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Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

Sebuah Alternatif Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ)

Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris
Kelas XI

Yuliana Budinastuti, S.Pd.

Desainer Grafis dan Ilustrator:

Tim Desain Grafis

Copyright © 2020
Direktorat Pendidikan Profesi dan Pembinaan Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang

Dilarang mengopi sebagian atau keseluruhan isi buku ini untuk kepentingan komersial
tanpa izin tertulis dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



DAFTAR ISI_________________________________________________III
PROCEDURE TEXT____________________________________________1
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran__________________________________________2
B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar____________________________2
C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran_________________________________________3
D. Sumber/Media/Alat___________________________________________10
E. Bahan Bacaan______________________________________________10
F. Refleksi___________________________________________________13
G. Cek Kemampuan____________________________________________14
H. Umpan Balik Guru___________________________________________16
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran_________________________________________17
B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar___________________________17
C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran________________________________________17
D. Sumber/Media/Alat___________________________________________20
E. Bahan Bacaan______________________________________________20
F. Refleksi___________________________________________________22
G. Cek Kemampuan____________________________________________23
H. Umpan Balik Guru___________________________________________25
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran_________________________________________26
B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar___________________________26
C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran________________________________________27
D. Sumber/Media/Alat___________________________________________29
E. Bahan Bacaan______________________________________________30
F. Refleksi___________________________________________________33
G. Cek Kemampuan____________________________________________34
H. Umpan Balik Guru___________________________________________35
DAFTAR PUSTAKA___________________________________________36
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

Membedakan Beberapa Teks Prosedur

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Semoga kalian semua sehat. Pada
Pembelajaran 1 kali ini ini kita akan belajar tentang teks Prosedur (Procedure
Text) dengan menggunakan moda Discovery Learning. Setelah menyelesaikan
pembelajaran ini, kalian mampu membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan berbagai teks prosedur dengan benar. Selamat belajar!

B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar


Menganalisis fungsi tujuan

sosial teks prosedur

Teks Prosedur
tentang manual
Menganalisis struktur
penggunaan langkah - langkah
teks prosedur
teknologi dan kiat-

Menganalisis Unsur
Kebahasaan teks Imperative
prosedur sentence

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” – Nelson Mandela.
Anak-anakku, semoga kalian selalu sehat dan bersemangat belajar walaupun
dari rumah dan tidak dapat berjumpa dengan teman-teman sekelas. Semoga
kalian menjadi anak yang tangguh, percaya diri, dan kreatif. Sebelum kita
memulai pembelajaran hari ini, kalian berdoalah terlebih dahulu.
Sekarang, mari kita melihat sebuah video pendek tentang cara mencuci tangan
yang benar untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19. Untuk kalian yang memiliki
akses internet, video tersebut bisa diakses melalui link berikut ini:
Bagi kalian yang tidak memiliki akses internet, kalian bisa mengamati kumpulan
gambar berikut ini.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

(taken from )

Yang harus kalian perhatikan adalah urutan langkah-langkah ketika kita

mencuci tangan dengan benar.
Jika kalian telah selesai mengamati video atau gambar maka kalian bisa mulai
mengerjakan Activity 1. Pada Activity 1 kalian akan diberikan beberapa
kalimat yang berisi tips cara mencuci tangan yang benar untuk mencegah
penyebaran Covid-19. Akan tetapi kalimat – kalimat tersebut urutannya masih
tidak benar. Tugas kalian adalah mengurutkan kalimat – kalimat tersebut
sehingga sesuai dengan tata cara mengenakan mencuci tangan yang sudah
kalian lihat di video atau di gambar.

Rearrange these sentences into a good order based on the video or the
series of pictures that you already observed.

1. Dry thoroughly with a single use towel.

Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice


3. Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa.

4. Wet hands with water.

5. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces.

6. Palm to palm with fingers interlaced.

7. Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

right hand in left palm and vice versa.

8. Use towel to turn off faucet.

9. Rinse hands with water.

10. Rub hands palm to palm.

11. And your hands are safe.

12. Back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.

Setelah kalian selesai mengurutkan kalimat-kalimat di atas sesuai dengan apa

yang kalian dengar dan lihat di video atau gambar maka hasil pengamatan dan
pekerjaan kalian tersebut masukkan ke tabel yang ada pada Activity 2.


