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TAHUN 2008 - 2014

: 021-47860038/4897283


Semakin pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini telah mengubah
banyak hal yang telah biasa kita lakukan menjadi sedemikian cepat dan mudah, terlebih di bidang
komunikasi. Hubungan kerjasama yang dibangun dengan berbagai pihak terasa lebih dekat dan
bisa dilaksanakan dalam waktu yang singkat. Arus informasi yang sedemikian cepatnya sangat
membantu proses layanan pendidikan di Indonesia apabila bisa dikelola dengan baik. Demikian
halnya yang bisa dilakukan oleh setiap satuan pendidikan dalam menjalin kerjasama dengan
institusi atau sekolah di daerah lain atau di luar negeri.

Kemudahan mengakses informasi inilah yang sekarang ini bisa menjadi alat utama dalam
menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai lembaga yang ada. Kerjasama yang dibangun tentu sebuah
kerjasama yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang positif bagi semua pihak yang
terkait. Kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam menjalin kerjasama dengan sekolah lain juga
sangat terbuka pada era sekarang ini. Kerjasama berdasarkan keinginan untuk mempelajari lebih
lanjut tentang suatu bahasa maupun budaya dari Negara lain juga bisa dilaksanakan melalui
berbagai program kegiatan.

Kegiatan yang sangat baik untuk dilakukan dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak – pihak yang
berhubungan erat dengan proses pendidikan di sekolah sekaligus bisa dijadikan sebagai
benchmark bagi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di sekolah adalah sister school partnership.
Dewasa ini kegiatan Sister School Partnership sudah dilaksanakan di sekolah SBI dengan
berbagai macam kegiatannya sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang telah disusun bersama dalam
bentuk Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) atau Memorandum Saling Pengertian.

Sister School Partnership merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan antara sekolah baik di dalam
maupun di luar negeri dalam rangka menjalin kerjasama guna mencapai tujuan tertentu
terutama dalam bidang pendidikan, budaya dan peningkatan mutu guru serta kepala sekolah
antar kedua sekolah

Lebih dari sekedar sebagai sebuah pertukaran seni budaya antara dua sekolah, program Sister
School Partnership akan lebih menarik apabila dikemas menjadi sebuah pertukaran ilmu dan
budaya yang lebih menitikberatkan empati dan peningkatan motivasi untuk maju siswa, guru dan
kepala sekolah. Siswa dan guru yang saling berkunjung juga dapat diberi kesempatan untuk
memahami kebiasaan belajar, semangat dan pola masyarakat setempat dengan lebih baik.

Sebuah program pertukaran pelajar atau guru saja belum bisa dikatakan sebagai Sister School
Partnership apabila tidak ada MoU diantara kedua sekolah yang menyepakati kegiatan tersebut.
Kegiatan Sister School Partnership lebih terencana dan menyangkut berbagai aspek pendidikan
yang menjadi kebutuhan sekolah dan bukan hanya terbatas pada kegiatan saling mengunjungi
diantara anggota sekolah dan atau sekedar pertukaran informasi semata.


1. Undang-undang Sistem Pendidikan Nomor 20 tahun 2003.

2. PP 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan

3. Permen Nomor 19 tahun 2007 tentang Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan

4. Pedoman Penjaminan mutu Sekolah/Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional

5. Sistem Penyelenggaran Sekolah/Madrasah bertaraf Internasional


A. Tujuan Umum :

1. Untuk memperkuat hubungan antara sekolah di dalam dan luar negeri;

2. Untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa dengan memungkinkan

mereka untuk memperoleh pemahaman, penghargaan dan penghormatan terhadap
budaya lain;

3. Untuk mengembangkan hubungan persahabatan melalui komunikasi rutin;

4. Untuk memberikan peluang bagi kepala sekolah dan staf administrasi menjalin
kerjasama dengan sekolah lain dalam kerangka peningkatan mutu pelayanan
pendidikan dan ikatan persahabatan diantara dua sekolah.

