Anda di halaman 1dari 64

Bahasa Inggris

untuk smP/MTs Kelas VII

Semester Gasal

Preface Table of Contenst

Chapter 1 Good Morning, How Are You?..................... 2
Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang A. Greeting and Leave Taking Expression.... 2
Maha Esa atas selesainya penerbitan buku ajar ini. Berkat B. Gratitude and Apology Expression........... 4
limpahan rahmat dan anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, Daily Test 1..................................................... 10
kami dapat kembali menerbitkan dan menghadirkan buku
ajar ini di tengah para siswa dan guru. Partisipasi dan Chapter 2 Introduction................................................... 13
kontribusi para siswa dan guru telah mendorong kami masih Introducing ..................................................... 13
tetap dapat menerbitkan buku ini. Daily Test 2..................................................... 25
Buku ajar ini diterbitkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Mid Semester Test............................................................ 29
para siswa dan guru akan buku-buku referensi, pendamping,
atau pelengkap untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar- Chapter 3 What Time is it?............................................ 33
mengajar. Sebagaimana diketahui, kegiatan belajar- Daily Test 3..................................................... 44
mengajar seringkali dianggap dan dirasa kurang cukup jika
sepenuhnya hanya mengandalkan buku teks yang sudah Chapter 4 Is it an...?....................................................... 48
distandarisasi. Dengan demikian, perlu pula diadakan buku- A. Article a, an and the.................................. 48
buku lain yang dapat berperan menjadi pendamping dan B. Numbers................................................... 49
C. Singular and plural nouns......................... 49
pelengkap. Nah, buku ajar inilah salah satu alternatif yang
D. Animals, things and public places............. 50
dapat berfungsi menjadi pendamping dan pelengkap buku Daily Test 4..................................................... 55
teks yang selama ini sudah ada.
Sebagai buku ajar, buku ini kami susun berdasarkan Final Semester Test.......................................................... 57
kurikulum yang berlaku dalam dunia pendidikan kita,
yakni Kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan kurikulum ini proses Bibliography .................................................................. 64
belajar-mengajar difokuskan pada pembelajaran saintifik
untuk membentuk kompetensi pengetahuan, kompetensi
keterampilan, dan kompetensi sikap. Pembelajaran
saintifik merupakan pembelajaran yang terdiri atas
aktivitas mengamati, menanya, menalar (mengeksplorasi),
mencoba (mengasosiasi), dan membentuk jejaring
Kami berharap, buku ajar ini dapat membantu siswa
dalam menguasai kompetensi seperti yang disyaratkan
Kurikulum 2013. Sungguh merupakan kegembiraan dan
kepuasan bagi kami apabila hal itu dapat terwujud. Guna
membuat harapan itu menjadi kenyataan, kami akan terus
berupaya untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas
buku ajar ini.

t er

Good Morning, How Are


Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

3.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran,
kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan peserta didik mampu :
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyapa, berpamitan, 1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
mengucapkan terima kasih, dan meminta maaf, serta unsur kebahasaan berkenaan dengan teks interaksi
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis menyapa dan pamitan.
sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan 2. Menyusun teks sapaan dan pamitan sesuai dengan
tindakan menyapa, berpamitan, mengucapkan terima konteks penggunaannya.
kasih, dan meminta maaf, dan menanggapinya dengan 3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur unsur kebahasaan berkenaan dengan teks interaksi
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
berterimakasih dan permintaan maaf.
4. Menyusun teks berterimakasih dan permintaan maaf
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Material Summary
A. Greeting and Leave Taking Expression

1. Greeting Expression
Here are the examples of greeting expression:
Greetings : Formal to Informal
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How are you? I’m fine, thank you
How are things? OK/Not bad/Fine
How are you doing? Okay
Informal How is everything? Not bad
Hello, Andi Hello, Sita
Hi, Nita Hi, Tika

You say “Good morning” at 12 midnight up to 12 noon.
You say “Good afternoon” at 12.01 p.m. up to 6 p.m.
You say “Good evening” at 06.01 p.m. up to 11.59 p.m.
You say “Good night” when you want to leave other people at night.

2 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

For example when you want to go to sleep or leave someone’s house.
Dialogue 1
Teacher : Good morning, students.
Students : Good morning, Sir.
Teacher : How are you?
Students : I’m fine, Sir. Thank You. How are you?
Teacher : I’m fine too, thanks.

Dialogue 2
Fadil : Good afternoon, Sir. How are you?
Mr. Rony : Good afternoon, Fadil. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Fadil : I’m fine too, Sir. Thank you.

Dialogue 3
Desta : Hi, Nabil. How are you?
Nabil : Hi, Desta. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Desta : Not bad. Where are you going?
Nabil : I am going to the library. How about you?
Desta : I am going to the library, too.

Vocabulary (Kosa Kata)

Good afternoon : selamat siang
Good evening : selamat malam
Good night : selamat malam (Ketika akan berpisah)
How are you? : Apa kabar?
How are things?
How are you doing?
How’s life
How is everything?
I’m fine/very well : saya baik baik saja
Not bad : tidak buruk
2. Leave Taking Expression
Here are the examples of formal and informal leave taking expression:
Leave – Taking / Parting : Formal to Informal
Closing Responses
Formal It’s nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too
Nice to see you Nice to see you, too
Good night Good night
I really have to go now I’ll call you
Good bye Good bye
Informal Have a nice weekend You too
See you later See you
Take care Take care
Bye-bye Bye-bye
Bye Bye
Good luck You too

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 3

Dialogue 1
Adi : Hello, is your name Feno?
Fino : No, it isn’t. My name is Fino. And what’s your name?
Adi : My name is Adi. I live on Jalan Majapahit, and you?
Fino : I live on jalan Afrikan
Adi : Listen! The bell is ringing. Good bye, Fino .
Fino : Good bye, Adi.

Dialogue 2
Dita : I’m afraid I have to go now.
Moza : Do you have to go soon?
Dita : Yes. My sister is at home alone. Good night.
Moza : Good night. See you tomorrow.
Dita : Take care.

Dialogue 3
Dika : Sorry, I have to go now.
Salsa : So soon?
Dika : Yes. Good bye!
Salsa : Bye!

Vocabulary (Kosa Kata)

It is nice to meet you : senang bertemu denganmu
Nice to see you again : senang bertemu denganmu lagi
I have to go : aku harus pergi
I really have to go now : aku benar-benar harus benar-benar pergi sekarang.
Good night : selamat malam
Good bye : selamat tinggal
Have a nica weekend : semoga akhir pekanmu menyenangkan
See you later : sampai jumpa nanti
See you : sampai jumpa
Take care : jaga diri
Take it easy : hati -hati
So long : sampai jumpa

B. Gratitude and Apology Expression

1. Gratitude Expression
Gratitude or thanking expression is an expression we use when somebody does good things for
us. Here are examples of gratitude expression and its response:
a. Expression of gratitude
1. I want to thank you for …
2. I want to tell you for …
3. I want to tell you how grateful I am …
4. I’m extremely grateful to you for …
5. I’m grateful for …
b. Response
1. You’re welcome.
2. That’s all right.
3. That’s okay.
4. It’s a pleasure.
5. Pleasure.
6. It is nothing.
7. Not at all.
4 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen
2. Apology Expression
We show the apology expression when we do mistakes. Here are the expressions to apologize
and the responses:
Expressing Sorry Response
I am sorry … It’s alright.
I am so sorry for … Never mind.
I apologize for … It doesn’t matter.
I do apologize … Alright.
Please forgive me Don’t worry about it.
Please accept my apology No problem.
I am really sorry Not to worry.
I am awfully sorry Never mind.

Dialogue 1
Alif : Excuse me. Are you Beny?
Beny : No, I am not. I am Beny.
Bara : Oh, I am sorry
Arif : Never mind.

Dialogue 2
Widya : Good morning, Ma’am.
Teacher : Good morning. You are late again.
Widya : Yes, Ma’am. I am sorry.
Teacher : Alright, but next time don’t be late again.

Vocabulary (Kosa Kata)

- Sorry : maaf
- Late : terlambat
- Next time : lain waktu
- Apologize : minta maaf
- Forgive me : maafkan aku
- Not to worry : jangan dikhawatirkan
- Never mind : tidak apa apa
- No problem : tak masalah
- Alright : baiklah
- Accept my apology : terimalah permohonan maaf saya

A. Greeting and Leave Taking Expression
Activity 1
Listen and then repeat after your teacher.
Dialogue 1
Hana : Hello, Bud! How are you?
Budi : Hello, Han! I am fine, thanks. And you?
Hana : I am fine too, thank you.

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Dialogue 2
Dea : Hi! What’ s your name?
Shinta : My name is Shinta. And you?
Dea : I’m Dea. Nice to meet you, Shinta.
Shinta : Nice to meet you too, Dea.

Dialogue 3
Rio : Where are you from, Susi?
Susi : Indonesia. I’m from Indonesia.
Rio : All right. Nice to see you, Susi.
Susi : Nice to see you too, Rio.

Activity 2
Listen to the dialogue read by teacher. While listening, complete the missing words.
Dialogue 1
Hamdan : Is Farhan at home?
Mrs. Irma : I’m sorry, Hamdan. Farhan is still out with his father.
Hamdan : That’s OK, Mrs. Irma. 1) ..., then.
Mrs. Irma : Good night.

Dialogue 2
Lina : Hello, Fida. Are you coming to the English Club this afternoon?
Fida : Yes, I am coming to the club this afternoon.
Lina : OK, then. See you there. Bye.
Fida : 2) ....

Dialogue 3
Mother : Mutia, I’m seeing grandma now. She’s not feeling well. There are some cup cakes and some
oranges in tha fridge for you, Bye. 3)
Mutia : Bye. See you.

Dialogue 4
Teacher : Well, everybody. The time is over. I’ll see you again tomorrow morning, Good bye.
Student : 4) ....

Dialogue 5
Ria : Can we do English assignment tomorrow after the class?
Sani : Ok. I will. But sorry, the bus is coming. 5) ....
Ria : See you. Take care.

Activity 3
What should you say if you meet someone at the following time? Pronounce then correctly.
1. 07:00 a.m. = ....
2. 02:00 a.m. = ....
3. 07:00 p.m. = ....
4. 02:00 p.m. = ....
5. 10:00 a.m. = ....
6. 09:00 p.m. = ....
7. 03:15 p.m. = ....
8. 08:00 p.m. = ....
9. 11:00 a.m. = ....
10. 05:00 p.m. = ....

6 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 4
Complete the following dialogue and act them out with your partner.
Situation 1.
You meet your friend, Ratna.
You : Hi, how are you?
Ratna : ....

Situation 2.
You meet your teacher, Mr. andi on the way to school.
You : ....
Mr. Andi : Morning.
You : ....
Mr. andi : Fine, thank you. And you?
You : ....

Situation 3.
Your English teacher comes to your class and greets the students.
Your teacher : ..., class?
Students : Good morning, Mom.
Your teacher : How are you today?
Students : ...., thanks, and you?
Your teacher : Fine too, thanks.

Activity 5
Arraange the conversation below in the correct order. Then, practice it with your classmate.
Mr. Rudy : See you later, Hani.
Mr. Rudy : I am fine, thank you. How are you?
Hani : See you later, Sir.
Hani : How are you, Sir?
Hani : Fine, thank you.
Mr. Rudy : Good morning, Hani. Nice to see you

Activity 6
Complete the dialogue with the words from the box below.
Fajar meets Angga at Brilliant English Course.
Fajar : …, (1) Angga. How are you?
Angga : Fine, … (2)?
Fajar : … (3)
Angga : Fajar, this is my new friend, Ema.
Fajar : …, (4) Ema.
Ema : Nice to meet you, too.
Angga : Good …, Fajar. We have to go.
Fajar : …(6)
a. Nice to meet you
b. Take care
c. And you
d. Hello
e. Very well, thank you
f. bye

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 7

Activity 5
Listen to your teacher and complete the missing words.
Dialogue 1
The guest : Excuse me, could you tell me 1) ... the principal’s room is?
Maria : It’s next to the teachere’s office.
The guest : 2) .....

Dialogue 2
Rudi : 3) ... me the dictionary, please.
Bintang : Here it is.
Rudi : Thanks
Bintang : 4) ....

Dialogue 3
Teacher : Ana, can you 5) .... me wipe thw board?
Ana : Sure, Ma’am.
Teacher : 6) ....
Ana : You are welcome.