Complete the table based on the information you get from observing the
video or the series of pictures.

How to wash your hands to prevent infection and spread of

germs, including the corona virus.



Setelah kalian mengerjakan Activity 2 maka akan terlihat jelas bagaimana

prosedur mencuci tangan yang benar. Setelah melihat tabel di Activity 2 terisi,
apa kesimpulan yang bisa kalian tarik? Untuk menyimpulkan coba kalian jawab
pertanyaan yang ada pada Activity 3. Gunakan berbagai sumber, bisa dari
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

buku paket atau dari media internet untuk menguatkan hasil kesimpulan yang
kalian buat.

Summarize your finding from completing Activity 1 and Activity 2 by
answering these questions.
1. What is the purpose of procedure text?

2. Goal, material, and steps are the generic structure of procedure

text. What is the content of goal, material, and steps?

3. Pay attention to the verbs in each step of procedure text about how
to wash your hands to prevent infection and spread of germs,
including the corona virus. What kind of verbs are they? How do you

Setelah mengerjakan Activity 3 kalian mulai mengenal imperative sentence

yang dimulai dengan action verbs. Coba kalian baca teks prosedur yang ada
pada Activity 4. Tunjukkan bagian mana kalimat imperatifnya. Garis bawahi
kata kerja pada kalimat imperatif tersebut.

Imperative sentences, like other sentences, must have a verb. Even if the
subject is “you understood”, we can always find the verb in an imperative
sentence. The verb is the action word that tells what the subject did, does
or is. Find and underline the verbs in the imperative sentences that you
can find in the text.

Knowing how to prevent COVID-19 is very important for all of us. This
information is not only going to save your life, but it might also save hundreds or
even thousand others by putting an end towards this outbreak. Here are few
things that you can do to take part in this fight against COVID-19.

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

First, keep your hands clean all the time. Second, stay away from crowd.
Third, over your nose and mouth whenever you have to leave your house.
Fourth, stay inside your house all day long if it is possible. Fifth, spend some
time for indoor exercise. Sixth, consume healthy food. Healthy mind and healthy
body require healthy diet. Seventh, this might be a good time to love herbal
drinks. Herbal drinks can help us to boost our immune system. That’s all the tips
from me, I hope we can fight Coronavirus together with these simple steps.
(Taken from
corona/ )

Paragraph Imperative Sentence

1 Paragraph 1 1. …
2. …
3. …
2 Paragraph 2 1. …
2. …
3. …

Pada aktivitas berikutnya kalian akan diminta membaca dua contoh teks
prosedur. Setelah membaca 2 contoh teks Prosedur tersebut, kalian diharapkan
dapat memahami perbedaan antara teks prosedur yang berisi manual
penggunaan teknologi dan teks prosedur yang berisi tips/kiat – kiat.

Read these texts carefully. Which one contains tips, and which one
contains the procedure of using technology? State your reason.


How to Prevent Coronavirus Spread

Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

Knowing how to prevent COVID-19 is very important for all of us. This
information is not only going to save your life, but it might also save hundreds or
even thousand others by putting an end towards this outbreak. Here are few
things that you can do to take part in this fight against COVID-19.
First, keep your hands clean all the time. Corona virus may survive up to
several days on surfaces. It means that anything you touch can be the medium
of this virus to infect your body. You can avoid this by washing your hands
Second, stay away from crowd. When someone with Coronavirus in their
body sneezes or coughs, small liquid (called as droplets) containing COVID-19
virus is sprayed around them within 1 meter radius. Stay on a safe distance of
1.5 meters or more could protect you from this dangerous virus.
Third, over your nose and mouth whenever you have to leave your house.
During this outbreak, not only we need to protect ourselves, but we also need to
protect others. Use medical disposable face mask or disposable tissue to
ensure your safety.
Fourth, stay inside your house all day long if it is possible. Your house is
the only place where you can be certain of its cleanliness. This is the reason
why our government has requested all of us to study and also work from home.
Your house is also the only place for you to self-isolate yourself when you start
feeling unwell.
Fifth, spend some time for indoor exercise. Healthy body equals to strong
immunity, and that is exactly what we need in time like this. Make plan and
spend some time in the morning to do daily exercise inside your house.
Sixth, consume healthy food. Try to consume enough protein and vitamin
every day. Don’t forget to also fulfill your daily need of fiber and water to keep
your metabolism in its prime.
Seventh, this might be a good time to love herbal drinks. Herbal drinks can
help us to boost our immune system. You can make your own herbal drinks by
using home ingredients from your kitchen such as: ginger, turmeric, cinnamon,
honey and lemon. This is also a good remedy for your fatigue.

