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Nama : Fitrah Al-Amir

Kelas : XI MIPA 1

No. Urut : 15

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Semalat pagi semuanya

Saya akan berbicara tentang waktu. Ada pepatah dari Arab yang mengatakan waktu adalah
pedang, dalam pepatah tersebut menjelasakan bahwa pedang sama halnya dengan waktu. Jika
kita tidak pandai menggunakan pedang, niscaya pedang tersebut akan menebas diri kita sendiri.
Begitu pula dengan waktu, Jika kita tidak mampu memanfaatkannya dengan baik, maka kita
akan menyesal pada akhirnya nanti.

Kita semua harus dapat memanfaatkan waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya, karena waktu adalah
segalanya, pepatatah megatakan waktu adalah uang. Terkadang tanpa kita sadari, kita selalu
membuang waktu kita untuk hal-hal yang tidak berguna padahal waktu itu sangat berharga.

Sesuatu hal yang banyak menyita waktu kita pada zaman sekarang ini adalah penggunaan
gadget. Sebuah survey membuktikan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia menghabiskan waktu
sebanyak 5,5 jam hanya untuk menatap layar gadget mereka. Bayangkan berapa banyak waktu
yang terbuang dalam setahun hanya untuk melihat sebuah layar

Oleh karena itu, kita sebagai peserta didik mulai sekarang harus mampu memperhatikan waktu
dan menghargai waktu tersebut agar tidak timbul penyesalan dikemudian hari.

Itulah pidato yang sempat saya bawakan, semoga bermanfaat.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Nama : Fitrah Al-Amir

Kelas : XI MIPA 1

No. Urut : 15

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning everyone

Now i will talk about time. There is an Arabic proverb that says "time is a sword," in the proverb
explains, the sword is the same as time. If we are not good at using swords, the sword will
certainly cut ourselves. So it is with time, If we are not able to use it well, then we will regret it

We all need to be able to make the most of our time, because time is everything, the proverb says
"time is money". Sometimes we do not realize it, we always waste our time on things that are not
useful when the time is very valuable. Something that takes us a lot of time now is the use of
gadgets. A survey proves that Indonesians spend as much as 5.5 hours just looking at their
gadget screens. Imagine how much time is wasted in a year just to see a screen

Therefore, we as students from now must be able to pay attention and appreciate the time so as
not to arise regret in the future.

That is a speech that I can convey, may be useful.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Nama : Fitrah Al-Amir

Kelas : XI MIPA 1

No. Urut : 15

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning everyone

Now i will talk about time. There is an Arabic proverb that says "time is a sword," in the proverb
explains, the sword is the same as time. If we are not good at using swords, the sword will
certainly cut ourselves. So it is with time, If we are not able to use it well, then we will regret it

We all need to be able to make the most of our time, because time is everything, the proverb says
"time is money". Sometimes we do not realize it, we always waste our time on things that are not
useful when the time is very valuable. Something that takes us a lot of time now is the use of
gadgets. A survey proves that Indonesians spend as much as 5.5 hours just looking at their
gadget screens. Imagine how much time is wasted in a year just to see a screen

Therefore, we as students from now must be able to pay attention and appreciate the time so as
not to arise regret in the future.

That is a speech that I can convey, may be useful.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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