Dialogue 4
Mother : Ela, 7) ………… do you go home late?
Ela : I apologize, Mom. I have to accompany Rina to go home. She is 8)
Mother : I quict understand
Ela : Thanks, Mom
Mother : No Problem

Dialogue 5
Ditra : Boy, Sory I Can’t 9) ………….. football with our friends this afternoon. I have to accompany my
sister to go to the bookstore.
Boy : Never mind, By the way, don’t forget to 10) ………… my camera tomorrow.
Dira : certainly

Activity 6
Practice the dialogue below in front of class.
Mr. Agus : Please, give me a cup of tea.
Waiter : Alright, Sir.
(Some minutes later)
Waiter : Your order, Sir. Suddenly…(he poured it on his trousers)
Mr. Agus : Oh, my God. How can it happen? It is so hot.
Waiter : Oh my God. I am deeply sorry for doing it. It is my fault. Let me clean and dry it, Sir.
Mr. Agus : Never mind, Ican do it by myself but I feel so hot on my hand.
Waiter : Let me give you a rub on it

Activity 7
State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialogue above.
Number Statements T or F
1. The dialogue above happens in the restaurant.
2. Mr. Agus is a waiter
3. The waiter unintentionally poured the hot water to Mr. Agus
4. Mr. Agus thanked the waiter
5. The incident happened at the waiter’s fault

8 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 8
Study the following situation. Create a short dialogue using the suitable expression of gratitude,
Then, act out.
1. Mother bought a new bicyele for Hana. She became the best in swimming competition.
Mother : .....
Hana : .....
Mother : .....
2. You bring a pile of dictionaries from the library.
You ask youra friend, Noval to help you.
You : .....
Noval : .....
You : .....
Noval : .....

Activity 9
Read the following letter. Find out the kind of expression had in the letter below and the reasons why the
writer expresses that expressions. So, list it on your book and read it in front of the class.
Palangkaraya Street number 109
Lampung, October 5th 2021

Dear, Yahya
How are you today my beloved nephew? I hope that you’ll always be in joy. I am so sorry because I could
not enter your graduation part last Friday night. It was because the raining hard and there was none
who could deliver me to your home. But I have something for you. It’s a simple gift. Please use my gift
every day when you want to save your head from dust or rain. It is a black hat for you which I bought in
Palembang last weekend.

Your niece


Activity 10
Arrange the following dialogue in order to be a good dialogue. Write it in a piece of paper then submit
it to your teacher.
Tomy : I’m just fine, thank you.
Sinta : Hi. Tom. Fine, thanks. And you?
Tomy : Thanks. I’m returning your brother’s sports magazine. Here it is and thanks.
Sinta : Please come in and have a seat.
Tomy : Yes, please. How kind of you. Can I see today’s newspaper?
Sinta : Of course. Here it is.
Tomy : Could you tell your brother how grateful I am for his help to lend me his magazine?
Sinta : It’s all right. Would you like any other magazine or newspaper to read?
Tomy : Hello Sinta. How are you this morning?
Sinta : Why not? What can I do for you?
Tomy : I appreciate it. By the way, would you do me a favour?
Sinta : Oh, sure. I’ll tell him. By the way, would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
Sinta : Okay, wait a minute.
Tomy : Great. Thanks. I want some coffee.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 9

Activity 11
Create a dialogue based on the situation using the expression of apology.
1. Maya submitted her English assignment late.
Maya : ................................................................................................................................................
Teacher : ................................................................................................................................................
Maya : ................................................................................................................................................
Teacher : ................................................................................................................................................
Maya : ................................................................................................................................................
2. Father comes home late because he got a little accident.
Father : ................................................................................................................................................
Mother : ................................................................................................................................................
Father : ................................................................................................................................................
Mother : ................................................................................................................................................

Daily Test 1
A. Choose the correct answer!
1. Dika : Hi, …?
Nita : Fine, thanks and you?
Dika : Just fine. Where are you going?
Nita : To the library, Dika. O.K I’ll see you later.
Dika : See you.
A. What are you doing? C. Are you doing something?
B. How are you doing? D. Where are you going?
2. Mrs. Atika : Good afternoon, students.
Students : Good afternoon, Ma’am.
Mrs. Atika : Well, I am sorry I cannot teach you this afternoon. I have a meting with the head master.
Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma’am.
The underlined utterance is used to …
A. Great someone C. Introduce oneself
B. Leave someone D. Apologize to someone
3. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as apologizing?
A. That is alright C. Introduce oneself
B. I am sorry D. We will study by ourselves
4. Ardy : Good evening, Dika. Where will you go?
Andika : …, Ardy. I will buy fried rice for dinner over there.
A. Good night C. Good afternoon
B. Good morning D. Good evening
5. Situation : Rendi meets his teacher, Mr. Heri at 02.00 p.m. in a supermarket.
Complete the dialogue below.
Rendi : …, Mr. Heri. How are you?
Mr. Heri : …, Rendi. Whom are you with?
Rendi : With my father. He is still parking the car.
A. Good morning – good afternoon
B. Good afternoon – Good afternoon
C. Good afternoon – good evening
D. Good evening – good evening
6. Nasya meets Mr. Dito, her English teacher in the school library.
Nasya : Good morning, Mr. Dito.
Mr. Dito : …, How are you?
Nasya : I’m fine thank you.
A. Good night C. Good afternoon
B. Good morning D. Good evening

10 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

The following dialogue is for questions 7 to 9.
Mr. Agung, Biology teacher is going to the laboratory, meets Winda at break time.
Winda : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Agung : Good morning Winda, why are you in hurry?
Winda : I am going to library, Sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Agung : Great, How diligent you are!
Winda : Thank you, Sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you.
Mr. Agung : See you.
7. The underline expression is used when we want to … someone.
A. Leave C. Greet
B. Meet D. Apologize
8. Library is a place to … books.
A. Cover C. Read
B. Copy D. Buy
9. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At laboratory C. At school
B. At canteen D. At library
10. Leni and Putri are at bus stop.
Leni : The bus is coming. I have to go now. Nice to meet you, Putri.
Putri : ….
11. Dinar wants to go to bed.
Dinar : I am very sleepy and very tired, Mom.
Mother : Please go to bed. I will wake you up early tomorrow morning.
Dinar : Okay, Mom. Good night.
Mother : ….
A. Good morning C. Good evening
B. Good afternoon D. Good night
12. Teacher : Well, Students. The bell has rung. It’s time for me to leave now.
Good bye. See you next week.
Students : ….
A. Good night C. Good morning
B. Good bye. See you D. Good afternoon
The following dialogue is for question 13-16.
Mrs. Novi : Good morning, students. How are you today?
Students : Good morning, Ma’am. We are fine, thanks. And you?
Mrs. Novi : I’m very well, thanks. Are you okay, Tari? Why don’t you respond me?
Tari : …, Ma’am. I am dizzy. I have a headache.
Mrs. Novi : Oh, I see. If you are sick, you may have a rest at school clinic.
Tari : ….
13. A. Good night C. My pleasure
B. Good bye. See you D. I will answer
14. A. Please forgive me. C. Thank you very much
B. That’s very kind of you D. No problem
15. Where does the dialogue take place?
A. In the library C. In the classroom
B. At school clinic D. At hospital
16. From the text we can conclude that Tari’s condition is ….
A. Unwell C. Good
B. Healty D. Fine

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 11

17. Raihan : Happy birthday, Mom. May God always blesses you. Here is a special.
Mother : Thank you, Dear. I like it very much.
Raihan : ….
A. Take care C. Don’t mention it
B. Take it easy D. Nice to see you
18. Sania : I do apologize, Dita. I couldn’t come to your house yesterday.
Dita : No problem but call me if you can’t come next time.
Sania : Okay.
The underlined expression is used to …
A. Thank you C. Say good bye
B. Greet someone D. Say sorry
19. Tata : I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Geisya : … I have a flat tire.
Tata : Nevermind.
A. Thanks C. I’m sorry
B. No Problems D. Get well soon
20. Danu : Faiz, I am sorry, I can’t play football with our friends this afternoon. I have attend English course.
Faiz : … We can play football together next time. By the way, don’t forget to bring my book tomorrow.
Danu : Certainly.
A. No problems C. Don’t mention it
B. Forget it D. Don’t do that.

B. Essay
1. Complete the following dialogue.
Tasya : Sari, can you come to my house to do English assignment today?
Sari : ..... I will go to my grandma’s house.
Tasya : No problem. We still have time to do it.
2. Complete the following dialogue.
Mother : It’s already late, dear. You’d better sleep now.
Refa : O.K. I’ll go to bed now. Good night, Mom.
Mother : ..., dear. Have a sweet dream.
3. Write a short dialogue based on the situation given.
Situation : You meet your old friend when you are in the stationary store at 02.00 p.m. You greet
your old friend.
You : .....
Your old friend : .....
You : .....
4. Rere : Winda, I need your help. Can you help me?
Winda : Sure, what is that?
Rere : Can you tell my mother if I will be home late because I should go to Rendi’s house to do
English assignment.
Winda : Ok. I will tell your mother.
Rere : Thank you.
Winda : My pleasure.
Where does the dialogue probably take place?
5. Yoga : Tika, I have something to talk to you.
Tika : What is that?
Yoga : I’m sorry. Today, I can not go to your house because I will go shopping with my father.
Prima : ....

12 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

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2 Introduction

Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

3.2 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran,
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis peserta didik mampu :
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi At the end of this chapter, you are able to:
terkait jati diri, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan 1. use appropriate expressions to introduce yourself
konteks penggunaannya. {Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan appropriately.
dan kosa kata terkait hubungan keluargapronoun 2. introduce yourself to someone by talking about personal
(subjective, objective, possessive). details.
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis 3. complete an ID card with your personal details.
sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan 4. write a paragraph about yourself.
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, pendek 5. use appropriate from of be
dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, 6. use expressions to describe your friend to someone
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan else.
sesuai konteks. 7. describe someone to somebody else by stating and
describing about physical appearance.
8. use appropriate verbs in spoken and written
9. tell about family

Material Summary
1. Introducing is the expression to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.
2. Some Kinds of Expressions to Introduce ourself. Here are expressions to introduce yourself, as follow:
• My name is ...
• I’m ....
• Nice to meet you; I’m ...
• Pleased to meet you; I’m ...
• Let me introduce myself; I’m ...
• I’d like to introduce myself; I’m ...
• Hello./Hi. I am Rangga Perdana.
• Please call me Utami.
3. Some Kinds of Expression to Introduce Others. Here are expressions to introduce others, as follow:
• Putri, please meet Putra.
• Ryo, have you met Dhika?
• I’d like you to meet Nunik
• I’d like to introduce you to Harry.
• Irfan, this is Candra. Candra this is Irfan
4. Useful Responses when Introducing Yourself or Other People
• Nice to meet you.
• Pleased to meet you.
• Happy to meet you.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 13

• How do you do?
• Please meet my friend Ujang.
• Dani, this is Aldy.
• Habibie, this is Yusuf.
• Hello, Jerry.
• Nice to meet you too.
You may also learn other information for introduction, such as address, age and so on.
Questions Responses/Replies
When were you born? I was born on 19 August 2004.
How old are you? I am thirteen years old.
Where do you live? I live at Pahlawan Street 212.
What’s your address? I live at Sisingamangaraja Street 66.

Introducing oneself Responses

• Hello, I’m Rico. • How do you do?
• Hi, my name is Jack. • Nice to meet you.
• Let me introduce myself. My name is Rangga. • Pleased to meet you.
• I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Tina. • I’m glad to meet you.

Introduced People
Introducing Others
Greeting Response
• This is .... • Glad to meet you. • Glad to meet you too.
• I’d like you to meet my friend .... • It’s a pleasure to meet • It’s my pleasure.
• Let me introduce my friend .... you. • It’s nice to meet you too.
• My I introduce you to ...? • It’s nice to meet you. • How do you do.
• I’d like to introduce you to .... • How do you do • I’m Farhan
• Hello I’m Reza

In introducing yourself, you need to mention some information such as:

1. Name, your complete name and nick name.
2. Age, how old you are.
3. Origin, from a city or region where you come from.
4. Address, a place where you currently live. Sometimes with phone number.
5. Phone number, either a cell phone or home phone number that you can be contacted on.
6. Interest or hobby, what you are frequently doing in spare time.
7. Family, what number you are in your family or how many siblings you have.
8. Others, some additional information that you need to mention

Language Focus
To introduce yourself, you need to use an appropriate “ be” such as is, am, are.
1. am with the personal pronoun I
2. is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns).
3. are with the personal pronouns we, you or they (or with the plural form of nouns).

14 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Hi, my name is Rossa
My phone number is 08344109595
She Is a new student
Hello, I am Afghan
They are my classmates
You are freshman

My name is not Rossa
My phone number is not 08344109595
She is not a new student
I am not Afghan
They are not my classmates
You are not freshman

Is his phone number 08344109595?
Is he a new student?
Is she your classmate?
Am I eleven years old?
Are you Javanese?
Are they from China?


