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Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMK Kls X 

Januari 12, 2012



Let’s Fun In English merupakan modul teori dan atau praktikum yang membahas tentang
pemelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK Kelas X semester I.

Modul ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) kegiatan belajar, kegiatan belajar 1 berisi tentang
ungkapanungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan, kegiatan belajar 2
berisi tentang menyebutkan dan mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari,
bulan, dan tahun, kegiatan belajar 3 berisi tentang tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-
fungsi dasar.

Dengan modul ini peserta diklat diharapkan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan
dasar, menyebutkan serta mendeskripsikan benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, tahun, dan
berbagai tuturan sederhana.


Kemampuan awal yang dipersyaratkan untuk mempelajari modul ini adalah:

1. Peserta diklat menguasai berbagai kosakata seputar kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Peserta diklat telah menguasai berbagai ungkapan dasar sesuai dengan aktifitas atau

kegiatan sehari-hari.

1. Peserta diklat menguasai pengetahuan dasar pola kalimat.

3. 1.      Petunjuk bagi Peserta Diklat

Peserta diharapkan dapat berperan aktif dan berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar yang
mendukung, karena itu harus memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. a.      Langkah-langkah belajar yang ditempuh

1) Persiapkan alat dan bahan.

2) Bacalah dengan seksama uraian materi pada setiap kegiatan belajar.

3) Tanyakan kepada instruktur bila ada yang belum jelas.

1. b.      Perlengkapan yang dipersiapkan

Guna menunjang keselamatan dan kelancaran tugas yang harus dilakukan, maka persiapkanlah
seluruh perlengkapan yang diperlukan.

Beberapa perlengkapan yang harus dipersiapkan antara lain:

1) Alat tulis.

2) Modul pemelajaran.

3) Perlengkapan penunjang; kamus dan buku-buku lain yang relevan.

1. c.       Hasil pelatihan

Peserta diklat memahami dan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar,
menyebutkan serta mendeskripsikan benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, tahun, dan
berbagai tuturan sederhana.

1. 2.      Peran Instruktur/Guru

Instruktur/guru yang akan mengajarkan modul ini hendaknya mempersiapkan diri sebaik-
baiknya yaitu mencakup aspek strategi pemelajaran, penguasaan materi, pemilihan metode, alat
bantu media pemelajaran dan perangkat evaluasi.

Instruktur/guru harus menyiapkan rancangan strategi pemelajaran yang mampu mewujudkan

peserta diklat terlibat aktif dalam proses pencapaian/penguasaan kompetensi yang telah


2. Peserta diklat mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar pada interaksi

sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan.

1.  Peserta diklat mampu menyebutkan dan mendeskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciriciri,

waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun.

1.  Peserta diklat mampu mengungkapkan berbagai tuturan sederhana yang cukup

untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar.




2. 1.      Kegiatan Belajar 1 : GREETINGS
1. a.      Tujuan Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1

Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar ini peserta diklat mampu mengucapkan

salam (greetings), memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain, memahami

berbagai ungkapan terima kasih dan responnya, serta memahami berbagai

ungpakan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf.

1. b.      Uraian Materi 1

Learning Outcomes:

After studying this unit, you will be able to:

1. greet somebody

2. express leave-takings and goodbye

3. introduce yourself and other person

4. use different types of personal Pronouns

5. use To Be and Verb 1 in the Simple Present Tense

6. express thanking.


In our daily life, we often need to greet someone, to introduce ourselves and

other person and to express thanking. That’s why you need to learn this unit. It

will be beneficial for you to get along well with people around you, either today

or later when you get into the world of work.


Activity 1

Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

Gambar 1. Introduction

1. What are they doing?

2. Do you think they know each other?

3. What do you say when you meet someone you didn’t know before?
4. Do you ask her/his name?

5. How do you introduce yourself?

6. What do you say when you need to leave the person you’re talking to?

No Words Expressions
1 Introduce Good morning

2 Introducing How are you

3 Greeting My name is

4 Meeting How do you do

5 Parting Nice to meet you

6 Farewell See you later

Activity 2

Choose the correct responses to the expressions you heard.

For example:

You will hear: Hello, I’m Cut Nia. I’m your neighbour.

What’s your name?

The correct response for the expression is ….

a. Hello, Cut Nia. Nice to meet you.

b. Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you.

The correct response is (b) Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you.

1. a. Good morning. What’s your name?

b. Good morning. I’m Deni.