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

That’s all the tips from me, I hope we can fight Coronavirus together with
these simple steps.
(Taken from
corona/ )


How to Use COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette

The COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette (Whole

Blood/Serum/Plasma) is intended for use as an aid in identifying individuals with
an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2, indicating recent or prior
infection. At this time, it is unknown for how long antibodies persist following
infection and if the presence of antibodies confers protective immunity. First,
allow test cassette, specimen, buffer and/or controls to equilibrate to room
temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing. And then remove the test cassette from
the sealed foil pouch and use it as soon as possible. Results must be obtained
within one hour. Next, place the test device on a clean and level surface. Wait
for the colored line(s) to appear. After 2 minutes, if the red color has not moved
across the test window or if blood is still present in the specimen well (S), add 1
additional drop of the sample buffer to the buffer well (B). The result should be
read in 10 minutes. Positive results may be visible as soon as 2 minutes. Do not
interpret the result after 15 minutes.

Tips or manual? Reason


Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

D. Sumber/Media/Alat

Sumber: Digital dan Non digital berupa Buku paket, e-book, portal
pembelajaran dan tautan edukasi di internet.
 Buku teks pelajaran Bahasa Inggris K13 revisi 2018.
 Understanding & Using English Grammar, Betty S. Azar, 4th edition.
 Perangkat keras (PC, Laptop, Smartphone, Tab, Headset)
 Perangkat lunak (Aplikasi pembelajaran: Whatsapp, Zoom, Google
Classroom, Media Sosial: Youtube, IG, dll)

E. Bahan Bacaan

Bagi kalian yang memiliki akses internet, bahan bacaan dapat dilihat di laman
berikut ini:



Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Untuk kalian yang tidak memiliki akses internet, dapat membaca bahan bacaan
berikut ini.

Pengertian Teks Prosedur

Teks prosedur (procedure text) adalah teks yang berisikan perintah atau
langkah-langkah dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Dengan kata lain, procedure text
ini dibuat untuk memberi gambaran bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan melalui
langkah yang berurut. Judul procedure text sangat mudah dikenali. Biasanya
diawali dengan kata “How to…”. Misalnya, “How to speak English Fluently and
Confidently” (Cara berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar dan percaya diri),
“How to use Linking Verbs” (Cara menggunakan kata kerja penghubung), dan
masih banyak yang lainnya.

Ciri – Ciri Teks Prosedur

Procedure text memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :

- Menggunakan simple present tense
- Menggunakan action verbs. Contoh: add, put, turn.
- Menggunakan imperative sentence (kalimat perintah). Contoh: add two
spoons, cook with low heat, blend the spices, dsb.
- Menggunakan numbering. Contoh: first, second, third.
- Menggunakan conjunctions (kata penghubung). Contoh: next, then,
- Menggunakan adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memperjelas tahapan
yang dilalui. Contoh: correctly, carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes, dsb.

Jenis – Jenis Teks Prosedur

Berikut adalah jenis-jenis procedure text yang perlu kalian ketahui.

- Procedure text yang memaparkan cara mengoperasikan/menggunakan
sesuatu. Misalnya how to use camera, how to use rice cooker.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

- Procedure text yang memberikan instruksi dalam melakukan kegiatan

tertentu. Misalnya how to play guitar, how to make a brownies.
- Procedure text yang berkaitan dengan kiat-kiat menjalani hidup.
Misalnya how to be successful in life, how to make yourself happy.

Struktur Teks Prosedur

Pada umumnya procedure text memiliki struktur sebagai berikut.

- Goal/Aim: berisikan maksud dan tujuan dari procedure text terkait.
- Materials: berisikan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan
tahapan suatu procedure text.
- Steps: daftar langkah yang berurutan untuk menyelesaikan tahapan
procedure text.  
- Result: hasil dari langkah-langkah yang telah dilakukan.

