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Definisi akar kata bentuk penggabung di bawah ini:

1.tympan/o- =
2. myring/o- =
3. ot/o - =
4. audi/o- =
5. acoust/o =
6. labyrinth/o =

Tulist arti istilah di bawah ini:

1. nervus acousticus =
2. audiologist =
3. otolaringology =
4. labyrinthitis =
5. tympanoplasty =
6. myringotomi =


Tulis istilah definisi-2 di bawah ini:

1. Bagian telinga luar =

2. Bagian telinga tengah =
3. Gendang telinga =
4. Daun telinga =
5. Struktur mirip pemukul besi =
6. Struktur mirip rumah siput =
7. Struktur mirip alas kaki penunggang kuda =
8. Tulang telinga bagian tengah =
9. Konversi suara menjadi impuls saraf =
10. Substansi mirip malam (lilin) pelindung telinga =

Analisis istilah di bawah ini menjadi unsur kata pembentuknya dan tulis artinya:

1. audiologist  audi/o-log-ist =
2. audiology  =
3. otology  =
4. otologist  =
5. otorhinolaryngologist  =
6. otorhinolaryngology  =
7. otoscope  =
9. audiometry  =
10. audiometer =
11. otorrhea  =

Tulis istilah medis definisi di bawah ini:

1. ahli pengevaluasi ketajaman pendengaran =

2. terkait pendengaran =
3. dokter spesialis penyakit telinga =
4. ENT (THT) =
5. ilmu terkait telinga-hidung dan tenggorokan =
6. ilmu pendengaran =
7. ilmu telinga =
8. terkait dengan cochlea =
9. terkait hidung dan tenggorokan =
10. rasa sakit telinga =
11. gendang telinga =
12. daun telinga =
Tulist definisi istilah di bawah ini:

1. tinnitus =
2. myringitis =
3. labyrinthitis =
4. otomycosis =
5. otorrhea =
6. otosclerosis =
7. presbycusis =
8. tympanitis =
9. otalgia =
10. otitis externa =

11. vertigo =

12. Otitis media purulenta =

Ganti keterangan yang ditulis dengan huruf miring dengan istilah medisnya:
1. Tuli akibat ada tumor saraf akustik jinak = …
2. Kotoran telinga yang eksesif harus diangkat dokter spesiais telinga = …
3. Setelah berenang telinganya sakit = …
4. Terlalu banyak cairan di telinga dalam mengakibatkan kepala pusing = ..
5. Hearing-aids mampu meningkatkan pendengaran pada gangguan tuli akibat kerusakan
transmisi gelombang suara melalui saluran telinga tengah = …
6. Otitis media kronik dapat menimbulkan masa kistik kumpulan hancuran sel dan kolesterol =

7. Infeksi telinga tengah akut umum terjadi pada kanak-kanak = …

Tulis istilah medis definisi di bawah ini:

1. Gangguan telinga dalam kronik =

2. Pusing, kepala terasa diputar-putar =
3. Kehilangan pendengaran akibat gangguan saraf =
4. Kehilangan pendengaran pada manula =
5. Infeksi telinga tengah disertai nanah =
6. Infeksi telinga tengah dengan cairan serosa =
7. Tumor benign saraf akustik =
8. Suara mendengung di dalam telinga =
9. Rasa sakit pada telinga =
10. Dokter THT =
11. Infeksi gendang telinga =

Cocokkan istilah di lajur kiri dengan definisi di lajur kanan:

1. infeksi jamur pada telinga (a) tinnitus

2. pengeluaran cairan dari telinga (b) acaustic neuroma
3. radang telinga dalam (c) dermatitis
4. radang gendang telinga (d) otomycosis
5. infeksi bernanah telinga tengah (e) otalgia
6. mendengung di dalam telinga (f) ototis elsterna akut
7. radang kulit daun telinga (g) impacted cerumen
8. tumor jinak saraf akustik (h) tympanitis
9. pusing rasa terputar-putar (i) otitis media purulenta
10. kotoran telinga menyumbat (j) otitis interna
11. radang akut saluran telinga luar (k) otorrhea
12. rasa sakit pada telinga (l) vertigo

Jelaskan definisi istilah di bawah ini:

