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(RPP KD 3.1; 4.1)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : VIII/1
Materi Pokok : Teks Interaksi Interpersonal; Meminta Perhatian, Mengecek Pemahaman, Menghargai
Kinerja, Meminta dan Mengungkapkan Pendapat
Alokasi Waktu : 6 Jam Pelajaran (3 x Pertemuan)

 KI 1 dan KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya serta Menghargai dan
menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah,
masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.
 KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif pada
tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,
seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata.
 KI 4: Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif, kritis,
mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang
dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan 3.1.1 Menentukan fungsi social
unsure kebahasaan teks interaksi – Fungsi ungkapan
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan 3.1.2 Menentukan struktur teks
tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek – Memulai percakapan
pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, – Menanggapi
meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, 3.1.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan
serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks – Makna kata dan frasa
penggunaannya – Ejaan dan tanda baca
– Tulisan tangan
– Ucapan, tekanan, intonasi
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan 4.1.1 Melakukan role-play percakapan yang melibatkan
dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang tindak tutur yang dipelajari
melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, – Meminta perhatian
mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, – Mengecek pemahaman
serta meminta dan mengungkapkan – Menghargai kinerja
pendapat, dan menanggapinya dengan – Mengungkapkan pendapat
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 4.1.2 Menyusun teks interaksi lisan sederhana yang
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai melibatkan tindak tutur yang dipelajari
konteks – Meminta perhatian
– Mengecek pemahaman
– Menghargai kinerja
– Mengungkapkan pendapat dan menanggapinya

Fokus penguatan karakter: Religious, Kejujuran, Kepedulian, Kerja Sama, Disiplin.

Pertemuan I
Melalui serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi tindakan meminta perhatian
2. Menidentifikasi tindakan meminta pendapat dan menanggapinya

Pertemuan II
Melalui serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi tindakan mengecek pemahaman
2. Menidentifikasi tindakan menghargai kinerja

Pertemuan III
Melalui serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
1. Melakukan role play
2. Menyusun teks interaksi lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur yang dipelajari:
 Meminta perhatian
 Mengecek pemahaman
 Menghargai kinerja
 Mengungkapkan pendapat dan menanggapinya


Materi Reguler

Fungsi sosial
– Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman
Struktur teks
– Memulai
– Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)
Unsur kebahasaan
– Ungkapan a.l. Excuse me, Is is clear?, Great, I think so, dsb.
– Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Interaksi antara peserta didik dan guru di dalam dan di luar kelas yang melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian,
mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat yang dapat menumbuhkan
perilaku yang termuat dalam KI

Materi Pengayaan

Unsur kebahasaan
 Makna kata (Verbal, Nomina, Frasa)
 Lafal dan Intonasi

Materi Remedial

Unsur kebahasaan
 Makna kata (Verbal, Nomina, Frasa)
 Lafal dan Intonasi

1) Pendekatan : Saintifik
2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL)
3) Metode : Tanya jawab, wawancara, diskusi dan bermain peran


1. Media/Alat :
a. Laptop,
b. Infocus
2. Bahan :
a. Worksheet buatan guru

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings The Bell, SMP/Mts Kelas VIII,
hal 2 sd 18, edisi revisi 2017 dan sumber lain yang sesuai
Ucapan guru


