Anda di halaman 1dari 60


1. As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers

to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It
includes the following EXCEPT.....
A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames

Kunci Jawaban: C (Turn-Taking)

Pada soal nomor ini (Indikator 1.1), indikator yang diambil adalah tentang
kompetensi bahasa Inggris. Untuk mencari jawaban yang benar, langkah-
langkah yang ditempuh adalah:
a. Mencari kata kunci atau frasa penting dalam soal, yaitu Linguistics
Competence dan formulaic competence. Di dalam soal juga ditemukan kata
counterbalance yang berarti bahwa linguistics dan formulaic competence
saling mengimbangi. Sedangkan formulaic competence adalah serangkaian
kata atau frasa yang harus diingat sebagai suatu rangkaian ekspresi,
sehingga mempunyai kaitan erat dengan kompetensi berkomunikasi. Kata
kunci lain adalah EXCEPT (kecuali).
b. Mencari jawaban yang tepat/ benar. Dari pilihan jawaban, pilihan A
(idioms), B (routines), D (collocations), dan E (lexical frames), semuanya
adalah komponen yang dibutuhkan dalam kompetensi berkomunikasi,
sedangkan C- turn taking adalah suatu urutan antara merespon dan berujar/
menginisiasi percakapan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

2. Among the areas where our behavior can directly infl uence our students‟
motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term
goals which include the following EXCEPT ….
A. the successful writing of an essay
B. the ability to partake in a discussion
C. the possibility of a better job in the future
D. the learning of a small amount of new language
E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

3. Kunci Jawaban: C (the possibility of a better job in the future)

Soal nomor 2 ini diambil dari indikator mengenai kesulitan pembelajar EFL
(English as a foreign language) di dalam kelas bahasa Inggris. Untuk mencari
jawaban yang tepat perlu dilakukan:
a. Mencari kata kunci dari soal, yaitu which infl uence student‟s motivation
to participate in class dengan menentukan short-term goals, dan EXCEPT
b. Mencari jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan istilah Short-Term Goals yaitu
tujuan jangka pendek dalam pembelajaran. Dari pilihan jawaban, kata kunci

EXCEPT harus diingat. Pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban C (the possibility of
a better job in the future), frasa in the future bisa diartikan sebagai target atau
tujuan jangka panjang, sedangkan di soal ada kata kunci Short-term goals.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain selain kunci jawaban (C) dikategorikan dalam short-
term goals.

4. Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive

atmosphere in the classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT ….
A. listening to the students
B. encouraging them to share their feelings
C. accepting their comments without judgement
D. fi xing the aims for the course or for one lesson
E. obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

Kunci Jawaban: E (obliging students to do what they plan to do that day)

Soal tersebut diatas dari indikator 2.1 tentang teori dan prinsip pembelajaran
Inggris. Berikut cara menjawab soal nomor 3 tersebut:
a. mencari kata kunci atau frasa-frasa yang penting dari soal tersebut. Kata
kunci tersebut adalah humanistic approach, dan EXCEPT (kecuali)
b. Setelah mengetahui kata kunci, kemudian melihat ke pilihan jawaban, dari
semua pilihan jawaban, yang tidak termasuk dalam teori humanistic approach
adalah E (obliging students to do what they plan to do that day) karena
mempunyai arti bahwa guru mengharuskan (obliging) untuk melakukan
kewajibannya (what to do).

5. When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider

each item for inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria
A. Learnability
B. Usefulness
C. Frequency
D. Coverage
E. Grading

Kunci jawaban: E. (Grading)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 4 dengan indikator “Menjelaskan prinsip-
prinsip pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris”, berikut langkahnya:
a. Kata kunci pada soal ini adalah syllabuses, criteria, dan EXCEPT.

b. Kemudian melihat pilihan jawaban, pilihan E. Grading adalah

jawabannya karena istilah ini belum menunjukkan inklusi dalam silabus
yang dirancang berdasar kurikulum. Grading berarti mengkategorikan skor
ke level-level tertentu; istilah yang lebih tepat untuk ini adalah Evaluation.
6. The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities
on the part of the students. It should be carried out by keeping in mind the
following principles EXCEPT…
A. principle of selection
B. principle of division
C. principle of absorption
D. principle of categorization
E. principle of successive sequence

Kunci jawaban: D (Principle of categorization)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 5, berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang bisa
Menemukan kata kunci Presentation step of a lesson plan dan memahami
mengenai prinsip kegiatan dalam tahap tersebut. Kemudian ada frasa on the
part of the students. Berarti bahwa pengembangan lesson plan yang
melibatkan kegiatan pada peserta didik bisa dilakukan sesuai prinsip selection
(pemilihan), division (pembagian), absorption (penyerapan), dan successive
sequence (rangkaian yang berurutan)
Dari pilihan jawaban di atas yang bukan merupakan prinsip dalam menyusun
RPP atau lesson plan yang melibatkan kegiatan peserta didik adalah pilihan
jawaban D. principle of categorization (prinsip mengkategorikan).

7. When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan,
remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own.
So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT ….
A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework
B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson
C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners
D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates
E. make sure to check for students understating before sending them off

Kunci jawaban: D (ask the model students to share their tasks to their
Untuk menjawab soal nomor 6, berikut cara yang bisa dilakukan:
Menemukan kata kunci assigning closure section of lesson plan dan
memahami kegiatan pada tahap tersebut. Yang dimaksud dengan assigning
adalah penilaian yang dikembangkan dalam RPP, kemudian frasa closure
section of a lesson plan adalah tahap penutupan ketika mengembangkan
Dari pilihan jawaban di atas yang bukan merupakan indikator dalam penilaian
pada tahap akhir lesson plan/ RPP adalah pilihan jawaban D. ask the model
students to share their tasks to their classmates

8. Free practice designed for an eff ective lesson plan integrates the focus
structure /vocabulary/functional language into students‟ overall language
It often encourages students to use the target language structures in the
following EXCEPT ….
A. games and puzzles
B. small group discussions
C. quizzes and formative tests
D. written work (paragraphs and essays)
E. longer listening comprehension practice

Kunci jawaban: C (quizzes and formative test)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 7, berikut adalah cara yang dilakukan:
Menemukan kata kunci, yaitu instrument penilaian berbasis latihan yang
digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa yang berfokus pada structure/
vocabulary / functional language meliputi: games and puzzles, small group
discussions, written work (paragraphs and essays), dan longer listening
comprehension practice.
Pilihan jawaban C. quizzes and formative tests (kuis dan tes formatif) tidak
termasuk salah satunya. Alasannya adalah kuis dan tes formatif biasanya
dilakukan di dalam kelas dengan tujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa
sehingga guru mengetahui sejauh mana tujuan pembelajaran tercapai.

9. A well-developed lesson plan should be completed with assignments to guide

the instructor‟s choice of assessment measures by providing information
about student and class comprehension of the material. The following are
among the questions to consider EXCEPT ….
A. What level of learning do the students need to attain?
B. How does the lesson plan fi t particular instructional principles?
C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?
D. How does the assignment fi twith the rest of the lesson plan?
E. What is the purpose of the assignment?

Kunci Jawaban: B (How does the lesson plan fi t particular instructional

Untuk menjawab soal No. 8, berikut adalah cara yang dapat dilakukan:
Terlihat di dalam soal ada kata kunci Well- developed lesson plan dan choice
of assessment, yang mempunyai arti pengembangan RPP yang baik dan
pemilihan penilaian yang tepat/ baik. Selain itu EXCEPT (kecuali) juga
merupakan kata kunci yang penting.
pilihan jawaban B how does the lesson plan fi t particular instructional
principles adalah jawaban yang paling benar karena terlalu luas hubungannya
dengan particular instructional principles dan assessment.

10. The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the
students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The following
are examples of closure in an eff ective lesson plan EXCEPT ….
A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson
B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson
C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class
D. asking what information from the lesson the students will fi nd important
E. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class.

Kunci jawaban: C (giving them a couple of minutes to read or present

the lesson to the class)
Soal nomor 9 bisa dilakukan dengan cara berikut:
Untuk mencari jawaban yang paling benar, kata kunci dari soal indikator 4.2
adalah the closure step of a lesson plan dan EXCEPT.
Maka pilihan C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson
to the class adalah yang benar karena pada kegiatan penutupan di langkah
pembelajaran tidak tepat jika siswa diminta to read and present (membaca
dan menyajikan).

