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£disi Kedua



Dra. Nurhasanah, M.Ed.

UPI Press
Hak CIpta

Penulis : Dra. Nurhasanah, M.Ed

Reviewer : Ika Lestari Damayanti, MA

Hak Cipta pada penulis

Hak Penerbitan pada Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh buku ini dalam bentuk apa pun
tanpa izin dari penerbit UPI PRESS.

Edisi Kedua
Cetakan Kesatu, 2010
ISBN : 979-378-69-2

Tim Ahli : Prof. Dr. Ahman, M.Pd
Prof. Dr. Mustofa Kamil
Dr. Johar Permana, M.A

Koordinator : Iwan Gunawan

Tata Letak isi : Luqman Ginanjar M.R, S.Pd
Desain Cover : Fajar Ginanjar Mukti

Penerbit :
Gedung Penerbitan dan Percetakan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, No. 229 Bandung 40154 Tlp. (022) 2013163 Pes.4502

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Tlp (022) 2013163 Pes.4301
Fax/Telp : (022) 2000021
Kata Pengantar

Dewasa ini, guru Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

dipersyaratkan memiliki kualifikasi S-1 sesuai dengan tuntutan
profesional. Hal ini sesuai dengan ketentuan yang terdapat pada
UU Nomor 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, UU
Nomor 14/2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, PP Nomor 19/2005
tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan Permen Diknas RI
Nomor 58 Tahun 2008 tentang Penyelenggaraan Program
Sarjana (S-1) Kependidikan bagi Guru dalam Jabatan.
Sejalan dengan itu, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
mulai tahun akademik 2006/2007 menyelenggarakan Program
Strata I (S-1) PGSD bagi guru Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah dengan menggunakan pendekatan dual-modes. Pendekatan ini dilakukan
melalui perpaduan antara sistem pembelajaran tatap muka dengan sistem pembelajaran
mandiri (self-instruction). Sistem pembelajaran mandiri dilakukan dengan cara
mempelajari bahan belajar mandiri tercetak (printed materials) yang dikaji lebih lanjut
pada pembelajaran tatap muka. Bahan belajar mandiri ini mencakup materi untuk
peningkatan wawasan tentang berbagai konsep dan keterampilan yang berhubungan
dengan peningkatan diri sebagai guru profesional.
Mudah-mudahan dengan tersusunnya bahan belajar mandiri ini, para mahasiswa
dapat belajar secara mandiri dengan tidak mengganggu pelaksanaan tugas-tugas

Bandung, Juni 2010


Prof. Dr. H. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd.

NIP. 19500321 197412 1 001
Daftar Isi

1. BBM 1 : INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH SOUNDS ......................................... 1
Pendahuluan ............................................................................................... 1
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Reviewing English Alphabet through Greeting
Introducing Self and Others and Parting. ...................... 3
Latihan ................................................................................................ 10
Tes Formatif ........................................................................................ 10
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut ....................................................................11
Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Intifying English Sound and Its
Stress and Intonation ................................................. 12
Latihan ................................................................................................ 14
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut ................................................................... 23
Kegiatan Belajar 3 : Reviewing English Alphabet through Greeting
Introducing Self and Others and Parting. .................... 25
Latihan ................................................................................................ 25
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut ................................................................... 30
Kegiatan Belajar 4 : Reviewing English Alphabet through Greeting
Introducing Self and Others and Parting. .................... 32
Latihan ................................................................................................ 33
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut ................................................................... 34
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ................................................................. 34
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. ...................................................................................... 39

2. BBM 2 : VOCABULARY ENRICHMENT .................................................... 41

Pendahuluan ............................................................................................. 41
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Reviewing ‘Parts of Sentence’ Through Analyzing
Simple Sentences....................................................... 43
Latihan. ............................................................................................... 43
Rangkuman. ....................................................................................... 44
Tes Formatif. ....................................................................................... 45
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. .................................................................. 46
Kegitan Belajar 2 : Reviewing ‘Parts of Speech’ Through Analyzing
Simple Sentences......................................................... 47
Latihan. ............................................................................................... 50
Rangkuman. ....................................................................................... 64
Tes Formatif. ....................................................................................... 64
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. .................................................................. 65
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ..................................................................... 66
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. ...................................................................................... 69

Daftar Isi


(ACTIVE VOICES) ..................................................................... 71
Pendahuluan ............................................................................................. 71
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Understanding The Importance of Verb
and Their Conjugations and Functions
In English Grammar ..................................................... 73
Latihan. ............................................................................................... 73
Rangkuman. ....................................................................................... 77
Tes Formatif. ....................................................................................... 78
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. .................................................................. 78
Kegiatan Belajar 2 :Understanding Present Tenses....................................... 79
Latihan. ............................................................................................... 81
Rangkuman. ....................................................................................... 91
Tes Formatif. ....................................................................................... 91
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. .................................................................. 93
Kegiatan Belajar 3 :Gerunds and Infinitifes ................................................ 94
Latihan. ............................................................................................... 96
Rangkuman. ....................................................................................... 97
Tes Formatif. ....................................................................................... 97
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. .................................................................. 97
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ..................................................................... 98
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 105


(ACTIVE VOICES) ................................................................... 107
Pendahuluan. .......................................................................................... 107
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Understanding Past Tenses ......................................... 109
Latihan ...............................................................................................113
Rangkuman. ..................................................................................... 117
Tes Formatif. ......................................................................................117
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................ 117
Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Understanding Present Perfect Tenses ...................... 119
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 123
Rangkuman. ..................................................................................... 125
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 125
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................ 125
Kegiatan Belajar 3 : Understanding Past Perfect Tenses. ........................... 127
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 130
Rangkuman. ..................................................................................... 134
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 134
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................ 134
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ................................................................... 135
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 138


Pendahuluan ........................................................................................... 139
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Passive Voices ............................................................ 141

Daftar Isi
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 142
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 145
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................ 146
Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Pengenalan Kata ‘Word’ Prase ‘Phrase’
Klausa ‘Clause’ Dan Kalimat ‘Sentences’
Dalam Bahasa Inggris ............................................... 148
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 148
Rangkuman. ..................................................................................... 149
Tes Formatif. ......................................................................................149
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................. 149
Kegiatan Belajar 3 : Independent Clause dalam kalimat Bersusun
Compound Sentences dalam Bahasa Inggris ............ 151
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 152
Tes Formatif. ......................................................................................153
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................. 153
Kegiatan Belajar 4 : Independent dan Dependent Clause dalam kalimat
Majemuk Compound Sentences dalam Bahasa Inggris. 154
Latihan. .............................................................................................. 156
Tes Formatif. ......................................................................................156
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................. 157
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ................................................................... 158
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 161

6. BBM 6 : COMPLEX SENTENCES I : NOUN CLAUSES............................... 163

Pendahuluan. .......................................................................................... 163
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Noun Clauses ........................................................... 164
Latihan .............................................................................................. 166
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut ................................................................. 171
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF ............................................................... 172
GLOSARIUM. .......................................................................................... 173
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 174


Pendahuluan ........................................................................................... 175
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Comparative dan Superlative Deegres
dalam adjectives dan adverbs ................................... 177
Rangkuman. ..................................................................................... 179
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 179
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 180
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut. ................................................................ 180
Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Adjective Clauses sebagai Dependent/Subordinat
Clause dalam Kalimat Majemuk Coplex Sentences

Bahasa Inggris ......................................................... 182

Latihan. ..............................................................................................182
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 186
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut..................................................................188
Kegiatan Belajar 3 : ‘Adverb Clauses’ sebagai Dependent/Subordinat

Daftar Isi
Clause dalam Kalimat kompleks
‘Complex Sentences’ dalam Bahasa Inggris.............. 189
Latihan. ..............................................................................................190
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 192
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 193
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF .................................................................. 194
GLOSARIUM. .......................................................................................... 197
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 198

8. BBM 8 : GRAMMAR ENRICHMENT ........................................................ 199

Pendahuluan ........................................................................................... 199
Kegiatan Belajar 1 : Conditional Sentences ............................................ 201
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 202
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 204
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 204
Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Reported Speech/Indirect Speech............................. 206
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 209
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 212
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 213
Kegiatan Belajar 3 : Reported Speech/Indirect Speech............................. 214
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 214
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 215
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 217
Kegiatan Belajar 4 : Phrasal Verbs................................................................ 218
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 219
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 219
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 220
Kegiatan Belajar 5 : Parallel Structure ..................................................... 221
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 221
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 222
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 223
Kegiatan Belajar 6 : Inversion .................................................................. 224
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 225
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 226
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 227
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF .................................................................. 228
GLOSARIUM. .......................................................................................... 231
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. .................................................................................... 232

9. BBM 9 : COMMUNICATION AND INTEGRATION ....................................... 233

Pendahuluan ........................................................................................... 233
Kegiatan Belajar 1 ................................................................................... 235

Latihan. ............................................................................................. 237

Kegiatan Belajar 2 : Reading Skills :SQ3R Strategy ................................ 238
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 242
Kegiatan Belajar 3 ................................................................................... 246
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 247

Daftar Isi
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 248
Kegiatan Belajar 4 ................................................................................... 249
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 250
Kegiatan Belajar 5 ................................................................................... 251
Latihan. ............................................................................................. 252
Tes Formatif. ..................................................................................... 254
Balikan dan Tindak Lanjut................................................................. 256
KUNCI JAWABAN TES FORMATIF .................................................................. 257
GLOSARIUM. .......................................................................................... 263
DAFTAR PUSTAKA. ....................................................................................264

Daftar Isi

Introduction To English Sounds


ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 1 ini, mahasiswa mengenal Abjad dalam Bahasa
Inggris (English Alphabet), Bunyi-bunyi bahasa Inggris (English Sounds) baik
dalam pengucapan kata maupun kalimat bahasa Inggris yang benar, termasuk
lafal dan intonasi yang tepat, yang diperkenalkan melalui konsep-konsep perkenalan
diri, memperkenalkan teman, latihan mengucapkan simbol bunyi sesuai dengan standar
‘Received Pronunciation’. Selain itu mahasiswa juga berlatih mengucapkan kata-kata
melalui tema-tema maupun kegiatan yang berorientasi pada situasi pembelajaran di
Sekolah Dasar.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Mahasiswa dapat mengucapkan bunyi kata maupun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris
dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus
1. Mahasiswa dapat mengeja kata maupun ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan salam
pertemuan, perkenalan, dan salam perpisahan.
2. Mahasiswa dapat melafalkan bunyi dalam kata maupun kalimat bahasa Inggris
sesuai dengan standar ‘Received Pronunciation’ serta dengan lafal dan intonasi
yang tepat, melalui tema-tema dan kegiatan yang berorientasi pada situasi
pembelajaran di sekolah dasar.
3. Mahasiswa dapat menuliskan informasi tentang dirinya dan merespon koreksi
dosen melalui ’editing symbol’ dan melakukan ’self correction’ terhadap hasil
karyanya tersebut.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan secara langsung maupun tertulis
terhadap berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan seluruh kegiatan pembelajaran
pada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 1.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
empat Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB1 : Kata maupun ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan salam pertemuan, perkenalan,
dan salam perpisahan.
KB2 : ‘Received Pronunciation’
KB3 : ’Editing Symbol’ dan ’Self Correction’
KB4 : Menjawab pertanyaan secara langsung maupun tertulis

Bahasa Inggris 1
Introduction To English Sounds

Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Bacalah secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari
kata-kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, bacalah dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

2 Bahasa Inggris
Introduction To English Sounds



Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

/æ / /bi: / / si: / /di: / / i: / /ef / /i:/

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
/ei t∫ / /ai/ /ei/ /kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu
/pi:/ /kju:/ /a:/ /es/ /ti:/ /ju:/

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
/vi:/ /d ʌ blju : / /eks/ /wai/ /zed/

I. Face to face conversation

Listen to your lecturer explaining the greeting, introducing self and others, and
parting below:
Formal Informal
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
(Ladies and Gentlemen/ Children/ (Friends, fall, kids, guys, etc.)
Students, etc.)

Bahasa Inggris 3
Introduction To English Sounds

Introducing Myself
Formal Informal

Hello Madam/Sir, Hi,

I would like to/ Let me introduce myself I’m .................. I ’m from

to you. My name is …. My nationality is ……………… I live in ............ My
……….. . My address is in …. . My hobby/ies is/are ........ ,
interest/s is/are ............, ................ , ……., ………….., ............... I’m
……….. My Profession is............... My a/an ................ (Profession). I
responsibilities in this ……….. ……… everyday.
(Profession) are ………, ………, ……..

Introducing (friends/colleagues, etc.) to other people

Formal Informal

Hello Mister/Mrs./Miss ................ , Hi,

I would like you to meet my ……. I’m.................. I ’m from

(friends, colleagues/etc.). He is an ……………… I live in ............ My
expert in.......... / Let me introduce hobby/ies is/are ........ ,
myself to you. My name is …. My ……., ………….., ............... I’m
nationality is................ My address is a/an ................ (Profession). I
in…. . My interest/s is/are ............ , ……… everyday.
…………, .............. My Profession is
………. . My responsibilities in this
……….. (profession) are........... ,
………, …….. .

4 Bahasa Inggris
Introduction To English Sounds

Formal Informal
It is a glad/pleasure/really nice to It’s nice to meet you. How about
meet you. ………
But I have to go now. By the way,
how about ……….
(continued by inviting to a meeting/an (continued by inviting to a party/an
academic activities) informal activities)
See you (in the next meeting, etc.). See you in (the party, etc.)
See you again next time See you soon
See you tomorrow
Good Bye See you

$ Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di

atas, kerjakanlah soal latihan1berikut.
Teacher :Tas… k…1… .1……………………….
All Students : GoPordacmtoicrenitnhgeM seadeaxmpr(einsscihoonrsusi)n ‘pairs’ or in ‘group of three’ as required
(remember to (1) use the right 2stress and intonation and (2) ask ‘how do you spell it?’ or
Teacher : My name is ……………… (spelling your name). I would like to
‘Could you repeat it, please!, whenever you can’t catch the word). In this task you act as
a ne…w…te… ac…he …r,…an…d… yo… u…wa .…
nt.3to. Itehaocphe yEonugw
lisih ’viell been asked by a
ll teonjtohyemcylacslsa,ssy.oIuw
student; he is the chief of the class:
A. Ibnetrwoid
s lw
f:hole semester. If you have any queries during
my teaching here, please do not hesitate to contact me to my home
telephone ……………. 4or to my mobile phone ....................... 5.
Student A : My name is ……….. 6. I’m ……………….. 7. Could you repeat
spelling your name again, Madam? I could not catch that.
Teacher : Yes, of course, it’s ………………… 8(spelling the name again).
Anyway, ………………….. 9
, ……………….10 (mention the
student’s name).
Student A : Nice to meet you, too. We hope we will enjoy your class, Ma’am.

Bahasa Inggris 5
Introduction To English Sounds

Anyway, ………………….. 9
, ……………….10 (mention the
student’s name).
Student A : Nice to meet you, too. We hope we will enjoy your class, Ma’am.
A. Introducing a friend to other:
Task 1.2
You have to introduce your new colleague Intan to your headmaster, but your
headmaster is in a hurry to have another appointment, and he promises to meet you in
his office tomorrow.

A. When you meet your acquaintance

Biasanya jika bertemu dengan kenalan yang sudah dekat, biasanya percakapannya
informal dan menggunakan nama panggilan.
Task 1. 3
Practice the following dialogue. You meet your acquaintance who gets head-
ache, and want to invite to your son’s birthday party. Then, he is getting better, after you
propose certain medicine.

6 Bahasa Inggris
Vocabulary Enrichment


ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 2 ini, mahasiswa mengenal kelompok kata (Parts of
Speech) pembentukan kata (‘word formation’) melalui pemberian awalan (pre
fixes) dan akhiran (suffixes) baik yang bersifat derivatives, maupun inflectional,
yang berdampak pada pengayaan kelompok kata bahasa Inggris. Mahasiswa juga
mengenali persamaan kata (synonym), lawan kata (antonym), serta mengetahui
pasangan kata yang sesuai (collocation) dalam bahasa Inggris.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Mahasiswa dapat menguasai sejumlah kosa kata dalam bahasa Inngris dengan
melakukan pengelompokkan kata, pembentukkan kata maupun pemasangan kata yang
tepat dalam bahasa Inggris, dan menggunakannya dalam kalimat sederhana.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus
1. Mahasiswa dapat menganalisa kalimat sederhana ke dalam unsur-unsur kalimat.
2. Mahasiswa dapat mengelompokkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
pengelompokan fungsi yang tepat.
3. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan ciri-ciri awalan maupun akhiran pembentuk kata
bahasa Inggris dan mengaplikasikannya dalam kalimat.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menggabungkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi frasa yang
5. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan persamaan kata, lawan kata, maupun pasangan
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
dua Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB1 : Reviewing ‘Parts of Sentence’ through analyzing simple sentences.
KB2 : Reviewing ‘Parts of Speech’ through analyzing simple sentences.
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Baca secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari kata-
kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan

Bahasa Inggris 7
Vocabulary Enrichment

mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.

4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, baca dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

42 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment



K alimat dalam bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya terdiri dari dua unsur, yaitu (1) subject
dan (2) predicate. Predicate dalam bahasa Inggris, terdiri dari (1) a predicating
word (Verb), yang biasanya disertai dengan object, dan (2) a linking verb, yang biasanya
disertai dengan complement berupa adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan).
Predicating Object Adverbs
Subject Words
Linking Verb Complement
Subject Predicate

Dengasn demikian kalimat bahasa Inggris memiliki unsur berikut

Subject Verb Object Adverb Complement (SVOAC)

Perhatikan contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris berikut:

1. The boy throws the ball into the water
2. Mary is beautiful
Kalimat di atas diuraikan menjadi:
1. The boy throws the ball into the water
Subject Predicating Word Object Adverb
Subject Predicate

2. Mary is beautiful
Subject Linking Verb Complement
Subject Predicate

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 1.1: Analyze the pattern of these sentences. Put S for
subject, V for verb, O for object, C for complement, and A
for adverb
1. He runs Quickly

Bahasa Inggris 43
Vocabulary Enrichment

2. The boy eats the meal hungrily

3. We had delicious dinner

4. He works efficiently

5. She stares Blankly into the fire

Maka pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan variasi dari Subject (S)
Verb(V) Object (O) Complement (Adverb). Perhatikan pola kalimat di bawah ini
Sentence Notes on Verbs
Pattern Subject Verb Complement Object Adverb
S-V I cry Intransitive Verbs
S-V-A He screams loudly (do not need an
S-V-C She seems Happy
Linking Verbs
S-V-C Mary is Beautiful
S-V-O He throws the ball Transitive Verbs
S-V-O-A She sings the beautifully (predicating
song words;
S-V-C-O- The lady treats Poor people respectedly should have
A objects)

44 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), choose the one that best completes
the sentence.
1. in fluorescent lamps, television tubes, and other devices.
(A) Phosphors are used (C) To use phosphors
(B) It is phosphors (D) Using phosphors
2. The tips of some undersea mountains islands in the middle of the
(A) to form (B) they form (C) form (D) forming
3. of fish: jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish.
(A) It is three types (C) Three types
(B) There are three types (D) Three types are
4. to stop yourself from blinking except for a short period of time.
(A) Impossible it (C) It impossible
(B) Impossible (D) It is impossible
5. the Sitka spruce a hundred years to grow eleven inches.
(A) It takes (C) By taking
(B) To take (D) That takes
6. today was developed by the Swiss scientist Horace de Sassure
around 1773.
(A) Mountaineering it as we know (C) We know mountaineering is
(B) Mountaineering as we know it (D) We know there is mountaineering
7. of the surface of the Earth is covered by water.
(A) Three-quarters is nearly (C) It is nearly three-quarters
(B) There is nearly three-quarters (D) Nearly three-quarters
8. By the mid-eighteenth century many new immigrants entering North
America from Europe that the original colonies in the Northeast were overcrowded.
(A) it were (B) were (C) there (D) there were

9. not until the end of the seventeenth century that scientists began to
stress the importance of experiment as a way of gaining knowledge.
(A) There was (B) It was (C) There (D) It

10. are the most poisonous fish in the world.

(A) There are stonefish (C) They are the stonefish
(B) That the stonefish (D) Stonefish
Broukal, 1997: 31-32

Bahasa Inggris 45
Vocabulary Enrichment

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif I yang
ada pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar,
kemudian gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat
penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan belajar 1.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi lagi Kegiatan
Belajar 1, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai. Jangn putus asa, di mana ada
kemauan, di sana pasti ada jalan!

46 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment



P ada kegiatan pembelajaran 1, Anda telah mempelajari unsur-unsur kalimat dalam

bahasa Inggris, pada kegiatan pembelajaran ke-2 ini Anda akan mempelajari
pengelompokkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris berikut fungsinya dalam kalimat.
Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal pengelompokkan kata (Parts of Speech), yakni:
Kata Benda (Noun), Kata Kerja (Verb), Kata Sifat (Adjectives), dan Kata Keterangan
(Adverb). Dalam paragraf selanjutnya akan diuraikan secara rinci masing-masing
kelompok kata.
A NOUN is the name of a person, place, or thing. Its function in a sentence is as
‘subject’ and ‘object’
There are three kinds of nouns:
Common Proper Collective
(General Type) (Particular) (Organized into one group)
girl Mary team
park Central Park crowd
army US Army congress

Examples below are to show the relationship between proper nouns and related com-
mon nouns:
Proper Nouns Related Common Nouns
Susan B. Anthony Leader, activist, feminist
Henry Ford industrialist, manufacturer
Katharine Hepburn actress, movie star
Alexander Bell scientist, inventor
Boston city, capital, port
Hoover Dam dam, structure, feat
Lake Superior lake, resource, water
U.S. Constitution constitution, law, document
General Motors corporation, business, firm

Concrete and Abstract Noun

Noun also can be divided into ‘concrete’: tangible objects that can be directly ob-
served and perceived by the five senses, and ‘Abstract’: intangible objects that cannot
be directly perceived.

Bahasa Inggris 47
Vocabulary Enrichment

Concrete Abstract
Name of Persons, Plants, Things, Usually derived from other words, adjectives, or
Activities or Events verbs plus the following suffix:
Persons Carol -ness Happiness, helpfulness
Plants Orchid -th Length, warmth
Things Table -ance Endurance, appearance
Activities -cy Supremacy
Events Christmas -ism Capitalism

Every noun has number, either singular (only one) or plurals (more than one).
There are four ways to form the Plural of Nouns

48 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Nouns’ function in a sentence (case):

The position of a noun is determined by its function in the sentence. The blanks in
the fol-lowing sentences indicate the position of nouns as they fulfill different functions.

ctominative Case The Objective Caisegood. Possessive Case
Sausbsjeucbtjievcet Complement as direct objects
vteeNnoun) aMsairnydisri eactpretty . ows ownership
t jaedcdtress aTsheobcjheicldtirveencaotm
e plement .
InTdhieregcitrlOs bra
t utside The tle
nntthe game thaelegtitrel’sr doll
OEbinjesctetiivnewCaosma pslceim
enetnist t Te
P hd
s harles’(s) book.
OCbljaeucdt ioaf, P
swn er the Hheedteepaomsieteledcth
T teed m
Teornryey the childr.en’s toys
NpohuonneAdjunct Task 2.1.cH1
iunoutnso(mtehginasga)t thEendings
gh station.
Apposition Word Sehnadkiensgpseain
t _often tell y_o,uwh rootewmaan wyofrindeis used grammatically in En-
glish; therefore, it is very important for you to recognize some common word endings. If
you recognize a word ending on a word that you do not you can tell how the word should
Noun in Direct Adbde
sed grammatically,,epvleeanseif cyoom uedhoen
reo. tOurnPdleearssetacnod
mtehheem re,eaning of the word.
The following noun. (thing) endings are every common in English. It is important for
you to study them and become familiar with them.
-ism socialism -ment government
-nce excellence -ty beauty
-ness sadness -age marriage
-ion information -ship friendship

Bahasa Inggris 49
Vocabulary Enrichment

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into a noun (thing)

Task 2.1.2: Noun ( person) endings

The following noun (person) endings are very common in English. It is important for you
to study them and become and familiar with them.
-er employer -ist tourist
-or actor -cian musician

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into a noun (per-
1. teach 9. perfection
2. type 10. program
3. beauty 11. electricity
4. ideal 12. invest
5. invent 13. build
6. clinic 14. natural
7. special 15 advice
8. ranch 16. mathematics

50 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Task 2.1.3 Choose the correct word in parentheses.

