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MK Metpen/Statistik Sp/S2 Th Ajaran 2020/2021

Penulisan Hasil Penelitian dan Etik


Lisa R. Amir

8 Januari 2021
4.1.1 Jenis penelitian
3.1 Kerangka konsep 4.1.2 Waktu dan lokasi penelitian
3.2 Variable peneitian 4.2 Sample Penelitian
3.3 Hipotesis penelitian 4.3 Definisi Operasional
4.4 Alur Kerja
4.5 Prosedur penelitian
4.6 Manajemen Data
4.7 Etik penelitian
No Nama Judul Proposal
Peran CPS pada Sifat Resistensi enterococcus faecalis pada
1. Jessica Endriyana
Saluran Akar Gigi yang Terinfeksi
Mucoadhesive thin films sebagai anti inflamasi dan antibiotik drug
2. Priska Natassya deliver untuk mengatasi infeksi dan peradangan akibat luka di
dalam mulut
Milda Mongan
Efek toksisitas gramaxone herbisida terhadap kerusakan mukosa
3. Tandi
mulut dan gigi pada kasus bunuh diri

Francisca Veyta
Degradasi RNA pada pulpa gigi sebagai marker untuk estimasi post
4. Ayu Ismawati
mortem interval

Atina Ghina Pengembangan Porous Monetit Sebagai Antibiotic Carrier dalam

Imaniyyah Pengobatan Infeksi Tulang Kronis
1. Narasi/teks hanya menyampaikan hasil penelitian, interpretasi hasil
penelitian ditulis di bab diskusi
2. Hindari penyampaikan data berulang-ulang, data yang sudah disampaikan
di table atau di grafik jangan diulang-ulang di narasi hasil
3. Pada narasi sebaiknya disampaikan analisis hasil dan keterangan gambar
4. Informasi:
a) Deskripsi partisipan penelitian/sample
b) Karakteristik sociodemografik (usia, jenis kelamin)
c) Hasil penelitian sehubungan dengan pertanyaan penelitian
Paragraph 1: Deskripsi sample penelitian

Paragraph 2: Analisis univariate

Paragraph 3: Analisis bivariate (hubungan antara

variable dependen dan independen

HASIL Untuk Menjawab

pertanyaan Penelitian Paragraph 4: Analisis multivariate( bila ada)
Paragraph 1
• Informasi mengenai sample/partisipan penelitian (Gender, Usia, grup etnik)
• Umumnya Table menyertai data yang diberikan pada paragraf 1
Paragraph 1 & Table 1 e ample
Foo no e
B acke

Lea n o e he Table facili in MS Wo d
Edi o and p bli he do no like Table c ea ed in ano he
p og am ( a , E cel) and hen embedded in o o Wo d file. The
canno be edi ed.
Paragraph 2
- Penjelasan mengenai hubungan antar data
- Hindari penulisan interpretasi Hasil pada bab hasil, kecuali permintaa jurnal dengan gaya
penulisan Hasil dan Diskusi digabung
- Apabila memungkinan, gunakan tabel Untuk data birvariate/multivariate

Elemen of a Table Table

Perhatikan penggunaan indents, foodnotes,
Tab e e
C ead g brackets
L e d g c ead g f ac a da a
e )

Da a ad ce a dc e
bca eg
(a d

L e d g ac a da a f f e e c
F e( )
P i g i e
S bca eg ie
a e he ace
C a f

e f a bad Tab e
deci a i !

Idi c a ic
e f a i g

I c i e c
i h f
deci a ace
E a

T a i e
E a e fa d Tab e
E ample of a good Table
Informati e title Use of Landscape
page set- p hen
the Table is ide
se of lines

Nice se of hite space to separate sections

E tra information
A line sed to delineate
in footnote
the end of the Table
Indents sed to sho
s bordinate categories N mbers are
nicel aligned
When good Table go bad
See hat a difference ha ing too man gridlines makes?

E ample: A J E ide i l instr ctions to a thors Use a single top r le,

a single r le beneath the headings, and a single bottom r le here possible,
data in ertical col mns sho ld ha e the same nit of meas rement
E a e fa d Tab e

F m: T WM, S MB, F CA, K NM,

P K, G B. O ,
N .
Gerodon olog 35: 185-191 (2018).
Pe e g da a a c e
Be c e he be f dec a ace
If ea ed a a ege , ca g 1d f he a
da a ( ea , d de a )
Eg. age a ec ded ea ; he ea age a 34.3 ( d, 6.8)
U e he a e be fd f a da a
D e e ha ae f ed g
O he e, ae g ch e acc ac a d/ a ca
e ha ac a had
If e g ca eg ca da a, e e e ce age a
eg. The e e e 44 a e (53.2%).
Re g be Tab e a d e
R e E a e fc ec e e
E press numbers < 10 as ords The e e e e e ca e f a ca c a.

E press numbers of 10+ as numbers The e e e 90 a e .

Don t begin a sentence ith a number Th - a e d ed d g he a. ead

f 32 a e d ed d g he a.
Numbers less than 1 begin ith 0 The ea f a e a 0.28 / ( d, 0.22).

No space bet een a number and its % Fe a e c ed 48% f he a e. ( 48 %)

Use a space bet een a number and a 467 (55.6%), 467(55.6%)

Do not impl greater precision than is The ea age a 12.3 ea ( d, 3.2; a ge 6 19)
arranted b our measurement
(U e 1 e dec a ace ha he
ba c f ea e e he e g
a da a)
When reporting means, present the The ea f a e a 0.28 / ( d, 0.22).
standard deviation as ell

The e e ae a he ef ec a da d ac ce he a d ab de b he .
Ea d ; diffic l d ell
De c ibi g da a i he Re l
Ke i ci le :
Thi i d ei he Re l e , he e el e
D e ea Table da a
Y j bi i he highligh he Reade
Y ca (a d d ) e e de ailed da a i he Re l e ,b l ha
hich d e bel g i a Table
D c e he cli ical blic heal h ig ifica ce f
fi di g i he Re l (d ha i he Di c i )

Y h ld e e ee a ci a i ed i a Re l ec i
More on describing data
Use short, clear sentences
Get someone else to read our Results section for
readabilit once done

From the J Dent Res instructions:

This section serves onl to introduce data in the (i) text, (ii) tables, and
(iii) figures and to call attention to their significant parts. Report results
concisel , using tables and figures to present important differences or
similarities that cannot otherwise be presented or summari ed in the text
Reserve subjective comments, interpretation, or reference to the previous
literature for the Discussion section.
Less is better

Onl the important findings

If too man of those, onl the highlights

Don t bore the Reader b tediousl going over ever little detail

Don t repeat Table data in the te t

Don t repeat Table data in the te t

General principle: be less precise in the accompan ing te t;
summarise for the poor old Reader
Writing a Paper
William M Thomson
School of Dentistry
Otago University

Editor in Chief
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Journal

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