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Nyayu Yayu Suryani, M.Pd.

Tira Nur Fitria, S.Pd., M.Pd.



Penulis : Nyayu Yayu Suryani, M.Pd.

Tira Nur Fitria, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Desain Sampul : Eri Setiawan

Tata Letak : Tukaryanto, S.Pd., Gr.

ISBN : 978-623-5896-78-6

Diterbitkan oleh : EUREKA MEDIA AKSARA, JANUARI 2022

NO. 225/JTE/2021

Jalan Banjaran, Desa Banjaran RT 20 RW 10 Kecamatan Bojongsari
Kabupaten Purbalingga Telp. 0858-5343-1992


Cetakan Pertama : 2022

All right reserved

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang memperbanyak atau memindahkan sebagian atau
seluruh isi buku ini dalam bentuk apapun dan dengan cara
apapun, termasuk memfotokopi, merekam, atau dengan teknik
perekaman lainnya tanpa seizin tertulis dari penerbit.


Segala puji bagi Allah SWT Alhamdulillah, atas izinnya saya

dapat menyusun materi English for Nursing (Revisi) . Buku ajar ini
mencakup 12 unit disetiap unit dilengkapai, Competency, Language,
Dialogue, dan Reading. Setiap unit memungkinkan mahasiswa
untuk dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris secara aktif sesuai dengan
konsep bahwa bahasa merupakan sebagai alat komunikasi baik
secara lisan maupun tulisan.
Dalam buku ajar ini, pada unit 1 membahas tentang
“Greeting”, unit 2 tentang “Simple Present tense”, unit 3 tentang
“Medical Equipment”, unit 4 membahas tentang Noun”, unit 5
tentang “ Part of Body”, unit 6 tentang “Giving Direction, Unit 7
tentang “Admission in Hospital, Unit 8 tentang “WH-Questions”,
Unit 9 tentang “Meals in Hospital, Unit 10 tentang “Medication”,
Unit 11 tentang “Cardinal and Ordinal Number, dan Unit 12 tentang
“Telling Time” .
Ucapan terimaksaih, saya sampaikan kepada pihak yang
telah turut serta berpartisipasi dan telah memberikan bantuan baik
secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, baik secara moril
maupun materil yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu, saya
ucapkan Jazakallah Khairan Katsira. Saya pun menyadari bahwa
buku ajar ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Karenanya dengan
hati terbuka saya menerima kritik dan saran yang sifatnya
membangun dari manapun datangnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Palembang , Januari 2022



KATA PENGANTAR ......................................................................... iii

DAFTAR ISI ..................................................................................... iv
PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................... v
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1
CHAPTER 3 SIMPLE PRESENT .................................................... 32
CHAPTER 4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT .......................................... 57
CHAPTER 5 NOUN ........................................................................ 73
CHAPTER 6 PART OF BODY ........................................................ 94
CHAPTER 7 GIVING DIRECTION ............................................. 109
CHAPTER 8 ADMISSION IN HOSPITAL .................................. 118
CHAPTER 9 MEALS IN HOSPITAL ............................................ 127
CHAPTER 10 MEDICATION IN HOSPITAL .............................. 135
CHAPTER 12 TELLING TIME ....................................................... 185
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ........................................................................ 207
TENTANG PENULIS ....................................................................... 218


Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan

(English for Nurse)
Kode : KKK 206
Bobot (SKS) : 2 SKS


Mata ajaran ini berfokus pada penguasaan kemampuan untuk
mengungkapkan istilah medis dan asuhan keperawatan dengan
menggunakan bahasa inggris. Khususnya pengajaran dalam
bahasa Inggris tentang bagaimana upaya meningkatkan
kemampuan peserta didik dalam usaha memenuhi tantangan dan
tutntutan keperawatan yang professional dimana salah satu tolak
ukurnya adalah kemampuan yang baik dalam penguasaan bahasa
inggris dalam proses keperawatan.

Penguasaan Pengetahuan :
1. Menguasai konsep komunikasi lisan dalam bahasa Inggris di
bidang kesehatan dan lingkungan sekitar
2. Menguasai konsep komunikasi tulisan bahasa Inggris dalam
hal penulisan artikel kesehatan dan presentasi ilmiah.

Ketrampilan Umum :
1. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan
inovatif dalam pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bahasa Inggris dasar.
2. Mampu mengkaji implikasi atau implementasi pengetahuan
dan teknologi berdasarkan kaidah, tata cara, dan etika ilmiah
dalam bahasa Inggris.
3. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam penyelesaian
masalah di bidangnya berdasarkan hasil komunikasi
4. Mampu bertanggungjawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja secara
kelompok dan melakukan supervisi dan evaluasi terhadap
penyelesaian pekerjaan yang ditugaskan berdasarkan tanggung

5. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai

Ketrampilan Khusus :
1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami tata bahasa Inggris
2. Mahasiswa mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa
Inggris dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan.
3. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan teknik berkomunikasi dalam
bahasa Inggris



The students are able to exchange
communication about self introduction


Greeting is said when we meet or are about to part with
someone. The greeting that is said must match the time or hour
when it is said because each greeting that is spoken has its
Basically, we can greet people in two ways: formal or informal.
o Good morning use from 00.00 to 12.00 (00 am to 12 noon)
o Good afternoon/afternoon is said at 12.00
o Good afternoon use after 12.00 to 18.00
o Good Evening is used from 18.00 to 24.00 (00.00)
o Good night is used to say goodbye/good night.

▪ P.M. (Post Merediem) = dari jam 12.00 siang s/d 24.00 malam
▪ A.M (Ante Merediem) = dari jam 24.00/00.00 s/d 12.00 siang
Di Indonesia menggunakan jam sistem 24 jam sedangkan di
Inggris/Amerika menggunakan sistem 12 jam dengan
menggunakan a.m dan p.m untuk membedakan malam dan siang.

Common English Greetings and Expressions

It is important to know the common greetings and how to
use them properly and confidently. They say that first impressions
are everything, but we can say that a first impression is nothing
without the proper greeting.
For example:
o Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night
o Hey, Hey man, or Hi and Greeting a stranger
o How’s it going? or How are you doing?
o What’s up?, What’s new?, or What’s going on?
o How’s everything ?, How are things?, or How’s life?
o How’s your day? or How’s your day going?
o Good to see you, Glad to see you, or Nice to see you
o Long time no see or It’s been a while
o It’s nice to meet you, Glad to meet you or Pleased to meet you
o How have you been?
o How do you do?

Formal and Informal Greeting
Formal Greeting
Formal greetings are greetings that are used in official
circumstances or formal events are also usually used when we start
a conversation with people we have just met.

Example of Formal Greetings

Greeting Response
Hello (Halo) Hello (Halo)
Good morning (Selamat pagi) Good morning (Selamat pagi)
Good afternoon (Selamat
Good afternoon (Selamat siang)
Good evening (Selamat sore Good evening (Selamat sore atau
atau selamat malam) selamat malam)
Good night (Selamat malam Good night (Selamat malam untuk
untuk menjelang tidur) menjelang tidur)
How are you? (Bagaimana I’m fine (kabar baik), not so so (biasa
kabarmu?) saja), I’m not fine (kabar buruk)
You’re welcome (sama-sama), no
Thank you (terima kasih) problem (tidak masalah), don’t
mention it (sama-sama)
Nice to meet you (senang Nice to meet you too (senang
bertemu denganmu) bertemu denganmu juga)
How do you do (Halo,
How do you do (Halo, digunakan
digunakan untuk saat
untuk saat pertama kali bertemu
pertama kali bertemu dengan
dengan seseorang)

Dialogue of Formal Greetings

Dialogue 1.
John : Hello, Mr. John (Halo, Pak John)
Bobby : Hello, Mr. Bob (halo Pak Bob)
John : How are you Mr. John? ( bagaimana kabarmu Pak
Bobby : Great, thank you (Luar biasa, terimakasih)

John : Nice to meet you. (senang berjumpa denganmu)
Bobby : Nice to meet you too. (senang berjumpa denganmu

Dialogue 3.
Maria : Good morning Mrs. Stella (Selamat pagi nyonya
Stella : Good morning Mrs. Maria (Selamat pagi nona Maria)
Maria : How are you Mrs. Stella? (Bagaimana kabarmu
nyonya Stella?)
Stella : Fine, thank you and you? (Baik, terimakasih, dan
Maria : Great, thank you. (Luar biasa, terimakasih)

Dialogue 4.
Jacky : Good afternoon, Mr. Franky. (Selamat siang Pak
Franky : Good afternoon, Mr. Jacky. (Selamat siang Pak Jacky)
Jacky : Yes, Can I help you? (Iya, apakah aku dapat
Franky : Can you come to our family dinner tonight?
(Dapatkah Anda hadir dalam makan malam keluarga
kami nanti malam? )
Jacky : Sure, I will come (Tentu, saya akan datang)
Franky : Thank for your time, Mr. Jacky (Terima kasih untuk
waktu anda, Pak Jacky)

Dialogue 5.
Vicky : Hallo Mr. Febby, My name is Vicky. (Halo Ibu Febby,
Nama saya Vicky)
Febby : Hallo Mr. Vicky, How are you? (Halo Pak Vicky, apa
kabar Anda?)
Vicky : I am fine (Saya baik-baik saja)
Febby : So, when you are ready to teach in this school? (Jadi
kapan kamu siap untuk mengajar di sekolah ini?

Vicky : Tomorrow, I start my work. (Besok, Saya memulai
memulai pekerjaan saya)
Febby : Oke. See you tomorrow. (Baiklah, Sampai jumpa
Vicky : See you, thank you (Sampai jumpa besok, terima

Informal Greeting
Informal greetings are greetings or greetings used in informal
situations or informal events, usually used when we start a
conversation with people we just know.

Example of Informal Greetings

Greeting Response
Hi (Halo) Hi (Halo)
Morning (Selamat pagi) Morning (Selamat pagi)
Afternoon (Selamat siang) Afternoon (Selamat siang)
Evening (Selamat sore atau selamat Evening (Selamat sore atau
malam) selamat malam)
Night (Selamat malam untuk Night (Selamat malam untuk
menjelang tidur) menjelang tidur)
• How is your life? (Bagaimana I’m doing well (Kabar baik)
kabarmu?), I’m fine (kabar baik)
• What’s up (Bagaimana kabarmu not so so (biasa saja)
atau apa yang sedang kamu I’m not fine (kabar buruk)
Thanks (terima kasih) You’re welcome (sama-sama)
no problem (tidak masalah)
don’t mention it (sama-sama)
Long time no see (Lama tidak Yes (Ya)

Dialogue of Informal Greetings
Dialogue 1.
Helen : Hi, Helen! How’s it going? (Hai, Helena! Bagaimana
Jane : Fine, thanks — and you? (Baik terima kasih dan
Helen : Just fine. Where are you going to? (Baik baik saja.
Kamu mau pergi kemana?)
Jane : I want to the library. I will borrow a book (Saya ingin
ke perpustakaan. Saya akan meminjam buku)
Helen : Well, I’ll see you later then (Baiklah, sampai jumpa
Jane : Thanks. See you later. (Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa

Dialogue 2.
Mariah : Hey there, Jane! How are you doing today? (Hai,
Katty! Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?)
Katty : Hey, Mariah! I’m doing great lately. How about you?
(Hai, girl! Aku sangat baik akhir-akhir ini.
Bagaimana denganmu?)
Mariah : I’m fine. I’m very busy with school work. (Aku baik-
baik saja. Akus angat sibuk dengan tugas sekolah)
Katty : I see. Well, I have to go now. See you later! (Aku
mengerti. Aku harus pergi sekarang. Sampai jumpa
Mariah Alright. Bye! (Baiklah. Bye!)

Dialogue 3.
Bobby : Johny, is that you? (Bob? Apakah itu kau?)
Johny : Hey, Bobby! It’s great to see you again. (Hai, Bobby!
Senang bertemu denganmu lagi)
Bobby : It has been so long since we last met (Sudah lama
sekali sejak terakhir kali kita bertemu)
Johny : Yeah, I know. How have you been? (Iya, aku tahu.
Bagaimana kabarmu?)

Bobby : I’m doing great. I’m studying in Jakarta now. What
about you? (Aku sangat baik. Aku sedang bersekolah
di Jakarta sekarang. Bagaimana denganmu?)
Johny : Oh, that’s great. I work here (Oh, bagus sekali. Aku
bekerja disini)
Bobby : I have to go back home now, good luck! (Aku
sebenarnya harus pulang sekarang, semoga sukses)
Johny : God luck too, see you again! (semoga sukses, sampai

Slang for English Greeting!

Slang greetings are extremely informal, and should only be
used with people that we know very well, and feel very
comfortable with.
Greeting Note
Yo! It comes from 1990’s hip-hop slang, This
greeting should only be used with very
close friends (It comes from 1990’s hip-
hop slang, This greeting should only be
used with very close friends)
Are you OK! Are you This casual way of asking both “hello”
OK?, You alright?, or and “how are you” (Cara santai untuk
Alright mate? menanyakan "halo" dan "apa kabar")
Howdy! This is a very informal abbreviation of
“how do you do?” (Ini adalah singkatan
yang sangat informal dari "bagaimana
Sup? or Whazzup? These greetings are abbreviations of
“what’s up?” which are common
among teenagers. Like with “what’s
up?” you can answer “nothing” or “not
much” (Salam ini adalah singkatan dari
"ada apa?" yang umum di kalangan
remaja. Seperti dengan "ada apa?" Anda
dapat menjawab "tidak ada" atau "tidak

Greeting Note
G’day mate! This casual greeting is an Australian
abbreviation of “good day” (Sapaan
santai ini adalah singkatan Australia
dari "hari baik")
Hiya! This greeting, short for “how are you?”
(Salam ini, kependekan dari “apa

Think of the most suitable responses to the following phrases.
a. How are you doing?
b. How do you do?
c. Pleased to meet you.
d. It was nice meeting you.
e. Have a nice day.
f. See you next week.
g. I hope to see you again.

Make up Dialogue about greeting in pairs
Judi : Good morning Mr.Michele.
Michele : Good morning Mr. Judi
Judi : How are you this morning?
Michele : I’m very well, thanks
Judi : Did you have a nice weekend?
Michele : Yes, sure thank you.

Practice Questions About Greeting
For questions 1 to 3, choose the correct words to complete the
dialogue below.
Suzane is in the school library.
Suzane : (1) . . . ma’am.
Anton : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Suzane : I want to borrow these journal articles.
Anton : Sure. Wait a minute. Here you are.
Suzane : (2) . . . have a great weekend, ma’am.
Anton : Thanks. (3) . . .
Suzane : Bye.

a. Good afternoon.
b. Good morning.
c. Good evening.
d. Good night.
a. Here.
b. You are.
c. Here it is.
d. Thank you.
a. Hey.
b. You’re kind.
c. You, too.
d. Wow.

(4) Arrange the following utterances into a good dialogue.

1) Very well, ma’am. What about you.
2) Good morning, ma’am.
3) Morning, Aldi. How’s everything?
4) I’m fines. Thanks.
a. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1
b. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4

c. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3
d. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1

(5) Handy : It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.

Mum : Good night darling.
Handy : . . . Mum.
a. I love you too.
b. Good evening.
c. I’m very well.
d. Good night.

(6) When we meet somebody at 5 pm, we greet him by saying . . .

a. Good afternoon.
b. Good morning.
c. Good evening.
d. Good night

To give more detailed information about your data, you can use
the expression below!
Your name : I am Bobby
: My Name is Bobby

Your date of birth : I was born on December 1st , 1999

: I was born in Palembang

Your Age : I’m 19 years old

Your Occupation/Job : I am a student of STIK Siti Khadijah

: I am a Nurse

Your Place of Origin : I am from Palembang

: I come from Palembang

Your Residence/Address : I live in Palembang

: I live at Demang Lebar Daun street No.3

What you like to do : I like reading books
: I am a good student

Your Favorite Food/drink: My Favorite food is meatball

My Favorite drink is milk

Hai, I am Chntiya
You can call me “ Tiya”!
I am a Student Nurse
I live at Gembira Street No.3 Palembang

Introducing ourselves is a presentation about ourselves (self-
identity). It is important the first time when we meet someone. The
following example is how to introduce ourselves for formal and
informal situations.

Formal situation
Good morning. My name is ____ Please, allow me to introduce
myself. I am ____ May I introduce myself? I am____ How do you
do? My name is ____ I am ____/ My name’s…

Informal situation
Hello, I am ___ Nice to meet you Hi, I am ___ Nice to meet you
Excuse me. I am ___ what’s your? Hi, what’s your name ___

Example of Introduction Self Dialogue

Dialogue 1.
John : Hello..!! My name is John. (Helo..!! Nama saya John)
Edrward : Hi…my name is Edward. (Hi.. nama saya Edward)
John : How do you do. (Senang berkenalan denganmu)
Edrward : How do you do. (Senang berkenalan denganmu)

Dialogue 2.
David : Good morning! What is your name? (Selamat pagi!
Siapa namamu?)
Bryan : Good morning! My name is Bryan, and you? What is
your name? (Selamat pagi! Nama saya Briyan, dan
kamu? Siapa namamu?
John : Nice to meet you! (Senang bertemu denganmu)
Edrward : Nice to meet you! (Senang bertemu denganmu)

Dialogue 3.
Roy : Hi. Have we meet before? (Hai, pernahkah kita
bertemu sebelumnya?)
Ronald : No, I have not. (tidak, saya tidak pernah)
Roy : So, who are you? (jadi, siapa namamu?)
Ronald : I am Ronald. (saya Ronald)
Roy : Oh I am sorry.. I am Roy. (oh maaf.. saya Roy)
Ronald : Its’ okay. By the way, where do you come from?
(tidak masalah. Ngomong-ngomong, dari mana asal
Roy : I come from Jakarta, and you? (saya berasal dari
Jakarta, dan kamu)
Ronald : I come from Bandung (saya berasal dari Bandung)
Roy : Well, glad to meet you. (baiklah, senang berkenalan
Ronald : Glad to meet you too. (senang berkenalan
denganmu juga)

Dialogue 4.
John : May I know you? (bolehkah saya tahu kamu?)
Mario : Of course (tentu saja)
John : What is your name? (siapa nama kamu?)
Mario : My name is Mario, and you? What is your name?
(nama saya Maria, dan kamu? Siapa nama kamu?)
John : My name is John (Nama saya John)

Mario : Where do you live? (dimana tempat tinggal kamu?)
John : I live in Bandung. And where do you live? (saya
tinggal di Bandung. Dan dimana tempat tinggal
Mario : I live in Bandung too. (saya tinggal di Bandung juga)
John : What is your school? (diman sekolahmu?)
Mario : Maria: I am one of students in SMAN 1 Bandung, and
how about you? (Saya salah satu siswi di SMAN 1
Bandung, dan bagaimana tentang kamu?
John : I am one students of SMAN 2 Bandung (Salah satu
siswi di SMAN 2 Bandung.
Thank you, but sorry I must go now. See you next
time! (Terima kasih, tetapi maaf saya harus pergi
sekarang. Sampai bertemu lain waktu!)
Mario : See you next time ! (sampai jumpa lain waktu !)

Self Introduction in Paragraph

• Ok, everybody, I would like to introduce myself to you. My
name is Julia , I am from Palembang, I am nineteen years old, I
am a student of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang.
• Let me introduce myself to you, my name is ............ I am from
.........., I am ............ years old, I am ...............
• In this opportunity, I want to introduce myself to you. My
complete name is ................, but everybody usually calls me
........., I am from ...................... exactly, I was born on ....................,
so I am .................... years old, I am ................

Make out about your data and carry them out in front of the
classroom as in activity 1 in pairs!
My name is __________ (complete name)
My full name is _______ (full name)
My complete name is ______ (complete name)
You can call me ___________ (nick name)
My nick name ________ (nick name)
I live in _________ (City/Country)

I live at _________ ( Complete address, ex : Setiabudi street No.9)
I have ____ brother and ______sister, Their names are _____and ____
I am _________ years old
I was born in ______ (years)
I was born on ________ (date, month, year)
I am a student at ________ (school name)

Introduce yourself in front of the class using the appropriate
Hi Hai
Halo Halo
Good morning Selamat pagi
Good noon Selamat siang
Good afternoon Selamat sore
Good evening Selamat malam
Selamat malam (untuk
Good night
berpisah/akan pergi tidur)
See you later Sampai jumpa nanti
See you Sampai jumpa
See you again Sampai jumpa lagi
Welcome Selamat datang
Goodbye Selamat tinggal
Thank you Terima kasih
Thanks a lot Terima kasih banyak
How are you Apa kabar
What’s going on Apa yang terjadi
Nice to meet you Senang bertemu anda
Long time no see Sudah lama tidak bertemu
Are you ok Apa anda baik-baik saja
Are you ready Apakah kamu sudah siap

You are welcome Terima kasih kembali
Let’s go Mari kita pergi
What are you doing Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan
How is everything Bagaimana semuanya
How long it has been Sudah berapa lama
What’s new Apa yang baru
It’s always a pleasure to see Menyenangkan bertemu
you denganmu
Happy birthday Selamat ulang tahun
Merry Christmas Selamat Natal
Happy new year Selamat tahun baru
Happy Ied Mubarak Selamat Idul Fitri
Be success Semoga sukses
Be careful Hati-hati
See you next week Sampai ketemu minggu depan
See you next month Sampai ketemu bulan depan
See you next year Sampai ketemu tahun depan
See you next time Sampai jumpa lain waktu
Bye bye Dadah
Happy weekend Selamat liburan
Mom Ibu
Dad Ayah
Dear, Honey Sayang
Have a nice day Semoga harimu menyenangkan
Have a nice weekend Semoga liburanmu menyenangkan
Good luck Semoga berhasil
Fine, thank you Baik, terima kasih
Don’t forget me Jangan lupakan saya
Please Silakan

With pleasure Dengan senang hati
Not bad. Thanks Lumayan. Terima kasih
Thank you so much Terima kasih banyak
Saya berharap saya akan bertemu
I hope I will meet you again
denganmu lagi
Saya berharap kamu akan segera
I hope you will be better
Don’t be sad Jangan bersedih
Don’t cry Jangan menangis
Don’t go Jangan pergi
See you soon Bertemu denganmu segera
I’ll be there soon Saya akan segera ke sana
Good. Thanks Baik, terima kasih
How do you do Apa kabar
Baik, terima kasih. Bagaimana
Fine, thank you and you
dengan anda
Very well. Thank you Sangat baik. Terima kasih
Quiet well Lumayan baik
Sweet dreams Mimpi indah
Semoga kamu mendapatkan yang
Wish you all the best
So great Sangat luar biasa
Have fun Selamat bersenang-senang
Semoga mendapatkan liburan
Have a nice vacation
yang menyenangkan
Not very well Tidak begitu baik
So-so Biasa-biasa saja
How is it going Apa kabar
How is Mr… Bagaimana kabarnya Tuan ….
How is Mrs… Bagaimana kabarnya Nyonya…

How is your day Bagaimana harimu
It is a pleasure to meet you Senang bertemu denganmu
Hey Hai
Hi class Hai kelas
Hi all Hai semuanya
Hello friends Halo teman-teman
My name is … Nama saya ….
I am … years old Umur saya … tahun
I live at … Saya tinggal di …
My phone number is … Nomor telepon saya …
My hobby is … Hobi saya adalah …
I work at … Saya bekerja di …
I cam from … Saya berasal dari ..
I am an employee Saya adalah seorang karyawan
I am a student Saya adalah seorang siswa
Saya adalah seorang ibu rumah
I am a housewife
I was born at … Saya lahir di …
My birthday is on … Tanggal lahir saya …
My nickname is … Nama panggilan saya…
You can call me … Kamu dapat memanggil saya …
I was graduated from … Saya lulusan …
Perkenankan saya untuk
Let me introduce myself
memperkenalkan diri
Allow me to introduce myself Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri
I would like to introduce my
Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri
I am single Saya belum menikah
I want to be … Saya ingin menjadi …

Write one or more paragraphs of ntroduction of yourself in the
box available below!.


Read this text below then answer the questions below!

Good morning teachers and friends. Introduce my name

Bayu Budiman. I come from Bandung but currently live in
Tangerang. I am 15 years old and was born on August 17 as
Indonesia's independence day. I come from SMP Kota Makmur in
Bandung. I have a hobby of playing basketball and musical
instruments. My ambition is to be a talented musician. Therefore I
regularly take piano and violin courses. I also enjoy socializing and
making new friends. As of today, I am happy to meet Master and
all my friends. Hopefully, I can be a good class member. Thank

1. Where did the writer come from?

2. When the writer was born?
3. What are the writer’s hobbies?
4. What is the writer's ambition?
5. What course did the writer choose?


The students are able to
comprehend simple present tense
in sentences

Source picture:

Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is tenses used when an event is
currently taking place or an event that takes place repeatedly
(habits). This tense is the most frequently used tense in English.