5. Untuk mengembangkan peluang bagi guru untuk pertukaran materi pelajaran, informasi
tentang metode dan praktek pendidikan dan hal-hal umum lainnya;

6. Untuk memfasilitasi kunjungan dari para siswa dan guru ke sekolah di luar negeri

7. Untuk memberikan pengalaman kerjasama internasional

8. Untuk memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia

B. Tujuan Khusus

1. Untuk Guru:
• Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang berbeda sistem pendidikan;
• Meningkatkan profesional pembangunan melalui pertukaran ide dan pengetahuan;
• Memperluas pandangan pendidikan dengan menambahkan perspektif global
2. Untuk Siswa:
• Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman budaya yang berbeda;
• Menambah akses ke ide-ide baru dan pengalaman dengan bekerja sama dengan
guru dan siswa dari budaya yang berbeda dan sistem pendidikan;
• Memperluas pengertian, toleransi dan penerimaan dari budaya lain.


Untuk menuju Sister School Partnership tahapan yang pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah
mencari sekolah partner, upaya ini menjadi keharusan bagi setiap sekolah yang akan menjalin
kerjasama melalui Sister School Partnership. Informasi dari berbagai media bisa digunakan dalam
rangka mencari sekolah partner. Kemajuan teknologi yang ada bisa digunakan untuk kepentingan
ini, misalnya saja dengan menggunakan akses internet. Pencarian ini tentu jauh lebih effektif
karena informasi yang dicari akan jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan dnegan media informasi lainnya.

Upaya lainnya yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah melalui sumber daya manusia yang ada di
sekolah, bisa melalui pendidik dan tenaga kependidikannya dan bahkan alumni. Informasi yang
diperoleh dari masing masing pihak kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan baik yang pada akhirnya
proses awal dari terjalinnya komunikasi dengan sekolah yang dimaksud bisa terjadi.

Jika proses diatas sudah bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik maka langkah selanjutnya dapat
ditempuh seperti berikut ini :

1. Mencari informasi atas sekolah yang akan dijadikan partner Sister

2. Menulis surat perkenalan dan keinginan untuk menjalin kerjasama melalui program
sister school dengan menyertakan sebuah paket informasi mengenai sekolah secara
3. Merencanakan membuat satu perjanjian kerjasama.
4. Merencanakan adanya tahap kunjungan baik siswa maupun guru.
5. Mengimplementasikan seluruh tahapan yang tertera dalam perjanjian kerjasama di


Target mutu yang diharapka dari pelaksanaan Sister School Partnership adalah :

1. Semakin kuatnya hubungan antara sekolah baik di dalam maupun di luar

2. Semakin luasnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa dengan memungkinkan mereka
untuk memperoleh pemahaman, penghargaan dan penghormatan terhadap budaya lain;
3. Adanya pengembangan hubungan persahabatan melalui komunikasi rutin;
4. Semakin terbukanya peluang bagi kepala sekolah dan staf administrasi menjalin
kerjasama dengan sekolah lain dalam kerangka peningkatan mutu pelayanan pendidikan
dan ikatan persahabatan diantara dua sekolah.
5. Lebih mengembangkan peluang bagi guru untuk pertukaran materi pelajaran,
tentang metode dan praktek pendidikan dan hal-hal umum lainnya;
6. Terfasilitasinya kunjungan dari para siswa dan guru ke sekolah di dalam dan luar
7. Adanya pengalaman kerjasama nasional dan internasional bagi warga
8. Semakin majunya pendidikan di Indonesia

Setiap sekolah yang akan melaksanakan Sister School Partnership hendaknya juga
mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik dengan menciptakan berbagai keunggulan local
yang ada di sekolah sehingga sekolah partner bisa sama – sama mendapatkan keuntungan dari
dilaksanakannya Sister School Partnership tersebut. Satu sekolah tidak diperkenankan hanya
menggantungkan keuntungan dari pelaksanaan Sister School Partnership ini terhadap sekolah
lain yang menjadi partner-nya dalam kegiatan ini.

Adanya competitive advantages diantara sekolah partner ini akan semakin menyehatkan
hubungan antara dua sekolah yang terjalin melalui program Sister School Partnership ini.
Sekolah satu bisa menyepakati program yang akan menjadi tujuan pelaksanaan Sister School
Partnership ini bersama sekolah lain karena didasarkan pada hal – hal yang bisa dikembangkan
secara bersama.