A. Introducing Your Self

Activity 1
Study the following conversation!
Carmen : Hi! My name’s Carmen. What’s your name?
Paula : I’m Paula.
Carmen : Are you a new student?
Paula : Yes, I am. I’m from Brazil. And where are you from?
Carmen : I’m from Spain.
Paula : Nice to meet you.
Carmen : Nice to meet you,too

Activity 2
On your first day at school, you want to make friends with some new students. What will you do and say?
You might approach someone, smile at her/him and greet him/her by saying “Hello” and then you mention
your name.
Situation: Today is Rossa’s first school day. She is very excited to see her new friends. What should Rossa
do and say when she meets new friends?

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 15

Afghan : Hi, I am Afghan. I am a new student here. And you?
Rossa : Hello, Afghan. I’m Rossa. I am a freshman too.
Afghan : Nice to meet you, Rossa.
Rossa : Pleased to meet you too, Afghan. By the way how do you spell your name Afghan?
Afghan : Oh it’s A-F-G-H-A-N
Rossa : So your name is spelled like Afghan, the singer who is popular with “Bukan Cinta Biasa”
Afghan : Yes, you are right. Rossa, your accent is Javanese. Are you from Central Java?
Rossa : Right, I’m originally from Solo. What about you?
Afghan : Well, I was born in Makassar, but when I was five, my parents moved to Jakarta so I grow
up in Jakarta. Sorry Rossa, I have to go now.
Rossa : OK, See you tomorrow.
Rossa : Ok, good bye

Activity 3
Work in pairs.
You have learnt how to introduce yourself. Now try have conversation with your friend to introduce yourself
by stating your origin or hometown, your address etc.
You : ............................................................................................................................................
Your friend : ............................................................................................................................................
You : ............................................................................................................................................
Your friend : ............................................................................................................................................
You : ............................................................................................................................................
Your friend : ............................................................................................................................................
You : ............................................................................................................................................
Your friend : ............................................................................................................................................

Activity 4
Instruction: Match the expressions on the left with their responses on the right.
Hi, I am Afghan Syahreza and my friends
usually call me Afgan. How do you do? Nice to meet you, too

Nice to meet you How do you do

Where are you from? I originally come from Magetan

I live next to your house. Please…. Call me Afgan

Activity 5
Dear Students,
Have you understood about how to introduce yourself? . Now, let’s continue to learn about how to introduce
yourself by stating your personal details. Knowing your personal details helps people know more about you
Observe the picture and answer the questions!

Do you have the ID card like above? Does

yours have the same details like above?

16 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

1. What picture is it?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. Do you have this card?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. What kind of information does the card usually provide?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. What is the name of the boy in the picture?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. What is he?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
6. What school does he go?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
7. When was he born?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
8. What is his address?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

Activity 6
Now, you will learn about possible details in making an introduction. Look at the conversation below.
Rossalinda : Hi! I am Rossalinda and my nick name is Rossa. What about you? What’s your name?

Raffi : Hi Rossa, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Raffi Ahmad and you can call me Raffi.
Rossalinda : It’s nice to meet you too Raffi. By the way, are you studying in this university?
Raffi : Yes, I am a freshman. And you?
Rossalinda : Me too, I just moved from Malang. This is my first week in Jakarta. I live in Jl. Letjen S.
Parman No. 78.
Raffi : Oh great then, I think we live at the same street. My house is number 90.
Rossalinda : Really? That is very close to my house. Please drop by to my house sometime.
Raffi : I’d love to. May I know your cell phone number?
Rossalinda : Sure, it’s 081 334 210 929
Raffi : Thank you, I’ll call you before coming to your house.
Rossalinda : I appreciate that. Oh yeah..., Do you like reading novels?
Raffi : Yes, I’m crazy about detective and mystery novels
Rossalinda : Great. Then we have the same hobby. Please come to my house and I’ll show you my novel
collection. My brother also has many newest detective novels. I will lend you some of my
Raffi : Sounds interesting. Ok Rossa, I’ll come to your house sometimes.
Rossalinda : Raffi, sorry I have to go now. Nice to meet you.
Raffi : The pleasure is mine. Have a nice day.
Rossalinda : Thank you, and you too.

Activity 7
List the personal details from the conversation above!
Phone number

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Activity 8
After listing the personal details from the conversation above, now find a partner and practice the dialogue
above. You may change the personal details with your own personal details.

Activity 9
Read the following text and fill in the form based on the information that you can get from the text!
Ananta Introduces Himself
My name is Ananta Lebda Pratama. My family calls me “ Ananta” for short. I am a student of SMP Negeri
Harapan Bangsa. I am in the first grade. My class is in VIIC. I was born on September 5th, 2008. My height
is 160cm and my weight is 45 kg. I am from Sragen. I live at Jl. Diponegoro No. 50 Sragen. My phone
number is 081256675578. I like watching films, bicycling, and listening to music. My parents’ names are
Mr. Andi and Mrs. Rani. Ria is my sister and Roni is my brother. You can e-mail me at
My facebook ID is www.facebook/ Ananta. My Instagram ID is Ananta08.

My identity
1. Name : ............................…………
2. Nickname : ............................…………
3. Birthday : ............................…………
4. School : ............................…………
5. Class : ............................…………
6. Age : ............................…………
7. Address : ............................…………
8. Family : ............................…………
• Father’s name : ............................…………
• Mother’s name : ............................…………
• Sister’s name : ............................…………
• Brother’s name : ............................…………
9. Email address : ............................…………
10. Facebook ID : ............................…………

Activity 10
Complete the paragraph below to introduce yourself with your personal details.
Hello, my name is .... I am (your age)... . I am the student of (your school and your
department (your hometown)... and now I (your recent address).... I like (your hobbies)...
and I really... because.... I always dreamed that someday I would..., and that dream has
true. In the future, I (your ideal)

Activity 11
Instruction: Decide on the right form of be. No 1 has been done for you
1. Hello, let me introduce myself. I am/is/are Julia.
2. Hi, my name am/is/are Tarisha.
3. I am/is/are ten years old. How old am/is/are you?
4. I have one older brother. He am/is/are twelve years old.
5. My family am/is/are not from Central Java.
6. Where am/is/are you from?
7. They am/is/are my neighbors.
8. What am/is/are his name?

18 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Now you are familiar with the expressions used to introduce yourself, such as: hi, hello, how do you do,
nice to see you, good bye, have a nice day, thank you.
Then, in introducing yourself, you need to mention some information such as:
1. Name, your complete name and nick name.
2. Age, how old you are.
3. Origin, from a city or region where you come from.
4. Address, a place where you currently live. Sometimes with phone number.
5. Phone number, either a cell phone or home phone number that you can be contacted on.
6. Interest or hobby, what you are frequently doing in spare time.
7. Family, what number you are in your family or how many siblings you have.
8. Others, some additional information that you need to mention

Expressions used in personal details

1. My name is…/ I am…..
2. My nick name is…/My friends usually call me…
3. I am 13 years old./ I was born 13 years ago.
4. I live on Jl. Jambu No. 2 Malang./ My house is on Jl. Jambu No. 2 Malang.
5. My phone number is 081 333 990 056/ You can reach me by dialing 081 333 990056.
6. I am single/ I am married.
7. I am a university student, majoring Primary Education./ I am a teacher

B. Introducing Others
In introducing someone to someone else, you can describe their physical appearance or their personal
characteristics. Usually you use adjectives to describe either physical appearance or their personal

Activity 12
Read the conversation below
Rani and Rossa have just known each other for a week. They have some things in common. Although they
are in different classes, they are good friend now. Beside Rossa, Rani also has a good friend whom she
wants to introduce to Rossa. Below is Conversation
Rani : Hi Ros, how’s everything going today?
Rossa : Ummmm, not much Ran. What about you? How’s school?
Rani : School is fine, except...............
Rossa : Except what Ran? Come on, I’m your best friend, if you have any difficulty, please share with
Rani : Ro, you know that I’m not good at math. And today I have math homework and it’s due next
three days. I need to share with someone who is good at Math but I don’t know who.
Rossa : Ran, this is a simple thing. I have a friend who is very good at Math.
He is Dany. Don’t you know him?
Rani : Mmmmm, I’m not sure if I know him. How does he look like?
Rossa : He has curly hair, very curly. He is not tall, but not too short, about 165 cm height. He has fair
skin. He also has a pointed nose.
Rani : Does he have small pimple on his right cheek?

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Rossa : Yes, that’s right. He is very nice and friendly. Above all, he is very clever, especially at Math.
Rani : I think I know him, but honestly, we haven’t known each other well. So I don’t feel convenient
if I ask some help from him.
Rossa : don’t worry, I will introduce you both, so he can help you with your Math assignment.
Rani : Oh Rossa, I do appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Rossa : No worries Ran. That’s what friends are for.

Activity 13
Write T if the statemen is True, and F if the statement is false based on the the text above!
1. Rani is Rosa’s classmate. (…)
2. Rani got problem in her math homework. (…)
3. Dany is smart and humble. (…)
4. Dany has straight hair. (…)
5. Rani is going to introduce Dany to Rossa. (…)

Activity 14
Read the text and fill in the form based on the information that you get from the text.
Cristiano Ronaldo
This is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro , a famous football player. He plays
in Real Madrid football team. He is thirty six years old. His birthday is on 5th February.
He comes from Portugal. He’s got a brother and two sisters. He is handsome. He’s got
brown hair and brown eyes. He is 185 cm tall. He can run very fast and he scores many
goals. His favorite number is 7. His favorite color is red. He likes fish and chips and he
drinks Coca Cola.

Birthday Hair
Age Eyes
Country Favorite color
Sisters/ brothers Favorite food
Occupation Favorite drink
Football team Favorite number

Language Focus
Grammar Check
Possessive Adjectives
Read the examples :
• I am Sinta My name is Sinta
• She is Dona Her name is Dona
Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjectives
I My
You Your
We Our
They Their
He His
She Her
It Its

20 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 15
Complete the following sentences with the right possessive adjective!
1. I have one sister. … name is Anisa.
2. I am Ratih. … complete name is Ratih Sari Devi.
3. He is Adnan. … complete name is Muhammad Adnan.
4. Andi and Toni are classmates…. Class is near the cafeteria.
5. That is my cat. … eyes are green.
6. Are you a new member? What is…. Name?
7. I have one sister and one brother. My…. Name is Diana Nasution and my …. Name is Doni Setiawan.
8. Lia and I study at the same school. So that Lia is…. Schoolmate. …school is the best in town.

Activity 16
Read the text below and answer the questions!
I’m Dona Agnesia. You can call me Dona. I’m 12 years old. There are four people in my family: my father,
my mother, my brother and me. I have no sister. My father’s name is Budi Santoso. He is a graphic designer.
He is 40 years old now. He works at publishing company in Surakarta. My mother’s name is Elsa Kurnia.
She is house wife. She takes care almost everything of the houseworks. She is 38 years old now. My
brother’s name is Amir Kenzi. He is a student of SMP Harapan Sentosa. My family live at Surya street no.
15, Surakarta. My phone number is 081- 384-541-475.
1. What is the writer’s full name? what is her nick name?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. What is the writer’s father’s name? How old is he?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. What is he?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. What is the writer’s mother’s name? how old is she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. What is she ?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
6. Does the writer have sibling?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
7. What is the writer’s sibling’s name? how old is he/she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
8. What is he/she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
9. Where do they live?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
10. Does the writer have phone number? What is her phone number?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

C. Family
Vocabulary on family members
• Grandparent : kakek / nenek • Uncle : paman
• Grandpa : kakek • Aunty : bibi
• Grandma : nenek • Niece : kemenakan perempuan
• Parents : orangtua • Nephew : kemenakan laki-laki
• Father : ayah • Grandchildren : cucu
• Mother : ibu • Grandson : cucu laki-laki
• Children : anak –anak • Granddaughter : cucu perempuan
• Son : anak laki-laki • Cousin : saudara sepupu
• Daughter : anak perempuan • Husband and wife : suami dan istri
• Brother : saudara laki-laki
• Sister : saudara perempuan

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 21

Study the picture carefully!
Family Tree

Steve Mary Frank Elen

Dan Donna Albert Blie

Elizabeth Brian Jane John

Mitch Susie

My husband is called John and my son is Alex.

My brother is called Brian.
My sister-in-law is called Elizabeth.
Mitch is my nephew and Susie is my niece.
My parents are Dan and Donna.
My grandparents on my father’s side are called Steve and Mary.
My grandfather on my mother’s side is called Frank and my grandmother is Ellen.
Albert is my mother’s brother. He is my uncle and his wife, Ellie, is my aunt.
Janet is my cousin.
Dan is my father and he is John’s father-in-law.
Donna is my mother and she is John’s mother-in-law.

Activity 17
Study the picture carefully! Think that it’s your family tree. Tell us orally!

