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A. Latar belakang
Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui
terlebih dahulu, salah satunya adalah bagian-bagian perkataan yang diucapkan
atau dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut Subject-Verb Agreement.
Makalah ini akan membahas tentang Subject-Verb Agreement yang
menjadi bidang kajian bahasa inggris yang penting tidak lain karena melalui itu
semua seseorang dapat menyapaikan maksudnya dengan jelas. Satuan bahasa
yang sudah kita kenal sebelum sampai pada tataran kalimat adalah Subject-Verb
Agreement. Ketiga bentuk itu, adalah pembelajaran dasar atau struktur dasar yang
harus kita pelajari supaya lebih memahami tata cara berbahasa inggris dengan
baik dan lancar. Dan juga dengan question yang artinya tanya jawab atau
mengajukan pertanyaan kepada orang lain, bahkan itu juga sangat penting dalam
menggunakan bahasa ingrris sehari-hari.

(Kesesuaian Subjek dan Kata Kerja)

A. Pengertian Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject verb agreement adalah penyesuaian antara verb dengan subject
dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). 
Subjek dapat berupa noun, pronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting
sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek
tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural
subject (subjek jamak) menggunakanplural verb (kata kerja jamak).

B. Subject-Verb Agreement (Umum)

Secara umum pada bentuk present tense, singular verb berupa base
form (bentuk dasar) dari verb dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran) -s.
Adapun pada plural verb tanpa ditambahkan suffix -s (sebaliknya, plural
subject ditambahkan suffix-s). Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek
berupa third person (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua personal
pronoun (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecuali I dan you. Walaupun
berupa subjek tunggal, I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.
Subjek tunggal harus mempunyai kata kerja tunggal. Begitu pula subjek
jamak harus mempunyai kata kerja jamak. Ini kita sebut sebagai kesesuaian
subjek-kata kerja (subject-verb agreement).

Perhatikan aturan berikut ini :

a. A bus hits a tree. (sebuah bus menabrak pohon.)
   A bus tunggal dan kata kerjanya pun harus tunggal, hits.
b. Two buses hit a tree. (Dua buah bus menabrak pohon.)
Two buses jamak dan kata kerjanya pun harus jamak, hit.
c. A cup of tea is enough. (secangkir teh cukup.)
   A cup of tea tunggal dan kata kerjanya pun harus tunggal, is.

d. Two cups of tea are more than enough. (Dua cangkir the lebih dari cukup.)
   Two cups of tea jamak dan kata kerjanya pun harus jamak are.
Ketentuan yang paling penting dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa antara
subject dengan verb harus in agreement. Artinya, jika subject-nya singular maka
verb-nya juga harus singular. Sebaliknya, jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya
juga harus plural.
1. Singular subject-singular verb
Yang dimaksud dengan singular subject adalah subject pronoun he, she,
dan it atau nouns yang dapat digantikan dengan he, she atau it; Sedangkan yang
dimaksud dengan singular verbs adalah verb1+es/s, is/was, serta verb phrase
seperti: is/was + verb-ing/verb3, has + verb3, has been verb-ing dan has been
2. Plural subject-plural verb
Yang dimaksud dengan plural subject adalah subject pronouns seperti I,
we, you, they, dan semua plural nouns. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan plural
verbs adalah verbs dan verb phrase selain singular verbs di atas.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold;
verb= italic]:

No Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

1 The sun rises. (Matahari terbit.)

2 The stars shine. (Bintang bersinar.)

3 Leo rarely eats white bread. (Leo jarang makan roti putih.)

You go straight ahead then turn left.

4 (Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.)

Namun jika ada helping verb, maka helping verb-nya yang berubah

sedangkan main verb dalam bentuk dasar (base form verb). Pilihan helping
verb dalam bentuk tunggal-jamak-nya adalah is-are, does-do, dan has-have.

Khusus untuk has-have, agreementtidak berlaku jika kata tersebut
merupakan second helping verb atau digunakan dibelakang helping verb lainnya.

Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold;

verb= italic; helping verb= underline]:

No Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

My boss always comes on time.
1 (Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.)