1. a. How do you do?

b. Hi, Desi. How are you?

1. a. I’m just fine.

b. Good morning. My name is Risa.

1. a. What’s your name?

b. Hi, Rudi. Nice to see you.

1. a. Good bye. Nice to meet you.

b. Glad to meet you, too.

Activity 3

Listen carefully to the following dialogue and study it. Then practise

it with your friend.

Mirna          : Hi, Toni, nice to meet you again after long holiday.

Toni            : Hello. Mirna, nice to meet you too.

Mirna          : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday?

Toni            : Well. I went to Bali. It’s a wonderful place with beautiful beaches and


Mirna          : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there?

Toni            : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I

had a great vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also

played football and sand with my brother.

Mirna          : What else did you do there?

Toni   : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat.

It was a great experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there.

Mirna          : What did you do before you left Bali?

Toni   : On the last day, I went to the merchandise shops and bought some
stuffs there. I bought shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes.

Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy a surfing board because it was

too expensive.

Mirna : Well, it’s nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday.

Activity 4

Listen to these past tense verbs taken from the dialogue and repeat

after your teacher.

1. was /wəz/                                                6. swam /swam/

2. did /dɪd/                                                  7. bought /bɔ:t/

3. had /həd/                                                 8. surfed /sɜ:fd/

4. went /went/                                             9. played /pleɪd/

5. left /left/                                                  10. visited /vɪzɪtɪd/


Formal Greetings Responses

􀀐 Good morning. 􀀐 Hello.

􀀐 Good afternoon. 􀀐 Hello, good afternoon.

􀀐 Good evening. 􀀐 Good evening.

􀀐 Hello, how are you? 􀀐 I’m fine. Thank you.

􀀐 Very well, thank you.

Informal Greetings Responses
􀀐 Hi, how’s life? 􀀐 Terrific. And you?

􀀐 What’s news? 􀀐 Just fine, thanks.

􀀐 How’s everything? 􀀐 Great, thanks.Pretty well.

What about you?
􀀐 How’s business?

􀀐 Good to see you.

Activity 5

In pairs, practice reading the dialogues below. The bold parts

are stressed.

1. Mr. Iskandar    : Good morning, Talita.

Talita               : Good morning, Mr.Iskandar.

Mr. Iskandar    : How are you?

Talita               : Very well, thank you. And how are you, sir?

Mr. Iskandar    : Fine, thank you. Did you have a good night’s rest lastnight?

Talita               : Yes, sir. Thank you.

1. Talita               : Hi, Renata.

Renata             : Hello, Lita. How’s everything?

Talita               : Just fine, thanks, and how about you?

Renata             : Good, thanks. How was your weekend, Lita?

Talita               : It was great. I went to Yogya. What about you?

Renata                         : Not too bad. I just stayed at home, we had a family gathering.


Activity 1

Answer these questions orally.

1. What will you say when you have to introduce yourself to someone you didn’t know
2. Is it alright if you ask his/her name after introducing yourself?
3. Is it alright to ask his/her age?

Activity 2

Study the following dialogues. Act them out with your friends.


1. Talita    : That’s Baskara. Do you know him?

Renata  : No, I don’t.

Talita    : Hello, Baska.

Baskara : Hello, Lita.

Talita    : Baska, this is a friend of mine, Renata Simamora.

Baskara : Hello. Pleased to meet you.

Renata  : Hi, pleased to meet you too.

1. Baskara : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Baskara.

Renata  : Hello. I’m Renata.

Baskara : Nice to meet you, Renata.

Renata  : Nice to meet you.

1. Talita                : Mr. Iskandar, let me introduce you to Mr. Hardono of

Java Tour. Mr. Hardono, this is Mr. Smith, our Marketing Manager.

Mr. Iskandar     : How do you do?

Mr.Hardono     : How do you do? It’s very nice to meet you.

Mr. Iskandar     : It’s nice to meet you too.


Introducing oneself Responses

 Hi, I’m Baskara. you do?
 Hello, my name’s Baskara.
 Good evening. My name is  How do you do? My name
Baskara. is Renata. Nice to meet
 May I introduce myself? you.
I’m Baskara.
 Let me introduce myself.
My name is Baskara.
 How do you do? My name
is Baskara.
 Hi, I’m Renata. Glad to
meet you.
 Hello. My name’s Renata.
Pleased to meet you.
 Good evening. I’m Renata.
How do

Introducing others Responses

 Do you know Baskara?  No, I don’t think so.
 Have you met Baskara?  No, I haven’t.
 This is a friend of mine,  Hi, glad to meet you. I’m
Renata. Renata.
 Baska this is Rena, my  Hello, Renata. Pleased to
friend. meet
 May I introduce our new
member, you.

