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Classification Hierarchy,

Species Category and

[Part 2]
Mahasiswa memahami
01 kategori dalam hirarki

Learning Mahasiswa beberapa

02 macam konsep spesies
Membandingkan dan
03 menjelaskan
kelemahan dan
kelebihan masing-
masing konsep spesies
Species Concept
Morphological MSC Genotypic Cluster GCD
Genetic GSC Hennigian HSC
Agamospecies ASC Internodal ISC
Biological BSC Non-dimensional NDSC
Cohesion CSC Phenetic PhSC
Cladistic ClSC Phylogenetic PSC
Composite CpSC Polythetic PtSC
Ecological EcSC Recognition RSC
Evolutionary ESU Reproductive RCC
Significant Unit Competition

Evolutionary ESC Successional SSC

Genealogical GCC Taxonomic TSC
Ideal Species Concept?

The ideal species concept must meet all the criteria about the
definition of species.

Every effort to combine the different species concept as

general concept is futile.

This is because incompatibility of conspecific criteria

Species concept based on traditionally three criteria :

1) Theoritically,

2) Generelity, and

3) Aplicability (operational)
● Kegagalan memahami ketiga istilah dan dasar
teorinya menyebabkan kebingungan

● Dasar penolakan konsep spesies biologi

● Argumen:
- Paleontologis beralasan tidak dapat
mengobservasi isolasi reproduksi pada fosil

- Tidak memahami bahwa taksonomis mengamati

langsung terhadap individu, kemudian
dikelompokkan ke dalam phena
● Kemudian berdasarkan berbagai informasi
seperti memperhatikan kemungkinan adanya
dimorfisme seksual, pertumbuhan, perubahan
antar generasi, modifikasi fenotip secara non
• Phena dikelompokan menjadi populasi dan
kemudian diklasifikasikan ke dalam taksa

• Taksa dimasukkan ke dalam rangking atau

level yang disebut kategori berdasarkan data
yang ada
● Isolasi reproduksi menghasilkan diskontinyuitas
genotipe, morfologi dan aspek fenotipe lain
yang diatur oleh genotipe

● Tidak dapat dibuktikan secara langsung

● Dapat dibuktikan melalui beberapa fakta
seperti diskontinyuitas antara dua karakter
yang saling berkorelasi

● Dapat diperoleh melalui observasi dan

Sometimes biological species concept is difficult to be applied
to natural taxa, but this difficulties does not mean the concept
is invalid
The difficulties are also found when other concepts have to be
applied in a particular situation or to a specific sample.
The diffculties are caused by three factors:
1. Insufficient information
2. Uniparental reproduction
3. Evolutionary intermediacy
Insufficient information

Individual variation often raises doubt whether a certain

morphotype is a separate species or only a phenon
within a variable population

Sexual dimorphism, age differences, polymorphism, and

other types of variation can be unmasked as individual
variation through a study of life histories and population
Uniparental Reproduction

System of reproduction in many organsims are not

based principle of an obligatory recombination of
genetic material between parental individuals

Self-fertilizing hermaproditism and other form of

automixis, parthenogenesis, gynogenesis, and
vegetative reproduction (budding and fussion) are some
of the form of uniparental reproduction
Evolutionary Intermediacy

The species, as manifested by a reproductive gap

between populations, exist in full classical distinctness
only in the non-dimensional situation of local fauna

As soon as one deals with species taxa extended in the

dimension of space and time, the stage is set for
incipient speciation
Species may be found in the process becoming separate
species and have acquired some but not yet all of the
attributes of distinct species

It is difficult to decide whether those species are two

different species or only different phena

The difficulties raises particularly when the acquisition of

morphological differences are not correlated with the
acquisition of reproductive isolation
The difficulties resulted from evolutionary intermediacy
as follows:
a) Acquisition of reproductive isolation without
equivalen morphological changes (sibling species)
b) Acquisition of strong morphological differences
without reproductive isolation
c) Hybridization
d) Semispecies and allospecies: geographic isolates
occassionally have an intermediate status between
subspecies and species

The basic role of the species definition is to function as a

yardstick whenever the delimitation of a species taxon
presents difficulties.

Monotypic species with limited variability and distribution,

present no problem, but there are two potentials problems:
1. The assembling local phena into biological species
(with the problem of polymorphisms and sibling

2. The proper assignment of allopatric and allochronic

species (allochronic species is species that do not
exist during the same time period in evolution;
species that occurs in the different geological period)

In these case, biological species concept facilitates the

decision about which phena and population that is
considered as (different) species.
In the analysis of the 607 species of North American
birds (Mayr dan Short, 1970), only one species could not
revealed by biological species concept (Genus Pipilo).

Meanwhile, biological species concept could possibly

determine species status in the case of polymorphism
and sibling species.
Do you have any


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