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Untuk menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh variabel iklim dalam produksi beras, dilakukan uji

korelasi menggunakan data hasil padi tahunan, tengah tahunan dan triwulanan serta variabel
iklim yang berbeda (Tabel 3 sampai 5). berdasarkan Sugiyono (2010) nilai r pada selang (0.20-
0.399) memiliki korelasi yang rendah, (0.40-0.599) memiliki korelasi yang sedang, (0.60-0.799)
memiliki korelasi yang kuat dan (0.80-1.00) memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat. Oleh karena itu
berdasarkan (Tabel 3 dan 5) data setengah tahunan untuk hasil padi dengan curah hujan, suhu
rata-rata, suhu minimum dan kelembaban relatif memiliki nilai korelasi yang baik, dimana
Hampir semua nilai r diatas 0.5. Ini menunjukkan nilai korelasi yang tinggi dan signifikan untuk
hampir semua variabel iklim baik pada tipe ekosistem pertanian irigasi dan tadah hujan, kecuali
korelasi dengan Suhu minimum untuk irrigated. Untuk ekotipe irigasi, curah hujan dan
kelembaban relatif berkorelasi negatif dengan hasil sedangkan keduanya positif untuk temperatur
rata-rata dan temperatur minimum. Sedangkan untuk ekotipe tadah hujan, curah hujan, suhu
minimum, dan kelembaban relatif berkorelasi positif dengan hasil sedangkan suhu rata-rata
negatif. Nilai koefisien korelasi yang positif berarti hubungan positif dan trend meningkat
sedangkan hubungan negatif dan trend menurun untuk nilai korelasi negative.
To analyze the relationship and effects of climate variables in rice production, correlation tests
using the annual, semi-annual and quarterly data of rice yield and the different climate variables
were done (Tables 3 to 5). based on Sugiyono (2010) the value of r in the interval (0.20-0.399)
has a low correlation, (0.40-0.599) has a moderate correlation, (0.60-0.799) has a strong
correlation and (0.80-1.00) has a very strong correlation. Therefore, based on (Tables 3 and 5)
semiannual data for rice yields with rainfall, average temperature, minimum temperature, and
relative humidity have a good correlation value, where almost all r values are above 0.5. It shows
high and significant correlation values for all the climate variables in both irrigated and rainfed
farming ecosystem types. For irrigated ecotype, rainfall and relative humidity have negative
correlation to yield while both positive for mean temperature and minimum temperature. On the
other, for rainfed ecotype, rainfall, minimum temperature, and relative humidity have positive
correlation to yield while negative for mean temperature. Positive values of correlation
coefficient mean positive relationship and increasing trend while negative relationship and
decreasing trend for negative correlation values.
To analyze the relationship and effects of climate variables in rice production, correlation tests
using the annual, semi-annual and quarterly data of rice yield and the different climate variables
were done (Tables 3 to 5). Semi-annual data for rice yield and rainfall, mean temperature,
minimum temperature, and relative humidity showed good correlation results. It shows high and
significant correlation values for all the climate variables in both irrigated and rainfed farming
ecosystem types. For irrigated ecotype, rainfall and relative humidity have negative correlation to
yield while both positive for mean temperature and minimum temperature. On the other, for
rainfed ecotype, rainfall, minimum temperature, and relative humidity have positive correlation
to yield while negative for mean temperature. Positive values of correlation coefficient mean
positive relationship and increasing trend while negative relationship and decreasing trend for
negative correlation values. (Re-write).

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