1. Franklin was a (politics/politician).
2. Franklin was also an (invention/inventor).
3. Franklin is known in the field of (science/scientist).
4. Franklin became a successful (printer/printing).
5. In 1820 a Danish (physicist/physics) proved that electricity produced magnetism.
Task 2.1.4 : Irregular Plurals
Direction: Study the irregular plurals in the chart in Skill 41. Then, indicate whether each
of the following is correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. F roem
on meth
ne four underlined words or p9h. rsaesveesra(lAn)a,u(gBh)ty, (cC
, roern(D), identify the one that is
n o t correct.
2. lots of data 10. an in-depth analyses
1. The potato was the staple of Ireland, and when the crop failed in 1840,
3. a surprising hypothesis 11. one hundred alumni
4. one fast-growing fungi 12. lots of bright tooth
there was mass starvations.
5. various criterion 13. various exotic cacti
6. a few mice 14. two required thesis
7. each syllabi for the class 15. the earth’s axis
2. Shark can maneuver considerably faster than other fish because they
8. a young deer 16. lots of wooly sheep
have no bones .
3. Although sugar cane and sugar beet look very different, the sugars that is
refined from them tastes almost the same.
4. Textiles industries are as widespread as food industries because both
supply basic human needs.

Bahasa Inggris 51
Vocabulary Enrichment

It is used in place of a noun. The followings are types of Pronouns:

There is another type of pronoun that directly relates to person either singular or plural,
which also called ‘Personal Pronoun’. Study this table below:
Possessive Reflective
Person Subjective/ Objective implicit adjective &
Nominative noun (explicit noun) Intensive
1 I me mine my + noun myself
2 You you yours your + noun yourself
Singular He him his his + noun himself
3 She her hers her + noun herself
It It its its + noun itself
1 We us ours our + noun ourselves
Plural 2nd You you yours your + noun yourselves
3 They them theirs their + noun themselves

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 2.2.1 Which of the following completes each sentences
most suitably.

52 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

1. Between Ta
…, Istk
hink2h.e2i.s2not telling the truth.
From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
A. I and you B. me and you C. you and me
D. you an1d. I The penEg.uhien acnhdicykosucannot go into the water to get themselves own
2. I’ll take all the luggage out and put … by the car.
A. it B. its C. they
food until they have waterproof coats of feathers like their parents.
D. them E. no word is needed
2. Balloons rise into the air because they contain a gas who is less dense,
3. I’ve had many requests for assistance but most of … have been comparatively
or lighter, than air.
A. it B. its C. they
D. them E. no word is needed
3. The narwhal is the only animal in the world that has a tusk on
4. I gave her the money which I found … on my way home.
A. it B. its C. they
D. them only onEe .snidoewoofrd
it b
isondeye. ded
5. Is that car your sister’sCor … . D

A. ours 4. Silver isBt.ooours’o

s ft to use by itselfC
, .so
ouitrsis’ mixed with another metal to
D. of us E. of we A B C
make themselves harder.
D Etherton, 1971:32-33

Bahasa Inggris 53
Vocabulary Enrichment

5. Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a small
hole in the side of its bodies.
Broukal, 1997: 21-22
An Adjective describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. An adjective usually answers
the question ‘which one?’, ‘what kind?’ or ‘how many?’.
indefinite a Before a noun begins with consonant a dog, a book
sound: a house
Pronounced ‘h’ sound a university
an Pronounced ‘j’ sound
Before a noun begins with vowel sound: an eye,
Pronounced ‘a’ sound an hour
Pronounced ‘⌃ ’ sound an umbrella
In General Statement:
An Island is a body of land surrounded by water
To introduce subject that has not been mentioned before:
I saw a snake
With certain numerical expressions:
a dozena couple a hundred a third
a great many a great deal a lot of a half
replacement for ‘per’: fifty miles an hour, $ 10 a day
With names of professions:
He is an engineer She is a biologist

54 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

61.0. ss:, seas,

Before dneacmaedsesofaoncdecaenn,truivrieers The 1p8a0c0
ifisc, O
7. gu
Belffosr,eaenxdpprelusrsailonnnaomfetismoef amnodupnltaacin
es, The aGftuelfrnoofoMne,xthiceofuture
islands, and lakes The N
8. (B
s in
foarl sNinugmublaerrsmountain, Mhoeufnirtsati,nt,heetcsecond, etc.
9. iselafonrdes,nan
B mdelsakoefsc)ountries, states, The USA,
11 cBiteiefosr,eugneivoegrrsaitpiehsic, caore
, sb,uatndotsbcehfooore
l The sMtaidtedlo
thaet ncaom ntoinrden‘ot f’
nteasinotfhceow Ehuerocpitey of Boston,
12 Before the names of fields of study The uhnisivtoerrysiotyf tohfeTU
when they contain the word ‘of’ hh
13. Before the names of wars The P
eos rld War
World War II
14. Before names of ships, planes, trains, The Browns
and people’s family names (but not for The May Flower
the name of people and magazines The Orient Express
Robert Brown
Time Magazine
Limiting Those Books belong to John
The three boys didn’t see any birds
Descriptive The large chair
The sad song
Demonstrative- Pronoun Possessive This Book is my father
Possessive Bahasa PInggris
serisssive Adjective 55
Interrogative- Ask Questions (Wh-questions) What’s his name?
Relative Join two clauses and modify some words I don’t know what his
Vocabulary Enrichment

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Exercise 2.3.1
Circle a or an in the following sentences. Write “C” on the left if the sentence is correct.
Write “NC” if the sentence is not correct. Correct the error.
1. Indonesia is a country made up of thousands of islands.
2. Greenland is an big island with a permanent ice cap covering.
3. The Bahamas, which consist of 700 islands, have a superb climate.
4. Robinson Crusoe is a character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
5. Robinson Crusoe spent twenty years with his friend Man Friday on an
uninhabited island.
Broukal, 1997: 61

Task 2.3.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct article a, an, the,
or 0.
1. Islands make up entire land area of some countries, including
Japan and Philippines.
2. Florida Keys are coastal islands built on coral reefs.
3. Mackinac Island in Lake Michigan is lake island.
4. city of Montreal, in Canada, is built on large river island.

5. Aleutian Islands, part of Alaska, are string of coastal islands

that were built by volcanoes.
Broukal, 1997: 64-65

Task 2.3.3
From the four underlined words (A), (B), (C), or; (D), identify the one that is not
1 The watt is named after James Watt, the British engineer who developed
the steam engine in 1760s.
2 Methane is a odorless burning gas and is the main ingredient of natural gas.
3. The alcohol acts as a narcotic on the nervous system and the brain.
4. Zachary Taylor was first president to be elected from a state west of

56 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

the Mississippi River.

5. Barnacles which are related to lobsters, shrimps, and crabs, makes
strongest glue.
Broukal, 1997: 66-67

Task 2.3.4 : Adjective endings

The following adjective endings are very common in English. It is important for you to
study and become familiar with them.
-ent excellent -ive expensive
-ant important -out dangerous
-ful careful -al natural
-ic economic -able capable
-less careless -ible possible

Using one of the endings above, change each of the following word into an adjective.

1. heTarrtansitive Intransitive 9L. icnokuinragge Auxiliary

N.enedataunreObject Do not need an object seem,1lo0o. ku,saeppears, Primary Auxiliary:
3. athlete 11. enthusiasm Do, Have, Be
4. mystery 12. motion Modal Auxiliary:
5. help 13. tradition Can, May, Might, Should, etc.
6. imp esVs + O S+V S + lin1k4i.ngchvaen
rbg(es) + S + PAux .+ Adj.
7. intelligence adject1iv5e permanence S + MAux.+ Vo
8 rrfoorwt s some She cried all night The co1u6p. lealtotroakcvt ery She is beautiful.
books unhappy You can leave the room now.

Bahasa Inggris
Inggris 57
Vocabulary Enrichment

Task 2.4.1 : Verb Endings

The following verb endings are very common in English. It is important for you to study
them and become familiar with them.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Using one of the endings above, change each of the following word into a verb.

Task 2.4.2 Change the incorrect sentences using Noun or Verbs.

1. In Franklin’s time electricity was mainly used as a form of entertain.
2. Franklin discovery that lightning was electricity.
3. Franklin was the only man to signature all four key documents that helped to
make the United States independent.
4. Besides his many activities in the serve of his country, he found time to be an
5. Franklin development the first pair of bifocal spectacles.

58 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Task 2.5.1 : Adverb endings

The following adverb ending is very common in English. It is important for you to be-
come familiar with it.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Using the ending above, change each of the following words into an adverb.

1. CfD
ina Function ADVERB END9I.Ng
eat Example
-ly rea lly
2. carefuljoins two or more words, 1. 10.
pe as and broad beans, soya beans
6. CONJUNCTIONSgro1w1.ineapgoedrs.
3. obvioupshrases, or clauses of similar
recentfunction and is used to show 2. The plant is rea dy for harvesting when the
4. Coordinating conjunction1s2.caobnsonleutcet words or phrases that have the same function in a
stdrong addition.sentence. lea1v3e.s ctu
reycetllow and drop off, and the pods
6. perfect an1d4s.tesm
udsdderny out.
7. fearfuljoins two subjects, the verb is 1. 1S5oyadobuebatnfusl and peas have pods.
8. quick plural. 16. regular
But joins two or more words, 1. In the U.S. soy is not harvested by hand
phrases, or clauses and is used but my machine.
to show contrast. 2. Soya is not a new discovery but is one of
the oldest crops grown in the Orient.
Or joins two or more words, 1. The beans may be yellow, green, brown, or
phrases, or clauses. It is used mottled.
to give a choice. 2. After being chilled, the margarine is packed
into tubs or cut in blocks.
So joins a clause. The soya bean is versatile, so it is grown
It does not join single words or widely.
So is used to show effect.
Bahasa Inggris 59
Bahasa Inggris 59
Vocabulary Enrichment

Like coordinating conjunctions, these words are used to join words, phrases, and
clauses. Correlative conjunctions or paired conjunctions appear in two parts: Each of
the pair of words should be followed by a word of the same grammatical form.

60 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 2.6.1
From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D), choose the one that best completes
the sentence.

11.. Both diamond

Peppermint __________
originated graphite
in Europe, butare
themade of the same
early English element,
which is carbon.
(A) and (B) except (C) together (D) both
Blinking heTlpask s kee2.6.2
2. brought it to North America
p the surface of the eye clean ____moist.
(A) C
to DFrom (the B) orfour underlined (C) and words (Dor) the one that is not correct.
2. phrases,
The identify
central core of the earth is made of both very hot or dense
3. Normally, piranhas swim alone and feed on smaller fish _________ on
seeds Ain the water. B C
(A) but
material. (B) either (C) instead (D) or
4. Most rodents eat grain, seeds, and nuts,__________ some eat almost
3. Many meteorite falls go unnoticed because they either happen at
(A) contrary (B) they B (C) but C (D) instead
night nor they hit the earth in uninhabited areas.
5. Fungi do
D not absorb sunlight but use animals and plants, __________
dead and living, as their source of food.
4. Octopuses have not only large brains and also a well-developed
(A) furthermore (B) both (C) together (D) besides

nervous system.
5. Compact discs are affected neither by scratching and by dust.

Bahasa Inggris 61
Vocabulary Enrichment

PREPOSITION shows time, place, and agent

A volcanic eruption occurred in Krakatoa on August 27, 1883- Due to the erup-
tion, 36,000people died.
Prepositions are not only used to show time, place, and agent but are also used in
combination with verbs, adjectives, nouns, and in many common set expressions. All
prepositions cannot be listed in this chapter, but it will present the important groups:

62 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 2.7.1
Identify one of the underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D) that should be rewrit-
ten or corrected.

11.. TChaemreolcsksytoisrleanwdao
tefrAlcatraz in oSfafn
mapys.was discovered by
(A) with the form (C) A by the form B
t(hBe) Spanin
ishthien f1o7rm
69 and named b(D
y )its larg
pelican colony.
2. Tears contain anCantiseptic that hDelps protect our eyes

.2 inafe
B ctcetiroian.are responsible of many of the textures and flavors in our food
(A) from bacterAial (C) Bbacterial C
nd) are pinarbta
iccutlearrilayl important in m
(Dilk) prodw
.3 So far only two other of ouD r neighboring planets the solar system have

.3 AbreteNnovuisvieteadu,bay sutnym
le ath
nantewd asspaincefacsrahfito.n in the 1890s, was based of
(A) by
Task 2.7.2
(B) that they are in
(C) in
(D) they are by
long curvingFlrin e s ins pi r ed b y cl im bi ng p lan ts .
om the four words or phrases, choose the one that best completes the sentence.
.4 Many tropical orchids gro
Dw branches of trees and have aerial

.4 TRhoeotbsrathinatisam
ef m
isrtoanisr athro
dd threwmit.h each other
(A) of the (BA) the (C) they B are in the (D) in th Ce
greatly in size and shape.
.5 compD act disc, sound is stored as digital information in tiny pits on the

.5 suoro
W fadc,et.he hardened material from which trees are composed, is
(A) On a (C)
A It is on a B
(Ba)de upAof millions of tiny tubes (oDf)fibers O
m pfaa
cked together.

Bahasa Inggris 63
Vocabulary Enrichment

Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal Parts of Speech, yakni: Noun, Verb, Adjec-
tives, dan Adverb. Noun dapat berupa nama orang, tempat, atau benda, dan dapat
menyatakan sesuatu yang abstrak maupun konkrit; berfungsi sebagai ‘subyek’ atau
‘obyek’ dalam kalimat. Verb adalah kata kerja, dapat berupa kata kerja transitive,
intransitive, linking, atau auxiliary. Adjective menerangkan noun atau pronoun (kata
ganti). Adverb menerangkan kata kerja, dapat berupa adverb of manner, time,
atau place. Selain itu dikenal pula Conjunction (kata penghubung) dan Preposi-
tion (kata depan).

a. All Endings Together

Identify each of the following word as a noun-thing ( NT ), a noun – person ( NP ), an
adjective ( ADJ ), an adverb ( ADV ), or a verb ( V ).

64 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

b. All Ending Together

Circle the letter of the word that correctly completes each sentence.
1. The of the new could not be stressed enough.
A. important B. importance C. importantly

2. the detective that the maid committed the robbery

A. theorized B. theoretician C. theoretic

3. It is that they live so close to the school

A. convenience B. convenient C. conveniently

4. The patient responded to the medication.

A. weaken B. weakness C. weakly

5. The psychologist explained his ideas on interaction

A. social B. society C. socialize

c. All Endings Together

The following sentences contain a number of underlined words. Each of the underlined
words may or not be correct. Circle the underlined words that are incorrect, and make
them correct.
1. The police inspect organized an intensively search for the robber.

2. The newspaper reporter did not exact appreciate the negation comments about her

3. He became penniless and homeless when a seriousness ill made him unable to

4. On the old college campus, the ivy-covered wall of the colonial buildings create an
aura of gentility and tradition.

5. Maya Angelou is a poem , composition, and author of two autobiographically work, I

Know Why the caged bird sing and My Name

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif II yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 2.

Bahasa Inggris 65
Vocabulary Enrichment

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan BBM selanjutnya. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
2, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai. Jangan putus asa, dimana ada kemauan,
disana ada jalan.

Kegiatan Belajar 1
1. S V A
2. S V O A
3. S V C O
4. S V A
5. S V A A
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B
7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D
Kegiatan Belajar 2
Task 2.1.1 Noun (Thing) Endings
1. Membership 5. humanity 9. alcoholism 13. leadership
2. kindness 6. election 10. permanence 14. suddenness
3. reality 7. breakage 11. mileage 15. improvement
4. movement 8. intelligence 12. confusion 16. equality
Task 2.1.2 Noun (Person) Endings
1. teacher 5. inventor 9. perfectionist 13. builder
2. typist 6. clinician 10. programmer 14. naturalist
3. beautician 7. specialist 11. electrician 15. Advisor
4. idealist 8. rancher 12. investor 16. mathematician

66 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Task 2.1.3
1. politician 2. inventor 3. science
4. printer 5. physicist
Task 2.1.4
1. I 9. C
2. C 10. I
3. C 11. C
4. I 12. I
5. I 13. C
6. C 14. I
7. I 15. C
8. C 16. C
Task 2.1.5
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B
Task 2.2.1
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. E 5. A
Task 2.2.2
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D
Task 2.31
1. C 2. NC 3. C 4. C 5. C
Task 2.3.2
1. the 0 the
2. The
3. 0 0 a
4. The 0 a
5. The 0 0 0
Task 2.3.3
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D
Task 2.3.4 Adjective Endings
1. heartless 5. Helpful/less 9. courageous 13. traditional
2. natural 6. impressive 10. Useful/less 14. changeable
3. athletic 7. intelligent 11. enthusiastic 15. permanent
4. mysterious 8. comfortable 12. motionless 16. attractive
Task 2.4.1 Verb Endings
1. darken 5. shorten 9. differentiate 13. personify
2. finalize 6. intensify 10. identify 14. sweeten
3. justify 7. investigate 11. lighten 15. liberalize
4. separate 8. industrialize 12. glamorize 16. demonstrate

Bahasa Inggris 67
Vocabulary Enrichment

Task 2.4.2
1. entertainment
2. discovered
3. sign
4. service
5. developed
Task 2.5.1 Adverb Endings
1. finally 5. strongly 9. greatly 13. correctly
2. carefully 6. perfectly 10. completely 14. suddenly
3. obviously 7. fearfully 11. eagerly 15. doubtfully
4. recently 8. quickly12. absolutely 16. regularly
Task 2.6.1 Conjunction
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
Task 2.6.2 Conjunction
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D

Task 2.7.1 Preposition

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
Task 2.7.2 Preposition
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
1. V 11. NT 16. ADJ
2. ADJ 12. ADJ 17. ADV
3. NT 13. ADJ 18. NT
4. ADV 14. NT 19. NP
5. NP 15. ADJ 20. ADJ
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
1. inspector, intensive
2. exactly, negative
3. serious, illness
4. no errors
5. poet, composer, autobiographical

68 Bahasa Ingris
Vocabulary Enrichment

Behrens, Susan J. (1996) Peterson’s 2000 GMAT Success: Boots your Test
Scores.. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Broukal, Milada (1997) Peterson’s TOEFL Grammar Flash.. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Burtness, Paul S. Effective English for Colleges 6th Ed.. South Western.
Etherton, ARB. (1971) Objective English Tests: Certificate Level. Hongkong:
LongmanGroup (Far East) Ltd.
Frank, Marcella. (1993) Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide.. New Jer-
sey: Regents/Prentice Hall.
Phillips, Deborah (1996) Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test,Vol. A.
New York: Longman.
Redman, Stuart (1997) English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate & intermedi-
ate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bahasa Inggris 69
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)



ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 3 ini, mahasiswa mengenal konsep waktu ‘Time’ dan
penekanan sekarang dan lampau ‘Present and Past Tenses’ baik dalam bentuk
kalimat sederhana ’simple’ maupun kalimat sempurna ‘perfect’, sekaligus
mengenal kalimat bersusun ‘compound sentences’ serta kata penghubung ‘conjunc-
tion’ yang terlibat dalam penyusunan kalimat tersebut, sehingga mahasiswa dapat
menganalisa unsure-unsur kalimat ‘parts of sentence’ bahasa Inggris.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Memperkenalkan konsep waktu ‘time’ dan penekanan waktu sekarang dan lampau
’present and past tenses’, baik dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana ’simple’ maupun
sempurna ’perfect’.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan ciri-ciri penunjuk waktu sekarang dalam bahasa
2. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan kelompok kalimat ’parts of sentence’ dengan
menganalisanya dalam kalimat sederhana maupun sempurna ’simple and perfect’
dalam konteks waktu sekarang ’present tenses’;
3. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan konsep waktu yang akan datang ’future’ dengan
penekanan waktu sekarang ’present tenses’;
4. Mahasiswa dapat menggabungkan dua atau lebih kalimat sederhana dalam bentuk
kalimat bersusun;
5. Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan pola kalimat tersebut dalam menyampaikan
gagasan nya, baik secara tertulis maupun lisan.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
tiga Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB1 : Undertanding The Importance of Verbs and Their Conjugations and Functions in
English Grammar
KB2 : Undertanding Present Tenses
KB3 : Gerunds And Infinitives
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.

Bahasa Inggris 71
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

2. Baca secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari kata-
kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, baca dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

72 Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)


alam ’grammar’ bahasa Inggris, perubahan yang sangat mendasar adalah
D perubahan kata kerja ’verb’ nya. Jadi perubahan dan penekanan waktu akan secara
otomatis mengubah pola kalimat, terutama ’verb’ dalam kalimat tersebut. Perubahan
Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, adalah sebagai berikut (in affirmative positive sentences):
: Verb
Type V0 V1 V2 V3 V4
Base Present Present Past Past
Verb Verb Participle Verb Participle
aV0 V1 P1 V2 P2
(as printed in
Usage 1. Impertive Simple 1. Present Simple 1. Perfect
Sentences; Present Progressive/ Past Tense Tenses;
2. After modal Tense Continuous 2. Passive
auxiliaries. Tenses Voices
2. Gerunds:
Verbs function as
Example write write (s) writing wrote written
Write the letter, He writes She was writing He wrote a He has
please! letters letters now letter written a
everyday yesterday letter
You can write the Writing letters is A letter
letter her job as a has been
secretary written

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 3.1.1: Irregular Verb Forms

Bahasa Inggris 73
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the boxes with the correct forms of the verb.