1. audiogram =
2. otoplasty =
3. myringotomy =
4. tympanotomy =
5. tympanoplasty =
6. myringoplasty =
7. audiometry =
8. otoscopy =
9. stapedectomy =

10. Rinne’s test =

11.Weber test =

Cocokkan istilah yang sesuai dengan definisi:
1. Operasi perbaikan membrane timpani (a) – myringoplasty
atau – myringotomy
2. Operasi perbaikan telinga (b) – otoplasty
atau – ototomy
3. Insisi gendang telinga (c) – myringoplasty
atau – myringotomy
4. Test konduksi tulang dan udara (d) – Weber test
atau – Rinne test
5. Mengukur sensasi pendengaran (e) – audiometry
atau – otometry
6. Pemeriksaan ke dalam telinga (f) – otoscopy
atau – otogram
7. Pengukuran pendengaran (g) – audiometry
atau – otometry



Tuliskan istilah medis definisi di lajur kiri

Definisi istilah
1. Terkait pendengaran =
2. AD =
3. Spesialis pengevaluasi ketulian =
4. BC =
5. Ahli telinga, hidung, tenggorokan =
6. Pusing rasa terputar-putar =
7. Suara mendengung di telinga =
8. Infeksi jamur pada telinga =
9. Insisi genderang telinga =
10. Operasi plastik genderang telinga =
11. Keluar cairan dari saluran telinga =
12. Gangguan pendengaran manula =


Cocokan istilah di lajur kiri dengan definisi di lajur kanan:

1. Audiogram (a) visualisasi struktur telinga dalam

2. BOM (b) gangguan telinga dalam kronik disertai akumulasi cairan
3. Cholesteatoma (c) otitis media kanan dan kiri
4. Otitis media purulenta (d) operasi perbaikan telinga
5. Otoscopy (e) ilmu terkait pendengaran
6. Otitis eksterna (f) masa hancuran seluler dan kolesterol
7. Otitis media (g) infeksi telinga luar
8. Otoplasty (h) infeksi telinga tengah bernanah
9. Audiology (i) rekam grafik pendengaran
10. eniere’s disease (j) radang telinga tengah

Pilihan satu butir jawaban yang paling memadai:
1. Struktur telinga bagian dalam disebut:
(a) ossicle (b) semicircular canal
(c) vestibule (d) labyrinth
2. Struktur bagian telinga yang mana yang bertangungjawab terhadap kesetimbangan tuluh
(a) labyrinth (b) ossicle
(c) semicircular canal (d) tube eustachii
3. Pilih struktur tempat organ Corti telinga
(a) cochlea (b) ossicle
(b) labyrinth (d) tuba eustachii
4. Kumpulan tulang di telinga tengah disebut …
(a) ossicle (b) labyrinth
(c) cochlea (d) semicircular canals
5. Struktur telinga yang menyetimbangkan tekanan atmosfer dengan telinga
(a) cochlea (b) labyrinth
(c) semicicular canals (d) tuba eustachii
6. Struktur pemisah telinga tengah dan dalam disebut …
(a) cochlea (b) labyrinth
(c) oval window (d) membrane tympanic
7. Suara mendengung di dalam telinga
(a) tympanitis (b) tinnitus
(b) vertigo (d) otosclerosis
8. Singkatan yang berarti telinga kanan adalah …
(a) AD (b) AS
(c) LE (c) AU
9. Pemeriksaan dengan garpu tala untuk mengukur konduksi gelombang suara ,,,
(a) otoscope (b) audiometry
(c) Weber test (d) Rhine test
10. Radang dan infeksi saluran telinga luar disebut
(a) otitis media (b) otitis externa
(c) otitis interna (d) otitis suppurativa
11. Infeksi jamur pada telinga disebut …
(a) onychomycosis (b) audiomycosis
(c) otomycosis (d) dermatomycosis
12. Operasi insisi gendang telinga …
(a) tympanoplasty (b) tympanectomy
(c) myringotomy (d) myringoplasty
13. Aarache adalah sebutan bagi
(a) deafness (b) otalgia
(b) otitis (d) otosclerosis
14. Gangguan pendengaran akibat kerusakan transmisi
gelombang suara melalui telinga luar dan tengah
adalah …
(a) sensoris deafness (b) presbycusis
(d) conduktive deafness (d) total deafness
15. Tumor jinak pada saraf akustik disebut: …
(a) adenoma (b) ganglion
(c) neurinoma (d) osteoma
Inflammation of the middle ear (the cavity between the eardrum and the inner ear)
The inflammation occurs as the result of an upper respiratory tract infection, extending up
the eustachian tube, the passage that connects the back of the nose to the middle ear. The
tube may become blocked by the inflammation or sometimes by enlarged adenoids, which
are often associated with infections of the nose and throat. As a result, fluid produced by
the inflammation – along with pus in bacterial infections – is not drained off through the
tube but accumulates in the middle ear.