Mrs. Siti Arifah Mr. Rahmat

Teacher (retired) Lecturer(retired)

Mr. Tanto Mrs. Atika Mr. Rudy Mr. Lenny

IT Programmer Writer Bussinessman Housewife

Aida Dewan
JHS student SHS student You

22 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 18

1. My father’s mother is called Mary. She is my…
2. My parents’ parents are still alive. All 4 are my….
5. I have one child, a girl called Anna. Anna is my….
8. Bill’s father and my father are brothers. Bill is my…..
12. Peter is my son and Diana is my daughter. I have two…
13. My mother’s father is called David. He is my…..
15. My son has got two children called Martha and John. They are my…..
16. Susan and I have the same parents. She is my……
17. I am married to Jim. He is my….
18. Jack is Bob’s uncle. Bob is Jack’s ...

1. My daughter’s daughter is called Mary. She is my…
3. Sue is Tim’s mother. Tim is Sue’s…..
4. Paul is Jane’s uncle. Jane is Paul’s….
6. I am Susan’s son. She is my….
7. He is my father’s brother. He is my…
9. I married Carol 25 years ago. She is my….
10. My parents are called John and Mary. John is my…
11. Rachel is my mother’s sister. She is my…
13. My daughter’s son is called Edward. Edward is my…
14. Paul and I have the same parents. He is my…

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 23

Activity 18
Project 1
It’s time to create your own student Identity Card! Fill in the card below with your data!
Name : ...............................................
Your Addres : ...............................................
Picture Phone number : ...............................................
Email : ...............................................
Date of birth : ...............................................
Class : ...............................................

Work in Pairs
Complete the form below with the information that you get from your friend who sits beside you!
Surname ........................................................................................................
First name ........................................................................................................
Date of birth ........................................................................................................
Address ........................................................................................................
Phone number ........................................................................................................
Age ........................................................................................................

Project 2
Interview a second or third grade student.
Then, fill in the form below with his/her personal information.

SMP/Mts :_______________________________________________________________________
Address : ________________________________________________________________________


1. First Name ____________________ Middle Name ___________________________________
Last Name ____________________
2. Place of Birth _______________________________________________
3. Date of Birth ____________________________________________ Age ________
4. Sex* : Male Female
5. Height _____________cm Weight ____________kg
6. Address _____________________________________________________________________
7. Phone Number ________________________

*Give a tick into one of the box

Now, based on the information above, write a short paragraph about him/her

Project 3
Stick a photo of you and the members of your family on a piece of paper. Then, write a text about
photograph. To guide you, answer the following questions.
1. What is your father’s name? How old is he?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. What is he?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. What is your mother’s name? how old is she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

24 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

4. What is she ?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. Do you have brother or sister?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
6. What is your brother or sister’s name? how old is he/she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
7. What is he/she?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
8. Where do you live?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
9. Do you have phone number? What is your phone number?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

Daily Test 2
A. Choose the correct answer!
1. Vina : Excuse me, ... I am Fitria Handayani from SMP Bintang Kejora.
Hesti : I’m Hesti from SMP Tunas Bangsa.
A. Let me to say goodbye.
B. Let me to know yourself.
C. Let me to introduce them.
D. Let me to introduce myself
2. Mr. Kim : Class, ... Riyana.
Riyana : Nice to meet you.
Students : Nice to meet you, too.
A. Let me to introduce you to her.
B. Please tell us something.
C. We are happy to have you here.
D. This is my friend
3. Riyan : Tania, I’d like to introduce my sister, Linda.
Tania : How do you do?
Linda : How do you do?
What does Ryan do?
A. To introduce himself.
B. To introduce his sister.
C. He greets the woman.
D. He has a chat with the girl.
4. Ahmad : I’d like you to meet Salman.
Lisa : ….
Salman : Nice to meet you. What do you do?
Lisa : I’m a teacher.
A. How do you do?
B. Nice to meet you, Salman
C. Fine, Thanks.
D. I’m Lisa
The text is for questions number 5 – 7
Personal Identity
Name : Sita
Full Name : Sita Sabrinanda
Place of birth : Sragen
Date of birth : 20 November 2008
Religion : Islam

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 25

Address : Mawar Street 45 Semarang
Phone number : -
School address : SMP Kartika
Grade : 7th
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 60 kg
Favorite food : Fried chickhen
Favorite drink : Capuccino coffee
5. The purpose of the text is to ...
A. Describe Sita Sabrinanda
B. Retell Sita’s experience
C. Inform what the food Sita likes
D. Give information about Sita Sabrinanda’s personal identity
6. How old is Sita in 2020?
A. 10 C. 12
B. 11 D. 13
7. Sita’s height is 155 cm tall and her weight is 60 kg. She is a fat girl.
What is the synonym of the bold type word?
A. Chubby
B. Slim
C. Cute
D. Thin
The following text is for question numbers 8 and 9

8. What does Maghfira Sukowati do?

A. She interviews people.
B. She designs buildings.
C. She writes about her journey.
D. She explains her skill to her pupils.
9. Maghfira Sukowati is…now.
A. Twenty years old
B. Twenty-one years old
C. Twenty-two years old
D. Twenty-three years old
10. Ilham and Sandy comes from Padang…. Are my frieds.
A. I C. He
B. She D. They

26 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

11. I am sure this pen is…., not yours.
A. You C. Mine
B. Your D. My
The text is for no 12 to 14
I have a close friend. He is Wayan Dipta. I usually call him Dipta. He comes from Denpasar. He was born
on thirtieth of August, two thousand and six. He lives at Jalan. Maritim 41 Denpasar. Now He studies in
SMP Pelita Denpasar grade seven.
12. The text is mainly about…
A. The writer’s identity
B. The writer’s classmates
C. The writer’s school
D. The writer’s new pen friend
13. When was Dipta born?
A. On August 10, 2000
B. On August 30, 2002
C. On August 10, 2004
D. On August 30, 2006
14. I have a close friend. What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The reader
B. The writer
C. I wayan Dipta
D. The close friend
15. He has a cow. … color is brown and white.
A. It’s C. Her
B. Its D. His
16. This is….english book. So it is yours.
A. You C. They
B. Your D. Their
The text is for no 17 to 20
I’m Dona Agnesia. You can call me Dona. I’m 12 years old. There are four people in my family: my
father, my mother, my brother and me. I have no sister. My father’s name is Budi Santoso. He is a graphic
designer. He is 40 years old now. He works at publishing company in Surakarta. My mother’s name is
Elsa Kurnia. She is house wife. She takes care almost everything of the houseworks. She is 38 years old
now. My brother’s name is Amir Kenzi. He is a student of SMP Harapan Sentosa. My family live at Surya
street no. 15, Surakarta. My phone number is 081- 384-541-475.
17. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To entertain the readers with Dona’s family
B. To introduce Dona’s family
C. To describe about Dona’s characteristic
D. To tell about Dona’s mother in detail.
18. How many people are there in Dona’s family?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Four
D. Three
19. Dona and Amir Kenzi are….
A. Cousin
B. Sibling
C. Mate
D. Close friend

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 27

20. Her father is….than her mother.
A. Older
B. Younger
C. Heavier
D. Taller

B. Essay
1. Situation: A and B are old friend. They see each other again after they have not seen for four years.
Please make a conversation by using the real name. They have an important meeting so they cannot
talk for a long time.
1. greets B, expresses surprise 1. returns greeting
2. asks about B’s family 2. answers questions, asks about A’s job
3. replies to B’s question 3. replies to closing, give closing
2. Situation: It is the first meeting in the class. The lecturer asks you to introduce yourself in front of the
class. Write your identity in detail. Tell your friend: Your name, your nick name, where you come from,
where you live, why you choose this university or this department, and express you feeling.
3. Complete this following paragraph!
I am Nia Paramita. You can call me mita. I……. 12 years old. My father’s name is Budi. He …… a
teacher. He ……. in SMP N 1 Bina bangsa. My mother’s name is Ana. She ……a nurse. She works in
Hospital. My little sister is Anisa. She …. a student of SDN 1 Bina bangsa. She……. to school by bike.

Mrs. Siti Arifah Mr. Rahmat

Teacher (retired) Lecturer(retired)

Mr. Tanto Mrs. Atika Mr. Rudy Mr. Lenny

IT Programmer Writer Bussinessman Housewife

Aida Dewan
JHS student SHS student You

4. Complete this sentence below based on the picture above!
a. Mr. Tanto is Mr. Rahmat’s….
b. Mr. Rudi is Alda’s….
5. Answer the following questions based on the picture above!
a. How many son do Mr. Rahmat and Mrs Siti have?
b. What are the occupation of Mr. Rahmat’s grandchildren?

28 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Mid Semester Test
A. Choose the correct answer!
1. Dinda : Ouch, my leg!
Acha : Are you alright? Let me help you to stand up.
Dinar : You are so kind. Thank you.
What is the purpose of Dinda to say ‘You are so kind. Thank you’?
A. To express thanks.
B. To apologize.
C. To say sorry.
D. To greet someone.
2. Mike : I’m sorry for being so late, sir.
Mr. Anwar : Ok, come in. Don’t be late again next time.
Mike : I won’t sir.
What is the purpose of Mike’s expression?
A. To express thanks.
B. To express surprise.
C. To apologize.
D. To greet someone.
3. Mr. Anton : “Good morning, students?”
Students : “Good morning, sir.”
What does the dialogue express?
A. Greeting C. Leave taking
B. Thanking D. Apologizing
4. Mr. Denny : “What’s the matter?”
Zaidan : “I’m sorry, Sir. I broke the mirror.”
Mr. Denny : “It’s all right.”
What is the expression about?
A. Greeting. C. Leave taking
B. Thanking. D. Apologizing.
5. Mita : Hi, Meli. How is everything?
Meli : ...
A. Not so bad. C. That’s all right.
B. See you later D. Nice to see you
6. Nita : I’m sorry Tika. I have to go now. Let’s talk more later. ...
Tika : Sure. See you later
A. Thank you. C. See you.
B. I’m great. D. Nice to meet you
7. Dika : Hi, Seto. We need to practice more before the final match next week.
So, please come to the basketball club this evening.
Seto : ...
I have to accompany my father to the doctor.
A. I am so sorry. C. Yes, I can.
B. That’s fine. D. It’s OK.
8. Vina : Excuse me, ... I am Vina Hanida from SMP Kartini.
Hesti : I’m Hesti from SMP Tunas Bangsa.
A. Let me to say goodbye.
B. Let me to know yourself.
C. Let me to introduce them.
D. Let me to introduce myself.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 29

9. Mr. Kim : Class, ... This is Riyana.
Riyana : Nice to meet you.
Students : Nice to meet you, too.
A. Let me to introduce you to her.
B. We are happy to have you here.
C. Please tell us something.
D. This is my friend
10. Hamdan : How are you, Heri?
Heri : I’m not feeling well. Hamdan : Oh, I’m sorry. …., Heri
Heri : Thanks, Hamdan
A. Get well soon. C. I’m glad to hear it.
B. I’m just fine. D. Forgive me.
Complete the following dialogues!
11. Dinda : I’m Dinda. How do you do?
Sinta : ... I’m Sinta Fitriyana.
A. I’m fine C. How do you do
B. Are you ok? D. Nice to meet you
12. The way to ask someone’s news is?
A. What is that? C. Where are you?
B. How is life? D. When is your birthday?
The following picture is for questions number 13 and 14.