Pertemuan I
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Guru: 10’
Pendahuluan Orientasi:
1. Mengucapkan salam dan tegur sapa
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa, berdoa, menyiapkan suasana belajar yang kondusif
3. Mengaitkan materi yang akan dipelajari dengan materi yang sebelumnya
4. Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran dan rencana penilaian
Pemberian Acuan:
5. Menyebutkan kegiatan belajar yang akan dilakukan
6. Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM
pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
Kegiatan Inti I 1. Siswa melihat tayangan dialog-dialog pendek (BS hlm. 5-7) 60’
Mengamati dan 2. Siswa mendengarkan ucapan guru membacakan dialog tersebut.
menanya 3. Siswa menirukan ucapan guru membacakan dialog.
4. Siswa menanyakan arti kata dan ungkapan baru.
5. Siswa berlatih mengidentifikasi ungkapan “To Get Attention) dengan mengerjakan
Worksheet 1 dan membahasnya secara klasikal.
6. Siswa melihat tayangan dialog-dialog pendek (BS hlm. 9-11)
7. Siswa mendengarkan ucapan guru membacakan dialog tersebut.
8. Siswa menirukan ucapan guru membacakan dialog.
9. Siswa menanyakan arti kata dan ungkapan baru.
10. Siswa berlatih mengidentifikasi ungkapan “To Ask and Give Opinion and Its
Response) dengan mengerjakan Worksheet 2 dan membahasnya secara klasikal.
11. Siswa melihat tayangan dialog-dialog pendek (BS hlm. 13-17)
12. Siswa mendengarkan ucapan guru membacakan dialog tersebut.
13. Siswa menirukan ucapan guru membacakan dialog.
14. Siswa menanyakan arti kata dan ungkapan baru.
15. Siswa berlatih mengidentifikasi ungkapan “To Check Understanding and To show
Appreciation) dengan mengerjakan Worksheet 3 dan membahasnya secara klasikal.
Kegiatan Penutup Siswa dan guru: 10’
1. Membahas manfaat pembelajaran yang baru diselesaikan
2. Membahas kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran
3. Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran
4. Menyampaikan kegiatan dan topik rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
berikutnya, yakni belajar melakukan role-play dan belajar membuat teks interaksi

Pertemuan II
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Guru: 10’
Pendahuluan Orientasi:
1. Mengucapkan salam dan tegur sapa
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa, berdoa, menyiapkan suasana belajar yang kondusif
3. Mengaitkan materi yang akan dipelajari dengan materi yang sebelumnya
4. Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran dan rencana penilaian
Pemberian Acuan:
5. Menyebutkan kegiatan belajar yang akan dilakukan
6. Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM
pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
Kegiatan Inti 1. Secara berpasangan, siswa berlatih membuat teks dialog berdasarkan situasi yang 60’
Mengumpulkan diberikan. (Worksheet 4)
Informasi dan 2. Siswa dan guru membahas hasil kerja kelompok.
Mengasosiasi 3. Secara berpasangan siswa menampilkan teks dialognya.
4. Siswa dan guru membahas hasil penampilan role play.

Kegiatan Penutup Siswa dan guru: 10’

1. Membahas manfaat pembelajaran yang baru diselesaikan
2. Membahas kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran
3. Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran
4. Menyampaikan kegiatan dan topik rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
berikutnya, yakni uji kompetensi keterampilan “role play”

Pertemuan III

Langkah Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi

Kegiatan Pendahuluan Guru: 10’
1. Mengucapkan salam dan tegur sapa
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa, berdoa, menyiapkan suasana belajar yang kondusif
3. Mengaitkan materi yang akan dipelajari dengan materi yang sebelumnya
4. Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran dan rencana penilaian
Pemberian Acuan:
5. Menyebutkan kegiatan belajar yang akan dilakukan
6. Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM
pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
Kegiatan Inti 1. Secara berpasangan atau dalam kelompok, siswa membuat teks dialog 60’
Mengomunikasikan berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan dan menampilkannya. (UK 4.1)

Kegiatan Penutup Siswa dan guru: 10’

1. Membahas manfaat pembelajaran yang baru diselesaikan
2. Membahas kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran
3. Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran
4. Memberikan penugasan berupa menyalin teks interaksi lisan.
5. menyampaikan kegiatan dan topik rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
berikutnya, yakni uji kompetensi pengetahuan (UK 3.1) dan mengumpulkan
hasil penugasan.