Imperative Sentence

Pada dasarnya imperative sentence adalah sebuah tipe kalimat dalam bahasa
inggris yang digunakan untuk membuat atau menyatakan atau menunjukkan
suatu perintah (command), permintaan (request), atau petunjuk (direction).
- Open the window! (Buka jendela!) – Perintah
- Turn right, and then turn left. (Belok kanan, kemudian belok kiri.) –
- Let me alone, please. (Biarkan saya sendiri.) – Permintaan
Untuk menyusun sebuah imperative sentence, verb yang digunakan adalah
bare infinitive (verb 1 tanpa tambahas s/es). Imperative sentence diakhiri
dengan full stop (titik) atau bisa juga dengan exlamation mark (tanda seru)
untuk menunjukkan emosi yang kuat (strong emotion) atau bisa juga diakhiri
dengan tanda tanya atau ditambah kata “please” untuk menunjukkan
kesopanan. Selain itu, imperative sentence biasanya tidak menggunakan

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

subjek (you) karena dianggap sudah saling mengerti (lawan bicara sudah

F. Refleksi

Isilah penilaian diri ini dengan sejujur-jujurnya dan sebenar-benarnya sesuai

dengan perasaan kalian ketika mengerjakan berbagai aktivitas pada
pembelajaran ini.

Put a check ( √ ) under one of the pictures which indicate your feeling
after learning this lesson!

State the extent to which you agree with each of the following. Circle your
answer and explore your reason!

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree Your Reason
Your Reflection
1 2 3 4
I can differentiate the
social function, text 1 2 3 4
structure and
language features of
Procedure texts.

I feel confident for

learning English as I 1 2 3 4
am able to analyze
social function, text
structure and
language features of
procedure texts.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

What’s on your mind?

Write your questions or opinion about whole activities and materials of this

I believe ………………………………………………..

G. Cek Kemampuan

Please, analye the following procedure texts based on the social function,
text structures and language features. Do the same things as a model
given for you in previous activity. Do your task by completing the table
below the texts.


How do I do a step-by-step blood pressure check? If you purchase a

manual or digital blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer), follow the
instruction booklet carefully.
First, locate your pulse. Do it by lightly pressing your index and middle
fingers slightly to the inside center of the bend of your elbow (where the brachial
artery is). If you cannot locate your pulse, place the head of the stethoscope (on
a manual monitor) or the arm cuff (on a digital monitor) in the same general
area. Next, secure the cuff. Slide the cuff onto your arm, making sure that the
stethoscope head is over the artery (when using a manual monitor.) The cuff
may be marked with an arrow to show the location of the stethoscope head.
The lower edge of the cuff should be about 1 inch above the bend of your

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Use the fabric fastener to make the cuff snug, but not too tight. Place the
stethoscope in your ears. Tilt the ear pieces slightly forward to get the best
sound. And then iInflate and deflate the cuff.

(Taken from

stepbystep-blood-pressure-check )


MindHandHeart is finding new ways to encourage healthy, positive social

media use. Read through our list of tips below and consider how they might
apply to your own social media use.
First, support a healthy online community. Before you comment, let your
words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the
second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” Second,
live in the moment. Photos and videos have their place, but awareness of the
present moment is crucial to your connections and experiences! Third, link
instead of compare. Comparing yourself to other people can make you unhappy
in the long run, whereas making genuine connections with others can enhance
your overall well-being. Fourth, follow people and things that bring you joy. This
means only following those who are close to you, make you feel good, and will
be there when you need them. Fifth, keep things IRL (In Real Life). If social
media is causing you any stress, prioritize time spent with friends and family
over time spent scrolling through social media.
Next, start your day intentionally. As easy as it is to pick up your phone
and start scrolling from your bed, it may not be the healthiest way to begin your
day, as you cannot control what you’re going to see. And then, make events
accessible. If you’re planning an event, be sure there are other ways for people
to RSVP who aren’t on Facebook or other social media platforms. Last but not
least, take a break and support others in doing so. If a friend is struggling with
social media overuse and wants to take a break from it or use blocking apps,
support them and don’t make fun of them. Join them in the break, if possible.
Finally, don’t struggle alone. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression,
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

attention problems, or any other deeper issue related to social media overuse,
make an appointment to talk with someone who can help you feel better again.