Mr. Harun Mrs. Yuni

Mr. Andi Mrs. Erna Mr. Sapto Mrs. Rima

Reyhan Gina Manda Anna Candra

13. How many grand daughters do Mr.Harun and Mrs. Yuni have?
A. Five C. Three
B. Four D. Two
14. Who is the son in law of Mr. Harun and Mrs. Yuni?
A. Rayhan’s father
B. Candra’s father
C. Mr. Andi’s son
D. Mrs. Rima’s son

30 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

The text is for no 15 to 17
Good morning, my friends.
On this occasion, let me introduce myself. I’m a new student in this class. I moved from SMP in Central
Kalimantan. My name is Dinda Mutia. I was born in Sragen, January 11th, 2008. Curently, I live at Jalan
Pahlawan no 33, Sragen. One of my hobby is writing. My dream is to be a popular author like Andrea
Hirata who writes “Laskar Pelangi”. Hopefully, my dream comes true.
My father is a soldier and my mother is a nurse. I have two siblings, named Rafa and Rafi, who’s still in
elementary school. They are twin. That’s all what I can tell you about myself. Thank you.
15. Why does the writer write the text?
A. To share her experience in Kalimantan
B. To inform about her new address
C. To introduce herself and her family
D. To entertain the reader with her story life
16. What is the writer’s ambition?
A. She wants to be a famous actor in film Laskar Pelangi
B. She wants to be a popular writer
C. She wants to be Laskar Pelangi film director
D. She wants to be a soldier like her father
17. They are twin. What does the word “twin” mean?
A. One of two children born at the same birth
B. One of two children who born at the same place
C. Two children who have the same parent
D. Two children who have no similarities
The text is for questions number 18 to 20
Name : Andika Pratama
Full Name : Andika
Place of birth : Semarang
Date of birth : 20 November 2009
Religion : Islam
Address : Mawar Street 45 Sragen
Phone number : -
School address : SMP Merdeka
Grade : 7th
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 50 kg
Favorite food : Fried noodle
Favorite drink : Capuccino coffee
18. What is the writer’s intention?
A. To describe about Andika’s life
B. To retell about Andika’s experience
C. To give information about Andika’s hobbies
D. To give information about Andika’s personal identity
19. Based on the text above, we can conclude that….
A. He lives in Semarang
B. He studies in one of Junior High School in Sragen
C. He likes cappuccino float ice very much
D. He will be twelve years old in 2022
20. “Favorite food : Fried noodle.” The word “food” has the closest meaning to….
A. Beverage C. Foot
B. Cook D. Meal

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 31

B. Match the statement or the expression on the left with the respond on the right.
1. Your uncle is coming to your house at 8 p.m. what will you say to greet him?
2. Danu and I like collecting stamps because…. Hobby Is philately.
3. Mrs Luna has a little baby. …baby is seven months old.
4. I’m really sorry for losing your book. This sentence expresses………….
5. Thank you very much for your help. This sentence expresses….
6. Are you originally from this city?
7. How do you spell your name?
8. You meet your teacher at 7.00 am. What will you say to greet her?
9. What does your mother do?
10. Anindita is my uncle’s daughter. She is my…
A. She is a housewife G. Their L. Yes, I’m from this city
B. She is cooking now. H. Our M. Niece
C. Good evening I. Apologizing N. Cousin
D. Good night J. Gratitude O. My name is Anita
E. Good morning K. Yes, I live in this city P. A-N- I- T-A
F. Her
C. Essay
1. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!
A. My self – me – introduce- let
Sherly – name – is – nick- my
B. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph!
• My name is Michael
• Hi every body
• You can call me Mike
• I am from Denmark
2. Complete this following paragraph!
I am Nia Paramita. You can call me mita. I……. 12 years old. My father’s name is Budi. He …… a
teacher. He ……. in SMP N 1 Bina bangsa. My mother’s name is Ana. She ……a nurse. She works in
Hospital. My little sister is Anisa. She …. a student of SDN 1 Bina bangsa. She……. to school by bike
3. Complete this dialogue!
Rudy : Can I borrow your ruler, please?
Ahmad : Sure, here it is.
Rudy : …. .
Ahmad : You’re welcome.
This text is for questions number 4 & 5
There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother, and me. My father
is Mr. Hasan. Now he is about 43 years old. He is a good-looking person with his ideal appearances. His
nose is pointed. My mother is a pretty woman. Her hair is long, a bit wavy and its color is black. I have an
older brother, his name is Wahyu Santoso. I and my older brother have couple things in common. Both
of us have short straight hair. My brother and I also have the same a round shaped face, thin eyebrows,
and black eyes.
My Father is a farmer. He manages his farm well. He plants a lot of vegetables, such as cucumber,
tomato, chili. Since we live in a good place to plant many vegetables, my father doesn’t meet any difficulties
in getting a good corp. My mother is a good mother and wife. Every day, she takes care of us with all of
her warm love. She manages the house well, keeps it clean and in good order. My brother is a patient and
kind person, especially to me. He always helps me when I have a problem. He is smart person also.
4. How is the physical appearance of the writer’s father and mother?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. What is the characteristic of the writer’s brother?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

32 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

t er

3 What Time is it?


Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

3.3 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran,
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis peserta didik mampu :
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi 1. Memahami ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyebutkan
terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu nama hari, waktu, tanggal bulan dan tahun dalam Bahasa
dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan Inggris.
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan kosa kata terkait 2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
angka kardinal dan ordinal) kebahasaan terkait nama hari, waktu, tanggal bulan dan
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis tahun dalam bahasa Inggris.
sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan 3. Menjelaskan penggunaan cardinal number dan ordinal
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, number.
nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, 4. Menyebutkan nama-nama bulan dengan percaya diri.
tanggal, dan tahun, dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 5. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis tentang nama hari, waktu,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. tanggal bulan dan tahun dalam bahasa Inggris.

Material Summary

Let’s talk about days of the week and months of the year. Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 33

Date and Month Year
January 1st : the first of January 1965 : Nineteen sixty-five
February 2nd : the second of February 1999 : Nineteen ninety-nine
March 3rd : the third of March 1817 : Eighteen seventeen
April 4th : the fourth of April 1188 : Eleven eighty-eight
May 5th : the fifth of May 1691 : Sixteen ninety-one
June 6th : the sixth of June 1072 : Ten seventy-two
July 10th : the tenth of July 1400 : Fourteen hundred
August 11th : the eleventh of August 2000 : Two thousand
September 21st : the twenty-first of September 2007 : Two thousand and seven
October 22nd : the twenty-second of October 2020 : Twenty twenty
November 31st : the thirty-first of November 2023 : Twenty twenty-three

Telling Time (mengucapkan jam/waktu)

1. Dalam mengucapkan waktu, kita bisa MEMILIH salah satu dari 2 cara berikut.
a. Ucapkan jam sebelum menitnya, contoh:
6.17 : It’s six seventeen.
4.29 : It’s four twenty-nine.
8.35 : It’s eight thirty-two.
11.55 : It’s eleven fifty-five.
b. Ucapkan menit sebelum jamnya. Syaratnya, harus menggunakan ‘past,’ yang berarti lewat- atau
‘to,’ yang berarti kurang..
i. Gunakan ‘PAST’ jika angka menit adalah 1-30
ii. Gunakan ‘TO’ jika angka menit adalah 31-59
Berikut contohnya:
a. 6.17 : It’s seventeen past six.
b. 4.29 : It’s twenty-nine past four.
c. 8.35 : It’s twenty-five to nine.
d. 11.55 : It’s five to twelve. Artinya, jam 12 kurang 5.
2. Jika angka menit adalah 0. Kita biasa menggunakan o’clock, contoh:
1. 1.00 : It’s one o’clock.
2. 12.00 : It’s twelve o’clock.
3. Jika angka menit adalah 15, kita bisa menggunakan fifteen atau a quarter.
Jika angka menit adalah 30, kita bisa menggunakan thirty atau a half. Contoh:
1. 2.15 : It’s two fifteen.
It’s two and a quarter.
It’s fifteen past two.
It’s a quarter past two.
2. 10.15 : It’s ten fifteen.
It’s ten and a quarter.
It’s fifteen past ten.
It’s a quarter past ten.
3. 9.45 : It’s nine forty-five.
It’s fifteen to ten.
It’s a quarter to ten.

34 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Cardinal Number
0 : Zero 11 : Eleven 21 : Twenty one
1 : One 12 : Twelve 30 : Thirty
2 : Two 13 : Thirteen 40 : Forty
3 : Three 14 : Fourteen 50 : Fifty
4 : Four 15 : Fifteen 100 : One hundred
5 : Five 16 : Sixteen 1000 : One thousand
6 : Six 17 : Seventeen 10 000 : Ten thousand
7 : Seven 18 : Eighteen 100 000 : One hundred thousand
8 : Eight 19 : Nineteen 1000 000 : One million
9 : Nine 20 : Twenty 1000 000 000 : One billion
10 :Ten 1000 000 000 000 : One trillion

Ordinal Number, biasanya digunakan saat menyebutkan tanggal.

1st : first : pertama 8th : eight : kedelapan
2nd : second : kedua 9th : ninth : kesembilan
3rd : third : ketiga 10th : tenth : kesepuluh
4th : fourth : keempat 11th : eleventh : kesebelas
5th : fifth : kelima 20th : twentieth : keduapuluh
6th : sixth : keenam 21st : twenty first : keduapuluh
7th : seventh : ketujuh 30th : thirtieth : ketiga puluh

½ : a half
1/3 : a third
¼ : a forth / a quarter
2/4 : two forth
2/3 : two third
4/5 : four fifth
3 ½ : three and a half
3.8 : three point eight
352.863 : three hundred and fifty two point eight six three.

5% : five percent
25% : twenty-five percent
100% : a hundred percent

Activity 1
Complete the sentences. You can look up your text book if necessary.
1. The day before Tuesday is ....
2. The day after Friday is ....
3. The first day of the working week is ...
4. The day between Tuesday and Thursday is ....
5. Today is Monday, tomorrow is….
6. Today is Saturday, yesterday was ….
7. We celebrate ... on August 17th.
8. We have Kartini Day on....

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 35

Activity 2
Write the ordinal numbers
1. Seventeenth : 17th
2. Twentieth : ………..
3. Second : ………..
4. Eighth : ………..
5. Twenty-second : ………..
6. Thirty-first : ………..

Activity 3
Observe the picture, who is person number 1, number 2, etc...? Write the names in the space provided.

Agung is the eighth person. 1. ………………………………………..
Tika is between Bintang and Agung. 2. ………………………………………..
Billy is the eleventh person 3. ………………………………………..
Sara is the third person. 4. ………………………………………..
The twelfth person is Charles. 5. ………………………………………..
The fourth person is Siti. 6. ………………………………………..
The first person is Alvin. 7. ………………………………………..
Farhan is behind Alvin. 8. Agung
Theresia is the tenth person. 9. ………………………………………..
Zidan is the last person. 10. Theresia
Paul is the ninth person. 11. ………………………………………..
Niko is between Bintang and Siti. 12. ………………………………………..
13. ………………………………………..

Activity 4
Work in pairs. Ask and answer. (Bekerjalah berpasangan! Lakukan tanya jawab!)

1st first January

2nd second February
3rd third March

36 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

4th fourth April
5th fifth May
6th sixth June
7th seventh July
8th eighth August
9 th
ninth September
10 th
tenth October
11th eleventh November
12th twelfth December

Activity 5
Match the spoken and written form, write the letters in the boxes provided.

Activity 6
Find the twelve months in the following puzzle. They can go in any direction.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 37

Activity 7
Do as the example. Don’t forget to put hyphen (-) when needed.
1. 2027 : twenty twenty-seven
2. 2017 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. 1995 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. 2000 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. 1964 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Activity 8
Do as the example. Don’t forget to put hyphen (-) when needed.
1. Minggu, 10 Januari 1991 =
a. Sunday, January 10th, 1991
b. Sunday, tenth of January nineteen ninety-one.
2. Jum’at, 17 Agustus 1945 =
a. Friday, August 17th, 2045
b. Friday, seventeenth of August two thousand forty-five

1. Sabtu, 21 Maret 1991 = a. ……..……………………………………………………………………

b. ……..……………………………………………………………………
2. Selasa, 14 Pebruari 2018 = a. ……..……………………………………………………………………
b. ……..……………………………………………………………………
3. Jum’at, 13 April 2007 = a. ……..……………………………………………………………………
b. ……..……………………………………………………………………
4. Rabu, 2 Mei 2036 = a. ……..……………………………………………………………………
b. ……..……………………………………………………………………
5. Senin, 10 Oktober 2023 = a. ……..……………………………………………………………………
b. ……..……………………………………………………………………

Activity 9
Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Here is my school schedule. I have Math on Monday

and Music on Tuesday. I have Science on Wednesday.
On Thursday, I have English and Biology. On Friday, I
have Indonesian and Social Study. Finally, on Saturday,
I have many fun activities.

38 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 10
Fill the table with the information from the above monologue.
Isilah table berikut dengan informasi dari monolog di atas.
Nu Day Subject
1. Monday Math
2. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….....................................
3. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….....................................
4. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….....................................
5. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….....................................
6. ……………………………………… ……………………………………….....................................

Activity 11
Go around your class and ask five friends their dates of birth and write the names and the dates in
the table provided.

Number Names Dates of Birth


Activity 12
Write the times.

1. It’s seven o’clock. 2. It’s ……………………… 3. It’s ……………………… 4. It’s ………………………

5. It’s ……………………… 6. It’s …………………….. 7. It’s …………………….. 8. It’s ……….……………..

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 39

Activity 13
Draw the times on the clock.

1. It’s four and a half. 2. It’s three forty-five. 3. It’s five o’clock. 4. It’s ten past five.

5. It’s five to three. 6. It’s ten to ten. 7. It’s a quarter past nine. 8. It’s eight fifty.

Activity 14
Fill in the gaps with “in”, “on”, or “at.”
1. The next big ice hockey match is ………………… Saturday.
2. Susan was born ………………… 1997.
3. Susan and her father sometimes have dinner ………………… Wednesdays.
4. Susan always goes to bed ………………… a quarter to ten.
5. Susan’s birthday is ………………… November.
6. There are no ice football matches ………………… summer.

