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Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang kita gunakan untuk menyuruh atau seseorang
melakukan suatu hal bisa dengan cara halus (meminta tolong dengan sopan sampai
memerintah) dan cara kasar (memaksa) ataupun bisa juga dengan cara membayar. Kata kerja
atau causative verb yang dimaksud adalah make, get, have, dan let.
Rumus Atau Pola Kalimat Causative Verb
Causative verb memiliki 2 tipe, yaitu active causative dan passive causative. Berikut ini
adalah pola kalimat atau rumus untuk penggunaan causative verb (let, make, have, get).

1. Let
Causative „let‟ digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika seseorang membolehkan atau mengijinkan
subjek untuk melakukan sesuatu.

S + (Let/Lets) + Complement (human) + Bare Infinitive (Simple Verb)


 My mother lets me choose the dress. (Ibu saya mengizinkan saya memilih gaun)
 Gino lets Gito borrow his pen. (Gino mengizinkan Gito meminjam pena nya)
 Miss. Hermina will let me take the day off. (Miss. Hermina akan mengizinkan saya
mengambil hari libur)

2. Make
Causative „make‟ digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika seseorangmeminta atau memaksa
subjek melakukan sesuatu. „Make‟ hanya dapat digunakan dalam bentuk aktif (active

S + (Make/Makes/Made) + Complement (human) + Bare Infinitive (Simple Verb)


 I made my computer work. (Saya membuat komputer saya berfungsi)

 Habibie and ainun movie makes me cry. (Film Habibie dan Ainun membuat saya
 Tio make his sister do his homework. (Tio meminta/memaksa sudara perempuannya
mengerjakan PR-nya)

3. Have
Causative „have‟ digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika seseorang memberikan tanggung jawab
kepada subjek untuk melakukan sesuatu. „Have‟ dapat digunakan dalam bentuk aktif maupun
Rumus active causative:

S + (Has/Have/Had) + Complement (human) + Bare Infinitive (Simple Verb)+ Object

Rumus passive causative:

S + (Has/Have/Had) + Complement (thing)+ Past Participle (V3)


 I have her clean the house. (Saya meminta kepadanya untuk membersihkan rumah)
 Robb had his son take the glass. (Robb meminta anak laki-lakinya mengambilkan
 I have the house cleaned by her. (Saya meminta rumah dibersihkan olehnya)
 Robb had the glass took by his son. (Robb meminta gelas diambilkan oleh anak laki-

4. Get
Causative „get‟ digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika seseorang meyakinkan subjek untuk
melakukan sesuatu. Serupa dengan causative „have‟, namun „get‟ memiliki pola kalimat yang
berbeda. „Get‟ dapat digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat aktif maupun kalimat pasif.
Rumus active causative:

S + (Get/Gets/Got) + Complement (human) + to infinitive (to-verb)

Rumus passive causative:

S + (Get/Gets/Got) + Complement (thing) + Past Participle (V3)


 Hendro got his brother to buy him a burger. (Hendro menyuruh saudara laki-lakinya
membelikannya burger)
 Rianti gets Lionel to wash her car. (Rianti menyuruh Lionel mencuci mobilnya)
 Hendro got his burger eaten by his brother. (Hendro mendapati burgernya dimakan
saudara laki-lakinya)
 Rianti gets her car washed. (Rianti mendapati mobilnya dicuci)

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses:

1. The doctor made the patient …….. stay …….. in bed. (stay)
2. Mrs. Crane had her house ……… painted ……….. . (paint)
3. The teacher had the class …………………………. a 2000-word research paper.
4. I made my son …………………………. the windows before he could go outside to
play. (wash)
5. Don got some kids in the neighborhood …………………………… out his garage.
6. I went to the bank to have a check ……………………………….. . (cash)
7. Tom had a bad headache yesterday, so he got his twin brother Tim
………………………. to class for him. The teacher didn‟t know the difference. (go)
8. When Scott went shopping, he found a jacket he really liked. After he had the sleeves
…………………………, it fit him perfectly. (shorten)
9. My boss made me ………………………. my report because he wasn‟t satisfied with
it. (redo)
10. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank …………………………. . (fill)
11. I got Mary ………………………. me some money so I could go to a movie last
night. (lend)
12. Mr. Fields went to a doctor to have the wart on his nose ……………………… .
13. Peeling onions always makes me ………………………… . (cry)
14. Tom Sawyer was supposed to paint the fence, but he didn‟t want to do it. He was a
very clever boy. Somehow he got his friends ……………………….. it for him. (do)
15. We had a professional photographer ………………………… pictures of everyone
who participated in our wedding. (take)
16. I spilled some tomato sauce on my suit coat. Now I need to get my suit
………………… . (clean)

Relative clause merupakan klausa dependen yang berfungsi menerangkan kata benda
sehingga didapat informasi yang jelas mengenai benda tersebut. Untuk menghubungkan antar
klausa digunakan kata penghubung seperti, that, which, who, whom, dan whose.
Berikut adalah contoh kalimat relative clause.
- The woman who wears the red dress is my aunt
- This is the bicycle that my father bought me yesterday
- The man whom we met is my father's friend
- The family whose house is in front of the our house is our relatives
- These are the cookies which my mother gives us.

