaten with loud noises.\n
menggertakan 1 intimidate. 2 spur (a horse). 3 gnash o,\'s teeth.\n
menggeruh 1) snore. 2) roar (of animals).\n
menggerumuti 1 swarm over s.t. (of ants, etc.). 2 crowd (the thoughts).\n
menggerung 1 make a roarong noise (elephant, engine, etc.). 2 cry loudly.\n
1 polish s.t. with a sheel until it shines. 2 crush, grind. 3 bray (in a
menggerutu grumble, complain.\n
menggetah 1 tap (a tree), collect sap. 2 catch birds with birdlime.\n
menggetil pinch, hold between two fingers\n
menggetok 1 hit, strike. 2 knock on (with a hammer, gravel, knuckles, etc.).\n
menggigit 1 bite s.t. 2 scathing (critique, etc.).\n
1) herd, drive (livestock). 2) escort a criminal (to prison, court,
menggodam strike, pound (of fist, club, etc.).\n
menggok make a turn.\n
menggolak brew, boi\n
menggosipkan gossip about s.t.\n
menggosok 1 rub. 2 incite, instigate. 3 shine or polish s.t. 4 iron (clothing).\n
menggoyahkan 1 make s.t. wobble or shake. 2 make s.t.\n
menggugat 1) accuse, charge. 2) criticize, judge. 3) claim, demand.\n
menggugurkan 1 cause s.t to fall out prematurely. 2 topple, bring down.\n
menggula flatter, butter up.\n
menggulai prepare a curry.\n
menggulaikan 1 cook s.t. as a curry. 2 prepare a curry for others.\n
menggulingkan 1 roll s.t. 2 topple, overthrow. 3 (Sport) defeat.overthrow, deposer.\n
menggulirkan make s.t. roll.\n
menggumalkan 1 wrinkle s.t. 2 rumple or crumple s.t.\n
menggumamkan mutter s.t.\n
menggumpal 1 lump up , clot. 2 cause s.t. to congeal or clot.\n
menggumpalkan 1 make s.t into a lump 2 make s.t coagulate .\n
menggunduk 1 pile up. 2 be shaped like a heap.\n
1 shave s.o. bald. 2 clean s.o. out (financially). 3 make barren,
denude (forests, etc.).\n
menggunting 1 cut with scissor or shears. 2 (Coll.) deceive, swindle.\n
mengguntur 1 thunder. 2 boom out (of a sound).\n
menggunung 1 pile up, mount up. 2 resemble a mountain.\n
menggurui act like a teacher to s.o., be a know-it-all to s.o.\n
menggusarkan provoke s.o. to anger.\n
1 haul, drag. 2 condemn (property for public use, etc.), remove
menggusur (people from their land). (Jakarta) flatten, level to the ground
mengguyur 1 spray, splash. 2 pour (liquid) in large quantities.\n
menghabisi 1 end, finish (speech, etc.) 2 finish off, wipe out. 3 spend (time).\n
menghadiahkan present s.t., donate.\n
menghadiri attend, be present at.\n
menghafalkan memorize, learn by heart.\n
menghalakan 1direct, guide, steer. 2 aim at.\n
menghalangi 1) block s.o.\'s way. 2) hamper.\n
menghalaukan 1 chase away, drive away. 2 drive, herd.\n
menghambat 1 hamper, impede. 2 head off s.o. or s.t., obstruct.\n
menghampiri approach, come close to.\n
menghamuni 1 abuse s.o., revile s.o. 2 curse.\n
1 smash, shatter (building, glass, hopes, etc.). 2 dissolve (sugar in
water, etc.). 3 crush (a stone).\n
menghangat become hot.\n
menghangatkan 1 warm up (food, etc.). heat s.t. peng-hangat warmer.\n
menghanguskan 1 roast until burnt. 2 burn, singe, scorch.\n
1 strike hard. 2 pound, pummel. 3 attack vigorously. 4 (Coll.) go at
(o.\'s food).\n
menghantamkan 1 strike s.t. 2 strike with s.t.\n
menghantui 1 frighten. 2 haunt, obsess.\n
menghapus 1 completely remove. 2 clean s.t., wipe off (blackboard).\n
menghapuskan 1 eliminate s.t., wipe out. 2 nullify (a contract), expunge (a record).\n
mengharamkan 1 forbid, prohibit. 2 abjure, abstain from.\n
menghardik 1 snap at. 2 scold, dress down, rebuke.\n
mengharuskan compel, require.\n
menghasilkan 1 produce. 2 deliver, produce results.\n
menghayati 1 experience to the full, comprehend fully. 2 inspire, vivify.\n
menghendaki 1 wish for s.t. 2 require, demand.\n
1 stop, halt (car, production, etc.). 2 end, put an end to s.t. 3 fire,
dismiss. 4 (Av.) feather (a motor).\n
mengherankan cause amazement, be astonishing. 2 be suprised at s.t.\n
menghibahkan 1 give grant, award. 2 donate, bequeath.\n
1 revivem bring to life. 2 turn on (radio, TV, light, etc.). 4 rekindle
menghidupkan (interest, political party, etc.).\n
menghikayatkan narrate stories.\n
menghilang disappear.\n
menghimpit squeeze, press.\n
menghina 1 humiliate, insult. 2 affront, offend s.o.\n
1 draw on, inhale (cigarette, etc.). 2 slurp (up), sip at. 3 sniff in. 4
menghirup (Ling.) implosive.\n
menghitamkan 1 blacken (hair, teeth). 2 blacken, denigrate, sully (a reputation).\n
menghitung 1 count, do sums. 2 calculate. 3 count in, reckon.\n
menghubungi 1 contact, get in touch with. 2 get ahold of.\n
menghubungkan 1 connect, join. 2 put s.o. in contact with s.o.\n
menghukum 1 punish s.o. 2 judge, criticize. 3 sentence to.\n
menghunjam 1 pierce s.t. so it is fixed. 2 penetrate. 3 (Av.) dive.\n
menghunjamkan 1 thrust in, insert (by stabbing). 2 shower on.\n
menghunus unsheathe, draw (sword).\n
menghuru - harakan excite to violence, bring about confusion.\n
menghutangkan lend s.t.\n
mengi /mengih/ 1 asthma. 2 pant, have difficulty breathing.\n
mengiang 1. rainbow. 2. continually whine, hum, or buzz.\n
1 follow s.o\'s example. 2 compare s.t., say s.t. is like. 4 treat like
mengibuli lie to s.o., cheat, deceive.\n
mengidealkan idealize.\n
mengigal 1 strut, show off. 2 display its feathers. 3 dance in a strutting way.\n
mengikhtiarkan 1 make an effort to. 2 arrange for. 3 make a suggestion.\n
mengimami lead prayer service at mosque.\n
mengimbas 1 blow. 2 (Tech.) induce (air flow or electrical current).\n
mengimbau appeal.\n
mengimbaukan call out or appeal for.\n
mengimigrasikan bring to the Immigration Bureau.\n
mengimlikasikan 1 implicate. 2 imply.\n
1 aim (gun, pistol, etc.). 2 have o.\'s eye on s.o. or s.t., set o.\'s sights
on s.o.\n
mengincitkan shoo, chase s.o. away.\n
mengindekoskan have s.o. rent a room s.w.\n
mengindenkan order s.t by making a down payment..\n
mengindikasikan indicate s.t.\n
menginduksikan induce.\n
1 remember, recall, recollect. 2 think of, keep in mind. 3
considering, in the light of.\n
mengingkari 1 disavow, go back on. 2 deny (a fact).\n
menginjak .1 tread or step on. 2 enter a certain age or status.\n
1 disobey, disregard, ignore (a law, regulation, etc.) 2 be
menginjak - injak
disrespectful of, hold a low opinion of.\n
menginjeksi inject, give an injection.\n
menginkasokan present a check to the issuing bank for payment.\n
menginpreskan issue an executive order.\n
mengintergrasikan integrate.\n
menginterlokal make a long distance call.\n
mengintruksikan instruct.\n
menginvestarikan inventory, take stock.\n
mengiprat 1 spurt out, jump. 2 hit.\n
mengiprati splash someone or something.\n
mengiras resemble.\n
mengirat split into thin strips.\n
mengirimkan 1.send,dispatch s.t 2.leave s.t for safekeeping,entrust s.t .\n
mengiringkan 1 escort. 2 have s.o. follow.\n
mengislamkan 1 Islamize, convert to Islam. 2 circumcise. ke-islam-an Islamic.\n
mengisolasikan isolate.\n
mengistirahatkan give s.o a rest or pause.\n
mengisukan 1 make an issue of. 2 gossip about s.t.\n
mengisyaratkan beckon, signal.\n
mengizinkan 1 permit, allow. 2 license s.o. or s.t.\n
mengkadimkan predict, foretell, prophesy.\n
mengkafirkan consider s.o. an infidel.\n
mengkakok 1 hold. 2 work, do.\n
1 unripe (of fruit). 2 improperly ripened because of defect. 3
annoyed, irritated.\n
mengkal-pengkol croked, winding.\n
mengkali (Jakarta) see BARANGKALI.\n
mengkandaskan 1beach (a boat etc.). 2 cause s.t. to fail, frustrate.\n
mengkara see MAKARA.\n
mengkarut 1 confuse s.o. 2 lie, tell a falsehood.\n
mengkasar see MAKASAR.\n
mengkasipkan delay, postpone.\n
mengkebet open a book to a certain page.\n
mengkedut seize or take by force, snatch.\n
mengkelan get s.t. stuck in the throat.\n
mengkelosok rub hard, scour.\n
mengkemam 1 retain in the mouth. 2 mumble.\n
mengkencongkan 1) twist, bend (s.o.\'s words). 2) curl (o.\'s lips).\n
mengkeramatkan 1 consider sacred. 2 respect highly.\n
mengkeret 1 shrink. 2 angry. 3 afraid, scared. 4. double up with pain.\n
mengkerkahi crunch on s.t.\n
mengkernying bare the teeth or fangs.\n
mengkeruh 1 snore. 2 purr (of a cat).\n
mengkerut shrink s.t.\n
mengkerutak crunch (on a bone).\n
mengkesat wipe dry.\n
mengkesip suck (on a juicy fruit, etc.).\n
mengketiaki put or carry s.t. under the arms.\n
mengkhatamkan finish, conclude (the reading of the Koran).\n
mengkhotbahi preach at, lecture s.o.\n
mengkhotbahkan preach s.t. via a sermon.\n
mengkikis 1 erode. 2 make s.t. disappear bit by bit.\n
mengkilap shine.\n
mengkilapkan shine, polish (shoes, silver, etc.).\n
mengkilas 1) trap (animals, birds). 2) tighten (up).\n
mengkilaskan releas, let s.t. go quickly.\n
mengkilat 1shine. 2 flash.\n
mengkili hem s.t.\n
1 circle, hover (of a plane, bird, etc.) 2 move back and forth, go to
mengkimbang - kimbang
and fro, be very restless.\n
mengkimpal forge metal.\n
mengking shake with fright.\n
mengkipaikan wag s.t.\n
1 shake out (wet laundry, tablecloth, rug). 2 winnow (rice, etc.). 3
spread (rice) out to dry. 4 flap (its wings, etc.), push open (a door).\n
1. 1) hit (with its wings, of an angry goose, hen). 2) flap. 3) flutter
(of wings, flag). 2. disappear, vanish (of ideals, etc.).\n
mengkirik make o.\'s flesh creep, shiver.\n
mengkis 1 challenge. 2 scorn, taunt.\n
mengkisruhkan upset, disrupt.\n
mengklir be clear, become clear.\n
mengklirkan 1 finish s.t. 2 clear s.t. up.\n
mengkocah mengkocah\n
mengkodak take a picture.\n
1shake s.t., esp. to blend or mix it up. 2 shake up pieces of paper for
mengkover 1 cover, include. 2 cover (a story).\n
mengkremus chew a.t. crispy into small pieces.\n
mengkuang see BANGKUANG.\n
mengkuatirkan 1 cause apprehension, alarm. 2 be worried about.\n
1 pinch s.o. 2 tap s.o. on the arm or shoulder to attract his
mengkubit attention.\n

mengkudu seeBENGKUDU.\n
1 beckon, motion (with fingers, hand, for s.o. to come nearer). 2 tap,
prod (with a finger or pencil to attact attention).\n
mengkulminasi be at the pinnacle.\n
mengkungkang gnaw at s.t.\n
mengkungkung 1 shackle, restrain. 2 impede movement. 3 dominate.\n
mengkupas mengkupas\n
mengkutip mengkutip\n
1 inspire, fire s.o. up. 2 fan flames, inflame a situation. 3 arouse
passions, stir up feelings.\n
mengobati treat s.o. or s.t.\n
mengobatkan 1 treat s.t. medically. 2 treat with s.t.\n
mengobrak-abrik 1 destroy, ruin. 2 upset, tip over, turn upside down.\n
mengobral 1 sell out, sell cheaply. 2 spend or dispose of s.t. freely.\n
mengobrol chat.\n
mengobroli repeatedly talk about, gossip about.\n
mengoceh 1 bable, jabber. 2 twitter of bird.\n
1 shake, mix s.t. 2 mix, stir (eggs, dough), shuffle (cards). 3 rub
hard. 4 incite s.o. to do s.t.\n
mengoek quack like a duck.\n
mengojok (Coll.) make s.o. do s.t. bad.\n
mengokang cock a rifle for firing.\n
mengolah process, turn s.t. into s.t. better.\n
mengomel grumble and complain.\n
mengompes 1 give s.o. the 3rd degree. 2 coerce, torture.\n
mengompreng operate office or gvt. vehicles for personal profit.\n
mengomprengkan use an official or company car illegally as a taxi.\n
mengongkok-ongkok (M) walk with a stoop.\n
mengongkoki mengongkoki\n
mengoper 1 take s.t. over. 2 hand over, pass s.t. to. 3 transfer.\n
1. uncoil, unfold. 2. (Jakarta) 1) shake s.t. violently. 2) bring s.t. to
mengorek 1 scrape, get s.t. by scraping. 2 dig up secrets.\n
mengorganisir organize.\n
mengorok (Jakarta) 1 snort, drone. 2 snore.\n
1 clean a floor with a brush. 2 rinse or wash food. 3 run water on
whetstone while sharpening.\n
mengot crooked, curved.\n
mengotori contaminate s.t., polute, foul (a river, the environment).\n
mengoyak (Java) chase after.\n
mengoyak-oyak (M) shake s.t. loose.\n
mengsol 1 askew, aslant. 2 crazy.\n
mengtangsikan confine to quarters.\n
1 make a rent , opening in 2 break open a window , door , safe ,
menguakkan barricade ,etc . 3 push apart ( as of people , in ordeer to get through a
crowd ) .\n
menguangi finance s.t.\n
menguangkan 1 cash in s.t. 2 sell s.t. (jewelry, etc.) for cash.\n
menguap 1 evaporate, vaporize. 2 become steam.\n
menguapi steam s.t.\n
menguapkan 1 steam. 2 let evaporate.\n
menguarkan proclaim s.t.\n
menguasai menguasai\n
mengubah 1 change, become different. 2 alter, modify.\n
mengubahi change or modify several things.\n
mengubahkan alter on behalf of s.o.\n
menguban be graying.\n
mengubani 1 pull out gray hairs. 2 cause gray hair (through worry, etc.)\n
1. paint or dye s.t. with such material. 2 unroll s.t. and spread it
mengubek 1. stir vigorously by hand. 2. (Jakarta, Java) 1 turn s.t. around. 2
menguber-uber go after, pursue.\n
mengubini tile s.t.\n
1 pinch s.o. 2 tap s.o. on the arm or shoulder to attract his
menguburkan bury, inter, lay to rest.\n
mengucai be isolated from o.\'s friends.\n
mengucap (Islam) worship God by pronouncing His names and attributes.\n
1 say s.t. to s.o. 2 recite spells over s.o., treat s.o. who is ill by
reciting prayers and invocations.\n
mengucapkan express.\n
mengucek 1 rub. 2 do the laundry. 3 crush, grind, mash.\n
mengucek-ngucek (Jakarta, Java) rub with o.\'s hands.\n
1 expel (from family, clan, relationship, political party, etc.),
ostracize, excommunicate. 2 squeeze out (toothpaste, glue, etc.).\n
mengudak chase after, pursue.\n
mengudak-udak stir.\n
mengudal-adul rumple hair, string, or other hairlike material.\n
mengudap 1 taste s.t. 2 snack, eat between meals.\n
mengudar 1 reel, wind. 2 disentangle.\n
mengudara 1 go on the air (radio, etc.). 2 go up in the air (balloons, etc.).\n
mengudarakan 1 air (programs). 2 put s.t. in the air, let s.t. fly.\n
mengudek (Java, Jakarta) stir.\n
mengudik 1 go upstream. 2 return to o.\'s ancestral village.\n
mengudut (Java) smoke s.t.\n
mengugem (Java) claim as o.\'s own.\n
mengugut threaten, intimidate.\n
menguhuk-uhuk sob.\n
menguik squeal (of pigs).\n
mengujar say s.t.\n
menguji 1 examine. 2 put to the test, try.\n
mengujung 1 reach an end or a top. 2 become sharp or pointed. 3 intensify.\n
mengukir carve s.t., engrave.\n
mengukirkan carve into or on s.t.\n
mengukup perfume s.t., incense s.t.\n
mengukur 1 measure, survey. 2 read a meter.\n
mengukurkan measure against s.t.\n
mengulah prepare.\n
mengulak buy goods for resale.\n
mengulang 1 repeat s.t. 2 study over again.\n
mengulangi 1 repeat, do s.t. again. 2 visit frequently.\n
mengulangkan repeat for s.o.\n
mengulap-ulapkan perform such a gesture with (the hand).\n
1. 1) cover, wrap. 2) daub (in painting). 2. 1) review, comment on. 2)
explain, analyze.\n
mengulasi 1 put a cover on s.t. 2 daub over and over.\n
mengulaskan 1. use s.t. to cover. 2. divide into sections.\n
menguleg /mengulek/ pulverize, grind.\n
mengulem invite.\n
mengulet stretch (after sleeping).\n
menguli knead (dough).\n
mengulik investigate.\n
mengulir put in a screw.\n
mengulitkan put s.o. to sleep by singing lullabies.\n
mengulur 1 pay out. 2 extend. 3 make concessions.\n
mengulur-ulur repeatedly extend s.t.\n
menguluri hand over to s.o.\n
1 pay out (a rope, etc.). 2 pass s.t. out, stick s.t. out. 3 extend,
mengumak-umik (Java) silently mouth words.\n
mengumbah 1 wash, do the laundry. 2 rinse.\n
mengumbai-umbaikan swing, dangle s.t.\n
mengumban 1 sling. 2 throw away.\n
mengumbang float.\n
mengumbar free s.t., let loose.\n
mengumbat extract s.t. difficult to remove.\n
mengumbuk 1 swindle. 2 persuade. 3 appease, talk in a friendly way to s.o.\n
mengumbul bubble up, rise rapidly.\n
mengumpak-umpak extol a person to the skies.\n
mengumpamakan 1 compare. 2 take as an example. 3 assume, suppose.\n
mengumpan tempt, lure.\n
mengumpani 1 bait s.t. 2 entice.\n
mengumpankan use s.t. as bait.\n
mengumpat swear, curse (in reproach).\n
mengumpati swear at s.o.\n
mengumpet go hide, lie low.\n
mengumpetkan hide s.t.\n
mengumpil 1 lift, raise. 2 row, scull.\n
1 gather , assemble , concentrate (forces ) 2 collect ( stamp,coins,etc)
3 amass,accumulate ( a for tune , an art collection , eetc ) .\n
mengumumkan 1 announce, notify. 2 publish.\n
mengunclik walk without looking left or right.\n
mengunda-unda tow o. behind the other.\n
mengundang invite, summon.\n
mengundangkan legislate, establish by law.\n
mengundat-undat (Java) dig up old grievances.\n
mengundi draw (lots, straws, etc.).\n
mengunduh (Java) pick (fruit from tree).\n
mengundung-undungkan use as a head covering.\n
mengundur-undurkan keep postponing.\n
mengundurkan mengundurkan\n
mengung see MENUNG.\n
mengungap gasp for breath.\n
mengunggis nibble, gnaw at.\n
mengunggul-unggulkan show off.\n
mengungguli surpass.\n
mengunggulkan mengunggulkan\n
mengunggunkan pile (wood, etc.).\n
mengunggut pull at, tug.\n
mengungkai 1 untie, undo, loosen. 2 break open. 3 undo, take off. 4 disclose.\n
mengungkap 1 express (with words, face or gestures). 2 reveal, uncover.\n
mengungkapi dig up.\n
mengungkapkan 1 give expression to. 2 utter, pronounce. 3 uncover, reveal.\n
mengungkat-ungkat bring up old sore points.\n
mengungkil pry up.\n

mengungkit 1 pry up. 2 pry (into other people\'s business).\n

mengungkit-ungkit 1 bob up and down. 2 open up old sore points.\n
mengungsi flee.\n
mengungsikan evacuate s.o.\n
mengungu become purple.\n
menguniversalkan /menguniversilkan/ make s.t. universal.\n
mengunjuk 1 extend the hand. 2 indicate, point out.\n
mengunjukkan 1 raise or extend o.\'s hand. 2 present, hand over, pass.\n
mengunjur stretch o.s.\n
mengunjurkan stretch s.o. or s.t. out.\n
mengunjut wrap up in a bundle, make into a bundle.\n
mengunsuri be an element of.\n
menguntai 1 dangle, hang down. 2 string s.t.\n
1. roll s.t. into pellet shape. 2. 1) swallow a large quantity. 2) (Vulg.)
menguntal-nguntal wad up.\n
menguntali menguntali\n
menguntil dangle, hang down.\n
mengunting sound, plumb.\n
menguntir twist.\n
menguntukkan allocate, assign.\n
menguntungkan cause s.o. to enjoy a profit or benefit.\n
mengunyah 1 chew, masticate. 2 digest (advice, a problem, etc.)\n
mengunyai do s.t. slowly.\n
mengupacarai /mengupacarakan/ hold a ceremony for.\n
mengupahi pay s.o. wages or some remuneration.\n
mengupahkan have s.t. done upon payment.\n
mengupam polish, burnish.\n
mengupayakan strive for, seek.\n
mengupgrade /apgred/ upgrade s.t.\n
mengupil 1 pick o.\'s nose. 2 form scab on a wound.\n
mengurah 1 (M) demolish, tear down. 2. relate.\n
mengurai become disentangled.\n
1 loosen, disentangle (o.\'s hair, a fastening, etc.). 2 scatter. 3
explain, analyze.\n
mengurapi rub with ointment.\n
mengurapkan apply s.t. to the body.\n
mengurat 1 be rooted. 2 become tough.\n
menguruk 1 bury. 2 fill (with soil, sand, etc.).\n
menguruki put sand or soil on.\n
mengurungkan 1 cause to fail. 2 abandon, cancel.\n
mengurup 1 barter, exchange. 2 change money.\n
mengurus 1 arrange matters (with a higher-up). 2 take care of, manage.\n
mengurusi take care of.\n
menguruskan 1 manage, run. 2 take care of on s.o.\'s behalf, handle for s.o.\n
1. 1) massage, rub. 2) caress, stroke. 2. 1) put in the right order. 2
trace s.t.\n
mengurutkan put s.t. in the right order.\n
mengusahakan 1 carry on, expend o.\'s energy at s.t. 2 organize, manage.\n
mengusang dry up, wither.\n
mengusap 1 wipe s.t. off. 2 caress, stroke.\n
mengusapkan wipe with s.t.\n
mengusik 1 tease. 2 touch on. 3 (Phys.) perturb.\n
mengusir chase away, drive out, expel.\n
mengusuli examine s.o.\n
mengusulkan propose, suggest.\n
mengusung carry (together with others) on the shoulders.\n
mengusut 1 feel all over, handle. 2 examine.\n
mengutak-atik /mengutak-utik/ tinker with s.t.\n
mengutamakan consider as most important, give priority to.\n
mengutarakan present, state in public.\n
1.tinker with 2.pick (o.s nose ) 3.cavil,look for faults in another
mengutik-utik touch with a finger, poke into s.t. to examinate it.\n
1 pick up small bits (money, rice grains, etc.). 2 copy a portion, cite,
excerpt s.t.\n
mengutuskan delegate s.o.\n
menguyel-uyelkan cause to jostle.\n
[Menteri Pertahanan dan keamanan] Minister of Defense and
menhub [Menteri Perhubungan] Minister of Communication.\n
meni orange paint used as antirust primer.\n
meniadakan 1 abolish, destroy, nullify. 2 consider nonexistent.\n
meniangi provide with poles, posts, masts, etc.\n
meniarap (lie) face downward.\n
meniarapkan place s.o. or s.t. face downward.\n
meniduri 1 (of a man) to have intercourse with s.o. 2 lie or sleep on s.t.\n
menidurkan 1 put to bed. 2 lay s.t. down.\n
1 stab s.o. 2 be cutting, be biting (words, wind, etc.). 3 put up a stake
in a card game, etc.\n
menikamkan stab with s.t.\n
menikmati 1enjoy. 2 benefit from.\n
menikung 1 curve or bend. 2 make a turn.\n

menilang issue a traffic ticket.\n

1 tell the future. 2 observe carefully, watch. 3 consider, examine
carefully. 4 supervise.\n
menimang rock (a child) in o.\'s arms or a cradle.\n
1 (Lit.) test the balance of s.t. by shifting it in o.\'s hand. 2 observe
by holding in the hand. 3 consider an issue carefully.\n
menimba 1 bail out (a boat). 2 draw (water) from a well, etc.\n
menimbali counterbalance, counter s.t.\n
1 weigh. 2 consider, take into account. menimbang-terimakan hand
over, transfer.\n
menimbangi 1 repay, counterbalance. 2 be in proportion to.\n
menimbangkan weigh out on behalf of s.o.\n
menimbrung (Java) 1 interfere in s.o.\'s affairs. 2 butt in on a conversation.\n
menimbrungi interrupt a conversation.\n
menimbulkan 1 make s.t. to come to the surface. 2 cause s.t. to occur or appear.\n
menimbun 1 be heaped up, become piles. 2 be piled up on. 3 heap s.t. up.\n
menimbuni heap piles on s.t.\n
menimbunkan 1 pile s.t.up. 2 accumulate s.t.\n
menimbusi fill up s.t.\n
menimpai 1 fall on. 2 descend upon, strike down.\n
menimpakan 1 cause s.t. to fall upon. 2 blame.\n
menimpang 1 be unbalanced. 2 limp.\n
menimpe (Jakarta) swipe, pilfer.\n
menimpuki (Jakarta) throw at.\n
menimpukkan throw s.t.\n
meninabobokan lull to sleep.\n
menindak take ation against.\n
menindakkan carry on s.t.\n
menindas 1 crush with snapping action (esp. insects). 2 oppress. 3 suppress.\n
/menindihi/ 1 press with s.t. heavy, place a weight on s.t. 2 suppress.
3 oppress.\n
menindihkan press wiht s.t.\n
menindik pierce.\n
meninggal die, pass away.\n
meninggali 1 live in, stay at. 2 leave behind to, bequeath.\n
meninggalkan 1 leave s.t. behind. 2 leave.\n
meninggi 1 go high, rise, advance. 2 boast, be boastful.\n
meninggikan 1 raise, heighten. 2 increase, enhance.\n
1. put on airs toward s.o., contradict. 2. strike a musical instrument
to accompany other instruments.\n
meningkap (Lit.) peer from a window.\n
meningkar (Sunda) surround.\n
meningkat 1 rise, mount. 2 be promoted, advance. 3 terrace.\n
meningkatkan 1 increase s.t., raise. 2 upgrade.\n
1 watch, observe at a distance. 2 view, consider. 3 observe s.t.,
reconnoiter s.t., survey s.t. 4 guess from afar.\n
meninju be engaged in a fist fight.\n
menipis 1 become thin. 2 diminish, become less and less.\n
menipiskan 1. make s.t. thin. 2. dilute s.t. 3 reduce, decrease.\n
menipu deceive s.o.\n
menir 1. finely ground grains of rice. 2. seeMENEER.\n
meniran (Java, Jakarta) tired from speaking (of the lips).\n
meniru imitate, do as s.o. does.\n
menirukan imitate s.t.\n
menirus taper, come to a point.\n
menisiki darn, mend.\n
menisikkan give to s.o. to mend.\n
menit minute.\n
menitahkan command, decree s.o.\n
meniti walk on s.t. elevated, narrow, and long.\n
menitik 1 drip. 2 place a period.\n
menitikberatkan 1 stress, emphasize. 2 count heavily on.\n
menitiki sprinkle on s.t.\n
menitikkan cause s.t. to drip.\n
menitipi entrust to s.o.\n
menitipkan /menitip/ entrust s.t. to s.o. for a short period.\n
menitir sound an alarm in such a way.\n
1(Java) become incarnate. 2 (Coll.) descend into o.\'s offspring (of
traits, etc.).\n
meniup 1 blow. 2 blow air into or through.\n
meniupi 1 blow on s.t. 2 blow on s.o. as part of a healing ritual.\n
1 cause to spread, cause to fan out. 2 blow on or up on behalf of
menj- seealso entries with j-.\n
menjabat 1 takehold of, grasp. 2 occupy an office.\n
1 become 2 be 3 as,be 4 boil down to 5 succeed ,win out,go through
1 make into s.t 2 conclude ,bring into being 3 create ,make 4 cause
bring about , bring to pass.\n
menjahanamkan 1 ruin, destroy. 2 curse, swear at.\n
menjahit 1 sew, stitch. 2 tailor. tailor, seamstress.\n
menjajaki 1 probe, sound out. 2 (Naut.) fathom, take soundings, plumb.\n
menjajarkan pull, drag s.t.\n
menjak see SEMENJAK.\n
1 wolk on 2 undorge , endure ( an operation , military training
menjalani ,punishment, etc ) 3 go through a period of o,s life . 4 travel trhough
s.w .\n
1 drive ( car et ), operate ( machine) 2 start , put into operation ( a
menjalankan car etc ) 3 carry out , perform (o,s duty ) put into effect 4 serve (
prison sentence ) .\n
menjalar 1 creep, crawl (of snakes, plants). 2 spread (of fire, disease, etc.).\n
menjangan (Java, Lit.) deer.\n
menjangat 1 skin, flay, fleece. 2 strip bark.\n
menjangkakan 1 measure (with calipers). 2 plan, work out.\n
menjangkau 1 reach. 2 reach to. 3 reach for. 4 reach out. 5 reach out, extend to.\n
1 catch or pick up in a net. 2 encompass, embrace (a large area,
1 let fall , drop 2 drop , supply a lower level with money 3 toppley ,
overthrow , bring down ( the gvt,regime ) 4 ruin , topple , ruin a
good name 5 (leg) pass (a sentence,judgement),hand down (a
verdict,decision) .\n
menjauhi 1 avoid, keep away from. 2 be far from.\n
menjawikan 1 translate into Malay. 2 put into the Malay script.\n
menjayakan glorify, extol.\n
menjebak 1 trap (animals, birds). 2 trap, frame s.o.\n
menjebloskan 1 throw s.t. into. 2 throw (into jail).\n
1 break down (a door, etc.). 2 penetrate (enemy lines, etc.). 3 break
through (a wall, etc.).\n
menjebrolkan 1 produce, bring forth, give birth to. 2 eject, expel s.t.\n
menjegali interfere with, interrupt.\n
menjeglegkan punch a hole in.\n
1 cruis over seas, cross land areas. 2 explore (an area, etc.). 3
1 call on, pay o,\'s respects to. 2 visit. 3. to (used to address mail). 4
around, toward. 5 approach, come close to.\n
menjelangak look upward.\n
menjelempah lie scattered about.\n
menjelirkan stick out (o.\'s tongue).\n
menjelmakan 1 create. 2 realize, bring about.3 transform s.o. or s.t.\n
menjelujur 1 baste (a hem). 2 tie or stitch together.\n
1 stitch s.t. on. 2 hold s.t. together with a thread. 3 go over the lenght
of s.t. 4 investigate.\n
1 pick up (with fingertips). 2 pick up (figuratively). 3 call for,
menjemput fetch.\n

menjemukan 1 bore s.o., boring. 2 tiresome, irksome.\n

menjemur spread out in the sun to dry.\n
1 look or observe with head thrust forward. 2 pay a call, look in
1 pinch, tweak, nip. 2 flick, rap with the fingers. 3 rap, scold,
criticize s.o.\n
menjepitkan 1 squeeze, pinch s.t. 2 clip s.t., affix s.t. with clips.\n
menjepret 1 hit with a slingshot. 2 take a snapshot of.\n
1 teach s.o. a lesson. 2 frighten, intimidate. 3 be wary of, learn to
1 snare. 2 trick, deceive, round up (criminals). 3 entice, inveigle
(customers). 4 snarl, tangle.\n
menjeriau install such joists.\n
menjering chirp, cheep (of birds, etc.).\n
menjernihkan 1 make s.t. clear, clear up (a misunderstanding). 2 purify, cleanse\n
menjewang snatch s.t. up.\n
menjidari 1 provide a line. 2 make a line with a ruler.\n
menjijikan 1 loathe, abhor, abominate. 2 nauseating, loathsome.\n
menjilat 1 lick. 2 flatter, curry (favor), apple polish.\n
menjinakan curl the lower lip down (to tease).\n
menjiwai menjiwai\n
menjojol 1 protrude (of eyes). 2 protrude upward (of palisades, etc.).\n
menjorokan 1 make s.t. protrude. 2 push or shunt aside.\n
menjotoskan menjotoskan\n
menjuarai win out, come up as champion.\n
menjublek be silent, speechless (us. in bewilderment).\n
menjulur 1 stick outward. 2 panhandle, beg in street.\n
menjumpai 1 find. 2 go to meet. 3 meet with, encounter.\n
1) point, lead (in certain direction, etc.). 2) go in a certain
menkeh [Menteri Kehakiman] Minister of Justice.\n
menkes [Menteri Kesehatan] Minister of Public Health.\n
menkesra [Menteri Kesejahteraan Rakyat] Minister of Public Welfare.\n
menkeu [Menteri Keuangan] Minister of Finance.\n
menko [Menteri Koordinator] Coordinating Minister.\n
menkop [Menteri Koperasi] Minister of Cooperatives.\n
menlu [Menteri Luar Negeri] Minister of Foreign Affairs.\n
menmud [Menteri Muda] Undersecretary.\n
menobatkan crown, install.\n
menodong 1 threaten s.o. by pointing a weapon. 2 commit armed robbery.\n
menodongkan threaten by pointing with s.t.\n
menohok stab downward.\n
menohokkan use s.t. in a downward piercing motion.\n
menohorkan dry s.t. up.\n
menojok thrust (s.t. long) into s.t.\n
menojokkan thrust s.t. (of long things).\n
menojor hit with a fist.\n
menokoh cheat, deceive.\n
menokohi run, lead (a group).\n
menokohkan feature s.t.\n
menokok 1. give or say s.t. extra. 2. tap, pound at.\n
menokong shave.\n
1 push. 2 push aside, prevent. 3 repel. 4 reject. refuse. 5 (Math.)
menolakkan 1 push away. 2 push off on to.\n
menoleh 1 turn o.\'s head. 2 look toward by turning the head.\n
menolehkan cause o.\'s head or attention to turn somewhat.\n
menolok compare.\n
menolong help, aid, assist s.o.\n
menolongi repeatedly help with s.t.\n
menombak stab with a spear.\n
1 (Jakarta) pay extra, pay an additional fee. 2 stake out money in
menomboki 1 add a sum of money to. 2 pay extra (of many persons). 3 bet on.\n
1. make s.t. erecrt. 2. drink from a container by pouring its contens
down o.\'s throat.\n
menongkat 1 raise hight . 2 cane s.o.\n
menongkatkan 1 hold up with s.t. 2 raise.\n
menongkrongi 1 squat on s.t., hang out around at. 2 squat on land.\n
menongkrongkan let s.t. remain idle.\n
menonjok hit with the fist, fight.\n
menonjol 1 protrude, stick out. 2 conspicuous, prominent.\n
menonjol-nonjolkan show s.t. off which is not worth showing off.\n
menonjolkan menonjolkan\n
menonton 1 watch for entertainment, observe. 2 go to the movie.\n
1 visit the family of o.\'s future in-laws (to obtain information). 2
menontoni meet e.o. for mutual inspection (of future bridal pairs in arranged
menontonkan 1 show (off), exhibit. 2 play, perform.\n
menopang 1 prop up, shore up. 2 tidak-menopang contradict.\n
menopangkan lean s.t. on.\n
menor garish, gaudy in dress or make up.\n
menoreh 1 make a shallow cut. 2 slit open.\n
[Menteri Negara Penertiban Aparatur Negara] State Minister or
Control of Machinery of the State.\n
menpen [Menteri Penerangan] Minister of Information.\n
[Menteri Negara Urusan Perumahan Rakayat] State Minister of
Public Housing.\n
menperdag [Menteri perdagangan] Minister of Trade.\n
menperhub see MENHUB.\n
[Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga] State Minister of Youth
and Sports.\n
[Menteri Negara Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup]
State Minister of Environmental Affairs.\n
[Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi] State Minister of Research
and Technology.\n
mens (Coll.) menstruation, menstruate.\n
mensekneg /Mensesneg/ (Menteri Sekretaris Negara] Secretary of State.\n
menselkan put into a prison cell.\n
mensentraliser centralize.\n
menservis service (of engines, etc.).\n
mensiang k.o. rush.\n
mensinyalir call attention to, point out.\n
mensinyalkan give a signal.\n
mensistematikkan systematization.\n
mensistematisasikan systematize.\n
menskors 1 suspend s.o. 2 adjourn.\n
menslenger crank, start a car with a crank.\n
menslogankan utter s.t. as a slogan, make s.t. into a slogan.\n
mensolder solder.\n
mensortir sort (of mail, etc.).\n
mensos [Menteri Sosial] Minister for Social Affairs.\n
menstabilisasikan stabilize.\n
menstabilo mark a text with a highlighting pen.\n
menstarter (Coll.) start an angine.\n
mensteling 1 set up barricades around s.t. 2 (Mil.) take up a position.\n
mensterilkan sterilize.\n
menstimulasikan stimulate.\n
menstimulir stimulate.\n
menstruasi menstruation.\n
mensublimir sublimate.\n
mensubordinasikan subordinate.\n
mensubstantifkan make into a substantive.\n
mensubstitusikan substitute.\n
mensucikan 1 purify, disinfect, clean. 2 sanctify.\n
mensugestikan persuade s.o. to be of the same opinion.\n
mensyariahkan /mensyariatkan/declare a certain deed to be Islam law.\n
mensyukuri 1 be grateful to God to God about s.t. 2. (Coll.) thank s.o.\n
1.1) attract, absorb o.\'s interest. 2) arouse, sexual desire. 2. advise,
ment- seealso entries with t-.\n
mentaati 1 ahere to, obey s.t. 2 be faithful to.\n
mentabukan consider s.t. taboo.\n
mentafahus 1 search s.t. 2 examine s.t.\n
1 unripe, raw, uncooked. 2 incomplete, unfinished. 3 raw,
mentahbiskan consecrate, ordain.\n
mentahkikkan (Lit.) verify.\n
mentajaki work soil or chop down weeds with such a tool.\n
mentajin 1 feed rice water (to an infant). 2 starch o.\'s clothes.\n
mentajinkan make rice water or starch out of s.t.\n
mentajong strike (with the arm).\n
mentajuk 1 protrude. 2 prominent, well known.\n
mentajukkan make s.t. into an editorial..\n
mentak (Jakarta) probable. ke-mentak-an probability.\n
mentakak sew two ends of sarong together (to yield tube shape).\n
mentakdirkan predestine, preordain\n
mentakhlikkan create (of God).\n
mentakhtakan crown, enthrone.\n
mentakik 1 make incisions to extract sap. 2 notch s.t.\n
mentaklik read diligently, peruse carefully.\n
mentakrifkan define.\n
mentakuk cut a notch, incision.\n
mentakukkan fix, determine.\n
mentakung 1 let s.t. settle. 2 cause liquid to accumulate.\n
mentakup close itself together firmly.\n
mentakupkan close s.t. (two symmetrical things) together firmly.\n
mentakzimkan respect or esteem s.o.\n
1 bounce off, rebound. 2 be launched (of a vessel). 3 uninjured.
/me`ntal/ way of thinking.\n
mentalisme mentalism.\n
mentalitas /mentalitet/ mentality.\n
mentalkinkan whispher instructions in the ear of the dead or dying.\n
mentamsilkan 1 compare. 2 relate in a parable or analogous manner.\n
mentamyizkan discern.\n
mentan [Menteri Pertanian] Minister of Agriculture.\n
mentanang carry s.t. with the hands underneath it.\n
mentandangi visit.\n
mentang-pun although. (se)-mentang-mentang, mentang-kan just
mentanting carry in the palms of the hands.\n
mentargetkan aim for s.t., target s.t.\n
mentari see MATAHARI.\n
mentasbehkan extol God.\n
mentasdikkan verify.\n
mentasrifkan conjugate.\n
mentatui injure.\n
mentauhidkan 1 acknowlege God\'s o.ness. 2 concentrate on s.t.\n
mentawuri attack in a group.\n
mente cashew.\n
mentega 1 butter. 2 margarine.\n
mentek k.o. plant disease.\n
mentelaah analyze, study carefully.\n
menteledorkan neglect, be careless about.\n
mentenarkan make s.o. well known.\n
elite section of Jakarta. menteng-menteng-an in the mode of s.o. or
s.t. from this area.\n
mententeramkan 1 pacify. 2 reassure, calm.\n
menteorikan theorize about s.t.\n
mentera seeMANTERA.\n
mentereng 1 dressed up. 2 luxurious, magnificent.\n
1 cabinet minister. 2 (Che.) bishop. ke-menteri-an ministry,
menterjemahkan translate.\n
menterlantarkan 1) cause s.t. 2) pass on (a suggestion, etc.).\n
menternakkan breed animals.\n
menteror terrorize.\n
mentertawakan laugh at.\n
mentertibkan 1 straighten up, put in order. 2 control, curb.\n
menterutamakan consider as most important, give the highest priority to.\n
menteter hit repeatedly.\n
mentilawatilkan recite (Koran) in a competition.\n
mentimun cucumber.\n
mentintai apply ink to s.t.\n
mentip-ex apply white-out to s.t.\n
mentiriskan 1 cause to leak through. 2 drain.\n

mentiup-tiup blow a problem out of proportion.\n

mentobatkan cause s.o. to repent and change behavior.\n
mentok (Java) breast of chicken. /me`ntok/ (Java) duck.\n
mentol menthol.\n
mentoleransikan tolerate.\n
mentolerir tolerate.\n
mentololkan consider s.o. a fool, make a fool of.\n
mentonilkan 1 act, perform. 2 dramatize, put into a play.\n
mentopikkan use as a topic.\n
mentorpedir torpedo s.t.\n
mentorpedo torpedo s.t.\n
mentotalkan add s.t. up, total s.t.\n
mentotolkan cause s.t. to splatter on s.t.\n
mentour-of-dutykan transfer s.o. to another post.\n
mentoyor (Jakarta) strike, punch.\n
mentraktir treat s.o.\n
mentraktori do work with a tractor.\n
mentrampilkan train s.o.\n
mentransformasikan tansform.\n
mentranskripsikan transcribe.\n
mentransliterasi transliterate.\n
mentransmigrasikan resettle s.o.\n
mentransmutasi transmute.\n
mentrase trace.\n
mentrasir trace.\n
mentrindili (Jakarta) rob s.o.\n
mentrompetkan trumpet out s.t. (a song, etc.).\n
mentrondoli defeat s.o.\n
mentua see MERTUA.\n
mentuas lever s.t. up.\n
mentuba spread this poison in a pond.\n
mentubai poison fish, etc. with such a poison.\n
mentujah (Lit.) stab downward.\n
mentukul hammer.\n
mentul-mentul springy.\n
mentunangi take s.o. as o.\'s betrothed.\n
mentunangkan affiance.\n
mentunasi prune.\n
mentunu roast a fire.\n
mentunukan roast for s.o.\n
menturbakan cause close contact with the people.\n
menturis make a notch or scratch.\n
mentuter blow a horn.\n
mentutul-tutulkan dab on.\n
menu 1 diet, what o. eats at a certain meal. 2 what is served at a party.\n
menua 1 become old. 2 ripen, come to head.\n
1 harvest rice by cutting each stalk individually close to the ear with
such a reaping knife. 2 reap.\n
menuakan menuakan\n
menuam be treated with a hot compress.\n
menuami apply a hot compress on s.t.\n
menuang pour s.t. liquid.\n
menuangi pour into s.t.\n
menuangkan 1 pour s.t. out. 2 cause to pour forth. 3 mold, cast.\n
menubir deep, steep.\n
menubiri trace the edge of s.t. precipitous.\n
menubruk 1 lunge at s.o. 2 collide with, run into. 3 run over, hit s.o.\n
menubrukkan make s.t. crash into.\n
menuding 1 point at s.t. 2 accuse.\n
menudingi point at repeatedly.\n
menudingkan 1. make s.t. slant. 2. point with s.t.\n
menuduh accuse s.o.\n
menuduhkan accuse of, charge with s.t.\n
menudungi cover s.t. up carefully, repeatedly shade s.t.\n
menudungkan use s.t. for a cover or shade.\n
menugal dibble with a pointed stick in order to sow seeds.\n
menugalkan sow seeds in this way.\n
menugasi give an assignment to.\n
menugaskan 1 assign s.t. as a task. 2 assign, place s.o. in an assignment.\n
menuhankan consider as a god, deify.\n
menuil level s.t. up.\n
1 go in the direction of. 2 aim, strive. 3 concern, aim (accusation,
etc.) at. 4 (Lit.) practice a k.o. sorcery on s.o.\n
menujukan 1 point with s.t. 2 cause s.t. to point in a direction.\n
menukak fester.\n
menukangi 1 craft s.t. 2 repair s.t.\n
menukar 1 change. 2 exchange, barter.\n
menukarkan give s.t. in exchange.\n
menukas 1. columniate. 2 say in repetition.\n
menukik 1. dive. 2. make a notch.\n
menukiki dive at.\n
menukikkan 1 let dive, point s.t. downward. 2 point s.t. at, direct s.t. to.\n
menulahi curse s.o. or s.t.\n

menular 1 infect, contaminate. 2 spread.\n

menulari spread to s.o. or s.t.\n
menulikan make deaf.\n
menulis 1 write. 2 draw.\n
menulisi 1 write on s.t. 2 doodle on s.t., jot graffiti on s.t.\n
menuliskan 1 write s.t. down. write with s.t.\n
menulup blow with a pipe.\n
menumbangkan 1 cause to come crashing down. 2 slaughter (cattle, etc.).\n
menumbuhi sprout up over s.t.\n
menumbuhkan 1 make s.t. grow. 2 cause to emerge or sprout up.\n
1 pound,crush. 2 strike, deliver a blow to. 3 crash into. 4 let the eyes
alight on s.t.\n
menumbukkan 1 pound with s.t., beat s.t. against. 2 crush for s.o.\n
menumis saute at high temperatures.\n
menumpahi spill on s.t.\n
menumpahkan 1 cause s.t. to spill. 2 spill s.t. out, concentrate s.t.\n
1 ride in, go by. 2 join in, go along with use s.t. belonging to s.o.
menumpang else. 3 stay with. 4 please, may I, (particle preceding polite
1 cause s.o. or s.t to go with, cause s.o. to be a passenger. 2 cause
s.o. to stay with.\n
menumpas 1 destroy, eradicate. 2 extinguish.\n
menumpaskan 1 destroy s.t. or s.o.\'s behalf. 2 destroy, exterminate.\n
menumpatkan cram s.t., stuff s.t.\n
menumpil prop up.\n
menumpu 1 become concentrated. 2 support, sustain.\n
menumpuk 1 pile up, accumulate. 2 pile s.t. up.\n
1 lean with s.t., lean s.t on to. 2 provide suppport for s.t. or s.o. 3
cause s.t. to rest. 4 concentrate.\n
menumpuki pile up on top of s.t.\n
menumpukkan 1 pile s.t. up. 2 hoard, accumulate.\n
menumpul 1 become blunt. 2 become stupid.\n
menumpulkan blunt s.t.\n
menumpurkan destroy.\n
menunaikan 1 fulfill, carry out. 2 cash.\n
menunda tow.\n
menundakan 1 postpone, delay. 2 adjourn.\n
menunduk bow.\n
menunduk-nunduk bow repeatedly, humble o.s\n
menunduki bow over s.t.\n
menundukkan 1 cause s.o. or s.t. to bow. 2 cause s.o. to submit.\n
menundung expel, exile.\n
musing, pondering. ber-menung 1 muse, ponder, meditate. 2 act
menung gloomy. pe-menung dreamer, ponderer. per-menung-an
contemplation, musing.\n
menunggak be in arrears.\n
menunggal 1 be alone. 2 be a single entity.\n
menunggalkan concentrate into o.\n
menunggang ride, mount.\n
1 ride s.t. 2 use an exiting, activity or situation for o.\'s own purpose
or profit, get a free ride out of.\n
menunggangkan turn s.t. over.\n
1 move with the rear and higher than the front. 2 sink bow first. 3 be
upside down. 4 dive. 5 bulge toward the bottom.\n
1 place s.t. upside down. 2 lift or raise rear portion. 3 overthrow (a
high authority).\n
1 wait for. 2 look forward to. 3 (Java) stay at a place to take care of
what has to be done there.\n
menunggu-nunggu look forward to eagerly for some time.\n
menunggui 1 watch over, look after, guard. 2 take care of, tend, nurse.\n
menunggukan watch over on behalf of s.o.\n
menungkai kick.\n
1. 1) bow o.\'s head. 2) submit. 2. 1) push from behind. 2) do s.t. to
s.o. from behind.\n
menungkulkan bow s.t.\n
menungkup be in a face-downward position.\n
menungkupkan place s.t. or s.o. face downward.\n
menungkus wrap s.t.\n
menunjal (Lit.) find footing for a leap.\n
menunjang kick s.o. or s.t.\n
1 point toward, indicate. 2 show, indicate. 3 appoint, designate. 4
menunjuk raise o.\'s band. 5 with reference to (your letter).\n
menunjuki advise s.o., train s.o.\n
menunjukkan 1 point out s.t. 2 indicate. 3 refer.\n
menuntaskan treat exhaustively.\n
menuntun 1 guide s.o. or s.t. by a line, the hand, etc. 2 give guidance to.\n
menuntung 1 cut into tiny pieces. 2 empty.\n
menuntut 1 demand. 2 (Leg.) prosecute, sue. 3 strive for.\n
1 go down, descend, down (in crossword puzzles). 2 decline, sink,
decrease. 3 be herditary. 4 (Ling.) falling (of tones).\n
menuruni 1 go down along s.t. 2 go down to, descend to.\n
1 cause s.t. to go down. 2 discharge passenger or cargo. 3 reduce,
menurunkan lower. 4 send down s.t. to o.\'s inferiors. 5 generate (descendants),
produce a hereditary line of.\n
menurus straight and erect.\n
menuruskan (Lit.) tie s.o. to a post as a punishment.\n
menurut 1 follow. 2 according to. 3 imitate, follow along. 4 obey, follow.\n
menuruti 1 follow . 2 grant. 3 comply with, observe (regulation, etc.).\n
menurutkan 1 obey, follow. 2 copy, imitate. 3 cause s.o. to follow or joint in.\n
1 stab s.o. 2 prick, stick. 3 skewer s.t. 4 vote by perforating the
symbol of o.\'s choice on the ballot, punch a ballot. 5 penetrate.\n
menusuki 1 perforate s.t. in many places. 2 penetrate s.t.\n
menusukkan stab or prick with s.t.\n
menutuh lop off, trim.\n
menutuk 1 tap, knock on. 2 strike with o.\'s fingers (in martial arts).\n
1 close, shut. 2 cover. 3 hide, cenceal. 4 fill in, cover over. 5 lock,
shut up in jail.\n
menutup-nutupi cover s.t. up.\n
menutupi 1 provide a cover for. 2 cover up. 3 cover or shut repeatedly.\n
menutupkan menutupkan\n
1 relate, narrate, tell about. 2 pronounce, express. 3 inform,
menwa [Resimen Mahasiswa] students with military training.\n
meny- seealso entries with s-, n-, c-.\n
menyabet 1 whip. 2 snatch, grab.\n
menyabetkan whip s.t. against.\n
menyabit cut (grass, rice, etc.). 2. certain, definitive.\n
menyabot sabotage.\n
menyabur 1 disappear into the crowd. 2 become confused.\n
1 make incisions in a tree to obtain sap. 2 sample blood. 3 tap, bug
(telephone, information, room, etc.).\n
menyadari realize, be aware (of).\n
menyajikan 1 serve, dish up. 2 provide, supply, present.\n
menyakral sanctify, make holy.\n
menyalang stab with a knife, dagger.\n
menyalangkan open (eyes), see JALANG.\n
menyalip pass, overtake (a car).\n
1 compare s.t. (with). 2 treat the same as. 3 place on a par, make the
menyamankan 1 makefit, freshen up 2 make pleasant or compfortable .\n
menyamaratakan 1 treat alike. 2 generalize 3 raze to the ground.\n
menyambar 1 swoop down and seize. 2 strike, attack. 3 steal, rob.\n
menyambit lash.\n
menyambut 1 welcome, receive. 2 accept. 3 parry, reply. 4 on the occasion of.\n
1. 1) convey, extend (information, etc.). 2) hand over, give. 3)
deliver. 2. 1) put on (a dress). 2) carry on a pole.\n
menyampang paddle at stern of the boat.\n
menyamperi call on s.o., drop by to pick s.o. up.\n
menyan see KEMENYAN.\n
menyandang 1) carry s.t. strapped over the shoulder. 2) bear (a tittle).\n
menyanggah protest, oppose, contradicted the truth of the report.\n
menyanggupkan 1 enable. 2 promise.\n
menyangka 1 think, suppose. 2 suspect.\n
menyangkak have goose flesh, ruffle feathers.\n
menyangkul be engaged in hoeing, prepare (ground) for cultivation.\n
menyangrai (Sunda, Jakarta) fry without oil.\n
menyanyi sing.\n
menyapih wean a child.\n
menyapu 1 wipe off, brush off. 2 sweep. 3 finish s.t.\n
menyargut rip with o.\'s teeth.\n
1 filter, strain, sift. 2 refine, distill. 3 sift, separate, sort out
(information, meaning, etc.). 4 screen (personel for job).\n
menyaru disguise o.s.\n
1. make o.\'s way through (bushesh, jungle etc.). 2. have luck (in
game), win.\n
menyarungi 1 encase. 2 put s.t. on. 3 sheathe.\n
menyarungkan use as a sheath, pillowcase, casing, etc.\n
menyasap pull up weeds.\n
menyatakan 1 explain, clarify. 2 declare, assert\n
menyatroni (Java) be hostile toward.\n
menyatu become or be one.\n
menyatukan 1 unite, joint, ally. 2 concentrate s.t. on.\n
menyaur repay a debt.\n
menyayangkan 1.regret ,deplore,consider s.t to be a pity. 2 spare form s.t bad.\n
menyayat 1 slice, slash into. 2 touch profoundly.\n
1 print (books, banknotes, etc.). 2 cast, shape, mold. 3 produce,
stamp (coins, etc.). 4 achieve, produce.\n
menyebal (Java) deviate (from a principle).\n

menyebar spread.\n
menyebar-luaskan spread, disseminate, propagate.\n
menyebarkan menyebarkan\n
menyebuk 1 infiltrate, penetrate. 2 interrupt a conversation.\n
menyebukan fill up, plug up.\n
menyebut 1 mention. 2 name, call.\n
menyebutkan name, list names.\n
menyederhanakan 1 simplify. 2 economize.\n
1 prepare. 2 set aside (food, funds, etc.) in preparation. 3 equip,
supply, make available.\n
menyedot 1 suck. 2 inhale, sip from.\n
menyejukkan cool s.t.\n
menyeka rub, wipe, polish.\n
menyekam shut in, repress.\n
menyekir sand s.t., grind.\n
menyekutui joint, ally o.s.\n
menyekutukan 1. consider as an ally. 2. provide forces as an ally.\n
menyelak insist.\n
menyelakkan 1. open (o.\'s shirt, etc.). 2. reveal.\n
menyelam 1 dive. 2 be under water.\n
menyelamatkan 1 save, rescue. 2 bury.\n
menyelamkan 1 convert s.o. to Islam. 2 circumcise.\n
menyelang 1 interrupt, intercede. 2 alternate two things. 3. lend.\n
menyelapi take possession of (of a spirit).\n
menyelapkan arouse o.\'s fury.\n
menyelaputi from a thin layer around s.t., coat.\n
menyelarkan 1 brand. 2 singe, sear. 3 fry (without oil).\n
menyelatkan insert, thrust between.\n
menyelekehi smear, stain.\n
menyeleksi select.\n
menyelempangkan worry about.\n
menyelendangkan hang, carry on the shoulder.\n
1 run s.t., take care of, operate. 2 organize. 3 execute, carry out,
menyelengi put money in a piggy bank.\n
menyelesaikan 1 finish s.t. 2 solve, settle, discharge (debt, etc.).\n
1 deviate, digress. 2 engage in improper activity. 3 be unfaithful in
an amorous relationship.\n
menyelewengkan divert, deflect, s.t.\n
menyelidiki 1 investigate. 2 do research. 3 spy, pry into.\n
menyeligi throw a javelin.\n
menyelimpang deviate from the right path.\n
menyelimpat stay clear of, wind s.t.\n
menyelimuti 1 cover s.t. with a blanket, 2 cover, hide s.t.\n
menyelimutkan 1 hide behind, use as a cover. 2 cover, blanket with s.t.\n
menyelinap 1 slitther, move stealthily. 2 get, slip away or into s.t.\n
menyelinapi 1 crawl, move stealthily into s.t. 2 get, slip into s.t.\n
menyelingi intervening, go in between.\n
menyelip slip into a place.\n
menyelip slip into a place.\n
menyelipkan insert s.t. in between.\n
menyeliputi cover, envelope.\n
1 go through the hair to pick lice or nits. 2 investigate, get at the
bottom of.\n
menyelisipkan insert s.t.\n
menyelisir go along the edge of s.t.\n
menyelit be wedged or inserted in between.\n
menyelitkan insert between two objects.\n
menyelobokkan slip s.t. into s.t.\n
menyelomot (Java) fool, hoodwink.\n
menyelomoti burn, touch fire to s.t.\n
menyelon exile, deport.\n
menyelongkar 1 turn over, put in disorder. 2 rummage through.\n
menyelot lock.\n
menyelubungi cover with a veil or wrapper.\n
menyeluduk crawl under s.t.\n
menyeluk feel (around) for.\n
menyelundup 1 duck into, hide. 2 smuggle. 3 infiltrate.\n
menyelundupkan smuggle s.t. in.\n
menyelungkup cover, close.\n
menyelungkupkan enclose, cover.\n
menyeluruh 1 spread all over. 2 comprehensive.\n
menyelusup penetrate, infiltrate.\n
menyelusur slide.\n
menyelusuri 1 go along, follow. 2 go through s.t. carefully.\n
menyemahkan sacrifice s.t.\n
menyemaikan raise seedlings, make seeds germinate.\n
menyemak 1 be like underbrush. 2 entangled. 3 confused. 4 worried.\n
1 allow to become a wilderness, let (a garden, etc.) run wild. 2
confuse, worry.\n
menyemangati inspire.\n
menyemarakkan 1 embellish, adorn. 2 cheer up, brighten.\n
menyematkan fasten, pin, attach.\n
menyemayamkan bury.\n
menyembah 1 pay homage. 2 worship.\n
put (the hands or s.o.\'s hands) in the position of respectful
menyembahyangkan pray for, conduct services for.\n
menyembam roast in hot ashes.\n
menyembat 1 whip up with a jerk. 2 grab while passing.\n
menyembilu 1 cut (with such a blade). 2 be cutting (of words)..\n
menyembir deviate..\n
menyemboyankan 1 give a prearranged signal. 2 use s.t. as a slogan.\n
menyembuhkan cure.\n
menyembul 1 appear partially, emerge. 2 swell, bulge, protrude.\n
menyembulkan 1 hold out or up. 2 make s.t. protrude, appear.\n
menyembunyikan 1 hide s.t. 2 conceal, suppress.\n
menyembur 1 squirt, spurt. 2 spray spit at.\n
menyemburatkan sparkle.\n
menyemburiti sodomize.\n
menyemburkan spray or spout s.t. out.\n
menyeminarkan hold a seminar on.\n
1 to polish. 2 spread s.t. oily or greasy on, lubricate. 3 bribe, grease
the palm.\n
menyempadani delimit.\n
menyempal /tersempal/ 1 stick. 2 gag.\n
menyempang trip s.o.\n
menyempar push, hurl s.t.\n
menyempatkan 1 make use of. 2 give o. time.\n
menyempil /tersempil/ stick out so that a small part can be seen.\n
menyempit tighten, narrow, constrict.\n
menyemprit blow (a whistle).\n
menyemprot 1 spray. 2 scold.\n
menyemprotkan 1 squirt s.t. out. 2 inject, spray.\n
menyempurnakan 1 perfect. 2 complete s.t. 3 be given a proper ceremony.\n
menyemut swarm, teem.\n
menyenakkan oppress.\n
menyenandungkan hum s.t.\n
menyenangkan please, gratify.\n
menyendeng lean, slant.\n
menyendengkan tilt s.t.\n
menyendiri 1 be alone, apart, separated. 2 be aloof, isolate o.s.\n
menyendok 1 ladle up, ladle out, spoon. 2 scoop up, scoop out.\n
menyendoki 1 skim. 2 spoonfeed.\n
menyendokkan spoon out on behalf on s.o.\n
menyengajakan do s.t. on purpose.\n
menyengat sting s.o. or s.t.\n
menyenget slant, be at an angle.\n
menyengetkan put s.t. on an angle.\n
menyenggangkan free (time), allow (time) for.\n
menyenggol 1 snudge with the elbow, brush against. 2 brush against.\n
menyengguk repeatedly nod (often from weariness).\n
menyengihkan cause to open (the mouth).\n
menyengkak massage the abdomen with an upward motion..\n
1 arrange a crossbar on s.t. 2 have a fish bone, etc.) caught in the
menyengkelit be worn in this way.\n
menyengkelitkan attach to o.\'s waist-belt.\n
menyengsarakan torment s.o.\n
menyenguk (Java) sniff.\n
menyensus take a census.\n
menyentak 1. pull at s.t. 2. (Java) snap at s.o., verbally abuse s.o., tongue-lash.\n
menyentakkan 1 pull at, jerk at. 2 startle s.o.\n
menyental rub hard, scour, scrub.\n
menyenter 1. shine, light. 2. 1) center (a ball). 2) play as a center.\n
menyenteri 1 light with a flashlight. 2 expose (in photography).\n
1 (Jakarta) snap o.\'s fingers. 2 flick s.t. with o.\'s finger, snap o.\'s
fingers at s.t. 3 criticize, reprimand.\n
menyentuh touch s.t., nudge.\n
menyepak kick.\n
belittle, consider insignificant (of s.t. which is worth
menyepi /nyepi/ 1 grow still, become desolate. 2 retire into seclusion.\n
menyerah 1 surrender. 2 give in, accede.\n
menyerahi hand over to s.o., deliver to s.o., submit to s.o.\n
menyerahkan hand s.t. over, transfer s.t.\n
menyerakahi covet.\n
menyeramkan 1 cause o.\'s hair to stand on end. 2 terrify.\n
menyerampang harpoon a.t. with a trident.\n
menyerandang support with a trestle.\n
1 convert s.o. to Christianity. 2 legally marry an Indonesian wife (in
the colonial period).\n
menyerap 1 absorb a fluid. 2 pervade.\n
menyerapahi be abusive, curse.\n
menyerati make tight\n
menyeraya ask for help.\n
menyerbak be perfumed, be good-smelling.\n
menyerbakkan spread s.t. (fragnance, etc.).\n
menyerbeti wipe off with a napkin.\n
menyerbu attack or invade in a throng.\n
menyeret 1 drag s.t. or s.o. 2 cause s.t. to drag.\n
menyeretkan make business sluggish, make sales slow.\n
menyergap 1 attack, ambush. 2 catch (in a raid, etc.). 3 snarl at\n
(serimpung) (Jakarta, Jakarta) 1 tie or entangle another\'s feet. 2
menyerimpung block s.t., impede s.t. 3 make o. stumble (by hurling s.t. to entangle
the feet).\n
menyering plait or twine s.t.\n
menyeringai 1 grin, grimace. 2 curl into a grin or grimace.\n
menyerit remove lice with this comb.\n
menyerkah break or tear off.\n
1 wring out (wet clothes, etc.). 2 squeeze out liquid (from
cheesecloth, etc.).\n
1 catch fish with such a fish trap. 2 cover with s.t. (us. cone-
menyerkup seize or cover with a concave object (a cone, cupped hand, etc.).\n
menyerobot 1 get in front of. 2 interfere with or take arbitrarily.\n
menyerok 1 scoop up (food, etc.). 2 round up in a swoop.\n
menyerongkan tilt s.t., slant s.t.\n
menyeropot (Jakarta) sip s.t. noisily.\n
menyerpih 1 splinter. 2 fragment.\n
menyertai 1 participate in. 2 accompany s.o. or s.t.\n
menyertakan enclose.\n
menyertifikatkan (Leg.) formalize (ownership of land, etc.) with a certificate.\n
1 make o.\'s way through a narrow passage or dense foliage or a
crowd. 2 waft out through narrow spaces.\n
menyerudi polish by grinding.\n
1 go with the head lowered. 2 (Java, Jakarta) ram into. 3 go into a
place unobstrusively.\n
menyeruit 1. harpoon s.t. 2. blow a whistle.\n
menyerukan 1 call, shout out s.t. 2 proclaim s.t.\n
menyerum treat with serum.\n
menyerusuk go through (bushes, crowds, etc).\n
menyerut plane s.t.\n
menyesah wash clothes by pounding them.\n
menyesakkan oppress, tighten, constrict.\n
menyesal see SESAL.\n
menyesal see SESAL.\n
menyesap 1 sip, lap up. 2 suck.\n
menyesarkan move or push s.t. aside.\n
menyesatkan lead astray, mislead.\n
menyeset skin, peel.\n
menyesuaikan adjust, adapt, bring into line.\n
1 make equal, make equivalent. 2 consider on a par with. 3
menyetel 1. match. 2. 1) tune up, adjust. 2) turn on.\n
menyetem 1. vote for s.o. or s.t. 2. tune up.\n
menyeterika 1 iron s.t. 2 (Coll.) flatten, smash..\n
menyetir 1 drive, steer. 2 (Coll.) control, wield control over.\n
menyetop stop s.t.\n
1 make a deposit. 2 pay a rental fee. 3 put in storage. 4 (Sl.)
menyetrum 1 induce. 2 electrify, charge.\n
menyetubuhi copulate with s.o.\n
menyetujui agree to s.t., approve s.t.\n
menyetum 1 dry-clean with steam. 2 let steam off.\n
menyia-nyiakan make s.t. useless, cause s.t. to have no result, neglect.\n
menyiagakan alert s.o., prepare s.o. for action.\n
menyiangi clear s.t. of weeds.\n
menyiapkan 1 prepare. 2 finish s.t.\n
pry into s.o.\'s affairs or get the better of s.o. (by questioning, using
certain tactics or approaches, etc.).\n
menyiasatkan punish.\n
menyibak 1 separate s.t. 2 cleave s.t. apart.\n
menyibakkan move s.t. aside.\n
menyibukkan 1 stir up, incite. 2 occupy, busy o.s. with.\n
menyidak hang out to dry.\n
menyidangkan 1 convene on a matter. 2 (Leg.) bring s.o. or s.t. to trial.\n
menyidik investigate.\n
menyigai climb up on such a ladder.\n
menyigar part (hair).\n
menyigi 1 light with a torch. 2 investigate.\n
1 brush s.t. 2 comb s.t. 3 rake out, harow s.t. 4 (Coll.) take away. 5
(Coll.) wipe out , clean out. 6 (Sport) defeat completely.\n
menyiksa 1 torture s.o. 2 (Coll.) annoy, irritate.\n
1 nudge, elbow o.\'s way. 2 form a rectangle. 3 curve or bend at a
right angle.\n
menyikut 1 nudge with elbow. 2 (Coll.) deceive, cheat.\n
menyilam disappear.\n
menyilet slice with a razor blade.\n
menyilih 1 change. 2 shed skin, molt.\n
menyilik observe, note carefully.\n
menyimak 1. scrutinize, observe attentively. 2. gather, collect.\n
menyimbah 1 splash, bespatter. 2 break out, appear.\n
menyimpan 1 store, lay away. 2 have inside, keep s.t. in storage.\n
menyimpang 1 deviate, diverge. 2 take a side route.\n
1. 1) button clothing. 2) form a knot. 2. form an embarrassed
menyimpulkan 1 form s.t. into a knot. 2 conclude, summarize.\n
menyinarkan 1 radiate, send off. 2 cause s.t. to shine.\n
menyindir tease us. by insinuation and allusion.\n
menyinggat divide, part.\n
1 touch, contact. 2 offend, insult, hurt (o.\'s feelings). 3 touch on,
treat (a subject, problem).\n
1 unveil, expose, open. 2 reveal. 3 be turned back and open a bit
(sheets, skirts, etc.).\n
menyingkir 1 step aside, yield. 2 evacuate, move to.\n
1 evacuate s.t. 2 remove, put away, lay aside. 3 eliminate, purge, get
rid of s.o. or s.t.\n
menyingkuri turn o.\'s back to s.o. or s.t., ignore.\n
menyingsatkan 1 tighten. 2 roll up. 3 shrink s.t.\n
menyingsing rise, lift, break clear.\n
menyingsingkan roll, tuck up.\n
menyingsring blow o.\'s nose.\n
menyintung touch with the elbow.\n
menyipit become squinted or narrowed (of eyes).\n
menyiram pour (water) over s.t., flush.\n
menyirapkan 1 raise slightly. 2 scare s.o.\n
menyirat make a knot.\n
menyiratkan imply.\n
menyirepkan 1 cast a sleeping spell over s.o. 2 (Java) calm s.o.\n
menyiring scoop up carefully.\n
menyirnakan 1 make disappear. 2 abolish. 3 destroy, kill.\n
menyiru use such a tray to winnow.\n
menyisakan 1 leave behind. 2 set aside (for later).\n
menyisi 1 move to the side. 2 go along the side of s.t.\n
1 give way, get out of the way. 2 be separate, aloof from. 3 set s.t.
aside, put s.t. to the side.\n
menyisihkan 1 set aside, separate out. 2 reject, ignore. 3 (Sport) eliminate.\n
menyisikan move s.t. to the side.\n
1 insert into s.t. 2 repair s.t. by putting s.t. flat in between, e.g. insert
menyisipi new parts in roof, etc.\n

menyisipkan insert s.t. in.\n

menyisir 1 comb s.t. 2 harrow s.t.\n
menyisirkan comb s.t. for s.o.\n
menyita /mensita/ 1 seize, confiscate. 2 consume (o.\'s time or attention).\n
menyiuk groan, moan.\n
1 clarify, explain s.t. 2 resolve, settle, clean up (a debt, conflict,
menyjumlahkan add or count up.\n
1 carry s.t. on the head, shoulders, or high on the back. 2 respeck,
hold in high esteem.\n
menylentik 1 snap s.o. or s.t. with o.\'s index finger. 2 reprimand s.o.\n
menyobek tear, rip.\n
menyodok 1. shovel, scoop up. 2. thrust, poke.\n
menyodorkan 1 thrust s.t. forward, stretch s.t. out. 2 put forth.\n
menyogok bribe s.o.\n
menyohorkan make s.o. or s.t. famous.\n
menyokong 1 prop up, support. 2 aid.\n
menyolok see COLOK 2.\n
menyombol cram food into the mouth.\n
menyondang lift, raise on o.\'s head or shoulders.\n
1 charge by lowering the head, butt s.t. 2 (Sport) hit the ball with the
menyondong catch shrimp.\n
menyongel protrude, jut out.\n
1. 1) welcome. 2) commemorate. 3) carry out (s.o.\'s wishes, etc.). 2.
go against.\n
menyontakkan 1. mutilate, disfigure. 2. tug at, give a (sudden) jerk at.\n
menyontek 1. push away. 2. copy, cheat in class, crib.\n
menyorakkan yell out s.t.\n
menyorong 1 push, slide. 2 urge. 3 propose, suggest. 4 bribe s.o.\n
menyorongkan 1 slide s.t. forward. 2 shove, push forward, hand.\n
1 shine, gleam, irradiate. 2 project (pictures). 3 gaze, look (of eyes).
4 draw attention to, highlight.\n
1 illuminate s.t., light up. 2 spotlight s.t. or s.o., give prime
importance to.\n
1. whiten or clean rice. 2. 1) fight, engage in combat. 2) do s.t. with
menyosor use the bill to scoop up or to peck at.\n
menyruduk ram or butt with o.\'s head.\n
menyuap 1 eat with the hand. 2 bribe s.o.\n
menyuapi feed s.o., esp. by placing food in the mouth.\n
menyuarakan 1 give voice to s.t., express s.t. 2 utter.\n
menyubal substitute with fake material.\n
menyuburkan 1 make s.t. fertile, make s.t. grow. 2 make s.t. prosper.\n
(Java) 1 make an incision (e.g. on a boil, ulcer). 2 make a connecting
passage between canals.\n
menyudip stir s.t.\n
menyudutkan put s.t. into a corner.\n
menyuguhkan serve (a guest, etc.). with s.t.\n
menyuhun showgreat respect for s.o.\n
menyukabumikan kill.\n
menyukai like, love.\n
1 shear off coconut husks by exerting downward pressure on such a
stake. 2 (Lit.) impale s.o.\n
menyulam 1. embroider. 2. replace dead rice seedlings with new ones.\n
1 conjure up s.t. 2 (Coll.) cause s.t. to disappear (esp. in
embezzlements, etc.).\n
menyuling 1. play the flute. 2. distill.\n
menyulingkan turn s.t. upside down.\n
1 light s.t. with a torch, cast a light upon s.t. 2 inform, instruct. 3
menyulur climb, creep.\n
menyulut 1 (Java) kindle, ignite. 2 become heatedly angry\n
menyulutkan ignite or light s.t. on s.o.\'s. behalf.\n
menyumbang 1 contribute. 2 help, assist.\n
menyumbat stop, close up, plug up.\n
menyumbi repair the edge of s.t. damaged (e.g. crown a tooth, etc.).\n
menyumbur 1 protrude. 2 emerge.\n
menyumburkan 1 extend s.t. (hand, leg, tongue, etc.). 2 hang out or raise the flag.\n
menyumpal 1 plug s.t., fill a gap. 2 (Vul.) feed.\n
menyumpalkan plug up, with s.t.\n
menyumpit shoot with a blowpipe.\n
menyumpitkan use as a blowpipe.\n
1 circumcise s.o. 2 skim money off the top of a budget to that the
grantee gets only a portion.\n
1. have s.o. circumcised. 2. 1) consider a deed meritorious. 2)
prescribe for s.o. as a meritorious deed.\n
menyundak 1 (M) bump o.\'s head. 2 rise.\n
menyundut 1.(M) carry. 2. (Lit.) light, kindle.\n
menyungga stick with a spike.\n
menyunggi carry on the head.\n
menyungging produced s.t. decorative with delicate details.\n
menyungkahkan devour s.t. greedily.\n
menyungkal plow, dig up.\n
menyungkit embroider in such a way.\n
menyungkupi cover with s.t.\n
menyungkur 1 root up, grub up (earth). 2 lower the head (as if to root up).\n
menyungkurkan put down, lower.\n
menyungsang 1 be upside down. 2 go against the grain.\n
menyungsangkan place s.t. upside down.\n
menyuntih (M) cut into small pieces.\n
menyuntik 1 inject. 2 inoculate, vaccinate. 3 incite.\n
1. 1) proofread and correct. 2) insert s.t., edit s.t. into. 2.marry s.o.
(of men).\n
menyuntingkan 1. place behind the ear or in the hair. 2. have s.o. as a wife.\n
menyuplai supply s.t.\n
menyurati 1 incribe. 2 write a letter to s.o.\n
menyuruh order s.o. to do s.t.\n
menyuruk 1 duck the head. 2 hide.\n
menyurup set, sink (of heavenly bodies).\n
menyurut lessen, subside.\n
menyurutkan 1 withdraw s.t. 2 decrease, lessen.\n
menyusahkan 1 make s.t. difficult. 2 worry about.\n
menyusu suckle on the breast.\n
menyusui give suck.\n
1 magically insert s.t. subcutaneously to improve o.\'s attraction. 2
(Java) stab with a pin.\n
menyusukkan stick s.t. in.\n
menyusul 1 follow, come afterward. 2 follow and catch up with.\n
menyusun arrange s.t. in orderly fashion.\n
menyusunkan arrange s.t. in an orderly fashion on s.o.\'s behalf.\n
menyusup 1 move (below s.t.), pass in a low posture. 2 penetrate, infiltrate.\n
menyusupi enter into s.t. stealthily.\n
menyusupkan 1 place s.t. below s.t. else. 2 smuggle, have infiltrate.\n
menyusur 1.1) go along the edge. 2) trace, follow. 2. chew tobacco.\n
menyusuri 1 go along the edge. 2 trace, follow.\n
menyusut 1 decrease in size, shrink (of cloth, etc.). 2 subside (of a wind, storm,
swelling, etc.). 3 wipe off.\n
menyusuti 1 reduce, decrease. 2 wipe off (repeatedly).\n
menyusutkan decrease s.t.\'s size.\n
menyutradarai direct a film or play.\n
menyuwir shred.\n
menyuwuk (Java) heal magically by blowing on s.t.\n
menzakatkan donate s.t.\n
menziarahi visit (a sacred place).\n
meong 1 sound made by a cat, meow. 2 cat.\n
mepet see PEPET.\n
meraba 1 feel s.t. 2 grope (often with sexual implications). 3 guess..\n
meraban 1 jabber, babble. 2 rave, be delirious.\n
merabu size, carry off (loot, etc.).\n
merabun 1) (Lit.) rise 2) have a ridge .\n
meracau rave, delirious..\n
1. catch birds with such a snare. 2. 1) cut into thin slices. 2) blend
various proper ingredients into food, etc. 3) eat foods already mixed
(rice with vegetables, etc.). 4) make the necessary preparations prior
to a main endeavor.\n
meracuk tease, entice s.o.\n
meragas 1 pull out (Hir, grass, etc.). 2 cut, tear.\n
meragu 1 disturb. 2 be doubtful.\n
meragukan 1 confuse, make s.o. hesitate. 2 put s.t. in doubt.\n
merah red.\n
1. cover a corpse with a cloth. 2. 1) alight. 2) kneel down next to. 3)
throw o.s. face down.\n
1. sweep off. 2. president or chairman, formerly used by the Islam
merajam stone to death.\n
merajang cut into small pieces, mince (vegetables, etc.).\n
merajuk pout, sulk.\n
merajut 1 make a net. 2 crochet, knit.\n
merak peacock. merak-hati affable.\n
merakit 1 make a raft. 2 connect, join, assemble.\n
merakyat be close to the people.\n
meralat correct, rectify.\n
meralip doze off.\n
meram see MEREM.\n
meramalkan 1 predict. 2 portend.\n
merambah clear away, cut down.\n
merambak multiply, spread in all directions.\n
meramban (Jakarta) collect grass or leaves for food.\n
merambang at random.\n
merambo destroy completely, annihilate.\n
merambu mark out, plot.\n
merampas seize, carry away.\n
meramping 1 slenderize. 2 worn at the edges.\n
merampok rob, plunder.\n
meramu gather, collect.\n
merana merana\n
meranap bend over and touch the ground.\n
merancak 1 clip. 2 cut into small bits.\n
merancang 1 stake out, place stakes. 2 plan, make a schedule\n
merancangkan 1 design. 2 design for s.o.\n
merancap 1 sharpen to a point. 2 masturbate.\n
meranda be-unmarried (past usual marrying age).\n
merandai traverse on foot.\n
1 eat food that has been mixed together or seasoned. 2 make food
tasty by mixing several things together.\n
merandek (Jakarta) stop.\n
merandungkan violet, step on, infringe.\n
merang rice straw (of paddy).\n
merangah boast.\n
meranggah strip s.t of all its fruit.\n
meranggak (Naut.) tow (in embarkation).\n
meranggas 1 wither, dry up. 2 molt, shed.\n
merangkak 1 crawl on hands and kness. 2 make slow progress. 3 fawn.\n
merangkak-rangkak 1 cringe. 2 stumble.\n
merangkakan merangkakan\n
merangkam merangkam\n
merangkum 1 embrance, enclose. 2 include, encompass.\n
merangkung squat down, crouch.\n
merangkup 1 cup two hands together. 2 cover, embrace.\n
merangsek (Jakarta) attack.\n
meranjah loot, pillage.\n
1 leave o.\'s home area to make o.\'s way in life. 2 wander about. 3
sail along the reaches of a river.\n
meranti k.o. timber tree.\n
meranum ripen.\n
meranyah (M) be difficult, agitated (of infants).\n
meranyuk grumble.\n
merapah walk, step on s.t.\n
1 utter a prayer or incantation over s.o. 2 (Sunda) bless and
solemnize a wedding.\n
merapat 1 move closer. 2 join together s.t. 3 moor, tie up.\n
merasa 1 feel, sense. 2 think, believe.\n
merasai 1 taste. 2 experience, endure. 3 feel, touch. 4 feel, intuit.\n
merasakan 1 cause s.t. to be experienced. 2 experience s.t.\n
merat see MAIRAT.\n
merata 1 smooth. 2 be spread evenly.\n
meratah eat o. thing only.\n
1 cover s.t. completely and evenly, traverse all of s.t. 2 give equal
amounts out to, reach all of a population.\n
meratakan 1 level s.t. 2 distribute evenly.\n
meratap lament, mourn.\n
meraun-raun promenade.\n
meraung 1 a roar. 2 a moan.\n
meraup scoop up s.t. with the hands.\n
merawai fish with such a device.\n
merawan merawan\n
merawat 1 take care of, nurse. 2 (Lit.) resume o.\'s original form.\n
merawati 1 take care of (s.o. ill). 2 sponge or wipe off (baby, patient, etc.).\n
merawatkan take s.o. for treatment.\n
merayakan celebrate.\n
merayap creep, crawl.\n
merayau 1 fumble, grope. 2 rustle. 3 wander around. 4 be troubled.\n
merayu 1 attempt to persuade s.o 2 seduce deceive .\n
merbah k.o. bird.\n
merbau k.o. timber tree.\n
merbuk k.o. turtledove.\n
mercak-mercik sound of water lapping against the shore.\n
mercapada see MARCAPADA.\n
mercon see MERCUN.\n
mercu 1 top point, summit, crow\'s nest. 2 tree top.\n
mercun fireworks. mercun-bumbung bamboo cannon using carbide.\n
mercy /mersi/ Mercedes-Benz (esp. as a symbol of opulence).\n
merdeka free, independent, liberated.\n
merdesa 1 good, beautiful, decent. 2 choosy, fussy.\n
merdu melodious, sweet, clear of voice.\n
mere /mer/ (Rel.) title for sisters of certain Catholic orders.\n
merealisir bring s.t. about.\n
merebak 1. be full of tears. 2. spread (of news, disease).\n
merebankan place in the chicken house.\n
merebung sprout (of bamboo).\n
merecak (M) ride (a horse).\n
/merikol/ (Pol.) recall and force resignation of member of parliament
for failure to agree with party policies.\n
merecup burgeon.\n
meredah 1. (M) cut down (trees). 2. traverse s.t.\n
meredakan soothe, calm.\n
mereguk gulp down.\n
merehabiliter rehabilitate.\n
merejahkan transgress s.t.\n
merejeng (Jakarta) seize, catch (several people).\n
merek see MERK.\n
mereka they, them, their.\n
merekat glue s.t. together or to s.t. else.\n
merekomendir recommend.\n
merekrutir recruit s.o.\n
merelakan 1 allow, consent. 2 acquiesce in.\n
merem with closed eyes.\n
meremajakan 1 rejuvenate. 2 replace older persons by younger o.\'s.\n
1. stand on end (of hair). 2. 1) buzz, hum of insects. 2) stream, flow
(of perspiration, tears).\n
merembah drop down, flow freely.\n
merembes 1 ooze out, leak. 2 permeate, seep in.\n
merembet 1 creep, climb up. 2 hang down. 3 spread.\n
merembih flow (of tears).\n
meremehkan 1 belittle, disparage s.t. 2 take lightly, underestimate.\n
merencah-rencah 1 wade through, slough through. 2 face s.t. difficult.\n
merencekkan (Jakarta) clean tree trunk of branches.\n
merenda crochet.\n
merendah 1 descent. 2 be modest.\n
merendahkan 1 lower. 2 humiliate, disparage.\n
merendam soak, steep.\n
merendang make such a dish.\n
merendeng (jakarta) grumble.\n
merendengi put together in line.\n
merenek vibrate.\n
mereng see MIRING.\n
merengat 1 crack, split, chap. 2 erupt. 3 have shooting pains\n
merengek whine, whimper.\n
merenggut 1 tug at, yank out. 2 obtain s.t. with great endeavor.\n
merengket shiver with fear.\n
merengkuh (Lit.) tear, pull at.\n
merengus sullen, unhappy.\n
merenjis sprinkle, make spots.\n
merenovasi renovate s.t.\n
merentang 1 stretch, extend. 2 build s.t. that spans or extends outward.\n
merentekan lend at interest.\n
merentet line up, extend in a line or series.\n
merenung 1 muse, be wistful. 2 daydream.\n
/merenungkan/ 1 meditation upon, muse over. 2 gaze at
merenyak crush, torture s.t. or s.o.\n
merenyeh-renyeh whimper.\n
merepes 1 fidget. 2 waste time.\n
merepet 1 chatter, blabber. 2 splatter (of an oar, etc.).\n
merepotkan cause a fuse, make difficulties for.\n
mereput putrefy.\n
meres even, level.\n
1 penetrate, infiltrate. 2 ooze out, soak through and out. 3 become
absorbed, dissipate.\n
meresek 1 look for s.t. by feeling with the hands. 2 investigate.\n
meresmikan 1 make s.t. official, authenticate s.t. 2 announce officially.\n
mereta-reta talk foolishly and endlessly.\n
meretas rip open, take apart.\n
mereturkan return (a letter) to sender.\n
merewang 1. 1) swing. 2) (Naut.) yaw. 2. (M) grope about.\n
merger /merjer/ (Fin.) merger.\n
meriah merry, gay.\n
meriak ripple, move in ripples.\n
meriam meriam\n
meriang feel dizzy and feverish, out of sorts.\n
meriap protrude, swell out.\n
pepper, esp. white pepper. merica-bubuk ground pepper. merica-
bulat peppercorns.\n
mericau chatter, twitter.\n
mericik-ricik make a rushing sound (such as water in terraced ditch).\n
mericis (Jakarta) slice, chop (ingredients for a dish).\n
merih throat, windpipe.\n
merikan (Sl.) American.\n
merimpung bind the arms and legs.\n
merinai (Lit.) hum.\n
merincikan 1 plan, schedule. 2 break s.t. down into sections, details, etc.\n
merincis specify.\n
merinding feel suddenly frightened, feel eerie.\n
merindukan 1 yearn for, miss. 2 cause s.o. to yearn (for s.t.).\n
meringis 1. grin, show o.\'s teeth. 2.grimace\n
meringkaskan 1 shorten, make brief. 2 summarize, contract.\n
meringkuk 1 bend over., stoop over. 2 confined, cooped up.\n
meringkukkan 1 cause to bend. 2 imprison, jail, confine.\n
meringkus 1 catch by binding the limbs. 2 take into custody, catch.\n
merintang-rintang (Lit.) entertain, distract.\n
merintangi 1 block (o.\'s path). 2 interfere with, hamper.\n
merintih groan, whimper.\n
merisaukan 1 worry about. 2 make restless, cause worry.\n
meriskir risk s.t.\n
meritul 1 (Coll.) reorganize. 2 purge (Sukarno era).\n
meriung conduct or gather for a ceremonial meal.\n
meriutkan be bent or folded.\n
meriyep (Jakarta) dim (lights).\n
merjan red coral beads for making necklaces.\n
merjer (Fin.) merger.\n
merk 1 brand, make. 2 trade-mark, label. 3 quality. 4 signboard.\n
merkah-merkah sarat (Naut.) draft marks.\n
merkurokrom Mercurochrome.\n
merobek tear.\n
1 cause to come down. 2 overthrow, bring down. 3 (Sport) floor
merocok 1 flow (forcefully). 2 (Jakarta) leak.\n
merodong 1. ( Lit.) run into, meet by chance. 2. wander about.\n
merofel (Coll.) do more than o. thing at once.\n
merogoh 1 grope, search (in pocket, bag, etc.). 2 grope after s.t.\n
merogol rogol rape s.o.\n
merokok smoke s.t.\n
meromantisir romanticize.\n
1 tear down s.t. 2 change the appearance of s.t., remodel. 3
merombeng buy and sell secondhand articles.\n
meromet work at odd jobs.\n
meromok (Lit.) be uneasy, be upset.\n
merompak merompak\n
meronggeng dance, serve as a dancing girl.\n
merongkoh walk stooped over.\n
merongong buzz.\n
merongos see MRONGOS.\n
merongrong 1 gnaw at s.t. 2 undermine s.t., damage s.t.\n
merongrongi disturb, upset.\n
merongseng 1 grumble. gripe. 2 discontented, unhappy.\n
meronta struggle to get loose.\n
merosot 1 slip off. 2 decline, sink\n

merotok 1 explode repeatedly. 2 grumble.\n

pigeon, dove. merpati-jambul the crested dove. merpati-mahkota
merpati crown pigeon. merpati-perdamaian the dove of peace. merpati-pos
carrier pigeon.\n
mersik 1 shrill. 2 crisp and dry. 3 skinny, lean.\n
merta see SERTA.\n
mertamu (Java) pay a visit.\n
mertega see MENTEGA.\n
mertua parent-in-law.\n
meru 1 pagoda of Hindu temple. 2 rice heaped into a mountain shape.\n
meruah see MARWAH.\n
meruap 1 steam. 2 bubble up.\n
merubu-rubu grope around nervously.\n
merubung flow together in large quantities, gather around.\n
merucut escape, glide loose.\n
merudal shoot with a missile.\n
merugikan 1 inflict a financial loss. 2 damage, harm.\n
merukah turn over.\n
merukunkan appease, bring peace about.\n
merumbai grow in strands.\n
merumuskan formulate.\n
meruncingkan 1 sharpen (a point). 2 aggravate, exacerbate.\n
merunduk stoop, bend, bow.\n
k.o. small tree the leaves of which are eaten as a vegatable (Moringa
merungguh squat.\n
merungguhkan pawn, hock.\n
merungkau hang down like hair over the face or like willow branches.\n
merungkuh be worn out, decayed, old.\n
merungus (M) grumble.\n
merungut grumble, gripe.\n
meruntai dangle, hang loosely.\n
meruntuh 1 collapse, come down. 2 infiltrate.\n
meruntun pull out.\n
meruntunkan link, join together.\n
merunyamkan 1 make difficult. 2 damage, cause to fail.\n
merupakan constitute, form, make up.\n
merupiahkan convert to rupiah.\n
merurut 1 fall down. 2 slip off.\n
merutin become ordinary, routine.\n
merutu k.o. small mosquito.\n
merutuk grumble, cuss.\n
mes residence belonging to a concern or gvt. for housing its employees.\n
mesakat greedy.\n
mesan tombstone, grave marker.\n
mesem (Java, Jakarta) smile.\n
mesera see MESRA.\n
meses chocolate sprinkles (on cookies, etc.).\n
mesigit see MESJID.\n
mesin machine, engine.\n
mesir Egypt.\n
mesiu ammunition.\n
mesjid mosque.\n
meski /meskipun/ although, in spite of (the fact that).\n
mesra 1 very close so as to become fused. 2 intimate, very close.\n
mess see MES.\n
1 lawyer, jurist. 2 title of those holding a Dutch or Indonesian law
degree. 3 teacher.\n
mesti 1 certain, surely. 2 must, have to.\n
mestika magic jewel, precious stone.\n
mestis mestizo.\n
mesum 1 dirty, filthy, polluted. 2 improper, indecent. 3 immoral.\n
meta mad, drunk, in a rage.\n
metabolisme metabolism.\n
metafisik metaphysical.\n
metafisika metaphysics.\n
metafor /metafora/ metaphor.\n
metah see PUTIH.\n
metal (Auto.) bushing.\n
metalik metallic.\n
metan /metana/ methane.\n
metari see MATAHARI.\n
metatesis metathesis.\n
mete see MENTE.\n
meteorologi meteorology.\n
meter meter.\n
meterai stamp, seal to indicate payment, revenue stamps.\n
meti (Ambon) low tide.\n
metoda /metode/ method.\n
metodik methodology.\n
metodis methodical.\n
metodologi methodology.\n
metonimia metonymy.\n
metrik metric.\n
metrika metrics.\n