11. The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The
following are suggestions on how to present new materials to class EXCEPT
A. teacher centered explanation
B. student presentation
C. reading selection
D. listening selection
E. guided exercises

Kunci jawaban: E (guided exercises)

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 10, berikut cara yang bisa dilakukan:
Perhatikan kata kunci presentation phase of lesson plan yang berarti tahap
materi dan EXCEPT.
Pilihan jawaban E. guided exercises adalah BUKAN termasuk dalam
kegiatan Presentation of a lesson plan atau menyajikan di dalam langkah
pembelajaran. Sedangkan yang lain, seperti teacher centered explanation
(penjelasan berpusat pada guru), student presentation (presentasi siswa),
reading selection (pemilihan bacaan) bisa dikategorikan dalam tahap
menyajikan materi dalam langkah pembelajaran

12. Rina is solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning source for
the teacher to facilitate Rina in reading comprehension would be….
A. pictured workbooks
B. E-learning modules
C. reading passages
D. audio recordings
E. worksheet

Kunci jawaban: B (E-learning modules).

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 12, berikut cara yang bisa dilakukan:
- Menemukan kata kunci soal indikator 4.4 adalah solitary type dan
reading comprehension. Solitary type student adalah siswa dengan tipe yang
suka menyendiri.
- Pilihan jawaban B. E-learning modules sesuai dengan tipe solitary dalam
pembelajaran. Alasannya adalah modul yang diterapkan dalam e-learning
akan diakses oleh pembelajar sendiri dan mandiri.
13. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only
spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face-to
face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize….
A. skype
B. short message services
C. multimedia language laboratory
D. teleconference
E. Google messenger

Kunci jawaban: D (Teleconference).

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 13, berikut cara yang bisa dilakukan:
- Menemukan kata kunci soal indikator 5.1 adalah distance learning
(pembelajaran jarak jauh) dan pictographic images (gambar huruf).
- Pilihan jawaban D. Teleconference adalah yang tepat karena mengandung
unsur kata kunci tersebut, yaitu pelaksanaannya bisa dengan cara jarak jauh
dan menggantikan pertemuan tatap muka. Penggunaan gambar huruf juga
bisa diterapkan dalam teleconference.

14. Mrs. Nastiti is about to activate students‟ formal schemata of

lexical items used in a report text. For the purpose, she can involve
her students…
A. to identify words in jumbled letters
B. to label pictures with appropriate words
C. to guess word meanings from the context
D. to fi nd the meaning of words in dictionary
E. to fi nd the synonym or the antonym of words

Kunci jawaban: A (To identify words in jumbled letters).

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 14, berikut adalah cara yang bisa
- menemukan kata kunci soal diatas adalah activate students (mengaktifkan
murid) dan lexical items (item-item kosa kata) in report text.
- Pilihan jawaban A. to identify words in jumbled letters adalah yang benar
karena mengidentifi kasi kata-kata untuk penguasaan kosakata sebelum ke
reading the text.

15. To cater for the learning style of his students who are fi eld independent,
when teaching reading, Mr. Hanafi will require his students to ……
A. follow in depth ideas in each paragraph
B. identify the main points of passages
C. imply the meaning in passages
D. retell details of all paragraphs
E. seek for specifi c information

Kunci jawaban: B (Identify the main points of passages)

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 15, berikut adalah cara yang bisa
- Menemukan kata kunci soal tersebut diatas yaitu adalah learning style, fi eld
independent dan teaching reading. Berikut penjelasan Field independent: A fi
eld-independent learning style is defi ned by a tendency to separate details
from the surrounding context. Field-independent learners tend to rely less on
the teacher or other learners for support. Dalam hal ini, siswa akan lebih fokus
dengan belajar mandiri.
- Pilihan jawaban B. identify the main points of passages (mengidentifikasi
informasi utama dalam teks)

16. Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them
to learn with enthusiasm, a teacher may use empathetic
communication strategy by….
A. telling the class that all beginning is diffi cult
B. informing the class to always be motivated
C. reminding the importance of learning English
D. explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic
E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it

Kunci Jawaban: E (Stating that the topic is interesting and they will like
Untuk menjawab soal nomor 16 tersebut, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
- Kata kunci soal tersebut diatas adalah learning new topic (mempelajari tema
baru) dan to motivate learners (memotivasi siswa).
- Maka pilihan jawaban yang berhubungan dengan kata kunci tersebut yang
benar adalah E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it. Pilihan
jawaban tersebut menunjukkan bahwa guru menunjukkan topik baru yang
menarik dan siswa akan tertantang untuk membahasnya di dalam kelas.

17. A student was texting Ms. Cruella as follows: “Excuse me, Mam. When
can you meet me to discuss my report? I have a question to ask. Thank
you” How should Ms. Cruella have responded to her student by texting
back not to make her embarrassed?
A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”
B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see me.”
C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your English.”
D. “Sandra, be polite please, can‟t you? Should I meet you?”
E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”

Kunci Jawaban: A (“What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should
you see me?”).
Untuk menjawab soal nomor 17, maka berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
- Mencari kata kunci, dalam soal Kata kuncinya adalah a student was texting,
yang berarti siswa menggunakan bahasa tulis.
- Kata kunci lainnya adalah not to make her embarrassed yang berarti tidka
membuat siswa merasa malu karena ekspresi yang diujarkan salah.
- Maka, jawaban yang paling benar adalah A. “Sandra, be polite please,
can‟t you? Should I meet you?”

18. What follows are NOT among the principles of assessment:

A. Valid, objective, accountable, meaningful, and comprehensive
B. Accountable, meaningful, systematic, fair, and criterion-based
C. Objective, accountable, systematic, fair, and meaningful
D. Ongoing, integrated, systematic, fair, and accountable
E. Judgemental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable

Kunci jawaban: E (Judgemental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 18, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
- Mencari Kata kuncinya, yaitu principles of assessment, atau prinsip-prinsip
penilaian, da nada kata kunci NOT.
- Di dalam teori Principles of assessment TIDAK tercantum dalam prinsip
penilaian kata judgemental. Prinsip-prinsip penilaian adalah realibility,
validadity, dan practicality. Itu semua termasuk prinsip objective, accountable,
meaningful dan comprehensive.
- Kunci jawaban E. judgemental, valid, object8ive, fair, and accountable.

19. Based on the indicator that follows: ―Given three brief paragraphs of
diff erent themes on which every second half of every 2nd word is
mutilated, students fi ll in the blank spaces in the mutilated words of the
paragraphs correctly, the most appropriate scoring scheme relevant to
the assessment procedure is….
A. scoring with a penalty
B. dichotomous scoring
C. primary-trait scoring
20. D. polytomous scoring
E. weighted scoring

Kunci jawaban: B (dichotomous scoring)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 20, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
- Menemukan kata kuncinya students fi ll in the blank spaces in the mutilated
words of the paragraphs correctly. Kemudian melihat pilihan jawaban dari soal
nomor tersebut.
- Kata kunci tersebut menandakan bahwa tipe evaluasi yang digunakan
berdasar ciriciri tersebut ialah B. dichotomous scoring. Artinya dalam
mengembangkan prosedur penilaian bahasa, guru bisa menerapkan tipe dua
atau lebih dari dua pilihan bagi test takers. Dichotomous mempunyai arti
dividing into two parts. Berikut penjelasannya: “Dichotomous scoring refers to
the assignment of one or two possible values based on a person‟s
performance or response to a test question. A simple example is the use of
correct and incorrect to score a cognitive item response. These values
are mutually exclusive, and describe the correctness of a response in the
simplest terms possible, as completely incorrect or completely correct. Most
cognitive tests involve at least some dichotomously scored items. Multiple-
choice questions are usually scored dichotomously”.
21. The problem in Mr. Andi‟s class is the students tend to compete
excessively in reading class. They don‟t have much experience in
working together in task groups. She believes that they need to
have more opportunities to work together to change as their
attitudes in competing leads to an unhealthy class atmosphere. To
solve the problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy
through classroom action research. The steps of which will need to
have the elements of…
C. jigsaw
D. mind and mapping
E. click and clunk

Kunci jawaban C. (Jigsaw)

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari soal 19 diatas, berikut cara menjawabnya:
- Mencari Kata kunci dari soal diatas adalah reading class dan much working
in task group.
- Dalam pembelajaran Reading, dengan menggunakan strategi work together
dan task group maka diperlukan metode dengan teknik diskusi dalam
pembelajaran yang tepat.
- Jadi jawaban C. Jigsaw (salah satu teknik dalam pembelajaran cooperative
learning) adalah yang benar.