1. Pertukaran informasi
2. Immerse program dari siswa, guru dan tenaga kependidikan
3. Immerse program pada kurikulum
4. Diseminasi hasil immerse program
5. Pertukaran kebudayaan
6. Pertukaran kepala sekolah
7. Pertukaran guru
8. Pertukaran siswa
9. Pertukaran orang tua siswa
10. Pelatihan guru
11. Perbaikan Kualitas Pengajaran


1. Kepala sekolah
2. Guru
4. Komite sekolah
5. Orang tua
6. Pengawas
7. Pemerintah (pusat,provinsi dan kabupaten/kota)
8. Mitra sekolah dalam negeri
9. Petugas Penghubung
10. Konsultan

1. Sumber dana dari sekolah/yayasan

2. Sumber dana dari komite
3. Sumber lain yang tidak mengikat


1. Sister school antara SMP Negeri 3 Kebakkramat dengan :

a. SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar
b. SMP Negeri1 Jumapolo
c. SMP Negeri 1 Kebakkramat
d. SMP Negeri 2 Kebakkramat
e. SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Kebakkramat
f. SMP PGRI 12
2. Pelaksanaan kegiatan :
a. Pembinaan PKKS di SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar
b. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru di masa pandemic covid 19


Demikian kiranya laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini kami sampaikan dan semoga membawa
kebaikan dan kemajuan bagi SMP Negeri 3 Kebakkramat khususnya dan pembaca pada

Kebakkramat, Juni 2020

Kepala SMP Negeri 3 Kebakkramat
Drs. Purwanto Djoko Wahyudi
NIP. 19640512 199003 1 013

Lampiiran Sister school

1. Nama Kegiatan : Pembinaan PKKS

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 03 Nopember 2020
Tempat : SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar

2. Nama Kegiatan :
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 12 Nopember 2020
Tempat : SMP Negeri 1 Kebakkramat


Stories from Students
Day 1
By Anjani Rahma
June 24 2013, we finally entered the main activity of this education trip which is homestay with
sisteƌ sĐhools͛ faŵilLJ, GD“T “tƌeathaŵ aŶd Claphaŵ High “Đhool.
We went from the hotel at about 8 am and the trip to Streatham and Clapham High School took
about 30 minutes.

When we arrived at SCHS, we took out our big sized luggages and brought it to a class room that has
lost most of the chair and table We left out luggages there during the whole homestay program.
After we put the big luggages and the small bags, we met two very kind people from the school
administration. They gave us 20 minutes to go to the toilet or to collect some of our important
things if we left it iŶ the ͞luggage ƌooŵ͟. Afteƌ ϮϬ ŵiŶutes haǀe passed, the Ϯ staffs fƌoŵ eaƌlieƌ took
us out for a walk around the neighborhood but we actually were heading to the elementary and
kindergarten school building. The first 5 minutes of walking we still felt hyped and happy to see such
a different environment, the next 5 minutes our Indonesian feet started to feel tired and our speed
sloǁed doǁŶ, aŶd the Ŷedžt ϱ ŵiŶutes ǁe staƌted to ƋuestioŶ ͞ǁheƌe aƌe ǁe headiŶg to aĐtuallLJ?͟

Finally, after 20 minutes of walking we arrived at our destination. The building was much smaller
than the high school building, but well, since it only consists of kindergarten and elementary school

The 2 staffs that took us for a walk earlier then took us to the library. Inside the library were small
taďles aŶd Đhaiƌs suƌƌouŶded ďLJ ĐhildƌeŶ͛s ďook
collections. There we ate and drink from what they
have prepared for us and also rest for probably 15
minutes. After a good rest, the teacher told us to
change our clothes for our dance performance. 15
minutes after we changed, we went to the sport hall
and started practicing our dance move before a
bunch of kids in white uniform entered the hall.
Seeing their very cute faces lighten up our mood.

Our performance then started. The first performance was angklung, which was supposed to be
played along with the background music. But the thing is, the background song could nott be played
so we ended up playing without it. After angklung, it was the turn for the Tor-Tor dance. Using red
traditional clothes, the team danced the Northern Sumatra dance. After Tor-Tor was done, the next
performance up was Kecak dance. The dance consists of boys and girls. The next dance was Giring-
Giring dance, the dance known for the feather on the head and hands. And last but definitely not
least was the Petik Cengkeh dance. In the end of Petik Cengkeh dance we could bring the kids to
dance with us so it actually made us happy. We felt so excited to communicate with them.

