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Analytical Exposition

Kelas: XI

Subarno, S.Pd.
SMA Negeri 1 Jepon


Judul modul
Nama Mata Pelajaran
Topik/Materi Pembelajaran
Kelas Penulis



Deskripsi singkat materi,
rasionalisasi, dan relevansi
Prasyarat (jika ada)
Petunjuk Penggunaan e-Modul

II. PEMBELAJARAN Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1

III. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2

IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3

V. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4


Kunci Jawaban dan Pedoman Penskoran




 Analytical Exposition adalah jenis teks yang berisi

pemikiran terperinci penulis tentang sebuah penomena
yang ada di sekitar.
 Generic Structure adalah struktur umum, urutan paragraf
dalam sebuah teks
 Thesis adalah pendapat penulis tentang isu atau topik
yang dibahas.
 Argument adalah Argumen, alasan.
 Point adalah inti argument.
 Elaboration adalah pendukung argumen, bias berupa
penjelasan, contoh-contoh, pendapat ahli, atau informasi
dari organisasi tertentu.
 Reiteration adalah pengulangan, mengulang atau
menyampaikan kembali pendapat penulis yang telah
disampaikan di dalam Thesis.
 Language Feauture adalah unsur kebahasaan


Halo pembelajar yang hebat!

Di sini kita akan membahas teks eksposisi analitis,

yakni teks yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan
pendapat penulis tentang topik atau isu tertentu. Dalam
teks semacam ini, penulis juga menguraikan
argumennya untuk meyakinkan pembaca.

Teks ini penting untuk dipelajari karena kita akan sering

menggunakannya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari,
terutama ketika kita ingin menyampaikan pendapat kita
tentang sesuatu dalam bentuk tulisan.

Maka marilah kita pelajari fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dari eksposisi analitis.

Petunjuk Penggunaan

Supaya anda berhasil mencapai kompetensi dalam mempelajari
modul ini maka ikutilah petunjuk-petunjuk berikut:

1. Petunjuk Umum :
a. Bacalah modul ini secara berurutan dan pahami isinya.
b. Pelajari contoh-contoh penyelesaian permasalahan dengan
seksama dengan pemahaman atau bukan dihafalkan.
c. Laksanakan semua tugas-tugas yang ada dalam modul ini agar
kompetensi anda berkembang sesuai kompetensi yang

d. Setiap mempelajari materi, anda harus mulai dari

menguasaipengetahuan pendukung (uraian materi)
melaksanakan tugas-tugas, mengerjakan lembar latihan
d. Dalam mengerjakan lembar latihan, anda jangan melihat
kuncijawaban terlebih dahulu sebelum anda menyelesaikan
lembar latihan

e. Laksanakan lembar kerja untuk pembentukan keterampilan

sampai anda benar-benar terampil sesuai kompetensi

g. Konsultasikan dengan guru apabila anda mendapat kesulitan

dalam mempelajari modul ini

2. Petunjuk Khusus :
a. Perhatikan setiap perintah untuk setiap diskusi dan tugas.

b. Lakukan tugas yang diberikan dengan memilih jawaban terbaik.

c. ada dua sub tema dan dua tugas, perhatikan setiap perintah.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi dasar

KD 3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks

KD 4.4 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.4.1 Menganalisis unsur-unsur eksposisi dari sebuah

3.4.2 Memahami struktur teks eksposisi analitis
3.4.3 Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi

4.4.1 Menemukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks

eksposisi analitis
4.4.2 Menemukan pikiran utama teks dan pikiran utama
paragraf teks eksposisi analitis
4.4.3 Menemukan informasi rinci, informasi tersurat, dan
informasi tersirat dalam teks eksposisi analitis


Activity 1
Identifying Our Country’s Problems
 Look at the list of problems below.
 Choose 3 of them that you think are the most serious ones of
our country.
1. corruption 5. pollution 9. medical costs
2. crime 6. poverty 10. noise
3. drugs 7. housing 11. unemployment
4. inflation 8 traffic 12. vandalism

Activity 2
Identifying Problem Solving
 Write your opinion about what should the government to do to
solve those five problems?
 Look at the example.
Problem : Corruption
Sollution : The government should bring corruptors to justice.

1. Problem : ________________________________________
Solution : ________________________________________

2. Problem : ______________________________________
Solution : ________________________________________

3. Problem : ________________________________________
Solution : ________________________________________

Activity 3
Reading an Analytical Exposition Text

 Listen to your teacher reading the text below.