22. Observations by a collaborator during the conduct of classroom action

research are
mainly focused on....
A. both the teacher„s teaching and more importantly
students„learning behavior
B. detailed descriptions of class progress from minute to minute
C. class atmosphere during the implementation of the strategy
D. student-student and teacher-student class interactions
E. collection of data to provide evidence of change

Kunci jawaban A (both the teacher„s teaching and more importantly

student‟s learning
Untuk menjawab soal nomor 20, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
- Menemukan kata kunci dari soal diatas. Kata kunci adalah Observations by
collaborator during classroom action research yakni kegiatan yang dilakukan
suatu PTK lebih berfokus pada cara mengajar guru dan kebiasaan siswa
dalam belajar.
- Jawaban yang sesuai adalah pilihan A. both the teacher„s teaching
and more importantly
students„learning behavior. Yang berarti bahwa pengajaran guru dan
lebih berfokus pada sikap pembelajar.


1. Consider the following phenomenon: ―James is a type of student who likes to

have physical movements to learn English‖.

What learning activity is suitable for such a student?

A. Memorizing a transactional text.

B. Observing a modeled drama.

C. Listening to a recording.

D. Simulating situational episodes.

2. Consider the following students‘ achievement: ―The students‘ sample writing

compositions on news item are assessed‖.

What form of authentic assessment will a teacher employ to measure the competence?

A. Project

B. Practicum

C. Product

D. Portfolio

3. Consider the following data: ―Based on the result of analysis for K.D 3, the
availability of facilities scores 90, the materials complexity scores 70, and the intake is

What is the minimum passing grade for the English subject?

A. 73

B. 80

C. 75

D. 83

4. if a student always mispronounces the expression ‗excuse me‘, a teacher should say... .
A. ―Your pronunciation is bad but it needs improving‖

B. ―I think you need to practice again and again‖

C. “If you practice more, you will pronounce it correctly”

D. ―Well, have you practiced enough at home?‖

5. What main principles should be considered in developing the English Curriculum 2013?

A. Relevance of standards of competences to school vision and mission.

B. Integratednes of the macro and micro strategies.

C. Inclusion of learners‘ communication strategies in assessment.

D. Relevance of the core competences and basic competences to the level of education.

6. Howwilla teacher know learners‘ initial English? INITIAL=PEMULA

A. By administering tests and non-tests.

B. Through an official document.

C. Through a faculty conference.

D. By distributing a questionnaire.

7. What question does a teacher ask the students at the end of lesson if the class atmosphere is

low anxiety during the instructional process? ANXIETY=KECEMASAN,KEGELISAHAN

A. Whatcan you refer to?

B. What do you think of today‘s lesson?

C. What materials don’t you understand?

D. Whatcan you conclude?

8. What elements are to be included in formulating an instructional objective?

A. Target audience, entry behavior, content, and condition.

B. Audience, target behavior, facilities and content.

C. Audience, target behavior, condition and degree.

D. Communicative purpose, text structure, linguistic features and content.

9. Alearner produces phrases and sentences with lots of grammatical

errors. What is her/his level of proficiency?

A. Advanced

B. Intermediate

C. Beginner

D. Postintermediate

10. If students prefer to make use of sight during the instructional process of
learning English, the

recommended instructional aid to employ is... .

A. Diorama=PICTURE

B. Ipod

C. Potcast

D. Headset

11. Jane likes to learn English by manipulating

objects. What kind of learner is she?


B. Analytic


D. Visual

12. Consider the following data: ― Based on the result of analysis for K.D 3, the
availability of

facilities scores 80, the materials complexity scores 70, and the intake is 60‖.

What is the minimum passing grade for the English subject?

A. 74

B. 70

C. 80

D. 82

13. After the question is constructed, planning procedural steps to collect information/data

to answer the question or to solve the problem is set up.

What does the notion refer to?

A. Situational Instruction

B. Cooperative Learning

C. Collaborative Learning

D. Discovery Learning Model

14. Consider the following description of a student‘s attitude in a school report: ―Salsabila is

considered polite, fairly concerned with others, and self-confident. Honesty, responsibility,

discipline are relatively improved‖.

What grade will the student have?

A. Poor

B. Good

C. Fair

D. Excellent

15. The main objective of assessment is to identify students‘ progress in

learning. What does the statement above imply?

A. Assessment of students’ learning must be comprehensive and conclusive

B. Expressing ideas communicatively on various topics on their language accuracy

C. Utilizing correct grammar, vocab and pronunciation on different language functions

D. Carrying out a number of language functions with different topics

16. In designing English instructional planning a teacher should consider some

pedagogical principles. What are they?

A. Teachers‘ background knowledge, relevance of vision and mission, school facilities, and
scoring rubric.

B. Inclusion of learning objectives, relevance of learning objectives and competences, utility

of instructional media, and time allotment.

C. Students’ individual differences, relevance of basic competences, indicators,

materials and assessment, student active learning and utility of technology-based media.

D. School name and identity, correlation of core competences and learning objectives,
hidden curriculum subject-matters, and remedy.

17. Contents of curriculum as reflected in the learning outcomes are transformed into .....

A. Cooperative and collaborative learning

B. Core competence and basic competence

C. Core competence and spiritual aspect

D. Basic competences of knowledge and skills

18. Pay attention to the following problem: ―Based on a teacher‘s observation, 80% of
the students

have achieved the minimum criteria of success for reading comprehension less than the

determined score 75. The suitable title for an action research title is ......

A. The impact of board game on the students‘ reading comprehension skill

B. Enhancing the students’ reading comprehension skill through interactive

reading strategy

C. The description of inefficient students‘ reading comprehension skills

D. Mapping out the students‘ reading comprehension skill through discussion

19. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate title for a classroom action research
for English


A. Word-chain games to improve vocabulary size of 7 graders of MTs Nawangan.

B. Enhancing motivation to learn English of students of SMP 3 Ngadiluhur through ICT-

based Games.

C. Using PQRST to promote reading comprehension of eight graders of SMPN Tanjung.

D. Effectiveness of think-pair-share in improving speaking skill on ‗Kite Making‘ of

grade VII students of MTs Ili Galuh.

20. Consider the following statement:

1) Tohelpaschool principal to improve the quality of the school facilities.

2) To provide opportunities for students to reflect their learning and plan further action

3) Tohelp ateacher to measure students‘ achievement in terms of core and basic competencies

4) Tolet students think about appropriate learning strategies to improve their competence

5) To give comprehensive information of students‘ achievement to parents

Which statements characterize ‗assessment as learning‘ ?

A. (2) and (5)

B. (3) and (5)

C. (1) and (3)

D. (2) and (4)

21. In designing English instructional planning, a teacher should consider some

pedagogical principles. What are they?

A. Teacher‘s background knowledge, relevance of vision and mission, school facilities, and
scoring rubric.

B. Inclusion of learning objectives, relevance or learning objectives and competences, utility

of instructional media and time allotment.

C. Students’ individual differences, relevance of basic competences, indicators, material

assessment, student active learning, and utility of technology-based media.
D. School name identity, correlation of core competences and learning objectives, hidden
curriculum, subject-matter, and remedy.

22. Consider the following learning objective: ―At the end of the English lesson students
are able to

make photo book with sub titles about school life and end semester camping. What learning
activities should a teacher conduct to achieve the objective?

A. Formulating a question, planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing

the information, gathered in a systematic way, and pursuing further problems.

B. Determining atopic: planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing the

information gathered in a systematic way, and pursuing further problems.

C. Determining a project topic, designing the procedure to conduct the project, together
with the students arrange a schedule monitoring progress, asking them to write a report and
then present the product in class.

D. Formulating a question, planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing

the information gathered in a systematic way and making inferences.

23. As an English teacher in designing a lesson plan what components are supposed to part
of the


A. Identity, core and basic competence, indicators, learning objective, relevant

instructional material, method and media, learning sources, learning activities
and assessment

B. Identity, name of subject matter, competences, indicators, learning objective,

instructional material, method, learning sources, learning activities and assessment

C. Schoolidentity, core topic competences, indicators, learning objective,

instructional material, method, learning sources, learning activities and assessment

D. Class identity, name of subject matter, core topic, basic competences,

indicators,learning objective, regular materials, material for remedy and enrichment and

24. Most students in a class like acting activities with English. To challenge the to
describe the beauty of our country, suitable and creative learning activities for them would
be ....

A. Providing a poetry, reciting the poetry and acting it outin pairs

B. Observing video shows, writing a poetry and class performance the poetry
C. Reading a passage, creating a picture based on the passage, learning the pictures created

D. Providing them with pictures, and then writing a descriptive text based on the pictures

25. What instructional aid is recommended in the instructional process of learning English if
students belong to the analytic type of individual

A. Flashcards

B. Global pictures

C. Puzzles

D. Cue cubes

26. To have a comprehensive assessment of students‘ competence in writing a hortatory text,

teachers need to take account students‘ use of ....