(Taken from

Text 1 Text 2






H. Umpan Balik Guru

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Menangkap Makna Teks Prosedur

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Anak-anakku semua. Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Ini adalah kegiatan
pembelajaran kita yang kedua. Pada Pembelajaran 2 kali ini ini kita masih
belajar teks Prosedur (Procedure Text) dengan menggunakan moda Discovery
Learning. Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran ini, kalian mampu menangkap
makna teks prosedur dengan benar. Tetap Semangat!

B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar

Membaca teks prosedur

Teks Prosedur
tentang manual Menangkap
penggunaan makna teks
teknologi dan kiat- prosedur Mermbuat ringkasan isi
kiat/tips teks prosedur

C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think

critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin
Luther King.
Hai anak-anakku sekalian, siswa-siswa Indonesia yang tangguh! Tentunya
kalian masih semangat ya.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

Pada pembelajaran kali ini kalian akan diberikan sebuah teks prosedur tentang
tips untuk mencegah terpapar Covid-19. Pahami teks tersebut dan buat
ringkasan isi teks nya. Ringkasan tersebut akan menjadi draft kalian yang akan
dipakai di kegiatan pembelajaran berikutnya untuk membuat poster. Poster itu
nanti akan kalian tempel di tempat – tempat umum seperti misalnya: di pasar, di
perpustakaan, di puskesmas dan seterusnya.

Read this text carefully. Summarize the content of the text. Use your
dictionary if you are not familiar with certain words. Write your summary
in the table given.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is the infectious disease caused by the

most recently discovered coronavirus. Most people who become infected
experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others,
particularly older people and those with underlying medical conditions. Here are
some simple steps you can take to protect your health and the health of other
First, wash your hands frequently. We frequently use our hands to touch
objects and surfaces that may be contaminated. Without realizing it, we then
touch our faces, transferring viruses to our eyes, nose and mouth where they
can infect us. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based
hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands — including the virus that
causes COVID-19.
Second, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many
surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the
virus to your eyes, nose or mouth and can then enter your body and make you
Third, cover your cough. This means covering your mouth and nose with
the bend of your elbow or with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. When
someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

mouth which may contain virus. By covering your cough or sneeze you avoid
spreading viruses and other germs to other people.
Fourth, avoid crowded places and close contact with anyone that has
fever or cough. COVID-19 spreads mainly by respiratory droplets that come out
of the mouth or nose when a person who has the disease coughs. By avoiding
crowded places, you keep yourself distant (at least 1 metre) from people who
may be infected with COVID-19 or any other respiratory disease.
Next, stay at home if you feel unwell. By staying home and not going to
work or other places, you will recover faster and will avoid transmitting diseases
to other people.
And then if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical
care early — but call first. This will help to make sure you get the right advice,
are directed to the right health facility, and will prevent you from infecting others.
The last, get information from trusted sources. Stay informed about the
latest information from about about COVID-19 from trusted sources. Local and
national authorities will have the most up-to-date information on whether
COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what
people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

Steps to protect your health and the health of other people

Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

D. Sumber/Media/Alat

Sumber: Digital dan Non digital berupa Buku paket, e-book, portal
pembelajaran dan tautan edukasi di internet.
 Buku teks pelajaran Bahasa Inggris K13 revisi 2018.

 Perangkat keras (PC, Laptop, Smartphone, Tab, Headset)
 Perangkat lunak (Aplikasi pembelajaran: Whatsapp, Zoom, Google
Classroom, Media Sosial: Youtube, IG, Canva dll)

I. Bahan Bacaan

Terkait dengan makna sebuah teks, berikut ini adalah beberapa aspek fungsi
sosial yang dapat peroleh secara implisit maupun eksplisit dari teks bacaan
(reading text). Juga disajikan dalam tabel ini yakni rumusan pertanyaan (stem)
yang melingkupi aspek fungsi sosial tersebut.



1 Topic/Issue/Problem What is the text about?
What does the text tell us about?
The text is mainly about ….
The text mainly tells us about ….
What was the main problem of the
What is the best title of the text above?
The text highlights ….