2 They like eating out. (Mereka suka makan diluar.)

3 He is working. (Dia sedang bekerja.)

4 I do submit the task. (Saya harus mengirimkan tugas tersebut.)

The manager has checked the documents.
5 (Manager telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen tersebut.)

I will have been sleeping for an hour when you arrive.

(Saya akan sudah tidur selama satu jam ketika kamu tiba.)
6 has-have TIDAK BERLAKU

Sedangkan pada past tense, tidak ada perbedaan bentuk kata kerja dalam
hal number(tunggal atau jamak)  jika tidak ada helping verb, yaitu: was-were.

Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; helping

verb= underline]:

No Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

1 The cat was sleeping. (Kucing itu sedang tidur.)

2 We were roasting corn. (Kita sedang membakar jagung.)

3 She drove fast. (Dia mengebut.) TIDAK BERLAKU

Adapun jika kata kerja yang digunakan berupa linking verb,

maka is, am (khusus I), was (past tense) digunakan oleh singular subject,
sedangkan are dan were (past tense) oleh plural subject.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; linking
verb= italic]:

No Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

1 Ricky is smart. (Ricky pintar.)

2 The children are naughty. (Anak-anak itu nakal.)

3 I was a stamp collector. (Saya dulu pengoleksi prangko.)

4 My books were borrowed by him. (Buku-buku saya dipinjam dia.)

C. Subject-Verb Agreement Ketika Subject Dipisahkan Oleh Prepositional

Phrase Atau Oleh Ungkapan-Ungkapan (Expression).

1. Subject-verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase

Jika antara subject dengan verb dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase (2 atau
lebih kata yang diawali oleh preposition), prepositional phrase ini tidak
berpengaruh terhadap verb. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah apa subject
kalimatnya. Jika subject-nya singular maka verb-nya juga harus singular,
sedangkan jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya juga harus plural.
Singular subject + (prepositional phrase) + singular verb
Plural subject + (prepositional phrase) + plural verb

2. Subject-verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh together with, along
with, as well as
Selain prepositional phrase di atas, ekspresi-ekspresi seperti together with,
along with, accompanied by, dan as well as, juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap verb.
a. together with (bersama-sama dengan)
b. along with (bersama-sama dengan)
c. accompanied by (ditemani oleh)as well as (begitu juga, dan)

D. Permasalahan pada Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement menjadi membingungkan ketika  dihadapkan pada
persoalan seperti: subjek berupa collective noun, compound subject, plural
form dengan makna singular, dan indefinite pronoun. Selain itu, ada
pula phrase atau clause yang menyela subjek dan kata kerja sehingga cukup dapat
membingungkan didalam penentuan agreement-nya.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh subject verb agreement (the subject is
bolded and the verb underlined): 
 My dog always growls at the postal carrier.
 Basketballs roll across the floor.
 I don’t understand the assignment.
 These clothes are too small for me.
 Peter doesn’t like vegetables.
 Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe.
 Neither my dad nor my brothers know how to ski.
 Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza.
 Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional meal in Ireland. (popular usage)
When using “or” or “nor” in a compound subject containing a singular and
plural subject, the verb agrees with the closest subject. Examples of compound
subjects using or, neither-nor, or either-or include:
 My mom or dad is coming to the play. (singular)
 Neither gray nor white is my favorite color. (singular)

 Either Grandpa or my sisters are going to the park. (closest subject is
 Either my sisters or Grandpa is going to the park. (closest subject is
 Neither she nor I am going to college. (closest subject is singular)



Did you give your friends valentines and little heart-shaped candies on
Valentine's Day? Do you ever cross your heart when making a promise that you
really, really mean? Or turn on the radio to hear a guy singing about his broken
We see and hear about hearts everywhere. A long time ago, people even thought
that their emotions came from their hearts, maybe because the heart beats faster
when a person is scared or excited. Now we know that emotions come from the

brain, and in this case, the brain tells the heart to speed up. So what's the heart up
to, then? How does it keep busy? What does it look like? Let's find out.