The function of Simple Present Tense

1. Expressing habitual Actions
For example:
o I eat rice three times a day (Saya makan nasi tiga kali sehari).
o I usually go to market in the weekend (Saya biasanya pergi
ke pasar saat akhir minggu)
o I always watch film in Sunday (Saya selalu nonton film di
hari Minggu)

2. Expressing general truth
For example:
o The sun rises from the east. (matahari terbit dari arah timur)
o The sun sets in the west (matahari terbenam di sebelah
3. Expressing feelings, emotions, thoughts, or possessions.
For example:
o I am excited about this news (saya senang mendengar berita
o I am glad to see you (aku senang bertemu dengamu)
4. Stating a fixed schedule.
For example:
o I visit Grandpa’s house every weekend (Aku berkunjung ke
rumah kakek setiap akhir pekan)
o The train arrives at the station at 2 pm (Kereta api sampai di
stasiun jam 2 siang)
5. Giving orders or instructions.
For example:
o Open your book! (buka bukumu!)
o Close the door! (tutup pintunya!)

Adverb of Time in Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is a sentence that shows recurring
events and general truths, the adverbs of time commonly used in
the simple present tense are as follows:

Adverb of Definite Frequency

o Yearly, annually (setiap tahun)
o Monthly (setiap bulan)
o Weekly (setiap minggu)
o Daily (setiap hari)
o Hourly (setiap jam)
o Every second/minute/hour/year (setiap detik/menit/jam/
o Once (sekali), once a minute/week/month (sekali
semenit/seminggu/sebulan), once every month (sekali setiap

o Twice (dua kali), twice a day/week/month/year (dua kali
sehari/seminggu/sebulan/ setahun)
o Four times (empat kali)
o Once a While = Sekali-sekali

Adverb of Indefinite Frequency

o Always, constantly (selalu/100%)
o Usually, normally (biasanya)
o Frequently, regularly
o Often (sering)
o Sometimes (kadang-kadang/50%)
o Occasionally, infrequently, seldom (sekali-sekali/10-25%)
o Rarely, hardly ever (jarang/1-10%)
o Never (tidak pernah)
o Generally = Umumnya
o As Rule = Lazimnya
o Now and Then = Kadang-kadang

The pattern of Simple Present Tense

To recognize that a sentence is a simple present tense,
several ways can be done, one of which is the sentence using the
basic form of the verb (Verb 1). The simple present tense is divided
into two sentence patterns, namely verbal simple present and
nominal simple present tense.

Nominal Simple Present

Nominal sentences are sentences that do not use verbs but
use auxiliary verbs from the "to be" group, including is, am, are”.
To form nominal sentences with positive, negative, and
interrogative sentence models, use the following formula:

(+) Subject + to be (am/is/are)+….

(-) Subject+ to be (am/is/are)+V1+….

(?) To be (am/is/are)+Subject+V1+…?

Example 1.
(+) I am an English teacher
(-) I am not an English teacher
(?) Am I an English teacher?
ANSWER: Yes, I am / No, I’m not

Example 2.
(+) They are nursing students
(-) They are not nursing students
(?) Are they nursing students?
ANSWER: Yes, they are / No, we are not

Example 3.
(+) We are at the hospital today
(-) We are not at the hospital today
(?) Are we at the hospital today?
ANSWER: Yes, we are / No, we are not

Verbal Simple Present

Verbal sentences are sentences that use verbs. To form verbal
sentences with positive, negative, and interrogative sentence
models, use the following formula:

(+) Subject+V1(+-s/-es)+…..
(-) Subject+ Do/Does+Not+V1+….
(?) Do/Does+Subject+V1….?

Example 1.
(+) dr. Chintya visits patients every day.
(-) dr. Chintya does not visit patients every day.
(?) Does dr. Chintya visit patients every day?
ANSWER: Yes, she does / No, she does not

Example 2.
(+) I go to the hospital by bus
(-) I do not go to the hospital by bus

(?) Do I go to the hospital by bus?
ANSWER: Yes, I do/ No, I do not

Example 3.
(+) They play football on the field
(-) They do not play football on the field
(?) Do they play football on the field?
ANSWER: Yes, they do / No, they do not

We add “s”, “es” or “ies” at the end of the verb
• I run
• You run
• He/she/it runs
• We run
• You run
• They run

Spelling rules of third-person singular forms in Present Simple Tense

Work -
works Sit -> sits
Most verbs: Add >
“s” to
infinitive(1) verbs stays
Stay -> See -> sees
finishing (1)
with a vowel + “y”
:add “s” know -
knows Live -> lives

*Verbs ending Cry-> cries* Hurry-> hurries*

with consonant and
“y”: Fly-> flies* Imply-> implies*
Change “y” for
“ies” Try-> tries*

Spelling rules of third-person singular forms in Present Simple Tense

Push-> pushes Fix-> Fixes

Verbs ending in
sibilant sounds –s, - Confess-
Catch-> catches confesses
z, -ch, -sh, or -x add >
“es” to infinitive
Buzz-> buzzes Finish-> finishes

Verbs ending with Go-> goes Do-> does

Verb “have” Have-> has

For example:
o He works in an office
o she studies French
o John finishes tomorrow
o Maria passes her exams
o She does her homework
o Fred has a black car
o your sister plays very well
o The chef mixes

Simple Present Tense with Modal Verb

Basically, all modals are always followed by the first form of
the verb (V1). The example of modal verbs are “will, shall, can,
may, should, must, etc”. To form present tense with the modal
verb in positive, negative, and interrogative sentence models, use
the following formula:

(+) Subject+Modal Verb+…

(-) Subject+ Modal Verb+Not+….

(?) Modal Verb+V1+…?

Example 1.
(+) I can borrow a book in the library
(-) I can not borrow a book in the library
(?) Can I borrow a book in the library?

Example 2.
(+) You should have breakfast this morning
(-) You should not have breakfast this morning
(?) Should you have breakfast this morning?

Example 3.
(+) We will wear uniforms in school
(-) We won’t wear uniforms in school
(?) Will we wear uniforms in school?

Simple Present Tense with Adverb of frequency

Adverb of frequency is an adverb that describes the
frequency or intensity of an activity that is being carried out or is
currently happening. The example of adverbs of frequency are:
always, usually, often, sometimes, never”. To form present tense
with an adverb of the frequency with positive, negative, and
interrogative sentence models, use the following formula:

(+) Subject+V1(+-s/-es)+Adverb of Frequency+…

(-) Subject+Adverb of Frequency+Do/Does+Not+V1+….

(?) Do/Does+Subject+ Adverb of Frequency+V1….?

Example 1.
(+) I always go to school every day
(-) I do not always go to school every day
(?) Do I always go to school every day?

Example 2.
(+) We usually have breakfast in the morning
(-) We do not usually have breakfast in the morning
(?) Do we usually have breakfast in the morning?

Simple Present Tense in Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that explains or describes people,
animals, or an object in terms of its shape, characteristics, number,
and so on. The purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or
reveal a person or thing. Characteristics of descriptive text are 1)
Verbs used are attribute verbs, such as be (am, is, are), 2) The tense
used is simple present tense.

My Family

There are six people in my family: my father, mother,

three daughters and one grandmother. I am a third daughter
with two elder sisters. My first elder sister is Julia; another
sister’s name is Nandiya. My father is the most handsome
man in my family. He works as a taxi online driver. He loves
helping people and meeting new people. He always smiles and
thanks to God for everything. He works very hard to fulfill all
of our needs.
My mother is also a hard worker. Every morning, she
wakes up so early to cook food then sell it. She is the best chef
for us. We love her cooking. We usually help her to prepare
food to sell. Mother never forgets to care all people in our
We also live with our grandmother. She is our father’s
mother. We love our grandmother. Sometimes she is talkative but
we know that she love us. She loves gardening. She plants many
flowers in our garden. The flowers make our house beautiful .

The following sentences are missing “am, is, are”. Rewrite each
of them correctly and please change into negative and
interrogative sentences
1. Flora ....... a nursing student
2. The nurses ....... in the Nurse Lounge
3. They ....... nurses
4. I ..... a venereologist
5. The syringes ...... on the trolley

Change these nominal sentences into Positive, Negative, and
Interrogative sentences!
1. (+) I am a professional nurse.
(-) …………………………………………

2. (+) Mr. Mario is a doctor in this hospital

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

3. (+) John is a laboratory assistant here

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

4. (+) They are new patients in this ward

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

5. (+) We are a dentist in this clinic

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

Change these verbal sentences into Positive, Negative, and
interrogative sentences!
6. (+) Nurse checks vital signs in the morning.
(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

6. (+) Nurse gives medicine to the patients

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

7. (+) Mr. White writes a nursing documentation

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

8. (+) Patients should take a rest regularly

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

9. (+) Patients must consume medicine for health

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

10. (+) Dr. Thomas operates the patient today.

(-) …………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………

Choose the correct form of the following verbs:

wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) -

play(s) - close(s) - live(s) - drink(s)

1. Ann handball very well.

2. I am never coffee.

3. The swimming pool at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving many accidents.

6. My parents in a very small flat.

7. The Olympic Games place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always their homework.

9. My students a little English.

10. I always early in the morning.

Complete these Dialogue with the correct form of be
1. Milly : Hello, I (1) ....... staff nurse Milly Dune.
(2) .......... you the charge nurse?
Sofia : Hi. yes, I (3) ......... Sofia Chaudhry.
Milly : Nice to meet you, Sofia. Where are you from?
Sofia : I’m from England.

2. Student : Excuse me, (1)....... you in the Medical ward?

Nurse : No, I (2)...... not.
Student : Oh! Sorry about that. (3)..... Mrs. Chntya in
Ward C?
Sister : No, she (4) ........., She (5) ....... in Ward B.
Student : Oh, OK. Thanks very much

Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer
then cross (x) on your chosen answer!
1. She _____ her dog every day
a. To feed
b. Feed
c. Feeds
d. Feeding

2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist
a. Do not, go
b. Does not, go
c. Do not, went
d. Does not, went

3. When __ you ____ a shower?

a. Do, took
b. Do, take
c. Do, taken
d. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …
a. Yes, I likes to sing
b. Yes, I like to sing
c. Yes, I am liking to sing
d. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: …
a. I have did my homework at 6 PM
b. I did my homework at 6 PM
c. I do my homework at 6 PM
d. I am doing my homework

6. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …
a. He love his mother
b. He loves his mother
c. He to love his mother
d. He is loving his mother

7. Q: How do you go to school?
A: We ___ the bus to school
a. Rode
b. Ridden
c. Ride
d. Riding


Here is an extensive list of the most common Medical English
regular verbs along with their definitions and examples of use.

Verb Meaning
Ache Menderita nyeri tumpul dan terus menerus:
Administer Menerapkan atau memberikan pengobatan atau
Admit Mendaftarkan pasien di rumah sakit untuk
perawatan medis
Aggravate Memperburuk/memperberat (membuat lebih
buruk lagi, terutama sesuatu yang sudah
Analyze Memeriksa secara detail
Assist Membantu melahirkan
Breath Menghirup dan menghembuskan udara
Bruise Cedera tanpa merusak kulit, terutama dengan
sedikit perubahan warna:
Care Mengurus, merawat, memelihara
Carry Mengangkat, membawa
Catch Tertular/ketularan
Catheterise Memasukkan kateter ke bagian tubuh
Check-up Memeriksa (kesehatan secara menyeluruh)
Choke Menyumbat/menghambat (tidak bisa bernapas
karena ada sesuatu yang menyumbat
tenggorokan atau kekurangan udara:
Complain Mengekspresikan perasaan sakit atau tidak

Verb Meaning
Cough Tiba-tiba dan berisik mengeluarkan udara dari
paru-paru melalui mulut:
Cure Mengobati (membuat pasien sehat/sembuh)
Degenerate Memburuk
Deteriorate Menjadi lebih buruk
Diagnose Mendiagnosa (mencari tahu apa masalah fisik
atau mental seseorang dengan memeriksanya)
Die Berhenti hidup
Discard Membuang sesuatu setelah menggunakannya
Discharge Membiarkan pasien meninggalkan rumah sakit
setelah dirawat
Ease Mengurangi rasa sakit atau gejala
Examine Memeriksa atau menguji kondisi atau kesehatan
Explore Memeriksa bagian dalam atau rongga tubuh
untuk tujuan diagnostik, terutama dengan
Faint Kehilangan kesadaran
Fracture Patah atau retak, terutama tulang
Harm Melukai fisik atau mental
Heal Pulih (kulit menjadi sehat kembali setelah
Infect Menularkan penyakit
Inflame Menyebabkan kulit menjadi panas atau merah
Infuse Memasukkan obat/cairan ke dalam tubuh
melalui kulit, menggunakan jarum suntik
Inject Memasukkan obat ke dalam tubuh melalui kulit,
menggunakan jarum suntik
Injure Melukai/merusak
Irritate Membuat meradang atau perih

Verb Meaning
Itch Menggaruk (memiliki keinginan yang kuat
untuk menggaruknya)
Numb Membuat area tubuh mati rasa untuk prosedur
Nurse Melayani sebagai perawat untuk seseorang
Obstruct Menghalangi, menghambat
Operate Melakukan operasi
Paralyze Melumpuhkan, membuat lumpuh
Perform Melakukan percobaan atau tes
Prescribe Menentukan (memberi resep obat atau
Present Menunjukkan gejala atau tanda selama
pemeriksaan medis
Probe Menelusuri bagian tubuh menggunakan alat
khusus (probe)
Radiate Memancarkan, memperluas atau menyebar
Reassure Meyakinkan (menenangkan pasien)
Recover Pulih (mendapatkan kembali kesehatan normal
setelah sakit atau cedera)
Refer Merujuk (mengirim pasien ke spesialis)
Relieve Meringankan (mengurangi rasa sakit atau gejala)
Replace Mengganti
Respond Mulai membaik
Shiver Menggigil/gemetar (terutama karena
kedinginan atau demam)
Sneeze Bersin (mengeluarkan udara secara paksa dari
hidung dengan cara yang tidak terkendali)
Shoote Menenangkan/menghilangkan rasa sakit atau
Specliaze Mengkhususkan
Sprain Terkilir/keseleo (cidera persendian karena
terpelintir secara tiba-tiba)

Verb Meaning
Sterilize Mensterilkan (membuat bebas dari kuman)
Strain Menekan (melukai otot dengan membuatnya
bekerja terlalu keras)
Suffer Menderita (memiliki penyakit untuk jangka
waktu yang lama)
Swallow Melewatkan makanan atau minuman melalui
mulut dan tenggorokan ke dalam perut
Sweat Berkeringat
Test Menguji/memeriksa (infeksi atau penyakit)
Treat Merawat (menyembuhkan pasien atau penyakit)
Vaccinate Menggunakan vaksin untuk memberikan
imunisasi pasien terhadap penyakit tertentu
Weigh Menimbang /menentukan berat sesuatu atau
Worsen Memburuk (membuat atau menjadi lebih buruk)

For Example:
1. My head begin to ache because of cold (Kepalaku mulai sakit
karena kedinginan)
2. The doctor administers a drug to the patient (Dokter
memberikan obat kepada pasien)
3. The patient is admitted to the hospital this morning (Pasien
dirawat di rumah sakit pagi ini)
4. The laboratory analyses the patient’s blood sample (Laborat
menganalisis sampel darah pasien
5. When I go up the stairs I often have difficulty to breath (Ketika
saya naik tangga saya sering mengalami kesulitan bernafas)
6. The patient complains about his central chest pain (Pasien
mengeluh nyeri dada bagian tengah)
7. The patients cough violently in 30 seconds (Para pasien batuk
hebat dalam 30 detik)
8. Some forms of cancer cannot be cured (Beberapa bentuk
kanker tidak dapat disembuhkan)

9. The midwife will deliver the twins this morning (Bidan akan
melahirkan bayi kembar pagi ini)
10. The doctor diagnoses that the patient has a heart attack
(Dokter mendiagnosis bahwa pasien mengalami serangan
11. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics to patients
(Dokter memberikan resep antibiotic kepada pasien)
12. The pain may radiate all part of body (Rasa sakit bisa menjalar
ke seluruh bagian tubuh)
13. This drug should help to relieve the pain (Obat ini akan
membantu meringankan rasa sakit)
14. The dust in this room is making me sneeze (Debu di ruangan
ini membuatku bersin)
15. The doctor specialises in animal diseases (Dokter ini spesialis
dalam menyembuhkan penyakit hewan)
16. Needles used for injections must be steril. (Jarum yang
digunakan untuk injeksi harus steril).
17. Many patient suffers from malaria (Banyak Pasien menderita
18. The doctor tests the patient’s blood (Dokter menguji darah
19. We should check-up regularly every month (Kita harus check-
up secara teratur setiap bulan)

Translate these sentences into Indonesian!
1. The nurse examines the medicine of the patient
2. Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body.
3. The wound should heal faster if you take off the bandage.
4. The virus infects many people in the world
5. Certain chemicals can inflame the skin.

6. The nurse injects the medication into the patient’s hand
7. Certain beauty products can irritate the skin.
8. It is common for people to itch their skin because of allergy
9. The surgeons decide to operate on the child
10. The doctor performs an MRI scan for his patient


The students are able to explain the function
and pronounce name of some medical

What’s the function of medical equipment?

1.Watch 19. Artery forceps
2. Thermometer 20. Bowl
3. Sphygmomanometer 21. Hot water bottle
4. A tray/ Trolley 22. Stretcher
5. Stethoscope 23. Laryngeal mirror
6. Gauze 24. Tower clip
7. Needle holder 25. Otoscope
8. Syringe 26. Dressing jar
9. IV catheter 27. Infusion stand
10. Bowl stand 28. Teeth forceps
11. Plain dissecting forceps 29. Vagina speculum
12. Suture scissors 30. Urinal
13. Room cubicle 31. Infusion set
14. Cylinders 32. Wheeled stretcher
15. Urine catheter 33. Tray with cover
16. Urine specimen glasses 34. Reflex hammer
17. Bandage scissor 35. Foot step
18. Examining couch 36. Snellen alphabet chart


to measure body

to listen to the sound of an

to cut bandage

to inject liquid

to stop bleeding by
twisting something
tightly against an artery

to take out the urine

to place a soiled dressing

to weight a patient during
the initial patient

to bring the instruments

to bring water


to keep sterile

to support a disabled patient
to work

to support a disabled
patient to work

to support a broken arm

to throw urine

to throw stool

to insert the solution into
the body

to hang the infusion bottle

to bring a disabled patient
to walk

to bring a patient

to measure blood

to put an antiseptic solution

to give fluids or drugs
through a vein

to close wounds and support
tissue injury

to stop bleeding in the

to clean and cover wounds

to protect both health
workers performing
surgery and patients

to avoid exposure to air

to prevent the growth of
bacteria in the wound

to inhibit or slow down
the growth of
microorganisms, and kill

to convert water into oxygen
which is flowed through a
tube into the respiratory tract

to remove urine from the
patient and then collect it
into a urine bag

to measure heart rate and
oxygen levels in the blood

to analyze the possibility
of cardiac arrhythmic
disorders in patients

to measure blood pressure

to put the drug directly
into the lungs

to calculate the level of
glucose in the blood

to measure weight and height

to provide stability and
keep the cervical spine in a
neutral position

to support the shoulders,
hands, muscles, spine, and
ligaments from injury.

to push oxygen into the
patient's lungs and remove
carbon dioxide from the

to help people in cardiac

to help identify patients
such as patient name, date
of birth, and a medical
record number

for suturing wounds and for
joining tissues in the body.

to perform surgical
operations on animals or

to make cuts or incisions in the
human body for surgery.

to facilitate the detection of
heart rate on
ultrasound/Doppler tools
on the stomach or womb
for containers or packs of
medical devices that have been
sterilized or will be sterilized

to provide oxygen supply
to patients who need it

to keep the baby's body warm

to image the inside of an
organ or body tissue with
ultrasound waves

to place the patient during

for physiotherapy to relieve
pain caused by poor blood
circulation in certain body

to hold pharmaceutical
liquids, powders, or tablets

to withstand, mix, or heat
small amounts of solid or
liquid chemicals

to separate the doctor and
patient from others in an
open room

to cover and protect
wounds from infection,
while helping wound

to cover and protect and
heal wounds from infection

Source Pictures: Google

Dialogue about Medical Equipment
Dialogue 1
Shanti : What is this called in English, Firman Apa ini
namanya dalam bahasa Inggris, Firman?
Firman : This is called syringe (Ini namanya jarum suntik)
Shanti : What is the function of the syringe? (Apa fungsi dari
jarum suntik?)
Firman : This is used to inject the liquid (Ini digunakan untuk
menyuntikkan cairan)

Dialogue 2
Rudi : Amy, can you tell me what this is? (Amy, bisakah
Anda memberi tahu saya apa ini?)
Amy : Owh… sure, this is IV catheter. (Owh… tentu, ini
kateter IV)
Rudi : IV catheter! What is this for? (Kateter IV! Untuk apa
Amy : This is to give liquid into vein (Ini untuk mengalirkan
cairan ke dalam pembuluh darah)

Dialogue 3
A dialogue between nurse and patient
Patient : I think I might have a fever. It's so cold in here! (Saya
pikir saya mungkin demam. Di sini sangat dingin!)
Nurse : Here, let me check your forehead. You feel a bit warm.
Let me get a thermometer to check. Yes, you have a
slight fever. I think I'll take your blood pressure as
well. (Sini, biarkan aku memeriksa dahi Anda. Anda
merasa agak hangat. Biarkan saya mendapatkan
termometer untuk memeriksa. Ya, Anda sedikit
demam. Saya pikir saya akan mengambil tekanan
darah Anda juga)
Patient : Is there anything to worry about? (Apakah ada yang
perlu dikhawatirkan)

Nurse : No, no. Everything's fine. It's normal to have a bit of
fever after an operation like yours! (Tidak tidak.
Semuanya baik. Itu normal untuk mengalami sedikit
demam setelah operasi seperti yang Anda lakukan!)
Patient : Yes, I'm so glad everything went well. (Ya, saya sangat
senang semuanya berjalan dengan baik)

Dialogue 3
A dialogue between doctor and patient
Patient : Good morning. (Selamat pagi)
Doctor : Good morning. Have a seat, please. So, what brings
you here? ((Selamat pagi. Silakan duduk. Ada
keluhan apa?)
Patient : I’ve got a fever and sore throat since yesterday. (Saya
demam dan sakit tenggorokan semenjak kemarin)
Doctor : Okay. Let me check your body temperature. (Oke.
Izinkan saya memeriksa suhu tubuh Anda)
Patient : All right. (Baik)
Doctor : Would you please put the thermometer under your
arm? (Tolong letakkan thermometer ini di bawah
ketiak Anda)
Patient : All right. (Baik)
Doctor : Your body temperature is 39.2° C. It means you have
moderate fever. Now, I would like you to relax as I
am checking your pulse and respiration rate. (Suhu
tubuh Anda 39° C. Artinya Anda mengalami demam
sedang. Sekarang, saya ingin Anda rilaks saat saya
memeriksa denyut nadi dan laju pernapasan Anda)
Patient : Okay. (Oke)
Doctor : Good. Next, I am going to wrap this cuff around your
arm and pump it to read your blood pressure.
(Bagus. Selanjutnya, saya akan melilitkan manset ini
pada tangan Anda dan memompanya untuk
membaca tekanan darah Anda)

Patient : Would it hurt? (Apakah akan sakit?)
Doctor : No, just relax, okay. (Tidak, tenang saja, oke)
Patient : Okay. (Oke)
Doctor : I am going to prescribe you vitamin and some
medicines to ease your fever and sore throat. (Saya
akan meresepkan Anda vitamin dan beberapa obat
untuk mengurangi demam dan sakit tenggorokan)
Patient : So, what should I do (Lalu, apa yang saya lakukan?)
Doctor : Don’t forget to take a rest and drink a lot of water.
(Jangan lupa untuk istirahat dan minum air yang
Patient Sure, I will. Thank you so much. (Oke. Terima kasih

The description of medical equipment is still jumbled. Please
match them correctly!
No. Instruments Description
1. Stethoscope (…….) a. to throw stool
2. Crutches (…....) b. to take out the urine
c. to measure body
3. Gloves (…….)
4. Wheel chair (…….) d. to bring a patient
5. Syringe (…….) e. to listen the sound of artery
f. to support disable patient
6. Bedpan (…….)
to work
g. to weight a patient during
7. Trapeze (…….)
the initial patient
h. to insert the solution into
8. Catheter (…….)
9. Urinal (…….) i. to throw urine
j. to bring a disable patient to
10. Scale (…….)