metrologi metrology.\n
metromini medium-sized city bus.\n
metropolisasi see METROPOLITANISASI.\n
metropolitan metropolitan.\n
metropolitanisasi make s.t. into an urban area.\n
metrum poetic meter.\n
meubel see MEBEL.\n
/mefro/ (Coll.) tern of address or title for Western or westernized
mewabah become an epidemic.\n
mewabahi plague s.o. or s.t.\n
1 spread an epidenmic disease. 2 cause s.t. to spread like an
mewadahi contain, provide a place for.\n
mewafatkan cause s.o.\'s death.\n
mewah luxurious, extravagant.\n
mewahamkan suspect.\n
mewahyui inspire s.o.\n
mewahyukan reveal s.t. (in a vision).\n
mewajarkan make natural, make proper.\n
mewajibkan make s.t. compulsory.\n
mewakafkan donate s.t. to be used for religious or community use.\n
mewakili represent, look after the interests of s.o. or s.t.\n
mewakilkan 1 appoint s.o. as a representative. 2 do s.t. by proxy.\n
mewalikan 1 act as guardian for. 2 appoint s.o. to be guardian.\n
mewangi 1 fragrant. 2 scent, perfume.\n
mewangikan perfume s.t.\n
mewanti-wanti tell s.o. repeatedly, warn.\n
mewarisi inherit s.t.\n
mewariskan be queath s.t.\n
mewarnai 1 apply a color to s.t., color. 2 slant (a story), color s.t.\n
mewarnakan color, paint.\n
mewartakan report, inform.\n
mewasiatkan will, bequeath.\n
mewasiti be the referee in.\n
mewaspadai keep on guard against.\n
mewaspadakan alert s.o.\n
mewataki form the character of.\n
mewawancarai interview s.o.\n
mewawancarakan make the topic of an interview, interview about.\n
1 put into a wayang format for presentation. 2 act, perform.\n
mewedel (Java) dye.\n
mewejangi advise, instruct.\n
mewejangkan use s.t. to advise or instruct.\n
mewek 1 start to cry. 2 torn open.\n
meweselkan send money.\n
mewiru pleat s.t.\n
mewisudakan award a degree at graduation ceremony.\n
mewujudkan 1 give shape to, create. 2 bring into reality.\n
meyakini be conviced about s.t.\n
meyakinkan 1 convince s.o. 2 make convincing.\n
mezbah see MAZBAH.\n
mh. [marah] (M) a title for male nobility.\n
mhd. [Muhammad]\n
mhs. [mahasiswa] university student.\n
mi 1. noodles. 2. see MAMI.\n
mi'raj see MIKRAD.\n
miak peeping of chickens.\n
miang 1 small plant hairs. 2 traitor, slanderer.\n
miara see PELIHARA.\n
mib [Maluku Irian Barat] Moluccas and Western New Guinea.\n
midar walk.\n
midik scrutinize.\n
midodareni (Java) celebration on the natural before a wedding.\n
mie see MI 1.\n
migas [minyak dan gas bumi] oil and natural gas.\n
migran migrant.\n
migrasi migration.\n
mihrab niche or chamber in mosque indicating the direction of Mecca.\n
1 thin rice noodles. 2 dish containing dried coodles with bits of
mijnman /men man/ (Coll.) my husband.\n
mijnvrow /men fro/ (Coll.) my wife.\n
mik microphone.\n
mika mica.\n
mikin see MAKIN.\n
mikrab /mi\'rab/ see MIHRAB.\n
/mikraj, mi;rad/ (Islam) celebration commemorating Muh.\'s ascent
to Heaven.\n
mikro micro.\n
mikroba /mikrobe/ microbe.\n
mikrobiologi /mikrobiolokhi, mikrobiologi/ microbiology.\n
mikrobis /mikrobus/ medium-sized bus.\n

mikrofis microfiche.\n
mikrofon see MIKROPON.\n
mikrolet k.o. minibus or jitney.\n
mikron micron.\n
mikropon microphone.\n
mikroskop microscope.\n
mikroskopis microscopic.\n
mil mile.\n
milenium millennium.\n
mili millimeter.\n
miligram milligram.\n
milik 1 property, possession. 2 fate.\n
milimeter millimeter.\n
milioner see MILYUNER.\n
milir 1 go down to the sea. 2 go down to the city from the outskirts.\n
milisi 1 militia. 2 military man. 3 military service.\n
militan militant (as in political movement).\n
militansi militancy.\n
militer 1 soldier. 2 military.\n
militerisasi militarization.\n
militerisme militarism.\n
militeristis militaristic.\n
miliun see MILYUN.\n
milo see MULO.\n
milukut see MELUKUT.\n
milyar billion.\n
milyaran by the billions.\n
milyarder billionaire.\n
milyun million.\n
milyuner millionaire.\n
mimbar pulpit, speaker\'s platform, rostrum.\n
mimi male horseshoe crab.\n
mimik 1. (child language, Java) drink. 2. facial expression. 3 mimicry.\n
mimis round pellet for rifles, beebee.\n
mimisan suffer from nosebleed.\n
mimpi dream. mimpi-buruk nightmare.\n
min (Math.) minus.\n
mina Pisces.\n
minal'aidinwalfaizin congratulations expressed at the end of the fasting month.\n
minang of the Minangkabau ethnic group.\n
minat interest, proclivity.\n
minder feel inferior.\n
mindering sell merchandise on the installment plan traveling through villages.\n
mindo eat breakfast leftovers with rice at noon.\n
mindring see MINDERING.\n
minerologi mineralogy.\n
/minir/ 1 snide remark. 2 minor key. 3 melancholy (of
minggat (Java) 1 flee, run away. 2 Get out of here !.\n
minggir see PINGGIR.\n
1 week. 2 Sunday. 3 go out for a Sunday picnic or walk. minggu-an
mingkin all the more.\n
mingser shift, change position.\n
miniatur miniature.\n
minicar /minikar/ k.o. three-wheeled motorized taxi.\n
minikata k.o. play using few words.\n
minim minimum.\n
minimal minimal.\n
minimalisir minimize.\n
minimum minimum.\n
minit see MENIT.\n
minoritas /minoritet/ minority.\n
minta 1 ask, request, beg. 2 please. 3 ask for trouble.\n
minta-minta (Jakarta) 1 hope. 2 beg for alms.\n
mintak (Coll.) see MINTA.\n
mintakat zone, area.\n
mintaku'lburuj zodiac.\n
mintal see PINTAL.\n
mintang see SILANG.\n
minterad municipal council.\n
mintuna 1 female horseshoe crab. 2 (Zod.) Gemini.\n
minum 1 drink, absorb. 2 take in (air, smoke).\n
minuman 1 a drink. 2 beverage.\n
1 poor, lacking in economic potential. 2 (Math.) minus.
minyak oil, grease, fat.\n
minyawak see BIAWAK.\n
mirah ruby.\n
miring 1 at an angle, aslant, sideways. 2 oblique. 3 crazy,\n
mirip resemble.\n
mirjan see MERJAN.\n
miru (Java) pleat a sarong.\n
mis. [misalnya] for example.\n
misa (Rel.) Mass.\n
misai mustache.\n
misal example, instance.\n
misan (Jakarta, Java) first cousin.\n
misbah lamp, light, lantern.\n
[gerimis bubar] (Sl.) open-air cinema that lets out when it starts to
misi 1. 1) (Catholic) mission. 2) mission. 2. seeMISSI.\n
misih see MASIH 1.\n
misiologi study of missionizing activities.\n
misionaris missionary.\n
miskalkulasi miscalculation.\n
miskam /miskamp/ miscarriage.\n
miskin poor, needy, destitute.\n
miskram /miskran/ see MISKAM, MISKAMP.\n
misluk /mislukt/ be botched, failed.\n
mismis (Jakarta) 1 avaricious. 2 overly meticulous.\n
misoa small rice and egg noodles.\n
misro k.o. made of fried cassava filled with brown sugar.\n
missa see MISA.\n
missi ideological role.\n
mistar 1 ruler, line. 2 crossbar at goal.\n
1 term of address or reference for a Caucasian male. 2 (Coll.) term of
address for male and female Caucasians.\n
misteri mysterious.\n
misterius mysterious.\n
misti see MESTI.\n
mistik 1 mystical. 2 o. of a pair of numbers which go together as
determined by a lottery in gambling.\n
mistikus mystic.\n
mistis mystical.\n
mistisi mystics.\n
mistisisme mysticism.\n
misuh see PISUH.\n
mite myth.\n
mitologi mythology.\n
mitologis mythological.\n
(Java) ceremony and feast given for a woman seven months
pregnant with her first baby.\n
mitos myth.\n
mitra 1. (Lit.) friend. 2. miter.\n
mitraliur /mitralyur/ machine gun.\n
mitsal see MISAL.\n
mizan (Zod.) Libra.\n
ml- seealso entries with mel-, l-.\n
mobbrig see MOBRIG.\n
mobil car, automobile. mobil-derek towing truck.\n
mobiler see MEBELER.\n
mobilet moped or motorbike.\n
mobilisasi mobilization.\n
mobilisir mobilize.\n
mobilitas /mobilitet/ mobility.\n
moblong (Jakarta) loose, baggy.\n
[Mobil Brigade] paramilitary branch of national police in the
Sukarno era.\n
mocok fill in for a person who is absent.\n
mocopat see MACAPAT.\n
modal financial capital.\n
modalitas modality.\n
modalwan capitalist, financier.\n
modar (Vulgar., Java) die.\n
mode fashion (of clothes).\n
model 1 model. 2 the fashion. 3 (Coll.) dressed up fancy.\n
moderat moderate.\n
moderator moderator in a panel, etc.\n
moderen see MODERN.\n
modern modern.\n
modernisasi modernization\n
modernisir modernize.\n
moderok (Jakarta) 1 mushy (of fruit). 2 damaged, spoiled.\n
modifikasi modification. me-modifikasi(kan) modify.\n
1 o. who calls to prayers, muezzin. 2 village religious functionary,
modin esp o. who officiates at circumcisions.\n
modis stylish.\n
modiste dress maker, designer.\n
modol 1. (Jakarta) kill. 2. (Java, Jakarta) disheveled, untidy.\n
modul module.\n
modulasi (Ling., Phys.) modulation.\n
module see MODUL.\n
modulir (Phys.) modulate.\n
modus 1 modus. 2 (Ling.) mood.\n
moga initiative. se-moga May it happen, I hope that.\n
mogok 1 strike. 2 stall, fail, break down.\n
mogol drop out of school.\n
moh see EMOH.\n
moh. [Muhammad].\n
mohon 1 ask, request. 2 implore, beseech.\n

mohor seal, signet.\n

mojah 1 socks. 2 stockings.\n
mojang (Sunda) young girl.\n
mok (Coll.) mug.\n
moka mocha.\n
mokal see MUHAL.\n
mokhal see MUHAL.\n
moksa redemption (in Hinduism and Budhism).\n
moksai 1. (China) Pekinese dog. 2. (China) a kung fu movement.\n
molek pretty, cute. loveliness, beauty.\n
molekul molecule.\n
molekuler molecular.\n
molen cement mixer.\n
moler (Jakarta, Sl.) prostitute.\n
molig /molekh/ plum and full (of body).\n
the five sins in Java religion : maling, madat, madon, main, minum.
stealing, opium smoking, womanizing, gambling, drinking.\n
1 become longer and longer in time or space. 2 laze around. 3
(Jakarta) sleep.\n
molos 1 penetrate. 2 go away without paying.\n
1. monument. 2. 1) temporary police roadblock or speed trap. 2
check motorists in temporary rioadblock. 3. torque.\n
momok 1 ghost, spook, specter. 2 haunting danger.\n
momong take care of a baby. momong-an child taken care of.\n
momot (Java) carry (a load, passengers).\n
[Monumen Nasional] the obelisklike national monument in the
center of Lapangan Merdeka in Jakarta.\n
moncong 1 snout, muzzle. 2 spout. me-moncong protrude.\n
moncor 1 flow out. 2 diarrhea.\n
mondar see MUNDAR-MANDIR.\n
mondial on a worldwide scale.\n
mondok 1. fat, squat. 2. see PONDOK.\n
moneter monetary.\n
mong sound of a gong.\n
mongkok 1 stick out. 2 tower above. 3 proud.\n
mongol knotted, gnarled.\n
monitor me-monitor s.t.\n
monoftong monophthong.\n
monoftongisasi monophthongization.\n
monogami monogamy.\n
monografi monograph.\n

monogram monogram.\n
monoksida monoxide.\n
monolitik /monolitis/ monolithic.\n
monolog monologue.\n
monoloyalitas loyalitas to only o. thing.\n
monopoli monopoly.\n
monopolisir me-monopolisir monopolize.\n
monoril monorail.\n
monosilabis monosyllabic.\n
monoton monotonous.\n
monster 1. sample of merchandise. 2 monster.\n
monstrans (Rel.) monstrance.\n
montang-manting moving about restlessly.\n
montase 1 assembly. 2 editing (of movie).\n
monte see MOTE.\n
montir 1 mechanic, repairman. 2 repair, do mechanical work.\n
montok well built, plump and full (of child\'s body or breats).\n
montor 1 motor. 2 auto, car.\n
monumen monument (in commemoration of s.t.).\n
monumental grandiose, monumental.\n
monyet 1 monkey. 2 term of abuse.\n
1. sticking out, protruding (of the mouth, from buck teeth or
pouting). 2. humorous term of address to an intimate.\n
moped moped, motorbike.\n
mopit China writing brush.\n
mopong carry a baby in o.\'s arms.\n
morak-marik see MORAT-MARIT.\n
moral morality.\n
moralis moralist.\n
moralistas morality.\n
morat-marit confused, disorganized.\n
morfem (Ling.) morpheme.\n
morfin morphine.\n
morfinis drug addict.\n
mori unbleached plain cloth (used for batik, shrouds, etc.).\n
moril 1 moral, morality. 2 morale.\n
moris soursop tree.\n
morong coffeepot, teapot.\n
morphin /mprphinis/ seeMORFIN, MORFINIS.\n
morse Morse code.\n
mortalitas /mortalitet/ mortality.\n
mortir artillery mortar.\n
mosaik mosaic.\n
mosi morion, vote.\n
moskwa Moscow.\n
moster 1. mustard. 2 see MONSTER 1.\n
mota see KAIN.\n
mote beads (for necklaces).\n
motfologi /morflokhi, morfologi/ (Bio., Ling.) morphology.\n
motif 1. motif, design. 2. motive.\n
motip see MOTIF 1,2.\n
motivasi motivation.\n
moto 1. motto. 2 (Coll.) monosodium glutamate.\n
1 motor, engine. 2 motorcar, auto. 3 motorcycle. 4 moving force
behind s.t. 5 (in some regions only) motorboat.\n
motorbot motorboat.\n
motoris engineer, motorman.\n
motorisasi motorization.\n
motorkap removable roof of car.\n
motorpit motorcycle.\n
moyang great-grandfather, great-grandparents.\n
mp- see also entries with emp-.\n
mpo [menghitung pajak orang] k.o. sales tax.\n
mpok (Jakarta) term of address to young woman of low class.\n
mpot-mpotan physically or emotionally painful.\n
mpp [Masa Persiapan Pensiun] period prior to retirement.\n
[Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (Sementara) ] (Provisional)
People\'s Consultative Council.\n
mps. [menurut pendapat saya] in my opinion.\n
[Meester (in de Rechten) ] a law degree used as a tittle by its
mrongos (Java) busktoothed.\n
mtq [Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur\'an] contest of Koranic recitation.\n
mu [Majelis Umum] General Assembly.\n
mu'jizat see MUKJIZAT.\n
mu'min see MUKMIN.\n
mu'tamar see MUKTAMAR.\n
mua 1. eel. 2 see SEMUA.\n
muafakah /muafakat/ see MUFAKAT.\n
muai expand, swell.\n
muak 1 nauseated, revolted. 2 loathe (food or drink).\n
mual 1 queasy. 2 feel loathing. sickening, make o. feel nauseous.\n
mualaf recent convert to Islam.\n
mualamat science.\n
/muallim/ 1 (religious) teacher. 2 navigator. 3 pilot, guide. 4 (Navy)
deck officer, mate, first mate.\n
muang-thai /muangtai/ Thailand.\n
muara 1 estuary, mouth. 2 orifice.\n
muasal origin.\n
1 contain, hold, accomodate. 2 be contained in a publication. 3
muatan 1 load, contents. 2 capacity. 3 cargo.\n
muazin /muazzin, muezzin/, o. who calls to prayers.\n
mubadir /mubadzir/ see MUBASIR.\n
mubah (Islam) neutral, neither forbidden not required.\n
mubalih /muballigh/ (Islam) preacher, o. who expound a certain idea.\n
mubarak blessed, fortunate.\n
mubarat (Islam) divorce at the request of the wife.\n
mubasir,mubazir superfluous, waste.\n
mubut fragile, brittle.\n
muci prostitute.\n
mucikari see MUNCIKARI.\n
1 young (in age). 2 deputy. 3 unripe, green. 4 light, pale. pe-muda
youth, young man.\n
mudah easy, simple. facilitate, make s.t. easier.\n
mudah-mudahan 1 may it be, I hope (that). 2 maybe, perhaps.\n
mudarat /mudharat, mudhorat/ 1 disadvantage. 2 fail.\n
mudi see KEMUDI, MUDA.\n
mudigah larva.\n
1 upstream, upcountry, inland (away from the sea). 2 home to the
mudin see MODIN.\n
mudlarat see MUDARAT.\n
mufaham undertand.\n
mufakat 1 (hold) discussion to reach an agreement. 2 agreement, consensus.\n
mufasir (Islam) commentator (on the Koran).\n
mufrad (Lit.) single, simplex.\n
(Islam) adviser on religious law for a region (above the kadi in
muh. [Muhammad].\n
muhajirin (Islam) those who accompanied Mud. on his flight from Mecca.\n
muhal impossible, out the question.\n
muhallil (Islam) man who marries a divorced woman only so that be can
divorce her to enable her to remary her original husband legally.\n

muhammadiyah a Muslim movement.\n

muharram first month of the Muslim year.\n
muhibah /muhibbah/ goodwill.\n
(Islam) degree of consanguinity between a man and woman that
muhrim renders marriage impossible but gives them the right of
[Majelis Ulama Indonesia] Indonesian Council of Religious
mujahadah (Islam) war against deviation from the true principles of religion.\n
mujahid (Islam) defender of the faith.\n
mujahidin (Islam) defender of the faith.\n
k.o. freswater fish widely stocked in inland waters and an important
mujarab effective, efficacious.\n
mujarad abstract, not concrete.\n
mujarrab see MUJARAB.\n
mujarrad see MUJARAD.\n
(Islam) expert in Muslim law who gives an independent
interpretation of the Koran and Hadist.\n
mujur 1 straigh ahead, straight. 2 luck. 3 lucky.\n
1 face. 2 front. 3 page, side. 4 surface. 5 upcoming. 6 face,
mukadimah /mukaddimah/ introduction, preface.\n
mukah adultery.\n
(Islam) white cloak covering a woman\'s head and body worn at
mukhalaf (Islam) heresy.\n
mukhrim see MUHRIM.\n
mukhtasar summary, resume.\n
1 k.o. huge cassava bred by a man named Mukibat. 2 s.t. unusually
large for the thing it is.\n
mukim 1 stay at, be a resident of. 2 residence, distric\n
mukimin residents.\n
mukjijat see MUKJIZAT.\n
mukjizat miracle.\n
mukmin /mukminin/ (Islam) the believers, the faithful.\n
mukswa see MOKSA.\n
muktabar /muktabir/ respected, venerated.\n
muktamar congress, conference.\n
mula 1 beginning. 2 original cause, basis.\n
mulas slight stomach upset, pain in the stomach.\n
mulek circkle around in a closed space.\n
mules see MULAS.\n
mulhid heretic.\n
mulia noble, sublime, lofty.\n
muliawan person worthy of deep esteem.\n
[Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs] Dutch-language secondary
school of colonial times.\n
multi- multi.\n
multipleks k.o. plywood.\n
multipliksi multiplication.\n
mulud see MAULID.\n
muluk 1 high-sounding. 2 bombastic, pompous.\n
mulur 1 elastic. 2 flexible.\n
mulus 1 flawless, pure. 2 sincere.\n
mulut 1 mouth. 2 opening. 3 nozzle.\n
mumbang young coconut.\n
mumbul (Java) rise, bounce.\n
mumet 1 headache. 2 (Java) dizzy. 3 confused.\n
mumi /mumia/ mummy.\n
mummi see MUMI.\n
mumpung take advantage while o. can, as long as.\n
mumpungisme opportunism.\n
1 (Islam) unbeliever who pretend to be a Muslim. 2 hypocrite. 3 (Sl.)
munas [Musyawarah Nasional] National Deliberative Council.\n
/munasabat/ reasonable, logically acceptable (as an argument, o.\'s
reaction, etc.).\n
muncikari procures, pimp.\n
muncrat spurt.\n
muncul emerge, appear, turn up.\n
muncung see MONCONG.\n
mundam large bowl, tub.\n
mundar-mandir move back and forth, esp. aimlessly.\n
munding (Sunda) water buffalo.\n
mundu k.o. small tree and sour fruit.\n
mundur 1 go back, back up. 2 decline, decrease, deteriorate. 3 retreat.\n
mung see MONG.\n
munggah see PUNGGAH.\n
munggu small hill.\n
munggur k.o. tree.\n
mungil cute, sweet.\n
mungkam silent.\n
mungkar 1 deny. 2 ignored.\n
mungkeret see MENGKERET.\n
mungkin possible.\n
mungkir 1 deny, disavow. 2 renege.\n
mungkum dome shaped, overarching.\n
mungkur 1. stretcher, palanquin. 2. with o.\'s back turned.\n
mungpung see MUMPUNG.\n
mungsi k.o. herb.\n
munisi munitions.\n
munjung heaping full.\n
(Islam) o. of two angels who interrogate a dead person soon. after he
has been buried.\n
muno keep silent and muse.\n
munsyi (Lit.) language teacher.\n
muntaber [muntah berak] diarrhea and vomiting, esp. as cholera symptoms.\n
muntah 1. vomit, throw up. 2. fade, run.\n
muntup begin to appear.\n
munyeng (Java) dizzy.\n
mupakat see MUFAKAT.\n
muqaddimah see MUKADIMAH.\n
mur Moor.\n
murad 1 intention. 2 meaning, significance.\n
muradif see MURAJIF.\n
1 cheap, inexpensive. 2 easy, not subject to a number of conditions.
3 generous.\n
murai k.o. small bird.\n
murajif (Ling.) synonym.\n
muram gloomy, depressed.\n
murang fuse for igniting firecrackers or dynamite.\n
murat-marit se MORAT-MARIT.\n
murba common, proletarian.\n
murbai /murbe/ mulberry.\n
muri 1. k.o. metal flute. 2. see MORI.\n
murid 1 pupil, student of lower grades. 2 disciple, follower of.\n
muring in a bad mood.\n
muris 1. k.o. fabric. 2. greedy, closefisted.\n
murka 1 anger, fury. 2 (Lit.) angry (esp. of royalty).\n
murni pure, clean.\n
1. (Islam) messengers of God: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, et al. 2.
mursid /mursyid/ spiritual guide, religious teacher.\n
murtad 1 (Islam) apostate. 2 renegade from social values.\n
murung melancholy, depressed.\n
murup (Java) flame, flaming.\n
murus have loose bowels.\n
musa Moses.\n
musabab see SEBAB.\n
musabaqah /musabaqoh/ contest for reciting the Koran.\n
musafir traveler.\n
musalla see MUSHOLLA.\n
musang civet.\n
musawarah see MUSYAWARAH.\n
museum museum.\n
/musola/ (Islam) small building or room set aside in a public place
for performance of religious duties.\n
musibah calamity, disaster.\n
musik music.\n
musikologi musicologist.\n
musikus musician.\n
musisi musicians.\n
musium 1 season, period. 2 monsoon.\n
muskil see MUSYKIL.\n
muslihat 1 trick. 2 strategy, tactics.\n
muslim a Muslim.\n
muslimah /muslimat/ Muslim woman.\n
muslimin (Pl.) Muslims.\n
musna (Coll.) see MUSNAH.\n
musnah annihilated, destroyed.\n
musolla see MUSHOLLA.\n
muson monsoon.\n
[Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah] council for provincial and lower
level gvt. officials.\n
mustahak important, crucial.\n
mustahil impossible, out of the question.\n
mustaid ready, completed, at hand.\n
mustajab efficacious, effective.\n
mustakim straightforward, sincere.\n
musti see MESTI.\n
mustika see MESTIKA.\n
musuh 1 enemy, adversary. 2 competitor, contestant.\n
musyafir see MUSAFIR.\n
musyarakah /musyarakat/ partnership.\n
musyawarah /musyawarat/ 1 meeting, conference. 2 discussion, deliberation.\n
musykil difficult to know or prove.\n
musyrik polytheist.\n
musytari the planet Jupiter.\n
mut see KEMUT 2.\n
mutabar /mutabir/ see MUKTABAR, MUKTABIR.\n
mutah see MUNTAH 1.\n
mutakhir the very latest, most up-to-date (flashion, etc.).\n

mutalaah study carefully, scrutinize.\n

mutalak see MUTLAK.\n
mutasi 1 (Biol.) mutation. 2 transfer of gvt. official to a new post or of pupil
to a new school, shakeup.\n
mutawatir handed down from person to person for generations.\n
mutiara pearl.\n
mutlak absolute, unconditional.\n
mutu 1 pearl. 2 quality, grade. 3 carat.\n
mutung 1 burnt, lost by five. 2 brokenhearted, discouraged. 3 give up.\n
muwakal proxy.\n
muwarikh (Lit.) historian.\n
muzhab see MUZHAB.\n
muzik see MUSIK.\n
n n, the 14th letter of the alphabet.\n
n.a. /en a/ [numpang alamat] (Coll.) c/o, in care of.\n
n.b [nota bene] nota bene.\n
na see NAH.\n
/naar bofen/ (Coll.) go to mountain resort areas, esp. for sexual
naas unlucky, ill-omened.\n
nabatah (Biol.) vegetable kingdom.\n
nabati concerning plants, phyto-.\n
1 (Rel.) prophet. 2 (Islam) Muh. and other important religious
nabiah (Rel.) prophetess.\n
nabrak see TABRAK.\n
nabtun (Lit.) a plant.\n
naco see NAKO.\n
nada 1 intonation. 2 tone, note. 3 (Ling.) pitch.\n
nadapol [Narapidana Politik] political prisoner.\n
nadar see NAZAR 1.\n
nadi (Med.) pulse, artery.\n
nadir 1. rare, unusual. 2. supervisor, inspector.\n
nadzar see NAZAR 1.\n
nafakah see NAFKAH.\n
nafas breath.\n
nafi (Lit.) me-nafi-kan deny.\n
1 k.o. valveless ceremonial trumpet us. part of royal paraphernalia. 2
(Bib.) k.o. trumpet.\n
1 basic necessities of life. 2 money given to o.\'s wife (or divorced
wife) for household expenses.\n
nafsi personal, individual.\n
nafsu natural appetite or desire.\n
naftalin naphthalene.\n

naga dragon.\n
naga-naganya apparently.\n
nagari (M) see NEGERI.\n
k.o. rice-flour cake stuffed with banana bits and steamed in banana
1 Here. 2 See !(particle implying acceptance of o.\'s advice or
nah oponion. fact, common knowledge, etc.). 3 Now then (a particle
introducing a new topic of conversation).\n
nahas see NAAS.\n
/Nahdlatul Ulama/ Association of Muslim Scholars, a Muslim
political party of 1970\'s.\n
nahi (Islam) prohibition, forbiden.\n
nahu (Lit.) grammar.\n
naib (Islam) mosque official, deputy of local religious affairs.\n
naif naive.\n
1 climb, ascend, go up (on). 2 rise, be on the increase. 3 suddenly
flare up. 4 ride s.t.\n
naim /na\'im/ delighful, pleasant.\n
najam see NUJUM.\n
1 (Islam) defiling filth, s.t. which, if touched, make o. unfit for
prayer. 2 excrement. 3 (Coll.) dirty.\n
nak 1. see ANAK. 2 see HENDAK.\n
naka-naka sing by turns.\n
nakal 1 naughty, mischievous. 2 wanton.\n
naker [Tenaga Kerja] work force, manpower.\n
nakhoda (Naut.) ship\'s captain.\n
nakir see NANGKIR.\n
nako jalousie window.\n
naksir (Sl.) have an eye for, be attracted to.\n
nalam song, poetical composition.\n
nalar 1 logical reasoning. 2 reasonable.\n
nalo [Nasional Lotere] National Loterry.\n
naluri instinct.\n
naluriah instinctive.\n
nam see ENAM.\n
1 name. 2 fame, title. nama-nya 1 that is just another name for. 2
what else would o. expect (considering what k.o. thing it is).\n
nambi 1 yaws. 2 skin rash.\n
nambor (Coll.) name-plaque.\n
namnam k.o. fruit-bearing tree.\n
nampak visible, evident. nampak-nya apparently.\n
nampan tray.\n
namun yet, however.\n
(Lit.) which, a particle between a noun and its modifying
nanah suppuration, pus.\n
nanak-nunuk (Java) slow-moving (person), slowpoke.\n
nanap 1 with wide-open eyes. 2 amazed.\n
nanar 1 confused. 2 angry.\n
nanas pineapple.\n
nanda see ANAKANDA.\n
nang-ning-nong sound of metallic resonance (e.g. gamelan, bell, etc.).\n
nangka jackfruit.\n
nangkir (Islam) o. of the two angels that observe and record o.\'s deeds.\n
nangkring see TANGKRING.\n
1 wait. 2 later, presently. 3 presently at (such-and-such a time),
nanti to(night), this (noon, afternoon, etc.). 4 next, it might happen that (so
watch out).\n
nantiasa see SENANTIASA.\n
nanyang /nan-yang/ the overseas Chinese, esp. of S.E. Asia.\n
napal k.o. clay (eaten for medicinal purposes).\n
napas 1 roan (of horses). 2. see NAFAS.\n
napekah see NAFKAH.\n
napi 1. [narapidana] inmate, prisoner. 2. see NAFI.\n
napoli Naples.\n
napsi see NAFSI.\n
napsu see NAFSU.\n
naqli (Islam) reference to relevant citation from Koran.\n
naradakwa accused, defendant.\n
naraka see NERAKA.\n
narapidana 1 convict, prisoner, prison inmate. 2 (Leg.) convicted criminal.\n
narapraja gvt. official.\n
narasumber resource person, informant.\n
narayana 1 a boyhood name of Kresna. 2 (Lit.) (time) of o.\'s youth.\n
narkose narcotics.\n
narkotika narcotics.\n
narsisisme narcissism.\n
narwastu spikenard oil.\n
nas (Islam) authoritative quotation (from the Koran).\n
nasab 1 lineage, descent (in the male line). 2 (family) tie.\n
nasabah 1 customer, client. 2 relationship.\n
nasakh abrogated.\n
[Nasionalisme, Agama, Komunisme] \"Nationalism, Religion,
Communism,\" political concept in Sukarno era.\n
nasar 1 vulture. 2 see PENASARAN.\n
nasarani see NASRANI.\n
nasehat see NASIHAT.\n
nasgitel [panas legi kentel] (Sl.) hot, sweet, and syrupy.\n
nasi 1. 1) cooked rice. 2) a meal (of rice). 2. see NATIE.\n
nasib fate, destiny.\n
nasihat advice, admonition.\n
nasion nation.\n
nasional national.\n
nasionalis nationalist, nationalistic.\n
nasionalisasi nationalization.\n
nasionalisir me-nasionalisir nationalize.\n
nasionalisme nationalism.\n
nasip see NASIB.\n
naskah 1 manuscript. 2 document, original text.\n
nasofaring (Anat.) nasopharynx.\n
nasrani 1 Christian. 2 (Lit.) Portuguese, of Portuguese creole descent.\n
natal Christmas. Natal-an Christmas celebration.\n
natalitas birth rate.\n
natang (Lit.) small window, opening.\n
natar basic color, background.\n
natie /nasi/ (Lit.) nation.\n
natijah (Lit.) core issue (of argument, etc.).\n
natirlek (Coll.) of course, naturally.\n
nato [naskah asli ditetapkan oleh] (Leg.) certified to be a true copy by.\n
natura in kind.\n
naturalisasi naturalization.\n
naturalisme naturalism.\n
naturel neutral-colored shoe polish.\n
/nauzu-billahi, naudzu-billahi/ (islam) I find protection in God, God
naudu-billahi bless us, God forbid that I should ever do it ! (uttered when hearing
of a despicable act or fact).\n
naung 1 shadow, shade. 2 shelter, protection.\n
nautik nautical.\n
nautika nautical science.\n
nautis nautical.\n
navigasi navigation.\n
navigator navigator.\n
nayaga see NIYAGA.\n
nayuban see TAYUB.\n
nazam poem, composition.\n
nazar 1. (Rel.) vow (to do s.t. if prayer is gratted). 2. eagle.\n
nazir see NADIR.\n
ndableg /ndablek/ (Java) 1 stubborn. 2 thick skinned.\n
ndak 1 (Coll.) no, not. 2. see HENDAK.\n
ndang-ndut see DANG DANG DUT.\n
ndoro (Java) master, term of address for a member of the aristocracy.\n
ndoroisme feudal attitude.\n
nduk (Java) see GENDUK.\n
ndut-ndutan (Coll.) pulsate, throb (with pain, etc.).\n
ne (China) term address for o.\'s mother.\n
nebeng (Jakarta) 1 sponge off s.o. 2 hitchhike.\n
necis (Coll.) neat, well groomed.\n
nederlan /Nederland/ the Netherlands.\n
[new emerging forces] newly independent countries (Sukarno-era
neg. 1. [Negeri] country. 2 [Negara] nation, state.\n
state. tamu-negara state guest. negara-berkembang developing
negara country. negara-hukum constitutional state. negara-terbelakang
underdeveloped state.\n
negarawan statesman.\n
negasi negation.\n
negatif /negatip/ negative.\n
neger /neher/ (Coll.) Negro, a black (esp. in colonial period).\n
1 country, land. 2 (M, E. Indonesia) village. 3 state-owned, state-
negosiasi negotiation.\n
neher see NEGER.\n
1. 1) too rich (foods). 2) indigestion due to greasy foods. 2. see
ENEK. /ne`k/ see NENEK.\n
neka see ANEKA.\n
nekad see NEKAT.\n
nekar marbles.\n
nekara (Lit.) kettledrum.\n
nekat determined, to do s.t. no matter what, ready to take serious risks.\n
nekel see NIKEL.\n
neko-neko (Java) 1 all k.o. things. 2 do diverse things unnecessarily.\n
[Neokolonialisme, Kolonialisme, Imperialisme] Neocolonialism,
Colonialism, Imperialism (Sukarno-era term).\n
nekrologi necrology.\n
nelangsa (Java) arousing pity.\n
nelayan fisherman.\n
nelongso pathetic.\n
nem see ENAM.\n
(Java) buy s.t. from a place of business that does not normally sell
that item, e.g. buy (uncooked) rice from a food stall.\n
nemplok 1. position o.s. 2. 1) lean on. 2) depend.\n
nemu see TEMU 2.\n
nen see NAN.\n
nenas see NANAS.\n
nenda see NENEKANDA.\n
1 grandmother, great-aunt. 2 (In some regions) grandfather, great-
uncle. 3 respectful term of reference and address (esp. as nek) for
elderly persons (esp. women) and, in some areas, dangerous wild
animals, e.g. tigers, etc.\n
nenekanda /nenenda/ grandmother (esp. in letters).\n
nener young milkfish.\n
neng (Jakarta, Sunda) polite form of address to younger woman.\n
sound of metallic ringing (e.g. railway crossing bells, gamelan,
neo neo-. neo-kolonialisme neocolonialim.\n
neolitis neolithic.\n
neologisme neologism.\n
neon fluorescent or neon light.\n
neonisasi provision of flourescent lamps for street lights.\n
nepotisme nepotism.\n
neraca 1 pair of scales. 2 balance.\n
neraka 1 hell. 2 destruction, misfortune.\n
nerawang translucent, lacy.\n
nerimo (java) passive, acquiescent to o.\'s fate.\n
nerocos seeCROCOS.\n
nesan see NISAN.\n
nestapa sorrow, grief.\n
net 1. clear, precise. 2 (Sport) net.\n
netral 1 neutral. 2 uncommitted, nonaligned.\n
netralis neutralist.\n
netralisasi neutralization.\n
netralisir neutralize.\n
netralisme neutralism.\n
netralitas /netralitet/ neutrality.\n
netron see NEUTRON.\n
netto (Fin.) net.\n
neurolog (Med.) /nerolokh/ neurologist.\n
neurologi (Med.) /nerologi, nerolokhi/ neurology.\n
neutron /netron/ neutron.\n
neven ancillary (of an organization).\n
ng- seealso entries with k-.\n
ngabehi,ngabei (Java) title of nobility.\n
ngaben (Bali) cremation.\n
ngablak open wide.\n
ngabrukin (Jakarta) slam or set s.t. down with a crash.\n
(Sunda) seek amusement and distractions while waiting for day\'s
fast to end.\n
ngacau see KACAU.\n
ngaceng (Coll.) 1 be erect. 2 have an erection.\n
ngacir 1. flee, run away. 2. (Coll.) 1) in disarray. 2) helter-skelter.\n
1. (Coll.) talk at random, talk without knowing what o. is talking
about. 2. seeKACAU.\n
ngadak-ngadak make a fuss.\n
1. break down, sulk, go wrong. 2. 1) make a fuss, cry and be
naughty. 2) not run properly (of car).\n
ngahari see GAHARI.\n
ngai (China) I.\n
/ngak-ngik-nguk/ 1 sound of cacophonic music. 2 low grade music
ngak-ngik-ngok (esp. pop music).\n
ngakak boisterous laughter.\n
ngalor-ngidul (Java) in all directions, without direction.\n
ngambek pout, mope.\n
ngambreng have a pervasive odor.\n
ngambul (Java) sulk.\n
1 beg while singing playing musical instruments or reciting prayers.
2 be persistent (like a singing beggar).\n
ngana (Coll., Menado, N. Maluku) you (singular).\n
nganga agape.\n
ngangeni see KANGEN.\n
ngangut mumble to o.s.\n
ngantek 1. (Java) until. 2. (Coll.) be a lackey.\n
ngantuk see KANTUK.\n
ngap-ngap gasp for breath, pant.\n
ngapa (Coll.) see MENGAPA.\n
ngarai (M) chasm, gorge.\n
ngarep seeHARAP.\n
ngarit see ARIT.\n
ngarsa-dalem /ngarso dalem/ (Java) the sultan (of Yogya).\n
ngarti (Jakarta, Sunda) understand, comprehend.\n
ngaung sound of s.t. resonating (airplane, etc.).\n
ngawur do s.t. haphazardly or without basis.\n
ngayau see KAYAU 1,2.\n
nge- seealso entries with e-. or the root alone.\n
ngeak sound of a baby crying.\n
ngebet (Coll.) want s.t. intensely, desire s.t. very stroungly\n
ngebluk see KEBLUK.\n
ngebodoin (Jakarta) see BODO 2.\n
ngeden (Java, Jakarta) strain during bowel movement.\n
ngedumel grumble, complain under o.\'s breath.\n
ngek-ngek sickly.\n
ngel- seealso entries ngl-, l-.\n
ngelantur 1 stray (from a path). 2 digress.\n
ngelayap (Jakarta) wander around.\n
ngelayat make a visit of condolence.\n
ngeledek (Jakarta) tease.\n
hang on to (arm, sarong edge, etc., e.g. a child hanging on to his
ngelesot (Java) sit on the ground or floor.\n
ngelindur (Java, Jakarta) talk in o.\'s sleep.\n
ngelmu esoteric knowledge.\n
ngeloneng see LONENG.\n
ngelotok (Jakarta) burst open (of fruit).\n
ngeloyor 1 (Jakarta) slither. 2 (Coll.) leave without saying goodbye.\n
ngelu (Java) have a headache.\n
ngeluyur 1 loaf around, stroll about without purpose. 2 hang around.\n
ngemong see EMONG.\n
ngemut see KEMUT 2.\n
ngenes (Java) deeply saddened.\n
ngengap gasp for breath, pant.\n
ngengat moth.\n
(Java) live with s.o. (esp. relatives) and do chores in return for room
and board.\n
ngengkel see ENGKEL.\n
ngentit (Coll.) shortchange s.o. cheat s.o.\n
ngentot see ENTOT.\n
ngenyek see ENYEK.\n
ngeong meow.\n
ngepas 1 try clothes on. 2 fit (of clothes). 3 be just enough.\n
ngepiah see PIAH.\n
ngepot see KEPOT 1.\n
ngepres 1 tight (of clothing). 2 urgent.\n
nger- see also entries r-.\n

ngeram see ERAM.\n

ngeran see KERAN 4.\n
ngereh (Java) boss around.\n
ngerem see REM.\n
1 (Java) unpleasant or irritating sensation due to sand or dust (of
sand in o.\'s sheets, dust in o.\'s eyes, etc.). 2 (Coll.) touching, sad.\n
ngeri 1 horrified. 2 horrifying.\n
ngerokok smoke s.t.\n
nges (Java) very agreeable.\n
ngeslong see SLONG.\n
ngetem wait for sufficient numbers (of passengers).\n
ngeteng see KETENG.\n
ngetop be on top.\n
1 operate a public vehicle along such a route. 2 drive a vehicle very
nggak (Coll.) no, not.\n
ngglenggem see GLENGGEM 2.\n
nggreges see GREGES.\n
nggrengseng see GRENGSENG.\n
ngiang sound of whining or steady humming.\n
ngiau meow.\n
ngibrit (Coll.) run out of a place.\n
ngibul tell a lie.\n
ngicip see ICIP.\n
ngijo see IJO 1.\n
1 sound of squeaking or screeching (e.g. asthmatic wheezing, violin
screeching, etc.). 2 suffer from asthma.\n
ngikik see KIKIH.\n
ngiler see ILER.\n
ngilu pain, smart.\n
ngincer see INCAR.\n
(Sunda) marry a beautiful woman who is in reality a supernatural
snake that can make her husband rich.\n
ngirab see KIRAB 2.\n
ngiung-ngiung 1 sound of a siren, etc. 2 motorcade.\n
ngl- seealso with kl-, l-.\n
nglomprot be sloppy.\n
nglunjak insolent, impertinent.\n
ngluyur see KELUYUR.\n
ngo (China) I.\n
ngobrol see OBROL.\n
ngoceh talk nonsense.\n
ngocok (Coll.) 1 shake, mix, rub. 2 masturbate.\n
ngok (Jakarta, Sl.) loud smacking kiss.\n
(Java) speech level of Java used among intimates or when speaking
to certain people of lower status.\n
ngolor see KOLOR.\n
ngomel see OMEL.\n
ngomong see OMONG.\n
ngompol wet the bed or o.\'s pants.\n
ngompoli make s.t. wet by urinating in it.\n
ngompyang grumble angrily (continuously).\n
ngoni (Coll., Menado, N. Maluku) you (plural).\n
ngorok snore.\n
ngos-ngosan (Coll.) gasp and pant.\n
ngot-ngotan 1 unpredictable. 2 furious.\n
ngotot see OTOT 2.\n
ngowos (Coll.) 1 leak (of a tire). 2 talk nonsense.\n
ngoyo (Java) exert o.s.\n
ngrasani (Java) backbite, gossip about.\n
ngreh (Java) look down on.\n
ngrewes (Java) tidak-ngrewes indifferent.\n
ngublak-ngublek (Java) turn upside down to find s.t.\n
ngubleg-ngubleg (Java) pester s.o.\n
ngudang (Java) coo, talk babytalk.\n
nguing-nguing sound of siren.\n
nguler wormlike.\n
ngunduh see UNDUH.\n
ngungu sound of repeated sobbing, choking etc.\n
ngupil 1 pick o.\'s nose. 2 form scab on a wound.\n
ngurek 1 (Java) gnaw. 2 (Coll.) be inguisitive.\n
ngut-ngut (Lit.) nervous movement of mouth, twitch.\n
ngutngit gnawing.\n
ni (Bali) respectful title for women. 2. (China) you. 3 see NIH.\n
niaga commerce, trade.\n
niagawan trader.\n
nian very, really.\n
niat intention, plan, aim. berniat intend.\n
nibung k.o. palm, the nibong.\n
/nika/ [Netherlands Indies Civil Administration] postwar
adminitrative system imposed by the Dutch in occupied territories.\n
1 childbirth, porturition. 2 (Islam) the 40-day period after childbirth
during which sexual intercourse is forbidden.\n
nigong dental plaque, film adhering to teeth.\n
nih 1 particle pointing to s.t. nearby. 2 see INI.\n
nihil nothing, nil.\n
nihilis nihilist.\n
nihilisme nihilism.\n
nihilistis nihilistic.\n
nik see NONI.\n
nikah 1 marriage, wedding. 2 marry.\n
nikel nickel (metal).\n
nikmat 1 comfort, luxury. 2 deeply enjoyable, pleasant. 3 (Islam) grace.\n
nikotin nicotine.\n
nil Nile.\n
nila blue dye, indigo.\n
1 price, value. 2 school grades. 3 percentage, ptoportion. 4 moral
nilakandi 1 sapphire. 2 sapphire blue, azure.\n
1. k.o. shrub yielding fragrant oil, patchouli. 2. see BATU. 3. see
nilem see NILAM 1.\n
nilep take s.t. on the sly.\n
nilon nyilon.\n
(Coll.) join on in conversation where o. is not wanted, butt into
ninabobo /ninabobok/ lullaby.\n
ning see NENG.\n
ning-neng /ning-nong/ sound of jiggling such as horse drawn carriage, etc.\n
ningrat nobility, aristocracy.\n
ningratisme feudal way of thingking and behaving.\n
nini see NENEK.\n
ninik (China) term of address for liitle girl.\n
ninik-mamak (M) village elders.\n
/ninitowong/ (Java) 1 k.o. spirit possession involving figure made of
coconut shell. 2 such a figure of coconut shell.\n
[Nomor Induk Pegawai] 1 official registry number of civil servants.
2 letter of appointment for civil servant\n
nipah thatch palm, nipa palm.\n
nipis 1. see TIPIS 1. 2. see JERUK.\n
nipon (Coll.) Japan.\n
nir 1. (Coll.) kidney. 2. (Lit.) not, non.\n
sap obtained by tapping inflorescences of various palms used to
make sugar.\n
nirair anhydrous.\n
nirakal insensible.\n
nirarti meaningless.\n

nirasa apathy.\n
nirbangun amorphous.\n
nirbau odorless.\n
nirbhaya without danger.\n
nirgelar nondegree.\n
nirhawa without air.\n
nirlaras disharmonious.\n
nirleka prehistoric.\n
nirmala clean, pure.\n
nirmana mode.\n
niru 1. see TIRU. 2. see NYIRU.\n
nirwana nirvana.\n
nirwarna colorless.\n
nisan gravestone.\n
1 family name, name descriptive of origin or relationship. 2 (Fin.)
nisbi /nisbiah/ relative, proportionate.\n
niscaya certainly, surely.\n
niskala abstract, immaterial.\n
nista 1 insult, abuse. 2 stigma. 3 insulted, humiliated.\n
1 ( Java) become incarnate. 2 (Coll.) descend into o.\'s offspring (of
traits, etc.)\n
nitrat (Chem.) nitrate.\n
niugini see PAPUA NUGINI.\n
nivo the level of s.t.\n
niyaga /niyogo/ (Java) performers in gamelan orchestra.\n
njelirit (Java) form a thin line, like a thin line.\n
njlimet see JELIMET.\n
[Normalisasi Kehidupan Kampus] a gvt. measure to reduce student
militancy in late 1970\'s.\n
nn. [nona] Miss.\n
(China, Jakarta) two, in commercial transactions. no-ban 20,000. no-
cap twenty. no-ceng 2,000.\n
noban see NO.\n
nobat royal drum used at installation ceremonies.\n
nocap,noceng see NO.\n
noda 1 stain, spot of dirt. 2 shame, disgrace.\n
nodul /nodule/ (Med.) nodule.\n
nojos (Jakarta) perforate, pierce.\n
nok see DENOK.\n
noktah 1 dot, poiunt. 2 period (of punctuation)\n
nol nought, zero.\n
nomade /nomaden/ nomad, nomadic.\n
nombor see NOMER.\n
nomenklatur nomenclature.\n
nomer 1 number. 2 issue (of a periodical). 3 number in a musical show.\n
nominal nominal (in statistics, research, mathematics).\n
nomor see NOMER.\n
nompang see TUMPANG.\n
nomplok (Coll.) be s.w. in large quantities.\n
non 1. (Pol.) noncooperative. 2. nun. 3. seeNONI.\n
non-aliansi nonalliance.\n
(Acad.) pertaining to humanities and social sciences rather than
exact sciences\n
/non-formil/ 1 outside the regular system, irregular. 2 (Coll.)
1 miss, unmarried European, China, or Westernized well-to-do
nona Indonesian girl in Western dress. 2 term of address for such women.
3 (Ambon) unmarried woman.\n
nonaktif inactive, laid-off.\n
none (Jakarta) see NONA.\n
1 (Coll.) squat. 2 (Coll.) sit around doing nothing , hang out. 3 idle,
not in use.\n
nongol (Jakarta) stick the head out, appear, be conspicious.\n
/nonik/ (Coll.) 1 young girl, esp. European or in European clothes. 2
affectionate term of address for such a girl, esp as nik or non.\n
nonius (Tech.) vernier.\n
nonok (Jakarta, Vulg.) vagina.\n
nonpribumi of foreign descent, nonnative (esp. referring to ethnic Chinese).\n
nonsen nonsene, ridiculous.\n
nonton see TONTON.\n
nonya see NYONYA.\n
noot /not/ see NOT.\n
nopember November.\n
nopol [nomor polisi] vehicle registration number.\n
nora /norak/ (Jakarta) tacky, in bad taste, vulgar, lower than normal.\n
norit general term for carbon-based medicine for stomach problems.\n
norma norm, standard.\n
normal normal.\n
normalisasi normalization.\n
norotos sound of firecrackers.\n
norwegia Norway.\n
nostalgi /nostalgia/ nostalgia.\n
nostalgis nostalgic.\n
not musical note.\n

nota 1 note. 2 statement of account, bill. 3 memorandum.\n

nota-bene nota bene.\n
notariat office of notary.\n
notariil notarial.\n
notaris notary public.\n
notasi notation.\n
notes small notebook, notepad.\n
notifikasi notification.\n
notilen minute, notes (of a meeting).\n
notok 1. (Java) to the very end. 2. see TUTUK.\n
notulen see NOTILEN.\n
notulis recorder of the minutes of a meeting.\n
novel novel.\n
novela novella.\n
novelis novelist.\n
novis novice.\n
novisiat novitiate.\n
nr. [nomor] number.\n
nri [Negara Republik Indonesia] Republic of Indonesia.\n
nrimo see NERIMO.\n
nrp [Nomer Registrasi Pokok] soldier\'s registration number.\n
ntar (Coll.) see SEBENTAR.\n
ntb [Nusa Tenggara Barat] Western Lesser Sundas.\n
ntr [Nikah, Talak, Rujuk] be married, divorced, and recorciled.\n
ntt [Nusa Tenggara Timur] East Lesser Sundas.\n
[Nahdlatul Ulama] Association of Muslim Scholars, a Muslim
political party of the 1970s.\n
nuansa nuance.\n
nubuat (Rel., Islam) prophecy, divine revelation.\n
nudis nudist.\n
nudisme nudism.\n
nuduh see TUDUH.\n
nuftah (Biol.) germ, sperm.\n
nugat nougat.\n
nugini see PAPUA NUGINI.\n
nuh (Bib.) Noah.\n
nujum fortune-telling, esp. with stars.\n
nukhter objective, balanced (of views, etc.).\n
nukil 1 quotation, quote. 2 excerpt.\n
nuklir (Phys.) nuchlear.\n
nul see NOL.\n
numpang see TUMPANG.\n
1 pour out, empty all at o. time. 2 be splled out, be in a huge crowd
in a place.\n
nun (Lit.) younder.\n
nunak-nunuk (Coll.) 1slow in doing s.t. 2 snoop around.\n
nuntius papal nuncio.\n
nunut (Java) ride along with.\n
nur (Lit.) light, ray of light.\n
nuraga sympathy.\n
nurani 1 lustrous, illuminated. 2 pure. 3 inner.\n
nurbisa (Lit.) antidote, esp. charm or incantation against venom.\n
nuri k.o. parrot.\n
nurmala see NIRMALA.\n
nus k.o. flat-headed squid.\n
nusa island, esp. in island names.\n
nusakambangan a penal island off the S. coast of Java.\n
nusantara 1 archipelago. 2 the Indonesian Archipelago.\n
nusra [Nusa Tenggara] the Lesser Sundas.\n
nusrabar [Nusa Tenggara Barat] Western Lesser Sundas.\n
nusrateng [Nusa Tenggara Tengah] Central Lesser Sundas.\n
nusratim [Nusa Tenggara Timur] East Lesser Sundas.\n
nusteng [Nusa Tenggara] the Lesser Sundas.\n
/nusyur/ (Islam) disobedient (of wives, esp. with regard to granting
of conjugal rights).\n
nutrisi nutrition.\n
nutrisionis nutritionist.\n
nuzulul-qur'an (Islam) day commemorating descent of the Koran.\n
nv [Naamloze Vennootschap] Inc., Ltd.\n
ny- seealso entries with s-, c-.\n
ny. [Nyonya] Mrs.\n
nya see NYONYA.\n
nyabun see SABUN 1.\n
nyadran see SADRAN.\n
nyah 1 see ENYAH. 2. see NYONYA.\n
nyaho (Jakarta) 1 know, understand. 2 find out the hard way.\n
1 term of reference and address for concubine of european or China
nyai in colonial period. 2 (Java) respectful term of address to older
1. (Jakarta) term of address and reference for o.\'s mother. 2. see
nyak NYONYA.\n
nyala flame.\n
nyalang clear (of vision).\n
nyalangwadi (Java) arousing suspicion, having s.t. secret about it.\n
nyale see SALAI.\n
nyali 1 gall, bile. 2 guts, daring o. shows in a crisis situation.\n
nyaman pleasant, comfortable.\n
nyambi see SAMBI.\n
nyamikan /nyamii\'an/ 1 (Java) sweet anacks, candy. 2 (Coll.) mistress.\n
nyampang in case, just in case, by chace.1 supposing that, if 2 (Lit.) although.\n
nyampoh k.o. tree.\n
nyamuk mosquito. nyamuk-pers newspaper reporter.\n
nyana expect, presume, think.\n
nyandu see CANDU.\n
nyang (Coll.) see YANG 1.\n
nyangkut nyangkut\n
nyanyah (Java) me-nyanyah chew.\n
nyanyi sing.\n
nyap-nyap (Jakarta) angry.\n
nyaring 1 high-pitched, piercing. 2 (Ling.) sonorant.\n
nyaris nearly (of s.t. unpleasant).\n
nyaru disguised.\n
nyasar see SASAR.\n
nyata 1 obvious, evident. 2 real, tangible.\n
nyatut see CATUT.\n
nyawa life-sustaining principle, soul.\n
nyawang (Java) look.\n
nyekar see SEKAR.\n
nyelang see NYALANG 1, SELANG 1.\n
nyelekit (Java) offensive, tending to hurt o.\'s feeling.\n
nyelonong see SELONONG.\n
nyelonong see SELONONG.\n
nyemek-nyemek become soggy.\n
nyemplak go to a prostitute.\n
nyengir turn up o.\'s nose, make a wry face (due to s.t. distasteful).\n
nyengir-nyengir see CENGIR.\n
nyeni see SENI 1.\n
nyeni see SENI 1.\n
1 eccentric, act in such a way that o. stands out as different. 2 (Coll.)
stick out, be different from every o. else.\n
nyenyai loosely woven.\n
nyenyak be sound (of sleep).\n
nyenyeh (Java) suppurating, not healing well (of wound).\n
nyenyep very quiet.\n
nyepi 1. last day of Balinese calendar, when no work is done. 2. seeSEPI.\n
nyepor see SEPUR.\n
nyepret see CEPRET.\n
nyepur (Coll.) go by train.\n
nyeri painful, sharp (pain).\n
nyerimpung see SERIMPUNG.\n
nyerocos see CROCOS.\n
nyetek see SETEK.\n
nyi (Java) respectful title for women.\n
nyilu see NGILU.\n
nyinyir talkative, fond of chatting.\n
nyiplak see CIPLAK 1.\n
nyiru k.o. flat basket.\n
nyiur (Lit.) coconut.\n
nylentik see SLENTIK.\n
nylon see NILON.\n
nyok (Jakarta) see AYO.\n
nyolnyolan (Coll.) unladylike (of coarse, mannish behavior).\n
nyolok see COLOK 2.\n
nyolong see COLONG.\n
nyolot be blazing with anger.\n
1 (Ambon) young man. 2 (Ambon) polite term of address for males
nyong younger than speaker. 3 (Jakarta) term of address among intimate
male friends.\n
nyontek cheat on exams.\n
1 Mrs. (esp. of non-Indonesian, i.e. China, foreigners). 2 lady. 3
nyonya (Coll.) wife. 4 term of address (esp. as nya or nyah) for China and
Western women.\n
(E. Indonesia) term of polite address for certain women of high
status (e.g. minister\'s wife, etc.).\n
nyrempet see SEREMPET.\n
nyruput sip noisily, slurp.\n
nyungsep fall or slip down in mud headfirst.\n
nyureng see CURENG.\n
nyut sensation of stabbing pain.\n
nyutnyut (Java) be soggy (of s.t. that was crisp.).\n
1. the 15th letter of the alphabet. 2. 1) Oh, interjection expressing
surprise. 2) oh that, interjection expressing perception or
remembering. 3) interjection expressing strong emotional feeling. 3.
(Lit.) oh, vocative marker.\n
o. [Otomat] (Tel.) dial telephone.\n
oase oasis.\n
obah see UBAH.\n

oban see UBAN.\n

obar see KOBAR.\n
obat 1 medicine, potion. 2 toiletry. 3 chemical preparation (e.g. cleaner,
repellent, etc.). 4 gunpowder.\n
screwdriver. obeng-belimbing/bintang/kembang Philips
oberal see OBRAL.\n
obituari obituary.\n
oblak 1 (Java, Jakarta) spacious. 2 loose, not firm.\n
oblek (Jakarta) tremble.\n
obligasi (Fin.) debenture, bond.\n
1 dish consisting of leftovers or vegetables mixed with spices. 2
(Coll.) offspring of an interethnic marriage.\n
oblong see KAOS 1.\n
obor 1 torch. 2 (Lit.) guide.\n
obrak-abrik 1 destroy, ruin. 2 upset, tip over, turn upside down.\n
1 clearance sale. 2 do s.t. without prior consideration, be quick to do
obralan sale items.\n
obras machine hemming.\n
obrol chat.\n
obros (Coll.) lieutenant colonel.\n
observasi observation.\n
observatorium (Astr.) observatory.\n
obsesi obsession.\n
obstetri (Med.) obstetrics.\n
obstetrikus (Med.) obstetrician.\n
1. 1) object, thing. 2) (Ling.) object. 3) object, aim. 2. earning on the
side, moonlighting.\n
obyekan sideline business, a deal.\n
obyektif 1 objective, unbiased. 2 objective, goal.\n
obyektivisme objectivism.\n
obyektivitas objectivity.\n
oc. 1. [opus citatum] op. cit. 2. [organizing committee].\n
ocak-ocak (Java) choke.\n
oceanografi see OSEANOGRAFI.\n
oceanologi see OSEONOLOGI.\n
oceh babble, talk nonsense.\n
ocehan twaddle, gossip.\n
odalan (Bali) temple festival.\n
odeklonyo see ODOKLONYO.\n
odiensi see AUDIENSI.\n
oditir (Coll.) see ODITUR.\n
oditur (Mil. Leg.) military prosecuting attorney, judge advocate.\n
oditurat the office of the military prosecutor.\n
odoh 1 ugly. 2 very stupid.\n
odok (Coll., Jakarta) take s.t. out from inside.\n
odoklonyo cologne.\n
odol (Coll.) toothpaste.\n
ofensi (Mil.) offensive attack.\n
ofensif /offensif/ 1 offensive (of behavior). 2 (Mil.) offensive attack.\n
oferte (Coll.) offer.\n
ofisial (Sport) an official.\n
ofisiil official, formal.\n
ogah 1. (Java, Jakarta) be averse to. 2. meng-ogah shake s.t. to loosen it.\n
ogak-ogak (Lit.) jester.\n
ogal-agil unsteady, shaky.\n
ogal-ogalan see UGAL-UGALAN.\n
oh see O 2.\n
oha [orang hukuman] convict, prisoner.\n
ohm (Elect.) ohm.\n
1 hey there ! (interjection to call o.\'s attention). 2 interjection to
express astonishment or recognition.\n
oja /ojah/ encourage, incite, egg on.\n
ojeg /ojek/ motorcycle or bicycle used for public transport.\n
ojo (Java) do not. ojo-ngoyo ! Take it easy, do not work hard !.\n
ojok (Coll.) make s.o. do s.t. bad.\n
ok /oke/ OK.\n
okb [Orang Kaya Baru] nouveau-riche.\n
[Organisasi Keamanan Desa] village security organization (in the
oke see OK.\n
oker ocher.\n
okey see OK.\n
okm [Orang Kaya Mendadak] nouveau-rich.\n
1 a person in a certain capacity, esp. with negative connotation. 2
(Rel., Lit.) person (of God).\n
okol (Coll.) arm-wrestling.\n
oksid /oksida/ (Chem.) oxide.\n
oksidasi (Chem.) oxidation.\n
oksigen (Chem.) oxygen.\n
oktaf octace.\n
oktan octane.\n
oktober October.\n
oktroi (Leg.) 1 patent rights. 2 sole agency or manufacturer rights.\n
okulasi grafting.\n
okuler /okulir/ ocular.\n
okulis oculist.\n
okultisme occultism.\n
okupasi 1 (Lit.) job. 2 illegal occupation of land.\n
1. 1) manner, way of doing things. 2) trick. 2. olah-data data
olahan 1) fickle. 2) whim, caprice.\n
olahraga 1 sport. 2 physical exercise.\n
olahragawan sportsman, athlete.\n
olahragawati female athlete.\n
olak circulation of surface water. olak-an whirling, eddying, turning.\n
olanda (Lit.) the Netherlands, Dutch.\n
/ol en nu/ (Coll.) ber-old-and-new celebrate New Year\'s Eve with a
oldcrack /olkrek/ (Coll.) experienced (of old timer).\n
[Old Established Forces] W. capitalist powers (Sukarno-era
1. 1) because of. 2) by (means or agency). 2. oleh-oleh gift brought
back from a trip.\n
oleng 1 shaky. 2 having a strong roll (of ship).\n
oles meng-oles spread s.t. oily on, lubricate. oles-an a smear.\n
oli oil, esp. lubricating oil.\n
olibol k.o. filled doughnut.\n
olie see OLI.\n
oligarki oligarchy.\n
oligarkis oligarchic.\n
oliman (Coll.) person in charge of hibricating (on a ship, in a factory, etc.).\n
olimpiade (Sport) Olympiad.\n
olimpik (Sport) Olympic.\n
olok /olok-olok/ 1 joke, funny remark. 2 ridicule.\n
olympiade see OLIMPIADE.\n
1. 1)(Coll.) term of address and reference for Western and
westernized men, older than the speaker. 2) uncle, term of reference
and address in westernized families and in certain regions. 2. (Elec.)
1 (coll.) term of address and reference for grandmother. 2 (Coll.)
oma grandmother, term of reference and address in westernized families
and in certain regions. 3 (in some regions only) great-aunt.\n
ombak wave.\n
ombang-ambing bob up and down, oscillate.\n
ombyok (Java) bunch.\n
ombyokan (Coll.) 1 those belonging to a clique, party, etc. 2 commonplace.\n
omel grumble and complain.\n
omelan gripe, griping.\n
omong 1 way of talking. 2 talk, say.\n
ompol (Coll.) urine expelled in bed or in o.\'s pants.\n
ompong toothless (of mouths, combs, saw, etc.).\n
1. k.o. small basket made of bamboo. 2. operate office or gvt.
vehicles for personal profit.\n
omprengan unregistered public transportation.\n
omprong smoke.\n
omprongan (Coll.) lamp chimney.\n
ompu honorary title among the Batak.\n
omset turnover (in commercial enterprise).\n
omslag /omslah, omslakh/ cover (of magazine).\n
omzet see OMSET.\n
on 1) 100 grams. 2) ounce.\n
onak curved thorn.\n
onani masturbation.\n
onar noisy sensation, stir.\n
oncar (Java) irrigate.\n
oncek (Java) peel, shell.\n
oncom fermanted cake made from soybean sediment.\n
oncor (Java) torch.\n
/ondeh-ondeh/ k.o. round fried cake made of rice flour filled with
sweetened ground mung beans sprinkled with sesame seeds.\n
ondel-ondel (jakarta) giant puppets used in parades.\n
onderdil spare parts.\n
onderdistrik subdistrict (in colonial area).\n
onderneming estate (esp. in colonial era).\n
onderok slip or other k.o. skirtlike undergarment.\n
ondo (Java) ladder.\n
ondok hide.\n
oneng-oneng remote descendants.\n
onggok heaps, stacks, piles.\n
ongkang-ongkang 1 (Java) sit with legs dangling. 2 (Coll.) do nothing.\n
ongklok pierced.\n
ongkok (M) meng-ongkok-ongkok walk with a stoop.\n
ongkos cost, expenses, charges.\n
ongol-ongol k.o. cake made of tapioca.\n
onh [Ongkos Naik Haji] expenses for pilgrimage to Mecca.\n
onkol /onkolen/ decarbonize.\n
ons see ON.\n
onslah (Coll.) dismissal from a job.\n
onta see UNTA.\n
ontang-anting (Java) only child.\n
ontologi ontology.\n
ontong (Java) the whole banana flower including petals.\n
ontslag /onstslah/ see ONSLAH.\n
onyah-anyih (Java) dally, dawdle.\n
oom see OM 1.\n
op [Otomat Pemerintah] gvt. telephone dialing system.\n
1 (Coll.) term of address and reference for westernized men same
age as o.\'s grandfather. 2 (Coll.) grandfather, term of reference and
address in westernized families and in certain regions. 3 (in some
regions only) great-uncle.\n
opah see UPAH.\n
opak k.o. fried crispy chip made from a roll of steamed rice or cassava.\n
opal 1. opal. 2. (Naut.) tack.\n
opas see UPAS 2.\n
opelet k.o. small urban bus or jitney.\n
open 1. (Java, Jakarta) attentive, careful. 2. see OVEN.\n
1 (Auto.) convertible car. 2 (Auto.) convertible with the top down. 3
(Coll.) scantily dressed, esp. having a low neckline.\n
oper 1 transfer. 2 (Auto.) shift gears.\n
opera 1 opera. 2 (Coll.) musical drama.\n
operasi 1 operation, campaign, action. 2 (Med.) surgical operation.\n
operasional operational.\n
operasionalisasi process of making s.t. operational.\n
operasionil see OPERASIONAL.\n
/operatip/ 1 protocol, set of instructions. 2 operative, come into
operator operator.\n
operbelas overloaded.\n
operet operetta.\n
opini opinion.\n
opisil see OFISIIL.\n
/oplah, oplak, oplakh/ 1 circulation (of periodical). 2 total printing
(of book).\n
oplet see OPELET.\n
[Organisasi Papua Merdeka] Free Papua Organization, secessionist
movement of W. New Guinea.\n
opnaisel tuck (in sewing).\n
1. 1) photograhic shot. 2) shooting. 2. hospitalization, be
hospitalized. 3. see STOCK.\n
oponen (Sport) opponent.\n
meat or chicken dish cooked with coconut cream and various
oportunis 1 opportunist. 2 opportunistic.\n
oposan o. who opposes s.t.\n
oposisi opposition.\n
opr [Organisasi Pertahanan Rakyat] civil defense.\n
opset 1.typesetting. 2. (Sport) off-sides. 3. meng-opset stuff (animals).\n
opseter 1. typesetter. 2 supervisor.\n
opsi option.\n
opsihter see OPSETER 2.\n
/opsiner/ supervisor on plantations, schools, etc. in colonial period,
as term of address often siner.\n
opsir (Mil.) officer.\n
[Orientasi Program dan Pengenalan Kampus] University Student\'s
[Operasi Tertib] anticorruption operation. meng-opstib-kan bring
order by cracking down on graft.\n
opsus [Operasi Khusus] special intelligence operation of the military.\n
optik /optika/ optics.\n
optimal best, optimum.\n
optimis optimist, optimistic.\n
optimisme optimism.\n
optimistis optimistic.\n
optimum optimum.\n
optimumisasi optimizing.\n
opyok (Jakarta) apply s.t. wet to the head.\n
opzhicter see OPSETER 2.\n
or [Olah Raga] sports.\n
1. uncoil, unfold. 2. (Jakarta) 1) shake s.t. violently. 2) bring s.t. to
orak-arik (Java) stir-fried cabbage with eggs.\n
1. 1) person. 2) follower, assistant. 3) one, s.o., an indefinite other
party. 4) people in general. 5) numeral clasifier for humans. 6)
(Ling.) person. 2. (Coll., Java) 1 because. 2 What are you (they)
talking about ! (exclamation of disagreement).\n
orang-oranganmata (Anat.) pupil of the eye.\n
oranye-krus orange soda pop.\n
orasi oration.\n
oratoris oratorical.\n
reflective gathering with poetry reading, prayers, etc. to
commemorate or protest s.t.\n
orba [Orde Baru]sosiopolotical order in Indonesia since 1965.\n
orbit orbit.\n
1. sociopolitical or economic system. 2. /,order/ 1 order. 2 forced
labor (colonial period).\n
ordinat [Math] the y Cartesian coordinate.\n
ordner ring binder.\n
ordo 1 Catholic order. 2 (Biol.) order.\n
ordonan /ordonans/ (Mil.) orderly.\n
ordonansi /ordonnansi/ decree, ordinance.\n
orek-orek /oret-oret/ (Java, Coll.) 1 doodling, graffity. 2 doodle.\n
org. [orang] person.\n
organa organ (musical instrument).\n
organik organic.\n
organis 1. organic. 2 organist.\n
organisasi organization.\n
organisator organizer.\n
organisatoris organizational.\n
organisir organize.\n
organisma /organisme/ organism.\n
organsa k.o. fabric, organdy.\n
orgel organ (musical instrument).\n
orhiba [Olahraga Hidup Baru] k.o. aerobics.\n
ori k.o. bamboo.\n
orientalis orientalist.\n
orientasi orientation.\n
orijinal /orisinal, orisinil/ 1 original. 2 the original (copy) of s.t.\n
orkeb [organisasi kebudayaan] cultural organization.\n
orkes musical group.\n
orkestra orchestra (of classical music).\n
orla [Orde Lama] sociopolitical order during Sukarno era.\n
orloji see ARLOJI.\n
orlon a synthetic fabric, orlon.\n
ormas [organisasi massa] mass organization.\n
ornamen 1 ornament. 2 jewelry.\n
ornitologi ornithology.\n
oro-oro 1. k.o. legume. 2. (Java) large, empty field.\n
1. (Jakarta, Sunda, Java) newborn baby. 2. (Jakarta) 1 snort, drone. 2
orok-orok k.o. sweetmeat made of steamed cassava.\n
orong see URUNG.\n
orong-orong (Java) k.o. insect, mole cricket.\n
orpol [Organisasi Politik] political organization.\n
ortodoks orthodox.\n
ortodonsi orthodontics.\n
ortodonti orthodontia.\n
ortografi orthography.\n
ortopedi (Med.) orthopedics.\n
oseania Oceania.\n
oseanografi oceanography.\n
oseanologi oceanology.\n
oseng-oseng stir-fried with chili peppers.\n
osilasi oscillation.\n
osio see WESIO.\n
osmosa /osmose/ osmosis.\n
ot [Orang Tahanan] detained person.\n
otak brain.\n
otak-atik tinker with s.t.\n
otak-otak snack made of seafood steamed in banana leaves.\n
otak-otakan otak-otakan\n
otarki see AUTARKI.\n
ote see OT.\n
ote-ote k.o. fritter filled with meat or seafood.\n
otek 1. (Java, Jakarta) loose, esp. of teeth. 2. see IKAN.\n
oteng-oteng (Jakarta) k.o. insect.\n
otentik authentic.\n
otentikasi authentication.\n
otentisitas authenticity.\n
1. automotive vehicle, car. 2. cloth binder wrapped around infant\'s
stomach and chest fastened by strings.\n
otobiografi see AUTOBIOGRAFI.\n
otobis (Lit.) bus.\n
otodidak autodidact, self-taught person.\n
otokrasi autocracy.\n
otokratis autocratic.\n
otokratisme autocratism.\n
otokritik self-criticism\n
otomat (Tel.) automatic dialing.\n
otomatis 1 automatic. 2 automatically, of its own.\n
otomatisasi automation.\n
otomobil automobile.\n
otomotif automotive (industry).\n
otonom autonomous.\n
otonomi autonomy.\n
otopet toy scooter.\n
otopsi see AUTOPSI.\n
otorisasi authorization.\n
otorita /otoritas/authority.\n
otoriter 1 authoritative. 2 authoritarian.\n
1. 1) muscle. 2) tendon, sinew. ber-otot strong, very muscled. 2.
(me)ng-otot 1) persevere, persist. 2) be obstinate, stubborn.\n
oval oval.\n
oven (Coll.) oven. meng-oven bake in an oven.\n
overlaping /overleping/ overlapping authority.\n
overste /obros/ (Coll.) lieutenant colonel.\n
ovulasi (Biol.) ovulation.\n
(China) 1 I, me (used by men only). 2 yes (used by men in
affirmative answers).\n
oyak 1. (M) shake s.t. loose. 2. (Java) chase after.\n
oyek (Java) k.o. dish made from cassava.\n
oyok see OYAK 2.\n
oyong k.o. squashlike vegetable.\n
oyot-oyotan (Java) various k.o. roots.\n
ozon ozone.\n
p the 16th letter of the alphabet.\n
p'cis. [Perancis] France.\n
p'cis. [Perancis] France.\n
p. 1. [pulau] (Geog.) island. 2. [pangeran] prince.\n
p3 see PPP.\n
1. [Panitia Penyelesaian Perselisihan Perburuhan] labor dispute
p4 arbitration committee. 2. [Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan
Pancasila] guidelines for carrying out the principles of Pancasila.\n
[Port Authority] the port area as a place of work (e.g. Tanjung Priok
in Jakarta).\n
paal act, deed.\n
pabean customs office.\n
paberik see PABRIK.\n
pabian see PABEAN.\n
pabila see APABILA.\n
pabrik factory. pabrik-an manufacturer.\n
pacai sandalwood dust.\n
pacak 1. roasting spit. 2. mate (of animals). 3. skilled, experienced.\n
pacal slave.\n
pacang affiance.\n
pacangan 1 fiance, fiancee. 2 partner (boy or girl).\n
pacar (Coll.) fiance or fiancee, boyfriend or girlfriend.\n
1 go put with members of opposite sex. 2 be boy and girlfriends. 3
engage. in sexual play.\n
pacat leech.\n
pace (Java) the mengkudu tree and its fruit.\n
pacek see PACAK 2.\n
paceklik 1 famine. 2 time of scarcity before harvest. 3 lack of s.t. important.\n
pacet see PACAT.\n
pacinko k.o. gambling game in Japan.\n
pacomberan see COMBERAN.\n
pacu spur. pacu-jantung heart pacemaker. race.\n
pacuk see PATUK.\n
pacul 1. hoe. 2. squeeze or press out.\n
1.1) at or to (person or instituation), have a feeling toward. 2) in the
direction of to or on, from the surface, tip or edge of. 3) at, in (an
abstract place). 4 at (a certain time). 5 preposition preceding
complement of instransitive verb or noun.\n
padah omen, warning.\n
padahal 1 whereas, but actually the case is. 2 besides.\n
padahan unfortunate result, just deserts.\n
padam 1 extinguished. 2 calmed, suppressed, quenched.\n
padan 1. equal ,match.\n
1) parable. 2) comparison. 2. border, frontier. 3. promise. 4 dishonest
(in gambling).\n
padang plain, field.\n
padas rock or a layer of hardened soil.\n
padasan cistern, vat.\n
padat 1 solid, compact. 2 dense.\n
padepokan see DEPOK.\n
1 (Rel.) Catholic priest. 2 Islam purists from W. Sumatra in the early
19th century.\n
padi 1 rice plant, unhusked rice. 2 tiny, very small. padi-an grain.\n
padma lotus.\n
padri see PADERI.\n
padu 1 solid, compact, fused. 2 in harmony. 3 resolute.\n
paduan fusion, combination, blend, synthesis.\n
paduk baseline.\n
paduka (Lit.) excellency.\n
padusi (M) woman, female.\n
paedah see FAEDAH.\n
paes (Java) makeup (cosmetics).\n
paga (Java) basket (hung up to preserve food).\n
pagan firm, solid.\n
pagar 1 fence. 2 hedge.\n
pagarisasi program to provide fences.\n
pagelar put on a show, present.\n
pagelaran show, presentation.\n
pager see PAGAR.\n
pagi morning.\n
pagina page (of a publication).\n
pagu ceiling.\n
pagut 1 peck. 2 bite (of snake). 3 embrace\n
paguyuban (Java, sunda) association.\n
pah see PAK 2.\n
paha thigh.\n
pahala merit, reward for moral conduct.\n
paham 1 understanding. 2 view, concept. 3 understand, know.\n
pahar teacart, tea wagon.\n
pahat chisel.\n
pahatan carving, relief.\n
pahing see PAING.\n
pahit 1 bitter (in taste).\n
pahlawan hero, patriot.\n
pahlawati heroine.\n
pai 1. pie. 2. (M) go.\n
paidah see FAEDAH.\n
paido (Java) m-paido disparage, belittle.\n
paidon (Java) cuspidor.\n
pailit see PALIT1.\n
paing 2d day of Java week.\n
pair 1. pair-jantung (Med.) pulse deviation. 2. see PAYAR.\n
pais cook in banana leaves over coals.\n
pait see PAHIT.\n
paitua 1 (Ambon) husband. 2 (Coll.) old man.\n
pajajaran name of kingdom in West Java.\n
pajak 1 tax. 2 monopoly or franchise given by colonial gvt.\n
pajang mem-(p)ajang dress window, display. mem-(p)ajang-i decorate.\n
pajar see FAJAR.\n
paju see AJU.\n
pajuh stuff, gorge.\n
1./pa`, pak/ 1) package, parcel. 2) pack. 2. lease, rent a right. 3. /pak/
charter, pact. 4. see BAPA.\n
1 involve the use of, with, by means of. 2 take (a certain food). 3
pakaian 1 clothes, suit, uniform, dress.\n
pakal putty, caulking.\n
pakam see PAKEM 1.\n
pakan woof.\n
pakansi holiday, vacation.\n
pakar expert in certain field.\n
pakarya,pakaryan (blue-collar) worker, artisan, crafisman.\n
pakat 1. 1) agreement. 2) discussion, convention. 2. see PEKAT.\n
pakcik uncle (younger brother or younger cousin of parent).\n
pakde (Java) uncle (older brother or older cousin of o.\'s parent).\n
pake(k) see PAKAI.\n
1. taking hold well (of brakes). 2. source book for the Java shadow
play stories.\n
paket 1 parcel. 2 package, set of proposals that go together.\n
pakih see FAKIH.\n
paking 1 gasket. 2 packaging.\n
pakir see FAKIR.\n
pakis k.o. edible fern.\n
pakking see PAKING.\n
pakne (Java) term of address to o.\'s husband.\n
pakpue /pakpui/ (China) divination.\n
paksa 1.1) force. 2) necessity, compulsion. 2. favorable opportunity.\n
paksi 1 axis. 2 pivot.\n
paksina north.\n
pakta pact.\n
pakter stall selling palm wine.\n
paktor seeFAKTOR.\n
paktur see FAKTUR.\n
paku 1. nail, spike. 2. k.o. edible fern.\n
pakuk hit or cut with an axe.\n
pakum a vacuum.\n
pal 1 lenght of about o. mile. 2 milestone. 3 pole.\n
1. nutmeg. 2. /sepala-pala/ if and so has already gotten started, been
pala done to a certain extent (o. might as well go ahead and finish it, do it
the whole way).\n
palagan (Java) battleground.\n
palai stew until tender.\n
palaikat see PELEKAT.\n
1. 1) angry. 2) passionate, easily excited. 3) hot, feverish. 2. penis. 3.
see FALAK.\n
palam 1. stop a leak. 2. seePALEM.\n
palang 1 crossbar. 2 bolt. 3 barrier.\n
name of fruit Gajah Madah swore not to eat until kingdom of
Majapahit was united.\n
palar 1 consider sufficient, all right. 2 count on, hope for.\n
palawija crops planted as 2d crop in dry season.\n
paleh (Sunda) take care of a fighting or racing animal.\n
palem palm.\n
palen sundries, ready-made merchandise.\n
paleolitik (Geol.) paleolithic.\n
paleontologi (Geol.) paleontology.\n
palet palette.\n
palindrom palindrome.\n
paling 1. the most. 2. turn.\n
palis 1. avert o.\'s eyes, turn o.\'s face away. 2. polish.\n
palit 1. bankrupt. 2. ointment.\n
palka (Naut.) hold of a ship.\n
palma palm (tree).\n
palsu false, counterfeit.\n
paltu 1 assistant. 2 acting, temporary holder of position.\n
palu 1 hammer. 2 blow. 3 gavel.\n
paluh deep pool.\n
palun embrace, hug e.o.\n
palung 1 pool. 2 trough. 3 riverbed. palung-an manger.\n
palupuh pounded bamboo.\n
palut wrapped.\n
pam [Perusahaan Air Minum] Municipal Water Corporation.\n
paman uncle (esp. younger brother or younger cousin of parent).\n
pamarta (Rel.) savior, redeemer.\n
pambek (Java) pride.\n
pamegat patron.\n
pamen (Mil.) an officer of the middle ranks.\n
pameo 1 slogan. 2 saying, proverb.\n
pamer show off. pamer-an exhibition.\n
pamflet pamphlet.\n
pamili 1 family. 2 relative.\n
pamit 1 farewell. 2 say goodbye. ber-pamit take leave.\n
pamong 1 guardian, o. who takes care of (us. gvt. official). 2 tutor.\n
pamor 1 pattern inherent in blade of good kris. 2 luster, prestige.\n
pampang 1 wide, broad. 2 obvious.\n
pampas reimbursement, indemnity.\n
pampasan reparations payment.\n
pampat press, squeeze.\n
pamplet see PAMFLET.\n
pamrih 1 profit, reward o. gets for doing s.t. 2 purpose, what o. is after.\n
pamungkas 1 (Java) final (part). 2 deadly, s.t. that finishes s.t. off.\n
pamur seePAMOR.\n
1. oven heated with charcoal. pan-pan-an baked in a charcoal oven.
2. (Jakarta) see KAN 1.\n
pana 1 stupified, stunned. 2 stunned, impressed.\n
panah bow (and arrow).\n
panahan archery.\n
panakawan see PUNAKAWAN.\n
panar stunned, surprised.\n
panas 1 warm, hot, heat. 2 fever, feverish. 3 critical. 4 fierce.\n
panasaran see PENASARAN.\n
panatik see FANATIK.\n
panatisme see FANATISME.\n
panau skin fungus causing white blotches.\n
1 penta-, quinti-, five. 2 hand. ber-panca wrestle by pushing o.\'s
opponent with the hands.\n
pancaindera the five senses.\n
pancaka crematorium.\n
pancal press down on with foot, step on (the gas).\n
pancalan pedal.\n
pancalogi (Spo.) five principles.\n
pancalomba pentathlon.\n
pancamuka multifaceted.\n
pancang 1 pole, stake, pile. 2 boundary pole.\n
pancaragam various, motley, all k.o.\n
pancaran pancaran\n
pancargas jet.\n
pancaroba transition period, esp. between monsoons, periods of life, etc.\n
the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia: the belief in o.
God Almighty, humanity that is just and civilized, the unity of
Indonesia, democracy guided by the wisdom of referensentative
deliberation, social justice for all Indonesians.\n
pancasilais o. who is an enthusiastic follower or supporter of Pancasila.\n
pancasona invulnerability to death.\n
pancawarna multicolored.\n
pancawarsa five-year period.\n
pancawindu a period of 40 years.\n
pancer 1 keep s.o. waiting. 2 leave s.t. going.\n
panci pan.\n
1 fishing rod. 2 fishhook. pancing-an elecitation, provocation,
pancit squirt little by little.\n
panco arm wrestling.\n
pancoleng thief.\n
pancong see KUE.\n
pancung 1 train of dress, shirttail. 2 angular, cut off sharply.\n
pancur gush, spout, pour out or down.\n
pancuran 1 shower. 2 jet, spray. 3 tap.\n
pancut gush.\n
pancutan spray, gush, spurt.\n
pandai 1. 1) bright, smart. 2) capable. 3) know, know how. 2. goldsmith.\n
pandak short.\n
pandan pandanus.\n
pandang a look.\n
pandangan 1 view, opinion. 2 s.t.o. sees.\n
1 employees on a fishing vessel. 2 Boy or Girl Scouts of highest
rank (aged 15-17 years).\n
pandemen see FONDAMEN.\n
pandir stupid, naive.\n
pandita 1 (Bali) Hindu priest. 2 (Lit.) title of a palace rank.\n
pandom compass.\n
pandu 1 guide. 2 Boy or Girl Scout (in former times).\n
panduan 1 escort. 2 pilot (project).\n
panekui (M) see PANEKUK.\n
panekuk crepe, pancake.\n
panel 1. panel (discussion). 2. panel of wood.\n
panelis panelist.\n
panembrama (Java) song welcoming a celebrity opening an important event, etc.\n
panen 1 harvest. 2 reap a nice profit.\n
pang sound of drum.\n
panga wide open.\n
[Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata] Commanderin Chief of the Armed
pangabekti (Java) homage.\n
[Panglima Angkatan Darat] Commander in Chief of the Ground
pangah open the mouth in astonishment.\n
pangalungan (Sunda) money thrown by spectators to actors or dancers.\n
pangan food.\n
pangdam [Panglima Daerah Militer] Territorial Military Commander.\n
pangeran 1 prince, lord. 2 (Crd.) jack.\n
pangestu (Java) 1 blessing. 2 spiritual movement originating in Central Java.\n
panggak proud of s.t. or s.o.\n
panggang 1 baked, roasted. 2 toasted.\n
panggar raised framework, us. used for drying fish.\n
panggeng (Jakarta) constant, regular, unchanging.\n
panggih (Java) ritual meeting at the wedding of a couple being married.\n
panggil 1 call, summon, send fors.o. 2 name, call.\n
panggul (Anat.) hip, pelvis.\n
panggung 1 stage, raised platform. 2 grandstand. 3 scaffolding.\n
1 base, beginning, starting point. 2 cause. 3 base point. 4 (Elect.)
1 place to start out from, bridgehead. 2 quay, anchorage. 3 (Mil.)
base (for armed forces).\n
pangkas get a haircut.\n
pangkasan haircut or other trim given.\n
1 rank, position. 2 step, grade (in advancement). 3 floor, story. 4
platform. 5 (Math.) degree, power.\n
pangkeng /pangking/ raised area in room for sleeping.\n
pangkon (Java) wooden base of gamelan.\n
[Panglima Komando Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban]
Commander for the Restoration of Peace, Security, and Order.\n
pangku lap.\n
pangkung hit with a club.\n
pangkur 1 pickax. 2 mattock, hoe.\n
panglima (Mil.) commander.\n
pangling (Java) fail to recognize.\n
panglong lumber mill.\n
pangon shepherd.\n
pangonan pasture.\n
pangreh-praja civil service.\n
pangsa segment, section (of fruit).\n
pangsan seePINGSAN.\n
1. reel, drum, shaft. 2. 1) k.o. collarless shirt. 2) (China) k.o. black
pangsi silk.\n

pangsit (China) k.o. wonton or ravioli.\n

pangsiun see PENSIUN.\n
pangti [panglima tertinggi] (Mil.) commander in chief.\n
pangur 1 rasp, file. 2 tooth filing.\n
pangus dashing, handsome.\n
panguyuban see PAGUYUBAN.\n
panik panic.\n
panil see PANEL 2.\n
panili vanilla.\n
panitera 1 clerk of court. 2 registrar.\n
paniteratama chief secretary.\n
panitia /panitya/ committee.\n
panjak a player in gamelan.\n
panjang long, length.\n
panjar cash advance.\n
panjaran down payment.\n
panjat climb.\n
panji /panji-panji standard, banner, pennant.\n
pano see PANAU.\n
panorama panorama.\n
panser (Mil.) armored vehicle.\n
pansiun see PENSIUN.\n
pantai beach, coast, seashore.\n
pantak mem-pantak penetrate.\n
pantalon (Lit.) long trousers.\n
pantang 1 prohibition, forbidden by taboo. 2 avoidance of s.t. taboo.\n
pantar being of the same age as.\n
1 proper, suitable. 2 reasonable, fair, proper. 3 alert, smart. 4 of
course ! no wonder !.\n
1. 1) behind, bottom, buttock. 2) back part of s.t. 3) base. 2. mem-
pantat getah gather rubber.\n
pantau monitor s.t., observe.\n
pantek see PANTIK 1.\n
pantekosta (Rel.) 1 Whitsuntide, Pentecost. 2 Pentecostal sect.\n
pantes see PANTAS.\n
panti 1 (Lit.) house, residence. 2 institution, home.\n
panti-asuhan orphanage.\n
pantik 1. 1) strike fire. 2) snap o.\'s fingers. 2. drill (a well).\n
panting 1. fall away in numbers. 2. see PONTANG-PANTING.\n
pantis mascara.\n
panto (Biol.) annual growth ring (on trees).\n

pantofel /pantopel/ slippers (with closed toes).\n

pantok the endmost, bottommost, furthest point.\n
pantomim pantomime.\n
pantul bounce back, bounce off.\n
pantulan 1 reflection. 2 rebound.\n
k.o. traditional poetry, each verse of which consists of two couplets:
the first suggests the 2d by sound or other similarity. It is often sung
in contests where a boy addresses a quatain to a girl who must
answer with a quatrain of her own.\n
panu (Java) see PANAU.\n
panus holder for candle or lamp.\n
panutan s.t. to follow, guide, leader.\n
paohi see PAUHI.\n
pap popping sound.\n
papa 1. poor, destitute. 2. father, esp in Westernized families.\n
papah supported. papah-an a support to lean on.\n
papak 1. flat, level, smooth. 2. ber-papak meet.\n
papakan 1 meeting. 2 welcome, reception. 3 run into, meet.\n
1. 1) board, plank. 2 shelf. 3 (road) sign. 2. housing, shelter (as basic
papan human need).\n
papar flat, level.\n
paparan 1 shelf. 2 explanation.\n
1. 1) remove, take off. 2) take everything away. 3) resist. 4) criticize.
2. meet without stopping.\n
papaya papaya.\n
papeda (Ambon) sago porridge.\n
papi (Coll.) father.\n
papilyun see PAVILYUN.\n
papirus papyrus.\n
papras trim, cut to even out.\n
papua-nugini Papua New Guinea.\n
1. rubber. 2. collective marker referring to people who comprise a
group. 3. (Mil.) 1) paratrooper. 2 specially trained troops.\n
para-para loft, shelf over the hearth.\n
parabola (Math.) parabola.\n
parabolis (Math.) parabolic.\n
paradam see PERDOM.\n
parade parade.\n
paradigma paradigm.\n
paradoks /paradoksal/ paradoxical.\n
paradom see PERDOM.\n
paraf initials.\n
parafin paraffin.\n
parafrase paraphrase.\n
paragraf paragraph.\n
parah in serious condition.\n
paraji (Sunda) midwife.\n
parak 1 difference. 2 partition. 3 interspace. 4 entering a time or era.\n
paralel parallel.\n
paralelogram (Math.) parallelogram.\n
param medicinal powder or ointment, or liquid to rub on body.\n
parama-arta see AMBEG-PARAMA-ARTA.\n
paramanusia human race.\n
paramasastera grammar.\n
parameter parameter.\n
paran 1 direction. 2 goal, aim. approach, go to.\n
parang 1. short machete, chopping knife. 2. k.o. fish, the wolf-herring.\n
parap 1. hammer, pound. 2. see PARAF.\n
paraplegia (Med.) paraplegia.\n
paras 1 face, countenance. 2 looks, appearance. 3 smooth.\n
parasit 1. parasite. 2. seePARASUT.\n
parasitisme parasitism.\n
parasitologi (Biol.) parasitology.\n
parasut parachute.\n
parasutis parachutis.\n
parau hoarse.\n
pardon clemency, pardon.\n
bitter melon or momordica, a green bitter and warty squashlike
vegetable which grows on vines.\n
parem see PARAM.\n
parewa street-corner loafer.\n
parfum perfume.\n
pari 1. rayfish, skate. 2. see BINTANG.\n
paria pariah.\n
parik in line, in a queue.\n
parikan /pari\'an/ (Java) aphorism.\n
paripurna 1 perfect, pure. 2 complete. 3 plenary.\n
parisadha-hindu-dharma-pusat highest administrative council of the Hindu-Bali religion.\n
parit 1 moat, ditch, trench. 2 furrow, slit, groove.\n
paritas parity.\n
pariter having to do with a parity.\n
pariwara advertisement.\n

pariwisata 1 tourism. 2 a tour. ber-pariwisata make a trip.\n

pariwisatawan tourist.\n
parji see FARJI.\n
parket parquet.\n
parkindo [Partai Kristen Indonesia] Indonesian Christian party.\n
parkir 1 be parked. 2 be placed s.w. for a period of time.\n
parkiran parking place.\n
parkit parakeet.\n
parlemen parliament.\n
parlementer parliamentary.\n
parlementerisme parliamentarism\n
parlente 1. (Ambon) liar. 2. see PERLENTE.\n
parmasi see FARMASI.\n
parmusi [Partai Muslim Indonesia] Indonesian Muslim Party.\n
paro,paroh half. se-paroh half, a part.\n
paroki (Rel.) parish.\n
paron anvil.\n
parpol [partai politik] political parties.\n
[Pariwisata, Pos, dan Telekomunikasi] Tourism, Postal, dan
Telecommunications Department.\n
parsi Persia(n).\n
parsial,parsiil. partial (not complete).\n
partai 1. (Pol.) party. 2. 1) (Sport) event. 2) a quantity of.\n
partikel (Ling.) particle, function word.\n
partikelir private.\n
partisipasi participation.\n
partitur musical score.\n
partner partner.\n
partus (Med.) delivery.\n
paru-paru lungs. paru-paru-basah pleurisy.\n
paruh 1. beak. 2 see PARO.\n
parun burn bushes or weeds to clear.\n
parut 1 rasp, file. 2 scrape, grate. 3 scraper or grater.\n
parutan 1 board for scraping or grating. 2 s.t. scraped.\n
parvinu parvenu, nouveau riche.\n
parwa chapter of the Mahabharata.\n
1. 1) fit, be the right size. 2) exact, exactly. 3) axactly at. 2. pass,
document. 3. (Bri.) pass.\n
pasah (Islam) divorce granted by religious court at wife\'s request.\n
pasahan shavings, excelsior.\n
pasak 1 pin, peg, dowel. 2 bolt. 3 pivot, axis. 4 turning point.\n