Activity 15
Read the passage and complete the statements that follow.

Aldi likes watching television. His favourite programme is Sponge Bob Square
Pants cartoon on Global TV. It starts at 5.30 a.m every day. He also likes watching
Sopo Jarwo cartoon every day. It is on MNC TV and starts at 6 p.m in the evening.

Aldi’s brother, Alan, likes watching Larva cartoon. This starts at 7.30 a.m. on
Sundays. It is on RCTI.

Rania is Alan’s younger sister. She is seven years old and likes watching Upin
Ipin cartoon. This cartoon film starts at 5.30 p.m. and is on television everyday

1. Upin Ipin is on MNC TV.

It starts at 5.30 PM every day.
2. Larva cartoon is on …………………………
It starts at ………………………… on …………………………
3. Sponge Bob Square Pants is on …………………………
It starts at ………………………… on …………………………
4. Sopo Jarwo cartoon is on …………………………
It starts at ………………………… on …………………………

40 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 16
Fill the crossword puzzle with your school subject. You can always refer to your text book (When
English Rings a Bell) page 55.

Activity 17
Observe the timetable, and complete the statements that follow.

1. School begins at ....o’clock.

2. On Thursday, the students have …………….….., …………………, and ……………..……
3. The students have art subject on ………..……… at …….......................... to …………. o’clock.
4. They eat their meals at …………………………………… to …………………………………………
5. On Mondays, the students study geography for ………………..… minutes.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 41

Activity 18
Write the activities and the time, then rewrite the text in the box provided. You can use the following
Watch TV get dress take a bath have breakfast/lunch/dinner study
Have a shower get up go to bed leave for the office/school

A Day of My Family
On weekdays we …………..……………………………………………………………………….……………

Activity 19
Read the following text
Susan’s daily routine
Susan is thirteen years old and she attends a very big school near London. Her favorite subjects are
Science and Physical Education.
She is very good at sports. She plays volleyball at her school. Susan has a busy life. She always gets
up at a half past seven. She has a shower, gets dressed and at eight o’clock she goes to school by car
with her mother. Her classes start at half past eight. Her mother is a teacher at Susan’s school.

42 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

On Mondays Susan has lunch at school with her friends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays
she practices volleyball at the school’s gym. Wednesday is Susan’s favorite day of the
week because she has dance classes and sometimes she has dinner with her father. She
lives with her mother and at the weekends she always goes to her father’s house.
On Saturdays Susan goes for a walk with her cat Nikita. After having lunch with her
father, Susan goes to the cinema with some friends. At 4:40 pm Susan goes home and
listens to music in her bedroom. She loves music. At 9:45 she goes to bed. She never
goes to bed late.

Activity 20
Mark the following sentences True (T) or False (F).
1. Susan gets up at a quarter past eight. …..
2. At the weekends she goes to her father’s house. …..
3. Her classes start at 7:30. …..
4. She goes to the cinema on Fridays. …..
5. She doesn’t love music. …..

Activity 21
Answer the questions about the text.
1. How old is Susan?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. What are Susan’s favorite subjects?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. Is Susan good at sports?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. What is Susan’s favorite day of the week?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. When does she go to the cinema?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
6. What time does Susan go to bed?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
7. Does Susan have a dog?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
8. Does she like music?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
9. How does Susan go to school?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

Activity 22
Draw the times on the clock

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 43

Now look at the semaphore alphabet. Find the letter which match the shapes of the hands of the clocks.
Write the secret message and give the answer.
W __ __ __ i __ y __ __ __
f __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
c __ __ __ u __ ?

Your answer: …………………….....................................................................................................................

Daily Test 3
A. Choose the correct answer!
1. Tomorrow is Friday. Yesterday was …
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday
2. The ninth month of a year is …
a. July c. September
b. August d. October

44 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

The following schedule is for questions 3 and 4.
Randy’s Daily Schedule.
Time Activity
04.20 a.m Get up and make a bed
Take a bath, get dressed and do
04.30 – 5.00 a.m
morning prayer
05.15 – 5.45 a.m Have breakfast
06.00 a.m Leave for school
07.00 – 12.30 Study at school
3. What time does Randy get up?
A. Twenty to four.
B. Twenty past four.
C. Twenty to five.
D. Twenty past five.
4. From the schedule we know that Randy …
A. needs twenty minutes to have breakfast.
B. does morning prayer after taking a bath.
C. always gets up late every morning.
D. leaves home at seven o’clock.
The following text is for numbers 5 to 8.
My name is Shinta. I am a junior high school student. I always get up at 5.00 in the morning. I take a
bath at 5.15 and get dressed at 5.35. Then I prepare my school utensils. At 6.00 I have breakfast. Then
at 6.15 I say good bye to mother and father. I go to school by bicycle.
The school starts at 7.15 and I go home at 1.20 p.m. I have lunch at 2.00 pm. After that I take a nap
until 3.00 p.m. Then I do my homework. I take a bath at 4.00 p.m. After taking a bath I help my mother in the
kitchen. We cook our dinner. I and my family have dinner at 6.30 p.m. in the evening. After I have dinner,
I study my lesson for the next day. At 9.30 p.m. I say good night to my mother and father and go to bed.
5. What time does Shinta get up in the morning?
A. 5 o’clock C. 4 pm
B. 2 pm D. 6 o’clock
6. What does she do before having breakfast?
A. Gets up C. get dressed
B. Takes a bath D. prepare school utensils
7. What time does she leave for school?
A. 6 o’clock C. 7.15
B. 2 pm D. 6.15
8. What does she do at 2 p.m.?
A. She gets home.
B. She has lunch.
C. She takes a nap.
D. She goes to bed.
The following text is for numbers 9 and 10.
Mrs.Vina : When do we celebrate independence day ? 
Umar : It is on August 17 th Mrs.
Mrs.Vina : In what month do we celebrate the national education day,Lyla?
Lyla : It is on May, 2nd, Mrs.Vina and,when do we celebrate Kartini day ?
Rosyid : It is in april.
Mrs.Vina : Good! Do you know the date?
Rosyid : It is on April the twenty-first.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 45

9. On August 17th we celebrate the….
A. National Education Day
B. New Year
C. Kartini Day
D. Independence Day
10. In April we have the…
A. New Year
B. National Education Day
C. Independence Day
D. Kartini day
The following timetable is for numbers 11 to 16.
Period Time Monday
1 07.00-07.35 Flag Ceremony
2 07.35-08.10 Indonesian
3 08.10-08.45 Indonesian
08.45-09.00 BREAK
4 09.00-09.35 Science
5 09.35-10.10 Science
6 10.10-10.45 Citizenship
10.45-11.00 BREAK
7 11.00-11.35 Citizenship
11. What does the text mainly tell us about?
A. The time.
B. School morning schedule.
C. The writer’s schedule.
D. The school’s subjects.
12. What does the students study on Monday?
A. Science C. Religion
B. Math D. Art
13. What time do the students DON’T study Indonesian?
A. Seven o’clock
B. Seven forty
C. Eight o’clock
D. Eight thirty-five
14. From the time table we know that a period lasts for…
A. Thirty minutes.
B. Thirty-five minutes.
C. Forty minutes.
D. Forty-five minutes.
15. How many subject does the students study on Mondays?
A. 3 C. 5
B. 4 D. 6
16. What time is the class over?
A. Twenty-five past ten
B. Twenty-five past eleven
C. Twenty-five to eleven
D. Twenty-five to twelve

46 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

The following text it for numbers 17 to 19.
Kevin : Dinda, when is your birthday?
Dinda : It’s on the tenth of August. I was born in 2013.
Kevin : Tomorrow is your birthday, then.
Dinda : You’re right. So I’m inviting you to my party.
Kevin : What time?
Dinda : 4 pm.
Kevin : OK, I’ll be there.
17. How old is Dinda?
A. 8 years old C. 10 years old
B. 9 years old D. 11 years old
18. What date is it today?
A. August 8th, 2023
B. August 9th, 2023
C. August 8th, 2013
D. August 9th, 2013
19. What time is the birthday party?
A. 4 in the morning
B. 4 in the afternoon
C. 10 in the morning
D. 10 in the evening
20. John : When do we commemorate Mother’s day?
Mike : It is on the . . . . of December.
A. Twenty-two
B. Twenty-second
C. Thirty-one
D. Thirty-first

B. Short Essay.
1. Which day comes between Saturday and Monday?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. The last month of the year is....
3. The first day of the working week is....
4. The last day of this month is …
Tania goes to Cardigan school. She gets up at 5 o’clock. She studies from 7.15 to 12.10. At 12.20
she haslunch with her friends. After lunch, she plays tennis and after dinner she usually prepares the next
day’s lessons. After that she meets and talks with her friends, calls her family or reads magazines. She
enjoys studying in Cardigan.
5. What time does Tania get up?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
6. Does she study in the morning?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
7. What does she do after lunch?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
8. When does she prepare the next day’s lessons?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
9. Does she enjoy studying in Cardigan?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
10. The word “enjoys” in the last sentence can be replaced by …
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 47

t er

4 Is it an...?

Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Pembelajaran

3.4. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran,
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis peserta didik mampu :
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi 1. Mengidentifikasi article a, an and the
terkait nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan 2. Mengidentifikasi numbers
publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari hari, 3. Mengidentifikasi singular and plural nouns
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan 4. Mengidentifikasi animals, things and public places
unsur kebahasaan dan kosa kata terkait article a dan 5. Menyusun teks terkait animals, things and public places
the, plural dan singular)
4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama dan jumlah
binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan
kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

Material Summary

A. Article a, an and the

1. Use a/an/ø with general nouns.
What is a general (indefinite) noun? For example:
I’m hungry. I want a sandwich. Can you see a sandwich right now? No? That’s why it’s a sandwich. I
don’t have a specific sandwich in mind. I can’t see it, and you can’t see it. We don’t know which sandwich
I’m talking about. It could be any sandwich.
2. Use a/an/ø with general nouns.
What is a general (indefinite) noun? For example:
I’m hungry. I want a sandwich. Can you see a sandwich right now? No? That’s why it’s a sandwich. I
don’t have a specific sandwich in mind. I can’t see it, and you can’t see it. We don’t know which sandwich
I’m talking about. It could be any sandwich.
3. Use an nefore words that begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) and a before words that begin with a consonant.
Words that begin with a “u” or “h” take an if the noun begins with a vowel sound (e.g., an umbrella, an
heir) and a if the noun begins with a consonant sound (e.g., a university, a house).
4. Use the when there is only one of something.
Examples include:
the sun, the moon, the earth
the library, the bank, the laundromat (in a town)
the door, the whiteboard, the teacher’s desk (in your classroom).

48 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

5. Use the when it’s the second mention of the noun.
Even though we still can’t see it, we know which one the speaker is talking about because it has been
introduced. For example:
I saw a movie last night. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.
6. Use the when the noun has an adjective clause or phrase that modifies it.
The extra information that describes the noun makes it clear which noun we’re referring to. For example:
The dog that follows me home every day is really friendly.