After all performance was done and goodbyes

were said to the kids, we went to our next
destination— an open field where the high school
sport day was being held. When we first arrived,
we were greeted by each of our host family and
then we communicated with them to know more
about each other. We felt so happy that language
was not a barrier for our communication because
at first, most of us were scared that we could not
communicate with them at all. Not long after that,
LaďsĐhools͛ teaŵ ǁas Đalled to joiŶ iŶ the tug of ǁaƌ ĐoŵpetitioŶ. Duƌing the game, we screamed
͞Nasi ‘eŶdaŶg!͟ aŶd fuŶŶLJ that ǁe ǁoŶ ϰ tiŵes aŶd oŶlLJ lost ϭ tiŵe. Afteƌ the eŶd of tug of ǁaƌ
game, we continued watching the whole sport day. At 4 AM, we all walked back to school to collect
ouƌ sŵall ďag that ǁe͛ll ďƌiŶg to each of our homestay houses. The three of us went with the same
host faŵilLJ. Ouƌ host͛s Ŷaŵe ǁas “audah. Heƌ house ǁas Ŷot too faƌ fƌoŵ sĐhool ;still ǁithiŶ ǁalkiŶg
distance) so she took us home by walking.

After 10 minutes journey to her house, we finally arrived and we received a warm greeting from her
mother and 2 little sisters. After getting to know her mom, she took us around the house and
showed us some rooms that we could pick for us to stay during the homestay. After done picking,
we than started to clean up and tidy our stuffs. One or two hours before dinner, she took us to
Primark to do a little bit of shopping. The activities each host families held were different,
depending on what they wanted to do. After done with our little shopping in Primark, we went
home using the red double decker bus. What we really admire about them is their discipline is
because even though the bus stop was a bit far from where we were at that time, she took us for a
walk to the proper bus stop.
We arrived at around 7.02 pm which means we were 2 minutes late to dinner. For us most
Indonesians 2 minutes late is nothing, but when we saw how saudah panicked we really admire
their disĐipliŶe of tiŵe foƌ suƌe aŶd its͛ a good thiŶg to folloǁ. Ouƌ diŶŶeƌ ŵeŶu ǁas iŶdiaŶ food, the
exact kiŶd of ŵeŶu that ǁe͛ǀe ŵissed ďeĐause it ĐoŶtaiŶs spiĐes.

After dinner, we chatted until the time shows 10 PM when we started to feel sleppy. First day of the
hoŵestaLJ ǁas so fuŶ, the ǁaƌŵ gƌeetiŶg ǁill ďe oŶe of the thiŶgs ǁe͛ll alǁaLJs ƌeŵeŵďeƌ.

Day 2

By: Syabika Muhammad

About Myself

Hello my name is Syabika Muhammad. Everybody usually calls me Abi or Syabika, they never call me
Muhammad. I had a great experience in my holiday this year. My parents and their money gave me
a chance to become a participant in the Labschool educational trip to United Kingdom and
Europe. This is the Đoolest sĐhool tƌip that I ͛ǀe eǀeƌ joiŶed aĐtuallLJ, ďeĐause ǁe ǁeŶt to ŵaŶLJ
ďeautiful Đities in Scotland, England, France, and many more.Which was really great. A few
months ago, I bought this big artistic picture of a vespa parked in front of the Arc De Triomphe and I
hung it on the wall of my room. And guess what ? I really went to Arc De Triomphe and took my
own pictures, the as same as the ǀespa͛s spot iŶ the piĐtuƌe I bought. But the greatest thing is, I
finally went to Brussels even though it just felt like a seĐoŶd. You kŶoǁ ǁhLJ it ǁas ƌeallLJ gƌeat
foƌ ŵe? Its͛ ďeĐause ŵLJ fatheƌ studied iŶ Bƌussels ǁheŶ he ǁas LJouŶg, ďut Ŷoǁ he is old aŶd fat. I
just ĐouldŶ͛t iŵagine that I could step on the place that my father stepped on years ago. But I do not
want to study in Brussels like hiŵ. The ĐouŶtƌLJ that took ŵLJ heaƌt to studLJ iŶ ǁas GeƌŵaŶLJ. I do
Ŷot kŶoǁ ǁhLJ, ǁe didŶ͛t eǀeŶ visit any university in there. I just have this feeling of wanting to
study there.