A. issue, explanation, and recommendation

B. Claim, reasons, refutation, and recommendation

C. Main issue, refutation, and suggestion

D. Claim, discussion and conclusion

27. Which one of the following aspects is not considered in setting up the minimum passing
grade in the English subject? Quality of intake

A. Nature of subject-matter

B. Qualification of teachers

C. School culture

D. Quality of intake

28. What should a teacher do to cope with learner in class with homogenous social culture?

A. Engaging the learner to work in pair

B. Asking the learner to conduct self study

C. Asking the learner to work outside the class

D. Engaging the learners to work individually

29. To assess student's ability to read a passage, the teacher sets up the 15 questions, five
questions on topic identification, 7 question on specific information, 3 question on inference
Which following indicates students‘ mastery on reading if the cut off score for mastery is
sets up at 80% overall?

A. One correct answers on topic identification, nine on specific information, and 1 on


B. Two correct answers on topic identification, 6 on specific information, and 3 on inference

C. Three correct answers on topic identification, 7 on specific information, and 2 on


D. Four correct answers on topic identification, 6 on specific information, and 1 on inference


Since the 1970s, one theory that has been popular among schoolteachers and pervasive in
education research literature 1s the ideas of ―learning styles‖. The ideas is that students will
learn more if they are exposed to material through approaches that specifically match their
learning style. But in recent years, many academicians have criticized Learning Style saying
there 1s no evidence it improves students understanding.

Now comes a newly published study of 114 academics in higher education in the United
Kingdom. Their findings are very interesting. It was found while 58% of the academics
surveyed believe Learning Styles to be beneficial—only 33% actually used the pedagogical
tool. Simply, there is something about the idea of individualized education that appeals, but
actually administering a Learning Styles questionnaire to students and then tailoring the class
curriculum to suit individual students‘ personal learning styles is only done by a handful of

The main idea of paragraph 2 Is...

A. Not many practice students‘ learning styles in classroom

B. The new research findings contradicted the previous ones

C. The research findings were not as interesting as the application

D. The idea of learning styles 1s good but it 1s hard to be realized

31. What is meant by this: ― assessment 1n the classroom is assessment for learning‘‖?

A. Information we get from assessment is used to facilitate students’ further learning

B. The main objective of assessment 1s to identify students‘ progress in learning

C. Assessment of students‘ learning must be comprehensive and conclusive

D. Teaching and assessment are important in language learning

32. As an english in designing a lesson plan. What components are supposed to be part
of plan

A. Identity, core and basic competence, indicators, learning objectives, relevant

instructional materials, method and media, learning sources, learning activities and

B. Identity, name of subject matter, competences, indicators, learning objectives,

insructional materials, method, learning sources, learning activities and

C. School identity, core topic, competences, indicators, learning objectives,

instructional material, method, learning sources, learning activities and assessment

D. Class identity, name of subject matter, core topic, basic competences, indicators, learning
objectives, regular materials, materials for remedy and enrichment, and assessment

33. There are four important sub-areas of discourse competence with regard to the
current model of

communication. They include the following EXCEPT ....

A. cohesion

B. deixis

C. coherence

D. generic structure

E. formulaic competence

34. When entering any English classroom, students have already been equipped with attitudes
to language learning which include the following questions EXCEPT
A. Is the language learning part of the curriculum of high or low status?
B. Are the cultural images associated with English positive or negative?

C. How important 1s the learning of English considered to be 1n the society?

D. Faced with the choice of two language sto learn, which one would they choose?

E. Which classroom do they have to enter in order for learning to be effective? a task-based lesson, the teacher sets a task for students to do that involves.....

A. the use of language not yet studied in class or studied previously

B. activities from supplementary sources to be done beyond classes

C. the involvement of the whole person in the learning experience

D. the provision of a stimulus to which students respond optimally

E. activities from the course book intended to assess their achievement

36. Language transfer is a complex phenomenon resulting from the following EXCEPT

A. the learners‘ cognitive processes

B. interaction between learners‘ prior linguistic knowledge

C. the target-language input encountered by the learners

D. the learner‘s mastery of their native language

E. the particular domain of the students’ language

37. In order to achieve test reliability the teacher should make sure that the following
items are available


A. video input is equally visible to all of the students

B. every student has a cleanly photocopied test sheet

C. location of the test administration is easily accessible

D. sound amplification is clearly audible to everyone in the room

E. lighting, temperature, and other classroom conditions are equal for all
38. Applying Portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may
strengthen student learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they

A. rate portfolios on a regular basis throughout the school year

B. capitalize on work that would normally be done in the classroom

C.motivate students because they present meaningful activities

D. focus learners‘ attention on learning processes

E. facilitate practice and revision processes

39. In the Presentation Stage of the PPT format of an lesson plan the teacher should do
the following


A. note the target language to be taught

B. mention the ways they will teach the target language

C. note they way they will stimulate the students’ interest in the language

D. point out how they might elicit the language they are planning to teach

E. require a repeated response (choral response) from the students

40. In writing the Independence Practice section of the Lesson Plan, consider the following


A. What activities will my students be able to complete on their own

B. How can I provide a new context in which the students can practice new skills?

C. How can I offer practices on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten?

D. How can I integrate the learning objectives into future projects

E. How can I use the information to plan the future teaching?

41. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of auditory learners the
learning objective of which focus 1s describing the physical appearance of a bedroom?

A. Classroom activities involving a still picture of a bedroom for the group to describe

B. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a real bedroom

C. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe parts of a bedroom

D. audio recording describing the parts of a bedroom to the group to listen

E. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of a bedroom

42. Mr. Andi plans to teach his students lexical items in written report texts. He wishes to
have them practice the items in controlled yet contextual exercises. For the purpose, he can

A. gap-fill exercises

B. simulated dialogs

C. substitution drills

D. transformation tasks

E. dicto-gloss exercises

43. To motivate students before dealing with the day‘s reading class on healthy life styles,
the empathetic communication strategy Ms. Erwina can have 1s to

A. show a video on unhealthy life styles

B. tell the students to pay more attention

C. raise several background knowledge questions

D. ask the students to consider danger of the styles

E. tell the students the meaning of healthy life styles

43. When reflecting on the day‘s topic, the class gave no response to the teacher‘s
reflective question. Ms.Dianika — the teacher — could have remarked the situation by

A. Class, are listening to me?‖‘

B. Everyone, don‘t you understand me?‖

C. ―Hi class, what‘s gone wrong with you?‖

D. Class, is there anything bothering you?”

E. ―Is my question not clear to you all class?‖

44. Assessing students‘ learning is comprehensive which means that

A. assessment covers all essential areas intended to be assessed

B. assessment results provide stakeholders with true information

C. scores gained from assessment are indicative of competences

D. procedures in assessment are to reveal main intended abilities

E. professionalism 1s the basis for everyone to perform assessment

45. Based on the indicator that follows: ―Students present a monolog based on a series of
photographs depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and
idea organization‘, the appropriate assessment procedure for the purpose is....

A. project

B. product

C. observation

D. performance

E. extended response

46. Ms. Iwuk observes that her students‘ achievement in listening comprehension on dialog
sections is low based on the result of the tryout on the National Examination. An innovative
strategy she may take through classroom action research to solve the problem would be....

A. dictation-based

B. dicto-gloss-based

C. dicto-comp-based

D. communicative dictation

E. running dictation
47. In planning the innovative instructional strategy to solve practical problems in
classroom action research, the teacher researcher needs to be more specific in....

A. basic competences to be addressed

B. instructional materials to teach

C. instructional delivery stages

D. setting up criteria of success

E. data collection instruments


11th district, Simmeringer Hautpstrabe, partially absolutely restful location (patio) and some
apartments with terrace/balcony, close to subway station U3-Enkplatz.

Accommodation : all shopping facilities in direct surrounding.

Specials : very good infrastructure, various bars in the neighborhood.

Parking : no short term parking zone, 3 hours free parking in the shopping center
across the street, enough parking possibilities just 3 minutes away; public garage in 2
minutes distance.

Public transport: subway: U3, station Enkplatz; tram: line 6 and 71; bus: lines 15A & 76A;
city center

reachable within 10 minutes. The apartments are

A. In a partly comfortable location

B. Close to the grocery stores

C. Completed with a balcony

D. Provided with parking lots

E. Fully furnished


11th district, Simmeringer Hautpstrake, partially absolutely restful location (patio) and
some apartments with terrace/balcony, close to subway station U3-Enkplatz.
Accommodation: all shopping facilities in direct surrounding.

Specials: very good infrastructure, various bars in the neighborhood.

Parking: no short term parking zone, 3 hours free parking in the shopping center across the
street, enough parking possibilities just 3 minutes away; public garage in 2 minutes

Public transport: subway: U3, station Enkplatz; tram: line 6 and 71; bus: lines 15A & 76A;
city center

reachable within 10 minutes.