Mr. Rafael Romero?  I’m glad to know you.

 It’s nice to meet you.
 Please allow me to  How do you do?
introduce our new  How do you do? It’s very
nice to
District Manager.
meet you.
 Let me introduce you to Mr.

our Marketing Manager. Mr.

Iskandar, this is Mr. Hermawan
from Borneo Plantation Company.
Expressions Functions
 · My name is Andi.  
 ·   I’m Denias.
 · Let me introduce myself.  
My name is …
 · I’d like to introduce  
myself. My name is.…
 ·   Allow me to introduce Introducing yourself
myself. My name is …

􀁸 Denias, this is Adib.  

􀁸 I’d like to introduce … Introducing someone

􀁸 Let me introduce …

􀁸 Allow me to introduce …

Activity 3

Have a conversation in groups of three. Introduce yourself and one of your classmates to your
group. Look at the example.

Anita : Hi, my name is Anita.

Virga : Hi, Anita. My name is Virga.

Anita : Virga, this is Ayu.

Virga : Hi, Ayu. It’s nice to meet you.

Ayu : It’s nice to meet you too, Virga.

Activity 4

In small groups, introduce yourself to your classmates. The

following guidance will help you.

 · greet your classmates

 ·   introduce yourself: name, place/date of birth, address
 · mention your hobbies and your ambitions
 ·   tell the activities you ever joined and recent activities you have.

Good morning, everybody! Let me introduce myself. My name is Anita

Mumpuni. I was born in Semarang, on 29 August 1992. I live at Diponegoro

street no. 27. My hobbies are dancing, singing, and swimming. I want to be a professional dancer
someday. I joined the music club in the Junior High School.

Now, I join the dancing club. I practise hard to reach my ambition.

Activity 5

Expressing Thanking

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the boy doing?

2.  What is he probably saying?

3. How is the girl responding?

Gambar 2. Greeting someone

Activity 6

Keep your book closed. Listen to your teacher. Then open your

book. Listen to your teacher again and repeat after him.

1. Thanks a lot.

2. It’s very nice.

3. I’m glad you like it.

4. It’s very kind of you to help me to find my luggage.

5. You’re welcome.

6. I’m glad I could help.

7. Thanks for taking me home.

8. That’s alright.

9. I really appreciate your visiting us.

10. It was my pleasure.

Activity 7

Study this explanation.

1. a.      When someone gives you something

Thanking Responses
 · Thanks (a lot)
 · Thank you very much
(followed by):
 · It’s very nice/ beautiful.
 · It’s just what I want.
 · But you really didn’t
have to /you shouldn’t
have to (if the gift is not
 · You are welcome.
 · No problem.
 · It’s OK/alright.
 · Don’t mention it.
 · I’m glad you like it

1. When someone does a favor or helps you

Thanking Responses
 · Thanks (a lot) for your  · You are welcome.
help.  · No problem.
 · Thanks (a lot) for  · That’s OK/ alright.
helping me.  · Never mind.
 · I really appreciate your  · Forget it.
help.  · Any time.
 · It was very kind of you  · Think nothing of it.
to help  · I’m glad I could help.
 · Don’t mention it.
me.  · It was my pleasure/ My
 · I’m very grateful to you  · It’s no trouble at all.

your visit.

 · I’m very grateful to you


inviting me.

Below are some other expressions.

Expressions Functions
- I’m very pleased with…

- It’s marvellous!

- Thank goodness!
Saying you are pleased
- Thank God for…

- I’m very glad about …

- Fantastic!
- Thank you very much (for…)

- Thanks.
- Thanks a lot for…

- Many thanks.
- You’re welcome.

- Not at all.

- My pleasure.
Responding to thanks
- That’s OK.

- That’s all right.

- Any time.

Activity 8

Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.

Thank you.

Wow, fantastic!

My pleasure

Then, perform it with your classmate.

Anita : Hey, Andi could you help me bring these books to Denias’s


Andi  : Yes, sure.

Anita : 1) __________________

Andi  : Any time.

Anita : By the way, have you heard the latest news about our school?