1. Penilaian Sikap
1.a. Spiritual
 Teknik : Observasi
 Instrumen : Lembar Observasi/Jurnal

No. Waktu Nama Peserta Didik Catatan Perilkau Butir Sikap Ket. Ttd. Tindak
1 Religius
2 Taat Ibadah

1.b. Sikap Sosial

 Teknik : Observasi
 Instrument : Lembar Observasi/Jurnal

No. Waktu Nama PD Catatan Perilkau Butir Sikap Ket. Ttd. Tindak
1 Disiplin
2 Bekerja sama
3 Jujur
4 Tanggung

2. Pengetahuan
Teknik : Tes Tertulis
Bentuk : Pilihan Ganda dan Isian Singkat
Kisi :

Indikator Soal Soal Bentuk Nomor Tingkat

Soal Soal kompetensi
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta perhatian, siswa dapat Terlampir MULTIPLE 1 C3
menentukan tindak tutur benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta perhatian, siswa dapat Sda MULTIPLE 2 C3
menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda MULTIPLE 3 C3
responsnya, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda MULTIPLE 4 C3
responsnya, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda MULTIPLE 5 C3
responsnya, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda MULTIPLE 6 C3
responsnya, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang mengecek pemahaman, siswa dapat Sda MULTIPLE 7 C3
menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang mengecek pemahaman, siswa dapat Sda MULTIPLE 8 C3
menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang menghargai kinerja, siswa dapat Sda MULTIPLE 9 C3
menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang menghargai kinerja, siswa dapat Sda MULTIPLE 10 C3
menentukan tindak tutur yang benar. CHOICE
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta perhatian, siswa dapat Sda ESSAY 11 C4
melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan kata yang benar.
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda ESSAY 12 C4
responsnya, siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan kata
yang benar.
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat dan Sda ESSAY 13 C4
responsnya, siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan kata
yang benar.
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang mengecek pemahaman, siswa dapat Sda ESSAY 14 C4
melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan kata yang benar.
Disajikan dialog singkat tentang menghargai kinerja, siswa dapat Sda ESSAY 15 C4
melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan kata benar.

Rubrik PG: Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 10 (10 x 10= 100)

Rubrik IS : Jawaban benar skor 2, jawaban hampir benar skor 1, jawaban salah atau tidak dijawab skor 0.

Skor akhir= total skor dikalikan 10= 100

3. Keterampilan
Teknik : 1. Praktik / Kinerja , 2. Produk
Bentuk : 1. Perintah Kerja, Menulis
Kisi :

Indikator Soal Soal

Diberikan situasi Make a dialog scripts based on the following situations.
tertentu, siswa dapat Situation 1 :
melakukan role-play In the classroom, a teacher says something to get the students’ attention. Some students answer
sesuai situasi yang “Yes” but a student doesn’t pay attention. Then the teacher says something again to get the
diberikan student’s attention. And finally the student says “Yes”.

Situation 2:
In the classroom, three students talk about a nice picture made by one of the three students. One
student says that the picture is nice but too colorful. The other student says that the picture is not
natural but creative work.

Situation 3:
In the classroom, a teacher says something to check students’ understanding about a new word.
The students answer “Yes” but one student ask the meaning of another new word. Then the
teacher answers the student’s question.

Situation 4:
In a classroom, a student just performed a story telling. The teacher appreciates the performance.
The student answers “Thank you”.
Perform one of the dialog based on the ballot you have chosen
Diberikan situasi Make a dialog scripts based on the following situations.
tertentu, siswa dapat Situation 1 :
menyusun teks In the classroom, a teacher says something to get the students’ attention. Some students answer
interaksi lisan “Yes” but a student doesn’t pay attention. Then the teacher says something again to get the
dengan student’s attention. And finally the student says “Yes”.
fungsi sosial, struktur Situation 2:
teks, dan unsur In the classroom, three students talk about a nice picture made by one of the three students. One
kebahasaan student says that the picture is nice but too colorful. The other student says that the picture is not
natural but creative work.

Situation 3:
In the classroom, a teacher says something to check students’ understanding about a new word.
The students answer “Yes” but one student ask the meaning of another new word. Then the
teacher answers the student’s question.