No. Instruments Description
11. Infusion stand (…….) k. to keep sterile
12. Infusion set (…….) l. to inject liquid
Wheeled Stretcher
13. m. to hang the infusion bottle
14. n. to measure blood pressure
o. to stop bleeding by
15. Tray with cover (…….) twisting something tightly
against an artery
Snellen alphabet chart
16. p. to support a broken arm
17. Tray with cover (…….) q. to put antiseptic solution
18. Thermometer (…….) r. to cut bandage
19. Bandage scissors (…….) s. to place soiled dressing
20. Tourniquet (…….) t. to bring the instruments
21. Kidney dish (…….) u. to bring water
v. to support disable patient
22. Trolley (…….)
to work
23. Bowl (…….) w. To test visual acuity

Let’s Practice
Senior nurse : Hello nurse, nice to meet you in this hospital
New nurse : Nice to meet you too nurse.
Senior nurse : Let me bring you taking around the hospital and
tell you about some equipment in this hospital
New nurse : Ok nurse
(At the operating theatre)
Senior nurse : Do you know the function of this equipment?
New nurse : What is it for nurse?
Senior nurse : This is cardiac monitor. The function of this
equipment is to monitor the patient heart

New nurse : I see but it looks a little bit different to what I
have known
Senior nurse : And let me tell you this thing
New nurse : What is the function of this thing nurse?
Senior nurse : This is forceps. It is a scissor-like instrument used
to hold and pull something during medical
(They move to other places)
New nurse : Thank you to inform me of the functions of
medical equipment in this operating theatre
nurse. See you next time.
Senior nurse : You are welcome


When hearing the term 'medical equipment, a typical

layman, whose only knowledge about health care comes from an
annual check-up at a local surgery and TV shows such as 'House,
M.D.' or 'ER', might think of complex devices like a defibrillator,
the star of the show in every scene in which somebody's life is
However, medical equipment might refer to both very
complex devices used by professionals as well as to simple
instruments which you might even use yourself. Let's see what
equipment is used when you catch influenza.
Imagine you wake up in the morning with a terrible
headache, feeling feverish. You quickly phone the boss and say
you need a day off, then grab a thermometer to take the
temperature. Gosh, it's 102 degrees Fahrenheit! You really need to
go to the doctor. After you arrive at your local clinic and wait some
time in a queue, the GP asks you in. She asks what is wrong and
then puts a tongue depressor in your mouth to see your throat.
Then she asks you to take off your sweater and uses
a stethoscope to listen to your chest. Finally, she tells you that you

have caught the flu, prescribes you some medicine and says you
must stay at home for a couple of days.
As you can see, several pieces of equipment are used even in
such a common procedure like diagnosing flu, some of which you
may even have at home. What about other examples? Let's see
what equipment might be used in case of a broken bone.
It's mid-February and you are skiing in the Rockies. You are
having an amazing time but you fall and feel terrible pain in both
your shin and your arm. You have probably broken your arm and
your leg!. It's so painful you can't move so you call out mountain
rescue. They come by chopper, put you on a stretcher, use
a splint to immobilize your limbs, and take you to the hospital.
You are told you have broken your leg and it's put in a cast. If
you're lucky and your arm is not broken, it's only wrapped in a
bandage and you have to wear a sling. As a result, walking
on crutches is out of the question, so you leave the hospital in
a wheelchair. But how do the doctors make sure your limb is
broken or not? Well, you have an X-ray taken.
What other gear is used in hospitals? Let's study a case of a
person brought to an A&E department with a head injury. The
person is brought by paramedics, who have already put a brace on
his or her neck in order to prevent further injury.
Firstly, diagnostic equipment is put to use in order to check the
person's condition.
An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is taken to
check for bleeding and swelling in the brain. If immediate surgery
is required, the patient is administered an anesthetic by means of a
syringe. Then a surgeon uses a scalpel to cut into his or her body
and forceps to manipulate the tissues. After the surgery is
performed, a catheter is inserted for the time when he or she is
Various types of medical equipment, ranging from basic
tools to highly advanced cutting-edge devices, are used in very
different situations. One thing is certain - each piece has been
developed to help us recover or even save our lives. And we might
need them at the very beginning of our lives - as is the case with

an incubator, which is used in neonatal units to help or treat
prematurely born children.
Source text:

Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2. What is the function of a thermometer based on the text above?
3. How much medical equipment that mentioned above? explain
4. ..... you have an X-Ray was taken, What does mean of that
5. What is the kind of medical equipment to check for bleeding
and swelling in the brain?

Matching Exercise
Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:

1. I can't catch my breath. A. table and head-rest

2. Prepare the examining table for B. thermometer
the next patient.
3. We'll have to get a blood sample. C. oxygen mask
4. I need to sterilize the wound. D. hypodermic needle
5. We'll have to feed him with E. bandage scissors
6. Let's find out your weight. F. scales
7. I need to examine the patient in G. eye chart
8. Let's check your vision. H. antiseptic
9. Let's see if you are running a I. IV bag
10. Can you cut this gauze for me? J. privacy screen

Read the text below carefully!


Medical and health devices are instruments, apparatus,

machines, implants used to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor
conditions, treat the sick and restore health in humans and or to
structure and improve bodily functions. Medical equipment is one
of the important factors in the implementation of health services
both in the magic house and other health service facilities. This
includes things like surgical equipment, syringes, gloves,
pacemakers, baby incubators, etc.
In addition to medical equipment used in health care facilities
such as hospitals, medical equipment can also be used in homes
intended for users in any environment outside of professional
health facilities. This includes devices intended for use both in
professional health facilities and at home. The devices that are
often found in the house such as thermometers, body scales,
tensometers, blood tests, etc.

Translate these vocabularies related to the text above!

1. Medical equipment :
2. Surgical equipment :
3. Syringes :
4. Gloves :
5. Pacemakers :
6. Baby incubators :
7. Thermometers :
8. Body scales :
9. Tensometers :
10. Blood test :



The students are able to comprehend kinds of
Noun and example equipments.

• A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea
• Nouns name things that can be seen and touched as well as
those that can not be seen and touched.
PERSON : teacher, uncle, niece, sister-in-law
PLACE : garage, city, park, school
THING : paw, giraffe, bicycle, ice cream, doorknob
IDEA : democracy, fame, love, disappointment


A concrete Noun is a noun that can be identified through
one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell). A
concrete noun can consist of several types, they are:

a. Common Noun
It is a noun which is names a general person, place, thing,
or idea. A common noun is the name of a group of similar or
similar nouns. Because common nouns do not name anything
specifically, they are not capitalized unless they are at the
beginning of a sentence. This noun is more of a singular noun
or a singular noun or a more general plural noun, depending on
the context in which we speak or write.
For example:
• People
For example man, woman, girl, boy, child

• Place names.
For example class, school, house, church, mosque.

• Name of object
For example bag, book, paper, table, magazine, bag, book,
computer, fruit, vegetables

b. Proper Noun
It is a noun that is begun by a capital letter and as the
name of a person or place. The proper noun is the name of a
specific noun, you must write it starting with this word using a
capital letter. If the correct noun consists of more than one
word, capitalize the first word and other important words.

Use of Proper Nouns
• People's Names.
All people's names are proper nouns. Such as the name of
someone great, honorable, the name of inventors,
philosophers, fictional names derived from novels or films,
and the names of people in general.
For example:
Muhammad, John, Mariah, George

• Place names
Place names include proper nouns. Like the name of a city
or historical place.
For example: San Francisco, Jakarta, Surakarta, Palembang

• Name of object
The name of the object referred to here is like the name of a
certain object. Such as the name of a brand or product.
For example Dior, Honda, Apple, Kimia Farma.

Use of the Article "The" in Proper Nouns

• Some kinds of proper nouns use the word "The" before the
noun is mentioned.
• Before geographic names such as mountains, rivers, or lakes.
Example: The Himalayas.
• Before a plural name such as a family, lake, or mountain
group. Examples: the Hudson, the Rothschild, the Alps
• Before specific things such as events, positions, institutions,
public facilities, and newspapers. Examples: the Prime
Minister, the New York Times.
• Before a noun followed by the preposition of. For example
the State of Massachusetts.

c. Material Noun
It is a noun that is used to show objects that come from
and are made of nature (earth products) or natural phenomena.
Several types of material nouns:
• Material nouns are derived from natural products.
For example:
iron, gold, platinum, silver, diamond, and some others.

• Material nouns are derived from products which are

expressed in many units.
For example:
tea, sugar, milk, rice, wheat, and some others.

• Material nouns are derived from geological processes.

For example:
mud, sand, granite, rock, stone, sulfur, and some of them.

• Material nouns that come from natural phenomena.

For example:
rain, dew, cloud, frost, mist, and some of them.

• Material nouns that come from man-made.

For example:
cloth, potash, soap, rubber, paint, celluloid, and some others.

d. Collective Noun
It is a noun that is used to describe a group or collection
and is a collection.
For example:
crowd, band, gang, orchestra, team, club, community,
government, audience, army, family, crew, committee, choir,
company, etc.
According to their use, collective nouns are divided into:
• Group of people. For example: Family (keluarga),
government (pemerintah), community (komunitas), club
(klub), police (polisi)

• Group of animals (animals). For example Flock, herd,
swarm, pack (kawanan), etc.

• Group of things (benda). For example: Bouquet (buket),

fleet (armada), pack (tumpukan), pair (pasangan), set, etc.

Some things to note about material nouns

• The use of articles (a, an, or the) is not used for material
nouns when the material noun is uncountable.
For example:
Water boils at 100°C temperature.

• The use of articles (a, an, or the) can be used together with a
material noun when a material noun is countable.
For example:
I buy a soap in my favorite shop

• The use of 'the' and 'some' can also be used for material
For example:
I see there is some milk in the glass.

• Material nouns are written in capital letters if they are

written at the beginning of the sentence, and written in
lower case if they are not at the beginning of the sentence.
We should drink clean water every day

e. Compound Noun
It is a noun that is formed from two or more words. The
second noun is the object, while the first describes the purpose,
use, profession, or function of the second object.
For example:
time capsule, water tank, printer cartridge, post office, great-
uncle, dining-table, dry-cleaning, basketball, motorcycle,
girlfriend, etc.

We may notice that compound nouns can be written as
one word, one word with a dash, or two words. There are no
clear rules about this writing. The rule of thumb is to write
frequently used compound nouns as one word, and other
compound nouns as two words.

An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using
one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling).

An abstract noun can be divided into:

• Idea (ide/gagasan). For example Resistance, Faith, Justice
• Concept (konsep). For example Brotherhood, Marriage,
• State (keadaan). For example Confusion, Misery, Success
• Characteristics (sifat/karakter). For example Kindness,
Courage, Wisdom
• Feeling (perasaan). For example Love, Displeasure, Happiness

Forming Abstract Noun:

1. Adding – ment (agree – agreement, manage – management,
depelop- development)
2. Adding -ion, -ation, - ication (apply-application, confuse-
confusion, connect-connection)
3. Adding – y (deliver- delivery, discover-discovery)
4. Adding - ance or – ence (appear- appearance, differ- difference)
5. Adding – ness ( good-goodness, happy-happiness)
6. Some nouns get the form from adjective (beautiful- beauty,
deep, depth, hot-heat)

Decide these words Concrete Noun (CN) or Abstract Noun (AN)
book :............... mountain : ................. apply :.................
knowledge:............... cattle :.................. Harry : .................
Indonesia :............... oil :................. wisdom:.................
army :............... politeness :.................. gold :.................

Change these words into noun form
manage : management good : goodness apply : application
recover : recovery polite : politeness deep : depth
deliver : delivery admire : admireness sad : sadness


Countable nouns are used for something that we can count using
numbers. This noun has both singular and plural forms. The
singular can use the article "a" or "an".
For example:
a box, an animal, a bottle, a table, a cup, a cat, a dog, a chair, a
flower, an elephant, etc.
Note: For the plural form, there is usually an '-s' or ‘-es’ suffix at
the end of the noun.
For example:
these books, ten novels, six cats, three dogs, those dolls, those
computers, etc

Uncountable nouns are used for things that we cannot count
using numbers. Uncountable nouns are used with singular verbs.
These nouns usually do not have a plural form.

Kind of Uncountable Noun

1. Solid noun is a noun that refers to solid objects, such as bread,
gold, paper, and so on.
2. Liquids nouns are nouns that are liquid or liquid, such as
coffee, tea, milk, and so on.
3. Powder/particle noun are nouns that have many parts and are
difficult to count, such as grain, rice, sugar, and so on.
4. Household Items are nouns included in the household, such as
grain, rice, sugar, and so on.
5. Gases such as oxygen, smoke, helium, pollution
6. Language such as English, Indonesian, Mandarin, Japanese
7. Field of study such as physic, English, mathematics, chemistry

8. Weather such as thunder, wind, snow
Note: In addition, in uncountable nouns, some nouns refer to
abstract ideas and emotions.
For example: fun, advice, knowledge, love, happiness.

Use of the Words “Much/How much, Many/How many, Few,

Little, Some, Any” in Countable and Uncountable Nouns
• Much and many (banyak)
Many/how many are used to express things that can be counted
or what we call countable nouns, while on the contrary,
much/how much is used to express things that cannot be
counted or which we call uncountable nouns. These two words
have the same meaning, namely many.
For example:
o Many books
o Many cats
o How many books do you have?
o How many cats do you buy?

• Few and little (sedikit)

The word few is used for countable nouns and the word little
refers more to uncountable nouns.
For example:
o Few books
o Little sugar

• Some and Any (beberapa)

Some and any have the same meaning, namely several. These
two words are commonly used to express nouns that have an
indefinite number of plural countable nouns or uncountable
nouns. "Some" is used in positive sentences. "Any" is used in
negative sentences and interrogative sentences
For example:
o I have some books
o I don’t have money
o Do you have any time?


No Concrete Abstract Countable Uncountable Singular Plural

1. Audience Adoration Apple Air Alumnus Alumni

2. Army Artistry Actor Art Addendum Addenda

3. America Agency Axe Arabic Antenna Antennae

4. Apartment Admittance Ball Advice Apparatus Apparatus

5. Ammonia Admiration Bag Blood Analysis Analyses

6. Africa Association Bird Bread Appendix Appendices

7. Bronze Advertisement Banana Butter Amends Amends

8. Boy Agreement Book Cheese alga Algae

9. Bridge Argument Box Coffee Agendum Agenda

10. Birth Anger Boy Cotton Alumna Alumnae

11. Book Afterthought Blackboard Chocolate Bus Buses

12. Bunch Ambition Buffalo Damp Box Boxes

13. Bundle Awesome Bucket Dandruff buzz Buzzes

14. Buddha Belief Bus Diamond Bench Benches

15. Bali Bravery Bottle Dust Brush Brushes

16. Ball Beauty Car Dirt Baby Babies

17. Box Brilliance Cat Darkness Brother brethren

18. Bus Championship Chair Equipment Bacterium Bacteria

19. Bread Childhood Clown Electron Bay Bays

20. Blood Connection Camel Electricity Bird Birds

21. Chair Conduct Cow Foam Boy Boys

22. Cabinet Chaos Card Ink Bush Bushes

23. Choir Confusion Cake Flooring Bamboo Bamboos

24. Car Competition Church Furniture Basis Bases

25. Cow Complaint Door Flour Book Books

26. Class Content Doll Fire Codex Codices

No Concrete Abstract Countable Uncountable Singular Plural

27. Committee Courage Doctor Fog Carcinoma Carcinomata

28. Crew Compassion Duck Gas Crisis Crises

29. Colony Charity Temple Gasoline Child Children

30. Clump Calm Telephone Grass Calf Calves

31. Cattle Culture Dictionary Gravity City Cities

32. Crowd Comfort Drum Glass Cat Cats

33. Country Difference Dog Gold Calico Calicoes

34. Cat Descent Shoe Grain Cameo Cameos

35. Copper Deceit Television Humidity Criterion Criteria

36. Dog Discovery Laptop Honey Cactus Cacti

37. Diamond Delivery Ear Happiness Cow Kine

38. Division Depth Eagle Health Datum Data

39. Duck Democracy Egg Hair Dozen Dozen

40. Egg Death Elephant Intelligence Deer Deer

41. Fleet Dexterity Father Happiness Dormouse Dormice

42. Fish Experience Farmer Information Dwarf Dwarfs

43. Flock Ego Fox Iron Door Doors

44. Foot Failure Frog Ice Day Days

45. Family Faith Fan Jewelry Farmer Farmers

46. Fly Feelings Guitar Knowledge File Files

47. Girl Friendship Girl Luggage Fly Flies

48. Glass Fluency Horse Loyalty Femur Femora

49. Government Flight House Love Formula Formulae

50. Gold Grief Hand Lightning Focus Foci

51. Herd Hospitality Horn Literature Fish Fish

52. House Happiness Hat Light Foot Feet

53. Island Hate Icon Money Folio Folios

No Concrete Abstract Countable Uncountable Singular Plural

54. Iron Honesty Industry Milk Genius Genii

55. Jam Hope Judge Meat Goose Geese

56. Jury Hindrance Joker Music Grief Griefs

57. Laptop Help Knife Nitrogen Gulf Gulfs

58. Lamp Heroism Key News Hoof Hoofs

59. Lawyer Heat Lawyer Noddle Hero Heroes

60. Metal Humour Lecturer Ozone Index Indices

61. Mother Importance Lamp Oxygen Jersey Jerseys

62. Man Injury Mountain Oil Jelly Jellies

63. Manservant Information Market Powder Key Keys

64. Mountain Idea Mouse Plastic Knife Knives

65. Mouse Impression Mother Pepper Life Lives

66. Market Infatuation Nurse Paper Loose Lice

67. Neighbour Joy Umbrella Pollution Lady Ladies

68. Ox Justice Nail Research Lamp Lamps

69. Paper Knowledge Orange Rice Monarch Monarchs

70. Police Law Owl Rain Madam Mesdames

71. Pair Liberty Ox Spice Mosquito Mosquitoes

72. Pillow Love Picture Soap Mango Mangoes

73. Pig Loyalty Pan Sky Man Men

74. Plane Length Photo Scurf Mouse Mice

75. Pan Mind Plane Sauce Medium Media

76. Paint Maturity Pillow Saliva Nukleus Nuklei

77. Parliament Memory Pen Sunshine Negro Negroes

78. Paper Melancholy Pencil Soil Ox Oxen

79. Pencil Omen Pig Scinetis Proof Proofs

80. Pen Progress Radio Spanish Pilice Police

No Concrete Abstract Countable Uncountable Singular Plural

81. River Power Rabbit Space Person People

82. Ruler Principle River Silver Phenomenon Phenomena

83. Ring Pride Ring Smoke Photo Photos

84. Rice Peace Ruler Steam Portico Particoes

85. Rain Politeness Shirt Soup Quiz Quizzes

86. Rose Patience Shoe Snow Radio Radios

87. Rabbit Redemption Snake Sand Roof Roofs

88. Shop Romance Sparrow Salt scarf Scarfs

89. Shoes Reality Spoon Sugar Stamen Stamina

90. Silver Sadness Shop Tea Solo Solos

91. Stack Sensitivity Secretary Time Safe Safes

92. Staff Skill Student Travel Swine Swine

93. Shoal Sleep School Tolerance Stratum Strata

94. School Success Table Thunder Toy Toys

95. Table Sympathy Tiger Wheat Table Tables

96. Town Truth Teacher Wind Tooth Teeth

97. Team Thrill Woman Work Thesis Theses

98. Teacher Talent Window Weather Wife Wives

99. Water Wit Zebra Wood Wolf Wolves

100. Wood Wisdom Zoo Water Woman Women

Write C if Countable and write U if Uncountable
paper :........ table :........... honey :.......... hair :.........
soup :........ rice :........... shampoo:....... food :.........
bottle :...... bread :........... meat :.......... child :.........
spaghetti :...... pen :............ news :.......... tea :........
a cup of coffee: .......... a bottle of water :........ a litre of milk:.......

Fill in the blank by using “many or much”
1. I have_____ cars in my house.
2. I drink _____ coffee this morning.
3. How_____ clothes did you buy yesterday?
4. I don’t like to eat_____ sugar.
5. How_____ money do you need?

Fill in the blank by using “few and little”
1. I have ...... friends in this class.
2. You like ...... sugar for their coffee.
3. My mom will be home in .... minutes.
4. John reads .... books before the exam
5. My dad needs .... help to do his job.


Singular nouns are nouns that show several objects. These
nouns usually start with the article "a, an, the".
For example:
An apple, an egg, a bag, a book, the girl, the boy
The prefix "a" is used for things that sound like a consonant when spoken.
While "an" is used for things that start with a vowel when spoken.

Plural nouns are used for more than one object. Nouns will
be followed by a suffix or addition in the form of "-s" or "-es".

Rule of Forming Plural Noun

• Most nouns can be added directly to the "-s".
For example:
o Cat = cats
o Boat = boats
o River = rivers
• Words ending in s, x, z, ch, and sh can be added "-es".
For example:
o Bus = buses
o Box = boxes
o Lunch = lunches
o Wish = wishes
• Words that end in "y" but start with a vowel, can be added "-s".
For example:
o Ray = rays
o Boy = boys
• Words ending in "y" but the previous letter is a consonant, plus
For example:
o Penny = pennies
o Puppy = puppies

Irregular nouns
Apart from regular and singular forms, some nouns do not
use suffixes. Some nouns do not change from the original word.
For example:
Fish, deer, sheep, species, and aircraft.

Some have changed from the original word. For example:

o Woman = women
o Child = children
o Leaf = leaves
o Foot = feet
o Tooth = teeth
o Goose = geese
o Mouse = mice

Change these words into Plural Noun
Mountain :................ eye :..................... Lunch :.........................
family :................ bus :...................... dress :........................
foot :................. beach :....................... apple :.........................
man :................ chruch :....................... egg :..........................
day :................ city :...................... boy :..........................
box :................. child :........................ person :...........................

Read this text below then write 5 examples of nouns and their


Carbohydrates are one of the basic food groups important

for a healthy diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for
the body. Complex carbohydrates are the healthiest types of
carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates consist of fiber and starch
strung together in long and complex chains. Complex
carbohydrates have more nutrients and take longer for the body to
digest. Complex carbohydrate foods provide vitamins, minerals

and fiber that are essential for a person's health. Sources of staple
foods can be rice, potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, or bread. This
food is usually consumed with side dishes.

Write 5 examples of nouns and their type!



The students are able to identify part of body

Source picture:

Hair : Rambut Trunk : Batang Tubuh
Grey Hair : Uban Shoulder : Bahu
Scull : Back : Punggung
Shoulder Tulang
Acalp : Kulit Kepala :
Blade Belikat
Kepala Bag.
Back Head : Face : Wajah
Buttock : Bokong Fore Head : Dahi
Chest : Dada Neck : Leher
Breast : Payudara Nape : Tengkuk
Nipple : Putting Susu : Jakun
Navel : Pusar Sideburns : Cambang
Stomach : Moustache : Kumis
Waist : Pinggang Beard : Janggut
Back Bone : Brain : Otak
Hip : Pinggul Rip : Tulang Rusuk
Cheek : Pipi Mole : Tahi Lalat
Arm : Lengan Dimple : Lesung Pi
: Lengan Atas Pimple : Jerawat
: Lengan Bawah Pore : Pori-Pori
Elbow : Siku Chin : Dagu
Armpit : Ketiak Upper Jaw : Rahang Atas
Epidermis : Kulit Ari Lower Jaw :
Inner Arm : Lengan Dalam : Tulang Pipi
Outer Arm : Lengan Luar Wrist : Pergelangan

Nose : Hidung Nostril :
Hand : Tangn Tip Nostril :
Finger : Jari Tangan Sharp Nose :
: Jari Telunjuk Flat Nose : Hidung Pesek
Middle Cuping
: Jari Tengah Flares Nose :
Finger Hidung
: Jari Manis Hair Nose : Bulu Hidung
: Jari Kelingking Thumb : Ibu Jari
: Kuku Tangan Ear : Telinga
Palm : Telapak Tangan Auricle : Daun Telinga
Back Of Punggung Lubang
: Ear Lumen :
Hand Tangan Telinga
Ear Wax : Kotoran Telinga Leg : Kaki
Ear Lobe : Cuping Knee : Lutut
Calf : Betis Shin Bone :
Upper Lip : Bibir Atas Mouth : Mulut
: Gigi Tongue : Lidah
Gum : Gusi Eye : Mata
Eye Lashe : Bulu Mata Eye Brow : Alis Mata
Tears : Air Mata Eye Ball : Bola Mata



Name of Parts Note

HAIR The fine threadlike strands grow from skin,
especially on a person’s head.
HEAD The uppermost part of the human body,
containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs.
FOREHEAD The part of the face above the eyebrows.
EYEBROW The strip of hair growing above a person’s eye
EYELASH The short curved hairs grow on the edge of a
person’s eyelid, serving to protect the eyes
from dust particles.
EYELID The upper and lower folds of skin that cover
the eye when closed.
EYE Globular organs in the head through which we
see; the visible part is typically almond-shaped
on animals with eyelids.
CHEEK Either side of the face, below the eye.
JAW Upper and lower bony structures that move
when talking or eating, forming the framework
of the mouth and containing the teeth.
NOSE The part projecting above the mouth on the
face of a person, containing the nostrils and is
used for breathing and smelling.
NOSTRIL The two openings of the nasal passage that
admit air into your lungs and allow you to
LIPS The two fleshy parts form the upper and lower
edges of the opening of the mouth.

Name of Parts Note
TOOTH Hard enamel-coated structures in the jaws of
most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing.
TONGUE The fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a
mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing,
and (in humans) articulating speech.
MOUTH The opening in the lower part of the human
face, surrounded by the lips, through which
food is taken, and from which speech and other
sounds are emitted.
CHIN The protruding part of the face below the
mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw.
THROAT The passage leads from the back of the mouth
of a person or animal to the stomach, or to the
FACE The front part of a person’s head, from the
forehead to the chin.
NECK The part of a person’s body connects the head
to the rest of the body.
SHOULDER The upper joint of the human arm and the part
of the body between this and the neck.