Andi  : No, I haven’t. What’s that?

Anita : We won the _ rst prize in the Drama Competition held by the local


Andi  : 2) _____________________ I never know we have a good drama


Anita : Well, you have to change your perspective. Anyway, thanks for

helping me.

Andi  : 3) ________________

Anita : So, let’s go to the cafeteria. Let me buy you a drink.

Andi  : Really? Thank you so much.

Acvivity 9

Look at the thanking card below and observe what is written on it. Then,

make a similar thanking card yourself on the computer. Insert a clip art or

down load a picture from the internet and write down a thanking note to

your friend who gave you a cute white T-shirt. Print it out and submit it to

your teacher.

Dear Mrs. Hermawan,

Rudi and I just received the
Chinese dinner set you sent
us for our wedding present. It
is gorgeous, and it matches
our dining table. We will
think of you each time we use

Thank you so very much.



Gambar 3. Invitation Letter

Activity 10

In pairs, practice reading these dialogues. The bold parts are stressed.

1. Boys                    : Bye, dad.

Father                   : Bye-bye, sons. Take care.

1. Talita                    : Good bye, Mrs. Iskandar.

Mrs. Iskandar       : Good bye, Ms. Yuwono. It’s been nice talking to you.

1. Talita                    : I have to go now. See you later.

Renata                  : Bye. See you.

1. Mr. Iskandar         : Good bye, Talita. See you tomorrow.

Talita                    : Yes. Good bye, Mr. Iskandar.



Leave Takings Responses

􀀐 Sorry, I have to go now. 􀀐 Yes of course. See you.

􀀐 I’ll talk to you later. 􀀐 Sure. See you later.

􀀐 It’s been nice talking to you. 􀀐 So long.

􀀐 Good bye. 􀀐 Take care.

􀀐 Bye-bye / Bye. 􀀐 Keep in touch.

􀀐 See you tomorrow. 􀀐 See you at school.

Activity 11

With your partner, complete the dialogues below with the

expressions you have learned and practice speaking them out.

1. Mr. Iskandar        : Good morning, Baskara. How are you?

Baskara               : ……………………, ……………………..?

Mr. Iskandar        : ……………………….. How is your family?

Baskara               : ……………………….., thank you.

Mr. Iskandar        : I’m sorry, but I really have to go now. It’s been nice

talking to you

Baskara               : ……………………… See you some time.

Mr. Iskandar        : ………………………………

1. Renata                 : Hi, Lita.

Talita                   : ……………………, ……………….?

Renata                 : ……………………. And you?

Talita                   : ……………………. How’s work?

Renata                 : ……………………… Would you like to have a cup of tea?

Talita                   : I’d love to but …………………….. I have a lot work to do. I’ll call you  this

Renata                 : ……………………. Take care.

Talita                   : Thanks. You too.

Activity 12

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Use

the table below to answer. Number 1 is as your model.

1. I’m sorry, we don’t allow children under twelve.

2. I’m afraid we don’t accept personal check.
3. They run every an hour.
4. It closes at 4 in the afternoon.
5. We sell toilet articles in our hotel store.
6. It opens at 9 in the morning.
7. It costs forty five thousand rupiah.
8. They leave from the main entrance.
9. Certainly, we take most credit cards.
10. We don’t charge for making travel arrangement.

1. Student A            : Where does the airport bus go from?

Student B            : They leave from the main entrance.

1. Student A            : What time does the restaurant open?

Student B            : __________________________

1. Student B : When does the bank close?

Student A            : __________________________

1. Student A            : Do you accept payment by credit card?

Student B            : __________________________

1. Student B : Can I have my five year-old son with me to the theatre?

Student A            : I’m sorry, ____________________

1. Student A            : If I ask you to book me a ticket, how much will you add to my bill

Student B            : __________________________

1. Student B : How often do Trans-Jakarta buses go?

Student A            : __________________________

1. Student A            : Where can I buy a toothbrush?

Student B            : __________________________

1. Student B : Can I pay by check?

Student A            : __________________________

1. Student A            : How much is breakfast?

Student B            : __________________________

Activity 13

Listen to your teacher and repeat these expressions.

1. I would like to apologize for being late to class.

2. It’s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.
3. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.
4. We’re sorry to have the meeting here.
5. That’s all right, we completely understand.
6. Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back.
7. No problem, I have finished reading it.
8. I’m sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.

Activity 14

Listen to your teacher and practice these dialogues aloud in


1. In a classroom

Edo                    : Good morning, sir.

