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Dampak yang diharapkan bagi remaja agar 5. Yakin bahwa keluarga sangat sayang
meminimalkan psycosocial trauma pada remaja 6. Paling mendasar(REMAJA)
adalah rasa PENDEKATAN
bersyukur bahwa
KELURGA DAN AGAMA ? ialah : Allah SWT senantiasa ada memberi ridho
1. Menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri untuk setiap hambaNya yang ingin bertaubat.
2. Yakin akan Remaja adalah individu
kemampuan positif yang
Pendekatan keluarga dan agama merupakan garda
unik dengan segala proses
terdepan dalam menstimulus sikap dan perilaku anak
usia remaja tersebut untuk mengisi hari-hari selama 3. Optimis perkembangan yang
dalam menjalani kehidupan harus
menjalani proses hukum dengan optimis mampu sebaik-baiknya
dilaluinya baik secara fisik
4. Berikhtiar untuk tidak terjerumus ke
memperbaiki diri agar tidak mengulang, memiliki cita maupun psikologis.
dan harapan kedepan yang lebih baik. pengalaman yang tidak baik
Seorang remaja tidak lagi
dapat disebut sebagai anak kecil,
tetapi belum juga dapat dianggap
sebagai orang dewasa.
Breaks in a Microsoft Word document appear as
THIS BROCHURE labeled dotted lines on the screen. Using the
To change a font size, click Font on the Format
Break command, you can insert manual page
menu. Adjust the size as needed, and then click
You’ll probably want to customize all your breaks, column breaks, and section breaks.
OK or Cancel.
templates when you discover how editing and
saving your templates makes creating future To insert a break, click Break on the Insert
To change the shading of shaded paragraphs,
documents easier. To customize this brochure menu. Select an option. Click OK to accept your
click Borders and Shading on the Format
template: choice.
menu. Select a new shade or pattern, and then
click OK. Experiment to achieve the best shade
1. Insert your company information for your printer.
in place of the sample text. WORKING WITH
To remove a character style, select the text and
2. Click Save As on the File menu. Click SPACING press CTRL+SPACEBAR. You can also click
Document Template in the Save as Default Paragraph Font on the Style list.
Type box (the file name extension To reduce the spacing between, for example,
should change from .doc to .dot). body text paragraphs, click in this paragraph,
and click Paragraph on the Format menu.
3. Next time you want to use it, click Reduce Spacing After to 6 points, and make BROCHURE IDEAS
New on the File menu, and then additional adjustments as needed.
double-click your template. “Picture” fonts, like Wingdings, are gaining
To save your style changes (with the insertion popularity. Consider using other symbol fonts to
point in the changed paragraph), click the style in create highly customized icons.
the Style list on the Formatting toolbar. Press
ABOUT THE “PICTURE” ENTER to save the changes and update all Consider printing your brochure on colorful,
FONTS similar styles. preprinted brochure paper—available from many
paper suppliers.
The “picture” fonts in this brochure are To adjust character spacing, select the text to be
Wingdings typeface symbols. To insert a new modified and click Font on the Format menu.
symbol, select the symbol character and click Click Character Spacing and then enter a new
Symbol on the Insert menu. Select a new value.
symbol from the map, click Insert, and then click Company Name
Close. Street Address
Address 2
City, ST ZIP Code

Phone (704) 555-0125

Fax (704) 555-0145
Web site address

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