B. Numbers

Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal Ordinal

1 One 1st First 22 Twenty two 22nd Twenty-second
2 Two 2nd Second 23 Twenty three 23rd Twenty-third
3 Three 3rd Third 24 Twenty four 24th Twenty-fourth
4 Four 4th Fourth 25 Twenty five 25th Twenty-fifth
5 Five 5th Fifth … … … …
6 Six 6th Sixth 30 Thirty 30th Thirtieth
7 Seven 7th Seventh 31 Thirty one 31st Thirty-first
8 Eight 8th Eighth 32 Thirty two 32nd Thirty-second
9 Nine 9th Ninth 33 Thirty three 33rd Thirty-third
10 Ten 10th Tenth 34 Thirty four 34th Thirty-fourth
11 Eleven 11th Eleventh … … … …
12 Twelve 12th Twelfth 40 Forty 40th Fortieth
13 Thirteen 13th Thirteenth 50 Fifty 50th Fiftieth
14 Fourteen 14th Fourteenth 60 Sixty 60th Sixtieth
15 Fifteen 15th Fifteenth 70 Seventy 70th Seventieth
16 Sixteen 16th Sixteenth 80 Eighty 80th Eightieth
17 Seventeen 17th Seventeenth 90 Ninety 90th Ninetieth
18 Eighteen 18th Eighteenth 100 One hundred 100th Hundredth
19 Nineteen 19th Nineteenth … … … …
20 Twenty 20th Twentieth 1000 One thousand 1000th Thousandth
21 Twenty one 21st Twenty-first

C. Singular and plural nouns

1. Most singular nouns form the plural by adding -s.
Singular Plural
boat boats
house houses
cat cats
river rivers
2. A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es.
Singular Plural
bus buses
wish wishes
pitch pitches
box boxes
3. A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y makes the plural by dropping the y and adding-ies.
Singular Plural
penny pennies

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 49

spy spies
baby babies
city cities
daisy daisies
4. There are some irregular noun plurals. The most common ones are listed below.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
woman women life lives
man men elf elves
child children loaf loaves
tooth teeth potato potatoes
foot feet tomato tomatoes
person people cactus cacti
leaf leaves focus foci
mouse mice fungus fungi
goose geese nucleus nuclei
half halves syllabus syllabi/syllabuses
knife knives analysis analyses
wife wives diagnosis diagnoses

5. Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural.
Singular Plural
sheep sheep
fish fish
deer deer
species species
aircraft aircraft

D. Animals, things and public places

1. Ant 11. Chicken 21. Gerbil 31. Impala 41. Lemming

2. Antelope 12. Cow 22. Goose 32. Jackal 42. Lemur
3. Baboon 13. Dog 23. Gopher 33. Jaguar 43. Leopard
4. Bat 14. Dolphin 24. Gorilla 34. Javanese 44. Saola
5. Beagle 15. Donkey 25. Heron 35. Jellyfish 45. Scorpion
6. Bear 16. Eagle 26. Honey Bee 36. Kakapo 46. Snake
7. Bird 17. Fish 27. Horn Shark 37. Kangaroo 47. Swan
8. Butterfly 18. Fly 28. Horse 38. King Penguin 48. Tuatara
9. Cat 19. Fox 29. Ibis 39. Kiwi 49. Turkey
10. Caterpillar 20. Frog 30. Iguana 40. Koala 50. Zebra
Here are 50 animals name
Name Male Female Name Male Female
Alligator Bull Cow Chicken Rooster Hen
Antelope Buck Doe Crow Cock Hen
Baboon male Female Deer Buck Doe
Bear Boar Sow Dog Dog Bitch
Bee Drone Queen Dolphin Bull Cow
Bird Cock Hen Elephant Bull Cow
Butterfly Male Female Fox Reynard Vixen
Camel Bull Cow Giraffe Bull Doe
Cat Tomcat Queen Goat Buck Doe

50 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Name Male Female Name Male Female
Hamster Buck Doe Chicken Chick Flock
Heron Cock Hen Crow Chick Murder
Horse Stallion Mare Deer Fawn Herd
Human Man Woman Dog Pup Litter
Kangaroo Buck Doe Dolphin Pup, calf Herd
Leopard Leopard Leopardess Elephant Calf Parade
Lion Lion Lioness Fox Kit Skulk
Monkey Male Female Giraffe Calf Herd, corps
Mosquito Male Female Goat Kid Herd, tribe
Mouse Buck Doe Hamster Pup Horde
Panda Boar Sow Heron Chick Sedge
Penguin Male Female Horse Foal Stable
Pig Boar Sow Human Baby, Infant Clan, crowd
Rabbit Buck Doe Kangaroo Joey Troop
Rat Buck Doe Leopard Cub Leap
Shark Bull Female Lion Cub Pride
Sheep Buck Ewe Monkey Infant Troop
Snake Male Female Mosquito Inymph Swarm
Spider Male Female Mouse Pup, pinkie Horde
Swan Cob Pen Panda Cub
Tiger Tiger Tigress Penguin Chick Rookery
Whale Bull Cow Pig Piglet Drove
Wolf Dog Bitch Rabbit Kitten Colony, drove
Zebra Stallion Mare Rat Pup Horde
Name Baby Group ofAnimals Shark Pup School
Alligator Hatchling congregation Sheep Lamb Drift, drove
Antelope Calf Herd Snake Snakelet,neonate Bed, nest
Baboon Infant Troop Spider Spiderling
Bear Cub Sleuth Swan Cygnet, flapper Bevy, game
Bee Larva Hive, bike Tiger Cub Ambush
Bird Chick Dissimulation Whale Calf Gam
Butterfly Caterpillar, larva Swarm Wolf Pup, whelp Pack, rou
Camel Calf Flock Zebra Colt, foal Herd, crossing
Cat Kitten Clutter

Activity 1
Choose the correct article: a, an, the or x (no article)
1. Are you coming to ... party next Saturday?
2. I bought ... new TV set yesterday.
3. I think ... man over there is very ill. He can’t stand on his feet.
4. I watched ... video you had sent me.
5. She was wearing ... ugly dress when she met him.
6. I am crazy about reading ... history books.
7. She is ... nice girl.
8. Do you want to go to ... restaurant where we first met?
9. He is ... engineer.
10. He thinks that ... love is what will save us all.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 51

Activity 2
Choose the correct article: a, an, the or x (no article)
1. I bought ... pair of shoes.
2. I saw ... movie last night.
3. They are staying at ... hotel.
4. Look at ... woman over there! She is a famous actress.
5. I do not like ... basketball.
6. That is ... girl I told you about.
7. Night is quiet. Let’s take a walk!
8. ... price of gas keeps rising.
9. John traveled to ... Mexico.
10. Juan is ... Spanish.

Activity 3
Complete with the right letter.
1. O N E 11. E____N
2. T _ _ 12. TW _ _ _ _
3. T _ _ _ E 13. T _ _ _ TEEN
4. F _ _ R 14. FOUR _ _ _ _
5. _ _ _ R 15. FIF _ _ _ _
6. _ _ _ 16. SIX _ _ _ _
7. S _ _ _ N 17. SE _ _ _ _ _ EN
8. E _ _ _ T 18. _ _ _ _ _ EEN
9. N _ _ _ 19. _ _ _ _ TEEN
10. _ _ _ 20. TW _ _ _ _

Activity 4
Use the correct words for the (numbers in brackets). Write the cardinal or ordinal numbers in word
forms into the gaps.
1. I have breakfast at ... o’clock. (6)
2. My brother is in the ... class. (7)
3. Jamie is ... years old. (10)
4. Today is the ... of April. (15)
5. It costs only ... pound. (9)
6. I am so happy that he won the ... prize. (1)
7. It takes ... hours to get from London to Cairo by air. (5)
8. It’s the ... day of our holiday in Florida. (5)
9. He scored ... goals in ... games. (3)/(2)
10. It was his ... goal in the last ... games. (3)/(2)

Activity 5
Decide whether the following words belong to Cardinal numbers or Ordinal numbers.
1. sixteenth → ....................... 6. first → .......................
2. twelfth → ....................... 7. twenty-seven → .......................
3. thirty-one → ....................... 8. nineteen → .......................
4. twenty → ....................... 9. twenty-one → .......................
5. nineteenth → ....................... 10. fifteenth → .......................

52 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Activity 6
Put in the correct form of the plural.
1. desk → ....................... 6. watch → .......................
2. pencil → ....................... 7. game → .......................
3. bike → ....................... 8. cage → .......................
4. cat → ....................... 9. cake → .......................
5. invitation → ....................... 10. box → .......................

Activity 7
The given nouns are all in their plural forms. Write them in their singular forms into the gaps.
1. roses → ....................... 6. photos → .......................
2. boys → ....................... 7. children → .......................
3. families → ....................... 8. sandwiches → .......................
4. potatoes → ....................... 9. fish → .......................
5. wives → ....................... 10. feet → .......................

Activity 8
Make five sentences using singular noun!
1. ....................................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................................
3. ....................................................................................................................................................
4. ....................................................................................................................................................
5. ....................................................................................................................................................

Activity 9
Make five sentences using plural noun!
1. ....................................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................................
3. ....................................................................................................................................................
4. ....................................................................................................................................................
5. ....................................................................................................................................................

Activity 10
Match the animals with the pictues!












Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 53

Activity 11
Write three sentences tha describes each animal.
1. ................................................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................................................
4. ................................................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................................................
6. ................................................................................................................................................................
7. ................................................................................................................................................................
8. ................................................................................................................................................................
9. ................................................................................................................................................................
10. ................................................................................................................................................................

Activity 12
Match the pictures with the words!
glue eraser desk scissors
book chair board ruler
epncil case school bag

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

............................. .............................

Activity 13
Write a sentence to desribe the picture!
1. .................................................................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................................................................

Activity 14
My School
My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around
my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded
by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language
laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged
to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.
When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of
the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities.
They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond
which beautifies my school.

54 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2.
The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the
entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building
of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every
morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet
them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our
teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

Find the meaning of these words!

No English Indonesian No English Indonesian
1 beautiful 11 make
2 so many 12 become
3 large 13 surrounded
4 middle 14 arranged
5 in charge 15 beautifies
6 size 16 enter
7 in front of 17 greeted
8 tradition 18 maintaining
9 teacher 19 passing
10 parents 20 accommodate

Activity 15
Answer the questions based on the text above!
1. What is the text about?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. How large is the school?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. How many bulidings are there in the shcool?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. Where is the parking area?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. What is the school tradition?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

Daily Test 4
A. Choose the correct answer!
1. I read ... amazing story yesterday.
A. A B. The C. An D. -
2. My brother doesn’t eat ... chicken.
A. A B. The C. An D. -
3. Love is such ... beautiful thing.
A. A B. The C. An D. -
4. I live in ... apartment.
A. An B. The C. An D. -
5. ... apartment is new.
A. An B. The C. An D. -
6. She’s sitting in the ... row. (1)
A. One B. First C. Once D. Firsts

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 55

7. They are celebrating their ... anniversary. (25)
A. Twenty first C. Thwenty five
B. Twenty one D. Twenty fifth
8. The old man died on his ... birthday. (88)
A. Eighty eightth C. Eighty eight
B. Eighty D. Eighty eighty
9. That was my ... accident this month. (2)
A. Two C. Twice
B. Second D. Twoes
10. It’s his ... birthday. (21)
A. Twenty one C. Twenty ones
B. Twenty D. Twenty first

B. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box!

1. city - .................. A. HOUSE
2. house - ................ B. BOYS
3. boy - .................. C. PHOTOES
4. man - .................. D. PHONES
5. life - .................. E. LIFES
6. photo - .................. F. LIVES
7. phone - .................. G. ELVES
8. deer - .................. H. NURSES
9. nurse - .................. I. MEN
10. elf -.................. J. DEER

C. Answer the questions correctly based on the text!

My School Library
Since I was a junior high school student, I love reading very much, especially reading history and
technology books. I am so lucky because in my school, SMPN 12 Bandar, there is a large library that has
a collection of books which is very complete. In fact, according to my teachers, my school library is the
most complete library in the city. It is proven from so many visitors that come from the other schools in
order to look for a book reference.
My school library building is very large, it is about 50 X 70 M2 and it has two floors. Inside the library,
there are so many shelves of books neatly organized according to the type of the books. At the shelves,
are saved hundreds or millions of books. In the front row of the book shelves, there are rows of chairs and
desks used by visitors to read or work on their assignments. It is also equipped with air conditioning so that
the visitors feel comfortable to spend their hours in this room. Moreover, there are also three computers
which can be used to search for books, so the students can easily find it.
1. What is the text about?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. What is the writer’s hobby?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. How do you know that the library is the most complete?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. How large is the library?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. What are the computers in the library for?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................

56 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Final Semester Test
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D !

1. Mita : Hi, Meli. How is everything?

Meli : ...
A. Not so bad. C. That’s all right.
B. See you later D. Nice to see you
2. Nita : I’m sorry Tika. I have to go now. Let’s talk more later. ...
Tika : Sure. See you later
A. Thank you. C. See you.
B. I’m great. D. Nice to meet you.
3. Santi : What are you doing, Linda?
Linda : I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy.
Santi : Let me help you.
Linda : Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Santi : ...
A. Thanks C. I don’t mind.
B. Yes, I am D. You’re welcome.
4. Dika : Hi, Seto. We need to practice more before the final match next week.
So, please come to the basketball club this evening.
Seto : ...
I have to accompany my father to the doctor.
A. I am so sorry. C. Yes, I can.
B. That’s fine. D. It’s OK.
5. Vina : Excuse me, ... I am Vina Hanida from SMP Kartini.
Hesti : I’m Hesti from SMP Tunas Bangsa.
A. Let me to say goodbye.
B. Let me to know yourself.
C. Let me to introduce them.
D. Let me introduce myself.
6. Mr. Kim : Class, ... This is Riyana.
Riyana : Nice to meet you.
Students : Nice to meet you, too.
A. Let me introduce her to you.
B. We are happy to have you.
C. Please tell us something.
D. This is my friend.
The text is for questions number 7 – 9
Name : Sita
Full Name : Sita Sabrinanda
Place and Date of birth : Sragen, November 20th, 2008
Religion : Islam
Address : Mawar Street 45 Semarang
Phone number :-
School address : SMP Kartika
Grade : 7
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 60 kg
Favorite food : Fried chicken
Favorite drink : Capuccino

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 57

7. The purpose of the text is to ...
A. describe Sita Sabrinanda.
B. retell Sita’s experience.
C. give information what the food Sita likes.
D. inform about Sita Sabrinanda’s personal identity.
8. How old is Sita in 2020?
A. 10 C. 12
B. 11 D. 13
9. Sita is 155 cm tall and her weight is 60 kg. She is a fat girl.
The word “fat” is closest in meaning to …
A. Chubby C. Cute
B. Slim D. Thin
The following dialogue is for question numbers 10
Devan : What’s up, bro!
Gilang : Pretty good. How are you doing?
Devan : I’m okay. Who’s this?
Gilang : Oh, meet my cousin, Mirza. He came here on vacation.
Mirza : Hello, Devan, nice to meet you. I am Mirza.
Devan : Hello, Mirza, glad to see you.
10. Why is Mirza with Gilang?
A. Because he is free.
B. Because he is having holiday.
C. Because he wants to meet Devan.
D. Because it is nice to meet new people.
The following text is for question number 11.
Danny : Teddy, this is Anwar, my brother.
Anwar : Hi, I’m Anwar. Nice to meet you.
Teddy : Nice to meet you too, Anwar. What’s your last name?
Anwar : It’s Irawan. I-R-A-W-A-N.
11. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Danny and Anwar are siblings.
B. Danny’s last name is Irawan.
C. Anwar is Teddy’s brother.
D. Anwar is introducing Teddy to Danny.
The following text is for question numbers 12 and 13.