1 paragraph, section. 2 (Leg.) article. 3 concerning, regarding,

pasamuan-suci the Catholic community.\n
1. pair, set. 2. 1) show off. 2) pose, be on o.\'s best behavior. 3. rise
(of tide).\n
pasang-aksi 1 show off. 2 pose, be on o.\'s best behavior.\n
pasanggrahan resthouse for travelers.\n
pasar market.\n
pasara see PUSARA 1. 1) cemetery 2) grave 2 reins .\n
1 market. 2 (Java) five-day week. 3 hold a market, be market day. 4
pasaran of market quality, not of good enough quality to be sold in a
specialty store.\n
pasarean (Java) cemetery, grave.\n
pasasi fare (on a bus, atc.)\n
pasasir passenger.\n
/paska, pasca/ pasca-sarjana postgraduate work. pasca-panen time
after rice harvest.\n
paseban (Java) audience hall.\n
paseh see FASIH.\n
paser (Tech.) compass to measure distance or describe a circle.\n
pasfoto photo of passport size.\n
pasi very pale.\n
[pasukan pengibar bendera pusaka] group of model high school
students recruited to raise. national flag on Independence Day.\n
pasien medical patient.\n
pasif passive.\n
pasifik the Pacific.\n
pasifikasi pacification.\n
pasih see FASIH.\n
pasik 1 criminal, bad. 2 crazy. ke-pasik-an sin.\n
pasilan 1 tree epiphyte. 2 (Coll.) freeloader, parasite.\n
pasilitas see FASILITA.\n
pasip see PASIF.\n
pasir 1 sand. 2 beach or place covered with sand. pasir-an sandy.\n
pasirah (S. Sumatra) village chief.\n
pasisir see PESISIR 1, PASASIR.\n
paska /Paskah/ Easter.\n
paska-sarjana see PASCA.\n
pasmen lace.\n
paso seePASU.\n
pasok supply (a certain commodity).\n
paspal [Ilmu Pasti dan Pengetahuan Alam] (Acad.) Mathematics and
Natural Sciences.\n
paspor passport.\n
pasrah submit to o.\'s fate.\n
passi passion.\n
passiva liabilities.\n
pasta paste. pasta-gigi toothpaste.\n
pastei pate.\n
pastel meat-filled turnover.\n
pasti definite, certain. .\n
pastiles lozenges.\n
pastir memp-pastir pasteurize.\n
pastor /pastur/ catholic priest.\n
pastoral pastoral.\n
pastoran pastoran\n
pastori parish house.\n
pasu bowl, basin.\n
pasukan 1 (Mil.) troops. 2 group. 3 formation.\n
pasundan Sundanese area.\n
pasung prisoner\'s stocks.\n
pat (Golf) putt.\n
pat-gulipat /patpat gulipat/ 1 shady deal. 2 (love) affair.\n
patah broken.\n
patahan 1 facture. 2 broken fragment. 3 (Geol.) fault.\n
pataka standard, banner.\n
patal [pabrik pemintalan] spinning factory.\n
patas [cepat terbatas] fast semi-express bus or train.\n
patatas [Ambon) yams.\n
patek frambesia, yaws.\n
paten 1 patent. 2 (Sl.) admirable, tops.\n
pater (Rel.) priest.\n
pateri see PATRI.\n
paternalisme paternalism.\n
paternalistis paternalistic.\n
pateroli see PATROLI.\n
1. 1) starch. 2 core, essence. 2. [perwira tinggi] (Mil.) high-ranking
1. 1) governor. 2) vice regent, chief minister to a king. 2. meek,
submissive, docile.\n
patihah see ALFATIHAH.\n
patik 1 slave. 2 (Lit.) I, me (very humble).\n
patil 1 pole, shaft. 2 small adze. 3 stinger of a fish.\n
patok pole, stake.\n
patokan 1 pole. 2 directive, standars, criterion. 3 postulate.\n
patologi pathology.\n
patologik /patologis/ pathologic.\n
patri solder.\n
patriot patriot.\n
patriotik patriotic.\n
patriotis patriotic.\n
patriotisme patriotism.\n
patroli patrol.\n
patrum cartridge.\n
patrun 1. cartridge. 2. (dress) pattern.\n
patuh obedient, submissive.\n
patuk 1 peck, bite. 2 grab with the beak. 3 manage to achieve s.t.\n
patukan bill, beak.\n
patung 1. 1) image, statue. 2) sculpture. 2. chip in together to pay for s.t.\n
patungan joint venture.\n
patus drain.\n
patut 1 proper, fitting, decent, in line. 2 should, ought to.\n
pauh (Lit.) mango.\n
pauhi (China) abalone.\n
pauk 1. hook. 2. see LAUK.\n
paus 1. (Rel.) pope. ke-paus-an papacy. 2. see IKAN.\n
pause (Thea.) intermission, entr\'acte.\n
paut closely joined.\n
pauze see PAUSE.\n
pav. [pavilyun]\n
pavilyun annex, portion (us. an extension) of home set aside as unit for rent.\n
pawai parade.\n
pawaka (Lit.) fire.\n
pawana (Lit.) wind.\n
1 o. endowed with magic powers. 2 o. with a special skill. 3 animal
pawiyatan school, training center.\n
paya swamp, marsh.\n
payah 1 tired. 2 difficult, troublesome. 3 finding. s.t. troublesome.\n
payang 1. large net. support s.o. in walking.\n
payar cruise back and forth.\n
payau 1 brackish. 2 salty, briny.\n
payit see PALIT 1.\n
payon shed, lean-to.\n
payu (Java) in demand, sought after.\n
payudara (Lit.) (female) breast.\n
payung 1 umbrella. 2 parachute.\n
pb [Pengurus Besar] executive board.\n
pbb [Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa] United Nations.\n
pbe [Pasaran Bersama Eropah] European Common Market.\n
pbf [Pedagang Besar Farmasi] major pharmaceutical supplier.\n
pbh [Pemberantasan Buta Huruf] literacy campaign.\n
[pour condoleance] legend written on cards expressing
1. [perang dunia] World War. 2. [pejabat] acting. 3. [Pendidikan
pd Jasmani] physical education. 4. [Perusahaan Dagang] trading
[(Departmen) Pendidikan Dasar dan Kebudayaan] Department of
Basic Education and Culture.\n
pdam [Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum] Municipal Waterworks.\n
[Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan] Department of Education and
pdi [Partai Demokrasi Indonesia] Indonesian Democratic party.\n
pdn [Perusahaan Dagang Negara] State Commercial Enterprise.\n
pdt. [pendeta] (Rel.) minister.\n
peang 1 flat (of head). 2 (Jakarta) worn off.\n
pebean /pebian/ see PABEAN.\n
pebila see APABILA.\n
pebruari February.\n
pecah 1 broken, smashed. 2 be divided (in opnion). 3 crockery.\n
1 piece, frament, splinter. 2 fraction.. 3 utensils made of glass or
porcelain. 4 s.t. broken up on s.t. else.\n
pecai vegetable similar to mustard greens.\n
pecak 1 damaged, dented, flat. 2 blind in o. eye.\n
pecal 1. squeeze, massage. 2. see PECEL.\n
pecat fired, dischaged.\n
peceklik see PACEKLIK.\n
pecel salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce.\n
peci see PICI.\n
pecik arise.\n
pecinan (Coll.) Chinatown.\n
pecok 1. dented. 2. (Java) axe.\n
pecomberan see COMBERAN.\n
pecun see PEKCUN.\n
pecundang be beaten (in a contest).\n
pecut whip.\n
peda fish preserved in wet salt.\n
pedadah chest (of medicine, cosmetics).\n
pedagang see DAGANG 2.\n
pedagog pedagogue.\n
pedagogi /pedagogik/ pedagogy.\n
pedagogis pedagogical.\n
pedah see FAEDAH.\n
pedal pedal.\n
pedalaman see DALAM.\n
pedanda Balinese priest.\n
pedang sword.\n
pedar rancid.\n
pedas 1 hot, highly seasoned and spiced. 2 severe, biting.\n
pedat see PADAT.\n
pedati horse-drawn cart.\n
pedato see PIDATO.\n
pede see PD3.\n
pedel marshall, leader of an academic procession. /pe`de`l/ (Jakarta) flat.\n
pedengan 1 screen, cover. 2 pseudonym. 3 hypocrisy.\n
pedes see PEDAS.\n
pedet (Java) calf, heifer.\n
pediatri /pediatrik/ (Med.) pediatrics.\n
pediatris pediatrician.\n
pedih 1 smarting. 2 poignant.\n
pedis 1. pedas. 2. see PEDIH.\n
pedit see MEDIT.\n
1 compass. 2 orientation. 3 manual, directive. 4 catalog, bulletin of a
pedot (Java) broken off, in two.\n
pedu see EMPEDU.\n
peduli 1 pay attention, care about. 2 I do not care.\n
pedulian indifferent.\n
pedupan see DUPA.\n
pedusi (M) woman, female.\n
pedut 1. sticky rice. 2 (Java) mist, fog.\n
peduta see DUTA.\n
peer see PR 2.\n
peg. 1. [pegunungan] mountains. 2. [pegawai] employee.\n
vine with edible leaves, often planted on sides of rice field bunds to
prevent erosion..\n
1 stiff, painful (of muscles after overuse). 2 weary, weariness. 3
annoyed, vexed, fed up.\n
pegang hold on.\n

pegar pheasant.\n
pegari visible.\n
pegas 1 spring. 2 carpet beater. 3 pedal in car. 4 brake.\n
mem-pegat 1 stop, block. 2 intercept, interrupt. 3 divorce, break off
engagement with.\n
pegawai 1 official, gvt. employee. 2 employee, worker.\n
pegel see PEGAL.\n
pegepe see PGP.\n
pegi see PERGI.\n
pegimana (Coll.) see BAGAIMANA.\n
pegon Javanese written in Arabic characters.\n
pegulat wrestler.\n
pegunungan mountain range.\n
peguyuban see GUYUB 1.\n
pehak see PIHAK.\n
pehcun see PELCUN.\n
pehong 1 nasty. 2 k.o. venereal disease.\n
pejabat functionary, official.\n
pejajap Buginese war prow.\n
pejajaran (Jakarta) 1 evil spirit. 2 damn it !.\n
pejal 1 solid, firm (esp. of earth). 2 massive.\n
pejam closed (of eyes).\n
pejera sight of a weapon.\n
pejet see PIJAT.\n
pejompongan see JOMPONG.\n
peju semen, sperm.\n
pejuang pejuang\n
1. (China) hundred (mainly used in commercial transactions). pek-go
150. pek-go ceng 150,000. 2. /pi/ see PIK. 3. see EMPEK.\n
peka sensitive.\n
pekah see NAFKAH.\n
pekaja (Lit.) lotus.\n
pekak deaf.\n
pekakak kingfisher.\n
pekakas see PERKAKAS.\n
pekam brake.\n
1 (weekly) market. 2 week. 3 period certain events are held or the
events themselves.\n
pekarangan yard.\n
relish made of meat, fish, or fruit preserved in vinegar or salt and
kept for some time.\n
pekat 1 thick, concentrated. 2 tough. 3 strong (of coffee).\n
pekau scream.\n
pekban,pekcap,pekceng see PIK.\n
pekcun (China) the dragon-boat festival on 5th day of 5th lunar month.\n
pekerja worker, laborer, employee.\n
1 work, task, activity. 2 job, occupation. 3 operation, working, action
pekerjaan (of medicine, a chemical, liquor).4 celebration, feast (a wedding,
anniversary, etc.). 5 endeavor. 6 employment.\n
pekerti 1 character, nature. 2 bad character.\n
pekgo see PEK 1.\n
pekik yell, scream.\n
peking whine, howl.\n
pekir see APKIR, FAKIR.\n
pekis utter a shrill cry.\n
pekiwan (Java) toilet.\n
pekojan 1 Arab trader. 2 area where merchants live.\n
pekoleh efficient.\n
pektai (China) leukorrhea.\n
pektiau see PIK.\n
pekuburan cemetery. graveyard.\n
pekuk deformed (of hand or foot).\n
pekung 1 foul-smelling ulceration. 2 tumor.\n
[Pelaksana Kuasa Perang] military authority under wartime
pekur muse, meditate.\n
pel 1. field. 2. kain-pel mop. 3. see PIL.\n
pel- seealso entries with pl-.\n
pelabaya hangman, executioner.\n
pelabi 1 excuse, alibi. 2 dishonest trick.\n
pelabuhan 1 anchorage. 2 harbor, port, dock.\n
pelabur ration, portion.\n
pelaburan recurfacing (of road, street).\n
pelacur whore, prostitute.\n
pelacuran prostitution.\n
peladang o. who works or owns such a field.\n
peladen waiter, servant.\n
pelaga see KAPUL.\n
pelah speech impediment.\n
pelajar /pelajaran/ secondary school student.\n
pelajaran 1 lesson, course. 2 training.\n
1. k.o. evil spirit. 2 there is no mistake. 3 not be able to escape from.
/pe`lak/ see PELEK.\n
pelakat see PLAKAT.\n
pelakon 1 actor, actress. 2 performer. 3 doer.\n
1 implementer, executor, organizer. 2 producer. 3 manager,
pelaksanaan 1 carrying out of s.t., realization. 2 implementation.\n
pelaku 1 doer, agent. 2 (Ling.) subject. 3 (Thea.) performer, cast.\n
pelali o. who is forgetful.\n
pelamar 1 suitor. 2 applicant.\n
pelambung pitcher, thrower.\n
pelaminan dais on which the bridal couple sits.\n
pelampang pavilion for outdoor entertainment.\n
pelampiasan release.\n
pelampung 1 float (on fishing line). 2 float, buoy.\n
pelan 1 slow. 2 soft (of voice). see PERLAHAN. /pe`lan/ see PEL1.\n
pelana saddle.\n
pelanan slower, more slowly.\n
pelancong tourist, sight-seer.\n
pelanduk mouse deer.\n
pelanel flanel.\n
pelang see PLANG.\n
1 infraction, violation (of a rule, law). 2 trespass. 3 infringement (on
a patent).\n
pelangi rainbow.\n
pelangki /pelangkin/ palanquin.\n
pelangkin tar, pitch.\n
pelantak 1 piston rod. 2 ramrod. 3 ram, jackhammer.\n
pelantar platform.\n
pelantaran 1 unroofed platform attached to house. 2 long bench. 3 scaffolding.\n
pelanting roll everywhere.\n
pelapah see PELEPAH.\n
pelapor 1reporting. 2 commentary.\n
pelapukan 1 weathering. 2 corrosion.\n
pelas tie ropes together.\n
pelastik see PLASTIK.\n
pelasuh lazy person.\n
1 metal sheet. 2 license plate. 3 (Coll.) phonograph record. /pe`lat/ 1
speech defect. 2 speak with an accent.\n
pelata mackerel.\n
pelatah see LATAH 1.\n
[Pemusatan Latihan National] Centralization of National Training
(for sports).\n
pelatuk 1 woodpecker. 2 trigger.\n
pelawak comedian, jokester.\n
pelayan 1 waiter, waitress. 2 sales clerk. 3 attendant.\n
pelayat o. who pays his respects to the family of the deceased.\n
pelayatan condolence visit.\n
pelbagai various, all sorts of. see BAGAI.\n
pelbak refuse bin.\n
pelbed /pelbet/ see FELBET.\n
pelbegu pagan, animist.\n
pelda [Pembantu Letnan Dua] lower second lieutenant.\n
pelebaya see PELABAYA.\n
peleceh flatterer.\n
pelecehan act of despising, insulting.\n
pelecok sprained.\n
peledakan explosion.\n
pelek /pele`k/ seePLEK. /pe`lek/ rim of wheel.\n
pelekat see PLAKAT. /pele`kat/ sarong with plaid pattern.\n
pelekok twisted.\n
pelekuh crooked.\n
pelembungan (Java) 1 balloon. 2 blown up gizzard.\n
pelembutan softening, toning down.\n
pelempap breadth of the hand.\n
pelemparan 1throwing, hurling. 2 ejection.\n
pelencit 1 being pressed. 2 be projected by being filiped.\n
pelengak (Jakarta) surprised.\n
pelengan (Anat., Jakarta) temples.\n
pelengkap 1 complement. 2 supplement.\n
pelengsong (Jakarta) deviate.\n
pelepah stem and midrib of palm, banana leaves, stem of the banana bunch.\n
peler see PELIR.\n
pelerai 1 o. who moderates. 2 o. who breaks up fights.\n
peleraian 1 separation . 2 (Mil.) disengagement.\n
peles seePLES.\n
pelesapan deletion.\n
pelesat dart away.\n
peleset see LESET.\n
pelesir 1 take a trip. 2 go out for pleasure. 3 pleasure, amusement.\n
pelesit 1 locust. 2 a spirit that sucks blood of unborn or newborn children.\n
pelestarian 1 perpetuation. 2 preservation, conservation.\n
pelet k.o. magic whereby a person is made to fall in love.\n
peletak-peletik make high-pitched knocking noise.\n
peletak-peletok make a knocking noise.\n
peleton platoon.\n
pelihara 1 take care of, protect. 2 raise, rear. 3 keep, maintain.\n
1 things to be protected, cared for . 2 mistress. 3 pet, inmate (of
pelik 1 peculiar, remarkable. 2 complicated.\n
pelikan 1. mineral. 2. pelican.\n
pelikat see PELEKAT.\n
peliket (Java, Jakarta) sticky.\n
pelimbahan garbage dump, junkyard.\n
pelincir lubricant.\n
pelinggam colored marble.\n
pelintang (Java) catapult.\n
pelintat-pelintut see PLIN-PLAN.\n
pelintir twist.\n
pelipir edge.\n
pelipis /pelipisan/ (Anat.) temples.\n
pelipit hem.\n
peliput reporter.\n
pelir penis.\n
pelisir pleat, pleated.\n
pelit stingy.\n
pelita 1 oil lamp. 2 light (in metaphorical sense).\n
pelitur varnish, polish furniture.\n
pelni [Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia] National Shipping Lines.\n
pelo 1 lisp, bable. 2 have a speech defect.\n
pelog (Java) seven-tone gamelan scale.\n
pelojok see PELOSOK.\n
peloksok see PLOKSOK.\n
pelolosan escape.\n
pelomba 1 contestant, competitor. 2 athlete.\n
pelonci freshman girl.\n
o. who is about to get a new status (e.g. as member of entering class,
fraternity, etc.), freshman, pledge.\n
pelonggaran relaxing.\n
pelonjakan rise, jump (in production, price, etc.).\n
pelontos bald and shiny (head).\n
1 pioner. 2 vanguard, forerunner. 3 (Mil.) shock troops. 4 ranger,
pelor bullet.\n
pelosok 1 outlying place, remote spot. 2 corner.\n
pelosot 1 fall down. 2 go down in price.\n
pelota jai-alai ball.\n
pelotaris jai-alai player.\n
peloton see PELETON.\n

pelotot m-(p)elotot be big (of eyes). mem-pelotot-i look at with big eyes.\n
pelpen measurement used by bricklayer to straighten wall.\n
pelples canteen, water container.\n
pelpolisi rural constabulary.\n
pelu see PELUH 1.\n
peluang 1 opportunity. 2 quiet (of wind).\n
peluberan overflowing (of water, etc.).\n
pelucu wag, wit, jokester.\n
pelud [pelabuhan udara] airport.\n
peluh 1. impotent. 2. perspiration, sweat.\n
peluit 1 a whistle (device). 2 whistle (sound).\n
1 embrace. peluk-cium a hug and a kiss. 2 measurement of length of
approximately o. fathom.\n
pelumur lubricant.\n
pelumuran 1 staining, smearing. 2 pollution.\n
peluntur laxative.\n
pelupa forgetful person, s.o. absent-minded.\n
pelupuk cover, wrapper. kelopak-mata eyelid.\n
peluru 1 bullet. 2 projectile, missile. 3 (Sport) shot-put.\n
peluruh emetic.\n
pem- seealso entries with p-, m-.\n
pemabuk drunkard, a drunk.\n
pemadah religious person.\n
pemadam s.t. that extinguishes.\n
pemadaman extinguishing, putting out (of fire).\n
pemahaman comprehension.\n
pemahatan sculptor, carver.\n
pemain player, actor.\n
pemakai 1 user, consumer. 2 wearer.\n
pemakaian 1 use, consumption. 2 application, usage.\n
pemakaman funeral, burial, interment.\n
pemakan 1.eater 2.consumer.\n
pemalas sluggard, lazy person\n
pemali pemali\n
pemampas compensation.\n
pemanah archer.\n
pemanas heater.\n
pemancar 1 fountain. 2 radio or TV transmitter. 3 radiator.\n
pemancaran action of broadcasting, radiating, emitting.\n
pemandian bathing place.\n
pemangkas barber.\n
pemangku 1 manager. 2 functionary.\n

pemanis 1 sweetener. 2 cosmetics. 3 decoration.\n

pemantapan stabilization, consolidation.\n
pemantik pemantik\n
pemasaran marketing.\n
pemasok supplier.\n
pemasukan 1 registration, entering. 2 import. 3 introduction. 4 income.\n
pematah see PEPATAH.\n
pematang bund, dike between rice fields.\n
pemb- seealso entries with b-.\n
pembabaran 1 spread, development. 2 account, statement. 3 expose.\n
1 distribution. 2 (Math.) division. 3 allotment, division. 4 sharing,
pembalap racer.\n
1.reply,replying,response,responding2.recompense 3.revenge,
pembangkitan generation (of energy).\n
1 helper, assistant. 2 (domestic) servant. 3 (Leg.) accessory,
accomplice. 4 stringer (in journalism).\n
pembatak 1 plunderer, pillager, robber . 2 soldier of fortune , adventurer .\n
pembatas 1 diveider, circuit breaker. 2 restraint (of trade).\n
pembatasan 1 restriction. 2 delimitation. 3 curtailment.\n
1 nature , character , temperament. 2 talent , gift 3 transporting ,
delivery 4 result , consequence .\n
pembayatan hazing.\n
pembela protector.\n
pembelaan 1 act of caring for s.o. 2 protection.\n
pembelanja shopper.\n
pembelanjaan financing.\n
pemberangkatan sending off, dispatch.\n
pemberhentian /pembrentian/ 1 discharge, disimissal. 2 stoppage.\n
pemberi giver, donor, bestower.\n
1 gift, present. 2 conferral, awarding, bestowal (of degree). 3
distiibution, act of distributing. 4 issue. 5 giving, extending.\n
pemblokiran blockading.\n
pemda [pemerintahan daerah] local gvt.\n
pemelihara 1 caretaker. 2 nurseryman.\n
pemeliharaan 1 care, maintenance.2 rearing, cultivation. 3 safeguarding.\n
pemenang winner.\n
pemenggalan cutting off the top or head.\n
pementasan 1 showing, presentation. 2 staging.\n

pemeo see PAMEO.\n

pemeragaan exhibit.\n
pemerah 1. milker. 2. reddening agent.\n
pemeras 1 press. 2 exploiter.\n
pemerasan 1 pressing, squeezing. 2 extortion. 3 exploitation.\n
pemerata s.t. that causes even distribution.\n
pemerataan even distribution.\n
pemerhati observer (for the purpose of study, etc.).\n
pemeriksa 1 investigator, inspector. 2 ( Leg.) cross-examiner.\n
1(Leg.) investigation, inspection. 2 (Leg.) cross-examination,
interrogation. 3 checkup, examination.\n
pemerintahan gvt, administration.\n
pemetaan 1 cartography. 2 mapping.\n
pemetik 1 picker. 2 switch, trigger.\n
pemetikan picking, gathering.\n
pemikatan s.t. that entices, decoy.\n
pemilah sorter.\n
pemilahan process of sorting.\n
pemilik owner, proprietor.\n
pemilikan ownership, possession.\n
pemilu [pemilihan umum] general elections.\n
pemimpi 1 dreamer. 2 escapist.\n
peminat devotee, interested person.\n
peminta-minta begger.\n
pemintal 1 o. employed in making thread or twine. 2 spinning wheel.\n
pemintalan 1 spinning. 2 spinning wheel.\n
pemisah 1 arbiter. 2 referee. 3 s.t. that separates.\n
pemisahan 1 separation (of coiple). 2 isolation. 3 discrimination.\n
pemogok striker.\n
pemogokan strike.\n
pemondok boarder, tenant.\n
pemondokan lodgings.\n
pemotongan 1 butchering, slaughtering. 2 process of cutting, truncation.\n
pemotret photographer.\n
pemotretan photography.\n
pemp- see also entries with p-.\n
pemrasaran see PRASARAN.\n
pemuaian expansion.\n
pemuda see MUDA.\n
pemudah 1 easygoing. 2 o. who is easygoing.\n
pemudi young woman, girl.\n
pemujaan 1 place of sacrifice, temple. 2 worship, veneration.\n
pemuka leader, promoter.\n
pemukul 1 hammer, cudgel, beater. 2. o. who strikes.\n
pemula 1 initiator, originator. 2 beginner.\n
pemulangan 1 return, restitution. 2 repatriation.\n
pemunduran pulling s.t. back.\n
pemungut collector.\n
pemungutan 1.harvest 2.collection 3.adoption.\n
1. 1) pin for holding s.t. together in surgery. 2) peg or dowel for
pen joining wood or bamboo. 3) grenade pin. 2. pen-atom ballpoint
pen- seealso entries with t-, n-.\n
pena 1 writing pen. 2 quill.\n
penabrak s.o. who collides, esp. a driver.\n
penabuh o. who strikes such a drum.\n
penabung a depositor.\n
penabungan 1 savings. 2 process of saving money, setting aside s.t.\n
penabur sower, spreader.\n
penaburan diffusion, strewing.\n
penad [Penerangan Angkatan Darat] Army Information (Office).\n
penadah 1 container, receptacle. 2 buyer of stolen goods. 3 (Sport) catcher. 4
(Sport) a bat.\n
1 process of storing liquids, etc. 2 passing on or buying of stolen
penadbir manager.\n
penadbiran administering, managing.\n
penaga see KAYU 1.\n
penagih creditor, dunner.\n
penagihan pressing a claim.\n
penahan s.o. or s.t. that restrains or resists.\n
penahanan 1 restraint. 2 detention, arrest.\n
penajaman 1 sharpening. 2 exacerbation.\n
penak see ENAK.\n
penaka as, for instance.\n
penakaran act of measuring out.\n
penakawan see PUNAKAWAN.\n
penakluk conqueror, subjugator.\n
penaksir appraiser.\n
penaksiran appraising, evaluation.\n
penakut coward, s.o. fainthearted.\n
[Penerangan Angklatan Laut] Navy Information (Office).\n
penala tuning fork.\n
penalaran reasoning, intellectual activity.\n
penali 1 binder. 2 (Lit.) conclusion.\n
penalti (Sport) penalty.\n
penambah 1 (Math.) enumerator, counter. 2 addition, extra..\n
penambahan increment, increasing.\n
penambal 1. o. who patches. 2 s.t. to patch with.\n
penambalan act of patching.\n
1. miner. 2. 1) ferryman. 2) ferry. 3) s.o. engaging in transporting a
small number of passengers (taxi drivers, pedicab drivers, etc.).\n
penambangan 1. the activity of mining. 2. ferrying, transport.\n
penambat s.t. to tie with.\n
penambatan act of tethering or mooring.\n
penambul threatrical performer, artiste.\n
penampakan appearance.\n
penampan penampan\n
1 diameter or longitudinal plane through the center. 2 longitudinal
penampangan profile.\n
penampar s.t. or s.o. that slaps.\n
penamparan action of slapping.\n
penampi winnowing basket.\n
penampikan act of refusing or rejecting.\n
penampilan 1 presentation. 2 making o.\'s appearance.\n
penampung 1. cross-section. 2. s.t. or s.o. who intercepts.\n
1 collecting and saving water, etc. 2 place that receives. 3 act of
receiving or accommodating.\n
penanakan s.t. to boil rice in.\n
penanam planter.\n
penanaman 1 planting. 2 (Fin.) investment.\n
penanda 1 s.t. used as a sign. 2 (Ling.) marker.\n
penandaan 1 signaling, giving a sign, designating. 2 (Ling.) markedness.\n
penandak female dancer in this dance.\n
penandasan emphasizing.\n
penandatangan the signer, signatory.\n
penandatanganan the signing.\n
penanganan handling.\n
penangas steam bath.\n
penangasan steaming.\n
1. 1) stripping, removal (of a cover, etc.). 2) (Lit.) k.o. ghost whose
penanggalan head separates and flies independently. 2. 1) calendar, almanac. 2)
penangguhan postponement, deferment.\n
1 fisherman who uses such a device. 2 o. who takes unfair
penanggul o. who tackles a problem, etc.\n
penanggulangan tackling.\n
penanggung 1 guarantor, backer. 2 sufferer. 3 o. who is insured.\n
penanggungan 1 trials and tribulationas. 2 assumption of responsibility.\n
penangis a crybaby.\n
penangkal 1 amulet, charm. 2 preventive.\n
preventive measure, esp. refusal of entry to a country to a potentially
dangerous foreigner.\n
penangkap captor, capturer, s.t. that catches.\n
penangkapan 1 catching. 2 arrest, seizure. 3 haul, catch (fish).\n
penangkis s.t. which ward off.\n
penangkisan 1 repelling. 2 fending off (blows, etc.).\n
penangsel s.t. used to fill s.t. up.\n
penanjakan ascending, climbing.\n
penantang challenger.\n
penantangan act of challenging..\n
penantian 1 (process of) waiting. 2 waiting room.\n
penanya interrogator, questioner.\n
penapaian fermentation.\n
penapis a filter, sieve.\n
penapisan filtering.\n
penarahan a plane.\n
penari dancer.\n
penarik 1 s.o. or s.t. that pulls, extracts, drags, etc. 2 s.t. interesting.\n
1 drawing, pulling. penarikan-picu pulling of a trigger. 2 collection,
penarikan drawing in. penarikan-pajak taxation. penarikan-diri withdrawal
from an activity.\n
penaruh s.o. who places s.t.\n
penaruhan money box, strongbox.\n
penarung obstacle.\n
penasak styptic pencil.\n
1 angered (but suppressed), embitered. 2 be anxious to do or find out
penat tired, weary, exhausted.\n
penata s.t. or s.o. that puts s.t. in order.\n
penataan ordering, structuring.\n
penatahan carving, inlaying s.t.\n
penatapan gazing, staring.\n
penatar trainer, upgrader.\n

penataran 1 upgrading. 2 refresher course.\n

penatu laundryman.\n
penatua church elder.\n
penautan act of linking up.\n
penawan o. who arrests or subdues.\n
penawanan captivation.\n
1. 1) magic or charm to remove effects of black magic. 2) antidote,
disinfectant. 3) neutralizer. 2. bidder, bargainer.\n
1. 1) cure. 2) treatment of magic by incantation, etc. 3)
neutralization. 2. 1) offer, bid, deal. 2) bargaining.\n
penayub the dancer.\n
penc- see also entries with c-.\n
penca [penderita cacat] disabled person.\n
1. system of self-defense. 2. m-(p)encak-mencak jump up and down
in a tantrum.\n
pencaka seePANCAKA.\n
pencangkul o. who hoes.\n
pencangkulan hoeing.\n
pencar disperse.\n
pencaran 1distribution made. 2 dispersion.\n
penceng skew.\n
pencet crushed, smashed.\n
pencil 1 isolated, secluded. 2 desolate, remote.\n
pencoleng see PANCOLENG.\n
pencong slanted, skewed. pencong-mencong crisscross.\n
pencurian 1 robbing. 2 looting.\n
pencut (Java) fall in love, be attracted to.\n
pend- seealso entries with d-.\n
penda mem-penda correct s.t.\n
pendahuluan preface, introduction.\n
pendakian 1 pass, defile. 2 path or steps up which o. climbs. 3 climbing.\n
pendam bury, hide away.\n
pendamen see FONDAMEN.\n
pendapa see PENDOPO.\n
pendar phosphorescent. /pe`ndar/ turn, go around.\n
pendaringan (Java, Jakarta) place to store rice.\n
pendega see PANDEGA.\n
pendek short.\n
see DEKAR. 1 master of swordmanship or martial arts 2 champion
pendengar 1 listener, audience. 2 (sense of) hearing. 3 telephone receiver.\n
pendepokan camp, dormitory.\n

pendet Balinese dance of welcome.\n

1 Protestant clergyman, Hindu or Budhist priest. 2 (Lit.) pundit,
pending ornate belt buckle.\n
1 building, founding. 2 stand(point), convictions. 3 (Mil.)
pendita see PENDETA.\n
large open structure in front of Java mansion, or attached open
veranda that serves as an audience hall.\n
penduduk inhabitant.\n
penebah (rug) beater.\n
penebak guesser.\n
penebalan process of thickening.\n
penebang o. who fells trees.\n
penebangan felling of trees.\n
penebar (Phys.) s.t. that disperses.\n
penebaran 1 spread, spreading. 2 (Phys.) dispersion.\n
1 middleman who buys crops still standing in the field and who
employs his own labor. 2 wholesale buyer of a product.\n
penebatan damming up of s.t.\n
penebus 1 ransom. 2 o. who pays a ransom of makes compensation.\n
penebusan 1 redemption. 2 compensation.\n
peneduh s.t. that shades or shelters.\n
peneduhan providing shade or shelter.\n
penegahan prohibition.\n
penegak upholder.\n
penegakan maintenance.\n
penegalan cultivation without irrigation.\n
penegasan confirmation.\n
peneguhan 1 confirmation. 2 the act of strengthening.\n
penegur o. who addresses a meeting.\n
penekan s.t. or s.o. that stresses or emphasizes.\n
penekanan 1 pressing, pressuring. 2 stressing, emphasizing.\n
penekun s.o. who is diligent about s.t.\n
penekunan acting diligent about s.t.\n
penelaah researcher.\n
penelaahan research.\n
penelah prophesier, forecaster.\n
penelahan prophecy, prediction.\n
penelanan swallowing.\n
penelanjangan stripping, denudation.\n
penelepon caller.\n
peneliti researcher.\n

penelitian 1 thorough, detailed examination. 2 research.\n

peneluran egg laying, egg production.\n
penelusur o. who traces paths.\n
penelusuran investigation.\n
penembak rifleman, marksman.\n
penembakan 1 bombardment, shooting. 2 firing (of a missile).\n
penembang singer with gamelan orchestra.\n
penembusan penetration.\n
penempa smith.\n
penempaan forging. penempaan-mental forging of the intelect.\n
1 appointment, placement 2 stand, place to set s.t. 3 occupying,
settling. 4 placing.\n
penempel instrument or person that sticks s.t. up.\n
penempelan attachment, sticking.\n
o. who attack, assumes some difficult task, or goes a certain
the traveling of a certain distance, the undertaking of a difficult
penempur assailant.\n
penemu discoverer.\n
penemuan 1 invention, innovation. 2 discovery.\n
penenang s.o. or s.t. that soothes and calms. penenang-saraf sedative.\n
penendang s.t. to kick with.\n
peneng peneng\n
1 mediator, arbiter. 2 o. with neutral attitude. 3 s.t. used to separate
two sections.\n
penenggala plowman.\n
penenggelaman sinking, torpedoing..\n
penengok 1 visitor. 2 observer.\n
penentang the opposition, opponent.\n
penentangan 1 resistance. 2 opposition, conflicting.\n
penenteram s.t. that soothes.\n
penentu 1 o. who determines s.t. 2 s.t. determining.\n
penentuan act of determining s.t.\n
penenun weaver.\n
penenung fortune-teller.\n
penepatan adjustment, correction.\n
penepisan (act of) warding off.\n
penera inspector of weights and measures.\n
peneraan calibration.\n
penerang o. who explains.\n
1 providing information. 2 explanation, clarification. 3 illumination,
penerap o. who applies s.t.\n
penerapan 1 assembling. 2 application.\n
penerbang flyer, aviator.\n
penerbangan (Av.) flight.\n
penerbit publisher.\n
penerbitan 1 publication. 2 publishing house. 3 edition, issue.\n
penerima 1 receiver. 2 (Coll.) resigned, acquiescent.\n
penerimaan 1 acceptance. 2 revenue. 3 reception. 4 receipt.\n
penerjangan act of lunging.\n
penerjun jumper.\n
penerjunan jumping\n
penerka o. who guesses.\n
penerkaan guess, conjecture, supposition.\n
1 piercer. 2 burglar. 3 o. who cuts into a line or breaks a
penerobosan 1 a break-in, burglary. 2 breakthrough, act of penetration.\n
peneror terrorist.\n
penertib s.o. who keeps order.\n
penertiban control, curb.\n
penerus s.o. or s.t. that continues s.t.\n
penerusan 1 continuation, sequel, resumption. 2 continuity.\n
penetak o. who chops or hacks.\n
penetakan hacking.\n
penetalan making s.t. compact.\n
penetapan 1 determining, decision, decree. 2 fulfillment.\n
penetasan hatching.\n
penetes dropper.\n
penetesan sprinkling, dispensing drop by drop.\n
penetrasi penetration.\n
peng- seealso entries with k-, ng-, or beginning with a vowel.\n
pengabadian perpetuation.\n
pengabai 1 careless or neglectful person. 2 nonchalant or indifferent person.\n
pengabaian 1 carelessness, indifference. 2 neglect. 3 disobedience.\n
pengabaran 1 spreading the news. 2 evangelism.\n
pengabdi official.\n
1 service. 2 subservience, submission. 3 servitude. 4 devotion,
pengabenan cremation.\n
pengabjadan alphabetization.\n
pengabsahan 1 endorsement, approval. 2 legalization.\n
pengacakan 1 randomization. 2 messing up, beating.\n
pengacara 1 lawyer, attorney. 2 master of ceremonies.\n
pengacau agitator, disturber of the peace.\n
pengacauan commotion, disturbance, stir.\n
pengadaan 1 stock. 2 supplying, provisioning. 3 provisions. 4 procurement.\n
pengadilan 1 the court. 2 trial, session. 3 courthouse. 4 jurisdiction.\n
pengadu informer.\n
1 accusation, complaint. 2 denunciation, information (against). 3
pengaduk stirring spoon or rod.\n
pengadukan mixing, stirring (of).\n
pengagungan 1 exalting (of). 2 glorification.\n
pengairan irrigation, watering.\n
pengajak inducement.\n
pengajar instructor, teacher.\n
1 instruction. 2 doctrine. 3 teaching (of). 4 warning, reminder,
pengajuan submission, offer, tender.\n
pengaktifan activation.\n
1 confession (of faith). 2 acknowledgment. 3 avowal. 4 admission
(of guilt).\n
pengakuran harmonization.\n
pengalaman experience.\n
pengalap abductor.\n
pengalapan abduction.\n
pengalas base.\n
pengalihan transfer of s.t.\n
pengaliran 1 flow (of money). 2 trend, drift.\n
pengamalan 1 doing of good deeds. 2 sincerity in doing s.t. 3 implementing of.\n
pengaman 1 safeguard. 2 pacifier, peacemaker, conciliator.\n
pengamanan 1 (Mil.) pacification. 2 efforts to achieve security.\n
pengamat observer.\n
pengamatan 1 supervision. 2 monitoring, tracking. 3 observation.\n
pengambil taker.\n
pengambilan 1 removal, withdrawal. 2 interpretation, understanding.\n
pengamen singing beggar.\n
pengampun forgiver.\n
pengampunan 1 amnesty. 2 mercy.\n
pengamuk o. who runs amuck.\n
penganalisa analyst.\n
penganalisaan analyzing, examining.\n
penganan snacks.\n
pengancaman posing a threat.\n
pengandaian supposition, assumption.\n
penganggaran budgeting.\n
penganggrekan orchid growing.\n
penganggur unemployed person.\n
pengangguran unemployment, joblessness.\n
pengangkat 1 support. 2 instrument for lifting. 3 lifter, o. who lifts.\n
pengangkatan 1 appointment. 2 adoption (of child). 3 elevation.\n
pengangkut 1 transport, carrier. 2 transporter, truck, van.\n
pengangkutan transportation, transport.\n
pengangonan pasture.\n
pengangsuran 1 process of paying installments. 2 process of moving gradually.\n
pengangut indolent person.\n
penganiaya tyrant, maltreater.\n
1 mistreatment, cruel treatment. 2 oppression, tyrannical treatment. 3
1 companion, escort. 2 o. who delivers. 3 porter. 4 bellboy. 5 (Elec.)
conductor. 6 introduction.\n
1 intermediary, mediator, go-between. 2 agent. 3 agency,
pengantaraan intercession, mediation.\n
penganten /pengantin/ bride (and) bridegroom.\n
penganugerahan bestowal, conferral, presentation.\n
1 follower, adherent. 2 o. who goes along with others without
sticking up for o.\'s own ideas.\n
penganutan taking up (a religion, political philosophy, etc.).\n
penganyaman plaiting.\n
pengap close, stuffy, stale, musty.\n
pengapa see MENGAPA.\n
1 clamp. 2 paperclip. 3 flanker. 4 maid of honor or best man at
pengapkiran condemnation (of house, building etc.).\n
pengapung 1 buoy. 2 float, raft.\n
pengapungan floating (of a boat, etc.).\n
pengar have a hangover.\n
pengarah 1 (Thea.) manager, director. 2 o. who sets the direction.\n
pengarahan 1 briefing. 2 direction, instruction, guidelines.\n
pengarak o. who participates in a procession, parader.\n
pengarakan 1. arrack distillery. 2. procession.\n
pengarang 1 author, writer, composer. 2 arranger.\n
pengaron (Java) large earthenware pot for cooking rice, etc.\n
pengarsipan filing, system for keeping archives.\n
pengartian 1 understanding. 2 meaning, sense.\n
pengaruh influence. pengaruh-sampingan side-effect.\n
pengasah 1 sharpener. 2 grinder. 3 whetstone.\n
pengasahan 1 honing. 2 sharpening, grinding, scraping.\n
pengasuh 1 nurse,nursemaid 2 guardian , caretaker .\n
1 fish or meat stewed in spicy sauce. 2 a porridge of tuber, squash, or
bananas in coconut milk.\n
pengeboman see BOM 1.\n
pengecap 1 sense of taste. 2 taster, user.\n
pengecatan see CAT1.\n
pengecoran see COR.\n
pengecut coward.\n
pengedokan see DOK 1.\n
pengejaran pursuing of.\n
pengelola 1 manager, organizer. 2 executive (power). 3 organizer.\n
1 disimissal, expulsion. 2 release (of a new movie), edition. 3
expending of. 4 export. 5 excretion.\n
pengembalian 1 return (of s.t.). 2 restitusion. 3 reversion .\n
pengembungan inflation (of tire, balloon, etc.).\n
pengemudi 1 helmsman, driver, pilot. 2 director.\n
pengemukaan presentation, putting forward of s.t.\n
pengen (Coll., Jakarta) want s.t.\n
pengendali 1leader, o. who holds the reins. 2 manage\n
pengendalian 1.restraint , curb 2.control.\n
pengendara 1 driver, rider. 2 horseman.\n
pengeng migraine headache.\n
pengenyahan 1 fleeing. 2 expulsion. 3 abolition.\n
pengepakan 1. packaging up. 2. leasing.\n
pengepung besieger.\n
pengerah o. who mobilizes, recruits, or drafts.\n
pengerahan conscription.\n
1 puller, dragger. 2 (Jakarta) o. who is clever at winning another\'s
favor for personal gain.\n
pengerjaan 1 execution, working on s.t. 2 processing, working.\n
1 understanding, way s.o. understands s.t. 2 explanation,
pengestu see PANGESTU.\n
pengesyahan 1 ratification, confirmation. 2 legalization, authorization.\n
pengetahuan 1 knowledge. 2 skill, ability.\n
pengetrapan see TERAP 2.\n
penggal 1 piece, lump. 2 fragment.\n

1 o. who provides leadership. 2 a Boy or Girl Scout on the 2d level

(age 12-15).\n
penggandaan 1) multiple, double. 2) reduplication. 3) (Tel.) multiplexing.\n
penggarapan the process of making.\n
penggaris ruler.\n
penggawa see PUNGGAWA.\n
penggedoran 1 looting, plundering. 2 burglary.\n
1 blackout (as a precaution). 2 darkening. 3 embezzling. 4 tampering
with legal papers, coverup.\n
penggemar devotee, lover, fan.\n
penggertak 1 s.o. who snarls 2 intimidator,threat eaning person.\n
penggiliran rotating s.t.\n
1 cook by boiling (e.g.poach egg, boil stew, etc.0. 2 train intensively.
3 discuss, debate, thing over deeply.\n
penggorengan 1 wok. 2 process of preparing food in a wok or skillet.\n
penggubah 1) arranger. 2) composer. 3) author.\n
penggugat plaintiff, litigant.\n
pengguguran 1 abortion. 2 discharging (of athletes, students, etc.).\n
penggulingan overthrow, deposer.\n
penggumpalan 1 clotting. 2 (Ling.) agglutination. 3 (Phys.) agglomeration.\n
penggunaan employing, using, utilizing.\n
penggundulan 1 shaving s,o, bald. 2 denudation (of land, etc.).\n
pengguratan inscribing, relief-making.\n
penggurdian drilling, boring.\n
penghabisan run out of, no more left.\n
penghalauan 1 driving, chase, expelling. 2 herding.\n
penghancur destroying force or agent.\n
1 smashing. crushing of. 2 annihilation, total destruction.. 3
dissolving of, disintegration.\n
penghapusan 1 wiping out, erasing. 2 abolition.\n
penghargaan appreciation, respect. 2 valuation.\n
penghasut agitator, provocateur.\n
penghayatan full and total comprehension.\n
penghentian bring to a halt, ceasing.\n
penghianat traitor.\n
penghianatan comming of treason.\n
1 greening of s.t. 2 planting, us. on implanted land. 3 reforesting,
penghilng 1 removal. 2 eradication, elimination.\n
penghinaan degradation, causing humiliation.\n
penghindaran 1 avoidance, prevention. 2 evasion (of taxes, etc.).\n
penghubung s.o. or s.t. which connects.\n
penghulu 1 village chief. 2 Muslim leader.\n
1 occupant, inhabitant, dweller. 2 denizen, inmate. 3 guardian
penghutang debtor.\n
pengimaman leading prayer service .\n
pengin see KEPINGIN.\n
penginapan 1 lodging for the night. 2 inn.\n
penginderiaan sensation.\n
penginjakan treading , trampling.\n
pengintai look out, observer, scout.\n
pengintaian 1 observation, reconnaissance. 2 espionage.\n
pengirim 1.sender 2.transmitter.\n
pengiriman shipping , dispatch.\n
pengisap 1 s.t. that sucks. 2 extortionist. 3 o. who smokes.\n
pengisapan 1 exploitation, gouging. 2 smoking.\n
pengistirahatan 1 giving s.o a rest 2 putting s.o intro retirement.\n
pengkabutan 1) sprayer. 2) atomizer. 3) carburetor.\n
pengkar crooked (of legs).\n
pengkedikan retroflex ion ( of tongue ) .\n
pengkerukan 1 dredging. 2 exploition\n
pengkhotbah 1 preacher. 2 s.t. to preach with.\n
pengki open basket for carrying dirt, garbage, etc.\n
pengkikisan 1 erosion. 2 erasure. 3 loss, disappearance.\n
pengkokoan ulat sutera raising of silk worm.\n
pengkol bent.\n
pengkolan curve.\n
pengkor crippled, having a shriveled leg.\n
1 the first item sold in a work day, throught to stimulate later sales. 2
s.t. that sells well, best seller.\n
penglihatan 1 sight, vision, eyesight. 2 sight, scene.\n
pengobatan medicinal treatment, therapy.\n
pengocok shaker.\n
pengocokan 1 shaking. 2 rubbing. 3 mixing, suffling.\n
pengolahan 1 preparation, manufacture. 2 processing. 3 tabulation (of data).\n
pengompreng s.o. who uses an official car for public transportation.\n
pengoperan 1 taking over. 2 tranferal. 3 delegation (of powers).\n
pengrajin craftsman, artisan.\n
pengser pincers.\n
penguangan cashing of checks, money orders, etc.\n
penguapan 1 evaporation. 2 distillation process.\n
pengubah 1 o. who changes. 2 corrector.\n
pengubahan process of altering, modification.\n
penguberan pursuit.\n
penguburan burial, interment.\n
pengucapan pronouncing.\n
pengudaraan 1 airing. 2 releasing s.t. into the air.\n
penguji examiner.\n
pengujian trial, testing.\n
pengujung extreme end.\n
pengukir engraver, carver.\n
pengukiran act of carving.\n
pengukur 1 meter, gauge. 2 o. who measures.\n
pengukuran measuring, gauging.\n
pengulang 1 s.o. who repeats. 2 coach, tutor.\n
pengulangan repeating s.t.\n
pengulas reviewer.\n
pengulikan investigation.\n
pengulit lullaby singer.\n
pengulu see PENGHULU.\n
pengumban missile, sling.\n
pengumbuk swindler.\n
pengumpan o. who uses a bait.\n
pengumpat s.o. who curses.\n
pengumpil lever, crowbar.\n
pengumpul collector, gatherer.\n
pengumuman announcement, notification.\n
pengundang-undang legislator.\n
pengundangan enactment (of a law).\n
pengundi o. who draws (a lot, ticket, etc.).\n
pengundian lottery, raffle.\n
pengunduran retreat, withdrawal, putting or setting back, postponement.\n
pengungkapan act of expressing.\n
pengungkil lever.\n
pengungkilan leverage.\n
pengungkit lever.\n
pengungkitan leverage.\n
pengungsi refugee, evacuee.\n
pengungsian 1 evacuation. 2 asylum, refuge.\n
pengunjuk o. who presents or points out.\n
pengunjukan 1 offer, presentation. 2 indication.\n
1 o. who analyzes or disentangles. 2 chemicals used for
penguraian the action of disentangling or analyzing.\n
pengurup money-changer.\n
pengurus 1 board, management. 2 manager.\n
pengurusan 1 management handling, treatment. 2 arrangement.\n
pengusaha industrialist, entrepreneur.\n
pengusahaan effort, exertion.\n
pengusik 1 disturber. 2 meddler.\n
pengusir s.o. or s.t. that chases away.\n
pengusiran eviction, expulsion.\n
pengusul proposer.\n
pengusulan inquiry, examination.\n
pengusung o. who carries s.t. on his shoulders.\n
pengusungan act of carrying s.t. on the shoulders.\n
pengusut investigator.\n
pengusutan examination, investigation.\n
pengutak-atik /pengutak-utik/ o. who tinkers.\n
pengutamaan act of giving priority to s.t.\n
pengutaraan 1 explanation. 2 communication.\n
pengutuhan process of unifying.\n
pengutusan mission.\n
peniadaan 1 negation. 2 abolition, discontinuance.\n
penidur o. who sleeps a great deal.\n
penikam 1 o. who stabs. 2 s.t. o. stabs with.\n
penikaman a stab, stabbing.\n
penikmat lover, devotee.\n
penilai 1 appraiser, assessor. 2 grader, judge (in competition).\n
penilik 1 fortuneteller. 2 supervisor, inspector.\n
penilikan 1 supervision, control. 2 observation.\n
penimba 1 a container for scooping liquids. 2 o. who scoops out water, etc.\n
penimbaan scooping, dipping.\n
penimbang 1 pair of scales. 2 counselor.\n
penimbangan 1 (act of) weighing, balancing. 2 considering.\n
penimbun a hoarder.\n
1 accumulation, piling up. 2 hoarding. 3 process of reclaiming land
from the sea by piling up earth.\n
penindakan taking measures.\n
penindas oppressor, tyrant.\n
penindasan 1 oppression. 2 suppression.\n
penindih oppressor.\n
penindihan 1 applying pressure or weigh on s.t. 2 suppressing.\n
1 dizzy. 2 upset, rattled. /pe`ning/ badge, license (for bicycles, dogs,
pening and pedicabs).\n

1 estate, inheritance. 2 relic, archaeological remains. 3 remainder,

peninggian heightening, raising, enhancement.\n
peningkatan 1 raising (a level), upgrading. 2 rise, increase, excalation.\n
peningset (Java) bride price (paid upon engagement or upon marriage).\n
peninjau observer.\n
1 observation, survey. 2 consideration, contemplation.
penipu deceiver, impostor.\n
penipuan deception.\n
penirisan place for draining.\n
peniru imitator, simulator.\n
peniruan imitation.\n
penisilin penicillin.\n
peniti 1 safety pin. 2 brooch to pin. a kebaya together.\n
penitip [uang] depositor.\n
penitipan 1 depositing. 2 stroge place. penitipan-pakaian cloakroom.\n
penitisan (Java) reincarnation.\n
peniup o. who blows.\n
penj- seealso entries with j-.\n
penjadan misprint.\n
penjagaan 1 guarding, security. 2 surveillance. 3 guardpost.\n
penjahat criminal, crook, felon.\n
penjahit tailor, seamstress.\n
penjajak s.t. which probes, sounds out.\n
penjajakan sounding out, plumbing.\n
penjak 1. starled. 2. glow.\n
penjangak libertine, rake.\n
penjangat skinner, flayer.\n
penjara jail, prison.\n
penjasmanian 1 materialization. 2 embodiment.\n
penjata heraldry.\n
penjatur 1 sorcerer. 2 (snake) charmer.\n
penjebrolan ejection.\n
penjegal o. who interferes with.\n
penjelajah 1 exploration. 2 examination.\n
penjenisan grouping, classification.\n
penjernihan purification.\n
penjiplak 1 plagiarist. 2 duplicator, duplicating machine.\n
penjiplakan plagiarism.\n
penjiwaan 1 animism. 2 inspiration .\n
penjol swollen.\n
penjumlahan penjumlahan\n
penjunan o. who makes pots.\n
penjurit see PRAJURIT.\n
penjuru 1 corner, angle. 2 direction from which s.t. comes.\n
penobatan coronation, installation.\n
penodong hold-up man.\n
penodongan hold-up.\n
penojos perforation.\n
penokoh cheater, deceiver.\n
penolak 1 rejecter. 2 repellent.\n
penolakan 1 refusal, rejection. 2 warding off.\n
penolok 1 an equal. 2 standard.\n
penolong 1 helper, auxiliary. 2 rescuer.\n
penongkat assistant.\n
penonjolan 1 making s.t. stand out. 2 conspicuousness.\n
penonton 1 spectator. 2 onlooker.\n
penopang support, prop, abutment.\n
penoreh 1 scoring or slitting tool. 2 o. who taps rubber.\n
penorehan process of rubber tapping.\n
penpres [penetapan presiden] presidential decision or directive.\n
penset see PINSET.\n
pensil 1 pencil. 2 small brush for drawing.\n
pensip [pegawai negeri sipil] civil servants.\n
pensiun pension, retired.\n
penskoran suspension.\n
penstrep penicillin tablets.\n
pentafsir 1 commentator, exegete. 2 evaluator.\n
pentafsiran 1 explanation, interpretation. commentary, exegesis.\n
pentahapan arranging in phases.\n
pentahbisan consecration or ordination ceremony.\n
pentakik o. who makes such incisions.\n
pentaklikan collation.\n
pentaklukan subjection, submission.\n
pental ke-, ter-pental flung away.\n
pentan definite.\n
pentanaman 1 planting. 2 (Fin.) investment.\n
pentang open, extend, spread out.\n
pentarafan ranking, grading in ranks.\n
pentas raised platform, stage. pentas-an stage performance.\n
pentasbehan praising God.\n
pententeraman reassurance.\n
penterjemah translator.\n

penterjemahan translating.\n
penteroran terrorizing.\n
pentil 1. teat. 2. mem-pentil pinch s.t. /pe`ntil/ valve.\n
penting 1. important, significant.\n
pentokohan characterization.\n
pentol /pentul/ knob.\n
pentolan 1 prominent. 2 leader of a gang. 3 leader. 4 bulb.\n
pentorpedoan torpedoing.\n
pentraktoran bulldozing.\n
pentranskripsian the process of transcribing s.t.\n
pentransmigrasian process of relocating s.o.\n
pentrasean tracing.\n
pentunangan act of becoming engaged, betrothal.\n
pentung club, cudgel.\n
pentunu o. who roasts.\n
pentunuan roasting.\n
penturbaan going down to the people.\n
penuaan aging.\n
penuai 1 rice harvest knife. 2 o. who reaps or gathers in a harvest.\n
penuaian harvesting of rice.\n
penuangan pouring, molding, casting.\n
penubrukan colliding, crashing, striking.\n
penuduh 1 (Leg.) prosecutor. 2 accuser, plaintiff.\n
penuduhan accusation.\n
penudung cover.\n
penudungan covering.\n
penugasan giving an assignment.\n
penuh 1 full (of), loaded. 2 complete.\n
penukaran 1 alteration, process of making a change. 2 exchange.\n
penukul hammerer.\n
penulangan erecting a framework.\n
penular infector, infecting agent.\n
penularan spreading.\n
penulis 1 writer (of letter, etc.). 2 secretary (of association).\n
penulisan process of writing.\n
penumbangan causing s.t. to crash down.\n
penumbuh s.t. that stimulates growth.\n
penumbuhan 1 the act of growing. 2 emergence.\n
penumbuk crusher, pounder.\n
penumbukan 1 pounding, crushing. 2 blow, stroke. 3 act of colliding.\n
penumpahan 1 act of spilling or shedding. 2 concentration.\n

penumpang 1 passenger. 2 boarder, hotel guest.\n

penumpangan 1 act of being over s.t. 2 place to stay.\n
penumpas destroyer.\n
penumpasan annihilation, extermination.\n
penumpu support.\n
penumpukan accumulation, hoarding.\n
penunaian 1 (cash) payment. 2 settlement. 3 fulfillment.\n
penundaan postponement, deferment, adjournment.\n
penundukan 1 submission, subjection. 2 subjugation.\n
penunggak o. who is arrears in payments.\n
penunggalan concentration.\n
penunggang rider, passenger. pengunggang-kuda horseman.\n
penunggu 1 watchman, guard. 2 attendant. 3 tutelary spirit.\n
penungguan act of waiting.\n
penunjang s.t. supporting.\n
penunjangan the act of supporting.\n
penunjuk 1 s.t. which indicates. 2 o. who indicates.\n
1 indication. 2 reference, pointing to s.t. 3 appointment,
penuntun 1 guide. 2 manual, guide.\n
penuntunan 1 leading with a line, etc. 2 providing guidance.\n
1 o. who demand s.t., petitioner. 2 (Leg.) claimant, prosecutor. 3 o.
who strives after.\n
penuntutan 1 demanding. 2 pursuit, study. 3 (Leg.) prosecution.\n
1 slope, descent. 2 discharge, unloading. 3 lowering, taking down. 4
derivation, deriving. 5 reduction, decline (of cost, prices, etc.).\n
penurut 1 s.o. obedient and docile. 2 a follower.\n
penusuk s.t. to perforate or stab with.\n
penusukan 1 stabbing, jabbing. 2 perforation.\n
penutup 1 cover, lid, casing. 2 closing.\n
penutupan 1 covering. 2 closing, shutting, occlusion, shut down.\n
penutur speaker, narrator, pronouncer.\n
1. 1) talk, speech. 2) discussion, narrative. 3) announcement,
information. 2. (Lit.) descendant.\n
peny- seealso entries with c-, s-, or ny-.\n
penyabet (purse) snatcher.\n
penyablon 1 copier. 2 plagiarist.\n
penyair poet.\n
penyajian presentation.\n
penyakit 1 disease, illness. 2 trouble. 3 bad habit.\n
penyalin 1 copyist. 2 translator.\n
penyalinan translating, copying.\n

penyamarataan treating the same, generalization, leveling.\n

penyambut s.o. that welcomes.\n
penyambutan reception, welcoming.\n
penyampai o. who conveys.\n
penyampaian delivery.\n
penyamun robber.\n
penyangkulan hoeing.\n
penyanyi singer.\n
penyayang 1 charitable, merciful Lord. 2 lover, amateur, devotee.\n
penyebar disseminator.\n
penyebaran distributing, spreading, disseminating.\n
penyebut 1 o. who calls, mentions. 2 (Math.) denominator.\n
penyebutan addressing, mentioning.\n
penyedap s.t. used as flavoring.\n
penyederhanaan simplification.\n
penyediaan 1 act of preparing. 2 equipping, supplying.\n
penyedot instrument to absorb.\n
penyedotan suction.\n
penyejuk cooler.\n
penyek /penyet/ flattened out, squeezed flat.\n
penyelaman 1 diving. 2 immersion, submersion.\n
penyelamatan rescuing, redemption.\n
penyelenggara 1 caretaker. 2 executor. 3 organized, operator.\n
penyelenggaraan 1. implementation. 2 organization, coordination.\n
penyelesaian 1 arrangement. 2 solution, settlement, completion.\n
penyeleweng crook.\n
penyelewengan 1 deviation (from task or duty). 2 irregularity, corruption.\n
penyelidik 1 investigator, research worker. 2 examiner, detective. 3 scout.\n
penyelidik 1 investigator, research worker. 2 examiner, detective. 3 scout.\n
penyelidikan 1 research. 2 inquiry, investigation. 2 survey.\n
penyeling alternative.\n
penyelundup smuggler.\n
penyelundupan smugling.\n
penyelusup 1 infiltrator. 2 s.t. that infiltrates.\n
penyelusupan penetration.\n
penyemaian process of raising seedlings.\n
penyematan 1 pinning (of medals, etc.). 2 (Ling.) embedding.\n
penyembah worshipper.\n
penyembahan adoraditon , worship.\n
penyembelih a butcher.\n
penyembelihan slaughter, butchering.\n
penyembuhan healing.\n
penyembur instrument for spraying.\n
penyempitan constriction, stricture.\n
penyemprot syringe, sprayer.\n
penyemprotan spraying.\n
penyempurnaan action of perfecting, completing, finishing (articles, products).\n
penyendiri solitary, liking to be alone, loner.\n
penyendirian isolation.\n
penyengat 1 s.t. that stings. 2 wasp.\n
penyepuhan 1 gilding s.t. 2 (Phys.) plating.\n
1 transfer, deliverry. 2 surrender, yielding. 3 resignation to a
penyerang attacker, aggressor.\n
penyerangan attack, aggression.\n
penyerap 1 absorbent. 2 absorber.\n
penyerapkan hold in reserve, lay aside.\n
penyerasian adaptation, harmonization.\n
penyerbakan smelling good.\n
penyerbuan attacking, invasion.\n
penyerbukan pollination.\n
penyergapan attack on s.o. or s.t.\n
penyerimpungan act of tripping up or impeding.\n
penyerobot 1 o. who snatches. 2 o. who acts highhandedly.\n
penyerobotan illegal occupancy or annexation, snatching away of s.t.\n
penyerongan beveling, act making s.t. go at an angle.\n
penyerongan beveling, act making s.t. go at an angle.\n
penyertaan 1 participation. 2 attaching s.t., enclosing s.t.\n
penyeru announcer.\n
penyeruan 1 calling, crying. 2 appeal.\n
penyesalan 1 regret, remorse. 2 reproach.\n
penyesuaian adaptation, adjustment, accommodation.\n
penyetekan grafting.\n
penyetir driver.\n
penyetopan stopping.\n
penyetor 1 purveyor, supplier. 2 depositor.\n
penyetoran depositing, payment.\n
penyewa 1 tenant, lessee. 2 rental payment.\n
penyialang honey gatherer.\n
penyiar 1 announcer. 2 publisher. 3 (Tech.) transmitter.\n
penyiaran broadcasting.\n
penyiasat 1 (Lit.) investigator. 2 strategist, tactician.\n
penyiasatan 1 (Lit.) investigation. 2 bringing tactics or stratagems to bear.\n
penyidik (Leg.) investigating officer.\n
penyidikan police investigation.\n
penyikatan 1 brushing, combing, etc. 2 stealing. 3 abrupt removal.\n
penyiksa tormentor, torturer.\n
penyiksaan torturing, mistreating.\n
penyiku 1 s.t. to square off. 2 (Math.) complementary.\n
penyilangan crossing, mutation (in agriculture).\n
penyimak good listener.\n
penyimakan listening attentively, monitoring.\n
penyimpan 1 o. who saves, a depositor. 2 storage place.\n
penyimpanan storage, laying away.\n
penyimpangan deviation, divergence.\n
penyimpul s.o. or s.t. which bring s.t. (discussion, etc.). to a conclusion.\n
penyimpulan process of drawing a conclusion.\n
penyinaran 1 illumination. 2 radiation.\n
penyingkapan uncovering, disclosure..\n
penyingkiran 1 evacuation. 2 elimination, purge. 3 exclusion.\n
penyiraman pouring of liquids, watering.\n
penyirian taking revenge because of humiliation.\n
penyisian movement to the side.\n
penyisihan 1 isolation. 2 elimination.\n
penyisipan 1 insertion. 2 (Ling.) infixation.\n
penyiul whistler.\n
penyjelasan explanation, clarification.\n
penyobek o. who takes (and tears) tickets, ticket-taker.\n
penyodok shovel, spade.\n
penyodor o. who hands in s.t.\n
penyodoran offer.\n
penyogokan bribery.\n
penyok /penyot/ dented.\n
penyokong supporter, contributor.\n
penyondong net for catching shrimp.\n
penyongsong 1 greeter. 2 greetings.\n
penyongsongan greeting, welcoming.\n
penyorak o. who yell, vocal supporter.\n
penyorot 1 reflector, projector. 2 commentator, reviewer.\n
penyorotan 1 illumination, spotlighting. 2 elucidation.\n
penyosohan process of hulling rice.\n
penyu 1 turtle. 2 tortoise shell.\n
penyuapan 1 feeding or eating with the hand. 2 bribery.\n
penyuaraan 1 declamation. 2 dubbing. 3 (Ling.0 voicing.\n
penyubakan s.t. used to mix with, or subsitute s.t. else.\n
penyubur s.t. that makes fertile.\n
penyudetan cutting between canals, diverting (water).\n
penyuguhan presentation.\n
penyulapan conjuring, methods of sleight of hand.\n
penyuling instrument to refine.\n
penyulingan distilling, refining.\n
penyuluh 1 o. who provides elucidation. 2 (Lit.) investigator, spy.\n
penyuluhan 1 illumination. 2 information, elucidation.\n
penyumbang contributor, supporter.\n
penyumbatan clogging, obstruction, blockage.\n
penyungkit tool for prying.\n
penyungkup 1 concave cover. 2 bell jar.\n
penyuntik 1 s.o. who gives injections. 2 syringe.\n
penyuntikan injecting, vaccinating injection.\n
penyuplai supplier.\n
penyusun composer, compiler.\n
penyusunan 1 arranging, compiling. 2 composing.\n
penyusup infiltrator.\n
penyusupan penetration, infiltration.\n
penyusur o. who follows up.\n
penyusuran act of tracing.\n
penyusutan 1 shrinkage, contraction. 2 reduction, decrease.\n
penyutradaraan 1 play or film direction. 2 directing.\n
penyuwukan action of blowing to heal magically.\n
peok 1 lame. 2 flat.\n
peon messenger boy.\n
peot 1. 1) dented. 2) old and battered. 2. see PEOK.\n
pepadang see PADANG.\n
pepak complete, full. se-pepak all of them.\n
pepal concentrated, terse, compact.\n
group of Christians in new community who combine with existing
church temporarily until they can form their own church.\n
peparu lungs.\n
pepas fish, angle.\n
pepat flattened, level, smooth.\n
pepatah aphorism.\n
pepaya see PAPAYA.\n
pepe (Java) expose s.t. to sun, dry in sun.\n
peped see PEPET.\n
pepek (Vulg.) vagina.\n
peper paper, essay.\n
peperda [Penguasa Perang Daerah] Regional War Administrator.\n
peperpu [Penguasa Perang Pusat] Central War Administrator.\n

peperti [Penguasa Perang (Ter)tinggi] Supreme Military Administrator.\n

pepes meat or fish wrapped in a banana leaf and roasted.\n
1. stopped up (of nose). 2. see BUNYI. /pe`pe`t/ dead end, no way
pepindan metaphor.\n
pepohonan 1 trees. 2 reforestation.\n
peptida peptide.\n
peptidase peptidase.\n
peptidisasi peptization.\n
pepuju womb.\n
pepunden /pepundi/ (Java) object of worship.\n
pepura mock, sham.\n
per 1 per, by the. per-kapita per capita.. 2 as of such and such a date.\n
per- see also entries with pr-.\n
per. [Perusahaan] enterprise, firm, concern.\n
pera the taste of rice that is dry.\n
perabot 1 utensils. 2 tools. 3 furniture.\n
perabotan household furnishings.\n
perabu see PRABU.\n
perabuan 1 urn for ashes of cremated person. 2 crematorium.\n
perabukan application of fertilizer.\n
perada 1. 1) tin coasting. 2) gold leaf. 2. review, parade.\n
peradaban culture, civilization.\n
peradangan (Med.) infection, inflammation.\n
peradilan judicature.\n
peradin [Persatuan Advokat Indonesia] Indonesian Lawyer\'s Association.\n
peraduan 1. contest, clash. 2. royal bed.\n
peraga 1. visual aid. 2. 1) boaster. 2) a model. 3) mock-up, visual aid.\n
1. show. 2. 1) ostentation. 2) show, exhibittion. 3) modeling. 4)
visual display.\n
peragawan male model or mannequin.\n
peragawati female model or mannequin.\n
peragenan agency.\n
perah 1 squeeze. 2 milk.\n
perahan 1 milch cow. 2 s.t. squeezed out.\n
perahu boat.\n
1. 1) free. 2) empty (of a seat). 3) unhampered. 4) broke (whitout
money). 2. loose, apart.\n
perairan 1 waters. 2 waterworks.\n
perajin craftsman, artisan.\n
perajurit see PRAJURIT.\n
perak 1 silver. 2 (Jakarta) rupiah.\n
perakan a rupiah coin or bill.\n
perakit assembler.\n
perakitan assembling.\n
peraktik see PRAKTEK.\n
peralatan 1. 1) instrumentation. 2) equipment, tools. 2. feast, celebration.\n
peralihan transfer, shift, change.\n
peram shut o.s. off from society.\n
peramal oracle, fortune-teller.\n
perampas robber.\n
perampasan 1 robbery, holdup. 2 expropriation.\n
perampok robber, plunderer.\n
perampokan robbery, looting.\n
peran 1 actor. 2 character (in novel, play, etc.).\n
peranakan see ANAK.\n
peranan peranan\n
perancah scaffolding.\n
perancang planner, planning body.\n
perancis see PRANCIS.\n
perandaian 1. assumption. 2. matters pertaining to this folk drama.\n
perandi (Tech.) ware. perandi-lunak software. perandi-keras hardware.\n
war, battle. /pe`rang/ colors ranging from reddish blond to auburn
(hair of plants, animals or humans).\n
perangah agape.\n
perangai 1 nature, disposition. 2 behavior, attitude.\n
perangas-perongos (Java) make a wry expression.\n
peranggi see PERENGGI.\n
peranggrekan orchid matters, orchidology.\n
peranginan 1 ventilation. 2 balcony.\n
perangkaan statistics.\n
perangkap 1. a person who holds two jobs. 2. trap, pitfall.\n
perangkat sets of equipment.\n
perangkatan 1 equipment. 2 forces.\n
perangko see PRANGKO.\n
1 act of exciting, stimulation. 2 anger, irritation. 3 incentive,
peranjak fall on o.\'s behind.\n
peranjakan transfer, removal.\n
peranjat starled, surprised.\n
1 intermediatery, mediator, go-between. 2 agent. 3 agency,
perantara expediter.\n

1 intercession, mediation. 2 middleman, intermediary (individual or

a body). 3 intervention. 4 relationship.\n
peranti 1 apparatus, instrument. 2 means. 3 in order to. 4 remedy.\n
peranye fringe.\n
perapatan see PRAPATAN.\n
perapian 1 fireplace, brazier. 2 ignition. 3 oven, range. 4 furnace.\n
peras 1 press, swueeze. 2 milk. 3 blackmail, put the squeeze on.\n
perasa 1 sense of touch. 2 sensitive person.\n
perasaan 1 opinion, feeling. 2 sentiment. 3 experience, sensation.\n
perasan distillation.\n
perasat see FIRASAT.\n
perasian 1 horoscope. 2 fate.\n
perasman see PRASMAN.\n
perawan 1 virgin, girl. 2 brand new to s.t.\n
perawat nurse.\n
perawatan 1 treatment. 2 nursing, care.\n
perawian exposition.\n
perawira see PERWIRA.\n
perawis ingredients.\n
perayaan celebration.\n
perbagai see PELBAGAI.\n
perbahasa see PERIBAHASA.\n
1 official report. 2 ticket. 3 police warrant, summons. memp-perbal
process a criminal charge.\n
perban bandage.\n
[Perhimpunan Bank-bank Nasional Swasta] association of national
private banks.\n
perbani see BULAN, PASANG 3.\n
perbatasan border, division.\n
perbawa influence, prestige.\n
perbegu heathenish.\n
perbekel (Bali) village chief.\n
perbelanjaan 1 expenses, (national) budget. 2 financing. 3 shopping.\n
perburuan 1 the hunt. 2 prey, game. 3 persecution.\n
perc. [percetakan] printing establishment.\n
perca 1. rag. perca-kertas scraps of paper. 2. see GETAH, PULAU.\n
percak make rushing noise (of water).\n
percapita /per kapita/ per capita.\n
percaya 1 belief, faith. 2 trust, believe.\n
percik stain, spot.\n
percikan sprinkling, fragment.\n
percis see PERSIS.\n
percit spurt forth strongly.\n
percul dart away.\n
percuma see CUMA.\n
1 principal. perdana-mentreri prime minister, premier. 2 inaugural,
first introduction to the public.\n
perdata (Leg.) 1 court of justice. 2 civil (cases).\n
[Departemen] Perindustrian Dasar dan Pertambangan] (Department)
of Basic Industries and Mining.\n
perdeo see PRODEO.\n
freed from payment of taxes (in villages) as result of assuming some
burden or responsibility.\n
perdiping story, floor.\n
perdom (Coll.) mild swear word.\n
perdu 1 clump (of bamboo, etc.). 2 lowest part of tree trunk.\n
perduli see PEDULI.\n
pere see PERAI 1.\n
pereaksi reagent.\n
perebutan struggle, fight.\n
peredaan quieting down, slowing down (of activity, etc.).\n
peredam k.o. device to reduce noise or light.\n
peredus 1 pregnant. 2 potbellied.\n
pereh be overly meticulous.\n
perei see PERAI 1.\n
/prek/ [perempuan eksperimental] loose and freewheeling girl.
/pere`k/ see PREK.\n
perekat glue. adhesive.\n
perekik see PRIKIK.\n
peremajaan rejuvenation, renovation.\n
pereman see PREMAN.\n
perembetan involvement.\n
perembukan 1 discussion, deliberation. 2 conference, consultation.\n
perempuan 1 woman, female. 2 feminine.\n
perenggi (Lit.) European.\n
perentang see CENTANG-PERENANG.\n
perenung daydreamer.\n
peres see PERAS. /pe`re`s/ leveled off.\n
1 official announcement or appointment. 2 official appointment. 3
peresmian formal ceremony (of dedication, etc.).\n
peretas 1 o. who breaks through. 2 instrument for opening s.t.\n
peretel see PRETEL.\n
perewa (M) o. who lives outside customary law.\n
perewangan see PREWANGAN.\n
perfeksionis perfectionist.\n
perfeksionisme perfectionism.\n
perforasi perforation.\n
perforator hole puncher.\n
pergajul see BERGAJUL.\n
pergat (Naut.) frigate.\n
pergaulan 1 association, social intercourse. 2 society. 3 sexual intercourse.\n
pergedel see PERKEDEL.\n
pergi 1 go. 2 leave, be out. 3 (Coll.) go to.\n
pergigian dentition, dentistry.\n
pergok 1 catch by surprise. 2 catch s.o. red-handed.\n
pergol /pergul/ gold-plated.\n
pergolakan pergolakan\n
pergulatan 1 wrestling. 2 struggle, encounter, contact.\n
pergumulan 1 wrestling. 2 stuggle.\n
pergundikan concubinage.\n
perguruan 1 instituation, school. 2 school (building). 3 instruction.\n
perhal see PERI 1.\n
perhatian 1 attention, notice. 2 interest.\n
1 cessation, discontinuance, closing down (of factory program, etc.).
2 stopping place (of bus, etc.).\n
perhiasan 1 jewelry (esp, gold). 2 decoration (in building, etc.).\n
perhimpunan 1 association, organization. 2 gathering place, place of assembly.\n
perhitungan 1 calculation, computation. 2 accounting. 3 consideration.\n
perhubungan 1 communications (radio, highway, etc.). 2 liaison. 3 relationship.\n
perhutanan 1 forestry affairs. 2 forestry service.\n
1. 1) having to do with. 2) attitude. 2. (Lit.) k.o. female celestial
being of exceeding beauty.\n
peria 1. see PRIA. 2. see PARE.\n
periai see PRIYAYI.\n
perian bamboo for carrying water.\n
peribadatan observance of religious duties.\n
peribahasa proverb.\n
peribumi see PRIBUMI.\n
peridi fertile (of animals).\n
peridolar see PERI 1.\n
perigi well, spring.\n
perih see PEDIH.\n
perijam see PERI 1.\n
periksa 1 investigation, inspection, examination. 2. get o.s. examinated.\n
perilaku behavior.\n
perimnas [Perumahan Nasional] National Housing Authority.\n
perinci see RINCI.\n
1 details, the way s.t. is broken down (of calculation, etc.). 2
perincis specify.\n
perindustrian industry, industrial affairs.\n
pering 1. bamboo. 2.stink.\n
peringan s.t. which lightens s.t.\n
peringanan 1 lightening of s.t. 2 (Leg.) commutation of a sentence.\n
peringkat 1 level. 2 rank.\n
perintah order, command.\n
perintis see RINTIS.\n
periode period (of time).\n
periodik periodic, rotating.\n
periodisasi division of history into periods.\n
perisai shield.\n
periskop periscope.\n
place provide for employees or members of a given group to spend
their vacation.\n
peristiwa 1 event, incident, happening, affair. 2 phenomenon.\n
periuk caldron, cooking pot.\n
perjajakan 1 measuring. 2 investigation.\n
perjaka young, unmarried man.\n
perjalanan 1 trip , journey , tour 2 course .\n
perjanka [Perushaan Jawatan Kereta Api] State Railway Corporation.\n
perji see FARJI.\n
perjurit see PRAJURIT.\n
perkabaran news, news report.\n
1.mourning, grieving. 2. sugar palm. 3. measure of four cubits\'
length. 4. slice, fragment.\n
perkadian arbitration.\n
perkakas tools, implements, apparatus\n
perkalian (Math.) 1 multiplication. 2 product.\n
perkamen parchment.\n
perkantoran 1 office affairs. 2 office complex.\n
perkara 1 matter, case. 2 the fact that. 3 (Leg.) lawsuit, case.\n
perkasa 1 brave, courageous. 2 physically powerful, strong and robust.\n
perkataan word, words.\n
perkawinan 1 marriage. 2 wedding. 3 mating, breeding of animals.\n
perkedel croquette of spicy ground meat and boiled potatoes or other starch.\n
perkemahan 1 camping. 2 a camp out. 3 (Mil.) camp, encamment, bivouac.\n
perkembangan 1 development 2 blooming, flowering. 3 expansion.\n
perkenalan 1introduce s.o. or s.t. 2 inform s.o. of s.t.\n
perkenalkan 1introduce s.o. or s.t. 2 inform s.o. of s.t.\n
perkeneng license for a vehicle.\n
perkintakaan archival matters.\n
perkosa 1 violent. 2 violence. perkosa-an rape, violation.\n
perkulitan cover, jacket.\n
perkumpulan 1 club, association. 2 meeting.\n
perkusi percussion.\n
perkutut small turtledove.\n
perla [perhubungan laut] sea communications.\n
perladangan 1 unirrigated agricultural field. 2 cultivation (of such fields).\n
perlahan 1 slow. 2 soft of voice.\n
1. varnished, lacquered. 2. (Lit.) garden close to house. 3. rubber
sheet used under bed sheets.\n
perlakuan treatment, way of treating s.t. or s.o.\n
perlambang omen.\n
perlambangan symbolism, symbilization.\n
perlaya die in battle.\n
perleng extend, prolong.\n
perlengkapan 1 equipment, outfit. 2 equipping. 3 supply.\n
perlente (Coll.) elegant, swell, dandy.\n
perlina lost.\n
perlindungan 1) protection. 2) patronage, sponsorship.\n
perling glitter.\n
perlintih see PERLENTE.\n
perlip fall in love. perlip-perlip-an flirt.\n
perlipatan 1 multiplication, increase. 2 method of folding.\n
perlonco see PELONCO.\n
perlontaran 1 hurling. 2 bringing up.\n
perlop 1 leave, furlough. 2 be on leave.\n
perlu 1 necessary, be needed. 2 need to. 3 (Coll.) need.\n
perlup be engaged to be married.\n
perlus fall into a hole.\n
perlusin by the dozen\n
permadani carpet.\n
permaduan polygamy.\n
permai pretty, beautiful.\n
permainan 1 game. 2 performance, show. 3 acting. 4 tricks played on o.\n
permaisuri consort of king.\n
permak altered, changed.\n
permakluman 1 announcement, declaration, proclamation. 2 statement.\n
perman see FIRMAN.\n
permana 1. quantity. 2. (Java) careful.\n
permandian 1 bathing place. 2 baptism.\n
permanen permanent.\n
permanesi permanence.\n
permata jewel, precious stone.\n
permati final, with no further change.\n
permen 1 hard candy. 2 candy (in general). permen-karet chewing gum.\n
[Perjuangan Semesta] The Total Struggle, the uprising in Sulawesi
in late 1950\'s.\n
[Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat] Indonesian
Students\' Association in America.\n
permiintaan 1 request. 2 demand.\n
permil per thousand.\n
permili permili\n
perminyakan petroleum or refinery affairs.\n
permisi 1 ask permission. 2 ask to be exused (to leave).\n
permohonan 1 request, appeal, petition. 2 application.\n
permukaan surface.\n
pernafasan breathing, respiration.\n
pernah 1. once, ever. 2. (Java) be related in a certain way.\n
pernak-pernik needless complications, complexities.\n
pernama see PURNAMA.\n
pernel see PELANEL.\n
pernik 1 small beads. 2 little things.\n
pernilaian 1.judgment 2.evalution,appraisal.\n
pernis varnish.\n
pernyataan 1 declaration, pronouncement. 2 expression.\n
perocot see PROCOT.\n
perogol see ROGOL.\n
peroi crumbly.\n
perokok smoker, habitual smoker.\n
peroksida peroxide.\n
perolehan result, achievement, gain, acquisition.\n
1 reorganizing, making radical changes. 2 destroying and rebuilding.
3 renovation.\n
peron railroad platform.\n
peronyok crushed, crumpled.\n
perop see PROP 1.\n
perosok sink in, slip into.\n
perosot see ROSOT.\n
perotes see PROTES.\n
perotian 1 matters concerning bread. 2 bakery.\n
perpaduan 1 merger, unification. 2 blend, synthesis.\n
perpanjangan extension, prolongation.\n
perpati see MERPATI.\n
perpautan relation, connection.\n
perpelancongan see LANCONG.\n
perpisahan 1 discord. 2 leave-taking, parting.\n
perpres [Peraturan Presiden] presidential regulation.\n
1. [Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang] gvt. regulation
perpu to raplace law number... 2. [Peraturan Pemilihan Umum]
Regulations for the General Elections.\n
perpustakaan library.\n
perron see PERON.\n
pers press.\n
persabungan 1 cock (kite, etc.) fight. 2 conflict. 3 pit for cockfighting.\n
persada homeland, group of nation that have a connection.\n
persahabatan friendship.\n
persajakan 1 poetry. 2 rhyme\n
1 similarity, agreement. 2 comparison. 3 equality. 4 (Math.)
persasat like, as if.\n
persawangan (M) wasteland, dangerous wilderness.\n
persebaran the spread, dissemination.\n
persediaan 1 stock, supply. 2 preparations.\n
persegi (Math.) 1 sided. 2 square.\n
persekot cash advance.\n
1 (Coll.) give an advance to. 2 (Sl.) make pregnant before
persekutuan 1 federation. 2 partnership. 3 league, alliance.\n
perselah see PERSLAH.\n
perselisihan disagreement, quarrel, dispute.\n
perselokan drainage system.\n
persemaian seedbed, nursery.\n
persemakmuran commonwealth.\n
persemayaman 1 throne. 2 residence.\n
persembahan 1 tribute, gift. 2 dedication.\n
persembunyian shelter, hiding place, hide-away.\n
persen 1 percent. 2 tip. 3 present to a subordinate.\n
persenan percentage or tip given.\n
persendian 1 pivot, base. 2 the body joints.\n
persenggamaan coital act..\n
persengketaan contention, dispute, conflict.\n
persenjataan armament, arms, weaponry.\n
persentage /persentase/ percentage, rate.\n
persepak-bolaan soccer affairs.\n
persepatuan matters pertaining to shoes and shoemaking.\n
persepsi perception.\n
persepuluhan decimal.\n
perserikatan organization, association, union.\n
1 share. 2 shareholder, partner. persero-terbatas limited liability
company, Ltd., Inc. see SERO.\n
perseroan company.\n
perseroan company.\n
persesaran faulting, faulting system.\n
persesuaian agreement, concurrence, compatibility.\n
persetan to hell with.\n
persetan to hell with.\n
persetruan enmity, hostility.\n
persetubuhan copulation.\n
persetujuan 1 treaty, agreement. 2 approval, agreement.\n
persewaan rental.\n
1 preparations. 2 set-up, arrangement. 3 supply, equipment, etc.,
prepared for some purpose.\n
persidangan 1 meeting, assembly. 2 court session (over several days).\n
persih see BERSIH.\n
persik peach.\n
persil lot, plot. te-persil protrude, bulge.\n
persilangan 1 crossing. 2 contradiction, conflict.\n
persilatan matters pertaining to systems of self-defense.\n
persimpang-siuran 1 crisscrossing. 2 confusion, mix-up.\n
persimpangan intersection, branching off.\n
persinggahan 1 stop-over, transit. 2 port of call.\n
persinggahan 1 stop-over, transit. 2 port of call.\n
persiraman (Lit.) bathing place.\n
persis exactly, precisely.\n
persit [Persatuan Isteri Tentara] army wives\' organization.\n
perslah report, account.\n
persneling gear, transmission.\n
persoalan 1 problem, matter, issue. 2 discussion, debate.\n
persona see PESONA.\n
persona-non-grata persons non grata.\n
personalia personnel.\n
personawi personal.\n
personifikasi personification.\n
personil staff, personnel.\n
perspektif perspective.\n
perstatistikan matters pertaining to statistics.\n
persuasi persuasion.\n
persuasif persuasive.\n
persubakan matter pertaining to this water-control system.\n
persundalan 1 prostitution. 2 fornication.\n
persurat-kabaran press.\n
persuratan 1 matters pertaining to correspondence. 2 (Lit.) literature.\n
persutraan matters pertaining to silk.\n
persyaratan rules and regulations.\n
pertadbiran administration, management.\n
pertahanan 1 defense. 2 stronghold, fortress.\n
pertaksian taxi matters.\n
pertal mem-pertal translate. pertal-an translation.\n
pertalian 1 relation, relationship. 2 connection.\n
pertama first, the first.\n
pertamanan 1 gardens. 2 horticulture, garden affairs.\n
pertambahan increase, growth, accretion.\n
pertambangan mining, mine workings.\n
pertambatan 1 ship moorings. 2 connection, relationship.\n
pertanahan land affairs, land matters.\n
pertanda 1 sign, indication, augury. 2 landmark.\n
pertandaan indication.\n
pertandang (M) visitor.\n
pertandingan 1 contest, competition. 2 comparison.\n
pertanggungan 1 responsibility. 2 guarantee, security. 3 insurance.\n
pertanggungjawaban pertanggungjawaban\n
pertanian agriculture.\n
pertanyaan question, query.\n
pertapa hermit, ascetic.\n
pertapaan 1 hermit\'s abode, retreat. 2 asceticism. 3 penance.\n
pertapaian matters pertaining to fermentation.\n
pertarakan abstinence.\n
pertaruhan 1 s.t. placed s.w. 2 bet. 3 savings. 4 articles entrusted to s.o.\n
pertarungan fight, struggle.\n
pertautan 1 contact, bond. 2 joining, uniting. 3 (Chem.) linkage.\n
pertebalan thickening.\n
pertebaran (Phys.) dispersion.\n
pertekstilan matters pertaining to textiles or textile industry.\n
pertelaan proceedings, report.\n
perteleponan pertaining to telecommunication.\n
pertelevisian matters pertaining to television.\n
pertembakauan tobacco affairs.\n
pertempuran battle, combat.\n
pertemuan 1 meeting. 2 companionship.\n
pertengahan 1 the middle. 2 the average.\n
pertengkaran dispute, fracas.\n
pertenisan matters pertaining to tennis. dunia-pertenisan world of tennis.\n
1 conflict, controversy. 2 contradiction, contrast. 3 opposition,
pertentaraan 1 military barracks. 2 army base.\n
pertenunan 1 textile mill. 2 textiles.\n
pertenungan fortune-telling, soothsaying.\n
pertepatan coincidence.\n
perteraan print office.\n
pertigaan T-intersection.\n
pertikaian conflic, controversy, disagreement.\n
pertikaman a fight with daggers or similar weapons.\n
pertimbangan 1 judgment, opinion. 2 consideration. 3 review (of books, etc.).\n
pertindihan overlapping.\n
pertinjuan 1 matters pertaining to fist fighting. 2 fist fight.\n
pertionghoaan Chinese affairs.\n
pertiwi earth.\n
pertokoan 1 shop matters. 2 shopping complex.\n
pertolongan help, aid.\n
pertopangan 1 contradiction. 2 conflict, dispute.\n
pertuanan 1 sovereignty, suzerainty. 2 ruling class, upper class. 3 rule, gvt.\n
pertubuhan organization.\n
pertukangan 1 trade. 2 handicraft, craftsmanship. 3 craft, guild, association.\n
pertukaran 1 exchange. 2 change.\n
pertulisan inscription.\n
pertumbangan collapse.\n
pertumbuhan growth, development.\n
pertumpahan spillage.\n
pertunaian matters pertaining to cash.\n
pertunangan engagement.\n
pertunjukan 1 show, exhibition. 2 performance.\n
perturutan 1 continuation. 2 repetitiveness.\n
pertusis /pertussis/ (Med.) whooping cough.\n
1 conversation. 2 word, phrase. 3 pronunciation. 4 (Ling.) speech
peruan (Naut.) yardarm. peruan-gema sonic depth finder.\n
peruangan monetary affairs.\n
perubah variable.\n
perubahan change, alteration.\n
perugul see ROGOL.\n
peruk put s.t. in a place.\n
perukupan censer.\n
perulangan repetition, recurrence.\n
perum (Naut.) sounding lead.\n
perumisasi conversion of state into public corporations.\n
perumnas [Perusahaan Nasional] National Housing Authority.\n
perumpamaan parable.\n
[Perusahaan Umum Telekomunikasi] National Telephone and
Telegraph Corporation.\n
perumuman 1 generalizing. 2 generalization.\n
perun 1 heap of dried plants for burning. 2 trash, garbage heap.\n
perundang-undangan legislation.\n
perundingan 1 negotiation, deliberation. 2 discussion.\n
perunggasan poultry husbandry.\n
perunggu bronze.\n
perungus 1. fiery, hot-tempered. 2. hothead, spitfire.\n
peruntukan allotment, allocation.\n
peruntungan fortune, luck.\n
perupahan wage matters.\n
peruraian disentanglement.\n
[Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia] The Indonesian National
perus stern, grim.\n
perusa 1 violate, rape. 2 force, compel. 3 annoy, disturb.\n
perusahaan business, enterprise, undertaking, concern.\n
perusi see PRUSI.\n
perusuh 1 rioter. 2 terrorist (in the 1950s).\n
perut (Anat.) 1 stomach, belly. 2 womb.\n
perutusan delegation, deputation.\n
perwakilan 1 delegation. 2 agency. 3 representation. 4 (Mil.) liaison unit.\n
perwalian 1 guardianship. 2 custody (of child), trusteeship. 3 protectorate.\n
perwara 1 (Lit.) ladies-in-waiting of queen. 2 ancillary.\n
[Persatuan Wanita Republik Indonesia] Organization of Indonesian
Women, a social and charitable woman\'s club.\n
perwarisan matters pertaining to inheritance.\n
perwasitan matters pertaining to referees.\n
perwatakan characterization.\n
perwatasan (Ling.) modification.\n
perwilayahan matters relating to districts.\n
perwira 1 (Mil.) officer. 2 brave, courageous.\n
perwujudan 1 shape, form. 2 realization, materialization. 3 phenomenon.\n
perzinahan sexual acts outside of marriage.\n
pes bubonic plague.\n
pes. [pesawat] (Tel.) telephone extention.\n
pesagi (Coll.) see PERSEGI.\n
pesai fall to pieces.\n
gusset, patch sewu between sleeves and main part of garment or
pants legs and main part of trousers.\n
pesaka see PUSAKA.\n
pesalin new suit of clothes.\n
pesam lukewarm (of water).\n
pesan 1 order. 2 order, instruction, command. 3 message.\n
pesan-pesan k.o. poisonous centipede.\n
pesanggerahan traveler\'s rest house.\n
pesanggrahan see PASANGGRAHAN.\n
pesangon separation pay.\n
(Islam) school of Koranic studies for children and young people,
most of whom are boarders.\n
pesara see PUSARA.\n
pesarean see PASAREAN.\n
pesasir see PASASIR.\n
pesat quick, speedy, rapid.\n
1 instrument, machiine. 2 telephone instrument. 3 telephone
extension. 4 plane.\n
peseban see PASEBAN.\n
pesek flat-nosed.\n