The text 1s about The following are the advantages of the apartments EXCEPT

A. The public transport

B. The public garage

C. The subway station

D. The very good facilities

E. The peaceful neighborhood


Ensure that batteries are installed with correct polarity. Incorrectly installed batteries can
burst or leak, resulting in spillage or injuries.

 The machine has a built-in circuit for protection against lightning-induced surge
current. If lightning strikes in your neighborhood, maintain ample distance from the
machine, and do not touch the machine until the lightning has stopped.
 If you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your
machine may be causing radio interference. Switch it Off and if the interference
disappears, the machine is the cause of the radio interference. Perform the following
procedure until the interference 1s corrected.
o Move the machine and the TV and/or radio away from each other.
o Reposition or reorient the machine and the TV and/or radio.
o Unplug the machine, TV and/or radio.

Among the purposes of the correct polarity of the battery installment is to

A. avoid its content from flowing

B. prevent us from possible pain

C. reduce serious injuries

D. protect it from lightning
E. eliminate any possible accident


Ensure that batteries are installed with correct polarity. Incorrectly installed batteries can
burst or leak, resulting in spillage or injuries.

 The machine has a built-in circuit for protection against lightning-induced surge
current. If lightning strikes in your neighborhood, maintain ample distance from the
machine, and do not touch the machine until the lightning has stopped.
 If you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your
machine may be causing radio interference. Switch it Off and if the interference
disappears, the machine 1s the cause of the radio interference. Perform the following
procedure until the interference 1s corrected.
- Move the machine and the TV and/or radio away from each other.
- Reposition or reorient the machine and the TV and/or radio.
- Unplug the machine, TV and/or radio

In order to detect whether the machine causes radio inference on your appliance, you need to

A. switch if off and on to see its effect

B. switch it off and see what happens

C. maintain ample distance from the machine

D. notice any flickering or distorted images

E. perform necessary procedures to check it

53. Ensure that batteries are installed with correct polarity. Incorrectly installed batteries
can burst or leak, resulting in spillage or injuries.

The machine has a built-in circuit for protection against lightning-induced surge current. If
lightning strikes in your neighborhood, maintain ample distance from the machine, and do
not touch the machine until the lightning has stopped.

If you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your
machine may be causing radio interference. Switch it Off and if the interference disappears,
the machine 1s the cause of the radio interference. Perform the following procedure until
the interference 1s corrected.

- Move the machine and the TV and/or radio away from each other.

- Reposition or reorient the machine and the TV and/or radio.

- Unplug the machine, TV and/or radio

The expected step after unplugging the machine and the TV and/or radio is

A. move the machine far enough from the appliance

B. check whether the interference has been corrected

C. replug them into outlets operating on different circuits

D. switch the machine on and off several times

E. make sure that there is no more electric circuit


Trojan War, in Greek legend, a famous war waged by the Greeks against the city of Troy.
The tradition is believed to reflect a real war between the Greeks of the late Mycenaean
period and the inhabitants of the troas in anatolia part of present day Turkey. Modern
archaeological excavations have shown that troy was destroy by fire sometimes between
1230 BC and 1180 BC and that the war may have resulted from the desire either to plunder
the wealthy city or to put an end to Troy's commercial control of the Dardanelles. Legendary
accounts of the war traced its origin to a golden apple, inscribed ―for the fairest‖ and thrown
by Eris, goddess of discord, among the heavenly guests at the wedding of Peleus, the ruler of
Myrmidons, and Thetis, one of the Nereids. The award of the apple to Aphrodite, goddess of
love, by Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, secured for Paris the favor of the goddess.

The text tells us about

A. a legendary war of the Greeks against Troy

B. a traditional belief about heroism

C. a reflection of love against the war

D. the historical destruction of Troy

E. Troy's control of the Dardanelles

55. The Trojan War was triggered by the desire to

A. destroy the wealthy city of Troy

B. stop Troy's commercial control of the Dardanelles

C. reflect a war between the Greeks and Troy

D. control the goods violently from the city

E. punish the son of King Priam of Troy

56. The word ―discord‖ in the passage most nearly means

A. condition of agreeing to do something

B. state of not agreeing or sharing opinions

C. situation symbolizing a state of hatred

D. circumstance implying agreement,

E. position of challenging an opinion


Here's a delicious way to use up leftover roast beef or pot roast.


3 tablespoons butter, plus melted butter for brushing; 2 large onions, halved, then sliced; 1
tablespoon plain flour; 1 cup (250 ml) beef stock; 5 cooked potatoes, thickly sliced; 10—12
slices leftover cooked beef; 1 cup (80 g) fresh breadcrumbs; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh
parsley; 1/2 cup (60 g) grated cheddar cheese.


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Melt half the butter in a small frying pan or saucepan
over medium heat.

2. Add the onions and saute for 4 minutes, or until soft. Add the flour and stir for 1 minute,
then gradually add the stock, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens to a gravy.
Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 minute.

3. Lightly brush a shallow baking dish with melted butter. Arrange the potato slices in
the dish, then lay the beef slices over the potato. Pour the onion gravy over the top.

4. In a bowl, mix together the breadcrumbs, remaining butter and parsley. Sprinkle
the mixture over the gravy and sprinkle with the cheese, if using.

5. Bake, uncovered, for 20—25 minutes.

The word ―gravy‖ in the passage most nearly means

A. a sauce made from meat juices, liquid and flour

B. asavory biscuit that 1s eaten with cheese

C. small piece of dried bread used in cooking

D. asupply of something for use or sale

E. a firm or soft food made from milk

58. It is implied from the text that the use of cheese in the menu is

A. Necessary

B. Important

C. Optional

D. Suggestible

E. uncommon

59. The best title of the text is

A. Beef Miroton

B. Beef in Melted Butter

C. Fresh Breadcrumbs

D. Leftover Cooked Beef

E. Chopped Parsley Topping


Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Pandjaitan has contacted high-ranking Australian

officials to speed up the legal process for the class action lawsuit against Thailand – based
oil producer PTT exploration and Product (PTTEP) Australia. The suit was filed by care for
west Timor Foundation (YPTB)‘s advocacy team, which represents 13,000 East Nusa
Tenggara seaweed farmers affected by the Montara oil spill, which occurred following the
blowout of an oil rig operated by PTTEP Australasia. ―I have tried to reach George Brandis
[Australian Attorney General] to ask for his support in order to speed up this process,‖ Luhut
said on Tuesday in Jakarta. While the Australian government has received compensation for
the environmental damage caused by the oil spill, the Indonesian government is still pursuing
similar compensation. However, Luhut said he was yet to receive any response from the
Australian government. At the same time, we are also filing a case to the central court in
Jakarta and we‘ll see what happens,‖ he said.

The text above intends to..

A. report Indonesia calls on Australia to expedite legal process of oil-spill

B. describe the Australiancompensation for the environmental damage

C. explain Pandjaitan contacting Australian officials on a class action

D. discuss a lawsuit against a Thailand-based oil producer

E. argue about the filing of a case to the central court in Jakarta

61. The party responsible for the oil spill would be

A. the Australian Government

B. The Care for West Timor Foundation

C. The PTT Exploration and Production

D. a Thailand-based oil producer

E. the Australian Attorney General

62. It is implied in the text that the Maritime Coordinating Minister has filed

A. a number of cases

B. two cases

C. some legal process

D. environmental damages

E. the oil spill


Herman Melville was born in New York City. Both his parents were descended from
prominent colonial families. One grandfather had participated in the Boston Tea Party, and
the other had been a general in the colonial army during the American Revolution (1775-
1783). However, the family‘s fortunes had declined by Melville‘s time, His father‘s
importing business in 1830 and the family moved to Albany, New York. After His Father‘s
death in 1832 when Melville was 12, he worked for a time as a Bank clerk a helper on his
uncle‘s farm, and an assistant in his older brother‘s fur factory. That business collapsed
during the depression of 1837. Melville, having studied briefly at the Albany Classical
School, then tried school teaching for a few weeks near Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He returned
to his family‘s home after some difficulties about salary and studied surveying in anticipation
of gaining a position on the Erie Canal project.

Herman Melville was born...

A. in 1820

B. in 1832

C. in 1837

D. after the US Revolution

E. during the depression

64. Melville‘s returning to his hometown was due to

A. business bankruptcy

B. economic hardship

C. inadequate salary

D. promising position

E. gaining a new position

65. We learn from the text that

A. revolutions can drastically change one‘s fortune

B. we can never rely on our ancestor’s fortune

C. Melville inherited a fortune from his parents

D. anyone can make a fortune out of scratch

E. man‘s life entirely depends on his fortune


One night a clever farmer was returning home from a cattle fair. He bought a buffalo from
there. As he passed through a dense forest, a dacoit came in front of him. He had a thick stick
in his hand. He said,

"Hand over all that you have."