Name of Parts Note

FINGERNAIL The flattish hard part on the upper surface

of the tip of each finger.
FINGER Each of the four slender jointed parts
attached to either hand.
THUMB The short, thick first digit of the human
hand, set lower and apart from the other

Name of Parts Note

PALM The inner surface of the hand between the

wrist and fingers.
HAND The end part of a person’s arm is beyond the
wrist, including the palm, fingers, and
WRIST The joint connects the hand with the
FOREARM The part of a person’s arm extends from the
elbow to the wrist.
ELBOW The joint between the forearm and the
upper arm.
UPPER ARM The part of the arm is between the elbow
and shoulders.
ARM Each of the two upper limbs of the human
body from the shoulder to the hand.
HEST The front surface of a person’s body is
between the neck and the abdomen.
STOMACH The internal organ in which most of the
food digestion occurs.
BACK The rear surface of the human body from
the shoulders to the hips.
WAIST The part of the human body is below the
chest and above the hips.
ABDOMEN The part of the body contains the digestive
organs. In humans, it is bounded by the
diaphragm and the pelvis.
HIPS A projection of the pelvis and upper thigh-
bone on each side of the human body.
BOTTOM The buttocks; two round fleshy parts that
form the rear area of a human trunk.


Name of Parts Note

LEG Each of the limbs on which a person or
animal walks and stands.
THIGH The part of the human leg is between the hip
and the knee.
KNEE The joint between the thigh and the lower leg
in humans.
CALF The fleshy part at the back of a person’s leg
below the knee.
SHIN The front of the leg is below the knee.
ANKLE The joint connects the foot with the leg.
HEEL The back part of the foot is below the ankle.
FOOT The lower extremity of the leg, below the
ankle, on which a person stands or walks.
TOE Any of the five digits at the end of a human
TOENAIL The nail at the tip of each toe.



Name of Parts Note

BLOOD The red liquid circulates in the arteries and
veins of humans, carrying oxygen and carbon
dioxide from the tissues of the body.

BONE Any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue

make up the human skeleton.

Name of Parts Note
MUSCLE A band or bundle of fibrous tissue that can
contract, moving in or maintaining the
position of parts of the body.
SKIN The thin layer of tissue forms the natural
outer covering of the body of a person.
LEFT on, toward, or relating to the side of a human
body that is to the west when the person is
facing north.
RIGHT on, toward, or relating to the side of a human
body that is to the east when the person is
facing north.
JOINT A structure in the body at which two parts of
the skeleton are fitted together.


No Word Meaning Note

1. Acne Jerawat kondisi kulit yang
terjadi ketika folikel
rambut tersumbat oleh
minyak/sel kulit mati
2. AIDS (acquired AIDS sindrom defisiensi imun
immune deficiency didapat; disebabkan
syndrome) oleh HIV
3. Allergy Alergi reaksi tubuh terhadap
zat yang biasanya tidak
4. Anemia Anemia kekurangan sel darah
5. Anorexia Anoreksia kelaparan diri yang
6. Anxiety Kecemasan kekhawatiran yang
tidak menyenangkan
tentang masa depan
7. Astma Asma kondisi di mana saluran
udara menyempit dan
membengkak dan meng-
hasilkan lendir ekstra
8. Autism Autis cacat perkembangan
yang menyebabkan
tantangan sosial,
komunikasi dan
perilaku yang signifikan.
9. Backache Sakit Punggung rasa sakit, terutama di
daerah pinggang
belakang, biasanya
disebabkan oleh
ketegangan otot atau

No Word Meaning Note
10. Bronchitis Bronkitis radang selaput yang
melapisi saluran
11. Bruise Memar cedera kulit umum yang
perubahan warna kulit
12. Cancer Kanker pertumbuhan ganas
yang disebabkan oleh
pembelahan sel yang
tidak terkendali
13. Chickenpox Cacar air penyakit menyebabkan
ruam vesikel pada
wajah dan tubuh
14. CCholera Kolera penyakit diare akut
yang disebabkan oleh
infeksi usus dengan
bakteri toksigenik
15. Cataract Katarak penyakit yang
melibatkan kekeruhan
lensa mata
16. Chills Panas Dingin rasa dingin yang terjadi
selama demam tinggi

17. Constipation Konstipasi suatu kondisi di mana

tidak nyaman/ jarang
buang air besar

18. Cough Batuk tindakan refleks untuk

membersihkan saluran
udara Anda dari lendir
dan iritasi seperti debu
atau asap
19. Cramp Keram kejang otot yang tidak
terkendali dan

No Word Meaning Note
20. Dehydration Dehidrasi tidak memiliki cukup air
21. e Dementia Demensia hilangnya fungsi
kognitif — berpikir,
mengingat, dan menalar
22. Depression Depresi perasaan tidak berdaya/
putus asa yang
berkepanjangan yang
mungkin disertai
dengan perubahan
23. Diabetes Diabetes penyakit yang ditandai
dengan tingginya kadar
glukosa dalam darah
24. Diarrhea Diare kondisi tinja yang encer
dan berair (buang air
25. Dizziness Pusing perasaan pusing,
pusing, atau tidak
26. Earache Sakit telinga kondisi medis yang
melibatkan rasa sakit di
satu atau kedua telinga
27. Epilepsy Epilepsi kondisi yang
mempengaruhi otak dan
menyebabkan sering
28. Fever Demam peningkatan sementara
suhu tubuh
29. Fracture Patah terputusnya kontinuitas

30. Headache Saki kepala rasa sakit yang timbul

dari kepala atau leher
bagian atas tubuh

No Word Meaning Note
31. Heart attack Serangan keadaan darurat medis
jantung yang serius di mana
suplai darah ke jantung
tiba-tiba tersumbat
32. Hepatitis Hepatitis peradangan hati yang
dapat menyebabkan
penyakit ringan hingga
33. Hyperglycemia Hiperglikemia ada terlalu banyak gula
dalam darah karena
tubuh kekurangan
34. Hypertension Hipertensi tekanan darah tinggi
35. Indigestion/ Maag rasa sakit atau
Dyspepsia ketidaknyamanan yang
terus-menerus atau
berulang di perut bagian
36. Infertility Ketidaksuburan ketidakmampuan atau
kesulitan untuk hamil
dan memiliki anak
37. Inflammation Inflamasi pembengkakan bagian
tubuh karena infeksi,
biasanya oleh virus atau
38. Influenza (Flu) Flu infeksi virus yang
menyerang sistem
pernapasan (hidung,
tenggorokan, dan paru-
39. Insomnia Insomnia gangguan tidur di mana
sulit untuk tertidur,
tetap tertidur, atau

No Word Meaning Note
40. Itch Gatal sensasi kulit yang
menghasilkan keinginan
untuk menggaruk

41. Kidney Failure Gagal ginjal ketidakmampuan ginjal

untuk menjalankan
fungsi normalnya

42. Malaria Malaria penyakit yang

disebabkan parasit yang
ditularkan melalui
gigitan nyamuk

43. Menopouse Menopouse waktu yang menandai

akhir siklus menstruasi

44. Migraine Migrain sakit kepala sedang/

berat terasa seperti nyeri
berdenyut di 1 sisi
45. Nausea Mual rasa tidak nyaman pada
perut yang sering
datang sebelum muntah
46. Nosebleed Mimisan pendarahan dari
jaringan di dalam
hidung (selaput lendir
hidung) yang
disebabkan oleh
pembuluh darah yang
47. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis kehilangan abnormal
jaringan tulang karena
kekurangan kalsium
48. Runny nose Pilek lendir yang menetes
atau "keluar" dari

No Word Meaning Note
49. Sinusitis Sinus peradangan atau
pembengkakan pada
jaringan yang melapisi
50. Snakebite Gigitan ular luka yang disebabkan
oleh gigitan ular,
terutama ular berbisa
51. Sore throat Sakit rasa sakit, gatal atau
tenggrokan iritasi pada tenggorokan
yang sering memburuk
saat menelan
52. Stomachache Sakit Perut kram atau sakit tumpul
di perut (perut)
53. Sunburn Terbakar kulit merah dan nyeri
yang terasa panas saat
54. Skin cancer Kanker kulit pertumbuhan abnormal
sel-sel kulit yang
kerusakan pada tubuh
55. Smallpox Cacar penyakit menular akut
yang disebabkan oleh
virus variola
56. Tetanus Tetanus penyakit serius pada
sistem saraf yang
disebabkan oleh bakteri
penghasil racun
57. Toothache Sakit gigi rasa sakit di dalam atau
di sekitar gigi
58. Tuberculosis Tuberkulosis Infeksi yang ditularkan
melalui inhalasi atau
konsumsi basil

Source picture::


There are various kinds of pain that humans feel. For example:
• I don’t feel well. (Aku tak enak badan)
• I am feeling sick. (Aku merasa sakit)
• I am unwell. (Aku sedang tidak sehat)
• I have been feeling very run-down lately. (Akhir-akhir ini aku
merasa tidak bugar)
• I think I’ve caught a bug. (Rasanya aku tertular penyakit)
• I am not doing too well. (Aku sedang tak enak badan)

• I am feeling very tired. (Aku merasa sangat lelah)
• I have a bad headache. (Aku pusing sekali)
• I have a sore arm. (Lengan ku sakit)
• I have a pain in my back. (Aku sakit punggung)
• My leg really hurts today. (Kakiku saya sangat sakit hari ini).
• My pain hurt me very much. (Rasa sakit itu sangat
• My feet pain me (Kakiku membuatku sakit)
• It hurt me so much (ini sangat menyakitkan buatku).
• It very painful. I can’t stand it. (Ini sangat menyakitkan. Aku
tidak tahan)
• I feel terrible. (Aku merasa tidak enak)

In addition to different locations, the way to express the pain is

also different, for example:
• Ache
We can also express pain by using the word “ache”. The
word "ache" can function as a noun and verb. As a noun, “ache”
means “pain” or “pain”; while as a verb, it means "to feel pain"
or "to experience pain". This word is used to express pain
experienced by some part of the body. Not all the pain
experienced by the limbs can be expressed in this word. The
expression of pain using the word "ache" is as follows:
o I have a headache. It makes me hard to open my eyes.
(Aku sakit kepala. Itu membuatlu susah untuk membuka mata)
o I have a toothache. I drink too much sugar in my tea.
(Aku sakit gigi. Aku minum terlalu banyak gula didalam tehku)
o I have a stomachache. I put too much chili in my food.
(Aku sakit perut. Aku memasukkan terlalu banyak sambal dalam
o I have a backache. I sat in front of the laptop for a long time.
(Aku sakit punggung. Aku duduk di depan laptop terlalu lama)
o I have an earache. I need to consult with a doctor.
(Aku sakit telinga. Aku harus konsultasi dengan dokter)
o I have a heartache. I don’t want to meet you.
(Aku sakit hati. Aku tidak mau menemuimu)

In addition, we can also express it in the following way.
o My stomach is aching.
(Perutku sedang sakit)
o My headaches, so I drink medicine
(Kepalaku sakit, jadi aku minum obat)
o My legs ached because to much exercise.
(Kakiku sakit karena banyak latihan)

• Pain
We can also express pain by using the word “pain”.
"Pain" is a noun or noun that means "pain" or "pain". Just like
"ache", this word can also function as a verb. For the expression
of pain expressed with the word "pain", see the example below.
o I have a pain in my head. Please get me aspirin?
(Aku sakit kepala. Tolong ambilkan saya aspirin?)
o I have a chest pain after the exercise.
(Dadaku nyeri setelah berolahraga)
o I was in pain yesterday, I couldn’t move from my bed.
(Aku sakit kemarin, aku tidak bisa bergerak dari kasurku)
o My back has been paining me during this week.
(Punggungku sakit selama seminggu ini)
o Sometimes my hand would pain when I wake up.
(Terkadang tanganku sakit ketika bangun tidur)

• Hurt
We can also express the pain we feel by using the word
"hurt". "Hurt" is a transitive and intransitive verb. As a
transitive verb or one followed by an object, “hurt” means “to
hurt/make sick”. As an intransitive verb or one that doesn't
need an object, "hurt" means "to feel pain". “Hurt” is a way of
expressing pain, soreness, or widespread pain. That is, this
word can be used in a variety of conditions associated with
o My head hurts. Can I take a rest now?
(Kepalaku sakit. Bisakah aku beristirahat sekarang?)
o My leg hurts. I have an open wound in there.
(Kakiku sakit. Aku punya luka terbuka di sana)

o The words that you said yesterday made my feelings hurt.
(Ucapanmu kemarin membuat hatiku sakit)
o The massage is hurting my body
(Pijatan membuatku sakit badanku)
o These shoes are too small, they’re hurting my feet.
(Sepatu ini kekecilan, sepatunya membuat kakiku sakit)
o I’m still hurting, I need a break.
(Aku masih kesakitan, aku perlu beristirahat)

In addition to the three words above, we can also say

pain with the following expressions.
o I have a fever. (Aku sedang demam)
o I have a sunburn. (Kulitku terbakar)
o I have a black eye. (Mataku biru/lebam)
o I have a broken leg/I broke my leg. (Kakiku patah)
o I have a sore throat. (Tenggorokanku sakit/radang)
o I sprained my ankle/my ankle sprained. (Pergelangan
kakiku keseleo)

Complete the sentence with appropriate words from the box!
1. Lisa’s ……. Were filled with tears.
2. Charlie nodded his …… to say yes.
3. Suzanne hears the birds singing in the woods with her……
4. Linda grabbed a handful of candies and stuffed her…..
5. The toddler stood on his…… for the first time.
6. Gabriel lifts heavyweights to tone his….. muscles.
7. Noah has a stuffy…… and can’t smell the flowers.
8. He said, Momma, my…… is full. Stop serving more food”.
9. My……. Are hurting, I can’t walk.
10. Priscilla raised her…….. to answer the question.

feet eyes hand nose

neck stomach see head
arm ears legs mouth

Reading Comprehension


Your heart is a muscle. It's located a little to the left of the middle
of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. There are lots of
muscles all over your body - in your arms, in your legs, in your
back, even in your behind. But this muscle is special because of
what it does - the heart sends blood around your body. The blood
provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also
carries away the waste that your body has to get rid of.
Your heart is sort of like a pump or two pumps in one. The right
side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to
the lungs. The left side of the heart does the exact opposite: it
receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. By the
time you're grown up, your heart will be beating (pumping) about
70 times a minute.
How does the heartbeat? Before each beat, your heart fills with
blood. Then it contracts to squirt the blood along. When something
contracts, it squeezes tighter - try squeezing your hand into a fist.
That's sort of like what your heart does so it can squirt out the
blood. Your heart does this all day and all night, all the time. Every
day, an adult heart pumps 2,000 gallons (7,500 liters) of recycled
blood by filling and contracting. The heart is one tough worker!
Source text: read/

Answer these questions based on the text!

1. Where is your heart located?
2. Where else can you find muscles in your body besides the heart?
3. Why do we need a heart?
4. Which organ(s) directly works with the heart?

Reading Comprehension
Read then answer these questions based on the text!


The human body is made up of countless millions of cells.

Food is needed to build up new cells and replace the worn-out
cells. However, the food that we take must be changed into
substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they
are needed. This process is called digestion.
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food
we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed
with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva contains
digestive juice which moistens the food, so it can be swallowed
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food
passage) into the stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices
secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the
food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of
the intestine are squeezing, mixing, and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon
absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projections from the
intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.
Source: Soal Ujian Nasional SMA/MA 2015.

1. What is the text about?

A. The digestive system
B. The digestive juice
C. The method of the digestive system
D. The process of intestine work
E. The food substances

2. How can we swallow food easily?

A. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi.
B. The food must be digested first through the process.

C. The food is directly swallowed through the esophagus into
the stomach.
D. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the
E. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in
the blood to the places.

3. From the text above, we imply that ….

A. a good process of the digestive system will help our body
become healthier.
B. no one is concerned with the process of the digestive system
for their health.
C. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food
D. everybody must conduct the processes of the digestive
system well.
E. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.

4. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.”

(Paragraph 1). The underlined phrase means ….
A. produced
B. managed
C. arranged
D. completed
E. constructed


The students are able to use expressions
related to direction

Source picture:

Not everyone knows where they're headed and may require
assistance with directions at times. It may be necessary to obtain
instructions to a neighboring town, the town's newest mall, or the
nearest restroom in a large building.

The Expressions Used in Asking for Directions:

o How do I get to …? (Bagaimana saya bisa ... ?)
o What's the best way to …? (Apa cara terbaik untuk ... ?)
o Where is …? (Dimana ... ?)
o Would you like to tell me the way to…?(Maukah kamu
memberitahuku jalan ke…..?)
o Can you help me……………? (Bisakah kamu membantuku…?)
o Can you tell me the way to….? (Bisakah kamu memberitahuku
jalan ke…?)

The Expressions Used in Giving Directions:

o It’s OK…………..
o Go straight on (until you come to …). (Jalan lurus (sampai
Anda datang ke……)
o Turn back./go back.( Hidupkan kembali . / Kembali .)
o Turn left/right (into …-street). (Belok kiri / kanan ( ke ... -
o Go along …( Pergi bersama-sama….)
o Cross …( Lintas….)
o Take the first/second road on the left/right (Ambil jalan
pertama / kedua di sebelah kiri / kanan)
o It's on the left/right. (Ini di sebelah kiri / kanan .)
o Straight on (lurus)
o Opposite (seberang)
o Near (dekat)
o Next to (sebelah)
o Between (antara)
o At the end (of) (Pada akhir (dari))
o On/at the corner (Pada / di sudut)
o Behind (di belakang)

o In front of (Di depan)
o (just) around the corner (( hanya ) sekitar sudut)
o Traffic lights (lampu lalu lintas)
o Crossroads, junction (perempatan , pertigaan)
o Signpost (papan penunjuk salam)

Medical ward : Ruang perawatan umum

Pediatric ward : Ruang perawatan bayi

Perinatology : Ruang perawatan bayi

CVCU (Cardio Vasculer
: Ruang jantung
Care Unit)
Geriatric ward : Ruang lanjut usia
CSSD (Cebtral Steril
: Ruang linen
Supply det)
Surgical ward : Ruang perawatan bedah

Matenity ward : Ruang ibu melahirkan

Body death room : Kamar jenazah

Nurse’s lounge : Ruang istirahat perawat

Orthopedic ward : Ruang perawatan rehabilitas tulang

Ruang perawatan kesehatan
Gynecological ward :
reproduksi wanita
Dermatologycal ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit kulit.

E.N.T ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit THT.

Ruang perawatan untuk jangka
Long-stay ward :
waktu lama.

Ruang perawatan penyakit yang
Thoracic ward :
berhubungan dengan thorax).
Geriatric ward : Ruang perawatan pasien lansia.

Cardiological ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit jantung.

Psychiatric ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit mental.

Urological ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit saraf

Ruang perawatan untuk pasien
Neurosurrgical ward :
bedah saraf.
Ophtalmological Ruang perawatan untuk penyakit
Ruang perawatan untuk penyakit
Pulmonological ward :
Ruang perawatan untuk penyakit
Cardiothoracic ward :
jantung dan thorax.
Anesthetic room : Ruang pembiusan

Recovery room : Ruang pemulihan

Mortuary : Ruang jenazah


Accident & Emergency : Unit Gawat Darurat.
(A&C) or Casualty &
Operating theatre : Ruang operasi.
(Note : not all dept. and unit are
listed in here,e.g colorectal unit
Andrological unit : Unit perawatan kesehatan
reproduksi pria

HD/Hemodialysis Unit : Unit perawatan cuci darah.

Psychiatric Unit : Unit untuk perawatan mental.

Coronary Care Unit : Unit perawatan untuk penyakit

jantung koroner
Endocrinological Unit : Unit perawatan gangguan kelenjar

Chemoterapy Unit : Unit kemoterapi

Renal Unit : Unit untuk penyakit ginjaL

Oncology Unit : Unit untuk penyakit tumor.

Infectious Disease Unit : Unit perawatan untuk penyakit

Endoscopy departmen : Bagian endoskopi

Admission Department : Bagian pendaftaran rawat inap

Occypational Therapy : Bagian perawatan untuk penyakit

Department mental atau fisik dengan terapi
kegiatan tertentu (misalnya melukis,
membuat bentuk-bentuk tersebut
Physiotherapy : Bagian terapi fisik
Maternity Unit : Ruang konsultasi untuk perawatan
ibu dalam masa kehamilan sampai
proses kehamilan
Central Sterilisation : Bagian Sterilisasi (alat-alat
Dept. (CSD) or CSSD kesehatan).
(Central Sterile Supply
Administration : Bagian administrasi/tata usaha

Dispensary : Apotik

Pharmacy : Farmasi

Outpatients’ : Bagian Rawat Jalan.

Laboratory : Laboratorium

Radiologi or X-Ray : Bagian Radiologi

Intensive Care Unit : Unit Perawatan Intensive.

Casualty & Emergency : Unit Gawat Darurat

Technical services : Bagian pelayanan teknik.


Post Natal Clinic : Klinik perawatan bayi setelah lahir

Ante-Natal Clinic : Klinik perawatan bayi sebelum

Out-patient Clinic : Klinik rawat jalan

Fracture Clinic : Klinik perawatan patah tulang.

Dental Clinic : Klinik gigi

Urology Clinic : Klinik penyakit saluan kencing

Occupational Health : Pelayanan kesehatan karyawan
Nursing Home : Panti jompo

Aged Care Facilities : Rumah perawatan lansia

Mental Hospital/ : Rumah sakit jiwa

Lunatic Asylum
Diagnostic Imaging Unit : Unit pencitraan diagnostic Unit
pemindaian dengan hasil pencitraan
gambar foto/grafik, biasanya terdiri
dari : Radiology-Nuclear Medicine-
Resonance Imaging (MRI)-
Computede Tomography (CT) Scan-

Kinds of Preposition of Place

o Above
Above berarti suatu benda berada di posisi yang lebih tinggi
dari benda lainnya.
Example: The books are above the computer (Buku-buku itu
berada di atas computer)

o Across
Across ini artinya berseberangan.
Example: The famous noodle restaurant is just across the street
(Restoran mie yang terkenal berada tepat di seberang jalan)

o Along
Along berarti di sebelah atau sepanjang sesuatu yang panjang.
Kata ini biasanya dipakai bersamaan dengan kata jalan atau
Example: My brother is walking along the river (Adikku
sedang berjalan di sepanjang sungai)

o Among
Among berarti berada di suatu kelompok.
Example: Jamie is sitting among the famous singers ((Jamie
duduk di antara penyanyi terkenal)

o At
At digunakan untuk menjelaskan posisi atau tempat dari
seseorang atau benda.
Example: Mark is staying at the most well-known hotel right
now (Mark sedang menginap di hotel paling terkenal saat ini)

o Behind
Behind berarti berada di belakang sesuatu.
Example: We planted some flowers behind the garage (Kami
menanam beberapa bunga di belakang garasi)

o Beside
Preposition of place ini artinya berada di samping sesuatu.
Example: She looks so nervous because her boyfriend is sitting
beside her (Dia terlihat sangat gugup karena pacarnya duduk
di sampingnya)

o Below
Below berarti berada di bawah sesuatu tetapi tidak menempel
pada benda di atasnya.
Example: I put my hat below the television (Saya meletakkan
topi saya di bawah televise)

o Between
Between menunjukkan sesuatu baik benda maupun orang
berada di dua hal.
Example: My cat sits between my favorite dolls (Kucing saya
duduk di antara boneka favorit saya)

o In
In merupakan preposition of place yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan suatu benda ada di dalam benda lain.
Example: Please put the chicken in the freezer (Tolong
masukkan ayam ke dalam freezer)

o On
On digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu berada di atas
permukaan sesuatu. Hal ini berarti benda tersebut menyentuh
permukaan benda lainnya.
Example : I put my bag on the table (Aku meletakkan tasku di
atas meja)

Note :
Differences between In,On,At in preposition of place
In used for showing where we are ( I sleep in my bedroom, The
desk in the room)
In used for showing geographic area ( I live in London)
On used for showing something is on line or a surface ( I sleep
on my bed, a pen is on The table
On used for telling a name of street ( I live on Sukabangun)
At used for showing something at certain position, sometimes
at line (John is at bank)

Asking for direction :

How do I get to...?
How can I get to...?
Can you tell me the way to...?
Where is....?

Dialogue 1.
Laura : Can you tell me the way to the hospital? (Bisakah
Anda memberi tahu saya jalan ke rumah sakit?)
Andreas : Yes, sure. Turn left at the end of this street (Ya tentu.
Belok kiri di ujung jalan ini)
Laura : At the traffic lights? (Di lampu lalu lintas?)