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

2 Purpose/Function/Message What is the writer's intention to write the text?

What is the purpose of the text above?
What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
The purpose of the writer to write the text is
The writer wrote the text in order to ….
Why did the writer write the text above?
Mrs Diana wrote the message to Miss Elvy to
3 Reason/Intention The writer can tell … because ….
The writer was … because ….
4 Effect/Impact/Benefit How did the writer probably feel before the
The writer felt very happy … she knew that
she ….
What will Mrs. Elvy/reader do on receiving
the news/message?
What should the receiver do after receiving
the message/text/card/news?
After reading the text the readers may
wonder ….
What will happen if you do not …?
What would happen if … didn't …?
What will happen if the … do not …?
5 Attitude/Moral lesson What can we learn from the story/news item
From the text we can learn that ….
What is the moral value of the story/news
item above?
The story above teaches us that ….
The purpose of the story/news item is to
teach us about ….
6 Role of the Speaker/Writer The writer of the text is probably a ….
Who probably wrote the text?
7 Role of the Listener/Reader The advertisement/news item above is
intended to ….
This text is intended for ….
8 Context of Use Where can this text be found?
Where can we find such a text?
The text is most likely found at ….
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

E. Refleksi

Isilah penilaian diri ini dengan sejujur-jujurnya dan sebenar-benarnya sesuai

dengan perasaan kalian ketika mengerjakan berbagai aktivitas pada
pembelajaran ini.

Put a check ( √ ) under one of the pictures which indicate your feeling
after learning this lesson!

State the extent to which you agree with each of the following. Circle your
answer and explore your reason!
Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Your Reason
Your Reflection
1 2 3 4
I feel confident for
learning English as I 1 2 3 4
am able to analyze
social function, text
structure and
language features of
procedure texts.

I feel confident for

learning English as I 1 2 3 4
am able to write draft
of procedure texts.

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

What’s on your mind?

Write your questions or opinion about whole activities and materials of this

I believe ………………………………………………..

J. Cek Kemampuan

Please, take a look at the following text. Analyze the content of the text
and write down the result in the table given

One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there
for them when they want to talk. People are often reluctant to talk about the
issues they are facing – so it can be a big deal when they decide to spill. Here's
some tips for how you can support them as best you can.

Try to start a conversation. You probably know your friends well and might
be able to tell when something is bothering them. If you think this is the case,
check in on them and ask if there is anything they want to talk about. This can
ease the pressure of them bringing it up out of the blue.
Remember to be patient. Your friend might not want to talk, or may need
some time before they are ready. Try to strike a balance between not
pressuring them, but also letting them know that you care and you are there for
them should they need to speak to anyone.
Let them speak. If your friend opens up, show them that you are listening
and being supportive by hearing them out fully. Resist any urge you have to
interrupt while they are speaking so you can hear and understand everything
they have to say.
Be considerate and open-minded about what they say Jumping to
conclusions or being judgemental won't help either of you.
'Listen' to their body language. Non-verbal cues such as facial expression
or tone of voice can tell you a lot, it may tell you more than what your friend is
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

saying. If you notice your friend doesn't look comfortable or they are becoming
upset, do your best to support them and put them at ease.
Ask questions. Showing your friend that you are interested in what they
are saying and that you want to understand it more will help validate their
feelings and encourage them to share their concerns. It will also help you to
clarify and understand what you're being told.
Give your advice if they ask. If they don't ask for your advice, respect that
and continue to listen and support them.However, they may value your opinion
and it may be why they opened up to you. If they want your thoughts, be honest
with them while being sensitive to their feelings.
Remember that you're not an expert. You won't have all the answers.
Unless your friend is speaking to you because you are an authority on
something or you have specific expertise, recognise that for advice they may
have to look for other, credible sources or speak to a professional.
Refer them on. Even if you don't know what to say, you can help them find
someone or somewhere that will. Help your friend find good information,
resources or contact details for support services that could help.
Look after yourself. Being there for someone else can be tough and it's
important you take care of your own mental and emotional wellbeing.
(Taken from

Procedure Text



Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

F. Umpan Balik Guru

Menyusun Teks Prosedur
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you” –
B. B. King.
Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Tak terasa sudah sebulan lebih kita belajar
tentang teks Prosedur. Pada Pembelajaran 3 kali ini ini kita masih belajar teks
Prosedur (Procedure Text) dengan menggunakan moda Discovery Learning.
Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran ini, kalian mampu menulis teks prosedur
dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Teks tersebut akan dituangkan dalam bentuk
poster dan digunakan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat.