Situation 4:
In a classroom, a student just performed a story telling. The teacher appreciates the performance.
The student answers “Thank you”.
Rubrik :

1. Role-play/bermain peran
Kinerja Deskripsi Rentang Nilai
Bermain peran Mahir: Lancar, mencapai fungsi sosial, struktur lengkap, dan unsur kebahasaan 86-95
Memuaskan: lancar, kosakata dan kalimat berkembang, serta ada transisi 76-85
Terbatas: Membaca naskah, kosakata terbatas, dan tidak lancar … – 75

2. Produk/menulis
Produk Deskripsi Rentang Nilai
Menulis teks interaksi Mahir: Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan tepat serta ada 86-95
lisan modifikasi
Memuaskan: Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan tepat 76-85
Terbatas: penggunaan kata, kalimat, dan struktur tidak sesuai … – 75

 Pembelajaran Remedial

Pembelajaran remedial diberikan kepada mereka yang belum mencapai KKM dengan cara memberi
penugasan berupa membuat tabel daftar ungkapan yang sudah dipelajari.

 Pembelajaran Pengayaan

Pembelajaran pengayaan diberikan kepada mereka yang sudah lolos KKM dengan cara penugasan mencari
contoh dialog dari berbagai sumber.

Batang Onang, 02 Juli 2019

Kepala Sekolah SMP N 2 Satu Atap Batang Onang Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 19631231198803 2 029

Catatan Kepala Sekolah

............................................................................................................................... ..........................................
Lampiran 1 Materi


Read the following short dialogs, then fill in the gaps.

1. To Get Attention
1. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please?
Students : Yes, Ma’am.
To get students’ attention, the teacher says, “____________________________________________________.”
2. Teacher : From now on we will use English in our class. OK? we will use English in our English
class. Siti, what did I say?
Siti : We will use English in our English class.
To get Siti’s attention, the teacher says, “ _______________________________.”

3. Teacher : Right. From now on we will use English in the English class. Everybody, what do you
think? Are you ready?
Students : Yes, Ma’am.
To get students’ attention, the teacher says, “ _________________________.”

4. Teacher : What do you think, Edo? Are you ready?

Edo : Yes, Ma’am I am ready.
To get Edo’s attention, the teacher says, “_______________________________.”

5. Teacher : Attention, please. Attention, please.

Students : Yes, Ma’am.
To get students’ attention, the teacher says, “____________________________.”

6. Teacher : Attention, please. Now let’s say it together. “Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the
English class.”
Students : Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the English class.
To get students’ attention, the teacher says, “____________________________.”

7. Teacher : Hey Dayu, stop doing that, please. What do you think? Are you ready to use English in the
English class?
Dayu : I’m so sorry, Ma’am. Yes, I am.
To get Dayu’s attention, the teacher says,
8. Teacher : Edo, say it again, loudly.
Edo : Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the English class.
To get Edo’s attention, the teacher says, “____________________________.”

9. A student : Excuse me, Ma’am. What’s ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?

Teacher : Attention is /perhatian/.
To get teacher’s attention, a student says, “____________________________.”

10. A student : Sir, may I wash my hand?

Teacher : Sure.
To get teacher’s attention, a student says, “____________________________.”

11. Edo : Hey, guys. Are you coming with me?

Students : Sure. Let’s go.
To get friends’ attention, Edo says, “____________________________________.”


Read the following short dialogs, then fill in the gaps.

1. To Ask and Give Opinion and It’s Response
1. Dayu : Udin, do you think Edo is angry with me?
Udin : I don’t think so. Look, he’s smiling.

To ask Udin’s opinion about Edo, Dayu says, “ ____________________________________”

To give his opinion, Udin says, “____________________________________”

2. Dayu : Guys, I think Udin will like this notebook.
Beni : What? I don’t think so. Udin doesn’t like bright colours.

To give her opinion, Dayu says, “___________________________________________”

To respond to Dayu’s opinion, Beni says, _________________________________________________”

3. Teacher : Udin, what do you think of your classroom?

Udin : It’s very dirty, Ma’am. Some people don’t care.