Andreas : Yes. Then go as far as the roundabout (Ya. Lalu pergi
sejauh bundaran)
Laura : And after at the roundabout? (Dan setelah di
Andreas : Turn right at the roundabout into Sudirman Road
(Belok kanan di bundaran menuju Jalan Sudirman)
Laura : OK … right at the roundabout. Ok (Oke… tepat di
bundaran. Baik)
Andreas : Go down Sudirman Road. The hospital’s on the left
(Turun di Jalan Sudirman. Rumah sakit ada di sebelah
Laura : Thank you (Terima kasih)
Andreas : You are welcome (sama-sama)

Dialogue 2.
Visitor : Excuse me, can you show me the way to Mwar Room?
(Permisi, bisakah Anda menunjukkan jalan ke Kamar
Nurse : Of course, it is only about two minutes walk from
here. Well, first go straight a head and then you arrive
at a T-junction of this street then turn left and Mawar
Room is at your right side (Tentu saja, hanya sekitar
dua menit berjalan kaki dari sini. Nah, jalan lurus
dulu lalu kamu sampai di pertigaan jalan ini lalu
belok kiri dan Ruang Mawar ada di sebelah kananmu)
Visitor : Where am I now? (Dimana saya sekarang?)
Nurse : You are in emergency unit (Anda berada di unit
Visitor : Thanks a lot for your information (Terima kasih
banyak atas informasi Anda)
Nurse : That’s all right. Have a nice visit (Tidak apa-apa.
Selamat berkunjung)

Dialogue 3.
Mrs. Mita is looking for the pediatric ward in Siti Khadijah
Hospital and then she asks the information center to know some
information about her family in hospital
Mrs. Mita : Good morning (selamat pagi)
Receptionist : Yes maam, may I help you? (Iya Bu, ada yang
bisa saya bantu?)
Mrs. Mita : I really happy if you can help me (Saya sangat
senang jika Anda dapat membantu saya)
Receptionist : How can I help you? (Apa yang bisa saya
Mrs. Mita : Could you tell me how can I get to Pediatric
ward in this hospital? (Bisakah Anda memberi
tahu saya bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke
bangsal anak di rumah sakit ini?)
Receptionist : Yes of course. Pediatric ward is in the last
corridor (Ya, tentu saja. Bangsal anak berada di
koridor terakhir)
Mrs. Mita : How can I get there? (Bagaimana saya bisa
sampai di sana?)
Receptionist : Ok, I will explain it, From here you just turn
right and then you will find a Nurse lounge, after
that pediatric ward beside it (Ok, saya akan
menjelaskannya, Dari sini Anda tinggal belok
kanan dan kemudian Anda akan menemukan
ruang Perawat, setelah itu bangsal anak di
Mrs. Mita : Thank you so much (Terima kasih banyak)
Receptionist : You are welcome (sama-sama)

o Path = Jalan Setapak
o Alley = Gang
o Blind alley = Gang buntu
o Short cut = Jalan pintas
o Thru way = Jalan besar

o Main road = Jalan Utama
o Freeway = Jalan bebas hambatan
o Toll road = Jalan tol
o Bound for = Jurusan
o Dormitory = Asrama
o Roundabout = Putaran

Choose the best answer
1. Ryan : Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?
Hani : _____ maybe you can ask the policeman over there.
A. Yes, there is one across the street
B. Next to the library
C. Behind the hotel
D. I’m sorry. I don’t live here.

2. Fino : Can you tell me where Doni’s house is?

Nanda : Just go along Mulawarman street.
From the dialogue, we know that …
A. Nanda knows where Doni’s house is
B. They will go to Doni’s house
C. Fino knows where Doni’s house
D. Nanda doesn’t know where Doni’s house

3. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Asking direction
B. Giving direction
C. Agreement
D. Asking opinion

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Go straight
D. Go ahead

5. Stranger : Excuse me _______ where the nearest post office?
Carly : Follow this way until second traffict light. It is on
your left beside Padang restaurant.
Stranger : Thank you
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Can I help you find
B. Could I tell you the way
C. Could you come with me
D. Could you show me

Works in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the
location of other
places in the hospital. Use questions like these!

Excuse me, I’m Sorry, Where

looking for….. is/are the……

Do you know

Use the words in the box to complete the definitions of these
hospital departments.

babies children elderly

emergency cases exercise heart

kidney nervous system operations
skin disorders test results X-rays

1. Casualty is the place where they treat……....
2. Surgery is where surgeons carry out ………
3. Medical staff in the Renal unit specialize in …….. diseases.
4. The Dermatology department is where they deal with ………
5. Specialist in Geriatrics treats problems related to the……
6. Pathology is where they analyze patients…….
7. Midwives deliver …….in the Maternity unit.
8. Pediatrics is where they treat…….
9. Patients with…… disease visit Cardiology.
10. The Radiology department is where they take ……
11. Disorders of the …… are treated in the Neurology department.
12. In the Physiotherapy department, patients learn special…… to
help them recover.

Source map:


Determine whether this sentence is “True” or “False”
5. The Fracture Clinic is behind the Radiology (…….)
6. The ECG is between Audiology ENT and Outpatients (…….)

7. The Day surgery is on the left from the Exmoor unit (…….)
8. The Reception Outpatient is across from the ECG (…….)
9. The Eye clinic is in the corner (……)
10. The MRI Scanner Radiology is in front of the Day surgery unit
11. The Pharmacy is near Admission (…….)

Fill the missing preposition of place
1. The Outpatients are (………….) the Reception outpatients.
2. The MRI Scanner is (…………) the Day surgery.
3. The ECG is (………….) the Pharmacy outpatients and Exmoor
4. The Fracture Clinic is (……....) The radiology.
5. The Pharmacy is (………....) the ECG.


The Students will be able to fill in the
administration form

Source picture:

Before the person is taken to their room, admitting procedures are

performed. The person's data is recorded and entered into the
hospital's computer system. This data may include:
o name
o address
o home and work telephone number
o date of birth
o place of employment
o occupation

o emergency contact information, or the names and telephone
numbers of those individuals the hospital should contact if the
person being admitted needs emergency care or their condition
worsens significantly
o insurance coverage
o reason for hospitalization
o allergies to medications or foods
o religious preference, including whether or not one wishes a
clergy member to visit

Question To Ask
NAME What is your name?
What is your complete name?
What is your surname?
AGE How old are you?
ADDRESS What is your address?
Where do you live?
PHONE Your phone number, please
What is your phone number?
Do you have a mobile phone number?

MARITAL STATUS Are you married?

Do you have any health insurance?
OCCUPPPATION What is your occupation?
& TITLE Do you have any academic titles?
What is your title?
What do you do?
NEXT OF KIN Who is your next of kin?
REASON FOR What brings you to this hospital?
CONTACT*) Who sends you to this hospital?
What makes you come to this hospital?

o Interview your partner
o Fill in the blanks with his/her personal demographic data

Name :




City, State



Marital Status

Health Insurance
Occupation and :

Next of Kin

Reason for contact

Date, time of
contact :

Receptionist : Hi! are you a member?
Tom : No, I’m just here for the day
Receptionisy : Ok, What’s your name?
Tom : Tom Cruise
Receptionist : What;s your phone number?
Tom : Alright, 456-545-5666
Receptionist : May I know your email?
Tom : Of course it’s
Receptionist : Ok, Thanks

Nurse : Can I help you?
Jean : I want to see my Doctor
Nurse : Have a seat, please
Jean : Ok, Thank you
Nurse : Can you show me your insurance card or health
assurance card?
Jean : I forgot to bring it but I save the number in my
Nurse : Ok, tell please the number
Jean : 016334.....
Nurse : Who is your Doctor?
Jean : dr. John at Neurological ward
Nurse : Ok. Please wait in the room. You will be called in a
few minutes
Jean : Ok. Thanks a lot, nurse. See you
Nurse : You are welcome Miss. See you too

Nurse Daniya : “Good morning. Welcome to Cut Meutia Hospital.
I am nurse Dewi. Can I Help you?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “Good Morning. Yes, I want to have a medical

Nurse Daniya : “What is your name, Mrs.?
Mrs. Aqilah : “My name is Mrs. Aqilah.”
Nurse Daniya : “Please sit down, Mrs. Aqilah. What is your
Mrs. Aqilah : “I think I have no serious problem but, I want to
know my condition exactly.”
Nurse Daniya : “I appreciate the awareness of health you have.
Have you come here before?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “It is the first time I come to this hospital.”
Nurse Daniya : “Alright. We always provide the best service to
our patients. What Kind of medical check-up do
you want?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “I don’t know, can you help me to choose?”
Nurse Daniya : “Sure. We Have many kinds of medical check-
ups. They are a basic package, standard package,
essential package, and executive package. For
women, we have an additional examination. I
recommend you to choose an executive package,
it has a complete examination, and the additional
examination is pap-smear, to check the existence
of cervical cancer.
Mrs. Aqilah : “Can you mention the services?”
Nurse Daniya : “You will get the physical examination from
specialist in internal medicine, eyes examination,
thorax X-ray, ENT examination, ECG and
treadmill test, hearing test, lung function test,
laboratory test for blood examination, urine
examination, Lipid profile, hepatitis test, renal
function, and liver function. You also get a free
Mrs. Aqilah : “How about the fee?”
Nurse Daniya : “For this package, the cost is IDR 680.000,- .”
Mrs. Aqilah : “I think that’s not expensive. I pick your
recommendation, Nurse.”
Nurse Daniya : “Before you have any examination, you should
fill the registration form, Mrs.”

Mrs. Aqilah : “Alright.”
A few minutes later.
Nurse Daniya : “Have you done Mrs.?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “Not yet. May I ask?”
Nurse Daniya : “Of course.”
Mrs. Aqilah : “Do I have to choose one of the internists?”
Nurse Daniya : “Sure, anything else?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “No, thanks, I have done.”
Nurse Daniya : “Ok, I will check first. So, your name is Mrs.
Aqilah Fahmida, your date of birth is 31st of
December 2010, you are an executive employee,
you choose an executive package, and your
internist is dr. John Ganefi, Sp.PD, is that right?”
Mrs. Aqilah : “Yes, right.”
Nurse Daniya : “I will input your data to the computer. You can
wait in the waiting room, in front of this
admission department, until your name is called
by the nurse again. Is there anything I can help
with again?”
Mrs. Aqilah : How long the examination will run? What
should I do after this?"
Nurse Daniya : “Usually about five to seven hours. You will
give an ID bracelet by the nurse, then you should
change your clothes with the patient’s shirt and
do the examination. If you have any questions
while waiting, you can go back here. Relax for
the examination. I hope you are always healthy,
Mrs. Aqilah : Thank you, Nurse.”
Nurse Daniya : “Your welcome.”

Expressions used by the nurse:
o I’ll show you now your room (your bed/your wardrobe).
Saya akan menunjukkan ruangan Anda sekarang (kamar Anda,
lemari pakaianAnda )

o There are some questions I’d like to ask you.

Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang hendak saya tanyakan pada Anda.
o If you have any questions, please ask one of the nurses anytime.
Jika Anda punya beberapa pertanyaan, silahkan tanyakan kepada
salah satu perawat kapan saja.
o We want you to enjoy your stay with us as much as possible.
Kami ingin Anda merasa nyaman tinggal disini bersama kami selama
itu memungkinkan.
o Have you already been staying at our hospital?
Pernahkah Anda mendapatkan perawat di rumah sakit kami
o When have you been in a hospital for the last time?
Kapan terakhir kalinya Anda dirawat dirumah sakit ?
o Was there any care process you didn’t like last time?
Adakah beberapa proses penyembuhan yang tidak Anda sukai
sebelumnya ?
o Have you been severely ill?
Pernahkah Anda menderita sakit keras/serius ?
o Have you had any operations?
Pernahkah Anda menjalani beberapa operasi ?


There are three ways to admit a patient to the hospital:

either as an outpatient, a day patient or an inpatient. An
outpatient needs treatment but not a bed. A day patient needs a
bed for a few hours but doesn’t need to stay overnight. An
inpatient needs at least one overnight stay.

Hospitals need to plan for patient admissions. They have
to predict how many beds they will need. It is quite easy to
predict referrals from doctors like General Practitioners, but a
larger number of patients come through A&E, and it is more
difficult to plan for them.
It is very important to keep accurate records of patient's
treatment, from admission through to discharge and follow-up.
These include personal details such as marital status, occupation,
and next of kin, as well as medical histories such as past illnesses
and treatments, family history, and lifestyle.
Medical staff record all treatments, test results, and
correspondence. They try to record these things at the time they
happen. This is important, and not only to ensure the correct
treatment. Medical records are sometimes used for research, or
in a court of law.
Source text: Nursing Oxford English for Careers

According to the text, are the following statements are true (T) or
false (F)?
1. Admissions to hospital are all inpatients ______
2. There are more emergency admissions than referrals ______
3. Hospital records stop at discharge ______
4. Personal details are part of medical records ____
5. Staff should record treatments at the end of their shift______
6. Only medical staff can look at medical records_____

Writing an admission summary
Read the example summary of admission and use the information
in the box to write a similar summary.

Example Summary
John is a 58-year-old man. He is a policeman. His wife is dead
and his son is his next of kin. Mr John was bitten by a snake
while walking with his cat, and admitted to hospital as a day
patient. He has a medical history of high blood pressure and he
smokes 10 cigarettes per day.

Patient admission information

Surname : Shia
First name : Michelle
Reason for admission : Cough
Age : 10
Gender :F
Next of kin : Mother Camila
Medical history : Fever at 2 weeks, cough, breathing
difficulties at 2 months
Family history : Asthma and allergies



The Students will be able to understand WH

Source picture:

Wh-question is a question to ask for information. The
information requested can be in the form of time, place, person,
thing, thing, reason, or method. Like other forms of questions,
namely: yes-no and tags, wh-questions are also ended by a
question mark (question mark).

Kid of WH-Questions
➢ Who untuk menanyakan Subject (Person)
➢ Whom untuk menanyakan Object (Person)
➢ What untuk menanyakan Subject, Object Non-Person, Verb
➢ When untuk menanyakan Time (waktu)
➢ Where untuk menanyakan Place (tempat)
➢ Why untuk menanyakan Reason (alasan)
➢ Which untuk menanyakan Choice (pilihan)
➢ Whose untuk menanyakan Possessive (kepemilikan)
➢ How untuk menanyakan Manner (cara)

The Formula of WH Questions

WH + Auxiliary Verb (to be, do, have) + Subject + Main Verb + ?

WH + Modal Auxiliary (can, could, will, would, shall, should,

may, might, must) + Subject + Main Verb + ?

o What are you doing? (apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?)
o Where do you put the sugar? (dimana kamu meletakkan
o When will the concert start? (kapan konsernya dimulai?)
o What should I do if I got allergy again? (apa yang harus
kulakukan jika aku mendapat alergi lagi?)

Kinds of WH Question
What (Apa)
What digunakan untuk menanyakan informasi dari suatu hal.
o What is your name? (siapa namamu?)
o What do you want from me? (apa yang kamu inginkan dariku?)
o What are you doing? (apa yang kamu lakukan?)
o What should I do? (apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

Where (dimana)
Where digunakan untuk menanyakan lokasi atau tempat.
o Where is your home? (dimana rumahmu?)
o Where is your parents? (dimana orang tuamu?)
o Where are my bag? (dimana tasku?)
o Where are you now? (dimana kamu sekarang?)

When (kapan)
When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.
o When does the bus arrive? (Kapan bisnya sampai?)
o When does the train from yogyakarta arrive? (kapan kereta dari
yogyakarta tiba?)
o When will the class ends? I'm so boring (kapan kelasnya
berakhir? aku sangat bosan)
o When will you marry me? (kapan kamu akan menikahiku?)

Why (kenapa)
Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan.
o Why do you love me, tania? (kenapa kamu mencintaiku?)
o Why do you hate cats? (kenapa kamu membenci kucing?)
o Why do you happy today? (kenapa kamu bahagia sekarang?)
o Why does the rain not stop for a while?(kenapa hujan tidak
berhenti sebentar saja?)

Which (yang mana)
Which digunakan untuk menanyakan dari kepastian sebuah
pilihan diantara orang, benda, atau hal.
o Which one is the most delicious? (yang mana yang lebih enak?)
o Which dress is better for me? (gaun yang mana yang lebih baik
o Which group do you join in? (kelompok mana kamu
o Which house is yours? (yang mana rumah milikmu?)

Who (siapa)
Who digunakan untuk menanyakan orang.
o Who is that girl? (siapa perempuan itu?)
o Who is your favorite artist? (siapa artis kesukaanmu?)
o Who is the most famous singer in Indonesia? (siapa penyanyi
yang paling terkenal di Indonesia?)
o Who is your parents? (siapa orang tuamu?)

Whom (dengan siapa)

Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan orang, dimana orang yang
dimaksud tersebut merupakan objek dari kalimat. Atau bisa
disebut juga bahwa orang yang disebut itu menerima aksi.
o Whom are you going to meet? (dengan siapa kamu akan
o Whom will you marry with? (dengan siapa kamu akan

Whose (punya siapa)

Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan orang mana yang memiliki
sesuatu (possessive)
o Whose car is that? (mobil siapa itu?)
o Whose turn is this? (giliran siapa ini?)

o Whose bag is it? (tas siapa itu?)
o Whose house is this? (rumah siapa ini?)

How (bagaimana)
How digunakan untuk menanyakan bagaimana cara sesuatu dapat
o How did you meet your best friends? (Bagaimana kamu
menemui teman baikmu?)
o How to make cheesecake? (Bagaimana cara membuat kue
o How to turn on the phone? (Bagaimana cara menyalakan
o How does the computer work? (Bagaimana komputer bekerja?)

How often (seberapa sering)

How often digunakan untuk menunjukan intensitas dari kebiasaan
o How often you go to school in a month? (seberapa sering kamu
pergi ke sekolah dalam sehari?)
o How often you eats junk food in a week? (seberapa sering
kamu makan makanan sampah dalam seminggu?)
o How often we go pray jum'at? (seberapa sering kita pergi solat
o How often do you clean your bedroom? (seberapa sering kamu
membersihkan kamarmu?)

How far (seberapa jauh)

How far digunakan untuk menanyakan seberapa jauh jarak yang
o How far is that to go to yogyakarta by train? (seberapa jauh itu
jika ke jogjakarta naik kereta?)
o How far do you understand the lesson? (seberapa jauh kamu
mengerti pelajaran ini?)

o How far will you love me? (seberapa jauh kau akan

How many (seberapa banyak)

How many digunakan untuk menanyakan seberapa banyak
jumlah dari sesuatu yang bisa dihitung (countable noun).
o How many rabbits in the cage? (ada berapa banyak kelinci di
o How many times do you clean your toilet in a month? (berapa
kali kamu membersihkan toilet dalam sebulan?)
o How many stars you can count in the sky? (berapa banyak
bintang yang kau bisa hitung di langit?)
o How many red clothes do you have? (berapa banyak baju
merah yang kamu milikki?)

How much (seberapa banyak)

How much digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah dari sesuatu
yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun)
o How much money do you have? (berapa banyak uang yang
kamu punya?)
o How much sugar we should buy? (berapa banyak gula yang
harus kita beli?)
o How much stars in the sky? (berapa banyak bintang di langit?)
o How much salt do we have in the kitchen? (seberapa banyak
garam yang kita punya di dapur?)

How long (seberapa lama)

How long digunakan untuk menanyakan durasi dari waktu.
o How long do you go to school? (seberapa lama kamu pergi ke
o How long did you take the way? (seberapa lama

o How long the football match lasts? (berapa lama pertandingan
bola berlangsung?)

How old (berapa usia)

How old digunakan untuk menanyakan usia seseorang atau benda.
o How old is this statue? (berapa usia patung ini?)
o How old is your grandfather? (berapa usia kakekmu?)
o How old is your mother? (berapa usia ibumu?)
o How old is your house? (berapa usia rumahmu?)

Choose the correct answer from a,b,c,d below.
1. … did you eat? I ate banana
a. what
b. how much
c. why
d. where

2. … do you live? I live in Tarakan

a. what
b. how much
c. why
d. where

3. … comes to visit Rahma? Abdullah and Ali

a. what
b. who
c. why
d. where

4. … you say this? Because I was hungry

a. when did
b. whom did
c. who did
d. why did

5. … they come? They will come on Sunday
a. when will
b. whom will
c. who will
d. what will

6. … cat does she have? She has two cats

a. what
b. how much
c. why
d. where

Complete with, Where, When, Who, What, How, Which
1. ............... cooks dinner every day?
2. ............... mush does it cost?
3. ............... do you feel now?
4. .............. time does the class begin?
5. ............... does the shop open in the morning?
6. ............... photo do you like best/ this or that?
7. .............. other language do you speak?
8. .............. often do you go to the movies?
9. .............. do you live?
10. .............. long does it take you to drive home?

We can use questions with what, where, and who to ask for
patient information

We use What when we want to What is the telephone number

know about something of your GP?
We use were to ask about places Where does she live?
We use who to ask about a Who is your GP?
person or people

Work in pairs. Complete these questions with what, where, or
who. Then practice asking and answering the questions.
1. ………’s your surname/first name/full name?
2. ……… Do you live?
3. ……….’s your address/email address/mobile phone number?
4. ……….’s your date of birth?
5. ……….’s your GP?
6. ……….’s you are next of kin?
7. ……….’s his/her relationship with you?

Read this patient details and answer the questions!

Title: Mr……. First name : Kyle Surename: Mc Donald

Gender: ⁕ M ⁕ F Marital status :Single
DOB :12.09.1982 Occupation: Construction worker
Address : 5 david close, Nothingham NGI 9QB
Tel : (mobile) 4779 003 5491 Email:
GP : Dr. Tanya Millet
Next of Kin : Suzanne Mc Donald
Realtionship to patient : Mother

1. Is the patient a man or a woman?

2. When is the patient’s birthday?
3. What is the patient's job?
4. Is the patient married?
5. Who is the patient’s family doctor?
6. Who is Suzanne McDonald?
7. Where is the patient’s address?


The students are able to offer a meal in English

Biscuit : Roti kering Juice : Jus

Bread : Roti Lemonade : Limun
Butter : Mentega Cake : Kue
Cheese : Keju Plain rice : Nasi putih
Mineral : Air mineral Honey : Madu
Meat : Daging Pizza : PizaRoast
Coffee : Kopi Fruit : Salad buah
Tea : Teh Fried rice : Nasi goreng
Noodle : Mie goreng Spaghetti : Spageti
Orange : Jus Jeruk Mashed : Pergedel
Cheese : Telur dadar keju Chicken : Ayam
omelette Panggang

Write the words for food and beverages in the box in the correct
group. Then add two items to each group

Apple Apple Juice Apple Pure

Banana Carrots Coffee
Cola Corn Cranberry Juice
Fruit Salad Mashed Potatoes Orange
Orange Juice Peas Peppers
Rice Tea Yoghurt

Side Dishes Desserts Beverages

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

.................................. ....................................... ....................................

Look at the food groups table . Complete the gaps in column 2
with the words in the box

bones build digest

energy fight repair skin

What Do They Do For Where Can You
Food Group
Your Body Find Them
Carbohydrates They give you……. Potatoes, rice,
cereal, pasta, bread
Fats They also give energy Dairy products,
and help….. the body meat, oils, sweet
Fibre It helps you to….. your
Minerals Calcium is good for Fresh food and
your….. iron is good for vegetables (Zinc in
the blood. seafood)
Zinc helps you……
Proteins They help the body Meet, fish, dairy
grow and…..itself products, beans,
Vitamin A, B, C, Vitamins are necessary Fresh food and
D and E for your….., bones, and vegetables, dairy
teeth products.

Keywords from the unit Complete the sentences with the words
from the list.
1. He injects himself because he is ……...
2. Meat and fish are sources of ………
3. ……..provide the body with energy.
4. A…….. advises people on how to eat healthily.
5. Pizzas and burgers are examples of …….
6. Morgan Spurlock had……. for fast food.
7. A balanced …… healthy.
8. He is…….. to fast foods.
addicted protein
carbohydrates cravings
diet nutritionist
junk food diabetic

Let’s Practice
Nurse : Good morning Mr.Bobby
Mr.Bobby : Good morning nurse
Nurse : What would you like for breakfast?
Mr.Bobby : Yes, I think I like milk, sandwich, and some juice
Nurse : Alright Mr. Bobby I’ll send your order soon.
Mr.Bobby : Thanks nurse
Nurse : You’re welcome

A : Good morning, Here’s the menu, Mr Robertson, What
would you like today?
B : I’d like a piece of quiche, some mashed potatoes, and an
orange, please.
A : Would you like a drink?
B : Please, yes. can I have some coffee?
A : Yes of course.