pesenam gymnast.\n
peser half cent of colonial period.\n
pesero 1. shareholder. 2. see PERSERO.\n
peserta participant.\n
1 trip, journey. 2 take a trip, go for a ride, excursion. pesiar-
pengantin baru honeymoon.\n
pesimis pessimist, pessimistic.\n
pesimisme pessimism.\n
pesimistis pessimistic.\n
pesinden (Java) woman singer with gamelan orchestra.\n
pesing stench of urine.\n
pesirah village chief in S. Sumatra.\n
pesisir 1. beach, coastal area. 2. see PASASIR.\n
pesok dented.\n
pesolek 1 o. who uses makeup. 2 a woman who likes to dress up.\n
pesona 1 enchantment, spell. 2 magic formula.\n
pesong crooked.\n
pesta party, festivity.\n
1 divining manual. 2 magic formula. 3 magic power investing a
weapon or s.t. else.\n
pestipal festival.\n
pestisida pesticide.\n
pestol see PISTOL.\n
pesuk hole.\n
pesuruh messenger.\n
pesut 1. porpoise. 2. cleaning rag.\n
pet cap with a visor.\n
peta 1 map. 2 chart. 3 picture.\n
petah petah-lidah 1 eloquent. 2 witty.\n
k.o. tree that produces beans with pungent odor, widely eaten raw
and cooked. peta-cina k.o. tree planted to shade coffee or other
plants, the leaves of which serve as fodder and green manure and
beans of which are edible.\n
1. 1) compartment, partition, cabin. 2) garden bed, portion of a rice
petak paddy. 2. white mark, blaze (on horse). 3. petak-umpat (Jakarta) hide
and seek.\n
petaka accident, disaster, misfortune.\n
petakan plot of land.\n
(Java) moving about too much, fidgety, improper becouse of
fidgeting too much.\n
petal 1 press s.t downward. 2 loosen, remove by pressing.\n
petala 1 layer, stratum. 2 floor, story.\n
petam band tied around forehead.\n
petan main-petan play hide and seek.\n
petanaman planting area.\n
petang 1 afternoon. 2 dark. /pe`tang/ divination.\n
petangan prediction.\n
petani farmer.\n
petari see PATRI.\n
petaruh 1 final instructions, last will and testament. 2 security.\n
petas see BERAS.\n
petasan firecracker.\n
petatah-petitih see PETITIH.\n
petatar trainee.\n
petatas see PATATAS.\n
pete see PETAI.\n
petelur egg layer.\n
petenah see FITNAH.\n
petenis tennis player.\n
/petenteng-petenteng/ with o.\'s arms on the hips in an arrogant
peterah see FITRAH.\n
peterana 1 throne. 2 bridal chair.\n
peternak breeder.\n
peternakan animal husbandry.\n
peterseli parsley.\n
petetirahan vacation resort for health.\n
peti case, chest.\n
petik pick, pluck.\n
petikan 1 playing, plucking (of guitar). 2 quotation, excerpt.\n
petilan episode, fragment of performance, interview, etc.\n
petilasan remains of the past.\n
s.o. wih formal authority or acknowledged influence within a certain
petinju boxer.\n
petir thunderclap, thunderbolt.\n
petirahan health resort.\n
petiraman oyster field or bed.\n
petis condiment of the fermented fish or shrimp.\n
petisi petition.\n
petitih proverb, saying.\n
petopan 1 gambling den. 2 gambling place.\n
petor district commissioner.\n
petrokimia petrochemical.\n
petromax /petromak/ kerosene pressure lantern.\n
(Java) 1 o. of the clowns in the wayang stories. 2 funny-looking
petruk man.\n

petrus [penembak misterius] (Coll.) mysterious gunman.\n

petsai (China) see PECAI.\n
petuah 1 religious advice. 2 advice in general.\n
1 wanderer, tramp. 2 advenrurer who is trying to make a better life
for himself.\n
petualangan 1 wandering about. 2 adventure, escapade.\n
petugas 1 functionary, official. 2 employee.\n
petungan reckoning, calculation.\n
1 instruction, guidline. 2 advice, guidance. 3 indication, clue, hint. 4
petunjukan appointment (to job, etc.).\n
peuyeum /peyem/ (Sunda) fermented cassava.\n
pewadahan provision of a place or container.\n
pewajib s.o. who is liable.\n
pewangi s.t. to impart fragrance.\n
pewaris heir.\n
pewarisan 1 inheriting. 2 inheritance.\n
pewarna dye.\n
pewarta 1 correspondent, reporter. 2 news bulletin.\n
pewartaan reporting.\n
pewatas (Ling.) modifier, qualifier.\n
pewawancara interviewer.\n
pewawancaraan interviewing.\n
pewayangan things pertaining to the wayang.\n
peyek see REMPEYEK.\n
peyok /peyot/ see PEOK, PEOT 1.\n
peziarah /penziarah/ visitor to a sacred place or grave.\n
pezina adulterer, fornicator.\n
pf. [pour feliciter] abbreviation written on card of congratulations.\n
pgc [Pasukan GerakCepat] (Mil.) shock troops.\n
[Peraturan Gaji Pegawai (Negeri) ] 1 Regulations regarding civil
service grade. 2 officially appointed to a certain grade.\n
pgri [Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Teacher\'s Union.\n
ph [Piringan Hitam] phonograph record.\n
ph. [per hektar] per hectare.\n
pharmakologik see FARMAKOLOGI.\n
pharmasi see FARMASI.\n
1. [Perhubungan] communications. 2. [Penghubung] liaison
philatelis seeFILATELIS.\n
phinisi k.o. Bugis cargo boat.\n
phobi /fobi/ phobia, opposed to s.t. that o. should favor.\n
photo see FOTO.\n
pi 1. [Ambon) see PERGI. 2. see PAPI.\n
pia (China) k.o. tea cake.\n
piagam charter, contract, deed.\n
piah (China) take a ride.\n
pial 1 wattle. 2 gill.\n
1 (Lit.) cup, goblet. 2 loving cup. piala-ginjal (Anat.) pelvic
pialang intermediary, broker.\n
piama see PIYAMA.\n
piancang (China) warrior.\n
pianggang k.o. cricket.\n
pianica k.o. musical instrument.\n
pianis pianist.\n
piano piano.\n
piao (China) a dart.\n
piar combed (of hair).\n
piara see PELIHARA.\n
piarit 1 harpoon. 2 antenna of insects.\n
pias 1. margin, line. 2. pale.\n
piat-piut descendants.\n
piatu motherless child.\n
piau (China) secret weapon in martial arts.\n
piawai skilled, expert, sophisticated.\n
pica neglect.\n
picah see PECAH.\n
picah-beling k.o. flowering ornamental herb.\n
picak see PECAK.\n
rimless cap, us. of black velvet, similar in shape to an ovenseas
picik 1 narrow. 2 narrow-minded.\n
picing wink.\n
picis amounts in multiples of 10 cents.\n
picisan 1 10-cent pieces. 2 small-time, two-bit. 3 worth 10 cents.\n
picu trigger, cock, hammer (of gun).\n
pidana (Leg.) 1 criminal. 2 punishment.\n
pidanawan (Leg.) prisoner.\n
pidato speech, address.\n
pidi mem-pidi aim, direct.\n
pigi (Coll.) see PERGI.\n
pigimana see BAGAIMANA.\n
pigmen /pikmen/ pigment.\n
pigura 1 picture, painting. 2 figure, representation. 3 picture frame.\n
pihak 1 side. 2 party (in a dispute, etc.).\n
pihutang see PIUTANG.\n
piil see FIIL.\n
pijah spawn.\n
pijak /pijak-pijak/ pedals.\n
pijar blazing, red-hot, glowing.\n
pijar-pijar borax.\n
pijat get a massage.\n
pijat-pijat bedbug.\n
pijet /pijit/ see PIJAT.\n
(China) eight (mainly used in commercial transactions). pik-ban
80,000. pik-ban go 85,000. pik-cap 80. pik-cap go 85. pik-ceng
8,000. pik-pek 800. pik-pekceng 800,000. pik-pek go 850. pik-pek
go ceng 850,000. pik-tiau 8 million. pik-tiau pua 8,500,000.\n
pik. [pikul] 137 lbs.\n
pikap (Coll.) 1 van, pick-up truck. 2 phonograph, hi-fi.\n
1. horsefly. 2. 1) trap birds with sticky substance. 2) attract, be
pikau utter cries of fear.\n
pike see KAIN.\n
pikep see PIKAP.\n
1 picket in a strike. 2 posted guard. 3 duty officer, o. on duty during
off hours. 4 be on duty during off hours.\n
pikir 1 opinion, idea. 2 thought.\n
piknik go on an excursion, picnic.\n
pikul 137 lbs.\n
pikun senile, senility.\n
pil pill, tablet.\n
pilah sort, classify.\n
pilar pillar.\n
pilek have a cold.\n
pilem see FILM.\n
pilih fastidious, squeamish, choosy.\n
pilihan 1 choise. 2 selection.\n
pilin spiral, twist.\n
pilinan a twist, cord.\n
pilipina see FILIPIN.\n
pilis camphor-based compress applied to forehead.\n
pilon 1 stupid. 2 innocent, naive.\n
pilot plane pilot.\n
pilsapat see FILSAFAH.\n
pilu 1 moved, touched, affected. 2 sympathetic.\n
pilun see PILON.\n
pilus k.o. snack made of fried grated sweet potatoes.\n
pimpin lead, guide.\n
pimpinan leadership, guidance. 2 management, administration.\n
pimping k.o. tall grass.\n
pimpong see PINGPONG.\n
pinak descendant.\n
pinalti see PENALTI.\n
pinang areca nut.\n
pinangan 1 proposal submitted. 2 o. whose hand is asked.\n
pinatua church elder.\n
1 lame, crippled. 2 having a defect so that things are not even or
pincil bunch, strand.\n
1. 1) a folded-over banana leaf used as a container for portions of
pincuk food. 2 k.o. fruit salad served with a spicy fish sauce. 2. make s.o.
fall in love.\n
pincut mem-pincut(kan) enthrall, make s.o. fall in love.\n
pinda see PENDA.\n
pindah 1 move. 2 change, transfer to s.t. else.\n
pindai scrutinize, look at carefully.\n
pindakas peanut butter.\n
pindang preserve large fish or meat with salt without drying.\n
pinding see KEPINDING.\n
pines thumbtack.\n
pingai light yellow.\n
pinggan dish, plate.\n
pinggang 1 waist. 2 loins.\n
pinggir 1 edge, seam. 2 border.\n
pinggiran edges, coastal areas, outskirts.\n
pinggul 1 hip. 2 behind, rear.\n
pingin see KEPINGIN.\n
pingit secluded (of marriageable girl).\n
pingkal see PINGKEL.\n
pingkau see PIKAU.\n
pingkel double up with laughter.\n
pingpong 1 pingpong. 2 the football treatment, sending from pillar to post.\n
pingsan 1 unconscious. 2 fainted. 3 have a fit.\n
pingster (Rel.) Pentecostal sect.\n
pinguin /pingwin/ penguin.\n
pinhong (China) screen.\n
pinisepuh (Java) elders (of a village or any organization).\n

pinisi see PHINISI.\n

pinjak see PIJAK.\n
pinjal flea.\n
pinjam borrow .\n
pinjaman loan.\n
pinset tweezers, pincers.\n
pinsil see PENSIL.\n
pinta 1.request. 2. /pintak/ fate, destiny.\n
pintaan request, question.\n
pintal spin, twine.\n
pintalan ball of twine.\n
pintar 1 clever, smart. 2 skilled at, able.\n
pintas a second (of time).\n
pintasan short cut.\n
pinter see PINTAR.\n
pintil 1. skin of yarn. 2. see PENTIL.\n
pintoo (China) 1 Buddhist priest. 2 term of address to Buddhist priest.\n
pintu door, gate.\n
pinus k.o. tree, pine.\n
pinusisasi reforestation with pines.\n
pion (Che.) pawn.\n
pionir pioneer.\n
pipa 1 pipe, for smoking. 2 pipe, conduit, tube.\n
pipet (Chem.) pipette.\n
pipi cheek.\n
pipih flat, thin.\n
pipil loosen beans, grains from shell.\n
pipilan s.t. shelled.\n
pipis 1. (child language) urinate. 2. mash, crush up.\n
1. sparrow. 2. (child language) penis. 3. mouthpiece of a wind
pirai (Med.) gout.\n
piramid /piramida/ pyramid.\n
piramidal pyramidal.\n
pirang see PERANG.\n
piranti see PERANTI.\n
pirasa see RASA.\n
pirasat see FIRASAT.\n
pirau dark brown.\n
piraun see FIRAUN.\n
pirdaus see FIRDAUS.\n
pirik mem-pirik rub down, pulverize.\n
piring plate.\n
pirometer pyrometer.\n

pirsa pem-(p)irsa TV audience.\n

pirsawan TV audience.\n
pirsider refrigerator.\n
pirus turquoise (gem).\n
pis 1. bolt of cloth. 2. see PIPIS 1.\n
pisah 1 part. 2 separated.\n
pisang banana.\n
pisau knife. pisau-bedah scalpel. pisau-belati dagger. pisau-cukur razor.\n
pisik see FISIK.\n
pisin (Sunda) saucer.\n
pisit 1. svelte. 2. press, compress.\n
pispot chamber pot.\n
pistol pistol, revolver.\n
pisuh curse, use bad language in anger.\n
pisuhan s.t. said in cussing.\n
pit 1. (China) brush pen. 2. bike, motorbike.\n
pita 1 ribbon. 2 tape.\n
pitam 1 dizziness. 2 fit. 3 apoplexy. 4 paralytic stroke.\n
pitar mem-pitar aim a weapon. pem-pitar (gun) sight.\n
pitenah see FITNAH.\n
pites strush between the fingernails.\n
piting 1. hold with forearms, clinch. 2. seeFITING.\n
pitrah see FITRAH 1.\n
pituas /pituwas/ 1 compensation, reward. 2 wage.\n
piuh distorted.\n
piun see PION.\n
piut descendant 5th removed.\n
piutang 1 credit. 2 claim, accounts receivable.\n
piwulang (Java, Sunda) lesson, teaching.\n
piyama pajamas.\n
piyut choke.\n
pj. [Pejabat] official.\n
pjka [Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api] Indonesian Railway Systems.\n
pjs. [Pejabat sementara] temporary official.\n
1. [Partai Komunis] Communist party. 2. [Poardekracht]
pk horsepower. 3. /P3K/ [Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan] First
pk. [pukul] o\'clock.\n
pki [Partai Komunis Indonesia] Indonesian Communist party.\n
[Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga] program at village level to
educate women on various aspects of family welfare.\n
pkl. [pukul] o\'clock.\n

[Partai Komunis Uni Sofyet] Communist party of the Soviet

pl- seealso entries with pel-.\n
pl. [Perjanjian Lama] (Bib.) Old Testament.\n
plafon /plafond/ ceiling.\n
plagiat plagiarism.\n
plagiator plagiarist.\n
plak 1. /plak/ sound of slap. 2. plaque (on teeth).\n
plakat poster.\n
plaksegel receipt stamp or seal.\n
plamir /plamur/ putty, spackle for pinting.\n
plan-plan see PELAN.\n
plane /plein/ airplane.\n
plang 1 signpost. 2 gate.\n
planit planet.\n
plankton plankton.\n
planologoi city planning.\n
plas-plosan see CEPLAS-CEPLOS.\n
plastik plastic.\n
plastis plastic.\n
plastisitas plasticity.\n
plat see PELAT.\n
platina 1 platinum. 2 (Auto.) distributor contract, points.\n
plebisit plebiscite.\n
pledooy /pledoy,pleidoi/ (Leg.) defense.\n
plek stain, spot.\n
plempem (Java) large pipe (for drainage, etc.).\n
pleno full, plenary.\n
plentong lightbulb.\n
ples bottle, flask.\n
1 plaster. 2 adhesive plaster. plester-an covered with plaster.
/pleste`r/ cement. plester-an cement floor.\n
pletat-pletot not neat, not straight, not round.\n
pletik onomatopoetic word for s.t. small ejected.\n
pletikan a small thing ejected .\n
pliket see PELIKET.\n
/plintat-plintut/ now this way now that, swaying with the wind,
following whatever opinion is dominant.\n
plin-planisme tendency to follow whatever idea is dominant.\n
plintir see PELINTIR.\n
plisir see PELISIR.\n
plm [perahu layar motor] k.o. sailboat equipped with auxiliary engines.\n
pln [Perusahaan Listrik Negara] State Electricity Enterprise.\n
ploi pleat.\n
ploksok connecting pipe socket with two different sizes.\n
plombir 1 fill (tooth). 2 stop, plug up.\n
plonci see PELONCI.\n
plonco see PELONCO.\n
plong 1 freed of cares, relieved. 2 hole.\n
plp [Pendidikan Latihan Pertempuran] (Mil.) combat training.\n
pluit see PELUIT.\n
pluk sound of splashing water.\n
plung sound of splashing water.\n
plus 1 (Math.) plus. 2 having a surplus.\n
plutokrasi plutocracy.\n
plutokrat plutocrat.\n
1. [Perdana Menteri] prime minister. 2. [Polisi Militer] military
pma [Penanaman Modal Asing] foreign investment.\n
[Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan] talent scouting for admission
to state university system.\n
pmdn [Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri] domestic investment.\n
pmi [Palang Merah Indonesia] Indonesian Red Cross.\n
pmk [Pasukan Mencegah Kebakaran] fire department.\n
pn [Perusahaan Negara] state enterprise.\n
pneumonia /pnemonia/ pneumonia.\n
png [Papua-Nugini] Papua-New Guinea.\n
pni [Partai National Indonesia] Indonesian Nationalist party.\n
po (China) k.o. card game.\n
poatang (Jakarta, China) get caught, get found out.\n
poci teapot.\n
pocok (Java) fill a certain position temporarily.\n
pocokan /poco\'an/ fill-in.\n
pocong (Java) wrap in a shroud. pocong-an (Java) shroud.\n
podak see PUDAK.\n
podeng /poding/ pudding.\n
pof puffed (of sleeves).\n
pohbor see POPOR.\n
pohon 1. 1) tree. 2) origin, cause. 2. see MOHON.\n
1 corner. 2 k.o. newpaper column containing pithy comments on the
pojok news.\n

pojokan street corner.\n

pok see MPOK.\n
pokal ruse.\n
pokat see ADVOKAT 2.\n
poket (Mil.) pocket of uniform.\n
1 main, principal, basic, fundamental, base. 2 beginning. 3 capital,
pokok stake. 4 subject. 5 reason, central theme. 7 main or lower part of
pokrol atorney, lawyer.\n
pokrol-prokrolan pettifoggery.\n
1. 1) complete, fully done. 2) to the fullest extent. 3) filled up. 2. see
pola 1 pattern. 2 system, model of how s.t. is done.\n
polah polah-tingkah behavior.\n
polan Mr. So-and-so, Mr. What\'s-his-name.\n
polandia Poland.\n
polang-paling whirl.\n
polang-poleng checkered or camouflage pattern.\n
polantas [polisi lau lintas] traffic police.\n
polarisasi polarization.\n
polas-poles paint, smear s.t.\n
poldan 1 paid up. 2 finished ! all done ! (in card games, etc.).\n
polemik polemic.\n
poleng see POLANG-POLENG.\n
polenter volunteer.\n
poles polish.\n
polgas at full speed.\n
poli [poliklinik] polyclinic.\n
poliandri polyandry.\n
poligami polygamy.\n
poligamis polygamist.\n
poligon polygon.\n
poliklinik polyclinic.\n
polio 1. polio. 2. see FOLIO.\n
polip (Med.) polyp.\n
polis (insurance) policy.\n
polisi policeman.\n
polisionil having to do with the police.\n
politeis polytheist.\n
politeisme polytheism.\n
politeknik polytechnic.\n
politik 1 politics, political. 2 policy.\n
politikus politican.\n
politis political.\n
politisasi politicization.\n
politisi politicians.\n
politur see PELITUR.\n
polmah (Leg.) power of attorney.\n
polo (Sports) polo.\n
polok swallow, bolt down.\n
1. ghost evil spirit. 2. pod. polong-polong-an legumes of various
polongan outlet, drainpipe.\n
1 smooth. 2 plain (material, paper, etc.). 3 straightforward, without
polowijo see PALAWIJA.\n
polri [Polisi Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Police.\n
polsus [polisi khusus] special police.\n
polsuska [polisi khusus kereta api] railway police.\n
polusi pollution.\n
polutan pollutant.\n
polwan [polisi wanita] policewoman.\n
polwil [polisi wilayah] local police.\n
pom [Polisi Militer] military police.\n
pomade pomade.\n
pombensin gas station.\n
[Persatuan Orang Tua Murid dan Guru] Parent-Teacher\'s
pompa pump.\n
pompanisasi provision of water pumps in an area.\n
pompen push-ups.\n
pompong see KEPOMPONG.\n
pon [Pekan Olahraga Nasional] National Games.\n
ponakan seeKEPONAKAN.\n
ponco poncho.\n
pondamen. see FONDAMEN.\n
pondik arrogant, conceited.\n
pondoh edible pith of coconut palm trunk.\n
1 cottage, hut, cabin. 2 (Islam) Muslim boarding school. pondok-an
lodgings, rooming house.\n
pondong carry in o.\'s arms.\n
ponem see FONEM.\n
pongah conceited, stuck up.\n
ponggang see SIPONGGANG.\n
ponggawa see PUNGGAWA.\n
pongo (Java) be open-mouthed from surprise or bewilderment.\n
poni bangs.\n
ponim see FONEM.\n
ponis see VONIS.\n
ponok camel\'s hump.\n
ponokawan see PUNAKAWAN.\n
pontang-panting run helter skelter, in any direction.\n
1 marks, grades. 2 points in a game. /ponte`n/ 1 fountain. 2 public
bath and toilet.\n
ponton pontoon.\n
ponyard dagger used by naval cadets.\n
pop pop culture.\n
popi doll.\n
popok diaper.\n
popokan ghost. see MOMOK.\n
popor rifle butt.\n
popularitas popularity.\n
populasi population (in a study).\n
populer popular.\n
populis of popular culture.\n
popure (China) talisman.\n
pora see PEDANG, PESTA.\n
porak-poranda /porak-parik, porak-peranda/ a mess, in disorder.\n
pordeo see PRODEO.\n
porek see POROK.\n
pori pore.\n
[Pekan Olahraga untuk Kesejahteraan Sosial] weekly lottery based
on soccer scores.\n
pormil see FORMIL.\n
pormulir see FORMULIR.\n
porno pornography.\n
porok fork.\n
poros axis, pivot, shaft.\n
porot 1 gnaw at, bite into. 2 steal.\n
porsekot see PERSEKOT.\n
porselen china, porcelain.\n
porsi portion.\n
porstel proposal, suggestion.\n
portal gate (blocking entrance, R.R. crossing, etc.).\n
portepel portfolio.\n
portir 1 ticket collector at gate. 2 porter.\n
cost of sending s.t. porto-udara air freight costs. bebas-porto sent
free of postage.\n
portret see POTRET.\n
portuges Portuguese.\n
pos 1 mail. 2 item, entry. 3 post, situation.\n
pose pose (in photo).\n
posing see PUSING.\n
posisi position.\n

positif /positip/ positive.\n

poskar postcard.\n
[Pekan Orientasi dan Studie Mahasiswa] Freshman Orientation
pospaket parcel-post package.\n
pospor see FOSFOR.\n
postel [pos dan telekomunikasi] postal, telegraph, and telephone service.\n
poster poster.\n
postulat postulate.\n
poswesel money order.\n
pot 1 pot. 2 chamber pot.\n
potas potassium.\n
potehi (China) hand puppets.\n
potensi potential.\n
potensial /potensiil/ potential.\n
potia (China) overseer.\n
potlot pencil.\n
poto see FOTO.\n
potokopi see FOTOKOPI.\n
potol 1 broke, hard up. 2 cut off.\n
potong 1 piece. 2 lump. 3 slice. 4 be reduced by. 5 take a short cut.\n
1 deduction from wages. 2 discount. 3 way s.t. is made or built,
model, cut of clothes. 4 abbreviation. 5 a cut.\n
1 photograph, picture, snapshot. 2 camera. 3 have o.\'s picture
1 k.o. four-wheel-drive army truck used in mountainous regions. 2
power of radio or stereo set.\n
poya see FOYA.\n
poyang grandfather.\n
1 [pulang pergi] round trip. 2. [Peraturan Pemerintah] Governmental
[Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Kebudayaan] Ministry of Education
and Culture.\n
[Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup] Cultivation and
Preservation of the Environment.\n
ppn (Pajak Pendapatan Nasional] National Income Tax.\n
ppn(b) [Pusat Perkebunan Negara (Baru) ] (New) Center for Gvt. Estates.\n
[Partai Persatuan Pembangunan] United Development party, a
Muslim party.\n
pppk [Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan] First Aid.\n

1. [Penyapu Ranjau] minesweeper. 2. [pekerjaan rumah] homework.

pr 3. [Pemuda Rakyat] communist youth movement, the People\'s
pr- seealso entries with per-.\n
pra- see also entries with pre-.\n
praada preexistence.\n
praanggapan prejudice, presupposition.\n
prabakti probationary.\n
prabawa see PERBAWA.\n
prabedah preoperative.\n
prabu the sovereign.\n
pracerita opening portion of a story.\n
pracipta s.t. created beforehand.\n
prada 1. (prajurit dua] (Mil.) Private (lowest rank). 2. see PERADA 1.\n
pradewasa preadult.\n
pradini premature in birth, ripening, or flowering.\n
praduga presumption.\n
prafabrik prefabricated.\n
pragaan see RAGA 1.\n
pragmatis pragmatic.\n
pragmatisme pragmatism.\n
prah freight, cargo.\n
praha Prague.\n
prahara hurricane, tempest.\n
prahoto truck.\n
prailmiah prescientific.\n
praja territory of jurisdiction.\n
prajurit 1 solder. 2 a private. 3 soldierlike and brave.\n
praka [prajurit kepala] (Mil.) highest rank of private below kopral.\n
prakarsa initiative.\n
vocational subjects in school (home-making, sewing, automobile
repairing, etc.).\n
prakata foreword.\n
prakemerdekaan pre-Independence.\n
prakira forecast.\n
prakondisi prerequisite.\n
praktek /praktik/ 1 practice of a profession. 2 practices.\n
praktikum practical work, lab work.\n
praktis 1 practical. 2 practically.\n
/prakwalifikasi/ (Fin.) qualifications stipulated for all prospective
tenders of a bid.\n
pralambang prediction, prophecy.\n

pralon k.o. hard pipe.\n

prama [pramahasiswa] o. who is about to enter university.\n
pramadara newly registered university freshman (female).\n
pramana (Java) careful.\n
pramaria newly registered university freshman.\n
pramasehi pre-Christian.\n
prambos see FRAMBOS.\n
prameswari see PERMAISURI.\n
prami newly registered university student (female).\n
pramubakti /pramubhakti/ (Euphemism) maid servant.\n
pramugara attemdant on long distance transport.\n
pramugari female attendant on long distance transport.\n
pramuka [(Gerakan) Praja Muda Karana] Boy Scouts.\n
pramukawati Girl Scout.\n
pramuniaga [Euphemism] sales clerk.\n
pramuria [Euphemism] nightclub hostess.\n
pramuwisata tourist guide.\n
pramuwisma [Euphemism] maid servant.\n
pranata instituation, regulation.\n
prancis France, French.\n
prangko postage stamp.\n
prapatan crossroads.\n
prapen (Java) furnace, fireplace, or any place for a fire.\n
prapendaftaran preregistration.\n
praperadilan pretrial.\n
prapertunjukan preview.\n
prarasa partiality, preference.\n
prarencana plan in rough, preliminary form.\n
prasaja straightforward, without guile.\n
prasangka prejudice.\n
prasantap food served before main course.\n
prasaran working paper, introductory or working paper for.\n
prasarana 1 infrastructure. 2 labor done in preparation.\n
prasarjana degree awarded after three years of tertiary level study.\n
1 ancient inscription, epigraphy. 2 plaque commemorating
inauguration of building.\n
prasejarah prehistory, prehistorical.\n
prasekolah preschool.\n
prasetia /prasetya/ firm intent, pledge of loyalty, religious vow.\n
praskripsi (Acad.) B.A.thesis.\n
prasman (Coll.) Frenchman.\n
prasmanan buffet.\n
prasyarat prerequisite.\n
prat-prit sound of whistle blowing repeatedly.\n
pratanda 1 sign, indication. 2 forerunner.\n
pratekan (Ling.) prestressed.\n
pratijangkit antiseptic.\n
pratiwi see PERTIWI.\n
pratu [perajurit satu] private first class.\n
prausul working paper.\n
prawacana foreword, preface.\n
prawarsa initiative, impetus.\n
prawira see PERWIRA.\n
prayoga decent, suitable.\n
prayojana purpose, intention, motive.\n
pre see PERAI 1.\n
preambul preamble.\n
predikat 1 citation, designation. 2 (Ling.) predicate.\n
prefek (Rel.) prefect, the supervisor in a church organization.\n
prefektur prefecture (in Japan, France, etc.).\n
preferensi preference.\n
preferensiil preferential.\n
prehistori prehistory.\n
prehistoris prehistoric.\n
prei 1. see PERAI 1. 2. leek.\n
(Vulg.) Nonsense ! Shut up ! (exclamation to silence s.o.). mem-
prek-i tell s.o. to shut up.\n
prekik see PRIKIK.\n
prelat prelate.\n
preliminer preliminary.\n
prem plum.\n
preman 1 private, civilian. 2 (Coll.) street kids, hoodlums.\n
prematur premature.\n
premi 1 premium. 2 bonus.\n
premier (Thea.) premier.\n
premis premise.\n
prenjak k.o. bird.\n
preparat (Med.) blood smear.\n
prepentip see PREVENTIF.\n
prerogatif prerogative.\n
1. pres-ban k.o. procedure for tire repaire in which a faulty inner
pres tube is sealed by pressing rubber to it with a hot iron tool. 2. 1) prize.
2) toy given away as prize in package (of crackerjacks, etc.).\n
presdir [presiden direktur] president and director of a company.\n
preseden precedent.\n
presentasi presentation.\n
presiden president.\n
presidensial /presidensiil/ presidential\n
presidium presidium.\n
presis see PERSIS.\n
presisi precision.\n
preskripsi prescription.\n
prestasi achievement, performance\n
prestise prestige.\n
1 dismantle, tear apart. 2 remove, take out. 3 find out a secret,
question thoroughly. 4 wipe out, clear away.\n
pretensi pretension.\n
pretensius pretentious.\n
preventif /preventip/ preventive.\n
previu preview.\n
prewangan shaman, o. who has mystical powers.\n
pri see PRIBUMI.\n
pria man, male.\n
priai see PRIYAYI.\n
pribadi 1 individual, personal. 2 person.\n
pribahasa see PERIBAHASA.\n
pribumi indigene, o. of native stock and not of immigrant blood.\n
pribumisasi the process of turning enterprises over to the indigenouse people.\n
pries /pris/ Frisian.\n
prigel (Java) skillful.\n
prihal see PERI 1.\n
prihatin concerned, apprehensive.\n
prikik (Sport.) free kick after minor foul.\n
prilaku see PERI 1.\n
prilem preliminary.\n
prima first-rate.\n
primadona (Coll.) woman who is considered excellent.\n
primata (Bio.) primate.\n
primbon (Java) divining manual.\n
primer primary.\n
primitif primitive.\n
/pring/ (Mil.) answer to the call werda ( \" Who goes there ?\"):
friend (not foe).\n
pringas-pringis grin sheepishly.\n
(Java) open structure in front of mansion, behind the pendopo, for
showing shadow plays or receiving visitors.\n

pringisan grin.\n
prinsip principle, tenet.\n
prinsipiil /prinsipil/ principal, basic.\n
prioritas /prioritet/ priority.\n
prisma prism.\n
prit sound of blown whistle.\n
privat private.\n
prive private.\n
privilese privilege.\n
priwil a bicycle gear that allows wheels to turn without engaging pedals.\n
priya see PRIA.\n
priyayi (Java) o. belonging to upper classes.\n
pro pro.\n
probabilitas probability.\n
problem /problim/ problem.\n
problematik set of problems.\n
procot (Vulg.) be born.\n
prodeo free, without cost.\n
produk product.\n
produksi production.\n
produktif productive.\n
produktivitas /produktivitet/ productivity.\n
produsen producer.\n
produser /produsir/ memp-produser produce.\n
profesi profession. ber-profesi professional.\n
profesionalisme professionalism.\n
profesor professor.\n
professi see PROFESI.\n
profil 1 appearance. 2 profile.\n
profisiat expression. uttered when offering congratulations.\n
prognosa /prognose/ prognosis.\n
program /programa/ program.\n
progresif progressive.\n
progresivitas /progresivitet/ progressiveness.\n
prohibisionis prohibitionist.\n
prokem (Jakarta) 1 jargon of youth in Jakarta. 2 street kids.\n
proklamasi proclamation.\n
proklamator o. who proclaims.\n
proklamir memp-proklamir-kan proclaim.\n
prokurasi (Leg.) power of attorney.\n
proletar proletarian.\n
proletariat proletariat.\n
proletarisasi proletarianization.\n
proliferasi proliferation.\n
prolog prologue.\n
promes (Fin.) promissory note.\n
promosi 1 promotion of a product. 2 (Acad.) disertation defense.\n
promosional promotional.\n
promotor (Acad.) dissertation supervisor. 2 o. who champions s.t.\n
promovendus (Acad.) a candidate for a doctorate.\n
1. cork, stopper, plug. 2. [propadeus] preparation for entering a
university course or profession.\n
prop. [propinsi] province.\n
propadeus /propaedeuse/ preparation for entering (a course, a profession).\n
propaganda propaganda.\n
propagandis propagandist.\n
propeler (Av.) propeller.\n
properti property (in TV, film making).\n
propesi see PROFESI.\n
propesor see PROFESOR.\n
propil see PROFIL.\n
propinsi see PROVINSI.\n
propokatip see PROVOKATIF.\n
proporsi proportion.\n
proporsional /proporsionil/ reasonable, in accordance with o. would expect.\n
prosa prose.\n
prosedur procedure.\n
proseduril procedural.\n
prosen see PERSEN.\n
prosentase /prosentasi/ percentage.\n
prosentuil on a persentage basis.\n
proses 1 process. 2 legal action.\n
prosesi procession.\n
prosis 1 prose writer. 2 prosaic.\n
prosodi prosody.\n
prospek prospect, future chances.\n
prospektus promotional leaflet.\n
prostat /prostata/ (Anat.) prostate.\n
prostitusi prostitution.\n
proteina protein.\n
proteksi economic protection.\n
proteksionis protectionist.\n
protektorat protectorate.\n
protes protest.\n
protestan Protestant.\n
protokol 1. protocol. 2. master of ceremonies at formal functions.\n
protokoler having to do with protocol.\n
protol (Java) apart, in pieces.\n
proton (Phys.) proton.\n
provinsi province.\n
provinsial provincial.\n
provinsialisme provincialism.\n
provinsialistis provincial.\n
provisi (Fin.) commission.\n
provokasi provocation.\n
provokatif /provokatip/ provocative.\n
provokator provocateur.\n
provost military police in air force or navy.\n
proyek project.\n
proyeksi projection, forecast.\n
proyektil missile.\n
proyektir project s.t. or an image.\n
proyektor projector.\n
[Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia/Perjuangan Semesta]
Total Struggle and the Republic of Indonesia\'s Revolutionary Gvt.,
a rebellion in Sumatra and N. Sulawesi against the central gvt. in the
late 1950s.\n
pruf /prup/ printer\'s proof.\n
prusi verdigris.\n
1. [pasal] article (in legal documents, etc.] 2. [pasar] market. 3.
[pejabat sementara] temporary official.\n
psi [Partai Sosialis Indonesia] Indonesian Socialist party.\n
psi. [psikologi] psychology.\n
psii [Partai Serikat Islam Indonesia] Islam party of Indonesia.\n
psikiater psychiatrist.\n
psikiatri psychiatry.\n
psikiatrik /psikiatris/ psychiatric.\n
psikis psychological, mental.\n
psikoanalis psychoanalyst.\n
psikoanalisa psychoanalysis.\n
psikolinguistik psycholinguistics.\n
psikolog psychologist.\n
psikologi psychology.\n
psikopat psychopath.\n

psk. [pasukan] (Mil.) troops.\n

[Pendidikan Sejarah Perjuangan Bangsa] the History of the National
Struggle, a subject in school.\n
1. [Perseroan Terbatas] Inc., Ltd. 2. [Panglima Tertinggi] officer the
pt rank of governor of a region. 3. [Perguruan Tinggi] Institute of
Higher Education.\n
pt. [Pendeta] Rev., title for a minister.\n
ptik [Program Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian] Police Academy.\n
[(Departemen) Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan] Department
of Higher Education and Sciences.\n
ptm [Persekutuan Tanah Melayu] Federation of Malaya.\n
[Pos, Telekomunikasi (dan) Pariwisata] Post office,
Telecommunications, and Tourism.\n
[Pos, Telegrap dan Telpon] Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone
1. [Pejabat Ulama] high official. 2. [Pembantu Utama] secretary-
general of a ministry. 3.[Pekerjaan Umum] Public Works.\n
puade see KUADE.\n
puah bah ! phooey !\n
puak group, tribe.\n
puaka gnome, spirit (inhabiting a certain place).\n
pual 1. voile. 2. vortex.\n
pualam 1 marble. 2 alabaster.\n
1. plate for betel. 2. (Lit.) title or deferential term of address for a
woman. 3. see KELAPA.\n
puar cardamom.\n
puas satisfied, contented.\n
puasa 1 fast. 2 (Islam) fasting month.\n
puatang (China) have no chance.\n
puber /pubertas/ puberty.\n
publik public.\n
publikasi publication.\n
publisir publicize.\n
publisistik mass communications (as a field of study).\n
publisitas publicity.\n
pucat pale due to illness or fright.\n
pucuk 1 tip of a leaf, shoot, sprout. 2 tip of s.t. 3 a classifier.\n
pucung 1. heron. 2. tree that produces keluak.\n
pudak k.o. pandanus.\n
pudar 1 pale, faded. 2 weak, dim.\n
pudat full to the brim.\n
pudek [pembantu dekan] assistant dean.\n
pudel poodle.\n
puder (face) powder.\n
pudi powder, dust of precious stones.\n
puding 1. croton plant. 2. see PODENG.\n
pudur extinguished.\n
pugar mem-pugar restore.\n
puguh (Jakarta) for sure, certain.\n
puhun see POHON 2.\n
puing 1. ruins, debris. 2. see PUYENG.\n
puisi poetry.\n
puitik /puitis/ poetic.\n
puja worship, adoration.\n
pujaan 1 adoration, worship. 2 idol.\n
pujangga 1 man of letters. 2 poet.\n
praise. mem-(p)uji praise, commend.puja-puja-an prayers of
pujuk see BUJUK.\n
pujur profligate, dissolute.\n
pujut strangulation.\n
puk-oping /puk ping/ menthol inhaler for colds.\n
pukal lump, block.\n
pukang 1 crotch. 2 thigh of animal. mem-pukang tear apart.\n
pukas see PUKES.\n
pukat seine, dragnet. pukat-harimau large trawling.\n
pukau drug to make o. sleep.\n
pukauan charm.\n
pukes vulva.\n
puki (Vulg.) vagina.\n
pukis k.o. butter cake.\n
pukta excellent.\n
pukul 1 strike. 2 blow, o. fell swoop. 3 o\'clock.\n
pul 1. (car)pool. 2. pole.\n
1 likewise, as well. 2 again. 3 (who, where, how, etc.) alse ? 4 (who,
pula where, why, how, etc.) do you think, (what, etc.) in the world. 5 do
pulai k.o. tree whose bark is medicinal and with corklike wood.\n
pulak seePULA.\n
1 good-tasting (of cooked rice or tubers cooked to proper softness). 2
smooth and mellow.\n
pulang 1 return home. 2 be left up to.\n
1. fast asleep. 2. a dab. 3. 1) turn, wring. 2) twist, distort. 3) have
pulas coloc.\n

1. 1) outward appearance. 2) s.t smeared on. 2. k.o. rambutan whit

short nubbles as if the hair had been tweaked off.\n
pulasari liana with yellow flowers.\n
pulau island.\n
pulauisme insularity.\n
pule see PULAI.\n
pulen see PULAN.\n
pules see PULAS 1.\n
puli 1. o. of the parts of the automobile chassis. 2. rice cracker.\n
pulih 1 recovered from an illness. 2 restored, repaired.\n
pulisi see POLISI.\n
pulkanisir see VULKANISIR.\n
pulpen fountain pen.\n
pulsa beat, throb, pulse.\n
counter for a multiple of 10. puluh-an 1 tens, decades. 2 10-rupiah
pulun 1 rise (of smoke). 2 rise like smoke (of thoughts).\n
1. pellet. 2. (Java) flash of light which gives o. power enabling him
to be legitimized as ruler.\n
pulungan s.t. rolled into pellets.\n
pulur see EMPULUR.\n
pulut 1 glutinous rice. 2 birdlime.\n
pumigasi see FUMIGASI.\n
pumpun flock together.\n
pumpunan 1 meeting place, 2 center.\n
1 (Lit.) then, subsequently. 2 also. 3 even. 4 who, where, what, etc.
ever it might be, everywhere, everyone, everything, etc.\n
punah extinct.\n
punai pigeon.\n
punakawan (Java) servants of royalty in wayang.\n
punat (Med.) core of a boil.\n
1 flap, tail, end. 2 beginning, introduction, elementary. 3 initial
puncak 1 top, summit. 2 peak, mount. 3 acme, zenith.\n
pundak 1 shoulder. 2 neck.\n
punden (Java) holy place (graves of ancestors, sacred trees, etc.).\n
1 earthen jar to hold water. 2 crockery piggy-bank. pundi-pundi
purse, bag.\n
punding knot.\n
pungak-pinguk be or look embarrassed.\n
punggah load, cargo.\n
punggahan place for loading cargo.\n
punggal mem-punggal break off the point of s.t.\n
punggawa court official in Java shadow play.\n
pungguk k.o. owl.\n
punggung back.\n
punggur tree trunk.\n
pungkah piece, lump.\n
pungkasan final, end.\n
pungki see PENGKI.\n
pungkir seeMUNGKIR.\n
pungkur 1 rear end, posterior. 2 residue.\n
[pungutan liar] toll or tariff collected without proper legal
pungliwan o. who extracts illegal tolls.\n
pungsi see FUNGSI.\n
pungut adopted.\n
1 pickings, harvest. 2 quotation. 3 tax levied. 4 amount collected,
collection (in church).\n
punjul (Java) a bit over in amount.\n
punjung trellis, bower.\n
punjut tie together.\n
punktuasi /pungtuasi/ punctuation.\n
punokawan see PUNAKAWAN.\n
punsu [China] able, talented.\n
punt /pent/ 1 that is the end of it, period. 2 period, point.\n
puntal 1 winding round. 2 in balls.\n
puntalan 1 bobbin spool. 2 ball of wool.\n
punten (Sunda) excuse me.\n
punti see BUAH.\n
puntianak k.o. vampire or blood-sucking supernatural being.\n
puntil-susu nipple.\n
puntir mem-puntir wind, twist firmly.\n
puntiran 1 torsion. 2 s.t. twisted.\n
puntng-panting see PONTANG-PANTING.\n
puntul dull, blunt.\n
puntung 1 blunt. 2 butt, stub, stump. 3 maimed. crippled, mutilated.\n
punuk see PONOK.\n
1 (Coll.) have, possess. 2 belonging. 3 (Coll. ) a possessive marker. 4
after, with.\n
pupu degree of consanguinity.\n
pupuh 1. ber-pupuh fight. mem-pupuh beat. 2. strophe.\n
pupuk 1. manure, fertilizer. 2.(Java) put traditional medicines on a
pupun collect (e.g. rubber).\n
pupunan gathering of rubber.\n
pupur face powder.\n
1. budding leaf, leaf that has just come out. 2. 1) wiped out,
pupus obliterated. 2) disappeared.\n
puput whistle, flute, blow.\n
puputan 1) pair of bellows. 2) blowing of the wind.\n
pur- complete, post-(in formal words or titles).\n
pura 1. 1) bag. 2) fund. 2. Balinese temple, shrine.\n
pura-pura 1 pretend. 2 pseudo, mock.\n
purata (Math.) mean.\n
purba old, ancient, antique.\n
purbakala olden times.\n
purbakalawan archaeologist.\n
purbasangka prejudice.\n
pure puree.\n
purek [pembantu rektor] assistant to the rector.\n
purel [Public Relations] public relations.\n
puri 1 castle, royal palace. 2 town. 3 Balinese house of worship.\n
purifikasi purification.\n
purik go home for sympathy out of anger.\n
puring see PUDING 1.\n
purn. [purnawirawan, purnakaryawan] retired, emeritus.\n
purnakaryawan retired civil servant.\n
purnakata what is said in conclusion.\n
purnama full moon.\n
purnaswasta o. retired in private sector.\n
purnawirawan retired armed services officer.\n
puru sore, boil, ulcer.\n
puruk hide s.t. inside.\n
purun k.o. rush used for basket weaving.\n
purus diarrhea.\n
purut rough-skinned. jeruk-purut k.o. nubbled lime used as condiment.\n
purwa see WAYANG.\n
purwaka in the beginning, formerly.\n
purwakanti (Ling.) assonance, alliteration.\n
purwoceng k.o. aphrodisiac.\n
pusa 1 momentum. 2 desire to do s.t.\n
pusaka heirloom.\n
pusar navel.\n
pusara 1. 1) cemetery. 2) grave. 2. reins.\n
pusaran 1 rotation. 2 handle, crank. 3 vortex.\n

pusat 1 navel. 2 center. 3 center, central, main.\n

puser (Java) navel.\n
1 whirling, dizzy. 2 be puzzled, confused, worried. pusing-an
puskesmas [Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat] local gvt. clinic.\n
puso parched, dried up.\n
puspa (Lit.) flower.\n
puspen [Pusat Penerangan] information center.\n
puspita (Lit.) flower.\n
pustaka 1 book. 2 divining manual.\n
pustakawan librarian.\n
pusu 1. (M) troop, band. 2. anthill.\n
pusung dreamer, dullard.\n
pusut awl.\n
putao (China) rice wine.\n
putar turning.\n
putaran 1 circle. 2 crank, windlass. 3 wheel. 4 showing.\n
puter 1. k.o. dove. 2. (Java) see PUTAR.\n
1 prince. 2 son, child (of o. who is respected). 3 a son of (o. from) a
certain place. 4. male.\n
puteri 1 princess. 2 daughter, girl (of o. who is respected). 3 female.\n
putih 1 white. 2 pale, fair skinned. 3 pure.\n
putik (Biol.) 1 bud, pistil. 2 ovary. ber-putik beginning to bear fruit.\n
puting 1 handle, hilt. 2 stalk.\n
puting-beliung whirlwind, waterspout.\n
putra see PUTERA.\n
putri see PUTERI.\n
steamed cake. putu-mayang k.o. cake made of rice noodles
fashioned into a wreath.\n
1 broken off, served. 2 break. 3 finish. 4 break a promise. 5 sever
puyan body dirt.\n
puyang see LEMPUYANG.\n
puyeng 1 headache. 2 confused, dizzy.\n
puyuh 1. quail. 2. see ANGIN.\n
puyunghai see FUYONGHAI.\n
[Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia] Journalists\' Association of
pym [Paduka Yang Mulia] Your Excellency.\n
pyuh-pyuh expression of surprise.\n
q the 17 th letter of the alphabet.\n
almost all words with q may also be written with k. For entries with
q- seek-.\n
qabil (Islam) Cain, Abel\'s brother.\n

qari (Islam) receiter of the Koran.\n

qariah (Islam) female reciter of the Koran.\n
qur'an see KORAN.\n
r the 18 letter of the alphabet.\n
r. [Raden] (Java) masculine noble title.\n
r.m. [Raden Mas] (Java) title of minor male nobility.\n
ra'yat see RAKYAT.\n
[radiallahu an(hu) ] (Islam) an exclamation uttered after mention of
o. of Muh.\'s companions or the prophets: May God bless him !\n
raad see RAD.\n
rab [Rencana Anggaran Belanja] 1 budget plan. 2 draft budge.\n
raba 1 feel s.t. 2 grope (often with sexual implications). 3 guess.\n
rabaan 1 touch. 2 groping with the hand. 3 guess, estimate.\n
rabah shrike.\n
rabak 1 large tear, rip. 2 in tatters\n
raban 1 jabber, babble. 2 rave, be delirious.\n
rabas (M) drizzle.\n
rabat rebate, quantity discount.\n
rabbi (Bib.) Lord.\n
rabi'ul-akhir (Islam) 4th month of Arabic calendar.\n
rabi'ul-awal (Islam) 3d month of Arabic calendar.\n
rabies rabies.\n
rabik /rabit/ torn, tattered at the edges.\n
rabu 1.(M) lungs. 2. size, carry off (loot, etc.). 3. Wednesday.\n
rabuk 1 fertilizer. 2 tinderwood.\n
rabun 1) hazy, dim. 2) near sighted .\n
rabung ridge of a house.\n
rabut see CABUT.\n
racau delirious.\n
racek (Jakarta) pockmarked.\n
1. bird snare. 2. 1) cut into thin slices. 2) blend various proper
ingredients into food, etc. 3) eat foods already mixed (rice with
vegetables, etc.). 4) make the necessary preparations prior to a main
racuk tease, entice s.o.\n
racun poison.\n
rad council.\n
rada (Java, Jakarta) rather, somewhat.\n
radak 1 a stab with a spear. 2 an attact.\n
radang 1 inflamed, hot. 2 fly into a rage.\n
raden 1 title of Java nobility. 2 form of address, esp. as den.\n
rader rolling pin.\n
rades radish.\n
(Islam) May God bless him, exclamation uttered after the mention of
o. of Muh.\'s companions or the prophets.\n
radiasi radiation.\n
radiator radiator.\n
radikal (Pol.) radical. radicalism.\n
radikalisasi radicalization.\n
radikalisir radicalize.\n
radikalisme radicalism.\n
radin see RADEN.\n
radio radio.\n
radioaktif radioactive.\n
radioaktifitas radioactivity.\n
radiogram radiogram.\n
radiologi radiology.\n
radiowan radioman.\n
radius circle, radius.\n
radmolen ferris wheel.\n
1 raffia fibre. 2 k.o. twine made of thin strips of plastic similar to
raffia fibre.\n
raflesia k.o. endotropic parasitic plant, the Rafflesia.\n
1. 1) (Lit.) boast, show off. 2) hold an exhibition. 2. 1) k.o. simple
rattan basket. 2) ball plaited from rattan. 3. (Lit.) body.\n
1 melody, tune. 2 manner, kind. 3 caprice, whim. 4 (Ling.) register,
ragangan 1 scaffolding, laths. 2 kite frame. 3 handlebars.\n
ragas 1 pull out (Hir, grass, etc.). 2 cut, tear.\n
ragawi physical.\n
1 dust mop, esp. for ceilings. 2 moplike tool for cleaning toiled
ragi 1. yeast, fermentation agent. 2. design, formulation.\n
ragib absorbed in an activity.\n
ragil (Java) youngest (child).\n
ragu hesitant. ragu-ragu 1 be wary, uncertain. 2 hesitate to do s.t.\n
ragum (Lit.) vise, clamp.\n
raguman joint (membership, etc.).\n
ragut see RENGGUT.\n
rahab see RAHAP1.\n
rahang jaw. rahang-atas upper jaw. rahang-bawah lower jaw.\n
1. shroud. 2. 1) alight. 2)kneel down next to. 3) throw o.s. face
raharja (Java) well-being prosperty.\n
rahasia secret.\n
rahat see ISTIRAHAT.\n
rahayat see RAKYAT.\n
1 well-being. 2 greeting, esp. used by adherents of Java folk
rahib 1 monk. 2 nun.\n
rahim 1. womb, uterus. 2. (Islam) merciful (of God).\n
rahimi (Islam) merciful (of God).\n
rahman /rahmani/ (Islam) compassionate (of God).\n
rahmat (Islam) God\'s mercy.\n
rahmatullah (Islam) mercy of God.\n
rahsia see RAHASIA.\n
rahu k.o. monster that causes lunar eclipses by swallowing moon.\n
rahuh sigh of relief.\n
rai-gedek (Java) shameless.\n
raib see GAIB.\n
1 reach for. 2 sweep up, take in toward o.s. 3 achieve, manage to
1. sweep off. 2. president or chairman, formerly used by the Islam
rait screeching sound.\n
raja 1 king. 2 tycoon. 3 o. who excels at s.t. 4 (Che.) king.\n
rajab (Islam) 7th month of Arabic calendar.\n
rajabrana (Java) treasure, riches.\n
1. 1) (Lit.) figure or design with mystical properties. 2) tattoo. 3
lines in the palm. 2. see RAJA.\n
rajakula dynasty.\n
rajalela violent and arbitrary.\n
rajalele prized variety of rice.\n
rajam me-rajam stone to death.\n
rajaman stoning.\n
cut into small pieces, mince (vegetables, etc.). rajang-an cut
rajawali k.o. large black hawk.\n
rajet (Coll.) broken into small pieces.\n
rajin 1 industrious, diligent. 2 frequently.\n
rajuk pout, sulk.\n
rajungan k.o. small crab.\n
rajut net.\n
rak 1. cracking sound. 2 shelf, rack.\n

raka 1 (Lit.) elder brother. 2 senior male university student.\n

(Islam) essential unit of prayer ritual, consisting of bows and
prostrations performed a prescribed number of times.\n
rakam 1 stamping, printing. 2 embroidering.\n
rakaman 1 notes, recorded materials. 2 recording (of music, etc.).\n
rakan see REKAN.\n
rakanita senior female university student.\n
rakat see REKAT.\n
rakawati see RAKANITA.\n
raker [rapat kerja] meeting at which work is accomplished.\n
rakerda [rapat kerja daerah] regional working meeting.\n
rakernas [rapat kerja nasional] national working meeting.\n
raket 1. (Sport) racket. 2. see ROKET.\n
rakhman /rakhmani/ see RAHMAN, RAHMANI.\n
rakhmat see RAHMAT.\n
rakit raft.\n
rakna see RATNA.\n
raksa see AIR.\n
raksamala see RASAMALA.\n
raksasa 1 mythical gigantic demon. 2 giant.\n
raksasi see RASEKSI.\n
raksi 1. perfume. 2 see RASI 1.\n
rakuk nick, notch, indentation.\n
rakus greedy, voracious.\n
rakut 1 spin a web, lay a snare. 2 deceive.\n
rakyat populace, citizenry.\n
ralat error, mistake, esp. typographical.\n
ralip me-ralip doze off. pe-ralip o. who is always sleepy.\n
raliwan (Sport) participant in sports rally.\n
rally /reli/ (Sport) rally.\n
ram [Republik Arab Mesir] Egyptian Arab Republic.\n
rama see ROMO.\n
rama-rama butterfly, us. large.\n
/Ramadhan, Ramadlan/ (Islam) 9th month of the Arabic calendar,
fasting month.\n
ramah friendly, easy to talk with. ramah-tamah hospitable and friendly.\n
1 crowded, busy. 2 bustling, lively, festive. 3 noisy, loud. 4
ramal tell fortunes.1 predict. 2 portend.\n
ramalan 1 prognosis, prediction.oracle, fortune-teller.\n

ramanda (Java, repsectful) 1 father (respectful). 2 uncle.\n

ramas 1. 1) press, knead. 2.) see RAMES.\n
great Hindu epic from which many themes of Indonesian literature
and public life are drawn.\n
rambah clear away, cut down.\n
1. k.o. tree bearing edible but undomesticated fruit. 2. 1) fringe. 2)
tuft of hair.\n
edible portion of beef or pork skin, often fried as chips or used in
ramban (Jakarta) collect grass or leaves for food.\n
rambang 1. broad, wide, extensive. 2.seeREMBANG.\n
rambas me-rambas crush s.t.\n
rambat spreading, creeping.\n
rambatan propagation.\n
(Java) heave-ho, phrase uttered in unison by group carrying s.t.
rambia seeRUMBIA.\n
rambo /rembo/ the movie character Rambo.\n
1. fringe, tassel. 2. (Naut.) short pillar on quay for tying up ships,
buoy. rambu-lalulintas traffic sign.\n
rambun tangled undergrowth.\n
1 hair of the head. 2 (Coll.) body hair. 3 mane. 4 (Coll.) thread. 5
rambut (Coll.) filament.\n
k.o. Nephelium tree bearing fruit similar to lychee, the rambutan.
rambutan-rapiah highly priced k.o. rambutan of Jakarta.\n
rame see RAMAI.\n
ramelan see RAMADAN.\n
rames 1 mix by kneading. 2 provide with a misture.\n
rami hemp, jute.\n
ramin basket making.\n
rampai various.\n
rampai-rampai mixed, jumble.\n
1. thick, dense (of foliage, crowd). 2. completely dressed up. 3.
rampas seize, carry away.\n
rampasan loot.\n
rampat swing, brandish.\n
1. slender, slightly built. 2. side by side, next to. 3. 1) disfigured,
multilated. 2) pierced (of ears).\n
rampok rob, plunder .\n
rampung (Java) finished, settled, completed.\n
rampus indecent (of language).\n
ramsum see RANGSUM.\n
ramu gather, collect.\n
ramuan ingredients, concoction.\n
ramus superfluous hair.\n
rana 1. long-suffering. 2. see RATNA.\n
ranah 1 meadow, low-lying valley. 2 domain.\n
ranai rizzle, trickle.\n
ranap still, quiet.\n
rancah scaffolding.\n
rancak 1. (M) handsome, beautiful. 2. a set.\n
rancakan stand for a set of small gongs.\n
rancang stake, post.\n
rancangan plan, program.\n
rancap 1. pointed. 2 masturbation.\n
rancu confused.\n
rancung pointed, acute.\n
randa widow, widower (in some areas of Indonesia).\n
randai 1. traditional Minangkabau theather. 2. traverse on foot.\n
randang see RENDANG.\n
1 eat food that has been mixed together or seasoned. 2 make food
tasty by mixing several things together.\n
randek (Jakarta) stop.\n
randu silk-cotton tree.\n
randung violet, step on, infringe.\n
rang 1. rank, position. 2. clanging sound. 3. design, plan. 4. seeORANG
rang-rangan rough draft, outline.\n
rangah boast.\n
rangak (M) noisy.\n
rangam tomato.\n
rangas (Jakarta) termite.\n
rangda see RANDA.\n
rangga sharp point.\n
ranggah 1. sharp point. 2 cock\'s comb. 3.strip s.t of all its fruit.\n
ranggak (Naut.) tow (in embarkation).\n
ranggas 1 withered, arid. 2 leafless.\n
ranggeh me-ranggeh reach for s.t.\n
ranggi attractive.\n
ranggul me-ranggul tilt up.\n
ranggung with legs apart.\n
rangin long sash (for dancing).\n
rangka 1 framework. 2 draft, blueprint.\n
rangkah see RANGKAK.\n
rangkai bunch (of certain fruits).\n
rangkaian 1 series. 2 combination. 3 connecting structure (i.e. chain, etc).\n

rangkak 1 crawl on hands and kness. 2 make slow progress. 3 fawn.\n

rangkam grasp s.t in the hands.\n
rangkang (Islam) religious training center for advanced Islam studies.\n
rangkap 1. 1) double. 2) (Ling.) phonetic cluster. 2. trap, pitfall.\n
rangkas see RANGGAS.\n
rangkaya /rangkayo/ (M) lady of the house.\n
rangket (Sunda) me-rangket thrash, beat up.\n
rangkiang rice granary.\n
rangking hood, canopy made of basketry.\n
rangkok k.o. bird, k.o. hornbill.\n
rangkuh see RENGKUH.\n
rangkul in o. embrace.\n
rangkum an armful.\n
rangkuman 1 embrance. 2 armful. 3 summary.\n
rangkung squat down, crouch.\n
rangkungan see KERONGKONGAN.\n
rangkup 1 hollow, cavity. 2 curve.\n
rangrang see SEMUT.\n
rangsang 1 exciting, stimulating. 2 pungent.\n
rangsek (Jakarta) attack.\n
rangsel see RANSEL.\n
rangsuk see RASUK 2.\n
rangsum rations.\n
rangun observation post, tower.\n
rangup 1 fragile. 2 crisp (i. e. cracker, chip, etc.).\n
rani 1. queen. 2 rich.\n
ranjah loot, pillage.\n
ranjam (Java) see RAJAM.\n
ranjang iron bed. ranjang-bayi baby\'s crib. ranjang-pengantin nuptial bed.\n
(Mil.) 1 bamboo spiked booby traps (set around village to wound
enemy). 2 antipersonnel weapon, mine.\n
ranjing 1 possessed (by bad spirit, etc.), mania. 2 have a mania for s.t.\n
ranju see RANJAU.\n
ranjul broken up, bumpy.\n
ranjungan seeRAJUNGAN.\n
ranking /rengking/ grade rangking (in schools).\n
rankus collect, gather s.t.\n
ransel 1 knapsack, backpack. 2 duffle bag.\n
ransum see RANGSUM.\n

1 chain. 2 necklace. 3 series, sequence. 4 a measure of distance, esp.

in rice fields.\n
rantam do s.t. collectively.\n
rantang set of stacked containers for transporting food.\n
rantas 1 broken off. 2 frayed.\n
1 (Geog.) shoreline. 2 (Geog.) reaches (of a river). 3 abroad, foreign
rante see RANTAI.\n
1. 1) small branch, twig. 2) subsection, branch (of offices, parties,
etc.). 2. dried up.\n
ranum overripe. ripen.\n
ranyah (M) be difficult, agitated (of infants).\n
ranyang (M) 1 lively. 2 capricious.\n
ranyuk grumble.\n
raon see RAWON.\n
rap rapping sound, knocking.\n
rapah walk, step on s.t.\n
(Islam) right of woman to appeal to judge if husband refuses to
divorce her.\n
1 utter a prayer or incantation over s.o. 2 (Sunda) bless and
solemnize a wedding.\n
1 close, proximate, dense. 2 close, intimate, familiar. 3 meeting,
[Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah] regional
[Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara] national
rapel back pay.\n
rapi orderly, neat.\n
rapiah see RAMBUTAN.\n
rapih see RAPI.\n
rapim [Rapat Pimpinan] meeting of the armed forces commanders.\n
rapkol k.o. cabbage.\n
rapor /raport, rapot/ school report card.\n
rapsodi rhapsody.\n
rapuh brittle, likely to snap.\n
rapun (M) broken, destroyed.\n
rapung see APUNG.\n
rarak see RERAK.\n
1 sound of rustling (of papers, leaves, etc.). 2 reins. 3 race. 4
rasa 1 taste, sensation. 2 feeling, sense. 3 be of a certain opinion.\n
rasai suffer much.\n
rasain (Coll., Jakarta) Serves you right !.\n
rasaksa see RAKSASA.\n
rasam see RESAM 2.\n
rasamala k.o. tree with fragrant wood.\n
rasan (Java) backbite, gossip about.\n
rase civet cat.\n
raseksa see RAKSASA.\n
raseksi female giant.\n
rasi 1. 1) constellation. 2) lucky. 2. harmonious, matching, compatible.\n
rasia 1. see Razia. 2. see RAHASIA.\n
rasial racial.\n
rasialis racialist.\n
rasialisme racialism.\n
rasian rasian\n
rasian rasian\n
rasio 1 reason. 2 (Match.) ratio.\n
rasional /rasionil/ rational.\n
rasionalisasi 1 rationalization. 2 reduction in the number of workers in a firm.\n
rasisme racism.\n
rasmi see RESMI.\n
rasuah bribery, corruption.\n
rasuk 1. crossbar, cross beam. 2. possession by a spirit.\n
rasul 1 messenger sent by God. 2 (Islam) prophet. 3 (Rel.) apostle.\n
rasuli (Rel. Islam) apostolic.\n
rasulullah (Islam) the Messenger of God.\n
raswah see RASUAH.\n
rat 1. see ERAT. 2 see RAD.\n
rata 1 flat, level. 2 even. 3 average.\n
ratah simple, plain.\n
ratap lamentation.\n
ratas see RETAS.\n
ratib (Islam., Lit.) repeated, chanted recitation of prayer.\n
ratib-sadati k.o. traditional dance in Aceh.\n
ratifikasi ratification.\n
ratifisir ratify.\n
ratio see RASIO.\n
ratna gem, jewel.\n
ratu 1 (Lit.) king. 2 queen.\n
ratus 1. hundred. 2. (Java) k.o. perfumed powder used as incense.\n
ratusan 1) hundreds 2) a currency note or coin with the value of 100.\n
rau see DERAU.\n
raum see RAUNG.\n
raun-raun (Sl.) go on a pleasure trip, stroll about, tour.\n
raung sound of a siren, a siren.\n
raup scoop up s.t. with the hands.\n
raupan handful.\n
raut shape, form.\n
rawa /rawa-rawa/ swamp, marsh.\n
rawah 1. see RAWA. 2. (M) basin.\n
rawai fishing line (with several hooks).\n
rawak (Lit.) haphazard.\n
1. 1) (Lit.) emotional, sensitive. 2) troubled, disturbed. 2. (Lit.)
classifier for articles of twine.\n
rawang see RAWA.\n
rawat 1 take care of, nurse. 2 (Lit.) resume o.\'s original form.\n
rawatan 1 treatment. 2 nursing, care.\n
rawe k.o. liana causing itching.\n
/rawe-rawe rantas malang-malang putung/ (Java) strive onward, no
matter what (revolutionary slogan).\n
rawi narrator, writer of story.\n
rawit 1. fine, small. 2. (Java) music, song.\n
rawitan overture (esp. gamelan music).\n
rawon (Java) k.o. beef stew made with keluak.\n
rawuh (Java) come (said of respected person).\n
rawun overripe.\n
ray. see RA 2.\n
raya (Lit.) great, large.\n
rayagung (Java) the 6th month of the Arabic calendar.\n
rayah plunder, raid.\n
rayan be delirious, dream of s.t. preoccupying.\n
rayan-rayan delirious.\n
rayang dizzy.\n
rayap termite.\n
rayau 1 fumble, grope. 2 rustle. 3 wander around. 4 be troubled.\n
rayon area, district.\n
rayonisasi process of dividing into administrative districts.\n
rayu sad, touched, emotional.\n
rayuan 1 persuasion. 2 flattery, wooing.\n
/rasia/ 1 raid by police (in red-light district, etc.). 2 unannounced
razia examination of licenses, documents, etc. by police (in speed trap,
during house-to-house search, etc.).\n
[Republik Demokrasi Jerman] Democratic Republic of Germany.\n
[Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea] Democratic People\'s Republic
of Korea.\n
rdv [Republik Demokrasi Vietman] Democratic Republic of Vietnam.\n
reagens (Chem.) reagent.\n
reak see RIAK 2.\n
reaksi reaction.\n
reaksioner reactionary.\n
reaktor (Phys.) reactor..\n
real see RIAL.\n
realis realist.\n
realisasi realization.\n
realisir bring s.t. about.\n
realisme realism.\n
realistis realistic.\n
realitas reality.\n
realokasi reallocation.\n
reat-reot sound of squeaking.\n
rebab two-stringed musical instrument.\n
rebah fall down, collapse.\n
1.be full of tears. 2. /re`bak/ deep cut, wound. 3. spread (of news,
reban chicken coop. /re`ban/ see REBEN.\n
rebana tambourine.\n
rebas see RABAS.\n
rebat enclose, fence in.\n
rebeh hang down loosely.\n
rebek 1 (Jakarta) dirty, not washed. 2 ugly. 3 disorderly.\n
reben o.-way glass.\n
rebewes (Coll.) driver\'s license.\n
rebo see RABU.\n
reboasasi /reboisasi/ reforestation.\n
rebon k.o. small shrimp.\n
rebu see RABU.\n
rebung bamboo shoot.\n
rebus boiled.\n
rebut 1 snatch away, take away by force. 2 struggle to obtain a goal.\n
reca see ARCA.\n
recak 1. light pockmarks. 2. (M) ride (a horse).\n
/rikol/ (Pol.) recall and force resignation of member of parliament
for failure to agree with party policies.\n
receh see UANG.\n
recet cry, protest.\n
recik droplet.\n
recok 1 noise, uproar. 2 excitement.\n
recup burgeon.\n
red. 1. [redaksi] editorial staff. 2. [redaktur] editor.\n
reda abate, subside. /re`da/ see RELA.\n
redah 1. (M) cut down (trees). 2. traverse s.t.\n
redaksi 1 editorial staff. 2 wording (of text).\n
redaksionil pertaining to editing.\n
redaktris female editor.\n
redaktur editor.\n
redam 1 vague, dim, faint. 2 muffled, hushed.\n
redaman attentuation.\n
redang 1. lukewarm, tepid. 2. bog.\n
redap 1. tambourine. 2. spread. 3 impenetrable.\n
redas see REDAH 2.\n
redenasi reasoning.\n
redha /redho/ see RELA.\n
redi ready.\n
redistribusi redistribution.\n
redla /redlo/ see RELA.\n
reduksi 1 reduction. 2 discount.\n
reduktor (Chem.) reductor.\n
redum sound of thumping.\n
redundansi redundancy.\n
redup 1 overcast, dull. 2 dull, dreary. 3 extinguished (of embers).\n
reduplikasi reduplication.\n
reedukasi reeducation.\n
reekspor reexport.\n
reevaluasi reevaluation.\n
referat k.o. university level course relying on a single reference book.\n
referensi reference (logical, bibliographical, etc.).\n
refleks reflex. be-refleks show reflex.\n
refleksi reflection.\n
reflektor reflector.\n
reformasi reformation.\n
reformir reform.\n
reformis reformer.\n
reformisme reformism.\n
reformulasi reformulation.\n
reformulir reformulate.\n
refrain (Music) refrain, chorus.\n
refraksi refraction.\n
refunctionalization, i.e. reorganization of a staff such that the same
personel hold new positions.\n
rega (Coll.) see HARGA.\n
regang tense, tightly stretched.\n
regat take a shortcut (by following a straight line). /re`gat/ regatta.\n
regel 1 ruler. 2 lath (for tracing).\n
regen regent.\n
regenerasi regeneration.\n
reges (Jakarta) defoliated.\n
regi 1. administration. 2. (film) director.\n
regiem /regim/ see REZIM.\n
regimentasi regimentation.\n
regional regional.\n
regionalisasi regionalization (of power, etc.).\n
regisir see REGI 2.\n
registrasi registration.\n
reglemen regulation.\n
reglementasi /reglementering/ imposition of regulation.\n
regol 1 (Java) archway, entrance. 2 drainage pipes (under bridges, etc.).\n
regresi regression.\n
regu 1 team, group. 2 shift.\n
reguk a slug, a drink.\n
regular /reguler/ regular.\n
regularisasi regularization.\n
regulasi regulation.\n
reh (Java) boss around.\n
rehabilitasi rehabilitation.\n
rehabiliter /rehabilitir/ rehabilitate.\n
rehal (Islam) k.o. folding book stand for the Koran during recitations.\n
reindoktrinasi reindoctrination.\n
reinkarnasi reincarnation.\n
reja remains, waste, leftover.\n
rejah transgress s.t.\n
rejam seeRAJAM.\n
rejan strained, forced (of coughs, etc.).\n
1. horoscope, almamac (for finding favorable days). 2. see
RAJANG. 3. see LEJANG.\n
rejasa tin.\n
rejeb (Java) see RAJAB.\n
rejeki see REZEKI.\n
rejeng (Jakarta) seize, catch (several people).\n
rejim see REZIM.\n
rejimentasi see REGIMENTASI.\n

rejuk jump forward.\n

rek 1. row, line. 2. sound of rubbing. 3. see AREK. 4 see RAK 2.\n
reka 1 invention, creative action. 2 trick, ruse.\n
reka'at seeRAKAAT.\n
rekah craked, split, broken.\n
rekalsitran recalcitrant.\n
rekam see RAKAM.\n
rekan comrade, colleague.\n
rekanan 1 partner, friend. 2 partnership. 3 steady customer.\n
rekap /rekapitulasi/ recapitulation.\n
rekat glue s.t. together or to s.t. else.\n
rekayasa engineer (changes, etc.).\n
reken (Coll.) count.\n
rekenan calculation, mathematics.\n
rekening 1 bill. 2 ( Fin.) bank account.\n
rekes (Leg.) petition, formal request for s.t.\n
rekisitor /rekisitur/ see REKUISITOIR.\n
reklamasi reclamation.\n
reklame advertisement.\n
reklasering /reklasifikasi/ reclassification.\n
rekomendasi recommendation.\n
rekomendir recommend.\n
rekonsiliasi reconciliation.\n
rekonstruksi 1 (Ling.) reconstruction. 2 reconstructing the crime, events, etc.\n
rekonstruktif reconstructive.\n
rekor record (in sports, politics, etc.).\n
rekreasi recreation.\n
rekrut recruit.\n
rekrutir recruit s.o.\n
reksa (Java) watch over, guard.\n
rekstok exercise bars (esp. on walls).\n
rektifikasi rectification.\n
rektor (Acad.) head of university.\n
rektorat (Acad.) office of university head.\n
(Acad.) 1 presidium governing university. 2 university president\'s
rekuiem /rekuim/ requiem.\n
rekuisisi requisition.\n
/rekuisitor, rekwisitoar, rekwisitor/ (Leg.) sentence demanded by
public prosecutor, prosecutor\'s summation.\n
rel railway track.\n
rela willing, acquiesce in.\n
relai crumble, fall to pieces (of cakes, etc.).\n
relaks see RILEK, RILEKS.\n
relang 1. glitter, flash. 2. rattan hoop.\n
relap shine, glisten.\n
relasi 1 customer, client. 2 relations.\n
relatif relative.\n
relativis relativist.\n
relativisme relativism.\n
relativitas (Phys.) relativity.\n
relawan volunteer.\n
relban railroad tracks.\n
relevan relevant.\n
relevansi relevance.\n
relevir relevant.\n
relief relief on temple walls, etc.\n
religi religion.\n
religiositas religiosity.\n
religius religious.\n
relikui (Rel.) relics.\n
reliwan participant in a sports rally.\n
relung niche, recess, hollow.\n
rem brake.\n
remah crumbs, food remnants.\n
remai sharply painful.\n
remaja adolescent.\n
remak preferable, more valued.\n
1. 1)cloudy, overcast. 2) obscure, vague. 2. stand on end (of hair). 3.
1) buzz, hum of insects. 2) stream, flow (of perspiration, tears).\n
remang-remang 1 blurred, barely visible. 2 dim, obscure.\n
remas see RAMAS 1.\n
rematik rheumatism.\n
remba a pair.\n
rembah drip.\n
rembang midpoint of a certain period of time.\n
1 ooze out, leak. 2 permeate, seep in. /re`mbe`s/ (Java) k.o. eye
disease in which the eyes are watery.\n
1. hampered, obstructed. 2. 1) creep, climb up. 2) hang down. 3)
rembih see REMBAH.\n
rembong (Java) be frayed.\n
rembug,rembuk discuss, confer.\n
rembulan (Java) moon, s.t. similar to the moon.\n
rembunai average, normal.\n

remburs 1 (Coll.) reimburse. 2 collect postage on delivery, postage due.\n

rembut 1. blink, flicker. 2. see REBUT.\n
remeh trifling, of no importance.\n
remen be fond of. remen-an favorite person.\n
remeng see REMANG 1.\n
remet ramble on.\n
remi rummy.\n
remiak see RIAK 1.\n
remis 1. k.o. mussel. 2. /remise/ (Sport) draw.\n
remisi (Leg.) remission.\n
spices (as a commercial, not culinary object). rempah-ratus medicine
consisting of many different items. /re`mpah/ see REBAH.\n
rempak unison, all together. /re`mpak/ chipped.\n
rempela (Java) chicken gizzard.\n
rempelas see REMPLAS.\n
rempelo see REMPELA.\n
k.o. crisp, thin chip made of flour and peanuts, shrimp or small
remplas 1 fig tree. 2 sandpaper s.t. to scour with.\n
rempu see REMUK.\n
rempuh see TEMPUH.\n
remujung k.o. Java tea.\n
remuk crushed, shattered.\n
remukan smashing, crushing.\n
remunai see REMBUNAI.\n
renai see RENYAI.\n
renang swim. renang-kodok breaststroke. renang-melentang backstroke.\n
1. 1) wade through, slough through. 2) face s.t. difficult. 2. mixed,
rencana 1 program, plan, schedule. 2 report, account, article. 3 draft.\n
rencang sound of clanging.\n
renceh see UANG.\n
rencek (Jakarta) clean tree trunk of branches.\n
renceng 1 slender. 2 a string of s.t.\n
rencet 1. little by little. 2. see RENTET.\n
rencik see RENIK.\n
rencis see RENJIS.\n
rencong Achenese dagger with curved handle.\n
renda lace.\n
rendabel economically sound.\n
rendah low.\n
rendahan subordinate, of lower rank.\n
rendam 1 submerged. 2 remain in o. place.\n
rendang meat simmered in spices and coconut milk.\n
rendefu rendezvous.\n
rendem see RENDAM.\n
rendemen sucrose content of sugar cane crop or sample.\n
rendeng (Java) rainy season.\n
rendengan pertaining to the rainy season.\n
rendet 1 slow. 2 stall, get fouled up.\n
renegosiasi renegotiation.\n
renek vibrate.\n
reng (Java, Sunda) laths used to support or press down roof tiles.\n
rengas 1. varnish. 2. dried up (of plants).\n
rengat 1. crack, split. rengat-hati furious. 2. k.o. insect that eats paper.\n
rengeh a neigh, whinny.\n
rengek mosquito. /re`nge`k/ whine, whimper.\n
rengekan whimper, nagging.\n
rengeng-rengeng soft singing voice, hum.\n
renggang 1 distantly spaced, wide apart. 2 loose (of knot).\n
renggat ring, concentric grain (in horns, wood).\n
renggek see RENGEK.\n
rengginang k.o. crisp cracker made of glutinous rice.\n
renggut 1 tug at, yank out. 2 obtain s.t. with great endeavor.\n
renggutan a jerk, tug.\n
rengit (Sunda) mosquito.\n
rengkah see REKAH.\n
rengkam k.o. seaweed that grows on sea bottom.\n
rengkeh bent (under burden).\n
rengket very tightly spaced, cramped (of writting).\n
rengkiang elevated rice barn.\n
rengkuh (Lit.) me-rengkuh tear, pull at.\n
rengkuhan pulling.\n
rengkuhan pulling.\n
rengrengan (Java) blueprint.\n
rengsa beaten, apathetic.\n
rengsek see RINGSEK.\n
rengus sullen, unhappy.\n
rengut see RUNGUT.\n
renik fine (of rain, rice, etc.).\n
renjam see RUNJAM.\n
renjana 1 emotion. 2 in love, longing.\n
renjis spot, stain.\n
renjul 1 bumpy. 2 crazy, incoherent.\n

renovasi renovation.\n
1. speak in a loud voice, raise o.\'s voice (in anger). 2. /re`nta/ worn-
rentabilitas potential for producing a profit, remunerativeness.\n
1. 1) all at once, suddenly. 2) together, in a body. 2. stamp o.\'s foot.
3. rhythm, beat.\n
rentan susceptible (to illness, tantrums, etc.).\n
rentang a distance, part of the way.\n
rentas see RETAS.\n
rente /renten/ (Fin.) interest.\n
renteng see RENCENG.\n
rentenir creditor, usurer.\n
rentet in line, o. after the other.\n
rentetan series, sequence.\n
renung 1 muse, be wistful. 2 daydream.\n
renungan 1 meditation, reflection. 2 musing.\n
1. 1) concentration, careful attention. 2) requiring attention. 2. 1)
melodious (of voice, etc.). 2 crispy (of food). 3. see RANYAH.\n
renyai springkle, drizzle.\n
renyak crush, torture s.t. or s.o.\n
renyang (M) 1 restless. 2 feel out of sorts.\n
renyeh whimper.\n
renyek (Jakarta) crumpled, shrunk.\n
renyem 1 (Sunda) itch. 2 desperate, not knowing what to do.\n
renyoh,renyok see RENYUK.\n
renyuk (Lit.) crumpled (up), crinkled.\n
renyut see DENYUT.\n
1 cackle. 2 (Java) k.o. masked dance. 3 (Sunda) k.o. singing comedy
reol see RIOL.\n
reorganisasi reorganization.\n
reorganisir reorganize.\n
reorientasi reorientation.\n
reot see REYOT.\n
rep. [Republik] republic.\n
repak crisp, fragile.\n
reparasi repairs.\n
repas dry and brittle, crumbly.\n
repatrian repatriate.\n
repatriasi repatriation.\n
repek see REPET.\n
[Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun] Five-Year Development
repelita Plan.\n

reperkusi repercussion.\n
repertoar /repertoir, repertorium/ repertory (of dance, drama, etc.).\n
repes 1 fidget. 2 waste time.\n
repet 1 chatter, blabber. 2 splatter (of an oar, etc.).\n
1. (Math.) phase (of a decimal fraction). 2. 1) empty chatter, gossip.
2) splatter.\n
repetir 1 repeat (inoculations). 2 repeating (rifle).\n
repetisi 1 rehearsal. 2 quiz. 3 repetition.\n
repih crumbly.\n
repis see REPIH.\n
repliek /replik/ (Leg.) counterplea, rejoinder.\n
repolper revolver.\n
repolusi see REVOLUSI.\n
repormir see REFORMIR.\n
reportase 1 way of reporting. 2 article.\n
(Coll.) report. /re`pot/ 1 busy, occupied. 2 troublesome, full of
meticulous details.\n
reprep (Jakarta) torn.\n
representasi delegation.\n
representatif representative.\n
represi repression.\n
represif repressive.\n
reproduksi reproduction.\n
reptil reptile.\n
republik republic.\n
republiken republican.\n
repuh see RAPUH.\n
repuh-repuh padlock.\n
reput 1 rotten, crumbling into decay. 2 loose, sandy. 3 (Geol.) friable.\n
reputasi reputation.\n
requisitoir see REKUISITOIR.\n
rerak broken into pieces.\n
reramuan all k.o. ingredients (in culinary or medicinal preparations.\n
rerangka framework.\n
rerantingan all manner of branches and twigs.\n
rerasan (Java) thinking and talking (about s.o.).\n
rerata on the average.\n
rerep subsided, calmed down.\n
reret sound of squeaking.\n
reribu thousands.\n
rerintih moans, groans.\n
rerintik drizzle, drops.\n
rerompok see ROROMPOK.\n
rerongkong /rerongkongan/ 1 skeleton. 2 carcass, cadaver.\n
rerongsokan wreckage.\n
rerot see EROT 2.\n
rerumput /rerumputan/ grassy field.\n
reruntuh /reruntuk/ wrekage, debris, ruins.\n
res. 1. [Residen] Resident. 2. [Resimen] Regiment.\n
resa movements of baby about to be born.\n
resah fidgety, restless.\n
resak k.o. commercial timber tree.\n
resam 1. k.o. fern. 2. 1) organized, customary ways. 2) equal to.\n
resan anxious, worried.\n
1 penetrate, infiltrate. 2 ooze out, soak through and out. 3 become
absorbed, dissipate.\n
resbang bench, cot.\n
cluttered. /re`se`k/ 1 look for s.t. by feeling with the hands. 2
resen recent.\n
resensi book review\n
resensor reviewer.\n
1. (Sunda) enjoyable. 2. see RESAP. /re`se`p/ 1 recipe. 2
prescription. 3 recommended program.\n
resepsi reception.\n
resepsionis receptionist.\n
reserse /resersir/ detective.\n
reservat land set aside for an ethnic group, reservation.\n
reserve 1. reserve supply. 2. reticence.\n
reservoir /reservoar/ reservoir, reserves.\n
reses recess of parliament.\n
resesi (Econ.) recession.\n
1. 1) receipt (esp. for mailed or shipped items). 2) baggage check. 2.
title for ascetics in wayang stories.\n
resia see RAHASIA.\n
residen resident, head of a residency (in colonial administration).\n
residivis repeated offender, former convict.\n
residu residue.\n
resik (Java) pure, clean.\n
resiko seeRISIKO.\n
resim see REZIM.\n
resimen (Mil.) regiment.\n
resiprokatif reciprocal.\n
resiprositas reciprocity.\n
resistensi resistance.\n

resital music recital.\n

resitasi recitation.\n
reskrim [Reserse Kriminil] Criminal Investigation Bureau (of police).\n
resmi 1 official, legitimate. 2 formal.\n
resolusi resolution.\n
resonansi resonance.\n
[Revolusi Sosialisme Pimpinan Nasional] Revolution, Socialism,
National leadership (Sukarno-era slogan).\n
1 police administrative unit at county level (the kabupaten level). 2
army administrative unit at level just below division.\n
resosialisasi resocialization.\n
respek respect, to respect.\n
respon /respons/ response.\n
responden respondent (esp. in surveys).\n
responsi review session (at college).\n
responsibilitas responsibility.\n
responsif responsive, lively.\n
restan 1. remainder, remnant. 2. see POS.\n
restitusi repayment of expenses incurred for medical care.\n
restoran restaurant. restoran-kaki lima sidewalk food vending stalls.\n
restorasi 1. food service on a train. 2. restoration (of monument, etc.).\n
restriksi restriction.\n
restrukturisasi restructuring.\n
restu blessing.\n
restung k.o. boil on nose (us. caused by venereal disease).\n
resu see RESI 1.\n
resultan /resultante/ resultant.\n
resume summary.\n
ret (Bri.) diamonds.\n
reta talk foolishly and endlessly.\n
retai crack, fissure.\n
retak 1 crack, fissure. 2 cracked.\n
retakan a crack.\n
retas rip open, take apart.\n
reteh see RETIH 1.\n
retensi (Ling.) retention.\n
retet sound of rattling.\n
retetet-tetet 1 sound of bugle or trumpet. 2 sound of barrage of gunfire.\n
retih 1. crackling sound. 2. me-retih form beads (of sweat).\n
retir see RETUR.\n
retna see RATNA.\n
retok see RECOK.\n
retool /ritul/ see RITUL.\n
retorik,retorika rhetoric.\n
retoris rhetorical.\n
retorsi retorsion.\n
retret (Rel.) retreat.\n
retribusi 1 toll or fee to use a public facility. 2 dues (for club).\n
retrospeksi retrospection.\n
retrospektif retrospective.\n
retul see RITUL.\n
retuling see RITULING.\n
retur (Coll.) round trip (of plane tickets).\n
reuni reunion.\n
reunifikasi reunification.\n
revaluasi revaluation.\n
revans revenge (esp. in sports, cards, etc.).\n
revisi revision.\n
revisionis revisionist.\n
revisionisme revisionism.\n
revisir revise.\n
revitalisasi revitalization.\n
revolusi revolution.\n
revolusioner revolutionary.\n
revolusionerisme an outlook based on revolutionary principles.\n
revolusionisasi revolutionizing.\n
rewak see REBAK 2.\n
1. 1) swing. 2) (Naut.) yaw. 2. (Java) servant, assistant. 3. (M) grope
rewel 1 hard to please, fussy. 2 troublesome.\n
rewes see NGREWES.\n
reyal see RIAL.\n
reyog k.o. E. Java folk dance.\n
reyot falling to pieces, decrepit (of houses, etc.).\n
1 livelihood. 2 luck, fortune. 3 (Islam) blessing (of
rezim regime.\n
rfj [Republik Federal/Federasi Jerman] Federal Republic of Germany.\n
rg. [regu] team.\n
rheumatik see REMATIK.\n
rhum see RUM 1.\n

ri [Republik Indonesia] Republic of Indonesia.\n

ri-ri-ri sound made to call ducks.\n
ria 1. cheerful. 2. 1) proud, jealously proud. 2) haughty.\n
(Islam) practice of penance and mortification for spiritual
riah 1. see MERIAH. 2. see RIA 2.\n
1. 1) ripples. 2) indication, intention. 2. phlegm, mucus. 3. see RIA
rial 1 Saudi Arabian currency. 2 money.\n
riam river rapids.\n
rian measure of yarn or thread equivalent to o. skein or 1/16 of a tukal.\n
riang 1 cheerful, joyful. 2 dizzy.\n
riang-riang cicada.\n
riap protrude, swell out.\n
rias make-up. meja-rias dressing table.\n
riasan ornament, article of adornment.\n
riba 1. lap. 2. usury, excessive interest.\n
ribak see REBAK.\n
ribatat family relationship.\n
ribon (Sport) rebound.\n
ribu thousand.\n
1 a currency note or coin with the value of 1,000. 2 in thousands, by
the thousands.\n
ribut 1 storm, gale. 2 noisy, loud.\n
ricau chatter, twitter.\n
rices drinking straws.\n
1. see RINCIH. 2. /ricik/ make a rushing sound (such as water in
terraced ditch).\n
ricis (Jakarta) slice, chop (ingredients for a dish).\n
ricuh chaotic, quarrelsome.\n
rida see RELA.\n
ridah /ridat, riddah, riddat/ see MURTAD.\n
ridha /ridla, ridhlo, ridho/ see RE\n
ridi see REDI.\n
riding (Lit.) noose trap.\n
ridip (dorsal) fins.\n
ridla /ridlo, ridhloh, rido/ see RELA.\n
rifli (Sport) referee.\n
rigai (M) skinny.\n
rigi rigi-rigi cog, tooth.\n
rigu see TERIGU.\n
rihal see REHAL.\n
rihat see ISTIRAHAT.\n
rihting /rihting weser/ directional signals (on vehicles).\n
riil /riyil/ real.\n
rijang (Geol.) flint, chert.\n
rik sound of creaking.\n
rikoset ricochet.\n
riksa /riksya/ rickshaw.\n
rikuh (Java) feel awkward or ashamed in the presence of o.\'s betters.\n
ril see REL.\n
rila /rilah/ see RELA.\n
rileks /rilek/ 1 relax. 2 carefree.\n
rilis releas (of a tune, record).\n
1. 1) ream, a measurement for paper. 2) a carton (of cigarettes). 2.
(Coll.) military style belt (for ammunition, etc.).\n
rima rhyme.\n
rimas 1 anxious, worried. 2 discontented, irritated.\n
rimau see HARIMAU.\n
jungle, forest. rimba-belantara vast forest. rimba-sawang
rimbas small adz.\n
rimbit see REMBET 2.\n
rimbu forest.\n
rimbun thick, dense (of foliage, forest, etc.).\n
rimis (M) half a cent.\n
rimpang rhizome (ginger, tumeric, etc.).\n
rimpel pleat, pleated.\n
rimpi dried fruit slices.\n
rimpuh tired, exhaused.\n
rimpung bind the arms and legs.\n
rinai 1. (Lit.) hum. 2. see RENYAI.\n
rinci detail.\n
rincih small parts, thin slices.\n
rincis specify.\n
rincu /rincuh/ see RICU(H).\n
rindang 1 leafy, luxuriant. 2 shady.\n
rinding feel suddenly frightened, feel eerie.\n
rindu 1 longing, yearning. 2 feel homesick for, yearn for.\n
ring 1. (Auto.) ring. 2. (Sport) boxing ring. 3. sound of ringing.\n
ringan 1 light in weight. 2 minor in importance.\n
ringgik see RENGEK.\n
1. 1) two-and-a hall rupiah (note). 2) a gold coin (often used for
pendants). 3) national currency of Malaysia and Brunei. 2. (Lit.).\n
ringih neigh, whinny.\n
ringik see RENGEK.\n
ringis grimace, grin.\n
ringkai dry (of leaves), arid.\n
ringkas brief, succinct, concise.\n
ringkasan resume, precis, summary.\n
ringkih frail.\n
ringkik neigh, whinny.\n
ringking yell.\n
ringkok deep dish or shallow bowl to eat from.\n
ringkuk 1 bent over, stooped. 2 shut up, confined.\n
ringkus 1 catch by binding the limbs. 2 take into custody, catch.\n
ringsek broken in pieces, totally damaged.\n
ringsekan in bad shape, cheap.\n
ringsut decline.\n
1. (Lit.) entertain, distract. 2. 1) block (o.\'s path). 2) interfere with,
rintangan 1 hindrance, obstacle, holdup. 2 barrier, restriction.\n
rintas take a short-cut.\n
rintih a moan, groan.\n
rintik 1 spot, fine spot. 2 droplet. rintik-rintik small spots, dots.\n
rintis me-rintis 1 clear a way, path. 2 do pioneering work.\n
riol sewer, drain.\n
riolering sewers, drainage system.\n
ripot see REPOT.\n
ripuh 1 misterable, sad. 2 in a mess.\n
ripuk broken, damaged.\n
[Republik Indonesia Serikat] Federal Republic of Indonesia (1949-
risa a callus.\n
/risalat/ 1 essay, composition, treatise. 2 circular, brochure. 3
minutes (of meeting), proceedings. 4 report (of assets).\n
risau restless, nervous.\n
riset research.\n
risih feel uncomfortable about s.t. risque, taboo, etc.\n
risik 1. (Lit.) confidential, inquiry. 2. 1) rustling (noise). 2) be noisy.\n
risiko risk, peril.\n
riskan /riskant/ risky.\n
riskir risk s.t.\n
risoles k.o. croquette, rissole.\n
ristek [Riset dan Teknologi] Research and Technology.\n
risuh embarrassed.\n
1. trip made by a public vehicle. 2 sound of creaking. 3. see
riting see RIHTING.\n
ritme rhythm.\n
ritmis rhythmic.\n
rits,ritsleting zipper.\n
ritual ritual.\n
ritul 1 (Coll.) reorganize. 2 purge (Sukarno era).\n
rituling 1 (Coll.) reorganization. 2 purge (Sukarno era).\n
ritus rite.\n
riuh noisy, vociferaous.\n
riung 1. range of mountains. 2. conduct or gather for a ceremonial meal.\n
riut 1. sound of s.t. creaking.be bent or folded.\n
rival (Lit.) rival.\n
rivalitas (Lit.) rivalry, competition.\n
riwan (Sunda) dream of no significance.\n
riwayat 1 story, narrative, tale. 2 history.\n
riyep (Jakarta) dim (lights).\n
rizeki /rizki/ seeREZEKI.\n
1. [Rum Katolik] Roman Catholic. 2. [Rukun Warga] 1) village
rk association. 2) a unit of political organization just below the village
[Rooms Katholieke Ziekenhuis] a hospital run by the Roman
Catholic Church.\n
[Republik Maluku Selatan] S. Moluccan Republic (secession attempt
from central gvt. in 1950s and 1960s).\n
robah see UBAH.\n
robak-rabik torn in shreds, in rags.\n
robbi (Islam) God.\n
robek torn.\n
rober (Bri.) rubber.\n
roboh collapse.\n
robohan debris, rubble.\n
1. (Jakarta) sound of explosion. 2. 1) robot. 2 unimaginative
rocet (Sunda) disorderly. in a mess.\n
rocok 1 flow (forcefully). 2 (Jakarta) leak.\n
roda wheel.\n
rodan (Lit.) painful, tender.\n
rodat Arabian song accompanied by the tambourine.\n
rodentisida rat poison.\n
forced labor, corvee (of colonial period). be-, me-rodi 1 do forced
rodi labor. 2 (Coll.) work extra hard.\n

