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Penggunaan unless seringkali dipakai dalam percakapan atau dialog sehari-hari. Unless
adalah subordinating conjunction. Berikut penjelasan unless agar kita semua semakin
mengerti bagaimana cara menggunakan kata tersebut di dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

• Unless mengekspresikan suatu kondisi

Contoh: You won’t get the high grade unless you study hard. (You will get the high grade
only if you study hard.)

• Kita menggunakan unless untuk tindakan atau situasi tertentu akan terjadi hanya jika
tindakan tertentu lain yang terjadi sebelumnya.

Contoh: Don’t smoke unless your parents allows you to. (Smoke only if your parents
allows you to do it)

Contoh lainnya:

• He’s not going to that event unless his girlfriend comes too.

• I won’t get that chance unless you tell me first

• Unless I’m mistaken, Laura’s office is the second on the left.

Kata unless memiliki makna yang sama dengan if…not. Seperti if, unless diikuti dengan
present tense, past tense, atau past perfect. Unless digunakan sebagai pengganti if + not
dalam semua jenis kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences):

Tipe 1: (Unless + present)

• You will be addicted unless you stop using drugs (sama maknanya dengan: You will be
addicted if you don’t stop using drugs).

Tipe 2: (Unless + past)

• I would not drink that juice unless I was really thirsty (sama maknanya dengan: I would
not drink that juice If I was not really thirsty).

Tipe 3: (Unless + past perfect)

• He would not has called her unless I had suggested it (sama maknanya dengan: He
would not has called her if I had not suggested it)

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