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English Modul

First grade 1st




Puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan, karena atas izin-Nya, Penyusunan Modul Bahasa
Inggris ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Buku Modul Bahasa Inggris ini disajikan
dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, diharapkan dapat membantu
dan memudahkan peserta didik untuk mempelajarinya. Disajikan mulai dari
ringkasan materi dan soal latihan yang dapat membantu peserta didik untuk belajar
bahasa inggris.

Kami menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan buku ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna.
Oleh karena itu, kami menerima berbagai kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun,
demi sempurnanya kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah.


Devita Darmawati H,S.Pd





Hello students, How are you today? I hope you are all fine. Today we will learn
about how to greet people in English.

Read the sentences below. It shows how we greet people in English

• Hello/Hi(halo/hai)
• Good morning (selamatpagi)
• Good afternoon (selamatsiang)
• Good evening (selamatsore)
• Good night (selamatmalam)
• How are you? (apakabarmU?)
• Howdoyoudo?(kalimatsapaanjikakitabARUsajabertemUdenganorang
• Nice to meet you (senangberteMUdenganMU)

And here is the responses:

• Good morning (selamatpagi)

• Good afternoon (selamatsiang)
• Good evening (selamatsore)

• Good night (selamat malam)

• I am fine, thank you (AKU baik baik sajaterimakasih)
• I am fine thank you, how about you? (AKU baik baik saja,bagaimana
• I am very well thank you (AKU sangat baik, terimakasih)
• Nice to meet you too. (senang berteMU denganMUJUGa)
• See you (SampaijUMpa)

There is also a song about greeting that you can sing with your friends and
teacher. Let’s sing this song together

Hello Song hello hello how are you?

hello hello how are you? How are you today?

hello hello how are you? I am hungry, I am tired

hello hello how are you? I am hungry, I am tired

How are you today? I am hungry, I am tired

I am fine, I am great I'm not so good today

I am fine, I'm justgreat hello hello how are you?

I am fine, I am great hello hello how are you?

I'm very well today hello hello how are you?

hello hello how are you? I'm very well toda

hello hello how areyou?

You can download the song here :

Connectthe dots belowtomakea rightword(sAMBUNgkantitik –

titikdibawahinisehingggamenjadikatayang benar)

Good luck ☺

Now, try to responses the greeting below !( Sekarang, coba kalian


Jane: “Good morning, Jack”

Jack : “……………………….”

Ani: “ How are you ?”

Ana: “……………………….”

Mom: “Good night, Abi”

Abi: “………………………….”

Aris: “Good evening,Mr.Beni”

Mr.Beni : “…………………………..”

Lisa : “Good bye, Bayu”

Bayu : “……………………….”

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !

I meet Mr.Kim in the afternoon. I say _______ to


Nika wants to go to sleep.

She says _________ to her mother

Rio wants to get English test tomorrow

Lulu says_________ to Rio

Silvi call Jane by telephone in the evening.

She says _______ to Jane

Andi and Via go to school

They say ________ to their parents

- Good luck - good night - good morning

- Good evening - good afternoon
Fill the missing letters!


1. Good morning (……..) a. senangbertemudenganmu

2. Good afternoon (……..) b. selamatsiang
3. Good night (……..) c. hai
4. Good bye (……..) d. selamatpagi
5. Good evening (……..) e. selamatmalam/selamattidur
6. How are you ? (……..) f. selamat sore
7. I am fine (……..) g. selamattinggal
8. See you (……..) h. sayabaik-baiksaja
9. Hi (……..) i. apakabar?
10. Nice to meet you (……..) j.sampaijumpa


- Pronounce the expressions of greetings and partings below !

- Practice the dialog with your family or your friends
1. Andi : Good morning, Father
Father : Good morning ,Andi
Andi : How are you today ?
Father : I am fine, and you ?
Andi : I am fine too

2. Mia : Hello Mom

Mommy : Hello Mia
Mia : Ho are you today ?
Mommy : I am fine Mia and you ?
Mia : I am fine too

3. Mother : Good night Beti

Beti : Good night Mother
Mother : Have a nice dream
Beti : Thank you Mother

Good luck !!!!


Read the text carefully


Hello I am Jack
I am a student
It is Sunday morning
I play ball in the park

I meet Andi there

I say good morning to him he says goodmorning too we play ball together at 9 o’ clock I go home I say
good bye to Andi he says good bye

After you read the text, statue true (T) or false (F) based on the text above
(setelahkamumembaca text , tulisbenar (T) atausalah (F) sesuaibacaandiatas)
1. Jack play ball on Sunday morning (____)
2. Jack goes jogging to field (____)
3. Jack meets Andi in the park (____)
4. Jack says good morning to Andi (____)
5. Jack goes home at 9 o’ clock (____)


Arrange the words to make a good sentences! 6. evening – Good – Jane

(Susunlah kata berikutinimenjadikalimat yang =
1. bye - Good - Miss.Luna. 7. fine – I – am

8. you – See – later

2. Good - Edo - night.
= =

9. andi – Hello
3. mother - Good - afternoon.

4. morning –Mr.Andi- Good 10. night – mom – Good


Checking ability 1
!. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B or C
Pilihlahjawaban yang benardenganmemberitandasilang (x) padahuruf A,Batau C

1. Daniel meets Anjas in the afternoon. He says….

a. Good afternoon
b. Good night
c. Good morning
2. Ivana : “ how are you today?”
Ririn : “……………………………”
a. You’re welcome
b. How do you do ?
c. I am fine
3. Arin meets Bella at 7 a.m( 7pagi). She says….
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good bye
4. Isyana want to go sleeping. She says ….to her mom
a. Good afternoon
b. Good night
c. Good evening
5. Good morning in Indonesia is ……
a. Selamatpagi
b. Selamat sore
c. Selamatsiang
6. Mom : “Good …………………… Tia”
Tia : “Good night, Mom“
a. Evening
b. Night
c. Morning
7. Lina : “How are you Tia?”
Tia : “ ……………………………………”
a. I am fine
b. Good bye
c. Hi
8. Rahma meets Dina in the afternoon, she says ….

a. Good afternoon
b. Good night
c. Good evening
9. Ria wants to leave Bayu after playing together. She says …
a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
10. Bayu : “Good …………………… Yudi”
Yudi : “Good morning, Bayu“
a. Evening
b. Night
c. Morning

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !

Isilahtitikdibawahinidenganjawabanbenar !

1. Andre meets Roni in the afternoon.

He says__________________________Tina wants to go bed.
She says __________________________to her mother
2. Dimas meets Wulan at 7 morning.
He say__________________________
3. Reno : “Hello Bayu, How are you ?”
BAyu : “ I am __________________________”
4. “Good night” in Indonesia is __________________________
5. Ega : good morning Vina
Vina : __________________________Ega
6. In the evening we say ___________________
7. Good morning in Indonesian is __________________________
8. Ina : __________________________
Lutfi : I am fine
9. I meet Mr.Yuda in the afternoon, I say __________________________ to
10. N _ ce to m_ _t y_u

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