74 Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

28. fly Verb flew

rg0e-tV1 V2 V3 forgoV
2N9o.. Base/Present Present Past Past Participle
30. forgViveerb foP
iple forgVaevreb
31. V0-V1 P1 frozVe2 Pn2
45. leave left
32. get gotten
46. lent lent
33. give gave
47. let let
34. go went
48. lost lost
35. growing grew grown
49. make making made
36. had had
50. meant meant
37. hear heard
51. meet met
38. hide hid
52. pay paid
39. hit hit
53. prove proven
40. hold held
54. put put
41. hurt hurt
55. quit quit
42. keep kept
56. read read
43. knew known
57. ride riding rode
44. led led
58. ring rang
59. rose risen
60. run ran
61. say said
Bahasa Inggris 75
62. seeing saw seen
63. sold sold
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

2. Perubahan dalam kalimat ’penyangkalan’ dan ’pertanyaan’ bahasa Inggris

(dalam present tenses):
Perubahan dalam kalimat ’penyangkalan’ dan ’pertanyaan’ bahasa Inggris,
biasanya menggunakan ’operator’ yang bersatu dengan ’not’ pada kalimat penyangkalan
dan berubah di depan kalimat pada kalimat pertanyaan. Operator dalam bahasa Inggris
terdiri dari: (1) Primary Auxiliary dan (2) Modal Auxiliary.
The formation of primary auxiliary across present tenses

76 Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

S You do are have have been will will be will have will have been
P You do are have have been will will be will have will have been
He does is has Has been will will be will have will have been
rd S
3 She does is has Has been will will be will have will have been
P They do are have Has been will will be will have will have been
Note: S= Singular; P=Plural

In negative and interrogative sentences: (a) Primary/Verb Auxiliaries ‘do, have,

be’ as well as (2) Modal Auxiliaries ‘will/shall, can, may, must, be able to, have to’ are
used as operators.
Negative interrogative

the operators ‘do, have, be’, are put in the

‘Not’ is added to Operators ‘do, have, be’,
beginning of a sentence

I’m not a teacher Am I a teacher?

She’s not listening to the lecture. Is she listening to the lecture?
He doesn’t go to campus everyday. Does He go to campus everyday?
They haven’t been living here very long. Have they been living here very long?
He hasn’t got enough money to rent the room. Has he got enough money to rent the room?
The teacher can’t slow down her teaching. Can the teacher slow down her teaching?

Perubahan yang sangat mendasar dalam gramatika bahasa Inggris

adalah perubahan kata kerja ’verb’ nya. Perubahan dan penekanan waktu
akan secara otomatis mengubah pola kalimat, terutama ’verb’ dalam kalimat
tersebut. Perubahan dalam kalimat ’penyangkalan’ dan ’pertanyaan’ biasanya
menggunakan ’operator’ yang bersatu dengan ’not’ pada kalimat
penyangkalan, dan berubah di depan kalimat pada kalimat pertanyaan. Op-
erator yang dimaksud adalah: (1) Primary Auxiliary dan (2) Modal Auxiliary.

Bahasa Inggris 77
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

a. Fill in the boxes with the correct forms of the verb

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif I yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 1.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
1, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

78 Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)


erhatikan Tabel 3.2.1 ‘understanding the concept of time and tenses ‘ pada halaman
P selanjutnya (perhatikan dan pelajari perubahannya dengan seksama).

Table 3.2.1: Understanding the concept of time and tenses in English


Past Present ‹ Future

P He was writing a letter He is writing a letter He will be writing a letter
r He wrote a letter He writes a letter every day
e S He was diligent He is diligent (in writing a letter) He is going to write a letter
He will write a letter
s Writing a letter was his hobby Writing a letter is his hobby ‹ gerunds
e He had been writing a letter He has been writing a letter for one hour He will have been writing a
T n P He had written a letter He has written a letter since I’ve come letter
E t He had been diligent He has been diligent (in writing a letter)
N He will have written a letter
E P He had been writing a letter He was writing a letter He would be writing a letter
S a S He had written a letter He wrote a letter every day
s He had been diligent He was diligent (in writing a letter) He was going to write a letter
He would write a letter
t Writing a letter had been his Writing a letter was his hobby ‹ gerunds
hobby He had been writing a letter for one hour He would have been writing a
P He had written a letter since I’d come letter
He had been diligent (in writing a letter)
Writing a letter had been his hobby He would have written a letter
Note: S = Simple, P = Perfect

Bahasa Inggris 79

berikut ini dengan seksama:

memperhatikan rumus ’formula’ penyusunannya. Perhatikan dan Pelajari Tabel 3.2.2:

Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

Tenses dalam bahasa Inggris dapat dikenali dan dipelajari juga dengan
Simple Simple Present Tense Present Continuous Present Future Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – to be 1 – going to – V0 S – will be going
S – to be 1 – S – V1 - O S – to be 1 – P1- O –O to – V0 -O
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv
Affirmative/ b. S – will – V0 - O
Sentence He is a teacher He writes a letter a. I am going to write a letter
He is clever He is writing a letter b. I will write a letter I will be going to
He is in Bandung write a letter

S – to be 1+not - S – do/does + not – S – to be 1+not – P1- a. S – To be 1 – not - going S – will – not -

Negative N/Adj/Adv V0 – O O to – V0 – O be going to – V0 -
Sentence b. S – will – not -V0 - O O

He is not a teacher He does not write a a. I am going to write a letter

He is not clever letter He is not writing a letter b. I will write a letter I will not be
He is not in Bandung going to write a
a. To be 1 – S - going to –
To be 1 – S– N/Adj. Do/does – S – Vo – 0? To be 1 - S– P1- O? V0 – O? Will – S- be
Interrogativ /Adv. going to – V0 –
e Sentence b. Will - S – V0 – O? O?

Is he a teacher? Does he write a letter? Is he writing a letter a. Am I going to write a

Is he clever? letter? Will I be going to
Is he in Bandung? b. Will I write a letter? write a letter?

S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V1 = Verb Present; To be 1 = To be Present ; P1 =Present Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv= Adverb.
Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

The following tables review verb tenses:

3.2.1 The Usage of Present Tenses
Simple Present Tense
Pattern 1
Primary Auxiliary ‘be’
Usage Example
Sentence Type
Positive/ Interrogative
linking verbs Negative
Affirmative/ Declarative
S – to be 1 – N/Adj/Adv S – to be 1+not - To be 1 – S–
N/Adj/Adv N/Adj.

before adjective She is beautiful She is not beautiful Is she beautiful?

He is smart He is not smart Is he smart?
before noun: I’m a teacher I’m not a teacher Am I a teacher?
They are soldiers. They are not a Are they soldiers?
We are in a reunion. Are we in a
We are not in a reunion?
before adverb We are in Bandung We are not in Are we in
Bandung Bandung?
You are in Bali You are not in Bali Are you in Bali?

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task Complete these sentences (Simple Present Tenses)
1. ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, but I’m thirsty
2. ‘ How are your parents?’ ‘They’re very well.’
3. ‘Is Linda at home?’ ‘No at work.’
4. ‘ my keys?’ ‘In the kitchen.’
5. ‘Where is Pete from? American or British?’

Bahasa Inggris 81
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

3.2.2 Present Continuous/Progressive Tenses

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task Matching sentences and picture (Present Continu-
ous/ Progressive Tenses)
Each sentence tells something about a picture on following page. In each blank write the
number of the correct picture (1 , 2, 3, or 4).

82 Bahasa Ingris
Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)

G Two kites are flying in the sky.

H A man is packing his car.
I A lifeguard is watching the swimmers
J A ship is passing by.
K Several people are fishing from a boat.
L A sailboat with a flag is sailing in the distance.
M People are sunbathing to get a tan.
N A man with a beard is driving away with a child in the back
O The garbage cans are full.
P A man is cooking hot dogs and hamburgers on a barbecue
Q Someone is upside down in the water.
R A girl in a dotted swimsuit is holding a pail and a big shell.
S A beach umbrella is learning against the side of a car.
Ingram & King

Bahasa Inggris 83
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)



ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 4 ini, mahasiswa mengenal konsep waktu ‘Time’ dan
penekanan lampau ‘Past Tenses’ baik dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana ’simple’
maupun kalimat sempurna ‘perfect’, preset maupun past.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Memperkenalkan konsep waktu ‘time’ dan penekanan waktu lampau ’past tenses’,
serta kalimat sempurna ’perfect’ dalam penekanan waktu’’present maupunpast’
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan ciri-ciri penunjuk waktu lampau dalam bahasa
2. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan kelompok kalimat ’parts of sentence’ dengan
menganalisanya dalam kalimat sederhana maupun sempurna ’simple and perfect’
dalam konteks waktu lampau ’past tenses’;
3. Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan konsep waktu yang akan datang ’future’ dengan
penekanan waktu lampau ’past tenses’;
4. Mahasiswa dapat menggabungkan dua atau lebih kalimat sederhana dalam bentuk
kalimat bersusun;
5. Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan pola kalimat tersebut dalam menyampaikan
gagasan nya, baik secara tertulis maupun lisan.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
tiga Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB1 : Understanding Past Tenses
KB2 : Understanding Present Perfect Tenses
KB2 : Understanding Past Perfect Tenses
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Baca secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari kata-
kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.

Bahasa Inggris 107

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, baca dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

108 Bahasa Ingris

Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)
Bahasa Inggris

berhubungan dengan Past Tense Concepts.

Belajar Mandiri 3: Kegiatan Belajar 2. Pelajari perubahannya, terutama yang
erhatikan Tabel 3.1: understanding the concept of time and tenses, pada Bahan
Selanjutnya perhatikan dan pelajari table 3 Simple Past Tenses, berikut ini:
Simple Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Past Future Past Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – to be 2 – going to – V0 S – would be –
S – to be 2 – S – V2 - O S – to be 2 – P1- O –O P1 -O
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv
Affirmative/ b. S – would – V0 - O

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Sentence He was a teacher He wrote a letter a. I was going to write a I would be
He was clever He was writing a letter letter writing a letter
He was in Bandung b. I would write a letter

S – to be 2+not - S – did + not – S – to be 2+not – P1- a. S – To be 2 – not - going S – would – not


Negative N/Adj/Adv V0 – O O to – V0 – O - be- P1 -O
Sentence b. S – would – not -V0 - O

He is not a teacher He does not write a a. I was going to write a letter

He is not clever letter He was not writing a b. I would write a letter I would not be
He is not in Bandung letter writing a letter

a. To be 2 – S - going to –
To be 1 – S– N/Adj. Did – S – Vo – 0? To be 2 - S– P1- O? V0 – O Would – S- be –
Interrogativ /Adv. P1 -O
e Sentence b. Would - S – V0 - O

Is he a teacher? Did he write a letter? Was he writing a letter a. Was I going to write a
Is he clever? letter? Would I be
Is he in Bandung? b. Would I write a letter? writing a letter?

S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V2 = Verb Past; To be 2 = To be Past ; P1 =Present Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

110 Bahasa Ingris

Reviewing Simple Present Tenses In English (Active Voice)
Bahasa Inggris


Perfect Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Perfect Future Perfect Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – had- been – going to S – would
S - had – P2 - O S – had - been S – had- been – P1- – V0 – O have/has- been
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv O - P1 – V0 -O
Affirmative/ b. S – will have – p2 - O
Declarative He had been a a. I had been going to write
Sentence He had written a letter teacher He had been writing a a letter I would have
He had been so nice letter b. I would have written a been writing a
He had been in letter letter

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

S – had- not -been – a. S – had- not- been - S – would – not
Negative S - had – not - P2 - S – had – not - been P1- O going to – V0 – O – have- been –
Sentence O N/Adj/Adv b. S – would not have – P2 P1 -O

He had not been a a. I had not been going to

He had not written a teacher He had not been write a letter I would not have
letter He had not been so writing a letter b. I would not have written been writing a
nice a letter letter
He had not been in
a. Have/Has – S – been -
Had – S - P2 - O? Had - been N/Adj/Adv Had - S– been- P1- going to – V0 – O? Would –S- have-
Interrogativ O? been-P1 – V0 –
e Sentence b. Will - S – have -V0 – O? O?

Had he written a Had he been a a. Had I been going to write

letter? teacher? Had he been writing a a letter? Would I have
Had he been so nice? letter? b. Would I have written a been writing a
Had he been in letter? letter?
S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V1 = Verb Present ; P1 =Present t Participle ; P2 =Past Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Simple Past Tense Pattern 1:

Coba Anda perhatikan dengan seksama ke dua pola kalimat lampau
dalambaganberikut ini:
Jika Subject (S) menghadapi selain kata kerja utama ‘main Verbs’ maka tetapi
menghadapi kata sifat adjectives, kata benda nouns, maupun kata keterangan ad-
verbs maka menggunakan Primary Auxiliary ‘be’ past (was, were):
was untuk orang pertama tunggal first singular person: I dan orang ketiga tunggal
third singular persons: He dan She:
were untuk orang kedua tunggal dan jamak second singular/plural; personsi: you;
dan orang ketiga jamak third plural person: we dan they.
4.1.1 Simple Past Tense
Pattern 1
Usage Example
Sentence Type
Positive/ Interrogative
linking verbs Negative
S – to be 2 – S – to be 2+not - To be 2 – S– N/Adj.
N/Adj/Adv N/Adj/Adv /Adv.

before adjective She was beautiful She was not beautiful Was she beautiful?
He was smart He was not smart Was he smart?
before noun: I was a teacher I was not a teacher Was I a teacher?
They were soldiers. They were not a Were they soldiers?
We were in a reunion. Were we in a
We were not in a reunion?
before adverb We were in Bandung We were not in Were we in
Bandung Bandung?
You were in Bali You were not in Bali Were you in Bali?

Simple Past Tense Pattern 2:

Sedangkan apabila Subject pelaku menghadapi suatu kata kerja verb yang
dilakukan dan berakhir dimasa lampau maka meggunakan Past Verbs. Perhatikan lagi
contoh-contoh pada table beikut ini:

112 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

4.1.2 Simple Past Tense

(Pattern 2)

1. I got up early and had a shower.

2. Tom was tire d last night, so he ............................ to bed early.
Sentence Type
3. I .................. ........ this pen on the floor . Is it yours? Interrogative
4. Kate got mar rie d wh e n s he. ..
Affirmative/ Declarative .... .......... ........ .
S – did + not – Did – S – Vo – 0?
5. FHoerlm enulias lear ning to drive. She ........... .............. her first less on yesterday.
S – V2 - O
V0 – O .......
6. 'I've got a ne w job.' 'Yes, I know. Da vid........ ........... me .'
An action that UW nteukwm onem a p elrddamla
go edm al peW meahdaidma nont Aw nidna at enDtaidngwemawtienriayagnog ld te lah diuraikan di atas,
n here dainddyk oulabs uyyetahra. t book?' 'It wagsoaldpm
t reesdeanltl.aA
stnyne.a..r..... ..m
...e..d..a..l.l.a..s..t. yeitatro?
erjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
endem d e.' at a
specific time in Task 4.1.1-2.1
aset ..............C
8t.he pW ..o
...ple htuengtrhye
, sso e wse e nhtaednscoemseu thsiinnggtoSiem atp . le Past Tenses Type 1 and 2.

9A.n 'Dacid
tioynou tha
t y the film?' 'Yes, I ........................... it was very good.'
occurred over a She skated for fifteen She did not skate for Did she skate for
10 . 'D id M ary c
period of time e to y our party?' 'No, w feift.e..e....
n y..e..a..r.s ........... her,fibftu
and co wmase.' com-
pleted in the
An activity that
She trained every She did not train Did she train every
took place regu-
larly in the past morning before work every morning morning before
before work work?

Bahasa Inggris 113

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Task 4.1.1-2.2
Look at the questions and Kevin’s answers. Write sentences about Kevin when he was
a child.
When you were a child … .

Task 4.1.1-2.3
Put the verb in the right form (positive, negative or question).

114 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

4.1.3 Past Continuous Tenses:

Tenses ini dapat difahami apabila pada waktu lampau ada dua kejadian yang
berlangsung pada masa lampau secara bersamaan, maka kejadian yang lebih pendek
durasinya menggunakan simple present tenses seperti contoh di atas, serta kejadian
yang lebih lama waktunya menggunakan pola kalimat past continuous/ progressive
tenses seperti pola-pola berikut ini:
Contoh: antara kejadian memasak cook dan telfon bordering phone ring yang terjadi di
malam tadi, maka kalimat nya menjadi:
Example: My Mother was cooking last night when the telephone rang
Sekali lagi mohon Anda ingat bahwa kejadian yang lbih lama durasi waktunya
menggunakan Past Continuous Tenses, dalam kalimat di atas kejadian memasak
mungkin lebih dari 1 jam, sedangkan menelfon setelah ada yang mengangkat/menjawab,
berhentilah deringnya dan kurang lama waktu nya dengan memasak, ketika memasak,
mungkin akan ada lebih dari beberapa kali telefon yang berdering di malam itu selama
ibu sedang memasak.
4.1.3 Past Continuous Tense

Usage Sentence Type
Positive/ Interrogative
Affirmative/ Declarative
Formula To be 2 - S– P1-
S – to be 2 – P1- O S – to be 2+not –
P1- O
An interrupted I was watching the I was not watching Was I watching the
action Olympics on TV, when the Olympics on Olympics on TV,
he walked in. TV, when he when he walked in?
walked in.

A repeated or
continuous state I was making many I was not making Was I making many
in the past An new friends at the many new friends new friends at the
activity that is in Olympic Village. he Olympic Olympic Village.
progress at the age.
moment at t
LA Untuk lebih menambah wawasan Anda dalam memahami pola kalimat Past Continu-
ous Tenses, kerjakanlah latihan berikut.
Complete these sentences using Simple Past Tenses and Past Continuous Tense.

Bahasa Inggris 115

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Selanjutnya untuk lebih melatih kepekaan Anda terhadap pola-pola kalimat Simple
sentences, baik dalambentu present maupun past maka coba Anda kerjakan latihan-
latihan berikut ini:
Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms:
the present simple (I work etc.) the present continuous (I am working etc.)
the past simple (I worked etc.) the past continuous (I was working etc.)

116 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Pola kalimat dengan bentuk Past Tense digunakan apabila Subject pelaku
menghadapi suatu kata kerja verb yang dilakukan dan berakhir di masa lampau.
Sedangkan jika ada dua kejadian yang berlangsung pada masa lampau secara
bersamaan, maka kejadian yang lebih pendek durasinya menggunakan Simple
Present Tenses, serta kejadian yang lebih lama waktunya menggunakan pola kalimat
Past Continuous/ Progressive Tenses.

9. A: What .... .......................... (you/do) at 6 o'clock last Sunday morning?

B: I was in bCehdoaossleeetph.e correct form of verb in the brackets.
10. Andy isn't at ho1m. eRvie
tary(gmou/cwhe. nHte) t.o...J..a..k..a
...s..t..y(egaor). away a lot.
11. I ......................2.. T(h
ficsuslrt.oom when the bell (ring/rang).
12. I'm tired this mo3r.niM
...m.. in
p)) vaecrryow
sseltlhlaesst m
nigahllt.river last weekend.
4. The attendance of the court (sing/sang) ‘Indonesia Raya’ at opening ceremony.
5. When (did/do) Amir put the seeds of corn last night?

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif I yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 1.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Bahasa Inggris 117

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang
Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Bagus! Akan tetapi, apabila tingkat
penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar 1,
terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

118 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)


erhatikan Tabel 3.2.1 ‘understanding the concept of time and tenses ‘dan table 4.2
P ‘Present Perfect Tenses’ pada halaman selanjutnya (perhatikan dan pelajari
perubahannya dengan seksama).


Simple Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Past Future Past Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – to be 2 – going to – V0 S – would be –
S – to be 2 – S – V2 - O S – to be 2 – P1- O –O P1 -O
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv
Affirmative/ b. S – would – V0 - O
Sentence He was a teacher He wrote a letter a. I was going to write a I would be
He was clever He was writing a letter letter writing a letter
He was in Bandung b. I would write a letter

S – to be 2+not - S – did + not – S – to be 2+not – P1- a. S – To be 2 – not - going S – would – not

Negative N/Adj/Adv V0 – O O to – V0 – O - be- P1 -O
Sentence b. S – would – not -V0 - O

He is not a teacher He does not write a a. I was going to write a letter

He is not clever letter He was not writing a b. I would write a letter I would not be
He is not in Bandung letter writing a letter

a. To be 2 – S - going to –
To be 1 – S– N/Adj. Did – S – Vo – 0? To be 2 - S– P1- O? V0 – O Would – S- be –
Interrogativ /Adv. P1 -O
e Sentence b. Would - S – V0 - O

Is he a teacher? Did he write a letter? Was he writing a letter a. Was I going to write a
Is he clever? letter? Would I be
Is he in Bandung? b. Would I write a letter? writing a letter?

S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V2 = Verb Past; To be 2 = To be Past ; P1 =Present Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.

Bahasa Inggris 119

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

120 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)
Bahasa Inggris


Perfect Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Perfect Future Perfect Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – had- been – going to S – would
S - had – P2 - O S – had - been S – had- been – P1- – V0 – O have/has- been
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv O - P1 – V0 -O
Affirmative/ b. S – will have – p2 - O
Declarative He had been a a. I had been going to write
Sentence He had written a letter teacher He had been writing a a letter I would have
He had been so nice letter b. I would have written a been writing a
He had been in letter letter

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

S – had- not -been – a. S – had- not- been - S – would – not
Negative S - had – not - P2 - S – had – not - been P1- O going to – V0 – O – have- been –
Sentence O N/Adj/Adv b. S – would not have – P2 P1 -O

He had not been a a. I had not been going to

He had not written a teacher He had not been write a letter I would not have
letter He had not been so writing a letter b. I would not have written been writing a
nice a letter letter
He had not been in
a. Have/Has – S – been -
Had – S - P2 - O? Had - been N/Adj/Adv Had - S– been- P1- going to – V0 – O? Would –S- have-
Interrogativ O? been-P1 – V0 –
e Sentence b. Will - S – have -V0 – O? O?

Had he written a Had he been a a. Had I been going to write

letter? teacher? Had he been writing a a letter? Would I have
Had he been so nice? letter? b. Would I have written a been writing a
Had he been in letter? letter?
S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V1 = Verb Present ; P1 =Present t Participle ; P2 =Past Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

4.2.1 Present Perfect Tenses

Dalam kalimat simple sebelumnya, penunjuk waktu biasanya diperlukan secara
eksplisit, serta periode waktunya terbatas oleh penunjuk waktu tadi. Tapi ketika berbicara
mengenai Perfect Tenses maka jelaslah mengapa kalimat ini dikatakan sempurna, salah
satu nya adalah timeless tidak terikat waktu atau waktu nya terasa cukup sangat lama
(biasanya disertai penunjuk waktu since dan for) serta melibatkan perasaan dan kesan
yang sangat mendalam emotional touch.
Pola kalimat perfect dapat dipelajari dengan pemahaman bahwa dari sejumlah
kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lampau, pastilah ada sejumlah kegiatan yang mungkin
dari segi waktu kita sudah lupa tapi kesannya tak terlupakan karena melibatkan mosi
perasaan yang sangat mendalam, biasanya ungkapan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam
gratitude, hal-hal yang teramat menyedihkan dramatic/nightmare maupun yang sangat
tak terlupakan unforgettable moments biasanya diungkapkan dalam pola kalimat ini.
Kejadian yang tidak terlihat ketika dilakukan namun terasa dampakya atau sisa-
sisa kejadiannya masih terlihat/terasa, biasa diungkapkan dalam pola kalimat ini.
Present Perfect Tenses
4.2.1 Present Perfect Tenses
Usage Sentence Type
Positive/ Interrogative
Affirmative/ Declarative
S – have/s (Aux) –P2 - S – have/s (Aux) – Have/s (Aux) -S –
O P2 - O P2 - O

I have seen him on I have not seen Have I seen him

An action that
television. him on television. on television?
happened at an
unspecified time
in the past

She has just gone out. She has not just Has she just gone
An action that has
gone out. out?
An action that She has been training She has not been Has she been
began in the past for two years. training for two training for two
and continues in years. years?
the present
(usually with "for"
or "since")

He has been to the He has not been to Has he been to the

Repetition of an
Olympic several the Olympic several Olympic several
action before now
times times Times?