Everyone eats food. Some people eat lots of fruit and

vegetables, others may eat more or less meat, and some people
may eat healthily, but others do not. All of it is related to
nutrition. Nutrition is the process of how people get the food that
is needed to grow strong and healthy along with obtaining the
necessary vitamins and nutrients to help bodies grow and
For children, good nutrition is especially important and it is
necessary to eat healthy foods because kids are constantly
growing. Good nutrition will lead to healthy bones and muscles,
and without receiving the correct vitamins and nutrients while
growing, a child will not grow as tall and as strong as they could

There are many aspects of nutrition including knowing
about the different food groups, understanding calories, and
learning about the different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals a
body needs, and what to avoid.
Five main food groups should be eaten each day. Eating a
variety of foods in each group will lead to receiving the most
important nutrients to remain strong and healthy. The first food
group includes grains such as bread, cereals, pasta, and rice. The
second food group is dairy, which includes milk, cheese, yogurt,
and other dairy products. Apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, and
much more are a part of the third food group, fruits. Of
course, vegetables are in their food group as well. There are many,
many vegetables available to eat including beans, broccoli, peas,
carrots, corn, and others. Finally, the fifth and final food group
is protein, which can be found in beef, chicken, eggs, nuts, fish,
and pork.
The portion size of each food group is not the same. For
example, it is recommended that a person eat slightly more
vegetables and grains than fruit and protein for each meal. There
are also other guidelines on how to eat healthier, some of which
includes drinking skim milk instead of whole milk, water instead
of sugary drinks, and eating wheat bread instead of white bread.
Calories are a measure of the amount of energy in food
items. Calories are necessary to eat to get the energy needed to
play, work, and move around. The calories get burned off during
movement, so eating will replenish them. But if a person eats more
calories than they burn, the excess is stored as fat. Some foods
contain empty calories, meaning they have very little nutritional
value such as solid fats and sugars.
There are many healthy foods to eat in order to receive the
vitamins and minerals needed. For example, vitamin A is found in
milk and helps keep the immune system healthy; Vitamin C is
found in oranges and other vegetables, which is good for blood
vessels, teeth, healing, and the brain. Vitamin D and calcium is
great for healthy bones and can be found in milk. Iron is needed
for the blood and is available in red meat, poultry, fish, and leafy

vegetables. These are just a few of the minerals and vitamins that
keep a person healthy.
In summary, good nutrition leads to good health. When a
person wants to lose weight, it can be done by eating healthier and
exercising regularly. Nearly all foods contain some of the vitamins
and minerals needed for the body, but it is also important to eat
the right amount of foods from the five food groups: grains, dairy,
fruits, vegetables, and protein.
Sources text:

Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. Why is it most important for children to eat healthily?
2. Which of the following food groups includes beef, chicken, and
3. Which of the following two food groups are needed slightly
more than fruit and protein?
4. Which of the following is the measure of energy in food?
5. What happens when more calories are eaten than burned off?
6. Which of the following is good for healthy bones?

Read the following text and answer questions!

Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.

1. The label is telling us about … of a dietary supplement.

a. the information
b. the usage
c. the materials
d. the benefits

2. When would it be best to consume the product?

a. Before April 27th, 2010.
b. After April 4th, 2010.
c. During April 4th, 2010.
d. On April 4th, 2010.

3. How many soft gels does someone take every day?
a. 1 gel.
b. 15 mg.
c. 200 IU.
d. 600 mg.

4. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10). What is the
meaning of the word “established”?
a. Ordered.
b. Determined.
c. Carried
d. Helped


A. Healthy Foods That Are High in Iron

Iron is a mineral that plays an important role in the
formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Iron

Foods Meaning Nutrient

Red meat Daging merah 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of
ground beef can contain 2.7
mg of iron, which is 15
percent of the daily
requirement for iron.
Innards Jeroan (daging, a 3.5-ounce (100-gram)
(meat, offal jeroan daging serving of beef liver can
meat such seperti hati, contain 6.5 mg of iron, or up
as liver, otak, ginjal, dan to 36% iron
brain, jantung)
kidney, and
Green Sayuran hijau About 3.5 ounces (100
vegetable (bayam dan grams) of raw spinach can
(spinach brokoli) contain 2.7 mg of iron or can
and meet the daily iron needs of
broccoli) up to 15 percent.
One cup (156 grams) of
cooked broccoli can contain
1 mg of iron, which is 6
percent of the daily iron
Seafood Makanan laut A 3.5-gram (100-gram)
serving of clams can contain
up to 3 mg of iron, which is
17 % of the daily iron

Healthy Foods That Are High in Iron

Foods Meaning Nutrient

Tofu Tahu half a cup (126 grams) of
tofu can provide 3.4 mg of
iron, which is 19 percent of
the daily iron requirement.
Pumkin Biji buah labu
Legumes Kacang- One cup (198 grams) of
(peanuts, kacangan cooked lentils can contain 6.6
legumes, (kacang tanah, mg of iron, which is 37
lentils, legum, lentil, percent of the daily iron
chickpeas, buncis, kacang requirement.
peas and polong, dan
soybeans) kedelai
Turkey Daging kalkun A 3.5-ounce (100-gram)
meat black turkey can contain 1.4
mg of iron, which is 8
percent of the daily iron
Dark Cokelat hitam 1 ounce (28 grams) of dark
chocholate chocolate or dark chocolate,
contained 3.4 mg of iron,
which is 19 percent of the
daily requirement.
Fish (tuna, Ikan (ikan tuna, a 3-ounce (85-gram) serving
salmon, salmon, sarden, of canned tuna can contain
sardines, tongkol, dan about 1.4 mg of iron, which
tuna and ikan kembung) is about 8 percent of the
mackerel) daily iron requirement.
Cereal Sereal cereals contain 100 percent
of the daily value of iron.

B. Healthy Foods That Are High in Calcium
Calcium is a mineral that is needed by the body. Almost
all the calcium in our body is stored in our bones and teeth.
Only 1 percent is in the blood, muscle cells, and other body

Healthy Foods That Are High in Calcium

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Sardine Ikan sarden 100 grams of canned
sardines, it is estimated that
the calcium content can meet
about 35% of the daily
Broccoli Brokoli 128 grams which are
equivalent to one cup,
broccoli contains as much as
60 milligrams of calcium.
Spinach Bayam Half a glass of spinach (125
ml) contains about 130
milligrams of calcium.
Lettuce Selada In 50 grams of lettuce, there
are 19 milligrams of calcium.
Almond Kacang almond In 15 grams of almonds,
Nut there is 40 mg of calcium
that can be obtained.
Sesame Biji wijen In one tablespoon or the
seeds equivalent of 9 grams of
sesame seeds contains 160
mg of calcium.
Soy milk Susu kedelai In each cup (200ml) of soy
milk, there is about 240 mg
of calcium.
Red beans Kacang merah One cup of kidney beans, or
about 185 grams, contains 80
mg of calcium.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Calcium

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Oatmeal Oatmeal In one bowl, the calcium
content in oatmeal is about
105 milligrams.
Milk (low Susu rendah Calcium contained in cow's
fat milk lemak dan susu milk ranges from 276 to 352
and non fat tanpa lemak mg depending on the type
Goat milk Susu kambing In a cup of goat's milk about
327 mg
Cheese Keju In 28 grams of parmesan
cheese, there is about 330 mg
of calcium, which is
equivalent to 25 to 30
percent of the daily calcium
Yogurt Yogurt In a cup of yogurt, about 245
grams contains 488 mg of
calcium which is equivalent
to 38 percent of the daily
calcium requirement
Dates Kurma One date contains an
average of 15 mg of calcium
Kiwi Kiwi One kiwi fruit with a
diameter of two inches has
about 23 mg of calcium in it.
Orange Jeruk One medium orange
contains 60 mg of calcium
Banana Pisang Bananas contain calcium,
which is about 6.8 grams.
Papaya Pepaya Papaya contains 20 mg for
each serving weighing 100

C. Healthy Foods That Are High in Protein
Iron is a mineral that plays an important role in the
formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Protein

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Lentils Kacang lentil Each cup of cooked lentils
contains 18 grams of protein,
providing 230 calories.
Peas Kacang polong A cup of peas contains 9 g of
Broccoli Brokoli Broccoli provides 2.8 g of
protein in each cup.
Asparagus Asparagus Every 100 g of asparagus
provides 2.4 g of protein
Sweet corn Jagung manis 100 g of sweet corn contains
3.3 protein, while one cob
contains 4.68 g of protein
Egg Telur The protein content in eggs
reaches 6 grams and 78
calories. There is more
protein in egg whites than
egg yolks.
Chicken Ayam In chicken breast has 53
grams of protein and 284
Wheat Gandum In raw wheat, there are
about 13 grams of protein
and 303 calories.
Yogurt Yogurt About 17 grams of protein
contained in 170 grams of
Milk Susu The protein content in a cup
of milk is about 8 grams

Healthy Foods That Are High in Protein

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Beef Daging sapi 85 ounces of beef contains
about 22 grams of protein
and 184 calories.
Fish Ikan In 1 ounce of tuna, it is
known that there are 30
grams of protein and 157
Potatoe Kentang Each medium potato with
the skin on contains 5 g of
Guava Jambu biji One cup (165 grams) serving
of guava contains 4.2 grams
of protein
Tempeh Tempe This tempeh contains up to
15 grams of protein in a 3-
ounce (84 gram)
Avocado Alpukat In 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of
avocado contains 2 grams of
protein and 15 grams of
good fats.

D. Healthy Foods That Are High in Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the
body to carry out various activities.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Carbohydrates

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Corn Jagung Every 100 grams of corn
contains 25 grams of
carbohydrates and 3.36
Sweet Ubi jalar In one medium-sized sweet
Potato potato can contain about
23.61 grams
Dates Kurma Dates reach 17.99 to 36
grams for every 100 grams.
Red beans Kacang merah In 100 grams, red beans
contain about 22 grams of
Mango Mangga One medium-sized mango
can supply 23 to 40 grams of
Beetroot Bit One cup of raw beets can
contain 13 g of
Brown rice Beras merah One cup of cooked brown
rice contains about 36 g of
Oat Oat One cup of oats provides 27
g of carbohydrates, 5 g of
protein, and 4 g of fiber.
Banana Pisang One medium banana can
contain 26.95 g of
Apple Apel One medium apple can
contain 25.13 g of

Healthy Foods That Are High in Carbohydrates

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content


Orange Jeruk One orange can provide 11.8

percent of the daily
carbohydrate requirement.
Raisins Kismis One cup of raisins can
contain 129.48 g of
Red beans Kacang merah One cup of red beans
contains 21 g of
Blueberry Blueberry Blueberries consist mostly of
water as well as about 14.5%
Goji berry Goji berry One cup of Goji Berry
contains 32 g of

E. Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin A
Vitamin A is not only good for the eyes, but also for other
health, including bone health and reproduction. Vitamin A also
contains antioxidants, so it is good for healthy skin, teeth, bone
tissue, and soft tissue.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin A

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Sweet Ubi jalar In sweet potato, contained
Potato about 1,400 mcg of vitamin
Carrot Wortel Half a glass of carrots
contains 459 mcg of vitamin
A or can meet 51% of daily
vitamin A needs
Broccoli Brokoli Half a cup of broccoli
provides 60 mcg of Vitamin
Mango Mangga In a mango, there are 112
mcg of vitamin A
Spinach Bayam Spinach contains 573 mcg of
vitamin A in half a cup of
cooked spinach.
Dried Aprikot Kering 10 dried apricots contain 63
apricots mcg of vitamin A.
Tomato Tomat Three-quarters of a cup of
tomato juice contains 42 mcg
of vitamin A
Passion Markisa The content of vitamin C in
fruit 100 grams of passion fruit is
72 mg of vitamin C
Chili Cabai One large green chili can
contain 109 mg of vitamin C
Yellow Paprika kuning Half a cup (75 grams) of
peppers yellow bell pepper, can

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin A

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

provide 137 mg of vitamin C

Green Paprika hijau Dalam 50 gram paprika

peppers hijau ditemukan sekitar 56, 5
gram kandungan vitamin C
Cabbage Kubis About 100 grams of cabbage
contains 92.6 mg of vitamin
Pumpkin Labu kuning In 100 grams of pumpkin
found the content of 23 mg
of vitamin C

F. Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important element that must be included
in our daily diet. Consumption of food sources rich in Vitamin
C helps boost the body's immune system, which the body needs
to fight disease.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin C

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Guava Jambu merah In a 100 gram serving,
there are 228 milligrams of
vitamin C
Red chilli Cabai merah In a 100 gram serving, red
chilies contain 144
milligrams of vitamin C
Paprika Paprika Bell peppers contain about
128 milligrams of vitamin
C per 100 gram
Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi has vitamin C content
of about 93 milligrams per
100-gram serving
Broccoli Brokoli Broccoli has a vitamin C
content of about 89
milligrams per 100-gram
Papaya Pepaya Per 100 gram serving,
papaya contains 61
milligrams of vitamin C
Strawberry Strawberry Per 100 gram serving,
strawberries contain 59
milligrams of vitamin C
Orange Oranye Per 100 grams of serving,
oranges contain 53
milligrams of vitamin C
Tomato Tomat Tomato provides 23
milligrams of vitamin C

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin C

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

per 100 gram serving

Blackcurrants Blackcurrants One-half cup (56 grams) of

black currants can contain
101 mg of vitamin C
Lemon Lemon One raw lemon, including
the peel can provide 83 mg
of vitamin C
Lychee Leci One lychee provides
almost 7 mg of vitamin C
or can meet the daily
requirement of vitamin C

G. Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that
vitamin D can be stored and recovered from body fat. The main
benefit of vitamin D in the body is to increase the absorption of
calcium and phosphorus to support strong bones and teeth.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin D

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Salmon Ikan salmon About 100 grams salmon
contains about 500 IU.
Sardines Ikan sarden 1 can of sardines contains
about 170 IU.

Tuna Ikan tuna 1 can of tuna contains 100

grams contains about 260
Fish oil Minyak ikan About 1 tsp of fish oil
already contains about 450
IU of vitamin D
Egg yolk Kuning telur One egg yolk can contain
about 40 IU
Mushrooms Jamur 100 grams of mushrooms
alone has more than 2000
Cow’s milk Susu sapi Cow's milk only contains
about 1 IU of vitamin D per
100 grams. But modified
cow's milk can contain up
to 150 IU per glass.
Soy milk Susu kedelai One glass can contain up to
100 IU of Vitamin D
Yogurt Yogurt Fortified yogurt can
contain up to 50 IU of
vitamin D

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin D

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Oyster Tiram One cup of raw oysters can
contain nearly 800 IU of
vitamin D

H. Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound with antioxidant
properties. Vitamin E is important for maintaining the immune
system, healthy blood vessels, and maintaining youthful skin.
The content of vitamin E can be obtained naturally through

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin E

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Sunflower Biji bunga One serving of sunflower
seed matahari seeds (100 grams) contains
35.17 milligrams of vitamin
Almond Kacang almond For every 100 grams of
almonds, there are at least
25.63 mg of vitamin E
Peanut Kacang There are 4.93 mg of
vitamin E in every 100
gram serving of dry
roasted nuts
Avocado Alpukat In 100 grams of avocado
there are 2.07 milligrams of
vitamin E
Spinach Bayam One serving or the
equivalent of 100 grams of
raw spinach contains 2.03
milligrams of vitamin E
Bit Bit One serving of 100 grams
of cooked beetroot contains
1.81 milligrams of vitamin
Wheat germ Minyak Biji 1 tablespoon of wheat
oil Gandum germ oil or wheat germ oil
alone can contain 20 mg of
vitamin E

Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin E

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Sun seed oil Minyak biji 1 tablespoon of sunflower
bunga matahari seed oil can contain 5.6 mg
of vitamin E
Mango Mangga 100 grams of mango can
contain 0.9 mg of vitamin E
Kiwi Kiwi 1 medium kiwi can contain
1.0 mg of vitamin E

I. Healthy Foods That Are High in Fat
Fat is a source of energy that protects the body, can
replace carbohydrates, and supports other body functions.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Fat

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Avocado Alpukat One avocado weighing 201
grams can contain about 29
grams of fat and 322
Dark Coklat hitam 1 ounce of dark chocolate
chocholate can provide up to 9 g of
healthy fat
Egg Telur Every 50 g of a hard-boiled
egg contains 5.3 g of fat, 1.6
of which is saturated, and
only 78 calories
Olive oil Minyak Zaitun In one tablespoon, olive oil
can contain 14 g of healthy
fat and 120 calories.
Peanut Kacang There are about 14 g of
healthy fat in 1 ounce of
almonds, 19 g in Brazil
nuts, and 18.5 g in walnuts.
Tofu Tahu 100 g serving of hard tofu
contains more than 4 g fat

J. Healthy Foods That Are High in Fiber
Fiber is a nutrient that cannot be digested, but is very
helpful in the process of digesting food.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Fiber

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Carrot Wortel Carrots contain about 2.8
grams of fiber for every 100
Red beet Bit merah For every 100 grams, red
beets provide you with 2.8
grams of fiber
Broccoli Brokoli Broccoli can contain 2.6
grams of fiber for every 100
Sweet potato Ubi jalar For every 100 grams, sweet
potatoes have 2.5 grams of
Spinach Bayam For every 100 grams, this
prima donna contains 2.4
grams of fiber
Asparagus Asparagus Asparagus contains about
1.8 grams for every 90
grams after cooking
Cauliflower Kembang kol For every 128 grams of
cauliflower, we will get
about 3 grams of fiber

Cabbage Kubis For every 89 grams of

cabbage, the fiber
contained is about 2 grams
with a very low calorie of

Healthy Foods That Are High in Fiber

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Strawberry Strawberry The fiber content in
strawberries is 3 grams in 1
cup or 2 grams per 100
Alvocado Alpukat The fiber content in 1 cup
of raw avocado is 10 grams
or 6.7 grams per 100 grams
Apel Apel In a medium-sized raw
apple contains 4.4 grams of
fiber or 2.4 grams per 100
Raspberries Raspberries One cup of raw raspberries
contains 8 grams of fiber or
6.5 grams per 100 grams
Pear Pir The fiber content in a
medium-sized unripe pear
is 5.5 grams or 3.1 grams
per 100 grams.
Peas Kacang polong The fiber content of peas is
16.3 grams per cup or 8.3
per 100 grams cooked.
Red beans Kacang merah One cup of cooked kidney
beans contains 12.2 grams
of fiber or 6.8 grams per
100 grams.
Beans Buncis Chickpeas contain 12.5
grams of fiber per cup of
cooked chickpeas or 7.6
grams per 100 grams.
Wheat Gandum The fiber content of one
cup of raw oats is 16.5
grams or 10.1 grams per
100 grams.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Fiber

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Almond Kacang almond The fiber content in it is 4
grams per 3 tablespoons or
13.3 grams per 100 grams.
Dragon fruit Buah naga The fiber content in dragon
fruit is about 0.7 grams per
100 grams
Star fruit Belimbing The fiber content in star
fruit is about 0.9 grams per
100 grams
Papaya Pepaya Papaya contains fiber with
levels of 1.3 grams per 100
Mango Mangga Mango contains 1.6 grams
of fiber per 100 grams
Banana Pisang Bananas contain fiber as
much as 0.6 grams per 100
Pineapple Nanas The fiber content in
pineapple reaches 1 gram
per 100 grams
Red guava Jambu merah Red guava contains high
fiber with levels of 7.3
grams per 100 grams
Pomegranate Pomegranate A pomegranate contains
more than 11 grams of
Passion fruit Markisa Passion fruit contains 10
grams of fiber
Mustard Sawi hijau One hundred grams of
green mustard greens contains
0.7 grams of fiber.

Healthy Foods That Are High in Fiber

Foods Meaning Nutrient Content

Papaya leaf Daun pepaya Papaya leaves have a high
fiber content, which is 13.1
grams in 100 grams of

K. Healthy Foods That Are High in Water
Fat is a source of energy that protects the body, can
replace carbohydrates, and supports other body functions.

Reading Text


Nutritious food for pregnant women is very influential

on the health of the mother and the growth of the fetus.
Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to know the
choices of nutritious foods that can be consumed so that the
fetus they contain remains healthy.
Consumption of nutritious food for pregnant women is
done so that nutritional needs during pregnancy are fulfilled
properly. However, pregnant women need to worry about
what they consume. The reason is that there are nutritious
foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy, such as
eggs and raw meat, as well as dairy products that have not
gone through the pasteurization process.
Nutritional intake during pregnancy, both type and
amount, really needs to be considered. Moreover, the need for
various types of nutritional intake will increase along with
gestational age. In the first trimester of pregnancy, for example,
the number of calories consumed generally does not need to be
added. However, when entering the second and third
trimesters, the calorie intake needed can increase to reach 340-
450 calories per day.
The growth and development of the baby in the womb is
very important for the balanced nutritious food that you
consume. Your little one needs nutrients such as folic acid, iron,
and calcium. To meet these nutrients, Mother is advised to eat
healthy foods for pregnant women. Nutritional needs can be
obtained from wheat, fruits, vegetables, milk, or protein and
low-fat foods.

• Nutrious : bergizi
• Pregnant : hamil
• Growth : pertumbuhan
• Development : perkembangan
• Fetus : janin
• Healthy : kesehatan
• Consumption : konsumsi
• Raw meat : daging mentah
• Gestational : kehamilan
• Nutritional : nutrisi
• Calory : kalori
• Baby : bayi
• Womb : rahim
• Folic acid : asam folat
• Iron : zat besi
• Calcium : kalsium
• Wheat : gandum
• Fruits : buah-biahan
• Vegetables : sayur-sayuran
• Low-fat foods : makan rendah lemak

Read this text below and answer the questions below!


Everyone always wants to have an ideal and healthy body

shape. In addition to exercising regularly, food is an important
factor for maintaining a healthy body. The types of foods that have
always been considered capable of maintaining endurance are
vegetables and fruits. Consumption of healthy foods every day is
highly recommended to meet daily nutritional needs. This is
actually not difficult to do because there are many choices of
healthy food to be consumed every day.

Healthy food is food that should contain a variety of nutrients
needed by the body. The body needs a variety of nutrients to stay
healthy and growth can run optimally. The requirements for a
healthy diet are clean, well-nourished, and balanced. A balanced
healthy diet is a food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
and vitamins. We can eat various types of healthy food, without
being limited to one type. Eating different types of food can
provide different nutrients so that the nutrients needed by the
body can be met. In order to function properly, our bodies need
nutrients and energy obtained from food. In the body, the food
consumed will undergo a process of digestion and absorption of

1. Are healthy foods is highly recommended for people?

2. What is healthy food?
3. What body needs to stay healthy and grow optimally?
4. Are different types of food can provide different nutrients?
5. What is needed by our body?

Read this text below and answer the questions below!


Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, minerals,

antioxidants, and high fiber compared to other types of food. Then
fruits and vegetables are easy to find in our environment in
Indonesia, even some types of fruit and vegetables are easy to
grow in tropical nature like Indonesia.
Some vitamins, minerals contained in vegetables and fruits act as
antioxidants or antidotes to bad compounds in the body. Unlike
vegetables, fruits also provide carbohydrates, especially in the
form of fructose and glucose. Certain vegetables also provide
carbohydrates, such as carrots and vegetable potatoes. While
certain fruits also provide unsaturated fats such as avocados and
red fruits.

Various studies show that adequate consumption of vegetables
and fruits plays a role in maintaining normal blood pressure, blood
sugar, and cholesterol levels. Consumption of sufficient vegetables
and fruit also reduces the risk of difficult bowel movements
(constipation) and obesity. This shows that adequate consumption
of vegetables and fruits plays a role in preventing chronic non-
communicable diseases. Consumption of sufficient vegetables and
fruits is one simple indicator of balanced nutrition.

1. What are the ingredients in fruits and vegetables?

2. Can consumption of insufficient vegetables and fruit cause
constipation and obesity?
3. What is the function of consuming fruits and vegetables?
4. What are the fruits which contain carbohydrates?
5. What are the fruits which contain fats?


The students are able to express medication

Source Picture:


Medications get into the body in several different ways. The

way the medication enters the body is called the "route". The most
common "route" for medications is orally (by mouth) in the form of
pills, capsules, or liquids. However, if the person is unable to take
medications in this way, or if the medication is not available in oral
form, medications can enter the body by other routes.
In the pharmaceutical world, there are many forms and
types of drugs that we can find in pharmacies. Each type of drug
has a function that is different from one another. When we
experience or suffer from a disease, we will automatically eat or
take medicine. There are many types of drugs circulating, both
sold in pharmacies and the market, ranging from drugs that can be
swallowed normally, smoked, and must also be dissolved.

a type of drug whose form
is a combination of tablet
and capsule forms.

a type of drug is consumed
by snorting, not chewing

A type of drug is coated
with one or more layers
made of certain materials.
This drug is taken by
swallowing it whole.

a type of drug in the form of
a small tube, from a
substance that is easily
soluble in water containing
drug powder

types of drugs in the form
of small solid granules

type a drugs in liquid form.
To concume it, shake it
before drinking

a type of external drug, in
the form of a semi-solid
that can be applied to the
skin or mucous

type a drug in liquid form by
dripping onto the affected
part of the disease in mouth,
ear, nose, and eye drops.

This type of drug is a
liquid that is sprayed on a
sick body part

a type of external medicine
that is placed on the surface
of the skin

a type of external medicine
made from a dry mixture
of medicinal ingredients or
chemical substances that
are mashed

types of liquid drugs that are
often put into the body
through injection are drugs
and vitamins.

Medication Routes
1. Medication by inhalation
2. Medication by inunctions (by rubbing of ointment or oil into
the skin)
3. Rectal medication (a tablet or capsule)
4. Medication by dropper
5. Medication by injection (IV: Intravenous injection, IM:
Intramuscular injection)
6. Sublingual medication (a tablet is placed under a patient’s
tongue until it dissolves.