My Great Host Family

That is a little story about me. Because my teachers told me to write a story about the second day in
GDST Streatham Highschool, so now I am going to tell you about that. At the first time, I thought I
was the most bad-luck kid in this trip because I will be alone at my home stay without any friends.
My english is not good, really really not good, you can know it just by reading this story right? I was
just afƌaid that I ĐouldŶ͛t talk eŶglish ǁell ǁith ŵLJ host faŵilLJ aŶd ǁill just keep ŵute like a stupid
AsiaŶ guLJ. But ŵLJ oǀeƌlLJ aĐtiǀe iŵagiŶatioŶ ǁas totallLJ ǁƌoŶg. DoŶ͛t kŶoǁ ǁhLJ, ďut ŵLJ eŶglish
skill increased ever since I stepped on Glasgow.
BLJ the ǁaLJ, ŵLJ host faŵilLJ ǁas the KeƌǁiŶ faŵilLJ. KeƌǁiŶ͛s hoŵe ĐoŶtaiŶs ϰ people iŶside. TheLJ aƌe
Mrs. Fiona, AliĐe, AliĐe͛s Ϯ oldeƌ sisteƌs, aŶd AliĐe͛s Ŷepheǁ ǁho ǁas sleepiŶg oǀeƌ iŶ theiƌ house
when I arrived. The fact is, the names that I remembered are just Mrs. Fiona and Alice. Their house
is full of girls and I thought it was like paradise. They were nice to me, really nice. They really
know how to treat a special guest like me. Because they were really nice, it means that I must act
like a nice guy too in front of them.

The Story

My blackberry woke me up by playing a song of one of my favorite brutal death metal bands,
Cannibal Corpse – ͚Haŵŵeƌ “ŵashed FaĐe͛. I kŶeǁ ŵLJ ďlaĐkďeƌƌLJ ǁas lazLJ to ǁake ŵe up. MaLJďe
its͛ ďeĐause I alǁaLJs pƌessed the sŶooze ďuttoŶ ǁheŶ it ǁake ŵe up uŶtil ŵLJ fatheƌ ƌeallLJ ŵake ŵe
wake up by a glass of water on my face. But in that day it was different, I already woke up before
my ďlaĐkďeƌƌLJ͛s alaƌŵ. I ǁas just afƌaid that if I ǁeƌe haƌd to ǁake up like iŶ ŵLJ oǁŶ house, KeƌǁiŶ
ŵaLJ thiŶk that IŶdoŶesiaŶ people aƌe all lazLJ like ŵe. BLJ ǁakiŶg up eaƌlieƌ, I just saǀed ŵLJ
ĐouŶtƌLJ͛s dignity. Indonesia must say thank you to me.

Okay, I woke up and did some preparation like taking a bath. I glad that the Kerwin has a water
heater. I cannot imagine if I had to take my bath with cold water in this freezing weather that they
called summer. My bad luck started when I wanted to brush my teeth. I forgot to take my tooth
paste in my baggage I left in the classroom at the school. Remember when I said that I want to act
like a ŶiĐe guLJ ? “o I didŶ͛t ǁake theŵ up just to ďoƌƌoǁ soŵe tooth paste. But I didŶ͛t ǁaŶt ŵLJ
mouth to be smelly too, so I brushed my teeth with a shampoo. What a stupid action.

Even though it was a little bitter, at least my mouth smells good. When I was just getting ready, Mrs.
Fiona knocked the door and asked me to have breakfast together with them. I saw that Alice and
her older sister already ate their breakfast, meaning that they were already up before me. Then I
said to ŵLJself, ǁhLJ didŶ͛t I go doǁŶstaiƌ aŶd ask to ďoƌƌoǁ theiƌ tooth paste ďefoƌe. I Đhatted ǁith
theŵ as I ate my breakfast and they asked me and made me remember again about my
performance of Indonesian traditional dance. It made my stomach ache again and caused me to
become nervous, even though I already did poop before.