Working That Muscle

Your heart is really a muscle. It's located a little to the left of the middle of
your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. There are lots of muscles all over
your body in your arms, in your legs, in your back, even in your behind.
But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The heart sends blood
around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it
needs. It also carries away waste.
Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The right side of
your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of
the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it
out to the body.

We Got the Beat

How does the heart beat? Before each beat, your heart fills with blood.
Then its muscle contracts to squirt the blood along. When the heart contracts, it
squeezes try squeezing your hand into a fist. That's sort of like what your heart
does so it can squirt out the blood. Your heart does this all day and all night, all
the time. The heart is one hard worker!

Heart Parts
The heart is made up of four different blood-filled areas, and each of these
areas is called a chamber. There are two chambers on each side of the heart. One
chamber is on the top and one chamber is on the bottom. The two chambers on
top are called the atria (say: AY-tree-uh). If you're talking only about one, call it
an atrium. The atria are the chambers that fill with the blood returning to the heart
from the body and lungs. The heart has a left atrium and a right atrium.
The two chambers on the bottom are called the ventricles (say: VEN-trih-
kulz). The heart has a left ventricle and a right ventricle. Their job is to squirt out

the blood to the body and lungs. Running down the middle of the heart is a thick
wall of muscle called the septum (say: SEP-tum). The septum's job is to separate
the left side and the right side of the heart.
The atria and ventricles work as a team the atria fill with blood, then dump
it into the ventricles. The ventricles then squeeze, pumping blood out of the heart.
While the ventricles are squeezing, the atria refill and get ready for the next
contraction. So when the blood gets pumped, how does it know which way to go?
Well, your blood relies on four special valves inside the heart. A valve lets
something in and keeps it there by closing think of walking through a door. The
door shuts behind you and keeps you from going backward.
Two of the heart valves are the mitral (say: MY-trul) valve and the tricuspid (say:
try-KUS-pid) valve. They let blood flow from the atria to the ventricles. The other
two are called the aortic (say: ay-OR-tik) valve and pulmonary (say: PUL-muh-
ner-ee) valve, and they're in charge of controlling the flow as the blood leaves the
heart. These valves all work to keep the blood flowing forward. They open up to
let the blood move ahead, then they close quickly to keep the blood from flowing

It's Great to Circulate

You probably guessed that the blood just doesn't slosh around your body
once it leaves the heart. It moves through many tubes called arteries and veins,
which together are called blood vessels. These blood vessels are attached to the
heart. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries.
The ones that carry blood back to the heart are called veins.
The movement of the blood through the heart and around the body is called
circulation (say: sur-kyoo-LAY-shun), and your heart is really good at it — it
takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body.
Your body needs this steady supply of blood to keep it working right. Blood
delivers oxygen to all the body's cells. To stay alive, a person needs healthy,

living cells. Without oxygen, these cells would die. If that oxygen-rich blood
doesn't circulate as it should, a person could die.
The left side of your heart sends that oxygen-rich blood out to the body.
The body takes the oxygen out of the blood and uses it in your body's cells. When
the cells use the oxygen, they make carbon dioxide and other stuff that gets
carried away by the blood. It's like the blood delivers lunch to the cells and then
has to pick up the trash!
The returning blood enters the right side of the heart. The right ventricle
pumps the blood to the lungs for a little freshening up. In the lungs, carbon
dioxide is removed from the blood and sent out of the body when we exhale.
What's next? An inhale, of course, and a fresh breath of oxygen that can enter the
blood to start the process again. And remember, it all happens in about a minute!

Listen to the Lub-Dub

When you go for a checkup, your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen
carefully to your heart. A healthy heart makes a lub-dub sound with each beat.
This sound comes from the valves shutting on the blood inside the heart.
The first sound (the lub) happens when the mitral and tricuspid valves
close. The next sound (the dub) happens when the aortic and pulmonary valves
close after the blood has been squeezed out of the heart. Next time you go to the
doctor, ask if you can listen to the lub-dub, too.

Pretty Cool It's My Pulse!