7. Oral Medication (by placing a tablet or capsule on the patient’s
tongue, then the patient swallows the medicine following a
drink of water).

o Vaginal route:
The drug is administered vaginally as a solution, tablet, cream,
gel, suppository, or ring. It is absorbed through the vaginal
wall. Vaginal symptoms such as dryness, soreness, and redness
during menopause can be relieved by applying estrogen
through the vaginal route.

o Ocular route:
The drug is applied to the eye as liquid, gel, or ointment. Liquid
eye drops may have lower absorption as the drug may run off
the eye quickly. Gel/ointment may have better absorption due
to longer contact time with the eye surface, however, they can
cause blurred vision. It only produces a local effect in the eyes
and there is minimal systemic absorption.

o Otic route:
The drug is administered in the outer ear canal as liquid drops.
It is used to treat local infections/inflammation and there is
minimal systemic absorption.

o Nasal route:
The drug is breathed in and absorbed through the thin mucous
membranes that line the nasal passage. Some drugs can irritate
the nasal passage. Nicotine for smoking cessation, sumatriptan
for migraine headaches, and corticosteroid for allergies are
some examples of drugs that can be used nasally.

o Cutaneous route:
The drug is directly applied to the skin as cream, ointment,
lotion, solution, powder or gel. It produces local effect and is
used to treat superficial skin conditions such as eczema,
infections or dry skin

Many types of functional text exist in English, one example
is drug/medicine labels. Labels are a type of text in the form of the
information listed on a product. Usually written on the outside of
the packaging. The contents of this text include the advantages of
the product, how to use it, indications, and others.

Drug/medicine labels are made to show the use of the
drug/medicine, who should take the drug, and how to take it
safely. On the drug/medicine container or packaging, usually, we
will find writing about the name of the drug, the use of the
drug/medicine, what the drug is made of, instructions for use or
dosage, and so on. These things are part of the label. Information
on the drug label:

Information Meaning Note

Composition Komposisi Ingredients contained in the
Description Keterangan Explanation of the kinds of
Indication Indikasi Symptoms that can be cured
by medication
Contraindication Kontraindikasi A symptom that is not
recommended when taking
the drug
Dosage/amount Dosis/jumlah The dose or dose of the drug

Expired date Tanggal The expiration date of the

kadaluarsa drug
Suggestion Sarann Advice given in taking the
Warning Peringatan Warnings / prohibitions that
should not be done when
taking the drug

Information Meaning Note
Manufactured Tanggal The date of production of the
date pembuatan drug
Direction of store Petunjuk Information or storage
penyimpanan instructions
Direction of use Petunjuk Information or instructions
penggunaan for use
Manufactured Diproduksi Companies that produce
oleh drugs

For example:

Work in pairs. Match the forms of medication in 3 to these routes.
You can use some word more than once
1. (into the ) ear …….
2. (into the) eye …….
3. (by) mouth………
4. (into the) muscle ……..
5. (into the) nose …….
6. (into the) rectum …..
7. (on the) skin …….
8. (under the) skin…..
9. (under the) tongue …….
10. (into a) vein…….

The following abbreviations are commonly used by doctors

when they prescribe drugs:
b.i.d : twice a day
t.i.d : three times a day
q.i.d : four times a day
p.r.n : when necessary
2 hrly : once every two hours
p.c : before meals/ before food or on an empty stomach
a.c : after meals/ after food
p.o : orally (through mouth0
tab. : tablets
caps : capsules
MAR : Medication administration Record

Further vocabulary practice, use the information in the medication
chart to complete the patient notes.
Type Of Method Of
Bed Of Quantity Frequency
Drug Admisnistration
1 Senokot Laxative 2 tablets Oral Nightly
Anti- 1000 units
2 Heparin Infusion Continous
coagulant per hour

Patient notes
The patient in bed number 1 has constipation so he needs a
(a)…….. Give him (b)……. of Senokot once a (c)…… . The patient
in bed number 2 with angina is on an IV drip. He’s receiving a
continuous (d)…….. of an (e)……. Check that he’s getting (f)……
of Heparin per hour.

Where do you find medicines?

Pharmacy : a shop/ store that sells medicines and drugs/ a place
in a hospital where medicines are prepared
Drugstore : a shop / store that sells medicines and also other
types of goods, example : cosmetics, toiletries.
Dispensary : a place in a hospital, shop/ store, etc. where
medicined are prepared for patients.

Reading Label

Read the directions for three over-the-counter medications: find
phrases that mean the following
1. Don’t take this medicine more than four times in twenty-four
2. It can make you feel sleepy. Don’t drive when you are taking
this medicine.
3. Swallow whole.
4. Take this medicine when you need it according to how bad you
5. Only take this medicine by mouth.

Read this medicine label below then answer the questions!
Nutrition Facts
Serving size 1/2 (20 g)
Serving Per Container 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories : 370 calories from fat 170
% Daily Value *
Total Fat : 15 g 29%
Saturated Fat : 12 g 60%
Cholesterol : 15 mg 5%
Sodium : 25 mg 10
Total Charbohidrat : 45 g 15%
Dietary fiber : 2g 8%
Sugar : 33 g
Candy Bar

1. What is the name of the product ?

A. Adam
B. Nutrition Facts
C. Serving Size
D. Candy Bar

2. From the label we know that the product contains……saturated fat

A. high
B. low
C. small
D. little

3. When you want to serve the product, you should split it into …
A. five
B. four
C. three
D. two

4. The product contains … % of the suggested sodium we should
consume daily
A. 15
B. 10
C. 7
D. 5

Read this medicine label below then answer the questions!
POP 1000
Vitamin Lemon
Healthy and Fresh
Under license by wellness Food Indonesia
In a bottle (140 ml) contains :
Vitamin C 100 mg
Energy 65 cal
Protein 0 g
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrate 16 g
Sugar 6g
Natrium 99 g
Vitamin B 1 1.0 g
Vitamin E 2.3 g
Niacin 2.3 g

5. How much liguis does the POP 1000 contain ?

A. 100 mg
B. 99 g
C. 140 ml
D. 65 cal

6. The following are the vitamins in POP 1000, except …

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B1
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin E

7. From the label we know that POP 1000 does not contain …
A. Carbohydrate
B. Vitamin
C. Protein
D. Energy

8. What is the flavor of the drink?

A. Lemon
B. Orange
C. Guava
D. Durian


Procedure text is a text that contains a way, a goal to make

or do something with the right step by step sequentially to
produce something desired.

The characteristics of the procedure type text are:

• Using command sentences, or it can also be interpreted as text
using prohibition and recommendation sentences. In the text,
you will find words of advice or commands.
• there are guidelines or steps and stages in doing or using
• Use connecting words from one stage to another. The words
"then", "then", "next", "next", and so on
• There is a sequence of activities arranged systematically. To
make it easier for readers to understand the sequence of
activities, the writer uses bullet points or numbering

Example of Procedure Text


Before using, you need to do the following so that the medicine we
are taking is efficacious in treating disease:
1. Take a bottle of cough syrup and separate the measuring
container from the bottle cap.
2. Follow the instructions stated on the bottle packing about the
recommended measures for each category of users, from
children, youth, to adults. Also note some conditions which are
not recommended to take the medicine, for example, women
who are having menstruation or certain diseases.
3. Shake the bottle of cough syrup for a few seconds.
4. Based on the measurement information on the bottle packaging,
open the cap of the cough syrup and pour the contents only the
recommended dosage. Please look at the lines and numbers
printed on the serving document container to see the amount.

5. Drink cough medicine syrup directly from serving measures.
Make sure there is no medicine left in the container after taking
6. Do not drink any other drink at least for a few minutes after
taking cough syrup.
7. Some cough syrups can cause drowsiness after drinking. In this
circumstance, make sure you are not in any hard or important
8. Clean the measuring container with clean water, cover the
bottle of cough syrup, and replace the measuring container on
the bottle cover of the medicine.

Take : Ambil/mengambil
Follow : Ikuti/mengikuti
Open : Buka/membuka
Shake : Goyang/menggoyangkan, kocok/mengocok
Pour : Tuang/menuangkan
Drink : Minum
Clean : Bersihkan/membersihkan
Cover : Tutup/menutup
Replace : Ganti/mengganti


To stay safe in using eye drops, here are some steps you need to
take before using them:
1. Check the bottle of eye drops that will be used. Eye drops must
be sterile. Also, check the expiration date listed on the
2. Wash your hands thoroughly before using eye drops.
3. Shake the eye drop bottle before use.
4. Tilt your face, then gently pull the lower eyelid.
5. Press the pack to drip the medication onto the lower eyelid.
6. Blink your eyes so that the eye drops spread all over your eye.

7. Do not let the tip of the bottle or package of eye drops touch the
surface of the eye. This needs to be considered to prevent the
entry of bacteria into the medicine bottle.
8. If it is necessary to use several types of eye drops at the same
time, give a gap of about 5 minutes.
9. For dosages of use, see product packaging labels or according
to doctor's recommendations.
10. If the eye drops are used from a doctor's prescription, ask the
doctor for further explanation about what you can or cannot do
when using eye drops.

Translate these vocabularies into Indonesian!

1. Bottle :
2. Eye drops :
3. Bacteria :
4. Medicine :
5. Dosages :
6. Medication :
7. Package :
8. Bacteria :
9. Prescription :
10. Packaging labels :


How to use ear drops should not be arbitrary, including the use of
drugs that must be following a prescription from a doctor. The
wrong way will eliminate the benefits contained in the drug or
even increase the risk of infection. Therefore, this guide on how to
use the right ear drops is below:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before using ear drops.
2. Shake the bottle of ear drops and open the cap before using it.
Do not leave the tip of the bottle exposed to air for too long to
prevent contamination.
3. Avoid sticking the tip of the bottle directly to the ear because it
can cause contamination of germs on the tip of the bottle.
4. Tilt your head and gently squeeze the bottle so that the number
of drops matches the dose.
5. Make sure to keep your head tilted for some time after the ear
drops are in.
6. Don't forget to wash your hands again after using ear drops.

Answer these questions based on the text above!

1. What is the purpose of the text above?
2. How many instructions were given related to the use of ear
3. Is use ear drops must be sterilized before and after using them?
4. Is needed to shake the bottle before using the ear drops?
5. Why does the reader avoid the tip of the bottle directly to the



The students are able to express medication

Source picture:

a. Cardinal Number
A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something
there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

1 One 11 Eleven 21 Twenty one 40 Forty

2 Two 12 Twelve 22 Twenty two 50 Fifty

3 Three 13 Thirteen 23 twenty three 60 Sixty

4 Four 14 Fourteen 24 twenty four 70 Seventy

5 Five 15 Fifteen 25 twenty five 80 Eighty

6 Six 16 Sixteen 26 twenty six 90 Ninety

7 Seven 17 Seventeen 27 twenty seven 100 A hundred

8 Eight 18 Eighteen 28 twenty eight 101 A hundred one

9 Nine 19 Nineteen 29 twenty nine 500 Five hundreds

10 Ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 1000 A thousand

1,000,000 A million A billion

Say this number!

379 : three hundred and seventy-nine
2.860 : two thousand eight hundred and sixty
5.084 : five thousand and eighty four
470.000 : four hundred and seventy thousand
2.550.000 : two million, five hundred and fifty thousand : three billion
250.755 : two hundreds fifty thousands seven hundreds and
fifty five
1.725.500 : one million seven hundreds twenty five thousands
five hundreds
125.005 : one hundred twenty five thousands and five

Function of Cardinal Numbers:
1. Expressing the price tag or to show the price of an item such as
boxed drink price tags, clothing labels and much more. For
o I bought this jacket Rp. 100,000
o We will get free $5 fo each item

2. Expressing adverb of time, whether in the form of "a.m for

information in the morning" or "p.m for information during the
day". For example:
o I wake up at 5.430 a.m every morning
o Don't for get to enter the meeting at 7 p.m

3. Stating someone's weight we must use the cardinal number. For

o Your weight is 60 kg

4. Stating someone's height. For example:

o My height is about 165 cm

5. Stating someones’ age. For example:

o I'm 30 years old

6. Stating announcements that are sourced and related to speed.

For example:
o Don't ride the car more than 100 km/hour
o Please go slowly about 30 km per hour

b. Ordinal Number
An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of
something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.

1st First 21st Twenty first

2nd Second 22nd Twenty second

3rd Third 23rd Twenty third

4th Fourth 24th Twenty fourth
5th Fifth 25th Twenty fifth
6th Sixth 26th Twenty sixth

7th Seventh 27th Twenty seventh

8th Eighth 28th Twenty eighth
9th Ninth 29th Twenty ninth
10th tenth 30th Thirtieth

11th Eleventh 31st Thirty first

12th Twelfth 40th Fortieth
13th Thirteenth 50th Fiftieth
14th Fourteenth 60th Sixtieth

15th Fifteenth 70th Seventieth

16th Sixteenth 80th Eightieth
17th Seventeenth 90th Ninetieth
18th Eighteenth 100th One hundredth

19th Nineteenth 1000th One thousandth

20th twentieth 1,000,000th One millionth

The function of Ordinal Numbers:
o Stating Level
For example, if we want to tell our family member that
he/she is now in grade 2 of high school, then we need to say it
using ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are also used to refer
to the levels in a building. For example:
o 2nd year of senior high school
o 1st year of junior high school
o 7th floor

o Stating Date
Ordinal numbers are also used to represent dates. For
example: August 17th, July 3rd, etc.

o Stating Order
If we like making video tutorials on cooking, makeup,
and so on, you need to use ordinal numbers to sort each step
we want to share. For example:
o First, turn on the stove
o Second, put your pot on the stove
o Third, turn off the stove

o Stating the denominator of the fraction

The denominator is the number at the bottom of the
fraction and the numerator is the number at the top. Well, in
English, the denominator uses ordinal numbers. For example,
to express ¾ then we use the three fourth sentence.
So in conclusion, in ordinal numbers, there are four
endings used, namely: -st, -nd, -rd, -th. Those four endings
must be remembered, Friend Zenius. The four suffixes are used
to indicate the unit number. But we need to pay attention,
Friend Zenius. If we find the number 33, it is added to the -rd
suffix instead of -th. So you guys read it 33rd, thirthy third not
thirthy thirth. Likewise, 41st is read as forty first not forty forth,
and so on.

Please write down this number
1. 12 :................. 6. 172 :................. 11. 2nd :.................
2. 58 :................. 7. 267 :................. 12. 11th :.................
3. 99 :................ 8. 345 :................. 13. 20 :.................
4. 72 : ............... 9. 434 :................. 14. 21 :..................
5. 30 :................. 10. 674 :................. 15. 1000th :.................

Use number to give dates


14 January 1990 January the fourteenth nineteen ninety (BritE)

14.1.90 January the fourteenth nineteen ninety (BritE)

1.14.90 (US) January fourteenth nineteen ninety (AmE)

5 April 1982 April the fifth nineteen eighty two

9 December 1600 December the ninth sixteen hundred

5 November 1804 November the fifth eighteen hundred and four

4th August 1914 The fourth of August, Nineteen fourteen

31st March 2011 The thirty-first of March, two thousand and
Before the year 2000
1492 : Fourteen ninety-two
1700 : Seventeen hundred
1801 : Eighteen hundred and one or eighteen oh /əʊ/ one
1908 : Nineteen oh eight

After the year 2000

2000 : two thousand
2003 : two thousand and three or twenty oh three
2012 : two thousand and twelve or twenty twelve

Use Common Mathematical Terms

+ (Plus), = (Equals), - (Minus),

x (Times, multiplied by), : (Divided by), > ( Greater than),
< (Less than), . (Point),

6 +4 =12 (Six plus four Equals/is twelve)

2 + 3 = 5 (two plus three equals/is five)

15-8 = 7 ( Fifteen minus eight equals seven)

5 x 2 =10 (Five times two equals/is ten/ Five multiplied by two
equals/is ten)

21 : 7 = 3 (Twenty-one divided by seven equals/is three)

18.5 > 18 ( Eighteen point five is greater than eighteen)
17 < 20 ( Seventeen is less than twenty)

3.141 (Three point one four one)

Say in English
1. 23 + 45 = 68
2. 80 – 17 = 63
3. 100 : 40 = 2,5
4. 30 x 25= 750

5. 16.3 > 15
6. 23 < 50
7. 25 – 5 = 20
8. 37x 10 = 370
9. 2000 : 100 = 20
10. 23 – 10 = 13

1. Coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in
Answer: . . . . . .
2. The ordinal number of seventy five in counting order
Answer: . . . . . .
3. The ordinal number of one hundred forty five in counting order
Answer: . . . . . .
4. Coming next after the eighteenth in position
Answer: . . . . . .


The students are able to understand and
mention telling time/hour in English

What time is it, Nurse?

It is……….

Source picture:


A.M : Ante Meridian (before 12 at noon)
P.M : Post Meridian (before 12 at midnight)

Question: What's the time, please?
Answer: It's three o'clock.

The chart below shows you two different ways to tell someone
what the time is.

more formal less formal

It's... It's...
3.00 three o'clock three
3.02 just gone three o'clock three oh two
3.03 three minutes past three three oh three
3.05 five past three three oh five
3.09 nine minutes past three three oh nine
3.10 ten past three three ten
3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen
3.20 twenty past three three twenty
3.21 twenty-one minutes past three three twenty-one
3.25 twenty-five past three three twenty-five
3.30 half past three three thirty
3.35 twenty-five to four three thirty-five
3.40 twenty to four three forty
3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five
3.50 ten to four three fifty
3.55 five to four three fifty-five
3.57 three minutes to four three fifty-seven
3.58 nearly four c'clock three fifty-eight
4.00 four o'clock four

There are two ways to pronounce hours in English:
o Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)
6:25 It's six twenty-five
8:05 It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)
9:11 It's nine eleven
2:34 It's two thirty-four
Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST /
TO + Hour)

For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. (Untuk menit
ke 1 s.d. ke 30 menggunakan kata PAST)
11:20 It's twenty past eleven
4:18 It's eighteen past four

For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. (Untuk menit

31 s.d. 59 menggunakan kata TO)
2:35 It's twenty-five to three
8:51 It's nine to nine
2:59 It's one to three

When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a)

quarter past
7:15 It's (a) quarter past seven ( jam tujuh lebih
When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally
say: a quarter to
12:45 It's (a) quarter to one (jam1 kurang seperempat)
When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally
say: half past
3:30 It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty) /
(jam setengah 4)

o O'clock
We use o'clock when there are NO minutes. (Ditulis o'clock
apabila tidak ada menit dibelakang jam)
10:00 It's ten o'clock
5:00 It's five o'clock
1:00 It's one o'clock
• midday = noon (tengah hari)
• midnight (tengah malam)

Please telling these time!
Contoh :
11.00 = It is eleven o’clock
1. 12.00 5. 01.20 9. 02.45
2. 12.30 6. 01.25 10. 02.50
3. 12.15 7. 01.28 11. 02.55
4. 12.45 8. 01.40 12.08.45

Write the numbers in words










Some expressions related to the time

o “What time is it? ( Jam berapa? )”
o “What is the time? ( Jam berapa ini?)”
o “What time is it right now? (Pukul berapa sekarang?)”
o “May I know what time is it? (Bolehkah saya tahu pukul berapa
o “Do you know what time is it? (Apakah kamu tahu ini pukul
berapa? )”
o “What time do you go to school? (Jam berapa kamu berangkat
ke sekolah?)”
o “I woke up at 4.00 o’clock (Saya bangun pukul 4.00)”
o “When does the stationary is open? (Kapan toko alat tulis itu
o “I went home at 6.30 (Saya pulang ke rumah jam 6 lebih 30

Dialogue of Telling Time
Dialog 1
A dialogue between receptionist and patient
Receptionist : Hello, dr. D’s office. How can I help you? (Halo.
Kantor dr. D. Ada yang bisa dibantu?)
Tom : Hi. I would like to make an appointment with
dr. D. Can I see him today or should I come
another day? (Hai. Saya ingin membuat janji
dengan dr. D. Apa saya bisa menemuinya hari
ini atau saya harus bertemu lain hari?)
Receptionist : I am sorry dr. D is so busy today, but I can
arrange an appointment for another day.
(Mohon maaf, dr. D hari ini sangat sibuk, tapi
saya bisa membuatkan jadwal pertemuannya di
lain hari.)
Tom : Thank you. (Terima kasih.)
Receptionist : Could you please provide your full name and
you number, please? So I can remind you for the
appointment. (Bisa tolong sebutkan nama Anda
dan nomor yang bisa dihubungi? Sehingga saya
bisa mengingatkan Anda tentang jadwal
Tom : Oh, yes. Sorry, I didn’t mention it earlier. It’s
Tom Hiddleton. (Oh, ya. Maaf saya tidak
menyebutkan nama saya sebelumnya. Nama
saya Tom Hiddleton.)
Receptionist : Okay. Is it H-I-D-D-L-E-T-O-N? (Baik. Apakah
pengejaannya H-I-D-D-L-E-T-O-N?)
Tom : Alright, Mr. Hiddleton. What date do you wish
to meet the doctor? (Baik, Tuan Hiddleton.
Tanggal berapa Anda ingin bertemu dokter?)
Receptionist : As soon as possible. Tomorrow during lunch or
after 5 p.m will do. (Sesegera mungkin. Besok
ketika jam makan siang atau setelah jam 5 sore

Tom : Sure. I will arrange the appointment at 12 p.m.
(Baik. Saya akan jadwalkan Anda untuk
bertemu dokter pukul 12 siang.)
Receptionist : Thank you. (Baik. Terima kasih.)
Tom : With pleasure. (Dengan senang hati.)

Dialog 2
A dialogue between receptionist and patient
Receptionist : Hello. Welcome to Uptown Medical Center.
How can I help you? (Halo. Selamat datang di
Pusat Kesehatan Uptown. Ada yang bisa
Samantha : Hi. I need to see the doctor, please. (Hai. Saya
ingin bertemu dengan dokter.)
Receptionist : Have you been here before? (Apa sudah pernah
ke sini sebelumnya?)
Samantha : No, I haven’t. (Belum pernah.)

Receptionist : Okay. Can I have your name, please? (Baik. Bisa

saya tahu nama Anda?)
Samantha : It’s Samantha Jackman. (Nama saya Samantha
Receptionist : Now, what do you need to see the doctor about?
(Apa yang membuat Anda perlu bertemu
Samantha : I got insomnia for two weeks now. I have taken
some pills but it does not work. Now, I feel so
weak and a little bit dizzy. (Sudah dua minggu
saya insomnia. Saya sudah minum obat tetapi
tidak sembuh. Sekarang saya merasa lemah dan
sedikit pusing.)

Receptionist : Noted. Today, we had a cancellation at 3 p.m. Is

that okay? (Baik. Hari ini ada jadwal kosong
pukul 3 sore. Bagaimana?)

Samantha : I think I will take that. (Saya ambil jadwalnya.)

Receptionist : Okay, then. I will set you up today at 3 p.m.

(Baik. Saya akan mengatur jadwal pertemuan
Anda hari ini pukul 3 sore.)
Samantha : Thank you. See you. (Terima kasih. Sampai
Receptionist : See you, too. (Sampai jumpa kembali.)
Samantha : See you, too. (Sampai jumpa kembali.)

Dialogue 3.
A dialogue between receptionist and patient
Patricia : Hello, I’d like to make an appointment to see the
doctor, please. (Halo. Saya ingin membuat janji
bertemu dengan dokter.)
Receptionist : Have you been here before? (Apakah Anda
pernah ke sini sebelumnya?)
Patricia : No, I haven’t. (Belum pernah.)
Receptionist : Okay. What is your name? (Siapa nama Anda?)

Patricia : It’s Patricia Sanchez. (Patricia Sanchez.)

Receptionist : Alright, Mrs. Sanchez. Can I arrange an
appointment today at 1 p.m.? (Baik. Nyonya
Sanchez. Apa saya bisa jadwalkan untuk
bertemu dokter hari ini pukul 1 siang?)
Patricia : Sure. No problem. (Baik Tidak ada masalah.)
Receptionist : Please fill this registration form to proceed this
appointment. (Mohon isi formulir pendaftaran
ini untuk menyetujui jadwal ini.)
Patricia : Sure. (Reading the form carefully.) Should I fill
in the medical insurance number column? I
don’t have medical insurance. (Baik. [Membaca
formulir itu dengan seksama.] Apa saya harus
mengisi kolom nomor asuransi kesehatan? Saya
tidak punya asuransi kesehatan.)

Receptionist : You can skip that. (Anda bisa mengosonginya.)

Patricia : Here you go. (Ini formulirnya.)

Receptionist : Thank you. You have been arranged to see the
doctor at 1 p.m. (Terima kasih. Anda telah
dijadwalkan bertemu dokter pukul 1 siang.)
Patricia : Okay. See you. (Baik. Sampai jumpa.)