The farmer got scared and gave his money to the dacoit. As he turned to go, the dacoit said,
"Give me the buffalo too. Why are you taking it away?"

The farmer handed over the buffalo's rope to the dacoit. Then the farmer said, "You have
taken everything of mine. Can you give me your stick?"

"Why do you need it?" the dacoit enquired "My wife will be pleased that at least I got a stick
from the fair."

The dacoit gave the stick to the farmer happily. Immediately the clever farmer started beating
the dacoit

with the stick. The dacoit ran off to save his life leaving the buffalo and the farmer's money
behind. So the clever farmer saved himself and his belongings, too.

The story is about....

A. an argument between a clever farmer and a dacoit

B. an interaction between a doctor an a dacoit

C. a clever farmer who saved himself from a robbery

D. a robber who was bullied by a clever farmer

E. a farmer who bullied a dacoit

67. It is implied in the story that the farmer is scared because

A. he was alone in the area

B. the robber looks so powerful

C. he had no idea to defeat the dacoit

D. he loved his life more than his belongings

E. the robber is smarter than the doctor

68. We learn from the text that

A. intelligence may defeat power

B. brainpower is superior to stupidity

C. physical strength is necessary for farmers

D. farmer‘s strength is inferior to that of dacoit

E. being clever is not always necessary


Furrow irrigation is conducted by creating small parallel channels along the field length in the
direction of predominant slope. Water is applied to the top end of each furrow and flows
down the field under the influence of gravity. Water may be supplied using gated pipe,
siphon and head ditch or bankless systems. The speed of water movement is determined by
many factors such as slope, surface roughness and furrow shape but most importantly by the
inflow rate and soil infiltration rate. The spacing between adjacent furrows is governed by the
crop species, common spacings typically range from 0.75 to 2 meters. The crop is planted on
the ridge between furrows which may contain a single row of plants or several rows 1n the
case of a,bed type, system, Eurrows,may range anywhere from less than 100 m to 2000 m
long depending on the soil type , location and crop type

The text is an explanation about

A. the phases of furrow irrigation

B. the mechanics of furrow irrigation

C. the factors influencing water supply

D. the creation of furrow in the slope

E. the causes of small parallel channels

70. The speed of water movement is mostly determined by the following factors, EXCEPT....

A. long hollow shapes

B. volume of water

C. surface roughness

D. bankless system

E. speed of inflow

71. It can be inferred from the text that the size of furrow is dependent on

A. gated pipe, siphon, and head ditch

B. slope, roughness and furrow shape

C. number of rows and type of crop

D. range between adjacent furrows

E. soil type, location, and crop type


Blueberries really stand out. They contain both insoluble fiber which ―flushes‖ fat out of
your system and soluble fiber which slows down the emptying of your stomach, and
improves blood sugar control. In a study by the United States Department of Agriculture,
people who consumed 2.5 cups of wild blueberry juice per day for 12 weeks lowered their
blood glucose levels, lifted depression and improved their memories. Researchers credit these
results to anthocyanins in the berries, a natural chemical that shrinks fat cells and also
stimulates the release of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels, among
other things. Increasing adiponectin levels can help keep blood sugar low and increase our
sensitivity to insulin.

It is implied in the text that blueberries

A. are much better than other similar fruits

B. contain all necessary intakes for the body

C. adjust the blood glucose to the normal level

D. are the cheap means of keeping us healthy

E. stimulate the production of the adiponectin

73. The word ―credit‖ in the text means

A. say that someone is responsible for good things

B. consider that something is worth trust or respect

C. believe something which seems unlikely to be true

D. think that something 1s true, correct, and real

E. hope and expect that something 1s correct

74. In order to maintain the normal level of our blood sugar, we need to

A. add the amount of fiber up

B. improve blood sugar intake

C. lower the blood glucose level

D. increase the adiponectin level

E. increase our sensitivity to insulin

75. Because theme-based teaching is very demanding the teacher is supposed to plan the
lesson in advance even if she/he is (51)......Nevertheless there should always be some choice
points in theme-based teaching. Those choice points are for the teacher and the students to
decide which activity (52)....or how much time they spend on it.

Which option best completes (51)

A. truly unskillful

B. slightly trained

C. rather qualified

D. very experienced

E. newly graduated

76. Which option best completes

A. the teachers choose

B. the principal allow

C. they will consider

D. the students like

E. they can do


Flipped classrooms redefine in-class activities. In-class lessons accompanying flipped

classroom may include activity learning or more traditional homework problems, among
other practices, to engage students in the content. Class activities vary but may include: in-
depth laboratory experiments, original document analysis, debate or speech presentation,
current event discussions, peer reviewing, project-based learning, and skill development or
concept practice.

The underlined word ‗accompanying‘ is synonymous with....

A. supplementing

B. supporting

C. upholding

D. relating

E. holding

78. The antonym of the underlined word ‗original‘ is

A. secondary

B. artificial

C. false

D. replica

E. imitation

79. Most people hear ―flipped learning‖ and picture kids watching videos at home,
but proponents of it suggest that it does not have to be () about videos. Teachers are
encouraged to give students options.

The word that best completes the missing space is

A. exclusive
B. exclusively

C. exclusion

D. excluding

E. excluded

80. BICS-Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills refer to "social" language. BICS is

what students need to know in order to ( and to communicate on a very basic level. When
person has BICS, we say that s/he is "conversationally" fluent. BICS is said to occur)....and
props for language delivery.

Which option best completes

A. in function everyday life

B. everyday life in function

C. function 1n everyday life

D. function everyday 1n life

E. function in life everyday

81. Which option best completes

A. when are there contextual supports

B. when contextual there are supports

C. when supports are there contextual

D. when there are contextual supports

E. when supports there are contextual

82. The story of natural language processing (NLP) begins in the early 1970s with one man,
Richard Bandler. He was a graduate computer programmer from the University of California,
who was fascinated by the many schools of psychotherapy prevalent then. With his practical
background in computer programming, he looked closely at psychotherapy and drew the
conclusion that for making predictable change in people, most psychotherapy at the time
simply didn't work. The underlined part prevalent then in the passage may be best rephrased
A. dominant formerly

B. plentiful at that point

C. common at the time

D. evident at the moment

E. ample in that period

83. KWL charts assist teachers 1n activating students‘ prior knowledge of a subject or topic
and encourage inquisition, active reading, and research. KWL charts are especially helpful
as a prereading strategy when reading expository text and may also serve as an assessment
(59) what students have learned during a unit of reading. The K stands for what students
know, the W stands for what students want to learn, and the stands for what the students
learn as they read or research. The underlined part what students have learned during a unit of
reading in the passage may be best rephrased as....

A. students’ comprehension of materials read

B. understanding by students in learning

C. understanding in reading by students

D. students‘ data processing in reading

E. students‘ mastery level in reading


In assessment for learning, students are encouraged to be more active in their learning and
associated assessment. The ultimate purpose of assessment for learning is to create self-
regulated learners. (60) teachers need to know at the outset of a unit of studv where their
students are in terms of their learning

They then continually check on how students progress through strengthening the feedback
they get from their learners. Students are guided on what they are expected to learn and what
quality work looks like. The teacher will work with the student to understand and identify any
gaps or misconceptions.

The underlined part teacher need to know at the outset of a unit of study where their students
are in terms of their leraning. in the passage may be best rephrased as...

A. The first essential thing teacher do 1s to recognize students‘ basic capabilities

B. Early identification of students‘ entry level of ability is teachers‘ crucial task

C. It is vital for teachers to identify the students’ entry abilities from the start
D. Teachers‘ knowledge about students‘ early ability should be considered

E. Teachers should not first ignore students‘ necessary abilities

85. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: ‗We joined a workshop by
a facilitator‘ and ―His workshop topic was inspiring.‘ is

A. We joined a workshop by a facilitator the workshop topic of whom was inspiring

B. We joined a workshop by a facilitator, the workshop topic of which was inspiring

C. We joined a workshop by a facilitator of whose workshop topic was inspiring

D. We joined a workshop by a facilitator whose workshop topic was inspiring

E. We joined a workshop by a facilitator that workshop topic was inspiring

86 decided to go back to campus taking a magister‘s program ... it took him a long way to get

A. as though

B. even if

C. while

D. wherever

E. now that

87. The meaning that best expresses this: ‗The computer program is not at hand now. As
a result, we analyze the data manually‘ is....