To ask Udin’s opinion about the classroom, the teacher says, “_________________________________”

To give his opinion about the classroom, Udin says, “ “_______________________________________”

4. Siti : Do you think he remembers the story he has to tell?

Lina : I don’t think so. I know he didn’t prepare it well.

To ask Lina’s opinion, Siti says, “_______________________________________________”

To give her opinion, Lina says, “_______________________________________________”

5. Teacher : Thank you, Lina. Your story is very interesting. I like it.
Lina : Thank you, Ma’am.
To give her opinion about Lina’s story, the teacher says, “______________________________________”

6. Teacher : Hello, excuse me. Listen everybody, I think you need to read Chapter I, too
Students : Yes, Sir.
To give his opinion, the teacher says, “___________________________________________”
7. Edo : Beni, what do you think of this picture?
Beni : I think it doesn’t look natural.
To ask Beni’s opinion about the picture, Edo says, “______________________________________”
To give his opinion, Beni says, “_______________________________________________”

8. Teacher : What do you think of the story?

Student : It’s very interesting, Sir.
To ask students’ opinion about the story, the teacher says,“____________________________________”

Read the following short dialogs, then fill in the gaps.

1. To check Understanding and To Show Appreciation

1. Lina : Siti, do you understand the story?
Siti : Not really. She speaks very fast.
To check Siti’s understanding, Lina says, “ ________________________________________”

2. Teacher : Do you know what I mean?

Students : Yes, Sir.
To check students’ understanding, the teacher says, “ _______________________________”

3. Beni : Only both of us will clean the classroom.

Udin : What? What do you mean? What about the others?
To check Beni’s understanding, Udin says, “ _______________________________________”

4. Teacher : Edo, do you know what to do?

Edo : Sorry, Ma’am. I don’t. say it again please.
To check Edo’s understanding, the teacher says, “ __________________________________”

5. Teacher : Do you understand my question?

Lina : No, Ma’am. Sorry. Say it again, please.
To check students’ understanding, the teacher says, “ _______________________________”

6. Teacher : Is it clear?
Lina : Yes, Ma’am. Thanks.
To check Lina’s understanding, the teacher says, “ _______________________________”

7. Udin : It’s so beautiful.

Siti : Do you think so, Udin? Thank you.
To appreciate Siti’s performance, Udin says, “______________________________________”

8. Lina : Your handwriting is clear and beautiful.

Edo : Thank you.
To appreciate Edo’s handwriting, Lina says, “______________________________________”

9. Udin : What do you think of the picture? Beni did it well, didn’t he?
Edo : Yes, he did. It is very beautiful.
To appreciate Beni’s picture, Edo says, “______________________________________”

10. Lina : I think the noodle is too salty.

Dayu : I don’t think so. It’s nice.
To give her opinion about the noodle, Lina says, “________________________________”
But, Dayu appreciate the noodle. Dayu says, “_____________________________”

11. Udin : Beni, do you think English is easy or difficult?

Beni : I think it’s easy. I love English.
To ask Beni’s opinion about English, Udin says,“________________________________________”
According to Beni, English is _________________________________________________________.

12. Teacher A : He’s s diligent student. Don’t you think so?

Teacher B : Yes, he is. He is diligent and smart too.
To appreciates a student, Teacher A says, “________________________________”
Teacher B also appreciates the student. He says, “_________________________________”

13. Teacher : Great! I think that is a beautiful invitation card. I like it.
Beni : Thank you.
To appreciate Beni’s work, the teacher says, “_________________________________________”
14. Siti : Your picture is beautiful! I like the colour.
Dayu : Thanks.
To appreciate Dayu’s picture, Siti says, “______________________________________________”

15. Teacher : Excellent! That’s my girl!

Lina : Thank you, Ma’am.
To appreciate Lina’s performance, the teacher says, “_______________________________”

16. Udin : What a wonderful picture!

Edo : Thank you.
To appreciate Edo’s picture, Udin says, “________________________________________”


Study the following situations. Make dialog scripts based on the situation. Do in groups of four.