rodok me-rodok 1 stab with upward thrust. 2 dash, in a hurry.\n

rodong 1. ( Lit.) run into, meet by chance. 2. wander about.\n
rofel (Coll.) do more than o. thing at once.\n
rogoh 1 grope, search (in pocket, bag, etc.). 2 grope after s.t.\n
rogol rogol rape s.o.\n
roh spirit, soul.\n
rohani spiritual. rohani- dan jasmani spiritual and physical.\n
rohaniah spiritual.\n
rohaniawan /rohaniwan/ churchman.\n
rohaniawati /rohaniwati/ churchwoman.\n
rohmat see RAHMAT.\n
rohu'l-kudus (Rel.) the Holy Spirit.\n
roi,roilen (Coll.) building alignment.\n
rojok see ROCOK.\n
rojol protrude, jut out, emerge.\n
rok skirt.\n
rokaat se RAKAAT.\n
roker rock musician.\n
roket rocket.\n
rokh see ROH.\n
rokhani see ROHANI.\n
rokhaniah see ROHANIAH.\n
roki clothes, frock.\n
roko-roko k.o. bird.\n
rokok cigarette.\n
rokrak piece of wood.\n
1. (Thea.) role. 2. 1) roll, roller. 2 a numerical classifier for rolled
things. 3. k.o. small bread.\n
rolade k.o. meat loaf.\n
rolet roulette.\n
roltar /roltar(t) / k.o. cylinder-shaped cake served in slices.\n
rom cream.\n
roma see BULU.\n
romadhon /Romadlon, Romadon/ see RAMADAN.\n
roman 1. figure, looks. 2. novel. 3. (Coll.) be in passionate love with e.o.\n
romansa romance.\n
romantik romantic.\n
romantika romance.\n
romantikus romantic thinker.\n

romantis romantic.\n
romantisir romanticize.\n
romantisme romanticism.\n
romawi see RUMAWI.\n
1 tear down s.t. 2 change the appearance of s.t., remodel. 3
rombang-rambing /rombang-rombeng/ tattered and torn.\n
rombe see RUMBAI.\n
rombeng tattered, torn.\n
rombengan 1 junk. 2 of a cheap kind.\n
romboida (Math.) rhomboid.\n
1. 1) k.o. large rice basket with cover. 2) pushcart (often used by
venders). 2. come in large groups.\n
rombongan 1 group, party. 2 gang.\n
romboter butter.\n
romel /romel-romel/ (Coll.) junk.\n
romeo handsome, romantic youth.\n
romet work at odd jobs.\n
romhorn k.o. cone-shaped pastry with sweet filling.\n
romo term of address or reference to Roman Catholic priest.\n
romok (Lit.) be uneasy, be upset.\n
romong (Jakarta) torn, in tatters.\n
rompak commit piracy.\n
rompal (Java, Jakarta) knocked loose, fall apart.\n
rompang see RUMPANG.\n
rompang-ramping tattered and torn, in shreds.\n
rompeng /rompes/ damaged on the edge.\n
rompi waistcoat, vest.\n
rompok hut.\n
rompong 1 cut off, mutilated. 2 mutilation.\n
rompyok layer (of a gown).\n
/romusha, romusya/ 1 program of involuntary labor during Japanese
occupation. 2 (Coll.) brutally exploited labor.\n
rona color.\n
ronce tassel, appendage.\n
roncet small bits.\n
ronda 1 rounds, patrol, beat. ronda-an patrol, night watch.\n
rondah-randih be in disorder.\n
(Sport) a round. /ronde`s/ k.o. ginger drink with peanuts and rice
flour balls.\n
rondes (Sport) rounders.\n
rondo-royal (Java) fried fritters of fermented cassava.\n
rondok hide o.s.\n
roneo mimeograph.\n
rongak discontinous, with gaps (of teeth, fences, etc.).\n
hollow space, cavity, hole. rongga-dada thoracic cavity. rongga-
hidung nasal cavity.\n
ronggang see RENGGANG.\n
(Java) paid dancing or singing girl sometimes also available for
ronggoh see RUNGGUH 2.\n
rongkoh /rongkok/ walk stooped over.\n
rongkongan 1. (Java, Jakarta) skeleton. 2. see KERONGKONGAN.\n
rongong sound of buzzing.\n
rongos see MRONGOS.\n
rongrong 1 gnaw at s.t. 2 undermine s.t., damage s.t.\n
rongseng sullen, upset, grumbling.\n
rongsok damaged, worn-out.\n
rongsokan worn-out articles, wreckage.\n
ronsel crimp.\n
ronsen x-ray.\n
ronta struggle to get loose.\n
rontak see BERONTAK.\n
rontal see LONTAR 1.\n
rontgen see RONSEN.\n
rontok /rontog/ drop off, fall off, shed.\n
ronyeh grumble.\n
ronyok crumpled up.\n
room see ROM.\n
roos see ROS 1.\n
ropak-rapik in disorder, chaotic.\n
ropel see ROFEL.\n
rorod remove husk by shaking.\n
(Sunda) house, in polite, self-deprecating reference to o.\'s own
ros 1. rose. 2. bull\'s-eye (in a target). 3. see RUAS.\n
rosario (Rel.) rosary.\n
rosbang see RESBANG.\n
rosela k.o. fiber used to make sacks and ropes.\n
roseng see RONGSENG.\n
roset 1. roselike ornament. 2. see KAYU1.\n
roskam k.o. brush (for horses).\n
rosok see RONGSOK.\n
rosot 1 slip off. 2 decline, sink.\n
roster 1. schedule of classes. 2. opening for ventilation.\n
rosul see RASUL.\n
rotan rattan.\n

rotasi (Tech.) rotation.\n

roti 1 bread. 2 bun.\n
rotok sound of repeated explosion.\n
rotor (Auto.) rotor.\n
rotsoi lousy, rotten.\n
royak 1 spread. 2 worsen.\n
royal extravagant, profligate.\n
royalis royalist.\n
royalti royalty.\n
royan cramps.\n
royokan (Coll.) fight e.o. to obtain s.t.\n
royong see GOTONG-ROYONG.\n
rp. [rupiah] rupiah.\n
rpa [Republik Persatuan Arab] United Arab Republic.\n
rph [rumah potong hewan] slaughterhouse.\n
[Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat] crack troops, strom
rrc /RR Cina/ [Republik Rakyat Cina] People\'s Republic of China.\n
rri [Radio Republik Indonesia] Indonesian Broadcasting System.\n
rrt [Republik Rakyat Tiongkok] People\'s Republic of China.\n
rs [Rumah Sakit] hospital.\n
rsi [Rumah Sakit Islam] Islamic-run hospital.\n
rsu [Rumah Sakit Umum] public hospital.\n
rsud [Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah] regional public hospital.\n
rsup [Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat] central hospital.\n
rsv [Republik Sosialis Vietnam] Socialist Republic of Vietnam.\n
[Rukun Tetangga] neighborhood association, the lowest
adminitrative unit.\n
ru 1. 14.49 square meters. 2. seeERU.\n
ru'yat see RUKYAT.\n
rua see RUAK.\n
ruadat ceremony, sign of respect.\n
ruah (Islam., Coll.) eighth month of the year.\n
ruak extensive.\n
ruam skin eruption.\n
1 space. 2 (Naut.) ship\'s well or water that gathers there. 3 column
(in a paper, magazine). 4 room, hall.\n
ruap scum, foam.\n
ruas 1 space between joints, internode. 2 (Math.) parts of an equation.\n
ruat 1. shaky, undecided. 2. (Java, Sunda) exorcism ritual.\n
rubah 1. fox. 2. see UBAH.\n
rubai /rubayat/ (Lit.) quatrain.\n
rubel ruble, Russian currency.\n
rubiah (Rel.) nun.\n
rubrik 1 heading. 2 column.\n
rubu see RABA.\n
rubuh see ROBOH.\n
rubung flow together in large quantities.\n
rucut escape, glide loose.\n
rudal [peluru kendali] guided missile.\n
rudin impoverished.\n
rudu 1 stooping, bowed with age. 2 drooping, hanging down.\n
rudus cutlass, machete.\n
ruet see RUWET.\n
rugi 1 suffer a financial loss. 2 lose out.\n
rugos lettering sheet (rubbed with pencil).\n
ruh see ROH.\n
ruhak embers.\n
ruhani see ROHANI.\n
ruhban (Rel.) monk, hermit.\n
ruhbanat (Rel.) nun.\n
ruit 1. bent, hook-shaped barb. 2. /ret, roit/ (Crd.) diamond (suit).\n
rujah me-rujah stab, poke at a fire.\n
k.o. fruit salad with pungent dressing. rujak-cingur vegetables or
fruit salad with slices of beef snout.\n
ruji 1. trelliswork, grill. 2. radius. ruji-ligat (Phys.) radius of gyration.\n
1. 1) reconciliation. 2) be reconciled with o.\'s separated wife before
divorce is final. 2. reference.\n
rukaat see RAKAAT.\n
rukah turn over.\n
rukhani see ROHANI.\n
(Islam) dispensation (for elderly, ill, etc.) from observing fast : such
a person must donate a day\'s food to poor.\n
rukiat 1. magic. 2 see RUKYAT.\n
ruku 1. sound of cooing. 2. see RUKUK.\n
ruku-ruku k.o. basil.\n
rukuh (Islam) prayer robe for women.\n
rukuk (Islam) deep bow from the waist during prayer ritual.\n
rukun 1. harmonious. 2. (Islam) pillar, essential principle.\n
(Islam) determining date by sighting of moon (not by system of
hisab), esp. to fix beginning and end of fasting period.\n
rulet see ROLET.\n
rum 1. rum. 2. sound of humming (like that of engine). 3. see ROM.\n
rum-rum see RUNGRUM.\n
1 house, dwelling. 2 (Coll.) public building. 3 housing (for
machinery, etc.).\n
rumawi Roman.\n
rumba the rumba.\n
rumbah leaves or salad eaten with rice.\n
rumbai tuft, tassel.\n
rumbang see ROMBANG-RAMBING.\n
rumbia sago palm.\n
rumbing somewhat damaged.\n
rumet,rumit 1 hard, difficult. 2 complex, intricate, knotty.\n
rumi see RUMAWI.\n
rumpang 1 have gaps. 2 discontinuous (of time).\n
1 wicked, having bad intentions. 2 (Sl.) Shit ! (interjection used in
jest or admiration).\n
clump (of herbaceous plants). rumpun-bambu bamboo cluster.
rumpun-bahasa (Ling.) language family.\n
rumput 1 grass. 2 weeds.\n
rumuhun (Sunda) ancestor.\n
rumun see KERUMUN.\n
rumus 1 (Chem., etc.) formula. 2 abbreviation.\n
runcing pointed (of pencil, arrowhead, etc.).\n
runcit see RONCET.\n
runding confer, discuss.\n
rundu-randa (Jakarta) come and go (whit a burden).\n
runduk stoop, bend, bow.\n
rundung afflict.\n
runggas pull out.\n
rungguh 1. squat. 2. pledge, guarantee, security.\n
runggut see RENGGUT.\n
rungkai see UNGKAI.\n
rungkau hang down like hair over the face or like willow branches.\n
rungkuh worn-out, decrepit, aged.\n
rungkup 1 cover up. 2 spread over.\n
rungrum fondle, pet.\n
rungsing see RONGSENG.\n
rungus (M) grumble.\n
rungut grumble, gripe.\n
runjak see LONJAK.\n
runjam /runjang/ thrust, stab.\n
runjung cone-shaped. hantu-runjung k.o. ghost that grows bigger bit by bit.\n
runtai me-runtai dangle, hang loosely. se-runtai bunch, cluster.\n
runtuh 1 collapse. 2 fall out.\n
runtuk see RONTOG.\n
runtun 1. o. after the other, in a row. 2. pull out.\n
runtunan series (of inoculations, regulations, etc.).\n
runtut 1. in harmony, harmonious. 2. see RUNTUN 1.\n
runut trace, groove, furrow.\n
runyam (Coll.) be in difficulties.\n
rupa 1 form, shape, appearance. 2 sort, kind.\n
rupa-rupa various, diverse, all sorts.\n
rupa-rupanya probably, seemingly.\n
rupawan good-looking person.\n
rupek closed in, stuffy.\n
rupiah Indonesian monetary unit.\n
rurubai hurried.\n
rurut 1 fall down. 2 slip off.\n
rus /Ruslan, Rusland/ Russia.\n
rusa deer.\n
rusak 1 damaged, broken, out of order. 2 depraved.\n
rusbang see RESBANG.\n
rusia see RAHASIA.\n
rusuh restless, disturbed.\n
rusuk 1 side, flank. tulang-iga (Anat.) rib. 2 margin, side.\n
rutan [rumah tahanan] detention center.\n
rute route (of bus line, parade, etc.).\n
rutin routine.\n
rutuk grumble, cuss.\n
rutukan curse, grumbling.\n
rutup sound of bubbling.\n
ruu (Rencana Undang-Undang] (Pol.) draft of a law.\n
ruwah see RUAH.\n
ruwat see RUAT 2.\n
ruwet complicated, complex, knotty.\n
ruyak see ROYAK.\n
ruyung 1. hard exterior of a palm trunk. 2. k.o. clublike weapon.\n
ruyup 1 heavy-eyed, sleepy. 2 setting.\n
1. (Rukun Warga] administrative unit at the next-to-lowest level in
city, consisting of several RTs. 2. a euphemism for cooked dog meat
(from Tombulu Minahassan rintek wuuk \"fine hair\" because dog
meat is a specialty of the area).\n
s the 19th letter of the alphabet.\n
s'baya. [Surabaya] Surabaya.\n
s'pura [Singapura] Singapore.\n
s-0 [stratrum nol] nonuniversity degree or program.\n
s-1 [stratum satu] undergraduate program.\n
s-2 [stratum dua] master\'s program.\n
s-3 [stratum tiga] doctorate program.\n
s. 1. [sungai] river. 2. [Santa, Santo] St.\n
s.psi. [Sarjana Psikologi] bachelor\'s degree in psychology.\n
s.th. [Sarjana Theologi] Master of Theology.\n
s/d.s.d. [sampai dengan] up to and including.\n
(China) tree, used in bidding and commercial transactions. sa-ban
30,000. sa-ban go 35,000. sa-cap 30. sa-cap go 35. sa-ceng 3,000. sa-
ceng-go 3,500. sa-pek 300. sa-pek ceng 300,000. sa-pek go 350. sa-
pek go ceng 350,000. sa-tiau 3,000,000.\n
saadah /saadat/ bliss.\n
saal /sal/ see SAL 1.\n
saat /sa\'at/ 1 moment. 2 instant. 3 at the moment that, when.\n
saba (Java) frequent a place.\n
sabak 1. 1) sulking, pouting. 2) dull. 2. (Java) slate for school.\n
1. each, every. saban-saban 1) time and time again, frequently. 2) at
saban some time or another. 3) whenever. 4) (Med.) k.o. disease involving
incontinence or dribbling of urine. 2. see SYA\'BAN.\n
sabana savannah.\n
(Geog.) the name of the port on the northernmost island off
sabar patient, calm.\n
sabat see SABET.\n
sabda utterance (of God, Muh., Jesus, or exalted personage).\n
sabdaillah (Islam) divine words.\n
sabel sabre.\n
saben see SABAN 1.\n
sabet 1 whip. 2 snatch, grab.\n
1a strike (with a whip), a slash with a whipping motion, action of
striking. 2 what is gotten by grabbing.\n
sabil (Islam) the Way.\n
sabilillah /sabilullah/ (Islam) The way of God.\n
sabit 1. sickle. bulan-sabit crescent moon (symbol of Islam).\n
sableng (Jakarta) slightly crazy, silly.\n
sablon silk-screening.\n
sabot sabotage.\n
sabotage sabotage.\n
sabotir sabotage.\n
sabrang see SEBERANG.\n
sabtu Saturday.\n
sabuk belt, sash. sabuk-pengaman/penyelamat seatbelt, safety belt.\n
sabun 1. soap. 2. white, pale, albino.\n
1. (Sport) competitive fight between two animals (us. with
gambling). 2. flash.\n
sabur 1 dim, vague. 2 confused.\n
sabut husk, fibrous shell. sabut-kelapa coconut fiber.\n
sadah betel lime.\n
sadai lay on o.\'s back with legs extended.\n
sadak 1. betel lime. 2. slanting.\n
1. 1) make incisions in a tree to obtain sap. 2) sample blood. 3) tap,
bug (telephone, information, room, etc.). 2. see SEDAP.\n
sadaqah see SEDEKAH.\n
sadar 1 aware. 2 conscious.\n
sadarulkalam (Lit.) opening words.\n
sadel bicycle or motorcycle seat.\n
saderek (Java) relation, relative.\n
sadik honest, straightforward.\n
sadir ammonium chloride.\n
sadis 1 sadist, sadistic. 2 (Coll.) terrific, great.\n
sadisme sadism.\n
sadistis sadistic.\n
sadmatra hexameter.\n
1 two-wheeled horse-drwn carriage. 2 (Sumatra) small motorized
jitneys or taxis used for urban transportation.\n
sadrah submissive, resigned.\n
sadran (Java) ceremony to pay homage to ancestoral spirits.\n
sadsudut (Math.) hexagon.\n
province or kabupaten-level council of the six highest gvt. officials
(in the 1960s).\n
sadur coating of metal.\n
saduran 1 metal coating. 2 adaptation.\n
saf line, series, row.\n
safaat see SYAFAAT.\n
safar (Islam) the 2d month of the Arabic calendar.\n
safari 1 safari. 2 traveling group (of entertainers, etc.).\n
safi clean, pure.\n
safir /safier/ sapphire.\n
saga k.o. tall pinnate tree and its red seeds. merah-saga bright red.\n
sagang 1 buttress, support. 2 use a pole to ward off.\n
sago see SAGU 1.\n
sagon cookie made of rice flour with coconut and sugar.\n
sagor see SAGUR.\n
1. sago palm or its products. 2. (Coll.) code name for narcotic
saguer /saguir/ (North Sulawesi) palm toddy.\n
sagur dugout canoe.\n
1. 1) valid, legal. 2) legally, officially. 3) certain, for sure. 2. see
SYAH 1.\n
sahabat friend.\n
sahadat see SYAHADAT.\n
sahaja 1. simple, natural. 2. do s.t. on purpose. 3. see SAJA.\n
saham 1 share, stock. 2 contribution. 3 part, role (in an affair, etc.).\n
sahan large plate, platter.\n
sahang black pepper.\n
sahap cover, lid.\n
sahaya 1. (Lit.) slave, servant. 2. see SAYA.\n
sahbandar see SYAHBANDAR.\n
sahdan seeSYAHDAN.\n
sahdu see SYAHDU.\n
sahib (Lit.) owner, possesor.\n
sahibul-hikayat (Lit.) author.\n
sahid see SYAHID.\n
sahifah (Leg.) document.\n
sahih valid, genuine.\n
sahir see SIHIR.\n
sahkan 1. see USAH. 2 see SAH 1.\n
1. (Islam) the meal eaten before daybreak during the fasting month.
2. see SAUR 2.\n
sahut answer s.o.\'s call.\n
sahwat see SYAHWAT.\n
1. enattentive, careless. 2. /sa\'i / ceremony of running between the
hills of Sofa and Marwa during the hajj.\n
said see SAYID.\n
sailan Ceylon.\n
saing 1. compete. 2. fang, tusk.\n
sains science.\n
sair /sa\'ir/ see SYAIR.\n
sais (Lit.) coachman.\n
1 only, nothing else than. 2 just, only (as the best thing under the
circumstances). 3 exactly, name the things, people, etc. (with
interrogative words). 4 just, exactly. 5 just, alone. 6 emphasizing
particle. 7 (Java) even. 8 nevertheless.\n
sajadah (Islam) prayer rug.\n
sajak 1 poem, verse, lyrics. 2 rhyme.\n
sajarah see SEJARAH.\n
sajen (Rel.) offering of flowers or food (to spirits, etc.).\n
saji dishes laid out on the table.\n
sajian 1 dish of food offered to quests. 2 seeSAJEN.\n
sak 1. 1) sack, bag. 2) pocket 2. see SYAK.\n
saka 1 heritage. 2 heirloom.\n
sakadang term of address in fables.\n
sakaguru see SOKOGURU.\n
sakal see ANGIN, SAMUN 2.\n
sakalor (Sunda) epidemic.\n
sakap sharecrop.\n
sakar (Chem.) sugar.\n
sakaratulmaut /sakarat ulmaut/ seeSAKRATUL MAUT.\n
sakarin saccharin.\n
sakarosa (Chem.) sucrose.\n
sakat 1. tease, annoy. 2. beach a boat.\n
sakduk kerchief.\n
sake k.o. alchoholic beverage, shake.\n
sakedidi see KEDIDI.\n
sakelar electric switch.\n
sakelek (Coll.) matter-of-fact, businesslike.\n
sakharin see SAKARIN.\n
saking (Coll.) on account of.\n
1 ill, sick, sickness. 2 sore, painful. 1 be ill. 2 in pain. 3 illness,
sakit sickness. 4 hardship, misery, trouble.1 disease, illness. 2 trouble. 3
bad habit.\n
saklar see SAKELAR.\n
sakral sacred.\n
(Rel.) : sacrament. sakramen-perminyakan (suci) (Rel.) extreme
sakrat-ulmaut /sakratul maut, sakratulmaut/ death agony.\n
sakristi sacristy.\n

saksama see SEKSAMA.\n

saksi 1 witness. 2 testimony.\n
saksofon saxophone.\n
saksofonis saxophonist.\n
saksrak search through s.t. by beating it.\n
1 supernatural, divine power. 2 having magic or divine power. 3
saku 1 bag, sack. 2 pocket.\n
sakura 1 cherry tree. 2 (Coll.) other trees bearing pink blossoms.\n
sakwasangka see SYAK.\n
sal 1 hospital ward. 2. see SYAL.\n
sala see SOLO.\n
salada see SELADA.\n
1. 1) fault. 2) (Coll.) be at fault, be guilty. 3) mistake. 4) wrong. 5)
salah be in the wrong, mistaken. 6) do s.t. the wrong way. 2. o. of the, o.
out of several.\n
salai 1 smoked. 2 dried. salai-an grill, grate.\n
salak 1. the Zalacca palm and its fruit. 2. high-pitched bark.\n
salam 1. 1) peace (in greetings). 2) greetings. 2. see DAUN. 3. see IKAN.\n
salamalaikum /salam lekum/ see ASSALAM ALAIKUM.\n
salaman salaman\n
salang stab with a knife, dagger.\n
salap see SALEP.\n
salasilah genealogy.\n
salat 1. salad. 2. see SOLAT.\n
salawat see SELAWAT.\n
saldo (Fin.) balance.\n
sale see SALAI.\n
saleh pious, virtuous, godly.\n
salem see IKAN.\n
salempang see SELEMPANG.\n
salep ointment, salve.\n
salesman salesman.\n
sali steadfast.\n
1 (Bib.) (Christian) cross. 2 see SALIP. peny-(s)alib-an
salih see SALEH.\n
salim healthy.\n
salin 1 change clothes. 2 bear a child, give birth.\n
salinan 1 copy. 2 translation.\n
o. another, mutual(ly). saling-tergantung/bergantung(an)
saling interdependent.\n

salinitas (Chem.) salinity.\n

salip pass, overtake (a car).\n
salju snow.\n
(Islam) May Allah bless him and give him peace (said after
mentioning Muh.\'s name).\n
salmiak ammonium chloride.\n
salome [satu lobang rame-rame] (Sl.) 1 prostitute, loose women. 2 golf.\n
salon 1 drawing room. 2 console.\n
salp see SALEP.\n
salto somersault.\n
saluir salute.\n
saluk man\'s kerchief.\n
salung flute.\n
salur 1 channel, gutter, duct. 2 (Tel.) line (switchboard). 3 lines, stripes.\n
1. 1) cover, envelope. 2) wrapping. 3) casing. 2. 1) salute. 2)
greetings. 3) respect, admire.\n
salvo salvo, volley.\n
salwat see SELAWAT.\n
1. same, equal. 2. 1) (Coll.) together, with. 2) and. 3) do together,
sama also do. 4) (Coll.) regarding (an all-purpose preposition). 5) plural
marker of adjectives.\n
sama-ada whether.\n
sama-rata see SAMA1.\n
sama-sekali absolutely.\n
samadi see SEMADI.\n
samak 1. tannin. 2. covered, plated.\n
samapta (Mil.) ready, prepared.\n
1 dim, vague, indistinct. 2 obscure, hidden. 3 disguised, masked.
samar-an object of disguise, camouflage.\n
samas (Rel.) deacon (Protestant).\n
condiment us. containing chili peppers. sambal-bajag/bajak fried
spieces. sambal-terasi sauce made with shrimp paste.\n
sambalewa done half-heartedly.\n
1. watch, guard, patrol. 2. (Java) disease or affliction caused by evil
spirits. 3. empty honeycomb. 4. (Java, Jakarta) visit.\n
sambar 1 swoop down and seize. 2 strike, attack. 3 steal, rob.\n
sambat 1. (Java, Jakarta) ask for help. 2. connected, joined.\n
sambatan 1 (mutual) assistance. 2 assistant. 3 help each other.\n
sambekala (Java) accident.\n
sambel see SAMBAL.\n
samben 1 sideline, part-time extra job. 2 side issue.\n
samber see SAMBAR.\n
sambet 1 struck by a sharp object. 2 struck with disease.\n
sambi 1 do at the same time. 2 have a side job.\n
sambil while, at the same time.\n
sambilan 1 side line. 2 part-time. 3 pretext.\n
sambit throw.\n
sambuk a whip.\n
sambung 1 continue, go on (in conversation). 2 be connected.\n
sambur see SABUR.\n
sambut answer.\n
welcome, reception. 2 answer, response, reaction. 3 agreement,
sambutan approval. 4 speech given in formal setting where a representative
from every group attending says a few words.\n
samedi see SEMADI.\n
samenleven live together like husband and wife without benefit of matrimony.\n
samenwerking cooperation.\n
samimawon (Java, Humorous) It is just the same.\n
samin see MINYAK.\n
samirana breeze.\n
samiri (Bib.) Samaritan.\n
samodera see SAMUDERA.\n
rubbish, trash. sampah-hijau compost. sampah-masyarakat scum of
1. 1) to, till, as far as. 2) arrive. 3) reach, extend far enough. 4)
sampai arrive, materialize. 5) go as far as to, get to the point of. 2. hang up
to dry.\n
sampaian 1 rack, hat rack. 2 drying frame, clothesline.\n
sampak metal band around a knife handle.\n
sampan small boat, dugout.\n
1. brown varnish. 2. paddle at stern of the boat. 3. stock to hold
water buffalo\'s neck. 4. k.o. tree.\n
sampanye champagne.\n
sampar plague, pest.\n
sampe see SAMPAI 1.\n
sampean (Java) you (polite).\n
sampek see SAMPAI 1.\n
sampel sample.\n
samper (Coll.) call on s.o., drop by to pick s.o. up.\n
sampeyan see SAMPEAN.\n
sampi see SAPI.\n
samping 1. side. 2. ceremonial sarong (us. silk with gold threads).\n
sampir hang.\n
1 place to hang clothes, a rack, peg, hook. 2 first two lines of a
pantun, couplet.\n
sampo shampoo.\n
sampu 1. shampoo. 2. (Med.) anemia.\n
sampuk run into s.o., fly at.\n
sampul cover, wrapper. sampul-bantal pillowcase. sampul-surat envelope.\n
sampur (Java) sash, k.o. long scarf worn by female dancer.\n
samroh k.o. Islam music sung in chorus (us. by women).\n
samseng 1 gamecock. 2 rowdy, bully.\n
samsi 1. (China) lion dance. 2. sun.\n
samsir (Lit.) k.o. sword.\n
samsonit attache case.\n
samudera /samudra/ ocean. samudera-Indonesia Indian Ocean.\n
samudrawi oceanic.\n
1. bushes, shrubs. 2. samun-sakal robbery accompanied by
samurai 1 samurai sword. 2 samurai.\n
san see SERSAN.\n
sana there, yonder.\n
sanak relative.\n
sanat (Islam) Muslim year. sanat-Masehi A.D.\n
sanatorium sanatorium, health resort.\n
sanca see ULAR.\n
sandal sandal, open-toe slipper. sandal-jepit/Jepang sandals with a thong.\n
1. shoulder strap.sandang-an sling. 2. clothing. sandang-pangan food
and clothing, basic necessities.\n
1 lean on. 2 (Naut.) moor, tie up (ship). 3 be dependent on, be based
sandaran 1 support, assistance. 2 abutment, prop, back. 3 basis.\n
sandel 1. kayu-sandel sandalwood. 2. see KUDA. 3. see SANDAL.\n
sandera 1 hostage. 2 debt bondsman.\n
sandi code. kata-sandi codeword.\n
sanding 1. close, near. 2. sharp angle.\n
sandiwara 1 play, drama. 2 theatrical troupe.\n
sandiwarawan dramatist.\n
k.o. chest-exercise device, consisting of springs attached to
sandra see SANDERA.\n
sandung pedal of weaving loom. sandung-an stumbling block.\n
figure of speech to express a superlative by referring to a quality the
opposite of the expected and using it as o. of the standards of
comparison; that is, saying that in comparison to the thing described
the characteristic thing has the opposite quali sanering\n
sanering (Fin.) currency reform.\n
honorific ephithet or article (also used in sarcastic or derogatory
sang way). sang-dewi Goddess. sang-Hyang/Yang title for God. sang-
Penebus (Bib.) the Redeemer. sang-Surya 1 sun. 2 sun god.\n
sanga 1. dross. 2. ter-sanga-sanga nervouse and in a hurry. 3. see WALI.\n
sangai 1. lid, cover, top. 2 ber-sangai warm o.s.\n
(Java) earthen pot. meny-(s)angan heat in utensil without oil or
1. ill-fated, bringing misfortune, spooky. 2. heated in utensil without
1 very extremely. 2 intense, violent, vehement. ke-sangat-an
excessive, extreme.\n
sangawali see WALI.\n
prop, support. sangga-buku book rest. sangga-kejutan (Auto.) shock
1. (Bali) house-shrine. 2 protest, oppose, contradicted the truth of the
sanggahan protest, rejoinder, rebuttal.\n
sanggama see SENGGAMA.\n
1 small house temple. 2 studio. sanggar-kerja workshop, atelier.
sanggar-poto photo studio.\n
sanggat run aground.\n
sanggerah 1. bloodletting. 2. traveler\'s rest house.\n
sanggit gnash.\n
sanggul knot of hair, hair bun.\n
sanggup 1 able, capable. 2 be prepared to do.\n
sanggurdi stirrup.\n
1 smelling burnt or scorched, burnt or scorched (smell). 2 see
sangka 1 supposition, idea. 2 suspicion.\n
sangkak 1. forked, fork shaped. 2. have goose flesh, ruffle feathers.\n
sangkakala 1 valveless trumpet used in ceremonies. 2 (Rel.) Last Trumpet.\n
sangkal 1. handle (of hammer, adz, etc.). 2 be unwilling.\n
sangkala see SENGKALAN.\n
sangkalan disavowal, denial.\n
sangkar 1. 1) bird cage. 2) chicken coop. 2. diagonal.\n
sangkaran 1) bird cage, chicken coop. 2) encagement.\n
sangking see SAKING.\n
sangkur bayonet.\n
hook onto. sangkut-paut relation, connection, relevance. (Jakarta)
drop in for a while.\n
sangkutan 1 relation, connection. 2 involvement. 3 peg, hook. 4 obstacle.\n
sangling (Java) polish, burnish.\n
sangoni see SANGU.\n
sangra (Sunda, Jakarta) fry without oil.\n
sangsai poor, miserable.\n
sangsaka [Sang Saka Merah Putih] the first Indonesian flag.\n
sangsang hook onto s.t.\n
sangsara see SENGSARA.\n
sangsekerta see SANSKERTA.\n
sangsi 1. doubt. 2. sanction.\n
sangsing hold in o.\'s hands.\n
sangu 1 provisions. 2 traveling funds.\n
sangyang see SANG.\n
sani sublime.\n
sanitair see SANITER.\n
sanitasi sanitation.\n
saniter sanitary.\n
sanjai tall and handsome.\n
sanjak see SAJAK.\n
sanjakala see SENJA.\n
sanjung honor, praise.\n
sanksi see SANGSI 2.\n
sans (Bri.) no trump.\n
sansai nostalgia.\n
sanskerta Sanskrit.\n
santa (Rel.) (female) saint. santa-Maria Saint Mary.\n
santai relaxed, relax.\n
santak see SENTAK 2.\n
santan milk squeezed from coconut.\n
santana (Sunda) title of lower nobility.\n
santap 1 dine (of royalty). 2 have a meal (written or formal speech).\n
santapan food, meal.\n
santapan-rohani spiritual nourishment.\n
santek (Java) latch.\n
santel see CANTEL.\n
santen see SANTAN.\n
santeng (Java) sash worn around waist of traditional woman\'s dress.\n

1 strong, heavy (of meteorological phenomena). 2 lively

santet black magic.\n
santiaji briefing, indoctrination, or coaching given by o.\'s superiors.\n
santiran image, thing like s.t. else.\n
santiu k.o. China fabric.\n
santo (Rel.) (male) saint. santo-Petrus Saint Peter.\n
santri 1 student at traditional Muslim school. 2 strict adherent of Islam.\n
process of making conduct (esp. of public affairs). strictly in
accordance with principles and ceremonies of Islam.\n
santu see SANTO.\n
santun 1 well mannered, well behaved. 2 good manners.\n
1 help, sympathetic care. 2 compensation paid by insurance
santung k.o. rough silk cloth, Shantung.\n
sanubari inner person, o.\'s inner self.\n
saos see SAUS.\n
sap see SAF.\n
sapa 1. sapa-an greeting. 2. (Coll.) see SIAPA.\n
sapah see SEPAH.\n
sapar see SAFAR.\n
saparila see SARSAPARILA.\n
1. k.o. saltwater fosh eaten dried and salted. 2. (Sunda) chopped,
broken off.\n
sapersi asparagus.\n
sapi 1 cow, bull, ox. 2. (Zod.) Taurus.\n
sapih wean a child.\n
sapir see SAFIER.\n
sapit see SEPIT.\n
saprodi [sarana produk padi] infrastructure for rice production.\n
[sarana produksi pertanian] infrastructure for agricultural
seven (in slogans or other coined expressions). sapta-Usaha Tama
Seven Basic Efforts.\n
saptamarga The Seven Articles, Armed Forces oath.\n
o. who has taken the Armed Forces oath (a follower of the seven
saptu see SABTU.\n
broom. sapu-ijik broom of sugar palm fiber. sapu-lidi broom of split
coconut midribs. sapu-tangan handkerchief.\n
saput cover, shroud, veil.\n
saputangan see SAPU.\n
sara pension, support.\n
sara-bara confused, in disorder, in disarray.\n
1. (Anat.) nerve. saraf-mata optical nerve. 2. (Ling.) derivation of
Arabic words from the same root.\n
sarafi neural.\n
sarak (Leg.) separated, parted.\n
sarakah see SERAKAH.\n
suggestion. saran-yang baik a good idea. saran-an suggestion,
sarana medium, tool, means.\n
1. 1) nest, lair, web. 2) hide-out, hideaway. 3) hotbed, breeding
place. 4) (Mil.) emplacement (for machine gun, etc.). 2. porous.\n
sarangan (Java) chestnut.\n
sarap 1. k.o. skin rash. 2. litter. 3 (Coll.) crazy.\n
sarapan 1) breakfast. 2 ) have breakfast.\n
sarasehan (Java) informal discussion, meeting.\n
saraswati female singer.\n
1. 1) loaded, laden, full. 2) (Naut.) draft (of a ship). 2. see
sarau (M) unfortunate.\n
sarden /sardencis, sardine/ tinned sardines.\n
sarean (Java) grave, graveyard.\n
sareat see SYARIAH.\n
Islam league, an early national;istic organization of 1910s and
sarengat see SYARIAH.\n
sargut rip with o.\'s teeth.\n
sari 1 concentrate, essence. 2 nucleus, main point. 3 (Biol.) pollen.\n
sari-sari (Coll.) daily, everyday. tak-sari-sari-nya unusual, extraordinary.\n
sariawan see SERIAWAN.\n
saridele (Java) soybean milk.\n
sarikat see SERIKAT.\n
1 filter, strain, sift. 2 refine, distill. 3 sift, separate, sort out
(information, meaning, etc.). 4 screen (personel for job).\n
saringan 1 sieve, strainer, filter. 2 screening.\n
sarip see SYARIF.\n
saripati see SARI.\n
sarit (M) difficult. srait-sarit rarely.\n
1 scholar, academician degree-holder. 2 title of degree similar to the
sarjana Bachelor\'s. sarjana-Hukum Master of Law. sarjana-lengkap PhD
Candidate (pre-1980s). sarjana-Kimia BS in chemistry.\n

sarjananisasi the process of requiring employees to get Bachelor\'s degrees.\n

sarkasme sarcasm.\n
sarkastis sarcastic.\n
sarkofagus sarcophagus (esp. in archaeology).\n
sarmud [sarjana muda] a Bachelor (of Arts, Law, etc.).\n
saroja see SEROJA.\n
saron (Java) o. of the metallophone instruments of gamelan.\n
sarong see SARUNG.\n
sarsaparila /sarsaparilla/ sarsasparilla drink.\n
sartan (Zod.) Cancer.\n
saru 1. dim, vague. 2. k.o. Australian pine. 3. (Java) indecent, obscene.\n
saruk 1. /saruk-saruk/ dragging of feet. 2. have luck (in game), win.\n
sarundeng see SERUNDENG.\n
sarung 1 sarong. 2 case, container. 3 sheath. 4 wrapper. 5 condom.\n
sarungan wearing a sarong.\n
sarut 1. (M) k.o. grass. 2. bite.\n
sarwa all, the whole.\n
sarwaboga omnivore.\n
sas-sus rumor.\n
sasa robust, strong.\n
1 wattle, coarse plaitwork of split bamboo. 2 bouffant (women\'s
sasakala (Sunda) legend.\n
1 (Java) auditorium, public center. 2 gymnastics training camp.
sasana-tinju boxing arena.\n
sasanti see SESANTI.\n
sasap 1. pull up weeds. 2. see SUSUP.\n
sasar 1 mad, insane. 2 dazed.\n
1. target, aim, objective. 2. (M) playing field, field for practicing
sports, shooting etc.\n
sasat see PERSASAT.\n
sasis chassis.\n
sasmita hint, divine signal, omen.\n
sastera see SASTRA.\n
sasterakanta (Lit.) thesis.\n
sasterawan see SASTRAWAN.\n
sasterawati see SASTRAWATI.\n
sastra books, literature.\n
sastrawan man of letters.\n
sastrawati woman of letters.\n
sat 1. large measure for rice of five or ten gantang. 2. see ZAT.\n
sata (Lit.) hundred.\n
satah (Math.) plane.\n
satai see SATE.\n
satal [Sangir dan Talaud] two island groups North East of Sulawesi.\n
satan see SETAN.\n
satang pole, stick, stake.\n
satar a line.\n
sate small pieces of meat roasted on skewer.\n
satelit satellite.\n
saten see SATIN.\n
sateria see KESATRIA.\n
sateru see SETRU.\n
satgas [satuan tugas] task force.\n
satin satin.\n
satir satyr.\n
satiris satirical.\n
sato (Java) wild animal.\n
satpam [satuan pengamanan] security guard.\n
satria see KESATRIA.\n
satron (Java) be hostile toward.\n
1. k.o. cookie made with mung beans and palm sugar. 2. (Java)
satu one.\n
satuan 1 unit. 2 (Mil.) unit, squad.\n
satwa wild animal, fauna. satwa-lindung-an protected species.\n
satwaboga carnivore.\n
satwacarita animal fable.\n
satyalancana Indonesian award for merit, Medal of Honor.\n
sau rustling sound.\n
saudagar large-scale merchant.\n
1 brother, sister, cousin of same generation. 2 relative (us. of same
generation). 3 formal term of address for s.o. of same age group or
younger with whorm o. is nor acquainted. 4 afterbirth. 5 term
address in official situation.\n
formal term of address to female of same age or younger with whom
o. is not acquainted.\n
sauh 1. (Naut.) anchor. 2. see SAWO.\n
sauk 1. ladle. 2 scoop. sauk-sauk bucket, scoop.\n
saum 1 (Islam) the Fast. 2 (Rel.) Lent.\n
saung cave, grotto.\n
1. interlocking, entangled. get caught on, stumble. 2. repay a debt. 3.
saur see SAHUR 1.\n
1 sauce, gravy. saus-tomat tomato catsup. 2 mixture to give flavor to
s.t. else.\n
saut 1. (Java) snatch. 2. see SAHUT.\n
(Islam) (salla\'llahu \'alaihi wasallama) May Allah bless him and
give him peace (said after uttering Muh.\'s name).\n
sawa see ULAR.\n
sawah wet rice field.\n
sawal see SYAWAL.\n
sawala debate.\n
(Med.) 1 epilepsy. 2 fit, convulsions. sawan-bangkai apoplectic
sawang 1. cobweb. 2. atmosphere. 3. forest. 4. (Java) look.\n
sawangan (M) wasteland, dangerous wilderness.\n
sawar barricade, fence.\n
sawat 1. shoulder strap, sling. 2. see PESAWAT.\n
mustard greens. sawi-putih China cabbage, lighter colored mustard
greens. sawi-hijau darker colored mustard greens.\n
sawit see KELAPA.\n
1 k.o. fruit-bearing tree, sapodilla. sawo-kecik k.o. sapodilla with
firm flesh. 2 tan, brown like the skin of sapodilla.\n
sawut snack of steamed grated cassava with palm sugar.\n
saya 1 I, my. 2 yes (deferential).\n
sayambara see SAYEMBARA.\n
sayang 1 pity. 2 love. 3 dear, darling.\n
sayap 1 wing. 2 (Pol.) wing of a political party.\n
sayarah /sayarat/ see BINTANG.\n
sayat slice.\n
sayembara prize contest.\n
sayet see SIYET.\n
sayid (Islam) lord, sir: title given to Muh.\'s direct descendants.\n
sayidi my lord.\n
sayonara (Japanese, Coll.) goodbye.\n
sayu 1 melancholy, downcast. 2 droopy.\n
soft, faint (of sound), blurred. sayup-sayup 1 blurred, indistinct,
faintly heard. 2 scarcely, hardly. 3 (Lit.) faintly seen.\n
sayur 1 vegetable. 2 vegetable soup.\n
sb [serikat buruh] labor or trade union.\n
sbb. [sebagai berikut] as follows.\n
sbg. [sebagai] as.\n
schat /sxat/ (Coll.) darling (term of endearment).\n
schors see SKORS.\n
schorsing see SKORSING.\n
sd [Sekolah Dasar] elementary school.\n
sda. [seperti di atas] as above.\n
sdg. [sedang]\n
sdr. [saudara] Mr., Ms. (as a title).\n
sdri. [saudari] Ms. (as a title).\n
1. [Sarjana Ekonomi] o. who holds a Bachelor\'s degree in
Economics. 2. [Surat Edaran] circular (memorandum).\n
se- 1 one. 2 same. 3 all. 4 when, as soon as. 5 as...as.\n
seabrek-abrek very much.\n
seantero the whole, the entire. seantero-nya everything, entirely.\n
searah in the same direction, having the same aim.\n
seba present oneself before a king.\n
sebab 1 because. 2 cause, motive, reason.\n
sebagai as, like.\n
sebagaimana in the same manner as.\n
sebak full of water to the point of overflowing. /se`bak/ see SIBAK.\n
sebal 1. resentful. 2. (Java) deviate (from a principle).\n
sebaliknya on the contrary, just the opposite, the other way.\n
sebam 1 gray. 2 dark.\n
sebanding 1 comparable (value, type, etc.). 2 proportional.\n
sebangun uniform, unvarying.\n
sebar 1. asleep, numb (of arms or legs). 2. spread, disseminate,
sebarang /sembarang/ any old, just any.\n
1. 1) brush s.t. away with flip of hands. 2) shake hands to dry them.
sebat 3) whip with long, slender rod. 4) steal by snatching. 2. quick in
sebatangkara all alone in the world.\n
sebaya of the same age, a contemporary.\n
sebaya of the same age, a contemporary.\n
sebel see SEBAL 1.\n
sebelah 1 one half. 2 beside. 3 in the direction of.\n
sebelas 11 (eleven).\n
sebelum before, prior to. sebelum-nya previously, formerly.\n
sebentar 1 for a moment. 2 later in the same day.\n
1 across, opposite. 2 foreign (from outside the island or across the
seberhana a suit of clothes.\n

seberot see SEBROT 1.\n

sebet fast, quick.\n
sebih see TASBEH.\n
sebit see SABIT 1.\n
sebodo see MASA BODOH.\n
sebra see ZEBRA.\n
sebrang see SEBERANG.\n
sebrot 1. rob, pick pockets. 2. burst out.\n
sebu full.\n
sebuk 1 infiltrate, penetrate. 2 interrupt a conversation.\n
sebul blow.\n
seburit sodomy.\n
sebut 1 mention. 2 name, call.\n
1 term, expression, designation. 2 quotation. 3 designation,
appellation. 4 (Ling.) comment, predicate.\n
[Sekolah Calon Bintara] (Mil.) training school for noncomissioned
secang see SEPANG.\n
1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in
accordance with.\n
choke, swallow the wrong way. /se`dak/ rattan band around top of
drum to keep the head taut.\n
sedan sob. /se`dan/ (Auto) sedan.\n
1.1) average, moderate, medium. 2) sufficient, fit. 2. 1) while, the
time that. 2) be in the process of. 3) while, whereas.\n
sedap 1 delicious, tasty. 2 (Coll.) nice, pleasing. 3 well, refreshed.\n
sedar see SADAR.\n
sedari since.\n
sedarum all together, in unison.\n
sedasi sedation.\n
sedat 1 slow in thinking, sluggish. 2 stopped, stopped up.\n
(Rel.) 1 alms, give alms. 2 religious meal, offering to spirits, give a
religious meal.\n
sedekala see SEDIAKALA.\n
sedelinggam red lead used as antirust paint.\n
sedeng part in hair. /se`de`ng/ (Jakarta) crazy.\n
seder cedar tree.\n
sederhana simple, plain, unpretentious.\n
sedia 1 ready. 2 willing.\n
sediakala former, of old.\n
sedianya actually, as a matter of fact, properly speaking.\n
sedih 1 sad, distressed. 2 tragic.\n
1 a little, abit, some. 2 little, few. 3 a bit, slightly. sedikit-nya at
sedimen sediment.\n
sedimentasi sedimentation.\n
sedot 1 suck. 2 inhale, sip from.\n
sedotan 1 a straw. 2 a puff, inhalation.\n
sedu 1. 1) a sob. 2) a hicup. 3) (Lit.) sad. 2. see SEDUH 1.\n
meny-i share part of the farm yield. meny-kan lease out on a part-
time basis.\n
seduh 1. (M) pour boiling water on s.t. 2. see SEDU 1.\n
seduk scoop.\n
sedut see SEDOT.\n
seeded /sided/ seeded-an a seeded player.\n
sef see SEP 1.\n
seg 1. /sekh/ (Coll.) you know. 2. see SEK.\n
segah full, satiated.\n
segak blurt out. /se`gak/ 1 recovered from illness. 2 fresh. 3 proud.\n
segal breathless, out of breath.\n
1 all, all of them (of things that are not uniform). 2 entirely, wholly.
3 (Coll.) and all, (do) unnecessarily.\n
1 keep in o.\'s place, feel that person o. is dealing with has a higher
position. 2 be reluctant to do s.t. others might consider above o. or in
regard to a person of higher status. 3 unwilling to do s.t. not quite
segar 1 fresh. 2 refreshing. 3 delicious.\n
segara (Lit.) ocean. segara-Kidul the Java Sea.\n
1. 1) seal, stamp (notarizing, etc.). 2) ration coupon. 2. (Naut.) length
of anchor chain of about 12 meters.\n
segen (Jakarta) see SEGAN.\n
segenap see GENAP.\n
seger see SEHER.\n
segera quickly, immediately.\n
segi 1 side. 2 angle, aspect, facet. 3 sector.\n
segini this much.\n
segitu see GITU.\n
segmen segment.\n
segmentasi segmentation.\n
seh seeSEG 1, SYEKH.\n
seharusnya 1 should, ought to. 2 properl(ly).\n
1 healthy. sehat-walafiat hale and healthy, safe and sound. 2
seher piston.\n
sehingga 1 until. 2 with the result that.\n
seia see IA 2.\n
seikat a bundle, tied-up bunch, sheaf.\n
seimbang 1 balanced. 2 equal, balanced out.\n
sein see SEN 2.\n
seinendan [Japanese] youth army.\n
seinendojo [Japanese] youth training center.\n
seirama in rhythm with.\n
seiras similar\n
seiring 1 in a row. 2 of o. mind, unanimous. 3 together or along with.\n
seismik seismik\n
seismograf (Geol.) seismograph.\n
sejabat colleague from the same office.\n
sejahtera 1 prosperous. 2 safe.\n
sejajar see JAJAR 1.\n
sejajar see JAJAR 1.\n
1. since, from the time that. sejak-tadi from a little while ago. 2. see
sejaman see JAMAN.\n
sejarah history. sejarah-Pertumbuhan (Bib.) Book of Genesis.\n
sejarawan /sejarahwan/ historian.\n
sejati true, real, genuine.\n
sejemput 1 a pinch. 2 a little bit of s.t.\n
sejerat a bunch (of flowers, etc.).\n
seji see SAJI.\n
sejodoh 1 twosome, couple. 2 a pair.\n
sejoli see JOLI.\n
sejuk cool, chilly.\n
sek shag.\n
seka rub o.s. clean.\n
sekadar 1 just enough to. 2 just for the sake of, just a little.\n
sekadarnya 1 to degree necessery (i.e. simply). 2 to the best of o.\'s ability.\n
sekah hearty, dashing.\n
sekak 1 chess. 2 checkmate.\n
sekakar stingy.\n
sekakelar seeSAKELAR.\n
sekaker see SEKAKAR.\n
sekakmat (Che.) checkmate.\n
sekal scale of a map.\n
sekala see SKALA.\n
1. very. 2 [Kalimantan] apparently. 3. 1) once, one time. 2) at the
same time. 3) when (so-and-so happens), as soon as.\n

sekalian 1 all. 2 at the same time.\n

sekaligus all at once.\n
sekalipun although.\n
sekalor k.o. herbal medicine.\n
sekam husk, chaff, hull of rice.\n
sekampung 1 the whole village. 2 of the same village.\n
sekang a plug.\n
sekap 1 rippen fruit by enclosing it in s.t. 2 lock s.o. up.\n
sekapan 1 ripe fruit. 2 prisoner.\n
(Java) flower. sekar-mayang palm blossom (esp. used in weding
sekarang 1 now. 2 nowadays.\n
sekarang-sekarang right now, at this very moment.\n
sekarat agony, be in agony.\n
sekat 1. 1) screen. 2) (Anat.) partition. 2. ice skates.\n
sekata alike, of the same tenor.\n
sekaten a festival held in Solo and Yogya in honor of Muh.\'s birthday.\n
sekater tax collector.\n
sekaut police inspector.\n
[Sekretaris Pengadilan Operasi Pembangunan] supra-cabinet-level
coordinator of development operations.\n
sekedar 1 just enough to. 2 just for the sake of, just a little.\n
sekedarnya 1 to the degree necessery (i.e. simply). 2 to the best of o.\'s ability.\n
sekedeng see SEDENG.\n
sekeduduk see SENDUDUK.\n
sekehendak content.\n
sekel (Java) robust.\n
sekelar see SAKELAR.\n
sekelat woolen cloth.\n
sekelebatan in a moment.\n
sekeliling the surrounding area.\n
sekema see SKEMA.\n
sekeng (Java) poor.\n
sekerat see SEKARAT.\n
sekeri hinge.\n
sekering see SEKRING.\n
sekerja colleague.\n
sekertariat see SEKRETARIAT.\n
sekertaris see SEKRETARIS.\n
sekerup see SEKRUP.\n

sekesel screen, partition.\n

seket sketch.\n
sekher see SEHER.\n
sekian 1 so-and-so much (an unnamed amount). 2 as much as this.\n
sekilas a glance.\n
sekilwat (Mil.) sentinel, sentry.\n
sekin knife.\n
sekip 1 (Mil.) target. 2 firing range.\n
sekir sand s.t., grind.\n
sekiranya if perhaps, in case.\n
sekis (Geol.) schist.\n
1 around. 2 approximately, about, circa. sekitarnya surroundings,
sekjen [sekretaris-jenderal] secretary-general.\n
seko 1 scout. 2 spy. 3 espionage.\n
sekoci 1. (Naut.) boat, sloop. 2. bobbin, shuttle.\n
sekoi k.o. grass yielding grain similar to millet.\n
sekolah 1 school. 2 attend school.\n
sekolahan 1 schooling. 2 school (building).\n
sekon second (of time).\n
sekonar (Naut.) k.o. two-masted boat, schooner.\n
sekoneng beveling in a piece of wood so that it fits into another.\n
sekongkol 1 be an accessory. 2 scheme, plot with.\n
sekonyong-konyong sudden, suddenly.\n
sekop see SKOP.\n
sekopong (Cord., Coll.) spade suit.\n
sekores see SKORS.\n
sekorsing see SKORSING.\n
sekoteng (Java) ginger-flavored drink served hot.\n
sekout see SEKAUT.\n
sekr. [sekretariat] secretariat.\n
sekresi secretion.\n
sekretaresse woman secretary.\n
sekretariat secretariat.\n
sekretaris secretary\n
sekring fuse for electric circuit.\n
sekrop 1. scrub floor with soap and water. 2. see SKOP.\n
sekrup screw, bolt.\n
seks sex, sexual activity.\n
seksama accurate, exact, thorough\n
seksi 1. 1) (Biol.) dissection. 2) section. 3) platoon. 2. (Coll.) sexy.\n
seksofon /seksopon/ see SAKSOFON.\n

sekstan sextant.\n
seksual sexual.\n
seksualitas /seksualitet/ sexuality.\n
seksuil see SEKSUAL.\n
sektaris sectarian.\n
sektarisme sectarianism.\n
sekte sect.\n
sektor sector.\n
sektoral by sector.\n
1 pinch s.o. 2 tap s.o. on the arm or shoulder to attract his
sekuens sequence (in movie).\n
sekularis secularistic.\n
sekularisasi secularization.\n
sekularisme secularism.\n
sekuler /sekulir/ secular.\n
sekunar see SEKONAR.\n
sekunder secondary.\n
sekuriti (Mill.) security, security forces\n
sekuteng see SEKOTENG.\n
sekuter see SKUTER.\n
sekutil a nibble, tiny piece.\n
sekutu 1 partner. 2 ally.\n
sekyuriti see SEKURITI.\n
sel 1 cubicle, cell (in prison, etc.). 2 (Tech.) cell. 3 (Pol.) political cell.\n
1. 1) crack, opening, gap. 2) interval. 3) interrupt. 4) catch crop,
auxiliary crop. 2. mixture. /se`la/ 1 saddle. 2. stone. 3. squinting.\n
selada lettuce.\n
seladang k.o. wild ox.\n
seladri see SELEDERI.\n
selagi 1 during, while. 2 as long as.\n
selai jelly, jam. selai-kacang peanut butter.\n
selain 1 be sides, in addition to. 2 except.\n
selaju see LAJU.\n
1. bolt, bar to hol door closed. 2. (Java) have to do s.t. immediately
without delay.\n
selakangan crotch.\n
selakarang (Java) k.o. medicinal preparation.\n
selaku 1 as if, like. 2 as, in the capacity of. selaku-nya whatever sells.\n
selalu always.\n
selam 1. dive. 2. (Coll.) Islam.\n
selama during, while, as long as.\n
selama-lamanya 1 forever, for good. 2 at the longest.\n
selamat 1 safe. 2 welfare, happiness, prosperity. 3 happy, pleasant, blessed. 4
congratulations, wish for good luck, happiness, or prosperity.\n
selamatan ceremonial meal.\n
selamba (Lit.) rude, uncivilized.\n
selampe 1 scarf, kerchief. 2 handkerchief.\n
selampit braid.\n
selan Sri Lanka.\n
selancar see LANCAR.\n
selandia-baru New Zealand.\n
selandia-baru New Zealand.\n
selang 1. interval, break. 2. see SLANG 1.\n
selangka see TULANG.\n
selangkang /selangkangan/ groin.\n
selanjutnya furthermore.\n
selap possessed.\n
selapan (Java) 35 days.\n
selapanan ritual conducted when a baby is 35 days old.\n
1 (Anat.) membran, film. selaput-mata cornea. selaput-dara hymen.
selaput-jala retina. 2 coating.\n
selaputan coating, casing.\n
selar k.o. mackerel.\n
selaras see LARAS 1.\n
Tuesday. Selasa-Kliwon Tuesday that coincides with Kliwon, first
day of Java week, considered a sacred day.\n
selasar open veranda.\n
selasih basil.\n
selat 1 strain, narrows, sound.\n
selatan south.\n
(Islam) invocation, short prayer us. consisting of verses from the
selawe (Java) 25.\n
selayang a little breeze, a passing breeze.\n
seldri see SELEDERI.\n
sele see SELAI.\n
selebaran leaflet. selebaran-gelap illegal and unsigned leaflet.\n
selebihnya rest, remainder.\n
selebor see SLEBOR.\n
selebu see LAUT.\n
selederi celery.\n
seleguri k.o. small bush.\n
selejang see LEJANG.\n
selek see SELAK 2.\n
selekeh stain, spot.\n
selekoh 1 a bend. 2 bastion, work in fortress that throusts outward.\n
seleksi selection.\n
selektif selective.\n
selembubu turbulence, tornado.\n
selempada k.o. large red ant.\n
selempang afraid, frightened.\n
selempangan banner.\n
selendang shawl or stole worn over o. shoulder or diagonally across body.\n
selender see SILINDER.\n
selenger (Auto.) crank.\n
selentang-selenting rumor.\n
selentik see SLENTIK.\n
selentingan in passing, incidentally.\n
seleo see KESELEO.\n
selep irony.\n
selepa cigarette case, betel box.\n
selepetan slingshot.\n
selera 1 appetite. 2 taste. 3 lust, desire.\n
selerang skin, hide.\n
selesa 1 space, room. 2 opportunity, occasion. 3 wide.\n
1 finished, done. 2 done and over with, paid off (of debt), finished
(of quarrel).\n
selesma a cold sniffles.\n
seletuk see CELETUK.\n
selewir see SELIWER.\n
self-kritik self-criticism.\n
selibat celibate.\n
selidik 1 accurate, careful. 2 critical, observant.\n
seligi javelin.\n
seligit swarm, swarm over.\n
selimut blanket. 2 comouflage, cover.\n
seling interspace, interval.\n
selingan 1 interlude, s.t. put in between. 2 variation from the routine.\n
selingkar see LINGKAR.\n
selingkuh (Java) dishonest, corrupt.\n
selingkung see LINGKUNG.\n
selipan slip (in magazine, etc.).\n
selir 1. mistress, concubine.\n
selira see SELERA 2.\n
selisih 1 difference. 2 quarrel, dispute.\n
selitan space between two objects.\n

seliwar-seliwar to and fro.\n

sellis cellist.\n
selo cello.\n
seloka archaic short witty poem ending in an aphorism.\n
selokan 1 gutter, drain. 2 sewer. 3 ditch.\n
seloki see SLOKI.\n
selompret 1. mild swear word. 2. see SLOMPRET 1.\n
selon /Selong/ ceylon.\n
selongsong 1 cover. 2 a muzzle (dog). 3 shell of bullet.\n
selonjor in a position with o.\'s legs stretched forward.\n
selop 1. slipper, sandar with closed roes. 2. see SLOF.\n
seloroh 1 funny, amusing. 2 joke, witty remark.\n
selot bolt or lock.\n
selotip cellophane tape.\n
selsius Celsius.\n
seluang k.o. freshwater fish.\n
seluar (Lit.) trousers.\n
selubung 1 cover, veil. 2 wrapper. selubung-anak (Biol.) placenta.\n
selubungan covering, wrapping.\n
seludang sheath or spathe of inflorescence of palm tree.\n
seludup see SELUNDUP.\n
selujur see SELONJOR.\n
seluk curve, bend, coil.\n
seluk-beluk 1 details. 2 complications.\n
seluler (Biol.) cellular.\n
selulosa /selulose/ (Chem.) cellulose.\n
selulup dive, plunge.\n
selumbar wood splinters.\n
selumur snakeskin that has been shed.\n
selundupan things that are smuggled.\n
selungkang fake (of metal).\n
selungkap detached, worked loose (of skin, etc.).\n
selunjur see SELONJOR.\n
selup 1 (Naut.) sloop. 2. see CELUP.\n
selupat see SELAPUT.\n
seluruh entire, whole.\n
seluruhnya all of it.\n
1 slide. 2 s.t. to ease childbirth (lit., s.t. to make the child slide
selut mud, ooze.\n
selwagon patrol wagon.\n
selwir see SELIWER.\n
sema-sema a cold, sniffles.\n
semacam a certain kind.\n

semadi 1 meditation. 2 meditate.\n

semah an offering to guard against demons.\n
semahan a religious offering.\n
semai seedling.\n
1. bushes, underbrush. semak-belukar underbrush, scrub. 2. feeling
semak comfortable, at o.\'s ease. 3. /se`mak/ see SIMAK 1.\n
semakin more and more.\n
semalam 1 last night. 2 o. night.\n
semalu see SIMALU.\n
semampai slender.\n
semampu as much as (one) is able.\n
seman 1 failed. 2 aborted.\n
semanak jovial, friendly.\n
semandan bridesmaid.\n
semandera pennant at the stern of a boat.\n
semang 1 adoptive mother. 2 female employer. 3 landlady.\n
semangat 1 test, spirit, enthusiasm, have enthusiasm. 2 soul, spirit.\n
1 edible herb with trifoliate leaf. 2 (Java) dish of vegetables steamed
with spices.\n
semangka watermelon.\n
semangkin more and more.\n
semantik semantics.\n
semantis semantic.\n
semaput (Coll.) 1 unconscious, fainted. 2 have a fit.\n
semar chief of the servants of the Pandawas in Wayang.\n
semarai cracked, broken, damaged.\n
1. 1) shine, luster. 2) ornament. 3) shining, glittering. 2. bright,
lively, lustrous.\n
semasa 1 during the time, at the time when. 2 comtemporary.\n
semasih when.\n
semat pin, peg, hook.\n
semata-mata only, nothing other than.\n
sematan appendix to a book.\n
semaunya as o. likes it. semau-maunya at will, as o. likes.\n
semayam lie down, lie.\n
sembab swollen (of facial features from physical or emotional fatingue).\n
sembabat fitting, matching.\n
sembada capable, able to carry through.\n
1 respectful greeting (made with palms together. fingertips upward
and touching the deepest respect. 3 words, saying (to king, etc.).\n
(Rel.) prayer service, prayer. sembahyang-asar (Islam) afternoon
prayer (3-5 p.m.). sembahyang-doha (Islam) optional Muslim prayer
performed before noon. sembahyang -isa/asya (Islam)
sembam swollen in body or face.\n
sembap see SEMBAB.\n
sembarang of any kind, no particular o.\n
sembarangan 1 at random. 2 just anyone, anything.\n
sembari while.\n
sembat see SEBAT 1.\n
sembayan (M) co-wife, woman married to same man as another.\n
sembelihan an animal to be slaughtered, slaughtered animal.\n
sembelit 1 constipation. 2 constipated.\n
sember raucous, hoarse, cracked (voice).\n
semberani see SEMBRANI.\n
semberono see SEMBRONO.\n
semberut scowl.\n
sembilan nine. sembilan-belas 19. sembilan-puluh 90.\n
sembilang k.o. fish with poisonous spines.\n
sembilik see PURU.\n
sembilu blade of split bamboo (traditionally used to cut umbilical chord).\n
sembiluan having the cutting quality of a bamboo knife.\n
sembir edge, margin.\n
sembiran margin, suburb.\n
sembirat tinge of color.\n
sembodo see SEMBADA.\n
semboja see KAMBOJA.\n
semboyan 1 slogan, motto, catchword. 2 sign, signal.\n
sembrani see KUDA, BESI.\n
doing things any way that comes to o.\'s head, at random, not in
accordance with the rules of society.\n
sembuang (Naut.) mooring buoy.\n
sembuh recover, heal.\n
sembunyi 1 hidden, concealed. 2 hide.\n
sembur spittle, esp. when sprayed as a charm to cure s.o.\n
semburan 1 outpouring, spraying out. 2 scolding.\n
semburat 1 tinge. 2 disperse.\n
semburit sodomy.\n
semedi see SEMADI.\n
semek soggy.\n
sememeh soiled, dirty.\n
cement. semen-bata/merah pulverized bricks. semen-beton
cement. semen-bata/merah pulverized bricks. semen-beton
semena see MENA.\n
semenanjung (Geog.) peninsula.\n
semenda related by marriage.\n
semendal (Geog.) mica.\n
semenggah proper, seemly.\n
semenjak (Lit.0 since.\n
semenjana mediocre.\n
sementang just because.\n
1. 1) while. 2) provisional, temporary, interim. 2. certain unnamed
semer see SEMIR.\n
semerap absorbent, absorptive.\n
semerbak 1 fragrant. 2 pervade (fragrance).\n
semesta whole, entire, total.\n
semestaan universalism.\n
semestinya should have been.\n
semi young shoot.\n
semi young shoot.\n
semi-final 1 (Sport) semi-finals. 2 semifinal.\n
semi-finals semifinalist.\n
semiang 1 a bit. 2 a grain, a drop of s.t.\n
semiang 1 a bit. 2 a grain, a drop of s.t.\n
semilih alternating.\n
semilir breezy (of wind).\n
semilir breezy (of wind).\n
seminar see SINAR. /se`minar/ seminar.\n
seminari (Rel.) seminary.\n
seminaris (Rel.) seminarian.\n
semingkin all the more.\n
semiotika semiotics.\n
semir polish.\n
semisal be like.\n
semoga May it happen, I hope that.\n
semokel smuggling.\n
semokelar (Coll.) smuggler.\n
sempadan 1 border, demarcation. 2 (Sport) finishing line.\n
sempak 1. chipped. 2. seeSWEMPAK.\n
sempal (Java) broken, chipped.\n
sempalan fragment.\n
sempana see SEMPENA.\n
sempat 1 have sufficient time, opportunity. 2 still be able to do s.t.\n
sempe k.o. waffle, wafel. /se`mpe`/ (Ambon) k.o. earthenware bowl.\n
sempelah 1 rubbish, dregs. 2 useless, of no value.\n
sempena blessing.\n
sempena-hati conscience.\n
semper paralyzed.\n
semperit see SEMPRIT 1.\n
semperong see SEMPRONG.\n
semperot see SEMPROT 1.\n
sempit 1 narrow, tight. 2 pressed, limited.\n
sempoa (China) abacus.\n
sempor see CEMPOR.\n
sempoyongan totter, stagger from drunkenness.\n
semprit 1. a whistle. 2. S- shaped cookie made of sago or tapioca flour.\n
sempritan whistle (sound).\n
1 lamp chimney. 2 chimney, smokestack, ship\'s funnel. 3 tube,
1. syringe, squirt gun. 2. S-shaped cookie made of sago or tapioca
semprotan 1 syringe, squirt gun. 2 scolding.\n
semprul (Java) mild swear word : you jerk !.\n
sempurat see SEMBURAT.\n
sempurna 1 perfect. 2 complete.\n
semrawut chaotic, disorganized.\n
semsem see SENGSEM.\n
semu 1 appearance, mien. 2 apparent, pseudo-, quasi-. 3 deceit, trick.\n
semua all. semua-nya all (of them), everything.\n
semudera see SAMUDERA\n
semuhun-dawuhisme see SUMUHUN-DAWUHISME.\n
1 having the same appearance. 2 having the same front, fronting in
the same direction.\n
semula 1 from the beginning. 2 since. 3 formerly, originally. 4 at first.\n
dish of meat and sometimes bean curd, tempeh, etc. stewed with
semusim semusim\n
semut ant. semut-rangrang/keranggang k.o. red ant.\n
sen 1. cent. 2 (Auto.) mechanical turning signal.\n
sen-an 1 o.-cent piece. 2 in cents.\n
sena k.o. timber tree, narra.\n
senada senada\n
senak 1 tight, oppressed. 2 having a stuffed feeling (from overeating).\n
senam 1. (Sport) gymnastics, calisthenics. 2. indigo blue.\n

senam-jantung panic, pounding of the heart.\n

senamaki senna, a purgative.\n
senandung a hum.\n
senang 1 happy, contented. 2 like. 3 comfortable.\n
senang-senang gladly.\n
senantiasa always.\n
/senapang/ rifle, gun. senapan-angin air rifle. senapan-buluh bamboo
toy gun.\n
senapati (Java) commander in chief.\n
senar string (of musical instrument, racquet, for fishing, etc.).\n
senat 1 (Acad.) faculty senate. 2 (Pol.) senate.\n
senawi boat passenger who is working his way.\n
senda see SANDAL.\n
senda-gurau senda-gurau\n
sendang (Java) spring, source.\n
sendat stagnant, not flowing freely (water or, figuratively, s.t. else).\n
sendawa 1. saltpeter, gunpowder. 2. a burp.\n
sendel lean on.\n
sendeng 1 slanting, leaning. 2 mentally off.\n
sender (Coll.) transmitting station. /se`nde`r/ see SANDAR.\n
sendera see SANDERA.\n
sendi 1 hinge, joint. 2 socket. 3 pivotal strenght, principle.\n
sendiri 1 self (the intensifier). 2 own. 3 on o.\'s own. 4 (Java) most.\n
sendiri-sendiri individual, apart.\n
sendirian alone.\n
sendok 1 spoon. 2 ladle. 3 spoonlike tool (e.g. trowel, etc.).\n
sendorong slide forward.\n
sendratari [seni, drama, dan tari] (Thea.) dance-drama, ballet.\n
sendu sad.\n
senduduk k.o. flowering shrub, melastoma.\n
senduk see SENDOK.\n
senel see SEPUR.\n
Monday. Senen-Kemis precarious (that is, in a situation where o.
senen should intensify religious duties, e.g. fast on Mondays and
senentiasa see SENANTIASA.\n
senewen nervous, have a nervous fit.\n
seng 1 zinc. 2 iron sheeting. 3 roofing.\n
sengaja intentional, deliberate, expressly.\n
sengak 1) pungent, piercing in smell (like vinegar, etc.) 2) obnoxious.\n
sengal painful joints.\n
sengal-sengal out of breath, having difficulty breathing.\n
sengam eat up, devour gluttonously.\n
sengap quiet, silent.\n
sengat the sting (organ) of certain insects.\n
sengatan pain or wound resulting from a sting.\n
sengau talk through the nose, nasal.\n
sengau talk through the nose, nasal.\n
senget 1 slanted. 2 placed on o. side.\n
senggak 1. snarl. 2. (Java) applaud, cheer (in dancing and singing).\n
senggama coitus.\n
sengganen k.o. flowering shrub, melastoma.\n
senggang be free, unoccupied (of time).\n
senggara see SELENGGARA.\n
senggeruk (tobacco) snuff.\n
senggol pasar-senggol market packed so that people brush against e.o.\n
senggolan a shove, push, nudge.\n
senggugut irregular menstrual periods.\n
senggulung millipede.\n
senggut see SESENGGUKAN.\n
senggut see SESENGGUKAN.\n
sengih 1 open o.\'s mouth a little. 2 smile, grin.\n
1. turpentinelike, having the sharp acrid taste of an orange peel. 2.
1 k.o. stinging insect. 2 sharp (odor, words, etc.). 3 violent. 4
poignant, bitter (emotions). see SENGET.\n
sengkala see SANGKAKALA.\n
sengkalan (Java) chronogram.\n
1 crossbar. 2 spoke of wheel. 3 (Math.) diameter of a circle. 4 dash,
hyphen. /se`ngkang/ with legs far apart.\n
sengkar (Lit.) removable plank deck on a sail boat.\n
sengkarut chaos.\n
sengkeh see SINGKEH.\n
sengkelang /sengkeling/ crossing (of arms or legs).\n
1. a loop worn around o.\'s legs for shimmying up tree trunks. 2.
(Java) the wearing of a kris stuck in a belt at the back of o.\'s waist.\n
sengkenit k.o. jungle tick.\n
sengketa 1 (Leg.) lawsuit, legal action. 2 quarrel, dispute.\n
sengkilit (Jakarta) 1 trip up by tying or grabbing a leg. 2 cheat s.o.\n

sengkong see SINGKONG.\n

sengkuang 1 plant with a white edible tuber (Pachyrrhizus sp.). 2 k.o. tree.\n
sengkuap (Lit.) shed, awning.\n
sengsai wretched.\n
sengsai wretched.\n
sengsara 1 misery, suffering. 2 suffer, be miserable.\n
sengse see SINSE.\n
(Java) 1 highly attracted to s.t. 2 absorbed, engrossed in managing
the hotel.\n
sengut frown.\n
1. 1) refined, fine. 2) art. seni-pahat/patung sculpture. seni-taman
landscaping. 2. see AIR. 3. see ZENI 1,2.\n
seniah artistic.\n
seniman artist.\n
senin see SENEN.\n
1 senior, o. who has more authority, o. with more experience, etc. 2
senior Sr. (after a name). 3 (Coll.) male university seniors. 4 (Coll.) hazing
of incoming freshmen.\n
senioren (Coll.) hazing of incoming freshmen.\n
seniorita (Coll.) female university seniors.\n
senirupa plastic arts, fine arts.\n
senirupawan artist.\n
seniwati female artist.\n
senja twilight, dusk.\n
senjak see SEJAK 1.\n
1. 1) asymmetrical, imbalanced. 2) differing, unlike. 2. see
senjata 1.1) weapon. 2) rifle, gun. senjata-makan tuan 1) s.t. that back-fires,
turns against o. 2) Evil done to others comes back to the perpetrator.
2. (Lit.) a vowel sign in Arabic script.\n
senjolong see IKAN.\n
senonoh proper, polite.\n
senopati see SENAPATI.\n
sensasi sensation, sensational news.\n
sensasional /sensasionil/ sensational.\n
sense see SINSE.\n
sensitif sensitive.\n
sensitivitas sensitivity.\n
sensor /sensur/ censor.\n
sensus census.\n
wooden beam attached lengthwise to the ribs of a boat to support the
senta dect.\n
sentadu see BELALANG 1.\n
1. (Java) snap at s.o., verbally abuse s.o., tongue-lash. 2. pull, pull
sentakan a jerk, jolt.\n
sental see SINTAL.\n
1. (Lit.) possible. 2. (Java) relative by birth or adoption. 3 (Java)
cemetery. 4 see SENTANA 1.\n
sentap see SENTAK 1.\n
sentara see SEMENTARA 1.\n
sentausa see SENTOSA.\n
senteng 1. in short supply, fall short, insufficient. 2. see SINTING.\n
senter 1. flaslight, spotlight. 2. (Sport) center.\n
senterhaf (Sport) center half-back.\n
senteri see SANTRI.\n
senteri see SANTRI.\n
senterpor (Sport) center forward.\n
senti centimeter.\n
sentiasa see SENANTIASA.\n
sentilan scolding, criticism.\n
1 grudge, have ill feeling, bias. 2 have or hold a grudge, have ill
sentimental sentimental.\n
sentimentalitas /sentimentalitet/ sentimentality.\n
sentimentil see SENTIMENTAL.\n
sentimeter centimeter.\n
senting 1. k.o. shrub used for fences or fertilizer. 2. (M) difficult.\n
sentiong (Jakarta) China graveyard.\n
sentolop flashlight.\n
(Java) small inner room of a house (traditionally used for family
ceremonies or as a storage room).\n
sentosa 1 quiet, tranquil. 2 safe.\n
sentral 1 central. 2 center.\n
sentralisasi centralization.\n
sentralisme centralism.\n
sentralistis centralistic.\n
(Java) nasal, esp. of s.o. speaking while weeping or suffering from a
sentrifugal centrifugal.\n
sentrifuse centrifuge.\n
sentris centrally (located).\n
sentrum 1 center. 2 (Geol.) centrum.\n
sentuh touch.\n
sentuhan touch, contact.\n
k.o. tall, tree bearing yellow fruit similar to the mangosteen but
sentung-pelalai a charm which prevents a woman from obtaining a husband.\n
senuh full feeling from overeating.\n
senut-senut feeling of gnawing pain.\n
senyak see NYENYAK.\n
senyampang 1 supposing that, if. 2 (Lit.) although.\n
1. 1) very quiet, deserted. 2) silent, quiet. 3) sound asleep. 2. see
funny bone, numb sensation from bumping the ulnar nerve in o.\'s
senyawa 1 of o. soul, completely agreed. 2 (Chem.) compound.\n
senyawaan union, complete mixture.\n
smile. senyuman-hambar 1 expressionless smile. 2 forced smile.
senyum-kecut a grim smile.\n
senyuman a smile.\n
senyur 1. see SINYO. 2. see INSINYUR.\n
seok-seok /seot-seot/ sound of s.t. dragged.\n
seorang 1 somebody, someone. 2 alone. 3 one (of persons).\n
1. (Coll.) o. in charge (of an office, railway station, etc.). 2. see
sep- see also entries with sp-.\n
sepa (Java, Jakarta) flat, uninteresting, with no spices.\n
sepada (Coll.) anybody in ? (said when entering shop or home).\n
1. 1) suit, match. 2) match, correspond with. 2. having a common
sepah a chew of s.t., remain of s.t. already chewed or sucked on.\n
sepaham like-minded.\n
sepak a kick. sepak-bola soccer.\n
sepakan 1 kicking. 2 kick.\n
sepakat 1 agreed. 2 unanimously, in harmony.\n
sepakbor see SPATBOR.\n
sepala-pala if so and so has already gotten started, been done to a certain extent
(o. might as well go ahead and finish it, do it the whole way).\n
sepalek see SPALEK.\n
sepan tightly, tight.\n
sepancaran homologous.\n
sepandri private first class (in the colonial army).\n
sepanduk see SPANDUK.\n
sepang k.o. tree the wood of which produces a red dye.\n
sepanjang see PANJANG.\n
sepanjang see PANJANG.\n
sepantar /sepantaran/ being of the same age as.\n
sepantun a little o., a little bit.\n
sepanyol Spain, Spanish.\n
separasi separation.\n
separatis separatist.\n
separatisme separatism.\n
separuh /separoh, separo/ see PARO.\n
sepasan see SEPESAN.\n
sepasar a week.\n
sepasi see SPASI.\n
1. astringent to the taste. 2. k.o. fresh water fish found in flooded rice
sepatah-kata 1 one word. 2 a few words.\n
sepatbor seeSPATBOR.\n
sepatu shoe, footwear.\n
bicycle. sepeda-balap racing bicycle. sepeda-jengki k.o. old-
fashioned bicycle with a v-shaped bar connecting the seat and rear
wheel with the handle-bars and front wheel. sepeda-kumbang/motor
motorcycle. sepeda-tandem tandem bicycle.\n
sepekan one week.\n
sepekerjaan colleague.\n
sepel (Coll.) spell.\n
sepelan spelling.\n
sepele unimportant and trivial.\n
sepeling see SPELING.\n
sepelontaran a stone\'s throw away.\n
sepemakaian complete set of clothes.\n
of such circumference that it can just be embraced by a man\'s
1 storage cupboard. 2 series of rooms in back used for storage,
servants quarters, etc.\n
sepenanakan the time needed to boil rice, about 20 minutes.\n
sepenggalah see GALAH 1.\n
sepeninggal 1 upon or after the departure of. 2 after o.\'s death.\n
seperah see SUFRAH\n
seperai /seperei/ see SEPRAI.\n
sepercik a splatter of.\n
seperjuangan sharing in the same struggle.\n
sepersekian such-and-such a percent.\n
seperti like, as.\n
sepertiga a third\n
sepertinya 1 as it should be, fittingly. 2 it seems that, it is as if.\n

sepesan centipede.\n
sepesial see SPESIAL.\n
sepesusuan of those who have suckled at the same breast.\n
sepet see SEPAT 1.\n
sepetak a piece of land.\n
sepi 1 quiet, still. 2 desolate, .onely. 3 slack (business market).\n
sepidol see SPIDOL.\n
sepih see SERPIH.\n
sepihak unilateral.\n
sepintar as smart as.\n
sepintas a second (of time).\n
sepion see SPION.\n
sepir see SIPIR, SPIR.\n
sepit 1 pincer (of lobster, crab, etc.). 2 tongs, tweezers.\n
sepitan tongs, pincers, etc.\n
sepoa see SEMPOA.\n
sepoi (Lit.) sepoy, Indian mercenary soldier of colonial period.\n
sepoi-sepoi blow softly (of breeze).\n
sepon see SPON.\n
sepor see SEPUR.\n
seporos see POROS.\n
seprai /sepre, seprei/ 1 bedsheet. 2 coverlet.\n
seprit see KUE.\n
sept. [September] September.\n
september September.\n
sepuh 1. plating material. 2. 1) (Java) old. 2) older person.\n
sepuhan 1. gilt. 2. (Coll.) old.\n
sepulang upon returning.\n
sepuluh ten.\n
sepur (R.R.) 1 rail, railroad. 2 train. 3 railway platform.\n
sepuran (Java) railway fare.\n
seput (Coll.) fast, quick.\n
seputar 1 around. 2 in the vicinity. 3 on the subject of.\n
ser- see also entries with sr-.\n
serabi /serabai/ k.o. rice flour pancake.\n
serabut 1 fiber. 2 fibrous, coarse.\n
serabutan 1 fibrous, coarse. 2 chaotic, mixed.\n
seragam uniform, of one kind.\n
serah (M) bright red.\n
serahi k.o. long-necked flask.\n
serai lemongrass, citronella.\n
serak hoarse, husky (of voice).\n
serakah greedy.\n
serakahisme greedy mentality.\n
serakan garbage scattered about.\n
serakit serakit\n
seram hair-raising.\n
seram hair-raising.\n
serambi 1 front porch, veranda. 2 platform (in station).\n
serampang 1. trident. 2. (Coll.) strike at random.\n
serampang-duabelas k.o. traditional Indonesian social dance.\n
serampangan at random, any old way.\n
mentality marked by doing whatever o. likes to do without regard to
societal norms.\n
seran stripe.\n
seran stripe.\n
seranah (Lit.) a curse.\n
serancak a set.\n
serandang trestle, sawhorse.\n
serandung stumble.\n
serang 1. attack. 2. (Naut.) boatswain\'s mate.\n
serangga insect.\n
serangkai connected, tied together.\n
serangkak barbs used to prevent s.o. from climbing a (fruit) tree.\n
serangkap a set of s.t.\n
serangkul in o. embrace.\n
serangkum an armful.\n
1 (Lit., Ambon) Christian. 2 (Lit.) Portuguese-speaking Christians of
pre-19th century Jakarta.\n
seranta (Lit.) proclaim widely.\n
serap reserve, spare.\n
serapah curse.\n
1. manure, offal. 2. k.o. printed cotton fabric from India. 3 mountain
serasi harmonious, matching, compatible.\n
serat 1.1) fibrous parts of fruit, etc. 2) fiber. 2. tight, jammed.\n
serata 1 everywhere. 2 flat, as even as.\n
seratus 100 (a hundred).\n
seraut numerical classifier for faces and some surfaces (moon, etc.).\n
serawak (Chem.) antimony.\n
serawak (Chem.) antimony.\n
seraya while.\n

serba completely, very much so.\n

serban turban.\n
serbaneka all k.o., diverse.\n
1 sherbet. 2 k.o. ginger drink with spices. 3 (Java) k.o. drink of
shredded young coconut and syrup.\n
serbet napkin.\n
serbuan 1 attacvk. 2 stampede, rush.\n
serbuk 1 dust. 2 (Biol.) pollen. 3 powder.\n
serda [sersan dua] (Mil.) sergeant 2d class.\n
serdadu 1 soldier. 2 mercenary in foreign pay (during the colonial period).\n
serdak fine dust.\n
serdawa see SENDAWA 2.\n
serdih protruding (of chest or belly).\n
sere see SERAI.\n
seregang see REGANG.\n
sereh see SERAI.\n
serelak k.o. lacquer.\n
serem see SERAM.\n
serempak see REMPAK.\n
serempak see REMPAK.\n
serempeng see SREMPENG.\n
serempetan 1 abrasion. 2 stumble over e.o.\n
sereng (Java) rocket (firecracker).\n
serenjang (Lit.) stand up straight.\n
serenta (Java) as soon as.\n
1. 1) all at once, suddenly. 2) together, in a body. 2. 1) jointly,
together, at once. 2) all at once. 3) as soon as.\n
serep see SERAP.\n
1 dry (of throat) so that o. has difficulty swallowing. 2 (Coll.)
seret sluggish (of traffic, the movement of goods, business). /se`re`t/ 1.
dragging, trailing behind. 2. the unadorned edge of a batik cloth.\n
sergah say s.t. with a snarl.\n
sergahan harsh words.\n
sergapan attack, ambush.\n
1. 1) honorific royal title. 2) shining splendor, gleam. 2. (Sport) be a
tie. 3 see SARI. 4. see HILANG. /se`ri/ series.\n
seriawan (Med.) sprue, oral ulceration.\n
seribu see RIBU.\n
serigala jackal, wolf.\n
serigunting k.o. bird with a forked tail.\n
serik 1. sore (of throat). 2. learn o.\'s lesson, refuse to do s.t. because of a
former bad experience.\n
serikat 1 united. 2 union, league, alliance.\n
1. annona, the sweetsop fruit. 2 k.o. jam made of eggs, sugar, and
coconut cream.\n
serimpet /serimpat/ see SEREMPET.\n
serindit k.o. parakeet.\n
1. often. 2. (M) slender. 3. firm and tight (of plaited or braided
sering-sering often, over and over.\n
seringai 1 a grin, grimace. 2 say with a grin or grimace.\n
seringnya frequency.\n
seriosa semiclassical and classical (of music).\n
serit k.o. fine-toothed louse comb.\n
serius 1 serious, solemn. 2 wholehearted.\n
serkah torn or broken off.\n
1. 1) cone-shaped fish trap that is thrust down on fish in shallow
water. 2) cone-shaped bird cage. 2. see SERGAP.\n
serling pitfall.\n
1. (Fin.) 1) a share (business). 2) have a share interest. 2. k.o. large
stationary fish trap.\n
serobok see SIROBOK.\n
serobotan s.t. snatched.\n
serodok see SERUDUK.\n
seroja k.o. lotus.\n
serok 1. (Lit.) bay, inlet. 2. (Java) scoop, round spatula. 3. see SERO 2.\n
serokan drain, ditch.\n
serombong 1 hollow cylinder. 2 pipe, tube.\n
serondol see SONDOL.\n
serondong see SONDONG.\n
serong 1 askew, slanting. 2 unfaithful.\n
serong-menyerong crisscross.\n
seronok (Lit., Humorous) pleasant, agreeable.\n
1 splinter, flake, shard. serpih-kayu chips, wood shavings. 2 (Geol.)
serpihan chip, piece, shard.\n
serpis see SERVIS 1,2.\n
sersan (Mil.) sergeant or naval petty officer, in address, esp. as san.\n
serse see RESERSE.\n
sersi 1. see RESERSE. 2. serge.\n
serta 1 with, along with. 2 and, as well as. 3 as soon as.\n
sertarasa see SERTA.\n
sertarasa see SERTA.\n
sertifikat /sertipikat/ certificate.\n

