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Bahasa Inggris Peminatan

Teaching Material

1st Meeting

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A. Definition of Narrative Text
Narrative text is a text focusing on specific participants.
 Social function: to entertain/amuse the readers or listeners with a true experience or
an imaginary one (menghibur pembaca atau pendengar dengan pengalaman nyata dan
B. Structure Texts (Generic Structure)
 Orientation (pendahuluan cerita): It is about the opening paragaraph where the
characters of the story are included (memperkanalkan tokoh cerita, tempat dan
 Complication
The problems in the story develop/ it is the beginning of the problems which leads to
the crisis (climax) of the the main participant (munculnya konflik/permasalahan
diantara tokoh tersebut).
 Resolution
The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad (tragic)
ending (penyelesaian /pemecahan masalah).
 Re-orientation
This is a closing remark to the story and it optional. It consists of a moral lesson,
advice or teaching from the writer.
Penegasan kembali (ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan bahwa cerita sudah
terakhir). Ini sifat opsional.
C. Linguistic Features (Ciri-ciri kebahasaan)
 Noun (tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang dalam cerita, misalnya: stepsister,
 Adjective (yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya long black hair, two red apples,
 Time connectives and adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian
misalnya: then, before that, etc.
 Adverbs and adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa
misalnya: here, in the mountain, happily ever after, etc.
 Saying verbs yang menandai ucapan, seperti: said, told, and thinking. Verb yang
menandai pikiran, perasaan tokoh misalnya: thought, felt, etc.
 Action verbs dalam past tense: stayed, worked,etc.
 Using Simple Past Tense.
D. Kinds of Narrative Text
1. Fairy tale (dongeng): cerita yang sudah umum diketahui oleh orang-orang di seluruh
dunia. Contoh: Cinderella, Snow White, etc.
2. Legend (legenda): cerita tentang asal-asul terjadinya suatu daerah, benda,
binatang,gedung, misalnya Tangkuban perahu, Roro jongjrang, Lake Toba.
3. Myth (Mitos): cerita yang menjadi kepercayaan rakyat dan mempengaruhi kehidupan
masyarakat di sekirarnya. Contoh: Nyi Roro kidul.
4. Fable (fabel): Cerita tentang binatang yang bertingkah laku seperti manusia: Three
little pigs, and the Ant and The Dove.
5. Folklore (cerita rakyat): cerita yang ada di masyarakat yang biasanya disebarluaskan
dari mulut ke mulut. Contohnya: Angling Dharma, Wali Songo.
E. Example of Narrative Texts with Structure of Texts
Fairy Tales
1. Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They
were very poor. All they had was a cow. One morning, Jack’s mother told him to take the
cow to the market and sell it. Orientation
On the way Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for the cow. Jack
took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very
angry. She threw the beans out of the window.
The next morning, Jack looked out of the window. There was a giant beanstalk.
He went outside and started to climb the beanstalk. He climbed up to the sky through the
clouds. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside. Jack heard a voice “Fee,fi,fo,fum!”
and ran into a cupboard. An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. On the
table there was a hen and a golden harp.”Lay” said the giant. The hen laid an egg-it was
made of gold.”Sing” said the giant. The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep.
Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly the harp sang
“Help, master!”The giant shouted, “Fee,fi,fo,fum!”.Jack ran and started to climb down
the beanstalk. Complication (paragraph 1 & 2)
The giant came down after him. Jack shouted “Mother, help!”Jack’s mother took
an axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground.
Nobody ever saw him again. Resolution
With the golden eggs and the magic harp Jack and his mother lived happily ever
after. Re-orientation

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