Situation 1:
In the classroom, a teacher says something to get the students’ attention. Some students answer “Yes” but a student
doesn’t pay attention. Then the teacher says something again to get the student’s attention. And finally the student
says “Yes”.

Situation 2:
In the classroom, three students talk about a nice picture made by one of the three students. One student says that the
picture is nice but too colorful. The other student says that the picture is not natural but creative work.

Situation 3:
In the classroom, a teacher says something to check students’ understanding about a new word. The students answer
“Yes” but one student ask the meaning of another new word. Then the teacher answers the student’s question.

Situation 4:
In a classroom, a student just performed a story telling. The teacher appreciates the performance. The student
answers “Thank you”.
Lampiran 2 Instrumen Penilaian



For number 1 to 10, choose the best alternative.

Read the dialog below.

Miss Inna : From now on we will use English in our class. OK? We will use English in our English class. Siti,
what did I say?
Siti : We will use English in our English class.
Miss Inna : Good, Siti. Don’t be busy with yourself.
Siti : Alright, Ma’am.

1. Miss Inna says, “…” to get Siti’s attention.

A. OK?

B. Good, Siti

C. Siti, what did I say?

D. Don’t be busy with yourself

Read the text below.

Miss Inna : Hey Dayu, stop doing that, please. What do you think? Are you ready to use English in the
English class?
Dayu : I’m so sorry, Ma’am. Yes, I am.
Miss Inna : It’s alright. But don’t do it again, please.
Dayu : OK, Ma’am.

2. What does Miss Inna say to get Dayu’s attention?

A. Hey Dayu, stop doing that please.
B. But don’t do it again, please.
C. What do you think?
D. It’s alright.

Read the text below to answer question 3-6.

Dayu : Beni, do you make the painting yourself?
Beni : Yes, I do. What do you think about this painting?
Dayu : It’s wonderful. You are a great-painter-to-be.
Beni : Thanks Dayu. By the way, I read your story about the last holiday in your blog.
Dayu : Really? What’s your opinion about my story?
Beni : I think it’s awesome. Your writing is very interesting. I like it.
Dayu : Big thanks, Beni. Hmm… it’s break time. Now let’s go to the canteen. I’m very hungry.
Beni : Me too. I want to buy some meatballs. I like meatball very much. It’s very tasty. What do you think?
Day : I don’t think so. It’s hot, Beni. I don’t like hot food.
Beni : O I see. Come on.

3. Beni says, “What do you think about this painting?” to ….

A. give his opinion
B. ask Dayu’s opinion
C. respond his opinion
D. respond Dayu’s opinion
4. Dayu says, “It’s wonderful. You are a great-painter-to-be.” to ….
A. give her opinion
B. ask Dayu’s opinion
C. respond to her opinion
D. respond to Beni’s opinion

5. What is Dayu’s opinion about the meatball?

A. She doesn’t like hot food.
B. She likes it very much.
C. It’s tasty.
D. It’s hot.

6. What does Beni think of Dayu’s story in her blog?

A. It’s tasty.
B. It’s awesome.
C. He doesn’t like it.
D. He wants to be a writer.

Read the text below to answer question 7-10.

Miss Inna : Attention, everybody. I want to give you homework. Find a story from the internet. Rewrite it in
your note book. Submit it on Friday next week. Is it clear?
Students : Yes, Ma’am.
Siti : Not really, Ma’am. You speak too fast for me.
Miss Inna : OK Siti. Listen carefully. Find a story from the internet. Rewrite it in your note book. Submit it
on Friday next week. Do you understand now?
Siti : Yes, I do, Ma’am. Thank you.
Miss Inna : Good, Siti. That’s my girl. What about you Edo? Do you know what I mean about the
Edo : Very clear, Ma’am. I will do this this afternoon after school.
Miss Inna : What a diligent boy! That’s my boy.
Edo : Thanks, Ma’am.

7. Why does Miss Ina say, “Is it clear?”

A. To check Siti’s opinion.
B. To check students’ understanding.
C. To ask Edo’s understanding.
D. To respond to Edo’s opinion.