Penggunaan Relative Clause (That, Which, Who, Whom, dan Whose)

Digunakan untuk orang yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.
- The man who is running is my brother
Orang yang sedang berlari adalah saudara saya
Dalam kalimat ini sesungguhnya ada dua kalimat yaitu:
The man is my brother
He is running
- Do you know the people who live next door?
Kamu tahu orang yang tinggal di sebelah?

Digunakan untuk orang yang berfungsi sebagai objek
- The students whom I met yesterday are coming to my house
Murid yang saya temui kemarin akan datang ke rumah saya
- I never thought before that I would marry a woman whom I didn’t love
Saya tidak pernah menyangka saya akan menikah dengan perempuan yang tidak saya cinta
Digunakan untuk benda
- This is the book which I always read
Ini buku yang selalu saya baca
Kalimat ini juga terdiri dari dua kalimat
This is the book
I always read it
- There is a program on TV tonignt which you might like
Nanti malam ada acara di TV yang mungkin kamu suka

Digunakan untuk orang dan benda
- The policeman that I talked to will retire next year
Polisi yang bebicara dengan saya akan pensiun tahun depan
- This is the house that I will live in when I am old
Inilah rumah yang akan saya tinggali kalau saya sudah tua nanti

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan
- The manager whose secretary is beautiful is married
Manajer yang sekertarisnya cantik sudah menikah
- I saw a girl whose hair came down to her waist
Saya melihat seorang gadis yang rambutnya panjang sampai pinggang

Who pasti selalu diikuti oleh Verb
Whom pasti selalu diikuti oleh noun/pronoun atau sentence ( subject+verb )
Join these sentences using suitable RELATIVE CLAUSE:
1. We have a neighbour. His dog barks a lot.
2. I don‟t know most of the people. You invited them for the party.
3. My cousin is a journalist. Her job is interesting.
4. That‟s the parcel. It came in the mail.
5. Do you know the man? I asked him the address.
6. The boy is the travel agent. He is checking the tickets.
7. The gardener‟s wife has just had her third baby. She has been married for six years.
8. The horse came in last. You were telling me about it.
9. I can‟t remember the town. I was born there.
10. I apologized to the woman. I spilt her coffee.
11. Did you mail the letters? They were on my table.
12. The man teaches at the university. You met his daughter last night.
Concessive Clause merupakan sebuah klausa yang dimulai dengan kata “even though” atau
“although” (meskipun) dan mengekspresikan sebuah ide yang memiliki makna lain dengan
bagian pertama dari sebuah kalimat.
Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
- Although he is quiet, he is not shy. (Meskipun dia pendiam, dia tidak pemalu)
Klausa “Although he is quiet” memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan klausa yang lain
yaitu “he is not shy”.

“In spite of” dan “despite” memiliki makna yang hampir sama dengan “although” atau
“even though”. Akan tetapi, kedua kata tersebut (in spite of dan despite) tidak
memperkenalkan sebuah klausa. Kedua kata tersebut memiliki sintaksis (susunan kata dalam
kalimat) yang berbeda. Kedua kata tersebut diikuti oleh kata benda (noun) atau kata kerja
yang dibendakan (gerund: verb + ing). Kedua kata tersebut tidak memperkenalkan sebuah
klausa (subject + verb).

Although & Even though

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
He had enough money. (Dia memiliki cukup uang)
He refused to buy a new car. (Dia menolak untuk membeli sebuah mobil baru)
Kedua kalimat di atas dapat dikombinasikan sebagai berikut:
Although /Even though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
He refused to buy a new car although /even though he had enough money.

Struktur (Structure)
“Although” dan “even though” memperkenalkan Concessive Clause.

Although / even though + subject + Verb

- Although it is cold outside, he kept playing snowball with his friends. (Meskipun di
luar cuacanya dingin, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan – kawannya)
- Even though the students are naughty, the teacher loves them so much. (Meskipun
para murid tersebut nakal, guru sangat menyayangi mereka)
Despite & In spite of
“despite” dan “in spite of” tidak memperkenalkan sebuah Concessive Clause. Kedua kata
tersebut diikuti oleh kata kerja (noun) atau kata benda bentuk V+ing (gerund).

Perhatikan contoh berikut:

He had enough money. (Dia memiliki cukup uang)
He refused to buy a new car. (Dia menolak untuk membeli sebuah mobil baru)
Kedua kalimat di atas dapat dikombinasikan sebagai berikut:
Despite/In spite of all his money, he refused to buy a new car
He refused to buy a new car despite/in spite of all his money
Struktur (Structure)
Despite / in spite of + a noun /verb + ing
- Despite / in spite of the cold outside, he kept playing snowball with his friends.
(Meskipun cuaca dingin di luar, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan –
- Despite / in spite of being cold, he kept playing snowball with his friends. (Meskipun
merasa dingin, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan – kawannya)
1. Although, even though + subject + verb (Concessive Clause)
2. In spite of, despite + noun / verb + ing (Not a Concessive Clause)

choose the right answer!
1. (Although / in spite of) she is beautiful, everybody hates her.
2. (Although / in spite of) earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents.
3. The children slept deeply (although / in spite of) the noise.
4. Jane did not do well in the exam (although / in spite of) working very hard.
5. Lexy rarely sees Cody (although / in spite of) they are neighbors.
6. (Although / in spite of) the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem.
7. (Although / in spite of) I was very hungry, I could not eat.
8. (Although / in spite of) it was cold, Amelia did not put on her coat.
9. Lisa never talked to him (although / in spite of) she loved him.
10. (Although / in spite of) the weather was bad, we really had a good time together.

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