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Procedural Text
Pada Learning Activity 1 Kalian diajak berlatih penguasaan kemampuan membaca
sedangkan pada Learning Activity 2 akan berlatih kemampuan menulis. Materi pembelajaran
yang akan digunakan dalam Learning Activity 1 dan Learning Activity2 adalah:

Fungsi sosial
Memberi informasi/petunjuk cara untuk mencapai hasil terbaik secara efisien,
menghindari kecelakaan, kerusakan, pemborosan, dsb.
Struktur text
- Tujuan/ Goal
- Bahan/material
- Langkah-langkah (steps)
Unsur kebahasaan
- Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif
- Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan dalam manual dan tip
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tKalian baca, dan tulisan tangan

ATTENTION! Wajib baca!

Baca langkah pembelajaran ini terlebih dahulu untuk memudahkan pengerjaan
kemudian diskusikan dengan setiap teman kelompoknya (silahkan menentukan sendiri
Tugas ini diharapkan selesai dalam 2 minggu terhitung dari hari ini dan di kumpulkan
pada hari Kamis, 23 Februari 2022 tidak ada alasan keterlambatan. Terimakasih

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Pada kegiatan belajar Pertemuan hari ini kalian dipersilahkan untuk memahami materi Procedural teks
dengan mengerjakan setiap Practices. Disajikan 2 jenis teks procedural ada teks 1 dan teks 2, berikut apa
yang harus kalian lakukan pada setiap practices:

1. Practice 1 mohon untuk memahami setiap makna pada teks 1 dan 2

2. Pada practice 2 ada 4 pertanyaan yang harus kalian jawab berdasarkan 2 teks yang tersaji disini
kalian akan menemukan pemahaman mengenai fungsi sosial dari ke 2 teks tersebut!
3. Setalah itu, Pada practice 3 kalian akan menemukan pemahaman mengenai struktur teks pada
procedural teks. Pada bagian ini kalian tinggal mengisi bagan yang sudah tersedia. Untuk teks 1
sudah selesai dikerjakan sebagai contoh pengerjaan dan memudahkan kalian dalam
mengerjakan bagan teks ke 2 yang masih kosong keterangan bagannya.
4. Kemudian pada practice 4, disajikan sebuah tabel yang mempelajari unsur kebahasaan, silahkan
untuk menganalisis teks dan menemukan setiap unsur kebahasaan pada teks 2 seperti
bagan/tabel yg sudah di kerjakan bagian teks 1 nya.
Practice 1. Fungsi Sosial
You will read silently to understand the procedure texts below. Make sure that you
know the meaning of every word.
Text 1


“How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone”

Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others
by voice, written message and data. However, this device cannot work until the
SIM card is inserted. When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the
cellphone has been switched off and follow the directions bellow :
1. First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
2. After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
3. Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden
connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
4. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
5. Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place.
Don’t forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

Text 2

Sumber :

How to Cook Rice In A Rice Cooker

How to Cook Rice In A Rice Cooker
First, rinse a cup of rice in cold water. Rub the rice softly under the running water.
Do not rub the rice too long, because it will lose the nutrients. Wash the rice once
again. Then drain the water from the rice.
Next, add a cup of water. If ou cook rice using an electronic rice cooker, pay
attention to the water ratio. The rice and the water ratio is usually 1 part rice
to 1 part water.
Then, place the cooking pot in the rice cooker properly. Cover the pot. Select
the cooking button right after the light on the rice cook cook turns.
Finally, when the rice has been cooked and is resilent , flip through the rice
very gently using a rice spatula

Practice 2: Read those texts (Text1 and 2) one more time then answer
these questions.

a. What are those texts about?

b. Who will probably need to read read the texts?
c. What are the purpose of the texts?
d. What is the benefit of reading the texts?

2. Struktur Teks
Practice 3: Read text 1 then analize its structure using this table.

Parts of the Text Functions of the Parts

Goal : To tell how to insert sim card Showing the purpose of the text
Materials/tools (not required for all Telling the material needed
prosedurs text) :-
Step : Describing the steps to achieve the
1. First of all, press the locking catch purpose
and slide the cover then lift it off
the phone.
2. After that, push two catches in the
opposite directions and remove the
3. Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the
slot and make sure that the golden
connect arson are facing to the connector
of the phone.
4. Then, put the battery and align it
until snaps into its place.
5. Finally, insert the two catches of
the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button
of the phone until locks into place

Lakukan analisis yang sama untuk Teks 2. Ayo kita mulai.

Parts of the Text Functions of the Parts

Goal : ……………………….. Showing the purpose of the text

Materials/tools (not required for all Telling the material needed

prosedurs text) :-
Step : Describing the steps to achieve the
……………………….. purpose
3. Unsur Kebahasaan

Practice 4: Read text again then analize its structure using this table.

Text 1

To compose a prosedur text , you will need :

Present Tenses (imperatives)
e.g Press the locking catch
Put the battery
Slide the cover forward button of the phone
Do not use ammonia in the same wash.

Action Verbs
e.g Push, insert, remove

Number to show the sequences

e.g First, second, third, …
1. 2.3,4,5, …
At first, then, next, finally,…

e.g slowly, usually, warmly.

Now, read Text 2 once again. Do the same ways as you did for Text 1. Analyze its
structure using by completing the following table.

Text 2

To compose a prosedur text , you will need :

Present Tenses (imperatives(perintah))
e.g …………………….

Action Verbs (kata kerja yang berarti action)

e.g …………………….

Number to show the sequences

e.g …………………….

e.g …………………….

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