Mrs.Fiona drove me and Alice in her car and dropped us near the school. Then she went to go to
ǁoƌk iŶ the hospital. “he is a kiŶd of doĐtoƌ oƌ Ŷuƌse, I doŶ͛t ƌeallLJ kŶoǁ, I foƌget ǁhat edžaĐtlLJ. AliĐe
carried a hard case that seemed heavy. She told me that it was her violin or something. I offered to
help ďut she ƌefused it. That ǁas good too I guess ďeĐause I ĐeƌtaiŶlLJ doŶ͛t haǀe the Ŷeed to ďe

tired. On that day, the highschool students would perform a drama that was called Mid Summer
Night or something and Alice would perform too. I hate drama, but because Alice would perform in
it, I thought that maybe I should just see it with all of my lazyness and burden suppressed.

In the morning, Labschool students performed an angklung music show and traditional dances. I
thought the angklung music show sucks ďeĐause the ƌeĐoƌded ďaĐkgƌouŶd ŵusiĐ ĐouldŶ͛t ďe plaLJed.
But the “tƌeataŵ studeŶts still applause us out loud. MaLJďe its͛ ďeĐause theLJ didŶ͛t kŶoǁ aŶLJthiŶg
about angklung. After that we performed some traditional dances and I performed the Petik
Cengkeh daŶĐe ǁith soŵe of ŵLJ fƌieŶds. The Đostuŵe ŵade ŵe look sillLJ, ďut doŶ͛t kŶoǁ ǁhLJ, I
liked this dance. Our traditional dances performance was really great, I think. Their applause was
even louder than before.

In the afternoon, all of the Labschool

students were forced to study again. We
studied together and joined in the classes
with the Streatham students. Luckily, my
lessons were fun because there were no
maths, geography, physic, or anything like
that. It was just sport, computer, music,
and Latin. I played a baseball during the
spoƌt lessoŶ eǀeŶ though I didŶ͛t kŶoǁ
how to play. I also enjoyed seeing some
people getting stung by the bees outside
the field.

Computer lesson was not different from the one we have in Indonesia, I just played games in my
PC. Music lesson was what I really liked, because this school has organ keyboards on every single
desks for the students. I really wanted to showed my skill in music, but unfortunately, every
students used theiƌ oǁŶ headsets so theLJ ĐouldŶ͛t heaƌ ŵe plaLJ aŶd I ĐouldŶ͛t heaƌ theŵ. I liked
the ĐaŶteeŶ͛s food. It was more like a cafe than a
sĐhools͛ ĐaŶteeŶ, aŶd theLJ had tuŶa,
which I really love.

After taking the lessons, Labschool

students must watch the drama that

Streatham students performed. I just hope I could fast forward to see Alice so she would know that I
watched her performance. What I liked from that drama was just the music. It was really good and
classic. When I started to fell asleep, the drama was over and I did not see Alice in any scene at all.
But I was really happy that drama was over until I heard a creepy announcement that the drama I
watched was only a rehearsal. The real drama would be performed at night.

The school was over. Everybody was already with their host family to head home. But I was not. I
waited for Alice for about an hour and I decided to search her outside. Then I met a young Arabian
ladLJ outside. “he asked ŵe if I ǁas lost aŶd I said LJes. “he took ŵe to the sĐhools͛ adŵiŶistƌatioŶ
office and we started to get to know each other. Her name was Anisa Mariam. She was a graduated
senior in Streatham. I was glad that she was muslim too. She was really beautiful. Her face looked
like a Bollywood actress or something beautiful like that.

Afteƌ Maƌiaŵ left ŵe iŶ the sĐhools͛ office, Alice finally came. She was late to pick me up because
she had a technical meeting for the drama. I asked where was she when the drama was being
performeed and she answered that she did not act for the drama. She played the classical piano
music in the backstage. Oh my god, I was really surprised. The music was so skillfully played and
beautiful. She was really talented in music. I asked her whether I would be seeing that boring drama
again this night so I could hear her piano. But I was in my bad luck again, she did not have any free
ticket for me.