 Read the text aloud by yourself
 Discuss the questions with your partner

The Public Trustee is a sound Investment

It is a well-known fact that it is a dilemma for
many people to make a will, without the added
problems of deciding who should draw up this
This task is made simple with the availability of
service from the Public Trust Officer.
Firstly the Office has a large efficient staff which
includes barristers, solicitors, accountants,
values, and qualified property inspector.
Knowledge of the legal aspect is very well
Also the charges need consideration. Here at this
Office there are no charges for making or the
holding of a will.
Furthermore, the Public Trustee is guaranteed by
the State of Queensland and has special powers
to solve problems or simplify procedures which,
in the long term, save expense.
Therefore, it can be clearly seen that there is only
one sounds choice in making your will- the public
Trustee- as it is permanent, efficient, and secure.
You should consider this!

a. Circle the correct answer

1. What did the writer want with the above text?
a. To explain about the public Trustee?
b. To describe how the Public Trustee works
c. To persuade the reader that Public Trustee is the right
choice to make a will
d. To retell his personal experience in working with the
Public Trustee
2. The word “sound” in the title is closest in meaning with ….
a. Audible
b. Healthy
c. Sensible
d. Having little financial risk
3. The word “will” in paragraph 1 means ….
a. request
b. inclination
c. something desired by somebody to happen
d. statement determining distribution of deceased’s property
b. Answer these questions briefly

1. The writer argued that Public Trustee was the best choice for
drawing a will for two reasons. What were they?

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

5. In what paragraph is the writer’s position (opinion) summed


6. The word large and efficient (par. 3) are evaluatif vocabula-ry

(showing the writer’s attitude). What other evaluative
vocabulary do you find in the text?

 Example of this Analytical Exposition:

Do you know if you are too fat, you may have
serious problems with your health? A group of
doctors wrote a report about some of the effects
of too much fat.
One important effect is on the heart. If you are
fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead
to a heart attack; or it may lead to other heart

Arguments In addition, extra fat can also change the amount

of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious
disease such as diabetes.

Furthermore high blood pressure is another

possible result of being fat.
More studies are needed about all these
Reiteration problems. But one thing is clear, extra fat may
make your life shorter.

 Another Example of this Analytical Exposition:

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all
know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of
road deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to

the most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit
deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis,
lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of
these illnesses are so bad that people can die
from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians

wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die.
Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city,

you may find it hard to sleep at night, or to
concentrate on your homework, and especially
when you talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the

city for the reason listed.

2. Analytical Exposition adalah jenis teks yang termasuk
kedalam jenis “ArgumentationText”, berisi tentang pemikiran
terperinci penulis tentang sebuah fenomena yang ada di
3. Fungsi sosial Analytical Exposition adalah untuk menyajikan
kepada pembaca agar sependapat dengan pendapat atau ide
penulis mengenai topik atau isu yang dibahas.
4. Struktur teks Analytical Exposition terdiri dari 3 (tiga) bagian,
yaitu ‘Thesis’, ‘Arguments’, dan ‘ Reiteration’.


Activity 1 ..
Before reading the analytical exposition, discuss the following
 Do you like eating fish or ‘bakso’? What is the taste?
 What do you say if your fish or meat of ‘bakso’ is
contaminated by formalin or other preservatives?
 Do you agree with the use of formalin in our food?

Activity 2 2

Study the following text. Some labels of generic structure

components are written to help you understand the structure.

Text model 1

Use of Formalin and Other Additives in Foods

The use of Formalin and other dangerous
preservatives in foods has been a serious
problem for three reasons.

Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but

it is for biological specimen and experiments.
Formalin in Biology is a 10 % solution of
Argument 1

formaldehyde in water which is usually used

Elabo- as a disinfectant or to preserve biological
ration specimens. Thus, it is not for food
preservative. Of course when it is used for
food preservative, it will be very dangerous to
humans’ body.

The second reason is that there is no tight
Point control from the government. This condition
makes the people’s health is really in threat.

Elabo- When the control is weak and the use of

formalin was spread wide all over the
Argument 2

Indonesian regions, and these days it has
really happened, the citizens’ bodies will be
badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or
food traders still sell their products which
contain formalin and dangerous
preservatives. Can you imagine that our
digestive system absorbs the substance that
should be for the human and animal corpses?

The third is that the difficult economy seems

not end.