1. (Islam) ritual ablution after touching s.t. impure (e.g. pig, etc.). 2.
[sersan satu] (Mil.) first sergeant.\n
seru 1 utter a shout, yell s.t. 2 sharp, violent.\n
seru-alam the universe.\n
serual see SELUAR.\n
seruan 1 call, cry. 2 (Ling.) exclamation. 3 appeal.\n
serudukan attack, ramming.\n
serudung k.o. monkey.\n
seruit harpoon.\n
seruitan a whistle.\n
seruling k.o. flute.\n
serum serum.\n
serumah be under one roof.\n
serunai 1. a wind instrument with a reed. 2. k.o. flowering plant.\n
serundeng /serunding/ relish of grated coconut and spices.\n
seruni k.o. seashore flower.\n
seruni k.o. seashore flower.\n
serunting k.o. vine.\n
serupa 1 similar, of o. kind, likewise. 2 be similar to s.t.\n
serut (Jakarta) k.o. carpentry tool, a plane.\n
serutan shavings.\n
serutu see CERUTU.\n
1. 1) service (in a hotel, etc.) 2) provide with repair or maintenance
service. 2. set of crockery (for tea, desert, dinner, etc.0.\n
sesaat a moment.\n
sesajen /sesaji, sesajian/ (Rel.) ritual offerings.\n
sesak 1 narrow, close. 2 crowded, tight.\n
sesal regret, remorse, repentance.\n
sesama fellow, peer.\n
sesanti (Java) slogan, motto.\n
sesap (M) abandoned field.\n
sesapan 1 s.t. sucked, lapped up. 2 sucking.\n
sesar 1. (Geol.) fault. 2. /se`sar/ (Med.) cesarean.\n
sesat 1. lose o.\'s way. 2 go astray, deviate.\n
sesawi k.o. green vegetable.\n
sesdalopbang see SEKDALOPBANG.\n
sese centimeter.\n
sesegera as soon as.\n
sesekali occasionally, now and then, once in a while.\n
sesembahan (Java, Rel.) s.o. s.t worshiped.\n
sesempurna as complete or perfect as.\n
sesenap k.o. plant.\n
sesenggukan in gasps, choking.\n
seseorang 1 anyone, someone or other. 2 a certain person.\n
sesepuh (Java) elders.\n
seser k.o. fish net.\n
sesering as often as.\n
seset 1. (Java skinned, scraped. 2. dragonfly.\n
sesko [Sekolah Staf Komando] Staff College of the Armed Forces.\n
seskogab [Sesko gabungan] Joint Staff College of the Armed Forces.\n
sespan side-car (of motorcycle).\n
sesuai 1 appropriate. 2 agree with.\n
sesuatu 1 a certain, an unspecified. 2 a certain s.t.\n
sesudah after.\n
sesuku 1 half a rupiah. 2 of the same ethnic groups.\n
sesumbar boast, show off.\n
sesungguhnya actually, in truth.\n
set (Tech.) set.\n
set- see also entries with st-.\n
seta (Coll.) see HASTA.\n
setabelan (Mil.) artillery.\n
setabil see STABIL.\n
setadion see STADION.\n
setaf seeSTAF.\n
setagen see STAGEN.\n
setahu as far as o. knows.\n
setakar of the same capacity.\n
setakat up to (a point).\n
setakona see ASTAKONA.\n
setala see TALA.\n
setalen see TALEN.\n
setali 1. connected to e.o. 2. 25 cents, a quarter of a rupiah.\n
setali 1. connected to e.o. 2. 25 cents, a quarter of a rupiah.\n
setamat upon ending, as soon as it ended.\n
setambuk see STAMBUK.\n
setambul 1. (Jakarta) k.o. fez. 2. see STAMBUL.\n
setan 1 (Rel.) satan, devil. 2 s.o. evil.\n
setandar see STANDAR 1.\n
setanding be equal to, be comparable to.\n
setang see STANG.\n
setangan kerchief.\n
setangga see TANGGA.\n
setanggi incense, incense-stick.\n
setangkup 1 a cupped handful. 2 symmetrical.\n
setap see STAF.\n
setapak 1 a footstep. 2 o. palm\'s or sole\'s breadth.\n
setar see STAR.\n
setara 1 be equal, equivalent. 2 made for e.o., suited.\n
setaraf equal, equivalent, on a par.\n
setarter see STARTER.\n
setasi see STASI.\n
setasiun /setasion/ 1 railway station, depot. 2 public transportation terminal.\n
setat list, roll, statement.\n
setater see STARTER.\n
setawar k.o. medicinal plant.\n
seteger 1 (Coll.) step-ladder. 2 scaffolding.\n
setek cutting, slip of a plant.\n
seteker see STEKER.\n
1 set, suit (of clothes, cards, etc.). 2 match, be compatible. 3 (Sl.) be
setelah after.\n
setelan 1. set, suit of clothes. 2. radio dial, tuning knob, etc.\n
setelempap as large as o.\'s hand.\n
seteleng exhibition.\n
seteling see STELING.\n
seteliti-telitinya as careful as possible.\n
setem 1. vote. 2. tune, in tune.\n
seteman voting.\n
setempat 1. local. 2 of the same place.\n
setempel official stamp seal.\n
seten (Java) assistant to a district head.\n
setengah 1 half. setengah-jalan halfway. setengah-masak half-done. 2 some.\n
seter see STER.\n
seterap see SETRAP.\n
seterek see STEREK.\n
seterek-eser (Coll.) clothes iron.\n
setereng see STRENG.\n
setereotip see STEREOTIP.\n
seteria see KESATRIA.\n
seterik see SETRIK 1.\n
seterik see SETRIK 1.\n
seterika iron, flatiron.\n
seterikaan 1 iron. 2 clothes for ironing.\n
seterimin see STRIMIN.\n
seterip see SETRIP 1.\n
seterom see SETRUM.\n

seteru see SETRU.\n

seterum see SETRUM.\n
seterup see SETROP.\n
setia loyal, faithful. setia-kawan 1 solidarity. 2 be in solidarity with.\n
setiakawan 1 a loyal person. 2 faithful.\n
setiap each and every.\n
setiar (Coll.) seeIKHTIAR.\n
setiba upon arrival.\n
setidak-tidaknya 1 at the least. 2 in any case. 3 ignore. 4 abolish, cancel.\n
setik stitch.\n
setikan game of marbles.\n
setil see STIL.\n
setimbal 1 in balance, proportionate. 2 equitable, just.\n
setimbang 1 in balance. 2 in proportion.\n
setimpal /setimbal/ 1 in balance, proportionate. 2 equitable, just.\n
setindak one step. setindak-demi-setindak step by step.\n
setinggi-tinggi no matter how high. setinggi-tingginya the highest possible.\n
setinggil (Java) audience hall.\n
setingkat setingkat\n
setip 1. k.o. convulsive child disease. 2. eraser.\n
setir steering wheel (of a motor-vehicle).\n
setiren (Coll.) drive a car.\n
setiwal /setiwel/ leggings, puttee.\n
setolok on the same footing.\n
setolop see SENTOLOP.\n
setonggok a heap of.\n
setop 1. stop. 2. see SETUP.\n
setopan stop (bus, streetcar).\n
setopeles /setoples/ see STOPLES.\n
setor deposited.\n
1 deposit. 2 rental fee (for taxi drivers, etc., who rent their vehicles).
3 stored commodity.\n
setori 1 (Jakarta, Coll.) quarrel, bicker. 2 (Ambon) talk.\n
setoter (Coll.) stutter.\n
setrap (Coll.) punishment.\n
setrapan 1 punishment. 2 prisoner.\n
setrat see STRAT.\n
setrek see SETEREK-ESER.\n
setrep see SETRIP 1.\n
setrik 1. hair ribbon. 2. (Coll.) strict.\n
setrika see SETERIKA.\n
1. 1) line. 2) decorative stripe. 3) stripe (insignia of rank). 4) slash
setrip (as a mark of punctuation). 5) (Sport) straight (in golf). 2. (Coll.)
setrop fruit syrup for drinks.\n
setru enemy, foe.\n
setrum (Elec.) electric current.\n
setu (Java) see RESTU.\n
setua of the same age, as old as.\n
setubuh 1 (Lit.) in harmony. 2 copulation.\n
setuden see STUDEN.\n
setuju 1 agree. 2 (Coll.) like.\n
setujuan 1 of o. purpose. 2 having the same direction.\n
setulus-tulusnya as sincerely as possible.\n
setum steam.\n
setung see RESTUNG.\n
setunggal of o. k.o. quality.\n
setuntas-tuntasnya as thoroughly as possible.\n
setup k.o. fruit-stew.\n
seturi see SETORI.\n
setyakawan see SETIA.\n
seukur in agreement.\n
seumbi of one plant.\n
seumpama 1 like, equal. 2 supposing.\n
seumpamanya for example, supposing.\n
seumur of the same age. se-umur-an the same age.\n
seuntung-untungnya. as profitable as possible.\n
seusai after.\n
seusia of the age of.\n
sewa 1 rent, hire. 2 rented.\n
sewah see SEWAR.\n
sewajarnya fittingly, properly.\n
sewaka 1. (Lit.) tribute, homage. 2. see SUAKA 1.\n
sewaktu when, at the time that.\n
sewaktu-waktu 1 from time to time. 2 at any time.\n
sewar k.o. curved dagger.\n
sewenang-wenangnya arbitraily, without compunction.\n
sewot (Java, Jakarta) furious.\n
seyakin-yakinnya absolutely convinced, as conviced as can be.\n
seyogyanya properly, obviously.\n
seyot see SEOK-SEOK.\n
sezarah a bit.\n
sga [Sekolah Guru Atas] senior normal school.\n
sgb [Sekolah Guru Bawah] junior normal school.\n
sgkp [Sekolah Guru Kepandaian Putri] school for training home
economics teachers.\n
sh [Sarjana Hukum] (Acad.) Master of Law.\n
sh [Sarjana Hukum] (Acad.) Master of Law.\n
shalat see SOLAT.\n
shampo see SYAMPO.\n
she /se/ see SE.\n
shio /sio, syo/ (China, Zod.) any of the 12 astrological signs.\n
shodanco /syodanco/ (Japanese) section commander.\n
sholat /solat/ see SOLAT.\n
1.1) definite article used before the names of those with whom the
si speaker and interlocutor is intimate. 2) definite article used before a
noun referring to a particular person in a category.\n
1.1) definite article used before the names of those with whom the
si speaker and interlocutor is intimate. 2) definite article used before a
noun referring to a particular person in a category.\n
sia-sia 1 in vain, useless, without result. 2 meaningless.\n
sia-sia 1 in vain, useless, without result. 2 meaningless.\n
sia-sia 1 in vain, useless, without result. 2 meaningless.\n
siaga 1. ready, alert, prepared. 2. Boy or Girl Scout (9-13 years old).\n
siaga 1. ready, alert, prepared. 2. Boy or Girl Scout (9-13 years old).\n
siah siah-layah move from side to sidem oscillate.\n
siak 1. (Islam) mosque caretaker. 2. see SIAH.\n
sial 1. be unlucky, unfortunate. 2 bad luck.\n
sial 1. be unlucky, unfortunate. 2 bad luck.\n
1 s.o. unfortunate, s.t. ill-fated. 2 s.o. or s.t. bringing bad luck. 3
Damn it, exclamation of dissatisfaction.\n
sialang 1 beehive. 2 k.o. tree in which bees commonly build their nest.\n
sialang 1 beehive. 2 k.o. tree in which bees commonly build their nest.\n
sialat see CIAKLAT.\n
siamang 1. gibbon. 2. (Chem.) wolfram, tungsten.\n
siamang 1. gibbon. 2. (Chem.) wolfram, tungsten.\n
1. 1) day, daylight period. 2) period from about 11 a.m. to three p.m.
2. 1) weeded (of garden). 2) cleaned (of fish).\n
1. 1) day, daylight period. 2) period from about 11 a.m. to three p.m.
2. 1) weeded (of garden). 2) cleaned (of fish).\n
later in day (said before noon), earlier in afternoon (said at noon or
sianu see SI 1.\n
siap 1 ready, prepared. 2 finished, done. 3 (Mil.) attention.\n
siap 1 ready, prepared. 2 finished, done. 3 (Mil.) attention.\n
siap-siap get ready.\n
siapa who. siapa-saja 1 who all, name everyone who. 2 anyone at all.\n
siapa-siapa whoever, just anyone.\n
siapuh interjection expressing disappointment.\n
siar-siur rustling sound.\n
siarah 1. see ZIARAH. 2. see BINTANG.\n
1 broadcast. 2 announcement 3 publication, issue. 4 circulation,
1 broadcast. 2 announcement 3 publication, issue. 4 circulation,
1 broadcast. 2 announcement 3 publication, issue. 4 circulation,
1. 1) investigation. 2) tactics, strategy. 3) policy for achieving s.t. 2.
(Lit.) punishment.\n
1. 1) investigation. 2) tactics, strategy. 3) policy for achieving s.t. 2.
(Lit.) punishment.\n
sibak part (in hair), a division.\n
sibak part (in hair), a division.\n
siban see SI 2.\n
sibango /siban-go/ see SI 2.\n
1. 1) piece of cloth sewn as border. 2) porch or annex to house. 2 see
SEBAR 2.\n
sibernetik /sibernetika/ cybernetics.\n
sibir (M) a small slice.\n
sibuk busy.\n
sibuk busy.\n
sibur ladle, scoop.\n
sibur-sibur dragonfly.\n
sic [Surat Ijin Cetak] gvt. printing permit.\n
sicap see SI 2.\n
complete set of living room fuirniture consisting of table and four
chairs or table, settee, and some chairs.\n
siceng see SI 2.\n
sicerek k.o. small shrub.\n
sicerek k.o. small shrub.\n
sidak [inspeksi mendadak] surprise inspection (of gv.t. offices).\n
1 session, meeting. sidang-paripurna /pleno plenary session. sidang-
sidang gereja synod. 2 council, group. sidang-pembaca 1 the reading public.
2 the reader of a certain magazine, etc.\n
1 session, meeting. sidang-paripurna /pleno plenary session. sidang-
sidang gereja synod. 2 council, group. sidang-pembaca 1 the reading public.
2 the reader of a certain magazine, etc.\n
siddik see FAJAR.\n
siddik see FAJAR.\n
sidi 1 confirmation (Protestant). 2 o. who has been confirmed.\n
1. investigation, examination. sidik-jari 1) finger print. 2) the study
of finger prints. 2. see FAJAR.\n
1. investigation, examination. sidik-jari 1) finger print. 2) the study
of finger prints. 2. see FAJAR.\n
sidomukti (Java) k.o. batik design of dark symmetrical patterns.\n
siduk see CEDOK.\n
1 characteristic. 2 identifying feature. 3 nature, disposition. 4 (Rel.)
attribute (of God).\n
1 characteristic. 2 identifying feature. 3 nature, disposition. 4 (Rel.)
attribute (of God).\n
sifon siphon.\n
(Lit.) 1 pegs inserted in pole for climbing. 2 small ladder, peg
(Lit.) 1 pegs inserted in pole for climbing. 2 small ladder, peg
sigak Shoo ! exclamation used to drive away dogs.\n
sigap efficient, always ready.\n
sigap efficient, always ready.\n
sigar (Java) a slice (of fruit that is split open).\n
sigar (Java) a slice (of fruit that is split open).\n
sigi 1. torch. 2. pull out, pry out.\n
sigi 1. torch. 2. pull out, pry out.\n
sigung 1. k.o. polecat. 2. see SINGGUNG.\n
sih (Coll.) 1 particle used to soften questions. 2 particle used to mark a
topic. 3 you know ! particle to emphasize a reason given.\n
sihir black magic, witchcraft.\n
sihiran sorcery.\n
sihung seeSIUNG 2.\n
siip see SIP.\n
siji (Jv) one.\n
sijil certificate.\n
sijil certificate.\n
sijundai magic charm that drives o. mad.\n
sijundai magic charm that drives o. mad.\n
sik,siq Sikh.\n
sikap 1 attitude, demeanor. 2 posture.\n

sikap 1 attitude, demeanor. 2 posture.\n

1 brush. 2 (in some regions) comb. 3 rake out, harrow s.t. 4 (Coll.)
sikat take away. 5 (Coll.) wipe out, clean out. 6 (Sport) defeat
sikatan stolen goods.\n
sikatan stolen goods.\n
sikeras see KERAS.\n
sikit (Coll.) see SEDIKIT.\n
siklamat cyclamate.\n
siklis cyclical.\n
siklon cyclone.\n
siklopedia see ENSIKLOPEDI.\n
siklotron cyclotron.\n
siklus (Tech.) cycle.\n
/si-kon/ [situasi dan kondisi] situation and conditions,
sikongkol see KONGKOL.\n
siksa torture.\n
siksaan torture, mistreatment.\n
siksaan torture, mistreatment.\n
1 elbow. 2 (Math.) right angle. 3 s.t. at right angles (carpenter\'s or
draftman\'s square; curve in road, etc.).\n
1 (Math.) having a 90-degree angle. 2 a piece of wood or s.t. else
added to an irregular piece to square it off.\n
1 (Math.) having a 90-degree angle. 2 a piece of wood or s.t. else
added to an irregular piece to square it off.\n
1 (Math.) having a 90-degree angle. 2 a piece of wood or s.t. else
added to an irregular piece to square it off.\n
sikudidi see KEDIDI.\n
sikut (Java) elbow.\n
sikut (Java) elbow.\n
1. 1) cross-legged. 2) such a sitting posture. 2. moral principle, esp.
of the Pancasila.\n
1. 1) cross-legged. 2) such a sitting posture. 2. moral principle, esp.
of the Pancasila.\n
silabus syllabus.\n
silaf see SILAP 1.\n
silah 1. see SILAP 1. 2 see MEMPERSILAKAN.\n
silam 1. 1) set (of the sun). 2) ago, of the past. 2. see SELAM 1.\n
silam 1. 1) set (of the sun). 2) ago, of the past. 2. see SELAM 1.\n
silancar see LANCAR.\n
silang crosswise, intersecting.\n
silang crosswise, intersecting.\n
silap 1. wrong, false, mistaken. 2. see SULAP 1.\n
silap 1. wrong, false, mistaken. 2. see SULAP 1.\n
silat traditional self-defence arts.\n
silat traditional self-defence arts.\n
silaturahim /silaturahmi/ friendship, good relationship.\n
silau dazzled, temporarily blinded by the glare.\n
silet razor blade.\n
silet razor blade.\n
silhuet silhouette.\n
silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n
silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n
silih-berganti alternately, in turns.\n
silikat silicate.\n
silikon silicon.\n
silikon silicon.\n
silinder cylinder.\n
silinderkop (Auto.) cylinder head.\n
silir 1. soft breeze. 2. (Biol.) membrane.\n
siliran the blowing (of a breeze).\n
siliwer see SELIWER.\n
silo see SILA 1.\n
silsilah genealogy, family tree.\n
1 twinge felt on hearing a grating sound (e.g. chalk drawn across a
blackboard). 2 timid, modest.\n
1 a human who has taken the appearance of an animal for nefarious
purposes. 2 invisible.\n
silungkang k.o. woven cloth made in Silungkang, West Sumatra.\n
sim [Surat Izin Mengemudi] driver\'s license.\n
simaharajalela see MAHARAJALELA.\n
simak-an 1. s.t. scrutinized. 2. gathering.\n
simak-an 1. s.t. scrutinized. 2. gathering.\n
simalu k.o. weed, sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica).\n
simalu k.o. weed, sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica).\n
simbang k.o. children\'s game.\n
simbar k.o. plant.\n
simbok (Java) see MBOK 2.\n
simbol symbol.\n
simbol symbol.\n
simbolik /simbolis/ symbolic.\n
simbolisasi symbolization.\n
simbul see SIMBOL.\n
simbul see SIMBOL.\n
simetris symmetrical.\n
simfony symphony.\n
simpai 1. fastening which encircles. 2. k.o. monkey.\n
simpanan 1 savings, goods laid away. 2 storage place. 3 mistress.\n
simpanan 1 savings, goods laid away. 2 storage place. 3 mistress.\n
simpang branch (of road, etc.), deviation.\n
simpang branch (of road, etc.), deviation.\n
1 branching off. 2 byway, side route. 3 crossroads. 4 (Math.)
simpanse chimpanzee.\n
simpati sympathy.\n
simpati sympathy.\n
simpatik congenial, likeable.\n
simpatisan sympathizer (of a party, cause, etc.).\n
simpatisan sympathizer (of a party, cause, etc.).\n
simpel (Coll.) simple, modest, small in amount.\n
simping k.o. mollusc with a flat shell.\n
simplifikasi simplification.\n
simpoa see SEMPOA.\n
simponi see SIMFONI.\n
simposium /simposion/ symposium.\n
simposium /simposion/ symposium.\n
simpul 1. knot, node. 2. see SENYUM.\n
simpulan 1 knot, node. 2 act of buttoning.\n
simsalabim /sim-sala-bim/ magical formula, abracadabra.\n
simultan simultaneous.\n
sinaga k.o. scute viral disease affecting the skin, shingles.\n
sinagoga synagogue.\n
sinambung continuous.\n
sinambung continuous.\n
sinar 1 ray, beam. 2 gleam.\n
sinau sparkle, shine.\n
sincia (China) lunar New Year.\n
sincunkionghi (China) Happy Lunar New Year.\n
sindap dandruff.\n
sinden see PESINDEN.\n
sinder see OPSINDER.\n
sindikat syndicate.\n
sindir s.t. said by allusion in order to tease.\n
sindiran 1 teasing allusion. 2 satire.\n
sindiran 1 teasing allusion. 2 satire.\n
sindroma syndrome.\n
sinduk see SENDOK.\n
sineas film-maker.\n
sinematek film library.\n
sinematografi cinematography.\n
sinematografis cinematographic.\n
siner see OPSINDER.\n
sinerap (Tech.) absorbate.\n
sing sound of buzzing.\n
singa 1 lion. singa-laut walrus. 2 (Zod.) Leo.\n
singapura Singapore.\n
singelar (Sport) single player.\n
singga see SEHINGGA.\n
singgah stop by, stop in.\n
singgah stop by, stop in.\n
singgah stop by, stop in.\n
singgang k.o. culinary method for cooking meats in coconut milk.\n
singgasana throne.\n
singgatan partition.\n
singgatan partition.\n
singgul see SENGGOL.\n
singgul see SENGGOL.\n
singit 1. (Java) sacred, no trespassing. 2. see SENGET.\n
singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n
singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n
singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n
singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure.\n
singkat 1 brief, concise. 2 short in length. 3 short in time.\n
singkatan 1 abbreviation. 2 abstract, resume.\n
/singkek/ (Derog.) a China (immigrant) that is still very China in his
/singkek/ (Derog.) a China (immigrant) that is still very China in his
singkong cassava.\n
singkron see SINKRON.\n
singkup shovel.\n
singkup shovel.\n
singlet sleeveles undershirt.\n
singsat tight.\n
singsat tight.\n
singse see SINSE.\n
singset see SINGSAT.\n
singshe see SINSE.\n
singshe see SINSE.\n

1 here. 2 there, where the recipient is (in letters only). 3 (Coll.) I,

sinis 1 sarcastic, scornful. 2 cynical.\n
sinis 1 sarcastic, scornful. 2 cynical.\n
sinisme 1 sarcasm, scorn. 2 cynicism.\n
sinkretisme syncretism.\n
sinkron synchronous.\n
sinkronisasi synchronization.\n
sinode (Rel.) synod.\n
sinom ypung tamarind leaves.\n
sinonim synonym.\n
sinonim synonym.\n
sinopsis synopsis.\n
sinoptik synoptics.\n
/sinshe, sinsye/ China physician, purveyor of China herbal
sinse medicines. sinse-guamia/kuamia (China) fortune-teller. sinse-kuritan
(China) kung fu master.\n
/sinshe, sinsye/ China physician, purveyor of China herbal
sinse medicines. sinse-guamia/kuamia (China) fortune-teller. sinse-kuritan
(China) kung fu master.\n
sintak see SENTAK 2.\n
sintaksis syntax.\n
sintal well-fed, full, well rounded, having an attractive figure.\n
sintang 1 short. 2 weird, eccentric.\n
sinterklas (Coll.) Santa Claus.\n
sintese synthesis.\n
sintetis synthetic.\n
sinting rather crazy.\n
sinting rather crazy.\n
sintir 1 dice. 2 dice game.\n
sintok see SINTUK 1,2.\n
sintuh see SENTUH.\n
1. k.o. cinnamon tree the bark of which is used as a medicine. 2.
(Lit.) ber-sintuk rub o.s. with s.t.\n
1. k.o. cinnamon tree the bark of which is used as a medicine. 2.
(Lit.) ber-sintuk rub o.s. with s.t.\n
sinu nerve.\n
sinuhun (Java, Sunda) term of address for a sovereign.\n
sinus sine.\n
sinyal 1 signal. 2 railway crossing light.\n
sinyal 1 signal. 2 railway crossing light.\n
sinyalemen 1 indication. 2 assumption, suspicion.\n
sinyalemen 1 indication. 2 assumption, suspicion.\n
1 (Coll.) term of address and reference for European or Westernized
youth. 2 term of address used by servant to master\'s son.\n
sinyoklas /Sinyokolas/ (Coll.) Father Christmas.\n
sio 1. (Ambon Alas !. 2. see SHIO.\n
siocia (China) term of address and reference for unmarried woman.\n
siocu k.o. distilled alcoholic beverage.\n
sioh see SHIO.\n
siomai (China) k.o. steamed ravioli filled with meat and open on the top.\n
siomai (China) k.o. steamed ravioli filled with meat and open on the top.\n
sip (Coll.) 1 OK. 2 great, admirable.\n
sipai see SEPOI 1.\n
sipaku-gelang (M) k.o. traditional bangle worn by brides.\n
sipat 1.mascara. 2. see SIFAT.\n
sipat-datar device to ascertain whether s.t. is level.\n
sipat-kuping (Java) helter-skelter, frantically fast.\n
sipedas (M) ginger.\n
sipek see SI 2.\n
[seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru] entrance test to the state
university system.\n
sipi be just off the mark, a little off center, glancing (blow).\n
sipil 1 civil. 2 civilian.\n
sipilis syphilis.\n
sipir jailer.\n
sipit 1. slanting (of the eyes). 2. see SEMPIT.\n
sipit 1. slanting (of the eyes). 2. see SEMPIT.\n
sipolan see POLAN.\n
sipon see SIFON.\n
siponggang echo.\n
siponggang echo.\n
sipulut see PULUT.\n
siput snail.\n
[Surat Izin Pembelian Valuta Asing] permit for purchase of foreign
1. (Lit.) mystical. 2. (Coll.) 1) like s.t. or s.o., lust after. 2) fall in
love with s.o. 3) aim, what o. is after. 3. sound of hissing.\n
sir-siran fall in love.\n
sirafa see JERAPAH.\n
sirah see SERAH.\n
sirak see SERAK.\n
1 a splash of water. 2 (Java) ceremony of bathing a bride prior to the
siraman wedding.\n

1 a splash of water. 2 (Java) ceremony of bathing a bride prior to the

siraman wedding.\n
sirap 1. slightly raised. 2. shingle. 3. see SIREP.\n
sirap 1. slightly raised. 2. shingle. 3. see SIREP.\n
sirat mesh, network.\n
siratan 1 s.t. knotted or knitted. 2 implication.\n
siratan 1 s.t. knotted or knitted. 2 implication.\n
siratulmustakim (Islam) path for believers on the Last Day.\n
sirene siren.\n
1 (Java) quiet, silent. 2 (Java) fallen (of temperature). 3 magic
formula to induce sleep.\n
1 (Java) quiet, silent. 2 (Java) fallen (of temperature). 3 magic
formula to induce sleep.\n
siri /siri`/ (Sulawesi) suffer humiliation.\n
siri /siri`/ (Sulawesi) suffer humiliation.\n
siria see SURIAH.\n
1. k.o. plant, betel vine. 2 a quid us. consisting of betel leaf, areca
sirih nut, and lime (often with other ingredients, e.g. gambier, tobacco,
sirik 1. envious. 2. see SYRIK.\n
siring 1. k.o. shrimp net. 2. hem of cloth. 3. gutter, drain, ditch.\n
siring 1. k.o. shrimp net. 2. hem of cloth. 3. gutter, drain, ditch.\n
sirip fish fin.\n
sirkam k.o. small ornamental comb.\n
sirkaya see SERIKAYA 1.\n
sirkel circle.\n
sirkit /sirkuit/ circuit.\n
sirkol sauerkraut\n
sirkulasi circulation.\n
sirkuler circular.\n
sirkus circus.\n
sirlak varnish.\n
sirna disappeared.\n
sirna disappeared.\n
sirop see SIRUP.\n
sirsak k.o. fruit, soursop.\n
sirup fruit sirup concentrate for drinks.\n
sis sound of hissing.\n
sis sound of hissing.\n
sisa 1 residue, remainder. 2 remnant.\n
sisa 1 residue, remainder. 2 remnant.\n
sisal sisal hemp.\n
sisal sisal hemp.\n
sisi side, flank.\n
sisi side, flank.\n
sisihan (Java) spouse.\n
sisihan (Java) spouse.\n
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of
sisipan 1 s.t. inserted. 2 s.t. implied. 3 (Ling.) infix.\n
sisipan 1 s.t. inserted. 2 s.t. implied. 3 (Ling.) infix.\n
sisir 1. 1) comb. 2) harrow. 3) bunch (of bananas. 2. see SUSUR 1.\n
sisir 1. 1) comb. 2) harrow. 3) bunch (of bananas. 2. see SUSUR 1.\n
[Sistem Keamanan Lingkungan] 1 neightborhood security system. 2
participate in this system.\n
sispan see SESPAN.\n
sispan see SESPAN.\n
sistem system.\n
sistematik 1 systematic. 2 systematics.\n
sistematik 1 systematic. 2 systematics.\n
sistematis systematic.\n
sistematisasi systematization.\n
sistematisasi systematization.\n
sister see SUSTER.\n
sistim see SISTEM.\n
sistol (Med.) systole.\n
sisurut see SURUT.\n
1 student (at secondary school). 2 student (at academies, training
siswa institutes, but not at universities). 3 male student at such
female student at a secondary school or nonuniversity institutions of
tertiary education.\n
sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n
sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n
sit master sheet for mimeographing.\n
sita seizure, confiscation.\n
sitaan confiscated goods.\n
sitaan confiscated goods.\n
sitar see SITER.\n
sitar see SITER.\n
sitegang see TEGANG.\n
sitekan see TEKAN.\n
siten see SETEN.\n
siter zither.\n
1 title for a woman of noble lineage. siti-Hawa Eve. siti-Mariam
(Islam) Mary, the mother of Jesus. 2 a woman\'s name.\n
sitiau see SI 2.\n
sitiran citation, quotation (from book).\n
sitokar see STOKER.\n
sitologi (Med.) cytology.\n
sitronella k.o. plant, citronella.\n
sitrun citron.\n
sitti see SITI.\n
sitti see SITI.\n
1. 1) there (not very far away and near person addressed). 2) (Coll.)
you. 2. (Sunda) lake.\n
situasi 1 situation, circumstances. 2 location, the way s.t. is located.\n
situn (Lit.) k.o. earthenware pot.\n
situs archaeological site.\n
situs archaeological site.\n
siul sound of whistling.\n
siulan whistling s.t.\n
siulan whistling s.t.\n
siuman 1 become sober. 2 recover consciousness.\n
1. 1) canine tooth. 2) fang, tusk. 3) clove (of garlic). 2. sound of
siur 1. sound of leaves rustling. 2. see SILANG.\n
siur 1. sound of leaves rustling. 2. see SILANG.\n
siut sound of sizzling, whizzing, etc.\n
siutan whizzing sound.\n
siutan whizzing sound.\n
siva [Surat impor Valuta Asing] foreign exchange import permit.\n
sivil see SIPIL.\n
sivilisasi civilization.\n
siwak (Lit.) bundle of young twigs or roots used to clean teeth.\n
siwakan (Java) not on speaking terms.\n
siwalan (Jv) k.o. fan palm or its edible fruit.\n
siwar (psychological war] psychological warfare.\n
siwer (Java) squinting. mata-siwer cross-eyed.\n
siyet 1 k.o. knitting. 2 wool for knitting.\n
sk [Surat Keputusan] decree.\n
sk. [surat kabar] newspaper.\n
skak see SEKAK.\n
skakelar see SAKELAR.\n
skala scale (of map, etc.).\n
skandal scandal.\n
skap tool to plane wood.\n
skat 1 ice skates. 2 skating.\n
skema 1 scheme, sketch. 2 chart, diagram.\n
skematis schematic.\n
skena (Thea.) scene.\n
skenario scenario.\n
skeptikus a skeptic.\n
skeptis skeptical.\n
skeptisi skeptic.\n
sket /skets, sketsa/ sketch.\n
sketsel partition.\n
skizofren schizophrenic.\n
skizofrenia schizophrenia.\n
[Sekolah Kesejahteraan Keluarga Atas] upper secondary school for
training home economics teachers.\n
skm [Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat] Master of public Health.\n
skn [Staf Keamanan Nasional] National Security Staff.\n
skop shovel, spade.\n
skor (Sport) score.\n
skorbut (Med.) scurvy.\n
skorkar score card.\n
skorkar score card.\n
skorsing suspension (of student, sportsman, etc.).\n
skp [Sekolah Kepandaian Puteri] home economics school.\n
skrining screening (of applicants, us. for security reasons).\n
skrip (Thea.) script.\n
skripsi k.o. minithesis to obtain dokterandus degree.\n
skuadron /skwadron/ squadron.\n
skup see SKOP.\n
skuter (Coll.) motor-scooter.\n
sl- seealso entries with sel-.\n
sla 1. salad. 2 see SLAH.\n
slada see SELADA.\n
slagorde (Mil.) battle-array.\n
slah (Crd.) trick.\n

slahrom /slahrum/ whipped cream.\n

slametan (Coll., Java) ceremonial meal, esp. at marriages, promotions, etc.\n
slang 1. tube, hose. 2. /sleng/ slang.\n
slang 1. tube, hose. 2. /sleng/ slang.\n
slebor 1. (Jakarta) mudguard, fender. 2. (Coll.) unconventional.\n
slek women\'s slacks often tight.\n
slendro five-tone tuning system of Java gamelan.\n
slenger (Auto.) crank, starting-handle.\n
slenger (Auto.) crank, starting-handle.\n
slintru (Java screen to partition a room.\n
slip see SELIP 2.\n
sliwar-sliwer to and fro.\n
[Sambungan Langsung Jarak Jauh] (Tel.) direct-dial long distance
slof carton of cigarettes (unit of 10 packs).\n
slogan slogan.\n
slogan slogan.\n
sloganisasi sloganizing.\n
sloganisme mentality characterized by excessive use of slogans.\n
sloki 1 shot glass. 2 a shot (of liquor).\n
slompret 1. trumpet (us. made of paper). 2. see SOMPRET 1.\n
slompret 1. trumpet (us. made of paper). 2. see SOMPRET 1.\n
slong /nge-slong/ not working (of brakes).\n
slop see SLOF.\n
slot see SELOT.\n
slt. [selatan] south.\n
1. [Sekolah Menengah] secondary school. 2. [Sarjana Muda]
academic degree similar to the baccalaureate.\n
sm. [sebelum Masehi] B.C., before Christ.\n
sma [Sekolah Menengah Atas] upper secondary school.\n
smir see SEMIR.\n
smokel see SEMOKEL.\n
smp [Sekolah Menengah Pertama] lower secondary school.\n
snel (Coll.) fast.\n
snelvarband long gauze bandage.\n
snur (Coll.) cable, wire, cord.\n
so (E. Indonesia) see SUDAH.\n
so'un see SOHUN.\n
soal /so\'al/ 1 problem, matter. 2 question.\n
soal /so\'al/ 1 problem, matter. 2 question.\n
sob [Staat van Oorlog en Beleg] (Pol.P state of war and siege.\n
sobat 1 friend. 2 comrade (among communists).\n
sobek torn, ripped.\n
sobekan a torn piece.\n
sobekan a torn piece.\n
sobok alloy.\n
[Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia] All-Indonesia
Federation of Labor Organizations.\n
soda soda (of various substances containing sodium).\n
sodet 1. spatula. 2. see SUDET.\n
sodok shovel, spade.\n
sodokan 1 a poke. 2 (Sport) shot in billiards. 3 instrument to poke or thrust.\n
sodokan 1 a poke. 2 (Sport) shot in billiards. 3 instrument to poke or thrust.\n
sodomi sodomy.\n
soe (China) bringing misfortune, unlucky.\n
soek see SOBEK.\n
soen /sun/ see SUN.\n
sofa sofa.\n
sofis sophist.\n
sofisme sophism.\n
softball /softbol/ (Sport) softball.\n
soga k.o. tree from which red dye used for batik is made.\n
sogang fence, palisade.\n
sogok 1. (Coll.) bribery. 2. stab, pierce through.\n
sogokan bribe.\n
sogokan bribe.\n
sohon see SOHUN.\n
sohor famous.\n
sohor famous.\n
sohun (China) transparent bean flour vermicelli.\n
1. 1) as if, pretending. 2) put on airs. 2. /sok/ stocking, sock. 3. /sok/
socket, waterpipe connection. 4. see SYOK 2.\n
sok-sok (Java) often.\n
sok-sokan putting on airs, showing off.\n
soka k.o. flowering tree.\n
sokbreker (Auto.) shock absorber.\n
soklat (Coll.) see COKLAT.\n
sokoguru 1 (Java) central pillar (of house). 2 princippal factor.\n
sokong prop, support.\n
sokongan support, aid, contribution.\n
sokongan support, aid, contribution.\n
sol 1. sole (of a shoe). 2. the musical note sol.\n
solar diesel fuel.\n
solar diesel fuel.\n
(Islam) 1 ritual prayers and actions performed five times daily. 2
perform such prayers.\n
(Islam) 1 ritual prayers and actions performed five times daily. 2
perform such prayers.\n
soldadu see SERDADU.\n
solderan soldering tool.\n
solderan soldering tool.\n
soleh see SALEH.\n
solek well-dressed, stylish.\n
solek well-dressed, stylish.\n
solidaritas /slidaritet/ solidarity.\n
solider in solidarity with.\n
solis soloist.\n
solo single, solo.\n
solo single, solo.\n
solok gift, contribution in kind.\n
solokan see SELOKAN.\n
solot (Jakarta, Java) heatedly angry.\n
solot (Jakarta, Java) heatedly angry.\n
solvabilitas solvency.\n
som a hem.\n
houshold. somah-seperut maternally related family (but with
different fathers).\n
somatis somatic.\n
sombar (Ambon) shade, shadow.\n
sombar (Ambon) shade, shadow.\n
sombong arrogant, conceited.\n
sombong arrogant, conceited.\n
sompek chipped, broken off.\n
sompek chipped, broken off.\n
sompret 1. (Jakarta) dammit !, term of verbal abuse. 2. see SLOMPRET 1.\n
somsom (Jakarta) conceited, arrogant.\n
sondak see SUNDAK.\n
sondak see SUNDAK.\n
sonder (Coll.) without.\n
sondolan a forceful push (with the head).\n
sondolan a forceful push (with the head).\n
sondong k.o. net for catching shrimp.\n
sondong k.o. net for catching shrimp.\n
sondor see SODOR.\n
sonebril (Coll.) sunglasses.\n
soneta sonnet.\n
songar proud, arrogant.\n
songar proud, arrogant.\n
songgeng 1. protrude. 2. see SUNGGING.\n
songket see SUNGKIT 1.\n
songkok rimless fezlike cap us. made of velvet.\n
(China) k.o. small fried spring-roll us. filled with finely shrodded
songsang see SUNGSANG.\n
songsong 1. (Java) k.o. ceremonial umbrella of royalty. 2. against.\n
songsongan welcome.\n
songsongan welcome.\n
sono 1. (Jakarta) place of origin. 2. (Jakarta) see SANA.\n
sono 1. (Jakarta) place of origin. 2. (Jakarta) see SANA.\n
sontak torn, damaged, broken off.\n
sontok-akal see SUNTUK.\n
sontoloyo (Coll.) exclamation of disapproval or dislike, damn you. !.\n
soon see SOHUN.\n
sop soup.\n
sopak 1. k.o. discoloration of the skin. 2. (Java) hairpiece.\n
sopan 1. respectful. 2. well mannered, decorous.\n
sopan 1. respectful. 2. well mannered, decorous.\n
sopek k.o. small traditional fishing boat.\n
sopi 1 distilled palm wine. 2 (Lit.) liquor.\n
sopia see SONGPIA.\n
sopir chauffeur, driver.\n
sopran soprano.\n
sorak applause, cheering.\n
sorakan cheer, yells.\n
sorakan cheer, yells.\n
sorang (Coll.) alone.\n
sorangan (Sunda) alone, on o.\'s own. sorangan-wae` all alone, single.\n
sorban see SERBAN.\n
sore afternoon, early evening (between three and six p.m.).\n
soreh seeSURIH.\n
sorek bamboo.\n
sorenya the following afternoon.\n
sorenya the following afternoon.\n
sorga see SURGA.\n
sorgaloka (Lit.) heaven, paradise.\n
sori (Coll.) Excuse me !.\n
sorjan see SURJAN.\n
sorok 1. see SOGOK 1. 2. see SURUK.\n
sorong 1 sliding, pushing. 2 bribe.\n
sorongan 1 s.t. pushed or shoved (e.g. a bolt). 2 a bribe. 3 a push, shove.\n
sorongan 1 s.t. pushed or shoved (e.g. a bolt). 2 a bribe. 3 a push, shove.\n
sorot ray, beam of light (of lamp, sun, etc.).\n
1 ray, beam. 2 radiation, spotlight. 3 attention (in press, public,
sortasi sorting, grading.\n
sortasi sorting, grading.\n
sos. [sosial] social studies division.\n
sosbud [sosial budaya] sociocultural.\n
sosi (China) key (to lock, etc.).\n
sosi (China) key (to lock, etc.).\n
sosial 1 social. 2 charitable.\n
sosialis socialist, socialistic\n
sosialis socialist, socialistic\n
sosialisasi socialiszation.\n
sosialisme socialism.\n
sosialitas charitableness, charity.\n
sosiatri measurement of social behavior, esp. as a field of study.\n
sosiawan a social-minded or altruistic man.\n
sosiawati a social-minded or altruistic woman.\n
sosio-budaya sociocultural.\n
sosio-nationalisme socialist nationalism.\n
sosiografi social ethnography.\n
sosiolinguistik sociolinguistics.\n
sosiolog sociologist.\n
sosiologi sociology.\n
sosiologis sociological.\n
sosis sausage.\n
sositet social club (colonial period).\n
soska [sosialis kanan] right-wing socialist.\n
soski [socialis kiri] left-wing socialist.\n
soski [socialis kiri] left-wing socialist.\n
1. 1) buttonhole, eye. 2) noose, loop. 2. 1) form, shape, frame. 2)
numeral classifier for body.\n
sosong see SONGSONG 2.\n

sosor bill (of duck, etc.).\n

sosor bill (of duck, etc.).\n
[Sosial dan Politik] 1 social and political science. 2 university
division of social and political sciences.\n
sosuio-psikologi social psychology.\n
k.o. clear soup. soto-ayam chicken soup. soto-babat tripe soup. sop-
soto daging beef soup. soto-mi/mie noodle soup. soto-madura Madurese-
style soup (with potato croquettes).\n
sotoh flat roof, roof-terrace.\n
sotong cuttlefish, squid.\n
sovyet-uni Soviet Union.\n
sowan (Java) visit (s.o. of higher status).\n
[Sri Paduka) His Excellency, title for kings and at o. time the
president of Indonesia.\n
sp- seealso entries with sep-.\n
spada a call to announce o.\'s arrival at a house, anybody home ?\n
spak wheel spoke.\n
spalek /spalk/ splints.\n
span see SEPAN.\n
spanduk street banner affixed on both ends.\n
spaneng /spaning/ voltage.\n
spanrok k.o. tight skirt.\n
spanyol see SEPANYOL.\n
sparepart /sperpar/ spare parts.\n
spasi space (in typing, etc.).\n
spatbor /spatbord/ (Auto.) fender, mudguard.\n
speedometer /spidometer/ speedometer.\n
spekkuk see SPEKUK.\n
spektakuler spectacular.\n
spektograf spectograph.\n
spektogram spectogram.\n
spektrum spectrum.\n
spekuk k.o. multilayered butter cake.\n
spekulan (Fin.) speculator.\n
1 speculation, conjecture. 2 risky commercial venture. 3 undertake a
risky venture.\n
1 speculation, conjecture. 2 risky commercial venture. 3 undertake a
risky venture.\n
spekulatif speculative.\n
spekulator speculator.\n
speling 1 synchronization of mechanical parts. 2 erratic (of o.\'s behavior).\n
sperma (Biol.) sperm.\n
spesi (Biol.) species.\n
spesial special.\n
spesialis specialist.\n
spesialisasi specialization.\n
spesialitas specialty.\n
spesies (Biol.) species.\n
spesifik 1 specific. 2 characteristic (of certain place or ethnic group).\n
spesifikasi specification.\n
spidol felt-tip marker.\n
spiku see SPEKUK.\n
spion 1 spy. 2 reaview mirror.\n
spionase espionage.\n
spir unus. well-developed muscle. spir-lengan biceps.\n
spiral 1 piral. 2 (Med.) intrauterine birth control device.\n
program for getting the population to accept intrauterine birth
control devices.\n
spiran (Ling.) spirant.\n
spirit (Coll.) enthusiasm, vigor.\n
spiritual /spirituil/ spiritual.\n
spiritus /spirtus/ methylated spirit, rubbing alcohol.\n
spon /spons/ foam rubber sponge.\n
sponse see BESI.\n
sponsor sponsor (of contest, etc.).\n
spontan spontaneous.\n
spontanitas spontaneity.\n
spor /sport/ (Coll.) 1 sports. 2 exercise.\n
spora (Biol.) spore.\n
sporadis sporadic.\n
sportif 1 sportsman like, fair. 2 casual 9of clothing).\n
sportif 1 sportsman like, fair. 2 casual 9of clothing).\n
sportifitas /sportivitas/ sportsmanship.\n
sportip see SPORTIF.\n
sprei see SEPRAI.\n
spreken (Coll.) speak Dutch.\n
spt. [seperti] as, like.\n
spuit /spoit/ syringe.\n
spura see SPORA.\n
sput see SEPUT.\n
spy. [supaya] so that.\n
spy. [supaya] so that.\n
sr [Sekolah Rakyat/Rendah] elementary school.\n
sr- see also entries with ser.\n
sr. [Suster] title of Catholic nun.\n
(Java) 1 well fitting, comfortable. 2 comfortable, at ease. 3
appropriate (of o.\'s behavior).\n
srempeng (Java) enthusiastic.\n
srempeng (Java) enthusiastic.\n
srempet see SEREMPET.\n
sri see SERI 1.\n
sribombok (Java) k.o. long-necked waterbird.\n
1 a heroin, Arjuna\'s wife, in some old romances and wayang. 2
srikaya see SERIKAYA 1.\n
srimpet see SEREMPET.\n
srimpi (Java) k.o. court dance.\n
srimpung see SERIMPUNG.\n
sripah 1. (Java) the deceased. 2. see SYARIFAH.\n
sripah 1. (Java) the deceased. 2. see SYARIFAH.\n
sripanggung see SERI 1.\n
srrrt written representation of sound of zipping or squirting.\n
srt. [surat] letter (correspondence).\n
srt. [surat] letter (correspondence).\n
sruput sound of a slurp.\n
ss [Sarjana Sastra] bachelor\'s degree in literature.\n
ssk. [surat-surat kabar] newspapers.\n
[Sekolah Staf dan Komando Angkutan Darat] (Mil.) Army
Command and Staff School.\n
[suka sama suka, senang sama senang] by mutual consent (esp. with
regard to sex and marriage).\n
ssssst /st/ Hush ! (sound made to silence s.o.).\n
st- seealso entries with set-.\n
st. [Sutan] (M) title of nobility.\n
staar see STAR.\n
stabil stable.\n
stabil stable.\n
stabilisasi stabilization.\n
stabilisator stabilizer, stabilizing factor.\n
stabilitas stability.\n
stabilo 1 light color marking pen to highlight text. 2 neon-colored.\n
stabiloan traces of marking with such a pen.\n
stabiloan traces of marking with such a pen.\n
stadia (Med.) stages of a disease.\n
stadion stadium.\n
stadium (Med.) stage of a disease.\n
staf staff.\n
staf staff.\n
stagen (Java) women\'s waist sash or cummerbund.\n
stagnasi stagnation.\n
staking (Coll.) a strike (work stoppage).\n
stalles (Coll.) center seats in a theater.\n
stambom 1 lineage. 2 pedigree (of animals).\n
stambuk ledger.\n
k.o. stage show often featuring indigenous versions of western
k.o. stage show often featuring indigenous versions of western
stamina stamina.\n
/stand/ 1. (Sport) score. 2. stand, small shop (in recreation or
shopping centers).\n
1. standard. 2. bicycle or mortorcycle kickstand. 3. (Mil.) standards,
emblems of an army, etc.\n
standardisasi standardization.\n
1 bar (of vehicle, engine, etc.). 2 handlebar of a bicycle. 3 (Coll.)
control s.o. or s.t.\n
stanplas /stanplat/ bus stop.\n
stansa stanza.\n
star (Med.) catatact.\n
start 1 (Coll.) begin a journey. 2 (Sport) start.\n
starter 1 (Auto.) starter. 2 (Elec.) flourescent light starter.\n
starter 1 (Auto.) starter. 2 (Elec.) flourescent light starter.\n
stasi (Rel.) station of the Way of the Cross.\n
stasioner stationary.\n
stasiun see SETASION.\n
stater see STARTER.\n
statif stative.\n
statis static, stationary.\n
statis static, stationary.\n
statistik 1 statistics. 2 statistical, according to statistics.\n
statistik 1 statistics. 2 statistical, according to statistics.\n
statistikus statistician.\n
statistisi statisticians.\n
status status.\n
statuta /statuten/ statutes.\n
stek see SETEK.\n
steker 1 electrical plug, light switch. 2 cigarette lighter.\n
stel see STIL.\n
steling (Mil.) 1 installation, camps. 2 position. 3 take a position.\n
steling (Mil.) 1 installation, camps. 2 position. 3 take a position.\n
stelsel system.\n
stembat see STIMBAT.\n
stempel see SETEMPEL.\n
stempet lubricating grease.\n
sten-gun k.o. machine gun.\n
steno /stenografi/ stenographer.\n
stensilan 1 a stencil. 2 mimeographed materials.\n
stepa (Geog.) steppe.\n
ster (Che.) queen.\n
sterek (Coll.) 1 strong, full-flavored (of beverages). 2 strong and healthy.\n
stereokopis stereoscopic.\n
stereometri geometry.\n
stereotip stereotype.\n
steril sterile.\n
steril sterile.\n
sterilisasi sterilization.\n
stetoskop stethoscope.\n
steup see STUIP.\n
stewal see SETIWAL.\n
stiker sticker, decal.\n
stil 1 (Sl.) stylishly dressed. 2 have a certain attitude.\n
stil 1 (Sl.) stylishly dressed. 2 have a certain attitude.\n
stilistika stylistics.\n
stimbat (Coll.) steam bath.\n
stimulans stimulant, stimulus.\n
stimulasi stimulation.\n
stimulasi stimulation.\n
stip see STUIP.\n
stir see SETIR.\n
[Surat Tanda Kewarganegaraan Indonesia] Indonesian citizenship
stl. [setelah] after.\n
stm [Sekolah Tehnik Menengah] technical high school.\n
stnk Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan] motor vehicle license.\n
stock /stok/ stock, supply.\n
stoker (R.R.) engineer\'s helper.\n
stoking women\'s stockings.\n
stop see SETOP 1.\n
stopkontak electric socket, plug.\n
stoples stoppered glass jar for storing food.\n
stopmap folio-sized folder.\n

stor see SETOR.\n

storemking see STROMKING.\n
storing radio static, disturbance.\n
strap see SETRAP.\n
strat (Coll.) street.\n
strata levels (in society, education).\n
strategi strategy.\n
strategis strategic.\n
stratifikasi stratification.\n
stratifikasi stratification.\n
stratigrafi stratigraphy.\n
stratosfer see STRATOSFIR.\n
stratosfir stratosphere.\n
stratum stratum (of soil, society, etc.).\n
streng (Coll.) strict, severe.\n
streples strapless (bra, gown, etc.).\n
strimin k.o. coarsely woven fabric used for lining.\n
strip see SETRIP 1.\n
striptis (Sl.) strip-tease.\n
stromking /strongking/ high-pressure kerosene lantern.\n
stroom /strom/ see SETRUM.\n
structuralisme structuralism.\n
struktur structure.\n
struktural structural.\n
strukturil see STRUKTURAL.\n
struma (Med.) goiter.\n
[Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar] diploma for primary or secondary
studen (Coll.) student.\n
studi 1 study. 2 research.\n
studio studio.\n
studium-generale k.o. introductory general studies course.\n
stuip /step/ convulsions, fits (esp. accompanying children\'s fevers).\n
stupa stupa. dome enclosing an effigy of Buddha.\n
su 1. see SUDAH. 2 see BUNGSU.\n
su 1. see SUDAH. 2 see BUNGSU.\n
su 1. see SUDAH. 2 see BUNGSU.\n
suai see SESUAI.\n
suak 1. (Lit.) inlet, small bay. 2. (M) cancel. 3. see SWAK.\n
suaka 1. 1) asylum. 2) sanctuary. 2. see SEWAKA 1.\n
sual see SOAL.\n
suam warm. suam-suam rather warm.\n
suam warm. suam-suam rather warm.\n
suami husband.\n
suang-suang (Lit.) tak-suang-suang not easy.\n
suangi (Lit., Ambon) k.o. prowling, nocturnal evil sorcerer.\n
suap 1 a mouthful. 2 bribe.\n
suapan 1 act of eating with the hand. 2 bribe.\n
suapan 1 act of eating with the hand. 2 bribe.\n
suar signal light, flare.\n
suara 1 voice. 2 sound. 3 vote.\n
suara 1 voice. 2 sound. 3 vote.\n
suarang (M) joint property of husband and wife acquired during marriage.\n
suargaloka see SORGALOKA.\n
suari see KASUARI.\n
suasa gold with large alloy mixture, pinchbeck.\n
suasa gold with large alloy mixture, pinchbeck.\n
suasana 1 milieu. 2 ambience, atmosphere.\n
suatu a certain (unspecified).\n
suatu a certain (unspecified).\n
subahat see SYUBHAT.\n
subak (Bali) water-control system.\n
subak (Bali) water-control system.\n
suban splinter, sliver of wood.\n
subang ear-plugs.\n
1 (Islam) Praise be unto Thee the Almighty, a laudation uttered upon
subhanahu-wa-taala completion of o.\'s ritual prayers or upon mentioning one of God\'s
names. 2 (Islam., Coll.) Lord ! exclamation of surprise.\n
subjek see SUBYEK.\n
subjektif subjective.\n
subjektivisme subjectivism.\n
subjektivitas /subjektivitet/ subjectivity.\n
subkomisi subcommission.\n
subkutis subcutaneous.\n
sublim sublime.\n
sublimasi sublimation.\n
sublimasi sublimation.\n
subordinasi subordination.\n
subordinat (Ling.) subordinate.\n
subsider 1 (Leg.) with the option of. 2 subsidiary, secondary.\n
subsidi subsidy, subsidized.\n
substantif substantive\n
substantif substantive\n
substitusi substitution.\n
substratum (Ling.) substratum.\n

subtil subtle.\n
subtropis subtropical.\n
subuh 1 dawn, daybreak. 2 (Islam) the early morning prayer.\n
subur 1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy.\n
subur 1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy.\n
/suburben/ k.o. automobile formerly used for interurban passenger
subversi subversion.\n
subversif subversive.\n
subyek 1 subject, topic of discussion. 2 (Ling.) subject.\n
subyektif /subyektip/ see SUBJEKTIF.\n
subyektivisme see SUBJEKTIVISME.\n
suci 1 pure, purified. suci-hama sterile, aseptic. 2 holy.\n
suci 1 pure, purified. suci-hama sterile, aseptic. 2 holy.\n
suda bamboo spikes sticking upward to form a mantrap.\n
1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished.
sudah 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\'t. sudah-nya
finally. se-sudah after.\n
1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished.
sudah 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\'t. sudah-nya
finally. se-sudah after.\n
1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished.
sudah 4 Good-bye. 5 All right, I agree. 6 never mind, don\'t. sudah-nya
finally. se-sudah after.\n
sudahnya finally.\n
sudara /sudare/ see SAUDARA.\n
sudetan 1 incision. 2 waterway diversion.\n
sudetan 1 incision. 2 waterway diversion.\n
1. 1) acquiesce, be agreeable. 2 please (formal). 2.(M) sudi-siasat
1. 1) acquiesce, be agreeable. 2 please (formal). 2.(M) sudi-siasat
sudip k.o. used for mixing culinary ingredients.\n
sudit see SODET.\n
sudra (Lit.) lowest Hindu caste.\n
1 goosebeak, duckbill. 2 k.o. large spoon. 3 convex blade, (of
machine, etc.).\n
suduk see SODOK 2.\n
1 hut, esp. in agricultural field. 2 polite self-deprecating term for o.\'s
own house.\n
sudut 1 corner. 2 (Math.) angle. 3 direction. 4 point of fiew.\n
sudut 1 corner. 2 (Math.) angle. 3 direction. 4 point of fiew.\n
suf wool cloth.\n
sufi 1 mystical, esp. related to Sufism. 2 a Sufic mystic.\n
sufiks (Ling.) suffix.\n
sufisme Sufism.\n
sufrah floorcloth or carpet on which ceremonial meals are spread out.\n
sugesti power (hypnotic, etc.) to direct another\'s actions.\n
sugesti power (hypnotic, etc.) to direct another\'s actions.\n
1 having the power to direct another\'s actions. 2 suggestive (of lewd
dances, etc.).\n
sugi 1. toothpick. 2. (M) tobacco quid, esp. chewed with betel.\n
sugi 1. toothpick. 2. (M) tobacco quid, esp. chewed with betel.\n
sugih (Java) wealthy.\n
s.t. presented (e.g. food served to guests, a drama performance,
s.t. presented (e.g. food served to guests, a drama performance,
sugul (Coll.) see MASYGUL.\n
sugun (Lit.) tangled, tousled (of hair).\n
1. Schoo ! (exclamation to drive away animals, esp. chickens). 2. 1)
suh (Java) broom binding (of plaited rattan, etc.). 2) a binding factor
which keeps diverse elements together.\n
suhanura [suara hati nurani] the voice of o.\'s inner heart.\n
1 temperature. 2. 1) teacher of the art of self-defence. 2) (China)
1 temperature. 2. 1) teacher of the art of self-defence. 2) (China)
suhuf (Islam) scriptures inspired by God.\n
suhuf (Islam) scriptures inspired by God.\n
suikher see SEHER.\n
suit sound of whistling.\n
suitan a whistle, whistling.\n
suitan a whistle, whistling.\n
sujadah see SAJADAH.\n
sujen (Java) skewer (for meat).\n
sujian embroidery.\n
sujian embroidery.\n
(Islam) 1 bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor,
sujud a part of prayer ritual.\n

1 happiness, joy, pleasure. 2 like, be fond of. 3 be willing, would

like. 4 be apt to.\n
sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n
sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n
sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n
sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite.\n
sukacita 1 happy, glad, merry. 2 joy, happiness.\n
sukamandi (Java) k.o. dark cotton cloth.\n
sukar hard, difficult.\n
sukar hard, difficult.\n
sukarela voluntary.\n
sukarelawan a volunteer.\n
sukarelawati woman volunteer.\n
sukaria 1 happy. 2 delight, pleasure.\n
sukat 1 unit of measure of four gantang or 12.6 liters. 2 measure.\n
sukatan measure.\n
sukatan measure.\n
suklih (Coll.) searchlight.\n
sukma life spirit, soul.\n
sukses 1 success. 2 be successful.\n
sukses 1 success. 2 be successful.\n
1. 1) a quarter, one-fourth. 2) a part. 3) extended family, ethnic
suku group. 4) (Biol.) family. 5) (Lit.) 50 cents. 2. (Java) leg. 3. (Ling)
sukuisme communalism, ethnocentricity.\n
1. breadfruit. 2. (Java) toothless gum. 3. diacritical mark in Arabic
script to indicate presence of a vowel.\n
sukur see SYUKUR.\n
sukwan [sukarelawan] volunteer.\n
sukwati [sukarelawati] female volunteer.\n
sharp vertical stake (for impalement or for husking coconuts). sula-
an sharp stake.\n
sharp vertical stake (for impalement or for husking coconuts). sula-
an sharp stake.\n
sulaan sharp stake.\n
sulah (Lit.) bald, hairless.\n
sulaiman (Bib., Islam) Solomon.\n
sulak a (feather) duster.\n
sulalat 1 descent, lineage. 2 family tree.\n
sulam embroidery.\n
sulaman embroidery, embroidered goods.\n
sulang lampblack, soot.\n
sulang lampblack, soot.\n
sulap 1. conjuring, sleight of hand. 2 (Java) dazzled (as if by magic).\n
sulat-salit (Lit.) irregular (of teeth).\n
sulawesi Celebes, Sulawesi.\n
sulbi (Anat.) the vertebrae.\n
sulfa medicinal powder containing a sulfanilamide drug.\n
sulfa medicinal powder containing a sulfanilamide drug.\n
sulfur sulphur.\n
sulih (Java) a substitute.\n
suling 1.flute. 2. suling-an 1) distillate. 2) refinery.\n
suling 1.flute. 2. suling-an 1) distillate. 2) refinery.\n
sulit 1 difficult, hard, complicated. 2 (Lit.) secret, hidden, secluded.\n
sulit 1 difficult, hard, complicated. 2 (Lit.) secret, hidden, secluded.\n
sulselra [Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara] S. and South East Sulawesi.\n
sultan sultan.\n
sultanat sultanate.\n
suluh 1 torch. 2 (Lit.) scout, spy.\n
suluh 1 torch. 2 (Lit.) scout, spy.\n
suluk 1 mysticism. 2 ( Java) recitation of a wayang narrator.\n
sulung oldest, first-born.\n
sulur 1 spiraling upward (of plants).\n
sulur-bulur confused, incohernt (of speech).\n
sulur-bulur confused, incohernt (of speech).\n
suluran climbing plant.\n
suluran climbing plant.\n
sulut [Sulawesi Utara] North Sulawesi.\n
sulutteng [Sulawesi Utara dan Tengah] North and Central Sulawesi.\n
sum. [Sumatera] Sumatra.\n
sumang feverish, esp. of children.\n
sumangat see SEMANGAT.\n
sumarak see SEMARAK.\n
sumba see KESUMBA.\n
1. 1) incestuous. 2) illicit (esp. in sexual matters). 3) out of tune,
discordant. 2. contribution.\n
sumbangan contribution.\n
sumbangsih contribution.\n
sumbar (Java) boast, brag.\n
sumbar (Java) boast, brag.\n
sumbat stopper, plug.\n
sumbat stopper, plug.\n
sumber 1 well. 2 source. 3 resources.\n
sumber 1 well. 2 source. 3 resources.\n
sumbi rod used in weaving to hold edge taut.\n
sumbing jagged, dented, chipped. bibir-sumbing harelip.\n
1. 1) wick. 2) fuse. 2. 1) wagon axle. 2) pivot, axis. 3. horn of a
sumbul (Java) k.o. basket with a lid.\n
sumbul (Java) k.o. basket with a lid.\n
sumbul (Java) k.o. basket with a lid.\n
sumbut (Java) in balance with the efforts or costs, worthwhile.\n
sumilir see SEMILIR.\n
sumir short, brief, succinct.\n
sumirat (Sunda) beam, glowing.\n
sumpah 1 oath. 2 curse.\n
sumpah 1 oath. 2 curse.\n
sumpah-sumpah k.o. flying lizard.\n
sumpal (Java) stopper.\n
sumpalan s.t. obstructing a passage.\n
sumpalan s.t. obstructing a passage.\n
(Java) 1 crowded. 2 feel stifled, have o.\'s head in a whirl because of
sumpel see SUMPAL.\n
sumping (Java) k.o. ear ornament worn in classical dance.\n
1. chopsticks. 2. blowpipe. 3. k.o. coarse, plaited storage bag, esp.
for rice or salt.\n
sumpit-sumpit k.o. coarse, plaited storage bag, esp. for rice or salt.\n
sumpitan sumpitan\n
sumsel [Sumatera Selatan] South Sumatra.\n
sumsum (Anat.) marrow. sumsum-(tulang) belakang spinal cord.\n
sumteng [Sumatera Tengah] Central Sumatra.\n
sumuhun-dawuhisme mentality characterized by sycophancy.\n
sumur well.\n
sumurung outstanding.\n
sumut [Sumatera Utara] North Sumatra.\n
sun kiss on the cheek.\n
sunah see SUNAT2.\n
sunah see SUNAT2.\n
1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. (Java)
ruler of Surakarta.\n
1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. (Java)
ruler of Surakarta.\n
sunan 1. title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. (Java)
ruler of Surakarta.\n
1. circumcision. 2. /sunat rasul/ (Islam) optional, but meritorious if
performed (of pious deeds, prayers, etc.).\n
1. circumcision. 2. /sunat rasul/ (Islam) optional, but meritorious if
performed (of pious deeds, prayers, etc.).\n
sunbulat (Zod.) Virgo.\n
sunda Sundanese, the Sunda area (West Java).\n
sundai see LIMAU.\n
sundai see LIMAU.\n
/sundel/ 1 prostitute. sundal-bolong k.o. evil female spirit (with a
sundal hole in her back). 2 lewd, immoral. 3 (Vul.) Whore !, a strong
exclamation of disapproval.\n
sundul see SONDOL.\n
sundut (M) generation, descent.\n
sundut (M) generation, descent.\n
river, stream. sungai-mati 1 driver river. 2 road full of holes and
(Lit.) spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\'s
(Lit.) spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\'s
(Lit.) spike or sharp stake implanted at angle to impede enemy\'s
sungging painting, decoration.\n
sungging painting, decoration.\n
sunggit see SUNGKIT 1.\n
sungguh 1 true. 2 really, truly. 3 actually, in fact.\n
sungguh-sungguh seriously, wholeheartedly.\n
sungguhan (Coll.) serious, in earnest.\n
sungguhan (Coll.) serious, in earnest.\n
sungguhpun see SUNGGUH.\n
sungkal (Lit.) sungkal-bajak plowshare.\n
(Java) reluctant to approach or take action toward s.o. of higher
sungkawa see BELASUNGKAWA.\n
1. (Java) show respect by kneeling and pressing o.\'s face to
another\'s knees. 2. (Lit.) prop up.\n
sungkit 1. embroidered with bits of gold or silver thread. 2. pry out.\n
sungkit 1. embroidered with bits of gold or silver thread. 2. pry out.\n
sungkup concave cover or shelter.\n
sungkupan k.o. basket.\n
sungkupan k.o. basket.\n
sungkur spade, shovel.\n

sunglap see SULAP 1.\n

sungpia see SONGPIA.\n
sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n
sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n
sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain.\n
sungsum see SUMSUM.\n
sungu (Java) horn of animal.\n
1. 1) (Biol.) a specialized organ of touch in an animal or insect (e.g.
sungut tentacle, antenna, feeler, etc.). 2) moustache. 2. sungut-an grumbling
1. 1) (Biol.) a specialized organ of touch in an animal or insect (e.g.
sungut tentacle, antenna, feeler, etc.). 2) moustache. 2. sungut-an grumbling
suni (Islam) pertaining to the Sunnite movement.\n
sunjam (Lit.) head downward.\n
sunnah see SUNAT 2.\n
sunni see SUNI.\n
sunti knob on gingger root.\n
sunti knob on gingger root.\n
suntikan injection, vaccination.\n
suntil chewing tobacco.\n
suntil chewing tobacco.\n
sunting 1. ornament or flower worn behind the ear. 2. sunting-an editing.\n
sunting 1. ornament or flower worn behind the ear. 2. sunting-an editing.\n
1 too late. 2 be overtaken by events or time. 3. entire length of
sunyata (Lit.) true.\n
sunyi 1 lonely. 2 quiet. 3 deserted, desolate.\n
sunyi 1 lonely. 2 quiet. 3 deserted, desolate.\n
sup see SOP.\n
supaya 1 so that. 2 please, particle introducting a polite command.\n
supel 1 flexible. 2 sociable.\n
super 1 high-octane (of gasoline). 2 (Coll.) superior.\n
super 1 high-octane (of gasoline). 2 (Coll.) superior.\n
superioritas superiority.\n
supermi instant noodles.\n
[Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret] document handing over the gvt.
power from Sukarno to Suharto.\n
supervisi supervision.\n
supir see SOPIR.\n
supir see SOPIR.\n
supit see SUMPIT.\n
suplai supply.\n
suplai supply.\n
suplemen supplement.\n
suporter (Sport) enthusiast, fan.\n
supra-alami supernatural.\n
supremasi supremacy.\n
sur see SYUR 1.\n
sur see SYUR 1.\n
sura see ASYURA.\n
surabi see SERABAI.\n
surah (Islam) division of the Koran, a sura.\n
surai (Lit.) dressed or parted (of hair, animal fur, etc.).\n
surai (Lit.) dressed or parted (of hair, animal fur, etc.).\n
surakarta Solo, city in central Java.\n
suralaya (Lit.) dwelling of the gods.\n
suram 1 vague, hazy. 2 gloomy, dark, dull.\n
suram 1 vague, hazy. 2 gloomy, dark, dull.\n
surat 1 letter, epistle. 2 certificate, receipt, document.\n
surat 1 letter, epistle. 2 certificate, receipt, document.\n
suratan 1 writing. 2 fate, destiny.\n
(Islam) prayer-house, communal building suitable for any devotion
except Friday prayer.\n
suren see JALAK. /sure`n/ (Java) see SURIAN.\n
surga heaven. surga-dunia an earthly paradise.\n
surgawi heavenly, pertaining to heaven.\n
suri 1. shuttle comb on a weaving loom. 2 see IBU.\n
suri-teladan good example, model.\n
suriah Syria.\n
surian k.o. tree.\n
surih (M) a scratch or line.\n
surih (M) a scratch or line.\n
surjan (Java) long-sleeved man\'s jacket us. of woven, striped material.\n
sursak see SIRSAK.\n
suruh 1 (Coll.) be ordered to. 2 order s.o. to do s.t.\n
suruhan 1 message, order. 2 messenger, delegate.\n
suruhan 1 message, order. 2 messenger, delegate.\n
surukan 1 hiding place, shelter. 2 (Coll.) drawer.\n
surukan 1 hiding place, shelter. 2 (Coll.) drawer.\n
surung see SORONG.\n
surup (Java) fitting, proper, appropriate\n
surup (Java) fitting, proper, appropriate\n
surut 1 withdraw. 2 lessened, subsided.\n
surut 1 withdraw. 2 lessened, subsided.\n
survai /survei/ 1 research. 2 to survey.\n
surya (Lit.) sun.\n
suryahi (Lit.) Syrian.\n
suryakanta magnifying glass.\n
sus 1. see KUE. 2. see ZUS.\n
susah 1 troubled. 2 hard to get. 3 difficult, bothersome.\n
susah 1 troubled. 2 hard to get. 3 difficult, bothersome.\n
susastera literature.\n
susi sister, term of address to Catholic nun.\n
susila 1 decent, well behaved. 2 decency, morality.\n
susila 1 decent, well behaved. 2 decency, morality.\n
susis see SOSIS.\n
suspensi 1. (Leg.) suspension, adjournment. 2. (Phys.) suspension.\n
suspensi 1. (Leg.) suspension, adjournment. 2. (Phys.) suspension.\n
1 Catholic nun. 2 term of reference and address for a female nurse.
suster-an convent.\n
susu 1 breast. 2 milk.\n
susu 1 breast. 2 milk.\n
susuan (Java) nest.\n
susuh 1 large projecting thorn or hook. 2 spur.\n
susuhunan (Java) title of the ruler of Surakarta.\n
1. 1) small piece of gold or diamond inserted in the face as a magical
susuk charm to improve o.\'s beauty. 2) pin, nail. 3) (Med.) implant. 2.
(Java) surplus change after payment. 3. seeSOSOK 2.\n
1. 1) small piece of gold or diamond inserted in the face as a magical
susuk charm to improve o.\'s beauty. 2) pin, nail. 3) (Med.) implant. 2.
(Java) surplus change after payment. 3. seeSOSOK 2.\n
susukan (Java) channel between two rivers.\n
susulan 1 appendix, supplement. 2 continuation.\n
susulan 1 appendix, supplement. 2 continuation.\n
susun 1 stack, orderly pile. 2 row, series. 3 arranged in a stack.\n
susunan 1 composition, compilation. 2 formation, structure.\n
susunan 1 composition, compilation. 2 formation, structure.\n
1. edge, fringe, margin. 2. (Java) quid of tobacco, often mixed with
betel ingredients.\n
1. edge, fringe, margin. 2. (Java) quid of tobacco, often mixed with
betel ingredients.\n
susuran edge, margin, fringe.\n
susut shrink, decrease.\n

susutan reduction.\n
susutan reduction.\n
sut flapping sound, sound of s.t. thin jerked rapidly.\n
1 title of Minangkabau nobility above the rank of marah. 2 term of
address to o. of this rank, us. as tan.\n
suten see BERSUT.\n
sutera silk.\n
sutera silk.\n
sutil (Jakarta, Java) frying spatula.\n
sutra see SUTERA.\n
sutradara film or play director.\n
sutradara film or play director.\n
sutradara film or play director.\n
sutuh see SOTOH.\n
suun see SOHUN.\n
suvenir souvenir.\n
suwar-suwir (Java) k.o. sweetmeat.\n
suwiran shred.\n
suwukan healing by blowing.\n
suwukan healing by blowing.\n
[subhanahu wa taala] (Islam) the Almighty and most worthy of
praise, written after God\'s name.\n
swa- self-, a prefix in formal neologisms.\n
swadaya innate strength or effort, self-supporting.\n
swadaya innate strength or effort, self-supporting.\n
Gandhian movement of swadeshi, the confining of consumption to
goods of village production.\n
Gandhian movement of swadeshi, the confining of consumption to
goods of village production.\n
swak (Coll.) 1 sickly and weak, exhausted. 2 weak (of batteries).\n
swakarsa o.\'s own will.\n
swakarya self-developing (of projects without gvt. funding).\n
swakelola self-management (i.e. community construction of public buildings.\n
swalayan self-service.\n
swapraja autonomous area or region.\n
swara see SUARA.\n
swarga see SURGA.\n
swarnadipa (Lit.) the Golden Isle, Sumatra.\n
swartepit k.o. card game of Dutch origin.\n
swasembada self-supporting, self-sufficient.\n
swasiswa an autodidact.\n

swasta private.\n
swat. [swatantra] autonomy.\n
swatantra autonomy, autonomous.\n
swatantra autonomy, autonomous.\n
swedia Sweden, Swedish.\n
swembak (Coll.)swimming pool.\n
swempak swimming suit.\n
[Sumbangan Wajib Istimewa] k.o. motor-vehicle tax levied in the
1. [subhannahu wa taala] (Islam) the Almighty and most worthy of
swt. praise, written after God\'s name. 2. [swatantra] autonomy,
autonomous. 3. [swasta] private (not public, of businedded, etc.).\n
sy- seealso entries with s-.\n
syaban /sya\'ban/ (Islam) the eighth month of the Arabic calendar.\n
syabas [in some regions only] good! well done!.\n
1 (Rel.) mediation, intercession (in communication with God). 2
syafakat 1. indness, sympathy. 2. see SEPAKAT.\n
syah 1. (Lit.) ruler. 2. see SAH 1.\n
syah 1. (Lit.) ruler. 2. see SAH 1.\n
1 confession, testimony. 2 (Islam) the profession of faith : there is no
God other than Allah, and the Prophet Muh. is His massenger.\n
syahbandar harbormaster, port officer.\n
syahbandar harbormaster, port officer.\n
syahdan (Lit.) so it happened, the next thing in the story.\n
syahdu 1 eminent, excellent. 2 serene, calm.\n
syahdu 1 eminent, excellent. 2 serene, calm.\n
syahid (Islam) martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam principles.\n
syahid (Islam) martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam principles.\n
syahmat see SEKAKMAT.\n
syahwat 1 lust, voluptuous feeling. 2 orgasm.\n
1 story related in verse form using o. -end-rhyme quatrains. 2 poem.
3 rhyme containing clues to the lottery.\n
1 story related in verse form using o. -end-rhyme quatrains. 2 poem.
3 rhyme containing clues to the lottery.\n
syaitan see SETAN.\n
syak suspicion, doubt, distrust.\n
syakti see SAKTI.\n
syal shawl, muffler.\n
syalat see SOLAT.\n
syaleh /syalih/ see SALEH.\n
syalwat see SELAWAT.\n
syam (Lit.) Syria.\n
syaman shaman.\n
syamanisme shamanism.\n
syampo shampoo.\n
syaraf see SARAF 1.\n
syarahan (Lit.) edition.\n
syarak (Islam) canon law.\n
syarat condition, prerequirement, requisite.\n
syarat condition, prerequirement, requisite.\n
syariah /syari\'ah, syariat, syari\'at/ Islam law.\n
syariah /syari\'ah, syariat, syari\'at/ Islam law.\n
syarif (Islam) title of a male descendant of Muh.\n
syarifah 1 title of a female descendant of Muh. 2 (Coll.) Arab women.\n
syarikat see SERIKAT.\n
syasis see SASIS.\n
syatriya see KESATRIA.\n
syawal /Syawwal/ (Islam) the 10th month of the Arabic calendar.\n
syekh (Islam) 1 sheikh. 2 title of a Islam scholar.\n
syelawat see SELAWAT.\n
syeti (in some regions only) moneylender of Indian descent.\n
syiar /syi\'ar/ (Islam) magnigicience, greatness (of God and religion).\n
syiir see SYAIR.\n
syinkek see SINGKEH.\n
/syirk/ (Islam) 1 belief in more than o. God, polytheism. 2 s.t. to be
avoided on religious grounds.\n
syit see SIT.\n
symposion /symposium, simposion, simposium/ see SIMPOSION.\n
1. 1) very attractive. 2) very absorbed in s.t., interested and excited.
2. /syok/ (Med.) shock. 3. see SOK 1.\n
syolat see SOLAT.\n
syor see SYUR 1.\n
syorga see SURGA.\n
syubhat s.t. dubious.\n
syuco (Japanese) administrator of a residency.\n
1 (Islam) persons who died for Islam (martyrd, warriors in religious
war, etc.). 2 heroic martyrs of a just cause.\n
syuk see SYOK 1.\n
syukur 1 thank God, thanks be to God. 2 happily, fortunately.\n
syukur 1 thank God, thanks be to God. 2 happily, fortunately.\n
syukuran expression of gratitude to God.\n

syur 1. 1) exciting, absorbing. 2) sexually arousing. 2. (Lit.) advice,

1. 1) exciting, absorbing. 2) sexually arousing. 2. (Lit.) advice,
syurga see SURGA.\n
syuriah advisory.\n
syuur see SYUR 1.\n
t /te/ t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.\n
t'hoa. [Tionghoa] Chinese.\n
t. [tanpa] without.\n
t.p. [tanpa penerbit] no indication of publisher (in bibliographies, etc.).\n
(Teman Sejawat) colleague (used in professional correspondence by
ta 1. see TO 1. 2. see TAK 1.\n
ta'lim see TAKZIM.\n
ta'rif see TAKRIF.\n
ta'zim see TAKZIM.\n
taajal see TAKJAL.\n
taajub see TAKJUB.\n
taala see ALLAH.\n
taalim see TAKZIM.\n
taart see TART.\n
taassub fanatical, dogmatic, bigoted.\n
taat 1 obedient. 2 loyal.\n
taat 1 obedient. 2 loyal.\n
taawuz (Islam) prayer recited before reading the Koran.\n
1. 1) determined, resolute. 2) able to endure (hardship, etc.). 2. see
1. 1) determined, resolute. 2) able to endure (hardship, etc.). 2. see
tabak k.o. tray used to present s.t.\n
1. k.o. drum used at royal installations. 2 formal installation
1. k.o. drum used at royal installations. 2 formal installation
taban the gutta-percha tree.\n
[Tabungan Pembangunan Nasional] savings for national
development, a gvt.-insured savings account program.\n
tabas see TEBAS1.\n
tabe see TABIK.\n
tabe see TABIK.\n
tabeat see TABIAT.\n
tabek see TABIK.\n
tabel table, list. tabel-tegakan (Fin.) yield table.\n
tabernakel (Rel.) tabernacle.\n
tabiat /tabi\'at, tabiyat/ 1 character, nature. 2 behavior.\n
tabiat /tabi\'at, tabiyat/ 1 character, nature. 2 behavior.\n
tabib 1 traditional healer. 2 (Lit.) physician.\n
tabib 1 traditional healer. 2 (Lit.) physician.\n
1 greeting, salute given in greeting. 2 hello, good morning
(afternoon, etc.).\n
screen, partition. tabir-asap smoke screen. tabir-besi the iron
screen, partition. tabir-asap smoke screen. tabir-besi the iron
tablet tablet, pill. tablet-hisap/isap lozenge.\n
/tabligh/ (Islam) 1 sermon at a religious meeting. 2 such a religious
/tabligh/ (Islam) 1 sermon at a religious meeting. 2 such a religious
tablo (Thea.) pantomime.\n
tabokan a slap.\n
tabrakan collision.\n
tabrakan collision.\n
tabu 1 taboo. 2 consider taboo, avoid doing.\n
tabu 1 taboo. 2 consider taboo, avoid doing.\n
tabuan see TABUHAN.\n
1. s.t. used to strike percussion instruments, esp. a gong. 2. k.o. large
mosque drum used to summon people to prayer.\n
1. s.t. used to strike percussion instruments, esp. a gong. 2. k.o. large
mosque drum used to summon people to prayer.\n
tabuhan 1. k.o. percussion instrument. 2. (Lit.) k.o. wasp.\n
tabuhan 1. k.o. percussion instrument. 2. (Lit.) k.o. wasp.\n
tabulasi tabulation.\n
tabunan the heaping and burning of rubbish.\n
tabunan the heaping and burning of rubbish.\n
tabung 1 k.o. bamboo tube used for storage. 2 money box.\n
tabungan 1 money box. 2 savings.\n
tabungan 1 money box. 2 savings.\n
taburan sowing.\n
taburan sowing.\n
taburan sowing.\n

taburan sowing.\n
1 (Bib.) ark. 2 (Islam, M) effigy representing Muh.\'s steed, carried
tabut in procession on the 3d day of Muharam. 3 (Islam, M) procession on
the 3d day of Muharam.\n
/tacik/ 1 (China) term of address or reference for o.\'s elder sister. 2
(Coll.) term of address or reference for China woman.\n
tada see TIADA.\n
tadah 1 storage receptacle. 2 cistern, reservoir.\n
tadahan stolen goods bought by a fence.\n
tadahan stolen goods bought by a fence.\n
tadarus see TEDARUS.\n
tadbir management.\n
tadbir management.\n
1 a while ago, some time ago. 2 this (morning, evening, etc.) just
tadi past, last (night), this past (two, three, etc. o\'clock). 3 the o. from a
while ago, the aforementioned.\n
tadinya formely, just befor.\n
tadrus see TEDARUS.\n
taduh see TEDUH.\n
1 (Java, vulg.) Bullshit ! exclamation of surprise or disagreement. 2
see TAHI.\n
tafahus 1 a search. 2 examination.\n
tafahus 1 a search. 2 examination.\n
tafakur /tafakkur, tafkur/ 1 contemplation. 2 reflective, contemplative.\n
tafakuran 1 meditation. 2 engage in meditation.\n
tafakuran 1 meditation. 2 engage in meditation.\n
taferil scene, picture.\n
1 (Islam) exclamation of passages of Koran by supplying additional
information. 2 exegesis (of Christian scriptures).\n
tafsiran 1 interpretation, explanation. 2 commentary, exegesis.\n
tafsiran 1 interpretation, explanation. 2 commentary, exegesis.\n
taftan taffeta.\n
tagal pebble.\n
tagan stake in gambling.\n
tagar sound of thunder.\n
tagar sound of thunder.\n
tagih 1 addicted to s.t. 2 habitually accustomed to s.t.\n
tagihan a claim.\n
tagihan a claim.\n
tagihan a claim.\n