122 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Untuk lebih menambah wawasan Anda dalam memahami pola kalimat Past Continu-
ous Tenses, kerjakanlah latihan berikut.
Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms:
present perfect (I have done etc.) and past simple (I did etc.)
Present perfect or past simple? Complete the sentences (positive or negative).
A: Do you like London?
B: I don't know. I haven’t been there.
A: Have you seen Ann?
B: Yes, I saw her five minutes ago.
A: That's a nice sweater. Is it new?
B: Yes, I ............................... it last week.
A: Are you tired this morning?
B: Yes, I ........................ to bed late last night.
A: Do you want the newspaper or can I have it?
B: You can have it. I .............................. it.
A: Are you enjoying your new job?
B: I .......................................................... yet. My first day is next Monday.
A: The weather isn't very nice today, is it?
B: No, but it ........................... very nice yesterday.
A: Was Linda at the party on Saturday?
B: I don't think so. I ............................. her there.
A: Is your son still at school?
B: No, he ............................ school two years ago.
A: Is Sylvia married?
B: Yes, she ............................. married for five years.
A: Have you heard of GeorgeWashington?
B: Of course. He ..............................the first President of the United States.

Murphy, 1977:256

Complete the sentences (1,2 or 3 words).
1. Mark and Liz are married. They have been married for five years.
2. David has been watching TV since 5 o’clock.

Bahasa Inggris 123

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

3. Martin is at work. He at work since 8.30.

4. ‘Have you just arrived in London?’ ‘No, I’ve been here five days.’
5. I’ve known Ann we were at school together.
6. ‘My brother lives in Los Angeles.’ ‘Really? How long there?’
7. George has had the same job 20 years.
8. Some friends of ours are staying with us at the moment. They
here since Monday.
Task .
Complete the sentences. Write about yourself.
1. I’ve never ridden a horse.
2. I’ve been to Bali many times.
3. I’ve just .
4. I’ve (once/twice/a few times/many times).
5. I haven’t yet.
6. I’ve never
7. I’ve since
8. I’ve for

124 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Untuk lebih menambah wawasan Anda dalam memahami pola kalimat Present Perfect
Continuous Tenses, kerjakanlah latihan berikut.

has been living has been working

has been teaching has been studying

1. My sister French for five months.

2. My father in this company since I was born.
3. My brother in London since he worked in the company.
4. My mother in this university since she graduated from the university.

Present Perfect Tense tidak terikat waktu atau waktunya terasa cukup lama
(biasanya disertai penunjuk waktu since dan for). Pola ini dibentuk dengan
penggunaan kata kerja bentuk ke III atau Past Participle dan kata kerja bantu has/
have, untuk Present Perfect Tense. Sedangkan untuk Present Perfect Continuous
Tense dibentuk oleh has/have+been dan kata kerja berakhiran –ing.

Re-write these sentences with the correct verbs.

1. Roby (not see) his sister since last Idul Fitri.
2. Mr.& Mrs. Sutarman (move) outside the town since last year.
3. He (work) in the company for two years.
4. How long you (learn) English?
5. Rani is not home. She (leave) her house since last night.

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif II yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan

Bahasa Inggris 125

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 2.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 3. Bagus! Akan tetapi, apabila tingkat
penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar 2,
terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

126 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)
Bahasa Inggris

perubahannya dengan seksama).

‘Past Perfect Tenses’ pada halaman selanjutnya (perhatikan dan pelajari
erhatikan Tabel 3.2.1 ‘understanding the concept of time and tenses ‘dan table 4.3
Simple Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Past Future Past Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – to be 2 – going to – V0 S – would be –
S – to be 2 – S – V2 - O S – to be 2 – P1- O –O P1 -O


Positive/ N/Adj/Adv
Affirmative/ b. S – would – V0 - O

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

Sentence He was a teacher He wrote a letter a. I was going to write a I would be
He was clever He was writing a letter letter writing a letter
He was in Bandung b. I would write a letter

S – to be 2+not - S – did + not – S – to be 2+not – P1- a. S – To be 2 – not - going S – would – not

Negative N/Adj/Adv V0 – O O to – V0 – O - be- P1 -O
Sentence b. S – would – not -V0 - O

He is not a teacher He does not write a a. I was going to write a letter

He is not clever letter He was not writing a b. I would write a letter I would not be
He is not in Bandung letter writing a letter

a. To be 2 – S - going to –
To be 1 – S– N/Adj. Did – S – Vo – 0? To be 2 - S– P1- O? V0 – O Would – S- be –
Interrogativ /Adv. P1 -O
e Sentence b. Would - S – V0 - O

Is he a teacher? Did he write a letter? Was he writing a letter a. Was I going to write a
Is he clever? letter? Would I be
Is he in Bandung? b. Would I write a letter? writing a letter?

S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V2 = Verb Past; To be 2 = To be Past ; P1 =Present Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

128 Bahasa Ingris

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)
Bahasa Inggris


Perfect Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Perfect Future Perfect Future
Tenses Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Tense Tense Continuous
Pattern 1: Pattern 2:
a. S – had- been – going to S – would
S - had – P2 - O S – had - been S – had- been – P1- – V0 – O have/has- been
Positive/ N/Adj/Adv O - P1 – V0 -O
Affirmative/ b. S – will have – p2 - O
Declarative He had been a a. I had been going to write
Sentence He had written a letter teacher He had been writing a a letter I would have
He had been so nice letter b. I would have written a been writing a
He had been in letter letter

Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

S – had- not -been – a. S – had- not- been - S – would – not
Negative S - had – not - P2 - S – had – not - been P1- O going to – V0 – O – have- been –
Sentence O N/Adj/Adv b. S – would not have – P2 P1 -O

He had not been a a. I had not been going to

He had not written a teacher He had not been write a letter I would not have
letter He had not been so writing a letter b. I would not have written been writing a
nice a letter letter
He had not been in
a. Have/Has – S – been -
Had – S - P2 - O? Had - been N/Adj/Adv Had - S– been- P1- going to – V0 – O? Would –S- have-
Interrogativ O? been-P1 – V0 –
e Sentence b. Will - S – have -V0 – O? O?

Had he written a Had he been a a. Had I been going to write

letter? teacher? Had he been writing a a letter? Would I have
Had he been so nice? letter? b. Would I have written a been writing a
Had he been in letter? letter?
S = Subject; V0 = verb Base; V1 = Verb Present ; P1 =Present t Participle ; P2 =Past Participle ; O = Object; N = Noun ; Adj = Adjective; Adv = Adverb.
Eviewing Simple Past And Perfect Tenses In English (Activevoices)

4.3.1 Past Perfect Tenses

Usage Sentence Type
Positive/ Interrogative
Affirmative/ Declarative
S – had (Aux) –P2 - O S – had (Aux) –P2 Had (Aux) -S –P2
-O -O
A past action that She had just left when She had not just Had she just left
occurred before I arrived there. left when I arrived when I arrived
another action in there. there.
the past

An action that was

I had hoped to get their I had not hoped to Had I hoped to
expected to
decision before today. get their decision get their decision
occur in the past
before today. before today.
An action that
happened at an un-
specified time in
the past

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut
1. X: Where’s Teresa?
Y: She’s gone shopping.
He told me Teresa had gone shopping
2. X: Are you going to watch film tonight?
Y: No, I’ve seen it before.
I didn’t go to watch the film because --- .
3. X: Do you know Michael?
Y: No, I’ve never met him before.
I didn’t know Michael. In fact, .
4. X: Can we go out?
Y: After I’ve finished the washing up.
We couldn’t go out until .
5. X: How do you feel?
Y: Awful. I think I’ve caught a cold.
I felt so bad. I was sure that .
(Willis, 1991:89)

130 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English



ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 3 dan 4 sebelumnya, mahasiswa telah mempelajari
berbagai tenses dalam bentu kalimat, baik dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana
’simple’ maupun kalimat sempurna ‘perfect’
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Memperkenalkan konsep kalimat pasif Passive Voices dalam penekanan waktu
sekarang dan lampau present and past tenses, baik dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana
simple maupun sempurna perfect, sekaligus mengenal kalimat, sekaligus mengenal
ciri-ciri kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tidak sederhana, seperti kalimat bersusun
Compound sentences, maupun majemuk Complex Sentences dengan pengenalan
Noun, Adjective, dan Adverb Clauses
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan pola-pola kalimat Passives ‘Passive Voices’ dalam
kalimat Bahasa Inggris, dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat
menyebutkan ciri-ciri penunjuk waktu sekarang dalam bahasa Inggris;
2. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan Konsep: Kata Word, Frase Phrase, Klausa Clause,
dan Kalimat Sentences .
3. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan ciri-ciri Klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri Indepen-
dent / Main Clause, dalam Kalimat Bersusun Compound Sentences dalam bahasa
4. Mahasiswa dapat membedakan klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri Independent/’Main
dan Dependent/subordinate Clause, dalam Kalimat Majemuk Complex Sentences
dalam bahasa Inggris;
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
dua Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB 1 : Passive Voice
KB 2 : Pengenalan Kata Word, Frase Phrase, Klausa Clause, dan Kalimat Sentences
dalam bahasa Inggris.
KB 3 : Independent / Main Clause, dalam Kalimat Bersusun Compound Sentences
dalam bahasa Inggris.
KB 4 : Independent/’Main dan Dependent/subordinate Clause, dalam Kalimat Majemuk
Complex Sentences dalam bahasa Inggris.

Bahasa Inggris 131

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Baca secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari kata-
kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, baca dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

140 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Kalimat pasif Passive Voices biasa dipergunakan untuk:
1. Menjelaskan dan menggambarkan proses to describe processes:

After the tobacco leaves have been picked, they are dried.

2. Memberi penegasan pada berita sehingga terasa lebih objektif to convey a more
objective tone in news reports:

Several people were arrested. They will be held in custody overnight.

3. Memberi pengantar dalam kegiatan yang lebih akademikmaupun formal, seperti

surat, laporan , esei, dan perkuliahan more academic and other more formal
settings – letters, reports, essays and lectures

It is thought that the cause of the sudden increase in …

Perhatikanlah contoh kalimat di atas, terutama yang dicetak tebal, selanjutnya maka
akan Anda lihat pola yang hamper sama,maka itu adalah pola kalimat pasif. Kalimat
pasif secara umum dibentuk dari:
Primary Auxiliary: (disesuaikan dengan pola kalimat yang tersedia)

have + Past Participle of a main Verb

be Reguler/Irregular
Coba Anda perhatikan table berikut ini dengan seksama:

Past - passive Present - passive Future - passive

Simple She was divorced I am married. He will be married next

last year. Spring.

Continuous She was being The guests are being *****************

driven to the taken to the hotel in
campus when the hire cars.
accident happened.

They had been She has been married They will have been married
Perfect married for four before. for six years next summer.

Perfect They had been

continuous working together for ************** ******************
some time.

Bahasa Inggris 141

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

** Notice that some continuous tenses are generally not used in the passive voice, only
in the active.
Selanjutnya pahami dan perhatikan pola-pola kalimat pasif berikut ini:
Active Voice Passive Voice
1 The flame opens the Games. The Games are opened by the flame.
2 The flame is opening the Games. The Games are being opened by the flame.
3 The flame has opened the Games. The Games have been opened by the flame.
4 The flame opened the Games. The Games were opened by the flame.
5 The flame was opening the Games. The Games were being opened by the flame.
6 The flame had opened the Games. The Games had been opened by the flame.
7 The flame will open the Games. The Games will be opened by the flame.
8 The flame is going to open the Games. The Games are going to be opened by the
9 The flame will have opened the Games. The Games will have been opened by the flame.

Untuk lebih memahami pola kalimat pasif ini, coba selanjutnya Anda pelajari dan kerjakan
latihan berikut ini
Task 5.1.1
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1. He writes many letters. Many letters by him.
2. He wrote many letters. Many letters by him.
3. He has written many letters. Many letters by him.
4. He had written many letters. Many letters by him.
5. He would write many letters. Many letters by him.
6. He would have written many letters. Many letters by him.
7. He is writing many letters. Many letters by him.
8. He was writing many letters. Many letters by him.
9. He will write many letters. Many letters by him.
10. He will have written many letters. Many letters by him.
11. He is going to write many letters. Many letters by him.
12. He should write many letters Many letters by him.

Task 5.1.2
Place the verbs in parentheses in passive voice to complete the following sen-
1 The first modern Olympic series (hold) in Athens in 1896.
2 The first Olympic Village (build) for the Games in 1932.

142 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Task 5.1.3
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

3 The OlympicAfClaTgIV (fE

ly) for the fir st time in 1920. PASSIVE
1 S o o n th e a r m
___ __________ ______ie s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ T h e b a ttle
______________ . w ill b e f ou ght by the armies
the battle. soon.
4 In the 1936 Olympics, the orchestra (lead) by the composer
2 T h e
Richard co m pany is going to buy the by
equipment. the company.
3 S
_o_meo_n_e__________ ________________ _i_n A h_o_le_wa_ s _b_ei_n_g_d_ug. in the yard.
the yard.
5 The Olympic Games (cancel) in 1916 because of World War
4. T
I. he referee had already blown The whistle had .
the whistle.
65. The Summer Games (show) on television for the fuirgshtttgim
C h i ldr en sh ou l d b e ta ooedinvalues
good values. by parents.
6 S
_h_e ke_e_p_s_h_e_r _v_a_ lu_a_b_le_j_e_w_e_lr_y ___________ ____________.
in the safe. in the safe.

7 The enemy’s torpedoes The ship was sunk by the enemy’s

. torpedoes.

8 What you said hurt me. I hurt by .

9 Someone now. The Children are being fed now.

10. You should not have said it so

strongly So strongly.

Bahasa Inggris 143

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Task 5.1.4
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
elections. Elections will be held next month by the

2 The team won the game in the in the final

final seconds. seconds.

3 Someone is taking photographs of

the wedding. .

4 The passport had already been stolen.


5 She reads the incoming mail The incoming mail

daily. daily.

6 should not The electricity should not have been shut

the electricity off.

People had bet a lot of money on
A lot on the game.
the game.

8 No one The car has not been driven in several

in several weeks. weeks.

9 She should spend many hours on on the project.

the project.

10 They The house could have been sold at a large

at a large profit. profit.

Task 5.1.5
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1 The guards were bringing the The prisoner into
prisoner into court. court.

2 The tourists are going to be met by the agent.

The agent

3 She several The dress had already been worn several


144 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English


4 Someone tore his clothing during

the fight. the fight.

5 Everything .
We are doing everything we can
think of.

6 No one
The money will not ever be found.

7 I what
He would have told me what

happened. happened.

8 The horse should not have been ridden so

Someone _
so much. much.

A fisherman caught a shark close A shark close
to shore. to shore.

10 No one What he really did is not known.

really did.

Circle the letter of the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

1 When archeologists discovered the ruins of the Olympic Stadium, interest in the games
.(A) was renewed (C) they were renewed
(B) were renewed (D) renewed

2 The ancient Olympic Games as amateur contests, but in time became

(A) begun (C) beginning
(B) began (D) they began

3 The Olympic Games are held every four years in a selected country, and
to athletes of all nations.
(A) they are opened (C) they are open

Bahasa Inggris 145

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

(B) are opened (D) it is open

4 Winning first place in an event was the only glory in the ancient Games because
second and third places .
(A) did not recognize (C) was not recognized
(B) are not recognized (D) were not recognized

5 The winners received a wreath from the branches of the sacred

olive tree.
(A) made (C) making
(B) was made (D) to make

6 After more than 1,500 years, Athens for the site of the first modern
(A) were chosen (C) is chosen
(B) was chosen (D) chosen

7 The marathon, first staged in 1896, the legendary feat of a Greek

soldier who carried news of victory from the battlefield at Marathon to Athens
(A) was commemorated (C) commemorates
(B) commemorated (D) commemorating
8 The Olympic torch throughout the Games and is then extin-
guished at the closing ceremony.
(A) burning (C) burned
(B) is burned (D) burns
Broukal: 1997:38-39

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif I yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 1.

Tingkat penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar x 100%

Arti tingkat penguasaan yang Anda capai:

90 - 100% = baik sekali

146 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English
80 - 89% = baik
70 - 79% = cukup
< 70% = kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
1, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 147

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English


Perhatikan Bagan berikut dengan seksama:
Parts of Speech Word Phrase
boy coat boy’s coat
the coat of the boy
Adjective poor little a poor little
Verb have hang have been hanging
Adverb afternoon the whole afternoon

Kata dan Frase tersebut di atas dapat dibentuk menjadi kalimat, dan diuraikan sebagai
Noun Phrase
Adjective Phrase Noun
Verb Phrase Adverb Phrase
A poor little boy coat has been hanging the whole afternoon
A poor little boy’s coat has been hanging the whole afternoon

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di

atas, kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Tak 5.2.1:
Analyse these sentences into Noun Phrase (NP), Verb Phrase (VP), Adverb
Phrase (AVP), and Adjective Phrase (AJP/C).
1. The young horse race rider has been wearing two lovely black leather riding boots
since the race began this week.
2. The rich family are having been swimming all day long in their huge circular

swimming pool.

3. The avocado salad is being put in a Swedish wooden salad bowl.

148 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

4. After finishing the gardening, all the farmers are sitting in the old metal

garden seat.

5. The golden wedding anniversary is being held in the tiny L-shaped utility room.

6. The antique telephone is lying in the pretty Victorian writing desk.

7. The happy family have been living in the charming white washed country

cottage for five years.

Join each of the clauses in (A) to the appropriate clauses in (B).

1. They must go home a. just as he was ringing the bell
2. Come again b. before they get too tired
3. He went out again c. as soon as you can
4. I opened the door d. the moment he spoke
5. I knew who it was e. after he had finished her dinner

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif II yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 1.

Tingkat penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar x 100%

Arti tingkat penguasaan yang Anda capai:

90 - 100% = baik sekali

80 - 89% = baik
70 - 79% = cukup
< 70% = kurang

Bahasa Inggris 149

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 3. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
2, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

150 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English



K alimat bersusun terdiri penggabungan dari dua buah atau lebih kalimat yang dapat
berdiri sendiri dan lengkap.
Kalimat yang dapat berdiri sendiri di dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Inde-
pendent Clause
Ke dua kalimat yang memiliki klausa independent dapat digabungkan dengan
mengunakan Coordinate Conjunction: and, but, or, dan Correlative Conjunction:
(n)either… (n)or …, not only… but also… (pelajari kembali Conjunction pada Bahan
Belajar Mandiri 2).
Coordinate Conjunction:
and adalah untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang saling mendukung:
a. Amir is watching TV His daddy is reading a newspaper
Amir is watching TV and his daddy is reading a newspaper.

b Andri is playing games on the Indra is playing games on the

computer. computer.
Andri and Indra is playing games in the computer

but adalah untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang saling bertentangan:

Irma is beautiful. Irma is unfriendly.
Irma is beautiful but unfriendly.

beautiful dan unfriendly dianggap dua kualitas yang kurang saling mendukung,
tapi kalau cantik beautiful dan ramah friendly biasanya merupakan dua kualitas yang
saling mendukung.
or adalah untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang bersifat pilihan optional:
You can write using pencil You can write using pen
You can write using pencil or pen.

Correlative Conjunction:
(n)either... (n)or dapat digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang bersifat pilihan
...either... or ...
Soya can be used in fish feed. Soya can be used in chicken feed.
Soya can be used in either fish feed or chicken feed.

Bahasa Inggris 151

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

...(n)either... (n)or...

… both … and …
Soya protein isolate is used in meat Soya protein isolate is used in fish
products. products.
Soya protein isolate is used in both meat and fish products.
not only… but also…
Soya is the most efficient source of Soya is the least costly source of
protein. protein.
Soya is not only the most efficient but also the least costly source of protein.
whether…or …
Is it in the print of a newspaper that Is it in the food we eat, our lives are
that our lives are touched by soya? touched by soya.
Whether it is in the print of a newspaper or the food we eat, our lives are touched
by soya.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di

atas, kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 5.3.1
Make these two simple sentences into one compound sentence.
1. Mary is clever.
Mary is arrogant.

2. Tommy is watching TV.

Indra is watching TV.

3. I can write using pencil.

I can write using pen. (use ‘either’ ‘or’)
4. Ali doesn’t go to school.
I don’t go to school. (use ‘neither’ ‘nor’)

152 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

5.3.2. Write sentences with both… and…/neither… nor…/ either… or….

1. Tom was late. So was Ann.
2. She didn’t write and she didn’t phone.
3. Jim is on holiday and so is Carol. Both….
4. George doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink.
5. Jim hasn’t got a car. Carol hasn’t got a car either.
(Allen, Stannard D., 1974)

Make these two simple sentences into one compound sentence.

1. It was raining. They canceled the picnic. (so)
2. I ran very fast. I could not catch up with him. (although)
3. He parked the car. He got out. (and)
4. I will call you. It is time to leave. (when)
5. She saw the money. She did not take it. (but)

5. Ari is listening to music.

Irma is listeni ng to music. (use ‘as well as’)
Cocokkanlah hasil Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif III yang ada
pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan
belajar 1.

Tingkat penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar x 100%

Arti tingkat penguasaan yang Anda capai:

90 - 100% = baik sekali
80 - 89% = baik
70 - 79% = cukup
< 70% = kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 4. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
3, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 153

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English



I ndependent Clause merupakan kalimat Kalimat lengkap Complex Sentences dan

dapat berdiri sendiri, sedangkan Dependent Clause merupakan kalimat yang tidak
lengkap incomplete sentences sehingga untuk melengkapkannya, kalimat tersebut
sangat tergantung pada kalimat yang lengkap.
Melihat ketergantungan kalimat yang tidak lengkap tersebut terhadap kalimat yang
lengkap, maka kalimat lengkap Independent Clause tersebut dikenal juga dengan
nama Main Clause, sedangkan Dependent Clause disebut juga subordinate clause
karena selalu tergantung kepada kalimat utama main clause nya.
Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut:
1. I don’t know where he lives

where he lives functions as main Object for the main sentence

If a dependent clause functions as Subject or Object for the main sentence, it’s called as Noun
… where he lives above functions as Object for the main sentence of I don’t know, so it is a Noun
Clause as Object.

2. The birds singing on a tree is a cockatoo

Kalimat di atas termasuk Complex Sentence, dan dapat dirai dari dua pernyataan
kalimat sederhana, yaitu:

154 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

The birds is a cockatoo The bird is singing on a tree

Kedua kalimat sederhana tersebut seolah-olah tidak berkaitan satu sama lain.
Namun selanjutnya, apabila kalimat ke dua menjadi ciri penentu bagi kalimat
pertama sehingga kriteria burung yang dibicarakan bisa lebih spesifik dengan
menyisipkan kata which setelah kata The bird, sehingga fungsi kalimat dependent
sisipan: which is singing on a tree disebut sebagai Dependent Clause as Adjective
atau dikenal dengan Adjective Clause.
The birds which is singing on a tree is a cockatoo
Adjective Clause
Kata which is boleh tidak dituliskan sehingga disebut Reduced Adjective Clause,
dengan pola kalimat menjadi seperti berikut:
The birds singing on a tree is a cockatoo
Reduced Adjective Clause
The birds singing on a tree is a cockatoo

3.When she is going to the market, she is usually buying her needs.