Elabo- This can make situation worse. We all know

ration that today’s economy is very difficult. People
Argument 3

buy daily products and fulfill their need with

high costs. Things are getting more and more
expensive. Consequently, the food production
cost increases. For example, the preservation
process for fish will be much cheaper if the
producers use formalin. They know the
danger of Formalin, but they don’t care about
the other’s health. What is in their mind is
only how to get profit.
Considering the reasons, we can make a
Reiteration conclusion that the use of formalin and other
preservatives is really a serious problem if it is
not resolved immediately.

Activity 3 .

Vocabulary building: find the words in the text that have the
same meanings as the worlds or definitions in the following list.
Also identify the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, or
adverb) of word.

No Words or definition The words Part of

found in the speech
1 The system that makes food
absorbable into the body
2 A chemical compound that is
added to protect against decay
or decomposition
3 The entire physical structure of
an organism (especially an
animal or human being
4 Keep or maintain in unaltered
condition; cause to remain or
5 The total amount of money
spent for goods or services
including money and time and

Activity 4 .

Discuss the answers to the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What the tense is used in the text?
3. What is the function of formalin actually?
4. Why do food producers like to use formalin actually?

5. Has the government controlled the use of formalin and other
dangerous preservatives effectively?
6. “They know the danger of formalin, but they….” (Argument 3
What does “They” in the sentence refer to?
7. What can human being suffer if they consume formalin for a
long time?
8. Do you think that the problem is very complicated? Why?
9. What should be done about this matter?
10. Rewrite the text in your own words.

Activity 5 .

Reflection: think about the following questions individually

first, then discuss with the class.
 What do you say if the meat balls in bakso which you have
eaten so far contain formalin or other additives?
 Do you know to detect that some food contain formalin or
other additives?
 What is your solution to solve this problem?

Activity 6 2

Genre Knowledge: Identify the generic structure on the

following text. Write the labels of thesis, argument 1, argument
2, argument 3, and the reiteration. Also identify the point and
the elaboration of each paragraph.

Text model 2
Illegal Logging
Illegal Logging is really a problematic case in this country.
There are three reasons why it is the case.
Firstly, the illegal logging has threatened the people who
live in the countryside around or under the area. The bald forest

or hills make a big danger when the rainy seasons come. The
great quantity of water can create landslides since there are no
enough trees to hold the water and land. We have seen the
landslide disasters which happened in many areas in Indonesia.
The number of the areas struck by landslide has increased.
The second reason is that the uncontrolled trees felling
seems to go on without any significant effort of the government
to stop it. According to some news sources in Newspaper and
news program on TV, the activities of illegal cutting of the trees
in some regions are actually known by the government officers.
The police and local government let them cut the threes
because they are given much money for themselves. They do
not think their actions endanger the people around the forests.
Therefore, it can be said that illegal logging is illegal but known
by the officers.
The third is that the illegal felling of the forest trees can
destroy the natural ecosystem. When the forest trees are
continuously cut and the rain forestation is not done as the rule,
the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger. The system which
is formed by the interaction between a community of
organisms, including humans and animals, and their physical
environment will be threatened. Human beings in several
villages have been killed. Wide areas of farms are destroyed by
the piles of mud and thousands of farm animals are killed and
lost. Who are suffering?
Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a
serious problem that needs to be solved immediately by both
the government and citizens as the owners of the forest.

Activity 7 2

Answer the comprehension questions based on the text that

you have read. Write down your answers in your book.
1. How many arguments are presented in the written exposition
2. Whose lives are threatened by the illegal logging?

3. In what season do landslides usually happen? Why?
4. Have the local government done something to prevent illegal
5. Can you mention the losses or victims of landslides?
6. Why illegal logging destroy the natural ecosystem?
7. Why must the problem of illegal logging be solved soon?
8. Do you know the best way to handle this problem?
9. What do some people do illegal logging for?
10. What is your personal opinion about illegal logging?


Activity 1 2
Read this text carefully and pay attention to the Language Feature.

Cars Should Be Banned In The City

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, Generic

cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths Participant
and other accidents. (human &
Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of human)
the pollution in the world.
Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as
bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. ves
Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can (In Bold)
die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy.

Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars Vocabulary
commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes
them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. Passive

with modal
If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep Verb
at night, or concentrate on your homework, and (in Bold &
especially talk to someone. Underlined
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city
for the reasons listed.