8. To check Siti’s understanding, Miss Inna says, “ …”

A. Listen carefully.
B. Do you know what I mean?
C. Do you understand now?
D. Is it clear?

9. Miss Inna says, “Good, siti. That’s my girl.” to ….

A. give her opinion
B. appreciate Siti
C. respond to Siti’s question
D. ask Siti’s opinion

10. What does Miss Inna say to show her appreciation to Edo?
A. Do you know what I mean?
B. What about you Edo?
C. What a diligent boy!
D. That’s my girl!

For number 11 to 15, fill in the gaps with the correct words or expressions.
11. We use the expression “May I have your attention, please.” to_________________________________.
(get attention)

12. Complete the dialog below.

Beni : ___________________________of this picture?
Edo : I think it is not natural.
(What do you think)

13. Complete the dialog below.

Lina : I think the book is interesting.
Dayu : __________________________. It’s too thick and no pictures in it. I don’t like it.
(I don’t think so.)

14. Complete the dialog below.

Mr. Rudi : Please make a group of three, practice this dialog. _________________________?
Students : No. You speak too fast. Say it again please.
(Is it clear?)

15. We use the expression “Do you know what I say?” to ask someone’s __________________________.

Penilaian Keterampilan (KD 4.1)

Study the situation below. Make very simple dialog scripts based on the situation. Write the dialog scripts on a
piece of paper.

Situation 1:

In the classroom, a teacher says something to get the students’ attention. Some students answer “Yes” but a student

doesn’t pay attention. Then the teacher says something again to get the student’s attention. And finally the student

says “Yes”.

Suggested answer:

Teacher : May I have your attention, please?

Students : Yes, Ma’am.

Teacher : Hey, Dayu. May I have your attention, please?

Dayu : Yes, Ma’am.

Situation 2:

In the classroom, three students talk about a nice picture made by one of the three students. One student says that the

picture is nice but too colorful. The other student says that the picture is not natural but creative work.

Suggested answer:

Lina : This is Edo’s painting. What do you think, Dayu?

Dayu : I think it’s nice but too colorful. What’s your opinion, Beni?

Beni : It’s a creative work. But I think it is not natural.

Situation 3:

In the classroom, a teacher says something to check students’ understanding about a new word. The students answer

“Yes” but one student ask the meaning of another new word. Then the teacher answers the student’s question.

Suggested answer:

Teacher : Do you know the meaning of “appreciate’?

Students : Yes, Ma’am. It means “menghargai”.

Dayu : What is the meaning of “attention”)

Teacher : It means “perhatian”.

Situation 4:

In a classroom, a student just performed a story telling. The teacher appreciates the performance. The student

answers “Thank you”.

Suggested answer:

Teacher : Your story telling performance is wonderful. Good job, Lina.

Lina : Thank you, Ma’am.


Rewrite the following material in your notebook.

“Expression of Asking Attention, Giving Attention, Asking Opinion, Appreciation”

Expressing of Asking attention in front of the class

When you have to deliver announcement in front of class you need to express the expression to make you become
the centre of attention. Below are some common expression used to make the class listen to your speech or

1. May I have your attention, please

2. Can I get the attention! Thanks
3. Excuse me!
4. Attention please!
5. Stop talking please…
6. Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?

Expression of giving attention

OK. I See you.
Yes sir/mam/madam.
I know what you mean.
How interesting.
What’s next.

Several expressions to check someone’s understanding

Do you understand?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you understand the text?
Have you got the point?
Are you with me?

To give and ask opinion

What is your opinion about ….?
Do you have any other idea ?
Please say something about my ….?
Please, give your view/ opinion about ….

Giving opinion
I think that you are very beautiful with the dress.
I have a view that you are so smart.
I think you should have a louder voice.
You are very … .
I agree with your opinion

To show appreciation /expression of showing appreciation

You are very kind .
Thanks for the attention.
You are the best.
That is my son. / That’s my boy. / That’s my girl.

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