Dialogue 4.
A dialogue between receptionist and patient
Patient : I need to make an appointment to see the doctor
(Saya perlu membuat janji bertemu dengan
Receptionist : What seems to be the problem? (Apa yang
tampaknya menjadi masalah?)
Patient : I have a rash that I need a doctor to look at (Saya
memiliki ruam yang perlu diperiksakan ke
Receptionist : Do you have a fever with that rash? (Apakah
Anda demam dengan ruam itu?)
Patient : No, it just itches a lot. (Tidak, hanya terasa
sangat gatal.)
Receptionist : I have openings on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Which would be the best for you? (Saya buka
pada hari Selasa atau Rabu. Mana yang terbaik
untuk Anda?)
Patient : I need an appointment on Tuesday (Saya perlu
janji pada hari Selasa)
Receptionist : Fine, I am choosing the schedule for 9:00 on that
day. Would you like to see Dr. Smith or Dr.
Jones? (Baik, saya membuat jadwal untuk 9:00
pada hari itu. Apakah Anda ingin bertemu
dengan Dr. Smith atau Dr. Jones?)
Patient : I would like to see Dr. Jones (Saya ingin bertemu
dengan Dr. Jones)

Receptionist : I can schedule you with him with no problem.
We look forward to seeing you (Saya dapat
menjadwalkan Anda dengan dia tanpa masalah.
Kami berharap dapat melihat Anda)

Dialogue 5.
A dialogue between receptionist and patient
Receptionist : Hello, this is Midtown Medical Centre (Halo, ini
adalah Pusat Medis Midtown)
Sarah : Hello. I would like to make an appointment to
see the doctor, please (Halo. Saya ingin
membuat janji bertemu dokter, tolong).
Receptionist : Have you been here before? (Apakah Anda
pernah ke sini sebelumnya?)
Sarah : No, I haven’t. (Tidak, saya belum pernah).
Receptionist : Can I have your name please? (Boleh saya tahu
nama Anda?)
Sarah : I’m Sarah Houston (Saya Sarah Houston)
Receptionist : We have an opening at 4:30 this afternoon. Is
that ok? (Kami buka jam 4:30 siang ini. Apakah
itu baik-baik saja?
Sarah : Yes, that’s fine (Ya, tidak apa-apa)
Receptionist : We’ll see you soon (Kami akan segera menemui
Sarah : Thank you. Goodbye (Terima kasih. Sampai

Let’s practice!
Dental Appointment (by phone)
Dental Assistant : Dr. Katuna’s office. May I help you?
Karen : Yes. I’d like to make an appointment for a
dental checkup.
Dental Assistant : Are you one of the doctor’s regular patients?

Karen : No, I’m not. I recently moved to this area and
a friend of mine recommended Dr. Katuna.
Dental Assistant : I see. Dr. Katuna can see you next Thursday.
Do you prefer morning or afternoon?
Karen : Morning is best for me.
Dental Assistant : Would 10:30 be all right?
Karen : That would be fine.
Dental Assistant : And your name is?
Karen : I am Karen.
Dental Assistant : OK Ms Karen. We’ll expect you then at 10:30
on Thursday.
Karen : Thank you very much.


For nurses and medical workers working in an English-

speaking environment, here is a list of keywords. Each word is
represented by its part of speech and definition, as well as an
example phrase demonstrating the word's use in context.

Part of
No Word Meaning
1. Abnormal Adjective tidak normal (untuk tubuh
2. Abstinence Noun pengendalian diri yang
dipaksakan untuk tidak
terlibat dalam aktivitas
tubuh yang secara luas
3. Ache Noun & rasa sakit yang tak kunjung
Adjective hilang
4. Acupuncture Noun penyisipan jarum yang
sangat tipis melalui kulit
pada titik strategis di
dalam tubuh
5. Acute Adjective cepat menjadi parah/
6. Addictive Noun menyebabkan atau
ditandai dengan
7. Allergy Noun reaksi abnormal tubuh
Allergic Adjective terhadap makanan atau zat
lingkungan tertentu (misal
menyebabkan ruam)
8. Allergist Noun mengkhususkan diri dalam
menentukan alergi
makanan dan lingkungan
9. Ambulance Noun kendaraan darurat yang
membawa orang ke rumah

Part of
No Word Meaning
10. Amnesia Noun suatu kondisi yang
menyebabkan orang
kehilangan ingatannya
11. Amputation Noun pengangkatan anggota
Amputate Verb badan secara permanen
12. Anaemia Noun ketika tubuh tidak
Anaemic Adjective memiliki cukup sel darah
13. Anatomy Noun mempelajari struktur
organisme dan bagian-
14. Anelgesic Noun obat yang digunakan
untuk meredakan nyeri
atau penghilang rasa sakit
15. Antibiotics Noun obat yang membunuh
bakteri dan
menyembuhkan infeksi
16. Anti-depressant Noun obat yang membantu
meredakan kecemasan dan
17. Antidote Noun obat yang membalikkan
efek racun
18. Antiseptic Noun cairan yang digunakan
untuk mensterilkan
permukaan kulit
19. Appoinment Noun pertemuan terjadwal
dengan profesional medis
20. Arthritis Noun penyakit yang
menyebabkan persendian
menjadi bengkak dan
21. Asthma (attack) Noun suatu kondisi yang

Part of
No Word Meaning
penyumbatan jalan napas
dan membuat seseorang
sulit bernapas
22. Bacteria Noun organisme penyebab
23. Bandage Noun kain penutup yang
ditempatkan di atas luka
untuk mencegah
pembengkakan dan infeksi
24. Bedsore Noun luka yang berkembang di
tubuh pasien karena
berbaring di satu tempat
terlalu lama
25. Benign Adjetive tidak berbahaya (tidak
bersifat kanker)
26. Biopsy Noun pengangkatan jaringan
manusia untuk melakukan
tes medis tertentu
27. Blood Count Noun jumlah sel darah merah
dan putih yang dimiliki
28. Blood Donor Noun orang yang memberi darah
ke bank darah atau orang
29. Blood measure Noun alat yang mengukur
monitor kekuatan aliran darah
melalui tubuh seseorang
30. Blood Pressure Noun tingkat di mana darah
mengalir melalui tubuh
(tinggi / rendah)
31. Brace Noun perangkat yang menahan
bagian tubuh yang terluka
di tempatnya

Part of
No Word Meaning
32. Breech Adjective posisi bayi yang belum
lahir di mana kaki di
bawah dan kepala di atas
33. Broken Adjective tulang yang terbelah
menjadi dua bagian atau
lebih sebagai akibat dari
34. Bruise Noun cedera kulit umum yang
Bruised Adjective mengakibatkan perubahan
warna kulit.
35. Caesarean Noun prosedur yang melibatkan
section, C- mengeluarkan bayi dari
section ibunya melalui sayatan di
perut bagian bawah wanita
36. Calcium Noun mineral yang dibutuhkan
tubuh untuk membangun
dan memelihara tulang
yang kuat
37. Cancer Noun penyakit yang disebabkan
oleh pertumbuhan sel yang
tidak terkendali
38. Cardiopulmona Noun memulihkan pernapasan
ry resuscitation dan sirkulasi seseorang
39. Cast Noun perban keras yang melilit
tulang yang patah agar
tetap di tempatnya
40. Chapel, Noun tempat di mana orang-
Chapeline orang terkasih dapat
berdoa untuk kesembuhan
pasien; orang (imam) yang
mengunjungi pasien di
rumah sakit

Part of
No Word Meaning
41. Charge Nurse Noun Perawat pengawas yang
mengawasi perawat lain di
departemen rumah sakit
42. Catheter Noun tabung yang digunakan
untuk mengalirkan urin
dari kandung kemih.
43. Check up Verb pemeriksaan terhadap
seseorang yang dilakukan
oleh dokter untuk
memastikan orang tersebut
44. Chemotherapy Noun jenis pengobatan yang
digunakan pada pasien
45. Chickenpox Noun virus yang biasa ditularkan
oleh anak-anak, ditandai
dengan bintik-bintik gatal
di sekujur tubuh
46. Contagious Adjective menyebar dari satu orang
atau organisme ke orang
lain melalui kontak
langsung atau tidak
47. Coroner Noun orang yang menentukan
penyebab kematian setelah
seseorang meninggal
48. Critical Noun membutuhkan perhatian
condition medis segera dan konstan
49. Crutches Noun benda yang digunakan
orang dengan cedera kaki
atau kaki untuk membantu
mereka berjalan

Part of
No Word Meaning
50. CT Scan Noun prosedur pencitraan yang
menggunakan sinar-X dan
teknologi komputer untuk
menghasilkan gambar
yang sangat detail.
51. Cyst Noun kantung di jaringan tubuh
berisi cairan (terkadang
52. Deaf Adjective tidak dapat mendengar
cairan (kadang-kadang
53. Deficiency Noun kurangnya sesuatu yang
diperlukan untuk
kesehatan seseorang
54. Dehydrated Adjective membutuhkan air
55. Dementia Noun kehilangan kapasitas
56. Diabetes Noun jenis penyakit yang
biasanya melibatkan
defisiensi insulin
57. Diagnosis Noun penjelasan medis dari
suatu penyakit atau
58. Discomfort Noun mengalami rasa sakit
59. Disinfectant Noun bahan kimia yang untuk
menghancurkan bakteri,
virus, jamur, jamur atau
lumut yang hidup
60. Disease Noun gangguan medis yang
berbahaya bagi kesehatan
61. Dislocated Adjective ketika tulang untuk
sementara dipisahkan dari

Part of
No Word Meaning
62. Doctor Noun seseorang yang
berpengalaman dan
bersertifikat untuk praktek
kedokteran untuk
kesehatan fisik dan mental.
63. Dosage Noun ukuran atau frekuensi
dosis obat atau obat
64. Dressing Noun penutup pelindung yang
ditempatkan di atas luka
65. Elastic Tape Noun gulungan tipis bahan
melar yang lengket di satu
66. Emergency Noun masalah medis yang
membutuhkan perhatian
67. ER (emergency Noun ruang rumah sakit yang
room) digunakan untuk merawat
pasien dengan cedera
langsung dan mengancam
68. Eye chart Noun poster kombinasi huruf,
kata, dan angka dengan
berbagai ukuran yang
digunakan untuk menguji
penglihatan seseorang
69. False negative Noun tes yang salah hasilnya
Adjective negatif
70. Family history Noun latar belakang medis
anggota keluarga
71. Fatal Adjective menyebabkan kematian
72. Fever Noun lebih tinggi dari suhu
Feverish Adjective tubuh normal

Part of
No Word Meaning
73. Flu (influenza) Noun banyak jenis infeksi
pernapasan atau usus yang
ditularkan melalui virus
74. Forceps Noun instrumen yang digunakan
selama operasi dan
prosedur medis (menarik,
memegang, dan
75. Fracture Noun patah atau retak tulang
Fractured Adjective
76. Gauze Noun bahan tipis berjaring yang
digunakan untuk
membalut luka
77. Germ Noun mikroorganisme, terutama
yang menyebabkan
78. Genetic Adjective kondisi medis atau ciri
fisik yang diturunkan
dalam keluarga
79. Growth Noun bola jaringan yang tumbuh
lebih besar dari biasanya,
baik di atas atau di bawah
80. Heart attack Noun di mana darah berhenti
memompa melalui jantung
81. Heart rate Noun Jumlah detak jantung yang
dimiliki pasien per menit.
82. HIV (human Noun virus yang menginfeksi sel
immunodeficien T manusia dan
cy virus) menyebabkan AIDS
83. Home health Noun Perawat yang
nursing mengunjungi pasien di
rumah untuk memberikan

Part of
No Word Meaning
84. Hospital Noun tempat di mana orang
yang sakit atau terluka
dirawat dan dirawat oleh
dokter dan perawat

85. Hypodermic Noun potongan logam runcing

needle tajam yang menusuk kulit
(ditempelkan pada jarum
suntik), digunakan untuk
mengambil darah atau
memberikan obat
86. Hives Noun benjolan yang muncul di
permukaan kulit selama
reaksi alergi
87. Illness Noun istilah umum untuk setiap
ill Adjective kondisi yang membuat
seseorang merasa sakit
untuk jangka waktu
88. Immune system Noun bagian tubuh yang
melawan penyakit, infeksi,
dan virus
89. Immunization Noun suntikan yang melindungi
Immunize Verb dari penyakit tertentu
90. Incision Noun pemotongan di tubuh yang
dibuat selama operasi
91. Inconclusive Adjetive Tidak jelas

92. Indigestion Noun sakit perut yang dapat

menyebabkan rasa sakit
atau terbakar di perut
93. Infant Noun Bayi muda

94. Infection Noun bagian tubuh yang sakit

Infected Adjective (virus atau bakteri)

Part of
No Word Meaning
95. Inflamed Adjective penampilan (merah dan
bengkak) dari bagian
tubuh yang terluka
96. Injury Noun penampilan (merah dan
bengkak) dari bagian
tubuh yang terluka
97. Intensive Care Noun bagian rumah sakit tempat
Unit (ICU) pasien mendapatkan
perhatian terus-menerus
dan dokter mengandalkan
peralatan khusus
98. Internal Adjective di bawah kulit, di dalam
99. Irritation Noun keadaan peradangan atau
reaksi menyakitkan
terhadap alergi atau
kerusakan lapisan sel
100. Itchy Adjective merasa tidak nyaman pada
permukaan kulit
101. IV Noun tabung yang memompa
cairan dan obat ke dalam
tubuh pasien
102. Lab results Noun tes yang kembali dari
laboratorium dan
membantu dokter
membuat diagnosis
103. Lab Noun tempat pengambilan
(Laboratory) sampel darah/urin dll
untuk pengujian
104. Life support Noun mesin yang membuat
pasien tetap hidup dengan
membantu mereka

Part of
No Word Meaning
105. Life-threatening Adjective ketika cedera dan kondisi
sangat serius
106. Light-headed Adjective perasaan pusing dan
kehilangan keseimbangan,
yang disebabkan oleh
kekurangan oksigen di
107. Malignant Adjective diharapkan tumbuh dan
menjadi jauh lebih buruk
(terutama terkait dengan
sel kanker)
108. Medical Chart Noun Dokumentasi medis yang
mengikuti pasien di
seluruh fasilitas kesehatan.
Misal medis, diagnosis,
hasil tes, dosis dan waktu
pengobatan, dan informasi
relevan lainnya.
109. Medical report Noun laporan hasil pemeriksaan
kesehatan pasien
110. Medical School Noun tempat seseorang berlatih
(Med. School) menjadi dokter
111. Medicine Cup Noun gelas ukur plastik kecil
112. Metabolism Noun proses kimia yang
membantu seseorang
mencerna makanan dan
mempertahankan hidup
113. Microcospe Noun peralatan yang membuat
hal-hal kecil tampak lebih
besar dari mereka

Part of
No Word Meaning
114. Midwife Noun seorang profesional
kesehatan yang terlatih
untuk mendukung dan
merawat wanita selama
kehamilan, persalinan dan
115. Nausea ketidaknyamanan perut
yang sering datang
sebelum muntah.
116. Newborn Noun bayi yang berusia kurang
dari tiga bulan
117. Numb Adjective tidak ada perasaan di
bagian tubuh tertentu
118. Nurse Noun seorang yang dilatih untuk
merawat orang yang sakit
atau terluka
119. OR (Operating Noun tempat di mana operasi
Room) besar dan operasi
120. Operation Noun prosedur medis yang
Operate on Verb melibatkan masuk ke
dalam tubuh seseorang
dalam upaya untuk
memperbaiki masalah
121. Otoscope Noun alat yang digunakan untuk
melihat ke dalam telinga

122. Oxygen mask Noun peralatan yang pas di

hidung dan mulut dan
memasok oksigen

123. Pain Noun ketidaknyamanan yang

kuat di area tubuh tertentu

Part of
No Word Meaning
124. Pain killer, Pain Noun penghilang rasa sakit,
reliever pereda nyeri
125. Paralyzed Noun tidak dapat menggerakkan
area tubuh tertentu
126. Patient Noun seseorang yang tinggal di
rumah sakit atau fasilitas
127. Pharmacist Noun seseorang yang mengisi
resep dokter dan memberi
nasihat/saran tentang
128. Pharmacy, Noun tempat di mana orang
Drugstore pergi untuk membeli obat-
obatan dan perlengkapan
medis lainnya
129. Physician Noun dokter
130. Poison Noun zat yang sangat berbahaya
Poisonous Adjective jika masuk ke dalam tubuh
131. Prenatal Adjective dari periode waktu
menjelang melahirkan
132. Prescription Noun jumlah dan jenis obat yang
Prescribe Verb tepat yang diperlukan
untuk menyembuhkan
133. Privacy Noun sendirian; pribadi
Private Adjective (misalnya hasil tes)
134. Privacy screen Noun benda yang digunakan
untuk memisahkan dokter
dan pasien dari orang lain
di ruang terbuka

Part of
No Word Meaning
135. Pulse Noun jumlah nadi arteri per

136. Radiation Noun sinar-X energi tinggi yang

menghancurkan sel-sel
137. Rehabilitation Noun memulihkan kesehatan
setelah penyakit atau
kecacatan, melalui
pelatihan dan terapi
138. Recover Noun kembali ke keadaan
normal kesehatan, pikiran,
atau kekuatan
139. Residency Noun bagian dari pelatihan
Resident dokter yang berlangsung
di rumah sakit;
seorang mahasiswa yang
bekerja di bawah seorang
140. Routine check- Noun janji dengan dokter untuk
up memeriksa kesehatan
umum seseorang
141. Scale Noun alat yang mengukur berat
badan seseorang
142. Scrubs Noun seragam polos (biasanya
hijau, putih, atau biru)
yang dikenakan oleh para
profesional medis
143. Scrub up Verb cuci tangan dengan hati-
hati sebelum dan sesudah
melihat pasien

144. Second opinion Noun masukan kata benda dari

dokter kedua tentang
penyakit atau gejala

Part of
No Word Meaning
145. Seizure Noun gerakan kekerasan tiba-tiba
atau ketidaksadaran yang
disebabkan oleh kerusakan
sinyal listrik di otak
146. Sharps container Noun wadah plastik keras yang
digunakan sebagai tempat
sampah untuk semua jenis
limbah biomedisyang
pernah digunakan untuk
menusuk kulit manusia
147. Shock Noun tubuh tidak mendapatkan
aliran darah yang cukup
148. Side effects Noun gejala lain yang mungkin
terjadi sebagai akibat dari
pengobatan atau prosedur
149. Sore Adjective menyakitkan
150. Spasm Noun pengencangan otot yang
tidak terkendali
151. Specialist Noun seorang dokter yang ahli
dalam jenis obat tertentu
152. Sprain Noun, cedera (kurang serius
Verb daripada istirahat) pada
sendi (pergelangan kaki,
tangan, lutut, dll)
153. Stable condition Noun seorang pasien stabil jika
kondisi medisnya tidak
lagi berubah dengan cepat

154. Sting Noun, tajam, nyeri sementara

155. Stethoscope Noun peralatan untuk
mendengarkan jantung
dan paru-paru seseorang

Part of
No Word Meaning
156. Stress Noun khawatir yang
Stressed Adjective menyebabkan otot
menegang dan tekanan
darah naik

157. Specimen Noun Sampel dari tubuh pasien,

seperti urin, darah, kulit,
atau jaringan lain, untuk
pengujian dan analisis.
158. Surgeon Noun seorang dokter yang
mengkhususkan diri dalam
mengevaluasi dan
mengobati kondisi yang
mungkin memerlukan
pembedahan, atau
mengubah tubuh manusia
159. Surgery Noun pengobatan cedera,
penyakit, dan gangguan
lainnya dengan cara
manual dan instrumental
160. Swelling Noun ligamen (bagian yang
Swollen Adjective menyatukan sendi)
tumbuh lebih besar dan
lebih bulat setelah cedera
pada sendi
161. Symptoms Noun rasa sakit atau perubahan
fisik yang terjadi karena
suatu penyakit atau
162. Syringe Noun potongan berbentuk
silinder yang menempel
pada jarum dan dapat diisi
dengan cairan

Part of
No Word Meaning
163. Temperature Noun jumlah panas yang diukur
dalam tubuh; lebih tinggi
dari suhu normal
164. Tender Adjective menyakitkan saat disentuh
atau digunakan
165. Test results Noun informasi medis yang
membantu dokter
memahami kondisi atau
tubuh pasien
166. Test Tube Noun silinder kaca yang diisi
dengan darah atau cairan
lain dan dapat ditutup dan
ditempatkan di tempat
167. Thermometer Noun alat yang digunakan untuk
memeriksa suhu tubuh
168. Tourniquet Noun band ketat digunakan
untuk mengontrol
pendarahan setelah cedera,
operasi/prosedur medis
169. Therapy Noun pengobatan kata benda
yang ditujukan untuk
meningkatkan kondisi
mental atau fisik seseorang
170. Transplant Noun perpindahan organ dari
satu manusia ke manusia
171. Ultrasounds Noun tes yang memeriksa organ
dan proses internal tubuh
menggunakan gelombang
suara (sering digunakan
selama kehamilan)

Part of
No Word Meaning
172. Umbilical cord Noun garis hidup dari ibu ke
janin (saat dipotong saat
lahir ini membentuk pusar)

173. Unconscious Adjective hidup, tetapi tampak

tertidur dan tidak
menyadari sekitarnya
174. Urine sample Noun sejumlah kecil limbah cair
tubuh yang diuji untuk
alasan medis yang berbeda
175. Vaccin Noun pemberian kekebalan yang
didapat secara aktif
terhadap penyakit menular
176. Vein Noun tabung tipis yang
mengangkut darah ke
seluruh tubuh dan kembali
ke jantung
177. Virus Noun organisme berbahaya yang
menyebabkan penyebaran
penyakit kecil dan besar
178. Visiting hours Noun waktu hari ketika teman
dan keluarga diizinkan
untuk mengunjungi pasien
di rumah sakit
179. Vitamin Noun kelompok zat yang
diperlukan untuk fungsi,
pertumbuhan, dan
perkembangan sel normal.
180. Vomit Noun, keluarnya isi perut
Verb seseorang melalui mulut
181. Ward Noun bagian dari rumah sakit
atau fasilitas kesehatan
tempat pasien menginap

Part of
No Word Meaning
182. Wheelchair Noun kursi di atas roda yang
digunakan untuk
mengangkut pasien dari
satu tempat ke tempat lain
183. Wound Noun cedera pada tubuh ("luka
Wounded Adjective daging" berarti tidak
184. X-ray Noun foto tulang dan organ
Verb tubuh seseorang


Ardiansyah. 2004. Let's speak English, Nurse!. Jakarta: EGC

Leo A. Pamudya. 2004. English for the professional nurses: Based on

fundamental nursing skills & procedures. Jakarta: EPN-

Leo A. Pamudya. 2008. English for the professional nurses: Based on

fundamental nursing skills & procedures. Jakarta: EPN-

Norri, Juhani. 201. Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–

1550: Body Parts, Sicknesses, Instruments, and Medicinal
Preparations. Routledge

Symonds, Maria Spada, and Ros Wright. 2021. English for Nursing
Level 2 Coursebook for Pack. Pearson.

Wright, Ros, Maria Spada Symonds, and Bethany Cagnol. 2012.

English for Nursing : Vocational English Course Book.

Wyatt, Rawdon. 2006. Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine:

All You Need to Improve Your Vocabulary. A & C Black


Nyayu Yayu Suryani, M.Pd. Lahir di

Palembang, 20 Nevember 1983, bertempat
tinggal di Jalan Jambu komplek bougenville
residence blok C3 lebung gajah sematang
borang Palembang, Pada tahun 2007
menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 FKIP
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas PGRI
Palembang dan pada tahun 2014
menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Universitas PGRI Palembang. Pekerjaan saat ini
sebagai dosen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Siti Khadijah
Palembang pada mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan,. Di
Tahun 2018 menulis sebuah buku ajar yang berjudul English for
Nursing. Pada Tahun 2018 lulus sertifikasi dosen dan pada Tahun
berikutnya 2019 lolos hibah penelitian PDP dari Ristekdikti. Selain
menulis aktif di kegiatan organisasi profesi antara lain sebagai
anggota ADI (Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia) dan PERKADOSI
(Perkumpulan Karir Dosen Indonesia). Saat ini masih aktif menulis
dan sebagai reviewer beberapa manuscript/naskah pada jurnal-
jurnal baik nasional maupun internasional.

Tira Nur Fitria S.Pd., M.Pd. lahir di Sukoharjo,

19 Oktober 1991, bertempat tinggal di
Surakarta (Solo) Jawa Tengah. Pada tahun 2013
menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 di IAIN
Surakarta (sekarang UIN Raden Mas Said
Surakarta) jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
dan tahun 2015 menyelesaikan pendidikan S2
di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
jurusan Magister Pengkajian Bahasa (Inggris).
Profesi saat ini sebagai dosen Bahasa Inggris di Institut Teknologi
Bisnis AAS Indonesia) sejak tahun 2016. Saat ini aktif di kegiatan
organisasi profesi dosen di Indonesia. Selain itu aktif menulis
artikel penelitian dibidang Bahasa Inggris seperti Pendidikan,
Bahasa, Sastra, Budaya dan Penerjemahan. Selain itu juga aktif
sebagai reviewer jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan tidak
terkakreditasi, serta aktif sebagai editor jurnal nasional.


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