Activity 2 2
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words in the following boxes.
For instance critical thinking secondly
Because great The last thing
In my opinion In order A wise man
Based on the reasons


(1) ……….once said, “learning without book mean nothing.’ (2)

……….this statement is true. Why do I say that? This is for several

Firstly, books are important (3) ………. they develop the minds of
people who read them. Even if you don’t agree with what an author
has done in a book, you can at least have formed your own ideas on
what would have been better. This leads to (4)………. .These critical
thinking skills are a necessity for the development of cultures.

(5) ………., book contains so much more than just the story. They
record facts. They review history. Books are the documentations of
themes that relate to everyone. You can even learn about a period in
history just looking at what books were popular and published during
that time. (6) ………., the classic tales of two cities by Charles dickens
is set in the French revolution era.

(7) ………. I’ll say is that books are essential to life because they do not
only carry knowledge, but they also entertain us. They entertain us
with stories ranging from mystery and drama to comedy, adventures
and autobiographies. (8) ………., you can read book about anything.
These possibilities are limitless and that is one of the many lessons
you can learn from reading books.

(9) ……….listed above, it is obvious that books have a (10) ……….

influence in our lives. Without book we may learn nothing.

Activity 3 2
Pay attention to the following pattern.
Passive Modal Auxiliaries

Subject + Modal + Be + Past Participle

 Example:
- Cars should be banned.
- Using mobile phone in the school should be prohibited.
- Students who come late will be penalized.
 Changing Active Sentences into Passive.
Change these active sentences into passive. Number one
is given as an example.
1. The government should ban cigarette advertisements.
Cigarette advertisements should be banned.
2. Investigators will investigate the drug trafficking
3. The government’s subsidy may cut the expensive
medical cost.
4. The Road and Traffic Authority has to be build noise
barriers along the highway to reduce noise.
5. We have to use unleaded petrol to reduce pollution.
6. Government must provide more job opportunities to
reduce poverty.
7. The Department of Public Work might build public
houses for poor families.
8. More commuters ought to use buses to reduce traffic

Activity 4 2

To mention several points in your argument, you can use the
following connectives:

First,… Firstly,…
Second,… Secondly,…
Third,… Thirdly,…
Fourth,… Finally,…

Sumarrizing and Concluding
To summarize or conclude your points you can use the
following connectives:

Summarizing Concluding
In short,… In conclusion,…
In a word,… On the whole,…
In brief,… Altogether,…
To sum up,… I all,…

Activity 5 2
Arranging Paragraphs into a coherent Text
 Arrange the paragraphs below into a coherent text.
 Number the box beside the paragraphs in an order of

Activity 5 2

Analytical Exposition Planner

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur dan
No Pertanyaan Jawaban
1 Can I explain the social function of an
analytical exposition text? Ya Tidak

2 Can I mention the structure of an

analytical exposition text? Ya Tidak

3 Can I express my spoken opinion using

the expressions of giving opinion? Ya Tidak

4 Can I express my written opinion in an

analytical exposition text? Ya Tidak

5 Is this lesson useful and worth to

learn? Ya Tidak

If there is a "NO" answer, review the lesson as soon as

possible, especially on the part where it still has "NO" answer.
If all answers are "YES", you can go to the next lesson.

I. Read the text, then answer the questions.

Text 1

The Use of Formalin and Other Additives in Foods

The use of Formalin and other dangerous preservatives in foods has been a
serious problem for three reasons.

Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimen and
experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10 % solution of formaldehyde in water
which is usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens.
Thus, it is not for food preservative. Of course when it is used for food
preservative, it will be very dangerous to humans’ body.

The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This
condition makes the people’s health is really in threat. When the control is
weak and the use of formalin was spread wide all over the Indonesian
regions, and these days it has really happened, the citizens’ bodies will be
badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their
products which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you
imagine that our digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for
the human and animal corpses?

The third is that the difficult economy seems not end. This can make
situation worse. We all know that today’s economy is very difficult. People
buy daily products and fulfill their need with high costs. Things are getting
more and more expensive. Consequently, the food production cost
increases. For example, the preservation process for fish will be much
cheaper If the producers use formalin. They know the danger of Formalin,
but they don’t care about the other’s health. What is in their mind is only
how to get profit.

Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin
and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved


1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What the tense is used in the text?
3. What is the function of formalin actually?
4. Why do food producers like to use formalin actually?
5. Has the government controlled the use of formalin and other dangerous
preservatives effectively?
6. “They know the danger of formalin, but they don’t care about the others’
health” (paragraph 4).
What does “ They” in the sentence refer to ?
7. What can human being suffer if they consume formalin for a long time?
8. Do you think that the problem is very complicated? Why?
9. What should be done about this matter?