When she is going to the market, she is usually buying her needs.
A(dverb) S V O

subordinate clause/ main clause/

dependent clause independent clause

The sentence can’t stand alone, and The sentence is meaningful and has a full
needs another main sentence thought

Bahasa Inggris 155

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 5.4.1:
Write an ‘I’ if the clause is ‘Independent’ (a complete sentence) and ‘D’ if the clause is
‘Dependent’ (an incomplete sentence).
Example: D The eagle spreading its wing.
I The rain came suddenly.

1. Swimming is an invigorating sport.

2. Acupunture’s start in China
3. Lightning striking a hut can kill the people inside.
4. A hormone in the body called androvine.
5. It has been discovered.
6. To be happy is a common personal goal.
7. At the foot of the peak workers using bulldozers.
8. What the good idea the committee presented.
(Gear, 1993:177-8 : S53)

Write ‘C’ in the space if the sentence is ‘complete’. Write ‘I’ if the sentence is ‘incorrect’
because there is missing information.
Example: C The people who lived in the wilderness of the Yukon had
to be self sufficient.
I The light house that had burned down no longer warning
sailors of the rocks.

The second sentence cannot be understood because the verb for the
independent clause is missing.

1. The reports, which covers many regions, states that the situation
Is nothing short of catastrophic.
2. More than thirty fatalities had been reported before the year’s rainy
season started in earnest.

156 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

3. Lightning produced in cumulonimbus clouds which occur in

4. The hard part is to locate the answer on the map with a gadget called
an article.
5. Any offer that doesn’t have the unnecessary documents attached not
to be considered.
6. While large numbers of eagles have long converged in national
parks, only recently the birds generating outside curiosity.
7. They are worried about what they consider to be a failure of
leaderships and funding.
8. The most convincing evidence that several tribes in the area use
aspilia for medicinal purpose.
(Gear, 1993:178 : S54)

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif IV yang
ada pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi
kegiatan belajar 1.

Tingkat penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar x 100%

Arti tingkat penguasaan yang Anda capai:

90 - 100% = baik sekali

80 - 89% = baik
70 - 79% = cukup
< 70% = kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat
meneruskan dengan BBM selanjutnya. Selamat dan Sukses! Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
4, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 157

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

After studying and participating in this Self Learning Materials 5, I have knowledge and
understanding related to:
1. .................................................................................................................................. .
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................... .
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. ....................................................................................................................................

Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
Task 5.1.1
1. Many letters are written by him. 7. Many letters are being written by him.
2. Many letters were written by him. 8. Many letters were being written by him.
3. Many letters have been written by him. 9. Many letters will be written by him.
4. Many letters had been written by him. 10. Many letters will have been written by him.
5. Many letters would be written by him. 11. Many letters are going to be written by him.
6. Many letters would have been written 12. Many letters should be written by him.
by him.
Task 5.1.2
1. was held 2. was built 3. was flown
5. was led 6. were cancelled 7. were shown
Task 5.1.3

Task 5.1.4
1. The club will hold elections next month.
2. The game was won by the team in the final seconds.
3. Photographs of the wedding are being taken by someone.
4. Someone has already stolen the passport.
5. The incoming mail is read by her daily.
6. You shouldn’t have shut off the electricity.
7. A lot of money had been bet (by the people) on the game.
8. No one has not driven the car in several weeks.
9. Many hours have been spent by her on the project.
10. They could have sold the house at a large profit.

158 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Task 5.1.5


Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
Task 5.2.1
2. The rich family are having been swimming all day long

NP VP AVP (of time)

in their huge circular swimming pool.
AVP (of place)
1. 1. TAhe prisoner was bein 3g. brougB ht by the guards in5to. court. A 7. C
2. The agent 3is. goinT
ghte oa mveoectatdhoe stoaulard
ists. is being put in a Swedish wooden salad bowl.
3. 2. SBhe had already worn4.the dresDs several times. 6. B 8. B
4. His clothing was torn (by sNoPmeone) during theVfP ight.
5. Everything we can think of is being done. AVP (of time)
6. No one will ever find the money.
7. I would hav4e. beenAfttoelrdfi(nbiyshsionm
g ethoeneg)awrdheantinhga,ppened. all the farmers are sitting
8. Someone should not have ridden the horse so much.
9. A shark was caught by a fisheA rmVa Pn(ocflotsim
e eto
) shore. NP VP
10. No one knows what he really did.

in the old metal garden seat.

AVP (of place)

5. The golden wedding anniversary is being held

in the tiny L-shaped utility room.
AVP (of place)

6. The antique telephone is lying in the pretty Victorian writing desk.

NP VP AVP (of place)

Bahasa Inggris 159

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

7. The happy family have been living


in the charming white washed country cottage for five years.

AVP (of place)
AVP (of time)

1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d
Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
Task 5.3.1:
1. Mary is clever but arrogant.
2. Tommy and Indra are watching TV.
3. I can write using either pencil or pen.
4. Neither Ali nor I go to school.
5. Ari as well as Irma is listening to music.

Task 5.3.2:
Write sentences with both… and…/neither… nor…/ either… or….
1. Both Tom an Ann was late.
2. She neither wrote nor phoned.
3. Both Jim and Carol is on holiday.
4. George neither smoke nor drink.
5. Neither Jim nor Carol hasn’t got a car.
1. It was raining so they canceled the picnic.
2. Although I ran very fast, I could not catch up with him.
3. He parked the car and got out.
4. I will call you when it is time to leave.
5. She saw the money but she did not take it.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran IV
Task 5.4.1
1. I 2. D 3. I 4. D 5. I 6. I 7. D 8. I

1. C 2. C 3. I 4. C 5. I 6. I 7. C 8. I

160 Bahasa Ingris

Understanding Passive Voices And Clauses In English

Behrens, Susan J. (1996) Peterson’s 2000 GMAT Success: Boots your Test
Scores.. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Broukal, Milada (1997) Peterson’s TOEFL Grammar Flash.. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Burtness, Paul S. Effective English for Colleges 6th Ed.. South Western.
Dixon, Robert J. (1972) Dixon Complete Course in English 1. New York: Regent
Publishing Company.
Etherton, ARB. (1971) Objective English Tests: Certificate Level. Hongkong:
LongmanGroup (Far East) Ltd.
Frank, Marcella. (1993) Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide.. New Jer-
sey: Regents/Prentice Hall.
Ingram, Beverly and Carol King. From Writing to Composing: An Introductory Com-
position Course for Students of English. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Murphy, Raymond (1977) Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Phillips, Deborah (1996) Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test,Vol. A.
New York: Longman.
Redman, Stuart (1997) English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate & intermedi-
ate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bahasa Inggris 161

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses



ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 6 ini, mahasiswa akan mengenal ciri-ciri kalimat
dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tidak sederhana, yaitu kalimat Complex Sentences
dengan pengenalan klausa Noun Clauses.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Memperkenalkan ciri-ciri kalimat yang tidak sederhana, yaitu kalimat majemuk
Complex Sentences dengan pengenalan klausa Noun clause-nya.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan ciri-ciri serta fungsi Noun Clauses sebagai De-
pendent/Subordinate Clause dalam Kalimat Kompleks Complex Sentences bahasa
2. Mahasiswa dapat menentukan posisi Noun Clauses sebagai Subject maupun
sebagai Object dalam kalimat.
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Bacalah secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari
kata-kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, bacalah dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

Bahasa Inggris 163

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses


N oun Clauses sebagai Dependent/Subordinate Clause dalam Kalimat Kompleks

Complex Sentences bahasa Inggris.
Noun clause merupakan klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri subordinate/ depen-
dent clause. Noun clause memiliki subjek subject dan Kata Kerja verb, dan sesuai
dengan namanya berfungsi sebagai Noun dalam kalimat, yaitu dapat digunakan sebagai
subjek subject maupun objek object dalam kalimat.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat sederhana berikut:
A. Noun Clause berfungsi sebagai subject

His discovery was important.

(functions as subject)
His discovery adalah noun, dan berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam kalimat tersebut.
Perhatikan pula kalimat berikut:

What he discovered was important.

Noun clause
(function as subject)

What he discovered adalah noun clause, dan berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam
kalimat tersebut. Noun Clause ini memiliki subject he dan discovered, tapi tidak dapat
berdiri sendiri, karena belum lengkap sebagai kalimat.
What he discovered …
Apa yang telah ia temukan …
Baru lengkap sebagai kalimat yang sempurna, kalau ditambah dengan kata ‘is
What he discovered is important.
Apa yang telah ia temukan adalah penting.

B. Noun clause berfungsi sebagai Object

People believed his discovery

His discovery adalah noun, dan merupakan object dari kata kerja Verb believed.

164 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

People believed what he discovered.

s v

S V O (Noun clause)
what he discovered adalah noun clause. dan merupakan object dari kata kerja
Verb believed, tapi tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, karena belum lengkap sebagai kalimat.
Noun clauses biasanya dikenali dengan clause markers, yaitu sebagai berikut:
when where why how who/whom which

whose whether that what if

Sebuah Clause Marker memperkenalkan jenis klausa yang ada. Perhatikan Noun
Clause Marker, berikut ini:

A clause marker introduces a clause

Noun Clause
Function Examples
That indicates a fact I knew that he had to go.
What focuses on a fact Everyone was surprised at what he brought for
the picnic.
When indicates a time He told us when the plane would arrive.
Where indicates a place Where they are going on their honeymoon is a
Why indicates a reason She wouldn’t say why he left so early.
Who indicates a person Who sent the letter is a mystery to me.
Which indicates a choice I didn’t know which book I was supposed to
Whose Indicates possession I never found out whose car was parked
outside our house.
Whom indicates a person Sue didn’t know to whom he was engaged.
Whether indicates two or more I didn’t know whether I should bring my bike or
alternatives. leave it at home.
How indicates a manner He showed us how he was going to win the
How many indicates a quality I’ve lost count of how many time I’ve broken my
How much indicates an amount He wasn’t paying attention to how much he
If Indicates alternative. I didn’t know if I should bring my bike.
Gear, 1993:179

Bahasa Inggris 165

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

A Pembentukan Noun Clause dari pertanyaan langsung yang diawali ‘How

& Wh-Question’
how when where why

who/whom which whose what

Kata tersebut di atas dapat memperkenalkan Noun Clause, yang biasanya berasal
dari pertanyaan langsung, sebagai berikut:
How & Wh-Questions Noun Clause
1. What did he discover? I don't know what he discovered.
2. When did he discover it? I'm not sure when he discovered it.
3. Where did he discover it? It is not known where he discovered it.
4. How did he discover it? I'm not certain how he discovered it.
5. Who is Faraday? I don't know who he is.
6. Whose discovery is that? It is not certain whose discovery that is.
7. What did he discover? What he discovered is not certain.

Task 6.1.1
Which of the following sentences do not have correct word order in the noun clause?
Write “C” for correct or “NC” for not correct.
1. It is amazing what discovered Faraday in the field of science without the use of
2. Early scientists did not know how a strong, steady electrical current could be
3. How Faraday did his experiments without the use of mathemat-ics is not known.
4. In the early 1800s it was unknown what was the electric current.
5. People have known what are the effects of electricity since ancient times.
6. Before Faraday’s experiments, people were unsure what the connection between
electricity and magnetism was.
Broukal, 1997: 71

166 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

Task 6.1.2
Identifying noun clause functions
Example S That most-fast food meals are high in fat has become an increasing
O It easy to understand why fast-food restaurants are so popular.

1. How the buildings are constructed to keep their inhabitants cool is

one of the most striking aspects of the Bahraini architecture.
2. What the doctor advised was a vacation away from the hustle and
bustle of the city.
3. When the city of Rome was actually founded is a matter of dispute
among historians.
4. Marie Curie showed that a woman can be as good a scientist as a
man can be.
5. The general decided which troops were to be moved.
6. By the latest accounts, what really occurred during the fight was
censored by the government.
7. The president told the youth that their journey was a noteworthy
8. That the city has lots its charm in its zeal to modernize is a common
Gear, 1993:181 S56

A. Noun Clause yang diawali dari pertanyaan langsung Yes-No Question,

menggunakan: whether atau if. Kata tersebut di atas dapat memperkenalkan
Noun Clause, yang biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan langsung bentuk Yes-
No question:
Yes-No Questions Noun Clause
1. Will it work? He wonders whether it will work.
He wonders if it will work.
2. Did they believe him? I don't know whether they believed him.
I don't know if they believed him.

B. Noun Clause yang diawali dari kalimat pernyataan statement, diawali dengan

Bahasa Inggris 167

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

Statement Noun Clause

1. The world is round. We know that the world is round.

2. The world is round. We know the world is round.

(The word that is frequently omitted in spoken
3. The world is round. That the world is round is a fact.

(The word that cannot be omitted when it in-

troduces a noun clause; that is the subject of a


1 Did you understand … ?

A. what he said B. what did he say C. what has he said
D. what had he said E. what he is saying
2 Sometimes I wonder why ... a new car.
A. doesn’t he buy B. he not buys C. he doesn’t buy
D. won’t he buy E. isn’t he buying
3 Ask her if...
A. supper is ready yet B. yet supper is ready C. supper ready yet
D. is supper ready yet E. is supper yet ready
4 The policeman wants to know whether anybody ... .
A. injured B. were injured C. have been injured
D. was being injure E. has been injured
5 It is said that the temperature falls when ... .
A. you went up a hill B. you go up a hill C. you will go up a hill
D. you going up a hill E. you had gone up a hill
6 He told us that many people ... homeless by the fire last week.
A. made B. been made C. having been made
D. were made E. had made
7 Now they all understand what...
A. he wants. B. does he want C. he is wanting
D. is he wanting E. did he want
8 I do not understand why … on the bus properly.
A. cannot they get B. can’t they get C. they cannot get
D. they couldn’t got E. couldn’t they got

168 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

9 It is easy to see how clever...

A. was he? B. he is. C. was he.
D. is he E. is him.
10 Can you tell me what... yesterday?
A. has he done B. was he doing C. did he do
D. he have done E. he did
(Etherton, 1971:18)

Circle the letter of the correct noun clause that completes the sentence.
1. Faraday argued that
(A) electricity in a wire magnetic effect
(B) electricity in a wire by magnetic effect
(C) electricity in a wire produced a magnetic effect
(D) a magnetic effect pro-duced by electricity in a wire
2. It is a fact that form of energy.
(A) electricity is the most useful (C) the most useful in electricity
(B) electricity the most useful (D) electricity being the most useful
3. over long distances is a fact.
(A) That electricity can be transmitted (C) That electricity
(B) That electricity transmitting (D) That can be transmitted
4. Today it is known that magnetism.
(A) electricity relating to (C) relating to electricity
(B) electricity is related to (D) as electricity to
5. in science was important for Faraday.
(A) Children that were interested (C) That children should be interested
(B) That children interested (D) That interested children
6. After listening to Humphry Davy, Faraday realized that .
(A) wanting to be a scientist (C) wanted to be a scientist
(B) being a scientist (D) he wanted to be a scientist
Broukal, 1997: 72-73

From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), choose the one that best completes
the sentence.
Example:1. was flat was believed by most people in the fifteenth century.
(A) The Earth (C) As the Earth
(B) That the Earth (D) Whether the Earth
The best answer is (B)
2. Many scientists have shown ever-increasing number of tasks.
(A) that lasers how (C) how lasers
(B) lasers how (D) that what lasers
The best answer is (C)

Bahasa Inggris 169

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

1. Astronomers studied the 1987 Supernova to learn when a star explodes.

(A) what happens (C) that is happen
(B) that happens (D) what does happen

2. Despite recent attempts to prove did indeed reach the North Pole in 1909,
the evidence still remains questionable.
(A) what Robert Peary (C) Robert Peary, who
(B) that Robert Peary (D) Robert Peary was

3. Around 1789, Antoine Lavoisier was the first person to demon-strate all kinds
of burning involve the addition of oxygen.
(A) if (B) what (C) that (D) so that

4. Where is the commonest form of color-blindness.

(A) are the red and green not easily distinguished
(B) they are not easily distinguished red and green
(C) are not easily distinguished red and green
(D) red and green are not

5. It has been estimated milligram of skin scales have over half a million bacte-
(A) that a (B) how a (C) a (D) to be a

6.. It is only in the last 200 years have begun climbing mountains.
(A) because people (C) people
(B) that people (D) as people

7. of smell might, without our realizing it, affect who we choose as friends has
been suggested.
(A) That our sense (C) For our sense
(B) Sense (D) Because our sense

8. From the existence of radio waves, most scientists were convinced really
(A) the Big Bang was (C) how the Big Bang
(B) it was the Big Bang (D) that the Big Bang

9. Samples of rock showed 4600 million years old.

(A) that the moon is (C) when is the moon
(B) how is the moon (D) to be the moon

10. was lowered to the sea bed in a glass container to make observations is

170 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

(A) Alexander the Great who (C) Alexander the Great

(B) Whether Alexander the Great (D) What Alexander the Great

11. so incredible is that it can grow 385 miles of roots in four months, or about
3 miles in a day.
(A) That makes the rye plant (C) The rye plant
(B) What makes the rye plant (D) The rye plant which was

12. Science fiction writers believe in the future, with new material and greater
knowledge, their vision will become reality.
(A) that they (B) they (C) that (D) they will

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Latihan yang ada pada
bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus
di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan belajar

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan BBM 7 selanjutnya. Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
ini, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 171

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses

After studying and participating in this Self Learning Materials 6, I have knowledge and
understanding related to:
1. ................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................
4. ................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................

Task 6.1.1
1. NC 2. C 3. C
4. NC 5. NC 6. C
Task 6.1.2
1. S How the buildings are constructed to keep their inhabitants cool
2. S What the doctor advised
3. S When the city of Rome was actually founded
4. O that a woman can be as good a scientist as a man can be.
5. O which troops were to be moved.
6. S what really occurred during the fight
7. O that their journey was a noteworthy achievement.
8. S That the city has lots its charm in its zeal to modernize
Task 6.1.3
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. E
Task 6.1.4
1. C 2. A 3. A

1. A 2. B 3. C
4. B 5. A 6. B
7. B 8. D 9. A
10.B 11. B 12. C

172 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses


Rob (v) = merampog

Caught = menangkap

was arrested = ditangkap

headquarters = markas

was sentenced = dijatuhi hukuman

prison = penjara

escaped = lari

strike = unjuk rasa

was sacked = dipecat

re-employed. = dipekerjakan kembali

Bahasa Inggris 173

Complex Sentences I: Noun Clauses


Behrens, Susan J. (1996). Peterson’s 2000 GMAT Success: Boots your Test
Scores.. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Broukal, Milada. (1997). Peterson’s TOEFL Grammar Flash. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Burtness, Paul S. Effective English for Colleges 6th Ed.. South Western.
Etherton, ARB. (1971). Objective English Tests: Certificate Level. Hongkong:
LongmanGroup (Far East) Ltd.
Frank, Marcella. (1993). Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide. New Jersey:
Regents/Prentice Hall.
Gear, Jolene. (1993). Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Ingram, Beverly and Carol King. From Writing to Composing: An Introductory Compo-
sition Course for Students of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Murphy, Raymond. (1977). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Phillips, Deborah. (1996). Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test,Vol. A.
New York: Longman.
Redman, Stuart. (1997). English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate & intermediate.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

174 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses



ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 7 ini, mahasiswa akan mengenal ciri-ciri kalimat
dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tidak sederhana, yaitu kalimat majemuk Complex
Sentences dengan pengenalan klausa Adjective Clauses dan Adverb Clauses.
Tujuan Belajar Umum
Memperkenalkan ciri-ciri kalimat yang tidak sederhana, yaitu kalimat majemuk
Complex Sentences dengan pengenalan klausa Adjective Clauses dan Adverb
Tujuan Belajar Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menentukan posisi Adjective dan Adverb dalam pola
kalimat perbandingan Degree of Comparison, baik dalam pola Absolute,
Comparative maupun Superlative Degrees dan bisa menggunakannya
dalam kalimat.
2. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan ciri-ciri serta fungsi ’Adjective Clauses’ dan
‘Adverb Clauses’ sebagai ’Dependent’/ ’subordinate’ Clause dalam Kalimat
Kompleks ’Complex Sentences’ bahasa Inggris.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
tiga Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB 1: Comparative dan Superlative Degrees dalam Adjectives dan Adverbs
KB 2: ’Adjective Clauses’ sebagai ’Dependent’/ ’subordinate’ Clause dalam Kalimat
Kompleks ’Complex Sentences’ bahasa Inggris
KB 3: ’Adverb Clauses’ sebagai ’Dependent’/ ’subordinate’ Clause dalam Kalimat
Kompleks ’Complex Sentences’ bahasa Inggris
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Bacalah secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari
kata-kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.

Bahasa Inggris 175

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, bacalah dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

176 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


Syllabic Positive/ Comparative Superlative
1-2 Positive-er + than The + positive-est
>2 More positive + than The most positive-est
One Small Smaller The smallest
High higher The highest
Cold Colder The coldest
Mild Milder The mildest
Two Easy Easier The easiest
Pretty Prettier The prettiest
Three Brilliant More brilliant The most brilliant
Iimportant More important The most important
Dangerous More dangerous The most dangerous
Beautiful More Beautiful The most beautiful

Ending in er, ly or le
Positive/Absolute Comparative Superlative
Clever Cleverer Cleverest
Early Earlier Earliest
Violino Picolo Violi n Viola CelS
loimple Double Bass Simpler Simplest


Bahasa Inggris 177

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


Positive/Absolute Comparative Superlative
Fast Faster Fastest
Early Earlier Earliest
Slowly More slowly Most slowly
Commonly More commonly Most commonly

7.3 Irregular comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs

178 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Kalimat yang menggunakan Degree of Comparison harus memperhatikan

posisi Adjective dan Adverb dalam pola kalimatnya, baik dalam pola Absolute,
Comparative maupun Superlative Degrees. Perhatikan regular atau irregular ad-
verbs or adjectives, perhatikan apakah menggunakan –est, er, more, atau most.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 7.1.1
From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D), choose the one that best completes
the sentence.
.1 Temperature, the simplest weather element to measure, is probably used
than any other kind of data.
(A) more frequently (C) asfrequently
(B) most frequently (D) frequently

2. Paprika is cayenne pepper, and it has a sweeter taste.

(A) least biting (C) lesser biting than
(B) less biting than (D) less as

3. The foods that contain are made of animal fat whereas vegetables have
the least energy.
(A) as much energy as (C) the most energy
(B) the more energy (D) more energy than

4. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory -were those of Galileo

and Newton.
(A) important than (C) the most important
(B) more important (D) as important as

5. Impalas cannot move as cheetahs, but they are more efficient runners.
(A) faster than (C) fas
t(B) fast as (D) are fast as

6. Apart from Pluto, the outer planets the inner planets and are made mainly
of lighter materials such as hydrogen and helium.
(A) are larger than (C) larger than

Bahasa Inggris 179

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

(B) are the largest (D) are large

From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D), identify the one that
is not incorrect.
7. During the 1700s, Philadelphia developed into the most wealthy city in
the American colonies.
8. According to Freud, the mind experiences more unconsciouser than
conscious activity.
9. Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most activest and influential first
10. The Sahara Desert in Africa is by far the most large desert in the world,
covering an area nearly as big as the United States.
11. Peanuts are closely related to peas than to nuts.
12. Most evergreens have needle-like leaves that require least water than
regular leaves.