Even though your heart is inside you, there is a cool way to know it's
working from the outside. It's your pulse. You can find your pulse by lightly
pressing on the skin anywhere there's a large artery running just beneath your
skin. Two good places to find it are on the side of your neck and the inside of your
wrist, just below the thumb.
You'll know that you've found your pulse when you can feel a small beat
under your skin. Each beat is caused by the contraction (squeezing) of your heart.
If you want to find out what your heart rate is, use a watch with a second hand and

count how many beats you feel in 1 minute. When you are resting, you will
probably feel between 70 and 100 beats per minute.
When you run around a lot, your body needs a lot more oxygen-filled
blood. Your heart pumps faster to supply the oxygen-filled blood that your body
needs. You may even feel your heart pounding in your chest. Try running in place
or jumping rope for a few minutes and taking your pulse again — now how many
beats do you count in 1 minute?

Keep Your Heart Happy

Most kids are born with a healthy heart and it's important to keep yours in
good shape. Here are some things that you can do to help keep your heart happy:
 Remember that your heart is a muscle. If you want it to be strong, you
need to exercise it. How do you do it? By being active in a way that gets
you huffing and puffing, like jumping rope, dancing, or playing
basketball. Try to be active every day for at least 30 minutes! An hour
would be even better for your heart!
 Eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid foods high in unhealthy fats, such
as saturated fats and trans fats (reading the labels on foods can help you
figure out if your favorite snacks contain these unhealthy ingredients).
 Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
 Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks.
 Don't smoke. It can damage the heart and blood vessels.

So now you know that your heart doesn't look like a valentine, but it sure
deserves to be loved for all the work it does. It started pumping blood before you
were born and will continue pumping throughout your whole life.

A. Kesimpulan
Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb dengan subject
dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat
berupa noun, pronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti
gerund daninfinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal)
menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek
jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak). Verb Singular yaitu kalimat
yang menggunakan kata each, every ; es, s, is
Contoh 1: every women, man, child needs refreshing. Walaupun kalimat
tersebut ada tiga subject (plural), tapi karena ada kata "every", kalimat tersebut

menjadi singular. Jadi, kata "every" atau "each"-nya mewakili, lalu pada verb-nya
ditambahi akhiran "s" (menjadi needs).
Contoh 2: each book at the library is listed. Di perpustakaan ada banyak
buku, tetapi karena ada kata "each" maka mewakili semua buku tersebut, dan
verb-nya menggunakan "is".
Noun + Prepositional Phrase Untuk kalimat ini, cara menentukan bentuk
verb-nya dilihat dari bentuk noun-nya. Contoh 3: The pencil on the book is yours.
Kata "The pencil" menunjukkan noun singular, kata "on the book" menunjukkan
preposition phrase, lalu karena bentuk noun-nya singular maka verb-nya pun
singular, yaitu menggunakan "is".
Untuk bentuk plural dari kalimat di atas adalah... The pencil on the book
are yours. Yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kalimat seperti ini yaitu SUBJECT-nya.
Jika subject-nya satu, maka noun dan verb-nya singular. Jika subject-nya lebih
dari satu (menggunakan "s" atau "es" di akhirannya), maka noun dan verb-nya

Contoh 4: The cake at on the table is delicious. Kalimat di atas memiliki

noun dan verb singular.
Contoh 5: The cake at on the table are ready. Kalimat di atas memiliki
noun dan verb plural.
Kata "some of", "a lot of", "none of", "half of", "most of" bisa menjadi
singular, bisa juga menjadi plural, hal ini tergantung pada noun-nya. Contoh 6:
Some of food is delicious. (singular) Some of food is delicious. (plural)
untuk kalimat yang terdapat kata "each of", "every of", dan "one of" diikuti oleh
plural noun, verb tetap singular. Contoh 7: the number of foods in supermarket is
more than 300. A number of foods are expired.
B. Saran

Demikianlah makalah ini semoga bermanfaat bagi yang mempelajarinya,
kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat penulis harapkan untuk perbaikan
dimasa yang datang.


Kusnadi Moh., General Problem In English, Penerbit Bintang Usaha Jaya, 2011.

Making Subjects and Verbs Agree. Accessed on November 14,
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Accessed on November 14, 2012.
Self Teaching Unit: Subject-Verb Agreement. Accessed on November 14,



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