1. (Lit.) 1 wonder, particle in interrogative sentences, expressing

reflectiveness. 2. see ENTAH.\n
tah. [tahun] year.\n
tahadi see TADI.\n
tahajud /tahajut/ see SEMBAHYANG.\n
tahak a belch.\n
tahak a belch.\n
tahakik see TAHKIK.\n
tahalil see TAHLIL 2.\n
tahan 1 endure, put up with. 2 last, hold out.\n
tahanan 1 resistance, opposition, obstruction. 2 arrest, detention.\n
tahanan 1 resistance, opposition, obstruction. 2 arrest, detention.\n
tahanan 1 resistance, opposition, obstruction. 2 arrest, detention.\n
tahang 1 (Lit.) ravine. 2. 1) barrel, cask, drum. 2) tank, reservoir.\n
tahap /tahapan/ stage, phase.\n
tahayul see TAKHYUL.\n
tahbisan tahbisan\n
tahbisan tahbisan\n
tahbisan tahbisan\n
tahdiriyah (Islam) kindergarten.\n
tahfidz know by heart.\n
1 excrement, feces. 2 filth, dregs. tahi-binatang meteorite. tahi-besi
tahi iron rust. tahi-gergaji sawdust. tahi-gigi tartar on teeth. tahi-lalat
small moles, freckles. tahi-kuping ear wax.\n
1 a measure of weight equal to 16 kati. 2 a measure of gold, silver,
or opium.\n
1 a measure of weight equal to 16 kati. 2 a measure of gold, silver,
or opium.\n
tahir (Lit.) pure.\n
tahir (Lit.) pure.\n
tahiti k.o. rattan.\n
tahiyat (Islam) 1 prayer greeting God. 2 greetings.\n
tahkik verification.\n
tahkik verification.\n
1. 1) (Islam) repeated recitation of the confession of faith : there is
tahlil no god but God : (la ilaha illallah). 2) (Rel.) songs of praise
1. 1) (Islam) repeated recitation of the confession of faith : there is
tahlil no god but God : (la ilaha illallah). 2) (Rel.) songs of praise
(Islam) devotional repetition of the ejaculation, \"Praise God,\"
alhamdulillah, often as part of a mystic exercise.\n
tahsil acquisition, esp. collection of rents, taxes, etc.\n
tahta see TAKHTA.\n
1. /tahu, tau/ 1) know, be cognizant of. 2) (Coll.) I do not know
tahu (often accompanied by a shrug etc.). 3) you understand ? 2. /tau/
(Coll.) ever, once. 3. /tahu/ tofu, soybean curd.\n
1. /tahu, tau/ 1) know, be cognizant of. 2) (Coll.) I do not know
tahu (often accompanied by a shrug etc.). 3) you understand ? 2. /tau/
(Coll.) ever, once. 3. /tahu/ tofu, soybean curd.\n
1. /tahu, tau/ 1) know, be cognizant of. 2) (Coll.) I do not know
tahu (often accompanied by a shrug etc.). 3) you understand ? 2. /tau/
(Coll.) ever, once. 3. /tahu/ tofu, soybean curd.\n
tahu-tahu /tau-tau/ sudenly and unexpectedly.\n
/tahua, tawa/ (China) k.o. by-product of tofu, similar to yoghurt in
tahun /tahun, taun/ year.\n
tahunan tahunan\n
tahyul see TAKHYUL.\n
tai see TAHI.\n
taifun see TOPAN.\n
taik 1. see TAHI. 2. see NAIK.\n
taiko (China) leprosy.\n
taipak 1 (China) gambling. 2 financier in gambling.\n
taipun see TOPAN.\n
tais dirty.\n
(China) 1 the other number in a fixed pair of numbers in a number
game or lottery. 2 the beloved.\n
taiso (Japanese) group calisthenics.\n
taiso (Japanese) group calisthenics.\n
tajak k.o. hoe used to remove weeds, esp. in paddy field.\n
tajak k.o. hoe used to remove weeds, esp. in paddy field.\n
tajali /tajalli/ (Islam) k.o. vision of truth.\n
tajam 1 sharp. 2 incisive, acute.\n
tajam 1 sharp. 2 incisive, acute.\n
taji 1 cock\'s spur. 2 metal spur attached to fighting cock\'s leg.\n
taji 1 cock\'s spur. 2 metal spur attached to fighting cock\'s leg.\n
1 thick water from cooked rice often fed to infants as milk substitute.
2 water with starch for ironing.\n
1 thick water from cooked rice often fed to infants as milk substitute.
2 water with starch for ironing.\n
tajub see TAKJUB.\n
1 crown. 2 (Lit.) ornamental aigrette. 3 (Naut.) outward projection
on small craft.\n
1 crown. 2 (Lit.) ornamental aigrette. 3 (Naut.) outward projection
on small craft.\n
tajwid (Islam) proper pronunciation for correct recitation of the Koran.\n
tak 1. no, not. 2. (Java) I, by me. 3. seeTAKT.\n
tak 1. no, not. 2. (Java) I, by me. 3. seeTAKT.\n
tak 1. no, not. 2. (Java) I, by me. 3. seeTAKT.\n
tak-tak /tak tak/ sound of cracking, bullet shots, toy machine gun, etc.\n
tak-tok /tak tok/ sound of clicking.\n
tak-umpet see PETAK 3.\n
takabur arrogant, haughty.\n
1. (M) 1) appearance, attitude. 2) of suitable bearing. 2. see
1. (M) 1) appearance, attitude. 2) of suitable bearing. 2. see
takal block and tackle.\n
takan /ta\'kan/ see TAK 1.\n
1 k.o. pottery container. 2 variable unit of liquid or solid measure
between o. quart to o. gallon.\n
takaran 1 measuring container. 2 measurement, dosage.\n
takaran 1 measuring container. 2 measurement, dosage.\n
takat (Lit.) limit, end point.\n
takat (Lit.) limit, end point.\n
(Islam) recitation of laudation, \"God is great\" (Allahu akbar) us. at
opening of prayers.\n
1 laudations in the form of such recitations. 2 night of last day of
fasting month.\n
takbirul-ihram (Islam) opening laudation of prayer ritual.\n
takbur see TAKABUR.\n
takdim (Islam) opening (of prayer).\n
takdir divine decree, fate.\n
takdir divine decree, fate.\n
takdis holiness.\n
takel see TAKAL.\n
taker see TAKAR.\n
takeyari (Japanese) bamboo spear.\n
takhayul see TAKHYUL.\n
takhayul see TAKHYUL.\n
takhta throne.\n
takhta throne.\n

takhyul superstitious, superstition.\n

takik notch.\n
takikan extraction of sap.\n
takikan extraction of sap.\n
takil see PETAKILAN.\n
(Java, Jakarta) water container made of banana leaves, palm fronds,
takjal hastily, hurriedly.\n
takjil (Islam) sweet food eaten upon breaking the fast.\n
takjim see TAKZIM.\n
takjub astonishment, astonished.\n
takjub astonishment, astonished.\n
takkan see TAK 1.\n
1 (Rel.) unguestioning acceptance of traditional religious
interpretations. 2 (Coll.) gullible.\n
taklif imposition of responsibility or duty.\n
1 (Lit.) addendum, attachment. 2 (Islam) conditions attached to an
agreement, esp. marriage contracts so that, e.g., divorce is effected if
husband fails to return after a certain time, etc. 3 (Leg.) probationary
1 (Lit.) addendum, attachment. 2 (Islam) conditions attached to an
agreement, esp. marriage contracts so that, e.g., divorce is effected if
husband fails to return after a certain time, etc. 3 (Leg.) probationary
taklikat (Lit.) addendum, marginal notes.\n
taklim see TAKZIM.\n
takluk subject, subjection.\n
taklukan s.t. subjected.\n
taklukan s.t. subjected.\n
takoa /takoah/ see TAKUA.\n
/takraw/ (Sport) rattan plaited into a rough ball (used in traditional
takrif (Lit.) definition.\n
takrif (Lit.) definition.\n
takrim see TAKZIM.\n
takrir (Leg.) evidence, proof.\n
takro see TAKRAU.\n
taksa equivocal.\n
taksa equivocal.\n
taksiran appraisal.\n
taksiran appraisal.\n
taksiran appraisal.\n
taksiun (Coll.) station.\n
taksonomi taxonomy.\n
takt takt\n
taktik (Mil.) tactics.\n
taktis taktis\n
takua (China) k.o. firm spiced tofu.\n
takuh notch.\n
takuk notch.\n
takuk notch.\n
takungan accumulated water, puddle, etc.\n
takungan accumulated water, puddle, etc.\n
takur see TEKUR.\n
takut be afraid.\n
takut be afraid.\n
takwa 1. piety. 2. see TAKUA.\n
takwim (Lit.) almanac, calendar.\n
1 visit the home of people suffering death or injury in the family. 2
sympathy, condolence.\n
takzim respect, esteem.\n
takzim respect, esteem.\n
takzir (Islam) punishment imposed by a religious court.\n
(Java) k.o. fan palm, the leaves of which were formerly used for
writing on.\n
tala in tune, harmonious. garpu-tala tuning fork.\n
talaah see TELAAH.\n
1. 1) (Islam) divorce (o.\'s wife). 2) divorce formula used by Muslim
husband. 2. see TALK.\n
talam tray.\n
talang 1. (Jakarta, Java) middleman. 2. eaves trough, gutter.\n
talang 1. (Jakarta, Java) middleman. 2. eaves trough, gutter.\n
talas taro.\n
talek see TALK.\n
talen 25 cents, a quarter (of a rupiah).\n
talenan 1. a quarter, 25 cents. 2. chopping block, cutting board.\n
tales see TALAS.\n
tali 1 string, cord, rope. 2 line, connection. 3 belt, strap.\n
tali 1 string, cord, rope. 2 line, connection. 3 belt, strap.\n
tali-talian vines.\n
talibun k.o. old poetry with a distinctive rhyme pattern.\n
taligram see TELEGRAM.\n
taligrap see TELEGRAP.\n
taligrap see TELEGRAP.\n
talipun see TELEPON.\n
talk talcum powder.\n
(Islam) instructions to the dead us. at close of funeral to offer advice
on what to say when questioned by the angels of death.\n
(Islam) instructions to the dead us. at close of funeral to offer advice
on what to say when questioned by the angels of death.\n
talu 1 opening melody at a wayang show. 2 k.o. gong.\n
taluk /ta\'luk/ see TAKLUK.\n
talun-temalun various resounding noises.\n
talunan resonance.\n
tam plinking sound of small stones hitting s.t. metallic.\n
tam-tam small bongo drum.\n
tama see PERTAMA.\n
tamadun /tamaddun/ (Lit.) civilization.\n
tamadun /tamaddun/ (Lit.) civilization.\n
tamah see RAMAH.\n
tamak 1 gread. 2 greedy, covetous.\n
tamak 1 gread. 2 greedy, covetous.\n
garden, park. taman-bacaan reading room. taman-bunga flower
garden. taman-sari pleasure park, garden. taman-sindria/kanak-kanak
kindergarten. taman-margasatwa 1 game preserve. 2 zoo. taman-
makam pahlawan military cemetery. taman-pustaka library.\n
garden, park. taman-bacaan reading room. taman-bunga flower
garden. taman-sari pleasure park, garden. taman-sindria/kanak-kanak
kindergarten. taman-margasatwa 1 game preserve. 2 zoo. taman-
makam pahlawan military cemetery. taman-pustaka library.\n
garden, park. taman-bacaan reading room. taman-bunga flower
garden. taman-sari pleasure park, garden. taman-sindria/kanak-kanak
kindergarten. taman-margasatwa 1 game preserve. 2 zoo. taman-
makam pahlawan military cemetery. taman-pustaka library.\n
tamasya 1 view, scenery. 2 spectackle, performance. 3 go on an excursion.\n
tamasyawan (Lit.) tourist.\n
tamat 1 finished, completed. 2 end, conclusion.\n
tamatalkalam /tamatu\'lkalam/ (Lit.) end of the story.\n
tamatan 1 graduation. 2 a graduate.\n
tamatan 1 graduation. 2 a graduate.\n
tambah 1 add. 2 additional amount. 3 more, increasingly.\n
tambahan 1 addition. 2 supplement, extra amount. 3 furthermore..\n
tambahan 1 addition. 2 supplement, extra amount. 3 furthermore..\n
1 earthen dam, embankment. 2 fishpond (made by damming).
3banking, leveling off.\n
1 earthen dam, embankment. 2 fishpond (made by damming).
3banking, leveling off.\n
1 earthen dam, embankment. 2 fishpond (made by damming).
3banking, leveling off.\n
a patch or mend. tambal-ban tire repair. tambal-sulam 1 repair by
patching (clothing, etc.). 2 do s.t. in an ad hoc manner.\n
tambalan patch, repairs.\n
tambalan patch, repairs.\n
1. mine. 2 1) cross (river) by small boat, dugout, etc. 2) (Lit.) fare. 3.
(Jakarta) thick rope.\n
tambangan ferrying, conveyance for ferrying.\n
tambangan ferrying, conveyance for ferrying.\n
tambat tether.\n
tambatan 1 mooring buoy or post. 2 tether.\n
tambatan 1 mooring buoy or post. 2 tether.\n
tambeng (Java) disobedient.\n
tambera 1. 1) (Lit.) bronze. 2) bronze inscription. 2. see IKAN.\n
1 Indian. 2 (in some regions only) term of address for young males
from India.\n
tambo (M) legend, historical traditions.\n
tamborin see TAMBURIN.\n
tambuh (M) tambuh-ciek have another plate of rice.\n
tambuhan additional serving of rice.\n
tambuhan additional serving of rice.\n
1 dessert. 2 snacks that accompany beverages. 3 beverage
tambun 1. chubby, well fed. 2. (M) see TIMBUN.\n
tambung rude, impertinent.\n
tambur 1 drum, esp. of European origin. 2 (Islam) mosque drum.\n
tambur 1 drum, esp. of European origin. 2 (Islam) mosque drum.\n
tamburin tambourine.\n
tambus see TIMBUS.\n
tameng (Java) a shield of combat.\n
tammat see TAMAT.\n
tammatu'lkalam see TAMATALKALAM\n
tammatu'lkalam see TAMATALKALAM\n
tampa see TANPA.\n
tampa see TANPA.\n
tampah (Java) winnowing tray.\n
tampak 1. appear, be visible. 2. (Med.) measles.\n
tampaknya appartently.\n
tampaknya appartently.\n
tampal 1 patch. 2 a mend.\n
tampalan 1 s.t. affixed or stuck on (i.e. a patch, etc.). 2 appendix of a book.\n
tampalan 1 s.t. affixed or stuck on (i.e. a patch, etc.). 2 appendix of a book.\n
tampan 1 of suitable bearing (esp. of males). 2 appropriate, fitting.\n
tampan 1 of suitable bearing (esp. of males). 2 appropriate, fitting.\n
1. (M) 1) planting seed, cutting for planting. 2) source. 2. (Jakarta)
wad, roll. 3.1) appearance of a person. 2) put on, show off.\n
1. (M) 1) planting seed, cutting for planting. 2) source. 2. (Jakarta)
wad, roll. 3.1) appearance of a person. 2) put on, show off.\n
tampar a slap with the flat of the hand.\n
tamparan a slap.\n
tamparan a slap.\n
tampek see TAMPAK 2.\n
tampel slight hit, bump.\n
tampi winnowing.\n
tampian 1 s.t. winnowed. 2 winnowing basket.\n
tampian 1 s.t. winnowed. 2 winnowing basket.\n
tampik see TEMPIK 1.\n
tampikan rejection.\n
tampil 1 step forward. 2 appear before. 3 appear, come into being.\n
tampil 1 step forward. 2 appear before. 3 appear, come into being.\n
tampin k.o. rough container made of plaited palm leaves, esp. for sago.\n
1 (Biol.) calyx, s.t. like a calyx. 2 any calyxlike design (rosettes, etc.)
or calyx-like lid.\n
1 (Biol.) calyx, s.t. like a calyx. 2 any calyxlike design (rosettes, etc.)
or calyx-like lid.\n
tampung a patch.\n
tampung a patch.\n
tampur see TEMPUR.\n
tampus (M) sorrel color.\n
tamsil 1 parable. 2 example.\n
tamsilan comparison.\n
tamsilan comparison.\n
tamsir (Lit.) armor.\n
tamtam tamtam\n
(Mil.) 1 lower-ranking noncomissioned officer, corporal. 2 lower-
ranking comissioned officer (below Colonel).\n
tamu guest, visitor, s.o. who comes to another person\'s place.\n
tamu guest, visitor, s.o. who comes to another person\'s place.\n
tamyiz (Lit.) discernment of good and bad.\n
tamzil see TAMSIL.\n
tan see SUTAN.\n
tan- (Java) a privative previx, a-.\n
tan- (Java) a privative previx, a-.\n
tanah 1 land. 2 country, land. 3 soil, ground.\n
tanah 1 land. 2 country, land. 3 soil, ground.\n
tanah 1 land. 2 country, land. 3 soil, ground.\n
father land. tanah-suci (Islam) the Holy Land (Mecca and religious
shrines of Mideast). tanah-tumpah darah birthplace. tanah-lapang 1
field, plain. 2 a square. tanah-kering a dry, unirrigated field. tanah-
longsor landslide.\n
tanahulayat (M) community land.\n
tanak cooked (of rice).\n
tanak cooked (of rice).\n
tanaman 1 plants. tanaman-merambat vine. 2 crop.\n
tanbiat (Rel.) prophecy.\n
(Lit.) note the following (of s.t. to be clarified in the following
tancap 1 embed s.t. sharp. 2 (Coll.) step on the gas, floor it.\n
tancap 1 embed s.t. sharp. 2 (Coll.) step on the gas, floor it.\n
tanda 1 sign, token, mark. 2 signal. 3 omen. 4 typographic symbol.\n
tanda 1 sign, token, mark. 2 signal. 3 omen. 4 typographic symbol.\n
tandak (Java) k.o. dance.\n
the stem of the banana (coconut, etc.) plant from which bunches
the stem of the banana (coconut, etc.) plant from which bunches
1. absolutely wiped out, demolished. 2. latrine over a stream. 3.
tandatangan signature.\n
tandatangan signature.\n
tandatangan signature.\n
tandem see SEPEDA.\n
tandes see TANDAS 3.\n
tandil (Lit.) foreman, overseer.\n
tanding 1. match, equal, counterpart. 2. pile, heap.\n
tandingan match, equal.\n
tandingan match, equal.\n
1 (Fin.) security for a loan, collateral. 2 (Java) stock, provision,
goods provided. 3 (Java) reservoir.\n
tandu a litter or sedan chair.\n
1. animal horns. tanduk-an kepala (Sport) headshot. 2 see
1. animal horns. tanduk-an kepala (Sport) headshot. 2 see
tandur tandur-alih transplanting.\n
tandus 1 empty and infertile (of land), nonarable. 2 wiped out.\n
tanfidziah /tanfiziah/ (Islam) executive (of religious organization).\n
1. 1) pliers. 2) tongs, pincers. 2. (Mil.) tank. 3. clanging sound of
falling metal.\n
tangan 1 hand, arm. 2. s.t. resembling a hand or arm in shape or function.\n
tanganan 1 handmade product. 2 s.t. resembling a hand or arm.\n
tanganan 1 handmade product. 2 s.t. resembling a hand or arm.\n
tangeh (Java) far away.\n
tangen (Math.) tangen line or plane.\n
tangensial (Math.) tangential.\n
tangga 1 ladder. 2 staircase, stairs. 3 s.t. arranged in levels, s.t. scaled.\n
tangga 1 ladder. 2 staircase, stairs. 3 s.t. arranged in levels, s.t. scaled.\n
tanggah (Lit.) kitchen.\n
tanggal 1. fall out, come loose. 2. date.\n
tanggalan calendar.\n
tanggalan calendar.\n
tanggam dovetail (in carpentry).\n
tanggam dovetail (in carpentry).\n
tanggap 1. perceptive. 2. (Java) 1) summon a dalang. 2) perform a wayang.\n
tanggapan 1.1) idea, conception. 2) reaction. 2. performance of a wayang.\n
tanggapan 1.1) idea, conception. 2) reaction. 2. performance of a wayang.\n
tanggapan 1.1) idea, conception. 2) reaction. 2. performance of a wayang.\n
tanggon (Java) reliable.\n
1. 1) strong, hard to defeat. 2) firm, sturdy, of integrity. 2.
postponement, delay.\n
1. 1) strong, hard to defeat. 2) firm, sturdy, of integrity. 2.
postponement, delay.\n
tangguk small fish scoop or scoop-net.\n
tanggul dike, embankment.\n
tanggul dike, embankment.\n
tanggul dike, embankment.\n
tanggulang (Java) sluic-gate.\n
tanggulang (Java) sluic-gate.\n
1. 1) guaranteed. 2) bear s.t. 3) responsible. 2. 1) large but not large
tanggung enough. 2) ill-timed, soon but not soon enough. tanggung-tanggung
halfway, halfhearted.\n
1. 1) guaranteed. 2) bear s.t. 3) responsible. 2. 1) large but not large
tanggung enough. 2) ill-timed, soon but not soon enough. tanggung-tanggung
halfway, halfhearted.\n
1 burden, load. 2 s.t. or s.o. o. is responsible for. 3 guarantee, bail,
security. 4 insurance.\n
1 burden, load. 2 s.t. or s.o. o. is responsible for. 3 guarantee, bail,
security. 4 insurance.\n
tangis 1 weeping. 2 wail.\n
tangisan weeping, crying.\n
tangisan weeping, crying.\n
1 stalk, stem. 2 stock, shaft, handle. 3 numeral classifier used with
tangkai slender objects.\n
tangkal talisman, amulet.\n
tangkapan 1 capture, arrest. 2 haul, catch. 3 prisoner.\n
tangkapan 1 capture, arrest. 2 haul, catch. 3 prisoner.\n
tangkapan 1 capture, arrest. 2 haul, catch. 3 prisoner.\n
tangkar see TENGKAR.\n
tangkas deft, adroit, agile.\n
tangki tank for liquids.\n
tangki tank for liquids.\n
tangkisan defense, resistance.\n
tangkisan defense, resistance.\n
tangkue (China) chunks of sweetened squash used in baking.\n
tangkul k.o. large net.\n
tangkup (Lit.) hollow space.\n
tangkup (Lit.) hollow space.\n
tangkur (Java) seahorse.\n
tanglung (China) paper lantern.\n
tangpu (Java) pawnshop.\n
tangsel (Java) a wedge.\n

tangsel (Java) a wedge.\n

tangsi (Coll., Mil.) barracks.\n
tangsin (China) spiritualism, medium.\n
tani farmer.\n
tani farmer.\n
tanjak slanting upward.\n
tanjakan 1 steep grade. 2 ascent, climb.\n
tanjakan 1 steep grade. 2 ascent, climb.\n
tanji see TUKANG.\n
tanjidor /tanjidur/ k.o. brass music popular in Jakarta.\n
tanjul k.o. noose attached to a pole to snare animals, esp. snakes.\n
tanjul k.o. noose attached to a pole to snare animals, esp. snakes.\n
1. (Geog.) cape, promontory. tanjung-Harapan Cape of Good Hope.
tanjung tanjung-Hijau Cape Verde. tanjung-Perak the port of Surabaya.
tanjung-Priok the port of Jakarta. 2. see BUNGA.\n
1. (Geog.) cape, promontory. tanjung-Harapan Cape of Good Hope.
tanjung tanjung-Hijau Cape Verde. tanjung-Perak the port of Surabaya.
tanjung-Priok the port of Jakarta. 2. see BUNGA.\n
tanjur (M) ladle made of coconut shell.\n
tank /teng/ (Mil.) army tank.\n
tanker /tengker/ tanker (ship).\n
tanki see TANGKI.\n
tanpa without. tanpa-prasangka without prejudice.\n
tanpanama anonymous.\n
tanpanegara stateless.\n
tanpasta toothpaste.\n
tanta see TANTE.\n
tantama see TAMTAMA\n
tantama see TAMTAMA\n
tantangan challenge, defiance.\n
tantangan challenge, defiance.\n
1 Ma\'am, form of reference and address for European, China, or
Westernized women 30 or older. 2. aunt.\n
tante-tante of an age to be an aunt.\n
tantra (Rel.) the tantric sect of Buddhism.\n
tanur oven, furnace.\n
tanya 1 question. 2 inquire.\n
tanya 1 question. 2 inquire.\n
tanzil (islam) o. who has received a revelation.\n
taoci /taoco/ see TAUCI.\n
taoge see TAUGE.\n
taokeh see TAUKE.\n
taola see TUALA.\n
taosi see TAUCI.\n
tap (Coll.) k.o. distilled alcoholic beverage\n
1 sound of water trickling on water. 2 sound of s.t. small closing (a
cigarette case, etc.).\n
tapa asceticism, esp. in order to acquire magical powers.\n
tapa asceticism, esp. in order to acquire magical powers.\n
tapai 1. k.o. sweet cake made of slightly fermented rice or tubers.\n
tapai 1. k.o. sweet cake made of slightly fermented rice or tubers.\n
1 palm of hand, sole of foot. 2 a rough lineal measure. 3 tracks,
footprints. 4 site.\n
tapak-tapak (Sumatra) k.o. wooden patten or clog.\n
tapakan layer, foundation.\n
tapakan layer, foundation.\n
tapal paste, poultice, plaster. tapal-gigi toothpaste.\n
tapal-batas frontier, border.\n
tapal-kuda horseshoe.\n
tape see TAPAI.\n
tapekong see TEPEKONG.\n
tapelak see TAPLAK.\n
tapi see TETAPI.\n
tapian (M) see TEPI.\n
tapih (Java) k.o. woman\'s ankle-length batik wrap around.\n
tapioka tapioca.\n
tapir tapir, esp. Asian species.\n
tapir tapir, esp. Asian species.\n
tapisan 1 filtered material, filtrate. 2 a filter, sieve.\n
taplak tablecloth\n
taplak tablecloth\n
tapol [tahanan politik] political prisoners.\n
tapsir see TAFSIR.\n
tapsir see TAFSIR.\n
taptu (Mil.) taps, retreat.\n
tapuk 1. scar, pockmark. 2. see TAMPUK.\n
tapuk 1. scar, pockmark. 2. see TAMPUK.\n
1. snapping sound of whip, firecracker, or pistol shot. 2. see TER. 3.
see TART.\n
tar-tar sound of repeated pistol fire.\n
tar-tor sound of repeated gunfire.\n
1. 1) matching, equal. 2) counterpart. 2. 1) the weight of the
tara wrapping, etc., containing goods. 2) tare, a deduction from the total
weight to allow for this weight.\n
1. 1) matching, equal. 2) counterpart. 2. 1) the weight of the
tara wrapping, etc., containing goods. 2) tare, a deduction from the total
weight to allow for this weight.\n
taraf 1 standard. 2 degree, level.\n
taraf 1 standard. 2 degree, level.\n
tarah planed smooth.\n
tarah planed smooth.\n
tarak 1 abstinence. 2 abstain from, avoid (eating, etc.).\n
tarak 1 abstinence. 2 abstain from, avoid (eating, etc.).\n
taram (Lit.) dim. taram-temaram dark.\n
tarap see TARAF.\n
tarate see TERATAI.\n
/tarawih/ (Islam) nonobligatory evening prayers during fasting
tarbiah (Islam) education.\n
tarbus Turkish-style fez.\n
1 (Islam) path for mystics to follow, esp. Sufism. 2 (Lit.) an order of
target target.\n
target target.\n
a dance. tari-gambus k.o. dance to Arabian music. tari-gebyar k.o.
tari Balinese dance. tari-kejang break dance. tari-lenso handkerchief
dance, a folk dance of E. Indonesia popular nationally.\n
tari-tarian dances, a variety of dances.\n
tarian tarian\n
tarif tarif\n
tarih see TARIKH.\n
tarih see TARIKH.\n
tarik 1. pull. tarik-tambang tug-of war. 2. see TARIKH.\n
tarik 1. pull. tarik-tambang tug-of war. 2. see TARIKH.\n
tarikah /tarikat/ see TAREKAT.\n
tarikan tarikan\n
1 era. tarikh-hijrah/hijrah (Islam) A.H., the era beginning with
Muh.\'s Hight to Medina. tarikh-Masehi (Rel.) A.D., the era
beginning with Jesus. 2 in the year. 3 (Lit.) date. 4 (Lit.) chronicle,
taring 1 tusk, fang. 2 canine tooth.\n
tarip fare, rate.\n
tarjamah /tarjemah/ see TERJEMAH.\n
taro 1. small tarts, cakes. 2 see TARUH.\n

tarok 1. see TARO 1. 2. seeTARUH.\n

tarompet see TROMPET.\n
tarpentin see TERPENTEN.\n
tart tart\n
tarub see TARUP.\n
taruh (Coll.) place s.t., put s.t.\n
taruhan 1 bet, wager. 2 stake. 3 s.t. saved. 4 security, deposit.\n
taruhan 1 bet, wager. 2 stake. 3 s.t. saved. 4 security, deposit.\n
taruk 1. sprout, bud. 2. see TARUH.\n
tarum indigo plant.\n
taruna see TERUNA.\n
tarung 1. sound of metallic clashing (swords, etc.). 2. stumble.\n
tarung 1. sound of metallic clashing (swords, etc.). 2. stumble.\n
taruni (Mil.) female cadet.\n
(Java) temporary structure (for weddings, etc.). tarup-agung
tarwih see TARAWEH.\n
1. bag, handbag, briefcase. tas-kresek k.o. plastic bag. 2. sound of
tas whizzing (bullets or stones hitting a wall, a small explosion, etc.). 3.
see KAYU 1.\n
tasak styptic.\n
tasak styptic.\n
tasalsul genealogy.\n
tasalsul genealogy.\n
tasauf /tasawuf/ (Islam) mysticism, esp. of Sufist school.\n
/tasbih/ 1 (Islam) a formula extolling God\'s perfection (subhanahu
tasbeh wa taala). 2 (Islam) a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation. 3
(Rel.) rosary.\n
/tasbih/ 1 (Islam) a formula extolling God\'s perfection (subhanahu
tasbeh wa taala). 2 (Islam) a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation. 3
(Rel.) rosary.\n
tasdid see TASYDID.\n
tasdik affirmation, verification.\n
tasdik affirmation, verification.\n
tasik lake.\n
tasiun (Coll.) see SETASION.\n
tasmak see TESMAK.\n
tasrif (Ling.) 1 conjugation of Arabic verbs. 2 inflection.\n
tasrif (Ling.) 1 conjugation of Arabic verbs. 2 inflection.\n
(Islam) diacritical mark used to indicate gemination in Arabic
tasyhid (Islam) pronouncement of the syahadat\n
order, arrangement, system. tata-acara agenda. tata-bahasa grammar.
tata-bentuk (Biol., Ling) morphology. tata-boga food science. tata-
buku bookkeeping, accounting. tata-bunyi phonetics. tata-graha
homemaking. tata-busana dressmaking.\n
order, arrangement, system. tata-acara agenda. tata-bahasa grammar.
tata-bentuk (Biol., Ling) morphology. tata-boga food science. tata-
buku bookkeeping, accounting. tata-bunyi phonetics. tata-graha
homemaking. tata-busana dressmaking.\n
tatabahasa grammar.\n
tatabahasa grammar.\n
tatah 1. inlaid work. 2. see TATIH.\n
tatah 1. inlaid work. 2. see TATIH.\n
tatakalimat (Ling.) syhntax.\n
tatakan tatakan\n
tatakrama etiquette.\n
tatal wood shavings.\n
tatal wood shavings.\n
tatal wood shavings.\n
tatanama nomenclature.\n
(Java) arrangement, order. tatanan-sosial masyarakat the social order
of society.\n
tatanegara 1 form of gvt. 2 state structure. 3 public institutions.\n
tatanegara 1 form of gvt. 2 state structure. 3 public institutions.\n
tatapan close observation, gaze, etc.\n
tatapan close observation, gaze, etc.\n
tatarambut hair dresser.\n
tataran rank, level.\n
tataruang (Art, Printing) lay out.\n
tatarupa make up, format.\n
tatawarna technicolor.\n
tatih unsteady steps (of toddler, etc.).\n
tatih unsteady steps (of toddler, etc.).\n
tatih unsteady steps (of toddler, etc.).\n
tating see TATANG.\n
tatkala (Lit.) when, at the time.\n
taton see KETATON.\n
tatu (Java) wound(ed).\n
tatu (Java) wound(ed).\n
tau (Coll.) see TAH 1,2.\n
taubat see TOBAT.\n
taucang (China) pigtail.\n
tauci /tauco, taucyo/ (China) fermented bean paste used as condiment.\n
taufan see TOPAN.\n
taufik (Islam) God\'s guidance.\n
tauge (China) bean sprouts.\n
tauhid (Rel.) unity of God.\n
tauhid (Rel.) unity of God.\n
tauk see TAHU 1.\n
tauke 1 China shop proprietor. 2 employer, boss.\n
tauladan see TELADAN.\n
taulan see TOLAN.\n
taun 1. /ta\'un/ (Lit.) epidemic, esp. cholera. see TAHUN.\n
taup see TAUT.\n
1 (Islam) the scripture revealed to prophet Moses. 2 (Rel.) Old
Testament, esp. Pentateuch.\n
tausi see TAUCI.\n
tausi see TAUCI.\n
tautan link.\n
[Tahun Vivere Pericoloso] the Year of Living Dangerously
(Sukarno\'s speech of August 17, 1964].\n
laughter, laugh. tawa-sumbang laughing on the outside but crying on
the inside. tawa-terkekeh giggle.\n
tawaan 1 laughingstock, object of ridicule. 2 mockery.\n
tawaan 1 laughingstock, object of ridicule. 2 mockery.\n
tawaan 1 laughingstock, object of ridicule. 2 mockery.\n
tawadu (Islam) prescribed ablutions before performing prayer ritual.\n
ceremony of circumambulation of the Ka\'abah in Mecca seven
ceremony of circumambulation of the Ka\'abah in Mecca seven
ceremony of circumambulation of the Ka\'abah in Mecca seven
tawak-tawak k.o. gong used to summon people.\n
tawakal tawakal\n
tawanan 1 military internee. 2 prisoner. 3 captivation, detention.\n
tawanan 1 military internee. 2 prisoner. 3 captivation, detention.\n
1. 1) tasteless, insipid. 2) ineffective (of poison, magic spells,
incantations, etc.). 3) undisturbed, at an even temper. 2. bargain.\n
tawar-tawar 1 unmoved, emotionless. 2 moderate, average.\n
tawaran offer, bid.\n
tawaran offer, bid.\n
tawarikh (Lit.) history.\n
tawas alum.\n
tawes k.o. freshwater fish.\n
tawon bee.\n
tawur 1. engage in a gang fight. 2. see TABUR.\n
tawuran engage in a gang fight.\n
tawuran engage in a gang fight.\n
tayammun /tayamum/ Islam) ritually purify o.s. with sand in absence of water.\n
tayangan 1 s.t. held in the palms. 2 (Lit.) presentation.\n
tayangan 1 s.t. held in the palms. 2 (Lit.) presentation.\n
taypak see TAIPAK.\n
k.o. dance in which male members of audience are invited to join
female professional dancers.\n
k.o. dance in which male members of audience are invited to join
female professional dancers.\n
tbc /tebese/ [tuberculosis] tuberculosis.\n
tc /tese/ [Training Center] (Sport) Training Center.\n
te see SATE.\n
team /tim/ 1 (Sport) team. 2 team, group for carrying out a project.\n
teater drama theater.\n
teaterawan dramatist.\n
tebahan beating.\n
tebahan beating.\n
repeatedly guess. tebak-tebak manggis 1 gamble by guessing the
tebak-tebak number of segments a particular mangosteen fruit containts. 2 keep
tebakan 1 guess, conjecture. 2 riddle.\n
tebakan 1 guess, conjecture. 2 riddle.\n
tebangan felled tree.\n
tebangan felled tree.\n
tebaran 1 circular, bulletin. 2 seed.\n
tebasan produce bought before harvesting.\n
tebasan produce bought before harvesting.\n
tebasan produce bought before harvesting.\n
tebat 1 dam. 2 fishpond created by such a dam.\n
tebat 1 dam. 2 fishpond created by such a dam.\n
tebece /tebese/ tuberculosis.\n
tebeng protective temporary screen (e.g. a mat to provide shade, etc.).\n
teberau k.o. reedlike plant.\n
tebese see TEBECE.\n
tebi see RUMPUT.\n
tebing steeply sloping riverbank or mountain side.\n
tebing steeply sloping riverbank or mountain side.\n
tebir see TABIR.\n
tebir see TABIR.\n
tebu 1 sugar cane. 2 name for various k.o. reeds.\n
tebuan see TABUHAN.\n
tebuan see TABUHAN.\n
tebuk perforation (e.g. eyelet for shoelace, etc.).\n
tebusan 1 ransom. 2 compensation.\n
tebusan 1 ransom. 2 compensation.\n
(Islam) group recitation of Koran us. by taking turns, often
performed during fasting month.\n
tedas (Coll.) clear, distinct.\n
(Java) protective screen (i.e. to shield from heat). tedeng-aling-aling
s.t. used to cover up a criminal or secret act.\n
teduh 1 calm (following s.t. noisy or violent). 2 shaded, shade.\n
teduhan shade, shelter.\n
teduhan shade, shelter.\n
tedun (Java) hernia.\n
teecu (China, Lit., humble) I.\n
tefakur /tefekur/ see TAFAKUR.\n
1 bring o. self to, have the heart to. 2 do s.t. without worrying about
the consequences.\n
1 bring o. self to, have the heart to. 2 do s.t. without worrying about
the consequences.\n
tegak 1 upright, erect. 2 standing.\n
tegakan an upright clusster, a stand.\n
tegakan an upright clusster, a stand.\n
1. (Lit.) becouse. 2. /tegalan/ dry (not irrigated) field near the rice
fields but used for vegetables and other secondary crops.\n
1. (Lit.) becouse. 2. /tegalan/ dry (not irrigated) field near the rice
fields but used for vegetables and other secondary crops.\n
tegang 1 taut, tight. 2 tense, strained.\n
tegap 1 well built, strurdy. 2 steady and unshakable.\n
tegap 1 well built, strurdy. 2 steady and unshakable.\n
tegar 1. stiff, rigid. 2. see TAGAR.\n
tegar 1. stiff, rigid. 2. see TAGAR.\n
1 clear, distinct, explicit. 2 firm, resolute. tegas-nya explicity, in
other words.\n
1 clear, distinct, explicit. 2 firm, resolute. tegas-nya explicity, in
tegas other words.\n

1 clear, distinct, explicit. 2 firm, resolute. tegas-nya explicity, in

other words.\n
tegasan 1 affirmation. 2 emphasis.\n
1. (Java) capable of doing s.t. despicable. 2. /tegel, tekhel/ floor
1. (Java) capable of doing s.t. despicable. 2. /tegel, tekhel/ floor
tegelte a briquet of tea leaves.\n
teges (Jakarta) see TEGAS.\n
tegor see TEGUR.\n
teguh 1 firm, solidly made or done. 2 tenacious. 3 dependable.\n
teguh 1 firm, solidly made or done. 2 tenacious. 3 dependable.\n
teguk a swallow or gulp.\n
teguk a swallow or gulp.\n
tegun startled.\n
tegun startled.\n
tegunan astonishment.\n
tegunan astonishment.\n
expressions used to engage o. in a conversation. tegur-sapa words
used to open a conversation (greetings, etc.).\n
teguran 1 warning, reprimand. 2 greeting.\n
teguran 1 warning, reprimand. 2 greeting.\n
teguran 1 warning, reprimand. 2 greeting.\n
teguran 1 warning, reprimand. 2 greeting.\n
tea (both beverage and leaves). teh-botol bottled or packaged tea.
teh-es iced tea. teh-kotak tea to drink in cartons.\n
tehnik /tehnis/ see TEKNIK.\n
tehnikus see TEKNIKUS.\n
tehnisi see TEKNISI.\n
tehnologi see TEKNOLOGI.\n
teja yellowish sunset glow. teja-keluang brightness after a rain.\n
teji see KUDA.\n
tek see TIK 1.\n
sound of tapping. bakmi tek-tek China noodle dish sold by street
vendors who tap on their woks to attract customers.\n
teka-teki 1 riddle. teka-teki jenaka conundrum. 2 puzzle.\n
tekab [Team Khusus Anti Banditisme] special banditry team of police.\n
1 determined to do s.t. despite the consequences. 2 strong will,
1 determined to do s.t. despite the consequences. 2 strong will,
tekak (Anat.) 1 soft palate. 2 throat. 3 taste.\n
tekak (Anat.) 1 soft palate. 2 throat. 3 taste.\n
tekan 1. pressure. 2. see TEKEN 1,2.\n
tekap cover.\n
tekapan 1 over. 2 dome, cupola.\n
tekapan 1 over. 2 dome, cupola.\n
tekat tekat\n
1 k.o. homemade rifle used in the revolution. 2 (Jakarta) pregnant
out of wedlock.\n
tekebur see TAKABUR.\n
tekek see TOKE 2.\n
tekek see TOKE 2.\n
tekelek see TEKLEK.\n
1. (Coll.) 1) signature. 2) sign. 2. drawing, sketch. 3. (Jakarta) see
tekenan 1. registration for military service. 2. picture, drawing.\n
tekenan 1. registration for military service. 2. picture, drawing.\n
tekeran flint.\n
tekhnik /tekhnis/ see TEKNIK.\n
tekhnokrat see TEKNOKRAT.\n
tekhnologi see TEKNOLOGI.\n
teki k.o. grass the root of which is used in the preparation of emping.\n
tekidanto (Japanese) grenade hurler.\n
tekis (Lit.) nearly happen.\n
teklak-tekluk (Java) bobbing up and down.\n
teklek (Java) wooden clog with leather straps.\n
teknik 1 technique. 2 technology, engineering. 3 technical.\n
teknikus technician.\n
teknis technical.\n
teknis technical.\n
teknisi technician.\n
teknokrasi technocracy.\n
teknokrat technocrat.\n
teknokratis technocratic.\n
teknologi technology, engineering.\n
teknologis technological.\n
teko /tekoh/ teapot.\n
tekong see TIKUNG.\n
tekor (Coll.) show a deficit.\n
tekor (Coll.) show a deficit.\n
tekoran container made of banana or palm leaves.\n
tekosi (Coll.) tea cozy.\n
teks text. teks-pidato the text of the speech.\n
tekstil textile.\n
tekstil textile.\n
tekstur tekstur\n
tektonis (Geol.) tectonic.\n
tekuk (Jakarta) crumpled, bent up. tekuk-lutut bending of the knee.\n
tekuk (Jakarta) crumpled, bent up. tekuk-lutut bending of the knee.\n
tekukan 1 fold. 2 tool for folding.\n
tekukur large turledove.\n
tekun 1 diligent, zealous. 2 diligence.\n
tekun 1 diligent, zealous. 2 diligence.\n
tekur bend over (of head).\n
tekur bend over (of head).\n
tekwan k.o. soup with fishballs.\n
tel. [Teluk] (Geog.) bay, gulf.\n
tel. [Teluk] (Geog.) bay, gulf.\n
tela 1. (Lit.) pavilion for women in a palace complex. 2. see KETELA.\n
tela 1. (Lit.) pavilion for women in a palace complex. 2. see KETELA.\n
telaah study, research.\n
telaahan research paper.\n
telaahan research paper.\n
telabang (Lit.) k.o. shield.\n
teladan model, example.\n
teladan model, example.\n
telaga 1 lake, pond. 2 stagnant pit, well.\n
telah already (marker indicating a completed action).\n
telah already (marker indicating a completed action).\n
telak right on target, unequivocally.\n
telan swallow. telan mentah-mentah utterly defeat.\n
telan swallow. telan mentah-mentah utterly defeat.\n
telangkai matchmaker.\n
telangkup see TELUNGKUP.\n
bare, naked. telanjang-kaki barefoot. telanjang-bugil/bulat stark
bare, naked. telanjang-kaki barefoot. telanjang-bugil/bulat stark
telanjur too late (of s.t. already past and irreversible).\n
telantar neglected.\n
telap 1 cause injury (by knives, etc.). 2 vulnerable. 3 (Phys.) permeable.\n
telap 1 cause injury (by knives, etc.). 2 vulnerable. 3 (Phys.) permeable.\n
/telapakan/ 1 palm of hand, sole of foot. telapak-kuda hoof. 2 bottom
part of s.t.\n
telasih see SELASIH.\n
telat (Coll.) overdue, too late.\n
telatah o.\'s characteristic ways, gestures, movements, etc.\n
telaten 1 patient, persevering. 2 painstaking.\n
telaten 1 patient, persevering. 2 painstaking.\n
telau a spot, stain of color.\n
teledek (Java) dancing girl.\n
teledor negligent, careless.\n
teledor negligent, careless.\n
teledu k.o. a small badgerlike mammal of Sumatra.\n
telefon see TELEPON.\n
telefonis by telephone.\n
telefoniste female telephone operator.\n
telegraf see TELEGRAP.\n
telegrafis 1 telegraphy operator. 2 telegraphic.\n
telegram telegram.\n
telegram telegram.\n
telegrap telegraph.\n
telegrapis see TELEGRAFIS.\n
telek 1. (Jakarta) see TELAK. 2. /tele`k/ (Java) bird droppings.\n
telek 1. (Jakarta) see TELAK. 2. /tele`k/ (Java) bird droppings.\n
telekomunikasi telecommunications.\n
teleks telex.\n
telekung (Islam) outermost robe worn by women when praying.\n
telempap breadth of hand (a measure).\n
telempap breadth of hand (a measure).\n
telempong (M) k.o. percussion instrument.\n
telenan see TALENAN.\n
1. (Anat.) pupil (of eyes). 2. /te`le`ng/ at an angle. mata-teleng
(Sunda) cross-eyed.\n
1. (Anat.) pupil (of eyes). 2. /te`le`ng/ at an angle. mata-teleng
(Sunda) cross-eyed.\n
telengkup lie on o.\'s stomach.\n
telentang see LENTANG 2.\n
telep (Sl.) take s.t. without permission.\n
telepati telepathy.\n
telepisi see TELEVISI.\n
telepon telephone.\n

telepon telephone.\n
telepuk design printed onto cloth with gold or silver foil.\n
telepun see TELEPON.\n
1. (Med.) foul discharge from an infected ear. 2. 1) overexhausted.
2) intoxicated. 3. see ES.\n
teler-teleran get plastered, get completely drunk.\n
teler-teleran get plastered, get completely drunk.\n
teleskop telescope.\n
teletong (Java) manure, dung.\n
televisi television.\n
televisi television.\n
telik see TILIK.\n
telik see TILIK.\n
1 ear. telinga-gajah large ears. 2 ear shaped handle. telinga-panci
handle of a pan.\n
telingkah (Lit.) behavior.\n
telingkup see TELUNGKUP.\n
teliti careful, thorough.\n
teliti careful, thorough.\n
teliti careful, thorough.\n
telkom [Telekomunikasi] Telecommunications (a public corporation).\n
telop still photographs shown on television.\n
telor 1. see TELUR. 2. having a speech defect.\n
telp. [telpon] telephone.\n
telpon see TELEPON.\n
telu (Lit., Java) three.\n
teluh magical formula.\n
teluk (Geog.) bay, cove, gulf. teluk-Benggala Bay of Bengal. teluk-Iran
Persian Gulf. teluk-rantau 1 district, region. 2 river bend.\n
teluk-belanga (M) k.o. traditional tunic for men.\n
teluki see BUNGA.\n
telukup see TELUNGKUP.\n
telungkup face downward.\n
telungkup face downward.\n
telungkup face downward.\n
telunjuk index finger.\n
telunjuk index finger.\n
telunjuk index finger.\n
1 egg, roe, etc. telur-asin salted egg. telur-ceplok fried egg. telur-
dadar omelette. 2 (Biol.) ovum. 3 a grade or score of zero.\n
1 egg, roe, etc. telur-asin salted egg. telur-ceplok fried egg. telur-
dadar omelette. 2 (Biol.) ovum. 3 a grade or score of zero.\n
telut see LUT.\n
tema theme, topic.\n
temaah (M) greedy.\n
temabur scattered.\n
temadun see TAMADUN\n
temaha /temahak/ see TEMAAH.\n
temali see TALI.\n
temambah (Math.) additive.\n
friend, companion. teman-hidup life\'s companion, helpmate. teman-
sekerja colleague. teman-temin (Sl.) male and female friends.\n
friend, companion. teman-hidup life\'s companion, helpmate. teman-
sekerja colleague. teman-temin (Sl.) male and female friends.\n
temanten (Java) bride, bridegroom. temanten-baru newlyweds.\n
temara (Lit.)k.o. spear.\n
temaram dark (obscure).\n
temarang see TERANG.\n
temasa /temasya/ see TAMASYA.\n
copper. tembaga-kuning brass. tembaga-merah copper. tembaga-
perunggu bronze. tembaga-putih pewter.\n
tembak shoot at.\n
tembakan 1 shooting. 2 shot.\n
tembakan 1 shooting. 2 shot.\n
/tembako/ tobacco. tembakau-belati imported tobaco. tembakau-
tembakau kerosok dried tobacco leaf. tembakau-jawa nativegrown tobacco.
tembakau-rajangan cut tobacco. tembakau-sek shag tobacco.\n
tembam puffed-up (of face).\n
tembang sung or recited Java poetry.\n
tembekar see TEMBIKAR.\n
tembel 1. sty (in eye). 2. see TAMBAL.\n
tembelek see TELEK.\n
tembem see TEMBAM.\n
temberang garrulous, bombastic, given to boasting.\n
1 potsherd. 2 earthenware. 3 (Math.) segment. 4 outer edge,
tembesi k.o. tree yielding timber.\n
tembikai watermelon.\n
tembikar 1 glazed porcelain. ceramics, china. 2 earthenware. 3 sherds.\n
tembilang spade (for digging).\n
tembilu see SEMBILU.\n
tembilu see SEMBILU.\n

tembok masonry wall. tembok-beton concrete wall.\n

tembokan stone dam.\n
tembokan stone dam.\n
tembola k.o. game of chance, tombola.\n
tembolok 1 craw, crop. 2 (Coll.) paunch.\n
tembong (Java) spot, esp. facial birthmark.\n
tembuk see TEBUK.\n
tembung (Lit.) cudgel.\n
tembung (Lit.) cudgel.\n
tembuni (Biol.) afterbirth, placenta.\n
tembus 1 perforate. 2 emerge. 3 penetrated.\n
1 perforation, penetration. 2 throroughfare, passage, tunnel. 3 carbon
copy, esp. for forwarding to s.o.\n
1 perforation, penetration. 2 throroughfare, passage, tunnel. 3 carbon
copy, esp. for forwarding to s.o.\n
1 perforation, penetration. 2 throroughfare, passage, tunnel. 3 carbon
copy, esp. for forwarding to s.o.\n
temebar 1 (Java) spread out, dispersed. 2 dispersive.\n
temen see TEMAN.\n
temenan (Java) really, trully.\n
1 ( Lit.) title of high-ranking royal official. 2 title of regent (in
colonial period).\n
temerang see TERANG.\n
temin 1. metal band (for reinforcing a handle, etc.). 2. (Sl.) female friend.\n
teminal terminal.\n
temonuklir (Phys.) thermonuclear.\n
tempa metal handiwork.\n
tempaan s.t. made.\n
tempaan s.t. made.\n
tempah in advance.\n
tempahan an order (of some item).\n
tempang see TIMPANG.\n
tempap see TELEMPAP.\n
place, spot, location. tempat-persembunyian hideaway. tempat-abu
tempat ashtray. tempat-kelahiran place of birth. tempat-pengasingan 1
internment camp. 2 isolation ward. tempat-tinggal residen.\n
place, spot, location. tempat-persembunyian hideaway. tempat-abu
tempat ashtray. tempat-kelahiran place of birth. tempat-pengasingan 1
internment camp. 2 isolation ward. tempat-tinggal residen.\n
tempaus k.o. fragrance used in cigarettes.\n
tempawan forget, beaten.\n
tempayak maggots.\n
tempayan k.o. large water jar.\n
1 k.o. fermented soybean cake, tempeh. 2 s.t. trivial and unimportant
or low grade in quality.\n
tempel 1 adhere. 2 patch.\n
tempelak blame, reproach.\n
tempelan 1 sticker, poster. 2 attached to s.o. or s.t. 3 revenue stamp.\n
tempelan 1 sticker, poster. 2 attached to s.o. or s.t. 3 revenue stamp.\n
tempeleng slapping on the face or ears.\n
tempelengan a slap administered.\n
temperamen temperament\n
temperas (Lit.) in complete disarray.\n
temperatur temperature.\n
temperatur temperature.\n
tempias a splash, a spray.\n
tempik 1. a shout. 2. (Java) vagina.\n
tempikan a cry, a shout.\n
tempil see TAMPIL.\n
tempil see TAMPIL.\n
tempil see TAMPIL.\n
tempil see TAMPIL.\n
templekan 1 (Java) be close to e.o. 2 assembling.\n
/tempoh/ 1 time. minta-tempo ask for a delay. tempo-hari 1) the
tempo other day. 2) formerly. 2 period of time. 3 (Coll.) when. 4 tempo. 5
break, interruption.\n
/tempoh/ 1 time. minta-tempo ask for a delay. tempo-hari 1) the
tempo other day. 2) formerly. 2 period of time. 3 (Coll.) when. 4 tempo. 5
break, interruption.\n
tempohari see TEMPO.\n
tempolong cuspidor, spittoon.\n
temporer temporary.\n
tempoyak k.o. salty condiment made of fermented durian.\n
tempua weaverbird.\n
tempuhan an attack.\n
tempuhan an attack.\n
tempuling harpoon, trident.\n
tempur combat.\n
tempur combat.\n
piece of coconut shell. tempurung-kepala (Anat.) cranium, skull.
tempurung-lutut (Anat.) kneecap.\n
tempuyung k.o. medicinal plant.\n
1. wild gingger, generic term for many Curcuma species and similar
plants. temu-giring k.o. medicinal root. temu-kunci k.o. root used for
temu spice and medicine. temu-kuning / kunyit tumeric. temu-lawak k.o.
wild gingger. 2. come together.\n
1. wild gingger, generic term for many Curcuma species and similar
plants. temu-giring k.o. medicinal root. temu-kunci k.o. root used for
spice and medicine. temu-kuning / kunyit tumeric. temu-lawak k.o.
wild gingger. 2. come together.\n
temurun see TURUN.\n
temurun see TURUN.\n
1 power, energy. tenaga-atom atomic energy. tenaga-batin spiritual
power. tenaga-kuda horsepower. tenaga-listrik electric power. 2
personnel, staff, force. tenaga-ahli expert. tenaga-kerja manpower,
labor force.\n
1 power, energy. tenaga-atom atomic energy. tenaga-batin spiritual
power. tenaga-kuda horsepower. tenaga-listrik electric power. 2
personnel, staff, force. tenaga-ahli expert. tenaga-kerja manpower,
labor force.\n
tenang 1 calm, composed. 2 quiet, still.\n
tenar 1 noise. 2 well known.\n
tenda 1 tent. 2 awning. 3 top of a pedicab.\n
tendang a kick with the heel or side of the foot.\n
(Sport) kick. tendangan-pertama kick-off. tendangan-sudut corner
(Sport) kick. tendangan-pertama kick-off. tendangan-sudut corner
tendas (Lit.) decapitation.\n
tenden bid, offer.\n
tendens /tendensi/ tendency.\n
tendensius tendensius\n
tener paint thinner.\n
1. tank (container). teng-bensin gasoline tank. 2. (China) lantern. 3.
sound of a bell.\n
teng-neng sound of railway crossing warning bell.\n
tengadah gaze upward.\n
tengah 1 middle, center. 2 among, midst. 3 in the process of.\n
tengah-tengah middle.\n
tengahan tengahan\n
tengak-tengok look about repeatedly.\n
tengal (Jakarta) badly cooked, tough.\n
tengara signal, sign.\n
tengari noon.\n
tenggala a plow.\n
tenggalung k.o. civet cat.\n

tenggalung k.o. civet cat.\n

tenggalung k.o. civet cat.\n
tenggara South East.\n
tenggelam 1 sink, be under water. 2 sink below a surface, disappear.\n
tenggeran perch, roost.\n
tenggeran perch, roost.\n
tenggeret cicada.\n
tenggiling scaly anteater.\n
tenggiri Spanish mackerel. tenggiri-luding k.o. mackerel.\n
tenggok (Java, Jakarta) basket.\n
tenggorok /tenggorokan/ (Anat.) throat, larynx.\n
tengguli molasses.\n
tengik 1 rancid, pungent. 2 (Coll.) spiteful.\n
tengil 1. (Java) swell. bulge. 2. tending to be sarcastic in a hurtful way.\n
tengkalang k.o. rice storage shed on stilts.\n
tengkar dispute.\n
tengkar dispute.\n
name of several k.o. Dipterocarpaceae trees, including those which
yield illipe nuts.\n
tengkek k.o. bird.\n
tengki 1 (R.R.) tank car. 2 (gas) tank.\n
tengkoh (China) prepared opium.\n
tengkok see TENGKUK.\n
tengkorak (Anat.) skull, cranium.\n
tengku term of address and reference for certain Malay nobility.\n
tengkuk 1 nape of neck. 2 bunch (of bananas). 3 stalk of rice.\n
tengkulak broker, middleman.\n
tengkuluk headcloth, turban.\n
tengkurap lying flat on o.\'s stomach.\n
tengkuyung k.o. mollusk.\n
tenglang (China) a Chinese person.\n
tengloleng tengloleng\n
1. k.o. chewy sweet confection. tengteng-gepuk k.o. sweet made
tengteng with peanuts and sugar. tengteng-jahe confection with gingger.
tengteng-kacang k.o. peanut brittle. 2. see TENTENG 1.\n
tengu k.o. tiny mite or bug.\n
tenis /tennis/ tennis. tenis-meja ping-pong, table tennis.\n
tenis /tennis/ tennis. tenis-meja ping-pong, table tennis.\n
tenong large, convered container to carry food in.\n
tenor tenor.\n
tensi (Med.) 1 tension. 2 blood pressure.\n
tensimeter device to measure blood pressure.\n
tensimeter device to measure blood pressure.\n
tentamen (Acad.) preliminary examinations.\n
1 place directly opposite, facing, or above. 2 exactly at or on. 3
1 place directly opposite, facing, or above. 2 exactly at or on. 3
tentara (Mil.) army.\n
1. /tentengan/ things carried in the hand, carry-on luggage. 2 see
tentera see TENTARA.\n
tenteram quiet, peaceful.\n
tenteram quiet, peaceful.\n
tentir 1 tutorial. 2 preliminary exam.\n
tentram /tentrem/ see TENTERAM.\n
tentu 1 fixed, definite.2 sure, certain. tentu-nya certainly. of course.\n
tentu 1 fixed, definite.2 sure, certain. tentu-nya certainly. of course.\n
tentu 1 fixed, definite.2 sure, certain. tentu-nya certainly. of course.\n
tentu 1 fixed, definite.2 sure, certain. tentu-nya certainly. of course.\n
tenuk k.o. tapir.\n
tenun weaving affairs. tukang-tenun weaver. kain-tenun woven cloth.\n
tenunan fabric, woven product.\n
tenunan fabric, woven product.\n
tenunan fabric, woven product.\n
1 fortune-telling. 2 horoscope. 3 enchantment, wizardry or
tenungan fortune-telling.\n
teodolit (Tech.) theodolite.\n
teokrasi theocracy.\n
teolog theologian.\n
teologi /teologia/ theology.\n
teologis theological.\n
teorem (Math.) theorem.\n
teoretikus theoretician.\n
teoretis theoretical.\n
teoretis theoretical.\n
teoretisi theoretician.\n
teori theory.\n
teori theory.\n
teoris theorist.\n
teorisasi theorizing.\n
teoritikus see TEORETIKUS.\n
teoritisi see TEORETISI.\n
teosof theosopher.\n
teosofi theosophy.\n
tep 1. see TIP 1. 2. see TIK 1.\n
(Java) principle of putting o.s. in an other\'s place, i.e. not doing s.t.
o. would not want done to o.s.\n
1. a light slap. 2. /te`pak/ betel box. te`pak-rokok cigarette case.
te`pak-tembakau tobacco pouch.\n
tepakan slap.\n
tepakan slap.\n
tepakan slap.\n
1. bamboo wickerworks (used as railing, wall, etc.). 2. (Java, Sunda)
veranda, porch.\n
1. bamboo wickerworks (used as railing, wall, etc.). 2. (Java, Sunda)
veranda, porch.\n
tepat 1 exact, precise. 2 appropriate.\n
tepatan 1 destination. 2 aim, purpose.\n
tepatan 1 destination. 2 aim, purpose.\n
tepaut difference between two quantities, time between two events.\n
tepdek tape dect.\n
tepek numerel classifier for thin, sticky objects.\n
tepekong (China) idol.\n
tepekur see TAFAKUR.\n
teperling glitter.\n
tepi side, edge, periphery.\n
tepian 1 edge, border, hem. 2 bathing place by the riverbank.\n
tepian 1 edge, border, hem. 2 bathing place by the riverbank.\n
tepian 1 edge, border, hem. 2 bathing place by the riverbank.\n
tepo-sliro see TEPA-SLIRA.\n
tepok 1. worn-out, run-down. 2. see TEPUK. 3. /te`pok/ lame.\n
tepos tepos\n
tepuk light blow.\n
tepukan 1 clapping, applause. 2 beater.\n
tepukan 1 clapping, applause. 2 beater.\n
1 flour, esp. rice flour. 2 powder. tepung-terigu wheat flour. tepung-
tepung kanji cornstarch. tepung-ragi baking powder. tepung-beras pulverize
1 flour, esp. rice flour. 2 powder. tepung-terigu wheat flour. tepung-
tepung kanji cornstarch. tepung-ragi baking powder. tepung-beras pulverize
ter 1. tar. 2. seeTIR 1.\n
ter- ter-\n
tera official seal.\n
teraan 1 seal. 2 imprint.\n
teraan 1 seal. 2 imprint.\n
terabaikan slighted, ignored.\n
terabasan shortcut.\n
teracung pointed outward.\n
terada see TIADA.\n
terajang see TERJANG.\n
teraju (Lit.) a balance, pair of scales.\n
slag, cinder. terak-api cinders. terak-dapur kitchen rubbish. terak-
nasi hard crust adhering to the rice pot.\n
terakhir 1 latest. 2 last. 3 ultimate.\n
terali latticework, bars (of window), trellis.\n
teralih inadvertently shifted.\n
teraling k.o. bird.\n
teram-temeram (Lit.) overcast.\n
teramat very.\n
terampil see TRAMPIL.\n
terampunkan terampunkan\n
terancam threatened, in danger.\n
1 clear, bright. terang-bulan 1) moonlight. 2) k.o. pancake with
peanuts and other ingredients. 2 evident.\n
1 clear, bright. terang-bulan 1) moonlight. 2) k.o. pancake with
peanuts and other ingredients. 2 evident.\n
terang-bulan 1 moonlight. 2 k.o. pancake with peanuts and other ingredients.\n
terang-terangan frank, open, blunt.\n
terangguk-angguk 1 uncontrollably nod. 2 toss and pitch (of a boat).\n
terangkat terangkat\n
teraniaya molested, mistreated.\n
terantuk accidentally bump into.\n
1. k.o. tree, the bark of which is used in making bark cloth. 2.
arraging, applying. 3. groove along blade of kris. 4. see TIARAP.\n
terapan 1. applied. 2. inlayed design.\n
terapan 1. applied. 2. inlayed design.\n
terapeutik /terapeutis/ therapeutic.\n
terapi therapy.\n
terapis therapist.\n
terarah aimed, directed, guided.\n
1. 1) (Biol.) hard core of certain trees, xylem. 2) essence, nucleus. 3)
principal element, elite. 2. /te`ras/ porch, terrace.\n
terasa 1 felt. 2 feel ( of a part of the body).\n
condiment made from pounded and fermented shrimp or small
teratai k.o. lotus.\n
teratak shed, temporary hut.\n
terawangan s.t. full of holes.\n
terawangan s.t. full of holes.\n
terawat be well taken care of.\n
teraweh /terawih/ see TARAWEH.\n
terbalas 1.answer,reply 2.response 3.revenger 4.reprisal,retaliation.\n
terban collapse (dam, riverbank).\n
1. 1) fly. 2) disappear. 3) rapidly ascending. 2. (Java) k.o.
1. 1) fly. 2) disappear. 3) rapidly ascending. 2. (Java) k.o.
1 brought , taken along (accidentally). 2 involved. 3 because
of,influenced by.\n
terbayang 1 be visible 2 be imagined .\n
terbelangah 1 agape (of mouth). 2 ajar (of door).\n
1. 1) announced. 2) leaked out, come to light (of secret). 2. (in some
region only) papaya.\n
terbirit - birit 1 helter-skelter, hurriedly (scramble). 2 suffer from slight diarrhea.\n
terbis terbis\n
terbit 1 rise, emerge. 2 arise, well up. 3 appear, come out.\n
terbitan 1 publication. 2 edition, issue.\n
terbitan 1 publication. 2 edition, issue.\n
terbudur prominent, protruding (of eyes).\n
terbus a fez.\n
terbut large bolt, stud.\n
tereak see TERIAK.\n
terem 1. see TREM. 2. see TIRAM.\n
terenung lost in reverie.\n
tergegap- gegap haltingly, falteringly (in speaking).\n
tergerus scraped, rubbed down.\n
tergoyah shakable.\n
tergunting accidentally cut.\n
terhadap 1 about, concerning. 2 to, toward.\n
terhapus vanished, disappeared.\n
terhenti 1 stopped, halted. 2 broken off.\n
terheran-heran greatly amazed, astonished.\n

terhibur consoled, comforted.\n

terhimpit 1 weighed down. 2 wedged in. 3 be in a tight spot, be in a jam.\n
terhimpun collected, assembled.\n
terhukum 1 sentenced 2 punished .\n
teri 1 k.o. tiny sea fish. 2 of small importance.\n
teriak 1 a scream. 2 yell s.t., shout s.t. teriak-an scream, shout.\n
teriak 1 a scream. 2 yell s.t., shout s.t. teriak-an scream, shout.\n
teriakan scream, shout.\n
terigu wheat.\n
terigu wheat.\n
terik 1. 1) extreme, intense. 2) intenseness. 2. fried spiced beef.\n
acceptance. terima-jadi ready for occupancy, use, etc. (of house,
manufactured product, etc.). terima-kasih thank you.\n
acceptance. terima-jadi ready for occupancy, use, etc. (of house,
manufactured product, etc.). terima-kasih thank you.\n
terinjak - injak 1.trampled upon 2.ignored disregarded.\n
teripang sea cucumber, sea slug.\n
teristimewa 1 special,extraordinary 2 most special,in particular .\n
teritip k.o. barnacle.\n
teritip k.o. barnacle.\n
/teritisan/ covered passageway (under eaves of house, within covered
bridge, etc.).\n
teritor territory.\n
teritorial territorial.\n
teritorium territory.\n
terjadi 1 happen,occur, take palace 2 consist.\n
terjajaki probed, sounded out.\n
terjal steep, sheer.\n
terjang thrust with part of body, kick the feet, attack, lunge.\n
terjangan lunge.\n
terjangan lunge.\n
terjangkau 1 achieved, reached. 2 achievable.\n
1 conatminated, infected, smitten by (virus, germ, disease). 2 smitten
1 step or drive into a hole or ditch. 2 cheated, fooled, tricked. 3
thrown into prison.\n
terjela dangling.\n
terjemah (Islam) translation of the Koran.\n
terjemahan translation.\n

1 fall on o.\'s face. 2 plunged into misery, sin, etc. 3 fall into a trap,
terjun 1 jump down. 2 enter a field of study or activity.\n
terjun 1 jump down. 2 enter a field of study or activity.\n
terjun 1 jump down. 2 enter a field of study or activity.\n
terka a guess, conjecture.\n
terkaan guess, conjecture, supposition.\n
terkadang see KADANG 1.\n
terkam springing leap of a predator.\n
terkaman 1 a pounce. 2 grip of a predator.\n
terkandas beached,stranded.\n
terkatakan can be expressed.\n
terkatung - katung 1 float. 2 drift, be uncertain, hover.\n
terkelik make a gurgling sound (of the stomach).\n
terkemuka terkemuka\n
terkemut 1 throb, beat (of pulse). 2 stagger.\n
terkendali restrained\n
terkepung 1 surrounded, encircled. 2 beleaguered.\n
terkilir be sprained.\n
terkiprah take action or steps.\n
terkiwir-kiwir 1 hang and flap loosely. 2 be made to fall hopelessly in love.\n
terkocak 1 shaken. 2 troubled.\n
terkocoh - kocoh hurriedly, in a hurry.\n
terkun (dokter dukun) doctor practicing traditional folk medicine.\n
terkunci be locked.\n
terlaksana carried out.\n
terlalu too, exceedingly, very.\n
terlampau too, very much so.\n
terlanting 1 thrown, tossed. 2 no longer useful, useless.\n
terlecah 1 get stuck in the mud. 2 get a bad name.\n
terlempar tossed aside, flung.\n
terlengar unconscious, a faint (from a blow).\n
terlihat 1 seen. 2 visible.\n
terlingkup 1.covered,veiled (of head ) 2.included,embraced.\n
terliput 1 covered, enveloped, surrounded. 2 overwhelmed.\n
terlonjak 1 jump up suddenly. 2 jump (with joy).\n
terlunta-lunta be in constant dissiculty, suffer constantly.\n
terlupakan forgotten accidentally.\n
termala suffering, languishing.\n
termangu-mangu 1 confused, dazed. 2 taken aback, speechless. 3 thoughtful.\n
termasuk included, counted, belonging to.\n
termasyhur well-known, famous.\n
termegah-megah huff and puff, out of breath.\n
termik termik\n
terminologi terminology.\n
termis thermal.\n
termit termite.\n
termodinamika (Phys.) thermodynamics.\n
termometer termometer\n
termos thermos bottle.\n
ternak livestock. ternak-potong beef cattle.\n
ternang (Lit.)jug.\n
ternang (Lit.)jug.\n
ternganga 1 open, agape. 2 amazed, flabber gasted.\n
terngungu make such noises.\n
ternilai be estimated, given a value.\n
terobatkan 1 treated s.t. medically. 2 comforted, tempered.\n
terobosan penetration.\n
teromel see TROMEL.\n
teromok pleasingly plump.\n
teromok pleasingly plump.\n
teromol see TROMEL.\n
terompah k.o. rough wooden or leather clog.\n
terompet trumpet, bugle.\n
terong see TERUNG.\n
teropong 1 telescope, binoculars. 2 tube.\n
teror terror.\n
teror terror.\n
teroris terrorist.\n
terorisme terrorism.\n
terowongan tunnel.\n
terpaan attack.\n
terpacul extracted.\n
terpadamkan extinguishable.\n
terpakai 1 used (up). 2 canceled, void (passport, visa, etc.). 3 applied.\n
terpal tarpaulin, canvas.\n
terpampang put up, spread out.\n
terpana 1 stupified, stunned. 2 stunned, impressed.\n
terpancar radiated, emitted.\n
terpandang 1 visible. 2 spot, catch sight of 3 esteemed, highly regarded.\n
terpanting 1 dart away. 2 fall with thud.\n
terpapas cut off or aut.\n
terpasah land, end up being s.w. plane (wood).\n
terpaut see TEPAUT.\n
terpecik arise.\n
terpedo see TORPEDO.\n
terpekur see TAFAKUR.\n
terpelajar 1 educated, learned. 2 intellectual.\n
terpelanting 1 darted off. 2 shot away. 3 fall with thud.\n
terpelecok sprained.\n
terpelencit 1 being pressed. 2 be projected by being filiped.\n
terpelengak (Jakarta) surprised.\n
terpelesat dart away.\n
terpelosot 1 fall down. 2 go down in price.\n
terpendam 1 hidden, buried. 2 held in the heart.\n
terpenjak 1. starled. 2. glow.\n
terpental flung away.\n
terpenten turpentine.\n
terpenting of paramount importance.\n
terpepet cornered, trapped.\n
terperangah be agape with surprise.\n
terperanjak fall on o.\'s behind.\n
terperanjat starled, surprised.\n
terpereh-pereh be overly meticulous.\n
terperonyok crushed, crumpled.\n
terperosok sink in, slip into.\n
terperuk collapsed, given away.\n
terpesong 1 go off course. 2 miss the target.\n
terpetik be picked up.\n
terpica careless, negligent.\n
terpikir come to o.\'s mind.\n
terpilih 1 elected. 2 selected.\n
terpingkel-pingkel double up with laughter.\n
terpisah 1 separate (table room). 2 get separated accidentally.\n
terpukau 1 stunned. 2 mesmerized.\n
terpulang be left up to s.o. else, be thrown back in o.\'s court.\n
terpuruk be hidden, buried.\n
tersaruk-saruk with the noise of dragging feet.\n
tersasar tersasar\n
tersaur get caught on, stumble.\n
tersebar spread, scattered., dispersed.\n
tersebut 1 mentioned. 2 talked about.\n
tersedak choke, swallow the wrong way.\n
tersedia on hand, available.\n
tersedot sucked up.\n
tersier tertiary.\n
tersiksa tortured.\n
tersilang crossed.\n
tersilap tersilap\n
tersimbah drenched, spattered.\n
tersimpul 1 knotted. 2 implied, included\n
tersinggung offended.\n
tersingkap opened, disclosed.\n
tersingkirkan be shoved aside by s.t.\n
tersipu-sipu 1 embarrassed, shy, bashful. 2 in a hurry.\n
tersiram get s.t. splashed on it.\n
1 tersirap-darah suddenly starled and terified, scared to death. 2
tersirat 1 knotted. 2 implied, implicit.\n
tersisa left (ever).\n
tersisih isolated, set apart, ignored.\n
tersisihkan (Sport) eliminated.\n
tersisip 1 inserted. 2 implied, interpolated.\n
tersisir combed.\n
tersita confiscated.\n
tersobek torn.\n
tersohor famous.\n
tersomplok be trapped.\n
tersontak 1 all of a sudden. 2 shocked.\n
tersorong 1 put or slid for ward. 2 forced, pushed into doing.\n
tersorot gaze, look at, be directed to (eyes).\n
tersudu nipped by a duck or goose.\n
tersudut pushed in a corner, cornered.\n
tersuji be embroidered in or on.\n
tersulam embroidered\n
tersulut lit, set afire.\n
tersumbat stepped up, gagged, clogged up.\n
tersumpal clogged, stopped up.\n
tersundak bump accidentally.\n
tersungging 1 pointed. 2 faint, forced (of a smile).\n
tersungkur fall head first.\n
tersunjam with head downward, head first.\n
tersurak hidden (away).\n
tersurat 1 written. 2 destined, fated, written in the palms of o.\'s hand.\n
tersurat 1 written. 2 destined, fated, written in the palms of o.\'s hand.\n
tersurut 1 retired. 2 diminished.\n
tersusul be caught up with.\n
tersusun 1 arranged in orderly fashion. 2 composed formed, compiled.\n
tertabrak accidentally crashed into.\n
tertabung put into savings.\n
tertagih collected.\n
tertahan 1 endured. 2 detained, impeded.\n
1 repeatedly restrained. 2 repeatedly break down (of car). 3 faltering
(of speech, o.\'s breath, etc.).\n
tertahankan 1 checked, restrained. 2 endured.\n
tertakung accumulated (of liquids).\n
tertakung accumulated (of liquids).\n
tertakup be closed firmly (of two symmetrical things).\n
tertalah-talah hastily, hurriedly.\n
tertambah 1 in advertenly added. 2 augmented.\n
tertambang mined.\n
tertambat tethered, tied up.\n
tertampak visible.\n
tertampung accommodated.\n
tertampung accommodated.\n
tertanam planted, buried.\n
tertancap embedded, stuck.\n
tertanda marked, signed.\n
tertandingi can be matched.\n
tertanggal dated.\n
tertanggung endured, borne.\n
tertanggungkan endured, bearable.\n
tertangkap get caught.\n
tertangkis repulsed, parried.\n
tertangkup 1 closed. 2 laid face down.\n
tertarik 1 extracted. 2 attracted, interested.\n
tertarik-tarik be dragged along in an erratic way.\n
tertarung stumbled on s.t.\n
tertatih-tatih wobbly.\n
tertatu wounded.\n
tertawa laugh.\n
tertawaan object of ridicule.\n
tertawan 1 interned. 2 captivated.\n
tertebak 1 guessable. 2 be guessed.\n
1 starled to the point standing still a moment, stupefied. 2 stop
tertegun-tegun keep stopping.\n
tertekan suppressed, oppressed.\n
tertekuk folded.\n
tertekur be bowed (of the head).\n
tertelan 1 swallowed accidentally. 2 swallowed up, consumed.\n
tertelanjangi found out (of an evil practice), be laid bare.\n
terteliti be examined.\n

tertelungkup flat on o.s. face.\n

tertembak 1 shot. 2 struck (as if by a projectile).\n
tertembus perforated, pierced.\n
tertempa forged.\n
tertempakan malleable.\n
tertempati be occupied.\n
tertempel stuck, attached.\n
tertendang kicked.\n
tertentang contradicted.\n
tertentu 1 certain, sure. 2 certain, s.t. or s.o. specific but unnamed.\n
tertepis warded off.\n
tertera 1 officially stamped. 2 printed.\n
tertib 1 order. 2 ceremony. 3 orderly, correct.\n
tertib 1 order. 2 ceremony. 3 orderly, correct.\n
tertidur fall asleep.\n
tertikam stabbed.\n
tertimbun 1 heaped up. 2 buried under, covered with.\n
tertimpa struck down.\n
tertindih be pinned under.\n
tertinggal left behind.\n
tertinggi highest, supreme, top-level.\n
tertingkar surrounded.\n
tertinju be accidentally struck with the fist.\n
tertipu cheated. tricked.\n
tertiup blown.\n
tertolong 1 helped. 2 can be helped.\n
tertombak speared.\n
tertonjol 1 pushed or thrust forward. 2 conspicuous.\n
tertua oldest.\n
tertuang poured forth.\n
tertubruk 1 slammed into. 2 struck, run over.\n
tertudung covered.\n
tertuju directed.\n
tertukar get accidently exchanged.\n
tertulang 1 feel to the marrow. 2 down to skin and bones.\n
tertulis written.\n
1 accidentally made to collide. 2 pounded. 3 light on s.t. (of eyes,
gaze, etc.).\n
tertumpah 1 spilled, shed. 2 be concentrated on.\n
tertumpang included.\n
tertumpat crammed, stuffed.\n
tertumpu concentrated on.\n
tertumpuk 1 pilled up. 2 hoarded.\n
tertuna hurt.\n
tertunda delayed.\n
tertungging be in a position with rear end up.\n
tertungkup in a face downward position.\n
tertunu get burnt or roasted.\n
tertusuk get stabbed.\n
tertutuk struck, knocked.\n
1 shut, closed. 2 locked, secured. 3 reclusive, closed (of o.\'s
personality or feelings). 4 closed off, not available.\n
terubah changed.\n
terubuk k.o. fish with highly prized roe.\n
terucap have been pronounced.\n
terucapkan 1 mentionable. 2 happen to be uttered.\n
teruf see TERUP.\n
teruji put to a test.\n
teruk (Lit.) extreme, excessive.\n
terukir carved.\n
terukur measured. measurable.\n
terulang repeated, repeatable.\n
terulur 1 stretched out. 2 protruding, projecting.\n
terum see DERUM 2.\n
terumbai-umbai dangling, swinging.\n
terumbu ridge of rock exposed at low tide.\n
teruna 1 youth, youthful. 2 (Mil.) cadet.\n
terundi drawn (of lots, etc.0.\n
terung eggplant.\n
terunggul most superior.\n
terungkap 1 expressed, pronounced. 2 revealed (of a secret).\n
terungkit get pried up, opened up (of secrets, problems, etc.).\n
terungku (Lit.) prison.\n
teruntir sprained.\n
teruntuk intended for, destined for.\n
terup (Crd.) 1 trump. 2 k.o. game similar to whist or bridge.\n
terurai hang loosely.\n
terurus organized, taken care of, looked after.\n
1 straight, direct. 2 straight away, immediately. 3 continue, keep on.
4 (Coll.) then, next.\n
terusan 1 continuation, sequel. 2 canal, channel.\n
terusan 1 continuation, sequel. 2 canal, channel.\n
terusi verdigris, copper sulfate.\n
terusik be disturbed.\n
terusir evicted, driven out.\n
terusut investigate.\n
1 superior, best. 2 especially, particularly. 3 most important.
terutama-nya especially.\n
terwakil be represented.\n
terwedar 1 dsclosed. 2 be let down.\n
terwelu (Java) hare.\n
terwujud materialized.\n
tes (Coll.) a test.\n
tesaurus thesaurus.\n
tesi (China) teaspoon.\n
tesis thesis.\n
tesmak (Coll.) glasses, spectacles.\n
testamen /testament/ will, testament.\n
tetabuhan music with percussion to accompany dancing.\n
tetabuhan music with percussion to accompany dancing.\n
tetak 1 chop, hack. 2 circumcized.\n
tetakan 1 a chopping blow. 2 a notch from hacking. 3 (Java) circumcise.\n
tetakan 1 a chopping blow. 2 a notch from hacking. 3 (Java) circumcise.\n
tetampah sieve, winnowing basket.\n
tetamu (Lit.) guest.\n
tetanaman crops.\n
tetangga neighbor.\n
tetanus tetanus.\n
tetap 1 permanent, constant. 2 settled, decided. 3 persistent, unchanged.\n
tetapan (Math., Tech.) a constant.\n
tetapan (Math., Tech.) a constant.\n
tetapan (Math., Tech.) a constant.\n
tetapi but, yet. /tetapi-tetapian/ (Coll.) ands, ifs, or buts.\n
tetarub (Java) stage with decorations (of leaves, papers, and fruits).\n
tetasan s.t. hatched.\n
tetek teat.\n
tetek teat.\n
tetek-bengek trivial matters and details of various kinds.\n
tetel (Java) glutinous rice steamed in coconut milk.\n
tetelan (Java) bones with a bit of adhering meat.\n
tetelo a poultry disease, Newcastle disease.\n
tetelo a poultry disease, Newcastle disease.\n
tetes 1 drop. 2 (Java) molasses.\n
tetesan drop.\n
tetirah (Java) go s.w. for a cure.\n
tetoron k.o. synthetic material.\n

tetua 1. (Jakarta) moles, age spots. 2. elder, head.\n

tetuang (Lit.) bamboo wind instrument.\n
tetuduh accused.\n
tetumbuhan all k.o. plants.\n
teuku /Tengku/(teku, tengku) title of leader in Aceh.\n
teve 1. (Coll.) television. 2. (tweede vrouw) (Coll.) 2d wife, ministress.\n
tewas 1 killed in action, slain. 2 lose. 3 (Lit.) defect, flaw.\n
tewas 1 killed in action, slain. 2 lose. 3 (Lit.) defect, flaw.\n
tewel (Java) unripe jackfruit.\n
teyol (Java) exhausted.\n
tg. [Tanjung] (Geog.) cape.\n
tgk. [Tengku] a title of certain nobility.\n
tgk. [Tengku] a title of certain nobility.\n
tgl. [tanggal] calender date.\n
th. [tahun] year.\n
thd. /thdp./ [terhadap] toward, with regard to.\n
thema see TEMA.\n
theologi /theologia, theologis/ seeTEOLOGI, TEOLOGIS.\n
therapi see TERAPI.\n
therapis seeTERAPIS.\n
thian /tian/ (China) heaven, God.\n
thn. [tahun] year.\n
thok /tok/ (Java) only, so much and not a bit more.\n
thp. [terhadap] toward, to.\n
1. [Tunjangan Hari Raya] bonus received near holidays. 2. [Taman
Hiburan Rakyat] publik recreation and enterainment park.\n
tht THT\n
tht THT\n
tiada not, not existing\n
tiada not, not existing\n
tian [Anat] womb.\n
1 pole, post, mast. tiang-bendera flagpole. tiang-pagar fence post.
tiang-kapal ship\'s mast. tiang-agung (Naut) main mast. tiang-
gantungan gallows. tiang-salib a cross. 2 s.t. essential in an
endeavor. tiang-keluarga backbone of the family.\n
1 pole, post, mast. tiang-bendera flagpole. tiang-pagar fence post.
tiang-kapal ship\'s mast. tiang-agung (Naut) main mast. tiang-
gantungan gallows. tiang-salib a cross. 2 s.t. essential in an
endeavor. tiang-keluarga backbone of the family.\n
1 pole, post, mast. tiang-bendera flagpole. tiang-pagar fence post.
tiang-kapal ship\'s mast. tiang-agung (Naut) main mast. tiang-
tiang gantungan gallows. tiang-salib a cross. 2 s.t. essential in an
endeavor. tiang-keluarga backbone of the family.\n

1. 1) every. each. 2) each time. 2. 1) ( China) dosage. 2) key money

(to enable o. to rent quarters).\n
tiarap face downward.\n
tiarap face downward.\n
tiba arrive.\n
tiba-tiba suddenly, unexpectedly.\n
tiba-tiba suddenly, unexpectedly.\n
tiban see DUKUN.\n
tibum [Ketertiban Umum] Public Order.\n
ticket ticket (us. for transportation but not entertainment).\n
tidak no, not.\n
tidak-tidak nonsens\n
tidak-tidak nonsens\n
tidur 1 sleep. 2 slumber, sleep.\n
tidur 1 sleep. 2 slumber, sleep.\n
tifa k.o. drum in East Indonesia.\n
tiga three.\n
tiga three.\n
tiga three.\n
tijak (M) step on, tread on.\n
tik see KETIK.\n
tika-tika skein of yarn.\n
tikai difference.\n
tikai difference.\n
1 wound s.o. by stabbing *(us. overhanded). 2 sword or knife
tikaman 1 a stab, thrust, jab. 2 stake in gambling. 3 cutting (of wind).\n
tikaman 1 a stab, thrust, jab. 2 stake in gambling. 3 cutting (of wind).\n
tikar a plaited mat.\n
tikas tikas\n
tikpi (China) trident.\n
tiktak sound of a clock, ticktock.\n
tikungan a bend in the road.\n
tikungan a bend in the road.\n
mouse, rat. tikus-percobaan experimental mouse. tikus-belanda
tikus guniea pig. tikus-kesturi musk shrew. tikus-mondok mole. tikus-
tanah field mouse.\n
tilam s.t. to sleep on (mat, blanket, but esp. mattress).\n

tilam s.t. to sleep on (mat, blanket, but esp. mattress).\n

tilang [bukti pelanggaran] traffic ticket.\n
tilas (Java) trace.\n
tilawat (Islam) recitation of the Koran.\n
tilawat (Islam) recitation of the Koran.\n
tilawatil /tilawatul/ (Islam) recitation of the Koran.\n
tilawatil /tilawatul/ (Islam) recitation of the Koran.\n
tilem-timbul up and down.\n
tilgram see TELEGRAM.\n
tilgrap see TELEGRAP.\n
tilia lime tree.\n
tilik 1 glance at s.t. (often with supernatural conotation). 2 visit s.o.\n
tilikan 1 prediction. 2 examination, observation. 3 control, supervision.\n
tilikan 1 prediction. 2 examination, observation. 3 control, supervision.\n
tilp. [tilpon] telephone.\n
tilpon see TELEPON.\n
[Taman Ismail Marzuki] Ismail Marzuki Cultural Center in
[Taman Ismail Marzuki] Ismail Marzuki Cultural Center in
[Taman Ismail Marzuki] Ismail Marzuki Cultural Center in
tin, lead. timah-daun tin foil. timah-hitam lead. timah-putih tin.
timah-wurung bismuth.\n
1. rock (a child) in o\'s arms or a cradle. 2. 1) (Lit.) test the balance
timang of s.t. by shifting it in o.\'s hand. 2) observe by holding in the hand.
3) consider an issue carefully.\n
timang-timangan repeated rocking motion.\n
timangan timangan\n
timba pail, bucket, dipper.\n
timba pail, bucket, dipper.\n
timbal 1. balancing. 2 see TIMBEL.\n
timbal-balik on both sides.\n
timbalan (counter) balance.\n
timbalan (counter) balance.\n
1. weighing. timbang-rasa symphaty, consideration of other\'s
feelings. timbang-terima transfer. 2. see KETIMBANG.\n
1. weighing. timbang-rasa symphaty, consideration of other\'s
feelings. timbang-terima transfer. 2. see KETIMBANG.\n
1 pair of scales, weights. 2 opinion, criticism, judgment. 3 equal. 4
rather than.\n
timbel 1 (Java) lead (metal) . 2 weight on a scale.\n
timbel 1 (Java) lead (metal) . 2 weight on a scale.\n
timbil sty in eye. timbilan (Coll.) suffer from a sty.\n
timbrungan interference.\n
timbrungan interference.\n
timbrungan interference.\n
timbul 1 float to the surface, emerge. 2 appear.\n
timbul-tenggelam 1 rise and sink. 2 be heavily in debt. 3 unsure.\n
timbun /timbunan/ heap, pile.\n
timbun /timbunan/ heap, pile.\n
timor the island of Timor.\n
timpa (Jakarta) punch s.t. timpaan befalling of, s.t. which pins down.\n
timpa (Jakarta) punch s.t. timpaan befalling of, s.t. which pins down.\n
timpal see TIMBAL 1.\n
timpang unstable, unbalanced.\n
timpang unstable, unbalanced.\n
timpas dried up.\n
timpuh see SIMPUH.\n
timpukan a throw.\n
timpus tapering.\n
timteng [Timur Tengah] Middle East.\n
timtim [Timor-Timur] East Timor.\n
timun see MENTIMUN.\n
timung traditional herbal bath of Kalimantan.\n
timur east.\n
tinambah (Math.) addend.\n
act, action. tindak-balas reaction. tindak-pidana criminal act. tindak-
tanduk behavior, conduct.\n
tindakan 1 measure, step. 2 action.\n
tindakan 1 measure, step. 2 action.\n
tindasan 1 oppression. 2 carbon copy.\n
tindih overlapping.\n
tindihan 1 pressure. 2 oppression.\n
tindihan 1 pressure. 2 oppression.\n
tindis see TINDIH.\n
tinebar (Phys.) dispersoid.\n
ting 1. sound of a light metallic ring. 2. (Java) lantern.\n
ting-tong sound of repeated, varied mettalic ringing.\n
1 live, stay. 2 remain, keep, stay. 3 be left, remaining. 4 all that is
left, all that remains. 5 except. 6 leave (in set phrases).\n
1 live, stay. 2 remain, keep, stay. 3 be left, remaining. 4 all that is
left, all that remains. 5 except. 6 leave (in set phrases).\n

(M) k.o. conjuration which causes death by pierching o.\'s likeness

with a stinger from a ray fish.\n
tinggi 1 high, tall. tinggi-hati 1) proud, boasful. 2) conceited. 2 advanced.\n
tinggi 1 high, tall. tinggi-hati 1) proud, boasful. 2) conceited. 2 advanced.\n
tinggir see TENGGER.\n
tinggir see TENGGER.\n
tingkah 1. 1) behavior, action. 2) caprice, whim. 2. k.o. drum.\n
tingkahan musical accompaniment.\n
tingkahan musical accompaniment.\n
tingkal borax.\n
tingkalak (M) k.o. fish trap.\n
tingkap 1 (Lit.) window. 2 blinds.\n
tingkapan small window.\n
tingkapan small window.\n
tingkat 1 floor, story. 2 rung, step. 3 level, degree. 4 phase.\n
tingkat 1 floor, story. 2 rung, step. 3 level, degree. 4 phase.\n
tingkatan 1 floor, story. 2 class, level, standard. 3 stage, phase.\n
(Java) traditional ceremony held for a woman seven months
tingting tingting\n
[ngelinting dewe] 1 roll o.\'s own cigarette. 2 cigarettes rolled by
tinja 1 feces, excrement. 2 ewage. bak-tinja cesspool.\n
tinjak stride, step.\n
tinjak stride, step.\n
tinjak stride, step.\n
tinjak stride, step.\n
tinjauan 1 observation. 2 contemplation, consderation.\n
tinju 1 fist. 2 (Sport) boxing.\n
tinju 1 fist. 2 (Sport) boxing.\n
tinta ink.\n
tionggoan (China) (ancient) China.\n
Chinese. Tionghoa-peranakan Chinese of mixed Inodnesian descent.
Tionghoa-totok Chinese with no Indonesian ancestral backround.\n
tiongkok China.\n
1. monetary remuneration. 2. tape recorder. 3. a bit of information. 4.
adhesive tape. 5. see KETIK.\n
tipak (M) portion, quota, allotment.\n
tipar (Jakarta) dry rice field.\n
tipe type, kind.\n
tipes (Med.) typhus.\n
tipi seeTEVE 1.\n
tipifikasi typification.\n
tipikal typical.\n
tipis 1. 1) thin. 2) slight, very small. 3) fine (of thread). 2. see TYPiS.\n
tipis 1. 1) thin. 2) slight, very small. 3) fine (of thread). 2. see TYPiS.\n
tipografi typography.\n
tipografis typographical.\n
tipologi typology.\n
tipologis typological.\n
/tip ek/ white out, white correction fluid. tipp-ex-an s.t. which has
been corrected with white-out.\n
/tip ek/ white out, white correction fluid. tipp-ex-an s.t. which has
been corrected with white-out.\n
tipu trick, deceit, fraud.\n
tipuan 1 deceit, swindle. 2 sham.\n
tir 1. (Che.) rook, castle. 2. see TER 1.\n
tir 1. (Che.) rook, castle. 2. see TER 1.\n
1 curtain, blinds. tirai-bantal pillow fringe. tirai-kelambu mosquito
net. 2 partition, screen. 3 backdrop.\n
(Java) do s.t. ascetic (fast, etc.) in order to fulfill a wish or
commemorate an event.\n
tirakatan jointly perform some ascetic act to achieve or commemorate s.t.\n
tiram oyster.\n
tiran tyrant.\n
tirani tyranny.\n
tiras (Lit.) unraveled thread.\n
tirau (M) gnome.\n
step-, related by the remarrige of a parent and not by blood. ibu-tiri
stepmother. anak-tiri stepchild.\n
tiris leak through.\n
tiris leak through.\n
tirisan a leak.\n
tirta (Lit.) water. tirta-amerta elixir of life. tirta-kencana golden water.\n
tiruan 1 imitation, simulation. 2 counterfeit, forgery.\n
tiruan 1 imitation, simulation. 2 counterfeit, forgery.\n
tirus 1 pointed. 2 haggard.\n
tisikan a mend.\n
tit sound of a car horn.\n
titah royal word or command.\n
titan titanium.\n
tite ham hock.\n
titel 1 title. 2 column heading.\n
titi wooden or bamboo foot bridge.\n
1 footbridge. 2 narrow path or passageway. titian-batu stepping
titih see PETITIH.\n
1 drop. titik-airmata teardrop. titik-api focus (of a lens). 2 period,
titik point. titik-beku freezing point. titik-berat 1) center of gravity. 2)
heart, center. titik-an drops, s.t. which was dripped.\n
1 drop. titik-airmata teardrop. titik-api focus (of a lens). 2 period,
titik point. titik-beku freezing point. titik-berat 1) center of gravity. 2)
heart, center. titik-an drops, s.t. which was dripped.\n
titilaras scale of notes.\n
titimangsa (Java) chronicle, date.\n
titinada musical note. pola-titinada pitch.\n
titipan 1 entrusted goods. 2 deposit.\n
titipan 1 entrusted goods. 2 deposit.\n
titir alarm signal beaten out on drum, gong, etc.\n
titiran (Java) 1 propeller. 2 k.o. mill.\n
titis 1. see TITISAN. 2. see TETES.\n
titisan (Java) reincarnation.\n
1. sound made by car or motorcycle horn. 2. (child language)
titulatur system of titles.\n
tituler titular.\n
tiung k.o. bird, mynah and other similar birds.\n
tiup 1 related to wind instruments. 2 blow (of wind).\n
tiupan 1 blast of wind, blowing. 2 s.t. blown on.\n
tiupan 1 blast of wind, blowing. 2 s.t. blown on.\n
tivi see TEVE.\n
tiwas see TEWAS.\n
(Java, Wayang) the process whereby Kresna turns himself into
Wisnu in a crisis.\n
tiwul k.o. snack made from dried cassava.\n
tk [Taman Kanak-Kanak] kindergarten.\n
tk. tk.\n
[Tenaga Kerja Indonesia] Indonesian blue-collar workers and
craftsmen employed overseas.\n
tks [Tenaga Kerja Sukarela] volunteer worker.\n
tkt. [tingkat] 1 level. 2 floor, story.\n
tkw 1. k.o. cheap liquor. 2. [Tenaga Kerja Wanita] female worker.\n
tkw. tkw.\n

tl [Timur Laut] North East.\n

tledek see LEDEK 1.\n
tlh. [telah] already.\n
tlola-tlolo (Java) move (o.\'s. head) around in fear or worry.\n
tlundak /tlundakan/ steps, stairs.\n
tn. [tuan] Mr., esp. for non-Indonesians.\n
tni [Tentara Nasional Indonesia] Indonesian National Armed Forces.\n
1. (Java) Right ? (particale eliciting agreement). 2. (China) close or
fail (of businesses). 3. see DATUK.\n
toalet see TOILET 1,2.\n
toapekong see TEPEKONG.\n
1 (Rel.) repent and forswear. 2 learn o.\'s lesson and swear off. 3 I
have had it ! That does it ! (exclamation of surprise and regret).\n
1 (Rel.) repent and forswear. 2 learn o.\'s lesson and swear off. 3 I
have had it ! That does it ! (exclamation of surprise and regret).\n
tobel see TOBIL.\n
toberos see TEROBOS.\n
tobil My God (a mild exclamation of surprise and concern).\n
toblos see TEROBOS.\n
toboh group.\n
tobong limekiln.\n
tobong limekiln.\n
tobros see TEROBOS.\n
todak k.o. fish, the gar.\n
1 threat consisting of s.t. pointed (wepon, etc.). 2 hold-up, stick-
1 threat consisting of s.t. pointed (wepon, etc.). 2 hold-up, stick-
toets see TUTS.\n
tofan see TOPAN.\n
toga 1 academic gown. 2 judge\'s robe.\n
toga 1 academic gown. 2 judge\'s robe.\n
toge see TAUGE.\n
togel tail-less.\n
toggak 1 tree stump. 2 post, pole. 3 milestone.\n
1 (wayang) a servile character who changes allegiance. 2
1. 1) a log trimmed all its branches, a rough post or stake. 2) torso,
statue of a torso. 3) (Jakarta) stupid. 2. k.o. taper lamp.\n
toh 1. (Coll.) nevertheless, after all. 2. see TO 1.\n
1. 1) harpoon or javelin with rope attached. 2) a downward stab. 2.
see BINTANG, PARI 1.\n
tohor 1 dried up (e.g. after tide has gone out). 2 superficial.\n
toilet 1. /twalet/ process of grooming. 2. /twalet/ toilet, W.C.\n
tojin (China) Taoist priest.\n
tojokan a thrust.\n
tok 1. just, only. 2. sound of knocking.\n
1 working well, easy to start (of engine), lighting easily (of
tokcer matches), getting pregnant easily, etc. 2 the right thing, most
1. /tokeh/ see TAUKE. 2. /tokek/ 1) k.o. house lizard with distinctive
call. 2 call of such a lizard. 3 term of abuse.\n
tokh see TOH 1.\n
tokio Tokyo.\n
shop, store. toko-buku bookstore, bookshop. toko-emas jewelry
toko store. toko-kelontong store selling notions. toko-serba ada
department store.\n
shop, store. toko-buku bookstore, bookshop. toko-emas jewelry
toko store. toko-kelontong store selling notions. toko-serba ada
department store.\n
1 (Lit.) shape, form. 2 personage, prominent figure. 3 character in a
tokok 1. s.t. extra, s.t. added. 2. (M) hammer.\n
tokolan (Java) bean sprouts.\n
1. 1) (Lit.) shaving a woman\'s hair as punishment. 2) (Coll.) short
hair (of women). 2. rocky islet. 3. (Lit.) China temple.\n
tokowan shopkeeper, store owner.\n
toksik toxic.\n
toksikologi toxicology.\n
toksikosis toxicosis.\n
toksin toxin.\n
tol toll, esp. on highways. jalan-tol tollroad.\n
tolak push away.\n
tolakan 1 a push, shove, or party. 2 a reject. 3 (Coll.0 rejection.\n
tolakan 1 a push, shove, or party. 2 a reject. 3 (Coll.0 rejection.\n
tolan acquaintance, friend.\n
tole (Java) 1 boy. 2 term of address for boys, esp. as le`.\n
tolehan a turn of the head.\n
tolehan a turn of the head.\n
toleran tolerant.\n
toleransi 1 tolerance. 2 (Coll.) consideration, understanding.\n

tolerer /tolerir/ tolerate.\n

tolk /tolek/ (Coll.) interpreter.\n
tolok 1 equal, match. 2 standard. tolok-ukur measuring rod.\n
tolok 1 equal, match. 2 standard. tolok-ukur measuring rod.\n
tolol stupid, simple-minded.\n
tolol stupid, simple-minded.\n
tolong 1 help. 2 please.\n
tom (Jakarta) bridle.\n
toma move directly against current or wind (of boats).\n
tomat tomato. saus-tomat ketchup.\n
tomat tomato. saus-tomat ketchup.\n
tombak 1 spear, lance. 2 a linear measure of around 3.6 meters.\n
tombok additional sum of money.\n
tombol 1 knob. 2 button for mechanical devices, push button switch.\n
tombong 1. mortar, artillery. 2 see TUMBUNG 1.\n
tomomg see TOMBONG 1.\n
tompang see TUMPANG.\n
tompel (Jakarta) bierthmark.\n
tomplok see NOMPLOK.\n
ton 1. ton. 2 [peleton] (Mil.) platoon.\n
tonase tonnage.\n
toner millionaire (in colonial era).\n
tong 1. barrel, vat, cask. tong-an by the barrel. 2 sound of a gong, clang.\n
tongak see DONGAK.\n
tongcai tongcai\n
tonggeret k.o. cicada.\n
tonggok (Lit.) heap, pile.\n
tonggos (Jakarta) bucktoothed.\n
tongkang barge.\n
tongkat cane, stick.\n
tongkat cane, stick.\n
tongkeng (Anat.) small of the back. tulang-tongkeng coccyx.\n
tongkol 1. tuna fish. 2. 1) knob (of wood). 2) stem of an ear of corn.\n
tongkrongan place where s.t. sits around idly.\n
tongol see NONGOL.\n
tongong (Coll.) noncompoop, blockhead.\n
tongpes [kantong kempes] (Sl.) broke, penniless.\n
tongsan [China] China.\n