A. If the computer program is at hand now, we will not analyze the data manually

B. Were the computer program at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually”

C. If the computer program was at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually

D. Should the computer program be at hand now, we will not analyze the data manually

E. If the computer program would be at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually

88. Adult learners of English commonly a child in performing class activities
A. considered

B. be considered

C. being considered

D. they are considered

E. them to be considered

PPin-hnessemeAmesHites best dinenssegh yy wy the framework of the conversation model

of Cooperative

A. to which

A. from which

A. at which

A. by which

A. of which

90. Near the end of their study time, saveral student not yet holding a proposal seminar have
.... purpose of discussing their thesis obstacles with their thesis advisor...

A. genuine

B. obvious

C. express

D. strong

E. open

91. Our library now provides ... to browse academic e-learning sources more freely and

A. us a facility

B. a facility for us

C. for us a facility

D. us with a facility
E. with a facility for us

92. Many parts of the globe people enjoy luxurious food. Meanwhile, still many others in the
other parts are starving

A. absolutely

B. strongly

C. fiercely

D. totally

E. highly

93. During the interview session we must be confident. Do not even show in your words

A. brass farthing

B. besetting sins

C. broken accents

D. natural spirits

E. brute force

94. The semester was over; students broke ... from campus routines by spending their
vacation camping in the camping ground near the lake.

A. freely

B. free

C. in freedom

D. freedom

E. freeing

95. Thesis draft consultation can also be a challenge for some students. Not only do they have
to present their ideas but also to answer their advisor‘s questions during the consultation
session. Many really feel they before even they meet their thesis advisor.
A. have butterflies in their stomach

B. sit on the edge of their seat

C. make their blood run cold

D. can‘t stand the pace

E. are like a silly goose


It is perhaps useful to distinguish human from animal language. (75) ..., what is innate to all
of us — something we share with most animal life-forms — is the instinct for
communication. As soon as we are born, we know how to communicate, and (76) ... as soon
as we exit the womb by giving a startling cry that announces our arrival in the world. We are
at this point communicating our needs to our mother, the result of a combination of feelings,
including fear, hunger and pain. Most animals share this most deep-rooted of instincts to
‗talk‘ to our mother. (77) ..., many animals are able to communicate surprisingly

The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (75) is

A. Clearly

B. Magically

C. Surprisingly

D. Theoretically

E. Conversely

97. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (76) is

A. generally do so

B. naturally it is so

C. practically like that

D. unconsciously so

E. basically as it is

98. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (77) is
A. By comparison

B. Nevertheless

C. Furthermore

D. Above all

E. In brief


Physical dimension 1s the first one to mention concerning the weight management as the
primary aim of the weight management 1s the prevention of gaining weight and maintaining
the body at its lower weight. It is obvious that the abuse of alcohol, drugs, smoking make a
negative influence on the physical development of a person. In fact, physical fitness in its
turn may help to keep the body in a rather good condition. (78) ...

(79) ... There are ways to be healthy in this broad context. But, the best way to maintain
health 1s to preserve it through a healthful lifestyle, rather than waiting until we are sick to
put things right. Healthy habits help prevent certain health conditions, such as heart disease,
stroke, and high blood pressure. If you take care of yourself, you can keep your cholesterol
and blood pressure within a safe range. ...

The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (78) 1s

A. It offers several advantages, two of which are good health and improved appearance.

B. Physical fitness is a measure of the body‘s ability to function efficiently and effectively.

C. It is the ability to keep a healthy quality of life allowing us to get through our daily

D. While the reasons are subject to debate, people often face unique challenges to physical

E. Physical wellness refers to the full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual

100. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (79) is

A. Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of sickness

B. Being healthy is important because a man of health can enjoy great happiness during his
life time.
C. Fitness is the normal and sound state of the body which 1s a great source of peace and

D. Health 1s essential for all our activities of life whatever we may be — a doctor, a leader,
an artist

E. The first and essential condition for maintaining good health is regular exercise at stated

101. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph 1s...

1. Higher education is very necessary for all to get good jobs in our lives.

2. Home 1s the first place of education and parents are first teachers 1n everyone‘s life.

3. Slowly we go ahead by passing our one by one class until we pass successfully till 12th

4. Our parents let us know the importance of good education 1n the life.

5. Then we prepare for getting admissions to as higher study.

6. When we become three or four years old, we go to the school for the proper study.

7. In our childhood, we get the first impression of education from our

mother. A.1-7-4-3-6-5-2



D. 1-6-4-7-2-3-5


102. Apart from the culture of the world, the students‘ attitude to language learning will be
greatly affected by the influence of the following EXCEPT parents and older siblings

A. people who are close to them

B. their responsibility beyond the subject

C. the way they think about the subject

D. peer‘s attitude towards the subject

E. Parents and other siblings

103. The two sentences

1. Baby Orangutans In Indonesia are going to school to learn to find food and make a nest ....

2. After they learn these skills, the young apes can return to the wild and survive on their

The two sentences above shows

a. Contrast

b: cause - effect

c. process-relationship

d. Alternative

104. Baby Orangutans In Indonesia are going to school to learn to find food and make a nest .
After they learn these skills, the young apes can return to the wild and survive on their own.
What type of relationship is shown from the underlined sentence in the paragraph


b. Addition

c. Option

d. Result

105. Pro and Con of Computer For Students

Do You know that most of school and colleges strongly recommend students to have
computer Students are caught up in the mystiques of the smart machines. It means that ...

a. Computer will make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to done
by students

b. Computer can also give negative impacts for a student

c. Students who usually work with computer tend to have a few physical activities and

d. Students who usually work with computer can search many things
106. Last year the worst ever for refugee number. The United Nations ( U.N) said that in
2015. 65.3 millions ..

Where are refugees mostly from ?

a. Asia‘s Countries

b. Middle East Countries

c. Africa s countries

d. South America

The blue whale is the largest living animal to have ever lived on the planet earth....

The Text is probably appeared in ..

a. Textbook

b. Story Book

c. Cooking Book

d. Encyclopedia

U.N. say refugee numbers at record level

( 22nd June, 2016 )

Last year the worst ever for refugee number. The United Nations ( U.N) said that in 2015.
65.3 millions ..

According to the Text, what can be done to solve the problem ?

a. Provide asylum

b. Political action to stop conflict

c. Tighten the immigration

d. Build the borders

The past years the use of the television and the internet has increased, this situation has
caused many people to change their likes and the way that they ........
According to the writer, imagination can help you to develop ...

a. Theknowledge

b. Health and fame

c. Our professional career In a creative way

The purpose of learning is to develop social skills of interaction and turn taking. The material
for the activity should include ...

a. Series of story

b. Role cards

c. Songs

d. Flashcards and word of picture

Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Beberapa prinsip dasar yang menjadi landasan guru

mengutamakan makna, dialog berpusat pada fungsi komunikatif dan bukan merupakan

memorisasi , kontekstualisasi merupakan premis utama dan belajar bahasa adalah belayjar

berkomunikasi . prinsip termasuk merupakan ciri ...

a. Community approach

b. Direct method

c. Audilingual Method

d. Communicative approach

13. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan guru yang dapat meningkatkan ketrampilan berpikir tingkat
tinggi atau higher of thinking skills adalah ...

a. Mengidentifikasi permasalahan siswa secara objektif

b. Mendesain program pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif bagi siswa

c. Merencanakan materi ajar yang akan di sampaikan di kelas

d. Memahami kondisi social dan lingkungan sekitar

14. Recently , we have heard more and more discussion about the real benefits of home

work. Some at home.

The passage mainly deals with..

a. Endless debate over roles of homework

b. Benefits and drawbacks of homework

c. Pros and con for subjects with homework

d. Argument for pupils to have of homework

15. Researchers Find Einstein s Space

Waves (14 Februari 2016)

Scientist saw something amazing ...

The Sentence one hundred years later , the researchers proved he was rights means ‖?

a. For one hundred years later, the researchers finally succeed to prove the theory of
Einsteins space waves

b. Albert Einstein found the theory of waves

c. Scientist at the beginning search the theory of space wave

d. Gravitational waves important

17. Handyman is professional at the following service except ...

a. Sliding

b. Mounting

c. Molding

d. Painting

18. Monas national monument is a 132 meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square

Central Jakarta..
The capital of the state means ..

a. Center of administration

b. Center of attention

c. Center of services

d. Center of point

19. A.U.S. Company is paying employees to sleep more. Staff at the insurance company At

seven hours a night. They will ...