Mr. Kuncoro      : Morning, Edo.

Edo                    : I would like to apologize for being late to class.

Mr. Kuncoro      : Why do you come late?

Edo                    : My motorbike had a flat tyre on the way to school.

Mr. Kuncoro      : It’s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.

Edo                    : Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.

1. In classroom

Lisa                    : Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back.

Ani                     : No problem, I have finished reading it and you may give

it back to me next time.

Lisa                    : Thanks.

1. At school.

Iwan                  : I saw someone pick you up at school yesterday. Who was he?

Adi                       : Oh, he’s my uncle. He told me that my mother had just  passedway. Then he
asked me to go home.

Iwan                  : I’m sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.

Adi                     : Thanks


Activity 1

Read the text below.

Good afternoon, fellows. May I introduce myself? My name is Rafael Romero.

Just call me Rafa. I was born in Mexico, but my parents moved to the USA when I was young,
so I’m an American. I speak both English and Spanish. I come to Indonesia to learn about the
culture because I like dancing traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one day. I
live in Bantul, a small town southward Yogyakarta. I’m glad to know you all and hope that I can
get help from you especially in speaking Indonesian. Thank you.

Activity 2

Answer the following questions based on the text above.

1. Who is introducing himself?

2. Where was he born?
3. Where do his parents live?
4. Does he speak Spanish?
5. What does he do in Indonesia?
6. Is he a student or a teacher?
7. Does he like dancing traditional or modern dances?
8. What does he want to be?
9. Where is Bantul located?
10. What does he expect from his new friends?



Activity 3

With your partner, study the following explanation.

In the previous activities you learned these expressions.

1. I am Baskara.
2. Let me introduce you to Mr. Smith.
3. Renata is my friend.
4. Renata is a friend of mine.

The underlined parts are personal pronouns.

This table shows the complete forms.

Subject Object Adjective
(+ noun)
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
She Her Her Hers
He Him His His
It It Its -
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
He and She Them Their Theirs

Activity 4

With your partner, study the following explanation.


In the previous learning activities, you found the expressions below.

1. How are you?

2. I’m fine, thanks.
3. How is your family?
4. They are very well, thank you.
5. These are my friends, Surya and Nyoman. They are waiters.

The underlined words are TO BE

A sentence in English always requires a verb. The Construction is Subject + Verb. In case we
talk about situation, existence, condition, identification, location, profession, and nationality or
when there is no physical nor intellectual activity, we should use the verb TO BE.


Full Short Full Short
I am I’m I am not - Am I? BE :

You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you?  

He is He’s He is not He isn’t Is he?  

She is She’s She is not She isn’t Is she?  

It is It’s It is not It isn’t Is it?

We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we?  

They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they?

This is - This is not This isn’t Is this?

That is That’s That is not That isn’t Is that?


With your partner, study the following explanation.

In the previous learning activities, you found the expressions below:

1. I live in Bantul.
2. We have a new member.
3. Do you know Baskara?
4. I don’t think we have met.

When talking about facts (they stay the same for a long time) and habits (they happen again and
again) we use THE SIMPLE PRESENT. The verb is the simple form of verb. In positive form,
when the subject is a third singular person (Talita, she, he) and it suffix s/es is added to the verb.

In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third singular person, and do is used for the
others. it), suffix s/es is added to the verb. In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third
singular person, and do is used for the others.

Look at the examples.

1. Talita works in Rumpita Hotel

2. She has the competency to perform well at work.
3. Does she speak English?
4. Certainly, but she doesn’t speak Japanese.
5. We live in Indonesia.
6. More people stay in our hotel on weekends.
7. They usually come with their family.
8. Do they always spend much money in the hotel restaurant?
9. No. They usually don’t spend much money on food.
10.  A receptionist welcomes guests in a hotel or an office.


1)      In positive form, when the subject is a third singular person (Talita,

she, he, it), suffix s/es is added to the verb.

2)      In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third singular
person, and do is used for the others.

Activity 5

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1. The chemist ……………… (not sell) drugs without doctor’s prescription.