B. Peta Kompetensi dan Aktivitas Belajar

Membuat kerangka

Teks Prosedur
(manual Menulis teks Menulis teks prosedur
penggunaan prosedur dalam
teknologi dan kiat- bentuk poster
kiat/tips) Merevisi hasil tulisan

Membuat poster

C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Hai, anak-anakku semua, siswa-siswa Indonesia yang tangguh. Bagaimana

kabar kalian hari ini. Semoga masih tetap sehat dan selalu bersemangat ya.
Pada pembelajaran kali ini kalian akan membuat poster yang berisi manual
penggunaan teknologi dan atau kiat-kiat/tips. Aktivitas dimulai dengan membuat

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

teks prosedur sesuai dengan apa yang kalian pelajari di Kegiatan Pembelajaran
sebelumnya. Langkah pertama yang harus kalian lakukan adalah membuat
kerangka karangannya. Sesudah itu kerangka tersebut kalian kembangkan
menjadi sebuah teks prosedur. Konsultasikan dengan guru dan rekan sejawat
jika memungkinkan. Minta masukan untuk memperbaiki hasil tulisan kalian.
Kemudian lakukan perbaikan pada tulisan kalian. Teks Prosedur yang kalian
hasilkan ubahlah menjadi poster yang menarik dengan menggunakan aplikasi
Canva. Bagi kalian yang tidak memiliki akses internet dapat membuat
posternya dengan menggunakan kertas gambar dan spidol warna warni atau

Create a Procedure Text based on one of the following themes. Use the
template given. Revise your writing based on your teacher’s or friends’

1. How to wear a life jacket correctly
2. How to detect hidden surveillance cameras with your phone
3. How to use mobile banking
4. How to organize kitchen cabinets
5. How to use grater
6. Steps to a healthy lifestyle
7. Steps to lower your blood pressure


(title) ………………………………..
By (writer) ………………….

(List of what you need 2. ….
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

including how many or 3. …..

how much.)

- Giving detail direction
the readers can follow.
- Use action verbs
- Use words to show
time order (first,
second, next, after,
finally, etc)
- Use present tense
- Include a drawing or
photo in each step

Create a poster using the text that you write. Take a look at the example of
posters below. Use Canva to make the layout. Post the result to your

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

D. Sumber/Media/Alat

Sumber: Digital dan Non digital berupa Buku paket, e-book, portal
pembelajaran dan tautan edukasi di internet.
 Buku teks pelajaran Bahasa Inggris K13 revisi 2018.

 Perangkat keras (PC, Laptop, Smartphone, Tab, Headset)
 Perangkat lunak (Aplikasi pembelajaran: Whatsapp, Zoom, Google
Classroom, Media Sosial: Youtube, IG, Canva dll)
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

E. Bahan Bacaan

Bagi kalian yang memiliki akses internet, bahan bacaan dapat dilihat di laman
berikut ini:



Untuk kalian yang tidak memiliki akses internet, dapat membaca bahan bacaan
berikut ini.

Pengertian Poster

- Pada dasarnya, poster merupakan sebuah media publikasi berisikan

beberapa konten yang terdiri dari gambar, tulisan atau keduanya dengan
bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada orang lain.
- Pada umumnya, informasi yang disampaikan poster memiliki maksud
untuk mengajak pembacanya. Oleh karena itu, poster seringkali
ditemukan di tempat-tempat yang strategis seperti pasar, sekolah,
puskesmas serta beberapa fasilitas umum lainnya.
- Poster juga termasuk dari salah satu bentuk seni grafis dua dimensi. Hal
ini dikarenakan, poster haruslah menarik pembacanya sehingga poster
berisikan paduan tulisan dan gambar yang indah jika dilihat.
- Selain itu, poster juga sering ditempelkan di papan pengumuman atau
tempat-tempat yang ramai. Oleh karenanya, poster haruslah terlihat
bagus agar tidak terkesan mengotori tempatnya.