Why does a number of studies warn that not sleeping enough can affect the ability to do the...

a. Staffcan record their sleep automatically using a wrist monitor or manually

b. Staff will get just over a dollar for each night the sleep over seven hours

c. Staff who slept less than seven hours per night did much less work than workers who

d. Staff at the insurance company Aetna will get 300 dollar a year extra if they sleep at least
seven hours

20. Dalam belajar yang penting adalah input yang berupa stimulus dan output yang berupa

Stimulus adalah apa saja yang diberikan guru kepada pembelajar sedangkan respon berupa

... Konsep tersebut adalah prinsip dari teori ..

a. Kognitivisme

b. Humanisme

c. Behaviorisme

d. Kontruktivisme

21. Pencil and paper test akan menunjukkan ...

a. Apa saja yang diketahui siswa tentang strategies in using language

b. Yang diketahui oleh siswa untuk konten yang lebih spesifik

c. Seberapa baik siswa dapat berkomunikasi

d. Bagaimana siswa dapat menerjemahkan bahasa target


The Piranha is a much...

The piranha is a much-maligned fish. Most people think that this is a deadly creature that
swarms through rivers and creeks of the Amazon rainforest looking for victims to tear apart.
And woe betide anyone unlucky enough to be in the same water as a shoal of piranhas. It
takes only a few minutes for the vicious piranhas to reduce someone to a mere skeleton.

The truth is that the piranha is really a much more nuanced animal than the mindless killer
depicted in the media. In fact, piranhas are a group made up of approximately twelve
different species. Each piranha species occupies its own ecological niche. One type of
piranha takes chunks out of the fins of other fish. Another type eats fruit falling from trees
into the river. Each piranha species plays a unique role in the ecology of the rainforest
floodplains. So what should you do next time you hear someone talking about the
―deadly piranha‘‘? You can remind them that the piranha 1s not always the notorious killer
fish that the tough, muscular heroes of popular nature television shows would have us


1) The primary purpose of the author is to

A. correct misconceptions about the piranha

B. illustrate the importance of piranhas in rainforest ecology

C. describe two different species of piranhas

D. instruct the reader on what to say if someone describes the piranha as ―deadly‖

2) In paragraph 1, the author most likely uses the old-fashioned expression ―woe betide‖‘ to

A. highlight the danger posed by piranhas

B. suggest that the reputation of the piranha is well-deserved

C. emphasize the sarcastic tone

D. indicate that the passage was written in the 19th century

3) In paragraph 1, the author uses hyperbole—characterized by the use of exaggeration for

effect—to describe the piranha. The author most likely uses hyperbole to

A. frame an argument that is supported in a later paragraph

B. create ambiguity so the reader cannot be sure which position the writer supports

C. juxtapose the myth of the piranha with the truth about the fish

D. evoke vivid images of nature television shows in the reader‘s mind

4) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best definition for unique?

A. irreplaceable

B. important

C. individual

D. unusual

5) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best synonym for notorious?

A. celebrated

B. disreputable

C. notable

D. renowned

23. Using solar energy to meet your power demands does not only make you more
environmentally friendly, it may actually save you money. Its win-win situation

What is the benefit of using solar energy related to our financial problem ?

a. To make our environment healthy

b. To reduce the expenses

c. Tohelp other people

d. Touincrease the bill

24. Using solar energy to meet your power demands does not only make you more
environmentally friendly, it may actually save you money. Its win-win situation

What is the benefit of using solar energy related to our financial problem ?

a. Less payment

b. Save the money

c. Create the money

d. Less money
25. The osteria Francescana Restaurant.

A restaurant in Italy has been named as the best in the world. The osteria ...

The text describe the restaurant in terms of its ...

a. Food

b. Location

c. Service

d. Achievement

26. Once there were fat couple. Named Apal Gumok and the wife. Apal‘s wife was a scold.
Because Apal was not a good hunter and was not a good fisherman. His wife ...

What is the main idea of paragraph 2°

a. Apal meta witch who wanted him to marry her

b. Apal met a witch who wanted to help him

c. Apal was hunting in the jungle and met a pink pig

d. Apal had to marry witch and kill his wife

27. Penilaian Proyek adalah penilaian kerja terhadap tim. Salah satu pertimbangan penilaian
proyek terkait pengelolaan tim adalah..

a. Mempertimbangkan kondisi kemampuan dan karakteristik siswa

b. Mempertimbangkan daya dukung lingkungan

c. Mempertimbangkan sarana prasarana sekolah

d. Mempertimbangkan kondisi dan situasi sekolah

28. An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being of killing her
employer . the Saudi Arabia Inferior Minister Said. The Woman was beheaded in the
southern Asir province in what was the second execution .

Who was accused to be a murder?

a. A minister

b. An employer

c. A female boss

d. A house maid

29. Salah satu kelebihan dani paper and pencil test adalah....

a. Kontruksi soal mudah

b. Mudah dalam model interaksi

c. Dapat digunakan dalam Kelas besar

d. Mudah dalam pengaturan kelas

30. Wild Weather across the country has claimed .

Wild weather in the text above means‘.

a. disaster

b. floodwater

c. volcanic

d. ..

31. Lusi: I Saw farhan in the canteen....

Lulu : He feel unhealthy

a. Will

b. Could

c. May

d. Should

32. Deskripsi yang paling sesuai bagi guru membuat kumpulan hasil kegiatan belajar siswa
dalam satu tempat dan informasi ini bermanfaat untuk memantau kemajuan kesulitan
kemajuan dan perkembangan siswa disebut ...
a. Pencil and paper test

b. Self assesment

c. Oral test

d. Portofolio

33. Prinsip-prinsip penyusunan materi ajar bahasa inggris adalah ..

a. Materi disusun dari yang sederhana ke kompleks , dari yang mudah Ke yang sulit
sesuai dengan perkembangan siswa

b. Materi Bahasa Inggris disusun dari vocabulary, tenses, paragraph dan essay

c. Materi Bahasa Inggris disusun berdasarkan urutan skill yang dipelajan yaitu speaking,
listening , reading and writing

d. Maten ajar sesuai dengan tema kontekstual yang terjadi di Negara penutur Bahasa Inggris

34. Mengapa dalam menentukan Materi Ajar harus mengacu pada KI dan KD ?

a. Karena sebelum menentukan materi pembelajaran terlebih dahulu perlu didentifikasi aspek
aspek keutuhan kompetensi yang harus dipelajari atau dikuasai peserta didik

b. Karena KI dan KD sudah ada dalam permen dan harus dilaksanakan, oleh karena itu guru
harus memilih materi ajar

c. Karena pemilihan materi ajar sangat penting untuk mencapai KI dan KD

d. Karena materi ajar adalah bahan untuk mencapai KI dan KD dan setiap KI dan KD
memerlukan materi yang berbeda-beda dalam kegiatan pembelajaran , termasuk
ranah kognitif, psikomotor atau afektif.

35. Gaya Belajar anak Visual berbeda dengan Auditori dan Kinestetik . andi adalah siswa
SMA, dia lebih suka belajar dengan percobaan di laboratorium. Gaya belajar andi adalah tipe

a. Kinestetik

b. Visual

c. Auditori

d. Multiple
36. The great Pyramid in Giza

What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?

a. It took begin of thousands of workers twenty years to build

b. Although most the block weigh two or three tons some wigh up 80

c. The great pyramid was bulid around 2560 BC. A little more than 4500 years ago

d. The pyramid contains one two millions stone blocks

37. Family Planning

Most people agree

a. High quality

b. Man-made

c. Natural

d. Home made

38. The Rats and the elephants.

Once upon time their lived group of mice under a tree .

When did the main problem start to take place ?

a. When the elephant hunters trapped the king of the elephants

b. When the elephant made an agreement with the rats

c. when the elephant hunter trapped the rats

d. When the hunters came into the woods

39. Dick , Carry and Carey menyatakan bahwa instructional goal atau tujuan pembelajaran

merupakan perancangan pembelajaran. Tujuan pembelajaran dirumuskan secara jelas dengan

kriteria sebagai berikut ..

a. Pernyataan yang singkat dan jelas

b. Pernyataan yang panjang dan berbelit belit

c. Pernyataan yang berisi penjelasan atas indikator2

d. Pernyataan yang jelas mengenai apa yang akan dilakukan oleh pembelajar sebagai
hasil dari suatu

40.( Ga nampak Soalnya )

a. Lack of flavors

b. Cheap ingredient

c. Mediocre activity

d. Expensive price

41. Brahmin.

A thief had seen bullocks― ...

What is the story about ...

a. Aman who set life free from a bullock thief

BA Shave Whi Savea ie Fite PF ARE enemy

d. A man who managed this life by his discipline help

42. National Exam

National exam become hot topic in most of discussions. Though supreme Court has rejected

appeal by the government .......

What does the hot topic mean ?

a. The most important topic

b. The most accurate

c. The most debatable topic

d. The most popular topic

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