2. What time ………… the film in theatre 3 ………….. (begin)?
3.  ……….. you …………… (have) your identity card with you?
4. I’m sorry, sir. We ……………….. (not give) discount for payment by credit card.
5. The restaurant …………………… (not serve) Indonesian food. It’s a Chinese restaurant.
6. How long …………… it …………….. (take) to fly to Surabaya?
7. Tourists always ……………………. (enjoy) the tour Dieng plateau.
8. …….. the service station ……………( open) on Sunday?
9. What ……… an office boy ……………… (do) in an office?
10. The students’ orchestra always ………………. (perform)


Activity 1

With your partner, complete these dialogues using the

expressions you have learned and practice speaking them out.

1. Talita            : That’s Baskara ………………………?

Renata         : No, I haven’t.

Talita            : Hi, Baska. How’s everything?

Baskara        : …………………………………………………..?

Talita            : …………….., thanks. Baska, ……………………, Renata.

Baskara        : Hi, ………………………………….., Renata.

Renata         : …………………………………..
1. Rafael          : Excuse me, ……………………………. My name is Rafael Romero.

Talita           : How do you do, Mr. Romero? …………….


Rafael         : ……………………….., Ms.Yuwono? ………………..


Talita            : Me, too. Are you a new employee here?

Rafael          : Yes, I am. I’ve just moved from the main office.

Talita            : ………………………………, then.

1. Mr. Iskandar : Good morning, Mr. Hardono. How are you?

Mr. Hardono : …………………………. How about you?

Mr. Iskandar : ……………………….. I don’t think you have met my secretary,     Ms. Talita
Yuwono. Talita, this is Mr. Hardono.

Mr. Hardono : …………………………?

Talita             : …………………………………………………?


Mr. Hardono : …………………………………

Activity 2

Arrange this jumbled dialogue. It’s the review of what you have

learned about greeting, introducing, and thanking as well.

1. Ari   : Not bad. Are you alone?

2. Ari   : I am glad you like it.
3. Isti   : Thank you, and thanks for your gift too. I really like it.
4. Ari   : Pleased to meet you, Siska.
5. Isti   : By the way, did you have a good time at my party yesterday, Ri?
6. Ari   : Hi, Isti. How is everything?
7. Isti   : No, I’m with my cousin, Siska. Let me introduce you to her. Siska

this is my friend, Ari.

1. Ari   : Of course. I enjoyed it very much. It was wonderful.

2. Cika : Glad to see you too.
3. Isti   : Fine, thanks. And you?

Tes Formatif

Match the sentences on the left with the answers on the right!

1. How do you do?                           a. I’m fine

2. What do you do here?                  b. That sounds a good idea

3. Nice to meet you.                         c. Hi, I’m Jane. Nice to meet you.

4. Where is your friend from?          d. I visit my friend.

5. Let’s have a drink.                        e. It’s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.

6. This is Bob, my old friend.           f. Nice to meet you, too.

7. Thank you for your help.              g. How do you do

8. See you tomorrow.                       h. Don’t mention it

9. How are you?                               i. Jakarta

10. I would like to apologize

for being late to class.                      j. See you

k. Thank you

Kunci Jawaban Formatif

1. g

2. d

3. f

4. i

5. b

6. c

7. h

8. j

9. a

10. e


1. Language Functions

a. Introducing

• Hi, I am Deri.

• Hello, my name is Dewi.

b. Greeting

• Hi!

• Hello.

• Good morning.
• Good evening.

c. Parting

• Goodbye.

• See you later.

• Good night.

2. Genre


Social function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining

Generic structure

- Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants

- Events : tell what happened, in what sequence

- Re-orientation : optional-closure of events


Apologize                            : meminta maaf

Apology                                : permintaan maaf

Good bye                             : sampe jumpa

Greeting                               : salam

How do yo do                     : apa kabar (digunakan ketika pertama kali bertemu)

How are you                       : apa kabar

Introduction                       : perkenalan

Introduce                            : memperkenalkan

Nice to meet you              : senang berkenalan dengan kamu


Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, Effendi. 2008. Developing English Competencies for

Senior High School (SMA/MA). Jakarta. Setia Purna Invest.

Erwin Hari Kurniawan. 2010. Basic English Grammar. Kediri. EDC-SMA Negeri 3 Kediri.

Joko Priyana, Virga Renitasari, Arnys Rahayu I. 2008. Interlanguage: English For Senior

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Maria Regina DP, Wirawan Sigit P, Suhermawan. 2008. English For SMK 1. Jakarta. Sahabat,

Tim MGMP Kab. Ende. 2007. LKS MGMP SMK Bahasa Inggris Kab. Ende Kelas X Semester 1
Tahun Pelajaran 2007/2008

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