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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas / Semester : XI / GANJIL
Materi Pokok : Procedure Text

A. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………
Kelas : …………………………………………………
Anggota Kelompok :1. ………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learning, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu:
1. menentukan perbedaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks prosedur terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips) dengan
2. menganalisis perbedaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks teks
prosedur terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips)dengan benar
3. menyusun teks terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips). dengan
percaya diri.
4. membuat teks prosedur terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips)
secara lisan dengan percaya diri.
5. menampilkan teks prosedur yang sudah dibuat terkait manual penggunaan
teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips) secara lisan dengan percaya diri
C. Petunjuk Kerja

LKPD ini disusun sebagai panduan untuk siswa lebih memahami materi pelajaran
yang diberikan oleh guru.Oleh karena itu, siswa diharapkan siswa mengikuti petunjuk
yang ada dalam pengerjaan LKPD ini. Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam
menggunakan LKPD ini yaitu:
1. Berdo’a sebelum mengerjakan soal
2. Isilah identitas pada LKPD
3. Cermati perintah yang ada sebelum mengerjakan soal.
4. Bacalah teks dengan cermat.
5. Tulis hasil jawaban pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan.
6. Dalam kelompok asal, jelaskanlah apa yang telah anda diskusikan dalam
kelompok ahli. Kemudian tuliskan seluruh hasil diskusi dari tiap-tiap anggota
kelompok dalam selembar kertas!

D. UraianMateri


Read the Following text carefully and answer the question!

Setting up a Laptop and Projector

1. Make sure your computer and laptop are both turned off
2. Connect the video cable (usually VGA) from your laptop’s external video port to
the projector.
3. Plug your projector into an electrical outlet and press the “power” button to turn it
4. Turn on your laptop.
5. If you need audio for your presentation, connect the laptop’s “audio out” port to
the projector, or to another sound system.
6. Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION (Fn) key and
pressing one of the following keys to toggle: F4, F5, F7, F8
(Note: Depending on your computer, you may have to use a different F key than
those listed above.)

What You Need

 Laptop
 Projector and remote control
 Audio and video cables
 Power Cords and power adapters
 Extension cord
 Copy of your presentation on the laptop hard drive
 Copies of the presentation on removable media and extra blank medi
 The correct number of copies of handouts for your presentation

1. What is the best title for the text?

2. How is the way to set projector and laptop?
3. What information can you get from the text?
4. According to you, what is the purpose of the writer writing the text?
5. What tense is mostly used in the text?

E. Latihan
Activity 1


Match the words in Group A with the words in group B

Group A Group B
external appearance

connect change

port extrincic

turn addition

extension concur

presentation storage

sync link

Activity 2


Do the following activities with your group


Read the text carefully

Text 1

Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others

by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work until the SIM
card is inserted. When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the
cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery. Next,
slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson
are facing to the connector of the phone. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps
into its place. Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place. Don’t
forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

Text 2

How to Use a Printer

Printer is an imporant device for students to complete the school assignment. So having
a printer and know how to use it is so important. Here in this occasion, I'd like to show
you some steps to use a printer.
How to use
1. Make sure that the printer device softwere have been installed in your
2. Prepare the printer by checking the amount of paper and the ink.
3. To begin with, plug in the printer and connect it to your computer.
4. Turn on your printer.
5. Open the document you'd like to print and then press CTRL + P buttons
on your computer keyboard.
6. Klik 'Ok' at the bottom of the pop-up screen to print.
7. Your docuement will begin printing.

Find the social function, text structures, and language features of the text above
then analyze the content of the texts.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function
Generic structures:
 goal
 material
 steps
Language features:
 imperative
 action verb
 connector
What is the text about?

Activity 3

Arrange the following pictures into good order (How to use a bread toaster)
Gambar 1 Gambar 2

Gambar 3 Gambar 4

Gambar 5 Ganbar 6

Activity 4 Present your work in activity 3


Watch the following video then answer the question

1. What is best title of the video?

2. How are the contributors to a greenhouse gases?

3. What is the purpose of the video maker making the video?

4. Mention the imperative sentence on the video!

5. What kind of the text is in the video?

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