Text 2

Illegal Logging

Illegal Logging is really a problematic case in this country. There are three
reasons why it is the case.

Firstly, the illegal logging has threatened the people who live in the
countryside around or under the area. The bald forest or hills make a big
danger when the rainy seasons come. The great quantity of water can create
landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the water and land. We
have seen the landslide disasters which happened in many areas in
Indonesia. The number of the areas struck by landslide has increased.

The second reason is that the uncontrolled trees felling seems to go on

without any significant effort of the government to stop it. According to
some news sources in Newspaper and news program on TV, the activities of
illegal cutting of the trees in some regions are actually known by the
government officers. The police and local government let them cut the
threes because they are given much money for themselves. They do not
think their actions endanger the people around the forests. Therefore, it can
be said that illegal logging is illegal but known by the officers.

The third is that the illegal felling of the forest trees can destroy the natural
ecosystem. When the forest trees are continuously cut and the rain
forestation is not done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible
danger. The system which is formed by the interaction between a
community of organisms, including humans and animals, and their physical
environment will be threatened. Human beings in several villages have been

killed. Wide areas of farms are destroyed by the piles of mud and thousands
of farm animals are killed and lost. Who are suffering?

Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a serious problem

that needs to be solved immediately by both the government and citizens as
the owners of the forest.


1. How many arguments are presented in the written exposition above?

2. Whose lives are threatened by the illegal logging?
3. In what season do landslides usually happen? Why?
4. Have the local government done something to prevent illegal logging?
5. Can you mention the losses or victims of landslides?
6. Why illegal logging destroy the natural ecosystem?
7. Why must the problem of illegal logging be solved soon?
8. Do you know the best way to handle this problem?
9. What do some people do illegal logging for?
10. What is your personal opinion about illegal logging?

II. Pilihan Ganda


Some people think that homework is ineffective in developing

student’s skills.
In the first place, homework is a waste of time, because the
students are just forced to complete tasks that they already know how
to do.
Secondly, homework is ineffective because the tasks they do
involve more memory than discovery. Most of the tasks they do are just
repetition and therefore they don’t discover or learn anything.
Moreover, they say that homework is inefficient because when
most kids come home from school they’re usually tired from all the
work that they have done during the day and they probably won’t
produce their best work for the tasks.
In conclusion, for some people homework is ineffective and is not
the best way to develop students’ skills.

1. Which of the following is not the reason for some people not to agree
with the idea of homework?
A. Homework involves memory only
B. The students are already tired
C. Homework is a waste of time
D. Students only repeat the tasks
E. It’s closely related to discovery
2. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A. To convince the readers that homework isn’t necessary
B. To persuade the readers not to do the homework
C. To describe how to do the homework efficiently
D. To present the controversy of the homework
E. To inform the readers about the homework
3. “… because the students are just forced to complete tasks … “ (par.2).
What does the underlined word mean?
A. politely got
B. carefully done
C. slowly finished
D. strongly asked
E. patiently made
4. Which sentence is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. For some students homework is useless
B. Students find something new in homework
C. Students aren’t willing to do the tasks after school
D. Homework is ineffective to develop the skills
E. The school activities make student tired
5. “Secondly, homework is ineffective because the tasks they do involve.....”
(paragraph 2)
The word they refers to ...
A. Homework
B. The tasks
C. The students
D. The people
E. The teachers

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed
because it is rude, harmful to others, and dangerous for the smoker.
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke
affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste
good food and not to be put off by foul – smelling smoke.
Another reason why smoking should not be allowed in restaurants
is the harm it can do to others. Passive smoking, that is, breathing in
smoke made by a smoker, can lead asthma attacks and even cancer.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and health risk to the smoker.
Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke
anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others
and a health risk to the smoker and should not be allowed in any

6. What does the writer want to tell us?

A. The passive smoker
B. The dangers of smoking
C. The law banning cigarettes
D. The health risk of the smoker
E. The diseases caused by smoking
7. The following are the reasons why smoking should be forbidden in
restaurants, EXCEPT.…
A. It is impolite
B. It is harmful to others
C. It is dangerous to the smoker
D. It can make the food taste good
E. It can cause heart and lung disease
8. “ ... smoking should not be allowed in restaurants…. “(paragraph 3)
The underlined word could be replaced by ….
A. banned
B. permitted
C. suggested
D. prohibited
E. recommended