Choose the correct adjective or adverb in parentheses.

1. Franklin became a (successfully/successful) printer.
2. At age 40, Franklin became (interested/interestingly) in electricity.
3. Franklin produced a (week/weekly) newspaper and many popular books.
4. The lightning conductor attracted lightning and carried it (safe/safely) to the
5. Among his many inventions was a (smokelessly/smokeless) stove.
6. Franklin put his invention to (well/good) use.

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban KB 1 yang ada pada
bagian akhir BBM 7 ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus

180 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi Kegiatan
Belajar 1.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
1, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 181

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


Adjective clause termasuk klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri subordinate or
dependent clause sehingga harus dihubungkan dengan main atau independent clause
nya, dan memiliki subject dan kata kerja verb.
Seperti fungsi Adjective, maka adjective clause juga menerangkan atau mensifati
kata benda noun nya.
Adjective clauses, biasanya diawali dengan:
relative pronoun seperti: who, whom, whose, which, that

or relative adverb seperti: when or where

Perhatikan contoh penggunaan ‘Adjective clause’ dalam kalimat berikut ini:
Use for Example
Who People The tribes who lived in the Great Plains used smoke
(subject) signals.
Whom People The woman whom we met was called Lightning Cloud.
Whose People/Things He sent a message whose meaning we had agreed upon
(possessive) in advance.
Which Things That is a tribe which interests me. (subject)
(Subject/Object) The drumbeats which we heard sent a message, (object)
That People/Things The Apache is a tribe that I will research, (object)
(Subject/Object) The smoke that you see is from the hills, (subject)
Where Place (Adverb) That is the valley where the tribe lived.
when Time (Adverb) That is the day when we get the signal.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.

182 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Task 7. 2.1.
Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns: which, who, whose.
1. The smoke signals the American Indians used did not convey
complex messages.
2. The signals contained simple messages meaning had been
agreed upon in.
3. A warrior had finished a successful raid might send asimple col-
umn of smoke to his village.
4. They made fires were fed with damp grass.
5. It was the place the signal come from conveyed most message.
6. When one group spotted another group of Indians, they lit a fire to their right
meant ‘who are you?.
Broukal, 1997:76-77
Task 7.2.2
Choose the correct relative pronoun in parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. The seminomadic tribes of the Great Plains used smoke signals (which/ who) were
2. A signal (whose/which) conveyed victory in battle was agreed upon in advance.
3. The Hollywood movies (which/whom) we watch do not give a true picture of the Indi-
4. A party would send a column of smoke (which/whom) the other understood.
5. Drumbeats (whose/which) are used by tribes in Africa can give more complex sig-
6. A warrior (who/which) saw an enemy approaching might send a smoke signal.
Broukal, 1997:77
Task 7.2.3
Underline the adjective clause in the following sentences
1. Sacagawea, who was a Shoshoni Indian, guided Lewis and Clark to the Columbia
2. The giant redwood trees that grow in California are named after Sequoyah, who
created an alphabet for the Indian people.
3. Sequoyah became a teacher and moved to Oklahoma where he contin-ued to teach
the alphabet.
4. The Shoshoni were a group of Indians who lived in the western plains of Wyoming,
Utah, Nevada, and Idaho.
5. Each group of Shoshoni was known to the others by the type of food that was plentiful
in its particular region.
6. The Mossi people of West Africa use talking drums as a means of preserving their
history, which has been handed down by generations.
Broukal, 1997:78-79
Remember that sometimes the relative pronoun may be omitted from an adjective clause.
The relative pronouns which, that, who, and whom can be omitted when they are the
object of the adjective clause.

Bahasa Inggris 183

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


When the relative pronoun is the subject of the adjective clause, it cannot be omit-
The man who played the drum was from West Africa, (subject)
If the relative pronoun is the object of the adjective clause, it can be omitted.

The man whom I saw was a Native American, (object)

The man I saw was a Native American.

The drumbeat that I heard was a signal, (object)

The drumbeat I heard was a signal.

The relative pronouns whose, where, and whereby cannot be omitted.

Sequoyah, whose alphabet for the Indian people consisted of 85 characters,

was acclaimed a genius by his people. (Whose cannot be omitted.)
That was the area where the tribe lived. (Where cannot be omitted.)
Sequoyah devised an alphabet whereby all the different tribes could read a
common language. (Whereby cannot be omitted.)


Adjective Clause terkadang dalam bentuk ‘preposition’
There are a number of ways by which a message can be sent.

In spoken English the preposition usually goes at the end of the clause, but in
formal written English it goes at the beginning of the clause.
Formal That was the man to whom I was referring
Informal That was the man whom I was referring to.

Task 7.2.4
Circle the number of the sentence where the pronoun/adverb or a preposition is miss-
1. Lewis and Clark went to South Dakota, where they spent a bitter winter among the
Mandan tribe.
2. It is countries such as Ghana, Dahoney, and Nigeria the use of talking drums is mostly
highly developed.
3. The most celebrated talking drummers of West Africa are the Yorubas whose princi-
pal instrument is known as a dondon.
4. Talking drums, play a central role in African cultural and social life, have many uses

184 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

besides the sending of long-distance messages.

5. There are a number of colors which the Pueblo Indians of America identified direc-
6. Drumbeats which the actual words of their tribal language is communi-cated is a
traditional form of communication in Africa.
Adjective clauses can be reduced to phrases. An adjective phrase modifies a
noun. An adjective phrase does not contain a subject and a verb.
Adjective Clause The man who is drumming is African.
Adjective Phrase The man drumming is African.

Only adjectives that have a subject pronoun, who, which, or that, can be reduced.
Clause The man who is playing the drums is well-known
Phrase The man playing the drums is well-known

Clause The man (whom) I met was well-known.

Phrase not possible

There are two ways to reduce an adjective phrase.

1. The subject pronoun and the ‘be’ form of the verb are omitted.
Clause The man who is playing is my friend.
Phrase The man playing is my friend.

Clause The signals which are given are simple.

Phrase The signals given are simple.

Clause The tones that are in the language are important.

Phrase The tones in the language are important.

2. When there is no form of be in the adjective clause, you can omit the
subject pronoun and change the verb to the –ing form.

Clause The Cherokee Indians have an alphabet that consists of

eighty-five characters.
Phrase The Cherokee Indians have an alphabet consisting of
eighty-five characters.

Bahasa Inggris 185

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Clause Anyone who wants to get the news can listen to the
Phrase Anyone wanting to get the news can listen to the

Adjective phrases are usually separated by commas, as in adjective clauses.

Clause Sequoyah, who was the inventor of an Indian
alphabet, was a Cherokee Indian.
Phrase Sequoyah, the inventor of an Indian alphabet, was
a Cherokee Indian.

Task 7.2.5
1. Sequoyah, who was the son of an Indian mother and a European father, was born in
2. Sequoyah, who was first a hunter, became a trader after a hunting accident.
3. Sequoyah, who had no education, believed that reading and writing were important.
4. Sequoyah, who worked on the alphabet for twelve years, finally com-pleted it in 1823.
5. His alphabet, which consists of eighty-five sounds, was an important invention for his
6. A Cherokee newspaper whose columns had news both in English and Cherokee
was soon published.
7. Thousands of Cherokees who did not know how to read or write started to write
using the new alphabet.

From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), choose the one that best completes
the sentence.
Example: Pythons live in rugged tropical areas heavy rainfall and forests.
(A) they have (C) where the
(B) that have (D) have
The best answer is (B).
1. The thyroid gland, located in the neck.
(A) where the hormone thyroxine is produced
(B) where produced is the hormone thyroxine
(C) the hormone thyroxine is produced there
(D) at which is produced the hormone thyroxine

2. Dragonflies feed on a large variety of insects catch in flight.

(A) in which they (C) there are to

186 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

(B) which they (D) there are a

3. According to legend, Betsy Ross was the woman the first American stars
and stripes flag.
(A) whom she made (C) who made
(B) made (D) and she made
4. Pumpkin seeds, protein and iron, are a popular snack.
(A) that (C) which
(B) provide (D) which provide

5. The spinal cord is a long, thick bundle of nerves from that runs is running
(A) that runs (C) it runs
(B) is running (D) whom it runs

6. George Pullman introduced a dining car its own kitchen in 1868.

(A) it had (B) that had (C) that it had (D) having

7 In 1898, pharmacologist, John H. Abel, isolated the hormone adrenaline.

(A) an American who (C) an American
(B) who, an American (D) he was an American

8. Nitrogen gas, up about 78 percent of our atmosphere, is constantly being used

by plants and animals.
(A) which it makes (C) makes
(B) it makes (D) which makes

9. Paper is made from cellulose fibers, in all cells.

(A) are (C) they are
(B) which are (D) which they are

10. The pepper plant bears a small, green berry red as it ripens.
(A) which turns (C) turns
(B) it turns (D) that it turns

11. Quinine, once used to cure malaria, was taken from the bark of a South Ameri-
can tree, the cinchona.
(A) it is a famous drug (C) a famous drug
(B) is a famous drug (D) is a famous drug whose

12. Billie Holliday, unique singing style made her famous, was also known as
Lady Day.
(A) she is a (B) whom (C) who (D) whose

Bahasa Inggris 187

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban KB 2 yang ada pada
bagian akhir BBM 7 ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus
di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi kegiatan belajar

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan Kegiatan Belajar 3. Akan tetapi, apabila tingkat
penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar 2,
terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

188 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


‘Adverb clause’ termasuk klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri ‘subordinate’ or
‘dependent’ clause, letak ‘adverb clause’, bisa sebelum ataupun sesudah ‘main’/’inde-
pendent’ clause, dan memiliki ‘subject’ dan kata kerja ‘verb’:

When Schmidt looked at the small points, he saw galaxies.

Schmidt saw galaxies when he looked at the small points.

Seperti fungsi Adverb, maka adverb clause juga menerangkan hal-hal berikut:


The following are some common words used to introduce an adverb clause.
Kinds of Adverb Clause Markers Example
after before It was difficult to observe the stars before the
by the time since telescope was invented
time until whenever
as as soon as Meteors glow as they burn up in the atmosphere.
once till
when while
as just as Ancient peoples used the stars as if they were
manner as if like calendars.
as though The Milky Way looks as though it is a faint band of

because now that Since some planets are too far away to send
cause since as long as people, computer-operated space probes are sent.
effect as so that Spacesuits were designed for astronauts so that
they could breathe in space.

Bahasa Inggris 189

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

while though Most stars are white while some are colored.
even though whereas
opposition although Although helium is rare on Earth, it is common in
the universe.
in the event that You will see hundreds of stars if you
in case that if look at the sky.
condition unless even if You can study distant stars provided that you have
provided that only if a radio telescope
so that in order that Astronomers improved telescopes so that they
would discover more about the stars.
purpose so (that) In order to Astronomers developed bigger and bigger
telescopes in order to see the stars more clearly.
so … that The stars are so far away that they cannot be seen
result without a telescope.
such … that The meteor hit the Earth with such force that it
made a crater.
place where everywhere A crater was formed where the meteor hit the earth.
wherever There were stars wherever she looked.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 7.3.1
Choose the correct adverb clause marker from the parentheses.
1. Quasars are an important discovery (because/although) they are the most powerful
objects ever seen.
2. The outer planets are cooler than the inner ones (as/whereas) they are further from
the sun.
3. A black hole is a region of space (where/whenever) the gravitational pull is so strong
that nothing can escape.
4. Radio waves from distant regions of space could be studied (while/after) the radio
telescope was invented.
5. Telescopes see distant objects more clearly (whereas/because) radio telescopes
collect radio waves.
6. Astronomers did not know about quasars (before/so-that) radio tele-scopes were

190 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Task 7.3.2
Underline the adverb clauses in the following sentences.
1. Although millions of meteors hit the earth’s atmosphere, few of them are noticed.
2. A meteor lives a bright tail as it streaks across the night sky.
3. Many meteorite falls are not noticed because they hit the earth in remote uninhab-
ited areas.
4. The rate of the sun’s radiation is so great that about 3 million tons of matter is con-
verted into energy every second.
5. In ancient times, farmers planted crops when they saw a planet in the right part of
the sky.
6. Even though a planet moves among the stars, it returns to the same part of the sky at
the same time each year.
Adverb clauses may be reduced to modifying phrases in the same way as adjec-
tive clauses are reduced to modifying phrases. A reduced adverb clause or modifying
phrase does not contain a subject or a verb. It consists of a participle (present or past
participle) or an adjective and clause marker (although, when, or while).
Adverb Clause Full After the space probes landed on Mars, they sent back
Modifying Phrase Reduced After landing on Mars, the space probes sent back

Adverb Clause Full Although the moon rocks were expensive to obtain, they
provided valuable information.
Modifying Phrase Reduced Although expensive to obtain, the moon rocks provided
valuable information.

Adverb Clause Full After the space probe landed on Venus, it mapped the
Modifying Phrase Reduced After landing on Venus, it mapped the surface.

Adverb Clause Full After the space probe sent pictures, astronomers
examined them.
Modifying Phrase Reduced not possible

Cause/effect Many of the planets are cratered because of meteor bombardment.
Concession In spite of the damage to the spacecraft, the astronauts got back to
Earth safely.

Bahasa Inggris 191

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Task 7.3.3
The following sentences contain Adverb clauses, reduced adverb clauses, and preposi-
tional expressions. Circle the letter of the best answer that completes the sentence.
1. the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians took astronomy seriously; the Greeks
were the first to study the stars scientifi-cally.
(A) Although (C) For
(B) Despite (D) Nevertheless

2. the development of radio telescopes, distant regions of the Universe can be

(A) The reason (C) Because
(B) Because of (D) It is because

3. Supernovas are caused a star dies.

(A) as when (B) that (C) when (D) it is

4. In 1987 a Canadian astronomer, Ian Shelton, spotted a super-nova looking at

some photographs of the stars.
(A) was (B) during (C) as if (D) while he was

From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), choose the one that-best completes
the sentence.
1. Plexiglas is used in aircraft -windows is almost unbreakable.
(A) it (C) because
(B) because it (D) it because

2. American Indians grew popcorn for a few thousand years arrival of Euro-
pean explores in the 1400s.
(A) before (C) since
(B) before the (D) since they

3. The body uses proteins for energy and fats cannot meet its energy needs.
(A) that carbohydrates (C) when they are carbohydrates
(B) when carbohydrates (D) that when carbohydrates

4. Spider moneys are the best climbers I the jungle, they do not thumbs.
(A) nevertheless (C) despite

192 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

(B) for (D) although

5. Stars are hot bodies that give out light of their own, planets shine only by re-
flecting light.
(A) however there are (C) whereas
(B) since (D) while they

6. A silkworm has glands that secrete a liquid that hardens into silk comes into
contact with air.
(A) as it (B) when (C) that (D) it

7. Stars are hot bodies that give out light of their own, planets shine only by re-
flecting light.
(A) however there are (C) whereas
(B) since (D) while they

8. body’s activities put strains on certain bones, these bones strengthen them-
selves where the stress is greatest.
(A) That if (B) That (C) Because of (D) If the

9. Herman Melville is now regarded as one of America’s finest writers, his great-
est works mystified readers in his own lifetime. .
(A) It is despite (C) Even though
(B) Despite (D) In spite of

10. laser beam can be moved easily in all directions, it can be used for highly
accurate cutting in industry.
(A) Because of (B) It is a (C) A (D) As a

11. Limestone powder is added to animal feed animals form good strong bones.
(A) why (B) so that (C) as a result of (D) it is that

12. sodium chloride (salt) is not used by sea-living organisms; it forms the
domi-nant mineral in seawater.
(A) Since (B) It is since (C) Although (D) Although it

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Kegiatan Belajar 3 yang
ada pada bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi
Kegiatan Belajar 3.

Bahasa Inggris 193

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan BBM 8 selanjutnya. Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
3, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

After studying and participating in this Self Learning Materials 7, I have knowledge and
understanding related to:
1. ................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................
4. ................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................

Task 7.1.1
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A
7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. C
1. Successful
2. Interested
3. Weekly
4. Safely
5. Smokeless
6. good
Task 7.2.1 Task 7.2.2
1. which 1. which
2. whose 2. which
3. who 3. which
4. which 4. which

194 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

5. which 5. which
6. which . who
Task 7.2.3
Underline the adjective clause in the following sentences
1. Sacagawea, who was a Shoshoni Indian, guided Lewis and Clark to the Columbia
2. The giant redwood trees that grow in California are named after Sequoyah, who
created an alphabet for the Indian people.
3. Sequoyah became a teacher and moved to Oklahoma where he contin-ued to teach
the alphabet.
4. The Shoshoni were a group of Indians who lived in the western plains of Wyoming,
Utah, Nevada, and Idaho.
5. Each group of Shoshoni was known to the others by the type of food that was plentiful
in its particular region.
6. The Mossi people of West Africa use talking drums as a means of preserving their
history, which has been handed down by generations.
Task 7.2.4
2, 3, 5, 6
Task 7.2.5
1. Sequoyah, the son of an Indian mother and a European father, was born in Tennes-
2. Sequoyah, first a hunter, became a trader after a hunting accident.
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. His alphabet consisting of eighty-five sounds was an important invention for his
6. Correct
7. Correct
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B
7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. D
Task 7.3.1
1. because
2. as
3. where
4. after
5. whereas
6. before
Task 7.3.2
Underline the adverb clauses in the following sentences.
1. Although millions of meteors hit the earth’s atmosphere, few of them are noticed.
2. A meteor lives a bright tail as it streaks across the night sky.

Bahasa Inggris 195

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses

3. Many meteorite falls are not noticed because they hit the earth in remote uninhab-
ited areas.
4. The rate of the sun’s radiation is so great that about 3 million tons of matter is con-
verted into energy every second.
5. In ancient times, farmers planted crops when they saw a planet in the right part of
the sky.
6. Even though a planet moves among the stars, it returns to the same part of the sky at
the same time each year.
Task 7.3.3
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B
7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A

196 Bahasa Ingris

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


adjourns = selesai

Adopted = mengadopsi

Against = lawan

Allow = mengikinkan

Assignment = tugas

carried out = dilaksanakan

Delicious = enak

Gorgeous = cantik

Invite = mengundang

Surprise = kejutan

Bahasa Inggris 197

Complex Sentences II : Adjective and Adverb Clauses


Behrens, Susan J. (1996). Peterson’s 2000 GMAT Success: Boots your Test
Scores. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Broukal, Milada. (1997). Peterson’s TOEFL Grammar Flash. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Burtness, Paul S. Effective English for Colleges 6th Ed. South Western.
Etherton, ARB. (1971). Objective English Tests: Certificate Level. Hongkong:
LongmanGroup (Far East) Ltd.
Frank, Marcella. (1993). Modern English: A Practical Reference Guid.. New Jersey:
Regents/Prentice Hall.
Gear, Jolene (1993). Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Ingram, Beverly and Carol King. From Writing to Composing: An Introductory Compo-
sition Course for Students of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Murphy, Raymond. (1977). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Phillips, Deborah. (1996. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test,Vol. A.
New York: Longman.
Redman, Stuart. (1997). English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate & intermediate.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

198 Bahasa Ingris

Grammar Enrichment


ada Bahan Belajar Nomor 7, mahasiswa telah mempelajari berbagai bentuk
kalimat majemuk complex sentences serta kalimat majemuk bersusun com
pound complex serta jenis-jenis klausa dan conjunction pendukungnya. Dalam
Bahan Belajar Mandiri nomor 8 ini mahasiswa akan mempelajari: Conditional Sen-
tences, Parallel Structure, dan Kalimat Tak Langsung Reported Speech or Indirect
Speech serta pola-pola kalimat inversion.
Tujuan Belajar Umum:
Memperkenalkan kalimat-kalimat: Conditional Sentences, Parallel Structure ,
dan Kalimat Tak Langsung Reported Speech or Indirect Speech serta pola-pola kalimat
Tujuan Belajar Khusus:
1. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi Conditional Sentences dalam kalimat
Bahasa Inggris, dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat;
2. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi Reported Speech or Indirect Speech Sen-
tences dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris, dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang
3. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi Question Tags dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris,
dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat;
4. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan pola Phrasal Verbs dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris,
dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat;
5. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan pola Parallel Structure dalam kalimat Bahasa
Inggris, dan menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat;
6. Mahasiswa dapat menyebutkan pola Inversion dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris, dan
menggunakannya dalam konteks yang tepat.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
enam Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB 1: Conditional Sentences
KB 2: Reported Speech/Indirect Speech
KB 3: Question Tags
KB 4: Phrasal Verbs
KB 5: Parallel Structure
KB 6: Inversion
Bahasa Inggris 199
Grammar Enrichment

Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Bacalah secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari
kata-kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, bacalah dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

200 Bahasa Ingris

Grammar Enrichment


Y ou use conditional sentences to describe situations which are true in certain circum
stances or under certain conditions. They are made up of two clauses. One clause
usually has if at the beginning.
General truths - for things that are always true. (zero conditional)

You’ll type much more

If you do a search quickly if you learn to
look on the internet, touch-type.
you find information
about all sorts of
Water freezes if the
temperature falls below zero.

 Zero conditional sentences are used to give advice, instructions or to describe true
facts about the world.
If-clause  Zero condRiteiosunlat lcslaeunsteences have two clauses. The if-clause begins with if. The sec-
ond clause is the result clause.
If you want a good picture, use an aerial.

 Insert a comma after the if-clause:

If you want to install an aerial, contact an aerial fitter.

 The result clause can go in front of the if-clause. In this case, no comma is necessary.
Result clause If-clause

Contact an aerial fitter if you want to install an aerial.

 Zero conditional sentences use verbs in present tenses. Verbs in the result clause
are often in the imperative.
If you don’t get a clear picture, check the aerial.
If your hands are wet, don’t touch electrical equipment.

Bahasa Inggris 201

Grammar Enrichment

Present simple Present simple

Water freezes if you heat it below zero.

You can’t drive alone you don’t pass your driving test.
Type 1: Possible & probable conditions (for things that are very likely to happen).

Type 2: Possible but improbable conditions (for things which might happen, but prob-
ably won’t).

Type 3: Impossible conditions (for situations which are in the past and therefore no
longer possible).

Note: The if-clause can be in first or second position.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 8.1.1
Read the following sentences, notice carefully the tenses of the two verbs, and say what
kind of condition each sentence is:

202 Bahasa Ingris

Grammar Enrichment

6 If I had known that, I should not have made a mistake.

7 It would have been better if you had waited.
8 If I were1 you, I should go home immediately.
9 Will you help me if I need you?
10 He would have told you if you had asked him.
11 They would be silly if they did not take this opportunity.
12 If it is fine, I shall go for a swim.
13 If it rained I would stay at home.
14 I'll help you if I can.
15 It would have broken if you had not caught it.
Allen, 1974: 144-5
Task 8.1.2
State the type of the following conditionals:
No. If Sentences Type

1 If you had done as I told you, you would have succeeded.

2 If you did as I told you, you would succeed.

3 If you are good, I'll give you a piece of chocolate.

4 You'll succeed if you do as I tell you.

5 If Maria had known English was so difficult, she would never have
taken it up.
6 If the rain failed to come, there would be a famine.