58 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

12. What does Maghfira Sukowati do?
A. She interviews people.
B. She designs buildings.
C. She writes about her journey.
D. She explains her skill to her pupils.
13. Maghfira Sukowati is…now.
A. Twenty years old
B. Twenty-one years old
C. Twenty-two years old
D. Twenty-three years old
The following text is for question numbers 14 to 17.
WEEKLY TIME TABLE ------*******------ Class : VIII J
Period Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1st 07.00-07.35 Flag Ceremony Math Social Study English Sports Social Study

2nd 07.35-08.10 Indonesian Math Social Study English Sports Craft

3rd 08.10-08.45 Indonesian English Math Arts Science Craft

08.45-09.00 BREAK

4th 09.00-09.35 Science English Math Religion Science Javanese

5th 09.35-10.10 Science Indonesian Science Religion Indonesian Javanese

6th 10.10-10.45 Citizenship Indonesian Science Math ICT Art

10.45-11.00 BREAK

7th 11.00-11.35 Citizenship Science Indonesian Math - -

14. The text tells us about….

A. Student’s morning schedule
B. Student’s home schedule
C. Children afternoon plan
D. Children night plan
15. How many times do the students study science in a week?
A. Once C. Three times
B. Twice D. Four times
16. On Tuesdays, what time do the students of VIIIJ start studying Indonesian?
A. at twenty-five past nine
B. at twenty-five to ten
C. at fifteen past nine
D. at fifteen to ten
17. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. On Fridays, the students bring their sweatpants.
B. The students have four subjects on Mondays.
C. On Saturdays, the class ends at fifteen past eleven.
D. The students spend 3 hours 20 minutes studying mathematics in a week.
18. Salsa : Hi, Nita, how are you?
Nita : … And you?
Salsa : I’m great.
A. How do you do? C. Goodbye.
B. Fine, thanks. D. Yes, I am.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 59

19. Tomi : Great. Anyway, I have another meeting. I have to go now. …, Rhino!
Rhino : Bye-bye, Tomi.
A. Hello C. Goodbye
B. Thanks D. Never better
20. Bima : Can I borrow your ruler?
Prima : Sure. Here it is.
Bima : …
Prima : Don’t mention it.
A. It’s OK. C. My pleasure.
B. Any time. D. Thanks a lot.
21. Arya : … for losing your sharpener, Dita.
Dita : It’s alright. Just, don’t do it again.
Arya : I promise I will not.
A. Thanks C. Never mind
B. It’s okay D. Forgive me
22. Sinta : My sister likes watching action movies very much.
Nuri : Really?
Sinta : Yeah. She watches them every weekend.
Based on the dialog above, we know that Sinta’s sister watches action movies on ….
A. Saturdays and Sundays
B. Fridays and Saturdays
C. Fridays and Sundays
D. Sundays and Mondays
23. Look at the clock! What time is it? It is ….
A. a half past ten
B. ten past ten
C. ten o’clock
D. ten to ten
24. Student 1 : When do we celebrate “Kartini Day’?
Student 2 : It’s on the ….
A. tenth of November
B. seventeenth of August
C. twenty-first of April
D. twenty-eighth of October
The following picture is for questions number 25 and 26.

Mr. Harun Mrs. Yuni

Mr. Andi Mrs. Erna Mr. Sapto Mrs. Rima

Reyhan Gina Manda Anna Candra

60 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

25. Mrs. Erna’s niece is ….
A. Gina C. Anna
B. Manda D. Candra
26. Mr Harun and Mrs. Yuni have … children.
A. five C. three
B. four D. two
The following text is for question numbers 27 to 29.
I’m Thomas. I am a student. I start my day at 4.30 a.m., then I take a bath, get dressed. At 5 a.m., I
have shubuh prayer. I always read Al-Qur’an after the prayer. After that, I have breakfast at about 6 a.m.
Unlike last year, this year, I have to study at home in online classes. The online classes start at 7.30
and end at 11.30, except on Fridays, when the class ends at eleven. During that time, I have to be ready
in front of my laptop, and cellphone.
In the afternoon, I get the chance to be a normal kid; I have lunch, have a rest, play with my friends.
Sometimes I help my parents doing the house chores, like washing the dishes and mopping the floor. In
the evening, after finishing my homework, I watch TV. Then, I go to bed. I sleep with my cat.
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Daily activity
B. Morning activity
C. Activities at home
D. Activities after online school
28. What time does Thomas have morning prayer?
A. At 4.30 a.m.
B. At 5 a.m.
C. At 11.30 a.m.
D. At About 5.30 a.m.
29. “The online class start at 7.30….,”(paragraph 2) The word “start” can be best replaced by…
A. Teach C. Launch
B. Begin D. Unlock
Hi, guys. I’m Annisa. I’m from Papua. I
live in 10 Jalan Pemudi, Samarinda, East
Kalimantan. I go to SMP Lentera Hati,
Samarinda. My favorite color is blue. My
favorite food is coto makassar.

From the above text, we know that Annisa is from…

A. C.

B. D.

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 61

31. Siti : Good ……., Dad. Are you tired?
Dad : Hi, Siti. Yes, I’m very tired. I need to take a bath and have dinner
Siti : Sure, Dad. Let me help you with your bag.
A. Night C. Morning
B. Evening D. Afternoon
32. Sita : Hi, Sony! How are you?
Sony : I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Sita : Very well, thank you. I’ll have my birthday party next weekend. Please come with your best
Sony : That’s very kind of you. But, ... . I have planned to visit my grandma in Semarang. I haven’t
met her for months.
Sita : What a pity!But, it’s OK
A. Thanks C. Never mind
B. I’m so sorry D. That’s all right
The text is for questions number 33 – 35
Good morning, my friends.
On this occasion, let me introduce myself. I’m a new student in this class. I moved from SMP in
Jayapura. My name is Dinda Mutia. I was born in Sragen, January 11th, 2008. Curently, I live at Jalan
Pahlawan no 33, Sragen. One of my hobby is writing. My dream is to be a popular author like Andrea
Hirata who writes “Laskar Pelangi”. Hopefully, my dream comes true.
My father is a physics teacher and my mother is a doctor. I have one sibling, named Rafa, who’s still
in elementary school. That’s all what I can tell you about myself. Thank you.
33. Where does the girl probably speak?
A. In the principal’s room C. In the classroom
B. In the teacher’s office D. In the library
34. What is the topic of the text?
A. A new student’s life
B. A new student’s dream
C. A new student’s family
D. A new student’s identity
35. From the text, we know that Dinda Mutia wants to be a ... author like Andrea Hirata.
A. Talented C. Skillful
B. Creative D. famous
36. Indonesians … the Independence Day on the seventeenth of August.
A. celebrate C. begin
B. deliver D. start
37. Rio : What is the eighth month of the year?
Rina : It’s ….
A. July C. September
B. August D. October
38. Karina : Pass me the sugar, please.
Medina : Here you are.
Karina : ….
A. You are welcome C. Anytime
B. Never mind D. Thanks
39. Fahri : Good morning, Ma’am.
Teacher : Good morning, Fahri.
Fahri : … for being late, Ma’am.
Teacher : That’s alright, but don’t be late again. OK!
A. It’s alright C. I’m so sorry
B. Never mind D. I forgive you

62 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Arrange the following jumbled words into a good sentence.
40. on-you-do-what-Sundays-do-?
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 4-6-2-3-1-5 C. 1-5-2-3-4-6
B. 6-4-2-3-1-5 D. 2-1-5-3-4-6
This dialog is for questions number 41 & 42
Mother : What’s the matter?
Adib : Mom, I’m sorry. I broke the fence this afternoon.
Mother : The fence? Well, don’t worry about it. That fence has been too old.
Adib : Thanks mom, I promise to be more careful.
41. Adib wants to …
A. ask for an apology
B. express gratitude.
C. say goodbye.
D. make a wish.
42. Mother : Well, don’t worry about it.
The sentence above is used to… apology.
A. deny C. accept
B. refuse D. decline
This dialog is for questions number 43 & 44
Tina : Good Morning, My name is Tina. Nice to meet you.
Rani : Nice to meet you, too. I am Rani. I think we are in the same class, right?
Tina : I think so. This is Dina, our classmate, too.
Dina : Hi, Rani. Nice to meet you.
Rani : Nice to meet you, too, Dina. Anyway, what book is that, Tina?
Tina : Oh, this book? It is about how to play guitar.
Rani : Can you play guitar?
Tina : Yes, I can. How about you?
Rani : I can play guitar a little bit.
Tina : Amazing! I hope we can share more about how to play guitar.
Rani : Sure, it’s my pleasure. I’m sorry Tina and Dina , I need to go office to submit my registration
Tina and Dina : Go ahead!
43. Tina : This is Dina, our classmate, too.
Why does Tina express the sentence above?
A. to greet someone
B. to response greeting
C. to response apology
D. to introduce someone
44. What is the relationship between Rani and Dina?
A. classmates C. colleagues
B. roommates D. siblings
45. Ardi : In what month is National Education Day?
Andi : It is in….
A. March C. June
B. April D. May
46. Mia : Excuse me, Susi. What time is it now?
Susi : It is a half past eight.
It means that it is…
A. 8.15 C. 7.30
B. 8.30 D. 8.00

Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen 63

This text is for questions number 47 & 48
There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother, and me. My father
is Mr. Hasan. Now he is about 43 years old. He is a good-looking person with his ideal appearances. His
nose is pointed. My mother is a pretty woman. Her hair is long, a bit wavy and its color is black. I have an
older brother, his name is Wahyu Santoso. I and my older brother have couple things in common. Both
of us have short straight hair. My brother and I also have the same a round shaped face, thin eyebrows,
and black eyes.
My Father is a farmer. He manages his farm well. He plants a lot of vegetables, such as cucumber,
tomato, chili. Since we live in a good place to plant many vegetables, my father doesn’t meet any difficulties
in getting a good corp. My mother is a good mother and wife. Every day, she takes care of us with all of
her warm love. She manages the house well, keeps it clean and in good order. My brother is a patient and
kind person, especially to me. He always helps me when I have a problem. He is smart person also.
47. From the text, we can conclude that…
A. the writer’s father works in rice field.
B. the writer’s mother is a good farmer.
C. the writer’s mother is a house wife.
D. the writer’s father plants fruits.
48. The writer’s mother is a good mother. She manages the house well. …children love her very much.
A. Their C. Her
B. His D. Its
49. Anita : When do we commemorate Heroes Day?
Ana : It is on…
A. the tenth of November.
B. the first of October.
C. the second of May.
D. the first of June.
50. Father : When was Astrid Lindgren born?
Mother : It is in the nineteen zero-seven.
Which of the following is the year mentioned?
A. 1917 C. 1709
B. 1907 D. 1719

Badrus Saleh(2014). Headline English 1 for SMP/ MTS. Bandung : Yrama Widya
Djatmika dkk. (2013). Passport to the World. A fun and Easy English Book for Grade VII of Junior High
Schools. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
Djatmika dkk. (2019). Passport to the World. A fun and Easy English Book for Grade VII of Junior High
Schools. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
Permendikbud No. 24 Tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar Pelajaran Pada
Kurikulum 2013 Pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
Permendikbud No. 37 Tahun 2018 tentang perubahan Permendikbud No.24 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan
Kompetensi Dasar Pelajaran Pada Kurikulum 2013 Pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah

64 Bahasa Inggris VII SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

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