The chronic phase of otitis media (otitis media with effusion) follows an upper respiratory
infection that has produced acute otitis media.

Children are susceptible by otitis media, probably because of the shortness of their
eustachian tubes. About one in six children suffers from the acute form in the first year of
life about one in 10 in each of the next six years. Some children have recurrent attacks.
Chronic otitis media is much less common because, in most cases, attacks of acute middle-
ear infection clear with treatment.
Symptoms and Signs
Acute otitis media is marked by sudden, severe otalgia,
a feeling of fullness in the ear, deafness, tinnitus, and fever. Sometimes the eardrum
bursts, relieving the pain and resulting in an otorrhea of pus. In this case, healing usually
occurs in several days.
In chronic otitis media, pus constantly exudes from a perforation in the eardrum and
there is some degree of deafness. Complication of the condition include otitis externa,
damage to the bones in the middle ear, causing more deafness (sometime total) in the
affected ear; or a cholesteatoma. In rare cases, infection spreads inward from an infected
ear causing mastoiditis or a brain abscess
The diagnosis is usually made from examining the ears with an otoscope.
A swab may be taken of any discharge so that the organism responsible for the infection
can be cultured and identified.
AOM is treated by giving antibiotic drugs and analgesics. Usually the condition clears up
completely with treatment, but in some cases there is continual production of sticky fluid in
the middle ear, a condition known as persistent middle-ear effusion COM is treated by
sucking out pus and infected debris from the ear as necessary. Antibiotic ear drops may be
given if this does not adequately control the condition.
Medical Terms:
Otoplasty =
Otorrhea =
Otosceloris (> inherited) =progressive conductive
deafness. 1/200 started in early
adulthood, > women than men,
often develops during pregnancy)
Ototoxicity = keracunan telinga (kerusakan bisa pada
cochlea dan canalis semicircularis dalam
telinga dalam)  gangguan pendengaran
dan kesetimbangan
Otoscope =

Complete or partial inability to hear.
Total deafness is rare and is usually congenital.
Partial deafness, ranging from mild to severe, is most commonly the result of :
- an ear disease,
- injury, or
- degeneration of the hearing mechanism with age.
All deafness is either conductive or sensorineural.
Conductive deafness is faulty transportation of sound from the outer to the inner ear,
usually due to damage to the eardrum or the three connected bones in the middle ear – the
malleus, incus and stapes. In sensorineural deafness, sounds that reach the inner ear fail
to be transmitted to the brain because of damage to the structures within the inner ear or
to the acoustic nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain.
Conductive deafness:
In an adult, the most common cause of conductive deafness is earwax blocking the outer
ear canal.
Less commonly, otosclerosis (the stapes loses its normal mobility) may be responsible.
In a child, OM is by far the most common cause of this types of deafness.
Rarely, conductive deafness can be caused by barotrauma, or by a perforated eardrum as
the result of injury, a middle-ear infection, or surgery on the ear.
Sensorineural deafness:
Defects of the inner ear are sometime congenital due:
- to an inherited fault in a chromosome,
- to birth injury, or
- to damage to the developing fetus – as the result of the mother having had rubella
during pregnancy.
Damage to the inner ear may also occur soon after birth as the result of severe jaundice.
Sensorineural deafness that develops in later life can be caused by:
- prolonged exposure to loud noise,
- Meniere’ s disease (increased fluid pressure in the labyrinth),
- certain drugs (such as streptomycin), or by
- some viral infections.
All damage the cochlea and/or labyrinth. These structures also degenerate naturally with
old age (presbycusis)
Damage to the acoustic nerve may be the result of an acoustic neuroma. As the acoustic
neuroma enlarge, it causes increasing deafness.

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