7 If you eat too much, you will be ill.

8 You would be ill if you ate too much.

9 If I hadn't told him, he would never have known.

10 You would catch the train if you left earlier.

11 You will pass your examination if you work hard.

12 If you had left earlier, you would have caught the train.

13 You will catch the train if you leave earlier.

14 If I'd lost my spectacles, I wouldn't have been able to read.

15 If I were an orange, I should be spherical and juicy.

Allen, 1974: 145

Bahasa Inggris 203

Grammar Enrichment

Most of these sentences contain errors. If a sentence is correct, put a tick beside it. If
there are any mistakes in a sentences, underline them and write the correction along-
1 If I were rich, I would buy a villa in the Caribbean.
2 If it’s my birthday tomorrow, I’d invite my friends out for a meal.
3 If you will need any help, please let me know.
4 We’ll enjoy our holiday unless it will rain all the time.
5 If the sun’s shining tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.
6 When I’m on holiday I’d like to relax rather than be active.
7 Let’s go to the mountains if the spring comes.
8 I’ll be arriving on Sunday until there’s a change of plan.

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban KB 1 yang ada pada
bagian akhir BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus di
bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi Kegiatan Belajar

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
204 Bahasa Ingris
Grammar Enrichment

70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
1, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

Bahasa Inggris 205

Communication And Integration


ada Bahan Belajar Mandiri 1 sampai dengan 8, mahasiswa telah mengenal
berbagai hal yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris, baik
melalui bottom-up maupun top-down skills, yang diawali dengan pengenalan bunyi
di BBM 1, dilanjutkan dengan pengembangan kosa kata di BBM 2, pemahiran terhadap
struktur dan kaidah bahasa di BBM 3 s.d. 8. Sesuai dengan materi BBM 9, yaitu Com-
munication and Integration, maka pada BBM 9 ini mahasiswa akan berkomunikasi
dengan mengintegrasikan semua skill yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya, khususnya melalui
media ataupun teks tertulis. Mahasiswa akan dibekali dengan berbagai teknik dan
strategi membaca, seperti: membaca cepat dan tepat, memperkaya makna atau arti
kata meaning melalui konteks yang tersedia, baik melalui kosa kata vocabulary, teknik
penulisan maupun tanda baca punctuation, dan penanda klausa clause marker nya,
sehingga mahasiswa dapat lebih berstrategi dalam memahami teks yang dianggap
pengetahuan baru bagi mereka, selanjutnya mengambil serta menuliskan intisari bacaan
dan mendiskusikannya. Serta dilengkapi dengan berbagai strategi pada saat mahasiswa
akan berinteraksi dengan pihak lain setelah menyelesaikan Belajarnya, yaitu diantaranya
pada saat interview, menegosiasikan gagasan secara assertive dan memperoleh
sejumlah informasi dari telefon.
Tujuan Belajar Umum
Mahasiswa dapat berkomunikasi dengan mengintegrasikan semua kemampuan
dasar berbahasa listening, speaking, reading, and writing melalui teks yang tersedia,
serta mengembangkan keterampilan membaca baik top-down maupun bottom-up pro-
cessing modes of skills dalam mengembangkan berbagai strategi dan skill membaca,
termasuk diantaranya melalui strategi menebak arti dari konteks yang tersedia Guess-
ing Meaning from Context baik berupa kosa kata vocabulary, teknik penulisan maupun
tanda baca punctuation, dan penanda klausa clause marker, serta mendiskusikan
intisari bacaannya, baik secara tulisan maupun lisan.
Tujuan Belajar Khusus
1. Mahasiswa dapat mengungkapkan suatu pertanyaan, pendapat maupun gagasan
lainnya terhadap teks yang sedang dipelajarinya;
2. Mahasiswa dapat membaca dengan cepat suatu teks tertulis dan bisa menyeleksi
keseluruhan isi bacaan dan menentukan apakah bacaan tersebut diperlukan atau
tidak overviewing a passage;
3. Mahasiswa dapat menemukan ide pokok main idea dan menentukan maupun ide

Bahasa Inggris 206

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penunjang supporting details dalam teks yang tersedia understanding the main
4. Mahasiswa dapat menuliskan gagasan maupun idea nya ke dalam suatu tulisan
yang mudah dipahami.
5. Mahasiswa dapat mempresentasikan gagasan yang telah ditulisnya dengan
mengikuti prinsip-prinsip yang telah ditetapkan.
6. Mahasiswa dapat menyatakan berbagai ungkapan dan gagasan pada saat
berhubungan dengan pihak-pihak di luar Belajar, seperti pada saat melakukan in-
terview job interview, berlaku assertive pada saat menemukan permasalahan, dan
pada saat memperoleh informsi dari telefon.
Untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut, BBM ini diorganisasikan menjadi
lima Kegiatan Belajar (KB), yaitu:
KB 1: Berbagai ekspresi dalam memberikan gagasan lisan yang dapat dipergunakan
dalam mendiskusikan suatu teks
KB 2: SQ3R strategi dalam membaca, terdiri dari langkah-langkah: (1) Survey (2) Ques
tion (3) Read (4) Recite (5) Review
KB 3: Tanda baca yang harus mendapat perhatian mahasiswa pada saat membaca
maupun menulis essay dalam bahasa Inggris
KB 4: Preparing a presentation
KB 5: Job Interview
Untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari BBM ini ada baiknya Anda
memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk belajar berikut ini:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan ini sampai Anda memahami secara
tuntas tentang apa, untuk apa, dan bagaimana mempelajari bahan belajar ini.
2. Bacalah secara sepintas bagian demi bagian dan temukan kata-kata kunci dari
kata-kata yang dianggap baru. Carilah dan baca pengertian kata-kata kunci tersebut
dalam kamus yang Anda miliki.
3. Tangkaplah pengertian melalui pemahaman sendiri dan diskusikan dengan
mahasiswa lain atau dengan tutor Anda.
4. Untuk memperluas wawasan Anda, bacalah dan pelajari sumber-sumber lain yang
relevan. Anda dapat menemukan bacaan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari
5. Mantapkan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan latihan dan melalui kegiatan
diskusi dalam tutorial dengan mahasiswa lainnya atau teman sejawat.
6. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba menjawab soal-soal yang terdapat pada setiap
akhir kegiatan belajar. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sudah
memahami dengan benar kandungan bahan belajar ini.

Selamat belajar!

234 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

D alam kegiatan Belajar 1 ini mahasiswa akan mempelajari berbagai ekspresi dalam

memberikan gagasan lisan yang dapat dipergunakan dalam mendiskusikan suatu

A. Mendiskusikan manfaat/keuntungan Advantages dan kerugian Disadvantages

terhadap teks yang dihadapi, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of … (e.g. different teaching meth
What are the advantages of ... (e.g. education through art)?
What are the disadvantages of … (e.g. education through art)?
B. Memberikan suatu alasan giving reasons terhadap teks yang dihadapi,
menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. The main reason is that....
b. The basic reason is that....
c. The fundamental reason is that....
d. I think ... is right/justified for the following reasons ....
C. Mengurutkan tahapan-tahapan gagasan/ekspresi berdasarkan sesuatu yang
paling dipentingkan ke tahapan lainnya, terutama dihubungkan dalam
mendiskusikan teks yang dihadapi, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai
… (e.g. Education) is very important for the following reasons:
First, ....
Third,.... etc.
D. Meyimpulkan akhir sum up terhadap suatu gagasan dalam teks yang
dihadapi, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. In a word, (then,) ... .
b. Briefly, (then,) ... .
c. To sum up, (then) ... .
d. To summarize, (then) ... .
E. Mengecek apakah pembicaraan kita terhadap suatu gagasan/ ekpresi tertentu
dapat dipahami difahami terutama checking other’s understanding of what
you said terhadap suatu gagasan dalam teks yang dihadapi, menggunakan
contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. Am I making myself clear?
b. Is that clear?
c. Have I made myself clear?

Bahasa Inggris 235

Communication And Integration

d. If there’s anything you haven’t understood?

F. Mengulang suatu gagasan dengan gagasan lain yang lebih dipahami saying
something in other way, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying that ... .
b. If I can rephrase that: ... .
c. If I can rephrase what I’ve just said: ... .
d. Perhaps it would be more accurate if I said ... .
e. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say ....
G. Mengecek apakah setuju atau tidak terhadap gagasan yang sedang diusulkan
asking if someone agrees to what you said, menggunakan contoh ekspresi
sebagai berikut:
a. Do you agree with his proposal?
b. Is his suggestion agreed?
c. I wonder if you would agree with ... ?
d. Would you agree with such a suggestion?
e. Would you agree with such a proposal?
H. Menyetujui gagasan yang sedang diusulkan agreeing to what someone said,
menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. I absolutely agree with his proposal.
b. I really agree with what you said.
c. That’s exactly my own view.
d. That’s precisely my own opinion.
I. Sangat tidak menyetujui gagasan yang sedang diusulkan disagreeing with
what someone said, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. (I’m afraid) I entirely disagree with ... .
b. (I’m afraid) I can’t accept ... .
c. I can’t say that I share your view.
d. I can’t say that I share that assessment of ... .
e. I’m not at all convinced ... .
J. Sebagian tidak menyetujui gagasan yang sedang diusulkan partly disagree-
ing with what someone said, menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. I agree in principle, but ... .
b. That may be so, but ... .
c. In spite of what you say, I think perhaps ... .
d. There’s some truth in what you say. Still/However, ... .
e. There’s a lot of truth in what you say. Still/However, … .
K. Mengakui bahwa pendapatnya keliru saying that you are wrong
menggunakan contoh ekspresi sebagai berikut:
a. Yes, I must have overlooked … .
b. Yes, I may well have been in error over ... .
c. Yes, I’m afraid I didn’t take .... into account.
d. May I see the figures again? Hmm. Yes, I must admit you are right.

236 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut.
Task 9.1:
Latihlah ekspresi-ekspresi di atas di dalam kelompok sampai Anda memahami
betul, kaitkan dengan sesuatu fenomena atau berita up to date/hot news yang berkaitan
dengan Belajar di SD.
Example of the Discussion:
What is your opinion to the implementation of standardized national examina-
tion that held throughout the country as you know lately?
a. I agree in principle, but ... (give your reasons to support your argument e.g. by
proposing your own ideas for the betterment of its implementatin);
b. I absolutely agree to this proposal. (state your reasons to support your agree-

Bahasa Inggris 237

Communication And Integration


S Q3R strategi dalam membaca, terdiri dari langkah-langkah: (1) Survey (2) Ques
tion (3) Read (4) Recite (5) Review

1. S -> SURVEY
Dalam kegiatan survey ini ada beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan:
Memikirkan Topik thinking about the topic
Dengan memikirkan topik sebelum kegiatan membaca dilaksanakan akan
membantu mengetahui konteks bacaan sehingga lebih mudah memahaminya. Think-
ing about the topic before you read helps provide a context for the reading and can
make it easier to understand.(Seal, 1997:4).
Menebak isi bacaan Predicting the Content
Menebak bacaan yang akan dibaca merupakan kebiasaan yang baik, yang akan
memotivasi pembaca untuk membaca lebih hati-hati lagi untuk meyakinkan bahwa
tebakannya tersebut benar. Trying to predict what information will be in a text before
you read is a good habit. It motivates you to read the text carefully to find out if your
predictions were correct (Seal, 1997:14).
Mengkaitkan topik bacaan dengan pengalaman pribadi pembaca Person-
alizing the topic
Pembaca akan lebih siap menyerap ilmu baru yang disediakan dalam bacaan.
Thinking about your personal connection to a topic before you read about it will help
you absorb new information on that topic (Seal: 1997:24).
Perhatikan dengan seksama materi bacaan yang berbentuk grafik, seperti
diagram, poto, maupun ilustrasi lainnya. Pembaca akan seger dapat mengenali isi
bacaan setelah memperhatikan dengan seksama gambar non-teks dalam bacaan
Examining Graphic materials: Examine any graphs, diagrams, charts, photographs,
illustrations. You can quickly get a good introduction to content of a text by looking at
these visual displays (Seal: 1997:52).
Garis bawahi istilah-istilsah penting dan kunci dalam teks yag anda baca
Highlighting Key terms
Reading for Main Ideas
Understanding the main ideas and identifying the specific details used to sup-
port them is normally your primary task when reading a college text (Seal, 1997:17).
Skimming artinya hanya membaca tiga baris pertama ataupun baris terakhir
dari masing-msing paragraph, Karena biasanya ide pokok main idea ada di bagian
awal maupun akhir suatu paragraf. Dengan strategi Skimming ini pembaca akan bisa
membaca dengan lebih mahir dan akurat read more fluently and accurately (Seal,
1997:24). Skimming artinya membaca langsung pada intisari bacaan. Quickly getting
the gist or overview of a passage or book. Sehingga mempersyaratkan membaca cepat

238 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

reading something quickly, tidak membaca setiap kata not reading every word, dan
juga tidak menggunakan kamus not using a dictionary.
Teks yang biasa dilakukan dengan proses skimming biasanya:
· leaflets
· newspaper articles
· posters
Melihat dengan cepat bacaan untuk menemukan informasi yang dipelukan, seperti
ketika membaca soal tes, atau ketika harus membuat suatu tulisan, maka haruslah dilatih
sampai mahir dan terlatih. (Seal, 1997:10).
Looking at: sentences, words, headings or numbers to find important information.
· reading something quickly
· not reading every word
· not using a dictionary
What kind of text do you scan?
· a telephone book
· an instruction booklet
· a newspaper article leaflet or poster for information like a date, a time or about im-
portant events
Analyzing paragraph organization
Mengetahui bagaimana suatu paragraph disusun akan memudahkan Anda untuk
membaca lebih efektif. Organisasi paragraf dapat dilihat dari kata penghubung Con-
nectors yang biasa terlihat di awal paragraf berikutnya.
Understanding Connectors in a Text
Joining parts of a sentence
We use conjunctions like and, but, because and so to link two parts of a sentence.
o Adding information ( + + )
We use and to add more information to the first part of a sentence:
I study maths and English.
o Making a contrast ( + -)
We use but to show how the second part of the sentence is different from the first:
I bought a mobile phone from your shop but it doesn’t work properly.
o Giving a reason ( ? )
We use because to give the reason for the first part of the sentence:
He came to the UK because there was trouble in his country.
o Giving a result ( = )
We use so to give the result of the first part of the sentence:
I am a nurse so I work long hours.
Detailed reading
Detailed reading means:
o Reading the text carefully because you want to understand everything
o using a dictionary

Bahasa Inggris 239

Communication And Integration

What kind of text do you read in detail?

o a letter from the bank
o a recipe
o instructions
Ada beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan dalam kegiatan survey. The pro-
cess of surveying yaitu:
1. Automatic decoding
Berusaha untuk memahami suatu kata dengan sekilas pandang Being able to rec-
ognize a word at glance
2. Previewing and Predicting
Giving the text a quick once-over to be able to guess what is to come.
3. Specifying purpose
Knowing why a text is being read
4. Identifying Genre
Knowing the nature of the text in order to predict what the form and content will be.
The more you already know about the topic, the easier it is to read new information
on that topic. Asking yourself questions about the topic of a text before you read it will
help you recall what you already know (Seal, 1997:18).
Asking questions in an inner dialog with the author.
The process of Reading:
Recognizing topics
Finding out what the text about
Classification of ideas into main topics and details
Categorizing words and ideas on the basis of their relationships; distinguishing gen-
eral and specific
Locating topic sentences
Identifying, where possible, the sentence in a passage which is the generalization
Stating the main idea of a sentence, paragraph, or passage.
Knowing what the author is expressing about the topic.
Recognizing patterns of relationships.
Identifying the relationships between ideas; the overall structure of the text
Identifying and using words which signal the patterns of relationships.
Being able to see connections between ideas by the use of words such as first, then,
Inferring the main idea, using patterns, and other clues;
Recognizing and using pronouns, referents, and other lexical equivalents as clues
to cohesion;
Guessing the meaning of unknown words from the context.
Using such clues as knowledge of word parts, syntax, and relationship patterns.

240 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

Meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap kata yang kurang dipahami, melalui:

1. Menebak arti dari konteks yang tersedia Guessing Meaning form Context
2. Memahami sejumlah Persamaan maupun lawan kata Synonyms and Ant-
onyms (Seal, 1997:10).
3. Berlatih terus membaca dengan teks yang kurang dikuasai sehingga muatan
kosa kata barunya sangat kaya Dealing with unknown word (Seal, 1997:17).
4. Pelajarilah kata-kata yang sering berhubungan erat dengan topik tertentu
Learning word clusters (Seal, 1997:18).
5. Pelajari rumpun kata tertentu Learning collocations
Collocation means the combination of words that often occur together (Seal,
6. Pelajarilah berbagai kosa kata yang sifatnya non teknis Understanding sub-
technical Vocabulary, seperti misalnya semua tanda baca yang tersedia.

R2 + R3 -> RECITE and REVIEW

Kedua strategi ini untuk meyakinkan bahwa Anda memang telah benar-benar
menguasai teks bacaan, yang dapat diperlihatkan dengan kemampuan:

Memberi tanda khusus terhadap sejumlah informasi dalam bacaan sehingga dapat
mudah membaca kembali infomasi penting tersebut tanpa harus membaca seluruh teks,
dengan menggunakan marker yang berwarna (disarankan warna kuning) (Seal, 1997:7).
Paraphrasing Causality.
Mengungkapkan kembali teks bacaan dengan menggunakan bahasa pembaca
sendiri, serta mengemukakan keterkaitan yang bermakna. Restructure the sentence
and express the sense relations in another way (Seal, 1997:12).
Menulis ringkasan singkat mengenai teks yang dibacanya, karena dengan cara
ini informasi bacaan dapat lebih lama diingat oleh pembacanya. Isi bacaan harus
seluruhnya dapat dirangkum tanpa ada yang terlewatkan (Seal, 1997:63).
Mengutip berbagai penelitian dalam tulisan pembaca Citing studies in your
writing (Seal, 1997:22). Dalam melakukan kutipan ini, perhatikan hal-hal berikut ini:
1. research subject area
2. researcher’s names
3. year (usually of publication of the research)
4. research finding.
To cite a study in writing, you can use the following sentence pattern:In a study of 1,
2, (3) found that 4
Membuat kesimpulan. Drawing conclusions. (Mikulecky, 1990: 25-26)

Bahasa Inggris 241

Communication And Integration

Membaca dengan kritis. Reading critically. (Mikulecky, 1990: 25-26)

The process of Speed Reading
Reading faster
Reading fast enough to allow the brain to process the input
o Do not vocalize, that is, say the words under your breath as you read.
o Do not run on your finger or a pencil beneath the words as you read.
o Try to focus on group of words, not individual words.
o Try not to backtrack over the text.
o Guess at general meaning of words you are not sure about.
o Skip over words that you have no idea about and that do not seem too important.
o Slow down slightly for key information, such as definitions and main ideas.
o Speed up for less important information, such as examples and unimportant de-
Adjusting reading rate according to materials and purpose.
Being able to choose speed and strategies needed for the level of comprehen-
sion desired by the reader.

Task 9.2.1
Read the following passage.
Create a group of 5, then discuss in group some important issues discussed in the
Compare with the real condition of education in Indonesia.
Does your group agree with Dr. Spook in rearing and educating children?
D. Extract from a talk by Dr Spook, the pediatrician

I think in previous centuries, and still in the first half their children. I think my job was to translate this
of the twentieth century, parents felt they had to into ordinary language and apply it to ordinary
intimidate their children, just the way I was home situations. And that what the book really
intimidated, scolded all the time, made to feel evil, says is, not only trust yourself as a parent, it
threatened with loss of love, and maybe some kind says, trust your children. They will want to grow
of punishment. I used to be scared of my parents, I up responsible. So I think, many fewer parents
was scared of the policeman on the block. I was tried to intimidate their children in the last twenty-
scared of my teachers, I was scared of barking five years. And I think that's why their children
dogs, I was scared of bullies. Now I think that it was are that independent. So when the Government
Freud and Dewey particularly who changed that says, 'Don't reason about the war, go off and
point of view. Freud said in so many words, it isn't light it because we tell you to', young people say.
by disciplining or intimidating your children, it's by 'Wait a minute, maybe you're not right. Maybe it

242 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

Task 9.2.2. Pre-reading Task:

1. Look at the cartoon in the article ‘Bringing up a better baby’. Who are the people?
What are they doing?
2. Read the first paragraph of the article. Why do present-day Americans disagree with
Dr. Spock (the passage above)?
Reading for Information
Now read the article, underline anything that surprises you in Glenn’s Doman thinking.
loving them, then
Can you find any flaws in their arguments?
they love you, and they want to isn't the right war.' And I think that when
Bringing up a better baby (and goodbye Dr Spock)
be worthy of you, and they want to grow up to be universities say to youths, 'Never mind your
mature people like you. In D otrh. eBrewn ojra
dsm, iitn's S
ovke, thiedefaasmaobouust A hom
weyro icuasnhopuelddibaetrtiacuiagn ht,, rw
eea'rsesiunred several gen-
erations of anxious parents in his best selling Baby and Child Care. He wrote ‘Your
between parent and child that makes them mature, this business, you take it from us.' And I think
baby is born to be a reasonable friendly human being’. Today’s parents are not sure this
and become responissibele n.oAungdhI. tThihnek riet wisasa D gerw
oweyingyonuunm g bpeeroopfleAm'Wn epllr,ofm easysbioenait l pisareounrts with obsessive
who said, you don'tahm avbeittioonfosrcfeorchth
ilderierncthoilldrernn, . Tbhue
ea siy
neasrse. Wdeed’riecathteinogntehsew irhliovearsetohecrerefaotrinthge brilliant children.
they're wild to learnT. h
inkge boothf Sofptohceskeisphoilv eor-! Weh
os duyca aomI ethrienlky t‘hnaot rImha
htaiovne.' S adl’ ba
a sb myalw l phaertninyou can have an
improved 10 model, a Better Baby. In the world of baby care, common sense has given
phers gave parents more trust in
way to competition and conntoraisnsse lating Freud and Dewey.
The Better Baby Institute
This was founded by an American called Glenn Doman. Four to six times a year
the Institute opens its doors to a group of about eighty parents who have paid $490 each
for a 11 seven-day seminar entitled ‘How to multiply your baby’s intelligence’. After studying
children for over forty years. Doman has developed an apparently brilliant, internally
consistent, and completely idiosyncratic brand of science that commingles develop-
mental psychology, neurology and anthropology. He introduces the parents to his ’89
Cardinal Facts for Making Any Baby into a Superb Human Being’.
Cardinal Fact No. 6: ‘Our individual genetic potential is that of Leonardo da Vinci,
Mozart, Michelangelo, Edison and Einstein.’
Doman claims that up until the age of six, when brain growth slows, a child’s
intellectual and physical abilities will increase indirect proportion to stimulation. Thus
any child, given the proper stimuli, can become the next Leonardo.