Mrs. Fiona was a bit late to pick us up. Maybe for about half an hour Alice and I waited to be picked
up outside. But I enjoyed it because I was always being greeted by the Streatham girls who passed
in fƌoŶt of ŵe. It ŵade ŵe feel like a faŵous aĐtoƌ. WheŶ I aƌƌiǀed iŶ the KeƌǁiŶ͛s hoŵe, I ǁas
ƌeallLJ hungry and I was very lucky. They made me a kind of fish steak for dinner. After that, I went
to my room and decided to enjoy the bath tub for the last night I stayed over in this house.

Maybe I fell asleep in bath tub. I did not know how, but when I woke up, my back was hit the bath
tuď͛s fauĐet. It ǁas ƌeallLJ paiŶful, ďut I did Ŷot Đaƌe aďout the paiŶ oŶ ŵLJ ďaĐk.


What I can learn from this trip, especially from the second day that I wrote is, Indonesia was really
left behind in everything. Everything always starts from the human resources. Human resources is
started from a good education and the education system in London, especially GDST Streatham and
Clapham, was great. There are only a few students per class. That means the activities in class are
really condusive, really different than many schools in Indonesia that may contain about forty
students per class.

The second is the traffic jam. Mrs. Fiona was always grumpy when there were two or three cars
ƋueuiŶg up iŶ fƌoŶt of heƌ Đaƌ. AŶd she Đalled it ͚tƌaffiĐ jaŵ͛. It ŵeaŶs that the tƌaffiĐ is so good.
Traffic jam in Indonesia is more like a thousands car queuing up for the traffic in front of our car.
The third is, the environment. Environment in London or I think the other country in Europe was
really clean and healthy. The people really know how to treat the tree, the river, the bird, and the
trash. Many people prefere using their bike, skateboard, and the other eco-friendly vehicle rather
than using their cars or motorcycle like in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. That it is, thank you for

Day 3

By M. Trisakti and Vito A

Our last day in GDST, we had an activity with Sixth form students which is the 12 grader of GDST.
They are very kind and accepted our presence very nicely. When all of us arrived at GDST High
School, we were all brought to a building that we never entered before and it was the sixth form
building. It was actually a nice and very luxurious building and quite different than the other
building. They have their own classes, kitchen and living room. It was very comfortable to be there.
AŶd theLJ also doŶ͛t Ŷeed to ǁeaƌ uŶifoƌŵ. TheLJ aƌe fƌee to ǁeaƌ theiƌ oǁŶ Đlothes, aŶd theLJ have a
very good taste in fashion.

After that they introduced themselves,

there were 8 girls in that time that
could accompany us. There were 43 of
us, so we were divided into 5 groups. In
my group there were 9 students, led by
3 students from GDST. There were Livi,
Maria and Rachel. We came in to a class
room and made a round circle. We
shared about our teenage life between
Jakarta especially teenager in SMA
Labschool Jakarta and GDST, London.
In 12 grade of SMA Labschool Jakarta we only have around 9 months to study before national
examination, but in GDST they have 12 full months to study before examination. And another one of
the many differences between SMA Labschool Jakarta and GDST is that we have to use uniform
during school time, while the 12 gƌadeƌ of GD“T doŶ͛t haǀe to ǁeaƌ uŶifoƌŵ at all. We had ϯϬ
minutes of the discussion. It goes well and we had a very nice conversation. They said that we have
very good English. But actually, we have very bad English, especially in grammar! But from this
discussion we can learn other habits and culture in schools from other countries, and also increasing
our English conversational skill as well.

Time goes by, Livi and her friends took

us to the Streatham main road called
Streatham High Road to go shopping. It
took us about 15 minutes to get there by
walking. When we were arrived, Maria
took the girls (Safira, Diani, Ayya and
Fira) to the girl's store while livi and
Rachel took the boys (Fachri, Syarief,
Wibi and Opang) to the Sport Directs.
We had a very good time together. After we finished shopping, they took us back to school. Some of
us gave them a gift that we bought from Indonesia and we took some photos too! And Livi made a
hot tea for us and shared her blueberries! Because we still had plenty of time, we decided to watch
21 Jump Street which was very funny in one of their

The bell rang and we had to end it. We said our goodbye to them and went to the canteen in the
other building to have our lunch. After that, we took our luggage to be put on the bus and said our
goodbye again for the last time to our friends in GDST and went to the Embassy of Indonesia.

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