Tujuan dan Fungsi Poster

- Poster memiliki tujuan khusus dimana tujuan dari poster adalah ajakan
secara subjektif sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan oleh pembuat

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

poster. Selain itu, poster juga memiliki tujuan komersial yang berarti
menarik simpati masyarakat untuk menggunakan, membeli atau bahkan
menyewa apa yang disampaikan dalam poster.
- Sudah pasti poster memiliki fungsi dalam kehidupan kita. Salah satu dari
fungsi poster adalah sebagai sarana informasi baik digital maupun
langsung. Selain itu, beberapa poster juga memiliki sarana edukasi
dengan menyelipkan beberapa konten untuk memberikan pengetahuan
kepada pembacanya.
- Harapannya adalah dengan memberikan penjelasan, pembaca dapat
tergerak hatinya untuk mengikuti anjuran atau arahan yang ada di dalam
poster tersebut.

Jenis – Jenis Poster

Dengan melihat isi di dalamnya, poster dapat digolongkan menjadi berbagai

- Poster niaga, yaitu poster yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menawarkan
barang dan/atau jasa.
- Poster layanan masyarakat adalah poster yang memuat informasi untuk
mengedukasi masyarakat secara umum tentang suatu hal. Misalnya
poster tentang bahaya merokok.
- Poster kegiatan, merupakan media untuk memberitahukan tentang suatu
kegiatan yang akan diselenggarakan.
- Poster pendidikan, yakni poster yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendidik

Sedangkan dilihat dari tujuannya, poster digolongkan menjadi beberapa jenis.

Jenis-jenis dari poster adalah sebagai berikut :
- Poster kampanye adalah jenis poster yang digunakan untuk menarik
simpati masyarakat terhadap partai politik serta calon yang akan maju
dalam pemilihan umum.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

- Poster ‘cheesecake’ adalah sebutan untuk poster yang digunakan untuk

menarik perhatian dan minat publik.
- Poster film yaitu poster yang dibuat khusus untuk mempromosikan suatu
film yang tengah ditayangkan di bioskop.
- Poster buku dan/atau komik memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan
poster film. Kesamaan tersebut yaitu untuk mempopulerkan suatu buku
atau komik yang dijual di toko buku.
- Poster propaganda yaitu poster yang berisikan kalimat yang
bertentangan dengan pemerintahan berwenang.
- Poster ‘dicari’ (dalam Bahasa Inggris poster ‘wanted’) merupakan jenis
poster memuat informasi penjahat yang tengah menjadi buronan, orang
hilang, atau bahkan mengenai lapangan pekerjaan.
- Poster riset yaitu poster yang bertujuan untuk menginformasikan
mengenai sebuah kegiatan riset.
- Poster afirmasi adalah poster yang bertujuan untuk memberikan motivasi
kepada yang membaca, misalnya tentang kepemimpinan.
- Poster komersial memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan poster niaga,
yaitu untuk mempromosikan suatu produk agar semakin dikenal
masyarakat dan meningkatkan angka penjualan.

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

F. Refleksi

Agar pembelajaran semakin menyenangkan dan memotivasi kalian, mari

berefleksi tentang aktivitas pembelajaran kali ini. Isilah penilaian diri ini dengan
sejujur-jujurnya dan sebenar-benarnya sesuai dengan perasaan kalian ketika
mengerjakan berbagai aktivitas pada pembelajaran ini.

Put a check ( √ ) under one of the pictures which indicate your feeling
after learning this lesson!

State the extent to which you agree with each of the following. Circle your
answer and explore your reason!
Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Your Reason
Your Reflection
1 2 3 4
I feel confident for
learning English as I 1 2 3 4
am able to analyze
social function, text
structure and
language features of
procedure text.

I feel confident for

learning English as I 1 2 3 4
am able to write
procedure text.
Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas

What’s on your mind?

Write your questions or opinion about whole activities and materials of this

I believe ………………………………………………..

G. Cek Kemampuan

Read the following situation and solve the problem given by making some
tips to solve it.
Remember the days before the pandemi when you studied at school. You have
friends who always come late at school, don’t you? When it happens, it can
disrupt the flow of learning or discussion then distract you and your other
friends. There are a number of possible reasons your friends arrive to class late.
Consider which causes are at the root of the problem and help them overcome
it by giving them some suggestions.
Procedure Text


Tips 3.

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

H. Umpan Balik Guru

Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas


Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah dan Furaidah. 2018. Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan,
Balitbang, Kemendikbud.

Th. M. Sudarwati., Eudia Grace. 2018. Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade
XII. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Otong Setiawan Dj., Supeni. 2018. Bahasa Inggris untuk Sisa SMA-MA/SMK-
MAK Kelas XII. Bandung: Yrama Widya.


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