tongseng k.o. dish prepared with cabbage and meat us. lamb.\n
tongtong signal drum made from a bamboo or hollowed-out log.\n
tonikum tonic (tonic).\n
tonil 1 theater, the stage. 2 show.\n
tonjok (Jakarta) fist.\n
tonjol (Lit.) protrusion, bump (on the skin).\n
tontonan 1 show, performance. 2 spectacle.\n
tontonan 1 show, performance. 2 spectacle.\n
tontonan 1 show, performance. 2 spectacle.\n
tonus tone (of muscles).\n
top 1. (Coll.) superlative. 2. k.o. game of chance.\n
topan typhoon, hurricane.\n
topang prop, support, abutment.\n
topangan support, prop, abutment.\n
topas topaz.\n
topdal ship\'s log.\n
topekong see TEPEKONG.\n
topeng mask.\n
hat. topi-baja steel helmet. topi-gabus pith-helmet. topi-jaksi Panama
topi hat. topi-keselamatan safety helmet. topi-pandan/rumput/tikar straw
topik topic.\n
toples 1. topless, bare-breasted. 2. /tople`s/ see STOPLES.\n
topo (Jakarta) rag (for wiping, dusting).\n
topobroto (Java) lead a sedentary, ascetic way of life.\n
topografi topography.\n
topong 1. 1) a small basket 2) conical. 2. (Java) k.o. rimless hat.\n
torah (Bib.) 1 Pentateuch. 2 tablet (of the law).\n
torak 1 bobbin holder. 2 piston.\n
torak-torak (Auto.) cylinder.\n
torat see TAURAT.\n
torbus see TARBUS.\n
torehan 1 a notch, incision. 2 slit.\n
torehan 1 a notch, incision. 2 slit.\n
torek (Jakarta) hard of hearing.\n
tores see TOREH.\n
torne see TURNE.\n
toros see TURUS.\n
torpedo torpedo.\n
torsi torsion.\n
tortor k.o. Batak dance.\n
toserba [toko serba ada] /tosera/ department store.\n
total 1 total. 2 completely.\n
totalisator 1 sweeptakes. 2 soccer pool.\n
totalitas totality.\n
totaliter 1 total. 2 totalitarian.\n
totaliterisme totalitarianism.\n
totalitet totality.\n
toto k.o. lottery.\n
1. 1) full-blooded. 2) (Coll.) a full-blooded Chinese. 3) (Coll.)
newcomer. 2. see TUTUK.\n
totokromo proper conduct, etiquette.\n
totol (Jakarta) freckles.\n
tour see TUR.\n
tournooi /turnoi/ see TURNOI.\n
towel (Jakarta) touch slightly with finger.\n
toya toya\n
tps [Tempat Pemungutan Suara] poll, voting place.\n
tracee see TRASE.\n
trachom see TRAKHOM.\n
trada (Moluccas) see TIADA.\n
tradisi tradition.\n
tradisionil /tradisional/ traditional.\n
trafo 1 neon-light transformer. 2 voltage regulator.\n
tragedi tragedy.\n
tragedis tragic.\n
tragik tragedy.\n
tragis tragic.\n
(Coll.) having a lineage. ayam-trah pure-breed chicken. trah-
Hamengku Buwono of the Yogyanese royal family.\n
trak sund of click (of key in lock, etc.).\n
trakhom /trakhoma, trakhum/ (Med) trachoma.\n
trakhom /trakhoma, trakhum/ (Med) trachoma.\n
traksi traction.\n
traktat treaty.\n
traktat treaty.\n
traktiran treating.\n
traktor tractor.\n
program to popularize the use of tractors in agricultural
trali /tralis/ see TERALI.\n
trampil skilled, competent.\n
transaksi transaction, deal.\n
transdisiplin /transdisipliner/ (Lit.) cross-disciplinary.\n
transenden transcendent.\n
transendental transcendental.\n
transfer transfer.\n
transfigurasi transfiguration.\n
transformasi transformation.\n
transformator (Tech.) transformer.\n
transfusi transfusion.\n
transisi transition.\n
transito transit. pelabuhan-transito transit harbor.\n
transitor transitor\n
[ (Departemen) Transmigrasi, Koperasi dan Pembangunan
transkopemada Masyarakat Desa] Ministry of Resettlement, Co-operatives, and
Village Development.\n
transkrip transcript.\n
transkripsi transcription.\n
transkripsi transcription.\n
transliterasi transliteration.\n
transmigran o. who has been resettled in another region.\n
system of resettling inhabitants of overpopulated island to less
populated regions.\n
transmisi transmission.\n
transmutasi (Biol.) transmutation.\n
transparan 1 transparent. 2 transparency.\n
transparansi transparency.\n
transplantasi transplantation.\n
transpor transport.\n
transportasi transportation.\n
trap 1. (Coll.) stairs. 2. see TERAP 2.\n
trapesium (Math.) trapezoid.\n
trapo see TRAFO.\n
tras trass, k.o. rock used for cement.\n
trase 1 (ground) plan. 2 path.\n
trasi see TERASI.\n
tratak see TERATAK.\n
1 designated route for public transportation. 2 license to operate a
vehicle on that route. 3 (R.R.) section.\n
treak see TERIAK.\n
treak see TERIAK.\n
trek designated route for public vehicles.\n
trek-sando (Sport) arm-stretcher.\n
trekbom land mine.\n
treker trigger (coll.).\n
trekpen trekpen\n
trem streetcar, tram.\n
trema (Ling.) diacritical mark indicating diaeresis.\n
trembesi (Java) k.o. tree.\n
tremos see TERMOS.\n
trenggiling see TENGGILING.\n
trengginas (Java) swift, quick-moving.\n
treningspak athlete\'s sweatsuit, tracksuit.\n
trenyuh (Java) moved to pity.\n
tresno (Java) feel love.\n
tret sound of metallic objects colliding.\n
1. [Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi] smallholder\'s sugarcane
tri intensification, an agricultural program. 2. [Tentara Rakyat
Indonesia] Indonesian People\'s Army (1945-50).\n
tri- tri-\n
triangulasi (Tech.) triangulation.\n
Montesquieu\'s threefold division of political authority : the
legislative, judicial, and executive powers.\n
tribulan quarterly.\n
tribun /tribune/ 1 stand (part of stadium) 2 reviewing stand (for officials).\n
tribut-plonco see ATRIBUT.\n
trica /trica(k)/ three-wheeled pedicab.\n
1 religious sect incorporation the three streams of China religio-
ethical principals : Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism. 2 the three
responsibilities of institute of higher education : research, teaching,
and social service.\n
triftong (Ling.) triphthong.\n
trigu see TERIGU.\n
trik (Crd.) trick.\n
trik-trak sound of s.t. creaking.\n
trikembar (Lit.) triplet.\n
triko k.o. fabric, tricot.\n
trikora trikora\n
trilala 1 hum a cheerful tune. 2 act cheerful. 3 careless, haphazard.\n
(Ling.) k.o. reduplication with triple repetition of o. element, e.g.
trilipat threefold.\n
trilogi trilogy.\n
trilyun quintillion.\n
trima see TERIMA.\n
trimatra three-dimensional.\n
trimo see NERIMO.\n
(Rel.) the oneness of the three Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and
trindil (Jakarta) robbed, fleeced.\n
trinitas (Rel.) trinity.\n
trio trio.\n
trip (Coll.) trip, journey.\n
trip (Coll.) trip, journey.\n
[Tri Pimpinan Daerah] Regional Leadership Triumvirate, consisting
of the leaders of police, army, and village.\n
triplek /tripleks/ plywood.\n
triprogram (Lit.) a program consisting of three points.\n
trirangkap (Lit.) triple.\n
trisila (Lit.) threefold. sumpah-trisila threefold oath.\n
trisilabis trisyllabic.\n
trisula trident, a three-pronged spear.\n
tritugas (Lit.) three functions.\n
tritunggal 1 (Rel.) trinity. 2 tripartite, triumvirate.\n
[Tri Tuntutan Rakyat] political slogan of 1960s, the People\'s Three
Demands : Banning the Indonesian Communist party, Purging
Communist elements from the Dwikora cabinet, and Lowering
prices of basic commodities.\n
triunsur (Lit.) triadic.\n
triwarsa (Lit.) three years.\n
triwindu (Lit.) 24 years.\n
triwulan see TRIBULAN.\n
triwulan see TRIBULAN.\n
trm. [transmigrasi] resettlement.\n
trol trawl. kapal-trol trawler.\n
trombon trombone.\n
trombosa (Med.) thrombosis.\n
tromel metal lunch-box.\n
tromol-pos postal box.\n
trompet 1 trumpet, esp. of European origin. 2 automobile horn.\n
trompet 1 trumpet, esp. of European origin. 2 automobile horn.\n
trompetis trumpet player.\n
trondol (Java) 1 featherless, esp. of live avians. 2 leafless.\n
trop see TERUP.\n
tropika tropics.\n
tropikalisasi making s.t. suitable for the tropics.\n
tropis tropical.\n
tropus (Ling.) trope.\n
trotoar /trotoir/ sidewalk.\n
trubuk see TERUBUK.\n
truf see TERUP.\n
truk truck.\n
trusi trusi\n
tsanawiyah (Islam) junior high school.\n
tsb. (tersebut) above-mentioned.\n
1. (toko sandang pangan) shops selling clothing and food. 2. k.o.
chemical fertilizer.\n
(tahu sama tahu) unspoken agreement between two persons
participating in a mutually advantageous, often illegal, deal.\n
1. (Timur Tengah) Middle East. 2. (Teritorium Tentara) military
administrative unit at provincial level, used until early 1950s.\n
tt. tt.\n
ttd. (tertanda) signed.\n
ttg. 1. (tentang) about, concerning. 2. /ttgl./ (tertanggal) dated.\n
tth. (tanpa tahun) no year of publication (in bibliographies, etc.).\n
tts (Teka Teki Silang) crossword puzzle.\n
(tanpa tahun terbitan) no date of publication (in bibliographies,
tu (Tata Usaha) administration.\n
tu (Tata Usaha) administration.\n
tua 1 old. 2 ripe. 3 head, chief. 4 pure. 5 dark (of color).\n
tua-renta very old and decrepit.\n
tua-tua 1 older. 2 (Java) although old. 3 age spots.\n
tuaan tuaan\n
1 good luck, good fortune. 2 magic powe. 3 respect, honor,
tuai k.o. crescent-shaped reaping knife that fits in the palm of the hand.\n
tuai k.o. crescent-shaped reaping knife that fits in the palm of the hand.\n
tuak fermented palm wine, esp. of sugar or coconut palm.\n
tuak fermented palm wine, esp. of sugar or coconut palm.\n
tuak fermented palm wine, esp. of sugar or coconut palm.\n
tual a block of wood.\n
tuala (Lit.) towel.\n
tualang 1 fly about (of bees, etc.). 2 without permanent residence.\n
tuam hot compress.\n
1. 1) Mr., term of reference and address for Western and
tuan (occasionally) Westernized adult males. 2) (Coll.) Ma\'am, for
Western women (in some areas). 3) (Lit.) master. 2. see TUHAN.\n
tuan-hamba (Lit.) you, very respectful and servile.\n
tuang pour.\n
tuang-tuang k.o. bamboo horn.\n
tuangan 1 s.t. poured or cast. 2 a mold used in casting.\n
tuangku tuangku\n
tuanku (Lit.) title of royalty.\n
tuarang (Lit.) dry season.\n
tuas lever.\n
tub tube (of paint, toothpaste, etc.).\n
1 name of plants from which a stupefying drug is obtained. 2
stupefying drug used in fishing.\n
tubagus title of a nobility in Banten, West Java.\n
tuban-tuban (Anat.) amnion, fetal membrane.\n
tube see TUB.\n
tuberculosa (Med.) tuberculosis.\n
tubin (Lit.) four days from now.\n
tubir 1 ravine, gully. 2 sea chasm. 3 precipice, edge of s.t. deep.\n
tubir 1 ravine, gully. 2 sea chasm. 3 precipice, edge of s.t. deep.\n
tubruk 1. 1) a lunge. 2) a slamming action, collision. 2. see KOPI 2.\n
tubrukan 1 collision, crash. 2 impact.\n
tubuh 1 body. 2 (Lit.) person.\n
tuding 1 sloping, at an angle. 2. (Java) index finger.\n
tudingan 1 s.t. which is pointed at. 2 accusation.\n
tuduh accuse.\n
tuduhan accusation, complaint, charge.\n
tudung 1 veil, cover. 2 sun hat.\n
tufah (Lit.) apple.\n
tugal a dibble.\n
tugalan s.t. dibbled.\n
tugas 1 duty. 2 order, assignment. 3 task.\n
tugu 1 post, column, pillar. 2 monument.\n
tuguran stand guard during a commemoration.\n
tuh see ITU.\n
tuhan God.\n
tuhfah (Lit.) gift.\n
tuil a lever.\n
tuit tweed.\n
tuju (Lit.) k.o. bewitchment by pointing at the victim.\n
tujuan 1 aim, purpose, objective. 2 direction, destination. 3 (Ling.) object.\n
tujuh seven.\n

tuk 1. sound of knocking on wood. 2 see DATUK.\n

tuk-tuk sound of repeated tapping.\n
tukai (Vulg.) female sex organs.\n
tukak sore, ulcer.\n
tukal a variable measure of length for thread equivalent to 16 rian.\n
tukal a variable measure of length for thread equivalent to 16 rian.\n
1 skilled laborer or craftsman. tukang-azan o. who summons to.
tukang-besi blacksmith. tukang-bubut a filter. tukang-jambret purse
snatcher. tukang-loak seconhand dealer. 2 o. who has the bad habit
of doing s.t.\n
1 skilled laborer or craftsman. tukang-azan o. who summons to.
tukang-besi blacksmith. tukang-bubut a filter. tukang-jambret purse
snatcher. tukang-loak seconhand dealer. 2 o. who has the bad habit
of doing s.t.\n
tukar exchange.\n
1. (M) 1) false accusation, aspersion. 2) say accusingly. 2. 1) say in
rejection (of earlier discourse). 2) respond. 3. k.o. rattan.\n
tukasan false accusation, slander.\n
tukik 1. dive. 2. notch, nick, indentation. 3. woodpecker.\n
tukil see NUKIL.\n
tukuk see TOKOK 1.\n
tukul hammer. tukul-kayu mallet.\n
tul see BETUL.\n
tul-tul polka-dot.\n
1. calamity brought on by a curse or breaking a taboo. 2. see
bone. tulang-belakang spine, backbone. tulang-hasta ulna. tulang-
kering shinbone. tulang-muda cartilage.tulang-punggung spinal
column. tulang-selangka collarbone. tulang-sendi joint. tulang-sum-
sum bone with marrow.\n
tulang-tulangan 1 all k.o. bones. 2 skeleton. 3 carcass, frame.\n
tularan 1 contagion. 2 s.o. or s.t. that is infected.\n
tulat (Lit.) three days from now (the day after tomorrow).\n
tule k.o. fabric, tulle.\n
tulen pure, genuine.\n
tuli deaf. tuli-bisu deaf mute.\n
tuli-tuli (Lit.) k.o. silver cord decoration on some kris sheaths.\n
tulis write.\n
tulisan tulisan\n
tulung see TOLONG.\n
tulus honest, sincere. tulus-ikhlas honest and straightforward.\n
tuma louse, esp. human head lice.\n
tuman (Jakarta) be accustomed to.\n
1. 1) k.o. peg or stake. 2) rock or stick to support pan on a brazier. 2.
(Ambon) leaf container for sago meal.\n
tumbak see TOMBAK.\n
1 (Java, Jakarta) s.t. used to prevent disease or misfortune. 2
protective agent.\n
tumbang fall down with a crash (of s.t. large and erect).\n
(Jakarta) 1 for the first time. 2 How odd ! (exclamation of
tumbu (Java) k.o. small basket.\n
tumbuh 1 grow, sprout up. 2 appear from below, arise.\n
tumbuh 1 grow, sprout up. 2 appear from below, arise.\n
tumbuh-tumbuhan all k.o. plants.\n
tumbuhan tumbuhan\n
tumbuk pound.\n
1 blow, pounding. 2 s.t. pounded or crushed. 3 crash, collision. 4
tumbung 1. lump, bulge. 2. see TOMBONG 2.\n
tumenggung see TEMENGGUNG.\n
a culinary procedure similar to sauteing but at a higher
tumit heel.\n
tumor (Med.) tumor.\n
tumpah spilled.\n
tumpahan 1 s.t. spilled. 2 concentration (of efforts).\n
tumpak batch, collection.\n
tumpang join with others. tumpang-sari intercropping.\n
tumpangan 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger, load. 3 inclusion, addition.\n
tumpangan 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger, load. 3 inclusion, addition.\n
tumpangan 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger, load. 3 inclusion, addition.\n
tumpangan 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger, load. 3 inclusion, addition.\n
tumpas destroyed, annihilated, exterminated.\n
1 stopped up, clogged up. 2 crammed, solid. 3 be at the end of o.\'s
tumpeng (Java) ceremonial dish of yellow rice served in a cone shape.\n
tumpengan ritual in which this dish is served.\n
tumpes see TUMPAS.\n
tumpil (Jakarta) supporting pole, prop.\n
tumplek (Java) spilled all over.\n
tumpu 1 footing. 2 foothold, support. 3 springboard.\n
tumpuan 1 support, pillar, prop. 2 stepping stone. 3 focus, center.\n
tumpuk heap, pile, stack.\n
tumpukan 1 stack, heap, mound. 2 group.\n
tumpul 1 dull, blunt. 2 dull, stupid. 3 obtuse (of angles).\n
tumpur 1 ruined, destroyed. 2 (Coll.) broke, penniless.\n
tun (Lit.) title for noblemen.\n
tuna (Lit.) a wound.\n
tuna- privative affix forming literary and fancy compounds.\n
tunaaksara (Lit.) illiterate.\n
tunabusana (Lit.) naked, without clothing.\n
tunadiri (Lit.) without personality.\n
tunai cash.\n
tunakarya (Lit.) unemployed.\n
tunakarya (Lit.) unemployed.\n
tunakarya (Lit.) unemployed.\n
tunakawaca (Lit.) barely dressed.\n
tunalaras (Lit.) unsociable.\n
tunanetra (Lit.) blind.\n
tunangan fiance, fiancee.\n
tunarungu (Lit.) deaf. tunarungu-wicara deaf and mute.\n
tunas shoot, bud.\n
tunasusila (Lit.) immoral. wanita-tunasusila prostitute.\n
tunawicara (Lit.) mute.\n
tunawisma (Lit.) homeless, without housing.\n
tunda 1. tow. 2. 1) postpone, delay. 2) adjourn. 3. (M) push s.t.\n
tundangan (Jakarta) engaged, betrothed.\n
1 be bent down. 2 be bent in submission, submit to a higher
tundun (Java) bunch of fruit. se-tundun pisang a bunch of banana.\n
tundungan exile, exiled.\n
tungau k.o. mite that infests fowls, mite.\n
tunggak 1. 1) arrears. 2) remainder. 2. see TONGGAK 1.\n
tunggakan 1 arrears. 2 remainder.\n
1. 1) one and only, just one. 2) (Ling.0 singular. 3) (Ling.) simple. 4)
whole, complete, unconditional. 2. banner.\n
1. 1) upside down. 2) steep. 2. 1) mount, riding animal. 2) carriage,
tunggangan 1 mount, riding animal. 2 carriage, vehicle.\n
tunggik see TUNGGANG1.\n
tungging 1. with tail end up. 2. four days from now.\n
tunggit with the posterior facing outward.\n
tunggu wait.\n
tunggul tree stump, stubble.\n
tungkai leg.\n
tungkai leg.\n
tungku hearth, fireplace.\n
tungkulan a push from behind.\n
tungkulan a push from behind.\n
(M) face downward. tungkup-telentang every which way (downward
and upward facing).\n
tungkus 1. parcel, package. 2. immersed.\n
tungkus 1. parcel, package. 2. immersed.\n
tunjal receive support or subsidy.\n
tunjang 1. receive support or subsidy. 2. (M) leg.\n
tunjangan 1. 1) support, aid. 2) subsidy. 3) alimony. 2. a kick.\n
tunjuk 1 index finger. 2 show s.t.\n
tunjukan indication.\n
tunjung lotus tree.\n
tuntas complete, total, thorough.\n
tuntas complete, total, thorough.\n
tuntas complete, total, thorough.\n
tuntun 1. guide. 2. (M) close o.\'s eyes.\n
tuntunan guidance.\n
tuntunan guidance.\n
tuntunan guidance.\n
tuntung 1 point ( of needle, etc.). 2 small box or case.\n
tuntung 1 point ( of needle, etc.). 2 small box or case.\n
tuntung 1 point ( of needle, etc.). 2 small box or case.\n
tuntut 1 demand. 2 (Leg.) prosecute, sue. 3 strive for.\n
tuntutan 1 demand. 2 striving, pursuit. 3 (Leg.) indictment, claim.\n
tunu roast in a fire.\n
squirrel. tupai-belang striped squirrel. tupai-cerlih k.o. small squirrel.
tupai-kerawak k.o. large squirrel with reddish fur.\n
tupai-tupai clamps on a boat.\n
tupang see TOPANG 1.\n
tur 1 tour (of inspection, etc.). 2 organized travel.\n
tura-tura (M) 1 get very angry, go into a rage. 2 talk in o.\'s sleep.\n
(turun ke bawah) 1 visit by officials to villages (in the 1960s). 2
trend (among political leaders).\n
turbin turbine.\n

sesbania, ornamental shrub or small tree with white or red pealike

turih see TOREH.\n
turis 1. tourist. 2 notch, scratch.\n
turisme tourism.\n
turki Turk, Turkish, Turkey.\n
turnamen tournament.\n
1 tour, esp. on official business. 2 go on tour (for business, work,
turnoi tournament.\n
(turun ke desa) trend (among political leaders) to maintain channels
of communication with the rular people.\n
tursina Sinai.\n
1 go down, descend. 2 decrease, decline. 3 befall, descend upon. 4
turun set (of sun). 5 (Coll.) dance. 6 move from o. place to another (of
respected persons). 7 take a break.\n
turun-tangan 1 meddle, interfere. 2 lend a hand.\n
turun-temurun 1 hereditary. 2 for generations.\n
turunan turunan\n
turus 1 pillar, post, stake. 2 numerical classifier for long narrow objects.\n
join in. turut campur interfere. turut-serta go along with,
turut-turutan accommodating, merely following others.\n
turutan turutan\n
tus sound of whizzing (bullets, etc.).\n
tusam see KAYU 1.\n
1 extra allowance, wage supplement. 2 excess fare, extra charge on
tusor /tussor/ k.o. fabric.\n
tustel camera.\n
tusuk 1 a pin. 2 stick, skewer.\n
tusukan 1 a stab, a prick. 2 puncture. 3 a bite, a twinge.\n
tusukan 1 a stab, a prick. 2 puncture. 3 a bite, a twinge.\n
tutor tutor.\n
tuts 1 mechanical buttons. 2 piano key.\n
tutuh lop off, trim.\n
tutuk 1 tap, knock on. 2 strike with o.\'s fingers (in martial arts).\n
tutukan a knock, a tap.\n
tutul 1 pockmarked. 2 spotted, stained.\n
tutup 1 closed, shut. 2 cover, lid. 3 complete, full.\n
tutupan 1 cover, lid. 2 place where people are locked up (prison, etc.).\n
tutur speech, talk.\n
1. 1) story, narrative, discourse. 2) information, announcement. 2.
lowest part of thatched roof.\n
tuyul k.o. spirit that obtains wealth for its human master.\n
tv (televisi) television.\n
(Televisi Republik Indonesia) Television Service of the Republic of
twedehan /twedehans/ (Coll.) secondhand, used.\n
typis /tipis/ typical.\n
u u, the 21st. letter of the the alphabet.\n
/uak/ 1. 1) (Coll.) term of address for (Java or Sunda) men and
women of o.\'s parent\'s age. 2) (Sunda) uncle or aunt, term of
address for o.\'s parents\' elder siblings. 3) (China) term of address
and reference for o.\'s elder aunt. 2. see KUAK 2.\n
1 money. uang-kontan cash. uang-receh small change. uang-saku
pocket money. uang-sogok/suap bribe. 2 coin.\n
uap 1. 1) steam, vapor. 2) fume. 2. see KUAP.\n
uap 1. 1) steam, vapor. 2) fume. 2. see KUAP.\n
uar announcement, proclamation.\n
(untuk beliau) on behalf of him (used when signing on behalf of a
higher authority).\n
uba vessel for sago meal.\n
ubah difference.\n
ubal see UBEL.\n
ubal see UBEL.\n
uban gray hair.\n
ubanan gray headed\n
ubanan gray headed\n
1. 1) k.o. tree the bark of which is used for dye or paint. 2) dye or
paint derived from such a tree. 2. unroll s.t. and spread it out.\n
ubat see OBAT.\n
ubek /ubek, ube/ stir vigorously by hand.\n
ubekan s.t. stirred or mixed up with the hands.\n
/ubel-ubel/ 1 anything wrapped around part of the body. 2 head-
wrap, turban.\n
uber go after, pursue.\n
uber-uberan chase e.o.\n
1 edible tuber. ubi-jalar/jawa sweet potato. ubi-kayu/kasbi/kaspe
cassava. 2 sweet potato.\n
1 edible tuber. ubi-jalar/jawa sweet potato. ubi-kayu/kasbi/kaspe
cassava. 2 sweet potato.\n
ubin floortile.\n
ubrak-abrik see OBRAK-OBRIK.\n
ubub /ububan/ a pair of brllows.\n
ubudiah (Islam) matters pertaining to prayer ritual.\n
ubun loom.\n
ubun-ubun 1. 1) fontanel. 2) crown of head. 2. (Lit.) nun.\n
ubur-ubur jellyfish.\n
ubur-ubur jellyfish.\n
ucap saying, word.\n
ucap saying, word.\n
1 utterance, expression. 2 statement, communication. 3
ucek (Jakarta, Java) rub with o.\'s hands.\n
ucus see USUS.\n
1. (M) older brother or male cousin. 2. /udah/ (Jakarta) see
udak chase after, pursue.\n
udak-udak stir.\n
udal-adul rumple hair, string, or other hairlike material.\n
udan k.o. batik pattern.\n
shrimp. udang-galah 1 k.o. large peawn. 2 (Coll.) lobster. udang-
geragau/gerangau k.o. small shrimp used for shrimp.\n
udang-udangan 1 various k.o. shrimps. 2 imitation shrimp.\n
salad made of various k.o. vegetables, often bought as a snack on the
udar (Java) reel.\n
udara 1 air. 2 atmosphere. 3 sky, air space. 4 weather.\n
ude /udeh/ (Jaakrta) see SUDAH.\n
udek (Jakarta, Java) stir.\n
udel (Java) navel.\n
udeng (Java, Jakarta) headcloth (for men).\n
udet (Java) belt.\n
udi (M) unfortune.\n
1 upper course of a river. 2 interior, inland country. 3 (Jakarta)
backward, countrified.\n
udikan s.o. raised in a rural area.\n
udu see WUDHU.\n
uduh see ODOH.\n
uduk see NASI.\n
udur see UZUR.\n
udut smoke.\n
udutan pipe to smoke.\n
udzur see UZUR.\n
uek see UIK.\n
ufuk horizon.\n
ugahari (Lit.) moderate, frugal, temperate.\n
ugal-ugalan 1 mischievous, naughty. 2 reckless, inconsiderate.\n

ugama see AGAMA.\n

ugem (Java) property.\n
ugeran (Java) rule, norm.\n
((Universitas Gadjah Mada) Gadjah Mada University in
ugut intimidation, threat.\n
uhu sound of s.o. crying and sobbing.\n
ui (Universitas Indonesia) University Indonesia in Jakarta.\n
uih see WITH.\n
uik squeal (of pigs).\n
uir-uir k.o. locust.\n
uja see OJA.\n
ujan see HUJAN.\n
ujang (in some regions only) term of familiar address for boys.\n
ujar 1 statement. 2 (Ling.) utterance.\n
ujaran statement, pronouncement.\n
ujat see HUJAT.\n
uji test, experiment.\n
ujian examination.\n
ujud see WUJUD.\n
ujung 1 tip, point, top. 2 end. ujung-pangkal lower and upper ends.\n
ujur see UZUR.\n
ujut see WUJUD.\n
ukhrowi (Islam) eschatological matters.\n
ukhuwah (Islam) 1 fraternity (of believers). 2 association, organization.\n
ukir carved, engraved.\n
ukiran carved object.\n
ukon coin worth 1/2 rupiah.\n
ukon coin worth 1/2 rupiah.\n
ukup 1 incense, perfume. 2 scent.\n
ukupan 1 perfume, scent. 2 censer.\n
ukupan 1 perfume, scent. 2 censer.\n
ukur 1 measure. 2 measuring tape.\n
1 measurement, measure. 2 size, dimension. 3 format. 4 norm,
criterion, standard. 5 measuring stick.\n
ulah manner, way, act.\n
ulai see KULAI.\n
ulai see KULAI.\n
ulak see ULEG.\n
whirl, bubble (water, etc.). (Anat.) ulak-ulak-pinggang pelvis,
ulak-ulak hollow above the hips.\n

ulam raw vegetable side dish with rice.\n

ulam-ulam concubine.\n
frequent, repeatedly. ulang-alik go back and forth. ulang-alik shuttle
ulang (aircrafts). ulang-aling to and fro. ulang-tahun birthday,
ulangan 1 s.t. that is done again, repetition. 2 test. 3 refrain.\n
ulap-ulap (Java) k.o. hand gesture in traditional dances.\n
snake. ular-patola (Ambon) python. ular-sanca/sawa python. ular-
sendok/tedung cobra.\n
ular-ularan 1. (M) cramp. 2. 1) toy snake. 2) all k.o. snakes.\n
1. 1) wrapper, covering. 2) (Coll.) pillowcase 2. 1) section of citrus
fruit. 2) clove (of garlic, shallot, etc.).\n
1. 1) envelope, cover. 2) daubing (in painting). 2. 1) review,
commentary. 2) remark.\n
1. 1) envelope, cover. 2) daubing (in painting). 2. 1) review,
commentary. 2) remark.\n
ulat 1 caterpillar. ulat-sutera silkworm. 2 maggot, larva.\n
ulayah see WILAYAH.\n
uleg /ulek/ pestle.\n
ulegan /ulekan/ 1 pestle. 2 s.t. crushed with a pestle.\n
ulem (Java) invitation.\n
uleman invitation.\n
uler (Java) worm.\n
ulet 1. tough, persevering. 2. see ULAT.\n
1. knead (dough). 2. 1) glutinous rice. 2) k.o. sweetmeat made with
cooked glutinous rice, sugar and coconut.\n
ulia see AULIA.\n
ulik 1. investigate. 2. see ULIT.\n
ulin k.o. very hard wood.\n
ulir thread of a screw.\n
uliran s.t. with a thread (screw, lightbulb, etc.).\n
ulit sleep with lullabies.\n
ulos traditional Batak cloth worn covering shoulder.\n
ultah (ulang tahun) anniversary, birthday.\n
ultah. (ulang tahun) anniversary, birthday.\n
ultimatum ultimatum.\n
ultra ultra-, extremely.\n
ulu see HULU 2.\n
ulu-ulu (Java) official responsible for irrigation.\n
ulubalang see HULUBALANG.\n
uluhati pit of the stomach, solar plexus.\n
uluk (Java) uluk-salam greetings.\n
ulung 1 capable, skilled, experienced. 2 excelent, superior.\n
ulup (Naut.) hawser.\n
ulur 1. 1) pay out. 2) extend. 3) make concessions. 2. (Lit.) bondsman.\n
uluran uluran\n
um see UMMI 2.\n
uma see HUMA.\n
umak-umik (Java) silently mouth words.\n
1 hermit crab. 2 o. who likes to dress in fine, but borrowed,
umang-umang clothes.\n
umaro (Islam) gvt.\n
umat the members of a religious community.\n
umbai tassle, fringe. umbai-cacing (Anat.) appendix.\n
umban sling.\n
umbang float.\n
umbang-ambing see OMBANG-AMBING.\n
umbar free s.t., let loose.\n
umbi tuber, root.\n
umbi-umbian 1 all k.o. tubers. 2 belonging to the tuber group.\n
umbuk 1 swindle. 2 persuade. 3 appease, talk in a friendly way to s.o.\n
1. bubble up, rise rapidly. 2 (Java) children\'s game played with
picture cards which are tossed in the air.\n
1 (Java, Bali) banner. 2 (Java, Bali) pennants or palm fronds
decorating doorways on feast days. 3 tassle (of hat etc.).\n
umbun see UBUN.\n
umbut edible topmost and innermost frond of a palm, palm-cabbage.\n
umbut edible topmost and innermost frond of a palm, palm-cabbage.\n
ummat see UMAT.\n
1. illiterate. 2. term of address for mother in families of Arab
umpak 1 foot, step. 2 pedestal, fundament, base.\n
umpak-umpakan praise, flattery.\n
umpama 1 example. 2 like, as.\n
bait, food. umpan-pancing fish bait. umpan-balik feed back. umpan-
keris/pisau doomed to death (at the end of weapon).\n
umpat curse, swearword.\n
umpatan curse, verbal abuse.\n
umpel-umpelan (Java) crowded.\n
umpet (Coll.) go hide, lie low.\n
umpet-umpetan 1 in secret, on the sly. 2 hide-and-seek.\n
umpil 1 lift, raise. 2 row, scull.\n
umpuk heap, pile, stack.\n
(Islam) perform a pilgrimage to Mecca (us. not during the hajj
umroh season) omitting some of the ritual (e.g. the visit to the fields of
umuk (Java) brag, boast.\n
umum 1 general, common. 2 the public. umum-nya us., by and large.\n
umur 1 age. 2 lifespan. 3 at the age of.\n
unam k.o. sea mollusc.\n
uncang bag (for traveling, etc.).\n
uncang-uncit restless, unsettled.\n
unclik (Java, Jakarta) walk without looking left or right.\n
uncue /uncui/ see HUNCUE.\n
unda-unda being in tow o. behind the other.\n
undak (Java) 1 step. 2 terrace.\n
undak-undakan stairs, steps.\n
undan 1. level. 2. pelican.\n
undang invite, summon.\n
undang-undang law, ordinance, act.\n
undangan undangan\n
undat undat\n
undi a lot (in a drawing).\n
undian 1 lottery. 2 lottery prize.\n
unduh (Java) pick (fruit from tree).\n
undung-undung veil over the head.\n
1 go back, withdraw. 2 be out of circulation or publicity, out of
undur-undur (Java) ant-lion.\n
uneg-uneg /unek-unek/ (Java) grudges.\n
ungap gasp for breath.\n
unggah-ungguh (Java) etiquette.\n
unggang-unggit go up and down (seesaw, rocking chair, etc.).\n
unggas bird, fowl, esp. as scientific term.\n
unggat-unggit see UNGGANG-UNGGIT\n
unggat-unggit see UNGGANG-UNGGIT\n
unggis nibble, gnaw at.\n
ungguk see ONGGOK.\n
unggul superior, excellent.\n
unggulan s.o. or s.t. considered superior.\n
unggun 1 woodpile. 2 campfire.\n
unggunan 1 campfire. 2 heap, pile.\n
unggut tug a rope, play tug of war.\n
ungka k.o. gibbon.\n

ungkai come undone, come off (of clothing).\n

ungkak (Naut.) post for fastening the hawser.\n
ungkang-ungkang see ONGKANG-ONGKANG.\n
ungkang-ungkit see UNGGANG-UNGGIT.\n
ungkang-ungkit see UNGGANG-UNGGIT.\n
ungkap 1 express (with words, face or gestures). 2 reveal, uncover.\n
ungkap 1 express (with words, face or gestures). 2 reveal, uncover.\n
ungkapan 1 expression. 2 idiom.\n
ungkapan 1 expression. 2 idiom.\n
ungkat-ungkit repeated oscillating motions.\n
ungkil pry up.\n
ungkir see MUNGKIR.\n
ungkit-ungkit bob up and down.\n
ungku see ENGKU.\n
ungsi evacuate.\n
ungu purple.\n
1. (M) older sister. 2. union, esp. in names of political entities. 3. see
unifikasi unification.\n
uniform 1 standardized. 2 a uniform.\n
uniformisasi uniformization.\n
uniformitas uniformity.\n
unik unique.\n
unit /yunit, unit/ unit.\n
universal /universil/ universal.\n
universitas university.\n
universiter concering universities.\n
universitet see UNIVERSITAS.\n
unjam see HUNJAM.\n
unjuan see UNJUKAN.\n
unjuan see UNJUKAN.\n
unjuk show s.t.\n
unjuk show s.t.\n
unjukan /unju\'an/ (Java) drinks offered to a respected person.\n
unjung see KUNJUNG 1.\n
unjur extended, stretched out (of legs).\n
unjuran foot of the bed.\n
unjut small bag or bundle tied at the end with knots.\n
unsur element, substance. unsur-kimia chemical element.\n
unsuriah /unsuri/ 1 elementary, elemental. 2 elemental.\n
unta camel. bururng-unta ostrich.\n
1 string, lace. 2 numerical classifier for stringlike objects (garlands,
rosaries, etc.).\n
untaian 1 series. 2 string, chain, garland. 3 strophe. 4 (Ling.) string.\n
1. 1) pellet. 2) pill, tablet. 2. 1) swallow a large quantity. 2) (Vulg.)
untang-anting swinging to and fro.\n
until 1. dangle, hang down. 2. see UNTAL 1.\n
1 strand, skein. 2 numeral classifier for hanging objects, tied together
(such as corn, etc.).\n
unting-unting plumb.\n
untingan untingan\n
untir twist.\n
untuk 1 for, on behalf of. 2 to, in order to.\n
1 luck, fortune. 2 good luck, have good luck. 3 advantage, profit. 4
gain profit.\n
untung-untung it is lucky.\n
untung-untungan undertake s.t. hoping for the best.\n
untut elephantiasis.\n
unyai (M) softly, gently.\n
up. (untuk perhatian) for the attention of (used in letter addresses).\n
1 ceremony, ritual. upacara-ngruwet (Java) ritual to ward off evil.
upacara-pelantikan inaugural ceremony. 2 regalia.\n
upah 1 pay, wages. 2 fee, commission.\n
upahan 1 wages. 2 hired worker.\n
upam polish, burnish.\n
upama see UMPAMA.\n
upaman upaman\n
1. k.o. toxin derived from the sap of certain plants. 2. 1) messenger,
ettendant. 2) policeman.\n
upat see UMPAT.\n
upat see UMPAT.\n
upaya 1 eforts (to atttain a certain aim). 2 means.\n
upaya 1 eforts (to atttain a certain aim). 2 means.\n
upaya 1 eforts (to atttain a certain aim). 2 means.\n
upet (Java) wick, fuse.\n
upeti 1 tribute paid by subjects. 2 (Coll.) bribe to higher-ranking official.\n
upgrade /apgred/ upgrade.\n
upgrading /apgreding/ upgrading.\n
upih (Biol.) leaf-sheath.\n
upik (M) term of address for a little girl.\n
upil 1 dried snot. 2 scab on a wound.\n
upleg (Java, Jakarta) be extremely busy.\n
upleg-uplegan rush about very busy.\n
urah 1. (M) demolish, tear down. 2.relate.\n
urai apart, asunder.\n
urai-uraian strands, pieces.\n
uraian uraian\n
urakan rowdy, unconventional.\n
urang-aring k.o. herb used for the hair.\n
uranium uranium.\n
urap 1. ointment, salve. 2. grated coconut with spices.\n
salad of mixed vegetables (cabbage, beansprouts, stringbeans) with
urapan urapan\n
1 tendon. urat-keting (Anat.) Achilles\' tendon. 2 nerve. urat-saraf
nerve. 3 vein. urat-nadi artery.\n
urban o. who has moved to the city from the country.\n
urbanisasi migration to the city.\n
urea urea-based fertilizer.\n
uret (Java) larva, white grub.\n
urgen urgent.\n
urgensi urgency.\n
uri see ORI.\n
uri see ORI.\n
urik (Java) pick, pluck.\n
urine (Med.) urine.\n
uring (M) groove between nose and upper lip.\n
uring-uringan (Java) grumble angrily, be angry.\n
uris dash. uris-datar dash. uris-miring slant, virgule.\n
uro-uro chant Java poetry.\n
urolog urologist.\n
urologi urologi\n
urss (Uni Republik Sovyet Sosialis) USSR.\n
uruk 1 bury. 2 fill (with soil, sand, etc.).\n
urukan mound.\n
urukan mound.\n
urunan (Java) 1 contribution. 2 contribute.\n
urung 1 failed, unsuccessful. 2 not take place, be canceled.\n
urung 1 failed, unsuccessful. 2 not take place, be canceled.\n
urup 1 barter, exchange. 2 change money.\n
urupan 1 the thing exchanged. 2 change (money).\n
urus-urus purgative, laxative.\n
urusan urusan\n
urut 1. massage. 2. (Coll.) in a series, well organized.\n
urut-urutan 1 consecutively, in sequence. 2 (Sport) seeded.\n
urutan urutan\n

us (Uni Sovyet) Soviet Union.\n

us (Uni Sovyet) Soviet Union.\n
usah it is not necessary, no need to.\n
usaha 1 effort, exertion. 2 labor, work, trade.\n
usahawan 1 entrepreneur. 2 industrialist.\n
usahkan 1 let alone, not to mention. 2 instead of.\n
usai 1 finished, ready. 2 dispersed.\n
usak decrease, lessen.\n
/usalli/ 1 (Islam) firm intention to pray. 2 (Islam) word uttered upon
beginning a prayer. 3 intention.\n
1. 1) dregs. 2) waste remaining after the oil has been pressed from
coconut meat. 2. vague, dull (of color).\n
usang 1 worn out, decrepit. 2 obsolete. 3 dry, barren, withered.\n
usap 1 wipe. 2 caress, stroke.\n
usapan stroke, caress.\n
usar k.o. grass used to make fragrant oil.\n
the five guiding principles of Sukarno\'s gvt. after 1960: the 1945
usdek Constitution; Sosialism a la Indonesia; Guided democracy; Guided
economy; National identity.\n
usdekisme politics on the basis of USDEK.\n
ushuludin see USULUDIN.\n
usia age.\n
usik 1tease. 2 touch on. 3 (Phys.) perturb.\n
1 annoyance, disturbance. 2 meddling, criticism. 3 (Phys.)
usil annoying, bothering others doing s.t. not desired.\n
usilan annoyance, bothering.\n
usiran fugitive.\n
uskup (Rel.) bishop. uskup-agung archbishop.\n
usolli see USALI.\n
/ustadz, ustaz/ (Islam) 1 term of address for Islam teacher. 2 (Lit.)
lord, master.\n
/ustadzah, ustazah/ (Islam) term of address for a female Islam
ustrali (Coll.) Australia.\n
ustria (Coll.) Austria.\n
usuk (Java) rafter.\n
usuk (Java) rafter.\n
usul 1. 1) proposal, suggestion. 2) motion. 2. nature, characteristic.\n
usulan proposal, suggestion.\n
(Islam) o. of the branches of theology pertaining to law and
usuludin philosophy.\n

usung carry (together with others) on the shoulders.\n

usungan stretcher, litter.\n
usur see UZUR.\n
intestines. usus-besar large intestine. usus-buntu appendix. usus-
duabelas jari duodenum. usus-halus small intestine.\n
usut investigate.\n
utak-atik /utak-utik/ tinker with s.t.\n
utama 1 prominent, eminent. 2 principal, prime.\n
utan see HUTAN.\n
utang see HUTANG.\n
utar-utar small round shield.\n
utara 1. north. 2. explain.\n
utarid Utarid\n
1. skilled, capable. 2. 1) cord, string, strand. 2 numeral classifier for
long, thin, and supple things (such as ropes, straw, etc.).\n
utik-utik touch with a finger, poke into s.t. to examine it.\n
utilitas utility, usefulness.\n
utk. (untuk) for, in order to.\n
utopi /utopia/ utopia.\n
utopis utopian\n
utuh whole, intact.\n
utuhan (Math.) integer.\n
utus delegate.\n
utusan 1 messenger. 2 envoy. 3 delegate.\n
uu (Undang-undang) law, decree.\n
uud (Undang-undang Dasar) the Constitution.\n
uuds (Undang-undang Dasar Sementara) provisional constitution.\n
uwar see UAR.\n
uyel-uyel (Java) justle.\n
uzur enfeebled (from old age or illness).\n
uzur enfeebled (from old age or illness).\n
v /fe/ v, the 22d letter of the alphabet.\n
vademecum comprehensive handbook (for medical students, etc.).\n
vagina /fagina, fakhina/ (Med.) vagina.\n
vak /fak/ 1 subject of study. 2 discipline, field of study.\n
vakansi vacation.\n
vakature /fakatur/ vacancy.\n
vaksin (Med.0 vaccine.\n
vaksinasi vaccination.\n
vaksinator o. who vaccinates.\n

vakum 1. vacuum. 2. (Med.) suction device to abort the fetus.\n

vakum 1. vacuum. 2. (Med.) suction device to abort the fetus.\n
valensi valence.\n
valensi valence.\n
validasi validation.\n
validitas validity.\n
valuta currency. valuta-asing foreign currency.\n
vandalisme vandalism.\n
vandel souvenir pennant.\n
varan monitor lizard. varan-Komodo Komodo dragon.\n
varia variety, varied.\n
variabel 1 subject to change. 2 statistical variable.\n
variabilitas variability.\n
varian variant.\n
variasi variation.\n
variety, kind (of plants, etc.). varietas-unggul high-yielding
varises (Med.) varicose veins.\n
varitas see VARIETAS.\n
varuna see BARUNA.\n
vas vase.\n
vaselin vaseline.\n
(Vestiging Besluit) permission to occupy a company house (in the
colonial period).\n
veem wharfage and transport business.\n
vegetaris vegetarian.\n
vegetarisme vegetarianism.\n
vektor (Math.) vector.\n
velar (Ling.) velar.\n
velbak see PELBAK.\n
veldbed /felbet/ see FELBET.\n
veldfles /pelples, felfles/ water-bottle, canteen.\n
velg see PELEK.\n
ventilasi ventilation.\n
ventilator ventilator.\n
ver- seealso entries with per-.\n
verba (Ling.) verb.\n
verbal 1 verbal, oral. 2 (Ling.) verbal.\n
verdah suspected of having a disease.\n
verdieping see PERDIPING.\n
vergunning /verkhening/ see PERKENING.\n
verifikasi verification.\n
verkeneng /verkening/ reconnaisance, reconoitering.\n
vermaak /permak/ see PERMAK.\n
vernis see PERNIS.\n
verpleegster see VERPLEHSTER.\n
verpleger /verpleher/ male hospital attendant.\n
verplehster nurse.\n
verpolitisir politicize.\n
versi version.\n
versneleng /versneling/see PERSNELING.\n
versus versus.\n
vertikal vertical.\n
vet (Coll.) grease, esp. engine lubricators.\n
veter shoelaces.\n
veteran veteran, esp. of the Revolution of 1945.\n
veto veto.\n
vetsin monosodium glutamate.\n
via via.\n
viaduk /viadukt/ 1 viaduct. 2 fly-over, overpass.\n
vibrasi vibration.\n
vide refer to, see.\n
video 1 video cassette. 2 video performance.\n
vietsel (Vietnam Selatan) South Vietnam.\n
vietut (Vietnam Utara) North Vietnam.\n
vihara see WIHARA.\n
vikariat (Rel.) vicariate.\n
vikaris-jenderal (Rel.) vicar general.\n
vila /villa/ hous in country, us. for weekend use.\n
vilt felt.\n
vinyet vignette.\n
violet violet in color.\n
violis violinist.\n
vip /fip/ s.t. reserved for VIPs.\n
virgo (Zodiac) Virgo.\n
virulen virulent.\n
virulensi virulence.\n
virus virus.\n
visa visa.\n
visi point of view, perspective.\n
visual visual.\n
visualisasi visualization.\n
visuil see VISUAL.\n
1 visa. 2 any written document from relevant authorities stating that
a certain matter has been considered and approved of.\n
vital vital.\n
vitalitas vitality.\n

vitrage /fitrasye/ lace curtain.\n

vivere-periculoso live dangerously (Sukarno-era slogan).\n
vla k.o. rich custrad us. used as a topping for cakes and puddings.\n
vlex see PLEK.\n
/fe o se/ (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) Dutch E. India
voc Company (a trading company that held a monopoly in Indonesia
voile /foal/ k.o. cloth, voile.\n
voile /foal/ k.o. cloth, voile.\n
vokabuler 1 vocabulary, wordlist. 2 o.\'s verbal knowledge.\n
vokal (Ling.0 vowel.\n
vokalis vocalist.\n
vol se POL1.\n
vol. (volume) volume.\n
voli volleyball.\n
volt volt.\n
volta-hulu Upper Volta.\n
voltase voltage.\n
volume 1 volume, amount of liquid content. 2 volume, loudness.\n
volunter a volunteer.\n
vonis verdict.\n
votum vote.\n
vrij /fre, pre/ see PERAI 1.\n
vs /fe es/ (versus) versus.\n
vulakanik /vulakanis/ volcanic.\n
vulgair /fulkher/ vulgar.\n
vulgarisasi vulgarization.\n
vulkan vulkan\n
vulkanisasi vulcanization.\n
vulkanisir 1 retread. 2 vilcanize.\n
vulkanisme (Geol.) volcanic activity.\n
vulkanolog expert in vulcanology.\n
vulkanologi study of volcanic activity.\n
vulpen see PULPEN.\n
vuring lining of clothing.\n
(Varitas Unggul Tahan Wereng) a high-yielding pest-proof variety
of rice (much used in the 1970s).\n
w /we/ w. the 23d letter of the alphabet.\n
w. (waktu) time (zone).\n
waad /waadat/ (Lit.) treaty, contract.\n
wabah epidemic.\n
wabah epidemic.\n
wabah epidemic.\n
wabakdahu /wabakdu/ (Lit.) furthermore, then.\n
wacana 1 (Lit.) word, expression. 2 (Lit.) discourse.\n
wadag body, bodily.\n
wadah 1 container. 2 coordinating institution, umbrella organization.\n
sacrifice (upon completion of a new building, to obtain magical
powers, etc.).\n
wadam (wanita adam) transvestite homosexual, transsexual.\n
wadas stony ground.\n
wadat 1 celibacy. 2 live a celibate life.\n
wadduh (Java) see ADUH.\n
wader k.o. small freshwater fish.\n
wadi wadi, a stream in desert.\n
wadon (Java) female.\n
waduh (Java) see ADUH.\n
waduk 1 rumen. 2 (Coll.) paunch. 3 basin, reservoir.\n
wadul (Java) tell on s.o., be a tattletale.\n
wadung ax.\n
wae 1 (Sunda) also, even. 2 (Java) only.\n
wafat pass away.\n
wage fourth day of the Java five-day week.\n
wagen /wakhen/ carriage (of typewriter).\n
wagon (R.R.) coach, car.\n
wagub (wakil gubernur) vice-governor.\n
wah Well, Hey ! (exclamation of surprise or exasperation).\n
waha /wahah/ oasis.\n
wahadah /wahadat/ (Rel.) oneness (of God).\n
(Lit.) 1 alas ! (particle to emphasize distress). 2 Oh ! (particle to
draw attention).\n
waham suspicious, suspicion.\n
1 (Lit.) mode, vehicle (for conveyingthoughts, ideas, or for realizing
ideals). 2vehicle (in automotive workshop names).\n
wahid 1 one, unique (of God). 2 alone, without peer.\n
wahon see WAGON.\n
wahyu (Rel.) divine revelation, vision from God to man.\n
1. river (in place names in Lampong, Ambon, and elsewhere). 2. see
waisak /Waisyak/ see Wesak.\n
waja see BAJA 1.\n
wajah countenance, face. wajah-baru newcomer.\n
wajan wok.\n
1. 1) natural, proper. 2) genuine, without deceit. 2. (wajib belajar)
wajar compulsory education.\n

1 (Islam) obligatory (of certain pious acts, e.g. praying at the

appointed times, etc.). 2 must. 3 duty, obligation.\n
1 rhomboid shape. 2 (Crd.) diamond. 3 k.o. cake made of sticky rice
and palm sugar, cut in rhomboid shapes.\n
wak see UA.\n
waka (wakil kepala) deputy head.\n
1. (Islam) 1) property donated for religious or community use. 2)
religious foundation. 2. (Islam) pause in reading the Koran.\n
wakap see WAKAF 1.\n
wakhen see WAGEN.\n
wakif (Islam) o. who donates property to the Islam community.\n
wakil 1 representative. 2 vice, deputy. 3 agent (on behalf of a firm).\n
wakil 1 representative. 2 vice, deputy. 3 agent (on behalf of a firm).\n
waktu 1 time. 2 when. 3 while. 4 time zone.\n
wakuncar (wajib kunjung pacar) (Coll.) have a date with o.\'s lover.\n
wala (wajib latih) military training requirement for civilians (1970s).\n
/wala:h/ (Coll.) 1 Come on get serious ! (exclamation of
walaah belittlement). 2 Oh no ! (exclamation expressing disapproval of a
walafiat see SEHAT.\n
(Islam) And peace be to you (in reply to the greeting assalam
walakhir (Lit.) (and) in the end, finally.\n
walakin (Lit.) although.\n
(Wajib Latih Mahasiswa) military training requirement for students
(in the 1970s).\n
(Java) grasshopper, locust. walang-hati anxious, concerned. walang-
sangit k.o. insect that releases a pungent smell.\n
walau /walaupun/ although.\n
(wajib latih mahasiswa) military training requirement for students
9in the early 1970s).\n
waled (Java) ooze, alluvium. waled-an arrears (in payment, salary).\n
walet (Java) k.o. swallow.\n
walhasil (Lit.) with the result that...\n
1 (Islam) male relative legally responsible for a bride, us. her father.
2 guardian, proxy. 3 high civil servant. 4 religious leader.\n
walikota mayor.\n
walimah wedding party.\n
waliullah (Islam) holy person.\n
wallah see WALAAH.\n
wallah see WALAAH.\n
wallahi I swear by God !.\n
1 God knows best. wallahualam-bissawab Gods knows the truth. 2
Heaven knows ! (I do not).\n
wals /walsa/ waltz.\n
waluh (Java) squash, gourd, pumpkin.\n
waluku (Java) plow.\n
wamil (wajib militer) conscription.\n
wamilda (Wajib militer Darurat) emergency military obligation.\n
wampa (Wakil Menteri Pertama) deputy chief minister.\n
1 term of reference or address for males of Arab descent. 2 tittle for
nobility in some areas.\n
wana (China) an indigenous Indonesian.\n
wang see UANG.\n
wangi fragrant.\n
wangi-wangian perfumery, all k.o. scents.\n
wangkang ocean-going sailboat.\n
wangsa dynasty.\n
wangsat expression of reproach: you animal !.\n
wangsit (Java) divine inspiration.\n
wanita woman.\n
wanra (Perlawanan Rakyat) people\'s militia.\n
wanti-wanti (Java) repeatedly, time after time.\n
wantunas see WATUNAS.\n
wap see UAP 1.\n
wapat see WAFAT.\n
waperdam (wakil perdana menteri) vice-premier.\n
wapres (wakil presiden) vice-president.\n
(Wanita Angakatan Udara) women\'s section of the Air Force and its
(Islam) observant of religious obligations, esp regarding
warakat see WARKAH.\n
warakawuri (Lit.) army widow.\n
warangan see BERANGAN 1.\n
waranggana (Java) singer in gamelan orchestra.\n
waras 1 having full possession of o.\'s senses. 2 healthy.\n
warawiri 1. (Lit.) hibiscus. 2. 1) back and forth. 2) fickle, unstable.\n
warek (Java, Jakarta) satiated, full.\n
warembol k.o. sweet roll.\n
warga 1 accredited member of an association. 2 citizen.\n
waria (wanita pria) transsexual, transvestite homosexual.\n
waringin (Java) see BERINGIN.\n
waris heir.\n
warisan legacy, inheritance.\n
warisan legacy, inheritance.\n
/warkat/ (Lit.) letter. warkat-pos 1 aerogram. 2 postal form for
domestic mail similar to an aerogram.\n
/warkat/ (Lit.) letter. warkat-pos 1 aerogram. 2 postal form for
domestic mail similar to an aerogram.\n
warmbol see WAREMBOL.\n
1 color. warna-bahasa (Ling.) speech level. warna-suara/nada timbre.
warna-warni all k.o. colors. 2 (Crd.) suit.\n
warni see WARNA.\n
warok (Java) k.o. ascetic expert of martial arts, often homosexual.\n
warong see WARUNG.\n
warsa (Lit.) year.\n
1 report, communication. warta-harian daily newspaper. 2 news.
warta-berita news broadcast.\n
wartawan journalist, correspondent.\n
wartawati woman reporter or journalist.\n
(warung tegal) food stall with cheap food (us. with little or no
waru 1. (Crd.) spades. 2. see BARU 2.\n
waruna see BARUNA.\n
small shop, stall. warung-keliling itinerant food stall. warung-kopi
coffee shop. warung-nasi food stall. warung-remeng-remeng 1 dimly
lit food stall. 2 food stall for assignations in a prostitution
wasalam see WASSALAM.\n
wasana (Lit.) final.\n
wasangka suspicion.\n
waserai dry-cleaners and laundry.\n
waseraian dry-cleaned clothes.\n
1 dying exhortation, last will and testament (spoken or written). 2
magic power (of an ancient heirloom).\n
wasilah /wasilat/ relation, connection, bond.\n
wasir see BAWASIR.\n
wasit 1 referee, umpire. 2 arbiter.\n

wasitah medium, spirit.\n

waskita clairvoyant, psychic.\n
waskom see BASKOM.\n
waslap washcloth, scrubbing towel.\n
waspada wary, on guard.\n
wassalam Peace be with you ! (use to conclude letters), sincerely yours.\n
(Islam) And peace be with you (used to close letters and speeches). -
wassalamualaikum warakhmatullahi wabarakatuh And peace be with you and God\'s
blessing (used to close letters and speeches).\n
wasserij /waserai/ seeWASERAI.\n
wastafel bathroom sink, wash basin.\n
waswas /waswisu/ anxious, uneasy to the point of being suspicious.\n
wat Thai Buddhist temple.\n
watak 1 nature, disposition. 2 character (of novel, etc.).\n
watak 1 nature, disposition. 2 character (of novel, etc.).\n
watermantel water-cooled machine gun.\n
waterpas carpenter\'s level.\n
waterpoken (Coll.) chicken pox.\n
waterpruf /waterprup/ waterproof.\n
watt watts.\n
wattase wattage.\n
watunas (wanita tuna susila) prostitute.\n
wau the 25 letters of the Arabic alphabet.\n
wauw (Coll.) wow !.\n
wauwau k.o. gibbon.\n
wawancara interview.\n
wawansantap (Lit.) friendly, informal meal or banguet.\n
1 insight, perception. 2 concept. wawasan-nusantara the Archipelago
wawasan concept (i.e. the maritime territory of Indonesia includes all the
water between the islands).\n
way see WAI 1.\n
1 shadow play with leather puppets often. 2 leather puppet. 3
traditional drama performance of Java and Bali. wayang-golek
wooden puppet show. wayang-kulit shadow play with leather
puppet. wayang-orang Java stage show us. with wayang themes.\n
wayer electric fan.\n
wayuh (Java) have more than o. wife.\n
wazir 1 (Lit.) vizier. 2 (Che.) queen.\n
wb. see WR. (WB.).\n
wc /wese/ (water closet) toilet, restroom.\n
wc /wese/ (water closet) toilet, restroom.\n

we 1. (Java) Gosh !. 2. see OWE.\n

wedana (Java) district chief.\n
wedar (Java) disclose.\n
wedel (Java) dye.\n
wedelan s.t. dyed.\n
wedung (Java) cleaver.\n
wegah see OGAH.\n
wejang advice, instruct.\n
wejangan 1 advice. 2 speech containing advice.\n
weker /wekker/ seeBEKER 1.\n
welang (Java) see BELANG.\n
welas-asih (Java) mercy.\n
welasan welasan\n
weling last will and testament.\n
welirang see BELERANG.\n
weluku see WALUKU.\n
wenang Syiwa\'s father (in the wayang).\n
wenang Syiwa\'s father (in the wayang).\n
werak recruiter of laborers.\n
werda (Mil.) a guard\'s call :\" Who is there ?\"\n
werdha see WISMA.\n
werek see WERAK.\n
werek-kontrak (Coll.) contract labor.\n
wereng k.o. rice pest.\n
wesak holiday marking Buddha\'s birth, enlightenment, and death.\n
wesel 1. money order, draft. 2.(R.R.) railway switch.\n
weselbor (Tel., R.R.) switchboard.\n
weselpos see POSWESEL.\n
wesi (Java) see BESI.\n
wesio (China) Buddhist monk.\n
westernisasi Westernization.\n
wet (Coll.) law.\n
wetan (Java) east.\n
wewangian perfurmery.\n
wewegombel (Java) k.o. ugly female ghost with sagging breasts.\n
wewenang authority, competence.\n
wiara see WIHARA.\n
wib (Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat) West Indonesia Time (zone).\n
wibawa authority, power.\n
wicara (Ling.) speech.\n
widara see BIDARA.\n
widuri (Java) k.o. shrub.\n

widuri (Java) k.o. shrub.\n

widyakarya (Lit.) university-level work-study.\n
widyawisata (Lit.) study tour,\n
wiena see WINA.\n
wih (Coll.) exclamation to show surprise or call attention to s.t.\n
wihara Buddhist monastery or nunnery.\n
wijaya (Lit.) victory.\n
wijayakusuma see BUNGA.\n
wijen (Java) see BIJEN.\n
wiku see BIKSU.\n
wiladah confinement, childbirth.\n
1 region, district (below the province but larger than a county in
wilayah size). 2 zone. wilayah-industri industrial estate. wilayah-pinggiran
peripheral area, frontier estate.\n
wildop hubcap.\n
wilis see BURUNG.\n
wina Vienna.\n
windu cycle of eight years in Java calendrical reckoning.\n
1 (Mil.) decoration (for those who have flown or parachuted a
certain number of times). 2 wing in air formation.\n
wiper /waiper/ windshield wiper.\n
wira (Lit.) man, hero. wira-tamtama a low military rank.\n
wiracarita /wiracerita/ (Lit.) epic.\n
wirama see IRAMA.\n
wiraniaga salesperson.\n
wiraswasta 1 entrepreneur. 2 run a private enterprise.\n
wiraswastawan entrepreneur.\n
wirausaha businessman.\n
wirawan hero, heroic.\n
wirid (Islam) passage of Koran,.\n
wiron (Java) pleats in a batik wraparound.\n
wiru pleat.\n
wiryaan see HAL 1.\n
wisata a tour.\n
wisatawan tourist.\n
wisel see WESEL 1.\n
wisik (Java) inspiration.\n
wiski whisky.\n
public building. wisma-budaya art galery. wisma-werdha/wreda
(Lit.) old people\'s home.\n
wisuda graduation ceremony.\n

wisudawan male graduate at commencement.\n

wisudawati female graduate at commencement.\n
wit (Waktu Indonesia Bagian Timur) East Indonesia Time (zone).\n
(Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah) Central Indonesian Time
wiyaga (Java) gamelan player.\n
wiyata (Lit.) education. wiyata-bhakti practice teaching.\n
wk(l). (wakil) vice-, deputy, assistant.\n
wkt. (waktu) time.\n
wmp see WAMPA.\n
wn (Warga Negara) citizen.\n
wna (Warga Negara Asing) foreign citizen, us. refering to Chinese.\n
(Warga Negara Indoneasia) 1 (Leg.) citizen of Indonesia. 2
naturalized indonesian citizen, esp. of China descent.\n
woki-toki walki-talki.\n
wol wool.\n
wolanda see BELANDA.\n
1. (Java) person). 2. (Java) because. 3. (Java) what are you talking
about ! (expression of disagreement).\n
wortel carrot.\n
(warakhmatullahi (wabarakatuh) ) may God be merciful (and bless
you) (for formal conclusions to letter and speeches).\n
wreda see WISMA.\n
wredatama (Lit.) retired person.\n
wts (wanita tuna susila) prostitute.\n
wts (wanita tuna susila) prostitute.\n
wudhu /wudlu, wudu/ (Islam) ritual ablution before prayers.\n
wuduk see NASI 1.\n
wujud shape into which s.t. has been formed.\n
(Java) o. of the 30 seven-day periods which make up the 210-day
calendar cycle.\n
(Islam) ceremony of gathering on the field of Arafah during the
wuluh 1. (Zod.0 pleiades. 2. see BELIMBING. 3. (Java) see BULUH.\n
wungkul (Java) whole, unbroken.\n
wungu (Java) see UNGU.\n
wutuh see UTUH.\n
wuwu (Java) see BUBU.\n
wuwung (Java) see BUBUNG.\n
x there are not any x words in bahasa Indonesia.\n
y y, the 25th letter of the alphabet.\n
1. 1) yes. 2) what? (a response to s.o.\'s call). 3) OK?, will you?
(particle indicating a softened command). 4) right? isn\'t it?
(question tag word). 5) Let us seenow...what? how? who? etc. 6)
hmm (hesitation particle). 7) as for (topic marker) 2. Oh.\n
yad. (yang akan datang) the future, coming.\n
yah 1. well.... (particle of resignation, exasperation, etc.). 2 see AYAH.\n
yahud (Sl.) OK, excellent, great.\n
yahuddah Judaic.\n
yahudi Jew, Jewish.\n
yahudiah Jewish.\n
yahut see YAHUD.\n
yahya 1 male name. 2 (Bib.) the Gospel of John.\n
yaini see YAKNI.\n
yais menopause.\n
yaitu that is, i.e., viz.\n
yak 1 (Coll.) yes. 2 (Sport) catch (i.e. a ball).\n
yakin sure, certain, convinced.\n
yakin sure, certain, convinced.\n
yakis baboon.\n
yakni that is, namely, viz.\n
yakut hyacinth.\n
yalah see IALAH.\n
yaman Yemen.\n
1. 1) nominalizing particle: the o. who, the thing which, etc. 2)
particle forming a specific adjective clause : \"which is, who are,\"
etc. 3) with numerals or demonstrative:the o. or the two, etc. (as
opposed to others). 2. see SAYANG.\n
yapon 1 bathrobe (for women). 2 Western-style women\'s dress.\n
yareh /yarig, yareh/ Coll.) have o.\'s birthday.\n
yasan k.o. rice field that is cultivated individually.\n
yasin (Islam) chapter 37 of the Koran often read while s.o. is dying.\n
yasmin Jasmine.\n
yassin see YASIN.\n
yatim fatherless child. yatim-piatu orphan.\n
yaumuddin (Islam) doomsday.\n
yaumulkiamah (Islam) Day of Judgment.\n
yayasan foundation, institute.\n
yayasan foundation, institute.\n
yayi (Java) younger brother or sister.\n

yb. (yang berikut) next, following.\n

ybl. (yang baru lalu) last.\n
ybs. (yang bersangkutan) the person concerned.\n
yeksi see INJEKSI.\n
yel yell (in demonstration, etc.).\n
yellowpaper /yelo peper/ sensation-oriented newspaper.\n
yeremiah (Bib.) Jeremiah.\n
yesuit (Rel.) Jesuit.\n
yet see JET.\n
yg. (yang) which, who.\n
yi. (yaitu) that is, namely, viz, i.e.\n
yl. 1. (yang lain) the other. 2. (yang lalu) past, last.\n
yme (Yang Maha Esa) the One God.\n
ymj. (yang menjalankan jabatan) acting, holding office temporarily.\n
yo see AYO.\n
yodium iodine.\n
yodiumisasi program for providing iodized salt.\n
yoga meditation.\n
yogia /yogya/ proper, fitting.\n
yohanes /Yohannes/ 1 male name. 2 (Bib.) the gospel of John.\n
yojana distance, field of vision.\n
yok see AYO.\n
yoker (Crd.) joker.\n
yon. (Batalyon) battalion.\n
yongenskop short haircut (for women).\n
yongker see YOKER.\n
yongtahu (China) tofu filled with meat.\n
you /yu/ you (distant but informal).\n
(yang terhormat) the honorable (on letter addresses and
yts. (yang tersebut) mentioned.\n
yu 1. see MBAK. 2. see HIU. 3 see YOU. 4 see AYO.\n
yubilaris o. who celebrates his or her jubilee (wedding, ordination, etc.).\n
yubileum jubilee.\n
yuda /yudha/ (Lit.) war.\n
1 Latinate citation on a diploma (cum laude, etc.). 2 graduation
exercise (at divisional level).\n
yudo yudo.\n
yugo Yugoslav, Yugoslavia.\n
yuh /yuk/ see AYO.\n
yuli see JULI.\n
yunani Greek, Greece.\n
yuncto /yungkto/ (Leg.) in connection with.\n
yunior 1 (Sport) junior, pertaining to or concerning youth. 2 son of.\n
k.o. college preparatory school emphasizing classics (esp. in colonial
period and formerly in Jesuit training).\n
yuran 1 contribution. 2 dues.\n
yuridiksi jurisdiction, competency of a certain court.\n
yuridis juridical.\n
yuris 1 juris, lawyer. 2 law student.\n
yurisprudensi legal administration, jurisdiction.\n
yurk /yurek/ dress, frok, shirt.\n
yusak (Bib.) Joshua.\n
yuta see JUTA.\n
yuwelir jeweler.\n
yuyu k.o. small soft-shelled crab.\n
z /zet, set, jet/ z, the 26th letter of the alphabet.\n
z /zet, set, jet/ z, the 26th letter of the alphabet.\n
zaal /sal/ see SAL 1.\n
zabarjad topaz.\n
zabib (Lit.) raisins.\n
zabur psalm. Kitab-Zabur (Bib.) Book of Psalms.\n
zadah see JADAH.\n
zadat (Phys.) solid.\n
zadir (Chem.) sal ammoniac.\n
zahid ascetic.\n
zahir see LAHIR 1.\n
zair (Phys.) liquid.\n
zaitun /zait/ olive tree and its fruit.\n
zak /sak see SAK 1.\n
zakar penis. batang-zakar shaft of the penis, penis. buah-zakar testicles.\n
(Islam) tithe. zakat-fitrah (Islam) tithe in rice or money paid on last
day of fasting month. zakat-maal tithe paid by rich people.\n
(Islam) tithe. zakat-fitrah (Islam) tithe in rice or money paid on last
day of fasting month. zakat-maal tithe paid by rich people.\n
zakelijk /sakelek/ (Coll.) businesslike.\n
zakiah sincere, pure.\n
zalf /salep/ see SALEP.\n
zalim see LALIM.\n
zalir fluid.\n
zaman see JAMAN.\n
zamrud emerald.\n
1 a sacred well in Mecca\'s mosque, Haggar\'s well. 2 water from
zamzam Mecca\'s sacred well.\n
zanggi see JANGGI.\n
zantara (Phys.) medium.\n
zarafah see JERAPAH.\n
zarah /zarrah/ 1 particle, crumb, matter. 2 atom.\n
zarah /zarrah/ 1 particle, crumb, matter. 2 atom.\n
(Chem.) essence, substance. zat-air hydrogen. zat-asam oxygen. zat-
cair liquid. zat-hijau cholorophyl. zat-lemas nitrogen. zat-makanan
vitamin. zat-telur protein, albumen. zat-yang maha tinggi the
supreme substance (God).\n
zebra zebra.\n
zending (Rel.) /sending/ Protestant missionary or mission.\n
zeni 1. (Mil.) detachment of army engineers. 2. (Coll.) genius.\n
zenit zenith.\n
zero (Ling.) zero allomorph.\n
zet /set/meng-set type\n
ziadah addition, excess.\n
ziarah make a devotional visit to a sacred place.\n
zib 1. (Lit.) k.o. wolf. 2. see JIB.\n
zig-zag zig-zag.\n
zikir see DIKIR.\n
zina /zinah/ any sexual act outside of marriage.\n
zina /zinah/ any sexual act outside of marriage.\n
zindik heretic.\n
zinkwit /singkwit/ zinc-white.\n
zirafah see JERAPAH.\n
zirah (Lit.) coat of chain-mail.\n
zirnikh /sirnikh/ arsenic.\n
zitje /sice/ see SICE.\n
zohal (Astr.) Saturn.\n
zohrah (Astr.) Venus.\n
zolim see LALIM.\n
zonder /sonder/ see SONDER.\n
zoologi /sologi/ zoology.\n
zuadah see JUADAH.\n
zuhal see ZOHAL.\n
zuhrah /Zuhrat/ see ZOHRAH.\n
zuhur see LOHOR.\n
zulhijah 12th month of Arabic calendar.\n
zulkaedah 11th month of Arabic calendar.\n
zunub see JUNUB.\n
zurafah see JERAPAH.\n
zuriat 1 (Biol.) seed. 2 descendant, posterity.\n
/sus, ses/ 1 term of address for Christian or Westernized adult
women. 2 term of address for female nurses and midwives.

Future Continuous
Future Continuous has two different forms: "will be doing " and "be going to be do-
ing." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are usually interchangeable.
FORM Future Continuous with "Will"

[will be + present participle]

You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
You will not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.

FORM Future Continuous with "Be Going To "

[am/is/are + going to be + present participle]

You are going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
Are you going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
You are not going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.

REMEMBER: It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future Continu-
ous with little difference in meaning. Complete List of Future Continuous Forms

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Future

Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by
a shorter action in the future. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption
in time.

I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives.
I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel, if anything happens and you need to contact
He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.

Notice in the examples above that the interruptions (marked in italics) are in Simple Present
rather than Simple Future. This is because the interruptions are in time clauses, and you can-
not use future tenses in time clauses.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption in the Future

In USE 1, described above, the Future Continuous is interrupted by a short action in the fu-
ture. In addition to using short actions as interruptions, you can also use a specific time as an

Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to be eating dinner.
I will be in the process of eating dinner.
At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the desert.
We will be in the process of driving through the desert.

In the Simple Future, a specific time is used to show the time an action will begin or end. In
the Future Continuous, a specific time interrupts the action.

Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to eat dinner.
I am going to start eating at 6 PM.
Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to be eating dinner.
I am going to start earlier and I will be in the process of eating dinner at 6 PM.

USE 3 Parallel Actions in the Future

When you use the Future Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the
idea that both actions will be happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.

I am going to be studying and he is going to be making dinner.
Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.
While Ellen is reading, Tim will be watching television.

Notice "is reading" because of the time clause containing "while." (See Explanation Below)

USE 4 Atmosphere in the Future

In English, we often use a series of Parallel Actions to describe atmosphere at a specific point
in the future.

When I arrive at the party, everybody is going to be celebrating. Some will be dancing.
Others are going to be talking. A few people will be eating pizza, and several people are
going to be drinking beer. They always do the same thing.

REMEMBER No Future in Time Clauses

Like all future tenses, the Future Continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with time
expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead
of Future Continuous, Present Continuous is used.

While I am going to be finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner. Not Correct
While I am finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner. Correct

AND REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous
tenses. Instead of using Future Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Future.

Jane will be being at my house when you arrive. Not Correct
Jane will be at my house when you arrive. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You will still be waiting for her when her plane arrives.
Will you still be waiting for her when her plane arrives?

You are still going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives.
Are you still going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives?


At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes. Active
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John. Passive
At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes. Active
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John. Passive

NOTE: Passive forms of the Future Continuous are not common.


Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous has two different forms: "will have been doing " and "be going to
have been doing." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Perfect Continuous forms are usually
interchangeable. FORM Future Perfect Continuous with "Will"

[will have been + present participle]

* You will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.
* Will you have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives?
* You will not have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

FORM Future Perfect Continuous with "Be Going To"

[am/is/are + going to have been + present participle]

You are going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally ar-
Are you going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally ar-
You are not going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally

NOTE: It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future Perfect Contin-
uous with little or no difference in meaning. Complete List of Future Perfect Continuous

USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Future

We use the Future Perfect Continuous to show that something will continue up until a partic-
ular event or time in the future. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Friday" are
all durations which can be used with the Future Perfect Continuous. Notice that this is related
to the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Perfect Continuous; however, with Future Per-
fect Continuous, the duration stops at or before a reference point in the future.

They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.
She is going to have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes.
James will have been teaching at the university for more than a year by the time he leaves
for Asia.
How long will you have been studying when you graduate?
We are going to have been driving for over three days straight when we get to Anchorage.
A: When you finish your English course, will you have been living in New Zealand for
over a year?
B: No, I will not have been living here that long.

Notice in the examples above that the reference points (marked in italics) are in Simple
Present rather than Simple Future. This is because these future events are in time clauses, and
you cannot use future tenses in time clauses.

USE 2 Cause of Something in the Future

Using the Future Perfect Continuous before another action in the future is a good way to
show cause and effect.

Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging for over an hour.
Claudia's English will be perfect when she returns to Germany because she is going to
have been studying English in the United States for over two years.

Future Continuous vs. Future Perfect Continuous

If you do not include a duration such as "for five minutes," "for two weeks" or "since Friday,"
many English speakers choose to use the Future Continuous rather than the Future Perfect
Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence. Future Continu-
ous emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Future Perfect Continuous emphasizes a dura-
tion of time before something in the future. Study the examples below to understand the dif-

He will be tired because he will be exercising so hard.
This sentence emphasizes that he will be tired because he will be exercising at that exact
moment in the future.
He will be tired because he will have been exercising so hard.

This sentence emphasizes that he will be tired because he will have been exercising for a
period of time. It is possible that he will still be exercising at that moment OR that he will
just have finished.

REMEMBER No Future in Time Clauses

Like all future forms, the Future Perfect Continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with
time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc.
Instead of Future Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous is used.

You won't get a promotion until you will have been working here as long as Tim. Not Cor-
You won't get a promotion until you have been working here as long as Tim. Correct

AND REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous

tenses. Instead of using Future Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Future Per-
fect .

Ned will have been having his driver's license for over two years. Not Correct
Ned will have had his driver's license for over two years. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You will only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives.
Will you only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives?

You are only going to have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives.
Are you only going to have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives?


The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is
finished. Active
The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the
time it is finished. Passive

The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time
it is finished. Active
The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by
the time it is finished. Passive
NOTE: Passive forms of the Future Perfect Continuous are not common.

Future Perfect
Future Perfect has two different forms: "will have done" and "be going to have done."
Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Perfect forms are usually interchangeable. FORM Future
Perfect with "Will"

[will have + past participle]

You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.
Will you have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.?
You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

FORM Future Perfect with "Be Going To"

[am/is/are + going to have + past participle]

You are going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.
Are you going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.?
You are not going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

NOTE: It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future Perfect with lit-
tle or no difference in meaning. Complete List of Future Perfect Forms

USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in the Future

The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the
future. It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future.

By next November, I will have received my promotion.
By the time he gets home, she is going to have cleaned the entire house.
I am not going to have finished this test by 3 o'clock.
Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing?
Sam is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon.
By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests.
How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50?

Notice in the examples above that the reference points (marked in italics) are in Simple
Present rather than Simple Future. This is because the interruptions are in time clauses, and
you cannot use future tenses in time clauses.

USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Future (Non-Continuous Verbs)

With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Fu-
ture Perfect to show that something will continue up until another action in the future.

I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave.
By Monday, Susan is going to have had my book for a week.

Although the above use of Future Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and
non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are
sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.

REMEMBER No Future in Time Clauses

Like all future forms, the Future Perfect cannot be used in clauses beginning with time ex-
pressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead of
Future Perfect, Present Perfect is used.

I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework. Not Correct
I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You will only have learned a few words.
Will you only have learned a few words?

You are only going to have learned a few words.

Are you only going to have learned a few words?


They will have completed the project before the deadline. Active
The project will have been completed before the deadline. Passive

They are going to have completed the project before the deadline. Active
The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. Passive

Past Continuous
[was/were + present participle]

You were studying when she called.
Were you studying when she called?
You were not studying when she called.

Complete List of Past Continuous Forms

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The
interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real
interruption or just an interruption in time.

I was watching TV when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
What were you doing when the earthquake started?
I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
B: I was snowboarding.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption

In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the
Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.

Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.

In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the
Past Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.

Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.
I started eating at 6 PM.
Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner.

USE 3 Parallel Actions

When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the
idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.

I was studying while he was making dinner.
While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
Were you listening while he was talking?
I wasn't paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes.
What were you doing while you were waiting?
Thomas wasn't working, and I wasn't working either.
They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

USE 4 Atmosphere
In English, we often use a series of parallel actions to describe the atmosphere at a particular
time in the past.

When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the
phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One
customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to
each other about the bad service.

USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

The Past Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that
something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the
expression "used to" but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or
"constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."

She was always coming to class late.
He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
I didn't like them because they were always complaining.

While vs. When

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning, but are often not complete sentences.
Some clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when she called" or "when it bit me."
Other clauses begin with "while" such as "while she was sleeping" and "while he was
surfing." When you talk about things in the past, "when" is most often followed by the verb
tense Simple Past, whereas "while" is usually followed by Past Continuous. "While"
expresses the idea of "during that time." Study the examples below. They have similar
meanings, but they emphasize different parts of the sentence.

I was studying when she called.
While I was studying, she called.

REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous
tenses. Instead of using Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Past.

Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct
Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You were just studying when she called.
Were you just studying when she called?


The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Active
The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.

Past Perfect Continuous


[had been + present participle]

You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.

Complete List of Past Perfect Continuous Forms

USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past

We use the Past Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and continued
up until another time in the past. "For five minutes" and "for two weeks" are both durations
which can be used with the Past Perfect Continuous. Notice that this is related to the Present
Perfect Continuous; however, the duration does not continue until now, it stops before
something else in the past.

They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.
She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business.
How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work.
James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia.
A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara?
B: I had not been studying Turkish very long.

USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past

Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show
cause and effect.

Jason was tired because he had been jogging.
Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.
Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class.

Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous

If you do not include a duration such as "for five minutes," "for two weeks" or "since Friday,"
many English speakers choose to use the Past Continuous rather than the Past Perfect
Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence. Past Continuous
emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Past Perfect Continuous emphasizes a duration of
time before something in the past. Study the examples below to understand the difference.

He was tired because he was exercising so hard.
This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he was exercising at that exact moment.
He was tired because he had been exercising so hard.
This sentence emphasizes that he was tired because he had been exercising over a period of
time. It is possible that he was still exercising at that moment OR that he had just finished.

REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous
tenses. Instead of using Past Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Past Perfect.

The motorcycle had been belonging to George for years before Tina bought it. Not Correct
The motorcycle had belonged to George for years before Tina bought it. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You had only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived.
Had you only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived?


Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he
moved to Paris. Active
The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years
before he moved to Paris. Passive

Past Perfect

[had + past participle]

You had studied English before you moved to New York.
Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
You had not studied English before you moved to New York.

Complete List of Past Perfect Forms

USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in the Past

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past.
It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.

I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.
Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times.
Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand?
She only understood the movie because she had read the book.
Kristine had never been to an opera before last night.
We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance.
A: Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
B: Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before.

USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs)

With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Past
Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the

We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.
They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than forty years.

Although the above use of Past Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and
non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are
sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.
IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect

Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the
Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary.

She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in

If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead of
the Past Perfect when "before" or "after" is used in the sentence. The words "before" and
"after" actually tell you what happens first, so the Past Perfect is optional. For this reason,
both sentences below are correct.

She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in
She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.

If the Past Perfect is not referring to an action at a specific time, Past Perfect is not optional.
Compare the examples below. Here Past Perfect is referring to a lack of experience rather
than an action at a specific time. For this reason, Simple Past cannot be used.

She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct
She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You had previously studied English before you moved to New York.
Had you previously studied English before you moved to New York?


George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license. Active
Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license. Passive

Present Continuous

[am/is/are + present participle]

You are watching TV.
Are you watching TV?
You are not watching TV.

Complete List of Present Continuous Forms

USE 1 Now
Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not
happening now.

You are learning English now.
You are not swimming now.
Are you sleeping?
I am sitting.
I am not standing.
Is he sitting or standing?
They are reading their books.
They are not watching television.
What are you doing?
Why aren't you doing your homework?

USE 2 Longer Actions in Progress Now

In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on.
Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer
action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.

Examples: (All of these sentences can be said while eating dinner in a restaurant.)
I am studying to become a doctor.
I am not studying to become a dentist.
I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.
I am not reading any books right now.
Are you working on any special projects at work?
Aren't you teaching at the university now?

USE 3 Near Future

Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will or will not
happen in the near future.

I am meeting some friends after work.
I am not going to the party tonight.
Is he visiting his parents next weekend?
Isn't he coming with us tonight?

USE 4 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

The Present Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that
something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the meaning is like Simple
Present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or "constantly"
between "be" and "verb+ing."

She is always coming to class late.
He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.
I don't like them because they are always complaining.

REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous
tenses. Instead of using Present Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Present.

She is loving this chocolate ice cream. Not Correct
She loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You are still watching TV.
Are you still watching TV?


Right now, Tom is writing the letter. Active
Right now, the letter is being written by Tom. Passive

Present Perfect


[has/have + been + present participle]

You have been waiting here for two hours.
Have you been waiting here for two hours?
You have not been waiting here for two hours.

Complete List of Present Perfect Continuous Forms

USE 1 Duration from the Past Until Now

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has
continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all
durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.

They have been talking for the last hour.
She has been working at that company for three years.
What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?
James has been teaching at the university since June.
We have been waiting here for over two hours!
Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine for the last three days?

USE 2 Recently, Lately

You can also use the Present Perfect Continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for two
weeks." Without the duration, the tense has a more general meaning of "lately." We often use
the words "lately" or "recently" to emphasize this meaning.

Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
She has been watching too much television lately.
Have you been exercising lately?
Mary has been feeling a little depressed.
Lisa has not been practicing her English.
What have you been doing?

Remember that the Present Perfect Continuous has the meaning of "lately" or "recently." If
you use the Present Perfect Continuous in a question such as "Have you been feeling
alright?", it can suggest that the person looks sick or unhealthy. A question such as "Have you
been smoking?" can suggest that you smell the smoke on the person. Using this tense in a
question suggests you can see, smell, hear or feel the results of the action. It is possible to
insult someone by using this tense incorrectly.

REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous
tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous
tenses. Instead of using Present Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Present

Sam has been having his car for two years. Not Correct
Sam has had his car for two years. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You have only been waiting here for one hour.
Have you only been waiting here for one hour?


Recently, John has been doing the work. Active
Recently, the work has been being done by John. Passive

NOTE: Present Perfect Continuous is less commonly used in its passive form.

Present Perfect
[has/have + past participle]

You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times.

Complete List of Present Perfect Forms

USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now.
The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time
expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in
Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific
expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet,

I have seen that movie twenty times.
I think I have met him once before.
There have been many earthquakes in California.
People have traveled to the Moon.
People have not traveled to Mars.
Have you read the book yet?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

How Do You Actually Use the Present Perfect?

The concept of "unspecified time" can be very confusing to English learners. It is best to
associate Present Perfect with the following topics:
TOPIC 1 Experience

You can use the Present Perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the
experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain
experience. The Present Perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.

I have been to France.
This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in France. Maybe you have
been there once, or several times.
I have been to France three times.
You can add the number of times at the end of the sentence.
I have never been to France.
This sentence means that you have not had the experience of going to France.
I think I have seen that movie before.
He has never traveled by train.
Joan has studied two foreign languages.
A: Have you ever met him?
B: No, I have not met him.

TOPIC 2 Change Over Time

We often use the Present Perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time.

You have grown since the last time I saw you.
The government has become more interested in arts education.
Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian
studies program was established.

My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.

TOPIC 3 Accomplishments
We often use the Present Perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity.
You cannot mention a specific time.

Man has walked on the Moon.
Our son has learned how to read.
Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
Scientists have split the atom.

TOPIC 4 An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

We often use the Present Perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened.
Using the Present Perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to happen.

James has not finished his homework yet.
Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.
Bill has still not arrived.
The rain hasn't stopped.

TOPIC 5 Multiple Actions at Different Times

We also use the Present Perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in
the past at different times. Present Perfect suggests the process is not complete and more
actions are possible.

The army has attacked that city five times.
I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.
We have had many major problems while working on this project.

She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.

Time Expressions with Present Perfect

When we use the Present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our
lives before now. Remember, the exact time the action happened is not important.

Sometimes, we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience. We can do this
with expressions such as: in the last week, in the last year, this week, this month, so far, up to
now, etc.

Have you been to Mexico in the last year?
I have seen that movie six times in the last month.
They have had three tests in the last week.
She graduated from university less than three years ago. She has worked for three different
companies so far.
My car has broken down three times this week.

"Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the year
before now, and it is considered a specific time which requires Simple Past. "In the last year"
means from 365 days ago until now. It is not considered a specific time, so it requires Present

I went to Mexico last year.
I went to Mexico in the calendar year before this one.
I have been to Mexico in the last year.
I have been to Mexico at least once at some point between 365 days ago and now.

USE 2 Duration From the Past Until Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

With Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Present
Perfect to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five
minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the
Present Perfect.

I have had a cold for two weeks.
She has been in England for six months.
Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.

Although the above use of Present Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and
non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are
sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You have only seen that movie one time.
Have you only seen that movie one time?


Many tourists have visited that castle. Active
That castle has been visited by many tourists. Passive

Simple Future
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although
the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different
meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and
practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific
time in the future.


[will + verb]

You will help him later.
Will you help him later?
You will not help him later.

FORM Be Going To

[am/is/are + going to + verb]

You are going to meet Jane tonight.
Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

Complete List of Simple Future Forms


USE 1 "Will" to Express a Voluntary Action

"Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something voluntarily. A voluntary action is one
the speaker offers to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to someone else's
complaint or request for help. We also use "will" when we request that someone help us or
volunteer to do something for us. Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse to
voluntarily do something.

I will send you the information when I get it.
I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
Will you help me move this heavy table?
Will you make dinner?
I will not do your homework for you.
I won't do all the housework myself!
A: I'm really hungry.
B: I'll make some sandwiches.
A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep.
B: I'll get you some coffee.
A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.

USE 2 "Will" to Express a Promise

"Will" is usually used in promises.

I will call you when I arrive.
If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to
inexpensive health insurance.
I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
Don't worry, I'll be careful.
I won't tell anyone your secret.

USE 3 "Be going to" to Express a Plan

"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person intends to
do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.
I'm going to be an actor when I grow up.
Michelle is going to begin medical school next year.
They are going to drive all the way to Alaska.
Who are you going to invite to the party?
A: Who is going to make John's birthday cake?
B: Sue is going to make John's birthday cake.

USE 4 "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a Prediction

Both "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about the future.
Predictions are guesses about what might happen in the future. In "prediction" sentences, the
subject usually has little control over the future and therefore USES 1-3 do not apply. In the
following examples, there is no difference in meaning.

The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.

John Smith will be the next President.

John Smith is going to be the next President.

The movie "Zenith" will win several Academy Awards.

The movie "Zenith" is going to win several Academy Awards.

In the Simple Future, it is not always clear which USE the speaker has in mind. Often, there
is more than one way to interpret a sentence's meaning.
No Future in Time Clauses

Like all future forms, the Simple Future cannot be used in clauses beginning with time
expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead
of Simple Future, Simple Present is used.

When you will arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. Not Correct
When you arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. Correct

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You will never help him.
Will you ever help him?

You are never going to meet Jane.

Are you ever going to meet Jane?


John will finish the work by 5:00 PM. Active
The work will be finished by 5:00 PM. Passive
Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. Active
A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight. Passive

Simple Past

[VERB+ed] or irregular verbs

You called Debbie.
Did you call Debbie?
You did not call Debbie.

Complete List of Simple Past Forms

USE 1 Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in
the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have
one specific time in mind.

I saw a movie yesterday.
I didn't see a play yesterday.
Last year, I traveled to Japan.
Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
Did you have dinner last night?
She washed her car.
He didn't wash his car.

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.

I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at
Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?

USE 3 Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a
longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day,
all year, etc.

I lived in Brazil for two years.
Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
They sat at the beach all day.
They did not stay at the party the entire time.
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.

USE 4 Habits in the Past

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have
the same meaning as "used to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often
add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was
younger, etc.

I studied French when I was a child.
He played the violin.
He didn't play the piano.
Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
She worked at the movie theater after school.
They never went to school, they always skipped class.

USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer
true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression "used

She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
He didn't like tomatoes before.
Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

IMPORTANT When-Clauses Happen First

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some
clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when I dropped my pen..." or "when class
began..." These clauses are called when-clauses, and they are very important. The examples
below contain when-clauses.

When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.
She answered my question when I paid her one dollar.

When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the
Simple Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and

then, she answered my question. It is not important whether "when I paid her one dollar" is at
the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the example below has
a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar.

I paid her one dollar when she answered my question.

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You just called Debbie.
Did you just call Debbie?


Tom repaired the car. Active
The car was repaired by Tom. Passive

Simple Present

[VERB] + s/es in third person

You speak English.
Do you speak English?
You do not speak English.

Complete List of Simple Present Forms

USE 1 Repeated Actions

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can
be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can
also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave?
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
Does the Sun circle the Earth?

USE 2 Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true
now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact.
It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Do pigs like milk?
California is in America.
California is not in the United Kingdom.
Windows are made of glass.
Windows are not made of wood.
New York is a small city. It is not important that this fact is untrue.

USE 3 Scheduled Events in the Near Future

Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future.
This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used
with other scheduled events as well.

The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
When do we board the plane?
The party starts at 8 o'clock.
When does class begin tomorrow?

USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is happening or
is not happening now. This can only be done with Non-Continuous Verbs and certain Mixed

I am here now.
She is not here now.
He needs help right now.
He does not need help now.
He has his passport in his hand.
Do you have your passport with you?

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.

You only speak English.
Do you only speak English?


Once a week, Tom cleans the car. Active
Once a week, the car is cleaned by Tom. Passive

awake awoke awoken
be was, were been
bear bore born
beat beat beat
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bet bet bet
bid bid/bade bid/bidden
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
build built built
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt
burst burst burst
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
cling clung clung
come came come

cost cost cost

creep crept crept
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
dive dived/dove dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt
drive drove driven
drink drank drunk
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fit fit fit
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbid forbade forbidden
forget forgot forgotten
forego (forgo) forewent foregone
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone

grind ground ground

grow grew grown
hang hung hung
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
kneel knelt knelt
knit knit knit
know knew know
lay laid laid
lead led led
leap leaped/leapt leaped/leapt
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lighted/lit lighted
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
misspell misspelled/misspelt misspelled/misspelt
mistake mistook mistaken
mow mowed mowed/mown
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdid overdone

overtake overtook overtaken

overthrow overthrew overthrown
pay paid paid
plead pled pled
prove proved proved/proven
put put put
quit quit quit
read read read
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
saw sawed sawed/sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewed/sewn
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaved/shaven
shear shore shorn
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shoe shoed shoed/shod
shoot shot shot
show showed showed/shown
shrink shrank shrunk

shut shut shut

sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
slay slew slain
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
slit slit slit
smite smote smitten
sow sowed sowed/sown
speak spoke spoken
speed sped sped
spend spent spent
spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt
spin spun spun
spit spit/spat spit
split split split
spread spread spread
spring sprang/sprung sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stank stunk
stride strod stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
strive strove striven
swear swore sworn

sweep swept swept

swell swelled swelled/swollen
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
thrive thrived/throve thrived
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden
understand understood understood
uphold upheld upheld
upset upset upset
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weave weaved/wove weaved/woven
wed wed wed
weep wept wept
wind wound wound
win won won
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written

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