Bahasa Inggris 243

Communication And Integration

Cardinal Fact No. 26: ‘Tiny kids would rather learn than eat.’
Doman claims that they’d rather learn Greek than baby talk, since higher orders
of complexity offer more stim-ulation. He makes the average adult seem like a tree sloth
in comparison with a two-year-old, ‘Every kid,’ he asserts, ‘learns better than every adult’.
Parents at the Better Baby Institute learn to regard their mewling puking infants not so
much with respect as awe.
So the question is now one of technique. How can par-ents create the kind of brain
growth that leads to expertise in reading, math, gymnastics, and the like? Say you want
to teach your six-month-old how to read. Write down a series of short, familiar words in
large, clear letters on flashcards. Show the cards to your infant five or six times a day,
simul-taneously reciting the word written on each one. With his extraordinary retentive
powers he’ll soon be learning hundreds of words, then phrases. The idea is to try to treat
the baby’s mind as a sponge. By the age of three, Doman guar-antees, your child will be
entertaining himself and amazing your friends by reading ‘everything in sight’. In like
manner he can learn to perform staggering mathematical stunts, or to distinguish and
thoughtfully analyze the works of the Great Masters or the classical composers.
Doman declines to prove his claims to the scientific community; he’s happy, he
says, as long as parents are con-vinced. These Professional Mothers (it is usually the
mother) turn out to be paragons. Attractive young Mrs DiBattista printed up 9,000 flash-
cards for five-year-old Michael.

Stout, solemn Mrs Pereira patiently explained that she ‘took time off’ from her all-
day routine of teaching eleven-year-old Josh to devote several weeks exclusively to
making Josh’s French and Spanish flashcards for the coming year. Wasn’t Josh lonely.7
‘No’, his proud mother replied. He was ‘socially excellent’.
What does Dr Benjamin Spock think of the better baby phenomenon? Like most
octogenarians he thinks the world has gone to hell; he argues that competitive pres-
sures are taking a psychic toll on most Americans, especially young people, and blames
‘excessive competitiveness’ for the extraordinary rise in teenage suicide over the last
twenty years. Efforts to improve infants’ cognitive abilities only prove to him that the
scramble for success has finally invaded the cradle.
(adapted from an article in Harper’s and Queen March 1986)

244 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

Task 9.2. 3 Comprehension Check

Are the following statements true or false? Put ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box by each one
1 Dr. Spock reassured generations of parents that their babies were
instinctively sociable.
2 The main ambition of many American professional parents these days
is for their children to become integrated member of society.
3 The Better Baby Institute runs courses for especially gifted children.

4 Doman believes that any individual could be a genius as great as

Shakespeare as long as training is started early enough.
5 Doman believes that the baby would prefer to learn Greek to its mo-
their tongue because Greek is more challenging.
6 Doman maintains that babies can learn to read hundreds of new
Words and phrases every day.
7 Scientists have proof that Glenn Doman’s theory is correct.

8 It is a full-time job for parents if they embarks on their training

9 Josh Pereira has difficulty getting on with other children.

10 Dr. Spock believes it is desirable that parents make every efforts to

increase their baby’s cognitive abilities.

Bahasa Inggris 245

Communication And Integration

1. Berikut adalah tanda baca yang harus mendapat perhatian mahasiswa pada
saat membaca maupun menulis essay dalam bahasa Inggris:
Punctuation marks – a summary
Name Use Example
. Full stop To mark the end of a sentence. It’s my turn.
, Comma To separate items in a list. I’m going to buy carrots,
potatoes, apples and bananas.
Use and instead of a comma
for the last item on the list. If I were you, I’d find a new
To separate parts of a sentence.
? Question mark Used in place of a full stop to What do you mean?
indicate a question.
’ Apostrophe To show shortened forms and I’d love another cup of tea.
where letters are missing.
To show possession. Mark is Nina’s husband.

! Exclamation To show emphasis. Stop! You’re joking!

mark I’m so sorry!

: Colon To introduce a list of items. There are several types of

vegetables available: carrots;
potato; sweet potatoes.

; Semi-colon For separating parts of a long See the above example.

compound sentence when the
sentence already contains
- Dash Use when emphasizing a list The following must be
or of items or series of points completed before the store
. Bullet points when laying out text. is closed:
To start a new line. - sweep floors
- secure all exits
- empty till.
- Hyphen Used to join the parts of Police are looking for a
compound words. 19-year-old man.
( ) Brackets These enclose additional We went on holiday last year
information, less important to Tunisia with Marina
[ ] information, explanations or (Artist’s friend from college),
comments not essential to the and my brother.
main text.
“” Speech marks To enclose direct quotes. “I think you should leave
Him this time,” said Tina.

246 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

2. Berikut ini adalah Tip yang dapat mahasiswa pergunakan pada saat membuat
tulisan/essay, baik yang berbentuk deskriptif maupun argumentatif:
A. the tips on writing descriptive essay:
a. Define the main terms of the topic discussed.
Definisikan berbagai terninologi inti dari topik yang akan didiskusikan.
b. Explain why the topic is important to be discussed.
Jelaskan mengapa topik tersebut penting untuk didiskusikan.
c. Limit the discussion and give the reasons why.
Batasi pembahasan terhadap topik dan berikan alas an dari pembatasan tersebut.
d. Break up the discussion into a number of parts.
Bagi pembahasan kedalam beberapa bagian kecil.
B. the tips on writing argumentative essay:
a. begin with introduction which should have:
1) links between the topic and a recent event;
2) an issue, phrased as a question;
3) a section containing one counter-argument to your own point of view;
4) a main idea statement, which is your own point of view,
b. followed by support paragraphs which should:
1) begin with a restatement of the main idea statement;
2) contain only one support;
3) end with an example.
c. ended up with a conclusion which should have a solution to the problem posed by
your issue (a suggestion).

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang materi yang telah diuraikan di atas,
kerjakanlah soal latihan berikut ini:
Task 9.3.1
I love teaching children because of these three following reasons:
1. Now, write your outline here.
Firstly, children ….,
Secondly, …, and
Finally …
2. Now write your outline here and then write your text under the outline.

Bahasa Inggris 247

Communication And Integration

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban KB 3 yang ada pada
bagian belakang BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus
di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi Kegiatan
Belajar 3.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 4. Akan tetapi, apabila
tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar
3, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

248 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

4.1 Preparing a presentation

I hate presentations. I Last time I had these
always forget what I was scruffy visuals – no one
going to say! could see them.
… and then everyone started
chatting to each other. It was
awful …

You often need to give a presentation as part of a course you are on, but the skills
involved may be useful in future work contexts too. A presentation involves communicat-
ing well with a group of people. You need to know what is involved, and practice in order
to do it well.
Preparation and planning
 When planning, really think carefully about what you want to cover.
 Make detailed notes and decide on your introduction, your main points and conclu-
 Remember to include examples to expand your main points.
 Prepare visual aids to illustrate your talk. Make sure they will be big enough to be
seen by your audience and practice how you will display them as you prepare them.
 Highlight key points on your notes, draw up a skeleton plan or transfer more concise
notes to file index cards for use during the presentation. Make sure headings and
key points are highlighted for easy reference.
 Decide on and note appropriate phrases to introduce each stage. Here are some
expressions you may find helpful:
o ... so in my presentation I’d like to talk about ...
o My first point is ... My next point is ...
o So now to my final point…. In conclusion ……
o If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to try and answer them.
 Rehearse your presentation beforehand. This could be with a friend, or alone. Try
standing in front of a mirror. Time yourself. Practice using your visual aid. If neces-
sary test any equipment beforehand.
Giving a presentation
 Have your notes available to refer to while you give your talk, but try not to read
themout. If you have practiced you should be able to remember what you want to say
using your notes to prompt you.
 Stand in an upright but relaxed way, smile and make eye contact with your audience.
 Pause between points and breathe slowly to avoid rushing. Try to project your voice

Bahasa Inggris 249

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to the people at the back of the room. Use tone and intonation to add interest and
expression to what you are saying.
 Don’t forget to ask whether there are any questions at the end.

Task 9.4
Performance Assessment through Group Presentation - discussing topics related
to children and their worlds: their cognitive, socioaffective, psychomotoric as well as
language development, etc. (Peer Assessment Format of the Group Discussion can be
seen at the end of this BBM).
A group presents a paper of the advantages and disadvantages of national ex-
amination in our country for the betterment of education (as one of the example) Then,
open the discussion session after the presentation, to train the students to the skills that
have been explained in KB1 and KB 4 above).

250 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

5.1 Job Interviews

Before you even think about applying for a particular post, do your homework and
get yourself prepared. Here are some suggestions:
Before the interview
 Research the organization you are applying to. This will help you understand the
context of the job and answer questions more effectively.

 Look carefully at the job description and personnel specification (the section in the
job information which outlines what the company is looking for in the successful can-
didate). Make notes and be prepared for questions on each point.
At the interview
 You can take your notes with you. Put them on cards and ask if you can refer to them
in the interview. However, don’t read your notes from the card or recite them from
 Take your time to think about the answer to a question if you need to. If you are not
sure about a question, ask for clarification.
For example:
I’m not sure what you mean by …could you explain? or
Do you mean ...?
 An interview is your chance to show that you are the right person for the job.
o Do not give simple yes/no answers.
o Give direct answers to the questions.
o Don’t ramble or go off the point.
o Support your answers with examples from your experience.
Yes, I get on very well with people. In my last job, I spent a lot of time dealing with
the public. For example, I was often on the customer service desk. I had to deal
with queries and complaints. My manager at the time was very complimentary
about my communication skills.
 Think about what you can do rather than what you can’t. Be positive.
Can you use Microsoft Publisher?
No, but I’m very familiar with all aspects of Microsoft Office and I’d be very
interested in learning how to use Publisher.
 At the end of an interview, you are usually given the chance to ask questions. Pre-
pare a couple of questions to ask, for example:
What would my main responsibilities be?
Do you provide in-service training?
 Pay attention to body language:
o Make eye contact with the interviewer(s).

Bahasa Inggris 251

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o Don’t fidget, e.g. scratching, playing with your hair and so on.
o Lean forwards slightly in your chair to appear attentive.
o Relax and keep calm.

Task 9.5.1
Group the students in pairs.
Let each pair practice interviewing each other through using the theory above and prac-
ticing all the knowledge related to the chosen case (e.g. interviewing someone for fur-
thering study, applying certain jobs, etc.)
5.2 Being assertive
Assertiveness is about getting what you want. Assertiveness is not about being
aggressive or shouting.

To be assertive, you need to:

 Express your ideas without feeling guilty or intimidated.
 Express your needs clearly and directly.
 Understand that you are the equal of others. Talk to people adult to adult.
 Show self-confidence. Stand tall, look others in the eye and relax your body.
 Know what your rights are and how to get them.
 Finally, don’t back down at the first hurdle.
Task 9.5.2
Role Taking:
Group the students in pairs, and let the students take certain roles in the society,
and solve any social problems related to the role.

Here are some examples:

Imagine you chose to sit in a non-smoking compartment on a train because you
cannot stand the smell of smoke. Then someone lit a cigarette. What would you do?
Imagine you are waiting in a long queue at the Post Office for 25 minutes when
someone pushes in. You are in a hurry yourself. What would you do?
Role 1 Role 2
Imagine you chose to sit in a non- Imagine you are waiting in a long
smoking compartment on a train queue at the Post Office for 25
because you cannot stand the smell of minutes when someone pushes in.
smoke. Then someone lit a cigarette. You are in a hurry yourself. What
What would you do? would you do?

252 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

I want you to smoke outside. I’ve been waiting here for 20

Smoking makes my asthma worse. minutes. Would you please go to
I’m sorry to be a pain, but do you think the back of the queue?
you could smoke somewhere else? Hey. You‘ve got a cheek pushing in
like that when we’ve all been waiting
for ages.

Role 3
You : I want to talk to the manager.
Assistant : I’m sorry, the manager isn’t here.
You : Then I’d like to talk to whoever is in charge at the moment.
Assistant : That’s Mr. Baines. He’s busy at the moment.
You : I’ll wait until he’s free. It’s very important that I speak to
someone now.
Assistant : OK, perhaps you’d like to wait over there and I’ll let him
know you’re here. Can I take your name?
5. 3 Getting what you want on the telephone
Using the telephone to complain or deal with difficult situations can be intimidat-
ing. Thinking carefully and planning beforehand will help you get what you want.
Before you ring
 Write down what you want to say.
 Find out who you need to speak to in the organization.
 Rehearse what you are going to say beforehand. If you think it might be a particularly
difficult call, practice with a friend beforehand.
When you ring
 Ask for the correct person by name. If you don’t know their name, ask for them by
Can I talk to the customer services manager, please?
 Take the name of the person you are talking to.
Who am I talking to? or Could you give me your name please?
 Identify yourself and introduce your reason for ringing.
 If you cannot get through to the right person, leave a message asking them to contact
you. Include your name, telephone number and reason for calling.
 If you speak to someone and you are not satisfied, ask to speak to someone else,
for example, their manager.
 Ask when you can expect a return call, letter or other action.
 Summarize what has gone on in the conversation with the other person.
So, you’re going to refund the cost of the coat to my account by 25th of this month.
If that doesn’t happen, I should ring you personally. Is that correct?

Bahasa Inggris 253

Communication And Integration

 Keep a written record of the call, including date, time, name of person you talked to
and the agreed action.

Task 9.5.3.
Group the students in pairs. Practice telephone conversation in different context.
(Examples of the telephone conversation can be found in BBM 1, Task 1).

œ All Ending Together Task:

A. Matching column A ‘the way parents teach children with column B ‘the chil-
dren response to their parents’ treatment’
If a child lives with criticism, s/he learns to be patient.
she learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility, s/he learns justice.
If a child lives with ridicule, s/he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, s/he learns confidence.
If a child lives with tolerance, s/he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with encouragement, s/he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with praise, She learns to condemn.
If a child lives with fairness, She learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with security, He learns to fight.

254 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

If a child lives with approval, He learns feel guilt.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, s/he learns to find love in the world.
B. Paraphrase or write using your own words the advantages and disadvan-
tages of treating and creating healthy environment for children as you read
the task A.
Six people’s childhood memories
I I used to like to do well just to see the look of pleasure on my dad’s face. He’d say
‘Pal, it’s like a tonic to me when you do well -I don’t know how I have such clever
children!’ But I never felt I was being pushed too hard. If I did badly he’d just say ‘Well
what’ll it matter a hundred years from now that you tailed your Geography exam!’
2 Whatever I did was just never quite good enough. I wasn’t very strong as a child - I
used to get attacks of asthma, so I couldn’t do PE or games. Well, anyway, when I
was twelve I was so thrilled because I was put in the second eleven for cricket. I was
so sure he’d be pleased. D’you know what he said? ‘Second team? When I was your
age I was in the first for cricket, rugby, unit hockey.’ I fell so crushed, I just crawled
away and cried - in private of course!
3 Our house was always open to whoever came round. You’d never know how many
people would sit down to a meal. My parents were always inviting people in, and my
sisters and I brought friends from school. They used to love coming to our house
because they were made so welcome. There were no pretty lies, and as long as we
tidied up they didn’t mind what we did. We called a lot of my parents’ friends ‘Uncle’
or ‘Aunt’ so-and-so. We never used to know who were our real relations! But what
was so nice for our kids was that we grew up surrounded by a lot of adults, not just
our parents, so we heard what they had to say, and they listened to our opinions as
4 I think it started out of sheer boredom - I mean -they gave me every material benefit,
pocket money any time I asked; I had my own brand-new BMW when I was seven-
teen. I wanted for nothing except their time - I mean - they were always so busy,
always getting dressed up to go somewhere, and so wrapped up in each other. I
really don’t know why they had children. They always said it was a mistake! Anyway
I started hanging about with this bunch of ‘yobbos’ and they said ‘Try it’ - and 1 thought
‘Why not? Who cares?’
5 They finally split up when I was four. It’s one of my earliest memories - my dad sitting
me on his knee and saying. ‘Mummy and daddy have decided to live in different
houses and I want you to decide which house you want to live in. Can you imagine
asking a child of four? I hadn’t a clue what to say, but my very much bigger brother
was standing behind him mouthing. ‘Say mum, say mum.’ So I did. And I never saw
my dad again except once when I was about ten -from the top of a double-decker
bus. At least, I think it was him - I’m sure it was, that time - only I still keep thinking I see
him all over the place. I’ve had three step-dads - it’s not the same.

Bahasa Inggris 255

Communication And Integration

6 She was like a sea of calm, nothing ruffled her, she always had time. Me and the
others would be scrapping about something, and she’d say ‘OK, OK. let’s calm down,
let’s go back to the begin-ning and sort it out - so we did. And it was sorted out!’ I
remember this school-friend of mine, she fell off her bike and completely smashed
her front teeth. She didn’t cry because she was hurt, but because her mother was so
particular about her appearance. She said ‘She’ll kill me, she thinks I have such
lovely teeth!’ I thought ‘Gosh - how weird. I couldn’t bear it if my mother was like that!’
In fact this friend came to my mum first and she rang and told her mum what had
happened. Fancy not being able to go to your own mum!
C. 1. Read the above texts carefully!
2. What lesson does each text give you?
3. Which text does really impress and inspire your life?
4. Tell about your unforgotten childhood experience

Cocokkanlah hasil jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban KB 5 yang ada pada
bagian akhir BBM 9 ini. Hitunglah jawaban Anda yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus
di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi Kegiatan
Belajar 5.

Jumlah Jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat Penguasaan = —————————————————— x 100 %

Arti Tingkat Penguasaan :

90 % - 100 % = Baik Sekali
80 % - 89 % = Baik
70 % - 79 % = Cukup
< 69 % = Kurang

Apabila Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan lebih dari 80% atau lebih, Selamat
dan Sukses! Anda dapat meneruskan dengan BBM berikutnya, jika ada. Akan tetapi,
apabila tingkat penguasaan Anda masih di bawah 80%, Anda harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 5, terutama bagian yang belum Anda kuasai.

256 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

After studying and participating in this Self Learning Materials 9, I have knowledge and
understanding related to:
1. .....................................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................

Task 9.1.1
Disesuaikan dengan tugas yang diberikan guru di kelas.
Example of the Discussion:
What is your opinion to the implementation of standardized national examination that
held throughout the country as you know lately?
a. I agree in principle, but ... (give your reasons to support your argument e.g. by
proposing your own ideas for the betterment of its implementatin);
b. I absolutely agree to this proposal. ... (state your reasons to support your agree-
® Task 9.2.1
I disagree to Dr Spock theory in rearing children in some ways. Firstly when he dis-
cusses … in line …. He says that … (an example) Create your own argument on this

Task 9.2.2. Pre-reading Task:

1. I think the people in the picture are …, and … (supports this argument by using your
logical reasoning related to the text provided) .
I think they are … (supports this argument with your logical reasoning related to the
text provided).
2. Present-day Americans disagree with Dr. Spock for so many reasons: First …
(supports this argument with your logical reasoning related to the text provided).
Task 9.2. 3 Comprehension Check
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T
6 T 7 T 8 T 9 F 10 T
Task 9.3.1
(Topik disesuaikan dengan pilihan mahasiswa, sesuai dengan rambu-rambu yang telah
diberikan di kelas).

Bahasa Inggris 257

Communication And Integration

I love teaching children because of these three following reasons:

1. Now, write your outline here.
Firstly, children ….,
Secondly, …, and
Finally …
2. Now write your outline here and then write your text under the outline.

Teaching Children (Title)

(Introductory Paragraph)
I love teaching children because of these three following reasons: …, … and … .

(Supported Details/Paraghraphs):
Firstly, children …

Secondly, …

Thirdly …

(Concluding paragraph)

258 Bahasa Ingris

Communication And Integration

Task 9.4
9.4.1 Group Presentation Schedule


PART Date Date Date
1 6 11
Topic: Topic: Topic:
Child Dev: Cognitive Music Broken Home Children
Chairperson: Chairperson: Chairperson:
Member Member Member
1 1 1
10.30 - 11.00 2 2 2
3 3 3
2 7 12
Date Date Date
Topic: Topic: Topic:
B Child Dev: Language Dev Song for Children Child Abuse
Chairperson: Chairperson: Chairperson:
Member Member Member
1 1 1
11.00 - 11.30 2 2 2
3 3 3

1 Divide students into 10 groups, each group consists of 4-5 students;
2 Select 3 from 4 topic provided for each theme;
3 Submit the whole paper for the presentations on (deadline) two
weeks before the presentation held:
4 Groups which do not become presenters should answer the questions from the text
(the first three groups answer topic 1; the second three groups topic 2, and the last
three groups
answer topic 3)
5 Every presentation will have: 1 paper, 3 answers of topic 1; 3 answers of topic 2,
and 3 answers for topic 3

Bahasa Inggris 259

Communication And Integration

Peer Scoring Format
Date: Group:

Aspects to
Performance Fluency Accuracy


be Teacher
Assessed Notes Comment
Appear- Content Audience Lg Gram- Pronun-
ance Mastery Mngmt Flow Co'fnce mar ciation






Task 9.5.1
Group the students in pairs.
Practice interviewing each other through using the theory above and practicing all the
knowledge related to the chosen case (e.g. interviewing someone for furthering study,
applying certain jobs, etc.)
Task 9.5.2.
Role Taking:

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Communication And Integration

Role 1 Role 2
Imagine you chose to sit in a non- Imagine you are waiting in a long
smoking compartment on a train queue at the Post Office for 25
because you cannot stand the smell of minutes when someone pushes in.
smoke. Then someone lit a cigarette. You are in a hurry yourself. What
What would you do? would you do?

I want you to smoke outside. I’ve been waiting here for 20

Smoking makes my asthma worse. minutes. Would you please go to
I’m sorry to be a pain, but do you think the back of the queue?
you could smoke somewhere else? Hey. You‘ve got a cheek pushing in
like that when we’ve all been waiting
for ages.

Role 3
You : I want to talk to the manager.
Assistant : I’m sorry, the manager isn’t here.
You : Then I’d like to talk to whoever is in charge at the moment.
Assistant : That’s Mr. Baines. He’s busy at the moment.
You : I’ll wait until he’s free. It’s very important that I speak to
someone now.
Assistant : OK, perhaps you’d like to wait over there and I’ll let him
know you’re here. Can I take your name?
Task 9.5.3.
Group the students in pairs. Practice telephone conversation in different context.
(Examples of the telephone conversation can be found in BBM 1, Task 1).
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism, s/he learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility, s/he learns to fight
If a child lives with ridicule, s/he learns to feel shy
If a child lives with shame, s/he learns to feel guilty
If a child lives with tolerance, s/he learns to be patient
If a child lives with encouragement, s/he learns confidence
If a child lives with praise, s/he learns to appreciate
If a child lives with fairness, s/he learns justice

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Communication And Integration

If a child lives with security, s/he learns to have faith

If a child lives with approval, s/he learns to like himself
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, s/he learns to find love in the world
B. Title
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Treating and Creating Healthy Environment for


C. The Most Unforgotten Experience in My Childhood

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Communication And Integration


Bargain = menawar

looking for = mencari

proclaimed = mengumumkan

profoundly = dengan lantang

rejoicing = sangat senang

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Communication And Integration


Behrens, Susan J. (1996). Peterson’s 2000 GMAT Success: Boots your Test
Scores. New Jersey: Peterson’s.

Broukal, Milada. (1997). Peterson’s TOEFL Reading Flash. New Jersey: Peterson’s.
Ingram, Beverly and Carol King. From Writing to Composing: An Introductory Composi-
tion Course for Students of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jones, Leo. (1997). New Progress to Certificate. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Mikulecky, Beatrice S. (1990). A Short Course in Teaching Reading Skills. Massachu-
setts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Seal, Bernard. (1977). Academic Encounters: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing,
Content Focus: Human Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Soars, John and Liz. Headway: Students’ Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Suherdi, Didi. English for Educational Sciences. Bandung: Rosda Karya.

Adult Literacy: English Materials (available at the http.www.)

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