9. The writer intends to …
A. describe the condition of smoker
B. present two points of view about smoking
C. tell the reader how to smoke in restaurants
D. inform the reader about the danger of smoking
E. persuade the reader not to smoke in the restaurant

10. “It must not be allowed because it is rude...” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word refers to ...
A. Smoking
B. Cigarette
C. People
D. Restaurant
E. Smoker


11. John : The minister has ordered the police to arrest biker gangsters. Is
that right?
Jack : ....
The best response is …
A. I disagree
B. I am for that idea
C. I never think about it.
D. I couldn’t see your point
E. I’m not really sure about it
12. The new secretary was called yesterday, and … by the HR manager the
day before.
A. had been interviewed
B. was interviewing
C. has interviewed
D. interviewed
E. interviews
13. Mike : The book is quite interesting. What do you think, Joan?
Joan : I agree with you. It … in three different colored inks.
A. prints
B. is printed
C. is printing
D. has printed
E. was printed
14. We are using up the fuels that were made more than 300 years ago.
The passive voice of this sentence is ….

A. The fuels that were made more than 300 years ago are being used
up by us
B. The fuels are being used up by us that were made more than 300
years ago
C. That were made more than 300 years ago we are being used up by
the fuels
D. More than 300 years ago the fuels are being used up by us
E. We are being used up by the fuels more than 300 years ago
15. The epidemic of avian influenza in Indonesia ......predicted to be
A. is
B. are
C. will
D. have
E. being

16. Annisa : “ May I borrow your printer right now Anne?”

Ririn : “ I’m afraid it ............ used by my brother now. He is
finishing his paper today.”
A. are still used
B. is still using
C. is still used
D. is still being used
E. has been using

17. Thariq : “Why aren’t you driving your own motorcycle?”

Mbogo : “ It ... since last week”
A. is selling
B. has sold
C. will sell
D. has been sold
E. will have sold

18. Wahid : “ ...........our new principal?”

Embun : “ Well, I think he is such a friendly person.”
Which of the following is the most suitable expression to complete the
A. Do you like
B. Have you met
C. How do you know
D. Why do you meet
E. What do you think of

19. Bagas : “How about going to the beach this weekend?”

Siti : “.................. . The weather is not so nice this time”

Which expression is suitable to complete the utterance?
A. I suppose so
B. Sure, why not?
C. Yes, you’re right
D. That’s what I’m thinking
E. I think it’s not a good idea

20. The sky …. very dark. I think it’s going to rain.

A. feels
B. smells
C. looks
D. tastes
E. sounds

I. Essay

Text 1
1. The text above is analytical Exposition and the social function of the text is
to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case.
2. The text used a present tense, how do you know that?
3. The function of the formalin are usually used as a disinfectant or to
preserve biological specimens
4. Because it is cheap
5. No, it has not.
6. The word “they” in the sentence refer to the producers of food
7. It can damage their health
8. Yes, I do, because it cannot be resolved immediately
9. The government should make a tight rule

Text 2
1. There are three arguments.
2. the people who live in the countryside around or under the area
3. In the rainy seasons.
4. Not yet
5. Human beings in several villages have been killed. Wide areas of farms are
destroyed by the piles of mud and thousands of farm animals are killed
and lost.
6. Because natural ecosystem is formed by the interaction between a
community of organisms, including humans and animals.

7. When the forest trees are continuously cut and the rein forestation is not
done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger.
8. Law enforcement and reforestation.
9. To get much money, as much as possible, easily.
10. Illegal logging is a serious crime, as serious as a terrorist.

II. Pilihan Ganda

1. E 11. E
2. A 12. A
3. D 13. B
4. B 14. A
5. C 15. A
6. C 16. D
7. D 17. D
8. A 18. E
9. E 19. E
10. A 20. C

Daftar Pustaka
Betty Scrampher Azar. 2002. Understanding and Using English
Grammar. New York: Pearson Education.

John M. echols & Hassan Shadily. 2017. An English – Indonesian

Dictionary. Jakarta: Cornel University Press & PT Gramedia Pustaka

Nurhasanah, Mahrukh Bashir. 2017. Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris kelas

XI. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dab Perbukuan Balitbang Kemdikbud.

Oxford Univerity. 2014. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Oxford:

Oxford University Press

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